#piers gets the blame for everything
fonulyn · 1 year
jesus fucking christ this fandom. one more time: Piers did not put Chris back in the field in RE6. Piers does not have that sort of an authority. who the hell assumes that he has the actual power to put his own commanding officer back on active duty??? anyone with half a fucking braincell should realize that is not how shit works. yet the amount of "uwu omg i hate piers he did chris so dirty!!1!1" posts I've seen here is STAGGERING. blaming Piers for clearing Chris back to work, blaming Piers for the lives Chris lost with his recklessness? nope. get out of here. get out of my sight.
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topherwrites · 1 year
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- start of a silver fox
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summary - back from deployment, you notice a change in your boyfriend's appearance. pairing - jake seresin x (fem!)reader word count - 1.4k rating - no smut, but 18+ anyways, mdni! content warnings & tags - age gap (reader is in her early twenties, jake is in his early thirties) / fwb to lovers / no use of (y/n) / vague allusions to sex / mentions of nudes / mentions of masturbation / no actual smut / mentions of death (sorta) / lmk if i missed anything! a/n: saw these recent photos of glen ➙ became possessed ➙ wrote this. reblogs, comments, and likes super appreciated!
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Jake is back after three long months on deployment, a fourth of your relationship — not counting the first couple months when you were ‘just hooking up’. This is your first welcome back. Having texted extensively with Nat’s girlfriend, Sasha, you were given a pretty good lay of the land by her, informed of what to expect.
Homecoming day has arrived, and excitement has consumed your entire body, making your limbs buzz. 
Awaiting his arrival on the pier, your foot tapping out a nervous rhythm, you stand in the back, allowing spouses and children to be the first in line. You’re just the girlfriend, the one almost a decade younger than him, the one you know his friends assumed wouldn't be around long. You assumed you wouldn't be around long. Jake is a charmer, and when he set his sights on you, you assumed it would be a one-night stand, a fling at most. 
But one night turned into two and then three, which turned into nearly three months of falling asleep and waking up next to him. Most days you’d get a text the second he was done with training, the buzz of your phone always kicking up your heartbeat. 
At first, you’d just meet him at The Hard Deck for drinks, then dinner at sit-down restaurants — the preambles to him fucking the shit out of you growing longer and decidedly less casual. Post-coital, he’d sling an arm around your waist in an attempt to keep you from slipping out, waking up with that same soothing weight on you. Eventually, he casually mentioned that you could keep some of your stuff at his place — for convenience, he said. He tried slipping the suggestion under the radar, pre-coffee on a Saturday morning. Bleary-eyed and half-asleep, you barely processed his words, absent-mindedly humming in response. 
Then you saw the half-cleared-out drawer — which you later learned was a measure in order not to spook you. Like a full drawer would make you wise to his intentions, like he was trying to acclimate you to the idea of commitment, to a relationship with him.
You remember the feeling of placing spare clothes in that drawer; a spare bra and sweatshirt. Jake watching you from the doorway, trying to not act too pleased in response.
You liked him, his company and his laugh and his baffling love of Taylor Swift that he blamed on his nieces. The man under the bravado wormed his way into your brain. 
Though, you could appreciate how he looked puffed-chest and cocksure. Near equally competitive as you are. The first game night you spent with his friends meant you both were banned from ever being on the same team again. Pictionary, trivia, One-Night Ultimate Werewolf — you mopped the floor with them. The rule wasn't entirely the case of sore losers, you can acknowledge the fact that you two were immediately, freakishly in sync. Ultimate Werewolf may have ended in tears of betrayal being shed.
And that's how things progressed for a while, falling deeper while avoiding acknowledging the fact that you were in a relationship. Afraid to say the words and make things complicated. Near everyone in both your and his life were trying to push you both to just trust it. Have a little faith in one another.
One minute you were his girlfriend in all but name, and then you were just his girlfriend. A confession on his couch in the midst of rewatching Veep, ‘Relax, cow eyes’ the soundtrack to everything falling into place.
Once officers start filtering off the ship, your mind blanks in anxiety. Around you, tears are shed, and poster board is ditched in favor of tight hugs. Laughter and children squealing background noise. You scan the crowd, the sun beating down on you, searching for the handsome shape of Jake Seresin. People come and go, giving you a better view of the naval officers, till you finally spot yours moving towards you. He weaves through the throng with ease, standing before you in a matter of seconds. 
A smile stretches your face, eyes squinting from both happiness and the sun. You scan him, categorizing any minute change. Gray. A small streak above his right ear. Your nerve endings light up like a Christmas tree, the sensation doubling at the slight hint of age. Reaching out, your fingers run across his scalp, nails tracing back, playing with the hair that has decided in his relatively brief absence to go gray. 
He doesn't shy from your touch, his lashes fluttering at the sensation, an intimate moment playing out in public. Though no one is probably taking notice, wrapped up in their own reunion. He does seem to be a hint abashed at your attention. 
He breaks the quiet, “Hey, sweetheart.”
The sound of his voice, clear and unobstructed by distance, rushes through you. Fuck. You're trying to suppress the blatant arousal coursing through your system, keep it out of your voice. Words startled, voice pitched, “You've gone gray.”
Despite your age gap, it’s never been your thing, your Tinder age range has only ever been set 3 years older — but seeing Jake in the flesh, and with a few more grays, is making you muster every ounce of self-control so you don't fuck him in the parking lot, ride him in the backseat of his truck. He probably wouldn't enjoy getting dishonorably discharged.
He hefts his duffle over his shoulder, free hand taking your own to lead you to the car — his truck that he handed the keys over to, something in his gaze when he told you to not let the battery die. Maybe a way for him to feel connected to you, maybe a reassurance that you'd be around when he got back. Your board is still in the bed, having taken up surfing in the mornings since your time was no longer being occupied by Jake slowly fucking you into the mattress.
“I already had grays, I'm just… grayer now.” His pace is quick. It's clear that he's itching to get home. Your boots stamp on the pavement as you practically skip behind him, content with his hand in yours. He looks at you out of the side of his eye, eyebrow raised, “And I wonder why that is.”
“That suspiciously sounds like an accusation.”
“Those photos…” He stops at the teal-striped Ford, throwing his duffle next to your surfboard. Crowding you against the side of it.​, his​​ voice dropping, “​I was opening my mail in the mess, ‘bout gave me a heart attack.”
You’d sent them on a whim — a well-researched whim, ​​you didn't need some random desk jockey finding out your taste in lingerie. But you had missed Jake and wanted him to miss you in return. And what better way to make the heart grow fonder than with scantily clad pictures of your body?
“Well? Did you like them?” You know he liked them, it was a whole production to take them, but even if it wasn't — he’s a man, and you were in lingerie. You looked hot, are hot, present tense. An indisputable fact. And he’s not reserved with telling you and showing you that, but you can't pass up a moment to hear it voiced to you, not after how long he’s been gone.
“I think I have carpal tunnel.” 
You snort out a laugh as he exaggeratedly shakes out his hand, clenching and unclenching his fist for your amusement. Eyes skating along your features, he huffs, “Add that to the long list of ailments you've inflicted.”
Letting your fingers lightly trace down his biceps, you press your body even closer to his, perhaps a touch too scandalous for a parking lot in broad daylight. A coy reply rolls off your tongue, “I keep you young.”
“You're going to send me to an early grave.”
Rising to your toes, you brush your lips against his, holding back from full contact. You feel his breath stall in his chest, desperate for it. His hands settle on your waist, squeezing, his face awash in anticipation. He’s beautiful.
Your palm stroking the side of his head, you brush the hair away from his face, pinky skimming the top of his ear. You single out the silver strands between your fingers, silky soft as ever. He’s real and yours — home. 
“Ditto. Might as well invest in matching plots, right?”
Broad shoulders shaking with laughter, he brushes his nose against yours. Palms cupping the side of your face, thumbs sweeping across your cheeks, he stops waiting. A long-awaited kiss pressed to your lips, neither one of you able to keep the smiles off your faces.
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e/n: thank you for reading!
