#phrog writes
cupophrogs · 6 months
Can we send him a letter? At least to tell him you found rich (autocorrected to rise for some reason)
Sadly, there's no way to get anything sent from inside the factory. Drew got really upset the first time Poppy suggested contacting his Uncle. Nothing goes through, this far underground.
Drew grumbles to himself, straining to keep his frustration quiet while the others sleep huddled together. He sits away from the big snuggle pile of toys, leaning against the wall and staring at his phone screen. He hits his knee in frustration.
"Oh come on, you piece of shit!" He whispers, anger boiling beneath his sternum. Taking a deep breath, he tugs at his hair, praying to the stale air that something - just one message - would go through. The blue bar at the top of his screen disappears, and a red text box reading "Not delivered" loads in below his texts.
A broken, hopeless whine tears through Drews throat before he can stop it. He freezes, pursing his lips to stifle any more sounds in fear of waking his friends. In her sleep, one of Kissy's soft hands slides next to his foot, resting against it.
Drew breaks.
As quietly as he can manage, Drew sets his phone aside and lays down on the dirty floor, pulling Kissy's hand to his face with trembling fingers. He holds it to his forehead while his tears clear paths on his face through the grime.
He needs help.
Just one message.
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avataroftheglowcloud · 11 months
what if I made a second blog just for posting fics and stuff? would that be silly or what
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abyssal-endling · 2 years
Tells (3)
The pile of blankets has Dallas nearly collapse with relief.
Hoxton watches from the doorway as Dallas trips over himself to shake Houston, who swears loudly and makes a poor attempt to shove his older brother off. "What the fuck-"
"I was," Nathan tugs Derek into a tight hug, his breaths shaky, "I was so fucking worried, you just disappeared."
Houston shoots Hoxton a bewildered look, to which he responds with a shrug. Dallas had been… jumpy, a bit on edge, something Hox wasn't necessarily alarmed at. Their crew chief has always been well tuned to happenings in the city, and over the years, he'd learned what was insight from experience and what was paranoia from lack of sleep or a few shitty heists.
Dallas's worry about his brother wasn't either, and eventually, Hox had decided it'd be best to let it run its course.
"Had 'im fussin' for a good thirty, now." Hoxton says, walking over to playfully ruffle Dallas's hair.
The Mastermind barely notices, keeping his baby brother in a firm grip. "Literally never had a problem with me doing my own thing until now." Houston grumbles, rolling his eyes.
A heavy sigh. Houston ignores teary-eyes staring at him, choosing to stare at the ground instead. "You were panicking." Dallas mumbles.
"I… I don't know. I didn't, I didn't want to leave you by yourself."
Hoxton makes a quick motion across his neck, and the instinctual comment in Houston’s throat dies immediately "I'm fine. Just got overwhelmed." Houston's voice is low, tired. "It's easier for me to just, I dunno, go chill by myself."
"I don't want you to be alone." Dallas says. He sees the look in his brother's eye, and rushes to speak again. "I… I'm not good at this, but I worry."
"I'm fine, Nate. I know you worry," the words feel like a lie, and are mostly one, but Derek pushes on, "but I'm just… not social. It's just a thing, you don't have to worry about it."
Nathan hugs his brother again, mumbling tiredly. The other two know something's going on in the older man's mind, but pushing it has never helped.
Hoxton sighs. "Why don't I bring Chains and Wolfie up? We can have a little movie night here with just us."
Dallas starts to speak, but Houston cuts him off. "Might as well bring Bain, too."
The Brit is out the door, saying something Houston can't quite catch, but figures is a confirmation.
He makes a decision, and hugs his brother. "Thank you for checking on me."
The words sound fake, and they feel fake, but Dallas leans into the hug, smiling.
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diaries-of-phrog · 1 year
let your vines overgrow this house
like my fingers through your silky, wood-grain hair
let them weave through our home to cradle us
leaves, braids, breaking softer than skin-on-skin
you call it destruction, i call it
dissolve and rebuild
after all, these floorboards were once alive
and you're the safest place i've ever been
so why can't we sleep a little longer
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michelangelinden · 2 years
8 !!! for the spotify wrapped asks
8. Ease My Mind - The Faim
This feels like a Robin song to me! Did I misunderstand the world I'm in? / Was it this bad when I was ten? Very neurodivergent coded.
So I'm thinking a fic where Robin is overwhelmed because of something and it fully comes crashing down on her, why does she not get the world and the world does not get her? Everything is loud and I should be working like this, but I just don't!
