#pjo fic snippet
jankwritten · 2 years
Nico wants to touch him, just to solidify his realness. He wants to reach out and brush the slope of Jason’s cheeks, follow the uneven hills of his eyebrows, feel the ridges in the bridge of his nose. He wants to brush his thumb under Jason’s eye where he’s got smudges of purple, like he hasn’t been sleeping well, to feel the soft swell of his skin there. He wants to ruffle the thread-golden mess of Jason’s hair, not because he thinks it would be soft (he doesn’t, in fact he’s sure Jason’s hair would feel rough and prickly under his palm), but because it’s somehow strange for a hockey player like Jason to keep his hair cut so short. Nico wants to double triple check it’s not just his imagination. 
The shaved sides with a puff of gold on top do suit Jason, but Nico’s biased - he’d still think Jason Grace was kissable even if he had a goddamn Kaner mullet.
(little snippet from chapter three of my Jasico hockey AU. the chapter is tentatively titled "The Horse from Mulan", though I'm considering changing it even though I love the exchange that that comes from)
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bikananjarrus · 5 months
my brain is melting out of my ears thinking about poseidon and sally help
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madin-writes · 13 days
It feels like the entire Camp is out here tonight. Nico lets himself go with the flow, moving with the other bodies deeper to where all the excitement is. There’s lively music blasting from speakers somewhere, clusters of children all dressed up and running around and finding different ways to let loose. Chiron, on standby off to the side, looks slightly overwhelmed. Everyone else is having the time of their lives.
Not for the first time, someone collides into Nico. He, in turn, stumbles and bumps into the person on his other side, wincing as they make contact.
“Sorry, sor—” The boy pauses, blue-green eyes blinking behind the mask. His outfit is thin and free-flowing, the sleeves rippling in the breeze like waves. “Oh, Nico, hey. Almost didn’t recognize you there. You look good.”
Warmth bursts in Nico’s chest, an echo of past feelings rekindled. It’s nothing new; he’s come to accept that Percy Jackson is always going to have some kind of effect on him. But a year ago, the compliment would’ve meant everything to Nico. A year ago, it would’ve been devastating. Now, though—
He catches a glimpse of someone off to the side. A flash of curious eyes hidden behind a mask embellished with flaming red feathers. And Nico smiles, feeling himself immediately gravitate.
Turning back to Percy, he waves a hand, already starting to pivot away. “Thanks. You look pretty good yourself, Jackson.”
Then he leaves, pushing his way through the crowd. Nico chases after the image he saw, trying to catch up to the boy from earlier. He makes it all the way to the far end of the cabin grounds, nearing the Big House, before a tap on his shoulder has him swiveling around.
“Looking for me?”
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artemx746 · 3 months
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Alabaster Torrington my favourite little bitch
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reddamselette · 2 months
1.6k words
THE BLADE traveled through each realm. Broken skin that leaked ichor of palms separating the skies, the winds, the seas, death and the afterlife coated silver. Golden drops of ink dripped through their fingers and onto the floors of their abode.
No one had known the reasons they were called. No one dared to ask for a single word wasn’t spoken. Only glances of the Unseen and the Underworld’s witches and deities were stolen. Very few thought it wasn’t possible to feel the mortal emotion of anxious fear. Yet they had. Anxious fear slipping into indestructible bones and flesh that willed to shapeshift and change. 
The uncomfortability increased as the king of the gods began to speak, his words carried by the clouds and echoed like thunder across the waves. Such as the subjects in royalty, one by one, they bowed their heads shutting the blinds of their thoughts to grant privacy. Privacy that was given as mockery for the king gazed at the horizon from his balcony on countless occasions like the skies that see and know all. “I have summoned each one of you here at my request.” He turned as the blade made its way towards the twelve thrones. The blade sliced the hands of grapes stolen, love that was forged by man, and twin chariots in orbit. Lightning rose in the atmosphere, within each syllable like a spell casted. “By the Fates, an oath will be created. An oath that will last for centuries as your presence binds you to these grounds until the end of time.”
Hearts of the divinity ceased to beat as if time rose the depths of hell and froze over. Many had the urge to call out yet none did. Their voices were stolen just as their choice of say had—a choice that was to haunt them for eternity.
The king and queen dipped the point of the blade into their skin, gold poured from their wounds like the rivers that were ruled and was given to the Sun and the Moon. Their fingers of light and darkness enveloped the handle and met in between dawn and dusk, threads of gold and silver tied their bodies and stabilized their feet to the ground.
The Moon pursed her lips, glancing at her brother in concern yet the Sun only remained forward, sparing no look. But she knew. And she understood. Eyes of the stars glowed white as the kingdoms of Olympus, the Seas, and the Underworld fell into a dark ocean of the night sky with winds as cold as ice blowing through in tides. Her voice echoed in the minds of every god and goddess present. “For millennia to come, the creation of the Divine Laws by Fate shall be known and learned, acknowledged and embedded. Listen and listen well: from this day forward, you shall be the subjects to the Moirai…and for that, interference in the lives of your children–demigod and divinity alike, is forbidden. The balance of the realms shall remain untouched until our ashes have been spread throughout chaos. Heartbreak and melancholy seen by the moon will follow if it is broken.”
