#pics 4 and 7 and 10 have given me feelings
kindahoping4forever · 4 months
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Luke performing @ Boston Calling Music Festival - 24 May 2024
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lionhanie · 3 months
leehan as your boyfriend! ♡
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established relationship, PURE fluff, leehan x reader, leehan is IN LOVE with you, also not proofread LOL!!!!!!!
word count: ~800 i think lol
warnings: none
a/n: i can't lie this whole thing was sooo self indulgent i just love him so bad #GUILTY!
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literally does everything in his power to make you smile and feel good... #1 boyfriend in the world i fear!
he must have the ability to read the minds of the people he loves bc he just knows what you need all the time
...or rather than this, all of his opinions and preferences become whatever you like! (without complaint ofc, because he’s okay with anything as long as you’re satisfied)
this makes me think he’s rlly big on quality time because he seems like the type of bf to be content with just. whatever! as long as you’re there ^_^
quite literally only has eyes for you
he doesn’t really *intend* to do this, but it is so difficult for him to focus on anyone else if he has *you* there with him
everyone will always complain when they hangout with just you two bc they will always end up feeling like a third wheel :skull: 
even if you try to tease him for literally adoring you 24/7 he wouldn’t even be flustered or embarrassed. he would just nod and smile in agreeance U_U
he’ll always go out of his way to compliment you too, telling you how cute you look or how good you are at doing something. he gets a little shy every time you compliment him, but he always recovers by turning the praise back to you
even though he isn’t the best texter, i imagine he would put in extra effort to keep you updated throughout the day-- especially if it's hard to spend a lot of time together in person
you're just going about your day at school/work and you hear a notification on your phone... it's leehan sending you like 10 different angles of the new friends he got for his fish tank
or it's one of his selfies that are either 1) blurry, 2) crop out like 80% of his face, 3) at an unnatural selfie angle, or 4) all of the above. regardless, he's still your handsome boyfriend & looks amazing in every pic he sends
unironically i think he would be a DRY texter LMFAO but the way he communicates is kind of endearing. rather than sending messages, he def has a concerningly large album of reaction pics he uses for every possible situation (including ones he made himself using pics of you & the members)
dates with him are SO fun.
again, he doesn't really care too much about what you two do as long as he gets to spend time together... he's just down to try Anything and Everything so you guys never really run out of things to do together
being so eager to try new activities, i can 100% see him suggesting the most obscure data ideas & being so genuinely excited to do it no matter how odd it may seem given the context
cause Boy wdym you think fishing in a river at 12am is a fun idea for a date... it’s not necessarily like you were going to say no .... but also… this isn’t a common date activity, right?
i think he loves staying in with you the most….. sleepover!!! :3
especially after you both had tiring days; spending a night in with each other never fails to recharge you both!
ordering any food you want (he isn’t planning on eating much, so he’d rather get something you’re craving) ((after a couple bites he sits back and watches you eat w/ the biggest grin on his face))
but i think the absolute BEST part of the night is when the two of you are side by side at the bathroom counter doing a Twelve Step Skincare Routine that leehan made himself
and you’re giggling the whole time bc he takes his skincare SERIOUSLY. (that one mf who don’t play about his skincare bye)
i think he’d be super attentive, but silently though
you’d never know he’s constantly keeping track of your reactions to certain things, your different routines, your food preferences, the types of clothes you like
Ok in theory it /sounds/ creepy but he just puts in the effort to observe the way you like to do things so he can help you whenever you need it
IMAGINE you’re running late & you can’t find your phone /again/ and you’re lowkey freaking out because you Need To Leave Now but leehan just steadies you and hands you your phone
and ur kind of in awe ??? i've been looking for this for ten minutes now... How Do you have this …?
he just shrugs and explains “you always leave it underneath the blanket when you make the bed so i figured it might be there again" and motions for you to hurry before you’re late
or maybe you’re feeling under the weather & you ask him to make you a hot drink to help soothe your throat and he comes back with a mug of tea made EXACTLY how you make it for yourself
you're pleasantly surprised upon taking your first sip because …you don’t recall ever telling him how you like your tea? 
then he's sitting there with stars in his eyes and saying “i made it properly, right? :3” (clearly very proud of himself bc he remembered how you like it)
doesn't seem like the type to be too extra when it comes to PDA. if anything, he prefers small and/or secret interactions in public (it feels more intimate if only you guys know what's happening)
head pats. that’s it. he thinks the way you literally melt whenever he pats your head is the most endearing thing ever, so he'll save it /specifically/ when you're out w/ a group of people because he loves seeing you so flustered afterwards
keeping a hand on the small of your back or resting his arm on the back of your chair when you're sitting next to each other
holding your hand in his under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze as the two of you continue to talk with the others at the table
at the end of the day... he just loves you so dearly & couldn't be happier knowing that he can call you his, and you can call him yours :,)
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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vitaminseetarot · 4 months
PAC Pick a Picture: Yes or No (or Maybe) 💚💙💜
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Hey y'all, I'm back in time for the end of May with another pick a card reading. I thought that since it's been almost a year since my last yes or no reading, that now would be a good time to do my second one. Today, perhaps because of the last day of Mermay in part, I'm inspired by the colors green and blue (and some purple thrown in). I'll be using Mermaid Tarot for this reading. 🌎🧜‍♀️
Below, there are 12 images for you to choose from in a random color assortment, from left to right. Take a deep breath, pause, and relax all tension in your body before deciding what your question is. There are a lot of piles to choose from, so if you have a lot of questions, feel free to select them one at a time and read in any order you want.
Pile 1 - Hot Air Balloon Pile 2 - Peacock Tail Pile 3 - Plumbago Flowers (Light Blue) Pile 4 - Azurite Pile 5 - Grass Field Pile 6 - Lily Pad Pile 7 - Damselfly Pile 8 - Gentian Flowers (Dark Blue) Pile 9 - Blueberries Pile 10 - Blue Jay Pile 11 - Butterfly Pile 12- Mountain Bluebird
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apologies for the misalignment in pics; this stock photo collage was initially for fun
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Pile 1 - Hot Air Balloon
IX Hermit, 9 of Swords, 6 of Swords, XIII Death; 24 - Heal Thyself, 15. Adrift in Shallow Water
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This pile is a No. You may be wanting to move forward with something, but the energy I'm picking up on is too closed inward and focused on the worst possible outcomes. You may need to detach from the situation if a decision is called for. Answers will more likely come to you when you are given the quietude and privacy needed to listen to your inner guidance system. It knows a lot more than it may let on, but you won't be able to hear it amidst the chaos.
"Take a few deep breaths and reconnect to your inner peace." This card is talking about using mindfulness to recenter the self. It is very difficult to make important decisions and move forward from a place of anxiety. Things are more likely to move in the direction you desire when you make plans from a calm and positive outlook. Once you're fully ready to move on, the tides will turn for you.
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Pile 2 - Peacock Tail
4 of Pentacles, 4 of Cups, 6 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles; 13 - Awareness, 5. Change Direction With Ease
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For you, this is a big Maybe. Your reading starts with two 4 cards which can indicate a state of stagnancy and lack of motion. With 6 of cups, you may be more focused on what's happened before than what could happen next. Remember that cycles don't always repeat themselves perfectly and giving something another go can reap potential success if you put in the proper dedication for it.
"You may be in for a surprise." 4 of Cups can talk about unforeseen surprises around the corner, so if you're able to keep your mind more ahead into the present and future rather than the past, you may be prepared to catch this surprise. This surprise could be the key to allowing things to flow through to a more desired resolution. Stay present for what's to come.
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Pile 3 - Plumbago Flowers
XIX The Sun, XVIII The Moon, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups; 7 - Clear Aura, 49. Be Insightful and Established
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So this is a definite Yes with the Sun card coming out first! But then the Moon card popped up, which definitely surprised me. This combo doesn't often happen a lot! I think with this particular yes, you may be very excited to jump the gun and celebrate. But the Moon wants to remind you that as alluring as it may be to throw caution in the wind, it's important to keep your emotions leveled and even keeled. Your friends or community may also be affecting the choice or outcome; never mind their energy and stay true to what's in your own cup. Your intuition will guide you.
