#pietro maximoff x neutral reader
ginnsbaker · 26 days
My Sundown
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Summary: You’ve been a Hydra agent for as long as you can remember, when Wanda Maximoff and her brother, Pietro, volunteers for Hydra's human experiments.
Word count: 10K+ | Tags: Wanda Maximoff x GN!Reader | Warnings: Only mentions of smut. Hurt/comfort. Reader is a little older than Wanda. Some angst. | A/N: I missed writing for Wanda, and have always wanted to write canon-ish oneshots for the MCU character. Main Masterlist
When they first bring her in, she looks like she's been through hell—eyes hollow, skin pale, a storm simmering just beneath the surface. Her hands tremble, not from fear, but from the sheer, unbridled power flowing through her veins. The room seems to shrink under the weight of it, as if even the walls are aware of what she’s capable of. The other recruits are scared and jittery, but she’s different. Her brother too—both rough around the edges, like two sides of the same scarred coin.
“Where did they round up these rats now?” you mutter to Lev, who’s standing dutifully beside you—the only person you've let close enough to be called a friend in all your years with Hydra.
“Sokovian volunteers,” he corrects you, eyes fixed straight ahead, mirroring your own unblinking focus on the twins. Maybe he feels the strange energy coming off them too, or maybe it’s just the routine numbness that sets in after years of blindly following orders.
You nod slightly, though the term volunteer feels like a cruel joke. No one truly volunteers for this. 
Dr. List’s voice yanks you out of your thoughts, dreary and impersonal. He calls everyone that way, as if you're just another tool, interchangeable and anonymous. It’s an intentional tactic—strip away the names, and you strip any sense of humanity.  Without a name, you’re not a person; you’re just a weapon at their disposal.
But you know he means you.
You step forward. “Sir,” you reply, maintaining a ramrod straight posture, your eyes fixed on a spot just beside his perpetually scowling face. It seems all villains share that same dour expression, but if this woman—this girl—makes it through the experiments and officially joins the ranks, she might just break the mold, looking more like an angel than a monster. You quickly shake off the thought, stifling a grimace at the odd turn your thoughts have taken.
When you risk a quick glance at her, you catch a ghost of a smirk playing on her lips, as if she knows exactly what you were just thinking.
“You’re to oversee Wanda Maximoff’s progress,” Dr. List continues without sparing you a second glance. “Ensure she complies. If she doesn’t…” He lets the threat hang, but you don't need him to spell it out. You know what Hydra does to those who don't meet expectations.
“And the boy?” you ask, genuinely curious about the other twin.
Dr. List gives you a sharp look, like he suspects something. Questions are frowned upon here, but ever since you laid eyes on Wanda, a persistent tingling has crept up the back of your neck.
To put it bluntly, she unnerves you, and you'd much prefer to deal with her brother.
“Strucker decided to…take a more hands-on approach with him,” Dr. List says.
“Understood, sir,” you reply crisply, reaffirming your commitment to your orders. You steal another glance at Wanda, only to feel a rush of heat when you realize she’s been watching you the entire time.
Wanda looks even more formidable once she’s showered and changed into fresh clothes. You can’t decide if it’s because the sinister gleam in her eyes remains untouched or because the grime and hardships of life on the streets have been washed away, revealing a haunting beauty beneath the dirt. Clean, she’s striking—but that beauty only makes her more dangerous. You’ve tried to delay any direct interaction with her, but this morning, Dr. List visited to follow up on the initial assessment, leaving you no more time to postpone. After a week of stalling, you’re out of excuses, and there’s a lot of ground to cover.
As she steps out of the small bathroom, her damp hair clings to her shoulders, softening her otherwise sharp features. The moment she becomes aware of your presence, her gaze locks onto you, and she begins to comb the wet tendrils back with her slender fingers. Your hand tightens around your keycard involuntarily as you take a deep breath, reminding yourself that Wanda is just like any other volunteer who entered the organization and never left its walls to see the light of day. Besides, you’re armed, and Wanda is not. It’s ridiculous to be this on edge around someone who's at a disadvantage.
“You,” Wanda murmurs, her accent rolling off her tongue like a slow, winding river.
“Shall we begin?” you ask, keeping your tone even and detached. You can’t afford to let her see how much she frighte—affects you.
Wanda ignores your request. Instead, she tilts her head slightly, studying you with a keenness that makes your skin prickle. You meet her stare, determined not to show any cracks, even though your heart's hammering away.
Finally, she nods—a small, almost imperceptible movement. 
You clear your throat and motion towards the small cot given to them as beds. “Please, have a seat,” you say.
This time, Wanda complies without a word. 
You glance around the room, searching for a seat, and silently berate yourself for not arranging one beforehand. It’s a small oversight, but it makes you feel foolish. With no other option, you settle against the farthest wall, opposite her, and lean against it, though it doesn’t make you feel any more grounded than you did a second ago.
In your hand is a file detailing everything Hydra knows about her, which isn’t much. You open it with a practiced ease, flipping through the pages, but you’re aptly aware of her eyes on you, watching your every move.
“Wanda Maximoff,” you start. “The procedures you're about to undergo are highly experimental. Hydra won't be held responsible for any injuries, no matter if they're permanent or temporary.”
Including death. But you are prohibited from disclosing this to avoid causing panic or stress among the subjects.
Wanda says nothing, her expression unreadable, but you can sense she’s lingering on a thought. Not sure what it is, you go on, falling back on the lines you've memorized these last few months.
“These procedures will enhance your natural abilities, giving you powers beyond what you may or may not currently possess. However, there are risks involved. Do you understand the nature of these risks?”
Wanda nods again. It’s the same answer you’ve received from countless other volunteers, most of whom had no idea what they were truly signing up for. But there’s something different about her, something in the way she holds herself that tells you she knows exactly what she’s getting into—and she’s not afraid.
“There will be a series of physical and psychological evaluations. We will push you to your breaking point and beyond. It is crucial that you cooperate fully. Resistance will only make the process more difficult, both for you and for us.”
You scan her face for any sign of fear or hesitation, but she's a blank slate. It’s as if she’s made peace with whatever fate awaits her here. That bothers you more than you’d care to admit.
“We will also be conducting interviews throughout the process,” you continue. “These will assess your mental state, your thoughts, your fears. Everything you say will be documented, and nothing will be private.”
Wanda's eyes narrow a touch, the first sign of any emotion since she sat down. It’s subtle, but you notice it. Maybe the thought of her mind being picked apart like a lab specimen is getting to her more than the threat of physical harm. Or it could be something else entirely.
“We’ll begin the physical tests tomorrow,” you say, closing the file and hugging it to your chest. “For now, you should rest and eat as much as you like. Your room is monitored constantly. If you need anything, just ask, though your movement around the facility will be restricted.”
The mask of indifference slips back into place. Wanda leans back on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows in a display of casual ease. 
“Do you have any questions?” you ask, mostly because you have to, not because you really want to know. You figure she won't ask anything—most are too scared or too defeated to speak up. 
But Wanda Maximoff isn't most people.
“Why do you do this?”
You can’t help it—a faint smile begins to creep across your face at her question. Most volunteers, when they ask anything at all, are fixated on their own impending ordeal, too scared of what's coming. 
But Wanda isn't asking about herself; she's asking about you. It feels like forever since anyone showed that kind of interest.
Pausing at the doorway, you turn your head just enough for her to see the profile of your face. 
“I do what I'm told,” you say, dodging the deeper question she posed—the real why behind your actions. The truth is, you stopped asking why a long time ago. Reasons tend to blur into excuses when moral lines are crossed in an organization you once trusted.
You're already tapping your keycard against the scanner when Wanda speaks again.
“Will doing what you're told bring them back?”
Her question spins you around so fast it's almost like whiplash. How did Wanda know about that? Was it just a wild guess meant to throw you off? Whatever it was, it worked.
You open your mouth to reply, but the words stick in your throat. You don’t even remember the last time you even thought about them. You've never shared this with anyone—not even Lev. Only a handful of Hydra figures were ever privy to your past.
Wanda couldn't possibly know. Unless—
“Good night, Y/N,” Wanda says, her tone dismissive as she curls into a fetal position, turning her back to you.
If your theory holds, Wanda might be the key Hydra has been searching for—the one who can unlock the powers of the scepter that have eluded so many others. Her apparent ability to read minds could be the very breakthrough Dr. List has been waiting for. 
Finding yourself hesitating to report this discovery surprises you. It’s almost ironic how your conscience decides to kick in now, just when Hydra's goal seems tantalizingly close with the acquisition of the twins. You know what Hydra would do if they realized just how special she is, and the thought of them twisting her into something monstrous is something you can’t even begin to imagine.
In the days that follow, you keep quiet about your suspicions regarding Wanda’s innate abilities. You tell yourself that Dr. List will probably uncover them through his experiments soon enough. It’s definitely not because you're worried about what they might do if they decide to fast-track her program.
Yes, you’re just staying out of it, certainly not because you want to protect her.
At least, that's what you keep telling yourself.
Your next face-to-face with Wanda comes a week later.
Though you have merely been observing her through a two-way mirror, you've been plagued by sleepless nights since your last meeting, and not even the strongest sedatives at your disposal have helped. Thoughts of her well-being nag at you, despite Hydra's strict rules limiting interaction between volunteers and handlers to prevent any emotional attachments. Such attachments have formed before, and Hydra has always dealt with them ruthlessly.
When you enter her room, she's in the same position as before—curled up on her cot, making herself appear small and almost childlike. She looks up as the door closes behind you, her eyes meeting yours with a quiet recognition. 
As you step closer, the hollowness of her cheeks, the dark circles under her eyes, and her pale complexion are unmistakable. The word weathered hardly does justice to the toll her first week has taken. You know exactly what she’s been through. The tests here aren’t just tests—they’re torture, meant to break people down, body and mind. Even with her powers and confidence, Wanda shows the same signs of strain. She's slight, frail, and clearly, she's had as rough a time as anyone else here.
This time, you come prepared with a metal chair and a freshly prepared tea set next to it, and take a seat across from her.
“How are you holding up?” you ask, although the answer seems painfully obvious.
Wanda shrugs, barely moving, as if the effort to appear okay is too much for her. But then she surprises you.
“How long until Hydra enhances my powers?”
You weren’t expecting that. After everything she’s been through, she’s asking for more? You thought she’d be wary, maybe even broken by now. But the question says otherwise. She’s been through hell, and she’s still pushing forward, demanding more. Is she courting death?
“You seem in a hurry,” you say, hiding your worry behind a soft chuckle. 
Her eyes narrow. “I didn’t come here to wait around. If they want to use me, they need to make me stronger.”
Use me.
How disconcerting. She’s asking for more—more pain, more trials. As if everything she’s endured isn’t enough, as if she needs it to become something greater. It’s reckless and foolish, to say the least.
“We’re moving as fast as we can—”
“Move faster.”
“Wanda,” you say quietly. “What you’re asking for... it could break you.”
“I’m already broken,” she declares, cold and matter-of-fact. “If I weren’t, I wouldn’t be here.”
It’s only when you notice the disgust in her eyes that you realize you’ve been looking at her with pity. Wanda is about to snap back, likely to tell you she doesn’t need your sympathy, when her expression shifts abruptly to one of curiosity.
She tilts her head, studying you—or maybe, with the mirth in her eye, it’s more like she’s mocking you. 
“You look at me like that again, and I’ll ask you a question,” Wanda says, her voice low, almost a whisper.
You stiffen, uncertain of what's coming next, but before you can say anything, she continues.
“Do you want to fuck me?”
The question startles a laugh out of you, abrupt and a bit too loud—almost like you're trying to convince both yourself and Wanda how absurd she’s being. But as the laughter dies down, you feel your face heat up, your cheeks flushing a telltale red that you can't hide.
“No,” you say, your gaze dropping to the floor as you shake your head. You clasp your hands behind your back, one finger nervously picking at a cuticle. “This isn’t what this is about.”
Wanda smirks slightly, her lips twitching, amused by your discomfort. “Isn't it?” 
For a split second, you start to doubt everything. Did you really want to sleep with her? It's been ages since you've even considered intimacy with anyone—maybe too long. Life here doesn't leave space for that kind of thinking, and even if it did, the situation wouldn't allow it. Your heart's been shattered so often you're sure there's nothing left to give—especially not to someone you've only known for a week.
This is, at best, lust—nothing more.
“No,” you repeat with more conviction.
Wanda’s smirk fades into a slow, knowing smile. “Fine. Just know the offer stands if you ever change your mind.”
A proposition. It’s not the first time you’ve received one, but this offer sticks with you longer than you’d like. Wanda’s already spent too much time in your thoughts, and you’re desperate to shake her off and get back to the task at hand. But she makes it maddeningly hard to do so.
Without looking at her, you clear your throat and begin the routine interview. You refuse to focus on the fact that she’s just openly considered a physical encounter with you—and you’re definitely not considering it in return. 
“Have you noticed any unusual side effects since the last session? Headaches, nausea, dizziness?” you ask, skipping the pleasantries.
“No,” she says dryly. “No headaches. No nausea. No dizziness.”
You jot down her answers, ignoring her evident disinterest in the proceedings.
“Any changes in your sleep pattern?” you continue.
“Any unusual pain or discomfort?” you ask, forcing yourself to meet her gaze, but her focus is on the rings on her fingers. The prisoners—volunteers, you correct yourself—aren't supposed to keep any personal items. It baffles you how she managed to hold on to those cheap pieces of metal and silver.
It takes Wanda a moment to respond. “Just the usual soreness.”
You suspect it's more than just soreness. She’s probably downplaying the pain, so you make a note beside her answer.
“Alright, we’ll keep an eye on that. Any changes in your mood? Irritability, anxiety, anything like that?”
Wanda shrugs. “Depends on the company, I suppose.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Noted. We’ll stick with the same regimen for now. Any concerns or questions about the next phase?”
“What happened to them?” Wanda asks, steering the interview off course.
Annoyance flares up as she probes again, prying into your business. “Don’t you already know?” you snap, your patience wearing thin.
But Wanda doesn’t even blink. She isn’t scared, and that just irks you even more. She should be, if she knew what you’ve done to others who’ve pushed your buttons. You’ve never hesitated to throw your weight around with those who make your job harder.
“Sometimes what really happened and how we remember it are two entirely different stories,” she says, taking a deep breath before she continues. “Our mind protects us from the truth. It obscures what’s real, and what’s not becomes all we remember.”
You're stone-still, your mind drifting back to the past Wanda keeps prodding at. You don't even have a picture of your family anymore. Their voices are gone from your memory, and you're barely holding onto their faces. It used to tear you apart, thinking about them, but now there's just emptiness. You realize Wanda can’t rattle you—she has no leverage because there’s nothing left inside you to disrupt.
You’ve got nothing.
“Y/N?” Wanda presses, her features tightening with concern. 
You consider throwing her blunt words right back at her, but you hold off. Instead, you set the clipboard down on the counter with a soft clack. Turning to the medical cart, you grab a tray of needles and tools, then bring it over to her bed. Wanda's eyes widen slightly, and she scoots back as you sit down on the edge of the mattress. It’s satisfying to finally see her react with something other than that usual smug, unshakable attitude. You pick up a syringe, fill it with a bright yellow liquid from an unmarked bottle, and swipe a cotton ball soaked in alcohol over the top.
“What’s that?” Wanda asks evenly, though you can detect traces of doubt in it that suggest she’s trying to put up a brave front. 
Wanda raises a skeptical brow. 
You lift the syringe slightly, letting it catch the light so she can see exactly what you’re holding.
“May I?” you gesture toward her arm.
Wanda eyes you warily, then gives a quick nod.
With her consent, you scoot closer until your knees almost touch. You gently roll up the sleeve of her scrubs, exposing her arm. This close, you can see the goosebumps on her skin and feel the slight tremors running through her. You hadn't noticed before, but she's shivering—not from the cold, but probably from a fever.
Instinctively, you press your palm against her forehead. Wanda flinches but doesn’t pull away. Slowly, she settles into your touch and lets out a small sigh.
“You're hot,” you blurt out, and then quickly realize the unintended double entendre. Fortunately, Wanda lets it pass without comment. You retract your hand and hold the syringe up to her arm, poised but something stops you.
“What are you waiting for?” Wanda prompts impatiently.
You're thinking of straying from the usual protocol, knowing the yellow meds might worsen Wanda's condition, especially with her fever spiking. Deciding against it, you put the syringe down and grab another bottle off the cart, this one filled with a clear liquid.
“Change of plans,” you murmur, prepping the new syringe. You nod at her for her arm, and she shifts closer, making it easier for you. When you depress the plunger, it's quick—so quick that Wanda barely feels the needle's prick.
You pull out the needle and press a small bandage onto the spot. “All done,” you announce.
Wanda massages her arm, feeling no real pain at the injection site. “T-Thanks,” she murmurs softly.
You acknowledge her gratitude with a nod and start collecting your notebook and tools. As you rise to leave, Wanda's hand shoots out, her fingers wrapping around your wrist urgently. You turn, meeting her striking, green eyes.
“I’m sorry about your family,” she murmurs quietly. Her words solidify your suspicion: she came to Hydra with powers already in tow. Mind reading or memory extraction would be invaluable to Hydra, and now, with even more power at your fingertips, you find yourself hesitating to use it.
If Dr. List catches wind of your hesitations, the reprisals will be brutal.
You glance down pointedly at where she's holding your hand, but Wanda doesn’t let go.
“It was a long time ago,” you whisper.
“Time doesn't really heal that kind of loss,” she says, still holding onto you.
“No, but you learn to live with it,” you reply, feeling the truth of your own words.
Wanda's hold slackens but remains. You feel awkward standing there, yet something holds you back from pulling away. You hadn't realized until now how starved you were for such a simple, human connection.
“I lost my parents the same way,” she shares.
“I'm sorry,” you say, and you really mean it. You can't read Wanda like she seems to read you, but in this brief moment, with the walls down, you decide to ask, “Is that why you came to us? To avenge your parents?”
Wanda's grip loosens completely, and she lets go of your wrist. You rub the spot where her fingers were, still feeling the warmth she left behind.
“‘Avenge’,” she spits out. She draws her knees to her chest and hugs them close. “I hate that word. Pietro and I, we're here to stop them. I wish… I wish they’d just leave Sokovia alone. They won’t leave because we can’t fight back.”
