vintageslideshow · 2 years
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April suggests you go eat shit.  1989
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visceralmoth · 9 months
I should make a tag. For Sage's sake
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leonisdumbasallhell · 10 months
🪡 + Chris for his special day?
🪡 That’s gonna need stitches - :)
"Getting hit with a door is new."
Chris glared at Leon from where Chris was laying on the ground, one eye starting to swell and bruise, his hand pressed against a wad of cloth trying to staunch the blood flow from the gash the door nob had left in his face when the tyrant had thrown it at him.
"I mean, through doors, sure." Leon continued, seeming far too amused by this, "But I've never seen one rip a door off it's hinges and throw it at you."
"We're looking at the next generation of Tyrant technology, I guess." Chris sighed, stretching his hand out to Leon for more gauze. He could feel the blood seeping through the fabric of his gloves. Head wounds bleed a lot, didn't make it any less of a bother.
Till Leon shook his head, hands up empty, "Damn, it's bleeding that much? I don't have any more."
Chris groaned. Thank god he didn't have any other injuries. He didn't even feel all that concussed, just mildly light headed. Which was going to get worse rather quickly.
"You called for evac?"
"Yep. You already asked me to."
Chris nodded against the gauze. He hated not being able to do anything. Maybe there was something else in the med kit that could help staunch the flow. He sat up, which he probably should have been doing to start with, reaching his non bloodsoaked hand towards the first aid kit at Leon's feet.
"Hey, woah, what do you think you're doing?" Leon picked up the first aid kit, removing it from Chris' reach.
"I don't know, something." He felt useless just sitting there, injured.
Leon rolled his eyes, looking through the box, "Alright, well, you're not doing anything. I'll look and see."
Leon slowly sifted through the box, looking for something to use while Chris continued laying there, stewing. If he'd been more careful, if he'd been paying attention, it wouldn't have hit him. With a door of all things. Christ on a stick, that's embarrassing.
He tapped his other hand against the rubble, impatient as he glanced at Leon, "Anything?"
Leon frowned, shaking his head. "Not really."
He looked at Chris then, gaze landing on his restless fingers, before he set the box down and wrapped his own around Chris' hand. He got that tone of voice Chris loved and hated, especially when he used it for something stupid.
"Hey, you're fine. Nothing's wrong. You'll be okay."
Chris didn't respond, still feeling frustrated by his own incompetence.
Leon didn't take it personally though, taking one hand and gently moving Chris' hand away from the wound, pressing his fingers against it and letting Chris rest.
He tilted his head, eyebrow raised "This okay?"
Chris simply nodded, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to feel anything but anxious. Now that he wasn't putting preassure on it himself, and with nothing else to do with his hands, he could feel now how much it stung, a gouge more than a slice. He couldn't imagine what it must look like. Probably with dirt or something in it. He could get an infection.
He tried to move again, "We should clean it--"
Leon grunted as Chris tried to move, gently pushing him back down, "No, I don't think we do. Not right now at least."
"Well, we could--"
Leon pressed a kiss against his forehead, interupting that train of thought. Leon pulled back, laughing, before he cleared his throat. "Okay, how about this. I'll take a quick look, and if it's really nasty, I'll try to clean it?"
Chris paused.
"Cool." Leon gently pulled away the gauze, some clotted blood tugging at Chris' skin as it pulled away. The wound stung more once exposed to the open air, making his skin prickle. Chris watched Leon's expression for any indication, but got nothing but a mildly perterbed 'hm.'
"What? Is it that bad?"
Leon shook his head, pressing the gauze back where it had been. "No, not really. It'll probably need stitches though."
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multiscales · 11 months
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Liko being social not-so-skilled is a trait in the first episode of PM2023 in hindsight I think wasn't meant to be an ongoing character tic or flaw but just a way of demonstrating she's a little perterbed by the new experience of being out on her own. She never really demonstrates this kind of thing after this episode, I THINK a lot of people got the wrong impression she would be a bit akin to Go/Goh by being awkward and more socially inept. It might have been able to add a bit of juxtaposition to her as a protagonists by showing she overthinks a bit to the point it gets in the way of her making a move unlike mosts unwavering anime protagonists of action stories who move without thinking and jump right into everything and say everything.
