#plus some new trickling in as we speak
floworence · 1 year
Fic writers I need y'all to step up your game for those sweet sweet Nimona fics.
It's me. I'm fics writers.
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The Nurse Pt 1.
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You laid on the cold, hard hospital bed starring at the ceiling, trying your best to hold back your tears. Your tears were the final thing you felt you still had some control of, the final connection you felt you had to your masculinity, they fell despite your best effort. The diaper wrapped around your midsection warmed as you felt urine trickle over your now hairless balls and absorb in the soft damp padding under your cheeks, as if to confirm your masculinity was indeed a thing of the past.
You tried not to let the diagnosis replay itself in your head for the millionth time, but it seemed, as if with all things, that too was out of your control. "The surgery had some unexpected complications." "Fully incontinent" "adult briefs". You ventured a feel under your blanket. Hand running under the hospital gown to collide abruptly with smooth plastic. You ran your hand over the swollen bulge probing gingerly at the soft padding. It was so thick you could hardly feel your own dick through all of the padding. 
"Diapers", you thought, "I'm going to be stuck in diapers for the rest of my life." The tears came unabated now. 
There was a sudden knock at the door, and it creaked open. 
"Mr.... Mr. Smith?"
You quickly pulled your hand from under your sheets, and tried to wipe the tears from your eyes.
You clear your throat and sit up with a sniffle. "Erhm, yes. Yes that's me."
You were dismayed to see the nurse that entered the room was some 5 years your junior, and absolutely beautiful. You could read on her face that your attempts to hide your emotions had been futile. She wore a mask of sadness and pity. 
"I'm sorry, do you... do you need a minute?" She asked, brushing her hair back anxiously with her fingers.
"No, no. I'm... I'm fine." You say trying to regain your composure. "What, what is it?"
"Well I'm here to ummm, well, to get you cleaned up."
"Oh..." you stammer, the reality of the situation donning on you. "No, there's no need for you to do that. I can manage it I'm sure."
"Yeah, um, I'm sure you can, but you see it's hospital policy I'm afraid. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I uh, well I do this all the time, haha." She chuckled the last part uncomfortably.
"What? Why is that hospital policy? I promise it's not an issue."
"Yes, I know I know. I wish that wasn't the case, but I'm sure you can understand, a lot of our other patients who have... recently started using protection, are much less capable of you, and well some of them get embarrassed as well. We, need to be certain that you're changed" she paused "that you have adequate protection until you are discharged from our care. It's a legal thing, I'm sure you understand, right? Plus! Looking at your chart it seems we're just holding you overnight for observation, so you'll be out of here and on your own by tomorrow morning! Isn't that good news?"
Tears once again stung the back of your eyes. "Please be quick." You affirmed with a crack in your voice. 
The nurse nodded curtly and started pulling on her nitrile gloves. From under your bed she produced a fresh folded diaper, a plastic tube of ointment, a large plastic bottle, and a package of wipes. 'So much equipment' you thought. So much is needed for me just to use the bathroom now.' She placed all of it beside you and stopped.
"I'm Sarah" she said.
"Matt." You replied looking away.
"Nice to meet you Matt. I'm sorry that this is happening to you. But you should know you're not alone. I see patients everyday that need to wear protection. I know it seems like the end of the world right now, but I promise in the grand scheme of things it's really not that bad."
You nod quietly, afraid to speak for fear of loosing your cool, and crying through your first diaper change as an 'adult'. You knew she was lying. How many diapers did she ever change on a 30 year old man? ZERO. That was your bet.
"Now, I understand this is your first time wearing a brief?"
"Diaper" you thought, lips pursed tightly. She didn't continue. Finally you nodded.
"Right, well, with you being discharged tomorrow I'm going to show you some things ok. I promise I'm a real pro."
With that she unfolded the tightly packed diaper and crumpled it back and forth in her hands, as if to advertise: this is how loud and noticeable the diaper will be.
"We call this floofing. It breaks up the material so it's softer and more absorbent." She explained. "Now," she pulled your hospital sheet off of you and began to pull up your gown.
Reflexively you grabbed her wrist and pushed her hand away.
"Mr... Matt, please. I promise it's nothing I haven't seen. I'm trying to 'be quick' remember?"
You release your grip on the soft smooth skin of her forearm and let your hand fall. Suddenly ashamed and embarrassed at your outburst. 
"I'm sorry." You stammer, stealing yourself for the inevitable. 
"That's ok. I know this must be hard for you." She says pulling up your gown to reveal your sodden yellowed diaper. 
You couldn't help but look down at yourself. The infantile plastic fabric mounded between your legs seemed huge. Worse yet it was stained yellow, with your piss. "When did I do all that?" You thought. For the first time since Sarah had entered a tinge of fear overpowered your humiliation. "Do I really have that little control of myself now? Am I really that broken?"
As if answering your unspoken questions, Sarah continued. "Now, if you're changing lying down, you'll want to place the fresh diap.. brief underneath yourself in case you have a little accident midway through. That way it will all go in the new brief. Can you lift your butt up for me."
This was all too much. You numbly thrust your diapered crotch into the air for the whole world to see. Not least of which this poor beautiful woman beside you, whose face was practically pressed up against it, forced to endure changing the piss soaked rags of the invalid before her.
She daftly slid the unfolded diaper beneath you. "And down. Very good!" She nearly cooed. "Now, we just take the old one off." With each deafening rip of tape your anxiety built to a crescendo. Finally the sodden diaper lay tapeless across your shame. Sarah smiled a fake smile to no one and peeled back the top of the diaper to expose your hairless, piss covered groin to the room. You looked down at yourself, and at her sitting beside you. You felt as though your dick wasn't even yours anymore. Useless now, dribbling pee at random, and hairless, shaved while you were out during surgery. It looked and felt so juvenile. YOU looked and felt so juvenile, you thought. And you to make everything worse you were experiencing your new body for the first time with this beautiful young stranger. You glanced over at her, as if to find some comfort, some understanding, but there was nothing but the same sad, pitiful look on her face.
"Now, your number one concern with incontinence is actually skin care." Sarah said putting on a brave face. "So you want to make sure you clean up thoroughly during every change." She explained pulling wet wipes from their packs. 
You flinched away as she began to wipe you down. 
"Sorry, they're cold." She said smiling at you, and making eye contact for the first time since the change began. 
They were cold, but you weren't sure that was exactly why you flinched. Perhaps it was the obscene humiliation of a complete stranger wiping your own piss off your most intimate area, and a beautiful stranger at that. 
It occurred to you that just a day or two ago, the only interactions you'd have had with a beautiful woman and your dick would have been a fun sexual encounter. This couldn't be any further from a sexual encounter, despite having her gloved hand petting your dick at that very moment. You weren't a sexual partner. You were just a smelly, humiliating burden. 
"Now, I know you probably don't want to hear this, but if I were you, I would continue to remove your pubic hair. I know that may make you feel... a certain way, but trust me, having hair down there makes clean up WAY harder, and it can hold in smell, and you DEFINITELY don't want that. But of course that's totally up to you. That's just my two cents!" She finished cheerily.
Just when you thought your humiliation had peaked, more is piled on. You had assumed your hair removal was part of the procedure. That you could grow it back like the man you are. But no, being clean shaven is just another part of being in diapers.
"Ok! You're all clean! So now you can change into your new brief!" She said with false cheer. "Lift up."
For the final time you thrust your groin into the air, right by this poor woman's face. She pulled the sodden diaper from beneath you, and you lowered yourself onto the fresh diaper. 'Never not in a diaper' you thought. 
"Very good." Sarah said rolling up your used diaper. "You can roll these right up like this and tape them back closed like this." She explained, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to teach someone how to dispose of their used diapers. "Now. Remember how I said skin care is  super important?" You nodded numbly. "This is where you will want to be very meticulous with that. The first thing I like to do is apply the barrier cream. According to your chart you're fully incontinent correct? And the doctor explained what that means?"
"Yes." You mumbled meekly.
"So we expect you'll be passing stool into your diapers as well." She paused, presumably catching herself using the 'd' word, then powered through. "Prolonged exposure to your feces will break down your skin much faster than urine, so you'll want to change yourself as soon as possible. However that's not always possible, so it's highly recommended you apply a barrier cream"
'You'll be passing stool into your diapers' she had said. YOUR diapers. YOU WILL BE SHITTING IN YOUR DIAPERS. This is your reality now. Presumably for the rest of your life.
Sarah squeezed a line of ointment onto her gloved index finger. "This should be about how much you want. Oh! And definitely you'll want to wear gloves. These ointments can be really greasy." She explained.
Without further explanation she reached down and pulled your nutsack back and slid her lubed finger between your cheeks. You could feel her smearing the greasy ointment outward across your butt. 
"Make sure at the very least you cover your bottom, and the back of your scrotum. That's the area most likely to be in contact with feces."
To your absolute horror, you felt your member began to grow at her touch. Pulsating as it filled with blood, despite your state. It was all just too much. Tears again began to fall silently down your cheeks.
"Oh!" Sarah exclaimed despite her attempts at professionalism. She looked back at you and exclaimed again. "Oh, no, no, no. Please don't cry. This is totally natural. I completely understand it's all beyond your control. And hey, this is really really good news for you right. We were uncertain in the procedure would result in importance as well right?"
Your tears continued unabated.
"Hey hey hey!" She continued trying to console you, "this is great news! Your dick still works! Right!" She smiled jokingly, relieving some of the tension in the room.
You smiled despite yourself. Wiping the tears away and nodding. "Thank you." You said.
"Ok, ok we're almost done! Hang in there." She said. "This is just oil. I'll be honest it's J&J baby oil. There's no getting around it, that's just what works as an all a round barrier to protect your skin." She was rushing now. Clearly as eager to get this over with now as you were.
She splashed a few dabs onto your groin where your hair used to be, and started rubbing it in around your now fully erect penis. 
"Just try and cover all of your private area with this AT LEAST once a day. I recommend after your morning diaper change when you're out of the shower. But after every diaper change would be better" She had dropped all pretenses in her hurry to get away from your erection that had become the hairless elephant in the room. 
You noticed with dismay that while Sarah oiled you up, urine trickled from the head of your penis onto your stomach, pooling a bit and rolling down your side into the fresh diaper beneath you. The realization that you truly had NO control dawned on you fully. What good was it being able to have an erection if it was always going to be leaking piss anyway?
"Ooops!" She said cheerfully, wiping the fresh urine off of your stomach. "Ok! Last bit, is the powder!" She said not missing a beat. She explained all of the different types you could purchase as she sprinkled the flagrant powder over your glistening freshly oiled erection and balls. You didn't catch much of what she said. All you could think about was the smell. Baby. It was baby powder. You smell like a baby now. And why shouldn't you? wrapped in your diaper, and covered in your own fluid. It was only fitting you now also SMELL like a baby.
"....use this EVERY TIME you change." She finished. "And that's it! Now we just tape you up."
She pulled the top of your new diaper up and over your penis. Pinning your still erect penis to your tummy.
"And then it's just one, two, three, four." She explained as she taped the fresh diaper in place. "Some people like to tape a different order, but that's what I like." She said, hurriedly pulling your gown back down to cover your new diaper before you had a chance to inspect it.
"Now what I would do," she explained "is stand up and test the fit. That's important if you change yourself laying down."
After such a thoroughly humiliating experience, you felt absolute relief at once again being covered and hidden from her, even if it was just by a thin hospital gown that did little to nothing to hide the outline of the diaper. Slowly you sat up and swung your feet over the side of the bed and stood. You winced painfully at the surprisingly loud crinkles your diaper made along the way. Finally you stood. You were a full head taller than Sarah you noticed. It felt weird standing in front of her like this. So close. Your boner, fully known to both of you, still straining against its new plastic prison. 
"Now how does it feel?" She asked "run your fingers along the leg holes to make sure it's not too tight there. You can always readjust accordingly."
"It feels pretty humiliating." You said half jokingly.
You hoped it would lighten the mood some, but she just looked at you with the same sad pity. 
"You'll get used to it. You'll see. This is your life now, and it's best if you try not to fight it. Okay? You'll be alright. Just a learning curve is all." She smiled and threw your used diaper in the trash by the door, and sorted your supplies back under your bed.
You shifted uncomfortably on your feet, feeling the slick ointment between your cheeks, and the heft of the diaper between your legs. You stopped moving to avoid the obvious crinkles you were producing not wanting to draw attention to it. Dumb you thought, given all that just happened.
Satisfied with her cleaning Sarah stood to leave. "I'll be on shift all night ok? So just press that button there if you need anything. It was nice to meet you Matt. You're going to be ok"
"Thank you Sarah." You said abashedly.
She turned in the door, "and Matt,"
You looked up expectantly from your diaper bulge.
"When your penis settles down, reach in and point it back towards the bottom of your diaper, or you'll leak." She smiled, nodded and was gone.
"Your diaper" you said quietly. You wear diapers now. "And you'd better get used to it."
As part of an AI Art experiment, please feel free to edit the photo used in this caption. If you enjoyed this story and would like to see it continue, please submit your edited photos to me. 
Thank you.
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ceasarslegion · 6 months
I think one of the reasons the harassment post going around about me is making me so upset is not only because well, its a harassment post about me specifically that people are just uncritically sharing and has reached 2,000 notes now full of tags about how much i should kms and deserve to be shot and killed and how much of a fascist libtard i am based entirely on one meme post i made, but also because i have... already had a really rough month
This month alone i have been woken up at 3am to a slew of emergency texts of one of my best friends attempting suicide, ran to her apartment through sketchy alleyways because i have her spare key, didnt find her there, and had to play the waiting game as to whether or not she was still alive. She was, and went back to work the same day after refusing treatment. And then she just got back together with the guy who drove her to try it because "but i love him and he prommied real hard to change 🥺" and MOVED IN WITH HIM against everybodys screaming at her not to. Now we are in the awkward stage of not really talking to each other before the friendship probably dies out, after which i dont know what will happen to her, but i do have to accept the harsh reality that shes dug her own grave and i cant help her if shes going to act like this.
And then i got extremely harshly disciplined twice at work for stupid reasons. I was treated like a dumbass who cant do anything right because of other people's stupidity trickling down to me, and being blamed for the actions of passengers who didnt speak a lick of any language of any officer we had on the floor at the time and i couldnt effectively communicate the procedures i had to do with. It took me making a big X with my arms to get them to stop. And they treated me like i told them to do that
And then all my friends transfer to different airports because of a contractor switch giving them advancement opportunities as new positions get established. I dont want to advance yet personally, so i decided to stay where i am. Plus, im tied down here by a lease.
And then i wake up to someone spreading that about me yesterday. After i already feel like a piece of shit who cant do anything right and everybody hates or leaves at some point. So yeah its... its lingering a bit
Im sorry to beat a dead horse, ive just a rough month
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aloudplace · 5 months
Fidelity won 9
He was furious.
Sig sat on the edge of the bed in the bathrobe, legs folded beneath her, and watched him pace. He was still shirtless and flushed, hair a wavy, curling mess.
"Why did you do it?" he demanded.
She hesitated and he stopped pacing to pin her with an icy glare.
"Mad," she said reluctantly.
Glowering, he waited.
"She's vulnerable. Malik can control her. I need someone there who can resist him. Someone with the bond. You seemed like the best candidate."
His face was stiff with outrage. "And it didn't occur to you to let me in on–-"
"Would you have agreed to it?"
He scowled. Didn't answer.
"I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not. This is about survival."
"You'd do anything to protect her." He said it bitterly.
"And me."
He stalked her across the room, moving like a big cat, eyes glittering. "And what did you think I would do?"
Tilting her head to look up at him as he neared, she said, "This."
Standing over her menacingly, he growled, "Why the sex, then?"
Sig blinked. "Isn't that self-explanatory?"
"A consolation prize?" he countered snidely.
"Don't be gross."
"Why me? You could have chosen Thor. He would have done it willingly."
"I really hope you don't mean sex."
He snarled. "You know what I meant."
Sighing, she let her feet slip off the mattress. He was standing so close that her knees fell on either side of his legs. His gaze flicked downward, flaring with heat.
God, his combination of temper and sexual aggression was heady. She'd dampened the bond as much as possible so he couldn't read her, but she could still feel a trickle of his emotions. Anger, lust, denial.
"Why would I want Thor when I can have you?"
That seemed to stun him, for some reason. He went very still, gaze penetrating, as though searching for the lie in her words. Through the bond came a ghost of feeling. An ache that made her heart squeeze.
He didn't believe himself worthy. At least, not compared to his brother.
"There are benefits to the bond," she said, to cover the emotion rising in her throat. "In fact, there are more benefits to you than there are to me."
"Such as?"
"I can transfer power to you now. Use it to heal you, feed your metabolism. Make you stronger. Even extend your lifespan."
The surprise on his face was gratifying.
"We can communicate across vast distances as well. Although," she reconsidered, "That, you might find troublesome."
"You can find me anywhere," he grated. "I'll never be rid of you."
"I'll leave you alone when this is over if that's what you want."
The implications of that "if" struck him visibly. He opened his mouth to speak, closed it again. Turned abruptly and paced away from her.
"You would have done the same if our positions were reversed," she said quietly.
He spun, "Don't tell me what I would have done."
"It's true though. Isn't it? Can you really blame me?"
Denial and something else warred on his face. His emotions were a tangle she couldn't make sense of, but there was something there. Something that made her tingle with hope.
Finally, anger gave way to resignation. "Well, it's done. You may regret it, though."
She shrugged. "I told you. It's a curse."
...   ...   ...
Sig sat on the couch with a mug of coffee, listening to the sound of Loki in the shower.
Wondering what he was thinking. What he wanted.
Lot of good that does me.
She could peek using their new connection, but he would undoubtedly feel it. He most certainly wouldn't appreciate it.
Plus, she wasn't too keen to let him in on what she was feeling, and the bond went both ways.
It was strong with him, too. Unexpectedly so. The connection had been more intense than with Mad. And Malik. Maybe because of the sex?
God, that had been good. She was still aching in low places.
But now wasn't the time to dwell on it.
She set the coffee on the table. Dropped into a shallow trance and reached out to Mad.
Usually, it took significant effort to reach Mad across such a distance, but the old magic she'd taken from the Bifrost surged and flung her effortlessly towards the faint pulse of the Tolok's energy signature.
Hello, my Sigyn. Mad's greeting was crystal clear and vibrating with happiness. Are you well?
