#pierre gasly reader insert
charlesf1leclerc · 1 year
I have no ideas but i love to support writers so here we are
Charles with reader that speaks italian and french fluently, but they're not her first languages. and he didn't know that. So he's Very pleasantly surprised when he hears her talking with the ferrari people in italian. And then with his mom in french and he's all heart eyes for her😌
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Summary- you learn French in order to make a great first impression on Charles family and Charles is over the moon about it 
Warnings- poorly edited , badly translated French, mention of marriage 
Authors note- I hope that this is ok and to your liking 
It was a sunny evening in Monaco you and Charles where on your way over to his mums house for a family dinner. You were quite nervous was you had never met his mum before, you had met his brothers around the paddock and at races but you had yet to meet his mum and your really wanted to make a good impression. You ha doit your nicest dress on and tried to look as classy as possible not wanting to look tacky around the mother of the love of your life. You also had another little trick up your sleeve you had been learning a little bit of French so you could interact with the family in their native language, Charles hadn’t known you had been learning the language and you couldn’t wait to see his face when he found out , you just hoped tou wouldn’t miss pronounce anything cause that would ruin your prefect first impression.
“ here we are “ Charles spoke up
“ it’s really nice, this where you grew up” you inquired
“ yep this is where little Charles lived” 
“ aww it’s so cute”
Charles came around and grabbed your hand as you walked up to the door. He could obviously feel your sweaty palms and he turned to face you before ringing the bell.
“ it’s gonna be ok Cherie, she’s gonna love you, how could she not”
“ yeah it’s just meeting your mum is a big deal I just want to make a good impression”
“ and you will “ he says pulling you into him kissing your temple before ringing the doorbell.
After a few minutes the door finally opened. “Bonjour”
“ bonjour mama” Charles spoke leaning in to kiss his mum on both of her cheeks.
“ et vous devez être o/n” ( and you must be y/n) she spoke turning to you
“Oh mum y/n dosent speak French “ Charles spoke this was your moment 
“ c'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer Mme Leclerc”  ( it’s so nice to meet you Mrs Leclerc ) 
Charles turned to you stunned at the fact you had just spoken such fluent French, he didn’t know you knew how to speak any other language other then English and he wasn’t gonna lie this made him fall in love with you even more. 
“ oh tu parles français “ ( oh you do speak French ) she looked humorously at Charles.
“ juste quelques petites choses alors peut-être ne comptez pas sur mon français pour toute la nuit” ( just a few things so maybe don’t rely on my French for the whole night ) you laughed
“ well anyone nice to meet you dear, come in come let’s go settle inside and get to know each-other.
you and Charles followed her inside. Charles stopped you by grabbing your arm . You turned around to face him.
“ since when could speak French” he looked at you
“ since a couple weeks ago, I learnt some specially for today although I only know a few things I thought I might need to say “ you laughed rocking back on your heels
“ marry me “ he stared at you
You burst out laughing 
“ what”
“ I mean I’m just so in love with you right now , you went to all that just for my family”
“ I mena i love you and I will do whatever for your family to love me”
He pulled you in to kiss your lips
“ your perfect for me” he looked lovingly in your eyes still holding your cheek.
“ you guys ok” Pascale shouted 
“ coming mama” Charles linked his hand with yours as you walked further into the house. It’s safe to say the rest of your French knowledge paid of that night 
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dancingwithreality · 1 year
a dream p.g.10
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gif not mine!
parings: pierre gasly x fem!reader ; friends to lovers
word count: 3.9k
summary: a drabble on pierre’s unrelenting feelings for you, what started as a childhood crush turned into full fledged love and it was eating him alive.
a/n: for context purposes, pierre isn’t with kika (duh) and the fia dropped those penalties 11pm in austria just so the scene makes sense. started writing this before silverstone so we’re going into our own little world with this. will make other parts if people like it enough
please do not take my work! enjoy and interact!
AUSTRIA WAS OVER, finally, and the weekend proved to be more than eventful. For your best friend, the results were just what he needed. Ferrari made some additions to their car and Charles was finally to get back on the podium. Unfortunately for your other best friend it wasn’t perfect. 
‘Tenth isn’t bad, you’re still in points,’ you remind Pierre as you perfect your makeup and touch up your hair in the mirror.
‘A point,’ he stresses. ‘One singular point, I’m still 15 points behind Esteban,’ he slouches further into the arm chair he’s occupying. His hair is a mess from how many times his hands run through it, his white linen shirt only getting more wrinkled and he decompresses in your hotel room.
Walking past him to your suitcase, you reach for the only pair of heels you brought, and slip them on. The thin white straps perfectly matched the white silk dress you decided on. ‘There will be more races, the gap will close. Besides, tonight we can get drunk and celebrate Charles, forget about your sour mood until the morning.’ You stand up and walk over to him, hands reached out. He placed his hands in yours and allowed you to pull him up begrudgingly. 
Standing at now an almost equal height, you mess with his hair to try and make him look more presentable. Pierre keeps that far off look in his eyes while he stares down at you. There’s something behind his eyes you cant quite place but you chop it up to being unpleased with todays results. 
‘You look more presentable now, lets go,’ you grab your purse and keep one hand wrapped around his while you exit the hotel room. You meet up with Charles in the elevator and give him another congratulatory hug before making your way to whatever club everyone wanted to go to tonight.
Drinks were flowing, moral was taking multiple hits, and you were out of your mind drunk dancing with Lando off the side of the dance floor. It was roughly midnight now, and someone had gotten the memo of the twelve penalties given out and told everyone. You can’t remember exactly who got the information, but it spread quickly throughout the group. As formally mentioned, Lando was having the night of his life. He benefitted from all of it and moved up to fourth so he decided he was going out in style tonight.
Poor Esteban was at the corner of the bar slowly nursing his drink while he was grieving the news. Lewis had left to facetime Roscoe, thinking it could make him feel better. Carlos, already in an off mood since breaking it off with Isa, was singing some of the most depressing Spanish songs you’d heard, his back against the booth while Charles watched over him. 
Pierre’s mood hadn’t changed, he was still sulking but this time it was Charles’ problem. He watched you have fun with Lando, wishing it was one of those nights where your happiness rubbed off on him. Charles could almost smell the desperation flowing off of him as he watched you as well. He turned his head and faced Pierre, he knew that look. 
Charles released a quick breath, ‘You know, we’ve known each other a long time, we’re getting too old for this mate,’ he took a quick sip of his drink and pointed his eyes at Pierre.
Pierre turned his head to face Charles, ‘Yeah..’ he didn’t know where Charles was going with this. 
‘Some things can’t be bottled up forever, feelings, secrets..’ he pushed further.
‘Okay..?’ he still didn’t understand.
‘Secretly pinning over your friend you’re in love with, is kinda tiring,’ Charles sighed.
‘Look mate, I love you but not like that,’ Pierre scooted a few inches further from him. 
‘Merde,’ Charles rubbed his face, ‘you love her.’ 
‘What? I’ve known her for years, she’s my best friend,’ he said with a little extra stress on the friend.
‘Ah, but you knew I was talking about her.’ Charles eyes dart over to you, still dancing with Lando. Your head was knocked back in laughter, he must of said something, because while you laughed Lando’s face was pink and he had a shy smile.
‘Charles,’ Pierre started but got quickly interrupted.
‘You can’t lie to me, I know you too well. I know what’s in your head.’ Charles wrapped his knuckles lightly over the side of Pierre’s head. 
His hand was quickly shooed away. ‘ You’re not a guru mate, relax.’ The Frenchman reached for his drink again and took a lengthy sip. ‘She’s my best friend, I can’t lose her if it doesn’t work out. Things are perfect as they are.’
‘Are they? You’ve never held a solid relationship and follow her like a lost puppy. You’ll never know unless you actually make a move.’
‘And if she doesn’t want to talk to me anymore?’
‘She won’t. You know she’s not like that, she loves you too much.’ The two men shared a long look as Pierre let his gaze fall back to you, Charles let out a deep sigh went back to babysitting Carlos.
Maybe two hours had passed and Pierre was dragging you back to the hotel. You all had a flight around midday, and he knew you would prefer if you weren’t drunk during it. You’d bid goodbye to both Charles and Carlos an hour ago when they left before you, Charles leaving with a pat on Pierre’s back and a silent look.
Now it was just the two of you, long time best friends walking back to your room. Your shoes had been long discarded as they only got harder to walk in. Pierre was holding them in his hands while you rested against his back. As soon as you’d left the club you begged him to carry you, the dancing had tired you out too much, you said.
Knowing how chivalrous he was, and how he could never say no when you looked at him like that, he let you hop on his back and he carried you to bed. From the street, to the lobby, to the elevator, and back up in your room, he absorbed the feeling of you. Your arms around his neck and your soft breath tickling him as you quietly sang all your favorite ABBA songs, the warmth of your chest on his back and the soft skin of your legs. He let himself dream, just this once, and dive into a world in his mind where you were his. Where touches like these happened freely and more occurring.
But that’s exactly what it was. A dream. That’s all he would let it be. If you put both on a scale, his intensely deep love for you would be outweighed by his desperate need to keep you as his friend. Regardless of how Charles’ words echoed through his mind he couldn’t act on it. He knew that reality well.
‘Chérie, I need you to open the door now,’ He readjusted his hold on you and leaned down a bit further so you could put your key card in. Your hair tickling his neck as you reached forward to open the door sent a shock wave through his system. Walking through the doorway he cleared his throat as he sets you down.
The feeling of your hands sliding down his back as you let go made the hairs on his neck stand up. It always got harder to focus when you were near, even so when you made any physical contact. Pierre sets your heels down next to your suitcase as you suddenly start stripping out of your dress and into your pajamas, getting ready for bed.
If his face wasn’t bright red before it was now, as he whipped right around to give you some privacy and try to maintain his dignity.
‘Thank you so much for carrying me back,’ you call out to him as you slip your dress off.
‘O-Of course chérie,’ he fidgets in place as he keeps his back turned.
Still inebriated you giggle at his stutter, ‘You’re such a good friend,’ his heart aches at the word. ‘Can’t believe you took care of little drunk me instead of finding some girl and taking care of her,’ you giggled suggestively and slipped a t-shirt (that may or may not be Pierre’s) on over your head.
‘And leave my favorite girl all alone? Never,’ He was glad you couldn’t see him at the moment. His face would’ve betrayed him if his voice didn’t already, leave you by yourself? Choose another girl over you? The idea was so foreign to him.
‘I’ve tamed the playboy! Quick, call the press!’ You laugh as you fall backwards on your bed, now fully clothed. He turned around and chuckled with you. Pierre crossed over to your side of the bed and goes to tuck you in. Seeing you nestle into the covers only made him adore you more.
When you’re settled in, he places a long kiss to your hairline, pulling away and pushing the strands out of your face, ‘Sweet dreams amour,’ he whispered so quiet not even a mouse could hear.
‘I love you Pear, never change,’ you mutter into your pillow.
All he can do is smile as he turns the lights off and leaves your room. As soon as it’s closed his head hits the door, ‘I love you more than you could imagine.’
He says it like a prayer in the night, to himself, for his ears only, but he has to say it.
The jet was due to take off anytime soon, as it sat on the runway waiting for it’s last passenger.
‘You’re late,’ Charles tsks as you sit down next to Pierre and lean your head against the wall.
‘Calm your tits, you’ll make it in time for the next race.’ You groaned, adjusting your giant black sunglasses to filter out more light.
‘Rough night?’ Pierre asks as he tips the bill of your cap upwards, exposing more of your face.
‘I don’t want to drink ever again,’ you shuffled to lay your back against his side and kicked your feet up to the edge of the bench.
‘Where have I heard that before,’ Charles comments, at that you pull one of your slides off and throw it at him with surprising accuracy. ‘Ouch, okay miss grumpy I’ll leave you alone.’
He sticks his tongue out at you now that you can’t see him. The trip was going to long with you like this if you didn’t get some coffee in you to sober up. You knew this, and the boys knew it even more than you since having to deal with your hangovers for years. 
So, adjusting your position against him you, Pierre holds your weight with one arm while holding his cup of coffee to your lips. ‘Here, have a sip.’ He angled the cup upwards and watched as you took a little more than a sip of his coffee.
‘Ugh, thanks Pierre. You’re always so sweet to me,’ you reach up and pat the side of his face before falling back into your comfortable position against him. ‘Unlike someone,’ you let your glasses fall down a little bit so Charles can see the look you send him.
‘Yeah well one of us isn’t in love with you,’ he muttered into his own coffee, not intending for anyone to hear.
‘You say something Cha?’ you piped up from your spot.
‘No he didn’t, he’s just being annoying because he can’t let anything be.’ Pierre wraps an arm around your resting frame and gives Charles a look that would definitely kill him if he and the Frenchman were in a more private space. 
Free practice is in a day and Pierre is restless. He runs through the track in his mind, memorizing the corners he could overtake and making a play-by-play of the best way he can preform. He also has an itch that's been begging to be scratched in a while. Being hopelessly in love with your best friend makes it really hard to have any kind of love life.
If he finds a girl he likes, which is rare, its either only for a night or he constantly compares her to you in his mind, and no one deserves that. With that in mind, it means most of his romantic adventures last for a night before he can feel guilty about being with someone else, even if he isn’t with you. Or he spends the nights alone.
But he still does it. He goes out every night, finds a girl, and goes back to her place. Bringing her back to his hotel room where you are so close, his hotel room that you spend most of your time in, it felt vile and disgraceful. He always goes back to her place, trying to have a good night without thinking of you. Closing his eyes and trying to erase you from his thoughts. 
