#please rb to spread the poll
bellatrixfest · 5 months
I'd like to gage interest - I'm considering running the fest slightly earlier this year to fit around my schedule
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tisorridalamor · 1 year
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lenteur · 1 year
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oliveraiku · 1 year
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stackthedeck · 1 year
been thinking about some stuff so if y'all could participate in this poll I'd be so grateful
If you mainly read non-fiction of any genre, replace novel with essay, memoir, textbook, etc. I'm concerned more with the medium than the genre
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daffythefox · 1 year
I know there are other ones for like cluster b but I wanna do one for npd specifically.
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coquelicoq · 1 year
i was gonna rb my be-lov-ed/be-loved poll once more before it closes in 8 hours, but tumblr is not letting me rb any polls today :( so if you haven't voted yet and would like to, you can find it here :)
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ignitification · 1 year
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mono-chrono · 9 months
I swear to the gods I have my own answer for this and surprisingly it’s not children
If you see this, please RB! It’ll give me a larger polling size!
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thottybrucewayne · 1 month
Hey so, my period (officially) started no more shadow boxing with cramps BUT I have no pads, no pain meds, my heating pad won't come on and it's cold as HELL in my place rn. These Bills are dog walking me too : ( Here are my paylinks if you feel like blessin' a bad bitch Cashapp Venmo Kofi ppal: [email protected]
Please rb the post even if it's just to spread the poll.
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iminyourbookshelf · 4 months
QSMP community positivity because the streamer awards made me so happy
(under the cut because it's going to be A LOT)
QSMP Digital Artist - Ate and left NO crumbs ever omg. The amount of detail, varying styles, and epic scenes are my favorite. The variety of art styles for QSMP artist is like just going to a buffet to browse and they're all special little dishes made with so much love.
QSMP Tradtional Artist - HOW CAN YOU DRAW/PAINT SOME OF THIS STUFF?? Watercolor paintings of QSMP bulids, notebook spreads with cute little details, the fact that you can draw traditionally at all. All so talented.
QSMP Beginner Artist - NEVER GET DISCOURAGED <33. Everyone was a beginner at some point and seeing people improve over time with their art is so cool. I consider myself still a beginner even though I've been drawing for a couple years now lol. There is still so much for me to learn, and the fact how kind the qsmp art community is makes me so happy. Keep improving, your art looks great <3
QSMP Fanfiction Authors - I don't know whether to compliment you or ask for my therapy payment (/lh). So many authors have ripped my heart out and left it out to dry and others are like a bucket of fluff and joy. I love both of these. The writing quality is genuinely amazing on so many of these. I love to visualize when reading and with all the details it's basically just watching a movie.
QSMP Web Weavers - You guys are AMAZING. Finding so many quotes, transcripts, fanarts, aesthetic photos, and being able to combine them in a way that represents characters so well is beautiful. Not to mention the fact how your able to put credits for everything in an easy to find way??? Perfect.
QSMP Moodboards/Stimboard makers - These are so cute aaaa. I love seeing them, all the little collections of photos or gifs of characters I like is very fun.
QSMP Poll Accounts - I LIVE for taking polls. It's just fun to have a place to put an opinion you had for yourself that you didn't know how to put unprompted on your own post. Seeing results after a while also makes me happy to see what as a general consensus the fandom is on.
QSMBLR and QSMPTWT users - Transferring information from one hellsite to the other, I admire anyone who can survive in the discourse trenches and come back with account updates.
QSMP Clip accounts - I love seeing silly clips of cubitos, and especially those with transcripts and translations. It's a lot of effort and I admire that. Gives me so much info I would've missed otherwise.
QSMP translators - As someone still currently learning the other languages, it is so helpful when people translate it. Sometimes your brain just hurts and you can only read your native language. Also anyone who translates things from English to other languages, yes please make it for other speakers.
QSMP Multi-Shippers - It's so fun to see these, yes give your cubito 7 different romantic/platonic partners. You guys collect ships like Pokémon and it is inspiring
QSMP Cosplayers - I respect cosplayers so much. The wigs, the makeup, the costume, the PROPS?? All take so much work it's amazing to see final products. I reccently tried making a scythe for one I want to do, and I was struggling. Y'all are so cool.
QSMP Character Analysis Posts - Keeping fanfiction accuracy and my personal view on characters as close to canon as possible. These help so much when I need to look for a character I haven't watched much and easy to read.
QSMP Livebloggers - Save me from losing track of lore when I'm busy. I swear some of you just never sleep (please do but thank you for information). The amount of stuff I can figure out from vague post of combined livebloggers makes it much easier to know what's happening. Most of my mutual liveblog a lot and it saves me so much time <3
QSMP Rebloggers - KEEPING THIS FANDOM ALIVE‼️‼️ Tumblrs algorithm is based on reblogs, accounts that are just lurkers rb stuff ily. Hell yeah man, take all the cool stuff and share it.
