#please bear with me i am sooo out of practice with writing
delightfuldevin · 8 months
Bowsario AU fic (No Title cause I’m bad at titles)
Summary: With super powered villains creeping up all over the world, it was obvious for Mario that he wanted to get into the hero business. Most other heroes had powers of their own, too, but Mario would just have to make do with the temporary magic granted to him by the mysterious plants he tended to. What happens, then, when his face strikes fear into not just the villains he fights, but even the civilians he tries to save? How is he meant to be a hero when he's associated with one of the most powerful villains in the world?
Silly little au thing that popped into my brain as soon as I saw this prompt and I had to write it. I didn’t know how to end it so apologies that it just sorta cuts off. Also I hc Mario to be semi verbal, so he doesn’t speak in this. It’s hard to write characters who don’t speak (as someone who talks a lot lmao) so bear with me here,,
Mario is easily the most well known hero around here. Sure, he had a rough start being the new guy in a big city, but once he proved his capabilities, everyone would come to him for just about anything. He's an inspiration to all, having graduated top of his class from one of the most prestigious hero academies without any natural born powers at all. Turns out, all you really need is a green thumb and the right kind of seeds. Those "fire flowers" of his can pack just as much a punch as any pyromancer.
"Ready to head out, bro?" Mario smiles as his younger twin throws his arm over his shoulder. Luigi had attended the academy with him and, against all odds, graduated with a score just under his. He always knew his brother could make it with him, even if no one else did, even Luigi himself. The guy doesn't know his own strength, but Mario does. After living in the city for the first few years after graduating, the brothers decided to move back to their hometown. If they were going to make a difference in the world, they wanted to start in the place they call home.
The plane ride was uneventful, and soon enough they're in the airport of their hometown. "Say, you think Peach will remember us?" Luigi asks absently as they wait for their luggage on the conveyor belt. Why wouldn't she, Mario thinks to himself. It's only been six years since they saw her last. If she did forget them, he'd definitely give her an earful about it. Suddenly, they hear a scream.
"Help! Somebody stop him!" A masked Beanish man runs through the airport, carrying a bag as a Toad woman chases after him. She was the one who had screamed before, still calling after him. Easily coming to a conclusion, Mario jumps into action, stopping the Beanish man in his tracks.
"Out of the way, red! No one stops Popple the Shadow Thief!" This guy seems weak enough, so Mario readies to fight him with his bare hands, leaving the fire flowers in his pocket. "Oh, you wanna tussle, ey? Fine then! I'll pummel ya and take whatever ya got, too!" This Popple fellow seemed not to have gotten a good look at Mario's face before, because once he does, he suddenly starts trembling, shrinking back from him.
"W-wait a second, you're–!" He pauses and puts the Toad woman's bag down on the floor slowly, hands up as if trying to appease a wild beast. "S-sorry about this, truly! I-I didn't mean none of what I said to ya, I swear!" And just like that, Popple runs off at an even higher speed than when he was trying to escape the woman in the first place.
Eyebrow raised in confusion, Mario stoops down to pick up the bag and walks it over to its owner. "Oh, thank you so much, kind sir." Mario smiles as she cranes her neck up to look at him, her short stature preventing her from seeing him properly. But the second she sees his face, her eyes widen enough to pop out of her skull and she lets out a terrified squeak, hurrying away from him. Okay, what happened with that thief was odd, but this was even stranger. He had just helped her; why did she look so afraid of him? He turns over to Luigi, who had dragged both their bags over to him.
"Well, that was weird... right?" Still dumbfounded, Mario grabs his bag from Luigi and the two of them make their way out of the airport.
The rest of their short walk to their old home went quite the same as their time in the airport. The second anyone got a good look at Mario's face, they'd run away in terror. "Maybe you'd make a better villain instead, bro!" Luigi jokes as he unlocks the door to their house. Mario knows he means it lightheartedly, but it does get to him a bit. Why was he garnering such a reaction from everyone around him? He hadn't been around for six years, and he was only the kindest and sweetest to everyone before he left. Maybe some bad rumors spread about him while he was gone... But how did that happen?
"Hey, cheer up!" Luigi exclaims, noticing how his "joke" hadn't gone over so well. "Let's go see Peach! She doesn't know we're back in town yet!" He pats Mario's back, and the older twin forces a smile. For a brief moment, he worries that Peach will react the same way as everyone else, but he knows that wouldn't happen. She knows him better than anyone...
One of the upsides about having a best friend who's royalty is that you don't have to put in any effort to remember where they live. After all, how could you miss the giant marble castle standing proudly at the edge of the town? Mario ignores the stares he gets as he and Luigi walk through town and to the front of the castle. The Toad guards in front smile as Luigi approaches, but, like everyone else, freeze up when they see Mario.
"H-halt! Y-you... you can't come in here...!" The guards try to put on brave faces, speaking as firmly as possible, but their trembling voices aren't very convincing.
"Hey hey, easy, pals," Luigi tries, hands out to show he's not a threat. "We're friends of the Princess. Tell her Mario and Luigi are here to see her. She'll vouch for us!"
"Uh, okay, wait here then," the green Toad says, eying the brothers suspiciously.
"No, I wanna go tell her!" the purple Toad whisper-shouts.
"I'll tell her! You stay here!"
"I don't wanna stay here with him!"
"Shut up and deal with it! I'll be right back!" Before the purple Toad could retaliate again, the green one goes into the castle. Mario keeps up a smile as they wait, hoping to calm the purple Toad's nerves, but it doesn't seem to be working. Though it feels like hours pass, it must've only been a few minutes when they hear the Princess's voice on the other side of the door.
"I understand your concern, Toadsworth, but if a villain is polite enough to wait at my door before attacking, I'm willing to hear them out." The door swings open as the Princess, the green Toad guard, and a brown elderly Toad come out, though the elderly Toad immediately slides behind the Princess's dress in fear. "Maybe it's not as bad as it–" She pauses as her eyes fall upon the twins. Again, Mario fears the worst. But then, her mouth spreads into a wide grin, turning up her eyelids and making her cheeks plump.
"Oh my gosh!" She throws her arms around them, pulling them both against her. "Why didn't you tell me you guys were coming back today?! I would've planned something!"
"Nice to see you, too, Princess," Luigi laughs, returning her hug. With all the weird reactions he's been getting lately, Mario is taken aback to actually be receiving a warm welcome. But he smiles sincerely, laughing too, as he squeezes her as tight as he can. Peach loosens her grip on them, turning to look at the green Toad guard.
"Now why would you tell me there was a villain at my door when it was my two best friends I haven't seen in years?" Mario's smile begins to fall hearing that.
"W-well, y'know... On account of his association with... him..." Association with who? So he was right about there being some rumor about him, but what was it and why?
“Uh, Princess… What’s going on?” Luigi asks. “Ever since we arrived, everyone’s been giving Mario weird looks, and what’s this about him being a villain?!”
“News probably hasn’t spread to the city you were studying in. It did happen somewhat recently…” Peach sighs, bringing her hand to her forehead. Then, she smiles brightly, going to stand between the brothers and wrapping her arms in theirs. “Let’s go inside and have a seat. I’ll explain everything. Toadsworth!” The old brown Toad flinches upon hearing his name, still uneasy in Mario’s presence. “Be a dear and prepare us some tea, will you?”
“C-certainly, Your Highness!” The old Toad wastes no time, spinning on his heels and hurrying back inside, eager to make himself scarce. Meanwhile, Peach leads her best friends to the sitting room, which is the first room on the right when entering through the castle’s front door. They sit on the plush dark pink couches, remaining in antsy silence as Toadsworth returns with the requested tea.
Toadsworth’s hands tremble as he pours the tea. Luigi smiles and thanks him and he nods in response, but at Mario’s smile, the old Toad flinches again, nearly dropping the teapot. “Oh, for Stars’ sake, Toadsworth! Get over it!” Peach finally exclaims. “It’s Mario! You know him! He’s been my best friend since we were infants!“
“Y-yes, of course… F-forgive me.” Peach sighs again in exasperation, taking a sip of her tea before continuing to the brothers.
“So, as you might’ve guessed, a lot has happened since you went away to study. Goodness, where to start… Do you guys remember Bowser?” Mario and Luigi exchange unsure glances. “He went to high school with us? He was an exchange student from the Koopa Kingdom.” Again, the brothers exchange looks, before a metaphorical lightbulb goes off in Luigi’s head.
“Oh, right yeah! Remember, bro? He used to always pick fights with you?” That’s when Mario’s memory comes back as well. Bowser, huh… He was a strange guy. From the minute he arrived at the school, he seemed like trouble. He’d always try to insert himself into any situation, like he just had to be the center of attention. He’d even tried to get Peach to go out with him, despite knowing every guy in school had their eyes on her and would most definitely fight him over her.
But by far the strangest thing about him was the fact that he’d keep trying to antagonize Mario somehow. At first, Mario thought it was because he was friends with Peach, but Bowser never targeted Luigi and even after Peach made it clear she wasn’t going to date anyone, he would still try to bother him. At first, he’d really try to pick fist fights with him, but then it started devolving into silly little pranks that an elementary kid would do, like putting a jack-in-the-box in his locker or filling his shoes with candy during gym.
“Yeah, well, after graduation, right after you guys left, he returned to the Koopa Kingdom,” Peach continues. “I don’t know how it happened, but somehow he overthrew the Koopa King and he’s been ruling the kingdom ever since.”
“Uh… good for him…?” Luigi says with a shrug, confusion in his tone and on his face. “But what does he have to do with Mario?”
“He’s also become the most dangerous villain on the continent, and his power is only growing stronger. And after he ascended to the throne, he announced publicly that he’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt Mario.” Both brothers nearly choke on their tea. No wonder everyone thinks Mario is associated with a villain, but why would Bowser go to such lengths? It’s not like they were even friends. If anything, it seemed like Bowser couldn’t even stand being in the same room as him. “Well, he did have that little crush on you in high school, but I didn’t think he’d go this far…” Mario barely registers what the Princess just said, but when he does, his eyes go wide and he freezes up.
It’s obvious that Mario would be surprised about someone he went to school with becoming a powerful villain, but Peach soon realizes that that’s not the only thing that surprises him. “…I take it from your reaction that you didn’t know about his crush, huh?” Mario can only shake his head slowly, eyes still wide. “You knew, right, Luigi?”
“I mean, I didn’t guess it was a crush per se, but I could definitely tell he had some kinda complex goin’ on with my bro.”
“I would’ve said something, but I thought you already knew and were purposefully ignoring all the weird stuff he kept doing to get your attention. In any case, that’s the long and short of it. It didn’t take long for everyone’s perception of you to change. Even if it was clear you were aspiring to become a hero, the second Bowser announced any kind of relation to you, everyone became scared of your return.”
Once he recovers from the shock, Mario’s expression changes to that of determination. He’s going to become a hero no matter what, and his first step from here must be confronting Bowser. He hasn’t seen him in years and he wouldn’t even know what to say, but he has to go clear all of this up. He can’t become a hero if everyone is afraid of even being in his presence. So, he stands up and places his tea cup down on the table. There’s no time to lose. It’s off to the Koopa Kingdom with him.
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lavendercrumbleshake · 7 months
Hello, My name is LavenderCrumble! U can call me Lav or Miss Crumble for short ♡
Some things u should probably know about this blog
*~▪︎☆°♡ This blog is a cutesy, semi-nsfw blog, so some the posts that I write, like or repost will not be safe for work, if u don't like this please block, not report, if u are a minor do not follow me please I will block u.
*~▪︎☆°♡ I am a plus size (kinda working on it as best I can atm) black girl who is 19 years old, & want to make friends & mutuals that are also 18 or older on tumblr, pinterest & on discord, I will link my discord server & other socials here for anybody that wants to join, if anyone has any fun discord servers or other social accounts that are sfw/nsfw u would like to invite me to then my asks are always always open♡
*~▪︎☆°♡ Any pictures that u see on this blog aren't mine and are from Pinterest, Tumblr, or Twitter unless stated otherwise.
*~▪︎☆°♡ Some of my current interests include:
kawaiicore fashion, j-fashion, or just most alt fashion styles in general
maid cafés
sanrio (but notably kuromi, rilakkuma, korilakuma, hello kitty & my melody)
kawaii cafés
kawaii & sexy costumes/cosplays
cooking (especially asain food recipes)
kawaii bento boxes
cute kitchen appliances, cooking utensils, kawaii bento tools (like the hello kitty rice mold for example) pots, ect (preferably in pastel purple, or of cartoon characters like sanrio mascots)
asian snacks
kawaii food & drink recipes (I wanna recreate kawaii food plates from maid cafés or bento boxes like the ones on my pinterest board, or food from different animes)
super sonico & super pochaco(idk much but I love their mascots their sooo cute! I heard super sonico has an anime n i wanna watch it >v<)
anime figurines
gloomy bear
sweet/dessert smelling perfumes & body products
games & gameplay videos(Mostly horror games, story games, visual novel games, or RPGs)
Tumblr stories/tumblr headcanons/tumblr concepts & prompts (particularly monster fantasy themed stories or relationships, & semi dark headcanons, like some Yan! headcanons for example, monster bf/husband, and Dom bf/husband (idk why I like these but some of them are just fun to read even if i don't resonate with them personally per sey, still trying to figure it out) among others, there really isn't any particular characters that i like for this)
Tbh that's just to name a few, I have a lot more interests than that lol
*~▪︎☆°♡ My favorite colors are usually pastels purple, pink, blue, yellow & green in that order, but I also like most darker colors too, like chocolate brown, black, or dark red, but my least favorite color is and will almost always be orange, idk why I don't like that color much
*~▪︎☆°♡ As is the nature of tumblr, I will also be putting my random thoughts & mentally ill rambling on here too lol, both sfw & nsfw. I love this chaos platform♡
*~▪︎☆°♡NSFW Interests/Kinks
(Plz note that I am a virgin so all of this are just fantasies that I want to try with people who really care about me & who I really trust one day)
Giving thighjobs
Giving Assjobs
Giving Pantyjobs
Cockteasing (almost anything that involves giving a guy a huge boner basically)
Blowjobs(I wanna try to give one but I have a bit of a gag reflex rn ;< i need 2 get stuff 4 practice)
Cockwarming(wanna build up to this at some point)
Size difference(both in height & d size, im 4'11 rn due to spine compression from scoliosis but with improved stretching im 5'1)
Praise kink(I like being praised)
Praise & light degradation/teasing(it has to be light degradation mixed with Praise specifically, but im still exploring this too)
Light corruption kink(still exploring & researching this one)
Worshipping kink( I want a group of hard pervy simps to buy me all that I want & to worship the ground I walk on)
Possible Breeding/knotting kink (No Pregnancy or mentions of it) ( I kinda wanna know what it feels like tbh)
Possible dd/lg kink (not sure yet, but I found a lot of stuff that I like under those tags & it's variations)
Possible rope/bontage kink (I'm kinda exploring this one too bcuz I wanna be comfortably tied up & gagged but I have physical disabilities)
Possibly some CNC kinks; specifically stuff like somno or very light dubcon (another one that I'm still exploring rn)
Degrading & Praising Simps/Paypigs
Reverse Harem of cute male paypigs or doms
I'd like to be gifted some money, cute clothes,intimates, essentials, toys, & other stuff to take tumblr selfies in & prep for so perverts can worship & jerk off to them
Anything I haven't mentioned here u can just ask & I will update accordingly ♡
*~▪︎☆°♡ Links to my other socials: (if the link to my discord doesn't work then feel free to ask me for a link in the ask box)
DNI ON THIS OR ANY OF MY SOCIALS IF YOU ARE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, abelist, fatphobic, currently 55+ or Ana Coach; if u are any of these things I will block you. Do not send unsolicited nude photos of any kind without permission (simply just ask i really don't mind♡) or I will call you out, block you & report you.
*~▪︎☆°♡ (*note) This pinned post will probably be edited with more stuff about me, my hobbies, interests, ect, when i get the time, but for now this will be it ♡
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aadikted · 4 years
A/N - Hey guyss!!!! AAHHHH!! I just finished watching Hamilton and I fell in love with it!!! I loved everything about the musical and I am soo glad I got the opportunity to watch it!! I  loved Phillipa Soo in it and I adored watching her sing Burn. When I heard it I just knew that I had to write a fic on it! I have never written angst before but I am vey glad with how my my story turned out. People who haven’t seen the musical or heard the song can also definitely read this!!
W/C - 1,955...Whew!! My longest fic yet!!
Warnings! ⚠️- Fluff and sooo much angst!
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Memories. Those damned memories. No matter how much you tried, you couldn’t get his memories out of your mind. They were swirling in your head; you were forever being taunted by images of what had been. His hand in yours, as you both walked down the Rockaway beach, smiles on your faces as you talked about nothing and everything.  You could still remember the way his curls bounced with the breeze, the auburn streaks highlighted by the setting sun. He had been constantly moving a pesky curl which wouldn’t stay in its place. You couldn’t help but laugh at his irritated expression and with a loving sigh, you had run your hands between strands of his hair. His eyes had lit up with joy and affection and you could feel a smile creeping on your face. Whenever you were with Peter or even thought about him, you would feel an insurmountable amount of love and happiness. But now, just his name was enough to make your blood boil. Instead of smiling every time someone mentioned him, a frown would be etched on your face. You couldn’t bear to think about him, not without wanting to cry. The time you had with Peter had been magical, but now you were left behind, broken-hearted and miserable. You had first started dating in sophomore year of high school. Most people say that high school relationships never last and that you guys would be over before you finished high school, but it would be well into sophomore year of college before you guys would be over.
You could still remember the early days of your relationship, the golden days. You had had partners before, but none had been like Peter. Peter was affectionate and kind and so, so sweet. Unfortunately, he used to get flustered around you and instead of being able to say things to your face, he would write you letters. He used to slip them in your locker, slide them in your desk or give it to you when he would walk you back to your house. Some people might have found it weird, but you found charming. Being a romantic at heart, this was your dream come true. Even though Peter later started being more comfortable around you he still gave you letters from time to time. You cherished every single one of them and kept them safe and secured in your drawer. Every couple had something special to them, and this was your something special. He wrote you letters and you used to bake for him. Peter loved your baking. He said that your cupcakes and cakes were heavenly. In fact, he used to joke that you would just leave the ingredients out and angels would come into your kitchen and bake the sweets. Just reminiscing about those days were enough to put a smile on your face. But, now you didn’t feel like baking, you couldn’t bear to look at the letters. It hurt too much. Peter still wrote you letters, you just didn’t want to open them. You were too scared to find out what he had written, too scared to know why he had cheated on you.
Anyone who knew Peter would say that they could never even imagine Peter doing something like that. Until a month ago, you would have said the same thing. But now, here you both were. You had gone from being that couple in love to practical strangers with broken hearts. You, at least, had a broken heart. You doubted Peter even had a heart. You weren’t even sure you knew who Peter was now. He had first been your cute boyfriend, then he became your cute (secret) superhero boyfriend, he then became your amazing, valedictorian, college boyfriend and now he was this horrible person who didn’t even have the decency to break up with his girlfriend before going off to kiss other girls. This was not the guy you knew.  This was not the guy you had dated. This was not the sweet guy who had written all those letters to you. When you had read those letters, you had known Peter was the one. He was yours. You thought he was yours. You should have known. When you had told MJ, your best friend, that you were dating Peter Parker, you hadn’t realized that your expression was conveying more deeply about your feelings for him to her than your words. She knew you were in trouble. She didn’t have anything against Peter, but MJ was a great judge of character and she had known Peter for a long time. She had warned you, she said it would be too much for you one day. But his sweet words had flooded your senses, whenever you were with him, you felt like you were on top of the world. But now you wished you were buried underneath it. You didn’t want to face anyone, your friends, your families and least of all, him. You were cooped up in your room, trying to forget everything. Trying to forget how happy you had been that day. How excited you were to see him again, after months of being apart in different colleges. You had loved every video call with him, but you missed his touch and were craving for it. So, you had decided to surprise him. You had the week off and instead of spending it with your family, you had gone straight to Peter. You were jittery with excitement, you had been imagining the kind of reactions he might have had, but for the life of you, you could have never imagined that you would walk into that room just to see your boyfriend, sitting half naked on his bed, with an equally naked girl on his lap, snogging the lights out of him. For a moment time stood still. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, but the proof was right in front of you. They hadn’t noticed you yet. You couldn’t think of how to react. You were frozen. But, just like that, the spell broke, you released a gasp and the two people were startled out of their kissing. Peter’s eyes went wide as he took you in.
 “Y/ N – Y/N/N!” He stammered
The reality still hadn’t set in for you. You were getting hysterical and couldn’t stop your reply, “And here I thought I was going to surprise you.”
You could see the confusion on Peter’s face. “Pl-please! Just-just let me explain!”
You cut him off before he could give any excuse. You just wanted to know one thing.
“How long?”
You could see the answer in his expression, but you were still unprepared for it when he said it out loud.
“3 months”
That was the moment when you felt your heart break. The moment where you lost control of your emotions. Tears filled your eyes, begging to be released. You couldn’t keep standing there. You turned around to escape with what little of your dignity was left. You could hear Peter calling you from behind, shouting your name, begging you to stop. But you couldn’t, you wouldn’t. There was no possible explanation he could give that would make you forgive him. You didn’t want to forgive him.
So now, here you were, pathetically hiding in your room from everyone. MJ had been calling you continuously. She was the only one you had told what happened. You couldn’t bear seeing the pity in her eyes. Or in anyone else’s eyes for that matter. The letters he had sent you over the years lay scattered about in your room. You couldn’t bear it anymore. You took the first letter he ever wrote you and read it. You read it like you were a person wandering the deserts for months and had only now come upon water. You consumed every letter he had written you. Your eyes scanning every line in ever paragraph. You tried read the lines for a sign, any sign for the boy that had been yours, from when he had been yours.  The letters conveyed every one of the emotions and love he used to feel for you. Each affectionate line felt like a dagger to your heart. Every paragraph pierced your soul. You read letter after letter, and then finally you reached the ones he sent you this week, after you found out about his infidelity. With trembling hands, you forced yourself to pick them up. The swishing of the pages as you opened them felt like a daunting warning to not read them. As you read, you wished that you had heeded the warning. He had said that he was sorry. He hadn’t known what to do. He had been having a tough time, juggling college work and his duties as a superhero. He felt overwhelmed and he had needed your comfort. But you hadn’t been there. So when, another girl started flirting with him he didn’t say no to her. He didn’t know how to say no to her. God, you wished he had said no to her. He had never meant to hurt you, but he had lost all clarity and just… broke all the promises he had made to you.
You wanted to scream, to shout, anything to let the pain out. He had forgotten he was yours.
He had forgotten you were his and that you had made promises too. You would have been with him, helped him, and supported him. But he had forgotten. You were a broken mess and you were angry. Angry at the letters for reminding you of better times, angry at him for cheating on you and treating you the way he did, but most of all, you were angry at yourself. Angry for being such a mess, angry for punishing yourself by pushing away people who cared for you, and most all wasting tears on a ruined relationship. You wanted to do something. You didn’t want to sit there and waste your energy and tears. You gathered all the letters surrounding you. You collected them all in your hands and walked down the stairs with a determined stance. You could feel your dorm mates and other students staring at you, wondering what you had been up to, all these days locked in your room, but you didn’t pay attention to them. For the first time in weeks you were feeling hopeful. You made your way to the nightly bonfire the students in your college created. You noticed MJ standing there talking with your friends. You could see that she was surprised to see you, but you just smiled at her and made your way to the front of the bonfire. You looked at the letters and brushed your hands against your name which had been inscribed in Peter’s messy handwriting on the top corner. You then stared into the fire, trying to calm yourself. You didn’t want to look back at the letters again, so you just flung them into the fire. You watched as the fire engulfed the letters. You felt relieved as you let out a breath and felt as though you were breathing for the first time in a long time.  What happened with Peter was in the past. And while it still hurt, you knew that your heart would heal over time and that you would find people who deserve your love and friendship.  The flames from the fire were dancing as if they knew what had happened and were rejoicing with you. You felt a smile take over your face, brilliant and radiant, almost rivalling the brightness of the fire. The letters had burned, but your life would not burn with them.
So..this was it folks!!! Plsss tell me how u liked it and feel free to send me asks!!! 
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CSI: Rogers and Barnes- The Serious Cereal Serial Killer
Ch 6- Shots In The Dark Co-Written with @icanfeelastormbrewing
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Episode Summary: Katie and Bucky head to the 99 to dig out some old case files that might help them on the case. Steve comes back to work, but he shouldn’t be there really, coz like he was banged up pretty bad. They go to a bar and there’s a fancy fireman called Johnny knocking around with the Nine-Nine crew. Steeby doesn’t like him…and it all kinda goes a bit wrong.
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words.
Episode Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark (Yeah, it’s nice and friendly now…)
Song for Episode:  New Rules by Dua Lipa
A/N: This entire series contains dark humour (CSI + Brooklyn 99=CSI Steeb) Avengers and Stark Spangled Banner Easter Eggs and jokes. You don’t need to have read the SSB series to understand or enjoy this, but we’ve used the Universe to spin this off from so somethings might puzzle a few of you if you ain’t, but feel free to ask. Also, our knowledge of American Policing and Brooklyn is limited, so bear with us if we slip up, but at the end of the day this is a fiction so we’ll claim any mistakes as creative license!!
