#please accept this gift and don't judge me too hard for it
rjsals · 1 year
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“tiny, tiny mirror in my hand, who’s the fairest in all the land?“
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beiasluv · 2 years
heyyy so i was thinking what would happen if neteyam went to jake for advice on how to ask the reader out, i just thought it'll be a cute moment :) you don't have to write it if u don't want to, completely up to u 💓
have a lovely day gorgeous 🫶
a father’s advice? neteyam x reader
a/n: that’s actually so cute / ye grammar mistake cuz I’m too potato / hope you enjoy, gorgeous gorgeous girl 🤍
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saying who’s got the most rizz in the family is hard, their blood is strong. but one thing neteyam can’t deny, is that his father is the original rizz
how did he managed to pulled off neytiri? he don’t fucking know. the daughter of the chief while he is a ‘dreamwalker’ to them? he got them rizz
neteyam, being the golden child he is, is determined to follow his father’s footsteps.
and who else could he ask advice from? lo’ak? nope, that boy would never miss a chance to make fun of him, if he would go for his assistant. plus, he got rizzed up by tsireya, he down real bad.
kiri? nah, she has her own world and neteyam respects that. letting her be her free-spirited self would be the best option.
spider 👁️👁️ what does that boy know? does he even have a girlfriend? *ahem* i guess we’ll never know. he got the lowest rizz game in the family, with all due respect from neteyam.
neytiri? i guess? bet she would be more of a pain in the ahh if he would go to her for advice. being a mom she is, she would definitely judge neteyam’s crush and all of his dream would crash down. no, we don’t want that.
jake, it is.
but how? how to make it the least awkward to approach his dad about stuff like this?
he tried to give his dad signals and signs everyday but he doesn’t seem to pick them up. he even started to doubt if his dad is the real player, cuz them boy is clueless😭
“yes?” jake replied with his back facing neteyam.
“how do you er…like send a sign?”
“neteyam, i thought we went over this already,” he sighed. “press your collar when speaking, and say ‘over’ when you are done talking”
“oh!” he scratched his neck. “okay, sorry, dad.”
neteyam was hopeless 😭 but to get a girl, he can’t just give up easily
he tried again, now, with a little help from his sister
“dad,” he walked quietly into the marui where his dad is resting.
“what?” he grumbled.
“erm…last time…when…” his words fumbled around each other, while kiri came into the marui.
“when what? get to the point,” he shifted the blanket off his chest and sat up.
“dad, he is asking you how to ask a girl out,” she said nonchalantly as she looked through the drawer. “you’re welcome, bro,” with a swift of her tail, she was out the door.
“oh, well,” jake chuckled loudly. “have i heard correctly?”
“well, yea..yes.”
“c’mere, son,” he patted the mattress. “let me show you.”
jake would be so proud. he would laugh uncontrollably for like 10 minutes cause neteyam got him worried there.
but his son ask, he will reveal
“now, welcome to “the way of rizz 101” class with jake sully,” he joking said. “there are many ways to ask a girl out, alright, but there is a main pattern you must look out for.”
“number 1: set the mood. it is the most important, alright?” he ruffled neteyam’s locks. “you could never go wrong with setting the mood, look for spots, lighting, and the feels.” “guess where we got down, the tree of souls, yeah, magic, am i righ-“
“ew dad, please.”
“okay, listen to the experts, son,” he laughed. “number 2: make it personal, PER-SO-NAL”
“yes, i understand, I’m not dumb”
“no, son, it’s really important. don’t reuse your letters, never get her the same gift. DO NOT never ever use the same pick up line. AND definitely do not use the same pattern for every girl.” (amen to deja-vu from olivia rodrigo, guys)
“number 3: be yourself,” he patted his son back. “don’t be afraid, if she doesn’t accept your offer, don’t let it consume you.”
“how can i do that?” he retorted.
“what is she like?”
“she is the only girl i have ever laid my eyes on and they were stuck! can’t imagine even just one other girl that i have felt the same feelings i am feeling right now.”
“that’s the spirit, atta boy,” he chuckled. “then, i pray for eywa that this is the way.” “eywa will show you the way if she is the one for you,” he smiled softly.
“and a honorable mention, do not ever make a girl cry over your stupid mistakes, alright?”
“how would i know?”
“you would feel it, respect her, respect her as a goddess, hell yeah, adore her, like eywa,” he added. “she is gentle but deadly, the spirit of life. always ask for consent, always. when you are mated for life, you both become equal.”
“let her guide you, and let you guide her,” he held his palms together as one. “now, how to rizz a girl up is not useful without your effort,” he patted his son’s head and pushed him up.
“go get the girl, atta boy!”
today is a great day to go touch grass 😳 i mean- take care of yourself 🤍
@rosaryos / @bumblinbumblvee / @loudcolorwolfgarden / @nyotamalfoy / @fangirl-2610 / @astablacksword / @lokisblueskin
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Pretend this has a valid title.
I just noticed that I make Keith cry really often. Huh.
And there's more kissing! What's going on?
Keith and Lance stare in horror at their wrists to see them handcuffed together.
They had just been arguing about something stupid, Keith isn't even sure what the topic is, and apparently Pidge has had enough.
"If you two are going to yell at each other, then you can do it like this. Now shut your face-holes."
They stared each other down. Lance sighed and shifted to hold Keith's hand loosely. "Ugh, Fine. I'll try to be decent if you try too."
Lance's grip on Keith's hand brings back old memories.
Lance is standing outside of Keith's door, his hair is tousled like he's been running, and he holds a bouquet of red roses to big it hides his face from view.
Keith can't help the fond smile that comes to his face.
Lance has been asking him out for months, each try more extravagant than the last. Judging from the fairly simple flowers, he seems to have finally realized that Keith prefers small gestures rather than large gifts.
Keith sees blue eyes peek over the top of the blossoms.
"Please Keith. Just one try? You know you want some of this."
Lance gestures to himself, and Keith lets a small chuckle leave his lips. (what? no, of course Keith didn't giggle, he's a very masculine guy, nope, never, be quiet).
Keith can't deny the fact that he's had a crush on Lance for a while. It's hard not to admire someone so sure of himself, someone who carries himself like he rules the world, someone who could befriend anyone. Keith doesn't know why Lance wants him of all people.
"One try is all you get."
It has been about 9 months since Keith agreed to go out with Lance.
"Why do you always push me away? I get that you miss Shiro, but I'm only trying to help!"
"I don't want your help! I can deal with this myself!"
"That's what you say about everything! Have you ever thought that maybe I like helping you? That I want to see you happy instead of constantly alone and heartbroken? Please, Keith." "
Lance. Just drop it."
"No! You need help! The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can work past this."
"Lance! Just-just leave me alone. This isn't something you can fix with charming words and a smile!"
"Is that all you think I am? Nothing but a people pleaser? I thought you knew me better than that, but I guess not. Goodbye Keith. I'm done."
The first time Lance sends a Keith in his direction, it feels like a knife to the heart. Hunk has distanced himself from Keith too.
Keith is all alone again, and just like always, there's no one to blame but himself.
Keith snaps back to the present. He stares at the ground and wills his hot tears to go away.
"Yeah. Sure. It's just for a bit anyway."
It is not just for a bit. When they go to Pidge and show her that they're getting along, she searches all of her drawers and comes up with only a handful of candy wrappers.
"Ummmm... So I have bad news and good news. Bad: I lost the key. But, hey, at least now you can bond a bit more!"
They both groan at the same time, and the whip around to glare at each other. They forget how close they are thanks to the handcuffs, and bonk noses.
All day, they struggle for control over where they go and how the do things. Thankfully, they don't have to feed each other. That would be annoying.
The night cycle starts, and Pidge still can't find the keys. She looks genuinely guilty, and scurries around the castle looking everywhere.
Finally, Hunk has an idea.
"Hey, you know that spinning blade saw we have in the engineering room? It's made to bust through Altean meatal. We try that."
And now Lance and Keith are standing with both of their hands only inches away from a wicked looking blade.
Even with its incredible power, the saw is very slow, and Pidge tells them they have about 5 minutes before the chain breaks.
"So.. today wasn't bad," Keith mutters.
Lance glares at him harshly. "Yeah? Well maybe someone should have handcuffed us together 2 years ago!"
Keith recoils. Lance feels a sliver of guilt for the wounded look in his eyes.
"I- I'm just trying to say that I'm sorry. You were right. You usually are, we both know I can't use my head when it matters."
Lance scoffs. "No dip. If the past couple of years have shown anything, it's that we don't mix well. I mean, we've had a rivalry for a while."
Keith's eyes flash, and all of the sadness leaves them.
"Seriously? There never was a rivalry, Lance! It's all in your head! I went along with it because that's the only way you would let me close to you! Everyone has noticed, it's just you who can't get it into your thick head that I never moved on. Don't you get it? I love you, Lance! I never stopped loving you!"
There's angry tears flowing down Keith's reddened face, and he spits the words out like they are fire. There is a loud snap as the chain breaks, and Keith immediately bolts out.
The rest of the paladins, who have been silent throughout Keith's whole confession stare in shock. Hunk and Shiro are the only ones who have prior knowledge of Keith and Lance's relationship, and Shiro left on the Kerberos mission before he could learn the extent of Keith's feelings.
"That was... intense. Maybe you shou-"
Lance races out of the room before he can hear the end of Hunk's sentence.
Please, please, please.
Lance can't miss this chance, Keith will never open up to him like this again.
He sees the Keith running down like there's a weblum after him. Anyone else would have been left in his dust, but Lance has long gazelle legs and ran track for 5 years.
He tackles Keith to the ground, and they both grunt at the impact.
Lance ends up on top of Keith, and he fights the boy pinning him to the ground until Lance stares at him with pleading, watery eyes.
Lance does what he does best. He rambles.
"I’m sorry, I was stupid, you were stupid, we were both stupid! I’ve always loved you and I’d fight the world for you, defy death and gravity, handcuff myself to you so I never have to let go. I’d kiss you at the altar, I’d trade anything and everything for you, I’d spray paint the side of the garrison with our initials surrounded by a big, disgusting pink heart"
They both laugh at that like it’s an old memory they both share, which, knowing them, it probably is. Lance continues.
"I’d kiss the air out of your lungs, I’d take you anywhere, I’d destroy anyone who dares to harm you. I shouldn't have left you, you're worth so much more than one fight! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgive you, so can you please forgive me? Keith, you don't know how much I wan-"
Keith grabs his shirt collar and kisses him hard. Lance lowers himself off of his arms and lays completely on the raven below him.
When they break apart, Keith lets out a disbelieving laugh.
"Guess what? You finally bested me. Your confession was much better than mine."
"Because thou art my truest love!"
"Ew, never do that again."
they don't notice the team until Allura's giggle sounds out from further down the hall. They are watching them with expressions that range from teasing disgust to megashipper freakout.
Allura has been recording the whole thing, and Pidge will most definitely be playing that at their wedding.
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I talked with my mom today. It didn't go well. I don't think she gets it.
1. I don't understand why I get treated any type of way, just because they're giving me money.
2. I get that you're trying and that you tried, but I also need you to understand that I'm trying and I tried too
3. I feel like I'm emotionally stunted. I feel like I'm constantly being torn between needing to rebel against society and needing someone to hold me while I cry.
4. Why was it on me to make sure I wasn't suffering? Why did I have to be the one to come to you after you broke my trust? How was I supposed to know I could trust you after you left me to them?
5. If you make me sit down in front of my abusers to talk, I can't promise I won't immediately try to fight them. This is a bad idea. Why are you still taking to them anyway?
6. I am in the process of healing, please stop telling me that I have to move past the past. I'm begging you to realize that I didn't get to grow up to 18 and be an adult because I was still a teenager in survival mode.
7. God can not judge me harsher than I've judged myself. I know I didn't deserve love back then and I don’t deserve it now. I'll accept what love people feel they want to give me, because at this point any love is a gift that I don't deserve.
8. I'm not playing emotional games of playing hard to get and all that jazz, but why is it so hard for you to just want me the way that I am. Why do you make me feel replaceable? I'm so tired of feeling replaceable.
9. Time and time again I have to rise above. Why can't I just have someone meet me on my level?
10. After all the shit that I went thru and all the shit that you've said, you want me to just trust you with my emotions? You betrayed me over $2. You called me fat and warned me against my body so many times? I can't look like I'm having a bad day around you? You told me I needed to pray my depression and psychosis away? You still talk to people who I consider abusers? And you have the audacity to ask why I don't trust you with my emotions? I trust you with my life (I'm starting to question my decisions here) and with my physical well being and that you'll be there for me physically. Take what you can get
11. Money REALLY isn't everything. My friends fill a void that you can't. Why can't you be happy that I'm filling a void and becoming a whole human again?
12. Thanks for telling me I'll get over my past and phrasing it in the worst way possible
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 2
Ch 8
Manon, omg she’s here omg
and so is DUKE PERRINGTON that mf. never ever thought I’d see him again.
This stuff with Kaltain really upsets me
In the first place sexual violence really upsets me - even if it’s just implied and not directly on screen - I am soft, and I am EASILY DISTRESSED - and I don’t like to read novels where stuff like this happens. It upsets me even more if this is supposed to be her comeuppance for being unlikeable in book one. Nobody deserves what this poor woman went through. (The addiction. The dungeons. And forced to marry the Duke, of all things.) (now she’s a mindless minion wearing one of those collars)
Why does Kaltain have to wear a collar, though…?
Is she a magician like Dorian? Is she secretly a princess, is she actually his sister and he didn’t know it? IS THAT WHY THE QUEEN DIDN’T LINE HER UP AS A MARRIAGE CANDIDATE FOR DORIAN IN BOOK 1
Maybe not, lol, she’s probably only wearing one so we’ll get to learn a way to free someone from a collar without beheading them… I refuse to just accept now that Kaltain is probably going to lose her head…
Anyway, I feel awful seeing her like this, it feels real icky and I hate everything about it.
ch 9
I formed some private opinions on Lysandra while I was reading The Assassin’s Blade but I wasn’t sure if she was going to be a returning character or not.
I think she’s fine????