Yes, Sig answered, drinking the Tolok's simple pleasure with relief. Did you do what I told you?
Yes, my Sigyn. Protocol fifteen. I waited. The ship and I are safe at the appointed place.
Good. Part of protocol fifteen was as that they couldn't speak of their respective locations, on the off chance that Malik might be listening in psychically.
Do you see my timeline? Sig asked.
Is it clear?
No, my Sigyn. There is obscuration.
What can you tell me?
There was a pause while the Tolok calculated the risks of foretelling Sig's future.
Your plan must hinge on Loki. That is all I may safely say.
Well, that wasn't a surprise. It does. Can you see what we're planning?
No, my Sigyn. But I see the bond. Her voice vibrated with happiness.
Sig sent Mad a telepathic scowl. Don't get too excited. I didn't exactly ask his permission. He's less than happy about it, but he's going to help us.
All will be well, my Sigyn. Mad's response was full of confidence.
If you say so. Stay there until I contact you again, ok? Be safe.
Yes, my Sigyn.
She broke the connection and looked up. Loki was standing beside the couch with a towel riding low around his lean hips, looking down at her.
Sweet God in heaven.
"Where did you go just now?"
Sig tore her gaze away from his naked torso and made herself look up into his face.
"With Mad," she said.
"Ah." He bent to pick up the bundle of clothing that sat beside her on the couch. "How is the little time witch?"
He was more relaxed now. The stiffness was gone from his frame, anger dissipated. Wet black curls clung to his collarbones. His chest was smooth, leanly muscled. His abdomen corrugated. Everything gleaming and beaded with water.
Sig had the insane urge to snatch the towel away, just to see the look on his face.
Well, maybe not just for that reason.
"She's fine. We're going to need a ship."
His brows rose. "It's time?"
She nodded.
Sig could swear his irises changed color at that moment-–turned from blue-ish to a pale, translucent green.
"Where are we going?"
His darkly eager tone sent fine little shivers down her back. Lovely, happy little shivers. There were rivulets of water trickling down his belly, over the muscles above his hips.
"Not far," she said, suddenly unable to produce complete sentences. "Secret."
His eyes narrowed in anticipation. "Shall I call Fury?"
"The Watcher."
"You mean Heimdall." He lifted one hand and ran it through his wet hair, the muscles in his chest bunching deliciously.
Like an idiot, she simply smiled at him, heart dancing a funny little tattoo in her chest.
His expression faltered. "Are you unwell?"
She shook her head. "If you want intelligent conversation, you're going to have to put some clothes on."
He blinked at that, expression flickering from surprised to disconcerted to amused.
"Or don't," she smiled again. "That also works."
His mouth dropped partly open on a voiceless little gust of breath-–half laugh, half disbelief.
"I know." She waved one hand as though to erase her previous behavior. "I need the Watcher to check on Malik. See if we can get a location before I ... do the thing."
He shook his head, eyes rolling upward. "Fine. I'll just be a moment." And then he turned and went back to the bedroom.
Sig watched him go. His back was just as nice as his front, especially with her nail marks all over it.
Oh god, she thought helplessly, this is madness.
He came back out wearing a fresh gig in deep, dark brown leather with wide strips of forest green down the sides, on the forearms and diagonally across the lower leg. The jacket closed on the left side of his chest with several straps that ended in slim, dark copper buckles. There was a matching decorative copper arc, inverted at the collar and inlaid into the leather, like a gesture at a necklace. The whole getup hugged his body deliciously.
Sig found herself mentally calculating how one might go about getting it off him.
"Have I passed your inspection?" he said wryly, interrupting her thoughts.
"Absolutely," she smiled.
His mouth quirked. "My brother had these sent up for you," he picked up the other bundle of clothes and tossed it into her lap. "Get dressed."
While she looked at the bundle, he went to the phone on the wall near the kitchen entryway and dialed Fury.
She stood, stripped off the robe, and started pulling on the high-waisted leather pants, listening as he told Fury what she wanted.
As he argued.
Shit. "Let me talk to him," she said, turning with the top half of the ensemble still clutched in one hand.
Loki handed her the receiver, his gaze dipping to her naked chest.
"I need some assurances before I give you a multi-million dollar piece of SHIELD equipment," Fury said before she'd even spoken.
"Well, I can't give you any assurances." She watched Loki's pupil dilate as he gazed at her breasts.
"Then take one of ours with you. Take Thor. He can bring the ship back when you're through with it."
"And report back to you everything we do, thus jeopardizing the success of our plan." She tucked the phone against her shoulder and pulled apart the remaining garments–-a short, fitted jacket in midnight blue leather and a matching cotton undershirt.
Fury cursed, "Work with me here. We won't communicate with Thor except to track your loca–-"
"No. Tracking us defeats the purpose of going where we're going." She struggled into the undershirt while Loki watched her with predatory interest.
Fury sighed. "Then take him as a show of good faith."
"I don't have any good faith. Listen, if you want this to work, you're just gonna have to trust me." She tucked the shirt in. Loki's gaze followed her hands.
"I'm finding that rather difficult, considering I have nothing but your word to go on, and you won't tell me squat about what you're planning. For all I know you're going to take the ship and hang us out to dry."
"I appreciate that, but there's nothing I can do to reassure you–-"
"Take Thor."
"I don't need him," she said impatiently, shrugging into the jacket. Loki came around the couch and startled her by helping with the complicated closure, reaching inside the jacket to attach the inner flap under her arm.
"He's one of the most powerful beings I've ever encountered. Surely you could use a little extra backup."
She made herself breathe evenly. Loki's knuckles brushed against the underside of her breast. His face was impassive, but his body radiated heat. "Power, we have. Clumsy, musclebound idiots, we do not need."
"He could be useful," said Loki, pulling the outer flap of the jacket into place and buttoning it snugly on the opposite side of her body.
She looked at him in surprise as Fury said stubbornly, "I'll give you the ship if you take him, otherwise we'll just take our chances with Thanos."
He was bluffing, of course.
Loki gave her a shrug like, Why not? He buckled the jacket's narrow belt and then straightened the asymmetrical lapels, brushing over her breasts again–-rather unnecessarily, she thought. Not that she was complaining.
"I'll call you back," she said to Fury, and then hung up on him, mid-denial.
"He's not nearly as dumb as he looks," said Loki, hands falling away from her body. "He might be useful."
Humming all over with arousal, she replied, "Or he might be a huge, unnecessary pain in the ass."
He smirked. "You just want to be alone with me."
A little of column A, a little of column B. "Do you really think your brother is an asset to the plan?
"Well, can Malik withstand a massive lightning bolt?"
Hm. "I doubt it."
"In that case, with Thor's help, we may be able to take him down without ever getting too close."
She considered. "I don't know, adding another variable seems...foolhardy."
"Sounded like the ship and Thor are a packaged deal."
"Fury's bluffing. His whole planet is at risk."
Loki shook his head. "I guarantee you he isn't putting all his chips on us. He has other plans. Hidden resources. The man is clever, I'll give him that. And devious as hell."
She sighed. "Fine. We'll take the idiot. But I reserve the right to ditch him on some backwater hellhole if he proves to be more trouble than he's worth."
Loki grinned. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
... ... ...
Thor and Heimdall met them at the docking bay, which opened from beneath a low building adjacent to the center compound building.
"This ship is tiny," Sig was saying to Fury. "Can it even carry three people?"
"It can, though there are only two sleeping pods. Hopefully, your journey will be a short one."
Sig shrugged, turning to Heimdall as the two Asgardians approached.
Thor clapped Loki on the shoulder in greeting and Heimdall said, "You wish me to locate the Aldurian."
"Can you?" Sig asked.
Heimdall nodded, "His cloaking is good, but I saw him most recently on a planet on the nearest edge of the Andromeda galaxy. I believe he is still there now."
"Which planet?"
"I do not know the name. It's a trading hub outside of Confederacy jurisdiction."
"Good, there aren't any portals between here and there. That gives us time to get away from Earth." To Loki and Thor she said, "Let's get moving."
"We've stocked you with food and supplies," said Fury as they boarded the Quinjet. "The ship has enough fuel to get you well outside the solar system. After that, you're on your own."
"Thanks," she leaned over the edge of the docking ramp and held out her hand. With a look of surprise, Fury shook it. "Good luck with Thanos," she said.
"Thank you. Good luck with Malik."
She grinned at him and then turned and ducked onto the ship.
"Loki," Fury said, as the God of Mischief turned to follow her.
Loki paused and Thor looked back as well.
"If you're successful, I'll lobby for dismissal of the charges for your crimes against Earth."
Loki hid his surprise behind a mocking smile. "I'm touched."
The human went on as if Loki hasn't spoken. "That being said, if you fuck this up, Thor will bring you back in chains and you'll spend the rest of your days here in a ten by ten cell."
Behind him, Loki caught Thor's urgent gesture of repression. He glanced at his brother and Thor smiled sheepishly.
To Fury, Loki said, "I shall endeavor to redeem myself in your exalted eyes."
Fury's mouth thinned into a line of pure derision. "See that you do."
As the docking door closed behind them Thor said, "I'm sorry, Brother."
"Are you?" Loki drawled, taking the seat beside Sig at the console. She was already starting the engines. Outside, Fury's little minions scurried about the bay, signaling with orange cones as the ship began to move.
"Strap in," she said.
"Why do you get to pilot?" said Thor.
"Because I'm the oldest," she replied smartly, without looking back. Then she threw the throttle forward and the sudden momentum sent Thor tumbling into the rear of the cabin.
Loki laughed with genuine glee. "This is going to be fun."
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Do you really hate this county? Or were you just ranting?
Sigh. I debated whether or not to answer this, since I usually keep the real-life/politics/depressing current events to a relative minimum on this blog, except when I really can't avoid ranting about it. But I have some things to get off my chest, it seems, and you did ask. So.
The thing is, any American with a single modicum of genuine historical consciousness knows that despite all the triumphalist mythology about Pulling Up By Our Bootstraps and the American Dream and etc, this country was founded and built on the massive and systematic exploitation and extermination of Black and Indigenous people. And now, when we are barely (400 years later!!!) getting to a point of acknowledging that in a widespread way, oh my god the screaming. I'm so sick of the American right wing I could spit for so many reasons, not least of which is the increasingly reductive and reactive attempts to put the genie back in the bottle and set up hysterical boogeymen about how Teaching Your Children Critical Race Theory is the end of all things. They have forfeited all pretense of being a real governing party; remember how their only platform at the 2020 RNC was "support whatever Trump says?" They have devolved to the point where the cruelty IS the point, to everyone who doesn't fit the nakedly white supremacist mold. They don't have anything to do aside from attempt to usher in actual, literal, dictionary-definition-of-fascism and sponsor armed revolts against the peaceful transfer of power.
That is fucking exhausting to be aware of all the time, especially with the knowledge that if we miss a single election cycle -- which is exceptionally easy to do with the way the Democratic electorate needs to be wooed and courted and herded like cats every single time, rather than just getting their asses to the polls and voting to keep Nazis out of office -- they will be right back in power again. If Manchin and Sinema don't get over their poseur pearl-clutching and either nuke the filibuster or carve out an exception for voting rights, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act is never going to get passed, no matter how many boilerplate appeals the Democratic leadership makes on Twitter. In which case, the 2022 midterms are going to give us Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House (I threw up in my mouth a little typing that) and right back to the Mitch McConnell Obstruction Power Hour in the Senate. The Online Left (TM) will then blame the Democrats for not doing more to stop them. These are, of course, the same people who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton out of precious moral purity reasons in 2016, handed the election to Trump, and now like to complain when the Trump-stacked Supreme Court reliably churns out terrible decisions. Gee, it's almost like elections have consequences!!
Aside from my exasperation with the death-cult right-wing fascists and the Online Left (TM), I am sick and tired of how forty years of "trickle-down" Reaganomics has created a world where billionaires can just fly to space for the fun of it, while the rest of America (and the world) is even more sick, poor, overheated, economically deprived, and unable to survive the biggest public health crisis in a century, even if half the elected leadership wasn't actively trying to sabotage it. Did you know that half of American workers can't even afford a one-bedroom apartment? Plus the obvious scandal that is race relations, health care, paid leave, the education system (or lack thereof), etc etc. I'm so tired of this America Is The Greatest Country in the World mindless jingoistic catchphrasing. We are an empire in the late stages of collapse and it's not going to be pretty for anyone. We have been poisoned on sociopathic-libertarian-selfishness-disguised-as-Freedom ideology for so long that that's all there is left. We have become a country of idiots who believe everything their idiot friends post on social media, but in a very real sense, it's not directly those individuals' fault. How could they, when they have been very deliberately cultivated into that mindset and stripped of critical thinking skills, to serve a noxious combination of money, power, and ideology?
I am tired of the fact that I have become so drained of empathy that when I see news about more people who refused to get the vaccine predictably dying of COVID, my reaction is "eh, whatever, they kind of deserved it." I KNOW that is not a good mindset to have, and I am doing my best to maintain my personal attempts to be kind to those I meet and to do my small part to make the world better. I know these are human beings who believed what they were told by people that they (for whatever reason) thought knew better than them, and that they are part of someone's family, they had loved ones, etc. But I just can't summon up the will to give a single damn about them (I'm keeping a bingo card of right-wing anti-vax radio hosts who die of COVID and every time it's like, "Alexa, play Another One Bites The Dust.") The course that the pandemic took in 21st-century America was not preordained or inevitable. It was (and continues to be) drastically mismanaged for cynical political reasons, and the legacy of the Former Guy continues to poison any attempts to bring it under control or convince people to get a goddamn vaccine. We now have over 100,000 patients hospitalized with COVID across the country -- more than last summer, when the vaccines weren't available.
I have been open about my fury about the devaluation of the humanities and other critical thinking skills, about the fact that as an academic in this field, my chances of getting a full-time job for which I have trained extensively and acquired a specialist PhD are... very low. I am tired of the fact that Americans have been encouraged to believe whatever bullshit they fucking please, regardless of whether it is remotely true, and told that any attempt to correct them is "anti-freedom." I am tired of how little the education system functions in a useful way at all -- not necessarily due to the fault of teachers, who have to work with what they're given, and who are basically heroes struggling stubbornly along in a profession that actively hates them, but because of relentless under-funding, political interference, and furious attempts, as discussed above, to keep white America safely in the dark about its actual history. I am tired of the fact that grade school education basically relies on passing the right standardized tests, the end. I am tired of the implication that the truth is too scary or "un-American" to handle. I am tired. Tired.
I know as well that "America" is not synonymous in all cases with "capitalist imperialist white-supremacist corporate death cult." This is still the most diverse country in the world. "America" is not just rich white middle-aged Republicans. "America" involves a ton of people of color, women, LGBTQ people, Muslims, Jews, Christians of good will (I have a whole other rant on how American Christianity as a whole has yielded all pretense of being any sort of a principled moral opposition), white allies, etc etc. all trying to make a better world. The blue, highly vaccinated, Biden-winning states and counties are leading the economic recovery and enacting all kinds of progressive-wishlist dream policies. We DID get rid of the Orange One via the electoral process and avert fascism at the ballot box, which is almost unheard-of, historically speaking. But because, as also discussed above, certain elements of the Democratic electorate need to fall in love with a candidate every single time or threaten to withhold their vote to punish the rest of the country for not being Progressive Enough, these gains are constantly fragile and at risk of being undone in the next electoral cycle. Yes, the existing system is a crock of shit. But it's what we've got right now, and the other alternative is open fascism, which we all got a terrifying taste of over the last four years. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to go back.
So... I don't know. I don't know if that stacks up to hate. I do hate almost everything about what this country currently is, structurally speaking, but I recognize that is not identical with the many people who still live here and are trying to do their best, including my friends, family, and myself. I am exhausted by the fact that as an older millennial, I am expected to survive multiple cataclysmic economic crashes, a planet that is literally boiling alive, a barely functional political system run on black cash, lies, and xenophobia, a total lack of critical thinking skills, renewed assaults on women/queer people/POC/etc, and somehow feel like I'm confident or prepared for the future. Not all these problems are only America's fault alone. The West as a whole bears huge responsibility for the current clusterfuck that the world is in, for many reasons, and so do some non-Western countries. But there is no denying that many of these problems have ultimate American roots. See how the ongoing fad for right-wing authoritarian strongmen around the world has them modeling themselves openly on Trump (like Brazil's lunatic president, Jair Bolsonaro, who talks all the time about how Trump is his political role model). See what's going on in Afghanistan right now. Etc. etc.
Anyway. I am very, very tired. There you have it.
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 200
Okay, queue was eaten... again. But I caught it and here we are!
This chapter does come with a content warning for the existence of transgender persons and right to bear children. Also, there is some discussion around the validity of various professions, none of which are sex work.
Reader shoutouts this chapter go, hands down, to @paprikadrac and @oceanchildsthings, who recently started making a go at reading from start to now. Oceanchildsthings just started earlier today, so I can’t speak for them, but Paprikadrac reads fast. They just started this past Sunday and are nearly caught up! I was worried they would run out of chapters before I got this one into the wild, so I’m glad I can give them one more.
Thanks, as always, to @baelpenrose for your encouragement and beta reading. Also.... yeah, yeah, @1978sah, you get some credit, too, for flat out shenanigans.
This chapter, although he doesn’t appear in it, is dedicated to Ivan. The real life inspiration for him recently had some good news that we all needed to hear, so this one is for you and your glorious, glorious beard.
“Hannah,” As soon as we got off the call with Grey and Antoine, I opened my line to audio from my team.
“Taking prime for contacting the updated contacts from Administrator Costa.” Her mind reading abilities confirmed, she sent a breakout of the rotation she would be taking so that whoever was on shift with her could back her up in the event she was occupied. “No additional medical education should be necessary for these, right?”
“Just practice with the new equipment, yes. So no major rush on any decisions from them. They have fourteen days to mull it over, minimum.”
Tyche had apparently looked more in depth into the list. “Roundtables, I like it.”
“There are nearly a thousand people added, it made sense.  Plus sending out updated FAQs as  I go.”
Parvati’s voice broke in. “This isn’t alphabetical… we’ll have to talk off shift so you can tell me how you decided the order.”
“You bet. Sophia, it’s your show again. What’s next?”
I mulled it over for a moment. “We have the updated terms. I’ll call Huynh back and start negotiating. Parvati, make the rounds with Pranav first, then Eino.  The last one is going to also need to be looped in on ongoing updates to the medical training curricula, from first aid up, as the tech is updated.  Standard trickle down stuff in most cases, but as someone whose grandmother still believed very firmly in Doctor Tichenor’s for everything under the sun, those trickles don’t flow as well as they should sometimes.”