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om-nom-snom · 3 months
[Morning Routines]
Rika x reader, Milo x reader, Piers x reader
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Rika <3
Rika is very rarely in a rush in the mornings
Waking up at sometime between 7-8am on a normal day, you'll often be stuck in bed with her snuggling you until then
Once she is awake you'll both be out of bed pretty quick, however
She's up pretty quick each morning to feed clodsire, the Pokemon's bottomless stomach getting it into trouble otherwise
After making sure all your Pokémon are sorted, Rika insists that the two of you make breakfast for yourselves
Usually still in cozy pyjamas, she pulls you into the kitchen and insists on 'helping' you to use a knife for anything
Rika just wants to wrap herself around you from behind
Once a very relaxed breakfast is over, she's finally ready to get dressed for the day
If you ever have any issues picking clothing, Rika is happy to pick for you
Though, she makes a few less than innocent comments in the process
"Those clothes look great on you babe, but you'd look better if they were on the floor-"
If you want to make your girlfriend quiet then you do have a secret weapon
Do up her tie for her
Rika can't look you in the eyes when you do, blushing, hardly able to hide how much she loves it
The precious pout on her face as she turns away is everything
With a couple kisses at the door, Rika tries to delay her departure to work, only leaving when you push her out of the doorway
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Milo <3
Milo has always been an early bird in the mornings
Growing up on a farm will do that to a person
Before it's even light outside, you'll feel the rustling of your boyfriend getting out of bed
The soft sounds of of wooden drawers opening and closing, Milo attempting to get himself dressed in the near complete darkness of your room
He always tries not to wake you but he can't leave in the morning without giving you a quick kiss on the forehead
Overall, he's very quiet and efficient in the early morning
When you do get up you'll notice there's coffee waiting for you in the pot and some breakfast being warmed in the oven
Milo is always doting on you, even in ungodly hours of the morning
After a simple but relaxing breakfast it's not long until your boyfriend is back from the fields
A bit tired and already covered in dirt, Milo is more than happy to give you another kiss before washing up
After making himself the sweetest cup of coffee you've ever seen, the two of you finally have a bit of time to sit down and chat
"C'mon, six sugars are completely normal in a cup of coffee."
When Milo next heads out into the fields, expect an invite to come join him and his wooloo
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Piers <3
Good luck getting out of bed anytime in the morning with this guy
Piers refuses to wake up before midday, and considering he spends all night on the stage or writing songs it's hard to blame him
You'll find yourself stuck wrapped up in the gym leaders arms, with his grip tightening every time you attempt to get free
He's quite content soaking in your warmth and catching up on sleep
He's a very heavy sleeper too, so if you want to try and wake Piers up you'll need to enlist help
Your boyfriends ace pokemon is more than happy to weasel himself under the blankets before dragging a now half asleep Piers out of bed
The dark type does expect to be paid back in both breakfast and treats but it's worth it
With a grumble, Piers without fail always tries to run a hand through his bed hair before feeding the pokemon
It's somehow even wilder than it is usually, visible knots almost making you wince with the thought of getting them out
Piers is always a slow starter 'in the morning' and after settling the pokemon he's always happy to corner you in the kitchen for a few kisses
"We've got nothin' goin' on Doll, let's go back t' bed."
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Pjo stranger things au in which even after the gods take an oath to claim their children, Steve remains without a parent. He's a half-blood no question about that, he's been at the camp almost his whole life, has been on missions, fought honorably in battles, has the scars to show it.
Still, even after the last child at the camp has been claimed and the Hermes cabin has become surprisingly empty, Steve remains without a mark. He keeps a brave face, tries not to let his sting. His father never wanted him, why should his mother be any different?
He doesn't even mind staying in the Hermes cabin. He has been here all those years, it's become his home, his family. Now that there is enough space he even gets his own little room, right across from Eddie, whose counselor for the Hermes cabin and right after Robin and Dustin, Steve's best friend.
"Ya, know," Eddie says, arm slung around Steve, who wills his heart to beat at a normal pace, "I bet if Hermes could claim you, he would."
He is actually not that far off. The Gods are watching their children. And all of their hearts ache when they get to claim a new kid at the camp and Steve's face falls slightly as he remains without a parent. Most gods don't care about their siblings' children, but there is something about Steve the gods can't ignore. Tragic hero, so lonely, so brave, so filled with love despite everything.
There is a rumor quietly echoing through the halls of the Olymp that Steve remains unclaimed because he is Hera's child. It's a scandalous suggestion, a heinous rumor, a forbidden truth. Spreading it might be enough to cause another war. The goddess of marriage having a child with a human? Unthinkable, and yet. Everyone knows that marriage doesn't equal love, knows how spiteful Hera is, how most of her children are hated. No one could blame her for the affair really, if the rumors were true, if anything the gods are surprised she didn't snap sooner with Zeus having affairs left and right. But if the rumors were true, they definitely would blame her for not claiming Steve. Steve who protects the younger kids fiercely, how cares so much about everyone.
It hurts one goddess especially. Aphrodite looks down at Steve and aches. Aches how he thinks that he is hard to love, hard to want, always easy to leave. Who despite that fear won't stop giving pieces of his heart out, who loves so much even though it hurts. Sometimes when Aphrodite watches Steve, he already feels like one of her own. She loves her children easily, constantly, it's impossible not to for her yet at the same time she loves them on purpose. And as she watches Steve, she can't help but love him too.
She reaches her breaking point on a warm summer night. After the bonfire, Steve goes down to the lake, sits at the pier, legs pressed into his chest in a poor imitation of a hug. He looks at his reflection in the lake and wonders why. Why is he so hard to love? It's silly really, all that had happened was some new Ares kid talking to Eddie. Tall, muscular, pretty and the guy had made Eddie laugh. Steve's thoughts had spiraled from there on.
He's so busy licking his own wounds and wallowing in the feeling of not being wanted that he almost doesn't notice the goddess emerging from the lake like she had once emerged from the ocean at the cyprian shores. Steve startles when he does notice her, before he quickly bows.
"My lady," he greets her politely, always the charmer.
"There is no need for that, Steve," she says kindly and Steve looks back up at her. She is truly the epitome of beauty, dark, bouncy curls, deep brown eyes, dimples around plum lips. Steve is not stupid, knows the goddess appears in the form you most desire, he is just glad he is alone. Robin would never let him live this down.
"What can I do for you?"
"I've come to make you an offer Steve," she explains. "I want you to devote yourself to me."
Steve gasps, stares at her a little shocked. She can't blame him.
"Why would you want my devotion?"
She can tell he isn't asking why she wants devotion, but why she specifically wants his devotions, why she would want him.
"Because I love the way you love," she says with a smile. "I love the way you love and that makes me love you. I admire your devotion, the affection you hold for your friends. If I could, I would claim you as my own. But I can't, so I am offering my patronage instead."
Steve still looks a bit struck, surprised a goddess would want him like that, would appreciate the way he loves. Steve had always bounced back and forth between being too much and not being too much. No one has ever said that they loved the way he loved.
"What would being devoted to you entail?" he asks, knowing there very often is a catch when it comes to the gods.
But Aphrodite means no malice.
"It would essentially be the same as being my child. I will come to your aid, I will love you, I will lend you my gifts if needed. Only that since we are not bound by birth, you would have to take a sacred oath. Become a...paladin is the name your Eddie would use, I belive."
Steve likes the way she says it. Your Eddie. His Eddie. It sounds almost too good to be true, being wanted like that, being offered a family like that.
"Would I have to move cabins," he blurts, overwhelmed by al his emotions. Aphrodite laughs.
"Don't worry, I wouldn't dare to tear you away from the people you love so dearly. I believe you are friends with my children anways, strengthening that bond a little will be enough. But I am sure you and Chrissy will make sure of that."
"Then I take the oath," Steve decides and goes down on one knee. "I devote myself to you, goddess Aphrodite. I will worship at your altar and fulfill your quests. I am yours as you are mine."
There is a tingling sensation as he finishes his oath, warm spreads through him and he can feel himself be filled with Aphrodite's love. It's a lot. It's everything. Gently, she reaches out and cradles his face in her hand.
"Go on then, my brave little hero," she whispers. "I think you have a bonfire to return to, friends, family, your beloved."
"He isn't my beloved," Steve mumbles, blush on his cheeks.
Aphrodite just raises a brow. Steve knows she can see into his heart, he knows he can't lie to her.
"Remember that you are loved," she tells him and Steve will try his best.
He leaves the lake, a tattoo of a circle with a cross at the bottom carved into his wrist. Aphrodite watches him leave, casts a little blessing on the red string connection Steve's and Eddie's pinkie fingers. She knows her paladin doesn't need the extra help. He just needs love and she is willing to give to him all.
(part 2)
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retroaria · 1 month
Itoshi who??? . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
summary: rin and sae both like you. In the end, no matter how much you care about them both, you’ll have to decide!