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
still dont get where the sins came from or what they even do tbh. like i get there’s legal red tape with hazbin/helluva crossover but they managed to get robofizz there. so like, why werent the other sins even alluded to in the opening? like are they also fallen angels? did they just spawn with hell? is it like mythology where they all have different origins? idk it makes me unreasonable perterbed.
Them having different origins would be cool, or being fallen angels even better, but I think she said lucifer created them in hell. For some reason Lucifer and the sins aren’t evil at all despite being yknow, sins.
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lycanthian · 3 months
let's say you've gotta fight someone who's about just as good at fighting people as you are except for having one distinct skill. would you rather your opponent know how to breakdance or know how to swing a tennis racket perfectly (such that they'd never hit anything with the frame)
tennis racket. i was talking to a friend earlier and they were telling me about an anime character rhat fought by breakdancing and it was so cool but it got me thinkinging about how bad i was at dancing and how realistically if i got into a fight with a brbeakdancer they could just dance as hard as they could and id be too perterbed to even come near them let alone fight back
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confettininjabean · 1 month
Microstory Prompt: defy
Wellllllll hello there! lol its been about 3 years since you sent this but hey....i finally started a thing again.
this is for my new Chiss OC, Tiriza. She goes smuggler sometime after the JK storyline and she had a bit to do as an Imp Agent (that overlapped both storylines) (i mess with stories for reasons i also didn't want to make 2 additional new ocs lol!)
This is set during her undercover years sorta, ambiguous really. ill make atimeline eventually lol. Under the cut for length!
“You dare to defy me?” Came the deep voice modulated with the mask the Sith wore. He was posturing, almost comically like a propaganda comic though he was clearly trying to intimidate her. This tactic might have worked back when she was a young eager Jedi…
Not anymore.
Tiriza was currently restrained to a medbed contraption. She lifted her head just enough to place a blazing red-eyed glare at the Sith.
“Stupid question, next?” She said, contempt lacing her voice.
Pain wracked her body as the perterbed Sith sent purple lightning dancing over her body and the med bed. His attack sent sparks flying out of a panel on the bed. He didn’t seem to notice, or didn’t realize what that meant. Too wrapped up in his own indignation that an “alien” would speak to him in such a way when she was supposed to obey every command.
Idiot fried the power supply, she thought, keeping her own emotions tight around her.
“Ono-mono-phobia…” The Sith breathed, sounding as if he was smirking behind the mask.
She never broke eye-contact, she only gave the sith a crooked smirk before sending a blast of force energy exploding outward. The restraints shattered, the bed and its stand shuddered under the force.
The Sith was shocked, stumbled backwards to the wall. “Impossible!”
“Yeah thats what they wanted you to believe,” She said, now standing, the broken medbed next to her. She kept watching the sith as the medbed came apart, the pieces of it hovering in the air.
The wave of anger and hatred from the Sith flooded the room once more as he gathered himself. With a single thought, Tiriza sent the medbed pieces flying, pushing the Sith against the wall and wrapping around him.
“Sorry about having to leave so soon, Sparky,” She said, straightening out her ripped tunic. “But I really do need to be going.” With that, she threw him a charming smile and left the room.
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puppygirl-panopticon · 8 months
15, 27, 41 for the asks!!!!!!!!!!!
15: weirdest name a partner has ever called you
I had one partner who called me "munchkin" pretty much exclusively, not exactly weird but it was super cute
27: what's the worst sex idea you've ever had
this is a toss up probably, I have alot of terrible ideas, someone wants to give me a tattoo and fuck me at the same time, I did actually suck a girl's dick while she played dark souls (dark souls themed blowjob) that turned out to be really awesome except for the fact I now get really horny and think about deep throating cock whenever I hear the parry noise
41: what song would you like to have sex to
okay so this one is hard, I had like a million joke answers to this, like for example
Flute salad, by Ian taylor
Hudson mohawke, by cbat
Then I started looking through my library and was like uhh, calamity sound track.?? Uhhhh
Anyways I gotta have weird violent sex to either of them sometime i I need it
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etherealsinners · 6 months
25 or 32 from izzy to Ed!
there's a PERTERBED silence, one that seems to consume him in moments he'd far rather be taken over by the noise that is a constant gift of the ocean and let it swallow them whole...but then again he had always been selfish and self awareness at least a bonus of recent trails and plights - he hated it almost as much as he'd grown to hate himself.
he does let himself settle here though on the ship, watching his crew-mates intently as if their very survival gave him something more than simple motion survival. " Iz," it's quiet and built in facades of a broken and shattered man holding together the appearance of a captain. " sometimes - and I genuinely mean only sometimes because if you tell anyone i'll like tear out your tongue - I think you're the strongest of us all. so when you're like this...it's hard not to be curious." or concerned.
