#please lend a stressed college student a hand
give-soup-please · 5 months
Hi! hello, yes I am doing a presentation at a conference (as an undergrad!!!) about good omens and Aziraphale as a 'queer guardian' archetype. and I'm looking for fan art of Aziraphale holding/interacting with pride flags. or art of him protecting queer people. you will be credited, of course. can anyone lend me a hand in finding art pieces? i know they're out there, but i can't track them down. not because they are hard to find, but because there's so much other content to sift through.
please please please lend a hand! my presentation is next friday, and i have to upload my slides at least 24 hours before that.
thank you!!!!
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fawnlotties · 2 months
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being charlotte matthew’s assistant…
you were forever grateful that charlotte had decided to take pity upon a broke college student and hire you as her assistant. you were skeptical of her ‘intentional community’ at first, but charlotte was the furthest thing from a demanding boss. being able to sit in a homely office with guaranteed hot meals and a gorgeous older woman to check in on you constantly - how could you complain?
speaking of, charlotte was always around you. you’d find it overbearing if you didn’t love the scent of her bergamot perfume, or the way her hand would linger on your shoulder when she’d ask you to chase up client information. as the weeks went on so did her watch over you, to the point where your office became merged with her own.
“but, no one’s meant to come in here… are you sure?”
“of course, darling. it’ll only make things more efficient, won’t it? and… i could use the company.”
you had a growing suspicion that charlotte was favouring you. you weren’t required to wear purple like everyone else, in fact, charlotte went out of her way to begin supplying you with ‘uniform.’ skirts and dresses teetering the line of sensual corporate, whatever that meant. she’d insist you left the top buttons of your blouse undone - “it’s getting quite warm in here, right? maintenance are useless…” - she’d even begun to expect a little fashion show whenever new heftily-priced clothes were placed atop your bedsheets. you couldn’t lie, it excited you to see her so endeared, so proud as you meekly show off your new not-very-sensible black pumps with a price tag that could send you into cardiac arrest.
you soon learnt that charlotte is very tactile. not only in her work within the community, but in her work with you. the first time she suggested you give her a massage, albeit half-joking, you wondered when your daydreams had turned so vivid. as your manicured fingers dug into the junctures of her tensed neck and she lets out a breathy moan, you thanked all your lucky stars.
charlotte declared that your fingers “work magic,” and you tried move past the obvious innuendo that had your cheeks heated red every time you’re around her. it’s hard, though, when she began to use your affection as a stress reliever. it’s not like you hate it, anything but. behind closed eyes, your nights are filled with visions of her slender fingers enclosed around your wrist, tugging you impossibly closer, slipping between your stocking-clad thighs. you sensed that charlotte can somehow read your thoughts, though the thought both scares and excites you.
it started with more massages, where she slips the soft material off her shoulder because “i’m so tense here, lend a hand?” her calloused fingers began to clasp at yours, guiding them just a little further down to where you think the boundaries of your position are blurred. but at this point, self control is out the window, especially with the way her doe eyes completely pull you inward.
everything about her pulls you in, really. all she has to do now is whisper a soft “darling,” when you appear in the doorframe, maybe even a little coax with her finger, and you’re practically floating right into her lap. it’s a proven stress reliever for her, and you’re more than happy to provide. that’s what a good assistant does, after all!
her lips find your neck because she says the scent of you relaxes her, sometimes whispering that you taste good, and you’d never admit how excited that gets you. meanwhile her hands toy with the material of your cardigan’s hem, and you get the hint.
charlotte loves when you talk. she’ll ask you to drone on about your day whilst her teeth are just lightly puncturing the soft skin of your neck, tsk if you stutter whilst she pries your thighs apart. you want to please her, after all, and she knows this too. it’s why her praise now comes in a constant stream, whispers of “good girl, that’s it, you’re making me so proud…”
you make her especially proud when you sink to your knees, under the mahogany of her desk. it’s only ever when you notice she’s particularly tense - knuckles white as she grips the edge of her desk, brows pursed into a quaint frown. you have her like jelly in almost no time as you slip underneath her kaftan, and the only sounds that fill the grandeur of the room are your muffled hums and charlotte’s shaky gasps, curses and praise slipping through her lips like a mantra. only when her thighs are shaking and her eyes are rolling back does she forget about the tasking role that is being head of her commune, all thanks to her doting assistant.
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skylarmoon71 · 18 days
Human Optimus Prime (Transformers) - (AU) Oneshot
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"The war is over, you don't have to keep looking out for me." 
You watched the Autobot above you, his optics blinked, and he shifted on his feet. Not sure how to respond to your words. 
"You can't be certain the danger is over." 
Through all the battles, life was finally settling down.
Most of the Decepticons were gone, the ones that survived were in hiding. Far too smart to try and plan another attack. Some of the Autobots that were still alive were doing the same. You felt like you'd watch so much of them die. Jazz, Ratchet, you never really recovered. 
You suppose that was the reason Optimus felt the need to be constantly with you. Bumblebee was with Sam, enjoying his life. Peacefully. The remainder of Autobots were all leading very different lives from when they first started. Whenever there was a threat, they lend a hand to the government, but in the meantime, they were just relaxing. Something they hadn't gotten a chance to do fully since they crashed to earth that night. 
For some reason, Optimus took it upon himself to look out for you. So every once in a while he'd stop by to see how you were going, what you were up to. Being a sophomore in college, you were thankful that you were spending more time now on your studies to pursue your profession. In high school it was just one disaster after the next. Now, you could unravel and focus on regular things that college students stressed over, like midterms.
"I think I can handle any danger that comes, I've made it this far haven't I." You were sitting at the edge of the hill, just looking down at the city. When he buzzed by to check on you, he'd ride you to this spot, and the both of you would chat about everything.
You used to look forward to it, but now it was just an unwanted reminder. The main reason behind your refusal for his protection was the fact that your feelings for him had never gone away. In high school, you always thought it was a little crush. 
He was a giant robot who came from another planet and lived for who knows how long. You had no idea why you even fell for him. But the more you were around him, the deeper your feelings got. 
Two years of knowing him you finally confessed exactly how you felt, and his response was that although he was flattered, he could not return them. You cried for a week, but eventually got over it. Surprisingly you were able to salvage a friendship.
That was years ago though. You were on your way to start a life, one that obviously he didn't want to be a part of, at least not the way you wanted. You figured if you were ever to move on, you needed to start making an effort to get some distance. His constant visits weren't making it any easier.
"Is that the true reason you wish for me to stop watching over you?" 
His statement made your shoulder tense slightly. 
"What other reason would there be? " 
You needed to change the subject quickly.
"You can have a life here Optimus. All the other Autobots have, so can you. How are you going to do that if you're always around me."
"You are a part of my life." 
You clench your fists, refusing to let those words play with your heart.
"I can't be, at least not anymore." 
When you looked back at him, he looked a bit sullen at what you said.
"Optimus I..I lied all those years ago. I-I haven't gotten over what you said, or how I feel about you. I think it just got worse as the years went by. I'm in love with you Optimus..." 
You swallowed, because you knew for a fact that you were about to be rejected for the second time. 
"But I think if you just give me space...I'll find a way to stop feeling this way. So please just..don't come by anymore. For your sake, and mine." 
You stood from your spot, and Optimus was just staring at you. He didn't speak, didn't say anything. You didn't need words though. It was clear how he felt. 
"I want to go home." 
You didn't look him in the eyes, you really couldn't. He must have realized that you didn't want to talk about it any longer. With a short nod, he shifted back into a semi. You opened the door, hopping in and closing the door. 
As you sat there, you forced yourself not to cry. When he was gone, and you were back at your apartment, you would have plenty of time to do that. So you stayed silent, watching the trees and buildings as Optimus took off.
"Optimus, are you alright. You look a bit distracted. " 
Sam's words caught him off guard, and he lowered his head at the male. The other autobots in the area stared. Even Bumblebee looked curious. It wasn't often that they saw their leader that way. He'd always been the one with a solution for every problem. Yet he looked like he was struggling with whatever issue he was going through.
"I believe I have...gained feelings for a human." 
Sam's eyes popped open, and from the side he could see Ironhide and Sideswipe high five. Crosshairs just sighed, running a hand over his face.
"Aww you sad sap, I knew that chick was bad news. "
Bumblebee's optics glowed. A song blasting from his speakers.
"Can you feel the love tonight."
Optimus just sighed, and Bumblebee titled his head. 
"What's up doc, you look a bit under the weather."
Sam could only manage a small smile. No matter how many years pass, Bumblebee's use of the radio always amused him.
"I'm a little surprised, I guess I always knew there was something between you two. I see the way she looks at you when she thinks no one is watching." 
Sam's comment gained a look from Optimus Prime.
"How long has she been giving me those looks?"
Sam now looked a bit nervous. 
"Uhh, I'm not sure if I'm the right person to ask about this stuff. Maybe you should just tell her how you feel and.."
"It's pointless. A relationship with a human, with (Y/N), it's impossible. She's a child and I'm a soldier. "
"She's not a child." Sam said it with so much defiance. "She's not a kid anymore, maybe that's why you're so blind. You're still treating her like a kid. She's a woman, Optimus. She should have a say, it shouldn't just be your decision."
"And as for your other problem, I think I have a solution for that as well." Ironhide pipped in.
"A solution.." 
Optimus asked with uncertainty. Ironhide didn't say much more, in seconds he was reverting back to a car. "Let's go, I've been waiting years to show you this!" It didn't take much convincing, they were all interested now.
"A new professor in the department?" 
You nod at your friend, sipping from your coffee.
"Staff has been a bit overpowered. I only heard because I tutor in the evenings. The guy is starting today. Hope he isn't a douchebag like Mr. Renaldo. " 
You mutter.
"I hope he's a hottie, bet you I'd get an A on every assignment." 
You giggle, nodding your head. As strong as you were trying to appear, your conversation was still running over in your head. It irked you more that he just left, you weren't rejected this time, but you might as well have been, his inability to say anything felt far worse. 
"Did he really think I was gonna sit around waiting for him forever." 
He must have known deep down that you never got over him. This whole time it felt like he was unintentionally manipulating you. He didn't want a relationship, but you couldn't be with anyone else with how much you felt for him. Both options left you alone, unhappy.
As you stepped into your class, your new professor was already there. His back was turned, and he was scribbling his name on the board. You could see some of the females in your class swooning. You weren't blind, even from the back you could tell he was probably attractive.
You took a seat, watching the name he wrote out.
"Orion Pax. "
Kind of strange, but who were you to judge. It sounded a bit familiar though, like you'd heard it somewhere before.
When he turned, he was sporting a broad smile, that probably gave a few of the women a heart defect. All he was doing was smiling and you could physically feel the charm sparking off him. Dirty blond hair, emerald eyes, strong jaw, broad shoulders. The guy was a freaking thirst trap.
"You all can call me Mr. Pax. I'll be the substitute Anthropology professor. This department has been under a lot of strain, I'll be lending a hand. Please feel free to ask me any questions." When the girl behind you raised her hands, you could already anticipate the question she was about to ask. She crossed her legs, batting her lashes seductively. 
"Mr. Pax, just wondering, I've been falling behind and it would mean a lot  if I could maybe work it off with some.." 
She paused, licking her lips and leaning forward, purposely pushing her cleavage together. 
"Extra credit." 
You rolled your eyes, and your friend at the side of you sent a small snicker, making kissy faces.
"Why of course, Mr. Renaldo told me all about you." 
He reached over, picking up a thick stack of sheets, dropping it on the desk in front of her. 
"These practice tests should help get you up to speed. Anyone else?" you almost burst out laughing at the bewildered look on her face.
"Well if they aren't anymore questions, let's begin." 
You kind of liked his style. He was a thot destroyer, you could respect that.
With a disgruntled huff, she pulled out her books and you giggled, reaching a taking out your own as Mr. Pax started up the projector. 
"Open your books to page 51, Folklore. This is a topic that I think some of you may enjoy. We've all heard stories of Bigfoot, or the Lochness monster. These may be theories created by very creative minds, but there are some things out there that we may not all understand. Possibly even beings from another earth, wouldn't that be interesting." 
When he said it, you could have imagined it, but his eyes seem to land right on you. 
You shifted a little in your seat, dropping your eyes to your book. You could still feel it, his green eyes boring into you. Your grip tightened on your pen, and you released a shaky breath.
"What the hell.." 
Optimus was the only one who'd ever made you breathless with just one look. So why was this stranger emitting the same energy of the Autobot you were so hopelessly in love with.
For the remainder of the class, you tried not to react. At certain points he'd walk down the aisle when he was making a point. You kept your head down, eyes on the page. For a moment, he stopped, leaning over to see your notes.
"What language is that?" 
Your head raised slowly, and you cursed when you realized what he was staring at. Through the days you spent with the Autobots, you picked up on some Cybertronian. Optimus even taught you some words and a few letters. Unintentionally, you'd scribbled out Optimus's name on the side of your notes. You flipped the page, letting out a nervous laugh. 
"N-Nothing it's just a little doddle. S-Sorry about that. I-I have a really short attention span. "
"Are you implying that my class is boring?"
"N-No! Of course not I was just-"
"I guess since it's so boring, you won't mind staying back to do a little extra work." 
You could hear the little laughs from some of the students behind you.
"Am I clear?"
You nod. "Yes sir." So maybe you were wrong, he was a douche after all. You hated the smug smile he was now wearing as he looked at you.
So the class pushed on. Thankfully, this was your only class for the day. Unfortunately, you would have to spend it with Mr. Douche.
"I'll text you later, let me know how it goes with Mr. Pax." 
Your friend winked at you as she left, and all you could manage was a groan. He was gathering his files. "I have to drop these into my office, care to join?"
It wasn't a request, you knew that. So you just picked up your bag and followed him down the hall. 
The entire time you stayed behind him, determined to avoid eye contact or conversation. When you got to the door, he opened it. 
"After you." 
With a fake smile, you entered, and He followed right after. The clicking of his lock is what made your eyes narrow. You turned to him in question.
"I apologize for embarrassing you in front of the class, but I needed to ensure that we were alone. "
Just great, not only was he a douche, but he was a freaking creep too.
"Listen, you're cute and all, but I'm not interested. Don't even try blackmailing me. My grades are spotless. I'm not gonna be some booty call. If that's all I'll just be going." 
You gripped your bag on your shoulder, heading for the door. His arm took your wrist, and you dropped your bag, ready to fight if necessary.
"You don't understand." 
The blue light that circled around his eyes made your own grow wide. You clenched your fists. 
Yanking your hand back, you raised your fists, firing a punch at his face. He jumped back in surprise, and you used the distraction to grab something to chug at him. 
The lamp on his desk seemed like a good choice. You ripped it off the desk, throwing it, and he dodged, raising his hands as you tried to run for the door. All you had a chance to do was place them on the lock, somehow he was behind you, and your breath quickened in fear. His hands came down on the door, caging you there, and you froze.
"I suppose I should be proud, you do handle yourself very fairly well." 
The change of his voice made you shiver. He sounded strangely like...
You whisper. He just let out a soft chuckle, and when your eyes connected, that's when you knew. His orbs were still glowing a brilliant blue, the same sapphire light you'd seen for years.
"How...what..why are you..you're voice is.." 
You could barely get an actual sentence out, and he smiled at you. 
No wonder the name sounded so familiar, he'd told you about it once. He still had you pressed into the door. His hand came down, resting on your cheek.
"It seems even in death, Ratchet has been looking out for us. When he was still with us, he was looking into getting us to blend in with humans. He wanted us to be protected, especially when we were being hunted by the government."
"So he..he found a way to turn you human?"
"Yes, with the help of my lifeforce, Ratchet has modified a device to assist us. Ironhide had kept it for this very moment. He wanted us to use it when the war was finally over. So we could live in peace. "
He gestured to the watch on his wrist, and you blinked. Up close it seemed like a regular accessory, but as you leaned in closer, you could make out the blue light that mirrored the one in his eyes. The watch seems to be almost fused with his skin.
It was crazy, you would have never guessed.
"That's amazing, e-even your voice sounds different. You sound so..so.."
He smirked.
"I suppose that was another advantage to his technology. "
"But how come you're teaching here! You need a degree and references and college."
"I'm very versed at manipulating data (Y/N)."
Right, he was an alien robot after all.
"Anthropology, it's a topic that mirrors the studies I did back on Cybertron. It reminds a little of my home. I downloaded everything on the subject into my drive so I could teach efficiently."
There was still the most glaring question.
"Why do all this. I-I thought I was pretty clear yesterday Optimus. I-I can't move on if you're always here. I'm done chasing after you. Now you're here at my college. Are you really that heartless! Why can't you just let me-" 
He leaned in, and you gaped when his lips pressed to your own. You struggled for a moment, trying to push him off, but he was stronger. You hated this, how easily he was able to make you feel so much. Closing your eyes, you gave in.
When you felt his tongue parting your lips, you responded, leaning tentatively into his body. He sighed, tightening his grip on your wrist as he kept your bound to the door. How do you walk away when his kiss felt like your own personal heaven. 
The minute his tongue touched yours, your knees almost buckled. Gosh, how many times did you imagine kissing Optimus. Who were you kidding, there was absolutely no way you could forget about him. Your free hand slipped into his hair, and you tugged, earning an appreciative groan from him. When he finally retracted, you were panting, and a bit confused.
Why did he even kiss you?
"I realized that up until now I've been doing what I can to keep you at a distance. It wasn't because I didn't return your feelings (Y/N). Through our years together, I've always felt drawn to you. I choose to ignore it because I know that I could not have a future with you. As an autobot, I cannot give you what you deserve. "
So this whole time he was just scared.
"It may be hard for you to accept my apology, even after I've hurt you so much for so long, but I would like a chance to be a part of your life (Y/N). I'd like to be in your future, if you'll have me."
He didn't even have to ask.
"Of course I'll have you Optimus, that's all I've ever wanted. " 
He caresses your cheek, and you're smiling a bit bashfully.
"How did you learn to you know..kiss like that.." 
He's now wearing a sly grin. 
"Instinct I suppose." 
When his thumb brushes your lower lip, you quiver, closing your eyes. You want nothing more than his lips back on your own. 
"Back in class, I was sure you'd figure me out. When our eyes connected you gave me that look, one I've seen you wear many times. I finally understand what it means. How foolish that I didn't realize sooner." 
You blush. So you weren't imagining that either. It's almost like you felt him way before you put the pieces together.
"W-We're going to have to be careful at school though. It'll be bad if someone caught us like this." 
You're saying this in hopes that he'll let you go so you can get your heart to stop racing. If he kisses you again, you might not have the will to stop.
"I'm a very careful person," He says smoothly.
"Optimus we-"
"It's Mr. Pax." 
You glare at him, and he's still smirking at you.
"Please, there's no way you're getting me to say that. "
He says that it's almost like a challenge. This time when he moves in, his lips rest on neck, you pull in a breath, a bit surprised at the move.
"O-O-Optimus I'm serious we can't.." 
He nibbles at your skin, and you can't even bring yourself to finish the sentence. Now he's leaving open mouth kisses, and you're trembling.
"You smell amazing, taste even better.." 
He mumbles on your flesh. 
Your chest is rising with every quick strum of your heartbeat, and you try pushing your thighs together to elevate the pressure. But that just encourages him to lean closer, pushing his leg between your thighs. Where the hell did this side of him come from. He uses his hand to tilt your head to gain better access to your neck, and you moan when his kisses become a bit more determined. There will definitely be marks when he's done. 
"M-Mr. Pax.." 
You stammer out. He stops, pulling back with a grin.
"Was that so hard?" 
You're about to yell at him for his recklessness, but he kisses you once again. With a sigh of defeat, you fold. There's no use pretending you don't love everything he's doing. That's how it's always been.
A future with Optimus, you can't wait. 
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The Aftermath (Pt. 2)
Pausing just outside the classroom, Aahan glanced around the hall; at the dull white walls and faded beige tiles.
His school was one of the few things Aahan had never missed. He had missed his teachers in passing thoughts and wondered about his classmates' lives, but he had never missed his school.
Slinging an arm over Aahan’s shoulder, Ajay steered him down the hall, past the Chemistry lab and the permanent smell of ammonia wafting from it, and down the staircases. “Don't think too much about it”, he murmured but how could Aahan not think about it?
