#platonic Homelander
leth-writes · 2 months
Yandere platonic The Boys
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Your background, in some ways, is similar to Homelander’s. You were kept captive most of your childhood, forced to practice your abilities constantly until you lost sight of what you even truly looked like
You spent so much time forced to be somebody else that you ended up losing your own identity.
Vought has created the perfect one-person PR campaign; you’re always there to promote or disgrace anyone they need you to. You’ve never even had the option to rebel.
Soon after Starlight is introduced into the Seven, you manage to get out, running barefoot through the front doors with a chain trailing behind you.
Homelander is put on the case, assigned to track down the little science experiment.
He has no qualms with it; if all that was done to him, why should you get to leave when he can’t?
That attitude lasts until he finally corners you in an alley.
All he can see is the bright whites of your panicked eyes; you’re crouched behind a trash can, eyes wild and anxious, hair ragged and skin marred with scratches and cuts. There’s just something… off about you. Like a person, just to the left.
Some deep, buried part of him just snaps, pushing itself to the surface and suddenly he’s 5 again, terrified and staring up at the cruel, blank faces of the doctors hurting him over and over.
He can’t let that happen, not to you. You just awaken that paternal instinct, somehow.
From that moment on, Vought can’t touch you. You’ve got your very own superhero, shielding you from those sterile labs and cold faces.
He takes you back to his apartment and dumps every blanket he can find on top of you, getting you nice and comfortable. Then, he flies back and kills the doctors responsible for your pain.
You’re shaking and shivering, confused and completely unaware of the world at large. You hadn’t ever been able to watch tv, or talk to anyone outside of Vought, so you don’t even know who he is. You aren’t scared of him, which is refreshing. For once, he has someone who doesn’t know anything about his reputation and is looking to him for protection not because he’s Homelander, but because of the real him.
You’re completely isolated.
When he returns, he tells you you’re safe and that he’ll be your father. You’ll form a family together, a strong one, and you’ll never have to be alone again.
As a paternal figure, Homelander seeks to help you understand your true identity. Any pictures of who you once were are all long gone, but he’s going to help you forge a new identity, one he approves of, of course.
He lets you stay in his apartment watching movies and catching up on pop culture while he does his job, returning to get dinner from his cook to feed you. You aren’t allowed to talk to any of the various workers that maintain the apartment, but you’re so scared of them you don’t even notice. Homelander is essentially the only person who’s ever been nice to you, so you look to him for his opinion before you do anything
The control inflates Homelander’s ego even farther. While Ryan was able to be independent, especially because Homelander entered his life so late, he’s really able to shape you in a way he wouldn’t be able to do to anyone else
He tries to get you into his hobbies, talking for hours about American history and his career. He only talks about the positive moments, of course.
He also makes sure to show you all his movies, which you absolutely eat up. He definitely has to explain to you that no, this isn’t something that really happened, it’s just a story.
As the months pass, you get more and more comfortable and start longing to go outside. He reintroduces you to Vought, letting you meet the 7; after he spent an hour lecturing them on proper behavior first, of course.
He keeps you far away from the Deep and Translucent if they’re still present, and definitely tries to keep you away from Starlight; he doesn’t want you getting too close to such a rebellious spirit and being corrupted by her and her terrorist boyfriend, afterall. He trusts Maeve to look after you (at least in the earlier seasons) if he ever has to do something while you’re in the tower.
You, of course, gravitate right to Starlight. You love her ability, and immediately morph into her to show your excitement. You’ve started to view your powers as a positive, rather than fearing them for their connection to the doctors, and you often show your affection by transforming into your vision of the person you’re talking to. It’s how Homelander gauges your reactions to him; he can tell, based on how you transform, how you feel about him. You tend to exaggerate the kindness of his eyes and the curve of his mouth, and you always make him look so soft and gentle, it really helps with that anxiety, that fear of you leaving him and destroying your family
With Starlight, she finds it quite creepy at first, at least before she notices you’re exaggerating the features you believe really represent her. You’ve made her hair softer, framing her face perfectly, and made her look a lot happier; you see her as a soft, comforting figure, almost like an older sister.
Starlight can feel her heart melt when she talks to you. You’re so sweet and oblivious, completely unaware of the monster you’re living with, and her goal shifts to include keeping you safe.
Thus begins the back and forth between Homelander and Starlight.
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demodemo909 · 3 months
'Homelander's mama is alive!' fanfics list:
tw: alot of stuff
weight by rikkitikki
•Words: 65,777 •Chapters: 10/? •Update: 03/09/23
Dirty Magic by timeforariotghoul
•Words: 60,787 •Chapters: 27/? •Update: 06/07/24
All Along the Watchtower by evenstar0600
•Words: 2,619 •Chapters: 3/? •Update: 15/05/24
Echoes and Shadows by Cheynovak @cheynovak
What If...? by anundyingfidelity @anundyingfidelity
Light my fire by seeds-and-sins @seeds-and-sins (technically more on adoptive mom)
comment in this post if y'all found some fics I missed! ❤️
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cute-bag-of-bones · 1 year
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Can't Trust A Supe
Part 4: You Got My Eyes
Warnings: mentions a graphic death, kidnapping, threats of killing.
   Homelander flipped a switch on the wall and the room was illuminated. It was some kind of kid's bedroom. The whole room looked vaguely Homelander-ish. Dark blue walls and crimson rug in front of a doll house modeled after the vought tower. It was hellish, I propped myself up on my elbow to get a better look around the room. The bed I was laying on had a Homelander comforter draped over it. 
         "Nice room right? It used to be a study but we have to make sacrifices for the ones we care about." He came over and sat down on the edge of the bed as he spoke. I quickly moved to the corner of the bed furthest from him and tucked my knees close to my chest. Did he say he cared about me? What the actual fuck is happening. 
       "Where am I?" I say quickly before he can speak again. He tilted his head to the side then gave me what I can only describe as a serial killer's smile. 
         "Simone, you're home." He put a hand on my knee. I think he was trying to comfort me or grab me. I wasn't sure but either way I didn't want it. I scurried off the bed and tripped over an A-train action figure. 
 catching myself I grab onto the desk chair that I subsequently lifted to my chest like I was a lion tamer. Homelander stood up from the bed and approached me with his hands out like he was trying to show he wasn't trying to hurt Me.
