#bellatrix fest
bellatrixfest · 2 months
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Not an April fool - prompting is open until the end of the month!
send your prompts HERE
view the prompt gallery
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fiendishfyre · 1 month
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Druella with her daughters, taking a portrait. Bellatrix and Andromeda are totally screwing around with their other hands. Narcissa left out.
Mother & Daughters @ladiesofhpfest
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ladiesofhpfest · 9 months
2024 Themes Announcement
They're here! Many of your guesses were good, and now it's time for the big reveal! The themes for 2024's fest can be found below. Based on feedback from the 2023 fest, most participants wanted fewer themes with more time to work on each theme. Each theme will run for two weeks. More information for the 2024 fest will be coming soon (some rule changes included) as well as fic recs!
Mothers and Daughters 👩‍👧
Senior Sweethearts 👵🏽
Out & Proud 🌈
Women of the House of Black 🖤
Character Chic 📝
Marauders Era Misses 🐾
Women of Color ✊🏿
Rebels and Renegades 💥
Next Gen Girlies 👧🏼
Reblog and spread the news as far and wide as you can! To look at our amazing works for 2023, click here!
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blackcestfest · 7 months
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Prompting for the second round of Blackcest Fest is now OPEN
This is an anonymous, prompting-based fest for fic and art which depict a sexual or romantic relationship between two or more members of the Black family as the main ship or significant to the work. See Fest Rules and Eligibility Details for more information. Participation 18+ only. 
You may leave as many prompts as you would like, and you can prompt without claiming. We can’t wait to see what y’all prompt and create <3 
Submit your prompts on this Airtable Form and view them on the Airtable Gallery
Additional details below the cut
Prompting: Nov 20 - Dec 3
Claiming Opens: Dec 4
Work Due: March 1
Posting Begins: March 11
Creator Reveals: TBA
Poly ships (eg Sirius/Draco/Harry)
Heavily implied Blackcest
POV character learning about a Blackcest relationship
AUs where characters are  related
Works centered on the trauma of surviving incest
Not eligible: 
Yes, we know all purebloods are related but incest ships involving people outside of the immediate Black family are not eligible
AUs where the characters are no longer related
Fics/art centering around Black OCs (eg “Sirius and Regulus’s sister”)
Delphini Riddle
Work created by those under 18
Due to the unique nature of visual art, we ask that any explicit art submitted for this fest only depict characters over the age of 18.
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marauders-sapphics · 4 months
Fest claims! Get your fest claims here! 
Today’s the day—welcome to the Marauders Sapphic Spring Fling Fest! We're so excited to see what y'all come up with ♡ Read below the image for more information ↓
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Here's the 411:  
Submissions open Feb 14 (today) and close on April 17! 
Use #MaraudersSapphicSpringFlingFest in your posts! (add spaces on Tumblr) 
The main ship must be sapphic / the fic must be focused on one of the female characters. 
All types of media are allowed (e.g. writing, art, videos, etc.) 
Multiple people can claim the same prompt, though we encourage you to look at unclaimed ones! 
Head over to our AO3 collection for the prompts and full list of rules!
If you’re interested in chatting with other folks participating, join our 18+ server :) Mods: @multiimoments @siriusly-sapphic @emjayeingray @cauldroncakesandwine
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FMF Prompting is Closed.
Hi everyone! It’s April 4th, which means the prompting period for Feed My Frankenstein has closed. We have a total of thirty-three prompts (one of them including Author’s Choice) and currently thirty claims. While prompting has closed, claiming is still open to anyone who pleases to participate until the writing period is over. The writing period spans from today (April 4th) to July 11th.
If you have not done so already, you may claim a prompt here. For more information on the fest, you may find the exhaustive google document here.
If any of you have any questions, I encourage you to reach out!
My email is [email protected].
You may also reach me at @screamingmandrakes.
I also have a Discord server which the fest is being run through. You may find that here
If you are claiming, especially late, I encourage you to fill out the google form here.
Please remember this is a Death Eater fest. It is allowed to be an AU, but one character must be a Death Eater.
Happy festing everyone!!
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bunnieblair · 1 day
Harry Potter Bug Fest (pls want this as much as I do im begging on my knees)
TO ELABORATE bc I think it's needed. I'm thinking characters with bug animagi (canon or your own Fanon), characters cursed into bugs, and or any other weirdly specific bug related scenarios involving bugs & Harry Potter characters.