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after realising that the triplets survived paul/dylan, which is a lot to think about in itself, it made me wonder, how do you think the rest of the robinson kids would have handled that?
Andrew I think would have gravitated toward Dylan as a mentor figure. They both have the same entrepreneurial drive and often find themselves in trouble because of it. I think Andrew is a bit oblivious when it comes to Paul's life outside of it's direct impacts on him so I can't say he'd be invested in or even notice anything unusual about Paul and Dylan's behaviour. Oh Dad and Dylan are fighting again no big they'll be fine by next week anyway i can't decide if I'm in love with Tash or Summer. At first I wondered if he'd be jealous and I mused on that but ultimately Andrew always had to share Paul and never seemed jealous of it then so I think that would extend to Dylan. Andrew's bad attitude at the beginning would absolutely get on Dylan's nerves though -- But Dylan's a natural big brother type and I think without Stingray and his sisters he'd want to put that energy somewhere and Andrew is as good a choice as anyone. I imagine he'd play a role a lot like Rebecca in the initial Paul/Andrew story. Maybe might even be better than Rebecca because I can actually see him blackmailing someone lol!
Amy...She's always a tough one to talk about! No matter how many episodes with her I watch I feel like I never quite understand her. Overall though, I think she's not exceptionally perceptive when it comes to relationships AND she's usually busy doing borderline incest with the Cannings. But, even so, I think the relationship with Dylan and Paul is quite obvious especially after she gets introduced to him and Dylan is fighting for his life not to say he wants to fuck that old man. This being said, she and Dylan have parenthood in common so maybe they could bond over that? She'd be perterbed by Dylan and Paul and try to have heart to hearts with them about is this relationship good for you? And Paul would just be like. Dylan is like a son to me :) I need him :) and Dylan would be like I need Paul :) he's the only one who believed in me :) Eventually, I think she would just wash her hands of it and focus on Jimmy.
I got stumped on this ask because of David. But I agree with your take, I'll publish it after this ask for the rest of the audience but yeah, he'd be the jealous one. And honestly I don't think he and Dylan would particularly get along either. Dylan does not care about David at all really. Not an issue for him.
Now for the Answer I KNOW you were waiting for - 
Dylan and Leo. Leo doesn't get off on the right foot with Dylan when he was able to manipulate Paul so fast. Like Elle, Dylan is scarred for life by Robert and wants to act pre-emptively to prevent him from coming between him and Paul. This presents itself as him not liking Leo and wanting that bitch GONE. Similarly to how he felt about Elle Leo would be competition to him at first. Leo meanwhile does not care at ALL he has much bigger fish to fry. Well until it comes out that Paul is his father. In which case there might be tension between him and Dylan. Who am i kidding. there'd be a lot of tension between him and Dylan. He'd still be able to get close to Paul with Dylan hanging about but Dylan wouldn't be happy about it but as long as he's not trying to get in between him and Paul...He won't cause an issue. Leo is kind of taken aback by the depths of Dylan's feelings about Paul, and how Paul feels about Dylan. He's pretty quick off the mark to realize that there is something going on between them that may or may not be romantic love, and may or may not be something different but still as meaningful. And he would file THAT information away in case he ever needs to blackmail one of them at a later date lol. Also once Dylan finds out that Leo is a snitch he's going to be SO mad about it. Leo would be like. You are also a snitch. And Dylan will be like NOT ON THE PEOPLE WHO ARE MY FRIENDS DUDE. Also he knows the truth the whole time about Mannix because he got all up in Paul's face about it. you KILLED? ONCE WASN'T ENOUGH? LOOK AT THE PERSON HE MAKES YOU!!!! and Paul is like relax Dylan....it's not murder it's fine and this will never come back to haunt us ever. (and you best believe both Paul and Leo are getting big fat I told you so's when it does.) Will they eventually become friends? Yes, eventually they will come to respect each other in terms of business after they both try and fail to sabotage the other's work. And when they inevitably have to work together to save Paul and the Hotel they will finally accept each other as permenant fixtures in each others lives. if Paul/Dylan was ever real it would be because Leo outright asks if Dylan wants to have gay sex with his dad and Dylan pausing suspiciously long before answering so Leo is like...Just do it dude.
