#please keep in touch with me if you need anything else
hqbaby · 1 day
twenty-one — first time
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2k content. profanity, sexual content [vaginal penetration], lots of confusing feelings
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Satoru is a pretty easy guy to please. He lights up at the mention of mochi and the prospect of a class that will give him an easy A. Sure, he can be particular about the car he drives and the way he has to always have his shirts pressed just so, but it’s more a product of his upbringing than an actual need.
When he started dating you, he realized that his delight in most things translated into absolutely everything you did. The way you walked. The way you talked. The way you lay down on the couch, passed out after a day of class and training.
You could show up to a date in a fancy restaurant in nothing but a garbage bag, and he would worship the ground that you walked on.
So when he had you underneath him, a whimpering mess as you tried to keep your noises to a minimum because “there are people outside, Satoru. Don’t wanna embarrass myself”—how could he not be the happiest man alive?
“Fuck, ‘Toru,” you whined as your boyfriend rutted into you, slow and steady. Your grip on his back was fierce, nails digging into his skin, red crescents now littering the spots you had touched. Not that he cared. If anything, Satoru wore them like little badges of pride. A testament to just how good he was fucking you.
He groaned, lips latching onto the sensitive skin on your neck. He’s left more than a few marks on you already, and he has no plans of stopping just yet. “Feel so good, princess.”
His cock slid in and out of your aching core, every curve, every vein dragging along your walls. He pushed his head up to look at you, blue eyes piercing into yours. His pupils were blown, mouth hanging open to make way for his moans as he drove himself into you, all tender and soft, but sending your head reeling all the same.
“Always so fucking good for me,” he murmured, pressing his lips to your cheeks as he closed his eyes, overcome by the feeling of your walls clenching around him. “Pussy’s gonna be the death of me.”
You let out a small laugh at his words. Satoru who always said what he meant. Satoru who lost all sense when he was inside you, pushed to the hilt. Satoru who said he loved you with every fiber of his being. Satoru.
His tip grazed a spot that forced a moan from between your lips. “Shit, baby,” you said, eyes rolling as he continued to fuck you deep, touching spots inside of you that you never knew existed before he came along. “Fuck, ‘Toru, right there. Right the—”
You gasped as he started to speed up, thrusts starting to grow erratic, losing their pace. The room smelled of sex and sweat, the sound of your bodies colliding growing louder as your boyfriend started to pound into you with wild abandon.
“I love you so much,” he told you, moving over to capture your lips in a kiss. He felt like he was going to lose his mind. You were so tight, so perfect. It’s like you were made for him. He pulled his lips away from yours, moans spilling out of him. “I’m gonna come, princess.”
You arched your back into him as his cock drilled into you, your fingers flying to his hair. “Me too, baby,” you whimpered. “Me too—fuck, ‘Toru. Gonna come!”
“Come for me, princess,” he whined into the crook of your neck, losing himself as your cunt tightened around his length. “Please.”
And that was all it took to have you writhing beneath him, throwing your head back as you reached your peak, waves of pleasure washing over you. Satoru thrust into you a few more times before burying himself inside you, making you take all of him as he released, ropes of warm cum filling your walls.
You shuddered, still coming down from your high, as your boyfriend let himself collapse on top of you, resting his head on your chest.
“We’re not going to the party,” he said, positioning his head to look up at you. “I’m not moving for the rest of the night. For the rest of my life.”
You giggled, running your hands through his hair. “That might be a little difficult to manage considering the party’s happening here,” you told him. “And Suguru has the key to your room. I wouldn’t put it past him to barge in here and drag you out.”
Satoru groaned, moving to trail kisses across the skin of your breasts. “But I’m so comfy here,” he whined. “And you are so, so pretty tonight.”
You cupped his cheek, beaming at him. “You’re pretty too.”
“Nuh-uh,” he told you. “No one’s as pretty as you.”
You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness. “Come here and kiss me.”
“Oooooh, direct orders,” he said, nodding as he craned his neck up towards you. “I love it when you’re bossy.”
He pressed his lips to yours, holding your face in his hands as he deepened the kiss, trying to taste as much of you as he could. So caught up in the kiss, you almost didn’t notice how he was starting to get hard inside of you again.
“‘Toru, we can’t go again,” you laughed as he pulled away and started pecking your neck.
He frowned. “And who said we can’t?”
He flashed you a devious grin, his hips starting to grind against yours again. “Gonna make you feel so—”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“If you don’t get out in the next ten minutes, I’m kicking the door down!”
You laughed as your boyfriend turned angrily at the door, barking, “I hate you!”
“You promised!” Suguru said through the wood. “I’m serious, Satoru! Ten minutes!”
Satoru glared at the door before turning back to you. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, smirking now. “We have ten minutes.”
You placed your palm on his face and pushed him away. “Yeah, I have no desire for Suguru to see me naked,” you told him, trying to get him off of you. “‘Toru, you gotta pull out, man.”
He shook his head, still smiling at you. “Make me,” he said, digging his fingers into your side until you were a laughing mess beneath him.
It was safe to say that the two of you were not going to be ready for the party in ten minutes.
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Kimi can tell that something’s bothering her boyfriend. Ever since they got on the bus, he’s been distracted. Zoning out in the middle of conversations, getting annoyed when Suguru moved to the back of the bus to sit near him, being in an overall bad mood for the whole trip.
“Are you okay?” she finds it in herself to ask him eventually. You’ve all stopped at a gas station to use the restroom and get last-minute supplies at the nearby convenience store.
Satoru has trouble finding the words, his mouth opening then closing a few times before he eventually says, “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Kimi gives him a look, one that says, Stop lying to me, to which Satoru responds by looking at her sheepishly and mouthing a “sorry.”
“So what’s going on?” she asks as she leads them into the convenience store. She stops at the half-empty shelf of snacks, searching for something to nibble on for the rest of the ride. “You’ve been in such a bad mood this whole morning.”
Satoru shakes his head. “I just didn’t get enough sleep.”
“Bullshit. You went to bed at 8.”
“I’m a growing boy!” he tries to reason. “I need my sleep. Besides—”
The bell of the convenience store door rings as it opens. Satoru turns to find you walking in, hand in hand with Maki as you whisper something in her ear, your friend immediately laughing at whatever it is you said. 
When was the last time you told him something like that? When was the last time you shit talked someone, telling Satoru things you’d never say to anyone else? When was the last time you confided in him and him alone? 
Satoru narrows his eyes as he sees Sukuna trailing after you, holding a basket that you throw a variety of different sweets and drinks into. He can’t help the nagging thought in the back of his head, the one that says, That should be him.
He looks back at Kimi as she watches him with a knowing expression. “What?”
She scoffs. He’s really bad at hiding how he feels. “It’s fine, Satoru,” she tells him, grabbing a pack of chips from the shelf. “I really don’t give a fuck.”
“What are you talking about?”
Kimi looks at him. Then looks at you, arguing with Maki over which sour candy to buy. “That’s why you’ve been weird,” she says. When Satoru tries to say otherwise, she just shakes her head. “I’m not mad at you. It’s really fine.”
He watches as she picks another thing from the shelf and walks over to the register. He follows after her, paying for her food before she even has the chance to get her wallet out.
“Satoru, I can pay for myself,” Kimi sighs as the cashier places her things in a bag.
He shakes his head, adamant. “I’m your boyfriend,” he tells her. “Just let me be your boyfriend.”
She won’t even look him in the eye, silently nodding as she gathers her things and leaves, walking fast enough for him to be left behind.
Satoru feels like shit. He knows he’s being a terrible person, asking Kimi to be with him when he knows, no matter how hard he tries to deny it, that he’s still holding out for you. He knows that she’s not stupid, that she can see what’s happening right before her eyes. She’s resigned herself to this fate, one where he can’t love her. Not entirely.
And he knows that he’s done everything wrong.
“Oh, hey.”
He turns around to find you looking at him, smiling gently, a basket full of goodies in your arms.
“Are you in line?” you ask him.
He steps out of the way. “No, sorry,” he says, looking down. “I was just looking for… gum.”
You glance over at him as you pay for your things and the cashier hands them to you in a paper bag. You reach into the bag and pull something out, giving it to Satoru.
He looks at the thing in your hands. Strawberry gum. The kind he likes.
“I got the last one,” you tell him, chuckling a little.
“You don’t have to—”
You push the pack into the pocket of his jeans, patting his shoulder as you step away. “I’m glad you’re here,” you tell him softly. “And Kimi too. She’s… really great, Satoru. I’m happy for you.”
Satoru nods, crossing his arms over his chest. “Thanks,” he says. “And… she is great. She really is.”
He doesn’t miss the pained expression that passes over your features at his words. He wants to talk to you, to ask about the things he never got to ask. But before he knows it, Sukuna is coming up to your side, placing his arm around your shoulder, leading you away, leaving Satoru behind.
He stays for a few minutes, and he makes a decision.
When he gets back to his seat in the bus, Kimi barely even acknowledges his presence.
That won’t do.
He cups her cheek and kisses her, tender and sweet. When he pulls away, she looks at him with a raised brow.
“What was that for?” she asks.
Satoru presses his forehead to hers. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I’m gonna be better. For you.”
She chuckles, eyes softening as she gazes at him. “What are you talking about?”
He pecks her cheek before leaning back. He intertwines his fingers with hers and squeezes her hand. “Just trust me, yeah?”
Kimi’s never been one to fall for Satoru’s tricks, but she can see the way he’s looking at her. She can see the kindness in his eyes, hears the way his words teeter on the edge of sincerity, feels the way his hands hold hers. 
She rests her head on his shoulders, savoring the way this moment feels.
