#please don't just turn him into a boring stereotypical villain
thyandrawrites · 2 years
Tomura, Izuku and...AFO for the character opinion bingo
Bringing out the real guns here uh
Alright this will be pretty unpopular but please don't come at me, I have anxiety
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He's one of my fave characters and imho one of the (if not The) best written ones. Because of that, I dislike his fanon portrayal with a passion. It's not just that people (including supposed villain stans) remained stuck at his definition as an unstable manchild and refuse to acknowlge how biased and dehumanizing that label is, and it's not just that in doing so they deny all his growth. For me, what annoys me the most is that by portraying him as a bratty and despotic boss who forces people to do what he wants is a fundamental misunderstanding of Shigaraki's character. His entire overarching arc is that of finding freedom from the people who try to control you and suppress your free will, and yet he's constantly (mis)understood as someone who would deliberately deny his comrades' agency by demanding they help him fulfill his personal goals, and would throw a fit at anyone questioning his undisputed authority. That's.... Ew. That's AFO, not Shigaraki. Shigaraki thinks everything is meaningless and wants to destroy everything, but the second Toga showed discomfort with that, he shifted his goals to accommodate for her wishes. Despite not understanding or sharing her vision of the world, he supported her in getting the things she wanted. I don't know how people can read that as bratty selfishness tbh.
One day maybe I'll even have the guts to write a bullet point list of all the main traits of his characterization that people constantly sleep on, but today is not that day
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Not much to say here. I find him boring as hell. As a villain, he's your stereotypically morally black megalomaniac who wants to conquer the world and that just doesn't appeal to me. The fact that his obsession seems to come from reading a comic book when he was a child is also... So underwhelming it makes me laugh, lol. I hate him for what he inflicted on Tenko and I don't think the fandom realizes just how deep the damage runs. But even as a villain enjoyer, I don't find him compelling at all. There's just no... Depth or nuance to make his writing hit. Even Endvr's writing is more compelling than his imho. At least with Enji I feel like I'm talking about a fully fleshed out character. I hate his guts too, but he's a... Person. Not just a cliche, you know?
I don't really understand how he has fans tbh
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Two of my irls have him as their fave and I'm sorry on their behalf that what could've been an amazing protagonist turned out to be so underutilized. Deku's arc is more about mastering his quirk(s) than it is about personal growth. He remains virtually unchallenged throughout the story and I genuinely find that a shame. I used to like him up until the sports festival, but after that, when the story became darker and darker and deku remained a beacon of blinding white light, I began feeling like he's the wrong sort of protagonist for the kind of story bnha built up to be in the long run tbh.
But I do understand the appeal in him, I guess. One thing I like is that Izuku is an interesting take on masculinity. He's allowed to cry a lot, to be emotional in ways that are typically relegated to women, and he's allowed to be weak and to need comrades. He's kind as opposed to your typical angry shonen protag, and he's quiet and analytical when your typical protag is rash and loud and stupid. He could've been an interesting subversion if horikoshi had bothered giving him the chance of failing and then learning from his mistakes every now and then
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bthump · 2 years
I know everyone’s just preparing themselves for (more) disappointment because the recent chapters feel very dull but has anything in the story actually hinted at that dreaded happy family ending everyone’s worried about? or are you rather worried about the new team trying to please their target audience?
For me it's the prospect of Moonlight Boy remaining a significant plot point, and the plausible theory of Casca getting kidnapped and staying in the character role of 'goal for Guts to work towards.'
Like if Casca got her mind back just to immediately become a damsel in distress it means a few things: a) boring rote stereotypical gender roles, b) no payoff to the foreshadowing that Casca will do something interesting when she gets her mind back, which means we can't really put our hopes in any of the ominous foreshadowing, c) if Guts remains driven by attaining Casca that makes it a lot less likely that his feelings will actually be written as complex and not necessarily romantic.
And then you got Moonlight Boy haunting the narrative as Guts and Casca's magic bio kid.
Like I don't think the negativity is solely based on the last 3 chapters, it's more the fact that we're at a potential turning point in the narrative where the last 2 arcs of Guts trying to save Casca and growing as a person thanks to his protectiveness of her and dropping his "obsession" with Griffith etc could either be validated, or shown as overly simplistic and problematicized by the narrative.
My hopes were resting on Guts' whole save Casca quest being essentially another result of Guts' flaws - mainly his shortsighted singlemindedness, the same flaw that lead him to leave the Hawks - and Moonlight Boy being false hope for a romantic happily ever after that gets dashed thanks to that aformentioned flaw of Guts.
Hence my theory/pipe dream that Casca's mind comes back, she remembers the eclipse, the behelit opens, and she sacrifices Moonlight Boy.
If nothing like that happens, if Guts' side quest only has positive outcomes and anything bad is a result of the antagonist showing up and fucking things up, then it seems a whole lot more likely that everything from Hill of Swords on was meant to just be straightforwardly viewed as positive character growth and Guts Making The Right Decision for 200 chapters by becoming ~the protector of the branded girl~ Which is boring, and will probably lead to a boring ending.
Personally I don't actually think it's likely to end in happily hetero ever after tbh, I still think Guts is more likely to die, but it does seem more likely that we're headed for an arc of bullshit about Guts and Casca obsessing over their magical ghost kid and a heterosexual save the princess plot, and less likely that we're headed for an arc of psychosexual obsessive hero/villain homoeroticism.
I still have hope, but less than I had before these chapters lol.
