#please correct my mistakes
atlaserine · 4 months
Villain stared at the hero trapped and tied in a chair in his lair.
"This is 1 A.M" Villain said, half awake and half annoyed that one of his henchman had awoken him from slumber just to report that someone has infiltrated his lair. That someone who's now sitting right in front if him with her mask taken off.
Hero looked down with a bit of embarrassment. She wasn't one to back out from a fight, nor was she one to ask for help, especially from the biggest threat in her profession. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Speak" Villain's voice snapping hero out from her mind as she looked up to him. His voice that has gotten down an octave made it clear that he wanted to finish this quickly, or maybe finish her quickly and get back to bed.
"I need your help" It came out of the Hero's mouth too fast. And before she could regret it while hoping Villain hadn't heard her, Villains eyebrow was already raised, studying Hero with a glint of curiosity and interest in his eyes, debating whether he should listen to her or just finish this off once and for all.
The hero? The city's greatest hero asking for her enemy's help? The one who's been a thorn on his side for years asking for his help? One of her enemy must've hit her in the head too hard, The Villain thinks.
Looking at Villains face made her bit her lower lip nervously, all the regret of coming here coming right at her like a train.
"Look, I know what you're thinking. B-but you're the only one who's ever seen me without my mask. Not Sidekick, not Superhero, not even the Agency-"
And it was true. Hero chose to kept her identity a secret, strictly, wanting to protect the people closest to her and also living a double life. One as a hero and one as a normal citizen...untill she met Villain. The only one who's able to locate everything about her, the only villain who's ever gotten her so close to death. But that's a story for another time.
Hero took a deep breath before she fixed her posture a bit in what little space she had between the ropes and the chair. She tilted her head up and stared back at Villain.
"...Someones following me, I mean the citizen me. And I don't know who they are, I don't know what their intention is, I tried to just ignore them but it has gotten to a point where I saw them standing beside my apartment building when I wanted to get back after my shift- a-and im afraid they'll connect the dots and find out that I'm Hero. S-so I...ran.."
Hero shrugged her shoulder as she heard herself speak, she felt truly pathetic for this. She was a hero, she shouldn't have..run. But the possibility of another person knowing her secret was too high. So, the hero continued,
"I... came here because I didn't know...where else to go. I- i'll do anything, I promise. Just help me get whoever this is out of my tail...without killing them and I know you have some sort of- high tech machine to do that. Surely, a...an evil genius like you could come up with something!"
Villains eyes widened as Hero said all that. Never in his life has he seen the all mighty, all righteous, all stubborn Hero so...so stupid. Yet it did humoured him a bit. And after what felt like hours of staring at each other, Villain smiled, chuckled even. Leaned down untill he was face to face with Hero, a smirk forming in his face
"God, you are desperate are you?"
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the-labyrinth-of-me · 2 months
Wait did both Alice and Zane record Alan when he was at his lowest point? Didn't Alice make her exhibition to show the world what she sees? To show Alan the truth about himself? That it never was Scratch visiting and terrorizing her, but Alan himself? Did she depict his "self" and Zane depicted his "persona"? The two sides of him that he wishes he can eliminate bc they brought him into trouble (Scratch representing anger and the fallouts with paparazzi and stuff, Zane representing his self-destructive behavior with alcohol and drugs and the party nights)? The both sides that caused his marriage to start falling apart? Was that the reason Zane made that video of Alan when they were on that booze and drug-fueled bender while working on the Return manuscript? Is this party video the companion piece?? Alan's downward spiral, same as Alice's photos? Do they fucking work together aasdffjfjfkfk
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lost-gamer-archives · 6 months
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This was ment to be finished before C137 lost in the @ultimaterickshowdown but well xD
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typosandtea · 4 months
Vertibirds. 🚁⚙️🗡️🪽
So every wastelander and his dog know that the fallout 4 vertibirds crash more than settlements need help. But why is that? Here's my 2 caps on the matter. (Or: Bethesda doesn't understand aviation very well I think)
( So uh this is way longer than I expected, I was possessed🚁☢️:] )
TLDR: Horrific conditions for aviation, the difficulties of wasteland heavy maintenance, inexperienced pilots AND mechanics, and the WORST damn instrument layout I’ve ever seen
The Vertibird is designed as a fictional tilt rotor VTOL/STOL(Vertical/Short Take Off and Landing) aircraft which makes a ton of sense in the wasteland where suitable runways are rarer than hens teeth. One of Bethesda's primary visual design influences for the vertibird I suspect is the bell boeing v-22 Osprey.
This funky creature \/
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This photo is from the Wikipedia page >Here< [ID: a photo of a v22 osprey aircraft in flight as seen from below and to the right, the aircraft is a medium tilt rotor aircraft with very large propellers, the aircraft is current in vertical take off or landing with the engines pointed straight up. The landing gear is extended, the aircraft is painted in air-force grey with the faint decal “marines” and the American army star on horizontal stripes and the squadron and registration barley visible on the empennage. The cargo and forward doors are open and a soldier is hanging out the front. End ID]
Now the Osprey has a bit of a reputation among people I’ve met who’ve flown in them, I've personally been told things like "if it's not leaking hydraulic fluid, that means you're out of fluid" and "its terrifying to fly in".
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My screenshot. [ID: A screenshot of a fallout 4 vertibird, seen from front left in flight over bushland. the Player is manning the minigun and Paladin Danse is a Passenger. End ID]
Looking at the Vertibirds themselves we can make a few assumptions here.
The shape of the cowling and the noise they make indicates that the engines are some form of turboprop engine, likely requiring liquid fuel akin to Avtur(Aviation turbine fuel). Confirmed by the Instruments visible in the cockpit.
The most weight efficient way to move big parts is hydraulics so, they likely have complex hydraulic systems for wing positioning / AOA(Angle Of Attack) / engine angle. Likely also for landing gear since they have retractable gear in fallout 4.
That the BoS has modified them from the original design at least partially, allowing attachment to the Prydwen, likely other modifications too.
I strongly suspect that they have an APU(Auxiliary Power Unit) in the aft fuselage / empennage somewhere, since they have a massive air intake scoop on the top fuselage, they can self start their primary engines which either requires a ridiculous amount of electricity / amps or a source of bleed air. Bleed air is the most likely candidate for self start and is reasonably common on real turbine aircraft, APUs also allows for ground power without having primary engines running. Also confirmed by the instruments in the cockpit.
All of these points are well and good and common in aviation, even modifications (ie. STOL kits, survey aircraft, agricultural mods, skiis, ect). But modern aviation has some advantages that the BoS doesn't have: access to new off the shelf parts, proper verified documentation, proper test processes & facilities, and experienced personnel.
Don't get me wrong, I think Proctor Ingram is awesome, very knowledgeable and practically a miracle worker (especially with that one terminal entry about an engine failure field recovery she pulls off!!), but one chief engineer cannot maintain an entire fleet AND the Prydwen, she comments on how things are breaking often on the ship that she is very busy! Training of new engineers takes *years* to even get to basic level! Ingram can’t train anyone she is too busy keeping everyone in the air 24/7! So who is training all of these scribes? There must be a huge amount of time teaching and supervising even simple tasks! Even at their best the BoS wouldn’t be able to hope to be near the prewar standards of training! Even Ingram or other senior scribes would not be thaaaaat experienced, 10 years is not a long time to completely learn a new aircraft and implement systems & processes of maintenance. The point here is that there are inexperienced scribes maintaining these aircraft.