She’s never been one to fall for Satoru’s tricks. But there’s a first time for everything.
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notes. everyone in this story's just a mess in their own way lmao
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acid-ixx · 2 days
I’m new, I just read your fic about neglect reader. I haven’t read through your blog yet but I am so excited after reading this fic. I am an emotional wreck right now and my curiosity is eating me alive with this question “Does reader know about Jason? Will they ever met? Ever have a platonic relationship together? Will Jason be more of a brother to reader?”
I’m sorry I speed through the fic and tears are in my eyes I couldn’t think straight BUT I notice that Jason is hardly there so I’m curious. Please this is such a brain rot, it’s way past midnight after I read this cause I keep stopping to cry.
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major (?) spoilers below.
reblogs and interactions are encouraged and appreciated.
hello anon !! im so happy ppl are getting more exposed to the content i have written so far. anyways, i can't believe i also got others to cry bec i did too when i was writing 😭
anyways, to answer ur question: yes! the reader will meet jason and he would actually be the first sibling you would meet after you have left the manor. the way he would turn yandere for you is a different approach to how the others would be because in the prequel, it has been stated that you had your fair share of encounters with him.
"will they ever have a platonic relationship with him/see him as a brother?" maybe, maybe not. because your meeting with him would all be a blur to you, and jason's obsession would stem from the trauma he had experienced, causing him to be more protective of you.
you're not in your best mindset and you're vulnerable walking through the streets of gotham and all alone? oh god, only a dumbass would do that— but once the red hood recognizes your face and the way you carry yourself so pitiably, he immediately tries to take you in his arms just as he should.
but the moment you push him away? tell him to fuck off despite your drunken state? the moment you cry and tell him you could deal with everything yourself without his help or anybody else's? you just remind him of himself and that triggers his first spiral into yandere-ism.
it's the way you share trauma, the way you both feel immense anger. he should've noticed sooner because you two would've been as close as peas in a pod. and yet he failed you by being a hypocrite. you were literally taken into the manor right after his death and discarded like you were mere trash. he should've taken you away when he had the opportunity to but he was too caught up in his feat of revenge.
yet the worst part was that he had taken notice of tim before he did you, and jason had momentarily hated you too because he thought bruce had replaced him. if he had looked through that veil of contempt that he had for you, and saw just how neglected and in need of attention you are, then he would've taken you under his wing.
but he didn't, and he had done the same thing to you as most did.
so take it as you will when i say you're more or less going to be closer (albeit unwillingly) to jason than anybody else because unlike his other siblings who are bound by their vigilante duties, your big brother jason wouldn't mind shooting any creeps who think they could touch his precious angel.
and he gets it, too, angel— you hate him, you hate them all and that's valid. but you can't just walk out in the streets alone and expect to be home in one piece; so leave it to him to scout your apartment alright? leave it to your big brother jason to intimidate the goons who try to stalk you when you're not looking. even if you don't want him near you, you'll always find warm food by your table and a note reminding you to take care of yourself more often.
it hurts when you rip the paper to shreds but it breaks his heart even more if you refuse to touch the meal he would leave for you, because that probably means you saw him as danger more than anything else. and he doesn't know it, but you're already planning to make a run for it now that you're under red hood's radar.
it's obvious that you have no experience when it comes to living by yourself, so please don't fucking push him away and let him protect you from any harm. your self destructive habits only causes him to become more protective of you and it only lets him stalk you more often to ensure nobody would touch his precious angel.
just like dick, you'll be treated more like a child than that of a young adult, but at least jason has the concept of personal space compared to your eldest brother. but still, jason wishes to hold you in his arms.
heaven forbid if the joker ever got his crummy fingers on you. jason would go berserk.
little does he know, little does your family know just how much they had lost the opportunity to keep you in wraps inside the manor.
they should've never let you out in the first place.
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hannieehaee · 2 days
hihihi!! can you do a full sub vernon fic please??
18+ / mdi
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content: sub!vernon, softdom!reader, smut, handjob, etc.
wc: 651
a/n: this turned out shorter than i thought but i have a lot of vernon requests so i promise more vernon is coming soon<3
"k-keep going, fuck- please ..."
"yeah, it feels good, huh? what if i do— this?", you whispered into his ear as one of your hands went up to toy at his nipple, harshly pulling at it whilst your other hand continued its torture on his cock.
sitting behind him, you had pulled and stroke at his cock endlessly for the past hour, not once granting him the pleasure of an orgasm.
"y-yes, just- fuck, too sensitive," he breathed out.
"too much? but you asked for this, nonnie. remember?", you recalled back to an exhausted vernon coming home, getting lost in your kiss as soon as you welcomed him in and allowing you to guide him into your bedroom.
on days where he came home particularly tired, you liked to provide him with a safe space in which you'd take care of him. denying his orgasms always amplified his pleasure and led him to a rewarding slumber after the fact. he enjoyed doing the same to you when the tables were flipped.
"i know, but ... fuck, i need it now," he whined.
"just a little longer, okay, baby? just let me play with you a little longer. it'll feel so good, i promise," your lips went back to softly kissing at his neck, occupying yourself with his pleasure.
your right hand worked his cock while your right flicked at his nipples. you almost wished he was under you so you could grind his cock against his abdomen and leave love bites all over his chest, but maybe you'd save that for next time he had a grueling day at work.
for now, you continued to kiss your way to his ear, whispering filthy praise into it as your hand went back down to his cock to softly scratch at his balls, earning a deep groan from him.
feeling him shudder against you, you knew another orgasm was approaching. the question was whether or not you'd finally let him achieve it.
before you could do anything else, the boy interrupted your thoughts.
"plea-please! fuck, i need ... make me cum, please. i'll- i'll make you cum right after, just- fuck, oh, fuck. i'm almost there, i-" he threw his head back into your shoulder the moment your hands began squeezing him just a little harder, moving just a little faster.
"almost there, nonnie? hmm? gonna make a mess all over yourself?", you mockingly laughed into his ear.
"y-yes, just ... just- fuck, a little more and i'll-", he gasped when you gave extra attention to his tip, "oh, oh, fuck, please ..."
he sounded so pretty, it was too hard for you to keep up your facade. you wanted to see him cum just as badly as he wanted to cum. with this thought in mind, you finally gave him the go-ahead, kissing at his shoulders and neck when his orgasm finally arrived.
"thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou," he rambled with a hiccuped gasp once his orgasm took over him, causing a full-body shudder to invade him.
with soft praise whispered into his skin, you coaxed the orgasm out of him, loving on him up until the moment his high subsided, leaving him to press himself up against you even further, now even more exhausted than before.
whining at you when you decided to move away from his touch, you lightly slapped his hands away, earning yourself a tired chuckle from him. getting up, you held out your hand to the boy, needing some convincing to get him to actually sit up for you.
"c'mon, baby. let's draw you a bath," you said, "i'll wash your hair and then you can to go bed."
suddenly interested, he raised an eyebrow, "you'll bathe with me?", he asked as if it was a selling point he needed confirmed.
"and i'll even cuddle you in bed afterwards," you smiled.
"sold," he said, suddenly regaining his energy and getting up, leading you to the bathroom.
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moldycantaloupe · 8 hours
okayy so @sentientgolfball wrote a thing about ifrit in heat and calling zephyr mommy on accident and like, what am i gonna do, be normal NOT write about it? anyway,
cw: mommy kink, heat
Zephyr rushed down the hall towards their bedroom, a frantic text from Ifrit forcing them away from their menial chores. It wasn’t often that Ifrit asked for help, the pride of the ghoul far too large to let others in. Zephyr was expecting to find bloodshed when they opened their door, but the scene was far from it.
Ifrit, skin flushed red and sweating, all his clothes soaked and scattered through the room’s floor. He laid on his back, hips bucking up frantically to meet his hand, the slick sounds mixed with his ferocious panting echoing through the room. His other arm was laid precariously against his eyes, lips red and bitten swollen as he tried to hide his noises.
Zephyr slammed the door shut and leaned against it, the onslaught of pheromones and noises too precious to let anyone else but them hear. Ifrit only looked up when the door slammed, a wave of relief washing through his features.
“Zeph,” he shut his eyes tight and whined, no doubt a zap of arousal rushing through his system. “It- ahhh- please, Zeph.”
His voice was impossibly small, yet it broke them out of the trance he caught them in and in two, three strides they were hovering above the bed, shirt discarded and pants well on their way. Ifrit whined when his eyes caught their now uncovered cock, it already half hard and twitching in interest. 
“Please,” he looked up at them, his pupils fully blown and hand still frantic over his raging cock, “I need it so bad.”
Normally, Zephyr would tease the fire ghoul; light touches, kitten licks, innocent smile. But the delicious sight in front of them was something they needed immediately, no room for silly games. They clambered over him and sat in between his open legs, his cock in their full view. His knot was ever so slowly inflating around his touch, but with how red it was, they imagined he’d been at it for too long. They leaned in and sucked in a deep breath; he reeked with want. 
“You,” Ifrit gasped at his own touch, “you don’t gotta prep. Already did.”
Zephyr looked, and true to his word, his hole was slick and gaping, pulsing with his thrusts. They shivered in arousal, their cock now hard and proud against them. 
“You dirty boy,” they leaned over him to reach for the open bottle of lube on the nightstand, “what am I going to do with you?”
“Fuck me?” Ifrit groaned watching them stroke themselves. “Please, fuck me.”
Wordlessly, they complied to his pleas and lined themselves up against his rim. His back arched as they let the tip sink in, a feminine whine forcing its way out.
“Fuck-” he moaned, loud, as they sunk further in. “Yeah, just like that.”
