#also last week they forgot to order it and the store still ordered the bread we like anyway
coffeeworldsasaki · 1 year
"everything is so complicated now", says my mother ignoring the fact that it's them making life so complicated for themselves
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spdrwdw · 9 months
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Art by peachypie
Pairing: Miguel x f!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff
Summary: You and Miguel attend a Christmas party at work where you receive the best Christmas gift you could ever hope for.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Decided to whip up a quick little Christmas fic. Sorry for it being posted last minute lmao. Hope everyone has a happy holiday!
☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.
It was the week before Christmas and the bakery where you worked was just bustling with people. Nonstop orders were coming in as you continued baking various breads and pastries. 
Your face and apron were just covered in flour and frosting and who knows what else. You just looked a hot mess, honestly. But, on the positive side, you being busy with orders made the time just breeze through, and you were thankful, because everything was hurting by the end of your shift. Arms, legs, neck, back. Everything ached. 
“I could really use a massage right about now,” you sighed as you began your clean up routine after the doors closed. 
Miguel, your coworker and best friend, was up front counting the till for the night. 
“Yeah? Hmm, well, I happen to be pretty good at giving massages, you know. If you want some relief,” he replied, shooting a smirk and a wink your way as you walked past him. 
You rose a brow at him, feeling your cheeks heating up at his words before finally shaking your head at him. 
“Why do I feel like you mean something completely different by that?” You questioned. 
“Maybe you should get that mind of yours out of the gutter,” Miguel shot back at you, causing you to flinch. 
“Rude,” you muttered under your breath as you headed back into the kitchen. 
Once Miguel had finished counting the funds made that day and finished cleaning up at the front of the store, he made his way to the back to help you with whatever else you needed. 
“Don’t we have that Christmas party going on in two days?” You then asked, trying to remember when the shop’s Christmas party was going to be held. 
Miguel nodded his head as he cleaned up the mixers. “Yeah. It’s gonna be on Saturday. We’ll be closing shop early for it. We’re also doing Secret Santa during the party, too.”
“Oh, crap! I honestly forgot about that! Crap crap crap!” You hissed, shaking your head as you swept the floor. You definitely had to drop by the mall and buy something for Jess. You really forgot all about the Secret Santa thing. You were so preoccupied with school and finals that it had just slipped your mind.
“Well, you’re welcome for the reminder,” Miguel snickered.
You rolled your eyes at him, however, grateful for the reminder. You didn’t want to attend the Christmas party without your secret Santa gift. 
Once everything was cleaned and checked off, Miguel closed up shop for the night. 
“You’ll be okay getting home?” Miguel asked as he locked the front doors. 
“Yeah, I should be alright. I can catch the last bus home,” you assured him as you zipped up your jacket and stuffed your hands into the jacket’s pockets. 
“Alright. Keep your phone on you and text me when you get home.”
Miguel may be a pain in the ass at times. But, he was still your best friend and he always looked out for you.
“I will. Promise. Have a good night, Miguel,” you smiled up at him, nodding your head.
It also didn’t help that he made your heart skip a beat sometimes when he acted so sweet towards you. Just fueling the silly little crush you had for him since you both met during your freshman year of college, 
“Good night,” he smiled back at you as you turned at your heel and began to walk the opposite way.
Miguel watched you for a moment before you turned the corner, waiting a couple of minutes before he walked the opposite  direction to head home. 
As promised, you texted him once you got to your apartment, even sent him a selfie of you at the front door, sticking your tongue out and giving him a peace sign before you opened the door and stepped inside. 
The next couple of days were a blur. You did not remember the events that happened during those days that had led you to the day of the Christmas party. 
All your coworkers were there. Including Miguel. Of course, he would be there. 
Everyone was dressed up, either wearing ugly sweaters or Christmas themed clothes. You settled for a cute Santa dress. 
People brought in food, either store bought or homemade. You decided to bake some gingerbread cookies to bring in. You did work at a bakery, after all, and everyone seemed to enjoy them despite constantly being around baked goods. 
The party was going well. Everyone was mingling, eating, drinking, and even dancing around in the shop. You were talking to Jess and MJ, sitting down on a booth over at a corner of the shop. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Miguel staring at you, or possibly at the table. 
Since he was your best friend, he sometimes acted like a sad puppy when he wasn’t allowed to be part of the ‘girl group’ that was you, Jess, and MJ. 
You couldn’t help but smile in his direction. He caught your expression and smiled back at you before moving his attention back to the conversation he was having with Peter and Ben. 
While things continued to go great, something else had caught your eye. Ben. 
He was staring at you. You noticed he had been staring at you the entire time. You didn’t think anything of it at first. While he wasn’t a close friend of yours, you did talk to him from time to time. Either during work or if you ran into him on campus. 
But, it had gotten to a point that it made you feel a little uncomfortable. You were aware of his crush on you. And you did even go on a date with him one time a while ago, but it just didn’t click. You didn’t like him like that. And him staring at you at that moment, made you cringe a little.
Miguel seemed to notice it, too. And he didn’t like it. Not one bit. He knew why Ben was staring at you. It was your outfit. While there was nothing wrong with what you were wearing, you looked absolutely cute in it. 
You were wearing the red santa dress, and you had put on some makeup to match the outfit. While you did wear makeup every now and then when you were up to it, you usually didn’t wear it as you did today. It made you look..different. In a way in which Miguel just couldn’t describe. It made his heart skip a beat every time you caught his gaze and smiled at him. 
However, your outfit had caught Ben’s attention as well. And while Miguel was good friends with Ben, he wasn’t going to have him staring at you, either. 
“What are you looking at, Ben?” Miguel asked, trying to divert the blonde’s attention. 
“Hmm? What?” Ben hummed, still looking your way. 
“What are you staring at?” Miguel repeated, with a tiny hint of aggression in his voice. 
Ben raised a brow as he finally looked over at Miguel before shaking his head. “Nothing.” 
Ben shrugged. “Okay, maybe I have been staring at the girls over there, but I mean, dude, can you blame me?” Ben slightly nudged over in your direction.
“She looks really good in that outfit. Don’t you think? Like..damn,” Ben chuckled a little. 
Miguel simply grunted in response. However, he didn’t like how Ben kept staring at you. It made him feel some type of way. He wasn’t possessive of you. He had no right to be. But, it did irk him a bit when other guys stared at you. And he lowkey wanted to punch Ben at that moment. His hands were already clenched into tight fits, getting ready to strike.
“Yo, Miguel. Helllooooo. Earth to Miguel!” Peter waved his hand in front of Miguel, trying to catch his attention. 
“W-what?” Miguel blinked as he was snapped out of his thoughts, looking back over at Peter. 
“Sorry. What was that?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “I asked if you were gonna want another beer? I was gonna grab some more from the cooler,” Peter repeated. 
“Oh. y-yeah yeah. Sure. Thanks,” Miguel nodded his head as Peter and Ben both went into the kitchen to grab more beers. 
He then looked back over to the table and noticed that you were no longer there. Where did you go?
“Miguel? You okay?” You asked, appearing beside him, causing him to jump a bit in surprise before looking over at you. You simply looked up at him, head tilted slightly in curiosity. 
“I noticed you’ve been a little out of it today. You alright?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” Miguel assured you, giving you a gentle smile. 
“You sure?” You asked, not really believing him.
“Promise,” he nodded just at Peter and Ben made his way back out. 
You then nodded your head and took a step back before making your way over to your other coworkers to talk to them for a bit. Miguel could hear everyone complimenting your outfit. He realized that he hadn’t said anything about it yet. He should bring it up before the night ends. 
About another hour or so had gone by, people were a little more loose, a little more rowdy. The music was louder, the conversations produced more laughter, and people were just a little more bold and daring. 
You had gone into the kitchen to grab yourself some more food, feeling your stomach growling. You grabbed a plate and began to load it with food, humming softly to yourself along to the music that was playing on the other side. You didn’t notice someone entering the kitchen, approaching you. 
“Still stuffing your face with food?” Miguel smirked as he appeared beside you, causing you to flinch slightly in surprise. You pouted and glared up at him before rolling your eyes. 
“This is nothing compared to your sixth helping of this entire table you had a couple minutes ago!” You pointed out. 
“I can’t help it. I’m a growing boy,” Miguel joked, shrugging his shoulders. 
You rolled your eyes again before going back to serving your food. “You want me to get you anything?” 
Miguel shook his head. “Nah. I can grab my own food. I appreciate it, though.”
The kitchen fell silent for a moment. The only thing that could be heard was everything going on on the other side. People were still chattering and laughing, music still booming. Yet, it was dead silent in the kitchen. A sort of tension then filled between the two of you. You could feel your heart beating against your eardrums. 
You were about to open your mouth to say something before you felt Miguel pressing himself against you from behind , but not hard enough to hurt you. You still had some wiggle room to turn around. And you did just as Miguel leaned down closer to you. 
“I hate what you do to me sometimes,” MIguel practically growled as he grabbed you by the arm, squeezing just a bit, but not hard enough to hurt you. 
You looked up at him with wide eyes, caught completely by surprise as you gave him a confused expression. 
“What? What are you talking about?” 
Miguel’s nostrils flared as he exhaled, looking at you with darkened eyes. 
“You make me feel these feelings that I feel like I should not be having.”
“Miguel..I really don’t understand what it is that you’re trying to tell me,” you stated. Which was true. You had no idea what he was talking about or why he was looking at you like that. Yet, you could feel your heart racing a bit. Was it excitement?
Miguel let out a frustrated sigh. He knew he wasn’t making any sense at that moment, but he really did hope you caught on to what he was attempting to spew out. 
He was terrible at explaining things anyway. However, this was the one thing that he didn’t want to be terrible with. 
“Just..come here for a moment,” he said as he pulled you away from the table, pulling you deeper into the kitchen over to a more secluded area. 
He then took your hand and placed it over his heart. Your eyes widened when you felt his heart racing against your palm. 
You then looked back up at him, meeting his eyes. He had those puppy eyes that made your knees buckle. 
“Miguel I-”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupted, shaking his head. “I just..wanted to let you know.Or..let you feel, rather.”
He let go of your hand and took a step back, biting his lower lip. It made your heart skip a beat. 
“Look. I know you may not feel the same. But, I just wanted to let you know. I’ve..been feeling this way for a while. And..I don’t know why I waited this long to tell you. But, seeing how Riley was looking at you the entire time made me feel some type of way. I know you two were somewhat of a thing before and it kinda made me feel a little jealous..” he rambled. He was honestly really cute when he did that. 
He then awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck when you didn’t answer. What were you supposed to say after that? You were completely stunned that you just couldn’t find your voice. 
But, as he began to take a step back, your hand shot forward and you grabbed hold of his wrist, pulling him back closer to you. You were like a robot. You had no control of your limbs or movements. 
Stretching up on your toes, you hooked your arms around his neck, pulling him down closer to you until your lips touched. Again, you had no control of your movements. It was as if your mind had stepped into another room in your brain. 
Miguel’s eyes widened in surprise, obviously stunned by your sudden reaction. However, he quickly shook it off and wrapped his arms around you, pressing you closer to him.
You two kissed for what felt like hours. At one point, he had picked you up and placed you on top of a stack of boxes so neither of you would strain your bodies. 
Eventually, you had to pull away for air. Your cheeks were warm, and your body felt jittery. You couldn’t help but to look away shyly. Yet, Miguel caught your chin with his fingers and had you look up at him. His lips were swollen from your heated kisses. There was also a twinkle in his eye. 
Before you could get a word out, his lips were on your once again. This time, just a little softer. A little sweeter. Gentler. It made you melt into his arms. 
He pecked your lips a couple more times before taking a step back, but never let go of you. 
“Had I known you felt the same I would’ve done that a lot sooner,” he chuckled, giving you a shy smile. 
Your cheeks warmed again and you nodded your head in agreement. “Yeah. Same here.”
He helped you back down, taking your hand in his. 
“Also. Ben and I were never a ‘thing’. I only went out on one date with him. He’s..not really my type,” you shrugged your shoulders, looking up at him with a slight smirk. 
“I like them a little more rugged. Like more..jackass,” you teased. 
Miguel’s jaw dropped for a second before letting out a laugh, shaking his head a little bit. 
“Not sure if that’s something to be proud of,” he pointed out. 
“Didn’t say I was,” you countered with a shrug before grinning up at him. You felt butterflies in your stomach, and you couldn’t help but to feel excited. Stretching back up on your toes, you gave him another peck on the lips. 
Remove his hand from yours, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close before grabbing your plate of food from the table. 
“Come on, let’s go sit down so you can eat,” he said as you two made your way out of the kitchen. 
“Oh, by the way. You look great in that outfit,” Miguel complimented. 
“Yeah?” You beamed up at him. You’ve been getting compliments all night. But, you didn’t think you’d get one from Miguel. 
His cheeks turned a little red as he nodded his head. “Yeah. I couldn’t stop staring at you. You’re like a Christmas present. Mind if I unwrap you later?” He then smirked. 
You gasped and lightly smacked him, causing him to burst out laughing. 
“Absolutely not! Pervert!”
Miguel continued to laugh. “I’m just messing with you, muñeca. I’ll wait until Christmas Eve to unwrap you.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Peter suddenly appeared in front of the two of you as you exited the kitchen. His mouth was stuffed with food and was a little red in the cheeks. He may have been just a bit drunk. 
“Nothing.” You and Miguel both said in unison before passing by Peter. 
Still. You couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas gift. Miguel had confessed his feelings to you. And shared a set of kisses with you in the kitchen. It was all surreal. It felt like a dream. 
“Look! It’s snowing!” MJ called out excitedly as she stood by the window. Everyone gathered around the windows to look outside as the snow fell. Including you and Miguel. Your food was now forgotten on the table as he kept his arm wrapped around your waist, the two of you looking outside for a moment as if neither of you had seen snow before. 
“Merry Christmas,” Miguel whispered softly to you. 
“Merry Christmas, Miguel,” you whispered back, leaning against him as you continued to watch the snow fall and coat the streets in white. 
Yeah, this was definitely a Christmas you were never going to forget. 
“Also, if Riley stares at you like that again, I’m going to punch him,” Miguel muttered. 
☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.
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auncyen · 4 months
Jouvente's most awkward lunch is finally underway.
"So you're still traveling around, huh?"
"Any special reason you're in Jouvente?" you ask, and try not to get your hopes up.
Siffrin doesn't answer for a beat, cutting off another small piece of the croque-madame he ordered after you reassured them that you were going to pay and didn't mind. The poached egg yolk oozes over the ham and cheese sandwich; Sif moves his fork around to sweep the few drops that run down to the plate back up on the bread. "Um. I...wanted to look for jobs."
Oof. Feels like your hopes got up without your permission. It's fine, they've been put back in place. "Oh! That's right, you used to do odd jobs, right? Any luck?"
"It's going alright! So...what about you? With the..." Siffrin trails off, their brow furrowing in a frustration all too familiar to you. You quickly finish chewing through the broccoli and egg in your mouth to bail them out.
"With the tailoring? Well, I could say it's only sew-sew, but actually, I'm really enjoying it!"
Okay, you had to wedge that pun in there, but still, you thought it'd get a smile out of Sif, maybe a chuckle. Instead, Siffrin looks confused before giving you a smile best described as 'polite'. Sure, his mouth turns up and all, but you don't think he got it in the slightest. "That's good!"
...Probably your mistake for going for sewing puns right after they forgot the word for your work. Yep. Move on, Isabeau. "Yeah! I really lucked out--the store was owned by a seamstress who's retiring. Well, still is owned, but we've got a contract for me buying the store from her. She already moved out to live with her bonded partners, but she stops in twice a week to teach me what I still need to learn about making clothes."
Sif...nods, encouraging you to go on.
"She's cool! She pretty much worked as a seamstress all her life, so she really knows her stuff. Tells me right away when I'm making a design way more work than it should be." Sometimes all the fiddling details were necessary, but other times, you could get the right effect a simpler way.
Siffrin nods, still smiling politely.
Huh. You scoop up another bite of your quiche as an excuse not to talk for a minute, noting that Sif goes for another cut piece of croque-madame at the same time. You never thought a lunch with Sif could be awkward, but...
Boy, is this awkward!
Why is it awkward? You and Siffrin were thick as thieves during your adventure. Sure, it's been a while, you couldn't expect things to be the same right off the bat, but...
“M’dame Odile and Mira will be glad to hear you’re doing okay.”
Siffrin nods. Then he looks confused. Then...you're not sure what that expression is.  “Wait, are they here too?  In Jouvente?”
“No, no, but we’ve been writing!  The last letter was a week ago, they were going to see...aha, apparently there's a play about Mirabelle? She said it was embarrassing, but she and Odile were too curious not to go. Hopefully they liked it!" You weren't all that curious yourself. After all, you'd already lived the adventure. You knew the real story, the real Mirabelle! You hoped the play portrayed her and everyone else well, but you were pretty sure there was no way they had all the details.
Also...you had a bad feeling you were probably portrayed as a jock through and through. Since that was how you acted. You could picture the cast: determined Mirabelle, leading the way; clever Odile, strategizing against hordes of Sadnesses and then the King himself; fun-loving Sif, raising everyone's spirits with jokes and protecting them from traps; brave Bonnie, keeping everyone healthy with good food; ...meathead Isabeau, whose good point was being too dumb to fear the danger.
You're jolted out of that extremely unhelpful thought by Siffrin's next question. “They’re traveling…together?”
...That's a weird tone. “Housemaidens usually go on at least one pilgrimage, not sure if you knew that.  Since M’dame was interested in seeing a little of what Vaugarde's like when it's normal, Mira asked her if they could travel together. So they spent a few months in Vaugarde, and right now they're in Poteria. I think they're planning on Lichtland next? Eventually they'll get to Ka Bue, but it sounded like both of them planned on taking their time.“
Sif's brow is furrowed again as he looks down at his plate. Is he jealous? You were jealous too when you found out. But you get it! Of course Mira and M'dame didn't ask you. You were busy being a sad sack about Siffrin. Well, and even without that, why should they have invited you? It was their trip. Not like you had a good reason to tag along, just...
It would have been nice to.
You can't complain--Jouvente's been good to you. You were the guest of honor at a party hosted by the city, your family is so proud of you (though you know Guy is just happy to boast that he's a Savior's sibling to his partner of the week, which keeps making you secondguess how sincere everyone else is when they reach out to you), the neighbors in your new place have been warm and friendly, you got to start on designing clothes so much faster than you thought you would.
You just miss Mira and Odile a whole lot. You miss Bonbon. You miss what you had with Siffrin, because everything about this lunch feels so off, and at this point you have to ask.
"Sif...you are doing okay, right?"
They immediately smile brightly enough that their eye closes. "Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"
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tennessoui · 2 years
Omg pleasee do “Don’t be fucking rude.” for kuwtsk in honour of the iconic scene from the other keeping up with 🤣🤣🤣 (no one hitting each other with a bag though 😅).
hey hi!! hello!! this IS set in the KUWSK universe (ao3 tag here) in honor of it breaking 800 (!!!!!!!) kudos on ao3 and also yes it's just an iconic line from the Kardashian show lol
so this original draft (no written words just me thinking in my mind and coming up with dialogue and text) had it be a story where one of the twins (10 years old) tells the other twin "don't be fucking rude" and KUWSK obikin freak out and point fingers at each other because well I know for sure I DID NOT teach the child that word so YOU must have taught the child that word!!!
and they go on and on and fight very pettily about who cursed in front of the baby and WHOEVER did it should just ADMIT IT because the more times anakin sleeps on the couch the crankier he gets (obi-wan is allowed the bed because he has a bad back and anakin still loves him even if he taught his kid how to say fuck)
and then it's padmé who said it around them by accident while on a business call.
BUT i JUST wrote a KUWSK fight so even though i love writing them petty and dickish towards each other, this happened instead:
Obi-Wan is in the kitchen making the twins hot cocoa.
It’s a bit of a complicated process, seeing as how Leia thinks she’s lactose intolerant because her best friend at school is, so now she’ll only drink coconut milk and soy milk. Luke hates coconut milk with a strange sort of passion that only ten year olds who have recently come around to the concept of liking and disliking things can.
Leia is not lactose intolerant, but Anakin figures they should respect her dietary wishes and Obi-Wan agrees.
But they’re out of soy milk. So instead of whisking milk to simmering temperatures in one pot, he’s got one pot on the left eye of the stove and the other on the right eye and two children on both of his legs.
Fuck, the milks look the same.
Which one was the coconut again?
He’d try it himself, but he’s allergic to tree nuts. Surely he put the coconut milk in the pot to his right. Right? That’s the leg that Leia is clinging to, so it makes sense that that would be the decision he made.
Which would mean the left pot would contain the 2% milk that Luke favors.
With his free hand, he texts Anakin. Anakin love, will you stop at the store and pick up some soy milk?
The response rushes back immediately. My plane literally just landed.
Congratulations! He texts, adding the cocoa powder to both milks before they start to curdle. Now, about that milk…?
Did you even cook dinner? For your starving husband who has toiled away for the last week in order to put bread on the table? Anakin’s fingers must be flying across his keyboard.
I’m sure you did a lot of toiling in the harsh sun and ocean paradise of Scariff.
It was a work trip, Anakin replies. Obi-Wan sniffs. His work trips have never been nicer than a two day stint to Alderaan for a conference, lodgings not included.
Tech companies. 
Instead of picking up that thread of bickering, he adds the smallest amount of cinnamon and vanilla. The twins like the Healthy Living brand best, he texts his husband.
Obi-Wan, I’ve been grocery shopping for them for ten years, Anakin texts back. You’ve done it MAYBE ten times.
This is fair criticism. But also, The last time I went you threatened to throw the tomatoes I lovingly chose at my head.
They were bruised! You picked the ones from the bottom of the pile! Why! 
This is an age-old argument that Obi-Wan could have in his sleep. I thought the best tomatoes were the ones that weren’t exposed to light!!
“What are you smiling at, Obi?” Leia asks. 
“Just your daddy being silly,” he tells her after sending a text that says you forgot the comma, baby.
Anakin sends back a winking emoji and a Sorry,,,,,Professor,,,,,,, and Obi-Wan is in love all over again.
Soy milk, he texts back before pocketing his phone.
Now the most pressing question: would it be better to give the maybe-coconut-milk-maybe-regular to Luke or to Leia? Luke would surely kick up a fuss if he has to taste coconut. Like Leia’s lactose intolerance, a disease that can appaarently be transmitted through close contact, Luke has discovered a new and sudden deadly allergy to tree nuts that matches Obi-Wan’s perfectly.
But Leia will throw up a huge stink as well, if she doesn’t get the coconut milk.
And Anakin is thirty minutes away, probably an hour if he really did just land.
Obi-Wan turns off the flames and strokes his beard thoughtfully. As always when he’s stuck in a situtaion he doesn’t quite know how to solve, he thinks about what the greatest parent he’s ever known would do.
It’s of little help this time. Anakin would probably just point and laugh at him, because his husband’s propensity to be an asshole sometimes outweighs his natural parenting talent.
“Alright, darlings,” he decides. The truth is neither of the children are actually allergic to tree nuts or dairy. If he gets it wrong, he can correct the mistake instantly by just switching the cups. It’ll just be a bit of complaining, but it’s not like anyone’s life is really in danger. 
Carefully, he pours both pots into plastic souvenir mugs (the kids are too old to not find sippy cups offensive, but that doesn’t mean Obi-Wan trusts them to not accidentally shatter glass and then cut themselves to death on it by accident). “Who wants whipped cream?”
Leia apparently tolerates the lactose in the whipped cream. “My body is very smart,” she had said primly, when Anakin had pointed out the dairy content of a can of whipped cream to her a few weeks ago.
Obi-Wan thinks it’s because it looks very fun and Luke always requests extra. Luke will request sprinkles if he thinks he’s been good enough to deserve them.
He hasn’t yet figured out that Obi-Wan always gives him sprinkles if he asks. This is probably for the better.
He sets the hopefully coconut milk hot chocolate in front of Leia, whose eyes light up at the bright red mug. Luke is similarly excited for his shockingly pink one, piled high with whipped cream and made with (hopefully) 2% milk.
Obi-Wan is wrong.
An hour and thirteen minutes later, he’s still hearing about it. Not directed at him, of course. The twins know better than to be so openly rude to their Obi, who they know will probably cry about it or stop giving them treats when Anakin is looking away. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t shut up about the pros and cons of coconut milk and cow milk since.
Obi-Wan had even offered to run to the store himself and get soy milk, seeing as how Anakin is taking his sweet time coming home himself. Obi-Wan’s last hope in the entire universe is that their daddy’s arrival home will snap them out of the petty bickering, because Obi-Wan is going to pull out his hair.
He’s moved rooms three times now. They just keep following him.
“Coconut head!” Luke tells Leia. It’s admittedly very rude, but Leia has taken to mooing at him every time he says anything at all, so Obi-Wan doesn’t know who really has the high ground of maturity here.
“Children, please,” Obi-Wan rubs at his forehead. This is all very frustrating, especially because it’s his mistake and he knows Anakin would never have made such a mistake, but Obi-Wan has not been sleeping well. For the first time in years, his bed is too big. 
He’s lonely. Anakin has been gone for too long and now he’s going to come back to his old husband near tears as one child probably swears off animal products for good while the other decides to become a carnivore, and—
“Husband! Children! I am home!” Anakin calls from the entryway, and Obi-Wan is not ashamed at all for how fast he rushes to throw his arms around him in a tight embrace.
“Fuck Scariff,” he murmurs fervently into his husband’s neck, pushing him up against the wall by the mirror. “Never do that again.”
Anakin laughs, sounding slightly breathless and smelling of travel, and bends his head down to kiss the only part of Obi-Wan he can reach: his ear. “Need I remind you that you’re the one who led that month-long study abroad?”
“I understand now,” Obi-Wan promises, nuzzling further, closer. “That was stupid of me. The twins are trying to kill me. Will you love me when my hair isn’t red anymore? I’ll be gray-headed by the time they’re sixteen.”
“You’re in luck,” Anakin tells him, pushing him away enough so that he can tuck a loose bit of hair behind his ears worshipfully. “I think the idea of you as a silver fox is really sexy.”
Obi-Wan kisses him. It’s a miracle the twins haven’t interrupted them yet, so while they’re busy, he takes his hello kiss with both hands gripped firmly in Anakin’s traveling coat and his mouth open wide.
“Baby,” Anakin pants when they separate. “Baby, I have to tell you something.”
“What?” Obi-Wan breathes back. Anakin makes him feel so many things. So many twisted, beautiful, wonderful things, that sometimes it’s hard to think straight.
“Baby,” his husband tells him solemnly, pushing him back with one hand so he can bring whatever he’s holding in his right hand up to eye level. “You’re my soy-lmate.”
Obi-Wan blinks at the carton of soy milk in his husband’s hand and then back at Anakin. “Are you late getting home because you stopped and googled soy puns in the parking lot of the grocery store?”
“It was our driveway, but yes. Ab-soy-lutely.”
“I’m never sleeping with you again,” Obi-Wan marvels, taking a step away. “This is the death of all things holy and divine.”
“That’s so sweet, baby, you see heaven when I touch you? And never soy never, I think I’m quite convincing.”
Obi-Wan wants to throttle his husband. “I can’t believe I had good news I wanted to tell you. Too bad we have to get a divorce now.”
Anakin pouts. Obi-Wan wants to kiss it off him because the man is ridiculous but he’s his and he’s going to be his forever. Death do them part, etcetera etcetera etcetera.
“Don’t be fucking rude,” Anakin says, roping him back into his arms and leaning back against the doorway. “I got you the soy milk. Give me a proper hello.” “In the hallway?” Obi-Wan replies in a murmur. The kids are yelling in the background, and there are noises that should be concerning, the banging of things and loud crashes. But Anakin is here, in his arms. “I expected soy much better from you.”
He can feel Anakin’s grin against the side of his neck when the man buries his face there, arms tightening.
“What’s the good news?” He asks, pressing a single, delicate kiss on his neck. “You’re killing me here, Kenobi.”
“Kenobi-Skywalker,” Obi-Wan corrects absently, running his fingers through the blond curls he loves so dearly, it might just kill him one day. He thinks about the children he loves beyond all words in the other room. He thinks about the papers on the table, the ones sent from the agency, the ones telling them that they’ve been approved for adoption. He thinks about the man in his arms, so trusting and beautiful and perfect. He thinks dying from love isn’t the worst way to go.
“Kenobi-Skywalker,” Anakin repeats worshipfully, like he agrees even though he doesn’t know anything at all about the papers just yet. “Wait—” he tenses and then pulls back, frown marring his face. “Why is our daughter mooing?”
Obi-Wan sighs, reality rushing back into their bubble. He separates them completely and grabs the soy milk from Anakin’s lax hands. “Anakin love, when she’s mooing, she’s your daughter."
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Dimension Jumping Pt. 5
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Comforting a grieving hobbit and time get everyone ready to go out!
Via the genius idea from katzrfsoa / Kat88
There's been mention of the reader not wanting to take the groups out, for fear of the public's reaction... so what about a cosplay convention? it would give the Reader the perfect excuse to allow them out, and they would wear their original clothes 
This morning has been uneventful for the most part.