Your own past with Hydra comes to mind as she speaks. Back then, you joined because you were out of options. No country to fight for, no people to call yours. It strikes you how different Wanda's motivations are—rooted in something far more personal and noble. She deserves more than what Hydra can offer. 
Wanda looks at you, waiting for an answer. When you don't say anything, she pushes, “Do you think we made the right decision coming here?”
You're all too aware of Hydra’s real agenda. They're not about peace. They're here to extend their control, to bend the world around their so-called divine mission. 
“Sometimes, you don't know if it’s the right choice until it's too late to change it,” you say, knowing it’s not much of an answer. It's just the bitter truth you've come to know. It's all you can offer Wanda.
“Can you do me a favor, Y/N? Will you look after Pietro?”
The same way you’ve been looking out for me, Wanda thinks to herself, relieved that there’s only one telepath in the room.
“No promises,” you say.
Wanda gives a slight nod and starts to withdraw again. She settles back down on the cot, turning away from you, the conversation clearly over.
Lev sneaks into your room just before midnight, the door giving a soft creak as it swings open. Though friends, you typically keep to your own spaces. You blink sleepily at him, fighting to sit up and shake off the grogginess.
“Dr. List decided to skip ahead,” Lev says in a rush, closing the door with a gentle click. “He’s moved forward with exposing the twins to the scepter.”
“When?” You're wide awake now, sitting bolt upright in bed.
Lev’s eyes dart to the small window in your room before returning to you, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard. “An hour ago.”
That can’t be good. It’s far sooner than anyone had anticipated. Dr. List’s decision to advance the timeline without further testing could have unpredictable consequences. You swing your legs off the bed, your brain ticking through the possible scenarios.
“What’s the status now? How did Wan—the twins react?” you ask, grabbing your jacket and shoes and throwing them on without taking your eyes off Lev.
He shakes his head. “I don’t know. They rushed them to the Observation Chamber right after the exposure. Everything’s been kept under wraps.”
You pace a few steps, mulling over your next move. Exposure to the scepter has been lethal for everyone. Even with Wanda's unique abilities, there’s no guarantee she’ll pull through when others haven't.
“We need more information. Can you get access to the observation logs?”
Lev nods, though his expression shows his apprehension. “I’ll try. But security has been tighter since the exposure.”
You catch the anxious twist of his mouth at the idea of sneaking around, and choose to spare him the risk. His relief is palpable when you tell him, “I'll handle it myself.”
He sighs in relief. “Be careful…”
Only a select few can get into the Observation Chamber, and your badge isn’t on that list. You're going to need something stronger than just caution.
You slip your underwear back on, feeling Laura’s eyes tracing the contours of your body. 
After Lev left, you headed straight for her. Laura Brown, the Hydra director's daughter, hadn't seen you in almost a year, but the nature of your previous encounters left little doubt she'd be open to reconnecting.
Laura reclines on the bed, a sheet loosely draped around her, smirking as she watches you.  “I knew you'd come back eventually,” she purrs, a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes.
You straighten up, deliberately avoiding her eyes as you button your shirt. “I need a favor, Laura.” 
She leans back against the headboard, the sheet falling to her waist and revealing her bare chest. “This sounds serious.”
“I need to get into the Observation Chamber. Tonight,” you say. You despise asking her—or anyone, really—for favors, but you need to see Wanda. It's imperative.
Laura's eyebrows go up, her smile growing. “Direct and desperate. What's in it for me?”
“What do you want?” you ask, even though you already know the answer.
She thinks it over, then answers, “Keep me company tonight, no strings attached. Just like the old days.”
Laura claps her hands, clearly pleased, and tosses you the badge from the bedside table. 
You pick it up, feeling a bit degraded, like you're picking up coins someone's thrown your way. “I'll be right back,” you promise.
The guards give you weird looks as you show up at the Observation Chamber. They had clear orders: only Dr. List or Baron Strucker can go in. But dropping the director’s daughter’s name does the trick. You flash her badge and they let you pass, no more questions asked.
The hallway is pitch-black. This place had been sleeping until now, woken up by the fact that Pietro and Wanda Maximoff hadn’t died like the others who met the scepter. Clearly labeled doors mark the new, grim function of the space.
You think about heading straight to Wanda's room, but you remember her earlier request and decide to check on Pietro first.
The soft beeping of monitors greets you as soon as you step inside his room. He's in rough shape, alive but barely hanging on. You quickly check the chart posted next to the door—it shows low blood pressure and a high dosage of Epinephrine administered, with a note that his chances of survival stand at only 57% as of 11:30 PM.
He looks much thinner and more worn than the last time you saw him, his condition evidently worse. His eyes are bloodshot, his skin pale and stretched tight over his bones. As you move closer, you notice his body trembling, a sheen of sweat covering him despite the room's chill.
Quickly, you pull the extra covers from beneath his bed and wrap them around him, trying to stabilize his shivering. Then, you snag a water bottle from a nearby stand, helping him take slow, measured sips. 
Pietro looks at you, his eyes filled with confusion and pain, struggling to form the words. “Who are you?”
“Just someone who made your sister a promise,” you say, scooping up some water in your palm and gently drizzling it over his head. Pietro sighs in relief. “Get some rest now, and try not to die.”
His eyes flutter shut in seconds, his breath smoothing out as sleep claims him. You linger just a moment to make sure he's really out, then hurry off towards Wanda's room. Your heart pounds in your chest, fear pulsing through you. Pietro was in rough shape; how bad might Wanda be? You cling to a shred of hope that she's holding up better.
The air stays heavy as you enter Wanda’s quarters. You tread lightly, making sure not to disturb her sleep, and check the medical chart by her bed. Unlike Pietro’s dire prognosis, Wanda's stats are steady, but still troubling. Her breaths are regular, without the distressing shivers that torment her brother.
What strikes you is how normal, how peacefully she's sleeping, despite her recent exposure to Loki’s scepter. 
Relieved to see her condition isn’t more severe, you end up at the foot of her bed. There isn’t much to do after confirming she’s stable, and you know you should head back to Laura. But leaving Wanda’s side proves difficult once you're there. Almost immediately, your mind floods with ideas on how to get her out of Hydra’s clutches. If they fully realized her potential, it wouldn't just be dangerous for her—it'd be catastrophic for anyone in their path. Internally, you start plotting escape routes and thinking about who might be willing to help.
It’s strange to think how you went from one of Hydra’s most devoted agents to scheming against them.
Lost in your plans, you're jolted back to the present when you feel a gentle nudge against your thigh. Wanda's foot is pressing against you. She's awake. You look up to find her eyes open, wary and searching.
“Y/N,” she murmurs, her voice raspy from lack of use. “What—what happened?”
You subtly shift on the bed, making sure her toes aren't touching you anymore. You're not sure when you became so acutely aware of Wanda’s proximity, or of the points where your bodies meet.
“What do you remember before all this?” you ask.
She rubs her forehead, straining to recall. “There was a room... a stone emerging from the scepter. Bright lights… then nothing.”
You nod, already knowing half of what Wanda just told you. This is the first time anyone has lived to tell about their experience with the scepter, and you were hoping for more insights into how it unleashes its power. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about trying it yourself, wondering if you could resist its effects. Being Hydra, curiosity about power was a constant temptation.
“You weren't supposed to be exposed to the scepter yet,” you admit quietly. “Dr. List sped things up, maybe because he suspected—”
“Pietro,” she cuts in, her thoughts finally catching up. “Was he exposed to it too?”
Her eyes widen, clouded with worry. “Is he okay?”
“He’s alive,” you say. “I just saw him before coming here. He's stable, but it’s precarious.”
Wanda’s face crumples as soon as the words leave your lips. Before you can react, she throws her arms around you, her face buried in your shoulder. You freeze for a moment, uncertain how to respond. It’s been so long since you’ve held someone like this, since you’ve allowed yourself to care enough to even consider it. But then you feel it—tears, warm and wet against your neck. She’s crying.
After a moment, you hesitantly wrap your arms around her, holding her as she trembles against you. You can feel her fear, her desperation. It cuts through your defenses, the ones you’ve built so carefully over the years.
You tighten your hold on her, offering what little comfort you can, but inside, you’re battling your own fear. You can’t afford to care about her this much—not here, not now. But as you hold her, feeling every shake of her body, you know it’s already too late.
Wanda's sobs slowly subside, and you pull back slightly, intent on offering some kind of reassurance despite how foreign it feels to you. You reach up, brushing away her tears with your thumb, trying to find the right words, but they don’t come. Instead, as your hand lingers on her cheek, she pins you with a quiet stare. Before you realize what’s happening, Wanda leans in and presses her lips softly against yours.
The kiss is brief, just a fraction of a second, but it leaves you utterly breathless. She pulls back almost immediately, watching you, waiting to see how you’ll react. For a heartbeat, you're stunned, but then something ignites inside you, something you’ve been holding back without even recognizing it. 
Acting on pure impulse, you reach up, grasp the back of her neck, and pull her in for another kiss. In an instant, you take control effortlessly, letting the animalistic and Hydra part of you come to the forefront. Your thumb presses roughly against her chin, coaxing her mouth open, and you slide your tongue in, staking your claim. Wanda responds with a gasp, her hands clutching at your shoulders, but you’re too far gone to think about anything except the taste of her, the way her body molds against yours.
You tilt her head back, deepening the kiss further, your other hand sliding down to grip her waist, pulling her closer still. The feel of her, the heat of her skin under your fingers, it’s intoxicating, and you can’t get enough. You've never allowed yourself to want someone this much. Just as you think you can't hold back any longer, Wanda's hand captures yours and guides it under her shirt. You're startled to find out she's wearing nothing underneath when your knuckles brush against her hardened nipple. That unexpected discovery is what compels you to pull back.
Wanda's lips leave yours with a wet sound, and she begins kissing down your jaw to your neck.
“Wanda, wait—”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” she says. Her breath is hot against your skin, and you feel her tongue trace a line up to your pulse point, leaving a fiery trail that makes you shiver. “You can claim your reward, you can have me.”
Her words snap you out of the haze, that single word—reward—ringing in your ears like a warning bell. You quickly place your hands on her shoulders, pushing her back gently but firmly.
Wanda blinks, confusion and hurt flashing in her eyes as she looks up at you. “What’s wrong?” She knows she’s attractive and has already glimpsed your desire for her during your visits, reading it in your thoughts. It’s why she finds your rejection so absurd—frustrating, even, given her openness.
“I'm not here for that,” you say, your voice coming out rougher than you intended.
“Then why are you here?”
You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks, unaccustomed to openly discussing your feelings. “I came to see how you're doing after... after the scepter.”
“I'm fine,” she answers flatly.
You nod, still feeling the residual heat of her closeness. “Do you feel any different?” you ask, partly out of concern but mostly to shift the conversation elsewhere.
“I'm just tired,” Wanda says, closing her eyes and running a hand through her tousled dark hair. “Can we do this tomorrow?” She sounds a bit let down, assuming you're here just for a routine check—looking for any new powers or changes—as if she had hoped for something more personal.
“I'm sorry,” you quickly say. “I’m not here on any official orders. In fact, I shouldn't even be here.”
This revelation softens her look, her eyes narrowing slightly with renewed interest.
Taking a deep breath, you continue, “I'm working on getting you and Pietro out of here. It's not set yet, but—”
“Out of here?” Wanda cuts in, her eyebrows knitting together in puzzlement. “Why would I want to leave?” 
“You got what you came for, right? The power of the scepter? Now you can leave. Hydra isn’t what you think,” you explain, trying to make her see the danger.
“Look who's acting all self-righteous all of a sudden. You've been here for years, and I've seen you do things,” she retorts sharply.
“Stop looking into my mind,” you snap, irritated by her knack for sifting through your thoughts without permission and using your past against you. Just because she can doesn’t mean she should.
“You’re saying I’m wrong?” she sneers.
You shake your head. “Look, I’m just trying to help—”
“If you really want to help, just do your job.”
Her words hit you harder than any physical blow could. You knew better than to let someone get this close, to allow your emotions to cloud your judgment. But there’s no one to blame here but yourself. Wanda didn't even have to do much to earn your solicitude; it was your own doing, your own need to make things right that led you here. 
Hydra’s training kicks in like second nature, and you shut down the emotions before they can show, your face hardening into a mask.
“Alright, Wanda. I'll do just that.”
It’s easier the second time you’re with Laura that night.
After Wanda's dismissal, you find Laura’s body to be the comfort you need. You lose yourself in her, the way she responds to every touch, every move you make. Pushing everything else from your mind, you focus solely on her, making her come again and again until she’s too bone-tired to do anything but black out beside you.
After it's over, you slip out of her bed, leaving her to sleep off the night’s weariness, and return to your room. You don't think about Wanda. Not even once.
In the following days, Wanda's recovery is swift—too swift for your level of clearance. Dr. List decides she’s beyond your oversight and assigns her to a higher clearance team. You’re left dealing with new recruits, volunteers who are eager yet naïve, none of whom survive the brutal exposure to the scepter. Each failure hardens you a little more, cements the necessity of detachment. 
But even with countless deaths on their hands, Hydra doesn't back down. If anything, they’re more driven now, hungry for more power, spurred on by the success of the twins. Pietro develops superhuman speed, a skill Hydra quickly puts to use by dispatching him to enemy territories for intel. Wanda’s abilities become more varied, showing signs of what could be categorized as psionic powers. She demonstrates capabilities that suggest telekinesis, manipulating objects without touching them, and telepathy—which she employs at her whim. 
Sometimes you wonder if she ever peeks into your mind anymore. But then, with the kind of power she wields, why would she even bother with what you're thinking? You're not special. Not even your badge, which doesn't get you into sections of the base without currying favor with Laura Brown first.
The Sokovian base is sprawling, and encounters with either of the Maximoff twins are rare but unavoidable. Pietro remembers your visit that night. Now and then, he nods at you politely. Wanda, on the other hand, acts as if you don’t exist. If you pass her in the hallways, she looks through you as if you're invisible. So, you make it a point to stay out of her way, blending into the dull walls and shadows as much as you can.
This detachment suits you in a way. It allows you to focus on your duties, on surviving one day at a time in an environment where the stakes are always high and the consequences often lethal.
It leaves you with nothing to lose, because there's no one left to lose.
Weeks pass quietly until rumors start floating around that Wanda's been seeing someone inside the complex. It’s hard to call it dating, really, since concepts like love and trust struggle to take root in a place as bleak as this. It’s probably just two people keeping each other company through the colder nights. Still, you can’t shake off how much this bothers you. 
But it's not surprising. The twins' popularity has only grown, especially since, months later, no one else has matched their extraordinary feat of surviving an Infinity Stone—a term you picked up only after Hydra discovered what was really behind Loki's scepter.
Sometimes, you find yourself observing Wanda from afar, trying to figure out if there’s any substance to the rumors. Who makes her laugh? Who does she choose to sit with at meals? The more you notice your own scrutiny, the more you recognize a feeling of jealousy stirring within you, an emotion that’s prevalent among your peers but not in this regard. You're bewildered and annoyed by your own reaction—why should who Wanda spends time with matter to you? Whatever she does, whoever she fucks—it's none of your business.
You hate this feeling, but you combat it by heading to Laura’s room every night, as if she’s the cure you need to keep yourself in check.
“They’ll betray us someday,” Lev murmurs as you both amble through the dense woods, taking a rare break from the base for a smoke. He breathes out slowly, watching the smoke curl upwards. You don’t have to ask to know he’s talking about the twins.
“No sooner than Hydra will throw us under the bus when the Avengers show up,” you reply, stepping around a fallen branch. “We’re all expendable. You know that, right?”
Lev takes a deep drag, his gaze fixed on the trail ahead. “Yeah, I know,” he says at last, releasing a plume of smoke. There’s something in his eyes, a look that tells you he’s not saying all he could about the twins.
You eye him suspiciously. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”
Lev glances at you, the corner of his mouth twitching as if he's deciding how much to share. After a moment, he nods.
“Okay, I wasn't planning on telling you this yet, but I've been handed a special assignment—the Maximoff Contingency Plan,” he reveals.
You scoff at him. “You’re the contingency plan?” 
“No, not just me,” Lev chuckles darkly as he tosses his cigarette to the ground and stomps it out. “I'm involved, but it's more than that. We're working on a weapon, one that borrows from the tech of the Infinity Stone.”
The seriousness of what he's saying sinks in. Leveraging the power of an Infinity Stone means they're not messing around.
“And what's this weapon supposed to do?” you ask, not sure if you want to hear the answer.
Lev’s expression darkens. “You know what weapons are supposed to do,” he says tersely, turning to head back. “Let’s go.”
Hydra does not tolerate treachery. Even the mildest punishment is a swift death—a quick end, but an end all the same.
It’s only a matter of time before the Avengers find the Sokovian Base. Tensions had been mounting and Hydra's movements had become increasingly aggressive, drawing unwanted attention. When it all goes down, you’re in your room, scrambling to suit up and arm yourself with pistols—not to confront the Avengers, who are essentially gods, but to fight for your way out.
As the base descends into turmoil, you hear that Wanda and Pietro are attempting to escape. Hydra has a ruthless protocol for such situations: eliminate the entire unit to prevent any leaks. It's cleaner to destroy and rebuild than to let loose ends compromise the organization. Knowing about the contingency plan to eliminate the twins, you grab your radio and contact Lev, asking where he is.
“You’re just in time. I need backup. I've got Wanda Maximoff in my sights, waiting for the right moment to take her down,” he radios back.
“On it, I’m with you,” you reply, feeling the sweat bead on your forehead as you move toward his location. When you get there, you find Lev, poised and ready, his eyes fixed on the target through the scope of his rifle. You scan the surroundings, looking for hazards until you spot Wanda among the debris. Iron Man's missiles have turned the area into a deadly maze of flying rocks. From her fingertips, streams of red magic swirl, skillfully steering the massive boulders away from crushing both Hydra agents and civilians.
Wanda isn’t trying to escape—she’s helping fend them off. Seeing her save these lives, something inside you breaks. Lev has his rifle aimed at her, ready to pull the trigger while she's busy playing the hero. The possible outcomes flash through your mind: Wanda dead or imprisoned by the Avengers. The thought is unbearable. You've spent months pretending you didn't care, but now, faced with the reality of losing her, you realize all you want is for her to live, to be free—something you've long given up for yourself.
