#please do not attack or engage with this person just block and ignore
rainbowsky · 2 years
Regarding Use of My Content
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It's come to my attention that woaini_zhanyibo9197 (they've changed their channel name to RemoWX_ZhanYibo9197) on YouTube has been plagiarizing posts from me and from @accio-victuuri and posting it as their own original content. I'm not going to link them here because I don't want anyone giving them more views or clicks (and I'd appreciate it if you didn't go digging around either, because every view lines their pockets and boosts their algorithm), but I've found several posts that use my content word for word.
This is completely unacceptable.
Just to make this abundantly clear:
I do not post on any other platform, so if you see content of mine posted anywhere else, it was stolen.
People who want to quote my posts in whole or in part should do BOTH of the following:
Contact me first for permission. EVERY TIME.
Credit me as the source.
If I don't give you permission, don't use my work. End of story.
If I do give you permission, credit me as the source, and link back to the original post on my blog.
This is the bare minimum level of courtesy anyone should extend any content creator online.
It's true that we all as turtles tend to talk about the same topics as they arise, and those ideas will be informed by other things we've read and seen. It's only natural that some of our ideas are going to overlap, some of our CPN is going to be similar, etc. etc. But when you're taking someone's content word for word and posting it as your own content, that is completely unacceptable.
If you're going to be a content creator, CREATE CONTENT. Don't be a dick. This is a friendly, small community of people who share ideas with each other freely and without monetization, fame or clout. Don't come in here thinking you're going to take content elsewhere and monetize it and claim it as your own.
Thanks to @yellowrose222 for letting me know about this. 💖
Please note: I would appreciate it if people do not attack or engage with this person. Just block and ignore (and report where appropriate). There's never any justification for attacking or harassing others, no matter how annoyed you may be.
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kaijuposting · 1 year
"Saw traps for people with moral OCD" is a phrase that has embedded myself into my brain because, well, Saw traps for people with moral OCD are everywhere.
Stuff that basically amounts to...
"You have to listen to my opinions on [issue], or else you don't care about [issue]. (Constantly talks about how people like you are the absolute worst.)"
Anything that's functionally like, "you have to let me tear you down over things you can't control or you're a bad person."
Anything that's functionally like, "you have to let me vent to you whenever and however I want or else you're a bad person."
"If you enjoy X media/trope, you just hate Y people."
"Everyone knows that X thing is harmful/hateful; if you engaged in it, it's just because you were fine with perpetuating hate/harm."
"You should have just known better/should know this already!"
This thread over here talks about the inherent issues of putting this kind of stuff out there. The TL;DR is that it really only works on people who are mentally unwell and have poor boundaries, while just pissing off everyone else. It really doesn't matter if you're technically correct; you're still attacking people, and that means they're not wrong to block you.
I think that many of these Saw traps are created when people effectively write posts directed toward people who don't want to help, rather than the ones who do. Like, if you catch yourself writing an angry, shame-laden post, ask yourself: who are you writing it for and what are the odds you're going to change their minds? If your mental image is some smug fuck or angry reactionary, you're writing for the wrong person. Write for the person who's curious, who's willing to learn.
Also? Work on figuring out how to transmute negative feelings into positive, encouraging rhetoric. EG:
"Why is there no X positivity?" -> "Let's hear it for X!"
"No one cares about Y problem!" -> "Hey, we need more recognition of Y problem" or "I haven't seen many people talking about Y problem, so here's some info on what's up."
"If you don't reblog this, you don't care about [group]" -> "Please reblog this, it would mean a lot for us [group]."
And if you're really super duper frustrated and want to vent with a lot of nasty words and sentiments? Consider taking it to a private vent channel or a journal or somewhere that a stranger with moral OCD/scrupulosity isn't likely to run across it.
Remember, most people don't want to hurt anyone. More people are ignorant than malicious. People naturally want to do the right thing, so if you feel like you have to guilt them or shame them into it, there's probably a fundamental communication issue somewhere, or they simply lack the context to understand why what you're saying is so important.
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bonefall · 7 months
God I am so tired of Bramble fans who refuse to use critical thinking and believe that brambleclaw and squilf are equally bad. Many also hate on moonkitti's video which they most likely haven't even watched or misconstrued points in it. You can like a character without defending all their actions please I'm begging you
And people will sometimes jump to their defense, saying that people just dogpiled them for liking a character the fandom doesn't like, and while that can happen, sometimes people are actually dogpiling them for ignoring abuse and insulting creators with different opinions
(Some discourse happened on Twitter recently about this but it's something I've seen happen before, I'm not specifically talking about anyone)
I'm going to be honest and drop my feelings.
Never have I ever actually SEEN a Bramblefan "get dogpiled" for liking Bramble.
I come out here on my massive soapbox every couple of weeks and drop whole essays on this guy, I chat casually about how important he is to me as a character, both as someone who was abused in a way similar to Squirrelflight AND as someone who can relate to Bramblestar's situation, and before BB got so large and my attention was easier to divide I even ran an AU called Sweet Nothings which had a "big brother" Bramble take in it.
There is no shortage of Bramblestar-related posts around here, yet, I have never, NEVER gotten shit for when I talk positively about Bramble.
In fact, he's commonly cited as one of the favorite cats to see on this blog from my audience. I get praise for addressing him with nuance, explaining how his actions are abuse while also keeping him human, talking about how his life is a painful cycle of self-doubt that makes him double down on his worst decisions. Every time I post about him, I get an influx of comments centered around how my takes on him are appreciated.
What I DO see is people who make art where they try to bothsides him and Squirrelflight, or say something completely false about his behavior, or straightup post DARVO tactics to defend their fav's honor. When someone makes a comment that goes "uhmm? Bit strange innit?" they call it "harassment." Or when people block them, they call that "receiving hate."
OR when someone makes a vaguepost like "Heyyy, DARVO is an abuse denial tactic where the abuser or their apologists Deny the abuse took place, Attack the accuser, and then Reverse Victim and Offender to claim they were actually the person harmed. Bramblestans are playing this out, step for step, and that's bad!" they call THAT dogpiling.