         "How the fuck do you know my name!" 
         "I took your ID from your wallet when that walking skid mark tried to rob you. I knew I recognized your face. The fact it was such a horrible fake ID also clued me in." He grabbed the chair by its leg and set it down. I pressed myself against the wall. I was desperate to get away from him. I didn't understand what he was saying to me. 
         "Homelander please please don't kill me. I was a kid, I didn't even see anything. I was like 7! I haven't told anyone anything you don't have to kill me or do whatever this all is. You'll never see me again, please just let me go!" It was begging but at this point I was willing to grovel at his feet if it meant I had a chance of getting out of here in one piece. He knew who my mother was, who my dad was. He was trying to tie up loose ends. 
        He looked almost offended. He shook his head as he looked at me up and down. 
        "When I saw you I thought I was seeing a ghost. You look so much like Diana." He whispered the last part like it was just meant for his ears. He grabbed me by my chin and rested his thumb on the dimple in my chin. He rubbed it gently. "One major difference, she didn't have this cleft chin." He took a deep breath and pulled his hand away from me. He tried to look in my eyes but I was trying everything in my very limited power to stop that from happening. "Do you know who I am?" 
          "Homelander?" I wasn't sure what he was asking. Of course I knew who he was. I had planned to kill him for most of my life. His lips curled up slightly as if just hearing his own name made him happy. 
          "I'm your father Simone."  The words hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like the air was knocked out of me. He was insane.
          "Get away from me. Get away, you are crazy!" I get progressively louder as the sentence continues.  I climbed up on the desk that was pushed up against the wall, blocking my path to the door and jumped off of it but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back over to him. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me a bit.
         "Don't do that, don't run, listen to me. I thought I was crazy too! But I'm sure of it. You have my chin! And powers. Your mother and I always dreamed about having kids together!" His grip tightened and began to hurt. "She never told me she was pregnant, that's why she left me. She was scared! Scared of what Vaught might try to do to you." He had this whole elaborate delusion planned out. He stared at me for a few seconds as his breathing evened out and he calmed down. He let go of my shoulders and I fell to the ground. Tears finally started to rolled down my cheeks. I knew he was wrong. I just wasn't sure how to go about telling him that. 
        "I don't have your powers." I say sheepishly from the ground. He took a deep breath and smiled. 
         "Oh sure you do." He said as he turned and walked out for a second only to return seconds after. He was holding the envelope Billy had given to me. "It says right here." He thumbed through the files inside until he found the paper he needed. "Anatomy kinesis. That doesn't really roll off the tongue but your mom was always the more literal one between us two. She never had any sense of poetry." He held the paper down so I could see it. "You have X-ray vision, so do I. Sure you aren't strong or fast but you got my eyes." He said with a laugh. "I saw them. Last night, Your eyes glowed. I mean yeah they glowed blue but I don't know too much about supe inherited traits. No one does. " I shook my head and looked down. He was a fucking idiot. A delusional one at that.
       "That's hardly evidence, you're grasping at straws Homelander." His upper lip twitched a little as he looked down at me. He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me off my feet to meet him eye to eye. I was forced to stare into his cold dead eyes. 
       "Do you know how I killed your adopted father? I took this hand and I shoved it down his throat until I felt his jaw snap and his esophagus tear open." He smiled wide as I saw a soft blue light shine against his face. Not long after, I was looking through his body and everyone else's on every floor of Vaught tower. Hundreds of bodies all moving at once. "There it is, you've got daddy's eyes." He cooed. I could see a small red light form behind his eyes. I calmed down and let my vision go back to normal. Homelander's eyes were glowing red. It was like he was trying to show me up or something. Seeing them glow like that took me right back to that day. I could see his heat vision slicing through walls and people all the same as the ground broke beneath me. 
       "Let go of me! You are a monster a fucking psychotic killer!" I screamed as I twisted and kicked. He let me drop to the floor. 
        "I was hoping this could be a happy moment for us but I see your mother and Alphonse poisoned you against me very early on. I won't give up though I promise you that. You will learn to love me as much as I love you!" He screamed so loud the window in the room shook. I crawled under the desk and cowered there until I heard his footsteps leave. He slammed the door behind him and things fell from the shelves. 
        I poked my head out to make sure he was really gone. I couldn't do anything other than cry. He didn't seem like he wanted me dead but this was almost worse. Why wouldn't he just get a blood test done? He could have had it taken when I was still passed out. None of this made any sense. Grabbing the desk I pull myself up. It was only then I realized I had bandages on most of my finger tips. I pulled one off carefully, they were all sore. My fingernail was gone and left behind was the soft bloody skin underneath. I must have ripped my own nails off when I was trying to get away from him. I knew he was strong but I didn't think his skin was so strong my nails would bend and break clean off. I guess I was lucky my fingertips didn't break. I would have to be more careful in the future. I'm as strong as the average man but that's still nothing compared to him.
           I stared into the back of my hand as I tried to make the nails grow faster. The keratin in the quick of my nail bed was tricky to make grow just like hair. It's a long and tedious process. A cut was simply, make the blood clot then have the cells replicate quickly till the wound is closed. Keratin was more hands on. Once I got it going I put the bandage back over it. I figured I better conserve my energy.
      The glass in the window was bulletproof and thick. The door wasn't locked but I knew he'd be out there. I wasn't under any illusion. He was probably watching me. My every move from trying to get the window to open to the breaks I was taking to cry. My shoulders were killing me. I pulled my sleeve up to see a big bruised handprint. He was unhinged and didn't seem to know his strength. 
        What was he doing? Did he want me to go out there? The room didn't have a bathroom, no food or water. I couldn't stay here forever. Does he know I need to eat? It had been almost a day since I had food. I would have had a full meal if I knew I was going to be held prisoner in Homelander Disneyland. 
        The smell of food filled my nostrils. Was this on purpose? Was he trying to lure me out? I tried to ignore it. I sat at the desk and laid my head down on my arms. 
        The door opened behind me and I jumped to my feet. 
