#and just how percy will be remembered as POSEIDONS son but not sally’s. and that made me feel ill so
bikananjarrus · 8 months
my brain is melting out of my ears thinking about poseidon and sally help
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modawg · 6 months
percy is the personification of
“im not a violent dog, i don’t know why i bite”
AND ITS SO SADDDDD :( like stop
especially when you see ppl idolising him for that trait
like rachel who thinks it’s so cool that he’s a demigod and gets to fight monsters and go on crazy adventures
or nico who saw him as this all knowing brave hero who could do no wrong and would fight to save the day
when in the end he didn’t want to fight and he’s been surrounded by violence his whole life and taught how to hold and try to control his anger and violence just to be used as a weapon and seen as one by the gods and many ppl around him who just see him at the super strong crazy guns blazing guy
when FROM THE JUMP all he’s wanted was to literally just go to school have friends and live with his mom in nyc :| like that’s so sad
like do y’all remember in son when he punched a random shelf bc he was so frustrated with his memories ?? to me that is percy without his anger management techniques
could you imagine if he had lived with poseidon and grown up in that environment instead of sally’s ?? how different of a person would he be
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all-too-unwell-13 · 8 months
thoughts on episode 7 because yes :))
- i love that they kept crusty's but the whole scene felt so rushed (i still liked it tho, esp the 'dude! don't make me come back out there' from annabeth lmao)
- ALSO ^ i don't remember crusty being a son of poseidon in the books- like i was so confused lmao (i reread the first book like the week before the show came out)
- ANNABETH NOTICING GROVER SCRATCHING AT HIS HORNS AND GIVING HIM SMTH TO LIKE SQUEEZE AT INSTEAD WAS SO CUTE. (and a good way to like "introduce" the ball that's used to distract ceberus!?!?!)
- the underworld looked SO COOL but nothing like i imagined it??? same with hades' palace (and just hades tbh)^ like why was it upside down 😭😭
- ceberus was so cool (???) but such a jumpscare when it like jumped up at the wall
- i've said it b4 but i'm so not ready for ep 8 with luke's betrayal, like THE SHOES DRAGGING GROVER TO TARTURUS?? i've read the books sm times but i was still on edge lmao
- why was hades' palace upside down😭😭
- i loved his scenes, but i'm disappointed with hades (kind of??) because he doesn't look like hades at all (or at least not how i imagined him, imo) and he's too nice (for the rest of the plot with how he treated nico, etc.)
- young percy scenes omg 😭
- yes that's all i'm going to say ^
- i kinda shocked (and sad lmao) when sally yelled/got mad at percy, like book percy stated multiple times (i think) that sally never/hardly ever got mad or yelled at him
- poseidon talking to sally in the cafe ?!?!?!?!? eas not expecting that
ANYWAYS there's my lil rant, i loved the episode and i cant wait for ep 8 omg🤞🤞
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wastingawayinmyroom · 4 months
He almost cleaved the poor boy in two. The whole situation reminded him of the time he disturbed an older boy in the Lotus Casino, one who was so focused on his video game that, in surprise, hit Nico with the controller. He had thought Bianca would be mad at him, but the only one she lashed out at was that teenager.
He felt a pang of sadness at the thought of her. Not now, he thought. Not right after Will.
"Gods, Harley," he said, pulling him into a hug and ruffling his hair affectionately. "Don't sneak up on me like that. You'll end up like one of the practice dummies in the arena."
Harley giggled. Nico couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed like that.
"Why aren't you smiling?" He asked. Nico realized he'd been staring off into the distance like he was waiting for someone. "Didn't feel like it."
It was Harley's turn to make a face. "You can't not feel like smiling. That's not possible." He squirmed out of Nico's arms. "Something happened, right? So tell me."
His brain went through a thousand responses, from denial to avoiding the question to shadow traveling to Italy to start a new life. "It's..."
William Andrew Solace broke up with him. The person he went to literal Tartarus with, the one who knew all his secrets, the one... the one.
His one and only.
His mouth settled on an answer. "It's complicated."
An hour later, after skirting the topic of blonde hair and freckles and sun-kissed skin, he was at the door to Sally Jackson's apartment.
"Oh, Nico!" She said when the door opened. "I haven't seen you in so long! Come in!"
He smiled, just so she wouldn’t he worried. “Thanks, ma'am. Is Percy around? I just wanted to talk.”
Her face brightened even more at the mention of her son. “He’s out running some errands, but he should be back in a couple minutes. In the meantime, how about you try…”
He felt bad for zoning out, but he couldn’t focus the moment he saw the framed pictures of Percy on the table. There was one on his graduation day, one with a car (Paul’s Prius, he assumed), and one with the two of them. Percy and Nico.
Percy would never think of him the way Nico thought of Percy. To Percy, Nico was just a little brother, someone to look out for and eat ice cream with.
To Nico? There weren’t words to describe it. He didn’t need words, anyway, since it was completely hopeless.
Besides, he’d only been without Will for a month and a half. Maybe this was just him longing for someone to hold, someone to know, or maybe just someone.
The door flew open, the sounds of laughter and conversation filling the apartment.
“Nico!” Percy said, uneven smile on his face. “Dude, I haven’t seen you in forever! What’s up?”
He smiled, for real this time. “Nothing much. You?”
Three hours after that, after some talking and crying and wondering where things went wrong, they were at the beach. Specifically, the one at Camp Half-Blood.
He'd never really been a fan of beaches, since he couldn't swim, and sitting by the water wasn't any fun. He'd rather teach a bunch of little kids sword fighting than sit still for more than a couple minutes. But Percy promised that he'd show Nico some new surfing moves, and when Percy asked something, Nico could never say no.
So there he was, sitting under an umbrella on a checkered blanket, watching the son of Poseidon ride the waves like it was nobody's business.
Percy was only wearing blue swim trunks and his necklace. Nico couldn't even recall a time where Percy hadn't been wearing some sort of blue, no matter how small. Nico also couldn't explain why he loved it so much.
It was the little things about Percy that made Nico so fond of him. The Camp Half-Blood necklace, the obsession with all things blue, that uneven, troublemaker’s smile… gods, what was he thinking? Loving Perseus Jackson was a mistake. He’d already learned that, hadn’t he?
“Nico? Are you ok?”
He turned to find himself staring right at Percy’s abs.
“Yeah.” He could feel his face getting hot. Gods, he was such an idiot. Especially when it came to Jackson.
Percy chuckled. “You’ve literally been in the shade this entire time, and you’ve still got a sunburn.”
