#please gently hold my precious precious sweet little bastard
mar-the-magician · 2 years
Healing And Explanations With a Sarcastic Tsundere Fae Healer
Seriously, a big, massive thank you to @glassbearclock because
So, ahem, anyway, here is the much anticipated second chapter! Part two of A Traveler's Tale.
Healing And Explanations With a Sarcastic Tsundere Fae Healer
“Hey. You. Up. Now.” I cracked an eyelid open. Ow— it was bright. Where was I? I definitely did not normally sleep in the middle of the day on a bed of grass, flowers and other plants. The same sarcastic, biting voice said
“Up. Off my flowers. Now.” I sat up, looking around for the source of the voice, remembering as I did— rumors, hiking, ankle got hurt. Eris. I reached up around my neck and felt the the pendant was still there. Well that was something. I turned my head and finally caught sight of the person who had been talking. I just barely contained a “holy shit” at the sight of her. She looked like something out of a painting. Pale skin, rosy cheeks, massive almond shaped eyes framed by long lashes, perfectly defined freckles— and she had long, pointy ears. The only thing not very picturesque about her was her expression, which seemed distinctly murderous. 
“What are you doing here, human?” She almost sneered. “You shouldn’t have even been able to get in these woods, let alone my clearing.” I stood up, (ankle— ouch) partially to be squashing as few of her flowers as possible, but also partially to be more on level with her. Wow she was tall.
“I don’t know what you mean about getting into the woods, there was a trail and I walked right in. As for the clearing, I didn’t find my way here. Some… apprentice guided me here.” Her eyes widened.
“Eris? Oh fuck, did he let you in the pathway?” I bristled.
“Hey, don’t blame Eris for this! He was just as surprised to find me here as you are. I got my ankle caught and hurt in some dead branches in a dried up creek bed, and he found me and helped the pain go away for a little while, and then said he would take me somewhere that I could get proper healing from somebody.” Realization dawned on me.
“Was that supposed to be you?” She smirked.
“Well don’t sound so surprised, human. Yes, I’m a healer. Eris is my apprentice, though I guess he probably already told you that.” I nodded.
“In not so many words, but I could’ve guessed.” ‘Though not because of any similarities in personality, that’s for sure,’ I thought. She sighed. 
“Well. Okay then. That explains what you’re doing in my clearing, though not in these woods.” I shrugged.
“I heard rumors about paranormal activity around here and wanted to check it out. Specifically I heard something about a ‘fae trickster’.” She scoffed.
“Oh don’t pull that on me, Eris and I are the only fae that frequent these woods and neither of us are tricksters.” I glared at her.
“I don’t know, I heard what I heard! Stop glaring bloody murder at me like you think I'm the one spreading the rumors or something,” I grumbled.
“Bloody mur—“ she sputtered, then took a deep breath.
“Okay. Whatever. Your ankle's pretty badly hurt, do you want me to heal it or not?” She muttered something under her breath that sounded like “you piece of shit” but I decided to let it pass.
“If you’re willing to do that, then yeah. That would be helpful.” She sighed and waved her hand, humming quietly under her breath. 
“What are you doing?” She frowned at me and didn’t answer, continuing to hum until the flowers, weeds, and grass parted like the Red Sea into a space big enough for me to lie down on.
“I’m not going to try to heal your foot while you’re standing up, I’m not going to let you do any more damage to my meadow than you already have, hence, magic. Now lie down. Or sit. I don’t really give a fuck, just get your foot off the ground so I can have a look.” I gladly obliged, sitting down with my legs stretched out in front of me. She knelt beside my ankle and blew out a breath.
“Yes, that’s pretty bad…” she looked up at me.
“Okay if I touch?” I nodded. She took a gentle hold on my ankle and slowly twisted it to the side. 
“Does that hurt?” I winced.
“A little bit,” I nodded. She carefully replaced it in it's original position and then gently turned it another way.
“Ow— ow, ow, ow—“ 
“Okay, okay, I get it. Shh, you’re… you’re gonna be okay, I can fix it.” I blinked back tears and mentally cursed myself. ‘Acting like a complete baby about a little pain in front of the prettiest girl you've ever seen. Great job, me!’
“I'm gonna start the healing magic now, and it might feel a little… different, but it won’t hurt. Okay?” 
Humming again. Suddenly a rush of warm, heady pleasure shot up my leg from my ankle and I gasped. She looked up. 
“All good? I can slow down, if you need me to,” I shook my head.
“No— you don’t have to— slow down—“ the closest thing I can liken the feeling of being healed to is a massage, but an extremely intense one. And at the same time, it was too strange to be quite like a massage. Warm and cool at the same time, tingling, and similar to the way I had felt when Eris had “healed” me as well. I tried to breath deeply, counting slowly in my head.
“There. You should let it rest and set for an hour, maybe, but then you can head back to wherever you came from.”
“Are you gonna want me to wait somewhere else and get out of your meadow?”
“Of course not!” She glowered at me. “You shouldn’t move or put any weight on it at all!” I held up my hands.
“Okay, okay! You know, your bedside manner could use some work,” I joked. She sputtered. “Usually gentle magical beings aren’t supposed to cuss, either,”
“Oh, racially stereotyping the fae! We love that!” 
“I'm just kidding!” I laughed. Her face actually got red when she got angry.
“You and Eris are the only fae I’ve ever met, it would be a bit hard for me to start stereotyping y’all just yet.”
“Oh trust me, I can tell we're the only fae you’ve ever met.” She sighed and shifted. “I still don’t understand how you got in these woods in the first place. There’s a distraction spell, a fucking good one, too. You don’t smell like magic, and you certainly aren’t a commander.” 
“First off, you can smell magic? Secondly, what is a commander?” She groaned. 
“Not exactly how I wanted to spend my afternoon, but whatever.” She held out her hand to me. “Before I explain a bunch of things that you probably shouldn’t know, let’s introduce ourselves, shall we? Oversharing is always better when it’s with someone that you know. My name is Hedera.” I introduced myself and took her hand. Soft fingers. Oh wow.
“Hm. Not a bad name. Now, to answer your questions, yes of course I can smell magic, I eat magic.”
“You eat magic??” 
“Yes! And you eat dead animal carcasses! Instead of arguing over who has the weirder way of consuming energy, do you want more answers? Good. That’s what I thought. A ‘commander’ is a human who can do magic without any aid. Some humans wouldn’t be able to do, say, what I just did for you, unless they had a diagram, or some magical reagents, or—“ 
“Do you ever run out of questions? Ugh. A reagent is a… a component for magic. Say, herbs, or a jewel, or a specific type of sugar or salt, or paper that’s intentionally made of rice, or whatever. Commanders don’t need those things, they just do magic like the fae do.”
“Well, I’ve never shown any ability in that area, but how would you know I’m not a commander?”
“They give off a magical signature. Every being that can directly connect to magical force does. But even if you weren’t a commander and were just using something other than natural command to reveal the distraction spell, you would still smell like magic. Which you don’t. Which is why I still think someone must have let you in.”
“Okay… makes sense… wait, y'all eat magic—“
“We’ve established this—“
“— So that’s what Eris must have meant when he talked about foraging!” She pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Honestly, I love the child, and I know it’s not true, but sometimes it feels like he couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. Yes, a foragers job is to seek out volunteers of legal age and capacity to consent to donate some of their magic for the consumption of fae who, for whatever reason, cannot currently feed from the fae realm.” She droned like she was reciting from something. “It grows back, as long as we don’t take too much, but that’s part of the reason why we always need foragers, to constantly be looking for new volunteers. So we don’t ever even risk taking just a little bit too much.” I nodded.
“I see. Why are you so mean to Eris?” She spluttered angrily.
“I'm not mean, he's my apprentice. I have to be a little tough on him sometimes.” 
“Hmm. Okay… next question, what are access points?” 
“You know, you’re taking this remarkably well for someone who clearly has no prior knowledge of the magical world.” She said suspiciously. I shrugged.
“I’ve always known there was something else out there, you know? I guess I went through a brief phase as like, a twelve-year-old, where I wanted to be a skeptic and a cynic and all that good shit, but by the time I was around thirteen I realized that that just wasn’t going to cut it when it was as obvious as could be that… we weren’t alone in this world. I mean, I’ve read and researched enough paranormal, cryptid shit that this is really just confirming what I’ve suspected for years.”
“Huh. Okay then. To answer your question, access points are… like gateways, I suppose, between your realm and the realm that Eris and I hail from. In order to get from one realm to another, you have to find an access point and enter it with intention. No-one just accidentally slips from one realm to another, that way. It’s a whole lot safer.” 
“Don’t tell the fantasy authors that,” I joked. She snorted.
“Sure. Not sure I quite get the reference, but whatever.” 
“How do you find an access point, then? What do they look like?”
“Well, access points are created when the energy from one realm, or one layer of a realm, touches the energy from another realm, or another layer of that realm. That’s really the only qualification. They can look like anything. So most people find them using finding spells, though Eris has taken to trying to detect the difference in the energy of an area instead. Which I think is very admirable of him, honestly. That’s nowhere near as easy.”
“Then why is he doing that?” I queried. She chuckled. Oh. Pretty laugh.
“Because he doesn’t know when to let well enough alone, the little shrimp.” That was the most affectionate I had heard her sound the entire conversation. 
As we continued talking she softened somewhat, though she was never what you’d call amicable. Eventually she looked up at the sky and raised her eyebrows.
“It’s uh. It’s been enough time, now.” She coughed. I looked at my watch.
“Oh, shit, it’s been three hours! …I guess we were both enjoying ourselves,” I tried, awkwardly. She scoffed. Did her cheeks get a little pinker or did I imagine it? 
“E-Enjoyed is a strong word, but… sure,” she waved her hand. “Whatever floats your boat.” she stood and held out her hand to help me up. My ankle was still sensitive, tender-feeling, but no immediate pain when I stood up. She nodded, looking at my ankle.
“No tangled pain, and your stance is balanced. That’s good. Go easy on it for a couple days. You shouldn’t be here after dark, so let’s hurry back.” 
“Why shouldn’t I be here after dark? I thought you and Eris were the only ones who frequented these woods?”
“The only fae. Now less talking, more walking.” So I stayed silent for the rest of the hike to the driveway. When we reached my car, she turned awkwardly. 
“Get— ah, get home safe, Traveler,”
“Both you and Eris called me that. Why?” 
“Maybe I’ll tell you some other time.” ‘Some other time?’
“Does that mean I’ll be seeing you again?” She started walking away.
And that concludes chapter two! Eris will pop up again in the next one, so I'm sure some of y'all are looking forward to that. Except for getting hit with writer's block for a while at the end there, this was really fun to write, and I'm going to enjoy exploring Hedera's character more! I hope you all enjoyed!!
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cevansbrat0007 · 7 months
Bad Days
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Summary: Ari helps you get through a particularly bad day...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Insecure Reader, Ari Being A Menace, Discussions of Poor Body Image, Body Insecurities, Name Calling, Mentions of Disordered Eating, Clothed Male Nude Female (CMNF), Oral Sex (Fem Rec Implied), Ass Slapping, Spanking (mentioned), Pet Names, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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“I don’t think I wanna do this.” You grumble as you walk into the living room. You lean down to hand your companion a glass of scotch, offering him a half smile when he gently takes it and places it on a nearby coffee table. “Seriously.”
Instead of responding, he simply pats his lap and waits. 
“Okay. How about we don’t need to do this?” You try again, hating how relaxed his big body seems while taking up way too much space on your couch. 
Ari shrugs then, catching his plump bottom lip between his perfect teeth and waits. He doesn’t speak. Doesn’t demand. Doesn’t boss. He just waits.
For you.
“It’s stupid.” Your voice comes out softer now, more delicate. “And it’s not like it's gonna change anything.” 
Your Bounty Hunter cocks his head to the side, one tawny brow raised as he patiently waits for you to continue cycling through your list of objections. 
“I just have bad days sometimes.” Hot tears prick the backs of your eyes. But even though you’re quick to blink them away, you’re not quite fast enough. 
Ari studies you for a moment, his piercing blue eyes making your nipples pebble beneath the thin material of your silk robe. It made it hard to remember that you were technically in trouble. Which meant that was was about to happen could technically be construed as a punishment. 
“Then why don’t you be my good little Bird and have a seat, hm?” Your man’s deep voice comes out thick and rough. And while you have a feeling that he wants to make you obey, you know he also wants you to come to him on your own.
“Can the robe stay on, maybe?” You ask, your freshly polished toes digging into the short, plush carpet. “What if I get cold? Or–”
“You won’t.” He softly interjects, widening his jean-covered thighs just a little. Because although you didn’t know this, he’d already made a couple quick adjustments to the thermostat just in case. The last thing your man wanted to do was make you uncomfortable – at least not like that.
And then he holds out his hand for your robe. You stand there glaring at him, the two of you engaged in a silent battle of wills. He wins, of course. But only because you have nothing to throw at him. 
Except for your goddamned robe, which the smug bastard manages to catch midair. 
Ari tosses it to the other side of the couch before returning his attention to you. He’s pleased when you take a tentative step toward him, followed by another. And then another. The next thing you know, you’re slowly easing your nude body onto his lap…
And into his waiting arms. 
Immediately he wraps them around you, drawing you closer to his hard, muscled body. It never fails to make you feel soft and feminine – even when your mind was busy screaming at you that you were anything but. 
Today you felt dumpy, fat, and unattractive. 
But then here was this handsome man, holding onto you as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him. It was enough to make you start crying all over again. Just like you had this earlier morning.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, swallowing the lump in your throat as you work to speak.
“I gotta be honest with you, baby.” Ari murmurs after a few minutes, his warm lips skimming over your brow. “I didn’t like what I heard come outta that pretty mouth this morning. Especially didn’t like it when you called yourself a pig.”
“Why?” You choke out a wet laugh. “Would you rather I have compared myself to some other barnyard animal?”
You’re rewarded for your snark with a sharp slap to your left flank, which suddenly has you burying your face in the crook of his neck. 
Oops. Guess that wasn’t the response he was looking for.
“No.” He grunts as you feel his fingers dig into the tender flesh of your thighs. You had no doubt that you’d be sporting a delicious set of fresh bruises on your skin by tomorrow morning. 
“Oh.” Whimpering softly, you wrap your arms around his neck as you try to ignore the way his possessive, proprietary touch makes your body flare to life.    
“I wanna know why you felt the need to make the comment at all. Regardless of whether you knew I was listening or not.”
And there was the rub. You hadn’t expected him to come during your meltdown, let alone actually hear you berating yourself to the degree that you had been. Had you known you’d had an audience you would’ve at least had the sense to lock yourself in the bathroom or something, but instead you’d just had to cry your heart out in the middle of your bedroom floor. 
You must’ve looked so pathetic to him in that moment.
“Stop.” Ari commands, the single word spoken like a heated caress against your ear. “Whatever mean thought you’re thinkin’, I’m tellin’ you to knock it off right now.”
“H–how?” Your question comes out muffled thanks to the fact that your face is still hidden in his neck. 
“You have a tendency to tense up whenever you’re being unkind to yourself, sweet girl.” He replies with a shrug before forcing you to pull away from him so that he can look into your eyes. 
“I–I do?” No one had ever thought to share that with you before.
“Yep. Sure do.” He pinches your nipple as his gaze briefly drops to your bare cunt. “As your man, it’s my job to notice these things. Even when all I wanna do is bury my fingers knuckle-deep inside that tight little pussy until you’re drippin' and speaking in tongues, this shit comes first.”
Your hips jerk of their own volition when Ari reaches down to tenderly cup your sensitive core, massaging your damp flesh. Instantly you feel your slick honey coating his palm, making your cheeks heat. 
It didn’t help that you always seemed to end up naked around this man while he stayed fully clothed. In the past you’d only read about that kind of power dynamic. But these days you were beginning to enjoy it. 
“So tell me what has my woman being so hard on herself today? Be honest, now.” He presses as his fingers go trail their way along your belly, an action that has you immediately sucking in your stomach.
“Can we please turn off the lights?” You ask, feeling somehow both shy and stubborn at the same time. “At least some of them?”
“No.” He hisses back, not to be outdone. “You’re too beautiful not to look at, Bird. I might as well be a moth drawn to your flame, that’s how much hope there is for me these days.” 
“But I hate my belly. It’s so…soft.” You tell him, finally willing to admit defeat. “And I pulled all these sweaters out of storage today – from my thinspiration pile – and they fit even worse than they did then when I first bought them.”   
Your Bounty Hunter stares down at you for a moment, his brow furrowed in confusion.
“Yeah.” You hiccup, appreciating when he offers you a sip of his scotch, even when it makes you cough. “It’s like when you buy a shirt or a dress – or in my case a bunch of sweaters – that are too small for you so you can use them as inspiration to…you know…finally drop the weight.”
“Oh, Jesus H. Fucking Christ.” He snarls under his breath before taking a deep pull of his drink. “That’s what all this was about?”
Sheepishly you nod, as if finally realizing just how ridiculous you sounded. But at the time all of it had made perfect sense. “I figured it might help keep me from eating…too much.”
“Sweetheart…” His deep voice rumbles low in his chest as he polishes off what’s left of his scotch. “Fuck those sweaters, fuck the jeans, and whatever the fuck else is in that stupid fucking thinspiration box, or bag, or whatever. I mean it.”
One of Ari’s big hands reaches out to take hold of your chin, making it damn near impossible to look away from him. 
“You and me are gonna get rid of that box.”
“But, Beast –” 
“No.” His grip tightens ever so slightly. “That’s not good for you, baby. It never was. And I don’t ever want to hear you disrespecting yourself like that again. I really don’t. Broke my fucking heart.” Ari leans in to brush his mouth over yours, his free hand taking every advantage to stroke and caress its way along your body. “And it really pissed me the fuck off.”
“I’m sorry.” You mumble as fresh tears spill over onto your cheeks. “I–I’ll try to work on it.”
“These curves of yours are a gift from God, you hear me?” He muses as kisses away a tear. “Or the Devil himself. Depends on who you’re asking I suppose. There’s nothing I love more than watching those hips sway in one of your pretty sundresses, or seeing that luscious ass bounce every time I spank it.”
“You do seem to have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself, Sir.” You respond playfully through a watery grin. 
“Mmhm. The only thing better is when you’re busy holdin’ me hostage.” Ari flips your positions so that he’s on top of you know, effectively pinning you against the couch so that he can grind his denim-covered erection against your damp folds. “Keepin’ me trapped as your love slave while I work my ass off to satisfy that greedy pussy long until we both pass out”
“Hey…” You pout, shivering when he nips at your bottom lip. He tugs it into his mouth, sucking hard before releasing it with a soft pop. “I thought you liked the job.” You press your hands against either side of his bearded face, pulling him down for a proper kiss. 
“Oh, I love the job. Gorgeous girl. Great pay, benefits.” He nuzzles a path of hot, wet kisses along the column of your throat, loving how it makes you giggle. “All the pussy I can eat.”
“Wow.” You breathe, torn somewhere between lust and humor. 
“But in all seriousness, Bird, the only thing I ever want is to see you happy. Keeping that box, holding on to whatever the fuck that was supposed be…” You press a finger to his lips, pausing him mid-sentence.   
“I don’t want to just throw them away. I mean, they’ve still got the tags on them and everything. But there is a women’s shelter in the next county. Do you think maybe we could..?”
Ari nods once, giving you a warm smile as he does. Knowing that you’d managed to please him has a fresh wave of slickness coating your already slippery thighs.
“As long as you agree to let me keep you naked and stuffed full of my cock for the rest of the weekend, we can do whatever the fuck you want.” He hitches one of your legs over his shoulder, dragging his tongue along the soft skin of your calf. “And since you seemed to listen so well, I suggest you lay back and relax, because, baby…”
“We both just earned ourselves a treat.”
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saerayofsunshine · 8 months
Tease me, baby
Summary: Gojo Satoru could be a complete tease, outside the bedroom and inside the bedroom. Sometimes, you played along with his antics, because why not? The reward would be sweet, or so he promised. But sometimes, it was just too much, leaving you hanging on the bridge of madness, leaving you with nothing but a flame of desire within you, a flame that only he could put out. Relationship: Gojo Satoru/Reader Rating: E Words: 2.6K Content Warning: consensual sex, edging, unprotected sex (don't be silly, protect the willie), breeding, orgasm denial (?), pet names (babygirl, baby, darling), fingering, etc. (let me know if I forgot something). Note: This is my first time writing smut, but I've caught up to the manga and man, I just had to do something with myself. This is pure porn with no plot at all, so ehe. Hopefully I haven't missed any typos or grammar. Reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated! On the other hand, writing this has been an experience because how the fuck do write people long smut? How do they put words together and make it sexy at the same time? Like damn.
cross-posted on ao3
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You had heard of the name Gojo Satoru way before the start of high school. How could you not? Every sorcerer had heard of that name at least once: the wielder of six eyes, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, the honored one... his name brought a sense of dread to his enemies while awakening feelings of admiration within his comrades.
You had heard plenty of him but didn't encounter him until the start of jujutsu high, where you had the unfortunate (or fortunate?) chance of being his precious kohai.
Up to that point, you had heard about how playful, annoying, and teasing Gojo Satoru could be, but it was only after meeting him that you realized how much of a playful, annoying, and teasing bastard he could really be.
It had all started in high school. You hadn't questioned his antics during that time, simply letting him touch you whenever the opportunity called for it. Whether that be a slight brush of your hands as you passed something to him, or him brushing something across your shoulders, afterwards playing with your hair as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
Remembering such memories never failed to bring a smile onto your face.
Gojo Satoru had always been a tease, during his youth and his adolescence. Normally, you played along his little games, more than eager to tease him back and make him crack.
What had started with innocent touches during your youth had turned into seducing prods, demanding more, wanting more, seeking more out of your body. You were all too eager to deliver, but sometimes, sometimes, even you couldn’t keep up with his enthusiasm.
You loved the feel of his large hands groping your tits, squeezing, pulling, brushing against your hard nipples, before teasing them with that wicked tongue of his; loved to feel his digits on your clit, gently caressing and petting the little bud nonstop, as if he wasn’t preparing to make you scream afterwards. With a soft growl of his, he would reassure you every time you cried out for him, desperately asking him to just put it in, please, and you loved it even more when he delivered, his long fingers finally sliding home within your pussy, fingering the shit out of you and granting you that sweet release you had been longing from him.
You loved him and his little game of teasing, but sometimes, you hated him for this exact reason.
You hated him for making you crave him so much, for putting you through hell, just to get a taste of his fingers, his mouth, his cock. Anything he was willing to give, you would gladly accept.
It didn’t matter whether it was his fingers, his mouth or his cock, he would patiently wait, he would listen, as if you weren’t trashing within his hold, moaning, practically crying his name with every breath. “Satoru, ah, Satoru… please.”
Satoru was too good at ignoring his own desire, his cock practically leaking, begging to be touched, but he wouldn’t have it. Without you saying the words, at least. He adored the expression on your face whenever you felt desperate, the breathless sighs leaving your parted lips, along your twitching thighs that rose into his hand, sucking and clenching around his fingers, and the filthy sound your cunt made with every push and pull… it was all too addicting.
Even if he tried, Satoru couldn’t, wouldn’t stop, no matter how much you begged for mercy.
“Relax, I got you,” he murmured, leaning over your sweaty body, kissing you on the lips, effectively cutting of the moans. Their tongue danced around each other, moaning against each other’s mouth as Satoru massaged your right tit as his other hand maintained a fast pace within your poor cunt, feeling it twitch with every push and pull, brushing against that spot that had you gush against his digits. Desperate for more, you ache more into his palm, in hopes of him acknowledging your neglected clit.