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My Screenshot. [ID: A screenshot of proctor Ingram from fallout 4, she is standing in the Liberty prime control area. She is smiling. She is wearing her usual modified power armour frame. Preston is visible in the background with a clipboard and pen, he is wearing woody’s outfit from toy story. End ID]
Heavy maintenance in the wasteland, especially in an active combat zone would be an absolute nightmare, are the poor scribes doing overhauls on the flight deck?? Not really possible, so the BoS must have a ground facility at the airport somewhere. Also side note where is the rest of Boston airport? There is more to an airport than a terminal and 1 runway, where are all the hangars?? Likely underwater but still, no ruins??
Back to maintenance, aircraft need a huge amount of care, way way way more than cars do. light civilian aircraft IRL need a full inspection every 100 hours of flight time, which adds up incredibly quickly! For example if you have a one hour commute twice a day that’s MR(Maintenance Release) hours reached in 50 days! You legally cannot fly out of hours. And a service for small aircraft takes about 3 personnel / 2 days and that’s without any major repairs or ADs (Airworthiness Directives) to address! $$$$! Aircraft operating in adverse conditions also need additional maintenance, and coastal areas like Boston, are considered adverse conditions since the salt air corrodes aluminum and steel like nothing else! Corrosion untreated will damage your aircraft and if left too long can destroy the structural integrity of aluminum parts. The spars of aircraft are aluminum often!
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My photo. [ID: The inside of a Cessna 172 wing trailing edge is shown looking inboard at the aft root rib, which is primer green, it is backlit by torchlight, the fuselage and a orange scat hose are visible behind it, it has 3 irregular shaped holes in it, 2 are by design but the third medium sized hole in the center of the image is eaten away by corrosion. End ID]
Vertibirds, between being shot at constantly and having a complex deign with a lot of precision moving parts will need a lot of repairs; moving parts means lots of upkeep, grease and inspections! The BoS by 2287 must have some sort of manufacturing back in capital, they cannot still be using old parts from the enclave after 10 years of maintenance, that’s a lot of grease, paint and hydraulic fluid!!!
The BoS must also have a refinery of some kind because Avtur is a refined fuel with some important additives like biocide. Manufacture and storage of fuel is very important since fuel contamination will bring down an aircraft! (and has multiple times IRL! :[ ). Water, microbes, and algae are real dangers to engines, with free water being the most common. Poorly sealed tanks or improper fuel storage combined with a incomplete or missed pre-flight inspection can lead to fuel starvation, since water is heavier than fuel and tank outlets are at the bottom of the tank. If you loose an engine on a twin, may God help you.
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This image is from Concordia Bioscience >Here< [ID: A photo of a sample of pale yellow Jet fuel in a clear container, the sample is contaminated with water and microbes and has separated into layers with water at the bottom, then microorganisms, and then Fuel at the top, the image is labeled as such. End ID]
Getting to the most likely crash reasons now (finally), In my opinion that is inexperienced pilots and; a horrific instrument layout.
While there must be some lancers in the BoS that have been flying for the whole 10 years that they’ve had Vertibirds, I think that is likely the exception not the rule, even if they crashed a fraction of the time that do in game that’s still A LOT of downed aircraft!
Experience is only gained in practice, and unfortunately for the BoS they are (self-declared) at war so resources are thin and safe zones are thinner. I suspect that there are a lot of very inexperienced pilots without the time for the experienced pilots to really teach.
Linking to my final point, experience on an airframe itself is also important, you want to be familiar with your aircraft, even among a group of the same model aircraft they will each have quirks, like slightly different instrument layouts, slightly different handling/feel i.e. "this one flies heavier / slower" (at least that's my experience with smaller civilian aircraft) I imagine that the apocalypse did nothing for improving manufacturing tolerances!
Experience can only help lancers so much when veritibirds have such a strange instrument panel layout:
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My screenshot. [ID: a screenshot of a instrument panel from a Fallout 4 vertibird. it is slanted on a approximately 30 degree angle. End ID]
A bit weird looking yeah? For reference Pilot is left seat and copilot is always right seat, this applies globally even in right hand drive countries.
lets take a closer look:
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My Screenshots. [IDs: Three screenshots of the same Instrument panel as above, but zoomed in using a sniper rifle scope to get a better look. The first screen shot is the pilots side, the second the center, and the third the copilots side. End ID]
All righty! So reading from top to bottom, then left to right we have:
On the pilots side: A Rotor%RPM gauge, a VOR(Very high frequency Omni-directional Range) indicator, a DG(Directional Gyro), a HSI(Horizontal Situation Indicator), and then a huge AI(Attitude Indicator),
In the center section we have: presumably light clusters (likely master warnings & cautions, gear indicators, and other status lights), a second VOR gauge, likely magnetic compass as they are usually top centre (though I can’t see it being at all accurate with all of the steel around!), the engine instruments cluster, and the APU status / control panel at the bottom. unsure of what the 3 clusters of horizontal buttons are suppose to be other than input of some kind?
In the Engine cluster: Torque%, XMSN(transmission) oil temp / pressure dual gauge, a gas producer % RPM gauge with small integrated single percent dial (like having a seconds dial on your watch for accuracy) meaning the engines have free turbines (compressor not attached to the power turbine), a dual load / fuel psi gauge, a dual engine oil pressure and temperature gauge, fuel quantity in pounds, a turbine output temperature gauge (the hottest part of your engine), and a clock.
On the copilots side: a second Rotor%RPM dual gauge, a third VOR indicator, Airspeed in Knots and MPH, a RMI(Radio Magnetic Indicator) which uses VOR and ADF(Automatic Direction Finder) on compass, a second DG, a second HSI, and a teeny tiny altimeter right in the outboard corner.
the 4 instruments on the lower copilots panel are completely unlabeled
some things of note that are from game limitations:
most of the engine instruments don't have needles at all
the DGs and the RMI use the same background asset, resulting in the DG wrongly having 'VOR' and 'ASI' on its face, DGs are self contained air driven instruments that work on gyroscopic precession, not any outside data input.
all of the instruments with a compass face all say north despite this vertibird not quite facing north.
the AI is showing wings level despite this vertibird being crashed and on a ~30 degree angle
there are not engine controls at all not even flat assets, only flight controls.
There are a lot of instruments here and most of them are reasonably OK read individually, BUT there at least 1 key instrument missing and the layout outs emphasis on completely the wrong things:
WHERE IS THE VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR(VSI)????? That's a pretty important gauge in a VERTICAL take off / landing aircraft!!!!!!!!!! It's one of the basic six pack!!! how was it omitted??? Speaking of the six pack why is there only one ASI and Altimeter?? and why are they tiny and ON THE COPILOTS SIDE ONLY???? the altimeter is LITERALLY the furthest instrument from the pilot in a vertibird, it should be right in front of the pilot!!! the easy to miss altimeter would make IFR(Instrument Flight Rules) flying incredibly dangerous! Also why are there four VOR based navigational instruments? VOR IS GROUND BASED NAVIGATION!!! unless the BoS has rebooted the multiple ground beacons for them to navigate from that's THREE dead instruments taking up space on the panel! the RMI is slightly more useful as ADF can tune to commercial radio frequencies, though these would need to be strong!
These poor inexperienced lancers are having to look all over the whole unnecessarily crowded cockpit for basic information that should be right in front of them, causing reaction delays and possible confusion. That delay could be the difference between whether or not they are flying home today.
-> Bethesda doesn't understand what half the instruments do and while they did a good job with most of the assets, in their quest to make it retro-future / visibly different from actual aircraft, they have completely destroyed any use of logic in the layout.
