#please respect religions
hoplesslylovin · 2 months
i hate hate when books/movies or wtvr have one random muslim character for no reason other than diversity but the muslim character literally goes against everything islam stands for and the characters doesn’t care at all like acting upon lgbtq desires is a sin or drinking alcohol or dating or believing in multiple high powers okay complex characters i love them but when the character says it’s acceptable evn though it’s not?? just don’t make the characters muslim
and this applies to all religions write religious characters but make sure that the religion is written accurately
ppl do this as well picking and choosing parts of a religions but that’s free will also nobody is ever perfect and nobody follows any religion perfectly but you can’t just ignore what you don’t like you have to acknowledge it but also ppl in real life don’t owe you an explanation and you can’t assume religions
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rhodesmusic · 7 months
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jesus christ impaled on a wednesday i hate hate HATE it when christianity is brought into mathematics. people pushing their agenda by saying shit like "this beautiful mathematical thing proves the existence of GOD" or "GOD made math and we're just discovering it". that is SO fucking rancid for so many reasons and half the time the people that say those kinds of things hold math in a purely qualitative sence in their mind, thinking that because they got a mandelbrot zoom in their reccomended they eat breathe and shit math out their asshole on the spiritual level
no matter how hard our education systems bastardize the subject, compressing their concepts into a pristine meaninglessness to cull the young person's imagination across the land, nor how well their nouns verbs and adjectives describe what we see in the universe, mathematics at it's heart is a form of SELF EXPRESSION. nothing, NOTHING I SAY in this world we live in would be as FUCKING PSYCHOTIC as to suggest us to dwell over how a bunch of IMAGINARY IDEAS relate to one another along patterns and symmetries, other than OURSELVES. we started doing math because it offers a kind of fulfillment unlike any other artform. the difference between mathematics and other arts is that our culture doesn't see it as one.
mathematics is not about facts, or even worse, about "rules", but rather about the IDEAS that went into drawing such conclusions. similarly, the only thing more beautiful than math's polyhedra, infinitely intricate fractal shapes, and other pictures such as the ones abraham and jacob here put in their thumbnails, are the MADE UP IDEAS that constitute them, ideas that we have thought up for no good reason other than we find doing so lovely. wonderful. fulfilling and completing.
if some BRICK LICKER named EZEKIEL went out to an art fair and proclaimed with their righteous ass vocal cords, "all these paintings, all these works of art, all of these were drawn by GOD and HERE'S WHY", they'd rightfully be told to go off and HUFF DICK, but when it's mathematics it passes with nodding heads because our culture doesn't see math as any kind of self-expression, instead as a bunch of statements and sedentary pictures to worship, bend over, and take cock for to achieve some higher level of virtuosity.
"but how can the Mandelbrot set have infinite complexity as you zoom into it, that has to be god right there!!!" perhaps if you ever pondered the distinguishing complex numbers, how recursive processes ballet with its algebraic structure, the geometry unfolding into chaos along an infinitesimal boundary, all things that DON'T ACTUALLY FUCKING EXIST IN OUR WORLD BUT WILL STILL BE THOUGHT OF FOR OUR SAKES, LEST WE LET THE IDEA GO COLD AS WE SHIVER IN THE ABSENCE OF THE WARMTH OF ITS SIMPLE CHARM, then you wouldn't resort to implementing an omnipotent figure in order to fulfill your inclination to have the wonder be explained by anything besides the creativity of humans.
oh, but questioning the words of the bible? now that's sacrilege.