Nico touched his face. A sunburn? “Must be all that time in the Underworld.”
Percy laughed, and Nico committed the sound to memory. “Seriously, man, you need to wear sunscreen. You look like a tomato.”
“Hey!” Nico flicked his arm playfully, and they both collapsed into a pile of giggles.
Six years later, they were in New Rome, walking and talking and reminiscing in some garden Nico couldn’t remember the name of.
Six years after Percy saw Nico’s blush and thought it was a sunburn, he proposed to Nico.
And a year after that, the same story was told at the wedding.
@neo-kid-funk ITS DONE!!!!!!!!
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aryxchse · 5 months
First of all... 🎉SO SO GLAD TO HAVE MY DELIGHT BACK!~ -I literally missed you🥺-
There has been lots of things I wanted hear your take on about. So I am pulling up my 'gotta share with my Delight' folder. And the first one I remembered is about when I was watching one of my obsession cartoon. There was this swimming competition scene and gUeSs WhO dId I tHoUgHt AbOuT?🤗🤭
-uh i know it's impossible to guess😒-
PERCY JACKSON -fangirl screams as if she is getting murdered🫠-
Headcannons or Blurb doesn't matter. Reader supporting him. Telling him to slow down or catch back up to help confused son of Posiedon.
Like that scene in Incredibles. Confused Percy trying to understand whether he should slow down because he is way to good or catch back up because he slowed down to much. Reader being supportive jumping and cheering while trying to hold her laughs because of how confused he is.
And then Percy comes out winning -duh-. Looking perfect after being in his element -🧎🏻‍♀️-
And ADORABLE celebration. Hugging, twirling fluffy stuff.
P.S.: Sorry I was keep getting lost at imagining it didn't know how to put into the words. I hope I am making sense. Very excited for your take on this one!
winner takes it all. / percy jackson x female! reader.
a / n : oh my gods hi, im back 🤭
warnings : cursing and let me know if there's another
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you were more excited than your boyfriend.
it was percy's one of important swimming competitions, and you were obviously there to watch it. you didn't had any doubts on your boyfriend winning, and it should be boring for you to watch him win his every single game at this point, but you can't help it. it makes you feel like a normal teenager again, watching your normal -totally not the son of poseidon- boyfriend doing his best to win his match.
before the game starts, you find him to have some chit-chat. little motivations that you're sure he doesn't need but loves it anyway. but then, you hear two guys speaking. you're not the type to eavesdrop on someone unless you're on some quest, but this was different. because even the first sentence made your blood boil.
"that jackson thinks he's some type of god," one of the boys scoffed. "there wasn't anyone professional enough to beat him, that's why. watch me carefully, because im gonna beat him so bad that he'll walk with shame." and two of them started laughing like they're some type of cartoon villians.
you leaved the changing room angrily but quietly, trying to find percy. he was on the bench with sally and paul, laughing about something estelle said. you smiled, seeing him so sure about himself made you calm.
"hey," you said, approaching to them. as percy's attention focused on you, sally and paul let you talk in private, giving their attention to poseidon. yes, he was here. he comes watching every match of percy's.
percy smile got wider. "hi sweetheart, i was wondering where you were." he said. "where were you, really?"
you shrugged, hugging him. "looking for you." you explained, not fully a lie but not the truth either. "so, what are your plans for today's match?"
percy paused to think for a second. "what do you say? im winning all the time, should i lose? oohh, that would make a huge scandal!" he said excitedly, smiling. you mirrored his expression, getting serious the next moment.
"no, you have to win this one."
your serious expression and even more serious tone made percy serious too. his smile dissapeared and he made a focused face, like he's talking to his coach, not his girlfriend. and you like that he take this seriously.
"why?" he asked, even though he was already ready to do what you say.
"because your rivals are shitty persons who thinks you're not good enough, just your previous opponents were bad." you explained. "i.. kinda heard them while i was looking for you in the change room."
percy gave you his famous smirk. "yeah? i'm becoming a bad influence for you, really. usually im the one who does the mischief."
you hit his arm playfully, but laughing. "hey! my intentions weren't bad, i was really looking for you. and im glad i heard them!"
percy laughed along with you. "so, what's the plan ma'am? should i go with the easy win, or?"
"the hard win." you smirked, pulling him close to you so that you could tell the plan.
as the game start, you cheered for percy, even though he wasn't going to hear you.
the plan was simple, he was going to give that fucker what he wanted until the last moment, that's why poseidon cursed when he saw percy got behind him.
"like he can't win!" he yelled, holding his head. sally put a hand on his shoulder to calm him, and it worked instantly.
the guy was about to win when percy suddenly speed up, passing him with no effort. the guy was so confused that he had to stop in the middle of the swimming, already losing his balance.
you screamed happily when percy got out of the water, and they announced that he was the winner. poseidon sighed, smiling and cheering for his son as well.
you went down to hug him, not caring if he or the floor was wet. sally and the others were behind you, following right after.
"percy!" you called, jumping his arms. you could already see the other boy walking to the eliminated place with full of shame, and you smirked with pleasure.
"did i do good?" he asked you, spinning you around with the medal on his neck. he took off the bonnet, shaking his head and making his hair fall to his face. it was a sight to watch, really.
"you did amazing!" you kissed his forehead, still in his arms. poseidon immediatly hugged him, or technically hugged you both, and cheered for his son. "that's my boy!"
percy had to put you down eventually to hug his family, but never once he took his eyes off of you.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Re afro-dominican book!Percy and how foul and fake the fandom is with it because i can never shut the fuck up(as i shouldn't),y'all not only don't write him as a black man but y'all don't even write him as PERCY JACKSON which is what makes him work as afro-dominican to begin with
Can he call Sally Mamí?Can her and Paul be black love since he's giving dorky black sitcom dad and dosen't have an in-text race either?Can we keep Laura as her mom's name like we were originally given since it's a normal name for a latina?Can Percy be short for Perseo?Can he be transfem bigender and a black femme?Can he have black hairstyles?Baby dreads in TLT,wicks in TTC,twists in TLO,afro for most of SON as he dosen't remember what styles he likes but dreads by the finale,adding beads in MOA and long locs by the time he's 19?Can he be monoracial instead of a cringe ass instagram lightskin and work as commentary on black and latino stereotypes i.e being poor with a deadbeat birth dad and a physically abusive stepdad and how it's not the fault of black people our intergenerational trauma has been used against us by colonizers who literally made it worse for us historically?Can he overcome them by being literal royalty on his BLACK-greek's dad side and the best greco-roman hero ever in-universe?