I don’t
Why she and Celaena hate each other
Like - is it just because of Sam????
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Sam wanted you to be friends! So! Stop hating each other it doesn’t MAKE ANY SENSE you’re both victims of the same twisted system and you could murder Arobynn together if you could get over your petty grudge.
“Not the sword-no, she wanted the intimacy of a knife, wanted to share breath with the courtesan as she ended her.”
PLEASE share breath with her
I mean
(I know - I’m sorry - but my brain is like (maybe they should kiss) end this tension the good old fashioned way)
"Unfortunately for you, I don't have any interest in women. Even when they're paid for." My ship sinks, womp womp
(Screw you SJM can’t I ever have anything I want)
(Let Aelin kiss a girl damn it)
The ending of this chapter is so fast
But yeah I agree! Quit dismissing people, Aelin? You’re not better than everyone else. You could have been friends with Lysandra instead of enemies, you could have been friends with Kaltain instead of judging her instantly, you could have GOTTEN TO KNOW Sorscha instead of just letting her fade into the background like she was beneath your notice.
IS THIS CHARACTER GROWTH oh my goodness (I am rooting for you so hard honey) (MY QUEEN)
Ch 10
“The least you could do is take me to dinner before looking at me like that.” I love you Aedion lol
But AHHHHHHHH this villain! I hate him
I hate him when can he die
Ch 11
I kinda like Nesryn too
I hope she saves Dorian, I really do like him, and I’m team save-his-neck. Would like to see Chaol and Dorian get reunited as best-bros-who-are-totally-platonic-and-not-in-love.
Ch 12
“Humans were for sport and blood and the occasional, very rare siring of witchlings.”
I still wanna know if there’s any such thing as a male witch
Ok - so there seems to be some plot happening. Duke wants to implant stones in their belly buttons to make new soldiers….
And witches are already partially valg?
I swear to god I was paying attention before but this feels like brand new information.
(I don’t care. The more SJM makes them seem like scary unredeemable villains the harder I simp)
“Witchlings were so rare, and all of them female, as a gift from the Three-Faced Goddess.” Oh so the witches ARE all female
That’s pretty nifty and I like it as worldbuilding. I don’t like Harry Potter anymore, but it reminds me of the Veela. It’s just fascinating to have a fantasy race that can only be passed through female lineage, like they can have sex with human men, and procreate, but a male child will never bear the full features of the race. For some reason this sort of thing is really engaging to me. Also I just like high fantasy lesbian allegories, fight me.
“Manon poked an iron-tipped nail beneath Elide’s chin, tilting her head up.”
I am so down bad, Manon, PLEASE
(she- SHE!!!!) (i’m so gay) (I’m gonna lose it if she keeps being so effortlessly sexy)(I’m sorry) (guh) (she’s very hot though)
I’m like, really having a hard time not devouring this book
The struggle is real
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iamasimperyk · 2 years
Young and lonely -FP Jones
Summary: Cheryl left you alone at Pop's and FP is there to listen to you.
Warnings: Fluff, mention of death and killing not proof-read and English isn't my first language
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"I can’t believe you actually did this," You sighed as Cheryl just shrugged before taking a sip of her milkshake.
You knew about the little 'Gifts' Josie recently got and you also learned from whom they were. You wanted to tell Josie but you couldn’t just expose Cheryl like this. After all, she was your cousin, and deep down she was just a hurt person who wanted to be loved.
"But seriously, the pig heart was far too much. Just a Psychopath would do something like that." You told her in the calmest way possible.
She gave you a big smile and nodded, "That’s exactly the point Y/N/N. It looks like Chuck is a complete Psychopath and she will stay away from him."
"Whatever, but when she finds out it was you, she will never want to be with you." You mumbled and saw how her face grew darker.
"I don’t need advice from a person who hasn’t any friends except her cousin." She hissed and looked around.
She knew that it was a sensitive topic for you but still constantly reminded you about it. It’s hard to find friends when you are related to the school's Queen Bee.
You decided to just stay quiet while she still looked at something at Pop's. Before you had the chance to ask, she reached over the table and throw her milkshake to the floor.
"Clean that up, Plebe. The way you did my brother’s blood." She said, talking to FP Jones who started working here a few days ago.
You knew what FP did but he just did it to protect his son and now wanted to live a normal life. Yes, he was a Serpent, but what’s so bad about it?
He came over and started to clean it up before looking at her, "We'll get you a new milkshake right away. On the house."
You looked at her in disbelief and kneeled down next to FP, "I am sorry about her. Let me help you."
You started to collect the broken glass carefully, trying not to cut yourself.
"Be careful, kid, don't want you to get hurt," FP said with a small smirk before he got up and walked away, the floor clean now.
You got up as well and sit down in front of Cheryl again, who just rolled her eyes, "You don't have to help him. It's his job to clean the mess."
"Oh, please, it's definitely not his job to clean after you. I get it he somehow was involved in this whole Jason murder, but he didn't kill him. It was uncle Clifford, your dad, who did so and you have to accept that. More important you have to forgive FP Jones, he tries to be a better person.
She scoffed, stood up and stormed out of the Chock'lit shop. Now it was only you, your milkshake and of course the other people in here.
After a few minutes of silence and peace, it was interrupted by a deep voice, "So, I made this for nothing?" He chuckled, setting the new milkshake on the table.
"Oh, Cheryl had to leave, and I don't think I can drink another one," You smiled at him, "Maybe you want to have it and sit with me for a bit?"
He searched your face, trying to find something that gave away that you were fooling with him, but he didn't find anything. Slowly he sat down and looked at your smiling face.
"So, Mr. Jones, I hope you are doing good." You said, still happy about the fact that he actually sat down with you.
He nodded, "Yeah, t-thanks for asking. Um sorry for asking but you are Y/N Blossom right?"
You let out a little giggle and nodded, "Yup, that's me. I know I don't really look like someone from the Blossom family and I also don't really act like them, but yes I am a part of that crazy family."
"Good to know," He muttered under his breath, "How is it? To be a part of them?"
You shrugged, "Even if I am not like them, people think so and judge me for it. That's the reason why I don't have any friends, just Cheryl, but she is mostly busy with her friends."
You smiled sadly, fiddling with your fingers before you continued, "But please don't pity me now, I am fine, I am used to being alone. Sadly I don't have a family as big as yours, the Serpents."
He looked at you, too stunned to even say anything, but he noticed how your eyes became glossier with every word you spoke. You were just a High School girl but something flicked inside of him and the only thing he wanted to do at that moment was to hold you in his arms.
Of course, it was wrong, even if you weren't a minor anymore you still were far too young for him, but did that really matter at that moment?
"Mr. Jones?" You asked carefully. When you studied his face he seemed deep in thought and you noticed the look he held. Somehow it looked like he understood you, but couldn't find the right words.
And as you two looked into each other's eyes, none of you noticed Jughead, who saw the whole interaction, not knowing how to feel about it.
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rphelperblog · 2 years
The Winner’s Trilogy Rp Meme
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[including the winner’s curse, winner’s crime, winner’s kiss by Marie Rutkoski]
“Isn't that what stories do, make real things fake, and fake things real?”
“You don't need to be gifted with a blade. You are your own best weapon.” 
“Happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being courageous.” 
“The truth can deceive as well as a lie.” 
“If you won’t be my friend, you’ll regret being my enemy.” 
“people in brightly lit places cannot see into the dark.” 
“You don't even though the god of lies loves you.”
“My soul is yours, you know that it is.” 
“Marry him, but be mine in secret.” 
“Nothing in dreams can hurt you.” 
“Sometimes you think you want something, when in reality you need to let it go.” 
“The god of lies must love you, you see things so clearly.” 
“I don’t mind being a moth. I would probably start eating silk if it meant that I could fly.” 
“There was dishonor in accepting someone else’s idea of honor without question.” 
“If I die, you'll survive. If you die, it will destroy me.” 
“The Winner’s Curse is when you come out on top of the bid, but only by paying a steep price.” 
“You will be lonely, but you'll become strong.” 
"I love this person.” 
“Go away, little ghost. Go haunt someone else.”
“She wondered how she had missed his beauty. How it didn’t always strike her as it did now, like a blow.”
"Maybe it's not as easy for me as it is for you.”
"I haven't the faintest interest. You may tell your sad story to someone else."
“Survival isn't wrong. You can sell your honor in small ways, so long as you guard yourself. you can pour a glass of wine like it's meant to be poured, and watch a man drink, and plot your revenge.”
“Sometimes you think you want something when what you need is to let it go.” 
“Sometimes I offend on purpose. It’s like my smile.”
“You did. You snored so loudly that the people in my dreams complained.”
“The reason you enjoy my company is because I look like how you feel.”
“Your promises are worth nothing.” 
“I tried so hard to live in your world. Now it’s your turn to live in mine.” 
“It was the horror of someone who'd been dealt a winning hand, had bet her life on the game, and then proceeded (deliberately?) to lose.”
"Come closer, and I will tell you."
“I told her that I belong to you, and no other.” 
“Stories will get you killed.” 
"You can make people feel so small.” 
I've wanted to do this for a long time."
“Ah, but I have only two chairs in my tent, and we are three. I suppose she could always sit on your lap.”
“She’d felt it before, she felt it now: the pull to fall in with him, to fall into him, to lose her sense of self.” 
“I won’t play you because even when I win, I lose. It’s never been just a game between us.”
“Tell me, little ghost: do you enjoy my company?”
“I enjoy yours, too. I can see why you like me. I’m intelligent, charming—not to mention handsome.”
“Everything in war hinges on what you know of your adversary's skills and asset.” 
“And skilled at preening. Let’s not forget that.”
“Please understand. When I look at you as if you’re crazy, it’s not that I judge you for your insanity.” 
“Cold without, color within. This was how it had been.” 
Now, you just listen. Listen to me.”
“Go away, little ghost. Go haunt someone else.” 
“She had done everything she could. And he didn't even know.” 
“You might not think of me as your friend, but I think of you as mine.” 
“He'd believed it. She couldn't believe that he believed it. Sometimes, she hated him for that.”
“A dagger wants flesh, her father would say. Find it.”
“She was learning to live around it.” 
“Princes don’t apologize.” 
“It was a sin to break a deathbed promise.”
"You were sleeping so sweetly,”
“Damn your god.”
“Ah, love, why don’t we skip to the part where you win and I give it to you?” 
“A lover? Maybe. Something tender, anyway. But tender like a bruise.” 
"Did I wake you? I didn't mean to."
“You gave me much, once.” 
“You can't see both sides of one coin at once, can you, child? The god of money always keeps a secret.The god of money was also the god of spies.” 
“The world went luscious, and slow, and still.” 
An emotion tugged at his expression, a dark awe, the kind saved for a wild storm that rends the sky but doesn’t ravage your existence, doesn’t destroy every thing you love. The one that lets you feel saved.” 
"You can make people feel so small.” 
"I think of you, all that you lost, who you were, what you were forced to be, and might have been, and I—I have become this, this person, unable to—"
“Yet he understood that there are some things you feel and others that you choose to feel, and that the choice doesn't make the feeling less valid.” 
I want my liar.I want her mouth.I want her perfume to rub off on my skin like bruised grass.” 
“Little Fists, what's wrong?” 
Sit down. Other wise you'll make an ass out of yourself, and that role is mine.” 
“Her blood felt laced with black powder. How could she have forgotten what it was like to burn on a fuse before him?” 
“She could've slept then. She wanted to. Sleep was blind, it was deaf, and it would take her away from this room and these men.”
“Now I'm getting sad, just thinking about how it would feel to be parted from my sweet self. Lucky me: I will always have my own company.” 
“And I know, I know that it hurt him, that I broke something, that he felt it break. Maybe I wasn’t me anymore, to him. Do you understand? Not his daughter. Not anyone he knew. Just a lying stranger. But how could he? Why couldn’t he love me most? Or enough. Why couldn’t he love me enough to choose me over his rules?” 
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Million Dollar Man | chapter two
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summary: Spencer's therapist recommended he branch out and meet new people who don't want to talk about his work... she didn't expect him to sign up for a Sugar Daddy website.
Content warnings: sugar daddy!spencer, age gaps (14 years), daddy kink, blow jobs, kissing, drinking mention, lowkey perv!Spencer, cum play, praise, oral (female receiving), grinding, love confessions, arrangements, Spencers anxiety, (more to add)
word count: 3.4K
a/n: updates on Wednesdays and saturdays at 2 pm est
Chapter Two | Masterlist
She sat on the subway with an anxious pit in her stomach and her purse held close to her chest. Her laptop in her bag, she didn’t want to lose it on her way to the most important meeting of her whole life.
Her story was becoming a book, she was almost done the final draft, they were making touch-ups to the cover and picking the type of paper today.
Her dreams were coming true within the next month, soon she’d have a physical copy of her book, her pre-sales were showing that she’d be on the bestseller list, and her name was finally going to be on the cover of this one.
She sighed and reached for her necklace, holding it between her fingers as she took a few deep breaths. She was doing so much better today than she was last year and it was all because of Spencer, he was the best thing to happen to her. To think she complimented his sweater vest and now he’s the only person in her life she can count on.
All she can think about is him for the rest of her journey, through 4 more stops she keeps her eyes closed as she thinks of all his little facts and his cute laugh. She smiles to herself and the anxiety slips away, she loves him and she knows that for sure, but she just doesn’t know how she loves him.
She’s never had a sibling, her best friends are all women, her previous boyfriends were all shit and her other sugar daddies were never this wonderful, and her parents are lesbians… she doesn’t know what her feelings really are for Spencer, mainly because she’s never known any other men to compare him to.
But she does know the exact moment she realized she fell for him.
He booked a hotel room in DC after a local case, asking her to meet him in there at 10 pm. She was waiting in the bathtub when he arrived, bubbles galore, her hair up and arms open, “welcome home, honey.”
He laughs, “you want me to get in there with you?”
She just nods, “let me take care of you, daddy?”
He takes off his blazer, pulls his tie off and starts to unbutton his shirt. She watches patiently as he gets undressed, and it’s not sexual to her. He’s her person, her best friend, the only human being she would ever share a moment like this with and that’s when it hits her.