BLUE LOCK M.LIST | who would you pick? 💌
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“If you’d rather be a ‘pick me up’ for some lukewarm fluke then go ahead.”
“Sae don’t say that, he’s your brother…”
“Well he’s a shitty one, he wants everything I have, including you.” Sae was furious when he found out that you and Rin had gone out together during his time off from Blue Lock. As soon as he heard the news he called you to say he had booked a flight for you to visit him in Spain. No matter where he was in the world, and no matter how much it would cost him, he always found a way to bring you back to him.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the balcony of his apartment, looking over Madrid. “I’m sorry sae, this is all my fault.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Rin just wants you to pity him and I won’t let that happen to you.” His hand in yours tightened and his eyes gazed into yours. You’ve known him long enough to see past that cold exterior, and see that his gaze is loving.
Sae’s admission of love to you felt different than Rins. He wanted the softening of his eyes to tell you he felt happy, safe, even loved in your presence. The strength he used to hold your hand and pull you closer into him telling you that he would keep you safe. The Madrid skyline serving as proof to the life he could give to you. The comfort and luxury you could find in his world. Sae wanted you to be part of his life, and experience all of his love. He wanted you to step into his world, and let him give you everything he could.
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“Of course he’d say that, what a shitty brother.”
“He’s just frustrated is all, this is my fault really, I don’t want you guys fighting.” You spoke as you sat down beside him over the rocks. The oceans mist dusting lightly over you both, carrying the serene scent of salt and earth, Rin’s scent. As soon as Rin found out that Sae had demanded you back to Spain with him, he was furious. He asked you to meet him at the pier before you left. No matter what he was doing, no matter how long he had with you, he always found the time to be with you.
“This isn’t your fault at all, he just can’t stand not getting what he wants.” Rin took both your hands in his, urging you to face him. “I love you. I can’t let you blame yourself for this.”
Rins admission of love to you felt different than Sae’s. He was trying to make those three words shoot through his gaze into yours and find their way into your heart. He looked at you like he’d just seen an angel, as if you were the most perfect thing imaginable. In his eyes you could do no wrong. His hands in yours, holding on tight as if you might try to let go. He wanted to keep you with him, you being a reason for him to keep going, stronger than revenge. Rin wanted his life and all of his love to revolve around you. He wanted to step into your world, and let him give you everything he could.
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I’d choose Rin ngl like yes baby let me save you from all your sorrows 🥹 -aria
This is my 2nd Sae post of the day!! Crazy!!!
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
Honestly, it looks like at least after the Guanyin Temple, WWX is actively resisting understanding that JC still cares about him. JC takes a Stab to the chest for him, asks him why he didn't keep his promise & stay by his side, has a full breakdown over his sacrifice, gives him back Chenqing that he's kept for all these years, gets angry at JGY on his behalf, JGY spells out for WWX that JC is angry because he feels WWX was wronged, and that JC must have come to rescue not only JL, but WWX too, & targets WWX in the middle of the fight, fully trusting that JC would rush to his rescue, and he does. JC even thanks LWJ and holds a fallen WN. & I think one reason that WWX might be subconsciously fighting against getting all these clear signs and still avoiding JC might be that as much as he thinks he can’t handle JC’s wrath and blame and wants him to forgive him, he actually can’t afford JC’s forgiveness and unconditional love. Because he still blames himself for JZX’s and JYL’s deaths and even the massacre of Lotus Pier. & JC is the only one who has the right to be angry at him for all of these. He and JL. JC’s the only one who knew JYL & genuinely cared about her. WWX doesn’t think he deserves JC’s forgiveness. In fact, he looks terrified of it. Just look how quickly he turns from JC after thanking him for giving Chenqing back to him (Chenqing that after all these years still sounded like he had first used it. A very telling sign of JC's affection in itself.) Even though even JL who was watching from afar could say that JC had something to say to WWX:
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JC is an outward force blaming him and being angry at him. WWX can tell him that he doesn’t know what to say to him when asked for an explanation, he can tell him that it’s all in the past. Let it go. he can beat the shit out of him. He can apologize to him and be judged by him. He can avoid him. Pretending that by ignoring him he doesn’t have to face the past. JC blames WWX and is harsh to him so WWX doesn’t have to fight himself and blame himself all the time. post-resurrection WWX keeps misinterpreting everything JC says and is unwilling to listen to him and get the hints JC keeps giving him about how he just wants WWX to come back home & interprets everything JC even doesn’t say in the worst ways he can bc it’s not so much about JC than it’s about WWX projecting onto JC. Because he thinks JC MUST be thinking that way. BC WWX thinks he deserves JC’s hatred. And judging by how he keeps misinterpreting JC even pre-time-skip, and in true WWX fashion fully believes himself to be right & doesn't second guess himself and or makes any effort to understand JC, & JYL is always the JC translator for him, from the moment she says to him that despite his tantrum JC is happy to finally have a playmate, to the moment she says that JC was the one who offered WWX name JL, and without JYL there to take their hands and pull them to meet each other in the middle the brothers can't communicate, Jiang Cheng has never been so much his own person in Wei Wuxian's mind as WWX's interpretation of him. WWX's shidi. An open book to WWX in WWX's mind. When he was not WWX's fragile shidi who needed protection (which @cerusee has written a great meta about here.), then he was WWX's betrayed, angry shidi who blamed him & resented him. If JC forgives him and continues to be his loving brother then it’s clear that the only one who can’t forgive WWX is WWX. and what is he gonna do about that?
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i can't remember if I already requested #20 or not. I don't think I did?? Figured a second ask wouldn't hurt anyway asdjsjds <333
prompt 20: a kiss out of desperation
hellooo silver! you did not already send one! Here's a Nivanfield. It's just pure sappy smut tbh. (you can blame Sam this time for making me rotate piers in my brain <3). This prompt also made me think of Shake, so I might do a flash fic for them at some point for this prompt 👀.
tags: smut; non-op piers; new relationship.
- 🔞 under the cut -
“Hnh, hah—” he grips the pillowcase above his head. He can’t help the full-body shudders that run through him, every thrust bringing a noise to his lips. He used to try not to, tried to keep still when something was in him, but there’s no point in it now. 
Besides, he likes the way Chris looks when he does it. 
He’s looking down at Piers now, rocking back and forth with this heady, overwhelmed flush to his face. He fucks into him slow, just beginning. Every slow, rolling thrust strokes Piers up into his spine. 
They’re trying some things. Not anything too unusual or bold, really, but nearly everything is new for them. They spent a long time just kissing and touching. Chris was determined to find every place on his body that made him shiver—soft circle around his navel, traced scars, the drifted sensation under his arm. When he trailed just the edges of his nails over Piers’ knees, he parted them without a second thought. 
One thing led to another, the heavy weight of Chris settling between his legs, and the blood had rushed there so convincingly that he needed more. 
Piers feels like he’s not holding his end of the bargain. He takes Chris easily, losing himself so quickly to every part of being under him and around him, that he hasn’t spent much time giving back. His hands are on Chris’ shoulders. He lets them slide down to his front. 
The man’s nipples are already hard. For some reason, it’s endearing. Piers rubs his palms into them. 
Chris jolts like he’s been shocked. He makes this strangled, low noise, and Piers finds himself grinning. 
“That do it for you?” he asks. 
Chris gives him the world’s least-convincing glare. It could have something to do with the little thrusts he starts doing, his hips flexing at Piers’ thighs. 
“Put ‘em here,” Chris says. He takes one of Piers’ hands and slides it down to his waist. Piers does the same on the other side, and he holds Chris. 
Maybe it was to bring him closer—who knows, and he doesn’t really care. He pulls his legs up higher, and the angle draws Chris in further, and then they’re both making stifled, breathy noises chest-to-chest. Every drag lights him up, makes his toes curl.
He feels Chris pick up a bit. 
“You close?” he asks him. 
Chris groans first, then he kisses Piers. It’s desperate, more rushed than the slow exploration they had been doing earlier, but he pulls back and manages to say, “Yeah.” 
“C’mon,” Piers says. He gets Chris as close as he can, arching and pulling him in at the waist, tipping his hips and searching, finding. “Wanna see it.” 
It’ll make his day. That’s the only thing he can think as he watches Chris’ expression tighten. There’s some adjustment as Chris tips his hips a new way, and then—
“Hngh, Piers,” Chris gasps. He’s found it. He takes the pace higher, fucking him a little faster. 