Can part of Sally's love for the sea come from being dominican?Can she have passed that down to her Tesoro Perseo not JUST because of Poseidon but also as afro-carribean raising?Can Percy be crustpunk,afropunk,seapunk AND solarpunk because the sea does not like to be restrained?Can she be autistic with no masking game and that's another big reason she's an outcast even amongst other demigods and why her mortal world childhood was even worse than their's?Can she know how to diy things that don't even exist and play video games only on seconshands/emulators/phones for anti-capitalist principal and go to thrift stores and drink energy drinks but only the blue flavors and have a preference for the tropical ones and do deep dive research on punk culture?Can she love female rappers and punk rock and Lo-Fi beats and hipop?Can he be trilingual?Can he be a skincare and haircare king?Can he have blue durags and blue bonnets and blue hair beads?
Can y'all let the 'slutty bisexual' allegations go seeing as he's obviously demisexual?Can his type not be blondes but black women,which not only has an in-universe basis thanks to canon Percabeth and Leah Jeffries combo but is also mythological accurate as names have powers in Pjo and Percy's namesake was married to Andromeda,the princess of ETHOPIA?Can Percy and Leah be black solidarity even just platonically?Can they bond and be close and not have poor Leah be forced into 'black hair means boy and blonde hair means girl' syndrome,especially because book!Annabeth explicitly hates being blonde and y'all fake clowned her for it only to make actual darkhaired Annabeth blonde so you're automatically faker than she is cause at least she meant that shit and the universe granted her wish?Can Rachel be nigerian yoruba and them black anarchist besties at Goode High as Rachel teaches him how to do protests and takes him to charity events and they graffiti public property together and them be in love and dating for a bit and being even closer post breakup with no regrets to past Perachel?Can Thalia and Jason be black/white mixed with Jason a natural dirty blonde browneyed lightskin and Thalia darkskin with almost all of Zeus' looks as per canon so Jercy can be black mlm so it's ruined for horndog nonblack freaks and we can get even alt black rep?
Can Nico be black too to defy the 'black girl always has white siblings' trope and disregard him being described as 'a scrawny white boy' by Hazel since y'all disregard everythin' about Percy like seeing Nico as a little kid-HIS little kid even-to make him sexually harrass him over getting over him because your younger siblings don't love you and you creep minors in fandoms out?Can Nico,Hazel and Percy be a black siblings trio?Can he basically be their dad and Sally legally be their guardian because Hades is a fucking abusive freak?Can Hazel be explored on since she's got infinitely more going for her than any background characters y'all obssess over and Nico be recognized as the precious traumatized lil boy he is instead of just an edgecase,BOTH of which Percy sees them as canonically?????Can he have a backbone against the gods as he does,again,CANONICALLY,instead of pathetically emulating them like Luke and take direct action and fix the system himself?
Can he love latino memes and legos and Pokemon?Can he dunk on Hp fans for being geeks instead of freaks?Can he own dominican flag merch?Can he call Nico and Hazel 'Papito and Mamita'?In DC aus,can he be Duke Thomas' Super instead of being forced into Tim Drake's core cast or worse yet adopted by Batbags?And in Marvel aus,can he be a Spiderpunk Variant since like how he's not Batkid-coded but Kryptonian human hybrid-coded,he's not Peter Parker-coded but Hobie Brown-coded?Can be he brutal and unrestrained and tough yet salty sweet and gentle?IT IS 2024,ENOUGH WITH THE RESPECTABILITY POLITICS IN FUCKING PJO HCS OF ALL PLACES,I DON'T PERCY TO BE PALPABLE,I WANT HIM TO BE A NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!
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forasecondtherewedwon · 8 months
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but for the grace of gods
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Pairing: Sally/Poseidon Rating: G Word Count: 829
Summary: At the border between life and death, Poseidon holds Sally in the River Styx.
She isn’t sure whether she’s falling asleep or waking up, but it feels like a dream. Her unconscious mind is a revolving door. It’s impossible to say how long it’s been, only that she thinks her eyes are closed. Once the thought enters her head—my eyes are closed—she starts to wonder if it’s true, starts trying to sense what her eyelids are doing, starts waking up or falling asleep.
Her eyes open. It’s dark (well, it was night… somewhere). She’s soaked (it was raining… wherever that was…). She’s alone (she told someone to run…). Until she’s not.
He doesn’t speak, but she can feel him and has the same amount of trust in that feeling as she has in her eyes gauging the dark, her skin the wet, her heart the solitude. The water flows around her, soft like her name, Sally. Abruptly, she has a sense of being supported from below, as if kept afloat on someone else’s body. The water becomes arms to encircle hers, fingers to slip between hers as invisible hands take hold. Hold fast.
Is the sound of her own voice real?
“Sally,” Poseidon soothes, “you are beyond him. He is beyond you.”
The first might be true; she gasps, kicking her legs as they come to life, instinctively reacting to the Minotaur who’s no longer crushing her. She isn’t where she was. There’s no river in the clearing by the camp’s border. Sally flails and begins to absorb details of the landscape past the river that simultaneously rushes and keeps her still. Black rock—grim, volcanic. Cliff faces that soar out of site. And the people. The only hopeful thing about them is that none are Percy. They can’t be. Not him; not here.
Because she has a feeling she knows where here is, this place Poseidon says puts her and Percy beyond each other. She doesn’t believe that’s true. Yes, there are things only the gods understand, but her relationship to her son is wholly her domain.
Her tears merge into the flow. She can hear Percy praying to her.
I hope you can hear me.
Sweetheart, I can.
She knows it’s a one-way call, that Percy won’t get any sign that she’s listening. She pictures him at camp. She can’t make the river rise up the shore or send raindrops that make thick music in the woods or heat the water when he washes his hands for dinner (at least 20 seconds, Percy, please). When she was there, she would’ve done anything for him, and she can only trust that he’s remembering that now that she’s here. It’s from here, away from the mortal world, that her son’s father used to respond to her own offerings and prayers. She recalls the day, the restaurant, the counter she was sitting at when he stepped into her world and didn’t speak to Percy. Percy who was struggling, Percy who felt so unwanted that day. She and Poseidon have existed, have loved, in opposite ways.
I’m gonna make him see me, her son is swearing to her. I’m gonna make him see us both.
And she wishes it were simpler, that she could tell him how the father who missed every birthday is also the lover who cradles her in the River Styx. There is so much ahead of Percy that she can’t imagine. Herself, for example; she can’t imagine whether or not she’s there, ahead of him, not beyond him like Poseidon claims.