Enter the NINE-NINE! We’ve used a lot of quotes from the series, that we know are not in their original settings but just indulge us because dammnit, it made us laugh!!
As always we live for re-blogs and comments  
CSI Rogers and Barnes Master List 
Main Masterlist 
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“And the wanderer returns!” Jake Peralta greeted Katie warmly as he stepped out of the elevator to greet her at the front desk of the 99 Precinct Building. “Good to see you Jake!” She beamed, giving him a hug before she stepped back “This is Sergeant James Barnes, or Bucky.” “Pleased to meet you.” Bucky said, grasping his hand. “So how’s DC treating you?” Jake asked as they stepped into the elevator. “Not bad.” Katie shrugged “The work is good but, well it’s not home ya know?” Bucky shot her a side glance, that was the first time he had heard her admit that she missed Brooklyn, and he had a feeling that her reconciliation with Steve had something to do with it. “Well you know what they say?” Peralta smiled “You can take the girl outta Brooklyn” “And then bring her back” Bucky quipped, earning him a dig in his ribs. The elevator door opened and they stepped out into the open plan office and Bucky winced at the cacophony of noise that hit his ears. Katie grinned and hugged a smaller, short haired man before she moved on to an Auburn haired woman, and then smiled and fist bumped a taller, darker haired lady. “Hey Diaz.”
“Stark.” The woman’s face flickered into a grin as she pulled Katie into a hug “good to see you”
“Wait a minute. Are we hugging?” Katie pulled back “Have we ever done this before?”
“No,” Diaz replied “And if you tell anyone, I’ll slit your throat.”
Katie laughed. “Does Terry get a hug?” Bucky looked up to see an absolute unit of a man strolling towards them. The man was dressed in a normal shirt, with a tie and suspenders but Bucky couldn’t help but stare because, well, he was fucking huge. He was even bigger than Steve and that was saying something. “Oh Terry gets a hug!” Katie laughed, stepping forward again. “Good, coz Terry missed Katie…” “Does he always refer to himself in the 3rd person? Bucky turned to the shorter man. “Oh yes.” He nodded “I’m Boyle by the way” “Bucky.” He said, shaking his hand.
“So…” Jake turned to them “All the boxes and case notes are ready in the archive rooms down stairs. I would have brought them to you but my cars in the shop so I rode in on Rosa’s motorcycle. I guess you could say I’m a gear head now.” he nodded, clearly pleased with himself. “He held on to me so tight it was like a two-mile Heimlich.” Diaz shot back, where she was lounging in her chair, phone sandwiched between her ear and her shoulder “No I won’t hold…”
“Those things have no walls on them!” Jake hissed as he walked to his desk “Let me just grab my breakfast and we’ll head down…” “Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?” Bucky looked at him in horror as he picked up the film wrapped item.
“Breakfast burrito, but yeah” Peralta shrugged as they headed to the elevator.
“I pity your dentist.” Bucky shook his head.
“Joke’s on you. I don’t have a dentist.” Jake shot back as they all headed towards the elevator.
“Not so fast…” a deep voice said, and Bucky spun round to see the 99’s commanding officer, Captain Holt striding across the floor. “I believe Sergeant Stark has one more person she needs to say hi to.”
Katie narrowed her eyes playfully “Why? Is Cheddar here?”
“Who’s Cheddar?” Bucky asked.
“Holt’s corgi.” Peralta supplied
Holt’s face twitched, into what Bucky supposed you could call a smile, maybe, as the man stuck his arm out and formally shook Katie’s hand.
“Good to see you again. Congratulations on the promotion.” Holt said “I knew you’d get your break eventually.” “Thank you sir.” she smiled.
He nodded at her and then turned to look out over the office. “Ok 99, I just had an email. Our monthly crime statistics are due. I want paperwork on all your closed cases by tomorrow. Scully, you can just write ‘I didn’t close any’ on a piece of paper.”
Bucky looked around to see two, rather large (and by large he meant fat) men sat at desks, both eating some form of wrap. One of them, the one with the strange hair cut that made him look like he had a lego doll head looked up.
“What? I’m confused…” he said slowly.
“Huh.” Holt raised an eyebrow “From your expression, I would have guessed constipated. Or chilly.”
Bucky heard Katie snigger besides him as a nasaly voice from the Auburn haired woman cut across the office.
“Hey, Craptain, you ready to get curb stomped?” “What?” Jeffords’ eyes shot up.
“At chess.” Gina looked at him.
“We have a weekly match. I’m teaching Gina to play. And she, in turn, is teaching me to trash talk.” Holt said, waving his hand in explanation before he turned to Gina “The hospital called. Your test results came back positive. You’re a stage five dumbass.”
Katie looked at Peralta before the pair of them burst out laughing as Gina stood there, nodding, like a proud sensei.
“Oh! You have come so far.”
Bucky simply stood there, mouth hanging open. What the fuck had Stark dragged him into. He dug her in the ribs with his elbow and as she turned to look at him, he shook his head “This…this is…” “The Nine-Nine.” Katie said, fondly “And you spent 5 years here?” Bucky looked at her in disbelief.
“Actually it was just over 6.” Katie said “I moved to the 101 a year after dad died when the opportunity came up to train as a Profiler. I do miss them all though, and their little quirks…which reminds me…Hey” She turned to Jeffords who was now sat at his desk. “Still writing Fan Fiction Terry?” “Fan Fiction…” Bucky dead panned.
“Well, shows and films leave Terry wanting more.” Sergeant Jeffords shrugged “I’m just filling in the gaps.”
Just when he didn’t think shit could get any weirder… Bucky blinked.
“So what grabbed your imagination this time?” Katie continued
“He’s actually writing an original piece.” Boyle smiled.
Terry grinned “Yeah, about a group of super heroes, who save New York from aliens…”
“Let me guess…” Bucky grumbled and they turned to face him “They all dress in lycra and have capes?”
“Not all of them.” Terry looked at him. “Only one has a cape and only one dresses in Lycra, the others are in leather apart from one who is a kind of beast when he gets angry and the other has a flying, metal suit and…”
“Why can’t anyone make super heroes normal people who wear normal clothes?” Bucky shook his head.
“They don’t sit on their couches in their superhero outfits.” Terry looked at him, frowning “They’re normal on their downtime…”
“What is it with you and superhero costumes?” Katie looked at him.
Bucky shrugged “It’s just all, oh I dunno, ostentatious…” “Says the man who owns a rhinestone encrusted denim jacket, yeah, I heard…Steve told me about it ages ago.”
Bucky smirked and shrugged “It’s from the 90s, it was the fashion when we were a kid.” “Hmmm.” Katie pondered, before she looked back at Terry “You’ll have to email me a copy when it’s done.” “Will do, Terry always likes feedback.” “And Katie likes to read, speaking of which…” she patted Buck’s chest with the back of her hand “We need to get digging into those files, Buck.”
He agreed and Katie turned to Peralta. “Lead the way…not that I don’t know where it is but…”
She was cut off by a loud squeal and she spun to see a dark haired uniformed woman, hair pulled back into a ponytail. Bucky just caught the name “Santiago” on her tag before Katie wrapped her in a hug.
“Oh my God!” Santiago smiled, “I knew you were back in town but…”
“I know I should have called…and I’m sorry Amy but, we got a lot to get through so I need to get to it. But, Romanoff suggested a night out. You too Diaz?”
“Drinks sound good” Diaz nodded.
“The Compound? This weekend?” Katie asked “Sure I can wrangle us the VIP treatment seeing as the owner is practically my sister in law.” ““I am sooo up for that!” Santiago grinned “There’s nothing better after a long shift than going to The Compound It’s like Cheers, where everybody knows your name”
Diaz looked at her “A place where everybody knows your name is hell. You’re describing hell.”
The doors of the elevator opened and Katie emerged from it followed by Bucky who was carrying a box with the files they had brought from the 99. Thankfully, out of the three boxes Peralta had provided on Rumlow’s case, they had been able to reduce the files with meaningful information to only one.
“Is Stevie’s office open, Wanda? Need to pop these files somewhere safe.” Katie said once they were close enough to the reception desk counter.
Bucky saw Wanda’s eyebrows squeeze together in a wrinkle and her mouth twist with annoyance at Katie’s use of Steve’s pet name. He could tell she was pissed. And to be honest, he was also surprised at the new situation. How Stark had gone from hating the Captain’s guts and going haywire at him calling her sweetheart, to easily referring to him as Stevie, and in public none the less, was something that he couldn’t quite grasp. But then again the dynamic between those two was unique, which was the polite way of putting it.
“Yeah, it’s open. He’s in there.” she answered trying to conceal her animosity.
“What?” Katie shrieked and Wanda shrugged. She turned to Bucky “Can you believe that?”
Bucky just shook his head and muttered “Punk” as both headed for the Captain’s office. They were about to barge in when the door suddenly opened. Steve, who was carrying a cardboard cup holder with two coffee cups, had to raise his right hand above his head to avoid scalding both detectives with the hot liquid.
“Whoooa, easy there!” his voice faltered at the end as his ribs complained at the sudden movement.
“What the fuck, Steve!” Katie shouted “You should be resting at home, you’re still healing.”
“She’s right, punk.” Bucky added as he made his way past Steve to leave the box on the desk. “What? You don’t think we can handle this without you?”
“That’s … that’s not…” he said turning and glaring at Bucky but stopped when he saw an amused expression on Bucky’s face “Enjoying yourself?” he asked and Bucky nodded and laughed.
Steve sighed and turned to Katie who was still at the door arm crossed and he smiled softly, his bruised face lighting up as he spoke.
“I’m ok, sweetheart. Just have to remember not to move like I’m a cheerleader.”
“Now, that’s an image I don’t want imprinted in my brain.” Bucky mused leaning on Steve desk as he prepared for the storm to unravel.
“What’s in the box?” Steve asked.
“Files from the 99.” Bucky said as he watched Katie who was still observing Steve with narrowed eyes.
“Well don’t leave them there, take them into the incident room.” Steve said, “It’s safe enough, we can lock it and-“
At that point Bucky saw Katie’s eyes flicker like a light bulb, the way they did when her brain was trying to spot the missing link and she interrupted him.
“Wait! How did you get here? You can’t have possibly driven yourself.” she said tilting her head, staring at him like he was the suspect of a petty theft. “Oh, you didn’t ride the bike, did you? Steven, tell me you didn’t ride that old, dusty piece of junk!” she carried on ranting.
“What bike?” Bucky inquired now curious while taking a packet of gummy bears Peralta had given him out of his jacket pocket.
“An old bike my father had. Tony doesn’t like bikes so he passed it on to Steve.” Katie explained “It’s a rattletrap…”
“It’s not a rattletrap.” Steve protested “And it’s unique, the handlebars are made from Vibranium. You should show more respect for Howard’s legacy.” he said pointing at her like she was a little brat.
“Whatever.” she said rolling her eyes. “Are you going to tell me how you got here?”
“Sam drove me. He called to tell me he had news on Ross report, he said he was in the area so I made him pick me up.”
Bucky saw Katie’s stance relax a bit with Steve’s explanation but suddenly her eyes darted to him, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit scared.
“Who did you say you had breakfast with before we went to the 99?” she asked Bucky with a sly glance.
“I didn’t say.” Bucky said, putting a bunch of gummy bears in his mouth before he diverted the conversation to Steve again.
“You shouldn’t be here, Steve. You’re convalescing”
Steve sighed, lowered his head for some seconds, a demeanour Bucky could read like the back of his hand. Steve felt tired and lost, he needed to go back to his natural element.
"Look” he said raising his head again, the hand that wasn’t holding the drinks dropped to his hip and he looked at Bucky “I’m tired of being at home doing nothing but watching TV and thinking. I can’t even go for my morning run or go to the gym to blow some steam against a punching bag. I know I should be more relaxed now than ever, but I’m not. Doing nothing is driving me crazy. Surely being in the station can’t be that physically demanding?”
Bucky felt a pang of guilt at his friend’s word. Steve was right. Bucky knew that Steve, for as long as he could remember, had always wanted to do what was right. Even if sometimes that meant a bunch of dumbass decisions. The Captain wasn’t one for sitting back and doing nothing. He even had bags under his eyes and Katie must have noticed too since she asked him
“Trouble sleeping?”
Steve turned to look at her with a huge smile on his face and a sparkle of something in his eyes, Bucky could tell from the way he was standing.
“You could say that.” he replied.
Katie returned the smile and they both simply stood looking at one another for what seemed like way more time than should be acceptable. Bucky suddenly felt like he was a fly on the wall, so trying not to step on the moment, he grabbed the box of files and made to leave the office.
“I will be in my desk if you…” he said when he walked past Katie but she wasn’t noticing him, she was still locked in eye contact with Steve.
“Whatever.” he mumbled and headed for his desk “I feel like I’m invisible. I’m turning into Steve when he was a skinny punk.”
“Now, you’re talking to yourself Barnes.” Natasha said walking from the kitchen followed by Sam, Clint and Wanda.
“Who are you, Regina George and her clique?” Bucky bit back while he dropped the box onto his desk and took off his jacket.
Steve chose that point to walk out into the office
“Sam, Barnes and Stark are back.” the Captain spoke striding towards Bucky’s desk, signalling the man over from where he was perched on the edge of Natasha’s desk. Katie headed to her own, and dropped her purse down, slinging her jacket over her chair. “Can you fill us on the new details about Ross’ PM report?”
“Can I go fetch a coffee first?” Katie pleaded as Sam stood up. “It’ll be real quick, promise.”
“Oh, shit, here” Steve said quietly handing her one of the take out coffee cups he had brought from his office and completely forgotten about “I got you your regular on the way. Your round tomorrow.”
In all honesty Steve had been a little nervous buying that coffee. It had been something they had always done, buying each other a drink on the way in, alternating on days. But since she had returned and they hadn’t been on good terms it had clearly fallen by the wayside. Since the air had cleared yesterday he’d decided to chance it and see how it was received but he needn’t have worried. Katie positively beamed at him before she blurted out “God, I love you.”
Steve felt his neck growing warm as all eyes turned to them and he saw Katie’s own cheeks flush and she sipped from the cup trying to hide her embarrassment “Suri’s Vanilla Lattes are the best.” she said in an over the top, dramatic voice “Oh, how I have missed them!”
"You’re welcome, I think.” Steve said, now full on blushing as he rubbing the back of his neck.
Bucky tried to divert the attention from the pair of dorks before Wanda choked on her own bile and Natasha or Clint made a snarky comment.
“I’m waiting. What, you didn’t bring one for me?” he asked and from the corner of his eye he saw Natasha shaking her head at him disapprovingly. He glanced at Steve who was now flushing even more and that was when he realized he had made it worse by drawing even more attention to the fact that Steve had, in effect, displayed favouritism, whether he meant to or not.
“You want in Barnes you can buy the next round then.” Katie quipped and he glanced at her as she perched on the edge of her desk.
“Fair enough…” he shrugged, and then his attention was taken by Sam who was looking at something on his desk with curiosity.
“You like cats?” Sam asked taking Dot and examining her.
“It’s not a cat. It’s a goat and it’s called Dot.” Bucky said with annoyance. How the fuck could anyone mistake a goat for a cat?
Steve groaned and urged Sam to start with the report details so they could move on with the investigation.
“What? Dude has a cat on his desk and you don’t want to know why?” Sam asked Steve.  "Looks like a cat.“ he shrugged now looking at Bucky.
"I think it looks like a llama.” Katie quipped and Clint’s laugh could be heard all through the floor.
Steve groaned again rubbing his forehead but before he could make one of his famous pep talks, Sam interrupted him.
“All right, before Steve McQueen here’s head blows up…the hair we got on Ross’ trousers?” he offered, opening the folder he was carrying and examining the report.
“Yeah?” Steve asked.
“Funny enough, its goat.” the doctor explained.
Everyone went silent, looking at each other, before Katie let out a laugh and turned to Bucky.
“Maybe we should ask Dot if she knew Ross.”
“Fuck off Stark.” Bucky rolled his eyes, grinning.
“Oooh, maybe she did it…” Katie continued “I mean, do you know her whereabouts that night?”
“You’re hilarious.” Bucky deadpanned, shaking his head.
“Ok. Anything else?” Steve asked Sam, cutting across the pair of them.
“Nope. That’s all I’ve got so far. Got you a copy of the updated report.” he said handing the folder to Steve.
“Thanks, Sam” he said and the Doctor just nodded and patted Dot’s head with his index finger before heading away.
“Romanoff, Barton, start working on a link between Ross and …” Steve paused for a moment trying to sound as professional as possible “…a goat.“
Katie choked slightly and then coughed as Bucky looked at her, before they both started to snigger slightly. Steve rolled his eyes at the pair of them. They were like school kids.
"Right away, Cap.” Natasha nodded.
“It would be my genuine pleasure, Cap.” Clint added, nodding to his computer “Searching for goat farms as we speak. God I’d like to have a farm someday.”
“Buck, you and Katie start with those files. I’ve got a tele-conference with Fury to give him an update so I’ll join you as soon as I can.”
Bucky gave him a salute as he turned and started making his way towards his office.
“Stevie, I got your…” Wanda called out for him before he went away but she was cut off by Steve’s fiery look.
“It’s Steve, Wanda.” he said sternly.
“Yes. Sorry Steve” she said gulping “I just wanted to give you your mail.”
“Thanks.” Steve said, slightly less curtly but still with a slight edge to his voice as he took the items from her.
Bucky saw her walk as fast as she could towards the restroom and he shared a quick significant glance with Steve who just shook his head and turned towards his office. He then looked at Katie who simply stood and picked up the box from his desk as she headed towards the Incident Room. Finally he looked in Natasha’s direction who nodded at him as if confirming they were on the same page-Rogers and Stark were back on full speaking and, so it seemed, full flirting terms.
***** “So as Jake and I explained before the victim was a woman called Sara Klein.” Katie spoke as Bucky spread the papers across the large table. “She was walking home from a bar when she was dragged into an alley and raped.”
“And you think the perp was…this Rumlow guy?” Bucky asked, looking down at a mug shot of a man with dark hair and dark eyes. “Who was a Uniform in the 99?”
“Yeah.” Katie said
“So what made you suspect him?”
“When we took Klein to the Rape Centre for her forensic examination he was there, don’t ask me what for. When she came back from the examination room she heard him talking and literally stated shaking and became hysterical.” Katie paused for a moment “We got her back to the station, calmed her down and that was when she said she recognised his voice…”
At that point Steve walked into the room and they both looked at him, and he gestured for them to continue.
“Peralta and I went to speak to Captain Holt, you know, given the sensitivity of it. He told us to bring Rumlow in for questioning and that he would speak to Fury. Obviously he denied it, said she must have been mistaken bla bla bla but Peralta and I didn’t believe a word of it, I know he did it.”
She trailed off and Bucky looked at Steve who gently laid a hand on her shoulder “He knows.” he looked at her as her head snapped up and her eyes locked onto his “I told him what Rumlow did to you, I’m sorry but I was trying to explain the Sitwell situation and…” For a moment Steve feared she was going to blow up at him but she didn’t. Instead she sighed and shrugged “It’s not exactly a secret anyway…” she wiped at her eyes and Steve gently rubbed her back before she jumped off the desk and walked to the wall, looking at the various bits of notes and evidence.
“Long and short of it, Bucky, is that we had no forensics of any sort to link Rumlow to the rape, no DNA left behind, nothing that wasn’t circumstantial…and then up pops Sitwell to provide an alibi that we didn’t believe for a second. But before we had chance to discredit it, Sara turned up and said she wanted to withdraw her allegation. Said that she’d confided in someone, we never did find out who, and they’d given her all these statistics on how many rape cases actually ended in a conviction and that was it, she didn’t want to put herself through it. Nothing we said or did could convince her otherwise.”
“So Rumlow basically carried on like nothing had happened…” Bucky said, leaning back in his chair. “Well his reputation was in tatters, mud sticks…” Katie said, turning to look at him “He pretty much became a social pariah around the force. And then when he assaulted me he was kicked out, well, told to resign…”
Bucky stayed silent as Steve gently reached over to look at the paper work on the desk.
“So has anything turned up in any of this that can link Ross to Sitwell?” he asked, glancing up at them both.
“Not so far.” Bucky shook his head “But we haven’t even scratched the surface.”
“Well until we have anything concrete to go on it’s as good a train of thought as any.” Steve said. “Maybe it’s worth digging into Sitwell’s background a little more. Schools, Universities, dodgy handshake clubs, that kind of stuff, see if we can link him to Ross that way.”
“Say we do make a link…” Bucky said, leaning back in his chair, eyeing Katie “Gut feeling Stark, is this connected to the Rumlow case?”
“I dunno.” she shrugged “But one thing’s for sure, something stinks about all of this. And I don’t believe in co-incidences.”
“Me neither doll face.” Bucky mumbled, dodging the whiteboard pen she sent flying his way.
Three hours and a couple of sandwiches later Bucky and Katie had decided to call it a day. They had gone through Rumlow’s case again and needed a home cooked dinner and a good night’s sleep before they started digging on Sitwell’s school records the following day.
“Ok. My brain is fried. I’m heading home and praying for Tony not being there yet. Wish me luck.”
Bucky smiled at Katie over the screen of his computer. He saw her stand up from her chair and cross her fingers in the air before walking to the restroom. He was saving the documents on his computer and turning it off when he heard Steve.
“Anything significant?”
“Nope.” Bucky said leaning back on his chair and stretching his arms above his head. “Enough for today. And you too, Steve. Finish that coffee you’re drinking and I’ll drive us home.”
Steve nodded and turned around when he heard Katie’s voice from behind him.
“You shouldn’t even be here. Go home and rest, Stevie.” she said casually.
Bucky raised an eyebrow at Steve who rolled his eyes, but he turned to Katie when she let out a little squeal and saw her waving her phone in the air.
“Nat, Wanda come here! Got a message from Diaz!” she said excitedly “GIRL’S NIGHT OUT FRIDAY. How does that sound? She says Amy and Gina are coming too.”
“I’m in” Natasha said grinning at Bucky and turning to Wanda, who had also gathered around Katie’s desk, for confirmation.
“I don’t think I can… I’m sorry.” Wanda hesitated before adding “My cat is sick.”
“Your cat?” Nat asked her with sly eyes.
“Whatever…” Katie rolled her eyes and leant over her desk to switch off her computer “I’m only asking because I’m not petty enough to leave one person out” she muttered only for Bucky to hear.
“Leave it.” Bucky whispered back as he saw Wanda frown and open her mouth to retort to Katie’s initial eye roll and he gave Steve a warning look.
“Wanda.” Steve stepped in “Come to my office. There are some reports I want you to file before you go.” and he started walking away as she followed obediently.
“Ok. I’ll text Diaz saying we’re in Nat. Dinner and The Compound?” Katie asked while grabbing her jacket and purse.
“Perfect. And I’ll convince the little witch.” Nat nodded.
Katie just pursed her lips and nodded before waving everyone goodbye and walking away.
“Ok. All hands on deck. Clint come here!” Nat said her eyes shining with the excitement of plotting. “Barnes. Engage phase 2. We’re going out and we’ll be at the Compound after dinner, I’ll confirm our ETA as we go. You two bring Rogers and I’ll make sure Stark is a little bit intoxicated by then.” she said winking at Bucky.
“I’ll call Peralta, if Santiago is gonna be there, he’ll be up for it. See who else he can drag in.” Clint offered.
“Ok Buck, I’m ready. We can go now” Steve said and looked at them sensing he had stepped into something “Am I interrupting something here?”
“Nah. Nat was telling us the girls’ plans for Friday.” Bucky brushed him off.
“Oh, so you’re finally going out?” Steve smirked at Nat who rolled her eyes at his dig that it had taken her so long to organise something with Katie “But, you do know you and Stark are on call this weekend as Barton and Barnes have done the last two?”
“That we did.” Clint quipped
“It’s ok boss. We’ll behave.” Nat drawled as she spotted Wanda had returned to the reception desk. “Gotta go do something. See ya fellas.”
Steve sighed and shook his head at Bucky “Lets go, Buck. Bye Barton.”
“You’re a pain in the ass. No, you’re worse than a pain in the ass, you know that?” Bucky said while closing the car door after getting into the left back seat of Sam’s grey Mercedes Class C.
“What’s the deal?” Sam asked looking at Steve who was now fastening the seat belt of the passenger seat. Perks of being the Captain and still on recovery.
“He’s been grumpy all day. He didn’t want to come.” Bucky explained.
“I told you, I’m on duty this weekend.” Steve said turning his head to look at Bucky as Sam pulled away from the curb in front of Steve’s block.
And he was being truthful, he was the senior officer on call. It had been Holt’s turn last week, but as Bucky pointed out the chances of getting called in were low. Katie was the on duty Sergeant supported by Natasha and God forbid either of them would admit they couldn’t handle any possible situation and had to call their superior in.
“You have more chances of getting laid tonight than being called in tomorrow.” Clint deadpanned from the right back seat.
Steve groaned which made Sam chuckle and give a significant look to the men at the back through the rear-view mirror.
“Where are we going?” Steve asked trying to change the subject.
“We’re picking up Thor” Sam explained.
“And then?” Bucky asked “I’m hungry.”
“Yeah, what’s new? You’re always hungry.” Steve snorted.
“Tell me about it.” Clint scoffed. “I spent all day with him yesterday visiting goat farms upstate. Dude ate a donut dorito hot dog pizza all rolled up like a burrito! Can you believe it?” Clint asked leaning forward to speak to Steve and Sam.