She doesn’t accept it just yet.
It’s not until he’s lying on her chest, between her legs, cheek resting on her boobs as she runs a sponge over his back while he gives her a little run down on his terrible week. His co-worker almost died, his mom is stressing him out, the only good thing he has left is her and she knows that.
“And then I get to my moms facility and she’s had a really good day, she knows me and she knows all of my childhood again and she’s all right there in front of me and yet she’s so far away. I’m never going to get all the time I want with her and it’s really hard to accept.”
He shares things with her that he doesn’t even tell his therapist. Because his therapist doesn’t hold him like a child against her chest and tell him he’s okay when he get’s upset.
Y/N loves him, so she kisses his forehead, “I’m so sorry, I have 2 moms if you’d like to have one?”
“It’s okay, I would love to meet them sometime though,” he wraps his arms around her waist a little tighter under the water. “Thank you for tonight.”
“Did I mention my leg is 44 inches from hip to toe?” She asks in the middle of the silence, quoting pretty woman, knowing he hasn’t seen that far into the movie yet. “So basically we’re talking about 88 inches of therapy for the bargain price of $800 dollars a week.”
Her legs wrap around him and their naked bodies are closer than they’ve ever been and yet it’s completely platonic, “I’d spend a million dollars on you if it always meant feeling this good after.”
She runs her cheek along his wet hair as he snuggles into her neck, “mmm, I like the sound of that,” she teased. “My million dollar man.”
Her stop rolls around and she pulls herself out of her day dreams to get off the train and head to her meeting. She smiles as she walks through the station, up the stairs and onto the busy downtown streets when she gets a text with Spencers special chime. She opens it when she gets to where she’s going, safely inside and in the waiting room.
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It makes her laugh in the waiting room. People look at her but she doesn’t care, he’s so special to her she feels butterflies in her stomach even when he’s not around.
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“Y/N!” She hears her name being called by her editor, he’s over ecstatic as he comes running out to get her. “Come, come we have so many choices to make!” He jumps up and down as he holds her arm, like a child in a candy store.
“Andy, chill man,” she laughs at him and plays it cool, “It’s just the cover being finalized.”
“It’s our baby!” He teases back, pushing his glasses up and tugging her behind the glass doors of the office.
She’s surrounded by people and paper and huge versions of her book cover. She has a sharpie as she fixed mistakes and jots down final ideas. “And I wan’t Phil to look more human and less like data from Star Trek?”
“But Dorothy looks okay?” The artist asks, nervously and Y/N can tell.
“She looks beautiful! You really brought her justice,” she smiles, “really she looks the same in my head! It’s just Phil and I’m sure it’s tough getting a drawing to look like a robotic human, let alone human.”
“I have some ideas?” She opens up more, taking her iPad out and sliding it across the table, “I wanted to give him more of a Sophia feel? His face is silicone but his joints and everything are more like an Elon Musk crash dummy.”
“That’s perfect!” She’s shocked, “why didn’t that go in the first draft?”
“I was worried it was too much,” she’s a little older than Y/N, and yet her anxiety is that of a teenage girl. “I’m going to get working on the final, do you want some emailed versions tonight?”
“Yes please,” she smiles.
“So we’re done?” Andy asks, “we’ve made all our final calls?”
“I believe we have,” Y/N closes her laptop and takes her phone out, taking a photo of the final rough sketch of her book cover on the table to send to Spencer before he comes to pick her up. She can’t wait to see him now.
They’re sitting side by side in matching spa robes, he’s getting a pedicure while she gets her nails done. Leaning back in her chair with a face mask and cucumbers on her eyes, she’s never felt more relaxed in her life. And just in time too, her back was killing her from writing, her knuckles hurt and she just needed a break.
Spencer did too, he was genuinely not having a good time at work anymore, every case made him spiral and he always looked to Y/N on days like that. They met more than once a week now, she got $800 every Friday and she didn’t even really need it anymore. He was coving for so much of her bills and lively hood that her savings account was growing and growing because of him.
For the first time in her life she thought she would be okay if a man left her. As terrible as it was, as much as her moms tried to raise her differently, she fell down the daddy issues rabbit hole and she’s never going to find her way out— however, luckily for her, Spencer is down here too, and he brought a flashlight.
He understands her, more than anyone else on earth. He knows all her secrets, every crush and bad grade and snide remark she’s ever kept to herself. He didn’t judge her, he could actually listen to her issues and tell her why she had them. He gave better advice than a therapist and he was able to get information for her if he didn’t know the answer to what she was going through.
He’s absolutely everything to her and yet he’s 14 years older than her, he’s still traumatized beyond belief, he’s sad and ashamed and recovering… but he’s the best man in the whole world and she wishes he could see that. If he just looked at himself from her eyes, if he felt how she did in her soul when they were together, he’d love himself.
They’re too relaxed to drive home, and Spencer knew that would happen beforehand, bringing her a change of clothes (lingerie) and that robe me mentioned. He books a hotel above the spa and takes her to it. Arms linked as they enter the suite, she’s amazed to find more than one gift bag on the bed.
“How many gifts is this now?”
“We’re at 5 out of 24.”
She laughs as she wraps her arms around him in a thank you hug, “this is what you consider 4 gifts? Spencer there are like 8 things on the bed, let alone the massage and manicure?”
“If you think this is too much I guess you’re going to get really mad next week,” he teases as she looks up at him with a surprised look on her face.
“Spencer, I am so busy next week, I cannot be galavanting around with my sugar daddy,” she tries to act like she doesn’t want to go on an adventure with him again.
The last trip they took was the best week of her life. They went to all the historical sites in the UK that she and Spencer had talked about. Mainly old churches and castles, strange poets graves, random art and most importantly; stone henge. It was a trip of a lifetime and he took it with her.
“I watched the rest of Pretty Woman the other day,” he smiles, “and I thought I’d pull an Edward Lewis and really surprise you because you deserve it.”
“You know how the movie ends, right?” Her heart beats really fast in her chest and she wants him to love her so bad but it’s also terrifying now that she’s this close.
“He lets her choose,” he whispers.
“He rescues her,” she corrects him.
“And she rescues him right back,” he really did watch the end of the movie.
It makes her heart skip a beat as she swallows sharply, “what does this mean for us?”
“I have a whole plan, a whole sequence of events I want to stick to. I wanted to make you fall in love with me this week and ask you on your birthday, can we still do that?” He pleads with her, he’s so serious. He’s clearly put a lot of effort into this.
“Absolutely,” she smiles, “but if you’re going to make me wait that long for you to ask, you still can’t kiss me till then. No matter how much I already love you.”
“Really?” He’s so soft with her, she knows he’s not reacting to the teasing. He’s never had someone tell him they love him and then stay after.
“I would never lie to you about that, spence. I know what love means to you, I know how scared you are and I’m scared too. But I know there is no one else in the whole world I’d rather be scared with than you,” she holds him tighter and rubs her nose against his, “so what’s in the bags, daddy? Finish your surprise.”
She plays along perfectly, stepping back and hauling him towards the bed. “I got you some outfits and things for the next 2 weeks, we have a few things planned. We’re going on a flight soon, I have new luggage being delivered to your apartment this week and we’re going to see your moms for 3 days.”
“No,” she shakes her head, “there’s no way, Spencer, I haven’t seen them in 5 years, I’m going to cry.”
“I know,” he cups her jaw with his hand. “They’re really excited to see you.”
She hugs him tight, kissing his neck as she holds him. “Thank you, daddy, do you want me to put something on for you now?”
“I’m just going to take it off you, plus, what your wearing is sexy enough, he whispers back. “You’re always so beautiful, baby.”
“I thought you were saving the best for last?” She asks as she pulls back, overly eager and he can tell.
“I want to repay the favour from the other night.”
She doesn’t mean to gasp and yet she does, “please?”
He pulls on the tie of her robe, opening it enough to snake a hand behind her back and draw her in with a hand on her bare back. “Please what?”
“Please, daddy?” She looks up with her best begging eyes, perfect pout and all. “I want you to touch me, I promise I’ll be a good girl.”
He steps away from her to swipe all the bags off the bed before picking her up and laying her back against the pillows. He kisses down her body, hand on her lover back as she arches, he drags his bottom lip from her belly button to her cleavage. Nipping and sucking at the exposed skin on her chest, pulling her breasts out of the bra to suck on her nipples, she moans and it’s louder than she expected.
As she plays with his hair, he marks her, bruising small little love bites all the way down as he makes his way between her legs, “take me, please?”
He’s been dreaming of this for so long, he can’t even give you an accurate number of times his mind has drifted to the thought of how wonderful she would taste, how beautiful she’d sound…
“Tell me how badly you want me?” He asks as he spreads her legs and kisses her left thigh.
“I haven’t had sex in 10 months while waiting for you. Daddy, please you’ve owned me for so long, just take what’s yours already for gods sa- OH!”
With a broad lick, his tongue flattens against her core and it shuts her up. She gets what she wants, holding into his hair as she tosses her head back, taking it all in and enjoying it. He’s been on her mind for months, every time her vibrator was where he is now, she thought of him. he’s been the man of her dreams longer than she’s known him, and he was proving it.
“Right there, daddy,” she speaks through shallow breaths, “do you know how much I’ve thought of this?”
“You know I don’t,” the vibrations of his voice against her skin are glorious, he looks up at her through his lashes as his tongue flicks over her clit and she shakes a bit.
“Fuck,” she gasps, gripping his hair tighter, “better than I thought you’d be, fuck, too bad you— Jesus, don’t have the stash anymore…”
He stops and looks up at her, the smirk on his face glistening with her juices, “the stash?”
She nods, “I’ve thought about calling it the pussy tickler,” she teases, running her hand down his cheek and swiping her thumb across his bottom lip before bringing it up to her mouth to taste, “I want more of you.”
He kisses back up her body and she reaches for his robe the second he’s close enough. “Just grind against me? I know you’re waiting but we can still feel good together?”
He kisses the side of her mouth and she takes that as a yes, wrapping her legs around him so his hard cock is pressed right against her core as they move their hips in synchronicity with each other. His breathing is heavy as he kisses her cheek and jaw, her nails scratch down his back, he feels absolutely amazing against her.
She feels so empty, she wants him so bad she’s clenching around nothing as she squirms against his cock and wishes she was full.
“I wish I could move time,” she whispers. “Fuck, why can’t it be my birthday?”
He laughs against her, grazing his teeth over her neck and drawing another moan from her but then he stops moving his hips, “why are you so impatient?”
“Remember I said I stopped enjoying everything? Well, taking a 10 month break from sex and thinking about you every time I got off has made me desperate,” her hand cups his cheek, “I’d wait forever for you, but a girl needs to be fucked hard every once in a while.”
Only she could find a way to make something both profoundly beautiful and whorish at the same time, he loved her for it and she knew that now. He smiles and leaned in to rub his nose against hers and it takes everything in her not to kiss him. The same way it was taking everything in him not to slip into her as he began to grind against her once more.
She’s so close, the accidental edging has added a whole new level of desperation she’s never felt before. She wants to cum for him so bad, but more importantly she wants him to cum for her.
“Take my bra off,” she whispers, Spencer’s hands travel behind her back to unclasp it and he helps her out of it before tossing it to the floor.
“Cum for me daddy,” she whispers in his head with a hand in his hair, gripping him tightly as he bites at her neck, “cover me with your cum like you’re marking your territory.”
“Shit,” his hips sputter against hers.
“Say it, I know you want to,” she teases, so close to the edge but it’s too good of an opportunity. She loves seeing him fall apart like this and she can’t wait to see it again. “Who’s am I?”
“Daddy’s girl.”
He grinds down on her harder and faster and she’s so close, the bubble in her gut is reaching a fever pitch and with a gasp, she’s cumming and then she feels it. His load covers her stomach as he pants against her neck and grips her hips tighter as he comes down.
She wraps her arms around him and holds him as close as humanly possible, her breathing still heavy as he rises and falls on her chest. He’s heavy but she doesn’t care, she just kisses the top of his head and thanks him.
He brushes his nose against her neck, nuzzling her like a cat, “do you really mean it?”
“What, honey?” He remembers so much, this could be a question about something she said 2 months or 2 minutes ago and she has no clue.
“You’re not just playing along with my kinks right, you genuinely want to be mine?”
For being her million dollar man, his heart sure was broke. This is why he wasn’t ready, he still didn’t understand why she would want to stay without anything in return, he’s gotten so used to paying her for her time now that his anxiety has managed to convince him that she’ll leave when he stops being worth it to her.
“What does my necklace say?” She asks, knowing how close he was to it. “Read it to me, I forget.”
“Daddy’s girl,” he smiles again.
She soothes her hands over his back, “I would do anything with you because I love and trust you, but also because everything you do is sexy… you could read me the dictionary and I’d still want you to pump me full of cum after.”
“It sounds so crude after,” he laughs, “speaking of, we really need to have a shower.”
“I’ll wash your back if you wash mine?” She teases as he gets up.
“Only if you let me wash the front too?”
She smacks his bare ass and races him into the bathroom, turning on the water and getting in with him while still laughing and carrying on. He’s her best friend in the whole world, there’s no one else she would rather do this with… there was no one she has done this with. No one has made her feel this good, before during and after sex.
Spencer Reid was an anomaly, but he was hers.
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I need food. Please if you have any H/C for Eresh with a partner who has depression
Hello, Eresh blog! Thank you for your request. I apologise for the delay in response. I understand, I hope these headcanons will be okay!!!!
Note: I will have to generalize the partner's depression symptoms and experiences, as I am not too knowledgeable about depression. If I get anything wrong, please let me know.
Thank you for your understanding.
Ereshkigal with a Partner who has Depression
♦ Just as how you've accepted her, as a goddess of the underworld, who is usually feared by others; she accepts you in turn and will not judge you for having depression. Her bond with you is an unconditional, powerful one; in which the two of you love each other dearly.
♦ She may fumble a bit when helping you out- as she'll likely be overthinking about what strategies would be best to emphasise that you are not alone. As one of the few Rinfaces endowed with the gift of the tech, she may be the type to avidly research tips on how to help you when you're struggling with depression; hastily scribbling down notes.
