#please enjoy my madness
spiralling-spires · 5 months
Guys something happened and im back on my she ra nonsense. Help all my recent tabs are tma fanfic i need to go deep in my bookmarks to pull out the she ra stuff and follow a ton of she ra posters bc its been like two years since i was substantially aware of she ra BUT THE HYPERFIX IS COMING BACK I CAN FEEL IT AAAAGH
Its 12:44 am and i’m going to write all my thoughts and theories and you are going to enjoy them
1. Beast island is actually sentient and the reason it makes that signal is because it’s achingly lonely and doesn’t want its new friends (anyone who comes to the island) to leave. Little does it know it’s forcing its depression upon everyone that visits
2. Etheria and Eternia are actually twin planets, the First Ones are humans, and Eternia is far-future Earth (idk, Earth got a neighbour and then we colonized it? Sure sounds like humans to me). This explains why the First Ones’ language is made up of English phonemes and includes English words, and why Adora looks human.
3. Horde Prime used to be an Eternian, a very long time ago. His current form is the result of hundreds of years of incredibly vain genetic engineering and experimenting. He still isn’t fully pleased with his appearance and tweaks his clones every generation in an attempt to find “purity”.
4. Hordak’s “defect” is a result of this tweaking. Imagine inbreeding, except it’s one guy who keeps turning random genes on and off and switching out base pairs to see if it’ll make him prettier. Turns out there were some nasty genetic surprises in Hordak’s version of the code. As with any other clone that had such genetic conditions, Prime tossed him out in the next major fleet movement without running any analyses first. Running an analysis would force him to confront the fact that he (gasp) made an error!
5. The “general” thing wasn’t actually complete bs. Prime threatening to take Catra’s body as his own, was. See, Prime really wants to be this one perfect thing. Why would he waste time being a cat when he could be perfect? He has a special line of “generals” whose sole purpose is to house his mind. They have two additional eyes, the ability to grow those weird chin/cheek spikes, and the capacity to be much taller (all hidden unless he gives them specific hormones in preparation for inhabiting them). All this to say: Hordak might just wake up with four eyes open one day and promptly freak himself (and everyone else) out.
6. Entrapta has been in the center of a lot of explosions (esepcially when she was a teenager and hadn’t figured out the right balance of “pursue knowledge” to “lab safety” yet) and has replaced a startling amount of her body with prosthetics covered in a synthetic skin.
7. Hordak’s body wasn’t repaired by Prime in season 5. Prime just injected him with a bunch of painkillers (not enough to not be in pain, but enough to function) and covered up the arm holes. About an hour after the finale, the painkillers wear off and Hordak all but collapses. Having a chronic muscle/joint condition + being electrocuted + being possessed hurts. Man, he really went through it, didn’t he?
8. Based on Wrong Hordak, it’s going to be… really hard for the clones to get used to being outside of the hivemind. They will form cults. They will make new pieces of technology that will mimic the hivemind. They’ll scrounge for the chips and try to implant them in each other. They will find and beg (or threaten) Entrapta and Hordak to put back the hivemind. Hopefully people will have enough compassion for them to help them get used to being individuals.
9. All Eternians have the capacity to activate the Sword of Protection and become She-Ra (or gender-correlated equivalent). Horde Prime is, initially, Eternian, based on the other headcanons here, so he hypothetically could. Any clone could. Hordak could.
Wow! I forgot about some of these headcanons! This was pretty neat. Hope you guys like em too. Also I haven’t watched canon in like a year so there might be some inaccuracies, but at some point I figured that holding onto the thoughts until I rewatched canon just wasn’t worth it. And lo and behold now you can see all my random thoughts too!
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ramlightly · 3 months
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How a relationship got infinitely more complicated in one night
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laweyd · 26 days
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〰️ The Fool, The absolute Mad Woman.〰️
100+ b/w pages, a romantic thriller with a hint of comedy.
I’m happy present my new comic coming out at @shortboxcomicsfair this October !!
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dreamofcamelot · 1 month
Someone contact the bbc I have Merlin season 6 right here
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To be loved is to be changed.
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wikitpowers · 5 months
kitty and merthur parallels bc i'm sad pt.1 (beware of spoilers!)