Vibrant vines of green and the seeds of spring decayed, burned by a burst of heat and flames of a crashed chariot that carried the cries of a familial vow broken apart and tossed away.
By the Sun, his eyes began to glow gold in contrast. Rays of light lessened the darkness of night as colors melted into one another and sun seeped from his body to coat the kingdoms of Olympus, the Sea, and the Underworld in endless heat waves. The palm of his free hand was spread towards the sun as he spoke, his words reverberated and echoed aloud. “Bound by ichor and the cycles of the sun, forbid this oath to never be forgotten. Heed my words and my words alone, no power of three realms in reality shall break it. For if it is broken, tragedy and death seen by the sun will follow. In the name of the Moirai–”
“The oath is sealed.” The Moon dissolved the blade into her palms, one that marked many now coursed through her veins as the ungiven words of agreement were now locked with a key. The threads of gold and silver were released and outrage began.
Many were unfazed. Little was drawn of the blank expressions etched onto their shifting features and returned home. Yet so many mothers failed to move and didn’t dare to shed a tear as threatening glares were shot in the way of those heartless. And so many fathers screamed in distraught. They hadn’t known it then for the phrase had not been invented yet. But the rage of a man was nothing compared to the rage of a woman.
And like it, the gods were unable to abandon their duties.
Days passed agonizingly slow as times changed and less hours were given in the daytime. Time was nothing in the face of grief and the reflection of sadness.
As the sun was to rise in the mortal realm, Light asked in question, "What am I to do if I am no longer able to aid my children as they pray for help?" The Light dimmed as clouds covered the sun, submerging the terrain into casted shadows. He couldn't bear it. The void of warmth he worked so hard to spread among his worshippers and those he favored. Even he hadn't foreseen such a thing happening. Had they purposely hid his eyes beneath a blindfold? To take his sight away as leverage to ensure his obedience?
The Sun shook his head, offering a soft hand on the shoulder of his student and the clouds soon drifted away into blue skies. Yet the light remained dark, its heat scorched the grounds and gravel, dried the plants and threatened to set fire. "You must remain calm, Apollo. It is to prevent your presence in their lives, never to prevent your blessings."
"What does it matter? It is all the same." Apollo sighed deeply, the light brightened overwhelmingly so as the seas glimmered and the winds whistled throughout the mountains. "I envy my sister for never bearing children. But a blind man can tell she grieves just as they do. Just as I do."
Down under in a land disliked and disgusted by many to touch, the Underworld groaned, cracks splitting the grounds apart as tears of lava soaked through. Darkness seemed to have engulfed the lands, all falling silent with no nerve to move as the Underworld trembled in the wake of bound words of ichor. Ichor that burned in his veins like its fiery counterpart. Ichor he would have removed without a second thought.
However, the rage of Death calmed. Embraces of a familiar garden slipped into his skin like liquor, echoes of pomegranate and whispers of promises made late at night. Life held Death in her arms and kissed his cheek with a soft smile. “Do not despair, my love.”
“Damn it all. Damn it all for the forsaken oath only binds us. Never the others. They are too heartless to understand.” In the far distance, Cerberus whined and howled. The three-headed dog laid to rest in the garden of his mother, weeping floods for his father.
Eventually as time passed and none had left the lands where death and its cherished roamed, sleep floated through like a lullaby and the spells of a witch locked herself away, neither never to be seen again. And like an unspoken agreement between those who called it home, Life and Death locked its gates for centuries to come. Only the spirits of passing were allowed to enter with Life, allowed to leave for spring.
Somewhere in the mountains—far, far away from the kingdom known to rip free will from those above it, laid two of its deities.
Words spoken out of admiration and adoration for others, lips were laced with alcohol but the intention was there. "Your daughters must protect those who cannot protect themselves. I ask of you, aware that it is beneath me but please, your daughters must protect ours as well." The vines of grapes and leaves wilted and rotted with wine spilled on stained floors in mourning. A door closed in the heart of his soul, one connected to well-known friends he had made in the time alive. He had little to blame for he would've done the same. It was a shame Wine was unable to become as intoxicated as his followers. He had nothing left but his own sanity to give to embrace what he inflicts.
Fire met fire. Pleading flames and uncomfortable, searing hot flames like the light of the sun that shone. Flames itched for a spear, a dagger coated in the iron of his enemies, of the abusers and ill of his daughters. He could no longer travel or teach his warriors all they could know. War had never wanted to leave their lives alone like mortals because they would have eternity as he did. Yet he was forbidden to grant everlasting life. War clenched his fists, blazing eyes set on marble. "I will do what I am able to, friend. Had it been on my own terms with choice, I'd subject the lands in endless bloodshed."
Over time, writers gifted with artistic ability and those lucky enough to experience these events wrote of the oath. Legends painted in quill and ink onto coffee brown paper. None had ever gotten close to the truth.
Lost in thousands of years of mystery and text, none had ever discovered what led to the truth. It begged the question.
What harmed the balance of all mortal and divine to drive the Sun and Moon to oversee an oath and create the laws known as Fate?