♦ If you catch her in the middle of doing this, she'll likely let out a high-pitched squeal as she attempts to hide all evidence. "A-ah, I wasn't expecting to see you here! W-what' am I hiding? E-er, nothing? I can assure you, I'm not hiding anything! I'm a wise goddess, the ruler of the underworld! I don't need to look at resources and guides!" She ends up having a slight meltdown with embarrassment at this, but when you tell her just how much this means to you; she starts to cry, happy that she's doing a good job.
♦ If the difficulties of navigating all of the many responsibilities and struggles of life weigh down upon you; and you find it hard to get motivated, Eresh will understand. If you're up for it, she'll happily join you for a while, lightly threading her hands through your hair as she soothes you with a wondrous assortment of tales.
♦ If you ever feel unsupported and wish to have someone to talk to, then Ereshkigal is the perfect choice! Serving you a steaming cup of a delicious brew, she'll be there to provide comfort; kindly listening as you express your feelings. Through subtle gestures and modes of touch, such as brushing her hands over yours; and lightly rubbing her hands against your back, she emphasises that she is indeed here.
♦ In addition to that, if you feel nervous or worried about various things such as getting external support, then she will patiently guide you, making sure that your thoughts and feelings are heard. She wants the very best for you.
♦ If there are days that you feel severely low, and feel a need to withdraw; then Eresh will respect your wishes but will not leave your side entirely. She will check in to see if you're okay, if you need any help with anything, constantly providing assurance. You are not alone! She'll respect your boundaries and will be able to help as well.
♦ Ereshkigal can wholeheartedly relate with struggling against negative thoughts about oneself. As one who knows just how isolating and lonely it can be to feel cut off from others, she knows just how saddening it is. On days such as those, she may invite you out to places brimming with beautiful new sounds, sights and nature to see; showing you the beauty of this world. Ereshkigal wants you to know that you're wonderful, and that you deserve the very best!!
♦ Together, she makes sure that the two of you do things that you enjoy together, at a pace that works for both of you. Whether it's a late night walk under a canopy of stars, some exercise or a casual night in, watching movies together; the two of you create a sparkling wreath of precious memories together.
♦ If there are nights where you struggle to sleep, she'll invite you for talks by an open fire, as you snuggle comfortably together. As dawn brightens the dark skies, your hands intertwine together.
♦ Overall, Ereshkigal is an understanding and caring partner, who's there by your side- every step of the way. She's a consistent and reliable partner, there for you no matter what.
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mha-adore · 4 years
General HCs: Students
Excluding Dekusquad and Bakusquad I have everyone else here, I hope you like it ☺
Tokoyami (+Dark Shadow)
* He's really trying to be a harbinger of truth and exposer of deciet. He's a dork. He's just trying to impress you.
* He's so stupidly into music and has like seven playlists he's made for you. Please listen to them he worked hard. He's really shy about his music tastes.
* Dark Shadow teases him relentlessly. You're walking near him? Tokoyami mysteriously trips into your open arms. You need help reaching something on a high shelf? Shadow birb got you covered. His only goal is to make you notice how flustered he is with you.
* He's insecure about being part avian. Most people aren't really attracted to birds, right? Honestly he could look like anything, it doesn't matter. He's a little angsty but kind hearted and pays close attention to you.
* She's written like fifteen songs for you and you've heard none of them. They're top secret hidden in her locked diary. If you ask her very nicely and promise not to judge she'll play some for you.
* Expect a lot of punk and metal gifts from her. Her entire existence is punk and metal please lift her up. She is so shy about it.
* Totally the flustered gf. Borrows your clothes without asking and denies it only to approach you in front of everyone else and be like "oh hey here's your shirt back btw" and leave like it was nothing but she is screaming inside.
* Honestly just share a closet with her you two would trade clothes so often you'd need to stitch your names into the tags to keep track. Share the same perfume/cologne too while you're at it. Did you use the same fragrance or did you snuggle together for an hour? No one else knows.
* She knows other people are after her either for her physique, her family wealth or both and as such, is distrustful at first. She doesn't want to fall for someone only to learn they're using her. Give her space to get comfortable with who you are.
* That said when she knows it's genuine feelings she spoils you rotten. Designer clothes, expensive jewelry, a custom hero costume etc. Her wallet is yours for the taking. Please don't fuck her over.
* Because her family is well known both as elites and heroes she has a reputation to keep up. She insists that you go with her dressed well and looking great so she can show you off with style.
* She is actually very soft hearted and needs some soft love sometimes. Just sit with her under a blanket she made and watch a romcom. Don't judge her for binge eating, she needs to eat well to support her quirk. If anyone makes fun of her kick their ass into the stratosphere.
* He simply will not stop sparkling and neither shall you. He shares his skin care, hair care and multi vitamins with you. You're both glowing, literally.
* He can be spontaneous and over the top in everything he does. He likes to show off and catch stares. He wants to catch your stare. If you gaze longingly at him he'll act suave while squealing with glee inside.
* He spends his money frivolously. He buys expensive care products, jewelry, clothes, stuffed animals...Did I mention it's all for you? He's penniless for you and doesn't mind that at all.
* He craves your attention so much. Spend some time alone with him and just look at him. In public keep your eyes locked on him. His ego will go through the roof, in the best way.
* He is so fucking full of himself. Until you're around. He's usually narcissistic and up his own ass but when you walk by he's suddenly humble, kind and friendly. It's just him wanting you to see his good side.
* Sweet hearted asshole wants to feel loved. Just be kind to him. Help him with his homework. Spend free time with him. Help him show up 1-A. He'll love it.
* Totally uses you as a reason 1-B is better than 1-A. "Sure you guys fought villains and all but you don't have anyone even vaguely as attractive as my beloved!" Just let him have his fun in the sun.
* His hero costume is over the top for a reason. He wants to be the prince to sweep you off your feet, kiss you and ride off on a horse. He has the attire covered. Next, your love.
* Above anything please just be accepting of his quirk. Don't ask him to use it for anything unnecessary or say anything bad about it. He's been ridiculed his entire life for his "villainous quirk", please be kind.
* Nap with him dammit. He's sleeping deprived because he pours all day and night into becoming good enough for 1-A. He wants to be a real hero and he values that over sleep. Cuddle with him at night and he'll sleep like a happy rock.
* You must love cats, end of discussion. His backpack is cat shaped, his phone case is a cat, his spirit animal is a cat, he may as well be a cat. He'd be over the moon if you compares him to a Maine Coon.
* When he does get into 1-A please be happy for him. He worked so hard for it, show your support. Even if you're in different classes you can see each other during lunchbreaks and after school.
* He is sunshine. He is warmth. He adopts introverts. It's our man. His hugs are like butterfly kisses if they could crush you.
* He's the type to be really into you and still treat you like a friend. He can't get with someone unless he knows them very well beforehand.
* Though he's friendly and out reaching to others he's still a private person who shares little about his personal life. He needs to learn about you first. Being open yourself will encourage him to start chatting about himself.
* He loves romantic songs. He isn't one for Spotify, playlists or the such but if he hears a song that makes him think of you he's texting you the link immediately. He gets so caught up texting you that he stops listening to others and is in his own little world.
* He is just....So shy. So baby. He really wants to be a strong hero and save the people he loves but he is so shy. Don't pressure him into anything, he just needs someone who will let him be himself.
* That said, he has no experience in love. He's had crushes over the years but nothing meaningful enough to mention. Until you came along and took his heart for a stroll. Now you're all he thinks about. Is your hand warm? Do you like to kiss cheeks? What's your favorite flavor Pop Tart?
* When he manages to confess to you (not if, when) it'll be something cheesy but sweet. Like on Valentine's Day he'll leave a heartfelt card on your desk with his signature and a flower. He's a simple man.
* His feelings are so sensitive please never yell at him, not even out of excitement. He's scared of upsetting the people he cares about and wouldn't dream of upsetting you, his little mochi ice cream. Yes all his pet names for you are based on food.
* She's the personification of a flower crown. With thorns. Very soft, sweet and pleasing to the eyes but very capable of defending herself. She is not a sex object and beats the ass of anyone who says so about herself or you.
* I personally headcanon her as asexual but that's my idea on it. You can see it however you like. Either way she's very romantic and loves cute gestures like 3 foot tall teddy bears and hand sewn clothes.
* Imagine this: at the beauty pageant, she wears a dress you sewed for her yourself and, alongside her natural beauty and talent, wins the pageant. She would have just been proud to show everyone your skills but she won wearing that dress, you can bet she's telling everyone you made it.
* She treats Eri like a daughter and hopes you'll do the same with her. Call it a little childish but she loves the idea of playing house with you. Married in a little happy home caring for Eri together.
I think that's everyone I need to add for now. If you want to see someone else in this let me know! My next two posts will be this same format for pros and villains. If you have any headcanons to share or a request my inbox is open
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Title: Serious Inquiries Only: PART 1
Pairing: dom! yoongi x reader ft. Hobi
Warnings: Implied Masturbation, crack, humor, flirting
Rating: 18 and over
“Fuck, fuck, god yes!” You shake your head at the sounds of your roommate, jacking off for the fifth time in an hour. You press the volume up on the television trying to drown him out when suddenly he emerges from his room. He is completely out of breath, sweaty, and half naked. His sweats hang shamelessly off his hips. “Did you forget you don’t live alone Hobi? My god!” You sneer. “Sorry Y/N. That last one was for a customer that likes yelling. I’m done for the day. 500 dollars richer! We should grab dinner, on me!” He beams at you, yanking a Gatorade from the fridge and chugging it. “I still can’t believe you have one of those stupid pages.” You roll your eyes. He swallows hard, walking over and plopping down on the couch. “You know Y/N, you’re gorgeous. You’d make a killing on the site.” You cackle at his suggestion. “I would never.” “Never say never. Some of the most elite people at this school are on that site whether watching or streaming content.
Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” Hobi leans back, closing his eyes. “I’ll get my porn for free thanks.” “Ah, but it's so much more than that. It's an experience and sometimes it's not even about sex. I have a customer who loves when I read to her. I mean when’s the last time you even, well you know.” He makes a lewd jerking move with his hand and you laugh out loud. He waves you off, continuing to speak. “True story Y/N. Bedtime stories, it’s the sweetest thing.” “And tell me Hobi, how much do bedtime stories run a person?” “That’s not how this works you know. If you would just look at the site. Anyway, It’s a monthly subscription. If you want specific things, that’s where extra funds come into play and it's all at the discretion of the content creator. I could say no to the sex stuff, but I like it and it makes the most money but it's not a requirement. I mean honestly, have you ever even been on the site?” “No. I haven't, and I have no interest. What would your parents say?” You ask with a raised brow. “Ah! You’re too stuffy. You should subscribe! I have the perfect person for you if you’re ever interested.” “You're out of your mind if you think I would ever pay for something like that.” Hobi laughs, getting up from the couch and heading over to his room. “When you’re ready to lighten up, let me know. Serious Inquiries Only Y/N. Until then I’m going to take a nap.” “Whatever.” You whisper, mulling over the idea in your head. Hobi wasn’t completely wrong. It had been forever since you’d been with someone. You were hyper focused on school and now in your final semester of college maybe it was time to lighten up. “Serious Inquires Only.” You whisper to yourself, grabbing your cell phone and typing that name into your browser. A little glance couldn’t hurt could it? The site pops up immediately but you can’t browse any particular pages without a subscription. The subscription offers pop up and you scoff at the prices:
*$24.99 for one month
*$49.99 for three months
*$149.99 for one year
All subscriptions come with a 14-day money back guarantee cancellation policy.
You roll your eyes and close the window. “Fuck that.” You say to yourself. “You know what I changed my mind about the nap. Let’s just go eat. I’m starved!” Hobi emerges again to grab another Gatorade and then heads back to his room to get ready.
You step out of your room and roll your eyes at Hobi who gives you a wolf’s whistle. “Ready?” You ask, pulling on a black leather jacket over your white crop top sweater, admiring how your black skinny jeans hugging your hips nicely in the mirror of your lobby. “I think we should get steaks tonight. I’m feeling fancy.” Hobi states as you exit the building. “Sounds good. I’ll eat whatever you’re buying.” You say with a laugh. “Ah, ok,” Hobi says to his phone, “Yoongi will join us.” He smirks suggestively, throwing his hand out to hail a cab. “What? Why?” You whine. “He is hungry and I invited him.” “Hoseok! You know how nervous he makes me.” “Still have a crush on him huh?” Hobi smiles, a cab arriving. “No! He’s just brooding, quiet, judging!” “Oh wow! You’re a terrible liar. You know, we are in our last year of University, you should just tell him about this freshman crush and move on already.” “I don’t know why I bother speaking to you. I swear if you’ve told him I have a crush on him, I’ll strangle you.” Hobi laughs, slapping your thigh, as he shakes his head. “You are too wound up. He’s a great guy and friend. You’re the judgmental one Y/N. He actually thinks you’re really nice and cute.” “He said that?” Hobi nods assuredly. You hum to yourself, wondering what other things the two boys have discussed.
“You’re late.” Yoongi grumbles, not moving his eyes away from his phone. Another Serious Inquiries Only subscriber has come in for his hand kink section. He smirks to himself. Easy money. This one wants him to open a gift box containing lingerie. “I am only 10 minutes late. There was traffic. How long were you actually waiting?” Hobi asks. Yoongi shrugs, looking over Y/N’s exposed tummy and tight jeans. Was she always this curvy? He licks his lips, shoving his phone in his pocket. “Y/N, you look really nice. How are you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.” Yoongi remarks. Her eyes widen and she tucks her hair behind her ear, fumbling over her words. “It hasn’t been that long. I’m good, you know. I mean, we’ve seen each other around or maybe you just don’t notice. I’m good anyway. How about you?” He smirks, enjoying her flushed face and nervous demeanor. He has always thought she was a gorgeous girl but tonight she looked different, tonight she looked like sin. What he wouldn’t give to grip her hips. “Uh, ok you two, pine over each other inside please. I’m starving.” Hobi cuts in, grabbing the door to the restaurant and entering. Yoongi catches the door to hold it open for Y/N.