Breakfast passed by without issue and now everyone is off doing their own things.
You looked outside and took a peek in the guest room, but you still can't find him.
Sam, Merry, and Pippin are playing a board game you showed them; Legolas is doing his meditation sleep thing; Boromir and Aragorn are discussing something; and Gimli is stacking bread on Legolas' leg to see how long it takes until he notices.
Frodo, however, is missing at the moment.
Right as you were considering telling the others of his disappearance, however, you heard some shuffling from your hall closet.
You open the door carefully and take peer inside, not wanting to startle the small hobbit, and at first you don't see him.
There's more shuffling and you hear a quiet sniff, followed by soft sobs, and you then realize he's hiding behind the shelf.
The door makes a soft clicking sound when you close it, and right away the quiet cries cease. You didn't want to alert him with the door, you wanted to do it yourself, but it's too late now, so you just go with it.
"Frodo?" You call in a gentle voice, staying by the door incase he wants you to go.
"Y-Yes?' He calls back, not moving from his spot.
His voice is thick with emotion, and the sadness in his tone makes your heart ache painfully. And when you walk closer and see him huddled up behind the shelf, your heart breaks a little for him.
He hastily rids his cheeks of any evidence of his sorrows, though the puffiness around his eyes and constant sniffles don't much help his cause, and looks at you with a false smile.
"Frodo, why are you crying?" You ask with furrowed eyebrows, kneeling down in front of him so you may look at him at eye level (mostly).
"It's nothing." He tells you quickly, looking away from your compassionate face with the same sad frown on his lips.
When you don't move to get up or leave, his gaze slides back over to you and he realizes that you're not going to leave unless he straight up tells you to go away. This makes him sigh, but truthfully, he doesn't want you to go away. Not really. For having company in a time of sorrow always mends suffering.
"I... did not have a proper time to mourn Gandalf. I've been so caught up in the oddity that is this place that I almost forgot my sorrows altogether, but then this morning is all... came rushing back." He explains with a surprisingly even voice.
While he speaks you cross your legs and listen along intently, your hands folded neatly in your lap. When he finishes, you reach forward and place your hand atop his with a gentle touch, "I didn't know him, but I can tell he was very dear to you. Honestly, I can't offer much advice, but I can tell you that keeping it all bottled up inside is not a good idea."
He looks at you with that sad face when you speak, and it prompts you to continue, "Also, I know everyone else can be pretty overwhelming or they just don't understand, and I want you to know that I'm always here to listen if you're feeling down, okay?"
Your words draw a small smile from the grieving hobbit and it elicits a similar grin from you.
"Thank you, Y/N. I... actually do feel a little better."
"I'm glad."
After your discussion with Frodo you rejoin everyone back out in the main room and let him recollect himself, going right onto your laptop to get some work done.
You're idly scrolling through a scholarly article you need to research when you see it.
An advertisement for some sort of comic book, cosplay, convention... thing in the area (no wonder you've been seeing so many oddly dressed people recently).
At first you almost scroll past it, but then you get hit with the brick of knowledge and a lightbulb goes off in your head.
"Yes!" You scream, successfully scaring everyone in the room and Penny who is sitting with you for once. "Ohh, my god. This is freaking perfect!" You exclaim, clicking on the link to get some more information.
Your eyes practically soak up everything on the information page, and, once you've skimmed through all of it, you look up with a bright smile on your face.
Literally all of them are looking at you like you've grown two heads, but you only clap your hands together a few times. "Guys, I just had a huge brain moment!"
The joke goes over their heads as per usual, but you don't let that deter you.
"Huge brain moment?" Pippin asks in confusion, looking at his cousin like he thinks he heard it wrong or something.
"Yes! I've figured out a way to take everyone out!"
That certainly gets their attention.
"You have?" Sam asks exuberantly, dropping his game piece so he can turn towards you and pay perfect attention.
"I have, yes," you start, continuing once you're 100% sure they're all paying attention, "So here's the thing, I knew that I could take out you tall boi's without issue besides having to find a hat for Legolas here, and I could explain that Gimli here has dwarfism," you pause at that and realize it may be offensive to him, but you continue once more, "but I also knew that there's no way I can explain away the hobbits, and then I found this gem."
You turn the computer so it faces all of them, but they only look more confused.
"There's a convention thing in town for the next week, and it's the perfect opportunity for me to bring everyone out! We just have to dress up the hobbits a bit and pretend that they're children."
At your explanation you receive multiple pleased smiles, and it serves to make you feel even better about your idea. "And you can all wear your normal clothes, too. And if someone asks who you are... I'll figure out a game or something you guys can use as an alias."
"Are you sure that will work?" Aragorn asks with furrowed eyebrows, sitting up from his spot in your arm chair.
"Um, like, maybe 98%." You confirm with a shrug, "It's better than 88% though."
He doesn't seem like he disagrees with you, so you look back at your laptop again and start to look for ideas to make them more believable as humans.
3 hours of research later, and you've successfully compiled a completely fool proof plan to smuggle this merry band of bizarre boys out of your house.
What you've decided is that you'll put some makeup over Legolas' pointy ears to make them look more fake since the concept of elves is not lost in this world. Boromir and Aragorn can go as themselves, and you'll put some makeup on the hobbits much like you will Legolas (they'll be children elves since there are no hobbits in your world) and tell everyone who asks how they look so good that you're a professional makeup artist.
Gimli, fortunately for you, was the easiest to come up with something for next to the other two humans of this group. You can just tell people he has dwarfism and that's why he chose to go as a dwarf character.
Everything is in order except for what you're going to do, though you suppose you should match their theme and be some sort of renaissance, maiden, lady, thing. You'll figure it out, though you do need to make sure it's convincing like theirs.
You decided to, instead of putting it off, go ahead and start working on finding a costume to match theirs.
A couple of searches later and you come across a really pretty dress that looks to fit their style, and when you show it to them they give you the thumbs up, so you order it with express shipping so it should arrive tomorrow.
It's a lovely flowy medieval dress *just look up flowy medieval dress and go to images, there are some good examples there*, and you feel excited just looking at it. Of course, there's no guarantee that it'll be the best quality, but it's got great reviews and you certainly paid a hefty sum for it.
After that's done with you head to your bathroom to see what makeup you've got, and you find that you don't really have any theatrical/special effects makeup. You're going to need skin colored wax makeup, powders, and contour stuff.
You're no makeup artist, obviously, but luckily for you, your goal is to make them look less realistic, so it should be easy enough.
It's surprisingly easy to figure out what you need to make them as convincing as possible, and pretty soon you've got a nice little list going on that outlines each thing you need.
Since you don't want to delay anymore, you head out of your bathroom and grab your bag while putting on your shoes, "Legolas, I'm leaving now if you wanna come with." You suggest since he stated his desire to join you in the one of the last chapters (:o).
When you call his name he looks over at you quickly, smiling a bit at your offer, "Yes, but you said I need a hat."
"Oh yeah! I have one, just gimme a sec." You tell him, walking over to a drawer.
When you open said drawer, you find a grey beanie with ease and toss it over to him, "Here ya go. Make sure it covers your ears... and uh, tuck your hair up into it too if you don't mind."
He does as you say with ease and, surprisingly, he looks just as good with shorter hair as he does longer hair.
It sticks kinda awkwardly at first, so you waltz on over and gesture for him to crouch down so you don't have to reach up.
Once again he does as you request and leans down so you may fix it.
You adjust it a bit to make sure it won't fall first, and then you smooth it back a bit so it'll also look stylish. And once you're done you take a step back and smile at him brightly.
"All done! Let's go!"
He seemed rather fascinated in the way your car works first and foremost, but once you got him to look out his window instead of watching you, his excitement quickly turned into awe.
When you both get to the ULTA store he follows you without hesitation and asks some hushed questions about things he sees, like the light up signs, other passing cars, stoplights, and some other things.
You, of course, answer each question happily and lead him inside, holding the door open for him while he enters and looks around the brightly lit up makeup store.
Right away you head towards the general direction of the nose and scar wax (it's multi purpose, don't judge me), forgetting to make sure that Legolas follows you.
When it does occur to you, however, that the blond elf didn't come after you, you panic.
You turn in a circle and only stop when you see him standing with some ladies who practically have hearts in their eyes.
Unconsciously you breathe a sigh of relief and head over with the wax in your little basket, immediately reaching up to wrap your arm around his, "I got the first thing on my list, come on."
The girls stop their giggles and flirting as soon as you show up and look genuinely surprised.
You give them a smile and nod in acknowledgement, not wanting to make them feel bad over something so silly before turning with your arm still around his own and walking him over to look at some contour stuff and other things.
They make some snide comments when you turn your back about you being a 'clingy girlfriend' and 'not pretty enough to be with a model like that', but you only ignore it and relish in the fact that you didn't make them feel bad over something as silly as a cute guy in a makeup store.
"Why are those women talking about you like that?" He asks in a whisper, leaning down so only you will hear his question.
You look up at him with a bit or surprise since you didn't expect him to pick up on that, before you smile, "They're attracted to you, and they think that I was being selfish with taking you away from their advances."
"Selfish? Advances?" He looks confused, but you only smile and turn back to the display case.
"Don't worry your pretty little head over it, Leggy my boy."
"Leggy?" He asks slowly, looking at you in confusion.
"Leggy." You confirm with a nod with a distracted hum.
It isn't much later that you have everything you need, and so you go to the checkout and buy everything.
"Going to the convention?" The girl at the counter asks with a smile.
You smile back and nod your head, glancing up at Legolas before looking back at her, "That obvious?"
"No of course not, just the items in your basket always fly off the shelves around convention time." She replies with a giggle, ringing up all your items.
"Well, that's fair." You muse, putting your card into the reader to pay for it.
Once everything is in order she hands you your receipt and adds, "Maybe I'll see you there."
"Maybe!" You chirp back happily, liking the nice conversation going on here.
"You and your boyfriend have a good day now!"
You elect to ignore that.
On the way home you pretend to not notice the black car following yours and make small talk with the elf, answering some more of his questions and speaking idly on different things.
"There are so many odd, interesting things here..." He comments after a while, glancing out the back window. "Are you aware that, that car has been following us for the past 10 minutes?"
You nod and hum as an answer, "Mmhm, it's just Brian. He's probably trying to figure out who you are."
The blond knits his eyebrows together and glances back to look at the car again, "Should I do something about it?"
"The only thing you can do is ignore it. He went from lowercase 's' stalker to uppercase 's' since you guys arrived, and it'll only get worse if you intervene." You mumble, trying not to look in the rearview mirror at him. "It's fine."
"You don't seem to think it's fine." He challenges in the same even tone, turning in his seat towards you.
Instead of answering his question you look at him while you stop at a light and grumble, "I told you to put your seatbelt on."
"It's uncomfortable."
"I don't care."
"I will be fine."
"Not if we get into a crash, you won't."
The two of you stare each other down before he slowly reaches up and buckles his belt, never breaking eye-contact.
"Good boy." You coo in a way-too sweet voice.
"Anyways, I know we said as much before, but you needn't worry about that man while we're here." He continues despite your obvious subject change.
"I know." Your reply is softer and less defensive this time, for you really do appreciate it, "Thank you."
He looks surprised at your sudden gratitude, and his expression shows as much "For what?"
"For being you. For looking out for me. All of you."
This time he smiles and says no more.
When you both get back to your house you immediately put everything in your bathroom and get onto your laptop to view some techniques on theatrical and movie makeup, Pippin and Merry on either side of you while they view through the pictures and videos with you.
"That one looks interesting." Merry pipes up suddenly, pointing at a person to wolf makeup transformation.
"Yep, and way past anything I can do."
This pattern of going through pictures and viewing clips goes on for a little while until they two hobbits depart to have lunch, meanwhile you continue on so that tomorrow will be a success.
You're both excited and nervous at the same time, wanting to see how it'll all turn out but also dreading it incase something goes wrong.
You know the most important thing is to have a positive mindset about it, but it's kinda hard sometimes during your more anxious moments.
Also, there's the issue of Brian possibly following all of you...
Nah, that'll be a problem to think on for tomorrow.
"What time will we leave tomorrow?" Aragorn asks from his usual spot on the rocking chair, Penny still nestled in his lap as per usual.
"Around the morning. I bought the tickets already so we won't have to stand in line for too long... Hopefully."
"Thank you for working so hard so that we may see more of your world." He comments suddenly, stroking his hand down her fluffy back.
You tilt your head to the side and smile a bit, "You don't have to thank me."
"No, I do. You have seen to our every need and we no doubt pose to be a huge burden. Thank you, really."
His words make you flush slightly, and you look away shyly.
You've grown to care about all of them, so of course you would do anything to keep them comfortable at this point. More than anything you're just glad they see how much you're trying to make things easy on them. It feels nice being recognized for your efforts.
Plus, the added protection from Brian is pretty sweet.
"Anything for you guys."
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fandomnetworks · 4 years
Summary: As you’re getting used to your new apartment, our favorite DEA agents are assigned to check up on you from time to time. Only, one of the DEA agents is nicer than the other. 
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader
Word Count: 2K
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Carrillo knocked on the open door that led into your brother's office, the president's office. He stepped in without pausing for a reply, you lingering behind him.
Your brother sat behind his desk while two towering men hovered over him. One of them was a tall white man with a mustache, his left hand running through his air. The other man was tanner; a distinct mustache also cemented on top of his upper lip. The three seemed to be entertained with papers across the desk.
All three gazed towards the door. First, they saw Carrillo, his broad body obstructing your view. But then you pushed to the side, "Y/n!" Cesar stood up and dumped the papers that were in his hands. He passed Carrillo and gave you a lasting hug. In return, you hugged him but not as lovingly, irritated at him since he had you caged in like a bird.
Once he let go, he glanced back at both men who were staring at your interactions, "Muchahos, this is my sister, Y/n." Cesar made his way to his desk.
Both men acquainted themselves as Steve Murphy and Javier Peña. You noted that both men were handsome, but Steve had a band occupying his left ring finger.
"Hi," You timidly smiled at both men, feeling all eyes on you, "can I talk to you?" You directed Cesar, not knowing what else to say.
"First, I need to settle some things," He motioned for the four of you to take a seat in front of his desk.
Once settled, Cesar began his speech, "As we all know, Escobar's men have been abducting high ranking women for a while now. My sister is one of them." You rolled your eyes and achieved a chuckle from Murphy. "But now that Escobar is in prison, I think it time to loosen the chains."
You liked where this was going, "Wait, you're saying I ca-"
Your brother lifted his hand, trying to silence you, "I have made some arrangements, and with an empty apartment in the same building as these men. Noonan agreed that the two of you" he looked at the DEA agents, "should check up on Y/n from time to time."
His words were music to your ears.
Freedom to an extent, but it was still freedom.
Some rules were laid out, but it was nothing you couldn't manage. One of the main things that stuck out was that you couldn't go out in the evening unless Peña or Murphy took you or one of Carrillo's men.
Standing up, you went over to your brother's desk and hugged him, a little more festive than when you had first entered, whispering a heartfelt thank you.
In the interim, the other men stood up and discussed among themselves while you wrapped up your conversation with Cesar.
It had been a week since you relocated into the new apartment. It took approximately three full days to unpack and furnish your new home. Steve had been the only one to come check up on you every night before he went to his apartment to Connie. Connie had become a close friend of yours. Multiple times a day, you would both visit each others' apartments. The two of you would chat about life back in America, what you missed the most, and really just talking about anything. Her adoptive daughter, Olivia, had taken a liking to you as well; she'd give you her toys whenever you'd go over.
Tonight you knew for a fact that Connie and Steve were going out on a date, and Steve wouldn't be doing his daily routine to come check up on you.
You hadn't seen Peña since you last visited your brother, and you didn't expect him to be coming. You and Connie had gone earlier to get some sweet bread, but as the night rolled in, you noted there was no milk to go alongside.
No one would notice you left your house at 8, right?
You picked up your purse and keys and walked out of the building, only going to the convenience store down the store. You'd grab milk and some eggs for tomorrow's breakfast, and slip back into your apartment as if nothing happened.
You passed by a few stores and restaurants in order to reach the convenience store.
Javier Peña sat at a bar, drinking away his thoughts, a beautiful woman on his right. He and she knew well how the night would end. She would be in his bed by midnight and be gone before sunrise. He should be ashamed of these habits, but in reality, he found comfort when there were women in his bed. For just those few hours, there was nothing but the lucky lady and him.
Peña happened to look up towards the bar's entrance, see your face passing by, and your hair flowing behind you. He didn't think much as he stood up in a fury. He and Murphy did not just spend a whole week trying to keep you safe, only for you to break one of the only rules your brother put in place.
Peña laid some money on the bar and walked off, apologizing to the woman for the abrupt absence.
He silently followed behind you, making sure to make no noise. He noticed you were walking with a light step to your feet. The creamy silk blouse that wrapped around your back was loose as it swayed with the soft wind of the night. He was gaining ground, and now he was just a few feet behind you. You were oblivious to what was happening behind you, which only made Peña even more enraged.
He was three feet away...then two...he was just inches away now.
You felt someone push your body up against the brick wall, your face being slapped onto it, and your hand being twisted behind your back. A sharp yelp left your lips, and your heart didn't know how to handle the adrenaline. It was beating as fast as it ever had, and you felt like it would collapse at any minute.
"What are you doing out?" A gruff voice asked as he leaned against you. His face near your ear, giving you goosebumps. You could smell alcohol in his words.
You recognized the manly voice but from where?
"Answer." He tighten his grip on your forearm, waiting for a reply.
Then it hit you, "Peña?" You tried turning to look at his face, but only until he loosened his grip could you entirely turn and look at the man. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You shoved his chest to try and get some space between the two of you.
He was quiet, waiting for your reply to his previous question. His nostrils flared and his eyes fixated on you/ 
You huffed and walked away, not wanting to deal with the DEA agent.
Peña followed you silently, not uttering another word.
You passed a few more stores before reaching the desired one and walked in, Peña a few feet away. Going straight towards the refrigerators at the end of the store, you went to open the door, but Peña beat you to it. His body was brushing up against yours as he grabbed the handle, opening it for you.
"Uh, thank you." You reached for the milk, turned behind, and realized how much closer he was then you expected.
Due to the nervousness you felt being watched by Peña so closely, you forgot about the eggs and went straight to pay. You placed the pint of milk on the counter and pulled your purse towards you in order to pay but were surprised to see Peña pull his wallet faster and handed the change to the elderly lady.
"Mira que bonita pareja! (Look, what a lovely couple!)" The lady said, handing Peña the change.
"No seño, ni me gusta. (No ma'am, I don't even like him)" You tried laughing the awkwardness off and looked at Peña to see an emotionless stare looking back at you. He picked up the carton and thanked her before walking back to the apartment.
During the walk, Peña led in front of you, waiting for you often when your short steps couldn't catch up to his long strides. The walk was so silent; you swear you could hear the faint music of a party that was going on, on the other side of town.
In a few short minutes, you were back in the building and heading up the stairs. You expected Peña to depart to his apartment next to yours or go back to whatever hellhole he climbed out of. But to your astonishment, he remained behind you as you fumbled with the keys until you obtained the right one.
Once inside, Peña set the milk on the counter and looked at you. "You went out for some fucking milk?" He bombarded, letting what he had inside out. "You risked your life for fucking milk?" His long steps reached you, where you still stood at the doorway.
"Fuck off." You stepped to the side and walked into the kitchen.
"Y/n!" He grabbed your forearm for the second time that night. You hated to admit it, but his cologne alongside the sweat he had accumulated throughout the day gave off the best odor you have ever smelled your whole life. If it weren't for how rude he was, you would have leaned in closer to get a better smell.
You took a second to question your thoughts. You just admitted to yourself you would smell Peña. What the fuck were you? A dog? Maybe you should ask Carrillo to formally invite you to work alongside the canines during a raid.
Plus, you would not be thinking about him like that.
"Are you even listening to me?" You jogged your train of thought back to the present and saw a red-faced Peña standing in front of you.
"I wanted milk, sorry." Your sarcastic tone did not help ease Peña's anger. "Why the hell do you care so much, anyway?" Going to one of the cabinet's you got a cup and filled it with the milk.
He gave a heavy sigh and began to walk towards the door, "Just don't go out again, ok?"
You offered him a tight grin and watched his body retreat towards the door.
Just as he was about to leave, a voicemail on the receiver was left,
"Listen, little girl, next time you leave me waiting like you did tonight, I will kill you. Do you understand? I will fucking kill you."
You closed your eyes shut, hoping in God's name Peña was too far to overhear it.
"Who the fuck is that?" Peña came striding into the room again, his face fixated on anger, his jaw tighten as he waited for a reply. His eyes were tired but thoroughly scanning your face for any sign of distress or upsetness.
You opened your eyes and made eye contact with Peña, but soon looked down shamefully. You twirled the cup of milk in your hands, "He's someone I used to go to school with, back in la prepa. I thought I'd give him a second chance." You went digging inside the paper bag that contained the sweet bread. "Turns out, he's still a prick." You looked up to see his eyes trained on you, hoping you'd elaborate. 
For a few seconds, the two of you just stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
Breaking the silence, his first question was, "Does he know where you live?" His voice was laced with less anger this time.
"He knows where my last apartment was. I highly doubt he knows I'm here now."
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" There he goes, raising his voice for the millionth time that night.
"He's a nobody, that's why. He's just doing it for attention. We met up a few days ago, but I realized he's the same guy as before. He hasn't changed. When he asked me on another date, I felt bad to say no, so I agreed. But I never planned to go." You took your bread and milk in your hands and walked towards the dining table. "I guess I pushed the wrong buttons."
lmk if you want to be added to the list:
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grocery shopping | miya atsumu x reader
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request: Grocery shopping with Atsumu. You tell him to pick up some stuffs from the dairy counter(like cheese, milk, etc) but when you see him walking towards you, all he is holding is Family pack Ice creams in different flavours.💕😂 "But they were looking at me like 'pick us up', and so I did🥺", he explains. @nkogneatho
notes: hi dear, sorry this took so long, i was going to write headcannons or a drabble at most and then all sorts of funny ideas started popping up in my head. i included your req ofc but it’s not the main focus if that’s okay.
characters: pro vb player!miya atsumu x f!reader
genre/warnings: mostly crack tbh, fluff, very chaotic, y/n thinks she’s getting kidnapped and freaks, they take a ride on a grocery cart, y/n accidentally finds out her boss is a sugar mommy?,tsumu is a sweet boyfie
words: 1.5k
summary: you take atsumu with you on a shopping trip. chaos ensues.
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It probably would have been a smarter choice to pick a day when the supermarket was less busy, but the fridge was almost empty and in dire need of replenishing. Today marks Day 3 of you and Atsumu’s new diet, one that he needs since he’s starting an intense conditioning regimen. You decided to participate as well in order to support him, and to get into the habit of eating healthier yourself.
You leave Atsumu’s side to take a basket, but he beats you to it, wheeling out a shopping cart instead. You tilt your head in puzzlement. “Atsumu, we’re not going to buy that much food, we’ll never finish it all.” He takes your wrist in one hand and starts steering the cart with the other. “You’ll see”
You stop at the fresh produce section, tossing an assortment of fruit and veggies in your trolley as Atsumu perks up beside you, getting an idea. “____, let’s get steak today so I can cook for you.” You raise an eyebrow, skeptical of his abilities. And for good reason. “‘Tsumu, you tried to make me breakfast two weeks ago and I don’t think those eggs were even edible.” He puts a hand on his hip and fakes a pout. “Babe, have some faith in me. ‘Samu might be the chef of the family, but trust me on this, I promise I’m not going to poison you.” Despite still being slightly suspicious, you decide not to question him.
You grab a few salad kits for good measure then pull out your phone to tick off your grocery list. “Bread, check, energy bars, check, produce, check, salad mix, check…okay, I think all that’s left is meat and dairy, let’s go get your steak.” You glance up when he didn’t answer. “‘Tsumu?” Your boyfriend has disappeared and so has the grocery cart.
You look for him in the meat aisle. Nothing. You look in the next aisle. Nothing. You’re about to send him a text when you suddenly feel a pair of hands seize you by waist, taking you away from the secure ground beneath your feet. Your life flashes before your eyes. Headlines of “Missing person, last seen at XX Mart” fills your mind. No way is this happening right now. I am NOT getting abducted in broad daylight, in the middle of a crowded grocery store! I have to get help; I can’t go down without a fight.
You yelp while struggling in the hold of your attacker, furiously kicking at empty space. You see an old woman a little farther down the aisle. There’s hope. “Help! Somebod- ” you shriek in panic before a hand comes up to muffle your words. “____! Chill out, it’s me!” You still at the sound of your boyfriend. Too late. The elderly woman approaches you, swinging her cane and nearly whacks Atsumu in the shoulder. “Ma’am, ma’am! This is a misunderstanding, I’m her boyfriend,” he explains, fending her off. She slowly withdraws her cane and stares at you. “Is that true?” You meet her eyes, then mumble an affirmation, ducking your head shamefully. “Young women nowadays… back in my youth, I never would have dared to cause such a scene,” she tsks, glaring at you disapprovingly before she walks away. Oops.
Atsumu sets you down, eyeing you with furrowed brows. “____. Bro, what the fuck?” You can only smile sheepishly. “Sorry that I freaked out on you. I thought I was about to fall victim to human trafficking. But you know how scared I get when my mom sends me articles about girls getting kidnapped,” you point out, attempting to defend yourself. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I told you before, nothing will happen when you’re with me. Did you forget who you were? You’re ____, Miya Atsumu’s girl, and no one gets to mess with you.”
You instantly soften at his words but puff your cheeks out afterwards. “Hmph, well something could have happened just now, and it’d be all your fault for leaving me,” you accuse, pretending to sulk. He gestures at the security cameras. “There are cameras everywhere, not to mention this whole place is crawling with people. Besides, even if something were to happen, I would come for you. No one can touch Miya Atsumu’s girlfriend and get away with it.” He taps the handle of the cart. “Anyways, get in. This is why I insisted on taking this thing.”
“ You’re not serious. We’re too old for this, we can’t be doing things like riding shopping carts,” you reasoned. He rolls his eyes. “Bullshit, me and ‘Samu used to do this a lot and still do sometimes. And don’t lie to me, I know you want to, so get in before people come into aisle.” You bite your lip. He was right, so you don’t protest when he picks you up again and places you inside with your legs over the front. “Hold on tight.”
He puts one foot on the metal bar and pushes off the ground with the other, then hops on, propelling you forward, riding off the momentum. You clutch at the sides of the cart, feeling the air whip at your face, wind running through your hair. The two of you laugh in glee like children.
All was well until a woman’s back comes into view. Your eyes widen. “Baby, stop, we’re going to hit her!” He curses and immediately steps down, reducing the speed until the wheels squeak to a stop, just in time. You turn towards him to scold him. “I knew this was a bad idea; that was so dangerous! We could have hit this lady or even gotten hurt ourselves trying to avoid her!”
“Very fortunate that you didn’t, Miss ____,” says a voice. A very familiar voice. You twist your body back around, looking directly into the stern eyes of your manager. You take a moment, becoming conscious of your current state: hair disheveled, clothes in disarray, legs dangling over the edge of a shopping cart to top it all off. Is there a worse way to encounter your boss outside of work? You hastily straighten up. Well, straighten up the best you could in the situation. You smile nervously. “Ms. Wright! Wow, hi! What a coincidence seeing you here!” You notice a young man standing beside her. “Oh, I didn’t know you had a son. He’s really handsome, you must be proud,” you added. She purses her lips, clearly displeased. “Actually, Miss ____, he’s not my son, he’s my boyfriend. We have a busy agenda today. If there’s nothing else, I’ll see you at work on Monday.”
Your face turns white as you process what just happened. The atmosphere is silent. Atsumu starts to push the cart, waiting until you make it to another aisle before bursting into laughter. “Miya! That was so not funny. I can’t believe that happened. First, she sees me in this state. Then, I mistake her boyfriend for her son? I even called him handsome! Oh my god, it’s really over for me.”
“Calm down, she said to see you at work, it’s fine. Plus, it’s not your fault you didn���t know she was a cougar. That sugar baby must be living the lif- ” You gasp and reach up to cover his mouth before he says anything else. “Shush, Atsumu! What if she’s still around? Yeah, I’m definitely going to see her on Monday…so she can fire me!” you groan. “Just get me out of this stupid cart so we can finish buying what we need, I just want to go home so I can curl up and scream into the blankets.” He smirks. “Oh, you want to scream in bed? No problem, leave that to me.” You slap his arm, and he feigns hurt.
While at the cash register, you realize that you forgot a few items. “Shit, ‘Tsumu, I forgot the butter and yoghurt. Can you quickly go grab those?” He nods. “Wait here, I’ll be fast.” A couple minutes pass and you grow worried, watching the employee scan the last of your groceries.
You finally see your boyfriend return with his arms full. Except, what he’s carrying are massive pints of ice cream. You cross your arms. “Atsumu. What did I just say? This doesn’t look like butter and yoghurt.”
He peers at you with puppy eyes. “Babe, you can’t blame me. They were calling out to me and begging to be picked up! Besides, I got both your favourite flavour and mine. We need this for movie night.”