Thanks for reading! Here’s a video of me yeeting Danse with the ‘Get out of my face mod’ as compensation haha
My Video. [ID: a video capture from fallout 4 in first person. It is night and is at oberland station facing the water treatment plant. The player is wearing power armour and the HUD is visible. The player is very close to Paladin Danse, he turns away from them and they shove him with the voice line “stay out of my way”. Danse flys a long way away while rag-dolling. The Gamer’s laughter can be heard while Danse is flying. The player follows Danse’s fall with the crosshairs. The player then walks backwards. End ID]
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mixtapedoh · 24 days
ahh idk if you’re still doing the concept moodboards but if you still are, may i request junhui + fake relationship or secretly dating au? thank uuu <3
olive notes: hi jen! i am still doing the moodboards ♡. also, yesterday i saw that the fic i wrote for you didn't post but went to my drafts instead??? genuinely, wtf, i'm so sorry that happened, and i'm going to post it tomorrow 😭😭😭.
⋰˚☆ wen junhui x secret dating! au . . .
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"if your advice is to be so trusted, why aren't you in a relationship, jun?"
a sigh. immediately followed by a snort from you and inspired laughter from shua, who was never one to be afraid at finding enjoyment in his own jokes, of course, but a sigh all the same and a roll of his eyes. shua was asking for his opinion, was he not?
"yeah, junnie" — and your eyes sparkled with something infectious, like to coax a grin out of anyone you hoped to conspire with, barring, of course, someone with a willpower as strong as him — "why aren't you in a relationship?"
the man in question nudged you playfully and you leaned into the sway, silent laughter still coloring your breathing, fading and impressionistic, inspiring anyone with a desire for more.
"first i'd have to get rid of you. scaring everyone off."
and the conversation drifted from there. eventually, you all finished your meals and played the game of 'i've got the bill!' 'no; i'll pay." 'really, i owe you from last time.' and once you were all sufficiently fed and satisfied with your dance of politeness, you parted ways — joshua had to go help jeonghan with something or another, and you were easy to make an excuse of needing to run some errands. jun offered to accompany you, shua left with advice and more than enough mirth to fill his week, and that was seemingly the end of your little lunch date get-together.
it was when shua was confirmed gone that the true teasing begun.
"poor little junnie; all this affection, but no one to spoil."
"poor little (n/n), with all this teasing, but no one endeared enough to receive it."
you scoffed, and jun pulled you to the inside of the sidewalk, his fingers lacing with yours. you brought your intertwined hands to your lips to kiss them, and the two of you kept walking, indeed stopping at the supermarket like you'd told shua you would.
there was no real reason, truly, why you had jun had been dating for the last 4 months but hiding it from everyone else. just a 'why not?' sentiment that filled the both of you with giddy laughter — a silly secret that gave you an inexplicable rush. because kissing jun for the first time in the middle of his living room had been so addicting, and then immediately having to play it off afterward, when woozi walked in, oblivious to the encounter that had taken place while he was in the kitchen, had been even more exciting.
and then playing off the teasing that hoshi always entertained, trying to thoroughly convince the ever watching eyes of hao... it was a simple thrill, a cheap enjoyment. seungkwan had almost been the unfortunate friend to stumble upon your clandestine love-affair more than once, and the way that jun stumbled over the awkwardness of being near-caught would never fail to be wholly adorable and a silly kind of charming that made these first experiences between you all the more entertaining. why not? you already had your cake, why not indulge in the feeling and eat it, too?
and jun was so lenient with your every desire, in no small part due to the fact that he enjoyed the exhilaration of it, too.
after all — he thought as he came up behind you to grab a package of ramyeon off the shelf and, sticking it in the basket you held, rested his chin on your shoulder only to receive a peck on the cheek from you, absent minded, but offhandedly pulled from the deep well of where your affection for him resided — having a secret with you was all he'd wanted for longer than you could possibly know.
send me an idol + a concept & i’ll give you a little moodboard & blurb
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Day 19: "Please Don't" / Adrenaline Crash
@febuwhump prompt: "Please Don't" @badthingshappenbingo prompt: Adrenaline Crash
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Hunter, Omega, Wrecker, Tech, Echo (Did you read Day 5: Rope Burns / Bound & Gagged and Day 12: Semi-Conscious / Over-the-Shoulder Carry? This is a continuation! Follow the links above to catch up on the story so far) Word Count: ~3005 Click here to read on AO3 Also available in Russian (with thanks to @tech-o-mania for the amazing translation!)
Synopsis: Hunter loses control as he hunts down the mercenaries who captured and injured Omega.
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Art by the awesome @collophora of my gorgeous Feral Hunter! Thank you so much for this beautiful pic and letting me post it with my fic, everyone go view collophora's original post HERE and tell them how great they are! <3
Omega swings her legs as she sits on the edge of the table, watching as Tech methodically extracts embedded strands of hessian from the wound on her left wrist. Her right is already swathed in bandages, the bacta gel bringing a soothing numbness that dulls the pulsing pain to a background throb.
She draws her breath in as a hiss though her teeth at a particularly painful pull, and Tech glances at her to check she is okay. He doesn’t continue until she nods to give him permission to do so.
The com at the engineer’s wrist crackles to life. “Come in, Tech.” It is Wrecker’s voice, low and urgent.
Tech pauses his ministrations to answer the com. “What is it, Wrecker?”
“I need backup.”
The big clone’s voice over the com is deadly serious, none of his usual joviality.
“What is your status?” asks Tech, his voice taking on a more clipped edge.
“It’s Hunter.”
Tech quickly looks up at Echo, and Omega doesn’t miss the alarmed look that passes between them.
“Will you and Omega be alright by yourselves?” Tech asks, putting the tweezers back in the medkit and standing.
Echo nods, resting a hand on Omega’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about us. Go help Wrecker.”
“Help Wrecker with what?” asks Omega, getting to her feet and looking first at Tech, then Echo. “Are they in trouble?”
“You are still in need of treatment,” says Echo firmly, trying for a smile which comes out too tense to be reassuring. “I’m sure Tech will manage without us.” He gestures back to the table. “Sit back up, and I’ll finish your wrists.”
Tech is gathering his equipment, and Omega leans past Echo to see him set his pistol to stun.
“I want to go with Tech,” she protests softly. “I want to check that Hunter and Wrecker are okay.”
Echo and Tech exchange another look. Omega is getting pretty tired of the unspoken conversations they share with their eyes.
“Finish attending to Omega’s wounds,” says Tech eventually. “Then you may follow… carefully.”
Hunter’s pistol is in his left hand, balanced on his forearm which is crossed in front of his body, vibroknife held blade outwards. The hum of adrenaline is in his veins, pulse pounding, slowly building to a tense knot of pain at the base of his skull which will surely become a migraine later.
Two more mercenaries up ahead, just out of sight. He can hear them.
Hunter doesn’t have to think about softening his footfalls. The predator’s stealth comes naturally to him.
In moments he is around the corner and the two men are ten paces ahead, weapons out as they scout the corridor.
They don’t know that death shadows their movements.
In his ear, the com pings. Hunter shakes his head, shutting it off irritably. Not now. Whatever his brothers want, it can wait.
He rolls to his toes, picking up speed. Closes the gap in a sprint.
One shot with his pistol. The laser-burn eats through the first man’s skull. The second turns but Hunter is on him, and the vibroknife tears out his throat before he can cry for help.
Hunter pauses for a moment, surveys his work. That makes four of them he has eliminated now. Four of them who harmed his Omega. Four of them who will never threaten her again.
A high-pitched whine, like tinnitus, sets up in his head. He pulls his helmet off, rubbing his ears, trying to chase away the source of the sound.
His helmet is dropped to the floor, forgotten, as he sets off to find the rest of his quarries.