Piers tenses around him just to feel it. It brings Chris over the edge. He feels him stutter his rhythm and fall into a halting one, bucking his hips. 
Everything together—sound and touch and the slow build he’s been getting all afternoon—is almost too much. Piers slips his hand between them and chases the pure, dizzy feeling. It pumps from his core like every color, like bending light and sweetness that he can taste. He feels himself tense, close, his face showing it. 
When he comes, it’s with Chris catching his breath above him, weight between his legs, and warmth everywhere. 
(collection on ao3)
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Haha! Hey! I know you’ll probably end up with a Piers request but I was thinking of something cute like Piers with a S/O/Y/N whatever that’s like a big sister to Marnie
I know it’s not that detailed but I can just imagine an adorable scene with Piers watching us bonding with his beloved sister and teaching her about Pokemon battles and he just falls in love all over again!
Hope it’s not a problem, love! Don’t feel required to answer this if it’s not that interesting!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! SURE THING!! HOPE THIS IS OK! @colourstreakgryffin
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He often thinks to himself that he doesn't deserve the things he has.
The position of gym leader. An absolutely adorable little sister. Somehow adoring fans. A wonderful team. And the responsibility of Spike mouth.
But most of all he doesn't think he deserves you.
He loves you. He adored you. He wanted to have you by his side forever even if he thinks he doesn't deserve you. He felt guilty often, often thinking he could offer nothing even though you never left and always stuck to his side even when Spikemuth temporarily went into ruins and he was depressed trying to manage everything. You never blamed him for anything and always was there to kiss his cheeks in reassurance.
But what probably made him love you the most of all was how you were with Marnie. Like two sisters you two were almost as inseparable as they were. Always there to help her with any problems young girls faced. He remembered that it was you that she went to when she got her first crush and needed advice on boys. It was you she went to when she didn't know how to style her hair a certain way. When she was younger and yourself and him were teenagers, a little Marnie had gotten into your make up and he felt so bad seeing most of it destroyed or smeared like bad clown make up all over her face. It was the expensive stuff too.
But instead of getting mad, you merely helped her wash off the make up and redid it on her because she wanted to feel pretty just like you.
That's when he realized it. He's always been in love with you since you both were children but it was that moment that hit it home. He never thought about actually being together since he thought you deserved more but his sister was smarter than he realized and she knew his feelings so one day during lunch she decided for the both of them.
"Oi. Y/n, ya seein' anyone?"
"No. Not really. Why?"
"So you're single?"
"Yes? Again why?'
"Oh...I was jus' curious 's all. Everyone who I know is your age is already datin' someone."
"Haha! It's ok."
"Do ya got a crush or interested 'n someone then?"
"Not yet but maybe Mr. Right is somewhere around the corner. Are you seeing anyone?"
"Who me? Nah. No bloke's caught my eye yet. But back on topic. Yer single."
"My bro is single n' he's in love with you. Please date 'em so he'll stop pinin' for ya."
He ended up spitting his lemonade all over the table and nearly had to be taken to Nurse Joy for his coughing fit. Some how you cornered him after and wouldn't let him go until he cleared it up or confirmed what she said..and he was a terrible liar. So it was inevitable for the outcome now.
He would much rather have you wrapped up in his arms now and with him than with anyone else even if at times he doesn't think he deserves you.
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klbwriting · 8 months
Adventures In Atlantean-Sitting
Chapter 8
Fandom: Aquman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Summary: Arthur and Orm discuss the attacks, YN and Orm get closer
Warnings: this is the smut, just some good ol' sexy time
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Orm let YN sleep through his conversation with Arthur. The council taking over the investigation of the attacks was concerning. Orm had asked Arthur for every detail about the meeting and what he knew about the current councilmembers. When he heard Orlan was now in charge of the investigation he frowned.
“Watch him,” Orm said. “See if you can investigate him. He is technically just behind Junior for the throne at this point and when I was king, he was always trying to weasel his way closer to me. At least until he invited me to dinner and tried to poison me.” Orm let that hang out there. Orlan knew poison, and those poisoned shots from the pier were unique.
“I don’t know if he could actually be behind all this though. His family has fallen in rank since you were king. They were found to be your biggest supporters and once everything you had done was revealed the lower kingdom kind of split. Half of them think you’re the best king ever, taking the fight to the surface, and the other half think you were a tyrant who attacks his own people for his agenda. The nobles however, they just follow power and once I had it and had to put you into prison Orlan and the few other nobles still sticking by you kind of lost support,” Arthur said. “Even his son, Leo, defected from him and went missing.”
“He went missing? Are you sure? Or did Orlan send him away so he could gather supporters from other kingdoms so he could stage attacks on the surface and blame me?” he said. Arthur considered this.
“I’ll look into it, see if anyone knows where Leo is,” Arthur said. He waved by and headed out. Orm went back into the bedroom and slid in bed next to YN. She snuggled back into him and he took stock of how she felt against him. His hand drifted up and down her side slowly, feeling how soft she was. He kissed her shoulder, then her neck, feeling her move next to him. She wiggled her rear against his pelvis, and he groaned, feeling aroused.
“Is that a trident in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” he heard her say and he laughed, moving to nip at her earlobe, drawing a shocked gasp. She pressed back to him more and he slowly moved his hand under the long night shirt, moving it up until he felt her breast. His fingers flicked over her nipples, drawing them to peak. She moaned softly and he lowered his hand to slide into her underwear, feeling how wet she already was.
“YN, I want you,” he whispered. She panted a little as she moved so she could reach back, hand sliding into his pants and gripping his member, pumping slowly. He hissed at the contact, hips moving to her hand. She let go and he frowned, but then smiled when rolled to lay on her back, looking at him. His hand found better purchase on her core, sliding a finger inside her. “Do you want me?”
“Yes Orm, I want you,” she whispered. Orm didn’t need told again. He moved between her legs, pulling the nightshirt over her head before leaning in and kissing her deeply. She moaned into his mouth, her own hands moving to push his clothes off until he was completely naked for her. She pushed him off her a little. “Wait,” she said. He froze. Had he done something wrong. He sat back on his knees, watching her. She sat up a little, shimmying herself out of her underwear and then she just looked at him.
“What’s happening?” he asked. She smiled at him, and he melted some, kissing her again. She pushed him back again.
“Stop for one second, I want to look at you,” she said, fingers moving over his chest, moving down to his stomach. She traced his scars, the lines of his muscles, connected the dots on a couple freckles he had, just admired him. As she memorized his form, he did the same to her. He let his fingers drift over her torso, feeling every curve, and finally he met her eyes again. The frenzy of earlier had changed and now it was slow. He leaned in to kiss her again, this time she didn’t stop him. He started the kiss soft before it deepened. He shifted so that she was under him, legs wrapped around him. He pushed gently, tip just brushing over her core. She moaned, moving her hand to guide him inside her. He didn’t push in fully at first, moving just a little bit, teasing her. She moaned out his name and he loved the sound, so he teased her again with a smirk. She let out a breathy laugh, smacking his ass to get him moving again. He pushed all the way in, hips meeting hers, and she cried out, gripping his shoulders. He kissed her face and neck as he started a rhythm, hips moving out and back, making sure to push deep into her. She grabbed behind her knees, pulling her legs up more so he could push further, and she whimpered when he hit a sensitive spot inside her. He focused on hitting that spot over and over.
“Does that feel good?” he whispered. She nodded, barely able to form words. “You feel amazing, please tell me you’re close.” She nodded again, his name spilling from her mouth again as she got louder. He loved the sounds she was making and desperately wanted to hear her finish. He focused, pushing to make her fly. He was rewarded with a cry of his name as she seized, gripping him tight with her entire core. He thrust a few more times before he too climaxed. He panted as he moved to the side, making sure he didn’t accidentally tangle their limbs together. She took a few deep breaths.
“I need a shower,” she said. Orm laughed. “It’s been a while since I’ve done that, I can already feel my muscles getting sore.” She stood and he smirked, a little proud, as she walked a little crooked. She glanced back at him. “You coming?” He hopped up and followed her into the bathroom.
After a shower and another round of amazing sex they sat in the living room, discussing the attacks.
“I hate everything about this, I mean, I like that you’re here but why does someone want to frame you?” YN asked. Orm sighed.
