#plushie parade
ask-the-royal-absol · 2 years
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(And so the Plushie Parade is complete! Thank you ever so much to everyone who contributed to this! I’m sorry if the quality has dropped for some of them! Procreate do be a pain sometimes but I tried to make them as high quality as I can! From left to right, we have:
Crewel from @crewel-intentions drawn by @divine--tragedy
Genji and Ginjiro from @symphonies-of-silver
Clarent from @askleaderscrest
Gizmo from @asktheartpone
Chime from @askchimeknight
Magby from @breed-station
Reshi from @lightofunova
Lunch and Vespa from @askvekpa
Weed from @occasional-weed
Joule and Elliot from @ask-elliotgang
North and Wisteria from @ask-north
I’ve really enjoyed this collab and hope to do another with the Pokémon askblog community again!)
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tj-crochets · 1 year
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Giant manta ray of caution!!!!
Sometimes you just want to make a giant plushie to see if you can and the only fleece you have that’s big enough is neon orange and yellow
Featuring a mini manta ray made using @firesidetextiles space fabric for scale. And also me, for scale lol
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lilpootisplush · 4 months
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Lil Pootis goes to a pride parade
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vomitpukey · 3 months
On our way to a pride festival/parade!!
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imhereboo · 2 years
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clonedchaos · 3 months
“Did You Just Propose to me with Crochet Dinosaurs?”
Just a little Drabble for @fyeahjurassicocs Jurassic Pride Month featuring two of my Jurassic World OCs (whom I really need to get around to writing more 😭). This is just for fun/practice with them and many of the prompts so far have been interesting, so might as well jump in. (I'm late, I'm so very sorry ;-;) Sooooo… Enjoy!
Prompt: Day 1- Jurassic World Pride Parade
“Danny! Take a look at this!”
Jordan turned away from the vibrant collage of colors parading down Times Square. The sounds of the crowd deafened her senses, but she was able to detect her girlfriend’s voice anywhere.
Natalie stood a few feet away at one of the nearby Pride market booths with a giddy look on her face. She had decided to go all out for the New York Pride festival, an uncommon contrast from her rather modest clothing. Her black curls were done up in a high bun and her face was adored with intricate flowers and star designs painted with blues, purples, and pinks. She had on a flowery blue top with faux flowers on the collar and a purple and pink ombré petticoat.
Jordan on the other hand was blanketed in a lesbian flag that doubled as a cape. Her brown hair was pulled into a ponytail and held tight with a pink flower clip. Natalie had painted a heart on her cheek and applied a smoky eye shadow look for extra flair that Jordan was careful not to smudge despite her aversion to makeup. The colors framed her like the setting sun itself.
She ducked and weaved through the crowd towards her girlfriend. Natalie spun to face her with a wide grin. In her palms was a tiny crocheted hadrosaurus crafted in various shades of orange, white, and pink. “It’s a… ‘Lesbeosaurus.’ Get it? Because it’s a Lambeosaurus?”
Jordan chuckled as Natalie placed it in her palms. She gave it a little scratch on the head, fondly reminiscing on the times she had raised infant dinosaurs after they had been birthed from the hatchery. Despite the fall of Jurassic World, she still missed the dinosaurs on the island dearly. Especially Indie. How was the Indominus Rex doing, anyways?
“It’s adorable, Nat,” was all she said as she forced the thoughts away.
“And this one too,” Natalie added, reaching over to pluck a crocheted Dilophosaurus from its stand. “A Bi-lophosaurus… Do we need these? Or… DO we need these?” She smirked.
Jordan reached up and placed the hadrosaur on her shoulder like it was her mini partner in crime. “I think I’ve learned now not to let you run off on your own during a pride parade. Our wallets will thank us later once we ditch the market.”
Natalie gave a mock pout as she held her Dilophosaurus up to her head. “Oh, come on. It’s just one purchase.”
