#pidge plushie posting
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happy pride month to fyoran enjoyers specifically
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kidge-planet · 4 months
Kidge headcanon 47:
Kidge's kids headcanon: first son, Kayden!
(Hi everyone! I was supposed to do that since a year now but I always forgot or was feeling too busy... I really hope you'll enjoy it!!
this is following the three posts I made about Pidge's three pregnancies! click here to read them before! :
first pregnancy
second pregnancy
third pregnancy )
A lot of people cried when they met him... ( These people are OBVIOUSLY NOT Hunk, Shiro and Sam!)
Matt started to talk to him as if he could understand... ( He asked him how his day was but the lil guy just came to life and doesn't know about his own existence lol)
When Kayden met Lance, he cried because Lance scared him by making too much noise...
Pidge has a video of Keith holding the baby for the first time... She said that he was holding him like a fragile wine bottle... Also, he cried.
Krolia called him Yorak when she met him. She raised him in the air in lion-king style.
Colleen made a little cover full of stars for him and he already seemed to like it...
Krolia gifted a blade but it was obviously too early for him. Keith decided to give it to him when he'll be ready.
Kayden looks like Keith and acts like him too... He's just a mini clone of his father.
For that same reason, Krolia visits his son more often... ( Probably because she didn't get the chance to know her own son as a baby or a kid...)
Kayden has a LOT of energy. When he figured how to crawl , he would do it for hours at an incredible speed and will then go annoy Kosmo... All that without falling asleep!
Really tho, HE DOES MOVE A LOT!
When he sleeps with his parents, he would slap Keith whenever he snores... that always makes Pidge laugh.
Also, when he sleeps with them, he would fall asleep next to them ( like, in between...) And he'll wake up at their feets because HE MOVES TOOOOO MUCHHHH.
He's a picky eater! even when he started eating solid food, he would not eat vegtebles and always tried to get stuffs like chicken nuggets... But Pidge knows how to make him eat vegtables.
Kayden loves his mommy. so yup, his first word was mommy and Keith wasn't jealous but SUPER PROUD.
He quickly started to want to walk... He was failling all the time but one day, he did it and he was so proud of himself that he showed it to "mommy" and "daddy".
Krolia took Kayden into space to show him around... ( Of course, Keith went along.)
Kayden loves being out. When his parents take him outside to play or for other reasons, he would be so happy and try to go on the ground to crawl with Kosmo.
Going back to kosmo, he always keeps an eye on the lil baby, just as if it was his baby too.
If Kayden goes too far, Kosmo will bring him back to Katie and Keith.
Kayden has an obsession with birds. I loves chasing them and it makes him laugh a lot.
Once, he saw Keith in his training room, punching a punching bag. Kayden will directly go punch a plushie, just like his dada did, because it was so cool!
Pidge knows tricks to make him fall asleep.
Still looks like his father.
He starts to talk correctly pretty slowly... He learns new words and uses them to tell the ones he loves that he loves them... Also that he peed his pants.
When he eats, he asks his parents to also feed his favorite plushie.
He walks practically perfectly. He sometimes still fall but made a looot of progress.
Pidge has at least a thousand pictures of his husband and son cuddling, eating together or even just sat together. She thinks it's sooo cute.
Pidge gave birth to Kayden's little sister, Anaïs. Kayden would look at her as if she is a small pet or a doll.
He really wants to be a good big brother, just like his parents told him to be. But he doesn't really knows what it means.
He held Anaïs in his arms and quickly asked his parents to take her back.
He wanted to play with Anaïs but she was obviously too small and fragile.
He got sad and cried.
But then, Keith took him to a store full of toys and he got to choose a few: he took a dinosaur plush, a doll that he thought was pretty and a fake computer so he could do like his mom with the computer.
He loves to hang out with uncle Matt... Even if Kayden can't do correct sentences, he will tells his uncle Matt everything he has done during the day.
cuddle time with mommy is the best thing ever.
He talks to his sister a lot, even if she doesn't understand anything...
his nonna Colleen makes the BESTS cookies ever! He says so all the time.
He thinks his mommy is so pretty. When he goes outside with his dad, he always pick up a few flowers to give them to his mommy because he says that they are as pretty as her.
Sometimes, he's jealous of his dad. Especially when Pidge hugs him or give him kisses.
He started to go for runs in the morning with his dad. Also, to learn how to fight.
At school, He doesn't have much friends... He does have a few ones which is good.
he's not the smartest kid at school but he has good grades.
He loves playing video games with his mother.
Keith gives candies to his son after 6pm. If Pidge learned that, she would kill him.
kayden wants to pilot like his father... But Pidge is clear: his way too young!
Kayden likes to play with his sister. He's very protective of her and he likes to teach her things.
Since he knows what the BOM is, he wants to one day be a part of it.
Once, some older kids tried to annoy him. He punched them... His parent's weren't very happy that he punched these kids BUT, he didn't got grounded. Because he just stood up for himself... Even tho Keith and Pidge told him that there were better ways to defend himself. (Keith kind of recognise himself there...)
He still loves his mother more than anything and he does not care what other kids say about it.
A doctor figured that Kayden was hyperactive.
He does a lot of sport.
He loves Kosmo. He takes him on a walk everydays or at least fourth times a week.
Sometimes, uncle Shiro and uncle Curtis babysit him and his sister. And they have a LOT of fun. during the day, they go play outside and during the evening, they whatch action movies!
When uncle lance keeps them, they both get to go choose flowers for their parents in the juneberry fields, to play with animals and to meet some kids from new Altea... Anaïs is a bit too young to make friends ( two years old) but Kayden made friends easily and includes his sister as much as he can in every activities they do. Of course, Lance keeps a close eye on them, he sits under a tree to talks with the parents of the other kids while they play. He's used to keep kids, he has a huge family... before bed, they play video games... (Anaïs already sleeps when they do.)
When Uncle Hunk and auntie Shay babysits them, they usually bake something during the day so they would be able to gift it to their parents. In the evening, they play multiple games in the living room.
Kayden could listen for hours the many stories that his nonno Sam has lived into space.
When he was 8yo, Pidge got pregnant of her third kid: a year later she gave birth to Thomas.
He becomes even more protective of his siblings and takes good care of his brother.
tell me if you want another part about when he was a teen and an adult!! (Btw, that post was the big post I told you I was writting a while ago, so I hope you like it!)
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plush-crafts · 6 years
I got an asked a question about what takes me so long between updates lately, and there's a couple factors.
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I'm trying to speed up my process on the yarn hair and dying my own yarn to match hair color. And dying has been taking a while. but I have found the quicker process on my yarn wefts and this is kind of an update on everything.