        "Foods here, it took longer than expected." He said as he left the door wide open for me. He just walked away. I took a few steps out slowly and looked around. The room I was in was at the end of the hall and looked directly into the living room. It looked like the founding fathers exploded all over the walls. American flags and eagles were all over. It was so clean I could see my own reflection in the hardwood floor as I walked down the hall. He was sitting at a small table that looked out over a huge window. Chinese takeout boxes were littering the counters. 
         "You need to eat?" I asked as I walked cautiously to the table. There was a plate made for me complete with training chopsticks. He slurped up some chow mein before wiping his mouth on a napkin. 
        "Of course I eat what a stupid question. Sit down." He says as he points to the chair across from him. I hesitate for a moment until he kicked the leg of the empty chair, making it jut out from under the round table. I jump from the sudden sound and sit down in it quickly. He gave me a wide smile before returning to his food. I wasn't sure if I should trust the food. I guess if he was going to kill me he'd want to do it with his bare hands so food was probably the only safe thing in this apartment. I grabbed the training chopsticks and started to eat. 
         My eyes wander back around the room. It was really odd. The paintings, the gold colored furniture. It all seems fake. I wonder if he actually lived here. 
        "So how is it?" He asked as he leaned back and watched me eat.
        "Oh um it's great." I say in between bites. 
        "Good good." He paused for a second to suck his teeth. "also If you try to kill me again I won't kill you but I'll make you wish I had." He says it so casually. I thought I'd get whiplash from how quickly he changed the subject. I'm taken so off guard the food gets stuck in my throat. I start to cough as he stares at me with his arms crossed. I manage to swallow the food and look at him surprised. "Keep those eyes to yourself missy. I'll forgive you this once because you didn't know I was your dad but if it happens again I'll be very upset." He could switch between a cold detached tone and a strict one so quickly. I just nod, scared anything I say will get me in trouble. He didn't seem satisfied. "Well don't you have anything to say to me young lady?" I looked around the room as if the answer would be written on the walls. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Say you're sorry Simone. Say I'm sorry for trying to kill you and scratch you." 
        "Oh um I'm sorry for trying to kill you and scratch you, h-homelander." I sink down in the chair a bit. It felt humiliating to comply so easily but I think this was nice Homelander, I didn't want to make him angry again. 
      "Good girl, see mutual respect." He says as he takes a spring roll from my plate and eats it. I didn't hear an apology from him but he probably didn't think he needed to give one. 
      Dinner was surprisingly uneventful. He didn't seem like he was in any kind of rush to do anything. After dinner he kicked his feet up on his coffee table and leaned back like he might fall asleep. I thought it was odd he kept the suit on the whole time but a lot of things are odd about him. I stayed at my seat at the table. 
      "Who's Uncle Billy?" He asked with his eyes closed. It was like a stab in the chest. I had forgotten all about them. Did Hughie ever get a hold of them? Did they come looking? Did he find them? 
       "I um I don't-"
       "Don't fucking lie to me." He hummed. "I saw the name and number on the envelope with the files. He gave them to you?" He didn't budge from his relaxed position on the couch as he interrogated me. 
       "No no he was an old man from the last shelter I was staying at. He was a sweet old guy. It was the only paper I had so he wrote it down on it." The lie seemed believable enough. Homelander opened one eye and looked at me with it. It was the side eye from hell.
       "Really? I called it. No one answered." I began to sweat and I could only guess he could hear my pulse elevate. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself calm. 
       "Weird, I called it last week. Maybe his phone got shut off." It was a perfect lie. No way to fact check. An untraceable burner phone. Thank God for Billy's clearly valid paranoia.  
       "You're not going to talk to him anymore. Old men are perverts." He said as he closed his eyes again. 
       "Of course." I had evaded suspicion this time. What am I going to do if bily and his crew come sniffing around? 
       "Say you want to go for a ride? I wanna introduce you to someone I'm close to." Homelander said as he sat up and clapped his hands against his thighs. His unpredictable nature was getting to me more than it should. 
       "I was actually hoping to go lay down." I say in a quiet voice scared I'd upset him. He looked at me with one of his unreadable expressions that I was starting to get used to. Then he smiled and shook his head no
        "No, I want you to meet her right now." He said in a fake sweet voice. He grabbed my arm and pushed the table out of the way and opened the window. It was a straight drop down at least 50 stores. I pulled back from the edge but his tight grip stopped me from getting too far. He grabbed me and took flight out the window. 
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floatyflowers · 2 months
Non-supe Reader's reaction to her Father, Homelander's plan to take over the USA and for the supes to be in control.
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"You see me as a cattle that deserves to die"
Homelander watches as you scream at him, your eyes glassing in distress.
"I don't see you as such, why would I think of you like that when I was the one who raised you"
Your eyes finally meets his own eyes, while you shook your head in disbelief.
"Firecracker told what you are up to, you are going to enslave the non-supes and those who stand against you will be imprisonated, you want the supes to be seen as wrathful gods" you explain, making Homelander roll his eyes.
"You are my daughter, you fucking came from me, I would never think any less of you-"
You cut him off, backing away from him when he tries to walk closer to you as to comfort you.
"But you already do! How many times did you not respect my choice to be independent? You see me as a toy" you exclaim.
Homelander's enraged experission strikes a sense of fear inside of you, but deep down you know that he won't harm you.
Because, in the end, you have been with your father for more then twenty years ever since you were born, unlike Ryan, it's Homelander who raised you since childhood.
Ever since John was in his late teens.
"I'm doing my best to keep you and Ryan happy, but both of you are ungrateful"
Suddenly, your father grabs you by your neck, pulling you closer to him.
"You are mine, I don't care if you are some weak human, but you come from me flash and blood, therefore I own you"
Homelander's blue eyes is glinting with insanity at the thought of losing you.
For him, you are the first family mamber he could build the familial bond with, just to ease his childhood trauma of not having a family.
That's why he threatened your mother with death if she tried to put you up for adoption or abort you.
Despite being only seventeen at the time, and acting immature, Homelander believed he would be the best father.
If he loses you, then he would lose the last bit of sanity he has left in him.