You're about to dissuade Lev, to argue her worth, her potential, anything to stall, when an explosion nearby startles Wanda. She turns, momentarily distracted, and Lev's finger tightens on the trigger, ready to end it all.
But you're faster.
He collapses with a shocked gasp, the life leaving his eyes as he hits the ground. The noise of his body falling draws Wanda’s attention. She turns just in time to see what you've done—for her. Her eyes, wide and questioning, boring into yours.
Why did you save me? They seem to ask you, those green orbs that have hunted you ever since you looked into them. There's no time for lengthy explanations—not that you have a solid one anyway. But with each passing second, the chance of escaping undetected by these so-called superheroes dwindles.
“You need to leave, now!” you yell at her, but she doesn't budge. Instead, she looks at you, really looks at you, for the first time with something other than disdain. It’s the same look she gave you the night the scepter awakened her powers. It’s a look that tells you that maybe she’s been pretending too, these past few months.
You’re about to sprint toward her, to drag her to safety if you have to, when a blur of motion sweeps her away. Pietro appears out of nowhere, whisking them both out of the base before the Avengers close in. 
For a second, you're left standing there, surrounded by the wreckage and the friend you just betrayed and killed. There's no time to grieve, no time to second-guess leaving his body behind—it's pure instinct that forces you to move quickly. You head towards an exit known only to the most important figures of the organization, a piece of information you picked up from Laura. She wouldn’t have given it away if you weren’t frequently sleeping together, those personal liaisons caused by trying to forget Wanda.  
It’s strange, in a way, how you both just ended up saving each other.
Several weeks after the Avengers demolish the Sokovian base, Wanda finds you at a small cabin you own on the outskirts of Novi Grad. The modest structure sits on a 2-acre plot near the woods—a spot you picked up when your stint in Sokovia stretched past thirteen months. You never really planned on settling here; you thought you’d be moved to another location and sell this land at a profit eventually. But life, it seems, had other plans.
You’re chopping wood beside the cabin when you feel her presence. Dropping the axe, you straighten up and spot her at the edge of the clearing. Your eyes quickly sweep her surroundings for any sign of Pietro, but it appears she has come alone.
“Why did you do it?” she asks once she's close enough. You take a few moments to take her in, hardly believing she's actually here, and touched by the thought that she sought you out. You've missed her presence, even though the last few months have only found you both inhabiting the same compound, breathing the same air but never speaking. 
Sometimes, lying in bed at night, you wonder why you can’t shake Wanda from your thoughts. You’ve even entertained the idea that she might have hexed you, that her magic has somehow ensnared your mind and… maybe your heart. It seems like the only logical explanation, because since the day you met, Wanda has never really left your mind.
“I did what I thought was right,” you finally answer, tucking your hands inside your pockets, not knowing what else to do with them.
“He was your friend,” Wanda points out softly. 
Your lips curl into a strained smile; of course, she’d know. She knows things about you that you'd never voice out loud. Wanda’s ability to read minds makes hiding anything impossible. Does she understand how deeply you care for her? She must. Wanda has always seen right through you, so why does she need to ask?
“Did you ever think about me after that night?” she asks out of nowhere. The night the Infinity Stone changed everything, when you were closer to her than you’d ever been before.
You're taken aback by her directness. This, too, she probably knows the answer to because you've thought of little else. 
“Everyday,” you say.
That night, you invite her to your home, the first person ever to share the space you once believed would always be just yours. Your living room is snug, with a three-seater couch and a medium-sized TV mounted on the wall. There’s also a fireplace that lights up the space with an amber glow as you hand Wanda a cup of hot chocolate.
You and Wanda find yourselves chatting about lighter topics. She shares her favorite shows from childhood, and you're surprised to learn she’s a big fan of American sitcoms. You enjoyed them too when you were younger, but not to the extent that you'd watch entire seasons over and over like Wanda did. Your preference leaned more toward books, gobbling up Agatha Christie novels when you were younger.
While you're in the middle of sharing a particularly funny memory from one of those old sitcom episodes, Wanda suddenly leans in and kisses you. Though your first instinct is to dive back into the kiss, you pull back instead. The last time you were this close, things escalated quickly before they crashed and burned.
“Are you sure?” you ask, searching her eyes for an answer. Learning from past mistakes, you want to make sure it's what she really wants.
She nods, her eyes steady and invitingly dark. “I’m sure.”
You close the distance between you, kissing her to your heart’s content. Before long, clothes are discarded, and you move from the couch to the bed, leisurely exploring each other, discovering how to bring one another to new heights of pleasure. 
As you lie next to her afterward, breathless and tangled in the sheets, you realize there’s no way to pretend anymore—you care too much to go back.
The quiet doesn’t last long. 
Tony Stark’s experiment goes awry, giving rise to Ultron—a global threat with ambitions that soon become clear. It seeks to bring about what he perceives as peace, by any means necessary. And just when you thought you and Wanda might have found some peace, she tells you she’s joining Ultron.
“It’s too dangerous,” you tell her. The twins and a robot against the entire Avengers team? The numbers alone put the odds against them. “We can stay here, help the people around us, and actually make a real difference.”
She shakes her head, her jaw set. “You don’t get it,” she argues. “You never will. You’re not…”
Special. Go ahead, Wanda, say it. Say what you really think of me.
“...you don’t have powers. You don’t know what it’s like to be able to change things and then just stand by, powerless.”
You were bracing for it, but it hurts all the same.
“So what am I then, Wanda? Just a bystander? Someone not worth listening to because I don't have powers?”
“I’m saying I have to do this,” Wanda mutters solemnly. “I’m the only one who can do this.”
You can see in her eyes that she’s already made up her mind. You’re still racking up your brain for something that might make a difference but she speaks again.
“I’m doing this for Sokovia,” she says quietly. “For everyone who's suffered because of Stark.”
You say nothing. Her fierce loyalty is one of the things you adore about her.
Wanda steps closer, her hand reaching out to touch your face, her thumb tracing the line of your jaw. “I’ll come back,” she promises. “When this is over, I’ll come back to you.”
You nod, resigned to the reality that you must let her go. “I’ll be here,” you say, your voice thick with regret that you can’t do more to protect her, to make sure she’s safe. “Waiting for you, right here.”
Pietro Maximoff dies riddled with bullet wounds—over a dozen of them. You learn the details of his death through a tabloid, days after witnessing Novi Grad being torn from the ground. 
A week later, Wanda comes back to you, just as she promised, but she’s not the same. The light in her eyes is gone, replaced by a ghostly void. It’s a look you know all too well, the same one you’ve seen staring back at you in the mirror for years.
A loss of purpose.
In the days that follow, you try to restore some normalcy, but nothing feels right. You cook meals she barely touches, sit beside her during long stretches of silence, and listen when she occasionally finds the strength to talk. It's tough, seeing her struggle, but you stay by her side, hoping things will begin to heal.
But they don’t.
Every day, you see it—the guilt, the pain, the loss. She tries to find reasons to keep going, but nothing seems to hold. And as much as you want to be the one to help her, to pull her out of this darkness, you know you're not enough. Not this time.
Wanda is adrift, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t anchor her to this life you’re trying to build. She’s lost her brother, her home, and whatever sense of justice she thought she could achieve by joining Ultron. And you—you’ve been running from your past for so long, and you’re simply tired of it.
You start thinking about what’s best for her, about what she needs to move on and find a new purpose. Deep down, you recognize that maybe the best way for her to truly heal is if you step aside.
Like Wanda, you don’t trust Stark. So, with the skills you’ve honed during your time with Hydra, you manage to find a way to contact Steve Rogers instead.
The conversation happens one afternoon, over a phone call. You tell him everything—your past with Hydra, the things you’ve done, and why you’re ready to turn yourself in. He listens without interrupting, letting you confess everything. You mention that Wanda's with you, and make it clear this isn't about trying to reclaim some lost sense of patriotism. You're doing it for her.
“You did the right thing by coming to me,” Steve says when you finish. “Wanda has so much potential. She deserves a chance to become who she’s meant to be.”
“I know,” you reply, your voice dropping to a whisper. You’ve known it all along, perhaps better than anyone. It’s why you’re doing this, even though it feels like tearing yourself apart.
Over the course of the conversation, you and Steve work out an agreement. You’ll serve a reduced sentence in exchange for all the intel you have on the remaining Hydra heads still out there. You’ll act as an informant, helping to bring them to an end, once and for all. And maybe, after you’ve paid your dues, there’ll be a chance for you to live something close to a normal life. When the call ends, you're washed over with a feeling of real freedom, despite knowing it might cost you Wanda all over again.
Later that night, you find Wanda in the kitchen, stirring a pot and humming a tune you don't recognize, looking more alive than she has in weeks. Seeing her like this is bittersweet; she’s here, but soon, you might not be.
She notices you and gives a small, relieved smile. “You’re back,” she says.
“Yeah, I had a craving for this specific brand of red wine…” You say, tossing out a casual lie since you did swing by the grocery store, and errands are a regular part of your routine.
“Red wine?” Wanda perks up. “Perfect, I’m just about done with dinner. It should pair nicely.”
The kitchen smells foreign but amazing, and you can't help but compliment her. “It smells incredible in here,” you say as you start setting the table. 
Wanda smiles softly as she turns down the stove and grabs a bowl to serve. You set out two wine glasses and place them on the table.
You pour a generous amount of red wine into each glass and watch as Wanda carries the meal over. 
“Thanks for dinner,” you say with genuine appreciation.
“Try it and tell me what you think,” she urges, her lower lip caught between her teeth as she watches you with anticipation.
You take a bite, the flavors unique and perfectly blended. Looking up, you see her watching you, eager for your reaction.
“Well?” she asks impatiently.
You laugh, then wipe the corners of your mouth with your thumb. “Don't you already know?” you tease, hinting at her telepathic abilities.
Wanda pretends to be offended, crossing her arms. “I haven’t read your mind in a long time.”
You can’t help but be a little skeptical of her claim. “Since when?”
Wanda blinks, her gaze veering away as she hesitates, clearly not eager to revisit the memory. 
You give her a gentle nudge, mimicking her earlier prodding “Well?”
Wanda turns to face you, her bottom lip pushed out slightly in a pout. “Since I saw you were sleeping with the director’s daughter.”
Saw? Did she see everything I did with Laura? The thought that Wanda witnessed it all like a scene playing out in front of her makes your stomach twist. You blush, mortified. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” you mumble, looking away.
Wanda shakes her head, trying to dispel her lingering jealousy. “I shouldn't have been peering into your head that much to begin with,” she says softly.
Your ears catch on a particular phrase. “‘That much’?” 
It’s Wanda’s turn to blush, her cheeks flushing deeper as she quickly downs the rest of her wine and then holds out her glass for a refill. Deciding to show some mercy, you pour her another glass without prying further. The conversation stalls into an awkward silence until you finally decide to break it by giving your verdict on the dinner.
“By the way, this is delicious,” you say, adding another serving to your plate.
Wanda's face lights up, her smile stretching so wide that she looks almost like a giddy child. But then, she is young. You can’t help but imagine how she'll fit in with them. Steve, in particular, seems like he’d be good for her. Even though you don't know him well, that one phone call was enough to get a sense of his character and leadership. He seems like the kind of guy who'd really look out for Wanda, in ways you can't.
“Are you doing anything tomorrow?” Wanda suddenly asks.
Your smile falls a little, but you manage to keep it there. You wish she could read your mind now, that she could understand the choices you’ve made today better than you could ever explain them. You’re not abandoning her—you’re setting her free from this life. You've done too many unspeakable things to ever truly deserve a quiet life with her. Eventually, your past will catch up to you, and the opportunity for Wanda to do something good might slip away if she’s still tied to you. You wish she could see how much you care for her, how much she’s changed you. Because of her, you’ve felt the desire to be good again, to be human again. To open yourself not just to grief, but also to love.
You wish—
“Maybe we can visit that lake you mentioned? I've spent my whole life in Sokovia but never really left Novi Grad,” Wanda suggests.
“Rain check?” you say, trying your best to sound like tomorrow isn’t goodbye. Steve wanted to move quickly, and you’ll be expecting him and a small squad tomorrow, no later than noon. “I’m thinking I might just stay in, catch up on some reading.”
Wanda cocks her head, a puzzled look on her face. You’ve been the one pushing her to get out of the cabin more, so your answer isn’t what she’s expecting. But she likes the idea. She just wants to spend time with you. The hole Pietro left in her heart is only bearable when she’s with you.
“Okay,” she mumbles, starting to clear the dishes. You place a hand over hers, silently telling her you’ll take care of it later. Leaning in, you plant a soft kiss on her lips.
“You want to go to bed early?” you whisper quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 
She looks up at you, a playful gasp escaping her lips. 
“Just to sleep,” you add quickly. I just want to hold you all night, one last time.
“I might not be sleepy right off the bat, maybe if you tire me out—”
“Naughty,” you chuckle softly, giving her nose a gentle tap.
“You love it.”
“I—” Love you. You want to say it, but you don’t want to make it harder for you both when the time comes.
Without another word, you grab her hand, holding on to this moment, to her, for as long as you can.
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noonecares915 · 10 months
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This is the image that made me fall in love with Wanda. The rocks look like angel winds, making her even more angelic.
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fun-k-board · 6 months
Hi, may I request a headcanons of The Brotherhood(Quicksilver, Blob and Toad) whose crush is gn reader? How would they act?
The Brotherhood (X-Men: Evolution) X gender neutral crush
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Note(s) : Sorry it took so long, I was struggling to figure out how to write for them (⁠*⁠・⁠~⁠・⁠*⁠) I think I got it right though?
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Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
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'Hey! Over here, nooo, not there, silly! Here!'
Oh he's so annoying (affectionate)
Pietro's main goal is to make you think about him wherever you are, that means bugging you constantly.
Assuming you're in the same school, he's constantly switching out your homework with blank pieces of paper, drawing messages in your books, speeding over to poke you in class knowing you can't do anything about it, etc.
It only gets worse if you're an X-Man.
During missions if you're against each other he's constantly going after you, it's gotten him in trouble with Mystique more times than he can count because he refuses to acknowledge the main purpose of the mission, instead, he only wants to annoy you.
Sometimes it's just pushing you over then zooming away, other times he constantly taunts you while running so fast you can't catch him or tell where he's going next, whatever it is, he makes sure it's enough of a bother that you start to get frustrated.
If you're in the brotherhood he can at least get missions done but you know he's bothering you the entire time, you basically end up doing all the work.
Is he flirty? Absolutely.
Expect his arm around your shoulders or waist while he talks on and on so fast you can't even catch what he's saying, but when he does slow down he's all 'You're the only one for me.' 'I love your shirt, is it new?' 'Your eyes are so beautiful, I could stare at them for hours.'
Lance and Todd are throwing up in the background.
Wanda wants to punch her brother into a separate dimension.
Fred's just chilling.
Think of him like Lance with Kitty but more focused on teasing you rather than being completely smitten, don't get him wrong, he loves you and he'd probably even make you a sandwich if you asked, but he'll be an asshole about it.
'Oh, come on, that's so much effort! Can't you just do it yourself?' but before you can answer he zooms off to do what you asked of him. 'here, I guess.' he huffs, a grin on his face as he hands you the item you requested.
Frederick J. Dukes / The Blob
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'Do I have to stay with them..?'
Fred is under the assumption that it's impossible for you to like him back after what happened with Jean, of course he was pushy and unfair with her, but she also rejected him and all of the X-Men despise him. So, he doesn't exactly have many options when it comes to friendship, let alone dating, besides the Brotherhood.
Then comes you.
Whether you're an X-Man, member of the Brotherhood, Morlock, perhaps just a fellow mutant, or a human, student at school, he'll truly never believe that he has a chance.
While before he was fairly obsessive and pushy with his crushes, with you he's silent and very awkward, even if you're nice to him he expects backlash if he ever confesses.
If you're a member of the brotherhood his awkwardness is slightly less explainable and far more noticeable, you're his teammate, you spend almost all day together, yet he can hardly look at you and loudly complains when he's paired with you or left alone with you. It probably makes you feel like he hates you.
He's very embarrassed if you confront him about it.
Awkward, he stumbles over his words and is breathing a little heavy as he does so, trying his best to explain that he doesn't hate you, he's just. Well. You see.
It's a similar situation if you attend his school, human or mutant, he's very sweet to you and tends to avoid messing with you. Fred usually quiets down when you get near, almost shutting down in a way. The others tease him for it all the time.
He'll most likely try to avoid you, maybe Lance, Pietro and Todd will push him to interact with you just to 'stop him from bugging them about it', they totally just want to help him out, and it ends with him always running away in embarrassment or assuming, if you're quiet or not that reactive, that you hate him.
If you're paired in a school project, Fred will absolutely just skip school, he doesn't care, he skips class regularly anyway, no Pietro, it's not to avoid you, he's just too cool for class.
If you're an X-Man, it's very different.
Fred is under the assumption you both share a mutual hate for each other, you're enemies after all! The tightness in his chest that he's feeling is totally just violent urges, that's it, that's all, it's not the want to hold your hand, hold you, tell jokes and make you laugh, no, no, that's not it at all!
He tends to target you to try and avoid his feelings quicker, he hates hurting you, but throwing you away from him, physically, makes sure he won't get distracted by you.
Fred ends up crying in his room when he goes home because he's afraid he hurt you.
Heck, even the other members of the brotherhood just want him to get with you already. Lance is especially eager because he won't be the only one being made fun of for dating an X-Man.
Eventually it does spill somehow and I'd imagine he would try to run away from you, maybe you catch up or explain to him later on, whichever one, he'll get very happy when you confirm you share feelings for him. He practically fixates on you so hard that you're the only thing he talks about.
Todd Tolansky / Toad
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'Hey, how it's goin', beautiful?'
He proceeds to fall down on his face.
Todd is a bit of a creep, constantly following you around and showing off his nonexistent muscles, telling the most unfunny jokes and pulling pranks on people in an attempt to impress you.
He doesn't smell nice, he's been told this his entire life, that he's slimy, disgusting, every insulting name under the sun. As such, he decides to at least try and take a shower more often for you, to make you less likely to avoid him, of course!
Todd has a big grin on his face every time he talks to you, bouncing off his feet like he's just won the lottery. He's also very, very flirty, just not that good at flirting.