Also I can see Dylan being openly hostile to Leo and Paul being like calm down Dylan Leo is my son but I don't see Leo being openly hostile to Dylan. Part of his charming manipulator bit. Leo responds to the hostility very calmly and you know. amiabley, almost. It makes Dylan look irrational which is his schtick haha. It makes Dylan even angrier of course.
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simgrump · 1 year
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❦ Szalinski Household, Day Fifty-One ❦
“Say cheese!” came a voice from around the corner and Dax pulled to a stop in the middle of the hallway, hearing the click of a camera from a phone. He made a face, not for the camera, just one of confusion and looked at who he’d run into. Juliette was a freshman, like him, who worked for the school newspaper and she stood next to Mrs. Phillips, the vice principal. 
“What’s that for?” Dax demanded, a bit perterbed to be stopped in the hall like this on his way to class. 
“School newspaper. I need some candid pictures of real students going about their day,” Juliette said, grinning at the picture she’d snapped at him. Dax rolled his eyes, hating that he didn’t have a say in this and then tried to walk past her. 
“Can I go now?” he grumbled. 
“Mr. Thorne-Zest, you should be more courteous to Ms. Lynx here. She does fine work with the newspaper every week.” 
Dax couldn’t stop himself before saying, “I couldn’t care less.” 
Gen One || Legacy Page  
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inside-the-tardis · 1 year
Back again, to drop the hottest tea of my life on a blog that I never want people to read
So I don't know the person I am, okay.
Like objectively, if one had to find oneself, I never would be able to pin point my issues and draw a conclusion. I'm simply too close to the subject and always biased.
However, within my limited understanding of an appraisal, I shall now proceed to appraise myself in a paragraph followed by a tabulated demonstration.
I believe, and I don't know how much the reader can rely on this, but I'm about 5' 3", lean, skinny and wheat ish. I have medium length hair, always unruly, sometimes unkept. I wear baggy clothing, shirts that fit me too big or baggy jeans and pants, a lot of hoodies and sweaters and one black coat that needs to be lint rolled. I never get around to it. My room is many times in constant and differing stages of disarray. Things that you will alwyas find on my bed are: my ash tray, a pack of cigarettes, plsatic baggies, lighters, for every 1 that works, there are 3 that don't, and some sort of dessert. Today it is maple and pecan pie with peanut butter cups. I love snacking and I love sweets. On my bedside table is always, two glasses of water, empty ice cream cup from yesterday, pens (for every 1 blue pen, there are 3 black pens), potpurri, my lamp, three candles of different shape, size and colour and a reed diffuser.
My other bedside table holds a Taurus crystal ball, fairy lights, another lamp , seashells and rocks I picked up from Blackpool, potpurri and two scented candles. When you enter, you can hear background music, right now you'd hear the Haider playlist, Aao Na by Vishal Dadlani. I wonder how long before I also myself begin talking to a skull for company. Arre aao na ki thak gayi hai zindagi
so jao, Followed by SOAD's chop suey, and truly one of my favourites,
I cry when angels deserve to die, in my self-righteous suicide You would think I'm constantly perterbed.
And I am indeed, by many things. This human vessel, that requires constant looking after in many separate ways, all of which I've grown more mindful and consistent about, (nutrition, hygiene, hydration and exercise). These human connections and relationships, all of which I find cumbersome and quite a handful. The human condition of needing to work for fulfillment, for wages, for something to do and worry about, and having a livelihood and so every week for 4 days I set out to make money as a health practitioner.
I also have, this house for which I pay rent, bills, tax and upkeep. Much of the maintainence, sorry, all of the maintainence and upgrades are always mine. The way I like it.