Zephyr continued until they bottomed out, the two of them heaving a sigh in unison. They held onto his thighs as they began to thrust in shallow rocks with their hips, keeping a steady pace with his hand. He whined again, a sense of urgency in his eyes and free hand as he tried to grab anything he could; the sheets, his hair, Zephyr’s hair, their arm, anything to ground him. 
“Please,” he tried to rock back into them, “please, oh, mommy, I need it- fuck.”
Something broke loose in them at the words that slipped from Ifrit’s mouth. They’re not sure if he even realized what he said, too far gone in heat to put up a filter. They snapped their hips hard against his ass, reaching and abusing that sensitive spot in him. The air in his lungs was forced out of him from the sheer force of their hips, his back arched and hand faltering on himself. 
“Say it again.” They bent over him and growled in his ear, teeth bared and nose nudging along his scent glands.
“M-mommy,” he whimpered, “mommy, please, I’m so close.” 
“Need mommy’s cock to satisfy you, you little whore?” They felt their knot begin to inflate already, teasing along his rim. 
“Yes.” He threw his head back against the pillow, eyes damp with tears and sweat. “Yes, please, oh satanas, please.” 
“Please what, baby boy?” Zephyr cooed in mock. “Use your words for me.”
“Please let me cum.” Ifrit breathed. “Please, I need it so bad, mommy.”
Zephyr let out a wrecked groan as they pushed their knot past his rim, fully inflated. They saw white as they came, teeth biting down into Ifrit’s scent gland, forcing a guttural cry out of him as he came with them. His overheated body ground up against theirs as ropes of white painted their bodies, their own painting the insides of him.
Slowly, their heavy breathing began to taper and Zephyr let go of his neck, licking up the blood they shed. Ifrit nudged his nose into their cheek, forcing them to meet their lips with his in a messy makeout. They indulged in it, moaning into his mouth as they gripped the back of his hair. He was still desperate for more, evident in the way he ground up against them, his spent cock already perking up in interest, tongue looping its way into their mouth. 
They pulled his hair, breaking the kiss and leaving a whimpering mess of a fire ghoul trying to chase it. They pulled again, harder this time, and he didn’t hold back a ruined moan. 
“Does my baby boy need more?” They whispered, dangerous. “Maybe let mommy ride your dumb cock?”
Ifrit nodded dumbly. “Yes, please ride it, mommy.”
And Zephyr wasn’t going to say no to Ifrit asking for help.
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tubbybunnysblog · 2 days
Still not done~
Fem feeder/androgynous feedee. Physical dominance and teasing. Another story that seems awfully similar to what me and my muse ( @silliersage ) do~💜🩵
Feeder talks a lot because that’s what I like 😝
I huff impatiently as you purposely struggle to unlock the door. I whine softly. I was having trouble keeping my sloshy body up right “baby please hurry, my feet hurt and I’m so tired” I pout as you look back at me. I try to move before you grab me by the underbelly but I was much too slow. “Maybe it wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t stuff your fatty face with greasy fries right after we left the restaurant” I blush as you jiggle it, my entire 435 pound lardy body wobbling. I burp from the motion as you finally open the door and pull me inside still keeping a tight grip. I gasp feeling your nails dig into my stretch marked covered flab. “Ok ok I get it!” I say my whines almost sounding like a pig squealing. “No I don’t think you do lard ass” You use your own weight to shove me against the wall hissing in my ear.
“You wake up begging for food, you chug a shake before you even get out of bed. You waddle your fatass to the kitchen plop your fat ass down into a chair that I’ve had to fix twice and stuff yourself with 3000 cal just for breakfast.” You push your leg between my fattened thighs to keep me up right. “Then, you shuffle to couch and plant yourself there eating a second breakfast and filling this blubbery belly with a second weight gain shake, and enough snacks for an entire soccer team.” I whimpered as you run your chubby hand across my nipple and up my neck attaching my collar. It was too small for squeezing my newly forming triple chin. “By lunch time you’ve gorged on at least 6000 cal and not even half way through.” You pull on the leash and yank me into the bedroom. “Wait baby please slow down.” I gasp for air as you look at me smirking. “I’m not slowing down for a pig whose legs are so covered in flab that they clap when it waddles.”
I whimper as you push me onto the bed making it creak under my weight. I kick my fat feet helplessly trying to roll over. My face was red as I was huffing and puffing. “As I was saying earlier, at lunch, typically you chug two milkshakes eat three burgers, an extra large pizza and whatever else your tubby fingers can order on your phone. Then you nap there because you’re too bloated to try and haul your fat ass up.” You smack my ass and push me onto my back. I look up at you eyes wide as I groan feeling my body jiggle, my fat chest was pushing against my chins. “Don’t get all embarrassed now, piggy I’m not done.” You straddle my fat thigh and reach for the doughnuts on the night stand. You always leave some sort of pastry for me when I get hungry in the middle of the night which I always do. You shove one between my plump lips laughing as I tried my best to pull my face away.
“I get home from work to find you sprawled out on the couch, covered in sugar and grease moaning, you whine when you see me ‘mommy I’m so hungry. Did you bring more food?’ And you already know the answer because of course I do.” Before I could finish the first doughnut you shove another one down my throat. “I feed you dinner which can average about 10,000 calories and funnel you until you are completely round bloated like a tick and we’re still not done.” I whimper as you push two eclairs in my mouth, making my cheeks bulge more than they already do. “Every night ends with a huge dessert, that leaves you in a food coma and a gut that that I can hardly lift up to fuck you!” I shiver as I finish the sickly sweet treats. I look at you desperately trying to spread my legs I need you more than anything. You smile at me, kissing my sugar coated cheek. “Now you understand pig, you’re just getting too big,” I whine as I feel you dig under my fat pad and begin to touch me. “But no matter Mommy always finds a way because you’re still not done.~”
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neerons · 2 days
Some of Leon Dompteur's best quotes
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"Leon Dompteur. My favorite food is meat and alcohol. Hmm? Alcohol isn't food? Haha, that's true."
"You can imagine I'm some fictional character you like if that works better."
"Never mind the roses—it feels like I'm the one wilting without you in my arms. What then? What if I shrivel up and die while you're gone?"
"(...) Well, I'd rather be liked by you than a bunch of random women."
"Do you want to sleep with me tonight? Hey, I just meant sleeping! What were you thinking?"
"I swear, you're the bravest woman I've ever met. (...) I promise, we'll bring you home. That's the one thing I'm not backing down on. And... Don't do anything reckless." (—Leon telling Emma he'll save her along with his brothers from Obsidian)
"If you're struggling, it's okay to show me. I'm not gonna think less of you for it. So don't force yourself to smile."
"No running, no hiding, no looking away. If you need to cry, look at me and cry."
"When I opened my eyes again, I gazed at the woman before me in awe. She was so stunning that I regretted closing my eyes and even blinking." (—Leon's thoughts)
"I've always wanted to see you in a dress that I picked out... then strip you."
"(...) I'll come duel with you as soon as I'm done here." (—Leon keeping his promise to Licht)
"Good girl."
"But... I've wanted this for so long. I've wanted you... for so long."
"A special skill of mine, huh...? Oh, there's one I can think of right away. I bet I could beat anyone at competitive eating."
"I don't blame him for being charmed, though. She's just that amazing. Emma, you have no idea how much your presence means to me." (—Leon's thoughts about Jin and Emma)
"Good work. Even if no one else is watching you work hard, I will. Okay?"
"You must have taken quite a liking to her to go warning her like that. It was nice of you." (—Leon talking about Emma to Chevalier)
"Why don't I save everyone a lot of trouble and cut the lot of you down right now?" (—Leon to drunken men)
"Ever since I met you... the me I thought I'd killed... the me I thought was gone... he can't stop shouting to the heavens how happy he is."
"Owwww! What the hell? (...) you could at least wake me up some other way." (—Leon being woken up by Chevalier)
"I think it's actually kind of cute. It's meant to look like a rabbit, right?" (—Leon talking about Clavis' food to Clavis, Emma and Nokto)
"I can finally tell you what I've always wanted to tell you. Emma... I love you."
"What matters is that you haven't become a victim for the kingdom. Just knowing that is enough to reassure me. (...) She knew none of you would welcome her, yet she came here as the emperor's representative, to find peace for us all. Is there any of you with more resolve than that?" (—Leon defending Emma during an official meeting)
"Accepting who you are, and being able to open your heart to the people you love—that's what makes us strong."
"(...) I want to flirt with you. Please?"
"I can't be the only one left with a one-track mind. I need you to be as crazy for me as I am for you." (—Leon's thoughts)
"Sorry, I know I sound like a broken record, but you look so fine in that beautiful dress. I wish I had a picture of you to frame."
"She's the silver lining in my clouds, my sun who makes my future bright. When I think about her, I'm filled with the courage to face whatever may come my way. She's truly an amazing woman and the light of my life." (—Leon talking about Emma)
"Maybe instead of the one doing the savoring, you'd prefer to be savored?"
"I adore you. Even if I were to make the entire world my enemy, I'll never let go of you."
"I want to melt you with my touch until you're left crying my name into the night." (—Leon's thoughts)
"I want you to be at my side just as you are, I want you to be my queen just as you are."
"There's only one thing that I can think of that would help stop me being so reckless. (...) Mmm... I don't know, it seems a bit too easy to just go ahead and tell you. Why don't you guess? (...) And every time you get it wrong, I get to kiss or touch you. How does that sound? (...) Can you even think coherently when you're this wet and needy?"
"Honestly, you can call for me even if nothing happens. I don't mind. I'd still gladly come running."
