#planet witch
submitted by @201-klz-dead
planet witch
spotify / bandcamp
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spacewonder19 · 5 months
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Profile of Cosmic Witch ©
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ghostlyferrettarot · 5 months
💫✨️Placements that indicates Fame in the Natal Chart✨️💫
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open!
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🌟Personal planets being in the 10th house (house of career and public image) may indicate a person who seeks recognition and may achieve fame in his chosen field.
🌟The Midheaven in Leo individuals are gifted with charisma, they also seek fame and are more inclined to get it.
🌟Trine or sextiles in Jupiter or Venus are Favorable aspects that can suggest opportunities for fame, popularity, and success in artistic or creative endeavors, specially trine or sextiles in Midheaven.
🌟Having a lot of 11th house pleacements may also indicate fame; this house associated with social networks, friendships, and aspirations so it indicates popularity and someone who has powerful ways with words.
🌟Venus in the 10th or 5th house individuals are gifted with an amazing allure that attracs a lot of people towards them which often put them in a spotlight position of some sort.
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tulipsofthemorning · 2 years
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Josef Scharl, 1933, "Burning Stars"
Fletcher Sibthorp, 1967, "The Devotion"
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Celestial events in September
In September, there are several interesting celestial events to look forward to, including:
1. **Full Harvest Moon**: The Full Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. It usually occurs in September, and this year, it falls on September 20, 2023. It's named the "Harvest Moon" because it traditionally provided extra light for farmers to gather their crops.
2. **Autumnal Equinox**: On September 23, 2023, the autumnal equinox marks the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. It's the moment when day and night are roughly equal in length, and it's a great time to observe the changing angle of the Sun in the sky.
3. **Mars and Venus**: Throughout September, you can observe Mars and Venus in the evening sky. Look westward after sunset, and you should be able to spot these two bright planets.
4. **Jupiter and Saturn**: In the early evening, you can also see Jupiter and Saturn in the southeastern sky. They will be prominent throughout September.
5. **Meteor Showers**: The September Perseid meteor shower, which peaks around September 9-10, may offer some shooting stars. While not as famous as the August Perseids, it's still worth looking out for.
6. **Planetary Conjunction**: Towards the end of September, there will be a close conjunction between Venus and Jupiter on September 29, 2023. They will appear very close in the evening sky, creating a beautiful celestial sight.
Remember to check local stargazing conditions, as factors like light pollution and weather can affect your ability to observe these events. If possible, use a telescope or binoculars for a closer view, and enjoy the wonders of the night sky in September.
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moodboard-d · 8 months
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without-ado · 10 months
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The Witch's Broom l Sarah Mathews
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thewitchystuff · 1 year
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Hello witches!
I bring you the 2023 calendar for the remaining months  ☆゚. * ・ 。゚
How are you holding up mid-mercury retrograde?
This year I just added the Planet Oppositions because there are a few of them in the later months of the year and I wanted to research them.
This is a Northern Hemisphere calendar and specific dates may vary due to different time zones, so always do your research for your specific region.
And if you find any mistakes or anything do add it if you reblog, so I can keep it in mind for future calendars!
See you in the full moon!!
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lunaapudleonem · 4 months
Placements in the synastry chart that can indicate the partners taking a lot of time before they end up together
Saturn opposite Venus
Saturn opposite Moon
Saturn in the other person's 1st house/conjunct ascendant
Saturn opposite Mars
Neptune conjunct/opposite/square Venus
Saturn in the 7th house/conjunct descendant
12th house placements - especially Venus and Moon in the 12th house
8th house placements - especially Venus and Moon in the 12th house
Neptune conjunct/opposite/square Mercury
Juno opposite Saturn
Vesta negatively aspected
asteroid Kronos square Saturn or negatively aspected in general
a lot of square and oppositions in general in the synastry chart
empty 4th house (usually a crowded 4th house indicates a relationship that progresses fast)
negatively aspected 4th or 7th house
Neptune conjuct/opposite/square Sun
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Dm me for a synastry reading !!
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dorinoke · 2 days
sweet dreams❤️
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spacewonder19 · 1 year
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NGC 6960: The Witch’s Broom © astrophoto_ygk
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2kcore · 2 years
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Neptune's rings
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ghostlyferrettarot · 5 months
✨️💎Jupiter and the signs💎✨️
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
🌟If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🌟
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♣︎Jupiter in Aries: They tend to be more enthusiastic, assertive, energetic, and full of ideas about how to initiate, promote, or expand ideas. You can also be more stubborn and very persuasive in getting people to embark on your plans and ideas. As Jupiter represents the principle of growth and the notion of something higher, the actions of those born under the influence of Jupiter in Aries can lead to personal development more easily.
