#plus maybe it's a pain to order it but considering how much food waste is done by supermarkets i prefer that they only specifically get what
coffeeworldsasaki · 1 year
"everything is so complicated now", says my mother ignoring the fact that it's them making life so complicated for themselves
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phoward89 · 6 months
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Series Masterlist
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Chapter 2:
White hot pain courses throughout your body as you lay on your stomach, on your small bed in the corner of the room. The room that was your bedroom, kitchen, and living room all in one cramped spot. Sitting on the bed next to you was Coryo.
He was washing your wounds, causing you to wince; let out sobs and whimpers since he wasn't very gentle.
“Stop whining, I'm almost done, darling.” Coryo told you with an edge to his baritone.
“It hurts, Coryo.” You cried, feeling like you just wanted to die- that's how much pain you're in.
And it seems that the asshole next to you, the peacekeeper responsible for your situation, isn't very empathetic despite claiming that he's your man now. Oh hell…how did this happen to you? Is your luck really that shitty?
“My friend, Sejanus, has some morphling for a bum knee. I'll find him; get some for you.” He told you, cleaning the last of your wounds. “Okay, pretty girl?”
“Okay.” You said, relieved that your tormenter (err new peacekeeper boyfriend?) was going to get you something for the pain.
“I'll get you some food too.” Coryo said while pulling your blanket on you, so that you wouldn't be cold. “Can't have my girl starving while she's hurt and healing, can I?” He rhetorically asked, standing up and taking the bowl with the bloody water and stained wash cloth over to the sink.
You heard the sound of the bowl clanking against the counter as he set it down. You also heard the sound of cabinets opening and closing as he looked for something in your sorry excuse for a kitchen. Curious about what he was doing, you turned your head only to see him taking your box of teabags out of the cabinet you stored them in. Oh, how nice of him. He's making you tea after he got you whipped; got your back torn to bloody shreds.
Oh yes, a cup of tea’s going to make everything all better. You'd rather have the morphling. You'd also rather be alone right now to wallow in your misery as well.
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After leaving a cup of tea by your bedside and telling you to rest, Coriolanus left your apartment to go buy some groceries. After buying a bag of food, enough to feed the both of you for the week, he searched for Sejanus. Coriolanus was only seeking out the annoying district dog because you needed morphling; Sejanus was his only option to get it for you.
Well, that's not exactly true. Coriolanus can always acquire some from the local black market, but it'd cost him a fortune. Plus, he's not even sure that a morphling dealer would even sell to him considering he's wearing denim blue Peacekeeper fatigues. And he couldn't waste his time trying to haggle with some drug dealer, not when you're in desperate need of pain meds.
Oh, if only you didn't steal that apple; then Coriolanus would've never turned you in and you wouldn't be hurt. Why did you have to be so desperate? Couldn't you have just waited for him to approach you, to offer to buy you a treat of some sort?
Coriolanus knew that he'd have to teach you some patience. It is, after all, a very important virtue to have. He, in fact, is a very patient man. Perhaps that's why he was able to put up with all of your sobbing while cleaning up your bloody; shredded back. If he was a lesser man, he would've backhanded you and tossed you into the shower.
But, he's a patient man, so he'll deal with your bullshit in order to get what he wants. Oh, yea, and what he wants is you. You getting his dick wet more precisely. And also being the mother of his children, his wife, and his future First Lady since he finds you to be both beautiful and captivating.
He just has to teach you patience and maybe some manners too. At least you’re smart, or he thinks you are since you didn't try to run from him or beg your way out of your punishment.
So, when Coriolanus finally spots Sejanus (talking to some shady looking locals, of course) he jogs up to him- causing the sack of groceries slug over his shoulder to jostle around. “Sejanus, I need some of your morphling. My girl, Y/N, was whipped real bad this morning; I've been taking care of her since, but she's in pain- tear inducing pain.”
Of course, Coriolanus wasn't going to tell his friend that he's the one who turned you in; the one who got you whipped. Why would he? It wasn't any of Sejanus' business. He didn't need to know that tiny, insignificant detail. The district born dog didn't need to know everything about you and Coryo's life.
Sejanus' eyes went wide at his friend's words. He heard from a local rebel contact that a girl was stripped naked and badly whipped on the snow over an allegation of a stolen apple, one that she didn't have on her. But he didn't know that it was Coryo's girl that got whipped that morning.
“I heard about that, but I didn't know she was your girl, Coryo. Of course, I'll give you my morphling for her.” Sejanus told Coriolanus, sticking his hand in his pocket and quickly pulling out a bottle of morphling. Handing it over to the platinum blonde, he said, “If she needs anymore, just take it out of my lockbox.”
Yes! Score!
Coriolanus was ecstatic that he was able to manipulate stupid, sweet, do-gooder Sejanus into giving him some morphling. He wasn't expecting him to tell Coryo to wipe him out of his drug supply, but he's not going to turn that down.
He's going to make good on that offer, snag up all of Sejanus' morphling so that you won't be in pain while you heal. You're just so pretty; Coriolanus hates the idea of you being in so much pain. And over something that could've been easily avoided too.
“Thank you, Sej. Really, I don't know what we'd do without your help.” Coryo told the dark haired peacekeeper, clasping him on the shoulder before taking off to get back to you.
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You were half asleep (actually, you were half passed out from pain) whenever you heard the door creek open. Turning your head towards the door, you saw Coryo enter the small one-room apartment in the rundown tenant building you call home. A sack was slung over his shoulder.
Going over to the kitchen counter and setting down the sack, he announced, “I got us some groceries; got you the morphling from Sejanus too.”
Us? Since when does he live with you? Doesn't he live on base? Oh fucking hell…
As if he could hear your mental musings, he explained, “I'm trading days with some of my squad, taking their days off and then working for them, so I can spend some time here with you until you can get up; do for yourself.”, while unpacking the sack of groceries.
Just great…
Now he's dead set on staying with you, taking care of you til you're able to move around, and he's trading work days to do it. Oh by the gods, how the hell did this insane man find you? He's acting as if you're his lover, not some girl he turned in for punishment- for whipping.
Why did you listen to Ashlie? You should've stayed home, in District 12. At least you wouldn't be dealing with delusional Private Coryo if you’d stayed in 12. God, you hate District 8 so much right now.
“Did you drink your tea?” Coryo asked, as if he really gave a fuck about your well-being, while grabbing some produce and putting them away in your small fridge.
“Some of it.” You answered right as a knock sounded at the door.
“You expecting anyone?” The platinum blonde demon of a man asked while going over to the door.
“No.” You simply told him, earning you a nod.
Coriolanus answered the door, only to be met with a petite young woman. “Are you here to see my girl, Y/N?” He asked the brunette, who was trying to look around his large frame and into the apartment.
“Your girl? She didn't mention taking up with a peacekeeper last time I saw her.” You heard Ashlie, your late brother's girlfriend that abandoned you after dragging you out here to this hellhole called 8, tell Coryo.
“Yes, well, it’s a fairly new development. But she's mine all the same.” Coryo told Ashlie in a diplomatic tone, a shit eating grin on his face.
He has power over you and like hell some ratty whore was going to poke and prod him about his relationship with you. It was none of her business that he just scooped you up today, literally.
“Send her away, Coryo.” You loudly ordered, since with didn't want to be bothered with Ashlie. Didn't she have better things to do, like live her new life with that rebel boyfriend of hers, then to check in on you? Not like she's been going out of her way to see you before you got hurt.
Looking between you and the door, Coryo simply nodded and, without warning, slammed the door shut in Ashlie's face. She tried to open it back up, but he threw his tall body against it- slamming it shut again and quickly locked the lock and placed the door chain in place.
Crossing the room, making a beeline towards your bed, Coriolanus asked, “Who was she, Y/N?”
“She used to be my brother's girl til he got blown up to bits during the summer when our rebel neighbor bombed the mines.” You explained to him as he pulled out a vial of morphling from his pocket.
Crouching down next to you, he popped the cork of the vial and tilted your chin up, only to pour the pain medicine down your throat. “Mines? But 8 doesn't have any mines.”
“Thank you.” You gratefully told Coryo as he set the empty vial to the side, next to your half empty teacup. “I'm originally from 12; just applied for a district transfer cause Ashlie couldn't handle her grief over Rein's death. She begged me to come here with her when word got out that a plague decreased their workforce; made district transfers available.” You explained, even tho you probably shouldn't be. He is a peacekeeper after all. And the one to get you whipped. But what harm is there in telling him your story? It's not like you have anyone anyways, you're an orphan- truly alone.
“I take it you're not on good terms with her.” Coryo said knowingly.
You're at the mercy of a delusional white-blonde peacekeeper. Thanks to Ashlie taking off. And any hope there was at repairing the sisterly friendship you once had flew out the window once you go whipped and became the the girl of some peacekeeper grunt- who's a hand short of a full deck.
“Not long after moving here she hooked up with some guy she met; left me all alone. So, yea, we're not on good terms.”
“I'm sorry she did that to you, darling. Family should never abandon family.” The blonde told you, lifting up your blanket to check on your wounds. “I'm here now, baby. You're my girl; I'll never let you be alone again.’ He promised, pressing a kiss to an unblemished part of your shoulder.
You didn't know what was worse. Being alone or being stuck with him. And something deep in your gut tells you that you'll never get rid of him. That he's worse than a tick on a bloodhound.
“Some of these lashes are deep. I can see some muscle and bone.” Coryo informed you. Well, that would explain why your back hurts like a bitch. At least the morphling he got you’s taking the edge off.
“You'll have to stitch me up, Coryo, or else I could get an infection and die.” You honestly told the peacekeeper, since the last thing you wanted was to get gangrene or sepsis. You really didn't want to get stuck going to the rundown public district hospital. You didn't have money for that, plus you heard some horror stories from coworkers at the peacekeeper uniform plant about the hospital.
No thank you, you'll take your chances at home with the devil.
“Don't talk like that, my darling. I'm not going to let you die; I'm going to take care of you.” Coryo said, petting your hair and pressing a soft kiss on your cheek before leaving your side to go find your sewing kit in order to stitch you up.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @twinkletwinklenotastar @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @shellybellysstuff @zombicupcake3
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calltomuster · 3 years
Star Wars Fic Recs Part the Fourth
[first fic rec list] [second fic rec list] [third fic rec list]
Been a few weeks since I've done one of these and I've read/reread some great fics recently so let me share them with you now!
And I Fear Nothing by @maiseey (Obi-Wan/Cody, WIP, 11/? chapters, 43.4k words) Picture this: I am sitting in the parking lot of my local grocery store, having just bought a load of perishables. I get the email that And I Fear Nothing has just been updated. What do I do: run home to preserve the food I just paid for, or sit in my car and read the new chapter right away? The answer is obvious, of course! That is exactly the situation I found myself in last week when chapter 11 dropped and I did in fact choose to read it in spite of my groceries, that's how much I love this fic. In this fic, Obi-Wan and Cody are raising Luke and Leia together on Tatooine, and they've got so much trauma, and new + old wounds, and love for each other and the children they're raising that it both warms your heart and tears it apart. But that's not all, this fic expands beyond just the small home in the middle of the Jundland Wastes and explores Ahsoka and Rex and their journey to de-chip as many clones as possible. I love this fic because it doesn't shy away from hard conversations, but it does it in a way that makes you want to cry and give everyone involved a hug. Plus, there are some fantastic minor clone characters that you will 100% want to die for by the time you finish reading. Cannot recommend this fic enough.
Obligate by @communistkenobi (gen, one-shot, 23.9k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin & Ahsoka) Just when you thought the Deception arc didn't have enough pain, this AU sees Anakin fake his death instead of Obi-Wan! My heart is physically ripped out of my chest just thinking about this fic, so imagine what it'd do to you actually reading it. Anything @communistkenobi writes is so well-done and I've gone through his works list on AO3 multiple times, but somehow I missed this when it was first posted and it was like a wonderfully delightful surprise when I ran into it the other day. So, so good. Highly recommend!
Moirai by damonkey (gen, WIP, 4/? chapters, 9.2k words, Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon) All I can really say about this fic without giving anything away is that it's a Phantom Menace AU and it's so intriguing. The author is very deliberate in having a vague summary and only tagging as the story progresses, so I truly have no idea what's ahead of me but it's so -- as I said -- intriguing that I'm happy to strap into the ride. Ahhhh I'm skimming through the fic and there are so many things I want to mention but I don't want to give anything away!
Almost Home by @frunbuns (gen, one-shot, 5.2k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) You know, every time I recc a Modern AU I'm like "I don't usually like Modern AUs but..." and then proceed to gush over the fic. I went and checked and I've recced a Modern AU on almost every fic rec list I've made! Maybe I do like Modern AUs?? Or maybe the fics are just that good -- and this fic is definitely that good. In this fic, the first of a planned series of fics set in a modern Star Wars universe, Obi-Wan is reeling from the loss of his adoptive father Qui-Gon and has to care for a young Anakin. Ooooooof. Definitely hits you right in the feels, this one. Love the non-chronological storytelling too!
Naked and Not Paid by biscuitlevitation (Obi-Wan/212th Attack Battalion, WIP, 6/? chapters, 14.9k words) This fic is essentially ~15k words of the clones thirsting over Obi-Wan and it is the funniest thing I have read all year. I'm not kidding, I just read the last chapter which features space-church-lady!Anakin and I laughed so hard I cried. I'm cracking up just thinking about it. I promise you will have a good time reading this fic. And if the tag "Obi-Wan Kenobi/212th Attack Battalion" puts you off, let me just say there's no sex in this at all, it's just thirst. And it's hilarious.
Full Disclosure by @trixree (Obi-Wan/Cody, WIP, 2/3 chapters, 7.4k words) ROTS AU in which the Force bonds Obi-Wan has formed with a few members of the 212th save them from the chip and Order 66, but it doesn't stop the devastation from happening on a mass scale and they all have to try and deal with Mustafar and Luke and Leia. This fic manages to be both extremely soft and extremely gut-wrenching at the same time, and I wish I could leave more kudos. Full disclosure (get it, little pun there for ya), I will be dying until the final chapter comes out. Time to go listen to Olivia Rodrigo and reread this fic and just live in my feels.
Thirteen Days by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 (gen, one-shot, 4.1k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) Post-Zygerria arc, Anakin dresses an unconscious Obi-Wan's injuries and struggles. Ahhhh this fic is one of my favorite Zygerria arc fics, and given that that's my favorite arc, that's saying a lot! Obi-Wan doesn't say a word in this fic, but his presence is very much there, if you know what I mean. And the descriptions of injuries here are pretty graphic at times, but it's so good that you'll want to keep reading even if you have to do it through the fingers covering your eyes.
brother, let me be your shelter by @kenobilovebot (gen, one-shot, 1.6k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) This fic packs so much tenderness in a short amount of words. It covers an AU in which Obi-Wan's issues from Zigoola never really resolve, and Anakin finds out when -- well, you'll just have to read for yourself. I love Zigoola because it is such an excellent whumpfest for poor Obi-Wan and this fic is great for that, but also highlights Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship.
A Padawan At War (Again) series by @itstimeforstarwars (gen, 3 parts, 100k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) In this series, Obi-Wan and Anakin are transported from The Phantom Menace into the Clone Wars and have to deal with all that comes with it: fighting wars, discovering a Padawan you never knew you had, dueling your grandmaster who apparently is a Sith Lord now(?!) and all the rest. This series is a great ride, and I look forward to every update. Note: the first fic in this series is a one-shot that was expanded upon, and it drops you in media res. The second fic is a prequel that shows how they got to that point, and the third fic is the sequel that shows what comes after.
The Desert Storm series by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning (complete, 24 parts, 1.144 million words) There has never been a better time to start reading this series. If you read Star Wars fics on AO3, then you've definitely seen the Desert Storm series before, but maybe you were daunted by the high word count, or felt like it would be too much effort to go all the way to the beginning of a series but couldn't just jump in halfway. Let me tell you, it's 100% worth it, and now is the perfect time to read this series if you haven't already. This series is complete, but it turns out it's all just Act 1 of the larger story, which will continue in the Rise and Fall series. @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning is taking a break right now before starting the next series, so you have ample time to get caught up, and YOU REALLY SHOULD. Let me tell you, this series had me on the edge of my seat more than any other piece of media I can remember. With the most recent chapters, where everything that has been building for a million words came to a head, I would get so worked up after each chapter that beforehand I would have to queue up calming things to watch afterwards, and it still wouldn't be enough and I'd be too full of feelings to get anything done the rest of the day. Seriously, this series is amazing. And if you HAVE read it before but haven't reread, now is the perfect time for that as well. I've reread this series multiple times and it's so rewarding because the author sprinkled in so many hints as to what will come that you only understand the second (or third) time around. I know I've written a lot for this rec but this is a long series and it deserves it. Go read! Now!
If you like any of these fics, please consider reblogging so they can get more exposure! And if you noticed I missed someone’s Tumblr account, or linked the wrong one, please let me know!
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Nowhere near as exciting as your ex-agent Dabi and Mafia family Tomura idea, but what about a bakery AU starring:
Kurogiri, as the owner who hires people shunned and maligned for their quirks to give them a sense of belonging and worth
Tenko, as the anxious, angry young man forced by his dad to find a job or be kicked out onto the street
Touya, as the lead baker with mysterious burn scars who teaches Tenko the trade while teasing/challenging him constantly
Toga, as the energetic pastry chef who loves her crushes, blood, and the art of food in that order
Spinner, as the barista who no longer hides his mutation quirk and is fiercely protective of his friends
Magne, as the manager who's more like a big sister to the staff than their supervisor
Twice, as the prep cook with a sad past but hopes for the future
Mustard, as the high school student working the counter part time and always coming up with "experiments" when no one's watching him
Atsuhiro Sako, as the supply salesman with a flair for the dramatic
Plus, Moonfish, Muscular, UA kids/teachers, and others appearing as customers
Basically, Tenko applies for a job as an assistant baker because 1. It's at night so he won't have to deal with people, 2. It doesn't require any previous experience, and 3. His dad threatened to kick him out of the house if he doesn't "stop wasting his life on video games and either get a job or go to school". He nervously shows up for the interview and is surprised at how kind both Kurogiri and Magne are to him despite his awkwardness, scars/skin, and his quirk. In this AU, people with quirks considered "potentially villainous" are closely monitored and treated as if they're destined to become criminals (a lot like the reactions to Shinsō's quirk). His father often brings up how Tenko accidentally killed the family dog when his quirk activated for the first time at the age of four or five. Years of mental and emotional abuse like this reinforces the idea that his son must have been born bad and any attempts at striving for something will end in failure.
To Tenko's pleasant surprise he gets hired. His first night on the job starts with Kurogiri teaching him how to mix dough and put it through a machine that turns it into bagels. (BTW, I work as a baker at a bagel shop, which is how this silly idea came about.) Tenko tells himself it's just like playing a video game, and quickly starts getting the hang of things.
Then he meets Touya, who's supposed to teach him the actual baking process. Tenko's immediately annoyed by Touya's attitude and teasing ("You Decay any of this equipment and it's coming out of your paycheck, mophead"). He throws himself into the task, determined to shut Touya up. And secretly, Touya's impressed by his show of determination and tackling something new. He hopes to himself that Tenko lasts unlike other people who fell by the wayside.
And Tenko does stay, getting to know the others who've come to form a sort of family at the bakery. He becomes close with Himiko and Shuichi in particular, empathizing with the isolation they endured and the harsh demands Toga's own parents put on her. These new friendships make putting up with Touya every night worth it.
