kcggggg · 7 months
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‘Darker these Days’
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betogato · 1 year
Favorite Place
Wonderful rain bristling down as inside the Nguyen Pho & Grill. As the brown floor is shining and glistening as bright as the stars.
walking by the restaurant before the rain you can smell freshly cut grass.
Strong scent of the rain petrichor.As cars honking and splashing as they drive by.The rain is going pitter-patter on the window.
I taste cold coffee boba touch my tongue and the boba slowly goes down my thoughts.
As the food is brought out I taste the sweet and nice nutty flavor of the food I ordered.I feel the warmth of the food I order and its silky bowl.
i feel a relief and a feeling of relaxation as I sit down.The mood of the restaurant feels welcoming as you enter the store.
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forestfalling · 1 year
I miss a life I never had
An imaginary time when life felt real
I miss a person I never was
Who never questioned there place
I miss somone who never breathed
They felt more real then me
I miss living in blissful delusionals
Now all I have are falsified memories
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the-teacup-dragon · 1 year
I don't even know why I'm stressed. It's just like my brain won't shut off, it's like I have four tabs open, two just running in the background cuz I've solved the problem as best I can and the other two are the TV sitting on pause and wanting to just talk to someone about anything. But I don't know how to just talk to my mom and my best friend is away and there's no one else I have because I'm stupid and can't ask for phone numbers or they never text back.
My brain just won't shut up even though it has nothing to say, but maybe it's the silence that's deafening and I can't seem to think straight and I know I have important things to do but if they haven’t been done by now, what's one more day? But tomorrow I'm busy and the day after that too, but this is an important thing I need to do.
And no one gets it because the silence is bliss but if it's quiet I must be forgetting something, not the dress that sits unmade not the collage testing that still needs done, not the worry that comes with being responsible, being the leader.
I just want everything to be quiet, but the quiet feels so wrong.
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judeskal · 2 years
I am a star
What a loss it would be.
How could you not clap for her? 
She was her and father would only ever be proud of her. 
While little old me would sit tight.
Only to be looked at to be told your not her or your doing it wrong. 
Or bit your tongue he is your father.
 You mustn’t speak to him that way. But mustn’t I?
 He does not look at me, not at my mind or my beauty. 
Oh no no no never.
 But only at my wrongs of not being her
.But little do they know.
 I have a secret.
 I don’t want to be her.
 Because I am far too amazing to lose and become her. 
What a loss it would be.
 Oh yes yes yes. 
Father told me to wish upon a star. 
I did as I was told. 
I looked up but he was no longer there. 
He was there. 
He was there but not looking at me. 
Oh, no no no. 
I was only second to be seen. 
Because my sister it seems was out shining. 
With her mind and her beauty. 
Outshining yet again sister. 
Oh, clap clap clap! 
What a loss it would be.
By: Jude Kal 
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finalloven · 3 months
Home is where my people are,
Where my spirit draws close to the lord,
Where I've run with bare feet in the grass,
I've laughed,
I've cried,
I've loved.
Home isn't always a place,
More often than not it's a person,
Or a moment.
I wouldn't claim any land as my own,
But there are hill ranges,
That my heart sings to see,
My soul releases a breath,
I didn't know it was holding when I return,
To the land I call home.
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kainduk-blog · 9 months
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beth-sincerely · 2 years
I don't
super wanna exist,
But unfortunately
to live
it's mandatory
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supertron64 · 8 months
my head it hurts
in bed im cursed
Everything so hurts
I want yogurts
M and M dream
And Cookie Supreme
In a vanilla greek goo
And i can share ut with You
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deathunabrighted · 1 year
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We are all just curious girls <3
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Wishing Flower
A Dandelion in the world of roses, something that’s born into the sun and soon becomes the moon. The wishes, Secrets and dreams it holds, from children young and old. Take ahold of your dreams, wishes and secrets, and don’t forget your wishing flower. Because the same flower you blew and watched it fly way is growing again, and holding onto others dreams. It goes and comes again, making thousands of suns, and thousands of moons. Hold onto your childish heart and do not let your wishing flower fall, because something as precious and pure should never be forgotten. The End.
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kcggggg · 1 year
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everyday problems with love
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villain-menagerie · 2 years
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Slayers Artober 2022. Day 3. Cheerful
Two young royals. Deceptively optimistic, deeply tragic.
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forestfalling · 1 year
Would you still love me if I wasn't me
at least the me you always seemed to perceive
Would you hold me if my body changed
Maybe more maybe less but not how your thinking
Would you still smile bright when we locked eyes
If all their surroundings were slightly ajar
Would you continue to show me off without a care
When all the people really would stop and stare
Or would you climb out of love with me
Tell me I'm no longer that person fell for
Or would you refuse to touch me
Tell me what you feel you don't like
Or would you frown when i looked your way
Tell me how I don't look the same
Or would you hide me away were no one can see
Tell me you can't stand the shame
Would you still love me if i wasn't me
at least the me you always seemed to perceive
Would you hold me if my body changed
Maybe more maybe less but not how your thinking
Would you still smile bright when we locked eyes
If all their surroundings were slightly ajar
Would you continue to show me off without a care
When all the people really would stop and stare
Could you sink ever farther in your love
Say your perception can change but your feelings will not
Could you caress me where i don't feel secure
Say no matter what your fingers will not harden
Could that smile of yours widen when you look my way
Say every day you look more and more lovely
Could you stand next to me with pride
Say i am yours and you are mine
Would I still love me if you didn't love me
Will I never change if that is true
Would I be able to stand myself without your arms around me
Will I lose myself in the mirror
Would I be able to smile if i never saw yours again
Will I repeat every horrible thing you say to me
Would i be able to stand firm on my own
Will i crumble under there glares
(Not sure if it's finished but here's a poem I wrote. I'm open to feedback)
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the-teacup-dragon · 2 years
I was scrolling through Instagram earlier today and came across someone I use to know. We were never good friends but we knew each other from being in plays together. I knew she had horses and dreams and liked to read. I knew she worked hard and was going places and couldn't help but look up to her.
I haven't thought about her in a long time, yet when I saw her post I got curious and skimmed through her profile. She got married this year, made many of her dreams come true since I last saw her and even has two novels published online. She's only 22.
I'm nothing like her and I wish I were.
I live at home, work two jobs and barely make by sometimes. Most days I don't know what my dreams are, my novels haven't made past first draft and I've spent so much time on my own, I can barley make friends anymore, let alone find a partner.
I look around me and see all these people I use to know, I see them go to college, I see them know where they're going, I see them and their dreams and can see that they'll make it far.
Then I look at me and my fictional dreams of superheroes and magic, of pirates and dragons and wonder where I have to go.
I'm going no where and maybe never will
I found a girl I use to know on Instagram today. She followed her dreams and succeeded.
I don't think that'll ever be me.
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stars-and-spice · 1 year
Dear my dearest little me
I am near the end and the road has been short
Walked the whole way and still no ache in my back
I find myself looking back
To when we started
You burst out on our way
Already at a run
You had only just begun
I fear I failed you
We were going to see so much
But I fell and I feel I won't get back up.
Time is different now
Precious and tender
The moments are worth so much more
And heavy now
In a way they weren't before
Take me back to days waisted away
It's a gift to forget what a gift life is
To worry not if my thoughts should be forgotten
To get to walk that long path, most trodden.
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