#platonic mcyt fanfiction
lalicaaaaa · 4 months
More content creator reader headcanons
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because yall liked the last one here are more headcanons with content creator reader weh
in Isaac's new cooking video reader almost throws up because of the "pigs in a blanket"
in schlatts Wii extravaganza reader smashed a tv by throwing it across the room
Whenever softwilly or yumi comes out with a new album or song you make the edit for it for editor! Reader
You are mostly seen as the group’s manager but to be fr Isaac takes care of everything business wise
When the group went to Japan and into the hentia store you stood outside with a separate camera for your own little vlog and softwilly’s thumbnail is just you standing outside of the building with a thumbs up
You are Larry are like cocain and crack, different things but also some what the same. Once while softwilly was vlogging a shop outing you and Larry kept putting random stuff in the basket like kids and always giggling about it
You once broke one a schlatt’s cameras by kicking it while playing just dance and one of his office windows
Speaking of just dance you slay how you like that by black pink in just dance like you do all the moves and eat up while other people keep Messing up.
If your a kpop fan big T definitely has stolen some of your photo cards and keeps them in the back of his phone, you : “have you seen my chuu photo card?” Bug T : covering the back of his phone “no?”
Might break out into song like in A Last to Leave VC you start singing and dancing to Shut Down by black pink being all aggressive with the moves and you hit yourself in the head yumi started crying from laughing so hard
You force schlatt to buy you a 3DS so that you can play Tomodachi Life on stream and make him fall in love with Princess Peach
Your TikTok’s are so silly bro it just be the most random stuff like “take a dollar or play Valorant” “Gimme the dollar”
You hate Valorant, you don’t even know why you just have beef with the game
Your side eyes are so mean that you can say it all with one quick side eye to anyone and chills run down their spines.
Your dog is almost as messy as you are, he is a boxer and pitbull mix so people are naturally extra cautious around him but he's a sweetheart!
When going indoor skydiving with the group and schlatt, a reader took her dog and he was able to skydive with them everyone was just taking pictures of him and now he has a photo on the wall of the place.
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You're safe with us
(Hermitcraft x Child dragon reader)
Man, sorry this took so long, but hey posting it the night of my birthday is good ! It is just the one day Day 7 and the hermit meeting will all be one thing and I might start posting bigger blockier chapters to help with this though still send in requests please I love them !
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || [ Part 4]
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Day 6
Xisuma was the first one up, his first thoughts upon being up where to check on you, check the server then his messages . He followed that plan open your door to see you still asleep surrounded by your toys. Next came a server diagnostic. He checked the server for bugs, breaches in the firewall, and general disturbances. With nothing there he moved onto his messages. He'd gotten a message back from Doc questioning him about the chains, where they'd be and what they were wrapped around .
Xisuma quickly sent him a message stating that he could explain it after lunch and for Doc to meet him and Grian's. Of course he messaged Grian checking to make sure it was fine. Thankfully everything seemed to check out just fine. That meant his next issue was breakfast. He's been trying to keep it interesting for you since you've started eating more solid foods. Though today he decided something simple like pancakes and sausage would be good for you seeing as you seem to enjoy meat a lot more than he'd thought, he'd really have to do a general species assessment with you soon so he can make an accurate dietary assessment for you .
When breakfast finished up he knocked on your door opening it slowly. After making sure you were okay, he gently shook you awake leaving you disoriented regardless.
As you woke up he set up what he'd call your usual spot at the coffee table. You yawned, dragging out your usual assortment of stuffed toys and settled into your seat staring at the food tiredly. You slowly picked up your own fork and started to eat through the pre-cut food. While eating you started to wake up and you looked up to Xisuma who seemed to have a picture book.
Xisuma glanced down at you, due to a difficulty in communication he's wondering if he should teach you sign or if maybe he should ask Doc to make you a device to help you communicate if he did he hoped it would still be of use if started talking on your own, if you even chose to do so. He himself knows sign , both he and his brother learned it from time with /The Doom Slayer/ or their father. With a quiet sigh he refreshed himself with a book he'd kept. Though he would rather let you choose your own method.
Though as of now you've finished your food and you are very deserving of a bath. Following the very unsteady routine that's been put into place Xisuma helped you wash off and get dressed. Along with. Xisuma setting up your writing tools, you'd read all day yesterday so writing seems to be a perfect fit . Xisuma provided you with a book, quill, and ink then had you start with your name as well as a few other words he really wanted you to know. Those words being; Yes, No, Help, Please, Thank you, and Stop.
And you started right away with a healthy bit of issue but you were doing well regardless. Xisuma encouraged you with every right and mistake. He didn't make you feel like shit for messing up. Honestly you were starting to warm up to it . You wanted to thank him, for all that he's done this far, getting you toys, giving you a name, giving you space, taking care of you, all of it. Of course your first evdevors of showing him a paper with thank you written on it didn't play out as well as you hoped. Though you're feeling a little confident, you /want/ to speak to him.
Setting down your quill and taking Biffa and Void into your arms as you walked up to him as he worked with those odd screens again. You hesitated.. you didn't want to upset him. Looking down at the two toys in your arm you huffed, taking in a deep breath and lightly patting Xisuma's hand. He didn't notice so you tried again this time gently pulling and that got his attention.
He smiled at you, the screens disappearing. "Hi Y/N what's up? " Looking up at him you took a deep breath, your nerves starting to get the better of you. He held a hand out to you. "It's okay, take your time I'll figure out what you want, okay?" You'd have to thank him for this too it made you really happy that he was patient and willing to work to figure out what you wanted.
You take another breath steadying yourself as you squeeze the toys in your arm. " 'Suma?" You start, it makes your throat hurt and your voice quiet barely loud enough to count as a whisper. The helmet he wears does nothing but reflect back at you but behind it he's in shock. You said something ! He can hardly believe it, you actually said something and it was his name !
You fidget nearly dropping the toys, he hasn't said anything. Do you continue? Did you mess up? Is he upset? Slowly tears start to fill your eyes as you grow scared. " 'Suma? " You try again, your voice shaking as you can't gather the nerves.
He kneels placing hands on both your shoulders. You flinch and he hates it, you haven't flinched in his presence since the first couple day you were here, did he scare you ? "Sorry sorry, you're okay. What's up Y/N?"
You sniffle as he answers you. "Sorry, I wan'ed say thank you.." You stumble over your words, hating the aching feeling in your throat. It hurts but you'll manage, you always have. "You got me things and a name
thanks?" Honestly you hope you're understandable enough
Xisuma gently took you bu the shoulders and hugged you. He hates that you still flinched at the motion . But he held you tight for a moment sighing . He's never going to lose you and he doubts any of the rhermits would like that either.
You stand there almost frozen by the gesture outside of your initial flinch . He's. Not mad, in fact he seems happy? Heartwarmed? Something in that sense, and it's great!
You can hardly believe you've done it but you have
Slowly he pulls from the hug with a quiet sigh. "It's nothing Y/N really we all just want to make sure you're okay. I promise, you're just fine and I'm doing this because i care about you." He states with a nod as he ruffled your hair .
You smile some , you did good and he cares! You've never been happier hoenstly it's great! You let out a sigh of relief your tail starting to slowly settle into a way behind you .
After your small talk with Xisuma of you thanking him and saying w couple other words he got you a water and offered to take you out for lunch over to Grian's in specifics. Happily you agreed, unfortunately you could only bring one toy at first though with a little bit of pouting and asking it was still left with one . So you grabbed Void , hurrying up to Xisuma's side and grabbing his hand.
Gently he wrapped you in a cloak that draped off of him. You walk beside him as you walked over to Grian's. He knocked on the door with a sigh.
Grian happily opened the door kneeling with his arms open so he could hug you, and behind him was a very large intimidating creeper. Noticing the creeper, you backed off hiding behind Xisuma's leg. The creeper seemed to be in shock as he looked at you. You watched as he sat making himself somewhat smaller despite how difficult that task would have truly been.
Slowly Xisuma brings you inside with a small amount of worry , you look petrified. Grian kneels down to your height waving. "Hey Y/N, welcome back. My friend there Doc, he's going to get those chains off your wings and make sure you're okay." He attempted, frowning as you started to hide yourself more
Doc simply waited, the centaur sitting as he looked over at Grian and Xisuma. "So they're who you wanted me to meet? I could give them a checkup anytime soon , though I could also offer them some spare clothing. How many times have you washed just that one outfit, Xisuma?"
Xisuma sighed, glancing back at you.
