#plane etiquette
zeldabennetobserves · 5 months
One time I was flying somewhere and we have landed and it’s a crush to get off. I told my husband beforehand we should get up and grab our stuff ASAP so we aren’t waiting forever and we can get off quicker. One lady asks me if we are rushing because we have a connecting flight and I say no then it hits me. There is such a thing as plane etiquette. I don’t fly really so I never knew. The polite thing to do is to wait your turn. It’s not a race. I felt so embarrassed. I just had never even considered it before. Plane etiquette is a thing!
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i-dont-even-noa · 1 year
Why are we at a point where people are praised for not allowing families to sit together on planes. Why are we elevating people who would rather make people miserable than having the slightest bit of compassion. Why is it considered the right thing to do to cause distress and discomfort and hurt?
This is something that keeps coming up on my news feed, and every single time I feel a little less safe. I used to have to take planes several times a year to travel to and from my home town, and every time I would be petrified that I would be stuck in a wrong seat or separated from my mother. I was terrified that because someone was willing to pay more money than I could, I would have a panic attack or an episode mid flight, which would at the very best be humiliating, at the worst, physically damaging to me or another passenger. I can only imagine a child in the same situation- autistic or not- in a loud, enclosed space tens of thousands of feet in the air, forced to sit with a stranger, because some TikTok influencer publicly berated their parents for something they likely couldn't control. For asking for some basic sympathy, some human decency.
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curiositysavesthecat · 3 months
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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ghostaholics · 1 year
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➸ PAIRING: Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley x gn!reader (aside from a single idiom whose origin uses masculine language/pronouns - every man for himself) ➸ SUMMARY: Against all odds, the Lieutenant accidentally falls asleep on your shoulder. Unfortunately, there are witnesses to the precarious situation (just your luck that it would be Gaz and Soap). ➸ WORD COUNT: 2k
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𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐄: don't poke the bear.
Danger in your line of work typically consists of trying to walk away from a mission while still being left completely intact (i.e. the goal is to make it out alive, in one piece). You’ve survived a great number of ordeals: cornered into a shootout with a dwindling supply of ammo, tiptoed your way through a field of pressure-sensitive IEDs, dove towards probable death (with an awfully high probability of splattering onto hot, concrete hell like a bug on a windshield) because your helo was sent tail spinning courtesy of a perfectly-aimed RPG – and really, the list goes on.
It's been child’s play, in the grand scheme of things. An extensive catalogue of life-or-death scenarios accounts for your entire military career. And sure, this might be a bit of a stretch, but you'd wager that none of those instances thus far have been as high-stakes as the current predicament you’ve found yourself in.
Jesus-fucking-Christ. Why’d Ghost have to fall asleep on you?
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𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: avoid sitting next to him on the plane ride home. You've had to learn it the hard way.
And the kicker is that this whole thing could’ve been avoided; it didn’t have to be your problem. You could’ve sentenced any one of the other soldiers to your seat. Every man for himself, right? Get off scot-free, have a normal trip back to base with plenty of legroom so that you’re not cramped. Theoretically, it would've been beautiful – a passenger's paradise, the closest you could get to a first-class ticket.
But no.
Instead, play the Good Samaritan; extend your hand out with an act of benevolence. What’s the harm, right? So, you'd spared the poor guy, said you wouldn't mind switching places with him because he'd looked as white as a damn sheet at the idea of being crammed beside this behemoth of a lieutenant who's infamously every FNG's living nightmare.
Yeah, well hindsight is 20/20. Had you known what was going to happen, you would've had no reservations about throwing him under the bus. Sayonara, mate.
Law of the jungle, plain and simple.
To make matters worse, he is, in fact, exhibiting terrible flight etiquette. His head (which is dead weight and feels about as pleasant as a fucking bowling ball, mind you) has taken up every inch of real estate on your shoulder and is practically tucked into the curve of your neck; you’ll need to take a trip to the chiropractor’s after this – several, probably. The edge of his skull mask is digging into you. And, the cherry on top: get this – he’s man-spreading, so his left leg's trespassing into your own territory and brushing against your thigh. Utter lack of regard for personal space.
You’d still rather die than wake him up, though. You're not sure what'll happen if you do, but that's a risk you're not willing to take.
All things considered, an achy shoulder is a much better alternative than incurring the wrath of one angry Lieutenant. He's more subdued in this kind of context. To be completely honest, if you weren't already well-acquainted with him, you'd find it endearing.
From here, it's easy to see the simple rise and fall of his chest, steady and even. Slow inhale in, slow exhale out. He's at peace, a rhythmic lull that matches your own breathing. You can't quite put your finger on the exact moment he fell asleep. (He's got a habit of shutting his eyes and folding his arms over his chest when he isn't in the mood to converse with the other soldiers onboard. But God willing, he would never voluntarily loll his head onto your shoulder.) For what it's worth, he deserves the rest – never been one to do it this soundly as countless missions have taught you that he's usually a light sleeper. You remember him roughly prodding the toe of his boot at Soap's arm once when the Scot was conked out and his snores were a bit loud for Ghost's taste.
Rather odd then, that the Lieutenant even managed to allow himself to doze off like this. It’s too loud, too unsteady – the droning of the plane engine doesn't exactly make for good white noise and the turbulence outside is jostling the cabin around. Moreover, this puts him in a position of vulnerability, and he’s not the type to let his guard down so easily.
But somehow he did it with you beside him.
You try not to think about the implications of that.
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Because, Soap's just woken up from his nap, the first among the entire company of soldiers in the cabin still sleeping, excluding yourself. His seat's parallel to yours, straight across the walkway within direct line of sight, so he’s got an unobstructed view of you and Ghost. Soap sends a questioning glance in your direction, eyebrow quirked. A look that says, The hell's going on?
The level of your voice is down; it's at a conservative decibel to avoid rousing the others. Yet you convey your distress with the same amount of passion as if you were stuck in the middle of a losing firefight. "MacTavish, help."
Soap works with bombs for a living. Surely, he's capable of defusing situations too.
Alright the man’s a demolitions expert, but that’s semantics.
He blinks like he's trying to make sense of the situation. Though, it's pretty obvious what the problem is here. You're not sure why he’s got to take a moment and contemplate it. You need a solution, now. And he's moving at a snail's pace.
For a second, you think he might sympathize with your plight.
But then his mouth morphs into a shit-eating grin and when he nudges Gaz awake, you know right then and there that you're absolutely fucked.
More witnesses.
Because that’s just what you need, isn’t it?
Gaz drags a hand down his face. He pans over to his right to figure out why he’s been jolted awake so suddenly, and sees Soap who’s inexplicably, nauseatingly jovial before his eyes land on you.
Much like Soap’s original reaction, Gaz can’t help but offer a quizzical expression. The confusion is evident. His brows are drawn together because he knows that the L.t. wouldn't fall asleep on your shoulder.
Soap's shifting, sliding his hand into his pocket before pulling out his phone. He messes with it – a few taps here, a few swipes there. And then before you're registering what's happening, he's aiming it straight at you, like one of those mums getting a snapshot of their kids in matching jumpers during the holidays.
"Say cheese."
An indignant gasp leaves your mouth. "If you so much as—
"Soap, no. Don't do that." Gaz says from beside him, plucking the phone out of his hands. He tsks him with a click of his tongue. Stern disapproval in spades. The meaning is clear: it’s a big thumbs down from the Brit. He’s not endorsing this type of behavior. “Gone mad now, have you?” he asks in admonishment.
You release a sigh of relief. Finally, some moral support. He's reliable. Your faith in him is unshakable. Always could count on Gaz to get you out of—
"Have to shoot with a wide angle, see? Or else it'll look wonky," he corrects, flipping the phone horizontally before handing it back to Soap.
"Aye, thanks mate.”
Gaz's smile isn't as excessive as Soap's but the smirk gracing his face tells you he's relishing in your misery all the same.
Fucking traitor.
They’d risk their own hides to save you from certain death. You've seen it in Cairo, Valencia, and Seoul. Good men. Good hearts in the right place as well. However, they're also the type to embarrass you at every opportunity – public humiliation being somewhere on that roster as well. And for that, you want to strangle them.
"Rude,” Soap comments pointedly.
"Bite me, MacTavish."
"Just wake him up if it's bothering you," Gaz supplies unhelpfully.
"If you were in my shoes, would you do it?"
"'Course, not," he snorts. "I don’t have a death wish.”
“Well, I also prefer my head on my shoulders, thank you very much," you whisper furiously, nearly hissing at him.
And Soap is admiring his handiwork, when he coos, “Aw, the two o' you make quite the pair." He briefly twists the screen so that you can catch a glimpse of it, and even from this distance, you can confirm that he's captured the shot. Annoyingly well, to add insult to injury. Angle? Spot-on. Lighting? Brilliant. It's interesting, has character. Black and white photography. He's managed to make a stunning composition and your upper lip is curling up into a sneer of disgust at his artistic eye. How infuriating.
"I'll send this to the Cap. He’ll get a kick outta it."
"Sod off."
"He'll appreciate bein' included."
Gaz matches the energy with an equally gleeful smile, now delighted by the idea. “Hey, and the L.t. he looks—”
“—cute," Soap has the audacity to finish for him.
There are many words that you’d use to describe Ghost.
Cutthroat, maybe. Imposing. Glacial. Taciturn. A stringent set of ideals that makes him the perfect soldier: disciplined, honed, fierce. Intimidating, if he's not fighting on your side – someone you'd much rather have on your team than against, unless you fancied death. He can be a stone-cold terror on occasion. The man’s been penned as a walking horror story by those in the military. Given his iron-hearted demeanor, you'd be hard-pressed to disagree with that statement; there's not much room to call his steel-encased resolve into question.
So, yeah. Above all else, he's certainly not cute.
Your eyes narrow at them. "Congratulations, the both of you have officially made the top of my shitlist."
Soap, indifferent to your crisis, asks, "Want a copy for your wallpaper?"
There's another heated remark waiting on the tip of your tongue, because there's no way in hell that you would and you're ready to tell him off, about to give him an earful.
But somebody else beats you to it.
“Wipe that picture, or I’ll wring your bloody necks.”
Ice surges through your veins. Goosebumps break out across your skin. Because that voice belongs to one person. Oh, Christ. Never in a million years would you want to be on the receiving end of it.
There's anxiety warping in your chest. You're scared stiff, paralyzed with fear in a way that implores you to remain stock-still. The coarse fabric of your trousers bunches underneath your palms as you try not to freak out. This isn't your fault. None of it is.
And here's the worst part: Ghost hasn't lifted his head from your shoulder yet.
But Soap's unfazed. He blinks a couple of times, seems like he's weighing his options – as if there's something else he could choose besides following his lieutenant's command – yeah, right. He wises up, settling for a simple answer in the end. "Alright, Ghost." His smile makes a reappearance, sweet and well-meaning. Troublemaker. "Any chance you'd like a copy before I do away with it?"
"What kind of fuckin' question is that, Johnny?" he grumbles. "Obviously."
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"I take it you don't think I'm cute then. Have I got that right?"
"I'm sorry... mind repeating that again, sir?"
"You didn't have anything to say about Soap's comment."
"I have a feeling that whatever I answer will get my arse handed to me, L.t."
He's smiling in response – like sunshine trapped behind clouds. Despite it being obscured by the mask, you can see his eyes crinkling at the corners, which makes the black charcoal that's lining them begin to crease a bit. "Permission to speak freely, Sergeant. You have the floor."
Your mouth parts in surprise. Well, then. Maybe you stand corrected. And so, you appraise him momentarily, giving it some serious thought. There's more to Ghost than you give him credit for. He's terse and rough around the edges, but respected for a reason. Admirable. Someone you think highly of and has deserved your approval. The mask undeniably provides an air of intrigue. “I suppose you can be,” you start off, gradually warming up to him being more approachable. “When you’re not terrorizing the new recruits, that is.”
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count-on-mi · 16 days
Mile High Club (Mina)
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Mina is a senior flight attendant of an airline. The stewardess uniform tightly wraps her towering breasts and round buttocks, , also her angelic face, always allow her attracting countless envious glances when shuttle through the air.
As a senior flight attendant, Mina knows the first-class passengers on the plane very well. She knows which passengers will stare at her beautiful legs as soon as they board the plane, and which guests like to deliberately touch her butt when collecting their luggage. some people will even send her obscene invitations to " take care of " themselves during the flight.
Mina never refuses invitations from these men because she knows her advantages - she has a mesmerizing face and a pair of beautiful legs that can drive any man crazy. Whenever Mina sees the first-class guests casting fiery glances at her, she knows she has a new target.
Mina walked lightly to the first-class seat in black pointed high heels, attracting the attention of many people along the way.
She sat nimbly next to a middle-aged man about forty years old. This was not the first time this guest had taken this flight. Mina recognized his squinting eyes immediately.
" Hello, sir, I am Mina, the steward of this flight . Do you need anything?" Mina smiled and handed over a glass of red wine. Her little hand slipped across the man's arm intentionally or unintentionally, causing the other person to immediately become short of breath.
"Ah... no, no... I'm just... honored to be on your flight..." the man replied incoherently, and Mina noticed that his eyes kept rolling on her thighs.
"Then, if you have any needs, sir, please call me at any time and I will try my best to satisfy you." Mina put the red wine in front of the man, got up and walked towards the other passengers.
" Really ... is it okay ...?" The man looked at Mina 's back in surprise, watching her tall and graceful figure gradually move away, with an evil smile on his lips.
Of course, Mina understood the meaning behind this smile, she had expected it, but this was her job - to meet the various needs of first-class guests, even those that went beyond ordinary etiquette.
Sure enough, after the meal was over, the middle-aged man pressed the internal call button. Mina smiled knowingly, opened the hatch and walked in. "Sir, how can I help you?" Mina stood in front of the man and asked with a low eyebrow.
The men looked at Mina lustfully : "I want ... to let you stay with me here for a little while ... just for a little while ..."
Mina blinked innocently: "Here? But this is against the rules..."
"Don't be afraid... we'll keep the noise down... and I'm willing to give you some tips..." The man quickly took out a stack of thick bills from his wallet, put it on the table and pushed it to Mina.
Mina's eyes wandered between the banknotes and the man, and she quickly decided: "Since you are so sincere, then I have to try my best..."
She walked up behind the man, quietly unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt with her little hands, and whispered softly in her ear: "Sir...how do you want me to 'take care' of you...?"
The man's breathing suddenly became heavy. He reached out and grabbed Mina's arm and pulled her into his arms...
Mina smiled knowingly. She stood up and closed the seat partition to ensure that no one would disturb their "game".
Returning to the man, Mina leaned down, stretched out her tongue and licked the man's neck, leaving wet traces. "Sir, do you think my 'care' is adequate now?"
The man had been completely aroused by Mina. He roughly pulled open Mina's collar and covered her breasts with his hands and keep kneaded them. "Oh...it's so cool...I really should have chosen first class earlier..."
Mina hummed softly, raised her neck and let the man bite her throat. Her little hand restlessly inserted into the man's crotch, skillfully found the hot hard cock, and began to stroke it up and down.
" Umm ... you are so amazing ... It is already so big ..." Mina looked at the man with charming eyes and increased the speed of her hand.
"Fuck! It's so fucking exciting..." the man roared, grabbing Mina's wrist to stop her movement, then grabbed her collar and ripped it open, revealing a large area of snow-white skin.
" Miss Mina ... I want you to give it to me now ..." the man gasped and growled. Mina nodded with a smile, knelt on the ground and took off the man's pants ...
Mina gently took off the man's pants and underwear. The man's already highly erected penis eagerly popped out and jumped twice in the air.
"Oh...it's so energetic..." Mina wrapped her fingers around the thick and hard penis, stroked it up and down a few times before lowering her head and swallowing the tip into her mouth.
"Ah...Miss Mina...so good..." The man cried out comfortably, and inserted one hand into Mina's hair to press her head down, while the other hand reached into Mina's open top. The pair of white and tender breasts were rubbed vigorously inside.
Mina didn't care about the man's rough movements. She skillfully swallowed the huge thing in her mouth, and occasionally lick the sensitive crown with the tip of her tongue to arouse the man's excitement.
"It feels so good... You are much better than that whore last time..." The man became more and more excited. He simply picked up Mina's head and inserted it completely. His abdomen hit her chin and made a loud slapping sound.
Mina tried her best to relax her throat to allow the man to thrust easily, sucking and swallowing with the men’s rhythm at the same time. Soon the man's breathing became heavy and rapid, the only thing left in the cabin was the man's sensual moans and the gurgling sound of water in Mina's throat...
With Mina's efforts, the man quickly reached climax. He held Mina's head firmly against his crotch, and a thick white liquid spurted out, pouring all of it into Mina's mouth.
Mina did not spit out the man's penis immediately, but swallowed every drop of semen in her mouth, and did not raise her head until the man softened.
" Miss Mina ... you are so wonderful ..." the man gasped, still stroking Mina 's hair with his big hands.
Mina smiled and wiped away the residue from her lips, then crawled back onto the man: " In that case, sir, do you want more ' care ‘? "
Without saying a word, the man pushed Mina down on the seat and eagerly pulled open her uniform skirt, revealing the narrow thong between her slender legs. " Fuck ... you little evil ... I'm going to fuck you up ..." The man growled, taking off his clothes, stepping forward and possessing Mina fiercely...