Though, you knew that he wouldn’t show you any mercy, that bastard. The pleasure was just too much.
Sometimes, he was too much for you.
You wouldn't have it any other way.
Kissing your red cheeks and trailing kisses across your neck, Satoru kept the fast pace of his fingers, curling his fingers slightly up, brushing against that spongy spot once again, leaving you a moaning, twitching mess beneath him.
Hands grasping his hair, you held on tightly as he left soft pecks across your neck and shoulder blades.
“Ssh, it’s okay babygirl.” He chuckled at the whine that escaped you when he pulled his fingers out, switching his attention to the swollen bud, gently petting your clit before slapping it, before gently petting it once again. He stuffed you full of his fingers once again, continuing his fast pace within you. “Just take it like this. I know you can.”
Cocky little bastard. How can he be this collected when you felt his cock twitch against your thigh whenever you grinded on him? It was hard, tip swollen an angry red and leaking precum from all the grinding, but here he was, acting as if this wasn’t affecting him in the slightest, as if he wasn’t yearning to be inside you.
A long sigh left your lips as you clenched on his fingers that were assaulting your drenched pussy, blushing at the wet sounds it created. It would have been embarrassing any other day, the way you were soaking his palm, but today, you couldn’t care any less.
“Fuck… please, please give it to me.”
He growled underneath his breath, a crazed look on his face, smirking as he witnessed you desperately trashing within his hold. “Just tell me what you want, and I will give it to you,” he promised, placing loving kisses against your reddened cheeks. “You just have to say what you want, darling. Use your words. You can do that much, right? I haven’t fucked you dumb, right?” He asked, slowly pulling his fingers out to gently massage your clit, slapping it occasionally, chuckling as moans left your mouth. “What do you want me to do? Tell me what you want, I’m not a mind reader, baby.”
“Satoru…” you drawled out, meeting each other’s gaze. Satoru didn’t look away from you, daring you to back out, to not voice out your wants. You bit your lip, the uncomfortable ache within you making it unable to stand still. “Please, make me come. I want to come so badly. Please.”
That was all he needed to hear. If there was something that Satoru loved, it was you desperately begging him to make you come. He was sure, this feeling would never leave him; there would never be a day where Satoru didn’t want to hear you cry out of pleasure, begging for him.
You were his needy little girl, all spread open, wet, twitching and ready just for him.
Satoru loved to see you desperate, desperate for a kiss, desperate for his fingers, desperate for his cock.
He loved teasing you, making you beg, wrecking you, before starting the process all over again.
"There you go. Was that so hard to admit?" His cockiness and the smug smile on his face would have annoyed you any other day, but today, you let it slide, focusing on the way he played with your clit, prepping you up for what was about to come. "You know I will give it to you. All you have do is be a good girl and ask."
Placing a hand on your stomach, Satoru began his unforgiving assault with his other hand, and fuck, if it wasn’t what you needed. His fingers expertly bully your cunt, pulling and pushing, brushing over your sensitive spots within you, and you trashed, and trashed, and trashed. His hand on your stomach held you down, and you could do nothing but shake like a leaf underneath his demonstrations.
He leaned over you body when you grasped his shoulder, scratching his back as you bucked against his hand, and fuck, was it fucking hot. Quiet murmurs of his name and repeated, dragged ‘yes’ were the only thing that left your lips, encouraging Satoru to give you more, more and more.
“C’mon baby, you’re close, aren’t you?” Tugging at your aching bud, he massaged it quickly, up and down, left and right, before repeating the process, bright eyes never leaving your teary gaze. “Come on my fingers, baby. Give it to me.”
“Fuck-Satoru… I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come!”
You felt as if you were spiraling, finally having found the exit of a labyrinth. You could practically feel the edge, just a little more, and you were sure you would tip over.
That would be the case, if it wasn’t for Satoru pulling out of your pussy after hearing those words, grasping your thighs as you struggled against hold, having been left an empty, unsatisfied, and twitching mess.
"You piece of fucking shi-"
His lips met yours, interrupting the string of profanities, smiling against your mouth and grinding his hips against yours, cock laying heavy against your pussy, its wetness spreading across his length. “I’m sorry, baby. Need you to come on my cock instead, missed you so damn much,” he growled, adjusting himself between your spread legs, his knees placed against your tights, gazing at the sinful treasure presented in front of him.
Messy hair, swollen and puffy lips due to all the kissing, sweat covering every inch of your body, it was a view to behold, and it was all his to defile.
Adjusting himself so that the tip of his length grazed your sensitive clit, he teased you by tracing his tip over your bud and netherlips, brushing back and forth, occasionally tapping the swollen button, ignoring and shushing the little whines that escaped you. “Hold on tight, baby. You not going anywhere without coming on my cock.”
You had plenty of sex with Satoru, he was practically insatiable. Though, no matter how many times you had intercourse, it never lost its magic, each time different than the other, but always leaving you satisfied, sated, and with a delicious ache between your legs.  
Even now, prepped and dripping, he was big enough to make you breath hitch as he pressed into you inch by inch, gauging your reaction, observing whether it was okay to continue. You both groaned as his cock slid home, feeling him twitch inside you, deliciously dragging his length within your cunt.
You bit your lip. He filled you up too good, and you could do nothing but tighten around him.
Satoru’s thumb brushed against your lower lip, releasing it from your bite before lovingly caressing your face. You would have thought the gesture as romantic and sweet, if it weren’t for the fact that he was balls deep and rock hard within you. Stroking your chest, playing with your nipples, he playfully swirled his hips against yours, smirking as you rotated your own hips as well, before settling his hands on your waits, experimentally thrusting his cock into you.
"Don't try to stifle your moans. I want to hear you scream my name."
Satoru knew how to work his fingers against you, inside you; whether to be slow, teasing you with the barest of touches or firm, so that his digits could prod just the right places that had you groaning, and he definitely knew how to work his hips against your own, fervently pounding himself inside without abandon, clutching onto your waist, as if it was the only thing grounding him down to earth, and you could do nothing but cry out and take it, take it, take it.
Satoru was a beautiful man, always has been, but at that moment, above and inside you, he looked ethereal. With his white hair tousled, covering his beautiful eyes, gazing down at you, admiring the way your pussy clenched onto him as he repeatedly pounded in you, you were reminded of a starved beast, a predator ready to devour his little prey that laid baren in front of him.
You wouldn't have it any other way.
"You like that, baby?" He punctuated his words with a swirl of his hips that had you moaning loudly, his cock dragging across your walls beautifully, scratching that itch within you. "You look so fucking hot," he growled, before thrusting hard, admiring the way your breast bounce with every thrust. "You gonna make me come so hard, you would like that, wouldn't you? Want me to come inside you, fill up your empty pussy, baby?"
You bite your lip, gripping his wrist desperately, clenching and unclenching uncontrollably as his assault continued, anchoring yourself against his hand. Just the image of him coming inside you had you frenzied, so much so that you could only moan out loudly, holding onto him:
"Yes, fuck, please, yes. I want it so bad. Please, come inside of me, Satoru!"
Groaning at those words, he pounded away into you, and with every drag, you tightened around him, feeling him twitch, feeling as if you were ready to burst, but desperately trying to hold back your fast approaching orgasm. He was so close, you could feel it, and you wanted to feel him become undone within you, with you, filling your pussy up as you finally let go. Clutching his haunches, you rhythmically met his thrust, wordlessly encouraging him to fuck you faster, harder.
Gradually, his controlled thrusts turned sloppy, a telltale sign of his approaching orgasm. You grasped his shoulder, making him bent down so that you could mutter against his lips ‘Come with me, Satoru,’ before kissing him, tongues dancing and hips bucking wildly against each other as you hold onto him tightly.
Satoru knew how to wind you up, whether that be with his teasing antics or without, but the outcome always had you reeling, spasming mess against him, desperate to catch your breath as you finally let go of the tight coil within you. Satoru, on the other hand, wouldn’t let up, fucking you through your orgasm as he too finally tipped over the edge, groaning uncontrollably and grinding against your clit, fucking his load into you. The feeling of it had you smiling against his mouth, content and sated for the time being, and you absentmindedly massaged his neck, tugging at his hair as Satoru finished within you, thrusting slowly against you for the last time before stilling within you.
Without a hurry in the world, he kissed you, gently and sweetly, trailing pecks all over your cheeks and jaw, before ultimately placing a short peck on your lips once last time.
And with that, he straightened his posture, slowly pulling out of you with a breathless sigh, smirking in perverse satisfaction as cum drippled down your slit. The view had him throbbing uncomfortably. Therefore, he nudged your sensitive clit with his cock, toying with it, all the while ignoring the high-pitched whines of protest, leisurely smearing your wetness across your inner thighs, before carefully sliding his tip into you once again, groaning as he did so.
You haven't known how much of a tease Gojo Satoru could be, but with time, you had learned that his playful nature was, in fact, very much present during bedroom activities. You could say that you hated him for it, but the promise of sweet release after an endless amount of teasing always had you aroused, and Satoru was someone who kept his promise.
And till now, he always made good of his promises, so that at the end of the day, you let him have his victory price.
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
Okay here me out please....So reader leaves their beloved baby with their father Muzan for the night, because he said he can handle it....he can't the baby is everywhere, he can't take his eyes off of them for a minute without her just vanishing to somewhere else. Eventually baby get's of the infinity castle and finds herself being coddled by Yoriichi and Muzan is just.....`he's panicking and like he don't know what to do, so like eventually he has to fess up to reader that he fucked up and she has to go get the baby and she and yorrichi lightly have a conversation (roast session) about muzan and responsibility
I know this is a bit strange but please I just think it would be funny
Oh? Okay, okay! I’ll try my best with this and hey, we get to see Yoriichi again! I missed Yoriichi so thank you dearly for giving us the angel back! The angel and demon
If you don’t mind, I’ll name the kid myself since haven’t been given a name
Kibutsuji Muzan- Wondering Child
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“Muzan, my love. All you need to do is watch Kuragari” You gently remark with a soft voice and a understanding tint, offering the newborn Kuragari to your husband as his blood reds scanned over both you and the cooing baby. Muzan scoffed under his breath at the rather easy task you given him, watch his own biological infant. He could do it blindfolded and with one arm tied to his back
The moment you walked out of the room, Muzan immediately plopped the blood red-eyed baby into his cute little playcrib as he sat down, right before Kuragari in his playarea, to pick up a nearby abandoned novel to skim through the hefty pages and pinpoint the chapter he was at. He took his eyes of the boy for only a minute or so when he realised the lack of cooing and giggling was concerning, looking up. His heart drooped in concern
He’s gone? He’s gone?! Where did he go?! He’s a baby! How is he gone already?!
Muzan almost panicked as he shot up from his comfortable plush arm chair and frantically checked every nook and cranny of the spacious room for Kuragari with some… or more, all furniture thrown at the walls along the way, no success further alarmed him. How is a few months year old already more fidgety and energetic than a bumbling four year old
Muzan ended up almost destroying the entire Infinity Castle in search for a single small demon. He truly had no clue where that bouncing newborn could be and the only reason he had a decent clue was because a number of trees leading down a specific dirt path, once transported out of the Infinity Castle, had the same fang-like bite marks in them. As if a baby animal was teething on the trunks
The King of Demons couldn’t be anymore thankful that time itself had given him a shred of mercy and averted the sky to pitch black so the glowing moon would shower cool moonlight down on his dead white complexion. His slight relief was cut short when he finally found the source of sudden familiar giggling, he knew that voice belonged to his son so he followed it
And what he saw terrified him as he definitely had his hands too tied to be able to take action
That… that bastard, Tsugikuni Yoriichi holding his precious baby boy in his lap as Kuragari happily rose his cute tiny hands up to touch Yoriichi’s much bigger, calloused palms. The monstrous human had a very shocked expression on his face as his plum reds looked ready to swell up in tears, his heart touched by the Prince of Demons being so sweet and playful, despite being the enemy
Muzan knew very well he couldn’t intervene at all as the last time he hardly butted heads with that Yoriichi. He only got away with one single strand of his entire being left, it was far too close for his comfort though, he knew he also needed to get his beloved Kuragari back. The only solution that came to his head was you, the boy’s mother
You were a human, just like Yorichi. You could get the boy back, no problem. Unlike Muzan himself
Cemented on his meticulous plan to get his baby back from the monster, Muzan rushed back to the Infinity Castle at his top speed and seemingly arrived in the same room you stood before, just in the nick of time to greet you. “Greetings, my love. Where’s Kuragari?” You ask softly and almost immediately, out of concern as Muzan flinches guilty, sighing out to try relieve him of the stress. He should just tell you, no need to lie or gaslight you into believing such nonsense
“You know that beast, Tsugikuni. He has stolen our son. I only took my eyes off him for a minute, if not two and he was gone, I luckily tracked him down by the teeth marks on trees but I cannot get him back, you know” You sighed displeased, part of you knew this simple task would end in absolute disaster but since you loved the clueless demons, you just flashed a sweet, gentle smile and took his hand encouragingly
“Let’s go find our Kuragari then, my dear”
Laughing joyfully with your precious Kuragari sat on your lap, fiddling and pulling on the lengthy ends of your haori to entertain himself and satisfy his curiosity. You were perched on the open wooden edge-skirt of the homely Minka belonging to the one and only swordsman that ruled the battlefield with a platinum fist, Yoriichi himself. The same Yoriichi who apparently ‘stole’ your son but you got the actual picture from Yoriichi and it made you realise your husband is no where near competent with childcare
“I found this one crawling around my backyard. I don’t know how he got there but he seemed to have travelled miles and was hungry, he kept biting at everything” Every word that human man said felt very genuine and you weren’t ever gonna try deny that him and his statements were
His explanation of the situation made much more sense than what Muzan proclaimed happened, such a weird one nevertheless. Yoriichi didn’t even know your son existed in the first place, why would he go after him?
Needless to say… you and Yoriichi spent almost a hour trading innocent insults at Muzan and his so-called parenting style. You didn’t really hate your husband, he actually tried and took responsibility by telling you about losing him but he should always be watching Kuragari, the newborn should never left alone not had eyes taken off him for even a minute and somebody like Yorichi, who lost his soon-to-be-born child to a demon, knows that
You have learnt to never entrust Kuragari to Muzan, you will just have to go to Yoriichi instead
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mirikitakato · 22 days
[Translation] Shylock SR Card Story: What is he intoxicated with.
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Man, I like this event alot.
Event: Reflections of the Moon in the Teardrops of Pavone Characters: Shylock, Bradley
Episode 1
Bradley: What luck, I returned to the bar after flyin’! Give me a strong drink.
Shylock: As you wish. Oh, what is that herb you're holding in your hand? You've found something rare.
Bradley: Heh, isn't it great? I picked it up on the fly. That's right. While you’re at it, whip up some snacks with this too, yeah? When ya use this in meat dishes, it gives off a fragrance like baked apples and enhances the flavor of the ingredients. I'll sneak some meat from the kitchen.
Shylock: You bad man. But it sounds like fun and thrilling to sneak into the kitchen and avoid Nero's eyes.
Bradley: Right? So, let's get started right away...
Shylock: But I'm afraid I must decline. I have decided to use this herb for herbal wine, not meat dishes.
Bradley: Wine? Meat is what ya should use this herb for.
Shylock: No, for me, the most beautiful way to showcase this herb is through alcohol. Under the soft caress of moonlight, countless nights are spent gently roasting herbs by the flickering flame of a match, their essence coaxed out and infused into my favorite wine...
Episode 2
Shylock: A refreshing clarity like morning dew, and a deep, lingering taste like a sweet rendezvous with an unforgettable lady. As I indulge in the sweet and mellow taste that moistens my throat, before I know it, the glass is empty. Left alone with the empty glass, the one who has learned of that sweet taste cannot help but crave it just one more time. As if trapped in the whirlpool of a tide.
Bradley: Ha! So ya can't escape that trap either.
Shylock: Yes. I’m sure that if I turn it into wine, I can make you even happier… Because of that, I can't bear to use such precious herbs for anything else, as a bar owner.
Bradley: I see. That's a story worth listening to. But what if I still told you to use it for meat? I'm in the mood for a hearty meal right now.
Shylock: Then I'll have to close the bar.
Bradley: …Ahaha! You're a stubborn bastard too, ya know? But you’re right. Only those who appreciate your aesthetic should come to this place. ….Take it.
Shylock: Oh, are you sure you want to give this herb to me?
Bradley: Yeah. Your story has filled me up. Instead, I'm hankering for a sip of your best hooch, even if it takes forever. This herb should cover the cost, alright?
Shylock: Of course. I'll make you a delicious herbal wine. Please wait for that day with anticipation.
Card Episode: About the Herb
Akira: Shylock, why did you invite me to the bar today?
Shylock: I made herbal wine using the rare herb that Bradley gave me. I also made a non-alcoholic version, so if you like, I'd be honored if you would try it, Sir Sage.
Akira: Wow...Thank you! I'm looking forward to trying this rare drink! Oh, by the way, the other day, Bradley treated me to herb-sautéed meat. He said it was a rare herb, but could it be the same one?
Shylock: Oh, do you remember the flavor of that herb?
Akira: Yes. It had a sweet, apple-like aroma and was delicious. I felt like I could eat it forever if I cooked meat with that herb!
Shylock: I see...so that’s what happened.
Shylock: ….Hehe. That means he didn’t give me all, huh? Such an unreadable man.
Akira: Huh? What do you mean?
Shylock: Oh, I'm just mumbling about what you told me. ...Well then, Sir Sage. Here is the drink made with the herb you mentioned. I will bring you an experience that rivals the herb sauté.
Home Screen Voice: Oh, there's a scratch on the bar shelf... It seems Murr has gnawed on it. Perhaps he learned that there is a jar of delicious nuts back there. I'll give him a little bit as a snack tonight.
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slifarianhawk · 1 year
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Chapter 22: Beg for me (smut)
We returned to my room and Albert gently set me on my bed. his strong arms draped over my shoulders. his cologne fills my nostrils as I felt his breath against my neck.
"My dear lotus, I must admit I missed you and your perfect body." Wesker purred in my ear, "Do not worry my dear. I don't blame you for what that rotten bastard did to you, my perfect queen. Nor do I find you any less divine. I made sure that bastard got what he deserved. No one hurts my dear lotus and lives."
My heart skipped a beat. He was trying to seduce me. Gods I forgot how much of a smooth talker he was. His voice sent shivers down my spine. He pulled me into his chest and moved the collar of my shirt over biting me on the sweet spot of my neck. Just as in my dream, he remembered where the sweet spot on my neck was.
"Mmmm but Albert we haven't been with each other for years. Are you sure about this?" I asked him, biting my lip and stifling my moan.
"My precious lotus all the years apart just made me crave your scent and touch even more. I am sure about this, as sure as I am that Uroboros will change everything for us," he said shoving his hand into my panties and began flicking my clit with two of his gloved fingers.
I gasped at his motions "Albert, please mmmm! Let's think about this."
Dipping his fingers straight into my damp pussy he chuckled darkly, "now my darling Lotus do not deny what your body is telling you to do go on. Beg for me like you used to. Beg for me to spread and torture your little cunt. Admit you want me to fuck you to thoughtlessness. Tell me who your heart belongs to my dearest."
He started to curl his fingers coaxing the G-spot. As he had his fingers deep inside my folds, he pulled his glove off of his other hand with his teeth. With a crooked smile, he lifted off my shirt exposing my pale heavy chest. With his disrobed hand, he grabbed my supple breast and squeezed it.
I let out a loud moan, "A-Albert ahh gods, mmmm mmm," with a whimper I shivered out the one word he wanted to hear, "please."
"Oh, what is this? Did you say something my dearheart?" his smirk grew into a lustful smile, "I could not quite hear you, little lotus."
"Please Albert, my husband please, please, please Captain Wesker," I uttered.
It was barely even noticeable but I felt Albert tense up behind me. There was a deep growl from his chest. The next thing I knew, my face was on the mattress, and my pants along with my underwear lived gone. Soon another gloved finger joined the other two that were massaging my G-spot and started to pump in and out of my pussy.
He rolled me over and started to devour my snatch. A mix of growls and a strange purr-like sound filled the air. His skilled tongue quickly lapped at my clit and dove deep into my cunt. While his fingers milked the tangy nectar from my slit.
"You are cumming quite a bit my dirty lotus. I can tell how badly you missed my cock. My dear lotus, I am going to fill you to the brim and make you scream my name." he said pulling his face from my slit," come here dearheart, come to your captain.
I sat up quickly and kisses him on the lips our tongues tangling with each other as I cleaned my slick off his tongue. I was barely able to breathe from the passion of the kiss. when we separated I was panting.
"Albert, my kingly God please Fuck me. Help me erase all the disgusting memories of Sergei." I pleaded to stare into his smoldering orange eyes.
He shoved me onto my pillows and pinned my wrists to my headboard. His glowing eyes stared into mine. It was so intense, the synergy between our heated gaze made me melt.
I was lost deep in the fire of Albert's eyes, "my God, don't hold back on your worshipping wife."
I felt a sharp sting on my face, "my goddess is what you are. Never under-evaluate yourself in my presence," he said in a domineering voice while rubbing where he had slapped.
It pp Io
I looked up at him and noticed he was only missing his coat, gun harness, and a single glove.  This left me with a naughty idea.
"Albert, my God, please show me how refined and sophisticated your body is," I pleaded from underneath him.
I hear the purr come from his chest as he rends his shirt from his torso, revealing a well-chiseled body. His pecks are nice and firm. His abs were a washboard six pack truly what you would expect of one who calls himself a god.  He slid down his pant and silken boxers to reveal his strong eight-inch cock standing at attention.
Albert put on his signature crooked smile, "Like what you see my lotus?"
I quickly nodded as he placed his hand on my neck and tightened his grip. the lack of air heightened my sense as he lined his massive cock up with my slit.
"I am going to make you feel so good my dear lotus,  I will make you cum like you never have before!" Albert shouted as he quickly chomped down on my neck and slammed into my pussy.
I gasped as Wesker slammed into my pussy hitting my cervix. His speed was staggering. All my nerves were being stimulated as Wesk pounded deeper and harder.
I ground my body against him. My heavy tits into his abdomen. With a quick reaction, I wrapped my legs around his perfect ass and sank my claws into his back.
His pace kept increasing in intensity. The pleasure was intoxicating. My pussy spasmed in ecstasy.
"mmm, my dear lotus your cunt is so tight it's just as I remember it. I could keep you tied up like this, thirsting for me with no completion if you would like?" Albert said smugly.
"PLEASE NO FUCK ME TILL I CUM PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU, MY LOVE!!!" I shouted not caring who heard.
My head was tingling and my vision was blurry from the bliss Albert was providing me. He reached down and started to massage my clit with three fingers as he was thrusting faster and harder.
He whispered in my ear, "Cum for me my lotus, I want you to come undone for me. Let me judge how much you love me!"
I pushed Wesk onto his back and started to ride on his incredible cock. Clamping my pussy down on it felt like Eden. It was just me and him entangled in pure unadulterated paradise. Not long after I felt the coil in my stomach snap. The pressure was released and I squirted all over Albert's dick and abs.
"Good little lotus! Let me reward you, you will be so full Excella would be beyond jealous," he said nipping the shell of my ear and flipping me back underneath him.
His pace became rough and a constant slamming into my cervix. I threw my head back in awe. I was losing it. His dick was hitting each nerve ending.
"Albert! My god! Please cum inside me!" I shouted.
"As you wish my dear lotus," he smirked leaning down to kiss me as his pace hastened. Within minutes Albert came deep inside. Cum all over my insides.
Wesker pulled out and laid out next to me. His semen dripped from my cunt.
"I love you, Albert Wesker."