My databand vibrated just as Alistair spoke. “I’ve sent the talking points of the terms to everyone here, so you can send them over as needed. Miss Hannah, I’ve included thirty, forty, and fifty percent brackets for you to leverage.”
“Sounds good,” I agreed. “Let’s get cracking people. With any luck, we’ll be through the next round of talks with enough time to wait for responses and fret over schedules that we can help Hannah out.”  Silencing the line, I rolled my neck and stretched my arms some more. No amount of training or therapy had eliminated the fact that I carried tension in my shoulders, and only motion would work it out. “Call Giang Huynh.”
“Pretty quick turnaround, Reid,” came the answer when the signal connected.
I tried not to sigh, but it was inevitable. “The faster I get you answers, the shorter the next three and a half cycles will get to be.”
He let out a low whistle. “Don’t envy your team right now.  Lucky you, caught me at a meal interval. If you can ignore the sound of chewing, send it over and we can talk.”
“Sending now.  Which galley are you in?”
“Heading to seven.”
I bolted for my door. “Order double of whatever you’re eating. I’m starving, so we can talk over food. No allergies, just… no tendon, okay?”
By the time I got there, he had an enormous mound of what looked like steamed bread and was tearing chunks off with his fingers to scoop up a dark red stew.  He gestured to another bowl of slightly-less-red stew as I approached. “The hand made dish today is Nigerian. She called it maafe, and was very careful to warn me that her family makes it with lamb, but that it isn’t traditional to do so.”
I didn’t see any utensils, and watched as he slowly pulled off a chunk of the bread, scooped up the stew, and shoved it inelegantly in his mouth. Shrugging, I tore my own chunk off, and scooped up my own mouthful. “Dah,” I tried saying after the first two chews. Tilting my head impatiently back and forth, I finished chewing and swallowed. “That’s not bread.”
“Hmm,” he nodded. “Pounded yam.” He caught me sniffing for the source of the spicy scent that didn’t match my food, and slid a small jug of oil from behind the mound of yam. “It’s chili oil. Something has my sinuses swollen, can’t taste for shit.”
After squinting at the oil, I shook my head. “You’re missing out. Definitely try it again when you feel better.”
“You didn’t come here to scold me. I have the terms, and I looked at them.” He paused to take a bite, and I did the same, holding my breath from nerves the entire time. “Not what we agreed on.”
If he was going to poison me, I’d already be dead, so I swallowed my mouthful and nodded. “Grey can only pay up to twenty five percent extra.” Holding up one hand, I continued. “If Xiomara won’t subsidize the other five, I’m prepared to. Your folks will get their pay, either way.”
“Good to know - “
“Huynh, I am eating the yam, please leave the chili oil off. She made it the way she wants us to eat it, and it’s good.  Before you say it’s bland, you can’t smell, so you don’t get a vote.”
“I’m allowed to season my food.”
“Yours, not mine. Tear a chunk off and spice it up. Spicing the shared food is rude.”
He huffed before tearing a quarter of the yam away. “Shifts are favorable.”
I beamed with cheeks full of food for a moment. “I didn’t even have to push on that, honestly. I started high, and zero negotiating happened there.” My head sunk in guilt before I whispered. “That might have something to do with the fact that I asked for fifty percent extra pay, but still…” His eyebrow went up, and I groaned. “We’re asking these folks a lot! I’m not going to miss doing right by them. In my defense, you saw how far down Grey worked that one… Imagine if I had started there!”
“Fifty percent extra is retroactive hazard pay at high immediate benefit to the community or with great personal risk,” he pointed out. “And you know it.”
“I might have,” I hedged loftily. “And Grey might have pointed it out. But it doesn’t matter, medical personnel are one outbreak away from all of the above, so I want them paid like it.”
He waved away my point, which I knew was his own personal code for ‘okay, you’re right’, so I let it go. “I have good news and bad news for you, Reid.”
I dropped my head back and groaned again while holding one hand up for time. Quickly, I shovelled two more mouthfuls of stew into my mouth, chewed, and swallowed. “Okay, if I get mad and walk away, I at least have a full stomach. Go for it.”
“My people agreed to the terms you and I discussed, so they’ll be thrilled with these. That’s the good news.” Obviously. “We only have one person who declined.”
Well, shit. “One out of twenty isn’t bad. Hell, even one out of seven isn’t, assuming it’s one of the seven you already warned me weren’t a guarantee.”
He nodded. “It is, and she is willing to work on the new tech, and even to train a replacement, and on the timetable we previously discussed.”
“I am so confused,” I admitted. “That sounds like she agreed. Help me understand?”
“Looks like neither of us can have her for the long term. She can help retool, help train, even working doubles for it all, and declined the increased pay.”
“Get to the point, the yam is almost gone, and I need to go back eventually.”
Again, a nod of agreement. “She’s already registered to be a host parent and surrogate once we reach Von.”
“What!??” I squawked, drawing glares before I hushed myself to a whisper. “What?” He scowled and opened his mouth to respond, but I shook my head. “I’m not judging, I swear. I just… they’re already taking registrations for that? Like, committing to them?  I thought we had to wait five years?”
“Miys took volunteers on intake.  Jordan volunteered as soon as she found out it was an option.”
I sputtered, “Jordan - Human Jordan? Like, the Human Jordan?”
He stood abruptly, pushing his food violently away. “I am leaving. You are one of the last people I expected this behavior from, Sophia Reid.”
As he tried to pass me, I snagged his wrist, hissing. “Huynh, I am going to apologize so profusely to Conor for his foot in mouth syndrome when I eventually get home, but I need you to sit the fuck down and let me try to unwedge mine first.”
He didn’t so much sit as squat on the bench like a gargoyle of judgement, but I accepted my thin sliver of grace and forged ahead.
“I’m just excited for her, “ I blurted out. “This is - so far beyond what we thought we could manage in our lifetimes back home. For Jordan to be the woman she always knew she was, and to be able to make the choice to carry children, as many as she safely can… That’s insane in the best way, and I’m so overwhelmed and happy.” I sniffed back an incredible amount of snot and wiped away tears. “Huynh, that’s awesome.” I giggled and sniffed again. “She’s an engineer? Why do I feel like I knew that, but forgot?”
He put one foot down, relenting slightly. “She is very private, but a damned fine engineer. And apparently surgeon, since she was on that list.” A heavy sigh preceded the other foot dropping to the deck. “Grey isn’t going to like this, you realize.”
“Grey will get over it,” I muttered. As soon as I glanced up, I realized he had heard me and I felt my face turn beet red. “They will. I’ll logic the hell out of them if I have to. I’ll grow a - “
“If you finish that statement, I will walk out of here regardless.”
I waved it off, only half sheepish. “Fine. But you get the point.  The last thing that is, is bad news. And it isn’t something that was even on my radar, so I’m glad you brought it up.” A thought occurred to me. “Wait, she’s retiring from engineering at that point, too?”
The noise he produced was somewhere between exasperated, frustrated, and in total disbelief. “Can you please talk some sense into her? She’s brilliant, and a paper-only engineer is better than no engineer at all.”
“Giang Huynh, if you phrased it like that….”
“If I did…?”
“You are such an asshole,” I huffed and rubbed my temples. The sheer number of levels he was wrong on were still ticking over in my head like the timer on a bomb.
“You point that out so frequently that I fail to see why it applies in this situation.”
Grinding my teeth, I forced the worst smile to ever painfully cross my face. “I’m going to ask you not to talk to Jordan about her career decisions after this unless you are answering a direct question. In a year or two, I’ll follow up and chat with her if she hasn’t changed her mind about full retirement later down the road.”
“That bad?”
“So much worse that it’s just safer, for you, if you pretend the conversation didn’t happen beyond ‘Hey, we want you to be a surgeon instead of an engineer’ for the remaining portion of your life. Which will probably be considerably longer if you take that advice.”
“That bad.”
I stood, careful not to rattle anything on the table. “Her decision to decline the role is noted. So wraps up the surgeon vee engineer portion of your need to speak to her.”
“Shit. That’s really bad.”
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“family holiday” (pt. 2) (chilumi fic)
Lumine finally arrives in Snezhnaya and takes Childe’s offer of visiting his home (mansion). 
[part one here]
so it’s come to my attention that childe has older siblings too so OOPS MY BAD LOL
ill just finish up this story with the headcannon that he’s he oldest and prob incorporate the older siblings in future works :p
thank you all for your patience! 
[Fic Masterlist]
“family holiday” (pt. 2)
Lumine stood speechless as Childe spoke to the old toyseller about their “family.” The children were too preoccupied with their new toys to even pay attention to what their older brother was saying. Soon enough, the transaction was done, and he was walking away from the counter. 
The old woman waved goodbye cheerfully. “What a wonderful husband you have,” she said. 
AH? She couldn’t find the words to answer her. 
“Sweetheart? We’d better go—the children are already in the street,” Childe called to her from the doorway. The old woman nodded enthusiastically, and Lumine gave her an awkward smile as she turned away. 
Lumine practically stomped her way to Childe, and would’ve grabbed him by the collar if Teucer hadn’t fallen asleep in her arms. “So care to explain what you were doing back there?” she whispered aggressively. 
“Tonia! Anthon! Stay close!” he called after the children who were showing off their toys to each other down the street. He turned to Lumine. “What was that?”
She glared at him. “Telling that old woman that we’re,” she took in a sharp breath, “a family?” Heat crawled into her cheeks. She hoped Childe wouldn’t notice. 
He shrugged. “It was just easier to avoid explaining the whole situation; I’m not a fan of dragging an innocent old woman into our business.” 
Ahg...he’s not wrong… “You didn’t have to be so enthusiastic about it,” she mumbled. She buried her face in Teucer’s hair, embarrassed as she recalled his words about her as his wife and mother of his children. Him agreeing that she was so beautiful. 
She shuffled away from Childe as quickly as she could with Teucer in her arms. Her whole body was rolling with heat. At this point, I won’t need a coat…
“Something the matter, Lumine?” Childe’s voice rang out next to her. She nearly jumped out of her own skin. Damn him and his long legs. 
“Absolutely not,” she lied. “Just cold.”
“Your face looks quite warm.” She could hear the beginnings of a smirk in his voice. “Do you have a problem with us being a couple?” 
She stopped in her tracks, and faced him. “We are not a c-couple.” 
He took a step in, closer, towering over her. He leaned down. “Do you want to be?”
Is he serious?!
His ocean eyes held a steady, intense gaze with her, and Lumine didn’t find herself saying no. 
...Do I?!
She hadn’t ever thought of it—them, together—save for a few fleeting thoughts when they spent a lot of time together, ones she didn’t ever take seriously. But did Childe actually like her? 
Do I actually like him?
Lumine blinked. “I—”
“Brother! Lumine! Hurry up!” Tonia shouted from down the road. 
Childe let out the smallest of sighs. He gave Lumine a strained smile before taking Teucer from her. “Thank you for carrying him.” Then he walked past her, towards his siblings. 
Lumine stood there, frozen by their exchange. 
What was she going to say? She had started speaking before her mind had even come up with an answer. She glanced down the road, at Childe lovingly taking care of his brothers and sister. 
Was I going to say yes?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Big brother always makes the yummiest food!” Tonia said with a mouthful of chocolate cake. 
The family was all sat around the dining table, eating the cake Chlide promised Tonia.
Paimon nodded, wiping the corners of her mouth. “You have lots of money, you can make really good food...Paimon might be warming up to you, Childe.”
Yes, he does cook really well surprisingly… Lumine thought while chewing through her own cake slice. He just keeps surprising me today… She shoveled more cake in her mouth when she remembered what he had asked her earlier. 
“I’m glad you like it,” Childe said, then stood up. “Looks like everyone is almost done; let’s start cleaning up, okay?” 
The children nodded, beginning to pile their plates and utensils in the sink, and wiping down the table. 
“Thank you.” He pointed to the mess of supplies they had used to make the cake earlier. “Can you guys clean this up too?” There was a unanimous ‘yes’ as Childe started washing the dishes. 
Watching all the siblings made her heart ache for Aether even more. She wished he could be there, in the kitchen with her. They didn’t even have to be travelling worlds anymore; she wished he was there for something as mundane as baking a cake together. 
She walked up next to Childe at the sink. “I’ll clean up everything. You should spend time with your siblings.” 
He scoffed while continuing to clean the dishes. “I’m not going to let you do all that work.” He looked around the room. “Plus they’re cleaning up with me anyway.” 
She frowned. You’re missing precious time with your family. “But—”
He held out a washcloth. “Or how about you help me and it’ll go twice as fast?”
Lumine sighed and took the cloth, starting to wash the plates next to Childe. Their elbows bumped into each other every so often. 
Soon, the children were done with their tasks, all chatting while waiting for Childe and Lumine to finish the dishes. 
“Lumine?” Teucer asked shyly. 
“Yes?” she answered while wiping a glass cup. 
“Do you think you and Big Brother could give us another sibling?”
CRACK. The glass in Lumine’s hand shattered. 
Childe froze, then let out a nervous laugh. “Teucer...why are you asking that?”
“Well...I don’t want to be the youngest anymore. I always get babied!” he whined innocently. 
Tonia jumped up. “I want a younger sister too! I’m tired of being the only girl!”
“Yea!” Teucer jumped up with his sister. “And Anthon said that babies only come from a grown-up boy and a grown-up girl!”
Anthon put his head in his hands. “When you asked me, I didn’t think you’d ask big brother…”
“Teucer, we don’t go around asking random adults to give us siblings, right?” Childe said. 
“And, I’m not your mom, Teucer,” Lumine explained. “Even if we had a kid, it would be your niece or nephew.” 
“Oh,” Teucer said, thinking. “Well, can we have one of those?” 
Childe and Lumine looked at each other—briefly, accidentally—and quickly broke their shared gaze. Lumine turned her attention to the ceiling while Childe looked down into the sink. 
“You’re bleeding,” he said. Huh? Lumine looked down to see her ring finger had been cut from breaking the glass cup. 
“Bleeding?” Teucer and Tonia gasped. 
“Bandages! We have to find bandages!” Paimon shouted, flying out of the room. Anthon stood up, dashing out of the room as well with Teucer and Tonia following; all four were soon screaming around the house for bandages. 
Lumine held her hand up. “It’s not too bad.” She looked at the shattered glass pieces. “Sorry about the cup.”
“Don’t worry about the cup,” he said. He gently took her hand to examine the cut. “Hm. You’re right it’s not too bad.” The blood started trickling down her finger. “Ah—” 
Before she knew it, Childe had her finger in his mouth, sucking the blood away. 
“What are you doing?!” Lumine asked, panicked, lightly pulling her hand away from him. 
His hand still gripped hers. “What?”
“I—” She had a flashback to earlier. Do you want to be? 
“About earlier,” he said, his voice dropped. Lumine felt his grip tighten. 
“Did you mean it?” she interrupted. A look between the two.
“That depends on your answer.”
Down the hallway, they heard the rumble of the children’s footsteps approaching. Both Lumine and Childe grimaced slightly in annoyance; Childe’s eye twitched. Interrupted once again.
“Bandages! We have bandages!” Teucer announced, running into the room. 
“I have bandages,” Anthon corrected, coming in after him. “They all just yelled and screamed while I actually found them.” The two other children and Paimon smiled sheepishly. 
“Thank you, Anthon,” Childe said, patting him on the head. He took the bandages, and began wrapping it around Lumine’s finger. Lumine hoped the children wouldn’t question why her face was so red. 
Then, Tonia came close, and kissed her bandage. “Big brother always does that to my bandages; he says it helps!” 
Lumine smiled softly at her. “Yes, thank you, Tonia—it feels much better.” 
“Okay, well, I think it’s time for bed, everyone,” Childe said, rather quickly.
“Bedtime? But it’s so early…,” Teucer said. 
“It’s been a long day,” Childe countered. He started hurdling the children upstairs. “Bedtime!” 
“Paimon would rather fight a gang of hilichurls than look after them all the time,” Paimon said, sighing heavily. “They’re so much work!”
Lumine raised a brow. “You didn’t do anything except eat.” 
“That’s still tiring!” She yawned. “Speaking of which, that chocolate cake really made Paimon sleepy...Goodnight, Lumine!” She disappeared into her world in a blink. 
Lumine let out a small chuckle. She could always rely on Paimon to lighten her mood. She then went up the stairs to find Childe. 
She found him in Teucer’s room, saying goodnight and tucking in the youngest brother. 
“Goodnight, Lumine!” Teucer called to the doorway. Lumine waved in response. Soon, Childe came out and shut the door behind him. 
“I’d better head out and find a nearby Inn or something,” Lumine said. 
“You’re not serious, are you?” Childe asked. “You think I’d invite you to my home and not even offer you a place to stay?” 
“You’ve already done so much.”
He gestured around the large hallway. “We have plenty of room. Save yourself a trip out into the cold, and some Mora.”
Lumine bit her lip. “Okay, fine.” 
“Good,” he said, before heading into Tonia’s room. Lumine followed, watching him say his goodnights to his sister and tucking her in for the night. 
“Noo, please don’t go yet!” Tonia whined under the blankets when he started to leave. 
“Okay, okay,” Childe conceded. He turned to Lumine standing in the doorway. “Sorry, could I ask you to check on Anthon and make sure he’s getting ready for bed as well?”
Lumine nodded. She walked down the hallway and entered Anthon’s room. He was sitting up in his bed, playing with his new Lawachurl action figure. 
“Hey, Anthon,” Lumine said. “You ready for bed?”
Anthon nodded, then put his toy on his bedside table. He sat near his pillows, then looked at Lumine, waiting. 
Oh. She walked over to the side of the bed, and helped Anthon get under the blankets, then awkwardly tucked him in, remembering how Childe did to Tonia and Teucer. 
“Hey Lumine?” Anthon asked. 
“Are you and my brother going to get married?”
Lumine choked on her spit. What? “Why—why do you say that?” she asked, attempting to maintain her composure. 
He tilted his head innocently, confused. “Well he’s never brought someone home before. So that means you’re special, right?”
She thought for a second. Everything that had happened today. “I don’t know. But I am glad I got to come here, and meet you and Tonia.” She smiled at him. 
Anthon smiled back. “I’m glad I got to meet you too. I hope you stay with my brother.” 