As he walked back in shame to his hotel room, he could hear your laughter echoing from your door. Some cruel twist of fate always puts your hotel rooms close together and it makes him feel worse. Pierre couldn’t take the sick feeling he got when he realized what he just did and he jumps into the shower immediately. Scrubbing and scrubbing to get the feeling off of him. Using the hottest water possible to burn the feeling off his skin.
Pierre wraps a towel around his waist once he’s out and he sees a new message from you. You were inviting him over to watch a movie together when he was done and he just couldn’t say no. He slips his pajamas on and goes next door to yours. 
He knows you’ll sit cuddled together on your bed while whatever movie you’ve picked plays on the tv. He knows you’ll end you falling asleep on his shoulder like you always do. He knows he’ll put the volume lower, so as to not wake you, and stay there with your death grip wrapped around him. He knows he’ll lay there dreaming of a life with you where it was like this every night. 
He really has it bad, doesn’t he?
The three of you were walking to the garages, laughing and chatting on your way. You usually got distracted while on the way so Pierre’s hand was softly holding your elbow while he pulled you out of the way of trees, other people, trash cans, just about anything you would run into. 
This time, he hears someone progressively getting loader behind you. Out of curiosity Pierre turns around and sees someone running up but their head was turned. For whatever reason this person was in a rush they were positioned perfectly to barrel straight into you. With his super fast reflex his hands reached out to grab your waist and pull you into his chest, making sure you were safe.
‘Woah!’ you called out, surprised by the sudden movement shocked by the sudden proximity. Whoever it was that he saved you from blew past and yelled out a ‘Sorry!’. You’d all stopped walking and your hands were gripping the front of Pierre’s shirt. The way he was staring down at you and lightly laughing felt weird.
‘Alright, cherie?’ he pushed some hair out your face that was obstructing your view.
Were his eyes always this blue? Have you ever been this close to him before? Did he always smell like lemons and freshly washed linen? Were his hands always so warm on your skin? You could feel his fingertips on your hips and it made tingles shoot through you. You don’t remember his lips being that pink and soft looking. Actually, you don’t remember thinking about his lips before. You didn’t know why you were, still, thinking about his lips. Shaking yourself out of this daze, you cleared your throat and laughed. 
‘Yeah I’m, uh, alright. Thanks,’ You smoothed down your shirt and readjusted your shorts around your waist. When you look back up Pierre looks a little unconvinced but laughs it off as he keeps walking. As he passes you Charles fall right into view, and he look he’s giving you is smug. ‘What?’ you ask him. 
‘Nothing! Nothing at all,’ he shrugs and starts walking very slowly. ‘Someone got a little nervous for a second there.’ His shit-eating grin is wider than you’ve seen it before, and you’ve seen it a lot. 
‘No I didn’t!’ you were getting defensive now, which normally means you’re hiding something or afraid to admit you’re wrong. 
‘I dont know if I believe you,’ he says in a sing-song voice and you respond by shoving him. Now you’ve both stopped in your tracks and Charles was rubbing the side of his arm. ‘You’re the one who got lost in Pierre’s dreamy eyes in literal public.’
‘If you’re saying his eyes are dreamy I think we need to have another conversation, mate,’ Now you were just plain deflecting and you knew he could see right through it. 
‘Actually, if my ears don’t deceive me, you just called his eyes dreamy.’ If his grin got any wider you’d swore it would split his face in half. You turned forward and watched Pierre chat with someone who stopped him to say hi. While watching him you get lost in thoughts that felt brand new. 
Charles watched you watch Pierre and just raised his eyebrow and deadpanned. He could only shake his head and keep moving forward while pulling you behind him. Sometimes he felt like he was the only one with eyes in this friend group.
‘You guys coming or what?’ Pierre called from way ahead of you and waved his hand in a come here motion. You ran up to him and the second you got close enough he slotted you underneath his arm and kept chatting about as you two went over to the Alpine garage. Charles stood in his place and veered off to Ferrari as he watched you and Pierre from behind. You were slightly awkward now but trying to shake off whatever the weird feeling was plaguing you at the moment. Looks like Charles’ plan to get you two to admit your feelings for each other and get together didn’t need that much meddling from his part after all, fate was pushing you into his arms and oh, how Charles loved fate right now.
You sat in hospitality while you waited for Pierre to finish his shower. You were scrolling on YouTube and found a video you wanted to watch, so you went to reach for your headphones when you realized they weren’t there. The only obvious place for you to have left them were in his room. Maybe you could just sneak in and grab them, and sneak out unnoticed. 
You creeped into his room and kept your head down. He was humming quietly to himself and you found yourself smiling at it, before blinking and getting back to the mission. Hand wrapped around them you went to exit just as quietly but you caught a glimpse of him in the corner of your eye. His frame seemed to glow from behind the shower curtain, why was there light in there anyway?
You stared at his wide shoulders and watched the muscles move as he washed his hair. You stood there mesmerized watching his back move as he kept showering. His waist tapered and got smaller as your eyes travelled down his back, but his frame stayed strong. Before your eyes started going further down you shut them quickly. 
This time you rushed out of the room quickly and you sat with your back against the wall. You’d seen his back before. Plenty of times really. You’d know him since you were kids, you’d gone to the beach and gone swimming with him before. You swore you knew what he looked like. But you’d never seen him like that before, it felt different. You didn’t know what to even think anymore. From earlier this morning to now, you were confused.
Why did a Formula 1 driver even need those muscles? Doesn't it like, make him heavier and affect the drag or something? Since when did he have them anyway, 'Hey!' His voce dragged you out of your head. 'I'm almost ready, you got all your stuff?'
'Yeah, all good!' you gave a thumbs up even though he couldn't see you. Your head fell into your hands and you almost laughed in your own embarrassment. Nearly a second later Pierre opened the door and you fell backwards onto his chest.
'Woah there,' he laughed and held your shoulders, he leaned forward just ever so closer to your face. 'You're all over the place today, huh?'
'Apparently.' You shot back onto your own two feet trying to shake the feeling of his chest on your back out of your head. The entire walk to the car you were silent, just listening to Pierre voice his concerns and ideas about qualifying and the race. Then in the car you stayed silent as music flowed through the speakers and filled the silence.
What was wrong with you today? Why was this happening to you? Why can't you stop thinking about him and how his body felt against yours? His hands felt so large on your shoulders and his chest so solid when you leaned against it. And what was that this morning? You'd hugged Pierre before so why did it feel so different now. You'd felt him before, but this felt like you'd felt him. Your mind was racing the entire night so you texted Charles to see if you guys could talk once you got back.
And talk you did.
'Hmm, yes,' Charles rubbed his chin after you just told him everything about earlier. 'I think I know what the problem is.'
'Okay?' You were really starting to question him after he sat in silence for five minutes.
‘You like him.’ He stated like it was so simple. He sat there with his arms crossed and that stupid look on his face.
You stared mouth agape, what drugs was he on. You? Like Pierre? Your best friend? No, no way, 'I highly doubt that Cha. It's probably just, pent up energy.'
'Then relieve it, maybe that'll being some clarity to the situation.'
'No! What are you on about? Mon dieu, Charles you're losing your mind.'
'If you knew what was actually wrong with you, why'd you come to me then?' Charles asked with his arms crossed.
'I think I just need to clear my head.' You got up and walked out, 'Thanks Cha, really.'
'You're welcome,' he mutters as you walk away. Why is he always being put in this position where he's stuck between two very stubborn people. 'Everybody asks Charles for help, but no one ever listens to Charles.' He slumps down and goes back to his book that was previously put down at your urgency.
You'd been sat off the pools ledge, with your legs moving steadily. Why did things have to start changing? Why couldn't things stay the same? What were you supposed to do now?
It was getting late as you checked your watch so you decided to go back to your room. There were so many thoughts in your head you couldn't make a solid conclusion. You debated back and forth, to do or not to do. So there you stood, in front of the door, debating.
Before you get to decide, a familiar voice calls your name.
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vetteltea · 10 months
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Pierre Gasly and Big Hugs from the Family [no warnings]
Day 11 of the Vetteltea Advent Calendar
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The silvery car pulling up outside of the Gasly’s family home was enough to make your stomach churn. It was breathtaking, truly. A beautiful tiled path leads to the ornate front door, soft lights decorating the roof for the holiday season. The tree, the one he had told you about so many times, how his elder brothers would tease him until he learnt to scale the branches, stood to the left, draped in identical string lights, a reindeer statue artistically placed underneath. 
Pierre ceases the engine, his own hands dropping from the wheel of the car. It takes less than a second before one of them finds your own, gently slipping it into his touch and offering a comforting squeeze. He knows all too well, after meeting your parents the previous night, that you only have one chance to make an impression. Despite his lavish and overbearing reputation, your family had fallen head over heels for your boyfriend the previous evening. A quick pit-stop in a hotel that evening, you had spent the day driving to his family’s home for the remainder of the holiday. 
He’d given you a gentle reminder during the drive, that only three of his brothers would be present when the two of you would arrive that evening. Even so, your eyes had gone wide from finally seeing the front door, identical to the photos that Pierre had shown you of his five-year old self, standing in front of the door on his first day of school with a huge grin. This was the first time in a long time, after all, that he had bought a girl home.
Everybody knew of his reputation; how every moment of every day he seemingly had a new plaything on his arm; maybe that was the reason you were so nervous of meeting his family; what if Pierre got sick of you in less than a week and dumped you for some pretty blonde he’d crossed paths with in Monaco? 
You didn’t have time to be nervous; not before you heard a loud scream from outside of the windows. Both yours and your boyfriend’s head snapped in the direction of the house, Pierre’s mother now stood on the porch. Gently, Pierre slips his hand from your grasp, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to the temple of your head.
“Come on.” He coaxes. “Let’s do it, yes?”
The words are what you need, pushing you from the safe-space of the car. Pierre is the first to move, opening the driver side door and making a beeline to the passenger side, opening the door for you. One gentle hand reaches out, clasping yours when you lift from the seat. By the time you’ve stepped away from the car seat, his mother is already there. You had heard the stories, how Pierre was a mother’s boy because he was the youngest, her baby. 
She completely bypassed her son, taking you in her arms and pulling you into her chest. You feel her heart racing in awe, warm hands clasping you so tightly and your chest relaxes. She’s welcoming you, she is already elated by you. When she pulls back, her two hands reach forward to cup your face, pressing a gentle kiss to either one of your cheeks. 
“Pierre! Elle est tellement belle!” She’s shouting about how beautiful you are. You’re not like the other girls she sees her son photographed with. You’re naturally beautiful, and she can sense you have a strong head on your shoulders and a good heart. You’re good for him, perfect for him. This time, when she pulls you back into a hug, she pulls Pierre alongside you, tightly squeezing you for one more moment. 
“Cyril! Paul! Nik! Aide-les avec les sacs!” Her demand for his elder brothers to come down from the porch and help the two of you with your luggage is met immediately, not before each brother has pulled you into a hug, agreeing with their mother that you are quite simply the greatest women he has ever pulled. Cyril laughs, throwing one arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to his own side. His English is stronger than his mother’s, though he’s still able to understand both.
“Pierre is really punching with you, no?” He laughs, the youngest brother’s cheeks turning pink. “Seriously. You are beautiful. Way too good for him!” This time, you can’t help but join in the laughter, the youngest Gasly’s hands reaching out in mock surrender. 
“Yes, alright.” He grins. “She’s too good for me. But she’s still mine.” Cyril eventually removes his arm from around your shoulder, whistling for one of the suitcases to be passed to him, all being taken up to Pierre’s childhood bedroom, he was the most nervous about you seeing that later on. Whilst the three men carry the cases inside, your boyfriend takes the time to wrap his own arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest. 
“Are you feeling better now, yes?” He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, letting you relax into his chest. “You’re her favorite now, no questions asked.”
You take notice of his pout, stretching upward and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “It’s okay. You’ll always be my favourite.” 
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reqxxyt · 1 year
the best man
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pairings: pierre g. x f!reader
warnings: pierre being a f*ck boy, past charles and charlotte relationship, cursing
masterlist requests are open!
[unedited] wc: 3.3k
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
When your best friend, Charlotte told you she was getting married you were excited for her, immediately asking if you were going to be the maid of honor. She only nodded eagerly with a bright smile and you got giddy already envisioning her dream wedding she had been talking about since she was 5. But then she told you who was going to be the best man at the wedding. 
Pierre Gasly. 
You really should’ve assumed that it would turn out to be him, considering he and Charles had always been so close, but you were upset nonetheless. You only gave Charlotte a small frown but she knew exactly what you were thinking, already knowing of you and Pierre's difficult relationship. 
You first met him at a party and even before you could properly introduce yourself, or rather be introduced to him by Charlotte he came up to you trying to flirt his way through and showing clear disinterest didn’t push him away. You grew tired of his inflamed ego, hating him since the beginning for how cocky he was, always bragging about the model he had gotten with the past week. 
“Please just get along with him for the next couple of months. For me?” Charlotte begged you as she was trying on some dresses. You weren’t the one who brought him into the conversation but rather her reporter friend who seemed to be interested in Pierre. You didn’t reply, shrugging at her request and making her frown which only made you feel guilty as you finally just nodded your head not trying to make her stressed anymore than she already was. 
“I won’t try anything as long as he doesn’t,” you said, pointing your finger at her before giving her a thumbs-up about the dress. You sat on the couch, watching her try on dresses for the next couple of hours giving comments every so often along with other bridesmaids that all held excited expressions. 
The bridesmaids decided for their dresses on a light pink, silky dress with spaghetti straps that had a long cut lapping over your thigh. You didn’t complain about it, it was cute, but far too tight on your upper body. You only nodded along to the other girls, feeling the most quiet out of all of them. 
It was almost exactly the same for the plan of the bachelorette party, the other girls deciding on practically everything as you leaned back against the couch barely listening to a word they said, just nodding along. Charlotte took notice of your quiet nature, trying to at first getting you engaged but your lack of attempting to, had her stop and letting you be quiet and alone at times when you needed to. 