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omnivorousshipper · 2 years
Hi! Can I request demon Owen/priest Roman? Thanks!
Hello friend! You most certainly can because that's an amazing request!!
"I thought priests didn't work on Sundays?"
Roman rolled his eyes as the sultry voice that whispered in his ear. Staring at himself in the mirror, he fixed his collar and robes so he would be presentable for his sermon.
However, that was a lot easier said than done when he could see a literal demon hovering over his shoulder.
The demon looked surprisingly human in shape, but everything else didn't leave any impression that it was anything other than a hellspawn.
His hands and feet had talons instead of fingers or toes, while the skin around those limbs were pitch black. The skin around his pointed ears was the same color that led into his red and gold horns. They were large and curve backwards elegantly, just the right size to hold onto. And finally, folded lazily behind him were his bat-like wings that were the same color as his horns.
Overall, Roman wouldn't have expected the demon to look like anything else.
The British accent had been surprising and slightly amusing. Looked like even Hell stereotyped their villains.
"I'm not working. I'm giving a sermon, big difference." Roman glared at the floating being behind him. "Which would be a lot easier if I didn't have you whispering in my ear all the time."
"Oh, come now. You said you loved my voice," Owen purred and gently placed a hand on Roman's shoulder, his talons glinting in the morning sun. "And didn't you also say doing your job was dreadfully boring?"
"I'd rather be doing anything else," Roman mumbled. "But that still doesn't mean you can distract me!"
"Please," Owen rolled his eyes. "You like me doing it."
Roman refused to answer. Instead, he turned away from the mirror and could feel Owen being dragged behind him like a balloon. He was only mildly jealous of the way the demon could defy gravity.
"Can you just stay here for a few hours? I promise we'll have some fun when I get back from Sunday school."
"What kind of fun?" Owen perked up at that, curiosity clear in his eyes that resembled a snake's than a humans.
"I heard there's a race tonight..."
Owen chuckled at him before lowering himself to the ground to stand mere inches in front of Roman. They were the same height but that didn't matter as Owen's mere presence filled the room.
"It still astonishes me that I found the one priest that breaks laws."
"Hey, it's not a sin to race fast cars." Roman shrugged.
"But gambling on if you're going to win is." Owen raised an unimpressed eyebrow, but Roman could see the way his lips wanted to quirk up at the edges.
"The church needs some renovations and I don't want to force my followers to pay for it."
"How noble," Owen breathed. He took the final step into Roman's space and wrapped his arms around his neck. Brushing their noses together, his breath ghosted over Roman's skin. "Got anything fun here for me to play with?"
Roman rolled his eyes. "Yes, the sex toys you ordered came. I swear, you say you're not an incubus."
"Only when I'm with you, darling." Owen purred and gently locked their lips together. Moaning, Roman lost himself in the sensation as he grabbed Owen's hips to better smash their lips together. He could feel the demon's wings wrap around him while his forked tail started to play under his robes.
Panting, Roman pulled away from the demon and put some distance between them.
"You know I don't have time for this," Roman scowled.
"I'm all about temptation." Owen winked.
"Save it until I'm back, ok?"
"No promises."
Roman sighed. Why had he thought it a good idea to take a demon in?
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bluebxlle-writer · 3 years
Writing female villains
masterlist. main navigation.
@bluebxlle_writer on Instagram
POV : you’re a female villain in fiction. You’re badass and can beat up a dozen men at once, but you have no other personality besides either being cold or always using your feminine charms to seduce men. You’re also fully devoted to the main male villain. I'm tired of seeing the lack of well-written female villains, so let’s change that, shall we? Here are some tips for writing a good and well-developed female villain!
1. Their personality
I always get excited whenever there's a badass female villain, but then, boom. They're simply two-dimensional women who has no other personality besides being hot, badass and beating up men. Yes, we all love a badass hot lady, but not when she's boring.
Give us someone with an interesting personality, a well-rounded backstory, complex morals, and literally anything else that you would give your male villains. Instead of simply either emotionless or overly cheerful, give us ambitious, creative, and resourceful female villains. Give us a witty woman who cracks jokes in the middle of battle. Give us normal women.
2. Motivations
I've noticed that most of the time, the motivation of female villains is either driven by love or their desire to seek approval from a more powerful man, while male villains have all types of motivations, like ruling the world, gaining immortality, or rebuilding civilization.
See the difference? Why not give your female villains a motivation centered around them, instead of another man? I'm not saying that romance is a bad motivation - but it's just a widely applied stereotype that would be nice to change for once.
3. Make them likable
I can make a list of male antagonists who people love, but would hate their female counterparts. It’s pretty annoying, so give your female villain likeable traits. If she’s ruthless, you can make her a good leader who cares about her people. If she’s cold, you can make her a determined person who’d stop at nothing to reach her goals. You don’t have to make her likable as a person - she’s a villain after all - but please try to make her likable as a villain.
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4. Complex morality
Give your female villains a complex morality - terrible things that she doesn’t mind doing and some lines that she will never cross. Maybe she’s fine with killing others, but she would never let one of her people die. Maybe she’s doing evil things, but for a greater good. Or alternatively, you can even make her completely ruthless!
5. Purpose
Please, please give your female villain a purpose in the story besides just looking hot and badass. Think about what will happen to the storyline if she wasn't in it. If the plot will fall apart, then you're good to go. Also, another thing, don't kill her off so quickly if she's the only female villain in the story. It gives the impression that they're easier to defeat than male ones.