“Hey, I was just optimizing my time.” Bucky shrugged and the three men shook their heads.
“We could stop at Grimaldi’s to have pizza and beers, feed the bastard. Then we’ll drop into the Compound.” Sam suggested.
Both Bucky and Sam nodded in agreement with the plan. Steve groaned again. He was worried about the case being in a deadlock. After two days of digging, they had nothing solid on Sitwell’s connection to Ross yet. Last thing he needed, if he was being honest, was taking care of a bunch of drunk friends and, what was more, he wasn’t gonna drive any of them home, it was Sam’s car after all, he had called designated driver. But then it dawned on him, they were going to the Compound and the girls would be there, wouldn’t they? Suddenly his spirits were lifted and a soft smile crossed his face. But he was snapped from his thoughts again by Bucky.
“Look, I know you’re pissed. You’re still sore from the accident, I get it.” Bucky started to scold him but was interrupted by Sam.
“We’re here. Can someone text him?” Sam announced pulling in a spot in front of Thor’s building.
“Got it.” Clint offered pulling out his phone.
He unclasped the car belt and moved closer to Bucky so as to leave space for Thor in the backseat while fiddling with his phone. Bucky stirred in his seat feeling suddenly trapped.
“Can you move your seat up?” he asked Sam
“No” Sam said without even flinching a muscle on his face.
“Asshole.” Bucky muttered.
He looked at Steve who seemed to be lost in his thoughts and then he turned to look at Clint who kept on texting on his phone.
“Ok. Peralta says he’s meeting us at the Compound. He’s having dinner with some video games buddies now but he’ll meet us later.” Clint informed the rest.
“Will Tony be there?” Steve asked suddenly.
“Of course he will” Clint snorted. “He clocks in day in and day out.”
“Yeah, Pepper has him wrapped around her finger.” Sam added nodding.
“Women.” Bucky sighed looking at his Captain who was looking at the front stoic as ever.
“Greetings, morons!”
Thor’s voice reverberated in the cabin of the car as he sat in the only free seat and closed the door grinning. Everyone greeted him back and Sam started the car again.
“Why are you carrying an umbrella?” Clint asked Thor “It isn’t even cloudy.”
“Oh! It’s my lucky charm.” he said happily. “My lucky umbrella, my father gave it to me when I was a kid.”
“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” Steve mused from the front seat.
“And a mistake. I mean are you gonna be attached to your lucky charm all night?” Sam asked, hands on the steering wheel.
“I make grave mistakes all the time, everything seems to work out in the end.” Thor shrugged and tapped Steve on the shoulder. “Captain, what are you doing here? I thought you were still recovering from your car crash. You should be sitting at home in your bathrobe, eating grapes.“
"Yeah, or plums.” Bucky added. “Don’t encourage him. He is enough grumpy as it is.”
“Yeah, not helping blondie.” Clint quipped.
“You’re so petty and tiny.” Thor scoffed.
They continued picking on one another for the rest of the journey and the time they spent at the pizza restaurant. Two hours later the five of them were at the main entrance to the Compound, one of the most popular clubs in Brooklyn in the last few years. The club was run by Pepper, Tony’s fiancé, so they were greeted warmly by Happy, the doorman, who let them in immediately after a short informal chat.
“Welcome, Gentlemen” Pepper greeted the group who had now approached the bar where she was chatting idly with Tony. “What a sight for sore eyes, Steve!” she added now kissing Steve on the cheek.
“Yeah, what brings you here Capsicle? Last time I checked you were in a hospital bed looking like shit.” Tony asked Steve.
“Yeah, Katie told us about it.” Pepper interjected signalling between her and Tony. “How are you now? Are you ok? Is there anything I can bring you?”
“I’m fine Pepper, honestly thank you, just a few cuts and bruises. And a glass of water would be great, thanks.”
“Water coming right up.” said Pepper gesturing for the barman to come and take their orders.
“Water, Rogers?” Tony mocked him. “Beers for all for starters. That’s on me and I’m buying a bottle of the best champagne we have so meet me in our private booth when you’re done.”
The group cheered happily at Tony’s offer and sat on the bar stools waiting for their drinks.
A pretty blonde waitress placed a glass of water and a beer bottle on the bar in front of Steve and winked at him, who obliviously took a painkiller from the blister and swallowed it with a bit of water. He didn’t want to take it but the constant bickering of his friends and the loud music and dim lights of the club were making his head pound.
He was sipping from his beer bottle when someone slapped his back causing him to wince at the pain.
“Hey, Rogers. Nice to see you man!” Peralta greeted.
“Hey, Jake. How you doin’?” Steve greeted back with a sincere smile while Peralta nodded and fist bumped Clint.
“Did you come alone?” Clint asked him.
“Yeah, but meeting a friend at some point tonight. He’s working until later.” Peralta answered as he shook hands with Bucky and Sam. “Barnes, good to see you again. Wilson?”
“Hey man.” Sam nodded, and Peralta looked beyond him towards Thor who was scanning the dance floor while moving his head and feet to the beat of the music.
“Oh, you brought Point Break.” Peralta quipped, turning to Clint.
“Yeah, you can’t get rid of him easily, especially if we’re talking about revels.” Clint commented.
“Revels?” Peralta asked frowning.
“A Party, that’s what he calls it.” Sam offered.
“Wow, and I thought Holt had a weird vocabulary.” Peralta muttered.
A little while later Thor had disappeared onto the dance floor and the rest were already on their second beer while chatting animatedly. Steve was beginning to regret having mixed alcohol and meds. Feeling a bit lightheaded, he was seriously considering calling a cab and going home when he heard Peralta whistle through his teeth and Bucky let out a breathy curse.
“What?” he asked turning around to ask what was going on. They were both looking at the back of the Compound, towards the booths and that was when he noticed what had taken their attention. Katie was stood side on to them, talking to Tony. She was dressed in a dark blue short jumpsuit that sported a large white flowered pattern and a plunge neck line that dipped almost to her navel. Her shoes were high heeled black sandals with a silvery cuff round the ankle and as she turned to say something to Natasha, Steve saw that the back of the jumpsuit was bare bar where the fabric crossed across to each shoulder from the opposite hip.
God she looked gorgeous, scratch that, she looked more than gorgeous.  
“Fuck!” Steve cursed when he noticed his beer had been dribbling down his front. He took a pair of cocktail napkins and tried to dry his shirt while Bucky, Peralta and Sam cackled at him. He groaned and continued wiping as Bucky put one arm over his shoulder.
“Keep it cool, man. It’s not like you don’t know what’s under those clothes.” he said in a low voice, winking at Steve.
“Shut up, Bucky.” Steve snapped but had to do as told as the girls were approaching the bar.
“Hey fellas.” Natasha drawled, “You coming over to join us?”
“Once Rogers has dried off, yeah.” Clint said.
Diaz looked at him, frowning. “Dried off.” “Yeah someone nudged me and I spilt…” he said, gesturing to the front of his shirt.
Katie shrugged “Can’t see anything, your shirt’s black.”
“It’s nice.” Wanda nodded, looking at Steve. He took a deep breath, thinking back to what Bucky had said and merely smiled at the woman politely. Behind Wanda he saw Diaz and Natasha exchange a smirk. Katie, however, was focussed on something else.
“Is that the one I bought you for your birthday last year?” Katie asked, reaching out to gently run her hand over the collar, and Steve nodded and didn’t miss the scowl on Wanda’s face. Totally oblivious to the daggers she was being given, Katie grinned “Wanda’s right, it looks good.”
He smiled at her and then turned politely to Wanda who had said something to him, and Bucky watched as Katie’s eyes lingered on them both for a little longer her eyebrow raised, almost in amusement at the other woman’s attempts to flirt with Steve fell flat.
“You want Stevie to go into cardiac arrest or something?” Buck leaned over to talk into her ear and she turned to look at him “The man is drugged and on alcohol and then you come along looking like that.”
“Fuck off Bucky.” Katie bit back “I wore this because it makes me feel good, you asshole, not for anyone else. And it’s not like I knew you were coming. Why are you guys even here anyway?”
“Boys’ night out” Bucky shrugged.
Katie raised an eyebrow at him “Yeah, of all the places you could pick to go you just…”
At that she stopped and her head cocked to one sided as she caught the first beats of a song playing.
“Oh, God!” she squealed. Bucky was just about to ask her what was going on but he was too late, she leaned towards Steve and gently grabbed his hand, turning his attention away from Wanda as she curled her hand round his.
“Stevie, listen.”
A big mischievous grin crossed Steve’s face when he heard the song and next thing he knew he was being dragged by Katie to the dance floor. Leaving Wanda slack jawed with frustration.
“What the fuck? Is he dancing?” Bucky asked Clint and Nat who were stood at the bar next to him, unable to keep his eyes from Katie and Steve dancing and laughing like crazy to I’ll be there for you by The Rembrandts.
“Yeah, they always dance to this, it’s like their song.” Clint answered before sipping from his beer bottle.
“Give him a minute, he will do his Joey.” Natasha told Bucky while keeping an eye on Wanda who had just sidled back into the booth and was now pouting and stabbing the bar with her cocktail umbrella. At that Steve launched into some kind of odd dance move, which he still manage to make look quite graceful “Oh, yep. There we go.”
“Unbelievable” Bucky mused shaking his head, happy to see his bestie cut loose. “She really brings out that kid from Brooklyn, doesn’t she?”
“You could say that.” Nat said with a side smile while Clint nodded in agreement. They all watched as one of Steve’s arms curled round Katie’s waist, his large hand splaying on her back as they continued to dance around to the upbeat music, Katie’s head tipped back in laughter and a huge grin spread across Steve’s face.
At that point Bucky heard Wanda snort and strut down the club to the restrooms bumping into people on her way.
“Ah leave her.” Natasha said with a sigh, draining her glass.
“So Rogers has two women fighting over him…” Peralta leaned back “Lucky bastard.” “He’s eyes for no one but Stark.” Bucky said, shrugging “So wouldn’t really call it a fight.” “Well, to be honest, I wouldn’t really want to get in a fight with Stark anyway…” Peralta nodded. “Damned she can be vicious.”
***** A few hours later they were all sat together in Tony’s private booth drinking champagne, except for Katie who had finished her drink and had gone dancing with Rosa and Gina, and Steve who had gone to the restroom.
"This bottle is empty.” Thor said shaking the bottle in the air.
“I’ll go fetch another one.” Tony said standing up ceremoniously.
“I don’t want that bubbly shit. Anyone in for some tequila shots?” Thor asked as he also stood up and went to the bar without waiting for an answer.
“Oh…my…God!” Natasha suddenly slurred nudging Clint who was beside her.
"This is better than we expected” Clint whispered, grinning.
“What? What’s happening” Bucky asked.
He looked at Natasha who didn’t answer but he followed her gaze only to spot a tall handsome brunette chatting with Peralta and Santiago.
“What is he doing here?”  Nat hissed to Clint
“Don’t know. Must be the buddy Peralta said he was meeting.“ Clint answered Nat.
"Who is he?” Bucky frowned.
“Storm” Wanda, who was nibbling a piece of lime, explained to Bucky “He’s a fireman and has the hots for Stark” she practically purred.
“Well, this is awkward.” Sam deadpanned.
“You know what? I’m gonna help Thor with the shots.” Wanda said to the group.
“Ok. I’m lost” Bucky said once Wanda was out of earshot.
“Phase 2, Barnes” Natasha’s eyes glinted “The plan was getting them drunk and leave them alone, wasn’t it? But, this is brilliant!” she clapped excitedly. “Steve’s gonna see him here, get all jealous and protective…”
“Ok, but someone needs to keep flash fire dude away from Stark until Captain Slow can make his move…” Sam warned looking as Steve was coming back from the restroom and was approaching the bar.
"Uh oh, too late” Bucky said moving his head towards Wanda who was talking to Johnny Storm and pointing at Katie’s direction before she gestured to their booth.
“Fuck.” Clint hissed.
“Should have seen that coming.” Natasha groaned.
“Can’t blame her, Witchy is only playing the cards she has left.” Clint chuckled.
“All right, Steve coming at your 9. Everybody play it cool. Let’s see how this unfolds.” Sam muttered.
It was only seconds after Steve had sat in the booth with another beer in his hands that Thor came carrying a tray with shots and a bottle of tequila, followed by Wanda and Johnny.
“Here, let me help you.” Wanda offered Thor.
“I told you I can handle this” he said placing the tray on the table “Fortunately, I am mighty.” he said casually tossing the bottle in the air and catching it expertly.
Bucky saw as Natasha gave a filthy look to Wanda who was now sitting between her and Steve.
“What? Wanda whispered.
"You know what.” Natasha muttered at her.
Steve’s eyes flickered up to the dark haired man and he did a double take. That was the Flash Fireman, the friend of Peralta’s that Katie had been talking to at the Christmas Party. He took a deep breath and felt his shoulders stiffen slightly as he looked around, spotting that Katie, Diaz and Gina were making their way over. He took a deep breath and his nostrils flared as Johnny blatantly looked Katie up and down as she made her way over.
“S’Up Fire Boy?” Diaz asked him “No kittens to rescue from a tree?”
“Off duty…” Johnny grinned “And stop pretending you’re not happy to see me Diaz.” “Yeah, that’s her happy face, just for clarity.” Gina nodded, folding her arms “Her angry face…well, no one who’s seen it has lived to tell the tale.”
There were a few chuckles from the table until Thor roared out that it was time for shots. Katie slid into the booth on the spare seat next to Johnny as Bucky and Steve both stood up to grab extra stools for Diaz and Gina. Once they were all seated Thor passed the shots around and Steve hastily slammed his down as he watched Katie leaning slightly into Johnny, the pair of them chatting. As Steve watched he held out his arm of his jacket and Katie smiled, reaching out to gently stroke it.
“You like it?” he asked looking at her “It’s a new material made by my sister, she’s an engineer.”  he said sliding an arm around Katie’s shoulder “It keeps the hot stuff hot and the cool stuff cool.”
“Yeah, can’t have your brain overheating, can we?” Steve jabbed at him, rolling his eyes.
Bucky chuckled at Steve’s comment and Katie tried to hide her smile sipping from her glass.
“I’m not wearing a hat.” Johnny frowned earning a withering look from Steve and Katie choked on her Martini. At that point there was no hiding the grin spreading across her face and Bucky saw her glance at Steve, probably to share another one of those knowing, inside smiles, but her expression slipped.  He looked over to see Wanda laugh at Steve’s joke and hold onto his left arm. And the Captain made no move to shrug her off. Instead, he turned into her, his arm moving only to drape round the back of the bench they were on.
Uh Oh.
“Are you ok, princess?” Bucky’s attention flicked back to Johnny who was looking at Katie. “Wanna dance?” he asked with his playful signature smile.
“Yeah, why not?” She said, shooting another glare at Steve. She stood up and flash fired dude slipped his arm round her, hand gripping at her hip as he steered her into the middle of the dancefloor
“I’m dancing too.” Natasha said standing up “And you’re all coming with me. This is a girl’s night after all…”she added dragging Wanda up out of the seat before she turned around and mouthed do something at Bucky.
Bucky looked at Clint and Sam for support, he wasn’t sure what it was that Natasha expected him to do. The situation was disastrous enough as it was.
The pretty blond waitress from the bar came to collect the tray and empty bottles scattered over the table and gave Steve an intense look.
"Want another drink or anything else, handsome? A dance maybe?”
“No thanks” Steve groaned. He stood up and simply said “Excuse me” before walking towards the bar.
“What’s wrong with him?” she asked Bucky and Sam who were looking at her sympathetically.
“Don’t take it personally. He’s in love.” Bucky shrugged.
“Oh, so is he taken?” she asked apologetically.
“Not exactly…” Sam tried to explain.
“What? Is she blind or something?” the waitress said wiping the table with a rag.
“Something like that.” Clint scoffed.
Bucky sat back and tried to come up with a way to redirect the situation. Jealous and drunk Steve was not a good combination but now it was pointless trying to fix the disaster as he saw Steve perched on a stool by the bar, another beer in hand, looking at the dance floor like a wolf.
And then, it was almost like it was happening in slow motion. Wanda, who had slunk off the dancefloor made her way over to Steve where she draped herself, shamelessly over him. And before Bucky could even move to warn Steve, as he could see what was happening a mile off, she’d slipped her arms round his neck and pulled him down to kiss her.
Bucky let out a groan and he turned to the dancefloor to see Natasha stood there, hand over her mouth and she turned to look at him. He waved his hand over his throat furiously, in an attempt to get Natasha to sort it out but it was too late.  Bucky’s eyes flickered to Katie whose attention was fully on Steve and her face fell.
“You left Wanda unleashed!” Bucky practically yelled, exaggerating his words so Natasha could see what he was saying, as he pointed in the direction of Steve and Wanda at the bar.
“Abort phase two. This is a disaster.” Clint groaned. Meanwhile, Thor laughed loudly and clapped.
“Matchmakers of the year, ladies and gentlemen!” he said.
“Where you even here?” Clint asked visibly annoyed.
In all fairness to Steve, he hadn’t been expecting Wanda to make a move like that. It took a while for his drunken brain to catch up with what was going on, but when he finally did he gently caught Wanda on the hips and pushed her away.
“Wanda…” he shook his head “I’m sorry, you’re a great girl and everything but…”
He stood up and looked around, and then he felt his heart sink. Katie and the Fancy Fireman were heading for the exit, hand in hand. Bucky was also watching the two of them leave, and his attention turned to Steve and the utter look of devastation the Captain wore.  
@the-omni-princess @momobaby227 @geekofmanythings16 @angelofhell-666 @thewackywriter @marvelfansworld  @cobalt-gear  @asgardlover75 @jennmurawski13  @jtargaryen18 @saiyanprincessswanie  @navispalace @patzammit  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog  @icanfeelastormbrewing @djeniiscorner  @ayamenimthiriel  @coldmuffinbanditshoe  @disneylovingal @madzmilllz  @sgtjaamesbaarnes @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @southerngracela  @goldenfightergir @kellymat @official-and-unstable-satan​ @charmed-asylum​
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stateofloveandnegan · 4 years
Get Well Soon - David Budd
I’m sooo not happy with the ending but if y’all would like a second part, I'm more than happy to write it! just let me know in the comments or in an ask :)
Requested by: no one
Warning(s): mention of an attack/injuries
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“Good morning, David.” I say with a kind smile as I pass his desk. He looks up and smiles, letting out a quick, “Mornin’.” And going back to what he was doing.
I let out a soft sigh when I reach my own desk, which is two rows ahead of David’s. David and I have been colleagues for a while now. I’ve been trying to get to know him little by little, but I’ve been stuck for a long time.
Every morning I wish him a good morning. Every end of the day, I wish him a good night. I want to get to know him better, but I’ve failed in doing so yet. He’s a complicated one, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I have no idea how to get to know him better. He’s got to be the one to open up at least a little if he wants the same thing.
“(Y/N), could you please come by my office later?” my boss speaks up beside my desk, breaking my little daydream about David. I blink my eyes a couple of times before nodding, “Yes, sir. Of course.”
David looks up for a moment when he hears me speak, but just as our eyes meet, he looks back down. I gather my thoughts and start doing my job, pushing David to the back of my mind.
Work goes pretty smoothly, but also very slowly. When I’m done with what I had to do, I stand up and make my way towards my boss’ office. Just as I’m about to knock on the door, it swings open and I’m met with David’s bright blue eyes.
“David.” I say, a little surprised. David, too, seems surprised. “(Y/N).” he nods at me and passes me without saying another word. I grunt softly, slightly annoyed by how David always acts around me; so damned professional.
“Ah, (Y/N), come in.” my boss smiles and beckons me to come into the room. I close the door behind me on my way in. “Take a seat, I’ve got some exciting news.”
Curiosity enters my body, and I quickly take a seat. “I’ve got a job for you, but it’s a little different from what you usually do. It’s out on the field. Do you think you’re ready for that?”
My eyes widen, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. Going out on the field was something I wanted to do as soon as I started working here, but I wasn’t allowed to immediately do so.
The excitement almost causes me to lose my professionalism, but I quickly regain myself; “Yes, sir. I’m ready.”
My boss lets out a soft chuckle, noticing how excited I am, even though I’m trying to hide it. “Here are the papers of the job. You’ll be out on the field for the entirety of this and next week, (Y/N). All the information you need is in here,” he slides the papers towards me. “If you have any questions, you can contact me.”
I scan the papers and nod as my boss finishes speaking, “Yes, sir. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”
“No need to thank me, (Y/N). This is your chance to prove yourself worthy. Now, you’re dismissed.”
All that’s on my mind is my upcoming field trip, I’ve read the papers a good couple of times and I’m excited, but also a little nervous. I gather my stuff at the end of my shift and make my way out of the building, not even wishing David a good night. I simply don’t think about doing it, because there’s something else, something big, on my mind.
David notices, though. And for some reason he feels slightly disappointed. He doesn’t know where this feeling comes from, he never really paid much attention to what I said to him. Not because he didn’t like me as a person, or as a colleague, but he was a private person. He didn’t feel the need to have more contact with his colleagues than necessary.
The next morning, my new job starts and it’s very exciting, but also scary at times. There’s been attacks on a certain group of people and it’s our job to protect the group, as well as find the attackers and turn them in.
As the days go by, we’ve come close to attacks on multiple occasions, but fortunately, every time we were on time to stop it. “Ma’am, how much longer do you think it’s going to-”
A loud bang takes over and before I can even think of doing something to protect my clients, I’m knocked out of the world. Everything turns black and all I can feel is myself hitting something, very hard. But what it is, I have absolutely no idea.
My eyes shoot open and pain courses through my entire body as I regain consciousness. “Wha- fuck. What happened?” I ask, distress written across my features.
A young man, seeming somewhere in his twenties, tries to calm me down, gently resting his hand on my shoulder so I can’t get up. “Easy, miss (L/N). You’re in the hospital, there was an attack on you and your people.”
Now, horror enters my face, but the young man is quick to calm me, “A few people got hurt, but nobody is severely injured. Out of everyone, you’re the worst.” He smiles weakly.
The young doctor informs me about my injuries: two broken ribs, a concussion, a broken wrist, and a sprained ankle. I let out a grunt of frustration, but when he tells me I am allowed to rest at home, because they’ve done everything they could do for me, I let out a sigh of relief; if I have to time off work to heal, I’d much rather to it at home than at the hospital.
A couple of hours later, with help of my best friend, who’s also my neighbour, I’m back home. She had to pick me up with a wheelchair, otherwise they wouldn’t let me leave. But everyone knows I’m stubborn, as soon as I was out of sight, I got out of that thing and started walking on my own. Which wasn’t very smart, because I then realised that walking with the injuries I have, does hurt quite a lot.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay here?” Anne asks, to which I let out a chuckle. The chuckle turns into quiet fit of coughing as my ribs are hurting and my throat is sore. “I’m sure, Anne. If I need you, you’re right beside me, remember?”
Anne smiles and heaves out a sigh, “Yeah, okay, you’re right… don’t hesitate to call me as soon as you need something. I’ll be off, then.”
“Bye, dearest. I’ll see you soon.”
The days go by and Richard starts to get worried. He immediately noticed it when I didn’t show up at work the day me field work started. He overheard some colleagues talking about the job and let out a relieved sigh to find out I was okay.
But, then, when he heard about the attack and that a police officer was taken to the hospital with multiple injuries, he became worried sick. He was very hesitant to do so, but after thinking about it for two days, he finally walked up to a colleague he knew to be a friend of mine, and asked if I was alright. “She’s at home recovering, it’ll take another month or two before she’s allowed back.”
David sighed, a frown on his face. He would never admit it, but he missed my greetings every day, he missed seeing my face at work. Working up the courage, he asked our colleague for my address, who simply raised his eyebrows in surprise, but wrote the address down, nonetheless. David sent him a small smile before going back to his own desk, trying to think of what he would do now that he had my address.
A couple of days later, as I’m preparing lunch for myself, the doorbell rings. I furrow my brows in confusion; nobody ever really visits unless I made plans with someone. I shrug lightly to myself and limp, a little, over to the door. When I open the door, surprise enters my face. “David?”
He swallows and smiles a little awkwardly, “Hi, I just wanted to give you this.” I look at what he’s holding. It’s a basket with some stuff in it, and it’s incredibly endearing that he did that for me. The basket contains a tiny teddy bear, a super soft duvet, a nice tea mug with some special flavoured teabags in it, and last but not least, a small box of ‘get well soon’ chocolates.
My heart flutters at the gesture of it all, and at how amazing it looks. “That’s… that’s really sweet of you, David. Thank you so much. Would you like to come inside for a moment?”
I take step back so David can come in. He thinks about it for a moment before nodding and walking past me inside the house. “It smells nice in here.” He speaks uncertainly.
“I was just making some lunch. Would you like some as well? I’ve got plenty.” I offer, not sure why, but it just feels right.
For the first time, I spot a small smile on David’s face as he places the basket on the coffee table. “That would be nice.”
I walk back to the kitchen and, rather clumsily, grab some dishes. When I turn around, pain shoots through my ankle and I’m already mentally preparing for a fall, but I never hit the ground. David’s arms are quickly wound around my body.
“Shit.” I mutter, my ankle hurting a lot. “Everything alright?” David asks gently and I groan softly, “It’s my ankle…”
“Let’s sit you down.” he instructs as he helps me, practically carries me, to a chair at the dining table. The pain in my ankle is so heavy that I don’t even have time to feel embarrassed about the situation. “Where can I find some ice?”