♣︎Jupiter in Taurus: indicates a predisposition to use money and material resources correctly and beneficially. Jupiter in the sign of Taurus has a strong tendency to attract wealth and have a good sense of the value of things. Those who obtain it like to enjoy material comfort, good food, various forms of art and the good things in life in general. They appreciate what is good and what has personal value, even if it is expensive.
♣︎Jupiter in Gemini: they tend to be intellectually curious, they can read a lot or be that type of person who is always on the Internet looking for new information, news, curiosities and teachings. Their curiosity can be aroused in different areas, so they tend to be mentally restless and enjoy movement. Valuing communication is an essential part of those who have this position, for example Working in the communication industry, whether with journalism , advertising, public relations or tourism.
♣︎Jupiter in Cancer: these individuals focus on family experiences, knowledge base, past and personal roots. The place where they belong and call their own, is also a place where friends and acquaintances can find greater comfort in case they have problems guiding the course of life. There is a desire to create a safe, comfortable, friendly, welcoming and prosperous family environment that can also be used for educational and fun activities.
♣︎Jupiter in Leo: Optimism, generosity and a kind way of being are highlighted. You tend to like to be admired and valued. Jupiter in the sign of Leo brings the tendency of leadership. Its natives generally arouse enthusiasm in other people, and therefore have the potential to be good leaders. The generosity, firmness and reliability of these natives stands out.
♣︎Jupiter in Virgo: The person will care about the details and the precision of his behavior. It influences the person to appreciate the details, the kind that he can do a lot with a little. They have a superior, prudent, intellectual, analytical and practical nature; They differentiate what is essential from what is not essential, truth from fiction, what is valid and what is not. Their judgment is generally excellent.
♣︎Jupiter in Libra: They are people who tend to worry about the moral principles that guide society, their unions and their interpersonal relationships. Natives with Jupiter in Libra believe that love and justice can create a much more harmonious social order, being more generous people and, for this reason, more popular and loved. These personal characteristics can make them develop activities related to the public. It is not uncommon for people with this position to be attracted to becoming diplomats, salespeople, presenters, etc.
♣︎Jupiter in Scorpio: tends to have a greater appreciation for everything that is hidden, secret. They like to investigate and delve into other people's minds, as well as more ethereal topics, such as death, the occult and religion, for example. Jupiter in Scorpio can discover secret information about the private affairs of others in an extremely natural way. People have the potential to become more resourceful and have very strong and resolute opinions regarding their beliefs.
♣︎Jupiter in Sagittarius: One of the main interests of those who have Jupiter in Sagittarius is higher knowledge. Topics such as philosophy or religion, education and foreign cultures have a lot of meaning and are appreciated. They tend to choose their own system of thought that will govern their behavior and the way they view life. This is the type of attitude that can earn a person the respect and admiration of others in many situations.
♣︎Jupiter in Capricorn: You can demonstrate greater economic or political responsibility, being prudent, cautious and trying to be fair in your judgments. For people with Jupiter in Capricorn, management, status and recognition tend to gain more importance. Due to Characteristics such as ambition, patience, administrative ability and the wisdom to deal with the resources acquired throughout life, those born with this position generally manage to save money and own property.
♣︎Jupiter in Aquarius: they tend to enjoy interacting with people of all classes, races or creeds, without much distinction or prejudice. They tend to be more tolerant and understanding, recognizing more easily that everyone has their place in the world and that in all positions there are lessons to learn. Jupiter in Aquarius are more likely to engage in philanthropic activities aimed at helping others.
♣︎Jupiter in Pisces: they tend to be more emotional, understanding and endowed with a greater sense of compassion. Having spiritual or philosophical convictions, with this positioning, becomes more possible; People can develop a more comprehensive, universal and fulfilling spiritual understanding. Because of this greater search for elevation, they tend to eventually enjoy moments of isolation, becoming more introspective. By meditating, you can better develop this intuition and renew yourself spiritually.
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rainedroptalks · 9 months
Thinking about my wife, space jesus (drumbot brian)
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eros-heartache · 28 days
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Notes on The Crow 2024 from someone who's opinion doesn't matter. (me)
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astrojulia · 1 year
Hello! How are you?