"Ground and realign your energy." Give yourself a clean fresh head start and look before you leap into anything. Lighten yourself from heavier energies. Make decisions from a place of solid reason rather than through the emotional frenzy that may surround you.
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Pile 4 - Azurite
4 of Pentacles, Page of Swords, 2 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles; 14 - Grace, 42. Gentle Moderation
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This pile is a very likely No. When I drew these cards, it was like rapid fire. All these cards came out at once. I feel there may be a lot of impatience, especially with the 4 of Pentacles. You may feel you've been waiting too long for something to come to fruition and you may be getting frustrated by the lack of results. With Page of Swords and 2 of Cups, I sense that there is an important lesson you must grasp before you can move ahead with this. It may have to do with communicating to your partner, friend, or coworker, or even asking for assistance.
"Take your time." Time is greatly emphasized in this pile. Before I drew this card and I saw Grace, I thought, "grace period." So you may be in or soon getting a grace period which will allow you to have the ability to ease back and think carefully about how you want to go forward. I get that it sucks when things don't show up when we've desire it for so long, but the cards want to remind you that you have more time than you think to get the results you're after.
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Pile 5 - Grass Field
Knight of Pentacles, 8 of Cups, I Magician, 9 of Swords; 30 - Practical Intuition, 5. Change Direction With Ease
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This pile looks to be a No, for at least this moment. This is something that may take a while to accomplish, but because you may be holding on to something no longer needed, it could be taking longer than necessary. The Magician card wants to remind you of your power to take control of the situation. Do not listen to the fears that disguise themselves as your intuition. Practical Intuition is about grounding your psychic energy into the material world. Remind yourself that your intuition works for you, not against you. When you're able to let go of old fears and worries, you'll be able to step forward with more confidence.
"It is a time to reconsider what you are wanting." Take some time to get clear on your intentions before you work your magic. The more you paint your worries as being realistic, the more likely they are to become real. Use your intuitive gifts for your benefit. You are not powerless in this situation. But it's ultimately up to you to change how this will all play out!
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Pile 6 - Lily Pad Page of Wands, III of Swords, X Wheel of Fortune, 8 of Swords; 9 - Self Acceptance, 29. Empower Yourself
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This pile is a Maybe because I almost took out the World card after 8 of Swords. I think with this pile, you need to take account of who you are and what you're capable of doing. You may get this sense that things are totally out of your hands and up to the universe to decide, but the cards are advising you to not default to that reasoning with this question. While it's one thing to recognize when things are out of our hands, this should not be confused with helplessness.
"Allow yourself to be the strong, beautiful person you are capable of being." I'm getting that some of you may be really harsh on yourselves when things don't turn out right. But resorting to negative self talk when things go wrong and positive talk about the universe when things go right, is an imbalanced way of perceiving this. You are powerful, and this situation can resolve itself in part thanks to your efforts. But you must be kinder with yourself to see this power first.
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Pile 7 - Damselfly
XIII Death, XI Justice, XVIII The Moon, Page of Wands; 13 - Awareness; 3. In the Light of the Moon
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This pile is a No. Something must be done away with here, something must be remain in the past. This is something that needs to occur inevitably, even if it's hard. Whatever it is, things seem to not be going to plan. Ultimately, this No will be in your personal favor, though it doesn't seem that way right now, because letting go will set things into better balance. You may be feeling lost with this, uncertain of how to proceed. But you are gently being guided to your next chapter in life. It's okay if you are feeling down right now, allow yourself to process the emotions (even if you're feeling disconnected from emotion) by doing what you find enjoyable to you as this all unfolds.
I find it interesting how the full moon shows up three times in this reading. I find this magically significant. Do you by chance work with lunar magic, or do you simply follow your emotional energy closely as the moon waxes and wanes? The number 13 appearing twice is also to be noted here. I'm getting that this will have to do with some kind of specific timing, like 13 days from now, or on the 13th of a month. Pay attention to your dreams for further insight and clues. Don't be afraid to shed the old to welcome in the new. Even if this doesn't work out, you carry so much magical potential in you that whatever comes next will be nothing short of wondrously transformative.
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Pile 8 - Gentian Flowers
King of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, X Wheel of Fortune, King of Cups; 25 - Truth, 42. Gentle Moderation
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This is a likely Yes, but there are signs of some wavering here. The message I channeled was to be true to yourself no matter what decision you may take. You may be dealing with too many conflicting opinions weighing in on something that may be important mainly for you. I'm getting practical needs vs. emotional needs. You must come to your own conclusions about how much you'll factor in one need compared to the other. If you decide both that are important, then you will need to figure out how to get the two needs to cooperate.
"Pressure from others or yourself can be released by renegotiating what you are trying to accomplish." One King to hold the wheel, the other to hold the compass. You are both the guide and the driver of this choice. Once you come to conclusions about what your personal Truth is, let that be your map to a more harmonious outcome.
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Pile 9 - Blueberries
XII Hanged Man, 5 of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, XV The Devil; 29 - Nurture, 26. Where You Need to Be
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This pile is a No. I'm getting a lot of nervous energy from this pile, I'm needing to take my time and breathe between each card. It may help for you to also take time out and breathe deeply. This could be something that has been stressing you out, keeping you in limbo. This is your sign to take it easy. Be gentle with yourself. You're being asked to see the difference between needing to be patient for things to manifest, and needing to rely on your own energy to overcome this. But you cannot use that energy if you cannot see it for yourself.
"Have faith the Universe will take care of a current concern by providing the best possible outcome for all involved." Just because something doesn't turn out now doesn't mean it won't be for later. You're on the right path, don't let this temporary situation sway you. In the meantime, your current focus needs to be on personal self care. You must tend to your garden and provide yourself with the healing you need to take on the things that are within your grasp.
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Pile 10 - Blue Jay
2 of Wands, Ace of Wands, King of Swords, IV The Emperor; 21 - Shadow Treasures, 7. Dancing in the Rainbow
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This pile is a strong Yes. You got what it takes to see this through. There is a passion lighting up from within you, and by keeping your head high and focusing on the outcome you desire, you will be given the tools you need to succeed in this. But all this won't happen on its own. You are being asked to do a majority of the work and organizing needed to pull this off. This may be a solo effort for the most part. But rest assured that you got the motivation and integrity to do it right.
"Break free from whatever you feel is holding you back." Your mind, the King of Swords, may try to freeze this fiery passion by giving you reasons that it isn't plausible or reasonable. But the 2 of wands says "this and more." Release the dichotomy of being rational and enthusiastic and embrace both, for they both have gifts to offer.
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Pile 11 - Butterfly
8 of Cups, Page of Wands, King of Cups, Page of Swords; 3 - Strength, 5. Change Direction with Ease
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This one is a soft Yes. It seems like there is something you need to work through first, however. You may be feeling like you need to hone in on specific skills or internal resources for the best results. You need to be confident in yourself that something must fall away if you want to begin a new with something else. Make peace with where you are now and see that you have an inner reservoir of talent and ambitions to tap into.
"This is a time for change, shapeshifting, or your soul's evolution." There is something telling you that the next stage to come will help you grow and become more well rounded. You've already mastered the art of staying calm under the tension of seeking greater and greater heights, now it's time to play into your passions and find new ways to learn and expand your knowledge.
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Pile 12- Mountain Bluebird
Knight of Cups, Six of Wands, XI Justice, VIII Strength; 6 - Freedom, 11. Persistent Drive
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This one is a strong Yes. Now is the exact time to make the move. Try to visualize or imagine your most desired outcome, first. Which one makes the most sense to you. Which one utilizes your greatest strengths? Which one gives you the emotional freedom to pursue your goals while abandoning all restrictions from the past that still try to tie you down? And, last but not least, which one recreates that joyful spark that lights up the dreams within you? Step out into the world and don't be afraid of a little bit of risk.
"See what you desire and move toward that goal." Be completely sure of where you want to go or want to do next. Set a practical target, one that you can easily see. Take a calculated risk, but don't get cocky or too brash. If all goes well, stay humble and pass the good vibes on.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
04/10/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Ruibo Qian; Kristian Nairn; Gypsy Taylor/Big Gay Energy Podcast; GlaadForOFMD; Daily Calendar; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Never Left; Our Flag Means Fanfiction: Re: Izzy's Ring; Stede Quotes Twitter Polls; Mini Love Notes; Daily Darby; Today's Taika.