They would have to attend school again. 20 years of not studying Science, of not having to worry about Boards and entrance exams and colleges. 20 years of not having to… to live by rules or report their every action to a higher authority.
“We will find a way back. I promise.” Oh. That was what Ajay was talking about.
Aahan personally did not have much faith in that particular matter. Between the two of them, he had a better grasp on theoretical magic- he had been the head Researcher of Alcatraz afterall. And all his research on inter-dimensional portals had indicated a nessecity of resonance between the souls of the traveller, essence of the world they were travelling to, and the magic of the world they were leaving. The last part had been important since it acted as a fuel and propeller, responsible for launching the traveller through dimensions.
Aahan knew this intimately. He had researched extensively on portals and relating topics during the initial years, when he still had the wish to return home and the resources to do just that. He had not been able to apply his findings, but he had certainly learnt a lot.
Ajay however only did as much as was required of him. As the King, he did not often have time to pursue matters unimportant to the kingdom; neither did he have any interest in doing so.
Aahan didn't say anything. He was too tired to fight… and he didn’t want to sadden Ajay more than he already was.
Silently walking down the stairs, the two made their way out of the school, thankfully without running into anyone. Exiting the wide open rusty green gate, the two walked out into the hot, humid streets of Thane.
At least now, Aahan could take a somewhat accurate guess as to what month it was.
His memories were getting refreshed the longer they walked back to their houses. He remembered the raucous laughter of his friends and that one ice- cream stand and those beautiful pink blossoms in the spring. The younger kids skipping along to an unheard tune as their mothers gossiped behind. There- right in front of the old clubhouse was that piece of crumbling wall where students would gather to discuss their exam answers. The bright blue paint of that sweet shop on the street corner; the smell of rasgulla and barfi permeating the air.
But it was- it felt dull. Duller than what his memories knew. Perhaps it was the absence of those elements, the ones that made his memory complete. Or perhaps it was the recent events that had transpired, lending a faded quality to the streets. But it tore into Aahan until all he could think of was: Is this how we will have to live now on? On borrowed memories pretending to be a whole; is that what we will have to do?
Stopping at a familiar cross- road, Ajay turned to Aahan, “Please, I know you don't have much hope in us returning but you need to help me. You know more about magic than I do and-”
“Which is why I am saying that it just isn't possible”, Aahan snapped. The scorching heat bore down on them and Aahan, irritated with Ajay's denial and his old stresses resurfacing, wiped his sweaty hands on his school pants. “Even if it was, they don't want us there. They knew that we were going to be sent away. And they did nothing”, he hissed. “Doesn't that prove to you that we shouldn't- shouldn't try to go back. Our efforts will be wasted. They're not going to accept us back. In fact, what if they just send us back again? What if they- it's futile to try.”
Ajay's expression was carefully blank when Aahan finally looked up. But his shoulders were tense and his jaws locked in anger.
Without another word, he turned on his heel, leaving Aahan standing alone.
Edited one paragraph to be a little more descriptive.
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
How many creeps do you think would be good at cooking? Imagine them making food for their s/o and cuddling with them 💙💙💙
Ooh, this was interesting to think about! ^^
Requests are closed
Masterlist: x
This 👏mans 👏can 👏cook👏
He doesn’t do it too often because he doesn’t really… need to eat, but when he does? It’s a full-course fancy af meal
And it’s fucking delicious
Those tentacles mean that he’s pretty versatile in the kitchen
Combined with the many, many years of experience he has on this plane AND the fact that he’s a perfectionist, there’s no way his food is ever less than superb 👌
He doesn’t need his s/o’s help in the kitchen, but if they wanna lend a hand, he’ll more than gladly sheathe away his extra appendages to have some wholesome, pleasant human time with them 😙
If he’s doing something special for his s/o, chances are, he won’t stop at just the taste & appearance of the food, either
He’ll arrange a whole ass presentation for them—like a meal under the stars with rose petals scattered around expensive porcelain dishes, completed with candles for mood-lighting
He’ll even put on some nice, slow classical music while you dine ;)~
No expense is spared for his one and only darling 😚
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Jeff the Killer
This may come as a surprise but he’s actually,,, fairly decent in the kitchen
Like, he’s really into keeping up his shape, right? So he takes special care in the things he puts into his body so that he can operate at PEAK performance
There was, admittedly, a time when he was younger where he legit ate absolute garbage
But then he realized (surprise, surprise) that eating good food makes you stronger, so he’s been putting effort into his diet ever since
The taste can sometimes be... a little bland because it’s all super healthy stuff, but most of the time, it’s pretty good ngl
He makes a lot of protein/carb-based stuff—so it’s a lot of heavy meats
You cannot get this mans to bake with you because he’ll cut back on the sugar/chocolate & turn your dessert into... a mush, basically
And he’s one of those people who can’t work in the kitchen with others, so any cooking with him at all probably isn’t going to happen
But, hey, if you don’t like preparing meals, at least he’s got it covered :)
Just don’t expect anything too sweet or fancy from him unless you want to be disappointed :p
Which, to be fair, you should be used to disappointment if you’re dating Jeff skdjksjdlkd
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BEN Drowned
Alright, so, y’know how Jeff is super into health & nutrition, and Slender’s really good at making super fancy meals with excellent presentation?
Yeah, BEN’s the opposite of both of those
This mans cannot cook—and everything he makes is like thiiiis 👌 far from being chemically inedible
Not to mention, it looks about as radioactive as it probably is
Do not let this mans in the near vicinity of any kitchen whatsoever
If he wasn’t already dead, you’d be worried about him giving himself a heart attack with the kind of food he ingests
Speaking of, because he is dead, he doesn’t necessarily need to eat, but he still does enjoy food
He can get a lil cranky if he hasn’t eaten in a while, and when he’s in his physical form, he can still feel hunger—it just won’t kill him
So he’s at this point where he mostly just eats for the flavour, which explains his questionable cooking choices
Either way, it’s not recommended that you ever let this mans cook for you 😬
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Eyeless Jack
As smart & talented as he is, it’s important to remember that homeboy was a college student before the incident
And because he can’t eat human food anymore & it all tastes the same (kinda like,, rotten dirt mixed in with ashes), it just means boy sucks at cooking
He can try to follow a recipe, but somehow, they always end up tasting a little... off??
It’s best for him to just stick to chicky nuggies and frozen pizza ngl :”)
Which sucks, because if he wants to cook for you, he wants to make it healthy, ya know?
If you have the patience for it, however, he’d be more than happy to learn how to properly cook for and with you
And he’s a pretty fast learner, so maybe there’s still hope for his cooking skills :”)
He really enjoys making food with you, but it can stress him out a little at the same time
He would generally just rather order takeout from some healthy place for ya instead
Also please don’t make fun of his cooking, he’s trying :(
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Masky & Hoodie are the two most likely to cook for the mansion
Everyone’s supposed to take turns, but considering the quality of the meals the others make *cough* BEN *cough,* it doesn’t usually end up that way
And since Masky genuinely enjoys cooking, he’s more likely to pick up the slack for the others
He can make pretty much anything, and unlike what Jeff makes, the flavour is varied & pretty damn delicious ^^
He’ll also make a lot extra, because not only do the bois eat a lot, but if no one else decides to cook the next day, at least they’ll have leftovers
The creeps are always free to fix themselves whatever they want, of course, but it’s nice to just open up a fridge & have something ready, ya know?
If his s/o wants to join him in prepping food, he’ll be more than happy!
Loves having extra hands to help & loves teaching them his secret to good recipes 😋
He enjoys cooking for his s/o more than he enjoys cooking for anyone else ngl
He’s the type to make them their fave dish all the time, just cause he can & he loves them sm <3
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As I’ve mentioned, Hoodie’s one of the few people that cook for everyone in the mansion
So, while he’s maybe not as skilled or enthusiastic about cooking as Masky, he can still manage
He has a few specialty dishes that he prefers making & that taste better than the rest
And, on the other hand, he also has some random dishes that, for some reason, just never turn out how they’re supposed to >:/
He’s really good w/ breakfast foods especially ^^
Baking, on the other hand, tends to be a bit too precise, so he tends to stick away from that, but hey, if his s/o wants to bake with him, he won’t refuse
If you bake with him, he will get flour on his hands & tap your ass—just to leave his handprint on ya butt :p
He can be a bit of a goof in the kitchen—he’ll get messy & is definitely the type to smear icing on your lips just so he can kiss it off ;)
At the end of the day, if his s/o really loves his cooking, he’ll push himself to make more food more often for them
Homeboy’s just an absolute babe no matter what he does tbh 💗👄💗
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Ticci Toby
This mans… also has some… issues in the kitchen
He’s somewhere halfway between BEN and EJ in terms of skill
Like, has a soft spot for sweets, so he loves baking and making desserts—and he’s even pretty good at it!
But he, unfortunately, isn’t very good at making regular food because he eats a lot of junk tbh
So he needs a bit of guidance in the kitchen to make sure he doesn’t put too much sugar in a recipe that should not have sugar in the first place
Even when baking, you sorta need to keep an eye on him
He could very easily burn himself without realizing it—but he’s sort of a danger magnet already, so that’s to be expected
Boy’s also got pretty bad adhd, so he can & will forget to take stuff out of the oven or the stove
People are kinda wary of him being in the kitchen alone after a few too many incidents…
Poor boy honestly gets a bad rep that he doesn’t really deserve :”)
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jeongvision · 3 years
pairing. history teacher! seo johnny ✗ english teacher! fem! reader (ft. english teacher! mark lee)
genre. fluff, slight humor, high school teacher au, non idol au
warnings. some cursing and super soft hours after this huhu <3 and not proofread but we can discuss that later
author’s note. this is an continuation to this blurb! this could be read as a standalone but regardless i hope this brought a smile to your face bc it certainly did for me <3
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You should’ve seen it coming. Damn it, it was right in front of you all along, so why didn’t you see it in the first place?
You and your students have been grinding nonstop for the past couple weeks to prep them for the AP English IV exam. There was a time where you requested two days off from work for emergency purposes (thankfully it was nothing too major) leaving you to ask your coworker- Mark, another teacher in your department -to help fill in your students on materials needed for the exam.
Everything was perfectly fine when you came back, your coworker going beyond your expectations in taking care of your students. However, one thing you failed to take notice of is the recent changes the college board made in their AP exams, including the course you teach. After reviewing some of the revisions they made, you felt your heart drop.
They’ve added three additional sections to the exam, meaning an additional two weeks is needed to cover the materials for your students to grasp some sort of mastery on those concepts.
You have four weeks left until the exam, and you’re already compacted those remaining weeks with other necessary materials for the exam.
“Fucking hell,” you murmured under your breath.
Running your hand through your hair, you let out a tired sigh. It’s already bad enough that you have to work overtime in making revisions to your lesson plans. However, it’s worse to see the crestfallen looks on your students’ faces when you dropped the news on them. They’re already tired enough from dealing with other classes and extracurricular activities. On top of that, you know most of them are stressing about their acceptance letters from their colleges.
You dropped the pen in your hand and rubbed both of your eyelids. Relax, y/n you told yourself. Don’t worry, you can do this. You heard the door behind you open, meaning someone walked inside the teacher’s lounge.
“Hey, y/n. What’s up- Woah, woah, WOAH! What do we have here?” the person exclaimed. You let out a chortle. You could distinctively point that voice out from anywhere, and you’re sure as hell that the state of your workspace is nothing short of hell. Taking your hands away from your face, you crossed your arms and leaned back a little in your seat to look up at the latter.
“Well, hello to you too, Mark,” you chuckled. You both gave each a fist bump before he sits down in the empty chair beside you.
“What the hell happened here?” He grabs some of the documents splayed out before you, eyes scanning through the materials that you’ve scribbled on in the past hour. “Wait, what? They added new things to the AP exam?”
You sighed and nodded dejectedly. “Yep. And somehow, I gotta squeeze all those materials into my lesson plans before they take it next month.” You rested your arms on the table and rested your head on top of them. “At this point, I just want to light myself on fire and call it a day.”
Mark lets out a cackle besides you, prompting you to smile. You’ll never mention it to him, but his laughs and smiles are always infectious. It’s what makes him so well-known and loved in the English department in the first place, both faculties and students.
“Please don’t do that. We love you too much to let you do that to yourself,” he responded.
Sitting back up in your seat, you take a glance at the clock. Just four minutes before the section ends and you have to go back to teaching your classes again. You heard your coworker clear his throat, bringing you to face him.
“Do you need help with any of this?” he offered.
You shook your head. “No, it’s fine, Mark. I appreciate the offer but I don’t want to bother you with my workload.”
“No, really. It’s fine, y/n. I only teach honors and they’re all pretty ahead in their assignments, so I have some free time if you’d like.”
Just like that, you swear you could see a halo shining above his figure, your world much brighter and clearer than it was this morning. “Oh my god, yes please.” You shifted through your papers, searching the remnants of the piles before handing it over to him. “Can you please go through these and grade them for me? Here are the answer keys for them.” After debriefing him for that stack of papers, you gave him another one. “And for these, can you make some copies for me? I need them tonight so I can plan for tomorrow’s class.”
He listened attentively to your commands, taking a mental note and nodding each instruction given to him. “Okay, got it, y/n. I’ll get these done and hand them over by the end of the day.”
You’re gawking at him, surprised that your coworker is willing to lend you a helping hand. You could honestly cry out tears of joy right now, but timing refuses to let you do so as the bell rings, marking the end of a period. You both stood up in your seats and grabbed the papers on the table into a neat pile. You let out a content sigh as you both walked out the teacher’s lounge.
“Thank you so much, Mark. You’re the best,” you exhaled. Outside your classroom, you already see some students entering inside as you left it unlocked, free for them or your coworkers to enter as they pleased. You both stood next to its entrance before he shrugs his shoulders at you.
“Hey, I mean it’s what I do best, right? Being the best.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove, earning a laugh from him. Saying goodbyes to one another, you walked inside your classroom. You nodded to the students present. “Afternoon, class,” you greeted.
“Good afternoon, Miss y/n!”
“Miss Y/n, there’s a bouquet of flowers on your desk,” one of your students called out. You raised an eyebrow. Flowers? Looking over to your desk, your student was certainly not lying and neither are your eyes. Perched in the middle of your desk lies a vase filled with varying colors of tulips. Petals are in full bloom and the stems are clipped uniformly. You walked over and saw a notecard attached to one of the flowers.
“Who is it from, Miss Y/n?”
“Yeah! Who got you flowers?”
You looked up and realized more of your students are present, capacity almost at its max. Class was starting soon so more and more are rushing in to see the surprise gift settled on your desk.
“Is it Mr. Kim in the science department? I saw you two walking together in the hallways last week.”
That assumption piqued your interest. “Wait, Mr. Kim? The physics teacher?” you asked. The student, Krystal, nodded, causing you to huff incredulously. “Krystal, please. We’re merely just friends.”
Another student chimes in. “Friends don’t lock arms with each other at work.”
“Jongin, please. Your last girlfriend only stayed with you for a month and she started dating an upperclassman a week later.”
“Guys, calm down,” you interjected. “As much as I love you crazy bunch, I am still your teacher. Therefore, what occurs in my personal life stays private, and how much I am willing to share with you all lies in my discretion.” But unbeknownst to you, one of your students sneaks behind you to get a glance of the card, discreetly reading the contents:
‘The best deserves nothing less than the best.
Yours truly.’
The student, Luna, almost lets out a squeal. “Guys! Guys!” You jumped in shock, startled by her sudden presence and her high-pitched voice. “I think it’s Mr. Lee! The other English teacher!”
All attention is now on her, excitement filled in the air.
“Mr. Lee? The one that teaches honors?”
“The one with boba eyes?”
“The one that laughs at everything?”
Luna nods to each question, visibly thrilled with the subtle jump in her steps as she walked towards her classmates. “Yes! I heard Miss y/n calling him the best earlier and Mr. Lee joked about being the best! And in the card, it said ‘the best deserves nothing less than the best’.” The bell rang, marking the beginning of the period, but that didn’t stop your students from chattering with happiness, faces completely wiped from fatigue and stress of the upcoming exams. Some students entered your classroom late to the discussion, prompting other students to fill them in only to also be electrified by the ‘news’.
You run a hand through your hair again and sighed. Not this again, you thought to yourself. But just before you could jump in to stop all this chaos, you heard someone knock on your open door, diverting your attention and your class’ to the intruder.
“Well, good afternoon, class,” the person chuckled. “Why’s it so boisterous here? Did I miss a party or something?”
Of course, what better person to appear now of all times? It was none other than the infamous history teacher, Johnny Seo. You rolled your eyes before laughing. Coincidence, my ass.
“Mr. Seo! Someone gave Miss Y/n a bouquet of tulips! She has a secret admirer!” Luna stated.
He raised an eyebrow at her direction. “Oh, does she now?” He looks back at you with a grin. “Did Miss Y/n find out who this secret admirer is?”
“We think it’s Mr. Lee from honors English.”
“And what makes you think so?”
“Because we heard her call him the best earlier before class started, and the notecard called her the best.”
“Coincidence? I think not,” Jongin nodded.
All of the students followed along in unison, profoundly proud of their assumptions that left you shaking your head in disbelief. Surely, you had a smile on your face, but it’s surprising to know how your students are able to make such large assumptions based on groundless evidence. You sat down in your chair and turned on your computer, getting your lesson plan ready for the period as your students entertained themselves with Mr. Seo.
Johnny takes it all in, nodding to all of them before walking up behind your desk. “Well, I think it’s safe to say that you don’t pester too much to Miss y/n about it. You know how much she likes to keep her life private.” While you were browsing through your saved files and pulling up powerpoints, you felt the latter tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Right, Mrs. Seo?”
And just like that, your hands stilled. Wait, did he just—
“Hold up..”
“Did you just—”
“Mrs. Seo?”
You squeezed your eyelids shut. Oh my god, here we go again—
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jeongvision’s milestone event!
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Money, Money, Money Part 1
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Pairing: mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader, slight Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: lots of swearing, silly drunk mobs, mentions of alcoholism, parody, Peter is adult, is this a crack fic??
Words: 2578.
Summary: When Steve finds out somebody has stolen their money, Bucky realizes he has to take his ass off the leather couch in his office, finally.
P.S. This is my first attempt to write humor and I’m sorry in advance for everything I’ve written here 😅
Allyson massaged her temples softly and let out a groan: if Mr. Rogers continued to yell like that, he would definitely choke soon. This morning he had been pretending to be the death, vengeance and fury, ready to kick the ass of her immediate superior, James Barnes, who acted like he was deaf, unable to pull himself from the couch where he slept after getting drunk as a fish last night. Oh, poor Bucky. Apparently, he fucked things up again if Mr. Rogers stormed into his office like he was getting chased by a 200-pound dog.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, you son of a...” glancing at a pouting man-child with a three-day beard, Steve covered his face with his palm and let out an exasperated sigh, “... respectable woman who would die of shame if she saw you now!”
“Come on, Stevie,” the man yawned, finally moving his huge, muscular body up to sit instead of just laying on the couch since he felt a little guilty Steve was getting all riled up while he just chilled, “why so serious? Yeah, somebody took a bit of cash from the safe, it’s not a big deal.”
Allyson heard everything as if they were speaking right in front of her - Bucky was a real Mr. Cheapo who didn’t want to rent an office with decent walls - and quickly closed her ears, wishing she had taken her earplugs today. Her boss just made a grave mistake, and now both of them were going to pay for it with their eardrums.
Seriously, she considered getting a new job, but these free daily standup shows were both tiring and so fucking funny she was afraid she might wet her seat.
“Oh my fucking God, Bucky, I swear I’ll kill you, I’ll... no, I have a better idea!” Steve gave his best friend a dirty look. “I’ll call your uncle. Yeah, you know which one. He’ll be sooo happy to take you drunk ass to jail and then give your mama a call. I bet she has a cure for both your attitude and alcoholism.”
“You wouldn’t do that!”
Suddenly realizing the danger he was in, Bucky quickly got up, almost falling to the floor but holding on the leather chair in the very last second. When Steve talked about calling his uncle, a chief of police of the neighboring town where his whole family lived, it meant things were going bad. Real bad.