His pick up lines are very 'the immediate Google search results for pick up lines.' type of cheesy, very stereotypical and eye rolling.
If you're an X-Man, member of the Brotherhood, human, mutant, etc, it doesn't matter much to him, he treats you the exact same. The only real difference is how much time he spends around you.
In the brotherhood he does try to avoid flirting in front of the guys to avoid embarrassment or teasing, but surprisingly he does ask for a lot of advice regularly. It usually never goes well, Lance and Pietro tend to just give very wrong or confusing tips and Fred doesn't really have any to give in the first place.
If you're an X-Man he tries to impress you by fighting your teammates, usually he loses, but sometimes he does win! He'll pose and ask if he's just the coolest guy or what. Todd doesn't like fighting you but he will, because unfortunately Mystique is absolutely terrifying and he doesn't want to face her wrath.
In school he likes to ask for your help, constantly bugging you about how he just desperately needs your assistance to study for this test coming up, which to be fair he does. But, if you agree to help him, he doesn't actually try. He just flirts with you the entire time.
His crush is obvious, incredibly so, even the most clueless of individuals would know he loves you because he says it directly every single day. He doesn't exactly need to 'confess' per say, all you really need to do is accept his flirting or flirt back, maybe ask him out yourself.
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its-really-dry · 2 years
y/n to the camera: nat saying shes not a lesbian is SEVERELY ✨homophobic✨ *does magic hands*
nat from across the room: all i said was that i wasn't gonna kiss you, because you, kate and pietro just ate MUD!
y/n: *turns back to the camera* ......... see? ........ ✨homophobic✨ *does magic hands again*
wanda in the background: PIETRO WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YOU ABOUT EATING DIRT FROM THE GARDEN!? *runs after him*
clint: those kids are probably the reason covid now exists *sighs*
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tomxxtc · 1 year
A Speedy Love
Pietro Maximoff x Gn!Reader
❦ Summary: Pietro Maximoff, the charming speedster, decides to whisk Y/N away on a date full of surprises and heartfelt moments.
❦ Wc: 533 words.
❦ Genre: fluff
❦ Warning: cheesy pickup lines, pietro have a crush on reader, author first language is not English, sorry if there's any mistake.
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Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver, couldn't help but feel their heart race as they planned a special surprise date for their crush, Y/N. They were determined to show them a night they'd never forget. With a grin on their face, Pietro appeared in front of Y/N's door, tapping it twice before they opened it, surprised to find the speedster standing there, dressed in their casual yet dashing attire.
"Hey there, Y/N," Pietro greeted with a playful wink. "I've got some speedy plans for tonight. Ready to go?"
Y/N chuckled, feeling their cheeks heat up slightly. "Sure, Pietro. Lead the way."
As Pietro took Y/N's hand, they felt an electric thrill run up their arm. The pair zipped through the city, the world around them a blur as Pietro whisked them off to a secluded spot with a breathtaking view.
"I thought we could start the evening with a view as stunning as you are," Pietro said, their gaze locked on Y/N's eyes.
The night sky sparkled above, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in their chest. Pietro had planned everything perfectly. They settled down, sharing a blanket, and Pietro pulled out a small picnic basket filled with Y/N's favorite snacks.
"Y/N, I've got a cheesy pickup line for you," Pietro said with a playful grin, holding up a strawberry. "Are you a fruit? Because you're berry charming!"
Y/N burst into laughter, shaking their head at the silliness. "You're impossible, Pietro."
"But you love it," they teased, leaning in for a gentle kiss. The spark between them intensified as they lost themselves in the moment.
The night continued with laughter, conversations, and stolen kisses. Pietro's charm and playful nature had Y/N smitten. But as the evening wore on, the speedster had one more surprise in store.
They found themselves standing at the entrance of a cozy, dimly lit cafe. Pietro led Y/N inside, where they were greeted with warm smiles and soft jazz music playing in the background. It was a romantic setting, and Y/N couldn't help but feel their heart swell with affection.
As the night grew darker and the cafe emptied, Pietro leaned in close to Y/N. "You know, Y/N, they say that time flies when you're having fun. But I can slow it down if you want. Just for you."
Y/N blushed at the double meaning in Pietro's words. "Pietro, you're incorrigible."
"I prefer irresistible," they said with a smirk, pulling Y/N into a slow dance. Their bodies swayed together, and Pietro held them close as if they were the only two people in the world.
The night continued with more sweet moments, and Pietro walked Y/N back to their doorstep. They stood there, hands intertwined, neither wanting the night to end.
"You know," Pietro began, a mischievous glint in their eyes, "I'd like to invite you in for a 'speedy' nightcap. What do you say?"
Y/N chuckled, knowing exactly what Pietro meant. "Well, how can I say no to that, Pietro?"
As they entered Y/N's apartment, the door closed behind them, sealing their fate for a night of passion, affection, and love, guided by the playful and charming Quicksilver.
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©Copyright @tomxxtc, 2023
All right reserve
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kjcreed · 8 months
The Jewel of Seven Stars
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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The year is 1954.
9 years after the Second World War ended. Most people in the blooming city of New York should be living pretty peacefully by now. And most of them really are...
Well, except for you... And your brother Tony for that matter. Your father was an archaeologist working to uncover the truth about the legend of Queen Nefret and the prophecy that has been engraved on the walls of her tomb which your father discovered with his team.
The only problem is that he went missing and now it's your job to find him.
But what if you unintentionally become a part of said prophecy? And what if you meet a persistent librarian and her extravagant brother along the way?
Find out how your story turns out, dear reader.
Warnings: profanity; death; guns; illegal activity
Pronouns: they/them
Disclaimer: This story is inspired by the 1999 film The Mummy, partly inspired by the book The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker and a little by the life of Queen Hatshepsut.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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Pietro Maximoff x GN Reader
Request : Hi !Can I request a Pietro Maximoff (atj) x Gn reader ? It's the morning after a sexy time and it's just a loving and cuddly morning with a lot of hugs ?If you decide to write it and if it's not making you uncomfortable, please take your time to create it :) (your fics are amazing !)Thank you !
Type : Fluff, with a bit of spice
Relationship : Getting together
Summary : In the morning Pietro reveals his romantic side with breakfast in bed and cuddles
Warnings : So Fluffy you’ll throw up, pancakes
The avengers all live together in the compound and obviously Pietro survived Ultron
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Your eyes slowly opens, letting rays of sunshine blind you softly, squinting your eyes you pull the blanket over your head, moaning a complain.
As your awaken under the covers, memories of the night before come back to you. Pietro and you pressed up against one another, both moaning in pleasure and hips thrusting harshly. Nightly activities that had last for hours before you both collapsed onto your bed, breathless, falling asleep almost instantly.
As you remember it all, your hands run up your body, checking that yes, indeed, you were still naked under the covers of  your bed. Your cheeks began to heat up, leaving you with a hidden red face.
Suddenly, you feel Pietro move by your side. You must have woken him up you thought, though you still hoped it wasn’t your complains that got him out of his peaceful sleep but instead the sun coming through the windows. You knew he hated to be woken up early and you feared he’d get mad if it was your fault, your body tenses up, but all you hear is  a quiet laugh coming from him. Then the covers get lifted up from your face, delicately and Pietro’s blue eyes meet yours. You join him, both of you laughing loudly.
“Good morning my love” He whispers, an obvious grin on his face.
“Hm.. Good morning Pietro” You let out, barely audible.
“Waking up’s hard isn’t” He mocks you, ironic, coming from him.
“Hm Hm very much so, I’m still tired from the night” You tease him.
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Flashback   -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
Your back hits the wall harshly, sending shivers through your whole body. You let out a brief moan at the collision but quickly enough Pietro’s mouth meets yours, almost desperately, his tongue exploring your the interior of your mouth smoothly, leaving you both breathless. His hands are holding your waist with a tight grip while yours are behind his neck, gripping his hair, holding on for dear life.
“Hm, wait, Pietro, babe, I need to get my pass out to open my door...” You manage to stutter and your bodies separate much to your dislike.
Pietro simply stands there, already picturing you naked as his eyes don’t leave your body a single second. You quickly reach into your pocket, get your card out and unlock your door with a little beep sound. Instantly as your door opens Pietro grabs your legs to lift you up and you now have your legs around his legs and your hands are back behind his neck looking for stability.
“Those are some strong muscles you have there” You laugh.
“You like it babe?”He answered to your remark.
“Very much” You whisper with a grin.
Finally close to your bed he lays you down with care, place a quick kiss onto your lips before going to close your door.
“Let’s get in started Y/N” He says as he approaches you again. A big smile forming on his lips.
-_-_-_-_-_-_ End of Flashback  -_-_-_-_-_-_-_
His head flops back into the bed frame with a little thud, a huge smile had formed on his lips. His arms are crossed behind his head, exposing his naked bust. Sending you shivers, and a flashback of last night; you with your head buried in his chest, moaning his name.
-_-_-_-_-_-_  Flashback   -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
“Oh my god Pietro! Faster! Please!” Your loud moans echoing in the room. As Pietro grunts on top of you.
-_-_-_-_-_-_  End of Flashback  -_-_-_-_-_-_
With a new desire for contact again, you throw your arm over his stomach and lay your head on his chest. His body temperature is still very high though naked and it warms your very own naked structure.
“Last night was great, and I mean, really, really great Y/N” Pietro says as his left arm comes down to find yours. His fingers starting to draw figures on your skin. Your eyes closes back from the pleasure.
“Hm yes, I had lots of... fun.”Your voice was still unsteady.
Pietro laughs sweetly before placing a kiss on your head, one of his hands finds its way to your hair and he starts petting it. You relax into his touch, and to give him some affection as well, your hand on his chest begins to caress his side slowly and your lover lets out a deep sigh of pleasure. You two love birds stay laid together that way for a long time, enjoying the feeling of each other’s skin, breathing in the other’s smell, and you listening to his heartbeat that had a very calm rhythm. But time got back to you as your stomach growled, you were hungry.
“Someone’s hungry!” Pietro remarks.
“Hm yeah, actually I’d kill for some food right now”You realise as you speak that you were in fact very hungry since you haven’t eaten since yesterday and it was now 10am.
As ou finish your sentence, you feel Pietro removing himself from under you with care.
“Alright, you stay there I’ll make us breakfast”He somewhat orders.
Not leaving you time to answer, he speeds his way into clothes and then out of the room. You were now all by yourself in your room, left naked in your bed. Naked... You realise now is a good time to put your clothes back, nothing complicated, just sweats, after all you didn’t have anything planned today so why dress up. Up and wandering around in your room, your gaze lends on your mirror and you can’t help but blush as you spot hickeys colouring your neck and collarbone. You feel like screaming from joy right now, last night was one of the best in your life and you’ll be sure to never forget it. After a few minutes you decide to go back into bed and wait for Pietro there. You didn’t have to wait too long as your lover came back, holding a plate full of pancakes in one hand and two cups of hot chocolate in the other.
“Hey Y/N darling, I know you missed me but I’m back now don’t worry” He says, smiling.
“I did miss you actually Pietro” You smile back at him.
You move a bit to the side of the bed and straightening the covers so the speedster can put the breakfast down on the bed. After he makes sure everything is standing straight and won’t fall over and dirty the covers, his eyes lift up and meet yours, his smiles instantly grow wider.
“Can I kiss you again?” He asks.
You simply nod in response. Your lips meet sweetly, the kiss was very tender with no sexual innuendos behind it. His hand moves up to your cheek cupping your head in a loving manner. And the both of you keep kissing the other again and again until another growl is heard coming from your stomach making you both laugh.
“Okay let’s eat now”You decide.
Follows a sweet scene of you and Pietro eating breakfast, alternating between comfortable silences and laughs, with loving side-glances being throw every now and then. When you're finished eating, Pietro quickly run and put everything away before coming back and going back to bed with you.
“So I was thinking...”He starts.
“Oh you were”You joke.
“Shush Y/N this is important”He laughs.
“Right, go on”You simply say looking at him with a bit of concern.
“So I was thinking... that I really like you, and after last night I can now state that you like me back”He looks at you and you nod “so... I was wondering if you would... be in a relationship with me?”To relax the mood he wiggles his eyebrows as he says the last part.
“Yes, yes I definitely would Pietro”You nod frantically.
“YES! that’s nice, cool, great” He seems really excited and relieved.
Your head slowly finds it’s way back to his chest.
“It’s really cool”You whisper to yourself.
A/N: There you go, thank you for requesting.
I tried something new with the flasbacks, let me know what you think.
!Reminder that english is not my first language, be kind in the comments!
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Cold Tides
Pietro Maximoff X Reader (Gender-Neutral)
Summary - Pietro, and Reader just spending time together.
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Pietro is on his way home and he passed by a cafe shop. He noticed there is a fall theme coffee named after the avengers, he assumed there won't be one without his name. He starts to read it and he is surprised because there is a drink named after him. He felt excited about it and he starts to smile.
He used his speed to grab you from the apartment, then brought you to the cafe shop.
“Pietro!” You yelled.
You felt everything spinning. He has his arm around your waist and you smacked his arm.
“What was that for?” Pietro asked.
“I was doing something at home. Why did you get me?” You said.
“Sorry. Babe, there is a coffee named after me” Pietro smiled.
You can see how excited he is about it. You and Pietro go inside the shop, he points at the menu and you take a picture of him.
You and Pietro stand in the line, he ordered the drink and a donut. You ordered a drink named after him and his sister and a cupcake. The drinks have their signature colors then you took a picture of the drinks and sent it to Wanda.
“Does it taste good?” You asked.
He nods “Yes, it does taste good. This is so cool”
“Yeah, it is cool. I actually like both drinks and I sent the pictures to Wanda and she is happy about it” You said.
He smiled then gave you a peck on the lips.
It's Halloween and Pietro is dressed as Where's Waldo Costume.
“Wow babe, you look hot with glasses,” You said.
He smirked at you “Thanks. I like your costume as a Luigi”
You and Pietro leave the apartment and go to a haunted house. While exploring the haunted house, you and Pietro hold hands. You got scared a few times but when Pietro got scared, he squeezed your hand a little tighter.
“Pietro, you are hurting my hand,” You said.
“Sorry. I actually thought it would be boring but don't tell anyone, I got scared a little bit” Pietro smiled.
You smiled back at him “I won't tell anyone”
Later, you and Pietro went to get pizza, and you take selfies with him. You and Pietro go to the Halloween parade. Later, you and Pietro got Halloween theme ice cream and other stuff You and Pietro keep exploring the city and finding new places to try, then he kissed you and smiled at you.
Later, you and Pietro go home and changed into pajamas. You and Pietro cuddle in bed and watch a movie together. You have your head on his chest, you fell asleep during the movie. But Pietro finished the movie and then went to sleep.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Pietro surprised you with a date at the ice rink.
“I am going to teach you how to ice skate” Pietro smiled.
“Since when do you know how to ice skate?” You asked.
“I don't know how to skate. Wait, here” Pietro said.
He didn't let you finish your sentence. He used his speed, to use his phone and starts to type how to ice skate. Since he has speed learning, it took him to know everything about ice skating in 4 seconds.
“Okay, Y/n I will be your coach so let's start” Pietro smiled.
“Okay, let's see if you will teach me how to skate” You smiled.
“Don’t worry you will learn a lot from me” Pietro smiled.
You and Pietro start to put on the skates. You hold on to the rail and you are starting to move slow.
“Y/n, you have to let go,” Pietro said.
“What did you learn?” You asked.
“I will show you,” Pietro said.
He starts to skate as if he learned how to skate for years.
“Wow,” You said.
“Grab my hands and I will show you how to skate,” Pietro said.
“Fine,” You said
You let go of the rail and grabbed his hands. He tells you how to move your feet and tells you not to be scared of falling. You did try to skate without holding his hands, you almost fell but he grabbed you in time.
It took you a while to get the hang of ice skating. Now and then you would hold his hand or the rail.
“You are not a bad coach, Pietro,” You said.
“See, I told you I can be a good coach,” Pietro said.
You and Pietro skate for a little longer then went to take off the skates. Later, you and Pietro went to get something hot to drink and eat.
You and Pietro are shopping for Christmas decorations and a tree. You and Pietro couldn't decide on how the tree will look. You and Pietro kept talking about which trees look better. After a few minutes, of debating you and Pietro finally decided on a tree.
After a while of shopping now you and Pietro go home. You watched him set up the tree then you start to decorate it with him.
“What did you buy for me for Christmas?” Pietro asked.
“You have to wait and I won't tell you,” You said.
“Not even a hint?” Pietro asked and he smiled.
“Not even one hint. Just wait” You said.
He kissed your cheek.
“Okay, I will wait,” Pietro said.
Later, you and Pietro start to bake gingerbread cookies and then added the frosting to them.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
It started to snow heavily last night. You and Pietro woke up to a cold bedroom. Pietro went to grab extra blankets and he turned on the heater. You moved closer to him as he wraps his arm around you, he snuggled on you.
“Let's stay home today,” Pietro said.
“Yeah, it's too cold to go out today,” You said.
You and Pietro didn't talk much and went back to sleep.
Later, Pietro woke up first and he didn't want to wake you up just yet. Pietro got dressed and used his speed to buy food. He is always back in the apartment, he sets the food and drinks on the table and he went to wake you up.
“Babe, wake up,” Pietro said.
“Mhmm,” You said.
“I got our favorite food,” Pietro said.
“But there is a blizzard happening,” You said.
“I have speed. I still can run through the snow. Let's eat or I'm going to eat your food” Pietro said.
“Wow, that's mean,” You said.
He smiled and used his speed to go to the kitchen and you just smiled. You did get out of bed and he already started to eat his food.
Later, you and Pietro went to see Wanda and her sons. You and Pietro start to have a snowball fight with Billy and Tommy. Wanda watches and she is laughing, Pietro throws a snowball at her. He starts to laugh now she joins the fight.
“Pietro no fair, you have speed,” Wanda said.
“You are still too slow and you lost” Pietro teased.
Wanda throws a snowball but Pietro dodged it. But the snowball hit you in the head and Wanda starts to apologize.
“Y/n, I am so sorry. I was trying to hit Pietro not you. I'm so sorry” Wanda said.
“Nice throw, mom,” Billy said.
Wanda wipes the snow off your jacket and head.
“It’s okay, I'm not mad at you. But I will get my payback” You said.
Everyone starts to throw snowballs at each other.