Meanwhile Moonkitti got death threats and was actually harassed for posting Bramblestar Is Worse. To the point where she is hesitant to ever make another video on the topic.
So y'know what? Hot take? The stans don't actually like Bramblestar. They like the vague idea of a sadboy character who broke free from his dad's legacy so they slurp up the framing of the notorious abuse apologist writers, and they get mad when people who have critically engaged with the books don't see what they desperately crave.
How can you really LIKE a character if you can't engage with their actions? If you need to surround yourself in an unpoppable bubble and can't accept anything he's done in the 20+ years he's been active? How can you truly love a man without all his mistakes?
It's sooo hard to be me, Tumblr User Bonefall, the ONLY one who likes Bramblestar correctly. It's rough out here.
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laegolas · 1 month
right now one of my beloved fandoms has devolved into infighting and drama that we've seen time and time again over some truly meaningless shit. And I'm not blaming any one individual or ship - we collectively do not do enough to educate people about online boundaries.
so here is some unsolicited advice from a Fandom Elder in hopes of eventually jumping off this hamster wheel:
if you see something you do not like or agree with, simply do not engage. ignore it. block the poster if you have to. snide comments are not necessary. the more you engage with something on an algorithmically driven feed, the more it will be put in front of you. the findability heuristic does not care whether attention is positive or negative, it only knows that you clicked. I promise you will see less of the stuff you dislike when you stop saying you dislike it.
for the love of god please drop this idea of 'policing' fandom. this implies a social hierarchy within the community. fandom is not a singular entity, it is a collective. you can only ever control your own experience.
just because you personally dislike a character/ship/interpretation, doesn't mean its morally bad. you do not have to find a reason to dislike something. just accept it doesn't tick the boxes for you and move on.
do not assume in bad faith. more often than not, people misstep due to ignorance, not malice. the internet is full of people from different countries/ages/backgrounds/experiences/identities. you can provide a polite alternative perspective, but whether that is taken onboard is 100% to do with the poster's intentions/perspective, and not anything you can say. you will never change a stranger's mind about deeply held beliefs.
stop feeding the trolls. if you get messages/anons you do not agree with or are attacking you/your fandom/ship/etc you do not have to publish it. if you do, you're giving them precisely what they want: attention. also, these trolls are never the representation of the majority.
play in your own sandbox. do not make moral treatises on why your sandbox is better than someone else's sandbox. if you spend all your time worrying about what someone else is doing, you have no time left for your own sandcastles.
Get comfortable with death of the author. we have unprecedented access to the writers/directors/crew/actors of our favourite media, and they have that same kind of access to us. but what you're engaging in is fiction and storytelling, not a director's positivist, socially-devoid, historically-accurate thesis on an event. the director's interpretation of a story is exactly that: an interpretation. Hell, even if it's a single writer who also edited who also published an extremely indie book, you can still take something different away than what the author originally intended.
canon is NOT the One Truth. some people ship/headcanon/meta irrespective of canon - some people ship/headcanon/meta in spite of it. sure, it'd be nice to see some of your fantasies play out on the screen/page, but that's not the point of fandom.
if you absolutely have to say a negative word about a character/ship (which you really, really do not), do not tag that character/ship. you are inviting the voice and criticism of people who have the opposite opinion of you.
Remember that engaging with hate or drama is always going to leave you feeling worse, no matter your intentions. at the end of the day, these are stories. none of it is real. there are no stakes. no one is committing any crimes.
Remember why you got into that story, that show, that movie, or that book - remember what you loved and what you wanted to share in. choose that instead.
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songofthesibyl · 24 days
People, for your own sanity, please stop trying to reach across the aisle in the acotar fandom. I’m referring specifically to directly engaging. Like most internet “debates,” it’s not going to accomplish anything. If you’re responding to personal attacks (it’s difficult because it often gets personal), or something on your page, that’s different, but you’re not going to convince anyone. You’re just not. If you know that and just like the back and forth and drama of it, then fine, but if you actually think anyone is going to change their minds about fictional characters in a fictional series, they’re not. Even when they say you’ve made good points, they’ll just go right back to saying what they did before. Or use straw man and/or ad hominem attacks. Or ignore the actual argument to pick one or a few words and run with them in a way that has nothing to do with anything else said. Or, if you manage to write something nuanced and thoughtful, you’ll get mocked for writing “an essay,” and be told “I’m not going to change my mind”, or “yeah I’m not reading all that, you do you though bestie.” It’s not just acotar too, that last one is common throughout social media, it’s a stock response when they don’t actually want a discussion and just wanted drama for a little while because they were bored. I got caught in all this last year, especially on instagram, and just had to walk away. I would get the same responses, the substance of what I said would be mostly ignored, or it would end with “people take these books too seriously.” Meanwhile they would be taking things very seriously themselves up until that point. I migrated to tumblr because you could post longer form writing, and I thought it would be a bit different (me=🤡). But it isn’t. You’ll just get blocked and they and their mutuals will mock you on their pages. That’s why I very rarely tag anything, and I follow no acotar tags. It’s better for me to just share my thoughts on my own page.
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valcaira · 2 years
About me
Hello folks! you can call me Cyrus or Cy. I'm 20 years old and I blog about many kind of things including disability, queerness, art, fandom and politics.
I'm transmasc bigender nonbinary butch faggot man and use he/him pronouns. I'm also german-belaruthian and practice witchcraft.
I am vehemently kink positive and will tag posts where i'm lusting over blood, cannibalism and guts as #bloodthirst so filter out that tag if it makes you uncomfortable.
If you use Zionist as an insult, to categotize Jews into "good" and "bad", only get your sources from antizionists and refuse to listen to Jewish people who keep telling you it's a complex ideology with many facets and doesn't mean what you think it does - you are both wrong and stupid.
I won't post donation asks. They will be reported as spam.