“Bucky, it was the part we were going to invest into Pierce’s casino. I have to take it to him tomorrow morning. TOMORROW FUCKING MORNING, DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU STINKING DRUNK?”
“I’m drunk but not deaf, Steve!”
“Oh my God, I’m driving you to a rehab, go gather your stuff right now!”
Allyson sighed, getting up and proceeding to choose the most beautiful cup to fill it with fresh coffee: when their conflicts escalated to threats, it meant her boss would soon start to sweet-talk, apologizing to his best friend and promising to sober up and get things right. Every time she felt like Mr. Rogers would really do something to Bucky, the guy used his natural charisma and charm and got away with anything by just reminding Steve how he fought for his best friend in the dark alleys when Rogers was a sick, skinny kid. It worked every damn time.
There they were again, talking about same things with Bucky swearing on his mother’s life that he will find the money and bring it back to Steve. Usually it meant the threats were coming to an end, and soon Mr. Rogers would open the door and come out red as a lobster, breathing heavily as if he just ran a marathon. There he would see her with a cup of nice coffee with cream and two spoons of sugar just like he preferred, gladly accepting it and saying nobody understand him but her. Then Allyson would smile compassionately, listen to his small talk before he went out the office, and wait until her grumpy boss would fall out the room, reeking alcohol, and ask her what the fuck had happened yesterday.
After that in a couple of minutes things would finally settle down, and Allyson would have a chance to give a call to her best friend.
Your day couldn’t start better: you had finally received your Amazon order - hooray to the stupid makeup tools you would use, like, once a year - and even watched your favorite Netflix series with a cup of a fragrant coffee with marshmallows because it was Sunday and you were finally free from both work and cleaning the apartment. It felt so nice to just do absolutely nothing, laying on your couch with a piece of pizza in your hand. Seriously, even a workaholic like you had to do it more often.
Your lazy morning was interrupted by Peter, a sweet college student who was getting into troubles more often than a drunk in a local bar: you seriously considered calling him Harry Potter after you found him half-naked with a scratch on his forehead standing in the corridor of your building and holding a broom. To protect himself from bullies, he said, by the look on his face you could tell it was as good as a magic wand against 6"4 ft tall guys, seriously.
Since he rented an apartment with other unlucky nerds who had zero skills how to survive in this cruel world, you ended up nearly baby-sitting Peter, patching him up after he was getting in a fight and lending him some money time after time when he struggled to pay rent or buy food. His parents were elderly people with income below average, but they still did whatever they could to give him an education, so you decided to give the guy a hand.
Now that baby was standing in front of you, lit up like a Christmas tree, with a bouquet of wonderful pink roses, big box of hand-crafted chocolates and a whole bag of what looked like some very fine food, even a bottle of champagne clinking inside.
"Good morning, Fairy Godmother! I came to bring back what I owe you!" His smile was a mile wide when he looked at your face, happy to the point he couldn't stand still, dancing like those Duracell rabbits in the tv ad.
"You're up early, Cinderella."
You yawned, laughing when you saw the guy pouting at the nickname you gave him - tf he expected for calling you Fairy Godmother?
"Don't stand there, come in."
When he actually handed you the flowers and chocolates, giving you a quick peck on the cheek shyly, you froze, finally realizing he brought all this for you. Wait, what? Where the heck did he get so much money to buy that expensive stuff? You thought he was helping his other neighbor who was planning to finally propose to his girlfriend. Perplexed to the point you nearly missed that peck, you blinked at tomato red Peter.
"Please don't tell me you robbed your 90-year-old paralytic professor."
"Why don't you ask if I robbed a bank?" He pouted again, putting the bag on the floor and getting a hundred dollar banknote out of his old leather wallet. "I actually came to thank you for everything you've done for me. And I didn't rob anyone! I got a real job!"
"Real job?" You eyed him curiously. "But don't you already have a job in delivery?"
"Pfft, you can't call it a job. It was getting one nasty smelling pizza from one place to the other while looking miserable."
You barely held your laugh, leaving the bouquet and chocolates on the side table and rubbing guy's back. Poor Peter, nobody was giving him a hand - while you couldn't question people's decision since the guy wasn't the most reliable one, it was still a shame he wasn't treated decently as if all of them weren't young and careless once.
Wait, but who on Earth gave him such a well-paid job all of a sudden? He must have spent hundreds of dollars on the bouquet, chocolates, food and champagne, not even counting those 100 dollars he owed.
Oh God.
"Please don't tell me you're working for some shady business." You looked at him in horror, your hand flying to your mouth. "Peter, is it Tony's band?!"
"Jesus woman, why would I work for some stupid mob." The guy rolled his eyes, and you sighed in relief, not knowing what to except from this trouble on two skinny legs. “I’m telling you, it’s nothing bad! I just have to keep it a secret before I get a contract. Once I figure it out, I’ll explain everything, I swear!”
“Alright, alright, don’t stress over it, I’m not your Ma.” Smirking, you went to take a square glass vase you hadn’t use in ages, filling it with water to drop the bouquet inside. “Let’s celebrate it, then! Woah, careful there, give me that bottle until you drop it on my clean floor, I’ve been scrubbing it for hours yesterday!”
Bucky still felt like Steve was making too much of a big deal out of it: obviously, it was Tony who went to him at night when Bucky was already drunk like a monkey, celebrating the birth of Clint’s daughter. Nobody else had the courage to steal from him, Steve’s right hand, an ex-soldier who had a reputation of a man killing with the first punch. Not that Bucky ever killed anybody, actually being a ex-trumpet in an army band...
Anyway, the man was heading over to Stark’s Tower, a motel where he and all his guys lived when his wife Pepper was out of town. Pepper had definitely been out of town lately since Tony didn’t call: when she was coming back, Steve and Tony were having a two-day truce with nobody getting in a fight because it was making Mrs. Stark upset, and when she was upset, both Steve and Tony didn’t risk getting out of their holes to face this enraged blonde woman who could make anyone wet themselves with one her glance. If there were anyone killing with just one punch in the town, it got to be Pepper.
As he got closer in his Cadillac that looked like it went through fire and water before being sold to Bucky, Barnes stared at the motel suspiciously: it was strangely quiet with everyone hiding inside, not a man guarding the motel’s entrance. What the hell happened? Tony loved showing off, pretending he ruled over the town, and he would definitely act like a king after stealing Steve’s and his money. It was unbelievable Bucky so nobody welcoming him with a smirk.
Hoping he didn’t use all that money for emptying a liquor store, Bucky parked the car and went to the motel, dying to have some beer: one heartless blonde boss of his emptied his fridge.
“Oh, more drinking partners returning to continue the fun, huh?”
Bucky froze immediately, staring at Pepper who stood in the doorway with a face of an iron maiden. Jesus fucking Christ. She returned to the city way before Tony told him, and it was clear she found him not in the condition she expected to. While Bucky considered whether it was better to run, Tony’s head appeared somewhere behind his wife, and Barnes saw Tony was as drunk as him, if not even more. He could see a huge blue mark from Pepper’s heavy hand on Stark’s cheek.
“Who’s that, honey?” The man asked innocently, earning an enraged glance from his wife, and Bucky thought he should have run. “Hi, Buck! Come on in, it’s ok if you didn’t bring beer even if I asked twice.”
Oh. Something was going on. Of course, Bucky could rat the man out immediately, telling Pepper he wasn’t drinking with Tony yesterday’s night, but he wasn’t such a heartless bastard - by the look on Stark’s face Barnes could see his sweet blonde wifey would beat poor Tony to death with her Dior handbag.
“Sorry, I blacked out for a couple of hours in my car.” He mumbled, bowing his head in respect. “Pepper, such a pleasure to see you.”
“Come on in, alcoholic.” Her gaze was heavy, and Bucky shivered a little, carefully leaving his shoes near the door and scurrying away to the coach where Tony sat, nervously biting his fingers. “Well, do you wanna tell me something, huh? How many hookers have you brought here yesterday?”
Glancing to Tony and back to Pepper, Barnes suddenly realized his frenemy had been so drunk he had no hecking idea whether somebody really brought hookers to the motel - it was a total taboo, but once they got drunk they could barely control themselves. Once they literally woke up to a Santa Claus singing Jingle Bells in the tub in the middle of June because Tony missed Christmas.
Of course, Stark would never slip up the night before Pepper was coming back to town, but, apparently, she didn’t stay with her mom for as long as she planned, and Tony was royally fucked.
“I’ve asked you a question.”
And now Bucky was, too, if he didn’t think of something quick. Of course, he could tell her the truth, but it meant losing Tony completely, and Barnes didn’t want that. A real mafioso should have at least one strong enemy, right?
“I’m sorry, Pepper, but I don’t think there were any hookers here last night.” He said, carefully choosing words. “You see, first, Tony never allows us to. Second, we’re good Christians. We would never invite some hookers when we celebrated the birth of Clint’s daughter!”
As he got silent, enjoying the effect his words were having on Pepper, Bucky looked at the man sitting to his right, watching Tony’s eyes watering: it was definitely God himself who sent Barnes his way that morning, saving his from near death. Nothing would work better than this excuse. Clint and all Bucky’s guys were so drunk to the point they barely remembered what had happened, and it would be easy to convince them Tony and his gang came to see Barnes for something and ended up staying with all of them.
Besides, there was a nice bonus Bucky could add to make it work even better.
“By the way, Clint named her Natasha. That’s also the name of your mom, right?”
By the look on Tony’s face the man realized he was ready to sing.
“How did he know my mom’s name?” Pepper eyed Steve’s right hand distrustfully, but he could tell she was less irritated.
“Oh, you know, he and his wife couldn’t choose the name, so we started saying whatever names we knew, and Tony mentioned Natasha.”
For a second Bucky thought Stark was going to kiss him through excess of joy.
When he finally left the motel, getting his pack of beer given him by lovely Pepper who changed the anger to mercy, Tony ran out of the house after him, giving him a pat on the shoulder and whispering quietly, “I own you one, brother.”
Bucky sighed. Stark didn’t take the money.
Tags: @finleyjayne​​ @alexakeyloveloki​​ @helenaeisenhower​​ @villanellevi​​ @hurricanerin​​ @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @navegandoaciegas​ @rosalynshields​ @brattycherubwrites​ @sllooney​ @angrythingstarlight​ @lookiamtrying​ @buckysbunny​ @soleil-dor​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @dillybuggg​ @literate-lamb​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @jaysayey​ @megzdoodle​ @gotnofucks​ @lux-ravenwolf​ @iheartsebandchris​ @ximebebx​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @sourpatchspinster​
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lavishedinjimin · 5 years
Room 109 -> jjk (m)
↳ Pairing: jungkook x reader ↳ genre: werewolf!au ↳ word count: 6.7k ↳ warnings: alpha!jungkook, omega!reader, omega is in heat, mating, knotting, dirty talk, female solo masturbation, unprotected sex (stay safe!), jk is proud of his size lol, multiple orgasms, pregnancy kink — synopsis: Having Jungkook as your apartment buddy was a lot to get used to. But with one early day, your heat comes up much stronger than usual, and you were desperate for an alpha’s touch. 
A/N: I hope this oneshot can heal all of your thirsty, sexually frustrated souls. Also, this is my first time writing about a/b/o fics so please go easy on me. Please enjoy! 
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Let’s face it, your college entrance exams were hard enough but finding a decent apartment that was close to your university and wasn’t gender-neutral was harder.
Almost all of the closest residencies were full and booked of students that were about to experience a new chapter of their life. College. You get stressed very easily, and the fact that there are almost no more apartments that accepts only girls freaks you out. You are not going to share a goddamn room with a boy. Hell no.
“Mom…” you mewl as you cradled closer to your mother’s side with your laptop in front of you, “They’re all full.” You whimpered when the words ‘Sorry! We are fully booked right now! Try searching for other apartments that attain your satisfaction.’
“No baby,” she hushes you sweetly, wrapping an arm around your small body while caressing your arm. “Don’t give up just yet.”
Trust me, you were close to giving up.
It wasn’t about the point that you hate boys – you don’t. You just don’t trust them. It’s hard to earn your trust, and your parents raised you like that. Your pack had a history of betrayal and treachery from other wolves, and was once a powerful pack was now fragile and weak. Most of your friends were Omegas like you, but they have Alphas to look after them.
The only Alpha friend… well – he’s not necessarily a friend was a guy from your high school, Hyejun.  
He once was a part of the pack but with the influence of his father, they left, leaving everyone in a state of confusion. Packs were always there for each other, it was their sole promise. They were the first ones to leave the group. It was surprising that your father didn’t go to try and kill them instantly. Strangely enough, Hyejun never stopped looking after you. Whenever an Alpha tries to make a move on you, Hyejun would somehow pop in and protect you. That was in high school, though. And now you were in college and you had no idea where he is now.
Just the thought of sharing a whole residence with an Alpha creates creepy tingles down your spine.
It was now a week before school starts and you still have no place to live. Without further thinking, you huffed and opened your laptop.
‘Gender neutral apartments near me’
Your eyes widened when you opened a website that was full of apartments that were still available. “Mom,” you called out, and within no more than five seconds she was right behind you, bending down as she rests her hands on the couch.
“Oh, darling! You’ve finally found a – oh.”
“Mom, I know, it’s the only ones that aren’t fully booked.” You spoke desperately.
“Y/n, daughter,” she sighs and walks around to sit on the space beside you. “If there’s no more choice then I guess we have to take the chances.”
“T-Take the chances of what?”
You mother smiles at you, “You know what. It’s better than to live so far away from your school, yeah?”
You look down, “I guess so…”
“Hey, liven up, baby,” she giggles, “Let’s not worry too much. There’s still a chance that you’ll have a nice young lady as your roommate.”
You pursed your lips, nodding. There was no time to hold up a grudge, you need to do what you had to do.
“Y/l/n Y/n.” You told the clerk behind the glass countertop, gripping your backpack and your suitcase tightly. She nods and starts typing on her computer whilst readjusting the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose.
“Room 109. Shared with Mr. Jeon Jungkook, am I right?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, slumping your shoulders.
“Great! Here are your keys,” she hands you two keys, “and please let Mrs. Han over here take you to your room.” A middle-aged woman appears in your vision, wearing a clean blazer uniform. ‘A beta’, you spoke to yourself, smelling her scent.
“Follow me, miss Y/l/n.”
She leads you to an elevator and presses the fourth floor. It was a very awkward silence, and you didn’t know what to do but to just stay put in a corner. You know she can smell you. And you wished that she was just another human, just like the woman behind the counter.  
She suddenly grabs a hold of your suitcase before you could even touch it, and it made you surprised. She smiles politely, “Let me help you.”
Following right behind her, you both walk along clean white hallways. The floor was glossy black tiles, and the sounds of her heels clicking was the only noise that you could hear – except for the harsh beating of your heart. You were so nervous to meet this Jungkook man, and there were so many questions running through your mind.
‘Was he a normal human? Was he a werewolf too? Is he perhaps an Alpha? Beta? Oh, please, be an Omega. Is he nice? Or would he be loud? I wish he doesn’t smoke – I swear to God if he smokes I’m going to leave this place in a flash.’
“Excuse me miss, we’re here.”
Mrs. Han’s voice departed you from your thoughts and you immediately straightened yourself up. “Oh, s-sorry,” you smile pathetically, readjusting your straps.
The woman just grins and lends you your suitcase back. “Well, I’ll be leaving you here. Please, if you have any questions, you are free to go down the lobby. Other information is stated on the documents we gave you. Have a nice day –”
“Do you know who Jeon Jungkook is?”
Your eyes were wide as you spoke, frantically wanting an answer. Mrs. Han knows what you mean, and she sighs.
“Jeon Jungkook, sweetie, is an Alpha.”
Oh, of course he is.
You were about to throw another tantrum, hell – you wanted to throw up, but she quickly places her hands on your shoulders reassuringly. “Y/n, I just want you to keep safe. He can be a little too much sometimes, but try to make an alliance with him. Don’t get into his bad side, okay?”
You shake your head vigorously, “I won’t.”
“Good, now go in there. We don’t have all day.” She leaves you with a final smile and turns away, heels clicking.
You shut your eyes, throwing your head back. ‘This is my worst nightmare’.
With sweaty hands, you use the keys on the lock and turned the doorknob. You pushed the door slightly, peeking to see if anyone’s inside. You opened the door halfway, and you sigh in relief when you saw no one. “Thank God.”
You pulled your large pink suitcase in and shut the door behind you. Ahead of you were a kitchen and a living room – a decent size for two people. The walls were painted in beige with white trims. ‘I could get used to this’, you thought.
You take a look around, noticing that there were things already placed on some shelves. You cringed when you saw how disorganized the cupboards were. Empty jars of Nutella and peanut butter, expired milk, and many more. Great job, Jungkook.
Speaking of Jungkook – your eyes expand when you see a man who just walked out from a bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his lower body.
You shrieked as you covered your eyes, instantly turning around. You mentally cursed yourself that you know have the image of his half-naked body engraved in your mind. “I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t m-mean to!” You stumbled on your words, panting heavily from shame.  
Jungkook, on the other hand, clenches his jaw from your sweet and heavenly scent. ‘She’s an omega’, he thinks, and a smirk slowly crept up his lips. ‘Maybe having a roommate wouldn’t be bad after all’.
Jungkook releases a deep chuckle as he stares at your small figure. He doesn’t try to walk closer to you, knowing that it might scare you. He knows he can radiate a strong aura for new people.
“It’s alright, you can turn around.”
His statement shocks you and you shake your head side to side. Funny enough, you still kept your eyes closed with your hands, even though you were already facing away from him. “I-I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”
“But why?” Jungkook pushes, loving your cute reaction, “We’re roommates now, dear, you’ll have to get used to seeing me shirtless.”
You gulp at his words, suddenly feeling your blood rush into your cheeks. Jungkook smirks when he feels the air in the room change, he knows what he’s doing to you. The wolf in him smells your lovely scent, and he indulges himself in it. He slowly walks closer to your body until there’s a one-foot distance. Your breath hitches up, afraid to breathe. ‘I need to calm down…’
“I’m sorry if I react like this, sweetheart. It’s been a while since I’ve encountered a female omega. I forgot how addicting their scent can be…” he trails off, the last sentence spoke in a mutter as he leans his head down to the crook of your neck. You flinch when you felt his hot breath on your skin, goosebumps arising.
“You don’t have to be nervous. I don’t bite.” He says smugly and you can practically feel the smirk wearing on his face. You jump when he places both of his hands on your hips. “H-hey—”
He swiftly turns you around so you were now facing him. His hair was still damp, some of it covering his eyes. You couldn’t even dare to look down, yet you can see how muscular he was on the very bottom of your eyes. Your stare wavered when he made eye contact with you, his eyes holding so much authority and control.
“May I get your name, pretty girl?”
You chew on your bottom lip with the petname he gave for you, eyes blinking twice – three times.
“Y/n,” your name rolls out of his tongue so perfectly, his voice so pleasing. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jungkook.” He smiles, showing off his pearly whites. That smile that probably makes a lot of girls – and boys – heart to flutter. Every word you knew was stripped out of your head as you didn’t know what to reply.
Realizing that you were still on his grip, you held onto his wrists and pushed them away from your body.
“U-Umm, nice t-to meet you.” You force an awkward smile, gripping the handle of your suitcase tightly to ensure your balance.
Stepping back, you finally see a clearer vision of his appearance. He was tall – really tall, probably a head and a half taller than you. He was built really nicely, his figure strong to protect his pack as he was born to do.
Jungkook cocks his head to the side, smiling smugly when he notices you staring at him for far too long.
“Oh, I-I’m so sorry… I better get to my room now.” You mumble, proceeding to go…actually—you didn’t know where you were going.
“Here,” he chuckles as he moves your hand away from your suitcase and he grabs a hold of it instead, “I’ll show you your room.”
You follow Jungkook behind him and let me tell you, his back muscles were unbelievably impressive. ‘Why isn’t he ashamed by all this? He’s only wearing a towel, for god’s sake!’
“I’m sorry I didn’t clean the area, I wasn’t told that you were coming today.”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. But it’s okay though.” You replied, smiling politely even though he can’t see you.
He leads you to a white door and stops in front of it. “After you,” he smiles and you thank him quietly, the blush on your face still clear and evident. You open the door and you smile brightly when you see how spacious it was. You walk further inside and notice the neat, twin-sized bed.