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avaetin · 5 months
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I'll probably mention Maria di Angelo more in the future chapters. Just because I'm invested with the idea of Nico missing his mother a lot---
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jackwolfes · 1 year
guess who's back on their solangelo bullshit 😌
“Oh, Gods,” he says weakly. Before he realises he’s moved his fingertips are reaching for the claw marks on his husband’s face. He only notices he’s done it because Nico leans backwards, barely flinching away from his touch. Will clears his throat, squeezing his hand shut into a fist. “Sorry. Are you — what happened?” 
Nico clears his throat. “Nothing.”
“You’re lying,” Will stubbornly replies. Nico lifts an eyebrow. Will has the sudden flashing thought that this step out of line is the one that will finally lead to his ejection from the palace — but Nico only glances away.
“The palace gardens have particularly vicious pigeons,” he says dryly. Will blinks. Nico stares back at him, and Will realises all at once that his husband hadn’t been joking. 
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anticomedygarden · 6 months
it's been a while since the last full fic i posted. again.
here's two snippets from an angsty, looonggg percabeth one shot that i swear is going to be out by the end of the year
Percy pov:
From the second Chiron put Riptide in his hands, he had been a natural. The sword flowed like water as if it were an extension of his powers, just like that first lesson with Luke. This, long range weapons that weren't even archery? It felt like cement coating his hands, scarred hands meant for the battlefield he was dropped in at twelve and never left. His only hope to walk away now was to learn more violence.
Annabeth pov:
Annabeth felt her cheeks heat up. Their fight certainly was reminiscent of their teenage pre-dating years. "And what do you suggest I do about it?" Without being able to go talk to Percy, she was open to suggestions. "Well, first off, it might help to fight something with skill." That was all the warning she got before Clarisse charged her, forcing her onto the defensive. Bringing her own weapon up to protect herself, she suddenly regretted her choice of the heavy broadsword. It wasn't anywhere near her usual weapon; it was awkward in her hands, scarred hands that were meant for a bronze dagger from an old friend, and not good for close quarters with an intimate enemy that knew her well. Despite that, Clarisse was right. It was difficult to think of anything else when she was actually being challenged.
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bluemoose86 · 2 years
Piper x Annabeth Snippet
Pairing: Piper McLean/Annabeth Chase
Summary: A fic based off of velinxi’s Young Gods AU. Annabeth meets Nico when Percy and Jason bring him to Olympus for the first time.
I was really inspired by velinxi’s Young Gods/Hades AU when it was coming out. It still has her old designs for Nico and Annabeth, but I’ll change them if I decide to finish this. Also, some things about the characters and their relationships might not fit with the “canon” of the AU since this was written before the zine was released. Check out @velinxi‘s account, and the specific drawing that I referenced in this fic can be found here
Warnings: slight angst? it’s very light, secret(ish) relationship, hurt/comfort? also very light on the hurt, lmk if there’s more
Word Count: 1,929
DISCLAIMER: This is an unfinished fic. I may continue it in the future if the urge hits me, but as of now, I have no plans to do that. Anything written in brackets [like this] is not part of the story itself, but necessary context.
✨Read Below!✨
[Annabeth’s POV. She’s walking and feels a strange, chilling aura when she walks by the garden where this fic starts. She stops and hears Percy and Jason along with an unfamiliar third voice, so she decides to investigate. She finds Percy and Jason in the garden with Nico, who is visiting Olympus for the first time.]
With a start, Annabeth realized the strange presence she had felt belonged to the small boy between them, who was gazing at his surroundings with wide, dark eyes. He was a head shorter than both Jason and Perseus, and his bone-white skin hugged his gaunt frame until it bled into ink from the middle of his calves down to his bare feet. A blood-red cape draped over his left shoulder, pinned to his black chiton by a skull, and a wreath of red and gold laurel leaves adorned his curly black hair—a symbol of godhood, though the aura of death and power emanating from him had told Annabeth that much. “Perseus? Jason?” she called across the courtyard.
All three heads jerked up to look at her. The small boy turned, and Annabeth caught sight of a jagged sword hanging from a chain at his hip: black as the depths of Tartarus and glowing an eerie purple. Just as the boy sucked the life from the grass where he stood, his blade sucked the light from the surrounding air. It was unlike any weapon Annabeth had seen before, and it did little to calm her nerves. 
The boy tilted his head. “Percy?” he asked. “Who is that?”
A familiar laugh lilted through the courtyard before Perseus could answer, and Annabeth’s heart fluttered at the sound. “Don’t you know, little godling?”
Piper’s heady rose perfume enveloped them both as she looped an arm around Annabeth’s waist, drawing her closer until her back pressed against Piper’s front. “Her name is Annabeth!” Piper proclaimed. “Favored daughter of Athena! Warrior-architect of Olympus!” She jabbed a finger at the trio. “And she has never known defeat!”
Annabeth gripped the beak of her mask and tugged it lower on her face. “Gods damn it, Piper,” she muttered through clenched teeth. Her cheeks burned—partly from the grandiose introduction, but mainly because Piper’s hand on her thigh was dangerously close to … well, all of Piper was dangerously close to her. It was best to leave it at that.
From the corner of her eye, Annabeth saw Jason’s face light up. “Pipes!”
Piper lifted her hand from Annabeth’s thigh to wave, mercifully allowing her to breathe again. “Hi, Jason! Hello, Percy!” Piper called. “Who’s your friend?”