6. Examples
The ATLA/TLOK universe has the best female villains I've ever seen, periodt.
Take Azula, for example. Yes, she works for a bigger male villain, but she doesn't need him. In fact, she accomplished everything without the help of that useless excuse of a Fire Lord. She could literally get rid of him and take the throne for herself if she wanted to. She also has a complex backstory which makes people understand her, a rich personality, and is completely ruthless. True, she's a horrible person, but I love her as a villain.
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Then, there's Kuvira from TLOK. Unlike Azula, she's doing evil things for a cause that she believes is good. Eventually, she realizes that her actions are wrong, and turns herself in, which was the beginning of her redemption arc. She has a good backstory, complicated morality, and she doesn't answer to any man. She even has a love interest who has nothing to do with her villain arc, which I love.
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Writers, give us more female villains whose arc doesn't revolve around men.
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h50europe · 3 years
Why the myth about Steve's PTSD doesn't add up and other inconsistencies
In the last few episodes of H50, PL tried to sell us a mentally broken Steve suffering from PTSD. Only the whole thing came a bit too late. The clip you see is from season 4 and ended up - no, not in the series - but somewhere on the floor of PL's editing room. And why? after Kurtzman and Orci departed, along with their writers, PL took the helm and started turning Steve into a super-soldier. He stylized him into something that wasn't meant to be. Instead of developing the characters, PL began to incorporate more and more hair-raising action sequences into the series and then let Steve fight on the front lines. There was no mention of Steve's mental state, and a lot was explained by PL with: it just happened "offscreen." Yeah, sure. PL can't create a decent character. He can only produce stereotypes and one-dimensional beings. Like Adam. What potential would that character have had had he been turned into Five-0's antagonist? But no. So his role remained diffuse and monotonous. Sometimes even tragicomical.
Back to Steve. When SEAL Team started on CBS, PL also lapsed into SEAL mania. If someone who writes fanfiction were to produce as much garbage as this man did, he would be chased away from every writers' platform in disgrace. PL's Super SEAL also had to rescue his team members from a blazing inferno. Not man by man, no, he flew a helicopter right into the danger zone and lifted a whole cabin out of the burning jungle. If lunacy had a name, it would be PL. While the action became more and more exaggerated and unrealistic, the same happened to the protagonists. After the departure of Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park, PL completely lost his mind. And please, don't blame the writers for the nonsense that was thrown at you. A series stands and falls with the showrunner. He dictates what he wants and passes it on to his staff.
And so, lovable Steve became a soulless robot who only showed feelings here and there. Danny diminished more and more into a sidekick. McDanno became a ship that drifted anchorless through a stormy sea and threatened to capsize again and again. From season 8, it became a reboot of the reboot. PL tried an ensemble show and failed more than miserably. Often the actors just stood around bored. At least that was the impression. The only highlight was episode 8.10. A feast for all McDanno fans. But even here, the outcome of "who shot Danny" was more than insubstantial.
Wait, there was something about SEALs... Oh, yes. Junior appeared on the scene and became Steve's lapdog. I really wondered when there was going to be an episode where he would fetch sticks for Steve. Luckily we had Eddie for that. And because he thought he was so clever, PL invented the episode speed dating. How many subplots can you squeeze into one episode at the same time? In some episodes, you couldn't even take a look at the bag of potato chips without losing the thread.
The case of the week became the yawn of the week. There were so many loose ends that PL then came up with something called retconning. That's what you do when you're no longer satisfied with what was once established in the series years ago, or it no longer fits. But PL went one step further and did the same with the characters. The more the series was dragged out, the more the characters deteriorated and became OOC. It means, often, they were not recognizable at all. And that's where we come to Steve. Because PL, in his desperation, didn't know what else he could do to Steve, and so he killed Joe White. He did it in such a cheesy way with a fake sunset that it made you sick.
Of course, one episode later, there had to be another gig of PL's favorite Barbie. He stuck a fake beard on poor Steve/Alex, so he couldn't even hug Danny/Scott properly. The episode also raised more questions than it answered any. And Steve? He still didn't suffer from PTSD, even though he had now lost Joe White and a fellow SEAL. Everyone is dropping like flies, except for Steve, who is standing like a rock. No matter what. He doesn't need in-depth talks with Danny, nor psychological care, nor any sleeping pills. No, he's doing great. He also opens a restaurant with Danny because apparently, the carguments are already getting on PL's nerves. Unfortunately, this plot device leads into nirvana. The idea was nice, but nobody thought it through to the end. And the merry-go-round continues. Until we get to season 10, where it gets even more absurd. Now PL is almost bombarding us with McDanno episodes, or at least it should seem that way. Oh well, he's already planning for season 11, so a new character has to come on board quickly. While in the beginning, Steve's mother, Doris, dies.
Alex was allowed to take on the subject. Of course, only under the strict eyes of PL. He then nullifies Alex's idea that Steve kills his mother. Because a good soldier and Super SEAL won't do that. Little does PL know. THAT could have been the opening of a PTSD scenario for Steve. However, apart from that, this episode would have had any potential for a multi-arc. Just imagine Steve chasing his mother across multiple episodes. Again, PL stepped in and butchered Alex's episode. You can really feel sorry for the guy. PL at his best or worse? He just can't help it. And then, on the very last meters of the series, he brings someone new, who is allowed to cruise around with Steve most of the time. Because Danny was kidnapped by Wo Fat's widow, PL also invented quite late to have some villain at his disposal. This wannabe mastermind must really have been living under a rock somewhere if she wasn't even mentioned by her husband or appeared earlier.