= Ruibo Qian =
Just a cute pic from our favorite Pirate queen. That hair <3 Img Src: Ruibo Qian's IG
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= Kristian Nairn =
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Wanna check out the new music? Visit: Kristian's Linktr.ee
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Kristian also confirmed he'll be joining @/comicconnordics May 3-5 in Stockholm! For more info, visit Comic Con Nordic
== Gypsy Taylor / Big Gay Energy Pod ==
@adoptourcrew Was kind enough to do a much bigger breakdown of the Gypsy Taylor interview on @biggayenergypod's Podcast. If you haven't given it a listen already, please visit: If you're a reader as opposed to a listener, here's AdoptOurCrew's IG stills regarding it. (Read from left image to right, down, left to right, etc)
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== GLAAD For OFMD ==
If you haven't voted for OFMD on the GLAAD fan favorites, please do! Did you know you can vote with multiple emails or even the same email? Well you can! Please click here!
== Event Calendar ==
Today is another Vacation today-- but think about what you'd like to share for #WhyWatchOFMD tomorrow!
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== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Flight Of the Conchords ==
Today we're on Season 1 Ep 7 and 8. Join OFMD Crew, and @iamadequate1 this week for Flight of the Conchords watch parties! You can watch each day at 4pm PT, 7 pm ET, 11pm BST! If you don't have access, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction Discord server, you can hit me up for an invite.
== Taskmaster NZ ==
*Please Note*: @ineffablecollision was kind enough to let us know of some desyncing issues! Thanks friend!
"During the TMNZ watch party, depending on where you watch, you *will* get desynced! I don't know if TVNZ kept the ad break bumpers, but Ch4 has one missing (TMNZ has four ad breaks compared to TMUK's three, so they cut to fit), and YT has them cut altogether!"
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Series 1 continues Friday at 11am PT / 2 pm ET / 7 pm BST on any of the @saveofmdcrewmates socials.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's cast card is Boris McGiver, aka Father Bonnet! Thanks @melvisik for making sure he gets a spotlight as well! I personally enjoyed him in Person of Interest!
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== Never Left ==
New Never Left episode! Part 4 of the Beautiful Princess Disorder! Please give it a listen if you have the time! Never Left Linktr.ee
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Artwork by @AmyBirdHouse
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Have you been wondering what all the buzz is about regarding Con's ring? Where it's coming from is the Our Flag Means Fanfiction podcast which was linked on a previous day.
If you get a chance, please give it a listen, there's some interesting news. Here's a short clip if you can't listen to the full episode:
RingaSunn Twitter (if you don't have twitter and wanna give it a listen shoot me a quick dm, but if you can, listen to the podcast episode!)
== Next Round of Stede Quotes ==
@iamadequate1 Has been running a twitter poll bracket on Stede's best quotes! Wanna weigh in? Visit Twitter.
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Hey lovelies, I'm still swamped. Worked really late, got up early cause kid wasn't sleeping well. Gonna send some love note images that made me smile yesterday. Hope you're all doing well an having a good week. Sending love <3
img src @ ozo.art IG
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Img Src: @ positivelypresent's IG
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Img Src: @MadameHalloween's IG
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Img Src: @_.hurtt's IG
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
No theme, just goof.
Darby Gif Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Taika Gif Courtesy of @gattonswood
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
my non-footy friend loves reading fanfics for other fandoms. and after nearly completing the hockey rpf tag (she's never played or watched hockey) she moved onto the football rpf (she's only ever watched the morocco vs france wc22 match). after filtering the usual tags out she's given me a list and i've been ordered to share it w yall and to get ur opinions on this. she has ordered them by which pairings she feels have the best written fics to numbers ratio sice she has no idea who these ppl r and ships none of them.
her list is as follows:
1. Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres
2. Sergio Ramos/Iker Casillas
3. Neymar/Lionel Messi
4. Xabi Alonso/Steven Gerrard
5. Sergio Ramos/Gerard Pique
6. Marco Reus/Mario Götze
7. Cristiano Ronaldo/Lionel Messi
8. Thomas Müller/Manuel Neuer
9. Lukas Podolski/Bastian Schweinsteiger
10. Dele Alli/Eric Dier
her thoughts on this: (tw/soccer)
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dont mind the time stamps she's not muslim she just cant sleep. she also demands recs for players 20+ bc and i quote "can only take looking up geriatric pics for so long"
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Omg I missed doing this !! 💺anon
"probably won’t, but uhm I want him to, so that’s enough" Yeah no we're getting married, no questions asked. (Also because I headcanon he would love callling us 'my wife')
He can send me photos of his hands any day!! (we send him a photo of our thighs and he sends us one of his hands?? I see what you did there)
HE'S SO SOFT Omg and I feel like if you catch at him he actually won't look away (as if he's been caught staring)
"im thinking we’ll just stare at him quizzically" and he just has the most shitting grin resting on his face
"he’d enter a zone and wouldn’t hear anything anyone else is saying" Lem would have to help us because Tan is seeing red
"he would rather lose you temporarily than forever (although he wouldn’t even want to do that)" please I'm crying!! baby is so stressed on what to do :((
“ask each other out. I can’t take it anymore” POOR LEM like there are times where he thinks you two will finally get together, it doesn't happen, he can feel his eye twitch. So he gets us both and makes us confess. (Tan would try to deny anything so Lem exposes him
"I imagine tan saying “that’s it, I don’t love you anymore” or “who even are you?” or “you’re picking that nob over me?” He's SO dramatic!! You pick Lem's side ONE TIME and this man is faking his own death (i love him)
"wtf that’s so thoughtful and creative?????" and I ruined it with the Thomas figurine 😭😭😭 please ignore that
Imagine talking about the multiverse with Lem 😭😭 I would love to see more of your thoughts on us being besties with Lem when requests are open, maybe some more text convos?
AND THANK U!! If it's not too much, do you have any songs that remind you of him to share with us? As always, if any ideas come to mind, I'll save them in my notes and send them to you angel !! 💗💗
me too!! forgot how fun they are !!!
1- he def says “missus” and “the wife” and “my wife” whenever he’s talking about you
2- I didn’t know if it would be a bit gross so was kinda bare when explaining, hoping you’d read between the lines😭😭😭 I think it’d be so hot to see a pic of his palm after
3- he’s such a starer !!! he’d keep looking even when you turn back away (his gaze would be kinda intimidating and would get all flustered so would have to look away first) he’d still be looking
4- 😭 yes !! kinda like a playful side smile
5- that’s exactly what i thought !? lem having to help us initially
6- he’d be so conflicted !! 🥲
7- yes yes 😭😭 he’d have to enough of it
8- he acts as if you’ve betrayed him
9- no no that thomas one was so cute, the comb was just so so smart and clever and cute
10- he’d get so into talking multiverse stuff!! omg yes!! love doing stuff with us being besties with lem!! and yes ofc, I love the text convos so you’re welcome to send some in
you know, I honestly haven’t really given it any thought. he reminds me of artic monkeys though I don’t think he really listens to them. he just gives me that vibe. maybe arabella?? d is for dangerous?? kinda think they suit. probs knee socks too just bc it’s a hot song
and ofc honey!! jot them down when you think of any and send it over anytime !! 💓💓
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prettyinpunk · 1 year
a ridiculously detailed catalogue of matt's guitars for my show*! aka a collection for people who have maybe an unhealthy obsession with Manson guitars
*4/14/23; in order of how excited i was to see them! this isn't necessarily a ranking of how cool i think these guitars are! this ranking is based purely on the amount of deadly chemicals released by my brain upon seeing them.