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waitineedaname · 8 months
Finally, after months of work, I have completed it: the collection of all* character appearances in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood!
edit: if you want a more detailed spreadsheet on the homunculi in particular, @vuullets has a collection of all homunculi appearances in the manga! you can find it here
Some notes on this spreadsheet:
there are spoilers. obviously. proceed with caution
timestamps indicate when a character first appears in a scene, not every time they appear. if the scene changes to one without that character, and then we return to that character in another scene, that's another timestamp for a new appearance
all timestamps are approximate, give or take a few seconds based on how quickly I could pause the show
only unique flashbacks count as an appearance. if the flashback is to something we've seen in a previous episode, that is not counted as a unique appearance, but if it provides something new that we haven't seen before, it counts!
I didn't include background easter egg appearances, like when you can see Mei in the background at a train station before she's introduced
I didn't actually do all characters. there are a lot of characters, and I am just one person. sorry if you're a big fan of minor members of the military, i just couldn't do it
since Greed is kind of a special case, he deserves a specific explanation: OG Greed and Greedling are not counted as separate characters, they're both just Greed. when Greed is in control of Ling's body, that counts as an appearance for Greed, and it's not an appearance for Ling unless he's in control. if they're both in a scene together (talking in the mindscape, for example, or switching control back and forth) they each get a timestamp for when they first appear/speak in a scene
feel free to use this as a reference! I made this as a useful tool for myself, and because I'm a nerd about data. if you are also a nerd about data, I tallied up some stats, which I'll put under the cut:
only six characters broke 30 episodes. the characters with the most appearances are Edward (60), Alphonse (58), Mustang (45), Hawkeye (42), Scar (40), and Winry (31).
next highest on the list are Alex Armstrong and Mei (tied for 29), King Bradley (28), Hohenheim (26), and Ling (25).
the homunculus in the most episodes is Wrath (28), and the one in the least is Lust (11)
as previously mentioned, Alex Armstrong and Mei are in the same number of episodes (29), as are Olivier Armstrong and Marcoh (24), and Buccaneer and Ross (18)
Hughes is in only 10 episodes, the same number as Grumman and Fu
Yoki is in a whopping 23 episodes. what the fuck
the chimera in the most episodes is Zampano (21), closely followed by Darius and Jerso (20), with Heinkel falling behind at 16. The Devil's Nest chimeras are only in 2 episodes, with the exception of Bido, who is in 3
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wifiwuxians · 1 year
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you guys have been such absolute darlings to me, your messages have really lifted my spirits and made me feel very loved, so please accept this thank you doodle and pretend it's a sequel to my birthday art for myself since they ended up so similar hehehe ;;
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soulcured · 1 year
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WOOOOOO HUGE FENRO SKETCH PILE!!!! Been hoarding these for a while but decided to release them bc they have been making my brain BUZZ 🤖💕🧬 Both Fenton and Nega-Gizmoduck designs by @your-salty-dorito !!
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icey-wifeyy · 11 months
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Lol werewolf Shane ☝️🤪 ,,,,,
Sorry for not posting♥️
I was sick for a while and then got into bg3 lolahahah _(:3」∠)_
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I forgot I made this for the sketch on top cause the original sketch he had a cowboy hat on and you couldn’t see his ears LMAOO
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h-didanart · 4 months
How do you feel about TSAMS ships? All the way from Earth x Monty (canon/generally liked ships) to Sun x Bloodmoon (not canon/rare or generally not liked ships)?
Don't ask how I know Sun x Bloodmoon exists btw
Ooh, SAMS ships eh? I’m gonna list all the ones I know about, if I miss one you’re curious about just let me know, k?
Again, I will list the ones I know about.
(This is gonna reveal my lurking habits on ao3 god fuc—)
Mearth, Monty X Earth - cute, I like the dynamic they have.
KidsCove, Foxy X Sun - I like this one. I do. I understand the vas are sick of the jokes tho, bit ironic considering they’re still dragging the jokes around, but oh well. It could be cute to see develop, and lead to improvement to both characters general health. At least I’d like to think it would
GlitterGolf, Monty X Sun - in SAMS? No. Monty is a jerk towards Sun, I don’t like it when Monty is too rude to him. Generally hate that type of thing anyways. In canon Security Breach however…… Ye :3 Is my otp.