I look up at David and point at the freezer, “In the freezer.”
For some reason, even though Richard has always convinced himself he’s better off without his colleagues as friends, he can’t help the happy feeling inside him. It’s as if an empty spot is now filled with… me.
When David comes back to me, he has an icepack, wrapped in a towel, in his hands. He sits down on the chair beside mine and carefully lifts my foot up to rest on his lap. “Tell me if it hurts.” he speaks softly before putting the icepack on my ankle. I wince softly, but soon it only feels better.
It’s silent for a while and I curse myself under my breath for being so stubborn. It’s only now that the pain in my chest also stirs up; obviously I still have two broken ribs. Even though they weren’t badly broken, and they’d only needed a week to heal, it still hurts a shit ton.
When I look up, David is already looking at me. His eyes and all his other features are soft; it’s something I’ve never seen on his face. “I owe you an apology, (Y/N).” he says and my brows furrow in confusion, “What do you mean?”
David sighs, his hands still gently holding my foot and the icepack. “From the start, you’ve been really kind to me. Yet, all I’ve been to you is cold and uninterested. I’m sorry for being like that.”
My heart warms at his words; So he did pay attention to me. “I got worried when you stopped showing up at work, but when I heard about your field work, I wasn’t worried anymore. I was disappointed, though. At first, I couldn’t figure out why, but then I realised it was because you weren’t at the office anymore.”
I swallow lightly, beginning to get a little nervous. This man has so much effect on me, and he doesn’t even realise it. “That’s why, when I heard about the attack, I immediately went to Brian and asked for your address.” David thinks about what he said and scolds himself quietly, “That sounds really creepy, doesn’t it? I’m not a creep, I promise.”
I chuckle quietly and shake my head, a light tint of red covering my cheeks. “I know you’re not a creep, David.”
A smile settles on his face and he continues, “I wanted to make sure you knew that, in fact, I do care about you. Even though we barely know each other. It’s kinda weird, I can’t really explain this feeling.”
“That’s alright, Dave. Because I know exactly what you mean.” I admit, sending him a smile.
David sits up a little more before speaking his next words, as if to gain more confidence. “If you’d like, I can make you some dinner tonight? I don’t think it would be smart if you’d walk about and did a lot of stuff yourself.”
My smile widens and I nod, sitting up a little as well. “I’d really like that. But I wouldn’t like to be a bother to you, David.”
David shakes his head and chuckles, “You’re no bother, (Y/N).”
He gently puts my foot down, it’s already feeling much, much, better than before. Without having me asking him to do something for me, he finishes the lunch I made for myself. He turns around and I smile, pointing at the cupboard that holds the plates.
He grabs two plates and splits the food on them, making sure there’s more on one of the two plates, because he thinks I need more to gain some strength.
“It’s delicious, did you make this yourself?” he asks once we’re both eating. I blush lightly at his words and nod, “Yeah, it’s a recipe I found a little while ago.”
It’s really nice, having David here with me. I gave up on trying to get to know him a little while, so I never expected to be having lunch with him right now.  After lunch, David cleans up the entire kitchen for me, and to say I’m surprised by his actions, is a big understatement.
“I’m gonna go do the grocery shopping for dinner now. I can be back at six?” he says as he helps me get to the sofa. “Yeah, that sounds good. Is there anything I can do to prepare?”
David smiles and shakes his head, “No need. I’ve got it.”
“Thank you for stopping by, the basket alone would’ve been more than enough. I really appreciate what you’re doing, David.” I say sincerely. David smiles and shrugs, “I’m just happy I’m finally getting to know you. I wish I would’ve let myself do that sooner.”
I sit down and David grabs his jacket, “See you tonight, (Y/N).” he says with a soft smile, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on my forehead, which catches me very much off-guard.
When David realises what he just did, a blush enters his face, and he coughs softly, as if to pretend he didn’t just do that. It just felt so natural to do, he thinks to himself. “Bye, Dave.” I say, my voice a little more high pitched than before.
He looks at me with those god damn blue eyes and smiles, nodding before walking off, closing the door behind him.
‘Does he see tonight as a date?’ I wonder. Soon, exhaustion catches up on me. Pain can drain all the energy from you. But I bet that David had something to do with it as well. Thinking about David, and about having dinner with him tonight, I fall asleep with a smile on my face. Only to be woken up a couple of hours later, by the ringing of the bell.
When I open the door, I’m met with a very good-looking David. A smile rests on his face and he’s holding a bag with what I think are the ingredients for whatever he’s going to make. “Hey, there.”
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
 So this is the THIRD installment of my “x reader” prompt list. HOORAY! In light of leaving for so long it’s made me realize that I feel dead inside without writing so, I’m gonna do it again and hopefully this time stay. Also since I don’t eat, breathe, sleep, and shit kpop and actually like some other things too, I feel it’s a good opportunity to share how I’d like various anime characters to fuck me up in more ways what one (wink wonk). I will also say I might only do “character x reader” because I am absolute shit at doing ships. It’s just not my thing and plus I love making peoples personal fantasies come true, it is a big hobby of mine. 
Also if you request a character (assuming you’re asking for an anime request)  that is portrayed as a young teenager, then most likely (scratch that, the word I’m thinking of is “absolutely”) he/she will be written in a universe as a young adult/older than 18 because I’m all about legal consent to doing the fun shit either that...or not at all. (I have to make this big because I cannot stress enough how important this rule is and if you can’t comply, then I have every right to reject your request) Don’t argue with me please.
Rules- You may choose up to 5 prompt numbers if you can’t choose, talk to me and we’ll go through it together because I’m here to capture your horny ass vision. (Example- You wanted to request 3, 4, 12, 45, and 23). Please start with telling me which character you’d like me to write for and give me some insight. (Example- You want a J-hope office AU, then explain the preface like hate to love, secret affair, cute office shit. Or let’s say for example you want something Levi Ackerman related and you talked back to him and he don’t like dat so he “punishes you” ;) ). Get it? Also I take kinder asks more often so keep that in mind, I won’t take your request if you seem rude or whatever.  
Before you ask, yes I do AUs. A lot of my entries are in fact AUs and they are actually my preferred method because who doesn’t love a good AU!!?!! But yeah do not be afraid to ask about AUs
So I usually write for k-pop groups, mostly BTS but I’m broadening my horizon sooo ayye so you can request for Got7, Winner, The Rose, Day6, EXO, if you aren’t sure what other groups I write for you can always ask! 
Anime- Attack on Titan, Black Butler, Fairy Tail, Naruto, BNHA, Kageguri, Tokyo Ghoul, Assassination Classroom, Diabolik Lovers, (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE, I freaking love Diabolik Lovers) once again if you aren’t sure, then please ask. These are just examples but I try to reach every aspect.
ANYTHING BY VOLTAGE- Kissed By The Baddest Bidder, Our Two Bedroom Story, Enchanted In The Moonlight, Butler Until Midnight, Scandal In The Spotlight,   PLEASE REQUEST IT BECAUSE AAAAHHHH I LOVE IT. I do not care which game, just tell me which guy from which game and I will make it happen because Voltage Games are a huge part of me. Just tell me which guy from which game.
Now onto the good stuff! (Also please note that some prompts won’t make sense with some characters and the only reason that is is so everyone can find something to attach to who they want) 
So this first part, is going to be what was on the previous prompt, after number 55 will be the new added on stuff just in case any one of my followers recognizes these. 
1- “How miserable must I be before you’re satisfied?”
2- “Guess I’m not cut out for this dating thing, huh?”
3-“Damnit! Do you have any idea how amazing you are?! Stop being so damn insecure”
4- “Don’t argue with me on this!!”
5- “I can’t just be friends with you…I can’t.”
6- “Do you have to be so annoying all the time?”
7- “No, you can not stay here…I don’t care that it’s raining!”
8- “Why can’t you see that I-….that I-”
9- “Stop pretending to be asleep..”
10- “ Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?”
11-“do you not know what the word ‘mine’ means?”
12- “Shhh, wouldn’t want anyone to hear us now would we?”
13- “I dare you to finish that sentence…”
14- “Someone’s a little irritable today…”
15- “We can’t all be a perfect prettyboy popstar!”
16- “You just…you just kissed me!! *Insert freaked out face here*”
17- “We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world.”
18- “Only make that face in front of me.”
19- “If you wanted my attention…all you had to do was ask.”
20- “I’m bored, wanna fuck?”
21- “Can’t you see that I…I…forget it”
22- “…I can’t kiss you the way I want…”
23- “It was foolish of me to think you could ever want a relationship with me…forget it.”
24- “I aim to please…”
25- “When did this topic even come up!”
26- “You’re so boring, haven’t you ever been wild?”
27- “Hm…I like when you do that.”
28- “I’m more than capable of being rough with you babe. You just watch.”
29- “Where the hell did you learn that?!?!”
30-“Well, the boys accidentally…saw that picture you sent…Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
31-“You need to be taught a lesson…”
32- “Shh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us, now would you?”
33-I don’t understand you sometimes…but I like it.“
34- ” Don’t pretend that wasn’t on purpose…come here.“
35- ” I’m not so happy about doing a duet with you of all people…but could you at least try and not be a..” ( obviously used for kpop requests but this can be modified so don’t worry :) )
36- “Don’t pretend to care when you obviously don’t.”
37- “Am I making you nervous, Y/N?“
38-“I never thought I would see the day you actually take my advice ”
39- "Just admit you want fuck me…if you behave, I might just let you.”
40- “I…I think you’re wonderful…those horrible people you’ve dated…they didn’t deserve you.”
41- “It’s you and me, not us and them. Fuck what they think.”
42- “Oh my gosh, we didn’t…HOLY SHIT WE DID. You tell anyone and there will be one less idol in the world!” 
43- “You’re so quiet…is something wrong?”
44- “Maybe, if you beg, I might….”
45- “Go to sleep, I promise I’ll wake you up.”
46- “This could be more than just another one night stand…”
47- “It’s amazing what the internet will teach you” *casually holding handcuffs*
48- “…you deserve better, someone who cares about you.”
49- “Can’t I do something nice without being suspicious??”
50- “Finally alone…”
51- “Maybe, we could…be boyfriend and girlfriend.?”
52- “You can’t call me cute!”
53- “Have a nice sleep?”
54- “How stupid do you think I am?”
55- “ Are you shy? Around little ol me?”
 56- “Is this how it’s gonna be between us, just fighting all the time?”
57- “You know after all that, you can still look at me and see something worth loving?”
58- “Avoiding me won’t fix your undying love for me, many have tried but all have failed Y/N.”
59- “Me? Self-centered? No no never!”
60- “You are the complete opposite of subtle and it’s amusing.”
61- “No! What are you afraid of?!? Why is is so hard to believe than someone like me could have feelings for you!”
62- “What did they do to you, I won’t ask again....”
63- “I want...to stay with you for as long as possible. Please...let me?”
64- “Even if I have to rip (your enemy’s name) heart out with me bear hands, I will always protect you.”
65- “What? (innocent face) I’m just massaging your shoulders.”
66- “You’re pretty cute for such a clumsy buffoon. Hmm Maybe I’ll keep you!”
67- “Hm, When you put it that way, it makes me sound like a monster.”
68- “ Oh honey, I treat you like a maid because that’s basically all you are.”
69- “Hmmm...turn your body around. Just like that, I wanna try something.” (You all saw this coming and shame on you if you didn’t)
70- “You want me to name all the reasons I love you?....We’d be here forever.”
71- “Oh baby, you’re terrible at hide and seek....but I’ll play along.”
72- “ Oh look, she finally stands up for herself...hmm. I like this side of you.”
73- “The guy you saw....isn’t me...give me a chance to change your mind.”
74-” What? Why are you crying??!! Oh for fu-”
75- “I bully you because it’s fun....no other reason really.”
76- “Why are you so breathtaking god-damnit!”
77- “I know you’ve never....done anything with anyone before...so I’m gonna make damn sure your first time is special!”
78- “ Call me cliche, but you really do look great in the moonlight.”
79- “ What’s this? A sketchbook? You won’t mind if I take a peek, right?”
80- “Shut up! I’m not blushing!”
81- “You look so...inviting all tied up.”
82- “You’re so good at taking orders. I wonder what else you’re good at.”
83- “Okay since when did getting into a fight for your honor become a bad thing?!!?”
84- “What’s the word I’m looking for?....Pet!”
85- “I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, I promise!”
86- “ Me? Y-you like me? Y/N, If you’re joking you aren’t really funny y’know.”
87- “That’s pretty bold for something whose only wearing a towel.”
88- “So you didn’t think I’d catch you looking at some other guy right in front of me?!?!’
89- “ Me? A jerk? Hm...I didn’t know you felt that way....I’m-”
90- “Okay stop it already! People are gonna think I’m bullying you if you keep sobbing like that.”
91- “Hm, do you even have friends or is hanging out alone in an empty classroom/room all you do all day?”
92- “How do you expect me to focus when you’re practically begging for me to come over there and show you who you belong to??”
93- “Let’s say...for example...I was the one who left the love letter by your door...what would you say?”
94- “Do you enjoy being bullied by me? Are you a masochist or something?”
95- “ It’s not everyday I let you be in control...enjoy it babe.”
96- “Someone’s been messing with you? Are you gonna tell me who or not?”
97- “Is my heart just some sort of game to you!?!!?”
98- “You’ve got a lot of nerve showing your face around here after our last....interaction.”
99- “Oh don’t stop because of me, you looked so cute dancing around.”
100- “ I didn’t know...you were so talented. You’re amazing.”
101- “ Please never give up, for me, for us...”
102- “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m hugging you.”
103- “If I can eat your cooking every day, I’ll be happy.”
104- “ What can we say....sharing is caring.” (...best paired with threesome requests but haaaayy can be used for anything else.)
105- “ You need to learn some respect...bend over.”
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This might be ignored,its a long read, but if you want to have your forces restored on feminism my dead feminists i really wanted to share something that is making me tear up every 5 seconds.
As some of you might now, in my country (Brasil) we currently have a situation where our "president" is a misogynist (said he had a bunch of boys, they he went weak and have a daughter that's a "small" example for yall), homophobic ( said he would beat the gay out of his son if he ever "got it"), racist ( talking about killing native Indians and saying slaverism was a choice yadayada) anyways, just a piece of crap, we call him Bozo, like the clown. Well ever since his election we have been feeling so down (I'm sure my American friends can share the feeling). We are the country that kills more transexual people on the world. And it's not even illegal here, that would put into perspective. So, all this are real, serious problems, but bear with me as I get I little... naive maybe?. Well we had 20 seasons of BigBrother over here (Or BBB, Adding the Brasil at the end) and the show is on "the liberals tv channel, all the conservatives try to boycott it yadda yadda ") . But this season is just a gem. I feel like a revolution is happening and (I'm crying rn) I can't even put into words. Its gonna sound ridiculous, but you have to understand that 1) TV is a huge part of our culture, and is 100% connected with politics for us. 2)This show has been silencing woman, making men do anything they want without consequences and put woman as simple objects for their enjoyment. And somehow every year we wouldcomplain about how that was the reflection of our country. Something like this year edition NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE.
Our LGBT movies, Theather and books are being censoreds right now. Our country is on the verge of becoming a conservative doom.
The secretary of health system said :abstinence of sex is the best way to avoid DSTs and pregnancies. THATS HOW DEEP IN SHIT WE ARE. And we feel voiceless. Is like they are the majority you know?
Is like, you know when Katniss made every distric rebel by leading an example on the hunger games? Is THAT KIND OF SHIT. So, firsts things first:
I will introduce you the leaders of our current feminist movement
First, Thelma, she is not just ya regular powerful black queen. She is a doctor, with a bunch of degrees on stuff I can't even pronounce,she is specialized on anesthesia and she is a resident like those bad ass ones in grey's anatomy. She she is A BOSS. She is strong, and even though she is not 100% familiar with the feminism in "theory" she lives it in practice with out even knowing it ( now she knows, cause the other two are teaching her!) I want to make clear that on this reality show, the majority of the public has always been racist, and black people normally are eliminated first, yes it sucks and is one of the reasons I stopped watching a long time ago, as most of us millenials, but thank God we came back. She isn't going ANYWHERE CUZ WE ARE NOT LETTING THAT HAPPEN.
The second one is Marcela, every since the first we saw her she said loud and clear:I AM A FEMINIST, she is also a Doctor. She calls her self doctor unicorn, she is an OB/GYN and choose her career because she wanted to fully support her transexual brother /yess/, she is also expert on female sexuality and give classes about it, think Carina Deluca. She also takes care of sexual abuse victims. Oh yeah, she is bisexual as well. And everyone is shipping her with the next one btw.
Now our last warrior: Gizelly, She is a Lawyer, and she advocates for woman, she has suffered all the types of abuse from her ex husband and after all the trauma, she decided no one would do that to her again. Feminist, we call her the hurricane, she just shoots fire and defends any woman that is being belittled.
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What happened was, some guys decided they would "seduce"any woman who was in a relationship outside the reality show, so they would look bad, and be eliminated easily. Wellx those 3 heard that, and they just couldn't get quiet. They went and tell all the girls about it. Some of them didn't believe them, the guys said they were CRAZY, and were LYING (what a shock)
The confrontation scene:
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So one of them said: If I am lying, I will be eliminated this round. If I'm back, then you are the lier. So, regular reality show stuff right?
Here are some things you should know: Marcela, the leader ( as she was the one with the initiatives) was anonymous when she first got on the show, and 13 days later, she had 2 MILLION FOLLOWERS. Every feminist, every LGBT+ and ally on this country just woke up ya know?. We were all mad as hell that they were being treated as liars, but, and that's a HUGE but, the guy mentioned earlier was against one that was even worse. He was touching inappropriately the girls while they were completely DRUNK at the parties ( they wouldn't remember later), he was the one who actually made said plan mentioned before, but they didn't knew at the house because he was a completely different person when he was alone with the guys. A complete scumbag, he mocked and made fun of every woman on the house because of their looks etc. Sooo, all those millions of feminists watching were like : "do we take the biggest jerk and make the girls think we think they are lying or ?" Well, we decided to take the bigger toxic monster first, and left the other one for the next. But we had a special card. Every year, after the show starts, they put a glass house in the middle of a mall, with 4 candidates inside, we vote for 2 of them to be on the actual show yada yada. What happened was:people started showing off by the mall, with posters, begging for whomever got in the house to :"PLEASE TELL THE GIRLS EVERYONE BELIEVE THEM. THAT THEY ARE NOT LYING. THAT THEY HAVE MILLIONS OF SUPPORTERS. THAT HE ONLY CAME BACK BECAUSE THE OTHER WAS WORSE ETC"
So, last night was elimination day, the worst one got out with 80% elimination A victory for us (there were 4 people on this run, and one of them is a Black guy, fat, older than everyone else, and by history, he would obviously be the first eliminated but he was the one with LESS VOTES. AGAIN THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED IN OUR COUNTRY SPECIALLY SINC THE FOURTH PERSON COMPETING IS A CARISMATIC YOUNG KOREAN MAGICIAN YOUTUBER WITH A NETWORTH OF MILLIONS, BUT THE BLACK GUY WAS LESS VOTED THAN HIM, GUYS I CAN'T STOP WRITING IN CAPS.The second worst one tho, comeback celebrating, saying he knew he was right. Singing victory. The girls were crashed. No one understood and they all started crying and talking about how it was a reflection of our country, but that they wouldn't change their ideals etc. (Again, they didn't knew everything trash bag number one did, cuz he did it in secret so they thought it was an answer)... well, 2am, the couple from the glass house got in. And they told them. They said everything. How the public loves them, and the why the other one got out first, and how we knew they were saying the truth. This part is just a sweet ending for y'all. They then proceeded to get all the woman in one bedroom and talked and talked, they even explained to the ones who had some deep patriarchal mindset and were believing the boys up until that point, they had conversations about feminism, about not accepting to be treated that way, they cried, they were so relieved, it's silly because is a reality show, but last night everyone felt like we were supported. Like, people got our backs! People agree that we wont take that bullshit anymore. In other editions those guys would be the handsome guys that all the girls would die to be with, you know? But know they are the villains. It happened. The girls are not the crazy ones. They are not the powerless wones. They were the STRONG ONES forming OPINIONS, moving the big pieces on the board.
I can't even talk about how this will impact on many young girls, especially with all those girls having such strong stories you know? Today is a reality show but whatch us on the booting vote! Watch us at the March's. Just watch us. I'm telling y'all. Brasil is gonna turn this shit upside down.
Anyways here is a little clip of when our guardian Angel Dan, told the girls that they should trust Marcela's word
The relief the felt, we all felt. Having your word taken seriously after being called crazy and lier...
( even the production of the show tryied to deny the guys plan was real before the videos started pouring up, and they had to take back after saying on national television that Marcela was lying. Because that was the standard)
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littlepinkneko · 5 years
Welcome to the Purple Rose (DMC AU)
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The sun had long set over Redgrave City, many shops were closing and locking up for the long night ahead. People still roamed around to visit any shops before visiting or just to enjoy the cool summer night. Street lights were turning on and lights of shops turned off, signaling to customers that they were now closed.
All except for one.
A child appearing to be ten years of age, with short pitch black hair and violet/blue eyes stepped out of a small shop. The walls covered in rose vines,and in full bloom. The roses a pale color of lilac and all looking healthy, as they were very well taken care of by the shop keeper and her children.
“Gabriel you forgot the sign again!” a voice called out as another boy stepped out, dragging a large sign behind him to set on the corner. He looked identical except for having a mowhawk cut and bigger a little bigger than the other sibling. The first boy that stepped out jumped a little and scurried back to help with the sign but he brushed the other off and set the sign up itself.
The sign itself bore an insignia of the shop’s logo, popping out of the chalk board background. a skeletal hand holding a fully bloomed purple rose with the moon full behind it. The words all written in beautiful cursive writing and indicating what the shop was called.
The Purple Rose: medicinal herds, crystals and magiks.
“I’m sorry Connor, I just got a little to excited, we never been in the city!” Gabriel with an apologetic tone and flinched under his brother’s glare holding his chin up and adverting his gaze from Gabriel back into the shop.
“Just don’t let it be a habit, Justin and me can’t baby you ALL the time you know.” Connor huffed heading back inside the shop. Gabriel couldn’t help but glare at his brother’s back before heading back inside The shop luminated by orb shaped laterns of different soft colors of yellows, whites, and lilacs. The walls nearly covered by shelves of dried plants, grounded nearly into powders into glass jars so customers could see and look inside. Some plants were questionable to the human eye,  a selected few locked inside a glass cabinet and looked from something that didn’t belong in the world.
High up on a ladder was the oldest and final brother of the triplet trio. Placing the last of the jars on the final shelves to make the shop look pleasing to his eyes. All the jars evenly spaced and in a perfect position for a quick scoop for the contents inside.
“You guys get the sign out?” Justin called down at his siblings, turning half way around to look at them from the ladder. Connor through up his hands, exasperated  and rolled his eyes in annoyance even more.
“WHY YES OH GREAT JUSTIN! WE HAVE PLACED THE SIGN OUTSIDE! Jeez we’re not dumb..I mean at least I’m not.” Connor scoffed giving Gabriel a sideways glance. Gabriels opened his mouth to shoot back at his brother was stopped when the shopkeeper walked out behind a veil of beads.
A woman with long brown hair pulled back in a high ponytail stopped and looked around the shop, her left eye covered with an eyepatch bearing a pentagram on the cloth. The right eye sharing the color of a bright green, abnormal color for a human even but not totally uncommon. On her pale colored skin that was exposed for those to see where even more markings, tattoos of protection runes and words in latin nearly covering every inch of her arms and chest. In the very center of her chest in between her collar bone there was a single tattoo that stood out the most. Two crescent moons backed up against a full moon, bearing a five pointed star in the center.
“Stop being mean to your baby brother Connor, I keep telling you not to be rough.”the woman snapped as she walked passed the rebellious kid and ruffling his mowhawk. He waved his arms around to stop the woman and taken a few steps back shooting her a small glare. Sticking his tongue out in defiance at the woman before grinning.
“Someone’s gotta toughen him up Mom, figured I’d help.” Connor said with a grin but that grin soon disappeared when she let out a small sigh. “Just...know when to stop Connor.” Turning her attention to Justin that was coming down the ladder the brunette spoke again.
“Everything ready?”
“Just about Mom, I gotta let Diva, Luna and Oddie out of the cages yet.”he spoke jumping down on the final step before heading to the back. The woman had just begun to follow after her eldest son but was soon toppled over by a large red canine. She could hear Connor and Gabriel both laugh at their mother’s plight, the canine’s tail wagging a mile a minute as it began to vigorously lick at it’s owner’s face.
“Oddite! Down! HEEL!” she screeched trying to push the pooch off of her. The red doberman didn’t even budge from the shopkeeper’s pushing, it felt like she was drowning in slobber until the dog turned his attention to the boy’s and bounded off the woman and continued its ‘assault’ on Connor and Gabriel both. Connor began screaming in protest and tried to do what his Mother tried but ended with the same fate.
Death by kisses.
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Sitting up and letting out a heavy sigh Nia wiped the slobber off from her face and shook off whatever was left off of her hand. Coming not too far behind, strutting out with head held high was a silver colored maine coon. The feline’s gold colored eyes looking around the shop looking displeased at the new surroundings but helped herself by taking a seat up on the counter top, right beside the cash register and promptly began to clean herself.