Then came the rehearsal dinner, you got ready, wearing a comfortable light purple dress, complementing the tone of your skin as it sat right above your knees, barely showing much skin of your thighs. You arrived at the place, a small venue following everyone as they went inside. You noticed the lack of presence of Pierre as you sat closest to Charlotte where your name was placed knowing Pierre would have to sit in front of you. 
“Where is Pierre?” asked Charlotte instead of you, worry in her tone. Charles shrugged as he sat down, kissing her cheek, and rubbing her back as she pursed her lips before putting on her warm, welcoming smile. Without Pierre, you all started, explaining how the entrance would happen and when the practice session would begin. 
“Sorry for being so late” you heard in the middle of drinking your water. Familiar enough, you lifted your head at him, catching his eyes and immediately reciprocating his charming smile with a glare as he said hello to both the groom and bride, giving them both a kiss on the cheek. He finally sat down and you took a deep breath not sure what to expect but already annoyed with him just by being late. 
“Why are you so late?” your annoyed tone couldn’t be ignored and he took a bite of his food before replying, 
“Something came up” You only hummed and spotted Charlotte giving you a warning look causing you to avert your eyes back to your food not looking to make an argument about it over dinner. 
Then the doors opened to a bridesmaid, with slightly messed up hair, dress being terribly adjusted as she was apologizing profusely. You faced back to Pierre, seeing his smirk grow as the girl sat next to you making you roll your eyes at his expression trying to ignore how obvious the situation was. 
Both Charles and Charlotte tried to salvage the scene, seeing how awkward it had become but you didn’t speak a word the entire evening refusing to speak to Pierre. 
“Rather ignore me, princess?” his teasing smile behind you could be heard from a mile as he caught up to you before you could get to your car, blocking the entrance as you attempted to exit the place. 
“Then talk to you? Of course” sarcastically smiling, he mocked a hurt expression as your arms came to wrap around your waist, crossing them over your chest slowly getting more annoyed. 
“But you’ll have to deal with me for another month,” he said, leaning in to appear more intimidated but you didn’t dare back down. “I doubt you’ll be able to resist me by then”
“Not everyone is into you, Pierre” Your tongue rolled off his name and at that he looked down at your lips, wanting you to say it again. To repeat it over and over, for the way you pronounced it made his own heart leap. You leaned in closer, almost touching noses, leaning back after whispering “Now get off my car before you cause a dent in it”
He finally listened to you, leaning away before walking off, you tried to calm down your racing heart hating how your body reacted when near him but your mind and vocals wanted to shout at him for being a prick. 
The day of the bachelorette party, the girls went to a club and you only tagged along for the sight. Drank very little and sat on the booth as you observed the other girls having the time of their lives dancing to the rhythm of the music making an attempt to bring all the attention onto the future bride. 
“Not a party person?” you heard a voice sit in front of you. You looked at them, only being able to partically depict his face. You gave a small smile, shaking your head asking sarcastically “Is it that obvious?”
“A little” he chuckled before asking, “so why come?”
“It's my friend's bachelorette and as her maid of honor. I have to go everywhere but have a say in nothing” you said shrugging and he finally spotted Charlotte, standing out wearing a tiara that the other girls hated but only you and Charlotte understood the meaning behind it. 
“You have a date for this wedding?” he was shooting his shot having spotted you the second he walked in, already interested in your quiet nature. You thought about it for a moment, wondering if it would be worth the headache but it definitely (hopefully) would get Pierre off your back, so you shook your head, leaning in before asking
“Would you like to be my date?”  And he immediately smiled at your question, nodding his head. He offered his phone to you and you typed in your number handing it back to him with a small smile feeling your cheeks grow a light shade of pink. He left noticing the group of girls coming forward. 
“Who was that?” Charlotte asked as the other girls followed behind with a couple of drinks, she teased you with a smile and you only chuckled thinking to yourself how he might’ve been intimidated by the group.
“My date to the wedding,” you said barely audible with the music booming in the background, she smiled widely while some of the other girls looked confused but you brushed it off. 
The day of the wedding started off with Charlotte being the first up, having to drag you out of the hotel room that you two shared from the night before. She didn’t want to risk the chances of having Charles spot her on the wedding day and she dragged you along the idea of it. 
You were planned to be the first one to get ready, alongside Charlotte who was rambling about how nervous she was. 
“What if the flowers wither?” She asked, hand over her mouth as she gasped. The questions getting more ridiculous, and you laughed before reassuring her about it. 
“If anything bad happens, I’ll be the first to know” you comforted and she finally let out a deep sigh thankful that you were here. You suddenly heard a knock at the door a couple of minutes after the hairdresser finished your style. Thinking it was the other girls you got up to open it only to see Pierre leaning against the doorframe with a small smirk growing with the sight of you in a silked robe in front of him, looking you up and down. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked closing the door slightly so he wouldn’t be able to spot the bride getting her makeup ready. The corners of his lips lifting up, already starting to get you irritated,
“Charles wanted me to check up on you two,” he said and you narrowed your eyes wondering if he was telling you the truth before finally giving in. 
“She’s doing fine,” you said and he waited for you to continue but you only gave him a strange look. 
“How are you doing?” he seemed genuinely curious, standing up straight. 
“Fine as well” Your words slowed down waiting for him to leave now that he has received the information but instead he pulled you out of the room, pinning you against the wall. A sharp intake of breath entering you system, already feeling your heart stop at the minimal space Pierre provided, “What are you doing, Pierre?”
He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the way you said his name. He fluttered his eyes open, asking in a soft tone “Why do you hate me so much?”
You stood shocked for a moment, that question not being on your expectations list. “What?” you asked, dumbfounded. 
“Why do you hate me so much?” he repeated, leaning in slightly, testing out the limits. 
“The first time we met, you tried getting with me like you do with every other girl,” you explained in a calm tone, having to look up because of the difference in height. You leaned in closer, being only a couple of inches away before whispering “I’m not one of your whores, Pierre”
He ignored the rapid pulse you sent him, again, say it again, he thought. “You’re right, you’re not,” he said, leaning into your ear as he whispered “But I don’t mind the chase” before leaning away, walking to Charles's hotel room. Meanwhile, you took in a deep breath finally feeling your heart pound against you. 
“You okay?” one of the bridesmaids asked who had barely arrived, looking over at you who held a pale expression. You shook your head trying to gather back your thoughts before you nodded assuring her you were fine. 
It was finally nearing. The wedding ceremony was only in half an hour and you tried your best to adjust everything, including having to reassure Charlotte that everything was going to be fine for the hundredth time. You stood behind the doors of the church, seeing Pierre right in front of you on the other side ready whenever the doors would open but now every time you made eye contact with him, you couldn’t help but your heart skip a beat before racing a mile. 
“5 minutes,” the wedding planner informed, a telling to get you all situated, everyone linked hands with their partner as you hesitated before having Pierre wrapped his arms around yours. Your senses had now somehow increased, you could smell the expensive cologne he almost never wore, your ears had to have been ringing, your mouth felt suddenly dry, and your sense of touch had heightened, getting goosebumps by the near touch of him. 
“You look pretty” he whispered, complementing you as he finally faced you but you couldn’t do the same only being able to say “You look- you cleaned yourself up well”. He only chuckled at your response liking the way you stumbled over your words, feeling your own cheeks heat up thanking your makeup designer for applying blush so it wouldn’t make much of a difference. The doors finally opened and you two started walking in sync, just like you had practiced. 
You spotted the guy you had invited, the name was Lucah you were half sure. He gave you a wave and you only smiled, feeling a bit more relaxed. Pierre had noticed as well, not sure how you two knew each other but ready to ask the moment he could. The two of you separated and stood at either side of the stage. Charlotte came out and immediate applause erupted as people stood up, you glanced at Charles seeing his eyes start to water and you could only feel happiness for your best friend as she walked up allowing the ceremony to begin.
The ceremony only lasted an hour and then came pictures. While the guests came to congratulate the couple, Pierre stood next to you, inching slowly closer before finally breaking the silence between you two, 
“You invited someone?” he let his curiosity get the better of him no longer being able to withstand the idea of you with someone else. 
“You noticed?” your lips broke out into a teasing smile taking a simple glance of him.
“How could I not? You were practically flirting with each other across the room” he faced you, making lingering eye contact before continuing, “Rather unprofessional, don’t you think?”
You scoffed at his comment, “You being late to the dinner rehearsal to fuck a bridesmaid was rather unprofessional, no?” bringing back the rehearsal dinner was a low but necessary blow, dropping Pierres smile before he picked it back up, a teasing one, mirroring yours. 
“Are you jealous?” this made your eyebrows furrow, glancing at the couple of the spotlight for a second before looking back, stepping a bit closer subconsciously.
“Of who? The girl or you?” you paused, mocking him as you said making sure not to be too loud, “yes, Pierre I wish for you to whisk me away only to leave me in the dust. Is that what you want to hear?”
“Something like that would be nice” his smile only growing and you scoffed, walking away to meet up with your date having already spotted him a while ago but too busy to walk forward. 
“You look gorgeous” he complimented you, you only smiled with a thank you. You were about to start a conversation when Charlotte called you for pictures, you gave him an apologetic look but he only brushed it off asking with hope “I’ll see you at the reception?”
You nodded, sending a final smile before you headed back to the group. You glanced at Pierre who stood glaring at the back of the guy, before turning to you softening his gaze but you only gave him a strange look before heading back to the couple with Pierre following close behind you. 
Taking the pictures didn’t take long but all throughout you noticed the lingering gazes and long touches by Pierre who made an effort to get your attention, 
For the party, the seating arrangements were different from rehearsal having Pierre be beside you instead of in front of you. The two of you were silent while eating, drinking some expensive wine the entire time. 
Music started playing, and all the couples got up and danced. You took a glance at the other side, spotting Lucah seeing him walk up to you but Pierre took notice of it as well, suddenly sitting up, grabbing your hand, getting ready to ask but instead came Lucah asking if you wanted to dance. With a smile, you said yes and removed your hand from Pierre's grasp and replaced it with Lucahs. 
The song was an upbeat one, sending your body excitement, slowly gathering looser while dancing with the man in front of you, giggles being let out. Pierre watched you before he grew annoyed and looked around hoping to find someone else, except this time it didn’t work. His usual plan of replacing you from his thoughts didn’t function as he tried to look for someone. 
Instead, he went up to the DJ and asked for a slow song after this one, he nodded and gave him time to walk up to you. 
“Is it alright if I steal her for a minute?” Pierre asked the guy who had stolen the attention of the one he longed for. Lucah looked at you for a second, you just nodded and he left thinking you two had just been friends. 
Pierre wrapped his arms around your waist the second the slow song started and you took it in for a second, realizing his plan as you wrapped your arms around his neck following along. 
“What are you planning, Pierre?” you still asked, he gave you a small smile as you analyzed his features.
“Want me to be honest?” he asked and you just glared at him for asking such a stupid question. “I plan on making you like me. To have you in my arms by the end of the night, as my own and me yours” 
His words sent shivers down your spine, not actually expecting him to say something like that. “And how exactly do you plan on doing that, Pierre?” taking to notice his reaction each time you would say his name. 
“You're catching onto me, aren’t you princess?” he leaned in, quick flicker at your lips before traveling back to your eyes. “How whenever you would say my name, I want you to repeat it, I want you to shout it a million times never growing tired of it” 
“Pierre” you repeated a slow uplift of your lips, making him smile. Foreheads beginning to touch. “Pierre” you whispered, almost feeling the music behind you start to decrease in volume. “I don’t think I ever hated you” 
“And I only wanted your attention” he confessed, noses starting to touch. “I never knew how to deal with someone I actually wanted to get to know. I tried the same way but you’re different from the others” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment but I pushed you farther,” you said, starting to lean away but his arms held you close. 
“Would you like for us to start over?” he suggested, hoping you would agree to the idea. 
“Hello, my name is Y/n. What is yours?” you asked a bit embarrassed, trying to hide your rosy cheeks. He only chuckled before saying 
“Hello, my name is Pierre and I am deeply enamored with you,”, leaning in closer. 
“Pierre, what an interesting name” you whispered against his lips, grazing yours with his own, before finally closing the gap. Feeling your lips against his sent sparks to either side, being able to taste the white wine against his tongue contrasting to your red one, and your thoughts flooded only of him in the moment, before you two pulled away. 
You two left not too long after, him whisking you to his hotel room, pushing you against the door the second you two entered, and sloppy drunk kisses as you made your way to the bed. He pushed for you to sit down on the edge, kissing you slowly wanting to savor the moments. 
“I’m not a fan of one-night stands,” you said against his lips, he only nodded saying in return
“For you, I am not either” 
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forteafy · 1 year
F1 NSFW Alphabet Anyone?
[Send me what drivers you'd like to read about, I need to get some smut out of my brain]
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theyluvkarolina · 4 months
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𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 ‧₊˚📀✩♬ ₊˚.
Hello and welcome to Lina’s 1K Event! For this event, I chose 10 (fav # hehe) of my favorite songs and you guys will be able to pick a song and request who (F1 Edition)!
What to do…
Select a song
Request the love interest with the song (same one can be for multiple songs!)
You are also able to come up with your own scenario as long as it correlates with the meaning of the song!
EXAMPLE: “Hello! Can I request __(driver/song)__ with __(song/driver__? (Insert Explanation of what is wanted if there is one)”
Nothing that is considered “dark romance” (i don’t believe in anything called dark romance. It’s either romance where the characters are actually LOVING, or a psychological thriller.)
Please be kind with requests! Kindness is key!
