#pocket sized horse
forecast0ctopus · 1 year
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a-lonely-dunedain · 4 months
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irishmammonagenda · 8 months
MC's magic going wrong 😱😰
or right depending on ur outlook on life ig
warnings: swearing, mentions of death (extremely brief and only notioned towards), physical affection
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You hadn´t thought much of it at first when you got back to the human realm. Everything went back to normal. Or as normal as it could be.
Your mother and father sobbed when they saw you, stating how they though´t you were lying in a ditch somewhere in the stretching countryside. You´d lied, told them you were away on a residency based apprenticeship, that you were sorry for worrying them. Your siblings showed signs of worry you never thought they were able to feel for you. Thus you were being babied for a month or so.
That´s when it started.
At first, it was more corvids at the bird feeder in your garden than usual. Then it was stray cats. Then inexplicable black and white feathers dusting your clothing and hair.
Your mother smiled picking out the ivory feather from the confines of your unbrushed hair, "Oh! Your guardian angel´s been watching over you!" she says playfully, an old wives´ tale, nothing too serious.
You tense for a moment, before laughing with her. "Well I´ll take it as a good sign." Stupid old wives being the smartest people.
At first it was easy to brush off.
Then your father started getting lucky, he hadn't been one to gamble persay, putting a few coins in on a bet for the horse racing or the football was a regular occurrence, sometimes he won,sometimes he didn't. The difference of a few silvers, a share bag of sweets basically, made no real strain on your belts. But now, he was winning left right and center. Winning amounts that shouldnt be possible based on the amount he input.
Though, after you woke up to cats and corvids staring at you unblinkingly, in your room, with a few flies and insects on the walls, and your bedsheets covered in feathers and scales of all colours and sizes, enough was enough.
You were going to give those nerds a piece of your mind.
After shooing the animals out, (making sure to pet the cats), you picked up a lipstick, and channeled your pact magic before drawing a circle with various symbols on the floor,
You stilled, "Ah, shit. I dunno how to do this, i mean half of those symbols are angry faces and squiggles...." but ever the theatre nerd, you improved.
"I, MC, call upon the power of my pacts with the Avatars of Hell! and, using their power; a portal to the Devildom shall open for me!"
And a portal did open for you. Unfortunately, not to the best place. As you travelled through the time pocket you ended up stumbling once you made it to the other side, the stumble turnt into a tumble turnt into a fall. Unluckily for you, the thing you fell on was toned flesh and chuckling heartily, you were in Diavolo's lap.
"It's great of you to drop by MC!" He says, his massive hands pulling you further into his frame.
You cover your face with your hands, now noticing the various other nobles in the council room who are staring at their Prince, attempting to mask the fact their jaws are going to hit the floor.
Atleast the Brothers weren't there, but Barbatos' half polite smile half smirk and Diavolo whispering various playful musings of, "Did you miss me that much little human, we missed you too.", and "Summoning a portal illegally into the Demon Lord's castle and onto the Demon Princes lap...tututut." almost made the brothers seem like a mercy....
You couldn't tell if this was a win or a lose.
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dogw1tch · 4 months
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Escapism 🍂
18+ Minotaur x Gender Neutral Reader
(Size difference, Breeding, reader has afab anatomy)
DogWitch Notes: Thank you guys for the love on my last story! It makes me so happy to know people are enjoying my work :) this one has a little more build up but it might call for multiple chapters?
Summary: The library is off limits after dark but knowledge waits for no one. Besides, reading mythology is much more immersive at night. So immersive, in fact, that the breath on the back of your neck feels very, very real.
You had been crouching behind the bookshelf for so long now your legs were starting to loose feeling. Finally, though, the university librarian had finished making his checks and began turning out the lights. He was an anxious looking man in his thirties and you felt a little bad deceiving him like this- after all, it was him that had given you the book in the first place. But the tome was a relic that couldn’t leave the library to be read in your dorm room and you were so desperate to finish it. So, since stealing seemed a bit dramatic, you would have to settle for trespassing. You heard the large wooden door echo closed and dragged yourself from your hiding place, book still clutched to your chest. Your eyes took some time to adjust to the darkness as you dug around in your pocket for your lighter. Slivers of moonlight through the window seemed to die in the shadows of the towering book cases. They looked almost identical to the grand towers of the university in the darkness and the chill in the air gave you the feeling of walking through the streets at night.