"You have nowhere to go, I'm your father, I'm your creator, I'm your god"
At that moment, you think of one solution to get out of this insane mess.
Billy Butcher and the boys.
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cainsau · 2 months
Can you do (Platonic) Homelander X reader. Like in S4E4, you were the only scientist that actually treated homelander as a actual human child and not a experiment, but then were fire for interfering with an experiment. And years later when he grows up and invite everyone back to the lab including the reader
Consequence || The Boys Imagine
(Platonic) Homelander x Scientist!GN!Reader
Summary: You are one of the scientists who worked on Homelander many years ago. One day he brings you back to the lab, for old times' sake, he says.
Warning: Canon typical violence and gore (not explicit)
Author's Note: Im so sorry but i dont fully understand your request! I hope this is close enough to what you're asking for :]
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You recall the elevator ride from many years ago. It didn't use to be this long. Or maybe that's because you just witnessed Homelander shooting lasers at the security guards upstairs, all that to let you and him into the old lab. He probably can hear your heart beating abnormally fast.
"Do you think everyone will be there?" He asks.
You take a long breath, "Maybe not. Some of them probably don't work for the company anymore."
There is a moment of silence before he asks again, "Do you miss them?"
You think about it for a minute. His question feels like a test somehow. But, you've always been honest with him, and you're not going to stop now. "Not really, since they fired me."
Homelander is a ticking time bomb. Since the beginning, you knew he was going to grow up with so much negativity from all that experimentation, and eventually explode. The least you could do was be kind to him, considering he was a literal child. Even now, you still feel a little bit of sympathy for him. But, it probably doesn't matter since he might have just brought you there to end your life along with the other scientists'. After all, there's no denying that you did work in that lab.
You sigh quietly. You didn't even get to say goodbye to your family when he picked you up at your current workplace.
The elevator dings, and the door opens, revealing the very same lab that you remember working in. The old faces try so hard to look delighted, but you can tell that they're as horrified as you.
"John?" Marty exclaimed in surprise.
"Homelander." The supe corrects him with an unending smile. "Just, Homelander." He then glances at you, putting an arm on your shoulder. "But [Y/N] is here too, y'know? You should greet them too."
You and Marty exchange a look. It's been years since the last time you talked to him. Though he's glad to see you after all these years, it is far outweighed by the horror of Homelander's presence.
Marty gives you a nod, "[Y/N]."
You return the nod, "Good to see you again, Marty."
"Well, well, well," Homelander steps forward with the box of cake while looking around, "I see that this place hasn't changed much."
He starts to talk and talk about his days in the lab. To the others, it might be an enlightening experience as he exposes their faults and... avenge it. Even if they didn't believe in god, they start praying inside their heads. Frank is the first to go, then Marty second. Thankfully, Barbara shows up before a third victim comes. But, oh, how wrong you are.
You stand there, breathing heavily, as Homelander closes the door to the Red Room. There's blood everywhere on his suit and hair, then as he turns around, his face is also covered in blood. But, the most terrifying part? His smile.
You hide your trembling hands behind your back. As much as you dislike how the other scientists treated him, you'd never think they'd end up like this.
"You alright?" You attempt to be nice to him, even if it's the last thing you do.
He laughs and approaches you slowly, "There should be more people like you in this world."
"You're one of a kind." He continues. "Most people are inconsistent. They're very prone to change, depending on where they are in the wheel of life- up or down- but, you? You're the same all around, then and now. That's great!"
He pats you on the back, leaving red stains on it, and guides you out. Apparently, he respects you enough to let you live, and not lock you in that room of corpses with Barbara.
As you arrive home safe and intact (physically, at least), you sigh in relief, feeling indebted to your alma mater for forcing you to take a class in ethics.
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grrrfrogs · 2 months
black noir x gn reader platonic
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you have been in the seven for about a year now, you've gotten super close with black noir for some reason, he didn't speak so maybe that was why, you could talk without having to worry about him telling other people. and that's when the gossiping came around, you would gossip with him like it was nothing.
"did you see storm front and homelander on the interview? holy shit they are definitely fucking."
you would say to him, or you would gossip about ashley or the rest of the seven, it felt comfortable because you knew that he wouldn't go run off and tell people because he literally can't speak.
but you wouldn't just gossip with him, you would complain to him and let out all of your feelings.
"i can't believe (something traumatic idk) happened to me!"
you would cry out to him and he would just pat your shoulder or back, showing you that he was there. it was so sweet and you felt like he was the only one who understood you.
you guys would get food and drinks together, he was nervous to show half of his face to you, worried you would call him a freak but in actuality, you thought his scars were cool. you would start giving eachother notes during meetings but had to stop because homelander would embarrass both of you infront of everyone, calling you guys childish and saying we didn't deserve to be in the seven if we continued to act like this.
(i haven't seen anyone write something like this about black noir and i just took it upon myself to do it.)
i hope you guys liked it because i've been thinking about this ever since i started watching the boys :3
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deliciouskeys · 3 months
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After the last episode where Vicky reveals she had a child with someone from Vought R&D, I started wondering why she was hanging out at Vought labs. And then my mind went to a weird AU where Stan would bring her in as occasional social enrichment for John at wherever Lab B6 is. Maybe they’d meet on some other level, in a slightly more civilized setting. I don’t know what their age difference is supposed to be. I assume 5 years or less. So something like 9 year old Victoria going on play dates in a (reinforced) playroom on B1 with this 12 year old who is pretty strange but ultimately really eager to connect.
Yes, I’m still convinced he’d have needed some normal social interactions to be able to function normally in front of cameras later on.
Yes, I ship Homelander (romantically or platonically) with Vicky. They’re both evil and frenemies. What’s not to like?
Yes, I’m trying to reimagine Stan Edgar as someone who may be sociopathic towards ‘his children’ but not an idiot who didn’t even try to socialize Homelander to be able to pass for normal. Whether he’s Vought’s most important asset or not, he’s certainly the most volatile and dangerous the way they raised him 😕
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platonic-abuse · 21 days
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001 — homelander + ryan headcanons — platonic — spoilers
season two inspired, vaguely based off later canon
warnings: none
— homelander sees himself in ryan. kind of obvious if you've watched the show, but he's also trying to ""relive" his life through him .