Further information under the cut:
Instagram: @/valcaira_art
Other Socials:
AO3: valcaira
NexusMods: valcaira
My blog is a MOGAI friendly space.
I'm disabled and chronically ill. I have rheumatoid arthritis, POTS, FND with hemiparesis, a tic disorder, BPD, NPD, dpdr, psychosis and CPTSD. I'm also autistic.
In terms of political stances I consider myself left wing and a democratic socialist. Democracy is non-negotiable. I'm pro-European Union. Anti-authoritarianism. The lives and wellbeing of humans stand above all else, especially capitalism. If you're a western tankie or Russia lover don't even attempt trying to "convince" me of your ideology. I'm Belarusian. I know more than you.
If your support for minorities stops at Jewish and Romani people you might as well hurl yourself into the sun while you're at it.
I'm also an artist and have tons of OCs. If you want to talk about them and yours go ahead!
While I do allow minors to interact with my blog, I wouldn't call it strictly SFW since I make sexual jokes and make the occasional "hell yeah penis" post. I have a sideblog for hornyposting, although visit it with care as it can be very distressing to a lot of people due to it being gore centered. @bleeding-aorta
If I'm on your dni and you interact/follow me first I'm going to ignore it. I'm still open to chill with people who have different stances.
- anti TERF, anti TIRF, anti radfem, anti bioessentialism
- pro democracy, pro european union, anti facist, anti tankie
- "narcissistic abuse" isn't a real thing and just reinforces ableism
- Transandrophobia exists
- pro mpec lesbians and gays + contradictory labels, radinclus
- professional transmed/truscum hater
- anti radqueer, anti transid
- pro para anti contact paraphile
- pro fiction. Don't harass people over what they consume in fiction. Thought crimes are not a thing and you don't automatically endorse in reality what you enjoy in fiction. Antis are free to interact but do behave please. I have horrible experiences with your group (including being sent death and rape threats).
- the Hammer and Sickle is a genocidal symbol just as much as the Hakenkreuz and thus I treat people who put that shit in their bios the same way as I treat Neo-Nazis. Tankie punks fuck off.
- pro Zionism (not a Zionist because I'm not a Jew yet), pro two state solution
- pro Jewish self-determination
- Kahanists and Islamists get blocked on sight
- If you identify with the term "Asperger's" I am very likely to block you.
- attacking people for creating Harry Potter fanworks isn't helping anyone. Don't give money to JKR, enjoy your fanfic and ships. I still like reading Snarry fanfic despite not engaging with the source material anymore.
Twerking Sombron gif for personal archiving reasons:
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fandomsoda · 4 months
Anon, I do not owe you a response. It’s common sense that if you’re in someone’s DNI, you block and move on. You will not convince me to become a more hateful person. It’s just not happening. Framing this whole mess as “us vs them” is so disgusting I can’t even fathom. This type of discourse only harms and distracts the queer community. The lesbian label is going to evolve and change, just like every other queer label is. And if you can’t accept that, that’s a you problem.
You have not sent me “proof that mspec lesbians are harmful”, you sent me carrd and status links. That’s not proof. Nebulous claims of problematicism and “notions the label pushes” which are all just imagined “implications” you decided these labels have are not proof. Mspec lesbians do not push that “lesbians can be fixed”, or anything like that, they simply exist as a different kind of lesbian. That is such a leap in logic. I’m sure there’s been at least one asshole to say that while using mspec lesbians as reference, but that is not some sort of tenant of these labels, I highly doubt most if any actual mspec lesbians would agree with that statement.
Something else frustrating is that one of your “sources” claimed that “there’s not a million different ways to be a lesbian” when- YES there is??!? There’s a million different ways to be any queer identity. Who are you or anyone for that matter to dictate how people can be a lesbian? HELLO???
Holy Christ man, queer labels are descriptive. Not prescriptive. They are tools we combine to describe our experiences, not boxes we are put into and gatekeep. If someone uses both an mspec label and a mono label to convey how they experience their sexuality, that should not be a fucking issue. They are using words to convey their experiences in a way that feels right, that does not affect you and that is none of your business.
And the fact that you use language like that I “claim to” be a lesbian- I’m gonna be generous and assume that this wasn’t what you meant to convey, as I have made a similar error in the past, but given the context it really comes off like you’re questioning the validity of my identity which is gross as hell if that is what you’re doing. You phrase this mess as if mspec lesbians are somehow actively attacking lesbians and trying to destroy the label and that I’m somehow a traitor for realizing that’s not true. And that’s just. So fucking stupid. And gross.
This is the queer community, we should be accepting and uplifting each other even if we don’t fully understand each other’s labels. And the fact that you’re so pissed that someone would DARE to combine labels to express themselves, that you now view these random ass people minding their own business as part of a culture war of some kind? Do you not see how ridiculous that is? You are the only one fighting this war man, mspec lesbians are not out to get you.
Listen, I understand that a label or space that you’ve held for a long time changing can be scary. That’s a natural thing to feel and I’m not gonna tell you that you can’t feel that way, your feelings are valid. But that doesn’t mean you get to spread hate, that doesn’t mean you get to be an ass. This whole mess is just so wildly out of touch that I am earnestly asking you to go outside. Please go outside. This is not a sarcastic “touch grass”, I genuinely think you need sunshine.
And just to close this off, because I know that you’ll say “you’re just listening to your echo chamber!” or “you’re not even thinking about what I say!”. Maybe I’m not in an echo chamber, maybe I just have earnest beliefs that I am convicted in. I actually don’t engage with or get exposed to this discourse very often, it’s just that normal fucking people don’t get in a tizzy about someone else’s harmless identity like this.
I’m not brainwashed, I’m not in an echo chamber, I’m not ignoring you just because I “can’t argue” with anything you have to say, it’s because I’ve heard all of this a million times before and I genuinely just disagree and think that you are wrong. I am not some robot that cannot think for themselves, I am a whole ass human person who holds my own beliefs, morals, and values. And the fact you’re willing to say such things about me for simply refusing to become more hateful for you is both astounding and disgusting.