Lumini, Lunar X Gemini - I feel neutral. It’d be cool if it happened, but after all these three have gone through it probably won’t. And I’m fine with that
EclipseXSun - I think this is the most popular one. I don’t know how to feel about it. On one hand, there’s canon, and canon says Eclipse is and always was horrible to Sun, and that makes it an immediate no. I like my ships healthy. But then comes in Eclipse Redemption stories, and I suppose it’d kinda make sense in those? I don’t know man
BloodySun, BM X Sun - iiiii don’t knooooooow. See, BM has done a lot of shit, they’ve traumatized the family so much. Sun hates them. It would never work out. But then there’s this one fic, this one, where Sun finds Original crying in the vents over his twin, and he helps them. And— and— and it’s a BloodySun fic, and it establishes character parallels so well, it shows their feelings so well, it makes it make sense! I- I don’t KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
SolarMoon- ……………. I’m scared of saying anything about this, I don’t want to get death threats
MechShark, Solar X Ruin- YEEEEEEEAHHH CANON CANNOT HURT ME WHERE IM GOING— uh— ahem— I like it. I cannot explain why but I’ve shipped them since Ruin started messing with the arcade machines. I like to see people still shipping it even through the doomed angle, there’s just something about this that makes it click, y’know. I myself have an au where MechShark is somewhat canon, it’s one sided and stays one sided, with Solar telling Ruin he’s aro when it confesses, and then they stay friends. Because I don’t care if they’re lovers or friends, I just like the idea of them being buds.
Eclipse trio, Eclipse X Solar X Ruin- this is actually kinda funny? I don’t know, this feels like a crackship, no offense to anyone, that’s just the vibes I’m getting. Don’t feel in any particular way about this one
Earth X Nebula- interesting, I guess. We haven’t really seen much of Nebula and I can’t really build a concrete profile for her from what we know, but I guess it’d be cool?
KillCode X Sun- I don’t like the sound of this one. KillCode caused (and helped cause) Sun a lot of trauma, it just wouldn’t feel right. That said, there is a fic that has this ship and develops it in a healthy way, and that one I like.
PumpkinGuts- next question
KillCode X SolarFlare- I can see it, kinda. Don’t hate it, but also don’t love it
Eclipse X Moon- no. I don’t care what you say about enemies to lovers, this one just doesn’t vibe with me.
GolfDrop, Monty X Moon- ehh, no. Don’t really like it, can’t see Moon wanting a relationship with them (or in general), they’re both fine as friends. I don’t even ship this in Security Breach
Forkface X Ruined Monty- I am saddened I didn’t see the content of them before the death, I wanted to experience this, I wanted to see them :(
Soppet, Solar X Puppet- sure? Don’t think much about this one
ShadowPlanet, Earth X Eclipse- I don’t really like it. I don’t like how fast it turned into a thing. I can see the appeal and what dynamic they could have, but I just don’t like this one
Solar X Sun- interesting pairing. Don’t particularly like it. I just feel like Solar’s trauma would likely get in the way. They both weren’t very close anyways, which is a real shame I would’ve loved to see them be at least friends.
Lunar X Helpy- Ehhhh? Don’t feel anything about this one :P
And that’s all I could think about and remember.
No hate to anyone who ships these, these are just my opinions, and opinions are subjective. Let’s all just have fun with these characters, yeah?
AO3 scares me
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cookinary · 5 months
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Okay, I get it now
Thanks @mileikcin for making me curious about this game like god damn I've been missing out
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bl-inkstone · 2 years
changed my tune so fast just bc of youtube autoplay lmao ok here have some sagau diluc thoughts
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the player, diluc thinks, is an incredibly endearing being.
he's come a long way from the curt and wary attitude he used to put on around the traveler (and by extension, you), and today is one of those days where he finds himself privately thanking whatever powers there may be that allowed your paths to cross, with him staring at the reflection of you hidden deep within the traveler's eyes in the wake of his fight with the abyss that fateful night in mondstadt.