“I did things that hurt others, not just surface dwellers, but other Atlanteans. So did my father,” he said. “I did try to get a good king but at some point, the ends justified the means, and sometimes those means involved sending the lower city into poverty to fund advanced weapons, sometimes it was arranging for my own forces to be attacked.” He shrugged. “If I were them, I’d want my head on a platter too. I shouldn’t be on the surface, almost free, eating cookies every day and hopefully having daily sex with the most gorgeous person on the land or in the sea.” He smirked at YN, and she rolled her eyes but blushed.
“Aren’t you a flatterer,” she said. “I just want to forget about all this crap for a while.” Orm thought about what he would do if he wanted to forget the world and just be. He stood.
“Come on, I have an idea.”
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darkfalcon-z · 3 months
Woven from the Spider Silk,
Or the Grandmasters of Tiny Bunny Cultivation
A bit of a crack idea - I wrote it some time ago
Teenage WWX and LWJ are called upon to become the deities of the forest
They turn tiny because their spiritual power cannot support full size body of a deity
Worse that at the beginning they involuntary turn into little bunnies whenever humans are around and they can’t communicate (this is a spell protecting fledgling deities from being spotted and imprisoned by humans). They also don’t know what is going on until they cultivate for a bit in a forest.
They are removed from Cloud Recess together with the bunnies WWX found for LWJ and set behind the wards so they can’t initially come back and write a message or something
The bunnies are not the culprits behind the transformation, but they are the catalyst. The previous couple of deities either passed on or ascended (this would unclear at least at the beginning) and new people need to fill in the position – this is a natural process (it’s like id an atom misses an electron only more selective), technically anyone could have been chosen provided they had strong enough cultivation and empathy for living beings but the process would only start if a matched set of two was found. The bunnies are kind of like spiritual messengers. The let themselves be caught by WWX, because they sensed his potential, but the transformation only happened when bunnies and WWX came in contact with LWJ
The bunnies become Wangxian familiars (and steeds). The bunnies are black and white respectively
WWX and LWJ still are as strong as ever both physically and with cultivation (a la Nac Mac Feegle) but they can eat less (although more their current body mass could suggest)
All in all Wangxian got nice vacation from everything. They live on an enchanted meadow (although the meadow becomes enchanted because they live in there) in the Gusu Mountains just beyond Cloud Recess wards, together with the bunnies – the bunny family grows because other bunnies noticed it’s a sweet spot to live as no predators dare to approach Wangxian with evil intentions
LWJ forages for spider silk to make them new robes, WWX forages for most everything else and also build them a tiny cottage (they eventually make a little garden as well)
(they earlier made clothes of feathers (because the bunnies sabotages any attempts of making clothes from leaves with their appetites) but there was an issue of LWJ having to constantly deal with WWX in a tiny feather skirt, you must understand that something had to be done)
Wangxian get together early because of all this.
Everyone thinks LWJ and WWX are dead, although how it’s a mystery (most people blame WWX for somehow angering some powerful entity and LWJ getting caught with a fallout) – not that surprising since all they’ve found were intact robes with tied sashes and all – it looked like they evaporated from the inside.
The world however did not stop just because Wangxian disappearance
Wangxian learned that something terrible happened when the Cloud Recess burned because they’ve sees plumes of smoke and light from the fire
They’ve only learned that Lotus Pier Fell afterwards
During the indoctrination JZX’s and few other disciples cores had been crushed before the Xuanwu appeared and MianMian’s face had been branded by WLJ. Some of the heirs had been eaten by Xuanwu as well)
JYL is only surviving Jiang as she was in Meishan when the Wens attacked. She’s largely forgotten, except JGS broke the engagement with JZX since JYL lost her position.
JC had been caught, tortured, had his core crashed and was eventually killed as his return after the massacre – this happened when he saw WLJ disrespecting his mother’s corpse.
JGS pretty much lost the interest with JZX as his heir (he still doesn’t think JYL is a suitable party for him since she has pretty much nothing and lives on the charity of her grandparents’ family) and brought MXY earlier on to the sect as a potential heir (it’s till terrible for MXY, he’s taken away from his mother, his “step mother” hates him, his so called father throws a lot of expectation at him but no love, plenty of Jin cousins think they should be heirs instead)
JZX goes to fight in SunShot Campaign even though he’s coreless and more than little depressed, but without JC and LWJ getting back the swords the SunShot is in dire straits.
Eventually Wangxian managed to get into Cloud Recess, acquire Bichen and they fly to Meishan to JYL, who becomes the first person to learn of their fate (and marital plans)
They manage to liberate everyone swords as well as treasures stolen from Lotus Pier (Suibian among them) and have JYL take the swords to LXC and NMJ
Eventually Wangxian are going to pilot JZX as a mecha (not that’s not accurate, they need him because he has martial arts training but not the ability to use spiritual sword, and they have swords but with bodies so small it would be an issue to go into a battlefield alone, so they need him to carry them around, they don’t usually pilot him). JZX gets secret identity, though. Of course that cooperation doesn’t go smoothly, but JZX eventually grow into a man worthy of asking for JYL’s hand.
LXC and NMJ are probably onto the plan. LXC is relieved that LWJ is safe
Eventually SunShot wins
After the war the Wens are still put into work camps
Idk yet how Wangxian learn about that, but they go there and turn everyone into bunnies temporarily and tell them to run and if they got into Gusu area they would try to help them some more. This is not a perfect solution, since many other those people are old or ill, but they’d had support one another to survive on the way. WN doesn’t die in this au
I think WQ helped out injured MianMian at some point and then met her again after SunShot and told her brother had been kidnapped. MM went to JYL and JZX to ask if they maybe know if something can be done. JZX got the information where the prison camp was and told Wangxian
A-Yuan as a bunny is too little to run anywhere so Wangxian take him with themselves. This is a bit of challenge since it’s difficult to take care of a toddler when you are doll sized. Wangxian have a spell to shrink living being with doing complicated things to qi flow, but it’s not that they can keep A-Yuan shrunk all the time because how would that affect his development. WWX needs to add big boy room to their tiny cottage.
The Wens manage to arrive in the area, but by that time A-Yuan thinks about Wangxian as his parents and no one has the heart to separate them
JYL and JZX probably go to live in Cloud Recess for a while. JYL is regarded as a hero, who liberated the swords, JZX is regarded as a pitiful loser, who lost his core. But he grows a lot as a person. Possibly they are going to reestablish Jiang Sect later on after their son is born.
I’m not sure about JGY in this au.
XY drugged and brutally murdered members of Chang clan, but since Yin Tiger Tally doesn’t exist and no one invented the ghostly path JGS doesn’t have any use for him so he’s promptly executed after XXC caught him
Wangxian have opportunity to me XXC and SL and give them their blessing for the sect they want to establish. I hope they still find A-Qing somehow
People still call LWJ Hanguang-Jun, this time it’s his divine title. WWX is know as a Dark Lord (I think it’s by Xuan-Jun) or Dark Lady sometimes since people think as LWJ “mate” he must be a female
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: Pun Times
[at unicorn fuck club] Piers Anthony: ok guys get ready Piers Anthony: it's time for PUN times with Piers Anthony! Anthony: i think you'll all have a real SNAKE time! Anthony: ANACONDA they're so funny!
Anthony: so bob basilisk, gooey goblin, and steve Stymphalian bird were walking on the beach Anthony: when suddenly someone started shooting sea shells at them Anthony: normally shells just lie on the beach Anthony: but THESE shells were being shot at them
Anthony: these shells were being loaded into guns and shot at them Anthony: propelled by gunpowder! Anthony: in a manner quite unusual when it comes to shells in fact Anthony: most peculiar! Anthony: [turning to audience] can YOU guess the pun? turn the page for the answer
Anthony: in fact they were artillery shells! Anthony: eh? eh? get it? JRR Tolkien: GRR Martin: CS Lewis: Anthony: well, if you don't like it, blame Jimmy B. (12) of akron, ohio
Anthony: anyway princess penelope comes by Anthony: and she's all "oh no" Anthony: "i'm at the beach" Anthony: "guess i better..." Anthony: "TAKE OFF MY PANTIES!!!" JRR Tolkien: GRR Martin: CS Lewis: Anthony: you guys she's taking off her panties
Anthony: so princess penelope hides deep in the bushes and looks this way and that just to make sure that no one can see her take off her panties Anthony: but you know what she can't hide from? Anthony: the author! Anthony: it's too late, i've already seen everything
Anthony: guys for real though Anthony: i totally saw EVERYTHING Anthony: like, ALL her panties Anthony: i saw them JRR Tolkien: Anthony: she was wearing them Tolkien: Anthony: pretty cool, huh? JRR Tolkien: you know i'm just not gonna put any women in my books i think
Anthony: so just imagine if a sexy girl wore panties JRR Tolkien: i can't imagine this GRR Martin: no no he's on to something, i can picture this Brian Jacques: [squeaking] i use a sewn-up maple leaf for underwear!