"Every time, it's large enough we can get their wings in without trouble but you're right it sounds tattered. Not to mention we hardly know what they really need"
Doc nodded glancing at you, his somewhat goat-like ears twitching as he heard you make quiet but territorial sounding hisses and growls. "Do they speak? Have they shown any improvement from their previous situation?" He asked glancing between the two
" They've definitely improved and they've only just started to speak, speaking to me this morning. Though other than that it's been almost a week and they're honestly still quite jumpy and fearful. As far as I can tell they trust me and Grian, but also they haven't exactly met anyone else -" Xisuma rambled glancing down at you as your claws dug into his armour.
" If I may, I'd like to volunteer to take care of them next. If gives me time to do a check up and start figuring out exactly what kind of creature they might be , and it lets me observe their habits to make them a proper schedule" Doc states glancing at Grian
Grian hums looking between Doc and Xisuma " I don't mind waiting , if anything could start their socialising and starting to get them used to things around here especially if they're going to be a new addition"
Xisuma nods, sighing with a smile as he reaches down and places a hand on your head. " Sounds settled then Doc first then you Grian-", He glanced done at you unsure . He hoped you'd give it a chance " - Sound good Y/N? "
You shook your head no, honestly you didn't want to go with the big scary man besides he was in your territory. Why do you have to go to his? Looking over at Grian you huff. You're a little mad they're standing closer to the big guy Doc. You wanted to ask him for names.
Doc sighed, humming as he looked at your toys, he spares Xisuma a slightly knowing glance as he notes the toy from an earlier season that once belonged to Xisuma's brother . Though the robot toy, it reminds him of an older fiend but it's eye catching. " Hey Y/N? What's the name of your toys? "
Your ears flick for a moment as he asks you the question , you cook down at your toys. You let go of Xisuma's leg not quite leaving your arms distance from him as you set them on the table. Your voice was still hoarse and quiet as you spoke. *
"Void and Biffa, 'Suma helped me name them "
Doc smiles as he gives Xisuma a very knowing look. "I used to have a friend named Biffa, I don't know what happened to him but he was cool! He was a robot, and Void's really cool. I think that's a fun name." Doc smiles as you smile as well though quickly you shake it off trying to put up a tough face .
" Hey Y/N can I try and clip those chains off your wings? I need you to trust me and sit still if you want them off though "Doc hums simple reasoning . Besides, he doesn't hold any malice .
You glance back at your wings flexing them for just a moment though hissing in the process. You think about it , your wings would be free and you'd have nothing more to worry about aside from damage too your wings, but Grian and Xisuma are here so it seems like you wouldn't have to worry about that. Slowly you nod pulling Biffa and Void into your arms . As you look up at Xisuma.
Xisuma offers you a hand as he brings you over to a chair and sits you down. He smiles ruffling your hair. " Me and Grian will be here the whole time we promise, there's nothing you need to worry about. Doc is our friend and he just wants to make sure you're okay ."
You nod letting out a Shakey sigh as you finally get comfortable and sit still. You hear the rummaging of tools behind you as you sit, the fear is paralysing. You wait doing your best to sit still as you hear snap after snap , with each snap your wings feel a little lighter till suddenly you no longer feel metal on your wings.
Doc smiles at his work, don't both efficiently and safely. "There you go Y/N, would you mind if I continued giving you a proper check up, I'd have to touch your wings but I won't hurt them at all , you have my word"*
You glance back, stretching your wings for the first time in ages. It hurts, they're very sore. However Doc's question catches your attention , perhaps it would make you know better for yourself . So you nod, hopefully it would be good for you .
You let Doc continue with his check up, wincing whenever he brushes past an injury that's never been treated and taken care of though it's all been settled and doc should have his notes tomorrow. Gently he stretches out your wings to their full length and to his surprise you have a rather large wingspan with the same blue-ish green scales that he's noted sit on your cheeks, wrists, neck and now a large poriok of your super back and your wings. The webbing of your wing was surprisingly well kept outside of a few small holes that he was pretty sure should only be natural to a dragon about your age.
You look over at Xisuma tilting your head with a yawn. Once Doc finally finishes . You're tired and burnt out people wise but Xisuma still seems to have things he wants to discuss so you walk over and climb into one of the seats as conversation continued you allowed yourself to get comfortable, no matter how awkward the position and you started to nod off. Falling asleep.
Xisuma watches with mild concern checking to make sure you're bro uncomfortable, though as settle on for your nap Grian comes to cover your with a blanket. He also decided that the rest of the day might be better spent at Grian's house with all of them. With that being the verdict the day continues as followed , you eat after your nap , play with Grian , have an awkward staring contest with Doc, grow scared of Doc for several moments and hide behind Xisuma, slowly trust Doc again, get Doc to talk to your toys along with Grian, and find a cosy spot to lay down and go to bed for the night once you tired yourself out.
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angstyx · 2 years
Ah ok I didn’t know!
What about streaming with the SBI?
Sorry I’m Nights friend Toby!
It nice to meet you!
Streaming W/ The SBI HCs!
TW: cursing, random stuff (i kinda just went off with random ideas), messy writing
Requested?: [Yes] [No]
Note: another fic? wow wow
This is kinda messy sorry
Masterlist // Rules for Requesting
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it'll be total chaos
and i mean total
i mean you probably could already guess what'll happen right?
tommy and wilbur would be arguing with each other over some dumb shit (probably over the game you guys were playing)
phil would be trying to calm them down but give up after a mere 5-10 minutes and just decide to chill with his chat and you instead
you would probably just be either try to calm the two down as well or just laugh your ass off at them while calling them dumbasses
would you be wrong tho? exactly
and techno? yeah who knows what he'll be doing
someone's stream would crash at least once or twice or maybe more than that
i bet 10 bucks itll be wilbur's cause i bet he'll knock or unplug something
but if it was a irl stream you guys were doing? then oh boy
buckle up cause itll be even worse than if you guys were playing a game
the stream would be named "chill irl stream w/ sbi" but once someone clicks on the stream they'll be met with screaming and cursing
again, the stream would definitely crash once or twice and itll be lagging most half of the time
maybe during the stream you guys would just be walking around places but still even if you guys were doing that tommy would find out a way to make it entertaining
maybe he'll publically embarrass himself or something close to that honestly
yeah maybe a irl stream wouldnt be a good idea
lets just stick to gaming streams cause tho itll still be chaotic, itll be less chaotic
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taglist: @thenotsohottopic @0-0littlem0-0 @bi-narystars @707xn @sakurapartridge @ryxjxnnx @boiciph3r @maxiewritesfanfic @nightwalkercrescent @missusstark @multifandomgirl-us @sophia902103 @sunnyxlove @marrymetheonott @voidgonemissing @alec-lost-bee @ttakinou @izuruus @chaoticotaku @joyfullymulti @oh-mcyt @sxltedcxramel @dawnfallx @blushingduckling @blueberrystigma @youngstarfishdinosaur @poookii @beepbopbee @sirsleeps @dazedgxth @wrenqueenisboss @saturnhas82moons @itsonlydana @bluvclouds @comonlokbut2 @lacunaanonymoused @toodeepintofandoms @sparkletash @luluwinchester @buckyswhxre @jadecameron69420 @sarahwasfound @isaac-foster-my-beloved @dukina @arcanine-doves @auralol
Send in a ask or dm me to be added! | bolded means you either changed your url or your settings makes it so I cant tag you
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justdsmp1 · 1 year
⋆ I'm with you, always
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Pairing(s): Tommyinnit x platonic! Reader
Pronouns: She/her
About: Tommy helping his best friend through a recent diagnosis of a disability.
Words: 2k
Warning: Mentions of fainting, fnd, injury
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Just like that her world went spinning, just like it always did. Another episode of hers. Right along the pathway when she was going to meet Tommy. She didn't mean for it to happen, she just wished she was normal so she could continue college.
Tommy began to worry about where she may be, she was hardly ever late. He walked out of the cafe and onto the street to see a crowd around someone, making his way over to the crowd he noticed the girl on the ground.
"Y/n" He spoke, pushing through everyone to get to her side. Someone was on the phone with an ambulance when he heard the sirens coming this way.
"Is she breathing?" Tommy questioned, trying to see if she was . The woman nodded and he let out a breath of relief. The ambulance stopped and pushed through, one of them was talking to the people who saw her fall. She was only 16 and dealing with all of this.
"What's her name?" An paramedic asked
"Y/n Gold" Tommy answered
"Uh 16" Tommy replied.