“I promise you that this room was locked when I got here. The management only opened this when you booked it.”
You ran your hands on the soft mattress of the bed, “Did they clean it?”
“Of course they did, sweetheart.” He chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest.
Your eyes widened for a split second before you clench your jaw. “Stop calling me that,” you fight the urge of blushing once again, not making any eye contact with his own burning irises. You didn’t like what you were feeling – you didn’t like that you felt so frail under his overwhelming watch.
“You’re body’s telling me something else though, Y/n.” he walks around to face you with a sly smile plastered on his face. You didn’t look directly at his face, but you were faced right in front of his built arms. Some beads of water were still tripling down his skin and cause you to gulp. His biceps flex involuntarily, beautifully-toned abs right in front of your view. It was mouthwatering. You tried to fix your direction somewhere else, but his body was just begging to be seen.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You mumbled. Jungkook doesn’t say anything else – thankfully – and he smiles at you.
“Well, I guess I’ll be leaving you here. Please make yourself at home,” he steps back with a handsome grin, shaking his wet hair away from his eyes. “You’re free to do anything, just don’t eat my food, okay?”
You crease your brows together, wanting to chuckle at his statement, “I wasn’t planning to.”
“Good.” He proceeds to walk to the door, “See you around, Y/n.”
“Must you always stay quiet all the time?” Jungkook suddenly plops beside you on the couch, interrupting your daily reading session. You can see his face close to your left shoulder on the corner of your eyes, trying to analyze whatever you’re reading.
“Well, a person doesn’t blabber around when they’re reading, huh, Jungkook?” You snap, clearly annoyed at him. You were just about to enter the goddamned war scene of the story. “I’m sorry that I don’t give you the attention you always want.” You roll your eyes, fixing your gaze back on your book.
Jungkook looks taken aback from your words, causing him to raise a single brow up. “Hmm, someone’s got a sharp tongue.” He leans closer to you, making you feel timid. His mouth was so close to your ear, and his breathing sent shivers all over your system. “I never would’ve thought that you can be so bratty,” he growls the last few words in a deep voice.
Bratty? You shifted in your seat, feeling a little bit weird. You didn’t like to be called a brat, it makes you feel degraded.
“I’m sorry,” you ended up saying that in a whisper, cautiously lifting your head to look back up at him. Jungkook’s heart beats faster on his chest, seeing your big eyes staring at him so innocently and so cutely.
Oh, the things he wanted to do to you.
Jungkook chuckles, “It’s okay, sweetheart. How’s abooouuut…” he drags, scooting closer to you, “How’s about I treat you to lunch? You know, get to know each other a bit more. I’ll pay.”
You didn’t hesitate to nod your head, agreeing to his offer. You instantly placed your bookmark and closed the book as you sprinted back to your room to get ready. Anything for free food.
Jungkook laughs at your adorability, watching you shuffle excitedly. He brings his hand up to his lip, playing with it. He was just as eager as you are – but for different reasons.
It’s been approximately nine days since you’ve been living with Jungkook, and let me tell you, it was a tough nine days.
You would’ve thought that he would lose this sultry and sensual attitude of his around you after a few days but no. It stayed with him. Sometimes it would get very tiring with all of his teasing and suggestive comments but you held your guard up.
Unfortunately, Jungkook found your weak spots. Jungkook knows what words to say to get you all riled up. He just knows what to do just to make you weak in the knees, and knows what to say to have goosebumps raise on your skin.
Yet thankfully, he never touched you. It was because of the way he presents himself, the aura that he carries with him makes it feel like he owns every place he walks into. But then again, he’s an alpha, and they can take whatever they want in just a loud growl.
But there was no lie that he’s really handsome. He had a perfectly sculpted face, not a single flaw ever to be spotted. His long hair that would go past his ears always looked breathtaking on him, especially when wet.
You would be blind if you said that he wasn’t attractive and fine.
You woke up drastically with your chest heaving up and down, your breathing not normal than it should be. You can feel sweat trickling down your spine, all over your neck and your forehead. You felt hot.
Immediately springing into action, you throw the covers away from your body and you remove your pajamas, leaving you in your shirt and underwear. You nervously bite on your lip as you step your foot on the cold floor and made your way through the darkness of your room into the bathroom.
“Oh my god,” you gasp, eyes expanding in utter horror when you see that your pill bottle was empty. “No, no, no, no, no!” You immediately shuffled through every drawer and cupboards and prayed that you’ll find an extra bottle somewhere. “Did I not pack extra heat suppressants?!” you whisper-shouted to yourself, eyebrows joining together in frustration.
How stupid can you be?
“Okay, okay, calm down,” you paced back and forth, combing your hands through your sweaty hair. Your first instinct was to call your mom, but god it was 5 am in the morning and you didn’t want to wake her up, especially on a Monday where she goes to work. What the fuck were you going to do?
You definitely weren’t going to risk the chances of going outside of your room. You don’t want Jungkook to see you, not at this state. You mentally cursed yourself when you can feel your slick slowly dripping down your thighs, making you whimper involuntarily.
You closed your eyes tight, taking a deep breath. Walking out of the bathroom, you instantly made your way to the door of your bedroom and locked it. You just have to lock yourself inside your room until your heat is over.
Laying yourself back on the bed, you wondered if the pills you took yesterday didn’t work. You started your heat two days ago, and you even made sure that you’ve scheduled your pills.
But as time passes, the feeling never went away. You couldn’t sleep. You could feel yourself getting hotter and hotter as each second passes as hair was stuck on your neck and forehead. You tossed and turned all over your mattress, feeling frustrated and needy.
This scared you, not going to lie. It was your first time witnessing yourself in heat without the suppressants, and you didn’t know what to expect. You emitted loud whines and penurious whimpers, calling for some release. You wanted something, you wanted someone.
Jungkook groaned when he wakes up and hears the alarm from his phone. He reaches his arm out to grab the device and shuts off the annoying sound with his eyes half-open.
5:30 AM, it reads.
He gets up and switches on the light, blinding him for a couple of seconds before he rubs both of his eyes with a yawn. It was time for his Monday workout session. He prepares himself and changes his clothes to some black gym shorts and a black cut-off sleeve shirt, paired with his usual sneakers. He takes his phone and advances out to the kitchen.
Jungkook was humming softly to himself, filling his large bottle up with warm water from the dispenser.
“Oh, I forgot my headphones,” he said to himself and proceeded to turn around, but a strong scent hit his nose like a truck.
‘What the fuck?’
Jungkook’s eyes expanded ten times bigger when a sweet and savory scent filled up the air. He walks closer, sniffing the air until it leads him right in front of your door. Jungkook was now breathing heavily. It was his first time in a very long time to smell an omega in heat, and he doesn’t know if he can control himself any further.
Jungkook’s irises turn red right after he hears your soft but desperate whimper. He growls when he felt his blood rush down to his cock. Jungkook wanted to burst right in, to help you through your heat. You were desiring for an alpha, and he was right there, but he didn’t know that your room was locked not before he tried to open your door.
This brought him back to his senses.
He immediately steps back before anything gets more carried away. He rushes to grab his water bottle – ditching the headphones and immediately runs out of the room with a heavy breath.
“Shit shit shit shit shit!” the half-wolf chants as he makes his way towards the elevator with heavy steps. His breathing was rapid, almost making it look like that he was about to faint. He was going mad; he has never smelled an omega that sweet and delicious. It was like a new smell for him. His hormones were going crazy, his mind in a state of lust and desire.
He sighs in relief when he sees no one inside the elevator. Once he pressed the correct floor and the door closed shut, he couldn’t help but grip his hand tightly to the metal rails, knuckles almost turning white. Jungkook usually knows how to keep his control, but something about you just makes him mad.
He growls deeply as the sound of your sweet whimper fills his mind, replaying over and over again. He imagines you, looking so needy and in need of a release below him. He wants to help you, help you release that sexual frustration out of you. He craves to dominate you; your cute, little body. Your voice sounded so cute, so delicate that turns Jungkook on to the max. The word ‘alpha’ rolled down your tongue so smoothly, and he wanted to hear it again and again.
Jungkook tries his absolute best to calm himself down, closing his eyes as he takes several breaths.
“A-alpha…” the word came out in an eager tone, desperate for something. Your body was drenched in sweat and you felt slick frantically dripping down your thighs.
Your body took over your mind. All you can ever do was to dread for a mate while your hands teased your hardened nipples through your shirt.
You wanted an alpha. You wanted Jungkook.
As messed up as it was, you were dreading for your roommate to touch you. You were dreading him to mate with you, feel his big member inside of you.
“A-aahh, puh-please,” you mewled into the darkness, bucking your hips into nothing. Your body shivered when you snuck your hands under your shirt and tweaked your hard buds. “I c-cant…” you threw your head agitatedly from side to side, your skin itching from the desperate need of contact.
“Oh, whatever,” you spoke in gritted teeth while sliding your right hand down, cupping your dripping wet core. You immediately shivered from the oh-so-delicate touch, closing your eyes tight. You carefully rubbed your clothed cunt, your fingers immediately dampening as your slick transferred to your fingers.
With your other hand massaging your boob, you hesitantly slipped your hand inside your underwear, biting your lip.
“Mmnggf, my god,” you gasped when your fingers touched your sensitive clit. Without waiting any further, you rubbed the bud hastily as waves and waves of pleasure shoots through your system. You ran your digits down your folds, teasing your pulsing hole by poking the tip of your finger in. “I… a-aaah,” multiples mewls escaped your swollen lips when you rubbed your clit even faster, applying more pressure to escort you to a release.
“I wanna cum…” you begged to no one, “I wanna cum so badly.” You almost wanted to cry with the hopelessness in your body. You arch your back in an uncomfortable way when you pinched your rock-hard nipples once again.
“Please… make me cum, Jungkook.” You whispered.
You imagine that it’s him. You imagine that it’s him doing all of the work for you. His long, slender fingers that can unambiguously do more than your own can. You imagine his big, well-built body hovering over you, controlling your body and making it his.
“Alpha…” you can feel a heavy knot forming inside of your stomach, signaling that you were close. You didn’t hold back your cries of pleasure as your hips buck into the air, your fingers moving faster on your pussy. “Please please please…”
A loud moan escaped your lips when you felt hot cum running down from your drenched cunt, and you didn’t stop to make sure everything didn’t go to waste. Your thoughts were clouded with immense pleasure, your body going into a series of quick trembles and shudders.
‘One more time.’
Jungkook kept clenching his jaw, his grip on the exercise bike tight. He should be focusing on his workout routine, yet all he could ever think about was you.
‘Were you going through your heat?’
He’d praise you for actually being considerate and locking the door; because if you didn’t, all hell would break loose.
But if he did walk in, would you accept him? Would you let him touch you, let him take over you?
He couldn’t help but ponder that maybe it was all just the pleasure that was speaking for you, and not Y/n herself. He wouldn’t like it if you’ll regret everything when you get back to your normal state.
These thoughts were circulating Jungkook’s head, not until an hour later when he’s officially calmed down. He hesitates to go back inside the room, but he has no other choice.
You can smell him.
Without thinking any further, you jumped out of your bed and ran outside to the living room where your eyes set on a messy-haired Jungkook, shirt stained with sweat while he was downing his water bottle.
“Y-Y/n?” he asks carefully, eyeing you with caution.
You abruptly forgot that you weren’t wearing any underwear, and he can easily smell your arousal from a distance. He notices how your face was so flushed, hair in tangles and you breathing was uneven.
“Jungkook—” you whimpered quietly, pleading him as you walked closer to his frame. Jungkook shakes his head as he steps away from you, noticing his adam’s apple bob as he goes to the very corner of the room.
“Distance, Y/n. I-I don’t wanna do anything you don’t want.” Jungkook rasps, trying his fucking hardest not to pounce on you.
The shirt that you wore only covered a little bit of your wet pussy and your sweet scent filled the entire room in a flash. Jungkook was losing his mind, eyes threatening to roll back from your smell.
“No, please,” your eyes drooped, tugging at the hem of your shirt frustratingly, “I want it, I really, really do.” You sigh. When Jungkook didn’t respond, you took the chance to continue. “I-I ran out of heat suppressants. My heat is too strong today a-and I can’t take it any further.”
Jungkook clenches his jaw. He notices the glistening slick that was slowly creeping down your thighs, and he wanted to punch a wall. He growls lowly to himself, feeling his dick harden again.
“I’ve already cummed t-three times today, but I need more.”
The alpha raises his eyebrows from your statement, “Three?” he chuckles, crossing his muscular arms together in front of his chest, “That’s quite a lot, isn’t it, sweetheart?”
There he goes. There he decides to tease you. You’ve learned that you quite love his teasing, and it makes you even hornier.
“I know, but all this time I was thinking about you, Jungkook.” You spoke quietly as you walked closer to him.
“Y-Y/n, are you – oh fuck, are you sure about this?” he tries to say, but your smell was overflowing his mind and it was difficult for him to formulate words. “Do you know what you’re about to do? Hmm?”
“Yes, I’ve never been surer. Please,” you were now right in front of him, and you heard him growl dominantly as he towers over your height. “Please mate with me.”
Without wasting any more time, he suddenly lifts your little body and carries you to his room, shutting the door behind him. He drops you onto the soft bed and you crawl up to rest your head on his pillows. Jungkook smirks down at you while he removes his shirt, revealing his beautifully-toned abs that had just the workout earlier.
“My little, desperate omega,” he scoffs, “begging for another release, aren’t you?” he hovers over you and leans down to lick a bold stripe on your neck. You croon your head to the side, allowing him more access. You let out a moan when he starts to suck on your delicate skin.
“You just want an alpha’s cock to satisfy you, huh?”
You nod briefly, followed by a quiet mewl when he removes your shirt, revealing your breasts to him. “Hmm? Is that what you want? Want this little pussy to be filled up with some big cock?”
“Hnngf, yes, yes, please,” he starts to suck on your hard nipples, biting on it playfully which makes you arch your back. He removes his mouth with a loud pop, “Filthy little girl.”
Your nerves were firing, feeling blazing hot and excited. You were fantasizing about this for so many hours now, after all of the unsatisfying releases – you have finally got what you truly wanted. Your hands were clammy and your mind was in a blissful mess, but you didn’t care. All you wanted was him; right now, at this moment.
“Let me have a taste of you, baby girl,” he growls as he hovers down to your core. He inhales your savory scent and his dick twitches. Your pussy was so wet, dripping in juices and stained with cum from your previous orgasms. Jungkook’s arms sling around and under your thighs, parting them together to give him a better view.
“Fucking hell, you’re drenched, sweetheart. Is this all for me, hmm?” he doesn’t even give you the time to respond when he abruptly licks a heavy stripe from your clenching hole to your clit. The sudden feeling sent electrifying currents all throughout your body, “Oohhh, yes. I-It’s all for you, Jungkook.”
“You don’t know how much I’ve been thinking about this sweet little cunt, baby. I’ve been wanting to have a taste of you since you’ve first stepped inside this apartment.”
He drives his tongue back, this time alternating between licking numbers on your folds and sucking on your swollen clit. His tongue worked wonders on you, causing your hands to fly down to tug on his long and wavy hair. You try to shove his bangs away to have a better view of his mouth on your pussy.
“Ohh my god! Like that, keep doing that, please,” you breathlessly moaned, shutting your eyes from the pleasure. You felt him smirk between your pussy which made you clench onto nothing.
You whimper from the loss of contact when he leans back, wiping his lips with the back of his hands. “I’m going fucking mad on you, baby. You drive me wild.”
Your eyes fly to where his right hand is as he cups his hard length beneath his shorts. He proceeds to rub it firmly, teasing you as he makes direct eye contact. “You want this, huh?”
You nod desperately, bringing your fingers up to your lips to give them a suck.
Jungkook chuckles sinisterly and finally pulls the clothing down, and your mouth immediately waters from the sight.
He was nice and long, his girth impressive as precum dripped down the tip of his dick. He strokes his length a couple of times as he carefully examined your expression. “You like it?” he smirks, “You want it inside you, huh?”
He chucks the clothing to the floor and hovers above you, his dick now right in front of your entrance. “Are you sure you want this, Y/n?” his eyes suddenly turn soft after being invaded with lust, “Are you sure you want me to be your mate?”
You try to smile at his question, “Yes, yes I do, Jungkook. I want it to be you.” His heart swells up, but he feels like melting into a puddle after you’ve continued: “Do you?”
Jungkook laughs quietly as he strokes your hair with his hands reassuringly, his gaze looking so caring and loving. “Of course I do, Y/n. I’ve always thought that you were the most beautiful girl that ever existed, even if we only met a couple of days ago,” he chuckles. “The most precious, kind, sweet, and delicate girl I’ve ever seen. I wanted to be yours so bad. I want to protect you, wanna take care of you forever.”
He nuzzles his nose close to the crook of your neck, shaking his head which causes his hair to tickle you. You giggle and Jungkook smiles, pressing a delicate kiss on your lips. “You don’t know how much I need you.”
“You can have me, Jungkook. Claim me as yours.”
And with that statement, he was quick to growl as his cock twitches in desperate need. He tugs on in a couple of times before aligning it on your entrance. “I’ll go slow, okay little one?”
You obey his words as you nod. You felt the tip of his dick pushing inside your hole, slowly and carefully filling you with his thick cock. He was even bigger than you were expecting, filling you up in all the right places. “O-ohh my god!” you moaned out, lips open in pleasure as you felt your thighs quiver.
“Mhmm, your pussy’s squeezing my cock so good, baby.” He places his big hands on your hips as he pushes further, his eyes rolling back from how tight you are. “You feel so fucking good.”
He wasn’t even halfway in before you felt yourself close to an orgasm. You wrap your legs around his hips, pushing him deeper inside of you. “I-I…a-aaaahhh!”
Your fourth orgasm of the day hit you like a huge train, covering Jungkook’s cock with your cum. You were clenching uncontrollably around him and he couldn’t help but shove the rest of his length in without any warning. “Fuck! B-baby, you’re gonna make me lose my shit.”
He stays still inside of you, letting you calm down from your previous high. But you can’t help but notice his heavy and ragged breath, growling every now and then. “J-Jungkook, you can move now.”
“Y/n,” his voice suddenly becomes deeper and raspier, “I-I might not be able to hold myself ba—oh s-shit—back.” He closes his eyes tight, moving his hips very slightly. “Please tell me that you’re a hundred percent okay with this. I don’t want you to r-regret anything.” He said in a heavy pant, pleasure for sure taking the best of him. Jungkook was overwhelmed with all of the waves of senses being thrown at him all at once. Fuck, just the thought of your cute little tummy carrying all of his pups makes him want to fuck your brains out.
“Please, Kook,” the alpha smiles at the nickname, “I really, really want this. I don’t regret any of this. I want you too as much as you do, so please, just fuck me already. Be my mate, please.”
Jungkook chuckles, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip, “If you say so, baby.”
Immediately, he starts fucking you with a deep and hard pace. Your eyes instantly roll back to your head as you start seeing stars. He was literally trying to fuck your brains out.
Your fingers claw on his back, scratching his skin which made him hiss, probably from the pain plus pleasure it brought. This only encouraged him to go even faster and even harder than before.
“Such a slut for this big cock, aren’t you? You wanna be filled with my cum, huh? Wanna carry my pups?”
You moan delightfully from his words, clenching around him from the thought of having his puppies. “Yes, yes. Give me your pups, Jungkook,” you whimpered.
“You want it, huh?” He snarls, smirking down at you. Suddenly, his right hand flies to your neck and he wraps his whole palm around it, choking you. You whimper, not expecting to be so turned on from this action. He presses firmly on your neck, his dominant and assertive side coming out.
You feel so nice and full around him, his cock hitting so deep inside of you. His balls were fervently slapping on your pussy, making wet lewd noises that resonated throughout the room. He was growling on top of you, bruising your thighs as he continues to pound on your sore, little cunt.
He finally releases your neck but only to grab your hips with both of his hands, flipping you around so that you were on fours. “Face down, ass up, baby girl.”
You mewled as you did as you were told, burying your face on his pillows. His hand spanks your ass cheek once, twice, three times, making you whimper loudly. His smacks were hard and sharp, and you were sure that your skin will turn red in no time.
