zuskiscoiningflagz · 4 months
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A term for anyone who hoard genders ) identities related to Plushs !
Um termo para qualquer pessoa que acumula gênero ) identidades relacionadas a pelúcias !
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Mary Anta from Cemetery Mary/Here For Sweethearts is an autistic hyperempathetic selectively mute T4T canonically biromantic canonically asexual fuenralex kenochoric gendercoffin plushiecomfic plushhoard crecutian dollcreepycute cemeterygender cemeteryaesic blackaesic gothfashionaesic lillederic dollcoric dollass dollmonstergirlic adorafae lovergender demonicesse froggender mantagender deathcute trans softgirl with social anxiety who uses she/her and any death- or soft-themed neopronouns! In Cemetery Mary, she's best friends and cousins with Crowven, and in Here For Sweethearts, she's dating Reginald!
Reginald Tetra is an autistic T4T canonically biromantic canonically asexual lovesickian lovesickgender swufegender kenochoric scissorweaponic drizzlix libraryaesic darkacademic obsessangua dappergender angergender gendercoffin librainfort puffergender trans libraboy who uses he/him and any pleopronouns! In Here For Sweethearts, he's dating Mary, and in both games, he likes for her to call him Reggie!
Crowven Corvuson is a canonically bisexual corvidgender crowgender ravengender blackredcoloric mafiacoric genderpunk emogender emox trans guy who uses he/him and any corvid- or edgy-themed pronouns! In Cemetery Mary, he's best friends and cousins with Mary, and in both games, he's best friends with Theo and Zapara and individually dating Vasilis and Theo!
Twyla Sophio is an autistic hypoempathetic unlabeled woman who doesn't care what pronouns are used for her, and she has no interest in relationships of any kind!
Zapara is an autistic polysexual purplegender doggirlgender wolfgender wolfphasic scemox rawrgender olivehemaec girl with ADHD who uses she/her, they/them, and any canine- or scene-themed pronouns! In Cemetery Mary, she's in a QPR with Theo; in Here For Sweethearts, she has a queerplatonic crush on Theo; and in both games, she's best friends with Theo and Crowven!
Theodore is a genderpunk punkaesic punkgender genderjunk indigohemaec arospec gay man with depression who goes by Theo and uses he/him, it/its, and they/them pronouns primarily, but doesn't mind people using neopronouns for him, especially if they're his friends! In Cemetery Mary, he's in a QPR with Zapara; in Here For Sweethearts, he has a queerplatonic crush on Zapara; and in both games, he's best friends with Zapara and Crowven and dating Crowven!
Vasilis Deerlington is a thistlian canonically asexual canonically agender agendeer genderqueer person who uses they/them and ze/hir pronouns! In both games, they're dating Crowven!
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Fawnhoard \ Deerhoard
- When you hoard Deergenders and\or Fawngenders (and other deer related genders) that relate to you, even if they just barely fit you.
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- When you hoard Goatgenders (and other goat related genders) that relate to you, even if they just barely fit you.
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Lambhoard \ Sheephoard
- When you hoard Lambgenders and\or Sheepgenders (and other sheep related genders) that relate to you, even if they just barely fit you.
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- When you hoard Plushgenders (and other plush\plushie related genders) that relate to you, even if they just barely fit you.
No particular meanings with the colors, I just though the colors went well with each associated animal.