I want to Ask what are the placements which makes people intuitive,clairvoyant, healer, sense energies or becomes spiritual leader?
Really sorry if that was much just curious to know😅
Thank you❤
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Placements that indicates Psychic Abilities in the Natal Chart
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"A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses", Wikipedia. In this small part, I would like to remind you that before becoming an astrologer, I am a witch and my contact with the mystic is very different and unique. In case you're wondering "what do you mean by different?", I’ve possession and werewolf storie in my family. I say this, because for me psychic abilities goes much deeper than most posts I’ve seen. I WILL NOT BE WRITING "POSSIBLY/LIKELY" IN ALL ASPECTS!!
Remember tha psychic abilities are highly individual and may not be entirely influenced by astrological factors. It's important to approach such concepts with an open mind and respect for the beliefs and experiences of others.
Clairvoyance: The Ability to See Beyond the Ordinary Senses
✧⟶ Neptune in Pisces: Individuals with this placement possess a natural affinity for clairvoyance, allowing them to access glimpses of both the past and the future without the need for divination tools or instruments.
✧⟶ Neptune Dominant: Similar to Neptune in Pisces, but even more pronounced, individuals with a dominant Neptune have an effortless and heightened clairvoyant ability. Their intuition and psychic insights are readily accessible, guiding them through life's mysteries.
✧⟶ Uranus Dominant: While clairvoyance is not the primary focus for those with a dominant Uranus, their unique gift lies in foreseeing the outcomes of various actions. Their non-esoteric intuition enables them to predict reactions and events with ease, even in non-spiritual contexts.
✧⟶ Moon in Pisces: The Moon's placement in Pisces grants a visionary and mystical aspect to an individual's emotional nature. If this aspect remains unafflicted, their clairvoyant tendencies may come to the forefront, enhancing their intuitive perception.
✧⟶ Venus in Pisces: People with Venus in Pisces possess an extremely psychic disposition. Their empathetic and sensitive approach to relationships allows them to tap into psychic energies, providing profound insights into the emotional dynamics between individuals.
✧⟶ Neptune Conjunct, Sextile, or Trine Ascendant: When Neptune forms harmonious aspects with the Ascendant, it bestows a heightened level of psychic and intuitive awareness. These individuals possess an innate ability to perceive and understand the subtle energies and emotions of others.
✧⟶ Neptune 12th House: In the 12th House, Neptune's influence deepens, making individuals compassionate and highly sensitive to emotional nuances in their surroundings. Their "psychic" abilities come naturally to them, and they may experience profound intuitive insights and spiritual connections.
✧⟶ Pluto in Scorpio/8th House: Though not directly related to clairvoyance, Pluto's placement in Scorpio or the 8th House can contribute to the ability to see beyond the surface, uncover hidden truths, and delve into the mystical and transformative realms.
✧⟶ Mercury in Pisces: Psychic and visionary minds, highly intuitive and telepathic on an unconscious level. These individuals possess a unique capacity to access information beyond the ordinary senses.
✧⟶ Moon Sextile Neptune: A potential for developing keen psychic sensitivity, facilitating a deeper connection to the intuitive realm and fostering an understanding of emotions on a profound level.
✧⟶ Moon Trine Neptune: Those with this aspect experience heightened psychic sensitivity, allowing them to tap into the emotional energies around them with ease and offering guidance through their empathetic nature.
✧⟶ Sun Conjunct Neptune: Psychically sensitive and mystically inclined, these individuals possess a profound understanding of the intangible, making them natural seekers of spiritual truths and insights.
✧⟶ Mercury Sextile Neptune: With an aptitude for psychic and mystical fields, these individuals can benefit from dreams and visions, allowing them to access higher planes of consciousness in sleep and meditation.
✧⟶ Mercury Trine Neptune: Possessing a natural gift for psychic and mystical pursuits, these individuals can easily tap into higher realms of consciousness, receiving guidance and instruction from the unseen world through dreams and meditative states.
Clairaudience: The Ability to Hear Beyond the Audible
✧⟶ Uranus in 1st House: Individuals with Uranus in the 1st House possess a unique and heightened sensitivity to astral travel and spiritual experiences. This placement allows them to easily detach their spirit from the physical body, enabling them to explore other dimensions, connect with the dead, and even journey through time.
