#persons with disabilities (PWDs)
oceanpeony · 2 years
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Want to help Minmo grow strong and healthy? Then please consider donating to help out my sweet child! Can't/don't want donate? Then just sharing around is more than enough to help! Full details can be found here as well.
Tldr Minmo’s been to the vet twice, third time will be today. She’ll have an x-ray at the least which is more expensive than the last two visits. Will possibly need further treatment. I am a disabled person living off of disability payments alone which are far below the poverty line, making it hard to get by day to day without any extra expenses.
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It's eating my energy way too much! I'm getting sleepy. Good night!
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timogsilangan · 10 months
killing my fucking legs standing in line to get allergy meds for my shit ass brother
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madelinenerdfighter · 11 months
Recent article about what's happening to me.
Also the journalist did a tweet thread with highlights from the article if that's something that you're interested on sharing Facebook and Instagram won't let you share a news links from Canada https://twitter.com/SpichakSimon/status/1707785829433618864?t=RowAITYe-W17QLiZRGTNMQ&s=19
And this is a recent podcast episode where I talk about being turned down after 4 years of waiting by a pro bono clinic for help on starting a human rights tribunal case
And since I've been fighting week to week to have enough money for the very least amount of treatments and supports that keep me alive here's the GoFundMe link. You'll see various other articles because I know I'd want to know somebody had been verified. https://gofund.me/cff39173
The hard thing is that no mainstream Legacy Media in Canada has not been willing to tell my story. And indeed most anywhere else so far. Only small market niche publications outside of the Chatelaine article, which for reasons I don't understand had no impact on the GoFundMe at all outside of one donation. And if the larger mainstream population doesn't understand then not only how do I survive, but how do millions of other people like me both in Canada and around the world keep out of unnecessary disability, deterioration and early death.
So if you know of any news source that you think would be interested please share my story and feel free to tell them they can find me on twitter, hellscape that it is now it's still the easiest form for my dyslexia to navigate- *iammadelinepod*. The pinned tweet there has all of the articles if you or anyone is looking for them
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ritahayworrth · 1 year
the fact that you have to get your pwd id renewed every few years is awful enough but the fact that the renewal process is basically the same as the initial application process double awful 
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onenettvchannel · 20 days
BALITANG LOKAL: Stevedores, Senior Citizens and PWDs receives financial cash aid programme to vulnerable communities in Dumaguete City [#OnlyonOneNETnews] (updated as final!!!)
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(2nd & FINAL UPDATE) DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- Almost close to a thousand Dumagueteño residents have all participated the financial cash assistance, which to be turned in altogether with needed legal documents in their barangays, and government IDs whether if you're a regular Stevedore(s), Senior Citizens (SC), or Persons with Disability (PWD) individuals as later prioritized at the 'Lamberto Lajato Macias Sports and Cultural Complex' (LLMSCC) last Friday morning (September 6th, 2024 at 8am -- Dumaguete local time).
It quietly resumed the cash assistance programme, needed by the desperate waiting local communities for much-needed support, after almost 2 months of delays from mid-July 2024, resulting severely limited government budget in taxpayer pesos.
The Department of Social Welfare and Development - Region 7 (DSWD-R7) distributed the cash aid to be paid out locally through the 'Ayuda sa Kapos ang Kita Program' (AKAP), which exclusively targets low to no income or minimum-wage earners. Officials from the Local Government Units (LGUs) in this said city to be paying out from the disbursement desk, shortly following after the interview to look for a job that suits your needs via online remote work or physically in-person, and is more likely to get you hired.
Intially launched in the late-mid May 2024, AKAP is a social protection program of DSWD that provides cash aid to individuals and families belonging to minimum-wage earners who may have regular income but not enough for their daily subsistence. The local government in Dumaguete has made a clear commitment to supporting vulnerable members within their community through this program mentioned above. The financial hardship faced by many local residents has been eased by the resumption of disbursement, which faced some delays at the treasury office.
Because of public service for the whole Dumagueteños as both independent sources and text messages told OneNETnews, the local government of Dumaguete City pays you directly from the taxpayer government authorities to the eligibly qualified Stevedores, SCs and PWDs, all were receiving at PHP3,000 each (or approximately U$D54 per head).