"And I love you my dearest sweetest most pure lotus. Now rest I have some work I must attend to; however, I will stay till you fall asleep my dear."
And he did just that. His arms stayed wrapped around me and he purred sweet nothings into my ears. Within minutes, I fell asleep.
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momobani · 2 years
What’s *really* wrong with Secretary Kim? - chapter 5 (final)
Secretary!Mingyu x fem!reader / 3.6k
Sum: your happy ending.  
chapter warnings: fluff, smut, sub!mingyu x softdom!femreader, oral (male receiving), edging, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (be safe!)
A/N: it’s the last chapter, it’s been a blast writing this, this fic really does feel like my magnum opus (magnus opum as Mingyu would say), I hope you like it! I’m working on some stuff so stay tuned! 
If you have any thoughts on this, then feel free to use my inbox, I’m new at this so idk if I’m even doing it right lol, enjoy!
Taglist: @lavendersvt , @fav9yu
Chapter 5
It wasn’t until noon that Mingyu made an appearance in your kitchen. You’d been sitting on your couch, attempting to read a book but had been uncomfortably on edge, anticipating Mingyu coming down at any moment. You stayed there two hours, words floating in front of you, hieroglyphics that you had zero interest in. You heard his quiet shuffling down the stairs and took a deep breath.
He appeared, utterly dishevelled in last night’s clothes, hair fluffy and sticking up cutely. He seemed dazed and a little confused to find himself in your house, walking in as if he was walking into Narnia for the first time. Except there was no Mr Tumnus to greet him, but his tense boss sitting on the couch, staring at him.
“How did I get here?” He croaked.
“Seokmin dropped you off.” Mingyu muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like ‘that bastard’. You patted the seat next to you. “C’mere. Did you drink the water and painkillers?” He nodded and sat next to you, unsure how to face you. “Good boy. How’re you feeling?”
“Honestly, I’ve been worse.” He said quietly, fidgeting under your gaze. Seeing him this soft and vulnerable made your heart contract. You’d tried to recall another time when you’d felt like this; suddenly wanting to pull him into a hug, hold him close and pat his head, stroking his hair. But you came up short; you hadn’t let your feelings crystallise like you had now.
“Mingyu, we need to talk.” You kept your tone low and gentle so as not to frighten him. Classic Mingyu freaked out anyway. His head whipped towards you, alarmed and eyes shaking.
“No, please don’t quit! I know you’ve been stressed but didn’t your vacation help? If it didn’t I’ll clear your schedule and give some of your meetings to Mr Yoon. He has a lot more time on his hands than he lets on but he doesn’t bring it up ‘cause he doesn’t want to work over time like you do-” he stopped when he saw your face. You were tearing up as you watched him babble desperately. “No! Don’t cry, Bo-”
“I love you, Mango.” You sniffled, unable to keep it together anymore. You’d thought about it for the better part of the night, trying to figure your feelings out and what you wanted to do next, both with Mingyu and with your job. The time off had made you strangely serene and had given you time to relax enough to make proper, thought out decisions. You knew what your heart was saying and the rest came easily.
You thought Mingyu.exe stopped functioning. He was stuck, a still image on your couch, silent and barely breathing. You waved a hand in front of his face. “‘Gyu?” He finally blinked, at least.
“Am I still asleep?” He murmured to himself, brows furrowing pensively. You burst out laughing at his adorableness.
“Honey, you’re awake.” You assured him, taking one of his hands in both of yours and squeezing it gently. He was finally starting to get with the programme.
“You love me?” He asked, making big puppy eyes at you. How could it not melt your heart? You nodded.
“I do, so much.” you shuffled closer to him and adjusted yourself so you’re eye level with him. “You’re so sweet-” you reached to kiss his cheek. “Caring,” you kissed his other cheek. “So lovely,” kiss. “Kind,” kiss. “And so precious.” You finally pecked his lips, drawing back to see a light pink blush pepper his cheeks where you’d kissed him. A shy smile was blooming across his face, he hummed quietly. Then:
“I love you too.”
You felt a huge smile appear on your face as you tackled Mingyu into a hug, ignoring how his shirt reeked of alcohol for a moment, before reaching to kiss him again. This time he reciprocated enthusiastically following your lead. You didn’t care about the smell of his shirt but he tasted of day old alcohol and despair so you pulled away quickly.
“Baby, I love you but I can’t kiss you with that mouth.”
“Sorry,” he pursed his lips guiltily. You smiled at his cuteness and let your fingers wander to the buttons of his shirt and started popping each one. Mingyu gulped. “What a-are you doing?” He asked but made no objection. You popped the last one and looked at him.
“Putting your shirt in the laundry, now go take a damn shower, ‘Gyu.” You kissed his nose and prodded him away.
You stood alone in the laundry room, reflecting on everything as the machine clattered on; you’d put a bunch of things in with Mingyu’s shirt to economise as he took a shower. One part was done, but you still had to deal with all the work stuff - you hadn’t told Mingyu about your plans yet. You thought it would completely overwhelm him, so you didn’t.
It had been Friday night during your talk with Jeonghan that you’d sort of made the decision, pitching the idea to him to see if he was okay with it too. After all, it would affect him too eventually. He’d taken it surprisingly well, agreeing with the pros and cons and hypothetical scenarios that you listed to him. The whole conversation was a huge weight off your chest, finally feeling like a breakthrough for you.
You went to the sun room to hang out as you waited for Mingyu to finish.
Not five minutes later he reappeared, same jeans on and shirtless with a towel in hand as he dried his hair half-heartedly. Despite the towel in his possession, there were still some stray water droplets making their way over his shoulders and torso. Your eyes were glued to them, watching their progress as they rolled lower and lower…
“Are you checkin’ me out  right now, Boss?” Mingyu asked teasingly, not missing an opportunity to flex the arm that was holding the towel as he caught you practically drooling over him. Maybe you had made him cocky after all, or he’s always been and waiting for the opportunity to let it shine. You narrowed your eyes and cocked up an eyebrow.
“Got a problem with that, honey?” You purred and stood up. In a heartbeat, Mingyu was tongue-tied, clutching the towel in front of him, wide-eyed as he watched you approach him. “I thought you liked the attention; didn’t you like it when I took pictures of you? And look at you now, trying to flex your big muscles for me.”
“I like it when you look at me.” He mumbled, cockiness gone in an instant. “I like it when you touch me too.” He added shyly. You cornered him against the wall, bringing your hands to rest on his hips.
The tall man in front of you shivered at your touch.
“Like this?” You trailed one hand up his torso, fingertips brushing against his body lightly, causing a wave of goosebumps to appear across his smooth skin. You leaned in to kiss him gently, keeping your hand between you as it found its way to one of his pecs, rolling over one hard nipple. Mingyu hummed into your mouth, body heating up.
“Hm, you like that, baby?” You whispered against his lips, free hand holding the back of his head towards you, playing with the short hair at the back of his neck.
“Y-yeah,” he breathed out, eyes half-closed as he looked at you. You smirked at how affected he was; you hadn’t even started playing properly yet.
“You’re so cute,” you trailed your thumb over his lips as you admired how beautiful he was like this, already half gone without you even doing anything. “Do you want more, darling?” You inquired, already pretty certain what the answer was going to be. He nodded vigorously.
“Yes, please.”
“Such a polite boy, too.” You remarked as you led him to the storage bench love seat. You made him sit down as you stood in front of him. You decided to tug off the oversized t-shirt you were wearing to reveal your bare torso, leaving you in just some sleep shorts. Mingyu’s eyes bugged out of his head as they roamed over the curves of you body, enticed at a glance.
You stepped towards him and went to kiss him again. His mouth followed yours hungrily, kissing you back with a passion. It was divine; just feeling his mouth against yours. A random thought popped into your head.              
“Am I turning into one of those stereotypical CEOs who fucks their secretary?” You pulled away from the kiss, thinking out loud.
“I’m not objecting!” Mingyu grinned and bought your mouth back to his.  
You straddled Mingyu, lips locked and ran your fingers down the side of his face, down his neck, curling around his bare shoulder and snaking down his arm until you reached his hand. You grabbed it, brought up and pinned his wrist to the wall, leaning into him and making his back hit the wall too. He writhed under your touch, hips bucking up, erection grinding against your core as he whimpered when you bit his lip gently.
“Please, do something,” he whined into your kiss. You smiled at his patheticness, grinding down on him as you ignored his plea. You moved your searing kiss down to his jaw, free hand angling his face for access, nipping and pecking at the soft skin as he whined again. “Please!”
“Please what, honey?” You sucked a love bite on his neck as he struggled to answer, hips moving involuntarily against you, sending tingles to your lower abdomen.  
“Please touch me, fuck me, anything!” He drew out the ‘anything’ as his voice trembled.
“But I am touching you, baby. And only good boys get fucked. Be a good boy and be patient for me, you got it?” You asked him, letting go of his face and wrist in favour of standing up. Mingyu’s arms shot up to hold on to your hips, as if he was scared you’d just leave him there, desperate and untouched. “I didn’t hear you, ‘Gyu?” You prompted him.
“Yes, I’ll be good, I p-promise.” He nodded, as if trying to convince himself more than you.
“Good boy.” You smiled at his cuteness before moving his legs to accommodate yourself between his thighs. “Here’s the deal; I’m going to suck you off and if you come without my permission, I won’t let you fuck my pussy, alright?”
“Yes, please, I need your mouth!” He whimpered miserably.
“Gosh, such a needy little thing, aren’t you?” You remarked as you kissed down his torso and tugged on the waistband of his jeans, making him lift his hips as you took down his boxers with the rest. His cock sprang free and smacked against his abs with a gentle thwack. You wasted no time drawing closer and starting to lick a stripe along the side of his shaft, from base to head as you held onto his thighs for leverage. Mingyu took a deep breath when your tongue made contact with his skin, exhaling when you repeated the action on the other side.
He sucked in a gulp of air when he felt you let a glob of spit fall onto the head of his cock, your hand following as you started to smear it around and down the shaft, mixing it with any pre-cum from the tip, beginning to jerk him off for a bit. You built a rhythm for a few moments, watching his face as he got used to it, only to take your hand away and replace it with your mouth around the head of his cock. You ran your tongue over the slit several times, keeping your eyes on the way Mingyu’s rolled to the back of his head, a breathy sigh leaving his lips. You took more of him into your mouth and started sucking, holding on to his thighs when he jolted at the sensation.
You let yourself breathe for a moment and switched to jerking him off, one hand on his shaft, the other moving from his thigh to his balls, to add to the sensation. He jolted again, eyes shooting open and whines increasing in volume.
“You close, honey?” you asked him, a little breathlessly.
“Fuck, yes, really close, please keep going!” He moaned. You smirked at how easy he was. You went back to sucking the head of his cock, getting ambitious and taking more of him and starting to deep throat him. Mingyu moaned loudly, one hand coming to rest on the side of you head, as you bobbed up and down. You hummed appreciatively around him and he almost yelped as a buzz of pleasure shot through him. He was starting to twitch so you let go of him and slid his cock out of your mouth with a slurpy pop.
The look of devastation on Mingyu’s face said it all, he whined at the loss of contact as you ripped his orgasm away.
“No fair,” he mumbled, a pout forming on his lips. You leaned up and kissed him, then bopped his nose.
“But you were so good for me, baby, now you get to fuck me.” You brushed some of the hair hanging in his eyes away and kissed his forehead softly, before standing once again to rid yourself of your remaining clothes. You straddled him like before, the two of you naked on the storage bench as you started to kiss him deeply and hungrily again. You’d been focused on Mingyu’s pleasure but that didn’t mean you weren’t starting to feel a gentle throbbing at your core for friction.
As you kissed him, you let the shaft of his cock slide against your folds, hitting your clit, a delicious thrum of pleasure coursing through you, wetness spreading over your slit and his cock. Without breaking the kiss, you lined yourself up and started to sink down his shaft, a duo of strangled moans echoing in your sun room, unsure of who was louder. You felt the head of his cock reaching deep inside of you and making you gasp at the fullness as his girth stretched you beautifully.
You started moving after a moment of adjustment, both for you and for him, hips moving back and forth, grinding down on his thighs. He was so deep inside and you couldn’t help the groans that formed at the back of your throat.
“L-love it when you sound like that.” He mumbled, face buried in your neck, unable to contain his own groan as you switched to bouncing up and down his cock. His hands had been resting on your hips but now started to support your rapid movement, helping you build up intensity.
“Shit, that’s so good, just like that.” You sighed, as you felt Mingyu’s hands guiding your hips as he bucked his to match your pace. Soon all you could focus on was the raw pleasure flowing through your body, letting your entangled moans bounce off each other and the walls as the sound of skin slapping skin lewdly echoed through the room. You held on to his meaty biceps and shoulders for balance, trying your best to stay upright and not slump against him.
Instead you pulled him impossibly closer, chest to chest and went to kiss him. His mouth found yours desperately as you continued your erratic pace, Mingyu whining into your mouth as he got closer to his end. You weren’t far behind him but your legs were starting to give out, so you went back to grinding down with a wiggle of your hips. By stroke of luck or stroke game (who knew really?), you found the perfect angle where you gasped and almost screamed at the way the head of his cock brushed against your walls.
Mingyu felt the new way you clenched around him and got inspired, moving his hips in sync with yours, the storage bench creaking underneath you Baby Don’t Like It style, as you put that IKEA furniture to the test. You couldn’t control your moans as you felt your impending orgasm build up, letting Mingyu help you keep up the intense pace.
Within a heartbeat you were coming, a droned groan escaping your throat as you felt Mingyu fuck you through it, hips stuttering as he followed you in moments. He moaned your name as he stilled during his orgasm, panting and leaning back against the wall, pulling you against him. You propped yourself up enough to kiss Mingyu’s forehead gently, the two of you coming down and stabilising again.
“Are you okay, baby?” You asked him, tired fingers brushing his hair out of his face. He nodded, eyes opening and adjusting to the light. “Are you hungry? You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday?”
“A little,” he said, clearing his throat.
“Let’s get cleaned up and I’ll make us something.” You started to get up but Mingyu caught your hand and pulled you back for a second.
“Let me make it.” You tried not to take offence but he was right; better for you and the well being of your kitchen.
After cleaning up and eating, you spent the rest of the day in bed, doing nothing in particular and each other, being close and closer and enjoying each other’s company. It was some sort of bliss before you had to go back to work.
You’d discussed what you were going to do about your job with Mingyu as you lay down, his head on your chest and you played with his hair. It wasn’t quite as shocking to him as you thought it might be. Then again, he was good at psychically anticipating some of your moves, as he’d proven time and time again.  
You’d decided not to quit after all, but you were only going to keep your CEO position until the end of the year then perhaps swap with Jeonghan or promote one of the senior directors like Seungcheol or Joshua to take the position, depending on how the board of directors took the news and voted.
You’d become a director too, which meant that you wouldn’t necessarily need a secretary, but perhaps someone in your team depending on how management positions would change. It also meant that you’d have a little more time on your hands to spend on the things that you liked, like the photography hobby you’d picked up. It was crazy how much better you felt after returning to something you loved.
It was like Mingyu had told you: you don’t have to good at your hobbies to have them.
“Seokmin told me the other day there was an opening in the HR department under Mr Hong. I thought that maybe if you did go then I’d try that out.” Mingyu moved his head to peek up at you.
“Hmm, maybe it’s time for something new for the both of us, you should go for it.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I mean Human Resources isn’t bad, right? And as a human you’re very resourceful so…” you trailed off. Mingyu propped himself to face you properly.
“That’s the sort of bullshit I would try to say.” He pouted. “I’m rubbing off on you.” He said satisfaction clear in his voice. You laughed at his cuteness.
“Well, you are my favourite human, it makes sense.” You felt a sweet warmth blooming in your chest as you said it, feeling silly at all these cheesy things, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Epilogue: several months later
You woke up to an empty bed and automatically assumed you were running late. Today was the first day that you weren’t going to be CEO any more and you needed to formally hand over everything to Jeonghan, who’d been voted CEO by the directors in the end. He’d been surprised that he’d been the choice but you hadn’t had any doubts about it, knowing that most of the directors were happy to have him in charge.
(You’d given a promotion to Wonwoo to senior director about a month ago, not only to keep an eye on and support Jeonghan but because he’d earned by helping you expand your deal with Wen Electronics in the past few months.)
“Babe, get up, breakfast is ready!” You heard Mingyu calling from the kitchen. The two of you had been spending more time together (if that was even possible) since he was staying over more and more often.
Somehow in record time you managed to get ready just as Harrison was pulling up to your house. You put your shoes on slowly, feeling a little mischievous. He’d insisted to give you one last ride to work after you’d declined to keep his services when you moved to your new position. You felt like finally buying your own car and driving it too. (You and Mingyu had already bought it together and decided to carpool and had even christened the car in an empty parking lot.)
When you sat down with Mingyu by your side, you saw the old man’s mouth gap open, clearly not expecting to see your gentleman caller getting into the car too.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, sir, we overslept.” You smiled innocently. He feigned clearing his throat, clearly a little embarrassed, and started the engine.That should teach him to nose about other people’s personal lives.
You took the elevator up to your old office one last time, Mingyu by your side as always and found Jeonghan’s newly hired secretary Seungkwan standing to attention at his new (Mingyu’s old) desk.
“Morning, Miss.” he seemed bright and fresh as a daisy. He clearly hadn’t started work yet.      
“Morning,” you greeted him back. “Mr Boo, this is Mr Kim.” You introduced the two in passing, as you ducked into your office to look over the pile of paperwork awaiting your best friend.
“Excuse me, who are you?” You hear Seungkwan ask Mingyu. You forgot they hadn’t done their handover yet; Mingyu was doing it all today as per Jeonghan’s instruction.
“I’m you, but promoted.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “And taller. So you’re Mr Yoon’s new secretary?”
“Yes,” Seungkwan replied enthusiastically.
*copyright 2021 © momobani
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
So that val x virgin reader was really good! As like almost a opposite of that could you do a really stressed Valentino coming home to his (afab) s.o and they take care of him sexually? I know you said your not the best but imo your one of the best smut writers I've seen!! Thank youuu!!
Listen, it takes me forever to write smut because I want it to sound believeable, so hearing that my efforts are appreciated is incredible, so thank you!!
Valentino has been coming home more and more stressed lately. You don't know why but you've decided to do something about it. A whole night planned to get him relaxed and show him how much you love him. You made his favorite dinner, paired with the perfect wine, scented candles of his favorite smell vanilla and patchouli, dimmed the lights, picked out some bath bombs and set out the body oils in the bedroom for sensual love making thinly disguised as a massage. Now all you had to do was wait for him, which didn't take too long after you set the table and switch on some smooth jazz.
Val entered the house with a sigh. You went around the corner to greet him, watching the way he slid off his coat. He was tired, that made your heart ache. You vowed to not initiate sex tonight unless he wanted to. If he was too tired, you wouldn't even try to convince him otherwise.
"Hey, babe, how was your day?" You looked up to him as he hung up his coat and set his cane in the holder. He turned to you and gave a small smile and, though he didn't have pupils, you could tell his eyes were checking you out. You had dressed up a little, just a nice button down and some dark jeans, business casual.
"Mm, fine, is there a reason you dressed up?" He stepped towards you, his smile widening as he put his lower set of arms around you, the other two patting down your hair before resting to hold your face. "I don't think it's an anniversary."
"It's not, I just want to spoil you tonight." You smiled back up to him and pulled out of his arms before grabbing his lower right and tugging him to the dining area. His eyes widened as he saw what you had spent all day on. "Ta da!" You saw his eyes soften before he looked back at you.
"This for me?" His smile was full of adoration and warmth. You nodded and tugged him to his chair, pulling it out for him then pushing it back in as he sat. "Such a gentleperson." He chuckled as you went to your own seat.
"I've noticed how stressed you've been lately, so I prepared a night of good food and relaxation." You looked up to his eyes and gave him your sweetest smile. He thanked you sincerely and dug into the meal. A moan escaped him as he tasted your cooking. You hoped that wouldn't be the last you pulled from him this evening.
"That was delicious, precious. Thank you." Val leaned back into his seat with a sigh. You giggled and stood up.
"That's not all on tonight's itinerary." You went over to him and held out your hand for his. "Come on, my love." He took your hand and followed you to the master bathroom. You turned on the water, plugged it when the water was warm enough.
"Will you be joining in this bath, sweetheart?" His hands trailed up your sides and to your shoulders. You hummed and shook your head as you stopped the water and plopped in a lavender and rosewood bath bomb. His disappointment was palpable.
"It'd be hard for me to massage your shoulders from inside the tub." You turned to him. "I can help you get undressed, though." He perked up and gave you a sultry smile. You understood that as a yes and went to work on unbuttoning his pants while he made quick work of his vest and shirt. Val kicked off his shoes then let you pull down his pants and boxers before he stepped out of them. You slipped off his socks and stood up, placing a tender kiss to his thigh before looking him in the eye. He caressed your face and setpped into the tub.
"You're too good to me, Y/n." He slid down into the tub and sighed happily. You were quick to grab the stool you set aside for this purpose and sit, beginning the promised massage. He groaned as you rubbed and kneaded out the knots that built up. His head leaned back to rest on your chest. You began to hum softly, a soothing love song to further relax your bug lover. Happiness bubbled up in your chest at the fact that you can help him in times like these.
The tub drained and Val in a robe, you lead him into the room where he can finally see the oils you lined up. Waiting for you to use them. He looked to you with an amused smirk.
"What's this?" He leaned towards you. "Are you trying to seduce me, gorgeous?" You huffed out a laugh as you tugged him to the bed.
"I was thinking more along the lines of working out the rest of your knots and go from there." You pat his leg gently to encourage him to get on the bed. He obliged and crawled up onto the bed, rather seductively. His playfully sultry look your way as he was on his hands and knees made you giggle. You crawled up after him, shedding your shirt, pants and socks, leaving you in your undewear while he slipped out of his robe. With the slight prompting of your hand gently pressing into his back, he flopped down on his stomach.
"You know, precious, you are a true blessing in Hell." He didn't get a response as you grabbed up a sweet soothing cedarwood and cinnamon oil and poured a bit into your hand. You rubbed your hands together and got to work on his back, paying extra attention to both sets of shoulder muscles as well as the spinalis muscle on both sides of the spine. He groaned and relaxed further under your touch. When you got to the lower back just above the glutes, he moaned loudly into the pillow.
"Does it feel good, baby?" You received a low hum in response. You traced your hands up his sides and pressed into his lower shoulder muscles before placing a kiss on his upper right shoulder. He suddenly flipped onto his back, causing you to stand as he turned to stay above him. His lower hands grabbed your thighs and pulled you down to straddle him as his upper hands rested on your hips.
"I love you." He looked up at you in adoration. You smiled and leaned down to give him a sweet kiss. He deepened it, moving one hand up to your face to hold you there. His tongue licked your bottom lip and you opened it in response. You wouldn't playfully tease him tonight, he needed the relief. Your tongues moved around each other in a passionate dance as his other upper hand reached up to squeeze your buttcheek. You giggled and parted from him, gently biting his lip as you did so.
"I love you, too." You gently held his face in both hands. "Do you want to go further?" In your peripheral, you see his adam's apple bob as he swallows. You feel like you know the answer but you need to hear it to make absolute sure, in case you're reading the signs wrong.
"God yes." That was all you needed as you gave him another passionate kiss. His neck received attention next, you leaving marks and little bites before trailing kisses down until you straddled his hips. You stood up on the bed to gently remove the last bit of cloth that kept your most sensitive areas from view. Your eyes stayed on his as you slid them off. His gaze was on your movement. His cock twitching at the sight of you fully nude.