Because towards the end, PL obviously ran out not only of steam but also of ideas, everything culminated in a wildly illogical scenario. Steve has to live through a dramatic day with Eddie, who stands as a metaphor for Steve (as I said, PTSD was never a thing for Super SEAL), Danny bangs his brains out in a ladies' room with a complete stranger, who dies shortly after that in an accident with Danny's rental car. Apparently, there was no budget to turn the Camaro into scrap metal. Danny then also goes home alone, ignoring the incoming emergency vehicles. Everything remains open at the end of the episode. While Steve expresses his gratitude to Tani and Quinn and says, he would be just as lost as poor Eddie without the dog and all of them. The strange thing is that you never notice anything until that sentence. A few forced dialogues are supposed to make the drama visible, but they all happen way too late or are so poorly written that you miss them.
PL had decided early on to make Steve a Teflon hero. That also means he didn't need to put much substance into the character. Which you can clearly see if you compare the first three seasons to the rest of the series. But towards the end, PL wanted to turn the tide and forcefully rewrote Steve's past. There is a huge difference if you compare Steve from seasons 1 to 3 with Steve from season 10. It is only a sparse remnant of what made this character so great. This change in Steve's personality also affects his relationship with Danny. The witty, affectionate banter degenerates into a snappy, humorless bitch-fest that takes all the joy out of it.
The final two episodes could have been written for any other crime show. As mentioned, we have Cole, who even gets a book'em Cole from Steve, which can only be described as out of line. And it begs the question, was that what Lenkov originally had in mind? Danny out of the show and Cole in? Was the last episode, which mainly featured McCole, something of a test run? Did all the McDanno moments happen only to tear the two apart eventually? Was the real final scene the one where Steve and Catherine take Danny's coffin back to Jersey? Was Danny not supposed to survive? Was that the real reason Steve wanted to get out of Hawaii because he wanted to pay his respects to Danny? And would he really have returned to Hawaii later? Or would he have turned his back on Hawaii? To me, this ending is more plausible than what PL served us. Then, Steve handed over his credentials to Cole instead of Danny, his second in command. Honestly, you can't make the end of a series any more sloppy and dumber than that. And I won't even lose a word about the last 1:30 minutes because I think everything has already been said.
No PL, mission absolutely not accomplished. You created Teflon-Steve. You never wanted him to show any weakness. You turned him into a superhuman who can survive anything. Only to pull the rug out from under him on the last few meters to the finish line and spit on his legacy. How can you dismantle such a great series and its characters like you did? How much do you have to hate something to do that? In the final interviews, the showrunner didn't exactly cover himself in glory either. Everyone who grew up with the series from day one knows that its end was wrong on all the possible levels and that the showrunner is solely to blame for that. It takes a fair amount of egoism and carelessness to drive 10 years at full throttle against the wall. Not many people can do that. Whether you can be proud of that, however, I doubt.
My respect if you have made it this far. Each of you gets 10 extra brownie points for it.
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mabeljonesrock · 4 years
What do you like about Mabel Jones? I read the first book and I couldnt really finish it. I guess when you imagine what they are talking about, it becomes kinda weird to read...Please don't get offended, though! I'm not trying to be rude or anything! I'm just wondering what you liked the most (you are a fan, I assume?)
Mabel Jones review
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It a British kids book written by a British author, Will Mabbitt.
summary:at night, a little girl named Mabel secretly pick her nose and eat it during bedtime(gross isn't it). But what she didn't know is that she will end up being kidnapped by pirates and sent to a strange world of talking animals. Mabel must go on a quest to find missing pieces of X's so she could go back to her human world. Will she find the missing keys or she be stuck here forever?
review:best book ever Written! It is filled with humour, adventure, awesome action and plot twists. When I first brought this book I thought it going to be a lame and boring book but when I read it and I was like damn! Was I wrong? Here is my favourite characters:
Mabel jones: back off Wendy darling! There is a new pyjama-clad girl in town and it Mabel jones! There are 3 things I like about this book is how they make her into a strong female protagonist.
1. Subverting the blonde stereotypes.
Not all blondes are either dumb, girly, popular or mean! Despite her long curly blonde hair, Mabel prove to be far from being a cliche blonde stereotype. What make her stand-out is that she clever, tomboyish, messy and a kind and loyal friend instead of having cliche traits of a lame blonde stereotype.
2. Who cares girls can't be pirates?
like The famous pirate girls, Anne Bonney and Mary read, Mabel turn out to be an excellent pirate despite her gender. She adventurous, quick-witted, fearless and use a cutlass as a weapon. Imagine Jack sparrow is a little girl in pyjamas.
3. Do not be fool by her appearance.
most pirate books had the protagonists being boys, Mabel is one of few protagonists being a girl in a pirate book. Despite the crew expecting her to be a spoiled brat and girly princess-wannabe(because of her beautiful long locks of blonde hair, cute blue-green eyes and fair skin), Mabel is actually a badass tomboy at heart and managed to join the Pirates not just she clever at spelling but she not afraid to get dirty too! Like picking her nose and scratching her bum.