Lighter in hand, you slowly navigated the corridors to find your much beloved reading corner and lit the candles you had left there. The little corner of light looked so cozy and you smiled as you gathered yourself up in the blanket you had bought and settled down in the old armchair with your book. The title ‘Portentum Complexus’ was embossed in gold into deep red leather. Much of the writing was still in the original Latin and you had been taking your time to carefully translate. However there were passages written in English, seemingly added by a scholar years later as well as beautiful etched illustrations. From all of these pieces, you had managed to put together a tale of a strange beast, roaming the land to find his lost lover. There had been a great war between worlds and the beast was trying to bring life back to his realm. Though the creature was described as being a hulking monster, triple the size of any man, covered in corse hair, obsidian black horns and pointed hooves; he still had a gentle feel about him. There was a sadness in the Latin passages that didn’t seem to properly translate into English. Perhaps that was why previous scholars hadn’t bothered to do so. But you poured over them, wanting to find the words to understand this creature who everyone, bar the monsters of his realm, was so afraid of. Your heart hurt for him a little; after all, he was looking for his love, he must feel so alone.
So this was how you intended to spend your night, curled up on the moth bitten armchair reading about lamenting fictional creatures. University was certainly the right choice. You flicked to the last English passage you had been studying. The beast had been captured by a human army and, not wishing to harm them by fighting back, had ended up bound by thick ropes in the king’s dungeon.
‘The corse binding bit into his soft flesh as he cried out into the empty corridors. He cried for his love, for his mate. He cried for them to find him in this cold and lonesome maze. His sorrow echoed from the cold stone and surrounded him.’
A sudden noise broke you from your immersion. It sounded like the lowing of cattle, strange since you were in the city centre. It was quickly replaced by the constant groaning of the ancient building before you could pay it much mind. The library was surprisingly noisy at night.
‘The beast cried until his throat was horse and even the reflection of his own voice left him alone. He feared he was to die here in the darkness. He spoke a silent prayer to the gods that his love might be safe. His chest heaved against its restraints as the monster resigned himself to his fate.’
Again came that noise, closer now, and sounding more laboured. You looked around but saw nothing in the darkness. Your mind must be playing tricks, you knew you shouldn’t really be here after all.
‘Movement. Movement in the darkness. The beast stirred and strained to see who approached him. Staring, wide eyed and loving through the bars of his captivity there stood…’
The words cut off back into Latin. You sighed and contemplated packing in for the night, translating seemed a tiresome chore at this hour. But something kept you going, call it intellectual curiosity. You needed to know what happened to the monster you had grown so fond of. Slowly but surely, word by word, you uncovered each sentence.
‘His love. His love had come to rescue him. They picked at the lock and made their way inside. The beast stared in disbelief. After all this time, all this searching, his love had been the one to find him. They approached with caution, unsure whether they recognised their mate after all these years. “Please, do not be afraid my heart, it is me.”’
The voice startled you. You read the words but they seemed to come from behind you. You turned again but again saw nothing but empty corridors through towering shelves. Perhaps your love of escapism had just left you with a very vivid imagination.
‘His love came forward, running their hands over the restrains that bound their lover. With a deft hand and a sharp blade, they began to cut through the rope. The beast sighed in relief as the pressure on his chest was released.’
The back of your neck tingled as a warm gust of air blew through the library. You could not shake the feeling you were being watched now but the story had you too gripped to care.
‘Like felled serpents, the ropes lay limp on the stone floor and the beast rose up from his stupor. He towered above his lover but they were not afraid. They knew he could not hurt them nor anyone else. They were bound together by fate and they would always find their way back to one another.
“My love. My heart. Please, I have craved for you endlessly. Let me hold you and make you mine once more.”’
Without warning you were pulled into a sudden embrace that knocked the air from your lungs. In your confusion, you did not even scream as large hands pulled you bodily from your chair. You were suddenly being held against a wall of corse fur, inhaling the bitter sweet of hay and sweat. You look up to see, towering over you in the candle-kissed half light, a great Minotaur.
He held you flush to his soft, strong chest as though you weighed nothing at all. His breath was hot on your skin and as a rough, black tongue ran up your neck making you shiver. “My mate…” The creature’s voice was low and surrounded you just as fully as his embrace, “How I’ve longed for this.” With one sweep of his arm, the Minotaur sent your books and papers fluttering to the ground. You had to crane your neck to gaze up at him as he placed you down on the desk; his dark eyes bore into you with such deep lust that you couldn’t help a pang of arousal coursing through your body. Nobody had ever looked at you this way. The great beast stood tall over you, taking in your body like he wanted to consume every part. You felt then, something hot and heavy resting next to your thigh. Your face flushed red and you had to look away for a moment, suddenly finding yourself embarrassed as the obscenity of the situation dawned on you. The creatures cock was longer than your thigh and just as thick. It made sense with the rest of his towering form but you were suddenly feeling very exposed under the beast’s hungry glare. He seemed to notice your hesitation and cupped your face in his palm, tilting your head to look at him. “Do you fear me?” Despite it all, you shook your head. Embarrassed? Yes. But not afraid.