The chorus is about finding someone who understands you and gives you the chance to explain, and they easy your mind. Steve is the obvious choice. With him she can be herself, he doesn't ridicule her for not knowing something but supports her instead when she's getting anxious. So he listens to her, probably holds her, supports her through it.
I might actually write this, this is fun! Thanks for sending this in!
Send me a number and I'll tell you what fic I would write based on the song from my Spotify Wrapped!
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Mmmm screw it. I'll write up something more detailed for Pan Pan - It is still a documented entity, after all.
' X-367
Codename: " Pan Pan "
X-367 was initially located and secured as an amorphous glob stuck to the inside of a drawer by a dark, viscous adhesive by X-318 on a routine Data Retrieval Excursion. X-367 ballooned in size to approximately twice the size of the average male and triple the mass, biopsies indicate extreme tissue instability, even after further growth had halted. X-367 has roamed outside of containment since their discovery due to X-318 appearing to hold a paternal stance over the rapidly-growing mass.
X-367 appears similar to Z-367, adopting amphibian features and containing no reasonable signs of life. X-367's mutilated flesh has completely covered an entire eyesocket, though this matters very little considering its back is spongy in structure, filled with an immense collection of eyes throughout the body. X-367 typically hovers approximately 1.5 feet off the ground by unknown means - a trait not shared by Z-367. Levitation appears to be a voluntary function, and X-367 may remain grounded when examining items or investigating points of interest on foot, if they're less than three strides away. This trait is suspected to be one of the adaptations to completely lacking arms, completely stunting X-367's ability to walk. X-367 uses an elongated tongue to fulfill most tasks and examinations, functioning as a makeshift ' Hand ' and grabbing device, typically pulling articles of prey to themselves to slaughter. This limb is used to grapple primarily while hovering, though this tends to lead to overshots and exponential momentum gains. At these high speeds, X-367 generates an EMP field in its wake, similarly to Z-367. X-367 is small enough to jam itself into lockers, however experiences an intense cleithrophobia that doesn't tend to keep it there long.
X-318's presence during development and attempted containment appears to have had an effect on X-367's behaviors. X-367 is primarily docile around X-318, though attacks are less common, X-367 can and will go after anything else that breathes with plausible reason. If possible, remain near a locker or other temporary shelter at all times in X-367's presence. ''
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throatofdelusion12 · 4 months
Y'know what
I've seen so many of these "if this gets x amount of notes I'll do y thing"
So I'm gonna do that
100 notes: I'll do more with the podcast
300 notes: I'll work on my writing ( and posy it here)
700 notes: I'll make an analogue horror series (cassette tapes) (and post it here)
2000 notes: I'll make a video analogue horror (camcorder)
1000 notes: (dear fucking christ you all) I'll start drawing more (and post it here)
10000 notes: (if this happens I'll start a blood cult in all of your names) I'll start writing a book
Spamming allowed
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ravenelyx · 10 months
Hello! Do you take requests? If so I have oke for you :)
It’s similar to the recent one about Sebastian hugging the reader. Could it be with Omi this time?
I love your writings, btw.
I absolutely can !!! And thank you so much ♡♡
Let me in. - Ominis Gaunt
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Fem!Reader
Words: 1k
Warnings: fluff, kissing, angst and comfort, Ominis is touch-starved, Ominis is insecure, neck kissing, fuck the Gaunt family all my homies hate the Gaunt family, we all know Omi's past, cuddling and snuggling, House is not specified, (implied) established relationship
Summary: Ominis Gaunt has never learned how to love. But he has you, and you're willing to teach him.
A/N: I hope you like this!! I followed a different tangent than Sebastian's.
you can find the whole fic here on ao3 as well
Sebastian's version
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He wishes love were easy.
But nothing had ever been easy in Ominis Gaunt's life.
When he opened his heart to her, he opened something deep. A Pandora box of sorrow and grief and everything he'd buried so deep he'd forgotten about it.
Unfortunately, his body never forgets. It shows when she takes his hand. It unleashes when she brushes his hair. That gnawing, scorching flame burning where her touch remains.
She asks him how he's doing, he doesn't answer, words trapped behind his teeth like in a prison of jelly and guilt. He thinks she doesn't really want to be bothered by his problems.
She takes his hand while walking, he moves it away, clutching it to his chest in an attempt to build back that armor she threatens to break every time.
