#pls he never once says he was drunk only that he drank a lot
piganatur · 1 year
Honestly, I was a little afraid because the first two episodes blew me away so much that it felt almost ridiculous. I so wanted this to continue, and when I anticipate something to this extent the dread of it maybe falling flat, of it refuting me and my anticipation is sky high. My pulse legit rose before clicking on ep3 that’s how jittery and insane this show makes me. But I worried for nothing, the creators of this show clearly know what they want and what they are doing. Ep 3&4... all I can say is: 👏👏👏 solid follow-up
Episode 3 (and a part of ep4) is all about parallels and the contrast between these parallels: 1, like the entirety of whatever happened between Jaewon & Jihyun in ep2 vs. walking the same steps, doing those same motions but now doing it alone? Brilliant! Taking care of others vs. not taking care of them (so they have to take care of themselves) and the reason for doing all of that...it’s all about perspective.
2, another parallel is the dynamic of Jaewon/Yoonwon vs. Jihyun/Aeri Jaewon and Yoonwon are what Jihyun and Aeri could be in the future (down to the detail of one of them thinking the other liked them bc they acted so friendly, or that they didn’t like the other but found a true ally) I'm a friendship maniac I love it more than anything. Now I want to make a separate post all about the importance of friendship for Jaewon and Jihyun and their character arcs
3, Joonpyo aka the heavenly hand of fate Joonpyo being obedient for once and not saying a thing just like Jihyun asked him to when meeting Aeri vs. Joonpyo introducing himself and chatting up Jaewon in the middle of the cafeteria without anyone asking him to... both of those times, at that moment, what Joonpyo did was the opposite of what Jihyun wanted (and what he felt he’d be saved by) yet as we can see in ep4 both of those times his roommate (enter Jihyun’s voice *and menace of a childhood friend*) actually helped Jihyun
4, the evolution of Jihyun and Jaewon’s interpersonal relationships Jihyun collects people after careful deliberation or is it the other way and others are the ones collecting him? broadening his circle (a place of support and care) is, in fact, in parallel with Jaewon slowly slipping out of others’ circles whilst tightening his own. They are both treading towards the same ideal but while Jaewon has to cut ppl out Jihyun has to let ppl in to get to that place where they are seen and valued for who they are
5, the cherry on top was the closing sequence. I’m in love with the visual, the music score, all the details building up, the parallel lines and symmetry in every single shot, seemingly playing on different sides and directions but colliding in the most breathtaking and intense harmony to complete all the unsaid things in a nonverbal way. But it is a quietness that screams
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If I sound familiar please do not read whats gonna follow. If you think you know me irl GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. 🤍
If u think this situation is something that you are a part of or heard me talk about, please do not read and send me a private msg on ig w a ss of this cuz I don’t want u to read this. ESPECIALLY if ure involved. Thx!
So essentially: I went to see the Barbie movie… but ending up not seeing it 🧍🏻‍♀️ Lemme explain!
So me and my friend J ahead of time. So we went around the mall and did her makeup at Sephora (which was fun). Later S met us and we headed to a place to eat. We started eating and ordered a drink. After eating we went to a bar and in that bar, and we started drinking. So I typically drink a lot over a long period so I dont get too fucked up. But this time I drank like twice of what I usually drink. Me and S drank a lot and started joking and stuff. And then after a while me and J go to the bathroom together and she’s like “omg its like we’re dating” (she has a boyfriend but she’s bi). So I like joke with her and after peeing we like stare in the mirror andI put my head on her shoulder from the back-ish. And she says “omg stop doing that I might catch feels” and I like joke cuz wtv? Right? WRONG. Anyways we go back to the table and continue joking with S.
At this point lets fast forward, we’re 4 drinks deep (4 shots and 2 drinks which is 4 for me wtv) and her bf called. And me and S r like hang up cuz they’ve been talking for like 10 mins and I jokingly take her phone and say “Ok M, we’ll see you later bye” and close, which is like in a fun I’m drunk way. Like everyone laughs it off and it’s fine but like I felt like including it bc he’s a nice dude and I genuinely don’t hate him but I did hang up but like everyone laughed so I’m overthinking it I hope.
Anyways fast forward to us getting into the cinema, J and S kiss (S is str8 btw). And so J is like let’s kiss too, and I’m like “ok” but also “k????” but I was drunk so we peck or wtv and then I kiss S but again AS A DRUNK PECK BETWEEN FRIENDS.
We then get to our seats which fine cool and me and J start flirting. Like borderline not platonic flirting. And at some point we start peck again. And then kiss. And then kiss once more. And like continue flirting and stuff. Which is like fine bc it’s platonic ig, and her bf literally said “Nice” over text. (Also she showed me the convo but said don’t read it, and I didn’t bc my drunk brain said ‘It’s not about me’ when in reality it’s probably about me) But like after she started saying stuff like “Dont hold S’ hand. You’re cheating” and “Ok but you said I’m not your type.” Which I did say, bc she’s not and she’s in a relationship how tf am I cheating??? Also after the kisses she said “You can practice on me” cuz I said “It’s been a while since I didn’t kiss anybody” (I put the Bi in Bitchless)
Anyways we go to the bathroom together and she’s like “want me to go w you I dont want you falling” and I’m like wobbly but Im fine. And like when we return we lay on the floor or idek but I know at some point I pulled her and kinda slammed her into the wall in a hot *drunk* way. Which like idek why I did that pls it’s cringe. And then she kept giving me signals to kiss her during the movie but I was like “You do it.” Cuz I didn’t wanna kiss her but also I wanted to flirt. So Im confused and I’m pretty sure she’s in love with me but also I told her “I don’t wanna fuck you” and she said “I dont want it either” which I was like “ouch.” And she was like “Bruh!!” And I mean my ego
Anyways the next day she texted me in the early early morning *8am cuz I had a shift then* asking me if I’m okay and if I got to work safe. Which she never does. And I’m like “is she in love with me? I mean I don’t think so??”
Also Pretty sure I’m the only one who’s being dramatic about the whole thing and J is like not even caring! 🧍🏻‍♀️✨
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Request: hellooo i'd like to request a wonwoo fluff where he's just really clingy and pouty and adorable because he's drunk or sick pls :) thank u and happy holidays !!
Gender Neutral
900+ words
It wasn’t often that Wonwoo drank enough to be drunk.
He was, in a way, a vevry controlling person. Not in a bad way, but he didn’t like it when things were out of reach for him. He wanted to be in control of his body, his emotions, his schedule. His everything, really.
So when you heard a quiet knock at the door and in stumbled a drunk Wonwoo...
Well, you were shocked.
You were so shocked, that as he stumbled past you into your place and began to blindly look around your apartment as if searching for something, you weren’t sure what to say or do. So instead, you just stood at your partially open door, squinted your tired eyes and mumbled:
Wonwoo spun around, and upon seeing you practically threw himself onto you. You stumbled backwards, trying to account for both of your weights- barely able to keep the two of you upright.
“Oh, I missed you so much,” Wonwoo mumbled into your neck as he clng tightly to your body. You couldn’t help but note that he was very warm. So warm that he almost burned you at the touch.
Your nose wrinkled slightly.
“Hurry up, hurry up-” He dragged you further into your apartment, his grip on you tight. “I’m so excited to see you.”
“Wonwoo,” you murmured, still feeling a little disconcerted. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you!” The way that Wonwoo’s eyes sparkled when he saw you, which made you regret having said anything to him at all.
It wasn’t that you hadn’t seen Wonwoo in a while but... You too had been busier recently. Wonwoo was preparing for a comeback, and you had been working pretty much constantly. Wonwoo didn’t often seem to need to see you a lot, so you had sort of just assumed that you were the only one who was suffering at all from it.
But seeing him now, you were starting to think he missed you a lot more then he was letting on.
“Do you have any food?” Wonwoo asked, turning his attention away from you. Your mouth opened and you went to respond when he turned and wandered into your kitchen. A pout went over his face when he saw your leftover ramen in the fridge.
“You had ramen? I love ramen.”
He didn’t ask before taking the ramen out of the fridge, clumsily grabbing a pair of chopsticks and then popping the lid of off the container. You weren’t really sure what to say or do, so you just sort of watched him as he ate the ramen cold in front of you.
“We drank today,” Wonwoo stated inbetween mouthfuls of your poor noodles. You blinked and nodded once.
“I can see that.”
Wonwoo’s eyes grew wide, and his mouth gaped in surprise.
“You can tell that I drank?” He asked you. He leaned back against the counter behind him and shook his head in amazement. “That’s so impressive. You're so smart.”
Wonwoo continued to slurp up the noodles, and all you could think about was how drunk Wonwoo had gotten. You had never seen him this drunk before. And you two had drinking together countless times. You knew for sure he would be utterly humiliated by all of this in the morning.
“Wonwoo, you should probably drink some water,” you suggested softly. You wandered over to your fridge and grabbed your pitcher of water. As you did, Wonwoo came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. You whined out, but Wonwoo just held you tighter and kissed your temple lightly.
“I think I should be closer to you,” he suggested. You rolled your eyes at that, but your face was red anyways. The damage was already done.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Wonwoo interrupted, burying his face into your neck. You sighed dejectedly and turned yourself around in Wonwoo’s arms so that you were facing him. You rose your hands to his face, placing them both on his cheeks, respectively.
You stared at him for a moment in complete silence, and he stared right back at you. Then you smiled.
“I’ve missed you too Wonwoo,” you replied softly. “I always miss you.”
Wonwoo didn’t respond, he just stared at you for a while quietly. At first you thought something was wrong, but then he slowly closed the distance between the two of you and pressed his lips chastely to yours. He pulled away after only a few moments and smiled.
“I love you,” he said. You rolled your eyes, your cheeks growing red.
“Wonwoo, I think you need to get some sleep,” you suggested affectionately. He pouted.
“But I’m not-”
You shushed Wonwoo by raising a finger to his lips.
“I don’t care,” you replied pointedly. “You are going to sleep.”
Wonwoo’s shoulders lowered in defeat and he nodded.
“Okay, okay,” he stated softly. “The s/o always knows best.”
You rolled your eyes at Wonwoo.
“Give me a second and I’ll get my-”
Even as you spoke, Wonwoo wandered past you and into your bedroom. You opened your mouth to protest but then he started to take off his pants-
“Okay!” You announced with a small nervous giggle. “I will talk to you tomorrow- Good night!”
And lucky for you, Wonwoo didn’t protest sleeping alone.
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sunnywritesstuff34 · 3 years
(Yayyyy. Another one. It’s been a while, sorry. just wanna preface this by saying that like... I usually don’t really give a shit about Obito, but I figured this was a natural progression of the story and I kinda wanted to try and dive into Obito’s psyche a little so. here we go. tell me what you think. @ghostjellyfishheart here’s the next chapter lol. pls mind the tw’s)
TW and CW for: MAJOR UNREALITY, seriously stay safe, Obito is kinda spiraling a lot, grieving, struggling with morality, drinking, alcohol, less then stellar coping mechanisms of all kinds, don’t do this kids, child death, ghost child, dead kid, you don’t like... see her die but Rin is very much not alive, references to suicide, implied suicide, the uchiha massacre is its own warning, murder, its bad. its just. its just bad. did I mention unreality? a lot of that, death of a family member, obito is having a hard time with feelings, probably dis@ssociation, pretentious symbolism, scratch that, definitely dis@ssociation
Obito Uchiha is upset. 
And that is, frankly, ridiculous. Obito does not get upset. What does upset even mean? Is he sad? Mourning, perhaps? Or is he just worried? Either way, its borderline impossible. He shouldn’t be feeling anything. Obito doesn’t feel anything. Sure, he plays at it, when he’s Tobi. He feigns and pretends, he’s good at that. That is what he is, that is all he is. To Itachi, he is Madara. To Konan and Nagito, he is Obito. To everyone else, he is Tobi. Obito has taken on mask after mask after mask on in his life, both figuratively and literally. Sometimes he doesn't know where Obito ends and another begins. Obito does not feel anything, not for anyone that isn't Rin. Never for anyone that isn't Rin, and he left her behind a long time ago. And yet this boy, this child, has him reeling somehow. Has him… well, like before, the only word he can use is upset. He is rattled. And it has been so long, so long since he’s felt anything at all, that he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know how to fix it. He kept seeing Sasuke in his head, kept remembering memories from years ago when he thought about the kid being gone forever. He remembered the first few years Itachi brought Sasuke to the compound, he remembered spontaneously discovering his obsession with tomatoes by accident with Kisame (who would not stop laughing. He had just never seen anybody. Put an entire tomato in their mouth. And Sasuke did it like it was the most natural thing in the world! Kisame wouldn't shut up about it for at least a week). He remembered helping the boy train with his newly forged chokuto, he remembered the grim determination towards his family and how much it reminded Obito of himself, he remembered all of it. And none of that should have mattered, because it wasn't real. None of it was real, the next world would be. The next world with Rin and Kakashi and Minato-sensei still alive, a world without… without Sasuke. Or any of the other Akatsuki. And that was what he wanted. He was sure that was what he wanted. Only in his room could he show the weakness tightly coiled in his stomach. But there was a knock on his door and it made him straighten up, instantly putting the mask that he just took off back on his face. He walked to the door and opened it, only to find the older Uchiha brother staring back at him. Obito blinked. 
“Itachi-san. What are you… what are you doing here? I- uh… come in.” Obito and Itachi sat down at the small table in Obito’s room and stared at each other awkwardly. “So… how can I help you?” Obito tried to ask, unsure of whether to say it like Tobi or just let his guard down and talk like himself (whoever that was). Itachi cleared his throat. 
“You are the only person in this godforsaken place that has sake that's worth a damn,” Itachi explained calmly. He looked away. “It has… been a long week.” Obito could tell the truth in that statement just from his cousin’s voice. Itachi sounded exhausted, and the perpetual mask of indifference had begun to slip when his little brother went missing. The two of them looked at each other and came to an understanding. For the next few minutes, there was no talking. Obito grabbed some glasses and poured his strongest sake out for the both of them, and they drank in silence. They only actually picked up a conversation once they were both drunk enough for the awkwardness to melt away. 
“He’s likely not dead,” Obito commented bluntly. Itachi only sighed. 
“If he is, I have no idea what I'd do,” Itachi grumbled casually, like it was an ordinary thing to say. “Certainly wouldn't stick around here. Probably follow in Shisui’s footsteps.” Obito only nodded, knowing better than to pry on that particular bit of insight into Itachi’s life. They were silent for a few more minutes before Obito spoke again. 
“The massacre,” Obito started. “I was long gone by the time it happened. What… are you and Sasuke really the only survivors as the rumors say?” Itachi nodded, throwing back another glass. Obito thought about that bitterly, about his grandmother who wouldn't have been spared. Itachi sighed. 
“Right. I've never really talked about this with anyone, and Sasuke and I don't speak about it much. You know how sharingan awakening works, yes?” Obito nodded, mind involuntarily flashing to his own experience. 
“Well I made some genuine friends on my genin team. It was the first time I ever had any friends.” Obito closed his eyes and took another sip. Friends, sharingan awakening. Being crushed under a boulder with your crying teammates looming over you. Thinking, no, don't cry, it doesn't hurt. It really doesn't hurt. I can't feel anything, please don't cry. Watching a particular white haired individual (a traitor, that traitor) desperately try to save you. Losing a part of yourself, a part of yourself you didn't even know you had, and giving it to someone else. Forever living with that, knowing that your other eye is somewhere, because you can still feel it, but not knowing much else. The aching absence that grows from that. He opened his eyes again. “I watched them die, right in front of my eyes. That awakened my Sharingan, and when I went home, my father congratulated me. He congratulated me. It was a nightmare and he was proud. I don't know, that always stuck with me. But anyway,” Itachi paused to drink more sake as the room spun. “Sasuke’s eyes woke during the massacre. I didn't get there in time. He watched our parents die, managed to hide in the closet and keep quiet the whole time so they didn't find him. I got there in time to stop them from killing him, and realized his sharingan had awakened because of everything. I wasn't able to save anyone, but I was able to save him, and that's all that matters.”
“I understand,” Obito replied evenly. “I know what it's like to be too late.”
Itachi’s eyes slid over to him. “Yeah well… whatever. The Uchiha had been planning a coup for a while. Danzo, he gave me a choice. Either kill everyone myself and have Sasuke be spared to live happily in the village. Or, to let them kill everyone, Sasuke included. I didn't… I refused either option and tried to get there but I was too late. They killed everyone in one night, a bunch of Anbu who were deployed for the massacre. Like I said, Sasuke managed to hide. I knew that Danzo would be after us, so I grabbed Sasuke and we got the hell out of dodge. He didn't speak for months afterwards. Not a single word, other than screaming during his nightmares. It was probably a little selfish, but I… I missed him. There was no more ‘Itachi, look at the score I got at the academy!’ or ‘Itachi look, look I learned a new move!’ There was just… nothing. He was so vacant. If he's dead- if he’s dead after everything we’ve been through, I don't- I have no idea what I'll do. We have to find him, and we have to kill the people who took him away from us. We have to.” I know, he wanted to shout. I know, I feel the same way, but I don't know why! Itachi left not long after that, stumbled back to his room, and Obito fell asleep in his armchair. That night he had a dream, a dream of Rin. it had been years since he dreamed of her, usually they were memories and bits and pieces, but this was different. He opened his eyes in his dream to a dark plane filled with ink, darkness stretching in every direction. It was a frequent setting he found himself in, usually the dream would be about him sinking into the oily substance until he couldn't breath. But this time it was low enough to wade in, his feet touching the ground, whatever that was. In the middle of the expanse, there was a bone white skeleton of some creature he didn't recognize, and Rin. He staggered towards her, and she hugged him without a word. In dreams like this he was always covered in blood, the Obito from years past. But now he was just him, and he was maskless.
“Just what have you gotten yourself into now, Obito?” she asked, and it sounded just like her. It wasn't her, he was fairly sure of that, he was dreaming for god’s sake, but it sounded like her. It seemed like her, and that was enough. “It's okay to be worried about the kid,” she said, running fingers through his hair while he tried to calm his breathing. 
“It's not real,” he managed hoarsely. “None of it. Nothing in this world is real, I shouldn't feel anything. So why… Why do I…”
“Does it matter if it's real?” she asked. “It feels real. Maybe it is, Obito.”
“Obito is dead,” he whispered. “At least the one you knew- Obito doesn't exist anymore.” Rin only shook her head, looking past him at nothing at all and smiling sadly.
“I don't believe you,” she said evenly. “You're still Obito. No matter how many names you take or how many masks you wear, I know who you are. And I think you do too.”
“It's not real,” he tried again, weakly. 
“If it's not real, then why do you help Konan with the dishes? If it's not real, then why do you want to save Itachi’s brother so badly? Why do you make plans for Nagato’s dream in the supposed next world when you don't have to? Why do you stick around Deidara to make sure he doesn't get killed? Why do you help Sasori with his puppets? Why, Obito?”
“I can't be Obito,” he muttered quietly. “He’s dead. He died with you.”
“He is right here. He is sitting here with me. You're still you. You'll always be you.”
“B-But…. But Madara-”
“Madara is dead,” she said with finality, shaking her head. “Madara is a dead man now. You are the only thing that can bring him back, and you have a choice.”
“I've never had a choice.”
“You do now. Madara isn't here.”
“This is all just an illusion.” She smiled sadly. 
“I'm an illusion, Obito. Your world is not.”
His dream didn't fade out from there. One second he was sitting in a dark dreamscape with his dead friend, and the next he was in the Akatsuki lair, laying in an armchair, sitting up and gasping for breath. His back hurt and his neck was aching from the weird position he dozed off in, and Obito could already feel the nausea of an inevitable hangover coming on. Still, he sat up properly, stretching his neck and running a hand through his short hair. Itachi was probably passed out in his room or throwing up already, and Obito had a hunch that he’d be feeling the same way pretty soon. He looked down at the floor and forced his eyes to focus. He didn't have time for a drunken hallucination within a drunken hallucination. But when he turned his head, he felt himself recoil and raise his hands to his face. The orange plastic from the ground winked back at him. Obito had taken his mask off. And now it was cracked. 
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outrebanx · 4 years
don’t feel (2)
JJ Maybank x female reader
Part one // -- // Part three // Part four
Summary: A week after the last incident with your parents, you’re invited to a kegger with your friends, and unsurprisingly a fight breaks out (literally an awful chapter summary but my brain is mush so you’re gonna have to deal with it)
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: mentions of abuse, actual abuse, fighting, swearing, (highkey haven’t read through so definitely mistakes)
——- I am in no way romanticising abuse if you have any issues with my writing pls message me
A/N: thank you all for the great response to the first part 🥺 🥰 im not 100% sure how many parts there will be because that involves being organised but anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter :)) (also i promise the next chapter will actually have more JJ in it) and I originally wasn’t gonna spend much time writing before the keg but I got carried away so sorry
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“Y/N!” You heard from behind you, turning around you’re met with the smiling face of Topper Thornton running up to you.
“Hey T,” you smiled at him, “You good?”
“Yep, um I was wondering are you free tonight?” He asked, you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Depends on why you’re asking.”
“There’s a kegger at the boneyard tonight and we haven’t spent time together in ages, Kelce wants you to go as well.” He tries to widen his eyes in a pleading manner.
“We haven’t spent time together because you’re always with Rafe now, and you know how I feel about him Topper.”
You turn to walk away, but he catches your arm, “I know, but Rafe won’t be there tonight, it’ll just be like old times, please Y/N.”
You consider his offer for a moment, “He really won’t be there?”
“Nope I promise.”
“Fine. I always like a kegger and you better not break that promise T, or it’ll never be like old times again.”
“Yes ma’am.” He salutes you, you roll your eyes at him, trying to hide your smile.
“See you later then.” You give him a small wave and continue heading to your car.
You, Topper and Kelce grew up thick as thieves and they still held a special place in your heart, but ever since they started hanging out with Rafe you’d grown apart. At first you were always invited to hang with them when they were with Rafe, but it didn’t take long for him to start to creep you out - not only by how he looked at you, but also because when he got angry at something he reminded you of your parents, and you never wanted to hang around someone like that. In truth you did miss them, but your mental health was bad enough without another person like that in your life, so you made other friends, not that you liked them as much.
The drive back to your house was nice, the idea you were seeing your friends again made you feel more relaxed than you had in a while, that was until your house came into view, both your parents’ cars sitting on the drive.