Anthony: ok now just imagine the panties Anthony: oh boy you guys Anthony: i don't know if i should say it Anthony: it might be too hot GRR Martin: say it! Anthony: ok guys now just imagine Anthony: the panties are   Anthony: pink Anthony: oh ho ho i can't believe i said it!!!
Anthony: so just imagine the perkiest little pink panties you can JRR Tolkien: wait isn't this story for kids? Anthony: oh yeah there's nothing prurient or adult about this Tolkien: ah ok Anthony: these panties are being worn by a virginal 8 year old Tolkien: Anthony: so its fine
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letmeridethatstaff · 3 months
The Truman and (Y/N) Show
Chapter 2: A New Morning
Please do not repost. Do not translate and repost. I do not own The Truman Show this is simply parody.
Word Count: ~1,500
Relationship: Truman Burbank x Reader; established
- Kidnapping (essentially)
- talks of schizophrenia
- Reader basically has a panic attack
- Truman also freaking out
- bad mother in law relationship
- briefly edited but not a lot
The next day both Truman and (Y/N) had a slow start to the day. Embraced in one another and talked about the new magazine Truman had picked up yesterday. She talked about her art. Even though they never spoke about the incident at the ferry pier, they never had to when they understood one another.
“Hello?” (Y/N) picked up their home phone after she had started making a late breakfast.
“(Y/N) I saw my dad!” It was Truman frantically whispering through the telephone.
“What? What are you talking about Truman?”
“Listen I can’t talk here meet me at my mothers and I’ll explain everything.”
“Okay just be safe love you.”
“I love you too.” They hung up. (Y/N) made toast to go and headed to Truman’s moms house.
After explaining what he saw. “Am I going insane?” He was sitting in front of his mom holding (Y/N)’s hand. She was rubbing her thumb back and forth across the backside of his hand.
“It doesn’t sound insane at all, Truman.” (Y/N) tried comforting him.
“Oh my dear I see him 10 times a week. In a hundred different faces. Why I almost hugged a perfect stranger in the salon last Thursday!” His mom stated.
“It was dad,” Truman urged. (Y/N) started rubbing his back. “I swear! Dressed like a- a homeless man, and you know what else was strange? A businessman and a woman with a little dog came out of nowhere and forced him onto a bus!” (Y/N) was concerned now and her interest peaked there was no way Truman was making this up.
“Well I’m glad they finally started cleaning the trash up downtown. Before we become like the rest of the country.” (Y/N) and Truman’s mom didn’t always get along.
“Well…” (Y/N) started to say, “they never found a body.” She shrugged her shoulders. Truman snapped his fingers at her. But his mother gave her a dirty look.
“Yes! See (Y/N) understands! Maybe somehow-“ Truman’s mom groaned. “Well if it wasn’t him then it was his twin! Did he have a brother?!” Truman had started to pace now.
“Truman, you know perfectly well that your father was an only child. Just like you.” Truman stops standing and goes to sit back down by (Y/N). “You both are just feeling bad because of what happened.” (Y/N) held in a scoff but was more than pleased to shoot daggers at her. “You two sailing off into that storm- I never blamed either of you-“ (Y/N) highly doubted that, “I don’t blame either of you now.” She patted Truman’s knee in a comforting manner.
After speaking with his mother, Truman took the day off and spent the day with (Y/N). Watching her paint and thinking. Both ended up in the basement looking at old memories: photos of Truman’s dad, a map to Fiji, and the cardigan Sylvia/Lauren had gifted (Y/N) before she was taken.
The scene transitions to Seahaven High. There (Y/N) is in the field with Sylvia/Lauren. Their chatting and then she catches eyes with Truman. Starring longingly at one another but looking away. “Do you like him?” Her friend asks,
“We’re childhood friends but it’s…been different lately with it being high school and all.” She nods in understanding.
“Well if you want,” she emphasizes, “you should ask him out.” (Y/N) shakes her head no in ernest, “Oh no no no he’s supposed to be with a cheerleader like Meryl and I’m supposedly supposed to end up with a guy like Marlon. At least that’s what my mom keeps telling me.” She shakes her head, “No-no (Y/N) forge your own path. You shouldn’t be forced to love someone you don’t.” (Y/N) gives a shy smile, “Thank you.”
The scene then changes to the school dance. (Y/N) ends up dancing with Truman. She took her friends advice and was thankful for it. She saw her across the dance floor and kept smiling at her. She was about to go over to her when men in suits talked to her and took her outside. (Y/N)’s concern was growing.
The scene then changes to the school library. Truman and (Y/N) are studying for their upcoming test. Meryl and Marlon are trying to get them to hang out. Of course being the good students they were and trying to get some alone time they didn’t go along. They were studying flashcards when (Y/N) noticed her friend.
“Hey!” (Y/N) scooted her chair over to Lauren’s.
“Oh hi (Y/N).” Lauren was looking around almost concerned.
“Are you okay Lauren? I saw you leave the dance.”
“I’m fine.” She tried reassuring her and waving her off. “But uh (Y/N) I-I’m not allowed to be friends with you anymore.” (Y/N) was panicked.
“What why?! You’re my best friend.” (Y/N) grasped her hands.
“Please (Y/N),” (Y/N) needed to know more and make sure her friend was safe. Maybe it was her dad or her mom stopping the friendship.
“Come with me. Please so we can talk.” She urged Lauren.
They got up, (Y/N) telling Truman she’d be back. Lauren took her all over the place and out the door. They ran to their favorite spot on the beach. Lauren took off her cardigan and they ran down the sand dune. Making it act as a makeshift cape.
“(Y/N) they don’t want me to talk to you. We have so little time. Their watching us.”
“Please please tell me, tell me your safe. Whose they?” All of a sudden a car started racing down the sand dune.
“They’re here!”
“Who? Whose here? Your dad?”
“(Y/N) listen to me: everybody knows about you. Everybody knows about Truman. Trust Truman! Everybody knows everything you two do. They’re pretending, (Y/N),” Lauren was frantically grasping (Y/N)’s arms. “Do you understand?! Everybody’s pretending, everybody, except you and Truman!” She was urgent and rushing her words.
“L-Lauren I don’t understand!” (Y/N) held concern in her eyes for friend.
“No! No my names not Lauren! It’s Sylvia! My names Sylvia!!”
“Yeah!” The car finally reached them and her dad stepped out.
“Lauren, sweetheart, not again.” Again?
“Who are you?” (Y/N) questioned.
“I’m her father.” (Y/N) never met Lau-Sylvia’s father before but this man didn’t act like a father should.
“I’ve never seen this man before in my life!” Sylvia was clutching on to (Y/N). (Y/N) was ready to risk it all and have them rush back to the school. The man started to take Sylvia away from her.
“Hey! Hey wait a minute!”
“(Y/N) listen to me everything I’ve told you is the truth!” She picked up sand and put it in (Y/N)’s hands. “It’s all fake! The sand, sky, the sea- it’s all a set! For you and Truman! It’s all a show! Everybody’s watching both of you! Please don’t listen to him. He’s gonna lie to you! They’re watching us now!” Sylvia had been put into the car by her “dad”.
“Hey let her go!” (Y/N) pushed the man and tried to go for the door of the car. The man quickly stood in front of the car door, “Schizophrenia! She suffers from schizophrenia! We’ve tried everything shock therapy, hypnosis-“ a horn was being honked by Sylvia.
“You’re not the first. She brings all her so called friends down her and does the same act.” The man got into the car. Sylvia leans over the man to the open window towards (Y/N).
“Get out of here- both of you. Come and find me!” She urgently whispers.
“We’re going to Fiji!” Her “father” states. There were tears in (Y/N)’s eyes. They drove off. (Y/N) was panicking, she picked up the red cardigan out of the sand, she ran to the nearest phone booth and called 911. Explaining the whole situation to them. She then ran home and called Truman asking him to come over. She was distraught at losing her best friend. She clutched the cardigan and layed down on Truman’s lap. He rubbed her back listening to it all.
Audience memeber 1: “why didn’t she just follow her to Fiji?”