“What about the diet?”
“It’s not a big deal. Also, you seem like you need this after what happened. And I feel like I might have been responsible for some of it. Just a bit.”
You sigh and pay for the ice cream. He’s got a point. Guess you’ll have to make another trip to the store tomorrow.
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a/n: actually this is the first time i’m writing a crack fic, but i have crack hcs in my wips if anyone is curious! i’m not even sure if this is funny or nah lmaoo please let me know
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 15)
Chapter 15 - Almost there
Word count: 6.1k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hello! Chapter 15 is here, and I’ve written this chapter longer than I did before this ^^ Thank you for waiting everyone <3 Also, I’ll be starting my chapter 16 a.s.a.p. too so I hope you guys are interested to know what goes on later after this chapter :D 
(Practice Room / Treasure)
“Hands up, straight!” Jihoon reminded his younger members.
All of the members that were younger than Jihoon and Hyunsuk were given a punishment in which they have to sit up straight whilst raising their arms straight, pointing to the ceiling above.
“I don’t get it, hyung. Why are we getting punished too? We weren’t involved in this stalking mission anyways,” Haruto whined, his raspy voice making it sound more of like a complaint.
The rest of the boys who were sitting in the back, Asahi, Junkyu, Mashiho, Yoshi and including Haruto himself started talking and whining all at once, making it almost impossible to identify what they were all trying to say.
Not to mention, it made the practice room noisier than it was before.
Jihoon raised his hand, signalling them to quiet down.
“Now, you boys in the back weren’t involved, sure. But you guys should’ve been more alert as well! I mean, did you guys not notice your friends acting fishy earlier today??”
“No…” Yoshi answered Jihoon’s question.
“Weren’t they all regularly fishy at all times?” Haruto asked back.
“Yeah, hyung. To be fair, we’re all weirdos here,” Mashiho added.
“Hey, hey,” Hyunsuk interrupted them. “Who said we’re weird?? We’re unique, okay”
“Didn’t y/n call us weird that one time though hyung?” Jihoon asked him back.
“Oh. Well then in that case, maybe we are weird huh,”
“Wait a minute, are you all trying to distract me?” Jihoon asked the rest of his dongsaengs who were sitting on the floor in front of him, with their hands resting by their sides by now.
“Woops,” Doyoung snickered.
“Hands up! Raise them high and straight!” Jihoon ordered them.
They all started groaning and complaining again, since their arms were tired from the punishment Jihoon gave them for the past 15 minutes.
 Fast forward to Friday, you were getting a hang of working in the YGE Building. You have already figured out your way to your preferred restroom, you have your own lunch spot which was the balcony, and you were fairly familiar where the other facilities are since you were frequently asked to run errands here and there regardless of which floor.
“Y/n, before you leave, can you help take out the trash?” Bomin asked you, his finger pointing at the bin by the door whilst his eyes were still busy reading the document Soomin was showing him.
You shut your notebook slowly and looked at Soomin, who was also looking at you questioningly.
You were about to say okay when Soomin suddenly spoke up, “Hm? Why are you asking Y/n to take it out? Can’t you ask one of your own staff??”
Bomin placed the document in his hand down onto the table and smiled at his friend. “Come on Soomin, it’s just taking the trash out. Besides, she doesn’t have much task to do in your team.”
You felt a pang of hurt when he mentioned that. But it was true, ever since you entered the team, you haven’t received any serious tasks to be done. Everyone else had their own specific roles in the team and to be honest, you felt a little out of place knowing that your tasks were mostly small errands like printing and sending the documents out throughout the week.
“Well, y/n helped us a lot too!” Soomin defended you.
Bomin grinned at her, “Aw come on, don’t be too worked up about this. I know she’s new to your team anyways. I just wanted to—”
“It’s fine,” you interrupted the both of them.
Both Bomin and Soomin turned to look at you.
“I’m heading out anyways,” you smiled at them. “I’ll take the trash out and just head back home,”
Soomin glanced over at her watch. “Oh? Omg yeah, I almost forgot we finish work at noon on Fridays! Thanks for the reminder, y/n,” she winked at you.
You grinned at her and got up from your chair, packing up your stuff into your tote bag.
“Oh wait, Y/n!”
“Yes, Soomin?”
“You don’t want to have lunch with us before you leave?”
“Ahh,” you looked at her and the rest of your team in the room who were busy chatting with one another.
“It’s fine, I’ll just head home,” you said to her, giving her an apologetic smile.
“Sure, it’s fine,” she smiled back at you. “Take care, okay? I’ll see you on Monday?”
You nodded at her, “Yup, see you on Monday!”
With that, you picked up your bag and head towards the door of the meeting room. You picked up the trash bag from the bin beside the door and left the room.
 You threw the trash bag into the larger bin at the end of the floor and entered the restroom to wash your hands for a while.
While you were drying your hands, you felt your phone buzzing from your bag.
Taking out your phone, you read the name on the screen. Chani. You answered the phonecall.
 Phonecall conversation (Y/n and Chani):
Chani: Y/n! Where are you?? Really?? I went to the restroom for a while and you just left me like that??
Y/n: Oh my god Chani, don’t make me sound that bad.  
Chani: Where are you?
Y/n: I took out the trash just now. I’m heading home now.
Chani: What? Why? Are you sick??
Y/n: Gosh, you need to chill. I’m fine, Chani haha. I finish work at noon on Fridays, just so you know.
Chani: So…does this mean I’ll be having lunch all alone today…
Y/n: (rolls eyes) Oh my god, you have other friends too. Remember what you told me? Everybody loves Chani.
Chani: (sighs) okay fine. I’ll see you next week then?
Y/n: Yup. Okay then, go and have lunch! Byee!
-End call-
 You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror before leaving the restroom.
You were walking out of the restroom when you met Junghwan who was passing by.
Junghwan stopped walking when he saw you.
“Noona!” He greeted you cheerfully. He hurriedly approached you.
You smiled at him. “Junghwan.”
“Where are you going noona?”
“I’m about to head home. I get off work early on Fridays, remember?” you reminded him.
“Ahh, that’s right,” he scratched his head.
“Well, I’m going off now. It was nice seeing you. I need to make a quick stop at the convenience store out front too,” you said, referring to the convenience store you frequently visited which was opposite the YG Building itself.
You were about to walk away when Junghwan stopped you.
“Wait, noona!”
“Hm? What’s wrong, Junghwan?”
“Uhh, convenience store? W-we uh, have one here,” he started stuttering now that you were making direct eye contact with him.
You looked at him questioningly. “Ohh…Okay?”
“I mean—” Junghwan looked around. “Okay, come with me,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you along with him.
“Whoa, wait, slow down Junghwan!” you said, trying to keep up with his steps.
 (GS25 Mart / YGE Building)
“Hyung, you’re getting that buttercream bread again today?” Haruto asked Jeongwoo who was at the bread aisle.
“Yup, it’s surprisingly good. You want one?” Jeongwoo asked him back.
Haruto turned to look at Jeongwoo before nodding at his hyung. “Sure,”
Haruto stood at the drinks aisle, still thinking of what drink to buy for lunch today. His hand reached out to his usual pick, cola, but then he moved his hand slightly to the grape juice on his left.
“Oh? That’s unusual.” A voice startled him. Haruto turned to look at the voice that surprised him.
Junkyu blinked curiously at him.
“W-what is it, hyung? Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Nothing, it’s just that, you’re getting grape juice??” Junkyu asked in disbelief.
“Whoa! What did you say?” Jeongwoo’s head popped up from behind the shelf near them.
Haruto blushed, “What?? I was just looking at it! I wasn’t really going to buy it!” he said, defending himself.
Junkyu lets out a laugh at his friend. “I was just kidding—”
“Here, here! Isn’t it cool?!” Junghwan’s excited voice boomed throughout the store in all of a sudden.
“Yah, So Junghwan, what are you being so loud for—” Jeongwoo stopped when he saw you and Junghwan outside the store. “Oh? Hey!” Jeongwoo hurriedly ran towards the both of you.
You nod and smiled at Jeongwoo as you saw him approaching you.
“What are you doing here, y/n? You here to buy some lunch?” Jeongwoo asked you.
“Ahh, I was actually heading towards the convenience store outside…” you said.
“Oh?” Jeongwoo said, surprised that you were here instead. Then he saw how Junghwan’s hand was still holding onto your arm.
Jeongwoo raised an eyebrow at the both of you. “So…Junghwan brought you here?”
You smiled apologetically and nodded at him.
Junghwan immediately lets go of your arm, “H-hey, I was just bringing her here since we have a convenience store here too!”
“Uh huh, sure,” he smirked at the maknae.
Your eyes looked around the outer part of the store and you felt amazed now that you were standing right in front of it.
“Wait, this store!” You ran to the front and pointed at the signage of the store.
“It’s the same store from that K-Drama, right?!” You fangirled excitedly.
Junghwan and Jeongwoo looked at you confusedly.
“Which drama, noona?”
“That oneeeee. The one with that Ji Chang Wook guy!”
Junghwan scratched the back of his head. “Maybe I should ask Yoshi-hyung if he knows that one, I haven’t watched many dramas,”
You took out your phone and posed for a selca with the smaller sign on the entrance of the store.
Jeongwoo shook his head at you. He turned to the maknae beside him, “You getting anything here?”
Junghwan blinked a couple times before patting his pockets. His face showed as if he just realised something and he turned back to his hyung, face in shock.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Hyung…I left my wallet in the practice room…”
“Aish, don’t worry about that! I can pay for you too,” Jeongwoo said as he ruffled the maknae’s hair.
Junghwan grinned at his hyung. “Okay! I have a few things I want!”
“Hey, hey, I said I could pay, I don’t mean I’m buying you the whole store Junghwan-aa” Jeongwoo laughed.
Suddenly, another familiar voice called out to the both of the maknaes as they were about to enter the store again.
“Hey guys!”
Both of them turned around to see…
Chani skipping cheerfully towards them. He waved at them once he noticed they were looking at him.
“Hyung! Hi! What brings you here?” Jeongwoo greeted him.
Chani smiled at them, stopping right in front of both the maknaes. “I’m on my way to lunch, but I wasn’t in the mood to eat anything from the cafeteria,” he told them.
“Ahh. Oh? Are you going to have lunch at the balcony again today, hyung?” Jeongwoo asked since he knew how Chani was always having lunch with you at the balcony.
Chani shook his head, “Nah, y/n went home already. She told me she only works half-day on Fridays so,”
Junghwan and Jeongwoo looked at each other.
“So, you both buying lunch here too?” Chani asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Jeongwoo answered.
“Ah, you guys eating in the cafeteria today?”
“Oh, no. We need to catch up with practice so Hyunsuk and Jihoon hyung told us to just grab something and eat in the practice room,”
“Ahh, I see. Well,” Chani shrugged. “I wish y/n was here though. I don’t think I’ve brought her to this store yet. Oh well. Let’s go inside and buy some food together!” Chani said happily to the both of them.
Suddenly, Junghwan felt panicked. Instead of following Chani whom was heading towards the store, Junghwan immediately yelled, “OH? NOONA!”
Hearing this, Chani and Jeongwoo immediately turned around to look at Junghwan.
“S-sorry, I thought I saw Y/n-noona up there just now,”
“Oh? That’s impossible, she told me she was heading home just now,” Chani said as he took out his phone from his pocket.
Jeongwoo looked at his dongsaeng, confused as to what Junghwan was doing.
“She’s not answering her phone,” Chani sighed after he failed to call you. “She must’ve put it on silent again,”
“Well, I’ll get going. See you all next time!” Chani said as he was about to leave the both of them.
“Hyung! You’re not buying food here?” Jeongwoo pointed at the store.
“Nah, I want to go check if y/n is up there. I’m gonna give her an earful of nagging for leaving without saying goodbye to me,” he complained. With that he waved goodbye at the maknaes and ran off towards the escalators heading up.
Jeongwoo shook his head and clicked his tongue, “Tsk tsk Junghwan-aa. Look at you,” he smirked at the maknae.
“I panicked! I’m sorry,” he said, meaning it too. “When he said y/n-noona went home, the only thought that crossed my head was that if he saw noona in the store, he might have dragged noona out to have lunch with him,”
Jeongwoo nodded, understanding why Junghwan did what he did.
“I mean, he gets to work with y/n-noona every day, he has lunch with her every day, and well, since noona is here today, I figured it’s only fair if I wanted to make sure we were the ones that get to have lunch with her this time,” he continued.
“Aigoo, you don’t have to get emotional about this,” Jeongwoo ruffled the kid’s hair. “I understand,” he said softly.
“Let’s get inside and grab lunch so that we can head back to the practice room soon, okay?” Jeongwoo added as he wraps an arm around Junghwan’s shoulder.
 After taking selcas at the front entrance of the convenience store, you excitedly entered the store and started scanning through the shelves to see the types of snacks and food sold there.
Now, because you were quick enough to enter the store without the maknaes realising it, you had no idea about what went on outside the store when Chani and the maknaes met.
Oblivious and excited about being in the store, you didn’t realise there was another guy on the same aisle as you until he walked up towards you.
You turned to look and realised it was none other than Haruto, holding a bottle of grape juice in his hand.
“Hi Haruto!” You smiled at him.
“What are you doing here alone?”
“Junghwan brought me here,” you grinned. “I just got off work and we bumped into each other in the hallways. I was actually on my way to the convenience store outside, but your little brother out there brought me here instead,”
Haruto chuckled at your explanation. “Makes sense of him to bring you here. This store is good too. They sell good stuff here,”
You looked around you. “I can agree to that.”
“So, what are you getting?”
You eyed the grape juice in his hand. “I might get one of that,” you pointed at it, making Haruto blush when he noticed you wanting to get the same drink as him.
“And a ramen cup I guess?” You added. “It’s Friday anyways,”
Haruto nodded at you even though he had no idea how Fridays and ramen cups are related to one another.
You hurried towards the shelf that were filled with different types of cup and bowl noodles. You eyed every single one of them and picked up a few, wanting to read them closely since there were a few that you’ve never seen before.
“What kind of ramen do you like, y/n?” Haruto’s voice appeared again beside you.
You put back some of the cup noodles onto the shelf, leaving one in your hand.
“I like the ones that are not too spicy? Something with a broth or soupy too,” you answered him, your eyes still scanning the shelf.
You knelt down to look at the lower shelf and Haruto knelt down along with you, wanting to see what you were looking at.
You grabbed another ramen bowl from the bottom shelf and held it in your hands along with the one you had earlier.
“Which one is better, Ruto?” You turned to look at him.
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“Among these two kimchi ramen bowls. Which is better?”
Haruto looked at the bowls in your hands. He pointed at the one in your left hand. “This one has a nice sour kick to it, if you like the plain kimchi flavour,”
You nodded at his choice. “Okay, thank you for your suggestion,” you smiled.
You put back the noodle bowl that Haruto chose and decided to choose the one you picked from the top shelf earlier.
As you stood up, Haruto said, “Hey! What’s the point of you asking if you’re not gonna choose my pick?”
“Ah,” You looked at him, your chin slightly raising since you had to raise your head slightly to meet his eyes.
“I wanted to try this one instead,” you said as you showed the bowl in your hand again.
“But! That grape juice you’re holding looks good! Is it nice?” You asked, noticing he was confused with what you did earlier.
Haruto looked at the drink in his hand and then he looked at you who was eagerly waiting for his answer. “It’s actually my first time trying it,” he said, a little shy with his confession.
“Cool! I trust your taste, so I’ll get one too,” you said cheerfully.
Haruto smiled at you as he hears your praise on his taste.
“Ruto-yaa where are you? Help me here!” Another voice said on the other side of the shelves you and Haruto were standing at.
“I’m still here, hyung! What happened there?” Haruto answered as he walked towards the direction of the voice.
You followed behind him and saw Junkyu standing in front of the chiller, his hands on the handle.
“How did you open this chiller door? I’ve been trying for the past 5 minutes and it won’t open,” he whined, not noticing Haruto and you were directly behind him by now.
“Agh! Aigoo, this door!” Junkyu complained as he lets go of the handle.
“Aigoo hyung, it was fine before, how did it get stuck now?” Haruto asked him. He hands over his drink to Junkyu, asking him to move aside so that he could try pulling the door open this time.
You watched as the two guys in front of you struggle to open the chiller door.
“Uh, do you guys need help?” You asked, making Junkyu jump slightly, startled that you were there watching them the whole time.
“Y/n? When did you get here??”
“I…I’ve been here for a while now, I guess,”
Haruto smirked at you, “Pfft y/n, there’s no way you can open this. Even Junkyu-hyung struggled,”
“Heyy, I’ll have you know, I’m good at opening jar lids so, it’s probably the same, no?”
With that, you shoved your ramen bowl into Haruto’s hands and stepped up in front of the chiller door, with Junkyu beside you.
“Hyung? Y/n? You guys still here?” You heard Junghwan asking as both him and Jeongwoo stepped into the store after their moment with Chani earlier.
“We’re in the back here!” Haruto called out to them.
You huffed as you tugged on the door handle, one, two, you counted in your head.
Junkyu tilt his head slightly, feeling like it’s ridiculous to see you struggling to open the chiller door now.
“H-hey, let me try again. You might get hurt,” Junkyu said, his hand reaching to hold onto the handles again.
“No, I got this,” you said confidently.
Junkyu rolled his eyes and handed Haruto his drink back. He placed his hands slightly above yours, making it only 2cm close enough to touch your hands and he started pulling the handle as well.
“What’s going on here?” Jeongwoo said as he showed up behind you all.
“These both are competing to see who is stronger at opening that chiller door,” Haruto answered with a shrug.
“Hey, we’re not competing!” Junkyu said.
“Yeah, we just want to get this thing to open so I can get myself a grape juice too!” You added.
The both of you tugged harder this one time and as if luck was on your side, the door opened up.
But because the both of you had tugged too hard on the handle, the moment the door opened, Junkyu lost balance and lost his grip on the handles, making you the only person holding onto it as the door swings open quickly.
“Whoa, did you guys hear that? What’s that loud noise?” Junghwan said, showing up behind Jeongwoo. His hand was holding onto a pack of gimbap.
Junghwan looked around and noticed that all of his hyungs’ eyes were on you, all looking shocked.
“What? What’s going on??” Junghwan asked again, not understanding what was going on.
“Y-y/n…a-are you okay?” Jeongwoo asked.
Haruto and Junkyu stayed silent, too shocked to even say anything.
You blinked a couple times, noticing your hands were still holding onto the chiller’s door handle. You also noticed a sharp pain on one side of your forehead.
That’s when you noticed that the edge of the chiller door was rested against your forehead. The part where your forehead was hurting.
You let go of the handle, making the door slowly closing back.
“Y/n?? Can you hear me??” Jeongwoo asked again, since you still hadn’t responded to him.
You felt your forehead sting in pain again, now that it’s exposed to the cold air in the store. You backed yourself against the side of the chiller, supporting yourself so you wouldn’t fall.
“It’s not bleeding, right?” You ask, your voice a little softer than usual.
Haruto, Jeongwoo and Junkyu all shook their heads, except for Junghwan who still didn’t know what happened.
You blinked a couple times again, making sure that you could still stand up straight.
“Well then, I guess everything’s okay then!” You tried your best to sound cheerful.
“You sure you okay?” Haruto asked this time.
You nodded several times, convincing them all that you were fine.
“I’m good! Now, get me a bottle of that grape juice too,” you said with a smile.
 (YGE Building / Treasure’s Practice Room)
Half of the Treasure members were in the practice room when you entered with the gang that were with you from the convenience store earlier.
Hyunsuk, who was sitting beside Mashiho, tilted his head when he saw you entering.
“Oh? You guys are back…. with…who’s that?” he asked, not being able to recognise you.
You were wearing Junghwan’s cap which covered most of your face (you purposely pulled it down) especially since after the incident in the convenience store the boys said they could see a bump forming on your head. Not to mention, you were dressed casually too (casual Fridays; what your company call it), wearing a dark blue hoodie paired with black jeans and your sneakers.
You pushed the cap on your head a little to the back to reveal your face. “Hi! Your boys forced me to have lunch with you guys here,” you smiled as you said this.
“Y/n!” Hyunsuk stood up excitedly and went up to you, hugging you as soon as he reached where you stood.
“I’m not sure if me being here is legal, but yeah, I originally wanted to head back home after having some ramen at the store outside,” you explained.
Hyunsuk grinned happily, feeling glad that after not meeting you for days, he could finally see you again.
“Oh wait, if you’re here,” Hyunsuk looked over behind you and his other members who were with you. “Is Chani here too?” he asked, knowing that ever since your team started working in their building, Chani has been your companion every time and everywhere.
“Aish, hyung! Don’t mention his name here, he might really show up!” Junghwan said in a loud whisper to his hyung.
“Ahh, sorry sorry,” Hyunsuk apologised, understanding why his maknae said that. “Come here, y/n! Let’s sit with the rest!” He said as he pulled your hand to go to the center of the room where the rest were sitting at.
“Wow, the moment he sees Y/n he literally forgot about us,” Haruto chuckled. “It’s almost like we were never here,” he added, jokingly.
Jeongwoo laughed at this. “As usual, Hyunsuk-hyung gets easily attached to people he likes I guess,” with that, Jeongwoo left to go and sit with you and the rest of the members.
Junkyu rolled his eyes after hearing both of what his dongsaengs said.
 “Ahh there they are!” Hyunsuk said as soon he sees Jihoon and Yoshi entering the practice room with a paper bag in their hands.
It had been only 15 minutes since you arrived in the practice room and while waiting for both of them, you had been chatting with Hyunsuk about your work.
You turned your head to look at the both who just arrived and smiled at them, letting them know that you notice them coming in too.
“Oh? Hello there, Y/n…with a cap? That’s a first!” Jihoon exclaimed when he sees you.
Yoshi bowed slightly at you and smiled as he greeted you.
All of them including you sat down on the floor, all in a scattered manner since the practice room was wide, unlike your cramped living room at home.
The one sitting nearby you were Hyunsuk, Yoshi and Junghwan.
Junghwan handed over your ramen bowl that you bought with him and the ones who were at the convenience store downstairs. You thanked him and tore the lid off.
“Oh? I forgot to get myself some hot water,” you said.
“Aish, noona. We got you covered,” Junghwan said to you. He got up and pulled out a flask of hot water from his bag, passing it to you once he sat back down.
“Wow, you bring hot water to practice every day?” You asked, impressed.
“Ah, Doyoung-hyung and I bring a flask each every day in case we’re too lazy to go get some from the cafeteria,”
“Huh, nice of you both,” you praised as you poured the hot water into your ramen bowl, covering it back with the lid once you’re done. You hand over Junghwan his flask back and thanked him.
You looked around you and see all of them eating their own food they bought, all immersed in their own thoughts, some talking to one another and laughing while eating.
You were waiting for your noodle to soften so you decided to tie up your hair into a low bun while waiting. Pulling your headband from your wrist, you tied up your hair into a messy low bun, struggling a little since the cap on your head was sort of making it hard for you to do so.
The cap on your head slipped forward, covering your eyes while you were tying your hair, and Hyunsuk noticed this.
“Aigoo, this cap is kinda big on you, no?” he said with a grin.
You smiled at him and finished up bunning up your hair.
Hyunsuk helped push the cap back to make sure you were able to at least look at your food and without realising it, he accidentally touched the bump on your forehead.
“Ah,” you winced softly. You backed your head away from Hyunsuk’s hand and held onto the cap, directly on the spot of your bump.
“Why, what’s wrong y/n?” Hyunsuk asked when he sees you looking uncomfortable.
“Oh nothing, nothing,” you tried to look away from him and ignored the sting on your forehead. Fixing the cap properly (enough for you to hide the bump and see your food in front of you), you grabbed your chopsticks and took off the lid of your noodle bowl.
You stirred your noodles and began eating it.
“Mmm, so good,” you said happily.
Hyunsuk smiled watching you eat beside him. He reached out his hand and pats your head, which earned another wince from you, since you felt the sting on your head intensify.
This time, your wince was loud enough for Junghwan to hear you. He turned around, a worried look on his face.
He set down his food onto the floor and scooted towards you. “Noona?”
You held onto the spot where your bump is hidden and you lowered your head, holding in the pain that was literally throbbing by now.
“Y/n?” Hyunsuk called out to you, worried as well now that he noticed Junghwan’s expression.
You blinked a couple times and took deep breaths to hold in the pain on your forehead.
You shook your head and forced a smile at the both of them. “I’m good, just a little sting in the head,”
“Really? You looked like you were very much in pain earlier,” Hyunsuk said, his frown visible on his face, not being able to shake his worry towards you. He clearly heard you wince not once, but twice.
You nodded profusely, you even grabbed your ramen bowl and started eating it back just so you could convince them not to worry about you.
“Noona…it still hurts, huh?” Junghwan said to you.
“Hm? What, what happened?” Hyunsuk asked him.
You chewed on your noodles, ignoring the both of them.
Seeing that you wouldn’t be honest with him, Junghwan pulled his cap off your head.
The sudden cold breeze hitting your forehead made you lift your head, your eyes meeting his.
Junghwan’s eyes widened though the moment he pulled his cap away from you.
“N-noona, your head…”
You pushed the stray strands of your hair away from your face, wondering why he looked so surprised at you. “What? What is it?”
Hyunsuk immediately pulled you to face him, “Oh my god! Y/n!” he exclaimed rather loudly.
Yoshi, who was beside you immediately put down his ipad that he was watching while eating and scrambled over to Hyunsuk’s side. “Oh my god, Y/n!” He said in shock as well.
You frowned at your friends. “What? Oh my god, what’s going on??”
“What’s going on over there?” You heard Jihoon’s voice asking from the other side of the room.
You turned your head to look at him and immediately everyone else on his side gasped out loud.
“Y-yah! Y/n! What happened to your head?!” He screamed in shock.
“What is it?? Is my head bleeding??” you asked back, your eyes tearing up.
You tried to touch the bump on your head but the moment your fingers grazed against it you felt a sharp pain, “Ouch,” You clenched your fist to hold yourself from screaming.
“No, don’t touch it, noona!” Junghwan said as he grabbed your hand.
“It’s bad…” Haruto breathed out as he stared at you.
“What happened to Y/n??” Jihoon asked again, this time, his voice a little louder.
“N-noona hit her head against the edge of the chiller door downstairs…” Junghwan stammered.
“What?!” Hyunsuk said, louder this time too.
“Guys omg, it’s just a small bump, let’s not make a big deal about it” you said.
“No, no, Y/n. It’s not a small bump like the one we saw earlier…” Jeongwoo explained to you.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What? Then it’s a big bump??”
SNAP! The sound of a camera clicked. Everyone turned to see Asahi holding up his phone.
He walked up towards you and showed a picture of you, a frown on your face—and there it was, on your forehead—the small bump you remembered from before had grown bluish-black, making it seem like your forehead was rotting.
“OH MY GOD!” You screamed. “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??”
“That’s…your forehead, y/n,” Asahi stated matter-of-factly.
Your eyes were tearing up. “Why is the colour so dark??”
“You must have hit your head so hard…” Hyunsuk said.
“Yah! What are you all doing just standing there?? Get something cold to calm the bruise on her head!” Jihoon said.
Yoshi hurriedly grabbed his cold canned drink that he hasn’t opened yet. Without thinking much, he immediately pressed it against your bruise, making you wince in pain because of the sudden contact against your throbbing head.
“Hyung! Don’t do it like that! Do it slowly!” Yedam called out to him.
At this rate, the whole group was gathering around you, worried looks on their faces as they watched Yoshi calming your bruise, trying to make it no longer swell whereas Hyunsuk and Junghwan kept calming you down every time they see your face showing any discomfort.
“Shh shh, it’s okay, it’ll be less bruised later, okay?” Hyunsuk whispered to you as he stroked your head.
“Noona, it’s okay, it’ll be less painful later,” Junghwan said as well, his hands holding yours.
Junkyu watched as everyone was focusing on you now, even himself too. He felt slightly guilty for not being able to contribute anything to make you feel better, so he just sat and watched over you with the others.
 (Evening / Dorm 1 – Hyunsuk, Yoshi, Junkyu, Haruto)
“I’m home!” Haruto called out as he entered their house even though there was nobody at home.
“Welcome home!” Yoshi replied, as he entered the main door beside his dongsaeng.
Haruto giggled at this and moved to the side to let everyone else enter as he bowed down to take off his shoes.
“Aaahhh home sweet home!” Haruto chanted as he raced towards the living room, jumping onto the sofa, letting his body rest after a good amount of dance practice with his group today.
“Aigoo Ruto-yaa, you better go wash up first before you fall asleep on the sofa,” Junkyu nagged at him when he passed by the living room.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, I’ll shower up in a bit”
Hyunsuk entered the living room, his face clearly distracted.
“Hyung, everything alright?” Yoshi asked when he saw Hyunsuk’s expression.
“I don’t know…I just feel so worried about Y/n.”
“Ahh hyung, don’t worry too much. Her bruise wasn’t as dark as before too, and she said she was fine too when she left us after lunch. She was even smiling too,”
Hyunsuk shook his head. “How did she even hurt herself like that? She’s only worked in our building for a week and she already got herself into an accident like that. Imagine working there for a month, what else would happen to her?”