This will, not only address instant financial needs, but will also create ways for beneficiaries to get employed, thus securing their economic stability in the longer term. Over time, it is likely that Stevedores, PWDs and other qualified persons; will continue to have their lives positively affected by the programme in general, adding to the general well-being of the entire community during these extremely challenging times in life.
Besides, cash aid, and partially for those of them for Senior Citizens & PWDs combined… The Civil Service Commission (CSC) of the Philippines is set to mark its 124th anniversary, with a month-long celebration themed "Transforming Public Service in the Next Decade: Honing Agile and Future-Ready Servant-Heroes". The anniversary highlights the importance of a sustainable and future-ready civil service through various events, including a nationwide government job fair, medical missions and a leadership symposium.
The anniversary celebration recently launched on Thursday (August 1st, 2024) thru Monday (September 30th, 2024), stated from a press conference at the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) in 'Visayas Avenue, Quezon City, Manila'. The CSC's anniversary celebration is part of the Philippine Civil Service Anniversary (PCSA), which is observed annually in every September of the month, as declared by Presidential Proclamation #1050.
Major activities will engage public servants, offer community services, and acknowledge the contributions to the civil service. CSC ensures that all government agencies are active participants, thereby making this event an inclusive activity supporting senior citizens as well as persons with disabilities. It celebrates not only the age-old institution but preparing the civil service for future challenges and opportunities in the delivery of public services.
Philippine President named "Mr. Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Romualdez Marcos Jr." or PBBM acknowledges all the City of Gentle People, including Negros Oriental congressman 'Chiquiting Sagarbarria' & 'Chaco Sagarbarria' for their continuous public service and dedication to the people of Dumaguete City and the province of Negros Oriental.
Dumagueteños and Negrosanon communities are so appreciative to the local government because, for many families facing actual hardships, the financial cash assistance, has really been a lifeline during these protracted economic difficulties.
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/100067786101011/posts/857650603171135 [Referenced FB News Article Post via The Freeman] *https://www.facebook.com/100069169360880/posts/824469169868721 [Referenced FB PR News Article #1 via The Provincial Government of NegOr] *https://www.facebook.com/100069169360880/posts/828940892754882 [Referenced FB PR News Article #2f via The Provincial Government of NegOr] *https://www.facebook.com/61555876321258/posts/122174394122195877 [Referenced FB Captioned Post via Ma. Isabel Longa Sagarbarria] *https://csc.gov.ph/pcsa2024 [Referenced PR News Article #1 via Civil Service Commission] *https://csc.gov.ph/csc-launches-124th-civil-service-month-to-be-held-in-september [Referenced PR News Article #2f via Civil Service Commission] and *https://www.csguide.org/files/original/6a708c46fcfccf02119ea4c31aaa93a4.pdf [Referenced Memorandum Circular Law via Civil Service Guide]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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cruger2984 · 6 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT MARGARET OF CASTELLO The Patron of Persons With Disabilities and the Pro-Life Movement Feast Day: April 13
Saint Margaret of Castello was born into a well-to-do family near Florence, Italy in 1287. To the great distress of her parents, upon her birth they discovered that she suffered from a variety of severe physical ailments. She was a dwarf, had a curved spine that left her hunched over, was lame to the point that she could barely walk and was blind.
Her family was embarrassed by her, and kept her hidden away for many years. As young as age 6, she was walled up in a room beside a chapel. A family chaplain taught her about God. Seeking a miracle, her parents took her to a Franciscan shrine. They didn't receive one and abandoned her. Some in the community took pity on her, and gave her the help she needed to survive. She became a member of the Dominican Third Order of Castello, developed a deep prayer life and devoted the remainder of her 33-year life to performing acts of penance and charity.
Despite her suffering, Saint Margaret remained serene, calm, cheerful and courageous. She never became bitter, complained, criticized others or became discouraged. She went to mass daily, and prayed fervently to Jesus, Mary, Joseph and St. Dominic. St. Margaret accepted her suffering with the eyes of faith. She did not know why God allowed her to suffer from so many afflictions, yet she did know that He was all-good, did not allow evil without a good reason and always turned evil into good for His children.