“I shall endeavour to be as gentle as I can. You are to bear my calfs after all, it is my duty to treat you well.”
Before his words could register, the creatures head was between your thighs. He had ripped away the fabric there and his thick, rough tongue was lapping at your folds like a man starved. A cry of pleasure escaped your lips as you threw back your head. Your thighs clenched around his head, seemingly spurring him on. His tongue began to push deeper, curling inside you and igniting every nerve in your body. A single finger, large enough that you could wrap your hand around it, began to toy with your clit, rolling in gentle circles as you struggled to hold back wanton moans. He seemed to revel in the sounds you made, thrusting his tongue deeper inside with every whine of pleasure until you were rocking your hips desperately against his snout.
You were sure you were about faint from the overwhelming sensation of it all when the creature finally pulled his head back to see his work. You were a drooling mess against the table, slick and stretched open all for him. Still not open enough to take him inside you. A chuckle echoed above you, as though he had read your panicked look. “No, not here. Once we are home, my love, I will have you completely. But for now…” He picked you up with one hand around your waist, the other positioning his cock beneath you. “For now I have other ways to fill you.”
He began pulling you up his length, fucking in between your thighs and coating himself in your slick. He groaned deeply as he used your body to pleasure himself as if you truly belonged to him alone. You couldn’t help but let out your own whimpers of pleasure as your clit rubbed against his rough skin, getting wetter with every thrust. You found yourself wishing he were inside you, his scent, his growls, it all seemed so right, so familiar and you wanted to belong to this great beast that had captured you. You pressed your thighs together as tight as you could as he man-handled like you were nothing more than a toy made just for him. “That’s it, just like that..” he groaned. The muscles under the creature’s soft belly tightened and you knew he was close. “When we’re home I’m going to keep you full every minute of the day. I’ve spent too long without you. I’m going to hold you on my cock and fill you with my calfs until you’re stretched and moulded to my shape. No one else will be able to have you. You’re mine.” Without warning, he pinned you back to the desk and pressed his engorged tip against your entrance, stretching you around him. He let out a deep, echoing growl as he released inside you, filling you so much that you felt his cum leaking out of you and down your thighs.
The Minotaur didn’t seem satisfied to let this happen. He ran his fingers over your thigh and pushed the residue back inside you, fucking it deep into your stomach. You cried out with each thrust of his fingers, rocking your hips and riding out your waves of pleasure. It felt so good to be full of him.
You stayed there a while as he kissed and lapped at your skin, nuzzling into your neck and plugging you full with his fingers. He mumbled under his breath sweet nothings about how he would take you home, back where you belong. How he would keep you full and satisfied in every way. How you would give him such strong and beautiful young. How life would be so sweet now that his mate had been found. You tried to focus on his words, but they bought such a familiar peace that you found yourself lulled into sleep, breathing him in as you snuggled into his warm fur.
“That’s it my love, rest now. I will find you again soon”
It was the librarian who found you in the morning. He had gotten some idea of what was going to happen that night but was honestly surprised by the sheer amount of fluid involved. He tried his best to keep his eyes shut as he threw your blanket over your body and placed you back in your reading chair. The book he had lent you was open on the floor, displaying an etching of the Minotaur and his lover in an intimate embrace. The librarian quickly pushed it shut, not wanting to be anymore invasive into your private life. He thought about waking you, there were so many things he needed to tell you before the creature came back to claim his mate. But for now, you looked so peaceful.
He locked the library door, flipping the sign to closed and letting you get your rest.
DogWitch notes: a part two may be in order if you like??
Part two <3
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deadghosy · 7 months
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So imagine reader literally nibbling on [favorite food] like a hamster as angel food at you taking a picture
So it’s quite funny seeing you try to run when you only had waddled and fell on your chubby stomach and just flay your arms around huffing.
I headcannnon you biting someone’s pinky toe off because they pissed you off-
You once had used your small hot pink car to run over husk’s feet as he had annoyed you the other day.
“OW! WHAT THE FUCK!?” Husk yells looking to see a hot pink car speeding away with a squeak. Husk runs after you like a cat which made you squeak scared as you did some Tokyo Drift shit with a hint of POWER OF FAMILY! you doing some fast and furious stuff as well.