✧⟶ Moon Sextile Neptune: With the harmonious aspect between the Moon and Neptune, individuals have the potential to develop keen psychic sensitivity, including clairaudient gifts. They possess an intuitive attunement to the subtle energies around them, allowing them to hear messages, guidance, or insights from the spiritual realm.
✧⟶ Moon Trine Neptune: The Moon's trine aspect with Neptune deepens an individual's clairaudient sensitivity, granting them a natural inclination to hear and perceive messages from the spiritual realm. They possess keen psychic awareness, particularly when it comes to emotions and intuitions.
✧⟶ Mercury in the 3rd House: With Mercury positioned in the 3rd House, individuals have a natural aptitude for communication and mental agility. This can extend to clairaudience, where they may hear inner guidance or receive messages from the spirit realm with clarity and precision. Their mind acts as a receptive channel for clairaudient and intuitive thoughts.
✧⟶ Gemini or Mercury Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Gemini or strong Mercury influence in their birth chart possess heightened clairaudient abilities. The communicative and curious nature of these signs and planet facilitates an open channel to receive messages and auditory guidance from the spiritual realm.
✧⟶ 9th House Stellium/Chart ruler in 9th house: When multiple planets cluster in the 9th House, it creates a powerful focus on spiritual exploration, higher knowledge, and intuitive understanding. This concentration of energy may lead to clairaudient experiences, where individuals receive divine messages and insights through auditory perceptions.
✧⟶ Pisces Moon: A Pisces Moon fosters a deep emotional connection to the spiritual and intuitive realms. Individuals with this placement may experience clairaudience as they hear messages from their higher self or spiritual guides, gaining profound insights through auditory sensations.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 3rd House: Neptune's influence in the 3rd House can enhance clairaudient abilities, making individuals more attuned to psychic messages and inner guidance. They may receive auditory impressions from the spiritual realm, tapping into the collective consciousness and higher wisdom.
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Clairempathy: The Profound Ability to Sense Emotions
✧⟶ Moon in Cancer: Individuals with the Moon positioned in Cancer possess a powerful and innate clairempathic ability. This placement grants them an extraordinary sensitivity to the emotions and feelings of others. Like a receptive sponge, they absorb and understand the emotional currents surrounding them, making them natural empaths. Their empathetic nature allows them to attune deeply to the emotional needs of those around them, providing comfort and support during times of distress.
✧⟶ Pisces Sun or Rising: The influence of Pisces in the Sun or Rising sign can amplify the clairempathic abilities of individuals. Being ruled by Neptune, the planet of intuition and sensitivity, Pisces imparts a deep emotional understanding and empathy to those with this placement. These individuals can feel the emotions of others on a profound level, often experiencing the emotions of others as if they were their own. Their compassionate and caring nature draws people to them, seeking solace and understanding in their presence. Their clairempathic insights can also extend to the spiritual realm, as they may receive intuitive guidance and emotional impressions from higher planes.
✧⟶ Venus in Scorpio: Venus in Scorpio enhances an individual's clairempathic sensitivity, adding depth and intensity to their emotional perception. They have the ability to sense the hidden emotions and desires that others may not readily reveal. This placement grants them an almost psychic understanding of the emotional undercurrents in relationships and interpersonal dynamics. They can be profoundly attuned to the emotional needs of their loved ones, providing unwavering support and empathy.
✧⟶ 4th House Stellium/Chart Ruler in 4th house: When multiple planets cluster in the 4th House, it creates a concentrated focus on emotions, family, and home. This stellium can enhance the clairempathic abilities of individuals, making them acutely sensitive to the emotional dynamics within their family and domestic environment. Their empathic nature enables them to be natural caregivers and nurturers, creating a harmonious and supportive atmosphere for their loved ones.
✧⟶ Water Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Water element in their birth chart (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) possess heightened clairempathic abilities. The Water signs are naturally empathetic and sensitive, attuned to the emotional frequencies of others. This dominant influence enables them to be emotional conduits, absorbing and understanding the feelings of those around them with ease.
✧⟶ Pisces Moon in the 8th House: This powerful alignment combines the clairempathic nature of Pisces with the transformative energy of the 8th House. Individuals with this placement have a profound ability to sense the deepest emotions and spiritual energies. They may experience clairempathic insights as a gateway to spiritual transformation, gaining intuitive knowledge and understanding through emotional connections.