You slowly lowered yourself to hover just above your lover's erection. Lining him up, you finally lowered yourself slowly until he filled you completely. His head fell back against the pillow with a groan. You moved your hips and moaned at the sensation. Beginning to lift up and back down, you braced yourself on the bed beside his slender frame. You picked up the pace and eventually lifted up without bracing yourself, bouncing up and down as you moaned. Val's voice mixed with yours as he began to meet you with thrusts. You lifted up, almost off of him completely before dropping down to take him all in. That made Val grab your hips with a stutter moan. He started bouncing you, using you like a fleshlight. You moaned and called out his name as he went harder.
"F-fuck! Oh shit!" You huffed out, throwing your head back, almost losing yourself in the pleasure. As if on their own, your hands gripped his wrists. You squeezed around him, trying to get him to cum first. That was your goal and you focused on it. By fuck, if you were going to cum it had to be after him. It was his turn to be pampered and pleased. He moaned loudly as his hands dug into your hips, bouncing you faster on him.
"Y/n! Oh fuck! I'm gonna-!" You squeezed around him again as he used his thumbs to press into the sensitive flesh covering your lower hip joints. He knew that was your sweet spot. The bastard was trying to get you to cum first. You weren't about to let that happen; you squeezed around him again and reached one of your hands down to grip his hip, squeezing and digging your nails into it slightly. This did the trick. He practically screamed as he slammed you down onto his cock and came deeply into you. He thrust up a few more times, grunting. You came soon after, the thought of giving him so much pleasure and the feel of his thick seed coating your inner walls pushing you over the edge.
The both of you came down from your highs, huffing. His hands loosening around your hips as you fell onto him in exhaustion. You gave a kiss to the skin you laid on before shakily lifting yourself up and off his, now limp, cock. He huffed as he lifted up to rest on his elbows, watching you as you slid off the bed and hobbled over to the bathroom to clean up. You heard him get up to join you in the shower you started, helping you clean up.
"Did you have a nice night?" You asked once you two had finished washing the sweat and cum off, in the newly changed sheets and pajamas. His arms, that were wrapped loosely around you, pulled you closer to him as he curled around you.
"Very much so." He kissed your forehead and you nuzzled into his fuzz. Your arms wrapped around his ribs as your leg matched the action to fully attatch yourself to him.
"I'm glad." You smiled as you heard his breathing even out, lulling you into sleep shortly after him.
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foli-vora · 3 years
hi Foli! from the prompt list, #50 with Frankie and a f! Reader please :) fluffy
Hi angel! Thank you for your request! I hope you enjoy x
#50—putting a hand over the others mouth to shut them up
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: swearing
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“And this was when he was six—”
Delicate fingers flip the page and you can’t help the little coo of adoration at the younger form of your boyfriend, a gap between his teeth and hands holding a small tooth. Your eyes trail over the precious memories slowly, smile unwavering as Maria tells you story after story.
You relish in the quiet of the lounge room, and the tender moments alone you were getting with Frankie’s mother. Your initial nerves of meeting his parents had disappeared the second you walked through the door and were swept into two very intense hugs, followed by the sweet embraces of his siblings and then the many excited shouts of his nieces and nephews.
“His goldfish Spock.” She grins at your snort, shrugging lightly. “Boy loved his Star Trek.”
“I always had him down as a Star Wars kinda guy.”
Frankie’s voice echoes through the house that dinners ready before he’s stopping dead in the doorway, eyes locking onto the aged leather book in your hands.
“Mama!” He snaps. “You said you put it in storage!”
“Well I lied.” She waves his irritation away, smiling down at the page as her fingers smooth over the photo. “Look at that face—”
“I see hats have been a thing for a while.” You grin, blinking up at him as he marches into the room to stand over you, frowning down at the photo album.
Maria hums lowly, “He never brushed his hair.”
“What? You didn’t.”
He sighs, “Okay enough, before you get to—”
You squeal softly as you flick to the next page, “Oh my god, are you dressed as a catfish?”
“Jesus Christ, I’m gonna burn this fucking thing,” he mutters, his hands wrangling the album from you before flicking it shut with a slap.
He blanches at the finger in his face, smiling apologetically as he presses a gentle kiss to Maria’s forehead. She stands after tapping your hand, gently demanding you come and get a plate before disappearing from the room with a yell to the children, the stampede of little feet following her path to the kitchen.
You grin up at Frankie, “Is that where ‘Catfish’ came from?”
Fuck. He needed to destroy that photo. Like Benjamin fucking Miller didn’t have enough fun with it, now he has to deal with you, too? Santi still had a copy sitting somewhere at his place—the bastard. But he can’t deny that he loves your soft teasing and the way your face brightens when you look at him, chest tightening as his fathers words echo in his ears—she’s a good one.
“The pumpkin costume?! You didn’t tell me about Spock—”
His eyes narrow in playful warning, lip twitching. “Babe—”
“Frankie, you were the sweetest little dork—”
A hand covers you mouth, stopping your words and muffling your giggles, his face finally cracking into a wide grin.
“You leave Spock alone—he was my best friend.”
You face melts beneath his hand and he laughs, dropping to the couch beside you. He eyes you fondly, hand gentle as it moves from covering your lips to brushing your cheek.
“I’m really glad you’re here.”
Heart racing from his affections, you nuzzle into his palm and smile softly, leaning in to press a sweet kiss to his lips. “Me too, pumpkin boy.”
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softmothprince · 3 years
dragon’s claim
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Zhongli's sweet darling needs a... gentle, reminder of what exactly they are to each other
this is a collab piece with one of my friends~ they are much better at writing fluff than i am and it hits me in the feels
She’s not pouting. Absolutely not. She’s also not glaring at the woman currently leaning on Zhongli’s arm, staring up at him with heart eyes as he rambles happily about the tea he was buying. Her arms are crossed and she leans heavily into the railing of the bridge, jaw clenched and teeth grinding.
No. She is not jealous of some… some… harlot! With a loud huff, she pushes off the railing and walks off the bridge, hearing her sandals click against the wood and then stone. Once she’s close enough, the tall geo archon looks up and gives that stupidly cute smile, cheerfully calling her name.
She refuses to acknowledge him and waits for him to finish his conversation. “Ready to go home dear?” he said with a sweet smile. She doesn’t respond and starts walking away back through the market as gently pulls her close to him. He sighs and leads her to a side alley, where she leans against a wall still not looking at him. He leans in close.
“Is my darling jealous?” He whispers, tucking her hair back behind her ear. His fingertips trace around her temple, then under her eye, before cupping her face. “You know I only hold affection for you, little one.”
He tenderly presses kisses over her cheeks and nose, placing a firm one on her lips. He pulls back enough to stare into her eyes, seeing the internal fight she is having. To submit to him or continue to pout and sulk. It makes him sigh and shut his eyes- as though a headache was creeping up on him.
“It seems I am going to have to… remind you, of that fact.” He decides, sliding his hands down to her wrists and brings her hands up to kiss them. His eyes peek open, glowing a warm amber in the dying light as he gives her a heated look. “I’m going to make love to you until your heart understands how much I love you.”
She pulls her face away and with a sad pout says, "Remind me of what Rex Lapis?"
He frowns, "That's not-"
"Remind me that only I get jealous and that the great Rex Lapis doesn't?!" she said with tears starting to fall down her face. "I'm the only one who gets possessive over you and you don't! It's like it doesn't bother you if someone else looks at me like that! Maybe next time Kaeya tries to-"
He slammed his hands into the wall, pinning her to it, "Kaeya did what?" he said with a low growl, his pupils having shifted into slits.
She shuddered for a moment. Seeing the amount of territorial possessive in his eyes made her heart stop and she struggled to find the words.
“Little one,” he said sternly, “I’m going to ask you again. What did Kaeya do?”
She took a deep breath. “The other day Kaeya came by the office and was trying to flirt as usual and he asked me if I wanted to go with him and have a real man for a master,” she answered nervously.
A fierce growl ripped from Zhongli’s throat, almost like a suppressed roar. She could see his struggle to stay composed as his fangs grew and scales started to appear on his neck.
“That damn bastard,” he said with another growl, “He has the audacity to try and take my precious mate from me?” She let out a small gasp. His horns were starting to poke through. “How dare he. If I see him again I’ll-”
He was cut off when he felt her hug him tightly. “I don't want anyone else!” she said before looking up at him. “The only master I want is you. My dragon, my Zhongli. So please don’t let anyone else try and take you from me either.” Her eyes on the verge of tears.
He sighed and kissed her forehead. “We’re going home. Now. I still have to teach you a lesson.” She nodded, “Yes Master.”
Her heart pounds in her chest, loud enough she wouldn’t be surprised if he heard it. Though, he’d had to be listening to that instead of the sounds coming from his hand playing with her cunt. After what had happened earlier, he had taken her home and immediately stripped them both of their clothes, pinning her down onto their bed.
It took him only a few seconds to pounce on her, his hand delving between her thighs to her pussy. It was wet and sticky, slick coating her thighs and his fingers. His narrowed gaze shifts from her pussy as he leans forward, latching onto her throat. His teeth scrape over her pulse, then travel down to the crook of her neck.
A deep scar laid on the soft flesh, marking her as his. His heart, his love, his mate. He eagerly kisses and nibbles around it, the scarred flesh much more sensitive and giving him the reactions he wanted. Her breath tickled his ear, every moan, sigh, and whisper of his name making him shiver.
He runs his other hand up her torso, cupping her breast and flicking his thumb gently over her nipple. She trembled more, waiting for him to snap and take her. She saw how fired up he had been earlier when just mentioning another man, she knows that flame is still burning fiercely in him.
And when he pulls away from her neck to look into her eyes, she can see it flickering in those piercing gems. A small bead of sweat drips down her neck and between her breasts, catching his attention. He doesn’t hesitate to follow it, kissing along the soft curve of her breasts, his tongue curling around her nipples when his mouth latches onto them.
Zhongli hums and pulls his hand away from between her legs, glancing at the mess he caused. She was far from cumming, but he had all night to… remind and teach her exactly what it meant to be his mate. Strong hands suddenly pull her across the bed until her legs dangle off the end, feeling a small burning from where the sheets rubbed.
He kneels between her thighs, nuzzling his cheek along the soft flesh and kissing the inside of her knee as he looks at her soaked pussy, a deep croon building in his chest. She shifts her still trembling legs, only to find them suddenly being grabbed and pinned to strong shoulders as a head of dark hair disappears between them.
She can hear him hum and whisper something, then say much louder in a teasing tone: “Itadakimasu~”
Something firm and hot swipes over her swollen clit, making her jolt with a loud yelp. Another swipe and she lets her head fall back onto the pillows, hands balling up into the sheets. Zhongli peers up at her through his lashes, taking in her reactions and growls when her thighs try to shut. He pushes them apart again, huffing against her cunt.
“Do not. Do that.” He scolds, then dives back in before she could speak, keeping his eyes on her face.
Loud slurps and wet smacks fill the room, blending in with his deep moans of pleasure. Her own suddenly reaches a higher pitch, her hips jumping when she feels his fingers slowly push inside and stroke the inside walls of her pussy. Her hand snaps down to tangle into his hair, tugging and causing more growls and moans to pour from his chest.
“I will never tire of this,” He purrs, pulling back slightly to look at how easily his fingers are sucked into her. “I will never tire of how beautiful you are when I pluck you like a lyre. The sounds you make are as sweet as birds' songs.” He dips down to suck on her clit, feeling her nails dig into his scalp.
“Your scent and taste are far better than the finest wines I’ve ever had. I will never tire of this.” He repeats, making sure that when he slowly stands up he catches her flustered gaze. “I will never tire of you.” He whispers, leaning over her body.
“Master-” She gasps and is cut off by him grabbing her knees, pushing them back against her chest.
She watches with wide eyes as his appearance smoothly changes, dark scales bleeding from his skin, fangs growing over his lips and horns poking through his hair. Zhongli rubs his fingers- no, they feel more like claws now -down her thigh and grabs his cock, lining up with her entrance.
His cock slides in easily, the walls of her cunt squeezing and sucking him in deeper. He bows his head, watching his dick thrust in and out, his breath picking up and sounds similar to growling building more and more. He returns his grip to her knees, leaning on them as his hips slap loudly against hers.
Sweat drips down his brow, his slitted pupil fluctuating as he looks at her face. Her cheeks are blushed a deep red, eyes rolling into the back of her head and mouth parted to let out moans and incoherent babbles.
“Master- Master ple-please, mo-more~” She sobs, nails scraping and digging into the skin of his arms and shoulders.
The small pinpricks of pain are lost in the throes of pleasure, his nerves burning with every thrust. He dips down to her ear, moaning and purring for a moment before managing to speak.
“Mate… you… breed… gonna fill you… so full… mine!…” He shudders, the familiar feeling of swelling at the lower part of his cock growing more and more. The knot kisses the outside of her cunt, dipping in ever so slightly before disappearing.
He grunts, one hand dropping her leg and going to grab her throat. He doesn’t squeeze to choke her, just presses enough to get her attention, growling her name when she only whimpers. Once those pretty eyes are on him, he lets his growing knot finally push in completely, feeling her entire body freeze as it registers the sudden sensation.
“Breathe, little one.” His voice is deeper. More rough than the usual smooth silk.
She finally lets out a sob, his knot pushing and rubbing her sweet spots deliciously. He manages a few more thrusts, until the knot is too swollen to pull out again. Does that stop him? Absolutely not. He humps and grinds like a man gone wild, slamming his mouth to hers to hide the animalistic sounds pouring out of him.
Her tongue flicks over his fangs, making him shudder and grip her tighter. He removes the hand from her throat and delves it between their bodies, finding her clit and- taking care of his claws -rubs it swiftly. A few more well placed thrusts, his teeth nipping her bottom lip, and she convulses around his cock while crying out his name.
The ravenette drops onto his arms over her, continuing to move as he himself cums thick and hot inside her. He presses his forehead against hers, sharing their breaths and staring into each other's eyes as they slowly come down from their high. Both of them are shaking, his darling more so.
Ever so slowly, he lets her leg go and brings his hand up to cup her face, stroking his thumb over her cheek and wiping away the tears of pleasure she let out. His other hand goes to hers, bringing it from his shoulder and to press against his chest- right above his racing heart. He can feel hers through their fingers.
He kisses her hand and then dips his forehead to meet hers while their breath slowly steadies and his knot recedes. Once he can move again he carefully begins to clean her up and wrapping her in one of the blankets before sitting next to her on the bed. His dragon features slowly fading.
He pulled her in close, wrapping his arms around her and planting soft kisses on her temple as she nuzzled into his neck. He smiled at his darling as she relaxed in his arms, letting out a small laugh remembering her pouty face from earlier which caused her to look up at him. He kissed her forehead. She was so unbelievably cute when she got jealous or pouted. Something about her moments of attitude made him love her so much more.
He then looked into her eyes with a warm smile. "My precious darling, don't you know that I will spoil you with whatever your heart desires? Whether it be riches and gifts or," he kisses her hand softly, "my time and affection. Whatever you ask of me is yours."
She blushes and tries to hide her face in his neck but he holds her by the chin,
"Don't forget. Dragons mate for life and you darling are my mate. Understand?"
She nods her head, while gazing into his eyes.
"With words my dear," he says leaning in to graze his fangs on her neck as a small reminder of what they had just done.
"Y-yes sir," she says blushing.
He smiles and pulls her in closer while caressing her cheek. "Good girl. Now let's rest shall we? Rest and get all the cuddles you want from your Dragon."
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mellowyandere · 3 years
SCP Academia Eraserhead Part 3
Reader: F
Characters: Aizawa Shouta
Summary: You’ve been stuck in the stuffy cabin with no one but “Shouta” to keep you company. He won’t even tell you what day it is. November is quickly approaching...
Length: 3K
Warning: non-con, yandere themes, size kink, bondage, vaginal fingering, oral sex, vaginal sex, praise kink, breeding kink 
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When you first woke up you were completely thrown off by your new environment. You had been in the bowls of the SCP foundation for years, only occasionally venturing outside to gather intel on potential new SCP’s. Your new home was a small cabin of sorts. One bedroom and one bathroom, with just enough space left over for the kitchen and living room. The house was run by a generator outside, which your oh so gracious host made sure you never got to see. 
He had insisted you call him by his “human” name Shouta. As to why he never mentioned it before? “No one but you deserved to know it,” he had huffed out, as if it was obvious. 
Shouta was incredibly stingy with information, no matter how much you questioned him. What happened to the foundation? Where did he bring you? Why did he bring you here, better yet how? Each question was met with a shrug of his shoulders or a mumbled “that doesn’t matter now.” 
You had given up a couple weeks ago, the man had no intention of letting you get a solid grasp of anything. Especially the date. The foundation breach had occurred sometime in mid September, leaving only a month and a half before November. He was purposefully hiding the information from you like the stingy bastard he was. 
Stingy bastard wasn't exactly fair though. He had been nothing but polite, trying his best to give you things he’d think you’d enjoy and providing for you in ways that surprised you. For example, the man was a phenomenal cook, which looking back explains his utter disdain for any food he had been served at the foundation. 
The main issue was his need to touch you. Pulling you into his lap to engulf you in his long muscular limbs and tendrils, or coming up behind you and placing his large hands on your hips. You were not accustomed to the contact and not very keen on it either. You threw an absolute shit fit when he tried to bathe you, and he, to his credit, let you be. He might have sat on the couch pouting for a couple hours, but eventually got over himself. 
The longer you were stuck with him, the touchier he seemed to get. You dodged him the best you could but finally he had had enough. You normally opted to sleep on the couch, not wanting to share the only bed with him. It was one of many small acts of defiance at your limited disposal. As night fell you crawled onto your makeshift bed, only to be pulled up over the back of the couch by two strong arms. 
“Hey! What gives!”
“I tried to ease you into this but you’re being rather stubborn. From now on you sleep with me.” Shouta didn’t want to push his affection on you too much, hoping you’d come around and open up to him. But time was running out and he needed to make sure he didn’t snap when November finally came. 
“Maybe if you’d answer my questions I’d humor you more!” You felt like you were going insane stuck in here. Was this what he used to feel like trapped in the foundation? No. He had had it one hundred times worse than you, but hardly ever complained.
You squirmed and wriggled in his grip. He growled lowly in his throat, the vibrations rumbling through his chest. You stilled in his arms. With long strides it only took a few steps before he plopped you down on the large sturdy bed. 
“Stay.” You rolled your eyes. He was a man of few words. But you remained, he’d just drag you in here again if you got up. Even though he had been nothing but patient, you felt as if you were reaching the end of his limits. 
The days spent with Shouta were rather boring. You’d read books to pass the time, or stare longingly out the window. He was never much of a conversationist, but now only seemed willing to talk if you’d make physical contact with him. All in all, the house was too damn quiet.
Thankfully nights spent in his bed were relatively uneventful. He’d try to slowly pull you closer to him but you’d snap and he’d begrudgingly relent. Though that didn’t change the fact that you’d wake up smothered in his embrace, but you’d just wriggle out again. 
As days continue to pass his fuse was getting shorter and shorter, you could feel the shift in his demeanor. Low growls at your attempts to distance yourself. Sharps eyes never leaving you. He was always one step behind you, personal space no longer an option. 
You woke up groggy. Why was it so hot? You tried to move but found yourself immobile. You... you couldn't open you eyes?! No wait... yes you could. But a blindfold of sorts kept you from seeing anything. It was warm, just like the bindings on your body. Tendrils. He had you completely wrapped up in his tendrils. You were laying flat on your back, arms bound above your head. 
Then you heard him. Low deep pants. His hot breath fanned against your neck, his nose brushed under your chin. 
“Sho-Shouta?” At the sound of his name he groaned into the soft flesh of your neck. He tried so hard to resist touching you, he really had. But with the month of November upon him he had run out of control.
His large body was on top of you, though he supported himself as to not crush you. “My sweet little stubborn human” he cooed into your neck. “I'm going to take such good care of you...” he almost sounded a bit delirious?
His tongue darted out, hot and wet against your flesh. 
“Wait! Hold on, stop! Shouta pl-please cut it out!” You began to struggle, his tendrils gently sliding over your exposed form. When did he take your clothes off? 
“Y/N..” he growled out.
“Please.. let me at least see.” You needed to try and gain some control back. This situation wasn't looking good. Shouta was deadly when November came. You weren’t sure what this was right now, but you needed to get some control over him before he tried to kill you.
The creature obliged your request. Blood red predatory eyes pierced your own as soon as you had adjusted to the dark. His long black hair lazily defied gravity. He seemed larger, if that was even possible. His deathly pale torso had tendrils jutting out in all different directions, some aimlessly whipping through the air, but most were wrapped snuggly around your body.
Looking further down you realized you weren’t the only person completely naked. His bare hips were pressed flat to the bed between your own as he slowly rutted against the sheets. Due to your restraints you couldn’t really see much else. 
Leaning down he placed his lips on your neck, softly sucking and nipping at your flesh. 
“So beautiful.. so perfect” he whispered. He began to move down your body, soft lips leaving your skin with goosebumps. He paused at your breasts, one of his large hands coming up to play with your right breast while his mouth claimed your left nipple. His tongue made quick work of hardening your sensitive bud. His teeth came out and gently bit down, causing you to whimper.
You couldn’t give into his ministrations, it would only encourage him. “Shouta please, you have to stop! What if you hurt me?” His mouth released from your breast, his lust filled eyes lazily looking up at you as his tongue continued to circle your nipple. With a sigh he pulled away.
“I would never hurt you my precious little human.”
His free hand drew slow circles onto the outside of your thigh. Continuing his journey downwards he licked and nipped your skin until finally settling between your trembling thighs. He wasn't paying your worry any mind as he took his time drinking your body in. He had been such a good mate, had been so patient. Surely you’d understand...
His tongue darted out experimentally, gently lapping at your folds. You bit back a groan as he hummed in satisfaction, face nestling further into your legs for better access as he used his tendrils to move your legs over his shoulder. His stubble was coarse against your inner thighs. More tendrils came out to ensure your breasts were not forgotten. You bit back a moan as they continued where his hand and mouth had left off.
He greedily began to devour you, inhumanly long tongue delving deep inside you as he groaned, sending vibrations through your cunt. Pulling his tongue out he moved up a bit to gently wrap his lips around your clit. With his tendrils covering your body he could feel your every twitch in response to his ministrations. He wanted to make you fall apart beneath him. 
“Sho-ah-Shouta please! Don’t do th-” you were cut off mid sentence. One of his tendrils found their way to your mouth, pushing its way inside your wet cavern and essentially gagging you. You clamped down hard, which only caused the creature on top of you to shudder in ecstasy. He could make them quite sensitive after all. 
You tried to relax, nothing you did seemed to deter him. Maybe not responding would cause him to lose interest? You tried to remain still, until you felt his finger gently prodding at your entrance. You began to squirm with renewed vigor, your pleas muffled by his tendrils. 
“Such an impatient little human. I know what you want but I need to get you ready first or else I might hurt you.”
Slowly he began to pump his finger into your tight hole. His saliva acted as a good starting lubricant, your own juices beginning to aid when that wasn’t enough. Shit, why did he have to be so fucking good at this?! He worked his digit in further and further, your walls clenching down eagerly, until finally he was knuckle deep. 
Continuing to work your sensitive clit with his expert mouth, he pulled his finger out and gently began to add another. Two fingers pushed in, just as excruciatingly slow as the first time. Gentle pumps of his hand worked to allow your small human body to compensate for his larger form. 
You couldn't help but rut your hips forward as your mind began to fog with pleasure. It shouldn't feel this good, he wasn't even doing that much! You needed to stop him, needed to stop reacting to him. 