Much later, you and Pietro help Wanda cook dinner. Wanda enjoys the time when you and Pietro come to visit. Later, you and Pietro play video games with Tommy and Billy. You teach Wanda how to play the game.
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alotofpockets · 2 years
Remembrance | Wanda Maximoff
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Prompt: “Can you come with me? I don’t want to go alone.”
Warnings: Angst, Sad/Hurt, this fic is about remembering Pietro after he died (i made myself very sad writing this, so it has to be a warning).
Masterlist | requests: closed | words: 740
Today marked one year since Pietro saved Clint and a little boy in the Battle of Sokovia. He rushed to them and moved them away from the line of bullets flying Quinjet that was taken over by Ultron. It was the last save he ever got to do, since saving them meant sacrificing himself.
As expected, it was a sad and gloomy day at the Avenger Compound. Though some of the team hadn’t known Pietro for very long, as it was the Maximoff twins their first outing with the Avengers, Pietro had made a big impact on them. He was funny, dorky, smart, caring, and selfless. He was what every team member aspired to be.
Amongst all the grieving Avengers sat Wanda. The person who had known Pietro the longest and the closest. Losing her twin brother had and still has a big impact on her life. She has grieved Pietro’s death every day for the past year. Today the pain of losing her brother, twin and best friend was greater than the past couple of months. Missing him was a horrible feeling.
You tried being there for your girlfriend as best as you could, while grieving yourself as well. You had met the Maximoff twins when you were a prisoner at Hydra yourself, so you had known both twins for quite sometime too. Of course, Wanda never wanted you not to feel your own grief. You had been there for each other in all the ways the other needed, every day since the tragic event.
“I want to go see him.” Wanda shared, her voice barely above a whisper. You squeeze her hand lightly and nod your head. “I’ll drive you, whenever you’re ready.” While Wanda got dressed to go outside, you let the others know that the two of you would be gone for a while.
As promised you drove Wanda to the cemetery where Pietro was buried. You sat with her in the car, holding her while she was crying. You would sit there for as long as she needed. “Can you come with me? I don’t want to go alone.” Wanda asks, breaking the silence. “Of course.”
You had visited Pietro multiple times since he had passed, but after the funeral you had only visited on your own. Not wanting to ask any of your friends to come along, since it wasn’t exactly a fun outing to go on. That is why you wanted to give Wanda her space and visit her brother, once she let you know she wanted you there with her, you got out of the car and walked to her side of it. You open her door and hold out your hand. Giving her constant comfort through holding it.
Once you stepped in front of Pietro’s grave Wanda let go of your hand. She kneeled down with tears rolling down her cheeks. Your own eyes were watery as well. You stood back as you were trying to give Wanda the space she needed.
Wanda talked to her brother in Sokovian for a bit before she reached out and traced the words that were graved in the tombstone. You didn’t see that coming. She smiled reading the words out loud. “Did you know he started saying that all the way back when we were 16?” She says looking up at you. You smile at her and sit down next to her, “I did not. I you feel up for it, would you tell me more?”
“Back when they were first testing out what the effect of the Scepter was on our bodies, Pietro ran up to the Hydra person and then around the room, he finished my breaking right in front of the guys face. That’s the first time that he said it. He had the biggest smile on his face, because the Hydra guy had this wide-eyed expression full of shock at what he just did.” You could see Wanda’s face light up as she was reminiscing memories with Pietro.
When she was ready to leave, you both said your goodbye’s to Pietro. “Are you hungry?” You asked her as you said down in the couch again. When she said yes, you started the car. “Okay, I know just the place.” You drove her to town, where you led her to Pietro’s favorite restaurant. Today was going to be all about remembering Pietro and all the things that reminded you of him.
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lowkeyerror · 6 months
The Family Business Ch.4
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Chapter Notes: Brief mention of the red room nothing crazy
Summary: Natasha is nervous about finally having some personal time with Wanda’s family. You help her fight through those nerves. Meanwhile Wanda struggles to come to terms with how much of your growth she missed.
An: Posting consistently again got me feeling in my prime. No promises, but might post chapter 5 later this week instead of next monday.
Series Masterlist| Masterlist
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Once you were done with work, and had your flowers for Flora, you were ready to go to the Maximoff’s house. You’d sent a quick text to Dragos telling him that you’d bring Natasha with you, to save them an extra unnecessary trip.
You pack your things quickly and head to the car, Natasha follows behind you. When you get in the car, you finally notice the subtle nervousness of Natasha.
“Are you scared to meet Wanda’s mom?”
Natasha nods a little, “It’s more than that. You guys are the most important people in her life. She told me so herself. Dragos doesn’t like me yet, Pietro and I really just looked at each other, and I heard Flora’s got high standards when it comes to partners.”
“Well, they are the kindest people you could ever meet. All they'll care about is that you keep Wanda happy,” you insist.
“I think the kindness goes out of the window, when you find out your daughter got married to a Russian spy that tried to kill her,” Natasha mumbles.
 You try to offer her some comfort, “I’m not going to argue with that but, you’ll get a little break, when I tell them I like you.”
“If Wanda told you all about me, then you should know they've got a soft spot for me,” you’re a little embarrassed when you say it, but it’s the truth.
If Natasha notices your embarrassment, she doesn't bring it up, “Wanda says you’re basically a Maximoff every time she tells a story about you.”
You smile, “I like to think of them as my family too. There’s been plenty of times where I want to call Dragos, papa. That means there’s even more times when I want call Flora Mama.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“I don’t want to take the chance and ruin our dynamic.”
The Russian sighs as the house comes into view. “I think they’d both love it. The way Wanda tells it, they feel as though you're one of their kids.”
You park the car before answering Natasha, “Maybe one day.”
With the hydrangeas in hand, you head to the front door. Natasha tries to walk behind you, but you pull her forward so she’s next to you.
“This is a family you have to face head on. Those uncertainties you have, keep them close to you. Don’t let them see your nerves because they’ll pounce. Just remember that you love Wanda, and she loves you too,” your attempt at a pep talk seems to calm her nerves a bit.
“You said they were nice people. Nice people don’t have warnings.”
You roll your eyes, “Natasha you secretly married the daughter of a crime lord without ever meeting the family, there’s a shitload of warnings.”
The door swings open before you have the chance to knock. You find yourself being pulled into a warm hug. It’s only a moment before Flora’s hands land on your face. She turns your head a couple times checking that you are fine, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Y/n, where have you been sweetheart? Too old to come see me anymore, huh? You’ve got bags under your eyes Malysh, have you been sleeping ok?”
You smile warmly at her antics, “I’ll never be too old to come visit my Flora. As a sorry, for being away I brought you these.”
Flora takes the flowers from you. “Always knowing how to get into my good graces, these are beautiful Y/n.” Her eyes dart to Natasha and you watch as her features go neutral.
 “You must be Natasha.”
The red head extends her hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Maximoff.”
Flora shakes her hand, “Yes, if only we could've done this sooner. “
Natasha doesn’t shift at the words, but you can feel her nerves from besides you. Flora beckons you both into the house and you follow her into the kitchen. She grabs a vase for the flowers and begins to fill it with water.
“So, why Natasha?” She says as she places the flowers in the vase.
“I’m sorry?” Natasha is confused by the question.
Flora keeps her eyes on the flowers, “Why’d you pick the name Natasha? Natalia is a fairly pretty name, why not keep it?”
You weren't surprised that Flora had done some research on the woman. However, Natasha was taken aback by the question. She wasn’t expecting it, so it took her a moment to respond.
“As a spy, I have many aliases. However, Natasha never felt like an alias, she just felt like me. My parents and sister call me Natalia often just to tease me, but even they seem to like Natasha better.”
You decide to help the Russian out, “Are you close with your family, Natasha?”
She nods, “Very close. My parents took Yelena and I when we were very little. They saved us from some terrible people, I owe then everything. Though they'd never let me repay them.”
“Reminds me of us,” you say to Flora, who has now softened her gaze on the redhead.
Flora had a soft spot for children in tough places. You knew that's why she originally gravitated towards you, when Pietro first brought you around. This was the perfect topic to get Natasha on Flora’s good side.
“If we found you any younger you would've had our last name,” Flora places the vase the table. She eyes Natasha for a moment before asking about her childhood, “Foster care?”
Natasha stiffens a little, “Worse. Young girls all taken and trained to be weapons for whatever they needed.”
Flora’s eyes become glossy, “The red room.”
Natasha’s gaze was locked on the floor, “Yeah.”
It is a quick turn of events when Flora wraps her arms around Natasha. She holds the woman firm as she begins to speak in Russian. You don't understand all of it, but it seems that Flora was intimately familiar with the place.
“You two go and make yourselves comfortable while I start dinner,” she says finally releasing Natasha.
“You don’t want help?”
Flora shakes her head, “Go, relax malysh. I’ve got it covered in here.”
Instead of leading Natasha to the living room, you take her to the backyard. There is a beautiful large grass area, with a nice garden space in the corner. The patio has the perfect view of the sunset. You sit on one of the patio chairs and Natasha sits beside you.
“I think that went well,” you say to her.
“Thanks to you, it went really well,” Natasha looks at you gratefully.
You shake your head, “I didn’t do much.”
Natasha argues back, “I see why they call you the glue. If you hadn’t made your comment, she would’ve slighted me all night.”
“Don’t give me too much credit, you would've had her the moment you asked how many people she killed,” you joke, and Natasha gets a bit embarrassed.
“Sorry, I guess I just- “
You stop her, “It’s fine, Nat. I’ve been underestimated all my life. My first kill is symbolic to me, even in that pitiful state, I was able to snap someone’s neck. I remember all of them, though it’s not a lot, I also remember each one getting easier.”
She looks at you, “The longer it gets, the less you remember, and then one day you’re left with the memory of how you used to feel about it. Maybe it fills you with pride in the beginning, but eventually killing just leaves you feeling empty.”
Wanda comes into the backyard before you could answer the Russian.
“She’s not giving you too much trouble is she, Y/n?”
Natasha sends her wife a pointed look. You laugh at the interaction.
“She’s a pleasure to have around. I can see why you married her, regardless of the assassination attempt.”
Wanda tilts her head but keeps a smile on her face, “Telling our love story without me, my love?”
“It just came up. How was the meeting?”
Wanda plops down next to you before leaning back, “Apparently Kingpin is looking to expand his control. At least that’s what Hammerhead said.”
You clench your jaw at the mention of the large man, “He’s such a greedy bastard. He has the second largest market besides us. Which means he thinks he can take over us. I couldn’t imagine being a guy that big with no fucking brains.”
Wanda shakes her head and chuckles slightly, “You sound just like Papa. He was pissed when he heard.”
“How is he now?” You ask knowing he could get a little reckless when he was angry.
“For now, he’s alright. I told him we could use Kingpin’s greed as an example. We can crush him and in turn teach the others not to try to cross us.”
Your hands reach to rub your temples, “You make it sound so easy.”
“It will be,” you can hear the determination in her voice.
Natasha interjects, “I think Y/n has a point. It’s definitely easier said than done.”
You keep your composure, “Kingpin selling is a problem in itself, but the people should know better than to buy from him. Whoever is making purchases with him is not being loyal to us. That means he’s making allies, or rather he is taking our allies away from us. It strengthens his numbers while diminishing ours. He’s trying to start a revolution.”
Before it could be discussed any further Dragos appears, “We can discuss it more tomorrow. Tonight, we celebrate Wanda’s homecoming… and marriage. Dinner is ready.”
You’re the first out of your chair and into the house. It leaves Dragos some time with the couple.
“Remember we only talk business outside of the office, if it is absolutely necessary,” he reminds his daughter.
“She still gets that way?” Wanda asks referring to you.
He shakes his head, “She’s just started brainstorming and it’s hard for her to put it aside. She’s not that timid little girl anymore.”
Wanda lets out an irritated sigh, “Why does everyone keep saying that? I know her just like everyone else, papa. I’ve cared for her, I’ve trained her, and- “
“You missed 5 years of her life; you missed her graduation, you missed her putting all of her training to practical use, you missed her joining the family business. No one is saying that you didn't know her well, but you can’t act like you witnessed her growth.”
“It’s not my fault that I wasn’t there,” she speaks through gritted teeth.
“No one is saying it was, malysh.”
Natasha grabs her wife’s hand, “We’re celebrating you tonight like your father said. Let’s just enjoy this and eat. You never stopped talking about your mother’s cooking and the longer we spend out here, the colder the food gets in there.”
Wanda gets up from her seat, “You’re right. I’m sorry Papa, I’m just not used to being home yet.”
“It’s alright, her growth is startling. I still remember how I felt when Pietro told me she killed a boy. It was a shock; I didn’t want to believe it. She was so delicate that I couldn't picture her doing it.”
“Y/n killed somebody?”
Natasha nods, “She told me about it. Y/n actually has a little ledger, 8 people.”
Wanda’s eyes widen, “She told you about it?”
The conversation stops there, when you come back, “Flora said if you guys don’t come to dinner now that Piet and I can have your plates.”
“You’d eat Wanda’s welcome home meal, that’s pretty criminal even by our standards,” Natasha says pulling her wife along into the house.
“Oh 100%, you would too if you had Flora’s cooking.”
The playful banter continues, even once everyone is sat at the dinner table. Conversation flows freely, but Wanda doesn't contribute much. All that circles her mind is you.
Her father’s words echo in her head. She had missed some of the most important moments of your life. Wanda was scared to admit that she hardly recognized the woman you’ve grown into.
It bothered her. She was jealous that everyone got to see you blossom, but her. Even Wanda’s wife seemed to know things about you that she didn’t. It was a pill that she didn’t want to swallow.
Her little Krolik wasn’t so little anymore.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick
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noonecares915 · 4 days
Thanks to @imaginaryblogger01 for the gif!
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The brightest light in the darkest of times. Her smile could lighten up anyone's life and mood.
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oizysian · 1 month
Hi, i have a request for you.
I was thinking about yn and Wanda being nat's ex. Even if Nat was in a relationship she doesn't commit to that person so it's obvious that she cheated on them.
The thing is they didn't know each other, yn knew pietro but didn't know about his twin, so when he introduced them, yn when she talked to Nat about previous relationship, Nat said Wanda's name so when they were alone, she has to ask about Nat and if she knew her, of course she did and they talked about her, about everything she did, etc..
From that day, they kept texting and having calls, and they went on a date. You know, the thing is being someone's ex and having something good from that experience.
Sorry if I explain bad the idea.
Home | Wanda Maximoff
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader, past Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, past Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: talks of past cheating, drinking
Word count: 1.7k
“You gotta move on, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I know, Piet.”
“You keep saying that, but you’re still here moping.” He plopped down on the couch next to me. “Why don’t you come to my place tonight? We can have a real boys night.” I raised my eyebrow at him and he smiled.
“A boys night?”
“A gender neutral night. My sister is also visiting from Sokovia, so you can finally meet her.”
“It’ll be nice to put a face with all the good things you’ve told me about her.”
“Yeah, Wanda’s great. You’ll love her.”
I forgot his sister's name was Wanda. Natasha mentioned a Wanda once or twice before. Was it the same girl?
“I’m sure I will.”I paused, gathering my thoughts before speaking again. “Did … does Wanda know Natasha?”
“Everyone knows Natasha.” He rolled his eyes. “I told you not to get involved with her.”
“I know, you’ve told me hundreds of times and I never listened.”
“You never listened.” He agreed. “Now let’s get you ready for gender neutral night.”
Pietro was attempting to fix his stereo when the doorbell rang.
“Can you get it? It’s Wanda.”
“Sure.” I replied, getting up from the couch with my beer and heading to the front door.
I opened it to reveal a beautiful - no - gorgeous girl with brown hair, dark makeup and clothes and tons of rings adorning her fingers.
“H-Hi.” I stuttered and she smiled. I was completely captivated by her.
“Hello. You must be Y/N.” Her voice was smooth like chocolate and her accent thick.
“I am. You’re Wanda.”
“I am.” Her accent was much thicker than Pietro’s, probably because she still resided in Sokovia.
“Come in.” I moved to the side and let her enter, closing the door behind her.
“Sis!” Pietro called out, finally giving up with his ancient, broken stereo and coming to meet his sister at the door.
“Piet!” She greeted him back, throwing her arms around his neck in a crushing hug.
I watched them silently, nervous that I was intruding on a private moment considering he hadn’t seen his sister in quite a few months. They parted, excitedly looking at each other before he turned his attention to me.
“I see you already met Y/N.” We nodded in unison. “She’s my best friend, you know.” He said to Wanda and she looked me over quickly.
“I know. I’ve heard a lot about you, Y/N.”
“All good I hope!” I chirped and she smiled.
“Same to you about whatever lies he’s told you about me.”
“No lies!” He threw his hands up in surrender. “When do I lie?”
“When you’re trying to bed a new girl.” She quipped and he shrugged.
“Okay, you got me there.” He gestured to her with his hands. “Come in, come in! Grab a beer, I’m just getting the music working.”
“Do you still have that old stereo we had back when you still lived in Sokovia?”
“Of course!” He said as we walked into the living room, returning to his spot in front of the stereo and tinkering with it again. “This thing has got me through some rough times.”
“Hm, many nights we stayed up late listening to your stolen CD’s.”
“Stolen?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled cheekily.
“I prefer the term ‘borrowed.’”
She nodded and I sipped at my beer. Realizing she didn’t have a drink in hand, I made a gesture to the kitchen.
“Would you like a drink? I can get you one.”
I smiled and turned to retrieve a beer for Wanda. In the kitchen, I went into the fridge and grabbed three drinks, knowing Pietro and I would need a new one soon, and returned to the twins with fresh beers in hand.
“Here you go.” I offered one to Wanda and she took it, popping off the top with ease and taking a gulp. “Definitely your sister.” I laughed, handing Pietro his fresh drink.
“She gets some things from me.”
“Nothing good.”
They tipped their bottles at each other and laughed. Wanda and I took a seat on the couch and watched as Pietro worked on his ancient piece of technology.
I bit my lip in thought, wondering if I should bring up Natasha. It had been bugging me all day that Wanda might’ve been the Wanda Nat spoke about, and I just had to know if she treated Wanda as poorly as she did me.
“So, Wanda,” I said a bit nervously, shifting my beer from my left hand to my right. “When was the last time you were here?”