Then Tenko overhears an angry phone conversation and realizes Touya's not all smooth confidence and devil may care attitude. That his home life may be just as messy and painful as his. Bit by bit, Tenko learns more about his coworker and opens up in turn, each seeing they have quite a bit in common. Rivalry turns to friendship (though it still has a healthy streak of competition). Over time, however, things between them start to shift yet again. The usual jokes ("Aw, did you burn your fingers? Want me to kiss them and make it better?") cause awkward silences and flustered backpedaling. The number of accidental hand touches and bumping into each other increases ten fold. Eventually, it gets to a point where they can't deny romantic feelings snuck up on them when they weren't looking.
Like I said, not exciting or action-packed. Most of the conflict would be about the characters dealing with unhealthy family relationships, overcoming the terrible things they were taught to believe about themselves, and society's crappy treatment of them, I think. And they'd fight both by sticking together and supporting one another rather than being forced to become villains. It'll take on a clearer shape as it's written.
Thanks for letting me ramble! I just wanted to share so maybe my mind will settle down and let me work on this.
Anon, please you need to write this. We all have different ideas, different approaches, different portrayals and points of view. THAT'S NOT BAD. In fact, that's the opposite of bad. That's why we get a great range of fanfics, that's why we can enjoy new things and cry with new genres or enjoy new content.
And I absolute adore whenever people bring their knowledge about something into an au. I could have never come with anything so well written or so complex because I have never worked in a bakery, but you have! You have the ingredients, you have the tools, and look at what lovely au you have created!
I'm obsessed with this. I'm obsessed with the softness of this. This is like a butterfly kiss on your cheek on a summer afternoon while you watch a lake reflect the sky.
I want to know more about this. I want you to tell me more about your fanfic ideas and even if you want, I can help you write this, but please, let others enjoy this as much as I enjoy it. Because it's so so so so good.
A lot of villains fans are looking for this type of comfort. Damn, it is a dream to see a bakery filled with people who are getting better and finally having a chance in life, becoming a family, finding love, fighting their abusers in their own ways.
You even gave them the specific jobs. I'm— 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this is so well thought. Really, please write this. Please.
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Illumi x Poc Reader
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I wrote this cause I don't see any Poc readers with hxh like I do mha😫 Also not sure if I'll make this into a story what do you think?
You weren't the strongest nen user in the world, hell you weren't even in the top 50. So if someone were to ask you why you were currently having dinner with the most feared family in Padokea you would have no choice but to just shrug your shoulders. You glanced around quietly eating your meal as your posture became stiff as a board the longer the silence became. You were not naive to the fact that there were many eyes on you both literally and figuratively.
Sitting across from you was a rather large man with long white hair calmly eating his food. He was almost a mirror image of the older man to his left. Although shorter in stature you could practically taste the power radiating from him.
'This must be Illumi's grandfather' you thought
Next to the old man was a large boy with shiny black hair similar to Illumi's noisily chewing while focusing with a mobile game in his right hand. Someone you deducted to be his sister sat next to him in a black and pink kimono quite similar to the one your were forced to wear before arriving, she ate her food quietly. Finally turning towards the lady of the house who's hard gaze you could feel on your face ever since you arrived.
Clearing your throat you opted for small talk trying to lessen the tension. "Who made dinner, it's delicious." The woman clapped her hands together in a gleeful manor, "Do you really think so? The new butler prepared it but I found it a bit dry so they were promptly fired!" She replied voice getting hard at the word fired. It was not hard to understand that fired was Zoldyck for killed. You stared down incredulously at the rice and beef on the table that was practically oozing in tenderness and moisture. "Oh really?" You respond lightly trying to keep a blank face as the woman snapped her silver spoon in half bellowing a obnoxious, 'Oh dear!'
You swallowed shallowly as you watched a servant immediately present her a new fork. You came to a decided conclusion that this woman was off her rocker. You opened your mouth to speak again before a quick sharp pain spread up your leg piercing through all the layers of your kimono. Tensed you pluck some beef into your mouth at the same time you plucked the object out of your flesh. Based on the thin length leading to a round end you shuddered glacing at Illumi who was now missing one of his needless from his vest. This was obviously a warning to stay quiet.
After the meal Illumi ushered you down the hall and up many stairs before shoving you into a dark room causing you to trip and almost fall. You huff angrily turning to your captor, "What is this about Illumi?" You ask flicking his needle towards his face marveling at how easily he caught it gently between his long slender fingers returning it to his place above his heart. "It was only to get you to stop speaking. It wouldn't have been long before my mother threw a fit and that would be rather annoying." He replied nonchalantly his dark eyes staring into yours before promptly turning and walking towards a linen closet.
You combed your hand through your disheveled afro that you were unable to fix after Illumi had made you open his heavy ass 'front door' you personally called bullshit on that one. But had no choice since you were immediately threatened if you refused.
"If you are unable to open at least one of the doors then you are not worth my time and will be disposed of."
Plopping down on the plush bed you gasp as you sank down a few inches grasping at the silk sheets. "What could I have possibly done to upset your mama? I opened 2 of your stupid doors and I put on this kimono just like you asked!" You asked exasperated as you tugged on the kimono that had clung to your round figure no matter how much you loosened the sash. Illumi closed the closet turning with two stacks of purple linen in his hands perfectly folded. "That is true. Infact she was estatic at your efforts at first. But that all changed of course when I told her that I was open to marrying you."
Your heart sunk into your stomach like your body in the bed at those words. You shuttered at the thought of marrying this deranged man and bearing his fish eyed offspring. His monotone voice and blank face only fueled your reasoning as he spoke about marriage as though he was shopping for bread. "What the hell do you mean marriage!?" The only reaction you received was a show blink, "You managed to intrigue me, anyone capable of that needs to be monitored closely and what better way to do that than marriage?" You roll your eyes and gestured universally, "How about, I don't know, literally ANYTHING! Be roommates you know, like normal people!" Illumi looked almost as though he was pondering on the idea before shaking his head
"No, besides it's about time I've settled down don't you think." You dead panned absolutely positive that your ideas of settling down where vastly different. "I'm sure your mother does not approve of you marrying someone you just met." Illumi's mouth twitched up hinting at a smirk, "No, things like that are common around here, her problem is about how weak you are." He paused for a moment waking towards making you mean away as he sets his long arms on either side of you, caging you between the bed and himself examining your features before continuing, "And she's not too keen on mixing different backgrounds into our pure Japanese heritage." Your blink slowly trying to calm your heart beat at the proximity before scoffing looking towards the window to your left so you wouldn't cry in fear, "Offend me why don't you?"
He leaned away plopping one of the purple stacks into your lap, "Let's go shower." He says heading to the bathroom stopping when he realized you weren't following. "Well, come along." You looked at him like he'd lost his damn mind, which he had apparently. "You got me messed up if you think I'm getting in the shower with you Playboy continue your journey and leave me alone." You say rolling into your side facing away from him in order for you not to go back on your choice in fear only to relax at the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing.
You gasped in exhaustion as you ran as far as your legs would take you. Flying through the dense forest trying to keep a close ear on the sounds of twigs snapping at your right. 'I'm totally fucked' you thought as the sound easily caught up to you.
You didn't understand how you got into this situation. You were simply visiting your uncle at his new estate. You knew he got his wealth in greasy ways but not enough to put a hit on himself.
You propel yourself off of a branch trying to get higher into the trees. You wondered if your uncle was still alive. He was a more advanced nen user so if he doesn't survive you surely won't. You pushed yourself harder through the trees thinking back to seconds before the ambush.
Your uncle was giving you a saphire necklace that he had aquired through questionable means. The only thing that gave away something was wrong was the fact that the estate was completely silent with no sound of his rowdy partners celebrating through booze and marijuana. At that realization, he ushered you though the bedroom window just as his room door slammed open. All you saw before you jumped was long ebony hair and dull black eyes. You landed on the ground in a awkward way, spraining your ankle but wasted no time pushing through the pain; breifly recalling what your mother said when she sent you here.
"You just learned nen basics so you're not adept to protecting yourself. Your uncle Ricky messes around with dirty folk so if he tells you to run then run baby and don't look back."
So here you were, flying through the air just 2 months after your first nen training, putting everything you knew to the test. After long last, you burst through the trees finally able to see your surroundings illuminated with the moonlight.
You began bounding across the tops before something sharp stabbed through your sprained tendon, causing you to fall far and hard back into the forest.
You groaned, sitting up and blinking rapidly, you try to adjust your eyes to the change in scenery. Standing up shakily, you take a step forward before you feel a large weight land on your back, pushing you face down into dirt and dried leaves.
"There is no use resisting child. Stay still and I will consider making your death quick~" Came a silky voice above you. "Such wasted potential~" Before you could respond, everything went black signalling that your clone had met it's demise. You blinked yourself bringing your consiousness back into your real body. "Wow that nen trick really did work, maybe that old lady wasn't crazy." You mutter wincing at the ghost of pain you felt drumming through your ankle. Once you casted your nen on a pile of twigs, you quickly ran in the opposite direction. Only watching from it's own eyes so the movements would seem fluid.
"I should hurry it won't be long till they realise they were tricked."
You quickly ran into a small tourist town and headed to the nearest bar so you could ease your pain. Sliding onto the stool you wave over the bar keep. "A shot of vodka for the road!" You call out, already grimacing at the taste you'd have to force yourself through. The bartender looked at you and smirked before sliding you a root beer float.
You stared at the ice cream floating in your glass before looking at him like he was crazy. "Sorry sweety but your babysitter said to give you something light."
He gestures behind you, and you turn to look choking sightly as breath catches in your throat.
Right behind you were familiar dull black eyes pearing down at you. This man was tall, at least 6 feet plus with pale white skin, and long hair. He was dressed like a Christmas tree with gold bulbs adorning his green top. "Can I help you?" You ask trying to feign innocence. The man stiffly sat down in the stool next to you ignoring you for the time being. "Barkeep please give me what you gave her." He said point to your float. Once he received his, he looked at it for a while as the ice cream sunk into the root beer. The silence was terrifying but you found yourself getting lost in his sharp features and his calculating hands as they wrapped around the tall glass.
"How did you do your little trick?" He asked pulling you out of your trance. You blink slowly, "What trick?" You ask tensing as his head turns towards you looking into your eyes almost daring you to lie
"I told my colleague to rid the area of any strays in the area. He informed me that he was persueing the 'cute Cocoa girl with the curly hair." He faced his drink swiping the dripping cream and slowly licking it off his finger never breaking eye contact. "So you can imagine my surprise when I find my self persueing the same girl. So I want to know how you did it."
You fold your arms and began drinking your float indignant to the situation. "Sorry, family secret, I can't tell you." You suddenly feel something thin yet sharp pressing into yout neck as a sultry voice chuckled from behind you. "How sneaky of you my dear, tricking me into following a ploy."
The ebony haired man watched your face looking for a reaction and you looked back the best you could without provoking your neck being slit. With a sigh the man drunk some of his float licking the ice cream from his lips, "Stand down Hisoka, we don't want a repeat of last time." And you could only imagine what that meant. There was a chuckle, "Oh Illumi my dear your no fun~" the mystery person replied. But the force was removed from your neck.
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mistaeq · 4 years
Guido Mista: Just For Fun?
TW // nsfw content !!
Sssooo... this had to be a fic due on Mista's birthday, but I got killed by work and assignments and stuff, and could never manage to finish, but tonight I took a little time and concentrated on it properly before it was really TOO late. Enjoy~ ^_^
Guido Mista having a SPICY time with a neutral!reader
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It felt so good. Damn, it felt so good. You weren't even sure there was love for you, by his side. But you wouldn't have stopped him for any reason. The gunslinger had come to you to tell you about Bucciarati's orders for the day. You had to show up at Passione's headquarters in a couple of hours, so, just for the sake of not getting bored in the meantime, you invited Mista in your house to have a chat. Unfortunately, or maybe luckily, the two of you seemed to have other plans in mind.
The things about the man exploring your body with his gaze, wasn't new to you. You'd been noticing this before, at work, outside, and in general. And it wasn't like you weren't interested in Mista's attention, you just couldn't help but thinking that having relationships with colleagues wasn't the best choice you could make. Little did it matter in that moment, realizing the two of you would have had to make up a believable excuse for your late arrival at Passione's headquarters.
"G-Guido!" bringing your thoughts cruelly back to the present, the gunslinger thrusted inside of your spent hole for one last time, without either of you coming. It had been a strong thrust, without mincing words, not slow and definitely not gentle, rough enough to hear you raise your voice for him. You just liked this thing about Mista being so mercilessly rough, and you couldn't tell you weren't expecting something like this from a man like him. You had stayed still until you felt his shaft come out of your sensitive body. And despite that, you had remained folded on the bed, because you knew him, Guido Mista would have never let you in peace so easily. Oh, he still had so much to do, with your body, after so much time of waiting and pushing it back.
Just in general, he liked to insist and keep going, starting from the most absurd and almost useless things, in any situation, like telling everyone about the fact that Narancia - he had told about it at least five times, once for every Bucciarati Gang ​​member, him and Narancia excluded - had once scared him late at night during a sleepover by his house. The truth is, if we really want to keep a solid and actual comparison, that Mista guy's brains almost worked like his good companion's, Narancia. He probably soaked up some parts of his behavior, too. The most messed up ones, if I'm allowed to say that.
A kind of soul of the party, without them the boredom used to make itself easy to be felt, or in any case it made his absence noticed when nobody laughed or joked, but sexually speaking, to stay in the italian area, there is a valid and comparison with the loud mess you can find in Naples's markets and squares, too. People screaming, people yelling, someone laughing and a neverending music you don't even know where to locate. Oh, and food. Plenty of food. Don't ask an italian to skip a meal, folks. You were now being Guido's three course meal, rather than a snack.
You felt yourself being touched in a way that was anything but chaste by the strong hands of the curly, dark haired boy. It was the representation of a proper Gold Experience, to finally see the hair hidden under that hat of his, and you had to admit that sinking a hand inside of it was amazing. Plus, it perfectly represented his explosive personality. Mista's eighteen years of age - by now - surely influenced his amount of stamina and strength, he had arms that deserved the respect for which they had been designated by his genetic make-up, evidently. As if some foreplay and ministrations were necessary, after the previous hellish - or perhaps heavenly - hour in which nothing else had happened, other than the young italian roughly and ferociously pushing his length into your body, you felt his long and calloused fingers enter your needy hole, not so much time to waste and not many premises to make. Oh good lord.
"Guido..." your soft voice moaned, bending your head forward, then forced to pull it back up when you arched your back due to the sudden but perfect points that the boy's experienced fingers dared to touch.
"Right here...? You want it right here?" he teased. Oh, he had fun teasing. All the gunslinger wanted was to hear you beg for him to give you the pleasure you needed, and he knew where to touch to get you ruined for him. His fingertips grazed against a special spot, once, twice, and he laughed it over, looking at you curling up your fingers everytime, little moans coming out of your throat, your hands gripping on the bedsheets. "Damn tesoro, you're so sensitive..." he said in his hateful, proud, signature mocking tone.
"...O-Oh my god, Guido... this might be the third time you do it... right there..." but that sentence did not last long, considering the gunslinger's intentions, who bent down to use his experienced tongue where before only his fingers were. Fuck that guy and his stupid attitude. Fuck his behavior, fuck his warm tongue, penetrating your needy hole along with his fingers, leaving you speechless and breathless every second more. At least a dozen times, surely, you insulted him, cursing and groaning under the wet and beautiful contact of the boy's lips and tongue as they worked on you. You would have lied, if you said you hadn't dreamt of this before.
Given the position you were now in, when you were too quiet or too noisy for your dirty lover's liking, the size of Mista's hands came in handy, to spank you and startle you enough to react and oblige to his will. He wasn't very gentle, as a sexual character. Let's say that he enjoyed leaving his masterpieces incomplete. Like that orgasm of yours which was very little time apart from exploding, for example. When he withdrew his hands and tongue drom you, you couldn't hold back from complaining... probably too much for the man's liking. "F-Fuck! I was so damn close..." you squealed, disappointed, and let your tongue speak for yourself, shivering because of the current emptiness of your hole. "Why have I chosen to have sex with you... I could have paid someone from the street... or maybe a colleague of yours... hm?"
You had gone too far. At those words, you felt Guido grab your hair in a tight grip. Not too much to seriously hurt you, but enough to fuel your arousal even more. You can't say you haven't obtained exactly what you were looking for. "Excuse me, or better... excuse you, do you mind repeating what you just said, cara/o?" Damn, that turned you on so much. Obey him. Just obey him. You thought, until the brat part of you took over.
"N-no... I ..." you slightly turned towards him, and unexpected as it was, but incredibly hot, his member was right in front of the tip of your nose, right now. You stared at it, bouncing in front of you. Average length, but interesting girth, nothing to say. A good one. You wouldn't have minded to choke on it. "Nothing... I said nothing."
"Nuh-uh, I heard you, little fucker." he pulled you closer to him, his leaking tip now grazing on your cheek, leaving a slightly humid trail behind it. Mista's grip on your hair tightened. "Repeat for me, will you...?" he cooed, faking a soft and calm tone of his voice. Then, he clenched his teeth. "What could you do, you said?" For a split second, you thought about how Bruno was probably waiting for you at Passione's headquarters, and there you were instead, with Mista's cock hanging in front of your face.
"Nothing. I couldn't do anything..."
"Good. That's what I like to hear." with a further squeeze he made you moan and cry out, taking the opportunity to push his leaking member into your mouth. You felt yourself suffocate, Mista had no small one at all, to be completely honest, he was far from it. And you madly liked him, not only for that, also as a person. On a psychological and personal level. Nice, funny, serious when needed - maybe-, and absolutely beautiful. How many people would have sold their soul to the devil, to spend a single night with Naples's forbidden dream - or at least he said so. He probably made it up for his own self-esteem -? He also tasted good, to be honest. Details like those were important, too.
You soon understood that the only way to not to feel too bad with his strength and stamina, was to go along with his desires seriously, and thanks to this little thought that for an hour now had been helping you with Guido's sexual cravings, you brought a hand to the man's member, to help with your hands your work on him. You saw him start to move his hips towards your mouth and back, that choking sensation intensified even more due to the fact that Mista's hips thrusted forward as you bent down on him, yet as much as your eyes could water and tear up, the man's proud moans only hinted at how much it actually excited him, to see you struggle and choke on his length. "Dammit... don't give me those teary eyes... I'm gonna fucking cum." And, deep down, it was a good fuel to your own arousal. But you wouldn't have dared to tell Guido, or you would have made him brag for ages about it.
His movements got to a sudden halt, when the gunslinger reached his high, in the depth of your throat, as his own breath hitched with yours. "Fuck, y/n...!" It was very deep, and due to the choking sensation, your soft face already had two hot, heavy and salty tears running down your cheeks, not really from pain but from exertion, that guttural effort you usually make when you have to throw up, when you yawn and when you cough. Every action that, even if minimal, brings the eyes to that moist, thing layer that, straining even more those feelings, makes it become tiring and uncontrollable tears. You felt Mista's warm cum run down your throat. Still, you took the chance to taste it properly. It was so good. Another thing you wouldn't have told Guido.
It was a different sensation, compared to when you swallowed it down yourself. Or at least it was, in other experiences you had, but you were wondering if it wasn't Guido's presence, making you feel in some sorts of ways. Anyways, by swallowing down yourself, you were fast enough to not to feel the need to cough. But this way, the warm fluid flowed dramatically slowly, along the walls of your throat, down, while you only wondered when you would stop feeling it moving in your lower neck and upper chest. The satisfied look on Mista's face, who was now approaching you again, after having pulled his member out of your tender mouth, spoke by itself, and said a few simple and easily interpretable words on the line of "You will feel this warmth also somewhere else, soon." and perhaps you weren't even really complaining about it.