as one of the first people to have their constellations manifest in the sky of teyvat, diluc is more than aware that the fact that you still choose to ask for his company in your (or, well, the traveler's) journey is a gift he must treasure deeply. he knows that it is your presence in this world that gives vision bearers a chance to become something greater than they presently are. he also knows that he is no longer as impressive of a companion in battle as he used to be from back when the sky wasn't as bright as it is now (when the world you knew was smaller and he was still a figure that you could look to and proudly call "your main").
but you always come back to him. when he least expects it, you invite him back to your party and diluc can't help but privately think, privately wish, that it's because you're as fond of him as he is of you.
standing in silent prayer while you bestow upon him artifacts that thrum with divine power is an experience he can never tire of. the claymores you give him, the food he eats, all the materials he needs to reach a breakthrough in his capabilities... he understands that you aren't teyvat's creator, but this world and everything in it seems to exist just for you. you, the provider, the sustainer, the beloved of all. sometimes, diluc feels that everything he has and ever worked for have all been for the sake of one day meeting you.
he's not a religious man by principle, and he loathes people of absolute power. the only exception to this, however, is you. he's not foolish enough to believe you're some omnipotent, omniscient being that lords above all. no, you're not like that. he knows this because the longer he journeys with the traveler and feels their bond strengthen, the faint whispers he used to strain himself to hear grow clearer and clearer until finally, one day, he hears you.
you're both nothing and everything he thought you'd be. you view the world of teyvat with so much awe and joy that it's infectious, and he finds himself smiling more often than not to the privilege of finally hearing you. the traveler always looks at him with an understanding smile when diluc slows down in their travels to listen to you. he lives for the moments when you talk to yourself or to someone else (a companion of your own, maybe? from your place beyond the stars?) because this is how he learns. your favorite food, your favorite nations, your favorite "characters" and more. he holds every morsel of information you unknowingly give close to his chest where all his affections and wishes hide. he likes to think that this way, he can be closer and better for you.
but he knows he's not the only one who hears you, and it is the traveler that is closest to you out of all them. even so, diluc harbors no ill will to the avatar you chose to see and travel the world through. you're so fond of the traveler, and how could he ever come to loathe anything graced by your love?
he knows how to play nice. it helps that most of your other chosen are people he can find himself enjoying the company of as well. diluc understands that as much as he wants to be the sole holder of your attention, the world does not function that way. he's willing to extend an olive branch so long as they can all work together to keep you present in teyvat. he can worry about his more aggressive competition later when they aren't at risk of being caught in such an unsightly state by you — all that matters to him, right now, is how to keep your gaze on him for just a little longer and keep you from leaving him again.
it's a daunting thing to be so close to your grace. you take diluc to lands he'd never thought he'd visit again, to ruins of civilizations long past, domains with unimaginable horrors and have him run, claymore and vision burning at his hip, into fight after fight at your command. it's tiring at best and painful at worst, but you always take care to heal him and his companions before leaving, and you always lead them somewhere safe to rest until teyvat brightens and you come again.
his current companions (his "supports", he inwardly preens) rest and talk amongst themselves once they feel your presence leave. it used to be something they, your chosen, would panic over, but now that they've gotten more used to you and all the signs that pointed that yes, this is your will, they've grown to be able to tolerate the harrowing chill that comes when your warmth leaves them. diluc leans back on his chair in front of good hunter to observe them. they're all people he's come to grow fond of in time: diona was prickly, yes, but ha become pleasant to be around once they grew past their misunderstandings. the young master of the feiyun commerce guild, xingqiu, was also a reliable companion both in and outside of battle, and for all his faults, venti has proven himself to be a devout believer, unwilling to be a burden to you or the party you've guided him towards.
under normal circumstances, he never would've met and forged such strong bonds with these people. if not for your own interference, he never would've bothered getting to know any of them at all. though he may have his own gripes and complaints at times of how their dynamic works when you're not around, diluc is still fond of them. he's grateful for the opportunity to grow close to people again, and traveling the world alongside them and the traveler has become one of the few things he's begun to look forward to outside of his duties as "diluc, master of dawn winery." when the day is done and he can sit and relax with them in the tables in front of good hunter, he can rest in the company of others who understand the near-maddening pull in his chest that draws him to try and get closer, closer, to you.
it's days like these where diluc quietly thanks whatever it is brought you to them, and prays that one day, he will no longer have to search through the traveler's eyes to see you.