Tech tilts his datapad towards Wrecker. “I have picked up the bounty hunters’ com channel. They seem concerned that they cannot raise a number of their companions.”
Wrecker looks up from fitting binders to the two mercenaries he has captured. “Hunter won’t waste any time,” he says gruffly.
“He may have deactivated his com, but I can still track his locator beacon,” says Tech. “Leave these two here. We must catch up to Hunter as soon as we can.”
Hunter crouches on the narrow gangway, watching the knot of mercenaries in the hangar below. Five left. Their conversation drifts to him but it is just noise. He can’t make his head understand the words.
It doesn’t matter what they are saying. Hunter will be among them soon, and their words will give way to screams and then they will be dead. He plans to make sure of that.
The migraine closes its vice-like grip on his consciousness and Hunter pulls his bandana off, trying to ease the pressure at his temples. A faint aurora halos his vision, sparkling in the periphery. His back teeth ache.
He creeps along the perforated metal walkway, feeling it sway a little from the suspension cables that keep it aloft. He holsters the pistol, curling the fingers of that hand around the rail instead. His right hand continues to clutch the vibroknife like it is an extension of himself.
Almost directly above them. From here he can drop onto the group, break his fall with one of their bodies, before wreaking his vengeance.
Hunter climbs silently to the railing. Leans over the edge, gravity pulling at his body, braced now on the outside of the walkway.
Ready to drop.
Echo spots the pair of bodies before Omega does. He stops her with a hand on her shoulder and ventures forwards cautiously, already knowing what he will find.
He is surprised to see the half-skull of Hunter’s helmet staring up at him from between the fallen mercenaries. He scoops it up and checks the wiring. The com is undamaged. It has been deliberately disabled.
Behind him he hears Omega.
“Tech, come in. Did you find Wrecker and Hunter?”
She has her bandaged hands pressed to her com, trying to raise her brothers. Echo hurries back to her, Hunter’s helmet in hand. Omega’s eyes go wide as she sees it.
“Is Hunter okay?” she asks in a fearful whisper, reaching out to brush the side of the helmet. The fresh bandages across her palms come away stained red.
“Don’t worry,” mutters Echo, “it’s not his blood.”
There is a moment of confusion before the meaning of his words dawns on Omega. She leans past him to peer down the corridor. Two bounty hunters. Not unconscious. Dead.
“Oh,” she says in a small voice. Then, looking up at him with a determined frown, “We need to find Hunter.”
Wrecker and Tech press tightly to the door-frame, one on either side of the corridor that has brought them to this hangar. Tech’s datapad says this is where Hunter should be, but all they can see are the clustered mercenaries.
Wrecker is the first one to look up. His hands move in a quick signal sequence, drawing Tech’s attention to their brother in his ambush position.
“Hunter,” breathes Tech. And as though it is a command, Hunter drops.
The chaos is immediate. Hunter is amongst the mercenaries, pistol forgotten, knife indiscriminately biting through cloth and armour into flesh. Panicked cries answer his sudden appearance. Blaster fire greets him.
Tech and Wrecker recognise Hunter’s grunt of pain like it is their own. They take a single moment to share a nod, and then they too join the fray.
Wrecker charges in, shoulder down, crashing into a mercenary and knocking him away from Hunter. Tech skirts the edge of the hanger, diving into a roll to evade a stray blaster bolt. He comes up with his pistol ready, gaze flitting over the knot of combatants before choosing his target. He knows this is the quickest way to end this.
Omega’s voice comes over the com but doesn’t answer. He needs all his considerable wits about him if he wants to take down his younger brother.
He steadies his aim.
He fires at Hunter.
Somewhere beyond the roaring in his ears Hunter is dimly aware that he is injured. There is a lingering trace of heat as the laser-burn crawls against his skin, softened from deadly to merely painful by the layer of his armour. It slows him, but he doesn’t let it stop him.
He ducks a wild haymaker meant to knock him to the ground and comes up inside the man’s guard. The mercenary yells as Hunter’s forehead connects with his nose, blood gouting from the broken cartilage, and Hunter winces at the shout pierces his already tender headache.
The migraine is stabbing behind his eyes now, his vision winking in and out in bright flashes. He has to finish this fight soon, or he won’t be able to.
The sudden jolt of a stun blast catches him in the back. He feels the sensation ripple forwards across his chest, electric, followed by numbness. The blast threatens to short out his enhanced senses.
With difficulty he fights the blackness that follows the stun bolt, dragging his awareness back to the fight. Two others still standing. To his surprise, he realises Wrecker is one of them.
Then Hunter feels an attacker leap onto his back. He howls in panic and anger; instinct directs him to dip his body, rolling the assailant over his shoulder. He grabs them and slams them into the floor, a blow designed to stun.
Recognises the helmet. The goggles.
“Tech?” he slurs in confusion.
And, “TECH!” The shout is echoed by Wrecker, scooping up their fallen brother.
The final mercenary takes advantage of the distraction. Two blaster bolts hit into Wrecker’s back, staggering him, and he clutches Tech to his chest protectively. Hunter watches as the bounty hunter retreats, fleeing for the bikes they came in on.
His prey's footsteps are still reverberating at the edge of Hunter’s enhanced hearing when others approach from behind him. He whirls, sees Echo and Omega.
“What happened?” demands Echo, crossing to Hunter. With one hand he pushes Omega behind him, making sure she doesn’t step round and see the Sergeant. Doesn’t see the feral gleam in his eyes, the sharp and dangerous expression of his open-mouthed panting.
“I’ll find him.” Hunter’s voice is a subhuman growl. “I’ll end it.”
Omega paces anxiously, glancing towards the farthest exit to the hanger. Tech is conscious but dazed, propped up against a storage crate as Echo checks his pupils. She worries for Hunter, but she has been told to stay put.
Wrecker finishes restraining the still-living mercenaries and rolls his shoulders, easing out the stiffness of the injuries he sustained. His own blaster is loose in his hands, still set to stun.
The bodies have been hidden to one side, smeared trails of red marking the route they had been pulled. So much for out of sight, out of mind. Omega curls up over her injured hands, rubbing at her wrists through the bandages. The rope burns itch under the healing bacta gel.
“Tech will be fine,” reports Echo, “but one of us should stay with him. Omega?”
“I’m going after Hunter,” she announces, before she can be asked to play medic. She turns and looks at Echo with her mouth set in an unhappy line.
Echo calmly meets her gaze. “Hunter won’t want you to see him like this,” he says softly.
“Hunter needs me.” She is the embodiment of stubbornness. “I know it.”
Wrecker’s big hand touches her shoulder gently.
“I’ll keep her safe, Echo,” he says, voice strained with an ache of worry. He pushes his helmet back down onto his head, the snarling skull hiding the concern in his eyes.
“Let’s go, kid.”
Hunter is exhausted, muscles trembling as he forces them to continue. He has to do this. The image of Omega’s injuries is burned behind his retinas, the scent of her fear cloying. He failed to protect her once. He won’t do so again.
One more mercenary, and the job was done. There would be no-one left to threaten her. And if this group didn’t return, perhaps whoever was hunting them would think twice before sending more agents to kidnap her.
Protect Omega. Blood pounds in his head. Every footstep is a hammer-fall on the anvil of his overwrought senses.
Protect Omega.
A blaster shot hits his right hand. The vibroknife is flung free of his grasp, spinning into the air and embedding in the wall above his head. Hunter startles, the pain in his hand almost enough to stop him from evading the follow-up shot aimed for his heart. He twists at the last moment, the blaster bolt grazing his chest-plate.
Then his feral instincts are back, taking over, shutting down the thoughts that are distracting him and driving him forwards into the fight.