And yet you found your walls desperately clamping down on his fingers as he slowly drug them out. His methodical pattern continued for awhile until he changed his approach. Expert fingers began to probe with a purpose as he hunted for just the right spot. It didn’t take him long. 
You moaned into his tendrils, back arching as he finally found what he had been looking for. With renewed vigor he used his fingers to attack, while his mouth continued its assault on your bundle of nerves. 
If he continued at this pace you wouldn't last much longer. Your legs trembled, thighs tightening against his head. Your walls began to flutter around his fingers, your mewls and moans were still muffled, but they sent delicious tingles running down his spine. 
No you couldn't you had to stop! But you had no choice. The combination of his devilish mouth and pinpoint accurate fingers were too much. You closed your eyes as your orgasm washed over you. He continued to pump his fingers in and out, but pulled back to watch the bliss wash over your face. 
“Such a good girl, so beautiful,” he cooed as you came undone. Just as he had planned. He pulled his tendril from your mouth and watched as you panted, still trying to gain control of yourself. Unfortunately for you, he wasn't about to let that happen. 
After wiping off his mouth with the back of his hand he leaned up and captured your mouth in his own. You could still taste yourself on his tongue. You had come down from your high after your orgasm and resumed your pathetic struggling, surely he had had his fill? 
His hands planted firmly on your hips as he pulled away from you, lips leaving a small trail of saliva as he loomed over you. He pulled your body up off the bed with his tendrils, maneuvering you so your legs were wrapped around his waist.
“Be a good girl for me and relax, I don’t want this to be painful for you.”
With that he slowly began to move you down until finally you felt the tip of his cock pressing against your outer folds. He had you oddly suspended in his embrace, leaving you no where to retreat to as he rubbed the large head against your wet core. 
All of his focus right now was staring down at where his cock was teasing you. He was inhumanly large, and just dipping the tip in made it obvious enough. This was going to be a tight fit. 
“Shouta please, it won’t fit you’re too big.” His eyes looked up into your own, the fear in them registered somewhere deep within his brain, but the need to stuff you full of his seed overpowered his ability to stop himself. 
He began to push his length inside, even more slowly than his fingers. He owed you this bare minimum level of self control, the idea of hurting you keeping him in check.
You whimpered as he continued, there was no reaching him. You’d be better following his advice and trying to relax to accommodate his sheer girth. But fuck did it sting. The methodical pumping of his hips pushing his monstrous cock deeper and deeper. 
One of his hands opted to leave your hip in order to begin softly circling your puffy clit. It helped to soothe the burn of your stretching walls, slick beginning to build as your body attempted to help you. After what felt like an eternity he finally bottomed out inside you. 
“Shit you’re so fucking tight, you feel so good.”
He remained there for a moment, sweat rolling down his body as he tried to control himself. Just then your tight little cunt experimentally squeezed against him and his restraint shattered. 
He began to pull out, groaning above your head. He got about halfway out before pushing back in. This continued, each outward drag was met with a faster and more desperate thrust back in. At first it had stung, tears pricking your eyes as your bit your lip to keep from whining. You had never felt so full before. 
But as you grew accustomed to his size something hot began to stir in your abdomen. You were enjoying it. The more you relaxed into him the more pleasure you began to feel. Until finally, you were back to where you had been when he had worked you into your first orgasm. 
Your brain was too clouded with pleasure to bother holding back noises of satisfaction, and the heat in your gut only grew when Shouta moaned and huffed in your ear. His deep rumbles poured over you and soon he had abandoned his slow pace in favor of a much faster one. 
His long cock would pull all the way out before slamming back in, a rogue tendril had replaced his hand to work on your clit while his newly freed hands greedily grabbed at you. 
Finally one hand decided on grasping your hair, pulling your head back so he could slam his mouth against yours in a sloppy kiss. His tendrils allowed for your body to bounce against his as he pistoned his hips into you. 
His tongue was in your mouth as he swallowed your moans. His appendage fought with yours for dominance before exploring everything it could reach. This was all too much, you were getting close again. 
You could feel your walls beginning to flutter at your impending climax, and Shouta could feel it too. He increased his pace, hips stuttering as he began to try and reach his own release. He pulled away from your kiss and removed you from his tendrils, firmly planting you back on the mattress. His free hands intertwining his fingers with your own above your head as he continued to rock into you. 
He kept his tendrils on your legs in order to keep them wrapped around his waist, groaning as he felt you reach for orgasm first. You head was thrown back, mouth open in a silent o as you finished for the second time that night. The feeling of cumming on his cock was beyond imaginable and your body shuddered beneath him. 
You were perfect, overwhelming all of his senses in ecstasy as your tight cunt clamped down on him. He couldn't hold out any longer. His hips stilled as you began to milk his cock, hot thick ropes of cum painting your insides. You were too tired to protest, your small body slumped below him as you took his seed like the good little mate you were. 
A wave of exhaustion began to cloud his mind as he came down from his high. Slowly he began to pull out, heart clenching as you whimpered. You were too damn cute. 
Before any of his seed could spill out he used a tendril to plug your hole. Rolling over to your side he maneuvered you so your head was tucked under his own, his arm pressing you into his chest. 
“You did such a good job, if we keep this up you could take my seed before the month is up.” He planted a kiss against your forehead. You grumbled incoherently in response, too exhausted to process the implications of what he had just said. 
November, the month when he went feral, was the month he was feral for his mate. Desperate to fuck his seed into his one and only. All others were obstacles in his way that didn't deserve to live. November 1st had only just begun. You were in for a long month. 
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
🤎A Break With My Lover.🤎
Part One
Pairing: Might Guy x Tenji( made up character)
Summary: Tenj is back from her two month mission and is so excited to spend time with her new boyfriend Guy, who pampers and adores her. Just a cute little short story for all my Guy sensei hoes to enjoy.😊
Warnings: 18+, language, fluff, SFW and NSFW, smut.
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Tenji now stood at the entrance of the Hokage mansion, grateful to have been granted a full week's rest after her team worked tirelessly for a full two months. Another breeze blew a curl that dangled from her loose bun into her face, not caring in the slightest to put it back in its place. Her main goal was to reach her beloved apartment and take a much needed cool shower to wash away the grim, sweat and blood that clung to her aching body. With her eyes closed she inhaled a deep long breath, forcing herself to take the first step. Her body felt so heavy and her mind fuzzy, a sudden wave of fatigue ripping a whine from deep in her throat. “Oi, Tenji,” a sharp flick on the side of her neck immediately snapped her out of her sluggish mood. “Tch! Genma what the fuck,” a sly smirk appearing on his smug face as he took pleasure in her frustration, relishing the irritated look he managed to put on her face. “Well hello to you too Tenji, it's been too long, glad that you're back and in one piece it seems,” he spoke as he gave her a quick once over, ensuring that she was really in one piece and he hopefully hadn’t spoken too soon. He noticed the dark circles under her eyes as he inspected her obviously fatigued face, a hint of sympathy pulled at his heart realising she would probably have to walk all the way home on her own despite how tired she was. Tenji noticed the slight worry in his light brown eyes and instantly thought of a plan. Maybe she could convince him to carry her home after seeing the state she was in. “I’m okay I guess, I’m so tired, just wish i had help getting home Genma,” she whimpered as she stepped closer, leaning her chubby cheek into his broad, muscular chest, she looked up at him, hopeful that her long time buddy would show even the tiniest bit kindness he claimed to have, pulling her best puppy face while looking into his light brown eyes, her darker eyes needy as her full lips curved into a pout that he almost gave into until he realised what she was up to. Now, it’s not that he didn’t want to help(maybe a little) but it was also that he had already been summoned by the Hokage and couldn’t afford to be later than he already was and also because he knew Tenji could be such a spoiled brat sometimes and he was not in the mood to baby her today. He averted his gaze and placed two long, slender fingers on her forehead before gently nudging her off of him. “Geez Tenji” , his words almost sounding empathetic until he opened his mouth again, “Good luck finding someone who will help you with that”. Tenji’s mouth hung open in utter defeat as Genma walked right past her, not missing how he unashamedly took in the gorgeous sight of her full, round ass, her uniform gracefully complimenting it with the way her pants clung desperately to the curve of her hips and hugged her ass in a way that he would always appreciate. “Tch”, Tenji scoffed as she turned fully to face him, his soft light, brown eyes slowly climbing up her body taking in her front, failing to hide the disappointment in them, missing the blessed sight she turned away from him, reluctantly looking back up into her darker orbs to wink at her, disappearing into the Hokage mansion. She blamed herself for expecting anything from that perverted bastard, as she hesitantly began her dreadful walk down the busy streets of Konoha.
Tenji kept her eyes glued to the ground, drowning out the sounds of the happy village folk all around her, as she continued on replaying how good it would feel to walk into her apartment and pamper herself to a nice shower and some well needed rest. A low growl from her tummy dirsturbed her train of thought, reminding her of her deep hunger for some delicious, warm food. The divine, savory smell of Ichiraku’s ramen, not helping her best attempts at ignoring it and heading home, her fatigue too overwhelming for her to entertain her hunger as she stood in front of the little ramen restaurant. “Tenji sensei!,” a loud voice erupting out of nowhere pulled her attention directly in front of her. A young and enthusiastic Lee stood in her path, the biggest grin spreading on his face, clearly excited to see her. A mini Might Guy, always bringing a deep nostalgic feeling in her heart, he was far too adorable for her to not smile at him, despite the exhaustion that tugged at her eyelids, with his little green jumpsuit, “Lee-san, so good-,” she was suddenly cut off as two large hands tugged at her waist, lifting her up and tossing her high into the air, she squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for the one sensation she absolutely despised, punching her deep in her gut as the fall back downwards came shortly after. Landing right into none other than her boyfriend, Might Guy’s strong arms. “Precious!”, she shuddered as he spoke way louder than she would have liked; “After so long you have finally returned from your mission! Wow I’ve missed you'', Guy was basically roaring right in her face at this point, which she normally wouldn’t mind, but the fatigue she couldn’t shake off any longer made her highly irritable. “Guy!, put me down right now, baka!”, she blurted, his big, pretty grin never leaving his face as he gently complied. “My precious flower, how was your mission” he spoke in a much calmer voice, now sensing her irritated mood as he shamelessly inspected her entire body, not bothered by the irritation in her tone, making sure his eyes and hands didn't miss a single spot, hoping she wasn't injured as she replied, “It was a success. I just reported to Lady Hokage and I get a full week of rest as a reward so i'm going home now” , the tone of her voice growing more and more annoyed as she noticed Kakashi and his team all standing there, watching Guy fiddle with her body, the embarrassing display of care leaving a light blush across her plump cheeks. Everyone knew they were dating, despite the fact that their relationship was still very new, it didn't take a scientist to figure out they had been in love with one another even as friends. “Guy!” she whined, pushing him off of her hoping he was now pleased with his inspection. “As expected of my lotus! Always glowing in the light of her youth!”, he continued with his over enthusiastic praise. Tenji was now very used to his overly positive attitude that he was apparently born with, considering he was just as loud now, as he was when they were still children. Kakashi looked at her with a knowing look of second hand embarrassment as he nodded towards her “Yo, we‘re going inside Ichiraku’s now, join us whenever you’re ready Tenji-chan” he spoke in the warm, familiar manner, he always spoke in when talking to her. “Kakashi-san, I’m too tired. Next time?”, she replied, her eyelids noticeably droopy as he nodded in understanding, walking into the restaurant.
Guy stood in front of his new lover, feeling like his heart would explode with the surge of joy he felt to be near her after not getting to hang out much, especially in the past two months. Tenji stood before him and let out a deep sigh, knowing that she wouldn't have to worry about the dreadful walk home because her best friend and now lover would go to the ends to make her happy, as she would for him. Tenji looked up at him, her deep brown eyes never leaving his onyx ones as she stepped closer, wrapping her arms around his large build, gripping on the back of his green jumpsuit, sighing heavily into his chest. Her heart fluttered, remembering that she could now hold him like this. He was hers now. Guy’s flak jacket draped her arms as he engulfed her in a warm embrace, strong arms wrapping firmly around her, pulling her impossibly closer. Her eyelids fluttered shut, comfort washing over her as he began to rub his large hand soothingly up and down her back making her eyelids feel like a ton of bricks as she finally gave in to keeping them closed. She relished in the heavy slumber that quickly crept up on her feeling like she was sinking deeper and deeper into her lovers addicting hold, but it was cut short as she was abruptly interrupted by the rumbling of Guy’s hard chest, a deep chuckle leaving his lips as he felt the weight of her body dip further into his. “Someones ready for a nap I see?” he spoke placing a soft kiss on her forehead, “Mmhmm”, was all Tenji had the strength to say, too tired to move her mouth into actual words, revelling in the pleasant warmth Guy’s soft caresses provided—despite the afternoon heat—bringing his fingers to brush the coily strand that escaped the loosely tied bun at the nape of her neck and tucked it back into place. Attempting to tuck the one strand in, the whole bun began to fall apart and Guy being the sweet bean he was,decided to fix the whole thing for her. Speaking to her, he continued to work on it, gently detangling her hair from the scrunchie that failed to keep her thick, dark brown coils neatly bundled up. “How about I take you home and help you wind down?” , he continued, finally able to pry the scrunchie from the last little coil that wouldn't let it go, careful not to hurt her. “Miss you”, she sounded muffled, snuggling further into his chest, a pang of happiness filling her chest at the action, taking in her favourite faint scent of lemon and a much stronger earthy smell. Guy began to softly brush her hair back with his palms, making sure to pull all escaping strands into the ponytail he was forming in his fist at the nape of her neck, now securing it all with the scrunchie. “Well let's get going precious”, he sighed out, gently prying himself free from her tight grip around him, quickly silencing her whine, turning around and gently tugging at her arm, easily pulling all her weight onto his back. A move that she was all too familiar with, Guy always treating her like the ‘precious flower’ he always described her as ever since they were younger. Her heart leaped along with him as he jumped up onto the nearest rooftop, maintaining a firm yet gentle grip on her thighs, a faint sigh leaving her lips and excitement bubbling up from the pit of her tummy, pleasantly spreading around the rest of her body as thoughts of the cuddles and attention she was going to receive clouded her mind. Why didn’t they get together any sooner? Not only did she have a whole entire week off, but she also scored time with her lover. It couldn't get any better than that.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
Pseudo Princess Pt.36 - End
A Chance Meeting
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader          Word Count: 10,158
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, creepy dudes
A/N: The end. 😭 I hope you’ve enjoyed it. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my stories on any other sites or blogs. REBLOGS are always welcome.
*pictures relay only style of clothing and not physical appearance/race
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Silken sheets that are cool to the touch. A roaring fire. The heartbreaking smell of peony blossoms.
A wooden bucket—your wooden bucket—full of ice-cold water.
A chill warmed by a feverish heat wrapped around your back.
All of these thoughts-no. They’re more like memories.
All of them have come to you over the course of a year.
They grow more elusive as they come.
Before you thought you could almost see a garden with an ocean of pink peonies in varying shades of blush to wine.
Now, after months of having these strange visions, they have become condensed into single colors at random. The most frequent is a shade of gold. A circle of blue.
You think these memories might be important but you cannot grasp onto them long enough to make any sense of them.
There’s also the fact that you know they cannot possibly be memories.
You have never seen a garden of peonies.
You’ve had plenty of chill in your life but a warmth like the one you’d recalled at the beginning of the year when the winter cold had been at its worst is as unfamiliar to you as the looming manor on the hill above the village.
With a small groan, you stop and set the bucket down. Your arms are strong enough to carry it but after so harsh a winter, you’d be a fool not to take care.
You’d only just managed to make it out alive after devoting so much time to your little one.
You suppose the golden hue you keep remembering is similar to your baby’s hair. Just a shade or two off. Just as beautiful.
The estate sits looming at the peak of a hill that sits almost a mile away from the village.
The manor itself, you can see, has been expanded. It has the appearance of a small castle now with towers and battlements. The parapet walls that now surround the structure offer crenels to whatever guard the now small castle may need.
It had sat there abandoned for so long, the lord once given task to watch over it and Bright Rise as well as several other small villages in this part of the kingdom having left.t
With the primary building made of wood, the added masonry has really given the old place new life.
What magnificent furnishings must it have? Gilded and ornate probably. Chairs worth more than everything you own.
What type of person has taken residence there? Is it someone you’d know?
Someone beautiful probably. A handsome lord and his gorgeous lady. Both of them probably members of his Majesty King Anthony’s court.
Do they have children? A young little lord or lady running around causing mischief.
You find yourself smiling, made happy by the image you paint in your head.
It makes you only a little sad that you picture yourself there. Your baby in your arms. Your husband…
My husband?
Silly…You don’t have a husband.
But you yearn for something you very nearly miss. Something you know you should have. Something…precious.
“Hello there, little mouse.”
You gasp, startled out of your daydreams and turn on your heel in search of the horrible voice.
With a stuttering heart you spot Phin, standing with his grimy hands in his tattered pockets.
“What do you want?” You ask him, voice cold but wavering as you grow wary.
Already you’re searching with a quick glance for the nearest route of escape.
You hunch over, grabbing your bucket and attempt and fail to stifle your groan of effort.
Phin lunges forward, his hand thrown out towards you. It makes you flinch. You keep your eyes shut as you wait for the blow.
It never comes.
Slowly you peek, searching for Phin's extended hand and find it wrapped around the rope handle of your bucket.
“What are you doing?” You ask, confused and fearful. “Let go.”
“I can treat you right, little mouse. I can give you proper protection. I’ll even pretend that bastard brat of yours is mine.
“I’ve been patient. I may not be able to wait much longer.” His voice is like sludge, creeping down your spine raising chills of terror as it goes.
You yank on the handle, urging him to release it. You meet his gaze, matching his threat with your own angry stubbornness.
You will not give in to him. Not now. Not ever. Even with your little one…you can’t.
He keeps holding it, refusing to let go until you feel like you’d rather drop the water and come back for more later.
He drops the rope and you stumble back a step, not having realized how much you were actually pulling on the bucket.
Some water spills but you’re just thankful to be free of Phin and you rush away to be even further. A glance back when you’re close to your small home shows you Phin still standing where you left him.
He’s watching you.
You hate him.
Getting inside, you shut the rickety door tight, resting your forehead against the splintered wood as you wait for your heart to stop pounding.
From behind you a sudden “goo" chases the tension and fear from your body. Your shoulders relax.
With a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you turn in search of the cooing source.
Nestled into a bed of hay, covered with a thick blanket of navy fabric, is your little one.
A hair of golden hair and eyes as blue as the deepest ocean have enraptured you. Stolen your heart and changed your world.
“Are you finally awake?” You gush, moving to place your bucket by the crumbling and unlit fireplace before you make your way to him.
His chubby little legs kick away his tunic. A plain brown piece of linen you’d stitched together to keep him clothed.
At six months, he’s nearly outgrown it.
When you offer your arms, he throws his weight to his left until he can roll onto his stomach and then reaches for pivots towards you.
Sliding your hands underneath his arms, he grabs you and you lift him up then place several kisses to his chubby baby cheeks.
He's gorgeous, your baby boy. His smile is sun bright and the gleam in his eyes is sharp and observant.
The expressions he wears on his little face are familiar. They pull and tug at something too but you can’t focus on it long enough to care.
Your boy is your world and that’s all you need to know.
“Is my sweet boy hungry?” You wonder while moving for the bucket of water you’d lugged into the hut.
You dip your hand in and for a moment relish in the feel of the water on your hand. A sudden desire to be submerged in steaming hot water that smells like a spring garden overcomes you, but it’s gone by the time you gently swipe across your little one's face.
He protests you cleaning his face. Whining a little and twisting in your arms until you’re done and wait with both arms supporting him for his sputtering to stop.
He looks at you and after taking another moment to overcome his displeasure, he smiles again.
You chuckle and move to grab the swaddling blanket you’ve set aside for his use alone and sit with it in your lap as you lean back a little to expose your breast to feed him.
A song you feel you almost dreamt slips from your lips in a soothing hum. With your eyes shut you can almost see a beautiful gown sweep around your feet.
Strong arms hold you close as they lead you around a crowded room.
The image is like a dream too, part of the song you’re humming. You’ve never been in so vast a hall, tables laden with food and the satin gown you wear is softer than any rag you’ve ever worn.
No. You’ve never been bathed in such luxury.
This hovel is your home with its mostly dirt floor, loose cobblestones shoved around in spots you’d set aside to keep dry.
No windows. A door that hangs off its hinges. A straw bed. A patched roof.
As your son feeds and you allow your mind to put away the dream of nice things, you assess the hut you’ve made your home.
You’re almost certain that you’d had it in better condition before. The door had hung straight, the rickety fireplace had been sturdy and homely.
The floor had been more even. Your straw bed had been less lumpy.
You’d had another small shelf with your plates and cups. Your sewing kit safely stored in the cupboard below.
Your home had not been grand but it had been comfortable. It had been yours and you’d cared for it delicately and made it a sanctuary.
When had it changed so much?
As you attempt to remember when this place fell apart your mind is forced to confront several other unanswered questions that you seem to think on often but always forget.
It’s almost as if the thoughts are pushed from your mind until they are brought to the surface once more.
The one question that started it all…the one that had made you pause. You still remember the miller’s wife, staring at you at the small grocer's shop while you waited to pay for your bushel of potatoes.
“Oi, orphan. How much longer ‘til you have the babe?” She'd asked, her eyes narrowed as she considered your swollen belly.
You'd stroked it, smiling fondly at the little life growing within you.
“A fortnight.” You’d answered, happy and content despite your poor living.
“Ah, and who's the father?” She'd asked, then waited as your smile slowly fell.
You’d stood there for a few minutes, waiting your turn but lost in thought at the question that had never once occurred to you in the seven months since your belly began to grow.
“I…I don’t know.” You’d admitted to her and her eyes filled with a solemn worry.
“Looks like they finally cornered you. Didn’t get a look at ‘is face?” She'd wondered and it was then that you realized what she thought.
Your precious baby, your little growing bean, was the product of one of the village men forcing himself on you.
But it wasn’t true!
As you sit with your son in your arms, rocking him back and forth as he eats, you know without a doubt in your mind that your son was made with love.
You can feel it within your very soul. There was passion and love and devotion in his making.
A golden aura, warm and encompassing that gave you your own little ray of sunshine. But even though you know this you cannot see his father.
There is no father. Only your Joseph.
He stirs in your arms. You find him smiling, finished with his meal. And just like that, your thoughts are lost to his special allure.
“All done?” You ask him and he yawns.
You begin to wrap him up in the blanket you’d made for him and bring a basket from the corner of your hut.
It’s a decent size with straps sewn into the wicker so that you may put it on your back.
You place it before you, balanced between your legs and gently lay Joseph within. You make certain he's wrapped up tight and kiss his cheek before you fit a domed lid on top.
The lid covers his head and keeps him safe from the summer heat.
“We'll check the traps and then come right back.” You promise him and lift the basket onto your shoulders, listening as he coos long baby words that say nothing.
It’s like he’s talking to you, the quiver of his voice moving up and down with inflection as if he knows what he’s doing.
He takes a breath and then starts again, “Oooh-awhhhh-wahhhhhh-ooooohhhhhhh…”
You can’t help but smile, your skin greeted by scorching sun as you start your trek into the trees behind your home.
“Let's check the traps by the pond first, then we'll check the bog by the road.” Joseph coos along with you.
The view is spectacular.
It’s downright scenic from up here so high on the hill. Even if the beautiful valley is slightly tarnished by the village below.
It’s part of the reason he decided to keep the purchase.
Several months ago, Steve had found the deed to the manor on Sunbright Hill.
He'd sat for nearly an hour while he'd considered the paperwork, trying to remember why he’d made the purchase of such a dilapidated plot.