At the table, Yoongi finds himself peaking over his menu at Y/N. She looks amazing, fresh faced, glowing even. “What are you getting?” Hobi nudges her with his elbow. “I’m thinking lamb.” “Good choice.” Yoongi states calmly. She looks over at him and gives a small smile. “What are you getting?” She asks Yoongi. “Surf and turf.” He drops his menu, feeling his phone vibrate. He maintains eye contact with Y/N, reveling in the flush of her cheeks. He swears she’s in heat, he can almost smell her. He winks to test this theory, releasing a small laugh as she clears her throat and rubs her thighs together under the table.
Looking over his phone, he smiles as he sees another subscriber join his Serious Inquiries Only page. This one joins his ASMR section, requesting he whisper sweet nothings to her. He chuckles, looking up at Y/N’s furrowed brows. He licks his lips, shoving his phone in his pocket again. “So, Hobi, what are we celebrating?” Yoongi leans back, looking at his best friend. “He made extra cash on that ridiculous website.” Y/N interjects. “She's a prude.” Hobi scoffs. “I'm not, I just feel like you can get porn for free.” “What's your favorite type of porn?” Yoongi can't help but ask. “Excuse me?” Her brows furrow. “Well, it seems like you’re yucking someone else's yum. So, I'm intrigued as to what you find acceptable.” “I'm not yucking anything, all I'm saying is it's not for me.” Hobi cuts in, “OK, ok, let's not get into a debate at the table.” “Not everyone seeks or sells sex on that site anyhow. You should educate yourself before you shoot it down.” “Wow, asshole much? I guess you're on that site seeing as how defensive you are. Sorry if I don't want to pay 150 dollars to watch some guy shoot his load on his chest.” “So, you have looked at the site?” Hobi gives a curt smile. Yoongi laughs as Y/N squirms. “And it seems as if she was in search of some guy shooting his load on his chest.” Yoongi adds, causing Hobi to laugh loudly. “Fuck you both.” “I'm sure as you know, that cost extra.” Yoongi says with ample sarcasm. Y/N sucks her teeth, huffing off to the bathroom.
Hobi laughs and laughs, releasing a sigh as he comes down. “Leave her alone Yoongi. She's just not getting any.” “Fuck Hoseok, why haven't you planned a dinner like this sooner? I'll give that girl anything she wants. She's a fucking Goddess.” Yoongi looks over towards the bathroom as he speaks. “Is that on the record or off?” Hobi asks, waving over a waiter. “Off, besides, she doesn't like me like that.” Hobi just smiles at Yoongi. “What?” Yoongi grumbles. “What can I get you gentlemen?” The waiter asks. “I will have the filet mignon, medium rare. My friend who is in the restroom will have the lamb chops, also medium rare, and surf and turf for the gentlemen to my left.” “Medium rare as well?” Yoongi nods at the waiter, handing over his menu. “Spill it Hobi.” “No can do.”
You take a few deep breaths at the sink, trying to calm yourself. You’re not a prude, granted it's been a while since you’ve been with someone and sure you were a bit of a homebody but that didn’t make you a prude…. did it? You splash cold water on your face, looking at yourself in the mirror. You should’ve put on some makeup. Yoongi was looking hot tonight and here you were looking drab and fresh faced. Why did he make you so nervous? He was always so confident and the way he kept looking at you had you hot to say the least. You needed to just get your head right. It was one dinner and you were home free, back to ignoring each other.
You emerge from the restroom and head back to the table. “I ordered your lamb chops.” Hobi informs you. “Thanks.” You say, resting your chin on your hand, trying desperately to avoid Yoongi’s demanding eye contact. “So, Hobi tells me that you and I will be taking a couple of courses together this semester.” Yoongi states. “Oh, I hadn’t realized.” You say, still avoiding eye contact. “I look forward to seeing you every day.” You laugh out loud at his confession. “Is that so?” “Yeah definitely. I love a woman in uniform.” He mumbles. Your head snaps almost on its own and you nearly melt away watching Yoongi lick his lips. Is he flirting or just messing with me? You weren’t sure but lord you felt it right in your pussy. “Ah, yes, food is here!” Hobi proclaims, the waiter placing plates in front of each of you.
You all begin to dig in, savoring your meals. “Mm, so good, Y/N, let me try the lamb.” Hobi says between chews. You nod, cutting him a slice of lamb. He grabs it with his fork and pops it in his mouth. He hums in delight. “Yoongi! You have to try it. Phenomenal.” Yoongi chuckles softly, chewing his food. “You want to.” You point at your lamb with your fork. He gives you a sly smile that causes you to swallow hard. He nods and you cut him a piece. You look up to find him leaning in with his mouth open. Your mouth falls open and you feel your face flush. “Ah.” Is all he says. You grab your fork, catching the cut piece of lamb and bring it to his mouth. He slowly brings his tongue out, touching the tip of the lamb with it, before wrapping his lips around your fork. You moan just a bit at the sight, feeling your slick move past your slit. “Amazing.” He whispers, never breaking eye contact with you. You nod. “Told you! So good. What a great idea to come here tonight. Go me!” Hobi praises himself while you and Yoongi maintain your locked eyes.
Hobi pays for dinner, refusing Yoongi and your advances to even leave the tip. “It's my treat you two besides, Yoongi’s got next.” He winks. You raise a brow but just shake your head. You all leave the place together. “Yoongi, you should come to our place for a night cap.” Hobi offers. “Ah, I would but I have a bunch of shit to do tonight. Maybe next time. Y/N, so good to see you. We’ll catch up in class yeah?” “Yeah.” You smile. He nods, giving Hobi a handshake and walking off. “Holy fuck! Was he flirting with me all night or was I going crazy?” You turn to Hobi, who sticks his hand out for a cab. Hobi shrugs. “I didn’t notice anything strange.” “Well did he say anything about me while I was in the bathroom?” Hobi smiles wide now. “So, is this an admission that you have a crush?” You suck your teeth. “Forget it Hobi.” “Forgotten Y/N.”
Yoongi stretches his body wide at his computer, leaning in to review his newest member’s request. He had never wanted to get into the Serious Inquiries Only game but when he saw the extra money it made Hobi on the side he signed up with no complaints. He was very organized though and set very specific rules. First, he never offered sexual favors in exchange for money. It wasn’t that he was against it, he just didn’t have the time to delve into that line of work. He always saw how exhausted Hobi was after just one night of requests and with school and his part time job, he couldn’t commit. Second, he never used his real name nor showed his face. He wanted to keep his anonymity intact. Hobi was cool being recognized around campus, Yoongi wasn’t. He loved being an enigma or flat out ignored because people thought he was cold. He didn’t want that to change. Lastly, he was strict about what he provided. He only offered hand kink and ASMR on his page. At first, he was unsure of how people would respond to it, but it was an instant hit, his subscribers grew by the day. His videos ranged from gripping his bed sheets, to unwrapping silk ribbons, to whispering or scratching in his microphone. For Christmas this past year, he blessed his followers with an ASMR of him moaning. The video was such a hit, he gained 40 followers in an hour from word of mouth alone. After his first year with ‘SIO’, he began offering his yearly subscribers an exclusive gift, a personal video of their choice from either of his categories. He was a success to say the least, earning a sweet living off this side hustle. The only reason he didn’t leave his part time job was because he didn’t know how to explain the extra money to his mother when she visited him. Not to mention, he rather enjoyed teaching kids the piano.
So, here he was at his computer desk, after having gone out and buying black laced lingerie and making sure they wrapped it pretty. He began to set up his camera to shoot his new subscriber her personal hand kink video. He smirked to himself as he slowly undid the black ribbon from around the package, making sure to twirl the soft material around his long slender fingers. He let the ribbon fall to the sides of the package, running his now stretched fingers along the front of the package, smiling again at how his veins bulged out of his hands. He soon tucked his index finger under the lid of the box, sliding his hand down and lifting the lid up to reveal the red tissue paper inside. He gently rubbed the pads of his fingers atop the dressing before gripping it hard into his fist, curling the delicate paper into a ball, and discarding it to the side. He again rubs his fingertips over the contents in the box, this time it’s the Italian lace lingerie he purchased. He licked his lips, even though the camera couldn’t see him do it. He purchased it with Y/N in mind. Imagining how the gorgeous lace would hug her hips perfectly. He pulled out first the thong, allowing it to hang from his middle fingers, then stretching the fabric out to show the detail. He then grabs the bralette, twirling the straps around his index fingers and sliding his thumbs under the back straps to showcase its detailed hand stitching. He next pulls out the garter belt, resting it atop the bralette and thong, he holds it down with one hand, yanking at the clasp and releasing so it snaps back. He places the items back in the box, running both hands down the fabric again, before bringing his hand up and shutting the camera off. He releases a sigh, setting up his microphone now for his next subscribers request, when he decides to make a phone call. “Hey Hobi, what’s your address?” He chuckles at Hobi questioning him. “Just send it in a text. I want to send something to Y/N, anonymously of course.” He smirks at Hobi’s protest. “Just send the address Hoseok, I’ll address it from a secret admirer.” He hangs up without another word, clearing his throat before he begins to record, he always liked to deepen his voice when he records, always sure to keep things anonymous.
First day of classes consisted of nothing more than getting acquainted with classroom locations and professors. This semester you had opted to do more classes online only taking three courses in person. Psych, Critical Writing, and Literature because you felt like you needed a professor to really drill these lessons into your head. “Hobi, I’m leaving, I’ll see you later!” You shout before heading out. You didn’t wait for a reply, running out to catch a cab to campus, too lazy to walk. The school was strict about wearing their uniforms which you hated because they were still stuck in their old ways and you were stuck in a plaid skirt and knee highs. You got to campus with enough time to grab a coffee. “May I have an iced americano please?” You tell the cute barista behind the counter, digging for cash. “Make that two.” Yoongi appears from behind you, handing money to the barista before you can and looking you over. “Nice knee highs.” He smirks. You roll your eyes at him. “Thanks for the coffee.” “Sure. Where are you headed?” “Class.” “Obviously. Where?” “Main building. I’m only taking three on campus. You?” “Two in person. The rest online. I think I’m going to pick up some more shifts at my part time gig. I need to lighten the load you know?” You nod at him. “Wanna grab dinner with me sometime?” He asks next. Your eyes pop open. “Me?” “Uh, yeah, definitely not talking to the plant behind you.” “Um, I don’t know. What would we talk about?” Yoongi shrugs. “Life, school, kinks. Whatever you’re into.” He licks his lips. You feel your cheeks flush under his gaze. “Yeah, I um, don’t know about that. I mean what’s with the sudden interest in me?” “Who said it was sudden?” “ICED AMERICANOS UP.” The barista calls out. You move past Yoongi and grab your drink. “I have to go. Thanks for the coffee again. I’ll see you around.” “You sure will, maybe even sooner than you think.” You scoff, walking out of the café.
You hurry towards the main building and into your first class taking a seat quickly. “You’re really quick you know that.” You hear from behind you, turning to find Yoongi taking a seat next to you. “Why are you here?” Yoongi pulls out his phone, flashing you his schedule. “Psych and Critical Writing are my two in person classes.” He tucks his phone away, chuckling at your shocked expression. “I’m going to kill Hobi.” You say finally. “Aw, come on. Don’t blame Hobi. I’m hard to resist. You’ll find out soon enough.” You laugh out loud. “You must not hear this a lot but I am not interested in you.” Yoongi smiles, turning towards you and leaning in. He whispers closely, his breath causing your hair to tickle at your ear. “Oh, my sweet Goddess, it turns me on when you lie. I am just dying inside to find out all the secrets you keep locked away. Just know, you don’t have to hide anything from me. I’ll never judge you; I just want to make all your filthy dreams come true.” You shudder slightly, swallowing hard. “I, you.” “Shh, don’t say anything. I’m ok pretending we don’t like each other a little longer. I’m incredibly patient.” “Good morning class.” You professor walks in but you can’t break away from Yoongi’s stare. “I am putting out the itinerary for the class and on it is listed all of your due dates for assignments. You can email me any questions you have but we will meet here in person on due dates only. Welcome to big kid Psych. Enjoy your day.” Everyone, including the professor, begin to leave. You and Yoongi however are still seated, staring at each other. “I have to go.” You mutter. Yoongi smirks. “Want company? I mean we are headed the same way after all.” You shake your head at first but eventually start nodding. Yoongi nods, putting his hand out for you to take. You place your hand in his and practically melt as he runs his thumb over your knuckles.
Yoongi watches as her hips sway side to side, biting his lip. He just can’t help himself; she really is a Goddess in his eyes. He had always had a crush on her but she was always so consumed by school work and the one time she was out and about she dated some piece of shit tattoo artist that dropped out in year 2. Y/N looks back at him suddenly and he quickly lifts his gaze to meet hers. “Why critical writing?” Y/N asks. “It’s a requirement for graduation.” “Not because Hobi gave you my schedule.” Yoongi smiles wide at her. “No. I mean it’s a plus but I really needed to fulfill the requirement to graduate, same as you.” Y/N nods at Yoongi. You both enter the classroom and take your seats. “Where do you work? You mentioned a part time gig.” “At the rec center. I teach kids piano.” “Really? That’s awesome. Not what I was expecting at all.” She laughs, causing Yoongi to smile also, basking in her beauty. “Sorry I’m not some jerk of a tattoo artist.” Yoongi scoffs, looking over at her, realizing he’s fucked up by the expression on her face. “Well, he may have been a jerk in the end but he wasn’t always that way and his work was great.” She huffs. “I didn’t mean to imply his job was…” “Forget it. What do you know anyhow Mr. Serious Inquiries Only?” She snaps. Yoongi sucks his teeth. “I deserve that but I don’t get the reference seeing as how I never said I was on that site. So, I don’t know why you give me shit about it.” She cackles. “Give me a break. Your fancy bracelet and earrings. How about your designer clothes? You mean to tell me that you get that on some shit part time piano gig? But hey what do I know right? Maybe mommy and daddy pay for it like everyone else at this school.” “You mean like you? What do you do for work again?” Yoongi snaps, tired of the uppity bullshit.