The other paramedic worked on waking her up, but she was unresponsive. Slowly but surely her eyes started fluttering as she was slowly gaining consciousness, her eyes opened but she stared into no where still being unresponsive to the paramedics. They grab out the stretcher, lifting her on with the help of some others. Tommy gets in the ambulance with her as she is underage as they take off.
Going into triage, they waited for a bed to become available. When one did she was immediately taken to the emergency department. Still unresponsive, they lifted her into a hospital bed.
"Is there any reason for the faint?" A nurse asks
"She has Fnd but we're unsure of her triggers" Tommy answers. The nurse nods.
Tommy looked over at her, as she looked more alert.
"Y/n, are you alright. Are you in pain?" Tommy asks, Y/n looks at him like she's trying to talk but she can't.
"It's ok. Take your time, alright?" Tommy spoke, trying to calm her. The nurse comes over with paper and a pen and hands to Y/n, she smiles gratefully taking the pen and paper and writing something down.
" It feels like I don't know how to talk again" Tommy read out, then hands it back to her. She wrote something else
"I did hurt the side of my head" Tommy again read aloud. The nurse looked over it
"Would you like some pain relief?" The nurse asks, Y/n nods as the nurse walks out.
"Wilbur is on his way" Tommy tells her. She nods, Tommy looks around anxiously. She looked so tired, he really felt for her. Tommy layed a hand on hers letting her know he was there for her.
"Thanks Tommy" She finally spoke, then covered her mouth. She spoke, Tommy smiled. The nurse came back with some pain relief
"Thank you" She spoke, shocking the nurse a little.
"Great to see you have your voice back" The nurse smiles, she smiles back.
The nurse then came back with a yellow tray, she didn't like the look of that.
"I'm just gonna do a blood test, is that alright" The nurses asks
"Yeah, that's fine" Trying to act cool about it, the nurse started looking for a vain. Started rubbing the area with an alcohol wipe. Then came the needle, she held the side of the bed tightly with her other hand, unintentionally tensing the other one.
"Try not to fight against me" The nurse spoke, she tried to losen the grip as the nurse dug around trying to find the vain. Tears falling down her face, Tommy is rubbing her arm.
"Done" The nurse said, after taking some blood leaving a canular in instead. The nurse walked away.
She looked down at her legs, it's like she forgot about them. She couldn't feel them, she sighed in frustration. Trying to move her leg, or wiggle her toes, nothing.
"Legs gone on you again?" Tommy questions, to which Y/n nods. The curtains move and it was another nurse, a student one.
"Hi, I'm Zara, I'm just gonna do an E.C.G." The nurse explained.
"Did you wanna keep your friend in here" The nurse continued
"If he wants to yeah, I could use some support" Y/n replies, looking at Tommy who nods. The nurse starts by putting stickers on her legs and arms.
"I'm gonna need you to take off her jumper and lift up your shirt for me" The nurse requests, that's what she does. Tommy still had a hold of her hand but looked away in respect. The student looked a little confused and cliped them wrong. As nice as Y/n could, showed the nurse.
'I'm not trying to say I know more then you, I've just had a lot of these" Y/n speaks up
"Oh no your alright, thank you" The nurse replies, continuing her job. Then takes off the leads, and walks to put it in her folder. Then Wilbur opened the curtain, walking and hugging his sister for comfort.
"Your gonna be alright, ok?" Wilbur reassures. As much as Wilbur hates hospitals, he would do anything for his little sister. She nods.
"Do you mind if I tell Em? I was gonna go to hers tonight but I'm gonna be here" Tommy asks
"You don't have to stay here with me" Y/n tells him
"I want to, your health is important" Tommy explains.
"You can" Tommy walks out giving Em a ring, who was chill about it, she knew the sibling bond they had there was no problem. Tommy walks back into the room.
After about 2 hours, the doctor comes by apologizing about the wait. She did some assessments, then did some other stuff. Then left to get some stuff done for her. They did a laying and sitting blood preasure, as she couldn't stand. As usual it was normal. The doctor came back with something for her to eat and drink. Trying her best to but she felt like her appetite was lost.
Soon enough night came around and they were still in emergency, they were decided to admit her in the hospital, now waiting for a bed in a ward. The boys had recliners to sleep in for the night not wanting to leave the girl on her own, it may have been uncomfortable but they would do anything for her.
The next morning, she was being moved to a separate place only until a bed opened up in a proper ward. They gave her a breakfast box, helping her stand to sit in the chair. Her brother sat on the bed while Tommy sat next to her in a separate chair. The nurse was determined to get her walking to the bathroom by the end of the afternoon. She didn't really like it there, she was being rushed and she didn't like being rushed in anyway as it made her panic.
That unit ended up closing, so they had to try and get everyone to a ward. She was being transferred to J4. she had been there about a month ago. One of the psa's came to wheel her to the ward, helping her by putting her stuff on the bed. Travelling up to the level 4 then to J.
She was wheeled into bed 5, across from an older lady. She met her nurse, who was in fact cute looking, very comforting and kind. She pressed the nurse button. She waited a few minutes before the nurse walked in
"Could I have help to the bathroom?" She asked him.
"Oh yeah of course, did you want to be wheeled in or can you walk?" He asks kindly.
"I wanna try walking" Y/n replies.
"Alright" He spoke, she sat up and went to the side of the bed and sat on the edge.
"No rush when your ready" The nurse told her, placing his glasses on the stop of his head. Y/n grabbed his hand, lifting herself up with the help of the nurse. Wobbling most when she puts weight on her left leg.
"Does your left let feel week, is your knee buckling or" The nurse asks as they make there way back to the bed.
"Yeah, my knee buckles" Y/n replied
Sitting down, Wilbur and Tommy quickly ducked out to go shower and changed into something else as she spoke to the older woman across from her about anything and everything.
Then the older woman decided to try and get some rest as a wave of nausea hit Y/n. Sitting up and held a vomit bag to her face, buzzing the nurse. Once a again, he came in and saw her holding a vomit bag.
"Do you feel sick?" He asks, all Y/n could do was nod.
"I'll see if the doctor can chart some anti-nausea for you" The nurse replies, walking off to try and sort something out.
She didn't even feel it coming, suddenly she just passed out falling off the bed smacking her head on the ground along with her shoulder and hip. The noise of her legs hitting the chair must've woken the older lady, not even noticing the young girl on the ground, ringing the buzzer for something. A few minutes later, the nurse came in along with another nurse. Not noticing the girl on the ground at first, he turned around not seeing. Noticing the empty bed Y/n's nurse looks to the ground, seeing the young girl on the ground.
"Y/n" He spoke, shaking her. No response, her eyes shut but twitching constantly. The other nurse tries to help out the older lady
"Don't worry about me, worry about her first" The lady tells the nurse. They call rapid response, nurses and doctors fill the room, squeezing or inflicting pain to wake her up. Lights being shined in her eyes as they slowly opened but no bodily response but her eyes were responsive
"Eyes are responsive but dilated to about a 7" He says, comparing her pupils to the circles on the neuro pen. Tommy and Wilbur rush in after seeing nurses and doctors flooding the room her sister was in.
"What happened?" Wilbur exclaimed, looking from a response from anyone.
"She's had another episode, we believe she fell of the bed" A doctor replies, continuing to look at the state Y/n was in. Slowly she fluttered her eyes more and looked more alert.
"Y/n, do you know where we are?" Her nurse asks.
"The hospital?" Y/n replies, the nurse nods. Soon enough she was being lifted up and onto the bed again as a neck brace was put on as her neck was sore, she was on postural safety for the moment. Her nurse stood with her chatting to her, making sure she's calm. On her way through she got a C.T scan of her brain and then she was transferred to another ward.
She hated it there, especially some of the night staff, they didn't let her walk often, she was treated like a child. They gave her a lower bed after another fall off the bed, they could've just put the rails up and made her sleep in the hall so they could keep an eye on her but she barely got any sleep. She liked the daytime staff , they gave her a chance. It was so hard to eat at a bed so low they let her sit in the chair beside her to eat, the in charge nurse didn't she had to eat the food on her lap which Y/n didn't like at all.
Y/n was getting so tired of everything, Tommy was laying in the bed with her, cuddling her to help her. He hated seeing his best friend like this it pained him. Em came by a few times to visit, giving her flowers and cringy teddy bears. She was practically begging to go home.
"Toms, I just wanna go home" Y/n spoke
"I know, Y/n you'll get there. I promise. I'm with you, always" Tommy replied. Pulling the girl into a hug for comfort.