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Nene Kusanagi from Project SEKAI is an autistic casualic greyromantic finromantic aceflux lesbian demigirl demiboy nonbinary transfeminine enboy nonbinary girl nonbinary boy demigenderfluid cuddlegender plushgender bungender catgender cottoncandygender weirdcattic softgender boviplushic flashgameian distorglitchic rainyhorric cutegender solmangagender autigender ovitihiems cattix cityica kiddinoic patchgender casualic ambonec madscientistcatgender arothing acething kidreamcoric sleepdayial hezegender mollianic gendermoxie webcoric tenergender sleepygirl femmtint moukawic pluviplushic nocmotrellic catinrainic gendergroslina lostglitchgender emoique gamerbunboygender nocatsleepyic wasuretic genderfrio plusheepgender felmouenby bugcatgender magiboy botgender vocaloidgender digicute sanriogender softicfemascgender sleepything idolthing virtualgirlic virtualboyic ghibliaesic sleepyxenic fairylicht mistgender cutecoric petalgender wondergender lesbicute musictix animecoric shything vocaloidthing age regressor with bipolar disorder and OCD who uses they/them, he/him, plush/plushes, soft/softs, cuddle/cuddles, cotton/cottons, she/her, it/its, bun/buns, strawb/strawbs, val/vals, candy/candies, sweet/sweets, sheep/sheeps, glitch/glitches, kit/kits, sleep/sleeps, dawn/dawns, rain/rains, drizzle/drizzles, snow/snows, angel/angels, love/loves, web/webs, pop/pops, fizz/fizzes, ☁️/☁️s, 🍉/🍉s, 🧁/🧁s, and 🤍/🤍s pronouns!
They're dating Emu Ootori, an autistic bambi lesbian finromantic sapphic abrosapphic aceflux catstrawbgender softgender pinkgender pinkfluzzic cutegender shenbunine fuwaun carnicolorix amocatix asochaiex friamic douxinvern genderbubbly genderchou puerilgender paspinkbeecute monopinkcute cutesyic agrocutecatic acething strawbmilksippic kidcoric hypagekloudian plushgender trendercringic plushihuggic mogaicringic plushhoard femkiddic autigender adhdgender vocaloidgender idolgender genderfluff cutecollector cutecoric petalgender genderfae catgirlgender wondergender cottoncandygender sweetgender verbastimic catstimmic evarigirl ditsylexic idolthing adhdthing catgender pupgender bungender panbungender marshmallowtwistpupgender buntix bunhoardic idolbungender icecreampupgender neonyancatgender puphoard lesbicute magigirl magipuppic kiddiparfumic rainpupic confetticakegender bunpupgender kandigirlic candynecklacegender stickercoric clownbungender musictix sillycatgender rainbowcatian zoomiesgender xenogirl luckycatgirl cutenic magicalgirlthing age regressor with ADHD, anxiety, and PTSD who uses wonder/wonders, wonderhoy/wonderhoys, she/her, kandi/kandis, clown/clowns, they/them, candy/candies, it/its, he/him, sticker/stickers, pup/pups, fun/funs, sun/suns, cream/creams, bun/buns, marshmallow/marshmallows, stim/stims, sweet/sweets, fizz/fizzes, 🥳/🥳s, 🧚‍♀️/🧚‍♀️s, 🐶/🐶s, 🦄/🦄s, 💐/💐s, 🪷/🪷s, 🌈/🌈s, 🍡/🍡s, 🧁/🧁s, 🍫/🍫s, 🎪/🎪s, 🎡.🎡s, 🎀/🎀s, and any other neopronouns that wonder considers cute or fun!
Kohane Azusawa is an autistic demiromantic aceflux demisexual lesbian girlflux demigirl transmasculine nonbinary nonbinary girl librafeminine genderqueer paragirl gxrl genderdoe genderfloren weirdcattic froliclovermal vintasolea mooniyn catpastrygender sofpinkfem dullaescomfic cattix luveratix genderplaylist stellereni musicaconic kiddinoic ferristarric pupgender puppyplushic pinkplanetary anglipuppic bellukittyic melogender mushbungender aimdouxic quiescolascivic heliosweetic gigglesnowflic solisdawngender daisiboy tenergender fembluic mollisgender mascutint catinrainic strawshorcakic deergender sodacatgender cloudpupgender emoique strawbecookiecatgender berrybrowncowaestic plushsomigender florverna starfluid vocaloidgender confetticakegender idolcatgender ghibliaesic musigender petalgender caffèan animecoric shything lesbithing with ADHD and SPD who uses he/him, it/its, she/her, they/them, cloud/clouds, pup/pups, soft/softs, doe/does, star/stars, and kit/kits pronouns!