— almost everything he does with ryan is something he wanted at some point, like eating junk food, going to theme parks, playing games and etc.
— homelander watches ryan's lego movies he posts, though he doesn't understand the appeal.
— ryan has also asked homelander to buy him vbucks and robux.
— ryan also pulls the "my dad owns vought and he can get your family laser beamed"
— homelander likes telling ryan about american history and wars.
— ryan also sees homelander as a celebrity of sorts. homelander is mostly amused by this but he tells to talk about how he's a superhero and whatnot.
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requests are also open :3 feel free 2 req any character(s) from any media
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
Can we combine the Boba tea hc with the platonic x HL hc? I want to get ice cream with homie and judge people's outfits and complain about how josh from marketing spoke to me in a really mean tone of voice and homie complains of starlight getting higher numbers.
WAIT WAAAIT this is such a good combination!! I love mixing it with the boba fic because imagine every time you hang out, you've got a new drink, and he remarks on it every single time. Homelander's halfway through a rant about a new policy that Stan Edgar is putting into place when he hears you slurp from your straw. He stops dead in his tracks, nose wrinkling. Whatever you're drinking smells like fucking grass.
"Why is it green?" He asks. The exasperation in his voice almost makes you snort your drink out your nose.
"Iced matcha and lavender latte with oat milk. Sip?" You offer, as you always do.
"You just described the garden center at Home Depot, not a beverage," he says, disgust dripping from every word. He takes the cup from you and gives it another sniff. He tries a sip. Immediately, his expression sours. "You're fucking with me. You can't possibly enjoy this. I'm putting this in the garbage," he says, aiming to toss it. You don't see a trashcan on the rooftop the two of you are sitting on, but you're willing to bet he does, and that it's a block away. "Don't you dare! That was $8 bucks," you say, snatching it back from him. "I'll pay you eight hundred to never drink one of those next to me again," he retorts, still smacking his tongue to get rid of the lingering taste. "My mouth tastes like a goddamn French lawnmower."
"Deal. Pay up," you say, making pinching fingers at him. "I'll buy us ice cream."
"Later. First, what's the deal with Brian?" Homelander asks, calling back to an interruption from even earlier in the conversation. The two of you run at the same frequency, often holding several broken conversations over the course of your hour lunch break.
"Oh! Right. Okay, so get this-"
This happens nearly every day. No one understands it. Hell, neither of you are entirely sure you understand it. Nonetheless, you wouldn't trade it for all the overpriced lattes in the world.
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liones-of-love · 2 months
Hey Guys
I'm knew on tumbler and wantet to get back in to writing buisnes. So here i am. As so manny other young women i have a rather dark desier, so yeah, i like writing about dark persons, Yandere, platonic and etc. Don't get me wrong i also like writing sweet stuff ;)
I am basicly asking you to write me some request so i dont have to think abaout what to write next. You might wonder what you can request, well basicly evreything.
I am quite a little nerd so i know a lot of stuff.
Star Wars Univers Marvel Univers The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Call of Duty House of Dragons The Mummy Movies Harry Potter Univers Doctor Who Iluminaty Last of us Avatar Formula 1 The Boys Twilight Venom Dune
I could go on quite long. But if you wanna find out if i can write down your dark desiers, just ask me <3
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leth-writes · 2 months
Homelander x supe!reader who prefers to stay in the shadows, away from the spotlight and such? But their powers are still fairly strong? :>
🌌 anon (Thx for doing all my requests- not often that I find active twilight authors but I also don’t want to swarm you with twilight requests)
Hello, wonderful Galaxy anon!
Homelander x reader
Just genuinely can’t understand where you’re coming from. He’s been raised his whole life to excel in the public eye, so a significant other who doesn’t strive for the same thing is, at first, quite confusing.
“Don’t you know we could take over the world together? Come on, let loose, babe!”
He enjoys sparring with you quite a bit, especially if you can put up a fight. Will make sure you keep going until he wins at least once, so you may need to throw a fight. Make it look genuine, or he’ll try to take you down even harder. It’s best for everyone if you just distract him by kissing him when he has you pinned. It makes him so flustered he can’t focus anymore.
It’s hard for him, he wants to show you to everyone. He might feel that you’re hiding your relationship because you’re ashamed. You’ll need to convince him you truly do enjoy being with him, maybe spend a day cuddling in bed and petting his hair as he noses into the crook of your neck.
To make it up to him, he’ll make sure to take you on incredibly public dates. He needs some recognition for his incredible partner, and there’s no way Vought would let you go completely unnoticed
Explain to him why you don’t like the spotlight; maybe it makes you anxious, maybe you’re scared of the way the media will depict you, maybe you just find it tedious. If your reasons are rooted in anxiety, don’t worry, he’ll attack anyone who even so much as breathes your name in a malicious manner.
If you don’t want to be public because you find it exhausting, he understands. He wants to protect you from the pain he’s gone through and will genuinely try his best to stick to your wishes.
Still, Vought is definitely publishing a bunch of candid shots, so I don’t see you being able to stay in the shadows for too long. The public wants you to fight for them, especially because staying in the shadows means they don’t know your intentions. To curb the rumors, Homelander will be posting you on his social media accounts, just to let the public peak into your lives and understand how amazing you are. 
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cute-bag-of-bones · 1 year
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Can't Trust A Supe
Part 14: Milk
Hey! I'm not back, back yet but I figured I'd post this super short part and let it set up for a time skip when I return. Not sure when I'll be back with part 15 but get ready for soilder boy!
        Like he heard my cries, Homelander came bursting through the automatic doors of the lobby. Glass was thrown all over. I was thankful it was just the guards and I here. 
        "What happened! Why do your eyes look like that!" He boomed out making my ears ring. He didn't sound angry; it was more like fear. 
         "It looks like pepper spray sir." One of the guards said as they moved out of his way. I kept my eyes closed as much as I possibly could. Needing to seem like an innocent victim I reach out my arms to Homelander for him to hold me. He pushes my arms down and grabs my head and tilts it back. His brutish thumbs pry my eyes open. 