That is about it! I’m very flexible with rules :)
Who I write for…
Drivers: Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz, Lando Norris, Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso, Pierre Gasly, Oscar Piastri, Daniel Ricciardo, Yuki Tsunoda, Logan Sargeant, Alex Albon
I also don’t mind incorporating the WAGS as another love intrest in with driver x reader fics! I
WAGS I can Write for if wanted: Lily M, Lily Z, Alexandra, Kika, and Rebecca
Author’s Note(s)…
just realized all my songs are angsty… whoops!!
I do in fact see your requests!! I just prefer to upload the request and fic when the fic is ready 🩷
i try to get my fics out fast but it takes time. please, please be patient.
Happy reading! 🤍 ⋆ ࣪.
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𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ‧₊˚📀✩♬ ₊˚.
`` 𝑰𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅, 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒖𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔. ``
`` 𝑰 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒐𝒇𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 (𝒂𝒉) 𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 (𝒂𝒉) ``
`` 𝑺𝒐 𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒚 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒚, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝑰 𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒘 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝑰 𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 ``
`` 𝑳𝒂𝒄𝒚, 𝒐𝒉, 𝑳𝒂𝒄𝒚, 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒉, 𝑰 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ``
`` 𝑳𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏, 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅? 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 ``
`` 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑰 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒆 𝑰 𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 '𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝑰'𝒗𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑺𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 ``
`` 𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 ``
`` 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒘 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒛𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒅-𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏' 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 ``
`` 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐨𝐡, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭'𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐠𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧' 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, "𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮" ``
`` 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝑺𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 ``
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charlesslut16 · 1 year
-board games-
summary : you and pierre play board games but it ends a bit different...
PAIRING : pierre gasly x fem!reader
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You and your boyfriend, of 4 years, pierre, were playing board games in your shared apartment. You were both siting at your dining table. Pierre was siting opposite to you.
You were playing ludo and pierre was about to win. Almost at the finish end. Only needing a one for the win, but you abruptly stood up. Pierre looked at you with a confused look. 
You glared at him as you saw the look on his face. "Please don't. Please, ma cherie." he tried to protect the board, so you couldn't flip it and throw it on the floor.
But you beat him to it. Taking the edge of the board, you flipped it. Making all the pieces fly all over the room and on the floor. He looked at you with a sad smile, but with a little smirk behind it.
"I should have never agreed to play with you." He said as he stood up. Approaching him, he pulled you into his chest for a hug.
"I’m sorry, I always let my emotions get the best of me," You mumbled into his chest. "I won't forgive you, baby."  He answered before kissing the top of your head.
Pulling your head away from his head, you glared at him. Groaning as you heard his answer. Your arms still around his torso, while you lean on his right shoulder.
You then sighed again before pulling out of the side hug, while he had a playful smirk on his lips. You glare at him again, meanwhile stepping away from your boyfriend.
He then turned away to clean up the pieces and the board on the floor. Cleaning up the mess you have made. Taking the chance, you gave his butt a smack.
His head instantly snapped towards you. You look at him for a second, but then decide to make a run for it, going into your shared bedroom, locking the door behind you.
You heard him coming near because you heard the footsteps near the bedroom door before they distanced. A sigh of relieved left your lips before you heard him coming back.
Then the door handle started to rattle. Shit. You were so screed. He had your bedroom key.
As I heard him insert the key, my heard stopped. 'Nah. Not dying today.', you thought as you saw the doorknob turn.
So you did what made the most sense to you. You went to hide under your shared bed. Right as the door opened, your whole body was hidden under the bed.
You then heard his footsteps as he stepped into the room. Shit. He kneeled down, tilted his head as he looked at you under the bed. As he saw you, he smiled.
"Come out, amore" he ordered. You refused, so he pulled you out under the bed, so that you were now under him. You looked at him confused until you felt his hands around your waist.
As you realized what was about to happen, you tried to stop him, but he was too fast. He now tickled you. Laughing as he sees as you roll around, screaming, begging him to stop.
He stopped after a while, picking you up into his arms, holding you close. You both were now facing each other. Only centimeters separating you both.
"Don't touch my ass,"  he said sternly, but having a playful smirk on his face. "But I Like it. It's nice and round. Like a ball." You answer but laughing in between your words. 
A soft laugh left his perfect lips before he rested his forehead on yours. A little later, giving you a soft kiss on your forehead and a soft kiss on the top of your head.
"Je t’aime, ma princesse." He said after giving you a kiss on your lips. I love you, my princess 
"Je t’aime plus, mon prince." You said, leaning on his chest. The place you felt at peace.  I love you more, my prince.
"But really, don't touch my ass!"
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holllandtrash · 2 years
better than words | lando norris, pierre gasly
pairing: lando norris x reader, pierre gasly x reader part 4 to better left unsaid (the better series)
slowly but surely, pierre washes away your doubts and makes you question why you were ever hung up on Lando in the first place...you're finally ready to let someone new in, right?
word count: 5.3k tags: 18+, minors do not read, smut, its cute and soft but its also smut
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Pierre called you out on being distant the second you stepped into the motorhome on friday afternoon. 
His pre race interview from last week was still stuck in your mind. That and everything Lando said had been eating at you. You weren’t sure where you stood with Pierre and the distance during the week didn’t help. 
Pierre sat on the edge of the couch and reached for your hand, pulling you to stand between his legs. He tilted his chin up as his other hand rested on your waist, tugging you closer to ensure you wouldn’t just walk away from this conversation. Communication wasn’t something he shied away from.
“Chérie,” his tone was warm. He wanted to pry inside your mind, but just so you two could be on the same page. “What’s going on? Tell me what you’re thinking about.”
“That interview, Pierre,” you didn’t want to be so soothed by his touch, but you had been deprived of any physical contact and you missed him. 
Pierre shook his head slowly, it wasn’t clicking for him, “What interview?”
“Last weekend,” you clarified. “The pre-race one? Come on, you said that you weren’t about to allow Lando to get ahead? You were encouraging him to fight but weren’t about to let your guard down? I mean, you weren’t just talking about the cars. Max said that it seemed like you were hinting about me. Like I was what you were fighting over.”
Pierre’s lips pressed together tightly as he stifled his laughter. You didn’t like that he wasn’t taking this seriously and you started to step away, only he didn’t let you. He tugged you closer, squeezing your hand lovingly. 
“Hey, come on,” Pierre chuckled. He shook his head again, “I don’t know what you inferred from that interview, but I can assure you it was only about the standings. Whatever Max said, whatever he put in your head, it was misconstrued to fit Lando’s narrative. I know you’re not some trophy, Y/N, you can’t be won.”
You felt like an idiot. 
You were so quick to believe what Max and Lando had said, that Pierre’s comments meant something more, but they really shouldn’t be taken for anything other than face value. Lando would hear what he wanted to hear and that shouldn’t have been your problem.
Pierre’s eyes darted around your features, still trying to get a read on you, “That’s not all, is it?”
You shook your head.
“Trust and communication,” Pierre said. He had yet to pull his gaze off of you. To him, you, this, was the most important thing in the room. “The two pillars of any strong relationship. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
Pierre wasn’t typically demanding, but he knew what he wanted and what he wanted from you was an open and honest conversation. 
“I talked to Lando,” you admitted. Pierre didn’t flinch. He didn’t give you any indication that he thought you made a mistake, he waited for you to finish. “More specifically, he apologised.”
“You made up?” He asked.
That was a difficult question to answer, “We’re on better terms. I can’t just insert myself back into his life, but he’s not-”
“He’s not going anywhere,” Pierre finished your exact thought. When a sharp inhale passed through his teeth, you felt his grip on your waist loosen the slightest bit. Pierre licked his lips, taking a second to process what that meant for you two moving forward.
Pierre knew you had loved him. 
Did you still love him? 
You didn’t let yourself think about it. You wanted to push those feelings to the back of your mind, you didn’t want to love Lando. You wanted the man in front of you now.
If Pierre was thinking about asking what your feelings were for the McLaren driver now, he decided against it. Either he didn’t want to know the answer, or he was holding onto that small piece of hope that Lando wasn’t going to be an issue. You were here with him after all, that had to mean something. 
He needed assurance.
“I want you,” you said, sliding your hands around his shoulders. You tangled your fingers through the strands of hair at the nape of his neck and Pierre let out a quiet hum of contentment. He liked when you played with his hair. 
He tilted his head up even more, his smile shifting into a smirk, “You want me?”
It was hard to believe that he still hadn’t kissed you. After your time in Monaco, after you flew to Milan specifically for him, after you had literally spelled it out for him that he was the man you wanted, all Pierre did was look up at you with that damn smirk. 
What the hell was he waiting for? 
Maybe he would have kissed you then, you would never know because there was a knock on the door. Whoever was on the other side at least had the decency to not barge in, but they did politely remind Pierre that he had one last media obligation before calling it a night. 
“Come on,” Pierre interlocked his fingers through yours and nodded his head towards the door, “After this I promise to be Milan’s best tour guide.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
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Pierre held the door to the bakery open for you, taking your hand for balance so you didn’t trip on the step down. Esteban and his girlfriend followed behind, but kept their distance as they shared the cinnamon bun they had bought. The four of you had decided to explore Milan together, but you were about to head your separate ways and call it a night.
“I love this city,” you hummed, sliding your left arm around Pierre’s waist. In your right hand you held the remains of a cookie, a cookie that Pierre swore would change your life. Even with it being so late at night, the bakery still had fresh items and you had to admit, you weren’t disappointed with the selection. You finished chewing the bite in your mouth and tilted your head up at him, “What’d you call this?” 
“Mandorlini del ponte,” Pierre draped his arm over your shoulder, but not before wiping away some powder that had stuck to the corner of your mouth. 
“For a French boy, your Italian is impeccable.”
“French boy?” Pierre asked, mock offensiveness in his tone as he tugged you against his side. “Ma chérie, I assure you I am 100% man.”
You took another bite of the biscuit, leaning your head against his side as you walked slowly down the street of the city he called home. 
You had been to Milan before, but you had never got to experience it through the eyes of someone who lived here. Usually your weekends kept you glued to the paddock and in the evenings you’d go to whatever restaurant Lando suggested. You never argued, figuring he knew the place best.
But Pierre knew all of Milan’s hidden gems. Like the bakery you had just left because it was family owned and they loved to experiment with new recipes while never wandering too far from Italy’s charming roots.
He had pulled you down an alleyway earlier and told you to wait as he looked up, confused, you did the same and a few seconds later, a row of twinkling lights flipped on. They sparkled amongst the masonry, but only for a short while before turning off again. 
“There’s a malfunction in the lights,” Pierre explained, “but they remind of the stars, the way they twinkle and disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye.”
Pierre wanted to show you why he loved Milan. He wanted to share this city with you and you could easily see why he had fallen in love with this place. The people, the culture, the history, all of it was breathtaking and Pierre wouldn’t let you guys move on until you could truly appreciate the beauty in a location the way he did.
You wished that he didn’t have to race this weekend, that you could allow yourself to be swept away by his hospitality and finish the night by locking yourselves away from the city you had grown to love in such a short period of time. You didn’t want to have to set an alarm for the next morning and wait as the nerves slowly started in your stomach and worked their way up as you spent the day in the Alpine garage. 
Pierre reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys as you approached a crosswalk. Esteban and Elena said their goodbyes, Elena was sweet to give you a hug and tell you that she was excited to hang out with you tomorrow. Usually your only company in the paddock was Max, so another female would be a welcoming change. 
You noticed that Pierre didn’t let go of you, even as you hugged Elena. He kept his hand on your back as you waved to the couple, watching them walk off. Pierre then took that opportunity to stand behind you and slid his arms around your waist. 
You tilted your chin up, momentarily mesmerised by all of the immaculate details on Pierre’s face. Even with the only light coming from nearby street lamps, he seemed to glow before your eyes.
You let yourself relax in his hold and this was another one of those moments when you wished he would have kissed you. Instead, you found yourself watching his lips move as he spoke quietly, knowing he wasn’t about to close the gap.
“Ready to call it a night?” He asked. 
Not really.
“I mean…I’m not all that tired.”
Pierre chuckled and pressed his lips to the side of your head, his nose brushing against your hair, “I didn’t say anything about sleeping.”
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liked by pierregasly, alpinef1team and 87,183 others
yourusername milan day 1
comments are limited
pierre gasly that isn't my good side
yourusername i think it is
itselenaberri so fun to finally meet you<3
womeninmotorsport if this is the paddock's newest couple im obsessed
It was a bold move, posting not just one but two photos of Pierre. You asked for permission, of course, when you were sitting in the passenger seat of his car. You didn’t want to overstep, especially seeing as you had no idea where you two stood.
But Pierre just reached across the centre console to place his hand on your thigh. His pinky and ring finger trailing close to the inside seam of your jeans.
“I’d love nothing more than for you to show me off,” Pierre told you. As he drove under the street lights, each individual lamppost highlighted the smile on his face. 
Pierre had posted you on story dozens of times, only for it all to disappear after 24 hours, but there was only that one picture of you wearing his sweatshirt on his feed. That photo could have been seen as friendly, nothing about it indicated you two were spending quality time together.
But your pictures meant 1000 words. Not only did you manage to capture a (dare you say cute) shot of him mid-interview as he spoke about the upcoming race, but Elena had also snuck a photo of the two of you as you were walking. Again, it could have just been seen as friendly, but if people dissected it a bit, they’d see that you and Pierre were more than just friends at this point.
You weren’t spending your Friday night hanging out with Lando and Max like you usually would before a race weekend, you were with Pierre. You’d spent all day with him since you landed in Milan. And now you were pulling up into his driveway to spend the rest of the night with him.
As you stepped out of the car, you thought about the sleeping arrangements for this weekend. You had your own room when you were in Monaco, Pierre made sure of it. And you were certain his house had a spare room or two for you to claim if you wanted, but you didn’t know what he wanted.
Before Pierre could unlock the front door, you stopped him and grabbed his hand. God, were you really about to ask this? 