She wondered why people pitied her; was it not a privilege to suffer with Christ? Suffering for her was her way to heaven.
One benefit of suffering was that it made her more sympathetic to the trials of others. She visited prisoners, helped the sick and comforted the dying.
Saint Margaret has continued doing good in heaven. Since her death at age 33, she has continued to help those who pray to her. Many cures have since been attributed to her intercession. She is an inspiration to those who are discouraged and tempted to self-pity. Her intercession is most powerful to those who suffer from eye and muscular diseases. She has also become a patron for pro-life groups, and those who are unwanted and abandoned.
St. Margaret was declared Blessed in 1609. Her incorrupt body lies under the main altar of St. Dominic Church in Castello. Many visit her shrine there. She was canonized a saint, 701 years after her death, by Pope Francis on April 24, 2021.
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slvrdlphn · 2 years
Why did my PWD ID application get rejected?
Why did my PWD ID application get rejected?
When I wrote this post in 2018 I made sure to include a section on whether applications can get disapproved. And for those who didn’t bother to read the article , the answer is YES! Non-apparent disabilities can be rejected if the accompanying documents are unable to substantially prove that the applicant is qualified for a PWD ID. I cannot blame PDAO for looking really closely at the documents…
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livingbubbly · 2 years
Wasabi, my friend? How are you?
They/Them (Mayhem)
As person with a disability, I’d like my friends to know a little more about Borderline Personality Disorder.
Thank you for your time!
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themobilitysolution · 2 years
The Mobility Solution company is providing the best products for PWD (Person with Disabilities). All our kits are factory-made in-house and underneath our direct supervision. Every products piece is created with utmost exactness and care. Which is appropriate for person with disabilities.
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spoonienation · 3 months
“Anarchist communities often value and revere “back to the land" attitudes. They fetishize a world after the industrial collapse where we are all riding our bikes everywhere and growing our own food. But that’s not a world I can live in. As a person with a disability, I depend on technology to keep me alive. I depend on my hearing aid, and my mobility chair. I depend on my perscription (sic) drugs to keep my immune system from destroying my spine. I can’t afford to “fuck cars and ride my bike." Anarchist communities who celebrate able bodies, have bonding and strategizing events in inaccessible locations, adopt mantras like “racism is a DISEASE" and “The revolution will not be motorized" are not welcoming or safe places for me. These ideas of what revolution mean are exclusive, and borrow heavily from eugenicist idealogy. They are rarely criticized, because PWDs (people with disabilities) are humiliated by dominant culture AND by most anarchist culture. It’s not a revolution unless everyone is invited.”
~ Wren A.
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lavendermoonlitskies · 9 months
I’m just gonna say it, I would love it if they’re able to keep Liz Carr in the cast of Good Omens for season 3. I know that stuff happens, other projects come up that conflict, but if they aren’t able to keep Liz Carr in the next season I’d honestly be kinda sad. The way that her disability was worked into her character was so refreshing to see as a person with a disability who’s used to either seeing downright offensive depictions of disabilities, usually by an able-bodied actor, or no depictions at all. Liz’s disability was fully embraced in the writing. None of that tiptoeing-around-it bs, and they figured out a way to communicate to the audience that existing as a PWD is not a bad thing, and the real bad guy is the inaccessibility of the world around us. It would honestly be such a treat to get more of that, and to see it explored even more if that’s possible.
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timogsilangan · 3 months
i rlly do not think white global northerners understand how fucking bad the anti sinovac psyop was in context of the philippines and other targeted countries being from the global south, with a history of economic and military intervention and destabilization by the usa specifically.
i live in the philippines and sinovac was the only available vaccine for MONTHS of the pandemic. people were fucking dying and we had no pfizer, no j&j, no astrazeneca, no moderna. sinovac was the ONLY vaccine supply we had. and the supply wasnt even enough for even my small city. we do not have the infrastructure to manufacture our own vaccines and tests. we were entirely reliant on imports from other countries who Did have the capacity to manufacture such things
i got up early for several days straight to go to a pop up walk in vaccination site (were talking there by 7:30am) set up in a fucking public basketball court because it was the only way to get vaccinated, and 3 times i had to go back empty handed so to speak after exposing myself to this massive opportunity for transmission because they fucking ran out of shots and prioritized the elderly and disabled and i didnt have my legal pwd (person with disability) card yet. i had to go to a different barangay (local unit of government) to get my shot MONTHS LATER and only got mine because one of my family was in the local govt and reserved some shots for us.