          "You're hurting me!" I cry out as I try to push his hands away from my face. He stopped and let my head fall before he turned his frustration on the guards. 
        "Who! Who did this!?" He screamed, the windows threatened to shatter at the sheer volume of his voice. The guards grabbed their ears and cowarded from him. 
         "We don't know sir, please!" One begged. I had to step in or he was going to hurt these men for nothing other than trying to help. 
          "He's in the penthouse. Take me, I'll show you him." I say as I reach out for him again. My eyes firmly closed. I crawl towards where I last heard his voice. Finding his cape I grab onto it. He leans down and picks me up. I clung to him desperately, I needed to get him away from these people. 
          With my eyes closed I wasn't sure but I think he took the quick way up. I felt the air brush against my face until he landed. I take a small peek and see the living room. He sat me down and found the body right away. I felt even more helpless than normal without my sight. 
         "Good God what did you do to him, Simone?" He asked as his footsteps got further and further. 
          "I pulled his esophagus from his neck. It's a big long tube. It was the first thing I saw. So I grabbed it." I say as I blindly fumble for the sofa to crawl onto. 
         "What was a man doing in my penthouse?" He asked, sounding suspicious. 
        "He brought the pizza. He is a guard or I thought he was. He tried to attack me. He hated me, said I was using you. He scared me so bad. I didn't want to kill him." I begin to cry, really trying to milk how helpless I looked. Homelander made an annoyed sound as he came over to me. He didn't seem all that moved by my display.
        "Come on, let's get your eyes flushed out." He said as he lifted me again. Struggling to open my eyes I look up at him as he takes us to the kitchen. 
         "What about him?" I ask as Homelander sets me down in front of the sink. 
          "I know what to do with Pete." He said as he got some milk from the fridge.
          "Pete? You know him?" I ask, closing my eyes again. 
           "Yep he was my stalker. Completely harmless to me, I guess I didn't think about him trying something with you." Homelander said as he took me by the back of the neck and guided me to bend over the sink like I was washing my hair. Tilting my head to the side he started pouring milk into my eyes. 
        "You have stalkers? Why not kill them?" I ask as I try to open my eyes under the stream of milk. 
         "Some I do. Pete ran my biggest fan account on Twitter so he was useful. Not like he could hurt me." Homelander said as he took off his gloves and gently opened my eyes for me. Of course Homelander wouldn't want to kill someone who was inflating his ego. 
         "Well he was a creep." I say as Homelander pours more milk into my eyes. He chuckled.
        "Yeah he was. He touch you?" 
        "Yeah we got in a fight. That's when he sprayed me. It was a lie of course. He didn't try to hurt me but I needed someway to explain his busted up face M.M. gave him.
         "You did that? His face looks like ground beef." He sounded proud. I stood up straight and he handed me a towel for my eyes. 
         "Yeah he wasn't really a fighter." I say as I pat my face dry. 
         "Must not have been. You don't have a scrape on you." He says as he grabs my hand and looked at my knuckles. I knew the fact my knuckles were completely clear of any kind of cuts or bruises would give me away. I pulled my hand back and looked up at him terrified. "Who else was here?" His relaxed attitude changed quickly as he questioned me. 
         "No one! It was just me! I healed the cuts on my hands." I say as I back up a bit from him. 
          "How? You could hardly open your eyes. How did you heal them without seeing them?" He asked as he took a few steps forward, trapping me between him and the stove. 
          "I just did! Get away from me!" I yell as I try to push him back. He only steps closer pushing my back against the buttons to the stove top. They dug into my skin through my shirt.
          "Who else was here! You are too much of a pussy to use your bare hands now tell me who!" He roared out. He pressed himself against me so tightly I felt one of the turning knobs to the stove break off against my back under the pressure. 
            "No one! Check the cameras! He was the only one who came in here!" I cry out in pain. He takes a step back and pulls out his phone. I was quick to move from the stove and tried to run past him to safety but he grabbed the back of my hair as he checked the hall cameras on his phone. 
           He pulled me over to look at the screen. thumbing through the footage he didn't find anything. I was amazed how well Frenchie's tool worked. There wasn't any sign of them. Just the crazed fan. Homelander closed his phone and looked down at me. 
          "I told you, it was me. He had a soft face. I didn't even hit him that hard." I say, smiling up at him. I was doing my best to stay calm. He'd use my fast heartbeat against me. 
          "I'm going to call a guy to clean this up. Then I'm going to go and talk to the people in the lobby, see if they saw anything." He said as he hosted me over his shoulder and stepped past the body. Struggling against him would be useless so I let myself dangle as he steps into my room. He sets me down on my bed. 
          Grabbing the lower half of my face he turned it side to side, seemingly getting one last look at my eyes before he left to investigate. Once satisfied he's done everything he could for them he leaves without a word. 
         It was obvious he didn't believe me. Maybe he was hoping I'd make it easy on him and just confess my sins and tell him what really happened but it would be a cold day in hell when I tell him anything I don't have to. 
         I was happy to stay in my room for a while letting him try and figure out what really happened. I knew the only things that could give me away were in this very room, my phone and chip. 
         I lay down and rest my eyes as I hear shuffling and talking just outside the door. It was probably a cleaning crew of sorts or maybe it was just Homelander disposing of the man himself. 
          After an hour or so Homelander enters my room. His hands folded behind his back. 
         "Well killer, have anything to say to me?" He asks as he leans against the doorframe. I roll over in bed to look at him confused. 
        "Goodnight?" I ask as I rub my eyes. He rolls his eyes and looks a bit annoyed.
         "How about thank you? Thank you dad for getting rid of a body for me. Try that." He says with a cocky grin. What would he rather me do? Let the guy run around the apartment? Let him pepper spray me? He was secretly pleased I killed that man. If I was being charitable I'd say he was happy this happened because it meant I can defend myself. In reality I think he was so happy because he got to hold another murder over my head. 
         "Right, thanks… Dad for hiding a body?" I didn't sound very convincing but he took it anyway. 