The initial inspiration being the fact that I've for some reason written two fanfics where one of the Potters is transformed unwillingly into a butterfly and kept as a pet in a jar by a Death Eater(I deadass didn't realize that I'd done it twice until later😭).
A single(1) person on discord has encouraged the bug theme w their own harry as a butterfly in a jar idea and now I NEED to know if there's interest in this.
All eras & ships (or no ships) would b welcome & encouraged. the only requirement is bugs.
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Ever wondered how Bellatrix felt, seeing her blood-traitor cousin escape Azkaban while she remained stuck? Here's a fic I wrote for The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black discord's 25 years of PoA Fest. @artemisia-black
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hprarepairfest · 7 months
Rare Pair Fest IV Works - Day 17
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Nearly at the end of posting and today's fics are GREAT! 😍
Title: Sweet Boy Author: @maraudersaffair Ship: Harry Potter/Narcissa Malfoy Prompt: #159 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6k Warnings: Mild Mommy Kink, Praise Kink, Semi-Public Sex Summary:  Harry agrees to date Narcissa to help her improve the reputation of her family. The intensity of their sexual chemistry takes them both by surprise, and it turns out there is nothing fake about their arrangement.
Title: Lonely Creatures Author: apricitydays-lazynights Ship: Severus Snape/ Giant Squid Prompt: #60 Rating: E Word Count: 5837 Warnings: homophobia, tentacles (consensual) Summary:
Life as a double-agent Potions Master who lost the love of his life and generally hates people is pretty shitty. Severus has a chance meeting one night at the bottom of the lake that changes his life forever.
Title: Law of Attraction Author: @givemetherapyimawritingtravesty Ship: Cedric Diggory/Teddy Lupin Prompt: 375 Rating: E Word Count: 2,010 Warnings: None Summary:
Prompt 375 (from anon): Professional quidditch rivalry! Cedric is the oldest player in the league and Teddy is the youngest.
Title: Late Nights and Mistakes Author: @nellietrelawney Ship: Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange Prompt: #286 Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 4,110 Warnings: rough sex, unplanned pregnancy, infidelity  Summary: 
A secret tryst leaves Bellatrix Black pregnant— by a man who belongs to someone else.
See the whole collection HERE!
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nena-96 · 5 months
I'm intrigued by Bella's poetry 👀👀
Hey @abihastastybeans (I hope you don’t mind my rambling 😅… then again would I even be Nena, if I didn’t 🧐)
Oooh, I didn’t think you’d choose that one 👀 I’m glad that you did, because it’s one of my favorites. It’s for the Ladies of HP fest (but not sure if it’s for Women of the House of Black or Character Chic 🤔 I’ll have to find out) also tagging @celestemagnoliathewriter and @merlinsbudgiesmugglers since their stories made me love the Black sisters more than I did before.
Bella’s poetry… let’s see I got this idea from a telenovela called, Alguien te Mira (Someone’s watching you. It’s a thriller/suspense). In my opinion this novels is by far the best novela that I’ve ever watched! and the song: You still love me is perfect for this witch.
Anywho, let me get back to the answering your question, I’ll talk about this fic because I fear that if I drop a snippet I might end up showing the entire fic 😅😅
Bella’s Poetry of her Victims (title will change!) is set with her in Azkaban, (but also you’ll see some flashbacks in this fic) You know how prisoners sometimes draw lines on the walls, signifying the days that past?
At first Bella does this but then she realizes why be like the rest of the prisoners? She wants to be different, because let’s face it there’s only one Bellatrix Black Lestrange. So instead of drawing lines, she decides to write poetry based on her victims, Alice, Frank Longbottom, and some unnamed Muggleborns.
She remembers their cries for help/agony, the faces they made as she used Crucio on them, how the streak of light from the spell looked more beautiful than the sunset when she would watch when she was little. Minor details, the way she felt when she gripped her wand between her fingers, etc. (this fic has exceeded 8k and that scares me 😱 )
The poetry consumes her, as she begins to sing her version of the song, You still love me. Think of the scene in Tangled where Rapunzel is in her room and her paintings begin to glow. That’s what I’m aiming for in this fic. Bellatrix ends up in a trance as the poems come to life in front of her.
Thanks for asking about this WIP, 💕 I hope it intrigues you to read it when I post it.