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scribblespirit · 5 months
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Originally made: February 2023 ﹎﹎﹎
Fan art (and quietly slipped in as a school project LOL) of the Allium Duo one-shot You Say That I'm Strong (to you I belong) by Love_Lucigoosey. Meant to be viewed like a 2-page wide book illustration, hence the line down the middle!
This fic means the world to me, and reminds me of the bond I was honoured shared with the author, my dear friend and partner Luci. As of today it's been 4 months without them. I miss you Luci 🩵
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lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 10 months
6 with tommyinnit for the dialogue prompts
oh my god yes yes yes !!! sorry this took so long to respond
, can i stay with you tonight ?
tommyinnit x fem!reader (platonic)
warnings: none, just super cute fluff
a/n: toad, im sosososos sorry this is so late !! inbox go brrrrr
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"Tommy, how long are you going to be at the gig?" I asked, holding the phone up to my right ear.
I heard Tommy pause and sigh before he responded. "I'm not exactly sure. I'm pretty sure Will said he'll be done with the gig and the cleanup by 11:30."
"Shit, that's gonna take a while. Are you sure you're going to be alright by yourself for a while?" I said.
"Mhm! I'll be fine. Stop worrying about me, jeez." Tom joked.
I laughed. "Alright. Have fun. Bye!" I said.
"Bye, Y/n!" Tom replied, hanging up the phone.
I placed my phone on the kitchen counter face down. I had a lot of time to kill before I had to pick up Tommy from the Lovejoy gig, so I might as well get some streaming work done. I opened up my laptop and got to work.
A couple hours later, I heard my phone buzzing from the kitchen counter. I grabbed my phone and saw my alarm go off for when I should start leaving to pick up Tommy.
"Shit!" I said frantically, shutting the lid on the laptop and grabbing my shoes.
I got into the car and started to drive to the location of the gig where Tommy wanted for me to pick him up. After 15 minutes, I finally got to the center, and I looked at my phone. Exactly 11:30 on the dot.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I walked around and looked for Tommy.
"Y/n!" a voice called. I perked up my head and saw the tall, blonde boy start walking towards me. He ran a little bit towards my way and gave me a big hug.
I smiled. "Damn, did you miss me this much?" I said, teasing him.
Tommy pulled away from the hug and smiled back. "Let's just go prick." he said, playfully rolling his eyes.
Tommy climbed into the passenger seat, and I got into the drivers seat and grabbed my phone. I opened Spotify and gave Tom my phone to pick a song. Tommy paused for a second, staring at my phone in thought. His fingers then quickly started typing. I chuckled at his actions. He seemed so.....focused. I then started up the car.
Tommy played a random playlist from his account and placed the phone back onto the phone stand. He looked over at me with a pleading look in his eyes as I pulled out the centre's driveway.
"What is it, Tommy?" I said, laughing.
Tommy laughed back. "Can I stay with you tonight?"
I sighed dramatically and braked the car, looking over at him. "Sure, Tommy. Why not." I said, smiling.
we love short but sweet fics !!
thanks @gaytoadwithapopsicle for the request! my inbox is currently OPEN, but i am not accepting matchup requests anymore !!
please support my writing by liking, replying, reblogging, sending in an ask, or following my blog! all support helps for me to continue my works :]
love u all mwah xoxoxox
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gayritory · 1 year
GN!Arcade shenanigans
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!Gn reader x ranboo
Requested by: @colorfull-cord
Tws: violence, dark humor, few mentions of y/n
NGL i would love to be ranboos best friend. he seems so chill and fun to be around.
It's finally Friday and do you know what that means??
"The Friday bestie meetup",
Yeah it's pretty non-original but you both insisted that you MUST have a name for your meetups every Friday.
You get the point, you and your 'bestie westie' Ranboo meet up every Friday!! This Friday was going to be a little different then the others, Instead your usual meetups, you both decided you wanted to do something competitive that didn't involve much exercise.
Which ended up with one solution;
On your way to the arcade you were hysterically bouncing in your seat- you couldn't wait any longer!
So, that's when you decided to call ranboo.
A poor frantatic ranboo answered the phone thinking something was wrong, "Hello? heLlo!!"
You snorted at his voice cracks but in the end your nerves settled down due to hearing the voice of your anxiety filled friend.
"It's so nice to hear your velvety voice!" You replied fully noticing his anxiousness but that was being overwritten by the overwhelmingly happiness of hearing him.
"y/n? wait hi! I'm sorry! am i running late?" Poor ranboo replied being fully unaware of what's happening.
"nope!", you said while popping the "p" enthusiastically whilst you heard a relieved sigh from the other end.
You replied to the sigh by saying; "Anyway I just wanted to know if you're alive and you better be ready to get your ass kicked in these games! Oh! I have to go, I'm about to run over a child BYE!"
"NUH NU NO! YOUR GETTING YOUR ASS KICKE- wait WHA?-" that's when you pressed the hang up button and started playing music on your radio, bopping your head to the beats as if that interaction didn't happen.
Once you got to the parking lot you saw your best friend's car.
"OH RANBOO ITS BEEN YEARS!" you dramatically gasped as you ran up to ranboo who was exiting his car.
"not gonna lie i thought I'd have to get quackity involved in your trial due to your driving skills" ranboo calmly said while placing his arms around you.
You gave ranboo a terrifying glance and squeezed his waist in a threatening way..
"I mean- your the best nascar driver! amazing Uber amazing 5 star…" ranboo goofily stuttered out as he led your koala attached self to the arcade doors, all whilst giving him a death glare and never letting go of the "hug".
Unfortunately you were basically pressured into getting off ranboo when you walked in. The staff members gave you both wierd stares, looking like they were 1 second away from calling security.
Once you and ranboo got the credits from the concerned employees you both raced to the closest 2 player game, without saying a word;
Connect 4!
Unfortunately ranboo purposely kept bumping his hips into you on the way there to get ahead of you. His hip bumps turned into a HUGE disadvantage since you ended up arriving 3 seconds after ranboo. (Note the sarcasm.)
Connect 4 was going pretty calm with a few 'take thats' every time you blocked eachother off. That was untill you made a smart move which ended up with you winning no matter what! You had 2 options for connect four and even if ranboo blocked you from winning, you'd win from another spot.
Once you noticed what happened you gave a smug smirk as you watched ranboo in 4k trying to figure out a spot to place his digital coin.
That's when his eyes lit up as he found one out of the 2 ways to block you.. That's when you saw ranboos world crumbling right in front of you. His once lit eyes became siren eyes as he saw another way to block you from winning.
Ranboo slowly crossed his arms.
"if i don't play, no one wins" ranboo smugly said as he stood up and casually walked away.
Ranboo really thought he did a 10 thousand IQ move, but that's when his IQ dropped to a -3 since his walking came to an abrupt stop due to hearing a loud male voice screaming "red player wins!"
He slowly turned around to see the once digital connect 4 set up was turned into the large letters of "RED PLAYER WINS!!" he turned his glanced lower and was meeting face to face with a grinning y/n.
"dumb ass" you simply joked as you dragged dumbfounded ranboo to skeeball.
Ranboo was pretty upset that you won the FIRST game so he was in deep concentration for this game.
The skee ball competition started pretty chill, only a few death threats were being sent- which caused curious children to surround you both, only for the parents to take their children away.
But other than that it was pretty chill, (Not the sarcasm again) thats when you noticed ranboo was a few hundred points ahead of you!
You knew you weren't going to catch up so you did the first thing that came to mind:
throwing the skee ball on ranboos foot.
Ranboo let out a loud yelp causing strangers to give you both strange looks.
"hEy!" ranboo tried protesting only for you to say 'hey' back.
To your dismay, dropping a skeeball on ranboos big toe didn't cause you to catch up. Instead you lost more points since you were laughing at teary eyed ranboo more than playing.
After that game ranboo wobbled on his heel to another competitive game, which he was planning to get revenge on.
Before the game started, ranboo gave you death stares for your teasing which caused you to laugh more which caused him to give you more stares.
it's like the circle of life!!
right when ranboo forcefully hit the puck first you knew you were in trouble.
"IM GANNA GET YA FINNGIES!" ranboo singsongingly sang as he kept using his full strength to get you.
Poor you was just anxiously hitting it back, making sure not to leave your fingers exposed.
The game was going on for awhile which caused you to expose some of your fingers.
That was a mistake.
let's just say it ended up with you both getting an Uber to the closest ER! Turns out ranboo sprained his big toe and you broke your pointer finger.
"at least i still have my middle finger" you stated between tears as you both sat in the ER room.