“I’m worried,” she says.
She says, “I’m tired.”
Rocking in the current, she says, “I won’t stay here, will I?”
“No,” Poseidon confirms. “You’ll pass into Hades’ realm. Right now, you’re suspended at the border between life and death.”
“Fortunately, that border is water. You aren’t his yet.”
Not Hades’, not Percy’s. Between life and death, sleep and consciousness. Since she’s neither trailing after Charon nor waiting in line for Club Underworld, it’s Sally’s understanding that the Minotaur didn’t succeed. She’s just taking death for a test-drive. She’d love to steer this one back to the dealership and say, No thanks, lob the keys back across the salesman’s desk.
“Percy’s going to come,” she says on instinct.
But she’s afraid for him, and the water of the Styx runs cold.
“Who wouldn’t come for you?” Poseidon asks tenderly, because he did, he found her here in the deepest, darkest water.
Despite her fear, his touch is a cool cloth to her forehead, suddenly fevered. Her entire body is warming in defiance of the frigid river. It doesn’t feel forced when her knee bends and her arm reaches out, her body reshaping itself to the last posture it held in life. She is slowly remade in gold. Her jacket tugs towards the riverbed, her hair pulls at her scalp, and Poseidon stays with her. Water goes from slicking her skin to shining her gilded hands. My eyes are open, she thinks, her vision a gleam against the dark.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 9 months
PJO TV SHOW (and book) SPOILERS beneath cut!!!!!
What follows is simply a bunch of my nonsensical responses to the first 2 episodes in no particular order; I really cannot explain that any other way I’m afraid
“Whose side are you on?” “Hers, always. She’s my little sister” JUST RIP OUT MY HEART WHY DON’T YOU
Mythomagic. Mythomagic. Mythomagic.
Sally saying not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero and not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster - THE FORESHADOWING??? THE REFERENCE TO BOOKS THAT ARENT EVEN BEING ADAPTED YET IM LOSING MY MIND - Also, the justice for Medusa in this was absolutely gorgeous and so well done because it didn’t black and white anyone as just a hero or just a villain but very well highlighted the woven and layered morality of a very complex web of stories, personally I’m mostly a Medusa defender but give me a good quality, well written Perseus retelling and you could probably convince me otherwise I think the point of many of these stories is that there is never a true victor and nothing is ever as easy to understand as a hero and a monster. I’m getting distracted now but hey let’s keep going, I really love Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes, which very strongly labels Perseus as the monster and Medusa as the victim, but I also think there is an argument that Danaë’s plight was diminished/overlooked in it and I would be open to hearing opposing views on that. Since I’m in this tangent I should add I don’t study classics I am just a fan, so I’m not the expert and would generally expect others to know more than me so get it out there I’m eager to learn. Anyway, Percy Jackson (sorry for the tangent)
Percy saying he thinks he’s made real friends I WANT TO CRY
They softened Gabe up quite a bit, or at least I thought they did maybe you guys think otherwise, but I wonder how his death will come across in this case(????)
I actually really like that they had Annabeth clock who Percy’s father was and push him into the water instead of it being Clarisse shoving him into the creek and stumbling upon it by accident, because it really heightened that idea of her being six steps ahead
I think the conflict between Grover and Percy was interesting and I’m intrigued as to how easily it’s resolved with the quest coming up, and on that point am I right that Sally making Grover swear to protect Percy was a new addition? Because I’m guessing that if the conflict between them is still heightened then that’s going to be the logical reason Grover uses to get into the quest, but also they made a big deal out of that and I kept expecting her to request he swear it on the Styx but she didn’t, I wonder if it was meant to be implied (?) or maybe I’m just reading into it
There was less Annabeth screen time than I was expecting but every second she was on screen was PERFECTION
The casting could literally l not have been better I love them all omg
I was kind of surprised they didn’t confirm Percy’s dyslexia and ADHD in the first episode and instead had Luke mention it because I always thought that Percy had already been diagnosed long beforw he call to camp but maybe I misremembered that (?)
THE D’ANGELO REFERENCE YES - like I know it wasn’t about them but it has to be intentional right?
The blink and you miss it Kane Chronicles reference amused me I haven’t actually read all of the Kane Chronicles yet but I really should
I’m guessing that mechanical monster Percy saw out the window was reference to the bulls in book three sorry I can’t remember what they’re called, and with that the doodles in his notebook YES!!! I noticed a cyclops, Medusa, the minatour, and what I think might have been the hydra but I haven’t rewatched yet so stay tuned for possible correction on that lol
I love camp so much! The cabins are incredible and the interior of the Hermes is so much nicer than I imagined whilst still maintaining a kind of overcrowded atmosphere, I love it.
“You are Poseidon’s son” “I am Sally Jackson’s son” y’all don’t understand I almost screamed oh my good lord yes yes yes yes yes
Also, sassy Percy
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demigods-posts · 1 year
Reasons why Son of Poseidon from The Lightning Thief musical is an amazing song:
1.) “What belongs to the sea can always return.” I don’t remember if this was an actual quote from the book, but it is a damn good one. Percy having the seashell from the very beginning and using it to return to the ocean later on is so cool. It’s almost like Poseidon knew they’d have to face Ares. Also, Poseidon giving Percy a seashell in the musical has the same energy as Poseidon giving Percy a sand dollar in the books lol 
2.) “And I know right now things are less than fine, but I think my dad may have thrown me a line.” The water-related puns are very Poseidon-coded, which it makes sense being that Percy is his son.
3.) “And better late than never to finally get a sign!” And then the call back to ‘Their Sign’ from earlier in the musical!
4.) “Who wins if the gods go to war? Ares, the god of war.” I remember being taken aback by this plot twist when I read it for the first time, and it hits just as hard in the musical. I think some people in the fandom forget that Percy Jackson has always been incredibly observant, emotionally intuitive, and intelligent, and moments like this remind us of that.
5.) “Well, he’ll have to get through me! We’ll take him down. We work well in three.” “Plus, a half-goat with a great goatee. Let’s do this!” I love how even when Percy is being a bit reckless and impulsive, his friends still got his back. Also, I’m just now realizing that ‘goatee’ was a pun lol
6.) “You’re the two best friends this screw-up ever had.” And then Percy returning the sentiment by labeling them his best friends is all I really need. I love this trio!
7.) “You may be a god, but you’re going down all the same!” Leave it to Percy to disrespect a god to their face when he knows the god doesn’t deserve it. Sally raised him right.