"Ominis," she speaks quietly in the night, when he keeps her always at an arm's distance. "Please, come here."
He wants to cry.
"I don't know how."
The smell of her hair lingers on the pillow when she leaves, and he quietly brings it to him, burying his face in the softness of her girly perfume. Even then, he feels too much freedom; taking up a space that isn't his own. He turns his back to it.
She seems tired today.
"Ominis." Her voice is weary, sad. She's near the fireplace, brooding. He feels like he's done something wrong.
"What is it?"
He balks before approaching her, his voice coming out in a sycophantic squeak that makes his blood run cold. He is afraid: afraid she'll find him some day. That she'll offer her hand and he'll take it with no qualms, allowing her to pull him up, away from those doubts cramming his mind when she gets too close.
"Why do you never let me in?"
He's drowning.
Why? Why? The answer is immediate, pulled right from his brain by that tight awareness that has always been more of a curse than a blessing. Because Ominis Gaunt feels that he is phrogging in other people's existence until they get tired and throw him into the nearest garbage. Because he has never found a place where he could sit down, wind his legs and feel at peace. Because if one day someone finds him with his defenses down, when he hits the bottom of the bin headfirst, he will never forgive himself.
"I don't know how." His inveterate answer comes, drawing a sigh from her. She always drops the subject after, and he feels safe.
This time, she breaches the armor again, and he has got no time to glue it back.
"Come here."
His hands tremble when he follows, sitting down next to her. She opens her palm to him and he feels it on his leg.
"Take it."
Her fingers feel soft to the touch, slipping between his as if filling up a space in his heart he had missed, pushing back his doubts and making a home for itself. He holds her hand and runs his thumb on her knuckles.
"What does this mean?" He asks feebly.
"That you can do much more."
He feels the corner of his lips push down in a grimace. "I don't know h—"
"I'll show you."
Her movements are languid and elegant like a snake, and he feels like she might strangle him and cut his breath and leave him for dead. But he wants to keep holding her hand.
"What do I do?"
"Come here."
This time, he listens.
She lets him move first, wrap his arms around her, as if testing her shape. He runs his hands over her delicate ribs, then down to the soft curve of her waist, then around her; feels the weight in his arms, like she could crush him at any moment. But she doesn't.
She lets him pull her on him, giving him her body. His hands are shaking and he feels inadequate to hold her; to keep her safe and not let her fall.
"Just do what feels right," she whispers.
None of this feels right. But it feels comfortable, and it feels different, and it feels like his heart is slowing down and his weight is meeting the ground and pushing against it like he will never need to get up anymore.
And there are her lips. He feels them with his fingertips; the curve at the top, the soft flesh, the sticky texture of her lipstick. He brings his trembling mouth to hers for the first time and pulls away just as quickly.
"I'm sorry…" he almost cries again.
"Do it again."
He swallows and pushes his lips against hers. He doesn't have the courage to move and breathes against her mouth.
She giggles and his heart breaks, because of course he was doing it wrong. "I'm sorr—"
Her mouth moves against his, takes his bottom lip in a quick suckle and then frees it again. He holds his breath until he can't stay still anymore.
"How does that feel?" she asks.
Something inside him cracks open at her taste, pushes and pulls and crushes him, and he holds on to her. It's all too much and it's all not enough. He licks his lips and tastes her lipstick and he wishes he could see her.
When she cups his cheek, he flinches.
"This feels…"
Horrible. Good. Terrifying. Perfect. Different.
"We can go slow," she says, and it's more than he could ask for. "But I'm here, and I'm yours."
He nods and attempts to find her, and he presses his forehead against her collarbone. She's warm there.
"Thank you," He's crying against her skin, and she skims her hand against his back.
He feels naked, a brush of cold hair against his chest where his defenses have cracked. She's pulling his armor down with a gentle touch, and he lets her until he hears it hit the ground loudly.
"You can relax now." He thinks he hears her say. Perhaps it was a dream. And when he hesitantly brushes his lips against her skin, he allows her in.
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cloudcountry · 4 months
attention twisted wonderland fans! ortho has tasked you with an important mission—give his brother the best summer imaginable!
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welcome to the introduction post for my new event! i am your host, auburn! you probably know me as azulashengrottospiano, but i've changed urls ^^;
this time, i'm attempting to bring people together instead of doing an event all by myself. you'll have to forgive me if it's confusing, i've never hosted something like this before but i'll do my best and i hope you guys will have fun!
both writers and artists are encouraged to participate!
