#please do not project yourself/your own shit onto my ship content
shadow0-1 · 2 years
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Ahaha what if we k*ssed by the fence around Shadow Company’s base 😳😳
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Male octomer x reader (nsfw) - Mermay story #3
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
This has been up on my patreon now for a little while, and folks seemed to like him a lot over there, and the preview I posted got some excitement too, so I hope you’re ready for Caspian!
As first days went, this one wasn’t necessarily a complete disaster.
However, walking into the specially-designed meeting room at the aquatic and oceanography research station in Starfall Springs with a very suspicious looking (and entirely innocent) wet crotch, you did feel your cheeks heat up. The room itself reminded you strongly of a beach hut or the like, with scrubbed and white-washed wooden floors, and white-painted, ship-lap walls, and a wide window at one end, overlooking one of the sandy beaches of the wider curve of coastline that was Starfall Bay itself.
The research station was built right at the end of a rocky cob; a curving, protective wall which jutted out into the sea. A section of the floor of this room at the furthest end of the station had been cut away to allow a kind of trap door to be opened into the water itself, allowing for merfolk of all kinds to be present at meetings and consultations, without running the risk of drying out on land.
The merman who was currently resting with his huge, bulky, tanned arms on the lip of the opening took one look at your soaked jeans and hitched a lopsided, cheeky smirk. Your feet faltered at the sight of him; not only was he incredibly handsome, but he was also massive. He had dark hair that was cropped very close to his skull in a side-shave that revealed tapering ears which were attractively tinged with an inky purple tone at the tips, while the rest of his hair was longer on the top. Sections of it flopped into his warm, cocoa brown eyes, and your heart definitely lurched in its regular rhythms.
Below him, visible through the rippling water, you could see glimpses his lower body. He was not like the other merfolk you’d met so far since starting work at the station. Eight muscular tentacles billowed gently in the washing currents, the skin a rich, mulberry purple with paler, lilac undersides. You tried not to stare or flush any hotter.
The only other person in the room besides the two of you was Garreth. When the leader of the Starfall Bay Conservation Society saw the slightly soggy state of you, the werewolf tipped his head back and laughed. “I see Naomi forgot to warn you about the tap in the kitchen…” he chortled.
The octomer in the water chuckled softly to himself, a low, amused rumbling, and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
“Yeah,” you sighed. “Not my finest moment. Is everyone here?”
Garreth shook his head. “We’re still waiting on Elliott. He was supposed to have brought me the report on the plastic survey for this quarter, but he didn’t show up yesterday.”
The octomer snorted. “Probably forgot… or got distracted by pearl diving or something…” he said dismissively.
“Let’s hope he brings it with him today,” Garreth said. “Now,” he added, turning to you, “Let me introduce you properly to Caspian. He’s the newest of our three representatives and mediators between the merfolk and the land-folk. He’s also working on a joint project at the research laboratory which is measuring ocean temperatures and the effects on the coral reefs just offshore.”
“Awesome,” you said, stepping over hand holding out your hand. “Pleased to meet you.”
Caspian’s upper body was tanned a deep, nutmeg brown, and as you bent down, you saw a smattering of darker freckles across his cheekbones and down the length of his straight nose. His eyes were dark and kind, and they sparkled when he smiled. He really was huge though, you realised as you got close; had he been a human, he might have been pushing seven feet tall, with the broad shoulders and muscles to match.
His hand engulfed yours as he shook it, and his palms were rough and hard as a life-long sailor’s might be. “Looking forward to working with you on this project,” he said. “If our fourth member ever turns up…” He cocked his head slightly and you watched his tentacles tuck in so that he didn’t occupy quite so much space in the hatchway. “Ah… speak of the devil-fish…”
The final arrival shot into view with a stream of bubbles, a splash of water, and a burst of bright orange colour. He stuck his head above the surface, grabbed onto the side, slipped off, waved his long, floaty tail to bring him back to the edge and tried again. “Sorry I’m late!” he gasped. “I didn’t realise the time…”
Garreth laughed. “It’s alright, Elliott. We were kind of expecting you to be late.”
Elliott’s pale cheeks flushed almost as scarlet as his fiery tail, and he looked away. “I did bring the report this time though,” he said, shyly bringing out a clipboard with the report filled in with special pencil on waterproof paper.
The mer looked to be barely into his twenties, with long, flame-orange hair that was currently tied back with a length of seaweed at the nape of his slender neck. Sections of it had come loose, however, and they had plastered themselves to his alabaster face, half covering bright green eyes. Beside Caspian, he looked like an ornamental koi or betta fish, more suited to the safety of a secluded pond than the rough moods of the open sea.
Caspian, however, looked like he could weather anything the sea threw at him.
Your first assignment on the new project - monitoring the health of the reef, including pollution levels in the water - took you out into the field with him as your partner. You, of course, took the small RIB that the organisation owned, and Caspian had promised to meet you out there. True enough, as you slowed the small boat, he popped his head up above the water and grinned at you.
“You made it!” he called, waving.
“There was doubt?” you chuckled, cutting the engine and dropping the boat’s small anchor.
He only laughed. “You want me to check the anchor’s set ok?”
With a smile, you said, “Sure, if you wouldn’t mind.”
When he’d re-emerged, you passed him the various bits of equipment for data and sample collection and he dove down repeatedly, breaking the surface with minimal splash each time before handing you back whatever it was he’d collected for the project.
After the last sample had been stowed safely, he clicked his tongue at you and you looked round, puzzled. “Did I forget something?”
Caspian flashed you a broad grin. “Not exactly. Here…” and he handed you a shell.
At first, it looked like an ordinary scallop shell; pretty enough, but nothing special. Frowning with mingled confusion and curiosity, you turned it over and saw that the shell had a strange, dark colouring to it. The natural discolouration, however, resembled a little smiley face, with two eyes and a little curving, slightly wonky mouth that very much reminded you of someone… You held it up next to his face, laughing, and snapped a picture on your phone. “Looks just like you!” you said. “I didn’t know scallops painted portraits…”
Indignantly, Caspian cupped his hand and slapped it into the water, sending a large wave spraying straight at you. With a shriek, you lurched away from it, caught your calves on the side of the RIB, and fell backwards into the water.
Panic flared instantly and you flailed and sucked in a mouthful of water before you could stop yourself. In a rush of dark tentacles, Caspian grabbed you and practically threw you back into the RIB. Coughing violently, you rolled over onto your hands and knees, and he cursed.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean… I didn’t… Are you alright?”
You couldn't answer immediately, and when he got no response, he started to haul himself up onto the boat to get to you. The flimsy thing rocked alarmingly and then began to tip under his enormous weight, and you flapped your arm at him to try and get him to back off. It wasn’t going to sink, but he could still roll it enough that the contents - including you - might very well all roll out. You hadn’t the breath spare to tell him you just needed a moment.
He seemed to get the message and flopped disconsolately back into the water, still clinging to the side of the boat and staring at you with wide eyes.
With a tentative croak, you said, “I was not ready for that…!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think that… Well… I guess that’s it: I just didn’t think.”
You turned to look at him, your eyes stinging from the salt water, and still streaming from coughing so hard, and you saw the worry in his big brown eyes. You pushed yourself upright, sitting back onto your knees to catch your breath, and ran your hand through your dripping hair. “Good thing I dropped my phone into the boat when I fell,” you said wryly. “If I’d have lost that, you’d really be in trouble.”
His lopsided smile flickered back into life across his face as the worry receded, and you shook your head. “Are you alright?” he asked.
You nodded. “If you were a landfolk guy, I’d at least make you buy me a drink for that,” you grumbled. “Jeez, now everyone’s going to think I’m completely incompetent. Can’t work a simple tap on my first day; can’t stay in a simple boat on my second… ugh.”
“You can tell them I did it,” he said.
“Yeah?” you snorted, raising your eyebrows. “And who do you think they’ll believe? The handsome genius researcher, or the clumsy new kid?”
Caspian blinked at that. “What?”
“Yeah. Just what I thought. Look, I’m going to get these samples back to the station before they all get cross-contaminated or something, and get me into some warm, dry clothes. It might be summer, but the wind is freezing out here. I’ll… see you back at the station when the results are back, I guess.”
“Wait,” he called as you started towards the outboard. “Wait… are you angry with me?”
You’d started to shiver with the windchill on your soaked body. “No,” you sighed. “No, I’m not angry. I’m just… cold. And embarrassed, I guess. I’m not a very good swimmer and I panicked. Look, forget it, ok? I’ll see you soon.”
And with that, you just left him and turned the RIB back to the station.
Garreth was standing on the jetty, watching you come in, and when he saw the state of you, his eyes widened. “What the hell happened?”
The head of the team scowled. “What? Are you ok?”
“Fine,” you snapped. “Just cold.” You tossed him the line and he secured the RIB for you.
“I’ll sort all this,” he said, gesturing at the samples. “You go inside and get dried out.”
With a watery smile of thanks, you brushed past him and headed inside.
But of course, you had no spare clothes with you because you’d left the bag - which you’d deliberately put out that very morning for just such an emergency - in the hallway of your apartment. “Fuck!” you cursed as you realised where it was. “Fucking perfect.”
It was only then that you noticed that you were not alone. A very sheepish and unusual-looking creature was standing at the research station’s main entrance, staring straight at you. “Hello?” he said in a quavering tenor.
He was one of the strangest mer you’d yet encountered, with a large, orange shell behind him, and crab legs sticking out the bottom of it, while a humanoid torso rose out of the opening so that he looked a little like the mer equivalent of a drider or arachnid.
You turned to him and said, “Can I help you?”
“I… I’m here to talk to Garreth about some activities for the children’s summer camp… but if this is a bad time?”
“It’s a bad time for me, but not for him. He’s just tying up the RIB out back. He’ll be here in a moment, I’m sure.”
A second or two later, Garreth’s heavy boots on the wood announced his return. “Leo!” he grinned when he saw the hermit-crab mer standing there awkwardly, blushing and trying not to stare at your chest where your t-shirt was now plastered to your skin. Garreth turned to you and said, “Did you have some spare clothes?”
Miserably, you shook your head.
“Hang on. I’ve got a t-shirt you can borrow at least. You can hang anything else over the chains on the jetty. With this breeze and sun, they’ll be dry in no time. Just… tie them down well, ok? No need to lose them and have you going skinny dipping…”
You all snorted a laugh at that, and in no time you’d put on one of Garreth’s huge t-shirts and had hung your shorts over the little safety chain along the jetty. It felt a bit indecent to be sitting there in the sun wearing only your underwear and a colleague’s t-shirt, but there was no one there to gawp.