The boy raised his hand, a shy half-smile on his lips. “Hello, I’m—“
Perseus slung an arm around the boy’s shoulders and squashed him in a hug, cutting him off. “This is Nico!” Perseus answered as Nico flailed against him. “Me and Jason brought him to visit Olympus for the day.”
Annabeth frowned. Nico was clearly the son of a god—and one who had attained godhood in his own right, it seemed—so he should be living on Olympus just like the rest of them. If that wasn’t the case, where was he from?
Piper didn’t seem bothered by this as she disentangled herself from Annabeth to greet Nico properly, since he had finally managed to free himself from Perseus’s grip. Annabeth’s breath caught in her throat as Piper stepped into the sun. She was always gorgeous, but looking at her now, Annabeth swore she was even more beautiful than her mother (though she knew Lady Aphrodite would curse her if she ever dared to say that out loud). Her russet, reddish-brown skin practically glowed next to Nico’s ghostly pale complexion, and the rose pin in her chestnut hair perfectly complemented her light pink chiton. Her embellished bronze arm cuffs and vambraces glinted when she raised her arms. “Nice to meet you, Nico!” she exclaimed, grasping his hand. The heart-shaped curls at the ends of her hair—a trait she had inherited from her mother—seemed even springier than usual.
Nico shook her hand gingerly. “Nice to meet you too,” he said in a voice as small as his stature. “Piper, right? Percy and Jason told me a lot about you.”
“Likewise,” Piper said, and the sour taste returned to Annabeth’s mouth. If Piper knew about him, why hadn’t she said anything?
She didn’t have time to dwell on it before Piper grabbed her arm and dragged her closer to the group, ignoring her hushed protests. “And as I said before,” Piper continued, “the antisocial one here is Annabeth. She’s practically a genius, but we’re still working on her manners.”
Annabeth threw a glare at her, getting a playful grin in return. She still couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in her stomach, but she didn’t have much choice now except to try to be friendly. “I apologize, Nico,” she said, extending her hand. “Your visit caught me by surprise. I hope you’re enjoying Olympus so far.”
Nico’s smile was much more confident as he shook Annabeth’s hand. Despite his icy touch and pallid appearance, his dark eyes were surprisingly lively, bright with the curious innocence of a small child. “I am,” he replied eagerly. “It’s beautiful here. I’ve never seen buildings quite so grand.”
Piper chuckled. “You have our resident architect to thank for that,” she said, slipping her arm out of Annabeth’s to set her hand on her waist—thankfully much higher than it had been before. “Annabeth here designed many parts of Olympus, including this very garden.”
“Hey, I didn’t know that!” Perseus exclaimed, whirling around with an apple in his hand. The branch he had plucked it from snapped back into place, scattering leaves into his messy black hair.
“Come on, how could you not know?” Jason asked. “Annabeth modeled it after Lady Aphrodite herself. She walked around Olympus raving about it for about a month.”
“It’s true,” Piper told Nico. “Mom still likes to tell me how impressed she is by Annabeth’s generous gift.”
Piper winked at her, and Annabeth hoped her mask would cover the blush spreading across her face. Back when they’d only been friends, Annabeth had complained to Piper about not having inspiration, and Piper had replied that she should design something after her. She’d been joking, but Annabeth had taken the idea and ran with it. Unfortunately, Lady Aphrodite had been the first to stumble on the completed garden, and she immediately assumed it was an homage to her. Annabeth felt too guilty and valued her life too much to tell her the truth.
Perseus shrugged. “Guess I just forgot.” He opened his mouth to take a bite of the apple, but a sudden gust blew it into Jason’s outstretched hand instead. “Hey!” 
“You snooze, you lose!” Jason crowed, grinning as he held the apple aloft in one hand and pushed Perseus away with the other.
“I wasn’t snoozing, you ass! I was just about to eat it!” Perseus lunged again, but Jason dodged out of the way.
“Then go get another one.”
“You get another one!”
“Why would I do that when I already have this one?”
“Because that one is mine!”
Nico turned to watch them, laughing, but he winced as soon as he faced the back of the garden. He shielded his eyes with his hand even though the sun was hidden behind the clouds.
Annabeth frowned. “Are you all right?”
Nico’s shy smile was back, tinged with embarrassment. “Yes, sorry. I’m not quite used to how bright it is yet. We don’t get a lot of sunlight where I live.”
Jason scoffed, popping up from his scuffle with Perseus. “That’s an understatement.”
Even Piper seemed intrigued now. “What does that mean?” 
Jason frowned, dodging out of the way as Perseus pounced again. “We didn’t tell you?” he asked. “Nico’s lived in the Underworld most of his life. He’s Lord Hades’s son.”
[Bit of a skip here. Annabeth and Piper process this news. Annabeth isn’t sure whether Nico is trustworthy since he’s from the Underworld, and it’s well known that Lord Hades isn’t exactly a fan of Olympus. Eventually, Percy proposes a sparring match between him and Annabeth so they can show off their skills to Nico. Annabeth is hesitant about it until Piper says it’s a good idea; then she agrees because she’s a simp.]
Annabeth strode towards the arena with Piper at her side. The other three lagged behind, laughing and talking about whatever detail Perseus and Jason pointed out to Nico. She would have much preferred for them to be in front so she could keep Nico in her sights, but she also knew that if those three set the pace, the Titans would reawaken before they reached their destination.