Omynus hussh: Mabel's co-star. He a silent loris who happen to be part-pirate, part-ninja and part-assassin. Cunning, quiet and sneaky, He prove to be skilled in thievery, silence and killing. But underneath from a mask of hate and deception lay a sad and lonely creature who need a friend. I like how they developed him from being the vengeful and murderous enemy/villain to a loyal friend and kleptomaniac antihero. His backstory turn out to be interesting and we learn that he was kidnapped from his birth place by Captain split when he was a baby. Let hope we found out more about his home, family and species in future sequels. Glad Will brought him back in the forbidden city.
here are pros and cons(spoilers!! Beware!!!):
Mabel jones and omynus's rivalry turn friendship(the relationship is so good and heartwarming!)
Omynus's backstory(want to find out more about his birthplace, relatives and species)
Jarvis's reveal
The crew's laments
Omynus sacrificing Mabel(he survive in the forbidden city, thank god)
mr clunes's first words
Mabel jones returning home
The lemony snicket moments
badass piratical moments
Disgusting moments(sometimes)
captain split waking the dead(is he supposed to slay Mabel after discovering the X is a fake?! What an idiot! At least Joker a more clever villain than that mangy mutt..😒)
the count killing Omynus(I’m going to knock that shitty count’s teeth out with a heavy mallet)
The count blackmailing Omynus
captain split tormenting the crew including Mabel(that just cruel, plain cruel)
You guys should read this and I felt like this one deserve a TV or movie adaptation and it will be good.
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nightowlfandom · 6 years
Requested: Jungkook (The Bad Boy AU)
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Requests from the prompt list RIGHT HERE .Also I should say that you don't HAVE to follow the exact list of prompts if you don't want to, it's just there to stir some ideas :)
10- "Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?"
18- "Only make that face in front of me..
20- "I'm bored. Wanna Fuck?"
48- "You deserve someone who cares about you."
I'm not sure how I did on this buuutt yeh. Hope I did your request justice! It'll take a while before we get to the good stuff as usual with me. I'm really bad with bad boy AUs.......
"Hey!!" you snapped as your favorite book fell to the floor. How dare this all black clad, bear mouth mask wearing, punk insult poetry like that. "You almost rammed me into the doors!"
It wasn't like you didn't blend in, like come on you were literally the only (insert race here) in the hallway at the moment!
Jeon Jungkook turned around, his eyes darting down at you who had managed to pick up your book, smoothing out it's pages. He walked back over to you, leaning a hand against the lockers. "Aw I'm sorry Y/N. Is the book okay?" he said in a baby-ish voice.
"Most likely not" you answered flatly. "Suffered minor damage."
"Whoops." He winked. You couldn't see his mouth under that stupid bear mouth mask but you were sure those lips were formed into a smirk. "Sorry to hear it." he shrugged before catching up with his friends. You glared at his back, shaking your head mentally as other girls secretly gawked at him.
What was the appeal? He broke rules for one, he rarely does his work, he's just!
Growling under your breath, you didn't realized your friend, Lisa had walked up to you. (It can be Blackpink's Lisa, or whoever you want lol).
"Why does Jungkook always make you so mad." she giggled.
"Because he enjoys making my like a living hell." you grumbled.
"Come on, I packed lunch for us both." she laughed, patting your back. You followed Lisa to the cafeteria. The way your school was made, you had classes in the morning, all the important stuff, then lunch around noon. Then the rest of the school day was focused on fine arts. Gym, music, art, etc. The students who decided they didn't want to follow rules we're given extra classes or worse...cleaning duty.
Exactly the reason you were the perfect student. The hell you look like cleaning floors or a tiny room that makes you claustrophobic.
You and Lisa sat at your usual spot.
"So what are your plans after lunch?" Lisa asked, furiously biting into her sandwich. "Ugh, I accidentally ate yours again. I really have to label these things."
You laughed you two switched sandwiches. "Probably gonna go to the dance studio next to the gym." you shrugged. "Work on some stuff."
"You're the only person I know who looks graceful dancing, but right after when you begin to walk, falls on your face." she laughed. You flicked a peice of bread at her, making her laugh louder. Your happiness died down at you saw 'them' enter the room. They were all laughing like the delinquents they were.
"Incoming." you rolled your eyes as your table was approached.
"Hey Y/N. When are we finally gonna go on a date?" Namjoon winked. Lisa fake gagged as you answered.
"When hell freezes over." you flatly said, causally drinking your bottle of apple juice.
"How cold." Namjoon took the sandwich from your hand and took a bite. "Not bad, American cheese?"
"Hey! That was mine!" you said disgusted as it was set back down in front of you. You used a plastic knife to cut around where his mouth touched. "And for the record, it's Pepper jack cheese!"
"Awww she's defending herself." Yoongi cooed. "She's adorable."
"Jungkook could you please inform your friends that just because I tolerate you does not mean the favor transfers to them?" you looked up at Jungkook who had taken off his mouth mask.
"Aw do you only want me to make fun of you?" he put a hand over his heart before walking over to you. "How thoughtful!"
"Could we go four seconds without you being annoying?!" You asked, raising a brow, before you face formed a pout.
"Oh another thing." Jungkook leaned close to your face, his fingers grazed your chin. "Only make that cute face in front of me."
"What face?" you snapped, while ironically making the exact face he was talking about.
"Later Y/N." he chuckled. You swore a genuine smile crossed his features. Maybe you were hallucinating.
You watched as they walked away, leaving you and Lisa. "He totally likes you." she giggled. "I can tell."
"I hope you're wrong." you sighed." I'm gonna throw our trash away."