“Why haven’t you kissed me?”
Pierre raised his eyebrows at your question that you were now wishing you didn’t ask. When the corner of his mouth turned upwards, a faint blush creeped onto your cheeks and your heart started racing. 
“Why haven’t I kissed you?” Pierre repeated, slower, just to make sure he had heard you correctly. 
“Yeah I mean-” you sighed, pulling your eyes off of him to look at the ground beneath your feet. “You could have in Monaco, but you didn’t. You could have when we were in the drivers room earlier and you didn’t and then all night you- you had the opportunity to but you just never did and I don’t know if I’m misreading the signals but you know that I want you and you just haven’t-”
Thank god he cut you off because you had no idea where you were going with that ramble. 
Pierre stepped forward, taking your chin in his hand to tilt your face upwards. You were nervous and uncertain, but you finally met his eyes, recognizing that charming yet devious glint you had grown so accustomed to recently. 
“Do you want me to be honest?�� Pierre asked when he was certain you weren’t about to start on another tangent.
“Well I’d prefer that to a lie, yes.”
Pierre laughed softly and licked his lips. He gently traced his thumb over your jaw and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t notice the way he was looking at you, like he was finally going to kiss you.
“I had to make sure you weren’t still thinking about Lando,” Pierre explained. That sinking feeling in your chest came back as the face of your oldest friend appeared in your mind. You pushed it aside, wanting to focus on Pierre, on this moment. “I wasn’t about to start anything with you if I thought for a second you were still hung up on him.”
You couldn’t blame him for that. Pierre was smart, he wasn’t about to dive into any relationship headfirst without taking a second to read the warning signs. He wasn’t someone who was ever in relationships himself so the fact that he was taking his time before starting one with you said a lot. He wanted to get it right.
“I just want you,” you said. Pierre’s smile grew.
“I know that now.”
Pierre opened the door and you pulled your eyes off of him to look down the dimly lit foyer. Your jaw fell open, a faint gasp passed through your lips when you took in the sight of red and white rose petals scattered over the hardwood floor. Different sized candles were placed on every shelf and flat surface, lining the hallways. 
He placed his hand on your back, gently ushering you in after you were frozen in awe of what he had organised. You took a few steps into his home, spotting a bouquet of roses on the coffee table, along with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. 
He reached for your jacket to slide it off your arms before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder. He collected your hair and let it drape down your back as you were still speechless, wondering what the hell you did to deserve something as beautiful as this. 
The answer was nothing. Pierre was an angel. He just wanted to make you happy. He wanted to show you how you deserved to be treated. 
“Pierre-” you could barely get a word out. You wanted to cry at how much thought and effort went into this. “When did you-”
“My assistant came by when we were exploring the city,” he answered, his breath hot against your skin. He pressed a second kiss to your neck, so gentle you could have imagined it. “Chérie, I have wanted you since the second I laid eyes on you, but I knew we couldn’t rush into anything. Trust me…” he kissed the spot below your earlobe and you pressed your back into his chest. “...if I had it my way, we would have done this a long time ago.”
Pierre suddenly turned you around so you were face to face instead. You placed your hands on his chest, staring longingly into his eyes before glancing down at his lips. Your hands slid upwards, one hand cupping his neck, the other threading through the hair at the nape of his neck, something you knew he loved. 
You were leaning into him without even realising it. Pierre dipped his head, his nose brushing against yours as you held his face close. His breath was warm, he smelled like chocolate, his eyes were dark and all of this was making you dizzy in the best way. 
His lips barely grazed yours, and he pulled back an inch when they did. Your thumb ran over his stubble, coaxing him to just kiss you already. 
Pierre leaned in again. “Say it again,” he whispered so softly. You knew what he was asking for.
“I want you, Pierre.” 
There was no hesitation. No doubt. No lingering fears in the back of your mind. No voice screaming at you that you were making a mistake and for once, there was no Lando. 
Your heart was going a million miles an hour, you could feel the heat in your face and the nerves running through your body, but you didn’t pull away and you didn’t let him either. 
Pierre smirked, “Good.”
And then he kissed you. It was soft at first but it took every last ounce of air out of your lungs. Your mouth was instantly open as his tongue fought against yours. His hands were everywhere at once. Your hair, your face, your waist, pulling you into him as much as possible. You were so focused on trying to take in this moment that you didn’t even realise he was moving you until your back hit the wall.
You licked his bottom lip before diving back in, your arms loosely draped over his shoulders, tangling your fingers through your hair. The second you heard a quiet groan emerge from the back of his throat you knew you were hooked. There was no going back. 
You were up on your toes, trying to keep your mouth on his when you felt the hem of your shirt being pushed up. His fingers on your skin ignited a fire within you and as he trailed his hands up you finally pulled your lips away from his, your head hitting the wall.
“I think you should have done this a long time ago,” You swallowed heavily and looked up at him, your own breaths just as laboured as his. Pierre chuckled at your words as you cupped his jaw again, pulling him back down to your mouth.
You locked your arm around his neck to keep him from pulling away. You loved the feeling of his tongue against yours. Your lips against his, his teeth practically clashing against yours. The kiss heated up again, and you felt him licking at your bottom lip, his teeth just grazing it and causing your legs to shake. 
“Y/N I don’t-” Pierre spoke against your lips, pausing midway through his sentence to kiss you again. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with. We don’t need to take this further if you don’t want to.”
That shocked you, to say the least. This was not the Pierre you knew. The Pierre who would bring any girl from the club back to the hotel for a quick fuck without giving it a second thought. 
And while you appreciated the concern, the last thing you wanted was for this to end.
“And what if I want to take this further?” You asked, your heart nearly falling out of your chest. He could probably hear how fast it was beating. 
Pierre didn’t need to say anything. He just raised his eyebrows as if to ask if you were positive about this and the second you nodded, his lips were on yours once more. 
Your fingers found the collar of his shirt and you fumbled with the buttons to pry them open, wanting to feel his chest. You got about halfway before giving up and just ripping the material, buttons landing on top of the rose petals. 
He then reached for the hem of your shirt and you let him pull it up and over your head, leaving you in your bra. When you pressed your hand against Pierre’s bare chest, the heat from his body was enough to melt you into a puddle. 
Pierre’s grip on your waist tightened and suddenly the floor had disappeared from beneath you. You locked your legs around his body as he carried you down the hall, reattaching his lips to yours as he navigated through the house. 
His room was dark but it wasn’t like you were in the mood for a tour anyway. He placed you down on the edge of the bed and then got down on his knees in front of you. You couldn’t think straight, but you kept your eyes locked on his. 
The sight of him between your legs set a fire ablaze in your stomach. Pierre took off your shoes and then went for your jeans. You lifted your hips so that he could tug your pants down your legs, quite literally throwing them across the room.
You shouldn’t have been surprised he was taking his goddamn time. It took nearly a month for this man to kiss you. 
You tried to adjust yourself on the bed but when you knew you were soaking and it was all because of the man who was staring up at you like he was ready to devour you, it was hard to make yourself comfortable.
“You’re not patient, are you?” He asked, as if he didn’t already know the answer to that one.
“Not particularly.”
Lucky for you, Pierre was tired of waiting as well. He pulled your panties down your legs, his eyes dropping to your chest for a moment. 
“Do me a favour, Chérie, and take that off,” he nodded towards your bra and you did not have to be told twice. You hurried to unhook the clasp and discard the last bit of material that you wore. 
Pierre took a moment to admire your breasts, but that wasn’t where his priorities lied, he’d have to come back to them later. 
He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed with a harsh yank, keeping your legs spread open for him. There was already a wet spot forming on the bed underneath you and Pierre loved knowing that he didn’t even have to touch you yet to have your body react this sort way. 
He was careful as he grabbed your ankle to drape your leg over his shoulder. He left the softest line of kisses along the inside of your thigh and your entire body tensed the closer he got to your centre. 
When he hovered just over your core, you could have died right there. His hot breath hitting your folds was enough to send you over the edge. You weren’t going to last long with Pierre, you just knew it. 
Your breath caught in your throat when Pierre dived in, pressing his mouth against you. All you could do was fall back, your back arching as you relied on your arm to keep you upright, your other hand tangling through his hair to keep his lips right where they were.  
You threw your head back, loving the way his tongue felt as it slid inside of you. Pierre wasted no time in finding a rhythm, his nose pressed against your clit. His stubble ticked your inner thighs and when his name left your lips you could have sworn he picked up his pace, thrusting his tongue into you faster. 
Pierre took his time eating you out, wanting to enjoy every second of this and you couldn’t stop thinking about what he said earlier.
‘If I had it my way, we would have done this a long time ago.’ 
If you had known Pierre was this good with his tongue, you would have gotten over Lando a lot sooner. 
He slid his tongue out, dragging it upwards to give your clit the attention it desired. The hand that wasn’t in his hair fisted at the sheets and you gasped when you felt two of his fingers tease your entrance, rubbing up and down your slit. 
“Pierre,” you were breathless, desperate, you needed him to touch you. You were dying to feel his fingers inside of you. 
Pierre kept his fingers pressed against you but didn’t move them, “Tell me what you want, Chérie.”
That wasn’t the answer that he was looking for and Pierre pulled his hand back, pressing a kiss to the inside of your leg instead. You groaned and tried to yank his head forward, but your hand was nothing compared to the neck strength of a Formula 1 driver.
“I need more than that.”
“I want you,” you said again, your words followed by a whimper. “Please, Pierre-” you swallowed, God you didn’t think you were one to beg. What was this man doing to you? “Your fingers, Pierre. I need you to touch me.”
Your eyes were squeezed shut but you just knew he was smirking. 
“Was that so hard?”
Pierre slid two fingers inside of you without so much as a warning. The moan that left your lips filled the room as he felt how soaked you were. His fingers curled deep inside you and you let yourself get lost in the feeling of them. 
Pierre tried not to let his pride turn to arrogance at the sight of you quivering at his touch. His fingers hit a certain spot inside of you that made another animalistic moan leave your mouth as your back arched off your bed and your grip on his hair tightened, wanting to pull him impossibly closer. 
Pierre attached his lips to your clit again, but most of his attention went to making sure he hit that spot inside of you again, and again, and again. 
Your hips bucked against his face and with his free hand, Pierre slid it upwards until he reached your breasts, taking one in his hand and starting to fondle it. He pinched your nipple and your entire body shook. 
Everything was too much for you, but you also didn’t want this to end. His fingers moving at a rapid pace. His tongue playing with your clit. His hand on your breast. Pierre knew exactly what he was doing.
His teeth grazed over your clit the same second he thrusted his fingers into you rougher than he had before and you knew you were done for. Pierre must have felt your body tense beneath him because it only encouraged him to keep moving his fingers at that strength and speed.
“Want you to cum, Chérie,” Pierre said, his own voice sounding hoarse as he pulled away from your centre. As much as he wanted to keep tasting you, he wanted to see your face twist in pleasure when he finally made you come undone.
It was only a few seconds later when you felt every muscle in your body tighten as your orgasm washed over you. You shook, practically screaming Pierre’s name as he fingered you through it all, a smug expression on his face the entire time. He didn’t slow his fingers down until your body went limp on top of the blanket and then slowly he pulled them out. 
Pierre admired how you looked, panting and glistening with sweat. And he hadn’t even fucked you. He still had his trousers on but when your eyes flickered open, it was impossible to miss the erection beneath the material.
“You look gorgeous,” Pierre said, his eyes raking over your naked body. He lifted his fingers to his mouth and licked your juices off of him. That sight alone had you ready for another round.
“Taste even better,” he smirked and you gave a short laugh in response. Your cheeks were most definitely a bright shade of pink and you were too drained to even speak. 
Pierre stood and slid his pants off and you opened your mouth, about to ask if he had a condom but he surprised you by taking your hands in his and pulling you up so you were sitting on the edge of the bed. 
He stood between your legs, his fingers twisting through your hair as he craned your neck up to meet his eyes. You could feel how hard he was  against your leg through the material of his briefs and it took everything in you to not reach for him.
“That’s it for tonight,” Pierre suddenly said.
“What?” you protested, eyebrows pinched together. You weren’t ready to call it a night. “Wait, no I thought-”
“No strenuous activity before race weekend,” he told you, as if he was reciting doctors orders. His thumb rested on your bottom lip, tugging it down, but refraining himself from sliding it past your teeth. “And I just know if we did anything more, I wouldn’t be able to stop until the sun came up.”
Fireworks exploded in your stomach. Something told you Pierre wasn’t exaggerating. He seemed like the kind of guy who could go for round after round after round.
You had to admire his will power though. You wouldn’t have been able to stop if the roles were reversed. 
“That’s not fair,” you pouted, hoping that by widening your eyes and batting your eyelashes he would change his mind. Pierre only chuckled and pressed a kiss to your forehead, inhaling a deep breath.
“Oh it’s plenty fair,” he retorted. “Besides, you don’t know how much pleasure I get just from watching you finish.”
Of course he’d rather make you cum than worry about himself. Pierre was perfect. 
“Come on,” he nodded his head towards the headboard. “Let’s get some sleep, Y/N. We both need it.”
You wanted to argue some more, but Pierre was set in his ways. He took hold of your chin and kissed you again, it was passionate and forceful but it was also his way of saying that your fun was over for the time being. 
He backed up and stepped into his closet, only to return with one of his t-shirts for you. You slid it on and pulled back the covers on his bed, only now noticing how soft his mattress was. You already knew that getting out of bed in the morning was going to be a challenge. 
Pierre excused himself, telling you that he had to go blow the candles out before his house burnt down, but it only took him a few minutes to tidy everything up. He came back into his room and had to take a moment to pause in the doorway when he saw how comfortable and content you looked in his bed with the blanket pulled up to your chin.