"Ah... so deep... you are so powerful..." Mina raised her neck and hummed softly. The man's penis was thick, long and powerful, and it reached the deepest point at once.
The man grabbed Mina's waist and pumped her quickly, hitting her every time, causing Mina to moan intermittently. "Scream louder...I like to hear your voice..." the man ordered, while increasing the intensity.
" Oh ... Sir ... be gentle ... I won't be able to bear it ..." Mina twisted her waist to escape from the man's control, but it only made the man more excited.
"Little evil... you just need to be fucked..." The man rushed forward and kissed Mina on the lips, holding her swaying breasts in his big hands and kneading them.
Mina responded to the man's deep kiss, inserted one hand between the two of them, and gently twisted the man's scrotum, while the other hand left scratch marks on the man's back.
"Hmm... It's so fucking exciting... You really should be a prostitute..." The man was so excited by Mina's reaction that his penis expanded more and more, and each penetration brought Mina greater pleasure.
In the midst of this passion, the plane suddenly encountered turbulence, and the fuselage began to vibrate violently. "Be careful...ah..." Mina exclaimed, hugging the man's shoulders tightly with both hands, and the two of them swayed on the chair.
"Fuck...I don't care...let's continue..." The man gritted his teeth, fixed Mina's buttocks with his hands and continued to thrust violently, as if he wanted to penetrate her...
Mina lost control due to the man's collision. She raised her head and threw her hair away. She screamed and twisted her waist desperately, seeming to enjoy this wild pleasure.
The bumps in the fuselage caused the two of them to constantly collide and rub against each other, which only added to the excitement of sex. Mina's legs were wrapped around the man's waist, her fingers dug deep into his back, and her nails made bloody marks.
"Fuck...it feels so good...I'm going to cum..." the man growled, speeding up his thrusts and gushing out in the deepest part of Mina.
Mina also reached climax at the same time. She screamed and stretched her waist, her vagina tightened around the man's penis like a spasm, and a large amount of honey gushed out.
" Ah ... that's great ..." Mina fell into the man's arms exhausted, her forehead covered with beads of sweat.
The man chuckled lightly and kissed the corner of Mina's lips: "Your 'care' is so perfect... I will only choose you when I fly first class in the future..."
Mina chuckled and whispered in the man's ear: " Then we'll see you on the next flight ..."
When the man heard this, he was immediately excited. He hugged Mina tightly and planned to have a second round...
"Wait..." Mina suddenly pushed the man away with an embarrassed expression.
"What's wrong?" The man looked at Mina in confusion.
Mina blushed and shook her head: "For the second round of your special service, we need to charge some extra fees..."
The man's eyes widened: "What do you mean? Aren't you a flight attendant on the plane?"
Mina said: " Yes, but to provide such a long-term special service to one customer, there is still an additional charge ..."
"What?!" The man was furious. He stood up angrily: "So you are playing tricks on me..."
Mina quickly grabbed the man and explained aggrievedly: "Don't be angry... Of course I am willing to serve you, but this is not in compliance with company regulations... If I am found out, I will lose my job..."
"Then how much do you want?" the man asked.
Mina thought for a moment and held out three fingers hesitantly.
"Three thousand?!" The man was shocked.
" No ... it's three hundred thousand ..." Mina said with a blush.
"What?! Do you think I'm being taken advantage of?" the man was furious.
Mina immediately put on a pitiful look: " But sir ... I really can't provide such services for free ... You just said that I am much better than a prostitute ..."
The man sighed helplessly. He took out a thick stack of cash from the suitcase and threw it to Mina: "Okay... take it..."
After getting the money, Mina immediately changed into a different person. She knelt on the ground and leaned down again, using her gloves to touch the man's genitals while taking it into her mouth.
" Ah ... little fairy ... you are really ..." The man felt Mina 's skill and closed his eyes comfortably. Mina licked the man like a charming cat, her tongue swirled around the crown, and then suddenly slid into the deepest recess, scraping the sensitive spots teasingly.
"Oh... you're really good at licking..." The man couldn't help but hold down Mina's head and completely insert his penis into her mouth.
Mina obediently allowed herself to be manipulated by the man. The tip of her tongue hung at the base of the penis, rubbing the sensitive parts as the man thrust. "I'm going to cum..." The man's breathing became heavy. He held Mina's head firmly, thrust dozens of times, and then poured all the hot fluid into Mina's mouth.
Mina carefully swallowed every drop of semen, raised her head and showed a charming smile to the man: "Do you have any other 'requests'?"
The man stared at Mina's flushed lips and smiled evilly: "I want to fuck every hole in your body..." Mina immediately understood what the man meant. She turned over and lay on the seat, raising her butt high: "Then come on...please enjoy my back garden..."
The man stared intently at Mina's buttocks. Her vagina had not yet been closed, and the pink flesh walls could be vaguely seen, as well as the white turbid semen that was constantly flowing out. "What a beauty..." The man reached out and slapped Mina on the buttocks with emotion, causing her to scream.
"Moan..." the man ordered. He held Mina's waist and slowly advanced. The front end of his cock separated the pink anus and gradually sank into it. "Ah...Sir...slower..." Mina raised her head and gasped, feeling a strange pleasure from the thick foreign object invading her anus.
The man ignored Mina's pleas. He grabbed Mina's waist and pushed hard, inserting the entire penis into Mina's anus. "Oh..." Mina whispered in a daze. She felt that part of her body was stretched to the limit, and the man's penis jumped up and down in her body, bringing waves of tingling pleasure.
The man began to thrust rapidly. His penis was tightly wrapped by Mina's ass, and every inch of skin was rubbing, causing an extreme sense of comfort. "It feels so fucking good...you little devil..." the man growled and sped up, hitting Mina's G-spot with every penetration, causing her to scream.
"Ah...don't...too deep...sir..." Mina cried, the pain and pleasure coming from her anus made her almost lose her mind. The man doesn't care about so much, he just wants to indulge in Mina. His big hands pinched Mina's breasts, kneading them into various shapes, and pinched the sensitive nipples with his fingertips.
"Moan louder...I'm going to fuck you out..." The man gasped, his penis moving in and out of Mina's body quickly.
"Oh...Sir...I can't survive...I'm going to be broken..." Mina burst into tears. She felt that her lower body was completely out of control, and streams of juice could not stop pouring out of her vagina.
"Then let me see how wild you can be..." The man bit Mina's shoulder viciously, and his penis hit the deepest part, and then erupted again amidst Mina's high-pitched moans. White turbid semen spurted out and poured into Mina's rectum, mixing with the previous semen, making the entire anus look even muddier.
"It feels so fucking good...you are such a natural born slut..." The man pulled out his penis, covered Mina's buttocks with one hand, turned her over and pressed her on the seat, and once again buried his head in her Chest biting and sucking...
Mina looked at the man in front of her who was crazy about her with joy. She understood that as long as she could make him cum more often, she would get higher rewards.
"Do you still want it... Are you satisfied with Mina's service... Do you still want more?” Mina’s teasing is so effective that the men’s cock starts to rise again. "You little evil..." the man growled. He grabbed Mina's hands and held them above her head. Then he lowered his head and kissed Mina's red lips hard.
Mina responded to the kiss passionately, her tongue protruding into the man's mouth and entangled with his. At the same time, she felt a hot thing squeeze into her body, slowly but surely moving deeper.
" Ah ... Sir ... you are so amazing ..." Mina gasped repeatedly. She felt that the desire in her body was completely ignited, and her whole body seemed to be in cloud 9, bumping up and down with the man's movements.
The man pumped faster and faster, and his penis was tightly wrapped by Mina's tight vagina, bringing unprecedented pleasure. " Fuck ... you're driving me crazy ..." the man cursed in a low voice. He grabbed Mina 's slender waist and pushed hard ..." Mina pretended to be helpless and moaned. In fact, she felt unprecedented Relief.
The man gasped and sped up, and every thrust hit Mina's deepest core, causing a throbbing sensation. " It feels so good ..." Mina swayed obliviously, her breasts rising and falling as if they were two active volcanoes waiting to be conquered.
The man became even more excited when he saw Mina. He grabbed Mina's breasts hard and rubbed and pressed her nipples with his thumbs, causing a burst of electricity to pass through her body. " Ah ... Sir ... harder ... deeper ..." Mina twisted her body to meet the man's movements. She felt that her desire had reached the limit, and she longed for a more violent impact.
The man's scalp was numb from the stimulation of Mina's words and movements. He growled, held Mina's slim waist with both hands, and pushed his penis deep. "Oh...it's too deep..." Mina raised her head and gasped. Her eyes were blurred, as if she had lost consciousness.
The man pumped faster and faster, and his glans kept hitting Mina's cervix, causing waves of spasms." Call me husband ... you slut ..." The man bit Mina 's ear, his hoarse voice filled with indescribable temptation.
" Husband ... " Mina responded unconsciously. Her body was completely dominated, and she could only passively withstand the man's attack.
The man felt Mina 's body tighten suddenly, followed by a violent tremor. His penis was tightly twisted, almost suffocating.
" Ah...I'm going to cum..." the man growled, his penis buried deeply into Mina's body, spurting out stream after stream of hot heat inside. "Husband..." Mina also reached climax. She hugged the man tightly, and their bodies softened after a spasm.
The man gently stroked Mina's sweaty back and whispered, " You are mine for the rest of the flight. " Mina raised her head and smiled sweetly at the man. She responded softly: "Yes, husband..."
The man stared at Mina in front of him. Although the stewardess uniform she was wearing was already messy, the contrast between chaos and order gave people a very impactful sense of beauty.
Mina also noticed the man's gaze. She deliberately shook her body, revealing the snow-white skin under her clothes and a faint red mark. "Sir..." Mina blinked and called softly, as if teasing something.
The man felt that the thing in his body was tending to rise again, and he sighed. This woman was simply a natural succubus, who could always easily arouse his desire.
"What are we going to do now..." Mina tilted her head and looked at the man, looking innocent, but her eyes were so coquettish that her heart beat faster.
The man couldn't help but leaned down, and his lips fell on Mina's forehead, nose, and lips, licking all the way down, and finally took a hard red fruit in his mouth and sucked hard. "Oh..." Mina raised her head and hummed. She put her arms around the man's neck and offered her lips and tongue.
The man growled and deepened the kiss. His big hands slipped under Mina's skirt, covering her smooth thighs, and gradually explored upwards...
"Well...Husband..." Mina's murmurs came intermittently. She felt that she was about to be ignited again, and that primitive desire was taking over her reason little by little...
Mina knew exactly what she had to do - there was only the last moment before the plane landed, and she had to seize this last opportunity to drain the man in front of her. So, Mina kept whispering "husband". She twisted her body and rubbed the man's lower body, trying to arouse his interest.
" Husband ... I want more ..." Mina said coquettishly, her fingers slipped under the man's nightgown, grabbed the half-hard penis and started to play with it.
The man felt that he was about to lose control, but he still couldn't bear to stop. Mina's techniques are proficient and full of skills. She seems to be born with all this, and people can't help but indulge in it.
" You goblin ..." the man gasped and pushed Mina down on the seat again. His tongue swept across Mina 's bare shoulders, leaving a trail of glistening saliva.
" As long as my husband likes it ..." Mina chuckled. She put her arms around the man's neck and pulled him to cover her again.
The man buried his head in Mina 's chest and sucked her nipples hard. At the same time, he raised his buttocks and pressed against Mina 's private parts, rubbing them slightly.
"Oh..." Mina felt a numbing pleasure spread from her lower body. She couldn't help but raise her head and moan in response to the man's sucking. " Baby ... you are so sweet ..." The man's hoarse voice sounded extremely aggressive. He pulled open Mina 's dress without any explanation and bit into a bud.
"Husband..." Mina sighed softly and opened her legs to facilitate the man's further invasion. The man unhooked Mina's bra, and a pair of proud jade rabbits popped out. The man eagerly lowered his head, took one of the nipples into his mouth, and teased it with the tip of his tongue, causing Mina to gasp.
" Ah ... it feels so comfortable ... honey ... push harder ..." Mina twisted her body, her hand kept touching the man's penis and began to stroke it gently. The man felt the heat gradually rising in his lower body, and his breathing became heavier, but he still did not forget to take care of Mina's two-point red cherry in his mouth, sucking and licking it, making a "tsk tsk" sound.
"Husband... I can't bear it anymore... Come in..." Mina begged softly, her legs automatically parted, inviting the man to enter. The man finally let go of Mina 's breasts. He put his hands on Mina 's waist, then slowly moved forward, and slowly inserted his huge penis into Mina 's body.
" Ah!" Mina raised her head and gasped. The depths of her body were immediately filled, and an electric-like pleasure coursed through her limbs.
The man began to pump slowly, going all the way in every stroke, hitting the deepest part of Mina. " Honey ... come on ... harder ..." Mina urged, feeling like she was about to melt into the waves of pleasure.
The man obeyed the order and sped up. His penis quickly moved in and out of Mina's body, making waves of water and sluggish sounds. " Baby, you're so tight ... it's driving me crazy ..." the man gasped, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.
When Mina heard the man's words, a proud smile appeared on her lips. She adjusted her breathing, and then rhythmically tightened her body cavity, tightly wrapping the man's hot desire.
"Oh!" The man felt that he was being tightly clamped, and Mina's pussy seemed to be alive, squirming and squeezing, trying to squeeze out all the essence in his body.
"Baby...you're going to drain me..." the man roared, his speed getting faster and faster, hitting Mina's deepest part hard every time, causing waves of convulsions.
Mina 's breathing became more and more rapid. She clutched the sheets tightly, and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.
"Honey... cum together... I'm cumming..." Mina shouted in a daze, her body suddenly tightened again, and a strong suction force hit the man's clone. "Oh...fuck!" The man could no longer control himself. He growled and poured all of himself into Mina's body.
The two of them froze up while climaxing and could not recover for a long time.
After a while, the man withdrew from Mina's body, bringing out a large amount of viscous bodily fluids. Mina was lying on her back on the seat, the lingering feeling had not dissipated, her eyes were a little confused, and she seemed to be in some kind of passionate state.
The man leaned down, gently stroked Mina 's hair, and said with a low smile: " Baby, you are truly a stunner. " Mina narrowed her eyes and showed a charming smile: "Husband, this is just the beginning." "
For the next period, Mina was like an insatiable demon, constantly squeezing the desire out of the man's body. They tried various positions and methods, reaching the peak again and again.
It wasn't until the plane started to land that Mina stopped this wild game. She quickly arranged her clothes to cover up the mess on her body. Then, Mina took out a large check from the man's wallet, smiled kindly at him, and left his first-class cabin.
When Mina returned to work, she looked as elegant and capable as ever. No one could have imagined that this dignified stewardess had just staged such a ridiculous love affair in a private cabin.
Mina greeted the other passengers with a smile on her face. She stuffed the check left by the man into her pocket and silently planned her spending plan for tonight.
The drained man was still unconscious on the first-class bed. His body was covered with hickeys and fingerprints, and a pool of thick bodily fluids wet the sheets.
It seems that this journey will become a very unforgettable memory for him.
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soraavalon · 2 years
Jeremiah: Also Jeremiah has been occasionally been dropping truth bombs at the party.
DM: Hmm. *already seeing where it's going*
Jeremiah: Mostly directed at, picking at Tark to be honest.
DM: Why would you do this? Why would you do this thing?
Marigold (OOC): Apparently no sense of self-preservation.
DM: Apparently not.
Hunt (OOC): Apparently with a Wisdom of 16, he doesn't have a sense of preservation.
Tark (OOC): But also, *cuts out* if anything he says is gonna like affect Tark in any way.
DM: True.
Tark (OOC): Cute. Tark has two siblings and one's a sister. There's nothing. There's nothing this frog can say.
DM: And they're both younger than him.
Hunt (OOC): Mm-hmm.
DM: You grew up without any kind of dignity.
Tark (OOC): So there's like no way. Yeah, no. That's the reason why Tark's the way he is, no dignity whatsoever.
Hunt (OOC): Alright, so what kind of 'truth bombs' has Jeremiah been dropping?
Jeremiah: Mostly is like, stuff like his actual opinon on people, like for instance; he really doesn't like Tark. Never liked him, thinks he's garish and a fool. He thinks that Hunt is a prude and a teatotaler.
Hunt (OOC): *never having heard that word before* What was that last part?
Nathaniel (OOC): *thinking Jeremiah was still on about Tark* I'm sorry, a 'prude'?
Jeremiah (OOC): Yeah.
DM: That's so far from the truth.
Jeremiah (OOC): No, Hunt.
-various 'ohs'-
Jeremiah: Hunt is a prude and a teatotaler. (OOC): I forget what...
Marigold (OOC): You mean like teatotal sober.
Jeremiah (OOC): Yeah that.
Marigold (OOC): Yeah.
Hunt: And Hunt's trying to figure out where the prude thing came from. She's not gonna ask, but she's wondering how he got that impression.
Tark: We're all sitting there exchanging looks behind the frog's back like, 'what?'
Marigold (OOC): [in chat] the frog is a aphobe
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] if jeremiah is being aphobic on main I really will incinerate him
Jeremiah (OOC): Who else is gonna be taking shots at?
Tark (OOC): It's funny anything he's saying though is *cuts out*
Nathaniel (OOC): Can't be offended by somebody you don't have respect for.