#10 Matt Black FR(Matt Black Whammy)/Chrome FR(Chrome Whammy)
i'm pairing them first since they're almost identical in build(though the MBFR is in drop D) and i was expecting to see both of them/have seen them used in past shows :)
Chrome Whammy also gets used the most in this era and both of them have given me so much grief when trying to identify these guitars. the dark chrome finish looks SO much like the Matt Black FR under certain stage lighting and it's nearly impossible to tell them apart by hardware, there've been so many times when i confidently think oh hey he's using the Matt Black Whammy but no its Chrome FR. and vice versa. even at certain points during the actual concert i was second guessing myself, they make me feel delusional.
used for: MBFR: Psycho; Chrome Whammy: WOTP, (Interlude)Hysteria, Compliance, Thought Contagion, KOC
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#9 Matt Black 3.0
i was excited to see her with visible wear and tear from the obvious, so much so that i specifically took a picture of the broken headstock foregoing any attempt at pretending matt was supposed to be the subject of the picture.
used for: WAFF
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#8 M1D1 Stealth
even knowing i would see her, i just got so excited about the kaoss pad. as one does. its a special little joy to see hardware thats so uniquely Muse. like in what other performance are you going to get to see a kaoss pad in a guitar(or bass)!
this picture is a screenshot from my video because ngl most of my image capture for SBH was spent filming dom. for a friend.
used for: SBH
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#7 MB-1 Blue(Blue Steel/Blue Beast)
i just think she's sooooo pretty, the blue is such a beautifully rich shade and i love the gloss finish, as much as i love the play on "matt" with the matte guitars, i'm weak to pretty shiny things. it was also so exciting to see her because i really wanted them to play Resistance and when i saw matt with the MB-1 Blue i knew they were going to! (barring the fact that they were alternating every night and i knew that night it was Resistance's turn, for some reason i was still worried we wouldn't get it lmao) i did accidentally call her Bluebell at the time though. which i don't think has been used at all this tour(🥲).
TIRO, Resistance, Madness
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#6 Oryx
somehow i neglected to take a picture of her specifically??? i'm really kicking myself because i didn't get any closeups during WSD or KOBK but the whole time i was holding my tongue from talking about her during the show 😭 because who in their right mind wants to hear some random screaming fan yelling about how the Oryx is matt's first Manson with 24 frets during the show 💀 i did get to see him use it earlier this year at my last Muse show which is why i've put it before my #5. but she is so unique and interesting, there are so many cool fun facts about her! i don't know how i didn't get a good shot, i was probably too busy headbanging.
i did get this pretty cool picture from KOBK though 🥲
used for: WSD, KOBK
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#5 MB-S Prototype(Verona Sky)
to finish off the trifecta of newbies(2022/2023 additions, barring remodels)! suuuuch a beauty and makes watching Verona just that much more magical! a brand new Manson special for the WOTP era for the most tender moments of the show <3. both Verona and TDS instrumental have a dreamlike energy live, which to me is elevated by the MB-S in her beautiful sunburst orange and strat-style shape. matt was pretty far from us while perched on will's shoulder so i didn't get a great pic of it but i tried! its just such a gentle, almost pensive little moment in the set between two heavy bangers(WAFF/SBH) which i love, it feels oddly intimate in spite of being in a full arena as matt coaxes each note out of the MB-S and it echoes into the open space.
here she is pre and post-confetti shower(she did not come through unscathed)!
used for: Verona, TDS(AR)
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#4 Red Alert
since there are three red guitars in use for Uprising this tour, i really didn't know which one we were going to get! the last time i saw them in january, matt used the MA EVO Sustainiac Satin Fire Red, which is fun, but like the other Fire Red, has a matt(e) finish. i was really hoping we would get to see Red Alert and we did!!! she looks like cherry candy i need to take a bite. uh, that is to say. she's very pretty and my eyes sparkle in her presence. and she has a special name which is always important to me. i wouldn't say Red Alert ranks higher than some of the other beauties on this list in terms of how cool i think they are, but since there wasn't a guarantee we'd get to see it, it ranks highly here!
used for: Uprising
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#3 Mirror 2.0
notoriously a nightmare to get a good picture of live, what with the whole... mirror finish and all, here she is!! our beloved veteran of the lineup, Mirror Manson <3. what a joy to see her, even though she's not the original. i couldn't confirm which Mirror he was using at the time since they're almost identical, but the fuzz factory knobs are slightly further apart than the OG, and 2.0 is fit with a MBK-1 on the bridge rather than the original Mississippi Queen P90s. not sure if Chrome Fuzz is in the rig for this leg, but theoretically she also had potential to be used here in place of the Mirror, so another happy slight surprise there for Mirror enjoyers. it really is another special little joy to see and hear Plug in Baby with such an iconic guitar, and especially when we get to play call and response with the fuzz factory!
used for: PIB
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#2 Chrome Whammy 2.0
now i know it seems like an odd choice to put her here especially considering i had Chrome FR as my #10, but let me explain.
YMMFLIH is one of my favorites on WOTP so as it is, i was already losing it from the moment matt sat down to play the intro(WHICH IM CRAZY ABOUT). about halfway through the second verse, i regained enough mental consciousness to realize matt was using the new Manson Origin Etch pickups on the bridge!!! this was a huge surprise since MuseWiki isn't updated and i had been totally drooling over the pickups on instagram for weeks(months??)(<- still has never touched an electric guitar) so getting to see them in person and being used on stage was SO EXCITING!!! unfortunately by the time i realized, i wasn't able to get a clear picture of the bridge since matt was playing the final chorus. thus began the search for my new white whale.
after the concert, i scoured my pictures and videos for a shot of it, confident that i saw it during Halloween and on the Chrome Whammy. i looked at every picture i had, but found that all my pictures of the Chrome Whammy just had the MBK-2 humbucker on the bridge, so i thought maybe i made my usual mistake and thought it was Chrome when it was actually Matt Black. i checked my pictures of her too and it was the same so at that point i felt like i was going completely mental. i checked every video and picture from the Muse instagram with manic obsession and could only find a tiny glimpse of it in one of the mini clips from a concert reel.
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i went back to MuseWiki to see if i could find it there and thats when i realized. it wasn't Chrome Whammy. it was Chrome Whammy 2.0.
live reaction to this realization:
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in hindsight i should've realized the guitar matt was using for Halloween had a humbucker on the neck instead of a single coil Sustainiac which is a dead giveaway, hence the above reaction. the problem still remained though, i had no photographic evidence. though MuseWiki reminded me it was 2.0, it still says the bridge is a MBK-2 and the pictures remain un-updated. i had confirmed for now that i was not delusional, but i still didn't have a picture and i wanted so desperately to talk about it. but then my savior appeared right under my nose. my dear friend @domwhoreward found this picture from one of her shows and i was FINALLY VINDICATED!!! HERE SHE IS IN ALL HER GLORY!!!
used for: YMMFLIH
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anyway. that brings us to...
words cannot describe how absolutely insane i went when i saw her!!! Holoflake is my favorite guitar currently in use(though it's very close with the Black 7-String 2.0), i just love the glittery, glossy black finish so much, it's so pretty!! not only that, but the only song it's being used for this tour is MOTP, the one song i wanted to hear MOST out of all the songs on rotation and one of my favorite muse songs of all time!! it was such a personal moment for me because if they hadn't played MOTP, we wouldn't have gotten to see Holoflake at all. this was my most special moment from my show, i think the guy next to me probably wished i was dead though. this is once again a screenshot of my video since i spent most of it in a manic panic screaming crying and throwing up. its a miracle i was even still alive after that. or anyone within a 5ft radius.
used for: MOTP <3
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
I'm sorry for so many asks but i'm feeling kinda down due to the nintendo 3ds eshop closure... ;-;
So gonna distract myself by asking how each of the tb/x characters would comfort themselves on a bad day (like talking to someone, eating comfort food etc.)