That’s all for now, I apologize to everyone who had to have this on their dashboard, I just had to say this shit for the record.
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septembersghost · 2 years
babes, i hate to say this, but i need you to please not send me negative/toxic discourse that i cannot do anything about. you already know i'm going to agree that it's wrong and i commiserate with why it's upsetting, but there is no power that i, or we, have to change it, and i've learned from my time and various battles in fandom that it simply is not worth it, it only makes you miserable. i know none of you are intending to take anything from me in having these discussions, but it's honestly really stressed me out and taken the edge off what began as just pure happiness and/or interest, and i can't engage with that, i'm trying so hard to do better with my mental health.
i know it sucks when people attack something or someone you enjoy and admire, i know it makes you want to fight back, but it's, to borrow what a friend just said to me, a sisyphean task: "don't waste energy on people you know don't care. your opinion does not have to be validated by the entire internet, especially when ppl have a vested interest in popping off hot takes about things they don't understand bc it gets them Views." you can't ever win with people who won't listen and whose entire goal is to stoke misinformed outrage, you're only going to keep hurting yourself in the process. spending your time engaging with that negative feedback cycle is detrimental and will do nothing but steal your joy. you do not have to fight every war, ESPECIALLY with people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about! let them be performatively angry/dismissive/whatever and ignore their nonsense takes. curate you experience! if this means blocking people, block people. i personally take great care to not see these things, so i wouldn't know a lot of stuff if people didn't bring it to me, and i am always understanding in the feeling of protective defensiveness, but it is ultimately not something i want to engage with and not fun.
if this means your fandom experience becomes you, the thing you love, one trusted friend, a teddy bear, and a corn chip, then that's totally fine! you do not need to prove your own informed opinions or the reasons for your love or constantly be validated by fools frothing at the mouth over the dumbest arguments you've ever heard. let the haters seethe. they are not worth your energy, they don't deserve to get their needles into your spirit.
take the thing you love and hold it close to your heart and look at their cute little pictures (or listen to their songs or watch your favorite episodes, whatever the subject is we're talking about, however you can access that and get that enjoyment from it!), and remember THAT is what matters. what it means to and does to uplift you makes it valuable, and you deserve to engage with that in a passionate way, but it shouldn't be doing you harm. what it provides you is what lasts. that's yours and no one can take it away from you!
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Rant / Info Post incoming...
I'm still angry, but I'm calmed down today at least, so...
Yesterday I was really angry and upset because a number of people felt the need to take it upon themselves to educate me about what's "wrong" with Caroline, simply because I mentioned one time that she has albinism. First of all, I am blind, not stupid. I've done my research. Also, as a member of the low vision community, I have personally known a lot of unrelated people who have albinism, including my boss at a former job, and my friend who I was in a band with in the 90s. If you are not blind, and ESPECIALLY if you do not have albinism yourself or don't at least personally know someone who has it, maybe do a bit of fact-checking before you come for me, yeah?
Honestly, I was literally so upset and angry that I'd nearly decided to scrap the entire story idea I had. I just could not envision myself having the mental stamina to deal with all the ignorance and the ableist bullshit, particularly because I've already been cyber-bullied and attacked online in the past due to speaking out and advocating about disability in general and blindness in particular. But, you know what? If you want to persist in your ignorance and tell me I'm wrong about something you actually know nothing about, then go for it. I know what the block button is for. I blocked people yesterday, and I deleted anon messages, and can do it again.
If you're genuinely curious about something you don't know about, ask. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm more than happy to answer questions about blindness or about anything else I have lived experience with. I'd rather have an honest conversation with somebody who wants to learn than to engage in a pointless argument with somebody who's convinced they're right based solely on their own assumptions and isn't willing to accept even the possibility that they aren't (hence the blocking).
Additionally, I should not have to "content warn" about posts that have depictions of disabled people simply existing. If you feel upset by seeing disabled people or hearing mentions of disability, then please ask yourself why that is. Asking for content warnings for posts that just have disabled people living their normal lives is offensive, and I hope you wouldn't ask people from other equity-seeking groups to content warn you just because a member of that group is depicted in a post doing something totally ordinary.
Representation is important, and sighted people have portrayed us with their weird and harmful stereotypes for way too long. I've also seen loads of hurtful stuff about people with albinism from people who don't have it. Although I also do not have albinism, I've done my research in addition to knowing and interacting with people with the condition in real life. The only people with any right to challenge and educate me on albinism are people actually living with it; only them (or their guardians/parents), and not some random white knights or even their friends, because the only true expert is the person with the lived experience. I'm open to learning and happy to expand my understanding about a lot of things, but I prefer to learn from people who know what they're talking about through personal experience and knowledge, and who aren't disseminating misinformation based on prejudice and stereotypes.
I won't lie... telling a story about a blind child isn't going to be easy for me, because I was also a blind child once. Because people (and particularly children) can be horrible creatures, my childhood was a living nightmare at times. I'm a survivor of childhood psychological and physical violence at the hands of my peers as well as the people who were meant to be protecting me, and that sort of trauma stays with a person. Plus, it's really hard to navigate a world that was not made for you, especially when you're a child and don't yet fully realize that the world was not made for you, and why that is, and what the implications of it are.
For a lot of reasons, this story (or the idea of it, at the very least) is important because I'd get to share something real through the relatively safe medium of a fictional character, and maybe with Caroline I'll get to right some of the wrongs that were done to me in real life. And just maybe somebody else will learn something.
But in the meantime, although it is 100% not my job to educate you, here you go:
Resource 1 - Resource 2 - Resource 3 - Resource 4 - Resource 5 - Resource 6
The correct term for people with albinism is "people with albinism". The term "albino" is controversial, and although there are some people with albinism who have reclaimed this word for themselves and use it in a self-empowering way (similarly to people in the LGBT+ community reclaiming "queer"), there are others who find it offensive, particularly when used by people who do not have albinism.