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moonboykeith · 3 years
my keith headcanons (no one asked for this but you're getting it anyway >:) )
he/they pronouns. (i'll be using both for them in here so please don't get confused if you see me using them and he in the same sentence while referring to keith.)
non binary or boyflux.
gay + demisexual
his real name is akira but he goes by keith because he got made fun of by his classmates for his name when he was young and now keith feels like his name more than akira ever did. but he still hasn't changed his name to keith yet to honor his father.
shiro taught him japanese.
is an artist but rarely lets anyone see his art since it's quite personal for him.
coffee addict.
could play electric guitar fairly well before voltron. now lance helps him relearn.
if shiro or lance don't drag him to bed they'll stay up all night. they've got no self control.
conspiracy theorist ofc. lance made everyone wear tinfoil hats instead of birthday caps on keith's 20th bday party. keith wasn't amused.
drank tea one morning instead of coffee upon allura's suggestion, thought it tasted weird. allura and lance took that personally.
absolutely no impulse control. once put hot sauce over their already too spicy ramen because pidge said he couldn't do it.
absolutely adores spicy food, even if it makes him tear up and blow fire. the spicier the better. krolia says he gets that from her since his dad hated spice.
bites his nail when he's thinking too hard. lance thinks it's a nasty habit.
named his bike red in the memory of his lion.
would start a fight with a kid if not held back.
pidge and keith are bestfriends.
uses dark humor for coping mechanism.
weekly or monthly cryptid hunts are mandatory.
finds it hard to differentiate between a instigation to fight and flirting. lance tries his best to make it easier for him to understand but he likes their bickering a lot too.
while he does enjoy earth a lot, nothing makes them happier than being in space with the ones they love. especially now that the war is over.
he is not that bad of a cook of given a recipe with clear set of instructions and sufficient time but usually he sticks to pretending to be a bad cook because he's lazy like that.
takes kosmo with him everywhere. except that bathroom ofc, kosmo waits outside the door for him then and growls at whoever that tries to use the bathroom even if it is a public bathroom and keith needs only one stall.
they cannot sleep with more than one pillow and a thin blanket. lance on the other hand needs five pillows, a nice quilt and a plushy shark to go to sleep. so both of them compromised and settled with one blanket, one extra pillow along with the ones they'll use under their head and a plushy shark instead.
practically a lizard. he gets too cold and too hot easily depending on the weather. krolia told him it's a galra thing. pidge and lance say he's a lizard.
they collect new knives from each planet they visit. the rest of the team is concerned about his alarmingly fast growing collection of knives. coran thinks it's cool.
they still sleep with a knife under their pillow. lance... adjusts.
had never worn a bright shade of color in his life until he got forced into wearing it by lance, romelle, allura and hunk. shiro took pics and made sure to not let him live it down.
teared up after shiro asked him to be his best man for the wedding.
might've cried a bit during his best man's speech.
kosmo is their child and the only person they're willing to be publicly affectionate with. lance isn't jealous. nope.
loves his team very much and will fight zarkon's dead soul with a plastic fork for them. :)
might post some for others later!
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rosesnvines · 3 years
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Hi @niazelki!! I’m your Secret Santa!! I did not do this lovely piece of art, I commissioned it from the ever so talented @Nyastyle from DeviantArt, and wrote this short story to go with it. I did post it on DeviantArt as well. Hope you enjoy!! @idyllchatter-plance-and-kallura
Pidge let out a sigh. Beezer came rushing to her and a worried expression appeared on his screen. The two were in Pidge’s room and Pidge was curled up on her bed. 
“Hey Beezer, I’m . . .” She paused. Should she say exactly what was going through her mind or lie? She sighed, Beezer was a robot, but it would be nice to talk to someone. “Beezer, are you recording?” 
Beezer shook his head. 
“Ok, do not record this, I just want to get it off my chest.” Beezer watched her as she took a moment to gather her thoughts. “Lance . . . I like Lance, a lot. I think, I think maybe even love him.” 
Beezer let out an understanding beep. 
“Wait, you knew?” 
Beezer nodded. 
“Really? I didn't think I ever showed an interest in Lance.” She smiled. “But you do know me pretty well. Then you'll understand that I, I wanted . . . I wanted to . . .”. Tears began filling in her eyes. “I wanted to be the girl Lance asked out, not Allura!” The tears fell. “I-I mean, Allura’s great, don't get me wrong, and, everyone should like her, but, but I wanted it to be me!” She placed her head in her lap and sobbed. “I wanted it to be me! But I should have known, I really should have, Lance only notices the pretty girls. I'm just not that pretty.” She chuckled as the tears continued to fall. “I mean, he didn't even know I was a girl until I told him! He can be so dense!” She paused as the tears slowed. She wiped her eyes, sniffled, and then wiped her nose. “Yeah, yeah, he can be really dense, and an idiot, and a show off, but, but he's fun to be around. He’s nice, and caring, a great listener. And he is cute.” She giggled as she blushed. “Those blue eyes of his . . . I always feel like I'm flying, or swimming. I just, I just feel so free when I look into them.” She picked up a mermaid plushie and fiddled with the arms. She looked up at a picture of a sunset. “I just wish he would look at me the way he looks at her.” 
Beezer let out a sad beep. 
Pidge patted his head. “It’s Ok, this is only a relationship. Hey, he could still look at me that way, I just . . . I just need to give him time.” She rubbed her chin. “Hey Beezer, could you go take a picture of them on their date? 
Beezer gave her a surprised beep. 
She chuckled. “I know, I know, I just poured out my whole heart to you, that I want to be the girl going with him to his special place, but, I also want him to be happy. I want them both to be happy. And, I want them to commemorate it. Will you do that for me, please?” 
Beezer gave an affirmative beep as he saluted her. 
“Thank you.” Pidge watched him go before turning back to the picture of the sunset. “Sure, technology’s no sunset, but it has its purpose. It can capture that sunset and give you something to remember it by.” 
It had been a few years since they had defeated Honerva, since Voltron was last needed to defeat a great evil, since Lance and Allura broke up. They had spent a good deal of that time trying to bring peace back to the galaxy and help rebuild what had been previously destroyed. Pidge was surprised to see more and more of Lance during that time, but didn’t think much about it outside of enjoying his company. She did note that Hunk and Shay went around doing stuff, so were Keith and Allura, and Shiro was going around with that guy whose name she couldn’t remember. Romelle was helping Coran with the Alteans, the three former generals of Lotor were working with the Galra, and her own brother Matt was off traveling with Rolo and Nyma. Pidge enjoyed every minute that they spent together, but didn’t want to push her luck. Besides, there were other things on her mind. So when Lance suggested a return to Earth for a quick vacation, she jumped at it. A vacation sounded like a good idea. 