“You said that at the last four booths we went to,” Jordan snorted with a smile. Natalie had swore to her that the beaded necklace sporting the bi flag’s colors and a rainbow blanket for the apartment was a necessity, not a want. And of course a pride flag for the balcony, because their resident canine and feline had a habit on chewing on anything they could sink their teeth into and Natalie wasn’t about to let them tarnish something so important during pride month. Which, naturally, led to Natalie purchasing collars and toys for their ‘fur babies’. Jordan needed to pull her out of the market fast, before she blew their life savings in one day.
“This is perfect for your locker at work and my office at the vet,” Natalie claimed, already pulling out some cash from her purse. Before Jordan could stop her, the transfer was complete. If anyone was more stubborn than her, it would be Natalie-- though others had stated she was a lot more calm and collected about it like a forest stream while Jordan's emotions tended to crackle off her like a firework.
“There. Now we have two new buddies for our collection,” Natalie smiled, nudging her on the shoulder. As if either of them needed more dinosaur merchandise, they’d already gotten far too many memorabilia from their time working at Jurassic World.
Jordan smiled and reached up on her tiptoes. Natalie stood a full foot taller than her. It annoyed her to no end that she was the "small girlfriend". It annoyed her even more that Natalie occasionally liked to sweep her up bridal style when she was annoyed or flustered to calm her down. Well, that second part didn't annoy her truthfully, but no one else but Nat needed to know that!
She put her Lambeosaurus in front of Natalie's Dilophosaurus and made the two plushies give each other a swift peck on the cheek. “There. Now they’re dating. Like us.”
Natalie set her hand in Jordans as the two headed back into the throng of people. The roar of the crowd nearly drowned out their words, but Jordan could undeniably hear Natalie’s comment. “Dating? No, they’re engaged.”
Jordan’s head whipped toward her girlfriend as a blush crept across her cheeks. Natalie was suddenly down on one knee, diamond ring in hand. The paleo veterinarian seemed flustered, her usual collected exterior flooded with anxiety as she awaited a response.
Jordan was momentarily stunned and unable to cling to any thought spiraling through her head. It was really happening? Here? Right now? She wasn’t dreaming this, was she?
Her heart felt light for the first time in several years. She lunged forward, nearly tackling Natalie to the ground. Taking that as an acceptance, Natalie began to laugh. Jordan laughed with her as they held one another in a gentle embrace.
“…Did you just propose to me with crochet dinosaurs?”
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Honestly I just really like him LOL
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love-at-first-bite · 6 months
SO SAD I missed out on the noodle toppers of Laios and Marcille 😢 I really wanted both. I hope they get restocks at some point.
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whilomm · 1 year
sigh. i still miss thinkgeek :(
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
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Speaking of Aikon, here's my Sawg!!!
I'm admittedly a little annoyed the Q Posket is so small (I thought it was a regular sized one), but hey, at least I finally have her in my collection. And she's SOOOO PRETTY!!!!!!
Oh and yes, I did pick up the Naussica manga boxset, and yes, I did lug that around for most of Friday night (now you see why my arms were sore on Saturday and Sunday)! But I'm quite happy with my purchase; watching STEVEM's videos on Studio Ghibli made me remember just how much I like the Naussica film (it's probably my favorite of Miyazaki's films alongside Kiki's Delivery Service), and it made me curious about reading the manga so I figured, why not?
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hauntswitch · 1 year
Existing may be tiresome and without much reward, but today I sat and sewed up the hole in my dog's toy not because it'll stop him from tearing a new hole and eventually ripping the whole thing to shreds by tomorrow, but because he loves that toy, and the effort it took to stitch it up is worth the joy it brings, no matter how fleeting
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anymousse · 2 years
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Please keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the ride vehicle at all times.
This is officially my new favorite loungefly bag.
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
2023/03/04 El desfile llegó a su fin con el himno oficial de la fiesta grande de la ciudad y la figura que va a representar este año la imágen de esta fiesta.
The parade came to an end with the official anthem of the city's big party and the figure that will represent the image of this party this year.
Google Translation into French: Le défilé s'est terminé avec l'hymne officiel de la grande fête de la ville et la figure qui représentera l'image de cette fête cette année.