“None of your fucking business.” She huffs, standing and moving her seat to a row ahead of Yoongi. He rolls his eyes at her ridiculous behavior. “You’re lucky I don’t take you over my knee.” He whispers to himself with a deep sigh. “Good morning class. Please come up and grab your guide for your end of the semester assignment. You will need a partner so please choose wisely. In addition, I will be giving weekly prompts for you to complete and submit to me via email. Any questions? No? Great! Have a great day.” Yoongi moves forward to grab the assignment. “Wanna team up?” He asks Y/N. “I’d rather drink acid.” She turns and walks away. “Come on. You want an A or not?” Yoongi says. She growls a bit. “Fine.” “I need your number.” “Uh, no.” “How are we going to do this then?” “Call Hobi.” She shouts, leaving the classroom. ��Fuck.” Yoongi whispers, fearing he’s ruined his shot with her.
You burst through your apartment, throwing your bag onto the couch. Hobi jumps up and looks at you in fear. “Bad day? How? It’s just day one Y/N.” “Yoongi is a complete asshole. First, he tries to flirt with me, then he insults my relationship with Trevor, then he forces me to be his partner in our Critical Writing class. I hate him Hobi. I fucking hate him! Not to mention all my in-person classes are basically online because the professors are all assholes as well!” You shout, popping open a beer from the fridge and chugging it. Looking down at the counter, you notice a package with your name on it. “What’s this?” You look at Hobi angrily. “Uh, a gift but you know maybe you shouldn’t open it now.” He stutters. You yank the card off of it and open it. ‘These were handpicked for the most gorgeous prude I ever laid eyes on. Xo Your Secret Admirer.’ “This is a joke, right? You’re not fucking funny Hobi.” You rip the box open and your mouth drops at the Italian Laced lingerie inside. “No, Y/N, I didn’t…. this wasn’t me.” “Oh, so who was it then?” He looks at you with sheer panic strewn across his face. “You and your friend are both on my shit list.” You point at him, snatching the box and walking over to your room. “Wait, Y/N, I really didn’t buy that. Please let me explain.” You slam the door in his face, not feeling in the mood to entertain this further.
You look over the items in the box one by one, thinking back to the last time you wore lingerie. You shrug and decide to try it on. You look at yourself in the mirror snapping at the strap of the garter belt, and sucking in a breath as it stings your skin. You glide your hands up your thighs, belly, and cup your full breast, admiring how your nipple rings glint in the light through the fabric. You think back on your relationship with Trevor, he was the one who pierced your nipples. You smile at all the crazy antics the two of you found yourselves in. He enjoyed your wild side but took advantage of it at the same time. It was something that you regretted allowing him the chance to do. After you found out he was sleeping with girls from the tattoo shop he worked in, you broke up with him immediately, throwing all your time and energy into school, forever packing away that side of yourself. It wasn’t until your feelings for Yoongi sprouted that those feelings began to stir again and your wild side came scratching to the surface for freedom. You were just too afraid to free that side of yourself, afraid of being hurt again, taken advantage of. In allowing that fear to take over you though, had you truly become a prude? Perhaps it was time to unleash that side of yourself once more, find a balance. You stood tall, proud, turning and walking into the living room. “Hoseok,” You say with confidence, watching his eyes scan your body wildly, “You said when I was interested in your little website that you had the perfect person for me. Well, I’m interested.” Hobi couldn’t speak, he just nodded slowly. “Great. Whenever you get the chance.” You nod, and turn back to your room, making sure to wiggle your exposed ass with enthusiasm for good measure.
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polarbearaone · 4 years
Thousand Light Years
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Aone trusts his mother more than anyone, but does he love her more than you.
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Aone’s father was rarely present in his life. His mother taught him everything, how to ride a bike, how to be gentle despite his size. No matter how gentle Aone was, he never seemed to get a romantic interest. Sure, he liked girls but he never found one that liked him back. Due to this, Aone built a heavy bond with this mother, she was always there for him, she never judged him. Deemed a momma’s boy, Aone would always value his mothers opinions. The first time Aone talked about her, his mother got worried. She didn’t want her baby boy to get hurt again. “ Takanobu, how is volleyball going?”, she desperately tried to change the subject. The second time she was brought up, Aone asked his mother what type of flowers girls liked. “Now he wants to get her flowers?” his mother thought. “ I have to go to the store, baby, make sure you eat ok?”, after a chaste kiss on the cheek, she bolted out the door. Aone wasn’t dumb but he surely was confused as to why his mother has been doging his questions lately. “ Maybe she wants to meet her. '' Futakuchi comforted his tall friend. Aone gave a chaste grunt and continued to eat. “Maybe she’s jealous Aone-san!” Koganegawa said with too much emotion. Everyone's eyes darted to him as he continued voicing his opinion. “ My mom is pretty jealous too! I remember in junior high, this girl liked me so I took her to come meet my mom. She was so dry and out of it. Figure, your mom might be like that too.” Kogane went back to munching on his lunch, as if he just didn’t provide Aone with the explanation to his problem. “Look, I know you really want your mom to know her but take yourself into consideration man. It won’t end well if they meet, don’t lose this chance” Keiji barely said before the lunch bell rang. (Y/N) had the habit of sending notes to Aone in the middle of class. She figured since he didn’t like talking, maybe he liked writing. “ What’s wrong nobu-san?” the small note read. Oh how he wanted to tell her everything. In the small time they got to know each other, she became a safe place for him. Almost like his mother. The day went by fast, as Aone’s thoughts consumed him. Surely his mother had to accept the girl that was making his son’s heart flutter. “ Get you head out of it” Aone’s thoughts were broken as Futakuchi sat next to him on the train. “ I have a plan so I’m going over to yours, is that ok?” A simple nod is all he received. “ I want to see how your mom reacts, I’ve known her for two years, sure she’s quite like you but she doesn't seem like the jealous type. I’ll slowly bring up (Y/N) and see how it goes. I just want to see you happy man”. Aone felt grateful for the wonderful friends he had. He was alone most of his life, and now he has friends helping him and his romantic dilemmas.
Aone’s house is a quick walk from the train station, the boys were easily at Aone’s front porch within a couple minutes. “ Hello Mrs.Aone!” Futakuchi saif cheerfully, thinking of how to initiate his plan. “ Hello Keiji-kun, will you stay to eat?”...” With your food? Always”. Three plates later, Futakuchi slumped in his chair. “ Ah, everything I come over I eat like a starved man.” he stated, patting his tummy. “ I’ll pack some for your mother too. I’ll be back” After she walked out, the plan commenced. “ Ok Aone, I’m going to make a fake phone call to (Y/N), I don't know, I’ll add something related to Christmas. I’ll make it sound like she really cares for you, then your mom would be ok with it right?” Keiji said excitedly. Aone’s head slanted like a confused bear. “ To be fair, I said I had a plan, never said it was a good plan.” Aone’s mother’s footsteps could be heard walking back to the dining room. He quickly dialed (Y/N) to commence the plan. “Hello?” you answered, confused as to why Futakuchi would call you. “ Oh hey! Yea, I think he would definitely Like that '' Futakuchi said out loud, making sure Aone’s mother could hear. “Hmm, Aone always liked turtles, maybe something of that sort” Futakuchi’s loud voice made Aone;s blush deepen. “ Futakuchi-san, what are you talking about?” You were not even more confused. You knew he knew about your crush on his best friend but he didn’t think he would outwardly call you about it, though it did help since you were planning to confess to him on Christmas day. “ Keiji-kun, its rude to speak on the phone while you're in the table” Aone’s eyes shot up to his mother. She never commented on someone else's actions, especially when she talks on the phone in the table too. “ Sorry, ‘I’ll call you later (Y/N)’ Again, sorry for being rude Mrs.Aone, I think its best for me to leave, thank you for the food” Futakuchi power walked to the door, giving a signal to Aone that he’ll text him later.
“ Yea, you’re mom is definitely jealous” The notification pulled up on Aone’s phone. “ She never comments on my actions :('' a second message came in. Determined to fix the issue, Aone made his way to his mother’s room. “Hi baby, what’s up” his mother looked up from her book. “Why are you acting weird” he bluntly stated. “ I have no ide-”...” The first time I have a girl that likes me back, you act all different. I thought you would be happy for me.” Aone said with a monotone voice. “ Takanobu, baby, you wouldn;t understand. What she feels for you is temporary. Don’t you remember what Sayu made you feel? She liked you for one week and left you. What makes you think that (Y/N) won’t do the same? They all just want to hurt you, like your dad hurt me” He saw his mother spit every word out. He knew his after leaving caused a heavy impact on her. He became the man of the house, a pillar for his mother to lean on. He could never leave his mother. What if she had a point? What if you temporarily liked him? Why would he leave his mothers side to be with someone who would love him for one day? He kneeled down by his mother, tears threatening to spill out. “ Takanobu, look at me. You can;t continue to like her. She will never love you like I do” Her words opened the gates to his tears. She held her son once again, despite his large size, he would always be her little boy.
Everyone noticed how Aone seemed to ignore you in school. You couldn’t say he stopped talking to you, the only form of communication the both of you had was through small notes. You naive mind tried to find excuses. “ What if he is trying to play hard to get, it’ll make the confession much more worth it now. Wait. isn;t tomorrow Christmas?!” Taking out a small note, you quickly wrote. Passing it to Aone’s seatmate. Aone opened the small note, wanting to not even read it, remembering his mothers words. “Please meet me by the Christmas Tree outside the school gate around sun down tomorrow!” Aone crumbled the small letter in his palm and placed it in his pocket. Tomorrow he would tell you how he felt. Tomorrow finally came, you put on a beautiful christmas dress. It was a deep blue, complementing Aone’s name and white hair. You grabbed the neatly wrapped present and made your way to the school gates. The sun was setting way faster than you expected, the street lights were coming on as you saw Aone from a distance, sitting on the bench near the highly decorated tree. “Aone-san!” you quietly yell as you power walk to him. His eyes stayed fixated on the tree, not wanting to look at you. Sitting down next to him, you pushed the present towards him. “No thank you” is all he said. Turning his face to you, you saw his tear stained face. “ I always dreamed of finding a soulmate. Getting excited to see a single person is all I ever wanted. I thought it was you too, but you’re just like the rest.” Aone softly said. His words were like baldes to your heart. “What?” your voice cracked. “ My mother always knows what is right, I loved you (Y/N), I really did, but I trust her more than you. Looking at the stars, I remembered you and I asked if there was anyone for me, perhaps in another galaxy far from here. I will keep looking for a thousand light years”. Aone simply stood up and walked away. The cold wind comforted you, the dim lights made the tears streaming down your face look like shooting stars. With shaking hands, you opened the gift. Pulling out the small turtle ceramic, you smashed it on the floor, revealing a turtle keychain with the small words “Be Mine?”
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cloudraker · 3 years
Can I get a matchup for tfp? Preferably with a male character please, either bot or con is fine!
I'm a short and chonky girl with short fluffy dark hair, and my style flip flops between grungy/punk/goth to kawaii and pastel, or just any combination of those two. If I had more money, I'd collect earrings by the bucketfull to suit either style.
Hobbies: Art (painting and drawing), baking, gaming, writing (fiction and poetry, plushie collecting, reading
Favorite places: Theme parks, mountains/forests, the OCEAN (all caps bc I love it most), toy and/or accessory shops
Likes: Superhero and action films/cartoons/comics/etc, studying animals and nature (my career path), my sweet little puppy Charlie whom I'd destroy god with my bare hands for
Dislikes: BULLIES. Hate them. Hate them so much, with a passion, 29/10 would wipe the concept of bullying from existence. Also spaces that are both tight and crowded, "busting your chops" and sarcasm and teasing (i hardly ever understand when/how it's friendly).
Upon first impressions, I've been told I seem standoffish and unwelcoming despite not feeling it. As in, I may have resting bitchface even though I'm relatively happy to talk. I'm a little awkward and prefer to be approached first, otherwise I might never say anything, and when I do talk I love, LOVE to ramble on about something I know or have recently learned a lot about. I also love to play, and by that I mean in general. Games, whether physical or just video games, are awesome and I really like them. I get competitive but I make sure I stay polite and light hearted. I'm a very sincere and literal person too, so I don't always do well with people who are sarcastic or snarky. I mean, I know the difference between a snarky person and a jerk, but still.
As either a friend or lover, I'm SUPER loyal and sincere. It's very hard for me to lie or keep secrets unless it's a little personal thing that I'm embarrassed about. And I will always, ALWAYS be willing to serve and help and I'll be upset if someone I love has a problem and there's nothing I can do. I will do anything from physical/mental tasks to emotional support. I'm at least 99.999% sure part of that is because I have a combination of "eldest daughter syndrome" and "gifted child syndrome". But I still like to think that because helping and being kind makes me feel good, that I may actually be kind.
I also consider myself a mom friend in terms of how I like to take care of people and readily accept any responsibility. And as a former gifted kid I hold myself to high standards and, may or may not overwork myself from time to time.
Hey, thank you so much for requesting! So sorry for the wait <3
I match you with...
Under the cut :)
He is here for the style changes, absolutely hypes you up whenever he can. He’s picked up a decent amount about aesthetics thanks to Knock Out, so he might even be able to lend a hand!