After going through the usual check-ins, check-ups, and catch-ups, Lance pulled her to the side. 
“Hey, I, I was wondering if you could come with me somewhere?” 
“Uh, sure, I guess,” Pidge replied with a shrug. 
“Tonight, meet me at Red.” 
Pidge raised an eyebrow. “Uh, Ok . . .” 
“Great!! See you tonight!” He gave her a quick hug before dashing away. She watched him leave, blinking in confusion. Where exactly did he want to go? She shrugged and went about other things before getting ready to go. 
Later that night, Green landed near Red. Lance was lounging against his lion, watching the sun set. He was wearing his old blue and white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but the way the lighting was, Pidge thought he was the most handsome she had ever seen him. She blushed as butterflies filled her stomach, but quickly got rid of the feeling by the time she exited her lion to meet up with him. 
He smiled at her, and the butterflies returned. “Great, you made it!” 
Pidge scoffed. “I told you I would come.” 
Lance ran his fingers through his hair as he chuckled. “Yeah, you did. Now, um, do you want to follow me, or just come with me in Red?” 
Pidge’s eyebrow went up as she blinked. “Uh, does it matter?” 
Lance shrugged. “No, not really, but, I would prefer it if we just took one Lion, doesn’t make sense to have both.” 
Pidge shrugged. “I mean, you have a point, if anything were to go wrong, we can get back here pretty quick, and I can call on Green.” 
It was Lance’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Is there really anything wrong going on at the moment?” 
Pidge chuckled. “True, but you never know.” 
He laughed. “Good point. So, what shall it be . . .” 
Pidge blinked at the cutting off mid sentence, but when he didn’t say anything else, she shrugged again. “I guess we can go in Red.” 
He grinned. “Great, come on!” He grabbed her hand and the two dashed into the Lion’s mouth. Lance sat down at the controls and they took off. Pidge let out a soft giggle. Sure, they had done things together while no one else was around before, but this felt different, and she was liking it. 
“So, where are we going?” she asked. 
He smirked. “You’ll see. Just wait.” 
“What? Why can’t you tell me now?” 
“Because it’s a surprise,” was his reply. She pestered him some more, but couldn’t get any more than that out of him. The more she got more grumpy, the more excited he seemed to get. 
Finally, they landed, though it had only been a couple of minutes away from the garrison. Lance grabbed Pidge’s hand and walked like he was on cloud nine. 
“Ok, seriously, where are we going?” asked Pidge with a laugh as she allowed herself to be led around a park. 
He glanced back long enough to shoot her a grin. “You’ll see, just wait!” They walked through a grove of trees before lance came to a stop at the base of the largest one. Pidge raised her eyebrow. This tree looked rather familiar. Where had she seen it before? Lance let out a sigh and pulled out a picture. Then it hit Pidge, this was the same place Lance took Allura out on their first date! The picture was of that moment, Lance and Allura standing in front of the tree. Pidge’s heart went into her throat. Lance sighed. “Yeah, I miss her, and I really wanted her to be the one, but . . . well, as you could tell it didn’t work out.” He looked at Pidge, a sad smile on his face. “I’m really happy for them.” 
Pidge chuckled nervously. “Right. Who knew a TV show caught on that they were best for each other?” 
Lance chuckled. “Yeah, I really should have paid more attention . . . to a lot of things.” His hand went through his hair. Pidge followed it with her eyes, wishing that could have been her hand. “And well, now I realize that she wasn’t the one for me, because there’s this girl who is.” 
Pidge’s heart just about stopped. Who was this girl? “Y-yeah? What’s she like?” 
Lance glanced up at the tree, a soft smile on his face. “She’s really smart, kind, and is very passionate about her work. She puts the needs of others first, and, well, she’s just awesome! And pretty too. I should have noticed before, but I think I let my starry eyed crush get the best of me instead of allowing myself to actually fall in love. Though, in a way, I did fall in love while I had that crush on the Princess, without knowing it.” 
Pidge turned her head to hide her tears. “Then why didn’t you invite her here?” 
“But I did.” Pidge’s head snapped back to Lance, eyes widening. She barely dared to hope, but he was looking at her earnestly. “That’s why I asked you here, Pidge, I, uh, I wanted to ask you out. I mean, sure, this isn’t the same way that I asked Allura out, but, this just felt right, because you’re the right one for me.” He looked back down at the picture. “And, well, to let you know that I have finally let go of Allura.” He stuffed the picture back in his pocket and scratched his head. “Ok, that didn’t quite come out the way I wanted it to, but it also wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.” He grinned sheepishly. “That must have sounded stupid.” 
Pidge laughed as the tears came down. “That’s because you are stupid.” 
Pidge ran into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But you’re my idiot, and I love you!” 
“I don't know if I should be happy or insulted,” said Lance. 
“Don't be insulted, you just try too hard. You're really not that stupid.” 
Lance scoffed. “Oh, good to know.” But then he chuckled and returned the hug. “But right now, I’m the happiest man alive!” He kissed her.
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chthonicgodling · 3 years
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whoops i wanted to post more doodles WITH this and never fuckin. drew em so, solo,
shout out to little baby N, who was inexplicably gifted a plushie pigeon from her bio parents Chal & Bel (to paraphrase, basically” ”uhhh what animal should we give her ummm she has wings okay BIRD, PIGEON, FINE”) and she has become extremely attached to it, does not put it down, and cries the second she drops it. 
Maci and Tory named it Pidge for her ;-; 
(and a shout out to @fenixethekid , Bel & Tory’s handler and thus technically N’s other half, for making me have to learn how to draw a cute plush pigeon, that’s a skill i never thought i’d need to know uwu)
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queenpigeon · 7 years
Okay so…imagine the team stopping on a planet to get some supplies. Coran goes to get the stuff, and Shiro goes with him to keep him company. So Allura brings the rest to an arcade not too far away that she knows about.
Allura disappears to rock it at basketball and skee ball and they don’t see her again until it’s time to go back to the castle
Pidge, Hunk, Lance and Keith do four way air hockey. They get really into it, so much so that Keith hits the puck so hard that it flies in the air and hits Lance in the forehead. Wounded, Lance dramatically drops to his knees. Keith pales because he honestly didn’t mean to do that, and Pidge is watching with amusement. While this is going down, Hunk picks up the puck and starts to rack up points. By the time the other three get back to the game, it’s over and Hunk stands victorious.
Then it goes down to a just dance like game. Hunk is stumbling around but sadly failing. Lance is killing it.
Across the arcade, Pidge is gripping onto Keith’s arm as he attempts to win her a green lion from a crane game. He wins, and Pidge gets a new stuffed green lion.