Google translation into Italian: La sfilata si è conclusa con l'inno ufficiale della grande festa della città e la figura che rappresenterà quest'anno l'immagine di questa festa.
Google Translation into Portuguese: O desfile terminou com o hino oficial da grande festa da cidade e a figura que representará a imagem desta festa este ano.
Google Translation into German: Die Parade endete mit der offiziellen Hymne der großen Feier der Stadt und der Figur, die dieses Jahr das Bild dieser Feier darstellen wird.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Parada u mbyll me himnin zyrtar të festës së madhe të qytetit dhe me figurën që do të përfaqësojë imazhin e kësaj feste këtë vit.
Google Translation into Armenian: Շքերթը ավարտվեց քաղաքի մեծ տոնակատարության պաշտոնական օրհներգով և այն գործիչով, որն այս տարի կներկայացնի այս տոնակատարության կերպարը։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Парадът завърши с официалния химн на големия градски празник и фигурата, която тази година ще представлява образа на този празник.
Google Translation into Czech: Průvod zakončila oficiální hymna velké městské slavnosti a postava, která bude letos představovat obraz této slavnosti.
Google Translation into Croatian: Mimohod je završio službenom himnom velike gradske proslave i likom koji će ove godine predstavljati sliku ove proslave.
Google Translation into Danish Paraden sluttede med den officielle hymne for byens store fejring og den figur, der skal repræsentere billedet af denne fejring i år.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prehliadku ukončila oficiálna hymna veľkej slávnosti mesta a postava, ktorá bude tento rok predstavovať obraz tejto slávnosti.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Parada se je zaključila z uradno himno velikega mestnega praznovanja in likom, ki bo letos predstavljal podobo tega praznovanja.
Google Translation into Estonian: Paraad lõppes linna suurpeo ametliku hümni ja kujuga, mis sel aastal selle pidustust kujutab.
Google Translation into Suomi: Paraati päättyi kaupungin suuren juhlan viralliseen hymniin ja hahmoon, joka edustaa tämän juhlan kuvaa tänä vuonna.
Google Translation into Greek: Η παρέλαση ολοκληρώθηκε με τον επίσημο ύμνο της μεγάλης γιορτής της πόλης και τη φιγούρα που θα αντιπροσωπεύει την εικόνα αυτής της γιορτής φέτος.
Google Translation into Dutch: De parade eindigde met het officiële volkslied van het grote feest van de stad en de figuur die dit jaar het beeld van dit feest zal vertegenwoordigen.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Paraden ble avsluttet med den offisielle hymnen til byens store feiring og figuren som skal representere bildet av denne feiringen i år.
Google Translation into Polish: Parada zakończyła się odśpiewaniem oficjalnego hymnu wielkiej uroczystości miasta oraz figurą, która w tym roku będzie przedstawiała obraz tej uroczystości.
Google Translation into Romanian: Parada s-a încheiat cu imnul oficial al marii sărbători a orașului și figura care va reprezenta imaginea acestei sărbători anul acesta.
Google Translation into Russian: Парад завершился официальным гимном большого праздника города и фигурой, которая в этом году будет символом этого праздника.
Google Translation into Serbian: Дефиле је завршен званичном химном велике градске славе и фигуром која ће ове године представљати слику ове прославе.
Google Translation into Swedish: Paraden avslutades med den officiella hymnen för stadens stora firande och figuren som kommer att representera bilden av detta firande i år.
Google Translation into Turkish: Geçit töreni şehrin büyük kutlamasının resmi marşı ve bu yılki kutlamanın imajını temsil edecek figürün okunmasıyla sona erdi.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Завершився парад офіційним гімном великого свята міста та фігурою, яка цього року представлятиме образ цього свята.
Google Translation into Arabic: وانتهى العرض بالنشيد الرسمي لاحتفال المدينة الكبير والشخصية التي ستمثل صورة هذا الاحتفال هذا العام.