Hunter lunges, closing the distance to his would-be ambusher in a burst of speed that belies his injured state. He doesn’t remember that he has a pistol. Instead he barrels into the man, tackling him to the floor. The two of them roll, fighting for dominance, and Hunter comes out on top. Slugs the man. Pain explodes in his knuckles but he doesn’t stop. Again. And again.
Under the onslaught the mercenary’s face is transforming to a swollen, bloody pulp. He writhes and bucks under Hunter, throwing the sergeant off and scrambling for escape. Hunter leaps after him and they are back to brawling, only it isn’t a brawl. The man is sobbing, arms over his head, trying to shield himself from Hunter’s incoming blows. Pleas dribble with bubbled blood from broken lips. The man weeps for mercy.
Hunter’s onslaught continues. One more mercenary, and the job is done.
Protect Omega. Protect her at all costs.
Omega and Wrecker round the corner and Wrecker pulls them up short. Hunter is locked in combat with the final mercenary, the sickening sound of fist hitting flesh and the crepitus of broken bone reaching them across the otherwise empty room.
Omega recoils, watching the scene with fascinated horror. The brutality makes her sick to her stomach, but she can’t look away.
Hunter’s hair is loose, missing the bandana that usually tames it, and hangs lank and sweaty about his face. Blood streaks his fists and spatters his armour. The air is punctuated by his soft grunts and laboured breath, and the moans and whimpers emanating from the figure that is huddled beneath his fury.
Wrecker lays his hand on Omega’s shoulder, trying to coax her away. “Omega,” he says, and his voice quavers. He crouches in front of her, interposing himself between her and the brutal scene, and pushes his helmet back on his head to lock gazes with her.
“What is he doing?” Omega whispers in horror, brown eyes wide as she searches Wrecker’s face for answers.
Wrecker merely shakes his head. “You should get outta here, kid. Head back to the Marauder, wait for the others.”
He stands and turns away from her, dropping the blaster and moving towards Hunter with his hands held up defensively. It is like he is approaching a wild animal, wary of attack.
“Hunter, stop it. Please, vod. He’s down, he surrendered. This isn’t right.”
If Hunter hears him he gives no sign. His punches keep flying, sluggish but solid. His victim lets out a single broken sob.
Omega’s com chirps.
“Omega, are you alright?” It is Tech, his voice weak-sounding as he recovers from concussion.
“We found Hunter,” she whispers, riveted on Wrecker’s careful advance.
Wrecker nears Hunter and his victim, one hand extended. “It’s me, Hunt,” he says, softening the brash edge of his voice. “Time to stop. Okay, vod?”
Hunter doesn’t hear him. Or ignores him. It is hard to tell.
“Is Wrecker able to handle the situation?” asks Tech.
Omega shakes her head. “No,” she says, voice trembling with determination. “But if Wrecker can’t make Hunter stop, I will.”
“Be careful, Omega,” Tech warns her, and she steels herself for what is to come.
She steps past Wrecker, ducks to evade his grasp as he tries to stop her. On shaky legs she closes the distance. Hunter, her Hunter, is a creature she does not recognise. Ruthless, bloodstained, no glimpse of gentleness or mercy.
Hunter leans back, winding up for a huge hit. Omega darts in front of him, catching hold of his fist, levelling her intense brown-eyed stare into the wildfire of his fury.
Omega positions herself directly in front of the exhausted sergeant. Hunter is on his knees, tattooed face glazed in sweat and blood that almost certainly does not belong to him. His shoulders heave as he gulps in great lungfuls of air.
“Don’t,” she says. A plea. A command. “Please don’t.”
For a moment Hunter’s eyes turn glassy and unfocused, pupils trembling with rapid dilations before he eventually blinks and manages to fix his gaze on the girl before him.
“Omega?” he croaks weakly, and staggers to his feet. He sways a little, then replants his feet and braces a hand against her shoulder to steady himself. “You’re meant to be with Tech.”
Unexpectedly, he retches. Omega takes a startled step back as Hunter heaves bile, his whole body trembling. When he is done he wipes his mouth slickly on the back of his hand, glancing round in confusion.
Wrecker steps forwards, caution still written in his posture. “Hey, Hunter,” he says softly, a greeting to his brother as he returns to his senses.
Hunter sags against Omega, his arms going round her in relief, and she can feel the uncontrolled quaking of his body as adrenaline fatigue truly sets in.
Quickly Wrecker steps in to support him, taking some of his weight from Omega. But Omega wraps her arms tightly round Hunter’s waist, pressing her face against his chest, ignoring the scent of blood and blaster-fire as she feels his trembling hand run through her hair.
“I forgive you, Hunter,” she whispers, fingers digging into the cracks of his armour as they both cling to each other with equal ferocity. “I forgive you.”
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fully-automatic-ass · 6 months
hc that some words have, ah...
connotations in the Devildom than the human world.
Diavolo: Lucifer's such a whore 😊
Lucifer: 😊
Mc: what
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More under the cut <3
I’m cooking a little something. Wanna try it?
I created my own little character to have fun with the neighbors. According to her description, she was added quite late into the show and none of her past life before coming into the neighborhood is known. She simply popped up one day in Home and everyone acted as if she had been there from the start. Everyone... except Wally, who’s self-awareness lets him notice immediatly that there’s something wrong.
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Carrie Caramel
“Surely the sweetest neighbor in Welcome Home, Carrie treats her friends with delicious ice cream with a thousand different flavors to choose from. ¿Which one will you have today? She herself wouldn’t be able to decide, as she’s always torn between choices, but in the end she will always make the best decision. Stop by her ice cream shop for a refreshing sweet!„
Almost nothing is known about Carrie as a character. She was introduced almost three years after the launch of the show in later seasons. So far it’s the only character to make a debut after the show’s release. There is also no information about how or why she was added to the cast, the scripts never explain how she ended up in the neighborhood. All the other neighbors never question her presence, acting as if she had always been there.
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laithraihan · 6 months
hey!! i cant speak arabic and i wanna know what the text on your recent drawing says (if thats ok to ask)
"Are you trying this tactic to gain our pity? Don't let him fool you! These are common lies for any fraud ...... Come on, melt him."
It's simply what he says word-for-word in the arabic dub since it's a redraw of that scene
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sciderman · 11 months
I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with so much Iranian hate and drama <:[
oh anon. hate to break it to you (a lot of people make this mistake) but iran and iraq are two entirely separate nations.
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and also i think reducing it to the words "hate and drama" kind of doesn't cover it, anon.
#i think if people were. just a little bit more informed. then maybe people would see that the people from this region are humans actually.#so anon. please. like... look at a map and do some reading maybe. if you care just a little.#i'm sorry anon but i'm a little bit at a loss for words over this message. like it rendered me speechless for a little.#but it's so common in my life that i've been called iranian and i constantly have to correct people on it. c'mon man.#i mean i have SO many iranian friends even though iraq and iran you know. aren't exactly bedfellows. politically.#but those politics don't really follow me. like in my day to day. iraqis and iranians in the uk of this generation. are again.#pretty divorced.#but it's kind of really frustrating that people Without Fail make this mistake over and over.#it's like how people just refer to “africa” as a whole. instead of recognising there are seperate nations there and.#it's not just a homogenous “other”#please. there are humans there. it's not just “foreign”.#i don't know if you're american anon but i see it a lot that anything outside of america is just “foreign”#and i mean#even as a brit. americans are constantly surprised i'm british because they forget anything exists outside of america.#i think it would be so so so so sexy of you anon to take a look at the globe tonight. give it a spin.#look at the world. it's so full and so beautiful and there are So Many Nations.#i'm going to look at my globe tonight too. i have a really cool old one. it spins so good.#and i'm going to pick some countries i don't know a lot about and do some reading about them. for funsies.