Sadly Charlie caught you and made you apologize to husk as you puff your chubby cheeks as husk smirks at you being punished as your hot pink car was hidden from you.
I imagine chibi reader just hiding in someone’s pocket taking their money as they have a gremlin ass laugh.
Angel influenced you too much-
I headcannon chibi reader clinging into angel dust’s fur and squirting a water gun at anyone who you deem as a threat to angel. Including Valentino-
Your favorite weapon..a lighter and toy water gun….😭
I can see reader just flipping off husk, Alastor and Lucifer…all because they tried to put you to bed as you stand there like..“FUCK NO!” >:( 🖕🏾
I can imagine husk poking your belly as you eat and you bite his finger with a mad look
I headcannon chibi reader to break dance in a middle of a heated situation of uno as Half of the hotel crew glares at you winning.
Literally you are a trouble maker…but they all love you though as you are such a cutie.
Imagine chibi reader riding a duck like a horse as Lucifer cries at this taking a picture.
Lucifer definitely took a Christmas picture with you, only ending the picture with you jumping flat on his face as he yelled falling. The picture was sure a memory..
They took away your sweets….
You are know to always sneak around the hotel…and what did Charlie do…SHE PUT UP A BABY GATE YOUR SIZE THAT LUCIFER MADE🤨🥲 you can imagine how pissed you was with a squeak as you literally ram your hot pink car into it.
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asterias-record-shop · 4 months
tempting little devil — (j.m.)
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The summer before you get your dream job, you concluded you wanted to learn how to ride a horse. You had trouble finding the right person to teach you – until you accidentally ran into a horse trainer and ranch owner at the store while getting treats for your students before you left your job. It turned out that riding a horse wasn’t the only thing he could teach you.
You had big plans for your last day of school celebration with your students, especially because it would be your last year at the elementary school. Goodie bags had already been stocked to the brim with small toys and candies, and you gave them each a book wrapped in soft blue wrapping paper that made you think of them.
As you looked through the candy aisle, you sighed when you saw the last party pack of candy on the top shelf of the aisle. It was stupid for them to put the candy somewhere completely out of reach of any average sized person, so as you looked down at your heels that barely gave you about two inches, you started to balance yourself on one of the bottom shelves before a hand reached over you.
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This wasn’t happening.
As the hand grabbed the bag of mixed candy that would surely give your students the perfect sugar high in your last class with them, you balanced yourself on the ground before turning around, about to snap at the person before the person outstretched the bag of candy toward you.
“Saw you havin’ trouble, doll,” he hummed, tilting his head. “Didn’t want you to fall down with those heels on.”
You paused, staring up at the man that seemed significantly older than you, wellbuilt and with slightly unkempt graying hair and beard, with scars on his right temple and on his neck as well. He was handsome, extremely so, with a dark maroon button down and some jeans with some work boots being covered by the cuffs.
“You alright doll?” He tilted his head, and his words finally snapped you out of the slight trance you were in.
“Sorry!” You quickly apologized, taking the bag of mixed candy. “Sorry, I just…” you laughed, shaking your head. How were you supposed to explain that you thought he was so attractive that you couldn’t stop looking at him? “I thought you were going to take it…”
He laughed loudly, shaking his head as he rose a brow. “You thought I was gonna take your candy bag? Trust me, doll, I don’t want the candy,” he rubbed the back of his neck, looking over your cart. “Wow… throwin’ a party?”
You laughed sheepishly, nodding as you put down the bag of candy in your cart. “Yeah, I am… tomorrow is the last day of school and I have a big party planned for my students because I’m not going to continue teaching.”
The man hummed softly. “Oh? Why not?”
You shrugged. “Needed a change of scenery… and I got an offer to work at my dream job, so it really does work out… besides, I have the rest summer off now, so I can do something I’ve really been wanting to do!”
You weren’t sure what exactly came over you to tell him so much, but he didn’t seem bothered by it as he smiled slightly, nodding. “And what’s that doll?”
You giggled sheepishly — it wasn’t some big thing that would change the world or something. “I want to learn how to ride a horse.”
It was odd when you saw him smile slightly, nodding his head. “Well you’re in luck then, doll.”
A look of confusion formed on your face as you tilted your head slightly. “How so?”
“I used to be a horse trainer,” he said, pushing his hand into his back pocket and pulling out a folded leather wallet, opening it and slowly taking out a card. “Now I own a ranch about half an hour out of town. And I rode a bit in some rodeos.”
You laughed slightly, nodding. “I definitely did get lucky.” As you looked down at the call, you smiled when you saw his name. “Joel?”