A Queen must always look presentable to her subjects.
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What sounded like birds songs with the sound of chimes and sweet bells were fast approaching from behind the veil. Justin appearing out from the back room holding a large parrot like bird on his left shoulder. Its beautiful feathers of pastel colors of teal, purple, light green and yellows. Feathers around its face making the bird appear to have fat little cheeks, its tail long and elegant, nearly touching the floor boards. The bird is considered one her most prized possessions other than her sons, it had taken years to even find this mythical bird but Nia had found it and now uses the parrots feathers for medicinal practices.
For those who are willing to pay a shit tone of cash to bring a love one back to life that is.
“There is my lovely Diva, hello my lovely girl.” Nia cooed getting back on her feet and presented her right arm out for the  bird to perch upon. Taking flight off of Justin and going on to the woman’s forearm the birds song’s became louder in excitement but soon stopped when she was being petted, letting out soft loving coo’s as her feathers fluffed up in approval of the attention she was receiving.
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“I have the perfect spot for you pretty girl, right at the shop window so everyone can see how pretty you are.” Nia continued to coo and praise walking over to the large shop window. A perch had already been set for the bird and she wasted no time on jumping on and continued her sweet songs for all to hear from inside and outside the shop.
A small whine interrupted Nia’s attention from the bird and to the Doberman that sat down beside the woman. Its amber colored eyes looking up at his owner with pleading eyes. Letting out a small chuckle Nia rubbed the dog’s head in praise as well, couldn’t leave her hellhound out of all the pets.
“Excuse me, but are you open?” a brittle voice cracked from the shop entrance. Justin,Connor and Gabriel remained silent as all three of the boys stood in place and eyed the possible customer. A first glance it was just a normal looking old lady, sweet looking and had a gentle caring air about her. But if you were to give the brittle woman a second glance the old lady’s skull could be outlined by how tight her skin was.
Diva had stopped singing when ‘grandma’ walked through the shop thresh hold.
Clapping her hands together and giving the woman the warmest of smiles Nia approached the elderly woman with a skip in her step, happy to help to whatever she needed.
“Why yes of course, we have JUST opened ma’am! What can we help with you today?” Nia said cheerfully taking a step beside the woman and gracious held her forearm out for the woman to hold to keep her balance. Grandma didn’t waste anytime and accepted the help and shuffled along side Nia and gazed out the shop with beady black eyes, mouth shaped in an ‘o’ in awe at the various items and herbs on the shelves.
“I have been having issues, you see I am very frail and my joints ache sooo much.”
“I can see that ma’am, I have a few herbs that can make that pain go away for good.”
“OH! How wonderful! I’ve been to so many doctors and they are of no help at all. No help at all! I am glad I have stopped by here.” the woman cheered as Nia escorted the woman to take a seat in a plush love seat. Gentle patting the back of the woman’s hands Nia soon went to work.
“Justin, Cat Claws. Connor I need some thunder god vines. Gabriel, be a sweetheart and get Mrs..?”
“Get Mrs.Lockheart a small bowl,olive oil and water. Oh! and don’t forget a white candle.” Nia spoke gently to her youngest. Gabriel looked at his mother full of uncertaity but nodded his head slightly and quickly rushed to the back. Mrs.Lockheart looked at Nia with a small look of confusion, cocking a brow.
“May I ask what those are for?” she croaked.
“It is part of the process Mrs.Lockheart, trust me all my remedies work with a specialty to them.” she assured turning around just in time for Gabriel come running back with the items his mother asked for. With a smile and taking the ingredients Justin came up with a small foldable table and sat it beside Mrs.Lockheart chair. Again the old woman watched with puzzlement but in fascination as Nia began to pour the olive oil and water together in the black bowl. Stirring with her right index finger Nia hummed a soft tune to herself before pulling her finger out and lighting the white candle with a match stick.
“Alrighty Mrs.Lockheart I need you to drink all of this for me. This will help with the joint pains.” Nia handed the bowl to the woman’s shaking hands, her finges too long and nails that look like they could cut into anything. Mrs.Lockheart gave Nia weary look before pressing the rim of the bowl to her thin lips and began to gulp the mixture down, a grimace on the woman’s face when she finished. Smacking and lips together and showing needle like black teeth from behind that flimsy skin.
Before the old woman could say a thing Nia lashed out with her right hand and took hold of the elderly woman’s face. The sweet demeanor burned away with Mother’s intuition to protect her own offspring.
“Water, oil, and candlelight, Bring my enemy into sight. Let me see all I need to know To protect myself from this foe!”
Mrs.Lockheart let out a piercing shrill cry as she reeled her head back in agony and began to frail around to release herself from Nia’s grasp. Nia tossed the woman off to the floor as soon as her thin flesh began to twist and contort into odd angles. Arms and legs elongated into fine point of that of an insect, her torso shrinking and head looking more of a human skull. Lower jaw jutting far out and revealing long sharp teeth the demon came up to Nia’s hip height and looked like a grotesque spider.
“YOU!!!! HOW DID MERE HUMAN LIKE YOU KNOW?!” the Critter screeched wobbling quickly wobbling itself on its legs and facing the wiccan with the bloodthirsty aura.
“See when my bird stops singing when someone comes in, she stops singing. You also smell like a rotting corpse. You Critters are not a very bright species of demon at all.” she spoke flatly with arms crossed over her chest, unimpressed by this situation. The Critter let out a low chittering growl before lunging forward to the Witch getting ready to strike Nia down from where she stood.
Of course Nia was quick to react and shoved her right hand out, palm open to reveal another pentagram in the center, glowing a fiery orange.
A bright flight and a loud pop the Citter screamed out in agony again, being engulfed in orange hell fire as it staggered and skittered around on the floor. Oddie began chasing after the burning demon barking in excitement, biting at its legs and tearing one off to stop the demon’s movement and to leave it thrashing on the floor.
“YEAAAAHHH!! BURN BABY! BURN!!!!” Connor jeered pumping his fists in the air and jumping up and down to share Oddie’s excitement. Justin just rolled his eyes and Gabreil covered his eyes and looked away at the sight. Unmoving and charred to nothing but ashes the demon was now dead, leaving behind a blacken spot on the floor to Nia’s dismay.
“GOD. DAMNIT. That is Mahogany! For fuck’s sakes that’s going to stain badly.” Nia whined looking at the charred spot in dismay.
“You want me to get a bucket of water and floor polish mom?”
“Yes sweety that would be great....I have to put a barrier up at the door in case another comes around. I do NOT want my floor to be black and smell liked a burned body.” Nia whimpered turning her attention to the hellhound that was happily chewing on the prized leg he got from the Critter.
“Good boy. Oddie. But next time....react quicker ok buddy?”
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kpoptionate · 6 years
got7 ➾ boyfriend!yugyeom
got7 masterlist // official masterlist
requested: anon: hello, if you’re not too busy with the other requests and you have time can you please write the boyfriend yugyeom au? thank you i hope you enjoy your day !
a/n: i’m sorry it took so long, but here it is ! i hope you enjoy it, thank you for requesting <3
mark // jaebum // jackson // jinyoung // youngjae // bambam
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there are like. no. good yugyeom gifs. i’m suing
k i m  y u g y e o m
this boi makes me feel so many emotions
so you hung out with the guys p often
you were good friends with them
but ot6 friends
bc one of them always ignored you
you thought he hated you or something
like every time you walked in everyone was like “hey y/n !” but he was like “haha no”
so you kinda just had to make do with what you had
on his side of the story, he was just too nervous to be around you and didn’t want to sit there and look awkward
whenever you asked one of the guys what was up they just kinda laughed it off which was kinda suspicious
so they always tried to get him to talk to you but the boy’s stubborn
eventually bambam just told you
like “hey yugyeom’s got like the biggest crush on you btw”
i can imagine that in his accent uWU but this isn’t about bam
so he went up to yugs and he was like “hey i told them btw”
and yugyeom’s just
so he ignored you even moreeee
like you didn’t see him at all for at least a week or two
you’d had enough
you caught yug in the practice room and he tried to skrt skrt outta that bitch but you were like “hol up hol up hol up mister”
and you sat down like a parent and talked to him about his behavior
he tried to keep quiet but he eventually broke and just spilled everything out
surprise surprise you cut him off
kiss !!!11!!1!
when you pulled away he was blushing
and you were blushing
and you were all like i like you too yugyeom
then y’all kinda just . . .
stood there . . .
awkwardly smiling at each other . . .
bc neither of you knew what to say
then he just burts out with
and you nodded
like yes treat me like the queen i am
after a moment he wrapped you in a bear hug and gently shook from side to side
he had that smile™ on his face
and went “nhnnhnnnhnnn” in a cute voice
he’s adorable
que the guys squealing behind the door like children
okay that was the worst thing i’ve ever written, let’s move on to something better please
loves kisses !!
l o v e s !!!!!11!!1!1!11
also loves cuddles !!
l o v e s !!!!!11!!1!1!11
he could do it all day
especially if you’re smol, he loves engulfing your body
whether you’re smol or not you’re gonna get engulfed tbh
obv prefers being the big spoon
wrapping his arms around your shoulder or waist
and depending on that his head will either be on your head or shoulder
also likes your head on his chest
or his head on your chest
or lap
or stomach
just likes touching you in general
while he’s lying down he likes playing with your fingers
and kissing them
sometimes licks them too ? like a cat
calls you things like sweet cheeks and snookums
gets extremely embarrassed but lowkey loves it when you use pet names around the guys
like “i love you my gyeomie bear” or sumn stab me please
y’all are so fucking cringey it hurts
dates with him include going to walmart and sitting in the basket of big ass teddy bears
you know those videos of people pushing other people in the shopping carts and they end up running into something and falling over and knocking the whole stand down
that’s you two
piggyback rides down the road with ice cream cones dripping on each other but it’s okay bc you can shower together later
him pushing you off the swings then getting scared that he actually hurt you
fancy dates aren’t really a thing with him ? he’s p casual
shoe shopping ?
i feel like he just really likes buying you shoes
also jewelry
he’s kinda specific
loves it when you wear his clothes
mainly his sweatshirts like is that even a question literally nobody asked but okay
also thinks it’s super cute when you walk around in his shoes like a little kid ? like you bust alllllll his uwus
likes staying at home to watch dramas
we all know he loves them
it’s his second favorite thing to do
you being the first ;)
he loves just chilling at the dorms with you all day binging dramas
usually the guys come in and join y’all which kinda bothers him bc ??
they’re always ?? all over you ?? he just wants time by himself dammit
onto that note
he doesn’t get jealous v much, but sometimes the guys get too touchy
‘specially bambam and jackson
like he trusts him and all but he should be the only one allowed to touch you, yknow ?
not that bam or jackson touch you inappropriately
just that when you cuddle with them he wishes he was the one you were cuddling with
so he’ll get all pouty and sit by himself in a corner until you come collect him
like you can literally almost see a rain cloud above his head oml poor baby
definitely gets a puppy with you at some point
like even if you don’t really want to bc he’s already a big one
if yugyeom was a dog he’d be clifford no other species
he would probably pay attention to it more than you tbh
he thinks it’s cute when you get jealous
but makes up for it with kisses and stuff
ima try to keep this short since i always get too excited at this part and make it too long so i have nothing else to write bc it’s all in my boyfriend!aus bUT
okay so he likes to cup your face when he kisses you
and moves his hands around to the back of your head and run his fingers through your hair as he brings you closer
comes off as a little submissive at first
like whimpers when you pull his hair softly ?
or when you bite his bottom lip and slip your tongue past them
but lemme tell you hun he’ll end that shit real quick
carrying you up to the bedroom and flopping you down on the sheets and crawling on top of you
as the kisses start to become more passionate he’ll press his body closer and closer to you
and when you raise your hips up to him he’ll buck down on you
i’m telling you this boy can get you off quick even just grinding
like i know you’ve seen the way he moves them hips boiii
can you just i m a g i n e oh my god
he’ll drag his hands up your shirt and take it off in one swift motion
trailing kisses and leaving marks from your neck down to your waist
this boi
how to use his mouth
like holding your thighs down as he relentlessly goes down on you
again, loves it when you grab him by his hair to push his head closer
“you’re getting so unraveled with just my tongue, do you really think you can handle my cock ?”
i’m so sorry i’m bad at dirty talk askfksksjsksjks
when he actually goes down on you
again, hips
he rolls them
he’ll try to kiss you but he’s moaning too much
i feel like he whines and whimpers a lot ? not in a submissive way but just
y’all probably go at it for a whileeeeeeee
like til you can’t move your legs anymore so you have no choice but to stop
afterwards he’ll brush the hair out of your eyes as he picks you up to the bathtub to give you a little bath
which may or may not result in picking back up again oops
overall he’s a cute childish lil dude
he loves you, he does
tbh you’re probably one of his first serious relationships since he’s so young and he’s been in the industry since he was a teenager sooo
take care of him please ! he trusts you won’t mess it up
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mymoonjin1 · 6 years
My thoughts on Crimes of Grindelwald
I know there are loads of comments on this already but I too need to rant for a while. I’ll try to finish this off with some constructive criticism, though. (I’d like to add that it’s perfectly fine if you did enjoy this film, this is just MY opinion.)
I don’t even know where to start. Listen, I am a huge Harry Potter fan, always have been, even considering a tattoo. And I actually really liked the first Fantastic Beasts movie. It had its flaws, but overall it was a good story. But most importantly: the movie can stand on itself. It has its own plot. Newt arrives in New York and accidentally lets loose a few magical creatures. The goal: finding the creatures whilst figuring out who is causing the muggle attacks. Simple, fun. They mention Hogwarts and Dumbledore, stuff we’re familiar with, but not overly so. It’s done cleverly. Now. Cut to Crimes of Grindelwald. Oh, boy. From uncomfortable close-ups to just plain weird editing this film is a goddam mess, not to mention the nonsensical storylines. No matter how effing cute nifflers are. Let’s break it into themes. 
The movie ended and I still had no idea what Grindelwald’s crimes were. He “escapes” (He had already switched places with Abernathy, so why was that whole scene even there? A dark, evil wizard like him surely would just call Abernathy's sacrifice necessary for the cause or whatever), his French sidekick kills a family in order to keep their house and then he gives a speech. That’s it. What were his crimes?! He’s already a “notorious" dark wizard, what has he done besides spreading the word? Also, what is his actual ideology here? I’m sorry but that speech was a bit lame and again, confusing. Is he opposed to World War II or is he gonna take advantage of it? Kill all muggles or only those responsible for the war? But most importantly, we see Grindelwald for like ten minutes during the whole movie, why is his name even on the freaking title? I liked when he held his wand like he was directing an orchestra whilst killing everyone with the blue fire. That’s pretty much it.  Also, I’m not getting into Johnny Depp’s controversy cause that’s a whole other issue, but I think it reflected on his performance, like he was being too cautious, or something, at least that was my perception. I mean, whatever the circumstances, you’re already playing the role, then play the goddam role. 
*Sigh* I honestly do not understand how they managed to turn a sweet and caring character into this whiny and annoying person, doing things so out of character. The love potion crap. Are you freaking kidding me?! Why was this necessary? Never mind about Jacob’s consent when I can just roofie him, kidnap him and force him to marry me! I’m the victim here, I just want to marry the one I love! Just… whyyyy? Also, she’s a freaking mind reader. How could a mind reader get brainwashed into joining a dark wizard? Because he preaches... free love? Ummm, does he?! Also, why did she freak out on the street? It was never mentioned before that her mind could get overwhelmed in crowds. It would make sense, but it was so out of nowhere it came out weird, and that scene just takes too damn long. Then the movie forgets about her for like twenty minutes to suddenly show her at the French witch’s house, like sure, I’ll go for a cup of tea with a total stranger, why not? Ugh. 
Ok, I actually liked Jude Law’s performance. The issue is that he, just like Grindelwald, is barely in the movie. We already knew that their relationship wasn’t going to be explored in this film, but it was still disappointing. We only got a “we were closer than brothers” and some hand-holding seen through the Mirror of Erised, WHICH APPARENTLY CAN NOW SHOW MEMORIES TOO, BUT OKAY. And please explain to me how is a blood pact different from an Unbreakable Vow? I get the aesthetic but surely an Unbreakable Vow is more convenient since it can’t be undone. Dumbledore suggested at the end of the movie that he might be able to destroy the blood pact. Wouldn’t have Grindelwald made sure to not leave anything to chance? Also, when did they make this blood pact, before the duel that killed Ariana? Why were they able to duel then? It can’t have been after, they wouldn’t have been exactly on speaking terms after that. That blood pact storyline took away the complexity of Dumbledore’s motives about not wanting to go after Grindelwald. Why wasn’t it enough that he once loved him and couldn’t bear to confront him after all that happened between them? That was a perfectly good explanation. This whole thing completely downplayed their relationship, like “yeah, now I just need to figure out how to destroy this necklace and I’ll be free to duel and possibly kill him, yay!” *Sighs*
Leta and Yusuf
What was the real purpose for these characters? We were lead to believe that the Lestrange family history was going to have this awesome revelation/plot twist and it ended up going nowhere. Also, the (insufferably long) scene where they finally explain the whole thing was so overcomplicated and confusing AF. For some reason, Leta’s dad (a rapist) sent her and her half-brother to the US, but since the baby wouldn’t shut up Leta switched him with another baby who happened to look exactly like him, and that baby was Creedence. Uh…okay? But then Leta returned to the UK and studied at Hogwarts? Sooo was that meant to be only a cool summer abroad? And how did she know about her half-brother Yusuf? How did they meet? Who made that freaking prophecy? Yusuf made that unbreakable vow with… whom, exactly? Himself? Arrgggg. Yusuf seemed to be an important character, I mean he locks Tina and Newt in a dungeon (they escape immediately but ok), but no. He spends almost the entirety of the movie unconscious only to appear conveniently at the cemetery to reveal he’s Leta’s half-brother. Just. Why ANY OF IT if later on we’d find out Creedence isn't even a Lestrange? GOD. 
So, back to Leta. She switched the babies (in the Titanic?) and also befriended Newt at Hogwarts. What was her relevance in the present? Why wasn’t the whole "ending up marrying his brother" explained? That’s a flashback that would’ve been useful, unlike the other ones. It could’ve added so much more to the relationship between the three of them, specially Theseus and Newt. But it was never mentioned. Also, why was she hated by everyone at school? Were all the Lestrange hated or was it only her? And THEN, FFS what was she even trying to attempt when she approached Grindelwald? Was she like tempted into joining him but regretted her decision last minute and tried to kill him instead? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? I liked the part when she said “I love you” and you’re not quite sure if she meant Newt or his brother. That was interesting. Would’ve been even more interesting had it been developed properly. But the rest of it? What a mess.
Newt, Tina, and Jacob
I actually adore Newt as a character. He’s a refreshing male lead who’s unapologetically himself throughout the story. I read a Vox article that called him amazingly neurodivergent, and in an interview, Redmayne also said he thought of him as having Asperger's. What an extraordinary thing to see in a male lead in a multimillion-dollar franchise! He’s awesome and doesn’t need to change the way he is in order to be cool. And yet in this film, he’s sooo relegated. He could’ve done SO much more, instead, he’s just lost in the sea of subplots with no real purpose. As for Tina, she has absolutely no character development whatsoever and Jacob is just there for comic relief. Also, how did he get his memories back? I’m sorry, but “the potion only took away the bad memories” is lazy writing. They are great characters but did absolutely nothing in this movie. Totally underappreciated. 
Nagini and Creedence
I don’t get why they made such a fuss over this since she has like THREE lines in the entire movie?! Seriously, why was she even there? She brought absolutely NOTHING to the plot. She just stands there next to Creedence when she could’ve been a super badass character. I’m not getting into the whole controversy, but I mean, if it was already happening, she should’ve at least had a kickass introduction. A backstory. ANYTHING. Why is a woman turning into a snake a circus attraction when anyone in this universe can become an animagus with enough practice? She was sooo mistreated here as a character. I get that there’s gonna be three more movies but COME ON, you can’t just make a huge ass preamble to another film without ANY sort of character development. It needs to have a plot of its own too. Like each of the Harry Potter books/movies. GEEZ. Now, Creedence. How did he survive? We saw a little remnant of the obscurus at the end of the first film, but hey, a little more context would’ve been nice. I thought the host and the obscurus were different things. Care to explain?! Also, how did he end up in Europe working at a magic circus? That circus thing could’ve been a very interesting plot but it goes nowhere. Again. And then... the ending. I hope the theory going around that it’s actually Ariana’s obscurus that somehow got attached to him and not actually him that’s a Dumbledore (and that’s what the phoenix was attracted to) is real because otherwise IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE. Kendra Dumbledore died in 1899. Crimes takes place in 1927. That’s 28 years. I HIGHLY doubt Creedence is 28. Why would he still be living at an orphanage at 28 then? Or did Dumbledore’s dad knock someone up in Azkaban? Just. So. Many. Plot. Holes.
Nonsensical stuff
-The lady guarding Leta’s chamber. What. The. Fork?! She lets them through even though she clearly knew Tina wasn’t Leta, and only after they’re already inside she unleashes those weird cat things with Leta being there, the actual owner of the chamber who clearly doesn’t have a problem with the “intruders”. Just… WHY? 
-Jacob being able to go through the statue. Ummmm?! 
-McGonagall. SHE WAS BORN IN 1935! WHAT?!
-Also, I get the whole 1920’s vibe and I mean no disrespect towards Colleen Atwood, because the costumes are actually gorgeous, but like… no robes? NONE? You can’t tell muggles and wizards apart. That was a key aspect of Harry Potter, at least with the older generations, so you’d think in the 1920’s they’d be even more traditional with their wizard clothing. I mean, Lupin wore both suits AND robes. Just saying. 
-Out of hundreds of people at the cemetery, the niffler somehow knew precisely what item to steal and from whom. Ok???? 
-Nicholas Flamel. What was the point of him? All he did was talk with a random woman through a book and then conveniently appear at the end to tell everyone what to do to control the fire. I mean, cool, but care to elaborate?
-And that blue fire eagle thing. It’s a very, very long sequence that could have been way quicker. It was time wasted on CGI, time they could’ve spent more wisely elsewhere. 
-Another thing that has been rubbing me the wrong way is the mention of Creedence’s nanny being half-elf. I know it’s probably stupid for me to be weird about it but listen. This is a universe with house elves and goblins, and that’s totally fine, I like the part they play in the story. But then we also have Professor Flitwick, who’s never mentioned to be either of those things; he’s just little. That’s it. And he’s a total badass. So why did the nanny had to be half-elf? I remember an interview with Peter Dinklage in which he said he didn’t like playing roles that cast little people as magical beings, which is why he loved Tyrion in Game of Thrones. Then why couldn’t the nanny just be a regular witch? Why half-elf? How did that come about? Think about it: a human witch/wizard… with a house elf? Which are, essentially… slaves?! I don’t even want to know. And I’m probably overthinking it, but seriously. It wasn’t a necessary detail to mention. 
The Fanservice 
Ok, I get that they’d include certain Potter related stuff. Nostalgia is fun, right? AS LONG AS IT MAKES SENSE. McGonagall being there makes no sense. RESPECT. CANON. PLEASE. I get retconning stuff like classes taking place on different floors at Hogwarts but dude. This was kind of an important detail. The Philosopher’s Stone casually being shown at Flamel’s house. I mean, fine. But we get it, we know who he is, it’s not like we are idiots who need reminding of this. Also, the music. I adore Hedwig’s Theme, but this is a different story. I get like a few notes here and there, but the WHOLE damn theme during that Hogwarts shot? It actually kind of threw me off a little. I couldn’t pay attention to what was actually happening. 
Ok. I honestly don’t understand what went wrong. I don’t know if Rowling should just stick to writing novels or if it was the editing, the directing or-or… I just can’t even. JK Rowling is amazing at writing mystery. In all of the Harry Potter books, there were mysteries to be solved: who’s after the Philosopher’s Stone? Who opened the Chamber of Secrets? Why is Sirius Black after Harry? Who put his name in the Goblet of Fire? And so on. And in the first FB movie, the mystery was who was responsible for the attacks, and it made you believe it was Creedence’s little sister. That was still a good plot twist. Please, do tell, what was solved in Crimes? What did they actually accomplish? They spent the whole movie going in circles. Like I said, you can’t just have a huge ass preamble to a different movie. It needs to stand on its own, have its own arc. Otherwise, what’s the point? I genuinely wanted to like this film, but its narrativity makes it impossible to enjoy the actual plot, even with likable characters and appealing visuals.
Listen, I will forever be grateful to JK Rowling for the impact Harry Potter has had in my life. They are to this day my favorite books. I loved the original book for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, as well as Quidditch Through the Ages and Tales of Beedle the Bard. They added fun details to the main story, a little peek into the Wizarding World. But then the whole expansion happened. And I used to get mildly excited whenever a new story was published on Pottermore. But eventually, I lost interest. And whenever someone said “I wish there was another book” I immediately cringed at the thought. Why ruin something that had ended in such a perfect way? The Harry Potter world ended with the seventh book. And that was ok. You need to let things go. That’s life. But then for money some reason, Cursed Child (aka That Which Must Not Be Named) was allowed to happen. And then, Fantastic Beasts happened, but it was a whole different story with brand new characters within the same universe, actually written by JK Rowling. Well, that actually sounded promising. Because it was a separate thing. A few references here and there. What could go wrong? Right. 