8.) “Your meat is minced. I’m here to mince it.” And then having Ares sing about an action already taking place before he performs the action just like Clarisse did in ‘Put You in Your Place’ is an interesting way to shine a light on how similar children of Ares can be to their godly parent. 
9.) “You think the god of war is afraid of a little water?!” “How do you feel about a lot of it?” Percy coming up with witty comebacks that will either make the situation worse or turn the tide in his favor is so in alignment with his character, and I love the writers' attention to that detail. 
10.) “I’m the son of Poseidon. I never asked to be, but I’m the son of Poseidon. Now, face the tide inside me!” I feel like this song, particularly, this moment, is a callback to his first line in the musical/books: Look, I didn’t want to be a half-blood. Percy has come to terms with what his life is, and is starting to accept it. We love to see character growth. 
If it isn’t abundantly clear already, I love this song. I love that the trio has clearly grown from constantly fighting in ‘Lost’ to having each other's back in this song. I love the Ares-Clarisse similarities. I love Ares’ singing voice. I love the Sally and Hades cameo. I love it all.  
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Rate Sally/Paul, Sally/Poseidon and/or Sally/Paul/Poseidon from 1-10 and explain why!! Or just choose one if that's preferable. ~Hermes
LOL, yet another fantastic ask, Hermes. 😂
Okay, here goes! I will attempt to work within the parameters you set, so you can have rankable data, but I don't personally tend to think of the ships I like in terms of rankings, and I like all these ships a lot, lol.
Sally/Paul - I briefly touched on this one in my answer to your ask about ships I like that other people don't, so I'll try and expand a little. As a woman in my thirties, I've really, really, really come to appreciate the value of having a romantic partner in your life who is just like...really chill with things, lol. And if I, with my slightly-unusual-in-parts-but-mostly-very-ordinary life, can appreciate that, how much more might Sally? 😂 Poor woman has not had anything easy. If I were in her shoes, I probably would have despaired of ever finding a man who could love me (and my teenage demigod son, lol) in the steady, accepting way Paul seems to. He's just a good guy, and after Gabe (ew) and Poseidon (complicated), she deserves a good guy. 💙 (9/10, this makes me feel so warm and fuzzy)
Sally/Poseidon - There is a fantastic song called 'Dream in Blue,' by The Stray Birds, that literally always makes me think of Posally, because it is sad and beautiful and longing and so tender. I may be the only one who has ever thought of them when listening to that song, lol, but it does a great job of describing how I feel about this ship! There is just so much complexity and depth to their relationship, and it makes me think more than (almost) any other PJO ship. As you know, lol, since you love the fic that I've done so much of that thinking in! What is love, especially when it is real, and mutual, between a God and a mortal? Something both permanent and very hard to pin down, I think, and something heartbreaking. (7/10, only because sometimes the feelings are too heavy for me)
Sally/Paul/Poseidon - Okay, so I know that this started out as a crack ship in MANY people's minds (maybe yours, I can't remember?), but I unironically ADORE it. 😂 Why should Sally have to choose between her uncomplicated, adoring puppy of a mortal husband, and all the depth and power of her adoring (ex?) immortal lover? I live for the image of both of them doting on her, maybe starting out slightly competitively, wondering what Sally sees in the other, before they slowly begin to see each other the way she does. I have an incredible mental image of Percy walking in on Paul and Poseidon making out in the kitchen while his mom sits at the table with a crossword puzzle or something, and him shrieking and about passing out on the linoleum. 😂 I honestly think it is the best combination of adult beings in Percy's life, so the potential for soft parenting moments and hilarious parenting mishaps is HIGH. (10/10, duh)
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reythenerdypisces · 6 months
things that I overlooked in PJO the first time / small, funny things I noticed during my reread
Part 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth
it's been way way way too long, I'm sorry, but I'm back with part 4 and part 5 will be uploaded by Monday!!
Whenever I thought about her [Rachel] (and I'm not saying I thought about her; she just like crossed my mind from time to time, okay?), ... this is after meeting her once!
She bared her fangs. I was so paralysed I couldn't move but Rachel through a snare drum at the empousa's head. Rachel is a beast with inanimate objects
We'd [Percy & Annabeth] fought together so many times we knew each other's moves. We could do this, easy.
Annabeth's hand slipped into mine. Under different circumstances I would've been embarrassed, but here in the dark I was glad to know where she was. It was about the only thing I was sure of. CUTEST
"I wouldn't have paid any attention except... well, it was Luke." She [Juniper] blushed a little greener. Grover huffed. "Forget what I said about good taste."
I stepped away from Annabeth. "We were just looking at maps," I said stupidly. Malcolm stared at me. "Okay."
"Percy, the spider's getting away. Do you really want me to explain the exact details of how I was born?" "Umm...no. That's okay."
Annabeth glared at me like she was going to punch me. Then she did something that surprised me even more. [...] I probably would've sat there for the rest of the day, staring at the lava and trying to remember what my name was, but the sea demons jarred me back to reality.
"They sent you to me, my brave one, knowing that you would break my heart." "But... I'm just... I mean, I'm just me." Percy has everyone in love with him and he still asks 'me?'
For the rest of my life I would always be thinking about her [Calypso]. She would always be my biggest what if. must be weird now that she's back and with Leo
"He was probably the bravest friend I've ever had. He..." Then she saw me. Her face went blood red. "He's right there!" then cut to: "You are the single most annoying person I have ever met!" And she stormed out of the room. I stared at the doorway. I felt like hitting something. "So much for being the bravest friend she's ever had."
Without waiting for us to protest, he picked up Annabeth and me as easily as if we were kittens, slung us both on his back, and galloped off towards the Big House. picturing this is hilarious
I left him in his wheelchair, staring sadly into the fireplace. I wondered how many times he'd sat here, waiting for heroes that never came back. ouch
Annabeth laughed. It was the first time, I'd heard her laugh in a long time. It was nice to hear.
The number had washed off my hand a long time ago, but that was ok. Without meaning to, I'd memorised it. he memorised Rachel's number!
How could this be a temple for my dad? My dad was a nice guy. He'd never asked me for a Father's Day card much less somebody's skull.