Yoshi walked up towards his hyung and pats his back. “Don’t worry, hyung. Y/n wouldn’t like it if we worry about her like this too,”
Haruto, who was listening to the whole conversation, scooted himself to sit up properly on the sofa. “Hyung-ah, do you think she’s doing okay right now? I mean, I feel like y/n might be the kind of person who wouldn’t be entirely honest if she’s feeling pain…Even when she got hit by the chiller door, she laughed it off and said she was fine. She even hid the fact that she was hurt by the bruise to the point when we found out it was already black and swollen badly,”
Hyunsuk nodded, understanding what Haruto was trying to say.
Suddenly, an idea came up to his head. “Do you guys want to have dinner with y/n? We can order takeout and watch a movie at her place. At the same time we can watch over her bruise too,” Hyunsuk said to his dongsaengs.
Yoshi and Haruto exchanged looks with one another. They knew that Hyunsuk was worried about you, because he really cares about you, but they weren’t too sure if bothering you tonight would be a good idea.
“Or, hyung, we could just invite her over for lunch tomorrow? She might want to rest up tonight,” Yoshi suggested.
“Oh? But y/n has never been to our place. Will that be okay, though?” Haruto asked.
“I don’t see why it wouldn’t be okay, as long as everyone in this dorm consents to it, it should be okay, no?”
Hyunsuk nods his head at this idea. His eyes glanced over at Junkyu’s room.
“Junkyu-aa! Junkyu, come over here!” he called out.
Junkyu walked out of his room, his hair slightly dishevelled, obviously he was laying down in bed earlier. “Yes, hyung?”
“We’re having lunch with y/n tomorrow, you cool with that?”
Junkyu shrugged, not understanding why Hyunsuk has to ask him. He would’ve just followed the rest of them without any complaints.
“Okay, I guess.”
“Okay, good. I’ll bring her over here tomorrow,” Hyunsuk said happily. Yoshi and Haruto too, smiled at their plan for tomorrow.
Junkyu was about to leave for his room back when he processed what Hyunsuk said earlier.
His eyes widened and he turned around to look at his dormmates again, “Wait, what?? You’re bringing Y/n over to our dorm??”
 To be continued…
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sasa-gay-yo · 4 years
Just Us (Chapter Eleven: Break Up)
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← Chapter Ten
“A little higher, yes, right there! Now to the left, put the nail right below that truss. Perfect! I’ll hand you the sign.” I reached down and picked up the newly polished piece of wood with the cafe’s name on it in a fresh coat of paint for the year-end opening. 
Jonas took it in his hands and hung it up on the new wooden post. This time, it would hang off over the street so that people could see where we were. Before, the sign was nailed next to the door and was now fading drastically. While I kept the old sign there for memories, the new sign was a fresh red color and had been sealed by the carpenter to make sure it lasted longer than the last one. It was something I had meant to do for years, but never got around to it. Now that I was just sitting and making bread for the refugees, I had time to design the shape and font I wanted. The sign was a light wooden rectangle with dark, red cursive lettering and had another small circular sign with a cup of tea attached to it, indicating we were a café. 
“It looks nice, Eva. You picked a good wood to contrast the letters,” Ben marveled up at it as Jonas came down from his ladder. Whenever I had added or changed something about the café, I asked Ben his thoughts about it, seeing he was the only one, second to me, who cared the most about it. When I went to him saying I was buying a new sign, he rejoiced. 
Jonas shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up at it too. He couldn’t grasp why this was such a monumental change to Ben and I who had to fight Mr. Flynn to even make a sign in the first place. There weren’t many visitors to Trost when he had built the café, but when we came along, things were changing and he hated it. The first time Catrin gave out fresh squeezed juice, he grumbled about it for weeks saying a café should just have bread and coffee. It was funny, but if we left Mr. Flynn alone with his precious café, he would have ran it into the ground.
“You think he hates it?” I looked up to Ben and he nodded and mirrored Jonas’s stance. There was almost some undertone of weirdness being friends with Jonas because when he hit puberty, he morphed into a younger version of Ben. It was also a bit awkward that the mirror image of my brother still had feelings for me. Maybe that was one of the reasons I didn’t see Jonas as someone other than my best friend or another brother. They looked too similar.
“Most definitely. The old man is rolling in his grave right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if a strong winter wind knocked it down.” We stood there for a few, marveling at the sign as the sun went down. Jonas was the first one to whine it was too cold and we took that as a sign to go back into the café. I still had to clean up and get ready for opening tomorrow. Ben and Jonas had promised to help me run the café tomorrow to hold off the rush of people coming. 
When I took out an add in the paper to announce my holiday hours, people had flocked to my door, there to confirm if the newspaper was right. When I told them I was, in fact, opening back for year-end only, people were already trying to put in orders. I think the people of Trost wanted normal back, and my café would give them some of it. 
“So the Garrison just dropped you like that? Without any warning?” Jonas swept some dirt into the dust pan. 
“It wasn’t like, out of the blue. I knew it was coming. They have nothing to give me for pay and I demanded pay. I would have done it for a few more weeks as well, just for the refugee’s sake, but with the allotted flour for year-end, I just couldn’t continue without them giving me their stores. I wish they did it a little after year-end though so I could have brought pastries to the refugees. Maybe next year will be a better harvest.” Ben looked up from the book he was reading and moved his feet so Jonas could sweep under them. Jonas mumbled something under his breath about his father not doing anything, but he left it unnoticed. 
“Could you just show up with some things? Maybe you could make enough to give the children?” Ben had also worked closely with the refugees, trying to help outsource jobs and employment opportunities for them when people still trusted them. By now, no one would take in refugees for work. 
“No, they aren’t letting any outsiders into the stockyards now. That might be another reason I can’t make bread anymore. I have no idea why they’re doing that, and I hope it’s not another isolation policy because Trost citizens are complaining again. I even asked a person in the Garrison who likes me, and he said he couldn’t say.” Jonas, again, grumbled something under his breath, probably about the refugees, and I threw a rag at his head. 
“You are almost thirty years old and have no regard for other human lives. Tch!” He threw the rag back at me a little harder and glared. Ben just looked on, smirking at the two kids he was used to bickering back and forth. Ben had said the first day he introduced Jonas to me, he knew we’d be best friends and perfect enemies.
“Well, we always seem to forget that two refugees attacked you and that our food supply is little to none because we have to give half of it to them. It’s not just Trost either, Aunt Catrin told us that Stohess is also struggling with the weight of a whole district. We’ll be starved by next spring, the titans won’t even want to eat us!” I put down my rag and just sighed, glaring at him as he swept quickly, wanting to get out of the café. Jonas had broken up with his third girlfriend of the year and he wasn’t in the mood to have a heated argument session with the girl that was still pushing him away. That was the reason she had broken up with him: he still had feelings for me. I was afraid to bring up Levi to him because of this, but I wanted to tell him. Everyday, I would get more and more uncomfortable lying to him.
“I’m sure the titans don’t want to eat you anyways, Jonas.” He stopped sweeping, glaring at the ground. Uh oh. 
“I guess no one wants me then.” It was Ben’s turn to widen his eyes at his son’s sadness. He had spent a few minutes lecturing Jonas about how long it took Ben to find Analee, but it didn’t help soothe his sadness. In all honesty, Analee was Ben’s first girlfriend and he got her pregnant before they were even married and both eighteen. He wasn’t the right person to give his son advice and neither was I. We both agreed to just forget Jonas said that and move on with whatever we were doing. 
“Well, you two, I’m going to get back home. Your sister was adamant I help her build that new desk before tomorrow. I’ll be here tomorrow at opening, Eva, like old times. Don’t come back late Jonas, or you’ll wake up your mother.” I smiled up him, casting away the mood Jonas put me in, and waved to my brother. Ben and I were the closest, probably because of our locations too, and I always felt calm when he was around me. He was the most like Mr. Flynn. Jonas was such the opposite, and I’d always wondered how Ben had made him.
When he left and the bell stopped ringing above the door, Jonas and I just let the silence consume us. At this point, he wasn’t even sweeping up dirt, but he didn’t want to talk to me in the bad mood he was in. Did she really have to break up with him when I was about to spend every day of the next week with him? It had nothing to do with his feelings for me, but everything to do with the awful mood he’d be in. Last break up, I had to pull him from the bar at least three times, waste a pale of water to sober him up, and he fell asleep completely on top of me, cutting off my breathing. I had told Levi about this and he threatened to break off his fingers in letter form, even if it was back when we were eighteen. Levi gave Jonas no chances.
“How many people do you think will be here tomorrow?” He broke the silence first and I was glad he’d changed the subject. I could talk to a regulars Jonas.
“I couldn’t say. I’ve had at least thirty come to the café in the past week asking. I don’t think there will be a lot of people at the tables, but most will be coming in and out.” He nodded and set the broom down, sitting with it. He’d probably swept the floors twice, but I guess the extra cleaning won’t hurt. 
“My dad’s been on my ass about learning how to work at the café. Something about character building…” Sounds like Ben. Well, sounds like Mr. Flynn, but same person. 
“I wouldn’t mind the extra help. Elias can’t really count money reliably enough to let me bake while he runs orders. I let him just take things in and out of the oven and to customers. Sometimes, I’ll even let him use the mixer. Elias is getting that vital character development. I’ve also thought about giving him this job when he gets old enough so he doesn’t have to work under his father.” I jumped back up on the counter and forgot I had just cleaned it. I’ll do it more tomorrow. 
“I hated this place as a kid. Grandpa always forced us to clean if we were staying with him and Duran tried to always beat me up for no reason. When I was old enough to get my own job, I was ready to leave it behind. Funny to think the kid likes it here. I guess since you’re basically his older sister, it’s probably a you and dad situation.” Jonas and his younger sister were forced to come help at the café since Mr. Flynn was getting older. Duran would always run off somewhere and I stayed and baked, so Mr. Flynn needed some others to do the dishes and lift heavy boxes. Jonas stayed because I stayed. The café work at least helped Jonas prepare for delivery work at Reeve’s. 
“I loved this place, still do, but you know that already. It wouldn’t be mine if I didn’t like it.” He rolled his eyes, knowing how much I stupidly fell in love with the bakery at one point. It was during secondary school when Mr. Flynn’s lessons of life actually go through to me. I was finally getting out of the Underground depression and having a purpose fueled me. The bakery was something I did every day, almost every hour, and sometimes neglected my school work to do it. I had finally found something that was mine and I wasn’t going to let any amount of slacking take it away from me. 
“Do you think you’ll stay here forever? I mean, like Grandpa did. Pass it on to your kids and what not.” I nodded, looking out at the hanging sign in a crack of the front window blind. 
“There’s nowhere else I want to really go. I have everything I need here in Trost and I can go visit the other districts when I want. Plus, we’ve already lost four places I can go, so it’s slim pickings for retail locations. If I somehow don’t end up having kids and Elias takes my offer, I’ll give it to him probably. ” He hummed in agreement and leaned back in his chair, tilting the front legs of the floor. This reminded me of when we were in school and Mr. Flynn would make us close up for him when he wanted to sleep early. We’d clean and then sit here talking for hours about anything. I’d force Jonas to help me with math homework and sometimes pay him to do it. After Jonas got a job, it would be just me closing. It’s been a long time since this ex-tradition has occurred, so it was mildly comforting. We sat like that for a while, just staring somewhere in the café, probably thinking about when we were young.
Mr. Flynn acted like he hated us, but I knew a day never went by when he didn’t smile down at us and was thankful we were there. Jonas, Duran, and I were a lot to handle sometimes, but it was just the joys of youth. I would pay to go back them, too. Just to be able to tell myself that I needed to remember times like this, because when I was older, it would all change. I would be alone in the café.
“You know, Dad wants us to get together. He said it’s the thing that makes the most sense.” I sighed. There goes the comforting feeling that we’d just developed. Goddamn it, if he didn’t have to mention that, I would have had a great night, even a drink or two to celebrate opening. Now, his attitude changed and he suddenly wanted to talk about feelings. Didn’t you just get broken up with?
Ben had even taken me aside after Wall Maria fell and mentioned to me what he thought was right. Humanity’s time seemed to be fleeting and it wouldn’t be fun to die without a family. I fended him off, not telling him that I was not alone and very much in a relationship, but he would still leave hints here and there. Today was one of those days talking about keeping the café in the family and remembering the times when little kids ran around the tables. He’d even start telling us stories of how him and Analee would take care of the café as it’s first employees and how they fell in love. He was hoping the same thing would happen to Jonas, and that’s why he was forcing him to work here now. That was probably the only thing Ben and Jonas agreed on. 
“He’s mentioned it to me a few times. I’ve always told him no, but I guess when he gets his mind set on something you can’t tell him to lay off of it.” I looked warily at Jonas, trying to gage where this conversation was going. Why does it always have to be around year-end when he tries to pull all of this stuff? Wasn’t he just crying about his girlfriend breaking up with him yesterday? Now he’s talking about how bad Ben wants us to get married? 
“You know what I think about it. If you gave me a chance then may-” I cut him off before he could dig himself into a deeper hole. How could I tell him he wasn’t the one for me without telling him about Levi? While Levi and I weren’t nearly as serious as our time together would allow, his letters have shown me no reason to think we’d be ending our relationship soon. I was busy with bread and the café, he was busy with training, and at the end of the day we would sit down and write letters to each other, looking out at the same moon over Trost. It wasn’t the best situation, but it wasn’t one that was so hard I’d give into Jonas’s easy way. 
“Jonas, you also know my opinion. You’re like my brother or my cousin. We were raised together and you look almost exactly like Ben. I don’t need to keep listing out reasons to hurt your feelings more.” He sighed, looking up at the ceiling. 
“I know, but it’s just… Actually, I don’t know what it is. Never being able to advance your relationship with someone you have feelings for? Always getting into relationships you know will end because you don’t really like the girl? Maybe, I’m just tired of doing that.” 
“You’ll find someone, Jonas. You just aren’t looking in the right places. What was the girl’s name? Nana? Nora? Whatever it was she was annoying and self-centered.” I laid back on the counter looking up at the ceiling. I wasn’t going to be able to cheer him up like this forever because it’s always at the expense of me not liking him. He makes me feel like all of these breakups are my fault.
“She wasn’t you.” There it is. The direction we were going to. 
“You need to stop thinking about me, Jonas. What do you need me to say or do so that you move on from me?” I put my arm over my eyes, trying to stop the headache that I knew was about to come soon. I guess he was holding this in for a few months since he was dating that girl. It started with an N, I know that for a fact.
“No clue, Ev, but when I find it, I’ll tell you. If knowing that you’re in love with the Captain of the Scouts doesn’t deter me, I don’t know what will.” My eyes snapped open. 
“If knowing what?!” What the hell does he know? There’s a very serious possibility that he was sneaking around and found the letters in my desk. Maybe he saw Erwin’s letter carrier handing me the envelope? It didn’t make sense that he would know from Levi and I’s actions because he was pretty cold to me when Jonas was around. We’d taken most of the precautions we needed to. It had to just be his hunch… but his hunch was right. 
“I heard you that one night when he was bandaging you. There was just… something didn’t sit right with me when I was leaving. I sat there outside of the café listening to you two for what felt like hours. That confirmed it for me, but I still can’t believe it until it comes out of your own mouth. I guess I’m not good enough for you, Eva, but how could you fall for a Scout? I didn’t think you were that stupid.” The anger enveloped me as he said that, but I knew what he was saying was from deep down inside. If he knew this long, his heart beat with anger at every and any mention of the Scouts. His unexplained hatred for their presence in the last few months now made sense. Every time he saw a Scout he was reminded that even though they die young, are never around, and go on suicide missions, I’d rather pick that over him.
Laying there on that counter with Jonas’s eyes on me… it made me uncomfortable. Every layer of privacy and secrecy was shed in front of him now knowing that he knew for that long. That means he must have noticed the letters. Noticed how I always cleaned Levi’s table twice and had peppermint tea stocked even when the café was closed. He might have even heard me crying at night over how much I just wanted to see Levi again when he’d crashed on my couch… and every time I did that, he wanted it to be him. 
I couldn’t deny our relationship and try to make him feel better about himself. He knew and had heard everything we had said to each other that night. I’d have to face this feeling head on and I didn’t want to. I just didn’t want to tell Jonas that it will never be him. It was better to have him in limbo and still have my friend then to break his heart completely and never see him again. Jonas was my first friend and is my best friend. He was there the first day I was above ground. He was there for me when Samias broke my heart. He knows almost everything about me, but here I was about to lose him over something I couldn’t control. I wasn’t going to give up Levi so that Jonas would feel better. 
That probably hurt him even more though; me lying to him about Levi. 
“How much are you going to hate me after I tell you everything?” I was hesitant to tell him anything. I know deep down he wanted to know all about Levi and I. He wanted to see where his shortcomings were and judge Levi’s actions and intent. He wanted to be able to reach deep down and find some string of hope in one of Levi’s downfalls. However, this emotion he’s had was pent up for months.
“I’m never going to hate you, Ev. That’s the problem.” I let the tears fall then and curled up into a ball on the counter top. This wasn’t the Jonas I liked talking to. This was the Jonas that made you feel every emotion he was going through too so that you gave him pity. You wanted to love Jonas because you didn’t want to see your best friend hurting like this. It was my fault that he was hurting and I couldn’t fix it. I couldn’t do what he wanted me to.
I knew he was in pain when he didn’t move to comfort me like he usually does. Whenever I would cry, he would always be next to me, a soothing hand on my back. I would never shy away from it before, but looking at the situation now, I wish I would have created that distance. It was good that he didn’t do that because it would have made the situation worse. We just sat there and I tried to mute my cries with my arm. It wasn’t working. 
“One day he’s going to die, Eva. If he doesn’t leave you before that.” Now he was trying to hurt me directly. Maybe he thought if he broke me enough, I’d go to him and not Levi. 
I didn’t answer him as I was too busy choking on my tears. 
“He won’t marry you. He won’t give you kids. He can’t give you anything you want in the future if he knows someday he won’t have one.” I wanted to beg him to stop. He doesn’t think at night, when all I have are the thoughts to pull me out of loneliness, I don’t think about all of this? Will I be happy with just Levi or will I want more and he can’t provide that? Can I not be up to his standards? After Hange mentioned kids, I thought about how horrible it would be for them to live in a world like this. We’re fighting to stay alive and to eat, and their father would be gone for months on end. I didn’t want to think about the future and Jonas was forcing me to. All the negative emotions I tried to push back in these past months were coming to the surface with every word. 
“Does he really like you or are you there just to fulfill his fantasy of a relationship? What man leaves the woman he loves alone for six months?” I clenched my jaw hard. His words started to stab too deep.
“Shut up.” It was soft and muffled by the sounds of my tears, but he heard it. He was waiting for my response. He wanted to see if I agreed or not; to see if he broke me enough. 
“Eva, I know you know what I’m saying is the truth.  It’s best to stop this game of pretend before it’s too late.” 
I pull my hands into fists and shot up on the counter. I was angry again now. He didn’t get to call my relationship a game. Whatever feelings of loneliness or sadness that Jonas wanted to make me feel had left instantly as he mentioned playing pretend. 
“You are the one who’s playing pretend! Pretending that I’ll come around and pick you. Jonas, if I wanted you, it wouldn’t have taken over ten years to realize it!” This time his face contorted into some type of negative emotion. His plan didn’t work. I didn’t cave like I normally do. 
“You’re pressuring me into something that I don’t want to do all because you don’t like that Levi makes you feel inferior. He’s stronger, smarter, and now he’s taken your girl from you. You know why? Look at this,” I gestured to him with both of my hands, “Levi has never talked to me at me like this. He would never call me stupid or try and insult me enough to change my mind. You’re right, I haven’t seen him for six months, but in that time he’s written more sincere words than you have ever said to me. I don’t care what Levi does and doesn’t give me, and I know you won’t be able to give me what I want either. Not like this!” I threw my left hand to my side and took the silence to catch my breath. 
“Eva.” It was angry and heavy. He wasn’t ready for me to come back at him like that. He never thought I could talk to him like he talks to me. 
“I have supported you through everything you have done. The countless girlfriends, the times when you were kicked out of your house, when you didn’t have a job; I was the one who comforted you and took you in. Now, I make a decision that hurts your feelings and you can’t live with it? You have to degrade me for who I choose to date, only because it’s not you?!” He stood up too, the chair flying back and hitting the floor. He stood almost a foot above me, but I wasn't backing down. 
“You will never understa-” 
“You’re right, Jonas. I will never love you the way that you love me, and I will never understand how you treat someone you love like this.”
It was tonight. I had always thought about when this would end. When Jonas and I would stop playing pretend. When I would stop pretending not to see how he looks at me across the café. When I would stop pretending that my best friend didn’t only have feelings for me and wouldn’t choose anyone else. When I would stop pretending I didn’t have to hurt him like this one day. Tonight was the night this friendship ended because he couldn’t pretend we were just friends anymore. 
“How long have you been with him?” The air had quieted and so did his voice. His face was now a mixture of anger and sadness, and he turned his eyes to look at the ground. I didn’t know what he wanted me to say when answering the question, but I was done hiding it from him. Even if it hurt him, he had to know. He had to stop playing pretend and be snapped into the reality he lived in. 
“Around Spring Equinox till now.” His fist clenched harder. 
“So you missed Spring Equinox with us to be with him?” I thought about this moment the day I didn’t show up. He never asked me where I was when he saw me and he must have assumed I just didn’t want to go out then. I’d even told Levi that I was going to be in a weird situation if Jonas asked me where I was and he helped me make a plan. A plan to lie to him. I guess that plan just flew out the window. 
“He was injured and I was taking care of him. I wasn’t going to leave him,” I let the last line out, underlaid with some remorse. I was angry with what he was saying and how he was coming at me, but I was at fault too. I should have told him sooner or at least tried to distance myself. 
“I don’t think I’m going to be in tomorrow, Eva.” He said, still not looking up at me. This was the softest he had even been. I think now he knew he couldn’t sway me towards him. He was giving up.
“No,” he held his hand up, finally looking at me with the faint gleam of tears in his eyes, “I’m going to be sick tomorrow and maybe the next day. So, don’t come looking for me.” He turned his back and I had to stop my hand from reaching out and touching his shoulder. I was angry at him, but unlike him I didn’t see this as a reason to end our friendship. It was coming, yes, but it didn’t have to end here. We’d change something. We’d adapt. He was acting like he’d completely given up that. 
“Jonas, you’re still my best friend.” He stopped at the door and straightened up. He was stiff and lifeless when he answered. It was fake and he was hiding his true emotion. If he turned around, what expression would I see on his face? 
“I know.” 
The door opened and closed, the bells ringing twice above it. With the windows closed, I couldn’t see if we walked away and I didn’t go up to the door in fear of him just sitting on the stoop. I didn’t want to hear his tears. Jonas rarely cried and I didn’t want to know that I was the person who did it to him. 
I turned to look at the clock at the back wall. It was nearly one. 
Anger. At him. At myself. Sadness. For him. For losing my best friend in some shape or form. Regret. For not telling him any sooner. But, if I told him, wouldn’t the situation still end up like this? He would yell at me, I would cry, and he would tell me how irrational it was to love someone like Levi. A fantasy he called it. It set the seed of doubt in my head. Levi hadn’t loved or liked before as far as I knew, not to the capacity we’ve set up. Was he really just using this as a test run? 
I put my towel down on the table and decided I didn’t want to be in the café anymore. I wanted to be in my bed, two blankets over me, thinking over and over again the conversation I had with Jonas. Where did I go wrong? When? I wouldn’t sleep tonight and I would be sluggish in the morning when Ben came. Ben was smart, too. He would probably connect the dots between Jonas’s absence and my attitude, but at least he never questioned. 
Walking up the back stairs, I tried to listen to see if Jonas was still there. Maybe something would pull me to go back to him and try to talk it out. I don’t think this issue can be talked over though. It was going to be the way it was. As of now, it was Levi and I, not Jonas and I. It would take Jonas months to turn around or feel like talking to me. It may not go back to normal. 
That thought stopped me on the last wooden step. What would I do if Jonas and I never went back to normal? He was a big part of my day and of my life. Every holiday, every arithmetic question I couldn’t answer, every broken heart; I was with him. It made so much sense to be with him permanently, but that’s not how life wanted it to be. If I was to be with Jonas, I was sure, it would have happened already. I would have feelings for him to the same degree he has for me. 
Maybe we shouldn’t go back to normal as that normal was fake. Pretend. Would it hurt Jonas more to act that way, knowing that Levi was one step ahead of him in every regard? Or, would it be better for him to keep distance and ignore me so he won’t have to deal with the pain he feels every time he’s around me now?
I shook my head and walked in. This was for me to think about, slightly drunk, and in two hours. 
“Here, for you.” Levi handed me a single flower as we sat in the meadow. He had found it on the ground next to where we were sitting and I laughed a little at the gesture before putting it on my ear. He looked at it too and smiled faintly, going back to look at the Scout HQ that was quite a distance away. No one would see us on our way back to Trost. 
I told Levi that I wanted to stop and sit since it was such a nice day. The spring was bringing warm winds to our area, and the whole time I had been with him we were inside his dimly lit office. We were far away enough from Trost and the HQ to be alone and outside. I thought of Jonas and the Equinox today. Where would he be sitting out here? 
“Thank you, Captain.” He laid back, still wincing a little at the pain in his ribs. The horse ride was a bit too much for him to handle, and we had to walk our horses out here to the open meadow. No doubt he would bear the pain to get me to the gates of Trost before we parted. Maybe I would convince him to walk so we had more time together. 
“After this expedition, I would like to start.” I looked over to him, putting a piece of the Scout’s cracker ration in my mouth. Did he have some hobby? 
“Start what?”
“Trying to be yours. I have no experience being in a relationship with someone, therefore, when I can give you my full attention, I will do that. I’ve never made you food. I will do that first.” It made my heart strangely warm, him always announcing his intentions. Maybe he felt that they needed to be approved. He was so apprehensive about anything, and he was not used to being wrong. In this uncharted territory, he needed to make sure he was right before he executed anything. So, I nodded. 
“I’m not picky when it comes to food.” Once he got his confirmation, he went to stand up. I just looked up at him as he did it. 
“Yes?” He put out his hand for me to take it. I just stared up at him again, smiling. I’d tease him a bit more because he was leaving soon. 
“So does that mean we’re really dating?” He rolled his eyes and his hand dropped. The nice gesture went away. 
“Did I not make it clear before? I said I required monogamy.” I shook my head, no.
“You have to ask me. You can’t just command me into a relationship with you.” He cocked up an eyebrow. 
“Ask? Why do I need to ask you when you already know?” I rolled my eyes at him and took another bite of the cracker. 
“We aren’t dating until you ask me to be your girlfriend.” He scoffed. 
“Girlfriend is a word for teenagers. We are almost thirty.” 
“Ask me.” 
“You have to.”
“No, I don’t.” I huffed and turned my head to the other side, faking anger. I knew he probably wasn’t going to do it anyways, and I didn’t really care, but it would be fun to hear. 
“Ask me or I’ll just sit here all day,” I said, folding my arms. There was no protest, or huff of annoyance. He was probably standing there with the same pose I had, just waiting for me to get this idea out of my head.
Huff. Huff. Huff. 
“Don’t tell me you-” I turned and screamed, scrambling to get away from what was to my right. It stood there, his body broken in it’s mouth. His eyes were stained with blood, and were looking at me, begging me to do something, anything. 
The titan crunched down once more on Levi’s body, and only a puff of air came out of his mouth. Not a cry for help. His body went limp, eyes wide staring into my soul. 
Help. Help. Help. 
I shot up, holding my head. My body was shaking and I was afraid to open my eyes. The bustle of customers could be heard below and I knew I had fallen asleep late in the morning and overslept till now. Ben would be holding the customers down fine, and I needed the extra minutes to calm myself down. 
Was that dream an omen? Was he dead? 
It left a bad taste in my mouth that I couldn’t shake, so I got up to get water. I needed to get this taste out of my mouth. Once I drank the water, I leaned over the sink and it came right back up. The shaking of my body stopped after I’d thrown up, but the feeling in my stomach was still there. Maybe I was just hungover. I had a whole bottle of wine while thinking my life away last night. Usually I was fine, but the emotions tied to the amount of alcohol I had could be making my stomach twist and turn. 
Setting the cup down, I quickly went to put on clothes and try to put something on my face to cover the dark circles. The clock was at ten, and I knew that soon Ben would hear my footsteps upstairs using his years of training his ears to identify the creaks of this building and yell up at me to come down. If Jonas really wasn’t here, he was having to remember how to make various coffee drinks himself. 
One day he’s going to die, Eva.
I help my stomach again, trying to position myself over the bathroom sink and not get the face powder all over the floor. When nothing came up, I tried to push that thought out of my mind and finish covering the dark circles under my eyes. To a trained eye, aka Ben, you could easily see through the layer of powder. Hopefully, it will last all work day so I won’t get comments on my tiredness. Those were my least favorite. 
“Eva!” It was muffled by the floorboards, but with one quick look in the mirror, I went to walk to the door. 