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pastryfication · 1 month
american summer | logan sargeant
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pairing: logan sargeant x european!reader note: inspired by all the pictures of logan being all american in st. tropez
somewhat an reverse version of this
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the moment you step off the plane, the humid florida air wraps around you like a warm blanket, thick with the scent of saltwater and sunscreen. it’s your first time in the u.s., and everything feels both familiar and entirely foreign at once. logan is at your side, his excitement contagious as he rests his hand comfortably on the small of your back, steering you towards the baggage claim.
“welcome to america!” he grins, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement. you can’t help but smile back, even as the loud voices and fast-paced energy of the airport overwhelm you a bit.
"yeah, thank you," you reply, trying to take it all in. it’s just an airport, but it feels so different. maybe it’s the accents, or the way everyone seems to be in such a hurry, yet they somehow appear relaxed, like they’re used to the chaos.
as you leave the airport, logan points out the massive suvs and trucks in the parking lot. “see those? classic american cars. none of your tiny european things here.”
you laugh, shaking your head. “they’re so big! do you need a ladder to get into one?”
he chuckles, squeezing your hand. “you get used to it. and you’ll get used to a lot of things over the summer. like this.” he stops by a sleek black pickup, and before you know it, he’s lifting you into the passenger seat as if you weigh nothing. you let out a surprised laugh, feeling a little silly for not being able to climb up on your own, but logan’s grin tells you he finds it endearing.
the drive to his family’s house is an experience in itself. you watch as the scenery whizzes by, the highways lined with palm trees and billboards advertising everything from fast food to theme parks. everything seems bigger, louder, more colorful than back home.
“you’re going to love it here,” logan says as he drives, one hand on the steering wheel, the other reaching over to rest on your knee. “florida’s got everything—beaches, sunshine, and my mom’s cooking.”
you smile at his enthusiasm, trying to imagine what the next few weeks will be like. the thought of meeting his family makes you a little nervous, but logan’s confidence and good mood is contagious.
when you arrive at his parents' home, a sprawling house with a neatly trimmed lawn and an american flag flapping in the breeze, you can’t help but feel a bit of culture shock. the flag is everywhere—on bumper stickers, hanging from porches, even on clothing. it’s something you’ve seen in movies, but seeing it in person, so prominently displayed, is a different experience.
logan notices your wide-eyed look and laughs softly. “americans love their flags. you’ll see them all over. i can give you a history lesson if you want.”
you roll your eyes playfully. “i think i’ll manage without the lecture, thanks.”
his family welcomes you with open arms, his mom pulling you into a tight hug, his dad giving you a firm handshake. they’re warm and friendly, their accents thick and twangy, and you find yourself trying to decipher their quick speech as they talk about the plans they have for your visit.
the next few days are a whirlwind of new experiences. logan takes you out on his family’s yacht, a sleek vessel adorned with—you guessed it—another american flag. as the boat cuts through the sparkling blue water, you can’t help but feel a bit out of place, unsure of the boating terms and etiquette. but logan is patient, guiding you through the basics with that easy smile of his.
“see, that’s the bow, and that’s the stern,” he explains, pointing to the front and back of the boat. “and don’t worry, you’ll be a pro by the end of the summer.”
you nod, trying to absorb it all, but it’s hard to focus when logan’s standing there in his swim trunks, his hair tousled by the wind, looking every bit like a scene out of a movie. he catches you staring and smirks. “what’s that look for?”
“just . . . appreciating the view,” you tease, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks.
he laughs, pulling you into his arms. “you’re adorable, you know that?”
“yeah, yeah.” you smile to yourself as you snuggle yourself into his bare chest.
his arms stays around your bikini clad figure, the skin to skin contact raising your spirits as high as his friends’. they’re all in a good mood, tipsy on rosé, throwing out slangs and phrases that leaves you looking at logan quizzically.
he laughs at your expression, leaning down to give you a sweet kiss and you think to yourself, this whole american summer thing might not be so bad.
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bruhnze · 2 months
I love weddings - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Writen for the anon that requested it, i enjoyed writing it so thanks for the request!
Wordcount: about 7k? pretty big one..
Warnings: smut, minors dni
I Love Weddings – fictional story based on a true event?
"Lucy would come to this wedding too right?" Ona asked Alessia Russo.
"Bronzey? Yeah i believe so, Stani and her are best friends" Alessia replied carelessly. "Maybe her plane delayed or something".
''Yeah'' Jordan Nobbs tuned in ''she texted me, plane got delayed to this morning, that why she didn’t get in last night''.
"Ah shit, hope she'll still make it on time" Demi Stokes said as she joined the conversation.
Millie Turner laughed "ofcourse she will, she never loses, no finals and certainly not the change to be at her best friends wedding".
Everyone that was gathered around in the suit Lucy Staniforth had slept in, started talking about other subjects, but Ona was still thinking about Lucy.
With Staniforth’s bachelorette party Ona had had an amazing time with Lucy Bronze, someone she had certainly known about but had never formally met before. Ona had been giddy knowing Lucy was also going to be at Stani's hen party.
She had used Lucy's games a lot as examples to develop her playing style, so she had been watching Lucy as a player for hours. When she had finally met Lucy in real life, finding it amazing to meet her idol, she hadn't expected to be so attracted to the right back.
Lucy had this energy that drew Ona in, they had been talking the whole evening at the bachelorette’s party, about football but eventually also about other things. Ona had wished that night had ended in something more, but Lucy and her had been pulled to the dancefloor and after that they had kind of lost track of eachother.
She hadn't dared to send a message or anything, thinking the English woman was way out of her league and probably didn't even remember much of the night.But for this wedding Ona had planned to make work of her crush. After all, the craziest hook-up stories happend at weddings, atleast that was what Ona knew.
Lucy had arrived just in time for the end of the dress up part, it was 11am.
"Hey guys, sorry i'm late" she kissed Lucy Stan on both cheeks "you look amazing".
Staniforth laughed "im litteraly in a robe".
"Yup, i see that, but it’s true, you do look amazing" Lucy said smiling genuine at her longtime best friend ´´i´m so excited for your wedding Stani!´´.
"Well im glad you made it Bronzey" Lucy S. smiled "we’ve saved you a glass of champagne and your outfit is hanging there on the clothing rack´´ she points across the room ´´and she can do your make up if you want any".
"How well organized! Thanks, i´ll better hurry" Lucy walked to were the other girls were sitting, Ona was getting her make up done and Mille's hair was being done.
"JORDS!!!" Lucy gave her friend the biggest hug "i missed you".
"Yeah Lucy missed you too, damn, you're so tanned, Barca doing you good huh?" Jordan said.
Lucy went around the room greeting all the girls, everyone that had been at the bachelorettes was invited to be at the wedding the complete day, unlike the other guests who would arrive later, before the ceremony.
Ona was done with her make up and followed Millie who walked over to Alessia and Lucy who were chatting up. "Hey Lucy, long time no see" Millie said as she quickly pecked Lucy’s cheeks in an embrace.
After that Lucy turned to Ona "hey Ona, nice to see you again" and held her arms open invitingly.
Ona was eager to oblige and didn't care if her make up would get smudged as it was just on. She just had to give Lucy some kisses on her cheeks, it was etiquette after all.. right. ‘’hey Lucy, glad you could make it in time, heard you had some troubles on the way?’’.
‘’Yeah, the plane got delayed’’ Lucy sighed as she pulled her head back again but still held Ona's shoulders ‘’but I made it’’.
‘’you made it’’ Ona and Lucy’s eyes were locked on each others for a couple more seconds then you would expect from two people who hardly knew eachother.
No one in the room paid attention to them and the pair broke away from eachother after Lucy told Ona she had to get her hair fixed and put on the outfit, before she caused any more delay.
‘’Yeah ofcourse’’ Ona cleared her throat ‘’I’m sure we’ll have some time to catch up later’’. She cringed at herself, for her it was unfinished business, but to Lucy they were probably still practically strangers.
‘’Sounds good, I’ll talk to you later then Ona’’. Lucy said with a smile before she walked over to the hairdresser.
As Lucy Bronze got her hair done she thought about the encounter. [Was she imagining things or was Ona being very friendly towards her? When they had lost eachother during the bachelorettes party, Lucy had been disappointed, but she hadn’t dared to send a message, she didn’t want to come across as a creep, being eight years older then the Spanish woman, and Ona was also way out of her league].
"Would you like to loosen those tufts of hair here? That's a bit more playful than just the bun." The hairdresser asked Lucy.
Lucy’s thoughts were interrupted by the woman doing her hair, but she didn’t get what had been asked ‘’sorry what did you say?’’.
The hairdresser smiled kindly ‘’I think it would be cute to leave a few strands of hair loose, I can curl it a bit, it will look really nice with that low bun you want’’.
''Oh yes, do whatever you want, I trust you'' Lucy smiled.
As the morning went on, more people got to the location. The next thing on the agenda was a lunch. For the lunch there were some family members joining and some other close friends. After that would be the ceremony, where even more people were invited for and after that there would be a dinner with everyone. The day would be ending with a big party in the hall that the venue had, one with a DJ-booth.  
‘’Yeah I like playing against you’’ Lucy overheard Jordan saying to Ona ‘’I don’t really know you but your always so nice and respectful, it’s a shame your so good though’’.
‘’thank you Jordan’’ Ona got a cute blush on her face, Lucy couldn’t help but join their conversation ‘’but what do you mean with shame, good is good, no?’’.
Lucy scuffed Jordans head ‘’she means it’s a shame she loses every duel’’.
‘’nooo my hair bruv’’ Jordan slapped Lucy’s hand away ‘’and yes Ona, I meant your a very good player, and I think it’s nice to get to know you outside of football too’’.
‘’yeah very nice’’ Lucy chimed in ‘’I was disappointed I lost you the other night’’.
Jordan frowned ‘’what?’’
‘’Oh at the bachelorettes party’’ Ona answered for Lucy.
‘’yeah, we were talking but I got abducted by Stani and you’’ Lucy laughed.
Ona laughed too ‘’yeah and Millie and Russo abducted me’’.
Jordan laughed ‘’ahh, didn’t know.. Ohhh was that why you asked if Lucy was still coming this morning Ona? Must’ve been an interesting conversation if yous are still remembering it, what was it about?’’.
Ona was blushing at Jordan telling she was asking after Lucy this morning and when she looked over she saw Lucy smiling at her amusedly. She smiled back at Lucy and again there was this eye contact that made the world around them disappear.
‘’Hm?’’ Jordan asked ‘’what was it about?’’. Jordan was oblivious to what was going on in front of her, she didn’t think anything of it, she was just curious what could be so interesting to still want to finish talking about weeks later.
‘’Oh ehrm’’ Lucy cleared her throat, still looking at Ona ‘’oh you know, I live in spain now, playing at Barca, Ona has also played at Barca and we talked about Spanish vs English culture, ehrm I don’t know some other things’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona smiled dreamy ‘’hmm spain, I miss spain, Lucy can speak a little Spanish but no Catalan yet’’.
‘’Okaayyy’’ Lucy put her arms up defensively ‘’I didn’t know this was some assessment about my ability’s’’.
Ona snapped out of her thoughts [shit did she say that out loud?],she had wandered off into thoughts about how she wanted to teach Lucy Spanish and how she wanted to show Lucy around the neighborhood where she grew up ‘’shit sorry, it was just a- a- i-
Lucy laughed ‘’it’s allright, it’s true I am in desperate need of some Catalan lessons’’.
Ona nodded eagerly ‘’I would love to teach you Catalan’’.
Jordan laughed ‘’eyy something your not the best at Bronze! Hahaha, Ona can speak English better than you speak Spanish!’’.
‘’Catalan is not Spanish!’’ Lucy and Ona said at the same time.
‘’Oh what, sorry’’ Jordan looked confused, seemingly having said something stupid.
As the lunch was served Lucy and Ona explained Jordan the difference between Catalan and Spanish and Ona gave a quick history lesson. And Lucy defended herself about her Spanish and Catalan skills, as she had just moved there and was trying her best.
The day went on and it was lovely. The wedding was beautiful and the speeches had been wholesome. When Staniforth’s friends were up for a little say, Lucy also said some words but Ona was too mesmerized to understand what Lucy, Demi and Jordan were talking about. The thick English accents probably also didn't help with that.
As the friends came back to sit in the crowd, in the row before Ona, she couldn’t resist to rub Lucy's shoulder "beautiful speech" she said quietly as a reason for the touch.
‘’Thanks’’ Lucy grinned back, knowing they had just spent 20 minutes roasting Lucy S., but she’ll accept the compliment either way, maybe Ona had made a translating error,.. but she couldn’t help but think Ona had been a bit distracted.
During dinner Ona was sat with Millie and Alessia, who also didn’t know the family of the brides quite that well, they were friends with Lucy Staniforth but they only knew her on a football and friend level.
Lucy, Jordan and Demi on the other hand, were long time best friends with Lucy S. and were now at tables with some family members they knew. Ona spotted Lucy talking to some guy, presumably a brother or cousin or something. She tried to focus on the conversation at her table but she couldn’t help looking over at Lucy every once in a while.
Lucy looked like she was having a very funny conversation with the guy. At one of the umpteenth times when Ona glanced at Lucy, Ona’s eyes met hers. Ona blushed and looked down at her plate, before looking up again a few seconds later, Lucy was still looking at her and winked at her, smiling, before returning to her conversation. Ona's stomach fluttered at the wink.
Ona tried to have a nice chat with the people at her table throughout the dinner, she made some jokes now and then and ate her food, but as far as she was concerned it couldn't be over quickly enough.
It was a light dinner with many courses but always small dishes, it was delicious.
Someone with a microphone said that during dessert some family members of the other bride, Laura, were going to do a little play about how Laura had come home after going on a date with Stani, and that had been the moment her family had known she had been in love.
Lucy thought it was super cute, she always loved weddings, it was so nice to have all the loved ones of a couple come together and celebrate the love of the couple together.
She herself had also seriously considered getting married at one point in her past, she had been really in love with her ex Keira, with whom she had been together for 7 years, but over the years they had fallen into a routine. They had no chemistry anymore, and sometimes Lucy wandered if they had had any to begin with, Lucy had often talked to Keira about their future, but they both had very different ideas about it. That's why they broke up. It had gone smoothly, but it had still been painful. But overall they had broke up on good terms, even sharing custody over their dog, Narla.
After that Lucy had dated, or, well, slept around quite a bit. She didn't want commitment for a while, just some casual sex with attractive ladies to feel wanted again and simply because, to be honest, she had hardly been intimate in the last year of the relationship.
Now Lucy was in a good place, she felt good, she was happy with who she was and occasionally, if she felt like it, she could flirt with ladies while going out and sometimes someone would come home with her.
She wasn't looking for a relationship, she just did what she felt like, and for now that was unproblematic and casual. If it had been just any bar in Barcelona, ​​she would have loved to bring home a lady like Ona, but Ona was also a footballer, so ‘the status of being a footballer’ which normally came in handy and made many women gush over her, wouldn’t work on the Spanish football star who had won enough trophies herself.
At least that was what Lucy believed. Ona on the other hand, was crushing harder and harder on the English woman. The outfit Lucy wore today, a green suit with a white top, made Ona crazy. Maybe it was the fact that the top was tight enough to see Lucy’s abs bulging through the fabric, maybe it was the fact that the dark green matched her eyes and hair color perfectly. Or maybe it was everything of the above combined with the energy Lucy held, she was such a natural flirt, funny, fit and at the hen party Ona had seen she could dance.
After dinner people gathered at the bar ordering drinks as the music built up and within no time there was a pleasant atmosphere created. In various places in the room, groups of people were chatting happily.
Ona and Millie got their drinks and Ona insisted they headed to the dancefloor ‘’come on, if no one goes first there will go no one at all’’.
Lucy went to all the people she wanted to greet and she became completely distracted from the plan she had to meet Ona again after dinner, trying to have another chat with her.
After she had greeted everyone, there was being announced that they wanted to lift the brides to the middle of the dance floor for a first dance.
Lucy looked for Ona, trying to look for the beautiful blue suit she found her, Lucy took place opposite of her in the group that was going to lift Lucy S. Everyone helped carrying Lucy and Laura to the middle of the floor.
As everyone went on with the banter, Lucy looked at Ona. The beautiful, happy looking, freckled woman was stunning in her blue suit with her loose hair and the earrings, that was clapping with the music, smiling-
Demi poked Lucy in her side, interrupting her thoughts and whispered in her ear ‘’they’re dancing there Luce’’ she grinned ‘’you fancy her don’t you?’’.
Lucy looked up at her, still smiling, not yet processing what had been whispered at her until she saw Demi’s grin ‘’what? Oh- what no- I was just, I’m watching them dance’’. She cleared her throat as she turned her gaze to the middle of the dance floor.
Everyone was clapping and soon joined to dance as well.
‘’You should go for it, it seems mutual’’ Demi grinned as she danced away.
After a bit of dancing and contemplating, when Lucy saw Ona was standing by herself, she danced her way over to Ona. ‘’Hey’’ she said softly. ‘’Hey’’ Ona chuckled ‘’seems like we are simply not given time to speak properly, isn’t it?’’.
‘’Right!’’ Lucy sighed happily, happy that Ona felt exactly the same ‘’and I just had to greet everyone, cause its not often that I  have the chance to speak to them’’.