The lord that had once resided here had apparently vacated when he'd married a lady of considerable wealth but she preferred the Capital city to Bright Rise below so, they’d left and never come back.
Slowly the manor began to rot and the village, without its caretaker, had also fallen into poverty and corruption.
The farms were all but dead. Only two were still in use and had the season failed once in the past few years, the village would have surely fallen.
“Steve?” Bucky sighs, moving into the renovated den.
Steve stands by the large arched windows behind his massive oak desk.
The chair is angled towards the glass, distracted as he's been lately, he can’t seem to get any work done.
“Steve?” Bucky says louder.
Steve blinks, pulled from his brooding to notice his friend. He turns and waits, saying nothing.
“She's here.” Bucky smiles.
Steve’s heart gives an eager stutter as his own bearded face breaks into a wide smile.
“Where?” He asks, moving towards his oldest friend.
“She’s with Nat in the dining room. She was hungry.”
Steve is already out the door, stomping with wide steps down the hallway, then another and another, down a staircase then to the east side of the manor towards the dining room.
It’s a long room, a table long enough to sit at least forty people takes up most of the center space.
Each wall has been adorned with tapestries and paintings, an iron chandelier with sixty candles hangs at the center of the room, currently unlit.
Instead, windows on both sides of the room sit open, a cool breeze blowing in to cool the manor from the summer heat.
As Steve thrusts the doors open, he spots a grouping of his closest friends. Sam, Wanda, Pietro, Peter who is actually squatting beside the chair they are all surrounding, and Natasha in the one beside it.
In the chair is a cherub. An angel. A literal princess dressed in pale pink. Her golden hair, a shade darker than Steve’s is pinned back on one side with clasp of small and ornate white peony blossoms.
“Maggie!” Steve calls, the honey in his deep voice soft and flowing as his heart swells in his chest.
The toddler turns her head, searching aimlessly as his voice echoes around the room. Her right hand full of jelly and toast as she’d sat munching, she now opens and holds her fingers wide as she isn’t coordinated enough to recognize when the food has fallen from her tiny grasp.
Everyone is watching her, despite the presence of their King and Steve cannot blame them. Her eyes find him and she releases a high squeal of excitement before she turns in her seat to take hold of the arm.
“Wait, Maggie, your hands are a mess.” Nat says, her voice full of amusement.
But little Maggie has no patience for cleanliness with her papa so close.
“Papa!” She screams, turning to look at him as she stands on the chair.
Her lips wrap around the name with a slur, her talking improving but still just beginning.
Nat continues to wipe her hands as Steve laughs and moves for her, arms extended.
Maggie bounces on her feet excitedly. Her pink dress swishing with every move.
As he reaches her, she allows herself to fall into his arms and he catches her, spinning her once as he presses a long kiss to her cheek.
Maggie laughs, her hands wrapped around Steve’s head so tightly that Steve wonders if her strength is increasing or it’s just his imagination.
“She has been asking about you all week.” Nat says, rising and then turning to Bucky as he approaches her to give her a kiss.
“We'll give you some space.” Wanda offers then moves around the chair towards the exit.
Steve stops his turning to watch her go, Pietro following.
“Will you be going back to Broklin?” He wonders, wondering if the twins only came to escort Maggie.
“No. We'll visit with Tony.” Pietro nods, then both of them stop at the door and bow before heading off at what must be Pietro’s run.
“How was the journey?” Steve worries, turning his eyes on Nat.
“It was fine. She was a little fussy last night but as soon as I explained that we were coming to see her papa, she converted her energy to enthusiastic impatience.” Nat chuckles. “She really has been asking for you. ‘Papa where?’, ‘Where Papa?’, ‘Papa, Papa, Papa…’. It’s almost as if it’s the only word she knows.”
“She’s never been away from him for so long.” Bucky observes, both he and Nat watching as Maggie places her little hands on Steve’s cheeks, her fingers exploring the edges of his beard while Steve admires her little face.
“I’m sorry, my treasure. I just wanted to make sure the manor would be ready when you arrived.” He tells her.
She seems to understand as she tilts her head to one side and throws her hand up, bent at the elbow as she babbles a string of words only she understands.
“Do you forgive me?” Steve begs.
Maggie giggles sleepily then leans forward to lay her head on his shoulder.
Steve strokes her tiny back, caressing her hair a bit as her eyes begin to close.
“How long will you stay, Nat?” Steve asks, his voice dropping a bit in volume to respect his sleeping toddler.
“Long enough for you and Sam to go and come back. Bucky and Peter will help me with Maggie.” She nods, looking for her faithful friend and Knight.
She spots him in another seat, head in hand, elbow on the table as he dozes lightly.
“He's been doting on her.” Nat explains. “Too much, perhaps?”
Sam huffs a laugh as he crosses his arms across his hard chest, tugging on the crimson tunic he’d quickly dressed himself in this morning.
“He’ll be angry we went to visit Morgana without him.” Sam observes and Steve can’t find it in him to deny it.
The romance that had bloomed between them had seemed to come out of nowhere for him.
In the back of his mind when he’s been laying in bed with Maggie beside him, he can almost remember a conversation about their eventual marriage. When he brought it up to Nat—he was fairly certain the topic had been discussed with a woman—she admitted to the thought never even crossing her mind.
She’d praised the match and teased Peter afterwards, but it has left Steve with another unanswered question.
So many…so many strings that he’s tried to pull on only to find the way blocked.
Maggie coos in his arm, another bout of baby babble in her sleep that pulls him from his pondering.
“We’ll head out in a few hours.” He tells Sam who straightens up and nods. “I would like to go now, but I want to spend a bit of time with Maggie before I leave her again.”
A few hours with Maggie turned into thirty minutes.
The longer Steve sat with her in his arms, the more eager he was for her to wake.
He’s missed her but knows that she’s tired so in an effort to get the visit over with and return to his smiling princess, he tucks her into her crib in his bedroom then hands her care over to Nat who sits by the window while Bucky sees them out.
“How long will you be, your Majesty?” Bucky wonders, keeping pace with Steve’s quick and long stride.
“Not long. I’ve only to invite him to the ball in two weeks and we’ll return. I’m certain we’ll be back before dinner.” Steve assures him. “I hear you and Natasha are considering adopting a child?”
Bucky smiles. “There is another option, one that Natasha is most eager to try but I think I’ve convinced her to reconsider.”
Steve regards his friend skeptically.
“Truly, I think I have. She met with a witch a few weeks ago and apparently there is a way for Natasha to regain her ability to have a child.” Bucky explains, his expression a little darker.
Steve’s confusion is evident in the narrow of his brow. Despite his curiosity, he keeps his eyes fixed ahead as they move along the south hall to the stables.
The fall of their shoes echoes along the empty corridor, still only half decorated as it was only finished a few days ago. Steve can still smell the fresh clay between the stones underneath their feet.
He’ll have carpets put in to quell the sound.
“Isn’t that what you both want?” He wonders.
Bucky shakes his head. “I want her to be happy. She thinks I want a child of my own. Naturally my own. But I don’t care if the child is mine by blood. I just want to love her.”
“Magic like that of which she speaks comes with a hefty price.”
“That’s why I refuse to accept it.” Bucky sighs, the worries of his world evident on his shoulders.
“The price is too high?” Steve wonders, finally looking to his friend.
“We would be granted the ability to have our own child, but the mother would have to relinquish years of her own life. Five is what the witch told her. So, if it were Nat’s fate to die at the age of sixty, five years would be taken from that and she would die that much sooner.” Bucky laments, shaking his head in denial. “I cannot condone it.”
Steve sees his friend thinking things through, biting his lip as he wonders if he should speak what has consumed his mind aloud.
He gives in, “I know that it’s her choice. If she should want to do it, I only have some say in it. If having a child truly born of us both is what would make her happy then I would have no choice but to comply, but I would rather adopt a child who we will both love as our own anyway and have my wife for five years longer.”
Steve’s heart gives a painful ache.
Something in Bucky’s words makes him sad and breaks his heart.
My wife…Steve repeats in his head, the memory of feeling proud at that very thought overtaking his senses.
“Is it Margaret again?” Bucky wonders, stopping as they reach the end of the hall. “You’ve got that look on your face again.”
Steve reaches up to stroke the spot on his chest where he can feel his heart beating. Every thump it gives sends more agony into the pit of his stomach making his head hurt.
Is it Margaret? Steve doesn’t think so.
The first time someone had asked him if it was Margaret he was mourning he admitted it was because it was easier than to tell his friends that no, it wasn’t his dead wife he was thinking of. In fact, he wasn’t sure who it was he was thinking of.
He shuts his eyes now, overcome with the sweet scent of oils. Lilac and juniper. Peonies. Fields of them. A garden full, just like back home.
A smile flitters past his sense. The image nearly chokes him. A laugh. A pout. A tear stained face made blurry as he can’t recall its beauty.
Maggie in womanly arms, pressed gently to her breast.
These elusive images that skim his mind are not Margaret. Everyone seems to ignore that Maggie is too young to be Margaret’s or perhaps they simply don’t care?
It’s almost a silent agreement that Maggie’s mother is not Margaret but who exactly she is, no one cares. No one will think on the possibility long enough for it to matter.
Even Steve loses focus after a few second of torment.
Even now, as his heart breaks painfully, Bucky puts his hand on his shoulder and gives him a shake.
Just like that, the images that pained him only moments ago are gone.
Steve smiles, breathing in deep before exhaling in a huff.
“I’ll be quick. I want to be back before it’s too dark.” With a nod from Bucky, Steve hastens his way into the stable.
Sam already has his horse saddled and waiting.
He hops on, adjusting his posture as he takes the reigns then turns to give Bucky one final wave.
“Keep my daughter happy until I return.” He orders.
Bucky waves them off and watches until they clear the large gate.
Your hands are shaking with rage. Yet another night with nothing caught.
All of your snares are in fact, broken. A deliberate cut made to the wire you’d spent so much money on.
You think you know exactly who it was that came out to ruin your work. There’s only one person who would benefit from sabotaging your efforts to feed yourself and your boy.
The image of Phin standing across the field from your home, staring at you is burned into your mind.
If it weren’t for Joseph, you would happily starve before you accept Phin’s hand in marriage.
As it is, it isn’t only you. In order to feed your son, you must eat. With no one coming to you for mending—which you are also sure is thanks to Phin’s interference as it has only been happening the past few weeks—you have no money to buy anything. No grain. No bread. No meat.
If you do not eat, your son will starve.
You clutch the broken snare in your hand, squeezing so tight you can feel the wire dig into the palms of your hand.
Were they not so rough, you may have cut yourself.
You take a quick peek at the basket carefully nestled between the rough trunk of tree and large berry bush. Your little one still dozing peacefully and safely covered by the basket’s lid.
While he sleeps, you know you must be quick with the snares by the bog. It isn’t too far so you decide to let him sleep in the shade and make your way through the trees to the road’s edge.
It’s a very short walk. Should he cry you’ll hear him perfectly and be able to run back to him in less than ten seconds.
The sun beats down on the road here and the bog is nearly dried over from the heat of the summer sun.
Normally the mud within is a thick sticky paste that one can easily be caked in. You even remember fetching a purse for the old woman who used to care for you when you were little.
As you stop by its edge, you wonder where the old woman has gone. You attempt to recall the last time you’d seen her but the last memory you have is fetching her purse from the mud pit.
Forcing her from your mind, you look to the two snares you’d set up between two trees and right at the edge of the bog.
The one at the edge has also been cut. You kick it angrily before you move to the other and find that it has also been tampered with.
“Fuck!” You mutter, hating Phin with every fiber of your being.
You try to picture him beside you, laying claim over you as his wife. You think on the life you will live, trapped in your home, and expected to fulfill his every whim, wish, and desire. He will rule you with a heavy hand, command you to obey, and take what he wants from you with violence if need be.
Terror roots you to that spot between the trees, hunched over as your hands shake with anger at the lack of options for you and Joseph.
There is the other choice, the one you’ve refused to make because where might you go? Here in Bright Rise you at least have a roof over your head.
Soon fall will come, then winter after that. If you choose to leave, you might be condemning yourself and your son to a death by freeze and you can’t do that. You can’t make such a reckless choice with him so little still.
You gather as much of the wire as you can, carefully wrapping it around an empty spool you’d kept just in case, hoping to keep your anger from shifting into sorrow.
As you work, you can hear the sound of hooves behind you. Two horses at most. Perhaps three? The sound of shifting gravel too close.
There’s the clearing of a throat before a steady voice speaks. “Excuse me, might I trouble you, miss for some directions? My guard and I seem to have become lost in these backroads by the village.”
You sigh, still consumed with rage with Phin, but rise and turn to face the man who addresses you.
He’s godly, this man with golden hair and a beard to match. His eyes are piercing. Storm blue as they stare you down and you fidget with the spool in your hand as your heart does a sudden and unexpected dip into your belly where it explodes into a flurry of butterflies.
Voice choked in your throat, you look away from the beautiful man and tried to clear your head.
“His Majesty, King Steven has asked you a question, miss.” His guard says, shocking your system into an automatic curtsy as you intentionally avoid their gaze now.
“I’m sorry!” You gasp, worried you might have given offense.
“Sam, it’s alright.” King Steven says, his voice soft and coaxing.
You take a quick peek at his guard, another handsome man with deep umber skin and a soft bronze glow. His gaze is a little sterner but kind all the same.
“We did not mean to startle you.” King Steven says, the gentility in his voice luring you into taking another look at him.
When your eyes meet, you find that you can’t look away.
“I-I was checking my traps.” You relay, feeling stupid suddenly for giving him information that he has not asked for.
“I can see that.” King Steven nods, a small smile tugging up half of his full pink lips.
He’s exquisite. His dress is fine, luxurious satin and silk. His tunic is a royal blue, a silver stitching along every seam in what looks to be a small wavy pattern.
It looks familiar and your hand absentmindedly moves with the pattern of the stitch as if it remembers how to make it though you’ve never sewn on anything so fine in your life.
King Steven’s eyes notice the movement and he watches your hand before you remember yourself and speak again.
“Forgive me, your Majesty, you asked me a question.” You gasp, dropping the spool at your feet and moving around the mud pit to stand at the edge of the road, much closer to where he and his guard tarry.
King Steven smiles again, sending your heart into a pitter patter.
“If you head down this road, you will reach a fork with three smaller roads. You’ll want to take the Eastern most road for nearly four miles before you reach a second fork of two roads. Take the left and follow that road and do not stray. You will reach the Capital before noon.” You say, pointing as you give instruction.
As you finish you drop your arm and bring your hand to tug at the worn leather of your belt.
King Steven stares at you, smiling for so long that you look down at your feet and are suddenly aghast by the state of your shoes and skirts.
You’re so dirty that you’re ashamed to be seen by them. With a bite to your lip, you turn and hurry back around the mud pit to pick up your spool.
“Thank you.” King Steve says, his wide shoulders relaxed. “Might I pay you for your assistance? What is the customary amount? Five silver pieces?”
You throw out your hand to stop him, embarrassed to take payment for so small a favor. “No!”
Gasping you watch as the spool flies out of your hand. It hits the front of his horse then topples onto the road where it rolls along further down the rocky path.
King Steven dismounts as you rush forward in chase of the wire.
Both of you reach it at the same time but King Steven is first to bend over and take it.
“Oh, please…” You gasp, worried about the dirt and muck that must be caked on the tool. “You’ll dirty your hands.”
As King Steven stands upright, he dusts it off then offers it to you. “A little dirt never killed anyone.”
Your senses are assaulted by him and for a moment all you can do is stare at his hand as he waits for you to take your wire.
He smells like evergreen woods and oranges. No…limes…You’re not sure! It’s a citrus of some sort and it overwhelms your mind. His voice is deep and smooth. It works its way into your bones and nearly turns them into jelly.
“Will you not take it?” He asks, shaking the spool a little.
You look up to meet his gaze but find that his smile has disappeared. In its place is a look of severe concentration.
Is he angry with you? Have you insulted him by waiting so long to take your property?
The look in his eyes is intense. He looks almost as if he’s trying to recall an elusive memory.
You know the feeling…
Quickly you take the spool, ignoring the moment your hand brushes his. He must notice how rough your hands are. He must mix with ladies whose hands had never once known the strife of physical labor.
“Thank you, your Majesty.” You curtsy quickly, avoiding his gaze and move around him.
A hot, vice-like grip takes hold around your wrist.
You stop, turning to look at his hand then up to meet his gaze.
Gone is the look of confusion, replaced by a furrowed brow and what can only be hopeful searching within his storm blue eyes.
“Steve?” His guard warns, confused by the moment almost as much as you are.
“What are-” You whisper, voice so weak you’re surprised you can manage to speak at all.
You clear your throat and search for the courage to say your piece.
You don’t like this. The way his presence almost consumes you. His touch is burning, and you’re not sure why you feel as if you’ve also been waiting a lifetime for it.
“Unhand me.” You plead, twisting your wrist in his hand but refusing to look away from his slowly shifting expression.
He smiles and your heart stutters, fear of what it might mean making you yank a little harder, but King Steven uses the momentum of your pull to step towards you. He wraps his free arm around your waist, dipping his head down as he presses fevered lips against your own.
You’re frozen in his arms, wide eyes staring at his own now shut. His lips are fierce, his kiss is hard. It hurts a little and it takes you a moment to feel the warmth of their touch.
He drops your wrist and wraps his other arm around you, hand pressed to the back of your head as he tilts his own to one side and coaxes your lips open with a gentle swipe of his tongue.
The taste of him stuns you, your body freezing as your mind is assaulted with images all blurred together into one precious life that you’d most assuredly lost and now found again.
Your eyes grow blurry, tears flooding from the corners as your lips finally respond to Steve’s kiss.
With a gasp you pull away, sobbing once as you gobble up the sight of him.
Steve’s hands caress the sides of your face, stroking your hair and cheeks as he also devours your visage.
“I found you.” He whispers, throat tick with emotion.
You sob once more, arms pulling him towards you as you give in to the shocking relief you feel to be in his arms once more.
Your heart breaks as you clutch him close. Over a year of lost time with not only him but…
“Maggie!” You exclaim, voice barely above a whisper.
“She’s perfect,” Steve assures you, pulling back to meet your gaze once more. “She’s growing bigger every day. She has your sweetness, your love of jams and jellies.”
Steve laughs, so happy that his own tears fall too. “She calls me Papa, and she calls Sam birb.”
You laugh, shaking your head already knowing that Bucky’s to blame for that.
“I don’t think it’s that funny.” Sam suddenly says, pulling both your gazes towards him.
“Sam…” You smile.
“I’ve kept watch over her, just as I promised.” The recognition in his eyes is heavenly.
“How did this happen?” Steve asks, continuing the caress of your cheeks. “How did we lose each other.”
You sigh, licking your lips as you prepare to explain when your heart suddenly drops, and you remember another pair of storm blue waiting in a basket. “Steve…”
Without warning you turn and race into the trees, running as fast as you can to make sure that he wasn’t a dream.
You find the basket where you left it and pull it away from its hiding spot before you remove the lid, happy to find your little boy still fast asleep.
“Y/N!” Steve calls, racing up behind you where he skids to a stop. “What is it, my flower? What’s the matter?”
He sighs heavily when he finds you, moving to place his hands on your shoulders, needing to feel you it seems.
“Don’t run away from me like that…” He pleads, and your heart aches for him but this is much more important.
“Steve,” You begin, and turn to reveal the six-month-old baby in your arms. “You have a son.”
The step back he takes you attribute to shock. The heartbreak and confusion on his face you have only yourself to blame for.
“How-?” He asks, shaking his head as he stares at the tiny prince in your arms.
“Steve…” You begin, suddenly fearful of what he might say when you confess the deal you’d made with grandmother.
“No.” Steve cuts you off, reaching out to trace the shape of your arms through the dingy dress you wear. “Not here. Let’s go home.”
“To Broklin?” You wonder, relieved that he’s eager to resume your lives together.
“No, I-do you remember when I asked you if I should purchase your little hut?” Despite speaking to you, his eyes are still trained on your son.
Slowly, as he speaks, his hand skates across your arms until he can stroke Joseph’s little cheek with one tentative finger.
“Yes.” You frown, disapproving of the purchase as it isn’t your land to begin with.
“Well, when you forbade me from buying it, I bought the manor on the hill instead.” He confesses, finally meeting your gaze.
“Oh.” You’re stunned.
“I thought that it would be nice to have somewhere in Malibia to call our own. Visiting your family is something that I wanted you to feel free to do. I wanted to give you a space you could come to, somewhere near your home.” He explains sweetly sending your heart into a tizzy.
“Steve…” You reach up, pressing your palm to his warm bearded cheek while keeping a firm hold of your little one with the other.
“Come on.” Steve urges you, leaning down quickly to kiss you then pulls away slowly almost as if he doesn’t want to. “Our princess is waiting.”
She’s as beautiful as the night you’d held her close, memorizing the little wheeze in her breath as she’d drifted to sleep.
She’s bigger. She’s walking, unsteadily but moving. She’s talking, indeed saying ‘Papa’ but she says other things that you’ve already picked up on.
Her little chubby limbs have stretched a bit and you can’t believe you’ve lost so much time with her.
Tears are still streaming down your cheeks while you sit here, staring at her sleeping face.
Steve’s hands support her little back as he holds her to his chest, his back resting against the ornate wooden headboard of your bed.
“She’ll know you soon enough.” Steve assures you as you nod and quickly wipe the tears from your eyes. “She was so little.”
“I know.” You reach out, caressing her little head before you look down at the even smaller boy between you both. He’s chewing on his fist, little legs up in the air as he quietly plays by himself.
He’s so good at just being alone, you feel terrible about it because you know that it’s your fault. You’ve needed him to be independent as you worked hard to earn money for both of you.
When he meets your eyes, he coos those long wordless streams of vowel. He’s talking to you, probably relishing in the plush mattress all four of you lay on.
“Shh, my sweet boy. Your sister is sleeping.” You stroke his little chest and he takes hold of your hand as he kicks his legs in excitement.
“Y/N…” Steve begins, and you know it’s finally time.
“I’m ready now.” You sniffle, meeting his look of somber confusion. “I’ll tell you what happened.”
It takes you less than five minutes to explain. Grandmother’s vision. Her actions to see it in greater detail. The truth of his imminent death. You tell him that you begged for his life and that night when Grandmother had interrupted your sleep, she’d come to tell you that she’d found a solution.
“She said the magic would ask for payment. Something that only I could give.” You hope that he doesn’t hate you, his expression unreadable as he watches you with his brooding brow all scrunched and focused. “I thought that it would be my ability to see or walk. My hearing perhaps? Or being able to speak…I never thought that it would take you and Maggie from me.
“My life perhaps? But not my memories of you. Not knowing you.” You sigh, waiting for his rage to show.
What you get instead, is a calm conversation and a gentle pout.
“But it wasn’t only your memories. It was everyone’s. The magic wiped your existence as my wife and Queen completely.” He observes.
“Yes.” You agree. “Even the villagers in Bright Rise acted as if I’d never gone anywhere. How can magic be so powerful as to erase me completely from so many minds?”
Steve shakes his head, his hand still absentmindedly stroking Maggie’s back.
“It was such a risk for you to take.” Steve frowns, his gaze piercing, and the guilt you’d felt building since you’d stepped foot in the manor crests. “How could you make such a choice without consulting with me? I’m your husband.”
“I know.” Your lip trembles. “I’m sorry. It all happened so quickly, and I had so little time to consider the consequences of my choice. All I knew was that your future was certain. You would die protecting the world and I could not give you up to it. If I had the power to save you, of course I would use it. So long as I knew that Maggie would have you, I could stand any future I had to live.”