There are millions of reasons why the expansion hasn’t been working, but I think part of the problem came from social media. When we were kids we’d send letters to our favorite authors, but now they are just a tweet away. Which can obviously be wonderful. But you have to know where to stop. And I don’t think JK understands that. And I don’t mean it like she’s not allowed to have her own opinions and versions of certain things that didn’t come up in the books; she created the universe. But altering canon isn’t right. Forcing narratives that don’t make sense with what’s already established is weird. That’s why it’s important to leave things to the imagination/each reader’s interpretation. You want to write a different story within the same universe, that’s amazing, go ahead! As long as it’s properly developed and has its own merits. I genuinely want to like FB. And I did. But I don’t know what went wrong with this one. You’re capable of SO much more, Jo, I know you are. Sorry if I’m being too harsh. 
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st353days-blog · 7 years
Reddie - Oblivious
A/N: Hi everyone! So this is my first real attempt at writing anything like this, so please bear with me. I really hope you enjoy it though - please let me know what you thought about it! Feedback, whether it’s positive or negative, would really be appreciated, so I can figure out if I suck or if I should write more of these, haha. 
Word Count: 2,192
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak 
”Richie, I have a problem.” Eddie looked over his left shoulder to where Richie was placed on a chair next to him. They were both currently sitting in Eddie’s room dong some homework. Or they were supposed to be doing their homework, but Eddie found it difficult to concentrate because of Richie’s constant drumming with his fingers on the table and his right knee bouncing up and down against Eddie’s. This was exactly why Eddie always refused to do his homework with Richie, but when Richie had kept asking him again and again, he finally caved in and said yes.
“Oh Eds, what is it? Is it another math equation, because you know how good I am at math and-“ Eddie cut him off. “No, Richie. It’s you. You’re my problem.” Eddie gave him a look of annoyance and placed his left hand hard down on Richie’s thigh to make the bouncing stop. Eddie knew that Richie didn’t do in on purpose, it was just because Richie was such a hyper person that he couldn’t sit still for a moment, but it really annoyed Eddie. He let out a frustrated sigh and spun his chair around so he could face Richie. “Maybe we should take a break?”
“Yeah, I think that’d be a good idea, Eds. You seem really tense for some reason. Maybe I could help relax you. Make you feel real good.” Richie wiggled his eyebrows at Eddie and placed his hand on Eddie’s upper thigh as he leaned towards him. Eddie shoved his hand away so Richie almost fell head-first.
Eddie had noticed that Richie had been even more flirty towards him the past couple of days, but he hadn’t really thought that much of it. A lot of the other members of the losers club had commented it whenever Eddie wasn’t there, but Richie just told them to mind their own business – he really didn’t want them to know how he actually felt about Eddie.
“C’mon, let’s go for a walk” Eddie stood up grabbed Richie’s arm and practically dragged him out of his room. “We can go down to the grocery store and get some snacks.”
He shut the front door and turned around to follow Richie, who was waiting for him. Richie slung his arm around Eddie’s shoulder, and for some reason Eddie didn’t shrug it off, much to Richie’s delight. He had really start to look at Eddie in a different way lately; a more romantic way and not just as his tiny friend. It had never been a secret that Richie was bisexual, but up until now he still hadn’t been dating any guys. A lot of girls, sure, but he had only ever kissed a handful of guys.
In wasn’t exactly cold outside that late afternoon, but Richie could feel Eddie’s small body shiver beside him. Now that he came to think of it, Eddie was only wearing a yellow t-shirt, while Richie himself was wearing a thick sweatshirt. Without even asking Eddie first, because he know he would say no, he removed his arm from Eddie’s shoulder and reached down to the hem of his sweatshirt and took it off. As he did so Eddie looked over at him because of the sudden movement, and caught a glimpse of Richie’s bare stomach and his slightly toned muscles. When the t-shirt Richie was wearing underneath slid back into place and covered his bare skin, Eddie shook his head and looked up at Richie, who was already smirking down at him. “Like what you see, huh?” Eddie blushed and smacked him on his chest. “No.”
“Yeah, sure, if you say so, Eddiebear. Here, take this. You’re freezing.” Richie held his sweatshirt in front of Eddie, and Eddie was about to intervene, but the stern look on Richie’s face made him take it anyway. He tugged it over his head and smoothed it out so it sat properly on him. It was slightly big on him due to the fact that Richie, obviously, was a lot taller than Eddie was. Richie smiled down at Eddie and slung his arm around Eddie’s shoulder once again. “You know, you should wear my cloth more often. It makes you look like this tiny little man. It’s really cute” Richie winked at Eddie while Eddie rolled his eyes at his much taller friend.
They were hit by a breeze of warmth when Richie opened the door of the grocery store and held it open for Eddie. There wasn’t a lot of people there as far as Richie could see. He ran his fingers through his hair as he proceeded to look around the store. Eddie was already heading down the aisle looking for some popcorn, and when Richie spotted his tiny friend wearing his sweatshirt, he smiled and followed him. “Popcorn?” Richie raised an eyebrow at Eddie.
“Yeah, I was thinking that maybe we could watch a movie later? We can go home, finish our homework and then after dinner we can decide what to watch? I did promise my mom that I’d be eating dinner with her tonight, but you can come over afterwards?” The words slipped out of Eddie’s mouth so fast that it was just one big ramble to Richie, but he did know that Eddie had just asked him to come over later. “Are you asking me on a date at your house, Eddie Kaspbrak? In your bed? You surprise me all the time, Eds, you really aren’t that innocent after all. You just want my dick.” Richie made a fake surprise face and placed his hand over his chest.
“Oh god, forget it then.” Eddie reached up and put the pack of popcorn back on the shelf. Richie frowned at Eddie’s reaction and quickly grabbed the popcorn again. “I was just kidding, Eds. I’d love to.” He smiled big at Eddie, grabbed his hand and guided him further down the aisle and then to the left where the cash register was placed. Richie payed for their popcorn even though Eddie insisted that he should do it, as it was him who wanted the popcorn in the first place. The cold air hit them as they walked out, and Eddie crossed his arms over his chest.
“Are you still cold?” Richie asked with a concerned look.
“A bit, but I’m okay. I’m just wondering about you. Are you sure you don’t want your sweatshirt back?” Eddie walked closer to Richie as he thought it would be warmer for them both. Richie just shook his head and shrug his shoulders. “I’m not cold.”
But Eddie knew it was a lie from all the goosebumps that were forming on Richie’s arms. He knew Richie wouldn’t take the sweatshirt if he gave it back to him, so he kept it on and stepped even closer to Richie as they walked back to Eddie’s house. They didn’t talk at all the whole way back due to the fact that they were both so caught up in their own thoughts. They were both thinking about their ‘date’ later that night, and none of them knew just how anxious yet excited the other was about it. As they reached Eddie’s house, Eddie opened the door for them to walk in. His mom still wasn’t home; and thank god for that. She wasn’t fond of Richie at all, because she thought that he was ‘too dirty’ – whatever that meant – for her Eddiebear. As they entered Eddie’s room, Richie closed the door behind them.
“Sooo, it got a lot later than I thought it’d be, and my mom will be home in like,” Eddie look down at his watch, “maybe ten minutes or so. Maybe we should just do our homework another time?”
“Sure, Eds. But, you know, we still got a whole ten minutes, so how about we have a quickie?” Richie licked his lips with his tongue and winked at Eddie. Eddie looked at him challenging. “Maybe later?” Eddie winked back at Richie, who stood in front of Eddie with a surprised expression. Eddie didn’t know where all this confident came from, but he liked how dumb Richie looked. Eddie would normally shove Richie or tell him to shut up, but now Richie got a taste of his own medicine. After a while Richie shook his head and looked back up at Eddie with a smug smile.
“Alright, I’ll look forward to it.” He grabbed his computer from Eddie’s desk and turned around to leave. When he turned the doorknob and opened the door, he turned back to face Eddie. “I’ll see you later, Eddie Spaghetti. I sure hope you keep your promises.” And with that he spun back around and closed the door behind him. Now when it was only Eddie in his all too quiet bedroom he got suddenly nervous. Oh god, Eddie thought to himself, what have I gotten myself into.
Later that night, after Eddie and his mom had eaten dinner, Eddie was laying in his bed more nervous than he had ever been before. He had taken two showers just to make sure he was all cleaned up and smelled good. He even put on some cologne, which Eddie never did. He kept on Richie’s sweater but changed into sweatpants. He had spent way too much time deciding whether or not he should turn on the fairy lights, but in the end he thought it would be more cozy that way. More romantic. So now he was lying in bed waiting for Richie to come. As he turned to lay on his back, he heard a small thud on his window. He practically jumped up and ran over to the window; Richie was here. He smiled to himself as he slid open the window and waved at Richie, signaling that he could climb up. Richie struggled a bit on his way up, and Eddie held his hand up in front of his mouth to stop himself from laughing.
“This is not funny, Eddie!” Richie yelled-whispered, but let out a small chuckle himself. “Sorry, Richie.” Eddie tried to keep a straight face but ended up giggling at his crazy friend.
Richie practically fell through the window and almost landed face-first on Eddie’s bedroom floor. Eddie kept giggling as he closed the bedroom window after him. When he turned around, his heart almost skipped a beat. Eddie really thought that Richie was the most beautiful guy he had ever seen. And right then and there, as Richie Trashmouth Tozier stood in front of him in the dimmed light, Eddie knew that he loved him. And it was like Richie knew it too in that moment. It felt as if though both of their feelings was crystal clear – almost like you could feel it in the air. Before Eddie knew it, his feet had already moved and he was now right in front of Richie. For a moment they stared into each other’s eyes, both looking for some kind of sign. And whatever the sign was, it seemed that they both had found it, so Eddie leaned closer to Richie until his lips touched his own. Richie moved his hands up to Eddie’s cheeks and cupped them bringing Eddie even closer. It was like Richie had been waiting for this moment for so long. Eddie placed his left hand on Richie’s shoulder and the tangled his right in Richie’s hair. After a while Richie pulled back as they almost were out of breath.
“I don’t want to be your friend, Eddie. I want to be more. I just… I just like you a lot, Eds.” Richie caressed Eddie’s cheeks with his hand, looking into Eddie’s eyes to let him know that he really meant what he was saying. Instead of answering him, Eddie simply went in for another kiss – this time more rough and passionate. Eddie couldn’t get enough of Richie, and tried to tug him even closer. Eddie pulled back for a short moment. “Yes.” They both knew what Eddie meant; Richie was now Eddie’s and Eddie was now Richie’s. Richie slightly pushed Eddie back so they could get closer to the bed, and Eddie understood where Richie was going, so he sat down on the bed still kissing Richie. Richie was now leaned over Eddie as Eddie slowly lied down and Richie quickly getting on top of him. They stayed in that position for what seemed like forever, but stopped kissing when their lips was so puffed that it hurt. Eddie moved a bit to the left so he was up against the wall to make room for Richie to lie down next to him. They were both lying on their sides just smiling at each other.
They didn’t get to see a movie that night, and they didn’t have sex either. They got dressed for bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms. And when Eddie woke up the next morning still wrapped in Richie’s arm, he had never felt happier in his life. He snuggled up closer to his now boyfriend and couldn’t help but think that he was the luckiest man alive.
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artlessictoan · 6 years
Lovely work for Kiba/Chouji! I'm a chouji hoe so if you could do something were it's basically a ouran highschool host club cliche and everyone is trying to win his heart and the poor boy is oblivious to it all (take your pick of a few chars to add would love to see sasuke tho!)
okok I haven’t watched ouran in yonks so I don’t remembermuch about it, but I am all kinds of intocho being Everybody’s Not So Secret Crush
“Hey, Chouji!”
The call stopped him in his tracks, halfway through lockinghis front door. Hand still hanging in the air, he twisted round to see the ballof yellow and orange bounding towards him. “Hey Naruto,” he said with a smile,as he finished turning the key and stepped back to properly greet his friend,“you sound happy today.”
“Super happy! Sakura handed my ass to me in trainingyesterday, gave me a concussion and everything!”
He blinked, frowned and then blinked again. “And that’s… agood thing?”
The blond chuckled, awkwardly rubbing his neck. “Well notthe getting injured bit, that hurt,but after she healed me she got really panicky – even though I’m fine! – andforbade me from training and missions for at least three days, doctors’ ordersso Kakashi-sensei can’t complain.” Suddenly an arm was draped across hisshoulders, pulling him into Naruto’s side. “Sooo, I figured that since I’ve gotthe day off anyway I should spend it having some fun, so whaddya say, wannahang out? All day, just you and me?”
His warm, friendly grin was as inviting as always and helooked so genuinely excited at the prospect, even waggling his eyebrows at him,which made what Chouji had to say next all the more difficult.
“Sorry Naruto, I’ve got stuff to take care of today-” blueeyes started to look far too watery for his liking, so he rushed to comfort him“-but we should totally do something soon! Maybe get lunch tomorrow?”
The grin was instantly back on his face. “Really?”
Chouji smiled and clapped a hand on his shoulder as hedisentangled himself and started walking backwards down the street.“Definitely,” he called out as the distance between them grew wider, “we shouldinvite Ino and Shikamaru too! And your team, let’s get everyone together!”
Whatever Naruto’s reply was, it got lost to the breeze asChouji jogged into town to make up lost time. He was already looking forwardsto tomorrow, it was always nice to hang out with friends.
When he got there, the market crowds were at the perfectdensity; not so tightly packed that you couldn’t move without touching sevenother people, but not so empty as to feel vaguely creepy. He always lovedcoming here on days like these, just to take the time to casually browse thestores, maybe pick out things to tell his friends and family about the nexttime he saw them, but today he had a packed schedule, so he headed to the foodstalls with determined steps.
The shopkeeper called a greeting the second he steppedinside, as he always did for his regular customers, before ducking into thestore-room with the promise of returning with some produce he’d kept backespecially for him.
As he waited for the elderly man to return, Chouji glancedaround the shop, planning to pick up a few vegetables, when he noticed afamiliar head of dark hair.
“Hinata!” he said cheerfully, as he stepped up beside her,apparently catching her off guard with how high he jumped. “Sorry, didn’t meanto scare you, how are you doing?”
She quickly caught her breath, though it took her a fewmoments to stop staring at him with wide eyes. “O-oh, I’m fine, thank you,” shesaid, stumbling over her words until she dropped her head to focus on herfingers twisting along the handles of her shopping basket, “how are you?”
“I’m great thanks, you out doing a little shopping?” heasked, more to give her a gentle opening to a real conversation than out of anyactual doubt.
Her long, straight hair bobbed up and down with her slightnod, before she nervously glanced up at him from under her fringe. “A-a-a-” herlips pulled into a thin line at the word stubbornly sticking in her throat, buthe just smiled encouragingly and waited for her to collect herself; she hatedwhen people tried to guess what she wanted to say. “…You also?”
He grinned at her, turning to look through the displays,picking up onions and giving them a critical inspection “Yup, Ino and Shikamaruare coming over for dinner and I feel like making something I’ve never triedbefore, Karui sent me some Kumo recipes I’ve been itching to try out!”
She smiled softly at him, though didn’t make eye contact.“That sounds lovely.”
“If there’s any leftovers I’ll remember to bring you sometomorrow so you can try it out too,” he said, finally deciding which was themost delicious-looking vegetable. He handed it to his friend and took thesecond-best one for himself.
Neck snapping, she turned to him with wide eyes and wavinghands. “O-o-oh, n-no, that’s n-ot, n-n-n-”
“It’s no problem, I’m happy to share!” The creak of a dooropening drew his attention back to the grocer trundling back in with a cratepacked full of bright greens and reds and yellows, he gave the man a thumbs-upbefore turning back to Hinata, ready to quickly say their goodbyes when henoticed something off. Leaning down to get a better look at her face, hefrowned. “You’re looking a little red, are you feeling ok?”
He pressed a hand to her burning forehead. “It’s pretty hottoday, maybe you should sit down for a while-”
“I will be fine thank you!” Having practically screamed inhis face, she stiffly turned around, flew to the checkout counter, dropped ahandful of coins and ran out of the store before Chouji could even think tostop her.
Walking over to the shopkeeper, he gave him a sheepish grin.“Sorry, I think the weather must be getting to her.”
The man shook his head, idly poking at the coins on thecounter. “Well, next time you see her tell her she’s got over five-hundred ryōin change waiting for her.”
Finished with the markets and all his shopping carefullypacked away in a sealing scroll, his next destination was the academy.
He’d only recently taken up teaching and he was still alittle overwhelmed by it at times, but he had to admit that he loved hisoccasional guest lessons, they were a good way to get in some practice dealingwith children before he got a genin team of his own one day; the most importantlesson he’d learned thus far being neverlet sticky-fingered kids chewing bubble gum play with his hair, no matter howbig and watery they could make their eyes go.
His head felt so naked with it cut short.
“Ah, Akimichi-sensei,” the receptionist said as he steppedthrough the academy doors, “your lesson starts in fifteen minutes, your TA isalready in classroom five-B waiting for you.”
He frowned, he was getting a teaching assistant? Since when?Walking the familiar halls, feet knowing the exact path to take even withouthis mind’s input. By the time he gingerly peaked through the door, he’d cookedup at least seven awful scenarios in his head, but they all flew out the windowonce he saw who it was in there.
The other man started and turned to face him, giving one ofhis slight smiles when he saw him. “Hello Chouji, I was beginning to wonder ifyou were coming.”
“I try not to get here too early,” he said, walking fullyinto the room and marching over to the huge blackboard covering one wall, “lesstime to get anxious, y’know? What are you doing here anyway, when thereceptionist said there would be a TA, I kinda figured it would be someone toevaluate me or something…” He trailed off at a sudden horrible thought. “That’snot why you’re here, is it?”
Neji shook his head, observing closely as he started writingthe lesson-plan up on the board. “Nothing like that, it was just… suggested tome that I should take up teaching. To improve my people skills.”
He frowned, pausing his scribbling long enough to look overhis shoulder. “Suggested?”
“Tenten’s idea-” the man grimaced “-the busybody found outthat you were giving classes and thought it would be a good opportunity for me.”
Finishing off his sentence, Chouji nodded and grinned wideas he replied, “That’s awesome! It’s definitely a learning experience, but Ibet you’ll be great at it once you’ve spent some time with the kids, though I reallydon’t see how you’re bad at talking to people, you’re always so nice when wemeet up.”
“…I need to… find… someone, please excuse me.” Neji was outof the door before he’d even finished his sentence.
His class went well, even though his new assistant had spentmost of it standing in the furthest corner of the room staring at the walls.
Chouji never would’ve guessed the guy got stage-fright sobad.
The next port of call was the Hokage tower, where he wasexpected to assist with some new international treaties being worked out.Politics wasn’t exactly his area of expertise, but he’d made many friendsduring the war, from all over the five nations; at some point he’d become avaluable advisor to the Hokage, as he could offer insight into the way the commonfolk of other nations thought and how they might be affected by big policy changes.
He hadn’t been expecting to bump into the Kazekage and hissiblings on their way out.
Temari was the first to see him, waving and jogging over. “Heythere stranger, it’s been too long!” she said, grinning and giving him a tighthug.
“It has,” he agreed, returning the embrace before pullingback to smile at the two men wandering over, “what’re you guys doing here? Ihadn’t heard of any big diplomatic summits coming up.”
The younger brother nodded, giving him that same intensestare he always gave his closest friends – it was a little weird, but once he’dbeen assured that it was just him trying to be friendly in his own awkward wayhe’d found the attention mush easier to bear. “There aren’t, this is aninformal visit, to catch up with friends. Like you.”
He smiled, hiding a tiny blush beneath his hand. “Aww, that’snice of you to say, you must have a lot of people you want to see.”
Gaara’s stare didn’t waver in the slightest. “I suppose.”
A heavy hand clapped down onto his shoulder, Temari shookhim lightly. “Who’s got time for those other losers? You’re the best bit ofKonoha, everyone knows that!”
Several steps behind his siblings, Kankuro slapped a hand tohis face.
He laughed, nudging the tall blonde back. “You’re too kind.”
“No, she is correct, any time spent with you is a true pleasure,”Gaara said, face blank but voice earnest and as happy-sounding as he ever got.
Temari glared at him, her grip on Chouji’s shouldertightening slightly. “Yes, which is why I said it. First.”
In the background, Kankuro groaned.
The Kazekage sniffed, drawing himself up as high as he could– which wasn’t much, but he was trying his best. “Why don’t you go and trackdown Shikamaru, oneesan? I’m sure he’dlove to see you again.”
Nails were digging through his shirt. “Why don’t you go andfind Naruto, otouto?”
Kankuro had an expression of pure despair. “Guys, please,just stop.”
“Because Chouji is here now and I would like to spend timewith him.” Gaara’s glare was deadly enough to make him start to worry, just a little.
“And you think I don’t?”
“I swear to-”
“No,” the redhead said, cutting off his brother and steppingcloser to glare up at his big sister, “I think that you monopolise his timeevery time we come here, oneesan and would like the opportunity to spend timewith my friends too.”
He risked a nervous cough, but no one seemed to notice. Was shestarting to break skin with her tight grip?
Temari scoffed, finally retracting her arm to cross themover her chest, leaning down to stare her little brother dead in the eye. “Areyou gonna stop me?”
Chouji coughed again, holding up a hand and weakly saying, “Excuseme,” but it made little-to-no impact.
“If you two don’t stop I’m disowning the pair of you.”Kankuro’s input went unnoticed too.
“No, because I am a good brother, who wouldn’t jeopardise mysiblings’ relationships for personal gain.”
The cold fury in Temari’s grin sent a chill down his spine. “Youlittle-”
“Oookay!” Chouji shouted, quickly sidestepping the argumentand pointing intently at the tower. “I’ve got a meeting to get to, it was, uh… funseeing you guys again!”
Kankuro’s loud cackle followed him, ever after the doorsslammed shut behind him.
He snickered to himself as he rushed to the meeting he wasprobably now late for; weird as they were, he was fond of the three and their intense,but ultimately affectionate bickering. It must be nice to have siblings.
It had been a long day for Chouji and it would be longer stillby the time he’d gotten home and prepared dinner for his teammates.
He decided to take a detour through the nearby park anyway,he’d always liked seeing the flowers.
They looked especially beautiful the evening, turned shadesof gold and red under the setting sun, a lone bee still roaming even with nightrapidly falling. And it was pleasantly quiet, most people home with theirfamilies by now – he felt like he had the entire park to himself.
A sharp crack to his left caught his attention, he turnedcautiously, but wasn’t expecting an actual enemy attack, not in the middle ofthe village.
When he saw who it was lurking in the shadows, he completelyrelaxed and waved a greeting. “Sasuke, how are you?”
The man muttered something under his breath, but he didn’tlook distressed, so Chouji decided that he was probably fine. “You out for a walk to?” he asked, slowly restartinghis walk, as his friend matched his pace. “It’s a lovely evening for it.”
Ok then, Sasuke didn’t feel like talking today – not surprising,he rarely did – but that was fine with him, it was just as nice to have someoneto quietly wander through the park with sometimes.
They walked together slowly, Chouji humming a song that hadbeen stuck in his head recently, his friend zigzagging as they followed thewinding paths, sometimes drifting close enough that their swinging arms couldalmost touch, before rapidly veering away until they could easily be mistaken fortwo strangers who just happened to be walking in the same direction. He alwaysended up closing the distance again after a few minutes though.
As the sky was beginning to turn purple above them, Choujisuddenly frowned and slowed to a halt, Sasuke following his lead a few steps later.
He stared back at him with a question in his dark eyes.
“Wait, isn’t your place back over that way?” Chouji said,pointing at when the path had branched in two directions several feet ago.
Sasuke looked a little surprised, though whether it was atChouji’s knowledge of where he lived or himself forgetting was unclear. “…Yeah.”
He smiled and started walking again, giving his friend ashort wave as he passed, saying, “Well, guess this is where we split up then,it was nice seeing you, hope you have a good evening!” before he finally turnedaway to rush to his own home; he’d spent a lot of the day dallying, now he hadto rush home and get ready to see his best friends!
“Damn, that was delicious, Karui really knows her food, huh?”
Ino scoffed, flipping her long hair dramatically inShikamaru’s face. “Of course she does, any girlfriend of mine must have impeccable taste.”
He grinned at his two friends childishly swatting at eachother as he gathered up the dishes and depositing them in the sink. He leftthem to soak in some hot water – Ino had drawn washing-up duty tonight andShikamaru would be in charge of drying and putting away – before returning tothe table and flopping back down in his chair, taking a long sip of his tea.
“Long day?” Shikamaru asked, finally disentangling himselffrom Ino’s long, crushing arms.
Chouji nodded. “Yup, though it’s weird, I ran into loads offriends today, but everyone was acting kinda… strange.”
Ino cocked a fine brow, asking, “Strange how?”
“All sorts of ways, Naruto wanted to hang out even though hewas injured, Hinata looked really feverish, Neji was all nervous about observingmy class, Temari and Gaara were bickering and Sasuke was being all spacy,” hesaid, shrugging his shoulders as he thought about it harder, “maybe the hotweather we’ve been having is just getting to people.”
There was a long, heavy silence, prompting him to glance upat his friends. They were sharing an unreadable look, identical crooked smirks ontheir faces as they rolled their eyes in perfect unison.