A smile spread across your cheeks, “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come to bed?”
“In a second,” Pierre answered, leaning against the doorframe. He crossed his arms over his chest, his own smile appearing on his lips. “I just want to look at you a bit longer.”
There were those fireworks again. You couldn’t find the words to respond. Pierre, for what seemed like the tenth time today, had left you speechless. 
Your feelings for him were strong. They were new and terrifying and explosive, but they also gave you a sense of comfort and warmth. Something you had never felt before, something you had been dying to feel since you knew what it meant to give your heart to someone.
For years, you told yourself that eventually, you’d find what you were looking for with Lando, but maybe, just maybe, you were wrong.
part 5 here all parts here
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azaprocky · 1 year
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www.et3rnalsunsh1ne ━━━━━ who i write for!
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ృ✎ ┃KPOP !
★ృ ⌕! p1harmony
★ృ ⌕! txt
★ృ ⌕! g-idle
★ృ ⌕! enhypen
★ృ ⌕! seventeen
★ృ ⌕! dpr ian
★ృ ⌕! dpr live
★ృ ⌕! ash island
★ృ ⌕! jung jin-hyeong
ృ✎ ┃ FORMULA 1 !
★ృ ⌕! Lewis Hamilton
★ృ ⌕! Daniel Ricciardo
★ృ ⌕! Toto Wolff
★ృ ⌕! George Russell
★ృ ⌕! Carlos Sainz
★ృ ⌕! Charles Leclerc
★ృ ⌕! Pierre Gasly
★ృ ⌕! Sebastian Vettel
★ృ ⌕! Lando Norris
★ృ ⌕! F1!drivers x reader (platonic)
ృ✎ ┃OTHERS ! ( reader inserts )
★ృ ⌕! alice in borderland
★ృ ⌕! extracurricular, kdrama
★ృ ⌕! reply 1988, kdrama
★ృ ⌕! girl from nowhere, Thai drama
★ృ ⌕! Blaise Zabini
★ృ ⌕! Nijiro Murakami
★ృ ⌕! Cillian Murphy
★ృ ⌕! Stranger things
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charlesf1leclerc · 1 year
Hello, Welcome to my account. Please enjoy reading…..
Wedding dress shopping with the leclercs-Wedding dress shopping with the Leclerc family 
rainy days are movie days- a little blurb of a rainy day with your boyfriend Ollie
first look- First look with Lando on your wedding day
young love- a family vacation with the Leclerc fam and Ollie and the Insta post from hell
the reception- y/n and Landos wedding reception. part two to first look
studying with you-Oscar Piastri helps you studying and ensures you there is no where else he would rather be. 
marry me French girl-you learn French in order to make a great first impression on Charles family and Charles is over the moon about it 
family holiday- a family holiday with Lando Norris and his kids.
KUWTL- Christmas morning
Pierre Gasly- fertility doctor ( smut )
Leclerc!sister- the wedding dress ( part two )
KUWTL- ultrasound
Ollie bearman- young love part two
Requests : OPEN
Please feel free to send in a request through my request tab for any of the following drivers
Charles leclerc
Lando norris
Oscar Piastri
Logan Sargeant
Pierre Gasly
daniel Ricciardo
Arthur leclerc
Ollie bearman
please note this is a space where we respect all writers and readers. If my fic has sensitive topics I will always put a warning feel free not to read if that makes you uncomfortable. Have a lovely day. 💕😊
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rbr-seb · 10 months
hello here i am humbly asking for fic recs, any kind but i’d really like to read some driver/OC ones (sorry in advance if you’ve already did this but i stumble on your profile recently) <3
Ahhh omg hi bestie!!! You've come to the right place....
I'm a huggeeee seb fan so naturally one of my first F1 fics ever was a Sebastian Vettel/ OC fic
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1037364 (Dodging the Heat by @itszephoria ) this is seb x driver!oc who has flaws, but is still a badass I have no notes...
This one is also a classic, very sweet ( The dynamics of love by F1_Fanatic)
Anything by @acollectionofficsandshit is gold. Their stories just make me want to ahshajdhaksjdn. I don't even go for the drivers they write for but their fics are so good I can't help myself. Personal favourite is Roman Profile (this is Danny Ric)
Same for @theringers . Excellent fics (very sexy) (I think Mick. And Pierre)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32015731 (Till Death do us Part by @wingsofanillyrian) is also one of my guilty pleasures .... I'm a sucker for a good power dynamic based fic. (Pierre Gasly mwah)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35710429 (cured my January blues by @redpaint) is probably my favourite xreader fic of all time. It's a very intellectual, yet sensual take on the fantasy it covers. 10/10 everyone needs to read this. (Also Seb)
Surprisingly wattpad has a great oc collection: https://www.wattpad.com/story/25744801-lifeline-sebastian-vettel (Sebastian Vettel again) was one I did not expect to like as much as I did. Decent writing quality I was very surprised. (Lifeline by lacellake) It has been a while since I last read it though.
Some of these are reader inserts minus the y/n so they're kinda like OCs except with no names.
Hope these work out! I would plug my own fix (Do it Yourself, you coward) but I took a break to finish it. I have a couple non y/n fics on my a03 too, if they fit your style. See my sideblog for errrrr... Spicier fics
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pierregazly · 1 year
no cause gasly!twins mum being russel!reader is so good
uncle george? yes
mercedes entering the fight for gasly!twins affection
and is winning considering the fight is between them and alpine
rbr and ferarri already have the gasly twins affection on lock
imagine pear looking for his children, theyre not at rbr, theyre not at ferarri, theyre not at alpine. he’s so fucking worried to the point half the grid is looking for these two demons
meanwhile they are at the merc garage with their mum and more importantly sir roscoe hamilton
russel reader is so focused on her two kiddos playing with roscoe that she forgot to tell her husband her and the kids are at merc
just christian, fred and toto making it clear that no actually the gasly twins favorite team to spend time with is [insert their own team name here]
mercedes admin eating that up for socials
the sticker war between rb and f extending to merc as well
(ughhhh it’s all so good!)
it also doesn’t help that russell!reader is the only one that can pull them away from their respective hyperfixated garages with a milder temper tantrum, mostly because they know sir roscoe hamilton may be where they’re going and he beats anything that rbr or ferrari have going on
pierre would for sure end up in a mental breakdown by the time they’re back at the hotel/back home, he’d make it clear the twins have to have airtags on them at all times because the stress is unbearable and he can’t keep running in circles before a race (the exasperation when he saw the merc merch prompted this, he’s going to start burning all this non-alpine merch first opportunity he has)
the sticker war would 100% end with one of the twins crying because where are their stickers??? why haven’t they been getting stickers on their little bikes or their little scooters??? absolute temper tantrum and it’s all uncle george’s fault (per pear)
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reqxxyt · 1 year
the regrets i never made
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pairings: pierre g. x f!reader
warnings: breakup, attempting at writing angst, cursing
masterlist requests are open!
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
“Fuck you. Just fuck you Pierre.”
“Fine. Just leave like everyone else” he shut you down and you stopped in your tracks, turning to meet his hard gaze as tears threatened to fall through your glare. 
“Do not put the blame on me for trying to fix this. To fix us” you made a movement to indicate the two of you. Your voice softened as a single tear fell “I have tried so hard to repair what was broken for so long. I’m sorry Pierre but I can’t stay”
His silence was enough of a response to turn and leave, with nothing but a cracked heart and a headache. 
“Y/n?” His voice brought me back to the present, pulling me from all past memories that were drowned for so long. I hadn’t turned, too scared that I wasn’t hearing things and he was actually here. But then I felt the rain that was pouring on me a second ago coming to a full stop and lifted my head seeing a black umbrella, the one I had let him borrow all those years ago.
I finally turned, so slow that I could feel cars beside us spring by, splashing some water onto my shoes. I paid attention to  anything but the person who had given me everything I knew for so long, the person I had broken myself for. 
“I thought I recognized you” His voice was so soft, eyes looking apologetic wanting to spring out so many questions with curiosity lingering on the top of his tongue. “How- how have you been?”
“Good” was the only word I could say, it was true. I had rebuilt my life with the help of my singular friend and now I felt the happiest I’ve ever felt. Just like the first couple of months of my, and Pierre's relationship, vulnerable and naive can do that to a girl. I reciprocated the same question although I didn’t put much care into my tone. 
“Good as well” He bit his lip feeling the need to mention something else. “I thought I would never see you” 
I had hoped I would never see him, afraid I would run back into his arms, begging to come back but instead I look at him and feel pleased with myself. Although I didn’t say it back then, having cut him off completely, I wished him the best. 
My gaze dropped down, paying more interest to my torn soaking shoes than him right now. “Do you ever miss it?” he asked, almost blurted out but he said it with such a gentle tone, okay with the idea of me not responding but I did anyway,
“I thought I would” I summarized my rant, blinking back upwards to him hearing the rain from the umbrella stop as the sun started to glare down forcing me to squint my eyes. His eyebrows furrowed, not completely understanding my response, “I missed the memories, the good ones at least but not so much the way you treated me like a girlfriend of convenience” 
This time, his gaze dropped down still having the umbrella upwards although there was no longer any rain pouring down, only dropplets that ran down the umbrella. With almost no hesitation, I lifted my hand and held the umbrella pushing it to the side. Normally my insides would flip at the simple touch of his finger but now I felt calm, at ease, as I took my hand away, bringing it back to my side as his eyes trailed them before coming back to make eye contact. 
“Have a good one Pierre” I said before turning filling my jacket pockets with my hands as I forced one foot in front of another, every step feeling heavier than the last, walking down the sidewalk. I could't look back. I shouldn't. I only hung my head high no matter how much I wanted to drag it to the side to peak if he was still there but my mind forced me to keep walking.
As I walked down the barely lighted ally, with pouring rain dripping only the outside of my rain jacket as I held tightly onto the holding of umbrella afraid it’ll fly away from the strong breeze. I had just finished my last final of college and desperately wanted to eat, but most restaurants hid in the alley. Not very creepy. 
A figure caught my eye as I was about to pass it, it was huddled onto the side of the ally curled to almost a ball being poured rain, my heart pained from the sight hating seeing anyone be poured rain on. I debated internally before walking up to him already adjusting the hood of my rain jacket to cover my hair. 
Without saying a word, I shifted the umbrella to cover his head instead of my own. The guy's eyes trailed from my shoes, moving upward until catching eye contact with my own. His eyes narrowed and I asked myself internally if I had just made the stupidest decision. 
“Taking pity on me?” he asked, scrunching up his nose and I immediately shook my head not wanting it to seem that way. 
“No, of course not. Would just hate to see you get sick” I responded, stumbling over my words and I only got a half-lifted smile, amused over my excuse. “Here take it” I offered the umbrella and he refused, standing and I just now realized his height, analyzing his features, the one that struck me the most in this half-light ally were his colored eyes, which told so much yet held nothing. I had a sudden feeling to want to know everything about him. 
“If you care so much about me getting potentially sick, you should take care of me then” He shrugged hoping to get a reaction out of me but I stood still, blankly staring at his eyes. I heard my stomach grumble beneath me, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. 
“I think I would much rather eat,” I said, handing the umbrella over giving him no choice but to accept it. He chuckled as I headed down to get food, not caring much about my 5 dollar worth umbrella. 
The next morning, I spotted him at a coffee shop alone but I didn’t approach him, instead, he approached me. He asked me out on a date and promised to give back my umbrella as a trade. Instead of accepting it that night, I kept ‘forgetting’ about it every date that passed and it soon just became his. 
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liberty-barnes · 2 years
Who I Write For
Back To The Main Masterpost
Last Updated: July 18th 2024
Requests: OPEN
Taglists: CLICK HERE
Marvel cast and characters (reader inserts or characters only)
One Direction (reader inserts or characters only)
Grishaverse (reader inserts or characters only)
TASM Cast and characters (reader inserts or known characters only)
911 characters (characters only)
911 Lone Star characters (characters only)
F1 drivers (reader inserts or drivers only)
Marvel cast and characters (reader inserts or characters only) (any pairing)
One Direction (members only) (Larry, Ziam, Ziall, Niam, Newis)
Grishaverse (reader inserts or characters only) (any pairing)
TASM characters (reader inserts or characters only) (Peter x Reader, Gwen x Reader, Peter x Gwen, Harry x Gwen)
911 characters (characters only) (Buddie, Madney, Bathena, Henren, Buck/Eddie/Shannon)
911 Lone Star characters (characters only) (Tarlos, Judd/Grace, Paul/Marjan, Nancy/Mateo, Nancy/Marjan)
F1 drivers: 
Reader inserts available with: Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, Arthur Leclerc, Oscar Piastri, Logan Sargeant, George Russell, Lewis Hamilton
Poly reader inserts available with: Max Verstappen/Charles Leclerc/Reader, Oscar Piastri/Logan Sargeant/Reader, Charles Leclerc/Pierre Gasly/Reader, Charles Leclerc/Alexandra Saint Mleux/Reader, Pierre Gasly/Kika Gomes/Reader, Alex Albon/Lily Muni He/Reader, Oscar Piastri/Lily Zneimer/Reader
Drivers only available with: Charles Leclerc/Max Verstappen, any background pairing available
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lightsovermonaco · 3 years
His Good Sweater: Chapter 16
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Thanks to @acollectionofficsandshit for being my bestie and beta reading! This would have never happened without her ❤ Make sure you read Roman Profile, set in the same universe!
Word Count: 6.3k
Recommended song: “The Thrill” by Wiz Khalifa & Empire of the Sun
Your Saturday gets off to a great start when you spot Sylvie lurking in the corner of the garage. The woman pointedly raises an eyebrow at you when she notices you, the simple action setting you on edge. You glare at her in return, having none of it while Pierre suits up.