At least, you had thought you were alone until you glimpsed the smooth, billowing movements of a now-familiar octomer swimming through the waters of the harbour towards the station.
You’d been trailing your toes in the water, leaning back on your hands, but as he changed course and swam directly over to you, you sat forwards, hunching a bit and tugging the t-shirt down as far as you could. It still only grazed the top of your thighs. You felt the heat flushing from your face all the way down to your collarbones, even before he surfaced.
Caspian, for all his rugged size and good looks, appeared even more flustered and awkward than you as he stared at you. He couldn’t take his eyes off your bare legs for a very long time, and when he did, he swallowed thickly and took a couple of goes at speaking before anything actually came out. “So… uh… I… I hoped you’d still be here,” he finally said.
You just raised your eyebrows. He really didn’t deserve to be given such a hard time over this, but you were embarrassed.
The octomer smiled sweetly and said, “I… I had hoped our first job would go better… You see… I’ve never worked with a human before.”
“I thought you were doing a joint project with the research lab in town?” you asked, surprised.
He nodded. “I am. The team is composed of non-humans.”
“You said… You said if I were landfolk you’d make me buy you a drink…”
“Huh, I did, didn’t I?” you smiled.
Caspian’s chocolate coloured eyes drifted downwards again and you watched the thick tentacles writhe below the water.
“Look, it’s fine,” you chirped before he could speak. “I fell overboard, I got wet, no harm done. Let’s put it behind us. But next time I’m definitely not standing up at all in that thing.”
He hitched a lopsided grin, conjuring a dimple in one tanned cheek. “Listen, if we’re starting over, I want to ask you a question. Do you know about the Moonlight Festival?”
You frowned and shook your head. “No.”
Caspian swallowed and licked his lips nervously. “Ok, well… it’s… it’s a long-held festival in the bay. On certain summer nights, the sea glows. Way back when, we used to think it was magic, but now we know it’s actually just bioluminescence caused by a species of dinoflagellate called Noctiluca scintillans…” he broke off at the slight smirk of amusement growing on your face. “Fuck. Way to take the ‘magic’ out of it. Look, it’s a big festival, and the sea glows, and the landfolk like it, and the merfolk come and piss around in the water, and it’s pretty. I thought maybe you’d like to come. With me. But…”
“Caspian,” you said, laughing softly. “You’re not at all what I expected, you know that?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, a touch defensively.
You took a deep, slow breath and shrugged. “I went to college with a lot of guys who looked like you.”
“There were octomer at your college?” he blurted.
“No!” you laughed, tipping your head back and cackling at the thought of a bunch of eight-limbed octomer flip-flopping down the corridor of a very human-orientated, landlocked college. “Oh man, I wish there had been. No, I just meant there were lots of big, handsome, sporty-looking guys who relied a lot on their looks and ‘charisma’ to get what they wanted. I honestly thought you were one of them… Clearly, I was very wrong.”
His face was a mask of confusion. On the one hand, he looked pleased, and on the other, somewhat deflated. “So I’m just a huge nerd?”
“You want to know something?”
“Go on then.”
“I’d rather go to a festival about bioluminescent plankton with a nerd than with one of those guys…”
Caspian bowed his head and rumbled a laugh. “Alight then. And I promise to behave this time…”
You stood, self-consciously holding the hem of the over-sized shirt close to your thighs, and looked down at him. His jaw was ever so slightly slack, and his eyes shone. You bit your lip, unwilling to entertain the idea that the huge octomer could be attracted to you, despite the evidence to the contrary. Deciding to be a little braver, you let go of the fabric of the shirt and let it blow about a little in the breeze.
Caspian’s throat bobbed and he ducked a little lower in the water. “I’ll… yeah I’ll see you then,” he mumbled, and then he vanished.
With a boost of confidence like that, you felt a little bolder about your choice of outfit for the festival. When the evening came round, it found you wandering down through Starfall Springs towards the beach wearing loose summer clothing and simple sandals. Little lanterns had been lit all along the beach, and you were astonished to see the sheer number of merfolk in the water. You’d not known there were so many who were willing to interact with the landfolk.
Like a pod of beached dolphins, some had even hauled themselves up onto the sand and were laughing and chatting with the landfolk, while others played about in the water. You could see a faint blue glow as they breached and splashed, but the sun was still up, and the full effect of the bioluminescence was not really visible yet.
You hadn’t been in Starfall Springs all that long, so you didn’t really know very many people. In fact, you didn’t know anyone outside of work at the research station yet, and that job was only a part time one that you’d secured until you could find another that was full time. Following your instincts, you headed away from the crowds and towards the research station at the far end of the bay.
You’d not arranged a place to meet Caspian for the festival, and since your fateful first trip, your schedules had not actually aligned. You figured that without having organised anything, the station was the logical place to go. Plus it stopped you looking like a lemon, standing on the beach on your own.
All was dark and quiet inside the station, and you didn’t even bother going inside. Instead, you made your way round the outside, following the boardwalk until it became the jetty, and sat down to watch the sunset with the curving wall of the cob behind you.
Time passed, accompanied by the rush and hiss of the sea, and of the laughter and music of the festival in the bay beyond the station. There was a lonely kind of peace to it, and you took your sandals off and trailed your toes in the water again. A silvery blue shimmer rippled through the water as you moved, and you smiled at the sight of it. You’d seen videos of the phenomenon before, but had never experienced it in person.
A shadow moved in the water and you instinctively recoiled, drawing your feet up. Sliding his head out of the water, Caspian looked up at you, his handsome face highlighted with blue and white lights as the bioluminescence ran off him. “Sorry,” he said. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
You lowered your legs back in and laughed. “It’s fine. I was a bit lost in thought anyway. You found me then…”
He smiled and swam closer, the water flashing in mesmeric pulses around his body. “I figured you’d come here,” was all he said in answer. He raised his hand and the plankton flashed across his fingers. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded, swinging your feet back and forth and watching the lights dance.
Caspian watched your movements as though captivated.
“Can I ask you something?” you said after few moments.
“When you said you’d never worked with a human before, does that also mean you’ve not really been around many humans at all?”
He flushed and looked away. “Is it that obvious?”
“You’re staring at my feet as though they’re something… alien.”
“I can’t imagine what they’re like, that’s all. What it’s like to have only two limbs… to walk… to… yeah. I’m sorry.” He broke off, scratching the back of his head.
“You can touch if you want,” you said, perhaps a little coyly.
He turned in the water and looked up at you with eyes wide and alive. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. Just don’t tickle me. I don’t want to kick you in the face.”
“You’re not that angry with me then, or you wouldn’t have warned me,” he grinned as he swam even closer and raised his hands in the water.
He slid his cool fingertips over your ankle and the top of your foot, and the moan you let out was not a sound you’d expected or intended to make.
“Is that ok?” he asked, touch faltering.
“Mmhmm,” you said. His fingers were surprisingly gentle, if tough, and as he closed his fingers and thumbs around both ankles and gripped experimentally, you inhaled sharply. If he’d wanted to, he could have dragged you off the jetty and into the water in a flash, but instead, he simply explored you with a stunning degree of reverence and delicacy.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured, pulling himself slightly closer to you through the water. His limbs trailed behind him in the water, but you could see they were all flared wide, like an open parachute.
“So are you, Caspian,” you replied. “And you’re the most beautiful colour… you know that?”
He smiled and ran his palm up your calves.
You’d parted your legs before you knew what you were doing.
Caspian’s touch faltered and he looked away. “I…. probably shouldn’t…” he whispered.
“Yeah?” he said, his rich baritone hoarse and rasping all of a sudden.
“Can you… I mean… Can octomer leave the water at all? I know octopuses can, but… I actually don’t know all that much about your kind…”
He nodded. “Sure we can. Not indefinitely, but for a good amount of time. Why? You want me to come up there and join you?”
“I think it’d be easier than me trying to tread water…” you smiled.
“I’d hold you up,” he said, but he made his way towards one of the sturdy pilings which supported the jetty and latched his limbs around it. They were as muscular and powerful as the top half of his anatomy suggested, and with relatively little effort, he hauled himself up with a rush of glittering water.
Once he was on the wood of the jetty, with phosphorescent lights running down the lines of his bulky yet sinuous body, you felt your own mouth go very dry. He loomed over you while you remained seated, and he used his tentacle-like legs to pull himself towards you.
“Not too freaked out?” he said.
“Not at all.”
You turned to face him and he settled himself down beside you. You raised your hand and tentatively traced the lines of his collarbones and down his pecs, almost testing to see if he were really there, and not some salt-water hallucination. Caspian sucked in a breath at your touch, goosebumps prickling all across his torso.
He shook his head, drops of sparkling water scattering around you.
“You like that?”
Mutely he nodded, and, feeling emboldened by his reaction, you continued to touch him, working lower and lower until you came to his hips. The skin at the transition between his human upper half and his octomer lower half was a bruised, inky purple, and the texture of it changed too, from smoothly human to a thick, tough sensation, almost like wet leather. His breathing hitched as you passed on down and shyly ran a fingertip along the top of one of his massive tentacles.
It coiled tightly and then went slack on the wood of the jetty. He started to keel over to one side, as if he were melting under your touch, and he barely caught himself on one arm. “Fuck…” he gasped. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
His head lolled backwards slightly and his lips parted to let loose ragged breaths.
You glanced down at his body and saw between his limbs that something else was becoming visible. When he saw you looking, he huffed an embarrassed laugh. “Look at the state you’ve got me into,” he snorted, and he started to pull back, pull away from you.
“Caspian, don’t…” you said. “You don’t have to… I… I want this… if you do…”
He fixed you with an unreadable look. “You mean it?”
You nodded. “You’re gorgeous, and funny, and intelligent… and… I trust you.”
He let out a shaky laugh and bit his lower lip hard. He put the flat of his hand gently onto your leg and began to slide it upwards, pushing the material of your clothes up with it, never breaking eye contact with you. He shifted closer on that writhing mass of limbs until he was rearing up above you. He let one tentacle slide around your ankle, and another began to creep up your inner thigh.
You tipped your head back and closed your eyes at the strange sensation of it. When he discovered a moment later how aroused you were, he moaned and rumbled something that might have been a half-swallowed curse. “You’re so warm,” he said, letting the tip of that tentacle play over your skin.
Fire shot up your spine the moment he began to circle and nudge you, and you arched your back. He caught your face tenderly in his hands and kissed you. His lips tasted of salt, but as his tongue found yours, you suddenly didn't mind. He continued to play with you while he kissed you, teasing you with the smooth, cool tip of his tentacle. When he sought out the heat of you more deeply, you felt yourself clench around him as he pushed gently inside you.