Does he really like you or are you there just to fulfill his fantasy of a relationship? 
Stopping on the stairs, I leaned over the railing, hoping that if I did vomit again, it would be away from a window so the customers didn’t notice a projectile falling from the sky. I’d have to get another drink of water before I started or else this hangover was going to kill me. 
I pushed the back door open, taking a look at the plastic one that separated me from the café. People were in there, sitting, talking, and buying pastries. I could hear them and it scared me. My first day open, and I’m in this condition? That wasn’t going to be the best look for business. I was also scared because this was the first customer rush I had in months. It was like my first day running the shop all over again. 
This time my stomach bubbled up with nerves and before I could turn back outside, Ben opened the door peeking in at me. He definitely saw the condition I was in, and had to take a double take. Now, the dots started to connect in his head. Did Jonas look like this to when Ben tried to wake him up only to discover he was “sick”? 
“There’s a line of people out here waiting to be served and to talk to you. I suggest you hurry out, yeah?” I just stared at him and nodded once, tying the matching apron around my middle. 
“Yeah.” Even my voice was shaking. He closed the door again and I picked up a random cup, filling it with water from the sink, and downing it in a few seconds. I coughed once, hoping it would help my throat, and despite my stomach, I walked out into the main café. 
“Miss Eva, it’s been so long!” The crowd of people at the counter greeted with smiles, and I did my best to give one back. It was comforting, their words, but my stomach still felt like shit. So did my head. And my arms. And legs. Either way, I willed myself to the crowd that was blocking my view into the café. Ben had done a good job curbing them because he didn’t know how to make a latte. 
“It’s a good thing you’re here, Eva. Ben’s a little rusty.” I smiled to the man who’s order I had memorized, but not his name, and took the personal cup he had in his hands. Ben tended the money while I turned my back to make the drinks. 
“I’ll pass, you make, pass back?” I turned over my shoulder to nod at him and this new angle made me catch a view of the table. The Wings of Freedom were draped over the chair and he was leaning back with the new addition of a book in his hand. There was no cup in front of him, nor was he staring out at the window anymore. 
Six months. 
My stomach churned again and before I could answer Ben, I had to run into the back, past the plastic door, open the regular door, and throw up in front of the trash can where the stray dogs like to eat our scraps.
I’d have to pass it off and I took another big gulp of water before picking up some random milk jug to bring it up. I hoped I didn’t wipe off the face powder that took ten minutes to apply. When I walked back in, people seemed shocked I had run so fast into the back, but once they saw the milk jug, they settled back down. Ben didn’t let it get past him that I’d set the new milk jug next to a completely full one on the table and went to work. 
We went back and forth for what felt like hours. He’d collect the money, write the order on a piece of paper, I’d make it, and he’d go set it down on their table or give it for them to go. We didn’t talk at all while I did it, and I only engaged with other customers. When I looked at him, he never looked back, just down at the book. When I looked at him… my stomach churned, but with a different feeling now that I was pretty sure all the alcohol was in my sink or by the trash in the back. I wanted him to look at me, or to come hug me, but he was Captain Levi right now. 
My dream. What was my dream about? He was here and he was alive, so it couldn’t have been an omen. Was it triggered by my fight with Jonas? Levi dying? It was a simple memory, but it had morphed into something graphic and depressing. He’d asked me to be his girlfriend, reluctantly, but why didn’t my dream get to that part? Why did it cut it off there? I just tried to mock it up as another drunken dream, ones I used to have often, and maybe a few times in the past months, but something wouldn’t let me mark it as that. 
“Eva!” I turned at the little boy’s call and saw all three of them at the counter. I was zoning out so much. Elias, June, and their father were there and I smiled at them, starting their orders. Elias and June: steamed apple juice. Their father: a cup of coffee, no cream, two sugars. 
“Where’s the boy? I thought Jonas said he was working today.” I froze up at their father’s question and I saw Ben glance back at me before answering.
“He felt really sick this morning and could barely get out of bed when I tried to wake him up. He slept at our house last night and came back really late, so he might have been out and drank himself sick,” he tsk-ed his son, but I knew that his message was really meant for me, “Dark circles, a bad attitude, and his face was all red. I’m glad he didn’t show up today.” I turned to them, handing the two steamed apple juices. Before I could turn back around, they started a conversation with me. I could barely focus on it with Ben’s gaze boring holes into me. 
“Eva, Mr. Chapel said I could start on my own books now! Isn’t that exciting?!” I smiled down at her and nodded. In the place in my brain that could still process a little emotion this afternoon, I was happy for her. 
“That’s amazing, June. I have some books upstairs that need to be rebound.” Ben had given their father his coffee and he was now pulling the kids to go. He probably had some cult stuff to do and just wanted to stop by for his morning cup like he normally does.
“Eva, do you need help on year-end? Like last year? With Jonas?” Elias’s face begged up at me to say yes. He wanted to know if we would do something like last year. With no festival, it would be hard to entertain them… and with no Jonas… 
“I don’t know about it his year, Elias.” His face dropped and he was pulled away by his father before he could ask why. I saw June looking disappointed as well as they walked out the door. When Ben turned to greet the next customer, I felt another pair of eyes on me. I looked up at him and felt my heart flip as we locked eyes. His were filled with concern and I knew he’d heard the exchange Elias and I just had. I had always taken the kids in for year-end, so why not now? 
The day went like that. My stomach never settled down, and I could barely keep up the energy of the people coming in and out to talk. Ben would mostly fill that job, but whenever the customer wanted to talk to me directly, I stared at the back wall, mustering a smile, and turned to act. I was glad that I’d decided to close earlier than usual so I wouldn’t have to go through a dinner rush either. My mind was tired from thinking over and over again about last night and the dream I had, that I could barely handle any more stimulus. 
Levi had sat there all day, reading through the book at least twice. I could feel his eyes on me throughout the day, but if I looked back into his eyes, my dream would play over again and my stomach would fight with me. He must have noticed, but he never approached me. Ben and the wave of people coming in and out must have stopped him, or he was waiting for me to go over and serve him tea. It was sitting right on top of the coffee filter box, ready to be made, but I could never pull myself to do it. I wanted to go over and talk to him, but with the amount of people here, I would be talking to Captain Levi. I decided to wait until close, knowing he would stay, so I could talk to the real him after months of waiting. The dream made my stomach feel awful, but the idea of having Levi back to me again made the butterflies stir too. 
“Alright, what’s up with the two of you?” Ben put the small bag of flour back up on the stock rack as I mopped the flour on the back room’s floor. It was closing, and I insisted that he could leave the cleaning to me, but I knew from the second I walked in to the café, he was ready to corner me and ask questions. I still feigned innocence.
“Two of whom?” He huffed and wiped off excess flour on the apron I left him. It didn’t help my case that I couldn’t look him in the eyes when I answered. I didn’t want to stare into Jonas’s eyes. 
“Jonas comes to our house drunk, red face, and mumbling things under his breath. He almost broke Analee’s favorite vase trying to take his shoes off. I thought it was a bit weird because he’d have to come back from your place, but maybe you two decided to do something. I didn’t care. Then, I drag his dead body weight onto the couch and he tells me he can’t come to the café tomorrow and starts crying. I mark it up to him being drunk off his ass. Come today, and you’re not up early like you usually are. I guess I thought you’d be as drunk as Jonas, and gave you a few hours. You come down here, looking pale as a ghost, go throw up outside by the trash can,” He pointed his thumb to the back door, “and anytime someone mentions Jonas, your face goes pale over and over again. You probably drank at least thirty glasses of water today… I really don't want you to answer this question, but I have to ask it. He’s my son, sure, but you’re also my little sister… also weird to say, but you know what I’m trying to get to…” Ben didn’t want to have to finish his statement and trailed off, trying to get me to fill in the blank. Did he think we… ? I pulled my face into a look of disgust, but still didn’t look at his face. 
“Are you trying to ask if he and I had-” He frantically waved his hands at me.
“Please, please, please. Spare me. I realized I don’t want the answer to that question anymore right as it came out of you mou-” I stopped him there. 
“We fought. That’s what happened.” He dropped his hands and let out a big sigh of relief. He was happy we only fought, because he could deal with that. He’d been dealing with that for years already. Mediator Ben was about to come out. 
“Thank gods. What did you fight about this time? Both of you look very upset.” He leaned against a random table, and I had stopped sweeping at this point. I didn’t want to tell Ben, but there was just something about him that made the words flow out. He’s always been like that, regardless of the situation. Comfortable to talk to about any and everything. When I first got my monthly cycle, I went to him and not Catrin, who was the obvious choice. Then later in life, Jonas started to take the same position in my life that Ben had. That made me feel worse again, losing him over something I had to be selfish with. If Jonas felt he couldn’t let go of whatever it was, I would permanently lose him. 
“I think this is the final time, Ben.” He sighed, probably not knowing what that meant. If I told him what the fight was really about, he would have to learn about Levi and I. I shifted my gaze to the plastic door separating us from the main café. Was he still sitting in his chair, waiting for us to kick him out? Waiting for me to lead him up the stairs to my apartment? 
“Did he bring up marriage again? When we were walking to meet up with you, I had mentioned something about it and he seemed to get quiet. Usually, he denies anything like that would happen.” So it was mentioned previously, that’s why it was on his mind. When Ben mentioned it to him, did his mind go to Levi and I?
“Yes,” I whispered, and set the mop against the wall. I was ready to spill all of my feelings to Ben like I always do. 
“Then, is it that man out there?” He pointed at the door and this time I looked him in the eyes. It was like admitting everything to Jonas all over again and it made my stomach twist and turn. I knew Ben’s opinions on the matter, too, so it was worse having to go against his wishes. 
“Yes,” I whispered again, waiting to see a streak of disappointment in his eyes that never came. He just sighed again and walked over to me, putting a hand on my back. 
“He was the first customer today and seemed annoyed that I was standing there instead of you. I was the one who gave him the book. I told him he’d have to wait a few hours to see you, and then another few to get to talk to you after lunch. I’m not going to pretend I didn’t see the way he kept looking at you either.” I clasped my hands together, looking at them. It made me a little less sad that he could see Levi’s emotions as well. Ben didn’t think it was fake like Jonas did. 
“I had a bad dream last night, too… and a few too many drinks. I’m just so… I don’t want to lose Jonas. This felt like it was it, Ben.” I put a hand over my heart and rubbed my collar bone with one finger. Ben shook his head ‘no’ and patted my back. 
“The kid can be moody, but he’ll come around. It may take him a bit longer than usual, but you two are best friends. He’ll just have to deal with the fact that it’s going to really stay like that now. I guess I didn’t help either, talking about you two the way I did.” I shook my head, making sure Ben didn’t take the blame away from me. 
“No, I did this. I didn’t tell him about… I didn’t distance myself from him and-” 
“Do you really think that if you tried to distance yourself from Jo, it would’ve worked? He once came home from secondary begging me to ask the teacher to transfer him to your class. He can’t be away from you for too long, no matter what emotions he has tied to it.” I laughed once at that comment, remembering the day Jonas randomly showed up at a desk next to mine. I reached up to wipe a tear off of my cheek. 
“I still feel awful. It’s my fault I made him feel like this.” Ben rolled his eyes. 
“I’m going to go home and he’s going to have this same conversation with me. You both fight like cats and dogs, and then feel bad that you said anything in the first place. He could have broken your arm and you’d still feel like it was your fault.”
“Yeah.” Ben did make me feel a little better, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling of regret. We sat for a few more minutes as I calmed down and my stomach hurt a little less. 
“Now, that boy out there. He’s the Captain of the Scouts, but I have to threaten him. I know he’s still sitting out there, if you just let me-” 
“I’m serious. I was close to going over and telling him to stop looking at you. It’s annoying. Like that one kid you dated in the past.” It was my turn to roll my eyes at him. 
“Ben, I’m twenty seven.” Before I could protest more, he lunged at the door to open it. 
“Hey, you.” I quickly raced out of the back room, watching Ben walk his way over to Levi who had grabbed a rag and was cleaning the tops of the tables. 
“Ben-” Levi turned to give me a confused look as to why the giant man was walking towards him. They’ve probably only spoken two sentences to each other and now Levi was going to get reprimanded by Ben. 
“You’re dating my sister, correct?” Levi’s eyes widened a little bit, not expecting Ben to come right out with it. He probably also didn’t expect Ben to know anything, but with how obvious Levi had acted today, it wasn’t a surprise. Ben picked up on things probably to the same degree Levi did. 
“U-u-uh, we are?” He did the same thing I’d done to Erwin, and when he looked over at me again, confusion painting his face, I just nodded once, “Y-yes. We are…” A faint tint of blush painted his pale face. Mine was probably the same way. This was the first time he had admitted that out loud to someone from my world. 
“If you hurt her, I’ll beat you up. Her last boyfriend, he couldn’t walk for two days after Jonas and I jumped him.” He pointed his finger at Levi who didn’t seem that concerned about the threat. Ben was also lying, because he wouldn’t lay a hand on anyone. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ben swat at a fly, let alone a human. 
“My intentions are not to hurt her.” Ben took off his apron and slammed it down on the table Levi had just finished cleaning. Flour dust went everywhere. This was quite the show he was putting on. Levi, however, didn’t know he was playing with him. He was trying to keep his face as neutral as possible, because he didn’t want to, in some way, offend Ben and make him angrier, but he was also getting annoyed with the man’s display. If Ben was to come at him, would he be permitted to slam him on the ground, or would that just make this whole situation worse? Levi didn’t want to beat up my brother, which was nice. 
“What are your intentions then?” Levi was not going to like expressing his feelings aloud to a stranger, so I saved him from Ben who I knew was trying his hardest not to laugh. 
“Ben, just let him go. I have to clean more and you’re keeping me from dinner.” I think Ben was also glad I gave him an out because I heard that Analee was making porridge for dinner and that was Ben’s favorite. 
Ben walked a bit forward, using his height to tower over Levi. This time, Levi’s face hardened. If I did get Ben away from Levi, Ben might end up on the ground. 
“Next time, Captain.” Ben retreated back and grabbed his jacket, turning to me with a smile. 
“Have a nice night, Ev! I assume I won’t need to come tomorrow?” He glanced over at Levi who was now extremely confused at Ben’s 180 degree flip. 
“No, I think I can handle myself tomorrow. Thanks Ben!” He raised his hand up and waved once, exiting the café. There was a moment of silence as the ringing of the door bells finally stopped and Levi turned to me, that expression still on his face. 
“W-wha..?” I smiled at the door, not disregarding the butterflies that came to my stomach now that I was finally alone with Levi for the first time in six months. 
“That’s Ben, my brother.” His face dropped to his regular look and nodded. 
“I can tell.” I huffed and grabbed Ben’s apron, hanging it up behind the counter. I decided to clean the counter and wait to see what Levi was going to do. Heaven knew I wanted to run up into his arms, but again, the vow I took held me back. 
To my surprise, he moved to behind the counter after cleaning the flour from the last table. He put the rag down on the back table and stood there, staring at me for a bit. I just disregarded his stare and kept cleaning the counter and glass case which was ridden with Ben’s handprints from the amount of times he leaned on it. 
“I’m going to hug you.” I left out a huff of laughter and didn’t move, signaling that he could do what he wanted. 
“I told you, you don’t have to say it alo-” His arms went around my waist, chest touching my back, and his head nuzzled into my neck. I also melted right there and then. Who taught him how to hug like this? I used my free hand to reach up and play with his hair, leaning my cheek onto the top of his head. 
“Hi,” I said, breathing in his scent. It’s been so long, the shirt he gave me had lost its smell, so it was nice to have it back. It was also nice that he had given me such an intimate display of affection after how long he’d been away. It told me that he missed me as much as his letters would insinuate. Maybe even equal as much as I missed him. 
He lifted himself up, leaving one arm wrapped around my waist. 
“I thought I’d personally deliver this letter to you,” he handed me the envelope with my name written on it. 
“Do you come with the letter?” I turned to face him and blushed at our closeness. He looked down at me slightly, examining my face. I’d cried the face powder off in the back, so my dark circles were at full force.
“You haven’t been taking care of yourself again.” It was low and had a tinge of disappointment in it. I looked up at him, examining his face. Tired. Large dark circles. Nothing out of the ordinary, but I could still yell at him for it. 
“I can say the same for you, Captain.” I reached up and put my hand on his cheek like the last night we had together. I figured that wouldn’t be off limits and I felt his face heat up a little before pulling back to lean against the back table across from me. He had hit his daily cap for affection and needed to cool off. 
“Erwin gave me the rest of the month off. So, I guessed that the best place to stay was here. He also told me to go see you after my work was done, and then proceeded to give me one more month’s worth of work.” He crossed his arms, his face pulling into one of annoyance for Erwin’s actions. 
“I did ask him to give you more breaks, but he didn’t promise me anything.” His eyes narrowed at the mention of our meeting. 
“Don’t think you three can keep it a secret about what you talked about. I told them I’d get you to tell me.” I smirked back up at him. 
“They aren’t telling you what we said?” 
“No details. I just know they asked you about us and to support the Scouts, and you accepted. I know that they left out everything important and Hange always laughs when I try to get her to tell me.” I guess I’d have to keep up this secret promise with Hange and Erwin. 
“Well, if they aren’t telling you, then I guess I can’t either, Levi. It was a confidential meeting, you know how that goes.” He shot off the table, pushing my stomach into the one I was cleaning. His arms were on either side of me, trapping me against the wood. My heart beat shot up at this sudden, aggressive touch, and I almost jumped as I felt his breath on the right side on my neck. This was the first time he had done something like this. Intimidating, aggressive, and very exciting. My heart wasn’t the only thing that fluttered when he whispered into my ear. 
“I have ways of getting you to tell me, Eva.” He lingered there for a few moments before pushing away and going back to rest on the table. I had to take at least ten breaths to calm myself down, and my face was still definitely the color of a cherry. That was the first time Levi had done something so… hot. One moment, he was pushing back because he was getting uncomfortable with the affection, and another he was shoving me up against the counter, making my brain race a million miles a second with the things I was imagining. The ways to get me to talk. Levi wasn’t like that was he? Did he have experience with that? He did live in the Underground and was extremely good looking, I’m sure he had girls at his feet at some point. It made me curious about his life in the Underground again… and what or who he did there. 
“I-I’m… done cleaning. We can go up to the up, upstairs.” He didn’t even hesitate and slung his cape around his shoulders, following me to the front to lock the café. 
We walked upstairs without saying anything, Levi walking a few steps behind me. He had retrieved a bag from the side of the alleyway and my eyes widened. I didn’t think he’d be staying here the whole rest of the month. That was almost three weeks. I remembered how dirty I had left it this morning and the empty bottle of wine next to my bed. 
Once we got inside, he set his bag on the couch and took off his boots and cape, hanging it up. I was a bit upset he didn’t take off the ODM gear straps, because now that he had done that little act downstairs, my mind was thinking about them. I had felt the buckle of the one on his chest dig into my back ever so lightly. 
“Did you really forget what I looked like? Stop staring at me.” He mumbled it, but it made me blush a bit and stare at the ground. Did he know what I was thinking about him? How did he get so bold in the last few minutes? 
“Can I shower? The ride here was long, and I sat in the back of the cart on some dirty hay.” 
“O-oh. Yes, you can. It’s that door right there, but you knew that already didn’t you. Sorry.” He smiled and laughed once, digging through his bag for his shower supplies. I just watched him as he did it, staring at the mundane task and letting my mind run wild. I don’t think he’s ever taken a shower here before. 
Without saying anything else, he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I instantly let out a breath of frustration, but the room did cool down after he left. 
“He’s bold when being like that, but he’s still afraid of sleeping next to me?” I shook those thoughts out of my head and blinked when the bathroom door opened a little bit, the light shining through my dark apartment. 
“I forgot soap for my body, do you have any?” He yelled out. 
“Uh, there should be some in the cabinet below the sink. It’s Jonas’s.” I heard the cabinet open, along with a little grumble about ‘Why is he in your shower?’ before I heard them close again. 
“I don’t see it.” I did not want to go into that tiny bathroom and show him, but I knew that’s where this was going to end if I sent him on a hunt. I’d just let him use mine. 
“There’s a bottle in the shower. It’s glass and has pink liquid in it? You can use mine. I hope you don’t mind rose.” I heard the shower curtain rip back and a tiny laugh. 
“There’s about twelve bottles with pink liquid in them, Eva.” That was simply false. All of my shampoos, conditioners, and soaps were different colors. He wanted me to come in there and show him. I started walking slowly to the door. 
“It should be on the second shelf.” 
“Just come here and show me, I don’t have the patience.” There it was, and I was already halfway to the bathroom anyways. Ignoring my heart, I opened the door. 
“It should be in…” My eyes widened as he leaned against the sink, giving me access to walk to the shower as the room was only meant for one person at a time. My eyes widened as he leaned against the sink shirtless. I instantly flushed and something churned in the pit of my stomach. I glanced for one more second, and pushed on after seeing his smirk. I shoved myself up against the other wall, so there was no way for me to touch him as I walked past to the open shower. There the soap was and it was even labeled. I gripped hard around the bottle, turning to shove it into his hands. I tried so, so hard to only look at his face. When I glanced down at his chest again and back up, his smirk got deeper. It made me angry, but it also made me want to look even more. 
His body was completely toned and looked like it had no ounce fat on it. He was completely lean like I predicted in our last encounter in a bathroom. Every single possible muscle was defined in a sleek way that was easy for him to hide this… this Adonis of a figure beneath a regular shirt. His waist was probably smaller than mine and shoulders broad from carrying the heavy ODM gear on them for years, but I didn’t try to get another look at it as I walked past him, pressing up against the wall again. 
“I told you I’d let you see it when I got back,” he said jokingly as he set the bottle down on the sink. My face was burning and I didn’t dare turn around to look at him again as much as I wanted to. I had a free pass to look at him all I wanted if I took it, but I was too embarrassed right now. This combined with what happened downstairs wanted to make me scream. How long had he thought of doing this? The first time he’s seen me in six months and this is what he planned. 
“I-I’ll make food!” I half yelled, getting out of the small bathroom that was heating up to a hundred degrees. I could hear him laugh a little bit before closing the door behind me. The air outside was so much cooler, it gave me goosebumps and I stood out there for a bit, waiting to hear the shower turn on. When it did, I went to the kitchen and instantly sat in front of the open ice box trying to cool down my face. 
“Why are you like this, Eva? It’s not like you haven’t seen a shirtless man before. You’ve seen more than one and you’re never like this.” I hit my cheeks over and over again, trying to get them to cool down. No man I’ve been with before could go from sulky and hesitant one minute to making a heat pool in the depths of my stomach in thirty seconds. 
The shower stopped and I closed the fridge quickly, taking out eggs to act like I was using them. I had no clue what I was going to make to eat and I’d spent ten minutes staring at an open fridge. 
When he walked out, I almost broke the egg in my hand. He walked over to his bag on the couch, searching for clothes. The heat that I’d gotten rid of came back, and I finally turned away from the indecent sight. Just a towel?! 
“Sorry, I forgot to grab another pair of clothes.”
Chapter Twelve →
Chapter Masterlist
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hateswifi · 4 years
No More Second Chances: Chapter 7
So yep, i think this is the third chapter this month. imma tired, I haven’t slept properly since Sunday. its almost three k words so yeah
The Master: Master List
No More Second Chances: Master List
Apparently, school had to go on April break for her to get any sleep. Clark and Lois decided that the first half of the week would be spent in Smallville and she couldn’t remember the second place, it’s not even her fault though, people like to talk to her before she can drink coffee. 
“Another grandchild! Is this one a clone like Connor?” Aunt Martha asks, pulling everyone into hugs.
“No, Ma, this is the exchange student that we’ve been taking in for the last month and a half, I told you about her,” Clark says, hugging his mom.
“Oh thank god, I don't know how I would react if someone cloned you again, because it was either she is a clone or another one of Bruce’s, but no matter, you’ll be staying Kara’s room,” Martha says, leading the bluenette inside the homey-farm house.
It was fifteen minutes later after she was done getting comfortable that Aunt Martha appears in the doorway. She smiles while saying, “I hope everything is good, I don't know if you want to, but there’s plenty of ingredients if you want to bake. Clark told me that you grew up in a bakery.”
“I would love to, I haven’t baked since before I left home,” Marinette smiles, putting down her sketchbook.
“What are you working on?” Martha asks, taking a seat on Marinette’s bed beside her.
“Oh, these are designs I had to put off because of the move and family issues. Uncle Jagged was understanding but because it’s spring break, I would love to be able to get them to him as soon as possible,” Marinette explains.
“That’s cool, do  you want to be a designer when you’re older?”
“Yeah, I guess that’s what I get for growing up in the fashion center of the world,” Marinette shrugs.”
“Well, honey, if there’s anything that you need let me know, I’m going to get out of your hair,” Martha says.
“You’ll never be a bother,” Marinette giggles.
“Dinner will be at five,” Martha says, closing the door behind her. Marinette sighs and goes back to sketching. Uncle Jagged needed his outfits soon so if she designed everything the first half of the week, she can go to the closest fabric store wherever they’re staying the rest of the week. A couple of hours later, though it felt like minutes, she was being called down for dinner where she met Jon’s, Uncle Jonathan.
“Welcome to the family, Marinette,” he greets with a pleasant smile. “You’re not a clone, right?”
“See what I mean! You could definitely be a clone!” Martha points out.
“I guess I could be, but thankfully I’m not,” Marinette giggles.
“But she’s a hero,” Jon smiles, pulling her into a side hug.
“Seriously Jon, why are you calling me out?” Marinette asks, rubbing her temples.
“I’m not!” Jon says, feigning innocence. “She’s a Parisian hero!”
“Or as Dick put it, a magic girl,” Marinette sighs.
“Oh we know, we know everything,” Martha chuckles.
“But you didn’t know that I am not a clone?”
“It gets blurry when it comes to specific things,” Jonathan shrugs. “Jon, you ready to help me tomorrow?”
“Of course! I’ve missed working,” Jon responds with a smile.
“Can I help?”
“You can do whatever you want,” Jonathan says. The rest of the dinner was spent talking about plans and getting to know each other. After dinner, Marinette called Adrien and talked to him for a bit while sketching. They had to hang up not too long after the starting call because it was late for him. 
The time flew by, she helped out in the field Uncle Jon, explored the town with Jon, designed for Uncle Jagged, and baked with Aunt Martha. She had a lot of fun and completely forgot about her Parisian problems. Aunt Martha and Marinette shared baking recipes and Aunt Martha sent a recipe to her baking buddy. 
On Wednesday, Clark and Lois cam to pick Jon and Marinette up so they could bring them to the other place where they would be staying for the rest of the week. Marinette, again, didn’t hear nor did she care where they were going next. She put in her headphones and sketched the last outfit that Jagged had requested. Marinette asked Lois and Clark to stop on the way to their destination, which they did. She loved the fabric she picked out and couldn’t wait to start sewing. She barely registered when the car stopped, she grabbed her stuff and Jon led her wherever they were staying. People talked around her but she couldn’t hear them, she was focused on her music and studying her designs. She saw people moving out of the corner of her eye but she couldn’t care, she just wanted to sit down and started sewing. 
The next thing she knows somebody, who she thinks is Jon, is leading her to a different, which she hopes is her room so she can start working. 
“Here’s your room,” the person said, opening the door. She mutters a thank you before sitting down at the desk that was across the room from her. She starts laying out fabrics and separating them for each outfit. That was all she could get done by the time Clark and Lois walked in to say goodbye it was almost dinner time already. She was going to go downstairs when she was interrupted by a call by Adrien. She decided to forgo dinner and just continue working. She heard a quiet knock on the door and an older man walks in. 
“Welcome to Wayne Manor, Miss Marinette, it would seem that you missed dinner, so I took the liberty to bring you some food,” he greets.
“Great thank you,” Marinette mutters, putting down her sewing actually taking a minute to look up. “Alfred? Where the heck am I?”
“You’re in the Wayne Manor, Miss” Alfred repeats, putting the plate down. 
“Oh my apologies, I’ve been distracted with my work, I didn’t even realize where I was,” Marinette sighs, before realizing she was still on the phone. “Sorry Adrien, I’ll call you tomorrow, go to bed, it’s late.” She finishes, hanging up.
“I heard from Martha that you like to bake,” Alfred says.
“Yeah, that’s true, I grew up in a bakery,” Marinette shrugs, taking a piece of bread.
“The kitchen is open if you would like to use it,” Alfred says before leaving the room. Marinette nods to herself while eating her food while it’s still warm. After she finishes, she decides that she needs a stretch so she takes her plate to the kitchen and to grab a coffee. 
When she gets to the kitchen she’s shocked to see a pot already brewing. There’s a guy half-passed out, or half-awake depending at how you look at things, practically sprawled out on the counter. “Are you ok?” Marinette asks, looking for a mug.
“Oh my gosh! Are you real?” he asks, startling awake.
“I would assume I’m real, you’re Tim, right? Where are the mugs?” Marinette asks, opening random cabinets. “Nevermind, I found them.”
“You’re the magic girl, you don’t need coffee,” he says, pouring himself a huge mug of coffee.