‘’oh yeah, I hadn’t thought about that, sorry, you should probably catch up with them I’m-‘’
Lucy smiled ‘’no no, I did that, now I finally have time for you, I was looking forward to seeing you again actually’’.
‘’I was too’’ Ona said.
‘’we didn’t text eachother’’ Lucy stated.
‘’No, we didn’t text eachother’’ Ona repeated.
‘’Why?’’ Lucy asked out loud.
‘’You tell me’’
‘’I thought about it’’ Lucy confessed ‘’but I didn’t know if I read in to it’’.
Ona grinned ‘’read into what?’’
Lucy blushed ‘’I liked the conversation we had, but it could’ve also just been two people getting to know eachother’’.
‘’wasn’t it?’’
‘’oh- i- yeah it was, I just-‘’
‘’haha, I’m joking’’ Ona squeezed Lucy’s bicep ‘’I felt the same, didn’t want to come across as a weirdo texting you after knowing eachother such a short time’’.
‘’you would never be perceived as a weirdo’’ Lucy said honestly.
Ona frowned ‘’how can you say that, if you do something weird people think you’re a weirdo, that’s-
‘’pretty privilege’’ Lucy stated it as if it were just another fact.
 Ona translated it in her head but couldn’t understand what Lucy meant, she laughed ‘’are you calling me pretty?’’.
‘’yeah’’ Lucy shuffled with her foot ‘’I’m sure you hear it everyday but it’s true’’.
‘’Everyday?!’’ Ona laughed ‘’no Lucy, and can I just remind you that you have only seen me at parties, were I have made an effort to look good, you should see me when I just woke up’’ she laughed at the thought.
That statement brought completely different thoughts into Lucy's head, she certainly wanted to see Ona when she had just woken up "No, you also look good in kit, even if you've been running for 90 minutes."
Ona's eyebrows shot up "have you been watching my games?".
Now it was Lucy’s time to laugh ‘’Yeah I watch a lot of games, I also analyze a lot of other defenders games’’.
‘’Oh yeah, ofcourse’’ Ona swallowed her excitement ‘’always room for improvement’’
‘’I actually watched a lot of your games developing my style of play’’ Ona said carefully, not wanting to come across as a fangirl.
‘’reallyyy? That’s so nice to hear actually’’ Lucy gushed.
‘’yeah, I mean I had some older players I looked up too when I was still developing my style a lot, sometimes I watched games like 5 times, repeating their actions and then I’d reenact them at training or in games’’.
‘’Your not an older player’’ Ona said offended.
Lucy smiled broadly ‘’thanks, but you know I’m like eight years older then you right?’’.
‘’’pfffft’’ Ona waved her hand ‘’eight years, what’s eight years, I’m very mature anyways’’.
Lucy snickered ‘’football doesn’t care how mature or childish you are, if your body gets old you retire.. what were you talking about then?’’.
‘’Oh yeah, football, age, yeah retirement sucks, I just-
‘’am very mature?’’ Lucy grinned.
‘’yeah, and eight years is no problem for me’’ Ona said cheekily.
‘’Is this some weird way of flirting with me miss. Battle?’’ Lucy joked.
 Ona leaned in and quietly asked ‘’how do you like to be flirted with then?’’.
‘’hmm’’ Lucy acted like she was thinking really hard ‘’probably maybe some dancing’’.
‘’oh yeah? Care for a dance?’’ Ona said as she offered her companion a hand.
Lucy took it and they went back to the more crowded part of the dance floor, next too the DJ booth.
As the evening went on they danced with eachother and with others, being pulled in to separate circles, forced to dance with others but gravitating to eachother the whole time. Ona tried to stay close to Lucy and the other way around, but everyone on the dance floor cheerful and excited that it was difficult.
At the end of the night the music slowed down Lucy took herself back to the Spaniard after getting two drinks from the bar ‘’you’re a very good dancer’’ she said in Ona’s ear, closing the distance between them.
Ona chuckled ‘’good enough to woo you?’’.
''Mhm, consider me wooed'' Lucy said seductively ''how about you, what does a woman have to do to get a chance''. Lucy put her glass down on a standing table and put her hands softly on Ona’s hips as they were swaying with the music.
Ona got nervous from the touch and the question, she felt her skin prickle under Lucy’s hands and her stomach fluttered. She liked the forwardness from the English woman, but she didn’t know what to say, honestly she just wanted to kiss the lips she had been sending looks at all night.
The smaller woman downed the glass of alcohol in one gulp and put it one the table next to Lucy’s.
‘’Want to go somewhere more quiet’’ Ona whispered to Lucy as she reached for the table.
The dark-haired woman walked after the Catalan, curious about where they would be going, as she didn’t really know the building, but maybe Ona did she thought.
Ona held a door open, when Lucy walked in she recognized the room as the parlor where the ceremony had taken place.
‘’I was wondering what was behind this curtain’’ Ona said as she stepped on the little stage at the end of the room. It was a big curtain, and as Ona got behind it she saw that the platform was way bigger then it seemed like from where they’d been sitting on the benches this afternoon.
She got her phone out to use the flashlight and searched for a light switch ‘’Lucy?’’
‘’Yeah right behind ya’’ Lucy said with a low voice, heavy from the adventure.
‘’D’you think this is a light switch?’’ Ona asked carefully.
‘’Guess there’s only one way- Lucy flipped the switch and held her breath. When a little spotlight went on she released her breath again ‘’to find out’’.
Ona chuckled as she put her phone away again ‘’very brave’’.
‘’Why, what’d you think would happen?’’ Lucy chuckled back.
‘’I don’t know maybe an alarm or something’’ Ona said with big eyes.
‘’God’’ Lucy groaned ‘’imagine the scene’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona said gently as she stepped closer to Lucy ‘’and we would’ve missed out on- she brushed against Lucy’s bottom lip softly ‘’this’’ she breathed out against Lucy’s mouth.
Lucy’s hands found themselves on Ona’s hips again, this time pulling her in closer. She leaned in to kiss the shorter woman. It started as a gentle kiss, the pair softly exploring each others taste.
Ona tried to deepen the kiss by cupping the back of Lucy neck, and getting on her tiptoes.
After a few minutes of the kiss that became more and more heated they were disturbed by a sound of giggles, familiar giggles.
They pulled apart and looked in each others eyes questioning, wandering if the other had heard it too.
‘’What was that?’’ Ona asked.
Lucy shrugged and wanted to continue, Ona obliged with her eyes still open and just as their lips met again the giggle sound was back.
‘’ew, now I’m creeped out’’ Ona said.
Lucy walked away from Ona and peeked behind the curtain, only to stare right at their friend who had taken place on the front row, all laughing now. Lucy quickly closed the curtain, as she got red in the face.
‘’what?’’ Ona asked, not understanding.
‘’Lucyyyy…. Onaaa….’’ Some person sitting in the room teased ‘’having fun?’’
‘’Ohh, fuck’’ Ona giggled.
Lucy groaned ‘’yeah, fuck, ehrm let’s just say we were looking for the bathroom?’’ she suggested in a whisper.
Ona agreed and was the first to step back in to the room, it was very awkward, as the few people, who she now could identify as Millie, Jill, Jordan and Demi, sat on the front row looking at the podium.
‘’Told ya’’ Demi laughed out loud ‘’that’s a tenner from everyone please’’.
Lucy had followed Ona and looked confused at her friends ‘’what’s this all about’’.
The four players laughed, Millie said ‘’why don’t you two tell us’’ she looked amused.
‘’Toilet’’ Ona muttered. Lucy helped her out ‘’yeah, we were looking for the toilets’’.
The players laughed even harder, Jordan was almost falling of her chair ‘’luce, dude, you have to see this video Jill took, so don’t embarrass yourself any further’’.
Lucy was confused and wanted to know what all the fuss was about, she gently put her hand on the small of Ona’s back and walked them to Jill, who was still laughing, to the point she was almost crying.
‘’Go on then, share your banter with us’’ Lucy said, having found her cool again, as she stood seriously across from the four giggling women.
She softly rubbed Ona’s back, trying to offer her some support as she waited on Jill to pull the video up.
The phone was turned to them, on it was a sight of the curtain, and shockingly to both Ona and Lucy, on the curtain there were very clear shadows portraying their heated kiss. The pair blushed hard, there was no denying it now, the light had betrayed them brutally.
Lucy stood there dumfounded ashamed to be caught by her friends like this ‘’what do you mean a tenner Demi, make fun of me for 30 bucks, please, i could've given you more to prevent all this’’.
Demi laughed ‘’Its not about the money’’ she snickered ‘’I saw the two of you leaving, and we were talking, then I said Lucy and Ona would be a cute couple, well’’ she looked at the other three women ‘’they agreed but they said that it wouldn’t happen, so then I said: I bet a tenner their together right now, and then we found you’’ she laughed again at the visual coming back in her mind.  
The four women stood up and walked towards the door giggling.
Lucy groaned ‘’sorry Ona, they’re crazy’’.
Ona chuckled ‘’we probably shouldn’t have put the light on’’.
´´Allright we´ll leave the two of you alone´´ Jill said as the four players scattered back to the party.
Lucy and Ona stood there dumbfounded for a couple of seconds before Lucy broke the silence ´´God, you´re probably so embarrassed´´ she said as she kneaded her forehead.
Ona looked surprised at the older woman ´´huh, no why, I mean aren´t we both a little´´.
´´yeah but your so hot, and to be caught with me…´´ Lucy sighed ´´sorry i-‘’
‘’what no, no, what do you mean’’ Ona stepped closer to Lucy, reaching out to her hands ‘’I don’t know if I say this right but -I am the one punching?- right, that’s like how you say you are the hotter one?’’.
Lucy scoffed ‘’nah’’ but she got a blush on her face ‘’do you really think that? Have you seen yourself?’’.
‘’okay we’re both hot then’’ Ona laughed.
Lucy pulled the shorter woman closer smiling ‘’where were we?’’
‘’maybe lets go somewhere with a lock first?’’ the Spaniard joked as she leaned in for the kiss.
As the kiss deepened Lucy’s hands travelled to Ona’s but and pulled her closer against her, Ona’s hand, that was on Lucy’s stomach, was squished in between them, she chuckled in to Lucy mouth.
‘’hmm’’ Lucy said as she pulled away with a couple more pecks to Ona’s lips, lips that looked so kissable, she didn’t really want to stop ‘’maybe we should’’ she panted.
‘’Go to my room?’’ Ona asked softly after a gentle nip at Lucy´s bottom lip.
´´Oh shit´´ Lucy said as she remembered something ´´my suitcase is still at reception and I haven´t asked my room number and keycard yet..´´
Ona grinned ´´back to the party then, lets see how smoothly you can fix your shit´´.
´´Is that a challenge? Cause challenges come with rewards’’ Lucy challenged Ona back.
‘’Only if they’re done successfully’’
‘’watch me then’’.
Many people had already left, as it was already quite late, and most of the people who were still there had gathered at the bar.
They were saying goodbye or still wrapping up conversations.
Lucy and Ona mingled with the people for a while and then went to the reception.
There was a line at the reception with several people who also had to pick up their keycard.
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''Ugh i love weddings, they're so cute'' Demi sighed to her partner. Her partner laughed ''yeah they're cute, and so obviously into eachother''.
Lucy and Ona didn't hear it, as they were already walking over to the elevator.
Coincidentally, their rooms were on the same floor, only Ona's was to the left and Lucy's was to the right.
The three people who had been in the elevator with them passed the couple who stood still in front of the elevator, hesitating.
"I think challenge completed pretty well" Ona smiled.
Lucy and Ona shared eye contact, the same eye contact that made them both forget the world around them. When the people entered their own rooms, they were brought back to reality by a door slamming shut.
Lucy cleared her throat, "eh, yeah, that was smooth, wasn't it?" She grinned, "I'm curious about the reward now."
-They were interupted by the elevator making some sounds, it was probably back downstairs with new people getting in.-
Ona took Lucy's hand and pulled her with to her room.
While Ona opened her room door, Lucy clicked the handle of her suitcase back inside.
They walked inside and Lucy left the suitcase in the hallway.
The room was semi-tidy, it was clear that someone had already slept there all night, but even the pajamas were neatly folded on the pillow.
Lucy asked ''just to be sure, you're not drunk now are you?''.
''drunk?'' Ona asked ''i mean i had a couple drinks but im not drunk no''.
''good, me neither'' Lucy said.
Ona laughed ''why?''
''don't want you to have regrets''
Ona laughed a little harder now ''ah, I thought you were going to say, 'don't want you to forget' ''. At that she mimicked Lucy with a thick English accent.
''wooow, is that how you think of me? think i've got a big ego'' Lucy fake gasped and clutched her chest.
''Nooo'' Ona quickly tried to clear up the misunderstanding ''no, i just wasn't thinking about regret at all, honestly i came to this wedding to see you again, and for the wedding itself ofcourse, but you know after the bachelorettes i have been-''. She stopped herself from blurting out more embarrassing truths.
Lucy laughed ''i was just kidding''. She stepped towards Ona and held her face with two hands ''but cute to know''.
Ona's cheeks heated up below Lucy's hands, but Lucy didn't pay attention to it, not wanting to embarrass the girl any further. She
She bent down and pressed her lips again against those beautiful, soft lips of Ona's, lips that now felt almost familiar.
She tasted her again, a taste Lucy wanted to taste more often. Lucy didn't know what was happening, it was as if she was under a spell by the Catalan. She hadn't been able to think about anything else than this exact moment all evening.
Lucy wanted to see more of Ona, to taste more of her, but she didn't want to be too pushy and wanted to make the shorter woman feel comfortable.
It was actually Ona who took things further, her hands pushing Lucy's jacket off her shoulders.
Lucy followed her lead after she dropped hers to the floor, she helped Ona get out of the blue jackter she was wearing.
''Your so beautiful'' Lucy mumbled below her breath, as she was stunned by the woman infront of her.
''Stop it'' Ona gushed.
That made Lucy look up ''are you sure about this, d'you want this?''.
Ona rolled her eyes ''Lucy stop second guessing, if somethings wrong i will tell you, i promise'' she smiled and softly asked ''or is it you that isn't sure about this?''.
''Im so sure'' Lucy was quick to ansewer, making Ona laugh.
The laugh turned into a squeal as Lucy picked up the smaller lady and carried her to the bed.
Lucy sat her down in front of the bed and took off her own shirt, she helped Ona with her top, who was fiddling with it for a while.
After both took down their pants, they now stood almost naked opposite each other.
While kissing, the English woman, who was now standing in her bra and briefs, pushed Ona against the mattress.
The Spaniard, who was only wearing thong, pulled Lucy along with her.
Lucy burried herself completely into Ona's neck, kissing and licking the skin below her mouth.
Ona got shy from how good it made her feel and covered her face with her hand ‘’luce’’ she whined.
‘’can I touch you?’’ Lucy asked as she pulled away to face Ona again.
Ona took her hand away and looked at Lucy questioning ‘’ofcourse you can touch me, what else were we going to do?’’ she said shyly but smiling.
Lucy smiled ‘’I just want you to be comfortable’’.
Ona sat up and took Lucy’s hands, she placed them on her boobs and said ‘’I’m really comfortable, Lucy I want to have sex with you’’.
Instinctively Lucy’s thumbs started caressing Ona’s nipples ‘’perfect’’ she groaned as she pushed Ona back on the bed.
They kissed passionately, Lucy’s tongue parted a way into Ona’s mouth. The Spaniard moaned as Lucy crawled further onto the bed, putting one thigh in between her legs. 
Brushing soft kisses across Ona’s body Lucy travelled further south, Ona was already squirming under her mouth.
She pulled Ona a bit more to edge of the bed and hooked her fingers in the thong she was wearing
‘’can I take-
Lucy chuckled at the eagerness but took it off quickly, she held the younger woman’s hips as she kneeled down infront of the bed.
Ona put her legs on Lucy’s shoulders, Lucy graze her teeth along the insides of the Spaniards thighs, Ona shivered and gripped Lucy’s hair, forcing her to were she wanted the woman to be.
The older women groaned at the shameless desperateness, feeling how wet Ona was ‘’all for me baby?’’.
Ona groaned ‘’fuck, all for you Luce’’ she got even wetter from being called baby by the woman she was crushing on, imagining it could be more than a one night stand.
Lucy flattened her tongue against Ona, lapping at her taste ‘’mhhmyou taste so good’’ she groaned against Ona’s clit before gently sucking at it.
The shorter woman’s back arched up from the bed, Lucy grabbed her hips tighter.
''Lucy, more please'' Ona moaned as she shuddered below Lucy's tongue.
Lucy put her hand up to in between Ona's legs and gently teased her entrance with her middlefinger.
She felt Ona move forward and pushed in carefully, resulting in a moan from the woman below her.
''try to keep quiet for me babe'' Lucy whispered against Ona. The catalan bit her lower lip, because she agreed that no one needed to hear them, knowing that they were all acquaintances of Lucy and that she knew a number of people that slept on this floor herself.
With her mouth and her finger Lucy worked Ona closer towards her climax. When she introduced a second finger, it didn't take long for Ona to come undone.
All Ona's muscles tensed and after a swallowed moan, her whole body relaxed. Lucy who still had her fingers inside, carefully helping the younger woman through her orgasm, pulled her fingers out gently and brought them up to her mouth.