“Wait, do you two know something? Seriously- why are youlaughing, what’s so funny, is this some prank I’m not in on? Guys-”
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How much do i pay for teen auto insurance on a 2010 car?
my parents just got me a 2010 nissan versa! :) its not from the dealership, so we wouldn't have to pay full coverage, just the basic law coverage. i need an estimate on how much it will be a month. my parents aren't helping me that well with anything, they want me to just be on my own already so pleaseeee,help. i can't do this myself :(""
Change something in my Progressive insurance?
so when i got my insurance with Progressive, i was keeping my motorcycle outside, but now i keep it in a garage. Is there any way i can change the part of my policy where it asks where i keep my motorcycle? I was hoping me keeping it inside would get me a lower rate. Thanks!""
Stopped for no car insurance but we do have insurance car seized not fair?
11.30pm last night pulled over said no insurance.Did not have insurance document in the car,just the license.Because of the time they seized the car because they could not phone the insurance company.Told them only way i can get proof is bank statement as i was 20 miles from home,but that was still not good enough.I have paid insurance by direct debit for the last 2 years and no problems.so i am well cheesed off this has happened. Have produced the lenience at local station,and shown them documents,they phoned the insurance company and have now give released papers to pick up the car.I am very unhappy with this whole situation and now out of pocket. Is there anyway of claiming the costs from police or insurance company,whoever it is to blame,as there is no way i can be liable for something i am paying for,and to pay 30in taxi fares another 20 to get to the car compound and another 170 to release the car.There must be a way i claim this money back as i feel i am in the right.plus have to fight the 200 fine and 6points also totally unfair and messed up situation this is. I just can't except the inconvenience and the costs that i have to pay when i am legit on the road.surely i can claim if anyone knows""
What are my options for affordable health insurance in Massachusetts?
I graduated with my Masters in Library Sciences in May, and am only covered under my mom's health ins. until February. I am trying to avoid a lapse in coverage. Please help!""
Ca insurance rates question ?
My car insurance for me is almost $300 a month !! I have the chevy cruz ! Im 18 right now how long will it be till my rates go down a bit ??
Car Insurance?????? help!?
I just got my lisence im a f, and just turned 20. I .ive in MA. I dont know what the av. price would be for car insurance. help! i own a toyota 2000 86.000 miles""
Car insurance help...please?
im 17 and im about to get a car from a friend but i wanted to know if my mom can just add the car to her insurance and not say anything about me driving it. then i can drive it and the car will still be insured right? thats basically what im doing right now anyway. i have my permit and im driving my mom's car to practice in, but the insurance company doesnt know that. my friend has his liscense and his parents gave him his own car, but the insurance company doesnt know hes driving it. if he got into an accident, wouldnt his parents insurance cover it since the car is in their name?""
17 year old...bike or car?
right i turn 17 next month and was wondering what are the exact procedures into gettin a 125cc derbi gpr...how much insurance would cost...and where can i get cheap insurance...or should i just not get a bike full stop...and if i was to not get a bike...would i jus be able to insure myself on my mums car and use that whenever i like? thanks you sooo much.
Whats a good insurance?
I need a good insurance. Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any info please help?""
How much will car insurance be for a VW Polo for a 17 year old?
I will be turning 17 in a year and a half and i am set on getting a 2006 Volkswagen Polo because i don't need much more from a car. It will mostly just be used for short drives through my town and city and I will be parking it on the road. I'm hoping to find one with a 1.2 engine and no higher because i know that is a dramatic factor in the insurance cost. I was just wondering, as a rough estimate, how much per year (in British pounds) would the insurance be?""
I have insurance for a car I had for 6 days. The insurance co. says it's a total loss. They gave me a value?
Audatex is not kelly blue book they look at craigslist & not the dealer. Craigslist sometimes has cars where a mechanic might not catch it but is damaged. The price I paid is higher due to getting sick & credit went down so I had to go to a local dealer with higher interest. They want the insurance check plus $1700.00 & interest. So I will pay for this thing for over 1 1/2 years. I had it 6 days when some crazy driver almost hit me I turned & hit a wall. The insurance company says I loose my good driver discount. Since I will have to wait to pay off this car I can cancel my insurance once the dealer gets the check. Is there any California law that would say if this happens I would be able to pay off the car. It's worth more as a loss then to try to fix it. Please help. Thank You.
Name on car insurance?
Is it possible to buy a car under my name but have the car's insurance under my dads name?
Would the auto insurance still liable?
I was involved in a car accident and I was hit by a guy who ran a red light. A policeman was a witness to the accident and the report states that it was the guys fault. After a couple of weeks his insurance which was under his mom is stating that he was not listed as a driver on the policy so they are not liable for damages. My question is are they still liable for this negligence. I would really appreciate some help. The guy is still driving and I have been without a car for 2 weeks.
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
How much can Insurer charge me to SALVAGE my OWN CAR?!?!?!?
Some background first, i was hit from behind whilst stationary in traffic the other week by a works van. the damage was not too sever that i couldn't limp back home (sore and car bashed but still alive) got the other drivers details at the scene and reported the incident to my insurance company. As the accident was not my fault my insurer passed this to their dedicated Non-Fault (NF) accident claim company (i'll not name them at the moment) who in turn provided me with a hire car and collected my car to have it assessed for REPAIR. At no point was writing off the car mentioned. Then i got a call from the garage dealing with my car (NF appointed) a week later telling me of the damage and repair value and that the engineers working for the NF, different company again, were going to deem the car a write off, CAT D as i later found out. Now the fun part - the engineers have made an offer for settlement and to write off of my car, which is a good 500 below what is would cost to replace it with a like-for-like car in my local area (replace cost circa 2.8k-3k) they are adamant they will not repair my car even though the repairs would cost LESS than the write off - because the repair is too close to the market value and they can make a killing on salvage apparently. so fighting this out at the moment. NOW FOR THE QUESTION: They have advised me that should i wish to keep the car after they write it off (which i want to avoid if at all possible) i can accept the settlement and pay them a salvage fee to retain my car. This i understand as technically they buy my car when they write it off and then i have to buy it back. The problem is that they have a flat 30% !!! salvage fee which on their offer would almost negate me being able to get the repairs covered. What i really need to know is if anyone else has been in this position and if there is a maximum salvage fee they can charge - bearing in mind that this is my car to start with - and if there is any way i can make them drop this percentage. Forcing them to drop the percentage might not only let me repair the car after retaining but might also swing in favour of repair instead of write off if they cannot justify such a big payout for themselves. Any help here would be appreciated fast as i'm still bouncing between the parties here to get this resolved. In case your wondering the damage constitutes a bumper rear panel and a kink in the boot floor - VERY repairable.""
Changing jobs - how do you estimate the value of medical and dental insurance?
Changing jobs - how do you estimate the value of medical and dental insurance?
What are your insurance premiums monthly?
I am currently paying $54 a paycheck to cover my husband and myself. It would cost me $18 for myself only and $102 for family. We do not have any deductibles, only copays. Emergency room $125, urgent care $40, specialist $30, ob $15, and pcp $15. I have an epo from United. I am curious to know what other people are paying for health insurance.""
How much would my car insurance be?
Right now I have a Nissan Maxima that im paying about $1000 per year liability insurance on. But this car is giving me problems and I am tired of putting money into it so im looking into a new one. I seen a nice 08 Honda that I can afford but my only concern is that my insurance will skyrocket because I have been told that I would have to get full coverage on it. So about how much would insurance on a 08 Honda accord be for a 20 year old male. Btw I have all state right now can anyone recommend a nice cheap insurance?
Car insurance question?
Would my car insurance be any higher if i got a ford escape rather than a car? My parents wont let me get a Chevy Tahoe for my graduation because they said SUVs make the car insurance go up really high, so would my insurance go up alot if i got a Ford Escape, since its not as big as a Tahoe.""
How do I get my health insurance company to cover hiv testing?
HIV testing is now covered under the affordable care act. I went to my ob/gyn for my pregnancy and he ordered hiv testing but I got a bill from the lab for the full cost of the test. ...show more
""Hit by a car, license suspended in California, will the insurance cover the damage? will i get in trouble?
I was driving then the traffic lights turned red so i stopped. few second later i heard a loud breaking sound and 2 seconds later a car hit me. the problem is that my car is under my ...show more
Is getting renter's insurance a good idea? How about with Balboa insurance?
I'm considering getting this but have no idea how renter's insurance works or anything.
""On average, how much do YOU spend on utilities each month?""
I'm a college student getting ready to do into dental school. & I was wondering about how much do you spend on gas, electric, rent, insurance....etc. Please name what it is and about how much you pay. Do you have any money left over?? I'm like freaking out here because right now, I live in a dorm & I don't pay anything.""
Do you need to buy the car before getting insurance for it?
I am looking for my first (used) car from a private seller, and I would like to be able to drive it home, so will I have to buy insurance for it before I buy it? And will I have to own the deed before I get the insurance?""
Can i use my car insurance to pay for damage to my car?
Some idiot decided not to own up to denting my car at the weekend, so now i am left to foot the bill which judging by the damage is not going ot be cheap. The moron whoever he/she is has dented both passenger side doors. As i have never been in this situation i am not sure if i can use my car insurance to pay for the damage, especially as i dont know who damaged my car in tyhe first place. I am fully comp with Tesco.""
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affordable family health insurance tennessee
Light collision on the highway...covered by insurance?
my girlfriend was driving my car, and i was sleeping so i didn't see what happened... she was driving on the most left lane, and there was a car on the right hand side of our car.. again, i didn't see what happened, but she told me that car didn't stay on his lane, and slightly crossed to our lane, then the front of our car hit the back of that car... no one is injured, my gf and that driver both stopped on the shoulder and see if there are any damages... but it was at night, and too dark to see anything... that man said he is just going to go home and drive away... after we went back home, we found out there are some scratches and some dent on the front of my car... i took it to the auto body shop, and it the people there said it's gonna cost about $900 to fix it... should i contact my insurance company..? or is it not covered..? (sorry, i know i am all new to this...)""
Commercial car insurance no claims?
I have 9 yrs no claims bonus on a commercial insurance policy in my name with my missus as name driver. I am selling the van and will want to buy a 4x4 and insure on a private policy, None of the insurance companies that I have had quotes from will honor the no claims bonus and all say that I have to start again from zero I also have been the name driver on the missus's car policy for 10 yrs with no claims either. Can anyone tell me if this is Right or yet again am I being unfairly screwed? Cheers all.""
Progressive will our insurance go up?
So my Dad has Progressive insurance. I drive one of his cars that is under his name on both the title and the insurance. I got my license revoked. I'm curious if his insurance will find out about it if my name is not on the insurance card. I'm not sure if he has me listed anywhere else on the insurance if that is even possible, all I have is the card and my name is nowhere on it. Basically I want to know if his insurance rates are going to go up because of me.""
What happens after you settle with your insurance company?
My car was stolen Monday morning on July 15 around 3am to 5 am in Richmond CA the car was park right by my parking lot my question is what happend after I settle a payment with my car Insurance and The police find my car after I settle with my insurance?
How do insurance companies insure replica cars?
i am looking to buy a replica lamborghini because i don't have an extra 200,000 dollars layin around. but i know that insurance is a ***** if you own a lambo. The one i am looking at has a bmw V12 engine. so would it be considered a bmw or...?""
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
I've been shopping around for car insurance and I am surprised at the quoted price of Geico in comparison to most other companies. Geico is much cheaper than my current insurance company, and many other insurance companies. How can they offer such cheap rates, especially with all of the advertising they do? Are people having difficulty getting money out of Geico when they make claims? It just seems odd to me that they can offer such low rates.""
Question about college health insurance?
If my current health insurance is expiring this end of December, am I able to opt-out of the university health insurance for this fall and reapply for the university health insurance for the spring term--just to save money?""
Company car insurance?
Hi Can anyone help me re company car insurance I am currently getting a company car and now under the companies insurance, so dont need my own private insurance. I currently have 9 years NCD. I am now worried, what happens if I leave the company in a few years time, do I have to start from scratch again with no NCD, or can I still use my 9 years NCD anyone know (I have read they are valid for 2 years) I have asked Direct Line (my insurer) and they cant give me a straight answer, I get something different each time. I wanted to know if I was involved in an accident with company insurance I appreciate I have to state that when going back to private insurance but if I had an accident and had no NCD my premium would be sky high which I find unfair if I lose my 9 years NCD as I have not actually taken a break from driving. Does that make sense? hope someone can help me Thanks, Steve""
Car Insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a red 2007 new beetle+hatchback?
Car insurance for a 16 year old!?
I get my license next month and I finally saved up enough money to get a 1998 BMW Roadster, how much would the monthly insurance cost on average? & if i own the car will that help?""
$646/month for motorcycle insurance in Ontario? :( pleaseee help?
I live in Ontario, 18, have an M1 (planning on taking the safety course and getting M2 soon) and I just called the insurance company to get a quote...they told me it's 8 payments of $646 for full coverage..and apparently it's this expensive because I'm leasing/financing the motorcycle (it's a ninja 250r). This is crazyyyy I can't afford it, does anyone know what I can do? know any cheap insurance companies?""
Does anyone know a health insurance company that will insure you AFTER you go to the hospital?
Is is possible to get insurance after being admitted to the hospital? I know it's very highly unlikely, but if the premiums and the deductable are absurdly high ... who knows?""
How do you renew you social insurance card?
my boyfriend lost his social insurance card and he would like a new one...how does he go about getting one and how much does it cost?
How much do Fed-Ex Drivers pay for insurance?
I just got employed with Fed-Ex. Does anyone know about how much my insurance will be?
If i'm 17 and in the military can i get a discount on car insurance?
My mom has PGC insurance and with me added to it its another $1000 ever 6 months. I'm in the U.S. army. is there a way i can get a discount on car insurance?
""Looking for good, yet affordable dental insurance. (Have health insurance -- only need dental)?""
Looking for good, yet affordable dental insurance. (Have health insurance -- only need dental)?""
Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?
what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high? thanks
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
How Much Will My Car Insurance Be?
I am a 21 year old male with a very clean driving record, no DUI or tickets etc. Buying a 2004 Honda Civic DX 4D Sedan used for $11,000. What's the cheapest full cover car insurance out there for a guy like me? Any suggestions?""
How can I get car insurance?
Let me give some more information. I'm 20 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy my own car and insurance soon. I've never had my own policy before and I was wondering how I would go about getting one. Also, what are some companies to use? Thanks!""
Insurance Jobs?
What kind of jobs are there at insurance companies and what is the salary for those jobs?
Is eCar a reliable car insurance?
I need a cheap car insurance, and I heard eCar is really cheap.. but I don't know if it's reliable or not!!!!?? Please help!!""
Would insurance be cheaper then normal for this car?
Would insurance be cheaper then normal for this car, its a 1993 ford mustang 4 cylinder auto, because its old and a auto 4 cylinder? Plan is to insure it with the auto four banger in it, then do an engine swap imported v6 turbo, with manual transmission, new drive shaft, differential, exhaust, etc.. what they don't know.. they don't know lol""
How much would car insurance and Tax cost?
Im 17 and I have a decent amount of money saved up and im interested in buying a 2nd hand car for around 1000 euro but i have no idea how much the tax and insurance is going to cost and how often you have to pay it, so if anyone can help me it would be great. thx u.""
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affordable family health insurance tennessee
Car insurance question.?
I'm working on transferring my current car insurance to Geico and am filling out the electronic form to get a quote. My car is brand new, and I have had it for like eight months. I don't know much car insurance; in the electronic form, what coverage do I pick for full insurance instead of liability? Thanks.""
An affordable car to purchase with cheapest insurance for a 17 y/o?
Hey, I'm 17 and looking to purchase my first car. Of course, insurance is a big issue for me. I was wondering what car would be a good buy where insurance wouldstill be cheap? I'm looking at spending around 500 for a second hand car, so all these new electric economic cars which cost thousands that google keep bringing up are too miuch for me. I heard about ford KA's, Nissan Micra's, Renault Clio's and Vauxhall Corsa's being good, however, when I look on insurance websites there's about 50 versions of each car with different engines, doors, years etc, and I don't have the slightest clue which version of the car would be the cheapest, other than having a smaller engine. I was wondering if anybody could provide me with the make and models of the cars which are the cheapest to insure, but are still well priced and can be picked up easily second hand. Thanks""
How to get Temporary Car Insurance for one week in Florida?
Heres the deal. In May a couple of my friends and I are going to fly into Florida to visit some relatives. They have an extra car that nobody uses on a day to day basis, so instead of renting a car for the week... we would rather drive this car around. The problem is insurance... I don't know anything about this if its possible or not. Is there anyway to get one of us insured to drive the car for a week, we are all insured drivers here in Michigan if that matters. Also would it make any difference that the car we are using is my Aunt's, so we are closely related. Any information, experience with this type of situation, contact numbers etc. would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!""
How much is the insurancwe difference on a v6 and gt 04 mustang?
its my first car im 16 i have state farm i dont speed (in residential but in the highway its a different story! not really but serious i dont get tickets) im a straight A student 4.0 average how much is insurance for each
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Car insurance In connecticut?
Im 18 and i just got my license about a month ago. I was talking to my dad about getting a car. and he said he was gonna give me my moms car which has new york plates on it for me to drive ( we use to live in ny and the plates are from there) and hes getting my mom a new car. i was talking to him about insurance and he said that i would be driving on his name. Hes not adding me to the insurance though cause he says its to much money. He told me that all i have to do is drive careful and not get into a accident.im still worried though cause an accident can happen regardless if Im careful or not. is this Legal ? to not be added to my dads insurance?
I sorta blew up my car would my warranty or insurance cover it?
Well u see my friend and I took my 2010 Prius up to the far reaches of canada to go ice fishing, the locals told us they used dynamite all the time so we didn't think much of it, anyway... We sorta had an accident with the dynamite and blew up the car(thankfully no one was hurt) but anyway, would my insurance(allstate) or my warranty cover it?""
""Im an 18yr old girl, and can not find car insurance for under 2000, help?!?""
The car i'm trying to insure is a 1.1 Citreon Saxo, it has no modifications. The cheapest insurance i've found is with Tesco but this is still just shy of 2000. The comparison sites have all been useless, all coming out at over 3500. Any ideas would be appriciated?""
Car insurance question?
My idiot cousin hit my parked car with their truck. He doesn't want to go through his insurance unless absolutely necessary & asked (after I got the estimate the mechanic they go to) that he wants it to go through my insurance (e.g.: wants to act like a hit and run/that he'd pay). What I want to know is, if I go through my insurance as say a hit & run on my parked car, will my rates go up at all/anything negative with my rates?""
Can I have a car in my name under my parents insurance?
I am in need of a new car, but I would like the car to be in my name since I'm the one paying for it. Right now the car I'm driving is under my mom's name and insurance. Is it possible to have a car in my name and still have it be on HER insurance (and I cant just pay her) since it's obviously much cheaper (like a 300 dollar/month diference)""
Car insurance?
lets say a 21 year old person goes to a car insurance company and is quoted $2000 for full coverage auto insurance. how much do you think this person will be charged at the same company at 25 years old?
Home contents insurance?
im looking for an all in one contents insurance. which will cover mechancal breakdown of white goiods, tvs etc... as i recenetly found out the isurance i have got only covers incase of flooding, fire and theft. not when my cooker blew up. please help, as im new to having my own flat and nver had to do things like this before""
What's the Best Car Insurance?
What's the best car insurance that gives good coverage, good service, and will be cheapest if one has had a minor moving violation in the past 6 months?""
Canceling car insurance?
i got some car insurance for a car i was purchasing today as i did not want to drive it home over 100 miles with out none , i only took it out yesterday but when i went to pick up the car it had obtained some problems that it did not have before so i have not brought it. i was told when i got the insurance that i would have 14 days to cancel it but when i rung them up today to cancel it they have said i can not and i will have to pay all of the premium in full, i explained to them why i was needing to cancel it and was told it is not their fault and i still have to pay all outstanding monies , is this right . this is with swinton if it matters.""
I involved in a car accident and that car insurance just expired few days ago?
I borrowed my brother in law car and unfortunately, i collided with another car. Then I realized that my brother's car insurance with GMAC has just expired few days ago. I don't have the same address with him, just borrow his car occasionally because i just moved here. I have my own car insurance in another state with AAA. What can I do in this situation?""
Cheapest Car Insurance For 18 yr old?
Trying to find CHEAP car insurance. I only need liability coverage, i own it out right. Anyone know any companies with good deals for 18 yr old drivers? thanks!""
How much would my insurance cost . . .?
If I am 16 and driving a 2007 Scion TC that is completely paid for ?
""24 wanting a first bike, 125cc to start with. How much for a cheap one with insurance?""
Wanting a motorbike, starting off slower though to get the hang of it before getting a bigger engine. Going to be using it for going around the dales on a weekend. Would 1000 pounds be enough for bike and insurance? Any models to look out for on my search too""
How much would my car insurance go down average?
hi everyone, i am 18 and still on my 1st year car insurance paying 177 a month/2200 a year. 1 litre vauxhall corsa. just wanted an estimate on how much it would go down after the 1st year with no claims from expierienced drivers. thanks :).""
Massachusetts Health insurance?
Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Insurance with a permit?
so i have my permit, and i can now start driving on the road, so i was wondering if i need insurance for me. the car i'm gonna be driving is already insured, so do i need insurance for myself.""
Which cars are cheap on insurance for a 17 year old?
Which cars are cheap on insurance for a 17 year old?
How much is my car insurance ? 07 Camry 20 years of age southern California what would be the car insurance ?
How much is my car insurance ? 07 Camry 20 years of age southern California what would be the car insurance ?
Is car insurance mandatory in the United States?
My friend told me that in some States, you don't need car insurance. Is this true or do you have to have it before driving your car?""
Would it be cheaper to insure honda civic or honda accord?
I'm talking about general prices for each of them, I'm thinking accord is cheaper because its cheaper and non sporty and a family sedan can anyone tell me how much they pay for their inusrances?""
affordable family health insurance tennessee
affordable family health insurance tennessee
Typical insurance rate of a used Chevy Impala?
I'm purchasing a car soon and I was wondering what the insurance rates would be for a 2000-2005 Chevy Impala. I know there is various factors that go into it, but is a 4 door Impala of any kind considered a sports car/have a higher insurance rate because of the car, or would it be the equivelant of a regular family car? Also, would a Pontiac Grand Prix sedan of the same years have a high/similiar insurance rate? I'm 17 years old and I'm getting my license soon. Thank you!""
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
Can I drop motorcycle insurance for the winter then pick it up in the spring?
I'm 17 and am looking for a motorcycle. My mom called our insurance company (Nationwide) and had a quote prepared and they said it would be an extra $70 a month. Seeing as how it gets cold here in Ohio i don't really want to ride a bike in the wintertime. Would it be possible to drop the motorcycle part of the insurance during the wintertime and then pick it up in the springtime when I start riding again? I'll also be turning 18 in February so I think the rates would go down.
What is the best affordable health insurance plans?
I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please!
Camera insurance for not professional?
I would like to buy an insurance for my camera. Please write only the link for not professional. Thank you so much! USA
Where can I get pit bull insurance in Ohio??? What does it cost??
Where can I get pit bull insurance in Ohio??? What does it cost??
Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Is state farm a good insurance company?
just wonderin, anyone got any advice on a good one?""
""Have SR-22 insurance, can I switch insurance companies?""
Hi, I've had sr-22 insurance through geico for a little over a year now, however due to recently moving to florida my monthly payments have gone through the roof. Do I have the option of switching to a cheaper insurance company without having to restart the 3 year mandatory holding of the sr-22?""
I am growing my insurance agency. Any sugguestions on how to avoid the time consuming busywork ?
I am good at getting people to buy from me, but hate all busywork . I am licensed and live in California, and sell personal health, life, car, and home insurance. I recognize that by not doing all the work, from running the quote to entering the data, that I should not be entitle to the full sum of the commission the carriers pay. Is there any franchise out there that has people who do all the deskwork so I can sell more? Its worth it to me to trade off part of the commish if I can get more people to buy from me. And I feel confident that I can bring more and more people in. My problem is that I lose oodles of time working their dec pages, typing in all their data to the various carriers.. Note: please dont answer if you are a recruiter. I am really looking for a good honest perspective from someone who has been in my shoes......Thanks so much.""
Where can i find the car insurance rates by state?
Looking to see how much car insurance rates are for different states.
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
How can i get my car out of the police pound when i havn't had a chance to get insurance?
just got the car and the log book was sent off and put in my name which took a few days but now having trouble getting insurance on an impounded car please help the police are saying it needs different insurance from releasing it from the pound
How much does car insurance cost?
I am 20 and a new driver. I drive a corolla 2009. How much would car insurance cost in canada? What is your average car insurance? per month or per year? would it be like $100 per month or what? just an estimate doesnt have to be exact
How much does insurance range to for motorcycles?
How much does insurance range to for motorcycles?
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?? everything is so catch 22?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres insurance for me while i have my learners permit?""
I am loooking for car insurance. But its so expensive. Can anyone recommend a company?
Can anyone recommend a company that does car insurance for below 2000? Im desperate!!
Insurance and rental cars.?
If you are involved in an accident and it was not your fault, who is responsible for the insurance on the rental car? If your own auto insurance does not transfer to a rental and the rental car place is requiring you to pay out of pocket for the insurance, is it your responsibility to pay this or the person who was at faults responsibility to pay this?""