Audience memeber 2: “Truman’s mom got really sick and so did her dad. She couldn’t leave any of them. She’s so kind. Maybe she’s too kind.”
Audience memeber 1: “How did she cope?”
Audience Memeber2: “she fell into her paintings. That’s how she got so good. A lot of people think it’s so she can replicate the one she lost. And Truman was her landline as well.”
Their boss walks up behind them.
“Excuse me. Come on, Sal. We’ve already got this on the greatest hits tape.”
Audience member 1: “Can I borrow that?”
The scene switches back to Truman and (Y/N) in the basement. (Y/N) thinking about Sylvia and looking off into the distance. Rubbing her thumb across the cardigan as she held it close to her chest. Truman starts unpacking the magazine pieces for her. Going through the pieces together, she finally finds the pair of eyes of her best friend. Sylvia and (Y/N) weren’t ones to take photos together- (Y/N) being camera shy. She regretted not taking photos more. But her art was a way to find Sylvia whether that be trying to paint her or making a collage. She had to find Sylvia- they both did- they needed answers. They needed Fiji.
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lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 11 months
hello i’m back from the dead (sleeping) and it’s time to talk about
why Cullen won’t let anyone fix the hole in his ceiling 💖
someone has probably said this before but it wasn’t me, so here we go!
so remember that Ser Cullen Stanton Rutherford of Honnleath grew up with three siblings, who he describes as being “very loud.” i see him as always being a very disciplined child, kind and warm and willing to let Mia take charge (because fighting her for it would have been useless), but a steadfast follower with a keen sense of justice and fairness, willing to voice his objections when he had any, and very fastidious about not breaking rules when Mia or Branson tried to stir up trouble. you know, that whole second child archetype. he was prone to a bit of escapism, running off to that pier on some lake which is definitely not in Crestwood, which tells us he likes having somewhere to escape to, somewhere to run if he gets overwhelmed.
skipping forward a bit, when he lived in Kirkwall, he had quite a bit of freedom to come and go physically, but to me at least it seems like he felt trapped by his duties under Meredith. he explicitly describes her keeping things from him, things she thought he’d disagree with as her second in command. he felt lied to, deceived, manipulated by her (bc he was), i think, even before the events at the end of DA2 that expose her for what she is. can you imagine that feeling? like he actually wants to do good, to treat the mages fairly and help keep them and everyone else safe (that’s why he signed up, after all), but he’s got this nasty, evil commanding officer who’s whispering in his ear, twisting all that good intention to do her malicious bidding. it must have felt like beating his head against a brick wall, like no matter what he did, his sincere desire to believe that other people are fundamentally good disappointed him. i always say that Meredith gave Cullen just enough rope to hang himself with.
jumping forward again, let’s talk about the Winter Palace. Cullen is very obviously uncomfortable there, and it makes sense why: he can’t leave, not without being extraordinarily rude, can’t get away from the people bothering and sexually harassing him, can’t get out of that jacket that is too damn tight. if you bring Cole with you, at one point in his ‘Investigate’ tree he comments that, “Cullen is afraid. They’re hurting him, following fear. He shouldn’t be here.”
all of this is just to illustrate: man’s got a Thing about feeling trapped, stuck, unable to fight back or defend himself or just flat out leave. and why does he have such a hard time with this?
because of that one time that Uldred blew up the Circle at Kinloch Hold in Ferelden. for reasons we don’t fully grasp, rather than being claimed by the demons or simply killed in the fighting, Cullen held out. he resisted demonic possession completely, somehow, and was instead trapped within that magical prison with no possibility of escape, probably for weeks. no escape from his hunger, thirst, or lyrium withdrawal, and no escape from the (probably Desire) demon(s) that tortured him with freedom if he’d only give in to those things he won’t quite allow himself to want.
so the fact that there’s a hole in his ceiling, even months into the repairs at Skyhold, when almost everything else has been fixed but a few, hard-to-access bits of masonry, is not lost on me. and sure, you could always blame it on lighting for the romance scene that takes place up there. but i like to think that it’s there because Cullen refuses to let them fix it. here’s why:
Cullen doesn’t like to stray far from his post. he likes that there’s a loft with a bed where he can pretend to sleep that’s not far from his desk, where he commands the lives of thousands of people. (i think at one point in Absolution, it’s revealed that at its height, the Inquisition was composed of ~10,000 troops, plus all the necessary support personnel.) the fate of the world is quite literally depending on his ability to do his job, and when the lyrium withdrawals make him feel like he must be losing his mind, he likes that he’s got an easy choice between resting (like he knows he probably should) or working (like he knows he really needs to), separated only by a little wooden ladder and a few planks that make up the floor.
he needs that little hole in the ceiling. if ever something happened at Skyhold, and it wasn’t safe or possible to leave through the three fucking doors on the lower level, he needs a back up plan, a way to get out from the top of that tower, or he’s every bit as trapped as he was at the Winter Palace, or by Meredith, or by Uldred and his demons, and he can’t be, not here, not with so many lives in his hands. not after Haven.
he needs it when he wakes up shouting, drenched in sweat, from another nightmare where he’s back there, trapped with demons who’ve murdered or enslaved your brothers and sisters and are trying to break you next, or pinned under Meredith’s thumb, doing things that he knows are wrong, he knows, but she’s his commanding officer and he trusts her, so how wrong can they really be? he needs it, first thing when he opens his eyes, to know he’s got an escape route, a backup plan. he’s safe.
and when he finally gives in to temptation, that thing he wants more than anything that he really shouldn’t let himself want, when the Inquisitor confesses that she wants to be with him when this is all over and he very dramatically sweeps aside everything on his desk, his whole life, shattering it all over the floor, he needs that little patch of sky to remind him it’s real. he’s free to leave whenever he needs to.
and that’s what allows him to stay.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
I don't necessarily buy into the theory that HnM are behind everything bad that happens to the brf. I've always that TMZ was behind the hospital breach. Simply because they also had that first shot of Catherine with Carol in the car. and then they made that show asking where is Kate, the one that had piers Morgan talking about how skinny she has gotten and that wasn't reflected in the mothers day photo.
Technically, tmz is California based. They have the money and the resources to breach London Clinic. And they had incentive, it was the most trending story at the time.
Lady C actually said this on her show yesterday, that it was "someone from California", and I think she deliberately kept it vague so people would pile on to HnM. My read on lady c is that she is a bullshitter, because nothing she has ever said has been proven to be true, esp regarding HnM. The big reveal she had been teasing since December last year still hasn't happened and March is over.
I agree.
I get that everyone wants to blame everything horrible happening to/in in the BRF on Harry and Meghan but not everything is their fault.
Yes, Harry and Meghan are toxic, both together and separately. Yes, they created problems for the BRF.
But toxic behaviors and toxic personalities also exacerbate problems that already exist. Kicking them out eliminated the problems they caused, but the BRF still has to deal with the pre-existing problems, like
how they engage with and use the media
how they prepare the spares
how the different palaces and teams work together
how they manage the public's expectations with a smaller monarchy
how they manage modern media and modern media concerns
how they manage a smaller workload with more demands
how they reconcile the present and future of monarchy with the monarchy's ugly colonial history
how they treated Diana's ghost/legacy/memory, and now treat Prince Philip's and The Queen's ghosts/legacies/memories
None of those are Harry's and Meghan's faults. Their toxicity amplified these problems, but they did not cause these problems. We need to get out of the mindsight that blames them for everything.
Blame them when they deserve it - like when they complain that no one talks to them or "it didn't have to be this way". Don't blame them when they've had nothing to do with what's happening in the BRF.
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woodchipp · 5 months
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"her actions have shown [how much she cares]" not being backed up by any of her actions throughout the game aside, this summary gets even funnier if you take a closer look at what kicks off the plot of One Day Left - Sunny, Kel and Hero confronting Aubrey at her house.
I have Things to say about that scene, both in terms of how it relates to Aubrey and to the game's writing in general.
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Right off the bat, the game uses a milder version of "hell" right before inexplicably making Aubrey use the word itself. Something like
AUBREY: ...! AUBREY: Wh-What are you guys doing here?! AUBREY: GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!!
would've worked just as fine, in my opinion.
This game had three editors, by the way.
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When pressed, the first thing Aubrey says about the incident at the lake is a straight-up lie in an attempt to diminish the severity of her wrongdoing. No, her watery eyes aren't going to convince me she's genuinely sorry.