As you went over to the trashcans, you were approached by a girl, you knew who she was but not so much her name. You kept forgetting.
She would brag about how her parents have ties to the biggest companies in the country. Good for her, she'd have some luck decided that type of idol Career she'd want to choose, that was pretty cool! What wasn't cool was the fact that she always rubbed it in everyone's face. Every chance she got.
"You think you're good enough for one of the Bangtan boys?!" she crossed her arms like a stereotypical villain.
"No. They think that I actually enjoy their presence in my sight." you scoffed. "The bastards."
"Liar! You're probably trying to-"
"I didn't ask for them to just come up to me, you can have them." you began. "I have no interest in-"
Before you could process what had just happened you fell a rush of coldness down your front. Only to see the girl with an empty cup and a smirk. You stared down at your shirt just to see foam and macha powder. The side of your face had warm liquid (most likely coffee) dripping down your cheek.
"That'll teach you to interrupt me, stay away from Jungkook."
The entire cafeteria went silent before erupting into whispers.
"Poor Y/N"
"Why did she do that?"
"Y/N wouldn't hurt a fly!"
"Y/N is so sweet, how could anyone bully her?"
You couldn't believe what had just happened, this girl purposely dumped her drink all over you. In front of everyone.
Your eyes instantly darted over to where Jungkook and his friends sat. They all stared in disbelief. Why did you suddenly care if Jungkook saw? You saw traces of sympathy, worry even. Or maybe that was your brain playing trick on you.
Embarrassed, upset, and taken aback you stared over at Lisa who quite literally jumped over the table and ran over to you.
"Y/N....Y/N speak!" Lisa shook your shoulders. You turned away from your friend, back to girl. Before you knew it, she was on the floor holding her nose. A pain shot down your knuckles in the realization that you, good girl Y/N had just punched one of the meanest people in school.
You made a beeline for the exit. You didn't run, nor did you fast-walk. You wouldn't give anyone who hated you the satisfaction of knowing you were embarrassed.
As soon as you got outside, you ran. You didn't care where your feet took you...you just ran.
This. Was. All. His. Fault.
"Y/N." a masculine voice called from behind you. "Hey!"
You turned around to meet Jungkook who had caught up with you. "Are you okay?"
"Stay away from me." you warned. "Your little girlfriend gave me a message, which I'll deliver back to you. Don't talk to me, don't look at me. Matter of fact, don't breathe around me." you began, choking a bit, " if THIS is the treatment I GET FOR JUST TOLERATING YOUR PICKING ON ME-"
"What are you talking about?!" he cut you off. "Are you crying?"
"I just got hot coffee spilled on me because that girl in there is under the impression that I have an infatuation with you!" you poked his chest. "Of course I'm crying you imbecile! She did this to me because of you!"
Before you knew it, Jungkook had whipped out a napkin and wiped the dripping coffee off your face. You didn't say anything as he wiped around your eyes and hairline.
Why was he being so nice to you?
"You really are a goody two shoes." he shook his head. "She's not my girlfriend, I don't even know her!"
That still didn't change the fact that he was the subject to the reason you got a green tea latte spilled on you.
"Then why did she-" you began. "Forget it." you turned away. You didn't even care about the fine-arts portion of that day, you just wanted go home.
"Because she's jealous that I give you all my attention!"
"Which brings me back to why? You always seem to have a new girl on your arm every time I see you. You should be laughing in my face with the rest of your friends, you should be making a snide comment, you shoul-"
Jungkook suddenly spun you around and kissed you in the middle of your rant. His fingers tilted your chin up. "Mm, when will you learn to shush."
You couldn't wrap your head about what had just happened.
"You still mad at me?" Jungkook asked and you angrily scrubbed a beaker. Of course the first time you defend yourself, your punishment is detention. WITH JUNGKOOK NO LESS.
You didn't answer, running the glass under water and setting it down with the rest of the lab supplies. "Hey, I'm bored. Wanna fuck?"
You almost dropped the test tube you were holding as you turned to glare at him. "What do you want?" you bit back a snide comment.
"To talk to you." he said is a "duh" tone.
"Well I don't." you replied. You just wanted to serve this detention and never get another one. "And no, I'll pass on fucking you."
"Aw maybe next time. Do you have a boyfriend or something?" he asked, leaning against the counter. You shook your head to signify that you did not. "Why?"
"Because nobody cares enough." you said flatly. "Happy?"
"No really. You're great!" Jungkook mused. "Any guy would be happy to have you."
"Huh?" you raised a brow. "What are you getting at?"
"You deserve someone who-....who cares about you Y/N. Who wants to see you happy." he said seriously. "Someone who knows you, but also learns new things about you as well." he chuckled. "Like how good of a hit you are despite me only ever seeing you read books." You focused on Jungkook's face, where was the annoying bad boy who always got on your nerves? He was still there, right?
"Whose dumb enough to care about a stick in the mud goody two shoes like me." you looked down at your shoes. "I'm all about rules and knowledge. I've never met someone who finds that endearing."
"You really are innocent." he shook his head. "Do I have to spell it out?"
You looked up at Jungkook who wore that typical smirk that didn't reach his eyes. He brushed a few hairs from over your eyes. Jungkook crashed his mouth over yours. He threw the sponge you were holding off somewhere and your hands tangled in his hair.