This came so unexpectedly for the Spaniard that she clenched her thighs at the erotic sight, a new wave of arousal hitting her.
Lucy leaned over to kiss her, Ona accepted the kiss eagerly, licking into the older womans mouth. Lucy moaned at the woman wanting to taste herself on her tongue.
The English woman's thigh came inbetween the Spaniards ones as the kiss got more heated. Lucy leaned deeper against Ona, hands traveling around on her body.
She smiled as she felt Ona rutting against her, searching for friction.
With a hand around Ona's, Lucy gently flipped the two. She directed the shorter woman's body so that she was sitting on one of lucy's legs.
''you look so good like this'' Lucy whispered.
Ona's cheeks got red once again this evening, but she had no words so she hid her face in Lucy neck as she continued grinding down on Lucy's thigh.
''fuck,.. use me Ona''
''you're doing so good''
''feels good using my leg to get off?''
Lucy talked Ona through it, feeling her nearing a second orgasm.
Ona couldn't think straight anymore, hearing the praise, feeling Lucy.
When Lucy gripped the Spaniards hips tighter, helping her grind down, Ona's orgasm crashed through her. She held herself up with nails diggin' into Lucy, she whined out into Lucy's neck.
After a bit Lucy carefully placed Ona besides her on the bed and covered her with gentle kisses. ''that was perfect''.
Ona blinked, a small smile appeared on her face ''mhmm, perfect''.
Lucy looked at the blissed out woman "Maybe you're perfect" Lucy asked herself but actually said it out loud.
Ona chuckled and pushed Lucy's face with her hand.
the end, pretty open ending but it was already such a long one.. 🙃
hope you enjoyed!
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Just further to that last post, actually:
I never really see people talking about this as an internet etiquette thing, but it really is something I believe strongly. Messaging anonymously because you're shy is one thing; messaging about a general marginalisation and not wanting to be ID'd is another. But.
The moment you're sending criticism, argument or outright hate, you'd damn well better be prepared to put your name to it. You don't get to have your cake and eat it. You too should be held accountable. If you can't handle that, then unfortunately, you can't handle saying it at all. Interacting with other people is a give-and-take system. You don't get to hide while taking pot shots at someone else.
I realise others' mileage can and will vary, and I can already feel the rules lawyers gearing up to invent and argue exceptions to this (Is it alright on a train? Is it alright on a plane?) But, that's my belief
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ma1dita · 11 months
to love is to rest
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words: less than 1k
summary: Regulus whispers sweet nothings to you as you sleep.
warnings: none :) regulus x gn!reader, sleepy babies in love, he is an overthinker poor baby, children at war
a/n: had to get this sleepy little regulus oneshot out of my head! thanks for the love & feel free to send more requests & yell at me in the comments ; barely edited sorry i just want to be HELD
(posted: 10/17/23)
Regulus doesn’t even remember falling asleep. It was hard to, with the war looming over the horizon. He’d lay awake in bed for hours, pouring over strategies on how to take down the Dark Lord until sleep would rob him of consciousness, without permission. He fights back with fists, wrangling it in his smooth hands with copious amounts of dark roast coffee and ambition. Sirius always said he was a fighter, but he moreso believes that he is one who endures. There isn’t much of a choice in it all, despite the fight he puts up. One must fall victim to sleep, and Regulus is familiar with having to endure the choices life makes for him.
“Baby? What time is it?” he mumbles, sleep still clutching at his eyelids.
The room is dimly lit and the candles are burning low. Blinking rapidly to adjust his eyes to the darkness, he observes his surroundings and notices that you are nestled into his side, nose against his heart and lightly snoring. Cheekbones framed in moonlight and a little pool of drool over the beating in his chest, Regulus would’ve never thought love to be so soft. Love has been portrayed to him as a scary, unsightly thing—proclamations that cut like swords, a fierce grip that bruises, a performance that marks one forever. But as he smiles and traces your spine over the shirt you stole from his trunk, he realizes he’s never known a love like yours.
“I didn’t know how much I could love until I met you.” he whispers.
Having you here in his arms with only the moon as his witness, he worships you as if you’re something divine. He believes this so strongly because loving you is easy, with no expectations to uphold the family name, no etiquette to perfect, or punishment other than the one he brings upon himself if he gets it wrong. He wonders what must’ve gone right in his past lives so that he can hold someone so closely—someone so angelic. He's far from religious but he’d do anything you ask him to, and you believe in him too much for him to fail. The faith you have in him could give him the strength to survive any unforgivable curse, any death sentence the Dark Lord orders him so as long as he can run home to you. There’s so much he has to do at 17, so much to more to live for— and it’s inconceivable how much he prays to survive long enough to see you at ease.
“You don’t even know how little I loved before I loved you. You don’t even know…”
Should his chest dare give in at this exact moment, he reckons he could make his bones a home for you to live in. At least you’ll have something to remember him by, and his love will be immortalized by you, echoing into the next lifetime until you find each other again. There is nothing more mortifying than to be forgotten. Your hand reaches his forearm and for once, he doesn’t flinch. Regulus presses kisses onto your wrist so that you can carry it with you tomorrow, until you ask him to replenish you with more. His nose glides along your hairline, pressing kisses so that your mind won’t forget. He hopes these acts of love reach your subconscious, that in every plane of existence, you know of him.
“I cannot wait to live the life I stayed for. This is all for you, my love. I promise.”
A sharp inhale comes from your nose as you shift, waking from a dream. Your lips carve another soft spot onto his chest, and he is utterly yours. Fingers reach to cradle his jaw, smiling sleepily as you settle back into his space. His mind is finally empty, finally at peace—even if it’s just for tonight, he can be just a boy in bed with the person he loves.
Sleep covers the both of you slowly, and gently. He shuts his eyes once more and lets it envelop him without a struggle. Yes, he doesn’t know much about love, but for you, he’ll figure it out. For now, Regulus Black is at ease.
you claim, comes close to this,
no space
between your words, a hand
over the other’s heart. How do you live
with this distance?
-Nick Flynn
taglist: @jsjcue
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chimielie · 1 year
got no shame (i love the way you’re screaming my name)
summary: Terushima x Reader. got shame? terushima doesn’t.
word count: 1.6k
cw: terushima’s a slut (who is domesticated unknowingly by reader), bad group project etiquette, general unwiseness.
a/n: this… wasn’t supposed to be this long. essentially nothing happens. it’s completely sfw even though i call terushima a slut. sorry
"Hi," you say brightly, setting your laptop down on the desk next to your assigned project partner. "I was thinking we could set up—"
"Yeah, hang on," he—Terushima, according to the instructor's sign-up sheet—interrupts you. "Hey. Hey. Can I get your number?"
You open your mouth before you realize he's talking to the girl behind you, who agrees as easily as he'd asked. They chat a little while longer, taking their sweet-ass time before he turns back to you and she to her partner.
"So I was thinking we could set up a shared document and do this all online," he says, unapologetic, a lazy grin playing on his mouth. You decide then and there that you hate Terushima Yuuji with everything you have in you.
Miraculously, you survive the group project (with the aid of remote work, aggressively polite wording, and a lot of pep talks from your friends). He should be thankful he survived, you think darkly, casting a glare at him as he chatters to a group of friends across the room. He doesn't know how many times you got through class by imagining wrapping your hands around his neck and just—
You're half-convinced the universe sent him to fuel you with inner rage, because even though you no longer have to work together, he just seems like he's cropping up... everywhere.
He's in the grocery, flirting with the attendant as he struggles with the self-checkout machine. He's in your favorite coffee shop, hanging over the bar while the barista makes your drink. He's even at the parties you go to, his loud laugh penetrating your buzz until you can't think of anything else by the end of the night.
You toy with the idea of accusing him of stalking you, except he'd made it abundantly clear upon your first meeting that he had no clue that you existed on the same earthly plane as him. Plus, at this point, you're slightly worried that it's the other way around.
(You try not to think about the time you'd been lying alone in bed, a little bit wine drunk from a self-care night, legs freshly lotioned, face freshly masked, and one of his social media accounts had happened to pop up on your screen. And your finger had happened to bump the screen and hit follow. And before you could process your actions enough to undo your mistake, a little notification had rung out in the horrified silence: @teru-yuuji followed you back!)
(You had rolled over and screamed into your pillow. You still do the same whenever you think about it too long.)
Anyway, he likes all your updates now, which is terribly annoying because it's not even an acknowledgement of your existence, probably, he probably swipes through everyone's profiles and sends little hearts flying haphazardly because he doesn't care about anyone, or anything. And maybe you can recognize that you're projecting a little bit, obsessing a little bit, but you're pretty sure that you're also starting to experience the same sort of revenge glow-up associated with terrible break-ups without any of the emotional pain, so who cares?
It's not like he knows you're even alive.
"I'm going to die out here," you say out loud, to no one, "and nobody will know."
Your car, steaming—smoking really, but you're trying to be positive—beside you on the side of the road, makes a strange noise in sympathy, and you jump.
In a sorely needed attempt to touch grass, you had ventured by yourself to one of your favorite hiking trails, a secluded spot you and your old car had journeyed to hundreds of times. Its small frame was perfect for the winding, mountainous roads; its engine, apparently, not so much.
Luckily, you still have one bar of cell service, except most people you know don't have a car, your best friend is at work, and when you try to call your father, he doesn't pick up and instead texts you: we went to lunch at this tiny restaurant! This is followed by several images that won't load but that are most likely of his food.
"Useless," you say, "I hate men." Just as a white, tricked-out, and worst of all, familiar car turns the corner, all of its windows down to enjoy the fresh air. You stare at its driver as he passes at about ten kilometers per hour, your eyes wide and despondent, his curious and probably devoid of actual human consciousness.
You momentarily contemplate running the opposite direction into the forest versus asking Terushima for help. As is his way, he interrupts.
"Is your car supposed to be doing that?"
Anything snarky, sassy, or otherwise bitchy you could have answered with dies on your tongue in the face of total, completely confident cluelessness.
"No?" You say, feeling almost as though you're witnessing this absurd interaction from above. "Obviously not?"
"Right," he nods, sliding awful, trendy sunglasses off his face and tucking them up into some compartment before putting his car in park and then exiting. As he advances, you note distantly that his eyes are really, really pretty. "Can I help you out? I am a man, though, just a warning."
He heard you. Great.
"I didn't notice," you say, staring firmly at his middle torso area, which is covered by a shirt which he has cut the arms off of. There are... shoulders, and arms, toned, tan arms showing. And he must have just gotten back from a hike of his own, because the material seems slightly damp with sweat, and it's sticking to what appear to be abs, and you suddenly feel like your car: overheated and broken down. "I guess I can forgive you for that. Just this once. If there's anything you can actually do about," you wave a hand at your car, which has thankfully stopped smoking, "that."
"I can give you a ride," he says, and doesn't seem to realize how completely his tone changes as he does, how his words suddenly sound layered and intimate and... You need to get a grip.
“I have a friend on the way,” you say. You don’t. But he’s still technically a strange man and you know better than to seem completely abandoned.
“Oh? Good,” he says, and you think that’s the end of it. He’ll leave you to your beforested demise. “Can I check the hood real quick, though?”
“Do what you want.” He waits for you to pop the hood—you had earlier, but fuck if you knew what you were looking at.
"Thanks, babe," he says, and you hate him all over again. Then he opens your hood, muscled arms stretching up as he latches the strut in place, bent at the waist ever so slightly, and you're sort of collapsing into a very emotionally confused puddle on the side of the road. "Aw, I think your fan is fucked. I have a buddy I can call, he can tow the car if you want? He’s a mechanic but he can take it to your usual person if you have one.”
"That would be really nice," you blink at him, feeling your mouth stretch into a smile without your permission. "Do you think we could call him now? I don't want to leave my car without being sure someone's coming for it."
"Sure," he nods enthusiastically. "Gimme a sec."
What follows is a bizarre five minutes where Terushima paces in front of where you've seated yourself cross-legged on the road, occasionally casting you furtive glances and muttering things like "Yeah, from the... Yeah, that one. Please, bro, I'll owe you... I'll get you Miwa's number. I promise. When have I ever... Okay, fair, but c'mon. Thank you. I'll give you our first-born."
You tune him out after that, fully baffled.
"Okay!" He finally turns to you, beaming a sunny smile you've never seen on him at you. "He's coming. I sent you his website and shit, so you know he’s real."
“He’s not," you say, holding out a hand so he can help you up. He does, and you immediately regret this decision, because he's standing so close, and his hand is really big in yours, and you're pretty sure you're flirting with him. "You’re crazy."
"You’re funny," he says, and laughs, clear and ringing. He’s flirting with you, but you can’t tell if that’s just his natural dialect or if he’s— "So your boyfriend’s coming to pick you up? Why didn’t he come with you?"
"I don’t need a chaperone," the words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them, which is becoming a worrying pattern. "And I don’t have one—a boyfriend, anyway. I was on the phone with my dad when you showed up, you know, ‘I hate men’. Or trying. He's too excited about grand opening discounted fried fish."
"Fried fish is important," he says solemnly, eyes literally twinkling, what the fuck. You didn’t think that was real. "I understand."
“See,” you roll your eyes, “This is why I hate men.” He’s looking at you with a soft gaze that makes you aware of your whole body, down to your toes, and it’s starting to make you flustered. “I, um, I actually don’t have a ride coming.”
“Then why’d you—” he starts.
“I thought you might murder me,” you shrug. “And then I panicked. You don’t seem like a murderer, and we’ve had classes together, so… I’m sorry about that.”
“So,” he looks hopeful, in a way you don’t understand. “You still need a way back?”
“I do,” you nod, “but seriously, if it’s an inconvenience at all, I really don’t want to—”
“Please,” he says. “I’ve been trying to get on your good side for a while. Let me take you home.”
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paddockpatrol · 1 year
As if the fastest lap pitstop in Austria wasn't crazy enough, David Coulthard on Formula for Success shared this little story.
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I went down for the top 3 driver interviews, so I was standing just in front of the Red Bull garage in the pit lane with my back to the FIA garage door. And I am standing there with the camera man that will film the top 3 interviews. and it's traditional you go there and you stand in place waiting for when the race finishes.
And I see Max is coming down the pit lane and I take my phone out and I thought, I'll take a wee video of a pitstop for my son, you know, it'll be a nice little thing, he was watching in the pits. And Max came past, and I'll show you the video - sadly our listeners can't see it- he went past about half a meter away from my feet. I couldn't go any further back. He pulls into the pit box, I film it and I think, god that was a bit on the edge. I feel like I'm maybe not in the right place here. And I am familiar with pit lane etiquette.
Anyway he goes on, wins the grand prix, I do the top three interviews, we finish our Channel 4 show and I was flying back with Max to the south of France, back to Monaco and he arrives at the plane, 'cause he's been doing some documentary filming and I am already on the plane and he comes in and goes:
Did you like how close I got to you in the pitlane?
And I went, so you knew it was me? And he said, oh yeah, I didn't need to go that close, I just wanted to give you a little scare.
[It just shows] how much capacity this guy... and I said, but how did you know it was me? And he goes, there's only one guy with white trousers and white hair that would be standing in the pit lane.
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jey-chan · 7 months
Pandora had been training the little halfa, and she could only teach him so much, but! Her little warrior sister Dianna could teach him more! And not only that, she could tach him how to fight humans and contol his streing.
So yup! Time to left the portal (invisible of course, she does not wishes to put mlre presure to the kid) and go to space to find her s- are those planes to kill HER KID‽ OH NO! OH FUKING NOT!
Change of planes. Danny lest go see your new sister/moma/ she is amazing and works on a museum... and heve friends VIP to a hero clubhouse in space.
Now Diana dear cpuld you bring my little warrior to our homeland? I need to teach some bad cientits a little etiquette, oh your friends can come too... there are childrens to evacuate.
Oh? Dont worry about the no man rule: he is a kid, a blesed for the Realms, Kronos, and Me dead child, but a child non the lest.
Dianna: what do you mean dead kid‽ he semes pretty alive!
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Born for Greatness bonus 4
Find the series masterlist
FINALLY putting out the last bonus chapter for this series! This can be canon or can be discarded as you like, as it doesn't effect the main storyline at all.
Warnings: Pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, probably rose-colored tbh, established relationship, established pack, shifter behavior, swearing, Logan has to learn a whole new interrogation method.
Word count: 1.8k
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Soap and Gaz both murmured sleepily when you tried to nudge them off, nestling closer in retaliation. You looked to John for help, but he just shrugged. 
“Fucking burrs, I warned you,” he murmured, leaning over where you were trapped on the LoveSac to kiss your forehead. He nosed gently at your temple, breathing in the scent of you. “They’ll need to get up soon anyway.”
You sighed but gave in, a little reluctantly. “Five minutes, then I’m kicking them off.”
“Good luck.” John smirked at you, pressing one more kiss to your forehead before he left to go do his own preparations. Which is really what you should be pushing these two to do, but they clearly didn’t want to.
John hadn’t been sure how long they’d be gone this time. More than a week, he’d said with an apologetic little grimace, but he didn’t know more than that. 
Which was fine. You’d fly out to Logan, take care of some stuff there, maybe pick up a few etiquette classes or do some community work. It wasn’t like you were some wilting wife staring mournfully out to sea waiting on her husband. 
You snorted softly at the mental image. Yeah, no thanks. Not for you. 