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midoribobatea · 4 months
Lato's Birthday 2023 - Lato's card
Part 1 & Part 2
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(Not 100% accurate translation ,So sorry in advance for any mistranslation and any missgramer)
Under The Moonlight - part 1:
*Notice before reading the Butler Story: This story contains some spoilers for Main story - EP 3
We recommend reading this after reading the main story EP 3.
If you wish to avoid spoilers, please return using the button on the top left.
- A few days before Lato's birthday -
With Lato's birthday coming up soon...I was thinking about what present to buy for him.
So... I thought I'd talk to Flure and Miyaji about it, and when I called out to them...
For some reason, we all ended up gathering in the wine cellar in the basement floor of the mansion.
Miyaji: I'm sorry, master. I made you come all the way to a place like this.
<Why here?>
Flure: Umm...well... because Lato has good hearing...
Flure: We were worried that our conversation might be overheard if we were somewhere else..so we ended up here.
Miyaji: Sounds,voices are usually hardly echo in the wine cellar...so there's no need to worry about Lato hearing us.
<I see>
Miyaji: Then...about the birthday present for Lato.
Miyaji: Actually, me and Flure too have been talking about it for a while now.
Miyaji: But we can't seem to decide... If it's alright, I'd like to think it over together with you master...
<Thank you>
<Of course, Please>
Miyaji: Great. if the three of us discuss it together I'm sure we'll come up with a good idea.
Flure: Hmm, a present... I guess it would be safe to give Lato something he likes.
Miyaji: Speaking of things that Lato likes...
<Like parsley>
Flure: That's right. parsley is Lato's favorite food.
Flure: But... it doesn't really feel like a birthday present...
Miyaji: In that case... how about a handmade picture book or an original song...?
Miyaji: Lato also likes reading picture books and listening to music.
<I see, That sounds good>
Flure: That's right... That feels more like a birthday present.
Flure: Alright! Let's give Lato one of those two...!
Lato: What are you doing in a place like this?
Flure: L-Lato?! Why are you?
Lato: When I returned to our room, Flure and Professor Miyaji were not there, so I came to look for you.
Flure: S-so that's what happened...
Lato: Hello, master.
<H-hello Lato>
Lato: By the way.... What were you three talking about?
Miyaji: That's...
Flure: Umm... well...
Lato: Hm?
Flure: M-master...!
Flure: Master asked what wines we would recommend...so we were just showing a few.
Flure: Isn't that right, master?
Lato: Hmm... Then show me too.
Flure: Wha...?!
Lato: Master... What kind of wine are you interested in?
Lato: I don't know much about alcohol, but I'd be interested in the wine you choose.
Lato: .......
Lato: Haha... just kidding.
Lato: after all it was just a lie that you were looking for wine, right?
Miyaji: So after all.. you noticed.
Lato: Yes.
Lato: You were actually talking about my birthday present, didn't you?
Flure: D-did you hear that?
Lato: Yes. When I returned to our room, I faintly heard master's voice.
Lato: I followed the voice..and ended up here at the wine cellar.
Miyaji: So that's what happened... By the way, from which part did you hear us?
Lato: Since the parsley talking part.
Miyaji: Almost everything... As expected of Lato.
Flure: Seriously...you really do have good ears.
Lato: Haha... I am especially sensitive to master's voice.
<I-Is that so...>
Lato: I felt like it would be better to pretend I didn't hear in this situation...
Lato: But there was something I really wanted for my birthday, so I ended up calling out to you.
Miyaji: Something you want? What is it?
Lato: A parsley cake.
<P-Parsley cake?>
Lato: Yes, this is the cake that appeared in a picture book I read a long time ago.
<(There's a picture book like that...)>
Lato: It looked like a very interesting dish, so it made a lasting impression on me.
Flure: Umm... Is there really such a picture book?
Miyaji: Come to think of it... I think I made a picture book like that for Lato a long time ago...
Flure: Huh? Professor Miyaji did...?
Lato: Yes. It was a handmade picture book that professor Miyaji made for me.
<So you can make picture books, Miyaji>
Miyaji: Well, even if I call it a picture book... I didn't really make anything that impressive or anything like that.
Miyaji: I wondered at that time if there was something I can make that could interest Lato even just a little...
Miyaji: I made this a long time ago when I was still researching.
Miyaji: I do remember the picture book depicted a sponge cake mixed with parsley...
Miyaji: I think it was a cake served with parsley cream...
Lato: It was also topped with finely chopped parsley.
Flure: T-that's sounds...
<Like a parsley cake..>
Miyaji: Hmm..
Miyaji: It's a special day for you, Lato. Then, If that's what you want, I'd like to make it come true.
Lato: And if I can ask one more thing...
Lato: If you don't mind, I'd like to make that cake together with you...master.
<With me?>
Lato: We can't?
<It's not that, but..>
<No, I was just a little surprised>
Miyaji: Master, I'm not sure if it's even appropriate for a butler to ask you to do something like this, but...
Miyaji: Could you please help bake this cake with Lato?
<Let's bake it together Lato!>
Lato: Thank you master.
Flure: Good for you, Lato.
Lato: Haha..Once it's ready, I'll let Flure try it too.
Flure: Huh? Y-yeah...Thanks..
Flure: Ah, but…Do you know how to bake a cake?
Lato: No, I have no idea.
Flure: Y-you wanted to make it without even know how to bake?
Miyaji: Don't worry about that, I'll find out how to make it before the day comes.
Miyaji: Master, you can rest assured too.
<If Miyaji says so>
<Thank you Miyaji>
Lato: Haha..I'm looking forward to it, master.
- A few days later -
Then, on Lato's birthday in the afternoon...
Miyaji gave us a note written with the recipe... After gathering all the ingredients for the cake, me and Lato went to the kitchen.
Meanwhile Miyaji and Flure prepared for the party in the basement butlers room.
Lato: Speaking of which, this recipe note we received from Professor Miyaji...
Lato: Apparently he asked Lono to help him with it.
<So Lono also helped out>
Lato: Yes. Both Lono and Professor Miyaji did it for me...they are very kind.
<Okay, Shall we start baking?>
Lato: Yes, let's bake it.
Then we started cooking while looking at the recipe notes.
During the baking process...Lato broke some plates and spilled some ingredients...
It wasn't a smooth process,but...
I followed along as best as I could too... Somehow, Lato and I were able to make the cake according to the recipe.
- After a while -
Lato: Master, the cake dough is ready.
<Next, we need to apply the cream>
Lato: Understood.
We spread fresh cream mixed with parsley on the baked dough.
Finally, We sprinkled chopped parsley on the top and the special cake is complete.
Lato: Haha... It looks just like in the picture book.
Lato: Thanks to master's help... I have finally completed my long-awaited parsley cake.
Lato: I could never have made such a wonderful cake by myself.
Lato: Thank you for granting my wish, master.
<Today is Lato's birthday after all>
< I'm glad it made you happy>
Lato: Haha... I feel like eating it right now.
Lato: But Professor Miyaji and Flure are preparing the party, so... I'll just have to be patient.
Lato: Now... before we bring the cake...
Lato: After I change into the costume Flure has prepared. Let's return to the butler's room in the basement...
Under The Moonlight - part 2:
- After a while -
Lato: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lato: What do you think about this costume?
<It suits you>
<So cool>
Lato: Hehe.. Thank you.
Lato: It's a costume that Flure made for me. It's very beautiful, I really love it.
Lato: Now that I'm all dressed… let’s bring the cake.