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So you want to learn about Louisiana Voodoo…
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door in New Orleans by Jean-Marcel St. Jacques
For better or worse (almost always downright wrong) Louisiana Voodoo and Hoodoo are likely to come up in any depiction of the state of Louisiana. I’ve created a list of works on contemporary and historical Voodoo/Hoodoo for anyone who’d like to learn more about what this tradition is and is not (hint: it developed separately from Haitian Vodou which is its own thing) or would like to depict it in a non-stereotypical way. I’ve listed them in chronological order. Please keep a few things in mind. Almost all sources presented unfortunately have their biases. As ethnographies Hurston’s work no longer represent best practices in Anthropology and has been suspected of embellishment and sensationalism on this topic. Additionally the portrayal is of the religion as it was nearly 100 years ago- all traditions change over time. Likewise Teish is extremely valuable for providing an inside view into the practice but certain views, as on Ancient Egypt, may be offensive now. I have chosen to include the non-academic works by Alvarado and Filan for the research on historical Voodoo they did with regards to the Federal Writer’s Project that is not readily accessible, HOWEVER, this is NOT a guide to teach you to practice this closed tradition, and again some of the opinions are suspect- DO NOT use sage, which is part of Native practice and destroys local environments. I do not support every view expressed but think even when wrong these sources present something to be learned about the way we treat culture
*Start with Osbey, the shortest of the works. To compare Louisiana Voodoo with other traditions see the chapter on Haitian Vodou in Creole Religions of the Caribbean by Olmos and Paravinsi-Gebert. Additionally many songs and chants were originally in Louisiana Creole (different from the Louisiana French dialect), which is now severely endangered. You can study the language in Ti Liv Kreyol by Guillery-Chatman et. Al.
Le Petit Albert by Albertus Parvus Lucius (1706) grimoire widely circulated in France in the 18th century, brought to the colony & significantly impacted Hoodoo
Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston (1935)
Spirit World-Photographs & Journal: Pattern in the Expressive Folk Culture of Afro-American New Orleans by Michael P. Smith (1984)
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisah Teish (1985)
Eve’s Bayou (1997), film
Spiritual Merchants: Religion, Magic, and Commerce by Carolyn Morrow Long (2001)
A New Orleans Voodoo Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau by Carolyn Morrow Long (2006)
“Yoruba Influences on Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo” by Ina J. Fandrich (2007)
The New Orleans Voodoo Handbook by Kenaz Filan (2011)
“Why We Can’t Talk To You About Voodoo” by Brenda Marie Osbey (2011)
Mojo Workin': The Old African American Hoodoo System by Katrina Hazzard-Donald (2013)
The Tomb of Marie Laveau In St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 by Carolyn Morrow Long (2016)
Lemonade, visual album by Beyonce (2016)
How to Make Lemonade, book by Beyonce (2016)
“Work the Root: Black Feminism, Hoodoo Love Rituals, and Practices of Freedom” by Lyndsey Stewart (2017)
The Lemonade Reader edited by Kinitra D. Brooks and Kameelah L. Martin (2019)
The Magic of Marie Laveau by Denise Alvarado (2020)
In Our Mother’s Gardens (2021), documentary on Netflix, around 1 hour mark traditional offering to the ancestors by Dr. Zauditu-Selassie
“Playing the Bamboula” rhythm for honoring ancestors associated with historical Voodoo
Voodoo and Power: The Politics of Religion in New Orleans 1880-1940 by Kodi A. Roberts (2023)
The Marie Laveau Grimoire by Denise Alvarado (2024)
Voodoo: An African American Religion by Jeffrey E. Anderson (2024)
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sungkaan · 7 months
If I have a nickel for every time I read/watched a character had a future vision where he committed mass genocide and still chose to do it, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.
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sunny-sun17 · 7 months
Don’t you ever hate it when someone is having a breakdown over being a sinner. Like baby, being atheist is an option.
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feralnumberfive · 9 months
Y'all I have a lovely coworker who has become a friend and I love talking to her and working with her and she's extremely religious (which I have nothing wrong with!) while I have told her that I'm not religious and she respected that. We were just texting and I suddenly got this
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What the fuck.
I get it if you feel this way, which is completely fine I don't care what religion you follow or to what degree, you do you and live your life, but this just rattled me I'm not even kidding.
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eerieangels · 1 year
re this post. ive deleted my archangelnun gender, but i think thats all the genders i have related to nuns/priests or sacred religious practices? (im not sure if saintancient counts but if it does just shoot me an ask!!)
on that note, i will not be taking down my angelgenders nor will i stop making them. i will be careful not to include certain sacred practices in my genders and if i do please tell me, but the disconnect from angels to religion has been happening far longer than the mogai community has been established (see: fantasy media for a plain example) not to mention the countless amounts of fiction and art that use angels in a non-religious or even metaphorical context. you can argue wether this is wrong or right, but because of this a lot of people get their distinct connection to angels from these medias and how the general public perceives angels has shifted. this applies to more things in modern day than anyone thinks.
alongside people having an insanely personal and complex relationship with religion which is . too much to get into in one post ..
the whole point of this post was to say that my entire blog is angel-themed, and i will continue to make angelgenders because of my personal relationship with “angels” as we know them. but!! i also want my blog to be a safe space for anyone with a connection to these creatures, be it religious or not. if my content is ever making anyone uncomfortable, please tell me and i will edit or delete the post as to not cause anyone discomfort. sorry for the long post, ty for reading through this if you did!