Jungkook continues thrusting in and out of your sopping cunt, pulling all the way until just the tip for him to slam his whole length in you. Your body jolts forward, as he does this action again and again. “Hmm, such a nice, tight pussy you’ve got.” He teases your cunt by gliding the tip of his dick up and down your soaked folds, collecting more of your wetness. “This is all mine, right sweetheart?”
He firmly slaps his dick on your clit a couple of times to get an answer from you. “Answer me, Y/n,” he groans.
“Y-Yes, yes, it’s all yours, Kook.”
“That’s my good girl.”
Jungkook only had one goal, and that was to fuck you into another mind-blowing orgasm. His hips move faster and his cock was deeper with the new position, allowing him to hit your sweet spot. “O-oh! Right there! R-right there,” you moaned, tears brimming in your eyes from how good it all feels. Your hard nipples were rubbing on the sheets, helping you and providing more pleasure.
“Right here?” He gives one particular hard thrust on that same spot, making you moan out his name.
“Are you gonna come for me, baby? Make your body tremble, your pussy clenching on my big dick, hmm?” He keeps pounding on your g-spot, bringing you closer to the edge yet again. “That’s it, baby. C’mon, come for me.” With his last words, you instantly release around his length, squeezing him up as you shake. It was all so much for you to handle, yet Jungkook still holds your body so tenderly as you cummed.
“Y-Yeah, fuck,” Jungkook pants, “so good, m’gonna cum inside you, sweetheart. Gonna fill those walls with my cum and you’re gonna keep it there baby.”
Jungkook chases his high and before you knew it, his cum was spurting inside of you, hot and long strokes of his seed shooting on your walls. He gasps and leans down, your back pressed firmly against his chest as he holds you close.
“Take it, baby, take it.” He grunts, and he doesn’t hold back the loud moan that escapes his lips when he feels his knot getting bigger and bigger. Your eyes suddenly go wide from the feeling. It felt like someone was blowing a balloon inside of you.
“Jungkook… wh-what’s happening?” You asked quietly, trying to push yourself away but he just groans and pulls you back firmly.
“J-Just stay here, baby. You’re safe, you’re okay.” He reassures you as he tries to calm his breathing down.
“How long will this last?”
“A couple of minutes,” he laughs quietly, “can last about an hour or two. We don’t know.”
You giggled, “Now we’re closer than ever, huh?”
“Yes, baby,” he leans down to kiss your lips tenderly, full of love and affection. “Quite literally.”
10K notes · View notes
twstarchives · 4 years
Vil Schoenheit・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines: Scary Dress event card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Every single one of you looks miserable. Where should I start disciplining you all?”
Groovy “Classes are still valuable lessons. Let’s try to enjoy them.”
Home Setting “Stop looking so sluggish. You should move with more of a bounce in your step.”
Home Transitions “I am the only one who can express myself. Even these designated uniforms are just tools I use for that.”
“If you’re going to dress yourself in Night Raven College’s uniform, I expect you to behave appropriately.”
“Isn’t that uniform too big on you? It’s unflattering to your figure if it’s not the right size.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Would you like to run to the store with me? I’d like some fresh fruit, and I could also use someone to carry my bags.”
Home Taps “Oh, no, don’t tell me that’s cat hair on your uniform—oh, wait. It’s Grim’s, is it?”
“You have a question for me? Heheh, I don’t give out my secrets for free.”
“It’s natural to need to work hard so that you make up for what you lack. I have no sympathy for you.”
“You want to know my diet? What are you going to do with it if I told you? You won’t become beautiful just by eating like I do.”
“Enough, stop pulling on me. I don’t remember saying you could mend my clothes for me.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I spare no effort if it’s for the sake of beauty.”
Groovy “Are you ready? My regimen is very intense.”
Home Setting “Now, let’s begin our training.”
Home Transitions “You should do everything you can to preserve your beauty. Are you going to come running with me?”
“Hah, I’m worried about getting sunburnt during our outdoors classes... I’ll have to ask Rook to put on my sunscreen for me.”
“Every once in a while, I come across idiots who believe they can win against me if they use their fists. Of course, the tables always turn against them.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “How long are you going to stay here? I’ve already finished my daily workout.”
Home Taps “It’s good to do some stretches right after you’ve taken a bath.”
“Physical strength is an important factor in becoming a great mage. Make sure you work your hardest.”
“Sweating helps you feel refreshed. It isn’t good for your beauty to bottle up stress.”
“It’s important for there to be an agreement between your clothes and your body. You need to be careful not to build muscles for no reason.”
“You should direct any questions you have to Epel instead of me. Flying seems to be that boy’s strong suit.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “You want me to teach you about magic potions? Will you even be able to keep up?”
Groovy “I could make any potion you could ever dream of. Hehe, should I tell you my tricks?”
Home Setting “I even pull this lab coat off beautifully.”
Home Transitions “I’m very confident in potions. It's helpful to know so much about herbs when making smoothies as well. It’s up to you to take care of your own body.”
“You want me to help you with your work? I’m impressed with how strong your will to study is. But research on your own first before asking me.”
“Rook is in the science club. In exchange for helping me with the film studies club activities, I lend him a hand from time to time too.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “True beauty is determined by strong intellect. You can always doctor your looks, but your true colors will still shine through right away.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Don’t I smell nice~? This is a perfume I concocted myself. It fits my image, doesn’t it?”
Home Taps “If you want to perfect your skill in pharmaceutics, then you need to have focus more than anything. It’s important to have a strong resolve to bring things to completion.”
“You can’t use magic, right? Then you should at least put all your effort into your studies.”
“I do my own cooking. I prefer to choose the nutrients my body needs.”
“You have wrinkles in your lab coat. Ironing is a must if you want to look polished.”
“Oh, you certainly seem to have a lot of free time. I’m not going to pity you if Crewel scolds you at your next exam.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “The ingredients I pick for my morning smoothies are always based on how I’m feeling health-wise that day. Hm? You want to know my recipes? That would take all day.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Being a student of Night Raven College is something you should be very proud of.”
Groovy “Don’t I look just as flawless in these ceremony robes as well?”
Home Setting “Chic clothing fits me well, doesn’t it?”
Home Transitions “Why are you so stiff...? Oh, are you nervous? You haven’t seen anything yet if you’re still getting nervous at school assemblies.”
“You shouldn’t strive to be like me. Try pushing yourself as hard as you can while keeping your experience level in mind.”
“Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn’t mind you staring at me so mesmerized for a little longer.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “A mysterious makeup look with a monotone finish goes best with this unique outerwear. If the makeup doesn’t match the outfit, then your clothes are going to outshine you.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “The colors of our ceremony robes blend in nicely with the night. I don’t hate this deep and mysterious style.”
Home Taps “Just when I thought things were getting noisy... it’s you again. You’re always so full of energy. ...Hold on, that wasn’t a compliment.”
“Your figure is important with these ceremony robes. Tying this wide belt around your waist lets one show off an androgynous beauty.”
“You may not have magic, but you can still take care of your appearance, can’t you? It’s not an excuse to look sloppy.”
“At the entrance ceremony, I thought for certain you were going to get thrown out right away... But you seem to be adjusting to this academy.”
“I know you want me to entertain you, but I’m busy right now so can you wait until later?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I like the ceremony robes. They have an eternal beauty that never goes out of style. You should be proud you get to wear them as well.”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “Strength is what makes one beautiful. Allow me to present my power to you.”
“I presume you’re prepared to put your life on the line for the sake of beauty, yes?”
Groovy “Is it this uniform that’s captivated you? Or perhaps, is it me? Hehe.”
Home Setting “So? Do I look just like a queen?”
Home Transitions “What will you be off doing today? Would you mind helping with our shoot for the film studies club? I’m sure even you are capable of using the equipment.”
“The dorm leader’s work can be a lot to manage, but there is no person more suited for leading Pomefiore than me.”
“My skin has been on point lately. ...What? You want a closer look? It isn’t my fault if my beauty blinds you.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The Ramshackle Dorm is just awful. It smells musty and there is dust everywhere. You do know the difference between “vintage” and “run-down,” right?”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Have you met our vice dorm leader yet? I have full trust in his insight. ...There are times his conduct may be odd, but I’m letting it pass as of now.”
Home Taps “The Pomefiore dorm leader’s crown was designed based on motifs the Queen was said to fancy. Take a look—it’s perfect for me, don’t you think?”
“I swear, I always catch Epel staring at me in complete silence... Hehe. He must have so much going through his head.”
“The freshmen this year are nothing but potatoes. None of them know how to improve themselves and it gets so frustrating to deal with.”
“You think I look good in this uniform? That’s only natural. The dorm leader is meant to flaunt it even more beautifully than the other students.”
“Yes, there is no doubt that my beauty would make anyone unconsciously want to reach out and touch it...”
Home Tap (Groovy) “You think I’m stoic? ...It’s true I hear that a lot. I’m simply focusing all my efforts towards my goals. Wouldn’t this be the obvious outcome?”
Duo Magic Vil: “Leona! I don’t need anyone dragging me down.” Leona: “Ha! Who do you think you’re talking to, Vil?”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
Unlock Card “Now, how are you going to celebrate for me?”
“It seems my birthday will be especially wild this year. Well, it is nice to go over the top every once in a while. Just behave yourself.”
Groovy “It’s completely unexpected that you would bring me so much joy. ...That is a compliment.”
Home Setting “This outfit stands out. Well, I’m used to having attention on me.”
Home Transitions “Leona gave me a pen, and it was out of ink. Was it too much of a chore to throw it out so he handed it off to me? ...It figures.”
“My father sends me postcards on my birthday. He travels all over the world, so every year I look forward to which country the pattern on it will be from.”
“Epel, Rook, and the rest of the film studies club put together an opera for me. It was clumsy, but not too bad.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m beautiful as always today? Of course I am. But don’t think that I’m only trying hard because it’s my birthday. My beauty is flawless no matter what day it is.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Sometimes, the energy you and Grim bring can be useful. Please keep it up and breathe some more life into the party.”
Home Taps “My birthday reminds me of the auroras. When Jack lived in my area, he told me the best spot to see them as a birthday gift.”
“I posted a thank-you picture on Magicam for all my fans who sent me birthday wishes. I need to show appreciation for their support.”
“There exists no magic that can stop you from aging. However, it’s up to you how you grow. I’m just constantly pursuing beauty that matches my age.”
“Lilia gave me shoelaces. They’re flat and seem hard to come untied. I think I’ll start using them right away for my jog tomorrow.”
“I heard your wishes to me the first time. If you want my attention that badly, why don’t you let me do your makeup? I’m curious how much it could transform you.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Oh? Are you going to give me anything? Then list 100 things you find beautiful about me. Simple enough, right?”
Duo Magic Vil: “None of your schemes on my birthday, Azul.” Azul: “Of course. I wish you the best, Vil.”
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Tutorial “Enough of that daydreaming. Let’s hurry up.”
Lv Up “Not bad. Let’s keep this up.”
“I’ve moved up a level higher, hm?”
“Don’t you think I’m someone worth dedicating yourself to?”
Max Lv Up “The fact that I can shine even brighter than I have before is because of your dedication, isn’t it? Heheh. Watch closely. I’ll show you I can be even more beautiful.”
Episode Lv Up “Hah. You’ve turned out nicely yourself. At this point, I’d even let you stand at my side.”
Magic Lv Up “Beautiful flowers are poisonous. But isn’t that just another one of their charms?”
Limit Break “My progress is far from over. I need to shine even brighter, even more beautifully than I do now.”
Groovy “Oh, I’m so sorry. Am I too dazzling for you now?”
Select Lesson “You’re only wasting time worrying. Please hurry up and pick.”
“You won’t rise to the top of this world if you lack intelligence. Study your hardest.”
“Neither our lectures in class nor the skills we learn firsthand must be taken lightly. Let’s put in all our effort.”
Lesson Start “Can you really afford to not pay attention?”
Lesson End “Well, that’s about it.”
Battle Start “Show me all you’ve got.”
Battle Win “This was the obvious result. You and I aren’t on the same level.”
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Profile Quote “Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all? Of course it is me, isn’t it?”
January 2020 Trailer “If you want to be beautiful, then you’ve got to do your very best at this academy.”
Countdown Poster “At this moment, who is the fairest of them all? ...Of course, it is me.”
Login Bonus “Neither beauty nor power can be achieved in a single day. It’s crucial that you persevere through everything that comes your way, but that’s the most difficult to do. I wonder how you will fare?”
Player Birthday Wish “It’s your birthday? Oh, dear, I completely forgot. Only joking. Don’t underestimate my memory. Of course I got everything ready. You should feel honored that I’m celebrating for you.”
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Magic History
Good ★
“Trends come in and out.”
“You look half-asleep.”
“Competition brings one to the top.”
“What a beautiful dress.”
“This is more self-improvement.”
“The qualities of a king... hm...”
“Please sit up straight.”
“My makeup is still intact this afternoon.”
“Even great figures worked their hardest.”
Great ★★
“I enjoy reading.”
“Too easy.”
“Even my handwriting is beautiful.”
Perfect ★★★
“Didn’t lift a finger.”
“These are reasonable results.”
“There’s no way I wouldn’t get a perfect score.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Oh, do you need something?”
“Please stay focused.”
“Not a problem.”
Good ★
“This is a nice workout.”
“If my hair’s a mess, my mind’s a mess.”
“Get me a hat, please.”
“Often reapply your sunscreen.”
“Just like a graceful raven.”
“Sound advice.”
“This is my after-meal workout.”
“Sunburns are my worst nightmare.”
“I’ve checked the new arrivals.”
Great ★★
“Staying hydrated.”
“So, what’s next?”
“Flexibility exercises are part of my daily routine.”
Perfect ★★★
“Elegant and graceful.”
“Beautiful? I know.”
“Just keep trying until you can do it.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“You’d like to see an example, wouldn’t you?”
“I feel someone’s eyes on me...!”
“Did I mesmerize you?”
Good ★
“Be quiet and concentrate.”
“Understand the materials we’re using.”
“Measure carefully.”
“Did you read the textbook?”
“A practical recipe.”
“Crewel has excellent taste.”
“This is making me smell like chemicals.”
“Eternal beauty...”
“This stench is making me lose my appetite.”
“Don’t lose focus.”
“There is no way I made any mistakes.”
“Done in the wink of an eye.”
“Looking sharp in these white clothes is a must.”
“That’s wrong.”
Great ★★
“It’s easy if you just follow the recipe.”
“I’m worth more than jewels.”
“Well done.”
“One cannot live without desire...”
“Unrusted gold... Just like me.”
Perfect ★★★
“What a snore-fest.”
“Brewing is one of my specialties.”
“There’s not a chance in a million I’d ever fail.”
“Gold used for more than just a crown...”
“The fact that I can do this much shouldn’t be a surprise to you.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“I can’t make any mistakes.”
“Stop talking to me right now.”
“You’re not done until you’ve reviewed everything.”
“Don’t rush anything.”
“This is what it means to work little by little everyday.”
352 notes · View notes
sheyshocked · 4 years
Of golden mirrors and secret admirers (1/6)
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Summary: After graduating from the Mage’s College, Simon becomes a resident mage of a small village called Far Waters, aiding those who need it with a word or a spell alike. It’s a decent job, and he comes to like it very much, but there’s something that makes it difficult. His feelings for Markus, a son of a local rich artist.
When Markus seeks him out one day, asking for advice on how to woo his love interest who barely even notices him, Simon has to set his love for the boy aside to help him win his special someone’s affection.
Ship: Simon/Markus (Detroit: Become Human)
Warnings: None
Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Fluff, Unrequited Love, or is it?!, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, First Kiss, Misunderstandings, Eventual Romance, Eventual Happy Ending, Simon (Detroit: Become Human) is a Mage, Bisexual Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Age Difference, but only by a few years, Angst
A/N: This is my second bigger AU and I’m so excited to finally be able to show you, guys! I even made a moodboard for this on canva (it’s my first attempt, so be gentle, please!) Anyway, enjoy!
Most young and ambitious students of magical arts fresh out of college would take it as a personal offense to be sent as resident mages to a small backwater village such as Far Waters. But Simon would have it no other way.
He preferred the quiet solitude over the overwhelming bustle of the capital city. Besides, people of Far Waters were decent, honest folk, so different from the pretentious crowd he was used to back at home, and guarding sheep from an occasional thief or a pack of wolves and healing woodworking injuries proved to be much less stressful than dealing with pesky nobles. There was only one trouble that was making his work somewhat challenging.
The trouble by the name of Markus Manfred.
Markus was a son of an aging once well-known painter who decided to retreat with his small family from the capital city to Far Waters. Born in wealth and luxury, Simon at first expected him to be one of those spoiled rich-kids that always get what they want without any consequences. So he kept a close eye on him in case he would like to cause trouble. But to his great surprise, Markus turned out to be anything but a privileged brat.
He was very kind and sweet, always lending a helping hand around the village, and so eager to hear Simon’s stories about his college days. For someone so young, he had an incredible talent for leadership, knew perfectly how to rally up his neighbors for a good cause (be it rescuing a lamb that tumbled down into the river or helping a boy who got bit by a snake). And as chance would have it, he was also a drop-dead gorgeous man just a few years Simon’s junior who was getting both men and women swooning.
That last part was probably the biggest issue.
It started slowly without him even noticing, but soon enough, Simon became completely smitten by Markus’ charms. He wouldn’t hesitate to court him if he were just a little bit better match. But alas, no amount of money he could raise from his status of resident mage (which wasn’t that much, considering he refused additional payment from poor farmers who barely had any coin to spare, too) would be enough to afford him the luxury Markus was used to. Besides, it was no secret that he had far better suitors.
There were rumors in the streets that he had a thing for North, one of the Far Water’s fiercest hunters, and people expected them to get married in a year or two. So, there was no place for Simon in his life. Not at all.
Which was why it baffled him so much when he found the boy sitting at the front porch of his house one day, waiting for him to come home.
“Sir, please, you must help me!” Markus cried out as soon as he saw him returning from the mill where he was helping the miller’s wife deliver her fifth baby. He was on the verge of passing out with exhaustion, but the urgency in the boy’s tone instantly made him snap out of it and focus on whatever was troubling him.
“What’s wrong, Markus? Is it your father again?”
Carl Manfred was seriously ill since, well, ever since Simon remembered, but with each passing year, he required more and more medical attention. The mage even suggested to him once or twice that he should seek out help at the capital city where he would get far better treatment, but the stubborn old man refused to even think about it. He said that all he wanted was to die in peace at home. With Markus by his side.
“Oh, no, no, dad is fine, that new medicine you gave him last time seems to be working like a miracle. It’s just, well… I need to talk to you about something. In private. If you have time, of course.” Markus gave him a glance over and Simon thanked the divines that he had enough reason to scrub all the mess off of himself right at the mill’s well. The water was freezing, but at least he didn’t reek with filth now. That wouldn’t leave the best impression. “Don’t get me wrong, sir, but you look like you could use some rest.”
He had a point. But Simon always cared more about the others than himself. Especially if that someone one particular emerald-eyed son of a local painter. “It’s alright – I’m not that tired yet. Come in, then. Let’s see what I can do for you.”
Markus was unusually nervous, almost fidgeting with panicked energy. Even more so since Simon asked him to sit down by the dining table so they could talk it through (he even offered him some tea and his famous cookies as usual, but the young lad said no to both – weird, because he would usually jump after any opportunity to get some cookies). It was making Simon worry. What could be so important and yet so taboo it was this hard to talk about?
His head immediately started coming up with tons of catastrophic scenarios, and Markus’ initial silence wasn’t helping much.
Thankfully, the boy found his voice soon, even though it was hushed and uncertain.
“Sir, I… think I fell in love with someone.”
Ah. It was a tale old as the time itself, one that Simon heard in this very same room over and over again, from people both young and old, rich or poor. But not once from Markus’ lips. It made his heart sink with a cold, empty feeling, partly relieved that it didn’t turn out to be something far worse, but also full of remorse and self-pity.
He knew it would happen eventually. Just not like this. Not right now.
Still, he forced himself to smile. It was a terrible, empty grimace, and he hoped Markus wouldn’t notice. “That’s wonderful! There’s nothing quite like a young love blossoming for the first time.” Bloody hypocrite. “But I guess that’s not all there’s to it, am I right? You wouldn’t be asking for help otherwise.”