“Against popular belief, we do need sleep and basic human necessities,” She explains taking the pot from him.
“Why do you need coffee?”
“When I was in Smallville, I wasn’t able to go to the supply store. I asked Lois and Clark to take me they said yes, so we stopped on our way over,” Marinette says, sipping her coffee.
“What supplies?”
“Fabric, I’m behind on my Uncle’s orders, but he understands,” Marinette shrugs.
“Great what we need another coffee addict,” Another voice grumbles, entering the kitchen.
“Good to see you, Demon, what are you doing up?” Tim asks, unimpressed.
“I heard you shriek,” Damian deadpans.
“I didn’t shriek,” Tim says, offended.
“Well, I’m just going to go back to my room, you guys can work out whatever brotherly love is going on here,” Marinette says, brushing past Damian.
“Wait,” he says, grabbing her wrist.
“What?” she asks, turning towards him.
“I- umm..,” he starts catching himself. “Welcome to the manor, I hope you’ll find your stay enjoyable.” he finishes, letting go of her arm.
“Umm.. of course, thank you, Dami,” Marinette yawns, rubbing the back of her neck before rushing off to do her work.
Once she disappeared from view Tim snickers behind his mug. “I can tell you one thing you didn’t inherit from Bruce.” He chuckles.
“I like it better when you were unconscious,” Damian says, stomping off towards his room.
“Words can’t hurt me,” Tim yells at his back.
“But swords can,” Damian shouts over his shoulder.
“Must have gotten on his nerves, it’s been a while since he’s threatened us,” Dick says, entering the kitchen. “Aso what have we agreed on for coffee?”
“But Marinette had some,” Tim whines, rushing away from Dick before he can take his sustenance. 
“She’s a magic girl, she gets a pass,” Dick yells at his back.
Marinette was back in her zone sewing what Jagged needed the soonest, he has a concert in Boston soon before going to New York and then coming over to Gotham. She was working on is concert wear first. She works through the night until a knock interrupts her thoughts once again, expecting it to be Alfred or Jon, she mindlessly says come in.
“Good morning, Marinette,” Damian says, entering the room.
“It’s morning?” She asks, looking up from her work.
“Yes, have you been working all night?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I guess I have,” she responds in a daze.
“What are you working on, if I may ask,” Damian asks, sitting down on the edge of her bed.
“Just a commission for my uncle.”
“Your uncle is going to wear a purple-glittery suit?” 
“Uncle Jagged is over the top like that, but it suits him,” Marinette shrugs, inspecting her handy work.
“Jagged as in Jagged Stone, you’re his personal designer?”
“You didn’t realize that?”
“If I didn’t realize that, there’s no way my incompetent sibling realized it either,” Damian smirks.
“Why does it matter?” She asks, looking up from her work.
“They love Jagged Stone and they love your designs,” Damian explains.
“Well, Jagged will need to pick up his stuff, by the way, I should mention he’s also trying to adopt me,” Marinette says, continuing to work on the finishing touches to the piece. “Oh by the way, what made you stop by?”
“Oh.. um- I wanted to see if you wanted to come down for breakfast,” Damian responds.
“Sure, let me put this down,” she finished before standing up to follow Damian to the dining room. They enter the dining room together and all of the eyes are on them. 
“Hey, Marinette, I thought you were dead,” Jon jokes, taking a bite of toast.
“Not dead, just exhausted. Also, thanks for having us, Bruce,” Marinette says, taking a seat in between Jon and Damian.
“It is my pleasure to,” Bruce says, looking over the newspaper.
“This won’t give you the advantage in the adoption war,” Jon snickers.
“I have a different way to get her in the family,” Bruce retorts.
“I should mention, can my uncle come over later this week to pick up his orders?” Marinette asks, pouring herself more coffee.
“What day?”
“Friday afternoon I would think,” Marinette says, stabbing the food in front of her.
“I was informed that he is also in the running adoption,” Damian says, sipping his water.
“I’m not thinking about adoption,” Bruce says, which brought some confused looks and some coughs.
“All I’m going to say is, my dad is freaking Superman so I think we’ll win this adoption war,” Jon shrugs.
“Jon!” Multiple people say, which caused everyone to look around.
“Wait you guys know?” Marinette asks, confused.
“Of course we know, how do you know?” Jason asks.
“Oh, after she was revealed as a magic girl, Mom was quite annoyed to be left out of the superhero club,” Jon says.
“That makes sense,” Damian shrugs and continues eating. They continue eating breakfast, with some light chatter, and some teases mostly aimed at Damian and Marinette, and there total not crushes on each other.
After breakfast, Marinette holes herself back up in her room to continue working on her commissions. That’s how she spends the rest of the day, she gets a phone call from Adrien and they talked for a while. After lunch, Damian came in and sat with her for a bit and they made light talk. He sat and read his book as she sews more, breaking every once in a while to talk. She was honestly very happy how she spent one of her last days of vacation.
She is even happier the next day Jagged and Penny arrived. The boys’ shocked faces are priceless.
“You’re trying to tell me your Uncle is, Jagged Stone, as in THE Jagged Stone,” Jason exclaims.
“I swear I mentioned this,” Marinette says, scratching her head before shugging.
“How’s my rockin’ ladybug!” Jagged says, pulling her into a hug. 
“I’m doing good, I’m exhausted, though,” Marinette yawns before going to grab the bags that held her work from her room.
“Did you guys let her stay up way too late to finish them?” Jagged asks, in all seriousness.
“She lived off coffee for the past two days,” Tim says.
“If you’re ever around her when she’s like this, she has a curfew of one a.m.. At that time, you are allowed to gently take everything from her hands and just lewd her to her bed,” Jagged explains.
“Are you betraying me, Jagged?” Marinette asks arms crossed to the best of her ability because she was holding his outfits. 
“All I’m saying Mari is that you lost enough sleep as a hero teen, you need to catch up on it now,” Jagged said, copying her posture.
“Hey you can’t even blame me, I remember having to fight a Fang because he was akumatized into freakin dragon around midnight,” Marinette deadpans. “I don’t hold it against you though, I got to fly, it was liberating.” 
“I wrote you and Adrien a song because of it,” Jagged fires back.
“Conversation over, go try on the outfits,” Marinette says, shoving them into his arms.
“Fine, fine, so bossy,” Jagged sighs, before walking away.
“So you’re his personal designer? Which means you are Nettie!” Tim says.
“You’re Nettie and a magic girl! Bruce can we adopt her please!” Dick pleads.
There are three in sync no’s that follow, one from Jagged, one from Marinette, and lastly, on from Damian. 
“Damian, why wouldn’t you want Marinette apart of your family? She rocking! If you can’t see this amazing girl, then you’re blind,” Jagged defends. “It doesn’t matter anyway, I got first dibs.”
“Tell that to Adrien’s aunt, she wants to adopt me as well,” Marinette responds.
“Don’t forget about my parents,” Jon adds.
“Joint custody?” Jagged shrugs. “Can we cut Adrien’s aunt out? She can have you when you visit him.”
“It doesn’t really matter to me, I’m just trying to make the most of what my life is right now,” Marinette shrugs.
“It’s decided, Clark and I have split custody,” Jagged shrugs.
“Woah, Woah, Woah, you can’t come into my house and cut me out of the adoption,” Bruce says, crossing his arms.
“You just wanted her in the family, we don’t need a triple custody for that,” Tim points out.
“Well this has been a great conversation, and I love being adopted and stuff, but I haven’t slept since Wednesday so I’m going to go to bed,” Marinette yawns. “Goodnight everyone.”
“I’ll walk you to your room so um you don’t get lost, it is a bit manor,” Damian says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Um… sure, let’s go,” Marinette says, letting him lead her down the hall. When they’re out of earshot Jagged says. “They’re totally into each other, I’m no the only one seeing, right?”
“You’d have to literally be blind or be one of them to not notice it,” Jason says. 
“So were you happy to see your uncle?” Damian asks.
“Of course, I haven’t seen him since before my move,” Marinette smiles.
“I’m pleased that you’re staying for the rest of break with us,” Damian says as they approach her room. “Sleep well, Angel.” He says, kissing her hand.
“Damn, I really hope this isn’t a dream,” Marinette mutters out, her eyelids feeling heavy. He leads her to lay down and she drags him down with her. “Imma go to sleep now,” she says hugging him tightly.
“Let me go first,” Damian mutters out.
“No, you’ll help me sleep,” she mutters back into his chest.
“You better not remember this tomorrow,” Damian grumbles. He doesn’t get a response.
Tag List:
@sturchling @maribat-is-lifeblood @sonif50 @thestressmademedoit @myazael @mochinek0 @messymessyml @amayakans @weird-pale-blonde-person @animalgirl05 @justafanwarrior @kalianoble @mewwitch @elmokingkong @noirdots @itsmeevie01 @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @tis-i-beanbandit @thetinymoonflower @whats-she-gonna-post-next @alwaysnumberonetruth @hauntedwintersweets @not-annoying @wargraymon0709 @tired-butterfly @heldtogetherbysafetypins  @toodaloo-kangaroo @feliciakainzofspades @lozzybowe @imnotfluffy @moonlightstar64 @angelofmusickaterinapetrova @pirats-pizzacanninibles @sassakitty @gwennex @whats-she-gonna-post-next @dawnwave16  @ccwkm6967 @softlysobbingpostendgame @pale-lady-dreamer @a-star-with-human-name
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@sociallyanxious-1 @notmycupoftea26 @spyofthenightcourt @smolplantmum
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ziaxkawaii · 4 years
Worth more than some perceive (Victorian!Todoroki X F!Reader) Part 1
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Warnings: None.
Other: Quirks aren't a thing in this particular story and Endeavour's just being a piece of crap
Summary: Living hand to mouth was not easy in the Victorian ages, but you managed. Being nothing more than a dressmaker surrounded by rich people, you doubted someone would be interested in you. But you were proven wrong when you occasionally started to find neatly wrapped up little gifts on your threshold in the mornings.
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Part 2 Here!     Part 3 Here!
~"(Name)! We got another order!" Your older brother William shouted from behind a corner. You really weren't paying attention to what he was saying as you were sewing a delicate silver ornament on the front of a beautiful dress.
~The ornament was what would catch most of the attention upon first look at the gown, so it had to be sewn perfectly, and by a steady hand. So you couldn't afford to make any mistakes or you would have hell to pay later.
~"(Name)!! Didn't you hear what I said?" Your brother enters the backroom of the boutique where you were working along with some papers in his hands. He looked and sounded a bit annoyed, but you knew it was unintentional. It has been especially a stressful week.
~"I did, but I am kind of in the middle of something here..." You trailed off as you stuck out your tongue in concentration and still not looking in your brother's direction.
~"Oh, apologizes sister. I thought you were having your break." He spoke more softly this time as he took a seat at his desk that was right next to yours.
~"I would be, but I have to finish this gown before closing. The customer said they would come to pick it up today."
~"I've noticed you have been working more lately. You must be more tired than usual." He pointed out, with a saddened tone.
~"Thank you for reminding me." You flatly commented as you continued to work.
~"I didn't mean to insult you, I'm just worried about your health." You scowled as you finally finished sewing the ornament and cut off the excess thread.
~"Yes, I have been working more lately since I also have to do a part of your work too. For example, last week you were gone for two days when you went to market our shop to the extravagant ball that had wealthy people from all over the capital." You still weren't looking at him.
~"And while you were spending time talking to very important people. I was here at the boutique doing my AND your work for those days." You looked over your masterpiece. Looking for any imperfections or accidental tea stains, finding none. "Plus, you wore one of my most expensive, delicate, and time-consuming suits." You continued your rant.
~"I have never made anything as high-quality as that suit, so if you somehow managed to get even one stain on it, you best believe I would have made you beg for mercy on your knees." You slipped the gown on a mannequin and spread the hem of the dress and took a step back to really see how it would look in the action.
~"It is breathtaking." William commented behind you.
~"William...." You said warningly as you finally turned to him, brushing non-existing dust off your dress skirt and long dress sleeves before crossing your arms. You could admit that right now you may act a little too harshly but you were tired and it clouded your judgment a bit.
~"Alright, alright, I know. But I already told you why all of it was necessary. We have to get our name out there, and what better way to promote our glorious suits and gorgeous dresses than letting them see them see first hand! You should have seen how intrigued and impressed all the men and women were when they saw me." He tried to lift your spirit by smiling brightly and jumping up and down a little.
~He wasn't wrong. If you two wanted more customers than the locals, you had to expand your promotion. And it took lots of effort and skill to lure people to consider buying your clothing, and William was good at that. And since you were a bit more advanced in sewing than William, it meant that you could get work done faster, hence you could handle the workload if he had to leave for a while. So you were always left to sew alone at the boutique.
~But it still bothered you.
~"I know, but it still frustrates me that it's always you who gets to go to the magnificent balls, wearing luxurious clothing while I'm here by myself working my arse off." You ranted while you paced back and forth in front of him. “They probably thought you tailored that suit and not me.”
~"I specifically told them that you, my dear sister, had been the one who made it." He grabbed your shoulder, in a last effort to stop your nonsense blabbering.
~"And you think they were listening? "A young woman couldn't possibly make something so prestigious and form-fitting for a businessman." "She surely couldn't have made it." "There is no way she designed it." I've heard them all!"
~"Calm down (Name)... You're breathing heavily again..." You didn't even realize you were. You took a couple of deep breaths and gazed at the floor.
~"It's just so... unfair..." You said depressed as you hugged him. You knew it had to be this way, but after a while, you start to grave for a taste of something new and exciting. Not the same old, same old bread that you have been chewing for the last few years.
~William knew how much more credit he was getting than you since most people automatically assume he's the one who designs the suits and accessories because he's the man who people first meet. In reality, it's you who does that. You're the one who basically runs the boutique, not him. William hugged you tightly back.
~"I know (Name)... I know."
~"Oh, did I forget to mention that a customer had booked an hour-appointment for this morning?" William asked as he went through some mail at his desk. You were just walking down the stairs from your shared home with your tea in hand.
~It was very convenient to have the boutique on the first floor and then your living quarters on the second. Affordable and comfortable, that's what you say. And you were always on time to open the store for customers.
~And with you being happy for once in a long time as you got a good night's rest, you figured that this day would be over in a breeze. You sipped your drink and sat down at your own work desk.
~"Yes, you forgot to mention. Did they say anything special in the letter?" You inquired.
~"Hmm..." He quickly read the letter again. "They said they wanted us to make a suit for them. Said that they would discuss more once they're here."
~"Interesting, It has been a while since we've made a custom suit. Did you get the name of the customer?"
~William looked at the letter again to see who the suit it was for, and his eyes widened to the size of saucers as he read the name.
~"Bloody hell!" He exclaimed as he jumped from his seat.
~"What is it, brother?" You questioned as you put down your empty teacup.
~"The customer is Enji Todoroki!!!"
~"WHAT!!!" It was your turn to shout and jump up from your seat. By what chance was someone so well known as Mr. Todoroki, coming to buy a suit from your small boutique?
~"Are you serious!? You mean... the owner of the steam train factory!?" You jumped from your seat ecstatic.
Enji Todoroki was well known for his very serious and hypercritical personality, and he even made a bigger name for himself when he funded the designing and building of the newest and the fastest train in the country. You didn't really favor him for his gruff and intimidating attitude, nor did your brother, but this was an amazing opportunity to get more publicity for your business since he is, a well-known and respected man amongst the wealthy.
~"Exactly him!!!" He confirmed.
~"I can't believe this!!! This is amazing for the business if he is satisfied with the outcome of the suit!" 
~"You said it, sister." He smiled brightly.
~Just then, the doorbell rang in the main area and multiple pairs of footsteps could be heard step inside the boutique. You and William looked at each other and breathed in together, as a silent language to tell the other to 'calm down and act natural'. As though you weren't shouting just a second ago.
~William exited the back room first with you following suit with a tape measure hanging around your neck and a freshly dusted off dress.
~The actual boutique of the building wasn't anything too special nor expensive looking. In one room, there was a giant front desk with plenty of table space, the whole wall behind the desk was filled with different colored and/or patterned fabrics, the right side of the boutique had different styled dresses and suits neatly hanging on clothing racks for customers who wished to spend a bit less on looking good, and the whole left side of the store held a large mirror, a couple of couches for guests to sit on, and a folding screen for privacy.
~For rich people, it may look cheap, plain, or downright shameful. But for you and your brother, it was your pride and home.
~"Good morning Sir! Welcome to The Siblings Attire and Accessories! How may we help you, gentlemen?" William greeted the two males plus their butler.
~"When you see such a fine suit presented to you, you would think the tailor would have a better taste in furniture." Mr. Todoroki shamelessly commented and you and William internally winced. It was your first time meeting the man and you were already tempted to give him a piece of your mind. Instead, you silently exhaled and bit your lip.
~"We apologize if our shop looks a bit flimsy to your taste, but I can assure you that our clothing won't disappoint you." You stepped up next to your brother.
~"I sure hope so." You weren't listening to him, but instead, your attention shifted to the person standing a bit away from him. The male's eye-catching two-colored hair immediately caught your attention as soon as you walked into the room, and now that you had a better look at them, he seemed to have even different colored eyes.
~He also had a painful-looking scar over his left eye that somehow made his already interesting aspects look even more intriguing. Or perhaps it was a birthmark? Either way, he was handsome, you were not gonna lie.
~Clearly he didn't enjoy being near Mr. Todoroki, or maybe even here in the first place. You couldn't tell from his mildly annoyed look while he kept a fair distance. Poor man.
~"Over a week ago, I attended a ball that you also happened to be present at, and I saw your high-quality suit. I need you to make a similar one for my son Shoto. We are going to be attending another ball and he needs a new suit." He explained and the whole time he didn't even spare a glance at you, as though you weren't even there. But his son did give you a mute acknowledgment, which made you feel better.
~"Certainly. If you could come this way Mr. Todoroki, I will take your measurements." You motioned with your hand for the dual-hair-colored male to walk over to the mirror as you grabbed a notepad and a pen from a drawer. He complied and went to stand in front of the mirror.
~"Aren't you supposed to take his measurements." The older Todoroki asked your brother.
~"Um... Pardon?" He inquired back and you turned to look at the nobleman.
~"I just was just wondering. You're the one who's going to sew it after all?" You gripped the notepad in your hand tightly out of anger. Who does this man think he is to assume who's gonna make what, and expect to be right? 
~"I apologize Mr. Todoroki, but my sister was the one who tailored the suit I wore to the ball last week. So she will be making your son's suit." William corrected him nervously as you sensed the fire of anger burning behind you.
~"She will be sewing the suit?" Mr. Todoroki inquired, sounding like he believed this was some kind of a joke.
~You were very close to saying something to the bastard, but the Todoroki whose name you learned was Shoto beat you to it.
~"Shut it father, it doesn't matter. Let her just do her job." He said in an annoyed tone.
~Fortunately, Mr. Todoroki didn't have to be told twice as he let the subject go with a 'tch' and a look of irritation towards both your way. Shoto 'tch'ed in response and began to take his coat and hat off. He handed the articles of clothing to his butler and lifted his arms to let you take his measurements.
~You began to measure him and asking basic questions such as what kind of vest he wanted over his dress shirt and how long he wanted the coat to be.
~He decided on a basic five-button vest with a coat that ended at the back of his knees. He wanted no ruffles on his outfit except for the neck piece.
~"I prefer not to have them." He expressed.
~"I understand." You said as you scribbled down some notes in a hurry. "Now what fabrics do you want your suit to be made from?" You led him to the wall where you stored your fabrics. Letting him have a look at them.
~"If you don't have anything special on your mind, I can recommend some colors for you if you'd like."
~"Please do."
~"Well let's see..." You trailed off as you thought deeply. "I think this royal blue would suit you well along with white and pale gray." You grabbed the tree rolls of fabric and placed them on the counter behind you for Shoto to see how the colors looked next to each other.
"I can make the coat mainly from this royal blue, and I can add some accessories to it such as buttons or other details. The dress pants could be made from this white, and the vest from the gray. I could even add a chain for your pocket watch on the vest." You rambled as you quickly sketched a rough picture of the finished outfit.
~Shoto listened intently as you continued on explaining what would look best on him and questioned if he wanted to make any changes. He thought it was nice to have a say in what he wanted to wear, instead of it being decided for him. Every time, he'd feel uncomfortable wearing whatever the other tailors made for him, but he didn't want to waste their hard effort. Even if he did not appreciate the suit.
~This was a new experience for him and he liked it. You weren't pushing him to make the suit from the most expensive and uncomfortable materials. On the contrary, you let him feel the fabrics and then decide what he wanted.
~For once in his life, he enjoyed the suit tailoring process.
~"Oh, I apologize. I am rambling again." You looked downcast, embarrassed.
~"It's quite alright, but about the vest, could it be made from a fabric with a pattern instead?" he politely asked.
~"Of course! Which one would you prefer?" You pointed to the gray fabrics that were each differently patterned.
~"I would like that one." He pointed to a roll that was out of both of your reach.
~"Alright, let me get it for you." You spoke as you grabbed a step ladder and placed it in front of the shelf. 
~You grabbed the hem of your dress and carefully climbed up to grab the roll, but forgot how heavy the roll actually was, so you started to lose your balance on the ladder. Shoto noticed your struggle and swiftly came to your aid by grabbing the roll from the other end with one hand while the other went to your back.
~"Careful, you could fall and injure yourself." He cautioned you and you blushed slightly.
~"T-Thank you, I'll be more careful next time." You said and placed the roll on the table. 
~You continued on designing the suit while your brother William kept your other guests entertained. Soon you two came up with a plan and Shoto seemed happy with it. All of the men left the boutique shortly after with Shoto promising he'll come again later that week for the first fitting.
~For some reason, you were looking forward to meeting him again.
~"Goodness! That was intense." You sighed heavily as you sat down on the couch with your sketch-notepad on your lap.
~"Not sure what you were expecting. They are a part of the Todoroki family and they tend to thrive for perfection. So of course they would want the perfect suit." William sat next to you.
~"Still. What really made this appointment easier was that this time the customer wasn't demanding ridiculous things or asking for a lower price. They even paid the 50% upfront without even batting an eye." You recalled.
~"They know what they are doing, and as long as we do what we're paid for, we won't be having any problems." He said.
~"Talking about problems, I'm still kind of upset about what Mr. Todoroki said..."
~"I understand your issue (Name), but it's better to just let it go. We must know our place, and that is below them." He reminded you and you sighed in defeat.
~"You're right…
~The day of the first fitting came, and Shoto Todoroki walked inside the boutique accompanied by the same butler as last time, except this time his father wasn't there. 
~This fact brought some form of relief to him as he wasn't sure how much longer he could tolerate his father's presence. Every minute Shoto spent in the same room as his old man when they had guests over or when they were at some meaningless ball, Shoto would imagine a pocket watch in his mind, count down the seconds and wait until he would be allowed to leave.
~In retrospect, one could say Shoto was happy to be in the small boutique. 
~It was a perfect excuse to be away from home for an hour longer than "intended". And since he wouldn't be allowed to move out of the household until he got married, these kinds of excuses were the types he was seeking for more often than not. And he gladly took every one of them.
~The familiar soft ring of the bell a top of the door signaled his arrival and shortly footsteps jogged out of the back room. It was the male tailor, William. Shoto looked around the boutique and didn't see the other tailor.
~"Ah, Good morning Sir! If my memory's not mistaken, you came in for a first fitting, am I right?" William said with the same enthusiasm as Shoto witnessed last time. This time however William's eyes looked a bit tired, which made Shoto wonder if the man had not slept enough.
~Why would he be concerned? He too has nights when he had to be working every once in a while. It was normal, nothing too serious.
~"Yes. You don't need to rush anything, I can wait until you're done with your current work." Shoto informed while taking off his hat.
~"Oh, I am sorry if you forgot, but I'm not the one responsible for your suit. I'll see if my sister is available. Please have a seat." William responded and disappeared into the back room again. Shoto paused for a moment but then shrugged off his coat and gave it to his butler to hold. 
~That's right, how could he forget.
~The white and red-haired male made himself comfortable on the couch as he silently thought. He felt like he was lucky to have you as his tailor. You sounded so inspired, motivated, and excited as you designed his suit. People with a passion for what they did, more often performed better than those who didn't.
~And it showed on the finished product. He wanted to know more about how you worked. How passionate one could be about something. It interested him for some reason.
~A few minutes passed by and there was no sign of either of the siblings, not even a sound could be heard. He wasn't getting impatient, but rather curious about what was keeping (Name).
~He didn't need to think about it much longer when he heard rapid heel clicks coming from the back room. Soon (Name) stood in the door frame with a pile of clothing in her hands, she bowed in courtesy.
~"I apologize for the wait. I was in the middle of sewing and you apparently told William that you could wait. Oh, and how are you?" You walked over to him. Now that you stood closer, Shoto could see the similar dark circles under your eyes too. For some reason, the sight made him sad this time around.
~"No need to apologize, I am in no hurry. And I am feeling good."
~"Alright then, let's start." You placed the pile of clothing on a small round table next to the mirror and handed him the fully finished white dress shirt and pants. Shoto took them and walked behind the folding screen to change.
~ a Few minutes later, he walked out and looked himself over in front of the mirror.
~"How does it feel? Any itchy spots? Is the fitting to your liking?" You questioned. Lightly tugging his shirt to the correct places and brushing off any hair or invisible dust on his shoulders out of instinct. You didn't realize it but Shoto noticed what you were doing, but he stayed silent.
~"They suit me perfectly, and I don't feel itchy at all." He commented as he looked at himself in the mirror. He really wasn't one to admire himself when he was in front of a mirror, but this time he couldn't help but look at himself as maybe for the first time in his life he felt comfortable while also looking good.
~"So nothing needs to be changed?"
~"No." He confirmed.
~"Excellent. Now let's try the vest." You said as you walked the few steps over to the round table. "I will have to apologize, for the vest is not completely finished." You held the piece of clothing behind Shoto, gesturing that you would like for him to put it on. Shoto carefully bent his arms back and stuck his arms through the holes as you helped him to pull it on.
~The unfinished garment had strings hanging from everywhere, unsewn seams, and buttonless holes. Even so, it looked exactly like he imagined it would. The shade of grey and the patterns were very much to his liking and he could already imagine how much better it would look once the buttons were sewed on and the whole piece was tidied up.
~"I like it very much." He commented as he shifted so he could see it from different angles.
~"I'm glad it is to your liking." You nodded as you scribbled extra notes on your notepad.
~"May I ask what you are writing?" Shoto inquired curiously.
~"I'm writing some notes. Now that I see you dressed in the clothing, I now have a better picture in mind what details I can add to your jacket since it will be the most eye-catching garment out of all the others."
~Shoto stood there before the mirror, where it would have looked like he was looking at himself but in actuality, he was looking at the woman behind him in the mirror. He couldn't explain how he was still mesmerized by how much work and effort you were putting into his suit.
~In this day and age, most tailors wouldn't give way too much thought to what they were sewing. It was all about how many pieces of clothing they could sell with the least amount of time and expense because they had families to feed and couldn't afford to waste time.
~But here you were. Putting so much effort into a suit that many men like himself would only use a few, if not only once, and then have another one made.
~Shoto can't count all the times a suit was tailored for him because after he wore it once, he would throw it away, for it was too uncomfortable or it tore easily. He had a few suits that he liked, but they weren't too formal. More so for running errands and such.
~"I'm quite impressed with your commitment to your work." Shoto turned to you as you were still scribbling on the paper. You stopped as you heard him speak.
~"Pardon?" You were caught off guard by his question.
~"Don't get me wrong, I wasn't implying that I thought you would do a bad job. I'm implying that I'm surprised at how much thought you seem to put into the clothes you make." He clarified. You stood there for a moment thinking about how to respond.
~"You could say I am passionate about the suits and dresses that I make." You temporarily pocketed your notes and pencil into your dress’s pocket while gesturing for him to take off the vest. Shoto complied and gave it to you.
~"Growing up, my family didn't have enough money to buy new clothes. So I always admired all the people with gorgeous dresses and fancy suits along with decorated headpieces and hats. Only to dream to someday own such pieces of clothing myself." You recalled as you sat down on the couch and started scribbling into your notebook again.
~"My mother was always busy working around the house, so usually I along with William were the ones who patched up our family's clothes with a rusted needle. Over time I and William got quite good at sewing and made it into a small business amongst the neighbors who didn't know how to sew." You continued. 
~"As years passed and we got better at sewing, our parent's health only weakened. Before they passed, our mother told us to do what we were passionate about and to do our absolute best at it." You finished with your notes and stood up to motion to the boutique.
~"That's exactly what we did. We sold everything we owned, took a small loan, and bought this boutique and all the equipment, fabric, and necessities to open a tailoring business with all the money we had. We made a name for ourselves with the quality formal wear we sold and here we are." You finished the story with a smile, remembering all the hard times you and your brother had to endure to be where you are right now. Looking back, you didn't regret anything.
~While you sat on the couch talking away, Shoto stayed put and listened to your every word. After hearing how much you worked and endured in your life to be where you are now, he felt so intrigued by you. a Woman who became something from nothing along with her brother, while his job and fortune were practically guaranteed from the moment he was born.