At the end, they come together and add all their tickets together. They leave with a bag of alien candy, Pidge with a stuffed lion, and Lance with a bruised forehead.
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sugarssaur · 5 years
 @turnourterrorintogold sent me this ask game by @gilgamemesh so here we go~
1. Your first OC ever?
I can’t remember lol.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Hmm I like drawing my big alien cat gorl Kida. Her design is fun and it’s probably the most “solid” character I have so far (alongside Orion).
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Yeah, I kinda adopted Zokii, an albino galra oc from my dear friend Mij who sent me this ask game. 
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I have many ocs but I don’t talk much about any of them. I’ve been talking a lot about my galra oc’s with my friend Mij though.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
I don’t know, I would be really happy if any of my ocs got popular.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
I don’t think I have any yet.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Like, in fanfic? Because I have the Sheith children that will be part of a fanfic Mij is writing.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
No, I don’t.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I’m working on a oc for Mij so yeah.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I don’t think any of my ocs have really complicated designs lol (at least the ones I have given more tought on).
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
Bud, Leo and Thatch are the ones I can think on the top my head now (and Zokii who is Mij’s oc ofc).
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Yeah, I have some villains too but I’m still working on them.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Leona, a fan apprentice from The Arcana. She had an abusive father, and ran away from her clan after being scratched in the face by an albino jaguar that later becomes her familiar.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Orion? Or maybe another Voltron oc I have (from the next generations of paladins)? I don’t know, didn’t think about it.
17. Any OC OTPs?
Not yet.
18. Any OC crackships?
Welp I saw a post in the rayllum tag once saying “what if Rayla broke up with someone before going to the Katolis?” and I tought it was cool, so I created a moonshadow elf oc called Luana, Rayla’s ex girlfriend lol.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I don’t know man I like all of them. I could introduce Kida or Orion, ‘cause they’re pretty solid ocs but I already talked a lot about them.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
I don’t think any of them can sing... Maybe Luana? 
21. Your most artistic OC
Orion! He’s one of my Sheith kids oc. Unlike the rest of his family, despite of him being a good fighter and a good strategist, he has no desire in following a militar career because he’s an artist! And he likes taking pictures of all the amazing things he gets to see when he travels to planets of the coalition with his family. He’s like an honorary member in missions because he, alongside a small team, records everything that’s going on aboard. He’s always ready to help when things get tought though. 
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Few people know about my ocs, so no.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Welp, Kida was supposed to be more serious and way less cute and cat-like. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Any of my pet ocs (pokémon, dragons, familiars, etc.)
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Most of my sonas and one or other oc from The Arcana.
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
I have three or more that that I’m basing off of two Lord Huron’s songs: Yawning Grave and Frozen Pines.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
My vilains I guess.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Any of my mcs from Mystic Messenger. I mean, the mc already kinda did that didn’t she? Lmao.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Many of them because they’re nerds and I like stuffed animals so I can’t help it.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Kida would have a pastel blog, and she would probably mostly reblog and post cute aesthetic pictures and gifs.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
My Mystic messenger mcs because they’re dumb enough to follow the instructions of a complete stranger and break in someone’s apartment lol.
33. Your shyest OC?
Probably Leona.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
I have Allurance kids as well, they’re twins- a boy and a girl. 
35. Any sibling characters?
The Allurance and Sheith kids (Orion, Kida and Zokii are adopted sibblings, they’ll probably get a human sister too in the future).
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Zokii, they’re Kida and Orion’s older brother.
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
I’m just gonna link this.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Probably Frida, my the arcana fan apprentice from Julian’s route.
39. Introduce any character you want
I have this furry alien boy which is the same alien species as Olia (Voltron). He’s one of Pidge’s favorite students and one of the next generation of paladins, but I couldn’t decide if he’s the blue or red paladin yet.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Well, it was cool talking about the sheith kids with Mij on discord.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
My friend and I made an art exchange and I posted it here a few years ago.
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
Orion, Leona, the allurance daughter, one of” the next generation paladins” oc and Zago (the arcana fan apprentice from Asra’s route).
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Don’t know...? 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
Well, I try to make my characters diverse and unique.
45. A character you no longer use?
Some ocs from dumb stories I wrote when I was younger.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
Probably not?
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.
Orion. He’s not very talkative but he’s a really nice dude, trust me.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Most of them probably.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
I have a night fury plushie that I want to turn into an oc, but I couldn’t decide the name or if it’s a male or female.
Maybe it’s a female and I’ll give her a light fury girlfriend, who knows?
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kari-izumi · 6 years
So my Plance family life headcannons are: With every baby (no matter how many they have) the moment that Pidge goes into labor Lance completly forgets the directions to the hospital and all of their friend end up with a one word text of "Baby" Lance may or may not consider trying to figure out if there is some alien way for Pidge to get him pregnant. Everyone of their kids is gonna end up with a swimable mermaid tail. And lion plushies.
(I did see the other thing you sent later BTW...And yeah, it came as a post that I can edit...??? IDK)But this is so pure and such a thing that would happen to poor Lance indeed!And yes the kids would have plenty of stuffed animals between their five aunts and uncles 💙💚(Posting from mobile so I can't tag directly but: Plance , pidgance )
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blueplanettrash · 6 years
“No, I Do Remember” (Part 2)
Here you go guys! Hopefully, I’ll be able to get stories rolling out every day again. We had our first snow day of the year today and it’s still going strong now at 5PM. I would post a picture but you’d just be seeing a white screen. I hope you all enjoy! ❤️
Shiro carefully set his gifts on the other paladin’s plates before they arrived. It really did make him feel better, he hadn’t been able to spend Christmas at home for such a long time and he really did worry about his mother and grandfather. He had seen the decorations that lined the hallways as he made his way to the dining hall and he had to hand it to Lance, they really were beautiful. He heard the door open and he turned to the open door, smiling at Keith as he walked over the threshold. He was followed closely by Pidge, who slipped in right after him.
“Hey Shiro,” Pidge said cheerfully as she sat down in her seat. Immediately, her hands reached out to take the small rabbit off of her plate and investigate it. She looked up at Shiro curiously and opened up her mouth before she was interrupted by Hunk as he shouldered his way out of the kitchen with several dishes in his hands.
“Whoa Hunk, do you need help?” Shiro asked as he got up and quickly approached him.
“Nope, don’t worry about it,” he quickly replied, easily setting the dishes down in the centre of the table. He uncovered them with a flourish, releasing the delicious aroma trapped inside. There were loud sniffs as each of the paladin’s inhaled the scent and quickly started taking from the plates as Hunk watched them with a smile.