Thanks 👉👈
Oh, idk what that eshop closure thing means but *sends hugs*
Hmmm let's say some mundane daily issues stressed them out and nothing too grand. Ofc 300% serious per usual:
Kamui - goes into full 🥺 mode and waits to be comforted by men. His stress reliever is crying in man's arms or overal physical + emotional comfort. 6/10 on healthy scale and 🌈/10 on gayness one
Sorata - meme it all away. Deals with stress via humor. King. 9/10
Arashi - looks like a type to bottle up. May try some hot tea and meditation so 4/10
Yuzuriha - has no poker face whatsoever, can't keep stiff upper lip to save her life. Will end up bawling her eyes to someone and getting comforted (not in gay 🥺 way like Kamui does tho). Maybe will have Inuki comfort her a bit. Effective overall plus she's 14 so 7/10
Karen - will bottle up and put up a fake smile :< also do some self-deprecating and self sabotaging thing like drug her teammates and go out to fight and die alone :< although her style rocks so 4/10 on common sense scale but 🔥/10 on vibes and sexiness
Aoki - idk rly, guess go to soap lady's hotel room one late at night. To chat with her about protecting kekais duh, ofc no funny business. Happy family man with ounce of common sense yes but can he resist the temptation? 9/10 on he should deal with stress via hooking up with Karen scale
Kotori - cries herself out and gets comforted by her brother or slips into insanity and wants to get crucified no in between. 5/10
Good boy Fuuma - deal with stress by comforting and protecting Kotori and Kamui. Especially Kamui tho, the more touchy feely they are the better Fuuma is feeling. 8/10 on healthy scale since bottling up but 🌈/10 on gayness one
Antichrist Fuuma - I can't possibly state here post will get flagged as explicit. But let's just say it has to do with all kinds of explosions
Subaru - he doesn't deal with stress in any productive way possible, he mops around, smokes it out or sufferes in silence masochistically. That's how 🤕 kinks got as bad as they are, king tried to repress them. Alternatively he deal with stress by wanting to be stabbed. If he dealt with stress by getting railed I would have given him higher rating but this way 1/10 for the masochism and every BDSM-5 mental illness
Yuuto - he fucks it out, no questions. 10/10, Subaru this should be your role model
Kanoe - copes with stress via being sexiest person ever, flirting with absolutely everyone and having sex every day. Also while having them government salary and not doing jack shit beside dreaming in dick throne and having ominous prophecies. Dream coping mechanism 11/10
Hinoto - lies for funsies and makes false false prophecies. She sends seals into death for fun and apperently has a thing for making Kamui's life as hard as it can possibly be. Zero coping mechanism she gave into her dark side but at least we've seen some hinoto-cest pics so for that 2/10
Kusanagi - idk about him rly he seems like most rational one? So something about spilling sorrows to the bartender. Idk let's rate it 7/10
Keiichi - only boy with common sense in this manga he deals with problems resiliently but actually talks about them. 9/10
Nataku - guess they go out and die?? 0/10 on any scale
Kakyou - his coping mechanism is looking pretty and ominous ambiguous prophetic lines. Also I guess eternal pretty boy looks since how does he look the same in TB flashbacks and in X, Kakyou plz reveal me your secret?? 7/10 cuz of L'oreal hair
Satsuki - guess she either does carnage or gets all touchy with Kanoe. Also gets comforted by Yuuto from time to time. Girl has the range and taste so 8/10
Seishirou - god forbid something upsets him cuz he will try all of these, in this order:
Mental gymnastic
Staking Subaru
Drown himself in cigarettes
"Shit I felt something?? Is this an emotion???"
Plot most manipulative non sensical scheme ever that will somehow turn out to work cuz 😎
Go die
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Day 16: Mill Creek to Findley Park
Distance Covered: 84.48 miles
Total Time (including rests): 7:52 (8:01am-3:53pm)
Time spent riding: 6:56
Average Speed: 12.2 mph
Apples Eaten: 4 (fuji - 7/10, fuji - 5.5/10, fuji - 6/10, fuji - 6/10)
Today's ride was fine. I don't really know how else to describe it. It was another long one, one that I tried to take a little slow. Almost all the ride was on state roads, except a little bit on a rail trail called the Freedom Trail. That trail was really nice, with good pavement and flat ground. However, I was only on it for a few miles.
Most of the ride was rather flat, with only a few hills here and there. Even when there were hills, the inclines were usually rather gradual, making them a lot easier to ride on than on previous days. Overall, today kinda felt like a nothing day. There wasn't much of interest along the ride, but I still spent most of the time focusing on riding.
I ended up taking 2 breaks, at about 1/3 and 2/3 of the way through the ride. First one was a snack break at Kent State. It was actually a great place to stop, cause I could actually use the wifi there, so I could check a few things I hadn't been able to in the last couple of days. The other stop was under some random tree in the shade in the middle of nowhere, where I had lunch.
Probably the most interesting part of the ride apart from the Freedom Trail was the last 20 miles of the ride. Those last 20 miles were all on a single long straight road, with almost no hills, just cutting across rural Ohio. It perfectly encompassed how I felt about the entire ride today.
After getting to my campsite and getting set up, I took my bike for a short ride (without any of my luggage) to a nearby grocery store to refill on bread and apples, as I was beginning to run out. I should now have enough to last me through arriving in Ann Arbor in 2 days' time.
Small Notes:
Water bottle - I kept the bottled water I got yesterday and have been keeping filled and in my front bag. It's been helpful in allowing me to make the additional push I sometimes need to get to a proper resting spot to refill my water
Croc - I carry Crocs on the back of my bike to wear when I'm not riding (you might've seen them in a pic or two). I'm sorry to say that the strap on one of them has broken. I can still wear them and walk around, but it's now going to be harder putting them in my bike, because I don't have an easy way to loop a bungee cord through that croc (I'll figure something out, though)
Design Notes
It's the return of design notes! Today I actually had something that came to mind naturally that I spent a lot of time thinking about, so I don't feel awkward and like I'm pushing myself to think of something to write about.
Procedural Generation
I'm gonna talk a bit about procedural generation, and specifically about how I like using it in cases other than map-making. This thought came to mind because I was thinking about Time Loop, and how the Assistance App in that game might decide what events should occur and why. For example, I don't want too many events that do similar things to occur, and you also want the threat of events to grow realistically over time. I don't know quite yet how I'd do this Proc-Gen, but I do have two other theoretical cases I've thought about before that will probably help me:
Proc-Gen in Dominion: For those who do not know, Dominion is a tabletop deckbuilder card game, where players are given a random assortment of cards which they can buy 1 or more copies of throughout the game, and they make use od those cards ro gain Victory Points. And also, it's probably my favorite game of all time. The base game of Dominion has about 25 different cards which can be in the Supply or shop, and you play with 10 each game. But then, you add in expansions, and the number of possible card combinations becomes near limitless. I mentioned earlier that you pick cards for the shop randomly, but that's not quite true. You can do that, but that will often lead to unbalanced or unfun game setups. Instead, there are generally a few heuristic rules you follow when selecting cards, such as not having too many or too little of any cost of card, or not having multiple different cards whose effects are too similar. With that in mind, I've thought in the past about coding a program that selects a set of 10 cards, such that cards are selected randomly yet it minimizes the possibility of poor setups. How I think I'd do it is by giving each card various tags/attributes, such as their cost and generalities about their effects (such as "trashers" or "villages"). Then, the first card would be picked completely randomly. However, whatever card that is will change the weight of other cards in the pool such that you're more likely to pick a wider variety of cards. Of course, the system as it is has a few problems, such as the fact that it may lead to certain cards being picked too often or almost never, just because of what attributes they have. It could also still lead to situations where you have too many or too few cards of certain costs, because it doesn't account for that.
Characters Inc: Two years ago, I made a game called Characters, Inc. for a programming class, where you are given randomly generated characters, and have to equip them with items and send them on quests in order to make enough money to survive. Unfortunately, I never got to do one of the things I wanted to with that game, which was to have a system that procedurally generates items with stat bonuses and effects, as selected from a random list. Instead, I just had a list of possible items, and they would just be randomly picked. However, the idea stuck in my mind, so I had some thoughts on how it would work. What's important to know as a precursor to this is that Characters Inc is a rather simplistic game when it comes to characters and their items: you just send them on a quest, and depending on their stats, they come back with a certain amount of loot and damage taken. Because of that, it was really easy to design equipment that basically all just had conditional stat changes and related effects (for example, a Bloodied item would give a basic stat increase, but would give a larger stat increase if the character carrying it started the quest already damaged). Thus, most item effects could be represented as quantitative values. My idea for the Proc-Gen for this would be the following steps: (1) randomly select the level of the item, as this would determine how powerful it is. With that, you get a quantitative power level in the bank (2) randomly select an ability for the item to have, and increase or decrease the power level in the bank according to that ability (positive abilities would spend power, while negative would gain it). (3) decide whether the item should have another ability. If yes, return to step (2). If not, (4) randomly assign the item basic stat bonuses, spending the rest of the power in the bank. (5) decide what type of item it is, partially based on the stats it provides (e.g. defense-granting items are more likely to be shields or armor).