Even if you hoped for it to not to be that intense and strong. Too bad it would have been such, but Mista knew what he was doing, so you just chose to let him do his thing to you. "...If you do want it, it is." oh. The fact that he made sure you were still agreeing to it, caused a weird warmth to pop up in your chest. Dominant Guido was a good Guido, but respectful Guido was the best version of him. You just smiled, and quickly nodded. Of course you wanted more. You felt your legs get grabbed and opened by strong and calloused hands, you were still ready and sensitive for him, despite all the times you had come for him that evening. And despite all the times he had denied you an orgasm.
He slipped his hard length inside of you without hurting your sensitive hole too much, or maybe it was just you who were already too used to keeping that damned neapolitan inside of your body, for that night. And you thanked God for it, otherwise it would have been quite painful. A beautiful pain, in any case. First thrust, Mista groaned very loudly, clenching his teeth. One day you'll complain to him, about the fact that he'll be expecting too much time from you to dedicate to having sex. "But you can stretch your muscles like this," he'll insist, looking for a bright side or a diversionary way to respond to your grip on him against the wall. You held on the bedsheets and bit your lower lip, keeping a moan from coming out.
Second thrust, even stronger. You began to even pull on the bedheets because of the gunslinger's cock, grazing just on the right spots, the spots only him could brag about being able to find so quickly. Maybe you would have ruined or ripped your own bedsheets. Just maybe. Worse than that time when Narancia and him had decided to become the funny people of the situation, and by folding and shredding Pannacotta's bedsheets, they made some table doilies. Afterwards, Fugo didn't really want to punish them too much, to be honest. Just enough to cause the two of them three or four displaced fractures, but obviously Bruno and Leone wouldn't let him do that either.
Third thrust, Guido had started seriously moaning on his own breathy groans. He sounded like he had started to chuckle on his own voice, and that... well, that was kinda hot. "How... How do you keep on being so tight after all of this... you're just like I dreamt... or even better, I say..." you felt your arousal reach the stars, when you realized Mista had been dreaming of you. Well, you would have lied if you told him you hadn't been dreaming of him as well. But all you could do in that moment, was moan and chuckle with him. He was such a funny man, after all. You thought of that time when, together with Giorno, he had well thought about ordering a dick-shaped pizza for Abbacchio's birthday, the package labeled "For a pissing goth". How were you thinking of this while having sex? Oh my god.
Fourth thrust. You were now trembling, along with moaning. "Fuck, Guido... just like that..." you begged, clenching your teeth and not only. "Make me cum, please..." He was being so damn strong, Mista, in that moment, but thinking about that little, big, funny part of his personality, from the vicissitudes with the Gang - although he almost never admitted to be guilty of those - to his iconic tetraphobia, the fear of number four. This is why, he was pretty fast to thrust inside of you an essential fifth time. And the thrusts that appeared so strong at first, seemed now softer, slower. Slower. And frenzied, because of his own climax approaching him.
"Y-Y/n... cum now...! Fuck... cum for me." How could you even think about resisting to it? You let go and rode your high, followed by him. Witnessing such an intense pleasure and feeling of being filled in such a good way from the neapolitan gunslinger, your body trembled and shivered, your hands scratched and caressed the perfect and imperfect skin of the shoulders of Guido Mista, who, filling you with what was left of his tiredness, he let go and collapsed on your sweaty body. "Thank you... damn... thank you." in that moment, you really hoped he hadn't just took an occasion to have sex or to empty his balls. But your fear disappeared when he lay his head on your chest and let you sink a hand into his dark curls, which were sticking to his sweaty face.
For a while, you stayed there, hoping he wouldn't drift asleep. You wanted to understand what all of that meant for him. Because it genuinely meant a lot for you. You had been waiting for that. All you had to understand was if Guido had been dreaming of you to just get a piece of your ass or a piece of your heart. "Bruno's waiting for us, Mista..." you whispered, but your body language fooled you. Your voice sounded like you wanted to get up and get to Passione's Headquarters, but your legs wrapped around the man's waist told another story.
"I don't really care, if I really have to be honest." the gunslinger mumbled, with a sleepy voice. "I'd go there to just look like a mess. I can't possibly focus on anything else, after a good lovemaking." oh you liked the sound of that. You giggled, that was a hilarious answer, but mostly you chuckled out of joy.
"Lovemaking, huh..." you repeated, stroking his soft, curly hair once more. "So it meant something to you." at your words, you saw Mista's eyes widen and his head get up from your chest. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I... I was lowkey scared you just wanted to get a good time with my ass and let go."
"Me? Just get a good time with your ass?" he pretended to be deeply offended and pouted, making you giggle again. You didn't even mean to express that much joy, but you just felt your heart replenish with feelings. "Who do you think I am? I'm a gentiluomo, I'd never just use a babe like you for sex and nothing more. I'm... a responsible man and shit." yeah, that's just the answer a responsible man would give. But you were satisfied and happy. And amused.
"You know what, Guido... let's just stay here and rest. Bruno can wait." Maybe it was too early to talk about proper love, but you would have had a lot of time, to talk about it.
That is, if Bruno doesn't kill the two of you first.
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lotus-baby · 4 years
hey val! do u have any hcs about zetsu and his relationships/thoughts on the other akatsuki members?
yes 👉👈 *500 words of jargon*
pain - white zetsu likes him, he’s a patient leader which is big to him because so many of the akatsuki members (including the one he shares a body with) get mad at him for dawdling. black zetsu think’s peins god thing is cute bcz he knows ‘real gods’, but otherwise neutral. sometimes wonders if the paths are pickle equivalent.
konan - they kinda have beef ngl... konan’s only in the akatsuki because pein is there and she does Not like to listen to orders from ‘madara’. he’s really conflicted: it seriously inconveniences black zetsu but white zetsu thinks it’s funny because one person with no special kekkai genkai or anything is threatening to tip the cohesiveness of akatsuki just with the Power Of Friendship because she’s close to nagato. but also sometimes when they’re all bored they’ll have lengthy gardening discussions bcz roses = plants, shared hobby??
deidara - black zetsu’s w/ sasori on the expecting deidara to die. also he’s the oldest member of the akatsuki and deidara’s the youngest and he gets a ‘the kids are into arson these days’ vibe. i think white zetsu likes him more because him and deidara were pretty friendly with each other during the 4th shinobi war arc. white zetsu will stick up for deidaras art sometimes if there’s ever competition between the artists. pretty sure deidara thinks white zetsu is a dweeb though because of similarity to tobi 
sasori - this was rlly hard 4 no reason omg.. he probably considers sasori one of the better members, because he contributes so much to the organization w/ his spy network and stuff. i feel like him and black zetsu could potentially nerd out together abt poisons and relate to being stuck with guys that are way chattier than is preferred. work friends, most likely
itachi - itachi’s important to zetsu because of his role in the plot and stuff but he doesn’t think too much about itachi outside of akatsuki business, plus they don’t trust each other at all. zetsu maintains his distance because he knows about all the op sharingan moves and he doesn’t want to die, itachi’s always on edge because he’s pretty sure zetsu is reporting his actions to madara. spyception = double agent spy (itachi) spying on other double agent spy (zetsu) who is spying on the first double agent. 
kisame - a little bit of jealousy tbh. they’re both offputting and inhuman appearance-wise but kisame is more likeable and white zetsu’s not sure what he’s missing. kisame’s also one of the first few members so they’ll chat for old times sake. ‘it’s a philosophy: the weak are meat the strong eat’ ‘most things can be meat... as long as they have animal-like flesh. maybe not me, but you...’ ‘actually zetsu i forgot i have stamina training with itachi today goodbye sorry.’
kakuzu - old loner solidarity... i hc that black zetsu when chatting, will reference  bygone events because he thinks it makes him look sophisticated (no lol). only kakuzu really gets them, so zetsu and him can have actual casual conversations where they both understand each other. but also kakuzu’s not usually in a talking mood and neither is black zetsu so even if the two rlly wanted to be friends i don’t think they are that close. but they’ll go for drinks and cards and consuming hearts every so and so.
hidan - killing murder? good. wasting food? :// white zetsu gets kind of disturbed with how hidan enjoys pain because he’s tried dying too, and it wasn’t fun. black zetsu thinks hidan is supremely entertaining even if he doesn’t help any plans. he doesn’t believe a word hidan says either he just thinks its fun to check in on the resident fucked up guy every once in a while and see what’s cooking. ‘society isnt ready to hear this but evisceration is good. healthy, even’. cue flytrap cackling.
tobito - while black zetsu doesn’t really care about him, white zetsu and tobi are cool. they’ve lived in the cave together for a decade and they’re pretty much like siblings who hate each other now. like obito yelled at shiro daily in the cave era and they know they can’t trust each other but tobi’s still gonna ask zetsu for a snack from the store when goes out and zetsu’s still gonna get it for him, and white zetsu spoke up for tobi on joining akatsuki .. just frenemy things!
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badwithten · 4 years
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quatervois |  (n.) a crossroads; a critical decision or turning point in one’s life
lucas x reader part 9
gang au
this story will contain violence, drug use, swearing, angst and possibly suggestive scenes
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“Are you sure you guys don't want anything else?” Lucas nods his heads towards the two cups of coffee placed in front of you and Winwin. “I mean look at all I've got” He then gestures towards the large bowl of soup and hamburger he ordered.
“We’re fine Lucas, me and Winwin had time this morning to make a big breakfast because someone wouldn't wake up” You turn to look at him and raise your eyebrows to prove a point, not that he's focusing on you, his attention is towards the food on his plate.
“Ok, whatever can we just eat now?” As much as you are also close with Winwin, you have to admit that there are times where he is the third wheel, like right now. Sitting across the booth from you and Lucas, your hand rests on his leg and his arm around your shoulder. Plus the little bicker you guys just had.
The day was good, there was a warm breeze, the sky was clear of any clouds and you got to spend it with your favorite people. It was a new cafe that you had heard about online, Lucas sounded interested until you told him where it was. You didn't know why it put him off so much until you saw Taeyong come through the door with two other men. The whole table became tense.
“I told you we shouldn't of come here” Winwin whispered through clenched teeth, all of you were frozen, you didn't know much about what was happening here, but you knew it must be bad news. Despite the fact you're all doing your best to blend in, soon enough Taeyong heads over to your table. The guys he was with were spreading out to a different table, presumably to get lunch.
“Hey, guys” He grabs a chair from a table nearby and pulls it up by your table. “Hey Y/N. I thought you told me you weren't with these guys”
His voice is bitter, if you didn't know any better you would expect him to be a lot kinder than he is. Your words are stuck in your throat, you're not sure how to reply. If Lucas and Winwin weren't here you'd probably run your mouth, but now that they're involved, and now that you're working with them. Things are different, your actions affect them.
“She's not” Luckily Lucas covers for you. “She's an old friend”
“Judging by where her hand is sitting she's more than a friend isn't she pal” Taeyongs eyes are glued to your hand on Lucas’ thigh, making you pull away from him. “I heard my dream boys caught you outside of Parker a while back, I thought they already taught you a lesson, but considering you're now sitting in my cafe. Apparently not”
“What do you mean your cafe?” The words come out before you can stop yourself, both Lucas and Winwins eyes go wide. You must come off as a dumbass by the way Taeyong laughs.
“Oh, so she does talk. You see sweetheart, this whole town used to be ours. Then your boys came round and started taking my corners. We came to an agreement on what parts they can have. But as you can see someone doesn't like to follow rules.”
“Get out of here” You can tell Winwin is losing his patient, his temper slowly coming out.
“Don't make a scene” Taeyong reaches forward and slides the steak knife Lucas had off of the table and into his lap where he fiddles with it before Winwin flinches, a look of pain shoots across his face. “Now before this gets any worse I suggest you all leave”
Lucas doesn't wait a second further to stand from the booth and drag you with him by the wrist. You don't have time to look back to see if Winwin is coming along but Lucas doesn't seem worried about him. The grip he has on your wrist is so tight that you're sure it'll leave a bruise but that doesn't stop him from continuing to drag you along. The pace of his walking is too fast for you to keep up.
“Lucas stop” Your words must just bounce off of him as he shows no sign of even slowing down, his frantic pace causing you to zig-zag throughout the city. “Lucas!”
Your voice is louder this time, more pained as you pull your arm out of his grasp. This finally snapped him out of his haze. “What happened?”
“I don't know”
“What about Winwin?”
“He’ll be fine we just need to get you out of here”
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“Has Winwin done this before?” You ask Yangyang who is sitting with you on the couch as you watch Lucas from out the window. He's going in between having a smoke and kicking a ball at the wall.
“Never for this long” Lucas is in a panicked state, stress running high. He shouldn't have left Winwin alone in that cafe. It's been 3 days now, and we still haven't heard from him. It wouldn't have been the first time someone had just conveniently disappeared after getting on the bad side of Taeyong. But never has it been to someone he's so close to. “I just can't believe its Winwin, he's the only one who Lucas really trusted”
“Do you think he's, you know? '' You look at Yangyang in hopes that he knows what you're talking about. If you had to say it, it would only make things more real.
“I don't know” Although your attention is focused on Lucas you realize how hard this must be for everyone. They're like family and now one of them is missing. You feel out of place for their grieving, sure you don't know if he is gone, but the possibility is there.
“He's gonna end up popping that ball,” You say as you stand away from Yangyang. “Talk to me if you need to”
Yangyang nods up at you and continues to stare blankly out the window. You sigh and walk towards the front door to the yard where Lucas is currently sitting on the edge of the porch, a smoke in his hand.
“I didn't know you smoked” You sit down next to him, regretting doing so as a wave of smoke hits you.
“I don't,” He says as he brings up a cigarette to his mouth.
“Right” You try to focus on something else, try to distract his mind although that isn't going to be easy. “Do you wanna watch a movie or something tonight? They finally added the new spiderman movie onto Netflix.”
“Do you want to watch it now?” He puts out the smoke and finally looks in your direction, his eyes are drained, the bags under his eyes tell you he hasn't slept even once these last few days. You stand and take his hand, taking him towards his room. He makes himself comfortable in bed while you sort out Netflix on your computer. But by the time you make it into bed yourself, he's already asleep. Not that you can blame him. You're just happy he's getting some rest. You close your laptop and pull him close to you, letting him snuggle into the crook of your neck and hold onto your body. His grip is surprisingly tight for someone who's asleep, maybe he just doesn't want to lose you either.
You don't remember being that tired, you don't even remember going to sleep. But the knock at the door wakes you up. You feel shattered as you climb out of bed, slipping out of Lucas’ arms. You open up the door to Hendery standing out of breath.
“Its Winwin”
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“Those mother fuckers” Lucas searches round the mess of his room, ripping our draws and tearing up piles of clothes. He doesn't stop until he pulls out a pistol from his top drawer, taking it and tucking it into the back of his pants.
“Lucas please stop”
“How do you expect me to calm down Y/N?” He stops to stare at you and fear shots throughout your body.
“Winwin is ok now, there's no need to be this fed up”
“You think that's ok? Did you see him?” It was true, Winwin wasn't in the best condition. Bruises covering his body, blood oozing out of partly closed wounds. “I can't sit here and just pretend to be fine with that”
He sits on the floor and ties his shoelaces so tight you wouldn't be surprised if he loses circulation to his feet. “Lucas please don't go”
“I'm sorry” He stands and grabs your face, pulling you into a kiss that’s far to aggressive for your liking. But you take what you can get. Especially when you know its a goodbye kiss. 
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“Kun please come back” You cry down the phone, the rest of Wayv watching. Lucas had only been gone an hour, but you haven't heard from him since then.
“Y/N you need to calm down and tell me what's happening” Kun tried his best to understand whatever nonsense you were sobbing down the phone, but was having trouble trying to focus on the road and what you were saying. Ten had enough of watching you struggle and decided to take the phone out of your hands.
“Lucas went after Taeyong.'' Ten doesn't waste any time on details and Kun finally understands the importance of this situation.
“Holy shit ok” The line is silent for a while as Kun tries to come up with a plan. “Meet me at Graham street, Y/N needs to stay back with Winwin”
They hang up the phone and get ready to leave, the tension is high but it gets worse when they see you grabbing your stuff as well. “Y/N you need to stay here”
“Why?” The room goes awkward at your tone and no one knows how to answer. “Lucas is my friend to you know? It's not fair.”
“Look, Kuns orders ok. Stay back” Ten finally breaks the silence, everyone continues getting ready.
“Fuck what Kun thinks, I am coming with you guys” Ten looks around at everyone else, they all just shrug.
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“Guys, your one job was to not let her come,” Kuns says as if you can't hear him, it didn't take long for you all to arrive at your agreed meeting place. It started to look familiar, the same place you ran into Taeyong your first night here.
“Who cares? we don't have time for this” Ten is getting more fed up by the second.
“Ok Y/N you stick with me, everyone else goes round to the front” Kun moves away from his car and heads down the street, you on his trail. You start to get more anxious as you see the building from your first time here come into view. The same sick feeling bubbling up. Kun must notice your energy and stop for a second. “Are you going to be ok?”
You don't trust your words, simply nodding in response, you make your way to the back of the warehouse where the large doors are left open. Giving you a view of what's going on inside.
The sick feeling intensifies and suddenly your head is spinning. You feel like you're floating on adrenaline. Your vision goes blurry and a physical pain comes over you at the sight you see.
Lucas. On his knees. A gun pressed to his head. With Taeyong at the other end.
This is it.
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To a lovely anon: I have your Billy Russo request for you! I hope you enjoy!!
Prompts Used: 1.“You said that I’d get to have you all weekend. Why can’t you just tell them you can’t go?” - “Because it’s my job, and it’s important.” - “And I’m not?”  6.“Losing you was the most unbearable pain I’ve ever felt.”
(gif by me)
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The smile you gave the group of girls didn’t exactly reach your eyes like it normally does...but they didn’t even really seem to notice. You were out with the girls, after refusing the last 2 months.
“You need to get over him properly.” One of them told you.
“Yeah. You need to meet a new guy.” Another said.
“At least rebound sex someone. It’s been 2 months but better late than never.”
And then they laughed. Honestly you got where they were coming from but you just weren’t in the mood to be genuine about any of this. 
2 months ago, your 3 year relationship with Billy Russo came to an end. You had just finished moving out and are still looking for a place to live...but for now you were living with Jessica, your sister. And that’s how you were dragged out tonight.
You really preferred to stay in and just gorge on food and watch something on Netflix but Jessica thought a night out with the girls to celebrate the end of your moving out from Billy’s place was in order. Plus, she always said you needed to celebrate your newly single life.
To be honest, you still weren’t feeling it. 3 years of being with someone wasn’t gonna be gotten over in 2 months...well, for you at least. It honestly didn’t help that it seemed all Jessica did while you were going through your mourning period was try to get you to go out or invite the girls over where all they do is want to talk about Billy. Granted it was because of how much of an asshole he was but just even hearing his name never helped.
You know what else never helped? Them talking about how hot he was while they were at it and then wanting to know about your sex life with him. You definitely needed new friends. Hell, these girls were more your sister’s. They didn’t exactly get along with your actual friends.
So yeah, being out with them was the last thing you wanted.
“I’m out.” You announced to the table after you drained the last of you drink. “I’m gonna go get another one.”
“Oh my god.” Nadine, another one of the girls awed, not hearing you. “Look who decided to show his pretty face.”
“You’re kidding.” Layla chuckled, following Nadine’s eye line.
You did the same and there Billy was, sitting at the bar with Curtis. God, you still missed him. 
“Eh, he’s still looking fine as hell though.”
“Definitely. Looks like the break up didn’t affect him. You sure you’re the one that ended it, Y/N?”