RUN TIME: this event will run from may 27th to june 10th! but you are more than welcome to post your pieces before then if you are finished or after if something came up! we understand <3
TO SIGN UP: please comment or reblog this post with your name and what you're going to be making! you don't need to have a specific idea yet, you can just whether you're an author or an artist!
when finished, please tag your works with sweet shroud summer 2024 so people can have an overview of the event's wonderful talent!
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the event rules . . .
no nsfw content, i want minors to be able to participate as well if they want to.
any content is welcome aside from that! it can be romantic, familial, platonic, it can include yuu or not!
just as long as idia is getting out of his room and having a good time C: make sure you treat him well or ortho will get upset!
the company policy is open to be modified if a customer brings up a question!!
contributors and their pieces will be listed under the cut.
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auburn / cloudcountry - writer.
if you let me.
dove / da-birb-writes-sometimes - writer.
mess in chat >w^. mess at con.
edie / edith-is-a-cat - artist (mainly.)
art piece. written work. kitty. platinum jacket. idia & tsum. rainbow idia.
cookie / cookiesandbiscuits - artist.
at the beach art piece. hot day.
irene / officialdaydreamer00 - writer & artist.
flowers of a summer day. part 1.5. aimless outing. marionette on a string. board game club shenanigans.
cyath / cyath - artist.
identity / identity-theft-101 - artist.
he dropped his ice cream :( art piece.
mochimus / thatsadguymochi - artist.
at the lake art piece.
phrog / phrowog - artist.
gamer touches the ocean art piece.
sapphy / shinysparklesapphires - artist.
gamer touches grass art piece.
em / musicalhistorical - writer.
zell / z3llous - artist.
getting milkshakes. catching pokemon.
silver / rxttenbxnes - artist.
sosa / miraculous-pacer55 - artist.
monimich / monimichbeingsilly - artist.
pop up cafe.
kei / keii-starz - writer.
fruity / fruity-arts - artist.
moon / moon-mage - artist.
rubia / twistedchatterbox - writer & artist.
emily / walkingoneliner37 - artist.
idia and ortho at disneyworld!
ryker / ryker-writes - writer.
mayuu / justyoureverydaytwstsimp - writer.
dani / xol-io - writer & artist.
arius / ariusthething - writer & artist.
a short visit!
daffodil / chocodaffodil - artist.
idia at the beach.
loser / loser-jpg - artist.
getting boba.
manoo / pop-sparkle - artist.
tropical idia!
yourfbiagen1 - artist.
idia meets hatsune miku
octahyde - artist.
she just got to the prince mush boss...
comingyourlugubriousness / artist.
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Master List of Fics I Like
Note: I did not write any of these fics, I just enjoy reading them and had a shit load of them saved. So, I figured I would put all of the ones I liked on a master list, figuring that its an easy way to keep track of them, and maybe you guys would like them as well. Have a Great Day fellow Nerds! 😁👋
2nd Note: If Someone wants me to take their fic or another fic off, let me know and it will be done. I don't want to offend anyone or make them upset. 