Ethan sneered. "There's no right side. The gods never cared about us. Why shouldn't I-" "Sign up with an army that makes you fight to death for entertainment?" Annabeth said. "Gee, I wonder." I love annabeth so so much
"Ow!" He yelled. For a moment it was only Luke's voice, full of surprise and pain. :(
Paul scratched his beard. "I don't know if it's permission, so much, but she's your mother. And I know you're going through a lot. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't talk to you about it first, man to man." [...] I thought about Paul and my mom, how she smiled and laughed more whenever he was around, and how Paul had gone out of his way to get me into high school. I found myself saying, "I think that's a great idea, Paul. Go for it." Sally and Paul are so wholesome
"And you Percy, are my favourite son." He [Poseidon] smiled, and at that moment, just being with him in the kitchen with him was the best birthday present I ever got.
the last olympian is left! on Monday, I promise :) let me know if you want the series to continue into heroes of Olympus, I'm really enjoying my reread
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I haven’t posted for a while (whoopsies) so here’s some au!Percy fanart and lore!!!
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Percy and his mother lived in a small underwater village up until the day that he was 12. Once he reached that age, Poseidon had noticed how dangerous he’d become for the people around him (as he was a nymph siren), after seeing this, he took him away from his mother onto a small island in the middle of the ocean
Percy was obviously not happy about this at all, but there was nothing he could do about it. The island was mostly inhabited by nymphs. It took a while for them to warm up to Percy, but alas, it happened!! Everything was nice and peaceful on the island! Hurray! That was until Jason appeared!!!
Jason, usually known as “Prince Grace” is a runaway prince, searching for ingredients to complete his “project.” (This project is the same thing that made him lose his memories a while after meeting Percy!!!) However, meeting Prince Grace, let alone befriending him, was not something you’d want to do!!
(To continue more of Percy’s backstory when he FIRST met “Prince Grace” I’d have to get into Jason’s backstory. Which is gonna take a REAALLLL long time so timeskip!!)
Percy was either enraged or ecstatic once he heard Jason had landed on his island again after his sudden disappearance. Probably a mix of both.
Jason and Leo stayed there for a few days, as they were told by a witch they met, Hazel, that for a healing spell, specifically having to do with Jason’s memories, she’d need a special ingredient; siren’s tears! Which caused them to go investigating for a place where people had disappeared the most (which just so happened to be Percy’s island! Wuh oh!) They met, they talked, and they befriended him. But Percy always seemed…strange. He knew information that neither Jason nor Leo seemed to recall telling him, and neither of them remembered telling them their names..
(Blah, blah, insert something Leo did that would make Percy mad that I haven’t come up with yet!!!)
Percy hunts Jason and Leo down until they finally came into a clearing, right in front of the large statue built into the mountain of Poseidon. (Epic fight scenes!! Woohoo!) Percy is close to winning, but just before he totally ENDS Jason, wuh oh! Crushed by a rock! (So THATS what Leo was doing!) Jason and Leo finally meet down in front of Percy, and Jason has to decide if he’s going to collect Percy’s tears and leave him there, or, if he’s going to sacrifice their life for his. (Spoiler alert, it’s the former.) They collect Percy’s tears in the jar and sail back to the land where they met Hazel. (They’re both traumatized now! Hurrayyy!)
Percy, eventually escaping from the rock, had to fight as more Sirens came to “claim” his island for their own, since he would be weaker now and therefore it would be harder to get “food” (people.) Percy has to fight to survive for a LONG time (I haven’t gotten the timeline figured completely out but soon..) Maybe about a year or so.
(BACK to Leo and Jason (+the newly Acquired rest of the crew!! (Piper, Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank!!)))
The 6 land on a small island, running away from the authorities (they do that a lot) and a kind woman takes them in. The kind woman just so happens to be Sally Jackson!! Sally shelters the 6 for the night and before they leave in the next morning, Sally asks one thing from them.
To find her son, Perseus/Percy Jackson. Leo, of course, recognizes the name almost immediately, however, Jason doesn’t (forgetfulness arc coming back wuh oh!). At this point, Leo believes that they had killed Percy, after all, how many people survive after having a giant rock fall on them?
They go back to Percy’s island (regretfully) and find Percy (who’s EXTREMELY close to death now.) Basically, a summed up version is that they give Percy water to heal him, hoping he won’t kill then immediately once his strength replenishes.
Now for this part, I haven’t decided if they 1. Kidnap him (forcefully) because Percy refuses to go, or 2. They’re able to explain the situation and how his mother wants to see him again, and Percy agrees! (They just keep getting caught up in things and end up never making it back) choices, choices!!
That’s about it for how Percy comes to the Argo II!! He DOES have more lore, however, that comes after that!
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Y'know, I've seen a bunch of fanarts and also a couple of fics where Poseidon from Epic the musical gets isekaied into the Percy Jackson show and the god just kinda adopts Percy and now there's just 2 poseidons running around the world, which are Great and very funny, but a concept I haven't seen is Book Percy getting isekaied into the show.
Like, fully grown, college age, fought and won 2 wars, could and Would fold Zeus like a lawn chair with zero hesitation, Book!Percy getting sent into the world of the show and getting to meet this weird, alternate reality where things and people are like he remembers them being but just slightly to the left: Grover is more confident in himself, this weird toddler version of himself with blonde hair keeps butting heads with Annabeth because of their beliefs and not because of who their parents are, and then just Luke, Good God Luke. Percy would have a mental breakdown over the differences between his Luke and the show!Luke alone.
Just, veteran book!Percy, who just really wants a break from the bullshit, getting thrown into the beggining of the camp, seeing everything begin to unfold and having the same nervous breakdown we are all having by watching the show of "Oh my god they are all babies"
Like. I think it'd be neat for a crackfic. You could get around the "But he knows how things are going to end!" by the fact that no he doesn't, he knows how they happened on his side, but on his side he didn't have any guidance, on his side Luke wasn't kind, on his side Sally Jackson didn't attempt to fight the Minotaur like a matador. Percy can make an educated guess about how things will unfold, but he can't be sure, the best he can do is help train and then protect the little toddler versions of himself and his loved ones that they are sending on a quest. Due to timing he is aware that it would be extremely fucking sus if there were suddenly Two sons of poseidon just cassually walking around, so after a quick talk with Chiron and Mr.D to catch them up (Not to ask permission, just to give them a heads up) if anyone asks he's just a weird minor ocean god gone rogue who wants to be a good, reasonable older brother
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dandelion-blues · 7 months
Bittersweet Blood
What if Loki was Sally Jackson? Thus, Percy is born a half-blood of two gods from differing patheons. It's time Loki and Percy took the Marvel Universe by storm.
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Chapter 2, Part 3: The Sea Protects
To say that Triton and Amphitrite were shocked would be an understatement.
The first new god was due to be born in a millenia, and their death was set when they were only 16!