""So, is a MAZDA 3 sedan good for first time driver?""
insurance cost?( 19 and a female, live in sf) my dad could own the car and put me as co owner so that insurance wud be lower..hmm? fuel cost? and the cost of the car( including taxes and everything else) please help!""
I fell asleep on the interstate and got into a collision with an 04 BMW w/o insurance.?
I was late on payments and my insurance will not cover. I was at fault and I got a letter in the mail today and the lady said so far the damages are $11k... What should I do?? accident was on 2/27/11 in FL
Online Instant Quotes Insurance for teenagers?
Out of curiosity, I happend to try the Instant quote thingadoodles on the various insurance websites (progressive in particular)... and knowing how high insurance is for teenagers, I decided to try getting a quote for an 18 year old, on various vehicles (ones I own in particular). Basically, I got the quote for a 1998 Ford Crown Victoria (non-P71), and the outcome was right around $2500... for six months??? That's $5000 a year! Are these online insurance quotes realistic? I see a lot of kids driving full size trucks around, and I really wonder how they can afford insurance... but for a fat-cat luxury car, they're charging horrendously! Are these quotes realistic? Next up, I really wonder how all of these kids are driving SUV's and full size trucks.""
Why is car insurance so high for young drivers?
I am 18 and currently on my fathers motor trade insurance. This covers me for anything upto 1600cc for social and domestic, you are actually having a laugh 1600cc is a joke! I can drive anything for business purposes. Recently rang the insurance to see if they would insure me on an IVECO DAILY 2.8 turbo diesel, as i was delivering some furniture to my grand parents in malta, about 1000 miles away from the uk, 2000 mile round trip. The answer i got was a blatant no, i didn't even get chance to say .8, anyway i was so pissed off i did the trip. didn't have one accident what so ever, not even a near miss when i drove to malta there and back. explain why they wouldn't insure me i really don't understand. My dads friend who is 53 years old was born not to drive a car, he has an accident atleast once a week because he mentally switches off when he drives. He drove down to germany any rolled his car times on the autobahn and i didn't have a crash or a near miss once in a 3.5 ton van, where is the common sense surely they should coin the people who litterally can't drive?""
Health insurance for college student?
I am under my family's Blue Cross insurance in California, but I'm going to attend school in Massachusetts. Will the insurance cover me in Massachusetts?""
""Are there any good insurance companies who dont take part in comparison websites like confused, gocompare etc?""
Are there any good insurance companies who dont take part in comparison websites like confused, gocompare etc?""
Is pregnancy a pre determined condition in insurance?
Hi my husbands insurance was terminated because they called him back to work to late so he didnt have enugh hours built up. It reinstates in October, If I were to get pregnant would they not cover me?""
affordable family health insurance tennessee
affordable family health insurance tennessee
3 notes · View notes
sherlockxreader · 7 years
All This Time
Title: All This Time Summary: When Mycroft’s daughter can’t cope with his unbearable behaviour anymore, she decides to make him and everyone believe she’s dead. She goes, after six years, to live with her uncle Sherlock, trying to keep it from Mycroft and to start a new life back in London. But a new case calls for Sherlock’s help, and Mycroft himself is bringing the news to 221B... Author: Niky (@waiting-for-orchestra​) Words: 2013 (hehe) Characters/Relationships: Mycroft x daughter!reader, Sherlock x platonic!reader, John x platonic!reader Warnings: some cursing, ANGST, character (fake) death
Request: Could u do a one shot where the reader is mycrofts daughter and he thinks she died years ago but in reality she faked her death because her and her father hated each other and she couldn’t stand being around him, Sherlock her uncle (who is more of a father figure to her) also thought she was dead up until about a year ago when she came to live with him and they are hiding it from Mycroft but he eventually finds out?????? – anonymous
A/N: I fell in love with this request!! This is how I’m introducing myself as the new writer in the team, and also a suggestion to the readers: listen to Tchaikovsky while reading this! I was listening to his music while writing, sooo... Hope you like it, and special thanks to the anon who requested this!
“Daddy! Daddy, look at this! Look, I made it for you! You received a lot of phone calls today and were always saying thank you, I thought it were a special day. Do you like it?” shouted little Y/N, a messy muffin in her chocolate-stained hands. “I’m busy for these things, Y/N. If you had paid more attention, you would have noticed I ended every phone call in five seconds.” “Is it your birthday, Daddy?” “Get out, please.” Mycroft’s tone was cold but calm. “At least tell me how it tastes-” “Get the hell out!” Mycroft shouted, looking only for a second at the little kid running out of his office and going back to his paperwork.
“Uhm... dad?” murmured eleven-year-old Y/N while opening her father’s office door. Her high voice was joyful and she wore a little smile on her face. “Yes, dear, what do you want?” Mycroft didn’t look up from his work. “I’m eleven now. Will I get to go to Hogwarts?” “Y/N please, you’ve grown up and your intelligence is far beyond believing in this sort of things.” Y/N’s smile faded and she closed the door behind her back, sighing sadly.
“I can’t take this anymore, I can’t live like this!” shouted fourteen-year-old Y/N at her father. She bumped a fist on the table they were sitting at, then stood furiously and walked to the balcony. She nodded slightly, looking at the street. “I’m done. I never want to see you again.” Y/N ran away from the hall, leaving Mycroft, who was shouting her name, behind; leaving everything behind. She climbed to the roof, where Mycroft instantly followed, then reached the edge and looked down, nodding again, her eyes empty, the warm summer sun hitting the back of her neck. “Y/N, what the hell are you doing? Come here, now!” She turned to face him. “You can’t tell me what to do.” And she disappeared, to be never seen again.
That had been a long time prior, thought Sherlock, the memory of his niece still vivid in his mind palace. Every moment they had spent together, he sort of missed it, no matter how much he claimed not to have feelings.
She had always seen him as a father way more than Mycroft, and he had raised her like he would have raised a daughter of his; and her fate, her end, was another reason for which he hated his brother with all his might. He wished everyday he had just had the possibility to say goodbye; she had decided to jump in a split second, when she couldn’t keep it all inside anymore.
No one knew she ever even existed except for the people in the family: she was born and died in silence, and it hurt Sherlock way more than a punch or a blade. He just wished he could have hugged her one last time. When he was lost thinking in his mind palace, the image of that little girl suddenly appeared. It had scarred him and had broken almost all his connections with Mycroft. And that was another of those times; Y/N Holmes, rest in peace.
But a knock on the door waked him from his thoughts, and he instantly assumed it was John; that is, if John hadn’t been at home already, since morning even. “Sherlock, aren’t you going to open the door?” The doctor’s voice emerged from the kitchen in fact, slightly annoyed. He sighed, then said: “I’ll go then.”
As the door opened, a puzzled expression made its way on John’s face. In front of him was a – particularly attractive – young woman, with Y/H/L, Y/H/C hair framing her gentle features, and a pair of big Y/E/C eyes. Admiring her, he forgot they were still standing in the doorway.
“I’m sorry,” the woman spoke, “Does Sherlock Holmes live here? I’ve found the door open, I didn’t mean to look like an intruder in any way.”
“Yes, yes, he does.” John said, clearing his throat. “He’s... getting ready.” He added as he looked at Sherlock, who was lying on the sofa, and sent a death glare his way that forced the detective to run to his room to get dressed.
John let the woman in and closed the door, making her sit in the client’s chair as usual. Sherlock reappeared seconds later from the bedroom, and as he saw the young woman sitting in his living room, he couldn’t help but notice her familiar features. “Good... afternoon.” Sherlock murmured, busy trying to deduce her. John tried to refrain from laughing at the detective’s expression.
“No need for formalities, we’re family. Oh, right. You don’t know.” She bit her lip.
“What do you mean you’re family? Am I missing on something?” John asked, his questions ignored.
“Y/N...?” Sherlock was startled. “Y/N, I can’t believe it!”
“Sherlock, who is...?”
The detective looked much more... human, when he hugged the woman named Y/N. But who she was, John still couldn’t understand. “Sorry, you must be John Watson. I’m Y/N Holmes, his niece.” Y/N said, looking towards John and noticing his confusion. She then looked him over, deducing just like Sherlock, "Did you get married?” She then turned to Sherlock, “Did he get married? Last time I checked he had not.”
John’s expression darkened at the thought of Mary. 
“Yes, he got married and he has a daughter. Please don’t talk about this ever again.” The detective hurried. Y/N nodded.
“Anyway, how are you alive? And why didn’t you tell me? It’s been six years, six years, for God’s sake! Why couldn’t I hear a word from you? And you were complaining about my two years, John. She faked her death for three times that; in our family we can always do worst than we actually do.”
“It’s a long story... I couldn’t bear the thought of living with that asshole of father I have and I couldn’t think of a better solution. I studied the place anyway, from afar of course. I lived in Switzerland until now, no one ever checks Switzerland.”
John continued looking from Y/N to Sherlock, and from Sherlock to Y/N. Sherlock noticed immediately and rolled his eyes. “John, is it more surprising that my niece is alive or that Mycroft actually has a daughter? Why are you looking at us like that?”
“I didn’t think...” he started, then stopped in his tracks. “Never mind. I’m going out, I’ll ring Mrs. Hudson.” As John closed the door, Sherlock sighed in relief.
“Now, explain.”
“It was me and a guy I knew, we’d been friends for as long as I can remember but of course Mycroft never knew. I told him everything about how my father was being annoying and all and when I told him I wanted to fake my death he stepped right in to help. Good guy, really, with a passion for criminals and crimes, like you. He set it all up, I just had to jump. 
“He assured me it would have been alright, Mycroft never saw the body because he never dared to look down, and in fact, it wasn’t even there. We didn’t bother because I knew he wouldn’t have had the courage to look, even from up there. This guy stayed by my side in Switzerland, I knew Mycroft would have been drowning in sentiments and he wouldn’t have deduced anything, no matter his wit. I kept an eye on him, and on you, and John Watson too, but I lost track after some time because I was planning my return to London. I thought living with you would have been the best option, but my friend is staying nearby of course, just in case things turn bad.”
Sherlock listened with a certain sparkle of pride in his eyes. He knew she had done something terrible but couldn’t help but feel so proud of her, being able to do this much with only one person by her side. She had fooled Mycroft Holmes. “So basically this is it. Do you have an extra room?” Y/N added with a smile.
“You can stay in mine. The other is John’s.” Y/N nodded, then glanced to the door.
“I’ll bring my things in then.”
Living with uncle Sherlock wasn’t easy for Y/N. He could stay up until unholy hours at night, or wake at unholy hours in the morning. He always brought in clients, and she had to lock herself in the bedroom during those times. She kept care of the dusty flat, did the shopping, and spent her free time playing her uncle’s violin. 
She remembered clearly the days when she was six, when he used to teach her. She had learned pretty well too, and had continued to practice during the years in Switzerland. The violin smelled a lot like happiness and so little like Mycroft, it made her feel calm and it was the only real way she could relax.
All in all, life in 221B had been going on quite well for Y/N, until one rainy day in November in which she heard loud knocks on the door. Sherlock and John were both out investigating a crime scene and she couldn’t receive clients, so she let Mrs. Hudson open the door. But after hearing her voice saying that Sherlock wasn’t home, she heard loud footsteps coming towards the flat anyway.
“Maybe it’s Lestrade”, she thought, but it couldn’t be: he was with the boys at the crime scene. Who else could have...
Then it hit her, finally, and she cursed herself for not realising earlier. She tried to hurry to the bedroom and hide, but it was already too late. Mycroft stormed inside when she was just crossing the kitchen, and she froze there, her back towards the living room. 
“Who’s... Who are you?” Mycroft asked, noticing her presence.
“Oh, I am... Sherlock’s... girlfriend.” she answered without turning around.
“Oh, he’s always been the sentimental one.” 
“And you’ve always been the annoying one.”
“Excuse me?” 
“You heard me.” Mycroft moved closer to her and grabbed her arm, to turn her around. When he finally saw her face, he recognised those familiar features. It was unbelievable, but it couldn’t be anyone but her, his daughter. His dead daughter. 
“You started it. You could have just not cared. Like you always did. You could have just ended it there, left those papers on the desk and left.”
“Six years... all this time... you were alive, you were fucking alive and you didn’t tell me? For God’s sake Y/N, I am your father!”
“My father and the reason I faked my death. I couldn’t just die. Hell, I was fourteen, I had a life ahead of me, I wouldn’t have thrown it all away for you. Sherlock’s the sentimental one, huh? But look at you, couldn’t stand to look down at my dead body, couldn’t come to my funeral, all because sentiments were blocking you, scaring you, because you’re a coward.” Y/N’s voice became a threatening whisper at the end, and Mycroft was frozen by the truth held in her words.
“I know I’ve been a terrible father but my work...”
“You’ve been an ass.”
“Y/N, if you don’t stop this right now I...”
“You what? I’m not a little girl anymore.” Mycroft’s expression softened, but the tension could be cut with a knife. Y/N’s gentle face was contorted into a disgusted expression, and Mycroft’s fingers around her arm were only making her more annoyed. She felt his hold loosen, and shook her arm away. Her father’s eyes, sweeter, met hers, full of rage.
“Y/N, you know, no matter how I acted, I always loved you. Your suicide – fake, as it turns out – was a main thought of mine during these years. It killed me too. I always, always regretted not being a better father to you, really.”
“No. Sorry. I’m really, really sorry. It doesn’t work with me. You are not my father and you never were.” And with those words, she stormed to the bedroom, locking the door behind her – forever.
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thetiredbiwrites · 7 years
Teen Wolf Prompt List
This is a super long list, Sorry! Please request :)
1.        Is that my shirt?
2.       I love you
3.        Don’t leave
4.       What the hell?!
5.        I’m a little drunk
6.       It’s too early
7.       I’m not going to stop
8.       I’m scared
9.       I think I might be pregnant
10.     I’m terrified
11.      I’m broken
12.     Don’t even look at me
13.     You think I’m not?
14.     Because I love you, you moron!
15.     Seriously?
16.     Oh my, God!
17.     I hate you
18.     Lies
19.     Sorry, what? One more time please
20.    Shut up and kiss me
21.     Jackass
22.    I took a test
23.     Oh, you love me
24.    Awkward
25.     Pizza
26.    Did I stutter?!
27.    Fuck you
28.    Kiss me
29.    Take. It. Off
30.    I’m pregnant
31.     I should hate you
32.     Trick or treat
33.     Fight me
34.    Boo!
35.     Make me
36.    Is that…mistletoe?
37.    I think we should have another
38.    Sooo like your dad
39.    Are you drunk?
40.   I can’t wait
41.     I just wanted to see you smile
42.    Driving me crazy
43.    I can hear it
44.   So oblivious
45.    Shut up
46.   Open it
47.    Why can’t you ever let me all the way in?
48.   I’m okay
49.    It’s my fault
50.    What did you do?
51.     What now?
52.     Go away
53.     Please don’t say it
54.    Chocolate?
55.     I can’t do this anymore
56.    Are you hurt?
57.    Are you insane
58.    They’re [like] my brother/sister
59.    I have faith in you
60.   A werewolf?!
61.     Cheating
62.    What are friends for?
63.    Let’s binge watch -- [your favourite show]
64.   Dog(s)
65.    Good enough
66.   Lost you
67.    Show me you care
68.   We need to talk
69.   Actions speak louder than words
70.    Promise me
71.     Fell for me/you
72.    What could go wrong?
73.    If you die I will bring you back and kill you again
74.    If I die I will haunt your ass
75.    Kick their ass
76.    I’m here
77.    You’re taking their side?
78.    Are you jealous?
79.    Why are you pushing me away?
80.   I maybe small but I can kick your ass
81.     Cute butt
82.    I need a hug
83.    You-you like me?
84.   Don’t cry. Please
85.    I’ll always be here for you
86.   Pancakes [!/?]
87.    Let me take care of you
88.   If you get sick I’ll give you no sympathy
89.    They kicked me
90.    I’m gonna puke
91.     We/I have something to tell/show you
92.    You’re a what?!
93.    Why am I doing this?
94.    You don’t accidently kiss/screw someone
95.    You’re stuck with me
96.   Why didn’t you tell me?
97.    I’m not scared of you
98.    I hate the hospital
99.    You’re sick
100. We shouldn’t be doing this
101.  Did you hear that?
102.  I miss you
103.  Stop kicking mommy please
104. I cannot lose you
105.  Coffee
106. Do you trust me?
107. I’d chose you over [favourite actor/ess] any day
108. I don’t care what anyone else says
109. I don’t deserve you
110.  Stop. Please, stop.
111.    Did you just throw popcorn at me?
112.   Am I dead?
113.   Am I dreaming?
114.  God, you’re hot
115.   How did I get so lucky?
116.  I’m sorry
117.   It’s just a scratch
118.  That’s my side
119.  Where’s my bra?
120.  Sorry, I wasn’t listening
121.   I was distracted by your face
122.  Stop laughing
123.  Breathe
124.  Five more minutes
125.  Stop smirking
126.  Again?
127.  Are you done checking me out?
128.  I got this
129.  I’m sorry I’m not perfect
130.  We make a good team
131.   What did I do?
132.  I woke up and you were gone
133.   You’re safe now
134.  Let me help
135.   I don’t mind
136.  Are you sure?
137.  Wow
138.  I’m coming to get you
139.  I’m human. I make mistakes
140. “I will cook you dinner!” “Oh don’t threaten me”
141.  They’re both mad
142.  If I was doing something stupid, you’d be involved
143.  Cheeseburger first
144. I want to hug you and slap you
145.  I have to see some penguins like right now
146. I just never feel useful
147. It’s like you’re involving me in crime and I let you. Why do I let you?
148. Your face makes me so happy
149. Did I do something wrong?
150.  Is that your car/bike?
151.   I’m going nerd again, aren’t I?
152.  I was so scared I lost you
153.   Don’t you know how to answer a phone?!
154.  Come with me
155.   You don’t need to be “the hero”. You’re my hero
156.  You’re giving me a headache
157.  What are you doing tonight?
158.  You’re lucky you’re cute
159.  That’s not the right quote!
160. Why does everyone have to die on me?
161.  I’m joking
162.  Why are you crying?
163.  Never again
164. Is that a baby?
165.  I saw you
166. I lost it
167. You’re my hero
168. That’s so cheesy
169. I gotta get new friends
170. Remember when…
171.   You have tumblr? I gotta see that
172.  Why is your Instagram private?
173.  I love your accent
174. We can do this. Together
175.  I hate nicknames
176. I’ve been such a jerk
177.  Please make it stop
178. I don’t do parties
179. Movie night?
180. I’ll make the popcorn
181.  Don’t marry him/her/them
182.  Say no/say yes
183.  Idiot. They’re gonna die
184. I just want to crawl under the covers and cry
185.  Your plans suck
186. “Don’t worry” “Do you even know me?! It’s all I do!”
187. I could never forget you
188. Please put a shirt on, it’s distracting
189. I told you so
190. You’re making a mistake
191.  I practically live on [tumblr/Netflix/…] It’s my escape
192.  Why are people so judgemental?
193.  Something always goes wrong at a dance
194. They took him/her
195.  I have to find them
196. You cannot sing
197. I know that you are…
198. You have a pet what?!
199. I want to marry you
200. Will you shut up a moment and let me think?
201.  He’s/she’s/they’re missing not dead
202. I never said I hate you. I’m just pissed at you. I can still love you while being angry at you
203. Trust is fragile
204.I hate that I love you
205. I wish I was an only child
206.Oh my God, stop with the overprotectiveness it’s suffocating me!
207. Teach me
208.Crap. We could be trapped here a while
209. You like rain/storms?
210.  Am I not good enough for you anymore?
211.   I thought you were asleep
212.  I was trying to be good
213.  You’re a werewolf, dumbass. Listen to my heartbeat
214.  That’s a crap apology. That wasn’t even an apology. It was just excuses
215.  It’s over. It’s done. You’re ok. They can’t hurt you anymore
216.  “I don’t want you to hate me” “I could never hate you”
217.  You’re not alone anymore and you never will be again
218.  I’m your brother/sister. I supposed to watch out for you. Stand up for you. I will always be on your side. I promise
219.  People leave, people die
220. Things aren’t how they used to be. They never will be
221.  I’m not gonna leave you. It’s just never going to happen
222. You’re going to have to forgive yourself sometime
223.  All that matters is that you’re alive
224. You’re really brave, you know that, right?
225.  Will you two quit it?
226. I feel awful
227. *bursts into room* Did I just hear the [movie/show] theme?! You’re watching it without me?!
228. What is wrong with me? Everyone has somebody and I’m over here still alone
229. I swear to God, if vampires are real, I’m done. I’m out
230. We’ve been married 5 years and you still make my heart race
231.  *constant Christmas music*
232.  *puns, puns and more puns*
233.  *dad jokes*
234. *rambles of -insert topic- [tv, film, book, animal, youtuber, activity…]
235.  *panic attack*
236. *Nightmares*
 I will do romantic relationships, family/sibling, pack… pretty much anything but smut. I will imply but not write detailed smut. It’s just not my thing, sorry. I mostly do the characters, male and female, but if you want I’ll attempt the actors. I’ll probably be best at Stiles, Derek and Isaac as I’ve written more for them in the past so I need work on the others, so bear with. I’ll get there. For people such as Peter I will not pair him with a high schooler, I personally find it weird due to him having a teenage daughter. I tend to prefer to stick to the ‘facts’ of teen wolf, so, for example, no vampires, how the show portrays things etc I’m being confusing sorry, unless you specifically ask for an AU. I’ll also do future (eg college, married etc…). Just send me a request and if there’s something I don’t understand or whatever I’ll just ask/tell you 😉
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becuzgyu · 8 years
in case you wanna know
this is personal so it’s fine if you scroll by
I’m sorry I’m too flipping tired and lazy to go to each one of you with a message so please forgive my dumb.
What has happened over the last few days is like something out of a medical drama. You ever heard the expression “Can’t get there from here.” Well that was me, except it had to do with the fact that I couldn’t find my last insulin pens. If you don’t know, you can either get insulin in vials and use a syringe to inject the dose or it comes in a pen and you can premeasure your dose and blah blah.
Of course this happened on the night of Jan 1, so on Jan 2 my doc was still closed. I’m there gritting my teeth as my blood sugar starts to climb. Meanwhile my doc has me on this “can’t get more medication without seeing me”. I can’t express to you how fucking dumb that shit is. Anyway. So I call on the 2nd, explain I’m out of Insulin. At this point my blood sugar was around 325 and I’m starting to get leg cramps and tremors. I called at 10 am, by 5 pm I aint heard nothing.
So I call again, oh it’s our policy it can take 24 to 48 ours. I say, barely restraining myself from crawling through the telephone signals to choke this bitch... that’s fine except hello, this is an emergency. Blood sugar is now 340. Bear in mind now that I’ve been mostly fasting because my body just makes everything into sugar. Only thing I have eaten is a few pieces of steak, no sauce or anything like that simply because my stomach hurts and a girl’s gotta eat. Person on phone says, “okay then.” Me in my semi addled state take that to mean we will expedite this asap.
But no. At a few minutes before 6, I call again and I get their answering service. WTF. I am beside myself. You fucking closed without taking care of your patient, I swear to God I’m going to sue you for reckless endangerment. I could have a stroke or a heart attack from this mess and it will be your fault. But it’s not answer service lady’s fault so I explain my situation and she says well I can get you the doctor on call. By this point, I would take any body who will write me a fucking script so I can get my god damned insulin.
Sooo... I get the on call doctor who is, in my opinion, a grade a number one arrogant prick, but really I don’t care as long as he gives me my insulin.  First he whines to mea bout how he isn’t in my doctor’s office and he doesn’t have access to records and shit and then he complains that if he prescribes anything then the pharmacy will be bugging him forever and blah blah blah. I absolutely lose it at this point. “Oh, well I see, a little inconvenience for you is more important to you than my life, glad to hear it, I’ll see you in court if I survive this shit.” I explain about all that has happened to me and he concurs that how I have been treated has been inexcusable. He then tells me that yes he will prescribe for me one pen. One pen is like the holy grail to me at this point.  Fine I joyously proclaim.
Except. This is at around 6:30 pm at this point. The pharmacy closes at 9.  So there I am gritting my teeth. Yes pharmacy call me, tell me the elixir of life is ready. Nothing. I’ll skip over my frantic calls to the pharmacy practically every five minutes.
So I somehow manage to crawl my way through the longest night ever invented. By this time I’m drinking apple cider vinegar in water because I found some online stuff about how studies have shown this actually reduces blood sugar. I really don’t want to have a stroke or something, I already have a heart condition.
First thing in the morning, I get a call from the pharmacy, yea verily yea. Except no, because she kindly informs me that she has prescriptions for me bu my insurance no longer works with her brand (rite aid cvs etc). Angels and ministers of grace defend me from such stuff. So. I have to call the new pharmacy and get them to transfer my shit there. Then the guy decides he can takehis sweet damn time to refill it. I say no, you need to do this now because person dying from lack of insulin kthanx.
This is all complicated from the fact that I don’t drive. Not right now. So I have to uber over there, to get my freaking medication.
I finally had the insulin in my body at 2pm on wednesday, sweet heavenly day but i’m still recovering from it all.
So that is where I’ve been. I know this is tldr but, I sort of needed to vent all this stuff, write it down you know? And I thought maybe some of you would want to know why i’m not responding or being around. Anyway, thanks for reading etc.
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