“More,” you gasped, loving the stretch of his tentacle inside you. “Please…”
He nodded and eased you down onto the jetty behind you so that you were lying flat on your back. He used two of his tentacles to undress you and then spread your legs, and once you were open for him, he began to squeeze around you, coiling and covering you with four of his limbs around each of your legs.
“Gods, you look so beautiful,” he said, face alight with wonder as he gazed at you. “You’re so beautiful…”
In the soft light you could see his cock now, flushed purple and fully hard, and weeping a pearly pre-come profusely down its length. It was shaped like a smaller tentacle, thick and ridged towards the base, with a more pointed head, and it coiled lazily in the summer air, drooling drops of his pre-come down onto your thighs. “Are you sure you want me to do this?” he asked.
You nodded.
With the highlights of bioluminescence in his hair and on his body, he looked incredible, and it was hard to believe he wasn’t some sea god or something, come ashore for the night as if out of a fairytale. As it was, you didn’t have time for any more lust-filled musings. He slipped the tip of his cock inside you and you gasped as he stretched you. The stretch grew until he filled you utterly, and as he seated himself fully inside you, he bowed his head over you, his whole body tense and taut.
“Gods, you’re so hot…” he hissed. “I mean… the heat of you is… it’s…” he shuddered and then began to move with an embarrassed chuckle as you grabbed his hips.
He started slowly, but soon his rhythm picked up pace. The tentacles that were wrapped around your bare legs began to grip you more and more tightly, each of the suction cups forming a delicious counterpoint to the intense pleasure that the ridges of his cock gave you as he pistoned in and out. His breathing deepened, quickening to match his pace as he lost himself in the feel of you, of being inside your heat. He used his hold on your legs for leverage, and tilted his own hips a little until he caught that spot inside you that made you see stars, and you yelled with pleasure.
“Yes! There… don’t stop… please don’t stop…” you whimpered, and he obliged. He fucked into you hard, the tip of his cock catching you over and over as you felt your orgasm building.
The white hot heat of it rushed up for you and as he squeezed your body just a little tighter with his muscular limbs, he grunted and tipped over the edge first. As the heat of his release filled you, you followed him a second later. Clinging to him, you felt yourself clenching around his cock, drawing his release from him. Caspian’s eyes rolled closed and he bellowed as he emptied himself into you in a series of powerful thrusts.
When he finally finished, he suddenly went limp, his tentacles losing all their strength and sliding off you, unfurling and falling to lie weakly on the jetty. Occasionally one would spasm and then lie quiet again. He just caught himself from crushing you completely, and propped himself up on shaking arms.
“Caspian?” you whispered, still dazed and still clenching around his cock whenever he shifted.
“You ok?”
“Mm.” He swallowed. “You need me to move?”
“Not just yet.”
“Good, because I’m not sure I can… That was… That was incredible. You’re… You’re incredible.”
You smiled and kissed his forehead since it was all you could reach. He responded by nuzzling gently at your neck and kissing you there.
When he’d recovered, he rolled off you and lay on his back. You turned and watched him for a moment or two, enjoying the sight of his spent, glistening cock still lying openly amongst his limbs.
As you glanced down at your own body, you laughed and groaned at what you saw.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, cracking one eye open and looking at you.
You pointed at your legs. “Either I’m going to have to wear jeans tomorrow, or I’m going to have to say I’ve got chicken pox or something…”
He squinted, and when he saw the spiralling patterns of circles that the suckers of his tentacles had left on your skin, he laughed. Some of them, the ones where the tops of his limbs had been, were almost as big as the palm of your hand. “Sorry.”
You shrugged and lay back down beside him. “I might feel differently about them tomorrow, but right now, I couldn’t care less. You know, for your first time with a human, I’d say that was pretty good.”
“Being a scientist though, I can’t just rely on one experiment.”
You elbowed him hard in the ribs and he grunted. “I’m not a curiosity fuck, you know?”
“I know,” he replied, turning more serious. “But would you like me to do it again anyway?”
Turning your head to face him, you saw the way his eyes glittered playfully in the dark. “Yes,” you said very quietly, and you were met with a broad, happy smile. “Would you?”
One hand moved down his body to take his hardening cock in his fist. It writhed gently in his relaxed fingers, still covered in his come and once again leaking everywhere in anticipation of more. “Very much,” he said, and this time, it was you who straddled him.
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pinkdalias · 6 years
Plenty of Seas in the Universe
Ryan, Akmazian and Maddox visit the beach together.
Ship: Ryan/Akmazian/Maddox
Word count: 1961
The cerulean water lapped rhythmically at Ryan's ankles, just teetering on the edge of too-cold and raising goosebumps on his skin. The soft squish of the pale sand as he dug his toes in was satisfying, though, and the pleasant warmth of the golden sun was a delightful contrast to the ocean. He rolled his shoulders back and tilted his head to the sky, eyes fluttering shut and a smile crawling its way across his face. He let a pleased hum escape him. To his right a familiar low chuckle rumbled outwards.
"Enjoying yourself there, Ry?" Akmazian teased, squeezing their interlaced hands. Ryan cracked open an eye and smiled at him.
"Absolutely. I mean, it's not like I have the chance to bask in the sunshine very often back on EOS 10," he replied lazily. Akmazian ducked his head in acknowledgement. 
"Yeah, I'll bet that's true," he muttered, eyes gleaming. "Just look how pale you are!" His other hand reached out to pinch Ryan on the ribs, making him yelp and jump away, subsequently splashing Akmazian with frigid water and colliding with Maddox on his left. David stumbled slightly, but recovered quickly and disentangled his hand from Ryan's left in favour of wrapping it around his waist. Ryan glanced upwards and leaned easily into the taller man, eyeing Akmazian warily.
Akmazian stared at the recently soaked hem of his shirt, then back up to Ryan. His eyes narrowed.
"Oh, that's it," he started, and shifted like he was about to kick water over onto Ryan and David.
"If you get me wet, Ak, I swear to god I will ruin your life," Maddox warned, glaring. Akmazian paused and gazed at him calculatingly--Ryan just knew he was trying to figure out exactly how to splash Ryan without hitting David. Ryan raised an eyebrow daringly at Akmazian, waiting to see if he'd follow through on his threat. Apparently David also knew exactly what Akmazian was thinking, because he tugged Ryan closer and wrapped both arms around him, dropping a quick kiss into his pink hair.
"Also, you're not allowed to get my human shield wet either," he smirked. Ryan gaped at him.
"Wha--human shield?! I'll show you human shield!" he yelled, wriggling out of his boyfriend's grip and stomping hard, making a tiny splash of water and sand flick its way up Maddox's legs. The man just gave him an unimpressed look, when suddenly a wave of cold splattered against Ryan's back. He turned, spluttering, and levelled his most murderous glare at Akmazian, who held a cheeky grin and dripping hands.
"You're dead," Ryan warned, and lunged towards him, kicking up a storm of salt water.
Akmazian laughed and fended him off with upsetting ease, splashing Ryan back with vigour.
"Shit!" Ryan shrieked after a particularly big splash. "You got my shirt soaking wet!"
"Why don't you take it off then," Akmazian leered, and flashed a flirtatious wink. Ryan narrowed his eyes, but... well, he was drenched anyway, what harm could it do? He ducked his head and pulled his shirt off in one swift movement, chucking it onto the sand and turning back to face his boyfriend. Behind him, Maddox's manic laughter was abruptly cut off with a choked wheeze, which made Ryan smile. And, judging by Akmazian's stunned silence and wide eyes, he hadn't actually expected Ryan to go through with it.
Ryan kicked a huge wave of water at Akmazian. The other man flinched and snapped out of his shock, a downright dangerous look appearing on his face. Never one to be outdone, he quickly tore his own shirt off and chucked it in the sand before rounding on Ryan.
“Oh, crap, David?” he began backing away further into the sea and away from Ak’s outstretched hands.
“Yeah?” Maddox replied dazedly, and when Ryan looked over he was still staring at Ryan’s chest.
“Protect me!” Ryan screeched, and stumbled further away into the gentle rolls of waves when Akmazian lunged. David laughed as Akmazian grabbed at Ryan, then pulled his own shirt off and threw it on the dry sand before wading in after them. Ryan fought Akmazian off, the other man grinning with wild determination, but couldn’t help the burst of shocked laughter that escaped him when Akmazian managed to get both hands around his waist and lift him into the air.
“Oh my God!” he exclaimed, clutching at Akmazian’s arms.
“Hold your breath!” he hollered. Ryan’s eyes widened.
“No, no, don’t you dare! Ak, I swear, if you drop me--” he struggled to get out of his boyfriend’s arms, and Akmazian stumbled.
“Whoa, good doctor, calm down,” he laughed, “I’m not gonna dunk you!” Ryan shot him a glare, then leaned to the side to see where Maddox was standing waist-deep in the water. He looked at him pleadingly.
“Babe, help me out!” he whined. David just laughed at him, the traitor. Ryan scowled and wriggled around, but froze when Akmazian’s grip on him slipped.
His eyes widened and suddenly he was slipping, falling, and then he was crashing and submerged in the water and fuck, that was cold! He took a moment to find his feet in the sand as a wave softly pushed him around, then burst sputtering out of the water. Akmazian’s eyes were wide with shock, but he was giggling, whereas David was practically bent in half cry-laughing. Soggy pink hair flopped into Ryan’s eyes and he swept it out of the way in annoyance, looking murderously at Akmazian.
“You dropped me,” he hissed.
"I’m sorry,” Akmazian managed between laughter, reaching out to him apologetically. “I honestly didn’t mean to, darlin’, my apologies.” Ryan crossed his arms and harrumphed, but didn’t pull away when Akmazian pulled him into a hug. It was just an opportunity to get Akmazian wet in return, and hey, he was really warm.
“Sorry,” Akmazian repeated, and tilted Ryan’s face up for a kiss. Ryan (begrudgingly) let him. Then David sloshed over to them and flopped over Akmazian’s back, pouting.
“Do I get a kiss?” he asked.
“I don’t recall dropping you into the water,” Akmazian pulled away from Ryan to say. Maddox poked his tongue out childishly, and Ryan disentangled himself from Akmazian to grab David’s arm.
“You’re my favourite now, seeing as you haven’t dropped me in the ocean,” he stated. Akmazian let out an offended puff of air, but David smiled indulgently and slid off Akmazian’s back so he could hold Ryan’s hand.
“You say that like I wasn’t already your favourite,” he teased. Ryan tilted his head up expectantly, and Maddox kissed him softly on the mouth once, twice, then pulled away and dropped a kiss onto his forehead. (Ryan wasn’t blushing, okay). Akmazian pouted at them, to which Ryan just laughed. He let go of Maddox’s hand and drifted into deeper water again, bracing himself against the cool temperature until his body slowly adjusted to it.