Triton seems to disassociate, thinking about his own daughter Pallas. She was born a naiad and was almost secured in her divinity, when Zeus distracted his daughter during a sparring match and Athena killed her, her spear piercing through Pallas’ chest, just because Pallas was winning.
He saw his daughter's pained youthful face looking towards her friend her lover Athena, her golden hair soaked with blood, the pearls in her hair cascading to the sea floor, and then her breaths stilled and she fell limp. Pallas’ face fell towards Triton, and her once beautiful sparkling blue eyes were dead. There was no longer any light in her eyes.
Triton screamed in anguish and fury. The oceans raged like never before when the prince of the peaceful seas grew violent. He was held back by his mother from doing anything rash, but still Athena, his daughter a goddess he was tasked to care for by Zeus, was forever banished from the seas, from her first home, from her foster father. And no gods born from the sky were ever allowed into the sea again.
He couldn't do this again. He couldn’t see another young face like Pallas lose their light.
He abruptly straightened up and cried, "I can't do this again," and swam away, lost in his sorrows.
"Triton," Amphitrite and Poseidon yell after their son, but he is already gone.
"I'm sorry, he's probably just remembering some bad memories," Amphitrite sighs and looks softly into Loki's eyes, "We all are."
"If you don't mind me asking, what is everyone remembering?" Loki asks hesitantly.
Amphitrite takes a deep, shaky breath, and Poseidon goes over to squeeze his wife’s hand assuringly, “I-It’s just our granddaughter, Triton’s first and only child, Pallas. Triton crafted her through his very essence, but she needed time to be secured in her divinity. She was taken much before her time, and with your baby having a death sentence over their head, it likely brought up bad memories for Triton. Another child who will never make it to adulthood.” Amphitrite started crying, and Poseidon held her tightly in his arms.
Poseidon's eyes started to grow wet, but he stubbornly refused to cry.
“Poseidon,” Loki says softly, “It’s alright to cry, and I’m sure Amphitrite doesn’t mind either. Norns knows how much I cried when I heard that prophecy.” Loki will do what he can to support his love. He knows that like the sea, Poseidon loves fiercely and vastly, and he needs the support from Loki and Amphitrite both.
Amphitrite takes a shuddering breath and looks into Poseidon’ turbulent eyes, like the froshing grays before a storm, “Husband, Loki is right. We both still grieve our granddaughter, and it is alright to express that.” Then she turns and gives a watery smile at Loki, “I’m glad my husband found another who can support and love him. Thank you, Loki.”
Loki takes a shuddering breath, surprised and happy that Amphitrite accepts him, and nods at Amphitrite. He also realizes that he never needed to be jealous of their open relationship because Poseidon gets to receive love from multiple people, and Loki finds himself oddly alright with that, and is sure Amphitrite feels the same way.
“I don’t know if I can, my loves,” Poseidon says heartbrokenly after their speeches, “I’m so used to being strong, I don’t know if I can be weak. W-what if I hurt our people? My emotions cause turbulent tides and storms and earthquakes, and if I start, I fear I won’t be able to hold back. I don’t want to go back to my old self that caused so much destruction.”
“Dear,” Ampitrite says sadly to Poseidon, “I’ll be here to weather your storm, as I’ll be here to comfort you through your rains. I’m the calming sea to your turbulent sea, and I will always be. You don’t have to hold back, as I’ll always be there to balance you out. You’ve changed for the better, and I don’t believe it possible that this loving man in front of me could ever go back to his old self.”
“I know what it's like to cause destruction in your wake,” Loki starts and heads to sit next to Poseidon and wraps his arms around him as Amphitrite does, “But what’s most important is finding those who can support you through it, and I’ve found that having those people near always settle the storm. I’m here Poseidon, and Amphitrite is here to support you, we’ll calm your storm and be here through everything.”
“I-I,” Poseidon says, shaking as tears escape his cloudy eyes, “Thank you.” And he starts sobbing in his lover's arms. The seas darken and grow dangerous, and storms and hurricanes start to form. However, Amphitrite, true to her word, even as her eyes are wet, calms her lover's destruction in non-fatal storms, hurricanes, and seas.
After they grieve, Poseidon says softly, “Pallas, was our beautiful and creative and troublemaking granddaughter. She always had ways to make us laugh, and she loved all life around her. She somehow though always found new ways to get into trouble. One day, when one of her pets, sorry friends,” Poseidon laughs wetly, remembering his granddaughter’s correction.
Poseidon then continues, “One of her friends died, and she created her first storm in her grief, and she was terrified of all the destruction she caused. She ended up destroying the ship that killed her friend, but even still, she never killed any of the people on board. They all managed to get safely to shore. A young man, though, who was part of that ship’s crew, saw her grieving over the dead fish, and proceeded to dedicate the rest of his life to saving marine life and giving his respects to Pallas. Then, his descendants after him, and so on, and today they own one of the largest marine life conservations and rehabilitations in the world called Pallas’ Ocean Rehabilitation. I’ve forgotten that Pallas blessed his family and still that blessing holds onto his descendants for all long as they do have good in their hearts, and that in her first destruction she paved the way for life to continue flourishing. I’ve forgotten the lesson that Pallas taught me that day, that destruction isn’t always bad.”
“I miss my granddaughter greatly, but I’ve forgotten her life in the tragedy of her death, and I think Triton needs to hear this, to remember those silly and fun and loving times with Pallas, so he can celebrate her life and start to move on from her death.” Poseidon states and stands up to go find his son.
Loki is in awe of Pallas and her beautiful story, and hopes to hear more about her, and hopes that Triton will be alright.
“I think Triton needs to hear that,” Amphitrite smiles and tells Poseidon before he leaves to go find their son, “I think we’ve all just been ignoring our grief, and forgotten how Pallas brought us together as a family, and how what we really needed was to stay together and not pull apart in our grief.”
“I agree,” Poseidon says and goes to find Triton.
“Pallas sounds like an amazing person, and I’m sad that I’ll never get to meet her,” Loki says sincerely to Amphitrite once Poseidon leaves.
“She was.” Amphitrite reminisces.
They sit in comfortable silence for a bit, and Loki thinks about Pallas both her tragedy and her impact on those around her. She was amazing and seemed to be full of life. Loki gently holds his flat stomach. Even if his child doesn’t have much time, he’ll be sure to enjoy every moment. Every life, every stumble, even every destruction. Even though the prophecy calls for the savior or the destroyer of Olympus, Loki will never turn his back on his child. Perhaps, even as a destroyer, the child will instead be like Pallas and pave the way for a brighter future.