It had been a week since the last incident, and life felt suspiciously normal, you knew it was too good to be true though, your parents always acted like they were sorry after hurting you or Grace, then they would still hurt you again. It was a cycle you hated, but not one you could escape easily.
Obviously you couldn’t ask them to go out tonight so once again you were going to risk sneaking out and hoping for the best.
You took a deep breath and got out of your car, heading towards the door, bracing for the possibility your parents might be in bad moods.
Opening the door, you were met with silence, maybe your mum was already passed out from drinking on the sofa or something, but you were sure as hell going to take advantage of it. You crept through the hallway towards the stairs, checking your dad wasn’t in the kitchen, a sense of relief coming through you when you saw he wasn’t, and made your way up to your room.
You fall onto your bed, sighing and looking at the marks on the ceiling. You must have been tired enough to fall asleep, as the next thing you knew there was a soft knock at your door, rousing you from the calm state you were in, “Y/N,” you heard Grace whisper as her head came around the door.
You lifted your head to smile at her, “Hi.”
When she didn’t answer you sat up properly, taking in her appearance, her eyes were red and puffy, her body slightly hunched over, and her lips quivered. Realisation as to what had happened dawned on you, your heart sinking, “Hey come here,” you opened your arms for her.
Without hesitating she moved into your embrace, your arms sliding around her slim frame, pulling her in even closer when you felt the tears on your shoulder.
You stayed like that, rubbing circles on her back with one of your hands until her tears began to subside, when this happened you pulled back slightly, trying to meet her eyes, “Where?” You asked.
She pointed to her ankles, where they were already swollen and bruising.
You stood up, going to the draw you kept supplies for situations like this and pulled out a cream for the swelling and some bandages to try and support the injury.
You began working on it, “What happened Grace?”
She breathed in, sniffling slightly, “I was getting a drink and Mum asked me to get her some wine,” you clenched your jaw, trying to keep your mouth shut until she finished, “and I went to but she had obviously drank a lot already, so even finishing the bottle there wasn’t much in the glass. And when I gave it to her she thought-“ she hiccuped as the tears began falling again, “she thought I was trying to control how much she drank and she pushed me to the floor, and um I think I twisted my ankle on my way down.”
You couldn’t help but seethe with anger, how dare they hurt her, every time it happened, especially when you weren’t in the house, you couldn’t help but hate your parents - they were awful people who you wished would die sometimes, however bad that thought was to have.
“I’m going to kill them.” You stood up quickly, ready to go downstairs and fight your mum, or dad, hell even both of them.
Grace grabbed your hand, “No you won’t.”
You looked at her, the pain in her eyes making you realise she needed you, “I’m sorry, I just hate them so much, especially when they hurt you when I’m not around.”
“Y/N, I know - this is how I feel when they hurt you.”
“Yeah but I’m the older sister, I’m meant to protect you.”
You sank down next to her on the bed, taking her hand, “I’m meant to protect you Grace.”
She leant into your shoulder, “I love you Y/N but you can’t always protect me.”
Closing your eyes you kiss her hair, “I can try, and I love you too.”
You lay on your bed together, using each other’s presence as a comfort until your phone go off, you grab it and see a message from Topper light up your screen:
T - I’m on my way to pick you up please be ready
“Shit I forgot about that”
Your sister sits up to look at you, “What?”
“I said I’d go to a kegger with Topper earlier, obviously I’m not now.”
“Um yes you are.”
“No I’m not, I’m going to stay with you.”
“No,” your sister gave you a hard look, “Our parents ruin so much of our lives at the moment, you’re going to go have fun, even if I have to push you out the window myself.”
You smile at how stubborn she is, “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely, now lets get you ready for Topper.” She says teasingly.
You roll your eyes at her comment, she knows full well you don’t see Topper as anything more than a friend, and she’s always loved to tease you about it.
You end up wearing a small black skirt and a crop top with some red lipstick, ready in time for the next text Topper sent you saying he was at the end of your drive.
“Okay,” you turn to face your sister, “are you sure you’re okay with me going?”
“Yes, now please go.”
“Fine,” you kiss her on her head, and give her a small wave as you climb out your window.
Once you’re in Topper’s car, Kelce jokingly wolf whistling at you, your only response to smile and stick your middle finger up at him.
“It’s been so long since you’ve drank with us I bet your tolerance is shit now Y/N.” Topper smiles from where he’s turned to look at you.
“In your dreams T, I know I could still drink you under the table.” You laugh, sticking out your tongue at him so he could see in the drivers mirror.
By the time you arrived at the boneyard, there were already lots of drunk teenagers stumbling around on the beach, clearly enjoying their night.
Topper clapped his hands together, “Right, let’s have some fun.”
The three of you made your way towards the keg, which tonight was manned by Kiara and JJ, you gave a quick smile to Kie when she handed you your drink, then you looked up at JJ. You had felt his eyes on you as you interacted with Kiara, but only looked at him then, you stared into his blue eyes for what seemed like ages, until Topper took your arm and guided you to where Kelce was sat by the fire.
“How did your exams go then guys?” You asked once you’d sat down.
“Really? We’re at a kegger and you’re asking about exams? You really need to get out more Y/N.” Kelce laughed, nudging your leg with his.
“Fine, what do you want to talk about?”
“Not that.” Topper smirks at you, tossing a coin into your cup.
“Fuck you.” You say before you down the bitter liquid, “Now I’ve got to get another one dipshit.”
As you stand you playfully shove him off the log he’s sat on, and head back towards the keg to get a drink.
This time Kie wasn’t there, only JJ, who you could tell was looking at you as you made your way towards him.
“Uh can I have a refill please?” You hand your red cup to him.
“Wow a kook with manners, that’s almost unheard of.” He smirks at you.
“Unlike the rest of the kooks, you haven’t done anything to make me hate you, yet - so I’ll be nice for now.” You give him a smile and go to reach for your cup, only for him to move it out of your reach, giving you a look you couldn’t decipher.
“What’s your name? I don’t see you around often.”
“Y/N Y/L/N, now can I have my drink?” You say, reaching towards it again.
Before he can say anything else, you hear Topper’s voice from behind you, “Y/N, is this dirty pogue bothering you?”
You can’t help but feel the dread in your stomach, whenever words like that are said there is almost always a fight, and you hate it.
You swivel to look at Topper, “No he’s not, I was just getting a drink,” you try to manoeuvre him away from JJ, not that it was easy, especially when JJ started speaking.
“You know, Topper,” he sneered his name, “she’s her own person you shouldn’t be such a controlling bastard towards her.”
You turned to glare at JJ, but he only grinned at you.
Topper let out something almost like a growl and tackled JJ to the floor.
“For fucks sake, Topper get off him!” You shouted, ready to try and get him off of JJ.
That was until, your head felt like it had been run over by a car, a splitting headache already forming, you looked down to where JJ was being repeatedly punched on the face by Topper, his nose bleeding, and his eyes already beginning to swell up.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. No way is he your soulmate - as far as you know you’ve got nothing in common? And everyone you know hates him, especially because of the fights he gets in. You can feel the stress and tears begin to build at the thought of a life with someone who seemed like he enjoyed fighting, you won’t survive that sort of relationship. Not with how your parents have treated you.
You tried recovering yourself, deep breaths in and out, blocking out the cheers for the fight around you, blocking out the pain in your face as JJ got punched again. And once you’d stopped shaking, you reached forward to try and get Topper off of JJ, for both your sakes apparently.
“Topper! Get the fuck off of him!” You shouted, but as you tried to wrap your arms around him to drag him off, he didn’t move, he was too invested in the fight, not even hearing you apparently - because of this he must have thought you were one of JJ’s friends trying to get him off, so without looking at you, Topper elbowed you in the gut, hard enough you staggered back in pain.
JJ seemed to register the pain you felt, his eyes wide as he looked at you, blood covering his face, but it gave him enough strength to push Topper off of him, and he made his way to you, worry somehow etched on his face even if he was much worse off than you.
Topper seemed to see where JJ was heading, and seeing you bent over, holding your stomach in pain made him realise that he’d hurt you, he pushed past JJ and knelt in front of you.
“Holy shit I’m so sorry Y/N.” His hands were on your cheeks, but you felt nothing, nothing except the tears that now escaped from your eyes.
You removed yourself from his touch, “Don’t fucking come near me Topper.”
You stood up, turning in the sand and began heading off the beach, only to feel Topper grip your arm, “Y/N I’m sorry, please don’t be mad.”
“I said not to touch me!” You shouted, ripping your arm away from him, when you noticed the stares you were getting from other people on the beach you lowered your voice, “It didn’t matter that Rafe didn’t come tonight in the end, because you’re just as bad as him now and I don’t think we should be friends anymore.”
He stared at you wordlessly, shock and hurt written on his face - not that you cared right now, he had hurt you, maybe by accident yes, but he knew about your home life and because he lost control, you wanted to hate him and never see him again.
He let you walk off that time, passing Kelce who looked like he wanted to talk to you but instead went over to Topper.
When you got to the road you realised you’d now have to walk home, so you quickly shook the sand out of your shoes then headed down the road in the direction of your house.
It was only a minute until you got interrupted again, “Hey Y/N,” JJ shouted from where he was running to catch up with you.
God you didn’t want to deal with this tonight but he’d probably just follow you home if you didn’t talk to him.
So you turned to face him, “What?”
“Are you okay?”
“Are you?” You raised your eyebrows at him, he’d been the one to get beaten up properly after all.
“I’ve had worse.” He shrugged, then rubbed the back of his neck, looking at you shyly “but um I felt your pain which means you must’ve felt mine and you know what that means.”
“Right now it means nothing JJ, I can’t deal with this tonight so please, leave me alone.”
He could obviously see how rough you felt, you were pretty sure you were still crying, and you were tired, so tired, and falling out with topper was one thing, but also realising your fucking soulmate was JJ Maybank was just something you couldn’t handle tonight.
He raised his hands, “Okay we’ll talk about this at some point, and I am so sorry Y/N, truly.” His eyes were shining slightly, but you could tell he was being genuine.
You nodded and turned around again to head home, leaving him at the side of the road.
You weren’t sure how long the walk home took, it seemed to pass in minutes with the number of thoughts that were racing through your head, it was as if you were on autopilot, climbing the trellis with ease, not even thinking where you were putting your hands and feet.
You were so out of it, you didn’t even realise your bedroom light was on, when you hadn’t turned it on before you left, so when you climbed into your room the last thing you expected to see was your mum and dad sitting on your bed with their arms crossed, expressions of pure anger on their faces.
(feel like this isnt my best but I am enjoying writing it also there might be fluff at some point but certainly not the next chapter whoops)
Part three
Tag list: @outerbongs​ @jjaybank @bailspogue @outerbankslut @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @alexa-playafricabytoto @teamnick @k-k0129 @do-not-talk-to-me-i-am-awkward @thoughtsofthestars @http-cherries @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @thesurfingsnail @lonely-kermit @oopsiedoopsie23 @overly-b​ @lus-shh @xlittlemissydjx @asaks6082 @copper-boom @danicarosaline @deathcompass @jellyfishbeansontoast @butterfliesinthenightsky @iamaunicorn4704 @my-soul-is-the-moon @diverrdown @thorsangel @saintkore @prejudic3 (please tell me if I’ve missed someone cos I’m dumb and it’s late)
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rafecameron · 4 years
“did you at least think of me, when you were having sex with her?” with Topper pls , break my heart
You grab a hold of Rafe’s arm as you stumble over your own feet to get back into the house, laughing loudly as you nearly end up on your ass. Rafe laughs beside you, gripping onto your upper arm as he helps you inside and to a chair.
“I think you’ve had a few too many.” He laughs, his face also a little red from the amount he had been drinking.
You quickly shake your head, “Not at all! I’m just clumsy!” You say, your words slurring a little.
“Okay then.” Rafe rolls his eyes not believing you at all.
“Where’s Topper?” You ask, leaning back against the chair to stop yourself from swaying.
Rafe looks around, tiptoeing slightly to look over the heads in the crowded room, he finally shrugs, “No idea, want me to go find him?” He offers but you shake your head.
“It’s fine! If he doesn’t want to hang with his super hot totally not drunk girlfriend then fine!” You giggle out, you wave your cup in the air in front of Rafe’s face, “Refill?” You grin.
Rafe sighs, knowing you’d had enough but also knowing there was no use arguing with you. He takes your cup, making sure to make you a weak drink before passing it back to you.
That’s how you spent the rest of the night, drinking weak and watered down drinks that Rafe made for you and dancing like an idiot in Kelce’s living room with your two friends. You push your boyfriend to the back of your mind, knowing he had drank a lot and probably passed out somewhere upstairs like he usually did. You, Rafe and Kelce were the last one’s standing, the three of you collapsed onto the couch after everyone else had drifted off home or passed out somewhere.
“I love you guys.” You mumble out drunkenly, your head resting against Kelce’s shoulder as his rested against your head.
You passed out leaning against Kelce, your legs thrown over Rafe as the three of you take up the whole couch.
The next morning you were definitely worse for wear, your head was pounding and all you could taste was stale alcohol in your mouth. You grimace as you sit up, body aching from the awkward position you had slept in last night. You look around for your boyfriend before remembering he had disappeared last night.
You untangle yourself from your still sleeping friends, stretching your body as you stand up. You head upstairs, glad that everyone else who had passed out seems to have disappeared off home. You check Kelce’s room but Topper isn’t in there, so you check the bathroom and then the guest room.
You find him laying shirtless in bed, pulling the door open fully you go to walk into the room, planning on jumping on him to wake him up even in your awful state. But you stop when you notice he’s not alone. Your brows furrow in a frown, slowly you step into the room to see who it was, they’re laying face down but from the long hair you can tell it’s a girl and from the bare shoulders you can tell she’s naked.
Your breath catches in your throat, the room suddenly spinning as you grip onto the door frame to steady yourself. You want to wake him up and shout at him but you can’t. You feel your mouth watering and your throat growing tight and you know you’re going to be sick. You rush out of the room and into the bathroom, hovering over the toilet as you throw up. You’re not sure if it’s the shock or the hangover making you sick. Tears pool in your eyes and run down your cheeks as you slump to the floor, chest aching and throat burning.
You can’t see clearly, your hands grip the toilet seat as you lean against it, waiting to see if anything else was going to come up. When you were sure it wasn’t you quickly washed yourself up before hurrying back downstairs. You don’t bother to wipe the tears from your face nor do you greet your friends who were now awake, you simply run out of the door slamming it behind you.
You ignore Kelce as he shouts after you, glad you only live down the road. Once inside your house you head straight to your room, burying yourself in your pillows and letting yourself sob yourself to sleep again.
By the time you woke up it was dark outside, you didn’t want to check your phone but you forced yourself to sit up and grab it. Multiple texts and missed calls littered your screen, all from either Rafe, Kelce or Topper.
Kelce’s were concerned, Topper’s were desperate and Rafe’s were angry. You didn’t want to tell your friends what had happened, you knew they would kill Topper and no matter how much you were hurting you didn’t want that. At least not until you had spoken to him first.
So you showered and pulled on the first things you found in your wardrobe, not bothering with your hair or make up because honestly you didn’t care about anything right now. You just needed to confront your boyfriend, maybe slap him a little and then cry some more.
The drive to Topper’s house seemed much shorter than you remembered, whether that was because you really weren’t concentrating on what you were doing or because you didn’t want to arrive at your destination you weren’t sure. But now you found yourself stood on his doorstep, finger pressing constantly on the buzzer as you waited for someone to answer.
Finally the door is pulled open, Topper’s face turning from annoyed at the constant ringing to relieved at seeing you stood there.
“Y/N, I was starting to-” You cut him off with a harsh slap across the face, all your sadness from this morning forming into anger at the sight of him - and at the fact he didn’t seem like he was going to even acknowledge what he had done.
Topper frowns, a hand lifting to his face, “What the hell was that for?” He asks.
“You know what the hell that was for!” You shout and Topper quickly ushers you inside away from spying neighbours.
“Y/N, I don’t-” You cut him off again.
“Don’t play dumb Topper I’m really not in the mood right now,” You glare up at him, willing yourself not to reach out and strike him again, “Who was she?”
Topper opens his mouth, probably to deny everything, but thinks better of it and closes it again. This angers you more. He wasn’t even going to try and deny it? Try and make you think it was nothing or you were seeing things? Did he not care at all?
A single tear falls down your cheek and you swipe it away in annoyance, “Great, no answer. I guess you don’t even remember her fucking name.” You laugh out bitterly.
“Look, baby, I can explain. It’s not what it seems like, it was just...I was drunk! I don’t even remember doing it, I’m so sorry.” He splutters out, hands reaching out to try and grab yours but you back away shaking your head.
“I don’t want to hear your shitty excuses. I would never do that to you! I was there for you when Sarah did that and you turn around and do the same thing to me?” You growl out, “Fuck you. Seriously fuck you Topper. I cried all morning over you and you’re not worth anymore of my tears.”
“Please baby let me explain.” He reaches for you once more and you slap his hands away.
“Did you at least thing of me, when you were having sex with her?” You ask.
Topper looks at you for a moment before his eyes fall to the floor and you let out another laugh, “I didn’t think so.” You shake your head, “I should have known better. I knew you were just like everyone else.”
You grab the door handle and swing it open, ignoring Topper’s protest from behind you, you didn’t want to listen to him. Didn’t want to hear his feeble excuses and about how much he loved and cared about you. You were over it.
“Have a nice life Topper, or don’t, I really don’t care either way.” You spit out.
You were through wasting time on him, you knew you should have listened to your friends when they warned you about the Thornton boy but his pretty eyes and ripped body drew you in. What an idiot.
You hurry outside and back towards your car, blocking the sound of his voice out. You were done with him. But you wouldn’t turn his friends against him. So you knew you had to be done with them too.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hi! I'm glad to have found your blog!😊 can I ask for 3 and 5 from the prompt list with Shoto Todoroki pls? Todoroki and reader are best friends (secretly with feelings for each other)? And could it be aged up! to college age please if that's okay? (oh, and one last thing, sorry for asking so much👉👈 if possible without spoilers from the manga or heroes rising movie pls? I still need to catch up on those) thank u so much💕💕 and i'm sorry for being annoying with so many questions
it’s about time
AgedUp!Shoto Todoroki x gn!reader
prompts #3 “I’ve got you.” & #5 “I’ll always be here.”
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[a/n: lmao I have absolutely no good reason for this gif but Hello there my love! I’m glad you find my blog too 🥺 no need to apologize, you weren’t being annoying at all❣️I really enjoyed writing this one. I avoided any spoilers, there’s mention of the USJ attack but that was season one so....yeah. Thank you so much for requesting✨ feel free to send in another any time! enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ps. the prompts are in bold, there are mentions of alcohol and it gets a bit suggestive at the end 🥵]
Sendai Tech was the top university for heroes and those in hero support. Getting into uni was effortless. Graduating at the top of your class at UA was to thank for that. A lot of class 1-A went on to Sendai and some went straight into the hero business. You had been attending Sendai and working part-time patrols at Bakugou’s hero agency, he had risen in the ranks quite quickly, taking a spot in the top 5. Todoroki had also been working part-time patrols at Midoriya’s agency, refusing his father’s invitation for full time work. The both of you wanted to start an agency together so you had enrolled in the business course they offered at Sendai.
Why did Todoroki want to start an agency with you, you might ask? Well, the answer was quite simple yet still perplexing to some people. You were his best friend. Though neither of you cared to admit that the title ‘best friend’ wasn’t enough, you both wanted more than that but the fear of ruining a perfectly good friendship was strong. You had told yourself multiple times, you’d rather have him as a friend than not at all. And the possibility that admitting your feelings and not having them returned was painful.
You first met him when you were little. You heard someone crying as you made you way passed the towering fence that surrounded his home. You had been returning from playing with some of the neighborhood kids and you had offered him half your cookie. You learned his name and why he was sad. Needless to say, your hate for Endeavor started early on. You had never seen his face but you made your way to the fence every day after school to share your snacks and stories about your day with the sad boy but one day, he didn’t show up. One day turned into two, and three until you also decided to stop showing up. I wasn’t until your first day at UA did you find out what he looked like. He surprisingly remembered you and profusely apologized for suddenly disappearing and you picked up where you left off.
Natsuo and Fuyumi knew about this and would be adamant about asking their little brother when he’d finally admit his feelings to you during their weekly sibling dinners only to roll their eyes when he said, ‘She sees me as a friend and nothing more. I don’t really plan on risking our friendship with a stupid lapse of judgment.’
It was the same for Bakugou and Eijiro when you’d go get drinks with them on Friday nights. They’ve known about your crush since high school. Heck, everyone did. And they were getting tired of hearing your drunken pining about the icy-hot boy.
“Look idiot, stop crying over how much you love him...you’re ruining the vibe.” Bakugou grumbled as you pouted at him.
“There’s no need to be rude, you angry explosion freak. I will cry over a boy for as long as I want.” You slurred, taking a bite of a chicken wing.
“You wouldn’t need to cry over one if you just told him how you feel. It’s that simple.” He leaned back against the couch, lazily taking a sip of his beer. Kirishima chuckled at the deja vu that suddenly hit him.
Every Friday you’d go over to their shared apartment for beers and pizza. Usually to relax after a stressful week of school and work, and without fail, you and Bakugou would have the exact same conversation. It was like clockwork. Exactly after two beers and three or four slices of pizza later, you’d confess your love for Shoto Todoroki before turning gloomy and pouting that he’d never love you the same way. You’d usually pout while eating a chicken wing or two. This never failed to amuse the red head. No matter how much Bakugou complained, he had a soft spot for you. During your days at UA, Mina and Denki had taken it upon themselves to let you into the Baku-squad after passing the 𝓋𝒾𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀. Since then, Bakugou had complained and complained but once he saw that you were powerful enough to hold your own during the USJ attack, he deemed you worthy of his respect. Thus meaning you had earned his friendship as well. Many of their classmates had gotten together after graduation, even Bakugou admitted that he had feelings for the spiky red head sitting next to him.
“Come on (y/n), you should tell him. I think you’d be surprised with how silly you’re being.” Kirishima grinned his usual happy go-lucky grin.
“Exactly! You’re not a wimp, are you? Even that idiot Deku confessed to chubby cheeks already! Are you trying to tell me that you’re wimpier than broccoli head!?”
“Maybe I am a wimp.” You stick your tongue out childishly at the angry blonde.