Kohane is dating An Shiraishi, a lesbian lesboy genderfluid libramasculine birl singalangric bluegender azurgirl cherrockglittic cufemian telcusmic musicgender acrigirl stargender adhdthing edgecute caffèan stickercoric femflux lesbithing with ADHD and Tourette's who uses he/him, edge/edges, star/stars, and blue/blues pronouns!
Ichika Hoshino is an autistic arospec demisexual lesbian demiboy enboy nonbinary genderfluid transmasculine agender vocaloidgender pupgender musicgender prettyboygender phonwaken sleepyfelic autigender mistgender idolgender petalgender shything with OCD and SPD who uses he/him, they/them, it/its, sing/sings, music/musics, pup/pups, cute/cutes, and blue/blues pronouns!
Saki Tenma is a lesbian aceflux trans girl girlflux paragirl catstrawbgender florsunsimusica pinkgender yellowgender pupgender pinkfluzzic cutegender shenbunine fuwaun asochaiex plushgender adhdgender idolgender cutecollector genderfluff cutecoric petalgender cottoncandygender sweetgender evarigirl ditsylexic adhdthing lesbicute magigirl magicattic stelluffin plushipuddic funfetticakegender stickercoric gxrl with ADHD who uses she/her, they/them, bun/buns, cute/cutes, petal/petals, plush/plushes, love/loves, pink/pinks, pup/pups, fluff/fluffs, 🧁/🧁s, and 💗/💗s pronouns!
Shiho Hinomori is an autistic butch greyromantic oriented aroace sapphic delphinian intersex agender transmascneutral gender apathetic pomogender singalangric misteria skirpagender genderamafem arothing sleepyneu autigender vocaloidgender musictix auticatgender ghostneut person with BPD and OCD who uses they/them, it/its, and he/him pronouns!
Honami Mochizuki is an autistic lesbian finsexual demisexual demigirl non-binary girl faesari softgender cinnamonostalgic fresafieldic vintasolea bungender cutegender linistornia friamic cupumime pastrygender floremime tiramisia ghibliaesic piegender applepiegender idolgender genderfluff cutecoric petalgender sweetgender spacecoric stargender evarigirl angelcoric panbungender idolbungender icecreambungender lesbicute tarabovian lumibunnic constellnoxky starrypupgender romsofpinkic spacecute cosmicthing spacething fruitpiegen cookiegirl who uses they/them, she/her, pie/pies, apple/apples, idol/idols, bun/buns, cream/creams, star/stars, moon/moons, space/spaces, constellation/constellations, cute/cutes, cinna/mon, 🥧/🥧s, and 🌷/🌷s pronouns!
Ichika, Saki, Honami, and Shiho are in a polycule together!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Carly Shay from iCarly is a bisexual girl with anxiety who uses she/her pronouns, and she's in a QPR with Sam and dating Freddie!
Fredward 'Freddie' Benson is an autistic mspec darcian autigender trans guy who uses he/him and xe/xem pronouns, and he's dating Carly and in an unlabeled relationship with Sam!
Samantha 'Sam' Puckett is a futch arospec bi lesbian transmasculine lesboy azurgirl with PTSD and ADHD who uses he/him, they/them, it/its, and sie/hir pronouns around anyone and she/her pronouns around her closest friends, and he's dating Carly, Cat, and Jade and in an unlabeled relationship with Freddie!
Carly's brother Spencer Shay is an autistic virtuosum biflux paintgender inkgender paitgender beaic paintique genderqueer man with ADHD and special interests in sculpting techniques and Harry Joyner who uses he/him and any art-related pronouns, with some of his favorites being sculpt/sculpts, splat/splatter, 🎨/🎨s, and 🖌️/🖌️s, and he's a parental/older brother figure to Freddie and Sam!
Victoria 'Tori' Vega from Victorious is a bisexual girl who uses she/her pronouns, and she's dating Jade, Andre, and Beck!
Jade West is an autistic hypoempathetic persodivergent bi velaurian darkanian transfeminine violenatian gendergoth hategender violencecoric gothfashionaesic gorecoric blackaesic blackgender slashermovian scissorweaponic kenochoric genderpunk bloodcoveric edgegirl who uses it/its, hate/hates, gore/gores, ✂️/✂️s, and occasionally she/her pronouns, and it's dating Tori, Beck, Cat, and Sam!