I also like gadgets, I have this phone that keeps buzzing and usually holds bad news more than good, (everybody to keep in touch with, a chore, and sometimes looking at the things everyone is doing, a true evil), a laptop where I can make magic, another laptop to churn out productivity, a digital camera and a TENS machine.
I have gym equipment, yoga mats, weights, resistance bandsz and glute bands, alot of exercise related papers and notes neatly arranged in files and organised digitally. Laundry is everywhere, mixed in with good clothes and bad, too many to name, too close to give away, and too precious to really discard. They mooch off of space like nothing else. A coat hanger with a bunch of coats, more scented candles, alot of trash papers, some old flowers, stationery of all kinds, artsy stuff, there are paintbrushes, acrylic and water colours, a paint by numbers potrait, anothesr three paintings handing about my room and three 1000 piece puzzles, all packed up. Many books line the floor, too many to name, I love to read. Bits and pieces of everything else that I liked, picked up or found somewhere all live on here. God alone knows how I will muster the strength to move out when I do, or how even would I transport all my stuff. For all these evils and many more (consumerism, capitalistic tendencies, the evils of over-spending, hedonism, or god forbid, we have some fun), I find myself leaning more and more towards the idea of minimalism.
Having said that, it is a glorious Friday and I have begun my day with glorious joint and strawberry and mango tea. I believe some chores are in order and Imust get to them . Teeth cleaning everyday twice should be mandatory. I eat the maple and pecan pie. Echoes by Pink Floyd plays in the background. It is important to remember that your thoughts are not you - whatever they may be , they are dynamic and in a state of flux. All thought processing in order for objectivity should be observation. No attachment, (no criticism? ) .
Adding important gems of learning, or pointers that I pick up day to day,
I get up a use the bathroom, i look around and roll another joint, and another. Until its 1pm. I've been smoking since 8 in the morning, relentlessly.
This habit of mine should be investigated, deeply and soon.
For now, I look around and it does not spark my attention. I;m sure this last joint will fix my mood, but what then?
Let us smoke and find out. Though nothing will change but all in my mind. As it usually is the case. Nothing will change except my willingness to do the same old chores, which i could do now, still tripping balls, or I could smoke some more, abuse and misuse my privilege and continue to then do the same old bullshit. Nothing matters, ish. I ran out of marijuana and then ordered some more. It is about 9pm now. I have spent the day: dozing off, watching multiple youtube videos, I cooked myself some fried garlic pepper egg rice, ate a whole can of peach slices, bought oat and honey bread and had three slices with sunny side up eggs, and now as the over pre0heats, I get appetised for my spinach and ricotta pizza coming up. I have chicken and fish in the fridge, with butter and jam of all kinds. I've eaten two croissants today, and almonds and Brazilian nuts side at my bedside table to snack. A single Sprite I keep in the fridge for myself. My kitchen is in dis-array. I have cleaned two shelves, two cupboards, one drawer. Two cupboards and one drawer and miscellaneous chores persist. I have also done laundry, washed and changed my linen, ironed all my work clothes and decided my outfit for once I do shower. Folded and packed all my clothes in neat piles and made myself a sweet cup of coffee. I then went downstairs to run an errand and check the post. All good news. The kitchen is in dis-array as I left my cleaning halfway to enjoy my coffee and take a break. I'm happy with the progress achieved today. I must make sure to get some reading done and prep for work tomorrow. March ends on a peaceful note. 31 March is number 4, same as my birth number. I continue watching podcasts on youtube as I smoke another joint. I've made oat and honey loaf croutons with hot creamy spicy tomato soup.
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cosmic-prism · 6 years
~〘〔I was always just a glitch in your code.〕〙~
-〈〖 Well, stand back and watch . . .
as your creation
crashes your entire system. 〗〉-
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lith-myathar · 2 years
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
never really considered it before this, but my main issue with mergo’s wet nurse isn’t necessarily the implication that she stole yharnam’s baby from her and more the fact that she’s currently lactating
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deedesria543 · 4 years
I got my friend into jojos bizarre adventure a while back... and I find it endlessly entertaining that this was the most horrifying moment for him.
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Not the [spoiler] in the first fucking episode. Not when [spoiler] at the end of part three!! Not even [spoiler]!!
The frog... the frog that just hops away unscathed!!
I don’t mean to call you out again Arkus but you crack me up.
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