“I don’t remember hiring a wimp.”
“Well you did, so deal with it.” You frowned as you took a greedy sip of the beer you were nursing.
After a couple of hours later, you were drunk. Very, very drunk. And it wasn’t too pretty. You were an emotional drunk, with only two available emotions. Sad and angry. Both Bakugo and Kirishima were glad it seemed you were the former, this time around. Snuggling as you settled onto their couch.
“Uh Uh. Nope!” Bakugou tutted. “You are not staying the night.”
“But Bakubro!” You whined, hugging a pillow cushion to your chest. “You know who is in my dorm.” You looked around cautiously. “Shoto is in there.” You whispered as if it were the biggest secret in the planet.
“That’s what you get for requesting him as a dorm mate. Now come on.” He lifted you up and tossed you over his shoulder. “You’re lucky I’m switching my afternoon patrol with your morning one. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you patrol hungover.” He grabbed your bag and made his way to the door. “Eiji, give me my wallet. I’m getting her a cab.”
“You’re not gonna leave her by herself, are you?”
“Of course not.” He hissed, “What kind of idiot do you take me for? Why the hell would I leave her alone like this.” He pointed at your slouched form for emphasis.
Once out in the chilly evening, he called a cab. Thankful that there were still some running at 1am. He grabbed your phone and found Shoto’s contact, holding the phone to his ear with one hand and holding your head up with the others as he huffed in annoyance when the line kept ringing and ringing before it finally stopped.
“H-hello? (Y/n)?” The groggy voice on the other end spoke first.
“I’m on my way to drop off your idiot, half and half bastard. You better be outside to help them up to your dorm.” And he hung up. Confused, Todoroki got out of bed and slipped on a sweater and some sneakers before heading down to the lobby. Eyes squinted with discomfort at the sudden bright lights of the hallway. He stepped outside and stood at the curb. He was slightly concerned, he knew that Bakugou and Kirishima wouldn’t let anything happen to you but why did he need to help you? Did you get hurt? His thoughts were quelled when a cab pulled in right in front of him. Bakugou had stepped out first, helping you out after him and grumbling at the driver to wait.
“She drank too much. Make sure she doesn’t choke on her own vomit or something.”
“Thanks Bakugou.” He mumbled as he steadied you on your feet.
“Bye Bakubro~!” You waved cheerily.
“Yeah whatever. I expect you to be at the agency at 1pm sharp. Get some rest.”
“Yes sir!” You exaggerated a salute as he rolled his eyes and got back into the cab. Todoroki’s eyes widened when you slung your arms around his neck and cuddled into him.
“You’re so warm Shoto.” The way you had basically purred his name made his cheeks flush a deep red.
“R-right.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s get you inside.” You decided to wrap your legs around his waist, finding great comfort in being in his arms. He obliged and hooked his hands under your thighs to make sure you wouldn’t fall and as he made his way back inside, he tried to ignore the feeling of your plush thighs against his palms. Locking the door to your shared dorm behind him, he made his way to your room. He placed you gently on your bed, kneeling down to unlace your shoes and pull them off your feet.
“You’re so gentle, Sho...” you hummed sleepily, eyes closed with a cute grin on your lips. He left your comment unanswered seeing that he’d be a stuttering mess if he had. He made his way over to the head of the bed and combed your hair back.
“Sweet dreams, (y/n).” He kissed a feather soft kiss on your forehead. He chuckled when you made a soft grunt of disapproval when his warmth left you.
“Sho...don’t leave me.” You whimpered, eyes slowly opening as they shone with tears. “Don’t go.” He frowned and couldn’t help but think that there was an underlying fear with that statement, other than just wanting to cuddle. So, he peeled off his hoodie and pulled back the covers and slid in next to you. In an instant, you clutched onto him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he nudged your chin with his knuckle, making you look right into those beautiful bicolored eyes. You tears had started to slide down your pink cheeks.
“I don’t want you to leave me, Shoto.”
“Why would I leave you?” He was confused, he knew this could just be an alcohol induced insecurity but he knew you enough to know that the fear in your eyes was genuine.
“Because I-“ you paused, unsure if now was the time. Sighing as the liquid courage urged you to continue. “Because I like you. More than I should, more than a best friend should. But I can’t help it and I don’t want to ruin what we already have by making you uncomfortable.”
“Why would I be uncomfortable?” His voice was small but you heard it as he ran his thumb softly over your cheekbone.
“Because you don’t feel the same.” He remained quiet. He was bewildered, you had feelings for him too. He couldn’t believe it. However, you had taken his stunned silence in a negative way and started to cry even more.
“Shh.” He cooed as he pulled you into his chest. “I’ve got you, don’t worry. I’ve got you.” He decided to leave this conversation for the morning when you’d actually remember. There you two had laid for the rest of the early morning. He was always reminded that he slept better with you in his arms. There were a bunch of things that he did much better with you there. And he couldn’t wait to tell you.
You were confused but pleased when you were met with the sight and feeling of Todoroki’s bare chest. He was always so warm. Not to mention how muscular he was. You definitely didn’t mind when he’d walk around the dorm shirtless right after a shower. The feeling of bile starting to make its way up your throat, you ripped yourself from his arms and ran to the bathroom. The sudden movement startled him awake and when he heard the retching noise come from the bathroom, he was quick to get in his feet and make his way to you. Pulling your hair from your face and rubbing four back soothingly as you expelled the contents of your stomach. Once you finished, you groaned. Staying in your position hunched over the toilet bowl just in case.
“Why don’t you take a shower. I’ll make you some breakfast.” He suggested softly as he helped you up. Embarrassed, you nodded quietly, watching as he shut the door behind him. Not bothering to lock it, you stripped and hopped in the shower. While you where in there, you tried to make sense of anything that happened the night before but all you could remember was being at Bakugou’s place, then a cab, then with Shoto and—The memory of the words you had exchanged swept through your mind and you groaned. Maybe he wouldn’t remember...right?
The cool water of the shower seemed to have soothed your hangover a bit as you made your way to your room and pulled on some sweats, grabbing Shoto’s hoodie from the ground and pulling that on as well. The smell of fresh coffee called you to the little kitchenette. Grabbing a mug gratefully, you leaned against the counter and took a sip of the dark liquid.
“So...do you remember anything from last night?” He asked tentatively, you gasped and inhaled some of the coffee. You coughed, putting the mug down and cleared your throat.
“I do.” You nodded slowly, a pink blush crawling up your neck. “And I understand if you want to go, sorry if-“
“Who said anything about going anywhere.” He cut you off, there was a sly smile playing on his lips. “I never said I didn’t feel the same way.”
“What?” He seemed amused at your confusion. “Wait, are you serious?” He approached you. His arms trapping you against the counter.
“I think—no. I know.” He looked down into your eyes, one hand coming up to caress your jaw. “I love you, (y/n). I have for a long time.” His confession made you feel warm inside, your heart swelling in happiness.
“I love you too, Sho.” Your lips met in a sweet kiss, lips moving together to convey all the pent up emotions you were feeling. You smiled into it as it got a bit more passionate. Your hands coming up to run through his hair.
Breathlessly, you pulled away.
“You never need to worry about me leaving. I’ll always be here.” He explained softly, nuzzling your nose with his.
“Really?” You asked happily.!
“Mhmm, you’re mine.” And with that, his lips met your hungrily. Lifting you up on the counter, and standing in between your legs. His hands gripped your hips as he began to trail kisses down your neck. Nibbling and tugging at the skin with his teeth. “And I’m gonna show you just how long I’ve waited.” His voice was deep with lust. Tugging down the bottoms you just changed into, he sunk to his knees in between your thighs.
Needless to say, he made you his. And you had no complaints.
You showed up to the Ground Zero Agency 5 minutes late.
“Oi! I thought I said to not be late!” Bakugou shouted as you put your bag in your locker.
“Sorry, I uh got preoccupied with something.” You stuttered as you avoided his eye line as you turned to face him. He smirked when he saw the bruised skin on your neck, your hero suit barely covering them.
“Eijiro!” He chuckled wildly. “You owe me $30!” Footsteps rushed into the room and there stood the red head with wide eyes.
“Finally!” He shouted. Pulling out his wallet and giving Bakugou the money. “I’m not even mad.” Grinning, he gave you a sly look. “It was about time.”
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sweetiejunie · 5 years
Cupid’s Arrow
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Summary: all it took was a few shots and a phone call
Genre: fluff / angst
Yeonjun x reader (ft. Best friend! Kai)
Warning: swearing • drinking, pls drink responsibly 🍻
An arrow is said to be shaped as a concave quadrilateral. Unlike a knife, it makes it harder to be removed once you’ve been hit. It causes you to bleed out. Putting an end to the misery and inevitably, your life.
That’s exactly how yeonjun felt when he first saw you. You had shot cupid’s arrow at his heart and no matter how hard he tried there was no way for him to remove it. A perfectly crafted arrow that ensured it hit its target, him. The only difference in this case was that there was no end to his suffering or pain. Whenever he saw you talking or laughing with his other members, that arrow only got deeper making his heart twist and hurt more.
He had met you through Kai. You were in the same class and one day Kai had invited you to their dorm to work on an assignment you had. And ever since, the boys had been inviting you over more and more often.
The moment yeonjun laid an eye on you, he was gone. The way you shyly smiled and greeted them just made his heart race. You were probably the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
He’s never been brave enough to tell you how he’d fallen victim to one of your fatal arrows, he just couldn’t. In his mind you were the huntress and he was your prey. And a huntress never gets hit by their own arrows, do they. There’s no way you fell for him.
To him, you were some untouchable prize he couldn’t even dream of achieving, the one with the bow and an impenetrable heart. Little did he know, your heart had been hit. And by who? The answer would really surprise him.
It’s been a year since he’s been hit, but the arrow still stuck with him, as painful as it’s ever been. A year of all the pent-up frustration, jealously and love. Throughout that time, he’s tried multiple times to tell you how he felt, and every time he backed out at the last minute, in fears of rejection. He was about to explode and on that one faithful day he finally did. All it took was a couple shots and a phone call.
Yeonjun had tried and attempted many times to get over you. Whenever he failed to confess, he immediately wanted to give up on you in general. He assumed being friends with you enough for him but time and time again he proved himself wrong.
He always drank when he felt the pain, drinking just enough to help numb his heart. A feeling he’s gotten accustomed to.
Today, the stinging in his chest was worse than ever. He had overheard your plans with Kai to go to a some new ice cream parlor. How he wanted Kai to say no and for you to have asked him instead.
Thats how he ended up here, at McClaren’s bar, the only person spending time with him was a little birdie called jack daniel, someone he considered a close friend by this point. He took a shot, cringing as the alcohol slide down his throat, burning, but no pain could compare to what his heart was going through.
Earlier that day he saw you entering the practice room as their practise was coming to an end. In his heart he hoped you were there looking for him but instead you greeted him and the other boys and turned to Kai. He knows you and Kai were best friends, but it still hurt how he wasn’t your number one choice and probably would never be.
He remembered how you had showed Kai a picture of the parlor, the way your face lit up as you talked about how excited you were to try it. He took another shot.
He remembered how you waited for Kai to end practice. He wished you had been waiting for him instead, taking another shot.
The way you and Kai left the building together, laughing and chatting about god knows what. With each shot he took, he felt his frustration build. But that didnt last long. A wave of sadness crashed on him and he realised there was no way he could stay mad at you, no matter how drunk and/or sober he was. He just cared and loved you too much.
As the alcohol started to take effect, yeonjun felt his negative thoughts, along with his sobriety, fade away. All his thoughts, except one, you. In a way he was glad all he could think about was you, but he despised the jealousy and pain that came with it.
“Why can’t she just realise how i felt about her? I’ve been trying so fucking hard to make it obvious, why is she so ignorant?” He rambled, to no one in particular.
There was no one close enough to hear him, hell, it was too early for anyone to be at a bar, but he still continued mumbling to himself. He was depressed, or maybe it was anger? He didn’t know anymore, all his emotions were numb, creating a mess in his mind. A few more shots through his soliloquy and suddenly everything went black.
“What! You jumped on a glass coffee table?!” Kai exclaimed, bursting into a fit of laughter as you told him the story of how you wanted to test a glass table by jumping on it, breaking it in the process, obviously.
“Hey! Its not my fault it broke okay!”
“Yeah, right. The table came out of no where and got in your way right?”
“Exactly!” You said sarcastically, folding your arm in a defensive manner, “you get me. But there’s something you need to know about me Kai-”
“That you like glass coffee tables?” He intrupted with another round of laughs.
“No. It’s that I’m just really dumb,” you reponded, and with that, the entire street was filled with your laughters. Thankfully, the street was practically empty at that hour.
It was nearly 11pm as you and Kai made your way back home. The past few hours you spent with your best friend had been fun. After getting ice cream, you headed to the nearby park to walk off the calories. However, you both somehow ended up at the playground playing on the swings, with Kai pushing you, of course. You had fun, but eventually the sun had to call it a day and so did you.
It was a beautiful night, stars filled the sky and the moon hung brightly beside them. You’ve always loved stargazing and one day you hoped to be able to lie in the grass, stargazing with your favourite person.
“So... you planning to confess anytime soon?”
You chocked at Kai’s sudden question, “what?”
“Oh, dont pretend. You know who I’m talking about and i know you’re thinking of him right now.”
Blushing at how obvious you were being, you replied, “no way, he doesn’t like me. Ill just be digging my own grave.”
As if on cue, you felt your phone ring in your back pocket.
“Hold on Kai,” you paused, retrieving your phone.
‘Yeonjun 🥴💓’ you heart fluttered as the screen lit up, revealing the caller. ‘That’s weird, why would he be calling me?’ You thought.
No doubt, Kai saw the name and was now teasing you about it. Kai was the only person you trusted enough to tell about your crush on yeonjun, you didnt know him long at the time, but something about him just drew you in. You hit Kai’s arm and answered the phone, signalling Kai to be quiet.
“Hey yeonjun! What’s up?”
Kai blew a kiss in your direction and you responded by rolling your eyes and shaking your head.
You heard someone at the other end of the line but the voice that replied didn’t belong to the blue haired boy you knew.
“Um hi, is this y/n?”
“Yes, that would be me.”
“Oh hi, um so your friend here passed out and he’s been mubbling your name a lot, so i figured you were the person i should call,” the stranger said, letting out a dry laugh at the awkwardness of the call.
“What? Is he okay? Where is he?” You asked, panic overtaking you.
“Yes, he seems fine, he just had a bit too much to drink. He’s at McClaren’s.”
“Alright, thank you! I’ll go pick him up now!” With that, you hung up.
You turned to face Kai, who was looking at you with the face of confusion, “come on we have to pick up yeonjun, he’s at the bar.”
You hailed a taxi and you both jumped in. Your mind flooded with worry as you wondered what could have made yeonjun drink so much. He was fine when you were at the practice room earlier, did you miss something when you left?
The moment you arrived, you rushed into the bar, leaving Kai to pay for the ride. When you stepped in, a mixture of alcohol and smoke filled your senses but you couldn’t care less. Your main goal was ensuring yeonjun was alright.
Your eyes scanned the scene until they fell upon the boy slumbering at bar counter. An open bottle of whiskey rested infront of him. He must have had at least five to six shots. Your eyes soften at this realisation and you made your way over to him. Seeing his sleeping face, you couldn’t help but give a small smile. He just looked so... breathtaking.
Gently nudging him, you tried waking him up. “Yeonjun, wake up, we need to get you home.”
“Y/n?” He said groggily, lifting his head as he slowly woke up, smell of alcohol in his breath.
“Hey, yeah it’s me.”
“You’re not y/n, she’s out with Kai. There’s no way she cared about me enough to come here.”
Hearing this left you at a loss for words. You didn’t care about him enough? It hurt your soul knowing that’s what he thought. The only thing you cared about was him. More than anything.
“It’s been a year and she hasn’t even noticed how much i love her. I love her to point it hurts me so fucking badly. I love her more than Kai ever will. But she always asks him to hang out instead of me. I wish i was her first choice, not him,” he continued, laying his head back down on his arms.
His sudden confession left you speechless. ‘Did he mean it? Or was it just the alcohol talking.’ A million thoughts ran through your head until Kai intrupted them by coming in to look for you.
“There you are, what’s taking so long? Let’s get him and go. Help me get him up,” Kai said, not wanting to stay in the bar any longer than required. After making sure yeonjun had all his belongings, Kai slung Yeonjun’s arm over his shoulders and lead him out of the bar and into the taxi.
Throughout the entire journey back, yeonjun slept peacefully in the back seat and you didn’t mutter a single sentence, his words still on your mind.
Being your best friend, of course Kai noticed something was wrong but he didn’t want to say anything since yeonjun was around, and who knows what he will remember when he sobers up.
After reaching the dorm, you thanked the taxi driver and got out. You opened the dorm door for Kai as he dragged the drunked inside and threw him on the couch, letting out a heavy sigh from all the exercise he’d just done.
Kai followed you into the kitchen as you prepared an aspirin and water for yeonjun when he woke up the next day.
“Okay, what’s wrong? You didn’t say a single thing the entire ride back. What happened before i found you in the bar? And don’t lie to me,” he said, using his arm to lean against the door frame, blocking the exit, preventing you from leaving till he gets a satisfactory answer.
You hesitated, “i... yeonjun... he confessed before you came in. But I’m sure that was just the alcohol talking. He also said he’s hurt by how you’re always my first choice and how I didn’t care enough about him.” You let out an awkward laugh, the glass of water making it obvious how badly your hand was shaking.
Kai’s eyes widened in shock, “that’s great, isn’t it? You like him and, revelation tonight, he likes you. You could ask him again tomorrow if you want. I doubt he’ll remember any of it.”
There was silence as you tried to process everything that happened tonight.
“You should stay here tonight, it’s really late, you can borrow some of my clothes. I’ll take care of him for a while, alright?” Kai continued, taking the glass of water out of your hands.
The next morning 8am
Yeonjun woke up, head pounding, throat dry. He couldn’t remember a single thing that happened the previous night. He remembered being angry, then sad, then... nothing. He didn’t even remember how or who got him home.
The dorm was quiet, the other boys hadn’t woken up yet. It was quite early, earlier than yeonjun was used to waking up. Sitting up, he noticed the water and aspirin sitting on the coffee table.
‘Who left this here?’ He wondered, knowing his members definitely wouldn’t do that. They would have been kicking and swearing at him for making them carry him home.
Along with the pill, he downed the glass of water and stood up. He wobbled a bit, legs still asleep but eventually regained his balance and made his way to the kitchen. He heard footsteps approaching him, but he figured it was just one of the boys.
“Oh yeonjun you’re awake, how are you feeling?”
He spun around on his heels, surprised to hear your voice, a voice he would recognise before he even saw your face.
“Y/n- good- good morning,” he stuttered after getting the air knocked out of his lungs. You looked adorable, hair messy, wearing an oversized tshirt that belonged to... Kai. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat.
“I didn’t know you stayed over. Massive headache, but I’ll get over it.”
“Drink a lot of water okay. Why did you drink so much yesterday?” You asked as you made your way to pour yourself a glass of water.
“Oh... i just... didn’t know my own limit i guess.”
You let out a ‘hm’ in reponse. “Well, you said some funny stuff last night. Do u remember any of it?” You looked to the ground, not daring to make eye contact with him.
He shook his head.
A dry laugh escaped you lips as you contemplated if you should continue. “Well, i guess you... kind of confessed to me...” you trailed off as you felt a blush creep up to your cheeks.
Yeonjun’s mouth hung open as he looked for the right words to say. Millions of things running through his mind. Should he lie or should he just admit to it? I guess there was no point hiding his crush now, was there?
“Shit... I’m sorry if i made you feel awkward,” he looked down, hand scratching the back of his neck. He took a deep breath and continued, “I’ve liked you for almost a year now. I know you don’t see me that way and I’ve been trying to get over you for a while now, but i just can’t. Since the day i saw you, there’s been an arrow in my heart. I’m sorry.”
You dont see him that way? Gosh, he couldn’t be anymore wrong and it broke your heart. Without thinking, your arms were around him, engulfing him in a hug.
“Don’t be sorry. Don’t ever think i don’t care about you, because i do. I care about you more than anyone, because... i like you too... so much, since the day i met you.”
“Oh, thank god,” he let out in a breath, hugging you back, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “You wouldn’t belive how many times I’ve tried telling you and how many times i imagined you would say that.”
You stayed like this for a while, both too happy to say anything.
“You know, there’s a new cafe that opened recently. Would you want to go with me?” You asked, looking up at him, breaking the silence.
“Of course i would,” he replied, resting his forehead against yours. He was grinning like a cheshire, he had gotten his wish.
“Maybe i should have got drunk a long time ago,” he joked, making you giggle.
Just like that, yeonjun felt the arrow in his heart disappear. The once permanent scare was now gone, and he was happier than ever. All it took was a few shots and phone call.
So this was a bit longer than i usually write. But i really enjoyed writing this, and hope you enjoy reading it!
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chipper9906 · 4 years
The Best Laid Plans - Chapter 9: Where It Began
Pairings: Kylo Ren/Rey, Ben Solo/Rey
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 7,480
Status: Multi Chapter Fic - In Progress
Chapter Preview: 
Rey nodded, letting her eyes flutter shut and taking a deep breath in to prepare herself. She exhaled slowly, feeling everything that surrounded her. The searing wind of Jakku batting against the baked metal of her AT-AT, the sound of hairless rats scurrying in underground tunnels miles and miles away, the bustling activity of the rare settlements scattered around the desert. The energy of it all existed around her, within her, was her.
And there was Kylo. Somehow nothing like her, and yet entwined with her. He was like a pulsating, glowing beacon within her vision, a mass of brilliant white with veins of jet black sneaking through, clinging to him like vines, digging in hard and refusing to relinquish their grip. It was reaching out to her, twirling around her, letting itself brush along her but never quite being able to hold on. Looking at him now, she knew him like she knew herself. There was nothing he could hide from her, and the fact that he was so willingly baring himself to her like this was a show of trust she couldn’t even begin to grasp.