"Take care of this for me, will you?" Pierre places his cap backwards on your head. You smile, adjusting it so it's out of your eyes.
"I will." You glance over his shoulder before chastely kissing his cheek. You'd deal with Sylvie later; Pierre didn't need any distractions when he was about to get out on track.
"Nope, not acceptable." Pierre kisses your lips, completely unaware of the shit you'd likely catch as soon as he was gone because of it. 
You sigh and take half a step back. Having none of it, Pierre places a knuckle under your chin, tipping your face towards him.
"Sylvie making you nervous?" The pad of his thumb sweeping over your jaw gives you something solid to focus on. "I can ask her to leave if she is."
You shake your head. "Not nervous, no. But she's getting under my skin."
Pierre sets down his helmet and waves off Pyry who tries to shove it back in his hands, prepared to address the matter and hash out a solution immediately. "What's going on?"
"It's not a big deal," you try, "I can tell you after practice. You've only got a few minutes until lights out."
"I want to know now, mon amour."
Fighting was pointless. He would stand here until you spilled the beans so you might as well get it over with so he could get out on track. "Fine. Sylvie cornered me Thursday and asked me to lay low this weekend because of some interview you did. She gave me a copy of it but I didn't read it. She said it's bad for your image to be seen doting on me when you've got races to win."
Pierre blinks, head swiveling in slow motion. Sylvie watches your interaction like a hawk, waiting for either of you to slip up. "And you kept this to yourself?"
"I didn't want to distract you. You've got a job to do." A blush creeps up your neck and settles on the apples of your cheeks. "Sylvie was mad enough at me, I didn't want her in your face too."
A muscle in his jaw ticks. "That's bullshit. I stood up for you. That's why she's pissed. I told them you were just as important to me as racing."
Your heart somersaults in your chest. "You said that in an interview? Pierre, that's-"
Pierre drops Sylvie's stare and meets yours. "I love you and I won't apologize for it. I don't have time to talk to her now though- are you okay being here with her until after practice?"
"I'll be okay as long as you top the time charts," you tell him, a smile playing on your lips. When you'd gotten back together you had told yourself nothing would come between the two of you again, up to and including nosy PR agents who couldn't keep their hands out of your business.
"I will, just for you." Helmet in hand, he pecks your cheek before heading to the car. Pierre shoots Sylvie a glare and says something to Pyry before clambering into the car.
Pyry doesn't leave your side for the entirety of practice, chasing off Sylvie each time she tries to approach you. Pierre nearly tops the charts, sitting second fastest on the famed street circuit. Only Max clocked a faster time, which didn't surprise anyone. Pierre's side of the garage erupts when he is wheeled inside and is met with claps on the back and wide smiles from his team.
Confidence radiates from him as he peels off his helmet and thanks his team. A grin from ear to ear splits his face as he makes his way to you before he even bothers to unzip his suit. Before you know it he's swept you in his arms and planted a kiss on your lips.
"It's not first, but I'll take second if you're waiting here when I get back."
"It's only practice," you remind him, swiping away a bead of sweat from his neck with the pad of your thumb. "But you drive like that for quali in a few hours and you might get your first pole."
"What did I tell you?" Sylvie hisses, ruining the moment and sending you crashing back to earth. 
Instead of falling into line, Pierre's grip on your waist tightens. "Leave her alone, Sylvie."
"This isn't good for you," the woman insists. "People are saying you've gone soft-"
"I don't care what they say. My results speak for themselves." And they did. Second fastest today in practice, despite Monaco being a track that Pierre generally had a poor record at. "When I start slipping to the back of the pack you can talk to me about it. But even then it's out of your wheelhouse. I don't care what the gossip columns have to say about me-"
Pierre breaks off and you can see the pieces clicking in his head. "You've never cared either, not even when I got demoted. Horner put you up to this, didn't he?"
Sylvie straightens under the weight of Pierre's question, good enough as giving him an answer. "I have a job to do."
"And so do I." His words freeze over, his attitude icy. "How about you back off and let me do it? I don't need another person breathing down my neck. And she certainly doesn't either. And you know what? I'll make you a deal. If I win tomorrow, you leave us alone and keep your nose out of my personal life."
"You'll thank me when your name is out of the tabloids." Bewildered, you stare after her until Pierre's lips meet your temple, the simple gesture sending a tingle down your spine.
"I wish it was easier for us," you murmur, placing a hand on his broad chest as if you were the only two in the garage. "But as long as I have you, it's worth the fight."
"Don't let it get to you. You make me a better racer, no matter what anyone says. You taught me that I have something to fight for. You're the one that picks me up when I don't think I can make it. Without you, I probably would've blown my chance at taking seventh in the championship."
"And I'm the one that tells you when it's time to get your ass back in the car and race your heart out." You grin up at him, not caring for a second who was watching this time when you kiss him. "I expect you to be a pole sitter next time you're back in this garage. I might have already told my mom it was happening, so don't make me a liar."
"If I take pole, will you wear my cap again tonight? Just my cap?"
"That could be arranged."
Pierre may not have taken pole, but qualifying fifth was more than enough reason to treat him to fulfilling his request. With only the Red Bulls, Charles and Hamilton ahead of him, you were confident he could at minimum hold his position, and at best his team would come up with a strategy that saw him undercut one or two of the guys ahead and put him on the podium.
As usual, Pierre gets to the circuit a few hours early to clear his head and walk the track one last time. Since it’s not a mandatory part of his race preparation, you take the opportunity to walk with him. The clouds part just enough for the sun to shine down on him, practically glowing in the light. Apparently not even the celestial bodies were immune to his beauty, coming out solely to appease him. Your gaze eats up the curve of his throat as he tips his head back to enjoy the golden rays warming his skin.
“Beau Rivage,” he murmurs as you come up to the right hand bend. “One of the few spots for overtaking, if you’re lucky.” Pierre studies the pavement, noting where patches of gravel had built up and toeing them with his shoe. His commitment was something to behold; not even Max could be bothered with a track walk on Wednesday, and forget about waking up with the dawn to participate in an optional one on race day.
Pierre was different though, throwing himself into the sport and refusing to commit anything less than a hundred percent. That commitment was one of the things that had drawn you to him in the first place and continued to be something you admired. You missed him when you were apart, but hearing the thrill in his voice when he spoke about racing lines or braking points never failed to remind you that he was living his dream and you would never stand in his way.
You thread your fingers through his, soaking it in as he walks you through the track. This wasn’t an opportunity you had often and you were determined to embrace and enjoy it.
“Massenette and Casino Square. This braking zone is tricky, if you go too wide you’ll lose seconds of time and probably a good chunk of your front wing, unless by some miracle you miss the barrier.”
Having little to offer to his assessment, you rest your head on his shoulder as you walk. You try to see the track through his eyes, picturing the cockpit around you as you attempt to pick out an adequate braking point.
You continue on in amiable silence, stopping once or twice so Pierre can take pictures with fans and chat with them. Eventually you come to a corner you recognize, one of the most infamous.
“I know this one.” You puff out your chest, holding an imaginary microphone to your lips. “The Lowes hairpin. Slowest corner on the calendar. The cars decelerate to 65 kph, a feat achieved nowhere else.”
Pierre throws his head back and laughs, making your heart stutter. You never wanted to go another day without hearing the full-bellied sound, rich and rife with more happiness than should be humanly possible. “You only know that because Crofty and Brundle bring that up every race, don’t you?”
“Maybe.” You beam back at him when he shakes his head, the action more to say I knew it than to express disappointment. Because he could never be disappointed in you, especially not for taking an interest in what he loved. You tended to queue up archived races to listen to in the background as you studied, meaning it was inevitable that some of the quips from the commentators rubbed off on you sooner or later.
“Now this is my favorite,” Pierre says, adjusting his cap to keep the sun out of his eyes.
“The swimming pool chicaines? Why?” They were considered boring by most racers, flat out but navigable by muscle memory if you’d had enough practice.
Pierre’s self assured grin leaves you in a puddle on the pavement. “Cause I’ll be jumping in that pool today, and I’m taking you with me.”
"I don't think so." You point to the hoodie you wore, one that you had stolen from his closet ages ago and since refused to give back under any circumstances. "I'm in irreplaceable gear. I don't want to ruin it."
Pierre rolls his eyes, dropping your hand in favor of slinging an arm around your shoulders. "I love it when you wear my clothes. My hat yesterday, my hoodie today, anything really. I love having that claim on you."
"If only I could get you to wear some of mine," you muse as the pit boxes come into view. 
"If you ask nicely, I'd consider it."
The garage is thrumming with anticipation before Pierre even enters. Checo’s engine penalty is all anyone can talk about, his subsequent start from the pit lane meant Pierre would effectively move up a place and start fourth.
Pierre is whisked away as soon as Tost spots him, the warm old man greeting you before stealing your boyfriend away. You know your way around well enough to be comfortable, staking out your spot along the back wall to observe the team's preparations. The early wake up call was quickly catching up with you however, your lack of movement causing you to stifle a yawn with the back of your hand.
"You look like you could use a coffee."
A young woman about your age steps into your line of sight and holds out a steaming foam cup. "Er, sure, thanks."
"Alana," she says, sticking her hand out for you to shake. "I'm one of the junior engineers for the team. I've seen you around once or twice, I figured it was about time I introduced myself."
"Thank you for the coffee, Alana." You lift the cup in mock salute and take a sip, the contents rich and flavorful. "I swear, I don't know what you guys lace this with, but it's addictive as hell."
The two of you share a laugh that earns you a few confused glances. "I think we're gonna be great friends," she says, tapping her own cup against yours. "It's nice to see another woman around the paddock. Sometimes it gets a little testosterone heavy."
You nod, taking another swig. You can practically feel the caffeine working, already a little more alert than you were minutes ago. 
"It's great luck." 
"Pierre moving up a place?"
Alana laughs, her ponytail swaying as she shakes her head. "No, I meant you being able to attend the race. You picked the best weekend to be trackside, the podium celebrations are the best."
Pierre startles you by snaking an arm around your waist and planting a kiss on your cheek.
"There's our star," Alana says, her smile bright and optimistic. "Better bring your team another trophy! The next one is going in the engineering department, they already have a little plaque made up and everything. I can see it right from my desk."
"Oh I'll bring one home," he replies, his hand casually grazing your ass as he moves to stand beside you. "I already promised her I would and I'm a man of my word."
"I know you will." 
"You have those time tables I asked about?"
"They're in the engineering suite." Alana hooks a thumb over her shoulder and smiles at you. "You're welcome to come back with us. He concentrates better when you're around anyway."
"Are you sure?" Red Bull never let you anywhere near proprietary data. You and any of Max's guests had always been corralled into the vip suite with the occasional venture down into the garage when they were wrapping up.
"You're part of the family," Alana explains as if it was obvious. "Of course I'm sure."
Pierre grins and gives your hand an encouraging squeeze. His team knew he wanted you near and they were willing to bend the rules to make it happen. "We'll try not to bore you to death." 
You sit through a half hour worth of numbers and codes you didn't understand, your arm slung around the back of Pierre's chair. He offers tidbits and asks questions while Alana and the other engineers walk him through scenarios, ensuring he has everything down. The way he spoke was quite possibly the hottest thing you've ever had the pleasure of witnessing, aside from post race Pierre with his sweaty hair sticking up in every direction and an adrenaline infused smile on his red cheeks.
Before you know it the two of you are ushered off to his driver's room, Pierre changing into his fireproofs and suit while you treat yourself to some of the snacks lying about. Pyry knocks just as Pierre zips his suit up to his chin.
"Hunt 'em down," you say, resting your forehead to his and stealing a moment for the two of you.
"Always do."
And god, does he ever.
Ten laps in, Hamilton is complaining about the balance of his Mercedes, the gap between himself and Max is only a few seconds and rapidly decreasing. The headphones you wear allow you to catch snips of driver radio and team communications, and you gather that Hamilton is slowly losing power. No one is sure if it's an electronics issue or an engine issue but they aren't complaining either.
Flawless pit stops from most teams see little shift in track positions, Pierre still holding fast to P4 a little over halfway through the seventy eight laps. Alpha's stellar strategy sees him rejoin fifth after sliding into the pits for a set of mediums to take him to the end of the race.
"Gap to Norris three seconds ahead," comes the voice in your ear. 
Pierre clings tight to the rear of Lando's papaya McLaren ahead, using DRS to his advantage and practically toying with the younger racer, waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Three short laps later, Pierre skirts around the McLaren at Beau Rivage and reclaims fourth.
Hamilton's ability to stretch tire performance to the maximum means he gets ten more laps before he's in the pits, Max closing in on his track position. The Mercedes crew stumbles, the pit stop more than twice as long as it should be, and Hamilton rejoins fourth.
"In the podium places," Pierre's engineer states.
Seconds later, white smoke pours from Max's Red Bull and he pulls off, causing a yellow flag and bunching up the pack.
P2, with only the Ferrari standing between Pierre and a win.
"Easy pickings Pierre, choose your moment."
Your heart pounds and your nails bite into your palms as Pierre goes around the outside at the hairpin, the entire garage shouting when he somehow gets away clean and the Monegasque backs off enough for Pierre to take the lead.
"P1 mate, two laps to go, two laps."
Pierre's brisk copy tells you all you need to know. He wasn't about to let this win slip through his fingers. Neck craned up at the screen, you watch as Pierre fights tooth and nail to fend off his friend, gasping audibly when a slight lockup nearly causes the two to collide around a chicane.
When he crosses the line, all you hear is a staticy scream.
Pierre Gasly, you are a Monaco Grand Prix winner!
It almost doesn't feel real how everyone around you begins jostling for the podium, their momentum carrying you along. A combination of luck and skill had seen him skyrocket to the top.