Google Translation into Bengali: কুচকাওয়াজ শহরের বড় উদযাপনের আনুষ্ঠানিক সঙ্গীত এবং এই বছরের এই উদযাপনের চিত্রকে প্রতিনিধিত্ব করবে এমন চিত্রের সাথে শেষ হয়েছিল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 游行在城市盛大庆祝活动的官方歌曲和代表今年庆祝活动形象的人物形象中结束。
Google Translation into Korean: 퍼레이드는 도시의 큰 축하의 공식 국가와 올해 이 축하의 이미지를 대표할 인물로 끝났습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: המצעד הסתיים בהמנון הרשמי של החגיגה הגדולה של העיר ובדמות שתייצג את דמותה של חגיגה זו השנה.
Google Translation into Hindi: परेड शहर के बड़े उत्सव के आधिकारिक गान के साथ समाप्त हुई और वह आंकड़ा जो इस वर्ष इस उत्सव की छवि का प्रतिनिधित्व करेगा।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Pawai diakhiri dengan lagu resmi perayaan besar kota dan sosok yang akan mewakili citra perayaan tahun ini.
Google Translation into Japanese: パレードは、市の大きなお祝いの公式国歌と、今年のこのお祝いのイメージを表すフィギュアで締めくくられました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Парад шаардын чоң майрамынын расмий гимни жана быйылкы майрамдын образын чагылдыра турган фигура менен аяктады.
Google Translation into Malay: Perbarisan diakhiri dengan lagu rasmi sambutan besar bandar raya dan tokoh yang akan mewakili imej perayaan ini pada tahun ini.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Парад хотын томоохон баярын албан ёсны дуулал болон энэ жилийн баярын дүр төрхийг илэрхийлэх дүрсээр өндөрлөв.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਪਰੇਡ ਦੀ ਸਮਾਪਤੀ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਵੱਡੇ ਜਸ਼ਨ ਦੇ ਅਧਿਕਾਰਤ ਗੀਤ ਨਾਲ ਹੋਈ ਅਤੇ ਉਹ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਜੋ ਇਸ ਸਾਲ ਇਸ ਜਸ਼ਨ ਦੀ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਨੂੰ ਦਰਸਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: پریډ د ښار د لوی جشن رسمي سرود سره پای ته ورسید او هغه څیره چې د سږ کال د دې جشن انځور استازیتوب کوي.
Google Translation into Persian: این رژه با سرود رسمی جشن بزرگ شهر و چهره ای که امسال تصویر این جشن را نشان می دهد به پایان رسید.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Arak-arakan ieu dipungkas ku lagu resmi hajatan gedé kota jeung tokoh anu baris ngawakilan citra perayaan ieu taun ieu.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Nagtapos ang parada sa opisyal na awit ng malaking selebrasyon ng lungsod at ang pigura na kakatawan sa imahe ng pagdiriwang na ito ngayong taon.
Google Translation into Thai: ขบวนพาเหรดจบลงด้วยเพลงอย่างเป็นทางการของการเฉลิมฉลองครั้งใหญ่ของเมืองและตัวเลขที่จะเป็นตัวแทนภาพลักษณ์ของการเฉลิมฉลองในปีนี้
Google Translation into Urdu: پریڈ کا اختتام شہر کے بڑے جشن کے سرکاری ترانے اور اس شخصیت کے ساتھ ہوا جو اس سال اس جشن کی تصویر کی نمائندگی کرے گی۔
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ask-the-royal-absol · 2 years
You have been presented with life-size plushies of all your askblog characters! What do you do?
(I wouldn’t have any space for them! I’ve got a lot of characters for this blog, and a huge chunk of them have not even been revealed yet. I’d probably keep them in my room next to all of my other plushies I have and would have one in bed every night. Especially if you’re talking life sized! If I could have a plushie of Destino, that would be the dream. Thank you for the question!)
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cosmiccompanions · 1 month
omg witch plushie should we take to pride?? :0
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miggylol · 8 months
Let's design Tumblrland, the Tumblr theme park!
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