“Doesn’t matter.” You replied with a scoff. Rude. “It’s been fun but I’m out.” 
You got up from the table, grabbed your stuff and headed to the bar. You sat down and ordered your drink when the bartender came around. 
“I thought you didn’t like your sister’s friends.” A voice said from behind you.
You turned to see Billy standing behind you with a soft smile on his face. You looked over to where he was before and saw Curtis looking over. A girl took up the chair Billy previously occupied, offering you a small smile. He held up his beer and winked at you before talking to the girl next to him.
“Curtis got a new girlfriend, huh?” You asked Billy, offering him a spot next to you.
“Yeah. She’s great. She’s perfect for him.” Billy replied, making himself comfortable next to you. “Don’t change the subject. Why you out with your sister and her minions?”
You laughed and shook your head.
“She dragged me out. They’re trying to get me to ‘move on’.”
“How’s that working out?”
“They’re all the worst at it. All they’ve been doing is mooning over you.”
Billy raised an eyebrow at you before turning back to the table of girls. Their glares turned to smiles as Nadine and Layla waved at him.
“Surprised your sister isn’t. She’s been glaring daggers at me since she saw me.”
Of course he would notice you were there before you even noticed him. You chalked it up to the Marine in him. 
“I think she’s been angry at you since you came over here. She was fine while I was at the table.”
The two of you shared a chuckle and you both took a sip of your drinks.
“How’ve you been?” Billy asked you.
“Getting by.” You admitted with a sigh. “Still living with Jess so it’s had its ups and downs.”
“Y/N, I told you that I could stay elsewhere until you found a place you wanted.”
“The lease on the apartment is in your name. Besides, I was the one that moved in with you. It didn’t feel right to have you leave.”
The two of you sat in silence again, the only sound being the noises in the bar.
“How have you been, Billy?” You decided to ask.
“Honestly?” Billy offered. “Not too good. I never thought I’d say that. Ever.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because, Y/N. I’ve told you this before. Before you, I never really felt the way I feel about you when it came to other women. I didn’t really care much when they wanted to end things or when I ended things.”
“Feel? You still feel that way about me?” 
You wanted to slap yourself because of the hope that filled your voice. You knew Billy could hear it.
“Of course I do. We’ve only been apart for 2 months. If I’m still being honest, losing you was the most unbearable pain I’ve ever felt. Still is.”
You looked over to Billy in shock. He never tore his gaze from you and you could see nothing but the truth in them. Wow. You thought you knew but maybe you didn’t. 
“If you could do things different, would you?” You asked after taking a moment.
“In a heartbeat.”
The two of you held an intense gaze...yeah, you still definitely felt it.
“Y/N.” Jessica called you, causing you to break eye contact with Billy. 
You turned to look at her, where she stood a few feet away, her arms crossed. 
“We’re leaving. Come on.” She continued.
“I’m not ready to leave.” You told her.
“Well we are.” She motioned to herself and the table. “Anyway, aren’t you supposed to hang out with us?”
“No. I already told you I was out but you weren’t listening. You all were too busy fawning over Billy.”
Jessica’s glare found Billy before landing you once more.
“We’re leaving. Maybe you can find somewhere else to stay tonight like your ex’s place since I’m clearly wasting my time trying to help you.”
You decided to leave it as that. You heard Jessica scoff and storm off, her heels clicking and clacking against the wooden floor. You knew she hated it when you ‘okay’ed her. Looks like you would stay at a hotel. Maybe you’d stop by tomorrow and grab your stuff and stay in said hotel until you found your own place. It was better and easier than living with her.
“Where are you gonna stay?” Billy asked casually.
“Hotel. It’s been a while since I’ve treated myself.” You shrugged. 
Billy was about to offer to pay for it but he decided not to. He knew you’d turn it down and make a comment about you being able to take care of yourself. While he knew that to be true, he still didn’t mind. It wasn’t out of obligation or guilt or anything. He just wanted to take care of you. He liked taking care of you.
“You want a ride?” He offered instead.
“Sure. That would be great, actually.”
Billy paid for your drinks, despite you insisting on paying for yours. Again, it wasn’t a big deal to him. Before you left, he checked in with Curtis to let him know you guys were leaving. After bidding him goodbye, the two of you got to Billy’s car and he drove towards the hotel you wanted to go to.
Even something as simple as this, a car ride, was missed. It felt normal despite no longer being a couple. You couldn’t help but think about what Billy said at the bar about changing things. It made you think about why you chose to end things with him.
You were putting the finishing touches on the table you had set up. You decided to cook Billy a special dinner before you were set to spend the weekend away at the Poconos. You lit the candles and checked the time. Billy should be home any minute now.
“Y/N?” Billy called out as he walked through the front door.
Billy looked around the dim room, slightly smiling to himself when he saw the candles on the table and the set up.
“Hey babe.” You smiled, walking over to him with two plates of food in your hand, kissing him.
“What’s all this?” 
“Just wanted to do something nice.” You walked to the table, placing the plates down. “I figured it would be a nice start to our weekend.”
Billy sighed, no longer smiling.
“About that.” He started. “I won’t be able to go away with you.”
“What? Why?” Your good mood was slowly beginning to deflate.
“Work. We got a last minute security job for the senator. I have to stay here.”
“Billy.” You forced a smile for a brief moment before it faded. “I’m sure the boss won’t mind considering you are the boss.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. But the company needs this. Do you know how big this could be for business? I need you to support me on this.”
You shook your head and ran a hand through your hair. It felt like every time you guys had plans, he was cancelling for Anvil. You understood, you really did as he was the owner and CEO but every job was a big deal. When would he stop cancelling on you and put you first for once? You felt like you’ve been taking a backseat to his job too much lately. It hurt.
“You said that I’d get to have you all weekend. Why can’t you just tell them you can’t go?” 
“Because it’s my job, and it’s important.” 
“And I’m not?”
“That’s--that’s not what I’m saying.” Billy was trying to keep from getting mad. 
“You might as well have.” You argued. “You’ve been doing this so much lately that I’m beginning to wonder if you even want me.”
“Are you kidding, of course I want you.”
“Are you sure? Because you’ve been putting your work over me. I’m tired of being second best.”
Billy paused, running a hand through his hair. He didn’t like how this was sounding.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Does it matter? Because you’re gonna do what you want anyway.” 
Billy didn’t like how defeated you sounded. 
“I’m tired of this, Billy. Maybe it’s time we call it on this relationship.” You continued.
“Hold on, wait a minute--” Billy started.
“I think it’s best for both of us if we break up. We’re both going in two different directions.”
“Y/N, please, hold on.”
You walked away from him, heading to the door and grabbing your purse and jacket.
“I’ll be back soon to get my things.”
“Y/N, I--”
He paused when he saw that you started crying. He knew there was nothing he could say to fix this. It seemed like you had thought about this for a while. He watched as you walked out of the door. Fuck. What did he do?
“You mind if I walk you to your room?” Billy asked after you checked in, room key in hand. “Make sure you get there safe?”
“I don’t remember hiring you to protect me.” You lightly teased.
“It’s part of the ‘free ride’ package where everything is free.” He smiled at you brightly.
You laughed and shook your head. Oh, that smile of his would be the death of you. He could almost always get you to say ‘yes’ to anything with that smile. 
“Lead the way then.”
The two of you walked to your room, talking about what's new in your lives. You haven’t felt at rest like this since before you and Billy split. You missed this.
And dammit, you still missed him.
“This is you.” Billy said as you both came to a stop to your room. “May I?” He held his hand out for the room key.
You gave it to him and he unlocked it for you. You found yourself confused when he walked in, looking around the room, some of his actions over exaggerated.
“What are you doing?” You laughed.
“Making sure you get full use of your ‘free ride’ package. Room’s secure.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him. It felt like one of the most genuine in a while. You knew Billy took his job seriously but that didn’t mean he didn’t have fun with it when it came to you. Plus, you remember telling him once that he’s too serious when it came to work that sometimes it came home with him. You liked his playful side...and it caused him to embrace a different, silly side to himself that he was most comfortable with showing you. 
“Well, thank you, Lieutenant.” You saluted him.
Billy smiled at you. God, he wanted to badly to kiss you right now. He had to stop himself...you weren’t together anymore.
“I better get going.” 
“It was good to see you. We should get coffee tomorrow or something.”
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
You walked Billy to the door, the two of you pausing at the threshold. You gave him a hug, one that lasted longer than it should.
“Don’t forget to lock the door behind me.” Billy reminded you, something he always did when you were together. You never know in New York, even with a protected home like theirs.
“I know, I know.”
Billy walked out the door and waited to hear the door lock behind him. With a sigh, he headed back to his car.
You on the other hand, waited by the door for a moment before you went to sit on the bed.
It was very clear to you that there was still something between the two of you. You knew he meant it earlier when he said he would change how things went before the break up. You could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. Maybe things could work out between the two of you. Maybe you could get back together.
You began to take off your shoes and get settled in when there was a knock on your door. You went over and looked through the peephole, unlocking it immediately.
“Billy, wh--” You started.
You were cut off when Billy’s lips met yours. You kissed him back, your arms wrapping around his neck as he pulled you closer to him. Holy shit, you missed this; you missed the feeling of his lips on yours; you missed the feeling of his body against yours.
“I couldn’t leave without doing that.” Billy told you, his forehead resting against yours as you pulled back from the kiss.
“I’m glad you came back.” 
“I screwed up before. I was stupid because you were right. But know that I always wanted you. I still do. If you’ll let me, I promise to do better; to be better.”
“I’ll let you. I promise to do better too. I should be more supportive--”
“No, no, no. You didn’t do anything wrong. You’ve been nothing but supportive and I took advantage of that.” Billy cupped the side of your face, his thumb tracing your lower lip. “Things will be different. I promise. I meant it when I said I would change things in a heartbeat.”
“I know you did.”
Billy offered you a soft smile before he kissed you deeply. He kicked the door closed behind him before he picked you up and carried you over to the bed, laying you down gently. He’d make sure you knew exactly how much you were wanted.
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bunnywrites · 3 years
AHHH OMG WHAT A CUTE ASK MEME I'M ALREADY SCREAMING💍 - adrian x dove 💍 sophie x milo 💍 liam x grace 💍 madison x wyatt
don't feel like you have to answer everything for all of them but ah!!! ILY
ILYSM ur the real mvp for always sending these <3
💍 adrian x dove
where they get married: 
they’re totally having a beach wedding, for sure!!
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. ):
Ok, hear me out. A summer wedding on the beach at sunset. Maybe in June/July 
what their wedding cake looks like:
they def wouldn’t have like a hug wedding cake, i feel like they would keep it pretty simply tbh!! maybe they even decorate it themselves (with the help of baby annie too!!)
….who smashes cake into whose face:
adrian totally would and dove would smash her piece of cake into his smug face right after and they would probably let annie smash cake in both of their faces too
who proposed to who first:
i think adrian !!!
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar
baby annie walks down as a flower girl and then waits next to her dad who’s at the altar and then comes dove look like a rl angel 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
since it’s a beach wedding, i imagine them in v casual clothing?? like nothing super fancy at all.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
i’m crying just thinking about them sharing their vows wow. i imagine since dove kinda write out her feelings in her journals that she maybe wrote a poem about him in there somewhere and she would share with him during their ceremony. and then probably just go into more depth over how much she adores him and AAAH my heart 
who cries first during the ceremony
oof, this one is a hard one!! but i think maybe adrian?? when he sees dove walking down the aisle?? and then she sees him crying and it causes her to start tearing up lmao 
where they go for their honeymoon
IF i remember correctly i think adrian asked her where she wanted to go once and she said italy and so i feel like he would totally make that happen for their honeymoon !!
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
since her mom will have passed away already dove would probably be given away by her aunt !
💍 sophie x milo
where they get married:
i totally see these two lovebird randomly deciding to get married right in the moment. they would totally be the kind to go to vegas and get married!
what their wedding cake looks like:
honestly since it’s all last minute they would probably have ice cream cake that they bought from a local grocery store or something LOL 
….who smashes cake into whose face:
since it’s ice cream cake i don’t think they would smash it into each other’s face, but they would probably slide it down each other’s backs or something lmao 
who proposed to who first:
oof man ok i think tbh at one point milo will be the one to say “fuck our family who cares what they think lets get married rn” cause he would probably be so sick of trying to continuously prove to them that he’s right for their daughter when he knows he is!! 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
milo totally waits at the alter with his new best bro liam by his side and grace walks down the aisle too before getting on the bride’s side of the alter and then GORGEOUS BABY SOPHIE COMES DOWN 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
so painfully casual it hurts. honestly i could see milo getting married in an mf tuxedo shirt LOLOL 
what their vows are:
super improvised for sure but completely from the heart!! 
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other:
their new besties!! grace is soph’s maid of honor probs and liam would totally be milo’s best man 
who gives speeches at the reception:
i feel like liam would def give a speech if he was drunk enough lmao and it would be very sweet and funny tbh. milo would def give a speech about how much he loves soph and he would probably try to make it super funny but then he becomes a total sap at the end!
what their wedding photos are like:
the silliest ever! a bunch of selfies on their phones and polaroids. i imagine grace filming all of it too on a camera and editing the footage to make milo and soph their very own wedding video! 
what sort of food they have at the reception:
they would literally all just go out for burgers probably lmao
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. ):
they would probably go out to some club to celebrate afterwards! milo is def dancing all kinds of weird from how wasted he is, but he’s having the time of his life. sophie is living for it, of course, and is even getting pretty rowdy herself, which we love to see. i feel like liam would be the one to keep buying drinks and making everybody take shots with him, especially milo lmao. grace would probably be sitting at the bar with her drink and smoking a joint before liam pulls her to the dance floor and forces her to dance with him
what their rings are like:
they would probably get the cheapest rings they could for the moment, but milo would def surprise with a diamond ring after he saves up enough money. 
where they go for their honeymoon:
i feel like since they got married in vegas they would just honeymoon there too!! 
who officiates the ceremony:
an elvis impersonator DUH 
💍 liam x grace
where they get married:
ok so!! i totally see liam wanting to make this one of the most special days ever for grace cause that’s just the kinda guy he is. and so maybe one of her favorite movie theaters is going out of business or something. so, before they demolish it, he rents the entire thing out and decorates it with twinkle lights and makes it all beautiful to have their ceremony there. 
when they get married:
CHRISTMAS TIME since their first interaction was at a christmas party
what their wedding cake looks like:
i see them having just a bunch of cupcakes made to look like a cake as a wedding cake, that way anyone can just grab one as a snack before they go watch their movie 
….who smashes cake into whose face:
grace would totally smash her cupcake in liam’s face and laugh so hard while doing it and i totally see liam just stuff his in her mouth to shut her up lmfaoo 
who proposed to who first: 
oh god i totally see liam proposing one day!! and just v casually too!! no big gesture or anything just like “i think i wanna marry you” lmao idk he seems like the type
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
liam totally waits for her and grace walks down to her favorite romantic film score 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
i think they def would dress up! but still nothing majorly fancy!! i can see liam in a casual suit and tie while grace wears a really simple white dress and maybe a flower crown to accessorize!
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have:
i feel like they would have a black and white color scheme tbh!! 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ):
grace would probably have a movie already set up that she would play on the big screen and it would be all about their relationship and new life that they started together and basically it’s just a collection of moments that made her fall in love with him !!
what sort of food they have at the reception:
all the movie snacks you can choose from, plus some take out that they would probably order in lmaooo 
who officiates the ceremony:
i feel like milo would totally offer to officiate their wedding and be so excited over it too lmao 
what song their first dance is to:
def the first song that liam ever wrote about grace !! maybe he starts off by performing it and then someone takes over so they can dance together i crY
💍 madison x wyatt
where they get married:
i def see their wedding to be more classic/traditional. i dont think they would get married in a church, but they would probably go to a beautiful garden or something. after everything wyatt put this girl thru he is going to make sure she has the wedding of her dreams lmao 
when they get married:
probably during the spring!! it’s a metaphor!! it’s a fresh start !! a new beginning!! 
what their wedding cake looks like:
probs v big and fancy with a cute little wedding topper on the top ofc 
who proposed to who first:
dude i feel like maddie would be too scared to even consider proposing LOLOL after all the pain he caused her!!! so i def think wyatt would be the one 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
wyatt waits at the alter with madison’s brother by his side and maddie walks down the aisle arm-in-arm with her father and it is the most beautiful thing EVER
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
we FANCY!!!!! this is probably the best wyatt is ever going to dress tbh 
what flowers are in the bouquet:
probably some white roses to match her pretty white dress 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ):
i think v traditional. wyatt would def have to write them down because he would not be able to formulate words since he will be dumbfounded by madison’s beauty!! 
if anyone’s late to the wedding:
maybe wyatt’s running late because of SOMETHING (we can plan later heheheh) and that causes madison to start freaking out and thinking that he’s leaving her at the alter but in reality he’s doing all he can to get there on time! 
who gives speeches at the reception:
maddie’s brother most def! and maybe her dad!! his will probably be nice, short and wholesome tho 
what their wedding photos are like:
i feel like they would have a mix of everything! they’d have an actual photographer taking pictures and then a photobooth set up to take random/silly pictures with props and ofc they will probably be taking all kinds of pictures on their phones 
who cries first during the ceremony:
tbh wyatt would have to look away from madison at first when she’s walking down the aisle cause he starts getting teary-eyed 
where they go for their honeymoon:
wyatt would probably take her to the place she find most romantic, a part of me wants to say paris but i also dont know if thats just because of emily in paris lmaooo 
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle:
madison’s dad gives her away and he probably looks so happy and full of nothing but love for his daughter !
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jalapeno-princess · 5 years
I’ll take care of you
Mark Tuan X Reader
Genre: Fluff and mentions of sex
Word count: 1.8k
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Summary: Your boyfriend Mark is a nursing student and although he is constantly the one taking care of you, sometimes he needs someone to take care of him too.
A/N: This is a repost because the stupid tags weren’t working. Honestly this is trash but the idea of Mark being a nurse makes my heart (and vagina) beat deadass. Whenever I see all the nurse students at my school it makes me want to switch my major in to nursing because of how intelligent and professional they look (but we all know my dumb ass wouldn’t be able to handle that shit) so if you’re in nursing I give you major props. There are only a few male students in nursing at my school and it made me daydream about Mark as a nurse so here we go.
“Babe have you seen my-“
“On the top shelf in the bathroom.”
“Okay but what about my-“
“In the drawer, underneath your sweatpants.”
“Shit, I can’t find my-“
“On the desk near my laptop.”
After gathering his things he ran over to you and placed a sloppy kiss on your lips. “Thank you baby. You’re amazing you know that?” You snickered. “I’ve told you multiple times to prepare your things the night before so that you’re not rushing in the morning.” He placed his hands on your cheeks and gently caressed your face. “Now you and I both know why I never prepare things the night before. I’m too busy with my head between those beautiful thighs…OW.” You playfully shoved him off of you and walked over to the kitchen.
“What time will you be home tonight?” He started putting on his shoes as you handed him his lunch. “Well after school, I have to go to the hospital for a couple of hours. So maybe 8 at the latest? You have class at 10 right?” You nodded. He pulled you in to his arms and placed gentle kisses along your jaw. “I love you so much. I don’t think I thank you enough for all that you do for me.” You snickered while brushing some hair out of his eyes.
“Don’t worry, you do. In more ways than one. You better get going before I bring you back in to the room and continue what we started last night.” He bit his lip and attempted to pull you back in for a kiss but you pushed him away, earning yourself an adorable pout from your boyfriend. “Baaaaabeeee, come on. One more kiss for your favorite med student. I already know that I’m gonna have a shitty day. Your love and affection is what keeps me going.” You let out a long sigh before placing your lips against his. “Now go. I don’t want you being late because you couldn’t keep it in your pants. I’ll see you later. Have a nice day. I love you.” He playfully squeezed your butt and ran out the door before you could retaliate.