Ryan had been swimming since he was a child, it was practically second nature to him. Of course, on EOS 10 the only place to go swimming was a chlorinated pool, and the sea was different in a lot of ways. For example, he was constantly surfacing to rub the salty brine out of his eyes, because it stung like nothing else. There was a current here, too: it swept him up gently, trying to coerce him into floating out into the deep water; but Ryan fought it back with ease and a few lazy kicks. He bobbed on the waves as they rolled in, too calm to crash and break into white foam, but just strong enough to lift him up and down. He floated on his back, and sunk into the familiar sense of peace that came with the sound of his ears being underwater. Ryan soon realised was probably getting sunburned, though--this planet’s ozone layer left much to be desired.
He twisted in the water and flipped over. It only took a few strokes to bring him to where he could touch the ground, and when he looked up it was to a heart-warming sight. Maddox was clinging to Akmazian like an octopus, arms looped around his neck and legs wrapped around Akmazian’s waist. Akmazian held him up with ease in navel-deep water and their foreheads were pressed together, Akmazian murmuring something while Maddox smiled fondly. It made Ryan’s chest hurt in an uncomfortable, squeezing kind of way--he almost couldn’t bear it. He was really, really happy; he wondered briefly if the chip in his brain was going to kick in, because surely anything that made his heart feel like this couldn’t be normal.
He quietly swam to shore and wandered up the sand, picking up their shirts and hissing at the burning grains of sand until he reached their bags. He shoved the shirts in haphazardly and dug around as quickly as possible until he pulled out an old Earth polaroid camera. He didn’t really know why, but he loved the thing and it made this holiday feel perfect: there was just something about holding a picture in his hands and watching it slowly develop rather than seeing it projected onto a screen, something that made everything so much realer and more tangible, that truly captured the frozen moment. With that in mind he brought the camera up to his face and focused it on the pair still in the water--both still smiling, with their heads ducked down like they were sharing a sweet secret--and snapped a photo.
The film began to print immediately, and he carefully dried his hands off on a towel before grabbing it. He watched for a minute as the photo developed, taking in the individual little details: the sapphire glittering of the water, the way Akmazian’s dark skin shone in the light, the contented curl of David’s body as he was effortlessly held up. That warm, fuzzy feeling bloomed in Ryan’s chest again, and he smiled before carefully putting the camera and the photo away.
“Do you guys want ice cream?” he shouted to the pair, who looked over at him from their position in the water.
“Who’d say no to that?” Akmazian called back, and Maddox shot him a thumbs up.
“Well, are you coming? I’m not carrying three back!” Ryan yelled impatiently, but when David and Akmazian linked their hands with his and bumped their shoulders together as they walked along the shore, it became really hard to keep a stupidly-in-love grin off his face.
For a long time after that trip, four photos sat on Ryan’s bedside table, neatly framed together and obviously cherished. One was of Akmazian and Maddox holding each other happily in the ocean; another was of David with his legs buried in the sand, eyes squinting joyously as he grinned and Ryan tossing his head back with laughter as he patted more sand down; the next was of Akmazian lounging in a hammock with Ryan curled up next to him, eyes shut and a content little smile on both of their faces as the shade from a tree played across their features; and the final one was a selfie, the shot slightly blurry but picking up clearly on way all three could barely keep the grins off their faces, David and Ak leaning in to press a kiss against both of Ryan’s cheeks, and Ryan blushing lightly with a huge grin on his face and his eyes fluttered shut. It captured the burning orange sunset behind them in a blur of vibrant colour. Every time Ryan glanced at those photos, just before he went to bed and as soon as he woke up, that same warm, lovely feeling in his chest bubbled up and he couldn’t help but smile.
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farfanfiction · 6 years
At Last
Pairing: Jacob Seed x Reader
AUs: Soulmates
Warnings: Fluff, angst, cursing, mentions of abuse, blood, mentions of cannibalism, starvation, knives, a happy ending for once
Word Count: 2,487
A/N: I’ve been in a really Jacob-y mood and I need some sort of fluff with him before I write the next chapter of Loyalty To The Pack. This type of Soulmate AU involves both soulmates feeling each others pain, in case you didn’t know. Thank you all for sticking with me through this journey and enjoy some Jake fluff and just tell me if I did Jake any justice. And like always, give me some feedback on what I could do better or what I did alright, where you wanna see this whole mess go, or something you just don’t understand. The gif is not mine.
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   Soulmates were a blessing. That’s what your mother would always say when she was attending to the various scratches and bruises littering your body. You always wondered why she held soulmates in such high regards when all they caused was pain. Physical and emotion pain plagued you all your life. Most of the time, the pain wasn’t caused by something you did. It was caused by the fucker that seemed to get attacked almost every day. That starved almost every day causing you to eat everything in your fridge in order to sedate the squizzing pain in your stomach.
   You always cursed the people that would brag about their own soulmate. Ether getting a mear scratch on their cheek or was sad for a single day. Those people complained about getting a simple scratch when it felt like fire was eating at your skin or bullets were piercing through your chest. It got so bad that your mom had to take you to the hospital and they prescribed you with suppressants that would simply get rid of the pain altogether. When you first took that pill all you could feel was utter relief. You curled yourself into your parents’ couch and gave a long, heavy sigh. It was over, you were finally fucking free! No more burning, no more depression. No more pain.
   The only downside to the drug was the loneliness. You couldn’t feel your soulmate and your soulmate couldn’t feel you. It felt like a piece of you had been ripped out and you couldn’t imagine what your soulmate was feeling at the moment. Not being able to feel you after almost twenty years of pain and suffering together. But that was ok, you wouldn’t meet anyway. It was rare to meet your soulmate.
   How wrong you were when you said you would never fucking meet. When you became a Junior Deputy for Hope County, you thought nothing of it. You had your suppressants, nothing could distract you from your duty. Not even the crazy cult that moved in a few years back. Your parents had moved to Florida when the cult moved in, excuse me, Project at Eden’s Gate. A group of just bad Seeds, literally.
   Your job was just to leave them alone and if they did something serious, then you would do something. So all you did was sit at your little desk and scroll through the countless complaints from Hope County citizens about the Seeds. They're stealing my land this and they’re buying guns that. Everyone in this fucking county has guns, it doesn’t matter if a group of organized Georgian preppers have them or not.
   In this group, it wasn’t the leader that scared you. He was just a religious hipster compared to his older brother. Jacob, you think his name was. Big and burly was the best way to describe him. He always stood with his huge arms crossed as his blue eyes held nothing but utter boredom and an “I honestly don’t give a shit” attitude. He was the most intimidating compared to the hipster and the weasel. John just freaked you the fuck out, but Jacob truly scared the shit out of you.  
   When you went to arrest Joseph with the help of an ass Federal Marshall, you got to get up close and personal with Jacob. “(Y/N), cuff this son of a bitch”, the Marshall’s words echoed in your head as you faced Joseph, but you were looking clear at Jacob for once as you noticed the bright red rashes along his cheeks. You were born with the same rashes down your face and arms and they never went away, but always burned.
   “(Y/N), put the cuffs on him!” This snapped you out of your trance as you looked around you. You looked down to see Joseph’s arms held out to you as if he wanted you to grab them. You trembled as you stared at his inked palms and the metal cuffs that jingled in your hands like bells.
   You slowly, but surely latched the cuffs onto his wrist and Joseph watched as a small tear fell from your (e/c) eyes. “I’m sorry.” You whispered not to Joseph, but to Jacob. You looked at Jacob in the eyes and you gently grabbed his brother's shoulder and led him to the door. Yet, you stopped for only a second. Was this the right thing to do? Where you really going to take away your soulmate’s brother? Were you going to cause him even more pain? You just stood there and watched both Sheriff Whitehorse and the Marshall walk out of the door of the church. You were alone with the Seeds and there is no way you were going to leave this church alive. Not with Jacob staring holes into your back with his cold, blue eyes.
   Suddenly, a large hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing just enough to have you wheezing for air. You slowly let your hands drop from Joseph’s shoulders and John came up to take off his handcuffs. The Father slowly turned to look at you and smiled. “It is ok, my child. You are safe, no one will hurt you now. Faith, please.” His hand slowly cradled your cheeks as the rough hand grabbing your neck loosened their grip.
   The sister, Faith slowly walked into your field of vision. She let out tiny, happy giggles as she removed a small vile of green dust from her dress pocket. Joseph moved out of the way as she came closer, opening the vile and pouring its contents onto the soft palm of her hand. “I have always wanted a sister.” She giggled out again as she blew the dust into your face. Your (e/c) eyes slowly began to droop as you turned to look behind you. Jacob was the last thing you saw before passing out.
   “Get up. Come on pup, I don’t have all damn day.” Dirt was kicked at your face as you slowly woke up. Rusted bars blocked you from seeing the dirty combat boots that kicked piles of dirt at your face. You slowly rubbed your eyes and looked up. Jacob stood in front of the cage, his arms crossed as he stared down at you.
   “It’s about fucking time. I was about to go in there and get you myself.” You just simply looked at him as he mocked you from outside the cage. You hoped to God you were the only one captured, but you knew there was no possible way everyone got away scot-free.
   “Where, where is everyone?” It was a stupid question that would have an equally stupid answer. Jacob held back a smirk. He was definitely going to have fun playing with you.
   “Shipped off to my other siblings, doing whatever, I honestly couldn’t give a shit if they’re dead or alive, but you. You are what I want, pup.” The mear thought of your coworkers being held captive or worse sent shivers down your spine.
   “Speaking of what I want, I believe this is what you want.” Jacob reached into a pocket of his dirty jeans and pulled out a small tablet of white pills. Your suppressants... How the fuck did he get those!?
   “Please, please give them back!” You knew you looked so desperate at the moment, but honestly, you couldn’t give a fuck. Jacob’s smirk got bigger as you pleaded. He knew exactly what he was doing, there was no possible way he didn’t know you were both soulmates. He wasn’t that stupid. Hell, he brainwashes wolves for a living. Wolves of all things!
   “Ah ah ah, not so fast. These suppressants have made you weak and we all know the weak have their purpose.” He slowly drew out each syllable with finesse as he took the tablet and dropped it on the ground. Without even thinking, you reached through the bars of the cage and tried to grab the tablet, but Jacob’s dirty combat boot got there first. He crushed the pills with his heel and dug it into the dirt. The crunch of the pills alone made you go into a cold sweat.