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Tommyinnit (Platonic Only)
Baby Shark (xsister!reader) Y/N walks in while Tommy's streaming.
Little Intruder (xsister!reader) Tommy walks out and you wander in and entertain the stream.
Basket Baby (xbaby!reader) Summary: The Dream Team finds a baby on their doorstep and doesn’t know what to do with it.
Basket Baby (xbaby!reader)
Basket Baby (xbaby!reader)
Newbie (Crush, AU) Summary: Dream and Sapnap defend you when you're being bullied at school.
I Love You (Romance) Summary: Quackity calls you after getting a major injury and says goodbye for the last time.
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lacedqll · 2 months
Hello, I was wondering if you'd be able to write a Ranboo x Reader, where the reader comes home heavily injured? Only if you’d like to write something like this ofcc :) 🌌🌌
━━━━━━━━━━☆☆ ━━━
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 . . 𝐲𝐞𝐬
「🐬 𝐓𝐖 ;;  」 ˚ ༘♡
🐋 ⁺ -ˋˏ 𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝘁, 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘃𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀, 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗿𝘆 (?). ꗃ 𓏸
━━ ☆☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━
-ˋˏ !
  ❛ atleast i bleed out with you . - ❜
    ❛ - 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑠 . . 𝑐!𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡!𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑜 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 ❜
୧ ‧₊ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦/𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚, 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒, 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡.
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AS MY frail leg limped across the grass, it damp with morning dew, i dragged a crimson across the dark green and seemingly fresh cut blades, a gash in my knee that leaked gruesomely. surprisingly i havent passed out yet from blood loss, but it was still a unhealthy amount. grunting, i dragged my body as far as i could manage, my train of broken up thoughts cut off by a call of my name by a voice ive heard numerous times before. "What happened?!" i heard the voice closer before a shadow had loomed over me, making me turn around and seeing the one and only: Ranboo. they looked heavily worried, crouching down some to get to my height as they stood substantially taller then most which included i. "Are you dying?! What happened?!" they asked quickly, his differently colored eyes staring more at the deep wound then my own face- which was reasonable.
"I'm fine, Ranboo. It's just a little cut-" "You're bleeding out everywhere this isn't a small cut?!" they said is a scared tone.
either i was going crazy, or i was seeing two of them, one more faded out then the other,,, a little dizzy feeling aswell. "Ranboo, how come i see two of you?" i asked which just seemed to worry them further. "Holy- okay, okay! Um, I have uh-" he paused for a moment, digging through their inventory for a second before grabbing a rather large bandage wrap before almost yanking me to the floor, yelping as i hit the wet green floor. "Ow- Ranboo, I'm fine!" i fussed, though they didnt listen, sitting down onto the grass with furrowed brows and putting my leg onto his lap with the wrap in their differently-colored hands, wrapping the bandage around so tightly you'd think my blood circulation would be cut off.
"Ranboo, that's to tight!" i winced, seeing the dark color seep into the originally creamy white. "Sorry, sorry!" he exclaimed, quickly unwrapping the bandage wrap and rather tightening it further,,, i guess it didnt matter.
when he finished, pushing my leg off his lap gently before asking the question once more. "What happened?" they asked, a bit more calm after all that. the injury might get infected, but it should be fine if well treated later.
"It was just a small fight, it doesn't matter." "You need to learn the difference between small and large. Cause that seemed large. Come on, we need to go to a doctor or something,,,"
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      this was set in the time of before ranboo got married and stuff,, this prompt was to perfect not to do c!ranboo! i was considering c!ghostboo, but im not verg caught up on how their personality is so,,, gwywoenf very sad about that (ᗒ0ᗕ)՞ have a good day ^_^ im starting school soon, so posts and stuff will be alot more delayed and stuff, sorryyy :3 /gen think of this as a more practice write, very eepy rn. (after posted note: the reader didnt come home and was literslly founf in the forest or smth I CANT FREAKING READ sorry gkwbeidbf)
━━━━━━━━ 🌷 ⤾·˚🦋 ༘ ◡
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ador3him · 1 year
also can you do a fic with tubbo where hes helping you clean your room but you have adhd and anxiety so its rly hard for you to do it and all if that makes sense lmao
pairing: platonic!tubbo x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of anxiety and adhd + swearing
requested? yes by @louscartridge my beloved <3
word count: unknown (written on phone)
a/n: i hope youre okay!! dont forget to drink and eat babe <3 and u can always message me !
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"Hey, you're awake!" Tubbo smiled from your desk across the room. You groaned and turnt away from him to try and sleep some more. The clothes on your bed which formed a sort of blanket ontop of your duva moved with you. "So, why did you ask me to come today? I mean if youre just sleeping?" He asked moving some clothes to sit on your bed. "I uh, fuck, I dont know. I just need a friend, my anxiety and stuff is through the roof and I getting really distracted. Clearly." You said motioning to the disater which was your room.
"C'mon, I will help you clean," he started to drag you out of bed. You groaned a bit more but sat up. "I dont even know where to start," you laid back down on your clothes covered bed. "We can take out all the rubbish first! We can do it in sections okay!" Tubbo walked over to your PC and put on some music from spotify. Music seemed to help you relax a bit because you got up and went to get a rubbish bag.
When you got back Tubbo had already moved your clothes into two piles what smelt clean and what smelt dirty. "Most of my clothes are dirty in both those piles." you admitted. "Okay! You sort out the clothes and put them in the washinh machine and I will do the rubbish," he smiled grabbing your had soothingly, hes your best friend, the bestest best friend.
"Now that all the rubbish is gone and the clothes are getting washed lets do plates and cup and stuff." Tubbo smiled grabbing some dirty plates. "Okay," you whispered following his lead.
You freeze for a second to try and control your breathing. "y/n, are you okay," Tubbo asked placing the dishes down. You shook your head as tears began to well up in your eyes.
"Okay, y/n its okay, youre getting through it. I know its difficult to do because of everything, I know. I am helping, dont feel embarrassed or scared. I will always help you. I know you get distracted easily and thats why I am helping." Tubbo wiped your tears away and hugged you. You started to control your breathing, and hugged him back. "Okay I am okay now, lets keep going. Thank you Tubbo," You smiled through it.
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faye-writes-stuff · 2 years
Bench trio with big sister reader
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(Don’t question the ferret)
Okok, I know you really like Wilbur, but I’m rewriting this and don’t have the right motivation to write for him :(
BUT I am doing a little bench trio thing!! :] I hope you enjoy!
Character: bench trio
Requested: no
TOF: oneshot/drabble
P!cc!bench trio x reader
The literal embodiment of chaos
He’s the annoying little brother who asks you to take him places
Doesn’t matter what your doing, you could be streaming and he would be like
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, Y/N!”
“What do you want Tommy?”
“Will you take me to Mcdonald’s?”
And you’d be like
If you said no he would babyrage
He calls you big f/l, or small f/l depending on your hight 😌
When you make fun of him for being a child, he would make fun of you for being old
Normally he would be an ass to you, but when he is soft, you embrace it
He gives good hugs, prove me wrong
When he turned 18, he made you do a drinking stream with him
Absolute chaos, but you would do your best to stop him
You ended up throwing uncle Nasty, he was pissed off, but he pissed you off first, so it’s ok
He would probably be really sweet off stream, but if you ever brought it up on stream all hell would break loose
Would deffo send you ‘good morning!’ Or ‘come join the call and hang out!’ Messages if your having a bad day
Kinda like he does with Wilbur
Would lightheartedly make fun of you, and if he ever took a joke to far he would immediately appologize
You would be known as siblings duo and I take no criticism 😌
He’s the cool little brother
The one you would hang out with the most
He can’t drive, so your obligated to drive him places
It’s cool tho, he pays for food
You guys will go on little road trips for the weekend (in this hc you live in the UK)
I feel like you guys would go to the mall together and pick out matching outfits
He seems like a matching sweater kinda guy
bee buddies
Bee Buddies
Whenever you guys would stream together, it would be chaos
Not like Tommy’s though, he would be like
“That’s a bad decision, let’s do it!”
“Yeahhh!!!! Let’s do it!”
Or like
“mmmm, maybe don’t, TOS yk?”