Albinism occurs in all ethnic and racial groups throughout the world (so yes... there are Japanese people with albinism too)
People with albinism do not have pink/red eyes. The majority of people with albinism have blue eyes, although they can have hazel or brown eyes in some cases (depending on the type of albinism). Some blue-eyed people with albinism may appear to have pinkish or violet eyes in certain lighting conditions, due to the fact that the lack of pigment can make blood vessels much more visible.
Many people with albinism also have low vision that usually can't be fully corrected. Level of vision varies, depending on the type of albinism.
People with albinism can go outside in the sun, but because of the lack of pigment in the skin and eyes, they need to wear sun protection like sunscreen, hats, sunglasses and UV-protective clothing
People with albinism are not sterile (unless they have a co-existing medical condition that causes sterility). They can produce children. Their children may or may not also have albinism, depending on the genetics of themselves and their partner.
Canadian National Institute for the Blind - What Is Blindness?
Canadian National Institute for the Blind - Blindness Myths & Facts
Canadian Organization for the Blind & Deafblind - True or False?
Royal National Institute for the Blind - Eye Conditions
More Blindness Myths & Facts
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vntagetee · 10 months
this is an indie multimuse role play for canon characters only. my oc multi is @fcrtnite, my multi for obx muses is @qveens, and my nsfw multi is @y0urdoll
i will not be interacting with anyone under the age of twenty-one for my own comfort. please don't follow me if this applies to you.
i use the beta editor for all posts and gifs or icons (or nothing, depending on what my writing partner are using). but all i care about is the quality of the writing tbh.
personal blogs: DO NOT like or reblog my starters. you will be blocked.
if you're involved in a lot of ooc drama or call outs, don't cut your posts, reblog and/or post ooc content instead of writing, reblog photos from me instead of the source, or are a shitty person in general (i.e. engage in homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, racism, ect ect), i'll be blocking you. no exceptions.
all of my muses are multifandom, multiship, and i have no issue writing with oc's. all that i ask is that if your oc has a connection to my muse, message me to discuss.
this blog is medium/low activity. i have three other blogs that i dedicate time to, a full time remote job, and most importantly, because i have so many muses, i don't have muse for everyone 24/7. favoring certain muses isn't an attack on anyone. it's literally just me. so there might be times where it takes me awhile to reply. please be patient with me. i promise i'm not ignoring you.
feel free to shoot me a dm with ideas, plots, ect.! i'm super approachable and always up for that.
the easiest way to interact with me is to like one of my starter calls, send a meme, tag me in a random starter, or reply to an open. opens and memes never expire.
i'm a ship whore. if you ship it, i probably do to. having said that, i might not feel it, so no force shipping please.
my discord is available upon request for plotting, but i only use it for writing specific muses.
muses from euphoria ( excluding rue ), the idol, & thirteen reasons why. muses from the new scream movies ( 2011 - present ). ansel elgort, johnny depp, amber heard, armie hammer, jared leto, ashton kutcher, jennifer lawrence, amy schumer, mila kunis, noah schnapp, & anyone else that's highly problematic.
header, pinned post, divider, promo: @calisources dash icon: @executiioner & @tatisources psds & graphics: @jessource, @stephysource, @supersources, @calisources, @jaynedits @melinoegraphics
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vntagetee-archive · 11 months
this is an indie multimuse role play for canon characters only. my oc multi is @lovest0rie and my nsfw multi is @achings0ul.
i will not be interacting with anyone under the age of twenty-one for my own comfort. please don't follow me if this applies to you.
i use the beta editor for all posts and gifs or icons (or nothing, depending on what my writing partner are using). but all i care about is the quality of the writing tbh.
personal blogs: DO NOT like or reblog my starters. you will be blocked.
if you're involved in a lot of ooc drama or call outs, don't cut your posts, reblog and/or post ooc content instead of writing, or are a shitty person in general (i.e. engage in homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, racism, ect ect), i'll be blocking you. no exceptions.
all of my muses are multifandom, multiship, and i have no issue writing with oc's. all that i ask is that if your oc has a connection to my muse, message me to discuss.
this blog is medium/low activity. i have three other blogs that i dedicate time to, a full time remote job, and most importantly, because i have so many muses, i don't have muse for everyone 24/7. favoring certain muses isn't an attack on anyone. it's literally just me. so there might be times where it takes me awhile to reply. please be patient with me. i promise i'm not ignoring you.
feel free to shoot me a dm with ideas, plots, ect.! i'm super approachable and always up for that.
the easiest way to interact with me is to like one of my starter calls, send a meme, tag me in a random starter, or reply to an open. opens and memes never expire.
i'm a ship whore. if you ship it, i probably do to. having said that, i might not feel it, so no force shipping please.
my discord is available upon request for plotting, but i only use it for writing specific muses.
dash icon: @executiioner & @tatisources psds & graphics: @jessource, @stephysource, @supersources, @calisources, @jaynedits @melinoegraphics
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hornkneebee · 1 year
🌻Hello, nice to meet you!🌻
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Before you engage further with my blog, please read this post to further understand about me, my stance and my belief. I will not tolerate debate over what I accept and believe. Unless I am part of a discussion or argument, I will ignore any form of communication that tries to debate about my belief and will blatantly blocked anyone that doesn't respect my wishes after being warned.
It is imperative for you to read this post, lest you'd be surprise to see any unwarranted content on your feed.
Disclaimer: I advised against reading this post on my own blog and instead, just read it on Tumblr itself. The post somehow broke when read through my own blog, causing some words appear incorrectly (coloured text not coloured, for example). You can reach it here.
🌻My Fan fiction Masterpost | My Twitter | My Bluesky🌻
🌻What is my name and what you can call me?
My name is Hornkneebee, but you may also refer me by my other aliases; Madukara.
🌻What is my age?
I'm in my early 20's (20 to 25 year old) and hence, my content may reflects as such.