You leaned your head back, feeling his scalding hot mouth against your flesh. His tongue left a scorching trail down your neck. His hand contrasted in temperature, feeling cold as he slid under your shirt. Your hands rested on his cheeks, your lips moving steadily together. Before you know it, you were being lifted onto the counter.
"Does this mean you like me back?" he chuckled, smiling cheekily.
"Come on. If anyone says anything, I'll kick their asses." Jungkook cheekily smiled. You two stood outside the double doors of the entrance to the school. Last week was hectic and seemed like so much happened.
"Okay." you slipped your hand in his. It was like several gasps could be heard. The two polar opposites seen holding hands, stop the presses! Innocent little you was seen holding hands with the man who broke the last principal's nose.
You walked over to Lisa who was wearing a smirk. "Told you so."
"Shut up." you mumbled.
"Hey, you got an eye problem fuckface?" you heard Jungkook growl at who you assumed was someone who was glaring a little too hard. "Look somewhere else before I-"
"Aye Jungkook!" Hoseok suddenly walked up. "Calm down bro. Hey Y/N, you're looking-"
"Say anything to her that she doesn't like and there will be one less man alive today." He warned, pulling you closer to him.
"So you two are-" Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
To answer his question, Jungkook grabbed you by the waist and crashed his lips over yours, causing fake gags and "EW's" to erupt from his friends.
"Get a room would ya?" Jin rolled his eyes.
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
Yeah, I don't think Destiel is endgame sadly. The Sam/Eileen story made be believe a new is possible, but no, and they arent go have only one brother find love. I think the show isnt ever going to change, and thats its biggest problem. In the series finale Cas will be placed where Kevin, Charlie, Eileen were before him (the big finale death, for the biggest character after Sam and Dean) and Sam n Dean will drive off in the Impala like at the end of every ep; All quiet on the Western front.
THEY KILLED EILEEN. WHAT. THE. HELL. I saw your post, and I have to ask--does this seriously hurt your expectations of Dabb and where SPN is going
Ack! More asks that I totally missed. Sorry. I am gonna address these both in one post as they are similar themes and I guess I should start with a disclaimer here:
***these are my opinions only and do not reflect the views of other meta writers - seriously if you want positivity and hope please reach out to @tinkdw and @mittensmorgul who are doing a top notch job of controlling the fandom fire and who you should probably listen to more than me because I have become a grumpy old cow recently and am not doing the best job of controlling my cynicism and negativity.***
I should also mention that I have not, and will not, watch 12x21. I don’t need to feel more crappy and I couldn’t give a damn about Mary being brainwashed or Ketch becoming a stereotypical bond villain (or in fact, a stereotype of a parody of a Bond villain since his last act was closer to something Dr Evil from Austin Powers would do than an actual Bond Villain or so I’ve read) So I can’t comment on specifics from that episode.
“Yeah, I don't think Destiel is endgame sadly. The Sam/Eileen story made be believe a new is possible, but no, and they arent go have only one brother find love.”
Nonny I feel your pain, however I do still think Destiel is endgame. its funny, but I have thought about it a lot over the past few days and I cannot possibly see any way this show will end without destiel being part of it somehow. It does all depend on how you view ‘endgame’ though. 
Because if you mean endgame as in ‘Dean and Cas kiss and confess their love and settle down with a house’ happy ending then no, I don’t think they will get ‘endgame’, but if you mean ‘destiel will be canon on the show’ then yeah I still think its true. 
Sam and Eileen was the difference between Dean and Cas getting a moment of hand holding or a kiss before a big fight in which they die and its a tragedy, and Dean and Cas getting to live and settle down Jesse and Cesar style. Either way, Destiel goes Canon, but Eileen made the difference to how. 
Other meta writers are gonna disagree with this. But if Eileen remains dead then I do not see a happy ending to this show. Because they will not bring in another love interest for Sam at this late stage. Therefore, as you rightly say, they won’t give Dean a romantic story that ends in a ‘and they lived happily ever after’ kind of way. Saileen mirrored Destiel and the way I see it, without a mirror romantic arc for Sam, I don’t see how we will get any sort of romance for Dean either (unless they actually do decide to just end on a repeat of Swan Song though I KNOW that will piss off a lot of people). 
And yes I know that you can have endgames that don’t include romance, and that romance isn’t everything. I agree with that, but I am convinced that Sam and Dean’s endgames will be in balance with one another. Having Dean and Cas settle down together doesn’t make sense in this story if Sam is left alone. It is unbalanced and goes against a lot of what this show is about: two brothers and their lives hunting together.
(oh god I really don’t mean to sound like a bibro there but you know what I mean. balance is key. The fundamental core of this show is family and found family and it is so much more than just ‘two brothers’ but basically what I am trying to say is that you cannot round up one brothers story and leave the others open ended. It won’t work for the format this show uses.)
“I think the show isnt ever going to change, and thats its biggest problem.” 
I think if Bucklemming keep writing for them, and Bob Singer keeps his grubby little hands on the story, then yeah its not likely to change. This show will always have majorly flawed episodes. The thing is, I still believe Dabb is trying to make this show better. He has already come quite far in doing that. The season 11 finale showed us that, and Dean’s character arc this season is superb. 
The problem is more that Dabb seems to have a case of tunnel vision on Dean’s character arc. He is spending a lot of time chipping away at Dean’s mask and forgetting Sam, somewhat forgetting Cas, and pretty much completely forgetting to give us a coherent mytharc plot. 