Loki smiles, his destroyer, he likes the sound of that. Loki shakes his head, that’s in the future, and Loki knows whatever the child chooses he’ll stand behind them until the end.
Destroyer, huh, wonder what name that will lead to 😋
Also, I had to add Pallas. She really underrated in mythology and needed her mentioned somehow.
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naoko-world · 5 months
My opinion on the Percy Jackson tv show season 1!
So I watched season one of the Percy Jackson tv show as it was released and now here is time for a quick review!
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Sorry I wanted to finish this drawing before, hope you like it! (To be honest i didn't draw the drawing on the shirts, I just used what was used on the Disney store, but I draw the rest.) You can see it on my Instagram too, without the review
I'll start my review of season one by talking about...
The characters
Well, first I wanna say I like how the three main characters are being portrayed here ! Percy is a very loving and kind character while Annabeth is a smart girl desperately looking for recognition from her mother. As for Grover, he's a kind and clumsy satyr who really likes Percy and it shows. Basically these three characters love and trust each other and it's incredibly obvious ! Even Annabeth and Percy, who start their relationship by not being that much trusting in each other. I really like how their quest improve their relationship !
What I love too is how the adults are shown, especially Sally and Poseidon. Sally, who was shown as a perfect mother in the book, became a woman who is doing her best to raise her son in the series and I find it so interesting ! The book is in Percy's point of view so it's obvious that he would see her that way, but the tv series isn't exclusively from his point of view so it can show her turning desperate because she don't know how to effectively protect her son. I can say I really like her scene with Poseidon too, that was so touching!
Just a word about Gabe, who is way less clearly abusive. A lot of people thought it was a problem, that he was too nice, but I thought it made him even more scary because if he's not physically violent against Sally, he's still clearly psychologically abusive. Though it seems like Sally is able to manage him a bit.
Just remember that abuse isn't always physical, that you can be abusive without hitting anyone.
The gods
I can say I like how the gods that appears in this first season are portrayed!
Dionysus is so manipulative and bitter, I love it! Even if we never say it in the series (from memory), it's obvious that he doesn't want to take care of the demigods, and I love it!
Ares is wonderfully portrayed as a being who has a real passion for the war ! For example, we see him having fun on Twitter and, later, Grover succeed to convince him to talk to him by talking about less-known wars. He also has that wonderful vibe of "don't mess with me or I'm going to beat you to death".
We don't see Hephaestus a lot but again you feel it's someone confident who is a very skilled blacksmith.
I love that as soon as we meet Hades he's very welcoming and behaving in a very "I don't care about what's happening with my brothers" way. He just want to protect the underworld and, again, it's obvious.
Zeus is incredibly intimidating which, again, I love so strongly ! I can understand why no one would stand to him.
Finally, Poseidon is a very loving dad who can't do much for his son but is trying when he can try. I also love how, at the end, he ends up standing to Zeus to protect Percy. Then the very awkward interaction he has with him because the didn't talk much, Poseidon was mostly absent, but he still love him.
The adaptation
Now, of course I'll talk about the adaptation. And I'll start this part by a very personal story: how I discovered Percy Jackson.
I started my discovery with the movies. Actually with the first one only, I didn't want to watch the second one because I didn't understand why it would have a sequel. I thought it was enjoyable, though very cliche, but far from the best movies. As I didn't know the original story I thought it must have been an adaptation of a very average book series who must have gotten a bit of success and has been adapted because Hollywood didn't have any idea anymore.
Then I finally read the books because a friend insisted it was good, and Internet was talking about how it was full of representations... And now I hate the movies ! Because I considered we could have gotten incredible movies out of the books ! But we didn't...
Honestly I'm not angry that the tv series made so many changes. Because it wasn't exactly my problem with the movies. My problem was it made changes that didn't make any sense, transformed the story into something very cliche and sexist, and wasn't respectful of the mythology when the book was.
I'll only give one example that angers me a lot: Grover's case.
In the book Grover is a very sweet, kind, brave and goofy character who love his friends and even more his girlfriend Juniper! He's very likeable, and a good protector for the demigods he's in charge of.
In the movie he's not likeable at all. He's a goofy character and likes Percy but he isn't sweet and only think about girls... Like you have a scene where he decides to stay with Persephone because she's hot... He clearly isn't sacrificing himself at all. Overall I don't think he's likeable, I thought he was kinda useless and annoying.
In the tv series... He's kinda goofy but not too much, and he's sweet, kind and brave. More than that, he's considerate and I actually like that he's clearly intelligent in this show because he lived longer than Percy and Annabeth. He's not entirely faithful to his book counterpart but the changes make sense and he's still very likeable and I want to hug him so hard !
For now, I'll conclude there. I'll probably rewatch it and make a new review later but I don't want to say I'll surely do it so I won't have pressure. That first season wasn't perfect but it was pretty enjoyable and I can't wait seeing what they're doing next. To be fair, The lightning thief wasn't the best book of the series so I understand it wasn't as fun as the last books.
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echo-stimmingrose · 5 months
Luna, - transfemme Percy [I'm not a fan of dead names].
Instead of becoming a guinea pig, she gets the right body :)
And Circe looks at this beautiful girl with a radiant smile, seriously Poseidon needs to give birth to more daughters, they are much better than his sons.
She takes the middle name after Annabeth as a sign of love and recognition.
Oh okay- my bad, sorry I misunderstood. (I completely get not wanting to use deadnames though, I have one of my own and they suck.)
I'm pretty tired and having trouble with words at the moment but I love this, it's so sweet. (Side note: I love how it takes away the villainization that Rick did to Circe and turns her into someone they can trust).
I'd imagine when Circe sees two teenagers on her island she expects it to be like any other time where she's turning a guy into a pig for the safety of her island and the girls on it. Especially since one of them is a child of Posiedon, whose reputation has her uneasy even around his offspring. Instead, to her delight, there is no fighting or trickery necessary as she's able to give a beautiful young girl the body that fits her.
Annabeth, while shocked with this change accepts it with open arms the second she sees the happiness in Luna's face. She thought for a bit, that her crush on her might fade away now that she knew she was a girl. However, it does quite the opposite- her best friend was pretty before but by the gods, that beauty was amplified tenfold when she became comfortable and confident in her own skin.
She cried when Luna told her her middle name. Annabeth who just wants to be remembered and loved, becomes the namesake of the girl she loves the most.
I'm also imagining two very wholesome scenes with Sally and Grover seeing her afterwards. (Both of them already suspected she was trans and are incredibly supportive)
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