“Me too,” she found herself saying. Staying with Childe...wouldn’t be so bad…
“Goodnight, Lumine,” Anthon said, closing his eyes. 
“Goodnight, Anthon,” she said back to him, then left his room, closing his door quietly. 
“You are,” Childe said behind her. 
She jumped slightly, turning. “You have to stop sneaking up on me like that.”
He chuckled. “Sorry, a habit of mine.” He locked eyes with her. “But you are. You are special.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “So what you asked me earlier? You meant it?”
“Did you mean what you said to Anthon? That you hope to stay with me?”
“Stop answering my questions with more questions.” 
“How about we both say our answers on the count of three?” 
“Why are you always so weird?” 
A small smile from Childe. “One.”
“...Two,” Lumine murmured. 
“Yes,” they both said. 
A pause. A breath. 
Then, Childe grinned. “What’s this? The traveler has fallen for me?” he teased. 
Her cheeks burned. “I could say the same thing to you.” 
“Seeing you get flustered so easily...It’s hard to believe you’re the strongest person I’ve ever faced.” 
“Shut up,” Lumine said, grabbing his collar. 
He smirked. “Or what? You’ll fight me—?”
She stood up on her tip toes and kissed him. 
Then, she pulled back, and saw his eyes were wide, his face flushed. Her turn to smirk. “Hm. Nice to see you’re the one who’s flustered now.”
“Uh-oh, you’re making this into a competition,” he said. “And you know I always have to win.” He cupped her face in his hands, kissing Lumine until she was weak in the knees. 
And for the first time in forever, Lumine felt a warm happiness—true happiness—radiate from her soul. 
Yes, I want to stay with Childe.
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vnderoos · 4 years
better than butterbeer ✷ cedric diggory
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(gif is not mine, credit to the owner) warnings / language(?), a barely steamy scene at the end word count / 2.8k
masterlist in bio ↴
THE CORRIDOR WAS FILLED with students, all of them rushing every which way as they all transitioned from one class to another. "Watch where you're walking, you bloody—" Y/N started to snap when she slammed straight into the chest of another student, but she cut herself off when she looked up and her eyes met the beautiful grey's of Cedric Diggory. Her stomach did a backflip and her cheeks immediately flushed red at her previous words. She cursed her quick tongue silently. "I'm sorry, Diggory, I thought you'd be someone else," she told him, feeling guilty for trying to bite his head off.
Cedric, on the other hand, was quick to shake his head and flash her a toothy smile. "No problem, Y/N/N, just read this, will you? I've got to get to class," he hummed, holding a folded note out to her, and she took it in her hands softly. She didn't have time to ask him questions about it—in fact, she didn't have time to say anything else at all—before he patted her once on the arm and stepped around her.
She cast a quick glance over her shoulder, watching as he disappeared into the flood of other students, and she looked back down at the piece of parchment between her fingers with furrowed brows. She felt a little uneasy thinking about what was on it as she started towards her own next class, as Cedric normally tended to speak with her in person and not through exchanging notes, but she was curious about it nonetheless. She thumbed it open delicately and her eyes flickered over the paper.
Come to the Great Lake after your classes. I want to show you something. — From: Ced :)
Y/N couldn't help but grin down at his message after she'd read it, tracing his smiley face with her thumbnail. This wasn't the first time that Cedric had wanted to show her something. He'd taken her on handfuls of spontaneous trips, actually—like the time he brought her to a field outside of the castle grounds to see a bunch of light blue wildflowers, or when he snuck her up to the Astronomy Tower after curfew just so he could point out the constellations with her—and she couldn't help but feel excited that he'd thought of something else.
She folded his note back up and tucked it neatly into one of the pockets of her leather bag, for safe keeping, of course.
Y/N's classes hadn't seemed to end quick enough that day as she'd sat through the rest of her lectures with Cedric's message pinging around in her head the whole time. All she could think about was what he wanted to show her at the Great Lake that she hadn't already seen before. It was just a lake—filled with nasty little Grindylows and a giant squid, sure—but it was just a lake nonetheless. At one point during her day, her head had been so clouded with possibilities that McGonagall had even gotten onto her for neglecting to write any notes for the entire first half of the class.
Miss Y/L/N, I do hope you realize that daydreaming all class won't help you pass your OWLs. Plus, I'm sure your parents didn't buy you such a pretty quill for you to tap it against your chin all year, she'd said. The red that had tinged Y/N's cheeks after that had been brighter than Ron Weasley's hair, especially since almost every head in the class had spun to face her.
All of that had been forgotten, though, as she hurried down the dirt pathway to the Great Lake, her hair and her leather bag bouncing as she ran downhill. The path soon faded into the rest of the grass, and as she neared the lake, she spotted a figure laying in a patch of sun on the grassy slope that led down to the bank. She recognized the familiar mess of his brown hair and his Hufflepuff robe and she was quick to identify him. One of Cedric's knees were bent, keeping him laying steady on the slant of the ground, and the other was extended out in front of him.
He was looking up at the sky when she walked up behind him, a small smile tugging at her lips at how concentrated he looked. "Hey, Diggory," she called from a few feet away, with a playful lilt in her voice and her green robes swaying with the gentle breeze.
At her greeting, Cedric pushed himself into a sitting position and he turned to smile at her over his shoulder. His cheeks were dusted pink from the slight nip in the air and it was all she could do to notice how good he looked in that moment, especially with the warm light of the sun rays shining behind him. She'd always found herself captivated by him, though, as most girls did. He really was a good-looking boy, but something inside of her always made her feel like it was better that she kept that to herself.
"Hey, Y/N."
Y/N flashed him a light smile in return, choosing to ignore the way that her stomach swirled when her name left his lips. "You know, we could've gone to get butterbeer instead," she told him as she made her way towards him, setting her bag next to his in the grass, and he shook his head softly.
"I wanted to show you something, though, remember?" he told her and she nodded once. How could she forget it when it was all that she'd been thinking about since she bumped into him in the corridor? He patted the space beside him in the grass. "Lay next to me," he instructed and she waited until he moved his hand away to take her seat, lowering herself down onto the ground.
She folded her hands over her chest and Cedric rested his over his stomach as they looked up at the sky. Nothing about it looked out of the ordinary or particularly interesting to her. "So, what'd you wanna show me?" she questioned, curiosity prickling under her skin as she studied the familiar, blue sky and the same, white clouds for something new.
Cedric let out a breath of amusement, a smile breaking out onto his lips, at her eagerness. She was always like this when he took her to see these sorts of things—impatient and overly excited—but he blamed himself for that in part. He loved a good buildup. "Just wait a bit and you'll see," he promised, tapping his thumbs against his stomach, and she nodded. The two of them fell into a comfortable silence as they laid still in the grass until the sun started to set. As the sun went down, it painted the sky with so many pretty colors—shades of pink, orange, and yellow streaking between the clouds. Since they were sitting on the side of the lake, with no trees looming over their heads, the view was beautifully unobstructed, too. "This," Cedric said, grinning up at the sight. "This is what I wanted to show you."
When she'd come to meet him, she hadn't known what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this. She'd heard from Fred and George a long while ago that on particularly sunny days, the giant squid would bask in the shallows of the water for warmth, so the thought of that being Cedric's surprise crossed her mind once, but she hadn't even considered such a spectacular sunset.
"This is beautiful." Her voice was a breathless whisper as the sight had left her in awe. She found herself lifting one of her hands up to the sky, pointing her finger at a specific place where the sunlight looked like trickling gold behind the clouds. It was so vivid that part of her thought she might be able to coat her fingers in it if she reached out far enough. "That's my favorite part. It's so pretty, isn't it?" she asked him and she could see his hand enter her field of vision as he pointed up at the same, molten cloud.
"That one?" he asked and the side of his hand grazed her own in the close proximity. His skin left tingles against her own that shot all the way down to her elbow, and she looked over at him with newly flushed cheeks. She nodded her head. She had noticed when she walked up that Cedric looked nice that day, with a bit of color in his skin from the cold, but only then, while they were laying face-to-face, did she realize how handsome he really looked. His walnut hair spilled into the grass and a little over his forehead, some of the strands sleek with the reflection of the sunlight. His skin looked so warm beneath the orange lighting that the sun cast across him and she could see patterns in his irises when her eyes came to meet his. Her breath hitched in her throat when his full lips parted before he spoke. "It is pretty," he muttered with his eyes never veering from her own and she could barely hear him over the drumming of her heart in her chest.
It was like time seemed to stand still in that moment as the fingers on their hands, both still suspended in the air, fell relaxed. She saw his Adam's apple bob in his throat as he swallowed thickly, moving the back of his hand to graze over her own softly. She sucked in a breath and his knuckles rustled over hers, before he began to trail them down her arm slowly.
Cedric's eyes were locked on hers the whole time he did it, like he was looking for a sign that she didn't want this, but she was frozen still. His touch left goosebumps in its wake as it travelled the length of her arm and she shuddered.
When his hand reached Y/N's face, he hooked his forefinger beneath her chin and swiped his thumb over her bottom lip. She couldn't stop herself from grabbing his wrist lightly and pressing a kiss to the pad of his thumb. He blinked once and his tongue darted between his lips, running itself over them as he watched her. She managed a small smile at him, and she folded his hand into a fist, peppering a kiss to each of his knuckles.
"Diggory?" she asked and he hummed curiously. "I've got something to tell you," she whispered against his skin. His eyebrows lifted, as if to encourage her, and she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath before she opened them again and she gave his hand a squeeze. "It's been on my mind for a while, but I think I really like you," confessed Y/N, her voice as quiet as ever. "I realize that we're friends and it's probably stupid of me to even think of you like that, because it might ruin everything, but—"
Y/N stopped talking when Cedric leaned in to kiss her. His lips planted a soft peck against her own, leaving the sweet taste of caramel and her heart pattering after they'd gone. "I really like you, too," he responded with a grin.
She could feel her cheeks flaring, probably just as pink as the setting sun, and she smiled softly. "Oh." Her heart was thundering in her ears and her stomach was swarming with butterflies at his similar confession. She never would've thought that her sly, Slytherin heart would beat so quickly for a happy, Hufflepuff boy, but she'd be damned before she ever found herself complaining. "That— That's nice," she stuttered out, still in a state of disbelief, and his honeyed laugh filled her ears.
Cedric, whose hand was still in her clutches, pulled her hands over to his own lips and he kissed the back of her hand. "'Nice'?" he repeated. "Just 'nice'?" he asked again, his voice obviously teasing, but her face was on fire nonetheless.
She shot him a look of mock annoyance—the smile tugging on her lips giving her away—because he'd always known but how to get under her skin. "Shut up, you know you make me nervous, you prick," she told him and another laugh spilled from his lips, but it didn't last long that time because he caught her staring at his lips. His laughter died down as her eyes moved back to meet his, her hands falling from his own. With the thought now in his head, his eyes flickered to her mouth, only for a second, and she reached out to grab one of the sides of his robe. She ran her thumb over the fabric nervously, shifting her eyes to her fingers and back up to his again. "Would you... Would you kiss me again, Diggory?" she questioned, clearing her throat, and a smirk crossed onto his lips at the question. He was quite cocky then, and part of her hated it, but the other part of her thought it was the hottest thing.
"Diggory? Really?" he muttered, pretending to ignore her question as he plucked at a piece of grass between them, and she sighed in frustration, still playing nervously with his robe. "I thought for sure you'd use my first name by now," he teased and she rolled her eyes.
"Is that what you want?" she asked.
"I don't think I've ever wanted anything more," he joked, touching a hand to his chest and tightening it into a fist to make it seem like it wasn't all just a ploy to tease her—which it was.
"Fine," she hummed. "Would you kiss me again, Cedric?" she repeated her question and his name fell from her lips like a whisper, the cockiness on his face falling clean off after it did. She could see a flicker of something pass in his eyes and she furrowed her brows. "What?" she asked.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I think I might like it when you call me Cedric," he said with a small smile on his lips, and before she could answer, he propped himself up on his elbow. He reached out to cup one of her cheeks softly in his hands, leaning down to press his lips against hers.
The kiss started out slow and sweet, just two longing mouths melding into one quiet moment, but the second that Y/N sighed against his lips, the mood shifted. Cedric's hand slid from her cheek and he knotted his fingers in the locks of her hair, pulling her mouth roughly against his by the back of her neck, and he poured more passion into the kiss. Her fingers were still clasped around the sides of his robe and she pulled his body closer to her own.
Cedric's balance teetered at her actions and he grunted against her mouth, his hand leaving her hair and slamming down on the other side of her. His lips broke from hers at the quick motion and their eyes met for a second. His pupils were dark as he looked down at her, his chest heaving, and they only stayed apart long enough for him to slot one of his legs between hers. His lips attached themselves to hers once more and her hands let go of his robe, sliding up the muscles on his chest and coming to tangle themselves in his hair. He lowered himself down closer to her body, using his hands to keep himself hovered over her, and his tongue swiped against her bottom lip in his next kiss.
From then on, the two were a mess of lips and tongue, and they'd even cracked teeth at once on accident, but when they'd gotten their fix, Cedric pulled away. The two were both red, and not just from the cold anymore, and they were panting like dogs. Cedric started to laugh softly, pulling his arm up from the other side of her and falling back onto his side as she joined in. "I take back what I said earlier." She lifted a hand to wipe the saliva off of her swollen mouth and she pushed herself up onto her own elbow. "This was way better than butterbeer," she hummed.
Cedric chuckled and he threw his head back. "You're telling me," he agreed. When he let himself fall back into the grass again, Y/N did the same and he set his hand, palm-down, in between them. She tucked her hand beneath his and intertwined their fingers, sending him a soft smile.
For the rest of the sunset, she stared contentedly up at the sky, sneaking glances at the beauty laying beside her, but for him, it was the other way around.
He found her far more stunning.
taglist / @pvintbreak​ @umpoedameron​ @h4ppydancing​
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slasherslut444 · 4 years
~ kiss it better ~
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warnings: none, just fluff !!
word count: 1.5k+
pairing: reki kyan x gn!reader
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your legs slightly wobbling in an attempt to stay steady on the wooden board as your red-head boyfriend held onto your waist, rubbing your skin lightly with his thumbs as an attempt to calm your nerves. “promise you’re not gonna let go?” your eyes found his pleadingly “come onnnn don’t you trust me?”.
you took one look at his wide grin and felt some of those nerves leave your body, he always new how to keep them under control. “you ready baby?” “mhmm” still being able to sense your worries he presses short, light kisses to you cheek filling your stomach with butterflies in an instant. “okay! we’re gonna start off slowly, you got that babe?” you could see that look in his eyes again, the same look he had whenever he skated. a look full of wonder and excitement.
you start to feel the wheels move beneath your feet as reki slowly begins to walk, pulling you along with him hands still on your waist as yours stay clinging to his shoulders. you notice your legs starting to still as your confidence begins to build slowly, holding your head a little higher a smile starts to appear on your lips. reki notices, chuckling slightly in admiration “ready to speed up a little?” you nod flicking your eyes to him nodding making his chuckle grow into his usual infectious laugh “if you say so”
after adjusting to the slight increase in speed, you built up the courage to take your hands off of reki’s shoulders and holding your arms out in an attempt to balance yourself “there you go! , look at you you’re a natural!” joining in on the laughter you start to feel a rush of adrenaline as the wind blows through your hair. you get so caught up in the feeling that you fail to realise that the hands of your boyfriend slip from your waist. after a few seconds of letting you go by yourself, reki can’t help but cheer on his s/o in excitement “wooo! keep going (n/n) you’re doing great!” within an instant your mood switches, dread replacing joy as you realise your trustworthy boyfriend had in fact let go of you. you flicked your head around and realised just how far you had gone without guidance “reki you promised!!” he takes no notice of the waver in your voice but instead carries on shouting praises.
no longer feeling the confidence as before, the wobble in your knees starts to return and your arms start to flail. “reki!!” his praises stop when he realises your state, eyes widening “ah? oh no” your panic gets worse as your knees start to lose control, tilting the board back and forth arms flailing wildly. “stop!! you’re gonna-” an anomalous rock makes contact with the wheel of the board sending you flying in the air “fall”.
the pain washed over you in an instant, it’s bearable but somehow the embarrassment of falling in front of your skating god of a boyfriend made it worse. speaking of, reki’s with you in an instant rushing to make sure you’re not too badly hurt. “are you okay baby?” he tuts holding your wrists lightly, helping you to sit up properly brushing stray hairs out of your face pressing a loving kiss to your forehead. you whimper slightly when you realise the blood trickling down from your knee. his concern starts to grow as he brings his face closer to the wound “does it hurt?” when he doesn’t get a response he shoots his head up to realise a stray tear fall down your soft cheek. he brings his hands to your face, holding it gently as he swipes his thumb against your skin “hey...hey don’t cry sweetheart” he spoke softly, words dripping with worry “does it really hurt that bad” he ran his finger down your face softly before tilting your chin up to face him “i’m gonna need you to use your words baby” letting out a meek “no” he can’t help but smile at your tone, looking at you with so much love in his eyes, “why you crying then babe, huh? you know i hate to see you cry” his voice cracking slightly, you finally bring your eyes to his. “it..it hurts a little” he takes his hands off your face “let’s get you cleaned up okay princex”
as your sweetheart of a boyfriend reaches into his pockets for his mini supply of bandaids and wipes (he always carries them due to his accident prone of a best friend langa) you wipe away a few more tears off your face “here we are. okay, is it just your knee?” you shake your head slightly and bring your palms up so he can see your scraped skin. tutting once more he pouts his bottom lip feeling sorry for his s/o “aww you poor thing” he holds your left hand in his and brings the bacterial wipe to your wound feeling you cringe under his touch “i know it hurts i’m sorry” he hears you mutter something quietly, unable to understand what you had just said “what was that (nickname)” he moves onto your right hand as you speak up “you promised you wouldn’t let go” he shoots his head up, heart slightly breaking when he sees the sadness on your face “oh my god i’m so sorry baby” he brings you into his chest, careful not to cause anymore injuries and attacks the crown of your head with kisses “but you promised” he couldn’t stand to see you like this, he felt terrible. all he wanted to do was help you out but he hurt you, he’s never hurt you before and he hated it.
moving back out of his chest he takes your hand again, wiping it clean of grit and dirt “i’m so sorry. i’ll never hurt you again” you couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt in your chest “it’s not entirely your fault bub, i fell off the thing” he laughs lightly “i still let go when i told you i wouldn’t” you brung your freshly cleaned hand to his cheek “it’s okay reki, i forgive you” holding your hand with his own he leans into your touch, relief washing over him. “how about that knee huh?”
after wiping your knee clean he opens up the bandaid holding up it up to the wound, sticking his tongue out in concentration. once satisfied with the placement he presses it firmly down, swiping his thumbs over to keep it in place. he hums happily at his handy work “thanks rek-” “nope, not done yet” he leans down further and presses a lingering kiss to your knee, holding eye contact whilst lovingly rubbing his hands up and down your thigh. the pain starts to leave your body. “there” his usual grin returning to his face “all better”.