🌻What pronoun(s) do I use?🌻
You may refer me with; ➼ He/Him ➼ They/Them
🌻My interests and my hobbies?🌻
Throughout the time I've been lurking in the internet, I had developed so many love in so many interests or hobbies, naming a few include; ➼ Language and linguistics ➼ History ➼ Anthropology ➼ World building ➼ Writing ➼ Gaming
🌻What language(s) I can speak?🌻
Aside from English 🇬🇧, I am proficient in Bahasa Melayu 🇲🇾 and may be able to understand Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩. Currently, I'm trying to study 한국어 🇰🇷 (I could only able to read Hangul, not yet to understand them).
🌻What game am I playing?🌻
I've been juggling a lot of different game, but am currently active on; 🎮 Genshin Impact ✨🍃 🎮 Honkai Star Rail 🚂☄️ 🎮 Alchemy Stars ⚗️🌟 🎮 Cookie Run Kingdom 🏰🍪 🎮 Reverse: 1999 ⌛⛈️ 🎮 Punishing Grey Raven 🐦‍⬛🦠 🎮 Arknights ⚔️ Otherwise, I also play with; 🎮 The Sims (primarily Sims 2) 🟢 🎮 Stardew Valley 🐔 🎮 Spiritfarer ⛴️ 🎮 Let's School 📚 🎮 Coral Island 🪸
🌻Show I have watched, watching or planning to watch?🌻
Show I have watched; ✅ Merlin BBC ✅ Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ✅ Ranking of the King ✅ Little Witch Academia Show I am watching; ⏯️ Fairy Tail ⏯️ How to get away with murder ⏯️ Nation Z ⏯️ Black Summer ⏯️ Gurren Lagann ⏯️ The Waling Dead Show I'm planning to watch; 📝 Attack on Titan 📝 Codename: Kids next door 📝 Mob Psycho 100, Season 3
🌻Pertaining to Proshipping, Antishipping and Fancop?🌻
I'm a proship/profic, hence, I will engage, create or share contents that are themed over it. If you're uncomfortable with proship contents in general, this is my warning for you to leave my space and block me if you can. Additionally, puriteens or fancops that engage with me will be blocked!
more info, please refer to: Proship, Puriteens, Fancops
🌻Is my blog minors friendly?🌻
I am outright saying this to you all; this blog is not minors friendly. Meaning, the contents that I engage with or create will sometime be around adult themes or themes that are seen as problematic. Thus, minors are advised to NOT engage with me beyond just reblogging posts that they like that are innocent.
🌻Is my blog a queer safe space?🌻
Yes. My blog is a queer safe space and I will ensure that the posts that I engage or create are queer friendly. In addition to this, because this blog is queer (and so am I), queerphobes should see themselves out!
🌻Is my blog a muslim safe space?🌻
Generally, yes. But I am rather critical of Islam and Muslim as a whole due to personal experience with Islam and the Muslim community (especially conservative Muslims). If you could not bare to see Islam or Muslim being criticised by me or posts that criticised Islam or Muslim, you may block me. That being said, I am advocator of Muslim's right to exist and understand how Muslims are discriminated outside of the Islamic world.
🌻Do not interact list🌻
Please do not interact with me if you're; 🚫 Racists, Racial Supremacists 🚫 Zionists, Pro-Israel 🚫 Conservative 🚫 Very religious 🚫 Sexists 🚫 Queerphobes 🚫 TERFs 🚫 Antishippers, Fancop, Fanpol 🚫 Minors 🚫 MAPs, Zoos!!!
Sources: TERFs, MAPs, Zoos
Again, I must remind you that my blog is my space, and you should respect my rules that I have set upon this blog. If you find anything about my blog uncomfortable, disgusting or upsetting, I am not going to argue with you to justify my point of view. You can always block me, unfollow me (and make me unfollow you), or not engage with my block at all. Additionally, over time, this post might be edited to update with my current stance or add more questions that will give you a general view about me as a person.
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obxqveens · 1 month
𖥸 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬
this is an indie multimuse role play for muses from netflix's outer banks.
i will not be interacting with anyone under the age of twenty-one for my own comfort. please don't follow me if this applies to you.
i use the beta editor for all posts and gifs or icons (or nothing, depending on what my writing partner are using). but all i care about is the quality of the writing tbh.
personal blogs: DO NOT like or reblog my starters. you will be blocked.
if you're involved in a lot of ooc drama or call outs, don't cut your posts, reblog and/or post ooc content instead of writing, reblog photos from me instead of the source, or are a shitty person in general (i.e. engage in homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, racism, ect ect), i'll be blocking you. no exceptions.
all of my muses are multifandom, multiship, and i have no issue writing with oc's. all that i ask is that if your oc has a connection to my muse, message me to discuss.
this blog is medium to low activity depending on my schedule. i have two other blogs that i dedicate time to, a part time remote job, and most importantly, because i have so many muses, i don't have muse for everyone 24/7. favoring certain muses isn't an attack on anyone. it's literally just me. so there might be times where it takes me awhile to reply. please be patient with me. i promise i'm not ignoring you.
feel free to shoot me a dm with ideas, plots, ect.! i'm super approachable and always up for that.
the easiest way to interact with me is to like one of my starter calls, send a meme, tag me in a random starter, or reply to an open. opens and memes never expire.
i'm a ship whore. if you ship it, i probably do to. having said that, i might not feel it, so no force shipping please.
my discord is available upon request for plotting, but i only use it for writing specific muses.
muses from the idol & thirteen reasons why. muses from the new scream movies ( 2011 - present ). ansel elgort, johnny depp, amber heard, armie hammer, jared leto, ashton kutcher, jennifer lawrence, amy schumer, mila kunis, noah schnapp, & anyone else that's highly problematic.
layout, promo, dash icon, & divider: @sereg0re ic icon psd: stephysource other psds: @calisources, @jaynedits, @jessource
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fcrtnite · 2 months
𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. ;
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this is an indie multimuse role play for original characters only. my canon multi is @vntagetee & my multi for outer banks muses is @qveens.