   “And you understand your purpose now, don’t you pup?” He said it in such a teasing manner as if he found this to be the most hilarious thing in the world. He grabbed the dirty tablet from the ground and threw it into your cage. “I’m gonna make your life in here a living hell.” That’s all you could remember before scrambling to the pile and looking for any whole pills. There had to be one, just one. You weren’t going to let this bastard win.
   There was the only one left that was covered in dirt, but it would have to do. You swallowed it down immediately and glared at where Jacob just stood. If he wants a battle you’ll give him a war.
   The past few weeks in that dirty cage were utter hell. You screamed for food and water just like the other prisoners. You reached your shaky hands through the bars and tried to touch anyone that passed by. You were going to die in this cage like an animal and it was all your soulmates fault. A fucking blessing my ass.
   The only good thing about being in that cage for that long was the fact that you weren’t brainwashed with that damn music box yet. Jacob had threatened it, walking around each cage with the box and watching as each and every prisoner except you scurried in fear to the corner of their cages.
   The time not being brainwashed had you focus on an escape plan. There was no plan, there was no way of getting out. You had even debated giving into Jacob once or twice like he wanted. The suppressants helped with that. It had been a week since you took the last one and the effects were starting to wear off.
   Feeling his pain after years of resisting had you on edge. The squeezing feeling in your chest would not go away no matter how much you cried or screamed inside the cage. It only got stronger and stronger until all you could feel was the pain. This is what you deserved. This was God’s punishment for you after ignoring Jacob for your own selfish reasons. Sometimes you even believed this, it was beginning to drill itself into your head. Imprint itself into your very memory.
   With Jacob’s emotional pain came the physical pain as well. The red rashes you had all over your body were beginning to burn again. A smoldering heat burning into your skin. He would no doubt you were his soulmate if he saw those rashes from under the dirt and makeup you wore to cover them.
   “Well, you look like utter shit, pup.” You blinked back tears as you watched Jacob approach your cage. He knelt down beside your tired body and gave a slight smirk at your pained expression.
   “It was wondering when those suppressants would be flushed out of your system. This is for your own good, pup. Those pills made you weak, misdirected you from your purpose. Without them, you can be truly strong.” He slowly took out his army knife as he spoke, the blade shining in the light of the full moon. A perfect night for a perfect Alpha like him.
   “You see this, pup? This is a military grade knife, given to marines as part of their uniform. When I got this knife, I thought nothing of it. I’ve been defending my brothers from my old man with my bare fists, why would I need a knife? But, I finally understood what it was for when I hauled my ass to the nearest base with just this knife and a member of my unit dead in the dirt. I understood my purpose when I cut open Miller with this knife. Pain is purpose. You just can’t seem to grasp that.” He got closer and closer until you could feel his breath on your dirty face.
   “So, I’m gonna show you your purpose, pup.” He then took the knife and made a nice, clean slice down his forearm. Despite bright blood dripping from the deep wound, his face remained calm and collected. Jacob just watched as you grasped your own bloody forearm. Tears slipped from your (e/c) eyes and Jacob just watched with a look of utter satisfaction.
   “This is your purpose, it was only you. You were meant for me and you can’t deny that. Not when you have my marks to prove it.” Jacob reached through the bars of the cage and held your cheek with a gentleness you didn’t know he could possess. You could feel the pain begin to dull as he brushed away the dirt and makeup with his thumb and revealed the red rashes that covered you (s/c) skin.
   With the way he touched you, it was no surprise that you fell asleep. He held you with such love and kindness it was unreal. Was he trying to get you to trust him in order to use you later? Did you have a different purpose? It was hard to tell with him.
   You woke up slowly the next day, the sun coming from a window hurting your eyes. Wait, window? Yes, there across from you was a small window and a very large man. Jacob was watching you from a chair far too big for his size. His bright blue eyes never wavering from you.
   “Go back to sleep, pup. I got ya, I promise.” He gave a small smirk unlike no other and watched you fall asleep once again. No more pain. You were with your soulmate at last.
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pain-somnia · 6 years
Title: “dronk” Rating: M (no smut but it feels more appropriate than T) Pairing: SasuSaku and TenKarin Day’s Notes: Drunk Team Taka shenanigans but in a Real Life/College AU; I will possibly write more Team Taka College AU interactions (with possible changes to the Karin ships, only SasuSaku will stay the same) because @saradacchi loves SasuSuiKa friendship
She should have stopped him a few drinks ago.
And all of those shots were definitely a mistake.
Sasuke Uchiha was passed out and Karin wasn’t sober enough to worry about the way she was dragging his body as she pulled him by his legs.
Suigetsu was suppose to be holding Sasuke’s arms but he disappeared once they got outside. Karin wouldn’t be surprised if he got himself picked up and taken to the drunk tank.
I should have stayed home and cuddled with Tenten, Karin grumbled inwardly.
She propped Sasuke up so he was leaning against a streetlamp and sat on his other side so his head could roll over onto her shoulder.
“Ah, shit.”
Karin pressed the power button on her phone two more times, hoping it would come to life. No dice. Her battery had drained a while ago as she overzealously added snaps to her story.
She rummaged through the pocket of Sasuke’s utility jacket and pulled out his phone glad that he finally switched to a smartphone instead of the flip phone he used last semester.
“Here we go.”
Karin pressed Sasuke’s thumb on the home button on his iPhone and unlocked it. She was originally going to order an Uber to get them to her place but the feeling of tape on the back of Sasuke’s cell phone case was bugging her.
“What the fuck?”
Karin squinted her eyes and then removed her glasses before putting them back on when she remembered that she couldn’t see without them.
“Return...to...Sa..kura?” Karin frowned trying to remember what she knew about her friend.
They had become part of a group in their first semester when Suigetsu had forced them all to work on a project together. Karin wasn’t friends with anyone in university yet so it helped that Suigetsu dragged Jūgo over to her seat at the lecture hall.
Sasuke had been walking by, probably trying to figure out how to do all of the work on his own, when Suigetsu wrapped an arm around his neck and sat him next to Karin.
They sort of were stuck with each other ever since.
Karin scrolled down Sasuke’s contact list until she found a Sakura with blossom emoticons and a sparkling heart next to the name.
Karin dialed the number and right before she realized what time it was, “Sakura” answered.
“Can’t sleep?” A sleepy voice giggled.
“No, actually, he’s passed the fuck out.”
“Karin. I’m one of his school friends and I was trying to get him home but that asshole Suigetsu ran off on us.”
“And you’re calling me because…?”
“My phone’s dead and I’m too drunk to remember my girlfriend’s phone number and this idiot apparently has ‘Return to Sakura’ taped on his phone so here I am calling Sakura.”
“You sound very coherent for a drunk person.”
“Thanks. It’s a blessing.”
There was a pause and Karin thought maybe Sakura had fallen back to sleep.
“Are you somewhere safe?”
“Yeah, yeah totally.” Karin pushed back her bangs and took a deep breath. “Do you think you could come get us?”
“It would take me an hour possibly but yes. Anywhere you could go for now?”
“University Diner is twenty-four seven I could try and get us there. It’s only a block away.”
“Okay. I’ll try and get there as quickly as possible.”
“I lost my phone.”
Karin jumped, not expecting Suigetsu to say anything since the last time she saw him was in the bar.
“You didn’t have it when we went out. To prevent any regrets.”
“What was ringing in my pocket then?”
“Nothing you nimrod. Where’s Jūgo?”
Suigetsu went silent. If she wasn’t looking at him she would have thought that he passed out too.
“We lost Jūgo.”
“What do you mean we lost Jūgo?”
“I left ‘im in a safe place after he fell asleep but I can’t remember where…”
“You had one job Suigetsu.”
“To be fair.” Suigetsu took a long pause before his next set of words. “I’m drunk as fuck.”
“I hate you.”
“Yeah, yeah. So what are we doing?”
“We gotta take Sasuke to the diner. Then you’re going to look for Jūgo.”
“Can’t you just drag him there?”
“Grab his arms, stupid!”
. .
It was a total invasion of privacy. She would kill anyone if they did the same with her phone but Karin was one jager bomb too many in to care.
She was feeling wired from the energy drink but also slightly brain foggy and she needed to entertain herself somehow.
Sasuke was the weirdest person she had ever met. He had created folders for everything. Not a single app was allowed to float around on its own unless they were the apps on the toolbar.
She learned a lot about him though. He had one email account for gaming, another for school, and one for social media. Karin rolled her eyes that he even bothered with social media apps considering he rarely went on them.
She slid down the booth so her head rest on the top of the seat and sighed. Suigetsu went off to figure out where they had left Jūgo so she was stuck alone at the diner with a passed out Sasuke.
Karin balled up the wrapper to straw for her milkshake and flicked it at Sasuke’s nose. She was already bored with the games on his phone and although his dog was cute, there was only so much cute she could take before she cried because she was still kind of drunk and there was no puppy around for her to cuddle with.
Opening up the Notes app she thought she would find random class schedules and the like. Karin hadn’t expected to find locked notes.
Why would he lock notes?
Karin attempted to open one but it required a password and she couldn’t use Sasuke’s thumbprint to unlock it.
What would he hide? Photos? Sexts???
Karin gagged and put Sasuke’s phone down on the table. She picked it back up again when she realized she could use the contents of the locked notes for blackmail.
Karin wasn’t fond of scooping out the litterbox of the cat Tenten adopted and she could always get Sasuke to do it for her and a bunch of other errands.
But only if she knew the contents of the locked notes.
“Typical,” Karin huffed, blowing her hair out of her face. Sasuke was the type of person that didn’t need a hint to remind him of his password.
She groaned and stretched out her arms on the table top. Next time she was bringing Tenten along.She was her impulse control. Then maybe she would be at home getting smooches and cuddles instead of babysitting a grown ass man.
No. She would have to drag him back to her place where he would be drooling on the comfy couch she and Tenten coerced a salesman to give them at a discount. And then she would be disgusted. So then she would have to draw on his stupid pretty face with a permanent marker.
In fact, perhaps she could get one from one of the waitresses...
“I got here as quickly as I could!”
A pink haired girl plopped down across from her in the booth and brushed Sasuke’s hair out of his face.
“Your hair. Is pink.” Karin’s jaw dropped in fascination. She squinted her eyes and then backed away with a soft, “whoaaa..”
“Oh wow, you are drunk.”
The girl that could only be Sakura waved over a waitress and ordered a tomato mozzarella panini and cheese fries and a strawberry milkshake.
“He’s going to be hungry when he wakes up,” Sakura explained. She grabbed some napkins and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.
“Your boyfriend is a hot mess.”
“Well, he doesn’t usually get this drunk. He doesn’t usually drink enough to get drunk.” Sakura’s mouth quirked to the side as she watched Sasuke’s nose wrinkle up when she smoothed his hair away from his face again.