[Devil's Palace basement hallway]
Knock Knock…
Lato: Is it okay to come in now?
Miyaji: Yes. It's okay now.
Lato: It looks like we can come in. Shall we go?
Miyaji: Welcome to the birthday party venue. Lato and master.
Miyaji: We've just finished preparing it.
Flure: Oh! You've changed into your costume, Lato.
Lato: That's right. How is it?
Flure: Didn't I already told you though when you first tried it on?
Lato: I would like to hear it again.
Flure: Wasn't it enough? It suits you very well.
Lato: Haha... I was complimented by master too just before.
Lato: Thank you Flure, for this beautiful costume.
Flure: You're welcome hehe.
Flure: I'm glad you liked it.
Miyaji: Haha..So Lato, did you enjoy making the cake?
Lato: Yes. It was fun to cook with master.
Lato: Take a look. We made a parsley cake that looks just like the one in the picture book.
Flure: I kind of imagined what it would look like but... W-woah What a strong color.
Flure: This... is not matcha, it's parsley, right?
Lato: Yes, there was a lot of slicing, chopping and mixing involved.
Flure: W-Wow...
Miyaji: Did any of you two got injured anywhere?
Lato: Yes. We are alright thanks to master's support.
Miyaji: Then that's good.
Miyaji: Thank you, master. For all of your help and doing it for Lato.
<It was fun cooking with Lato>
Miyaji: Haha..If that's the case I'm glad.
Miyaji: Now then, Lato. I would like you to receive this present from us.
Miyaji said as he placed a lot of dishes on the table.
Lato: this is...
<Since when did you prepare it?>
Miyaji: Actually, I was cooking in the kitchen early this morning.
Miyaji: After hearing that Lato is going to make a cake with master.
Miyaji: I wanted to prepare something too for Lato.
Miyaji: I used parsley while preparing the dishes so that Lato could eat it.
Miyaji: By the way, this fried chicken has parsley mixed into the batter...while this is a potage that uses plenty of parsley...
Miyaji: I was able to make it thanks to Lono's help in tasting it, so I'm sure it's delicious.
Lato: Professor Miyaji, Thank you.
Flure: Well then, it's my turn next.
Flure: Here. This present is from me.
Lato: Oh. this is quite a beautiful box.
Lato: Thank you, Flure. I'll treasure this box.
Flure: ...No, the box is just a container. The gift is what's inside the box.
Flure: Try opening it quickly.
Lato: Inside it? Alright...
When Lato opened the box, he found beautiful forks and spoons inside.
Lato: This is…?
Flure: It's a cutlery set.
Flure: Use it to eat a variety of dishes other than just parsley.
Flure: If you keep being picky about what you like and dislike, you'll end up damaging your health.
Lato: Flure..You were worried about my health...
Lato: Hehe... Thank you so much, I'll treasure it.
Flure: Yeah...
Miyaji: Now that we have given you the presents...
Miyaji: Shall we start the birthday party?
Lato: Yes. So, first of all...
Lato: ..should I start with this cake using the cutlery that Flure gave me.?
Flure: Are you going to start with the cake first?!
Lato: Yes, is it a problem?
Flure: Well..it's Lato's birthday after all... I guess it's best to let him eat what he likes.
Lato: Well, I'll try it.
Lato: Hm.... *munch munch*.
<Is it delicious?>
Lato: Yes, it tastes like parsley and it's very delicious.
<I'm glad>
Then Lato cut a small piece from the cake... and picked it with the fork, and held it out in front of me.
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Lato: Here master try it too.
Flure: Wait-- Lato! What do you think you're doing to master?
Lato: It was so delicious... I really wanted master to try it too...
Lato: Now.... Open your mouth, master.
Miyaji: La..Lato...I understand how you feel, but if you suddenly do something like that, it will cause a problem for the master too.
Lato: Oh... Is there something wrong?
Lato: Professor Miyaji once told us that "the more good things we share, the happier everyone will be."
Miyaji: That's, well... I did said that sometime long ago...
Lato: That's why... I want to share the deliciousness of the cake with the master too.
Lato: Master... Is it bad...?
<I-If it's only just one bite...>
Lato: Thank you. Then, Here you go..
Although I was a little hesitant, I took a bite of the piece of cake that Lato offered me.
Lato: Hehe... Master, is it delicious?
<I-it's delicious>
Lato: That's good.
Maybe it was because I was nervous... but to be honest, I couldn't really tell the taste of the cake...
But seeing the happy look on Lato's face... made me feel happy too.
- Tonight -
After Lato's birthday party was over... I was relaxing in my room.
While peeking outside the window for a moment, I noticed the beautiful full moon in the sky.
Knock Knock…
<Come in>
Lato: Greetings, master
<Lato, did something happened?>
Lato: I'd like to have a little chat with you, master.
Lato: If you'd like... would you like to go for a walk outside with me?
My eyes instinctively turn through the window to the moon rising outside.
Lato: It's alright, master. Now I no longer feel pain when I see the full moon.
<Are you really okay…?>
Lato: It's really okay. I'm not forcing myself.
Lato: Would you like to come with me?
Lato: Haha..Thank you, master.
Step... step...
Lato and I walkd together under the moonlight.
Lato looked at the full moon rising in the sky... rather than looking distressed, he was smiling with joy.
Lato: Being able to take a walk like this with master on a full moon night...
Lato: I couldn't even imagine it just a short time ago.
<I'm happy too>
Lato: Haha...
Lato: ......It really feels like a dream.
Lato: Until recently, full moon nights were nothing but painful for me.
Lato: I was suddenly overcome by an inexplicable anxiety and fear, and I lost my composure, breaking things in the room.
Lato: There were times when I harmed Professor Miyaji and others.
Lato: This has always...always...
Lato: This has always happened for over 200 years.
Lato: But everything changed...ever since I met you master.
Lato: The full moon that was once such a painful experience
Lato: Is now just feels so beautiful.
Lato: This is all thanks to meeting you, master.
Then Lato stopped and looked straight in my eyes.
Then he smiled and removed the gloves he was wearing...
Lato: Master... can I hold your hand for just a little while...?
I was a little confused, but... I reached out my hand towards Lato's outstretched hand.
His cold hand gently held mine.
Lato: Warm…
Lato: I can feel master's life force.
Then Lato pulled my hand towards him and pressed the back of my hand against his cheek.
Lato: Shhh. quiet.
Lato: You don't want the other butlers to notice us, right?
Lato: Haha...
Lato: Right now...I am very happy.
Lato: Being next to master.... being able to see master's smile....
Lato: I feel happy to be alive, more than I've ever felt before.
Lato: This...is what called love, right?
Lato: Just being able to feel master's warmth like this... makes me feel at ease.
Lato: You, master... have become an indispensable part of my life.
Lato: That's why, master.
Lato: Please don't ever disappear from me...
Lato: Can you promise me that?...
<Of course...>
<I'm not going anywhere>
Lato: Haha, thank you.
Lato: Then, me too... I promise not to leave your side.
Lato: We will always be together...forever.
Lato: You are the first person I have ever felt such love and desire to cherish.
Lato: I'm not much interested in my own life but if...
Lato: Next year's birthday too... Two years from now, and ten years from now...
Lato: I could spend those times forever together with you like this, master...
Lato: Looking forward to that... I want to live.
Saying this, he gently squeezed my hand again.
Hearing those words... I squeezed his hand tightly back.
<We will celebrate every year>
Lato: Master...
Lato: Yes... that's a promise...
Lato: Because I believe in master...
I felt Lato's cold hands gradually warming up.
Through the warmth of his hands, I could really feel Lato's life force.