“Mhm, that’s it doll,” his voice was slightly gravelly as your stomach began to twist at his words, and he offered his hand. “Joel Miller.”
“I-I’m Y/N,” you took his hand, swallowing as he shook firmly. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too, doll.” His lips stretched out into a smile, chuckling as he squeezed your hand slightly. “Need help reachin’ anythin’ else?”
A smile formed on your face as you swallowed slightly, nodding your head. “I’m probably gonna need help with the rest of the goodies.”
“Lead the way, darlin’,” he hummed, smiling as he put his hands in his thick Ariat jacket.
You turned, putting your hands on the cart and slowly pushing as he followed you. “Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it.”
He laughed slightly, shaking his head. “Trust me, darlin’, I don’t want you to fall tryin’ to climb up shelves and hurtin’ your pretty self.”
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When summer came, you were at Joel’s ranch probably more than you’d like to admit. He invited you out to the ranch for dinner and horse lessons more times than you could count, and you basically fell in love with his dog Molly.
You learned that his daughter Sarah had left for a summer camp a week before you met him. She was a competitor in some sort of horse riding circuit that Joel introduced her to, and the summer camp was getting her ready for one of the competitions that she planned on competing in.
When you got to the ranch for what felt like the hundredth time ever, you slowly got out as Molly ran towards you. A giggle escaped your mouth as you lean down to cup her snout, wiping at your cheeks as she started to lick your cheek. You laughed as you stood up, humming as you made your way toward the arena where Joel was giving his horse Chestnut a lap around.
You were dressed in some flared jeans and a button down shirt that Joel had given you because you showed up in a tank top to help with the heat. When he saw you, his lips formed a slight smile as he walked toward you with Chestnut.
“Hey darlin’.”
“Hey,” you giggled as you walked toward him, tilting your head. Joel let the lead slowly slip out of his hand as he opened his arms for you to hug him, letting you press yourself into his large chest and tuck your face into his neck while you wrapped your arms around him. His chest was so warm and he smelled like pine, hay, and a slight tinge of sweat. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, doll,” he smiled back, humming softly as he pulled away and softly stroked your cheek. “How has your day been?”
“Good,” you leaned into his rough and warm hand, shrugging slightly.
“Nothin’ special?”
You paused, thinking with a slight purse of your lips. “Well… I got to see you,” your giggle makes him smile as you lean your cheek on his chest and continue to look up at him. “That’s special.”
“You’re makin’ me blush, darlin…” he mumbled as he softly tilted your head up with two of his fingers under your chin. “Seein’ you is the best part of my day, doll.”
You only hummed softly, tilting your head into his hand as you let your fingers rub against the soft fabric of his button down. “Is it?”
“Always,” he mumbled as he reached his hand up to hold your wrist, pulling your fingers to his lips and softly kissing your knuckles. “Why do you think I keep inviting you back?”
“Mmm, I don’t know…” You whisper, biting your lip. “Keep telling me why.”
“‘You’re such a lil’ devil,” he growled out as he leaned down just enough to graze his lips to yours. “A fine… tempting little devil.”
You giggled as you leaned up enough to softly kiss his lips with a soft hum, finally taking what you had been wanting as you pushed your hand into his hair and pulled him lower. Joel let out a loud groan as his hands held your hips and pulled you closer, pulling your body flush against his as you softly tugged on his hair.
His lips are rougher than you thought they would be, not that they were very chapped but more so how rough he was kissing you. Joel held your hips with rough hands in a strong grip, pulling your hips into his own as you lifted yourself up onto your tiptoes.
“J-Joel…” you whimpered softly, swallowing as you tilted your head back. “Please…”
“Oh darlin’, you ain’t gotta beg me for nothin’,” he murmured as he gave a firm tap to your ass, making you gasp as he kissed you again. “I gotta put Chestnut back in his stall. Go inside…” his hands firmly held your ass as he let his teeth graze your lips. “You know where my room is… you get in there and you get ready for me and I’ll make sure a pretty darlin’ like you feels the best you ever will.”
You nodded as you inhaled deeply, swallowing as you rubbed his chest. “Yes.”
“Good girl,” he praised you with a soft kiss to your lips, moaning softly. “Such a good fuckin’ girl…”
You slowly pulled away, turning around to walk back in before his hand pulled you back to kiss your lips again. He was already addicted as you cupped his face, moaning into his mouth as he leaned forward enough to make you lean back and his grip get stronger to support you. He tasted like mint and apples, the first from brushing his teeth and the second from stealing a piece from what he fed to the horses.