“I should have realized that when after his fourth shot he shouted something about his girlfriend being his impulse control and slammed three more before promptly passing out.”
“Why did you guys go out drinking like this?”
“Well we just finished a paper and this is the first semester we could actually all go to a bar since Sasuke just turned twenty-one. But tell me how you’re his impulse control. He never talks about you outside of the small updates about what he does on breaks and every weekend.”
“How are you this coherent?”
“Like I said, it’s a gift.” Karin propped her chin on her hands and leaned forward on her elbows. “But please tell me more about yourself and Sasuke. I would like to know some embarrassing things about him while you’re here and he can’t stop me.”
“I don’t think I should.”
“Boo you whore.”
“Excuse me?”
“Do you know all of Sasuke’s passwords?”
“We believe in trust in our relationship. Of course I know his passwords. We have nothing to hide from each other.”
Karin pulled out Sasuke’s phone and flipped it around to face Sakura.
“Then do you know the password to his locked notes?”
. .
“What are you doing?”
When Suigetsu returned to the diner━without Jūgo━Karin was scribbling on a napkin and the girl on Sasuke’s lockscreen was sitting across from her sipping at a milkshake. Sasuke was still passed out except now he was propped up against his girlfriend and drooling on her shoulder.
“We’ve tried like every possible password Sasuke could have used but we can’t unlock this folder of notes.”
Suigetsu looked at Sakura and then back at Karin. He looked at Sakura again for a full minute before holding out his hand.
“Give me the phone.”
“Okay but if we can’t figure it out how are you going━”
“Got it.”
Karin’s jaw dropped as Suigetsu slid the phone across the table. Where the gray lock screen was before was a picture of Sakura looking out a car window.
“What was it?” Sakura asked, eyebrows pulled down in frustration. She should have known him best.
“Bro code.”
“You still unlocked it, Sui.”
“Yeah but I’m not telling you what the password was.”
Karin started scrolling down and was confused the further she scrolled. They were all just normal candid photos of Sakura. Why would he━
All of the patrons of the diner turned to look at the source of the screaming. Karin shot them all a glare.
“What? What did you find?” Suigetsu attempted to grab the phone from her hand but she slapped his hand away.
“Not for your eyes!” She snapped at him.
Karin broke her glare to peek back down at the phone but then looked back up, her cheeks turning a blazing hot pink. She looked over at Sakura and shielded her eyes with a hand.
“I’m so sorry,” she muttered, handing the phone back to the source of her new discomfort. “The first set of pics looked so normal. I didn’t think he would have those.”
“Sasuke’s got nudes!” Suigetsu gasped, a giant grin spreading on his face. He pointed at Sakura and guffawed. “Her nudes!”
“Will you shut up!” Karin yanked on his shirt hard enough for him to fall into the booth. She looked over to Sakura who had gone paler than she already was.
Sasuke continued to snooze away on her shoulder despite all of the noise.
Karin hadn’t expected to meet so much of Sasuke’s girlfriend on their first meeting.
“I can show you my tits if that would make you feel better,” Karin offered.
“No thank you. I think I should just take you all home now.”
“Sui. Where’s Jūgo?”
“Oh shit! I knew I forgot something.”
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dreamingbrownie · 6 years
Tagging games #5
I’ve been tagged by @fandom-glazed and wanted to do this anyway, so here we go! Tagging anyone who wants to do this ^__^ 1. what’s your favorite way to dress? Black all the way. I’m a fancy goth on the inside and trying (but most likely failing) on the outside. 2. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Not to be so voulnerable to the people that mean a lot to me would be nice. Not getting attached so fucking fast. 3. What movie/game/etc. helps you calm down? I tend to love movies reducing me to a sobbing mess, so that doesn’t count as calming me down, does it? As for a series, I’m all for Merlin BBC at the moment which I watch unfrequently with @fandom-glazed on Netflix and usually laugh my ass off at Arthur and Merlin’s antics. :D 4. What does your room smell like? Dust, nailpolish, some tea and the slightly burnt smell of my old heaters. 5. Do you like to organize? Hell fucking no. I’m an ADD person, nope, I don’t. 6. What kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one? German rock / gothic rock. Unheilig, Staubkind, Blutengel, Lord of the Lost, Letzte Instanz, that kind of thing. Not that either of those bands would ring a bell with most of tumblr users, I assume. 7. What song is your aesthetic? Oh man, making me choose there is mean. Ghost Love Score by Nightwish, Stand my ground by Within Temptation, Morgana by Lord of the Lost. Hard and heavy. 8. What color do you think goes best with your personality? Crimson like my hair right now, probably. 9. Do you believe in auras? Nope. 10. What do you wish you hated, but actually like? Ballet. To wish for having been introduced to how to ruin your body in the most beautiful way as a child is kind of unhealthy. 11. Vague about your crush(es) Valentin Winter / van Porcelain. That man. Go to his tumblr @valentinvanporcelaine and dare ask me again why I’m addicted to his aesthetics. 12. Is there someone you have mixed feelings towards? Yep. Not talking about specific people in my personal life here tho.  13. Talk about an AU or story you came up with Oh boy, here we go. If you get me started on my vampire novels, we’ll be here all day and I won’t even be half way finished. I adore my own characters to a decree that might be weird, I ship some of them and the main gay pair Count Louis and his life long best friend and personal vassal Chris, later Knight of Alderton, to death and writing anything with those two idiots in love soothes me so much. The main trilogy (A shimmer of Red, Black and Silver respectively) is huge (as in 200k for the first, 140k for the second and 110k as of yet for the unfinished third) but not finished yet, I’m almost there and would have been a year ago if I’d just get my arse out of the Fantastic Beasts Fandom and saunter off to writing my own stuff again. Unfortunately, Albus and Gellert own my ass at the moment and I’m overflowing with plotbunnies that won’t go away on their own. I know my mind. I need to write them all down before I get any peace at all. Lol. 14. Do you like makeup? No, not really, I like sharp-winged-eyeliner though. 15. Do you prefer space or the ocean? Ocean all the way. Space is fascinating and I’m a massive nerd for SpaceX because their projects are so promising for the future of mankind, but standing at the shore, being able to breathe properly again (asthma kid here, hi) and cry from sheer relief of hearing the waves crash against the cliff or roll onto the beach again is my life blood. I’ll have that next week again. Fucking finally. The sea soothes me so, so much and I suffer from constant longing for distance. We have a very fitting word for the feeling in German. Fernweh. Roughly translated to “I want to get far away from here so much it hurts.” Yeah, that’s the German language right there for you. 16. If you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live? Pandora, probably. You know, three meters tall blue humanoids, a captivating nature, trees large enough to be a bother for the planet’s rotation, probably? Yeah. I’d like that very much. 17. What form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.) I’m quite content with the German system of Social economy. Pure capitalism, socialism and communism are shit, don’t work in the long run and should just be abolished altogether. 18. What animal would you keep as a pet, if you could? Give me a black cat, please 19. What do you think our purpose is in the universe? To find our place between the stars, become a multi planetary species and to develop a way that’s not as destructive to the planet we inhabit. There’s a beautiful sentence that sums it all up in Interstellar from Cooper: “We might have been born on earth, but we don’t have to die here.” 20. Do you believe in god(s)? Nope. Atheist all the way. Before anyone misunderstands me, though: believe whatever you want to, I don’t judge people for their religion, it’s just so not my tea. 21. Is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it? Yep. Chasing cars by Snow Patrol. 22. What ex do you miss the most, if you have one? Mean question. I only have an ex-girlfriend and sometimes I miss her gentleness and how instantly she saw right through me, but she replaced me, we’ve been done for a bit more than five years now and I’m over her. :) 23. Do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets? Soft, fluffy blankets all the way. 24. What is your favorite thing to learn about? History. What do you think I’d study that for? :D 25. What country’s history do you find the most interesting? Man, that’s a mean one again. I’m pretty solid on English history, but I don’t know the first thing about Asian history altogether because german schools don’t teach that and we’ve got a different subject for Asian culture in university so it’s not included in my must-do-schedule too, but I’d like to learn more about it soon. 26. What do you think about genderbent ____ (insert someone here) Nope, noping right out, nopedinopenope, not my tea. At all. 27. What breakup was the hardest, if you had one? The one I had was... bad. Not talking about that here any further tho. 28. Do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend? A couple of weeks ago, my answer would have been yes, but I’ve got that all sorted out now. Not dwelling on it, though. It doesn’t matter. 29. What do you think about tumblr discourse? Ughhh. Exhausting most of the time. I loved the metas in the Sherlock fandom before it all fell apart and I like Fantastic Beasts metas, but people get so emotional so fast that normal discussions are all but impossible here. 30. What instrument do you wish you could master? Piano. Still salty that I’ve been forced to stop that as a child. 31. How easy is it for you to be honest? Very. I’m a very honest person and I’m shite at lying. 32. Do you have any strange interests? Fandoms, probably? xD I find fossils infinetely fascinating, anything conserning dragons (that sounds strange in context, I’m well aware that they don’t exist) and the way stars are born in large nebulas is something poetic to me. 33. Do you have any strange fears? Strange? I dunno, I’ve just about ran out of the kitched screaming at the top of my lungs when a fucking spider dropped ON MY HEAD yesterday evening, you tell me if that’s strange. Drowning would suck a lot, I guess. Anything that makes you suffocate. Nope. 34. What food do you binge on when you’re lazy? Toast with something on it. I did that in exam week last week, not because I’m lazy but because I just did not have the time or the nerves for cooking. 35. When you get angry, how do you show it? I go all quiet and drill my posture to absolute perfection until it hurts. You’ll notice when I’m mad. Seldom happens, though, I’m hard to offend. 36. Do you have any impulsive movements? (twitches, ticks, flapping, etc.) Picking fingers. Bad habit that I’m trying to get rid of. 37. What do you listen to music on? YouTube and Spotify on the PC, used my phone a massive lot for that during the summer too but now with all the layers of jackets and coats and such it’s a bit hard to stuff my large phone anywhere. 38. Are you left brained or right brained? Uhhhh what? I’m right handed, but I don’t think I have any tendencies otherwise. 39. Earbuds or headphones? Earbuds. 40. Do you like light blankets or heavy blankets? Light blankets for around the flat, heavy in bed. I’d like to be able to breathe.
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halla-la · 6 years
Tumblr media
   "How did you end up here?" Halla’s tone was cautious, hesitant, well aware she was dipping into dangerous territory. "Can't imagine you being cargo and I'd have no idea how you would stow away on a ship coming through here?"