You left shortly after they did, humming to yourself as you went through security and then waited for the plane. The trip was long, but worth it. 
And this time, you were giving Logan a taste of his own medicine and showing up unannounced. So you got a cab out to his property. 
Which was, of course, cold. Because the weirdo liked Canada. 
You fished out your house key and opened the door. “Logan?” 
There was a thump and a swear from further in the house. You grinned and headed that way. 
“You know, when I said your stuff wouldn’t be any trouble, I might have misjudged.” Logan glowered at you from where he stood in the middle of a storage room, which was currently stuffed with your stuff from your apartment. 
“I did tell you I didn’t need the furniture,” you pointed out, leaning in the doorframe. 
“The bookcases are nice, don’t wanna get rid of those.” Logan narrowed his eyes at you, head tipping as he approached. You paused, watching him, because this was not normal. He sniffed you, leaning in closer, until he made a face and took a step back. “Really, kid?”
“What?” You resisted the urge to sniff your own arm, because you knew it wouldn’t work. 
He blinked. Twice. “Oh fuck.” He rubbed one hand down his face, gaze flitting around the room, before he deflated a little and sighed. “Okay. Kitchen. Go.” 
Confused, you went, because this? You needed to know what this was about. 
Logan made coffee (he didn’t do tea) and growled at you every time you so much as tried to get up from your chair. So you just sat, utterly perplexed, and watched. 
Finally, he set a coffee in front of you, took a deep breath, and blurted out, “You’re pregnant, kid.” 
You blinked, suddenly quite aware of why he’d had you sit down. You grabbed the table to make sure you weren’t swaying. “I’m… what?” 
“I can tell.” He tapped his nose meaningfully. “I’ll drive into town and get some things for you.” 
“I’ll go, might as well,” you said, more out of habit than actual desire. 
And three tests later (you still had another pack to take in a few days), you were once again sitting at the kitchen table, more or less in shock. 
“I take it this wasn’t planned.” Logan nudged your foot with his, frowning a little. 
“Nope. Hadn’t even talked about it.” You breathed in slowly, trying not to freak out. 
“It’ll be fine.” Logan reached over to take one of your hands. “And if it’s not you’ll come here.”
You huffed. “You have a way of making things seem much more simple than they actually are,” you mumbled, though you couldn’t help but smile. 
“All depends how you look at it.” Logan shrugged. “You’ll be fine, one way or the other. You’ve got time and space here to think about what you wanna do. If you wanna keep the cub or not.” 
You put your head down on the table and whimpered. 
True to his word, though, Logan gave you all the time and space you wanted, letting you figure shit out. He offered opinions (sometimes wanted, sometimes not). And when you got too caught up in your own head, he bullied you onto the couch, turned on a movie, and shifted and laid across your lap. 
It was oddly effective. 
You had an entire month to sort yourself out. 
And then John texted, saying they were on their way back to base. 
Logan didn’t quite sit on you but he threatened to, glowering at you until you cooperated and then booking tickets for the two of you back to England. 
(“You can’t travel alone.”
“I’m pregnant, not dying!”
“Don’t care, you’re not traveling alone.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.”) 
Logan stayed with you the entire time, calm as always. His calm seemed to directly increase in relation to your anxiety. Which was… something to think about later. 
For now you were just grateful he wasn’t biting your head off. 
John had volunteered to pick you up, so of course he was waiting for you, car idling, leaning back against the hood as he patiently scanned the crowds for you. 
You didn’t actually track the steps you took to get to John. You were in front of Logan one minute, and in John’s arms the next. He rumbled a soft laugh as he squeezed you gently. 
“Missed me, hm?” he teased, kissing the top of your head.
“I’m pregnant.” You didn’t think. Just blurted the words out. 
“...come again?” 
You pulled back, looking up at him. “I’m pregnant.” 
John was very, very still for the longest half-dozen heartbeats of your life. He blinked. His mouth opened. Then closed. You swallowed hard, sudden nerves clenching around your heart. 
And then he was hugging you even tighter, face hidden against the top of your head, murmuring too quietly for you to understand. 
When he pulled back, his eyes were damp, and he was grinning wider than you’d ever seen. “That must be why…” He trailed off, pressing his forehead to yours and breathing deep again. 
“Alright, you two,” Logan said loudly, blatantly interrupting you. “Figure it out later.” 
You huffed and shot him a nasty look before giving John a quick kiss. “We should head back,” you agreed, a little reluctantly. 
Of course then John took your luggage and fussed over your seatbelt and wouldn’t stop glancing at you the entire drive back. Logan, the absolute bastard, was laughing to himself in the back seat. 
“You go say hi to the boys,” you told Logan sternly once John had parked. “You and I need to actually discuss this, I guess.” You looked at John. 
“Alright.” He didn’t even sound freaked out, much more under control again. 
But he didn’t take you back to his office. He took you to his room. 
There was very little talking involved in the next couple hours. 
You did insist on a shower before going to see the rest of the pack. 
You did not tell the rest of the pack about the baby just yet. You wanted to do something a little more nice for them than just blurting it out. (You’d feel bad about telling John that way but he was too smug already.) 
So you enlisted Logan’s help, getting him to go take your entire pack on a run. You took the time to decorate the pack room with some balloons you’d run off base for, a cake, and a little banner you hung off the table. You had enough time to question all your life choices before they came back. 
Logan looked in first, grinned, and moved to a prime spot to get pictures. John was next, huffing softly but his gaze soft as he looked at you.
The other three started to come in, and stopped. Well, to be more accurate, Gaz stopped short, Ghost stopped just shy of hitting him, and Soap walked right into Ghost’s back and swore before peeking between the two. 
Silence. Complete silence. It lasted just long enough for you to wonder if you’d made a mistake, if they weren’t okay with this, if this was a bad thing after all–
Gaz whooped and grabbed you, picking you up off your feet in a spinning hug. You squeaked, more surprised than anything. 
He didn’t even set you down. Just handed you straight to Soap, who also spun you around while holding you tight. Then he deposited you in front of Ghost. 
Ghost blinked down at you before slowly, carefully initiating a hug. You melted. He never initiated.
“So, I take it you guys are fine with this?” you asked, only a little choked up, still leaning into Ghost. 
“To put it mildly,” Gaz agreed, grin clear in his voice. He plastered himself to your back, joining in the hug shamelessly and ignoring Ghost's little annoyed growl. And then Soap jumped in too and you were laughing as the pile of you tipped precariously. 
"Alright, you muppets," John grumbled, fond amusement clear in his voice. "That's enough." It didn't take long before he was gently tugging you away from the boys. 
It wasn’t all sunshine and daisies, and you were no saint. But the pack made it work. 
Until the day you were finally cradling a little girl against you. So far Logan was keeping the rest of the pack at bay, so you and John had half a chance to meet your baby in peace. You’d never thought you’d see John cry, but he’d surprised you. 
Now, though, you three had a little peace. Your little girl slept against your chest, John hovering over the both of you. 
“She’s perfect, love,” John murmured, tipping his head to rest his cheek against your temple. 
“She is.” You smiled, exhausted, leaning further back into the bed. “Think she’ll be a bear like you?” 
“Probably.” John huffed softly. “Too soon to tell. We’ll find out soon enough.” He touched the back of one tiny hand with one finger, impossibly gentle. 
“Ready for all the extra mischief?” You couldn’t help but smile, already thinking of all the trouble she’d get into with Gaz and Soap. 
“Be good practice for them,” John rumbled, amused. “It’ll be fine, love.”
“I know.” You yawned, struggling to keep your eyes open now. “Trust you.” 
“Go to sleep, love. I’ll keep watch.” 
You managed to open one eye to shoot him an amused look. “The pack is literally outside ready to take on anything,” you pointed out. “You don’t need to keep watch.”
“Won’t stop me from doing it anyway.” John rumbled soothingly, pressing closer to you both. 
“Ridiculous man.” But you smiled as you closed your eyes again, heart full to overflowing. The security of having the pack outside and your mate next to you made it easy to drift to sleep.
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michibap · 1 month
cool for the summer ch.2
omg tysm for all of the love on chapter 1, u guys r the coolest
7k words
warnings: sexual implications, drugs + alcohol
(also want to give everyone a heads up that i won't be posting as often, i'm moving back to school soon 🤠)
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-ted wakes up to the distant sound of crashing waves and muffled chatter from elsewhere in the house
-sighing as he rolls over to look the alarm clock on the bedside table, neon letters reading 8:47 am 
-instinctively, he reaches out beside him to shake you awake, knowing that you’d sleep the entire day away if he let you
-he frowns when his arm flops onto an empty mattress
-turning his head and finding nothing but tangled blankets beside him rather than the familiar outline of you
-he sucks in a sharp, panicked breath when he realizes you’re missing, frantically looking around the unfamiliar room for where you could have disappeared to
-it’s the shrill cry of a seagull right outside of his window that jolts him back into the land of the living
- reminding him of where he is and where you should be
-he squints as he looks outside, the sky still painfully bright despite the overcast
-past the grassy dunes that stood between the house and the beach, he could see that the tide was still low, revealing a large, flat plane of sand littered with shells and rocks and other goodies that he would have to scavenge for with you
-speaking of you…
-he slightly leans over so that he can peak through the connecting door
-smiling to himself when he sees where you’ve cocooned yourself in the duvet, still in the exact spot that you’d crawled into the night before
-waking up with a blanket on should have been the first sign that the two of you weren’t sharing a bed
-despite your otherwise pleasant bed sharing etiquette, you’ve been a d1 blanket hog since the day you popped out
-often leaving ted to fend for himself when he’d wake up in the middle of the night shivering, desperately trying to tug some blanket for himself out of your stupidly strong grip
-it usually ended with him huffing and giving up, groggily glaring at your sleeping form
-usually he’d make some sad attempt to cover himself, pathetically curling up under a couple of pillows or a beach towel if he’s really desperate 
-but there were some nights where he was simply unable to fall asleep, his shivering keeping him awake
-and in his desperation, he’d say fuck it.
-if you can’t beat em, join em
- he’d find a loose corner where he could slip into your cocoon with you, leeching off some of the heat you’d been monopolizing
-it  usually didn’t last long, though
-he’d end up getting too hot after a few minutes of being squished up against you and drag himself out of your impromptu nest
-but somewhere out there, there’s footage that captured the BOTH of you lacking
-it’s nothing too incriminating
-only shaky footage of one of your mutual friends bursting into the room the two of you had been sharing, followed by a quick glimpse of you comfortably tucked to ted’s chest before you’re practically thrown off of him as he’s sitting up to grab the chastity pillow off of the floor and hurl it at the intruder
-with a dramatic sigh, he drags himself out of bed and pads over to the bathroom to brush his teeth
-standing in your doorway for a moment, he considers waking you up
-but decides against it, gently closing your door so he doesn’t disturb you 
-saving himself the trouble of being there during your lengthy reacclimation process (this is a very nice way of saying that you are NOT a pleasant morning person)
-ya, that sounds like a schlatt problem
-after getting himself ready, ted heads downstairs and seeks out the chatter he had heard from elsewhere in the house, finding the few psychos who had woken up early on purpose
-he decides to join them on their grocery run to stock up the house for duration of the stay
-but only on the condition that they stop for coffee
-during the ride there he’s not paying much attention to the ongoing conversation in the car, still a little bleary himself
-but he gathers enough to know that the plan for today was to hang at the house and enjoy the beach, none of which he had any opposition to
-he enjoys wandering through the cute little mom and pop market they had found, grabbing the items he had been asked to along with a few snacks he’d thought you would be intrigued by
-they end up grabbing coffee at the small shop next door, and ted considers grabbing one for you as well but decides against it, unsure of when you’ll wake up
-early bird gets the worm, nerd.
-but you actually would have shot him in the knee if you found out that they had raspberry white chocolate muffins and he didn’t buy one for you
-his hands were tied, seriously. 
-the caffeine breathed life back into him, his usual chattiness coming back to him on the ride back to the house
-enjoying watching as the world became clearer through the car window, the overcast breaking up into fluffy clouds that lazily drifted across the brilliantly blue sky
-once they made it back, they recruited the few others who had crawled out of bed since they’d left to come out and help bring groceries in
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-he’d heard schlatt before he saw him
-the low rumble of some stupidly expensive rental sports vehicle could be heard by anyone within a mile radius 
-ted rolled his eyes when he heard it, but still got up from where he’d been melting into the couch to go stand on the porch
-crossing his arms over his chest and raising a brow, but unable to bite back his grin as he watched a sleek vehicle pull into the driveway and park next to the tacoma (who admittedly, looked a little clunky in comparison)
-he watches as schlatt struggles to climb out of the low vehicle, legs unfolding out first, followed by the rest of him
-ted doesn’t bother hiding his laugh as he watches him stretch, groaning obnoxiously, shirt riding up and inch as he moved to pop his back
“I’m surprised you even fit in that thing.”
“Fuck off. ‘Least my ride isn’t rotting out under me.” Schlatt grumbled, moving to petulantly kick one of the tacoma’s tires
-ted gasps, “She can hear you.”
-he’s leveled with an unentertained look, 
“You gonna help me bring this shit in, or you just gonna keep sittin’ there and looking pretty?”
“If you meant pretty as an insult it didn’t work.”
-he still makes his way over to the car, letting out a bewildered laugh when he’s pulled into a tight hug and given a few hardy pats on the back, 
“Oh wow, okay. This is interesting”
-both of them freeze after ted hears him take in a particularly deep inhale through his nose
“... Did you just sniff me?”
“Hell yeah I did, brother.”
-after a brief scuffle, schlatt opens the trunk and points out which bags he wants ted to carry
-ted pauses after watching schlatt pull only one of his bags out himself
“Hold up, why am I carrying more of your shit than you are?”
-before he can protest any further, their joint attention is turned to the front door when they hear the thud of it closing
-they both turn and find you standing in front of it, looking like you’d just rolled out of bed
-hair a rat’s nest, one of your socks pulled higher than the other, swamped in a faded graphic tee and a pair of flannel shorts, one of your hands scrubbing at your squinting eyes, adjusting to the daylight
-you raise one hand, which had been hanging limply at your side, to reach out towards them but make no actual effort to come any closer 
-ted bites back a grin and glances over to schlatt, who hadn’t bothered suppressing his toothy smile at the sight of you
-ted quickly comes to understand why he’s holding two bags while schlatt only has one
-shaking his head and laughing to himself as schlatt wordlessly walks up to you and ducks low, one hand coming to grab the back of your thigh as he moves to carry you over one of his shoulders
-ted kind of expects you to put up some sort of fight, brows raising when instead of squirming out of schlatt’s grasp, you’re content to dangle there as he makes his way into the house
-he follows schlatt into the kitchen, where he stops to greet the others
-pausing for a casual chat like ted isn’t lugging two of his bags in and you’re not over his shoulder, shorts having ridden up precariously high on your ass with how you’d been thoughtlessly manhandled 
-but he bites his tongue and very gracefully allows his friend a few moments to chat 
-however, once his arms begin to ache ted intervenes, pleading to go upstairs and put the bags down
-as the three of you make your way out of the kitchen, one of your friends makes a point of teasingly wishing you a good morning
-the occupants of the kitchen had watched you wordlessly stumble down the spiral stairs and shuffle towards the front door a few minutes earlier, still zombie-like after having just rolled out of bed
-it seems like you’re still struggling to kick into gear, as your only response is nothing more than lifting your head with a lazy, catlike grin curled across your lips and a small wave
-you start making more of a fuss once schlatt tries to make his way up the spiral staircase with you still over his shoulder, trying to wriggle out of his grasp and get back onto your own feet
-ted’s head snaps up at the sound of a thud, followed by schlatt cackling and a weak groan from you
“See? That’s what you get for squirmin’.”
“You’ve been here for less than ten minutes and she’s already mildly concussed.” ted scolds
“That was her fault!”
-there’s another thud, this time you ball up a fist and punch his back, 
“Okay, that one was my bad.”
-once the three of you make it to your room, schlatt makes quick work of dropping his bag with a thud and tossing you on the bed
-where you land with a bounce before he’s wrapping a large hand around your ankle and dragging you closer to where he stands at the foot of it
-ted glances up after placing schlatt’s bags politely by the wall, faltering a bit when he sees both of you looking at him expectantly, 
-schlatt only raises an entertained brow, 
“She says you have a surprise for me?”
-his brows pinch together and helplessly looks to you, lips forming an ‘o’ when he sees you grin excitedly and nod at the connecting door
-his lips curl into a smile that matches your own and he eagerly nods, slowly walking towards the door for dramatic effect
-pretending that the feeling of two sets of eyes closely tracking him doesn’t make him want to squirm a bit
-he turns to face both of you for a moment, letting the anticipation build for just a second more before dramatically flinging the door open, 
-after the hype dies down, ted is left standing the doorway, awkwardly looking at where schlatt looms over you at the foot of the bed
“Alright, you’ve got three seconds to get out of here or shit’s gonna get weird.”
“Right, right. I’m outie, I’ll see you kids downstairs.”