You would have a Minecraft server devoted to critters
Bees, cows, axolotls, you name it, they have it
Meetups are pretty frequent
Not even for content the majority of the time
Just two bros hanging out
You guys would watch bad romance movies together and laugh at them
He’s great at comforting you when you’ve had a bad day<3
You guys are called Critterduo/beekeeperduo
The favorite little brother
You guys would just hang out and talk about anything
Late night streams with him would hit different
The fandom would cry whenever you do lore together
So, so much angst
You enjoy their pain 😌
You two would have a lot of irl streams, and would feed of eachothers energy
One of your favorite bits is making certain voices at the other
Other people would get so confused at it
Like, they would join a vc and would hear you making fun of your character
“Man, I really hope I don’t forget!” (In sonic voice)
“Oh, I’ll help you remember, it’s all gonna be ok, I totally won’t die!”
You guys would be anxiety buddies
Whenever he would be out in public with you (or just walking around in general), you would hold onto his sleeve
Would have matching rings
He would get you fidget toys to help you focus
Matching rings 100%
You buy eachother stim toys :]
Would be called Loreduo 100%
Bench trio
YLYL streams, at least once a month
You would attempt to control the chaos, key word, attempt
You’d be a mod in each of their chats
Same with them for you
There would be a little competition to see how many weirdos they can ban
And would pop in to say hi whenever you could
Meetups would break twitter
Napping cuddle pile
Hang outs without vlogging or streaming are the best ones
Would deffo become cannon on the dsmp that you were a safe space for all people who need help
Would bully authority figures together /hj
All of your friends fear when you meet up together
Fans get so exited when they get 4/4 content
You, Ranboo, and Tubbo are called the paintrio, because lore
You, Tubbo and Tommy are called littlesiblingstrio
You, Tommy and Ranboo are called talltrio, bcuz in this you are tall 😌
You guys would be called chaos quartet
And I stand by that
A/n: Happy birthday Lyss!
My requests are open atm so don’t be afraid to send a request of chat!
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Hello! o/
I was wondering if you could do a part two for the Scott fic you have?
If not it’s completely fine and I understand! Have an amazing day :]
Just for you Pt 2
Empires S1 Scott x Dsmp Child dragon reader .
Thank you for the ask I had fun writing this !
Pt1|| [Pt2]
The reader has suspicions about Scott
Cw: mentions of being hurt, mentions of manipulation
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When you woke up it was dark outside , as Scott had said there was plenty of snow.  As you think about it you realize you could've frozen out there if he hadn't decided to take you in for the night.  Looking about you noted the cooler colors of the castle . With a quiet sigh you pulled yourself out of the bed  surprised to see you weren't limited to the confines of the room . 
You noticed the cookies on the dresser and hurriedly stuffed some in your pockets as an expedition snack. You tucked your wings closely as you pushed the door open . You waited for anything: a sound, a voice, something telling you that you were doing something wrong. Surprisingly as you opened the door  there was no squeak, the floorboards were the same. Slowly you continued on  checking  your surroundings regularly. 
It wasn't as bright as it was earlier, the natural light from the sun bouncing off the snow was no longer a bother. However, the moonlight was a much somber turn rather than a bright blinding white it sat at a cold blue. Other than that candles were the only other light source and they provided a warm orange in comparison. 
You gasped at how regal everything looked , though you continued on regardless .  Your ears flicked as you hear the noise of conversion. Slowly you began to walk towards it noticing a light from under a door   you decide you're not going to go in but instead you'll snoop.. 
"- Scott what do you mean there's a surprise for the both of us?"One of the voices asked. It sounded reasonably like Scott's voice though more hoarse over all a different voice. 
"Well I found someone-" Scott started only to be cut off immediately by another voice,this one a tad bit whiner and high pitched. But oddly different from the accents Scott and the other had.
",Wait does that mean you don't wanna be with me anymore ? Did I mess up? I'm sorry!" The third voice whines sounding distraught and panicked thinking that Scott no lomger liked him .
"No Jimmy, that's not what I mean, I still love you, I promise. I found a kid and we'll they're a dragon" he muttered, sounding a little nervous.
"Scott don't be ridiculous dragons aren't around anymore, not since you accidentally set me free" the first  unnamed voice huffs
"Fine, come see you've got to be quiet though they might still be sleeping "
He urged, the sound of footsteps made their way to the door, though you were frozen. Maybe it was the cold air or maybe it was the fact you got comfortable enough to trust an adult . You knew this wasn't going to go well. You were supposed to be in bed, and now you have no idea what was going to happen.
The door opened and still stood there frozen in fear, was you . Scott blinked he wasn't expecting to see you up so soon but regardless he smiled. " Hey Y/N, what are you doing ? " The way he spoke almost felt belittling , he spoke to you as if you were maybe six or seven but that's not the case you're  thirteen, that means your practically able to take care of yourself. 
You hissed looking at the three of them Scott and the one who looked oddly similar to him looked could probably take you in a fight however the fishy looking one you could probably take in a fight, though all of them at once could quickly detain you. 
You sighed looking  between your surroundings before glancing behind you once and deciding to run . It wasn't a full run as you tripped nearly unable to keep yourself up as you ran through the maze of hallways . To you freezing was better than being another toy in someone's sick game. 
Scott looked between his brother and husband gesturing for them to stay put as he goes to run after you. He knows his house better than you do somat the least he can predict pretty accurately which hallway you'll end up in, and when he meets you there he gently picks you up by the back of your shirt again.you squirm and he sets you down in a corner and kneels beside you ."Y/N ,Kid? Breathe." He spoke worriedly, holding hands out in front of you. He's worried he's scared you into not talking to him. 
The words for you have been muffled, you can hear your heart in your ears and you're struggling to breathe. It's dark, cold, and you want to cry ever so desperately. You grasp at your sleeves wincing as the once comfortable texture now feels like too much. You curl up facing away from Scott , you don't exactly trust him in this moment so you'll just wait for him to leave. 
Scott sits by your side watching as you turn away from him,  curling up with your knees to your chest , he  reaches up and pulls one of the candles down front he lighting fixture and places it within arms reach ttying to keep you warm as he waits for you to start up a subject. After a minute or two of sitting in tense silence Scott sighs. "Sorry for scaring you Y/N that wasn't my intention." 
Your ears perk at that as you scoot away from him. "Go away , better yet let me go , I don't need some stupid adult that makes decent at best food to help me, all adults are stupid!" You huff , attempting to hide the whimper in your voice . 
Scott frowns at that sighing as  he watches you curl in on yourself more 
"Can I ask why? I mean you'd be frozen out there if I hadn't brought you inside, in fact I'm more than certain you're freezing right now. "  Scott attempts 
"I'm not cold, you are. Besides, you think im stupid because you think I'm going to talk and do nice things till I stop doing what you want and you get tired of me and then I get hurt!" You shout pulling your knees to your chest and burying your face between your knees and arms . You refused to cry in front of him but it was going hard to do and  you just wanted to leave.
"I'm not going to do that .. I have no intention of doing so. I just want to make sure you're safe and okay. If it helps you can hold me to that all you like , I even give you permission to punch me if I ever go back on my word."
He states, sighing as he  sits in front of you, nudging the candle closer.
" Yeah right, I'll punch you once and you'll threaten to hurt me back." You huff as you sniffle. Your voice wavers as you hold back tears. Though you consider his words. "What about the other two?"
"The other two? Oh , you mean my sibling and my partner ?" He smiles as he thinks of them fondly. "Neither of them would hurt you and actually my sibling is a dragon as well, well half dragon, they're not exactly a hybrid like you are, it's different and complicated . But I can promise that neither of them will hurt you. You can actually bite me if they go against that. "
" Okay. " You mutters glancing up at him in-between sniffles. You're still cold but honestly you're just tired at this point "I want to get warm and sleep" you state wiping away the tears from your eyes and trying your hardest to clear up your face.
Scott picks up the candle and sets it back in his proper place . He helps you up with a smile silently aweing as you lean against him tiredly . " I'm gonna pick you up and take you to bed, sound good Y/N? "
You don't verbally respond, instead nod into his shoulder . And hold tight as  he picks you up. Scott still doens tlike that you're this easy to pick up . Xornoth is their sibling and he has a hard time lifting them for fun , but you're so light regardless of body figure it makes him very concerned. 
He brings you back to the room you're staying in and he sets you down in the bed. He makes the effort to tuck you in as well as bring Xornoth and Jimmy into the room. He sighs holding a candle out to Xornoth. "Light this, they're cold..." Xornoth rolls  their eyes in response.. 
" Scott, that's a fire hazard. " They huff
 as they produce a small flame in his hands. They're quick to just snatch one of the jars off of Jimmy's waistband and slip the flame inside humming as it still produces heat.  They smile smugly as they leave it to float in the air in the vague middle of the room. "There  that's better for them anyways "
"You've never done this for me !"  Scott  huffs playful as he drags everyone out of the room 
"Exactly, it's just for them. They deserve it more." They grin glancing over at a very cluelessness Jimmy 
"Just for them? That means we're taking care of them right? Right?" Jimmy asked looking between the two.  