Both of those examples are ones which could serve as good inspirations if I decide to actually work on Time Loop, as they are more about generating a realistic creation from a list, rather than creating a picture or map.
This is all for tonight. There won't be any pictures tonight, partially because I didn't take any, and partially because the service is so bad at my campsite I don't think I'd be able to share them. Tomorrow's another long one, and it's just a straight shot West across Ohio. Luckily, at the moment it looks like I'll have a Northeast wind, but I don't know if that'll hold true.
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fallingbuns · 2 years
I saw some people rating their outfits in the most recent art n I want to do it too for funsies and to ignore my finals
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Ahem starting w/ these 2
Langa is 10/10 I think its a banger outfit licherally nothing wrong w/ it at all mhm mhm
Reki 1000/10 just cause I think it's something I'd wear if given the chance and money 😍😍 I love his pants sm n the kind of red he's wearing is such a nice red,,, to ME‼️‼️ this outfit is soo reki core n I swear he's never worn a bad outfit (that I can think of) like,, reki knows how to dress fr‼️‼️ (that's always catered to me at least 😁😁)
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Miya is an 8/10 another outfit id wear imo I think anyone who puts this outfit under 5/10 is insane!! /lh
Its not a bad outfit TRUST ME‼️‼️‼️‼️
Shadow is a 5/10 or a 7/10 its not me I think its too much but I think it suits him soo well its a fit made specifically for HIM‼️‼️ NO ONE ELSE‼️‼️ I she the vision its just not mine!! I do love the insane amount of color in it n how unique it is but its so Shadow-core like,, no one can take that away!!
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Cherry (derogatory) is a 9/10 like, this fit could've been perfect if it hadn't been for that random belt on his knee I'm not defending him wtf like what is it there for 😐😐 I've seen other people talk abt it too like it really is just a random piece 😭😭
Ahem, my babygirl is a 10/10 (9/10 realistically if he wasn't) it could've been higher like reki but I think its just the pose that I don't like tbh, like, TBH NOT JUST HIM LIKE,,, cherry (derogatory) is also kinda just,,, idk just boring I guess?? I feel like that's both of their things tho like,, the cool type but I'm yawning looking at both of them 😭😭 /lh ANYWAYS I do love his chains tho, I love his chunky ass headphones but ik he isn't listening to anything n they're just there for the fit 🗿🗿 also why is one of his sleeves down!! wtf !!!! PULL IT BACK UP DAMN!!!! /lh /j
Ok but if he was listening to something what do you think he'd be listening to (and if I say it could be mitski what then 😁😁??)
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By law tadashi is 6/10 or 7/10 just cause it IS a look it just has no like,, special feature or anything it really is just an average look idk what to tell you like,, it suits him well I guess since he is just a guy 😭😭 he has that some guy vibes you know??
Now Adam,,, is like a 4/10 or a 5/10 like,,,,,, I swear I've seen guys wear that exact fit in highschool 🗿🗿 chain n all 😭😭 so it IS technically a fit but its one I hate the most I think just cause its too real 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it makes me laugh so bad please he's trying so hard in this fit to be a high schooler wtf is going ON‼️‼️ idk I though he'd have a more like,, formal look or something?? Idk what I mean like,, something more,,, professional?? Idk but like 😭😭 to ME it doesn't suit him at all I wanna bully him more than I already do 🗿🗿 n the fact he had his hood on n pulled it off for this pic no no I'm giggling
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heychangbin · 1 year
15 questions to get to know me
Thanks for the tag @something-tofightfor
1. are you named after anyone?
Nope. First of my name in my family, my mom was tired of the same names being repeated in her family.
2. when was the last time you cried?
It's been a hot minute tbh. I'll probs be an uncontrollable sobbing mess in a couple months tho.
3. do you have kids?
Nope and I like it.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me?? Use sarcasm!??! NEVER!!
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
don't ask why, but eyes and shoulders.
6. what’s your eye colour?
Dark brown
7. scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies all day every day.
8. any special talents?
None that I can think of.
9. where were you born?
10: what are your hobbies?
Drawing, writing, some scrapbooking, and collecting SKZ PC's
11. have you any pets?
8 dogs and 2 puppies...I know how this looks but I swear I am not a crazy dog lady. Candy and Bird got pregnant around the same time and had large litters, some puppies were given away and the rest stayed. I couldn't bring myself to send them to shelters, so I kept them and now I have 8 guard dogs.
12: what sports do you play/have you played?
Football, soccer, volleyball and a bit of baseball.
The only one I do enjoy tho is volleyball.
13: how tall are you?
14. favourite subject in school?
English and Biology.
I'm kinda enjoying my statistics class rn but that's mostly cuz I'm stupid and am probably lacking vitamins.
15. dream job?
I'd like to design concept art for a video game. Or book covers. Not like find a pic on splashscreen and put some swirly loopy text over it on PS (no hate to people that do that/like it, its just not my style and in my opinion lack character) but like blank sheet of paper and drawing something that relates to the story (think OG HP scholastics book covers)
Music engineer/ producer. It's gonna sound stupid but I miss being a session musician, maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic for shit from betterish days.
Writer would be nice too, I've always been of the mindset of writing what I want to read so to be paid for stories I'd read over and over and over is kinda the dream.
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whimsywispsblog · 2 years
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I posted 155 times in 2022
12 posts created (8%)
143 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 56 of my posts in 2022
#heavy metal - 10 posts
#classic rock - 7 posts
#steven adler - 6 posts
#duff mckagan - 6 posts
#axl rose - 6 posts
#izzy stradlin - 6 posts
#guns n roses - 6 posts
#punk rock - 5 posts
#duff gnr - 5 posts
#death metal - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#well my icon is an animated pic of me and i did punch myself last night when i tried to pull the blanket over my head 🥲👌
My Top Posts in 2022:
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and
Desert you
Never gonna let you die
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
2 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Heyyy! How would Leon and Chris react with a female s/o that has tattoos and a tongue piercing? Would the love it or rather dont? When you don’t want to write that it’s ok! ‘Was just asking :)
Okay I really like this ask, it's such a mood.
So Chris. He'd be thrilled. Fascinated, excited, awestruck....all those adjectives. He loves to trace your tattoos, while listening to the story behind it. If you plan to get anymore tattoos, he'd gladly accompany you, even your hand if you're scared or in pain. As for piercings, oh sweet heavens. The very sight of it makes him go feral. And it's feel- he goes mental. And he loves it. Although he would wonder how long it would have taken for the piercing to heal and for you to eat anything spicy, if you're a spice lover.
3 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Only Time Would Tell
There will never be a world in which this is right.
But then, who decides what is right and what is wrong?
Yennefer breathed deeply into her cupped hands, the soft smell of the sweet berries filling her nostrils. For some reason, the scent bought her comfort. She never knew if it was because of her mother. Back when she got a little whiff of motherly love. Or it was because of Tissaia. Whatever the reason it was, the scent of berries did soothe her mind.
She had grown tired of constantly fighting.
Fighting for what was rightfully hers.
Fighting to prove her worth.
Fighting for her place in the world.
Sweet dreams of death, ones that continue to plague her mind and tempt her to give in to its sweet release- how delightful.
Tempting indeed, the long undisturbed slumber of neverending golden dreams- all away from the horrible nightmare of her world.
Her cruel world. A cruel game. Surviving is a pain.
Cheating is a pleasure, but one she wasn't sure she wanted to indulge in any longer.
A scoff escaped from her mouth as she downed another mug of the rancid alcohol.
Love. What a beautiful illusion. Like an enticing mirage that captivates the mind and body.
But disappointing.
Purple orbs looked up to the starry skies that shone brilliantly. The cold breeze swept past her, making her shudder slightly.
Why was love so easy for others to find and thrive with? Or was it her fault?