Catarina 'Cat' Valentine is an autistic omnisexual plushhoard happigender gendercute femcute trans girl with PTSD and ADHD who age dreams for fun and uses she/her and any cute neopronouns, with some of her favorites being bun/buns, kit/kits, mew/mews, and squish/squishes, and she's dating Robbie, Jade, and Sam!
Robert 'Robbie' Shapiro is an autistic mspec veldian trans guy with social anxiety who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Cat, Andre, and Beck!
Andre Harris is a bisexual guy who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Tori, Robbie, and Beck!
Beck Oliver is a bisexual guy who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and he's dating Jade, Tori, Robbie, and Andre!
Diceneo 'Dice' Corleone from Sam & Cat is a trans boy who uses he/him pronouns, and he sees Goomer as family!
Gieux 'Goomer' Merr is an autistic intellectually disabled unlabeled man who uses any pronouns, and he sees Dice as family!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
(from project sekai)
nene kusanagi is greyromantic, finromantic, lesbian, aceflux, demigirl, demiboy, non-binary, transfem, enboy, non-binary girl, non-binary boy, demigenderfluid, cuddlegender, plushgender, bungender, catgender, cottoncandygender, weirdcattic, softgender, boviplushic, flashgameian, distorglitchic, rainyhorric, cutegender, solmangagender, autigender, ovitihiems, cattix, cityica, kiddinoic, patchgender, casualic, ambonec, madscientistcatgender, arothing, acething, kidreamcoric, sleepdayial, hezegender, mollianic, gendermoxie, webcoric, tenergender, sleepygirl, femmtint, moukawic, pluviplushic, nocmotrellic, catinrainic, gendergroslina, lostglitchgender, emoique, gamerbunboygender, nocatsleepyic, wasuretic, genderfrio, plusheepgender, felmouenby, bugcatgender, magiboy, botgender, vocaloidgender, digicute, sanriogender, softicfemascgender, sleepything, idolthing, virtualgirlic, virtualboyic, ghibliaesic, sleepyxenic, fairylicht, mistgender, cutecoric, petalgender, wondergender, lesbicute, musictix, animecoric, shything, vocaloidthing and uses they/he/plush/soft/cuddle/cotton/she/it/bun/strawb/val/candy/sweet/sheep/glitch/kit/sleep/dawn/rain/drizzle/snow/angel/love/dawn/web/pop/fizz/☁️/🍉/🧁/🤍. they have autism, age regression, bipolar disorder, and ocd.
nene is dating emu ootori, who is a bambi lesbian, finromantic, sapphic, abrosapphic, aceflux, catstrawbgender, softgender, pinkgender, pinkfluzzic, cutegender, shenbunine, fuwaun, carnicolorix, amocatix, asochaiex, friamic, douxinvern, genderbubbly, genderchou, puerilgender, paspinkbeecute, monopinkcute, cutesyic, agrocutecatic, acething, strawbmilksippic, kidcoric, hypagekloudian, plushgender, trendercringic, plushihuggic, mogaicringic, plushhoard, femkiddic, autigender, adhdgender, vocaloidgender, idolgender, genderfluff, cutecollector, cutecoric, petalgender, genderfae, catgirlgender, wondergender, cottoncandygender, sweetgender, verbastimic, catstimmic, evarigirl, ditsylexic, idolthing, adhdthing, catgender, pupgender, bungender, panbungender, marshmallowtwistpupgender, buntix, bunhoardic, idolbungender, icecreampupgender, neonyancatgender, puphoard, lesbicute, magigirl, magipuppic, kiddiparfumic, rainpupic, confetticakegender, bunpupgender, kandigirlic, candynecklacegender, stickercoric, clownbungender, musictix, sillycatgender, rainbowcatian, zoomiesgender, xenogirl, luckycatgirl, cutenic, magicalgirlthing and uses wonder/wonderhoy/she/kandi/clown/they/candy/it/he/sticker/pup/fun/sun/cream/bun/marshmallow/stim/sweet/fizz/🥳/🧚‍♀️/🐶/🦄/💐/🪷/🌈/🍡/🧁/🍫/🎪/🎡/🎀 as well as any neos that wonder considers cute or fun. wonderhoy has adhd, autism, anxiety, ptsd, and age regresses.