Breakdown doesn’t have a huge appreciation for the finer arts, but he’s more than happy to listen to you talk about what it is you’re working on at the time. He finds it amazing that you can create something like that, and might even try his hand at it himself with some prompting
He’s a big guy, so going to places like amusement parks is a bit hard for him, even if you overlooked the alien robot part. So walks together in secluded areas are perfect! Earth is so much different from Cybertron, and even though Breakdown isn’t exactly one to stop and smell the roses, he can appreciate how organic life has grown on this planet 
He’s not a huge fan of the beach though, sand gets everywhere and it’s so hard to get out of his seams! Much more willing to join you if it’s at a rocky beach
Doesn’t think much of your standoffishness. He’s a former wrecker, and some of the best bots he’s ever met had the grouchiest faces, so he’s not going to judge you for the way you look. He probably approaches you first, striking up conversation the best he can 
Breakdown agrees with you on the bullies part; he’s seen firsthand how horrible others can be treated and doesn’t care for it one bit. The teasing part though he’s a bit iffy on, believing that a bit of lighthearted teasing between friends and partners is healthy, but won’t engage in it with you if you’re not comfortable with it
Games? He loves games! Will absolutely try to get you to play lob with him, forgetting how easily you could get squished. Settles for something more human-friendly, as long as it’s still something physical. He doesn’t have the patience for something like a board game 
Appreciates your loyalty more than he cares to admit. As a Decepticon, loyalty seems to be hard to come by, and factor in the fact that you’re human, and he’s got quite a few insecurities about the relationship. But knowing you’re there for him and are willing to help him when he needs it does a lot to reassure him. He tries to do the same in return, but he’s honestly not the best with emotions. He’s trying though
He’s used to Knock Out working a lot, so he’s able to easily pull you away from your own work when he thinks you’re overworking yourself, making sure you actually eat something 
Despite his size he’s very careful with you! He enjoys carrying you around when he can so you can keep up and stop yourself from being underfoot
It’s a stable and mostly calm relationship, the two of you trust each other completely and he would do almost anything if it was to keep you safe
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the-dreadful-canine · 3 years
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Thanks for the Six Sentence Sunday tag @varric-tethras-editor @emerald-amidst-gold and @oxygenforthewicked 💕 it's Monday and the sun is long gone, so I'm going to pull a WIP Whenever >:v
I'm gifting @little-lightning-lavellan @noire-pandora and @dungeons-and-dragon-age with a free WIP Whenever ticket 🎫 (but only if you want to 💖)
Lemonade under the cut. 👀
Pls don't judge me too hard if it is shitty, it's still unedited :'D
Contains: Feels, praise, ropes, unorthodox use of magic, good ol' smut
[...] The dying sunlight trickled into their chambers by the time Elizabeth finished the last of knots, and the moment she pulled back to admire the work, her breath caught. His freckled skin was painted in spots of saturated gold from the sun, and streaks of crimson from where the light hit the silky strings binding the wrists over his head.
“Gorgeous.” she exhales, tracing the knotwork covering his forearms, before cupping his face in both hands to press a kiss to the forehead “That’s what you are, ma’fen. Gorgeous.”
“Thank you, but I carry only the beauty your eyes give me, vhenan.” Solas answers, heat spreading over his cheeks at the heartfelt compliment.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Elizabeth takes her sweet time admiring her handiwork, pleased at the aesthetic of the result. The rope was a stark contrast against pale skin, and the simple but elegant knots and shiny silk looked like red vines around his limbs. Laying over the black sheets, he looked nothing short of a piece of art set up for her sole appreciation.
Knowledge that he’d willingly lay there -vulnerable- for as long as she wished, eager to please in any way she considered fair? Having such power over a man such as him could be intoxicating, she thought, goosebumps breaking over her skin.
Solas fought to keep his breath steady while Elizabeth watched, but it was a losing battle. The dying light caught in the eyes he loved so much, turning hazel into embers. And they seared his body like a physical touch, nearly burning away what little fabric covered his flushed skin.
Biting back a discontent whimper when she turned away, he grieved the loss of her attention. He squirmed then, moving over the dark sheets, thighs spread as far as the bindings allowed, back arched and eyes pleading a shameless request:
Look at me.
His eyes follow her deliberated movements around the room. The curtains are pulled closed, warding off the cold that the fire under his skin didn’t let his body register. The appreciative look he gets when she whirls around is like a breath of fresh air. Then she’s at the nightstands, lighting candles even when both could see well enough in the dark. But ‘well enough’ would not fit this night, would it?
The swaying hips pull his eyes like a magnet as she walks to the door and his heart skips a beat. Please don’t make me wait, I need you. But the powerful surge of mana filling the air makes it race for a whole other reason when he catches a familiar pattern being etched over the door. A silence glyph. Oh.
Glyph activated, she turns around to face the bed.
Dark, primal satisfaction blooms deep in her chest at the sight of her bound lover. Cheeks flushed, hooded eyes, heavy breathing and completely spread thighs glistening from his leaking arousal are an offer she can’t find it in herself to deny.
The inferno raging in her veins spurs her to move, having enough of looking. Dress discarded to the floor, she stalks to the bed, chuckling low when the view of her bare body snaps his control. A blue stream of elvish fills the air in between deep breaths while he tries to call back the thin layer of frost covering the red binding his wrists. No indomitable focus, vhenan?
Solas watches with bated breath as she stalks over him, her favored form bleeding on the fluidity of her movements, like the huntress ready to pounce on prey. In any other situation, he might have laughed and teased at the irony of playing halla to her wolf. But the blazing eyes and the thrill of the hunted bewitched him, no words of humor coming out of his mouth.
And when she settles over him, her thick thighs caging his hips and slick center pressing right over where he needs the most, his frayed thread of control finally snaps. Every rational thought drowns under a wave of need and he tugs at the bindings, the urge to touch and thrust overriding her command to stay still.
At the outburst she kneels and holds him down by the hips with her hands, cutting short the desperate rutting threatening to take over him. Maybe she did tease him too much this time around, the poor pup. But stopping anytime soon was not on the plans.
The dawn was still ages away, after all.
Deciding to leave his weeping cock alone for now, his thighs are straddled instead. Tracing the pointed ear tip rewards her with a needy growl from her lover, and she smirks, repeating the motion, reveling in the shudder of his body. He nuzzles her palm when she caresses his flushed cheek, and her smirk melts into something softer. The fire in her veins gentling to a soft warmth in a wave of pure affection that fills her chest to the point she fears it might burst.
She opens her side of their connection and he gasps before mirroring the action. The meeting of lips is soft and intense as the bond swirls inside them in a dance, intense and wild like a winter storm. She is the first to pull away from the kiss and close the connection, keeping their foreheads connected while they catch their breaths.
“Ar lath ma, vhenan.” she whispers, kissing his forehead once, twice, before resuming her hand’s journey.
He tilts the head when her hand trails down his face and she accepts the offer, grabbing his jaw between two fingers, the rest covering the side of his neck. She squeezes lightly, humming in satisfaction when more than just his pulse jumps and throbs under her touch, reacting to the pressing of nails on the vulnerable skin.
Small chains of lightning charge palm when she runs it down his body, and she can’t help but watch in a trance to the impromptu display of elvhen flexibility. Solas’ torso arches off the sheets in a chase for her touch, but his hips barely shift on the mattress, locked between her muscular thighs. Her mind races with all the ways she could enjoy this newfound talent, but a chocked moan brings her back to the moment.
Solas is squeezing his eye, lip caught between his teeth, a face of total concentration as he fights to stay still while her lightning teases his throbbing cock, the head shiny, dark and sensitive, weeping a mess every time a spark brushes against it.
“Ah ah ah.” she tuts, her thumb tugging his lip free from his teeth “No hiding your voice, ma’fen. Let me hear you sing.” a spark running straight to his sac on her last word, lifting his hips out of the bed.
*takes a big sip of holy water*
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
hcs: reader comes out as asexual to Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou
request: Hi, I'm so sorry this is actually my second request, I also asked for those sleep cuddler ones, I hope it's fine if I have another idea >//> maybe Shoto, Deku and Bakugo when their s/o comes out as asexual (the sex repulsed kind) they don't ever think they want to have sex. Okay, I'm so sorry and thank you so so much sweetie, luv uu♡♡♡♡
Before I start, I’d like to say that I am not asexual, so I found it a little difficult and I hope my information was accurate! Please let me know if I made any mistakes :) Enjoy reading!
xxx Damla
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Todoroki Shouto
literally won’t see what the big deal is
he’ll just be like “okay”
not in a bad way!
It’s just that todoroki doesn’t get why that would be such a weird thing to people
you’re still you, whether you’re asexual or not 
I honestly don’t see todoroki as someone who cares about sex that much anyway
If it happens it happens, if it doesn’t he really doesn’t care
he loves every part of you
and there are a ton of other ways to show someone that you love them
if anyone ever dares to be mean to you about your sexuality its on sight >:(
even if you don’t care, people should not be making stupid remarks about anyone at all
his chill attitude might make things a little difficult when it comes to you feeling bad about your sexuality
now of course theres nothing to feel bad about, but i can imagine its hard for asexual people to feel comfortable when society makes sex seem like something important that everyone is supposed to do
I can imagine that Todoroki doesn’t really know or understand that
but i also think he’s a quick learner
so you just need to be clear with him, no giving hints, be direct
he also will ask questions that might sound weird, but you can tell he genuinely wants to know and if you don’t wanna answer that’s fine!
he just wants to be more educated 
he’d probably be one of the last people to judge you in any situation
so all in all, he absolutely loves you just the way you are and wouldn’t want anyone else
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Midoriya Izuku
ngl it wouldnt surprise me if Midoriya were asexual himself
i’m not saying that he is or isn’t, just an idea
but I’m 100% sure that he would completely understand!
he would be so reassuring if you feel nervous or bad when you come out to him
but he really doesn’t think badly of you
he loves you, and that’s it 
there are so many ways to be affectionate and intimate with people, he really doesn’t mind
in fact, he likes it!
you two find many creative ways to show each other love
lowkey becomes a mini competition and izuku takes it SO seriously
mans will do the most extra things for you
he was going to do them either way but now he has an excuse >:)
if anyone makes fun of you he will definitely tell them off
it might get a little too much, but its just because he cares about you a lot and hate when people talk so negatively about you or your sexuality
lowkey i can see him giving you small gifts with the asexual pride flag on it (C R Y )
like small buttons, maybe a shirt that happens to have that colour scheme
he might ask you questions, but he won’t be invasive at all! 
just how he usually is with analysing people’s quirks
I can see him doing this bc its not just the quirk itself that matters, so does the identity of that person
so the questions won’tbe limited to ur sexuality and he probably does that to anyone about whom he writes in his notebook
he just really loves you and accepts you no matter what
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Bakugou Katsuki
This first reaction?
kinda angry-ish
he’s not angry at you being asexual
he just wonders why you didn’t tell him earlier
(that’s his inferiority complex making him go crazy)
but he’s still kinda chill about it 
“Okay and??”
it's no big deal for him
of course he cares about more than just sex
he isn’t in a relationship only for that, he needs an actual connection with that person
i don’t see bakugou as someone who would just get into relationships at any given time
he will find other ways to show you how much he loves you 
(and he will be the absolute best at it bc as i've said many times before, bakugou never half-asses anything)
he loves you, even though he will not say that out loud easily at the start
he will be understanding in his own way
and he will make sure to know your boundaries, which he will most likely ask
bc consent matters! It’s consent if you say yes, not if you don’t say no
will also beat anyone’s ass if they dare to talk badly about you
though bakugou still is harsh as usual, he will never ever bring your sexuality in it, even if you don’t care about it
in his own way, he tries to show you that he loves you unconditionally and would always be by your side
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years
rule #6 | l.dh
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Summary: With Donghyuck, growing to love feels like a black hole, but not the depressing kind. Rather, it's something hard to get away from — like a force, a very strong force that allows no escape, and it's incredibly luminous as if going supernova.
Word Count: 3.5k
a/n: hi, this is moon from somewhere august, scheduling this post before i chicken out again :D by the time it's posted, it's already Christmas so,,, merry christmas y'all who celebrate!!!! Lots of love!!!
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Just like most things involving Donghyuck, falling in love with him isn't such a good idea.
That was way too sped up, though. The best way to start this story, of course, is from the very beginning— the day human migraine number one (a.k.a Jaemin) decided to bring in evil genius Huang Renjun to the circle. That would've been fine. It just so happened that beside him sat the devil incarnate, Lee Donghyuck, and that, well, is totally all four directions far away from what's acceptable.
Rule number one to surviving this life thing: Never trust cute boys with sunshine smiles and mischief in their eyes, a.k.a Donghyuck, or Haechan, whatever name he decided to go by. That's why when he reaches his hands out over the table to your direction, you quickly dismiss his attempt — "Hi! I haven't met you yet, did you skip first period? You're Y/N, ri—"
"Please never speak to me." was your reply then, and human migraine number two (a.k.a Chenle) laughs. Jaemin nags for the rest of the break, talking about manners and getting along. The fools nod alongside him. You grumble, moody for no reason and feeling particularly mean, but you warmly smile at Mark when he arrives at your table. Somewhere along the lines, you met stares with the new boy, and you give him an indifferent look.
Donghyuck took the nonchalance as a challenge.
The following weeks have been infuriating.
Rule #2: At all times, seek Lee Jeno's company. Unreliable as he seems when it comes to patience, the boy is quite reasonable sometimes.
Your windows align with the sweet-faced boy, your roofs almost touching — if you tried hard enough, you two could sit together, side by side, just like this. Cold wind blows, but it doesn't make you shiver. Jeno's warm, and maybe that's why you love cuddling with him so much. Maybe.
Just maybe, that could be the reason.
"I can't hear what you're saying," he slowly says, laughter seeping through his lips. You whine at that, moving away so he could see you and you could speak clearly. His hand remains holding your chin up, endearing in a soft way, but it doesn't wash away your frown. "What were you saying?"
You groan, "I said, he's so annoying! The audacity, Lee Jeno, he had the audacity to call me ba—"
Jeno watches you with tender eyes. Your heart softens, and you forget whatever next words you had to say. Maybe things will be okay? He's here, after all. Just right next door.
At least, something is going right.
This new boy, it seems, is appealing to many. During his first week, people have constantly trying to 'show him around', and that excuse doesn't die down until one month. From then on, people just keep following him around with "Good morning, Haechan!", "Goodbye, Haechan!" and "How was the weekends for you, Haechan-ssi?"
To be honest, it's something you had to grow used to even way before the showed up. Having Na Jaemin and Mark Lee from the Basketball team in your circle just really has a way of putting the spotlight on your lunch table. Not to mention, Renjun, Jeno, and Jisung, who despite being quiet, just has a certain charm to them — Jaemin's words, not yours. And oh, don't even get started on Chenle. That boy is a social butterfly.