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Chapter 9: Where It Began
Rey has encountered many experiences in her short life. Some experiences that have been experienced by many others, some only a rare few get the privilege to be a part of. Sure, there are countless other scavengers out there - not just on Jakku - who performed the same tasks every day as she did. And she’s sure there are plenty of others that have been abandoned by their parents and left to fight for their own survival. Not quite as many people have had a resistance droid carrying a map to the Luke Skywalker roll into their lives. And not everyone has been led to an ex-stormtrooper, who would then help them to escape from a pursuing group of stormtroopers onboard the most famous ship in the Galaxy (that, admittedly, she had once mistaken for garbage.) Not so many people have had the privilege to study under Luke Skywalker, to hold and wield a saber – not just any saber, but the saber that had once belonged to Anakin Skywalker, and then passed onto his son, Luke Skywalker.
She’s lived through every one of them, and she’s here now to tell the tale, isn’t she? Well, the point she was trying to make is that those experiences help her to be prepared. Ready to tackle anything that comes away.
Except, she had never planned for Kylo Ren, heavily inebriated on brandy that she had coaxed him into drinking, to say what he had just said to her. Above all else, she hadn’t been expecting to find herself wanting him to act on his words. He hadn’t moved – not yet. His lips were tantalizingly close to her own, so close that she only needed to tilt her head up a few millimeters and he would get to find out the answer to his question. His hazy brown eyes repeatedly flickered down to her waiting lips, struggling to focus on her eyes when they flicked back up.
It feels more like instinct than her own willpower that she finds herself leaning into him. His lips barely brush against hers, another wave of brandy scented breath filling her senses when it hits her. She stops, how exactly she isn’t too sure. She has a hand on his chest, gently nudging him back as she pulls her face away from his, shaking her head as she does so. She can just about see the cloudy confusion behind the drunken haze in his eyes – worst of all, she can see the clear sheen of hurt as she pushes him away.
“We shouldn’t…” Rey tells him quietly, dropping her hand away from the warmth of his body. “You don’t want this. Not really. You’ve had too much to drink, you… you’re not acting like, well, you. It would be wrong of me – of us – when we’re like this, I… You would regret it so much once you sober up.”
Kylo blinks slowly at her in his confusion, taking the time to process the words in his intoxicated mind. “What?”
Rey sighed heavily, scooting further back on her bed until her back hit the wall. The pain swelling in Kylo’s chest grew heavier the further she pushed herself away from him. “This is for the best. Trust me. You’d hate me otherwise.”
“I’d never-,” Kylo begun, but stopped when Rey shook her head at him.
“You can’t promise that. Not with us.” Rey stated firmly. “And this isn’t a decision you can make in your current state. Chances are you won’t even remember this tomorrow…”
“Okay.” Was all Kylo could say in response to that because it seemed like this was an argument he just couldn’t win. Rejection was never fun, but he wasn’t going to push Rey. Not with this. No matter how much the ache in his chest worsened with her rejection.
“I’m sorry…” Rey had practically folded in on herself, tucking her knees to her chest and peering over at Kylo worriedly. “We just can’t do this. Not while you’re drunk.”
“No, no, don’t be sorry. It’s fine, I’m fine, I just-,” Kylo stumbled to his feet, nearly knocking over a misshapen light fixture next to him as he stood. “I, uh… I think I should go. To my ship, I’ll just…”
This was exactly what Rey was worried was going to happen. Something that fractured the fragile relationship blooming between them that would only serve to push them apart instead of bringing them closer together. She had thought maybe she could have prevented it, but it appears she’s only done the opposite. She wants to tell him no, that he doesn’t have to leave, he’s always welcome in her home - but Kylo is staggering out of the door to her home before the words can even have a chance to form in her head, and she’s left with her mouth open and a hand outstretched towards his retreating form.
Rey let her head fall into her palms with a groan. She dug her fingers into the corners of her eyes, willing for the waves of dizziness to pass quickly. She can barely think when her head is swimming like this. Rey lets herself slide down the wall until she hits the somewhat scratchy but relatively soft blankets of her bed, wincing at the bulky object lodging itself into her side. She bends her arm awkwardly to reach at her back, yanking out the bottle she had discarded to the bed during their conversation. She gives a small grunt as she reaches to place the mostly empty bottle on what can barely count as a bedside table before collapsing back into the bed and rubbing a hand over the pressure she can feel building in her skull. This was the non-fun part of drinking, she supposed. Nausea and regrets.
Lots and lots of regrets…
* * *
 Rey had never been in such pain in her life.
If this is the price she has to pay to get drunk, she’s never getting drunk again. That’s something that’s probably said by every sentient creature that’s ever drank before, but she stands by her words.
There must be a microscopic creature swinging a hammer around with reckless abandon inside her skull, because that’s the only scenario that fits the agonizing pain going on inside her head. The interior of her home had never seemed so bright, the thin streams of sunlight piercing through holes in her rusting ceiling blinding her even through closed eyelids, adding to the sharp pain that was set behind her eyes. Her mouth was dry – unbearably dry, like someone had replaced it with a piece of sandpaper. Good thing she still has some water left in the reserve…. This is too much suffering for the supposed fun of last night.
Ah. Last night… Oh, she remembers that. She would probably have had to drink to the point of alcohol poisoning to have forgotten that. Perhaps Kylo has forgotten it? She isn’t sure if she wants for him to have forgotten… On one hand, it would make this whole mess easier. He’d probably be a bit confused about the whole situation, though. In fact, she isn’t entirely sure where he went. She had just about picked out the words ‘my ship’ in his jumbled mess of words as he hurriedly left last night, but that could easily mean he got on his ship and took off. Which, if he did, she’s going to have to scold him harshly for the next time the Force connects them because you absolutely should not under any circumstances pilot a complicated spare faring piece of machinery whilst drunk.
Rey forces her eyes open, immediately wincing at the light that assaulted her senses. She pushed herself out of bed, peering at the world through squinted eyes whilst groaning quietly at the ache that ran through her muscles. She only stumbled a few times on her way to the water reserve, quickly pouring herself a canteen of thankfully somewhat cooled water.
It was the most refreshing drink her life, the cool liquid seemingly lessening the ache in her head with every swallow. She felt more alive now, at least. And not like she was right on deaths doorstep. She gave a weak glare in the offending bottle’s direction, wishing to never see or taste that bitter amber liquid ever again. She passes by it, ambling over to her workshop bench and then she stops there, staring down at its surface as she places the canteen of water down.
Her saber stares back at her, its sleek dark metal standing out atop the polished silver metal of her worktop. She can still barely believe it, even now. She was sure Kylo and herself would have got to practice sparring with it today, but that seems unlikely now. She doesn’t know when she’ll get to see him again… She sighs softly, scooping up the saber from the workbench. Rey rolls it around across her palm for a moment, testing the weight and overall feel of it. That’s when she catches sight of a shadow at the doorway from the corner of her eye that hadn’t been there before.
Her finger was moments away from spinning the ignition wheel to her saber, nearly dropping it at the sight of Kylo Ren stood at her doorway. She could see his chest heaving under his many layers of clothing, breathing heavily as if he had ran the whole way here; which seemed likely, seeing the sheen of sweat plastered to his forehead.
He didn’t look panicked, though. At least, she couldn’t sense that from him. So, it was unlikely he was running from something, or that they were in any immediate danger.
“Ben?” Rey asked, turning briefly to place her saber back on the workbench before turning back to him. “I thought you had left?”
Kylo had managed to get his breathing somewhat back under control. His fingers fidgeted by his side, swallowing harshly before he spoke.
“I’m not drunk anymore.”
‘What is he talking about?’ Is the brief thought that passes through Rey’s mind. It’s brief due to the fact that her mind goes into overload as Kylo Ren storms towards her, encases the sides of her face in his giant hands, and crashes his lips into hers.
She let out a surprised squeak against his lips as Kylo pushes her back, feeling the hard edge of the workbench digging into her lower back as she collides with it. This was new, something she definitely hasn’t experienced before, but it doesn’t matter in the slightest. It seemed deep-seated in her mind, something primitive that took over her body. She drops her saber on the workbench behind her, reaching up Kylo’s back and tangling her fingers in his black locks. She leans into him, her other hand trailing up his front and resting on the solid muscle of his chest, feeling the heat that bled through his shirt.
Kylo’s hands had slipped down, one arm curled around her hips and the other resting between her shoulder blades, a constant pressure that tugged her towards him. Rey parted her lips, breaking away from him to take a breath before Kylo quickly surged forward and reclaimed them with his own. A small whine slips out of her, barely audible after being swallowed by Kylo’s lips. She feels the gentle scrape of his teeth dragging down her bottom lip, accompanied by a shiver sliding down her spine. Her fingers involuntarily clench and tug at his hair, eliciting an unexpecting throaty growl from Kylo that nearly had her legs give out from underneath her.
It wasn’t until Kylo had pulled away from her that she felt like her mind had come back together and her body was back in her control. Her lips felt swollen and warm, and probably looked about the same as Kylo’s did: cherry red and plump with a sheen of moisture. The drunken haze was undeniably gone from his eyes, but had been replaced by a much different one; dark pupils expanded until his iris was no more than a thin rich brown circle that surrounded the inky blackness, darting across her face as he waits for her reaction.
“Wha… What just happened?”
Maybe not the most intelligent words to have come out of her mouth, and probably in the worst of situations, but there they were.
“I kissed you.” Kylo spoke slowly, almost framing the straightforward statement as a question. He looked genuinely concerned for her mental wellbeing, so that was nice at least.
His concerned look only deepened. “Because I wanted to? And maybe it’s foolish of me to assume, but I presumed you kissed me back because you wanted to?”
She did. Oh no, she did, didn’t she? It hadn’t even crossed her mind whether she wanted to, let alone if she even should.
“I… Yeah, I guess I did.”
She could see the relief clear as day on his face at her words, felt the tension of his muscles drain away beneath her fingertips that were still resting along the back of his neck.
“Good, because then I can do this again.” Kylo had leaned forward again before she could even blink, their lips slotting together perfectly like they were built to be. Rey had to fight against every fiber of her being not to just melt right back into him, into the deliriously addicting silky heat of his mouth, because it would only lead to trouble if all Kylo needed to do to shut down her mental capabilities was kiss her.
“Wait-,” She barely managed to get out in the brief second their lips parted, nearly forgetting what the rest of her sentence was supposed to be when Kylo runs his tongue across her bottom lip. “Ben, wait.”
Kylo does pull away at that, looking about as unhappy about having to stop as she was, even though she was the one who stopped it. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I just… Is this the best idea? Not even taking into account what I want, or what you want, but thinking about how messy this could get.”
“Messy?” Kylo repeated her words in a question. “Why would it get messy?”
“Maybe because I’m a Jedi in training, and you’re the supreme leader of The First Order? The time we’ve spent together so far, it’s… well, I suppose it’s what’s led to this moment, hasn’t it? But it can’t last forever. I’m going to have to return to my duties someday, as will you. This war will continue, Ben. And we both pledge our allegiances to different sides. Battles will be fought. We’ll have to join those battles. How will we both be able to step onto the battlefield, both as enemies and as… as…”
That word didn’t sound adapt enough, but it managed to get a fierce red blush to creep up her neck and spread across her face, so she supposed it was good enough. “Yes. This is going to complicate things, in ways that will impact more lives than just our own.”
“We’ll find a way.” Kylo said firmly, raising his hands to wrap them around her arms and give them a light squeeze. “This is my specialty - working with I’ve got to make the plan work.”
“The plan?”
“This one, right here.” Kylo replied. “I’m not willing to walk away from this, Rey. All my life, I’ve done what others have wanted me to do. For once, I’m deciding what I want. And you’re it, Rey. Question is – do you want the same?”
“Ben…” Rey whispered his name under her breath. “It’s more complicated than that. Even with where we are now. If I was forced to fight you in battle… but… but I couldn’t just abandon the resistance either.”
“I know. Trust me, I know. What happened the other day with my troopers, that isn’t something I can repeat. It’s an unnecessary loss to the First Order-,”
“And a loss of life.” Rey stressed. Kylo so desperately wanted to point out that he knew that, that he couldn’t stop thinking about that, but he just… couldn’t. Couldn’t let himself admit that to her. “And isn’t that proving my point? What are we going to do if we get caught again? Either by your people, or by mine? It doesn’t matter how careful we are, you can never completely rule out that happening.” Rey continued.
“No, we can’t.” Kylo agreed. “But why would they have anything to suspect, if all they see is you and I in the midst of battle?”
Rey frowned up at him. Didn’t he hear a word she had said earlier? “Ben, I already said, I can’t fight you-,”
“And I can’t fight you.” Kylo quickly continued. “People can be easily fooled, though. I’m quite talented in manipulating people, and you might not want to admit it, but so are you. A few flashy tricks with the help of a Force, a blur of color from our sabers… They’ll be none the wiser.”
“You want us to… fake fight?”
“It’s the only solution.” Kylo stressed. “We can both continue our lives as we were but keep alive this new fire that seems to have sparked between us. I want to see where this takes us, Rey. I want to keep this little piece of happiness to ourselves.”
Rey stared up into those auburn eyes that were locked onto hers with such intensity that he must have committed hers to memory by this point. There was so much desperation hidden within them, all of him laid bare for her to witness, ready to either be elated by her answer, or be completely torn down.
“Okay.” Rey finally answered after a few too many seconds of unbearable silence for Kylo.
“Okay?” Kylo dared to ask.
“Okay.” Rey repeated, a small smile curling at the corner of her lips. “We’ll give the plan a shot. We’ll try and make it work.”
Kylo responded by crushing her into her chest, squeezing one arm around her entire body and delicately holding the back of her head with his other hand. Rey chuckled softly into his shirt, dropping her arms down to reciprocate the gesture and squeeze Kylo tighter. His heart was beating a steady rhythm under her ear, if not a bit faster than usual, and Rey let herself enjoy this brief moment of being held by him without questioning the somewhat flimsy structure to this plan.
They could make it work… right?
Rey jumped back from Kylo at the shrilling noise, looking around for the source. Her eyes drifted down to the Holocron attached snugly to her wrist, her heart jumping at the sight of the General’s name along its surface.
Kriff, how long had it been since her last check-up with the resistance? If she doesn’t answer this now, they’re going to worry. Questions will be asked. They may even try and track her down. But this isn’t exactly a call she can make with the Supreme Leader of the First Order in view.
“Quick-!” Rey hisses at him, shoving Kylo out of the way, much to his immense confusion. Rey kept shoving him until he reached a particularly shadowy corner of the AT-AT that would hopefully keep him concealed from his mother’s sharp sight. “If she sees you, this plan will have failed before it’s even started!”
“If who sees me?” Kylo tried to ask, but received a sharp hush from Rey in response. He does as he’s asked anyway, pushing himself back into the corner as far as he can go. Rey seemed to have a legitimate reason for her worry, so it seemed like this was going to be a ‘do as you’re told and ask questions later’ kind of scenario. He got the feeling it was going to be like that a lot in their relationship…
Rey practically fell into the wobbly wooden stool by her workbench, the chair nearly toppling over in her haste to get seated. She gave a quick glance to Kylo in the corner to her left side, who could only shrug his shoulders at her in response. This could only end poorly…
Rey swiped across the Holocron to accept the call, swallowing nervously to compose herself as General Organa popped into view. Thankfully, it appeared that the General was in her private room, rather than the officer's room, where sensitive information may have been on display. As far as Leia knows, Rey is still isolated on the hardest to reach place in the Galaxy… she would have no reason to have to hide any information.
“Rey…” The General said her name with such warmth that it was impossible for Rey not to smile, even through the nerves churning up her stomach. “It’s good to see you.”
“Good to see you too, General.” Rey replied, letting her eyes wander over to Kylo. Kylo had turned as stiff as a board, that look of indifference he was so efficient at throwing up back on his face. In a blink, he had turned from a normal, emotional person to Kylo Ren. Seeing him like this, she couldn’t help but worry what information Kylo may try to take from this.
“Something wrong, Rey?” The Generals inquisitive voice brought Rey’s attention back to the Holocron. “You seem distracted.”
“Uh, no, I’m fine. I, um… I thought I heard something moving outside, but it’s nothing.” Rey rushed out her response, coming up with an excuse on the fly. “Everything okay back at base?”
“As well as can be.” Leia answered with a somewhat strained smile. “The First Order’s still hot on our heels. We may have to move our base of operations soon, try and throw them off our trail…”
“Finn mentioned that last time.” Rey noted, giving another quick glance over to Kylo, who was showing no reaction to this conversation. “He also said you had gained some new members? How are they settling in?”
“As well as can be, given the circumstances. They’ve been under the First Order’s thumb for so long, nothing more than average citizens… actively fighting against their oppressors instead of simply opposing them in secret is quite a jump in lifestyles.”
“And what of the stormtroopers you took in? Are they still under watch?”
“Not anymore.” Leia answered, and Rey could actually spot a hope-filled smile on the Generals face. “We sent them out on a covert mission recently. Reconnaissance. The more information we can gather from under the First Order’s nose, the better.”
“You’ve sent them back? Isn’t that a bit risky?”
“It won’t be for long.” The General assured her. “And they have full communication with us at all times. This mission wasn’t ordered, it was offered – volunteers only. Each and every one of them stepped up for it. And since we’ve lost our usual source of information-,”
“Wait, what?” Rey interrupted the General, grabbing the edge of the workbench and pulling herself closer. “Are you talking about the spy?”
The words had slipped out of her mouth before she had even had a chance to think them through properly. How could she have done that? How could she have mentioned of the First Order Spy, the one big advantage the resistance had over the First Order, when the supreme leader was stood in the same room?
“They ceased contact with us last week. They usually check in every few days, supply us with some tidbits of information, but now they’ve gone radio silent.” Leia continued, not picking up on Rey’s internal freak-out.
It wasn’t like Rey could just change the subject, at least not without arising Leia’s suspicions. Besides, it was too late to do much more damage than she already had. Kylo now knew there was a spy amongst his ranks. “Do you think something happened to them? Someone in the First Order that could have found out about them?” Rey asked.
“It’s a possibility… to tell you the truth, we simply don’t know. We’re hoping they’ll get back to us in the coming days, but we can't rely on them and their information for everything. We’ll have to find our own ways, which is what we’re doing.”
“Do we have any idea who the spy is?”
“No.” Leia answered. “From the information they’ve given us, it’s either someone high up in their rankings or someone who has a lot of reach. They never even send us the messages themselves – it’s passed along to a middle man who gets the information to us.”
“Maybe there’s a delay with the middle man?” Rey suggested. “Or maybe they’re struggling to find another middle man to pass the information along?”
“Could be, Rey. We can only wait and see.” There was a momentary gap in their conversation, one where Rey suddenly felt like she was under the General’s scrutinizing gaze. “How are you, Rey?”
“I’m… I’m good.”
“That’s it? Just ‘good?’ It can’t be easy being all alone out there.”
Oh, if only she knew…
“It’s not too bad.” Rey answered with a weak smile. “I mean, of course I’m missing you all terribly… as well as missing getting to watch Finn and Poe bumble awkwardly around each other.”
That managed to get a laugh out of the General. “They are rather oblivious, aren’t they? I can’t help but wonder when those two will figure it all out…”
“I’m sure they will one day. Hopefully when the Galaxy is in a more… stable state.”
“Which it will be.” Leia promised. “But… you’re sure you’re alright, Rey? Nothing you need to talk to me about?”
Rey’s heart jumped in her chest, involuntarily looking back over to Kylo once more. Kylo’s face was set in stone, his vision fixed on the Holocron of his mother with a look that made Rey’s chest constrict with fear.
“Nothing that I can think of, General.” Rey answered, hoping Leia couldn’t sense the slight catch to her voice as she spoke.
“Nothing at all?” The General continued to inquire, much to Rey’s annoyance. “Not even the reason why you’ve decided to leave Ahch-To?”
Dammit. Dammit, Dammit, Dammit. It was stupid to assume the General wouldn’t have found out… probably just one look at her surroundings and she would be able to tell something was different… Kylo had finally reacted to their conversation, his eyes darting over to Rey with his eyebrows raised, mouthing the name ‘Ahch-To’ to himself, like he was devoting the same to memory. She had done exactly what she set out not to do – to give away the location of a precious Jedi island to the one man who sought to wipe out anything related to the Jedi.
And yet, that stubborn piece of hope still remained firmly planted in Rey’s chest that it didn’t matter. Because Kylo was changing, wasn’t he? The sudden shift in their relationship had proven that. He knew doing anything to that island would hurt her, and Kylo would never do that to her… right?
“I was actually kind of hoping to keep it a surprise.” Rey had to think on her feet once more, reaching across the workbench to grab hold of her saber which she had discarded when she was doing something that she can’t think about without her face going red and alerting the General once again. “But I suppose now is as good as ever.”
Rey held up her saber to the Holocron for General Organa to see. The older woman's eyes went wide, alight with excitement as she laid eyes on the new weapon. “That isn’t my brother's saber…”
“No, it’s not. It’s mine. Crafted from my old staff and some spare pieces of scrap – which is why I came back home to Jakku. It’s where I am right now, actually. I’ve been working on it for the past few days – completely forgot to check in with you. Sorry…”
The General smiled at Rey’s sheepish apology. “Try not to let yourself get too distracted in the future.” Leia lightly reprimanded her. “But I suppose this is a worthy project to be distracted by… Where did you learn how to do such a thing?”
“The Texts.” Rey’s mind thankfully came up with an answer that made sense. “Your brother had a few Jedi Texts stored in his home that I was able to salvage.”
“The Jedi Texts?” Leia asked in disbelief. “Luke was forever frustrated by those books… We stopped our training before I could ever get to them – he always put them off, saying I needed more experience first, but truthfully I think he still didn’t have a complete grasp on them.”
“I can see why.” Rey replied with a breathy chuckle. “They’re not the easiest of reads.”
“They’re not written to be. Yet, you seem to be handling them quite well.”
“I wouldn’t quite say that.” Rey corrected. “I’m only getting bits and pieces, but it’s slow progress.”
And that was the truth. She hadn’t made much progress with the texts, but there were still some. Nothing to do with building sabers of course, that was the lie, but she had come across some interesting subject matters that she wanted to delve deeper into. Something she had never heard of being used before…
“If it’s enough to be able to build a saber by yourself, then I would say you’re doing fine with them.” Leia complimented Rey with a proud smile on her face, which made it all the more painful knowing the lie Rey was feeding to her.
“Thank you, General.” Rey said with a weak smile. “I know you’re all concerned about me, but I promise I’m okay out here. Really. And I’ll always be ready to drop anything and come back to base whenever you need me.”
“Ah… well, you’ve just made the reason for my call a lot easier.”
Rey straightened up at this, feeling her heart rate kick up as she racked her brains for what the General may have meant. “What is it? Is something wrong?”