Larissa Weems:
20/20 Vision (NSFW) By: no-phrogs-in-hats
In A Meeting By: daydream-cement
Challenge (part 1) By: widowromanova
Stress Reliever By: theplanetplu20
Be my good girl (NSFW) By: v3nusxsky
Caught By: pebbleswritessometimes
Non ti scordar di me By: paulsonwifey
Secretary (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
A lesson to be taught By: amongthestarlitsea
My mistake By: v3nusxsky
Bathtub Sex (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
A reward (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
To People Watch One Person By: rippersz
Your First/NSFW By: v3nusxsky
Hold on/H&c By: v3nusxsky
Piece of Heaven By: moodreaderlesbian
Quiet By: Littledollll
Experiment: NSFW By: v3nusxsky
Not a good girl. Part 2. By: wh0re4women
I Know You Feel It; The Shift: NSFW By: ofc-fics
Forbidden. By: just-a-torn-up-masterpiece
Lipstick Stains By: weemssapphic
Wine & Dine. NSFW By: wh0re4women
Safe haven By: littledollll
My One and Only By: xenrui
Those dresses/NSFW By: v3nusxsky
Take me home By: billiedeansbitch
Good little puppy By: littledollll
Misunderstanding By: milfswriter
Pretty girl By: Littledollll
Sick little love By: Littledollll
Mine/ NSFW By: v3nusxsky
Lay Back (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
Only Pretending #6 By: another-day-another-shadow-ban
Back and White NSFW By stanchett
Tell Me I Got It Wrong By: moodreaderlesbian
Lovely interruption By: Littledollll
Easy Does It-NSFW By: wasjustred
Battle scars/NSFW-angst By: v3nusxsky
A New Start (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
Culinary Skills By: veeisgayasf
More Please By: moodreaderlesbian
Misunderstandings By: littledollll
Slightly jealous By: paulsonwifey
little on a mission By: littledollll
Amortentia: Fated Attraction By: weemssapphic
Feeling Neglected By: daydream-cement
Mommas here By: littledollll
Mutual Understanding (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
Desperation By: veeisgayasf
Winter Weather Warning (NSFW) By: wasjustred
Five Stars (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
Topic of Study (Ch. 2) By: queerfanficion
Desk Activities By: cissyenthusiast010155
Sharing By: cherryapplejuice
Ive Missed You By: pebbleswritessometimes
Topic of Study By: weemsgay
Passionate Discussion By: iamnotoriginalphil
Stress By: realsapphicwife
Vision By: weemssapphic
Valentines Day (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
The Headmistress (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
Soulmates By: iamnotoriginalphil
Dancing in the Firelight By: amnotoriginalphil
School Reunion By: amnotoriginalphil
An Adoring Gaze By: xenrui
Hers and Only Hers By: weemssapphic
Handcuffs (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
Good Girl By: daydream-cement
Only For You (NSFW) By: fruitylo0pz
Dumbification (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
Absolute Perfection By: Littledollll
Playing With Fire: NSFW By: stanchett
I'll Cover You By: Littledollll
Dont be scared, little angel (pt. 4). By littledollll
The chill of spring By: when-i-miss-you
In Mourning By: stanchett
Fallen stars By: Littledollll
Little artists (pt 2/2) By: littledollll
I didn't mean to scare you By: farahtissaiamyloves
Little artist (pt 1/2) By: littledollll
All Mine By: littledollll
Lucifer vs the hound By: Littledollll
Babbles By: Littledollll
Their Precious angel By: Littledollll
Lucifer's Lover Getting Hurt Would Include By: why-what-no
Little angel By: littledollll
sweet little angel By: littledollll
Rest, my little angle (pt. 3) By: littledollll
Winged Affections By: alexusonfire
Drabble By: littledollll
A Sacrificial Lamb By: zephyr-is-tired
One Hell of a welcome By: littledollll
Bitten The Apple By: why-what-no
Vulnerability (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
Old Flames By: irreplaceable-ecstasyy
Dusk till dawn By: cherrysweetdevine
Dangerous temptation By: littledollll
Miranda Hilmarson:
Roleplay (NSFW) By: daydream-cement
Gwen Christie:
Maneater By: imtheindiekid
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e-vay · 5 months
Hey first off love ur art second I love ur werehog art and thought u would enjoy the fanfic wars of the heart by@midnightfire1222 their writing is amazing and thought you should read it
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@phrog-graphy Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like my werehog art. I find werehogs challenging but one of the most fun things to draw.
It’s so funny you both mention it, I just started reading it yesterday and I am SO HOOKED! I’ve been charmed, entranced!
@blsantos As far as being hesitant to read long fics, I totally get that. Sometimes when I see a large number of chapters it can overwhelm me at first too. However, at least for me, the story is one of those that I haven’t been able to put down since I started! Like I just said, I started it only yesterday and I am now at chapter 38 lol. Also, some of the chapters are really short, so don’t let the number scare you. Besides, I think with most stories once you’ve found something you like, you’re always wanting more anyway!
For those of you who haven’t heard of Wars of the Heart by @midnightfire1222 , it’s a werehog Sonamy story taking place in an alternate universe. If you like DND or fantasy novels, this one is right up your alley. It’s also so hot! 🥵 Just a warning to my younger followers or those with aversion to violence/spice, it’s intended for an older audience. But if that doesn’t bother you, I HIGHLY recommend it!
As always, thank y’all for the fanfic recommendations! I’m always hungry for more sonamy fics so please don’t ever feel too shy to send them my way 😋💖💙
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cupophrogs · 7 months
Oliver just
Gently does this to Drew's leg.