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-ted heads downstairs first, allowing you and schlatt a moment to settle
-you descend only a few minutes later, looking significantly more chipper and donning a baggy shirt and a pair of basketball shorts as an impromptu cover-up
-schlatt’s lumbering not too far behind you, following you into the kitchen where the rest of the gang was waiting to head down to the beach
-you sheepishly apologize for the hold-up
-but before you get too far you’re being interrupted by ted, who is peer pressuring you into taking a shot
“Not the red white and berry…” you pretend to wretch, ted doing the same before laughing maniacally, filling the disposable shot glass to the very top and gently pushing it wards you, careful to minimize any spillage
-both of you shout indignantly when schlatt snags it off the table and shoots it back before you get the chance to
“That was fucked.” Charlie laughs from his spot on the kitchen counter, “Somebody get this woman a shot stat.”
“I’d like to remind everyone that it’s barely 1pm.”
“Shut up Tucker.”
-after a few more rounds, you and schlatt are pretty much caught up to the rest of the group, so the choice is made to migrate to the beach
-you’re frolicking ahead of the rest of the group, hand in hand with Niki, both of you giddy as you skip in tandem down the sandy path
-ted and schlatt are a little further back, having been assigned to bringing down beach chairs, the shorter of the two hissing as he struggles to hobble through the hot sand with chairs in hand
-ted rolls his eyes and calls him a baby as he sets up the umbrella and lays out a blanket to lounge on
-schlatt doesn’t respond, instead huffing and puffing as he unfolds the chairs, throwing himself into the one closest to where ted is laying with a groan
-Charlie, Tucker and Jaiden aren’t too far behind, the two men making a joint effort to lug down the packed cooler and Jaiden carrying a bag of beach toys they’d found on the back porch
-after cracking open a few cold ones, the rest of the group is content to sit in silence for a few minutes, -schlatt’s dead to the world, hanging limply in his chair next to ted, who was sitting up on the blanket
-watching where you and niki chase the tide as it pulls out and scampering away when it comes back in as he sipped on his bev
-he sits up a little straighter when he sees the two of you turn and race back to where they’d set up camp
-both of you taking a moment to catch your breath once you make it back up
-breathlessly giggling to one another before you’re parting, niki planting her ass in the sand while you move to stand between schlatt’s legs, looming over where he’s splayed in the chair
-ted bites back a laugh as he watches schlatt do no more than raise his brows, looking up at you over the band of his aviators
“Whaddaya want?”
-you only grin, reaching to grab one of his hands and tugging on it in a lazy attempt to pull him up, 
“Come swimming with me.”
-you throw your head back and let out a dramatic groan before looking back at him with a slight pout (that has definitely had ted folding on more than one occasion, but he commends his friend for holding out)
“I don’t do seaweed, toots.”
“Why even come to the beach if you’re not gonna swim?” you huff, a little bratty 
“Woman,” Schlatt sighs, “I just sat down, and you’re already bitchin’ at me.”
-ted blanches a bit, eyes darting to you, and he can feel your energy shift as you drop his hand, instead moving to rest it on your now popped hip as you raise an unentertained brow
“Bitching?” you repeat, offering him a chance to correct himself
-but schlatt either failed notice your shift in attitude, or just didn’t give a shit
-ted pales when his friend doubles down
“Bitchin’” he parrots, making it a point to pop the b before taking a swig of his beer, eyes unmoving from where they’re locked on your own
-your eyes narrow and your jaw clenches, but before you have the chance to say anything else, Charlie is standing up,
“I’ll come swimming with you guys!” he chirps, moving to take off his shirt and walking over to help Niki off of the ground before the two scamper off to the water together
“Uhh, I’ll go too.” Tucker rushes out,
“Same!” Jaiden agrees, and they’re quickly following after the other two
-leaving the three of you to simmer in the tension and the heat of the sun
-you remain unmoving from your spot, but glance over to where Ted is still on the blanket, 
“You coming?”
-ted awkwardly coughs into his fist, eyes darting between you and schlatt, both sets of eyes expectantly locked onto him once again 
“I think I need to uh… warm up a little more before I get in the water.”
-you only narrow your eyes at him
“I see where your loyalties lie.”
-ted’s mouth drops open to defend himself, but it quickly snaps back shut when he sees you take a small step back and shucking off your coverup, revealing the tasteful {bathing suit of your choice?} hidden underneath
-and throwing the bundle of clothes in schlatt’s face, hard enough to knock his sunglasses askew
-you scowl, face heating a bit when his only response is slouching further into his seat, newly exposed eyes shamelessly roving over your body before meeting your own with raised brows
“Nice rack.”
-instead of dignifying him with a response, you snag the glasses off of his face and put them on yourself before turning to make your way to where the others are splashing in the water
-both men’s eyes firmly set on your ass as you saunter towards the waterline
-ted eyes snap away when the sound of his friend’s voice breaks him out of his trance
“The fuck is her problem?” schlatt grumbled, eyes trained on where you’re moping at the water’s edge
“I mean… you did kind of just call her a bitch?” Ted says cautiously
-more concerned with how playing mediator irl would work out than the actual “situation” at hand
-he’d settled countless petty spats for the two of you before, but that was over the phone
-zero risk of either party hearing him play the ‘other side’
-he deflates bit when he sees schlatt shrug, 
“She was bein’ a bitch.”
-ted sucks in a deep sigh, not really in the mood to play referee, but knowing that he may have to for the sake of the evening
-but before he could begin his tirade, he loses his train of thought as he watches schlatt stand from his chair 
-eyes going wide as he watches his friend move to pull his shirt over his head, gulping at the sight of the large expanse of his back, strong shoulders tensing with the motion
“Where’re you going?”
-schlatt turns to look at him over his shoulder, smirking
“Goin’ to get my fuckin’ glasses back.”
-he doesn’t give ted the chance to protest, already halfway to the water by the time he’d managed to pull his thoughts together
-ted can’t do much more than watch as schlatt jogs up behind you, wincing a bit when he bends down to scoop you up into a princess carry and wade further into the water
-he could hear the distant sound of you shouting, and see you squirming and kicking as you try to escape his grasp, but you don’t move fast enough
-because before you know it, Schlatt is falling backwards into the water, bringing you under with him
-ted relaxes a bit when he sees both of you re-emerge from the water laughing, schlatt pushing some hair out of your face before taking his glasses off of you and putting them back on himself 
-when the two of you part, it’s only to wreak havoc on the others 
-you’re wading towards tucker with anything but good intentions, and schlatt is struggling to drag Charlie under water as Niki and Jaiden run towards shallow water to spare themselves 
-just as ted’s fomo starts kicking, you and the others begin waving him over
-he grins and pushes off of the ground, but as he begins to make his way to the water, he can hear the lot of you shouting something he couldn’t understand, and pointing towards something near him
-pausing with a confused frown, he points to himself, brows furrowing when the small crowd all makes an assortment of different motions, all meaning no
-he sets his eyes on you, knowing that you’d give him something to work with
-he laughs when he watches you crouch and put both of your arms to balance yourself and pretend to wobble 
-and it’s like a little light bulb goes off over his head, and he points at the paddle board a few feet away from him 
-grinning when the small crowd wildly cheers and walking over to grab it so he can bring it down to the water
-he honestly doesn’t know what else he expected from a group of adults when he finally reaches the water with the paddle board
-as soon as it’s floating, you, schlatt and charlie are fighting to get on
-charlie clinging to the board as you and schlatt try to shove each other off
-though none of you are successful, as a wave is quick to wash in and flip the board, sending all of you tumbling under water
-once the madness settles, the lot of you take turns either getting on the board and riding a wave in or staying back and giving the riders a push start
-you, jaiden and niki manage to all crowd on together and successfully ride a wave in, shrieking with joy as you feel the rush of water beneath the board push you to shore
-ted, tucker and charlie attempt to replicate the glory, but fail miserably
-charlie had insisted on trying to stand up and ended up tipping the board over  
-one by one, the crowd begins to leave the water, the combination of the cold ocean and exertion tiring everyone out pretty quickly
-but you, ted and schlatt hold strong, used to the stinging cold of the atlantic 
-at least he thought you were
-after sending schlatt off on a wave, he glances over to where he heard rapid clicking from beside him, partially worried that it was some ocean creature out to get him
-though that concern is replaced when he turns and sees you, rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm up as your teeth chatter
-when you see him looking at you, you snap your mouth shut to stop your teeth from chattering, though as soon as you do, your body begins to basically vibrate in turn
“Alright, time to get out.” Ted decides, and moves to lead you out of the water, pausing when he sees you stubbornly shake your head no
“I don’t wanna.”
“You realize you’re shivering like a cartoon character right now, yes?”
“Don’t care.”
-he lets out an exasperated sigh, looking to schlatt for help as he wades back towards the two of you with the board
“Would you tell her to get out, please?”
-schlatt pauses, glancing between ted and where you stand beside him, still shivering 
“Why would I do that?”
“She’s gonna get fuckin’ hypothermia.”
-schlatt only shrugs,
“Sounds like a her problem.”
-ted purses his lips and impatiently raises his brows, and once again motions to where you’re standing 
-schlatt throws his head back with a groan,
“Jesus, fine. C’mere-“
-as expected, you try to swim away before schlatt can reach you, but fail, not able to do much more than go limp as he manhandles you to sit on the board, the cold having zapped all the fight from you 
-schlatt moves to stand in between your legs, patting your thigh to get your attention
“Last one. We’re gonna be here all fuckin’ week.”
“Fine. But ‘m not happy about it.”
“I don’t think I could care any less, actually.”
-he dodges the hand that swipes out at him with a laugh, turning his head to look at ted over his shoulder
“Teddy, hop on.”
-he glances between where schlatt is looking at him over his shoulder and you’re peaking at him from over schlatt’s head 
“You’re gonna miss the fuckin wave, get on!” 
-ted’s eyes widen at his insistence, but he can feel the pull of another wave forming
-he chances a look behind him and sees a considerably large swell forming a little further out 
-he scrambles to get on the board with you, scooching up behind you and looking over at schlatt, who was still standing at the back end of the board 
“What’re you doing?! Get on!”
“’M peeing.”
-a shit eating from spreads across schlatt’s face as you whip around to give him a look of disgust -comically similar to the one ted was giving him
-before either of you can comment, he’s pushing you off with the wave, laughing manically as the two of you are rushed off
-you let out a choked shriek as you take off, firmly planting your hands on the board in front of you to balance yourself
-ted behind you is quiet enough that part of you is worried he fell off 
-you look over your shoulder to make sure he’s still there, laughing at his wide eyed expression
-and ted is so caught up in the vision of you laughing back at him, the wind rustling your hair and the sun is hitting you just right, and you look good enough to fucking eat in that swimsuit and- 
-you shriek as your side of the board teeters up as ted’s sinks down, both of you sliding down the board
-though ted has significantly less board to slide down, his arms coming out to flail cartoonishly before splashing back into the water, the board flopping back down to the water after the weight is redistributed thanks to his fall
-he resurfaces coughing, watching you propel back to shore, dramatically wailing his name as you go
-he turns at the sound of familiar cackling from behind him, jolting when two large hands grab his shoulders and shake him
“Oh my god, that was too fuckin’ good, man. What the fuck happened?”
-ted forced a laugh, very cooly and casually brushing his friend’s very large hands off of his shoulders
“I dunno,” he chuckled, “Jus’ slid right off.”
-schlatt’s laughter dies down, and he wipes a crocodile tear from the corner of his eye before leveling ted with a knowing look,
“Mhm. We should probably get goin’ before the log I just dropped hits ya.”
“Dude, you have got to stop saying shit like that. I can’t tell if you’re joking any more.”
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-back on the beach, you, jaiden and charlie were burying tucker in the sand and constructing him a beautiful false-mermaid body
-ted stayed back by the water to help niki find beach treasures to accessorize tucker
-when schlatt made it back up, the first thing he did was plant himself on his knees beside you and get to work on molding tucker a set of honkers
-once the masterpiece is complete, everyone takes turns taking pictures with tucker before settling down to chill in the sand for a while 
-you, jaiden, niki and charlie decided to play a game of uno on an inconveniently small plastic table, while tucker was content to remain buried in the warm sand 
-ted collapsed back into his chair, tilting his head back and basking in the sun while schlatt laid on the portion of the blanket shaded by the umbrella a few feet away
-he laughed to himself as he listened to you bicker with charlie about the ethics of a +4 card for a moment before admitting defeat and walking away from the game
-watching you rustle through a bag for a moment before finding what you’d been looking for and making your way over
-you laid tummy down on the portion of the blanket still bathed in the sun, between the two men (duh)
-once you made yourself comfortable, you impatiently held up the bottle of spf you had grabbed,
“Somebody screen me.”
-ted glances from you to schlatt, who makes no effort move
“Hello?” you called, brattiness seeping into your tone with the thought of being ignored 
-cautiously, he leans over in his chair and slowly reaches for the bottle of sunscreen, but just as his fingers are about to brush the bottle
-he flinches back when his hand is slapped away
“Aye, what kinda party do you think this is, Teddy?” schlatt teased
-ted doesn’t dignify it with a response, only rolling his eyes and shaking his head, waving him off 
-even tho schlatt couldn’t see it thru his darkened light responsive lenses 🤓
-ted really does make his best effort to keep his focus on the intense final rounds of the ongoing uno game
-but his gaze kept on being drawn to his periphery
-and he really, honestly and truly could not stop himself from taking a few side wards glances
-unable to draw his eyes away from where strong hands worked over soft, glistening skin, flesh dimpling under the pressure of firmly pressing fingers 
-he swears feels a set of eyes on him and snaps his gaze away, guilty at even the slightest chance of being caught 
-though out of the corner of his eye, he swears he sees a rogue grin spreading across his friend’s face
-when he chances a glance back, he just catches schlatt drawing his hand back, winding up to land a brutal smack to the partially exposed globe of your ass 
-you shout, shooting up and grabbing the forgotten bottle of sunscreen and using it as a melee weapon to thwack the side of schlatt’s head
-before you bring a hand back to rub the stinging flesh, whining about it hurting 
-schlatt was laughing away, all too pleased with himself as ted coughs into his fist, shifting in his seat
-after a couple more hours of going back and forth between splashing in the ocean and lounging in the sun warmed sand, the sun begins to set and the temperature begins to drop
-the lot of you decide to head back to the house and get cleaned up, taking a brief intermission before relocating the “party” to inside 
-you, ted and schlatt are chilling on the back porch as you wait for tucker, who had desperately pleaded to use your shower first so he could wash all of the sand off of him
-ted is next, quickly rinsing off before making his way back out to the porch, taking schlatt’s seat next to you when he stands up and brushes his hands off on his swim shorts 
“Alright, I’m gonna go shower.”
“Have fun, we’ll be here.”
“Please save me hot water, I beg.”
-schlatt pauses, pressing his lips into a thin line as his eyes dart between where you and ted are comfortably folded into the couch, looking cluelessly up at him
-after a moment of staring he raises his brows at you and not so subtly nods his head to the door,
laughing a little when your face lights up in realization
-ted deflates a little when you scramble out of the chair, following after schlatt as he pushes the door open,
“See you in a few!”
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-it was not in fact “a few”. 
-in the time since the two of you had disappeared upstairs, everyone else in the group had finished showering,  smoked on the porch, played a few rounds of mario kart, and gone back out on the porch to smoke some more 
-the rest of the group is heading back in with plans to start making dinner as ted cleans up outside
-he hears a pair of familiar voices chatting with the group as they all filtered inside
-he looks up when he hears the back door swing open, narrowing his eyes at schlatt as he peaks through with a toothy grin
-but his jaw fucking drops when you follow after him 
“You fucking bastard!”
“Okay, don’t start-“
“You cut my shit!” he shouts, motioning at what you’re wearing 
-schlatt frowns as he looks from schlatt to you, doing a quick once-over of what you were wearing 
-a pair of comfy running shorts and a cropped sweatshirt for some obscure band that the two of you were into in high school
“First off- it’s not your shit. I got custody fair and square. Second- it looks better on me and you’re mad.” you say with with a cocky shrug as you settle on the small couch across from him 
-schlatt laughs as he settles next to you, bringing a hand up from where it was resting on the back of the couch to pinch some of the worn fabric between his fingers 
“Hold on, this was yours?”
-and you could go on a tangent about how yours and ted’s wardrobes had basically become one halfway through high school, and that before the both of you left for school you both sat down and went through your closets and bartered and agonized over who could take what for hours
(you fondly refer to it as the day of reckoning) 
-but instead of going through the effort of an explanation, you only shrug again
“‘S a damn shame, this’s one of my favorites.”
“What’re you fuckin wearing it?” ted snarks
-and he sees his friend’s rogue smirk before he opens his mouth to reply, but your hand is quick to slap over his mouth
-he secedes with a laugh, raising his hands in defeat before you remove your hand
“Somethin’ like that.” he chuckled as you roll your eyes 
-the three of you sit in silence for a moment before you’re shifting in your seat, a little uncomfortable 
“So are you gonna smoke us out or what?”
“You think I’m gonna let you smoke my weed after you cut up my shit?”
-he sighs and reaches for the grinder, packing a bowl but sliding the bong to schlatt first, just to be petty 
-but he still frowns when he sees schlatt carelessly pass the glassware off to you after he’s had his fill, watching you fumble with the lighter for a moment before he intervenes 
“You still don’t light it yourself?” he laughs, a little incredulously 
“You wouldn’t be able to with these nails either.” you huff
-both of you turn to look at schlatt expectantly, it taking him a moment to register both of your stares 
“Are you going to light the bong for your lady?” he asks teasingly 
-schlatt’s expression turns a little confused as he looks between the both of you 
“Why would I do that?”