i will not be interacting with anyone under the age of twenty-one for my own comfort. please don't follow me if this applies to you.
i use the beta editor for all posts and gifs or icons (or nothing, depending on what my writing partner are using). but all i care about is the quality of the writing tbh.
personal blogs: DO NOT like or reblog my starters. you will be blocked.
if you're involved in a lot of ooc drama or call outs, don't cut your posts, reblog and/or post ooc content instead of writing, or are a shitty person in general (i.e. engage in homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, racism, ect), i'll be blocking you. no exceptions.
all anon hate will be deleted.
all of my muses are multifandom, multiship, and i have no issue writing with oc's. all that i ask is that if your oc has a connection to my muse, message me to discuss. totally open to it!
this blog is medium/low activity. i have two other blogs that i dedicate time to, two part time jobs, and most importantly, because i have so many muses, i don't have muse for everyone 24/7. favoring certain muses isn't an attack on anyone. it's literally just me. so there might be times where it takes me awhile to reply. please be patient with me. i promise i'm not ignoring you.
feel free to shoot me a dm with ideas, plots, ect.! i'm super approachable and always up for that.
the easiest way to interact with me is to like one of my starter calls, send a meme, tag me in a random starter, reply to an open, or dm me about something on my wishlist. opens and memes never expire.
i'm a ship whore. if you ship it, i probably do to. having said that, i might not feel it, so no force shipping please.
my discord is available upon request for plotting, but i only use it for writing specific muses.
i follow back from my main account, vntagetee
muses from the idol & thirteen reasons why. muses from the new scream movies ( 2011 - present ). ansel elgort, johnny depp, amber heard, armie hammer, jared leto, ashton kutcher, jennifer lawrence, amy schumer, mila kunis, noah schnapp, jonathan majors, & anyone else that's highly problematic.
dash icon, pinned post, divider, & promo made by @sereg0re
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mochipon-vt · 8 months
i just wanna say to the vtuber space (and ig any online or otherwise space), mostly bc i saw a post from someone on twitter saying how bad the vtuber space is RIGHT NOW but this goes like.. as a general rule ALL the time: u have GOT to curate ur spaces.
the online/content creator/streamer/vtuber space/communities is not any different than it's ever been. there is ALWAYS going to be drama, bad/hot takes from people too terminally online to think critically on any matter ever, inevitable parasocial relationships, people who for some reason think they can dictate what counts as a 'real vtuber' (or creator) or not and unfortunately, frequent call-out posts bc for some reason we've gotten to the point where people can't resolve or step away from things behind the scenes anymore and think it's a better idea to rally their fans to 'resolve' issues.
PLEASE. make your space fit for YOU. it doesn't matter what space ur in online or irl, if something feels negative and harmful, u have got to learn how to not allow it within your space or correct behaviors of ur own to not engage with stuff that doesn't feel beneficial.
stop doomscrolling socials; there's always drama in one form or another and socials are preying on u via rage baiting or drama baiting to get u worked up enough to engage with it. it. will. burn. u. out. i promise. (i had to step away from tiktok bc it's so toxic it was eating my life away and making me feel awful.. i miss the fun but it's so Yuck).
be wary of who u associate with. i would think by now it's fairly well known there's a lot of bad actors within content creator spaces (quite frankly, i've not had many 1 on 1 interactions with a lot of other creators and just about ALL of them have been bad..) don't blindly trust anyone and everyone and don't ignore even the smallest red flag if something feels off about someone. there's been far too many abusers and creeps in these spaces to not be wary of even the nicest appearing people.
please, PLEASE do not pay attention to people's rude, negative and nonsense comments. if ur not doing anything that's harmful or hurting urself or others, who fucking cares what kinda vtuber u are, what opinions u have about this or that, what things u like or dislike OR IF UR SINGLE OR NOT. there are NO RULES to how u create ur vtuber or space. do whatever is fun for u and brings u joy. i promise u, there is an audience out there for EVERYONE. don't try to squish yourself in a box to cater to people who don't care enough about u to even be kind. ignore them, block them and move on.
don't bring any further attention to them bc often that's exactly what they want and in this environment where no one knows how to NOT DOX, HARASS AND THREATEN PEOPLE, even if u think ur community could never be capable of that, there's always gonna be at least one person who might not be so obviously reasonable enough to not attack someone else for negative comments online. unless ur being actively threatened, just don't engage, don't bring attention to it, move on.
that goes for any interaction ur not comfortable with as well. u do not have to put up with people who don't make u feel safe and comfortable. it doesn't matter if what they did was a 'little' offense or not, u can block them if it makes u comfortable. (this is something i struggle with sometimes as well bc i'm too nice to people;) this obviously includes parasocial relationships as well.
unfortunately, i'm not sure if there's a perfect answer for avoiding parasocial relationships other than often reminding ur community that u do not want to be viewed or interacted with that way but that of course is not a guaranteed deterrent. really, all anyone can do is hope they're doing their best to communicate well and staying safe.
everything else that was mentioned was basically the cost, time and effort it takes to be a vtuber and really, any kind of hobby/content creation is going to take all of these things. if u want to be a video creator or editor, if u want to be an artist making videos or gallery content, if u want to do cosplay/pottery/metalsmithing/skateboarding/photography etc, everything is going to cost at the very least the price of materials or equipment plus whatever extra u want to use to make ur particular content 'unique'. programs, assets, editing labor from others, etc.
video and streaming content is probably on the higher end of expensive hobbies but that's bc u need good/a lot of equipment to handle running a stream, games, a camera, interactive programs, (for vtubers) a model; not to mention if ur not an artist and want a good/higher end model/assets/overlays and tracking, models and tracking equipment gets very expensive the more professional u get.