          "You are very welcome. Ashley has planned a few interviews for you tomorrow for the Vaught social media accounts. You are going to have to wear those ridiculous three eyed sunglasses. If anyone asks about your puffy eyes, tell them it's allergies. I'll be in the area doing my own interviews. Think you can handle flying solo?" He asked as he stepped into the room. It seemed pretty quick to get me in front of a camera by myself but I wasn't to worry. It was Vaught, it wouldn't be any groundbreaking journalism, just a puff piece.
         "Yeah I got it." I say as I nod. It was a good thing how much faith he seemed to have in my PR skills. It gives me more freedom to speak to a wider audience.
        I wasn't sure what Billy had in mind but he's probably thinking if we can't kill him at least we can kill his career. I got a kick out of the idea of outing him as the homicidal obsessive maniac that he is. It was a small thrill that grew in my chest everyday I daydreamed about it. 
        He looked around my room for a second and picked up some of the toys from the floor and put them on a shelf where they will just fall again the next time he yells. 
         "I really thought you were younger. It wasn't intentional, I figured if you kept that ugly doll of me you might like other dolls." He said as he brushed down the hair on a Maeve action figure. He grinned a little and looked back at me. "Once things settle down I'll make sure we get you a more age appropriate room. After all, if we ever make a family vlog you can't be seen in this embarrassment of a room." He made a cringing face just at the thought. I just nod with a smile. The less I say the better. I try not to interrupt him when he's being somewhat reasonable.
          He mills around the room for a bit longer. The sudden interest in the room worried me. Why was he just loitering here? He wasn't even looking at me; his focus was on the finer details of the room. 
           "Hey um Homie? I was going to get some shut eye if that's alright with you." I intentionally try to butter him up with the abbreviation of his name. It seemed to please him. He smiled wide as he turned his attention to me. 
          "Homie? That's sweet, yeah alright. But in public I'm dad got it?" He asks with a wink. I nod back.
          "I remember." I say with a chuckle. 
          "Alright well I'll let you sleep. See you tomorrow." He sounds so normal sometimes it's jarring to say the least. 
          "Yeah night." I say as I roll over. He leaves the door cracked open an inch like normal and seemed to have gone to his room. 
           As my new routine dictated I waited for him to go to sleep before I pulled out my phone. I texted Billy everything that went down even though I was sure the guys had already told him. 
          Afterwards I cleared the phone and looked for a new hiding spot for it and the charger. If he planned to redo the room I knew he'd snoop so I needed to be more clever. 
          Crawling around on the floor I found what I needed: a loose floorboard. Popping the board up I placed the stuff inside and put it back in place. To ensure I'd find it again I took my nail and pressed a tiny X in it. 
       Getting back into bed I feel much better about this spot. He'd have no reason to change the dark floorboards of the room. 
       That night I managed to get a great night of sleep for the first time in a while. I felt like finally I had a leg up on him. He might be stronger and faster than me, maybe even smarter but thanks to his own greed I finally have a nuclear option, a card I can play at any moment that would end it all. Unfortunately it would probably be the death of me and many others if not done correctly.
          He gave me a direct line to the public. One well worded statement to the news and his empire of blood and intimidation would come crashing down and crush him beneath the tremendous weight. Not yet though, I had to wait for the perfect time. If I was rash about it he'd make me regret it. 
       For now I will just have to play along. I was wrong in the past for playing fawn with him. Homelander was much smarter than he'd let on. He knew I wasn't the servile type. He knew I was my mother's daughter. The nicer I was to him the less I fought the more he knew how much I was faking it. I couldn't be too sweet, I couldn't be too mean. If I bruise his ego he'd snap and might hurt me or someone else. Yet again this game I'm forced to play comes down to a painfully delicate balancing act. I'm walking on a barbed wire tightrope, below me is certain death. One small dip, or flinch to the side and it would be over. 
       I wasn't sure why he was being so nice but I wasn't dumb enough to think it would last. Despite his almost docile and apologetic attitude in the last few hours I couldn't help but feel it was the calm before the storm. Something was coming, something very bad. 
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Dark Platonic Father! Homelander x Reader x Dark Boyfriend Mark Grayson (crossover)
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Part 1 Part2
You decided to date in secret, and your boyfriend just happens to be Mark Grayson.
The problem is that Mark didn't tell you about him being half Viltrumite and half human.
You thought you were dating a normal person like yourself, that's why you insisted on keeping your relationship hidden.
However, Mark started to manipulate you into running away with him.
And also you realized that many of your friends became distant and avoided you.
You blamed it on your father instead of Mark.
Meanwhile, Homelander started to get suspicious about your late night walks or how you return home late from college.
Especially after Ryan told him that he once heard you speaking to a guy on the phone.
Homelander promised you to become less possessive and give you more freedom.
But for you to use that freedom to date another boy makes him angry.
So, he decided to follow you one day to see who you are dating behind his back and confront him.
However, when America's number one supe tried to attack your boyfriend, Mark dodged easily, and started to use his powers.
"Nice to meet you, sir, I'm Mark Grayson, and I'm your daughter's future husband"
Mark smirked as he introduced himself to Homelander.
Seeing how both of them fight each other brutally made you realize that you can't take it anymore and try to stop them.
Which was a mistake, because Mark and Homelander accidentally shoved you away at the same time.
You flow against the wall before blacking out.
Surprisingly you survived even if many bones were broken in your body and you went into a one month coma.
Even though you have forgiven the both of them.
But still, your father hates Mark and vice versa.