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“Cherub is a mind boggling balance of incredibly brave, and horrifically stupid. He handles things maturely, especially for one so detached from the suffering of this place, very often to his own detriment. Placing little value on his own state, and thus “risking it for the biscuit” far too much. Still, he is one who loves deeply, fiercely. And to allow such an Angel to damn himself for another, would be a sin most grievous.”
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Obligatory refs + Info of my Yokai Watch Ocs (*^▽^*)
Under a cut because there's gonna be a lot of yapping and art stuffs....explodes +□+
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Caspian Hernandez || Any Prns || Watcholder
The 15 year old 'basically Nate replacement' of this universe!
Lives in Blossom Heights mostly alone, parents are gone pretty often for one reason or another.
In addition, she lives with Baddinyan who is the only reason they're always out of Chocobars
Can see yokai through their glasses (ability can't be deactivated, but he has to focus on yokai for a few seconds in order to actually see/identify them)
Summons them w/ the Yopple-Brand summon band :'] (Customizable! That's why it looks like a disc attached to a Brute Bracer; because it basically is.) Insert disc into a slot in the side!! Whoopie!!!
Not very socially aware due to doing online school up until the age of like 12 (EVIL CAT interactions early on are constantly like 'lol that thing they said actually meant this you dork ahah you fool' 'hush weirdo I'm trying to focus')
((^ i mean in addition to that hes also based on me so like. Neurodivergent canon?? Maybe?? Idk i unintentionslly write characters like me sometimes
A bit goofy and switches moods easily. Some days can be pretty apathetic if she's in a slump.
Gameverse Friend Team of 6: Baddinyan (duh), Badude, Casanuva, Babblong, Tut'n'K'mon, and Rawry
VC: Unbearaboy! from the 'Yo-Kai Watch!' Sub (the blue one in this scene) ((yes I know it's goofy but it's the only clip I could find, skip past the beginning flashback 😭));
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Kerosque || He/Him || Formerly-Alive Yokai
Water-Attributed Rank-B yokai of the Tough Tribe
Phrog is about in his upper 40's.
Inspirit; is kinda like when people tend to be kinda cold/curt in the mornings for seemingly no reason.
Runs a ramen stand someplace on the outskirts of Yo-kailafornia. (He's a pretty good chef too)
((He also has little custom pins you can get for free depending on who you are ^u^ a few of his customers/friends tend to.))
Uses his ladle (however you spell it) as a bit of a weapon thing. Comically large goofy ahh 😭
Doesnt go to the human world more often than he needs to. Too much everything
This man HATES stepping foot in downtown he does NOT wanna be there ever-
Kinda perpetually grumpy, resting mildly angry face. He tries to be polite but isn't very talkative at all lol
He does in fact croak. I love frog
Not pictured cause I forgot but like. Has a little swirly stomach pattern
Reoccurring yokai at his stand tend to be: Roughraff, Sick-Kun, Quinn, Ebi, Caspian, Master Oden, and occasionally Bruff.
VC: No clue yet, something along the lines of a higher version of Walrus Captain from A hat In Time, or a less enthusiastic Captain Caviar from Cookie Run? (If you got ideas, feel free!)
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Dread || He/They/Xe || Human-Born Yokai
Drain-Attributed Rank-S yokai of the Shady Tribe
Inspirit; kinda similar to intrusive thoughs. Worse case scenario stuff, things that make you think you're an awful person, dreading situations or overthinking anything, etc etc
Is sighted quite a bit around high-schools. Hormones+anxiety+prime place for embarassment? Makes his job too easy
He has low empathy, but isn't completely incapable. Doesn't make a lot of friends and honestly he could care less either way.
Rather flippant, dry humor kinda guy, kinda similar to Jax from tadc for reference
He does have hair under there (i thought thatd be obvious but then again you'd probably also expect him to have skin and a chest/stomach under his hoodie so aifkwod), but it's usually kinda greasy.
Heart is a weak point in battle. If he ever let's it be exposed in the first place, that is
Cannot be seen by Caspian earlier in the story. Around the point I'd expect him to be in most of my drawings, he's at 'watch' Rank-B
Likes to taunt people, the easier to provoke the better. He feeds off of negative reactions and emotions for both entertainment and soul food nom nom
Usually a sad reaction is better than an angry one for him. If he finds someone's emotional weakness he most likely Will Exploit it XnX
While he doesn't care for anyone, he tends to harass Fuwhirl and Negatibuzz the least.