“God fuck, darlin’, you’re just irresistable,” he murmured against your lips, letting his fingers thread through your hair as he trailed his fingers down the side of your neck to trace the collar of your- his button down. “You know how irresistible you are?”
“I’m findin’ out,” you mumble back, shaking your head slightly as you tilted your head slightly for him to push his fingers down between the buttons of the shirt you wore. “Go. I’ll be inside.”
“I may have to take a shower,” he whispers, shaking his head. “Think I stink.”
“Maybe a little bit,” you mumbled back in response, but then you shrugged slightly. “I can… take a shower with you… if you want.”
“As much as that tempts me,” he let his hands leave your body with a soft groan, shaking his head. “I wanna fuck you properly… I wanna watch your hands tug against my grip and hold the bed sheets so damn tight that your knuckles cramp up… I wanna hear the bed bangin’ against the damn wall as you make fuckin’ perfect noises under me.”
Just his words made your stomach twist and turn, squeezing your thighs together as you tried to control how fucking horny he was making you. You nodded as he firmly squeezed your ass, biting his lip as he nodded to you. “Go.”
His words were an order as you turned around, your fingers still on your lips that were tingling slightly from how rough he was kissing you, and you couldn’t stop thinking about it as you walked up the porch that wrapped all around the house that you fell in love with. You had gotten Joel to put furniture and such around where the two of you had spent nights staring out at the sunset with Molly sitting between the both of you.
As you walked inside, you tried to move around Molly to get upstairs to his room, groaning softly as you went up the stairs.
“Oh Molly… don’t do that, come on Molly, go downstairs! Go! Go Molly, go!” You tried to encourage the large, almost toasted marshmallow looking dog.
She just stares at you, her muzzle wide and smiling at you as she barks up at you.
“Molly! Baby! Go!”
She whines softly as you rub between her ears making her smile again, barking before running off down the stairs. You walked into Joel’s room, smiling at the horse pictures and illustrations around the room. It was obvious that Joel didn’t do this himself, and when you saw the picture of him and his daughter, you couldn’t help but smile as you grabbed the picture and softly stroked the glass.
He looked so happy.
You slowly put the picture done before you kicked off your boots and laid back against the bed. You let your hands slowly unbutton your shirt as you arched your back and slowly lifted your chest to take off Joel’s shirt before unclasping your bra behind your back. It was possible to take it off, but you don’t, staring up at the ceiling as you let your fingers trail over your stomach.
The thought of them being Joel’s fingers make your stomach twist as you rut your hips into the air with a slight whine. You were so desperate, moaning as you let your fingers slowly unbutton your pants and lifting up your hips to slowly slide them down your thighs. At the feeling of the cold air hitting the wet spot on your panties, you gasped, groaning as you tilted your head back and let your fingers push down between your thighs and rub your cunt through the fabric that covered your heat.
You were so caught up in that feeling, distracted from the fact that the door slowly opened, Joel merely covered by a towel wrapped around his waist. He came in front of the bed, slotting himself between your parted legs as he dropped down to his knees, carefully trying not to kneel on your clothes. He pushed himself between your legs, a gasp escaping your lips as you felt his hands slowly wrap around your thighs and pull them over his shoulders.
“J-Joel-!” You gasped as your hands moved to the back of his head, inhaling shakily as his nose drags up your slit, groaning softly.
“Goodness… you’re so fuckin’ irresistible, you know that?” He groaned in between your thighs, letting his fingers hook through the soft violet fabric, slipping it to the side. “Goodness… how did I not do this earlier?”
“Joel wait-”
Your words go completely ignored as he opens his mouth widely, letting his wet tongue slather saliva all over your dripping cunt. The feeling makes you squeal, hips rutting up into the air as his large hands pull your body lower to keep your body close to his mouth. “You taste so fuckin’ good…”
You don’t even fight back, groaning as you threw your head back and tried to prevent your thighs from tightening too much around his head as they quivered. One of his hands moved his fingers from your thighs, letting them drag up and down your slit lazily as he let his spit lather all over your clit. He lets his tongue point and flick against your clit, his fingers rubbing against your entrance as he let his mouth open widely and groan into your sex.
The feeling made your eyes roll back as you pulled him further into you, groaning as your back arched and you attempted to keep him as close as you could to your cunt. When his fingers pushed into you it felt like you lost your mind, finally looking down at him to see his eyes closed as he let his tongue trail all along your entire sex.
“Fuck, you taste so good, darlin’,” he groaned, letting his fingers languidly push in and out as he let his tongue flick against your clit again. The feeling of his tongue against your clit made you whine as you fixed his face in between your thighs, his nose brushing against your skin as he began to suck at the sensitive bud.