Clairsentience: The Remarkable Ability to Sense Emotions and Feelings
✧⟶ Neptune in the 9th House: When Neptune graces the 9th House of an individual's birth chart, it bestows a mystical and spiritually attuned nature. This placement fosters a deep connection to the higher realms of consciousness, allowing the individual to tap into their clairsentient abilities with profound intuition. Their clairsentience may manifest as a heightened sense of inner knowing, where they can tune into the emotional states of individuals and sense the energy of different environments, offering profound guidance and understanding to those they encounter.
✧⟶ Moon in Pisces: With the Moon nestled in the ethereal sign of Pisces, individuals possess an innate clairsentient gift. Their emotional sensitivity and intuition are deeply interconnected, allowing them to feel and sense the emotions of others as if they were their own. This empathic nature extends to their surroundings, enabling them to detect the energy and moods of different spaces.
✧⟶ Cancer Sun or Rising: The nurturing and empathetic energy of Cancer, whether it appears in the Sun or Rising sign, enhances an individual's clairsentient abilities. Being deeply connected to their emotions, they effortlessly sense the feelings of others, offering a safe space for people to express themselves without judgment.
✧⟶ 8th House Stellium: A concentration of planets in the 8th House intensifies an individual's clairsentient awareness. This stellium fosters a profound understanding of the hidden emotions and psychological depths within themselves and others. Their clairsentience enables them to penetrate the emotional layers of individuals and recognize the unspoken feelings and desires beneath the surface.
✧⟶ Water Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Water element in their birth chart (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) possess heightened clairsentient abilities. The Water signs are naturally empathetic and emotionally attuned, making them exceptional clairsentients. Their intuitive perception extends beyond the realm of logic, allowing them to grasp the emotional undercurrents and energies around them effortlessly.
✧⟶ Sun Sextile Neptune: The harmonious aspect between the Sun and Neptune enhances an individual's clairsentient potential. This alignment facilitates a deep connection to the spiritual and intuitive realms, making them more receptive to emotional energies and subtle feelings. Their clairsentience may manifest as a heightened sense of intuition and inner knowing, guiding them through life with spiritual insights and emotional understanding.
Clairalience: The Unique Ability to Sense Smells Beyond the Physical Realm
✧⟶ Venus Sextile/Trine Neptune: They may possess a natural inclination to appreciate and notice different scents, finding great joy and inspiration in the world of aromas.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 2nd House: People with this placement may find that their sense of smell is highly attuned to the ethereal and mystical, allowing them to pick up on scents that others might overlook.
✧⟶ Moon in Taurus: People with this placement have a heightened ability to perceive and enjoy different aromas, and they might find comfort and emotional solace in familiar scents. Their clairalient experiences are grounded in the physical realm, with a strong connection to nature and the elements.
✧⟶ Moon in Virgo: Their clairalient abilities may manifest as an acute awareness of different scents and a talent for detecting even the most subtle changes in their environment. This placement can make them highly sensitive to the cleanliness and purity of their surroundings, as well as the effects of various aromas on their emotional well-being.
✧⟶ Moon in the 2nd House: Their sense of smell can be deeply connected to their emotional responses, with certain scents triggering nostalgic feelings or memories from their past. They may seek comfort and emotional satisfaction through pleasant aromas, and their clairalient experiences can be a source of emotional grounding and pleasure.
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Telepathy: The Remarkable Ability to Communicate Beyond Words
✧⟶ Mercury Sextile Neptune: Their telepathic abilities may be enhanced, allowing them to tap into higher planes of consciousness during sleep and meditation. They can receive vivid dreams and visions, and may even bring back profound insights and instructions from the subconscious or spiritual realms to their conscious mind. This aspect bestows a natural receptivity to non-verbal forms of communication, making them more attuned to subtle cues and messages from others.
✧⟶ Mercury Trine Neptune: They can effortlessly access higher planes of consciousness during sleep and meditation, receiving profound guidance and insights from the spiritual realm. Their dreams and visions may offer valuable symbolic messages and spiritual teachings. As skilled telepaths, they have a natural ability to connect with others on a deeper, soul-to-soul level, transcending verbal communication and understanding the unspoken emotions and thoughts of those around them.
✧⟶ Jupiter Sextile Neptune: They may find themselves drawn to religious, spiritual, or philosophical groups where they can explore and nurture their psychic gifts. This aspect fosters a sense of faith and trust in their intuitive perceptions, making them open to receiving and interpreting messages beyond the ordinary senses.