When you finally catch a glimpse of him in parc ferme, he stands atop the halo, arms spread wide amongst the deafening cheers of both Red Bull sister teams. Pressed between sweaty bodies, his team all push to the front to be the ones to congratulate him. 
You blink back hot tears. Pierre had fought incredibly hard to be on that top step, not just today but the entire season. Being demoted from Red Bull last year had been a backhanded blow, one that when coupled with his insistence on going back to the team in the future had warranted a feeding frenzy of media that ebbed and flowed as rumors surfaced. He'd been under the microscope ever since, struggling to keep his head above water but managing to come out on top.
Someone pushes you forward just as he takes off his helmet, his grin wild and unrestrained. Your mouth is open, his name on the tip of your tongue when a hand closes around your arm.
"This isn't your moment," Sylive says, near shouting to be heard over the roar. "No one wants to see you up there in the frame. This is his podium, let the media see that."
This woman really wanted to be knocked out, didn't she?
"He just won the prix." Dumbfounded at her audacity, you shake your head. "Leave us alone, he won."
"He could win the championship and I would still tell you to back off. There's hundreds of cameras out there, do you even have it in you to hold yourself together when they're all flashing at you?"
If she had asked you that question a few months ago, the answer would have been no, absolutely not. Now that you'd been to hell and back it was an entirely different story. You could walk through the throng and come out the other side unscathed if you had your best friend and partner at your side. He would shield you for the worst of it, be their punching back in order to make the burden bearable.
"Sylvie, if you don't get your hands off me-"
"Oh, sure," she says, releasing you with a smile. "He's already gone anyway. I only needed a minute."
Brow furrowed, you investigate her claim to find the truth of it. Pierre was already being herded away towards the podium, toweling off the residual sweat and setting his helmet on the provided stand. He throws one last glance over his shoulder before climbing the steps to the podium, his baby blue eyes cloudy when they should have been sunny.
Pierre's team principal calls your name as the boys take their places on the steps, gesturing for you to join him at the barriers. "Where were you? He was looking for you."
"No, I know," you start, shaking your head and gazing up at your racer. "Sylvie has it in her head that I shouldn't be photographed with him-"
"Say no more," Tost says, then pauses as the crowd claps. "I've never liked her."
"You and me both," you say under your breath as the anthems play. 
Pierre's hungry gaze scours the crowd for you, hands folded neatly behind his back while he bounces on his feet. When he finally spots you in Tost's shadow his shoulders straighten the tiniest bit, like he had been half expecting you to be absent. The pride in his posture is reflected in your smile, a fact that he picks up on and leverages to shine even brighter. 
Absently, you register the shutter of a camera going off as you beam up at Pierre. Your winner locks eyes with you before popping the cork of his champagne and spraying his fellow podium sitters, Daniel and Charles, before taking a long swig. Daniel blows a kiss to his girlfriend who mimes catching it and tucking it away while Pierre simply wraps Charles in an embrace, marveling in their first shared Formula 1 podium.
Pierre is surprisingly the first to leave, stalking off with his trophy and bottle in hand before the cameras have even stopped rolling. You track his progress, the crowd slowing him like he was a marble trying to sink through molasses. His thanks are short, his smile tight as he makes his way to you, eyes locked on his target and utterly unwilling to yield.
You meet him at the barrier which you still haven't been allowed to cross thanks to security taking their job far too seriously. Pierre doesn't care, tucking his trophy under his arm and unhooking a section so that you can slip through.
A laugh bubbles out of you when he wraps you in a bone crushing hug, lifting you off your feet and spinning in circles. Taking his face in your hands you kiss him passionately, wholly aware of the cameras on you. This was your moment to share with him; your universe had narrowed to his arms around you and the sweat-slick skin beneath your fingers.
"Congratulations," you murmur against his lips. "How's it feel to be a Monaco grand prix winner?"
"Better now that I've gotten to hear you say it." The brim of his Pirelli cap gets in the way when he tries to kiss you again and he turns it around.
"You gonna celebrate tonight, race winner?" The endearment works just as you had wanted it to, pride and something more primal flashing in his eyes.
His voice drops, his wicked grin already causing heat to pool in your core. "I have a few ideas."
"Me too." Now that the crowd has disappeared somewhat, you grow bold and nip at his lower lip. It sends a thrill through you to rile him up so publicly, his fingers tightening on your hips in surprise.
"Mon amour, you stop that right now." The slight shake in his voice betrays his true feelings. "I still have to weigh in and debrief."
"Maybe I want you thinking of me while you're there." You wrap your arms around his neck, grinning when he gulps. "Thinking of all the things I'll let you do when you get back to the apartment. Charles will be gone all night partying with Ferrari, I'm sure. We'll have the place to ourselves."
"We've got a full night ahead of us." He grins, tongue darting out over his lips. "We've got the winners dinner too."
You tip your head to the side. "Winners dinner? I don't-"
Someone calls his name and you both look in their direction. A race official, clearly fed up with your little display of love, waves Pierre over.
"Duty calls." Reluctantly, Pierre sets you back on your feet and passes off the champagne before he retreats to answer questions or whatever it was the official needed from him.
Watching him walk away, all you can think about is getting him back to the apartment. But first, you'd drag it out as much as he'd let you.
Pierre spends the entirety of the debrief locked in an unending battle between thinking of you in compromising positions and actually giving feedback to his team. It wasn't his fault that you planted the seed in his mind; he couldn't help but expand on what your dirty little lips had whispered in his ear once he finally found you after the podium. 
"Okay, I think that's all we have. See you all at the pool in an hour," Alina says, and Pierre practically rips off his headset and sprints back to his driver's room. He bursts in without stopping to knock, earning him a yelp as you drop your phone on your face.
"Ow. A warning would be nice."
"I don't care," Pierre breathes, locking the door behind him and crossing to where you lay on the couch in a few long strides. "I've got an hour till I'm due to make an appearance for the cameras at the pool, care to make it memorable?"
"Oh, I don't know." You pick your phone back up and continue scrolling through it after giving him a once over. Leaving his race suit on and half undone served dual purposes: he didn't have to change again before the photo op at the pool and it drove you crazy. Apparently, his plan hadn't worked as well as he had hoped. "I kinda like seeing you all worked up."
"Come on," he practically whines, dropping to his knees to meet your glinting eyes. "Please?"
"I think you can wait." The corners of your mouth tug up and it's all he can do to resist leaning forward dragging your full bottom lip between his teeth. Energy still thrums through him, the adrenaline not yet faded.
Noting his stare, you roll your eyes. "Okay, one kiss-"
He doesn't let you finish, leaping on the opportunity to get a tiny sliver of what he wants. His tongue prods your lip and he groans when you open and allow him to explore. Hands glide over your hips while yours find his shoulders, nails digging in through the thin material of his fireproofs. Without breaking the kiss Pierre slots himself above you, a leg on either side of yours and caging your head between his forearms where they rest on the arm of the couch.
When he grinds his hips against yours in search of any sort of relief, you turn your head to the side. Pierre doesn't care, simply trailing hot, open mouthed kisses down your neck. The building could be burning to the ground around him and he wouldn't move, too enraptured by you to be bothered.
"Pierre, my love, be patient." You push lightly at his chest and he finally breaks away, chest heaving. God, he needed you. Hadn’t stopped thinking about you once since he crossed that finish line in first. "Where's that unwavering self restraint you show on the track?"
"I'm not racing." He possessed no self restraint when it came to you. In your presence every sane thought flew out the window, replaced by the sound of your laugh and the shape your mouth made when you said his name.
"Waiting makes it sweeter," you tease, the phrase jangling something loose in his brain. He had said the same thing months ago when your roles had been reversed. If he could go back in time and slap himself upside the head for uttering those words, he would.
Pierre sits up with a huff and pulls you into his lap. "No fair. I just won a race, at Monaco no less, and you're gonna tell me I have to wait when you're sitting here looking perfectly edible?"
You tip your head back and laugh. "I am, because I know you'll enjoy it more tonight."
"But we have the drivers dinner too-"
You put a finger to his lips, which he immediately bites softly. "Be patient. I know you can do it, big boy."
Pierre groans, squeezing his eyes shut and letting his head fall forward to rest on your sternum. "I'm going to remember this."
Your traitorous fingers wind in his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. "How about a massage while you wait, hmm? Would that calm some of this energy you've got built up?"
"No," he grumbles, pressing a kiss to your chest. "That'll make it worse."
"Well then I think it's a perfect idea." Pierre makes you work for it, forcing you to peel his hands off your hips one at a time before you can stand. "Fireproofs off and on your tummy, come on then."
Pierre obeys, eagerly tossing his shirt across the room. He knew he'd regret it and your teasing would leave his head spinning, but anything that got him closer to you was acceptable.
"Lay down." 
The command stirs something in his chest. He kisses you once before pillowing his arms under his head and allowing you to straddle his thighs. Your knuckles work at the stiff cords of muscle along his spine and he doesn't tamp down on the small noises of pleasure that start in the back of his throat. Once in a while you lean forward to press a kiss to his bare back, each one setting off a chain reaction in him that goes straight to his cock.
When you reach the base of his spine, he goes completely limp under your fingers. "Merde," he whispers, both a plea and a praise. "Right there, baby."
Something had been digging into his back during the race and it caused a knot to form by his left hip. A low moan escapes him before he can stop it and you hum in approval.
"Feels good, doesn't it?"
"So good," is all he manages to get out around the noise in his brain. His head is filled with your touch, reducing him to ash beneath you. You work at the spot until it's pliable, sweeping your thumb over it once more for good measure. You finish up with his back and move to his arms, dancing over the swells of muscle like you'd been a masseuse your entire life.
"God, where did you even learn this? You're better than Pyry."
"YouTube. And that's because it's different when it's someone you love versus your trainer. I can drag it out and let you enjoy it more."
He's completely lost track of time when the alarm on his phone goes off, signaling the end of this current round of torture.
"You know you're coming with me to the pool," Pierre says matter of factly as you climb off him. He stands and rolls his shoulders, bouncing on his toes. "I feel like a brand new man."
You guide his fireproof shirt back over his head after retrieving it from wherever you'd tossed it earlier. You zip his race suit up with a wink that almost makes hims say fuck it and miss the event entirely. "Glad I could be of assistance."
Hand in hand, Pierre leads you through the paddock and falls in with the Alpha team as they head for the swimming pool. Being around his crew again brings the excitement of his win back to the surface and he's practically buzzing with it by the time they arrive at the gate. Journalists, photographers and a few of his fellow drivers mingle about the packed space, some of them clapping him on the back and offering praise. None of it truly registers until Max, usually hot-headed after a DNF like he had suffered today, pulls him in for a hug.
"Great racing, mate. You deserved that one, that's for sure."
"You better play nice with him next year Max." You wag your finger at the Dutchman, earning you a chuckle. "Or I'll have to take matters into my own hands."
"Now that's something I'd pay to see: you versus Christian Horner. A mighty fight."
Not wanting to jinx it, Pierre doesn’t comment on your confidence that he’ll be on Max’s team next year. His win today had seen him move up comfortably into eighth, and he was closing in on Lando quickly. As long as he played his cards right and finished higher up in the points, he was starting to think he could pull it off.
Pierre doesn't note Sylvie's approach until she clears her throat and all three of you turn in tandem. Pierre picks up on the way your demeanor instantly shifts from light and playful to defensive and he puts himself between the two of you.
"Photo op time."
"Right yeah." Pierre squeezes your hand in farewell and follows Sylvie to where a spot has been cleared at the head end. Standing there before the water, Daniel's dramatic belly flop comes to mind and Pierre knows he has to top that celebration or he'll never hear the end of it.
Someone- maybe you, he couldn't quite tell- starts a chant of his name, growing louder and louder until it reaches a fever pitch. His cheeks hurt from smiling so wide and he spreads his arms, his head falling back and eyes sliding shut as he lets the chant wash over him. Letting it sink in that he stood on the top step of the podium at the most legendary track in Formula 1, his name now joining the likes of Senna and Schumacher as Monaco grand prix winners.
He's drunk on it, on the screams and the shouts and the general feeling of being on top of the world and being untouchable.
Head dizzy, he searches for you, shooting you a wink when he spots you crouched right on the edge of the pool. God, you were gorgeous, wearing his hoodie with his logo splashed across the front and your cheeks flushed from the height of the moment.
Pierre takes a few steps back and gets a running start to leap into the pool, tucking his knees to his chest and cannonballing in. The water closes over his head and everything is dull for a split second before he pushes off the bottom and surfaces, cheers assaulting his senses in the best way.
Laughing, he shakes out his hair and poses for a few of the cameras pointed at him. In that moment he doesn't care what Sylvie or Christian or anyone for that matter thinks, all he wants is to share this euphoria with you, for you to be enthralled by it as he is.
The waterlogged suit makes it hard to swim but he manages, crossing to you and pushing off the concrete lip of the pool to capture your lips. Your hands immediately fly to cup his jaw as hoots and hollers surround the two of you as he irrevocably tells the world that you're his.
Alpha crew members take the kiss as their cue to jump in, splashing you with water as you laugh. Pierre doesn't give you a chance to protest, rising up and wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you in with him.
You squeal in his arms, shoving against his chest as you both laugh. "Pierre!" His name on your tongue does nothing to dampen the feel of your waterlogged body against his, nowhere near as chastising as he knew you'd tried to sound. He loves you more than ever at that moment, wants to live here on this Sunday forever, replaying the past twelve hours for the rest of his life.
Celebrations continue around him, but he has eyes only for you. He studies the way your nose scrunches up when Alana splashes you and how droplets of water catch on your eyelashes.
Reaching out, he tucks a wet lock of hair behind your ear, garnering your attention. You ruffle Pierre's hair and he knows that you're just as caught up as he is.
Placing a hand on the back of your neck, he draws you in for another long, drawn out kiss. “You’re my trophy.”
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