“Not yet.” Leia answered ominously. “That mission I mentioned earlier? With the troopers undercover? We sent out another unit to accompany then, gather information on a First Order held settlement currently under heavy watch. We believe there’s a contact currently trapped there who could provide us with some more ships.”
“For what price?” Rey asked, because no one ever gave anything for free in war.
“We don’t know yet. That’s why we’re going to send out a scouting unit to see if we safely and efficiently liberate the settlement. I need you to-,”
“It’s better to brief me when I get back, General.” Rey quickly interrupted Leia, cringing at the disrespect. It wasn’t like she had an option, though. Kylo would have heard every detail of the plan from where he was stood. “When we’re face to face, not over this.”
“That’s probably for the best.” General Organa agreed, to Rey’s great relief. “I need you back here in about three days, if you can make that.”
“I can make that.” Rey agreed. “But… are you sure you don’t need me back earlier?”
“I believe you might be a bit of a distraction for the resistance upon your return. I need everyone’s complete focus, especially in the next few coming days.”
This did nothing but pique Rey's interest even more, but she would have to wait until she had returned to the resistance to ask, when there isn’t an extra pair of ears listening in on their conversation. Or at least, that’s what she hoped. She can never entirely control when the Force decides to connect Kylo to her…
“Three days it is, then.” Rey settled on.
“Three days.” Leia repeated in a firm voice. “Keep yourself out of trouble until then, okay?”
Rey couldn’t help but let her eyes drift over to Kylo at that. Keep out of trouble, huh? She was already deep in it…
“I think I can do that.”
* * *
The stillness they found themselves in after the call had ended was stale and uncomfortable, to say the least. Rey had assumed the time after a relationship comes to life would be a bit more light-hearted than this, but then again, you don’t usually receive a call from your new partner's mother – who also happens to be the General of the Resistance, which happens to be opposing the army your new boyfriend is the leader of. They never were going to get a normal start, were they?
“Three days…” Kylo mumbled into the dead air, still hidden away in the corner of the room, having not moved a muscle the few minutes it’s been since the call had ended. “Three days. Then you go back.”
“Seems so.” Rey said in somewhat of a daze, staring down at her hands in her lap.
“Seems important.” Kylo added, finally stepping out of the shadows, illuminated by the streams of light making their way through the damaged ceiling. “Important enough to need a Jedi, anyway.”
“You weren’t supposed to hear any of that.” Rey told him with a strained quality to her voice, already wondering how badly she’s screwed up. “I should have known something like this would happen…”
“It wasn’t really something in your control-,”
“Except it was.” Rey interrupted harshly, more frustrated with herself than anything. “I knew I had to call in, and I let it slip from my mind completely. I hate having to lie to Leia… After all she’s done for me…”
“And I’m sure you’ve done a lot for my mother as well.” Kylo pointed out. “Such as being willing to drop everything and return to her without even knowing what you’re walking into.”
“It’s the least I can do for her. And for the Resistance. I said I’d be there whenever they needed me – I don’t intend to break that promise.” Rey insisted. “I imagine you’ll be called back soon too, then.”
“Most likely.” Kylo concurred. “If the Resistance is planning something that requires you, then my officers will probably be calling me back to base for an urgent meeting.”
“You seem very confident in your officer's ability to know the Resistance’s every move.”
“It’s their job.” Kylo pointed out. “If they couldn’t do their job, they would be replaced.”
Rey snorted sarcastically at him. “Yeah, and I imagine being demoted doesn’t just involve being placed in janitorial staff, does it?”
Kylo didn’t answer that. He let his eyes drop down to the floor, then turned his head away from her completely. Rey wasn’t sure what that meant.
“So… I guess the whole ‘fake fighting plan’ is going to come into play sooner than we expected, huh?”
“Seems that way…” Kylo said in a hushed voice, a surprisingly sad twinge to his voice.
“What are you going to do?” Rey asked him. “Head back to… wherever the First Order is right now?”
Kylo looked back at her now, eyebrows furrowing as he regarded her with a bewildered look. “You’re not leaving for three days.”
“So, neither am I.” Kylo stated like there was no other option. “Every time we separate, we won’t know how long it will be until we get to see each other again. Face to face I mean, not just over the Force. Until I absolutely must go, I will make sure to savor this time I have with you. However long that may be.”
Yep. Rey was definitely in trouble…
“Three days, huh?” Rey asked playfully. “I’m not sure I can handle that much time with you without killing you.”
Nothing brought Rey more pleasure than seeing how hard Kylo was struggling to keep his laughter at bay.
“We’ve made it this far, haven’t we? I think you can handle another three days.”
“I guess we’ll see. Three days… What’s your plans?”
“Not sure about a plan, but… I think a trip to Ahch-To would be nice.”
And just like that, their playful banter had turned to the feeling of someone pouring ice-cold water down her back. She had nearly forgotten about him having heard that part of her and Leia’s conversation… Kylo could easily pick up on the sudden shift in her expression, frowning at the worry he could see on her face.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Rey shot down his suggestion, turning away from him and back to the workbench. She picked her saber back up, finding it was easier to stare down at it rather than look into Kylo’s disappointed and pained eyes.
“You really don’t trust me at all, do you?”
Nope, never mind. The hurt in his voice was so much worse.
“This is more than just trust.” Rey argued, placing the saber back down and forcing herself to look at him. “Ahch-To, it’s… it’s the only connection I truly have left to the light, to the Jedi. It’s where my path truly began. I would be betraying Luke by risking its location. Even you knowing the name is more than I should have given…”
“That still doesn’t explain why you don’t want me there.”
“It’s not you specifically, Ben!” Rey snapped in her frustration. “If the First Order found out-,”
“Why would they find out?”
“Because…” Because why would they? Unless, as Kylo said, she didn’t trust him? She supposed that was the question, wasn’t it? Would Kylo find a use for Ahch-To that the First Order could benefit from? Did she somehow assume that Kylo’s presence would be enough to somehow taint the island? That seemed ridiculous, now she thinks about it… But still, it felt… wrong. Ahch-To was the shelter for the light, the one place of respite for the Jedi. There must have been thousands upon thousands of years of history on that island, of the many Jedi that once stepped foot on that island that have been long forgotten to history. It seems much too disrespectful for her to purposefully bring the one man who’s set on ending the Jedi….
“Let me show you something.” Kylo’s gentle voice brought Rey out of her thoughts. He gestured with his head as he stepped away, leading her over to the make-shift couch he had sat upon the night before.
Rey waited for Kylo to sit down before taking her own seat, shifting so she was facing him. Kylo leaned towards her, ducking his head to meet her eyes and make sure her line of sight was focused on him.
“You remember the first time we spoke face to face?” He asked her.
“You mean in the interrogation chair?” Rey asked, and wow, their relationship really did start oddly, didn’t it?
“Yes. You may recall how I tried to search through your mind for the answers I was searching for. And then you threw everything off by searching through my mind.” Kylo said, waiting for Rey’s nod in response before he continued. “I want you to do that to me again, Rey.”
Rey glanced down to see Kylo was offering his hand to her, his black gloves removed to reveal tanned and weathered skin, his palm facing towards her. Timidly, Rey stretched out her own hand, softly placing her hand down into his. Her fingers curled around the back of his hand the same time as his fingers wrapped around hers, swiping a calloused thumb tenderly over her knuckles. The second her skin touched his, everything seemed to melt away. Kylo had her full focus, like all of her senses were tuned into him, and him alone.  
“Ask me something, Rey. I’ll give you my answer, and then you search within my mind. Find out If I answered truthfully. For someone of your abilities, it should be no problem.”
Rey nodded, letting her eyes flutter shut and taking a deep breath in to prepare herself. She exhaled slowly, feeling everything that surrounded her. The searing wind of Jakku batting against the baked metal of her AT-AT, the sound of hairless rats scurrying in underground tunnels miles and miles away, the bustling activity of the rare settlements scattered around the desert. The energy of it all existed around her, within her, was her.
And there was Kylo. Somehow nothing like her, and yet entwined with her. He was like a pulsating, glowing beacon within her vision, a mass of brilliant white with veins of jet black sneaking through, clinging to him like vines, digging in hard and refusing to relinquish their grip. It was reaching out to her, twirling around her, letting itself brush along her but never quite being able to hold on. Looking at him now, she knew him like she knew herself. There was nothing he could hide from her, and the fact that he was so willingly baring himself to her like this was a show of trust she couldn’t even begin to grasp.
“Do you still love your mother?”
“Yes.” Kylo answered immediately, a muscle under his right eye twitching as he answered. Something about the weird, glazed look in Kylo’s eyes made her uneasy as the words poured out of him.  “I always saw my inability to cut my ties with my parents to be my biggest failure. Killing my father did nothing to solidify my allegiance to the Dark, it just left me empty and torn in two. I know the path I’m on will only lead to either my death or my mother’s. If it’s the second, I don’t know if I’ll be able to be the one to do it.”
This was… weird. She didn’t need to search within him to see if he was telling the truth. Rather, the truth seemed to be spilling out from him, perhaps even without his consent. It was… it was kind of like Kylo wasn’t really there, pushed to the back of his mind as she pulled whatever she needed out from him.
It was weird, and it was uncomfortable, and she knew deep down that she shouldn’t be doing this. But she couldn’t help but ask him one last question…
“Are you still drawn to the light?”
“Every day.” Kylo answered with just two simple words, but it was all Rey needed to hear. In a snap, the dream-like daze on Kylo’s face was gone. His eyes cleared and focused, jumping back into the pilot's seat – more like forcing himself back into the pilot's seat – the skin around his face tightening as he clenched his jaw. He ripped his hand out of her grasp like she had burnt him, a wary and surprised look coming into place.
“It’s not very fair of you to take advantage of my trust when you’re not willing to give me the tiniest bit of yours.” Kylo muttered darkly, somehow looking at her both in disappointment and in awe of her power.
“I… I don’t know what came over me, I just… I couldn’t stop myself.”
Kylo glanced up at her as he rubbed at his hand, brushing over the patches of skin where Rey had touched him. Strangely, Rey could also feel a hot, tingling sensation like burning ants running under her skin, only on the spots where Kylo had curled his fingers around her hand.
“You got what you wanted though, didn’t you?” Kylo asked, pulling his glove back out from his pocket.
“I… Yes, actually. I think I did.”
Kylo snapped his glove back into place, raising a brow in question as he looked up to Rey, who had swiftly stood from the couch. His eyes followed her as she headed over to her workbench, grabbing her saber from the table and attaching it securely to the holder on her side. She turned back to face Kylo, gesturing her head at him like he had done not too long ago.
“Three days left together… and I’ve already spent longer on my old home than I wanted to. You’re right- I don’t trust Kylo Ren. But I do trust Ben Solo. I trust that man to come to Ahch-To with me, to keep the location of this sacred place hidden from anyone. I want to spend those three days with you, Ben. But it’s not my decision whether you come to Ahch-To with me. It’s yours. So, tell me – am I going back to Ahch-To alone?”
Kylo responded by standing from the couch, reaching her side in only a few steps and kissing her like they had done it a thousand times before. She doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to the swooping sensation in her stomach whenever his lips are on hers, and she hopes she never does. Rey’s in so much trouble… and she can’t find herself to care.
Kylo broke away, running his hands up from her forearms to her shoulders and giving them a tender squeeze. “I told you I’d be there every step of the way, didn’t I?”
Link To Chapter 10
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staticscreenwriting · 5 years
All you have to be is here - Part 10
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Synopsis: Billy has fucked up and has to do 60 days of community service at a home for troubled kids and youth. Working with the kids there makes him learn a lot about himself. Also there’s a girl there his age who has a phenomenal smile and who is way too nice to him.
I guess I should mention there’s a lot of angst in this. Talk of substance abuse later on, physical abuse, emotional abuse. All that kind of gnarly real life stuff. It deals with kids and teens struggling with a a shitty family life so be aware of that.
Part 10 of ?
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9
Please help a girl out by reblogging. Thank you ♥
Attention ! If you wanna be tagged pls send me a message or an ask it’s easier and faster for me than going through the tags of each part every time. Thank you :)
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
I never really ever felt so adored before Never really ever felt this type of vulnerable Don’t have to hide, don’t have to fear All you have to be is here Never really ever felt so adored before And I said I wanna feel like this forever Even if forever’s just for now We’re on fire, let us burn As the outside world, it turns We are here and alive In our corner of time Forevermore
People always talk about the calm before the storm, the one pregnant with a tragedy yet to come. No one ever talks about the calm afterwards.
It’s almost midnight and Billy is slumped down on his bed, face pressed into his pillow, as the Hargrove household is being overtaken by an awful silence. Just a few minutes earlier his dad’s voice has been reverberating off the walls, echoing through every room. Now it’s quiet. Eerily so.
He remembers the days back in California, back when mom was still living with them. The yelling and the crying was bad but at least it meant she was still able to fight. The quiet was the worst. The quiet allows your mind to wander to all kinds of dark places and really see the situation for how fucked up it is. The quiet makes your mind conjure up the worst of make believe scenarios. 
The quiet is unforgiving and scary. 
Susan, unlike his mom, isn’t someone who fights back either. There’s mostly silence with her. Always this god awful silence.
Billy tries to bury his head further into the pillow. Maybe if he falls asleep at least his dreams will let him forget about — all of it.
It’s been two whole days since he’s seen (Y/N). Two whole days since he’s been to HHTCY. He’s called in sick but he’s pretty sure they know he’s lying. She definitely does.
It’s been two days since he’s talked to his mom over the phone. 
As his mind is about to wander to places he so desperately wants to forget, the phone on his bedside table starts ringing. 
“ Hello ? “ Billy’s voice is hoarse and deep and laced with the sleep he’s so desperately waiting for.
“ Billy, hey. It’s Tommy. “ 
Why the hell is Tommy calling him at this time of the night. Tommy never calls. Especially not at times like these. Billy swears if this has anything to do with him being dumped by Carol again he’s gonna freak out. It’s way too late, or early depending on how you see it, to care about that shit. And it’s not like he cares any other time of the day.
“ I was sleeping you asshole. Why the fuck are you calling me ? “ 
He wasn’t sleeping. In fact he wishes he was. But lately, as of exactly two days ago, his mind is too loud to go to sleep. Too busy. There’s too many what ifs floating around in his head.
Sleep doesn’t come easy at the moment.
“ Billy, man I’m at Tracy’s and I really think you should come. “ 
“ Tommy I told you I’m not going to Tracy Mitchell’s dumbass party. It’s all just rich kids being pretentious assholes. Also it’s in the middle of fucking nowh— “ 
“ Nah man, you don’t get it.  (Y/N) is here and she’s fucked up, dude. Like the kind of fucked up where she’s about to make some really bad decisions soon. “ 
At the mention of her name Billy sits up in his bed and combs a hand through his hair in frustration. This isn’t his mess to fix. Not anymore. Not after what she’s said to him the other day. He should just tell Tommy to fuck off and then go back to sleep, or at least try to go back to sleep.
That’s what he should be doing.
Despite it all though, it’s not what he does. Despite it all he finds himself pulling on his jeans and boots as Tommy waits for a reply.
It’s not his mess but despite it all, Billy cares anyway. And maybe that’s one of the great tragedies in life. That sometimes you still care for people even though they hurt you. Even though they break your heart. 
He wishes he could just switch it off and be indifferent towards her, thought that’s not how it works. It didn’t work like that with his mom and it’s not gonna work like that with (Y/N).
“ Hey man, I’m sorry. I didn’t wanna wake you. I just thought — “ Tommy speaks up again and for the first time Billy starts really appreciating Tommy for who he is. A good dude. Sure he’s an absolute idiot but he’s an alright guy when push comes to shove. 
“ No I — it’s alright. I’ll come by. Thank for uh — ya know. Thanks. “ 
“ Sure thing. “ 
Billy sneaks out of his room and out the front door. By now he knows exactly which floorboards to avoid, which one’s creak the loudest. He wishes he didn’t have to know. 
Alas, Billy Hargrove’s wishes don’t usually come true and that’s something he’s come to terms with a long time ago.
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If it all wasn’t so fucking absurd, Billy would’ve laughed at the scene that greets him once he arrives at Tracy’s house in the middle of nowhere. Sheltered between pine trees and pumpkin patches.
(Y/N) stands in the middle of the living room, right on top of the couch table. She’s wearing a blue sundress that’s definitely too cold for the current temperatures but makes her look gorgeous either way. There’s a red solo cup clutched in her hand that loses more and more of it’s content with every move and every sway (Y/N) does. 
She’s loudly singing along to the music and when usually she’s put the original singer to shame, now it’s way off key. There’s no doubt in Billy’s mind that she’s positively sloshed.
What he realises when he comes closer though, is that as well as looking drunk, she looks absolutely exhausted. And for a moment that idea gives him a little bit of satisfaction. The idea that it hurt herself too. That she too has trouble sleeping.
It’s not a nice thing to think, to find joy in, but Billy never said he was a nice guy. 
Though that sentiment vanishes as soon as his eyes meet hers and he can see just how sad they look. There’s no warmth there anymore. She just looks so — hurt. And that doesn’t give him any kind of sick satisfaction anymore. It just makes him sad. He never wants to hurt her ever. Not even when she’s hurt him first. 
“ Billy !” (Y/N) exclaims, throwing her arms up in celebration before hopping off the table and flinging her arms around his neck.
“ I didn’t know you were — I thought you — I didn’t — Hi. “ 
Her words are a drunk jumbled mess and she smells like alcohol and sweat. If this was any other person, any other girl, Billy would’ve never come. 
She’s not though. She’s (Y/N). She’s his girl.
“ C’mon let’s go home. “
“ Why do you wanna go home ? “ she pouts “ It’s fun. “ 
“ Fun’s over. Let’s go. Trust me , you’re gonna thank me tomorrow. “ 
For a brief second Billy’s mind wander towards all the parties he’s been to in the past. All the times he’s drank way too much. All those bad decisions he’s made.
And he realises that he’s never had anyone there to look out for him. Never.
“ Are you mad at me ? “ she asks, voice timid. Like a child.
Yes. He’s absolutely mad at her. So mad that it takes over his entire system. So mad that every waking minute is spent wondering if this is a sick way for karma to come bite him in the ass. That once he’s got a good thing in his life it gets taken from him again.
He’s mad at her but not because of tonight.
“ It’s okay, let’s just go. “ he murmures and tries to stir her towards the front door.
“ I didn’t even mean to drink so much, I promise. I was just so sad and — “ 
“ I said, It’s okay. Let’s go (Y/N) “ 
“ Aw come on “ a voice calls from behind them and as he turns around Billy comes face to face with Keith fuckin Kinsella.
The way he’s looking at them makes Billy’s blood boil. There’s a sense of superiority in his eyes, a teasing smirk on his lips. This dude is a culmination of all things Billy despises about other people. He’s arrogant and pretentious and — just a mean fucking asshole really.
“ She can’t leave yet. It’s only just starting to become fun. “ 
God, how much he wants to punch this guy in the face. Ruin his perfectly straight nose. He can’t though. At least not right now, not tonight. There’s a girl he needs to bring home safely. 
“ You should better keep your mouth shut, Kinsella. Or I’ll shut it for you next time I see you. I’m sure your old man paid a fortune for those white chompers of yours, would be a shame if anything were to happen huh ? “ 
“ You threatening me ? “ 
“ Yeah I fucking am. I’d take it seriously if I were you. “ 
“ Alright, white trash. Whatever you say. Have fun taking her home, she’s a real mess. As always.” 
Billy completely ignores the words thrown at him, though hearing Keith talk bad about (Y/N) makes him indescribably angry. 
He looks down at the girl holding onto his arm, swaying from the alcohol cursing through her system and looking up at him with her big sad eyes. 
Keith is gonna get what’s coming for him sooner or later. Though tonight is not the time or place for it.
Not tonight, Billy.
Not here, Billy.
So he throws his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulder and them both step into the night. Hearts heavy. Half drunk on vodka and heartbreak. 
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That one song is playing on the radio as they drive along the dark Hawkins Streets. That “only you” song. Billy remembers one of the first times he’s stayed over at her place. He remembers her singing this song and taking off her makeup. 
He thinks he might’ve been in love with her even back then. 
“ I’m sorry “ (Y/N) mumbles next to him, her eyes focused on the rain falling outside.
“ Don’t .” This is neither the time nor place to talk about the elephant in the room. Not when she’s drunk. Not when he’s still angry.
“ But I gotta say sorry. “ 
“ Yeah. You can. Once you’ve sobered up. “ 
“ Am I gonna have a chance ? “ 
“ Huh ? “ 
“ To say sorry. Are you gonna listen ? “ 
As if there was ever a chance of him not listening. To her ? Always.
Maybe, Billy thinks, maybe caring about someone, loving someone, maybe it comes with the undeniable and uncomfortable fact that sometimes you gotta forgive them. And if not that, you at least have to give them a chance to say sorry.
He also wonders if those things also count for a mother, one that’s left her son in a home she knew wasn’t safe. He wonders if forgiveness is something he can grant her.
“ ‘m always gonna listen to you. “
She’s quiet for a moment but even though he’s looking out onto the street and not at her, Billy can sense her unease. Can sense there’s something she desperately wants to say but is hesitant to do so. 
“ Billy “ she speaks up, words still slurred but there’s something else now. Some edge. Some kind of anxious tint to her voice.
“ Hm ? “ 
“ You said, I love you. When we had — when we fought. You said I love you. “ 
His heart almost drops down to his stomach. He remembers saying it but in that moment he wasn’t aware of the gravity those words held. The gravity they still hold. You don’t just let that slip out. It’s — a conscious commitment.
“ Forget about it, (Y/N). It doesn’t matter what I said during a fight.” 
It does though. It matters a great deal. Because he meant every single word of it. The good and the bad. 
“ Oh.” she says and he swears he hear her sniffle a little. “ Well that’s a shame because I love you too. “
He wished so badly that this was another time and another place. That it wasn’t the middle of the night with the rain pouring outside. That she wasn’t drunk and that they weren’t fighting.
Because those words mean everything. He wants to hear them from sober lips and a heart that isn’t hurting.
But god how he wants to hear them again.
“ Billy ? “ 
“ Hmm ? “ 
“ I went to the party with my friend Steph, she has my bag. “ 
“ So ? “
“ My keys are in there. “ 
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Sneaking back into his house after a night out is hard enough for Billy Hargrove on his own. With the creaky floorboards and a father that seems to be able to sniff out a misbehaving teenager. Though sneaking back in with a drunk girl in tow is an almost impossible task.