“This is so good!” Keith groaned stuffing a spoonful into his mouth.
“Where’s Lance? He really outdid himself,” Shiro asked Hunk, assuming that he just helped him carry out the dishes. Hunk blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Actually I made this, Lance let me make another one of my family’s dishes,” he admitted with a small smile.
“Well, it’s really good Hunk!” Shiro said with a smile. He focused back on his plate. He would really have to go and find Lance afterward and thank him. It was kind of understandable if Lance let one of them take his turn but it was pushing it with letting two of them.
“Did you help Lance with these?” Pidge voice suddenly cut through his thoughts and he looked up at the girl.
“No, those are mine, Lance let me make those instead,” he said. At his words Pidge froze, almost dropping the paper figure in her hand.
“Wait, he let you take that too?” She asked. Confused Shiro nodded and waited for her to explain.
“Lance let me make one of my family’s desserts again today,” she said quietly. They all froze and stared at her. Three. He let them have three of his traditions on his day.
“He-he put up those decorations right?” Hunk asked glancing around the table at them.
“No, those are mine,” Keith said shaking his head. They gaped at one another.
“He didn’t do anything?” Pidge asked in disbelief.
“But he didn’t even complain or anything,” Keith argued in shock.
“You all know how Lance is, even if we were hurting him he wouldn’t complain,” Shiro said. They nodded their heads in agreement and looked down at the table.
“How could we have been so selfish?” Hunk asked the quiet room.
“Because we knew that Lance was too nice to say no?” Keith suggested to the room. They didn’t say anything, knowing that it was true. When they woke up that morning, they knew that Lance wouldn’t say no to them. Even though they knew that Lance was excited to share his traditions, they were only thinking of themselves and what they wanted.
“We have to make this right,” Keith stated.
“Does anybody know anything about Lance’s traditions?” Shiro asked glancing at each one of the paladins. Keith shrugged almost immediately, it wasn’t that surprising since they weren’t really friends in the Garrison. Instead, he turned his attention to Pidge and Hunk who both looked to be deep in thought.
“This might be a long shot but the few years we were at the Garrison, he always brought a new stuffed animal back after Christmas,” Hunk suggested looking up at them.
“What about food or desserts?” Shiro asked. He was ashamed to admit that he didn’t know Lance all that well. They hadn’t really talked about their families to each other, none of them have.
“Sorry, I don’t know,” Hunk said shaking his head sadly.
“Well, we’ll just have to work with the stuffed animal,” he started going towards the door, the others trailing behind him.
In was easy to come up with an idea for a stuffed animal. Lance absolutely adored Blue so they decided to make a small plush version of her. It came out soft and fluffy, perfect for someone like Lance.
“I hope he'll like it,” Hunk said anxiously, wringing his hands together.
“Of course he’ll like it Hunk, its Blue,” Pidge said coming up beside him and patting him on the back.
“I know, but it just feels like we’re not doing enough, I mean, this is his family we’re talking about, it had to be a huge punch in the gut for us to do this,” Hunk rambled. They looked down to the ground again as the realization washed over them. He was right, above everything, Lance cared about his family the most. Christmas had to be super important to him and they took that away from him.
“We’ll spend however long it takes to make it up to him,” Keith declared, determination shining in his eyes. They cheered in agreement.
“Alright guys, let's go see Lance,” Shiro said walking down the hallway to the quarters.
They stood silently in front of Lance’s door, listening for any sign of movement. Although they hoped that he was in there, at the same time they were nervous to confront him. Before they could hesitate any longer, Shiro knocked on the door.
“Lance?” He called. Only silence greeted him and he glanced over his shoulder to gauge the other’s reactions. He knocked once more. Silence. He reached over and pushed the scanner.
“Whoa,” Their mouths opened in awe as they looked around the room. The simple garland that Lance made glowed softly throughout the room. They twinkled as if there were fairies floating around. They quietly stepped over to Lance’s bed and saw him curled into his blankets fast asleep. Their stomachs clenched when they saw the obvious tear tracks on his skin.
“Lance?” Shiro quietly said, shaking his shoulder gently. Lance let out a muffled groan and opened his eyes slightly. At the sight of the others, he curled up tighter and turned around to his other side, his back now facing the paladins. He clenched his eyes shut as tears rolled over his nose and pooled by his ear. The pain he felt earlier was still raw and seeing the others didn’t help it at all.
“What do you want?” He asked bitterly. They flinched slightly at the tone, it didn’t sound like Lance at all. They glanced at each other before turning back to look at Lance.
“We’re so sorry Lance,” Pidge started quietly. Lance didn’t turn to look at them. Sure they were sorry, but that could only be saying that because they don’t know what’s wrong.
“We shouldn’t have asked to take your day, it wasn’t right and you were just as excited as all of us to do this,” Keith said. Lance tensed up. Keith’s voice was trembling like he was getting ready to cry.
“We were selfish Lance and we’re so sorry,” Hunk cried. Okay. Hunk was definitely in tears behind him. He really didn’t want to turn around now. If he did then he would start crying even harder then he was before. The longer he listened, he could hear different people crying and sniffling.
“We knew that you wouldn’t be able to say no to us and we took advantage of that, we’re so sorry,” Shiro said. Unlike the others, it seemed like Shiro was able to keep face. He never thought that they would have come to apologize to him. He didn’t think that what happened would be important in their eyes. Sure it hurt him, but he thought that they would just ignore what happened. He gave them his permission after all.
“Will you forgive us?” Shiro asked. This time his voice was smaller. Lance pushed himself up and turned to look over at them. His eyes widened at the scene before him.
Keith, Pidge, and Hunk were clutching on to the shoulders of Shiro’s shirt. They were rubbing their eyes and sniffling but trying to look determined at Lance like a bunch of children who just fell and scraped their knee and were trying to pretend it didn’t hurt. That alone made Lance’s heart squeeze, but it was Shiro that had him lunging forward to collect them in a hug. He was bowed forward, his head lowered and was holding out a plushie version of Blue to Lance in trembling hands. His head was partly hidden by the stuffed animal but Lance could still see tears dropping from his eyes. He looked like he was holding his breath to stop any sounds from coming out. The guilt on his face was as plain as day.
He wrapped his arms around Shiro, snagging as much as he could of the others in his grip from behind Shiro’s back.
“It’s okay,” he soothed. And it was okay, they apologized and that’s all that he wanted out of them. For them to recognize their mistakes and learn from them.
“How can you forgive us so easily?” Pidge asked, curling her hand in the back of Lance’s shirt.
“We hurt you,” Hunk added.