"Every time we touch, every time we kiss, every time we say we love each other, my feelings for you grow stronger."
"If we continue, you're going to see me possibly the horniest I've ever been in my life."
"Sorry, kid, but you were born way too late. Plus, she's already spoken for. But at least he has good taste." (—Leon's thoughts about a boy asking Emma to marry him)
"You're so beautiful that I don't know what to do with myself."
"I'm so harsh on you first thing in the morning, aren't I? (...) I ate my fill, but now I already want you again."
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tac-owo-sensei · 1 day
An Awkward Encounter
I wrote this when I was tired as fuck and I'm too lazy to edit it so enjoy
“So not only have you been stealing my things, possibly contaminating my food with your weird little wall germs, but you’ve also been watching me since I’ve gotten here?”
“...Well it’s not steal-”
“I’m sorry, are you going to give it back?” Audrey snapped. She didn’t know what to expect when she woke up this morning, but it certainly wasn’t a person the size of her pointer finger on her counter, now trapped within her fist.
The borrower, as he introduced himself, gave a lopsided smile in response. This wasn’t good, this wasn’t good at all. No, it was okay, even if she was…gigantic, humans were still normal people, like any other borrower…right? He just had to act like he normally did…like the possibility of being crushed wasn’t so real.
“Well…do you want me to?” He raised his eyebrows and his smile wavered. Peace, keep the peace. The more compliant you are, the less likely you are to die. Audrey let a sigh out of her nose, her breath slightly ruffled his hair. Nope, this was not terrifying at all.
“No, no, I- you can keep it.” She paused for a moment, like she was debating something. Then, she lowered her hand and unraveled her fingers the moment it touched the counter. The borrower could feel himself relax as her hand retracted, but his guard was still up.
“Anyway…uhm, if you don’t need anything else, can I- yaknow, go…like…now? Please?” A pause.
“Yeah, sure…just- look, I really don’t mind you being here, but can you try to not touch the food you’re not going to eat? Like if you’re stealing- I don’t know, a chip- or- something from the bag, can you try not to touch the other chips?” God, that barely sounded coherent. 
His eyes widened. That…was it? She didn’t want him to leave, to kill him, to trap him or…anything? That was it?
“Yeah…uhm, sure.”
“Do you want help or anything-”
“No, nope, absolutely not.” He said way too quickly. “I-I mean, not that I don’t want your help-” He didn’t. He did not wish to go through being held, having all of his limbs restrained, to be so directly left under the mercy of a stranger again. “But I can do it on my own.” He finished. He awkwardly cleared his throat. “If that’s all, I…guess I’ll be seeing you around.” He wanted to thank her for not harming him, but he assumed that would be a strange thing to thank someone for. He turned around, before he was stopped by her voice.
“So will I be seeing you again?” She blurted out. He paused for a moment.
“Uhm, maybe.” Hopefully not.
“Oh, alright.” Before she could say anything else, he sprinted behind the coffee machine. He expertly removed the outlet and hurriedly put it back once he was back, safe inside the confines of the walls. Never again. (Spoiler alert, they had another encounter)
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seiless · 19 hours
Man, BG3 fell onto my head like a month ago and ever since I’ve noticed it popping up everywhere. Excited to see you here on top of it.
As for requests, I don’t have anything specific. Just… just hook me up with the *softest* domestic Gale writing a girl could ask for. Please and thanks :)
(We love domestic Gale in this house!!!)
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“Hold still.”
“I can assure you my love, I am as still as a marble statue.”
“And yet you speak, which suggests movement…and you keep tilting your head back and forth.” He grinned softly,  a breath of a laugh escaping him when he felt your fingers weave further into his hair. “Laughter counts too, Gale!”
“Forgive me. I shall become the very definition of stillness for you, right…now.” He sucked in a deep breath and held it, doing his absolute best to remain frozen in place. He could hear the smile in your voice, feeling you tug at his hair again.
“If you hold your breath, you’ll die, idiot. Come now!” You shook your head, “You’re allowed to breathe, just do it without, you know, moving. It’s hard enough to keep count of which strand folds over which…”
“Have you considered asking Shadowheart or Halsin for help in this endeavor? I’m certain they would be more than willing to assist in this endeavor.”
“Yes, but I do not want to touch their hair.” You continued, gently twisting the three strands together in your hands, sending gentle tingles along his scalp.
“Why ever not?”
“Because I want to touch you.” He hummed softly, already knowing the answer. “And you’ve got much more patience for me when I pull too hard or snag a tangle.”
“I can assure you if it were anyone else, I would be equally impatient. But there is something about you whenever you end up tugging my hair a bit too- agh!”
“-A bit too roughly.” He finished with a chuckle, tilting his chin up to look at you. “Perhaps in a different context than styling practice.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You pecked his forehead, “Now face forward; I’m almost done with this one.”
“This one?”
“You thought you’d be able to escape with just one braid? It’s not practice if we stop after the first one! We’ve got to finish a dozen of these, at least!”
“A-a dozen?”
“Rest assured, you will be compensated generously.” You giggled, tugging gently on his braid.
“Hmm…I’m afraid I’ll need a few more details. The ambiguity of that promise has me more wary than intrigued.”
“Fair enough. For every braid, I’ll add an hour.”
“An hour for…?”
“For every braid, I’ll add…an hour.”
“My darling, I’m afraid you’ll need to elaborate on what exactly you’re adding an hour t- oh.” He paused suddenly, a warmth spreading across his cheeks. “...I see.”
“I thought you might.” You giggled softly, your fingers brushing against his ear and sending a delightful shiver down his spine.
“Veru well- install as many braids as you wish. More, in fact, if you think you can handle such a challenge.”
“Trust me,” You tugged on the braid you nearly finished, making his head jerk back, “I can handle it.”
The rest of the afternoon was an amusing back and forth between the two, swapping between humor and flirting as your practice continued.
It was no simple feat, but eventually you perfected his braids,...which made it fitting he wmight get a proper reward promptly afterwards.
A fine trade, indeed.
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mitsundere · 2 days
gepard omegaverse headcanons
so this has been cooking in my head for quite a while now, but i've only just typed it up.
⚠️ cw : internalized homophobia , internalized discrimination against omegas (?) 
can be taken as reader-insert, gender-neutral, but there's one (1) mention of a hypothetical scenario where they have a vagina / ovaries. like 1-2 bullets only, about pregnancy. i'll put it in color red if anyone wants to avoid it. feel free to send me a message on how to word it properly, or if i should change anything
general headcanons
omega. smells like winter pine with a tad of cinnamon and a lingering floral scent. the more pleased he is, the more prominent the floral tones.
no one knows of his dynamic except for his family, and a few high-ranking senior officers and doctors of the guard (including the supreme guardian and pela, a family friend). he’s been raised as an alpha, and everyone in belobog sees him as one.
uses both scent-blocker patches and heat suppressants regularly. it’s a must for any member of the silvermane guards, especially those in the frontlines and on patrols. while his scent normally wouldn’t be a problem, it gets sickeningly sweet during pre-heats, so he has to use the patches. fortunately, he hasn’t experienced any problems with heat suppressants yet.
prefers to spend heats alone. while the original gepard wouldn’t even think of having a vacation for himself, in this verse he’s more likely to do it (whether he wants to or not). at least once a year, he tapers down his heat suppressants to maintain his body’s natural hormone cycle— letting him have his heat. 
he’s ashamed of it, wishes that he was born as something else. but it didn’t matter what he wanted. the people need him to be this indestructible shield for belobog. a powerful alpha, not… whatever he was right now. it’s even worse when he remembers how his sisters were both alphas. why was he the only one burdened with this? he tries not to think about it by drowning himself in work
with an alpha
it takes a while for him to warm up to them. after all, he’s been raised to act like one. he doesn’t want to give in to his instincts. it was a good thing he was pretty disciplined! (read as: used to not getting what he wanted / not being in control of his life)
you need to be a gentle alpha to win this captain’s heart. he still has to come to terms with and be more forgiving of himself. let him touch you freely. explore your scent glands and canines. it gives him a sense of control, making him more relaxed
steals your clothes. yes, even if you’re smaller than him. if you lose an article of clothing, it’s most likely with gepard as he stays at the restricted zone for months. be careful when sending him letters with items like a handkerchief, anything with your scent. he might just go into premature heat (and he’ll be sent home. whether this is a win or not is up for debate)
with a beta
the most comfortable match for gepard. there’s no pressure to conform with the standard alpha/omega partnership. he won’t accidentally go into heat with a you due to lack of a strong scent, and you won’t go crazy when you smell him. he can just be a normal person around you
your lack of strong scent won’t stop him from nuzzling into your scent glands, though. you do have a scent, it’s just a bit.. subtle. not overwhelming like an alpha’s or omega’s— and he’s obsessed with it. like drinking cold water on a hot and humid day, it has no taste but you can’t help but keep drinking it, right? be prepared for a lot of cuddling!! he’ll do anything to get a whiff of you
in my verse… unfortunately, if the beta has a vagina / ovaries / uterus etc. as their reproductive system, they cannot get an omega pregnant. they can get surgery for this, but i imagine it isn’t quite available in jarilo-vi yet
if this is the case, gepard would be quite sad as he wants a family. but maybe after a long talk, he’ll come to accept that there are other methods of having one.
with an omega
gepard appreciates that there’s someone who can understand him. raised in a conservative family (i imagine, have you read “landau’s choice?”), it would bother him first. internally. but he’ll come around later on to accept that he liked you.
afraid of exposing his dynamic at first. would you still accept him? he’s hidden his dynamic all his life. what if you leave him after? would you be disgusted at the idea of him, an omega, liking you, another omega? please be patient with him. he’ll tell you when he’s ready
being with you also makes his alpha upbringing come up. he thinks that you should be protected, and doesn’t mind if you use him as a shield for any other alphas that want you (one of the benefits of appearing as an alpha to the masses)
out of all the relationships/dynamics listed, i think this is the most likely one that doesn’t start off as love. it’s more of a shared comfort or friendship, and gradually becomes something more. 