Billy’s never been more grateful about that fact that his room is the first one on the right as soon as you enter the house.
“ You have to be quiet, babe. Alright ? “ 
(Y/N) just lazily nods her head and gives him a tired smile “ I like it when you call me babe. I like it when you’re soft with me. “ 
If he’s being honest with himself, Billy likes that he gets to be soft with her. That he doesn’t have to uphold an image around her, of the cool bad-boy. Of the son that’s an utter disappointment.
With her he can be just Billy. With her he gets to learn and experience who “Billy” even actually is. It’s hard to become your own person when everyone else buries you in expectations. 
He  takes off her dress and puts her in one of his shirts. This is the first time he’s ever had a girl stay over without anything sexual being involved. 
As she flops down on his bed, tired eyes still focused on him, Billy thinks that despite it all, this looks right. It feels right. Having her close. Her smile and her warmth and — her.
Getting out of his jeans, Billy settles down under the duvet next to her and just looks at her for a moment. Everything that’s good in his life is right here next to him. In his bed wearing his clothes and she loves him.
Drunk or not the words have been said and they mean everything. Everything.
“ Billy ?” (Y/N)’s groggy voice speaks up again, pulling him from his thoughts.
“ Hm ? “ 
“ I’m sorry. None of what I said I meant. I was just — so so sad. I really believed it was gonna be different this time. That he had finally changed. I just wanted to believe my dad loves me again. That he can be my dad again. I never wanted to hurt you though. Never.“ 
She’s crying, big tears running down her cheeks. 
He can’t help himself. His heart still hurts whenever he thinks back to the words she spit at him that night but he needs to hold his girl. Maybe sometimes you’re so hurt, that you hurt the ones you love in order to deal with the pain. 
Either way, all he wants is to hold her and so he does. Holds her close and lets her cry into his shirt as she rests her head there. Right above his heart. Just where she belongs.
“ I love you. “ he murmures into her hair before he places a kiss there. 
He doesn’t know if she’s heard. It doesn’t really matter anyway though because he plans on saying it more often. As much as she wants to hear it . No matter how much those words scare him, they feel so right. So undeniably connected to the person he’s slowly becoming.
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In the grand scheme of things, mornings are a quite insignificant part of life.
Billy is sure though, that this morning is one he’s not gonna forget ever. Because as he wakes up he’s greeted by his girl resting on his chest, just the way she fell asleep. The rising sun is casting golden speck of light onto her skin and there’s a tiny smile playing on her lips. So small it’s hardly noticeable. But Billy notices it anyway.
She scrunches up her nose as Billy traces little shapes on her skin, then slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him. The warmth is back with full force and engulfs him entirely. He could get lost in her eyes forever. 
“ Good morning. “ He says and combs a streak of her off of her face. 
“ Morning. “ she replies then places a soft kiss on his chest “ I like when you smile at me first thing in the morning. “ 
Again his heart flutters at her words. It’s hella cheesy to say these things but who is he to deny himself of the simple pleasures in life ? Indulging in the love his girl is willing to give to him.
“ How are you feeling ? “ 
She groans in response the buries her head back in the crook of Billy’s neck. “ Like someone stomped on my head and then made me lick a skunk “.
“ That bad, huh ? Well lease you didn’t throw up. “ 
“ Oh god I would’ve been mortified. That would’ve been so embarrassing. “ 
“ Why ? “ 
“ I don’t wanna puke in front of you. I want you to think I’m cute and sexy. And puking is neither cute nor sexy “ 
Billy scoffs out a laugh before placing another kiss on her head. “ Aw you want me to think you’re cute ? Why, you got a crush on me or something ? “ 
Her body shakes with laughter and Billy can feel her breath tickling his neck. He could stay in this moment forever. 
“ Don’t flatter yourself, pretty boy “ 
“ Do you want some breakfast ? Don’t think we got anything in the fridge but how about we go out and grab some ? “
“ Can I get some really greasy bacon and a big mug of coffee ? ” 
Billy smirks at that request.
“ You drink entirely too much coffee. “ 
“ Yeah so ? I’m perfect in any other way so let me have this one vice. “ 
He knows she’s joking but she might have a point. 
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“ So, the kids missed you this week. “ (Y/N) says before stuffing another bite of bacon into her mouth. Her plate is filled with all different kinds of breakfast foods anyone can even think of. Sausages, bacon, hasbrowns, waffles and pancakes. A proper hangover breakfast if he’s ever seen one.
“ Sure they did. “ 
“ No, really. Jack drew a picture of a dinosaur that he wanted to give you. He was real sad that you weren’t there. “ 
It makes him smile, to know that he was being missed. It isn’t something he is used to but he slowly but surely gets more and more comfortable with the idea that he means something to someone. That he means enough to someone to be missed by them.
“ He’s a cool kid. “ 
“ He is. You’re really good with him by the way. You’re really good with all the kids. When you first showed up I didn’t think you would be. You proved me wrong though. I’m glad you did. “ 
To be quite honest, Billy didn’t think he’d be good with them either. That he’d start caring for them so quickly. But maybe it’s just a matter of right time right place. Maybe sometimes life brings people together than need each other. 
“ They’re alright kids. “ 
“ Have you ever thought about it ? “ (Y/N) asks, eating the last of her sausages.
“ About what ? “ 
“ Having kids. “ 
Those words make Billy almost choke on his drink. Him ? Him having kids one day ? Sure everyone thinks about it at some point in their life but Billy always came to the same conclusion. That his life is fucked up enough and that there is no way he’ll bring another person into it to ruin theirs in return.
He turned out the way he did mostly because of his parents’ mistakes, he doesn’t want to do the same to his kids. 
“ Nah. How would I ever be a good dad ? Never had anyone to show me how that works. “ 
“ You’re good with the kids though. Maybe you’re a natural “ 
“ Yeah well, my mom was good with kids and she still abandoned me so … “
The mood shifts from teasingly joking to uncomfortable in the matter of seconds, rendering both of them quiet and speechless for a moment. 
“ I — I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bring this up. “ 
“ No it’s alright. “ 
“ I should say sorry for so many things actually. I am sorry about how I treated you the other day. I was angry and sad and it was easier to blame you than to face the fact that my dad is an asshole who isn’t gonna change anytime soon. “ 
“ You already said sorry last night . “ 
Billy remembers her words from last night. All of them. But most of all he remembers her saying “ I love you “ and how it felt. How it meant so much more than anything else anyone has ever told him. 
“ I know but I felt like you should hear it again. From sober me. “ 
“ Apology accepted. “ 
“ So we’re good ? “ (Y/N) questions, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
“ We’re good. “ 
“ Cool. Because I missed you too. “ she confesses before leaning over the table and placing a soft kiss on his lips. She tastes like pancakes and bacon and maple syrup and home.
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It’s the next day, Sunday. School’s out for the weekend, neither of them have to work that day or show of for volunteering and really, there’s not much to do in Hawkins on a sunday afternoon. 
Back to the future is playing on the big screen of the drive in as Billy and (Y/N) sit in his camaro, stuffing their faces with popcorn and twizzlers. 
The movie is supposed to be pretty good but Billy can’t really focus on it. There’s too much on his mind.
“ You alright ? “ (Y/N) asks, as Billy wipes his sweaty hands on his jeans for the 4th consecutive time in 5 minutes. 
“ Mmh. “ 
“ Well that sounds convincing. “ 
Billy take a big breath then reaches over towards the glove compartment, pulling out a slightly crumpled envelope.
“ What’s that ? “ 
“ Your birthday present. “ 
“ My what now ? “ 
“ Before I give it to you, I need to tell you something. “ 
He’s awfully aware that the words “I need to tell you something” aren’t usually accompanied by any good news. He hopes this time can be different. Hope she likes what he’s about to give her. Hope she says yes.
“ Okay, sure. But you know my birthday isn’t for another — “ 
“ I know. I got this yesterday. After I dropped you off at your place and after I went to see Dr. K. It’s uh — you don’t have to. I mean — I gotta start again. “ 
“ Yeah I think so cause I’m not following right now. “ 
“ I talked to my mom. “ 
“ Shut up. “ 
“ I did. I called her, after our fight I called her. And it was — so fucking awkward. She was so casual about it all. Like it hadn’t been years since we last talked. She asked me about work and school and my friends and things she should know. You know ? It didn’t feel like I was talking to my mom, more like a distance aunt or something. And I hate that it felt like that. At least for me it did. She seemed happy to talk to me, seemed like it was the most normal phone call she’s ever gotten. Like I call her every sunday for a catch up. “ 
“ Do you regret calling her ? “ 
“ No. No, I just wish it didn’t feel so fucking weird. There were moments when she’d call me by my childhood nicknames and I’d get a glimpse of the mom I remember. Like for a split second she was my mom again and I was a kid again and things were — good. But then she’d talk about her husband and it all came crashing back down and I realized that she’s living a whole new life. One that I don’t really have a place in “ 
“ She remarried ? “ (Y/N) asks, placing a hand on Billy’s in support. 
“ Yeah. I couldn’t bring myself to ask if she has any other kids. Think that would break my heart to know. To know those kids got to have the mom I didn’t get to have. That those kids were good enough for her to stay. That phone call was really exhausting too because I was stuck somewhere between my anger and resentment and the fact that I was talking to my mom who I still miss so so much. “ 
(YN) softly cradles his face in her hands. God, she is so gentle with me. He can’t get enough of it. It’s such a contrast to the touches his face is used to. The ones that leave ugly blue and black marks.
“ She invited me over. Said I can come around whenever I feel like it. Like it’s no big deal or anything. “ 
“ Do you wanna go ? “ 
Billy bites the skin on his lower lip, trying to find the proper words but coming up empty. How do you answer a question like that when you don’t even know the answer yourself.
“ I don’t know. I think I do. I uh — I actually talked to Dr. K about it. He thinks it might be good for me. If only to get closure. To understand her reasoning. I was so young then and I never really got to hear her reasoning for leaving, only ever Neil’s side of the story. “ 
It felt weird, talking to Dr. K about his feelings, about his mom, about the constant emotional turmoil he finds himself in. But Billy can’t deny that it was nice sharing it with someone he doesn’t look at him with preconceived notions. It also felt alright knowing that someone thought seeing his mom might actually be a good idea.
“ When do you wanna go see her ? “ (Y/N) asks, the movie long forgotten as she places a kiss on his cheek.
Billy opens the envelope and pulls out two thin piece of paper. Tickets. Plane tickets.
“ Was thinking we could go for your birthday. I told you I’d take you. I’ll take you swimming in the ocean, baby. If you want to come. “ 
“ You remember me saying that ? “ 
“ I remember everything you ever told me. So, what do you say ? “ 
He doesn’t let it show but the longer she takes to answer, the more anxious Billy gets. Maybe this was a stupid idea. Maybe she doesn’t wanna come and deal with Billy’s emotional baggage. Maybe —
“ Of course I do ! “ 
When she kisses him, the worries melt away. Even if it’s just for a moment, the world slides back into place.
And as the end credits to the movie play on the screen and (Y/N) leans her head against his shoulder, Billy finds himself becoming a little excited for the adventure that is yet to come.
Not necessarily about the part of seeing his mom, that still leaves him anxious. But he can’t wait to take (Y/N) to the ocean. To see her dancing through the California sunshine.
He can’t wait to show her the place where he’s left behind the other part of his heart. 
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@babygal-babygal / @anxiousamandapanda / @imjusthereforsupernatural / @chhhcherybomb / @tomarisela / @noodlenerd101 / @xxcxrolinexx / @bippity-boppity-boopa / @mcrmarvelloki / @silver-winter-wolf / @thecrowclubsmanager / @theroyalbrownbarbie / @salemlysi / @sarai-ibn-la-ahad / @asheseiler / @stra-vage / @ssstutteringbbbill / @biliyonce / @addictofsupernatural / @angelophany / @charmed-asylum / @xxemoluverxx / @killer-queen-xo / @1lluminaticonfirmed / @rebel-broken-angel / @ayybtch / @dean-jace-doctor /
177 notes · View notes
disloopy · 5 years
the heart is deceiving pt 4
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genre: angst, fluff, smut
word count: 1.7k
coming back to this fic after monthsss made me realize how shit and cringe it is and oh my god, you all deserve much better writing. yuck. HOWEVER, i will keep posting it until it's finished ( since id already written the whole thing ) because i do kind of like the ending sooo
pls stay w me cause im working on a sik k friends to lovers au and i know it's gonna be way better than whatever the hell this is...
clubbing really takes a toll on you, physically and mentally. i didn't even drink but i managed to have a headache by the night. i stumbled through the crowd, approaching the counter and slumping down in the seat. the bartender asked if i needed anything and i only ordered some water. she left to get it. 
my phone buzzed with a text from my dad, saying he might not be home tonight because of work. "oooh, that's exciting," said daniel, glancing at the text and sliding into the seat next to mine. he asked the bartender for something that sounded pretty intense and i gulped down my water.
"live a little," daniel urged, offering me the dark liquid but i shook my head. "ugh, you're so annoying and uptight." i rolled my eyes.
"thanks. that's sweet."
"kiss me."
"why?" daniel asked, pouting. 
"cause you're drunk as fuck and i hate the taste," i told him, trying to walk away but daniel grabbed my hand, turning me around. i pulled my arm away from him with a frown. "will you stop following me around like a lost puppy?" 
"i get worried when you're not with me." 
"yeah, i know," i said, reaching for my phone and showing it him. "you probably can't read but you know what says? 17 missed calls and 51 unread messages..." daniel grinned sheepishly but i wasn't finding it funny. "i was right next to you, daniel... i get that's it kinda dark in here but there's no way you could have missed me." 
daniel stuck out his bottom lip. "i just didn't want you to get lost, that's all. there's lots of creepy dudes here, they'll pick up anything with boobs." i groaned.
"stop. this isn't funny, it's an obsession and i don't like it." 
i tried to leave again and again daniel tried to pull me back but this time jojo got in between us, noticing the tension. "what the hell is going on here?" she asked, her voice trembling like she had just finished crying. i looked at her. her eyeliner was slightly smudged which gave me the answer right away.
"she won't let me love her," daniel whined.
"you only love me when you're drunk," i murmured and then jojo convinced daniel to go away for little while which he finally complied. the two of us sat on the curb outside the club, just on the sidewalk where we could still here the muffled sound of the music inside.
"what's wrong?" i asked her. she's usually the one comforting me and giving advice, so it was strange to be switching roles.
"boys are so complicated," she answered, blowing a puff of smoke into the dark of the night. "were you the one who gave my number to jinyoung?"
i nodded. "i'm sorry if i wasn't supposed to... i thought he was cute and you're cute and things could maybe..."
"it's not that," said jojo, taking a swig of the bottle she was holding. "did you know he loves me? he told me that."
"i just assumed..." i shrugged. jojo buried her face in her hands and i furrowed my brows. "jojo... you don't have to cry about it. you can choose the man you like... it doesn't have to be either." 
she sniffed, looking up and wiping her tears. "i know... i just feel so bad. i just like to fuck around and stuff but what if i'm actually catching feelings? nick called me babe.... what's it like to be in a relationship?"
i chuckled. "it's not all that... trust me, i feel like i'm not even in a proper one." we both laughed a little and the air felt lighter. "what are you going to do?"
jojo shrugged. "what i always do... nothing. besides i'm receiving clout from hanging out with these rappers so," she laughed and the smell of cigarettes just filled my nostrils. "why do i have to be so hot that boys are just tripping over themselves for me?" we talked for a little bit about how boys suck but also about which ones we'd smash because they can be fine sometimes too.
"it's fun when you're around," jojo told me with a smile. "daniel really bought out the wild side of you." i nodded and jojo leaned over, pressing her chapped lips against mine for a fleeting second before pulling away. 
"heyyyy, is it too late for a show?" daniel chuckled, walking over to us. "oh come on, keep going, don't mind me." 
"you're disgusting," jojo said, shaking her head and shoving him as he tried to put his arm around both of our shoulders. 
"i gotta go home anyway," i informed the both of them. "my head hurts and we got school... i haven't finished homework yet." 
"good luck with that," said jojo, brushing off her jeans and walking back into the club after ruffling me and daniel's hair. 
daniel rested his head on my shoulder. "i can drop you home." i sighed.
"you're too drunk to drive."
"we can test our limits." 
i ended up driving myself home in daniel's car while he blasted music and sang the lyrics out loud. then, i let him inside my house even though i told myself i wouldn't when we first got into the car. it was my foolish self who held his hand all the way to my bedroom and lied in bed with him until we let our bodies do the talking and our sounds created music in the silence of the night. i slept knowing he was right beside me, his arms wrapped around my waist, his bare chest slowly rising and falling to the rhythm of his  beating heart. he was safe and i was safe and we were each other's for the night.
"honey, are you decent, can i come in?" dad's knocking the door woke me up with a start. i quickly sat upright and shook daniel awake who just groaned. 
"um yeah, one second." i pushed him off the bed and his eyes shot open, about to complain but i hushed him, ushering him to get under the mattress which he obeyed. "come in!"
dad opened the door and i tried not to look nervous at all. "sorry i wasn't here last night." i didn't reply cause it was usual. "but i made breakfast for you and i wanted to tell you to have a good sunday before i leave to run some errands."
i smiled. that was the first time he'd said something like that. "okay daddy, i love you."
"i love you too baby."
when dad finally left, i let daniel come out of hiding. he clutched his head and i had to get him some tylenol and water before i let him eat breakfast with me. "did something happen last night?" he asked, eagerly digging into the pancakes. "cause you never allow me in your room and i just woke up in your bed."
i shrugged with a sly smile. "oops?" 
"well, whatever it was, i'm sure it was good."
"do you not remember anything?"
daniel shook his head. "nope." good, i thought, breathing out a sigh of relief. i was a major bitch to him last night - understandably. but i hoped it was something of the past that wouldn't ruin anything.
"i wish i could stay with you but i have to go to the studio today," daniel informed me while putting his clothes on. "jinyoung's like... totally diligent and he may be my friend but he's also my manager so." 
i giggled. "yeah, i get it." i handed him a water bottle to drink on the way back and he kissed my lips very gently. "i'll miss you."
"you can see me tonight. there's another party, i can pick you up."
"no, i have homework to do today."
"righttt, you're still in school." daniel chuckled, pulling his shoes on. "sexy schoolgirl." i rolled my eyes and kissed him once again at the doorway. i lowkey didn't want him to leave because i spent most of my weekend with him already and didn't want to be alone again.
"i'll visit you tonight... at your window." 
i was glad he left me with those words because it gave me something to look forward to tonight. i didn't go out at all that day. jojo came over and we did our homework together and we never usually did something like that but i enjoyed it.
she showed me her texts with jinyoung which we squealed over because i never realized how smoking hot he was until then. besides, he was good at flirting, just like daniel. 
when jojo left after eating dinner (which was thai takeout), i felt that loneliness again. no one was home but me so i decided to watch tv and maybe study for my next exam. life is quite boring like this but at least daniel would visit me tonight after the party.
i waited and waited and waited. he didn't show up. i called him a bunch of times but he didn't pick up. obviously he was partying too hard but i just wished he hadn't promised me something if he couldn't pull through. 
i sighed and lied in bed, still waiting. but he didn't come so i ended up falling asleep.
about 3am in the morning, my phone buzzed beside me. i groggily answered it. if the caller had been anyone other than daniel i wouldn't have. "hello?"
i heard daniel breathe out on the other end. "sorry for leaving you hanging..."
"it's okay," i murmured, too sleepy to say anything else or to guilt trip him. "i guess you drank too much at the party."
there was a pause. "no... i actually didn't go to the party." 
"seriously?" i giggled sleepily. "that's hard to believe."
"yeahhh... i didn't feel up to it," daniel chuckled quietly on the other end. i felt my mind wander but then it was bought back. "i wanna sing my song to you." 
"go ahead," i whispered, holding the phone close to my face as i closed my eyes. the song started with something like "you're my downtown baby" and i couldn't remember the rest. i was too focused on how soothing his voice sounded over the phone while he sang.
after a couple minutes. "baby... are you still awake?"
"mhm," i replied. it felt like my mind was asleep but daniel's voice could keep me up all night long. 
"i'm moving back to korea."
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
23 with Crowley pls???
Crowley was known for being sassy, insanely clever even if his fellow demons don’t understand his antics, and for moving rather quickly. One thing he was also known for, amongst his friends especially, was his love for alcoholic drinks. Some more extreme than others.
23. “I immediately regret this decision.”
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A knock on your door could only mean t was Crowley, no one else really visited you. Family tended to call before dropping by. Crowley did not.
You swung the door open and looked at him, silently asking what he wanted. It usually ended in a disaster.
He gave a wicked smirk as he held up several wine bottles.
You rolled your eyes and moved out of the way to let him in. He swaggered in as per usual and set the bottles down.
“What’s the occasion?” You asked, grabbing two wine glasses out of the kitchen.
“Do I need one?” He opened the first bottle. “I wanted a drink with my favourite person.”
“Aziraphale isn’t here.”
“Ha ha.” He said sarcastically. “I meant you.”
He filled the glasses and held one up, you grabbed the other and clinked his glass with yours.
“Drink up, love.”
You stuck out your tongue and drank in sync with Crowley. You knew you were in for a long night.
You each grabbed a couple of the bottles and moved into the living room, getting comfortable on the sofa. You turned some music on and tried to mentally prepare for the drink fest about to take place.
“I immediately regret this decision.”
Crowley topped up the glasses.
“Oh, come on! It’s going to be fun.” He teased.
“For you. I can’t sober up within ten seconds. I’m going to have to call in sick tomorrow because I know I’ll have the worst headache in history. You stared at the wine bottles on the table.
“Yeah, I know, but guess who will be here to keep you company all day.” Crowley opened his arms to present himself.
You stared at him not amused.
“Drink up.” He popped the ‘p’ and winked, knocking back his glass in one smooth gulp.
As the hours ticked by the bottles became more empty. The pair of you had drunk the bottles Crowley brought. All four of them. Then moved on to the two in your fridge.
A lot of laughing, dancing and stupid stories happened last night, but despite waking up with the headache from Hell, you woke up quite comfortable.
You found yourself draped over Crowley, your head on his chest and his jacket over your shoulders. His arms were secured around you.