~You and your brother deserve respect for working so much and sacrificing sleep for your craft, but some people don't always give any because they are wealthier. In Shoto's mind, it's pathetic. To act ungrateful and more important only because they are wealthier than the person they are buying from. 
~'How unfair.' Shoto thought. And there's nothing he could really do about it.
~"That's a very inspiring story." Shoto commented with a hint of emotion he rarely shows as he stepped behind the folding screen to change out of the clothes back to his own.
~"You think so?" You called from the other side as you folded the vest and hung it over your arm and waited for him to finish. 
~"Yes, it's very inspiring in my opinion to hear such stories. It proves that people can be worth much more than some perceive." He said and you didn't know what to say. From the moment you first saw this split-hair-colored male, you knew he would be an unusual customer. But surely you weren't expecting him to think so highly of people "lower" than him. 
~He talked with you without the usual snappish, rich people attitude, which by itself already hinted to you that he didn't care about the difference between the social classes. He didn't even seem to mind when you talked minutes upon minutes about his ordered clothes or your passion for sewing.
~'He indeed is an unusual customer.' You thought.
~"Should we arrange another time for another fitting?" Shoto inquired as he handed the clothes back to you in a neatly folded pile. You nodded to him as you took the clothes.
~"Let's do to that, I'm confident that by then I will have at least a jacket ready for you to try on, However, I can't promise if it will have any details..." You trailed off as you dug around under the front desk for an appointment book. You let out a small 'aha!' when your fingers hit the said book.
~You dug it out and opened it at the page you or William wrote last. "Hmmm, I'm free next Thursday at 8 AM." You proposed. He nodded.
~"That will work." You nodded and started writing away with the ink pen. a few seconds went by when he suddenly spoke.
~"I apologize, but could you do a small request of mine?" You looked up at him when you finished writing.
~"What were you thinking?" You inquired, closing the book in front of you.
~"Do you decorate other pieces of clothing such as top hats?" You quirked your eyebrow at the request.
~"I've done it a few times, but usually that's the hat makers job." You spoke honestly.
~"I was only thinking of something small to make it match the suit, and I already have a hat you could decorate." You thought about it.
~"Sure, you'll just have to pay a bit extra for the finished suit because I decorated the hat too." You reminded him.
~"Of course, thank you." He smiled slightly, satisfied that he managed to convince you. You blushed at the sight and you cleared your throat quietly to distract yourself.
~"Pleasure doing business with you." You said with a smile. He nodded and bid you goodbye. 
~Once Shoto stepped out of the boutique followed by his butler, whose existence you completely forgot about, you let out a loud sigh as you slumped onto the front desk. Thinking about the nice things Shoto said to you and his gentle smile.
~'What is wrong with me?' You pinched the bridge of your nose blushing as you couldn't stop your mind replaying the past half an hour in your head. You stayed there for a moment when William emerged from the back room, holding a cup of tea in his hand while the other rested in his front pocket. He must be taking a break.
~"How is it going?" He sipped at his tea.
~"Well... I have a lot of work on my hands, that's for sure."
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years
It's been 5 days since I last messaged you because gosh the time at my mom's was partially a mess, SHE WAS HASSLING SO MUCH, I hate when she hassles because she starts to overthink and overreact and honestly I got to keep the whole house to myself from Monday to Wednesday and it made me wanna move back to my own place because THE PEACE aaaahhhh, you don't get peace when you're living at this nuthouse where I am (mom came home at like 8pm, ate a sandwich and went to bed and I could be playing my Playstation or write until 6am if I wanted because I didn't hear what she's doing in the bedroom and she didn't hear what I was doing in the living room, I MISS THAT, here, the walls could as well be made of cardboard), it was a dream to be honest. I could do whatever I wanted?? So I went to fetch fast food every single day like a health freak I am. (I eat healthily normally, I don't even have a chance to go eat fast food very often as the nearest store is like 7km away from my home...) At my mom's, there was Burger King, McDonald's and Taco Bell at like 5 minute walk and a store behind them. Sooo Monday, I went to test Taco Bell for the first time and got Fresh Burrito meal with nachos (liked it, though I embarrassed myself because I didn't realize that when they shouted 198, they meant me and my receipt had that number and they were calling to 198 for like 5 minutes and I was there like huh, why isn't anybody moving??? 🤦🏻‍♀️), but I didn't take into notion that when I eat my first meal at noon, I will be hungry as fuck by 6am... so when hunger struck through, I just had to suffer til next day, minus like one or two small pieces of bread.
So on Tuesday, I came prepared and first bought myself a buffet salad from the local store (my former home store back when I lived on my own, brought some memories) for dinner and bought myself a shitload of food for lunch (Big Mac Meal Plus, McFlurry with Smarties and a Pistachio Milkshake) because I still hadn't eaten much anything for 24 hours. At least I wasn't hungry after those XD I almost forgot about my McFlurry though... And on Wednesday, I fetched only a buffet salad because BK is also near my mom but on the other way from the store and I was too lazy to walk there and my mom gave me a permission to order a pizza 😂
And as I told you earlier, I got a Rummikub board game for Christmas and I bought two video games for myself (Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy rickrolled me the moment I first opened it and Kena: Bridge of Spirits is SO PRETTY even on my PS4??? It looks like some Pixar or Dreamworks animated movie???) But I came back home yesterday evening and still haven't unpacked.
But yeah enough about that. To mom's ex, yeah. I've met my share of toxic people so I noticed the red flags ages ago... ohhohhoo, if you ever wanted to hear the story of my ex-best friend H and me, you'd better sit back because that woman is a crazy bitch and still on me after 2 years of our friendship ending and has genuinely made me wish she'd die so this would stop. And me being like that needs a lot...
I also had a friend who lives here at the same place I do, she's slightly mentally disabled and I've looked at her rudeness through my fingers because of that but yeah, I finally snapped a couple of weeks ago and told her that she's unbearable and I can't take it anymore. That's another story, if you ever wanna hear the story of H, I can tell the story about this woman as well as a side story.
And yeah he's her neighbor now (not mine, I don't live at my mom's, I'm her guest when I'm over). He stalks her and bullies her. Mom is trying to get enough material for a restraining order right now. Feels like a setting for a soap opera.
Btw, when we were leaving and packing my mom's car so she'd take me back to my home, I saw someone half-running from behind the trash shelter hut thing (I'm not sure what it's called in English) and I turned to look at them, we stared at each other for a bit, it was snowing pretty hard so I didn't immediately recognize him but yeah it was my mom's ex who thought I'm my mom... 😂
okay your mother's place sounds so chaotic and fun at the same time, like the good sort of chaotic. Burger King, McDonald's and Taco Bell?? The HOLY trinity of fast foods. I try not to eat fast food either but i cant help it, theyre delicious 😩😩😩💓
I get the token confusion though. Fun fact, we don't use tokens on any shops here at all. we do them on hospitals tho! (but they show the number on the screen instead of shouting them, and its weird to sit in the chair and keep staring at the big screen especially when you're sick lol)
bestie buying all good stuff on the menu feels like HEAVEN. i googled mcflurries with smarties and omg that looks delicious???
Kena: Bridge of Spirits does look so pretty :0 (i googled that too jksdj) getting rickrolled by a video game is fun
crazy ex-best friends are a whole new species, we should start a Escaped From Them Yay club because toxic friends are just not it.
good luck with the restraining order!! i hope she gets it done soon cause that dude is just plain creepy ew.
LMFAO HE HID BEHIND A FREAKING TRASH CAN? Thats so funny and weird at the same time. Literally he needs to get a life of his own. 🙄🔪
excuse all my typos cause im in class atm (on a sunday ik, its torture)
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winchester-books · 4 years
Happy Birthday
Based On: Supernatural
Characters: SisterWinchester, John, Sam, Dean
Warnings: Angst, Family-Abuse, Language, Horrible Parenting
Word Count: 1700
Summary: It’s Deans birthday and Y/N wants to get him something special. However, gets caught stealing and her father is furious.
A/N: please read warnings!! also this was originally planned to be posted on dean winchester’s birthday, but i never got a chance to finish it until now... oops. happy late super late birthday to a man who deserves happiness (even though happiness has nothing to do with this fic)
also i know it’s been so long since i’ve posted, im sorry for my hiatus, i’m hoping i’ll be able to write more these upcoming weeks! 💞
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The police officer led you into the station and ordered you to sit in the hard metal chair next to his desk. The man sat down across from you, informing you that he was going to call your father as he picked up the phone.
You nodded absentmindedly, not really listening to what the cop was saying- you already knew what was going to happen.
You swallowed dryly, knowing that you had screwed up. You gripped the chair tightly, your nails digging into the cushion, as you strained to hear the conversation.
Maybe, just maybe Dean would be the one to pick up.
“Hello, is this Mr. Winchester?” The officer said as someone picked up the phone.
“Yes, can I help you?” John responded impatiently.
Your heart dropped immediately recognizing your father’s impatient and irritated tone.
“Yes,” The officer glanced over at you as he explained, “I’m calling about an issue concerning your daughter, Y/N, she’s gotten herself in some trouble. We’ve decided to let her off with a warning, but we still need you to come down to the station,”
Your grip on the chair tightened as you waited to hear your father’s response.
“Sir?” The officer asked.
“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” John said coldly.
You winced, you could already tell, he was furious.
“Thank you, sir-" Click. John hung up. The officer pulled the phone back, a little surprised that the man had just hung up on him like that. He shook it off and turned back to you, “Your father will be here soon,”
You nodded silently, mentally cursing yourself for getting caught.
It was stupid.
All you had been trying to do was get your little brother Dean a gift for his birthday.
A stupid car magazine and a candy bar.
A lame excuse for a present, it wasn’t even a good gift- you had no clue what normal 9 year old boys liked to do for fun, but it didn’t matter because neither did Dean.
It was a dumb thing to do, and you knew that Dean wasn’t expecting anything, but you had felt bad. This year, John hadn’t even mentioned Dean’s birthday- he must’ve of forgotten. When the cashier saw you walk out of the store with a candy bar sticking out of your back pocket and a copy of Car and Driver Magazine stuffed not-so-discreetly under your t-shirt, he yelled for you to stop. You got scared and you ran, so he called the cops.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t stolen anything before, but this time had been different.
The things you usually stole were always necessary. Just a few pieces of bread or an apple or two so you and your brothers could get by while your father was on a hunt.
You looked up at the sound of the door swinging open. Your father strode in and you immediately dropped your eyes back to the floor, not daring to look at him. He nodded emotionlessly to the officer a a greeting, sitting himself into the seat next to you.
“I’m afraid I caught your daughter stealing from the market on the corner earlier today,”
John stayed silent as the officer explained.
“I’ve spoke to her, and we both think a warning is sufficient enough-”
“What did she steal?” John questioned, interrupting the officer.
“A candy bar and and a magazine,” the man responded, seemly a little intimidated by John.
You didn’t look up, but you could feel your father’s angry glare burning into your back, “So, it’s just a warning- does that mean I can take her home now?” John asked, already standing up.
“Umm-“ The officer’s hesitation received an intimidating stare from John. The officer shifted uncomfortably, loosening his collar, “Uh, Y-yes, you’re both free to go. Just no more warnings,”
You nodded, but you weren’t really listening to what the man was saying. You were trying to prepare yourself for the punishment you were going to face when you got back to the motel room.
John put his hand on your shoulder, guiding you out the door and into the Impala. He didn’t say anything on the ride back to the motel. He stared straight ahead, his knuckles turning white as he harshly gripped his steering wheel. He skidded into the parking lot and turned the Impala off. He opened the door, not even glancing your way, “Get inside,” he ordered.
You did as you were told, following him into the dirty motel room. Sam sat quietly coloring while Dean stood at the little table pouring cereal into two bowls he had set out for him and his little brother.
“Dad!” Sam called, a smile across his face.
John didn’t even glance towards him, he stared down at Dean sternly, “Take your brother and leave. Y/N and I are going to have a talk,”
Dean gave you a concerned look, “Dad, I just make me and Sammy dinner-” It was a flimsy excuse, but he tried to help you.
“I said get out.” John repeated, more force behind his words this time.
“Y-Yes sir,” Dean nodded, quickly dragging Sam outside with him.
The second the door shut, John turned, glaring down at you, “You interrupted my hunt,” he said coldly.
You opened your mouth, trying to find anything to say to calm your father down.
“You could’ve been arrested- you could’ve gotten me arrested,” he barked, taking a step towards you. “All for a fucking candy bar and a dumb magazine?” He fumed. You winced when he took another step towards you.
You stumble over your words, “I was... I just wanted to-“ John smacked his hand across your cheek. You stopped mid-sentence, feeling the hot sting on your face. You winced, your hand immediately reaching to the spot he hit.
“Do you really think I care?” He snarled and you took a step back, refusing to let the tears welling in your eyes fall.
You didn’t respond- afraid that if you said anything you’d only end up saying something that would make it worse for you.
He lunged forward, shoving you backwards, hard. You stumbled back, your hands flailing around as they tried to find something to stop your fall. You fell onto the ground, smacking your head on the dusty couch on the way down.
“I asked you a question!” John roared. You held your breath, trying to forget about the splitting pain in your head as you looked up at your father towering above you.
“No,” you shook your head, “No-No Sir,” you quickly corrected. You pulled your hand away from your throbbing temple, grimacing when you saw blood.
Your father didn’t seem to care, “If you ever get caught doing anything like that again, you’re out,” he said, his glare never faltering.
“I’m out?” You asked cautiously, still careful to not upset him.
“Out of the family,” he said bluntly, “I’ll take Sam and Dean and leave you wherever you stand,”
You knew your father could be harsh, but this was a whole other level. You wanted to scream at him and hit him back, but you found yourself nodding and replying, “Yes Sir,” in a hallow voice.
He ordered you to clean yourself up, muttering something about going to get a drink before he left the room and your brothers ran back inside.
You turned away, trying to hide the cut on your head and the red handprint across your cheek.
“Y/N/N, Com’ere,” Dean said, taking a few steps towards you.
You didn’t face him. You didn’t want to worry him, you were fine. Dean grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to face him.
His eyes filled with pity for you as he looked at your wounds, “Sammy, get a washcloth and some water,” Dean told him as he continued inspecting your face.
You watched him, the worry and anger etched into his small face. He was only nine years old, but he was aged well beyond his years, “Dean, it’s not that bad,” you pushed his hand away, but he ignored your protests and started wiping away some of the blood with the washcloth Sam had retrieved.
“What happened?” Sam asked curiously, looking up at you with wide eyes.
“Nothing Sammy,” you and Dean said in unison.
“Go to bed Sammy, I need to talk to Y/N/N,” Dean ordered.
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments as dean continued to work on your face. He wiped across one of the cuts on your face, causing you to wince.
“Sorry,” Dean apologized as he kept working.
You shook your head, laughing a little to yourself, “You know, I’m the big sister. I’m supposed to be taking care of you and Sammy, not the other way around,”
“You take care of us enough,” Dean assured, “We’ve gotta be ther for you too,” the room fell back into silence besides Sam’s soft snoring. “What’s Dad mad about this time?” Dean said quietly after a few moments.
You sighed as Dean finished bandaging the last cut on your face, “I screwed up... I almost got arrested,”
Dean furrowed his brows, “What’d you do? Did you steal something? I thought we had enough food-”
“We do. I just,” you sighed, “I was trying to get you a birthday present. I mean, dad hadn’t said anything about it all day so I just figured he forgot. It was just a car magazine and a candy bar, but wanted to at least try to make it a little special for you,”
Guilt washed over Dean’s face, “Y/N, I didn’t need anything I-”
“Dean, I know,” you said giving him a soft smile, “And this isn’t your fault, it’s mine for getting caught and it’s dad’s for being such an asshole,”
Deans eyes widened at the word, not used to hearing you speak poorly about your father.
You sighed bringing your hand up to cup his face, “Dont worry Dean, one day I’ll get us out of here. Me, you, and Sammy can get our own place that isn’t some nasty motel and we can do whatever we want. No hunts, no danger, no drunk dad, just us. And we can be happy,”
Dean nodded, a smile spreading across his face at the thought.
“Happy Birthday Dean,” you whispered pulling your younger brother into a tight hug.
“Thanks Y/N,” he said, wrapping his arms around your neck and laying his head down on your shoulder.
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A Valentine’s Day to Forget - Harry Styles One Shot
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Normally, you weren’t a huge fan of Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t because you had been single for most of your adult life, but because you thought if you truly loved someone you should want to show them/tell them/do something nice for them any day of the week, month, or year and not just a specific day that everyone was going to be doing the same. 
However, ever since you’ve been in a relationship with your current boyfriend for almost two years, you’ve enjoyed spending Valentine’s Day together. The past two Valentine’s Day dates had been simple ones. The first one you two had only been dating for a few weeks prior, so you two had done a nice dinner out before heading back to his place for ice cream and a movie. That was almost the night he officially asked you to be his girlfriend. 
The next year, you and Harry had decided on a night in, eating Chinese food and watching Rom Coms the entire night while you cuddled on the couch. For this year, you had suggested maybe doing something a little more formal. You had tried talking with Harry about ideas, but he said he would have everything taken care of. He wanted the night to be special and a surprise. 
Part of you wondered if he had something up his sleeve, perhaps a marriage proposal, but you shook that thought out of your mind. One neither of you had really brought up the topic of marriage and two, you really hoped he wouldn’t ask on a day like Valentine’s Day. But anyway, you were currently getting ready for your big date with Harry. 
You had purchased the most gorgeous blood red velvet floor lengthen dress that fit you perfectly. Again you weren’t sure about the color red because it was known for every one to wear a shade of red on Valentine’s Day, but you fell in love with it as soon as you put on it. You paired it with a simple diamond necklace Harry had bought you on your first anniversary and a pair of diamond stud earrings he had bought for your birthday. 
You found a thick sliver heels in your closet and slipped your feet into them. You  also picked out a black coat to wear and one of your small handbags to put your things in. You still had no idea what Harry had in store for your date night, but you do remember him saying he would be there to pick you by seven. 
While it was technically the night before Valentine’s Day, you both had agreed on going out before the actual day and then maybe doing something simple on the night of, so that way you weren’t stuck with the huge crowd of people. Once you were all ready to go, you did a double check in the mirror. You were a bundle of excitement and you weren’t sure why. It was amazing that you still felt like this whenever you were with him or going out with him. 
When you were satisfied with your look, you grabbed your coat and bag before heading down to the living room to wait for Harry. You weren’t sure if he would need to freshen up or change before leaving, so you poured yourself a glass of wine to sip on while you waited for him to arrive. Six forty-five rolled around and you still hadn’t heard from him. Now, that you thought about it, you hadn’t really heard from him all day. 
You knew he was going in for some meetings regarding the tour and rehearsing for his upcoming Brit’s performance, but surely he would have checked in at last once. When six forty-five turned into seven thirty, you probably should have been more worried than you were. You also probably should have sent him a text or phoned him to see if everything was okay. 
However, during your wait you had gotten infested in the Law and Order SVU marathon that was on and a few glasses of wine. It wasn’t until you started feeling a little tipsy that you realized just how late it had gotten. It was well after nine o’clock and you had yet to hear from Harry. You grabbed your phone, double checking for any missed calls or texts. 
You were really starting to worry now wondering where he could be. It was never like him to be over two hours later without letting you know. You called him first, but it ended up going to voicemail. You sighed typing a quick little message and pressing send. 
Hey, Babe, Just checking in to see where you are. It’s a bit late and I’m worried.
Twenty minutes pass and there’s still no response, so you try again. 
Still no answer. Just a voicemail. 
So, you try your next option. You text Mitch and Adam, who you knew would have been at the rehearsals to see if they knew where Harry might be. It only took about ten minutes before Adam responded. 
Pretty sure Harry, Mitch, Sarah, and a few others went out to grab dinner and some drinks.
Your mouth opened in shock as you read the text from Adam. Not only were you shocked in knowing Harry’s whereabouts, but also that you didn’t drop or throw your phone after finding out. Going out for dinner and drinks with his band was something he did quite often when it came to being at the studio or rehearsals, especially when they ran late. But the fact that he went that night, when you two were supposed to have a special night out, that he was supposed to plan, really hurt you. 
It also pissed you the hell off. You weren’t sure when Harry would finally decide to make his presence home, so you went upstairs taking off the dress you had been so excited to wear, but would now only hold the memory of the night your boyfriend forgot about you. You put on sweats and a large t shirt before going into the bathroom and wiping off the makeup you had spent quite a bit of time to apply. 
And finally you pulled up the hair that you had perfectly curled up into a messy bun. You really wanted to climb into bed and forget about this whole thing, but you knew with the amount of wine you had that night, you needed to put something in your stomach. Of course, due to your annoyance level, you really weren’t that hungry, but your body would hate you in the morning if you for went eating dinner. 
By the time you went to the kitchen, grabbed things out to make a quick sandwich, you heard the front door unlock. 
Well. Well. Well, look finally decided to show the fuck up you thought. 
While you were spreading the hummus onto your slice of bread, Harry walked through the door. 
“Hey, baby, I’m home,” he said. “So sorry It’s late. The mates and I went out for drinks.”
No shit. You rolled your eyes. 
“Baby?” Harry said walking into the kitchen. “Oh, there you are. Hm. That looks delicious, can you make me one?” 
You really wanted to tell him off right then and there, but you bit your tongue and continued to ignore him. 
“Or not,” he said when you started putting everything up. “Look, I’m sorry, I didn't call or respond to your texts. My phone died and I didn’t realize you had called me until I plugged my phone into the car.” 
You poured yourself some water into a glass before picking up your plate and going into the living room. You sat yourself down on the couch and picked up where you left off on the marathon, turning up the volume. Harry sighed, it was obvious that you were upset with him, but he didn’t really understand why. 
Yes, he should have called you to let you know where he was, but he went out to dinner after rehearsals all the time, so he didn’t really see what the problem was. He decided to give you some space while you ate your sandwich and he went to the bedroom to change out of his t shirt and trousers and into something more comfortable. 
It wasn’t until he went into the bathroom when he saw all of the discarded makeup wipes in the trash bin that he realized something wasn’t quite right. He went back into bedroom and saw your coat and handbag laying on the chair. 
Did you go somewhere tonight? He thought to himself. 
He went back into the living room where you were still on the couch. You were curled up in a blanket and the empty plate was on the coffee table in front of you. 
“So, what did you do tonight?” He asked sitting next to you. 
You moved away from him to the other side of the couch and he sighed. 
“Y/N, please talk to me,” he pleaded. “If I fucked up, just tell me so I can make it right.” 
You glared at him, “The fact that you don’t even know that you did fuck up tonight is the real problem.” 
“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t call. I didn’t think I’d be out that late,” he said. 
“I don’t give a shit about that Harry!” You snapped. “Okay, maybe I do a little bit, but the real issue is something else entirely.” 
“Like what?” He sighed. 
“Like I don’t know this super special date that you were supposed to be planning for us? You know the one that we had talked about a few weeks ago and you said that you had everything under control. But no, apparently you fucking forgot because you went out with your mates while I sat here all dressed up with nowhere to go,” you snapped. “I sat here drinking an entire bottle of wine because my own boyfriend stood me the fuck up on Valentine’s Day! So, yeah, you did fuck up and I don’t know which is worse the fact that you stood me up or the fact that you didn’t know that you stood me up!” 
Before Harry could answer you threw the blanket off of you and went into the bedroom, slamming the door behind you. 
The second Harry heard the door slam he knew there was no resolving this tonight. He couldn’t believe he forgot about the date, that he forgot about Valentine’s Day in general. His schedule was super busy at the moment, not that it was an excuse, but it was. He never even made plans for the date. He had written ideas down, but he never called to make them happen. 
Fuck, he really fucked up. Now, the makeup wipes in the trash bin made sense. You had gotten ready and then took everything off before he got home. God, he felt miserable. He felt horrible, knowing that he hurt you. He knew he needed to fix this, but he wasn’t sure how. He could stay up all night planning the perfect date for tomorrow, but he knew it wouldn’t make things right. 
He knew it was late, but there was only one person he could go to for advice, so he grabbed his phone and called his mother. 
When you woke up the next morning, you were alone in your bed. At first you were confused, but then the previous nights events flooded back into your memory. You got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Harry must have slept in the guest bedroom, which you were a little annoyed that he didn’t even try to make things right. But it was a new day and his ass better be groveling or else it would be another night spent in the guest room. 
You opened the door walking out to the smell of cinnamon and powdered sugar filling the air. You rolled your eyes at the thought he was trying to make this right by make you breakfast. Weak! Anyway, you made your way into the kitchen to see Harry making french toast with a cheesy little pink and red, heart apron. Three huge Bouquets of Roses of a red, pink, and white were sat on top of the bar. 
Now you were smelling the roses and the french toast. You weren’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. When Harry noticed you, he gave a small smile. 
“Morning,” he said. 
You nodded, “Morning.” 
“I uh. I made breakfast,” he said pointing to the spread in front of him. “I tried making them in heart shapes, but honestly they look a bit more like an ass.” 
Oh my god, someone never let this man cook again, you thought. 
“Um, thank you, I guess,” you said walking over to the cabinet to get two glasses to pour some drinks into. 
Harry carried two plates over to the kitchen where yet another huge ass bouquet of roses sat. 
“Did you buy out an entire flower shop?” You asked sitting down. 
“Uh, no,” he laughed awkwardly. 
“Hm,” you said sitting down and pouring syrup onto your toast and taking a bite. 
Neither of you had said anything until finally Harry couldn't’ take the silence anymore. 
“Y/N, baby,” he sighed. “I’m sorry about last night. I know that does change what happened or make things better, but I need you to know I am sorry. I did forget to make plans for us, and I can’t believe that I did that. It’s just with the tour coming up and this single getting ready to drop and filming and all this other shit, it just really fell through the cracks. I know it’s no excuse and I never should have let myself forget about a night about you.” 
Next thing you know it pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, “Now, I know this won’t change what happened, but I did have all this amazing ideas for our date night. I just... forgot to actually make them happen. I did put a lot of thought into this, I just didn’t execute it. I want to make this up to you, I really, really do, we don’t have to do it tonight, but I want to do all of these things with you if you’ll give me the chance.” 
You looked over at him before taking the piece of paper and looking over it. There were a lot of great ideas and things you two had talked about doing before. 
“All of these would have been great, had you remembered last night,” you mumbled. 
Harry sighed looking down at his plate. 
“And I understand that you’ve been under a lot of stress and work has been crazy, but you’re about to go on tour for basically the rest of the year. I’m only going to see you for a few weeks at a time throughout, so I thought maybe you’d want to spend as much time with me as you could before then,” you whispered. 
Harry took your hand, “And I do. Of course, I do. You’re my girlfriend and I love you. I want nothing more than to spend time with you.” 
“But not last night,” you said. “Harry it’s not just that you forgot to plan this special date, it’s the fact that you just plain forgot. Had you come home after rehearsal last night and didn’t even mention going out, I would have been a little disappointed, but at least we would have been together. It wasn’t just about going out for Valentine’s Day, it was about spending time with one another.” 
“I know, I know,” he whispered. “God, I want to make this right. I hate seeing you upset and I hate being the cause of it. Please, tell me how to make this right.” 
You sighed looking over at him, “Next time, choose me,” you whispered before getting up and taking your plate into the kitchen before going back into the bedroom, leaving Harry at the table with his thoughts. 
First Valentine’s Day One Shot! Thoughts??? 
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writingithink · 4 years
You asked for it!!! Prompt number 5 and Tentoo/Rose 😂💖
Alright so this somehow got out of hand, just a little.
[Send me a prompt and a Doctor (9-11) x Rose pairing!]
Aerial View Necessary Rated: T Pairing: Tentoo x Rose Wordcount: 3,360
Read it on AO3
It had taken quite a few months for them to get here, months in which she thought she was going to go absolutely insane, but they finally did it. She and the Doctor had a house of their own. With doors, and carpets, and all of the other domestic things a house on Earth came with.
Oddly enough, it was the Doctor who had first suggested it.
They had only been staying at the mansion for five days - not even a full week. Just five days since saving the multiverse, since Bad Wolf Bay (again), since he had been essentially created. Things had been … awkward. After so long apart they had to get used to each other again, but that was compounded by all of the changes that came with his metacrisis - some of which delighted him, while others had him throwing fits.
So when he had stormed into her room on their fifth day together on parallel Earth, Rose had assumed that he was having another tantrum, like the one the evening before when he found out that he could no longer eat an entire tin of biscuits without getting a stomach ache (she had been equal parts annoyed with and sad for him). She was barely awake, had just managed to pull herself up onto her elbows when he collapsed on the bed next to her.
“Let’s get out of here. Our own place. What do you say?” He looked quite manic for 8 in the morning.
“What?” she had asked, still groggy but quickly waking. “Where’d this come from?”
“I, Rose Tyler, absolutely refuse to live with your mother.”
For all of the new little quirks and biological changes, he really wasn’t all that different. Once she’d gotten ready for the day, cuppa in hand, Rose had taken a seat at the kitchen island, laptop already out from the day before, and started looking up flats online. It wasn’t long before the Doctor was there, looking over her shoulder and somehow managing to get jam in her hair.