   Victor Arcelio started to laugh. “Really? You can’t imagine any situation where someone would take a Garlean onto their ship and try to ferry them to Eorzea?” He shook his head, partly at her naiveté and partly to stall, even though the look on his face made him realize it was perhaps in vain. 
   “Why does it matter? You already know that I crashed. Why can’t we leave it at that?” A small coeurl kitten, apparently content with the amount of attention Victor had given her now, jumped off his lap, and started to nose her way over to Halla, sniffing all the way. She could still smell the chocobo, apparently. Victor watched her go, idly picking up his chisel and pin hammer again to work on the crystal chips
    She waited longer than she should have for an actual answer, not questions to avoid it and silences stalling. "I would think even pirates wouldn't be so willing to ferry you, but perhaps I'm giving them too much credit, still...fair enough." It wasn't going to be the last time she asked, that much was evident, but for now she could move on. "Where will you go when you leave?" she asked, eyebrow twitching ever so slightly- perhaps it was a roundabout attempt to dig for information. "Nobody's sent a search party for you, have they? Though I assume you'd return home." 
  The coeurl was right in front of Halla now. Nosing around her leg before looking at her with those two over large eyes. It was a look that definitely seemed like it was threatening harm unless the Miqo’te stroked her.
   Victor raised an eyebrow again. “Maybe I should have added ‘against their will’ but no. Pirates didn’t bring me here. For or against my wishes.” He had finished shaping one of the small pieces and was now polishing it. “No. I’m not going home. This is why I said there isn’t much prospect for a life for me in your country. I don’t think I’d be able to keep my own secret long enough. So, it’ll probably be moving around in… less savory groups of people until I can find what I’m looking for.” A far-off look crossed his face. “If I can even find what I’m looking for… if not then… well… it doesn’t bear thinking about.”
   Halla had fixed her gaze upon the coeurl, watching it just as it seemed to watch her. Her ears swiveled when they locked eyes, each staring and daring the other to move. Halla was the one who relented though, extending a hand slowly to scratch the top of the kitten's head. 
   "Are we not all less savory groups of people? The whole realm really." Her scratching trailed behind the ears and around to the back of the neck. Her lips twitched before she got them under control, though the bright eyes that looked back to the Hyur might have betrayed her. "You're looking for something?" She gestured with her free hand to the crystals he was working at. "Aside from crystals?" She lifted her hand to halt him before he could answer. "I won't ask what. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get an answer anyway. But a simple confirmation will do."
   “Aside from crystals. Yeah.” She was right, there was no forthcoming answer. He finished polishing the piece he was working on and moved to another chip, shaping it carefully before polishing again. “This is quite simply a gift for a friend to say thank you… Who would’ve guessed I ever would call a beastman a friend?” His expression still seemed distant as he looked up to check where the kitten was. Clearly, he had something weighty on his mind that was preventing even the simple sarcasm that usually punctured his speech.
   Halla held her hand out absentmindedly for the coeurl to rub against, clearly having warmed up to her already, even if she smelled of chocobo. "I see...” Her response was short and though silence started to settle, there was more. 
   Whatever details she'd ask, she wasn't going to get an answer, regardless of how desperate he appeared to be to speak. That was alright though. Details wouldn't be needed just yet. She curled her fingers under the coeurl's chin to give it a few scratches before finally pulling away. With a soft grunt, she pushed herself back up standing. Her gaze lingered on Victor briefly then drifting towards the entrance way. 
   "You'll leave with me then," she declared, no request, no question in her voice this time. "Once you're finished your craft and packed up, said all your goodbyes. Preferably sooner rather than later, but by no means rush."
   He didn’t answer. He hadn’t even stopped his little project. Whatever was on Victor’s mind had settled on his face a particularly morose expression that didn’t suit him in the slightest. The coeurl, annoyed that Halla had stopped paying her attention turned back him, looking at him questioningly for a second before padding over and putting her front paws on his leg, evidently trying to either get his attention or cheer him up. Neither worked, but the kitten threw in some pathetic mewing noises for good measure. Slowly Victor looked at the cat, then Halla, before shrugging. “I guess.”
   Once more she waited for some follow-up to that statement. But none came, not even an insult. She clenched her jaw and strode over to him, looking down and almost angry at first. And then she squatted down in front of him, poking his forehead, the bridge of his goggles. "I'll help you," she offered. Her tone was soft, kind, not one of pity nor sympathy. It was an offer she felt was the right thing to do, nothing more. She pulled her hand away before it became too awkward or uncomfortable, though she was still hovering in front of him. "I've a few contacts I could lend you to help with your search. Plus, even if they're useless, at least you won't be cooped up here anymore and can do as you please."
   Victor flinched. Rubbing his forehead. “You know there is an eye under there, right?” He cursed softly, pushing up the goggles just enough to show something pearl green underneath it. He rubbed it a few more times before leaning back. 
   “Even with contacts. This loft is surprisingly enough, the only place where no one is trying to kill me. Where am I meant to live, eh? How am I meant to actually support myself? I can’t. I don’t even think the Ironworks would give me any kind of asylum. Not that I would want them to. Like I said, there isn’t a life for me here… maybe this whole thing… was a bad idea… shit… I never should’ve left, should I…? Shit… shit shit shit…” He had his head in his hands. “Should’ve listen to Servan… maybe I am the fool after all…”
   Just the day before he'd made mention of stretching his legs, wanting to leave, and now it was suddenly a perfect fit for him here? She could understand not wanting to stray from what's comfortable, safe, but this was just....
   Halla sighed, rolled her eyes...and covered his mouth with her hand to stop him from continuing his self-doubts. "You are...an incredibly strange man, I hope you know that," she mumbled, tilting his head back up with a bit of pressure from her hand. 
   "To be blunt, I'm sure whatever your plan was...was a terrible idea considering the situation you've got yourself into. But you came here for some reason, yeah? You really want to spend your days living with the birds? And that's only if some other, colder, and more observant Eorzean doesn't come by and bump into you. You'll leave with me. You only have to keep your cover until we can reach Hingashi. I have an apartment there and the nation is rather neutral with the Empire. Or I can give you enough gil to stay in the inn. Either way you'll be out of here and I can set you up with a few people who might be able to help you. Not to mention, I'm sure you can make some coin with your tinkering and other skills.”
   Fairly sure by now that he wasn't going to continue, Halla removed her hand. Victor was taken unawares by no small amount. There was a moment as… something crossed his face. Whether it was anger or something else entirely was unclear, but once he seemed certain she wasn’t planning anything, it vanished. He did have his hand halfway to one of his knives though, and when she eventually removed her hand though, he had set his face into a scowl.
    “First, don’t ever do that again. Second, Doma has its own issues. There is a reason I came here and not there. Although… maybe… maybe I have an idea… But… it could be… pretty dangerous… I’ll need to lie exceptionally well. Luckily, I would say I’m good at putting on a face. Still…”
   Halla returned his stern look. "Well don't ever ramble and whine like that again and I won't feel the need to shut you up like that!" she countered stubbornly. She held up a single finger to quiet him, then pointed it at his face. "I didn't say Doma, did I? I said Hingashi. If you're searching for something, you're probably better off looking there first. They welcome nearly anyone to the port. Shit, you have an embassy in Kugane! Doman politics hardly affect the islands, other than the usual troublemakers but that's anywhere you go." 
   She jabbed that finger at him. "It's your best option.”
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discoursecatharsis · 7 years
““safe blogs put constraints on artists wahh”
like dude if you and your fellow artists are drawing/writing about pedophilia, rape/romanticized rape, homophobic tropes, & racist shit
then GOOD you deserve to be constrained jfccccc””
I gotta go in on this, oh my god. I hope you’re in for a read lmao. I am in a shit mood so I am going to be vague tonight. Time for me to debunk this shit ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
—"Safe blogs put constraints on artists wahh"
Well of course they do. Like those with0ut-theshit blogs for example, those blogs not only say which people they shouldn’t reblog from because they drew a ship you don’t like, it actually labels them as a shitty person because they drew something for that ship. Whether it was a gift art for a friend, a commission, or even just a thing for a online group project, that blog labeled them as a bad person for drawing the pairing you deemed as unhealthy. It’s fine if you do not want to reblog a particular ship from an artist, but to blatantly refuse to support an artist, new or old, is just immature and really shitty behavior if I am being honest here. Which I am. No one deserves to be cast out of a “safe blog” for their shipping preferences. Whether one ships 0tayur1 (which is the main reason I am going so hard rn), sh@l@din, Sh31th, or even s@ngb*m, it does not make them a bad/unsafe artist and person.
—“like dude if you and your fellow artists are drawing/writing about pedophilia, rape/romanticized rape, homophobic tropes, & racist shit, then GOOD you deserve to be constrained jfccccc“
Okay. Since you did tag an*i 0t@yur1, I am going to debunk all of what you claim it to be. And defend my fellow artists and fanfic writers everywhere.
First things first, the whole pedophilia accusation… 0tab3k is in no way a pedophile. That word has been thrown around way too much for it to have any goddamn meaning at this point. He isn’t five years older than Yur1, he is barely an adult, Yur1 who is 16, is not a prebuescent child under the age of 13 which is the cut off age for pedophilia. I won’t delve into this further because I’m sure many people, CSA victims included, have told you an*is time and again, in depth, what pedophilia actually fucking means. And with some of the victims relaying their own experiences to you to prove it.
Second, 0tab3k….is….fucking….eighteen. He just turned eighteen two months prior of meeting Yur10. While it does mean, by law he has reached the age of majority in both Russia, Kazakhstan, and in 75% of the United States, he is still a teenager like Yur1. Reaching the age of majority in whatever country you reside from and live in does not mean you are an adult. Human brains do not finish developing until one is 25 anyway.
The age difference between 0tab3k and Yur10 is that of a Sophomore (10th grader) and Senior (12th grader) in high school. There are literally lots of couples who have the same age difference that 0tayur1 has and 99% of them were still the healthiest relationships they ever had. There is nothing abusive about an 18 year old and 16 year old dating. At all. Abuse can happen in any relationship no matter what age dynamic. It isn’t always the older person abusing the younger, or the man abusing the woman. LBGTQ relationships have the potential to be abusive if one or both partners have underlying problems from their past or mental health. It doesn’t happen with someone who is an adult preying on someone younger and vulnerable. It can happen with fucking anyone. Stop projecting abuse that aren’t there in the first place onto ships you hate.