You smiled at the sleeping demon.
The wine bottles were filled up some, Crowley having sobered up on purpose before you fell asleep the night before.
You moved to get up, but Crowley began to stir and his hold on you got tighter. His blinked his yellow eyes open and smiled up at you.
“Morning, love.”
“Morning, asshat.”
“Hey.” He chuckled.
You leaned down and gave him a kiss. He kissed you back eagerly, wanting to feel you against him.
“I need to call in sick.” You muttered against his lips.
“Be quick about it, I get lonely.” He gave a pout.
You hit his chest playfully and went off to make the call to work. Crowley was worth a sick day.
“I still regret going along with your wild drinking last night. I feel like crap…” You told him, once you came back. You sat down beside him and let him pull you into his side, burying his nose into your hair.
“No you don’t. It was fun, admit it.”
You didn’t say anything, but the smile on your face told Crowley everything he needed to know. He gave you another kiss, this time on the cheek.
“Same again tonight.”
“No, never ever.” You groaned.
Crowley only chuckled as he got up and made you some breakfast, for today he would play doctor and look after you.
See what I did there.
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jindoelf · 5 years
200202 Kyuhyun YT (Kyu TV) -Hyuk +Shindong+Wook
200203 Kyuhyun's birthday
Kyu says he receives a lot of presents from the fans after his musical so he says he usually takes like 5 hours to deal with all the presents (like read the letters and look at the presents etc)
kyu was saying there was a fan who said he liked him for 8 years so he thought she would probably be in her twenties but shes only a high schooler and she started liking him since she was in elementary school so he was like mindblown
kyu just took 2 big bags of letters and said he usually reads those at night and if he doesnt read them, they will pile up 😂
Kyu says its okay even if you dont give him presents because he is earning well thanks to everyone so when he reads letters, sometimes they say its their first pay from working hard from a part time job and he is really sad
he says please go buy some stuff for yourself instead and just writing letters to him is fine
kyu says he received so many throat candies that he feels like he can live for 3 years just eating those that he has
the guest is shindong (and probably hyukjae) lol just now behind the cam, hyukjae was like 'are you not cooking yet??? im hungry"
kyu was chopping the meat then in the comments, a lot of people were telling him to be careful with the knife and kyu confidently said he has never cut himself with the knife
Hyukjae behind the cam was like hurry up im hungry
Shindong told hyukjae to wear donghae's bunker hat and cover himself
Ryeowook asked why donghae wasnt there but nobody really answered why
shindong says if the number of viewers exceeds 20k, kyu will have to give them each 20k krw 😂
Kyuhyun explained that shindong was meant to be the guest that he invited then hyukjae is living there so he is also there then ryeowook heard kyu inviting shindong so he was like ‘what about me!!!’ and thats why he is there and why no other members are there
Someone gave kyu a shot glass that says ‘like kyuhyun(kyuhyun cheoreom)’..its a pun from the alcohol called ‘cheoeum cheoreom(from the beginning)’ and hyukjae was like everyone if you drink ‘like kyuhyun’ you will die...pls dont do that 😂😂
Ryeowook says he will drink his first shot of soju slowly and he drank like 3/4 of it and then hyukjae was like you should drink it all! But rw was like imma drink slowly..i learnt it from donghae hyung then hyukjae was like ‘.....what do you learn from that kid?’
kyu is asking fans if its ok for them to wear presents that were meant for a certain member like he was explaining at macau, he forgot to bring his cap so he borrowed hyukjae’s since he had like 5 caps in his room
And then hyukjae was saying there were many times where the fans pass presents to him and asked him to pass the presents to another member and hyukjae was like thats fine but please dont give them all to me 😂 because he also has to arrange his own presents and it takes time
And he mentioned like once he saw a fan posting on sns saying the shirt was meant for donghae but he ended up wearing it because he got confused like he thought the shirt was for him
Kyuhyun even took out a small muji bag and he says the contents in it were all for ryeowook (seems like letters??) and he received all those just from yesterday
Kyu was looking at his phone and saying who sent messages to wish him and he was like OH yesung hyung sent a message! Then he showed to ryeowook and ryeowook was like..so short >_> and kyu was like yeah he added an emoticon too! And rw was like free emoticon >_>
Rw asked if donghae sent kyu a msg and kyu said no not yet and rw was like what is this donghae doing.....
They are now talking abt how they are like when they are tipsy and for ryeowook, hyukjae says he suddenly has a lot of aegyo and pulls people to keep drinking. Kyu then says after ss8 seoul, they asked who wanna go for 2nd round and rw says me!! But he didnt go 😂
Kyu was talking about how one time they were in chile (for mubank?) and then they were drinking in someone’s room and hyukjae said he was going to the toilet but he didnt come back so thry went to find him and he was asleep on the floor hugging the toilet bowl 😂😂
Hyukjae defends by saying because he was jetlagged + it was when he first started out to drink + it was wine so he got very sleepy and drunk very quickly
So hyukjae says when kyu is tipsy, hes just pretty much the same but one thing he remembers is that if someone sings around him, he will start giving the person vocal lessons 😂😂😂😂😂
Kyu asked if they’ve fixed which day they wanna go watch him at the musical and hyuk says yes but rw says no. Kyu then asks if we know that theres a chart that was uploaded abt his schedule and it was made by him. He says he made it using paint and rw asked ‘whats paint??’ 😂
Kyu asked hyukjae like when he was living alone, were there times he felt scared cuz of random sounds in the house and hyukjae says yes and usually when that happens he gets scared and doesnt really wanna leave the room
Then kyu said in their current dorm, because he sleeps late, at 4/5am, he occasionally hears random knocking sounds outside in the living room and he thought its manager or hyukjae but when he goes out to see, theres nobody then hyukjae was like 😱 WHY DID YOU TELL ME
Anyway hyukjae says the scariest thing when living alone was when he watches some playback shows then he pauses it to go to the toilet but then when hes in the toilet, the video starts to play again on its own 😂 rw says apparently it auto plays again on its on after 10 mins
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loookovt-blog · 5 years
whaddup it’s me robyn again ( 22 / she & her / cst ) bringing another lady muse to the yokai ~ this is JOSEFINE but she goes by JO and this is her mask. more about her is under the cut !! pls plot w her she has NOTHING so far tbh. HEART THIS && I’ll come into your dms/disco to plot !! it’s kinda long tbh TW: alcoholism, abuse, murder, ptsd, and general violence. 
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name:   josefine “jo” prior
alias:   nyx
age:   eighteen
sign:   aries
gender:  cisfemale
sexuality:  bicurious / heterosexual
birthplace:   new orleans, louisiana
current  residence:   tokyo,  japan
occupation:   the crowd control
faceclaim:   zoey deutch
label:   the  crimson
+ traits:  humorous, low maintenance, determined
— traits:   explosive, boisterous, untrusting
alignment:   chaotic neutral
mbti:   estp
hogwarts:   slytherin ( w some gryffindor )
height:   168  cm.
weight:   66  kg.
build:   toned but femme
eye  color:   hazel
hair  color:   strawberry blonde  ( currently )
defining  features:  has 3 tattoos: the kanji symbol for ‘power’ on the back of her neck, a small crescent moon on her right wrist, and her mother’s birthday in roman numerals on her ribcage
physical  condition(s):   none
neurological  condition(s):   ptsd, blacks out from trauma/rage when repressed memories are recalled
brief overview
i was gonna write a whole ass bio for this, but i’m gonna save it for later !!
was born to aaron prior (raised jewish, stopped believing) and eloise foret-prior (french-cajun, from old money, married him against her parents wishes) in a small town outside new orleans.
mom was a preschool teacher, dad worked in a factory. eloise’s parents gave them a generous financial wedding gift but said that was the last financial support they’d receive from them. they were adults.
aaron developed a dependence on alcohol. he started out just being rougher in bed but began accusing eloise of cheating, screaming, throwing things at her, and occasionally being violent with her.
then she found out she was pregnant. she had a baby girl - named her josefine rochelle foret-prior. eloise & aaron raised her with as much love as they could find in their household, but neither of them made much money and aaron was blowing through the foret’s gift, spending it on booze.
josefine and her mother were very close. when her father drank, the two would stay in jo’s room and read books. her mom was very smart, so she spent a lot of time making sure jo was an intelligent girl. it was a successful effort, and she actually ended up skipping second grade.
when jo was in fifth grade, her world fell apart. her father hit a new low and got more drunk than he ever had. in a stupor, he accidentally killed eloise, shoved her too hard and she hit her head against a counter. he cleaned the mess and hid the body, told the authorities she must have finally worked up the courage to run off with the man she was having an affair with. there was no affair.
josefine saw the whole thing - and repressed it, repressed it, repressed it. she doesn’t remember any of it.
after this, aaron dropped the ‘functioning’ from ‘functioning’ alcoholic and his drinking stopped being just nights and weekends. he ended up losing his job at the warehouse and living on unemployment checks. they weren’t nearly enough, especially since he kept drinking.
middle school for josefine was just her keeping her head down and grieving for her mother. freshman year of high school, though, she found anger.
through high school she balanced being an honor’s student with her newfound hobby — underground fighting. she did well enough, maintaining a B average in her classes (which, while she did not know she’d need it later, did include japanese) and normally doing an effective job covering her bruises, so the teacher’s seldom asked about them.
graduated at 17 because of her grade-skipping, and spent the last year before she was finally a legal adult saving up money to move out. an ex-member of the yokai in the fighting scene told her about the crew, said if she made a name for herself in tokyo, she could get recruited, and never have to struggle again. she thought it was bullshit tho lmfao
five months ago, right after she turned 18, her dad died of a stroke. so she decided to take a risk and go to tokyo, booked a flight for the day after his funeral. 
she was in tokyo’s underground fight scene for 2 months before someone from the yokai heard of her and asked her to join, and she immediately accepted.
she’s been here for three months and is starting to adjust.
so for her personality.. generally she’s just a typical tomboy (even tho i hate that word). like she’s a bro and she’s a bit rowdy and low maintenance and a generally friendly person who likes to just have fun after like. having to work so hard for everything.
but like also she’s fiercely independent, and she can be a bit blunt or even harsh. i guess u could say she’s mean - but she’s just trying to be honest skjfhjfjh
she has a lot of darkness to her. not only does she kind of run on her anger in general but sometimes, when she’s fighting (underground or in a heist), if a guy gets in her face or aggressive or reminds her of her dad, she kind of blacks out and goes into a blind, violent rage. it also happens when like, she feels threatened. like she got mugged once and nearly beat the guy to death. nearly. she hasn’t killed anyone. yet.
she’s not sure if alcoholism has been passed to her but she does try to limit her drinking just in case it is. she does smoke a lot of weed tho. she’s not like a ‘pothead’ or whatever but she’d smoke socially. she doesn’t smoke cigarettes either bc she doesn’t want to have any ‘vices’ like her dad.
speaks english and japanese, but her japanese is not the best?? like. she learned this shit from high school classes and language apps and maybe some youtube videos. she’s not a prodigy like hyeyeon so she isn’t just flawlessly picking this up lmfao. still, she can have conversations, but she may forget words or have shitty grammar. she’s also picked up on a smidge of korean bc of how many korean ppl are in the crew.
hobbies: besides fighting she also likes reading (bc of her mom), and photography (she bought a camera w her first yokai payment). she’s really into outer space, and she loves animals. she loves to swim, and p much any other activity like hiking, rock climbing, biking, whatever. she also likes to paint but she doesn’t really have the patience so she doesn’t do it often.
anyways, she needs like everything so bls plot w her. okay ily bye.
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peachymhaechan · 6 years
“How could you not know?”
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Genre: angst to fluff 
Warning: language, underage drinking, drug use, mentions of sex 
Pairing: Haechan x female reader 
I’m sorry but this gif killed me so now you all have to suffer with me:) love you, babes!!
you and donghyuck had been best friends for as long as you could remember
you had gone to the same elementary school but didn’t really talk until middle school
the first time y’all had talked to each other was a full on roast session
he walked up to you with a few of his friends and went, “who let you out of the house with that shirt?”
oh no, sis
he did NOT just say that to you
“who let you out of the house with that damn attitude? fix yourself before you try and come for me, dumbass.” 
and that was that
he looked at you with wide eyes and a blush on his face and he was Sold
you owned his ass and he owned your ass from that point on
you two became inseparable pretty quickly
anywhere one would go, the other would follow
that included parties, sleepovers, vacations, etc
your parents loved hyuck so much
they loved him like he was their son
sometimes you would have to stay after school and you’d get home to find hyuck sitting at your dining room table with your parents, eating dinner and gossiping like he was part of the family
you and hyuck were very close, the definition of best friends
as a result, you both had the same friends for the most part
it was senior year and most of your friends had left and gone to college, but you had a solid group of friends: renjun, jeno, jaemin, Chenle, and jisung
Chenle and Jisung were your freshmen babies okay
haechan was like their dad and you were Mom™️ 
full on Mother
one time some little freshman bully tried being mean to your boys
the entire friend group (aka Dreamies) were not putting up with it, but you went fucking ape shit
you dead ass found him after school in the parking lot
you waited in your car for three hours for the dick to be done with baseball practice so you could kindly talk to him:) 
and by that I mean scare the ever living shit out of his bitch ass
to make a long story short, you basically said that if he ever tried to talk bad about the boys, talked to the boys, looked at the boys, or even breathed near the boys you would show up at his house at three in the morning and cut his dick off and tape it to his forehead, then everyone at school would call him a rated r unicorn :)
needless to say, the boy started crying, ran home, and jisung and Chenle never dealt with him again!!
so one day you were driving your children to school
hyuck was in the passenger seat with the aux, jamming out at seven in the morning, how the fuck did he have so much energy?
the other boys squeezed in the back (very illegal, pls don’t do this!! not safe at all, babes, pls be good drivers and follow the laws of the road and be conscious of your safety and the safety of those around you!!)
you stopped at the local coffee shop bc hello?? tired teenagers trying to make it through the day
so y’all drank your coffee and jammed out to shitty early 2000′s pop while on the way to school
when you pulled into the parking lot, nobody wanted to go inside 
I mean,,, it’s school, who tf really wants to go to school when you don’t have to
so yall waited in the parking lot until right before the bell for first period rang
during that time, hyuck took the opportunity to tell everyone about a college party mark had invited everyone to
“mark told me to invite all of the Dreamies to a party that him and his friends are having, and-”
“A college party?”
“Yes, and-”
“Where there will be alcohol?”
“Well, yeah, and-”
“No way.” 
you stood your ground (at first) which made everyone upset
“But Y/N, we want to go!” a chorus of whines answered you
“No way, you’re all too young, and I don’t want to have to drag your bitch asses home when you get plastered,” you argued
“Y/N we are literally the same age,” Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin and Hyuck all said at the same time
“Okay but who drives y’all everywhere? Who gives y’all the answers to the homework? Who fakes your parents’ signatures to get y’all out of school early? Who helps you when you are injured and becomes a nurse? Who lets y’all take over my house when my parents aren’t home? Who cooks y’all food all the time? Who stands up for y’all when people try and be mean?” 
radio silence was the response you got
“That’s what I thought. We might be the same age, but I take care of you guys all the damn time, and most of the time, nobody notices. Plus, Chenle and Jisung are fucking babies. There is no way in hell they are going to a college fucking frat party.” 
for a couple of days, you had won that argument
but then you were facetiming hyuck one night at two in the morning and he managed to convince you otherwise
cue his squeal and “thank you thank you thank you!” 
the next day at school you told the boys to be ready in time for the party
“if you’re not ready and at the door when I get to your house, you’re not going. You can walk,” you told them, still a very strict mom
they all were very excited obviously
bc I mean,,, wow very cool, high schoolers at a college party?? wow very cool
the days leading up to the party were normal
for you, at least
normal drives to school, normal things during school like sleeping through college algebra, skipping class with hyuck to watch Netflix in the basement janitor’s closet, and normal drives home from school, normal dinners with hyuck and his parents, and normal facetimes at one in the morning with hyuck
like I said earlier, you did everything with that boy
no wonder so many people at school thought you were dating
I mean, that and the whole holding hands and hyuck kissing your cheek and hyuck constantly clinging to you thing
but ya know sometimes a homie just needs a kiss on the lips😔🤠 
but then the day of the party came and all the boys could talk about was what they would do at said party
“What do I wear?” Jisung asked
“Wear that cute little umbrella hat and your “mommy’s little angel” shirt, dumbass. you wanna be flexin on them hoes, don’t you?” you replied
“How do I not get drunk but still drink?” Jeno thought out loud
“Drink water, fool,” you answered in typical mom fashion
“I’m scared, what if there are scary college kids there that make fun of me?” 
“Then Y/N starts a fist fight and we leave the party early, no big deal,” Hyuck told a worried Chenle
it was time for the party
and you were lookin cute or whateva
so you left the house- an EMPTY house bc parents were out of town, YEET
first stop: bitch ass hyuck’s
you honked the horn to let him know you were outside and he ran outside with two bowls of ice cream in his hands
“Hyuck?? What the fuck??” you asked as he got in the passenger seat and handed you a glass bowl, full of ice cream
“I thought you’d want some,” he sweetly replied, thoughtful as ever
“I mean yeah, I’m always a slut for ice cream, but I’m literally driving.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll feed you.” 
and so he fed you spoon fulls of ice cream as you drove to pick up your dolphin, flirt, panicked gay, toddler, and aggressive baby
once they all were in the car and ready to go (aka nervous as shit), y’all headed out to Mark’s party
you knew you were in the right place bc y’all could hear the music from the party a block away
bitch?? it’s 11 o clock?? aren't your neighbors pissed??
but then you remembered you were surrounded by different frats and sororities and nobody within a three mile radius cared bc they were most likely shitfaced, so. ya know
you parked the car and piled out
you ever see a clown car?? bc that was y’all getting out
there are string lights thrown everywhere, beer cans littering the front yard, some guy throwing up in the bushes, a couple making out on the front steps, and a random fog machine in the doorway
the freshies and even your fellow seniors were in awe
you were the only one who hadn’t been pumped for this party but you were starting to look forward to it?? 
but you had to be the designated driver:/ 
sike hyuck could drive
you led the group of scared but excited little ducklings into the house and were greeted by a tipsy Mark picking you up in his drunken happiness
“Y/N!!!!” he yelled into your ear and fucking. spun you around and shit 
“Hello, Mark! How much have you had to drink so far?” you asked, shocked that he could be that fucked up when the party had only started less than an hour ago 
“So much!! Haha anyways-” he set you down on the floor and greeted the others
he knew the freshmen babies from going to hyuck’s “bangers” and shit
and by banger I mean the #gang watching john mulaney in hyuck’s basement and playing cards against humanity until three in the morning
he gave the boys hugs, him and hyuck did their dope ass handshake, and he took everybody into the kitchen for drinks and to socialize
“this is my frat house, do you guys like it?” 
“Mark, since we are best friends I think you deserve my honesty....” you started and glanced at Hyuck
“It’s a shithole,” you both said at the same time
Mark laughed and told you both, “Thanks, I appreciate it. It usually looks better when red Solo cups aren’t laying everywhere.” 
mark led y’all into the kitchen and the first smell that hit your nose was alcohol, and the second was weed
luckily the people carrying a bong left the kitchen and went out in the backyard so the initial impact was gone
the scent still lingered tho which was not so cool!! 
and as a result, made you latch onto your children
there were people in there making out, and they were about one clothing item away from doing the deed in the middle of the kitchen
Chenle and Jisung grabbed your hands so you knew they were //afraid//
Mark stopped and said hi to people along the way, all matching the stereotypical frat boy look
“Hey Yuta, pour everyone a drink, would you?” he asked some guy standing at the island with a bottle of vodka in his hands
the boy oozed narcissism and made you want to punch him in the face when he made eye contact with you and winked
the boy had the audacity to wink ?? boy if you don’t
donghyuck scooched closer to you and introduced himself
“hey, I’m donghyuck.” 
“I’m Yuta, and you are?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you
“Jailbait. Fuck off and hurry up with the drinks.” 
a cackle sounded behind the group and a few boys appeared next to mark
“I think that’s the first time any girl has ever talked to Yuta like that. I’m Johnny and this is Jaehyun, Taeyong and Lucas.” 
opinion on Johnny: chill, very tall
opinion on Jaehyun: tall, pretty smile
opinion on Taeyong: sharp features, mom friend vibe
opinion on Lucas: tall (again), fuckboy but a sweetheart
opinion on Yuta: fuckboy and full fuckboy at that
Yuta handed your drink and you took a sip while everyone watched, waiting for you to make a face or something
“Really?” Jisung asked, shocked that you didn’t have a problem with it
“Mama didn’t raise no pussy,” you told him, taking another sip 
Yuta handed everyone their drinks (thankfully he gave Chenle and Jisung hardly any in their cups, bless up bitches)
Mark dragged y’all outside where the pool was
and bc there was a pool there, there were a bunch of drunks swimming
and beer pong set up, which meant more drunk party goers
“you still have to meet more people!!” - drunk mark gesturing to literally everyone in the damn building
“this is Ten or Shitty Phone, whichever you prefer,” he said, smiling at a short boy who was engrossed in a game of beer pong
“Doyoung and Jungwoo....” the two boys were terribly dancing to a Chase Atlantic song
“Winwin, Kun, and Taeil..... that should be it.... I don't know half of the people here to be 100% honest with you guys.” 
“Great, thanks! We will leave you to it, dude. I’m sure we will find you later on in the night,” Hyuck said, telling Mark to go and socialize at his own party instead of just standing with the lame high school kids that were there for some reason
jeno and jaemin clung to each other, fighting over who would be on their teams for beer pong while Chenle and Jisung were fascinated by everything
“wanna play beer pong?” Hyuck asked, to which you automatically agreed
let’s just say that wasn’t your first rodeo to beer pong and you knew you could kick some major ass at it
“you and me on a team?” 
“yes, you fool.” 
so you two played against the winner of the game that was going on at the time (Yuta and Taeyong) and completely forgot about your children oof
since they won the previous game, they went first and missed the first shot:)
you and Hyuck did rock paper scissors to see who would go first on your side
you won, so you picked up the ball and got it in a cup on your first try (you go sis!!) 