Whether the whole Dean focus is to prepare the GA for his eventual coming out of the closet I can’t truly say (though I believe this is the case). It really annoys me how much Sam has been left behind. The one person who Sam had bonded with, who was a character that we, as an audience, could use to gain better insight into Sam outside of his brothers POV was killed off by incompetent buffoons. Dabb would have had to sign off on this terrible decision. Does he just not care about Sam’s development? 
The other major issue is representation. I thought season 12 was doing so well. Then they killed off three POC ladies and a disabled character in the second half of the season. Yet Lucifer gets an absurd plot when frankly, he should have been back in the cage or dead after episode 8. Why were the BMOL two freaking white guys? Why didn’t Lady Toni get Mick’s story line from the start? Why couldn’t either Mick or Ketch be black? or Asian? or Gay? or a Woman? or ALL of those things or ANYTHING other than a straight white guy?!? BRITAIN IS EXTREMELY MULTICULTURAL AND 51% OF US ARE WOMEN. USE IT!!! 
So yeah, its never gonna change. My advice? Don’t watch Bucklemming episodes.
“In the series finale Cas will be placed where Kevin, Charlie, Eileen were before him (the big finale death, for the biggest character after Sam and Dean) and Sam n Dean will drive off in the Impala like at the end of every ep; All quiet on the Western front.” 
Now this I don’t believe, because this would just be a major regression and would be the biggest mistake a finale could make since How I Met Your Mother. In the finale episode of the finale season, I reckon they are all gonna die. Then perhaps they will reunite in heaven with all their previous friends and family. I do NOT think that the series will end with Cas separated from the brothers. This is something I still have faith in. Cas IS a Winchester. He belongs with them. Whether they live or die in the end, he will be with them. Either they all die, or none of them will. Unless by that point Bucklemming are showrunners *shudder*can you imagine that?!? In that instance I would quit the show on principle.
I don’t think the show will end with the Winchesters alone in the world, living on whilst everyone they love is dead and the world is a burnt wasteland... you might as well put them back in hell... its not romantic or poetic no matter what your average bibro may think. I actually don’t think even Bucklemming would give us an ending like that. 
“Does this seriously hurt your expectations of Dabb and where SPN is going?”
On to Nonny No2′s excellent question which well, I probably answered above. But to use this as a summary. Yes. 
Eileen’s death hurt my expectations because it was the cherry on top of a lot of things this season that have slowly been chipping away at my positivity. 
Look, I think some of you may have noticed that I haven’t really been as active as I once was on here. I have struggled to answer asks and when I do, my tone has changed from the optimistic, enthusiastic tone I used to have. 
Honestly, SPN has been upsetting me for a while. The mytharc plot isn’t engaging me. Mary’s story doesn’t interest me because I don’t think they have done her emotional story justice. They instead chose to purposely make her unlikable to the point where a lot of fandom hopes she’ll be killed off. Do you have any idea how disappointing that is? I was so excited for Mary to be brought back, along with everything she symbolised for the show. I don’t think her character has been done justice. 
I felt this way with Amara. I wanted to love her so much but they ruined her and turned her into a sexual predator. I wanted to love Lady Toni as a fully rounded character - a strong British woman having to fight for her voice in an ancient organisation run by old men. The made her into a one dimensional psychopathic rapist. Sometimes I think these writers just arn’t very good at writing female characters outside of ‘sexy twenty something waitress’ for Dean to screw around with to prove his heterosexuality.
The whole Lucifer storyline is driving me crazy. He is so boring and my god I miss season 5 Lucifer. Hell, even Casifer, but Pellegrino is just being absurd now and the joke got old quick. I don’t care about the Nephilim, even now that it has its hooks in Cas. 
What happened to the Grand Coven? Couldn’t we have got a war between BMOL and Grand Coven? I want more witches. More spells. Witch!Sam and Human!Cas. That’s the story they should be telling. I haven’t liked how they’ve handled the British Men of Letters because they don’t seem like a real enough threat to me. Plus I don’t like all the dumb British jokes like seriously these writers have no idea what British people are like. 
This season for me has been saved by 12x06,12x10,12x11, and 12x12. But I have been disappointed overall. Unlike many of my fellow meta writers, I am not all that enthusiastic about the finale. I want so very much to be excited about it and join in with the speculation and theories but I just can’t force it anymore. 
The one thing I have faith in is that we will get canon destiel before series end. Even if its just a shot of them interlinking their fingers and smiling at each other before they go off to their deaths. I am convinced that Dabb will give us that. My problem isn’t about destiel anymore. Its whether the destiel subplot is enough to keep me engaged whilst the main plot goes down the drain. Its whether the destiel subplot is going to keep me going whilst I have to watch them continuously butcher every female character on the show.
I’m not sure I can do it anymore. My faith in Dabb is at a record low after 12x21 and I dunno what it will take to bring me back up.
Well, actually I do know. Eileen. Bring her back, right the wrong and put the story back on track. Then pull your shit together and get some more original characters into the show who arn’t all generic white guy clones. Bring back Charlie. Put Cas in more episodes. Kill Lucifer off for good and make Rowena a series regular. Put Cas in the same fucking episodes as Claire Novak FFS. Give Sam a goddamn story outside of his brother. Witch!Sam!! Or Man of Letters Sam. And finally, bring Dean out of that fucking closet once and for all.
Do all that and I will kiss the ground Dabb walks on. Untill then? well, I dunno if you’ll be hearing much from me in the future that’s all. I may just well and truly be done with this show.
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