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bellatrixfest · 3 months
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Rules and Timeline
There are some rule changes from last year’s fest
-Firstly, prompting and claiming will be done via airtable - for those not familiar, each will be done via a form similar to the google forms from last year
-Again, prompts can be claimed multiple times, and you can claim multiple prompts. However, the first work must be submitted before a second prompt can be claimed
-This year, the fest will not be anonymous. So feel free to share snippets, talk about your ideas, anything you’d usually do with your WIPs/works (but please don’t crosspost the work until it has been revealed on AO3)
Other than that, the rules remain the same
-The fest is open to fic and art (and any other crafts you fancy)
-Any prompt is allowed (once again with the Bellatrix centric caveat). Prompts don’t have to have named characters, they can be character A/Character B, or they can be dialogue, song lyrics, single words but if the characters are named, one has to be Bellatrix, since it’s the Bellatrix fest
-Dead dove is welcome, any ship, any theme, any length
-No AI generated works
-18+ only for creators
-Self prompting will be available. You’re not required to share what the self prompt will be, that being said if you wanted to tell me I would be excited to hear it. Again, as long as Bellatrix is a central character, anything goes.
Prompting: April 1st - April 30th
Claiming opens: May 1st
Deadline: August 1st
Posting begins: August 7th
Claiming will remain open throughout the creating period
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can I just say how absolutely FLOORED I've been by the submissions for the @ladiesofhpfest?
It's a privilege to mod, see the stories or art as they come in, and then get to read or see them before anyone else does.
we're only on week 5 and there are 31 works in the AO3 collection. My friends in fanfic, that's 31 new female-centric works. Thank you to each and every one of you who has submitted so far. the works have been stunning and mind-blowingly good.
so far our favorite characters have been Minerva McGonagall (6 works) and Andromeda Tonks (5 works). Because of the way the themes have been structured, there hasn't been much romance yet but I anticipate that will change in the coming weeks!
here's to another 10 1/2 weeks of awesome, female-centric works!
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harrypotterfesthub · 8 months
Sign-Ups Officially Open for the HP Dark Festivus Gift Exchange!
Holiday gift exchanges are a time to bring on the fluff – unless you’re participating in this one. The Dark Festivus Gift Exchange is where the holidays get dark and gritty, from angst and smut to Death Eater schemes.
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Important Dates
October 6, 2023 Sign-Ups & Matching 12:00AM Eastern Time November 3, 2023 Sign-Ups End 11:59PM Eastern Time November 4, 2023 Writing Continues December 18, 2023 Fics Due 11:59PM Eastern Time December 19, 2023 Reveals 12:00AM Eastern Time
How it Works
Sign up here. To stay up to date on any and all Dark Festivus announcements, join Harry Potter Fest Hub on Discord.
Fest mods will match you with a giftee. We'll tell you all you need to know about what your giftee likes and doesn't like in fanfiction and/or fan art.
You'll create a work for your giftee and submit it to the fest collection.
Wait for reveals! Your job is to keep your gift secret. When it's time for gift reveals, you, your giftee, and other fest participants will see what's been created for you all.
Rules & Information
Do not create a work featuring your giftee's dislikes/triggers, and try to stick with ships/characters your giftee suggests.
All works must be kept anonymous until reveals. This means you may not tell people which work is yours, nor hint at it, until your name is revealed.
You may have one alpha or beta. Your alpha or beta may NOT be your giftee.
All Wizarding World characters are allowed, including characters from the Fantastic Beasts series, Hogwarts Legacy, and Hogwarts Mystery.
Visual arts (art and comics) may NOT feature characters under 18 in sexually explicit scenarios, even if reference models are of age. This is for legal purposes.
You may not receive any extensions. We recommend starting early.
Art Requirements - Minimum: 1 character, B&W, Undetailed; Maximum: 5 characters, Color, Detailed
Fanfiction Requirements - Minimum: 1000 words; Maximum: 12,000 words
Help! I love angst but I can't go too dark. Be clear about this when you sign up, so the person gifting you a work can work within your likes and dislikes. This fest is for people that love angst or dark works. The only content we can't accept is tooth-rotting fluff. How dark does my work have to be? All themes must be angsty, grey, or dark. The level of darkness will be dependent on your giftee's dislikes and your own comfort level. Not all works need to be Dead Dove here; in fact, most probably won't be. When you sign up, be sure to tell us what you like to write and what you absolutely will not write. This will help us match you with someone appropriate.
What if I can't finish my gift work in time? If you cannot finish your gift work in time, you will need to inform fest moderators via Discord or email as soon as you know you won't be able to finish. Please do NOT wait until the last 48 hours to tell us. To ensure everyone gets a gift, we will have pinch-hitters trying to fulfill outstanding gifts, but they need time to create.