The difference is that he keeps entertaining them, unlike the others who awkwardly laughs or just greets back — safe to say that sometimes, the 'goodness' of his heart gets in the way of your education and daily life. Times just like this.
Jisung's name shines brightly at the top of the list. You cling to the boy excitedly, pinching his cheeks and slightly bouncing on your heels, "You made it on the dance team, Sungie! Oh my God, oh my Go—"
"Y/N..." he drawls out, both hands resting on your shoulder as if to calm you down, but the excitement in his eyes betrays his intentions. On the other side, Renjun waves at you with the others. It makes you chuckle, and you motion for them come — that is, of course, until someone pushes you, almost sending you to the ground if not for Jisung catching you midfall.
The girl furrows her brows, "Move, you're blocking the way."
Your palms itch at that moment, and you couldn't believe just what you heard — the nerve!
"Where's your manners?" rings Donghyuck's voice from where he's slowly making way towards you with the others, a grimace on each of their faces. Attitude seeps from his gaze, the kind that would've made someone quiver. "Don't go around pushing people."
"Stop." you clench your hands to fists, thanking Jisung before straightening up. Through gritted teeth, you calmly look at the girl with a scowl on her face. "Look, I'm sorry, but can you politely ask me to move next time? That's be appreciated, thank you."
After bidding the others a small smile, you turn around to make your way to the library. What? For peace? For space? Just to be as far away from the boy following you right now as possible? You don't even know at this point. You feel like your celebration is ruined and all you want is distance from the person you dislike the most — to be honest, you don't know anything about him aside from the fact that he's Lee Donghyuck and that he's annoying, and that you automatically hate him. You don't plan on knowing more. That's why before entering the library, you turn around to face him with a solemn look.
"Thank you." he halts in shock. His smile widens, but you look at him with the same seriousness in your face. "But don't do it again. I don't need saving, Lee Donghyuck."
Later that night, you grit your teeth as you write down another rule: Say your gratitude but don't get used to the way he saves you. You're not a damsel. Just hand the goddamn sword or you'll be fine with your fists — maybe your eyes for daggers, too.
Rule #3: Never go to him for comfort.
22nd of April, 10:35 p.m. You close your eyes and wait. The clock hits eleven and you open the door for the others, greeting everyone with a cheerful smile. "Where's Jaemin?"
Mark shrugs, "Said he has an essay. He'll be late for a bit, but he'll make it before 12."
23rd of April, 12:00 a.m, your heartbeat races. Everything's all set, everyone's in the living room. You take out your phone with a giggle, typing out 'Happy Birthday, dummy!!!' with the biggest grin on your face. Jisung judges you slightly, but he quickly forgets it when a taunting yell from Renjun comes. You sit in the kitchen, staring at the delicately decorated cake, and you wait.
One hour turns to two, then three. Your smile fades slightly, and you check your phone for replies. When nothing comes, you click over his contact shakily.
To: Star <3
Happy Birthday, dummy!!!
Hey, Jen? You're one door away from me and yet you're an hour late.
Birthday boy, you're not ditching us on your own celebration, aren't ya?
When are you coming over ;-;
From: Star <3
I'm sorry!!!
Sorry but I'll be late!
Jaeminnie really needs my help with something.
We'll be there! I'm sorry, Y/N
Your smile disappears. Sullenly making your way to the living room, you count your steps to keep your ground. You look at the others in front of you with a smile, "Go start the movie, I'll wait for Jeno and Jaemin outside. Deal?"
"Sure." Chenle chirps, his grin never fading. Must be because of cheating his way through besting Jisung, Donghyuck, Mark, and Renjun at Monopoly for the past three hours, probably ruining their friendship. Oblivious to the world, Renjun grumbles something about Jeno never being punctual, that he'd pray that trait onto him as a birthday gift. You glance at them before heading back outside, sitting down outside your door, head in between your knees.
A tear. Maybe two. Is this how heartbreak feels like? The kind of crying where you can't even make a sound because people could hear, but then even your teardrops seem to be so loud.
The door opens and you put your head up, hurriedly wiping them away. You put on your best smile until Donghyuck occupies the space beside you. He hands you a handkerchief.
"Don't," he whispers when you obviously hold down a sob, and he leans you on his chest. You cry freely there — you don't know why you let him of all people, but all you know was that you couldn't think straight; desperation blooms on your chest like fresh flowers die over time, and he doesn't judge. He just holds you — no cheesy pet name, no flirty looks, no catch. Just someone to be with.
At 4 a.m with Lee Donghyuck, the starless sky and the moon all alone looks a little less lonely. In front of you, the sun begins to rise.
Rule #4: Aaaaand if you don't follow the preceding rule, then, you're fucked. This is your mess. Good luck, you're alone on this one.
After Jeno's birthday (and after he made up to you, he spent a month doing that.) something just begins to change. A pleasant shift, according to Mark.
From that day, something in you says that maybe, just maybe, he's not so bad and you were just unfair to him. This realization must be something brought by time; slowly, you got used to Renjun and Hyuck being a part of your circle. These tutoring sessions must be a factor as well, judging how to two get to spend time alone in the same table as you can't possibly study with the others around you.
Donghyuck would do anything to evade mathematics, though. At least that's what it looks like right now, as he doodles around the margins instead of solving the problems, and then opens a topic, "Nana and Jisung looks cute together. Should've known they wouldn't be serious with each other, him and Jeno."
You roll your eyes, but not the way you did back then. It's way softer, much more affectionate. "It's been a year, let them be."
"So what? It's only been a year." he seems really determined to waste time. He even makes a show of briefly making eye contact before pouting at the paper, "You and Jeno still pretend to be just friends, but the whole school's just waiting for you two to kiss."
You chuckle, "We don't."
"You do."
"Used to." you correct. You look over to the other table, Jaemin and Jeno throwing a banter while Jisung begs them to stop before Renjun smacks them all with a book. You gaze down the notes you're studying before shrugging, "Things change."
"Example?" he tentatively asks, absentmindedly tracing the letters and numbers scattered around his notebook. You rest your chin on your palm.
"Well, now, I might like you." because honestly, you do. He's a great company, although sometimes overwhelming and annoying. Especially that most of the time when he's with Jaemin, they brew the worst ideas together and it's pretty much storm from there.
It would be a lie to say that it's not one of the things that makes you feel warm, slowly growing fond. Your voice softens as he tilts up to meet your gaze, and you flash him a saccharine smile. "Soon, it might not be because you're my friend."
Things like this make you feel like you've missed everything with Jeno, all the things you both could've had; it's like you should've been like this. It's like you should've been holding hands, or walking down the streets, or sitting on a rooftop and asking for a kiss. The kind that would send a rush of energy on your veins, shaking you back to life, losing you to the dream that is the way his lips move against you. But best friends don't do that, so you don't.
Hyuck is not Jeno, though. He's not your best friend.
With Donghyuck, growing to love feels like a black hole, but not the depressing kind. Rather, it's something hard to get away from — like a force, a very strong force that allows no escape, and it's incredibly luminous as if going supernova.
Rule #5: Well, seems like you can't back out now. Love him. Love him so much that the sunshine in his eyes never fades.
"Why are we celebrating Mark's last day in town?" Donghyuck sits down in the living room, looking around at the place — balloons, snacks, a cake, everyone in your friend group. He sets down his gift, "Are we that glad that he's leaving?"
Mark huffs, "You'd fucking cry once you miss me and I'm cities away, Lee Donghyuck."
"I won't miss you because I'm coming over to your dorm every day and I'm dragging everyone with me." Donghyuck smiles and even when Mark shoves him a little at that, everyone knows that he's happy the younger said that. He flashes his sly smile, "You, however... ah, what do we do? Mark might miss me so much he fails three subjects."
Everyone cackles at that, and Mark only raises his arms at surrender, saying something about not joking like that because he's honestly 'terrified to start hell', wanting to just stay here and finish school with all of you, ranting about how troublesome it is to transfer. You lean back on your loveseat, lightly kicking Hyuck's feet. "What?"
"You talk like this but you'd sulk tomorrow, wouldn't you?" You taunt, snickering. "This is false advertising."
Donghyuck gapes as the others fall over laughing. "Oi, are you trying to help me fill out all the ten reasons I hate you?"
"You have only ten for me?" you add, and for some reason, that makes the others laugh harder. "I have a hundred for you, Hyuckie."
"I could write you thousands—"
Jeno scrunches his face, hands moving to cover Donghyuck's mouth. "Just please go kiss each other."
Donghyuck tears away from his hold, rolls his eyes, and waves goodbye. He tugs you away from Jaemin and then leads you upstairs, but not before one last banter with Jeno, who, in his all confused expression, tilts his head in question, "Ya, where are you going?"
"I'm not kissing Y/N in front of you fools."
And true to his word, that's what he does.
Donghyuck smiles like the world is kind, like unending unconditional love, without boundaries nor fears. He kisses like that, too, passionate and deep. He does it like it's the end of the world, as if it's the only thing he wants to do. He does it like he's thanking every single thing that led him up to this moment. He kissed you under those stars in his balcony, a hand warm on your waist with the other softly caressing your jaw, and it seemed like it lasted forever.
Because that's the truth. The last time never feels like the last time. There had to be more to this than what the skies have laid down.
Inside your dreamy little mind, Donghyuck was eternal and the love you shared was forever. That's what happened. You thought you had forever.
You thought you had forever, but you didn't.
Rule #6: But that won't make him stay if he's bound to leave. Accept that and love him, still. Love him through the rain.
"Lee Jeno tripped!" yells Chenle's loud voice, gaining the attention of everybody in the room, "And fell in love with Y/N, totally whipped that they can't even shop separately!"
"Hell, Chenle, where's your mute button?" Renjun hissed, "We gotta buy presents too. Who decided to do this so late, though? It's the 24th! You guys should've done it weeks ago!"
"Let's go?" Jeno asks, blatantly ignoring Renjun as he waits for you to take his hands. You smirk, waving the folded paper to the others after entwining fingers with him.
"Bye, losers! See y'all later~" you wink. Before being dragged out the Cafe, you point at your friends' direction "Whoever had my name better give me a decent gift, or Christmas is cancelled!"
"Baby, stop that," he asks, squeezing your hands to make you calm down. Your laugh even louder. He smiles, "Who did you get?"
"Hey, Lee, you don't get special treatment just because I'm dating you. It's a secret." you roll your eyes, a skip in your step even though the weather is cold. Jeno steals a peck on your cheeks, and your eyes widen. "Lee Jeno!"
Before you could even catch him, he's already running away from you, and you're almost falling over laughing as you try to catch up to him. He meets you at the end, in front of a busy mall, and catches you with a hug. You laugh on his chest, warm against his hold.
If memories come washing over you, no one has to know. Jeno looks lovely against white. He feels like art on a Christmas day, so beautiful and warm and special. That's all that matters.
"We agreed that we wouldn't try..." Donghyuck whispers, arms around you, "if things will get too harsh on the other, didn't we?"
"Yeah... if I was to leave, Hyuck, I don't want you waiting on me." you responded, half-asleep and sincere, "But I'm only saying it because I'm not leaving."
Donghyuck laughed, "Well, just making sure that if that happens, we'll meet again, yeah?"
"Hyuck, shut up. Nobody's leaving." you groaned, stirring at the joyful yelling downstairs. "Looks like it's 12 already. Merry Christmas, baby."
"Mhm, Merry Christmas. I love you." He smiles, leaves a slow, gentle kiss on your lips. "I love you. I'll love you even more this year."
Does moving away without a word count as loving someone more than you did the past year?
"You're spacing out." Jeno smiles, "Am I that handsome?"
"You always are. Stunning." you quickly reply, a little guilty. You enter the busy room and part ways so that you could shop for your gifts, but not before deciding on a meeting point and leaving a sweet, loving kiss. "Come back, yeah?"
"Of course." he nods before parting ways. Your heart remains at peace — as planned, at the end of the day, Jeno would come back to you at the entrance. He won't leave like the other did. He won't do that to you...
Two hours before Christmas, you sit down on your own for a bit, occasionally distracted by the noise. At their loudness, you can make out Mark trying to calm everybody down, Jaemin threatening murder to keep Jisung and Mark away from the kitchen, Jeno convincing Chenle to get a dog. As you write down their yearly letters, you can't get rid of the smile on your face.
Why they decided to spend this holiday at yours, you don't really understand. Can't say you're against it, though. It's perfect; the tree all of you built together, the presents, the games you'll spend the night playing. The friendship.
Only that someone's missing. As if to lessen the pain, you write his name down on the paper — except it's not a new one, but rather, the page you've been foolishly writing your rules on; the rules that never stood a chance to save you. You trace your hands over the words, but you quickly shake nostalgia away as you turn the page over.
Hello, Donghyuck-ah!
You know the drill. For some time, you received some of my letters, didn't you? After all, we spent some years together... as enemies, as friends, as lovers. You probably memorized how it goes: I'll dwell on the year, I'll tell you how I chose your gift, I'll try to say how much I adore you, and then I'll thank you for being here.
Unfortunately this time, I can't tell you how our year went... I didn't spend it with you. I wasn't able to get you a gift, too, because I don't know if your preferences changed. And I can't thank you for being here. I can't because you're not.
Though I could still tell you that I love you, now it's kind of different. It's less of something that desperately needs you, and more of the kind that longs for you. Jeno and I got together at last. It's complicated how we happened, but we gave it a try and... just. That. You won't read this, but I still want you to know... even if this will never reach you.
Remember that we said that we'll meet again? Well, where are you? Are you happy? How's life been, miles away from home, from your friends, Hyuck-ah?
Merry Christmas. I hope you're happy.
I hope you are, of course, I do. I want you to be happy, I do. I can't wish for anything more — I want you to be happy... just that I hope you're sad sometimes, too, just like me... because of me. I want your heart to break sometimes too. I want you to cry sometimes too. In those empty spaces, I want you to remember me.
And I know you won't do any of that, but in my twisted imagination, you do. And you are.
You're the happiest you could be, but not that much — not happy enough that you'd forget me.
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