“thank you reki” “of course prince(ss), i’ll always take care of you” he gets up, holding out his hands for yours “come on i’ll help you up” you tilt your head in confusion “don’t you wanna stay? you didn’t get to skate today?” it’s true, he hadn’t even thought about himself because all of his attention was on his s/o and teaching them how to skate “but you’re hurt don’t you wanna rest? that was a pretty big fall” “it’s alright i don’t want you to miss out” he brings you up gently, helping you stand. “are you kidding?” wrapping his arms around your waist he brings you close “i skate every day babe i can skip out on one, plus i got to spend the day with you” you bring your arms around his neck bringing him down to you “i had a great day reki, i love you” you run your fingers through his unruly read hair “i love you too.. wanna go back to my place for a nap, you could stay for something to eat? my mum keeps complaining that you haven’t been over in a while, she misses you” reki’s mother always welcomed you into their home, she loved you and reki was so happy when he saw how well you got along. “i’d love to” when your lips finally meet it was a feeling that you could never get bored of, kissing reki was always wonderful wether it was sleepy pecks after a long day or full on make-out sessions, each kiss had so much love poured into them.
your lips only part because you yourself running out of breath, he takes this moment to push down on the back of his skateboard, picking it up “ready to go prince(ss)?” you nod again wrapping your arm around his waist, him draping his free arm around your shoulder kissing your temple. “let’s go get some rest baby, you did well today you deserve it”.
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and it’s done!! i enjoyed writing this a lot and i hope to write more soon ty for reading ~lucie <3
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7-deadly-simpin · 4 years
Could I get the brothers reactions to if mc fought a noble, just a demon that's pretty close to their rank? How would they go about getting mc away from them and then reprimanding the demon?
Yes, of course! I wasn't sure if you wanted them as a group or to each their own, so I gave them each a spotlight. Enjoy! (Also may have gone a little overboard with Satan...oop)
Demon Brothers React to MC Fighting a Noble-Status Demon
Absolutely livid.
A little surprised that you had the gaul to scream at another demon of that rank.
Why would you EVER put yourself in such a position?
Remember how he & his brothers have tried to kill you before???
Doesn’t care what the fight is about, he holds you to much higher standards.
Will get in between you both in an instant and transform.
You are LUCKY only words had been exchanged at that point.
If you had been hurt, even he is not sure what he would have done.
Gives you a glare that shakes you to your very core, but not as bad as the demon who even DARED to lay a hand on you.
Demon receives a lecture that could probably bore him to death, but they aren’t that lucky.
Don’t get it twisted, the demon will be tortured, but it happens while Lucifer paces back and forth telling them absolutely everything they did wrong.
The eldest is too prideful to allow some demon to hurt MC, regardless of who they think they are.
This demon surprisingly likes to avoid confrontation as much as possible.
(seriously, how often do we actually see him in demon form other than events at the Demon Lord’s Castle?)
He’s also a bit curious as to WHY you would raise your voice at a demon of that status?
Sure you yell at him and his brothers here and there, but to be fair, even Mammon knows they all mess up sometimes.
Ripped awake from his thought the literal second he sees this ‘hoity toity’ demon try and hit you.
He wants to destroy the demon, he really does, but MC is top priority.
Being the fastest of his brothers, except Lucifer, he whisks MC away before the demon can even finish blinking.
His mind is racing a mile a minute and he accidently yells “ARE YOU FUCKING DEAD?!” instead of “Are you okay?” or telling the noble demon “You’re dead!”
He doesn’t care about anything other than your safety and will fly to the House of Lamentation immediately.
Very protective over MC and refuses to let the other brothers touch them.
If anyone is mad, he will take full blame for the situation. He doesn’t care, you being safe is all that matters to him.
Is more shocked than anything that you’re standing up to a demon of equivalent reputation to him.
Becomes visibly distressed when you try and HIT that same demon.
Are you INSANE?! I mean, maybe a little since you seem to handle him and his brothers no problem, but…this was a completely different circumstance.
That demon had no obligation to protect you, let alone let you live.
The high status demon growls low and Levi knows it's only a matter of time before this demon tears you to shreds.
Levi musters up all his courage, you better appreciate this, to talk down this normie demon from hurting you.
The demon chuckles in his face. Oh…
And then the demon grabs you by your neck. You struggle, but quickly stop as something more frightening catches your attention.
Levi, standing in demon form who in the scuffle SUMMONED LOTAN.
Has Lotan deal with the disrespectful demon while he grabs you and rushes you to safety.
Could care less if he gets in trouble right now, he just saved his best friend, his Henry.
You just bitch slapped a demon with the same status as him and his brothers!
Not that he’s surprised, you’ve had to knock some sense into each of them from time to time.
IMPRESSED AS HELL though, might be slightly turned on.
Becomes immediately aggravated when he sees the demon retaliate. You fall to the floor and Satan is on the brink of losing it.
He plans to have words with the degenerate...but then you turn to him. Blood trickling down your head.
This man cannot, and WILL NOT contain his anger any longer. MC is hurt and Satan is going to make the demon wish they were dead.
MC basically has to group video call everyone for help because Satan is in a full on brawl with this demon.
You’ve never heard such demonic growls and snarls in your life, it actually scares you.
There is a circle around them chanting “fight, fight, fight!”
The brothers rush over. Belphie and Mammon are on crowd control.  Asmo and Levi are making sure you’re okay. Meanwhile Lucifer and Beel are holding back Satan from throwing another punch.
The thing is, they understand his anger. They aren’t all that upset with him. Just worried about you both.
Lucifer and Mammon will have to straighten things out. Mammon isn't the best with his words but he loves his brothers and will do what he has to in order to see that Satan receives a very mild punishment at best.
Initially upset because he thought the high rank demon was trying to hit on you.
If anyone was going to hit on MC and succeed, surely it would be the marvelous Asmodeus.
A quick scan over of body language and he knows his initial hypothesis was dead wrong.
This demon looks aggravated and has their hands balled up into a fist.
Queue the most disgusted yelp you have ever heard leave Asmos lips.
Who in the Devildom does this demon think they are?!
Don’t you dare even look at Asmos precious MC the wrong way!
Struts his beautiful self next to you. If he can’t stop you from fighting, he will be the baddest B back up.
The only one to place an arm around your shoulder to try and bring you back to reality as he talks down to the pathetic demon who even had a thought of injuring you.
Sees you return to your senses and look grateful for him stepping in before things get worse. Living with a bunch of demons on the daily can make a human feel more powerful than they are after all.
He will use his charm on the demon to get them to forget they were even upset with you.
Makes sure to take you back home and ask if you’d like a face mask or any relaxing bath bombs.
He isn’t quite sure what happened, but Beel can clearly see you are beyond frustrated with the demon in front of you.
He knows MC can be feisty with him and his brothers, he doesn’t mind, you’re family after all.
But this was some strong demon you decided to pick a fight with.
He notices the Demon losing its patience as well. He needs to get you out and fast.
He won’t let his family get hurt ever again, he WILL NOT let what happened to Lilith happen to you.
Now, Beel is normally pretty self conscious about his size, he doesn’t like looking as intimidating as he does...but you’re in trouble, he will use everything he can to his advantage to keep you safe.
Quickly places himself in front of MC and tries to speak to the demon.
The demon was so focused on you, it wasn’t until they PUNCHED Beel that they realized what happened.
Beel doesn’t care, he barely felt it. For a high rank demon, he sure is weak by comparison.
However, Beel is VERY aware that punch was meant for you. He will not let this go unpunished.
The demon looks up at Beel who easily towers over them and begins to slowly back away, apologizing profusely.
Beel contacts his brothers in front of the now frightened Demon. He doesn’t mind them handling it, he’s focused on making sure you aren’t shaken up.
Plus that weak punch really just made him hungry.
He fell asleep in class….again.
Which MC should be really thankful for this time.
He wakes up to the scene of you slapping away the hand of a reputable demon.
Unsure of what is going on, but already on alert Belphie watching from afar, to see how the situation plays out.
Belphie is good at reading body language, and notices MCs' small huff and how they hold themselves when the demon talks down to them.
Seeing you clearly uncomfortable, he makes his way over to you.
No one should ever make you feel anything like that, especially not some random demon.
Belphie will slouch on you and pretend the demon is of no importance. He doesn’t give a damn about status.
Interrupting the demon may have not been the best choice of action as they become agitated at the new annoyance in front of them.
Belphie turns with his signature glare and suddenly the demon recognizes the youngest of the brothers.
A demon of his status is aware of Belphie and his feelings towards any authority figure.
Any demon crazy enough to want to go toe to toe with the future demon king is too much of a hassle to deal with anyways.
Also, what kind of crazed demon would try and mess with the baby of an entire family of powerful demons?
You both end up back at the House of Lamentation and Belphie expects head pats for his rescue.
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ms-indifferwnt · 4 years
I’m Cold
“I'm cold"
"Can't you give me your jacket or something?"
"Can't you accept my proposal and marry me already?"
In which Prince Donghyuck's parents are forcing him to get married and he decided to propose to the first girl he sees to shut his parents up
Genre: Prince!Lee Donghyuck x Maid!Reader, Angst, Fluff, Arranged Marriage (kinda), Slowburn
Warnings: Curse words, Suggestive (I'll add more if there are)
Notes: Chapter 3 of Im Cold. Sorry this one took longer, hope you guys enjoy
Prev / Chapter 3 / Next
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Y/n was screaming in frustration o to her pillow, Damn the Prince's good Looks, Damn the Prince's words, Damn the Prince's Kindness, Damn it all!
Y/n sighs after screaming on to her pillow, she flips over back against the soft covers, she couldn't help but think about how the evening end up like this. How could she say yes? After Prince Donghyuck has asked for two Weeks what happened?
"No" Y/n replied and stood up
Donghyuck grabbed her by the wrist, it wasn't forceful nor was it tight, Prince Donghyuck gave her an opportunity to pull away, to take her wrist away from the Prince, But why didn't she? "Please" He pleaded and Y/n's eyes widened "At least think it over, if you are still determined to tell my parents I will gladly assist you but please, at least until we're done eating dinner, think it over"
Y/n was shocked to see the prince pleading, asking her to think about it, was this that important to the prince? She nods, fine after dinner she'll reject him, she was getting fed up with how stubborn he is, it wasn't just messing up with the royal family's values, it was also bothering with her life, her own private life, how she is being seen, how people address her whole life went upside down just because the prince lost his temper
Donghyuck nods and stands bowing towards her, "I'm sorry, I know I have troubled you" He confesses and Y/n grabbed him by the shoulders to make  him stand straight but he wouldn't budge "I know that by making you do this I have placed you in a hard position" she shakes her head and tears start trickling  his eyes, it was all overwhelming, her feelings and the Prince' words being all too heavy on her conscience, the tears weren't necessary nor was it intentional but before she could realize, a sob leaves her lips and Prince Donghyuck's reaction was quick, he stood up straight hands out to hold her as she starts wiping her face
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying" she whimpers and keeps wiping her face with her hands, The prince pulls her hands away and uses his handkerchief to wipe her tears, no words were exchanged, not until she calmed down
Neither noticed it but the Prince'd hand always hovered near the girl's as if waiting for the right moment to hold her hand. The Prince looks at her and she was staring at the cloth in her hand, it was simple, laced in golden thread "Do you like sweets?" The Prince suddenly spoke making her look at him and she nods, he smiles softly and takes her hand in his "Let's go get some ice-cream"
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       Morning comes and Y/n wakes up to the sound of Prince Donghyuck's voice "Hana, which one is better?"
Y/n opened her eyes to be greeted by Prince Donghyuck looking through her closet "Goodmorning" he greets and moves to kiss her forehead, Y/n still freezes at the action but smiled "I've chosen your outfit for today so we can match" Donghyuck pats his thighs to show off the color and smiles, standing up to hold her hand and help her out of bed, "Wear this" he shows a pretty blue floral lace Bardot dress, pattern adorned with white and pink roses while lace covers the edges the color matching the Prince's blue-ish dress pants "Get her dressed Hana"
And at the Prince's words, Hana leads Y/n to the conjoined bathroom, helping her clean up and get dressed fixing the way it hugs her curves, and Hana smiles, applying a bit of touch-ups on her skin and fixing her hair. She was done and Y/n looked into the mirror, Hana has fixed her hair into a half-up bun style making it look messy yet classy, the hairstyle complementing the dress
They both left the bathroom only to be greeted by the prince facing away from the bathroom door looking at his phone "Done? Can I turn and see?"
Y/n blinks, the Prince purposefully turned away to give her space and privacy, she smiles softly "Yes you can turn around now"
The prince turns around and he smiles at the sight, but then he wrapped one arm around his waist as a support for his elbow where he places his chin on his palm eyeing her "Something's missing" he mumbled
Y/n blinks and tilts her head as Hana turns to look at Y/n "Jewelry?" Hana offers and the Prince nods, with the Maid immediately reacting walking to get the Jewelry box from the vanity, "Milady has a wide assortment of jewelry here, my Prince" she says and turns only to gasp at the sight
The Prince had invaded Y/n's personal bubble, him being so close their chest could be flushed against each other, her hair was out of the way while the Prince had his arms around her neck as he tries and clasps the necklace. In all honesty, if he wanted to help her wear it he could've done it from behind not doing it while almost hugging Y/n
Y/n could feel the Prince's breath fan against her neck at the close proximity, she blushes and moved to hold on to the blazer in front of her until finally, the prince locks the necklace tracing a cold finger against the chain, she tried, she just couldn't help but feel the goosebumps rise against her skin where he had touched "There, you look pretty" he smiles his finger stopping at the pendant only to return tracing against her collar bones and down her arms. Y/n would be lying if she says the prince didn't have an effect on her, cause, oh how her heart raced at the action, silently willing them to stop, he traces lower 'till he holds her hand looking at her wrist "Let us get you a bracelet" he lets go of her only to look through the jewelry box
Hana stood there in shock, cheeks a shade of red at the display of affection, standing off to the side, knowing that she shouldn't react unless Y/n or the Prince might need her
The Prince would take time, looking through the wide assortment of bracelets and looking at the Y/n to look at her wrists and then dress, only to resume his search. Y/n on the other hand had examined the pendant of the necklace, it was a flower, a white flower pendant with delicate details on to its petals, making it look as if it is blooming "It's called a gardenia flower"
She looks into his eyes "what?" she blinks a bit surprises
He points to the pendant "That a gardenia flower, do you like it?" he asks and stands up fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves
She nods shyly "It's a pretty flower" he nods and takes his watch  off, it was a simple watch, it had a golden chain strap along with its case, a black tint on the watch itself  "You have a pretty watch" she murmurs and the Prince smiles
"Good, cause you'll be using this today" he replies and walks up to her  so he can hold her wrist, placing the watch on and locking it in place "Its a bit big on you," he laughs as if finding the whole ordeal cute "Remind me later, lets go on jewelry shopping ok?" Y/n nods silently and he examines Y/n, nodding in approval at the sight he smiles and locks there fingers "Lets go, lets have breakfast together then we can go out to my schedules ok?" he says as he leads her out of her room and into the dining hall
Letting him lead her out, "I'm sorry, My Prince-" she starts but the prince cuts her off
"You should get used to calling me Donghyuck for the next two weeks" he murmurs and turns his head to look at her and smiled "What were you saying?"
She clears her throat and avoided eye contact "Why do I have to come with you on your schedule?"
He hums as if thinking of the right words to answer her question "well, It would be great to show my parents that I am 'serious'," He makes air quotes with his free hand "about you, a plus to make them believe that i need time to heal when we do break up. And, it gets lonely when I'm the only one going"
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       "Where is this meeting being held exactly, My Prince?" Y/n asked as she turns away from the car window to look at the Prince only to get a raised eyebrow in return "Donghyuck" she corrects and he nods in approval
"At a café, we'll be meeting with someone, he claims that this project he proposes will help a lot of people"
"Then why must you be the one to interview them? wouldn't it be better for the King and Queen to address that matter themselves?"
"Well, Yes. But not everything will go through the King and Queen, first they have to go through me to make sure its worth seeing by them and then the decision is ultimately theirs"
"Ah" she hums softly and nods "I understand" she smiles and Donghyuck couldn't help but smile back
Once they arrive, The Prince leads Y/n by the hand to a man dressed in a fancy suit he stands and bows towards the new arrivals "My name Johnny, thank you for giving me a chance to speak to you your highness"
Donghyuck bows and smiles "Of course,. I'd like you to meet my Fiancé, Y/n this Suh Johnny, a dear friend and at the moment a benefactor" he smiles informs and Johnny bows in her direction with her mirroring the action, "Please sit." They all obeyed
Johnny was very convincing and honestly, the Prince liked his proposal but as Johnny excused himself to go to the bathroom, Donghyuck turned to Y/n "What do you think?"
She blinked in confusion "Sorry?" she tilts her head slightly and Donghyuck had resist the urge to grab her by the chin so that he can adjust it "But why are you asking me, my Prince?"
He frowns "Donghyuck, Y/n, please call me Donghyuck, you earned the title of being my friend in this predicament you and I are in" earning a nod from the girl and he hums "but to answer your question, its because you might know what's best" she watches him as he spoke "I have not once tried living as if I wasn't a prince, I've never went to the market or done house chores, but you have and you do, compared to me you know what can help improve the way my people work and move, so I'm asking you, what did you think of his proposal?"
Y/n lets the Prince's words sink in as she looks down at her lap, she never thought that it'd come to this, The crowned prince asking her opinion but here she was "Yes, It'll be of great help" she started and started explaining the points on why and how it could improve, stating facts and sharing little stories along the way with her explanation as the Prince attentively listened and nodded
After she spoke, the Prince nodded and smiled at her "that is great Y/n" he moves to hold her hand cupping them "Thank you" he beams he opens his mouth to speak only to be stopped by Johnny returning and the Prince drops her hand
"I'm sorry" Johnny says and sat down "May I continue?" and the prince nods "As I was saying adding homes, giving the people their own job that is cleaning up our parks can lessen our rate of jobless citizens and also lessen out the homeless-"
Johnny was cut off to the prince swerving to the side and looking at his Fiancé "What's your favorite cake flavor?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Cake flavor," he repeats and nods towards the different displays and grins "What is it?"