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1) Here it is again. Instead of owning up to her behavior at the very least, she continues trying to make the incident seem less severe than it actually was.
2) You "didn't mean to" push Basil into the lake even though he was obviously standing right at the edge of the pier? And you knew he was incapable of swimming? You're a fuckwad.
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Accident or no accident, he was in active danger of dying. You chose to argue with Kel on the pier since that was more of a priority to you than trying to save your close friend.
And then she tries to reduce the severity of what she did for the third time! Sure, she does seem to apologize afterwards
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but then immediately falls back on deflecting blame, which makes the apology come off as insincere.
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Really, I would've preferred Aubrey being upfront about being a prick. Her incessant attempts to blame everyone and everything but herself for her choices don't make her complex because the game speedruns her redemption and we don't get to see her growth, which is also why said attempts become very grating after a certain point.
Aubrey isn't the only character I take issue with here, though.
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1) Hero. My dude. Your own brother accused Aubrey of nearly killing another friend of yours. Aubrey confirmed said accusation. And you still dismiss it as a harmless squabble like the ones they had in their childhood days??
Either he's also stuck in his childhood mentally or he's just - and I'm not going to mince words here - a moron.
2) I love that Hero's reaction implies he still doesn't seem to take Kel seriously. You'd think he'd try to be more mindful of his little brother following that furious outburst, but nope. He still seems to view Kel as a rash little child he has to rein in.
One could argue this is meant to show that the charscters are flawed, and in a better story, I'd actually be inclined to agree. I like the idea of Hero struggling to move on from his role as the group's "dad", and I'd have liked if the story forced him to understand he can't keep playing their dad with a situation much more complicated than a "typical Kel and Aubrey fight". Likewise, Hero's perception of Kel as an impulsive, bratty kid persisting to the present day and causing friction with Kel himself would've made for an interesting conflict.
Of course, this isn't a better story, so after Kel and Aubrey's reactions, Hero's shallow peacemaking is promptly (and conveniently) forgotten when he notices the last bunch of missing photos.
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Peak writing, everyone!
This game took six years and $200,000, by the way. No, I won't stop mentioning that.
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My sister in Christ you are literally wearing her fucking headband. You were also given some of her other clothes, it seems.
If Aubrey's problem was about having nothing to remember Mari by, it's null and void to me because she clearly does have more than just the photos. Not only that, but this also comes off as the game trying to use Aubrey's grief as an excuse for her treatment of Basil, which is disgusting for reasons I shouldn't need to explain.
(oh, and Sunny's just Standing There. he doesn't contribute anything to the conversation at all. he could've been removed from this scene altogether and nothing of value would be lost. the main character of all time, truly)
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toasttt11 · 3 months
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October 12, 2023
Connie had accepted Kevin’s invitation to hang out with Alex, Lukas and him.
Alex has spent the day showing them all around some parts of Chicago and they eventually ended up going to one of the beaches in Chicago that has a pier and they decided to start walking around for a little while before they all head back to their separate homes.
Kevin and Lukas both gasped excitedly in unison seeing a corn dog cart and they both immediately went off running towards the corn dog cart just leaving Connie and Alex alone.
Connie awkwardly played with her fingers having not spent any time alone with Alex yet and he makes her very nervous but a different type of the normal nervous but she was not sure what type.
“Those two.” Alex shook his head chuckling fondly watching as Lukas and Kevin were running and pushing each other.
Alex spared multiple glances towards Connie as they walked at a calmer pace than Lukas and Kevin. Alex is still in awe of her eyes every time he sees them. Alex does not want to admit how much he thinks of Connie with barely even knowing her yet and it does not help at all that her eyes are just unforgettable.
“What’s your favorite color?” Alex randomly blurted out and bit his lip for just blurting out random question.
“My favorite color?” Connor repeated looking very puzzled and Alex did not blame her as it is a very random question and very random to just ask that.
“I want to get to know you more.” Alex shrugged smiling slightly bashful at her making her nod.
“Blue.” Connie said before softly adding, “But not bright blue but light blue soft like the sky in the early morning.” Connie slightly rambled and blushed when she realized she had been rambling, something she does not do often.
“Light blue.” Alex smiled softly enjoying her reasoning and glad he got to hear her reasoning, “I like Orange but not neon orange, soft orange like the sunset.” Alex gave her a lopsided smile making her smile softly back at him appreciating how he responded.
“Favorite season?” Connie softly asked as they stopped walking sitting and decided to sit down on a bench as they watched Kevin and Lukas waited in line for corn dogs and waited for them to come back.
“Summer. I love being out on the water and the warm weather is my favorite.” Alex easily responded, summer was when he got to spend the most time with his family.
“Hmm, i don’t like warm weather.” Connie scrunched up nose slightly having always hated the heat, she grew up in Vancouver warm weather is not something she likes and the warmest in Vancouver is still very comfortable, “I like winter because it snows.”
“I do not like the snow.” Alex scrunched his nose shaking his head, he has always hated the snow and it was something he never looked forward to every winter.
Connie blinked looking shocked for a moment, she couldn’t understand how anyone doesn’t like the snow. “You don’t like the snow.” Connie deadpanned looking at Alex oddly making him laugh shaking his head no.
“I like being warm.” Alex smiled making Connie reluctantly nod understanding not everyone likes cold weather.
“What’s your favorite food.” Alex questioned, he is really glad their friends got distracted so he could get the chance to learn more about Connie but also spend time with her alone.
“Sushi.” Connie quickly answered no hesitation in her answer, Sushi has always been her favorite food since she could remember.
“Really?” Alex hummed surprised that was her favorite food.
“I’m from Vancouver.” Connie’s reply had more sass to it that she rarely let out and Alex couldn’t help but smile wider glad he gets to hear it.
“True.” Alex agreed as Vancouver is near the bay so seafood is very good there, “So you got lucky getting drafted to Chicago then?” Alex asked rhetorically, Chicago has some of the better seafood as well.
“Mhm.” Connie nodded in agreement so far everything seafood she has had here is very good.
“What’s yours?” Connie asked looking around the pier and let out a sigh not seeing any cameras pointed at them yet and felt some tension leave her shoulders.
“Burgers.” Alex reasoned chuckling at her disbelieving face, “I know it’s basic.”
“It’s what you like.” Connie just shrugged smiling sweetly.
Alex smiled back enjoying Connie’s natural sweetness and her genuine kindness she seems to always have.
Kevin and Lukas both sat down on either sides of Connie and Alex happily munching on their corn dogs that were definitely not on their meal plans making Alex and Connie share an exasperated look and smile.
The four all decided to head home after Kevin’s and Lukas finished their corn dogs having been out the whole day already exploring and already walked most of the pier.
Kevin had drove them all and Lukas was sitting in the front seat with Connie and Alex sitting in the back seats.
Kevin drove to Connie’s apartment first and pulled into the front entrance of her apartment building.
“Thanks Kev.” Connie softly mumbled to her friend as she got out of the car.
“Always Beds.” Kevin smiled at her watching as she got out of the car closing the door and waving at them.
“Hold on i’ll be right back.” Alex blurted out to Lukas and Kevin and hopped out of the car quickly catching up with Connie.
Lukas and Kevin shared a very suspicious look of Alex’s behavior towards Connie, they have noticed how he seemed to stare at her a lot and was always glancing at her but haven’t thought anything of it, but maybe they should have.
“Connie!” Alex soflty called out jogging slighty as he caught up with Connie right as she stepped inside the front lobby.
“Alex?” Connie looked confused as Alex was now standing next to her.
“Let me walk you up?” Alex soflty asked looking nervous as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
Connie narrowed her eyes not sure why he wants to walk her up, “Sure.” Connie nodded and continued walking towards the elevator.
Alex could see the hidden question Connie had for why he is walking her up, “Just wanted to see you get home.” Alex sheepishly explained, he just didn’t feel right letting her walk to her apartment alone and it felt wrong to not make sure she got home safe.
Connie soflty nodded seeing he was being kind and she could appreciate that, “Thank you.” Connie softly thanked him giving him a small smile as the elevator dinged opening up on her floor and she walked out with Alex following her.
“This is me.” Connie gestured to the door she stopped in front of and she unlocked the front door and opened it.
Alex got a glimpse of her apartment and noticed it was pretty bare and didn’t have much in it.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Alex said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. They had a morning practice tomorrow.
“Yeah.” Connie nodded and stepped inside her apartment waving bye as she closed her front door.
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