You started to squirm, desperately trying to keep his mouth on you as you groaned loudly. When his fingers got faster, you began to whine, moaning loudly as you let your hips roll onto his digits, whimpering as they got rougher.
Your stomach began to twist and turn into knots, incoherent noises coming from your mouth as his tongue dragged from your clit to where his fingers were, his other hand coming down to rub your clit with his thumb. The feeling was so close, so so close as you continued to rock your hips, moaning.
As his digits began to scissor and flex inside of you, your eyes rolled back, unable to control the convulsing of your stomach as you moaned loudly and felt your high inch closer. His tongue flicked against your entrance, rolling his fingers inside of you as your hips began to rut unconsciously into his fingers, a soft sob escaping your lips.
When the knot in your stomach finally snapped, you sobbed even louder as you bucked your hips repeatedly, groaning as you tugged on his hair. Joel groaned into your cunt, his tongue flattening to lick the entirety of your cum off of your pretty pussy.
Your hips continued to buck as you moaned, panting as you softly stroked his hair, watching as he slowly rose up and let his towel fall to the ground. You weren’t sure if the soft curls of chest hair stuck to his body was from sweat or the shower, moaning as he pulled your legs around his waist and hiked them onto his hips.
“Got damn, pretty girl,” he mumbled softly as he kissed your lips, his mouth soft against yours and his hand stroking your cheek as the other guided his blunt cock tip against your entrance. You whined, his tip much thicker than his fingers were, moaning as you bucked your hips forward, gasping as he pushed into you. This was not something that you would’ve expected to happen today, being dicked down by a man who had been teaching you how to ride horses for the past two months.
But for fucks sake, you really did want to show him how well you had learned to ride.
“Darlin’,” you felt his fingers softly flick at your cheek, gasping as you quickly looked up at him. “Where’s your head at?”
“J-Just…” you gasped as he began to roll his hips, kissing your cheek softly as he puckered his lips to your skin. “Th-Thinkin’... about putting my riding skills to use.”
Your words made him pause as he laughed slightly, groaning as he pulled your pelvis into his, twisting making you scream out. To steady yourself, you immediately placed your hands on his chest, groaning loudly as he let you sink down onto his cock.
“Do it then,” he urged you, biting his lip as his large, rough hands spread over the expanse of your thighs, holding them like he was holding the reins of a horse. “Show me your ridin’ skills.”
Your eyes rolled back as he slowly helped you roll your hips, a loud groan falling from his lips as he bent his knees to help raise you just a little bit. The added height made you gasp loudly, your fingers spreading across his chest as you slowly lifted yourself up by raising your hips on your knees, throwing your head back.
“There you go my pretty cowgirl, ride my cock,” he groaned out, languidly thrusting his hips upward to assist you as though you were riding the back of a bucking mustang. “Fuckin’ hell, cowgirl…”
He groaned out, words drawled as your toes curled, his thick cock hitting all of those perfect spots inside of you. Your spongy walls clamped down on him so tightly that he could barely pull you off of his cock, resulting in pathetic rolls of your hips to get his hard cock to press deeper into you.
“C’mon, you can do better than that, cowgirl,” he groaned out, throwing his head back as he fixed himself underneath you, finally bucking his hips fully into you. “I taught you better than that.”
You yelled out as his thrusts picked up speed and strength, knocking you forward as you yelled out into his neck. “J-Joel-!”
“Hush,” he groaned into your neck, his hand traveling from your thigh to your ass to pull your hips lower into his. “Just let me use your perfect fuckin’ pussy…”
You choked as you held his shoulders tightly, groaning mindlessly as he continued to buck up into you, panting as he groaned into your ear. “J-Joel, wait-!”
You weren’t sure what you were begging him to wait for. This was something that you wanted for so long, to feel his thick cock inside of you and his hands on your body, his mouth sucking what felt like hundreds of hickeys along your neck as he kept you down against him. His hands held your ass, hips thrusting into you as you eagerly chased after your high with pathetic bounces in his lap.
“God fuck, darlin’, you feel so fuckin’ good,” he moaned out, throwing his head back as his hands tighten on the fat of your ass. “Tryin’ not to fill your perfect pussy up with cum and keepin’ my cock in you so you feel so fuckin’ full…”
Your mind blurred at his words, his proposal so infinitely tempting that you felt your hips speed up, rocking into his at an unforgiving pace, so quick that it made your stomach twist and your mouth open to let out all the incoherent noises to show how much pleasure he was causing you.