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fraberry-stroobcake · 9 months
I have a friend who was never taught how to take care of herself, including how to wash/brush/braid her hair, how to wash her face, how to care for acne, how to brush her teeth correctly, how to apply makeup and correctly wash it off, ect. In order to keep her anonymous and also get all the info (as I'm not one to do all the tutorials alone) I'm croudsourcing this info. If you're free, please pick a self care topic and write a simple tutorial on it. If you don't have time, well wishes are also appreciated.
hello, sorry for letting this sit in the inbox for 2 days, start of the week turned out to be much more draining than i expected it to be. So, maybe surprisingly for some, I myself am not very educated on these things (but this post aint about me). But I did try my best to find useful resources that could help your friend or anyone in that matter. remember, even if you had parents and maybe they even taught you some things it doesnt mean you know everything you probably should.
first of all, there are these two channels that might be very very helpful. I think I heard something about this concept before and it sounded so wholesome and interesting, but I just never looked into it myself. Here they are:
These are two youtube channels who answer questions you'd usually ask a parent, i.e hey mom, how do i braid hair? (btw, turns out she literally has a video on that!!
yayy :D ). I'm sure if any other things cant be found in here specifically, you can find an answer if searched in a similar way.
for caring for your hair, i found this video right here:
and also this channel:
this is a professional hair stylist and he has a lot of videos about how to take care of your hair and your brush and other things, which seems super great! he seems to be quite aware of how much people might shove expensive products into your face that dont do much, but also he does recommend sticking to professionally used products that you'd know work well, so thats also good! he's pretty good at explaining complicating things in easy words, which definitely helps someone like me for sure.he also understands that everyone is different and it affects how and when you can and should do things, without feeling judged.
now, i probably havent done a lot, i hope the other people you reached out to could share a lot of tips how to do things and where to learn them. I wish you and your friend, and anyone else who might have needed this post to help look after themselves or anything like that the absolute best. you're all wonderful, you're all fantastic, even if you don't know how to do something. I hope you learn to ignore any judgement you might face from certain people and instead focus on receiving help frrom people who care about you getting better. all the love from this strawberry :)
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lxnarphase · 4 months
g. satoru who is a massive pervert and constantly whines for you to let him touch you all the time, even when you're both around others. you've lost count of how many times he grabs you and pulls you into his lap, his warm hands slipping under your shirt while sitting next to g. suguru, who's attention is no longer on the tv.
'he doesn't mind,' satoru always comforts you, grinning into the skin of your neck. 'sugu's my best friend, he knows i can't help but touch you, baby.'
best friend or not, that doesn't explain how you always ended up with your legs spread open wide in satoru's lap, your jeans and panties discarded somewhere on the floor as suguru kisses all over your thighs. the two of them talk like you aren't even there, as if you aren't growing wetter as each second passes.
"satoru," suguru purrs, his fingers running up and down your soft lips, parting them open to watch slick slowly drip out of you. "you must be doing something else to her. i've never seen it get wet so quickly." the way he speaks so calmly makes you dizzy. it's unfair, so fucking unfair how calm and collected suguru is when he's inches away from your pussy, those pretty purple eyes focused on it.
"yeah? 's wet?" it's also unfair how riled up it gets satoru, seeing his pretty baby getting shy because his best friend is rubbing his fingers up and down her slick folds. "she's so messy, isn't she? she's the prettiest little pussy," he coos into your ear. that gets a chuckle from suguru, his eyes finally looking at you. "always the one to talk to the pussy and not about it, aren't you, satoru?"
his fingers finally focus on your clit, rubbing little circles into it. both you and satoru look pretty from this angle, suguru notices. the pure need and shyness on your face paired with that manic desperation on satoru's...it's a perfect picture, one he wants saved forever. maybe next time you'll let him take some pictures...after all, he needs a new background for his phone.
"c'mooon, sugu...give her a kiss? c'mon, c'mon, give that cunt a kiss, tell me how sticky 'n' wet she is," satoru fucking begs, acting as if he's the one spread open and dripping. but you second the thought, giving suguru the prettiest little puppy eyes.
"anything for you, princess," he coos softly, leaning down and pressing a little kiss on your clit. it's so light you barely feel it but then he's peppering kisses on it, your wetness starting to get on his lips and making each press of his lips sticker and wetter. "s-sugu-!" before you can even beg for more, his mouth is on you. his tongue is so wet and hot on your cunt, it feels like he was drooling for you.
"does she taste good? how wet is she, suguru, c'mon, tell me, tell me how that pussy tastes, pretty please?"
"mm, satoru, it's almost as if you wanted to be between her legs."
"who wouldn't? she's so pretty, she's squirmin' so cutely, my pretty baby, my needy little mochi, her pussy's always so creamy and warm and messy, god, i miss it right now."
"shit...stop talking like that, you're gettin' me flustered, should i-"
"s-sugu, please, keep going," you so politely ask. it's unbearable how cute you are, it's taking everything in him to keep being nice, to keep treating your cunt nicely. he knows satoru is mean and practically bullies your pretty slit almost every day, but he wants to be the nice one, the one who you go to when your 'toru' is being too mean. yet, you're making it so fucking hard when you look at him with lidded eyes that beg him to be rougher with you...
but he knows he's done for when satoru whispers something in your ear that has your eyes fluttering a bit and gets a pretty little gasp from you. those gorgeous eyes—oh, do you have little tears in them too?—connect with his and he's fucked.
"s-suguuu, please," you coo to him, moving your legs to hook over his shoulders and pull him closer to the apex of your thighs. "i need your mouth on my pussy r-really bad, please don't tease me." you take a pause and squeeze your eyes shut, whining a little as satoru coos for you to keep going. "g-give my...my messy cunt attention, suguru..."
suguru shakily sighs and the next thing you know, his mouth is smushed against your pussy, his tongue hungrily swirling against your clit as his hands grab onto the fat of your thighs. he doesn't know what gojo told you in order to hear you say that, but he's silently thanking him as he messily sucks and slurps at your juicy cunt.
it's so hot, all it takes is a few swipes of his tongue and you're gushing everywhere. suguru lowers his head to dip into your hole and he moans. he missed this, missed the sweet taste of your juices on his tongue as you squirmed and moaned for him, your boyfriend's best friend.
"fuck, i-i can hear how wet she is," comes satoru's pitiful whine, his hand dipping down to swipe at your clit as suguru focused on lapping up everything that dripped out of you. "lemme help, lemme help, wanna help you get her creamy, sugu." the feeling of suguru groaning into your puffy folds has you keening, arching your back against satoru's chest. oh, he's in heaven watching you both. "yeah, you didn't know she could cream, didya? put your fingers in her, sugu, put 'em in that sticky little pussy 'n' angle up."
reluctantly pulling his mouth off you with a wet sound, suguru slips two of his fingers in you. he doesn't miss the cry of his name, but he really doesn't miss the delirious giggle and moan when he angles his fingers up, rubbing against that spongy spot.
"f-fuck, she's dripping..."
"go on, fuck her with your fingers, you know you wanna see her make a mess. make her fucking cream, suguru, get her prepped. maybe t'day she'll let you put it in...oh, based on your face, she just clenched on your fingers, yeah?"
his fingers are still swirling around your clit, his other coming down to press on your abdomen. he can hear you getting wetter, your little whimpers turning to moans as you slur their names desperately. he wants you to lose all thoughts, only able to think about him and suguru...yeah, he wants you all soft and sweet so he and his best friend can try and slip into those warm, slick walls.
"mmn...she's really creaming...god, pretty girl, can you cum for me? i wanna see you cum on my fingers. satoru, move your fingers, the poor thing needs my mouth on her."
"hmmm, suddenly you know what she needs? ehehehe, you're learninggg, suguruuuu!" if you had turned to look at satoru, you'd see the charged look in his eye, blue eyes practically glowing with insanity. his hand grabs a fistful of suguru's hair and pulls his face directly into your cunt, unable to handle any more of this. he wanted to see you cum on suguru's face.
"c'mon, c'mon, kiss it, suguru, make it messy for the both of us. mmh, fuck, listen to you making out with her pussy, s' wet and sticky, isn't it? oohmygod, both of you sound so good, she's gonna cum, sugu, she's gonna cum in your mouth...fuck, i love you both so much, can't wait to see you both fucking each other."
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shmpxx · 9 months
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⛤ curse! yuuta okkotsu x fem! reader
yuuta okkotsu being your one and only curse.
cw. smut. unprotected sex. creampies. multiple orgasms. groping. dry humping. public sex-ish. fingering. slight oral (f. receiving). overstimulation. thigh fucking. somnophilia. possessiveness. yandere tendencies. mentions of violence. +18!
wc: 1.2k
a/n: inspired by @deviants-forest work! etc. (go check it out) also happy kinktober! :)
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Curse!yuuta who creeps up your back, his hands finding your waist and his lips tickle your ear as he’s whispering how much he needs you on a subway train to home. “Not now…” you whisper over your shoulder to him trying not to be noticeable by others who crowded you and payed no mind, too busy on their phones. You bit your bottom lip when he presses himself against your ass in one movement already having your blood rush like crazy. You try to keep your composure like nothings bothering you but yuuta’s hard on humping into you desperately, whining in your ear and his cold hands reaching under your shirt to grope your boob. “need you ‘s bad” he was always touchy, could never keep his hands off you.