Piper poked her arm. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked.
“You’re making that face.”
“What face?”
“The ‘I'm-thinking-too-much-again’ face.”
“I’m not making a face, Piper.”
[Small skip again.]
“Piper, when was the last time anyone from Olympus visited the Underworld? Besides Lord Hermes,” she added when Piper opened her mouth. “And until now, when was the last time someone from the Underworld visited Olympus?”
[Percy, Jason, and Nico are busy looking at something, so they’ve stopped walking for now.]
“Why didn’t you tell me about him?” Annabeth asked. She tried to keep her voice from sounding too accusatory, but an edge still slipped past her lips and into her words. 
Piper didn’t seem bothered by it. “Now you just sound jealous,” she teased, a mischievous grin on her lips. “Worried Percy and Jason have replaced you as my favorite?”
Annabeth tried to stay serious even as a hot blush spread across her face. “Piper,” she warned. “Please.” It wasn’t like she was obligated to tell Annabeth everything, but to keep something like this … it stung more than she would like to admit.
Piper’s perfect lips creased into a frown, her ever-changing eyes shifting from hazel to olive green. “All right, all right. Sorry.” She glanced back at where the three boys had stopped, as if checking to see if they were watching, but Annabeth knew they would be too engrossed by their own antics to pay the two of them any attention. “Look, I didn’t know he was Lord Hades’s son,” she continued. “All Percy and Jason told me was that they had found another god who had been born a demigod like us, and they wanted to bring him to visit Olympus. I knew you would be skeptical, so I was going to tell you the day before Nico was supposed to be here. Then, of course, they brought him early.”
Annabeth crossed her arms. “Why wait so long?”
“Because you would have worried, Annabeth. If I’d told you when I first found out, it’s all you would have thought about until he finally got here. Then you probably would have broken his arm as soon as he tried to give you a handshake.” She said the last part with a slight smile, but her eyes were still filled with concern. “I didn’t want to put you through that.”
“That’s not your decision to make, Piper.”
“I know.” Piper gazed into Annabeth’s eyes, grabbing both of her hands and twining their fingers together. “And I’m sorry.”
Annabeth studied her. The earnestness in Piper’s eyes helped ease the barb of pain in her chest, and she knew that Piper only had her best interests at heart. “I know. And I’m sorry, too. For making you think you had to keep this from me. Just ... tell me next time, okay? Please. And I’ll try not to worry as much.”
Piper beamed. “Deal.” She bit her lip shyly, her eyes glowing dusky pink in the light. “Can I kiss you?”
Annabeth’s heart jumped to her throat. She glanced back at the boys, who were still staring at some statue down the hall. In fact, they’d probably forgotten she and Piper were even there. With a small eye roll (though she was grateful for their obliviousness in this particular instance), she nodded to Piper, who pressed their lips together. It was little more than a peck, but it still left Annabeth’s head swimming.
Piper’s cheeks were flushed, and her smile seemed even brighter now. “You’re beautiful,” she murmured, tucking a stray hair behind Annabeth’s ear.
Annabeth was sure her face had to be the same color as Piper’s chiton. “Trying to flatter me into forgiving you?”
“Seems like it’s working,” Piper said with a laugh.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! I really want to finish this at some point, and if I ever do I’ll update it here and post it to AO3 (hopefully). 
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reinedeslys-central · 2 months
my writing directory
I know, I know, it's very audacious of me to create a writing directory when I'm not one of those stellar writers with a gazillion fics. But! I figured this is a much better way to keep track of any writing posts I make here. That way (since my tumblr fics aren't in linear scene-by-scene progression atm) anyone can just see the other parts of the fic in one spot, and I get to have one spot to know exactly what I've posted!!
scroll past the ** for writing directory.
Fandoms I will prob write for at some point or another:
PJO / Riordanverse
Stranger Things
KOTLC (maybe idk)
Love O2O/A Smile Is Beautiful
no i don't do rpf but I could be persuaded to do a cinematic universe fic
Fics currently on the go:
could die without you knowing, though - stranger things, platonic stobin dealing with tommy hagan dying (friendship weirdness), future fic (I'm talking like, they're full-on senior citizens), chrissy and eddie are alive. Tumblr & AO3
small mercies (your hands in my hair) - cisswap wangxian and gang are graduating highschool and it's their last summer in the same city. fireworks and love confessions and family feels. AO3
the currently unnamed obligatory three-days-in-the-infirmary fic - nico-centric, kinda character study, solangelo figuring things out post-BOO, kinda canon non-compliant bc idk the timeline between BOO and the other books, angst, grief, found family, softness. Tumblr only atm (the scenes are NOT in order of chronology lol)
like snakes in the grass - projected to be a JYL-centric time travel fix-it so massive I still haven't finished plotting it out lol. My OG huge fic I wanted to write. Will try posting little scenes. 'wind, peace, power;' on AO3 is supposed to be my practice run at the prologue. I will be rewriting that tho it's not my best work.
oh, haven't you heard? - a MDZS ficlet series starring gossip and rumours that are describing different canon divergences. ex. 1: oh, haven't you heard? NHS ran away to be with his lover in the burial mounds? no, you're crazy. Clearly the YLLZ abducted him. Not posted yet.