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runefactorynonsense · 8 months
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Happy Valentines Day, 2024 ♥
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dootznbootz · 2 months
Water Wife Moodboard
(just pictures. I have too many shitposts that are Water Wife Coded in my arsenal lol)
@superkooku made a Pretty Moodboard of Penelope and sent it to me so I wanna try! :3 With my silly Water Wife!
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sashaforthewin · 2 years
When they heard the keys in the front door, both Steve and Eddie stood up from the floor where they had been listening to records.
Sure enough, in walked two adults whose facial features had undeniably been mixed together to create Steve Harrington. His dad, despite being in a casual suit, gave the sense that he was at a golf course business meeting, somehow. Eddie wasn't even sure he had known that was a thing before seeing Mr. Harrington, but now he was sure of it. He looked significantly less intimidating than Eddie had imagined.
Steve clearly got his eyes and his lips from his mom. She was pretty in a secretary way, Eddie decided. She seemed the more serious of the two, though she didn't seem mean, either, just preoccupied with handling things. She had the keys and had immediately started placing their suitcases into the front closet to keep them out of the entryway.
"Mom, dad, you're home!"
"Yes, but unfortunately I have to be in Detroit the day after tomorrow. Sorry, champ, I know we've been busy lately. How's school?"
Eddie glanced at Steve, who answered without hesitation.
"School is really good, I'm making good grades."
"Great! That's great, sweetie! Now, Stephen, who is your friend here?" Mrs. Harrington asked.
"Mom, dad, this is my friend Edward."
Eddie straightened his posture to better look like an Edward instead of an Eddie.
"Nice to meet you, Edward. Now you're not letting this little fashion bring your grades down, are you?" She asked, gesturing to his outfit.
Steve glanced at Eddie casually, but Eddie could tell he was internally screaming for him to play along, talk himself up, play the role, so he did.
"No ma'am! Straight A's."
"That is really excellent, Edward!" Mr. Harrington enthused. "I'm glad you can be a good influence on our boy. Say, it's getting kind of late, would you boys like to have a slumber party?"
"Yes, Mr. Harrington, I'd like that!"
"Great. Now make sure to call your parents. Steven, can you show Edward the way to your room so he can use the phone in there?"
Eddie had to take a very slow deep breath to keep from smiling or laughing.
His parents made them a pizza and gave them sodas and told them they could stay up until midnight as a treat.
Once they were safely locked away in Steve's room and heard his parents go off to bed, the two burst out laughing.
"Dude, how old do your parents think you are? How do they not remember you graduated?"
"Man, I don't know, they've treated me like I was fifteen since I WAS fifteen! And they didn't go to my graduation, I never mentioned it and they never noticed. They aren't bad parents, they're just really preoccupied with their own lives and forgetful about things that aren't work-related. I don't think it will ever occur to them to count how old I am by my birth year, if they actually remember it. It's fine, though. I'll milk it for a while and then move out maybe."
"I nearly lost it when you had to show me to your room," Eddie said, laughing as he opened the top dresser drawer and took out a pair of his own boxers to sleep in. Then he got out one of his own shirts from the second drawer and tossed one of Steve's to him. They brushed their teeth together in Steve's bathroom, each with their own toothbrushes that lived side by side in their holder. Once they were ready for sleep, Steve and Eddie climbed into bed on their usual sides and immediately moved to meet in the middle like they had done hundreds of times before.
"Nice room you've got here," Eddie jokingly commented.
"Idiot. Hey, I love you. Thanks for playing along for my parents."
"No problem, sweetheart. They aren't as scary as I imagined them."
"Yeah, no, they're just kinda dumb and self centered, but they have their own lives."
Eddie wanted to say that kids are supposed to be a big part of parents' lives, but he didn't want to point out to Steve what he was missing, he couldn't burst this bubble. He would just have to be here for Steve if that bubble ever popped and Steve realized the truth of how shitty they were. Instead, Eddie just pulled Steve in for a tight hug.
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