Markus sighed. “You are right. It’s much more… complicated. You see, I try very hard to impress them every day, but they still barely spare me a glance. I mean, they sometimes look, but I guess they don’t see me as a potential partner.” He looked up straight at Simon. “You probably have much more experience than I do, sir, so please, tell me – is there a way for me to win their affection somehow?”
Wish I knew of one before, Simon smirked sadly but kept it to himself.
“Possibly. But I’m afraid my knowledge won’t be much of a use in matters of the heart.” He noticed Markus’s mournful expression and hurried to add: “Doesn’t mean I won’t try to help you the best I can. Now, tell me something about that person. Who are they?”
He didn’t need to know. In fact, it would be better for him not to know. But he couldn’t help himself – sleepiness always made him a little bit reckless. Bet he knew the answer anyway.
“Well…” The boy rubbed the back of his neck with a dreamy look in his eyes. Poor fool. He really was in too deep. “They are very nice. Always trying to aid those in need.”
So far, it didn’t sound much like North. At least not the North Simon met when he came to Far Waters. Since then, he has learned that she just requires time to warm up to a person before she shows them her more nurturing, protective nature.
“They are also really smart. Oh, and they have the most gorgeous smile you’ve ever seen, but rarely show it. I love making them laugh, just to get a glimpse of that smile.”
“I see,” Simon turned away from him, pretending he needed to check whether or not the fireplace has enough kindling, but it was only a rouse to make sure Markus won’t spot his saddened face. He should be happy for him, and yet, he couldn’t force himself to be. “You must really love that person.”
Markus groaned. “I do. By the divines, I do. But they won’t notice me. What should I do to make them think of me, not as of a friend, but as a potential suitor?”
Simon thought for a second. Love couldn’t be forced, not even by all of the magic in the whole wide world. But it could be helped, so to speak. A small smile graced upon his thin lips. “I think I have just the thing for you.”
It was then that Markus suddenly hesitated, like he has realized something very important. “It’s not some sort of mind trickery, is it? I don’t want to force them to fall in love with me, just… make them consider me an option.”
“Be at ease, boy. No foul magic here. Just little something that should help you catch their attention. Whether or not they end up liking you is entirely up to fate. You are very noble for making sure, though.”
Markus puffed out his chest like some giant pigeon at the praise, probably just to playfully show off, but it still made Simon laugh, despite himself.
He got up, walked across the room to an old wooden dresser, and started rummaging through it until he found what he was looking for. A beautiful gilded hand-mirror. It wasn’t much, but it was certainly the fanciest item he owned.
He cleared it using his sleeve, and while doing so, he recalled every single one of Markus’ desirable traits, from his inner beauty to the outer, his endearing little quirks and moments of grace, and cast a simple spell, trapping that image inside the mirror, so every time he looked into it, the world would see him through Simon’s eyes. In a sense, he poured in all of his love for the boy and hid it behind a wall of a cloudy glass, which was now glittering softly.
This is probably the closest I will ever get to telling him, Simon smiled, a little sadly, before turning around and showing his piece of work to Markus.
“Here, take this. It belonged to my mother. Bring it home and use it to groom yourself in the morning. No one will be able to keep their eyes off of you. Not even your blushing sweetheart-to-be, with a little brush of luck.”
Markus just stared at the mirror for a while, unwilling to take the offered gift. “Sir, wait, that’s… I can’t. I can’t take something so valuable from you.”
That made Simon blink at him owlishly like a complete moron. Most of his family never cared much for him, his twin brother Daniel being the only exception, so he didn’t think twice about giving away something that used to belong to them – but to Markus, family was everything. So he waved him off with a reassuring smile: “Ah, it’s alright. You can give it back to me on the day of your wedding.”
Markus suddenly lightened up, beaming at him like a ray of sunshine as he took hold of the mirror. “That’s a splendid idea! Yes, yes, I shall do that! Thank you so much, sir! You gave me back hope!”
Then he did something that caught Simon completely off guard – he wrapped his hands around him in a tight, nearly bruising hug.
This was the first time Markus has ever dared to cross the distance between them and touch the mage, always mindful of his social status (villagers were taught young to show respect towards their protectors – and that was all fine and dandy with Simon most of the time, but sometimes, it made him feel like he could forget that he was only a man too). It made his heart soar.
Such a strange feeling, to finally be able to hug the man that has been plaguing his dreams for a long time (he was slightly shorter than him, but only by an inch or so, and smelled of pinewood and dusty canvas – Simon was sure that he won’t be ever able to erase those small adorable details from his mind now, even if he tried), only to say goodbye and leave him for someone else. Tears gathered in the mage’s crystal blue eyes, but he forced them back. It’s gonna be alright. He will get over this. Eventually.
At least he hoped so.
He ended up the hug with an awkward pat on Markus’ shoulders (very solid and sturdy, if he may add) and a hollow chuckle: “Now now, that’s enough, boy. It’s time for you to go. It seems like I may need to take a nap after all.”
The boy immediately let him go almost like he got startled by his own insolence, color rising high to his already dark cheeks. Simon didn’t even know the boy could blush at all. It was so cute. “Ah, right! Sorry. Sleep well, sir. Hope to see you tomorrow at the market.”
“Me too, Markus. Me too.”
Simon ended up crying himself to sleep that day, feeling like a complete coward.
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mankaithings · 4 years
Autumn Troupe friendship hc
Settsu Banri
Has got to be the most fun yet frustrating friend there is
He tends to be reckless and skip class a lot and sometimes even persuades you to join him and use the ‘I can help you with school work’ card which he actually can 
But he’s also the first person to join you in your shenanigans... most of the time. But if he sees that it’s way too dangerous then he would try to stop you from doing it 
He loves to tease you with what he can use against you but if anybody dares to say anything bad about you he’s willing to throw hands
He isn’t even guilty when you scold him, might even joke about how weak his opponent is and smirk in triumph 
It’s really annoying how good he is at everything, specially when the two of you compete with one another in a friendly competition. Although if he sees you distressed then he might give you an advantage that may give you hope in winning but in the end he still ‘surprisingly’ wins and laughs at your face but afterwards he’s going to treat you out just to pay back for messing with you
Hyodo Juza
Juza’s also somebody who’s hardly had any friends
So he’s completely clueless on how to act with you but he tries his best!
Cafe hopping! Trying out so many sweets that you think you won’t be able to take another bite from a cake you just bought but no worries, Juza’s there to finish whatever you can’t,
Juza hates fighting but just like Banri he’s willing to throw hands at whoever dares to say anything relatively mean against you. You’re a precious friend to him and nobody hurts those special to him
Late night talks! Juza’s often really quiet so you have to start the conversation! It can be something deep or trivial but what’s important is that the two of you are getting to know and understand each other!
Nanao Taichi
He’s going to be so loyal and supportive 100% the bestest friend ❤
Honestly, he’s going to be there to invite you or go with you anywhere! (As long as he doesn’t have rehearsals that is) The park, arcade or just inside the dorms, it’s always fun with Taichi! 
Willing to try new things with you! Bungee jumping? Roller coaster? It’s all scary but he’s not going to run away and join you! Although you might have to calm him down once you notice how cold his hands are and that they’re shaking 
Love talk! So many love talks! You two talk about your crushes, your ideal person, what kind of date you’ll like, past relationships, and anything that has got to do with love
Will drag you to try this article he saw on a magazine about how to get more popular and get the ladies and when it doesn’t work, pat his back and comfort him 
Fushimi Omi
Another great friend
He’s just naturally caring and unconsciously does it. Too drunk? “Don’t worry I’ll take you home!” Cold and didn’t bring a jacket? “Don’t worry about me my body tends to be warm, here use my jacket.”
He’s also a great listener and is always willing to lend an ear for you and also try to give a hand to help you with your problems 
He also tends to worry if you go out alone to drink since he knows that there are people out there ready to take advantage at anyone who seems helpless so in the end he tags along with you 
He knows how tiring being a college student or work is, so if he sees you stressed about something, he’s going to bring an extra slice of dessert he made and remind you that it’s good to take a break sometimes 
Furuichi Sakyo
Congrats you just got a dad! 😄 he worries about you, scolds you and reminds you of your responsibilities 
But he cares, he really does
Help him with Izumi, please. It’s been so long and he’s not getting any younger. Just give him a little push or make little comments hinting about going out when the two of them are together, but the latter might be a bit... risky JUST MAKE IZUMIXSAKYO HAPPEN PLEASE
You’re also in good terms with Sakoda, he also looks up to you as an adult figure he can confide in and trust 
Drinks! You two go out drinking and just talk about things, once Sakyo trusts you completely so he’s willing to open up to you about everything. About how he doesn’t know what to do to make Yuki understand that they need to lower the expenses for costumes! How everybody in the dorms need to turn the lights off when they’re not in use! And so much more 
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lyssismagical · 4 years
moments of gold and flashes of light
Parkner Week Day 3: “I am very small and I have no money.” / college au / no-powers au
(This is like a Rhodey/Tony!MIT Parkner AU)
(TW: Implied Child Abuse)
 Working at a café on the outskirts of a college campus meant good business, decent tips, and weird hours. A good job for Harley who needs to work weird hours to keep up with his classes, and he makes enough to afford essentials and to keep his head above water in the debt.
It also means he sees a lot of very tired students at those strange hours.
He gets an elbow in the ribs from his coworker, Cassie, who points across the café at an occupied table.
“An order?” Harley asks, forehead creasing. They don’t normally take orders from tables.
“No, we have a policy about sitting in here without ordering. I need you to ask him to either buy something or leave before our boss notices,” Cassie says. She glances down at her watch, frowning at the time. “There’s only a few hours until we’re done, anyways.”
Harley hates the policy. It makes sense why they have it, they’re going to lose a lot of business if the café is always full but nobody’s buying anything, but it doesn’t make it any easier to kick tired teenagers out in the middle of the night.
He sighs and lets Cassie take over the registers as he makes his way to the boy at the table, straightening his deep purple apron as he goes.
“Excuse me?” he says, wincing when his voice cracks.
The boy at the table’s head jerks up, eyes wide behind a thick pair of glasses. He looks young, younger than most people Harley sees coming into the café, but he’s hunched over a stack of textbooks and papers, what looks like a year three astrophysics textbook on top. There’s no way he’s old enough to be in his third year of university.
“Yeah?” the boy asks. He tips his head to the side in question, the light hitting his face and showing off the deep, dark bags under his eyes.
“We have a policy here, you have to buy something to stay.”
The boy winces, hands patting the pockets of his jeans. He pulls out an old wallet, faded Stark Industries logo on the back barely visible, and pops it open.
He rifles through the things in his wallet, dropping a few on the table including a library card, a Booster Juice loyalty card, and a Stark Industries ID. He finds a dollar bill, but otherwise comes up emptyhanded.
“Shit, sorry, I don’t have any money,” the boy says, eyes wide and glassy. He grabs his backpack from between his feet and starts going through the pockets, but they seem just as empty. “I’m so sorry, I guess I used the rest of my cash on rent, and I don’t- I’ll just pack up and head home, no worries-”
“You like coffee?” Harley blurts before he can stop himself. It’s not like he really has much leeway with his budget, but a couple dollars for an obviously stressed, very cute boy seems like a good investment. “I’ll cover it for you. Give me just a moment.”
As soon as he gets a confirming nod, he heads back to where Cassie’s working, and makes a quick coffee with extra caramel, and digs out his wallet to drop a few dollars in the register.
“You’re buying coffee for him?” she says, amused and shaking her head.
He shrugs, looking over his shoulder at where the boy is still watching him with his wide, doe eyes. “He had a third year astrophysics textbook. I felt bad.”
Cassie laughs, rolling her eyes at him. “The store’s pretty quiet anyways. You should make yourself one too, and take a fifteen.”
Harley’s not about to pass up that opportunity, so he moves quickly to make himself a matching coffee, and then he heads back over to the boy.
“Mind if I sit?” he asks, sliding one of the coffees over to the boy. “I’m in my second year at MIT, so maybe I could lend you a hand? Or at least be a nice distraction?”
The boy smiles, nodding and gesturing to the chair opposite him. “I’m Peter Parker. Third year at MIT.”
“You seem… young.”
Peter laughs, fingers curling around his coffee with a pleased hum. “Yeah, I’m eighteen. Graduated high school at fourteen, started here at fifteen.”
Harley’s jaw drops open in surprise. He’s nineteen, and in the year below Peter. It’s a bit of a shock. “You’re graduating university at nineteen? Isn’t that a bit scary?”
“I’ve got a job lined up at Stark Industries in New York. I’ve been an unpaid intern every summer for four years, so it’s not as scary as you’d think.” He looks down at his homework, textbooks and binders and loose papers, and frowns. “Stressful, for sure. But scary, not so much.”
As much as he wants to comment on a lot of that, especially about how he’s apparently been interning for SI since he was thirteen, he doesn’t want to overstep any boundaries and he doesn’t have a lot of break left.
He sips at his drink, listening intently as Peter starts rambling about how annoying one of his profs had been the other day, the reason he’s up all night studying at the café. Peter’s pretty, especially when he gets passionate about something, eyes lighting up behind his thick frames, blush high on his cheeks, hands gesturing vaguely. Harley hasn’t made many friends since he left Tennessee, only Cassie and Kate from an off-campus extra-curricular. Peter seems like the kind of person Harley would really enjoy being friends with.
“Harley!” Cassie calls out, much too soon for his liking. “Your fifteen’s up.”
Peter frowns noticeably, finishing off his coffee. “I’ll probably stick around for a bit, if that’s alright?”
“Yeah, of course. And come back whenever, yeah?”
“I’m sure I’ll be back in no time, in need of quiet and caffeine.”
* Turns out, Peter’s not lying. He starts showing up every Thursday night and every few Wednesdays like clockwork, always with his old backpack filled with books and binders, and always with enough for a coffee to make sure he can stay.
Whenever Harley takes his fifteen, he spends it at Peter’s table, sitting across from him and chatting about anything and everything. They trade numbers after three weeks, texting every so often whenever they’ve got the chance. It’s nice to have finally made a friend outside of Gwen and Kate. (Especially a friend as kind and pretty and genius as Peter Parker.)
“Everything okay?” Harley can’t help but ask when Peter shows up, nearly two months after meeting.
Peter’s the same as he always is, backpack slung over one shoulder making his posture lopsided, eyes wide behind his pair of thick glasses, hands shoved into the pocket of his oversized MIT sweater, buying a coffee with extra caramel. Except his eyes are red-rimmed and his voice is thick and scratchy like he’d been crying.
Peter shrugs, shoulders hunched up around his ears. “Not really. When do you take your fifteen?”
“He’s taking it right now,” Cassie buts in, elbowing Harley in the ribs. She’s already got Peter’s coffee ready, sitting on the counter, and she’s pouring a second for him. “Take your thirty, I’ll cover for you.”
Harley won’t argue with that, wanting to comfort his new friend. He links their arms together and heads for one of the booths in the far corner instead of their usual table, worry squeezing his chest. It’s only been two months but he cares about Peter a lot. More than he thought possible.
“It’s stupid,” Peter says, but he clutches his drink close to his chest, eyes watery and hands trembling. “My parents want me home for Winter Break.”
Harley would kill to be able to afford a flight home to Tennessee for Winter Break. He has to save up all year just to afford making it home for the summer, winter and spring breaks have to be spent on campus or with Gwen who has an apartment in the city. He misses his mom and sister like crazy when he’s away for so long.
Peter scoffs, glassy eyes rolling. “They suck. I’m sure you’ve heard of Richard and Mary Parker before. Yeah, they’re not about to get Parent of the Year awards.”
“Why not?” Harley asks. He certainly knows the two of them, they’re famous scientists, alumni from MIT as well. It’s hard not to know them. “If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”
“They don’t care, they never did. Most of my childhood was spent with nannies or babysitters while they were out for business or other things they wouldn’t tell me about. The only time they ever cared was when they were telling me off for blemishing their reputation, or to tell me I needed to work harder if I was ever going to be allowed to get their company.”
Harley frowns, trying to empathize with his pain. He’s never been in a situation like that. In Rose Hill, you could get away with doing pretty much anything, nobody had reputations at stake, consequences were few and far between. Harley once landed himself in jail for a stupid night with people who weren’t really friends. Nobody cared, Harley even became pretty good friends with one of the officers who arrested him. His mom didn’t even have to pay to get him out.
“That really sucks, I’m sorry,” Harley says.
Peter shrugs again, chewing on his bottom lip. “I got a B on a test in astrophysics a month ago.”
“I remember.”
“They’re going to kill me for that. A B is essentially an F in my house. To them, I failed.”
Harley’s frown deepens and he reaches across the table to grab Peter’s hand. “You studied so hard for that test, you were sleep-deprived and upset because of that argument with your roommate. That wasn’t your fault. And either way, a B’s still a good grade.”
“Not to my parents, it’s not.”
“Why does their opinion matter? You’re an adult, they don’t have to control you anymore.”
Peter lets out a humorless laugh, eyebrows furrowing as he tries not to cry. “I don’t have a choice. I have to go home for the holidays and I have to take over their company and I have to do what they tell me to do. They control my money, they pay for my tuition, they’re all I’ve got. I don’t have anything else.”
“I’m sorry,” Harley says again, he doesn’t know what else he’s supposed to say, doesn’t know how to make this any easier for him. “Well, if you need anything, feel free to call. I’ll be here all Winter, so I’ll be available to talk if you need to.”
“Thank you.” Peter’s voice breaks and he doesn’t catch the tear in time for Harley not to see it. “I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you. It probably looks like it, but I’m not just using you for coffee.”
Harley smiles, squeezing Peter’s hand. “And I promise I’m not using you for answers to future tests. You may be a genius, but I’m not a cheater.”
“Good because I have a proposition. I only leave on Saturday, and I need an extra set of hands to pack up my dorm room? My roommates already gone, so it’ll just be us and we could watch some movies afterwards? If not, don’t worry about it-”
Harley grins, finishing off his coffee. “I’d love to. Tomorrow afternoon? I have the day off work, but I’ve got a class until two, so I’ll come over after that?”
“Sounds perfect.”
* “I’m going to miss you,” Harley says, watching Peter make a little pile of the bags they’d packed the night before from his bed. Peter’s got a mid-afternoon flight, so he needs to be out by noon. “That’s three Thursday nights without you at the café.”
Peter smiles softly, turning from where he’d set down his backpack at the door. “I’m going to miss you too. Three weeks and I’ll be back to bothering you all the time.”
Despite knowing it’s a joke, Harley rolls his eyes. “You’re never a bother.”
“I’ll call you? I live out in California, so I’ll try to remember the time zone differences, but don’t hate me if I accidentally call you in the middle of the night.”
Harley turns his head into the pillow, smiling dopily at Peter. “I told you, call me whenever. I want to hear all the gossip about your stupid parents.”
“Well there will be plenty of gossip, so be careful what you wish for.”
There’s a pause as the reality of everything sets in. Three weeks without each other after only two months together seems unfair. Harley’s going to miss Peter a lot. He’s been ignoring the crush that’s been festering over the past couple weeks especially. He doesn’t want to hurt their very new, budding friendship, especially not when Peter’s under so much stress as is, but last night, watching movies on Peter’s bed together on his laptop, it really solidified the crush.
“I should get going,” Peter says miserably. He slings his backpack over his shoulder again, glasses askew on his nose, dark circles under his red-rimmed eyes, hands shaking.
“You want me to drop you off instead of taking a cab? I wouldn’t mind driving. We probably even have time to stop for a quick coffee.”
Peter smiles brightly, big enough to show off his dimples and light up his eyes. Harley gets off the bed, taking off his red MIT sweater, leaving him in an old t-shirt from the diner his mom works at, and hands the sweater over to Peter.
He wants to say so you’ll remember me or a reminder you’re not alone but he can’t say it. Instead he says, “You look a bit cold.”
“Thanks,” Peter murmurs, flushing softly. Harley reaches out and straightens his glasses before slinging the duffel bag on the floor over his shoulder.
“Let’s get going then.”
Peter picks the music, old Disney movie soundtracks, and Harley drives, paying for coffees on the way to the Boston airport. They don’t say much, humming along to the music to keep from saying too much, but linking their hands together which says just as much.