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Oink P1 -Short bc i want more action in part 2-
requested by @KaiMick1 on wattpad  -Child Yn also he/him- Part one will be Philza x Reader Part two is Techno x Reader 
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Yn, who had lost both his parents and his tribe, sat on the nether floor and stared at the lava while tears streamed down his face. When Yn heard footsteps, he swiftly spun around to see a tall, blond man with two black wings sprouting from his back. He was wearing a green hat and robe. Slowly rising to his feet, Yn made a squeaky grunting sound.
The man turned and smiled as he turned to face Yn. Yn stomped his feet and waved at the male, who waved back while his tail waggled. His tail began to wag faster as he approached the male and stopped directly in front of him. "Hey kiddo," the blonde remarked as he crouched down and rubbed Yn's head. Yn made a grunting noise and bumped the man's palm.
"You are the cutest little piglin,"  The male sprang back as Yn squealed and shouted, "P-piglin." He then looked over the piglin, which he could now see had more human features, just like his son. "You can talk?" he said. " I'm Philza, what's your name," Yn tilting his head. After pausing, Yn exclaimed, "Yn!" and grunted.
"Well, Yn, you make me think of my son, who is roughly your age." "son!" Phil laughed as Yn squealed and snorted, "Yeah, his name is Technoblade, perhaps you can meet him." Yn waggled his tail and nodded.
--3 days later--
As Yn waited for Philza to return in front of a glowing portal, the portal began to whirl and create loud noises, causing Yn to flick his ears back. Yn immediately hugged Philza's legs and said, "Philza!" " Do you want to come with me, Yn" Philza asked making Yn to nod and attempt to enter the portal. As soon as he joined, Philza grabbed hold of Yn and pulled him into the portal so they could travel together.
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randominternetartist · 10 months
Of the Fae - Everything Must Come to an End
Thank you Mystical and Angel for beta-reading this!
Alrighty, last chapter!
I'm sorry if Techno's POV is a bit weird and incoherent, I got carried away
Read on AO3
Warnings: Manipulation, magic messing with people's emotions, possessive platonic relationships, non-consensual touching
The intruders are dealt with
∘₊✧ : – ⭒ 𓆩✦𓆪 ⭒ – : ✧₊∘
Tommy turns to the door and runs. He runs out of the room, through the hallway, to the living room, only to stop in his tracks.
There are no doors leading out.
Shit, shit, shit!
Tommy needs to find a way out of here. If he doesn’t, who knows what that faery will do to him!
The windows! He can break the windows!
Tommy runs to the kitchen area, grabs some of the jars, and then runs to the nearest window. He throws one of the jars against it and the glass cracks. A smile comes to Tommy’s face and he takes a deep breath, lifting up the second jar and hit it against the window. The cracks get bigger, so he hits it again, and again, and again, and then it breaks. Tommy keeps hitting the window until there’s no more glass on the frame save a few bits around the edges.
Tommy pushes himself through the window. It’s small, but he manages it, and falls on the grass on the other side. He scrambles up as fast as he can manage and runs into the forest. He runs and runs back to where the village is, he runs as fast as he can until the trees break away and he finds himself running through grass.
He looks up, looks at the village. Maybe Tommy can- no. Nonono.
There, in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by trees, is a cabin. Techno’s cabin.
Tears prick the corner of his eyes. But he ran away from here! There’s no way he could have gotten turned around!
Tommy turns around runs again, he won’t take any turn no matter what. He’ll keep running in a straight line. Even if he doesn’t find the village, he’ll still be away form that faery. So Tommy runs and runs and runs.
∘₊✧ : – ⭒ 𓆩✦𓆪 ⭒ – : ✧₊∘
Technoblade is amazed by that child, he truly is. He is also frustrated with himself. How did he not think of the windows?
It’s alright, the house wasn’t the boundary of his domain and Tommy is still in his part of the forest.
Techno closes his eyes and focuses, calling on his magic as it flows around the trees, shining in the air and reflecting light like drops of rain, filling the trees and ground and the animals. He twists the forest, bending its paths and changing them into something new.
His precious boy, running blindly without even looking where he might be going or if something looks familiar, as if he’s been there before. He supposes that is too much to ask from someone as young as him, especially in his current situation.
Once he is satisfied with the maze he’s built, Technoblade turns his attention elsewhere. He closes a wall of trees around a group of the trespassers who thought it wise to break off and hunt him on their own.
A deer passes close to the main mob and Technoblade whispers thoughts of confidence in their ears, so a small group splits off again. The sounds he tells them must be the fae they’re looking for leads them to a cave that has to be its hideout. A strong gust of wind blows out the torches and the entrance collapses, drawing in on itself and growing a layer of moss that blends into the hill and dampens their cries.
Some of the intruders notice how small their group has gotten. Why did they split off? It was probably just an animal, what are they even doing in the territory of a fae? And fear grows in their hearts. One turns back and runs to where he thinks the village is. Another follow suit, and slowly, one by one, people abandon their mission. Technoblade leads some of them unto wolves or bears, or deeper into the heart of the forest. Some, the ones with the weaker minds, keep finding the bodies of their comrades no matter where they run, and they see them rise and speak words of hurt and blame.
Technoblade looks for Tommy again, finding the child has taken shelter inside the trunk of a hollow tree. He wishes Tommy wouldn’t be so scared of him, that he would see past the lies of his mother, but that will happen in due time.
The main mob, now significantly smaller, is led to the clearing to find the creature they were looking for standing little ways past the treeline and surrounded by the corpses of men they knew. Blood colors the grass the deepest shade of red they have ever seen, though not a single drop stains the creature.
Technoblade turns to face them. He lifts his head and looks down upon these intruders, these idiotic people who thought they could enter his domain and leave with their lives, who thought they hurt what is his. He lifts his axe, and steps forward. They will regret ever entering his domain.
Tommy runs no risk of leaving. He can indulge himself.
∘₊✧ : – ⭒ 𓆩✦𓆪 ⭒ – : ✧₊∘
After running until he couldn't anymore, Tommy found a hollow tree trunk and sat in there to rest.
He isn't sure how long it's been, but he doesn't feel any less tired. Sure, he's not panting like a dog anymore, but doesn't think he can move no matter how much he wants to.
Tears well up in his eyes. Tommy has been trying to fight them, but the weight of his emotions are stronger than him. So the tears fall freely as Tommy curls up where he's sitting.
His sniffles turn into sobs, loud and ugly sobs that shake his whole body like hiccups.
"Mom," he cries. A faint hope in him says that what if they didn't kill her? What if she escaped? But Tommy doesn't believe it. He's not going to see her again. Ever. She's gone.
Tommy got burned once and ever since he thought that fire was the worst way to die.
He won't go home either. He knows the town's views on witches and they will go after everyone related to them just to "make sure."
He won't get to see his friends again.
He won't get to see his house again.
He won't get to see Mrs. Abigail who always gave him the leftover pastries from the night before.
He won't get to see the holiday fairs at the town square where every house is decorated and festive.
He won't get to see the river where his friends went swimming on hot summer days.
He won't get to see the flower field beyond it where he and his mother would eat together on special days.
Where they would have gone yesterday if Tommy had just listened and not gone into the forest like she asked of him. And now they can't do that ever again. Never again because she is gone .
Then it hits.
He won't get to see his mother again. Never again will he see her smile. Never again will he hear her laugh. Never again will he est her cooking or wake up to her kissing his forehead. Never again will she lecture him on kindness. Never again will he take him to new places and teach him about plants and animals he's never seen before. Never again will she tell him stories about mages and knights, princesses and dragons, common people banding together to take down a tyrannical leader, or about couples falling in love.
She is gone.
She is gone.
She is gone.
Another sob breaks out of his chest and he cries harder. He can't silence himself anymore. It hurts, everything hurts as if a hand of grief has surrounded his heart and is trying to crush it.
∘₊✧ : – ⭒ 𓆩✦𓆪 ⭒ – : ✧₊∘
Technoblade reaches for the magic of the forest and roots rise from the ground as it sinks, absorbing the bodies and making them forever part of the forest.
Then he turns his attention to the boy they were after.
Tommy's cries have quieted as the boy lost his energy. He is still crying over the loss of his previous life, but there are no more sounds or tears.
Technoblade walks towards the boy, shifting the trees so his path is as short as possible.