-he rolls his eyes when you and ted both let out horrified gasps,
“Because you love and value me???”
-schlatt only shrugs, moving to take the bong out of your hands and place it back on the table between you and ted
“Then you do it.”
“Fine, gimme the lighter.” 
-the atmosphere shifts into something little less playful as you lean forward to press your mouth against the lip of the mouthpiece, looking expectantly up at ted through your lashes 
-he shifts, glancing from you to schlatt, who’d moved his hand from the back of the couch to rest of the small of your back
-schlatt’s brows raise, and a challenging smile plays on his lips as he gives ted a short, almost mocking nod of encouragement 
-ted narrows his eyes before sparking the lighter and bringing it to the bowl, focusing on the smoke filling the chamber rather than the way your lashes flutter as you struggle to inhale
-you pull back spluttering when you feel schlatt’s hand run further up your back, thumb rubbing over your skin
-both men laugh as you sit back up, covering your mouth as you cough
-ted moves to uncap and hand you the water bottle he had brought outside with him as schlatt badgers you
“Come on, that was a weak hit.”
“Was not.”
“I dunno,” ted hums, “That was pretty sad.”
“Fine.” you huff, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear and leaning forward once more 
“But when I start tweaking you guys can’t get mad.”
“No promises.”
“Yeah, if you start going on about fiberglass again I’m just gonna lock you in a closet.”
-you roll your eyes, but still press your lips back to the mouthpiece 
-ted holds your gaze this time, watching for the telltale sign of your eyes watering before you’re thrown into a coughing fit 
-and just as expected, when your eyes go a little glassier you try to pull back
-but both of your eyes widen when schlatt’s hand comes to cup the back of your head, keeping you from pulling away,
“Nuh-uh. Not lettin’ you fuckin’ waste any this time.”
-ted watches as your eyes squeeze closed for a moment before, to his surprise, you inhale the rest of the smoke in the chamber 
“Theeere you go.” schlatt cooed, tone a little taunting as his hand slides from where it was holding the back of your head to return to it’s place on the small of your back
-the moment his hand leaves your head you’re pulling off and coughing a lung up as schlatt laughs, hand comfortingly rubbing up and down your back 
“Oh my god- I’m gonna vom-“ you groan, but schlatt only rolls his eyes,
“Please-“ he scoffs, “you’re fine.”
“I almost died and neither of you care.”
-ted only laughs at your antics, once again handing you his bottle that you’d left on the table, both men watching as you gulp down most of what remained before wiping your mouth with the back of your hand
-not more than a few seconds later, there’s a shout announcing that dinner is ready from inside the house 
-you’ve already gone a little giggly as you push off the couch, grabbing onto the back of schlatt’s sweatshirt as you closely follow behind him, ted on your heels 
-dinner isn’t anything too fancy, just some frozen pizza and some random shit they’d bought to throw in the bougie air fryer 
-though it tastes like the most delicious feast on the planet to you as you burn your mouth on melted cheese
-after eating, the group makes it’s way back to the living room for the Official mario kart tournament 
-niki, jaiden and charlie all squeeze onto one couch while tucker and ted comfortably spread out on the other 
-schlatt takes the recliner, and you crawl into his lap before you’re handed a remote
-you ignore schlatt as he tries to tell you the most efficient car combinations, instead going for your usual tactic of “cutest available character with a fun matching car”
-and maybe everyone else will believe that your devastating loss was the fault of your silly little car
-but ted knows better
-he glanced over after he had seen your character swerving on a map that he knew you knew like the back of of hand 
-his eyes widening when he sees schlatt’s eyes already locked on him as he leans close to whisper something in your ear with a smile that couldn’t mean anything good
-he watches you squirm, and his eyes trail down to where a large hand is grabbing at your thigh, soft skin pudging out between strong fingers as he kneads the flesh
-it’s only after ted hears the sound bite of your character falling off of the map that he sees you swatting his hand away, hissing a quiet 
“Yo, chill.”
-due to your poor performance, you lose your place on the roster and hand your remote over to schlatt
-there being a small chorus of boos when he goes back to re-customize your car before the match starts
-despite the protest, the changes seem to have had a positive effect, schlatt smoking the others for the first two laps
-but when he begins his third lap, ted sees you shuffling out of the corner of his eye, looking entirely too pleased with yourself
-and all of a sudden, every few seconds schlatt is driving off the map, or steering directly into bananas and other such inhibitors 
-nobody else seems to notice, too busy celebrating Tucker’s miraculous comeback to pick up on what ted was pretty sure the two of you are up to
-schlatt roles his eyes and talks his shit about whooping everybody next time as he hands off his remote with an unusually small amount of protest after he loses
-not even a few minutes into the next round, the two of you are announcing that you’re retiring to bed and bidding everyone goodnight 
-there’s a chorus of wishes of sweet dreams and restful sleep from the others, but ted only narrows his eyes at the two of you as you ascend the spiral staircase 
-when schlatt catches his eyed again, he only sends him a rogue wink before reaching to grab a handful of your ass as you climb ahead of him
-you yelp and stumble, knocking your shin on one of the steps before ascending the rest of the steps on your hands and feet, giggling maniacally 
-ted rolls his eyes before returning his attention back to the tv
-you two are gross
-he decides to lock in for the remainder of the tournament as to avoid going upstairs and risking seeing anything he didn’t want to 
-and he really didn’t want to see anything 
-all he could think about was how badly he didn’t want to see anything nasty taking place between his two very attractive friends who just so happen to be together. 
it’s only natural to be curious, right?
-ted is the next to lose. 
-groaning dramatically as he watches his character cry as they drive laps around the map
-despite his loss, ted takes sitting through the rest of the tournament like a champ 
-absolutely 100% invested in what’s going on around him
-and he definitely does not sit there blankly staring at the black screen of the TV for a moment after the tournament wraps up
“You alright, man?” a familiar voice asks
-ted jumps a bit, eyes darting to where tucker is looking at him from the bottom of the stairs 
“Yeah! Yeah, ‘m good, dude. A-okay.”
-tucker only pauses, looking over ted for a moment before shrugging,
“Alright, whatever you say.” and with that, he’s ascending the spiral staircase
-ted stays in his spot on the couch for a moment, wondering what tucker could have been worried bout, before pushing off the couch and making his way up the stairs himself 
-when he enters his room, he can just barely hear your and schlatt’s muffled voices through the bathroom door
-he tries to ignore it, but he can hear the two of you giggling while he’s brushing his teeth and the fomo is KICKING
-after rinsing his mouth out, he stands by your bedroom door for a moment, listening for your voices as his hand hovers by the knob 
-surely if the two of you were still hanging out you’d have invited him… right?
-another indecipherable string of dialect follows another bout of giggles, and ted presses his lips into a thin line
-no way the two of you ditched the tournament just to go do something way cooler and more fun on your own without him,  right??
-and he couldn’t tell you why, but the evil little creature on his shoulder is whispering to him to press his ear against the door, and he listens
-but before he can get his ear pressed to the door, full creep
-his daze is broken by the sound of a high pitched keening sound that’s cut off quickly enough that ted questions if it was even real
-he freezes, carefully listening for any more signs of life in the room
-on the other side of the door, schlatt is hovering over you, one hand planted on the side of your head, the other firmly pressed over your mouth
-he gives you a toothy grin as you pleadingly look up at him
-whining again into the palm of his hand, quieter this time
-he only shushes you, glancing over his shoulder as he waits to see the light filtering in from under the bathroom door to shut off
-once he hears the sound of footsteps retreating from the door, and the lights flick off, he’s taking his hand off of your mouth to instead roughly grab your cheeks, shaking you a bit as he laughs, feeling your your face get hot in his grip
“You little fucking freak, you liked that, didn’t you?”
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
-ted sighs as he climbs into his cold sheets, closing his eyes an attempting to drift off to sleep
-they snap back open when he hears a particularly loud thud from across the hal
-he lets out a frustrated huff and snatches his phone off of his bedside table, opening youtube and pulling up a rain sound video and turning his volume up all the way
-hoping he’d be able to drift off into sleep with the sound of the ocean and rain
-but despite his exhaustion from his long day, he struggles to fall into a fitful slumber
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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@buckys-goodgirl @littleskeletonprincessss @miniminkis
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lemoniiiiiii · 2 months
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when he's home
(evan peters x fem!reader)
inspired by: a fic on ao3 that i cannot find for the LIFE of me, will update if i do find it :'(
- summary: your husband evan comes home in the middle of the night from a long work trip.
- content: good ol' wholesome vanilla smut, p in v, yk the regular (?) stuff (btw i'm not good at writing smut srry), very slight angst, pregnant!reader (early pregnancy, NOT A KINK just a plot point)
a/n: not proofread, this is my first evan fic PLUS my first fic on tumblr so i do apologize for any posting etiquette mistakes and/or just an overall shitty fic!
evan dropped his bags by the door, careful to not make much noise as he immediately headed up the stairs. he was downright exhausted, but excited to hold you in his arms after a month apart. the european press tour for his latest film just ended and he only had a few days off before having to hop on another plane, so there was no time to waste.
as evan turned the doorknob to your shared bedroom he halfway hoped you'd be awake. he could imagine the sight: you curled up in bed in his t-shirt, still scrolling away on your phone despite how late it was. you'd probably have a snack too from the stash in your end table that you thought he didn't know about (but he did). a soft chuckle exited his lips at his thoughts and he walked in to (almost) the exact view his mind had conjured up.
you were in bed, and curled up in one of his favorite t-shirts -- but you were asleep. evan approached your still body, admiring the soft snores emanating from you. oh how he missed that sound.
considering the phone in your hand it was safe you say you fell asleep using it (which made the "lovrhd yuo missssxcym youuuy" text he had last received from you make much more sense). when he gently took it and plugged it in to charge, you stirred in bed, brows furrowing.
"welcome home" you mumbled, eyes still closed.
"hi baby," he replied in a whisper before kissing your forehead. a smile was evident in his voice which made you smile in return. you opened your eyes to see him leaning over you, a stupidly joyous grin plastered on his face. "and baby..."
you both looked down at your abdomen. a rush of feelings hit you as you were reminded of the reality you were going to be parents.
"how are you.... two?" you both laughed at his clunky delivery. "is it weird to say it like that?-"
you swiftly sat up and sweetly brought your lips to his. evan's stubble tickled your face which made you grin even wider, if that was possible.
"i missed you.." evan breathed between kisses, his voice filled with desire.
"i missed you too- so fucking much..." your hand reached his cheek and he leaned into your touch, putting his large hand over yours. the way he looked at you, completely and utterly in love, made your heart melt.
you hoped he knew you felt the same exact way.
"to answer your question," you began. "we're doing very well. i made an ultrasound appointment for tomorrow morning but look-"
you lifted your shirt to your chest and laid back.
there it was. well, kinda.
your stomach protruded slightly, only a little more than whenever you got bloated, but it was firm.
evan stared.
you chuckled at his reaction. "i told you your pull out game is weak as hell, but you just never listen do you?" you teased.
he laughed in response, shaking his head as he leaned down to give you a long and deep kiss. seeing you like this- with your bump, proof of your child's existence- was overwhelming, but in the best way possible.
"i love you... i love you.." evan whispered again and again while lightly taking your chin in his hand. he moved your head around while placing small pecks all over your face, making you giggle. his kisses were somewhat sloppy and wet, exposing the underlying neediness in his romantic affection.
"i love you too baby..." you pouted.
evan moved to your stomach and gave it a few soft kisses as well. you wouldn't be surprised if this was all he was going to do for the next couple of months. you wouldn't mind either.
he laid beside you, one arm propping up his head, the other reaching over to grip your side, rubbing it with his thumb. there was a pensive look on his face as he returned to staring at your bump. you could tell he was trying to hide it, but it was obvious something was definitely bothering him. normally you would've spoken up about it, but you wanted to give him the space to speak on his own time.
"i can't believe i have to leave you again..." evan muttered.
ah... that's right. in a few days he would be gone again, while you stayed behind to work on your own projects. the timing of everything was frustrating for the both of you.
you ran your fingers through his dark curls as you spoke. his shoulders relaxed a bit at your touch. "it's only for a couple more weeks-"
"i don't wanna miss anything"
"i know but, it's early... not much is going on anyway-"
"still, i wanna be there for you-"
"you already are" you reassured him. he always worried if he was doing enough, if you were happy, even though he always went above and beyond to meet your wants and needs. it pained you that these thoughts plagued him. "evan, it's not forever.. you'll be back before you know it"
your husband looked up at you with an exhale. he knew you were right, and was appreciative of how easily you were able to bring him down to earth. he took your hand off his head to kiss your knuckles individually, his lips lingering longer on your wedding ring. beginning at your hand, he kissed up to your elbow, before bringing his thigh over and straddling you. with his body hovering over you, you couldn't help but turn into a blushing mess. evan took this as the perfect opportunity to tease you.
"mrs. peters..." he said with a sultry and endearing cadence. "what would i do without you?"
addressing you like that always short-circuited your brain despite the fact you had already been married for 4 years and evan knew this very well.
"oh fuck off..." you smiled, looking away from him.
"woah, language... we've gotta get a handle on that mouth of yours. can't be cursing around the babe" he joked and pat your stomach.
you turned back and pulled him towards you desperately, hands roaming his neck and the curls at the back of his head. your tongue dove deep into his mouth, soft moans escaping your lips from time to time. your legs bent and unbent, squirming under your husband's dominant position. you knew what was coming next but you didn't know in what way and your mind was going crazy flashing explicit images in your head of how evan was going to take you. to say you were aroused was an understatement.
one of evan's hands went from caressing your hips to underneath his your shirt, cupping a handful of the soft flesh of your chest. you winced, having forgotten the new sensitivity of your breasts. evan pulled back, looking at you with slight concern.
"i'm okay, i'm okay, just a bit sensitive keep going-"
he hesitated but took your word for it and continued massaging, albeit much more gentle. your underwear's fabric went over his hand as he went to grope your bare ass, revelling in its malleability.
"hey, are you sure it's-" evan said as he hooked his fingers around the waistband of your panties.
"yeah it's fine-" you answered quickly, untying the drawstring of his sweats. "i asked my gyno"
having your approval, he tapped your sides signaling you to lift your hips, removing your bottoms and placing a pillow beneath you for comfort. you returned the favor, pulling down his sweatpants and briefs in one swift motion. evan took two fingers and slowly slid them repeatedly through your soaked folds, gently squeezing your clit with the two digits instead of just running over it.
"shit..." he mumbled under his breath. the fact you were already so excited for him contributed greatly to his own arousal.
"who needs to watch their mouth now?" you breathed out with a smirk.
evan's eyes crinkled as he realized his mistake and let out a chuckle. "remind me to make a swear jar later today" he now stood on his knees in between your legs. pumping his length, he readjusted himself to line up with your center before pausing to look down at you. "let me know if it's uncomfortable or something doesn't feel right and I'll stop-"
it was adorable to you that he still harbored concern for you after you told him it would be okay, but you had an almost feral desire that needed to be satiated.
"baby... i need you to fuck my brains out" you said with desperate laugh. your hormones were haywire and it had been about a month since you last had sex. you needed this.
"okay my bad" evan laughed once again then thrust himself into you.
the sound of both your groans filled the room as he bottomed out and began bucking his hips. wanting to be close to you, he buried his face into the crook of your neck, his gasps muffled by your skin. the feeling of him inside you was addicting for sure and your body moved against him naturally, accentuating the pleasure. you could tell he was careful not to put too much of his weight onto your stomach.
"i missed you so much...needed you..god.. so good.. i love you..." the string of sweet nothings whispered into your ear between his moans made your body quiver. you wrapped your trembling legs around his waist while your arms tugged at the hem of his shirt, trying to take it off. evan helped you, removing it within a second and throwing it god knows where.
you were reminded of his tired state as his thrusts were rough and inconsistent. nevertheless they were filled with love and kind of exactly what you wanted from him. being the sweet man he is he was never really rough (at least at his current age, you both were a little crazy when you were younger) unless you really asked him to.
your voice became shaky as you quickly began to reach your peak. "fuck- evan!" you cried out in pleasure.
evan's whole body shuddered in response to your whimpers, his need for you only growing. his movements were more intense now and you were sure he was close as well.
you returned to kissing him in a passionate daze, your hands going anywhere on him your body could touch. a few more deep thrusts pushed you over the edge and your entire body shook as your lips gave a shaky wail. not too long after evan spilled into you. he began to lay on top of you in his exhaustion before correcting himself and rolling to your side.
"...you okay?" he asked in a soft tone, as he does every time.
"mmm.. fan-fucking-tastic" you murmured and turned to put your head down on his chest.
evan wrapped his arm around you, bringing you into a gentle embrace, instinctively rubbing your bump. being in his arms was the best feeling in the world. he loved to keep you close and cuddled up against him while he caressed your body. that's when he found you the most beautiful-- just as yourself. he kissed your forehead tenderly, looking down into your lovely eyes as he pulled away. you noticed he was smiling again. then broke into an adorable chuckle.
"what?" you asked, his laughter contagious.
"i'm just so happy baby..."
"me too..."
you cuddled him tighter and you both fell fast asleep, bodies intertwined, a little part of both of you sandwiched between you.
(this is such a clunky nothing burger of a fic grrr i'm sorry)
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