She looks at Johnny who smiles at her "Mocha" she answers and he hums "you really do have a sweet tooth hmm?" he raises a hand to flag down a waiter "and coffee?" he turns to look at her then stops "No, Sorry you hate coffee... One Mocha cake and," he hums going back to when he bought ice cream for her and smiled "two cups of Hot Chocolate please, would you like anything Johnny?"
"Just coffee" He replies
"Black Coffee for him" Donghyuck says and the waiter bows, "Sorry, continue" and with that Johnny continues
Donghyuck is now to make a decision, if he says yes, Johnny will speak to his parents about his proposal and he hums, giving his and Y/n's words to careful consideration, his eyes drifting to Y/n as she took a bite "feed me" he says out of the blue making Y/n and Johnny look at him surprised
"I can't think without sugar and I drank my milk, just one bite" he coaxes and, Y/n offered him a bit which he happily accepted, looking at Johnny he grins "I hope my parents like your idea as much as we did Johnny"
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
nothing left to give : s.r
just wanted to put this out there. it’s been a while since i’ve posted, and this is something. 
you’re worn out, unsure whether the bau is your home after all. but the resident genuis won’t stand for that, especially when there’s things still unsaid between you both (2.5K)
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It wasn’t as subtle as you hoped it to be. Then again, you should have known better working with a team of profilers who you consider family. Meaning in some sense, this wasn’t something that would’ve stayed hidden for long.
Initially, you just felt your eyes losing focus on case files. You’d been in California for two weeks on a case, resulting in a hefty amount of paperwork and the time difference combined threw you off, but it was meant to pass.
Except it didn’t.
You were beginning to get restless, waves of tiredness hitting you like a brick wall during office hours and Spencer was the first to catch on. Whenever you would leave your desk and later return you’d find a new mug of coffee, freshly brewed for you along with a small smile from across the room as you looked over in appreciation.
Convinced you had simply caught some kind of bug, you took a day off to rest. Yet, one day turned into three and once you returned, Spencer’s eyes widened at the sight that greeted him.
“Is that any way to greet your best friend, huh, Spence?” JJ chuckles, walking in behind you as she rests her hand on your shoulder, catching your gaze. You could tell JJ was profiling you with her soft Mom smile. “How’re you feeling, Y/n?”
Avoiding various glances from the rest of the team, you quickly nod. “Better.” You respond, wanting to carry on as if nothing were wrong as your glow began to flicker and fade.
“If it isn’t my angel, having returned from her duties in heaven.” Derek speaks up, happily walking towards you as Penelope remains in tow.
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re back. I don’t know if you got the-”
“The animal videos and relaxing music tracks,” You smile as Penelope nods, Derek rolling his eyes. “I did, thanks, Pen.” You rise to your feet, blocking out the blurred vision as you lean into a tight hug.
Whilst in Penelope’s embrace, Derek shoots Spencer a look, motioning him to follow.
“Just take it easy, we can’t have half of our favourite duo going on us.” Penelope jokes with you as you watch Spencer walk sheepishly behind Derek into the conference room, the door closing behind them. “Well, if you need me, I’ll be in the Batcave.”
The Batcave had never appealed to you more than now. The dark walls, few visitors and all of Penelope’s fluffy things to play with. Maybe you’ll find a reason to stop by later if the headache that looms over your thoughts returns.
Over in the conference room, Derek leans against the table whilst Spencer tries to stand tall, his hands resting in his pockets. “Kid, what’s going on with Y/n?”
A heavy sigh escapes Spencer’s lips as his eyes fall to the ground. “What’d you mean?”
Derek shifts, his eyes hardening as Spencer lifts his head back up. “Reid,” Derek starts.
“She, she won’t tell me,” Spencer states, taking Derek by surprise. “I, I want to ask her, but I’m worried she won’t take it well.” Spencer sighs as he turns his head, looking out from the blinds to see you talking with JJ, a tired smile wearing heavy on your face. “We made an agreement a while ago to always be honest with one another, but I don’t know if that still stands.”
“Is she struggling with things?” Derek questions, resting his arms against the table as Spencer opens his mouth, but words struggle to follow.
“I, I know I’m a profiler, that’s my job but with Y/n, I, I hate doing it. She’s supposed to tell me these things, I don’t want to figure it out.” Spencer stumbles, but he knows exactly what is wrong with you, and that’s the issue.
“Judging by the guilt in your voice, you’ve already figured it out, huh?” Derek comments as Spencer nods in response. “You gotta talk to her, Reid before it gets worse.”
Another nod follows as Spencer remains lost in thought, barely registering the quick pat on the shoulder from Derek before he exits the conference room, leaving him alone until Penelope enters, announcing there’s a new case.
It was a long case, one that dragged out with several victims and a blur of family members cross your mind as you curl up in your seat on the jet.
Closing your eyes, all you can picture are those screams and violent sobs from the victim's families. You promised them you’d bring their child/sibling/friend/niece/nephew/grandchild home, but you couldn’t, you didn’t.
“Hey,” Lifting your head up, you’re greeted by Spencer holding a mug of green tea. “Did you know that Green Tea contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or more commonly known as EGCG. It’s a natural antioxidant, and that’s only one of the benefits from drinking green tea, did you know,”
Holding your hand up, Spencer pauses before sitting down beside you.
“I’m glad you stopped him before I did.” Rossi comments from across the jet, nursing a glass of scotch along with Hotch.
“Thanks, Spence.” You mutter, grasping the mug closely as the burning sensation trickles through your skin, but you refuse to let go. “Sorry, my heads just thumping.” You smile weakly to your best friend who wears that uncomfortable tight-lipped grin. “Don’t do that,”
Spencer pauses, his lips parting. “Do what?” He asks, shuffling in his seat so his body is facing you, closing off everyone else who is asleep or drifting on the jet.
“Treat me like I’m ill or tiptoe around things.” You sigh, releasing your hands from the mug as you rub your temples, the warmth from your fingertips soothing you momentarily.
“Then tell me what’s going on, Y/n.” Spencer states quietly, trying not to raise his voice as JJ stirs in her sleep across from you both. “Please,” He whispers, and the mere plead breaks your heart.
Closing your eyes, you shake your head. “I don’t know if I can Spencer,” You tell him, opening your eyes and focusing on his, how big the universe looks through his hazel gaze. “and it hurts to admit that because I care about you and, and everyone so much.” You never get overly emotional after cases, but with everything else, it’s just hit you.
Reaching out, Spencer rests his hand on yours, his thumb gliding over the back of your hand. “I just, I don’t like seeing my friends in pain and I just want to stop it happening.” He admits, his eyes fixated on yours as a tear falls down your cheek.
“Well,” A scoff leaves your lips as you take your hand from Spencer’s as you forcefully wipe your eyes. “not everything can be fixed that easily, Reid.” You remark before rising to your feet, shuffling past Spencer and over to the bathroom.
In a state of shock, Spencer registers JJ opening her eyes opposite him. “If that was your best attempt at comfort, I’ve seen better effort from serial killers.” JJ jokes as she sits upright whilst Spencer’s brows remain deeply furrowed.
“Y/n never closes herself off like this, JJ.” Spencer sighs. “We’ve been friends for nine hundred and twelve point five days. And during all this time she’s been honest with me, never once has she hidden something.”
Memories from late nights watching Doctor Who reruns, attending book signings or being Spencer’s plus one to obscure foreign films when no one else would go, you both were happy just to be in one another's company. Even if you had no idea what was happening during a film in Russian, Spencer aided as a translator, much to the others attending annoyance. All Spencer wanted was for you to be happy.
“There are some things you can’t share with your friends, Spence.” JJ reminds him. “Y/n might not have figured it all out yet, just give her some time.”
Spencer nods and his ears perk up to the sound of your footsteps approaching.
“Thanks,” You mumble as Spencer rises to his feet, allowing you to slide back against the window as you close your eyes in an attempt to sleep or avoid the inevitable conversation with Spencer. For now, it remains to be the latter.
Since you returned from the case, you only felt worse in every sense.
You wanted to carry on, you wanted to make this work because you loved this. No, you love this.
“Y/L/N?” Hotch calls out, catching you by surprise as you turn around. “Do you have a moment?”
Nodding in response, Spencer’s eyes follow you as you walk up to Hotch’s office, the door closing behind you and the blinds being drawn.
“Someones in trouble.” Derek sings, causing JJ and Penelope to laugh. But Spencer only tenses, wishing he could be in there with you, hoping you’re alright.
When you walk out, it’s been thirty-two minutes and twelve seconds, and during that time all Spencer has been able to focus on is the door of Hotch’s office.
Hotch gives you a curt nod before he shuts the door to his office, retreating back to his desk whilst you walk toward yours. “Everything okay sugar plum?” Penelope asks, wrapping her arms around you as you weakly hug her back.
“Yeah, I’m just going to take some time off. I’ve got a few things to sort out.” You explain, trying to avoid the concerned glances of your friends at the anonymity of your statement. “I’ll be back before you know it, guys.” You force a small laugh. “And I’ll only be a phone call away. I don’t wanna miss out on the action.”
“Like we’d let you.” Derek remarks.
“Rest up, okay?” JJ comments with a small smile as you grab your bag and coat.
As you lift your head up to wave, you focus on Spencer. You know you’ll always focus on Spencer in a room, no matter how many or few people there may be; Spencer is the first person you’ll notice.
More specifically, your focus lands on the solemn expression he is wearing. One you’re aware of but not well accompanied with.
“Take it easy, okay?” Penelope calls out to you as you walk through the glass doors.
Once out of sight, everyone turns to face Spencer who lifts his head up, forcing that tight-lipped smile. “What?”
JJ crosses her arms whilst Penelope steps closer. “Why are you just standing here? You’re our resident genius and you’re clueless!” Penelope groans, gripping onto Derek’s arm. “How can he be so naive?”
“I’m right here, Penelope.” Spencer speaks up. “But I don’t follow, for once.” He remarks, and JJ laughs quietly at Spencer’s attempt at humour.
Rolling her eyes, Penelope lets go of her favourite man and reaches over to Spencer. “Y/n, our sweet, loving agent with the heart of gold and the mind of a thunderstorm.” Penelope begins, and Spencer nods along, not wanting to interrupt about how a thunderstorm isn’t the best use of a metaphor to describe your mind when in reality it’s more like a-
“Spencer?” Derek waves his hand in front of Spencer’s face, bringing him back to reality.
“What about Y/n?” Spencer clears his throat, but the change in his pitch doesn’t favour him as Rossi raises an eyebrow as he approaches the rest of the team.
“He’s figuring it out, isn’t he?” Rossi comments as a series of nods follow. “About time, kid.” Rossi raises his mug to Spencer who leans against the edge of his desk.
“Just give him a moment,” JJ speaks up as Spencer fixates on your desk, your absent desk.
How every morning you’re the first person who makes him laugh from across the room. You bring him coffee or he’ll bring you one. You always try to persuade him to eat out, or go on a walk or try riding a bike after work instead of the subway. Spencer will sing along to cheesy songs with you just to hear you yell at the top of your lungs and dance in your apartment. Spencer gave up a chess tournament to go on a bike ride with you at sunset, just to see the warm glow against your face, knowing how soft your skin would feel against his.
And that’s when it hits him. Every single moment over the past two and a half years.
“I, I have to go,” Spencer mumbles, pushing himself from his desk and quickly walks out from the BAU, rushing to the elevator as the team quietly celebrate.
Spencer is running, and it isn’t a flattering sight to witness as he breathes heavily, bursting through the doors of the parking lot.
“Y/n?” Spencer calls out, running toward the far block F where you always park your car, hoping he isn’t too late.
“Spencer?” Your voice falters as you exit your car, wiping your eyes as Spencer pants, but still walks closer toward you. “What’re you doing here? Why aren’t you working?” You want to laugh as an attempted smile crosses your lips as Spencer’s hair clings to his forehead, his lips remaining parted as he breathes shallowly. “Okay firstly take a breath, you need it.”
Nodding in response, Spencer takes a deep breath before composing himself. “I had to talk to you before you go.” Spencer speaks smoothly as you step away from your car, standing in front of him as tears line your cheeks.
“Is something wrong, Spence?” You ask sweetly, despite your current state, your attention remains fixated on Spencer as he shakes his head.
“Y/n, I,” Stuttering over his words, Spencer exhales deeply. “I know I can’t make you better overnight, but I also don’t want to lose you- none of us do, but I guess I especially don’t.” Spencer begins to explain. “All I ask is that you let me in, let me help in some way, even if it’s just opening your car door or sending you those memes Garcia finds, I’ll do it.” A smile graces Spencer’s lips as you chuckle softly.
“I feel so lost, Spencer.” You admit, your eyes glazing over. “Of late it’s just all too much, I can’t, I can’t take the pain and sorrow of those who’ve lost loved ones.” You wipe your face, taking a shaky breath as Spencer steps closer.
“But think of how many lives you save, Y/n.” Spencer interrupts. “Statistically, those outweigh the lives lost.”
“I was expecting a statistic I’ll admit.” You joke, and Spencer shrugs his shoulder. “I know it’ll pass, but it just hurts.”
Spencer places his hand on your shoulder, his eyes scanning yours for any uncertainty before he wraps his arms around you, holding you close against his chest as silent sobs leave your lips.
“I’m always here, Y/n. We all are.” Spencer mutters as his lips press against the top of your head, lingering as he closes his eyes, not wanting to let you go.
Pulling away from his embrace, you cross your arms over your chest. “Thank you, Spence.” You smile sweetly. “I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
“I’ll keep you to that, Y/n.” Spencer chuckles before you lean forward, kissing his cheek softly before retreating to your car. “Don’t be a stranger, Y/n.” Spencer mutters under his breath as you reverse out from the parking space, exiting the parking lot as those words linger on his tongue unsaid.
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Voiceless Love: Chapter 2
Loki x reader, Bucky x reader
Word Count: 2782
Warnings: fluff, Jealous!Bucky, Bucky being soft
Tag List: @caffeineoverloadandstudying @zizzlekwum
“Nice to meet you, I’m Bucky.”
He raises his hand to shake yours while holding his metal arm back. Reluctantly, you take his hand, but your eyes do not leave his. Within the glimmer of your eyes, Bucky can still see fear. He can’t decide if it’s because you’re nervous and new, or if you still has the same beliefs of the people, that he’s a monster.
“I won’t hurt you, if that’s what you’re afraid of. I don’t know what you’ve heard about me from the news, but-”
He stops at the sight of you shaking her head no.
“Well, I’m glad you don’t believe them.”
You give him a gentle smile, but it’s more wide and full of life than the others have gotten.
“Are you not able to sleep either?”
You shake your head no. After pointing to your head, you carefully show Buck her hands. He takes them and notices how bad you are shaking.
You nod your head.
“Do you mind if I give you a hug?”
You back up suddenly. The fear flows back into your eyes as you stumble over your own feet. Bucky takes a step back, wanting to say something, but not finding the words in the realization of your fear.
“I’m sorry.. I didn't- I didn’t mean to freak you out…”
You shake your head no. Grabbing the box of Cheez-its you found, you run back to your room. Bucky littles to the little pitter patter of your feet running down the hallways with the feeling of sadness and hurt. He didn’t mean to freak you out, but he misunderstood the openness.
Slowly, Bucky shuffles to your room to find your door still slightly open. Not wanting to ruin her privacy, he decides not to go in, but instead he whispers close to the door, “I’m sorry, again. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
You sit on her bed, listening to the soft spoken soldier apologize.
The next morning Bucky wakes up on his warm sheets. The sun peeks through his shades as he stretches awake. He hears a paper sound when he stretches his arms out and notices a small little note fall from the side of his bed onto the wooden floors. Looking around, he notices his door slightly opened, like whoever had entered his room left in a rush.
Leaning over the bed, he picks up the paper and attempts to read the scribbled handwriting.
You didn’t make me uncomfortable, I’m just not used to touch
In his sleepy state, Bucky forgot about his interaction with you. Reading the paper reminds him and brings a smile to his face. If the way you write is similar to your voice, he’s sure you sound like a little mouse, but perfect. Your handwriting is so small and messy, it reminds him of when he learned to write in secondary school. Everything had to be in cursive since a lot of people didn’t write in print back then. Your handwriting is like a bad cursive practice.
After getting ready, Bucky heads his way out of his room into the main living room where people are trickling in. Natasha and Steve look straight out of the gym with how profusely they're sweating, while Wanda is making spirit dancers with her powers to impress Sam and Thor on the couch.
But Bucky’s eyes go straight to you sitting on the bar stool at the island, legs crossed, and hunched over a bowl of cereal. You have a set of dark green silk pajamas on. Out of all the outfits in the world, Bucky thinks your pajamas are the cutest he’s ever seen someone wear. He sits down to the right of you and watches your head move slowly up to look at him. He chuckles at you with the spoon shoved in your mouth as you look at him with big eyes. The corners of your mouth slowly rise until you have a slight smile on your face then you look away and shovel another spoon in your mouth.
“I read your note,” Bucky whispers. You look up with him, without the spoon in your mouth, “I’m glad I didn’t make you uncomfortable.
You smile and nod.
“I’ll be more aware of the touching thing.” Bucky watches your smile become wider which makes his heart jump. Who knew a small thing like you could make him feel small as well.
“Did you sleep well last night?”
“I’m glad. I noticed last night you had a lot of your stuff unpacked. Are you getting settled?”
“That’s good. Does it feel like home, yet?” He chuckles.
You shake your head no.
“I get that. It took me a while to feel completely comfortable here. I’ll be honest, Y/N, I still struggle with seeing it as home, so don’t feel too bad if you never see it like that.”
You look back up at Bucky and smile. Taking a pen out of your pajama pocket, you reach for Bucky’s opposite arm and take his palm. At this point, most of the other avengers are looking over at the pair, giving each other quizzical looks.
“Since when did these two become friends? It’s only been a day.” Natasha asks.
“I have no idea. Last night she was pretty distant with Thor and I,” Steve said.