Yuta and Taeyong looked at each other in shock and also slight worry while Hyuck smugly smirked like //yeah bitch that’s my bff, what’s good//
to make a long story short, you and Hyuck only missed one shot the entire game
Yuta and Taeyong, however, missed seven 
obviously team full sun won
by the time you had played over half the party guests, both you had quite the buzz while Hyuck didn’t drink that much so he was A-Okay
after a short bit of time, you decided “It’s too hot out here” 
“Y/N, so help me God, don’t-” Hyuck started but got stopped mid sentence by buzzed Y/N starting to strip
rip to your favorite jean jacket that was ripped off and thrown into the pool
rest easy queen, you will be missed:(
after that, the party was a blur
you thought they’d play a bunch of rap but they played indie and alternative over the speakers (not that there are any complaints here tbh)
occasionally you’d spot your kids and stop to talk
of course there was a red solo cup in your hand, full of some hard ass liquor that you definitely should not be having
“Y/N, I’m two months older than you-” only to be stopped by a completely drunk Y/N pinching his cheeks 
let’s be real tho: we’d all love to pinch that boy’s cheeks, sober or not
“Y/N, where is Donghyuck?” Renjun asked, slinging an arm around your shoulders and trying to get through a crowd of people to find Hyuck
“I don’t know but I miss him.... can we find him? Oh, wait, can we find Jeno and Jaeminie and Jisungie and Lele? I need to make sure that they’re okay!!” 
“Y/N honey, I think you’re the one that they should be checking on to make sure you’re okay...” 
“Junnie, I love you so much, I hope you know that. I’m so incredibly glad you are in my life, and- oh, is that tequila?! Doyoung, be a doll and pour me a glass of that, would you?” 
cue Renjun trying to motion to Doyoung to stop but doyoung really had nothing to lose so 
you grabbed the cup from doyoung before Renjun could reach it so he was very :)))))) oh really doyoung haha :)))) yotl bitch !! haha :)))
he dragged you to the backyard where donghyuck was talking to mark
about half of the people outside turned to you, who had been practically laying on Renjun
you yelled hyuck’s name with your head down and after a couple of seconds you popped right up like nothing was wrong and walked over to him
him and mark looked at each other like //fuck dude// 
“my boys!!” drunk y/n cooed
you had no idea where jeno or jaemin or Jisung or Chenle were but it was okay bc at least you had three of your sons together
“I want to go swimming. Mark, can I go swimming?” you asked, sounding completely normal for a couple of seconds before cackling and telling everyone that it was a false alarm
“Y/N, honey, I don’t think that is a good idea, please do not go in the-” 
nice try, mark. you tried. 
the devil works hard but shit faced Y/N works harder
within seconds, you ripped off your shirt and shorts and shoes and jumped in
which then caused everyone to stare, which then caused everyone to realize what a good idea swimming was, which then caused everyone to jump in the pool
meanwhile, Hyuck, Mark, Renjun and the others (who were all standing on the side and getting videos of everything your kooky ass did, thanks guys) were in pure shock
never did they ever think that you’d be the difficult drunk
but whaddya know!! life sure is crazy sometimes :)
“Y/N, please get out, Y/N, please-” Renjun kept saying, reaching down for your hand on the side of the pool
you remained unbothered tho
until Hyuck came over and all he did was give you a look but you understood and became very uwu
“hyuckie!! my baby hyuckie!! I love you so much!!” you screamed and swam over to him
he smiled and said, “I love you too, Y/N, but I need you to get out of the pool.” 
“Why?? Are we going to get something else to drink?? Are we going to dance??” 
“Yes we can dance, but only if you get out of the pool,” he said
he helped you out of the pool and put his jacket around you and mouthed to Renjun “get the keys and get in the car”
cue Renjun immediately collecting the others and bolting to the car
“Donghyuckie!! Can we talk to Mark before we go and get another drink??” 
“Yes, sweetheart, let’s go say goodbye to him and thank him for inviting us, yeah?” 
“Are we leaving so soon?” 
“Yes, unfortunately we have to go home.”
“But why?”
“Because the party will be done soon and we have to go and get Jisung and Chenle home before their bedtime.”
“Yes, exactly!! Now say bye to Mark!! Bye, Mark, thank you for inviting us!!” 
“Bye, Mark, I love you! I will miss you so much, thank you for inviting me! I love you so much, I- I would kill someone for you, you know that? I will literally murder someone if it means you are happy. I will do it. You say the word and I will cut off the problem immediately, and-” 
mark was fucking shaking in his boots but also slightly flattered??
wow, get you a best friend that is as dedicated as you are to mark
mark cut you off by hugging you and giving Hyuck a look that said //get her home right now lmao she is fucking wasted//
so before you got the chance to run off (Hyuck already knew you were gonna do that smh) Hyuck threw you over his shoulder and carried you out
Renjun, jeno, jaemin, Chenle and Jisung followed and watched as angry y/n pounded on hyuck’s shoulders and back because she wanted put down
“sorry, sweetheart,” Taeyong said, knowing that Hyuck wasn’t doing that just for the fun of it
they laughed, and Yuta said, “Nope, looks like Donghyuck has everything under control.” 
meanwhile, Jeno had his phone out and recorded the whole thing
Hyuck managed to make it through the party and to the car without losing anyone
AND without you causing any serious damage to his back
Renjun ran to the car first and unlocked it and started it up 
Renjun got in the driver’s seat, Jisung got in the passenger seat, and the rest of y’all piled in the back
again, illegal, don't do that
also don’t drink underage
you sprawled out on everyone’s laps, your feet on jaemin’s lap and head on hyuck’s lap
“Hyuckie, play with my hair please,” you whined, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes
of course he played with your hair, he wasn’t a damn idiot and also heard you talking about how you’d kill for mark so.....
“Renjun, take the backway, there is almost never any cops there.” 
“I know.” 
Renjun tried his best to drive home as quick as he could even though he had your ass in the back of the car
“Can we stop at McDonald’s?” 
“No, Y/N.” 
“But chicken nuggets!!” 
“We have those at home.” 
“No we don’t!!” 
“No nuggets, Y/N.” 
and then you started crying real tears because no nuggets:(
but finally you guys got home safe, thank you Renjun
the people in front got out first, then jeno and jaemin who were by your feet
Chenle and donghyuck helped you out, helping you walk since you were too wobbly to do it yourself
Renjun unlocked your front door and everyone went inside
they all practically lived there so they knew where the blankets and pillows were, and they went into the kitchen to get snacks
Jeno ran upstairs to get clothes that the boys had left there before in case of an emergency sleepover
Hyuck helped you up the stairs
“Do you want to take a shower?” he asked you
“Yes. Can you bring me clean pajamas please?” 
“Yeah, go jump in the shower and I’ll lay them on the toilet.” 
You somehow managed to shower without throwing up or falling over and when you got out you found new pajamas laying on the toilet and that Hyuck had taken your dirty clothes (aka your bra and underwear and his jacket since you stripped at the party)
you stumbled to your room, where Hyuck sat on your bed and played with the frayed end of one of your blankets
“I got you a glass of water and medicine,” he said when you walked in the room
you flopped down on the bed next to him and laid face down on your pillow
“Are you okay?”  
“Mmmmmmmphghapppp” (y’all know what that means)
“I’m going to go downstairs now-” 
he couldn’t hear you because you mumbled, so he walked away but before he was out of your reach you grabbed his arm and said, “Stay.” 
he stood still for a couple of seconds, just processing what you said
finally, he laid down next to you and rubbed your back bc he knew you were feeling very not so good
“You okay?” 
“No. I feel terrible,” you told him, not slurring your words anymore (yay!) 
“Well, you drank a shit ton, so I’m not surprised.” 
“I don’t think I’m ever going to drink that much ever again,” you groaned, rolling over to look at him
Hyuck smiled, but noticed you rolled over to look at him
poor boy was so whipped that he stared into your eyes and didn’t even realize it
“What are you looking at?” you asked, smirking a bit
your brows went up and all you could think was //oh shit//
“I like you,” Hyuck boldly admitted, deciding that that was it, enough was enough, 
he was going to finally admit his crush on you after five years
it was like he was the drunk one and not you
you responded with a stunned silence
“How could you not know? I’ve liked you since we first met. Any time I’m around you, I feel safe, I feel- I feel like me, like I can breathe, like I can do anything I put my heart to. You give me butterflies in my stomach, you make me dizzy, you give me reason to try and do my best in life. It’s you, Y/N.”
o o f
y/n.exe has stopped working
“That’s good to hear,” you said, smiling and blushing
“Why?” Hyuck asked, confusion and scared bc he just laid his heart out to you
“Because the feeling is mutual.” 
Hyuck immediately broke out into a big smile and started giggling
“I’d kiss you but I’m still kind of drunk and fee shitty and my mouth probably tastes like alcohol.” 
he smiled and then yawned, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest
“I really shouldn’t be doing this in case you throw up but I don’t really care, this is... nice,” Hyuck whispered into your hair
“But the lights are on and hurting my head,” you whined, wrapping your arms around his waist and snuggling closer
“I’m too lazy to get up..... RENJUN!!” 
cue tired Renjun running up the stairs bc he thought something was genuinely wrong
Renjun burst into the room yelling “IS EVERYTHING OKAY? WHA- yo what the fuck?” 
“Shhhhh, she’s asleep. Can you turn the lights off please? I’m scared to move and piss her off,” Hyuck sheepishly asked, partially lying
there was a reason he yelled for Renjun
he knew Renjun wouldn’t make a big deal out of it but if you or Hyuck ever crossed him, he’d tell everyone in a heart beat
so all you guys had to do was not do him dirty and y’all would be okay !!
you fell asleep in hyuck’s arms and woke up a couple hours later with one bitch of a hangover
but you being you, you wanted to cook food for the boys so you forced yourself to get out of bed
somehow you got away from Hyuck without waking him up
you went downstairs and saw jeno, jaemin, Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung all in one big pile on your living room floor, blankets and pillows thrown everywhere
you took a picture of the boys to use as blackmail (but also because those boys were your best friends and the most important people in your life and wanted to treasure one of the rare moments where everyone was 100% peaceful and calm)
you started cooking pancakes and bacon, all while nursing a hangover
Jisung was the first one to get up, and he wandered into the kitchen half asleep with bedhead
he sat down at the dining room table and zoned out
you set a glass of orange juice down in front of him and ruffled his hair, saying “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” 
one by one the boys woke up and wandered to the source of the delicious smell coming from the kitchen
“Y/N, are you wearing sunglasses?” Jeno asked, stealing a piece of bacon and going into the dining room
“Yes. Don’t steal any more bacon, you fucker.” 
donghyuck was the last one to get up, so he stumbled into the kitchen and didn’t even notice the glasses, but he saw you and
homeboy done did it
he gave you a back hug
in front of all of the kids ?! 
you weren’t upset about it tho lol
he rested his head on your shoulder and said, “Damn, we knew you were a classy bitch but you didn’t have to flex on us this early in the morning.” 
“Hyuck it’s literally 11 in the morning and I have a hangover,” you told him, leaving your spot to take the food over to the table
Hyuck smirked and sat down next to you, avoiding the many stares of the others
others including mark, who randomly was sitting at your dining room table?? you asked no questions
“Close your mouths, you all look like trout,” you replied to the stares, putting a couple of pancakes and bacon on your plate
“Are you guys going to explain or should I ask what in the fuck is going on?” Jaemin asked, cutting right to the chase
and of course Renjun sipped on his orange juice, knowing exactly what in the fuck was going on
“I mean.... Y/N is cute or whatever so....” Hyuck announced, blushing and trying to act tough but failing miserably
“He’s alright I guess...” 
“Well it’s about damn time!” mark exclaimed
“Mark how the fuck did you get in my house?” 
“I still have the spare key your parents gave me four years ago,” he admitted, shoving his face full of pancakes
the rest of breakfast was spent eating with your boys and reviewing the night before
you said, “I DID WHAT?!” at least ten times (I can’t say I blame you tbh)
by the end of breakfast, everyone was full and had laughed so much that their stomach hurt
they all helped you clean up and do the dishes (angels!!) and then it was time for everyone to leave:(
since some of the boys lived close, they just walked home
but Renjun and jisung’s parents had to pick them up (and since hello!! your parents weren’t home!! they had their parents pick them up from hyuck’s house next door, oooo clever boys)
and since you and Hyuck were ever so kind, y’all drove mark back to his frat
Hyuck drove tho, you were still too fucked up to drive so you sat in the passenger seat and mark was in the back blabbering away
when everyone except for you and Hyuck had gone, it was.... pretty nice
instead of beating around the bush, y’all got right to the chase
“want to go on a date on Saturday?” Donghyuck asked, not caring to phrase it differently since the feeling was mutual 
“Yeah, sounds good, text me details,” you said, giving him one last hug before he went home
as soon as he got home, the boy texted you details for your date (a moment he had been dreaming about since middle school)
and let’s be real, you had been waiting for that moment for a really long time and you’re glad drunk y/n was impulsive because hey! 
you snagged the best boyfriend ever! and there is nothing you wouldn’t do for him, and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you!
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Peter Parker - One Shot “The Truth”
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REQUEST - What about a Peter Parker image, where the reader has a secret and Peter tries to find out what it is, because he likes her and wants to become closer friends. The secret is that she lives in a poor block with lots of criminals, because her parents are poor. Idk just that he finds out and tells her that he doesn't care if she has money or not, because she is still the same person. Angst and fluff pls 😙 (ANON) 
 A/N - Hello beautifulsssssss! I am so sorry this took so long to come out. I won't lie, I’m not 100% happy with it, but I couldn't figure out another way to write it, and it is fluffy and angsty I guess! If you could give me constructive criticism that would be great! Oh and remember, REQUESTS ARE OPENNNNNNNNN! I love you all!
 (F/M) Mentions - Briefly drugs, and a light stabbing.
WORDS - 2059
You pulled at the too short sleeves of the sweatshirt that was just about keeping you warm enough on your walk to school. Keeping your head down you didn’t see the running geek behind you trying to catch up. When the hand grabbed your elbow you froze, used to drunk idiots in your apartment block trying to make passes at you, so seeing the warm gleeful smile of Peter Parker looking down at you felt like a huge relief.
 “Y/N! You live the other side of school? What are you doing this route?” The goofy smile never left his face as the two of you started walking in the direction of the school. But the one that had grown seeing him soon slipped off your face, he’d caught you.
 “Oh-oh-oh you know, stayed at my cousin's last night, he lives this way.” You internally cursed, you knew Peter knew you had no other family in the city, the confusion that crossed his face reflected that notion, but he didn’t press on. Instead, his fingers looped with yours, causing a warm blush to creep across your face as he dragged you into the local cafe to grab some coffee before school like you knew he had started to recently. The emptiness of your pockets felt so heavy as you had to make up some lie about not being thirsty as he ordered his drink, the barista turning to you. Peter only frowned more, as he knew your love of coffee, from all the cups you drank during decathlon training when Mr Harrington offered it from his office.
When the two of you started on your way to school again, you tried to keep your fingers curled up in the sweatshirt, to stay warm, but they kept slipping out, it being too physically short. Without saying anything, Peter passes you his coffee, saying he didn’t want it anymore, watching carefully as you silently let out a sigh of relief as the warmth of the cup hit your fingertips. Without realising it, he found himself watching you closely for the rest of the walk as you sipped silently, the coffee hampering the hunger pains just enough. Peter could see something wasn’t right, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it, but first, he needed to get closer to you.
 “Y/N, I was wondering if we could catch a movie sometime?” Peter found himself stuttering out, blushing immediately as he realised what he had said, the romantic nature of it, but the excitement that filled him instantly at the thought, made him grin. He’d like a date with you.
 “I-I-I can’t Peter.” You whispered, your voice cracking with sadness. Your huge crush on Peter was getting to the painful stage now, but you knew he would leave you the second he found out you were living a lie. He would never speak to you again, and that would mean Ned and MJ too, and you would be left all alone again.
 “Oh, yeah that’s okay, maybe another time.” The small sad smile that flashed across his face didn’t go unnoticed by you as you went back to sipping his coffee, trying not scream out how much you wanted to date him. The rest of the walk to school was silent, but it was no longer comfortable between you, Peter trying to get you to look at him, your eyes glued to the pavement in front of you. The second you walked into school, you slipped away into the crowds, leaving a sad Peter Parker to go find Ned before his first class.
 The lunch bell signalled it was time for you to hide in the library, where no one would question you not eating anything more than the free fruit that was available one per student every morning, and drinking from the reusable water bottle you carried with you everywhere. You stuck your nose into the book deeper, ignoring the growls of your stomach as you tried to read. The bag of Dorito’s that fell on the pages made you squeak in surprise, looking up to see MJs retreating figure leaving the library, never once looking back at you. It had become a regular occurrence for her to leave you little snacks. Neither of you ever acknowledged it, but somehow she knew, but she never pressed it, for which you were thankful. You ripped into the bag and all but sucked them up, there has been less than normal food in the fridge, that you had packed for your mum's lunch, knowing how stressed she’d been recently.
 Decathlon wasn’t on this afternoon, so you headed out of school ready to take your long walk home. Walking in the opposite direction of your home for 20 minutes every day really tired you out, but you couldn’t face the truth, not as you walked past everyone with the latest Stark phone, or the expensive makeup palettes girls held touching up their make-up, or even the Starbucks they frequently walked around with. There was no way you could ever afford it, but you needed to keep up a level of pretending, so saying you lived in the nice part of the city, was enough to keep people off your back. So, you pulled your sleeves down once again, the temperature had dropped more, as you started your 1hr round trip, dreaming of Peter Parker in your head as you walked, not really paying attention to your surroundings. Never once seeing a red and blue figure fly over ahead, watching you curiously walk home.
 Peter knew he was spying, using Spiderman for his own personal reasons, a morally wrong thing to do. But he was so drawn to you, he couldn’t help himself. So when you started walking down a dark alley and turning back on yourself, a few blocks later, his curiosity peaked. You walked all the way back past the school, albeit a few blocks over, and started towards the end of the city, few students of the school lived. The further you walked, the more the hairs on the back of Peters' neck stood on end, he knew it was dangerous around here. Tony and May regularly told him to not patrol these streets, so seeing you walk father down them, caused his heart to sink. He didn’t have to have enhanced hearing to hear the chattering of your teeth, the long walk in the winter freezing you to the core. He shook his head softly, about to turn around, to give you the privacy of your home, the overwhelming guilt of what he was doing became too much when he heard your scream.
 Looking back down at the streets below, your body had disappeared as he heard your screams again, when he found you in an alleyway, being cornered by 3 men twice your size. If Peter had seen the knife one of them was holding, he might have called Tony for back up, but not seeing it, only the terror that struck your face, he soon swung into action, webbing two of them up before they could touch you.
 “Y/N RUN!” Without realising it he screamed your name, in his Spiderman suit, the confusion of why Spiderman knew your name, freezing you before you had a chance to run, distracting Peter enough, he didn’t see the man running up behind him, stabbing him in the thigh before running off.
 Watching Spiderman fall to his feet in front of you, was a sight you would never erase from your head, as you ran to support him, the confusion of him knowing your name fleeing from your thoughts. Without thinking you pulled off your thin sweatshirt, leaving you in ae eve thinner shirt, tying the sweatshirt around his thigh to help slow the bleeding.
 “M-my apartment is in that building, i-i-t’ll be warmer to wait there, for an ambulance.” You didn’t want to also admit you didn’t have a phone to this superhero, in your arms, that you’d have to go home to be able to call help for him. You watched the red-masked man briefly nod at you, as you helped him up all his weight leaning on you as you walked him into the building. You were so caught up in attending to your hero, you didn’t see the masked man take in the drug needles across the stairs as you walked up, the torn wallpaper and gunshots in the wall, as you fumbled for your keys to your apartment, the only clean door in the building.
 Peter could barely breathe, and not from the searing pain in his leg. His advanced healing was already fixing the wound that was barely seeping now. No, he couldn’t breathe as he saw the circumstances of which you lived, the barely furnished apartment, was somehow colder than outside, the numerous blankets around the tiny room attesting to the fact this was common. Peter looked up at you behind his mask you gently helped him down onto the sofa, rushing to the small Nokia phone on the corner.
 “Don’t call an ambulance!” He barely got out before you pressed dial on the phone, your terrified face whipping to look at him as if he was crazy.
 “You need help, Sir, you saved my life and got hurt!” You could feel yourself shaking, not only from the cold now, but the adrenaline that was almost pushing you into a state of shock. You watched your hero move his hand to his mask and go to pull it off, but you found yourself stopping him.
 “Don’t feel like you need to show me your face, you keep your identity secret on purpose, I’m not worth knowing your secret.” You whispered gently sitting beside him going to push the mask back down his face, but his hands were stronger and you were soon looking into familiar eyes.
 “PETER?!?!” Clamping your hand over your mouth you shot up in surprise, guilty-looking eyes looking up to meet you shocked ones.
 “Y/N, love, I can explain.”
 “T-that’s how you knew my name…” You were violently shaking now, about to go into shock, before Peter pulled you into his arms wrapping the closest blanket around the both of you as he softly told you the story of how he became Spiderman, rubbing his hand on your back soothingly, his melodic voice and touch gently calming you back down.
 “So how did you find me?” Your eyes flickered around your flat, an overwhelming sense of panic now hitting you once again as you realised he knew where you lived.
 “I-I followed you. Please Y/N know I didn’t mean it creepily. But something was just telling me that something wasn’t right, and I was worried and I just started following you…I understand if you hate me. But why did you lie Y/N? I thought you lived near Ned and Flash? Why didn’t you tell us you lived here?” You looked up expecting to see the disgust in his eyes, why wouldn’t he be disgusted when he saw how you lived? But all you saw when you looked up was warmth and kindness, and a slight note of sadness, as he took in your thin cheekbones as if for the first time with a new light.
 “I didn’t want you to hate me.” You couldn’t stop your voice from breaking as a few tears rolled down your cheeks as you explained how you had gotten into Midtown on scholarship, and how your Mum worked 3 jobs to try and look after the two of you, but it was barely enough. “I understand you want to go now, I won’t stop you.” You said heartbroken as you stood up expecting Peter to dart out of the door, but the soft hand pulling you back down shocked you, but when soft lips pressed yours, you were literally thrown you off your feet with surprise.  
 When Peter finally pulled away for air, he grinned at the blush that spread across your cheeks. ‘I could never hate you, your home doesn’t determine who you are. All I see is a fearless, beautiful lady who is the smartest person I have ever met. Just don’t tell MJ.” He winks at you before pulling you in for a kiss after kiss after kiss.
 Maybe you could get used to this.
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