There were many perks that came with dating a med student. Your boyfriend was very overprotective over you. Especially since you were very clumsy and found yourself getting hurt at least three times a week. But he was always so quick to want to patch you up. One night, you accidentally cut your finger while preparing dinner for the two of you and Mark immediately brought you to the bathroom. He sat you on the sink and rubbed alcohol on your wound. “My clumsy girl. We run out of bandaids very quickly because of you.” He chuckled while placing a chaste kiss on your lips. When you caught the flu a few months ago, he never left your side. He made sure to pick up all the antibiotics you needed and he bought you the food your doctor had recommended that you eat.
Sometimes, you would forget to bring pain killers for when you’d get headaches at school. However, Mark would always have a bottle with him. So whenever you’d ask him for ibuprofen, no matter where you were on campus, he’d drop whatever he was doing and made his way to you. The thought of how much he loved and cared for you set fire to your bones. Mark was very patient and nurturing. He knows how much you hate getting your period. So when it was that time of the month, Mark would always do what he could to lessen the pain. Plus, he was ten times more cuddly while you were menstruating. The only problem you had with dating a nurse, was how he would prevent you from doing certain things because he considered it “bad for your health”.
When Mother Nature decides it was time to give you your gift, you would buy some ice cream and chocolate to treat yourself during that frustrating week. However, Mark would constantly nag you about how sugar would only make your cramps worse and slow down your metabolism. But your boyfriend knew not to mess with you when it came down to your sweets, so he stopped hounding you about it. Sometimes, you would get frustrated with his smart talk because you had no clue what he was saying, but then you’d find it sexy because of how intelligent he sounded.
Dating Mark was an actual dream. You’ve known each other since kindergarten, when he gave you his chocolate chip cookie after he found you crying because you dropped yours in the sandbox. From then on, the two of you were inseparable and it was only a matter of time that you both ended up together. You had developed feelings for Mark in the 8th grade when you realized how he took such great care of you and how he was willing to do any and everything for you. However, you didn’t think he felt the same.  He never showed much interest in you and whenever his friends would bring you up, he’d tell them that the both of you were just friends.
But you couldn’t have been more wrong. The boy was madly in love with you, but too afraid to confess his feelings for you in case you didn’t see him that way. He didn’t want to lose you. It wasn’t until he heard his friend Bambam talking to their other friend Yugyeom about confessing his feelings for you that he found the confidence to go up and tell you how he felt. “Don’t date Bambam.” You looked at him in confusion, but before you could ask him what he meant by that, his lips were on yours. Even if the two of you have been dating for over 5 years, it was as if you both were still in the honeymoon phase. He loved you with his entire being and you felt the same way about him. The two of you were attached by the hip. Wherever you went, he followed and vice versa. Mark has never told you this in fear of seeming too cheesy, but he knew the two of you were soulmates. His heart yearned for you and he knew you felt the same way.
From a very young age, Mark knew he wanted to be something that would help others. Therefore, you weren’t surprised to hear that he was planning on going in to nursing. Neither was he surprised when you decided to go in to teaching, knowing how much you love working with kids. As much as education was a difficult major, you knew your boyfriend had it worse. There were nights where he would cry because of how frustrated he was with all his homework and how mean some doctors were to him during clinicals. He found himself wanting to give up multiple times, but you never let him. You knew how badly he wanted to become a nurse and how hard he worked in order to get accepted in to nursing school. Each night he came home after school, you tried your best to take care of him and keep his mind off of how hard it was. Even if that mean bringing him to his release without filling yours. But you didn’t care, he was always very generous to you during sex when he was having better days.
This entire week for him was rough. People were getting kicked out of the program if the professors didn’t feel that they were good enough and this caused Mark to go in to a frenzy. He worked so hard to get to this point and he was afraid it was all going to go to waste if his professors decided they were going to cut him from the program. You were sitting in the library when your phone started going off.
My Love😍🥰♥️: Baby, where are you?
My Love😍🥰♥️: I need you☹️
My Love😍🥰♥️: Will you hold me please? I’m about to cry right now.
His texts made your heart sink and you wondered what had happened. What could be so bad that he was on the verge of tears? When he found you, he immediately ran in to your arms and started sobbing. You tried your best in consoling him while running your fingers through his hair. “We had..clinicals today and..one of the doctors said..fuck..” you held him tighter and waited for him to calm down before telling you the rest of the story. After a few minutes, the crying slowly stopped and he placed his face in your chest. “One of the doctors mentioned that maybe I’m in the wrong field and that nursing might not be for me. I don’t even see what I did wrong. I did everything he told me to do. My grades are some of the highest in the class. I always go to every single clinical and I attend every single lecture y/n. Hell, I even volunteer at other hospitals on top of the internship so what am I doing wrong?”
You placed a soft kiss against his cheek and sighed. “You’re not doing anything wrong baby. You’re doing the best you can. That doctor is an ass and he probably is jealous that you’re so young, smart and not to mention extremely good looking whereas he’s probably old, wrinkly and on the verge of retirement. Don’t let people like that get to you babe. Somebody was probably just as hard on him when he was going through school as he is being with you. I’m sure he sees something in you that he doesn’t see in the other students and by telling you that, it’ll make you want to work harder. He wouldn’t be wasting his time scolding you if he didn’t think you were serious about becoming a nurse. So don’t beat yourself up about it okay? You said so yourself, you have some of the best grades in your class and I remember you telling me how your professor even wrote a letter of recommendation for you. So hang in there bub. By the time you graduate and become a certified nurse, all the late nights and the constant tears will be worth it.”
He looked up at you with a sad smile and slowly brought his lips to yours. “I love you so much y/n. I don’t know what I would do without you. You mean everything to me. Thank you baby. I feel a whole lot better now.” He released an exasperated sigh and ran his fingers through your hair. “I have one more class, did you wanna wait for me and maybe get dinner afterwards? If not, I can meet you back at home.” You shook your head. “I can wait for you. Matter a fact, I’ll go get us some coffee. Now go. Text me if you need to okay?” He placed a few more kisses on your lips before leaving. Before you could finish packing up your things, you heard his sneakers screeching across the floor. “Forgot my stethoscope. See you in an hour baby! I love you!”
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trashyswitch · 5 years
The Need to Feel Human
Chase Brody, going through another low in his depression, has recently taken to self harm instead of drinking. Knowing the consequences of such actions, Chase reaches out to Dr. Schneeplestein and gets a lot more than a simple suture and wrap.
Warning: Depictions of self harm! I have deeply described some of the inner turmoil that comes with cutting! If you are sensitive to this topic, click off now and look for some other fan fictions I’ve written. I have lots of pure, innocent content. Go have fun. And for the rest of you, I hope you enjoy…
Chase wiped the tears from his eyes as he walked through the hallway. He knew he shouldn’t have done it. He knew it was painful. He knew it was wrong. He knew it was risky! But…it helped…it was the only thing that helped him cope. He’s tried everything: medication, meditation, listening to music, writing, exercise, even unhealthy remedies, like alcohol, comfort food and shopping. But the only effective remedy so far, has been self harm. He’s been doing it for months now to stop the crying and make himself feel better. And unfortunately, it works. Every time he sees the blood dripping down from the knife wound, he feels a sense of calm…it’s not happiness, but it’s not numbness or sadness either. Whatever the feeling, it’s relieving. Even seeing the scars from the previous wounds, will remind him of the blood dripping down, and give him the similar relief. It won’t last as long, but it’s a feeling that will make him feel human again. All this numbness and loss of control had gotten to him since his divorce, and cutting open his skin to see the blood trickling down has been the only effective relief.
The only person he’s told, was Dr. Schneeplestein. The only reason he knew about it was…well…he’s a doctor who checks up on all his patients. Of course he was gonna lift up his shirt sleeves and find his wounds. So, he’s been keeping an eye on the man. Dr. Schneeplestein has been checking up on him daily, to wrap up the new wounds Chase was creating. He has even let Dr. Schneeplestein watch him as he cut open a new wound on his skin. And, he noticed the difference: It helped him. Dr. Schneeplestein described it as a strategy similar to stimming. Autistic kids would do a certain action that would seem out of the norm for most people. Even when people would tell them to “stop”, the child would continue doing it because it calms them in moments of stress and overstimulation. So, instead of telling Chase to stop cutting like most people would, Dr. Schneeplestein would tend to his wounds. He would put Vaseline or Polysporin on the cut, and wrap it in a compression bandage. Since Chase cuts around once every 2 weeks (these numbers would increase depending on the seasonal mood changes), Dr. Schneeplestein would keep a first aid kit on him at all times. Sure, it was stressful. But at this point, Dr. Schneeplestein was all too familiar with the feelings of stress. Unlike Chase, Dr. Schneeplestein knew how to deal with his stress in a healthy manner. He would often listen to really calming music and meditate on his off time. Even so, Dr. Schneeplestein would keep the door open for Chase to come in and interrupt whenever he needed.
Chase knocked on the door and waited for the doctor’s footsteps. He stood in front of the closed door, holding his cut arm with his blood-covered hand. Soon, the footsteps came and the door opened. Chase’s friend was standing on the other side of the door, smiling and waving for him to come in. Chase followed the doctor’s orders and went inside. As he walked over to the bed to sit down, the door could be heard closing behind him.
Chase and Henrik had a code word that would represent his cutting habit and his need for medical treatment.
“Tear and tack?” Henrik asked, saying the code word, which meant ‘Please fix my wound’.
“Tear n’ tack. And, it’s still bleeding.” Chase replied, showing the doctor his arm.
Dr. Schneeplestein’s smile morphed into a worried frown as he grabbed the arm and examined the wound.
“It appears you have opened a previous scar.” Dr. Schneeplestein explained, before putting a gauze on the wound and placing pressure on the wound. Chase let out a muffled hiss, and looked away. Dr. Schneeplestein showed an empathetic smile, and looked at him. “Did you feel more relief from zhe extra bleeding?” Dr. Schneeplestein asked.
Chase nodded. “The bleeding wound felt relieving for a lot longer, but my anxiety started to come back when I realized the wound wasn’t clotting. So, I came to you.” Chase explained.
“It vas a good zhing you did, cause ve don’t van’t you to lose too much blood.” Dr. Schneeplestein replied, adding another gauze on top of the drenched cloth. Chase gave Dr. Schneeplestein an embarrassed crooked smile and watched as the doctor carefully lifted the gauze’s to check the wound’s progress. Noticing the blood was starting to clot, Dr. Schneeplestein covered it back up and smiled.
“So, vhat caused it zhis time?” Dr. Schneeplestein asked.
Chase bit his lip. “Depression’s hitting me hard right now.” Chase confessed. Dr. Schneeplestein nodded and checked the wound once more. The wound was getting closer to stopping. Dr. Schneeplestein kept the gauze on the wound with his one hand, and pulled a breathalyzer out of his pocket.
“Take a deep breath and blow into zhe breathalyzer please.” Dr. Schneeplestein ordered. Chase sighed and took in a big breath. He exhaled all the air into the breathalyzer, and heard a beeping sound.
“No alcohol. Zhat’s good.” Dr. Schneeplestein said, smiling as he placed the breathalyzer back in his pocket.
“Not this time. It doesn’t seem to do as much anyway.” Chase explained. Dr. Schneeplestein nodded and checked the wound again. This time, he removed both gauzes and threw them into the wash tub. Then, he pulled a disinfectant wipe, a syringe and a needle and thread out of a drawer.
“Ready?” Dr. Schneeplestein asked.
Chase nodded. “Ready.” He replied, pulling his sleeve up further. Dr. Schneeplestein wiped his arm with the disinfectant, and inserted the syringe into the skin. Chase watched the whole thing, and didn’t even flinch. Chase had gotten so used to the physical pain from his remedy, that he doesn’t even react to needles anymore. Once the local anesthetic was inserted, the needle had been removed and he waited for the numbness to take place.
“Why are you even numbing the pain for me? If I can handle the pain of a knife wound, then I can handle the pain of some needles.” Chase asked, watching the doctor put a new pair of gloves on.
“Because it makes me feel better. I vant zhis process to be painless for you.” Dr. Schneeplestein replied, picking up the needle and thread with a pair of forceps.
“But…you’re just wasting medicine that could be used on a person who needs It.” Chase argued.
“Zhe person that needs zhis most right now, is you and only you.” Dr. Schneeplestein defended calmly, as he felt the wound and started clamping it shut with his fingers.
Chase appreciated the attempt, but he struggled to believe him. However, Chase didn’t want to think about that anymore. Instead, he focused on the needle as it went through the first layer of skin. Dr. Schneeplestein used the forceps to lead the needle into the other side of the split wound, and circled around to the first side again. He stitched the wound overcast style from the bottom of the wound to the top.
Chase watched as the doctor worked very quietly, and precisely. Chase was absolutely fascinated with watching doctors work, especially a professional man like Henrik. He looked so focused in his work, never looking away for a second, to risk making a mistake. It was mesmerizing. Not only were his eyes so mesmerizing, but his hands as well. They were steady and precise, creating every stitch slowly and carefully. Any shaking that came over the man’s hands would be controlled by Schneeplestein’s willpower. Chase had become hypnotized by this beautiful sight in front of him: this hardworking, well collected man who’s helped him so many times. Chase had lost count of how many stitches and wraps were used on him. He could easily count the scars on his arm to get an estimate, but he’s forgotten which scars were stitched, and which scars were only wrapped and left to heal on their own.
“Fertig.” Dr. Schneeplestein muttered, pulling Chase from his thoughts. Dr. Schneeplestein cut the tied thread with a pair of scissors and placed the equipment down.
“Finished, you mean?” Chase asked, recognizing the German word and translating it on his own.
“…heheh, Yea.” Schneeplestein replied awkwardly, as he placed Vaseline on the stitched wound. He placed a sterile wound dressing onto the stitched cut and stepped back to admire his handiwork.
“Thank you.” Chase said nicely as he pulled his sleeves down.
“You’re velcome. You know, zhere are ozher vays of experiencing zhe feeling of being human.” Henrik explained.
“Uh…Like what?” Chase asked.
“Like, looking after a pet. I can bring home a dog or a cat for you to care for.” Dr. Schneeplestein suggested.
Chase smiled sadly. “I would love to have a dog, but I’d need permission from the others. Plus, how can I look after a dog if I can’t even look after myself properly?” Chase explained.
“I guess zhe former point is true…” the doctor mumbled. “Vhat about an emotional movie?” Dr. Schneeplestein suggested.
Chase thought about it. “…Maybe…I might try that. Do you know of any cute movies?” Chase asked. Dr. Schneeplestein pulled out his phone and searched up the suggestion. He read the list that came up.
Henrik let out a little laugh. “Most of zhese are either teen movies or animated kids movies.” He explained. “Zhere’s Finding Dory-“
“Seen it. It’s an emotional rollercoaster.” Chase interrupted.
“Okay…Bolt?” Henrik suggested.
“Hm…never heard of it.” Chase replied.
“It’s about a white dog named Bolt, his owner Penny, a cat named Mittens, and a hamster named Rhino…” Henrik explained.
“Huh…I’ll consider it.” Chase said, creating a list of movie recommendations on his phone.
“Dumbo…” Henrik read.
“That was a WEIRD movie! The scenes were either confusing, sad or both!” Chase reacted.
“Oh…okay. Nevermind zhen. Uh…Wall-E! I forgot about zhat vone!” Henrik reacted.
“Me too. That was a cute one, with some heavy topics. I’ll add that one.” Chase said, adding it to his list.
“Zhe Peanuts Movie-“
“Seen it, love it. I’m adding that one.” Chase said.
“Ponyo? Haven’t seen zhat vone before.” Henrik suggested.
“Me neither.” Chase mentioned.
“It’s about a goldfish princess named Ponyo, who falls in love vizh a human boy named Sōsuke, and vants to become a human girl.” Henrik reads aloud.
“Sounds like a rip-off of The Little Mermaid.” Chase muttered.
“If you couldn’t tell from zhe names, zhis is a Japanese anime.” Henrik explained. Chase nodded and decided to add that to his list.
“Vhy did you ask for cute movies? Zhat is an odd suggestion from somevone like you.” Henrik asked.
“Because I wanna feel more comfort and joy. Like, that warm, happy feeling you get when Christmas comes around.” Chase explained.
🎶Zhat’s all I vant vhen Christmas comes to town🎶 Henrik sang before giggling.
Chase smiled and let a few giggles out as well. Henrik’s smile grew wider. It was like hearing an old piano that had just been refurbished and returned to its former glory! He wanted to hear that laugh more often…if only he knew some jokes…wait…
“Oh! I know just zhe vay to make you feel happy!” Henrik exclaimed.
Chase sat up with a hopeful smile. “Really? How?” Chase asked.
“I’ll tell you in a minute.” Henrik reassured and walked over to the bed. “Please get down, and sit on zhis mat instead.” Henrik ordered, pointing to a blue thick mat on the ground. Chase followed the doctor’s orders, and sat down on the mat.
“Now: before ve start, I vant to ask you somezhing:” Henrik continued, walking behind and sitting down behind the man. He wrapped his arms around him and leaned into Chase’s left ear. “Are you ticklish, by any chance?” Henrik asked, turning his flat hands into claws and digging into Chase’s sides.
“BAHAAA-hahahahahahaha! Mahahahaybe a lihihihihittle.” Chase replied through his newfound fit of laughter.
“Vell telling by your reaction, you are. But vhere else are you ticklish besides your sides?” Henrik asked. Chase only continued to laugh and didn’t reply. “Vell…looks like I’ll have to find out for myself, zhen…” Henrik muttered out loud, pretending to be sad.
Henrik let a big smirk grow onto his lips, as he tried tickling multiple spots at once. With his left hand, he drilled his fingers into Chase’s hip and with his right hand, he played Chase’s ribs like an accordion would play the piano on the side. Chase’s head flew back and landed on Henrik’s shoulder as his laughter fell into cackles. Henrik switched hand positions, from the left hand on his hip and right hand on the ribs, to the right hand on his hip and the left hand playing his ribs.
“Vhich is vorse? Here?-“ Henrik started, drilling both hands’ fingers into Chase’s hips. “Or here?” Henrik asked, digging both hands into Chase’s ribs and playing them.
“THEHEHEHERE’RE BOHOHOHOHOHOTH BAHAHAHAHAD!” Chase shouted through his laughter, squirming aimlessly.
“How about zhis? How bad is zhis?” Henrik asked, before digging one finger into Chase’s left hip, and the other hand into Chase’s right side.
Chase’s eyes nearly bulged out of his skull. Chase let out a loud scream, and fell into hysterical laughter.
“THAHAHAHAHAHAT’S WOHOHOHOHORSE!” Chase shouted, his squirming becoming more frantic.
“Perhaps I’m going a leetle beet overboard?” Henrik tested the waters.
“YEHEHEHEHEHEHES!” Chase begged.
“Okay.” Henrik replied, removing his hands. Chase leaned back and drew in as many breaths as he could. “Sorry about zhat.” Henrik apologized, letting Chase lean onto him.
“I…It’s alright. I needed that. I haven’t…laughed like that…heheh…in a…long time.” Chase confessed with a wobbly smile.
“Really?” Henrik reacted in shock.
“R-Really. But, it felt good.” Chase replied.
Henrik smiled. “So, you like being tickled?” Henrik asked.
“I…I guess so…ya…I do- Hehehehey!” Chase said, before melting into a puddle of giggles.