“Maybe your whole good ole’ Captain-ness scared her,” Sam snarks.
Looking down at his hand, Bucky watches you write thank you on the palm of his hand, right under his thumb.
“Of course,” he says with a smile, “I’m always here to talk if something is bothering you.”
You smile at him before finishing your bowl of Lucky Charms. Setting your bowl in the sink, you turn to see everyone staring at you in awe. She grabs her blanket around her to cover herself more in defense.
“Guys, stop staring at her. We had a conversation last night and became friends,” Bucky scolds.
“You had a conversation?” Sam asks.
“Well, more like I spoke and she nodded, but yeah. So leave her alone, stop pressuring her to speak. It’s weird and I should know.” Bucky turns back to you. “I can show you around the tower if you want to get away from them.”
You nods her head excitedly before Bucky asks you what your hobbies are. You hold your hands together flat to make a little book symbol.
“Reading? I can show you the library.”
Your eyes light up and everyone takes notice, even from the side of their eyes. You walk over to Bucky who puts his arm out for you. Looking at him nervously, Bucky’s gentle smile relaxes you and you slip your arm around his. Everyone gives each other a frantic ‘did you see that’ look behind your backs as you both walk over to the library.
Bucky looks down at you walking beside him. Your’e not that short, but your small frame compared to him makes you look like a tiny thing. He chuckles inside thinking about how they look, like a lion carrying his tiny sub in his mouth. You’re so cute with your Y/H/C hair swaying as you walk and your fingers wrapped around his biceps. He stops suddenly.
You stop and look back at Bucky with her eyes furrowed. He’s looking down at your hand and realizing it’s wrapped around his metal arm. Not knowing his insecurities and self blame, you don’t understand why he’s frozen in place. You walk closer to him and place your hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Your hand… it’s on my metal arm.”
You nod your head, still not understanding. Bucky looks at your eyes with a slight smile.
“Are you not scared of me?”
You shake your head no which shocks Bucky beyond belief.
“I’ve never met anyone who isn’t the first time they meet me.” You shrug which makes Bucky laugh, “Well, I’m glad. Come on, we're almost there.”
You reach the elevator and move up a flight before wandering down another hallway to the doors. Bucky pushes open the door to reveal the library. Your eyes go wide in awe which makes Bucky’s heart skip another beat. Your pure joy makes him so happy and knowing he was able to bring it to her himself brought him as much joy as this library did for you.
He would never lie to himself, he knows he likes you more than he should after knowing you for a day and a half, but there’s something that pulls him towards you. Your sweet innocence makes you so desirable in so many ways. All he wants to do is have you for himself, but also protect you from anything that could harm you.
You run around the library, discovering each aisle and row. You come back by Bucky and jump in joy. He secretly hopes you’d hug him, but you don’t come close to it. Your overwhelming joy is cut off by the sound of someone coughing. The pair turn to see Loki sitting in a seat, head in a book.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you are bothering me, so please get what you need and leave.”
“I’m sorry, Loki, but this library doesn’t belong to only you,” Bucky remarks.
Loki looks up from his book, scowling at Bucky, until he sees you standing by. It’s the girl he had seen earlier, the one who appeared different from the rest. Maybe he could be a little more gracious to the mortal.
“I am the only one who uses it, am I not?”
“Not anymore, Y/N really likes to read so I’m afraid she will be joining you more.”
Bucky doesn’t like the thought of you being alone with Loki, but he also knows you’d never be into him with how rude and uptight he could be. Plus, he also knows you would never bother him since you’re quiet.
“Well, I guess I don’t mind being joined by the quiet one. She seems like good company.”
You smile at Loki’s comment. Maybe the god of mischief isn’t as bad as he seemed.
Bucky left you in the library for a little bit while he went to spare with Steve. He didn’t like the fact that you were alone with Loki and he let that get to him.
“What’s going with you?” Steve asks.
“Your moves are sloppy and I can tell your head isn’t here. What’s bothering you?”
“Is it normal to get attached to someone quick?”
“Depends on the situation. Are you talking about Y/N?”
“Yeah, I know I’ve only known her for a day, but I feel protective of her.”
Steve joins Bucky on the floor, staring out the windows, “Maybe because you understand? You’ve been where she has, scared, helpless. She’s not one hundred percent sure on what’s going on with herself then she was thrown in the Avengers. It’s quite sudden and you can relate to it.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Some time away will be nice, too. Give you some space from her to think.”
“What do you mean?”
“Tony didn’t tell you? We’re leaving for a mission soon. All of us but Y/N and Loki.”’
You and Loki sit in silence in the library, both absorbed in their books. You can’t make out what Loki is reading, but it looks like some kind of Russian romance novel. You go back to Macbeth, which happens to be her third time reading it. You're so immersed that you don’t notice the tiny glances Loki is sending your way.
He’s intrigued by the new Avenger. Small in frame, innocence in appearance. She doesn’t look like the rest, pained by the world. She looks more carefree, timid, and dare he even say enjoyable. Besides the fact that she doesn’t speak, he doesn’t mind her presence, but he hates that. He’s never minded a Midgard before, so why her? He also notices the way you were his color unknowingly, but loving how it looks on her. There’s a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach looking at her, not really knowing what it is.
Neither are really sure how much time passes. Loki has gone through multiple books, but he notices you are still reading the same book. It’s at least been hours. Surely you aren’t that slow of a reader.
“What is it you’re reading?” Loki asks hoping he can spur some answers out of you. He’s never been so intrigued by a human.
You sneak a finger in her book to hold her place before showing him the title.
“Macbeth? Good selection, didn’t take you as a Shakespeare fan. You look like one of those mortals that would read werewolf smut”
You crack a little smile and go back to her book, not giving Loki anymore attention. From the way Bucky spoke about him, you’re not so sure if he’s safe or trustworthy. He seems nice and not like the other’s descriptions of the god. They say he’s silent and judgmental, but the man sitting in a three piece suit while reading doesn’t radiate the destructive chaos. You look up to see him staring at you. Furrowing her eyebrows, you move over to sit by him on the ground.
“What is it, little one?”
Shrugging, you point to him and make a little sign to show him watching her.
“Why am I looking at you?”
You nod your head passionately.
“I’m staring at you because you’re the first person to stay in a room with me for more than five minutes. Quite shocking, to be honest.”
You chuckle inside and shake your head. She reaches out for his hand, but he stays still. He shoots you a confused look, but you simply roll your eyes and pull for his hand more. Hesitantly, he gives it to you, watching every move. You pull out the pen in her pocket you had used on Bucky and write on Loki’s wrist.
You’re not bothering me, so why would I leave?
“I bother most.”
I don’t mind you. You seem nice.
The sudden compliment disturbed Loki. Quickly, he stands up and drops his book.
“You don’t know anything about me,” he says boldly before exiting the room in a hurry.
You sit there, watching the green eyed god haste fully leave. Did you say something wrong? All of a sudden, you could feel water rising in your eyes. Silently, you let out a couple of tears before putting your book away and shuffling to your room.
Right before you made it to your room, you bump into a large object. Slipping, you grabbed onto the closest thing which was cold metal. Bucky tries to keep his arm still and grab you as you struggle to regain your balance.
“Woah, woah, are you okay?” His eyes are full of worry as this little thing fumbles around.
You nod, trying to keep your head down so he couldn’t tell you were crying, but gently, Bucky lifts your head up to meet his eyes.
“You’ve been crying?”
You shake her head no and try to keep walking, but Bucky holds you tight so it looks as if you are walking into a wall. You give him a hard look, but it’s tired and longing. Bucky takes your hand and walks you the rest of the way to your room. He waits at your doorway until you motions for him to come in. Bucky sits on her bed as he watches you fold her blanket and sit down next to him.
“What happened, doll?” Bucky asks as he wipes off the remaining tears from your cheek.
You let out a little sigh and pull out the little ball point pen.
Loki incident
Bucky stiffens up and stares at you, his eyes burning into your head. If he did or said anything, Bucky would…
Don’t kill him, he didn’t do anything
Bucky doesn’t loosen up, but waits for an explanation. You give him a soft smile, the kindness and happiness returning to your eyes.
He can’t take compliments
Bucky drops his head and chuckles, “I think you’re the only one who’s ever complimented him.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth, Bucky realizes that wasn’t the right thing to say. He sees the sadness come back into your eyes and realizes he misunderstood what happened between you and the god. It burdens you to hear such words and it burdens him to know you care.
“He’s hard to be around, doll. You’ll get used to it.”
But inside he’s holding back everything from running to Loki and punching him for talking to you.
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carelessannie · 3 years
Dark/Hydra Steve x Bucky - Breeding kink/ Cum denail (a/b/o)
Thank you anon for the horniest prompt I’ve gotten so far— I honestly sat up last night just thinking about this.
(I didn’t do the cum denial though... hope everything else is pretty satisfying...)
Plus, I’m really excited to write some Stucky, so thank you anon!
Warnings: general Hydra Trash Party warnings, dubcon and coercion, omegaverse, forced heat/rut, drugging, captivity, breeding and forced pregnancy, identity porn, mild violence
“The Omega’s in there."
Bucky hears the muted instruction, and tried to shrink against the wall. The cell they threw him in is small, mostly white with tall walls and chrome vents. He’s not sure how long he’s been here, how many hours or days since he was taken from his and Steve’s apartment— drugged and brought here.
He’s well versed in enduring captivity, he has to be. Three tours with the Army Rangers and a day job working for Nick Fury don’t provide him room for anything else. He’s more concerned for his mate— the sweet, beefy Alpha who is more than likely captive in a nearby room, an innocent bystander in Hydra’s nazi quest to dominate... humanity, probably. Bucky’s lost track.
Five men file into the room, and Bucky studies each of them, surprised when the last one is devastatingly familiar.
“Steve! Thank god you’re alright. Did they hurt—"
He’s kicked in the side roughly by one of the Hydra agents, throwing him violently back to the cell floor. He coughs, hacking up a wad of blood that he spits at their feet. Rude.
“Quiet, Agent Barnes, and listen. We’ve brought you the perfect Alpha, able to provide us with the vital results we need. He will stay with you until extraction."
The man speaking nods to the others, quickly backing away and out the door until it’s just Steve left standing in the cell, face drawn and conflicted.
When the door shuts, Bucky stumbles to his feet and into Steve’s arms. The Alpha scents so clinical, distressed and empty, but Bucky still burrows close and holds him tight.
“I’m so sorry Steve, I should have told you... I should never have put you in danger."
Steve strokes his hair and presses a kiss into the crown of his head, “It’s okay Buck, we’ll get through it."
They end up sitting together in a corner of the cell, wrapped in each other’s arms as Bucky fills him in, sharing details about his job and the possible rescue that could be coming for them. Steve listens and nods along, his face drawn and worried as Bucky keeps explaining, trying to comfort him.
“I know Director Fury will assume Hydra took us. They’ll probably come for us in the next 48 hours."
“What if they don’t, Buck?” Steve holds him closer, scenting under his ear, “They told me what they want extracted."
Bucky stutters, “O-oh, what... what is it?"
There’s silences as Steve ducks his head, face riddled with an array of emotion, “They want a pup."
“So... vital results is actually code for..."
“A baby, yes. They told me... if we don’t fuck by Friday, they’ll send in another Alpha to do the job."
There’s an underlying growl to Steve’s words that makes Bucky shiver, wiggling closer at the possessive display by his Alpha.
“We’re gonna be okay, Steve. Shield will come for us tomorrow or the day after, and we won’t have to think about that."
It will be fine.
They take Steve from him soon after, injecting both of them with a blue liquid before leading Steve back out the door, away from Bucky. It’s probably a day later when Steve is dumped back in his cell, thankfully unmarked and mentally sound. He feels half way to insane in this white cell— he can’t imagine how a civilian would feel.
It’s a few hours before they take him again, and both of them spend it wrapped together, finding comfort in each other’s arms. They inject the blue liquid again before leaving, taking Steve away and leaving Bucky alone.
Day three is when Bucky starts to worry. He wakes up sweaty, his stomach in knots and heart pounding— usual signs for his heat, even though it isn’t due for another month. Dammit. Not only that, but there’s been no sign of rescue, not even a hint of being saved. Bucky spends most of the day pacing the room— looking for a way out and trying to work a plan of escape.
He keeps getting distracted, thinking of the steady heat building in his gut, and curses his damn Omega biology.
It only gets worse when Steve’s thrown in with him. Bucky’s hair stands on end, crouching low as the scent of Alpha rut hits him full force. There’s no where to go, no where to run.
“Omega,” the Alpha rumbles, stalking closer and pinning Bucky up against the wall. He tries to resist his instincts, telling him to submit and roll over and show his throat. He growls in response and tries to shove the Alpha off— Steve, it’s Steve— but his wrists are easily trapped above his head, displaying the full length of his body for the Alpha to take.
His Alpha ducks down and fits his teeth over Bucky’s neck, right where they’d planned on putting a mating bite during his next heat. Fuck, “Steve, Alpha,” he whimpers, already drowning in his instincts, “I think they drugged us, Steve."
Steve nods, still holding Bucky in place, and he murmurs, “M’sorry, Buck,” against his pulse point.
Bucky pulls back, holding his Alpha’s face in his hands, “It’s okay. Not your fault. I was ready to be yours anyways."
A tear trickles out of Steve’s eye, betraying his despair and emotion. He gives Bucky a sad smile, a brief moment of humanity, before turning them and pushing Bucky to the floor.
The rough movement shocks Bucky’s instincts. Both of their scents flare, combining together into a viral, fertile mix of Alpha and Omega, perfect for each other. Bucky lands on his hands and knees, stretching his back temptingly as he feels Steve hook fingers into his waistband, ripping the cotton pants clean off his body.
“Alpha, please,” he begs, high and whiney, as Steve yanks him closer, baring his dripping, needy hole to the cool, cell air. There’s a wet slapping noise— most likely Steve touching his own dick— before a blunt pressure pushes at his rim, forcing it’s way inside.
Bucky cries out, half in shock and half in pleasure. He knew an Alpha’s rut could get violent, but he didn’t expect the abruptness, the complete lack of prep as Steve starts shoving himself in. He pulls Bucky back with a snarl, spearing the Omega open wide on his cock, before withdrawing and snapping himself back in, hips pressed flush together.
They both howl this time, Bucky’s body desperately clenching against the intrusion as his Alpha sets a relentless pace, fucking into Bucky harder and faster than they have done in the past. After having a moment to adjust, Bucky goes limp in Steve’s bruising grip— sinking into the floor and arching his back instinctively.
His smaller, Omega cock is dripping steadily onto the floor, betraying the insistent arousal of his heat. Steve’s knot is steadily expanding and teasing Bucky’s rim, so close to filling him, to blowing wide inside.
There’s an arm around his chest, pulling him up on his knees as Steve’s thrusts slow, grinding his knot against Bucky’s entrance until it slips in, locking them together. The width of it settles against Bucky’s sweet spot, pressing incessantly, as he pants in Bucky’s ear, “Come on, come for me, Omega, come on."
Bucky shudders, a sudden pain blooming in his shoulder as Steve bites down, bonding them together, and he falls over the edge. He trembles in his Alpha’s arms as they come together, their orgasms working to synch their emotions, their souls, into a sweet harmony.
They settle together on the ground, Steve curled up behind him. Bucky can feel him pumping load after load into his womb, filling him, putting a pup in his belly. He breathes deep and settles back into their bond— horrified to suddenly feel despair, agony and guilt radiating off his Alpha.
“S-steve? What’s wrong— are you okay?"
A sobbing hiccup follows, and Steve holds him tighter, whispering a litany of, “I’m sorry, Buck— I couldn’t... I’m so sorry, Omega,” into his hair.
It’s concerning. Bucky lets his Alpha hold him, trying to send reassurances through the bond as the knot goes down. He can’t imagine what has the Alpha so upset, feeling responsible, but they promised to get through this together. They will get through this together.
Almost the moment his knot deflates and they pull apart, the cell doors are opening, allowing five Hydra agents to file in. Steve jumps in front of Bucky, guarding his vulnerable mate from the agents.
“Stand down, Captain."
Steve freezes, looking between the agent and Bucky, before lowering his guard and standing to his feet. He tucks his softened cock back into his pants and stands at attention, and Bucky just stares, horrified.
“... Steve?"
They ignore him, turning to his Alpha, “Well done, Captain. You may return to your quarters."
“Alpha!” Bucky yells, trying to get Steve’s attention as the Alpha walks towards the door, eyes wide and expression devastated.
Before he leaves the room, Steve turns, suddenly, and meets Bucky’s eyes, “I didn’t have a choice.” They push him from the room before he can say any more, and Bucky can feel the deep, devastating guilt through their bond.
Bucky shakes his head. No. There’s no way his Alpha, his Stevie, could be working with Hydra.
His horror must show in his face because the agent in front of him laughs, “We thought you were better than this, Agent Barnes. But there is a reason why Captain Hydra is our greatest Asset."
They leave him there, in a puddle of their shared release, alone and undressed. And he gave them everything, told Steve everything. His mate for almost a year was just building trust, getting close, and now they have him. By the new mating bond bleeding from his neck, by the seed most likely catching in his womb, tying him to Steve with their shared pup.
He feels furious. He feels defeated. Everything in him wilts, melting in a heap of grief and anger in the same corner Steve just breaded him in, knocked him up and left him.
But most of all, he feels Steve’s guilt, strong and deep through the bond, calling to him. Begging for his forgiveness.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Can yoy maybe write about sirius getting injured during a game, and remus gatting so frustrated because hes not the PT anymore so he cant help him right away?
Yes, indeed! We haven’t done any angst/ hurt comfort in a while and I’ve been noodling around with this idea for a bit now. Thanks for the recommendation! Sweater Weather credit belongs to @lumosinlove!
TW for unconsciousness, mild concussion, beginnings of panic, and bruising
Sirius hit the ice, and he didn’t get up.
Remus’ heart skipped a beat.
He was next to him in an instant, gloves and helmet long forgotten as he carefully unbuckled Sirius’ chin strap. A fight had broken out behind him, but he tuned it out—he knew this process. He was trained for this.
But this was Sirius he was holding, Sirius whose eyes were still fucking closed and even though his breathing was steady he was limp in Remus’ arms.
Pulse. Check.
Eyes. Glassy under the eyelids.
Patient nonresponsive to his name or touch.
Stop shaking, Remus ordered his hands as he worked through his list. Stop it right now. You have a degree, you were trained for this.