QSMP Animatics - Movie night exists because of you guys!! Sometimes you all make me want to sob violently or laugh till I can't breathe. The differences in each video is so fun to see. The effort in each one is just beautiful too, animatics are NOT easy.
QSMP Editors - The fact that people can take a cube game and turn into epic/sad/cute edits with a few clips, transitions, and audios astounds me. You guys are so cool and I love seeing them. Also the fanart edits are so sick, finding the best ones to match.
QSMP Fan Video Creators - Stuff like the Federation Welcoming Workers Video, that one cucrucho cereal video, things like that. Quality is usually amazing and all the unique takes or camera work is epic. Idk what else fits in this genre but I just wanted to mention it.
QSMP RP Accounts - Seeing other people's takes on characters are so interesting and fun to see. RP is a skill I need to work on and it's done pretty well with these accounts. The amount of detail y'all can put is insane.
QSMP OC creators - Cringe culture is dead, I love seeing people make their little characters interact with eachother based on the QSMP. Keep it up and pls share it.
QSMP 3D Animators/Modelers - I never expirence more joy than when I see a 3D model of a qsmp rat spinning around. Also any 3D animators your dedication is insane. I tried learning 3D animation once and that was a STRUGGLE.
QSMP Vod savers/YT summaries -Actual lifesavers, there is no way I could've been apart of this community without them. Watching a few videos a day about what happened on the server makes it easier for me to actually do other things. Also that one person who made a QSMP2023 summary in UNDER 10 minutes, you are insane and did such a great job.
QSMP Accounts in Different Languages - QSMPBLR is heavily more English speaking than other languages, and when people main tag with post in different languages it makes me so happy. This was the point of the server, to let people post in whatever language they wanted. It's also fun for me to practice and try to translate it for myself.
I tried to get everything but please add if you have anything <3
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small-giggle · 1 month
(tagging sm ppl to spread it PLEASE RB)
@mybedroomceilingsbored @forever-bi-panic @killerdinosourusrex @boob-gremlin
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gecemi09 · 3 months
"Why do you write Fanfiction" Poll
(Guys this is for a research project, so please rb to spread the post)
If multiple, choose the more influential one, if you are REALLY unsure, then choose multiple
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baldswagsummit2023 · 8 months
OK BALD NATION!! this is probably my last post before i start setting up BALD SWAG SUMMIT 2! if you have submissions please send them in ASAP so they can be added to our roster!!!
please rb to break containment + spread the word. i know you personally and i also know that all your mutuals want to watch bald people fight to the death. do it for them, not me 🫶
i'm gonna tag some poll makers here and ask them to rb as well so i can reach some distant fandoms that didn't appear in the first round of the polls! i want as many fandoms to enter as possible to anyone can have the chance to see their favorite baldie destroy someone else :)
@shinypokemonshowdown @toxic-yaoi-tournament @fave-fight @copaganda-clobberfest @battle-couple-battle @morally-grey-girlbosses @makethosenarratorsfight @theultimatetournament
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Presenting!!! The Fanmade Cores competition!!!
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Jumping on the bandwagon to these things!!! This competition is gonna be for the fan-made cores in some portal series and games! Obviously I probably didn't get everyone, but The Underground is already sort of obscure enough I didn't want to use more unknown ones that were definitely going to loose anyways because only 5 other people knew about them!
All of the cores I'll be using are from Meet the Cores 1-3, Portal: The Underground, Portal Stories: Mel, and Aperture Tag! And these are ONLY the Cores, so no turrets, P-body/Atlas variations and others won't be included here!
With that out of the way! Here are the matchups (no links right now since I'm still setting up the polls!)
Avery vs Enrichment Core
Ray vs Gaming Core
Chuck/Security Core vs General Core
Fergus/Gel Supervisor vs Rusty Core
Narrator Core vs Dr. Alma
Omni Core vs Oxygen Core
ST4NL3 Core vs Humour Core
Glitchy vs Music Core
Loose Screws Louis/Jazz Core vs Ohnothan/Ego Core
Rose vs Turret Core
Legal Core vs Quest Core
Virgil vs Heavy Metal Core
Rainbow Core vs Nigel
Paranoia Core vs Storyteller Core
Friendship Cores vs Optimism Core
Ambition Core vs Interview Core
Protocol Core vs Elite Core
Once I get the polls set up these will all have links! For now please rb to spread this to other Core fans :]
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hello! another "you don't know what this is for" poll. please reblog this for spread!!! i would really appreciate it!
AND HYPOTHETICALLY do you wear earrings? if you could, what animated tv show/game/anime earrings would you wear? please rb and put it in the tags :)
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