with all that being noted, pls know.. by no means is a lot of money needed to START vtubing. don't be fooled into thinking anyone who's established or well off today started that way. EVERYONE started with low cost or budget things and many, even multiple channels till the one they have currently stuck. if it's something that interests u and u feel capable of handling negative experiences when they happen (bc they will happen but i promise, u get better at handling them and standing up for the values of ur space) don't be deterred by veterans in the space saying how bad the environment of it all is 'currently'. it can be very fun/rewarding when u get to a point of familiarity and 'success' (whatever defines success for u).
the nature of any online spaces have always been and always will be the way it is (the internet is HUGE; this one teeny tiny isolated bubble in it's particular problems and drama compared to everything outside of it), u just have to figure out a way to separate urself from the negatives and curate ur specific bubble of space to ur liking and hold ur audience and followers to the same standards.
if the cost and work it takes to do this seems like it's not for u but u already participate in enjoying others for entertainment, pls make sure to give them a lil extra appreciation bc it IS a lot of work at times. setting up and troubleshooting fun things for interactivity alone is a lot of work but also if someone is working on failing or faulty equipment and still trying to keep things going for y'all, it can be really draining and stressful to depend on unreliable equipment interfering with plans and schedules.
as for whoever was upset on twitter over things, i am truly sorry they feel stressed and burnt out from what they do. i think some of it is a collective 'online too much and the nature of socials is forming bad habits in everyone' and just a 'it's okay to take breaks sometimes. it doesn't have to be grind, time all the time'. obviously that becomes a bit more difficult to come to grips w/ if u rely on vtubing for income but breaks are needed nonetheless.
but i don't think it's the 'space' of anything being the definitive 'bad' (yes, there is a lot of bad happening all the time and it should not be but if anyone waited for the collective cleansing of online as a whole before they did anything, no one would ever start anything bc it's not going to happen) bc i don't see much different in how things are/now than any other spaces at any other time.
i, personally, simply cannot take seeing call-outs and drama coverage of some new abusive creep in the space every single day and i choose to try to stay out of it as much as i can (other than becoming familiar with names that may need to be avoided) bc it does pull u down a rabbit hole of anxiety and despair to see so much yuck happening within a space that u want to be positive, wholesome and fun.
anyway, i thought i'd just say something on this cos it's not the first time i've seen people say 'THE VTUBER SPACE IS BAD' bc of xyz but it's the same stories u see all over. the internet is just oversaturated and bad. manifest and maintain your peace and have fun
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Please Read and Reblog!! This Is Very Important!!
TW for mention of child abuse and sexual content.
Platforms that have age restrictions are always going to have underage users. It’s common knowledge to everyone.
Encanto proship creators thrive on twitter. It is our responsibility as not only creators, but as the adults, to protect minors from viewing harmful content.
When you are posting content on your public account that is in direct violation of the guidelines of the platform, you are putting these children at risk. Proships say that they want to protect the minors, but they make very half assed attempts to do so.
Proshippers get on your ass when you call them out and they say; ‘How do you think this makes me feel?’ or ‘Think about what you’re doing to my mental health.’
Think about the victims of CSA and inc*st that have the misfortune of stumbling upon your post. CSA and inc*st are extremely traumating, and you don’t seem to care for their mental health. Its certainly far more traumatizing than some rando’s on the internet telling you sexualizing children is wrong.
When you publicly post content you are welcoming the opinions and comments from anyone who can see it. That means anyone can see it.
You are (intentionally or not) exposing young people, or otherwise traumatized people, to sexual content that they didn’t consent to seeing.
‘Well it’s posted on my bio that I have nsfw content!’ Do you know how many recommended posts I get of explicit content, just because my twitter knows that I like Encanto? It shows it to me anyway.
‘Just block the tags!’ Not all of you tag your work. So much of it is untagged! Whose to say that your public, untagged post won’t make it onto a minors feed on accident?
The blames not entire on proshippers when it comes to hostility. It is absolutely unacceptable for Encanto fans to harass proships and tell them to kts. That being said, proships also love to flood comments with degrading and hostile intent.
You should never wish harm on another, no matter how tempting it is. Trust me I get it. But when you attack with hostility, you will rightfully get hostility in return. Show them that you are the bigger person. Don’t feed into their backlash. If you see an account posting inappropriate content that violates guidelines - block and report them. It doesn’t make you the bigger person to sit and argue because they simply don’t care. In their minds, they are justified. We all know that that’s not the truth.
Please, if you are on twitter and you see a proship account - block and report. Do NOT engage with them unless you can hold a civil and respectful conversation. Be responsible when they aren’t able to be. Be respectful when they refuse to be.
If you are unaware of the rules and regulations of twitter I will list them below. Most, if not all, proshippers are in violation of these rules and you are rightfully encouraged to report their content.
We have the ability to remove their content from public spaces. Staying silent is exactly what they want from you, and it’s part of the reason they’ve grown so big in the community.
I love this community ❤️ It’s so sad to see so many corrupt people posting child sexual content with no repercussions. Be safe.
Edit: I know a lot of us are sick and tired of hearing about them. You don’t want to acknowledge them, and you don’t want to agitate them. This is feeding exactly into what they want. They know that you aren’t going to change their mind, they’re far too self righteous, so they belittle and intimidate until you leave. Doesn’t help that they pretty much travel in packs - which is why I discourage interaction unless you know you can handle the heat. Trust me I know from experience. If you upset one of them - 15 more are going to come for you.
This. Is why. They’re still here. Because nobody wants to deal with their harassment. And as long as we ignore them, the more they will continue to grow.
I recently posted a list on my twitter account of public profiles that people should avoid, block, and report. They absolutely swarmed me. Claimed that I was harassing them. They are not the victims in this situation - don’t let them lead you into believing that.
Some of them aren’t going to fight you, they’re going to try to calmly reason with you. Don’t let that dissuade you, because at the end of the day - no matter how polite they sound - they are still promoting pedophilia.
Don’t let them intimidate you, because in the end you are doing the right thing. Don’t seek validation from pedophiles. You don’t need shit from them.
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