Can I create multiple works? If you would like to create multiple works, sign up for pinch-hitting. You may be able to save the day for someone who wouldn't be receiving a gift.
How do I contact fest mods? You may ask generic questions in the #dark-festivus channel on Discord. For private questions concerning your giftee, please reach out to LadyVoldy or Kate Thorne via Discord. This is the easiest way to reach us.
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 month
Theme Roundup: Mothers & Daughters, 28 April - 11 May 2024
We are thrilled to share this list of works that were shared with us for the first two weeks of our fest, for the theme Mothers & Daughters! We had 17 total works! 14 fics, 2 artworks, and one podfic! Thank you to ALL our talented creators for kicking us off so beautifully. As Mother's Day wraps up in the USA, Canada (and as Mother's Day is/will be celebrated throughout many nations in May!), we have all these works to share with you that highlight the many faces of motherhood. Enjoy, and stay tuned for the kickoff of our next theme!
Father's Legacy, Mother's Love by @midnightstargazer, 2.5k words, G, Astoria & Scorpius
A Moon Amongst the Stars by @scrxpz, 2.2k words, T, Bellatrix & Luna
A Double-Edged Knife by @crookshanksagentofowca, 3.9k words, T, Druella & Bella, Bella & Delphi
sister, sister, daughter by @queenofstormyskies, 855 words, T, Andromeda & Nymphadora
A Greater Woman Wouldn't Beg (But I Looked to the Sky and Said) by @thecasualauthor, 466 words, G, Lily & Harry
A Tiny Speck in a Vast Universe by @saintsenara aka Asenora, 3.6k words, T, Merope & Tom
Euphemia and James by @celestemagnoliathewriter, 8k words, T, Euphemia & James
Mama (Of a wildfire with hazel eyes) by @nihilisticnomad aka Troubled_Traveler, 260 words, G, Bellatrix & Delphi
The Death of Winnifred Crouch by @midnightstargazer, 3k words, T, Barty Crouch Jr's mother & Barty
Artwork: Pandora & Luna, Pandora hugging her sweet child by @fiendishfyre, Pandora & Luna
My Family History by @snarkygranger1-blog, 1k words, T, Andromeda & Nymphadora
Mum (Of a trickster with pink hair) by @nihilisticnomad aka Troubled_Traveler, 335 words, Andromeda & Nymphadora
Artwork: Druella with her daughters, taking a portrait by @fiendishfyre, Druella, Bellatrix, Andromeda, & Narcissa
Mother (Of a dragon with alabaster skin) by @nihilisticnomad aka Troubled_Traveler, 263 words, G, Narcissa & Draco
Podfic: One Night in the House of Black by @sleepstxtic - a podfic read by @cailynwrites, M, Length: 15:26, Artemisia & Lysandra
Lullaby by @saintsenara aka Asenora, 2.1k words, T, Kendra Dumbledore & Ariana Dumbledore
As I Say by mimisays, 3.3k words, NR, Hannah Abbott's mother & Hannah Abbott
Thank you again to our brilliant creators who helped us start the fest strong!! Again, stay tuned for the kickoff for our next theme!
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blackcestfest · 3 months
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Day 3 Title: Vérité Prompt #: 226 Ships: Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Barty Crouch Jr., Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Sirius Black/Barty Crouch Jr. Rating: E Wordcount: 2957 Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
“By Salazar.” Surely she uses magic somehow to make her sigh resound through all their cells, “let me know when you meet a boy who doesn’t like it hard and fast, Bartemius." To Sirius she says, "darling, be a good boy for me and tell me what you’re doing?” Her voice sings across their dank surroundings. “Sometimes, babydoll, you have to let them take the lead.”
Read on AO3
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marauders-sapphics · 4 months
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Marauders Sapphic Spring Fling 2024
Hello and welcome to the Marauders Sapphic Spring Fling fest! Marauders Sapphic is a new community hoping to find like minded folks who enjoy all things Marauders (and any other era) ladies, their relationships and experiences through fanfiction and other fan-created media.
We are excited to announce our first fest in the form of the Marauders Sapphic Spring Fling 2024. Details are as follows:
Prompt claiming opens on February 14th.
Prompts can be found in the official ao3 collection.
Prompts are due April 17th.
Fest rules and FAQ can be found in the collection itself.
We'd love for anyone interested in this fest or all things Sapphic to join our 18+ discord!
For any questions, please feel free to ask in the discord or DM one of our mods @multiimoments, @cauldroncakesandwine, @emjayeingray, @siriusly-sapphic, or Carina.
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