“About two years ago.” She said casually, sipping her drink. “Went through a nasty breakup and headed back to Sokovia to recover.”
“I told you both to stay away from that Natasha!” He yelled over his shoulder. “Nobody ever listens to me.”
“You dated Natasha too?” She asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, we, uh, actually just broke up. Like, yesterday.”
“I am not surprised. Natasha has problems with commitment.”
“You’re telling me.” I took a gulp of my beer. “But, she has no problem finding other women to commit to for a night.”
“Same old Natasha.”
Wanda and I spoke as Pietro tried getting the music working, realizing we had a lot in common - other than the fact that we both got burned by Natasha.
By the end of the night, we had exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch and hang out while she was still in town.
She messaged me the next morning asking if I wanted to go out for breakfast, and I accepted. After that, we spent nearly every day of her time here together, with and without Pietro in tow.
When she finally returned to Sokovia, I was pretty depressed, but I tried not to show it. Pietro read me like a book, knowing almost instantly that I had a crush on his baby sister.
“It’s not like that.” I protested, but he just laughed at me.
“Yeah, and I bedded the Queen of England.”
I gave him a look and he smiled. Of course he had to go and be a smart ass. I looked down at my hands folded in my lap, twisting the lone ring on my pointer finger. Why did he have to be right about Wanda? I had just gotten out of a rough relationship with Natasha - I didn’t want to hurt Wanda by rushing into things. I wasn’t even sure if she felt the same.
“She’s … she’s special.” I spoke softly, still not looking up at him. “I don’t know, Piet, I just …”
“I get it, Y/N. You’re scared.” He sat down next to me. “Normally, I wouldn’t encourage someone to date my sister, but you're my closest friend. I know you won’t hurt her. And I know she won’t hurt you.”
I looked up at him, surprised at his words. Did he really not mind me possibly being with his sister?
“Don’t get it twisted,” he said with a chuckle. “I don’t want to hear about you sleeping with her.” He made a face. “But, I do want you both to be happy.”
I played with my fingers nervously, nodding. I was happy to have his blessing, but I still was unsure. Wanda and I had been talking for a few weeks now, even video calling each other after she left for Sokovia, but I was truly afraid of hurting her the way Natasha hurt me. Not that I would ever cheat on her, but I was just unreasonably scared.
“Talk to her about it.” It was almost as if he read my mind. “She’ll understand if you just communicate with her.”
Agreeing with him, I pulled out my phone and messaged Wanda that I needed to talk to her about something and she almost instantly called me.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Wanda.” I said, happy to hear her voice. “Nothing. I just … I wanted to talk.”
Pietro gave me a nod and left the room, giving me space and privacy to talk to Wanda.
“What about?”
“Us.” That was the extent of my bravery. The silence between us wasn’t uncomfortable but I was very nervous and it made me feel uneasy.
“What about us?”
“We … I mean, we’ve been talking and I feel like we’re getting … close. I just … I wanted to …”
“Y/N,” she said softly. “I agree with you, we have been getting close.” I held my breath. “And I’m so happy about that. I really like you.”
“I like you too, Wanda.” I admitted bashfully. “I’m just … afraid.”
“Afraid of what, detka?” She asked and I blushed at her using a pet name for me.
“Afraid of hurting you.” I whispered into the phone. “Natasha … she …”
“I know.” She said quietly. “I know what she did. But, you are nothing like her. I trust you. I know you won’t do anything to hurt me.”
I was silent for a moment. She was able to quell my fears with just a few words. She knew exactly what I was afraid of without me even having to tell her.
“When are you coming back to New York?” I questioned breathlessly and I heard her chuckle softly.
“Well, I wanted it to be a surprise, but I was planning to come in next week.”
I perked up instantly, smiling like a lovesick teen.
“So, I’ll see you soon.”
“You will.”
When Wanda’s plane finally landed from Sokovia to New York, I was there waiting for her at the airport to surprise her. Pietro was supposed to pick her up originally, but we had arranged it so that I would be the one to meet her.
When she saw me, she ran into my arms, dropping her bags and wrapping her arms around my neck tight.
“I missed you so much.” She breathed against my neck and I squeezed my eyes shut to prevent the happy tears from falling.
“I missed you too.”
She pulled away from me, her hands still on my shoulders and looked into my watery eyes, her own glistening with unshed tears as well.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” I said, my gaze falling to her lips.
“Me too.”
For a brief moment, I hesitated, but from the look in her eyes and the force pulling us together, we closed the distance between us. I never felt such fire until this moment.
Her lips were soft and she tasted like strawberries. I held her close, savoring the feel and taste of her.
She was home.
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Sweet Summer | Pt. 2
Wanda Maximoff x f!Reader
Summary: The Xavier Institude is being renovated for the summer. With nowhere else to go, your best friends Billy and Tommy offer you to stay with them and their mom. But what happens when feelings start to spark between the two of you?
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: Underage Drinking, Smut (Minors do not interact), Age Gap (20yo reader, 37yo Wanda)
Tags: mutant!Reader (shadow manipulation), different timeline, everyone is alive (except Pietro, sorry Pietro), no Sokovia Accords, no Thanos, Wanda was young when she joined the Avengers, retired Natasha, top!Reader, bottom!Wanda, but they switch a bit, Vision is a bit of an asshole, divorced!Wanda, mainly cutesy, bit of angst tho
A/n: i'm bad at smut but i hope you still enjoy it
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"What was I thinking?" Wanda bemoaned, face in her hands. She was sitting in the living room of her best friend Natasha, complaining to her a few days later. The retired redhead was listening with a neutral expression, drinking her morning coffee. "She's Billy and Tommy's best friend! She's twenty!"
Natasha sipped on her coffee some more. "Truly I wonder," she deadpanned.
"You're not helping!" Wanda was at the edge of a breakdown after what happened, and disappeared to work the past few days in order to avoid you. But no matter what she did, her thoughts brought her back to you, to your smile, your voice, your kind words. She wanted to know more about you, in every way, her body mesmerized by your presence and her mind enthralled by your words.
"I know, but I doubt there is much I could do to help," she said patiently. She put down her cup of coffee and rested her hands on the tabletop flatly. "From what you tell me, you really like her. Which isn't a crime as far as I'm concerned."
"But what about–"
"Doesn't really matter, does it? You deserve happiness, and your boys would agree. So what if it's with Y/n?"
"It would feel wrong." She finally dared to look in her friend's eyes. There was no judgment there, but it was still hard to do.
"Or really right, considering how attracted to her you are. Do you want my honest opinion?"
"Go ahead," she said with suspicion in her eyes.
"I think you're afraid because you were her age when you started dating Vision, so you think it's gonna end the same way. With her thinking it was all a mistake, and you sad and lonely. Well, more than you are today."
"Geez, thanks Natasha," she said with as much sarcasm she could manage.
"Let me finish," she ordered and Wanda reluctantly complied. "Your fear is understandable, but also stupid. She's not you, and you're not Vision. And if you have a shot at happiness, you should take it."
Wanda didn't know what to say at this point. Luckily, Maria entered the apartment after her morning run. She kissed Natasha and the conversation changed direction as Wanda wanted to keep her relation to you a secret for now. But the words from her best friend kept coming back to her throughout the day.
The night of the party finally arrived, and with it the pressure to find a proper attire. You had figured out what you wanted to wear, but you also wanted a jacket to go with it. Sadly you were rather limited, and you had to go take a shower before one of the twins stole the washroom from you to finish prepping. When you came back out, clothes already on, there was a bag on your bed with a piece of paper. It read "Thank you for the discussion the other night". Inside the bag was the leather jacket from the store you went to the other day. You were speechless, mouth hanging open. Wanda had been avoiding you the past few days so you absolutely didn't expect anything from her, trying to move on from whatever feelings you had, but this… How she knew about it, you had no idea, but you weren't complaining.
You immediately tried it on, looking at yourself in the mirror. It fit perfectly. You turned around to peek at the back and jumped like a scared cat when you saw Wanda standing in the doorway, almost toppling over the mirror. She helped keep you standing with her powers and slowly released you.
"I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?" She asked with concern in her voice. She looked incredible at this instant, as she always did, with her doe eyes focused on you. She was wearing dark gray sweatpants, and a signature red hoodie with her hair in a low, kind of messy, ponytail.
"Yeah, I think so." You looked yourself over and then up at her. "Thank you. For catching me. And for the jacket."
"I saw the way you looked at it in the store," she said with a small, conniving smile. Then she looked away, playing with the hem of her sleeves and biting her lower lip as if looking for some courage. "Could we maybe talk?"
"I…" Should you? Probably not, but at the same time, your heart wanted nothing more than to talk to her. You pinched your lips. No. No matter how good she looked, and how mesmerizing her shyness was, it was a bad idea. But you had to let her down gently. "Maybe we–"
"Y/n! Are you ready?" A very excited Tommy appeared behind his mom in a blur, and you let out a sigh. The young man had been like that the whole day, starting in the late morning. "Billy is waiting on us."
Wanda hid her disappointment, but not enough for you to miss it. You quickly redirected your attention to your friend and grabbed whatever was needed. "I'm ready."
At least it would give you some time to think of something to tell Wanda. You followed Tommy who gave a hug to the witch and left to get to the car. Before you disappeared through the door, you couldn't help but get one more look at her.
The party was what you'd expect it would be. There was a ton of alcohol, some games going on, loud music, and half the people were enjoying the pool or talking in groups. The first thing you did with the twins was grab some drinks - alcohol for you and Tommy, soft for Billy who was driving you back - and join a group. Within the group there were some people you knew and some you didn't but it quickly dissolved into smaller groups. You ended up talking with a newly met Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova, who were both living in New York and came here to visit family. Kate was actually going to join Columbia this year just like you - except she was a few years ahead of you. You got along really well as you exchanged more. You ended up talking about what majors and minors you were going to attend, before Yelena let out a "Boriiiiing" and you changed the subject to something else. It quickly devolved into a knife throwing contest between the three of you that Yelena won.
Everything was going swimmingly - you played Kate in a beer pong game that you lost, enjoyed some time in the pool with her and some other people. But despite the fun, you couldn't help but think of Wanda. You would see her in a smile, or in the green of a leaf, in the inflection of a word, the smell of someone, the warmth from the alcohol, the curve of a waist, and so many more places. It was a curse, one you rried to forget with alcohol.
As for the twins, Tommy at this point was nowhere to be found, which meant he probably was with a girl, and Billy was playing video games with some people who were more relaxed now that it was starting to be late. 
As you were drying on the side of the pool, head buzzing nicely with intoxication, you eavesdropped on a nearby conversation.
"Now, see, Enhanced Individuals totally need to be controlled in some way. By the governments or something," a girl said, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at that.
"What are you on about?" Someone asked. "They might be freaks but they're no more dangerous than someone with a rifle."
"No, no, no! Like, think about it, they're the only ones who can become super-villains, so if we can track them or something, they can't be dangerous anymore."
Holding your drink in one hand, you stood up and splashed it in the face of the girl and his friend. She screamed bloody murder, and he just looked flabbergasted.
"Assholes," you spat.
"What is wrong with you?!" The guy finally asked while everyone was watching before finally going back to partying. You put back your clothes on; you didn't feel like partying anymore. 
"Are you okay?" Kate asked as you stumbled because of the alcohol. "Hey, easy there. Let me help you."
"I want to go home," you mumbled with darkened eyes.
"Okay, let's find your friends." You shook your head at that and took a few steps forward.
"No, they're having fun. I can like… walk home or something."
"Walk ho– okay, no, you're definitely too drunk for that. I'll drive you, let me just get my stuff while you let your friends know."
You didn't really have time to protest. Looking around, you decided to simply do what she told you and you went to find Billy, knowing Tommy was likely busy. Your knees hit the couch where he was sitting and you got his attention.
"Hey man, I'm going home. Kate is driving me."
"Are you okay?" He frowned with concern in his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'll just see you tomorrow." You gave him a pat on the shoulder and he agreed to let you go. You went back to Kate who had put on a light jacket. You put your own on quickly, before you followed Kate to her car.
During the time it took to arrive back at the house, the silence in the car had stretched out. You were still drunk and yet you still felt uncomfortable. At least there was some music to help with the lack of conversation and how fidgety Kate was. Finally, when you arrived, she pulled in front of the pathway leading up to the house.
"You have my number, if you need anything…" she started.
"I'll text you," you finished. You offered her a smile and just as you were about to leave the car, she leaned in and kissed you briefly. Usually, you would have jumped on the occasion. Kate was a beautiful and clever woman. But this wasn't usually. So you didn't return it, didn't even react to it really, just looked blankly at her, and it seemed to be enough to get a message across.
"Oh, wow. I'm sorry, I thought, I don't know–"
"Don't. Let's just forget about it," you told her mercifully, finally exiting the car.
You were quick to make your way back to the door, stumbling a little on the way, and when you finally pushed it, you were confronted with a waiting Wanda. She was still wearing the same clothes as earlier, but this time her jaw was locked, her brow knitted on her forehead, and she had her arms crossed. The apparent hostility confused you and you slowly closed the door behind you, the faint sound of Kate's departing car the only noise in the house. You could hear a pin drop when that was gone.
"You had fun I see," she attacked first, leaving you eager to defend yourself, the alcohol leaving you susceptible to your emotions
"Yes, clearly, that's why I'm back early," you said sarcastically. There was something different about her right now, in the way she acted, the way she looked at you. She retreated her head in her shoulders, as if she was getting ready to be hit with something.
"Well, why are you here early?" Her eyes were sharp, but yours were just as much despite the alcohol in your veins. What happened for her to act like that suddenly? Then it hit you. You quickly regretted your returned aggressivity when it dawned on you. She was hurt. Her bravado was just a way to hide it. You had to find a way to diffuse the situation, but your idle mind had trouble processing everything.
"There was a bunch of assholes and just… listen, it doesn't really matter." She soften slightly at that, but she was still in her defensive position. You took a step towards her and she took a step back.
"It matters to me. What you do, how you feel, who you kiss… It all matters to me," she confessed, suddenly avoiding your gaze. "So if you've just been playing around, I need to know." And that's when you put the puzzle together. She must have seen Kate kiss you. Must have come to the window when she heard the car and seen everything without any context or clues about how you felt. You ran your hand through your hair.
"Wanda, I…" You took the time to look at her. Truly look at her. She was so vulnerable right now, you felt like you had her in the palm of your hand. You knew you technically had no reason to justify yourself, but your gut were turning at the idea of leaving her in this state.
"You don't need to say anything, you made it pretty clear how you felt," she marched on, still looking away, as you didn't know what to say. Your heart revolted at the idea that she could even think you didn't like her. You took a step forward. "You must be weirded out." Another step. Your mind was reeling, reminding you why this was such a bad idea, but you could barely hear it over the sounds of the blood hammering away in your ears. "I'd understand if–"
You reached for her face with both hands and kissed her. It was a short lived rush, but it felt so right. It completely derailed Wanda's train of thought, even now that the kiss was over, and for a second she tried to reattach the wagons.
"If… I'd understand…" She tilted her head to the side and tried to read you without going into your thoughts, her brows furrowing. "What am I understanding?"
You chuckled, and she joined, both of you leaning forward to join your foreheads. Slowly, your thumb rubbed her rosy cheek.
"You're understanding that I like you, a lot."
Wanda bit her lip, hesitation on her face. She was clearly still thinking about what happened in the car. And if she needed to ask about it, you certainly knew how to appease her fears.
"What about the girl in the car?" She finally bit the bullet and asked, her hands finding your shoulders to play with your jacket nervously.
"It was all her, I never wanted that kiss. But I sure want this one," and you kissed her lips once again, briefly, "and this one," and one more. You took your time for this one, tasting her cherry lips against yours. It already felt amazing, but feeling her reciprocate the kiss made it heavenly. Tentatively, you bit her lower lip and pressed the tip of your tongue against it in a clear message to ask for more. She opened the way and you slipped your tongue against hers, starting to play alongside her as the warmth of the kiss traveled down your body to your core. Slowly, the kiss got more heated, your breath unraveling and your heart beating faster and faster. At this point you were certain she was able to feel it against her palms. You pushed her against the wall and moved one hand to her waist to bring her closer to you, your pinky playing with the hem of her hoodie. The heat was unraveling you and you wanted nothing more than to follow it but gently Wanda interrupted the kiss. Her pupils were wide open and traced the contours of your face and of your lips before they finally focused on your eyes.
"Wait, wait. We're in the middle of the hallway, we can't just do that here." Well, you could, but it certainly would be risky. You smirked.
"Averse to a little adventure?" You teased her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, leaving the embrace of yours. You noticed how red she was right before she turned her back on you. When she finally looked at you again only her cheeks remained pink.
"Averse to having my sons walk in on me with their best friend." You pursed your lips. Of course she had a point, and you nodded. You closed the small distance between you too and took her hands in yours.
"Okay. Why don't we take this somewhere more private then?" You offered her a grin, then moved your eyebrows up and down. It managed to make her laugh, but she shook her head.
"As tempting as it is, it's too risky right now."
As if to prove her right, you heard a car pulling in the driveway. You pouted, but still agreed with her. You already broke your own words by kissing Wanda, there was no need for Tommy and Billy to find out about it.
"Alright but we're gonna have to make it up at some point," you negotiated and she gave you a shy smile. You vaguely wondered when was the last time Wanda actually got to be intimate and if that was part of why she interrupted the upcoming activity.
She took a step back when the twins came through the door and you looked at them. You immediately noticed Tommy's bruised hand and you frowned.
"What did you do?" You asked, taking a closer look at it while Wanda's eyes opened big and she took his hand in her to examine it.
"Might have punched some assholes," he admitted with a proud grin. "When I came back downstairs I heard what happened and why you left, and that guy was mouthing off about you, so I gave him a lesson."
"You didn't have to…" you started, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Wanda brought him to the kitchen where she kept a first aid kit, everyone trailing behind. She grabbed the instant cold pack and twisted it so it would start cooling, then she applied it on his fist after putting it in a towel.
"Thanks mom," he said, still smiling. She frowned and assumed her mom posture, putting her hands on her hips.
"Don't thank me, you're still grounded for a week."
Tommy cringed at that, but he didn't protest, moving to a dining room chair to sit down.
"Alright, now that this is resolved, I'm going to bed," Billy yawned.
"You're abandoning me like that?" A very dramatic Tommy asked.