Rape/romanticized rape. Okay as much as I do not wish to touch on this, I’m going to just a little. People can write about rape/noncon if they want. Like it or not, dark themes in fiction is a healthy way of exploring as long as you don’t try to condone or do that shit to someone in real life. Rape is a vile, degrading act no one deserves to go through. I don’t like it and I don’t like to write it (I wouldn’t even dare draw it either), people can explore that aspect of fiction if they please. As long as they tag their shit appropriately so people know to avoid it, I don’t see it as an issue. I don’t think anyone should romanticize rape, but it happens. 0tayur1 is not one of the fictional ships that happens in at all, my guy.
Now I’m going to talk about the homophobic tropes. My question is, fucking where is it?? Are you talking about ABO? Yur10 being grossed out by v1ktuur1 being all lovey dovey? Male/female roles inserted into a M/M ship? V1kt0r not doing the dishes or some shit? These are barely homophobic. You just have a stick so far up your ass about overused fandom tropes, you’re tasting it for next 84 years. And you don’t realize that 90% of the fandom is LBGTQ like yourself because you’re probably screaming "those straight, homophobic white girls” everytime you see some shit you don’t like that is barely an issue.
The racism thing, the reach is so far with this one, man. Tell me, where is the racist shit in this or any pairing??? I don’t see it. None of us do. Again, you are fucking projecting the problematic stuff that isn’t there in whatever you’re complaining about. Are you actually going around and looking for the shit so you can bitch to whoever listens and get them on your side? That is completely fucked of you.
“then GOOD you deserve to be constrained jfccccc“
Fuck off with this. Seriously??? You honestly think we artists who actively try to stay in our lane with our ships, having good fun, tagging what needs to be tagged deserve to be constrained, treated like a bad criminal because of the content of what we draw or write? People are so done with your “purity” complex that the ones on your safe list are actively trying to get off of it by drawing the things you, by your dumb ass morality standards, deem as bad and unsafe. When you make people on your “safe” list angry that you have done that while alienating a great deal of the fandom you’re in, then the real problematic person here is you. And when you run out of safe artists and people to support, your purpose to make fandom safe will be for naught. I’m sure deep down you know this. Maybe not. Whatever.
If you really want to avoid what squicks you, then actually learn to use the resources provided on the internet for use at the availability of your fingertips. If you are on mobile, use Washboard and don’t use the app. If you are on desktop, use xkit or tumblr savior. No one deserves to be constrained. You do not have the authority to do so in any fandom no matter how hard you try. Tumblr is not your safe space, fandom is not your safe space. The entire internet is not your safe space. No one on there or in the real world is going to cater to you. Ever. Your behavior as an an*i is abhorrent. Stop.
(submitted by crystallinekai)
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swordarkeereon · 8 years
Guest Post: A Kingdom's Fall #horror #newreleases #newfiction
Author Interview
What genre(s) do you write and why?
My work resides in the horror realm and all its subgenres. A gross-out gag, splatterpunk shock, or spine-tingling chill makes us remember we’re alive. And knowing my work makes some people’s genitalia retract into their innards gives me wood.
What was the most difficult part of writing your most recent book?
Finding time to write the third book in The Human-Undead War trilogy proved a chore. I had to decline offers for short story contributions, deny requests to beta read and edit fellow writers’ work, ignore submission calls, and limit my social media presence for about 8 months. With my wife back in school full-time and unpredictable daily work hours at my day job, I was lucky to scrape by with 30 minutes a day for writing. It drove me to the brink of madness!
What do you feel your books offer readers?
An intriguing escape from reality, and a fresh take on vampires. Anyone tired of pussy-ass, sparkly vamps ought to see merit in The Human-Undead War series. I’d love to think I’m revitalizing the genre like Brian Lumley did with his Necroscope series, but sales and exposure beg to differ. Some day, perhaps…
What was the first book you ever had published? How much time did it take from writing your first book to having it published?
The first book was Dark Intentions, Book 1 in The Human-Undead War Trilogy. From concept to publication, it took approximately 8 years. That included some snags in the publishing process (infamous “kerfuffles”) which set me back almost 2 years.
What other careers have you had?
I’ve been a paper boy, grocery bagger, a fast food cook/cashier, pot dealer, phone operator for a taxi company and multiple telemarketing gigs, gas station attendant, obsessive plasma donor, pizza delivery driver, warehouse laborer, and I’ve held management positions at multiple businesses, including my current employer.
Many won’t admit this, but pizza delivery can be quite lucrative. I miss that cash-in-hand every night, and the crazy fucks you meet along the way are great story fodder.
How would you describe yourself if you were “speed dating” your readers?
A chubby bald guy who’s rough around the edges, likes to tease and titillate, and has a dark sense of humor.
Where are you from?
♪In northeastern Iowa, born and raised,
On the farmland is where I spent most of my days…♪
Okay, I’ll stop now. The tune’s stuck in your noggin now, though, isn’t it?
What do you do for fun?
Fun? Sorry, I don’t understand this foreign word. Please translate.
Has your life changed significantly since becoming a published writer?
I think I’m poorer now than I was before I started writing for publication! However, my soul has been enriched. I’ve made tons of awesome, supportive writing-minded friends, a few fans, and a few bucks. It makes up for the constant business expenses (books on hand, business cards, advertisements, bookmarks, contests).
Otherwise, no, not much has changed. I’m still just an introvert peon working for The Man.
Do you work on one project at a time? Or do you multi-task?
I must stay focused on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking often results in more white hairs cropping up on my chin and me needing several Snickers bars to calm the fuck down.
What kind of kid were you? Which social path did you take?
In grade school, I was the fat kid who compensated with comedy, but I was a loner outside of school. I lived on a farm, and even with siblings, I could often be found roaming our land alone, talking to myself and acting out scenes in my head. I usually had my nose crammed into a book’s delicious-smelling spine as well. Once I hit middle school, my introvert side kicked into high gear. Since then, I’ve maintained a small group of core friends and tend to avoid large (or popular) groups of people.
Do you have any pets?
Two cats, Tubba and Target, and a wiener, Spot.
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you travel?
I took a few years of Spanish in high school, and I loved everything about it. Spain seems like a gorgeous, culturally rich place to visit.
Please tell us 5 miscellaneous facts about yourself.
-I’m a huge advocate for literacy and will drop spare change every time I go to The Dollar General.
-I once popped what I thought was an Ecstasy pill only to discover it was a horse tranquilizer. Good times.
-Nothing turns me on more than a clean, spotless home.
-When I awoke in my cell after being arrested for drunk driving a decade ago, every county inmate hassled me for my extreme overnight snoring.
-I once masturbated 13 times in one day.
Please share with us your future projects and upcoming releases.
A Kingdom’s Fall, the conclusion to The Human-Undead War Trilogy, will be out later this year. I’ll also have a story in VS: Extreme, a charity anthology pitting US against UK horror writers. I was in the inaugural VS last year and took home some accolades, so I hope to defend my title in style this year. David Owain Hughes and I are also co-editing an anthology titled Fuck the Rules, and that should be out late this year or early 2018. It’s our way of throwing up the middle finger to rules while still exposing raw talent and crisp, finely tuned stories.
After that, I don’t know. Time to pursue my writing endeavors has been limited and will continue to be for several more years. I may disappear for a bit. But I’ll be back.
Please share any links you would like listed in the Interview. Website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, Instagram etc.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JondrashekAuthor
Twitter: @jondrashek
Website/Blog: www.jondrashek.com
Instagram: @jondrashek
Jonathan Edward Ondrashek loves to spew word vomit onto the masses. He’s had an array of poetry, reviews, articles, and interviews published in the past decade. His short stories have appeared in the anthologies Fifty Shades of Slay, Rejected for Content 4: Highway to Hell, Crossroads in the Dark II: Urban Legends, and the highly acclaimed VS: US vs UK Horror. The first two books in The Human-Undead War Trilogy, Dark Intentions and Patriarch, debuted in 2016, along with two co-edited horror anthologies: What Goes Around and Man Behind the Mask. If he isn’t working at his day job, reading, or writing, he’s probably drinking beer and making his wife regret marrying a lunatic. Feel free to stalk him on social media. He loves that shit.
A Kingdom’s Fall (The Human-Undead War Trilogy, Volume 3)
After staking his claim as the rightful Undead patriarch and returning to the United States, Barnaby has sent his followers on missions to eradicate humankind once and for all. He still plots to cast the world into darkness and reign supreme. But to ensure the Undead’s ascent to godhood, he will need to destroy the Human Army and confront his nemesis, Brian Koltz.
However, President Strajowskie understands the stakes involved, and he’s heading to the front line to go all out against Barnaby and his hordes.
Meanwhile, an insurgent army led by the former Undead general, Scott Hammers, approaches Haven. Brian and his people are prepared, but he discovers a traitor in their midst and dark deeds being done against his knowledge. Can he and Haven survive the ensuing battle without being torn apart from within?
As all sides vie for victory, a confrontation between Brian and Barnaby appears inevitable. And both now understand one kingdom must fall if the other is to survive.
“You’re a pilot?” the woman asked.
Lester blushed and ran a hand through his red curls. “Yeah.”
She stared at the center of her shoddy table. Candlelight flickered. Dark bags beneath her eyes devoured her high, protruding cheekbones. “Scar told us wasn’t none of them left,” she said with a slow honey-dipped drawl. “Said no one took to the skies anymore. That’s why he was sailing ‘cross water, before his ship wrecked.”
Lester almost snorted but held his derision in check. Barnaby sure did choose a lame nickname while he was here. He found it unnerving how the Vampirons revered such a devil. Then again, they didn’t know what he was.
Hell, even God doesn’t know what he is.
“Very few still exist,” Roterie said. He meandered away from the humble open-spaced kitchen and plopped onto the chair opposite Mrs. Deekins. He rested his hands behind his head and kicked his feet up. Dirt and sand sprinkled down from the soles of his shoes and cascaded across the table. “That’s why your husband was wise to follow Scar and find us.”
“Well, I can’t thank you enough for coming here and telling me how Zeke’s doing. Me and the kids’ve been worried sick.”
It shows, Lester thought. Mrs. Deekins was bone-thin, though canned goods and somewhat-fresh fruits lined the makeshift countertops inside the kitchen. Grime caked her skin in an oily sheen. Bloodshot, yellowed eyes protruded from their sockets, and her fake fangs jutted out below her upper lip. With thin, frayed hair sticking out at every angle atop her scalp, she looked like a buck-toothed, emaciated vampire hippie.
And the stench was horrendous. The quaint mud hut reeked of rotten eggs, spoiled milk, and decaying meat. Worse still was Mrs. Deekins herself. Even from the front doorway, he could smell the layers of sweat, shit, and piss emanating from her body in sickening droves.
That reminds me. It’s been a week or two since I took a bath, Lester thought, avoiding the urge to sniff his armpits and test his own scent.
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