kohane azusawa is demiromantic, lesbian, aceflux, demisexual, girlflux, demigirl, transmasc, non-binary, non-binary girl, librafeminine, transmasc, genderqueer, paragirl, gxrl, genderdoe, genderfloren, weirdcattic, froliclovermal, vintasolea, mooniyn, catpastrygender, sofpinkfem, dullaescomfic, shinaijoui, cattix, luveratix, genderplaylist, stellereni, musicaconic, kiddinoic, ferristarric, pupgender, puppyplushic, pinkplanetary, anglipuppic, bellukittyic, melogender, mushbungender, aimdouxic, quiescolascivic, heliosweetic, gigglesnowflic, solisdawngender, daisiboy, tenergender, fembluic, mollisgender, mascutint, catinrainic, strawshorcakic, deergender, sodacatgender, cloudpupgender, emoique, strawbecookiecatgender, berrybrowncowaestic, plushsomigender, florverna, starfluid, vocaloidgender, confetticakegender, idolcatgender, ghibliaesic, musigender, petalgender, caffèan, animecoric, shything, lesbithing and uses he/it/she/they/cloud/pup/soft/doe/star/kit. he has adhd, spd, and is autistic.
kohane is dating an shiraishi, who is lesbian, lesboy, genderfluid, libramasculine, boygirl, singalangric, bluegender, azurgirl, cherrockglittic, cufemian, telcusmic, musicgender, acrigirl, stargender, adhdthing, edgecute, caffèan, stickercoric, femflux, lesbithing and uses he/edge/star/blue. he has adhd and tourette’s.
ichika hoshino is arospec, lesbian, demisexual, demiboy, enboy, non-binary, genderfluid, transmasc, agender, vocaloidgender, pupgender, musicgender, prettyboygender, phonwaken, sleepyfelic, autigender, mistgender, vocaloidgender, idolgender, petalgender, shything and uses he/they/it/sing/music/pup/cute/blue. he has autism, ocd, and spd.
saki tenma is lesbian, aceflux, a trans girl, girlflux, paragirl, catstrawbgender, florsunsimusica, pinkgender, yellowgender, pupgender, pinkfluzzic, cutegender, shenbunine, fuwaun, asochaiex, plushgender, adhdgender, idolgender, cutecollector, genderfluff, cutecoric, petalgender, cottoncandygender, sweetgender, evarigirl, ditsylexic, adhdthing, lesbicute, magigirl, magicattic, stelluffin, plushipuddic, funfetticakegender, stickercoric, gxrl and uses she/they/bun/cute/petal/plush/love/pink/pup/fluff/🧁/💗. she has adhd.
shiho hinomori is greyromantic, oriented aroace, butch, sapphic, delphinian, agender, transmascneu, gender apathetic, pomogender, intersex, singalangric, misteria, skirpagender, genderamafem, arothing, sleepyneu, autigender, vocaloidgender, musictix, auticatgender, ghostneut and uses they/it/he. they have autism, bpd, and ocd.
honami mochizuki is lesbian, finsexual, demisexual, demigirl, non-binary girl, faesari, softgender, cinnamonostalgic, fresafieldic, vintasolea, bungender, cutegender, linistornia, friamic, cupumime, pastrygender, floremime, tiramisia, ghibliaesic, piegender, applepiegender, idolgender, genderfluff, cutecoric, petalgender, sweetgender, spacecoric, stargender, evarigirl, angelcoric, panbungender, idolbungender, icecreambungender, lesbicute, tarabovian, lumibunnic, constellnoxky, starrypupgender, romsofpinkic, cookiegirl, spacecute, cosmicthing, spacething, fruitpiegen and uses they/she/pie/apple/idol/bun/cream/star/moon/space/constellation/cute/cinna/🥧/🌷. they are autistic.
ichika, saki, honami, and shiho are all dating and in a polycule together!
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