“You came to make it up to me, there’s been a lot of people who haven’t even tried to do that,” Lance started, he squeezed his arms tighter around Shiro. “I know you guys, I know that you won’t try to do this again, I know that you can learn and you never meant to hurt me,”
They nodded in agreement and curled closer to him, tears still streaming down their faces. Lance couldn’t help but smile at them. Hurt and guilt can only last so long, and it helps to have people that care about you, who can make them go away even quicker.
Part 1/2
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kidge-planet · 10 months
Prompt 6, 11, 12 and 22 pleeeeease
Hey! So I'll answere only one of the prompts on that post and I'll do the other ones on other posts... ( Except for the prompt 11 that already has been asked by someone esle that asked only one prompt!)
So, Prompt 6: Weirdest place where they had s*x?
Do I need to put a TW or...? meh.
So, know that they had sex on many "public places" like on Pidge's desk (like, in her lab), an elevator, or even in the forest while they were doing camping... Even in Pidge's old tree house (RIP to the plushies that were in there...)
But, one place directly popped in my mind, Idk why... It's not even the weirdest but anyways:
A closet in the Atlas. (during season 8)
I kind of imagine them being next to each other in a meeting and just sharing glances from time to time... After the meeting, they kind of waited for everyone to be gone before to find their hiding place. it was a small closet filled with brooms and cleaning products... IT WAS VERRRYYYYY SMALL. And the door was so thin that they had to be very quiet. But they took the risk, they were sharing rooms with peoples... SO, their room wasn't really an option.
They did their stuffs ( wasn't their first time) and slightly opened the door to see if they could go out of theh closet without getting caught... Acxa was walking through the corridor and well, It was an awkward moment...
I think I didn't dully answered the question... A weird place... That was more "a weird time" than a "weird place"... idk 0_0.
They also definitely did it in Matt's bed. Don't tell him.............. He would never sleep again...
these horny kids really need to stop and to learn to control themselves.....................................
Guys, Im sorry that was short... I'll try to write more on the next asks!!
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aspiring-translator · 6 years
Sooo… Coraline AU Pt.4…
Honestly, I just like typing this up. I should be studying, but…. This is inspired by @parfaitperi ’s art for a Coraline au! The last post, in hindsight, was pretty badly written. I apologise for part 3 and I hope part 4 is better.
Once Lance steps back in the garden fog is everywhere.
He leisurely walks in the direction of the front porch, but a fluffy, black spot of fog catches his eye.
He pretends not to notice it, but suddenly turns on his heel and grabs said tuft of ‘fog’, pulling it up to his eye level.
Keef is back!!
Lance isn’t over the moon seeing him again.
Shiro is also present, climbing onto Keef’s shoulders and glaring at Lance. If a cat can glare, that is.
Keef claims that they’re hunting something called a, 'mothman,’ but have settled on banana slugs in the meantime.
“Why do you carry him around in your coat?”
“He doesn’t like getting his paws wet.”
When Lance asks if Keith made the doll to look like him, he just shakes his head. Keith mentions that he found it in his uncle’s trunk.
Whenever Lance tries to keep questioning him, he doesn’t answer properly. He barely pays attention and continues to look for slugs with his tongs out. He either grunts, or doesn’t say anything at all.
It reminds Lance of everyone else in his life who never listens to him. He ends up becoming slightly mad at Keith.
Keith is emotionally constipated and continues with his work.
“Don’t you ever speak? Like, have a full conversation with anyone else?”
“Why am I not surprised?”
Lance helps Keef to take pictures of the slugs he finds. One as his moustache, one attacking him from above, pretending to eat it in another. Lance can’t help but giggle. It doesn’t change the feeling of being isolated in his gut.
Keith mentions that he’s never been inside the Five Lions. That his uncle believes that it’s haunted or dangerous. That children went missing, including a girl named Shay that his uncle feels responsible for.
Coran calls for Keith and he leaves on his bike with Shiro, ignoring Lance’s calls for him.
Lance looks at the doll through the window, and knows exactly where he can go to feel better.
That night, he lays out a mouse trap of cheese, and waits for magic to happen.
He gives chase to the jumping mice late at night, and sneaks down to the door.
Just as he had hoped, it opened up to the magical tunnel again, and he crawled through excitedly...
...Where he finds his 'other-mother’ grating the cheese he left for the mice!
When he goes to find his 'other-father’ in the garden, he’s instantly attacked by the tickling Dragon - snappers. The two of them fly above the garden, the flower bed transforming into Lance’s face. He certainly finds it beautiful.
At the dinner table, he doesn’t hold back when eating and stuffs himself full of the food he hadn’t been able to eat the last time. His siblings are very much doing the same, and he joins in on their playful little food fights.
'Other-mother’ tells Lance about Allura’s Jumping Mice performance, and that he and his 'friend’ can go.
The friend is Keef!
Lance is less than impressed, until his 'mother’ tells him that Keef has been… fixed.
He now talks a lot more than before, and Lance feels his face burn at other-Keef’s adorable little outbursts. However, other-Keef completely ignores Lance’s question on how he was 'fixed’.
The two go to the circus, with other-Keef constantly getting popcorn and cotton candy in his fluffy beast of a mane. Allura performs with her mice, even spelling out Lance's name with them!
"Look, that's my name!" Lance exclaimed, waving his cotton candy in the direction of the performance.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Other-Keef turns and smiles at Lance, cheeks dusted pink as the cotton candy in his hair.
Lance: *I n t e r n a l l y s c r e a m i n g.*
The show just blows Lance away!
Allura kisses Lance’s hand and when he blinks he’s in his 'other’ room again. His 'siblings’, 'parents’ and 'Keef’ are surrounding his bed, wishing him a good nights sleep and eating the food stuck to other-Keef.
The next morning, in his real kitchen with his real family, he tries to tell everyone about Allura’s circus. Of course, no one listens.
His parents take him to get some school clothes that are suitable for school (my family do this, in case I get made fun of for having weird clothes, sorry I self project a lot, ignore this if you want).
Lance sees a Shark plushie and falls in love INSTANTLY. His mother is less sympathetic.
The ride back is tense and Lance refuses to speak to his mother.
When she returns, there is no food left and she takes everyone out for food shopping. Lance stays home.
When they’re gone, Lance finds the key to the door and waits until he is SURE his mother is gone.
Then he opens the tunnel door, overjoyed that he was right (it is real!), and crawls through.
Lance digs into the delicious lunch and puts on the clothes given to him by his other-mother - A blue sweater with white stars, black curduroy trousers and blue boots (for our blue boy).
Then he meets Shiro outside…
Shiro attempts to warn Lance about the other-mother but hears something in the distance. As he runs away Lance grows slightly uneasy.