many filipinos use facebook which is where some of the psyop was conducted because you can use it for free on your phone and it is often where news is disseminated. i know we have that joke about People Believing Anything They See On Facebook but i cannot stress enough that people here get local news from fb the same way you (used to) get news from twitter about shit like localized emergencies and whatnot.
because we are third world, you know that the state of our education system is nothing compared to the states. media and news literacy here is dangerously low and the population is sensitive to mis/disinformation, as can be seen during the 2022 presidential elections where the usa Also interfered lol. i cannot stress enough how much of the population was susceptible to this psyop, especially those in poverty who couldnt afford proper education. hell, even educated people fell for this shit. do you think jhunjhun who didnt finish grade 6 would be able to identify disguised foreign intervention that was in his own language?
we were already recovering from public scrutiny of a different vaccine, a dengue vaccine, which lowered public trust in inoculation. and then the usa goes and does THIS??? i cannot emphasize enough that they are directly responsible for the tens and thousands of unvaccinated covid deaths. they are responsible for my friends having to bury their unvaxxed parents and grandparents at the age of 19. they are responsible for mass death and disability.
but were just a country in the periphery. so who cares about us? our lives are worthless to the usa, which is why they admitted that they did this when they would otherwise "never" to their own population. third worlders arent real people to your government. we are merely statistics and a petri dish for experimentation. so who cares if we die? the real important thing isnt our lives, its that the usa has more control over us than china.
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alwek · 9 months
Spiders In My Head: Visible vs Invisible Disability
I've worked for a lot of places now. All of them fire me for the same reason. "Time Theft" or "Unreliable" as if on the day they hired me I didn't tell them some variasion of "hey, if I don't sit down and ground every hour or so I forget things and it makes me panic." Every time they tell me, "that's fine just as long as you get your work done."
Funnily enough, I've never been fired for being a bad worker. I always get praised for my work, even. But when they realize when I've told them "I need more breaks" it means I need more fucking breaks they don't like that. Because they never agreed to me taking sit down time like they agreed to.
And what pisses me off the most? All the visibly disabled people that got off easy. The downs employees that got jack shit done. That I had to pick up for, that had worked there for years. The wheelchair ridden who worked at half the pace. The folk with nerve stuff going on that can't work without another person with them at all times.
All of them getting all the passes they want. But me, the person with the memory disorder. My wife, with adhd who struggles with larger workloads and organizing it. My friend, who's "functioning autistic" and needs far more instructions than most. None of us get shit. The second those of us with disabilities that can't be seen are disabled we're tossed.
I'm fucking sick of it. I'm sick of giving these scummy fucks more tax breaks because im on pwd. I'm sick of being told my accommodations will be met, only to be fired when using my accommodations. But no. We're just lazy. We're bad workers. Because despite being disabled, we can't get the same amount of work done as the neurotipical employee.
I want to be clear here. All my hate is towards the employer. Not the visibly disabled. They benefit from a system I suffer from, and that isn't their fault.
Power in anger. Victory in wisdom. I will not take this lying down anymore.
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spooniestrong · 8 months
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queer-red-panda · 6 months
also 32 btw
32: What words upset me the most
Oh I have a list:
“Oh, are you sure you can do that? Like aren’t you autistic and all?” (Like pls I am not high on the autism spectrum dammit)
*Very slow speaking and loudly so* “CAN YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING? BECAUSE YOU ARE WEARING A HEARING AID—“ (Bitch it is in ONE EAR. ONE. This is why I stopped wearing them!)
“Omg you’re faking being deaf/autistic,” (NO IM NOT NEED I SHOW YOU MY DIAGNOSES?!)
“Sensory overload? That’s just an excuse.” (…bitch who tf asked)
“In exams do you use the person with disability category-?” (No, I am deaf in onE ear I do not meet the PWD category criterion for fucks sake.)
*blatant homophobia* *blatant ableism*
There we go <3
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