“Vell in zhat case, let zhe much needed tickles continue!” Henrik proclaimed, playing his ribs lightly with his fingers. “I vonder: how’s your neck?” Henrik thought aloud, before fluttering a few fingers on the side of Chase’s neck.
“EEEEEHehehehehehehe! Nuuuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!” Chase cooed adorably through his high-pitched giggles.
“Awwww! Zhat vas adorable!” Henrik cheered, dancing his fingers on the other side of Chase’s neck. Chase scrunched his shoulders and threw his head back as his giggles rose up an entire octave.
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!” Henrik sing-songed as he wiggled a few of his fingers onto his tummy.
“GAAAHahahahahaha! Hehehehenrihihihik!” Chase called through his laughter, squirming back and forth.
“Vhaaaaat? Am I getting too close to zhat belly button of yours?” Henrik teased, wiggling one of his fingers slowly towards the middle of the belly. “Vhat kind of belly button do you have? An extended navel? Or a deep navel? Is it circular or oval shaped? Deep or shallow? I’m begging to know.” Henrik questioned curiously as he got closer and closer.
He had already known that Chase couldn’t answer through his laughter. He knew that this was really embarrassing for him. He knew this was driving Chase nuts! And yet, he didn’t regret it one bit. All of this teasing was purposeful. It was all part of his plan to wreck him in a loving way. The truth was, Henrik had a soft spot for this adorable man. Chase was like a 8 year old child, stuck in an adult’s body. He loved bonding with him, especially this type of bonding. Even though the laughter was forced by tweaking certain spots, it still created the release of dopamine that Chase needed to go on with his life. Though it’s only a temporary solution (until he gets medication that increases his mood for a lot longer), it seems to be helping him more than he thought.
Finally, Henrik stopped his fingers, right above his navel. He gave the navel a little poke and light scratch, which caused a few squeals and squirms to leave Chase’s mouth. Through poking his navel, Henrik had also discovered the type of navel Chase has: a deep, oval shaped navel. Henrik was ready to do what he had been waiting so long for! He put his index finger into Chase’s navel, and swirled around inside.
Chase threw his head back and let the dam burst right open. “EEEEAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! TOO MUCH! TOOOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH!” Chase shouted through his loud, hysterical laughter.
“Goodness gracious! I’m barely even touching you, and ZHIS is how you react? I zhink zhis might be your vorst spot yet!” Henrik exclaimed.
Chase laughed his heart out and squirmed uncontrollably. Despite his inability to make words through his laughter, he still tried to get away from the single finger teasing at his navel. However, this proved to be pointless, as the pesky finger would only follow along to whichever side he squirmed to! It was Adrenalin-raising! No, energizing! Wait! electrifying! That’s the word! Electrifying! In a good way, as well. It made him feel happy, comforted, and filled with energy again! And boy, it has been so long since he’s had enough energy for anything nowadays.
As much as he was enjoying this, his adrenaline rush was starting to fade into exhaustion. Instead of fighting the laughter that drowned out his words, he tapped his hands on the doctor’s arm, similarly to how a wrestler would tap out when he was ready for mercy.
“You need a break? But I vas yust getting started…” Dr. Schneeplestein whined as he pouted, but let up.
Henrik removed his hands and used them to balance himself, as he let Chase lean against him and breath. Chase’s breathing was deep and fast at first, but eventually started slowing down. Henrik could feel every breath from Chase’s back, against his chest. It felt nice to be in this position. He could tell Chase trusted him. If he hadn’t trusted Henrik by now, Chase would’ve moved away from him and breathed on his own. But instead, Chase was laying against Henrik with a relaxed smile on his face. Henrik allowed himself to enjoy the moment. To him, the moment reminded him of the calm feeling a person would feel while holding a sleeping baby. Only, this baby was a lot bigger and heavier. But the feeling was the same, nonetheless.
“Thank you…Dr. Schneeplestein.” Chase said, slightly slurred from tiredness.
Henrik smiled at the slurring speech. “Feel free to call me Henrik.” the doctor replied calmly, showing some love by reaching his right hand up to Chase’s shoulder and rubbing it. Chase responded to the gesture by moving his left hand up, and placing it on top of Henrik’s. Together, the two of them sat there in the comfort of each other’s arms, embracing the feeling of being close, calm and loved.
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shes-soparticular · 5 years
Slow Burn (Part VI)
(Part I) (Part II) (Part III) (Part IV) (Part V) (Masterlist)
A/N: In every Slow Burn, there’s a payoff at some point...
Words: 4497
Warnings: I wouldn’t call it smut by any regard, but there may be a teensy amount of PG-13 action, so be warned. Full NC-17 will be coming sooner than later, for those that are wondering.
 Put your hands on my body just like you think you know me Want your heart beating on me, don't leave me hot and lonely I don't usually give in to peer pressure But I'll give in to yours
 The pounding in her head wakes Alex well before the alarm she’d set, the strange combination of mint and whiskey still burning on her tongue. The sun has begun to rise outside, the rays still soft yet bright enough to trigger a wince as her hangover makes itself known. Stretching out her arms and legs as she waits for her eyes to adjust, she’s not sure whether she’s disappointed or relieved that her fingers and toes aren’t meeting warm skin. The blurred memories of the prior night start coming back to her, eliciting another wince for an entirely different reason. Ethan. Shawn. Jack Daniels. Alex can recall starting the evening with an argument that bled into her ordering a double whiskey on the rocks, her stomach empty because Ethan’s friends insisted on a bar that didn’t serve food. She’d ended up on the fringes of the group, nursing one whiskey after another to simply get through listening as they reminisced about their frat boy antics. Things fade to black for awhile between her third drink and her coming too, sobbing on the bathroom floor of Shawn’s hotel room, his shirt soaking up her tears. With that memory replaying in her mind, she’s not surprised when her eyes fall upon Shawn’s sleeping form on the couch across the room, his body far too long to be sleeping comfortably. Remarkably, her desire to spare him any further misery on her behalf outweighs the strength of her hangover, and she rises to her feet to pad across the carpet. Stopping once her knees touch the fabric of the sofa, she softly runs her palm over this back, rubbing gentle circles to coax him awake. “Hey, you should get in bed, you barely fit on this thing.” Shawn whines in protest at first, and then in satisfaction when her fingers sweep through the dark curls at the nape of his neck. “Come on, you should get a couple of decent hours of sleep before the flight. I don’t need any dirty looks from Cez and Andrew when your back ends up killing you.” His eyes remain shut, but he reaches out to pull her closer by the legs.
              “And how would they know it was your fault?” He rasps, the morning scratch still thick in his voice. He’s right, they wouldn’t know for certain what had happened behind closed doors. Even if they did, they’d probably suspect something far more lewd than her simply spread out alone in his bed, drunk off her ass. She’s not naïve, she knows the rumors they’ve inspired. The way they’ve been attached at the hip in nearly every mutually spare moment, the little touches, the lingering looks, the whispered inside jokes and private observations kept between the two of them. It’d be crazy for everyone to think they weren’t fucking. Honestly? Now, with his hot breath on her thigh and her fingers tangling in his dark curls, it’s a wonder that they aren’t. A demonstration of extreme self-control that she isn’t straddling him that very second and allowing her body to act out every impulse she’d had over the past few weeks. Considering she wants to remain an arguably decent person, she can’t just mount Shawn while the boyfriend she has yet to break up with is somewhere down the hall. Toxic baggage aside, she’s still not prepared to throw her morals to the wind just to get laid. Even if she’s willing to bet it’ll be the best sex of her life. Even if she knows it’d be about so much more than just sex.
              “Will you just get into bed?” She wiggles out of his grasp but catches one of his hands in hers, giving his arm a gentle tug. “I’m not leaving until you do.” Her voice somehow manages to be simultaneously stern and soft, that stubborn attitude of hers edging into her voice despite the tiny smile on her lips.
“Oh and that’s supposed to persuade me? Because in that case, I’m never getting in that bed.” His statement is followed with a quiet chuckle, but the weight of his words hang in the air. That he’s asking her to stay. To not walk out his door and down the hallway into Ethan’s waiting arms. Even in the dark, she can make out his brown eyes gazing up at her, hopeful. Pleading. It’s enough to melt her then and there, to crawl back into that bed with him and refuse to ever leave again. It takes her several minutes to form a response, to force the courage to say what she’s supposed to say rather than what she wants to say.
“No, the whole point is that you need to get some quality sleep. If I stay, we’ll end up talking about nonsense and then arguing about nonsense and then laughing about nonsense.” Finally, she pulls his arm with enough force to get him to stand up and shuffle back over to the bed, not satisfied until he’s taken over the warm space she left behind. “Plus, I have to pack before the flight to Glasgow. Getting wasted and sleeping here wasn’t a part of my plan.”
“Yeah? What happened last night, anyways?” Shawn settles into the pillows, pulling her hand to at least sit beside him for the time being. He knows full well they won’t have a chance to be alone together until well into the evening, if then. “I mean, before I got to you.”
“Not much…by the time I finished working, he was already out with his friends. And, as you know, I self-medicated big time to survive the evening.” Alex rubs at her face with the back of her hand, momentarily pressing it against her forehead as if the pressure will sooth the pounding in her head. The more she thinks back to the night before, the worse the throbbing seems to get.
“Are you sure you don’t want to lay back down? It’s not like it’ll take you that long to pack…” Yes, the question is asked out of concern but his selfish intentions aren’t far behind. If he had it his way, Ethan would have seen his last glimpse of Alex from the hallway outside of Shawn’s door.
“Don’t worry about me, you’ve already done more than enough.” There’s still a hint of a smile on her face, but he can’t help but notice there’s a sadness to it. It’s a needed reminder that this isn’t easy for her, that she’s struggling too. Maybe more than he is. “I truly appreciate you taking care of me, by the way. Especially on your last night of this part of the leg, I feel terrible that you had to deal with me like that. I owe you.” To be honest, Alex isn’t used to feeling like a damsel in distress. It’s not a position she ever puts herself in, and beyond that, it’s not in her personality to reach that point of vulnerability with someone else. She isn’t the girl that needs saving. She’s the woman that saves herself. But with Shawn? There’s this security she never knew she needed. It isn’t about being rescued; it’s about being supported. It’s not even the grand gesture of carrying her home from a bar, it’s all of the little moments that usually go unnoticed. The way he truly listens and gives her center stage when she speaks, the way he concerns himself with her everyday thoughts and feelings, however mundane. That’s the partnership she never realized she was missing with Ethan because she’d been so adamant not to need him. The notion of needing someone, relying on someone, it was terrifying enough. But looking to Shawn for that support, even though he was so willing to give it, scared her even more. In her mind, it was better to never have something so sweet than to get a taste and then live with the risk of losing it.
“You don’t owe me a thing, you know that.” He needs to make that clear, especially with the stress he sees evident in her motions. “I know you’d have done the same thing for me, maybe not carrying me with those spaghetti arms of yours, but at least making sure my drunk ass got home.” This earned a laugh from her, as was his goal, and lightened the mood if just for a minute.
“You know, I’d love to see you asleep in one of my shirts for a change,” The sparkle returns to her eyes for the first time in the past twenty-four hours as she rubs the material of the shirt she’s wearing, another one of his, between her thumb and forefinger. “I have a Spice Girls one I think you’d look especially hot in.”
              There’s still one question topic playing on his mind, one he doesn’t necessarily want to bring up but can’t afford not to. “You didn’t break up with him…” It’s more of a statement than a question, something he obviously gleaned from the fact that Alex and Ethan were even in the same bar at the end of the night.
“No…” Her voice is barely above a whisper. He’s almost taken aback by how one small word can sound so apologetic. “We barely had any time alone together last night.” Alex’s eyes flicker to her feet, taking a step back from him, guilt rising in her stomach for both of the men she currently has waiting on her. “And it doesn’t feel right to handle it like this, hungover, maybe even still a little drunk, before catching another plane.” She’s chewing her lip so hard it’s a wonder she’s not drawing blood. “It’s something that I need to do when I’m back in Chicago.” It’s going to be a little over two weeks before she’s back home, an eternity when it comes to tour life. They’ll have traveled through six more cities by then. Considering how intensely their feelings for one another have grown over the past six cities, the thought of waiting that much longer feels impossible. Even if two weeks is a completely trivial passage of time, it’s crushing when it’s preventing two people from letting themselves fall in love fully. Without needing to put that into words, they both feel it in that moment, and neither one of them knows how to deal with the pain of anticipation. For Alex, it’s the pressure of having to end a seven-year relationship, of having to unpack that history and say goodbye to an entire era of her life. It’s trading something comfortable albeit unsatisfying for a totally unknown outcome – the likelihood of her heart being completely obliterated by trying to date a famous musician is far higher than the two of them living together happily ever after. She knows that. But that doesn’t mean she’s not going to take the chance. She’s already spent years in a safety net with someone who didn’t have the power to hurt her, and even the possibility of gut-wrenching pain makes her feel more alive than she’s ever felt. For Shawn, it’s fear that they’ll never get the chance. That she’ll go home and realize it’s all too risky, that she’s better off in the life she’d already built for herself.
“Okay.” There’s so much he wants to say, so many things he wants to ask her. But it doesn’t feel like his place. Ultimately, this is all up to her. It’s her relationship, not his. No matter how deeply he already feels for her, they’ve only known one another for a few months. They’re still getting to know one another, honestly, and he can’t just stand up and demand that she break up with her boyfriend on his terms. Regardless, it doesn’t mean he can’t be disappointed. And right now? The uneasiness is eating him alive. All he can do is remind himself that it all boils down to patience. If he can be patient, if he can get through those two measly weeks, there might just be the love of his life waiting on the other side.
Reaching out to give his curls one last ruffle, she scoots herself off the bed and back on to her feet. “Now seriously, get some sleep. Or you’ll have to answer to these spaghetti arms.” He watches her long enough to see her roll her eyes over her shoulder at him as she collects her things and the room key off of the desk by the door. She’s certainly correct about one thing, it’s going to be a hell of a day and the rest of the team will likely scrutinize why he’s so dead tired. But the exhaustion and ache creeping up his spine pale in comparison to the way he feels about the fact that Alex is still very much attached. Not just to anyone, to a guy that didn’t deserve her and evidently didn’t care to. It was frustrating at best, heartbreaking at worst.
 Between Glasgow and Leeds, she spends nearly every night in his bed. The couple of nights she doesn’t? It’s because he’s fallen asleep in hers. Usually to old episodes of Game of Thrones, almost always with her fingers in his hair. Somehow, they keep it together. They manage to flirt with the line without totally crossing it, always backing off before their lips get too close. Changing the subject anytime it involves the future. Laughing it off anytime someone makes a joke or an innuendo about the two of them. Never letting anyone notice that on any given night one of their beds remains empty. Except the fact that it doesn’t go as unnoticed as they think it does. It’s the last night before they leave for Dublin when Brian finally breaks his silence over the top of a post-show New Castle.
“So, uh, I ran into Alex pretty early this morning. A little weird because she said she was heading to the ice machine at six am…with no ice bucket…” Brian pauses for dramatic effect to take a swig from his beer. “In one of your hoodies. And you know, I don’t even think the hotel has an ice machine to begin with. Something a travel manager might be aware of.”
“I think the question is what were you doing creeping around that early?” Shawn knows he won’t get away with changing the subject that easily, not with the smirk refusing to leave Brian’s face. This isn’t something he’s going to let go. Not this time.
“Hey, I’m not asking for the dirty details. I’m just trying to figure out what it is you guys are doing.” He’s quick to elaborate, realizing the way his statement sounded. “Not literally, figuratively.”
Quite honestly, Shawn doesn’t have the answer to that. A fact he has a feeling his best friend is already aware of. “Man, if I knew, I’d tell you.” He tries to shrug it off, reaching for the nearest guitar to calm his nervous energy. Except that’s his tell and Brian knows it.
“Look, I just want to be real with you for a second. Alex is a great girl, don’t get me wrong…” The “but” that’s coming is the last thing Shawn wants to hear. Especially as his eyes settle on the back of Alex’s head from across the room, her arms and hands flailing in their animated fashion as she tells Alessia and Olivia a story. “But the last thing I want is to see you get played. I mean. She’s still with that guy, right? How hard is it to breakup with someone?” Shawn’s first instinct is to come to her defense, to give the same explanation he’s been repeating to himself every morning when he wants to kiss the back of her neck. Hearing that question from Brian, though? Not only a third party, but a third party that knows him better than anyone. Someone who wouldn’t be saying this if they weren’t truly concerned. “Be careful, that’s all I’m saying.”
All he can do is nod in return and absent mindedly strum a melody on his guitar. The same one that’s been stuck in his head since Vienna. As the night drags on, that tune isn’t the only thing stuck in his head. Brian’s warning resonates with him, drawing out questions he’d been burying deep. Those words turn over in his mind as his hands arrange Alex’s fingers on the neck of his guitar, his best attempt to teach her how to play Free Fallin’. They don’t leave his mind once she gives up and demands he just play the song for her, her soft and light (and just a little off key) voice mixing with his whenever he forgets the right lyric. He can’t even manage to forget that conversation when she’s dancing in front of him, one hand in her hair, completely unashamed by her dorky moves. By the time they all make it back to the hotel and they’re the last two left in the elevator, riding up every single floor because Connor thought it’d be funny to push every single button, he finally hits his breaking point. She’s mumbling the words to Outta My Head between yawns when her hand slips into his with a squeeze. Almost inadvertent, as if by reflex and without any intent.
They’re both caught off guard when he pulls his hand away, backing to the other side of the elevator while letting out a long sigh. He wants to swallow the words that are on the tip of his tongue, but before he can, they’re spilling out all at once. “I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to give you an ultimatum. But you have to make a decision. Either we’re just friends or we cut the bullshit and actually talk about us. You can’t keep leading me on. You can’t keep sleeping in my bed and holding my hand and looking at me the way that I look at you. Not if you don’t mean it, not if you don’t want more.” The elevator continues its ascent, still stopping at each floor. He counts two as she stares back at him, eyes wide and lips parted. Clearly unsure of what to say, the words not appearing as easily for her as his outburst had for him. He needs her to say something, anything, but as the silence persists, he can’t help but fill it again.  “I need you in my life and if it’s just as a friend, I’ll find a way to be satisfied with that. But I can’t be in this limbo with you anymore. Not when all I want to do is kiss you.”
Those final words have barely left his mouth when she cuts him off, eyes still locked on his. “Then kiss me.” Maybe it’s the bewilderment, maybe it’s all of the built-up tension and yearning, but she means those words with every last piece of her. She knows she owes him a longer reply, something concrete, something for him to hold on to. But right now? The physical connection and painful lack thereof is all she can concentrate on.
“What?” He knows he has to have heard her wrong. There’s no way after all this time, after that outpouring, that those are the first and only words she’d have in response.