When they get to the airport, Peter insists on Harley staying in the car.
“Three weeks,” Peter promises, blinking back tears.
Harley offers a smile, squeezing Peter’s hand. “Call me, it’ll feel like no time at all.”
The younger boy opens his car door and looks like he’s about to slip out of the car, but he turns back to Harley, eyes wide and glassy. He leans across the center of the car and kisses Harley hard.
“I’m sorry-”
Harley reaches over, cups Peter’s face and pulls him back in to kiss him again. “I really like you, like a crazy amount, I didn’t want to say anything because I love having you as a friend, but I do really like you.”
“I really like you too. I didn’t tell you but before you talked to me that one day, I was always going into your café just to see you but I didn’t think you noticed me.”
“You’re going to miss your flight,” Harley says, brushing his thumb over Peter’s cheekbone and frowning disappointedly.
Peter huffs out a breath, pushing open his door. “I’ll call you? We’ll talk about this?”
“Of course. Call me whenever,” Harley says, stealing one last kiss. “Go before you miss your flight.”
The younger boy grins so bright, finally slipping out of the car, backpack over one shoulder, leans back to blow a kiss, and then he’s gone.
Harley has to pause for a second, smiling up at the ceiling of his car, before he feels ready to leave the airport, and Peter, behind.
Three weeks.
* It takes a week and a half for Peter to call, and when he does, he’s crying.
“This sucks,” Peter starts, voice trembling and thick with emotion. “Being home sucks and missing you sucks and everything sucks.”
“Hi to you too, and merry belated Christmas.”
“Sorry, yeah, merry Christmas, happy holidays, hi, how are you, and all that. I wish I were in Boston so much.”
Harley lets out a short laugh, sprawling out on his bed, phone pressed against his ear. “I wish you were here too, if that helps. What happened?”
“My parents were totally pissed about my B like I knew they’d be. And when I tried to tell them about you because I was excited, they told me I’d find a nice girl to settle down with soon enough.” Peter chokes out a sob, voice tipping towards angry. “I know I’m bi, so maybe, but it’s not fair.”
“No, it’s not fair. Some people are like that. I remember coming out as gay in a small town in Tennessee, it wasn’t received very well.”
Peter sighs sympathetically. “I just- I don’t even want their company, you know? I want to work at Stark Industries like how I’d been interning, but I don’t have a choice. I’m the heir, the papers were signed, it’s mine as soon as I graduate so they can retire.”
“You’re a genius, and legally an adult, find a way to un-sign them. Or when you get jurisdiction, terminate the company. There’s still options, there’s still ways you can get where you want to be.”
“I know, I just- I don’t know. I wanna go home. I want to see you.”
Harley smiles softly to himself, shaking his head. “I know, I miss you too. But you’re halfway done, you can do it, and I’ll be there at the airport for you when you get back.”
“I know we said we’d talk about it but I really don’t think I can handle-”
“No, no, of course.” Harley doesn’t mind. He’s kind of liking this in-between stage they’re living in. Not dating, no labels, but definitely something more than friends. “In case you needed a confidence boost, you’re a genius. You’re the smartest person I know and I know a lot of people. According to Gwen, you’re the nicest person too, and I agree. You’re very sweet and kind. Plus, have you seen yourself? You’ve got a lot going for you.”
Peter laughs quietly, tears finally fading. “You’re too nice to me. Maybe being around you is going to make my ego too big.”
“I don’t think that’s possible,” Harley says, lightening up. “You’re too humble for that. Oh, I’m not supposed to tell you this, but apparently, Gwen did notice you first, and she purposefully sent me over to your table that first day.”
“Yep. She thought I was getting too lonely, after spending over a year in Boston and only making two friends, and not seeing anybody, so she was hoping something would happen between us, which I guess it did, so I owe her one.”
Peter laughs again, then goes quiet for a moment. “I need to get going soon. Dad’s taking me to meetings all afternoon. I hate going, people only see me as a stupid kid or as competition.”
“Prove them wrong, stand up for yourself, or at least get me on the phone so I can stand up for you.”
Far away from the door there’s a shouted, “Get your ass out of bed! We leave in thirty and if you’re tie’s on wrong and I have to reteach you, I swear to god, it’ll be the last thing you do!”
“Was that your dad? Threatening you?” There’s already a protective edge to his voice like Harley will fly all the way to California just to stand between Peter and his dad.
“They’re normally empty threats,” Peter offers like it’s no big deal. “He prefers yelling more than anything. Mom says he’d probably do worse if it weren’t for the cameras on us all the time.”
Harley’s mouth falls open, anger flooding through his chest like a wildfire. “You should stay with me this Spring Break and Summer. There’s plenty of extra space in Gwen’s apartment and in my childhood home. I don’t want you back there.”
“You’d want me around for that long?”
He nearly chokes in surprise. “Of course I would. I want you always, whenever. I don’t want you home again if I can help it. It’s obvious it’s not good for you.”
Harley doesn’t know how their relationship will fare, how they’ll be in two months, in six, he doesn’t know if he could convince Peter to stay away knowing the anger it would cause, he doesn’t know if it’ll be enough to keep Peter safe. But he knows he’d do anything to try.
“I’ve gotta go before my dad’s head explodes. I’ll call you as soon as I can and we’ll talk more about these plans, ‘kay? I miss you.”
“I miss you too. Only another week and a half left.”
* Harley has to wait at the airport for three hours because of a flight delay and the longer he waits, the more he itches to see Peter. They still haven’t talked, so Harley isn’t even sure if greeting him with a kiss is allowed, but he doesn’t know how much he cares. He’s been thinking about it for three weeks, lord knows Gwen’s losing her mind with his constant rambles about Peter, and he’s pretty positive Peter will be just as desperate.
He sends another text to Peter, letting him know the area he’s waiting in, and waiting to see if it switches to delivered which would mean he’s landed. It does and Harley can barely contain an excited squeal.
If I run, I can be there in 3
Harley sends back a quick, please, which goes unanswered.
He keeps half his attention on his watch, slowly ticking down, and half on the people walking around him, waiting for the mop of brown curls to make their appearance.
At two minutes, thirty seconds, he sees Peter.
“Peter!” he calls out, ignoring some of the dirty looks people shoot him, and lifting a hand into the air.
Almost immediately, the boy starts running faster down the last stretch of hallway, dropping his duffel a few feet away, before launching into Harley’s awaiting arms.
Harley has to take a few steps to rebalance them, arms winding around Peter’s waist and kissing him hard. Peter’s legs are around his waist, hanging onto him like a lifeline, hands in his hair. Eventually, Peter’s smiling too wide to continue kissing, pulling back to let out a giddy laugh.
“I missed you so bad. I know it was only three weeks and I know we’ve only known each other for a few months, but I really like you, and I didn’t think I would miss you as much as I did, but every day without you felt like a marathon. I don’t want to skip the conversation, but I just want to know that this is real,” Peter rambles.
Stealing another kiss, Harley tightens his grip on the younger boy. “Yes, god yes, I couldn’t stop thinking about you, every day for the past three months, and I want this to be real too. I want to be your boyfriend, I don’t care how soon or crazy it is.”
“My boyfriend,” Peter echoes, lighting up in a smile. He kisses Harley again and then hides his face in the crook of Harley’s shoulder, nodding. “Yes please. I would love that.”
They hold each other for a while longer. Long enough for the majority of the baggage pick-up to clear out, long enough for Harley’s knees to start cramping and his cheeks to hurt with how wide he’s smiling.
“I’m not letting you go back there,” Harley says because it feels necessary. “I’ll find a way for you to stay until you graduate.”
Peter smiles pulling back enough to kiss his forehead. “Good, thank you, I didn’t want to go back.”
“Time to go home, boyfriend?” Saying it makes Harley giddy with pure joy.
His mama’s going to freak when she hears about Peter, she’s only ever wanted what’s best for Harley, and Peter’s that. He’s the best for Harley. It doesn’t get better than him. And he’s going to do everything in his power to be the best for Peter too.
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spideygirl2003 @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay {Let me know if you wanna be added or removed}
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mistabullets · 4 years
can i please request a scenario? 🥺 i was thinking of something like 18-21 y/o kakyoin who gets a new, attractive older neighbor and he just keeps looking for excuses to be around her? (and then m a y b e she repays him for all his help?)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
ok guess i’ll heard y’all loud and clear! have your milf hunter kakyoin :3
NOTE: all characters are aged up! cw includes age gap (think 5+ years tho), fem pronouns, afab reader, alcohol mention, drinking, eating out, fingering, vaginal sex, drunk sex, praising
Not SFW under cut ;
“Good grief, why are you always trying to get with old hags?” Jotaro questioned.
When Kakyoin first laid eyes on you, his new neighbor, discussing with the landlord about the terms and agreement, he was instantly captivated by your beauty. The redhead boy was eyeing you from outside his balcony, enjoying the pleasant spring afternoon and the view you had to offer. He noticed the way you batted your lashes and how well the red lipstick suited your plump lips. The dress you had been wearing that particular day showed off the swell of your ass along with a slight cleavage, a promising view of your bigger breasts. You had certainly made his day and you didn’t even know it.
Two weeks later, Kakyoin notices you were finally moving into the empty apartment right next to his. With no lewd intentions behind his generous offer, he introduces himself as your next-door neighbor and offers to carry some of the heavier boxes, up and down the stairs. You are truly relieved since had some slight aches and pains already from preparing and packing up for your new home all by yourself. The two of you begin unloading the rental truck, which took about a good hour or two. Not that the younger man minds, since each time he trailed behind you, ascending the stairs, he has a great view of your butt. The sway of your hips is almost similar to the swing of a pendulum, spellbinding, to the point he has to control his gaze and not be caught in hypnosis.
Finally, the work is all done and boxes are settled in corners, furniture in their designated spots. You decide to order some pizza and share with Kakyoin, as thanks for all his hard work, despite just having met today. You get to know your new neighbor and friend during dinner; he’s a college student who had explored a lot as a teenager, having seen most of the world. Now, he and his best friend of four years, Jotaro, are studying at the local university; he’s currently in his junior year and halfway through in receiving a bachelor’s in Game Design. You’re impressed by his passion, saying he must be smart to be able to learn the complicated knowledge of technology and the dedicated art skill needed for video games. And Kakyoin learns a bit about you as well. Apparently, you moved because of a recent job offer, already had a degree under your belt, and you were seven years his senior. You had even been married at one point but divorced the scum over half a year ago! The younger man is surprised when he realizes you are close to hitting your thirties, believing you were at least in your early to mid-twenties. You take it as a compliment though, lucky that you have no grey hair yet to appear, despite the stress that had accumulated.
Over the next few weeks, Kakyoin helps you settle into your home. He gives you directions to wherever you need to go, helps you unpack a variety of clothes, cooking utensils, shower curtains, the bed frame, and even more furniture. The man is even kind enough to help with laundry and help set up the new computer that you had purchased recently. In return, you begin cooking meals for your young neighbor and his roommate. You have tried to offer him some money before but he always declines it, saying it was just him lending a helping hand to someone who needs it. What a sweet boy, I wish my ex would have been so kind like him, you would think to yourself.
Eventually, the two of you became close friends. You would invite him over for drinks and dinner after work. Sometimes, Jotaro would be there too, but he had no interest in hanging out with older women, always muttering “good grief” when you would burst into a fit of laughter after the redhead would tell a cheesy joke.
Tonight is a repeat of that.
You let out a snort, doubling over, “O-Oh geez, that’s a good one, Kak-kun!”
It is you, Kakyoin, and Jotaro playing a new game on the Nintendo 64. However, alcohol is in the mix, and both you and the redhead man are a bit too tipsy. Jotaro, annoyed by his friends’ antics, leaves the party of three, saying he has to get up early in the morning. Jotaro wonders if it is a good idea to depart, knowing his friend has a huge crush on you and it could lead to something messy. But he concludes, after interacting with you for the past month, there’s always a glint in your eyes when Kakyoin is around. Jotaro’s curious to see where it would eventually lead to. He utters a simple bye before telling his roommate he will leave the door unlocked if anyone needs him.
The soft click of the door closing indicates the party of three just turned into a party of two. Now, it is just you and Kakyoin now, still giggling over whatever nonsense had you howling. Once you manage to gain a semblance of composure, you tell the redhead that you want to watch a new movie you had bought recently. You toss the box at him, to see the cover. The man is intrigued after reading the back of the VHS box. After stating his interest, he slips the cassette into the player. After making some adjustments to the TV settings and pressing the button to play the movie, Kakyoin curls up right beside you on the couch. For right now, his attention is on the television screen, anticipating the horror sequences for Silence of the Lambs. But after about halfway into the movie, he notices how with each jump scare or the buildup of a scene, you would scoot yourself, as if seeking some sort of protection. Eventually, the boy, with warm drunken courage, lazily wraps one of his arms around your frame, holding you tight when the suspension broke within each scene.
As the credits rolls, you look up at your fellow movie-goer, slightly less intoxicated and realize his hand had slipped down to your waist during the course of the movie. An idea comes forth from the remainder of your inebriated and primitive mind, eyeing the young man beside you. You register, that you like Kakyoin a lot more than you originally thought. He’s mature for his age, super smart, and you bet he had some youthful vigor to him, right? With a stupid yet dazzlingly grin spreading across your delicious lips, you reach out to touch one of Kakyoin’s cheeks, rubbing it tenderly, a heated blush already radiating.
“Y-Y/N? What is it?” he asks, slight confusion in his voice. He always assumed you were into older men, or at least someone your age.
With drunken stupor, you giggle, “Oh nothing Kak, just realized how cute you are… like, really cute.”
You could feel the blush burn the palm of your hand even more, “Oh, really now?” the boy prods, his lush thoughts spiking a nerve in him, finding a renowned boldness.
“Yeah, I… I don’t know, just kind of wanna kiss you. Would that be okay?” now you are flushing as you took note of how Kakyoin’s lavender orbs scan your body and the position you are currently in. The faint scent of beer from your breath tickles his nostrils and he finally sees just how inviting your pretty lips are, even without the lipstick applied on. Your eyes long from him, even in the darkness with the faint glow of the menu screen. Without any more hesitation, he seals you in an experimental kiss. You gasp into his mouth but soon welcome the taste of fermented booze and cherry-flavored chap-stick. Soon, his tongue slips into your mouth and he tastes even more of you; it is more intoxicating than the beer the both of you shared earlier. After a minute or two of this developing make-out session, his soft lips peels away from yours; both of you need to catch your breath, to process what was going on. But you could sense both of you wanted more, by how flushed your cheeks are and the lust dancing in his pupils. You decide to make the next move, being the more experienced one, by straddling his lap. You lock lips again.
One thing leads to another. Eventually, the redhead underneath you unbuttons your blouse, throwing it into some forgotten corner of your living room. Kisses and loves bites are littered on the side of your neck, down to your left breast. Wanting more of his touch, you reach from behind and unhook the bra hook, revealing your ample tits. Kakyoin allows himself a moment to admire the softness, how bouncy they look, and how delicious your nipples look. Experimentally, he reaches for one breast while he leans in and gives the unattended nipple a lick. You grab a hold of both shoulders as Kakyoin stops being experimental and more precise with technique. What was the last time you felt this good? And god, you feel your panties are already soaked as the young man pinches your hardening buds. “O-Oh god, Kak-kun, y-yes, good boy, you’re doing such a good job~”
Encouraged, the boy slides one of his hand from your chest, slithering his warm digits against your belly until he reaches your groin and the hem of your pants. He reaches further down, slipping his hand into your jeans and feeling to lacy undergarments you are wearing. You edge him to go further, wanting to feel his thick fingers inside of you already. “Right there, Kak~” you plead, as the boy peppers kisses into your neck and shoulder. He happily fulfills your request, exploring southward, passing your trimmed bush before being invited by the welcoming slit of your wet pussy. However, Kakyoin has an even better idea. Without warning, he grabs you by the waist and gently throws you onto the couch. Now he’s on top of you, gaining control.
You elicit a gasp, slightly taken aback by his boldness, “Oh my, Kakyoin…”He pulls down your jeans along with your panties, and now you’re fully naked before the younger man as he drinks in the sight of your sexy figure. He reaches for the hem of his shirt and throws it off. You can’t help but also admire the defined muscles of his abdomen, the heave of his chest from all the excitement, and the bulge growing more prominent with each passing moment. Your focus is turned back to Kakyoin, as he opens up your legs and nestles into the apex of your thighs. “Please, Y/N, call me Noriaki,” he says before dipping his face to your sex, spreading apart your pussy to reveal your glistening pussy and your needy clit. He admires it for a moment, before his tongue curiously laps over your exposed entrance, the tip of it probing at your sensitive nub. Instinctively, you reach to grab a hand fist full of crimson locks, particularly his side bang. “Noriaki, r-right there… lick my clit again, please…!”
And after a few more licks, he finally gets the hang of it all, your voice guidance to how to properly eat out a woman. Your ex would rarely go down on you despite how often he would demand blowjobs… and when he did go down, he would complain about how you needed to look good and clean yourself up. However, Kakyoin is obsessed with the musky, feminine scent of you and drinks your juices like a man who hasn’t had water in days. While he’s not exactly experienced compared to Jotaro, his eagerness to please makes up for it. He rests one hand on your inner thigh while he decides to further tease your entrance. He index and middle finger presses up against your core and sinks in. You let out a moan, not prepared for the intrusion but once they are adjusted, buried to the hilt, you begin to welcome the sturdy digits inside of you. And Kakyoin enjoys the wet warmth swallowing up his fingers, the velvety walls of your cunt hugging him tightly. Gently, he begins to scissor and curls the two fingers inside you, until he finds that one sweet spot that makes your back arch and you release a needy cry. Making a mental note to himself, he pumps his finger in and out of you while his lips suck at your clit. You scream his name, “N-Noriaki! O-Oh fuck, if you, nngh! K-Keep that up– I-I’ll cum!”
He gasps for air, but still relentlessly finger fucking your insides, “Then please, do cum for me, Y/N!”
And keep it up he does, eyeing your body and watching with satisfaction as you squirm and buck yourself into him; you want more of his mouth on your pink pearl and more of his thick fingers inside of you. Thinking you can handle it, Noriaki adds a third finger and continues his ministrations, wanting to bring you to your first climax of the evening. The pad of his fingers hits your g-spot one more time and coil in your abdomen uncurls, washing you with a wave of pleasure and your eyes rolling to the back of your head. After your orgasm settles down and you’re down gushing out your juice, the boy underneath you gently pulls out his fingers, admiring the slick wetness before popping it into his mouth. He can’t help it, you just taste so, so sweet to him. You relish in the afterglow of your climax before remember how hard your new lover must be.
Catching him off guard, you tackle the younger man back on the bed and start to unbuckle his belt. You then proceed to unzip his pants, pulling it and his boxer (with cherries on them of course) down to his ankles. You take a moment to examine his manhood, the length being long and having a decent amount of girth to it. You think the red tip is cute, matching hair color. While it looks appetizing, you want to get to the main course. Not wasting any more time, you mount your lover and begin to tease his dick, already leaking with precum. Kakyoin takes the time to appreciate your palpable body and how it radiates your lustful intentions. Your hair is already a mess, (e/c) eyes are wanting, and your shoulders and checks a subtle shade of red. He grabs your hips and helps you as you start to align your molten core with his bold erection, now slicker with your lewd fluids. Slowly, you begin to sink down, the tip of Kakyoin’s cock already filling you up. His nails bite into your waist, leaving crescent shape scars while his dick is buried to a hilt. “G-God, (Y/N), you feel absolutely amazing around me, p-please, I want more of your pussy–”
“N-Nori– mm, god, yes, I’ll fuck you, I-I want to thank you, oh god, you’re so big–” you babble, as you begin bouncing on him, taking control and placing your hands on his chest. You lean down for another passionate kiss, riding him until exhaustion before he takes the lead. Both of you go at it for hours…
Meanwhile, Jotaro can hear all of this. The walls are very thin but at least, so it seems, that the both of you are having fun. But it’s still annoying and your lewd noises will definitely wake up the cranky neighbors. “Yare yare daze,” the black-haired man groans to himself, rummaging through his drawer until he finds his handy dandy Walkman with his headphones already attached. He slips them on and presses the play button, blocking out the sultry moans and godawful dirty talks the both of you converse in. Finally, he can study in peace. He goes back to his desk and returns to his research for his marine zoology class. 