- End -
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sarenhale · 4 months
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Happy summer too btw. May your summers be lgbt and chaotic and may your smoke cigarettes and drink beers in public parks (maybe not at 2pm)
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smallmightsupremacy · 11 months
So that translation was... something. A good one? Well, that's up for debate. Personally, I think that it's a bit iffy, and decided to make a post about why I think that way along with my own personal translation of that scene (you know the one) (disclaimer: I am by no means fluent in Japanese so take what I say with a grain of salt and please, for the love of god, correct me if I get anything wrong)
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So before I get into why this isn't a good translation of the Japanese version, I just want to say that even when you don't consider the Japanese version and just look at what's being said in this panel, it doesn't make a lot of sense for Katsuki's character to be saying something like this at this point in the story. Like, it sounds like he's saying "OFA isn't strong enough to stop you but my quirk is" and it's just insinuating that he believes he's on par, perhaps even stronger and more capable than OFA. That itself seems like something a very early bully Kacchan would say, and it just takes away a lot of his growth. I refuse to believe that current Katsuki "Izuku will I reach you someday?" Bakugou thinks that he's still above and better than OFA. Making him say something like that to me just seems like all his growth has been thrown out the window. Now moving on to the actual translation, I'm going to break down the Japanese for you guys and explain how I got to my own translation:
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Okay, so after using a Japanese keyboard, this was the kanji I extracted from the page to use: "OFAに拭えねーもんは こつち で 拭うつてな ぁああ!!!"
So if we break down the first line, we can see there are four parts to it: OFA, に .... は,  拭えねー, もん (OFA, the particles, the verb, the noun) Now, I'm not exactly sure what the particles do in this context, and I don't want to feed anyone false information, so I won't be touching on that. However, the verb 拭えねー (nuguenee) is a negation that originates from the base (nuguu) 拭う which means to wipe. It can also mean 'to get rid of', which I think better suits this context so we'll go with that and make nuguenee mean 'can't get rid of'. Finally, the noun もん (mon) can be used as a word to say a thing or object. So when you put that all together, the sentence 'OFAに拭えねーもんは' roughly translates to: "What OFA can't get rid of (handle)"
Moving onto the next line: 'こつち で 拭うつてな ぁああ!!!' Once again there are 4 parts to it: こっち (Kocchi) which means here when talking about a place in close proximity to the speaker 拭う (Nuguu) which means to wipe or get rid of in this context
なあああ (Naa) which can be used when you express what you feel or think
And the rest are particles, which, once again, I won't be touching on
So what do we get when we put this all together? こつち で 拭うつてな ぁああ!!! = 'I'll get rid of (handle) right here!!!"
So the full translation? 'What OFA can't handle, I'll handle right here!!!' Now, I know that my Japanese is by no means amazing and that I probably made a few mistakes along the way... but I do feel like Katsuki saying something along the lines of 'what OFA can't handle' instead of 'OFA couldn't keep you in the ground' gives Izuku a lot more credit and makes it seem less like Katsuki thinks lowly of him and more like he wants to help out. Okay okay. So now you may be wondering why I used 'handle' when translating the verb (拭う) nuguu into english after I told you that it means to wipe/eliminate. Well, let's take a look at the apology scene, particularly the bit where Kats tells Izuku 'we're here to step in when you can't handle it all on your own'
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If you haven't noticed it yet, nuguenee (拭えね) is used here to mean 'can't handle' as well. I'd like to think that Horikoshi deliberately chose nuguu as the verb to mean to handle in this most recent chapter to be a callback to the apology and Katsuki following through with his promise. It makes his apology feel even more genuine than it already was because he's following through on his words. That's the part I'm most upset about. The English translation has no callback to the apology when Horikoshi deliberately made the stylistic choice to use that specific kanji for the sake of having it be a reminder of Katsuki's growth and development/that chapter. It's a shame that the English translation seems to have the opposite effect.
But those are just my thoughts 🤷‍♀️ let me know what you think!!
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maomao9jinshi · 6 months
Apothecary Diaries Sunday GX manga: Vol 7 pt 2
chapter 27
It was quite difficult to understand the chapter, but I tried my best. Please correct me if I made any mistakes
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misiahasahardname · 9 months
i’ve had this long list of td surname headcanons (and i guess some of them are nationality headcanons) for a while and haven’t done much about them, so…
here are each generation’s surnames! (except for rr since i’m not too confident about them)
gen 1:
harold norbert cheever doris mcgrady V
cody emmett jameson anderson
lindsay tyson
noah könig (german)
eva barta (czech)
izzy clark
owen fraser
trent evans-grant
gwen kennedy
heather ryeo
bridgette summers
leshawna simelane (south african iirc)
beth spring
devon ‘dj’ joseph
alejandro burromuerto (spanish)
sierra kauffman (german)
tyler wilson
ezekiel miller
courtney cortez (spanish, or from somewhere where they speak spanish primarily)
duncan butcher
katie wan (malaysian)
sadie peterson (originally was gonna give her a romanian surname but here is peterson)
justin kāne (hawaiian)
geoff jasper
gen 2:
josef ‘jo’ kaczmarek (Polish)
brick macarthur
anne-maria chahuán (chilean)
michele ‘mike’ russo
cameron corduroy wilkins
rudolph ‘lightning’ jackson
staci sterling
zoey gates
dawn oakwood
scott brackin (irish)
dakota milton
sam stevens
beverly ‘b’ jones
gen 3:
ella ito-courtemanche (japanese and french)
scarlett montgomery
max mayhem (yes. i’m actually giving him that as his surname. get sillyed)
jasmine reynolds
shawn tremblay
dave korrapati (indian, more commonly in telugu-speaking areas)
sky sanderson (i was a bit uhm. stuck with this one. i looked up ‘cree surnames’ but found only three. i went for this one but i’m still uncertain.)
amy martin
samantha ‘samey’ martin
topher mccann
rodney rogers
sugar silo
beardo mbomio (equatoguinean)
leonard howe
gen 4:
nichelle ladonna (italian)
bowie davis
emma fletcher
julia hartwell-hughes
priya khan (indian)
millie carter
chase boonmee (thai. it means ‘reliable, generous, loyal’. ironic)
raj ghosh (indian)
wayne watterson
mary-kate ‘mk’ yí (chinese. in honour of fai yí, my beloved)
damien reid
hezekias ‘zee’ guzman (argentinian (it means ‘good man’ which is what he is!!!))
rhinffrew ‘ripper’ bowen (welsh (WELSH RIPPER REAL))
caleb garcia (hispanic)
axel sanchez-guðmundsdóttir (hispanic(?) and icelandic. yes, apparently ‘axel’ is an icelandic name!)
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jestiamy · 1 year
qsmp makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist almost constantly. I see someone go "yeah bad almost exclusively chooses tophats in games when given the option" and I immediately run back to my conspiracy board and pin that next to the photo of q!slime and q!mariana saying they'll adopt juanaflippa because she has glasses like q!slime/q!mariana respectively under a sticky note captioned "??? the original spanish-english egg pairs were designed in a way meant to attract certain parents to adopting them???", that's connected by red string to a note pad page stating "how random was the parent pairing REALLY?" with nothing under it - which is then connected to a string that leads to several polaroids containing the ending(s) of the wall and the wreckage of the button, captioned "why build a wall that big only to have it end at a certain point?" followed by a string connected to a notebook page in the middle of the board reading "the illusion of choice?" - connected to several other seemingly dead-end questions and theories, as well as some slight stragglers only connected to eachother and not the middle. and then I look over my board covered in feverish notes and I go. yeah okay so I may just have like a slight problem
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