“Kiss me, Shawn. Please. Just kiss me.” She already sounds breathless, and by the time she steps forward to close the gap between them, his hands are already on her hips pushing her gently backward against the wall of the elevator. Their lips brush softly, tentatively at first, the hallmarks of a first kiss. But the fact that they’ve both been waiting for this for far longer than what’s bearable for two impatient people means the kiss deepens quickly. Her tongue slips into his mouth first and it’s enough to make him moan against her lips, the taste of her far better than the fantasy he’d built up in his spare time. There’s a mutual hunger for one another, so much so that they nearly miss their floor when the elevator finally reaches its destination. He’s able to catch the door at the last possible second and usher her out, his tattooed hand never leaving her hip and his lips barely breaking from hers. There should be a voice in the back of at least one of their heads that anyone could happen upon them making out, hard, in the hotel hallway, but they’re far to consumed for any rational thought to arise. Her door comes first and somehow, they manage to stumble through without losing much contact. It’s her hands that make it under his shirt first, her fingers as hot to the touch as the skin at her hips he’s been digging into. As their bodies find a pathway towards her bed, she’s pulling him as much as he’s pushing her, both of their chests heaving before they’ve even gotten rid of an article of clothing. That doesn’t last long though, as her hands become as eager as her tongue, pushing the hem of his t-shirt up until he gets the hint to take it off. His inner Leo can’t help but grin into her lips when he notices her breath hitch at the feeling of his abs under her fingers, her nails raking upwards and continuing across his ribs and to his back to pull him down to the bed with her.  For a moment, it almost feels surreal considering the number of times he’s pictured this. Alex splayed beneath him, settling between her thighs with his lips on hers. To actually be here now, feeling her, tasting her, and knowing she wants it as badly as he does? It’s almost too much to believe. And maybe he shouldn’t have let himself get caught up in that thought because just as he’s halfway finished peeling her top off, she stops just as quickly as they’d started.
“Wait. I can’t. We can’t. Fuck, I’m so sorry.” She’s panting, her hand on his chest as she moves to sit up. Without hesitation, he immediately backs away from her so only their foreheads are touching. He’d have backed off completely, but her hand remains at the back of his neck, keeping him close enough that he can still feel her breath on his lips.
“That’s okay, it’s okay.” His breath is as ragged as hers, his body trying to catch up with the turn of events.
“It’s not because I don’t want to, Jesus Christ do I want to.” She finally pulls away far enough so that she can look him in the eyes, still wild with lust but now mixed with remorse. “It’s because I don’t want it to happen this way, not while things are still…unresolved for me at home.” She doesn’t want to say Ethan’s name, not in that moment, not when she can still taste Shawn on her tongue. Not while she wants to taste more of him.
“What if I said it didn’t bother me?” Of course he wants to be a gentleman, the guy who wouldn’t dare let a girl cheat regardless of her intentions to break things off. But right now, in reality? His chivalry isn’t quite as strong as his need to touch her.
“I’m sure it doesn’t.” She giggles lightly, face still dangerously close to his. The smile on her face fades quickly though, her thumb still brushing across the back of his neck. “But maybe someday it will.” She knows she’s already pushed the envelope with how intimate she’s allowed things to get between the two of them, long before their lips had met. Ending up underneath him, hips pushing into his with the deepest need she’d ever felt? That was far past being okay. While she has to consider Ethan and the fact that no matter how much of a jerk he can be, he doesn’t deserve this, no one does – she also has to consider Shawn and any possible future they could have together. The last thing she wants is for their relationship to start this way – as part of an indiscretion. Maybe it doesn’t bother him now, but in the midst of some heated argument down the road, it’ll come up again. He’ll remember that she was willing and able to cheat and it won’t be something he’d ever forget. So no matter how badly she wants to throw caution to the wind and give into not only her body but her heart too, she can’t. Not like this. “You have no idea how bad I want to rip your clothes off right now, I promise. But you know I can’t.”
The thing is, he does understand. In fact, he admires her for it. As much as he’d love to be stubborn and self-serving and seduce her into cheating on her boyfriend and breaking up with him over a long-distance phone call, those aren’t actions either of them are capable of. Not purposefully. He knows neither of them ever intended to feel this way, to fall so quickly, to end up this deep. Rolling away from her until his back hit the mattress, he tries to manifest any thought that can possibly stop his blood from rushing south. “Okay, okay, stop telling me how bad you want it because it’s actually making this so much worse.” He chuckles, reaching over to at least pull her top back into place so he doesn’t have to stare at the bra he was so close to ridding her of. Catching a glimpse of her face, he recognizes the look instantly. The face Alex makes when the wheels are turning in her head, when she’s devising a plan.
“Next month, when you have that long weekend off?” There’s a hint of anxiety in her voice, her teeth chewing the corner of her lip the way she always does when she’s feeling vulnerable. “What if you came to Chicago?”
They’ve been doing their best not to talk much about what they’re going to do during the break. Unsurprisingly, he’s loaded up his schedule what with the plans to release his new single and all of the promotion that will come with it. Which, at present, he’s thankful for if it means the time between legs will pass quicker. But no matter how much he fills his schedule, he knows being away from Alex for longer than twelve hours since the first time they met is going to be a brand new hell. “Yeah?”
The smile that lights up her face only makes him want to kiss her worse than he had with her back against the elevator wall. “Please?”
How could he possibly deny her request? Honestly, invitation or not, there was no way he’d manage those eight weeks without her. Needless to say, he can’t help but return her smile. “Okay, I’ll come to Chicago.”
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athena1138 · 4 years
work rant. tl;dr i’m unbelievably tired. 
Things are rough. Blatantly. There’s no other way to say it. 
My residents have been locked in their rooms for 10 weeks now, the first 2 of those because one of them brought in a rotovirus that spread like wildfire (even to me.) 
I get they’re depressed and lonely and tired and jittery. But I’m over it. 
We have one lady who’s literally on her death bed because she stopped taking care of herself. Right now I think she has a UTI because she’s getting up to pee four times an hour. It wouldn’t be a problem for us except that she leaves the light on to get back in bed “because she’s worried about falling” (nevermind she has never once fallen in my 7 months working here,) so she pages us to come turn it off. Four times an hour. Tonight, I said I wasn’t having it. The girl before me had almost had a breakdown trying to keep up with her, but this was her first night dealing with it because she’s been off. Not me. I’ve had four nights dealing with this. So tonight, the lady paged around 11:50 for her light. Fine. In and out. There were a lot of dishes left out in the hall from dinner, so I grabbed a cart and started picking them up. Literally 4 minutes after I left her room, she paged again. Nah. No. She can wait until I’m done, because I know it’s her light. She literally only pages for her light. 4 nights and dozens of pages have cemented this fact for me, so I’m not worried about making her wait a few minutes. 
It took me 10 minutes to gather all the dishes, get them rinsed, an rack them so they’re ready for washing in the morning. Within those 10 minutes, she paged FOURTEEN TIMES. FOR HER FUCKING LIGHT. I’m trying to be calm. I’m trying not to get mad. She can’t help it. She’s got very bad dementia, she doesn’t realize how often she’s doing it. But holy fucking shit. We’ve tried talking to her daughter, but she won’t do anything. She’s only come in 2x to get her up and walking around. Like, yes, she needs exercise, but she needs to go to a doctor, too. She also needs a night light because she keeps asking us to leave lights on but the only light she can stand is from her window which i still too dark. I’ve tried literally anything else I could think of--oven light, TV on mute, cracking the bathroom door, moving the bullshit little blue light in her bathroom, nothing. No. Daughter won’t get it. 
So there’s that. 
We also have a resident who is, quite frankly, an asshole. I can’t stand him. He has done nothing but bitch since lockdown started. 
What kills me is that it’s not even things that he used to bitch about. Before, he never ever ate kitchen food except breakfast. He ate lunch and dinner from his own food. Well, since lockdown, he has been getting trays. But he’s bitching about the trays. He’s bitching about being given soup he didn’t ask for, about food being gross, about this, about that, and it’s like dude. Don’t fucking order it if you don’t fucking want it. But it’s not just that. He went to the hospital last week and came back today, and he threw a HUGE fit because he’s missing 2 newspapers. Like, he made the girl working cry, and she doesn’t fucking cry. He’s blown up at me before because there was no jelly on his table for breakfast and that’s not even my fucking job, but when I told him that we were out of it, he yelled at me more about “You can’t fucking order enough food for 40 fucking people? What kind of a place is this?” THEN LEAVE. IF YOU’RE SO GODDAMN MISERABLE, LEAVE. Or he’ll come out and look out the front windows at night, which, whatever. Doesn’t bother me much. Except every other night he’ll ask if the storage room is open and I’ll say no, but I can open it for him, and he says no and just goes back to his room. Like??? Why’d you ask??? 
My favorite guy has always reminded me of No Face because he’s tall and doesn’t really know what’s going on, but these last few weeks, he’s just. I can’t even explain it. It’s like he’s empty. His dementia has gotten so bad. He’s stopped flushing his toilet, we think he’s peeing on his laundry, his speech is almost imperceptible he’s so quiet, he’s lost weight which is scary because he was already so skinny. 
We have another dementia dude who had hip surgery a little over a month ago, and his aids are BITCHES. We HATE them. We’ve been fighting with them for weeks. They went fucking 3 weeks without giving him a bath or telling us he wasn’t getting a bath, so his skin is terrible. He’s itchy all the time, so they’re saying that it’s his pain medicine which is causing it, which isn’t true. They’re trying to keep him doped up so they don’t have to deal with him, but since we told our boss about it and he talked to theirs, they all of a sudden don’t want us giving him it anymore. All of a sudden, the pain meds make him itch and “are what caused his dementia” and make him dizzy. But none of that is true. He has other people who come in to help him, plus we see him and we’ve known him for months, and we all see that it’s bullshit. But they’re still here. And they have the gall to tell us how to do our jobs. They’re not nurses, they’re not RAs, they’re just random ass people their boss found. One is a high school dropout (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but considering that she’s talking about medical things, it’s relevant,) and the other thinks she knows what she’s talking about because she drove the bus for our neighboring facility. From which she got fired. For being a dick to her passengers. They’re like, “Well he needs his medicine at 6, not 8.” No, he doesn’t. This is when he’s had it for months. “You need to do this.” McFuckinScuse me? Ohohoh, and the kicker? They’ve been saying he’s “end life” since his surgery. Even though he’s not in pain, even though he’s much, much clearer because he got new anti-psychotic medication, even though he’s so much better now than he ever has been. Like. I’ve never been in a fight. but I’m gonna throw hands. 
And we have people bitching about every little thing. Their breakfast arrives cold. Well, you have a microwave, we can’t keep it all hot because we deliver it by floor, not by room. They weren’t abiding the 6-foot-apart rule so we had to take out the furniture in the living room and outside, so they’re acting like children and saying shit like, “Well we’re jut going to sit in our walkers anyway.” Which we can’t do anything to stop them but like. Whatever. We have to spray down our mail and newspapers with our sanitizing gun before we can deliver it, so Every. Single. Morning. we get a phone call from one resident in particular who just angrily demands, “WHERE’S MY PAPER” and then hangs up. EVERY GODDAMN MORNING. LIKE DUDE YOUR FUCKING PAPER WILL BE THERE CALM THE FUCK DOWN. 
Do you know how many fucking times we’ve been asked, “Well when is all this gonna end?” At least 5x a day, depending on the shift. I’ve even been asked on the midnight shift a couple of times. We don’t know when it’s going to end. We don’t control when it’s going to end. If you have a complaint, take it to our boss because we’re busy doing 3x the workload for the same fucking pay. One woman comes down every morning at 7:23 to see if the dining room is open yet despite the fact that we’ve told her it won’t be for several more weeks at least, and another lady is literally standing in the hallway for her breakfast before we’ve even started fucking making it. 
And it’s just. It’s all day. All day there’s someone bitching about something insignificant, and it’s ridiculous. We have residents forgetting their children’s names, residents struggling to thrive, residents literally on the verge of dying, but everybody else is wasting our time with their petty and childish complaints about things which are meant to protect them, about things that we don’t have the power to change. 
I just want to scream. I want to scream and cry and sleep for a solid week. And what makes it worse, what just turns this from a bad situation into a terrible goddamn nightmare is the fact that this is going to have to go on even longer because our government is so caught up in the idea of working us to death to profit itself that we’re opening everything up too fast and all this is going to start all over again. 
The RAs are stir crazy, but at least we get to leave. We get to go outside, go home, maybe go hit a drive through or a gas station. When I say people have been locked in their rooms for 10 weeks, I mean people haven’t fucking stepped out into the hallway for 10 weeks. Some have. Some have been to see their neighbors, some have gone out, like they’re allowed (but if they go out, they’re under 14 day quarantine meaning they can’t leave their rooms unless they’re leaving again,) but I don’t think a good 1/3 of these people have even been outside to enjoy the sun. In 10 weeks. 70+ days. So I understand the crabbiness. I do. I don’t appreciate it, especially not directed at us, but I understand it. I’m just. So tired. And there’s so much left to muddle through still. 
If I believed in a god, I’d say “God help us when we have to announce our extended lockdown,” but it’s a lawless universe without a master, so there’s no hope. We’re just fucked. We’re all so, so tired. 
Please. Just please. Stay home. 
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] VAZZROCK bi-Color Series 2nd Season Vol. 1 - Drama Track 2
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Second track is up~! I hope you all enjoyed Mamiya’s new CD as much as I did because, my god, the things that I have discovered about both VAZZY and ROCK DOWN are enough to sustain me until Sho’s CD releases wwww
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please just like/reblog them instead ^^
Oh! And if you can, please do consider buying the CD here to support the artists ^^
Anyways, under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 02: 『お疲れ様の一杯を』 “A drink for our hard-work.”
                                        »»————- ★ ————-««
  (Door opens)
  OWNER: Welcome—Oh? Taka-chan, you brought someone this time?
MAMIYA: Yup, table for two~ Is the tatami room available?
OWNER: It is.
  (Mamiya and Sho start walking)
  SHO: Oh~ This shop’s got great ambiance.
SHO: It’s for the general public but it’s very elegant.
MAMIYA: You should tell the owner that directly. I’m sure he’d jump for joy if he heard that from you.
SHO: (chuckles) You’re exaggerating.
(Mamiya and Sho settle themselves in the tatami room)
MAMIYA: Alright… Should we order some draft beer first? Or maybe wine?
SHO: Hmm… Draft beer maybe~? I want to know what it feels like to enjoy it after work~
MAMIYA: Roger that~
MAMIYA: (opens the sliding door and tells the owner) Owner, two draft beers and whatever you’d recommend to eat!
OWNER: Got it.
(Mamiya closes the sliding door)
SHO: This is the shop that Ouka told me you frequent, isn’t it?
MAMIYA: Yup, that’s right—Wait, you talk about things like this with Ouka?!
SHO: We do~ You become our topic of conversation a lot, you know~?
MAMIYA: Uwah… I won’t ask what you talk about then…
SHO: (chuckles) That’s such a waste~
MAMIYA: (smiles) Really now.
OWNER: Here, thanks for the wait.
(Owner starts serving them)
MAMIYA: Oh~! I was waiting for that~ Woah…! They look so delicious!
MAMIYA: These wings really pair well with the alcohol, ya know~?
MAMIYA: Sho, can you hand me that plate over there?
SHO: Sure.
(Sho hands Mamiya the plate)
SHO: You ordered so much. Are you sure we can eat all of this?
MAMIYA: Hm~ You’ll know once you start eating~
MAMIYA: Ah, Owner. Please bring us some nihonshuu later on, too.
OWNER: You got it.
(Owner leaves and closes the sliding door behind him)
  MAMIYA: Alright then, should we toast for now?
MAMIYA: Thank you for your hard work today, too!
SHO: And to you as well~
(Mamiya starts drinking)
MAMIYA: I feel so alive~!
(Sho starts drinking)
SHO: Uwah~ That’s so delicious.
MAMIYA: Are you actually the strong type, Sho?
SHO: I wonder~ I don’t have any plans about finding out whether I’m weak or strong to alcohol.
MAMIYA: About how many glasses can you drink if it’s wine?
SHO: Hm… About two or three?
MAMIYA: (laughs) That’s great! Are you fine with nihonshuu, too?
SHO: If it’s not too harsh for my taste.
MAMIYA: I see~ This place has a great selection of nihonshuu so, you can just choose later.
SHO: I’m looking forward to it~
MAMIYA: Welp, let’s go eat something before that.
(Mamiya prepares a plate for Sho)
MAMIYA: Here you go.
SHO: Thank you. I’ll prepare you some of these on a plate, too, okay?
MAMIYA: Sure, thank—Ah, no, wait!
MAMIYA: Haruto advised me before to only let you eat and to not let you serve food so uh—
SHO: I don’t think I’m that clumsy though.
MAMIYA: No one thinks that you’re clumsy. It’s just… There are things that people are not suited for, you know?
(Mamiya starts serving the food instead)
SHO: Takaaki watches over people even when we’re not all together, huh.
MAMIYA: (laughs) It’s not like I’m doing all of this consciously though. I guess it’s just because I’m surrounded by a lot of accident-prone people.
SHO: Does that include me~?
MAMIYA: (laughs) Yes, it does.
SHO: How strange~ I thought that we were supposed to be in the same situation~
MAMIYA: You mean, us being leaders?
SHO: Yup. A leader who takes care of his family of six~
MAMIYA: (finishes serving Sho the food) There we go.
MAMIYA: We’re actually a huge family of 12, you know?
SHO: (chuckles) A really big family, huh~ Even though it took quite a while.
MAMIYA: That’s true.
(Mamiya starts eating)
MAMIYA: Mmmm~!! This is so delicious!!
SHO: (chuckles) It’s that good? Maybe I’ll have some, too~
(Sho takes a bite)
SHO: !!! This is~!!
MAMIYA: It’s so good it makes you want to just exclaim, right? Then, if you drink alcohol after this, it’s—
(Mamiya starts drinking)
MAMIYA: It’s the best!
SHO: (laughs) You really look like you’re deliciously enjoying it, huh~
MAMIYA: Not “look,” I really am~!
SHO: Let me try it then~
(Sho starts drinking)
SHO: (chuckles) It truly is the combination of happiness, isn’t it~?
MAMIYA: (laughs) You look like you’re enjoying, too~
MAMIYA: We should do a commercial for beer now.
SHO: (chuckles) A privilege for those over 20, huh~
MAMIYA: Alcohol drinking is exclusive for those over 20, y’know?
MAMIYA: Looking at your image, it’s unexpected that you’d like beer so—we might really be able to make it work.
MAMIYA: Maybe I should try telling my manager that…
SHO: Do you keep thinking about things like that even on your days off, Takaaki?
MAMIYA: It’s not like I always do. But, I can’t help it…?
MAMIYA: Whenever I find something unexpected about our members, I kinda think that maybe we can use that as a selling point, too, or something.
                                        »»————- ★ ————-««
  SHO: Oh~! I might have something not about me.
SHO: The other day, I went to a local district with ROCK DOWN. It was a roundtrip only but, Ruka kept on saying that he wanted to go sight-seeing.
MAMIYA: (laughs) Sounds like something he’d do.
SHO: Even more so since it was a hot springs district. But, we couldn’t find that much free time to roam around.
SHO: Just when I was thinking of having Gaku calm him down, Reiji already started asking the locals for information.
MAMIYA: He’s good at things like that, huh?
SHO: In an instant, he found out about a footbath that only the locals were familiar with. We all boarded a taxi and headed there afterwards.
SHO: Even though we only had two hours before we had to go on the plane.
MAMIYA: (laughs) Ayumu didn’t object to that?
SHO: About that~ Even Ayumu got excited about entering the hot springs since we were there already.
SHO: Everyone was of one spirit and we headed to the footbath~ (chuckles) And that footbath was the kind that had small, sharp pebbles in it, too.
MAMIYA: And then it was pandemonium~
SHO: (chuckles) Exactly~! Ayumu was screaming in pain but Ruka kept pushing on his feet. When Ayumu couldn’t bear it anymore, he started riding on Gaku’s feet.
SHO: And, when I thought that Haruto was looking like he was fine, it turns out that he couldn’t even move a foot~
SHO: Reiji took a video of all of us during that time~ Of course, one where he’s included as well~
MAMIYA: Ah, I can totally imagine it~ Wait, that seems like something that’d happen in a variety show.
SHO: That’s right. I was thinking that it would seem fun to do a show like that with everyone after Reiji showed us the video.