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decomposingpoet · 1 year
religion!! scary!!!!!
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fleshcity · 2 months
atheists can be some of the most annoying people on earth
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peachiyyy · 5 months
ind*a’s h*nduv*ta issue needs to be addressed globally bc they essentially want to do the same thing isr*el is doing to non-hindu indians. They’re also one of isr*el’s biggest supporters + isr*el funds the indian occupation in kashmir. B*p and m*di are garbage and I pray for their downfall everyday. Considering the history of 🇮🇳 , being in favor for genocide should be anti-indian but they hate muslims so much that they don’t care. But when I talk about it some yt saviour on here wants to tell me, a DESI- not just south asian, a DESI person, that im ‘racist’ for calling majority of them garbage lmfao.
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thequietabsolute · 4 months
The view that held language to be an entirely human phenomenon: this view became current once it was discovered empirically that the so-called sacred languages [those of ancient theologies, primarily] were neither of primordial antiquity nor of divine provenance. What Foucault has called ‘the discovery of language’ was therefore a secular event that displaced a religious conception of how God delivered language to man in Eden. 
For the linguist, language cannot be pictured as the result of force emanating unilaterally from God. As Coleridge put it,
Language is the armoury of the human mind; and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.
The idea of a first Edenic language gives way to the heuristic notion of a protolanguage (Indo-European, Semitic) whose existence is never a subject of debate, since it is acknowledged that such a language cannot be recaptured but can only be reconstituted.
— Edward W. Said, from Orientalism (1978.)
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 years
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a-chilleus · 7 months
#will delete this soon but just momentarily very annoyed#at religious people who see atheists or people from other religions read their holy book or learn more about their religion#and assume that that will lead them to convert#and it's sometimes with good intentions like i just saw someone saying people outside of their faith have good hearts and therefore#when they read this faith's holy texts it'll click with us and we'll naturally convert#and sometimes it's kinda iffy like oh see our revealed knowledge says that people will convert to our religion in multitudes#but either way it misses this massive thing#which is that agreeing with a religion's ethics or finding an aspect of it beautiful#does not mean anything about whether you'll believe it's *true*#i would love to believe in an afterlife#i cannot#i cannot make myself believe in something if i am not personally compelled by the evidence#there are many beautiful things in many religions but appreciating them does not change my fundamental lack of belief#in anything that defies the laws of physics#i don't say that to denigrate religious faith as irrational#if you are compelled by the evidence and have thought about your beliefs and come to the conclusion that eg god(s) are real#that's great! you're not an irrational or stupid person we just see things differently#but please give us atheists the same grace#please respect our lack of belief as something we cannot change about ourselves#just as you won't go 'ohh shit god's not real after all' overnight just because we tell you that's what we believe#idk mutual understanding and an end to proselytizing from ALL parties would go a long way imo
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enby-hawke · 1 year
Someone on Facebook asked to use my goddess Burigidang Pada Siniklang Buluwan as a Halloween costume. If you're thinking of doing the same please don't.
To you she might be make believe but she is my goddess and I demand that you respect her like the christian god and do not try to put yourself on the same level as her.
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domochevsky · 9 months
saw a post that was like “yeah occultism has orientalist origins so people should act with tact when talking about other religions” and then op reblogged that post with an addition thats like youre making fun of the holy BUDDHA. put some RESPECT on his name like ohhhhh we are never getting outta here
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thoughtspresso · 9 months
Was watching Good Omens 2 a little while ago and now I had to break out the good ol' NIV for some traumabonding with Job.
I get it, man. Oof.
How would you say "carry your cross" back in Uz when Jesus wasn't a thing yet?
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