“Mr. Lupin, please move so we can take a look,” a new voice said.
“I’m helping.”
“Mr. Lupin, we’re the medics here—”
“I’m helping,” Remus snapped. “His breathing is even but he’s nonresponsive, possible concussion.”
“We need to make room for the medics.”
“I am the fucking medic.”
Emmeline’s hand was gentle but firm on his bicep. “Remus, you’re a player now. Let us do our job. We’ll take good care of him.”
“Let me help.” Why is my voice breaking? I’m perfectly calm. “Please, let me help.”
“You already did.” Slowly, he scooted aside so she could kneel by Sirius’ shoulder and run the same tests Remus had just cleared him for.
“I already did that—”
“I’m sorry.” The fingers that laid cold in his palm twitched and Remus immediately leaned forward again as Sirius’ eyes opened. “Sirius? Sirius, can you hear me?”
Sirius muttered something and Emmeline glanced behind Remus; a moment later, he felt someone’s hands pulling him up from under his arms. “Come on, Loops, give them space,” James murmured.
“Let go, I can help.” Remus struggled, but James’ arm was a steel bar across his chest as he skated backwards a few feet. Sirius was looking around now, answering questions with a dizzy expression. “James, he needs me—he needs me, I can help.”
“The best thing you can do is take some deep breaths with me. In and out, Re, in and out.”
Sirius stood on unsteady legs and leaned on the medics for support as they practically carried him off the ice; the rest of the team skated after them at a safe distance, all clearly worried. No limp, no wincing, red cheeks, headache? Concussion? No broken bones, no soft tissue damage, please God let him be alright. Something warm trickled down Remus’ chin. “I can help.”
“You already did.”
“Stop it,” he said harshly. “Stop it, don’t tell me that. I can do more, I have to do more, it’s my job.”
“No, it’s not.”
“He’s my—” Remus’ voice gave out. “He’s Sirius.”
“I know.”
Logan was skating back and forth, back and forth, back and forth in front of the bench, his eyes locked on Sirius’ retreating back. The hit replayed in Remus’ mind—clean, fast, brutal. A simple trip over a misplaced stick, then Sirius flying headfirst into the boards and going limp as the dumb fucking rookie scrambled to his feet.
Dumo went over and led Logan into a side hug by his elbow. A tremor visibly ran through Logan’s body and Remus went cold. Had he missed something? What was it? What test didn’t he run—
“Sit with me.” It wasn’t a question. He nodded, and James guided him to the bench, past Logan and Dumo as they talked quietly in French.
“Lupin, are you alright?” Coach asked before they even came off the ice.
“They wouldn’t let me help,” he said weakly.
Something akin to pity crossed his face. “We’ve got six minutes left. Sit this one out.”
“I can play.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Will someone please just let me be useful?” Remus startled himself a bit with his volume and felt James’ hands go slack with surprise on his arms. He swiped furiously at the sweat—not sweat, it felt different—that covered his cheeks. “Please, Coach.”
“You’re done for this game,” Arthur repeated, though his voice was kind. Remus wanted to hate it, but he couldn’t. “We’ll keep you updated. Pots, go get Tremzy off the ice. You’re on for this shift.”
“Yes, Coach,” James said, giving Remus a quick squeeze. “Deep breaths. He’ll be alright.”
Sirius was still in the PT room when the final buzzer went off; Lions win, 3-2. Remus barely got his pads off before he went running down the hall with Logan hot on his heels, leaving their gear scattered haphazardly in their stalls.
Emmeline was just closing the door when they arrived. “Can we see him? Is he okay? Concussion protocol was updated so my tests might not have been enough but is he still awake?” Remus blurted out in a single rushed breath.
She didn’t miss a beat. “He’s up and talking. We think it’s a very mild concussion that just hit a little weird and knocked him around.” Logan’s grip tightened on his forearm and her eyes flickered down to it. “Both of you can relax. You’re welcome to go in if you like.”
They were halfway through the door before she was even done speaking. Sirius was sitting upright on the PT table, still in his under armour and holding an ice pack to the side of his head. He lit up when he saw them. “Hey, I was just—”
“Are you okay?” Remus demanded. He pulled the ice away and prodded the bruised skin, then stared directly into Sirius’ eyes to check for any lack of focus. He looked alert, which was a good sign. “You look worried. Does it hurt? Are the lights—”
“Re.” His hand folded over Remus’, and tears clogged his throat. “I’m fine. Emmeline and the team cleared me, and Hestia did all the tests. Did we win?”
“Yeah,” Logan said quietly. “Coach didn’t let either of us back on the ice.”
“Who fucking cares about the game?” Anger flared in Remus, hot and sudden. “You were unconscious.”
Sirius remained infuriatingly calm. “I was.”
“You—you hit the boards and you didn’t get up.” Eyes not open. Breathing shallow, but even. Heart rate steady. Follow the process. “Sirius, you didn’t get up.”
“I promise I’m okay.” He reached out and pulled Remus close, rubbing small circles on his back with one hand and reeling Logan in with the other. “It was a rough hit, that’s all.”
“They wouldn’t let me help you,” Remus whispered. His voice was muffled in Sirius’ shoulder and he tucked his face into his neck, holding him even tighter. “I’m so sorry, love.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Sirius placed a small kiss behind his ear. “Est-ce que ça va, Tremz?”
“Ouais, plus bien maintenant.” They shifted slightly as Logan pressed his forehead to Sirius’ with a sniffle. “Don’t fucking do that again.”
“Seconded,” Remus muttered.
“Got it,” Sirius laughed lightly, kissing the tops of both their heads before releasing them. His eyebrows rose as he spotted something over their shoulders. “Um, hello.”
“Hey,” nine Lions said from the doorway. Emmeline looked mildly amused at their sardine-crammed position. James drummed his fingers on the doorframe and tapped his foot at the same time; if they didn’t come over in the next five seconds, Remus was afraid he might explode.
“Is our turn now?” Kuny ventured, standing on his tiptoes to see over the rest. “Cap still okay? Not hugged to dead?”
“Death,” Nado corrected quietly.
“Cap not hugged to death?”
“Really, I’m fine,” Sirius laughed as they all tumbled inside, rushing to check in on him. Remus noticed Logan place himself like a brick wall if someone got too close to Sirius and felt a wave of affection go all the way down to his toes.
“Give him space,” Emmeline reminded them from the door. “The concussion is mild, but it’s there.”
“I would love to see you try to get those boys out of here,” Hestia snorted as she entered. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Remus and he nodded to her; she winked and shot him a quick smile before grabbing the clipboard off the wall.
“Treatment plan?” he guessed as she tore a piece of paper off and handed it to him. Dumo was still hugging Sirius in a vice grip.
“It’s so nice to have someone who understands this stuff,” she sighed. “Pretty easy, to be honest. I’ve written a few reminders, but you know the drill.”
“Thank you, Hestia. Really.”
She nudged him with her elbow. “I promised to take care of your boys, didn’t I? Have a little faith, Loops.”
“I have so much faith in you it’s embarrassing.”
She laughed at that, throwing her head back and clapping him on the shoulder. “I guess that’s what happens when someone tapes your face back together, huh?”
“Exactly. Can I take him home now?”
“Go easy for the next couple weeks,” she teased.
Remus rolled his eyes and stuck the paper in his back pocket. “Alright, alright, very funny.”
“You should probably go home and get some rest, though. He’s not allowed on the ice for the rest of the week and I, for one, don’t want to be the person breaking that particular news.”
“What?” She left with a final kiss blown in his direction; unfortunately, Sirius did not seem to have overheard her. “Wait, you don’t get to just leave! That’s such a cop out!”
“What’s a cop out?” Sirius asked.
Remus closed his eyes and huffed. This is going to be fun.
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iloveitwhen · 4 years
What Team?
OK! SO I thought I knew where this was going then it started becoming a Lila redemption arc but that was about to be like probably 5 long chapters then i changed it and started writing in Lila’s view but for some reason I couldn’t write it in anyone else’s so this is in Lila’s POV and Imma do a part 2 with other pov’s and extend the story a bit
this is for @miracleofadisaster ​ cause they asked for it and based off of this post by @unmaskedagain ​ 
there’s a cuss word in here somewhere if ya’ll care. also i hope i did it justice!❤️❤️💜
Part 2
Things were… not going as planned. Which was basically impossible since everything goes Lila’s way but this class, oh boy this class was stubborn. Instead of choosing between Marinette or Lila the class collectively agreed to ignore and not believe Lila when she spoke of Marinette nor Marinette when she spoke of Lila. It was a little awkward at first but as time went on it got easier and easier for the class to ignore the two girls when they spoke of the other. And Lila was NOT happy about it. She had promised that brat that she would take every single one of her friends away until she was alone and ostracized. And she was not one to go back on promises. Marinette had dropped the situation but Lila was determined, she would not lose so she was forced to come up with alternate ways to take the other girl’s friends away. Lila originally planned to take Alya away first but the girl was too bullheaded and refused to believe that her “bestie” would ever hurt another soul, she had told Lila “I know you don’t trust Marinette but you tripped and I know Marinette well enough to know she wouldn’t do that! And besides, we all know Chloe framed Marinette and put your necklace in her locker. Simple!” 
Lila groaned in annoyance. Just what would she have to resort to to get these fools on her side? Sure Lila was a little heartless, ok very heartless, but she didn’t want to physically beat up Marinette, well it didn’t really have anything to do with having a heart or not, Lila was just too lazy to exert physical energy like that. She was staring out of the window of her mother’s car when a familiar flash of black hair and pale skin passed her peripherals and she whipped her head to find Marinette blushing profusely while talking to some boy in the park by school. She watched them become smaller as she got further away for a moment before a smile crept onto Lila’s face and she relaxed back into her seat. The Destruction of Marinette was finally coming. 
Lila sauntered in the classroom the next day, it was before class started so of course Marinette was not there but Alya was speaking animatedly with Rose and Juleka in the back of the classroom. 
“Hey guys! Guess what I saw yesterday?” she spoke in an excited tone that always got those oafs enraptured in her stories. 
“Oooo, girl tell me,” Alya held a glint in her eye and while Rose practically vibrated through her chair, Juleka just sat there not being one to show emotion. 
“So you know how Marinette has a crush on Adrien?” Immediately Alya and the other two girls looked between each other growing uncomfortable. Ok, fair enough, not the best course of action. “No no no! I’m sorry, not like that! I just saw her yesterday at the park with some tall, dark haired boy and it looked like she was like, into him, you know? She was blushing pretty hard. He was pretty cute and I just thought that they looked so cute together! I just think she might be over Adrien now!” Maybe if these girls believed that Marinette wasn’t into Adrien they'd help her get with him, Alya has told plenty of stories of them joining forces to get Marinette to ask out Adrien, all she had to do was convince the lot to switch out Marinette for her. Simple enough. Except now Alya was laughing, why was she laughing?
“I’m sorry it’s just-” Alya burst out into laughter again before straightening up and grabbing Lila’s shoulders and looking into her eyes, “trust me, Marinette does not have another crush, besides whoever that guy was there's no way he’s better than Adrien.” Ok. Rude. 
“But he actually seemed pretty nice….” 
Juleka spoke up which startled Lila so much she flinched back, “What did he look like?” 
“Well he was pretty tall and he had black hair with blue tips, he was handsome too.” Lila prayed Marinette had good taste in men because if she just called some random, ugly dude “handsome” she’d be mortified. Lila’s thoughts were washed away when Rose gasped and Juleka gave Lila a rare smile. 
“Aww,” Rose squeaked, turning to her friend, “Juleka that is so cu-”
“Wait, she was blushing because of LUKA? Seriously? That knockoff Jagged Stone? Please, Marinette actually has class. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an air headed buffoon. I mean c'mon.” Lila’s jaw dropped, she couldn’t help it! That was just so, so rude! Even Lila didn’t insult people straight up like that, not only did she insult that boy, who honestly Lila didn’t really care about, but she insulted her! Lila was many things and being insulted and basically called stupid was not something she liked to be. 
Juleka slammed her hands on the table making everyone in the classroom jump and look over at the four and stood up glaring at Alya. 
“ExcUSE ME?” Lila’s brows shot up at the quiet girl’s outburst, so many things were happening today. 
“Sorry, girl, I didn’t mean it like tha-”
“My brother is amAZing. He and Marinette would be perfect together. He’s respectful, kind, and actually cares for Marinette!” Juleka was fuming which shocked everyone speechless, but headstrong Alya got over it quickly and retorted, 
“No way, Adrien is way better for her, he’s also respectful and kind AND his father is Gabrial Agrest.” 
“Please, the brat doesn’t even like Marinette,” Rose gasped at ‘brat’ but Juleka ignored her and attempted to mimic Adrien’s voice saying, “she’s just a friend!” Alya gasped in offense. 
“You take that back!”
“Why? There’s literally no reason to because it’s true.” The two were completely oblivious to the stares they were getting from everyone who had trickled into the classroom. The only ones not present were the ones being talked about and Ms. Bustier. No one dared to interrupt or make a sound, not even Lila since they were all so shocked that Juleka was actually arguing with someone, and so passionately. None of them had ever even heard her speak so loudly before. 
Alya was about to retort when Alix hissed, “they’re coming!” and in walked Marinette with a slight blush talking with Adrien who was rubbing the back of his neck with a shy smile. Alya shot Juleka a smug smile before turning and jogging to her spot. 
Nobody paid any mind to Lila who stayed rooted in her spot with blood slowly draining from her face. 
What just happened?
Not only did they defend Marinette but they argued about who was better for her. And Alya just so blatantly insulted her. Like she was nothing. Alya will suffer for that. 
Lila turned and slowly walked to her seat and plopped onto it, ignoring Nathaniel's side glance. After a moment she smiled to herself, all she had to do was convince everyone else that this "Luka" was better for Marinette so she could have Adrien all to herself. 
Lila really didn't know what she was getting into. 
For the rest of the day Lila joined forces with Juleka and Rose to spread the news of the newly coined "Lukanette" pairing. Alya was not having an easy time hiding how offended she was that people so easily turned their backs on Adrien, the girl really needed to learn to let go. Lila was going to tear “Adrienette” away from her if it was the last thing she did. 
Meanwhile, Juleka and Rose worked overtime, with a few smartly placed words and here and there the two were determined to turn the rest of the class on their side. They, plus Lila, had become the forefront runners for the Lukanette campaign, and as shameful as she felt campaigning for Maribrat she convinced herself that it was for the better. One step back two steps forward, once the class was "Lukanette" believers she'd have Adrien to herself and it would be one more step to take the throne and continue The Destruction of Marinette. She’d feel the disgust churning in her stomach but she'd still do it. It was for the greater good. 
Nathaniel refused to partake, Ivan was firmly Team Luka while Mylene chose Team Adrien since she didn’t know Luka that well and Adrien was always nice to her, Alix laughed at everyone and didn’t pick a side but was slightly stingy when Kim and Max pledged Team Adrien, and of course Nino decked himself out in Team Adrien gear, seriously the boy came into school with something new everyday. However, Adrien became Team Luka to support the nice dark haired boy even though he had no idea why his classmates were creating “Teams” between himself and Luka, but he “just wanted it to be fair!” The surprise came from Sabrina when she herself pledged Team Luka while Chloe was Team Adrien. It was a week after the Teams began and at first it was all fun and games but that moment when Sabrina switched sides it became war and there was an immediate shift in the air. During school Team Luka did not speak with Team Adrien at all and vice versa, after school the teams were forgotten, except of course when Alix, who was always one to sow discord, would mention it during a class hangout and chaos would ensue. Then shirts were made, inspired by one of Nino’s bracelets that he determined marked him officially as “Team Adrien,” and the civil war within the classroom became official. Marinette of course was completely oblivious and refused to ask why everyone was wearing shirts and refused to get dragged in, not realizing she was the center of this little war. 
At first it was only Juleka and Rose who wore the teal tie dyed Team Luka shirts but when Alya and Chloe walked in wearing their own Team Adrien gear Lila’s fury raged. That day after class Lila snatched a Team Luka shirt that Juleka and Rose made with Marinette to wear the next day. When she walked in the next morning she felt Alya and Chloe’s eyes burn into her soul but she refused to back down, she felt shame rise in her but held her head up high but not missing Marinette’s dropped jaw at the sight of her. 
Two steps forward one step back, she kept telling herself. No one insults her and gets away with it. Alya will go down with Marinette and Lila’s dignity.
It became an even bigger deal when Alix tweeted the situation of her class and Chloe retweeted it with evidence that Adrien was better which in turn dragged Jagged Stone in and people were warring over who was better looking, nicer, more talented, etc. It definitely could have ruined some careers in the process but Juleka happily relayed to Lila that Luka was just happy that 3 million people were “Team Luka” with 2.8 million “Team Adrien” and many of them were begging to hear his music. 
Unfortunately this news reached the Waynes. How the ever loving shit did Marinette even KNOW the Waynes was completely beyond Lila. The girl was a freaking nobody, if Lila didn’t break her quickly she might surpass Lila and that just wouldn’t do. The reason Lila knew the Waynes had found out was because Alix, that hotheaded brat who refused to pick a side, showed up in a black shirt with bold green letters that spelled out ‘TEAM DAMIAN’ and on the back it said ‘FIND YOUR OWN GIRL’. Lila asked who Damian was and the whole class heard her when she said, “Damian Wayne, obviously.” Lila screamed into her pillow until she couldn’t breath when she got home that day. There HAD to be a solution to all of this, she wanted to desperately stop faking that she cared who Marinette ended up with, just as long as it wasn’t Adrien. Or Damian freaking Wayne.
Team Luka:
Lila, Juleka, Rose, Ivan, Sabrina, Adrien
Team Adrien:
Alya, Chloe, Nino, Kim, Max, Mylene
Team Damian:
More shall arrive for Team Damian 
Part 2 Teaser heehee
“Hey Marinette?" The girl called looked up from her sketchbook to see Juleka nervously tapping on her desk with her nails and Rose standing behind her with a look that could only be described as sparkly. Marinette raised an eyebrow but smiled kindly at them. 
"So umm *ahem* can you help me and Rose make shirts that say "Team Luka" on them?" 
"Team lu- uhmm sure?" 
Juleka have her a rare smile and a soft "thanks" before returning to her seat with Rosa who squeaked "you're the best Marinette!" Marinette gave the girl a weak smile and a small nod of appreciation and just stared in confusion at the spot where the two girls stood previously. 
Part 2
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