Yennefer was a woman with a will of her own- unyielding and resolute.
As a young girl who was thrown around, broken, ravaged and fractured, she learnt the ways and rules of life the hard way. And she would forever be thankful for her rough past, without which she wouldn't have been her- strong and determined.
But one question remained.
Why her? Why was she constantly thrashed around relentlessly?
'I am sorry you chose power.'
'No amount of power or beauty will make you feel worthy of either.'
'A child is not a way to boost your fragile ego, Yen.'
All wise words that were thrown at her by her lovers.
Ones who she believed loved her.
But in the end, it was always about the same damn thing- power.
Her being hungry for power even though to survive, power is the key, and that is what she wanted.
But then, she was only looked at as a conduit of magic- a weapon perhaps if given autonomy and identity, disaster would prevail.
See the full post
7 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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From spiralling liquor to soft sheets - he'd done that too many times.
Simon slotted his cigarette between his lips, watching her walk towards him, slightly wobbling over her large stilettoes. The soft glimmer of the lights overhead bathed her in a honeyed glow. 
His eyes were commanded by the stunning pair of rich olive-brown of her eyes behind her bronze-dusted eyelids, full of warmth and a spark of curiosity. 
14 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hi! Question how would Chris Redfield react when his s/o is damn good into dirty talk? And everytime when he wants to dirty talk then he/she makes it even worse?
Hello Anon! I'm so sorry for replying so late.
Okay so Chris. I think he's the kind who'd get very flustered easily. Sure he can tease you a little here and there, but that's about it. And if you're the kind of person who's mastered the art of dirty talking, Chris should seriously look out for you (just kidding!). He'd be turned on, definitely, but he'd just freeze too, unsure of what to do next- should he tease you back, or just go with the flow. His s/o would let out a taunting laughing just to fluster him a little more and continue playing with him till Chris is a puddle of mush.
18 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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zoydraft · 3 months
Pink Sleeves Pride Draft
June 15, 2024 | list: cubecobra.com/c/pink | deck pics | 4 drafters, 5 packs of 15, discard last 7
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Sponsored by Super Nibs.
A beautiful Pride month night, just days before the heat gets unbearable. Sitting on my patio talking about traumatic work stories and Katy Perry impersonating Zooey Deschanel. "She ran the world at the time!" Drink a queer- or else gamer-girl coded energy drink so you don't die when the Kit-Cat clock strikes 10 on Father's Day eve.
I draft Bug Zombies: Brood Tyrant, Field of the Dead, Grave Titan. Dark Confidant, Phyrexian Arena, Painlands. I'm losing life, I'm tossing cards, I'm hoping to win before I fall to pieces.
To my right, on the dining chair, GL drafts Orzhov Wipes, with the dream of Massacre Wurm triggering for lethal.
Seated on the couch to my left, ML assembles all of Judith's friends across Red, White and Black, and a casual 5 one-drops.
Demanding to sit on the chaise, CC once again tried spells matter, commenting afterward that seeing more cards made it feel easier.
We'll all face each other in a round robin.
ML finishes me in 3 games, with Judith pumping out unreasonable damage. At the coffee table CC seals the 2-0 against GL, keeping Ral busy with the Mystery Booster recursive sorcery. CC is elated to finally get a match win with spells. With the draft format we each got to see over 70% of the cube, and credit is given to that.
Spotify Jam doesn't really work super well, at least not with Google Home. Still, the queer hits persist.
In round 2 my own card harm me too much. Luckily, I have lots of them. In game 3 GL dekes through my Army of Darkness (all three zombie generators online) with Exalted Archangel pumping unblockable Gingerbrute.
ML takes out CC in 3. Butcher of the Horde does whatever it needs to, and then Falkenrath Aristocrats swoops in to end the game a turn early.
I didn't see ML's 2-0 win at the dining table over GL, but it secured the 3-0 on the night. I was too busy burying CC in zombies. Persist isn't in the cube anymore, but Exhuming Grave Titan on turn 4 is also good.
I never care about winning, but usually I want to play as well as I can. On this night though, enjoying canned cocktails, back and ribs aching from improper toddler hoisting, neighbourhood denizens screaming on the street four storeys below, I wanted to see how close I could get to the sun.
In most games I took more damage from my own cards than my opponents, and in most games I was far ahead with cards, from both the copious draw and token generation. With all my cards that asked me to discard, choices got interesting fast once I'd discarded my reanimation targets.
In retail limited, a lot of discard decisions are resolved by identifying which card is the worst. In constructed, your gameplan is a lot more scripted. Here, it often felt like card evaluation didn't offer much guidance. i needed to think about the next few turns, with that decision extremely sensitive to both game state and the matchup. I loved it, even if I didn't navigate it well.
I adore the beauty of seeing whether Dark Confidant is ending my game. I love Banishing Light exiling my Phyrexian Arena. I love chump attacking with Bob, and forcing my opponent to think about the cost of taking two damage, versus the opportunity to slow my card advantage, versus the life loss that goes along with it.
I've had a pleasant recovery in my conversational skills recently, maybe imagined, maybe not. A core goal for my evening was enjoying myself. For a long time Magic was a form of mental escapism. Not into fantasy, but in the way it's mentally all consuming. I think that's still available, but I really wanted to enjoy a beautiful evening with my beautiful friends playing a beautiful game, and I got it.
0 notes
dhampiravidi · 4 months
my review of Bring Me The Horizon's POST HUMAN: NeX GEn...
k so, I didn't know it was released til 15 min ago. also just got the Angry Oli Maid Pics. I have a feeling that I know how this first listen is gonna go, but who knows.
[ost] dreamseeker - no rating
If any of this is Eve from the concerts, I'll have to skip the OSTs, because AI scares me (been giving me nightmares for months now). Anyway, this just seems to be a clip of filler/ambient noise. I'll only give ratings to actual songs (longer than 2 min & w/singing).
2. YOUtopia - 5/10
I keep hoping it'll get better as I listen...it just sounds kinda whiny & maybe it was a Jordan Fish thing, but there's no build really. Of course, the name of the song is a pun...IDK. Song sounds a lot more hopeful than I thought it would, since I thought POST HUMAN was all apocalyptic/post-. Giving this a 5.
3. Kool-Aid - 8/10
Pretty sure they already released all the good stuff. I remember hating how "heavy" this sounded initially, but I love this song now. It's an anthem for...something. I guess it's a warning tale for cults, hence why I thought this was an "end-of-the-world" type thing. Solid 8.
4. Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd - 6/10
IDK why I just thought of FOB's Under the Cork Tree. Probably because I'm getting a pop-punk sound (apart from the fairy techno) that's either UtCT or maybe a lighter That's The Spirit (specifically, "Avalanche"). The sound definitely matches that of "LoST". I keep asking myself if BMTH's songs usually repeat the same parts musically & lyrically...I don't remember. If they do, I didn't notice.
5. liMOusine (ft. AURORA) - 6/10
Optimistic about this one! As long as it picks up...I like the guest singer's voice! It's beautiful on it's own & it complements Oli's pretty well. I'm thinking there should be (based on what BMTH usually does in its collaborations & what I think would go well) a section where he screams while she sings...ah, here we go. I guess I was thinking about what happens in AmEN. Hmm...I suppose they wanted a slower song.
6. DArkSide - 10/10
RAHHHH! I love this song sm. Again, I think all that we heard before today is probably the best parts of PH: NG. This is my favorite BMTH song (the last one Jordan worked on, I think). Pretty sure we've all heard the comparisons to Linkin Park for this one 😊. I love how it ebbs & flows but ultimately is a complete song, one that sounds great onstage, makes me dance, has a message & uses all of Oli's range.
7. a bulleT w/ my namE On (ft. Underoath) - 7.5/10
Immediate mixed feelings here. I love the part where the guitar & drums kick in. It always takes me a second listen to get used to the parts where Oli screams because I don't always expect them. I don't like when they edit his vocals to sound super-techno because then it's almost like implying he can't sing without autotune. OMG I can hear Jordan in the background...then I hear "guess this is goodbye" RIP, man. Have we ever had a song where he clearly sings backing (w/o muffling)? Oh, well. ANYWAY. This song fits the BMTH style, I think. IDK what it's saying at the end--I'm never a fan of editing in stuff that can't be understood unless it's a rhythmic thing.