Curse!yuuta who doesn’t mind your sorcerer friends as long as they don’t get too close. Your friends can sense the heavy weight of cursed energy from you, even if they got close it was too much to bare sense yuuta was around, the air would fill thick and negative. You could barely go out with them to eat without his fingers buried in your cunt and playing your clit. They would ask you if you were okay when your head is down on the table but you just excuse it as you were not feeling well for a second but yuuta is grinning ear to ear, amused how your well your taking his slender fingers, curling them inside and you can’t help but squirm in your seat acting like your stomach is just hurting though you were about to orgasm. “Please yuuta..” you whisper to him “Come on you can cum on my fingers..” his raspy tone sending you shivers down your back.
Curse!yuuta who watches an “old friend” hug you, his hands in places that shouldn’t be. After you would praise yuuta for staying calm but yuuta would give shake his head only because you would be upset if he did anything and simply gave you a warning “Next time I’ll break his arm” “You can’t be serious” you sigh, you always knew he was.
Curse!yuuta who clenches his fist watching some prick try to flirt with you in front of him knowing he can’t be seen. Even the second time you reject him you can feel yuuta’s anger grow by the second that in any moment he would take action. “I-i have a boyfriend-“ praying yuuta doesn’t get violent “I don’t see him?” His hand coming up to touch your shoulder now he’s on the floor shouting in pain, blood from his broken nose all over his hands, shaken up that he didn’t see anyone hit him? Was he going crazy? “Pathetic” Yuuta mutters luckily he held back a lot, he could do so much worse and this wasn’t the first time.
Curse!yuuta who gets anxious that you might hate him when you get into arguments. He feels like he can’t exist without you, he’s nothing without you and the thought of you hating him makes his heart sink and scared that he’ll be all alone. He didn’t care about anyone else he just needed you. The amount of times you got tired of telling him not to hurt people and you could handle the situation yourself. He’ll plead you not to hate him and apologized excessively. “We can talk about this tomorrow” his stomach sinking by the tone of your voice that it will all end up to you hating him. He couldn’t stand the feeling.
Curse!yuuta who wants to let you know how much he loves you and how much he needs you, praying you don’t leave him or hate him. He glares at you in your sleeping state though he can’t wait til tomorrow he needed you to know now. “Please don’t hate me” “i love you so much” as he’s softly kissing your neck on each side, peeling your panties off. The cold air makes your cunt clench at his sight. He’s kissing the inner of your thighs sweetly and his lips makes contact with your pussy and a small whimper emits from your mouth. “Yuuta” you utter half sleep thinking it was only a sex dream, you were a heavy sleeper at that. he’s burying his lips between your folds trying to get more like he was so starved. If he can just make you feel good you won’t be mad at him and you can forgive him.
Curse!yuuta who can’t wait any longer, his dick pulsating through his pants even how much he gets drunk off your pussy, he loves the taste of it every time but he’s rutting against the mattress. Brings your thighs together to slip his cock between, throwing his head back letting out quiet moans as his cock is rubbing against your clit between your thighs. Your eyelids almost twitching open. He spreads your legs apart and sinks his dick into you watching your pretty lashes flutter at the sudden pleasure of you being spread apart. “Yu..?” You begin to stir awake, he kisses your lips before you start to fully take consciousness. “I don’t want you to hate me” “forgive me please” as he’s thrusting harsh inside you and swallowing your lips. By the time your walls were the shape of him every time he used you so it was easy for him to slide right in, you were made for him and he was made for you was the thought that brought him comfort. His fingers entwines with yours, his cock continuously rubbing hard in your insides. “Yuuta!” You moaned beautifully in his ear, your hand clawing at his back, yuuta loved it, it didn’t hurt him because you could never hurt him he didn’t mind it.
Curse!yuuta not wanting to stop, he’ll never get tired of cumming and filling up your pussy. You’ll be overstimulated begging him to stop it was awfully much to handle, you couldn’t cum anymore but you did as he’s plunging his cock in your abused cunt. The choke sobs and sounds of squelching filled the room “Need you-need you tell me you love me…please f-forgive me..ah!” Rubbing your clit increasing more nerves. “I-i love you yuuta! Ah-I really do! I could never be mad at you” Your words lifting weight off his chest still pounding into you. Holding you in a warm embrace to finish inside you. When he did filling up your womb one last time with his string of cum, your nails dig into his back letting your last orgasms crash into you. You let out a cry into his shoulder, your body trembles.
Curse!yuuta who needs constant reassurance you’ll never leave him, placing gentle kisses on each part of his face. Even though he’s nothing but a curse to you, being invisible to the outside world, Has a hard time showing remorse it’s just what he does to protect you, he somewhat doesn’t know that but knows he can be a bit possessive he just can’t help the urges of anyone getting close to you or worse even laying a finger.
Curse!yuuta bending you over the counter in the morning as you were trying to make yourself breakfast, last night was rough you were a bit sore but yuuta still misses your pussy. “Just a quick one I promise! I miss you so much! I’m just displaying my love for you—“ he pushes himself inside your worn out cunt from last night once again, you whimper at the feeling each time he rolls his hips when his balls slap against you. His hands reaching to your tit, massaging it in his palms. You don’t think you could ever break the curse from yuuta okkotsu.
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strawhbrrries · 8 months
Love and Lust
pairing: mike schmidt x afab!reader
warnings: unprotected sex, no foreplay, oral (m receiving), creampie??, female pronouns, whiny mike, whiny reader, switch!mike??, teasing, overstim, hair pulling, nipple pinching, not proofread, porn with no plot
word count: 1.3k words
author’s note: this isn't as needy n whiny as I originally hoped so I hope you guys can forgive me!!! please send requests for what you'd like to see next! very dedicated to @mfdxz because queen has been WAITING for this one
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“Please.” He whined in your ear, licking and sucking at any of the skin on your neck that he could reach. “I need you, now.”
“I’m trying, I can’t get your stupid belt unbuckled.” You whined back, sitting up from your position on top of him to try and see the belt buckle better.
“Baby, I am going to cum in my pants if you don’t hurry up.” He relaxed his head against the pillows that lined the headboard, chest rising rapidly as he tried to regulate his breathing. 
On normal days when Abby was home you tried to avoid doing anything sexual, but the second Mike had gotten home the atmosphere shifted. He came up behind you in the kitchen, pressing your ass against the hard-on raging in his jeans, trying to slide his hand under the waistband of your sweats. His fingers made it as far as touching your clit before Abby stumbled in asking for more dinner, a small groan only loud enough for the two of you came out.
The clink of the buckle hitting the floor dissipated any frustration you had, your fingers immediately unzipped his jeans and threw them off somewhere on the floor. Today was one of the few days he’d chosen to go commando, both of you were now appreciating this.
You went back to straddling his waist, grinding down against his cock, your wetness causing your underwear to conform to your folds as you slid his cock between them. His breath hitched at the feeling, he turned his head to the side in an attempt to cover his mouth. 
“Fuck, baby..” Mike groaned, thrusting his hips upwards in an attempt to create more friction.
“Feel good, Mikey?” You teased, moving down his body to sit in between his legs.
“Baby..” Is all he could muster in response, anything else was lost the second you put the tip of his cock in your mouth.
The feeling of him in your mouth, hard and leaking from the need to fuck you, caused a moan to vibrate around him. He tried to close his legs at the feeling, you hadn’t even done anything and yet it was all too much already. Your hands pushed them back open, taking his cock as far as it could go, your nose was pressing against his pubic bone. You hollowed your cheeks as you pulled off of him, using your tongue to swirl around it as you went.
You climbed back up his body, straddling his waist yet again, and placing your lips against his. The kiss was needy and messy, strings of saliva connecting your chins together. His fingers found your hair, entangling themselves at the base and pulling your head back. He needed you, and he was tired of letting you have that control.
“I said, I needed you, now.” He grunted, nipping at your exposed collarbone.
Mike lifted your shirt and threw it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor, latching onto one of your nipples and rolling the other in between his fingers. You threw your head back at the sensation, trying to hold yourself up against him in an attempt to keep control. Any ounce of control that you had left disappeared when your hair was yanked backwards, causing a loud whimper to leave your mouth and Mike to slap a hand over it. 
The sound of Abby shuffling around in her room stopped the two of you in your tracks, the soft padding of her footsteps passed by the bedroom door. You exchanged a look, it was past her bedtime, and he was off to go check on her. Nights when Abby left her room after her initial bedtime meant she’d be more likely to leave more times throughout the night, sometimes she just wasn’t tired and sometimes she just couldn’t sleep, it’s how she worked.
You heard the two of them exchanging muffled words quickly followed by their footsteps back into her room. To save time, in the chance Abby did leave her room again, you threw your underwear into the pile on the floor.
“She needed water.” He mumbled, closing the door and locking it behind him, throwing off the sweats he’d put on in a hurry. 
The bed dipped as he climbed up you, kissing his way up your body. His fingers slid between your folds, collecting your wetness and bringing the fingers to your mouth. He tapped your lips, an indicator that he wanted you to open your mouth, and slid his fingers in when you opened them.
“How do you taste, sweet girl? Let me taste.” Mike removed his fingers from your mouth and leaned closer to kiss you, swirling his tongue around yours. “Fuuuck.”
Two fingers swirled at your entrance, pushing in slightly as his other hand covered your mouth just in case. He curled his fingers, brushing against the soft, spongy spot inside of you. Your body jerked against him, whining against his hand. 