“Even this one? Both of us separated forever?” Steve counters, holding a mirror to the past year of your life.
You shake your head, new tears springing forth as you look down at your boy who has fallen asleep once again.
“I thought I would have to marry Phin.” You admit, voice quiet so as not to disturb your little ones.
“I’m fairly certain he was orchestrating it. No one in the village were taking work from me to mend their clothing and today, you found me checking my snares for small game, but someone has been breaking them. Cutting the wire or simply tearing it down.
“He wanted me to be hungry enough to marry him and the bastard knew that I would do it, for Joseph if not for myself.” Your anger taints your vision red, Phin’s detestable face a memory you wish you could forget.
Mentioning your son brings Steve’s eyes back down to him. He takes one hand and reaches down, placing his finger into Joseph’s tiny open hand. He grasps his papa’s finger, a tiny fist full of surprisingly sturdy strength.
“Now that we’ve remembered, I’m panicked by the idea that you might have found a new Queen in my absence.” You confess, chewing nervously on your lip.
“Bucky and Sam suggested it. They brought Sharon around me often to try and convince to take her on, but something prevented me from doing so.” His words send your heart into your feet, your head is suddenly splitting.
Glad as you are that he doesn’t seem to have found a new wife, the possibility of it make you feel almost sick to your stomach with anxiety.
“I think perhaps I knew in some way, deep down, that I was already married. The very thought of sharing my bed with someone else drove my skin to crawl. I felt guilty, as if I were committing some grave sin.” He admits, unrelenting in his stare.
“I would not have blamed you…” You whisper, almost fearful to speak the words. “…if you had taken a new wife. If you’d had another child with someone else. I would have had no one to blame but myself.”
“No one could ever take your place.” He assures you. “Even though I didn’t remember you, your presence was greatly missed. I may not have known what it was I was yearning for, but I was wishing for you every moment of every day.”
You shut your eyes, allowing the pleasure his words give you to soak deep down into your bones.
Even though he doesn’t ask, you’d also felt the exact same way. Something had always told you that somewhere was a home waiting for you to take your place. Never would you have guessed that it was a castle in the next Kingdom over.
“Were you frightened?” Steve wonders, drawing your gaze once more.
You find him watching Joseph once again, his thumb stroking the little one’s hand.
“Expecting him all on your own?” He clarifies.
“I was afraid of how I’d take care of him.” You smile, reaching to stroke the length of his little nose. “I knew I would be alright birthing him. It was long and taxing. But he was with me so suddenly. It was over before I even knew what was happening. The miller’s wife came to check on me and she helped me for a few days after, but I had no other choice than to push on. I was up and caring for him and myself before the week was out. That’s when my fear came.
“I knew that I had to feed myself in order to keep him fed and healthy and I wasn’t sure exactly how to do it with the village set so resolutely against me. An unwed mother with a bastard child?”
“I’ll have it burned to the ground.” Steve declares suddenly.
You smile wide, your heart melting as you watch the intensity in his gaze as new love blooms for his son.
“I wish you had spoken with me about Agatha’s vision before you made any decisions.” Steve laments, an anger growing in contrast with the new love.
It effectively wipes aware the happiness his love gives you as you regret having kept him in the dark.
“If I’d told you,” You begin, voice breaking and weak as emotion gets the better of you. The sound of it brings his gaze back to you and he seems to soften with it. “You would have kept me from doing what needed to be done. There was no question of saving you, Steve. I had only just found you. Our baby girl only just born. I could not lose you.”
Shutting your eyes, you let your head fall, burying your face into your pillow.
“Imsuhsawree.” You sob, muffled against the fluff of the bed.
The silence feels endless until you’ve just about made up your mind to look at him again when a sudden snort of laughter cuts the tension with ease.
You whip your head to face him, searching for the source of the laugh only to find Steve with his hand over his mouth as his body shakes with silent laughter.
“You’re laughing?” You gasp in disbelief; certain you must be seeing things.
Your husband cannot possibly be amused in this moment while your heart and soul are drowning in guilt and grief.
“I’m sorry.” Steve chortles, a whisper of giggles as he tries his best not to wake Maggie. “Forgive me, I…”
You frown at him, displeased with his humor but he reaches for you with his hand and hooks it behind your head in a soft caress.
“It’s not funny.” You insist.
“No.” Steve shakes his head. “It isn’t. I’m sorry, my flower. I’m just…so happy you’ve returned. I’ve missed you so much.”
And just like that, he’s forgiven.
The four of you lay there in bed for hours. Though your stomach is empty, you refuse to bring your hunger to Steve’s attention. Even though you know very well just how much he will be upset with you for it, you can’t bring yourself to tear your little family apart so very soon.
The sun is only just setting when Joseph decides it’s time to eat. He whimpers, a soft murmuring of whiney breaths until the air takes shape and his cries begin to grow louder.
Beside him Maggie also stirs, staring around with wide eyes as the crying rises in volume and she’s brought out of her blissful slumber.
Steve wakes last, while you are already scooping your little boy into your arms and propping yourself up against the headboard to feed him, he rubs his face and glances at the window.
“It’s already so late.” He realizes, turning back to you and Joseph while Maggie twists her body until she can lay on her stomach and then throw herself back to sit on her bottom.
Her eyes are glued to Joseph as he latches to your breast and begins to suckle. Your breasts are sore, and the pain is worse than you remember it being with Maggie, but you have no time to focus on the pain.
You make sure he can eat easily, watching him for any signs of distress.
“Did you get her a wet nurse?” You wonder, letting your eyes drift to Maggie who still sits watching you feed her brother.
“I did.” Steve nods, lifting the girl back up onto his lap. “She was so little.”
You look away, a quiver in your bottom lip as you try to push past the heartbreak that you hadn’t been there for your daughter like you’d wanted to be. “Yeah.”
Steve is familiar with you enough that he knows you don’t want to dwell on it and changes the topic quickly.
“Shall we have dinner in here? I don’t want to share either of you yet.” He confesses, stroking the back of Maggie’s little head.
“Yes.” You nod, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically at the mention of food because Steve frowns.
“Damn it, Y/N.” He gripes and gently places Maggie back on the bed before he marches towards the doors. “If you were hungry, you should have said something. After your meal, I’ll have Natasha draw you a bath.”
The prospect of a full belly and a luxuriously hot bath which you hadn’t realized you’d grown so fond of is so dreamy that your heart gives a clench and once more you feel so very happy you just might cry again.
“How’s your bath, my petal?” Steve checks, moving to the edge of the bed once more as the children sleep on.
After their dinner they’d quickly begun to play. They’d explored each other’s boundaries and Maggie had made Joseph cry only once for a few minutes before they were sharing Maggie’s soft cloth dolls.
They each sleep with one in their hands, huddled close together at the center of the bed.
“Is the water too hot?” Steve pulls over a small yellow footstool, sitting upon the soft cushion.
He doesn’t wait for your answer and dips his left hand into the water, testing the temperature as you lay yourself back against the large copper tub.
“Your hand is going to smell like peonies and rose oils.” You tease him, bringing your hand up above the fragrant water.
You take a peony petal and carefully tuck it behind his ear, gentle drops of water skirting down into his beard as the pink stands in pleasant contrast to the gold of his hair.
Biting your lip, you comb it back, tracing the shape of his jaw with damp fingers.
“Even though I didn’t know you, my heart and soul yearned for you.” You whisper, sliding your hand down to rest upon his shoulders.
“And I you.” He smiles, eyes shut as you lean in to press a gentle kiss to his lips.
“I wonder,” You begin, pulling back to examine and rememorize every inch of his face. “Now that we are together again, whether this will negate in some way the effect of the spell?”
This thought raises a new worry in you. A fear that by meeting again you have somehow doomed Steve to die.
“Even if it has, I will not part with you again. I won’t die either.” Steve promises, but how can you take him at his word.
Magic is wicked and it will take its price one way or another.
“I have to speak to grandmother.” You counter, your gentle caress of his shoulders turned into a desperate cling.
“She’s gone.” Steve says, sending your heart into a pit within your belly. “No one has seen her since all of this started. However, there is something that I found in my office back home.”
Steve rises, moving towards his cloak left to rest on the back of a chair at the opposite end of the room.
When he returns, he holds in his hand a sealed piece of parchment, folded twice to keep its contents secure. The wax seal is a deep purple, her insignia that of a cat, back arched and head tilted up as if to yowl towards the moon.
You reach for your towel nearby and dry your hands then take the letter as Steve holds it out.
“I’ve been carrying it with me everywhere I go, hoping it would yield some explanation as to why I have been feeling so…empty.” He tells you, picking up his stool and moving to place it a bit more near the head of the tub where you sit. “Scoot forward.”
You do as he asks, staring at the letter and consider what its contents might be.
Steve’s hands disappear beneath the surface of your bathwater and emerge with a small porous sponge. It’s rough at first but with water and under Steve’s heavy hand, it becomes malleable and he begins to stroke your back, cleaning the peasant grime from your body.
“Why haven’t you opened it?” You wonder, turning it over almost expecting it to billow with glittering smoke.
“I attempted to many times. I couldn’t. The seal would not break. See there at the bottom of the fold?” He instructs.
You turn it over to look at the side with the seal and spot the small loopy writing at the bottom. The penmanship is so exquisite, you’re almost certain now that grandmother had indeed once been of noble blood.
For the Queen of Broklin.
“For me?” You gasp.
“I think it will only open for you, petal.” Steve explains as he leans closer to get the tops of your arms and then following the flow of muscle over your shoulders and down along your sides slowly.
Eager now, knowing this letter is meant for you, you tear it open and the seal breaks without fuss.
“Can you read it?” Steve wonders, no note of teasing in his voice.
Like you, he must be wondering whether so long a time away from life at the castle has made you forget everything you’d learned.
“I think so.” And with bated breath, you read, glad that you’d tried so hard to learn and only slightly surprised that you understand every single word she’s written.
If you are reading this note, it means that I was right.
First, believe me when I tell you that every word I spoke of King Rogers’s death was true. There is indeed a threat that would take his life and that of your father’s and King Thor’s as well.
I thought that perhaps King Rogers’s death would be enough to convince you that what we needed to do would be necessary and I am glad to say I was right.
What I did not tell you is that I knew the price to be asked would be the life you’d built within the castle in Broklin. I could not bear to tell you that you’d spent all that time suffering and building a family with him only to have it ripped from you.
Somehow, I don’t think you would have changed your mind even if I had.
After you spoke to me of your connection with the Asgardian king, I was wary of what it might mean for your future as Queen in the kingdom. There was only one chance to break the curse dealt by the spell to save your husband’s life and that was if you and he were always meant to be together.
Soulmates, I believe they call it. Two halves of one whole, set at opposite ends of the world to meet each other in just the right way to create what we know as destiny. In this case, the opposite ends you were placed in were poverty and wealth.
Your husband had every advantage in life while you had none. You were given no loves in life and King Rogers was given one big enough to eclipse the pull you would have for him when and if you met.
At the time, I worried that King Thor might be your true mate. The two of you were so well suited and perhaps I’m right? But if you’re reading this, it means that you and King Rogers found each other once again.
By some miracle, he or you have lifted the curse, and you can once more be together to live your lives and King and Queen of Broklin.
A fate you might not have found had I not thrown my purse into that bog by the road. I hope you appreciate my efforts, girl. I have worked very hard to walk you through this life but must now leave you to shape it on your own.
Don’t worry. I might not be with you every day, but should you need me, I will come. You don’t need to send for me. I’ll know. And rest assured, your husband’s life is safe.
There will always be evil in the world and he will always rise to fight it but be content to know that his life you most certainly have saved. Take care.
You read the letter at least three times before Steve’s chin finds your shoulder, the scruff of his beard pleasantly rough against your skin.
“What does it say?” He wonders, tilting his head to kiss your neck.
You fold the letter and toss it away so that it won’t get wet, then lean back until you’re relaxed and can turn to look and admire your husband’s storm blue eyes.
“It says that no matter what might come to tear us apart, you will always find me.” You smile, reaching up to scratch underneath his chin.
Steve’s lips curl up on one side, a dashing smirk if you ever saw one.
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 2 years
“Lance! I..Can I be honest with you? Does it ever feel like I’m using you to make myself feel loved? Don’t you think of me as self centered and mean?”
“What? Who the fu** is the bastard who made you feel like you’re not worthy of love just because you are human?! Let me assure you, my dummy, that all human beings long to be loved, so there’s nothing mean or selfish about your wish, love.”
“True, I do hope you’d be more sincere in your affections for us - but nothing’s gonna change my love for you, Shiri.”
“Even if we do eventually part ways, my heart will always wish for your happiness. Even through my tears and heartbreak, I’d never want to hold you back from moving forward through life.”
(‘But I know I don't possess you
With all my heart, God bless you
You will be my love and my life
You're my one and only’)
“I’ll forever reside in your heart, no matter how time passes, the only one for me is you Shiri. This I promise you from the depths of my heart.”
(‘Who is it that calls to you tonight, listen
Who sings aloud under your window
Who stakes his soul just for you to be happy
Who'll lend his hand to build you a home
Who'll lay his life down under your footsteps
Who like the earth at your feet shall live on
Who'll love you better than all of your lovers
Who'll save you from the rage of the storm
Out of the depths’)
“!!!! I feel like crying (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) ! Lance, you’re killing me softly with your songs. I feel so immensely blessed to be loved by someone as sweet, mature, honest and as kind as you.
I feel so overwhelmed by your heart overflowing with love, warmth and adoration for me TvT!
I wish to be with you for as long as our love lasts, and I wish it would be for as long as we live! I really love how warm you’ve become after learning what love is through me, how your winter has melted into lovely, floral spring.
My life was so empty before I fell for you as well, my sweet knight Lance!
Our dreams of being loved, cherished, appreciated for all that we are, supported and heavenly guided by the stars even in our darkest moments.
Our wishes to be divine, true and the ethereal state of our pure souls - deserve to be answered positively with love and light.
Touched by Shiri’s sincere and warm words, Lance started tearing up.
“Lance! My dear love don’t cry! I’ll always be here for you! It hurts my heart to see your reddened eyes raining teardrops.“
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“Heh..It just goes to show how much you mean to me. I, I’d feel so heartbroken to see you leave me behind as you grow older.. Please keep me in your heart when it comes time for our love to fade into the light of a million stars, my sweet love Shiri. My most precious little dummy.”
“I will! I promise this to you so dearly, from the bottom of my heart. No matter where life leads me, I’ll always hold our memories close to my heart! I really want to hug you close. I know that our time together won’t last forever but I truly do wish for our love for each other to last for as long as possible! I mean it sincerely, my Angel Lancie“
“But, my knight, instead of fearing and grieving the future that still hasn’t come yet, I hope I can ease your mind with the love I do have for you right now.” Shiri then gently wiped Lance’s tears away, brushed her tear stained fingertips onto Lance’s lips and leaned in close, kissing him slowly and tenderly.
Lance’s heart almost got caught in his throat as his face furiously flushed at Shiri’s innocent sensuality.
Lips parting, Shiri then asked Lance to wait for her a bit. Lance’s eyes were trembling, face red for an entirely different reason than crying, and he looked down as his palm covered his lips. ‘She. Shiri kissed me. I’m-! I- I can’t breathe. My heart is thudding so fast, I can barely-! I-!’ Lance’s heart was going so wild that he could barely form a coherent thought, flustered by Shiri’s love comforting him.
A few minutes later Shiri came back to Lance’s room with a tray of dried fruits, pretzel stabbed marshmallows, and candied lemon tea for the two of them.
“I thought maybe we could watch a coming of age movie, wrap you up in a blanket burrito as we cuddle together, bodies intertwined, feed each other, maybe sing you a lullaby and pet your silky hair, comfortingly kiss your smooth pale face…” Shiri trailed on, seductively.
“We could even scroll through our first date photo album and plan our next date! I thought we could go to the pool together!”
“Pbfftt!” Lance spit out his drink at Shiri’s suggestion. Just imagining Shiri in a modest yet adorable pink and frilly swimsuit made Lance both equally flustered and protective of Shiri’s innocence.
“You- You’re not thinking of wearing a two piece are you? You- You need to be more aware of yourself! The guys would-!”
“? What? Would what? I just thought it’d be really nice to go to the pool together since it’s almost summer. I miss swimming.”
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Shiri then smiled, pleased with Lancie’s reaction. “Oh, I’m not worried though. I know that you’re the only Lance for me, I won’t be stolen by anyone else when I’m with you.”
“You! You’re such a problem, Shiri. In the best way.”
‘I knew it. Shiri really is the only one for me.’
Lance then held Shiri’s warm hand and kissed her cheeks then trailed to her lips again.
‘I just can’t get enough of her..it’s like I’m addicted.’
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red-dead-daydreams · 4 years
Here is a Sean MacGuire and Male Reader fanfic that is a commission for @cowpokecorner and I got permission to share :) Commissions are opened and if you’re interested just message me for prices!
Sean MacGuire and Male Reader Fanfic: Sean’s welcome back party 
Summary: Sean has returned from Blackwater with the help of Arthur, Javier, Charles and Josiah so the gang decided to celebrate the night away on his return. But you just wished Sean would celebrate a little more with you
Rating: Explicit
           It felt like years from the last time you saw Sean. You couldn’t even fully remember what happened in Blackwater, everything seemed like a blur. Spending that week up in the mountains was rough on you and everyone else. It was rough for you because you didn’t know if Sean was alive or not. It led to sleepless nights or nightmare filled ones. You vividly remember Dutch’s sad eyes when he told you they left without Sean. He knew you two were a couple and he knew the news wouldn’t be easy on you. You sobbed your eyes out that night. The girls gave you endless hugs and comforting statements but you still felt empty inside. You spent that week to yourself mostly, freezing in a crappy cabin. You imagined how Sean would hold you close for warmth or how he’d drink so much his body would be a walking heater and you’d cling to him. 
When you overheard Arthur and Dutch talking about how they spotted Sean in Blackwater, you felt your heart skip a beat. He was alive. Before Arthur left to meet up his Javier, Charles and Josiah, you grabbed onto his arm with tears in your eyes.
“Please bring Sean home to me.. to us”
Arthur said he wasn’t going to leave until Sean escaped with them and that made you smile. But as soon as he left you felt a rock in your stomach. It felt heavy and you nervously paced back and forth for hours due to how restless you became. Hours felt like months to you as you waited for his return. It wasn’t til sunset til you heard those three ride back into camp with Sean. Your eyes spilled like a broken faucet as soon as you saw him. He jumped off the horse as you ran into his arms, tackling him onto the ground.  He let out a laugh and squeezed you so tightly it took some air out of you.
“The king has returned! And he found his love!” He announced and everyone cheered. You pulled back from the hug and grabbed his face, giving him the most passionate kiss.
“You idiot you had me worried sick!” You said through some laughter, the hot tears still pouring down your cheeks. 
Dutch announced that the gang could celebrate his return with a party tonight which excited you. Everyone brought out crates of beer and whiskey and Javier brought out his guitar for some songs. Sean made his little speech before the party began and you cheered happily for him. He walked over to the table Javier and other camp members were sitting at and requested a song. They sang happily but your attention was caught when Dutch began playing a song on his record player. You saw him pull Molly into a dance as Mary-Beth watched. You stood beside her and she greeted you with a sweet smile.
“I’m so glad Sean is back. I knew you were so upset when we lost him for a bit” she rested her hand against your arm before patting it gently. She saw Arthur walk by and asked for a dance, which he agreed to. You wanted to ask Sean for one but he seemed very engulfed with celebrating with the other camp members. You let out a small sigh and walked off. You wanted Sean to celebrate with the others, you just hoped he’d spend a little more time with you. As the night went on, you went to the edge of the camp, sitting down off the cliff and let your legs dangle over it. You listened to the loud music and swayed a little, humming under your breath as you tossed nearby pebbles over the cliff. You weren’t sure how many minutes passed by when you heard some leaves crunch nearby which made you turn around. You saw Sean stumbling around with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. 
“My love! I’ve been lookin’ all over for ya!” He grinned. You stood up and walked towards him, not wanting him to stumble near the edge of the cliff. You gave him slight puppy eyes which made his eyes widen slightly in confusion. “W-What’s a matter?” 
You sighed and lightly grabbed onto his shirt, glancing down. “I was just hoping we’d spend more time together tonight. I really missed you”. Sean took another swig of his now empty bottle and tossed it onto the grass. 
“The night is still goin’ my precious king and I’m gonna show you how much I missed ya!” He pulled you into a passionate kiss which surprised you. His mouth tasted like a whiskey bottle with a hint of sweetness but a lot of bitterness. If you didn’t know any better, you would've thought you were kissing the bottle itself. He broke the kiss for a moment and you caught a glimpse of how flushed his cheeks were. You broke out into a small smile and huffed, gently pushing his chest.
“You know, a kiss isn’t going to make up for it” You grinned. He grabbed a hold of your hand and pulled you closer to him before walking back towards camp.
“Well I guess I’ll have to kiss ya some more” He laughed, walking into a tent. You had no idea who’s tent it was, but the lucky bastard had a bed so it was probably one of the more active gang members. That thought quickly flew out of your head when Sean closed the makeshift door (a heavy curtain) to the tent. Thankful a small lantern was on because most of the space was dark. Sean stumbled over to you and crashed his lips against yours which made you release a small moan against his lips. He held onto your waist for balance as he pressed his body against yours. You suddenly felt more body weight against you which made you chuckle against his lips before pulling away. 
“How about we lay on the bed?” You said through a smile, grabbing his hand and leading him to the small slightly elevated bed. He pushed you down against it and climbed on top of you, drunkenly trying to unbutton your shirt. You helped him after a bit and once the shirt slipped off, he let out a whistle. 
“You’re still as handsome as ever!” He grinned before kissing you once more, this time his tongue slipped into your mouth which made you taste all the bitter whiskey he was gulping down throughout the night. His hands began to roam over your chest, feeling it as if he had never done it before. You tugged on his shirt which made him lean back from you so he could pull it over his head and slip it off. Suddenly, an idea came to mind. You grabbed onto Sean and traded positions so you were the one on top of him. You eagerly slipped off his pants and undergarment which pooled at his ankles. His cock had already gotten hard which made things easier. 
“What are you doin’?”. You gave him an innocent smile before leaning down to kiss the slightly wet tip on his shaft, causing him to shiver for a moment. 
“Just welcoming you back” You said innocently before wrapping your hand around his shaft, pumping it as you looked up at him. He closed his eyes and tossed his head back, letting out a loud groan. You opened your mouth and slowly moved down to take his size in. You felt the tip hit the back of your throat, causing you to hold back a small gag. You closed your eyes and began moving your head up and down, squeezing the part of his shaft that couldn’t fit into your mouth. Your tongue brushed up against a vein that was near the tip which made him let out a loud moan. You felt proud each time he moaned since you were obviously doing something right. You began to move your head faster, feeling a sudden wetness hit the back of your throat. He began to leak his pre cum into the back of your throat, which made you pull your head back from his cock with a vulgar pop sound. He let out a disappointed groan as he felt the warmth suddenly leave him. 
“Why’d ya stop?” He whined, seeming out of breath. You crawled onto his lap and hummed under your breath, your finger trailing down his chest.
“I have something even better for you darlin’” You grabbed a hold of his cock and leaned down, pressing the tip against your entrance. You bit your lip a little and began to let the tip slip inside of you. Thankfully the blowjob gave his cock enough lubrication for you. You sat down on his lap, taking in every inch he had to offer. You let out a pleased moan before rolling your hips, looking down at him with lustful eyes. Sean met your eyes and then glanced down at your crotch, noticing how hard you were as well. 