8. [ost] (spi)ritual - 7.5/10
Best of the OSTs so far. It's a chill lil bop. *looks up the lyrics* oh sHIT. I had to pause it because apparently it's an occult ritual used to clear the room of negative energy prior to doing another ritual & um...I'm no expert in this stuff, so I'm just gonna skip to the next song!
9. n/A - 8/10
OK initially I thought this was a bad joke of a song, given Oli's past addictions & time in a mental hospital. It's actually a good song musically & lyrically. I just feel really awkward listening to it. I think it's referring to how he relapsed during COVID...the music video part of Spotify shows a demented kid's picture...
10. LosT - 9/10
Again, we got the good part. I think we all know the message behind this, which I respect considering how many meds I've gone through trying to improve my own mental health. I have thoughts (positive) about the music video, but this isn't a music video post-! "LoST" has the ebb & flow that I love. "Too much to take, I can't fucking stand it" & "I think I'm gonna break down" are my favorite parts. I can only love screaming when it's done to emphasize clean singing &/or the melody.
11. sTraNgeRs - 8/10
All I'll say is...I prefer this version to the acoustic & my favorite part is "take us back to yesterday" (that whole thing before the last chorus).
12. R.i.p. (duskCOre Remix) - 9/10
This is the first new song that I actually like. I love the "club" songs that BMTH makes, where they sound happy but the lyrics are metal as hell. The "make me the villain if you want" *side-eyes The Darkling* I feel like that man has heard a BMTH song.
13. AmEN (ft. Lil Uzi Vert & Daryl Palumbo) - 10/10
I'm not familiar w/Daryl Palumbo, so I'm not sure what part he sings/screams, but I love this song. It's almost like a dramatic monologue, in the way that I can imagine someone doing all these over-the-top gestures as they sing each part of the song (maybe using puppets). I know I'm mouthing the words every time the song comes on (even though I still don't know the screamed part at the beginning, lol).
14. [ost] p.u.s.s.-e
Very interested to see what the acronym stands for (if it stands for anything)...welp, the Genius annotation says it's about a drug created by the fictional Church of Genxsis to "suppress people who will not obey their will" o-o don't fuck w/cults, kids.
15. DiE4u - 10/10
o-o just releasing how long it's been since this was released. This is bringing up angsty memories...anyway, I love the music video for this (Oli's a Real Vampire Agenda) & I love the pacing of the song. IDK why the "lemme see my halo" part sounds so good.
16. DIg It - 7/10
Fuck, I think this might be Eve talking...*scans some of the lyrics* OK the song's actually alright. Just don't look up the song on Genius unless you want some meta-AI-related stuff. I can tell this isn't supposed to be a banger as much as it is a sad song. It reminds me of Oli's monologue (done while high) on Music to Listen to...("Underground Big", I think?) & it could definitely be used on a soundtrack IMHO. I'd love to hear Oli just sing something chill w/o editing.
Alright, the average of all the ratings is...
5 + 8 + 6 +6 + 10 + 7.5 + 7.5 + 8 + 9 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 10 + 7 = 111
111/14 = 7.9 out of 10
So to me, about half the songs were good. I've felt that way about albums before. I wonder how they finished the album considering that Jordan left in December & yet he's credited on the songs. I don't think this album will be given high ratings, but if it wins an award...I wonder how that'll go down. Anyway, yay for angry maid pics!
0 notes
keefwho · 4 months
May 20 - 2024 Monday
This morning I woke up in a terrible mood. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone. I felt like an outcast in a way. But I figured like usual I'd get over it with time and tried to stick to my schedule. I shaved my body today and discovered the irmine I caught last night escaped his trap. He also shit in front of my door. I wasn't very hungry this morning so I just made a packet of soup. I got to stream a little late.
I warmed up with a few different things. I thought I was doing very poorly and sort of gave up by drawing basic shapes. My confidence was crushed today. I felt like I was being judged or not taken seriously for being in such a poor mood. I was extremely close to quitting and laying in bed but I committed to working on the commission for a couple hours. Eventually I started feeling a little better. DS showed me a nice YCH she wanted.
After stream I watched a few youtube videos on Minecraft anomalies until lunch time. I almost napped. When I took Sporticus out before lunch, mom said we'd be moving but the way she put it made me think it was going to be this year which was sudden. It was news I couldn't process at the time but I got the timeline cleared up since I misunderstood. This is happening next year or later which was already a plan I knew about. I again wasn't hungry for lunch so I made a can of beefaroni.
While I worked on a pic of Princess Celestia, I talked to JD for awhile about the housing situation and then about whatever. I JUST realized that I forgot to do today's request because I started shuffling the kinds of projects I work on throughout the week. So for some reason I thought it wasn't a request day but it was. Anyways, I also worked on my Mr Bean VRchat world and experimented with how I'm going to animate the lighting. I left JD early to use the bathroom before my therapy appointment.
Therapy was interesting, I went over what I've been journaling specifically for the appointments and he helped me realize that I'm overthinking and that it's contributing to my stress. I've begun using 'problem solving' as an unhealthy coping mechanism. I also told him about how I think I've been having trust issues lately and we started delving into that. He asked me something like "When have you given someone your all and experienced them leaving you?" This was a really good way to phrase it and I gave him a couple examples. I couldn't pull it all off the top of my head though and we were running out of time so my homework is to remember the kinds of relationships I've had and determine when I've experienced this kind of thing.
After therapy I decided to stay in VRchat and joined BD since she was on and I know it's her day off. She was playing Go Fish with DR so I joined them and it was very fun. He won most of the rounds, he even won on turn 1 which was so lucky. He did that by getting three 7's and asking me if I had a 7 which gave him an instant set of 4 which is a victory. Then we checked out a couple dog worlds and I got into my dog gear avatar to be funny. I didn't quite feel like I belonged, I sort of felt like a 3rd wheel. But I think they liked having me there.
I joined DS while she worked on her fursuit. We watched a Markiplier video and a She Ra, finishing season 2. We did our puzzles and she headed off for bed. I planned on spending the next hour alone doing something so I hopped on the Minecraft server. BR happened to be playing and invited me to a VC so we chatted and played together. It feels weird opening up to stuff like this. I always feel like no one wants to play anything with me so when it happens, I feel like they are just waiting to get me out of their hair even though they are the ones that approached me.
0 notes
ranty-ramblestein · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(captions~) - After finishing Nemona’s storyline I headed on over to Area Zero a- HOLY SHIT!  Is that a flying shark!?
- Only being able to walk again was super annoying and I couldn’t send anyone out with R either :(  Before going to the first station, however, I went back to saving up money for Veracidad, heh.
- Once I only had 660k of shoes left in Levincia’s Veracidad I decided the money grind was getting boring and went back down to Area Zero and start unlocking those Research stations!  Well, after Skye got another Look for Area Zero!  I decided to go all in with a lovely green again~ The Autumn Uniform is my favorite, so I wanted to end with it~
- I got side-tracked a LOT in Area Zero, augh...  Item on a rock, my nemesis!  
pic 1: Feb 6th: Ooo, pretty ribbon~ pic 2: I liked this shot, heh. pic 3: Guys, you really needed to use the sharper texture for the glove in this shot...  But they don't even have the not-blurry team star art in front of their gates. pic 4: Is it the LANDshark Pokemon, or the SKYshark Pokemon!?  (This guy landed so fast that I had to grab a screenshot from a video.) pic 5: More Student IDs revealed!  I'd add 'for hacking', but I think Penny has that covered. pic 6: Really?  Given how far down they have to go, I imagine cabs nearby rock paper scissor, where the loser has to go. pic 7: feb 12th: New look dropped!  Went with my favorite of the uniforms and Veracidad's straw hat to keep the bright light down there out of my eyes pic 8: Brown mascara for camo feels.  Also I realized just last year that my favorite color is a deep forest green, hence hair color choice. pic 9: I couldn't move the camera in the Titan double battles, so I was glad to see Nemona's animations in this double battle~  (I didn't get to do anything, tho...) pic 10: Feb 16th: Penny is me, frfr
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