“Shhh, I’ll take care of you, I promise.” He whispered in your ear, a low groan following behind it as he removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock.
The stretch was wonderful, stinging slightly at the lack of prep but an oh so delicious sting. A small whine escaped his throat, hips stuttering slightly at the feeling of your warm cunt stretching around him. His eyes were squeezed shut, trying to keep himself quiet and to stop himself from cumming so soon. There was just something about having to be quiet and the dire need to fuck you into the mattress was sending him into a spiral, his eyes were just as glazed over as yours were.
His hips thrusted in and out, fingers fumbling around your chest as he searched for your nipples. You brought your hands to your mouth, despite most of your moans and whines getting caught in your throat every time his hips pushed back in, the chance of being caught bringing an overwhelming sense of excitement.
“Baby, fuuck…baby.” Mike moaned, splaying one hand on your stomach and bringing the other to his mouth. 
He was holding on by a thread, orgasm threatening to spill all over your insides with every thrust, he’d been waiting for this all day and now that it was finally here he couldn’t even hold on. 
“I need to cum..” He whined, leaning over so your knees were against your chest and his mouth was by your ear.
“Inside..” You managed to choke out, keeping one hand on your mouth and digging the other into the skin of his bicep, small moon shaped indents appearing.
After you finished your one word sentence he painted your insides with a low groan, sweaty forehead laying itself in the crook of your neck as he continued to thrust in and out. The over-stimulation was too much but he was determined to get you off, he slithered a hand between your bodies. He drew figure eights over your clit as he continued his thrusting, sucking and licking at the skin of your neck.
“Mikey…Mikey..” Your words were breathy and almost inaudible, all you could think, hear, smell, taste was just Mike.
He was overwhelming your senses in the best way and all you wanted was to live in this blissful state forever, full of him. One more thrust had your mind reeling, body shaking, sharp white pleasure searing through your veins as your orgasm ripped through you. He slapped another hand over your mouth, continuing his thrusts to help work you through your orgasm.
“Mike? What are you doing to her?” Abby asked innocently, standing at the open door that didn’t latch when he thought he locked it.
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sceletaflores · 8 months
A Different Kind of Compensation.
╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗ ╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝
part two!
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pairing: mike schmidt x fem!reader
prompt: you’ve been babysitting abby for mike nearly three months now. he constantly apologizes for not paying you yet, you constantly tell him it doesn't bother you. one night he comes back from his shift at freddy’s and has a different idea on how to compensate you for all of your hard work.
warnings: 18+, oral (fem receiving), vaginal fingering (kinda???), munch!mike.
word count: this was supposed to be a short dirty work that somehow turned into a 2.2k monster. told you i love to ramble.
authors note: remember when i said i might write smut if i was just so moved by an ask? well turns out my very first ask moved me. y'all are nasty, i love it. mike, of course, is a munch because why would he be anything else? i never, with a capital N, write smut so please bear with me if it sucks. i hope whoever requested this loves it! i wrote it instead of finishing my scientific article for bio so it better be decent hehe.
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The sound of the front door opening followed by heavy footsteps woke you up from where you were dozing off on the couch. You gazed at the clock on the side table near you and sure enough, 6:10 blinked back at you. Mike was finally home. You heard him shuffling around in the kitchen, most likely shedding his work vest and hanging his keys on the little hook by the door.
You yawned, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes as you sat up on the couch. The blanket you used to cover yourself falling to pool around your waist. Mike finally made his way to the living room, sitting on the couch with a soft grunt. 
“Hey,” he said quietly, his voice rough from lack of use. “Abby eat anything?”
“Yeah, a little,” You mutter back through a barely concealed yawn, head lolling to rest on the back of the couch. “You know how she is.”
He hums in acknowledgement but stays silent apart from that, keeping his gaze trained on the infomercial playing on TV. A comfortable silence settles over the two of you. You sit up even further on the couch, leaning against the arm rest facing Mike. The blue/green hue of the TV bathed him in light, his hair was unruly with curls sticking out at awkward angles. He had deep bags under his eyes. Just as you thought about getting up to take off, he spoke up again. 
“I promise I’ll get you the money,” he says softly, not taking his eyes off the TV, “I…I just need some time.”
You scoff in mock annoyance, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “Mike, you know I don’t care about the money. I don’t mind doing this for you.” You reply, nudging his knee with your foot softly then just leaving it perched on his lap.
Mike finally turns to look at you, there's a strange look on his face that you can’t quite place, but you give him a small smile all the same. He stares at you for a few beats, you can practically see the gears turning in his head. 
“You deserve something,” he whispers, his brows furrowed in frustration. “You do so much for me, it’s only fair.” As he speaks, he slowly moves his hand off the couch to your ankle still resting on his thigh, he starts rubbing slow circles over the skin there. His eyes never left yours as he touched you, a very obvious question in them. Asking if you wanted this.
Heat instantly rushed to your belly, cheeks turning a light shade of red at his touch. You’d always thought Mike was attractive, but you never would have imagined he’d want to be anything more than friends. Since he was already so busy with taking care of Abby and his hellish new job.
You swallow once before speaking, your throat feeling dry all of a sudden. “What are you suggesting?” You ask so softly, wondering if he even heard you. Mikes’ fingers stop in favor of trailing his hand up your calf in a featherlight touch, disappearing under the blanket to seek out more of your soft skin. Your heart is beating so fast you think you might die, the sound of it echoing in your ears loudly. 
Mike's big brown eyes stare into yours with a newfound intensity, visibly shocked that you're reacting so viscerally to his touch, his pupils are blown to hell. Chocolate brown being swallowed by black.  His tongue coming out to sweep over his top lip.
“How about you,” he says slowly, scooting closer to you on the small couch. He crowds into your personal space like he belongs there. Mike’s lips inches away from yours. He smells like old leather and dust from being cramped in the security office at Freddy’s. Your chest heaves as your eyes flit back and forth from his eyes to his lips. Seconds drag by like hours as you painstakingly wait for him to finish his sentence. “Stay right there while I make you feel good.” He finally says, his breath fanning over your face hotly. You can’t even speak, afraid of how desperate you might sound, just nodding your head roughly, not looking away from his hungry gaze.
Mike’s hand runs up your leg quickly after you give him the green-light, slipping further under the blanket and higher up your leg until he reaches his destination. He rubs you gently through your shorts, your breath hitches sharply at what should be just a simple touch, but you’re still so worked up from earlier that it feels ten times more extreme. You grasp the blanket still strewn over your lap tightly in your fists, it's the only thing keeping you from seeing Mike’s hand at work between your legs.
Mike reacts to touching you for the first time like he can feel it too. His breath stutters out of his chest, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of your already wet folds through your thin cotton sleeping shorts. “Fuck.” He breathes out quietly, so quietly you doubt he even meant to say it out loud. He opens his eyes again, breathing slightly rougher as he stares at you through his arousal induced haze and heavy eyelids. 
Seeing your face must spur him on because he starts rubbing with more fervor than before, his clever fingers applying more pressure making you moan softly. You cut yourself off quickly, eyes darting down the hall to Abby's bedroom door. It's still closed, there's no light leaking through the crack between it and the floor.
"Shit, Mike." You whine quietly.
Mike groans softly at the sound of his name leaving your lips, body trembling slightly with the feeling. Suddenly he wrenches his hand out from under the blanket, and rips it off your lap frantically. You gasp sharply at the cool air breaking through the bubble of warmth the blanket provided, involuntarily closing your legs.
Mike pushes up from his position on the couch next to you, knee walking over so he's kneeling in-front of your clenched thighs. You're still slightly sprawled across the cushions, leaning on the arm of the couch.
"Do you know how crazy you make me?" He asks roughly, putting both his hands on your still closed knees. It takes a second for your brain to catch up to answer him, after a few moments you finally manage a faint shake of your head.
"No?" He asks, tilting his head to the left slightly. "Let me show you then."
Mike grabs your wrist, tugging you closer to him, and leads your hand down into his lap. Your breath catches in your throat when he places your hand directly over his clothed erection, but it gets drowned out by Mike's louder whine thanks to you touching him for the first time. You drag your eyes downward, his dark grey sweatpants leave little to the imagination. He got more worked up touching you than you first thought, if the wet patch forming near the tip of his hard-on was anything to go by.
As soon as you started to rub him with purpose, Mike grabbed your wrist, halting your efforts. "No," He said breathlessly, practically panting. "No, this is for you tonight. Just wanna focus on you."
He let go of your wrist, turning his head in your direction. Both of you failed to realize how close you'd gotten when he dragged you to him. Your noses practically touch when he turns, catching you both off guard. His eyes travel down to your lips, staring at how red and puffy they'd gotten from you biting them to muffle your moans.
"How sweet of you, Mike." You whisper, leaning in just a tad closer. He lets out a guttural groan and closes the distance between your lips, claiming your mouth with his own. He leans forward, gently guiding you to lay back on the couch. His body completely covering yours as the two of you makeout, his arms on either side of your head and his hips slotting against yours, letting you feel the hard length of his cock against your cunt. You moan into his mouth, your hips bucking up to meet his.
Mike breaks the kiss with a whine, trying to muffle the noise by shoving his face in your neck. You bring your hands up to tangle in his curly hair, yanking it roughly as he starts littering kisses all along your collarbones. Nipping and sucking in-between his gasping little moans as you twist and pull his hair in your grip.
He tears his mouth away to stare up at you through his lashes, his lips are swollen and red. “Please,” He gasps out, his hips unconsciously grinding down into your thigh. “Let me eat you out. Please. Tell me I can, say I can.” He babbles, hips rutting faster every second you don’t answer him.