Lance meets up with other-Keith at “The Galra Girls Show,” where it’s each one of them performing a different song and yelling insults at each other whilst they perform.
Lance also keeps brushing knees and palms with other-Keith, surrounded by Kova’s and he is s h o o k. It doesn’t help that other-Keith has the cutest expression when he just keeps talking and that he does so in a hushed voice, edging in closer to not disturb any-cat around them.
He moves in so close that other-Keith’s hair brushes Lance’s cheek and he has to stop himself from screaming.
Why his chest hurts, he doesn’t know but he doesn’t want it to stop.
The final act is where Ribbon-Dancing Lance and The Greatest Showman headcanons can come into play! One of the Kovas even licks his nose as he’s on the trapeze act with Ezor. He catches the rose other-Keith throws at him and doesn’t let it go for the rest of the night
By the end of the night, Lance is happier than he has been in a long time. When he meets his other-parents he loves how his other-mother looks just as glamorous as his mother does when she goes out and excitably follows then inside. He doesn’t notice other-Keith’s look of guilt and anxiety as he leaves.
Of course Lance has a complete change of attitude when they bring out the buttons. Ocean blue, with shades of green and blue mixing into each other and blending together in different lighting. Just like his own eyes.
His other-mother masks her disappointment and assures him that he’ll soon see thing their way.
Lance packs everything in his fantastical bedroom away, from his blue lion to the photograph of Pidge and Hunk, both now with buttons for eyes.
Lance falls into a fitful sleep, desperately trying to calm his racing heart beat.
When he wakes up, and finds that he’s still in the other world, he’s more than devastated.
He finds his other-father and learns that he’s being controlled by the piano that sung him a song.
He tries to make a run for it.
He makes it to the garden, joined by Shiro the cat - who teases Lance slightly as they walk past the gates through the Garden...
...Only to end up back in the same place.
Shiro kills one of the jumping mice, turning it into a rat and as he runs away Lance stares after him in awe.
He returns to the house and meets with the other-mother in her living room, and the more he defies her, the faster her features deteriorate into a more… Haggar - like appearance.
In the mirror, he meets Rolo (boy ghost), Nyma (Tall ghost) and Shay (Sweet ghost).
They beg him to find their eyes and warn him of the 'Bedlam.’
Lance is dragged out by other-Keith, whose mouth has been contorted into the most vile imitation of a smile.
He sneaks Lance out to the tunnel, full of the belongings of other children who tried to escape, but when Lance tries to take other-Keith through, he watches as his hand disintegrates through the gate.
Lance barely registers other-Keith pushing him through the tunnel and slamming the door when it happens, but he crawls out as fast as he can, regret and guilt eating at his insides.
He practically tumbles out of the tunnel and slams it shut behind him, locking the Bedlam (and other-Keith) away.
He lies in the floor in his living room, before screeching out a loud “I’M HOME!” for the whole house to hear.
No response is given.
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 (coming soon)
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nejishadow · 3 years
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My Carrd Commission Info Ko-Fi
DreamWorks, why did your toy companies only make 3 sucky action figures and no plushes?? No giant beans?? Like the Lion figurines, both the metal and big plastic ones, are cool. But I want Paladin plushies! Etsy shall get my money instead Anyways, moving away from my fruitless rant, colored this sketch I commissioned from Nopiko! https://ych.commishes.com/user/nopiko (Of course after I posted this on artfol I saw NEW flaws I didn't see before, so the dA, twitter and tumblr versions will be fixed twice over lol) I was a recently-discovered NB when VLD was airing, so Pidge -- being an androg to masc presenting person (for most of the show) who's gender didn't effect her role -- was very important to me! Years later, actually getting to watch the entire show, she's still my favorite. Only character who got a full character arc we got to witness on screen. They try to backpedal and make her selfish again??? Why??? But she didn't get treated as dirty near the end as everyone else. Instead they just kinda forgot she was there! Also I love both transgirl Pidge and NB Pidge headcanons. They bring me great joy, and positive vibes. I have to correct myself from calling her "they" all the time, I'm so used to fics having her use they/them pronouns lol
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flea--circus · 6 years
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The three pidges! Pins available in my shop (and the postal worker will be a plushie this year! Details will be posted soon~)
Website // Instagram // Twitter // Facebook
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umbraja · 6 years
Half Baked Goods
This is a list of ideas I'm keeping partially to remind myself so I don't forget them but also to get some feedback on if anyone wants to see them developed.
If you're interested in any of these ideas being finished please let me know so I can move that up on my list of priorities. As you can see, I've got a lot of ideas all competing for attention so I'm only working on the ones that other people actually want to see.
Some of the things on this list are continuations of stuff I've already posted so I've got them linked to that.
Works in Progress
Things for the Kidge Zine - This beast is taking up almost all of my time.
Collab Artwork - This one's a drawing, might end up animated.
Monsters and Mana Fic - I HC Keith as a closet nerd so I just couldn't help myself.
D&D Module - Working with a few artists to make a 5e D&D module based off my M&M fic.
Rover Models - Prototyping 3D models with LED lighting.
Space Caterpillars - Prototyping plushies.
Kosmo - Prototyping plushies.
GoT AU - An art series that took over my life recently.
Keith (Jon) Snow - Keith looking badass with Longclaw and Kosmo as Ghost.
Pidgett (Ygritte) - Pidge in furs with a bow - not the ribbon kind.
Allurys Targaryen - Mother of Dragonmice.
Hunk (Sam) Tarly - Hunk and Sam are basically the same person - the sweet cinnamon rolls.
Lance (Oberyn) Martell - I considered Loras Tyrell but, come on, the spear.
Shiro - I need help with this.
VLD Mix Tape - A collection of songfics from various genres, set in various AUs, some canon, featuring various ships and all the feels.
Simple Man - Based on the song "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Originally this was going to be for Desert Keith Week but I didn't get it done in time. Some real good Keith and Krolia angsty sweetness.
When I Die - Based on the song "Wolves" by Down Like Silver. Pretty much Keith's thought process in that last scene of Season 4. Sad AF and super short but I'm working on illustrations to make up for it. Will post when the art is done.
Rough Ideas
Possible One Shots - These are probably going to be shorts but I never can tell and could all end up sprawling AUs given my track record with trying to write shorts.
Red Thread - Gritty Soulmates AU, future noir conspiracy plot where the government pairs people by a system that supposedly traces Red Threads to match soulmates but it’s imperfect and corrupt. Keith is a hard boiled detective, Pidge is a tech genius and daughter of a renowned scientist who is openly critical of the soulmate pairing system and hires Keith to find her father when he goes missing.