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lyssak09 · 2 years
Masterlist & Things I write for
AN: I automatically write the reader as female so when you re quest please please tell me what pronouns you want the reader to have. Also if requested I will and can write the reader as part of the LGBTQ+ community
Key: Italics means to be posted/its a draft
Fandoms I can write for:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Night Court (1986)
Corpse Bride
Beetlejuice (both movies)
Doctor Sleep
Charmed (the original one)
The Labyrinth (David Bowie movie)
Krull (1983)
Secret Obsession (netflix movie)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
The Walking Dead (seasons 1-7) I get pissed with the show when I get to parts of season 7 so I stop watching and restart from the beginning of the show
Umbrellas Academy
Z Nation
Warehouse 13
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Dead by Daylight
Adventure Time
The Big Bang Theory
Suicide Squad (both movies)
Slashers: Ghostface (preferably Stu), Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jason, Brahms Hillshire
Star Trek: TNG, Voyager, Lower Decks, TOS, SNW
My Bloody Valentine: Both 1981 and 2009 movies so please be specific with which one you want
Markiplier & Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere Dean hcs
Yandere Shapeshifter hcs
Yandere Sam hcs
Yandere Archangels request
Yandere Castiel hcs
Yandere Lucifer hcs
Yandere Casifer hcs
Yandere Casifer with Trans!reader request
Yandere Archangels soulmates request
Yandere Michael!Dean w/ soulmate fem!Reader ask
Dead by daylight
Platonic Yandere killers reaction to child reader
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader request
Yandere Leon with Killer!reader pt.2 request
Platonic Yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress with tween!reader request
Platonic Yandere Huntress & Trapper request 
Yandere Nemesis hcs request
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.1
Yandere Killers & Survivors request pt.2
Yandere Doctor hcs request
Plantonic yandere (HOY) Trapper & Huntress pt.2
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Yandere Jake Peralta hcs
Yandere Jake with Lawyer!reader request
Yandere Jake
Yandere Rosa
Yandere Amy
Yandere Charles request
Star Trek
Yandere Q request
Yandere William Riker
Yandere Brad Boimler
Yandere Spock (SNW)
Yandere Data
Yandere Tom Paris
Umbrella Academy
Yandere Five with Soft!reader request
Yandere Five hcs
Yandere Luther hcs
Yandere Diego hcs
The Walking Dead
Yandere Daryl with motherly!reader hcs request
Yandere Daryl motherly!reader hcs pt.2 request
Yandere Daryl
Yandere Daryl VS Rick hcs/sorta request
Yandere Rick VS Governor request
Yandere Rick hcs
Yandere Grown Carl hcs
Yandere Michonne hcs
Yandere Governor request
Tim Burton
Yandere Victor Van Dort hcs (Corpse Bride)
Yandere Emily hcs (Corpse Bride)
Yandere Beetlegleuse hcs (BeetleJuice)
Miscellaneous (Aka writing that doesn’t have their own category yet)
Yandere Brahms Heelshire (The boy)
Yandere Elliot Stabler (L&O SVU)
Yandere Mack Thompson (Z Nation) hcs
Yandere Black Mask/Roman Sionis (DC/BOP)
Yandere Pete Latimer (Warehouse 13) hcs
Yandere Homelander (The Boys) hcs
Yandere Joker (Suicide Squad)  hcs (Fight me on this)
Yandere Piper Hallowell (Charmed) hcs
Yandere Leo (Charmed)  hcs
Yandere Colwyn (Krull) hcs
Yandere Danny Torrance (Doctor Sleep) hcs I love Ewan McGregor 
Yandere Max (Day of the dead: Bloodline) hcs
Yandere Wilford Warfstache hcs
Yandere Antisepticeye hcs
Currently redesigning how these guys look like
Tyler from my yandere song fic
Evan ( Yandere Landlord)
Daniel (Yandere Slasher)
Hudson (Yandere Cop/Sheriff)
Luke (Yandere Childhood friend/Bully)
Damien (Yandere Teacher)
Zachary (Yandere zombie apocalypse survivor)
Derek (Yandere Hypnotist/ Therapist)
Ashton (Yandere Neighbor)
Zeke (Yandere robot boss)
William (Yandere Prisoner)
Adrian (Yandere Asylum patient)
Devon (Yandere Priest)
Jason (Yandere Step father)
Max (Yandere step brother)
Anthony (Yandere slasher/homicide survivor)
Ryan (Yandere childhood friend)
Ewan (Yandere military man) 
Unnamed (Yandere boss)
Unnamed (Yandere AI robot house)
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gesde1234 · 1 year
Yandere Shark MegladonFather and his Pup Male Reader
L/i My small Pup. said a Megladon towards L/i as he sleeps in the sand soundly while others Sharks circle around them in a protective circle.
L/i you are going to be just like me my little Pup. Said the Megladon. Until he sees a shark swimming close towards where his pup is sleeping getting too close for comfort.
The Megladon Father quickly started to attack the great White Shark and few others Shark join in while the Pup slept soundly in the sand while his father and few others have a meal for the night.
Don't worry pup the Waters of the Ocean is always going to be ours.
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comradecowplant · 2 months
my beef with Hughie being the most annoying part of The Boys ended, Kimiko & Frenchie reigniting their romance is my new The Boys best enemy 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
#i really liked their platonic supportive 'were both broken wahwah' relationship. literally donut care at all about their romance 🙄🙄🙄#fr i actually almost liked hughie this season. way less annoying overcompensating failson energy & more actually resolving his issues#kinda hoped cate was going to tell frenchie to walk off the dock at the warf at the end but we cant have everything :(#because fuck that plot line & fuck that IOF scum actor!!!!#the boys#it was a really good season imo. really set things up for what i hope will be a fascinating final season#(also cant wait for season 4.5 when season 2 of gen v comes out. hope that spin-off gets at least as many seasons. rip chance perdomo 😞)#a-train FINALLY getting his nerve! the deep finally going full sicko instead of being the rapist comic relief. ashley continuing to unravel#so excited to learn what the v did to her. if anyone deserves a mostly-useless-except-for-weird-sex-stuff power its her!!!!!#sage better have another 8 layers of gEniUs subterfuge up her sleeve otherwise i am rooting for a maeve cameo next season to kick her ass#sage was definitely an interesting highlight this season. 'smartest woman on earth' but ultimately just a lonely sociopathic loser#there were a few moments where- despite her 'intellectual' truth that human lives are meaningless- that she seemed bothered by the wanton#violence. & i really dont believe that she'd get over homelander so casually throwing her away. probs wont pay off but im a 'sage is#scheming against the 7 after all' truther. if a-train could get his head out of his ass anything is possible for anyone!!!#rip victoria neuman 😩 literally did nothing wrong ever in her life and butcher killed her for it smh my head#(she really was a fantastic villian though. actual 'if AOC had super powers' except more charming & less evil. claudia doumit was amazing)#dani talks about tv
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