Snake In The Garden - meng yao character study.
Fics that are FINISHED:
my ao3 which has some stuff on it if anyone wants to see that
Every scene for the same fic will be listed in the order it's written/posted. If I end up finishing a story I'll reformat and dump the whole thing in plot-order on ao3. Cheers!
PJO / Riordanverse:
the as-of-yet unnamed obligatory three-days-in-the-infirmary fic: scene 0 - prologue-ish scene 1 - the library of social awkwardness or here (or in my heart, 'kidney function is a privilege, not a right') scene 2 - sleeping easy (also a current contender for epilogue or halfway mark in the story)
assorted scenes: good days and bad days (solangelo) too much (grover and percy and insecurities)
Stranger Things:
could die without you knowing though part 0 - summary first chapter (robin gets the dreaded phone call)
Anyway, have a nice day y'all. <3
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grandpuppyalpaca · 2 months
I Want To Actually Write Some Fics
So, I'm finally moving to a dorm away from "home" in a few months, and I want to take the opportunity to finally start writing some of the fanfics that have been calibrating in the back of my mind.
Warnings in advance:
I will only be writing fanfic, not original works.
I have never shared or published fics before (Unless you count reading the occasional snippet in Creating Writing Club).
As of right now, I have no beta(s).
Don't know my college schedule/workload yet, so no ideas about how often I could post/update at the moment.
I likely won't be able to post anything until I have access to a computer at the college (presumably in August, sorry about that), because the closest thing I have to an unmonitored/unrestricted device at "home" is my outdated Kindle Fire tablet (where the secondary browser I downloaded to hide reading fics sometimes likes to crash every few minutes).
If you've read past all of that and are still interested in my possible future writings, here are the possible options for what I could actually post:
Azure Fingerprints: Title of a possible series based off of this idea (batman and megamind crossover). > (Time travelers have realized that Bruce Wayne will always, without exception, base his crimefighting persona on the first thing... – @grandpuppyalpaca on Tumblr)
Featuring (so far): a delayed start to "Batman's" career, SuperBat friendship, Bruce's poor social skills, the not-yet-"Batcave" getting turned into a babyproofed nursery, and lots of fluff and crack and FEELINGS. Not sure if other parts of the series would be other longfics in that world, or just little snippets of stuff.
2. Anna Elizabeth Wayne (Actual Title TBD): My take on an Annabeth is Bruce Wayne's daughter fic.
Featuring (so far): Show!Annabeth (Leah Jeffries is phenomenal), Reverse Batkids AU (with a twist or so), an Athena characterization based on Circe by Madeline Miller, GoodDad!Bruce, multiverse stuff (only a little at the moment), Siblings Bonding Over Weird Childhoods, and So Much ANGST. This one is reallllly complicated, so it might be a series just so I can include one of those "explanation of the writer's AU" pages. Not as much of a plot as it is ANGST, small ideas for individual scenes, and general vibes right now.
3. The Adventures Of Lulu And Hatchling: probably the title of first fic (probably backstory stuff) in what would likely be a series. Crossover between ACOTAR universe and PJO/HOO (I am NOT ACTUALLY merging the two worlds). Basic background is that Annabeth's mortal family are the descendants of an illegitimate child from a kept mistress of Tamlin's father, and Annabeth is the first person to have powers from their bloodline. Baby Annabeth gets sent to grow up with Tamlin (Watsonian reasons would be explained in-story), but Lucien unofficially becomes her main caretaker. She spends seven years in the Spring court (pre-Amarantha even coming to Prythian), then is returned home in time for all PJO relevant events to occur. This would NOT be a Complete Re-Write Of PJO Canon.
Featuring (so far): Multiverse stuff, Annabeth w/fae powers, Book!Annabeth description so she can look like Tamlin (Leah Jeffries is still phenomenal, fight me), Lucien's gradually increasing blood pressure, Found Family Fluff, Lucien being a good father/uncle/older brother figure, Tamlin not being a complete alphahole in the beginning, Eventual Tamlin Bashing anyway, Ianthe Bashing (once she joins the story).
Definite intentions for later parts of the story: Powerful!Annabeth High Lady!Annabeth, Consort!Percy (he refuses to become High Lord, especially when he can just vibe and technically hold the official title of Least Politically Important Person At This Meeting), Tamlin's manor getting abandoned and Annabeth employing people to help build a new one that she designs, Inter-Court Meetings between all the courts becoming a Regular Thing (bc I want to put all the little dudes in a jar, shake them up, and study the results under a microscope), Inter-Court politics, gradually undermining the patriarchy, Inter-Court friendships, Beron taking psychic damage from the sheer audacity of---, Everyone Bonding Over Hating Beron, Positive Social Change, and Me Adding My Own Additional Lore To The World Of Prythian.