Douglas Adams Tribute (working title) - Almost Canon AU style study where I tortur- I mean, where Shiro gets thrown into the sort of absurd adventure that you would expect from the creator of the Hitchhiker's Guide, Dirk Gently, and some classic episodes of Dr Who. I want this sooo bad but it takes so long to write like that.
80s Romance (working title) - Modern AU where Keith's parents are living one of those fiery, doomed romances that make for such great stories but kind of shitty lives. Thank the-ghost-of-keith-kogane for this one. I might integrate it into my Quiet Kind AU cuz it fits.
Dancing in the Dark - Modern AU where Keith works dispatch for the university police at his school and his desk just happens to overlook the dance studios where he can't help but watch Lance practice every night.
More to Lose - Canon Divergent AU in which everything is basically the same but when the war ends and they go home the others find out that Keith had motivations to save Earth beyond just natural heroic tendencies and he actually did leave something (someone) behind.
Identity - Canon Divergent AU where Shiro is acting strange (so maybe canon?) and has a bit of a mental break that leads down an insanity spiral into Lovecraftian horror.
VLD Mix Tape - A collection of songfics from various genres, set in various AUs, some canon, featuring various ships and all the feels.
Stuff that Works - Based on the song "Stuff that Works" by Guy Clark. Basically a music video for my Quiet Kind fic. Soooft Kidge and real friendship between the Paladins.
Champion - Based on the song "Champion" by Barns Courtney. Not just about Shiro.
In the Valley - Based on the song "Through the Valley" by Shawn James. Basically a music video for the Western AU listed below.
Only Human - Based on the song "Human" by Rag 'n' Bone Man. This just screams of Shiro.
Broken - Based on the song "Broken" by DNMO & Sub Urban. Something with Lotor.
Wisdom of Officer #3 - Based on the song "Girls on Trampolines" by Ludo. Cuz even Paladins need to have fun sometimes.
Probably Series - These are probably going to be longer works, anywhere from three to infinite parts.
Trip the Light - Canon Divergent AU where Keith comes into contact with some strange alien I'll just call it a drug and, well. . . Keith without inhibitions is a beautiful and terrifying thing.
In the Valley - Western AU where the Paladins have to save a frontier town being threatened by Rail Barrons (Galra). Shiro is the sheriff, Pidge is his deputy, Matt's the sawbones, Lance manages the cat house, Hunk tends the saloon, Coran is the priest, Allura is Coran's niece and the school marm, Keith is a gunslinger.
Rabbit Hole - Almost Canon AU where Voltron has fans and they are very much like the real fandom (without the ship wars) and when Pidge stumbles across it she shows the others which kind of breaks Keith cuz he doesn't like how accurate some of the information is and thinks there could be a spy and this could be dangerous so it's tinfoil hat time!
Elsewhere - Canon Divergent AU where the Paladins stumble upon a Fey Gate into a fantasy realm where they get to meet all my OCs and participate in the insanely huge uber plot I've been running D&D groups through for decades now.
Reflections AU - A canon compliant (for the most part) series of (so far) fluffy team bonding moments that lead to introspective scenes where Keith slowly opens up to each of the others about himself. Kind of an excuse to get down some of my headcanon for Keith's past. Parts of this are already published but here's some ideas for more.
Lance (working title) - Keith opens up to Lance.
Pidge (working title) - Keith opens up to Pidge.
Allura (working title) - Keith opens up to Allura.
Hell in a Handbasket - Series of gritty, realistic vignettes showing the progression of what went wrong in Keith's past to make him the way he is. Backstory behind the fluffy parts. Waiting to see what season 6 does with Keith's mom on this.
Country Christmas - Adorable vignette of Keith's childhood in the Texas panhandle to make up for that darkness and prove it wasn't all bad. I didn't finish it in time for 2017 but I'll probably have this out for 2018.
Lone Star AU - Modern AU, Lance PoV, Klance that was going to be a much longer work but I don't have time to finish it and reader feedback suggested it would be better just to focus on the relationship dynamic between Lance and a closeted, slightly homophobic, rodeo Keith anyway. So that's what this is. Parts of this are already published but here's some ideas for more.
Au Naturale - Lance talks to Keith about skincare, or the lack thereof.
La Grange - How Lance met Keith and what started his Telecaster crush.
Bullrider - Lance observes one of Keith's hobbies.
Rattlesnake Roundup - Texas has some strange traditions and Lance can't wrap his head around this one so of course Pidge forces him to attend.
Hermanos AU - Canon Divergent AU, started as a request fill for a 5/1 where the team slowly realises that Keith and Lance are adopted brothers but I'm seriously considering expanding it into a multipart AU.
Homecoming - The Paladins return to Earth and Keith goes home with Lance. Waiting to see what season 6 does with Keith's mom on this.
New Kid - Look at the past when Keith first went to live with the McClains.
Brothers - Rewrite of the original fic but from Keith and Lance's perspective.
The Paladin Saga - Canon Divergent AU that was going to be an insanely long work where I keep mostly to canon but fill in plot holes with eldritch horrors, tie up loose ends in ancient myths, and shed light on the "legend" of Voltron to show a much darker history than Allura would like to admit while also letting humans be a little badass for once. This one was gonna be a long, sprawling epic full of Lovecraftian horror and moral ambiguity but I don't have time to finish it and reader feedback (or lack thereof) suggested I should focus on my fluffier works. Here's a list of chapters anyway, not a complete list mind you and possibly a bit out of order:
Is it Real - The Paladins refuse to believe Kolivan when he tells them Keith is dead.
Space Between - Keith wakes up in a strange place and finds something Dark there.
Fire and Darkness - The Paladins get Keith back but the Darkness has affected him.
Sins of the Father - Lotor tells the Paladins what Zarkon told him of the Darkness.
Waking Dreams - Keith struggles with the Dark, Shiro loses time, Lance gets visions.
Scorched Earth - Shiro loses control, Keith puts him down, Hunk keeps them all alive.
Things I've Seen - Lance tells others about his visions, Coran tells them about the Price.
King of Death - Zarkon returns from the dead (again) with a new weapon.
When the Arm Breaks - The Red Lion pays a heavy price to save the others.
Tides Turn - The Galra rally under Zarkon and his new power.
Devil You Know - An unlikely ally offers the Paladins help.
Fool's Errand - The Paladins make a desperate move to save Red.
The Dreamer Awakens - The Paladins find a sixth Lion and Allura gets an upgrade.
A Sword Reforged - The Paladins return with Voltron made whole and defeat the Galra.
At What Cost - The Coalition takes power but peace isn't easy and bills are due.
The War to Come - The Paladins learn of their part in an ancient prophecy.
See You on the Other Side -
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