✧⟶ Jupiter Trine Neptune: They are encouraged to follow their inner guidance and lead a life guided by spiritual truths. This aspect enables them to tap into higher realms of consciousness with ease, receiving divine inspiration and mystical insights. They may be naturally drawn to religious or philosophical pursuits, seeking deeper meaning and understanding in the mysteries of life.
Mediumship: "I see dead people..."
✧⟶ Moon Sextile/Trine Pluto: Their mediumistic abilities are enhanced by their emotional sensitivity, allowing them to connect with the subtle realms and receive messages from spirits. They may experience vivid dreams and intuitive visions that offer guidance and comfort to themselves and others.
✧⟶ Sun Sextile/Trine Pluto: They may have a natural talent for mediumship, as their connection with the spiritual realms is harmoniously aligned with their core self-expression. They radiate a sense of empathy and compassion, attracting others seeking solace and messages from departed loved ones.
✧⟶ Venus Sextile/Trine Pluto: They can forge deep connections with both the living and the spirit world, facilitating communication with grace and compassion. Their mediumship may be a source of healing and inspiration for those seeking closure and understanding.
✧⟶ Jupiter Sextile/Trine Pluto: They are drawn to spiritual exploration and may seek to develop their mediumistic abilities through study and practice. Their optimism and faith in the unseen world open them to profound spiritual experiences and insights.
✧⟶ Mercury Conjunct Pluto: When Mercury, the planet of communication, is conjunct Pluto, the individual's thoughts and perceptions are deeply influenced by intuitive and psychic insights. They possess a natural gift for receiving and interpreting messages from the spirit world, making them adept mediums and channels for spiritual guidance.
✧⟶ Venus Conjunct Pluto: They possess a deep sensitivity to spiritual energies and may experience strong psychic impressions. Their mediumistic abilities are intertwined with their sense of aesthetics, making their connections with the spirit world artistic and emotionally resonant.
✧⟶ Mars Sextile/Trine Pluto: This aspect provides individuals with the ability to channel spiritual energies into action. They may find that their mediumship is most effective when combined with healing practices or spiritual service. Their compassionate and gentle approach to mediumship enables them to provide support and solace to those seeking to connect with the other side.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 12th House: This placement grants them the ability to tap into the collective unconscious and the deepest layers of the human psyche.
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Healing: Channeling Energies for Restoration and Well-being
✧⟶ Pluto in Scorpio/8th House: Individuals with Pluto placed in Scorpio or the 8th House possess a unique capacity to heal supernatural illnesses, such as curses and "quebranto."
✧⟶ Mercury in Virgo/6th House: Ability to heal the physical body through magical, non-scientific means. Their intuitive understanding of the human body and its subtle energy systems allows them to access healing energies and apply them to support well-being. They may excel in practices such as energy healing, herbalism, or other alternative therapies.
✧⟶Moon 6th house/ Sextile or Trine Neptune: Ability to heal anxiety and fears through magical, non-scientific means.
✧⟶ Uranus Sextile/Trine Mercury: Their intuitive and psychic potential is heightened, enabling them to tap into higher levels of awareness and wisdom. With an innovative approach to healing, they may explore unconventional methods that lead to transformative and profound healing experiences for themselves and others.
✧⟶ Mars Sextile/Trine Neptune: This aspect provides individuals with the opportunity to work with psychic forces without being adversely affected. They have earned spiritual merits in past lives, making them adept at channeling healing energies and aiding others in their journey towards well-being. Their healing practices may involve a combination of intuition, energy work, and physical efforts to promote healing.
✧⟶ Venus Sextile Neptune: This aspect bestows a potential for a strong sixth sense, which is intuition. Their natural compassion and intuition can guide them towards healing practices that involve empathy and understanding, making them intuitive and nurturing healers.
“Meany” aka Manipulation and Curses:
✧⟶ Neptune 3rd House: Hypnotic. Manipulating people for their benefit should be effortless.
✧⟶ Venus or Mercury trine/sextile Neptune: They really know how to allure people.
✧⟶ Neptune 9th House: Very easy to manifest and make this person's wishes come true; they have the ability to shape their reality.
✧⟶ Neptune 12th House: They have the ability to cast irreversible curses.
✧⟶ Pluto 12th House: They have the ability to discover people's secrets without even trying, using these secrets for their own benefit.
✧⟶ Uranus 12th House: Can manipulate the others memories and view of reality.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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