“No, no, no,” he started, “not a flat. Too small. Too many other humans right on top of us. Or below us. Or to the side. You know what, never mind, forget that bit. We need a house.”
“Really? You? A house?”
Years may have passed, but his horror at the prospect of a mortgage while orbiting a black hole wasn’t the kind of thing she was ever going to forget.
“Yup. Not like this one, but a good size. The TARDIS will need her own room. Oh! And I think I would fancy a garden. Not just a small one, but a proper yard. We could have a pool! Do those come with houses, or do you have to get them separately?” the Doctor babbled, leaning over her in order to begin making his own searches, fingers typing on the keyboard at a ridiculous speed that the machine was having difficulty keeping up with.
Then her mum came in.
“What are you two up to now?” she’d asked.
Before Rose could think of a way to ease her mother into this new development, the Doctor had taken the matter completely out of her hands.
“Getting a house. What do they mean ‘request a viewing’? Aren’t I viewing it now? They’ve got 23 pictures.”
It had all gone downhill from there. Her mum had had plenty of opinions, and went from enthusiastically trying to do the house hunting for them to harsh disapproval of the whole thing seemingly from moment to moment throughout the entire process. And the Doctor’s combination of unending enthusiasm and complete ignorance made it all … well, it was never boring, that’s for sure.
Also, he turned out to be very picky, which shouldn’t have surprised her.
Their realtor hated them.
But now it was over, and here they were in their own house. Their own home.
It was two stories, with four bedrooms (“One for us, one for the TARDIS, one to use for, you know … whatever. Office? Workshop? And then an extra, just in case, you know … because what if we need it?”) and three bathrooms. The sitting room was cozy, and the kitchen was spacious, and there wasn’t a separate dining area (“What do we need a dining room for? When have we ever had people over for dinner?”). They had a finished basement (which the Doctor had more ideas for than it had space, but Rose figured he would have to figure that out for himself) and an attached garage, as well as a shed out back (“It will be perfect, you know, for projects that are too big for the house … well, not too big, the shed is quite small, but you know, too, er, combustible.”). It also had a pool, but not a hot tub - she had had to convince him that they could easily buy one when he almost told the realtor no (again). And their garden was huge. 
Rose didn’t know what to even do with it, she’d never had a garden before. Well, the last few years at the mansion she did technically have one - but that was different. It was her parents garden (well, grounds would be more accurate) and it was tended to by gardeners. In the excitement of moving in, she let the issue of lawncare slip her mind. 
Neither her nor the Doctor had many things - despite years living in a parallel world, Rose had been so focused on her work with the Dimension Canon, and so sure she would be returning to her proper universe that she had never really put down roots. So they had to buy absolutely everything for the house, which was daunting. Thankfully one of the new quirks he had gotten from Donna was a love for shopping. Unfortunately, he did not get any common sense about what a house needed, and it became clear that this was an activity he was never allowed to do alone (in the end, Rose had had to send back 4 (out of 6) couches, 17 (out of 21) toasters, 3 (out of 5) mixers, various other kitchen gadgets (total number unknown, but now they at least had enough cupboard space for actual food), and a host of giant inflatable Christmas decorations that ‘had been on sale’). 
It wasn’t until they had been at their new house for about two months that the issue of their garden came up again. And only because they had received a written warning in the post about their grass being too long.
“Who are they to decide? Isn’t it our garden?” the Doctor complained. “I like our grass! It’s very … grassy. And green! Well, mostly.”
They were standing outside on their front porch, looking at their grassy, mostly green grass. It was pretty tall. And starting to go to seed, reminding Rose of the wheat-like plants on Serin III - those were green, too. They had green bread. 
“You’re gonna have to mow it,” she told him, patting his arm apologetically.
“Me? Why me?”
“Because you’re the one who wanted a big garden.”
“Maybe I also want a big fence. So that nosy city people who get paid to judge my grass can’t see it. That will show them. Or, or, we can get rid of all the grass! Put flowers and trees and things instead. Then see what these people have to say.”
“Or you could mow the grass,” Rose said, before giving him a kiss on the cheek and heading back inside. They had to be in at Torchwood soon and she still wasn’t done getting ready.
The rest of the week passed by in a blur of alien ‘incidents’, way too much paperwork, and the Doctor’s unending attempts to get out of either of them doing work the moment he got bored of it. Once the weekend arrived, she was exhausted and he was adorably and delightfully insistent on making her forget about any and all stress or responsibilities.
Monday morning saw another letter regarding their grass. This time with a deadline, and a fine promised if they didn’t have it taken care of by the end of the week.
“We don’t even have a mower!” the Doctor complained, crumpling up the piece of paper and throwing it across the sitting room.
“We’ll just have to get one. We can go after work. I’ll tell dad that we need to leave early.”
“Mmm I suppose, if it gets us out early,” he conceded, still pouting.
So they left work early and went to the hardware store, where the Doctor made no less than three scenes while complaining about the primitive technology, comparing gardening tools from different times and planets, and attempting to test drive a riding mower in the store (the lack of petrol in the floor model having easily been circumvented with a few applications of his sonic screwdriver). Obviously they ended up buying the one that he tampered with. And of course they were asked never to return.
“It said on the sign that you offer free delivery?” were the Doctor’s parting words before Rose dragged him away from the counter, telling the quietly furious manager that she would send someone to pick it up for them.
“Well that was rude of them,” he began as soon as they got into the car, “I was only trying to-”
“Nope. No. You should know better by now. We’ve been through this. Just … quiet,” Rose sighed. She wasn’t angry, but she didn’t know what exactly she was feeling - some mix of frustration, disappointment, and exhaustion. Despite the fact that he now only had one heart, she never forgot that he was an alien. Usually she loved all of his alien-ness. 
Just not so much when it clashed with their attempt at living a very human life. But they wouldn’t be stuck planet-bound forever. In a few years their TARDIS would be ready for flight, and then they would once again have all of time and space at their disposal. A whole new universe to explore.
Rose just didn’t know how they were both going to manage to stay sane until they got that far.
Surprisingly, he followed her instructions and the ride home passed in complete silence. It wasn’t until she pulled into the garage that he spoke, and even then it was a whisper.
“I’m sorry.”
She turned to him, frowning, worried that she was being too hard on him. It really hadn’t been very long since he’d been stranded here with her. No functioning TARDIS, stuck on the slow path in a universe he didn’t belong in and a body that felt foreign to him. 
“It’s okay.”
“No, no, it’s not. You were right. I do know better. It’s just- I just- it’s all so linear, all the time! And so stationery! If I’d ridden a mower through a shop before, it wouldn’t have mattered. We’d have ran off, back to the TARDIS, onto the next adventure. But now there’s consequences, and licenses, and passports, and credit cards, and rude letters about our grass! And I did know better, but I did it anyway because, because- what if we get boring, Rose? What if we become the kind of people who just go to work, and watch telly, and eat beans on toast, and trim our grass and that’s all?” he asked, both hands now fisted in his very disheveled hair and a look of pure panic on his face.
“Listen,” Rose said, leaning over the center console to place both of her hands lightly against the side of his head, thumbs rubbing his temples in a way she knew soothed him. “We are never going to be boring, whether or not you vandalize shops. Our job is defending the Earth from alien threats … and sometimes the other way around. And I’m sorry we went to get a mower to begin with. I don’t care. If you want our grass to get as tall as it can, I don’t care. We can just pay the fine. Okay?”
The Doctor’s hands had moved from his hair into hers and then he snogged her to within an inch of her life, stopping only when he kneed the console and hit his head on the roof of the car when he tried to get closer. The windows had all fogged up. 
They were awoken the next day with a call from her mum - they had made the tabloids, again. Contrite, the Doctor made her a lovely breakfast but she didn’t have time to eat it after having to spend nearly an hour on the phone with Jackie screeching in her ear.
When lunch came around, Rose felt tired and irritable and hungry but instead of going to the canteen she marched into Pete’s office.
“I need some time off,” she announced, cutting off whatever her dad had been about to say in greeting. “Me and the Doctor both. A vacation. Right away. I’ve got plenty saved up.”
“Does this have something to do with the ‘mower incident’?” he asked, raising both eyebrows and sitting back down behind his desk.
“No. Yes? I don’t know! We just- we need a break.”
Despite the spontaneity of it all, Pete had lunch brought up and they were able to schedule three weeks of vacation time, starting the next day. When Rose went up to the Doctor’s lab to tell him, he was nowhere to be found. The floor’s lab manager said that he had disappeared over an hour ago, no one knew where. This wasn’t exactly new behavior, so she shrugged it off and went to finish up her day of writing up reports. He was waiting for her in the carpark at the end of the day, as usual, a huge grin lighting up his face the moment he saw her.
“Did Pete tell you the news?” she asked, a little disappointed that she hadn’t gotten to be the one to tell him.
“News? What news?” he asked, genuinely confused.
“Oh. You seemed so happy, I figured he musta told you.”
“No. No one told me anything. I’m always happy to see you. But what is this news?” he asked, somehow managing to still be nearly bouncing even as they got into the car.
“We’re on vacation. Starting now.”
“What?! Really?! Where are we going? What would you like to do?”
“Hmm … well, we’ve got three weeks. We can go wherever we want. Could be outta the country in a couple hours,” she informed him with a tongue touched grin. 
“Rose Tyler, have I told you how absolutely brilliant you are?”
“Hmmm … ‘m not sure,” she teased.
“You are. Absolutely, astonishingly, brilliant. Are we off to the Zeppelin right now?” he asked, looking out the window as if this wasn’t the same route they took every day.
“No, we have to go home first to pack.”
“Ah. Right, wizard! And we can figure out where to first! Europe? Asia? The Americas? Zeppelin travel is so slow, maybe explore parallel Europe this time?”
During the drive home, the Doctor barely stopped for breath. It was the most excited she had seen him since they’d gotten to this universe. He was so happy, it almost made her heart hurt. 
When they pulled into the driveway she immediately noticed that the grass had been trimmed … well, part of it, at least. A small bit.
“When’d you do this?” Rose asked, not bothering to pull into the garage.
“Oh! I took a long lunch. What do you think?” he asked, bounding into the garden and only walking in the mowed bits.
“Well, I mean, you missed some,” she laughed.
“No, no, come here.”
He took her hand and led her on a winding and loopy path that went in an arch from one side of their front yard, to their backyard, and then to the other side of the front.
“Well it’s definitely not a maze … does it say something?” she asked once they were back in the driveway.
“You’re right, it does! 10 points to Gryffindor! Perhaps an aerial view is necessary.” Still holding her hand, the Doctor headed inside, no doubt with a plan to get onto the roof.
“Oh, that reminds me, Doctor … this universe does still have Harry Potter, but …” she hesitated as they reached the stairs.
“But what?” he asked, turning toward her with wide eyes.
“The names of the houses are different.”
“What?!” he screeched. “Months! We’ve been here months, and you don’t tell me this until now?! What are they?! No! Don’t tell me. No spoilers. Ohhh I’m going to have to reread everything, aren’t I? Every book. Who knows how many things are different?” The Doctor dropped her hand in order to ruffle his hair, as the other one was still holding onto the rail. 
“Did you still want to go to the roof?” she asked, hesitating only a little. He tended to have a flair for the dramatic, but sometimes he was genuinely upset. It was just, occasionally, a little hard to tell which was which.
“Right, yes, roof. Roof, then packing, then books, then vacation,” he listed, taking her hand again and almost running up the stairs. “We can spend a day at the beach somewhere. You love beaches. You can go swimming, and I can start rereading. Or is it just reading?”
Soon enough they managed to get onto the roof from the balcony that came off their bedroom (one of the Doctor’s ‘must haves’ in a house). Looking down, spelled out in the garden in messy cursive was, ‘I love you Rose’.
“Oh,” she breathed, covering her mouth with her hand and fighting the tears that were suddenly gathering in her eyes. 
“What do you think?” he asked, after they had both been silent for too long.
“It’s perfect,” she whispered, pulling him into a kiss. They wobbled unsteadily for a moment before the Doctor slowly guided them both downward until they were sitting, less in danger of falling.
“I love you, too,” Rose told him, when they finally paused to breathe.
His answering smile was so bright, it put the sun to shame.
They eventually got off of the roof, but it was hours before they left the house. Once they finally boarded a Zeppelin, the Doctor was disappointed to realize they had forgotten to pick up books. And three weeks later, when they got back from Europe, there was a pile of mail right inside their front door - much of which were fines and late fees regarding their grassy, now not-so-green grass.
Rose paid them.
The Doctor built a perception filter.
Letters stopped coming, and it worked so well that not even Jackie ever said a word about how untended it was. The whole thing slipped Rose’s mind in the months that followed, until one evening at sunset the Doctor took her up onto the roof again.
Colors streaked across the sky, and the first couple of stars were beginning to peak out as the sun disappeared under the horizon.
“Those are still there because of you,” he whispered in her ear, nuzzling into her neck before placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Mmm … I did have a little bit of help,” she said, brushing a hand into the hair at the nape of his neck, satisfied when the Doctor sighed against her.
“Just a little?”
“Yeah,” Rose giggled, “from Mickey. Remember him?”
At the Doctors indignant squawk, she fully burst out laughing.
“I had a lot of help from you,” she told him, no longer teasing.
“Thought so,” he muttered, mollified. They were quiet for a few moments before he said, “And now here we are.”
“Rose?” he asked, sitting up. Her neck and shoulder were suddenly chilled with the absence of his body heat. When she looked over at him, he seemed nervous.
“What is it?”
“I- well- uhm …” the Doctor floundered for a moment before saying, “What do you think of the garden?”
Incredibly confused, Rose Tyler looked down and was surprised to once again find words trimmed into the grass.
‘Marry me?’
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webcricket · 5 years
Thursday’s Child
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Pairing: CastielXReader Word Count: 2759 (Pt. 1) Summary: Part 1 of 5 - You met Castiel during his stint at being human and knew him as Steve, a sweet, albeit mysterious, man working at the local Gas-N-Sip with sad blue eyes that seemed to light up in your presence. That was eight years ago; now the daughter he fathered during your brief time together - the girl he doesn’t know about because he stole from your bed without a word and slipped out of your life before you knew you were pregnant - is asking for him. You realize, for her sake, it’s time to face the painful truth in order to find him. A/N - Part 1 is an angsty intro to the reader, the next part brings us up to speed on where Cas is at ...
Pt. 1
You walked into the Gas-N-Sip onto a scene a match stick strike short of complete chaos. Beyond the sea of customers waiting at the counter, the grumbled volume of their impatience rising like a storm’s tide breaking on a rocky shore, you saw not the blue-eyed sales associate you sought for, but the ragged figure of the manager, Nora, as she slammed her fist against the side of the cash register to compel its cooperation.
The machine spat its contents out in a metallic ding barely audible above the thunder of discontent. Nora flung a handful of crumpled bills at the gaping man stood before her and waved him toward the door with his uncapped cup of cold coffee without a word regarding well wishes for the goodness of the day.
The frazzled blonde jabbed a finger at her temple, peered blankly over the counter, and muttered, “Can I help whose next?” in a manner that made whomsoever was next dither in presenting themselves for customer service slaughter, and two people leave without getting the gasoline they came for - one of whom had trudged there on foot through the snow uphill in a pair of threadbare tangerine Converse after their car ran out of juice three miles down the road.
As the sea swelled in murmured confusion over who was next, you dove into the crush of shoulders and shoved a path through to the front.
Pressed into the counter, you jostled a carousel display of novelty keychains, the inconvenient disturbance of which, more than your voice, caught Nora’s strained attention. “Nora!” you panted. Caging the scattering of metal rings within your elbows to prevent their clattering to the floor, you ignored the nicotine-husked scolding of a wrinkled weather-worn woman sounding in your ear about cutting the line.
“Y/N?” A flicker of hope lightened Nora’s craggy sleep-deprived aspect at the sight of you. “Have you seen Steve?” Clutching at your wrist, she asked the desperate-toned question before you could, unknowingly answering yours in its sameness. “He hasn’t been in for two days. No call out. Nothing. That’s not like him.”
Cheeks paling, you agreed – conscientious to a fault, it wasn’t like him at all to just disappear.
The sickly sense of suspicion festering in your stomach during the last forty-eight hours that began upon waking to empty sheets and fattened itself not on food, because you’d barely eaten under the barrage of worried emotions, but rather fed on a gluttony of unreturned calls and texts, shuddered and flipped with enough weight to unsteady your feet; wrist yanked from her grip, you flattened your palm to the front of your jeans as an awareness of imminent ill shot sour bile up your gullet.
You shook your head; taking a second, you choked back the throat-searing fluid and fortified your dizzied balance against the confirmation he had indeed gone without a trace. “N-no, I haven’t-” you sputtered- “I-I was hoping-”
Cutting you off, unable to hear anything beyond the unhelpful news of your weakly uttered ‘No,’ frustration rutted her sweat-beaded forehead. “Well when you do see him, tell him he’s fired. He left me in the middle of a mess of inventory and I haven’t had anyone to open. For fuck’s sake, it’s the holidays! I’m in a real lurch here.” Wheezing to reach for the final bit of breath required to bellow out her contained fury, she gestured at the crowd and flashed the one or two nearest folks shocked by her expletive outburst a conciliatory service industry contrived smile.
“If-if you see him-” you attempted to request the returned favor through the burst levy of her rage as the woman spewing insults about your impudence wedged between you and the counter to demand immediate attention. Funneled in defeat to the center of the store, you broke for the bathroom before the wet brim of heartache flooded your lashes and a renewed heave of nausea hollowed your belly of its fill of woe.
“Mama?” The girl outfitted in pastel blue and magenta feather-bedecked fleece footie pajamas curled on the bed beside you stirred sleepily in the crook of your arm; the friction of her minute movements and dry forced heat air of winter combined sparked a static shock where the soft warmth of her bare fingers brushed your own calloused cooler ones.
“Yeah, honeybee?” Swiveling your concentration from the pages of the storybook held above the both of you, you closed the pages and sniffed your reply ticklishly into the freshly washed soap-smell of your daughter’s scalp – the scent of her a welcome haven from the heady aromas clinging to you of yeasted bread, warmed spice, and browned sugar that otherwise denoted a hectic day spent toiling in the bakery and sweet shop you operated below the small apartment.
She squirmed and giggled beneath your unrelenting Eskimo kisses until, fidgeting sideways to evade and escape, she squealed mid-laugh a query so completely unrelated to the book you’d been reading aloud minutes before it took you aback. “Where’s daddy?”
Her innocent and wholly natural curiosity stilled your showering of affection, seized at the center of your chest to steal your breath, and skipped your heart a few agonizing beats, but only a few; you’d grown emotionally numb over many years to the hurt of not knowing what happened with her father, of trying to reconcile your questions with a lack of answers in order to figure out what you did wrong, if anything, to warrant Steve’s disappearance from your life – and his own - without a goodbye, a warning, or so much as an inkling of a reason.
Although you tried and mostly succeeded in tidily boxing up the train wreck aftermath of emotion in your brain, he remained nonetheless an enigma forever in front of you because she was his; she wore his smile, albeit a bit easier and more often than he did; she saw the world through that same shade of inwardly illuminated blue, giving everyone she gazed upon the benefit of the doubt; she treated everything she touched, too, with a kindness, carefulness, and consideration so like him.
He endured even in his absence as an end without an end - the only proofs of the brief love-swept spell of him having been in your life a blunted memory stonewashed by time to dull the jagged edge of loss in believing he was the best thing to ever happen to you, and the life he sparked in your womb, a little girl who turned out to be what he wasn’t – the love of your life.
Yet despite the distance of years and the layers of a life well-lived laid on top of past pain, and like the first time you met him, every once in a while, when you least expected it, in moments when you were most relaxed, his recollection had a way of taking you by surprise such that you forgot how to breathe.
Her inquisitiveness, however, did not; she asked after him on occasion, especially now that she was in school and of an age to notice and wonder at the differences between her family and those of her classmates.
“Max has two daddies.”
Her observation, spoken in an airy awe punctuated by a yawn, penetrated your reverie into the past.
“That so?” Shifting up onto an elbow to better study the seriousness scrunching up her nose, you smoothed her disheveled hair into a chestnut halo of bouncy ringlets encircling her head on the polka dot patterned pillowcase; your fingertips fondly followed a wild whorl rebelling above her ear.
“Mm-hmm,” she drowsily drew out the noise, blinking heavily-lashed eyes that danced over the neon glow of star stickers arranged in constellations on the ceiling. With a mumbled, “and a dog, too” -she tossed the blanket, burrowed face-first into the pillow, and fell soundly asleep.
Staying absolutely motionless, you praised in grateful silence the sudden seizure of slumber children are wont to succumb to for temporarily relieving you from an explanation; whatever she dreamed of would be better than the reality of not knowing you had to offer.
You slipped from the bed and into the hallway, flicking lights off as you walked the worn oriental carpet runner to your bedroom, and found yourself standing in front of the closet digging for a shoebox stuffed in the topmost corner behind a stack of spare sheets.
Extricating the box with a grunt, you sunk to the floor, pushed off the lid, and dumped the contents, those few physical scraps you possessed of Steve - notes, snapshots, and the crumbling petals of a pressed red rose he left behind besides the scars on your heart and her - into your lap.
Last season, perched on Santa’s lap at the mall, your daughter told the falsely bearded jolly supplier of holiday spirit and maker of childhood magic she wanted him to bring her daddy home for Christmas. The pitying frowns donned by Saint Nick and his helper elf upon hearing her request haunted you for weeks afterward. The bright pink bike you bought to place under the tree as her big gift that year seemed a paltry substitute for what she really longed for.
It also prompted you to hire a private investigator to track Steve down. You hadn’t looked for him before then – you’d gotten on just fine without him; but it was becoming clear she needed to know him, if not as the father figure she idealized, at least as a means for both of you to get some kind of closure.
Part of you supposed regardless of why he left he should know he had a daughter and it was unfair - however unfairly he’d treated you - to keep her to yourself when you’d created her together. Whether he wanted to be a part of her life once he knew he’d not only deserted you, but left you knocked up, heartbroken, jobless, and in deep debt holding a newly minted mortgage for a building in need of major renovations before you could bake up that first batch of blueberry scones and realize a long-imagined dream – a dream he inspired you to pursue - would be entirely up to him.
Maybe you’d hesitated to look for so long because you felt he would want to be in your lives out of a sense of obligation rather than any emotive attachment of fatherly feeling; whatever had happened, the Steve you loved was a good man – dutiful of responsibilities to a fault. But Steve chose to leave and you wondered if he’d feel more trapped than anything if he knew there was a child; that he would be there like a hare snagged in a hunter’s snare awaiting fate, but that he wouldn’t want to be there.
In terms of fairness, that consequence wouldn’t be fair to any of you.
You eyed the sealed legal-sized manila envelope folded in half and jammed in the bottom of the emptied box. The part of you that preferred not knowing and defaulted to pigeonholing pain instead of dealing with it stuck it in there a month ago when the backlogged and grandfatherly private investigator working for literal beans of the brewed coffee variety and a weekly doughnut delivery as a personal favor to you got around to handing his findings over along with the kindly-intended counsel that he’d uncovered enough of the big picture to deem the case concluded, and it was up to you to decide whether it was worth hunting the guy down for a face-to-face to fill in the remainder of the damnable details.
Tucking the document into your outstretched hand – the fingers suffering from a nervy tremble no amount of suppressive will would quiet - he strongly cautioned against the latter pursuit of an in person meet up on the basis of having had decades of not so positive experience with quote unquote, “This same sort of dead beat dodging child support.”
Bolstering your resolve to learn the truth with a lungful of air, you slid a finger into the glue affixed gap of the envelope; the flap sliced your flesh as you tore into the paper. Soothing the slash against the warmth of your tongue, you slipped free the sheets within and rotated the cover page to scan the paragraph typed thereon – it comprised a summary of the steps the investigator took, contained a list of contacts in South Dakota and Kansas – potential current states of residence based on credit card activity - should you want to trail him further, and provided a social security number along with a name in bold uppercase print: JIMMY NOVAK.
A noose of nerves cinched tightly at your throat. The last thing you expected was an outright lie.
Steve … no, Jimmy, he carried a sadness in the slouch of his shoulders, a something secretive that distanced his gaze sometimes; he told you he lost everything - his family, his home - that he started over with nothing save the two feet he landed on to build a foundation. You believed him, respected his fortitude to move forward, and loved him enough not to push him to talk about a past obviously painful to him until he was ready.
You never dreamed what he meant to say was everything you knew of him, everything he shared, was a fabrication built not to move on from the truth, but to hide it from you.
The whoosh of your pulse pounded in your ears; vision tunneled, the panicked pump of racing blood blackened the periphery of the white sheet when you turned to the next page.
Written there was the fact Jimmy had another family; had a daughter – Claire. He left them, too. He hadn’t lost his family and home, he ran out on them just like he ran out on you.
“Mama?” Dainty fingers tapped at the damp shine of your cheek; she crept in so quietly you hadn’t heard the tip-toe tread of her bare feet on the carpet. “Mama?” she said it again, a broken whisper verging on a sob, and tangled her limbs around your neck.
You shoved the papers off your crossed legs and pulled the ball of her body into your embrace. “What’s wrong, baby bee?” Blinking to staunch the sting of your tears, your piqued emotion surrendered to a roused motherly alarm as you folded the mess of her sweat-matted hair to your bosom where she could hear the reassuring thump-thump housed within.
“I had a bad dream,” she murmured and fisted the fabric of your robe.
Me, too, you thought, and snuggled her in tighter.
Glancing at the discarded report amid the box’s other trinkets, your bleary gaze landed on a glossy polaroid photo of you and Steve snapped at a holiday party you goaded him into attending with you when your original plus one ditched you at the last minute so you wouldn’t have to face alone a roomful of tipsy marketing execs you loathed.
That night, that moment, his fingers flirting hesitatingly at your waist, touches giving in to the pull of gravity as the night wore on to graze then hug your hips as if they belonged there - had always been there - a confidant and comfort tenderly testing the territory of more - you naïvely yielding like pliant putty to his touch - that was the point of no return; through the retrospective filter of the truth it became clear he seemed too good to be true, because nothing about him was true.
Part of you wished you could reseal the envelope and the truth with it and return to the comparative bliss of not knowing. Mostly you seethed, an unprocessed anger relegated to the back-burner ignited, inflaming mind and muscle until your entire frame radiated a heat of rage.
The girl quaking in your grasp, bend of her spine shivering as you skimmed it in soothing caresses, reminded you some nightmares do evolve to have happy endings; no matter what happened, or what would happen, you had her and he couldn’t take that away from you.
Wiping her fear and tear flushed features into your pajamas, she gasped a desire that plunged daggers through your heart. “I want my daddy.”
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” you spoke in a whisper to shush her whimpers and calm the heated tempest of your nerves.
She went limp wrapped in the safety of your words and arms; you’d do anything for her, including suffer pain and swallow your pride to dredge up a monster from the past. You only prayed he wouldn’t hurt her, too.
Castiel tag list:  (Closed, if you’d like to be removed please let me know!)    @jeepangel​  @sammiesamness​  @willowing-love​  @blueicevalkyrie​   @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11​  @thesugargalaxy​   @bluetina-blog  @dont-trust-humanity @honeybeetrash​  @bucky-thorin-winchester​  @superwholockz​   @tistai  @wordstothewisereaders​  @gill-ons​  @mrswhozeewhatsis​  @marisayouass​  @stone-met​   @castiel-savvy18​  @samualmortgrim  @trexrambling  @magnificent-mantle  @xdifsx  @mandilion76  @rockfairy  @peaceloveancolor​  @unicorntrooper  @anisolatedship  @itsilvermorny  @aditimukul  @kudosia  @goofynerd-67babylove​  @uninspirationalsonglyrics​  @gray-avidan​  @mishascupcake​   @mishapanicmeow​   @praisecastielamen​  @roseyhxnt  @jessikared97  @let-the-imaginationflow  @warriorqueen1991   @sebastianstanslefteyebrow   @hisnameisboobear  @kristendanwayne  @fuschiarulerinthebluebox  @coolpencilpie  @jenabean75​ @luciathewinchestergirl​  @morganas-pendragons​  @heyitscam99  @fangirl-and-stuff  @selahbela  @realgreglestrade  @splendidcas  @pointlesscasey  @i-larb-spooderman​  @thewhiterabbit42​  @thelostverse​  @castieliswatchingoverme​  @beccollie18  @dragonett8  @dixie-chick  @jtownraindancer​   @carowinsthings​  @passionghost  @ladyofletters67​ @futureparent​  @gabbie7-11​  @myfandomlife-blog  @dreamerkim  @samael-has-arrived  @shamelesslydean  @earthtokace​  @neaeri  @justanormalangel​  @lone-loba​  @supernaturalymarvel​  @lilrubixx​  @wings-and-halo​  @lilulo-12​  @x-cassiopeia​ @thehoneybeecastielfollows​  @musiclovinchic93​  @81mysteriouslyme​  @the-bottom-of-the-abyss​  @jaylarkson​  @missjenniferb​  @ayamenimthiriel  @supervengerslock  @jessiekay2010​
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