Optional fun fact! The base story could take multiple paths after TTC, so it would be the most likely fic to eventually make me write one or more AUs of itself, so here's later random details of the story that may or may not be added depending on which timeline I write: Tamlin dies, Tamlin gets locked up in his own house and told that Annabeth is willing to talk to him once he's "being more rational". Beron has a brain aneurysm in the middle of an Inter-Court Meeting and dies, Percy and Annabeth somehow creating a plan to get away with sending Beron off for the Hunters and Amazons to hunt him for sport, Amarantha kills Tamlin and is shortly killed by Annabeth before ACOTAR would have happened, Rhysand and Annabeth become Very Fast Friends and make fun of people together, and Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) becomes Annabeth's spymaster bc that would just have so much comedic potential, fight me (she's honest about that being her job [if not explaining the details of how she does it] and she's just so open and friendly and polite that it has to be a hoax, right? there's no way she's actually in charge of collecting real intelligence. she has a network of squirrels who pass info to her across the entire continent? oh right, because of the tail, very funny. some of us are actually taking this seriously, Tarquin).
4. Lightning Rod, Grounding Wire: Approximate title for a crossover AU where Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius) and Hunter (The Owl House) end up swapping places right before Barry would have gotten Agatha (exact explanations undecided, maybe Belos let the Collector get too bored?) and about the same time Hunter was created (with Hunter being a couple years older than her biologically). Longfic? Series? Who knows, not me(yet).
In the Boiling Isles: Agatha is initially raised by Belos in something a bit similar to the get in loser we're assassinating the emperor - elliptical - The Owl House (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] AU, but it's Agatha (Spark, Heterodyne, etc.) so she gets on the wrong side of the empire way quicker. I'm thinking that she wouldn't make it more than a couple years after her breakthrough (w/o Uncle Barry to build her locket) before she starts spouting Extremely Logical Treason in meetings. Mostly, Canon occurs but minus Hunter (I'm going off the theory that Belos had to reuse the same galderstone for each grimwalker, so in this he's permanently down one(1) clone child soldier) and with way more explosions.
Meanwhile, over in Europa: Barry quickly deduces that this Very Small Child isn't Bill and Lucrezia's, is definitely some kind of construct, and is likely part of some kind of plot by Lucrezia (the man's stressed, and 2ish out of 3 ain't bad). Barry's not the kind of spark who'll try to vivisect or euthanize the kid just to stop Lucrezia, so his best bet is hiding him away from the world. Hunter grows up considering himself a construct, in time gets left with the "Clays", and lives a somewhat less stressful life than Agatha would have pre-canon. Everything goes passably well for him until the first events of "The Beetleburg Clank".
Featuring (so far): The rapidly increasing blood pressure of Every Adult in this situation, young Agatha being a feral gremlin, Hunter actually having a childhood, if Eda had a a nickel for every time a semi-feral teenage girl built an interdimensional portal in her back yard she'd have two nickels, SO MANY mistaken identity shenanigans after Agatha and Hunter actually meet, eventual Huntlow and Agatha/Gil/Tarvek OT3, and Eda menacing All The Sparks.
Now that I'm thinking about it, the only one of these that wouldn't need an explanation page is number one.
I do have more ideas on all four of these (as well as other vague ideas still calibrating), but this post is pretty long so I'd need a request from someone before I give more info.
Please comment/reblog/@ me with your thoughts!
For future reference, my Ao3 account is:
Update: Okay guys, I tried to edit one of the words in the title of the poll and it wouldn't let me do that so I just remade the poll but forgot to set the length to one week. If you're still interested in voting, there's another poll pinned on my blog, or you can just comment what you're interested. Even after the polls end, I will be officially taking thoughts/questions/feedback up until August.
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madin-writes · 5 months
Nico kicks at the water as he approaches, feeling the smooth glide of droplets rolling off his bare feet, a waterfall cascading down his ankles. The tide comes up to kiss the shore, then recedes. He’s hardly ever been this close to the sea and finds himself oddly captivated by the way sunlight reflects blue-green off the waves. But in a way, it’s familiar. Maybe because he’s known Percy for years now, so long that the water has become a source of comfort by extension of their friendship.
It’s a weekday during school hours and, looking around, Nico doesn’t see anyone else at the beach. The emptiness makes the place feel bigger, the coastline seemingly never-ending as it wraps around the borders of the water bank and disappears somewhere beyond the horizon. With his arms spread out, Nico closes his eyes and breathes in, the air fresh and tasting of saltwater.
Summer is finally here.
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findafight · 1 year
Nebs' Stranger Things Fic Masterlist
I'm finally making a masterlist for my fics/headcanons! hazzah! with brief descriptions) Compiling this I have realized I have written a LOT of stuff?? holy doodles. tumblr fics under the readmore (eventually I'll put them on ao3)
My Writing tag: Finda writes stuff
Ao3 Fics
Robin and Steve's Epic Platonic Soulmate Mixtape WIP. Robin and Steve become friends just after s1, friendship shenanigans as wells as Upside Down s2 (so far) ensues. RaSEPSM tag
Tennessee Ham and Strawberry Jam Complete. Sue Sinclair and Claudia Henderson childhood best friends + Goodbye Earl fic. Standalone but in same series/universe as RaSEPSM
You Don't Fool Me Complete. Steddie, Steve thinks they're dating, Eddie is a bit confused.
Visions of the Things to Be Complete Steddie. Eddie loves M*A*S*H. turns out, Steve also loves it. Eddie's a bit pissed about that.