“Look what we have here” He said with a grin, grabbing a hold of your erection and beginning to stroke it. You bit your lip even harder, trying not to let out a loud moan. But once he gave your shaft a tight squeeze you threw your head back and whimpered, picking up the pace on his lap. Your hips jerked forward slightly at all the pleasure that was waving through your body. From feeling how full you were to how he touched you with some roughness. It was a wonderful feeling of ecstasy that built up in you along with the pooling feeling in your stomach of your soon to be orgasm. 
“Oh fuck, Sean I missed you so much” You said through a line of soft whimpers, rolling your hips a little faster as your build up became more noticeable. 
“I missed you more ya handsome bastard” He continued his hand work as you began to spill that clear substance across his fingers, which made it easier to stroke your shaft faster. You squeezed your eyes shut, crying out pieces of a sentence trying to tell him you were near your peak. And he must have been as well since you felt the strong twitching inside of you. Once you reached your peak, you cried out his name, your body trembling slightly from the harsh wave of pleasure. You slumped against his body immediately afterwards, allowing him to finish inside of you. You let out a loud purr, snuggling against his warm chest. You felt a sudden emptiness when he finally pulled out from you, your body relaxing and practically melting in his arms. 
“I told you I’d make up for lost time” Sean sighed, his fingers stroking up and down your back. “I’m like a sex god at this point”. You rolled your eyes and laughed a little, patting his chest.
“Shut up Sean” You giggled, placing a soft kiss on his neck. 
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jenonctcity · 4 years
My Ending - Part 1
Differences – Na Jaemin
Part of the Bad Boy Series.
Badboy!Au, Streetracer!Au
Disclaimer: This is going to be a very dark themed story, please do not read if you are triggered easily by the mentioned subjects in the warnings. 
I recommend reading Jeno’s story first so that it’s easier for you to understand the timeline and plot of this story.
Warnings: Minor Character Death, Mention of Suicide Attempts, Mental Health Issues (Depression and Anxiety), Mentions of Drug Use/Overdose, Mention of Drug Addiction Effecting Baby After Birth. 
Word Count: 5k
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Jaemin was used to living his life in black and white. His whole life had always been a mix of muggy grey, never having experienced enough positive emotion for a long enough period that flecks of colour could mix into his greyscale life. Of course he had happy moments, excited moments, moments of enthusiasm, and moments of hope. He wasn’t a robot. But he found that it was the sad moments, fearful moments, moments of anxiety, and moments of anger that outweighed all other emotions and lead his world to darken in colour. It all started when he was born. Born to a drug addict mother, and a father who had long since ran away from the responsibilities of raising a child. He had been born a month early  with his body uncontrollably shaking, his body craving the heroin that his mother had been shooting when she was carrying him. He had been taken from her immediately and his grandmother on his fathers’ side had stepped up to take on the responsibility of raising the precious, underdeveloped baby.
The first few years of Jaemin’s life had been rough. He was significantly smaller than most of the children his age, and he didn’t start walking until he was two years old, almost a year later than he should have, and he had such a low immune system that he was constantly falling ill and being taken in and out of hospital. It was a tough challenge for his grandmother, but she adored her little miracle and did everything she could to keep him alive and happy. They’d hoped that Jaemin’s growth would catch up with him by the time he started school, but their hopes didn’t pan out, and he was still much smaller than all of the other children. On top of that, he struggled to keep up with the level of learning and was picked on by the other children for his tiny frame, lack of knowledge, and also, lack of parents. His teenage years weren’t much better. Even though he soon caught up with everybody in the height and education department, it wasn’t the bullying that bothered him anymore, it was the emotional scars that sat inside of his head like a poisonous fog, taunting him like those kids had through all of his school years.
He couldn’t understand why his mother had done what she’d done, and why she didn’t love him in the way a mother should love her son. He had seen his mother so little that he could count each encounter on one of his hands. Which is why as he walked back into the apartment, wearing his suit and holding the funeral programme that had a picture of his mother on the front, he felt numb. He let out a soft sigh as he sat down on the sofa beside Jeno, chucking the papers onto the coffee table in front of him and running a hand through his blond hair as he tried to gather his thoughts. Jeno didn’t physically react to Jaemin’s arrival apart from letting a soft smile tug at the corners of his lips. After a silence of five minutes with Jaemin just started absentmindedly into thin air, Jeno spoke up.
“How did it go?” Jeno’s voice was soft, his head still facing towards the quiet television as reruns of spongebob played.
“How did you know it was me?” Jaemin glanced at his blind friend, raising an eyebrow and trying not to put too much amusement in his tone, not feeling like he should be joking around after being to his mother’s funeral.
“Haechan is in his room, and Renjun is out picking Jiyeon up. I heard the door open and couldn’t hear Jiyeon shouting for one of her uncles so I just did the mystery solving and figured out it would be you.” He shrugged, a weak laugh vibrating off of his chest before he sighed. “You didn’t answer my question Jaem.” Jaemin sighed once more, wiping his sweaty palms on his thighs and resting his head back against the sofa.
“It was fine…” He couldn’t quite pinpoint the feelings rushing around inside of him. He felt anger, sadness, a dash of regret, but mostly relief. Anger because he was angry that she never made a proper effort with him, just brushing him aside and acting as if the drugs she owned were her precious child rather than the actual baby she’d made and given birth to. Sadness because he could never make amends with her and have the bond that most mothers and sons have. Regret because he knew once he hit the age of sixteen and was able to make sensible decisions for himself, he could have been the one to make the effort. And relief because he knew he didn’t have to spend nights worrying if the money he had sent his mother was being used to buy drugs instead of keeping food in her mouth. Relief because she couldn’t hurt herself anymore. Relief because the reason his depression was gone. Not that she took his mental health problems with her to the grave, but it gave Jaemin a horribly sick satisfaction that he could only diagnose as revenge. Which made him want to weep at how his brain could even think of something as horrid at that. Jaemin felt awful that he was thankful for Jeno’s blindness, so that he couldn’t see the tears that dribbled down his cheeks, silent sobs for the mother he spent so many nights crying over as a child, wishing for the mother he never had.
“Are you sure? It’s okay not to be okay.” Jaemin wanted to squeeze Jeno for how sweet the boy was being, but he just let out a huff of a laugh and wiped his tears away. He glanced down at his hands, gulping back the lump in his throat as his mind drifted to the nervous breakdown that Jeno had experienced only a week prior. Jeno had hit his breaking point and had expressed how much he worries about Jaemin, because of Jaemin’s previous failed suicide attempts that had clearly chipped away at Jeno’s mental stability. Jaemin felt the pit in his stomach he usually got when he was at his lowest mentally, but he didn’t want to pile more worries onto Jeno’s plate, so he faked a smile, despite Jeno’s lack of sight, it was more for himself than anyone else. Besides, it had been over two years since Jaemin had last attempted to take his own life, and he felt like he’d moved on from that stage of his life. He hoped.
“I’m fine, you haven’t got to worry about me.”
“Okay, because my kid is going to need its Uncle Nana to be a happy bastard not a moody bastard.” Jeno let out an amused laugh, trying to lighten the tone. It worked, the thought of Jeno’s unborn child bringing a big smile to his face.
“Uncle Nana is going to be its favourite per-” Jaemin was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing in his pocket. He fished it out of his blazer pocket and answered it quickly when he saw the caller ID. “Hello?”
“Hello, is this Mr Na?” An unfamiliar male voice sounded through the phone, the voice calm and deep.
“It is.”
“I’m just calling to inform you that your grandmother has had a fall, the paramedics are with her now and the carer who was there when it happened is still there. I’ve been told that there hasn’t been any extensive damage, but I thought it would be best to let you know, as you’re the emergency contact.” Jaemin felt his world almost crumble in on him for a moment, the words about her not having much damage cooled him down slightly, but the panicked fire burning in his stomach was still very much alight.
“Okay, thank you for letting me know.” He hung up the call and gulped down the fireball of anxiety blazing in his throat. He was on his feet before he knew it, digging his keys out of his pocket. “My grandma fell over; I’ll be back soon.” He mumbled to Jeno, his mind foggy so he didn’t even hear Jeno’s gasp and quick ‘Is she okay!?’ before he was out of the door, sprinting down the stairs, and practically jumping into his car. He didn’t even look at the speed he was driving at because he didn’t care, all he cared about was seeing his grandmother and confirming the man on the phones statement that she was okay. He stopped out the front of her house and ran to the door, letting himself in with shaky hands and looking at the paramedics as they packed up their stuff in the entranceway.
“I’m her grandson, is she okay?!” His words came out so fast that the paramedic he’d aimed the question at almost didn’t understand what he’d said. “Is she?!” He repeated, a sheen of sweat on his forehead from his panic.
“She is, son,” The male paramedic addressed Jaemin, giving him a calming smile and pat on the arm. “We’ve given her some pain medication, and she’ll have a large bruise on her hip, but she didn’t fall hard enough to break anything. She’s just gone to sleep; I would leave it a little while before you disturb her though.” Jaemin nodded along, taking in all of the information with a small sigh of relief.
“Okay, thank you so much for taking care of her.” They bid their goodbyes and left, shutting the door behind them as Jaemin made his way into the kitchen. He stopped dead in his tracks in the doorway, his eyes trained on you stood by the kitchen sink with your back to him, wearing what looked like hospital scrubs over the tops of a long-sleeved floral top. Your shoulders were shaking gently as you let out all of your emotions, having assumed you were now alone in the house seeing as you heard the front door shut. Jaemin cleared his throat, causing you to squeal in surprise and turn around fast, a spatula that you’d grabbed out of the washing up bowl now in your hand being held up as a weapon.
“Who are you?!” Your eyes were wide, and if it wasn’t so comical, Jaemin would have been absolutely speechless from how stunning he found your features. He had an amused smile on his face as he quickly held his hands up in surrender.
“My name is Jaemin, I’m the grandson! Please don’t…spatula me.” You sighed in relief, lowering the spatula onto the drying rack. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I apologise.” He stepped forward, giving you a small bow. You bowed back and smiled politely, trying to ignore the heat that flooded your cheeks from the embarrassing encounter, also he was gorgeous, and it took you by surprise. You suddenly remembered your wet cheeks, using the back of your hand to wipe your tears away. “Are you okay?”
“Apology accepted, I’m (Y/N), I’m fine…it was just, really…hard to watch you know?” You nodded, sending him a weak smile with a quick nod. He tilted his head and poked his tongue into his cheek in thought.
“You’re my grandma’s carer?” He took a seat at the dining table, fiddling with the tablemat as he kept his eyes on you. The more you looked at him, the more you recognised him from the photos that were dotted around the house. He looked a lot different though, more mature and with more tattoos. One of the tattoos that you noticed were the roman numerals vertically written on his neck, just underneath his left ear, you were curious as to what the number was and to what it meant. He looked handsome in his suit, and you wondered what the occasion was as to why he was wearing such formal wear.
“I am, I haven’t seen you here before…she talks about you a lot.”
“All good things I hope.” He chuckled, giving you a cheeky wink. You felt the wink inside of your stomach and giggled nervously.
“She adores you!” You sat opposite him at the table, brushing some of your hair behind your ear as you thought about all the stories, she’d told you over the past few months that you’d been one of her carers. “I’m surprised I haven’t bumped into you before; she says you visit her a lot.” You furrowed your eyebrows, not being able to understand why you hadn’t seen him in person before.
“I usually visit in the evening times, but I have met a few of the other carers who stop by.” You were only one of the carers from the company who stopped by her house daily. Jaemin was incredibly thankful to the people who took care of his grandma when he couldn’t. He had moved out of her house on his own accord just after Jeno was arrested. He knew he was getting too much of a burden on his grandma, coming home late, throwing up on the carpet when he was too drunk and scaring her when he would admit to being high. And for good reason, considering how he was born addicted to heroin. But despite how much shit Jaemin had gone through in his life, he’d promised his grandmother that he’d never consume heroin. He didn’t want his grandma to be stressed over him, so when the opportunity came about to move in with his friends, he snatched it up as soon as he could. A year after moving out, his grandma stopped being able to get around as much as she could before, and the simplest of tasks got too much for her. So Jaemin took it upon him to hire a carer company to come in throughout the day and cook her meals, wash her clothes, and keep her house tidy. He felt bad that he couldn’t do it himself, but with his dodgy job, he either didn’t have the time, or didn’t want anything bad to happen which could be traced back to his grandma’s house. He dealt with a lot of dangerous people in illegal street racing, and he couldn’t risk his grandmother’s life, that’s why his visits were scarce and in the evening times when it was less likely he was being tracked by anyone. “I must say, you’re definitely the beautiful one.” He winked shamelessly, causing your face to flush. You had to stop yourself from letting out a whine at the compliment, not used to being complimented like that by men you’d only just met.
“Thank you.” A smile tugged at your lips, your hands coming to rest on your hot cheeks. Jaemin smirked and bit his bottom lip, his eyes flicking over your face subtly as he checked you out. You felt your phone ding in your pocket, signifying that you had finished your time at that house and had to move onto the next. “Oh, I have to get going. It was nice meeting you.” You jumped up from the table, grabbing your jacket from the coat rack by the front door and slipping it on. Jaemin followed you and dug his hands into his pockets.
“Likewise.” He opened the door for you and motioned for you to go through first. “I should get going anyway.” He had a race tonight and he needed to get himself ready for it, mentally and physically. He locked the door behind you both and walked down the path to his car. You paused, your mouth popping open as you laid eyes on his expensive looking car.
“Woah…is that yours?!” You almost squeaked, your eyes flicking from the Navy-Blue Mustang Shelby GT350, back to Jaemin. He looked very proud, his posture straightening out and a wide smile on his face.
“Woooow…” You looked over at your own car, it was super cheap, and you were probably the fifth owner of the run-down looking thing. “It a lot nicer than mine.” You laughed awkwardly, getting out your key to unlock the door, you put your key in the hole and jiggled it around, trying desperately to unlock the old piece of crap. The door almost flew open after you’d succeeded in opening it, and Jaemin smiled kindly at you. “Anyway, see ya around Jaemin!” You hopped into your car, not giving him a chance to reply as you started the rickety engine and slowly drove away. Jaemin got in his own car and let out a soft sigh as he thought back on your slightly odd exchange. He didn’t know you, but he knew he wanted to know you. And he had the perfect plan.
Jaemin probably should have felt bad that he was only visiting his grandma twice as much as he normally would because he was hoping and praying to run into you again. His grandma had sensed something was up, and he didn’t even have to admit to her, she already knew that he had the hots for you. Many of his attempts of being at her house when you were there were successful, and he’d helped you in your daily tasks of helping around the house until you heard the familiar sound of your phone alerting you that it was time to leave. He hated that sound. You saw Jaemin as a happy, positive soul, who would do anything to make you laugh. It worked, he often had you in absolute stitches with his comical stories about his friends and the pranks they played on each other. He found out a lot about your life, like how you came from a large family, the oldest of four children and you still lived with your parents due to your job not paying a huge amount of money. He was curious to know why you didn’t bother going to university, instead jumping straight into work life. When he’d asked, you’d simply told him that you just couldn’t wait to start your life, not wanting to spend anymore time in education. It was when you expressed your want to get married and have kids within the next ten years that had Jaemin’s head confirming what his heart was thinking. He had a huge crush on you. It was after you’d found out that the numbers written on his neck signified the date of his grandmothers’ birth, that you realised you had a big fat crush on him too. Jaemin always wore long sleeves shirts, or hoodies, so you didn’t know if he had anymore tattoos on his body apart from the neck tattoo and the rose tattoo on the back of his right hand. But you were curious to find out.
With a stomach full of butterflies, a whole month after your first encounter, Jaemin had finally asked you out. So that’s why you found yourself sat opposite the beautiful boy in a café at 1pm on your day off. His hair was now a light pink, and you thought it suited his face and personality perfectly. He had on a long-sleeved white shirt, with black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. It completing his aesthetic off flawlessly. Also you’d gotten to ride in his fancy car, which was exciting in its own, since you’d never been in a car that expensive before. Jaemin sipped at his black coffee, his eyes meeting your own and causing a tender smile to tug at his lips as he continued on with his story.
“And Jiyeon, Renjun’s daughter, threatened to pee on the floor if she didn’t get a cookie. You should have seen Chenle’s face, it was a comedy gold!” He laughed at the memory, picking at the muffin between you both. He had told you about all of his friends, so you were kind of keeping up with the names. He talked about Chenle a lot.
“Did she get the cookie?” You needed to know how the story finished, your eyes sparkling as you found out more and more about the mysterious boy opposite you. So far all you knew was that his grandmother raised him because his mother was a drug abuser, she died recently, and he lived with the boys he saw as brothers, which included the kids and girlfriends of said brothers. He’d also dished out the gossip on Haechan’s current girlfriend being Jeno’s ex-girlfriend, and Jeno now being blind with a baby on the way. Quite the scandal.
“Of course she did! Uncle Nana gave it to her.” He smiled widely and raised his eyebrows. You titled your head in confusion.
“Uncle Nana?” You asked, curiosity in your tone about this mysterious Uncle Nana.
“That’s me, my last name is Na, so I got the nickname Nana when I was growing up. Nana is easier to say than Jaemin when you’re a toddler.” He popped some of the muffin into his mouth and licked his lips.
“Cute!” Your eyebrows raised and you gazed at him with adoration in your eyes.
“You think so?” He winked, loving all the attention you bestowed upon him, even if cute wasn’t really the image he was going for.
“Mhm!” You sipped at your lemonade and gazed out of the window, seeing Jaemin’s car parked where you’d both left it and turning back to Jaemin. “You must have a good job to afford a car that…wow!” You didn’t miss the way Jaemin’s eyes avoided your gaze, leading you to believe there was more to him owning the car than just a normal job.
“I…okay I’m going to be transparent with you.” He sat up in his chair, leaning in closer to you across the table so that he could lower his voice, audible for only you to hear. “I race cars. That’s not my only car, I have a garage with four other cars in it and I race them to earn my living.” He kept his eyes locked with yours, trying to determine your reaction simply from the look in your eyes. Jaemin liked to think he was good at reading people. He’d been doing it his whole life, having experienced plenty of different emotions from people throughout his life. He couldn’t see anything other than question in your eyes as your narrowed them, trying to wrap your head around it.
“Oh!...is it…legal?” You whispered, running your hand up and down your glass, the condensation on the cold glass smearing and forming little droplets of water under the ministrations of your fingertips. He shook his head, an awkward smile marring his beautiful features.
“No, it’s not. If you get caught racing, you get fined. If you get caught racing more than once, you get your vehicle seized and fined. Then its three strikes and you’re out. Prison time is the punishment for getting caught a third time.” His words had your mouth opening in shock, a little gasp leaving your throat.
“Have you ever been caught?” You didn’t really know how to feel about his confession. You hadn’t ever thought about your opinions on illegal street racing, and it wasn’t fair for you to make a quick judgement about something you knew nothing about, despite it being illegal. It wasn’t really any of your business, so you didn’t care too much. The way you saw it, if you didn’t do anything illegal yourself, then you weren’t in the wrong.
“Nope, I have come close, but no, I’m pretty good at outrunning the police.” He smirked, clearly proud of himself as he sipped at his coffee. “If you aren’t comfortable with it, then we haven’t got to talk about it. I can keep it quiet from you, or we could…go our separate ways after I take you home. It’s your decision.” He sounded slightly sad as he spoke the last words, his head lowering slightly to watch your fingers playing with your glass.
“Oh, no! I…er…like you a lot, and I want to see you again, obviously only if you want to!” Your cheeks felt like they were about to burst into flames, your heart suddenly making you aware of its existence in your chest.
“I want to.” His voice was soft, and his hand snaked across the table to detach your hand from your glass. He wound your fingers together and a pink tinge that resembled the pink rose tattoo on the back of his hand flared up on his cheeks.
“Cool!” You blurted out and then used your free hand to face palm, cringing at your random word vomit.
“Very cool.” Jaemin laughed with you, grabbing your hand to pull it away from your face. “I guess we’re both just super cool!” You both visibly cringed at that and sniggered.
The next week was a complete rush for you. But a good rush, a rush you wouldn’t change. You had work five days out of seven, and as soon as your shift had finished, Jaemin would pick you up from your house, and whisk you away on a date. So far, you’d eaten in 7 different restaurants and had enjoyed every single minute of your time with your new boyfriend. That’s right, boyfriend. The two of you made it official on date number three after you both realised that you were basically perfect for each other. The night had ended in a sweet kiss and a long cuddle on your doorstep, which your siblings had roasted you for when you’d walked through the door, because obviously they’d been spying on your from the window as soon as they heard the loud purr of Jaemin’s car stop outside. And on your two days off, Jaemin had spent the both of days entertaining you and impressing you with his date spots. One of your favourite moments was when Jaemin had asked you if you trusted him whilst he was driving. You didn’t even hesitate to give him a quick nod and utter ‘yes’. You felt such a rush inside of you when the car speed up so fast that you felt yourself being pushed into your seat. You also felt a rush at how quickly you’d put your trust in a man you had only known for a month, a man who had admitted to doing illegal things. Jaemin had kept glancing at you, his heart blooming with an unfamiliar feeling when he saw the look of pure joy etched on your angelic face as you found elation in his passion. Of course he kept his driving on the safer side in order not to scare you, and even though he was confident in his driving abilities, keeping you safe was his new priority.
Day number 8 of your date streak found you sitting in Jaemin’s bedroom, legs folded underneath you as you sat opposite Jaemin with a glass of wine in your hand, one of his large hoodies covering up your cocktail dress to keep you warm. You’d been to a bar with him hours earlier, and you’d both drank a little bit too much. So his invite for you to join him in his bedroom had quickly been accepted, and there you sat, sipping at your wine as you laughed at a corny joke he’d cracked.
“Jaemiiiin,” You whined endearingly, leaning your forehead on his shoulder and hiccupping. “I want to know more about you, we should play never have I ever!” Your tipsy brain had you thinking that was the best idea ever, and Jaemin seemed to think the same thing, as he jumped at the opportunity, causing you to sit back again and grin at him.
“Okay! Me first.” He cleared his throat and took a quick mouthful of beer. “Okay, never have I ever…tried oysters.” You sniggered at his choice of words, furrowing your eyebrows at him and not raising your glass.
“I haven’t either! Okay, never have I ever…smoked a cigarette.” He rolled his eyes and raised his bottle of beer to his lips, gulping down a mouthful before pausing to rack his brain for things he hadn’t ever done.
“Never have I ever worn high heels!”
“Oh come on that’s not fair!” You squeal but didn’t hesitate to take a big swig of your wine. “Fine, I’m turning the heat up. Never have I ever had sex anywhere other than on a bed.” You were actually taken aback when he made no effort to drink, a smirk growing on his face. “You haven’t?!” You raised your eyebrows, placing your glass of wine on his bedside table and shuffling closer to him on your knees. He shook his head, biting his bottom lip as he placed his hands gently on your hips, guiding you into his lap.
“You’re surprised.” He laughed softly at his observation, his eyes flicking down to your lips before he leaned in and placed a lingering, hot kiss to your parted lips.
“You’re so hot and kind, I just thought you’d be…kind of experienced in that department.” His lips nipped at your own lips, drawing a silkey kiss between you with his tongue coming out to trace the lining on your bottom lip. “Your turn.” You whispered, sitting all of your weight onto his crotch, confident with how he pulled you closer to his own, warm body. He took a deep breath, a deep laugh vibrating from his chest as he kissed down to your jaw, leaving hot kisses on your smooth skin. His next confession had your heart pounding in adoration and your mouth popping open in surprise.
“Never have I ever…had sex.”
So this is the start to the end main parts of the series! What are we thinking is going to happen? Let me know! (Please be nice lol) <3
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