SHO: You meant something like that, right~?
MAMIYA: Yeah! Being with those guys, even normal things seem interesting that I just wanna show them off to people, y’know?
MAMIYA: But, a hot spring’s super nice~ I wonder when we’ll get that kind of chance.
SHO: What happened when you went to the local districts?
MAMIYA: It was a roundtrip, too. The only thing we did was maybe eat the famous boxed lunches in bullet trains.
MAMIYA: Plus, Ouka sent his manager back in advance so we barely even managed to buy them. That’s it.
SHO: It’s difficult when you can’t find that much free time, huh.
MAMIYA: I wish we could do more next time.
MAMIYA: Ah, but, doing something with all the members is good on its own, too.
SHO: Even if it’s just in the common room?
MAMIYA: Yeah. Just the other day, Issa was saying he wanted to eat some salt and butter bread (shio pan).
SHO: Salt and butter bread?
MAMIYA: You don’t know? It’s kinda like a croissant. The texture’s soft like a French bread and it’s got a bit of a salty taste with lots of butter.
SHO: I think I kind of get it now.
MAMIYA: But, that was at midnight.
SHO: I don’t think… any bakeries are open at that time, huh…
MAMIYA: And I’ve never seen them being sold in convenience stores, too.
MAMIYA: Plus, he was being all spoiled and saying that he didn’t want it if it’s not freshly baked. He hit Futaba awake and told him to make one from scratch. When Futaba told him that he didn’t have the ingredients, Issa went all the way to my place.
SHO: Well, he can, since we’re in the same apartment complex~
MAMIYA: But, getting asked for some flour and stuff at midnight should be out of the question, right?
SHO: (chuckles) It should, huh~ So, did you make some?
MAMIYA: Oh, we definitely did. But he got mad since we didn’t have any butter so he went to get Yuma. And then, Ouka got mad because he got woken up by the noise. He brought with him Naosuke because, according to Ouka, “Naosuke would definitely sulk if no one woke him up.”
SHO: So, you all made bread in the middle of the night?
MAMIYA: Yeah. Futaba was the teacher and we were all kneading dough.
MAMIYA: Really, what an evil thing~
SHO: Did Issa participate in the bread-making class, too?
MAMIYA: That’s just the thing! He’s the one who wanted to eat it but he said, “I’m sleepy so wake me up when it’s done.”
SHO: Ah…
MAMIYA: He fell asleep in a corner in the room so I went ahead and played a prank on him~
SHO: (chuckles) What did you do?
MAMIYA: I curled his hair oh so thoroughly with a curling iron~
SHO: (chuckles) I’m surprised he didn’t wake up~
MAMIYA: It’s me we’re talking about, you know? His hair got so fluffy that it would make him 3x more hostile if he saw it.
SHO: He didn’t find out even after he woke up?
MAMIYA: No one generally looks at a mirror at midnight, right? The bread was just done too so, he was happily enjoying his bread with his fluffy hair~
SHO: (chuckles) That side of VAZZY is really great, too, huh~
SHO: I want to see that kind of cooking show, too.
MAMIYA: Hm… I want to try it too as long as Ouka doesn’t get to hold a knife.
SHO: It’s that bad?
MAMIYA: I wonder now… I think it’s the same level as Haruto not wanting you to hold a knife.
SHO: That’s… Well, that’s reasonable~
MAMIYA: (laughs) Don’t say that~!
SHO: (chuckles) I can’t get enough of talking about our members~
MAMIYA: Oh man… We should have talked about this on the broadcast.
SHO: Ah…!
MAMIYA: Well, let’s talk about it next time~ Let’s take that opportunity to appeal to make a TV show, too~
SHO: As expected~ You don’t miss any opportunities.
MAMIYA: I am very honored by your words of praise~
MAMIYA: Now that we’re in the mood, wanna go for the nihonshuu~?
SHO: Sure~
(Mamiya opens the sliding door and places an order)
MAMIYA: Owner, some nihonshuu, please! Oh, the not too strong kind.
OWNER: Got it.
OWNER: Here you go.
MAMIYA: Eh--?! That’s fast! What’s this~? Did you already prepare it and was already waiting for us?
OWNER: Yeah, I got a hold of some good stuff, see?
MAMIYA: Heh~ Sho! You can expect that it’s good if the Owner recommends it.
SHO: I can already smell how good it is~
OWNER: Alright then, please enjoy your stay.
(Owner closes the sliding door)
  SHO: It’s unusual for it to come with a small cup, huh?
MAMIYA: It feels as if it’s meant just for drinking alcohol, right~?
MAMIYA: Then, once again.
SHO: That’s right~ Cheers~!
                                        »»————- ★ ————-««
  SHO: Oh… This is…
SHO: It’s delicious.
MAMIYA: I’m glad to hear that~
MAMIYA: Ah~ It’s so good! He really got a hold of something good with this!
SHO: It feels gentle to the lips but the aftertaste is very distinct…
SHO: I feel like I can drink a lot of this~
(Sho starts drinking more)
MAMIYA: There’s a saying that good alcohol shouldn’t be wasted so, drink as much as you’d like.
MAMIYA: It’s alright, it’s just us leaders here anyway.
SHO: We won’t be troubled if we see each other drunk, huh~
MAMIYA: That’s right. Since we’re here drinking good alcohol, why don’t we talk about things that we can only talk about as leaders?
SHO: Like what?
MAMIYA: Hm, let me see… For example… How did you feel when your CD was first released?
SHO: You mean, my solo song?
SHO: I really felt… nervous about my first song.
SHO: Of course, I did feel a little bit excited about it, too.
MAMIYA: Same here. I’ve been super nervous about it starting from how people would feel about it until the time I actually saw it on sale.
SHO: But?
MAMIYA: Hm… It’s just a little bit but… I was scared, too…
SHO: That’s… That’s unexpected. In what way were you scared? Was it because the expectations were too much?
SHO: Or because yours was the first one released?
MAMIYA: Hm… There’s that, too. I mean, I was first in line for the VAZZROCK Project, right?
MAMIYA: I had it in mind that I can’t fail at the very beginning.
MAMIYA: Plus, in my case, I have history with an old unit so… I was thinking about how the old unit’s fans would feel if I released a song without the old members. I got too worried about that, too.
SHO: I see. You’d be curious about how your old fans reacted, huh.
MAMIYA: I guess I was, even though we got newer fans, too.
MAMIYA: That’s why, I totally couldn’t sleep on the day the CD was going to be released.
MAMIYA: And I can’t really yawn during the release event so I had to use some super cold eye drops so early in the morning.
SHO: (chuckles) So you did something like that, huh?
MAMIYA: For real.
SHO: I didn’t know… You just seemed so relaxed to me before and after your CD’s release.
SHO: I guess that’s a part of your character, too, huh.
MAMIYA: Then, my feint worked. It’d be nice if I managed to fool the others, too.
SHO: At the very least, you managed to fool me~
MAMIYA: Well, I’m glad about that. (sighs) I can really only talk about these kinds of things with you.
MAMIYA: I mean… I don’t think that we have to be perfect because we’re the leaders but… There are times when we can’t show the members we’re nervous, right?
SHO: Yeah, I know…
MAMIYA: I know that even leaders feel lost or weak sometimes but… Ah… It makes me wonder what would happen if my members see me like this or something…
MAMIYA: As someone who should pull them along, I don’t want to show them any unnecessary anxieties that I feel.
SHO: That’s right. And not just as leaders. We’re the older members too so, there are times that the younger ones get influenced by us.
MAMIYA: Exactly!! That, too! My unit’s got more people who just debuted unlike ROCK DOWN, right?
MAMIYA: If I say this in front of people who just entered the industry, I feel like they’d be disillusioned by what the people around them do or say in the future!
SHO: That’s true, it is a specialized industry after all.
MAMIYA: In an unstable world like this, the only ones you can count on are your friends. Specially the leader who leads the way. To them, we’re the bright light that guides them along.
SHO: They’ll feel uneasy if the light becomes small or unstable, won’t they?
MAMIYA: That’s exactly it. No matter how strong the winds may become, the light should never disappear.
MAMIYA: Even if we have to desperately protect the light, you know?
SHO: So even you think of things like this, huh, Takaaki…
MAMIYA: He-he~ Being shameless means that I’d be great at hiding secrets, too~
MAMIYA: Well, I can say these things now because of a certain someone.
SHO: A certain someone?
MAMIYA: I can only open up about this because I’m with you, Sho. A unit leader just like me.
SHO: (smiles) I’m honoured.
SHO: Then, I guess it’s my turn to reveal some secrets.
MAMIYA: Heh~ You have something, too?
SHO: Of course, I do.
                                      »»————- ★ ————-««
  SHO: Unlike VAZZY, our average age is not that young. And we have a lot of members who have already been in the industry before.
SHO: So this is from a slightly different point of view but…
MAMIYA: Like, how you had difficulty trying to be in charge of people from different fields in the industry?
SHO: I won’t say that I didn’t have that in mind but...
SHO: But, I guess I did feel some… anxieties, maybe? about why I was chosen to be the leader.
MAMIYA: Eh? Why so?
SHO: You know? I’m the type who thinks that it’s okay even if the oldest member is not the leader.
MAMIYA: Hm… Well, that’s true. In the entertainment industry, sometimes it’s the career history and not the age that’s the deciding factor.
SHO: Exactly. I wasn’t familiar with that kind of common sense in the entertainment industry.
SHO: Even though I was introduced to the agency, it was as a violinist, not as a talent.
SHO: Even though I knew what kind of world I was entering when I became a talent, I never once imagined that I would be a unit leader.
SHO: It made me feel uneasy a lot.
MAMIYA: Heh… I’m sorry to say this but—I never really noticed since you always seemed so relaxed!
MAMIYA: And, from my point of view, you always seemed so elegant.
SHO: There were times when I just laughed it off to make it seem okay, you know?
SHO: I’m so glad that my feint worked~
MAMIYA: That just means that we’re both good at keeping up appearances.
SHO: (chuckles) That seems to be the case.
SHO: But, I’m glad I got to talk about this with you.
SHO: It made me remember that it’s okay for leaders to experience troubles, too.
MAMIYA: Me, too. I feel so relieved that I’m not the only one who felt lost at times.
MAMIYA: Well— (softly) This is just between you and me, okay~?
SHO: A secret just for the two of us, huh~
MAMIYA: Totally~ Then, let’s praise ourselves for getting us all the way here, shall we~?
SHO: Agreed~
SHO: Now then, leader~ Thanks for your hard work.
MAMIYA: To you as well, leader~ Thanks for your hard work.
                                      »»————- ★ ————-««  
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please just like/reblog them instead ^^
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Fictober18 Day 9
Original Fiction
Prompt:“You shouldn’t have come here.”
9 days in a row. I’m doing my best!!!
 “You shouldn’t have come here.” 
I muttered to myself as I stood in the open doorway. It wasn’t as if I had stepped into a shady place, like a back alley, or an abandoned warehouse or a gang’s hideout. It was just a normal living room, sparsely decorated with pictures of flowers and a single blue rug. I had bought those decorations myself, and briefly wondered if they would still be considered my property or if it would be thought of as taking back a gift. 
I knew this place well; after all, it was my fiancé Noah’s apartment. 
We initially had plans to eat dinner here, but he called me and said he had to work late, and not to bother. I unfortunately had made the decision to come by and make his favorite, bacon cheeseburgers and green bean casserole for him as a surprise. I thought that after all the stress of wedding planning this week on top of working late, he would probably appreciate a nice cooked meal.
Obviously this would lead to such a clichéd outcome, I probably should have anticipated it.
 I had been surprised as I walked up that the lights in the living room window were on, Noah was fairly strict about not wasting electricity. I made a mental note to mention it to him next time he bugged me for forgetting to turn out a light on my way out of a room. Chuckling to myself, I used the spare key to let myself in.  
Only to discover my fiancé and a strange woman engaged in amorous activities. 
 I was now more annoyed than ever that the living room light had been left on. I would have been much happier not seeing this scene in decent lighting. As I stared at the couple silently, who were currently desperately trying to cover up their nudity while shouting in surprise, I couldn’t help but wonder: 
What should I do with the dinner supplies in the bags I was carrying? 
After all, although I liked bacon cheeseburgers, I wasn’t really a big fan of green bean casserole. I only ever made it because Noah liked it. So should I leave the ingredients here? I hated to waste the food, but I felt he really didn’t deserve extra groceries as a reward for cheating on me.
 Did I have any friends who like green bean casserole? 
“Maria?! What are you doing here?” Noah was shouting, breaking my concentration. 
I thought over his question and statement carefully.  “I came here to cook you dinner as a surprise. This was obviously effective as a surprise, although not effective in terms of making you dinner, which will probably not happen now. Actually you probably already ate… unless you were going to have a post-coitus meal?” 
 It would probably be uncomfortable to do such activities on a full stomach. I looked around and didn’t see any signs of food. Perhaps they were going to order out? In that case maybe it would be more convenient to leave the green beans with them. I felt strongly that I should keep the cheeseburger ingredients. They were more expensive and I was hungry, after all.  
“This isn’t what it looks like, I swear!” Was he still shouting? He seemed much noisier than normal.  
“It looks like you were engaging in sexual intercourse… I am confused as to what else you can do naked while rolling around on the floor.” I wrinkled my brow. “By the way, that’s pretty dirty. I vacuumed that carpet a month ago. I’m pretty sure you haven’t cleaned it since then. Make sure you shower after you complete your activities.”  
They both stared at me silently. I let out a sigh of relief. That was much more comfortable than the screeching and shouting. I looked around the apartment, thinking about the objects I left behind over the course of the five years that we dated. How long should I wait before sending someone over to pack these up? I really wanted to make sure I at least got my cappuccino maker back. It was expensive.  
Noah stepped forward, a kitten blanket wrapped around his lower half. Ugh. That was my blanket. I mentally crossed it off the list of objects that I wanted back. He could keep it. 
“Maria… I don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but we can work this out…”
“I’m thinking about the distribution of communal property.” I sighed. “Obviously now is not the right time for me to pack up my personal items, as it would cut into your date with this young lady, but if it is convenient I will send a friend over on Saturday to pick up my things.”
“Oh, you must be worried that after these years you can’t remember what object are mine, right? It’s fine, I will email you a list of objects to pack up. If something seems to be in error. You may feel free to write me back.” 
“That’s not what…!”
I walked into the kitchen and unplugged the cappuccino maker. Carrying it under my arm, I returned and gave them a polite smile. 
“I will take this with me however, in case negotiations break down. I do not want to part with this particular item. I trust you have no objections.” 
Even if he did I was still walking out with it. After all, he would likely not be willing to chase me down the street while naked. 
“Maria, let’s talk this out, we’re getting married…”
I stared at him in surprise. “Oh, I’m sorry. We’ve miscommunicated. I thought there was a common understanding that me catching you having intercourse with another person was an automatic cancellation of the affianced relationship.” I shook my head. “That was my assumption. In that case I will make it clear.” Looking him in the eye clearly, I stated slowly. “We are not engaged anymore. We are not dating anymore. You will not call me, text me or communicate with me or my friends unless you have concerns regarding the distribution of property. I will let my friends and family know that the wedding is off, and you will be responsible for your side. Any wedding gifts that you have received should be returned.” 
I stepped back towards the door, clutching my cappuccino maker. “If you have questions…” I thought it over. “Too bad. I don’t wish to talk to you anymore.” 
“…” He was staring at me, his mouth open in shock. 
“One last thing.” At my words, he perked up, and stepped closer with an excited expression. Was he expecting me to say something positive to him? 
“You may have the green bean casserole ingredients.” I graciously put down one of the grocery bags. “Please refrigerate them appropriately if you do not plan on making it tonight.”  
With that I left the apartment.   
“Wait, that can’t be right, you left something out.” 
My friend Rose stared at me, as she bit into the bacon cheeseburger I had made for her after coming to her house after leaving Noah’s apartment. I thought it over. 
“No, I’m fairly certain that I have accurately described all the events that happened while catching my fiancé cheating.” I also took a bite of my cheeseburger, nodding in appreciation. The new seasoning I had tried out was very tasty. 
“Seriously? You’re a freaking black belt! Why didn’t you beat him up?!” 
“It seemed unfair to take advantage of the situation. I doubt he would be able to put up a fight given his mental shock and nudity. Plus I don’t wish to be charged with assault.”  
She covered her face in her hands, groaning loudly. “Are you going to be okay?” She looked up, and I smiled as I saw the concern in her eyes. “I mean, you’re really calm right now, but it can’t be that easy to get over your fiancé cheating.”  
I spoke around another bite of cheeseburger. “I am very upset, but in the end, he did me a favor. I would much rather break up with him now then divorce him in 5 years for a similar issue.” I shrugged. “Plus, I really must examine my own feelings. I might not care about him as deeply as I thought, given my reaction to his infidelity. My initial emotion to catching him was honestly not anger or sadness, but mild relief.” 
“Really, I think this will be a better start for me.”
She sighed with relief, leaning back in her chair. “Well, that’s good. But if you need to talk to someone… or need someone to hide a body…I’m there for you.” 
Did I just hear something slightly disturbing slipped in among the sweet comforting words of my friend? I must have misheard right? Shaking my head, I chuckled to myself. 
“Oh, but he’s definitely dying in tonight’s update.” 
Rose laughed. “Please make it terrifyingly painful.” 
“Deal.” I thought it over to myself. I made a funny web comic based loosely off of my life and the interactions between myself and my friends. Noah had obviously been a recurring character. I had already planned out a funny bit on trying to pick out cake for the wedding, but obviously this would need to be redrawn. As I planned more and more gruesome and ridiculous ways to kill off Noah in my comic, Rose finally asked a question. 
“So does this mean you’ll finally meet up with that online friend of yours?”
I looked up, confused. “You mean Atlas? We haven’t talked in months.”
“Not since he confessed to liking you and asked to meet up.” She grinned. “You turned him down then, right?”
I nodded. “Of course, I had a fiancé, after all. Once he wanted to be something more than friends I couldn’t lead him on.” 
“What about now?” 
I thought it over. Atlas and I had been friends online for about 3 years now. We had met on a forum for online artists. He mostly wrote fan fiction, but we each appreciated the other’s work. We had talked daily, having a surprising amount of things in common, but… when he asked to take things further, I had distanced myself. I thought it over, surprised at the warm feeling I had at the thought of him. 
“I’m not sure, though. I just broke up with my fiancé.” I stood up, and gave her a sad smile. “Let me sort out my feelings, and then I’ll consider it again.” 
“That sounds fair.” She stood up and gave me a hug. “Take the time you need… wait until I tell that brat he’s got a chance. He owes me big time… are you leaving now?”
Again, I felt I heard her mutter something under her breath that didn’t make sense, but in the end, I ignored it, focusing on her question instead.
“Yes, I have an early shift at the store tomorrow. Will I see you there as well?” I worked at the local bookstore, while Rose worked in the café.  
“Nope, tomorrow’s my day off, but Brandon will be there.” She grinned. 
“Ok.” I was unclear why she was reporting which of her co-workers would be there, but appreciated it nonetheless. 
“Matchmaking plans phase one… start!” she was muttering again.
“What was that?” 
She quickly arranged an innocent expression. “Nothing! See you tomorrow!”
 “I thought…” Wasn’t tomorrow her day off? Why would I see her?
“Bye!” She pushed me through the door, barely giving me time to grab my cappuccino maker on the way out.
I stood outside her house, mildly shocked in the change in her behavior before looking down at my appliance in my arms. 
“I guess it’s just you and me now.” 
With that, I made my way home. Somehow, despite the terrible direction this day had gone, I couldn’t help but feel that something new and exciting was about to start. 
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