Starfish on the Beach WIP platonic stobin, steddie. Steve dies instead of Eddie s5 fic, based on my own post
Tumblr Fics
Steddie Focused fics
Stobjargyle and Corroded Coffin au (tag)
Steve's mixtape of government banned songs
Demiro Steve
Addams!Steve (I will def continue this one of these days)
Rockstar Eddie and ~homosexual~ rumours
Human Steve and Spn Human Steve (tags)
Miraculous Au (tag)
Eddie Tweets AU (tag, only one post but will have more)
Baby Eddies checklist to get steve to fall in love with him
BNF Steve ramble
Stobin Focused Fics
Studio Era stobin lavender marraige au (lavender's blue au tag )
Upsidedown death Timetravel au (eventually will continue)
demiromantic steve
QPR stobin in their 40's
Best Hugs
Swimmer Steve au (tag) (possibly stonathan? idk yet tho)
Pjo au (tag)
Post Starcourt haha
Venom!Stobin (tag)
Steve is Seven au
Stobin post order66 au original post (that I'll eventually expand) Dustin realizes Robin and Steve are jedi. Stobin help train Dustin and Eddie is here now
Telepathic Stobin concept
Soulmate Words au snippet
Dream team Steve au prologue p1 (Steve is drafted to the NBA fic with qpr lavender marriage stobin
Misc posts
Steve dragging everyone's taste
Gay Jonathan Byers
Big Brother Steve (tag) original post
He picked up the bat
unrequited Byler p1 (part 2 eventually)
Erica Sinclair post StarCourt
Afterschool care steve
One sided ronance (for Nancy)
Steve doesn't want to be his mum
Bad timeline no Upside Down stancy
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universe-xlll · 3 months
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Here, have a snippet of my PJO fic "Born from sea and land", something that does not have much spoilers other than Triton and Percy bonding, because all the rest of the chapter talks about the big event that will happen so... I don't know when I'll finish it but just know that I'm working on it.
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peariandpine · 1 year
Intro Post!
Hi everyone! Along with being active on Twitter, I'm going to try to keep up w Tumblr! I'm Emma/Pearlandpine, 22, she/her, and writer for FNaF + multifandom - COMMISSIONS -
My commissions are OPEN! I would love to work with you with writing for your favorite fandom or original work!
You probably know me from "His Empire of Dirt" on ao3! Read my FNaF Time Travel fix-it here (Heed Content/Trigger warnings in ao3 Description)
Michael Afton falls in a ball pit while trying to put his father down for good. When the hell did he wake up in the the 1950s and become William Afton's imaginary friend?
Michael Afton accidentally travels back in time and tries to stop his father from becoming the man behind the slaughter.
"The Depravity of What You Did" is my FNaF Role Swap Au! Though the main fic is complete, there is a series of one shots to serve as follow ups, as well as a sequel to be written late 2023/early 2024!
Henry Emily has lost what he loves most. William Afton never thought he would be the hero because of it.
Henry is the killer of FNAF and William must stop him (reluctantly, and really, more fueled by spite than anything).
And my current long project! "The Infinite Sky", a Security Breach fic following Vanessa and Gregory begrudgingly working with an accidentally resurrected William Afton to defeat Glitchtrap. This is ongoing and will take a long while to finish! (Heed CW/TW in ao3 description)
Vanessa and Gregory determine the only way to fight fire is with fire, damned who gets burned in the carnage.
Vanessa and Gregory accidentally revive William Afton in an attempt to stop Glitchtrap for good.
I am a part of other fandoms like Succession, GoT/HoTD, PJO/HoO, Doctor Who, MHA, and many others! I've posted for Succession and will be writing more soon :) I'll be posting snippets and links here of my fics!
Additionally! I have a YA Fantasy series, "The Gods' Descendants", which I am currently trying to get published! I'd love questions about it if you have them, and will likely be posting snippets from it along the way :)
I'm very active on Twitter and will be remaining on that site until they physically restrain me, so follow me there @pearIandpine esp if you're a moot! On Tumblr, I'll be posting writing, and hopefully one day, art (once I improve!)
If you make fanart/fanfics of my works 1) AGH tysm!! 2) Tag it under the title so I can see it, and tag me as well! I love love everything y'all make <3 Thank you for reading :) See ya!
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art by the lovely @final-boy of my current fic "The Infinite Sky"
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11queensupreme11 · 5 months
i just wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for making such a god damn AMAZING guilty pleasure fic like arsenic blues bc i keep coming back reread it over and over again. it's TOO good. criminally good some may say.
and like i know it's like FAAAAAAAR far af in the fic's future but will the pjo gods ever meet their counterparts ??? i know u mentioned that one very specific god will possibly follow percy over for hoo iirc ???? but as an apollogist i just wanna see the dumpster fire that'll happen between the "hey dude" vs "marry me right now" sun gods if they ever meet 🤭🤭🤭
THANK YOU!!! honestly, this fic is a huge guilty pleasure for me too lmaooo 😭😭 taboo fiction always gets me hyped cuz i love the mind-fuckery of it all
as for the other part, that's wrong sorry! i never said that one god is following her into hoo, i said that one of the yanderes finds out EVERYTHING about her past and everyone else (including the yandere) will get to watch snippets of her hoo adventure
i dont have any of the finer details planned, so i dont have much of an idea for pjo and ror interactions yet unfortunately 💀💀💀
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