VC: Dont kill me but Raggedy Andy from Raggedy Anne's Musical Adventure
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Swiss || He/Him || Human-Born Yokai
Electic-Attributed Rank-C yokai of the Eerie Tribe
Inspirit; is why people (usually kids) are picky eaters. This can look like randomly losing an appetite/ just finding several things repulsive/I'm bald/nuance/ref
Wanders around wherever. Lives in one of the Tranquility Apartments officially tho.
(Fuwhirl lives w him after they reunite <333 long story short they know him)
Has pretty poor eating habits himself tbh
Is edible!! Technically!!! He would not reccomend it (he's cake roll flavored :'])
The swirl in his hair can be dyed different colors.)
Going off of that, he can regenerate. Useful, but kiiiinda painful
He's a bit of an a-hole, and absolutely doesn't know when to shut up. He doesn't like to fight tho surprisingly (°>°)
Sarcastic and quick to snap back at someone =u=
(There's a strange old man he helps with experiments concerning his odd biology....he hasn't been posted yet but he belongs to my friend @sketchdeath22)
VC: lol idk
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Fuwhirl || They/Them || Object-Born Yokai
Wind-Attributed Rank-D yokai of the Mysterious Tribe
Inspirit; Makes people dizzy either randomly or after standing up ×□×
Lived at a circus for a while, but eventually it moved out of town. After a bit of aimless wandering they found their way to Blossom Heights 🌸!!!
Kinda stumbles when they walk, it's worse when they're distressed but a bit more easy to navigate when they're happier &u&
Naive, likes to think anyone's nice under the surface +▽+
Is kinda like Tattletell's in the way he had to be latched on to you to be effective. Typically via a backpack
Has one of those build-a-bear hearts inside him!!! Whoopie :)
VC: Uhhh I forgot atm but I will come back and edit lol
Anyways, that's not including my like 'ocified versions of pre-existing characters' agsgydirofor I love yapping about ocs!!! Wahoo :)
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diaries-of-phrog · 1 year
please gods let me feel nothing but alive let me be ever acutely aware that the world expands out from my chest if i let it please gods remind me that happiness is always somewhere let me watch that vast blue sky and understand why its rumored you live up there, watching over us please gods remind me that you’re watching over us let me for once be so small in your arms let my body expand infinitely into your body into space into conscience please let me always be able to find home
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WIP Game
First off, Thxxx so much for the tags @yourlocaldisneyvillain , @weemssapphic , @dianneking , & @billiedeansbitch !!! You have literally no idea how much you four have made my day by tagging me 🥰🫰🏻
Rules: Post the names of all your works in your WIP folder. Let people send you asks based on those titles and any that especially intrigue them, and then respond to them. Lastly, tag as many people as WIPs you have.
Fair warning, lots of my WIPs are not named rn, I usually name them officially at the end:
Saving Larissa
Criminal Minds college au
Power Couple
My Project
1, 50 w/ Alex Blake
Teasing the hell out of Larissa when your a short, masc lesbian feat. @imprincipalweemspet
When Larissa just needs to slip into her Subspace and let you take care of her
@scream-queenlover ‘s Morissa Request
33, 51, 55 w/ Leonora Lesso
Nightmare Life
Cards on the Table Pt. 3
@athenodora-sulpicia-writer ‘s Miss P Request 
 First Times Pt. 4
@slutformisswena ‘s Cipher Request
Pomegranate Lips Pt. 5
Mars & Olive ~collab w/ @v3nusxsky !! (I’m so exited for this I can’t even)
Send me your asks!! 🤍✨
If you’ve already been tagged and I tag you, just know the universe has decided to send you extra love today 🥰🫶🏻 And please feel free to participate even if your nod tagged!! ♥��
Tag list: @silver-pieces @natsarrownecklace @natsvdova @no-phrogs-in-hats @gayerthanevertbh @hxzxrdous @clarkiewrites @shyladyfan @milfmuses @itzvintagevibez @iamnotoriginalphil @i-write-sometimes-maybe @rainbow-hedgehog @ladyzmilf002 @sapphicsbeloved @soft-astral @dj-bynum3718
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littlebugsboy · 6 months
Hello my tumblr pals.
I have unfortunately been in a small accident leading to my right wrist to be fractured which I unfortunately will not be able to draw properly and post my art but I am planning on posting my progress of learning how to write/draw with my left hand and the progress of my wrist healing.
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day.
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Thank you @the-trash-phrog for drawing this for me LOL.
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