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collegeessayguy · 4 years
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Have the adults in your life been hassling you about making the most of high school in preparation for college? Maybe you’ve been nudged towards classes that will look good on your transcript or lovingly pushed in the direction of extracurriculars that lend themselves to impressive application essays?
If that sounds familiar, I want you to know: that’s not what this article is about.
There are so many things to do in high school but, in some cases, the preoccupation with using high school as a tool to get into college can make life miserable and activities unenjoyable.
But there is hope high school is about more than preparing for college. If you want to make good use of your high school years and prepare for college and have a good time, the tips below are for you.
One of the reasons college is more stressful than high school? You’re more independent. And because you’re more independent, life in general requires better time management. You’ll have way more obligations and your professors are not going to chase you down to remind you about that deadline next week. Not only that but your parents won’t be just a few feet away and able to bug you when you slack off.
Using a calendar to track your day is an easy way to start managing your time a bit better. Some people prefer an old-school, pen-and-paper planner. Studies show that writing things down with your hand (rather than typing them onto a screen), makes you more likely to remember them.
But your paper planner can’t send reminders to your phone. If you prefer tech, you can’t go wrong with good ol’ Google calendar. (It’s what I use.) iCalendar is also great, or your parents might have a Cozi Calendar membership you can take advantage of.  
Here’s what your calendar might look like:
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Regardless of the type of calendar you use, here are a few basics of good time management:
Put tests, practices, events, meetings, appointments, project due dates, and days off into your calendar as soon as you find out about them—this could be as early as the first week of the semester when you get your syllabus. Once you know when something is due, decide how long it will take to do it. Work backwards and schedule time into your calendar to work on that project or study.
For example, if your science project is due on May 10th, you could allot one hour each day to work on it, May 1 - 9. Or maybe two hours every two days.
Make sure there’s space in your schedule for downtime and fun, too! If need be, block out time to see your friends or just binge that new Netflix show. That way, when someone asks you to help them study on Sunday afternoon, you can tell them you’re busy. Busy watching the new season of Game of Thrones, that is.
You know that colleges favor well-rounded applicants–people who volunteer and get good grades, test well and take part in their communities. But balancing your studies and life is about more than just creating a competitive college application.
Taking time away from your studies will invigorate you and activate  different parts of your brain. Making art, playing soccer, or just going to a concert will recharge your mental batteries in a way that a 10-minute study break can’t. Participating in life outside of academics also boosts your creativity, increases your emotional intelligence, and helps you strengthen relationships.
And just as importantly–it’s fun.  
Make time to get out of your books and into your life.
High school is about more than GPAs and SATs; it’s often a place where you form lifelong friendships. And sometimes it’s easier to form those friendships when you see people outside of chemistry class.
Explore a few of your school’s organizations–try the debate club, Ultimate Frisbee, fencing, or student government. If your school doesn’t have any organizations that light your fire, try starting your own. Maybe lots of people would want to play Quidditch if you started a team?
If starting a school organization isn’t your style, explore the groups and organizations your community has to offer. Check out rec league sports, volunteer at the local animal shelter, or sing with your church’s choir.
Here are a few other ways to connect with people in your community:
Meetup.com: A website that allows users to create events and meetup groups in their local community around any topic you can imagine: Pick-up basketball games, book clubs, weekend, painting groups, mobile app developer meetup groups for girls. Have an interest? There’s probably a meetup for it. Don’t see it? Start your own!
Your local community center: You know that building in the park with all the flyers promoting rec league sports, town hall meetings, and litter pick ups? Poke your head in and see if there’s anything on the calendar that appeals to you. It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors.
Check out greatnonprofits.org to find a non-profit near you
Use the search feature at Idealist.org for even more.
Ask your counselor! There could be something coming up next week that you don’t even know about.
Connect with a local museum–many have teen programs and docent opportunities–or check with your local animal shelter, YMCA, temple, church, or synagogue.
Maybe even go back to your middle or elementary school and see how you can help.
Fun fact: your teachers are real, actual humans who have senses of humor, hobbies, and interests outside of getting you to turn in your homework on time. Shocking, right?
One of the easiest ways to make the most of high school is to talk to your teachers and get to know them.
Stay after class and ask that question that seemed too in-depth for the rest of the class. Tell them you loved the last novel they selected and ask if they can recommend any similar books. Ask your Government teacher what she thinks of that bill that’s moving through Congress.
These conversations will give you deeper insights into the topics you’re studying and–bonus!– will probably (read: definitely) make it easier to get great teacher recommendations for your college applications.
When you’re applying to competitive universities, it’s tempting to stuff your schedule with ‘impressive’ courses you think will look good on applications. AP Calc BC! AP Physics! AP Japanese! If you truly want to take AP Calc or feel it will help with your dream of becoming a civil engineer, take AP Calc. But when you stack your schedule with classes you don’t really like and then use those classes as the basis of your college application, you’re setting yourself up for a pretty miserable academic experience.
Real talk: college can be incredibly stressful. You’re juggling a challenging course load, applying for internships, working part time–all while living far from home with roommates you might not have chosen for yourself. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right?
Use your slightly-less-stressful high school years to build good self-care habits. What does this look like? Well, it looks different for everyone, but these basics are a good start:
Get eight hours of sleep
Exercise 20 minutes each day
Drink enough (about half a gallon) of water per day
Limit social media use (and all the self-doubt that comes with it) by setting social media locks that shut you out after you’ve exceeded a certain time limit
Bonus Tip (if you have an iPhone): here’s how to make it work for you and not against you (one of my favorite productivity articles ever, btw)
Spending time with friends doing something other than studying or talking about college applications
Your high school experience doesn’t have to be a test run for college, filled only with test prep and ‘impressive’ classes. If you follow these tips, you can totally prepare for college while still enjoying high school.
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callsign-bunnie · 5 years
Dependencies PT 2
Fandom: Thomas Sanders Pairing: Analogical (Anxiety x Logic) Warnings: dark themes. You guys know me by now. Virgil’s anxious thoughts are stated. Allusions to sex. (Lust mention.) Food mention. Notes before going in: I’m a scatterbrained idiot, so this may not have a good storyline so far, but it should get better. Summary: Logan has a conversation with a “nemesis” and decides to set a man out to watch Virgil. He doesn’t quite understand his concern but he knows it’s there and that he will feel better with one of his men watching Virgil. 
Virgil tapped his fingers on the wall again as he waited for it to turn to five o'clock. He'd just pretty much hung out around the area, nervous to be late. Or worse, forget. He figured if he stressed about it, he wouldn't forget. He was luckily very right. And he had definitely been stressing about it. 
The tapping of his fingers had stayed at an alarmingly fast pace. He was still nervous about fucking something up and Dr. Fairling deciding he was hopeless. It could happen. Shut up. When the time finally came, Virgil stepped into the classroom, knocking on the doorway to get his Professor's attention. 
Dr. Fairling looked up from what was likely lesson plans and smiled. "Mr. Storm, come in."
Virgil shuffled over to the desk and sat down. "You can just call me Virgil, I don't mind."
"Alright, Virgil." Dr. Fairling nodded and got out some folders. 
 Virgil looked at the folders, trying to figure out what they were. One was blue, another red. And the last was purple. When Dr. Fairling opened the purple folder, Virgil saw lesson plans and keys. Dr. Fairling got out the first plans and then asked Virgil to get out a notebook, which he promptly did.
The tutoring ended up being as one could expect, boring and not helpful. Virgil still had trouble with it. He just couldn't wrap his brain around it. So, Dr. Fairling just sent him back to his dorm with a request for him to come back the next day, despite him not having the class that next day. "We'll conquer it tomorrow. In the meantime, get some rest. Sleep can help the brain to process information better." So Virgil did as told, hoping he'd do better the next day.
Logan gathered up his stuff when Virgil left, knowing he'd have no other students needing tutoring on the first day. He tried to consider a way to help Virgil but it seemed to be too big for Virgil to just get. Perhaps if he broke it into tiny pieces... Maybe spread it out so Virgil didn't get overwhelmed by the bigger picture. He noted that in his plans and then headed to his home, sighing as he saw a black sports car in the driveway. "Of course."
He went to the house and then inside. "Damien." He said, not even looking at the man on his couch. Damien smirked. The entire left half of his body was covered in an acid burn scar. The source of which was still unknown. "Logan." He leaned back and crossed his legs.
"What are you doing in my house?" Logan set his bag down and poured two glasses of Jack Daniel's, going and handing one to Damien before sitting down.
"Because I wanted to visit my favorite nemesis. And inform you that you're going to have problems soon. There's a rat in your midst." Damien deadpanned at the last statement before smirking again. "One of my snakes caught them making deals with another Lord."
"So that's where Jack went." Logan nodded, thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose I should thank you."
"Don't even. Pest control, really. However, we suspect they managed to get information out." Damien took a drink out of his glass, yellow leather daintily but somehow still firmly gripping the glass. "I'd be happy to lend a snake to help you out."
Logan laughed and took a drink out of his own. "You know I'd never trust one of your men. Thank you, however, for the offer."
Damien pouted, mocking offense, before giving a dark laugh. "Anyway, that's all I needed to tell you."
He set down his glass on the coffee table. "Actually, I have a question. I was wondering how you manage to avoid attachments. You have no one to hold as a weakness. It's infuriating how you manage to do that."
Logan shrugged, finishing off his glass and sighing. "Well, Damien, I suppose it's a side effect of intelligence." He chuckled at him.
Damien rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He got up and brushed off his suit. "Tell Patton I said hello."
"Likewise to Remus."
Damien nodded and then just walked out the door. Well, more strutted.
Logan rolled his eyes and locked the door before locking the entire house, putting in the passcode. He then got ready for bed, before his mind drifted to Virgil.
The boy had seemed so... Scared. Which was unusual when he was in his persona. Sure, some seemed nervous but not actually scared. He got out his phone and dialed Patton. "Patton? Hello. I have someone new for you to watch. Virgil Storm. He's a student at the college I work at."
Patton had barely managed to get a word out before he was given an order, sighing and then letting out a long whine. "But Logan! I have better things to do?"
"Like what?" Logan huffed.
Patton was quiet for a moment. "Alright, fineeee. Hey, wait, why do you want this info, anyway?"
"Because i- well, I- that's none of your concern!" Logan exclaimed and then hung up.
Patton rolled his eyes at the cell phone, heading to find Virgil. 
The boy in question was painting in his room, soothed by it. 
His roommate, Roman, had gotten home already and was singing rather loudly in the shower. 
They had a complicated relationship. Virgil and Roman both had no friends. However, where Virgil was an introvert and happiest that way, Roman was an extrovert and tried to hide that he was lonely. Virgil knew better, though. He could see Roman was very lonely. 
Both boys had decided they were not friends though. They were too different. But they still hung out, occasionally. Roman did his best not to have a hook up over when Virgil was home. Virgil didn't listen to loud music if Roman was home.  
They were courteous to each other. But that was it. 
Virgil rolled his eyes at the show tunes his roommate was singing and lightly hit the wall to tell him to knock it off before continuing to paint.
Roman quieted, though he could still be heard. Virgil chuckled and put some details.
He was painting the sky but it was in lilac and plum shades. He was particularly good at monochromatic works, and that showed in what he did. Though, mostly, he did skulls and flowers. Those were the ones mostly around his room. 
He was proud of them, stopping to look at them again. His favorite was a skull with flowers and vines growing on it.
He had it in a spot where it could be easily seen. He turned back to his painting and set it to dry, getting his shimmer glaze set up. These particular paintings he kept from sight. 
He didn't want anyone to see this side of him. The softer feminine side. 
While the glaze thickened, he laid on his bed, playing on his phone and then thinking about Mr. Fairling. Luckily, the tutoring session hadn't gone how he'd been worried it would. But he still was nervous. He still hadn't gotten it. And he had to go back tomorrow to try again. That was pretty nerve-wracking. If he didn't get it again, surely then Dr. Fairling would realize how stupid he was and decide he was beyond help. He really wished his head would shut up. Dr. Fairling looked fairly young for a professor. But he was apparently in his fourth year. Had graduated very young. Child prodigy and all that. Which made sense on how he already held the doctorate title while being in his fourth year of teaching. But, still. It just seemed odd that he was so young.
Virgil just sighed and tried to shake the thoughts out of his head, noticing that his painting no longer had a sheen to it. That meant it was fully dry. He got out his cardboard box with some twine making a grid across the top, then laid the painting on it. He very carefully got the cup with glaze in it, stirring it before pouring it on the painting. Already, the painting shimmered. He got his large brush and spread out the glaze until it completely covered the painting.
The glaze would dry to be matte, and also protect the painting underneath. The glitter in it was a fine pearlescent powder, making it so the painting underneath could still be seen. He'd used a small amount, wanting the glaze to stay transparent.
When it was coated, he left it to dry, changing into his pajamas and then sighing as he laid down. He had fewer classes the next day, but since it was a Tuesday, they were much longer. Which was gonna be so much fun?
He had a fun schedule set out for him. 
Please don’t expect a consistent update schedule. I just got excited
Tag list: @mya-aleha @nowletmeseeyourkezzhands
I hope this lived up to your guys’ expectations!
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I’m not sure how other 34 year olds feel when their 35th birthday is coming up. As for me, I felt like my failures grew more apparent. Celebrate what you HAVE accomplished and be grateful for another day.
I’ve been wanting to try something new for a good minute. Like point number one, it’s okay to fail at something! This goes hand in hand with being a beginner. I strongly believe in being a student of life. I always wanted to learn a new language.
We are often so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old! If you needed a reminder to call your parents, this is it. Do it now! My mom is my world. She was my worst enemy as a teenager but now my best friend as an adult <3
Fuck what everyone is doing on Instagram. Fuck what your high school friends are doing. Fuck what your college friends are doing. Live your life at your own pace. If you had kids or want kids before marriage, fuck it. If you chose your career before a man, FUCK IT. You will move at the pace that is meant for YOU.
Being true to yourself takes guts. First, you’ve got to face everything around you and figure out what is important; what you think really counts ;). second, you’ve got to interact with a lot of people who may see things differently.
No relationship is perfect, ever. There are always some ways you have to bend, to compromise, to give something up in order to gain something greater... The love we have for each other is bigger than these small differences. and that’s the key. it’s like a big pie chart, and the love in a relationship has to be the biggest piece. Love can make up for a lot.
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah.. too painful. soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then Leave.
It’s the same! Except we’re still young enough to have fun without making dumb decisions. We’re also more mindful financially! We always have experienced and seen things and know what not to repeat. I feel a little more at ease at 30. I’m caring less about what other people think. I really don’t have energy for it anymore!
My mom always told me to wear sunscreen on my face. I never listened. I have a lot of sunspots on my face now! Wearing sunscreen helps protect you from skin cancer, wrinkles and sunspots/freckles. If you aren’t listening to ya mama, listen to me! lol I wear Glossier’s Invisible Shield, but they’ve been sold out for a good minute. So, I’m currently using Super Goop’s Sunscreen Moisturizer. So far, it hasn’t made me break out!
At the very least, keep some make up removal wipes beside your bed! I know we’re tired af at the end of the night, but you’ll be doing your skin a huge favor in the long run. Just know that make up wipes don’t take off everything, you’d be surprised how much is still on your face! So always try to go further and do your skin care routine.
11) LIFE
This Life is what you make it. no matter what, you’re going to mess up sometimes. it’s a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you’re going to mess it up. Girl’s will be your Friends - they’ll act like it anyways. but just remember, some come, some go. the ones that stay with you through everything- they’re your true best friends. don’t let go of them. As for Lovers, well, they’ll come and go too. And i hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can’t give up because if yoi give up, you’ll never find your soulmate, you’ll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. just because you fail once, doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything. keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don’t, then who will? so keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.
Everyone on social media posts their highlight reels but only a few share the grit and grind behind it all. Don’t forget to give yourself credit even for the smallest things that you don’t think is “post worthy”. Pat yourself on the back!
I strongly believe in the butterfly effect. How you treat others can leave a positive or negative effect on them. I always try my best to be kind to others. If I can’t be kind, I’m very quiet! Even if people are mean to me, I think deeper like are they having a bad day? Maybe my kind act can help them change their mood.
Best recipe to live by. So many people offer a lending hand but expect so much in return.
Someone who forces shit to happen is ignorant & aggressive. You can’t force relationships or friendships to work out. It doesn’t work that way if it’s ONE SIDED. Sometimes, TIME helps a situation out. Let it play out, what’s destined to be yours will be yours!!! All relationships should be bloomed organically. Always try to understand one another. Some people don’t move like you and that’s okay.
Enough said. Ain’t no body got time for that.
You don’t have to be “crazy” to see a therapist. I did and it was life changing. There’s a huge stigma with mental health, but it’s actually more common than people think. People struggle with it daily but hide it because of the stigma. I also found out that students who are trying to become a therapist offer free or very affordable services to those who don’t have insurance! Check out any college and I’m sure you’ll find something fitting!
Practice your breathing too! Headspace is really helpful app that concentrates on various subjects: anxiety, depression, stress, etc. I don’t meditate long! It can be as little as 3 minutes. Taking a moment to find yourself again can help you in the long run.
BITCH, you better be planning to travel!!!!! I can’t emphasize this enough. If you’re a woman reading this, we MUST DO IT NOW. Before you have kids, just do yourself this favor. You won’t regret it. Seeing parts of the world has broaden my perspective immensely!
I’m at this point in my life where I’m looking at everything and everyONE and ask myself, does this spark joy?! It’s completely necessary for you to start fresh and say thank you to things and people who no longer serve a purpose in your life.
You can’t rely on someone else to fill the void you were supposed to heal yourself first. Don’t be selfish and make sure that you are completed healed when moving on to the next partner!
WE AINT GIVIN A FUCK IN 2019 & MOVING FORWARD. Go ahead and post what you want. We’re not living for the validation of others.
Currently trying to get through this right now. lol
This goes with 17 & 18. If I sound like I’m repeating myself, then it’s because I really am adamant about it! I didn’t always have GAD, but when I realized I had it, I learned to take the necessary steps to control my anxiety. I realized working out in the gym is not the only “exercising” I should be doing. I should be practicing affirmation, gratitude & meditation.
Some people really just in it for the gossip. Keep your circle tight and you’ll be aiite. For me, being in the social media industry has led me to meet several people. It’s rare to meet someone genuine, so I always make sure I keep my distance but still always show respect and give them an opportunity to open up.
As you get older, accountability will help you grow. Owning up to your actions towards others can help you realize how you react towards others or situations. Before pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean. I’m a strong believer of what you give this world is gonna come back to you.
I remember signing up for the gym and telling the membership counselor my goal was to grow a bigger butt and get abs. I’ve learned that your body works as a whole unit, not in isolation! Overall strength over aesthetic is the wave! I love being strong <3
You’ll come across people in your life that you can’t see eye to eye with. It could be family, your partner or your friends. I think it’s important to grasp a better understanding of personality traits/disorders such as narcissism, bipolar, emotional abusers, psychopaths, etc. They come or are in your life more often than you think! Not only do I suggest to gain insight on it, but also I recommend researching how to DEAL with it. I promise you things will come to light once you do.
Your 20s are your selfish years. Remember to put yourself FIRST. We cannot love someone successfully without loving ourselves first. Our first love should be ourselves to know how WE want to be loved. We must feel secure before stepping into anything serious. Live life for yourself, be gracious and love yourself wholeheartedly.
Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives? Because if not, there’s absolutely no point.
never take responsibility for ppl not seing your worth. There was nothing u could have changed them. No perfection would have made them loyal. No sacrifice would have them made committed. Stop taking blame for decisions that aren't yours
32) Success is never owned.. it’s rented, and the rent is due everyday. -pacman
I care too much, I trust too much, I think too much, I love too much, everything about me is just too much. But even so I wouldn’t want to change that about me. Just holding onto the hope that one day my “too much” will be everything someone could ever want.
From good things, we learn to be a thankful person. From bad things, we learn to be a strong person. Remember that everything will not go the way you want it to. It's a matter of learning that life isn't handed to you. Stop worrying about what others want. Think about what you want, if you listen too much to what people say about you, you will never be who you really are.
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