“Yes.” You exclaim as quietly as possible. “Do it, Mike. Eat me out.”
Mike’s whole body shudders at your words, eyes falling closed for a second before he quickly slides down your body, leaving an odd kiss here and there as he goes. He brings his hands up to grip the waistband of your shorts, pausing to take a single steadying breath, then he tugs them down along with your panties and tosses them aside. He stares down at you in awe for a good few moments before he lays on his stomach, right in front of your dripping cunt.
Mike kisses along the inside of your thighs for a bit, licking everywhere but where you want him to the most. “Thank you.” he mutters, tone way too earnest for the situation at hand but you don’t have much time to think about it before he’s diving face first into your thighs.
“Fuck!” You let your voice get way too loud in the quiet atmosphere of the house, but you can’t help it. You didn’t think Mike had lots of experience because of some late night drunken talks before, but he was either lying or holding out. He works his tongue expertly along every inch of you. Every swirl, flick, or suck has you catapulting to the edge way faster than you’d imagined.
It doesn't help that Mike keeps letting out these noises. Small needy whines or deep guttural groans that you can feel. He’s moaning like he’s the one getting head, unashamed and authentic. It’s so fucking sexy.
“Shit Mike, I’m close. I’m so close.” You whisper too quietly for him to hear with his head trapped between your thighs, but it doesn’t matter. Mike brings his thumb up to lightly circle your clit as he laps against your entrance, and you're gone.
Your thighs shake as you release, grabbing on Mike’s hair for dear life as you go through the most intense orgasm ever. He moans into your cunt, working you through the aftershocks. He laves his tongue along you until the overstimulation gets to be too much and you drag his face away by his hair.
He sits up, the bottom half of his face covered in spit and slick. That visual alone is almost enough to get you ready for round two. It’s silent except for the heavy breathing coming from you both.
After he catches his breath, Mike retrieves the blanket from behind his back somewhere to cover the lower half of your body. Your thighs are still shaking as he lays next to you, it’s a tight squeeze but neither of you seem to mind. He kisses the side of your face sweetly, throwing his arm around your waist to pull you in even closer.
You finally regain enough conscience to speak. “Are you sure you don’t want to get off?” You ask, “I mean I can’t feel my legs but I’m sure we could think of something.” Mike only laughs quietly, shaking his head. “Maybe next time, this was about you.” He said, beginning to rub his fingers back and forth on your hip. “Plus I, uh, I already sort of…” He trails off, a flush forming on his cheeks.
It took you a second to realize what he was saying, but when it clicked you couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped your mouth. You lifted up the blanket covering the two of you, and sure enough Mike had an impressive wet patch seeping through his sweats.
He pinches your hip lightly, offended by your giggling. “Don’t laugh at me,” He complains with a smile, yanking the blanket back up. “I couldn’t help it.”
You stifle another laugh to the best of your ability, though your shoulders still shake ever so slightly. You turn your head to press a kiss to his lips. It’s different from the previous kisses you shared tonight. It’s slower and softer, full of a new emotion that you both feel, but know that it can wait to be talked about later. For now you’re both just basking in the afterglow.
You break the kiss first, pulling back only slightly to lean your forehead against his. You both smile at each other for a second.
“Okay,” You give in, brushing a strand of sweaty hair away from his face. “But believe that tomorrow is all about you.”
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nightprompts · 1 year
&. 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  happy sunday! here's another assortment of smut / nsfw dialogue prompts but with more explicit language. a dirtier sequel to my other, more subtle, smut prompt list. please do not interact if you are under eighteen. )
❛ you can't expect me to do all the work. i want to see what that pretty mouth of yours can do. ❜
❛ you're mine, and i take care of what belongs to me. ❜
❛ i want to fuck you so badly. ❜
❛ i want you to fuck me so badly. ❜
❛ do you really think you’re in a position to give orders? ❜
❛ please. make me feel good. no one else can like you. ❜
❛ you can call me whatever you want, baby. ❜
❛ be good, and i'll fuck you / let you fuck me. ❜
❛ we're going to fuck right here? what if someone sees us? ❜
❛ that really does make you hard. i can feel you pulsing inside me. ❜
❛ do whatever you want with me, i'm yours. ❜
❛ your body was made for mine. ❜
❛ you keep your hands where they are or i'll tie them up. ❜
❛ you want gentle? wrong fucking address. ❜
❛ have a little trust in yourself, i know you can take it. ❜
❛ it's my thigh or nothing. i'm not helping you get off. ❜
❛ i'm waiting for your permission to let me have my way with you. ❜
❛ i don't care if someone sees us. i need you, now. ❜
❛ i can see you enjoy having the upper hand for once. ❜
❛ you're such a fucking tease, you know that? ❜
❛ let me come in you, please. i want to fill you up. ❜
❛ come in me. i need you to fill me up. ❜
❛ now, i'll ask again, are you going to be good for me? ❜
❛ we both know how much you're going to enjoy this. ❜
❛ i'm sorry, what was that? i can’t hear you over all that noise you’re making. ❜
❛ you can take my clothes off for me. ❜
❛ begging is a good look for you. ❜
❛ i'll take good care of you, i promise. ❜
❛ i'd say you need someone to put you in your place. ❜
❛ so good for me. look how much you came. ❜
❛ i can take care of you. you won't need anyone but me. ❜
❛ it made them hard to see me bleed. just like it's making you hard. ❜
❛ you're mine. you've always been mine. ❜
❛ i want to see how pretty you look with your lips around my dick / strap. ❜
❛ i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty. ❜
❛ you're so good for me, so fucking good around me, fucking made for me. ❜
❛ you came so fast, i barely even touched you. ❜
❛ do what you want, but you'd better make it good or i'll kill you. ❜
❛ as much as i'd love to have you choking on me, i'm impatient and there's something else i want more. ❜
❛ missed my touch that much, did you? ❜
❛ someone's needy. ❜
❛ you taste like heaven. ❜
❛ i need to come. please, i'll do anything. ❜
❛ i'm going to put that mouth of yours to good use. ❜
❛ you're fucking gorgeous like that, spread out like a good boy / girl who just wants to be eaten. ❜
❛ you'll be begging for me by the time i'm through with you. ❜
❛ let me stay like this in you for a little bit. ❜
❛ look at that pretty expression. i always knew you could make one. ❜
❛ was it good for you too? it's never been like that before. you've never been like this before. ❜
❛ is that how you usually get out of these situations? by fucking your way out of them? ❜
❛ i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do. ❜
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rhys-writes-some-shit · 7 months
Alastor x Reader (QP)
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You were always respectful of the fact that Alastor didn't like physical touch that he didn't initiate. You never asked why, never tried to force him otherwise, never even considered trying to touch him without his consent. This remained true for all the years you'd known him.
But sometimes it got really fucking difficult.
After a long day of work, then chores, then helping with the hotel, you were absolutely exhausted. And you still had dinner to look forward to. As much as you loved Al, his need for dinner formality really got on your nerves sometimes. At least the food was good.
Luckily, there was a little time where you could escape to your room. Closing the door behind you, you kicked off your shoes and dramatically collapsed onto the bed. As soon as your body hit the mattress, you wanted to stay there for the rest of eternity.
But that wasn't an option.
Groaning, you decided it wouldn't hurt to close your eyes for a moment. Besides, Alastor would want you to be lucid for dinner. Closing your eyes for a second would help.
"Ah, there you are." Distantly, you heard Alastor poke his head in the room. "I would like your input on supper, if you don't mind."
Unable to muster words, you made some unintelligible noises into the bed, curling up more with the blankets. Alastor's footsteps were muffled by the carpet, so you didn't know he was standing right next to you until he spoke.
"Seriously, darling, it is much too early to be sleeping. Don't be so dramatic."
A hand fell on your shoulder, probably to try and take the blankets off you. However, in your half-awake stupor, you shifted to grab the hand, pulling it towards you in an effort to pull some comfort out of it.
Your brain didn't compute what you'd just done for a full 30 seconds, until, suddenly, it hit you. Despite your exhaustion, you immediately let go of Alastor's hand and jerked to a sitting position.
"Al, I'm so, so sorry," you said, your voice sounding more tired than anything else. You ignored the way your eyes kept trying to close, Alastor's figure being nothing more than a red blur in front of you. "I didn't mean to. Give me a minute, I'll be down to help."
Alastor hummed, the contemplative hum you've learned to differentiate over time. Vaguely, you were aware that Alastor's smile softened a bit.
"I can spare ten minutes," Alastor finally said. "Move over, if you please."
You stared at him, blinking tiredly, struggling to understand what was happening.
Expectantly, Alastor motioned to the bed. "Nine minutes and thirty-five seconds."
Then it kicked in. Hastily, you moved over to the other side of them bed, giving enough room for Alastor to sit down with his back against the headboard.
Blankets curled around your shoulders, you sat there, hesitating.
"You may." Alastor answered the unspoken question. "For eight minutes and fifty-two seconds."
It was impossible to deny the smile that grew on your face as you crawled into Alastor's lap, resting your head on his chest and closing your eyes. Gently, Alastor wrapped his arms around you, holding you.
Wrapped in blankets, leaning into Alastor's solid body, the darkness behind your eyelids enveloped you. It felt like you were floating, just your and Alastor, and nothing could ever harm you ever again. As long as you kept your breathing steady, everything would be okay.
Everything would be okay.
You were right; just closing your eyes for a few minutes helped immensely. It was even better that it was spent with one of your favorite people in all of Hell. And if Alastor "accidentally" forgot to keep track of the time, extending your cuddle for an extra two minutes, you weren't going to say anything.
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