"Yeah, cause I told you not to fight this guy, and I'm tired. Plus you have mom and Y/n taking care of you, you'll be fine."
Billy left, and you sat next to Tommy. He was lucky nothing was broken, and even luckier he only got grounded by his mom. You bumped shoulders with him.
"Next time, remember I can defend myself," you told him.
"Is that how people say thank you now?" He rolled his eyes and you laughed lightly. You knew you shouldn't encourage him, but he did deserve it.
"Thank you."
He beamed at you, just as Wanda was walking back in. She hugged her son sideways and kissed the top of his head.
"Time for you to go to bed," she ordered and without much complaints the young man gave a kiss on the cheek of his mother and went upstairs. The witch sat down where her son had been moments ago and leaned against you, resting her head on your shoulder. You mimicked her and rested your head on top of hers, your hand finding hers to take.
"What a day," you expressed with a sigh.
"What a day," she returned to you. "But mostly a good one, I hope?"
You grinned and leaned down to give her a kiss. "A great one." You kissed her some more, lingering on the taste of her lips, on your breath mingling together, and on her body pressed against yours.
"We should also get some sleep," she ended up murmuring to you after a few minutes. For the first time since you arrived home, you finally felt the weight of the day on you.
"But what if I want to enjoy your company longer?"
She rolled her eyes but her sweet smile contradicted the faux exasperation. It made you laugh silently.
"I'll still be there tomorrow. Now come on, off to bed we go."
With that, she stood up and helped you do the same, an occasion you took to steal another few kisses before she came back to her senses and led you up the stairs. You exchanged some more kisses in front of her bedroom as discreetly as possible before you finally said your goodbyes for the night.
The next two weeks were more of the same. With Tommy and Billy always around, you barely had any time alone with Wanda. You would sneak around at night, enjoying the balcony or one or the other's bedroom to make out. It felt like you were back at the Institute where you had to be discreet with your various girlfriends to not get caught by the teachers, which felt weird to do behind the backs of the twins who had often helped you at the time - the same way you would help them sneak around. The situation was rather complicated because of that, but you made do, and if it meant being able to be with Wanda, you would take it. Even if you knew the situation was unsustainable in the long term. For now you were enjoying reading on the lounge chair for your upcoming university year. Billy was doing the same thing next to you, and Tommy was swimming in the pool so fast that you were surprised he didn't hit his head on something. More surprising, you could hear Wanda singing from the kitchen - she was cooking and refused any help despite you trying to offer it.
"Mom seems really happy lately," Billy commented offhandedly, getting his brother's attention in the process.
"Yeah," he breathed loudly as he stopped swimming, "it's kind of creepy."
Billy snorted at that and you shook your head in amusement. He put his book back and took his phone which was vibrating in his hand.
"I don't know, I like her being happy. Dad is calling, give me a second."
"Okay momma's boy. Tell him I say hi." Tommy disappeared back in the water, and you put your nose back into your book, trying not to spy on the conversation.
Quickly, Billy disappeared inside. You frowned a bit and wondered what was happening. An answer came five minutes later when he came back and sat down on the edge of the lounge chair to look at you guiltily.
"I'm sorry Y/n, my dad won't be able to take you with us. Apparently he wants us to meet his new girlfriend's kids and there won't be enough space."
"Oh," you blinked a few times, unsure of what to say right now.
"Mom says you'll talk together about what you want to do for that month." He put his hand on your shoulder. You processed the information. What were you supposed to do? All that you knew was that there was no more singing coming from the kitchen.
Later that evening, after you had all enjoyed a delicious fresh dish prepared by Wanda, you found her on the balcony. You approached her from behind and put your hands on the railing on each side of her. Delicatly, you kissed her shoulder, then her cheek, and she leaned right against you. You embraced her and swayed a few times before you settled.
"I hate when Vision springs things like this on me." Her hands settled on your arms. "It's only two days until his turn with Tommy and Billy and he couldn't bother informing me before? What if I had something already organized, a trip, or a mission? Then I would have been in a conundrum."
"I don't have to stay here you know?" You wouldn't be happy about it but you could. She turned around, a frown on her face.
"That's not what I meant, detka. I'm annoyed at his selfishness, but also… I'm happy at the idea of the both of us having alone time."
She kissed you briefly and you couldn't help a smile. You felt better upon hearing her saying she wanted you there.
"So, does that mean I'm staying?" You still asked to make sure.
"If you want to," she confirmed with a smile of her own. You caressed her cheek and placed some hair on the side of her face. The setting sun was hitting her and illuminating her features, creating a halo around her with the way her hair caught the rays on its strands, and a fire in your heart from the green of her eyes so lovingly looking at you.
"I want to," you answered with no doubt.
She jumped at you, her arms around your neck, and you spinned together before you put her down with a laugh. The upcoming month promised to be interesting.
"Are you sure you don't want us to stay?" Tommy asked with his sunglasses on his head. He had told you multiple times already that he was ready to protest his dad's decision by staying with you for the month to come, and you knew Billy would follow along with that decision. "We don't want to leave you alone."
"Yes, just enjoy your time with your dad. I'll be okay here. And I'm not alone, Wanda is here." You knew they wouldn't understand why you were unbothered by being with Wanda alone, and you somehow felt bad about it too. Keeping a secret from your best friends was hard but you knew it was better that way for now.
"Okay, but if you change your mind, we can always come back."
"Thank you, I appreciate it. Now go, your dad is waiting."
Tommy nodded and his sunglasses fell on his nose. He adjusted them, and with a side hug from him and Billy, you said your goodbyes, Wanda getting hugs from the both of them too. It was only for a month, but you knew you were going to miss them. Though for now, you had other things in mind.
"What do you want to do now?" You asked with a smirk once Vision's car was gone. Wanda put her hands on your shoulders, amused, and pushed you into the living room.
"Well, now I can do whatever I want," she seductively suggested as she kissed your jawline, going up to your ear. A shiver ran down your spine when you felt her breath. "So why don't we… take a trip?"
You tilted your head in order to be able to look at her. She smirked at first, then tried to look innocent.
"A trip where?" You asked, your curiosity piqued, but also aware that you had no money to go anywhere, and no passport. "Cause it'll have to be to the gas station."
"I was thinking more… Paris?" She suggested as she bit her lip. The idea of going on a trip with her was incredibly tempting. Waking up together, visiting museums, going to restaurants, walking at night around the city. It would be a dream come true. But once again… "I'd pay for everything."
Oh. That would… wait, no, still no passport. And you couldn't in good conscience let her pay for everything.
"I can't let you do that."
"Of course you can. You'll just have to invite me on a trip when you're accomplished with your own money." She shrugs like it was nothing, not talking about the fact you wouldn't be able to pay for anything for a few years at least. So you looked for another excuse, which presented itself.
"I don't have a passport," you said with disappointment.
"Don't worry about it, I can get one for you by tomorrow." She smiled tenderly and put her hand on your cheek while you thought about it. You kissed her palm and nodded in the end.
"Okay, let's do this."
Looked like you were going to Paris.
The same day at night, while you were watching a movie cuddled up together, you heard a knock on the door. Wanda had told you that your passport would be ready by tomorrow, but you didn't expect someone to actually show up at your door the very same night. You put your arm away from her shoulders so she could stand up, and you followed her curiously to the door. You expected a random agent or someone like that to bring it to you, but when she opened the door your eyebrows went up on your forehead.
"Nat!" Wanda exclaimed, visibly as surprised as you were. The redhead showed the passport to the both of you by holding it up in her hand. "I didn't expect you to bring it in person."
"What can I say, I wanted to meet your new girlfriend."
The both of you immediately blushed; you never really talked about relationship status, so having it qualified like that was new territory for you. You and Wanda exchanged a look and Natasha immediately caught on to it. She raised a very amused eyebrow and took a step inside the house. She held out the passport to you and you took it out of reflex.
"So you're Y/n, hm? You're less impressive than I imagined. Maybe we should train together someday."
"Please don't," Wanda said as she started to push Natasha out of the house. When she was out and the door was closed, you finally blinked yourself back to life.
"Thank you for the passport," you muttered to yourself before you turned to Wanda, confusion on your features. "What was that?"
The witch pinched her lips. "That was my best friend, who has been very bored since she retired."
There was a beat of silence while you processed all that just happened. In the end, there was only one thing that really mattered to you after all that. You grabbed Wanda's hand and brought it to your lips, looking at her above it.
"Sooo, are we girlfriends?" You asked with a small smirk but a blush on your cheeks nonetheless.
"Yes. Yes we are," she confirmed with a smile and a blush of her own. You kissed her hand and took her in your arms to kiss her lips this time.
"Sounds perfect." She kissed you again and you took the time to enjoy it. 
You went back to the movie, and then you prepared yourself for bed. You went for a short and some t-shirt before you stopped in front of the open door to Wanda's room to say goodnight. You had never taken the time to really look inside out of respect for her, but you couldn't help yourself this time. There were some crystals and books on the shelves, a guitar on the wall, a few masquerade masks above the bed, and pictures of her family here and there. She was in front of a massive but low bed with dark purple bed sheets, wearing something similar to you, with her hair flowing around her pretty face.
"I came to say good night," you said, getting her attention. She turned around and your heart skipped a beat seeing her like that. You wanted to stay with her longer, but you had a big day tomorrow of preparing and going to the airport, and you never shared a room so far. You didn't want to overstep.
"You can come in," she offered and you took it, walking one step forward inside the room. It smelled like her and you immediately felt like she was all around you, relaxing your shoulders when her eyes fell on yours. A small, timid smile graced her lips when she approached you, grabbed your shirt and gave you a chaste kiss. "Stay for the night?"
The offer took you by surprise. You never slept in the same bed before, mainly because it was too dangerous with the boys under the same roof, but also in respect to her boundaries. You also didn't want to look desperate by asking.
You nodded, mouth agape at her proposition.
"Gladly," you finally answered and she clinged onto you. You quickly let your arms fall into place around her. After what felt like an ideal forever, you both went under the covers of the bed, staying far apart at first until you decided to take her hand and bring her closer to you.
"It's been a long time since I had anyone in my bed," she confided in you. You hummed, letting her go where she needed with her train of thought. "I… I've never been with a woman. I've always known I was bi, but I never had the opportunity. I hope you're not disappointed."
"Why would I be disappointed?" You asked in confusion, and she shrugged, not daring to look you in the eyes. You gently grabbed her chin and had her look at you. "For me, you're perfect, Wanda."
The emotions in her eyes were giving them a glint, and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. You rubbed the tears away with an understanding smile, and kissed her forehead before she kissed your lips hungrily. She straddled you with no warning, igniting something in you, making you grab her hips to stabilize her against you long enough to reverse your positions. Without any thoughts, you grind your hips against her core and a moan escaped her. It immediately made you realize what you were doing and you broke the ongoing kiss.
"I'm sorry, I–"
"No, it's okay," she told you, one hand finding purchase behind your neck. "Don't stop now."
Your mouth dried, your heart rate went straight to heaven, and a fire spread inside of you like wildfire. And so you did what you were told.
Your kiss got deep and fierce, leaving your lips bruised, and you pushed against her again, feeling how warm the inside of her legs was. She moaned in your mouth, and that made you smile. You took the opportunity to kiss her jawline and her neck, feeling her pulse against your lips before you traced a line with your tongue. It made her all breathy, even more so when your teeth scraped her skin and finally settled on her pulse point where you started to mark her.
Meanwhile one of your hands moved to her stomach under her shirt, tracing up her abdomen and tracing down, going around her navel, before going up again. Then you pushed her up towards you to start taking off her shirt, an effort that didn't go ignored when she helped you take it off. Once done, you took the time to admire her; her shoulders were slender, giving way to her collarbones, then her round breast with their perky, pink nipples, and her abdomen which bore the marks of motherhood.
"Yours now," she breathed heavily, pushing you upright to take off your shirt. He hand steadied when she started to reveal your body and with it the scars of your mistreatment. They were faded and hardly visible if you didn't know what to look for from afar, so it was the first time she noticed them. With your shirt out of the way, you wanted to get back to worshiping her body, but you waited for her as she traced the lighter scars on your skin. It gave you goosebumps. But slowly you took her hand, and gave her a reassuring smile.
"It's nothing," you whispered before kissing her hungrily. The passion quickly returned and it was like there had been no interruption.
You kissed her collarbone, and quickly found your way to her right breast. Her nipple was just waiting for you, all hard and tender, and you took it in your mouth to play with it. Her moans encouraged you to slip your hand on top of her crotch. Even through her pajama shorts you were able to feel how wet she was. You massaged her through the fabric, making her back arch in search for more friction. You were quick to give it to her after your hand went under her shorts, touching her hairs and flesh, cupping her to give her more purchase against your hand. While doing this, you dipped two fingers between her folds to coat them in her wetness, playing with her entrance at the same time. You moved your thumb over her clit and formed small circles over the bundle of nerves. The answer was immediate, her hands dug into your hair and gripped them strongly. She brought you back up for a hungry kiss and you happily kissed back. Her hands moved from your hair to your back, just as you pressed two fingers inside her, and the pain of her fingernails digging into your skin was the best reward you could wish for.
"God, you're so wet," you said against her lips, not moving inside of her.
"Pl-please…" she pleaded. You hummed, a small smirk on your lips to see her all pretty like that, begging for you, her cheeks red from the pleasure. "More… please."
You gave her a kiss and started moving your fingers inside of her. Her moans were a litany, a song you could listen to for hours on end. You went faster, but still took your time, slowing down from time to time to have her plead for more only to pick up the pace again and add a finger. She finally came, gushing on your hand and you slowed down for good.
"That… that felt good," she said, still breathing hard, and there was a spark in your eyes.
"Felt? Who said it was over?"
And before she had the chance to say anything, your face was between her legs and she was moaning again.
You pleasured her multiple times, until she tapped out for good on her fifth orgasm. Your face was damp with her fluids and your fingers had wrinkled, but it felt good to pleasure her so much. Despite how tired she was after all that, she insisted on taking care of you too. She explored your body with the same reverence you did hers, and you guided her to your own orgasm.
Bone tired, you took a quick shower together before going back to bed naked and falling asleep in each other's arms.
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dem-obscure-imagines · 9 months
Let It Snow
Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Fandom: MCU
Summary: When the power goes out at the Facility, Pietro makes sure you’re keeping warm.
Note: Takes place in an “Everybody is alive and lives at the Avengers Facility” AU. Wanted to kick out one more Christmas/Winter imagine before getting into the New Year’s stuff.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1.5k
Reader Is: Gender Neutral, an Avenger.
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To be honest, you didn’t notice it at first, the slight chill in the air. You continued your work, typing away on the loud, typewriter-style keyboard on the fancy, expensive computer Bruce had built for you (with Tony’s money, of course).
And then it got…worse.
Your toes were numb and you were shivering, despite the long sleeves you were wearing.
You slid your feet into some slippers and walked out into the hallway, arms huddled around yourself as you wandered from your room, down the hall to where the thermostat was. You gave the up button a cursory press, waiting for the screen to blink to life and tell you what it was set to, but it didn’t.
Huh. Well, that was something, wasn’t it?
“(Y/N). Hello.” Vision materialized beside you, causing you to jolt in shock. “My apologies, I did not mean to startle you.”
“It’s fine, Vision. Do you know what this is all about?” You asked, shivering and motioning to the busted thermostat.
“It appears the furnace is broken. Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner are attempting repairs now, but it may take quite some time.”
“Oh. Gotcha.” You nodded, “Thanks for the info.”
“Of course. I do recommend you bundle up. It seems your body temperature is steadily decreasing.”
“Will do.” You saluted and pivoted on your heel, just in time to catch a face full of Pietro as he sped down the hall, sliding to a stop.
You ever so gracefully fell on the floor, staring up at him, disgruntled. “Nice one, Sonic.”
He chuckled, offering a hand, but you got up on your own, dusting yourself off. “What is the problem?”
“Furnace is busted.” You explained, patting his arm as you began walking away.
Pietro started walking backwards, keeping pace with you. “Where are you going?”
“To get into something warmer. Might be a while.”
One of his eyebrows quirked up. “Well, you know, I’ve heard skin to skin contact is the fastest way to warm up, if you need some help with that. I do have ‘improved homeostasis,’ as Banner puts it.”
“I’m good, thanks.” You deadpanned, shutting your door in his face. You could feel him lingering there for a moment before running back down the hall to his room, you presumed. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. Pietro was a flirt. Always had been. But things like this never worked out with people like him. Not in your experience, at least.
You changed into a cozy, zip-up onesie, feeling a lot warmer than before, especially with the hood over your head. You got back to your tying for a while. A few hours at least…until the lights went out.
“Great!” You threw your hands up, rolling away from the desk in your dark room.
In a huff, you stood up and walked to your window. It was a blizzard out there, inches and inches of snow on the ground. There was a knock on the door and whirled around to answer it. Part of you expected it to be Pietro standing there, but instead, it was Steve with a flashlight.
“Oh, hey. Is this because of the blizzard?”
“No, Tony says he snipped the wrong wire.” Steve shook his head. “Or something. Might be a while before it gets fixed.”
It was already getting late, and you were planning on going to sleep soon, but now, you weren’t so sure you should if you didn’t want to wake up a popsicle. “Okay, thanks for letting me know.”
You said, turning back to grab your phone and your water bottle to refill it before you figured out exactly what it was you should do in the meantime.
About an hour later, Pietro found you on the couch in the living room, shivering and reading a book by the light of a tiny, battery powered reading light. You were bundled up and, due to the lack of windows, you were pretty sure it was the warmest room in the facility. But as the temperature continued to drop, it didn’t seem to matter where you were.
“(Y/N), what are you doing in here?” He said, concern etched deep into his accented words. You met his eyes, wrought with worry and only offered a shaking shrug.
“I don’t want to g-go to sleep until the h-heat comes back on.”
He shook his head, crossing the room slowly for once, taking his time with each step. He sat beside you, not even bundled up beyond a hoodie and some sweatpants. For the first time in your life, you envied his powers. Carefully, giving you every opportunity to shove him off of you, he gently lifted your blanket, guided your book to the coffee table, and crawled on top of you, settling his body atop yours and sandwiching you between himself and the couch. He pulled the blanket back on top of the both of you, adjusting his head into the crook of your neck.