He stops in front of the tree trunk where his runt is hiding and takes to watching the golden thread that connects them flit about in the wind.
To think that the little thread used to be such a frail thing, it was almost invisible. He is happy that is no longer the case. He watched as the strand grew more visible the more time he spent around his runt. It went from being as thin as a hair, dull and broken, to the likes of a golden sewing thread in mere hours. Technoblade cannot wait to watch their connection grow and develop and turn into what was always meant to be if that little witch had not gotten in the way.
But she is gone now and there is nothing standing between him and his precious child.
[add a little more]
∘₊✧ : – ⭒ 𓆩✦𓆪 ⭒ – : ✧₊∘
A hand touches his back and Tommy freezes, thoughts and emotions rushing through his mind.
When did Techno get here? How did he find Tommy? He thought he was well out of the reach of the fae by this point!
An arm snakes under Tommy’s legs and he is lifted up before he touches the fae’s chest as it cradles him close.
Tommy starts to shake. He wants his mom. He wants to go back to the village, he wants to feel safe, he wants to go home! He wants to have never gone into the forest.
Then something thrums in his chest and a feeling of calm washes over him. He’s finally found what he’d been looking for all these years, what he was focused on for so long. No one can take them away from each other anymore. Nothing and no one can ruin this
Tommy’s heart slows as his breathing goes back to normal. A part of him screams that he needs to run, get away, hide, fight back!
But he doesn’t. He feels calm as Techno carries him because they’re going home and he has what he’s wanted for so long.
“Remember that story I told you? About the witch who betrayed a faery?” Techno asks and Tommy nods against his chest. “Well, because she had promised her child to the faery, the fae and the boy had a connection for he belonged to the magic creature.”
Tommy looks down at the ground. He sees the leaves on the ground and notices the distinct lack of a crunch when Techno steps on them.
Techno kept talking, ”The spell she made only blocked that connection, but it did not protect the village. No, the witch protected the village in another way. She made a deal with the faery. They would get to name the boy, if they promised to stay away from the village and its citizens. The fae knew this was some sort of trap, but they underestimated the witch’s cunning and abilities and took the deal.”
The feeling of calm begins to fade.
“Do you know what name the faery chose?” Tommy shook his head. “Tommy.”
Tommy thought about that, the boy, the witch, the faery, and oh , he realized. I’m Tommy.
Tears well up in his eyes. The words I'm Tommy running through his mind over and over again, carrying with them the weight of everything they represent and everything that's happened the past two days.
His heart is a battleground of emotions: a part of him delighted to be with Techno and be going home, while the other is disgusted and panicking because of the fact, of knowing his mother cannot take him away because she isn't here.
Tommy hears a door opening and the ground turns dark as the sound of Techno's footsteps change from grass to wood before they abruptly stop.
Something sharp touches the top of Tommy’s skull. It moves down, then back up before repeating the motion again and again.
“It’s alright, runt." Techno's voice cuts through the silence. “I’ll love you more than anything else in the world."
And Tommy believes him. He curls closer to Techno’s chest and his feelings of panic and sadness fade as trust and content take over and fill Tommy's heart.
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By celestialwarden on AO3
Dream, Tommy decided, was a dickhead— and Tommy didn't listen to dickheads anymore. Not after Wilbur and his promises of grandeur, not after Schlatt and his stupid fucking decree, and especially not after Technoblade and his egotistical stories.So instead of jumping off his tower and watching his brains go splat on the ground by Logstedshire, Tommy let himself fall into the water.Or,Tommy runs away during exile and finds a place and people to help him heal. Set over a span of four years.
▪︎Status : Completed
▪︎Length : 121K word / 33 chapters
▪︎TWs : Graphic Depictions Of Violence
•Additional Tags : Minor Character Death , Temporary Character Death , Implied/Referenced Character Death , Suicide Attempt , Suicidal Thoughts , Self-Harm , Blood and Injury , Panic Attacks , Mental Health Issues , Unreliable Narrator , Emotional Hurt/Comfort , Fluff and Angst , Running Away , Selective Mutism , Sign Language , British Sign Language , Character Development , Platonic Relationships , Queerplatonic Relationships , Family Dynamics , Accidental Baby Acquisition , Hybrids , Minecraft , Angst with a Happy Ending , It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better , Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence , TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF) , Exiled TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) , Runaway TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) , Traumatized TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) , BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) , Selectively Mute Tommyinnit (Video Blogging RPF) , welcome to the Sean Stan Army
[Link] :
=Thoughts: one of my favorite fanfictions where the story is very interesting given there is an OC and Sign Language, I really found it comforting too, and even though it's long It's worth it, the description is perfect and I feel like this story should have more attention, love the work 9/10 ❤️💙♥️
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lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 11 months
Hallooo Lana! I have a Request- Can I request Philza x Small/Short Reader and for comfort with Anxiety and Possibly Other mental health issues if not thats ok but Mostly just wanted some amazing comfort to read at night- It would make me really happy for me to read this about Phil- so if you can then THANK YOU AND LOVE YA /P!!
everythings okay , hon !
platonic philza x gn!reader
warnings: mental health mentions, anxiety, panic attack
song recommended for reading: cigarettes out the window by tv girl
thank you to @heiijoy for helping me out on this ask!!
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
y/ns pov
I didn't know what the fuck was going on with me that month.
I constantly felt tired and lazy, and I just wanted to stay in my bed for months at a time, even though I couldn't. I would only shower every 5 days, and I tried to avoid as many events as possible.
I just wanted to separate from everything and everyone else in this world a couple times, but I felt alone. And when everyone tried to talk to me, I felt overwhelmed. And when I tried to talk to someone, they wouldn't understand me.
I felt hopeless. I felt like shit.
I was at an content creator party to celebrate a meetup in my city, and I truly didn't want to be there. But Tommy dragged me to go. He was one of the many who didn't know what random shit I was going through.
I looked around me and my surrondings. Fluorescent lights above me, hard tile floor below me. I looked at the people.
They're all looking at you.
God, why do you have to be so gross?
They're all judging you. Everyone is.
They all want you to leave.
They never want to see your disgusting face ever again.
"Stop, stop, stop." I mumbled, feeling tears well at my eyes. Ranboo looked over at me in concern. "Y/n? Are you oka-"
I ran off before I heard the rest of his words. I needed to be alone. Nothing else. Just alone. I was shaking, and I just let the tears spill out of my eyes. I leaned against the all, letting my body fall and drop to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. I buried my face in my knees so no one could see me.
ranboo's pov
Before I even finished my sentence, y/n quickly picked themselves up and ran across the room to head upstairs to the empty office space. I looked back at Tommy and Toby, wondering what to do. They both shrugged and continued on with their conversation. I couldn't just let it go like that, though.
I ran over to Phil. Phil had a really strong bond with y/n, and he was truly a father to them. "Phil!" I yelled out.
"Ranboo? Are you okay?" Phil said, looking at me concerningly.
I catched my breath from running. "I-it's y/n. They ran upstairs to the office spaces and they looked like they were panicking. Can you check on them please? They trust you the most out out of all of us."
Phil nodded and mouthed "Thank you" to me, and I nodded in response and went back over to Tommy and Tubbo.
y/ns pov
I heard footsteps come from the stairs across the room.
"Shit." I whispered softly. Fuck, my voice was all raspy. How am I going to hide-
I saw a shadow from in front of me. The figure sat next to me and hugged me tightly, embracing a soft hug that I basically melted into.
It was Phil.
"Everything's okay. It's all okay. Everything is okay, hon. Can you tell me what happened?" Phil said softly, still hugging me.
I just let it out. I trusted Phil. I explained everything I've done, thought and felt. It felt a little guilty but comforting.. all at once. Even explaining was a lot, so I had to pause sometimes and take a breath. Phil listened the entire time, not speaking a word. His presence was comforting to me.
"And, I just don't know what's.... wrong with me." I confessed, ending my vent.
Phil sighed. "Y/n, love, there's nothing wrong with you. And everything you said about people not loving you, I heard about 10 people talking about you. And all 10 of them were positive. They were complimenting your streams, your outfit, your humor, everything possible. You're an incredible person, and you should reach out more often. I care about you, and so does everyone else at this party!" he said softly. "Please, please realize that."
I smiled at him. "Thank you Phil. I can't thank you enough."
"Now, shall we head back?" Phil laughed.
"We shall!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
hope u enjoyed!!
please support me by following me, liking, reblogging or leaving a reply/dm. this helps me to keep writing!!
requests/asks are open on my blog, come say hi!!
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