You were stiff at first, but at his warmth, you all but melted, eyes closing in bliss, your arms relaxing around him as you chased that feeling. His warmth. His scent, that sharp, woodsy cologne he was so infatuated with.
“Is this alright?” He asked, voice low and raspy.
You nodded, relaxing further into his hold, letting him warm you up. You pulled him closer, relishing in the feeling of your shivers slowly stopping. “Pietro…”
“I won’t say anything. The others don’t have to know.” He assured you, meeting your eyes before settling down again.
“I’m not too worried about that.” You whispered, suddenly overcome by it all. His proximity, his voice, the way his body felt melded against yours. It was right, what they said. Fitting like puzzle pieces.
“You’re not?” He asked, mischief at the edge of his tone. “Who are you and what have you done with (Y/N)?”
You scoffed. “You know, contrary to popular belief, I don’t dislike you, Pietro.”
“I don’t dislike you either.” He replied with a chuckle. “Kind of the opposite, in fact.”
Your heart picked up a quicker rhythm, cheeks flushing. You were kind of thankful the two of you were cuddled up in the dark. You hoped nightvision wasn’t one of his secret powers, or you were sure you’d never see the end of it.
“Please say something.” He murmured at the silence.
“I thought it was obvious.” He muttered, words quick, flat at the edges.
You let another moment pass, choosing your words.
“I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to—”
You touched his face with a cold hand, guiding his chin so you could attempt to look him in the eyes in the silvery rays of light streaming in the window. “I like you, too.”
He grinned, breath catching in his throat. “You mean it?”
“I have for a while.” You confessed. “Since that first training session when you bulldozed me on the track.”
“I did not bulldoze you!”
“I don’t know, I felt pretty bulldozed, laying there, flat on my back, feet knocked out from under me.”
He chuckled. “I was trying to impress you.”
“Mission accomplished.” You laughed at the way frustration crept into his words. “I could never forget about it. My very first week on the team and already, someone was out to get me.”
“Oh my God.” He rolled his eyes, the words sounding unsure on his tongue. He shook his head, gaze softening as he reached up, a careful hand brushing the hair out of your face. “Are you warmer now, drága?”
“Much.” You nodded, brushing the tip of your nose against his. “I do have another idea for warming up, though…”
He smirked. “Such as?”
“Do I have to spell it out for you?”
“Please do.”
You rolled your eyes, and looped an arm around his neck, tugging him down to you and crushing your lips to his. He hummed in agreement, calloused fingers hooking your jaw, keeping you close as his kissed you tenderly, passionately, lips soft and perfect and experienced. He was the perfect distraction from the freezing room around you.
Then, suddenly, there was a loud thrum and the power kicked back on, bathing the room in light. You squinted, the appliances in the kitchen all beeping as they came back to life.
Pietro shielded his eyes with a hand, still hovering over you. You stared up at him for a long, quiet moment, still not entirely sure it had happened until he dipped back down and pressed a long kiss to your cheek, his stubble tickling your skin.
“Now let’s get you to bed, hmm?” He asked, helping you off of the couch as the facility gradually warmed back up. The two of you walked down the hall together and you yawned.
“What were you two doing down there?” Bucky asked, standing in his doorway. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
“I was just letting (Y/N) know the heat was back on.” Pietro shrugged. “I am the quickest, you know.”
“Uh-huh. Right.” Bucky nodded, suspicious, but backing away into his room anyway.
You got to your door and stopped in the doorway, turning to look at Pietro. His hand grabbed at your waist, tugging you in for a kiss that you gladly returned. When you parted, you watched him speed down the hall, hoping that when you woke, it wouldn’t all be some sweet, winter dream.
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kjcreed · 8 months
The Jewel of Seven Stars | Chapter 3
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Warnings: profanity; illegal transportation (again); shotgun
Pronouns: they/them
Summary: The year is 1954. 9 years after the Second World War ended. Most people in the blooming city of New York should be living pretty peacefully by now. And most of them really are... Well, except for you... And your brother Tony for that matter. Your father was an archaeologist working to uncover the truth about the legend of Queen Nefret and the prophecy that has been engraved on the walls of her tomb which your father discovered with his team. The only problem is that he went missing and now it's your job to find him. But what if you unintentionally become a part of said prophecy? And what if you meet a persistent librarian and her extravagant brother along the way?
Disclaimer: This story is inspired by the 1999 film The Mummy, partly inspired by the book The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker and a little by the life of Queen Hatshepsut.
“So… do we know what the first thing we’re going after is?” You heard the voice of the younger twin beside you and when you looked towards her, you watched as she matched her step with yours as the four of you walked through the streets of the port city on the small island.
“Tony and I think it’s probably a talisman of some sort.” You shrugged your shoulders a little. “You do know about the legend of Queen Nefret, right?” You inquired as you glanced at the woman beside you again. She looked strangely enchanting with the colours of the sunset reflecting on her skin. For some reason, you felt like you never wanted to take your eyes off of her.
“Yes… yes, I do.” She nodded in confirmation and looked back up at you. She really wasn’t bad to look at at all. “Well, I think that the talisman could actually be a tyet amulet…” You continue explaining your theory as you look at Pietro and Tony walking in front of you, talking about god knows what.
“The knot of Isis?” Wanda asked and you smiled to yourself at the fact that she actually knew what you meant. When you tried to explain your theory to Tony, he looked at you as if you were crazy for thinking he knew what a tyet amulet was and why it was even relevant.
“Yeah… According to the legend, Nefret was a sorceress. It would make sense for her to use objects associated with Isis… or Aset, if we want to be culturally accurate…” You trail off and look at the girl again. She looked like she was thinking about what you were saying and you could notice the exact moment it clicked for her and you couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“Because Isis is the goddess of magic, amongst other things.” Wanda said with a proud smile and you nodded in confirmation. “Exactly.” You and Wanda looked at each other for a moment and it reminded you of the first time that you met. You got lost in your own thoughts as you looked at the girl and for Wanda, it was the same.
She felt very intrigued by you. Ever since you almost knocked her over the railing of the ship you were trespassing on. For some unknown reason, she was dying to get to know you better. She knew she was looking at you for too long now, but so were you.
She didn’t want to look away. Something about the mischief in your eyes and your unpredictable behaviour pulled her in. It was only when her brother wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a hearty laugh that she snapped out of her haze.
“Are you two nerdy nerds done nerding? Because Tony and I just found us a boat.” The blonde man said with a grin on his face, motioning to the pier you suddenly appeared to be in front of.
Both you and Wanda look away from each other to look ahead towards the sea but before you do, you think you notice something resembling a blush on the girl’s cheeks.
You notice Tony talking to an older guy who had a tobacco pipe hanging from his lips loosely. You watch them for a little while and decide to walk over to them when you see the man get irritated by what your brother is saying.
“No passengers!” You hear the man exclaim when you walk up to them. You pat your brother on his back when the man makes a shooing motion at the both of you and you drag Tony back to where you were standing with Pietro and Wanda. “What happened?” You turn to your brother with an amused smile.
“He was already heading there anyway so I asked him if he could take us with him but he basically told me to fuck off.” Tony threw his arms up in frustration making you laugh a little which earned you a punch in the arm and a glare.
“Well… You know what that means…” A mischievous grin spreads across your face and Tony shoots you a warning look. “No. No way. I’m not doing that again.” He protested, shaking his head dismissively. “What are they talking about?” Wanda asked your brother with her eyebrows furrowed. “They want to sneak onto the ship.” Tony sighed and Wanda raised her eyebrows at you for confirmation and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Oh, because that worked out so well for you the last time.” Wanda commented sarcastically as she put her hands on her hips just like when you got kicked out of the inn. You couldn’t help but find her attempt at being firm rather amusing. “We made it here, did we not?” You snark back a reply with that stupid smile on your face making Wanda scoff in return.
“I dunno… It could be fun.” Pietro shrugged his shoulders and went to stand next to you, making you nudge him with your elbow as a sign of appreciation for being on your side. Wanda, however, gave him an unamused look.
“No. We’re not doing this.” Tony stood his ground and to be honest, you couldn’t really blame him. It’s not every day that you’re being shot at while swimming for your life towards an unfamiliar island.
You also knew that you didn’t have any other option. While you were walking towards Tony and the man you noticed that his ship was the only one on your side of the port and to your luck he was already headed where you needed to go.
“And what else do you want us to do, Tony?” You cross your arms over your chest and give your brother an irritated look. “I don’t know! Wait for another ship or something?”
You shook your head at your brother’s words. “We can’t waste any more time. Did you forget that our father is missing?” The determined look on your face told Tony that there was no way he would convince you otherwise so he just sighed in defeat. “Fine.” He also knew you were kind of right, but he would never admit that to your face.
“What?!” Wanda looked at the three of you bewildered that this was actually going to be your plan. “You cannot be serious-” “Sorry, Wands. Three against one.” Pietro interrupted his sister’s protests and Wanda shot you a glare in return. You gave her a playful smile before focusing your attention on her brother who leaned towards you. “So... how are we gonna do this?”
“Woah. What was that?” Wanda gripped her brother's clothes as the wooden floor under your feet shook a little. “That means we’re off.” You say with an excited smile and look around the small storage room you managed to sneak into while the owner wasn’t around.
You waited there for about an hour before the man finally set sail and now the four of you were crammed inside what you were sure to be the smallest room on the ship. If you could even call the man’s vehicle a ship. It was something between a ship and a boat really…
“Get comfortable because this is going to take a couple of hours…” You say, the smile not leaving your face and Wanda and Tony let out small groans of dissatisfaction.
Earlier when you got to the storage room, it was pitch black in there. Luckily you managed to find two small candles and Tony always carried a lighter in his pocket. It wasn’t much, but the dim light that illuminated the room just added to the atmosphere.
The four of you sat on the ground, surrounding the only source of light you had. You used the time you had to get to know each other a little bit better. You found out that Pietro and Wanda were originally from a small country in Central Europe called Sokovia but moved to America with their parents when they were little kids. You and Tony told them about your father and his research along with a few anecdotes from your childhood.
Tony and Pietro were engaged in a conversation about Tony’s projects and how he was working to be an electronic engineer and you were just pondering about the journey ahead of you when Wanda sat a little closer to you and pulled your dad’s book out of her satchel.
“I forgot to give you this back…” She handed you the book and you looked at it before looking back up at her. “So you’re not mad at me anymore?” Your teasing smile made Wanda annoyed a little bit but she still had to hold in a giggle threatening to escape her lips.
“I am…” She replied but you could see in her eyes that she didn’t really mean it. Annoyed? Yes. But mad? Very unlikely. “But I’m not a thief.” She tilted her chin upwards a little and you were amused, to say the least. You looked at the book before pushing it slightly away from you.
“You can hold onto it if you want.” You say and give her a more sincere smile this time. She was a little taken aback by your offer but accepted it nonetheless. “Thank you.” Her voice was quieter than before and she looked away from you a small smile grazing her lips.
You noticed she had a really nice smile. The girl was very pretty overall but her smile might be your favourite feature of hers yet. You got lost in the way the light from the candle reflected in her greenish eyes and it took you a moment to reply to her. “It’s no problem. I have the whole thing pretty much memorised…” You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly. “Wow… I didn’t know you were such a nerd about dad’s stuff.” You heard the teasing voice of your brother making you groan a little.
“I’m not! I was just bored in the house sometimes…” You tried to defend yourself even though you knew your brother wasn’t really buying it. “Oh dad would’ve loved to see this.” Tony nudges you and you roll your eyes. “Shut up, Tony.” Your cheeks were starting to have a faint red tint to them and you could feel it. That’s why you tried to change the subject as quickly as you could. Wanda thought it was amusing and kind of adorable.
“Can I look at the map from the book real quick?” The fond smile that was playing on Wanda’s lips fell as soon as those words left your mouth. You notice the girl exchange a worried look with her brother and it makes you furrow your eyebrows while you look between the two of them. “What?” You quirked your eyebrow at the twins.
“Well… Uh… We…” Pietro’s stammering induced an unpleasant feeling in the pit of your stomach. “We… kinda burned it.” You and Tony looked at each other with wide eyes before you turned to the twins with unbelieving looks. “You what?!” Your voice was a couple of octaves higher than normal and you stood up from your spot on the ground.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” You couldn’t believe what you just heard. The only thing that could actually lead you to your lost father was gone. Burned to a crisp. Just like that. Sure… You somewhat remembered the locations that were marked on the map… But what if you’re wrong? And this whole thing goes to shit?
“Y/N… You need to calm down…” The voice of your brother stopped you from spiralling for a moment. “Calm down?” You snap back at your brother and Wanda and Pietro exchange worried glances. “Just sit down before-” Your brother was cut off by the sound of the door opening and a shotgun being loaded. You froze in place and slowly turned around only to be faced with the owner of the boat pointing a shotgun at your stomach. “Fuck…”
“Easy there, cowboy.” You say with your hands up as the man shoves you forward with his shotgun. “You want to get shot in head?” He said with a foreign accent, probably Spanish if you had to guess, as he raised the weapon at you.
You feel someone step on your foot making you wince and when you look to your side you see Tony giving you a pointed look. “Sorry, sorry.” You tell the man quickly and look back at him.
“I say no passengers. You not speak English?” You and your companions were huddled together with your arms raised, the man holding you at gunpoint on the deck of his ship.
“We’re really sorry, but we needed to get to Isla de Los Despiertos. We’re looking for my father and we had no other choice.” You explain. Your voice is a little shaky from nervousness since you could be shot dead any second.
The man slowly lowers his weapon and tilts his head at you. “So you not tourists?” He inquires. You and your companions exchange confused glances at the question. When you don’t reply, the man raises the shotgun again, making you become alarmed once again. “No! No, no. We’re not tourists!” You respond quickly and the man squints his eyes at the four of you, scanning you from head to toe.
You breathe out a sigh of relief when the man lowers his gun with a grumble. “I hate tourists.” Wanda and Pietro look at each other in amusement as they hear him exclaim. The man puts his gun down and crosses his arms over his chest as he looks at you again.
“Why you want to go to Isla de Los Despiertos?” He quirked an eyebrow at the four of you. It was Wanda who spoke up this time. “We are searching for an amulet… it should be somewhere in the ruins of Amfazar.” She explained, remembering the name on that little piece of the burned map. You were a little surprised by how confident her tone of voice was. You liked this side of her.
The man stared at her for a long moment before he suddenly burst out laughing. And it lasted for a while. He only stopped once he noticed that the rest of you weren’t as amused as he was. He looked back at you and his eyes widened slightly.
“Oh… You serious?”
Author's Note
Heyo! Back at it again with another chapter I hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for the likes, reblogs and positive comments on this series, dear reader! Isla de Los Despiertos is supposed to translate to Isle of The Awakened from Spanish, just to clear things up... You'll hopefully find out what that means in the next chapter :)
Thank you for reading and see you again soon!
Series Masterlist Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Pietro Maximoff x GN Reader
Request : *verbal request from my friend* Can I have a Pietroxreader where reader has a panic attack and he comforts him?
Type : Fluff, comfort
Relationship : Established dating
Summary : Pietro comforts reader having a panic attack after a bad day
Warnings : Panic attacks, self-hatred
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Today was a shitty day, you felt like everything was falling apart, like the sky was dark and the light was gone forever. Your body was giving up on you, you felt weak, and useless. Like you could never amount to anything, and everyone hated you. How could you do that to everyone, disappoint them again and again and again. Why did it have to be you, why was it always you...
Getting back to the compound from an unsuccessful mission you ignored everyone, your eyes fixed on the floor and went straight to your room. As soon as you enter your room, you sit on the floor by your bed and start sobbing. You couldn’t stop yourself, you were gone, and all the bad memories you ever had came back to your mind making you feel like the worse person ever.
Unknown to you, your boyfriend Pietro had seen that pain in your eyes and had followed you to your room. He was now knocking on your door.
“Y/N, are you okay? Can you let me in please darling.”He said worryingly behind your door.
When all he heard back were your sobs, he decided that was his queue to come in either way. He forced the door open quickly and when his eyes landed on you, sat on the floor, eyes red and clothes wet, his heart shattered at the sight. He ran to you and kneeled in front of you.
“Darling, darling please look at me what’s happening ?”You could hear the panic in his voice.
Realising how worried Pietro was for you, you felt like a burden, why couldn’t you just die in a corner and let the others be fine. You feel as if you’ve disappointed him again, being weak, crying after a simple failed mission. Suddenly breathing became harder, your eyes opened in pure panic as you could only take very short breaths. Pietro took you into his arms, holding you close to hus chest, and his heart. he closed his eyes as his arms were caressing your back softly trying to calm you down. But you were already in a bad place, at moments, you couldn’t breathe any more and you hoped you could suffocate right there, stop the pain.
“Darling, calm down, it’ll be okay darling, everything is gonna be okay”he whispered, kissing your head.
“I-I’m sorry”You managed to let out with a short breath.
“Don’t be sorry Y/N, it’s okay, I love you, everything is okay” he simply replied back placing more kisses on your head and forehead.
“B-but , I fucked it all up, I-I’m sorry” you sob. “You, you hate me don’t you” it wasn’t really a question.
“Nooo of course I don’t my love, no one hates you and you didn’t fuck up anything, nobody is to blame for the mission, it happens sometimes, it’s not your fault, okay?”He tried reassuring you again.
Your head on his chest, you now tried to focus on his heart beat.
“Okay?” He said again, lifting up your chin so you look at him.
You simply nod, not being able to talk anymore.
“You are a wonderful person and you don’t deserve any kind of pain and I’m so sorry you feel that way. I love you for who are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are not a failure or a disapointment, you’re my partner and I love you, lots of people do. I know everything feels hard and hopeless but I promise you my love, we’ll be alright.” He says softly.
He let you place your head back down on his chest, you close your eyes and count his heartbeats. You begin to calm down slowly, your breathing slows down and your sobs become soft cries.
“Thank you Pietro” You say with a broken voice.
“It’s normal darling”He answers.
“I love you”you say looking at him.
“I love you too” He whispers with loving eyes.
Slowly, you two get up and Pietro quickly fetch your pyjamas for you both to put on. You spend the rest of the night with him, cuddling in your bed, eating snacks and watching your favourite movies. Everything was gonna be okay.
A/N: Everything is gonna be okay people, take care of yourselves, you are loved.
!Reminder that english is not my first language, be kind in the comments!
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