Moans of his name and screams of pleasure came from your mouth, soon enough getting to the point where your eyes rolled back into your head and incoherent groans of pleasure continuously fell from your mouth with what seemed like no end.
You felt used in the best way possible, the inability to even move or rut your hips but Joel taking over in every way possible – ruting up into you, guiding your hips with a strong hand on your hip, his mouth sucking hickeys against any inch of skin he can get to, and his other hand groping and massaging your tit was making your mind blur.
You felt your stomach start to twist, whining as his thrusts got more inconsistent, never missing that spot inside of you that made your toes curl.
“Fuckin’ hell, darlin’, I’m going to cum.”
You could only nod desperately, shaky hands holding his shoulders and digging your nails into his skin.
“Beg for it,” he could barely get out his words, clenching his teeth together as he held back cumming there and then from the feeling of your nails digging into his skin. “Beg for me to cum inside of you.”
You whined, shaking your head. How could you say what he wanted you to say when you could barely speak?
“Say it,” he slapped your ass, a yelp falling from your lips as you finally came back to earth. “Speak.”
“I-I want it!” You sobbed, the desperateness of your orgasm finally processing. “I want to cum, I want you to cum inside of me-!”
That was all that he needed to let himself thrust into you sporadically, never controlling himself as he groaned into your neck, finally letting himself cum. You sobbed as you felt his cum spurt inside of you, moaning loudly as you threw your head back and giving him the perfect opportunity to tuck his head into your throat and kiss at your neck.
You groaned loudly as you came from the thrusts that got him through his high, his cum spurting into you being the final push to make you cum.
Your mind was blurry and spinning, sighing softly as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “I love you.”
He kissed your hair, humming as he kissed down your temple and to your lips. “I love you too, darlin’. And I guess I just figured out that you need no help ridin’ me.”
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© asterias-record-shop
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yellowpsyduck · 8 months
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤
𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐛𝐲 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬.
Thomas Shelby x Carleton!Reader Warnings: Smut, slight size kink, Tommy attracting posh girls as always
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“Are you fucking my sister-in-law?” were the very first words that came out of the young socialite’s mouth. They were directed to the man dressed in the grey suit with the flat cap, as he caressed the grey filly in front of him. 
“Such crude words from such a lovely young lass, eh?” the man looked rather amused at her choice of words, much less, her more than direct approach of interrogating him.  
The words she’d spoken weren’t quite what he had expected from a girl of her caliber, she seemed far too proper to opt for such language. 
 But she held her ground that girl, with her fashionably short bob and her velvet dress that would probably fetch enough pounds to feed a small family for a week in Small Heath. She didn’t waver under his icy stare, nor did she retreat her questioning glare. In fact, to his surprise, she arched her carefully sculpted eyebrow, as though prompting him to explain himself. 
She must be a London girl, he noted, such brazenness could only mean that she must've lived a sheltered life, never having to put her guards up in fear of gangsters and certainly never having to do anything with filthy old Birmingham.  
No, all she had to do was look pretty and polite and pop open bottles of champagne, dancing the night away to the Foxtrot and Charleston. She didn’t have a clue who he was, didn’t have a clue what he did and certainly didn’t have a clue as to why he always kept a Webley MK VI in his gun strap. 
Tommy found it quite refreshing. He couldn’t remember the last time someone talked to him so incredibly audaciously, if it wasn’t to barrage him with threats to his life.  
“I believed I asked you first, Mister” came the reply from her tinted red lips, looking rather displeased that her question was met with another. 
“Well, a lady like you shouldn’t worry about adult matters.” he replied as he fished his pockets for the metal cigarette case. “Anyways, she's your sister-in-law you say?” he offered her a cigarette, a habit of his which he’d developed from constantly being surrounded by chain smokers. 
“She is, or she was.” she took him up on his offer, as he lit it up for her, “Ian was my brother. His passing was hard on all of us; for her more than anyone else. So, I come up here any chance I get to keep her company, but now I see that’s no longer needed of me.” she said as she eyed him from head to toe, sizing him up almost.  
“Don’t let me be a bone of contention now.” he replied, his couldn’t possibly add another trouble to his list, the Epsom and Major Campbell were already a handful, to say the very least.  
“Actually, it’s quite the opposite.” A hint of surprise glazed over his eyes as he looked at her delicate features. “I’m quite relieved she isn’t shutting herself up." she trailed off, "And you’re certainly not the worst pick for a suitor.” 
“Now don’t go sizing me up for a wedding suit, Miss.” he said taking another drag of his cigarette “May and I are just.... acquaintances. She’s training my horse for the Derby, this beauty over here, you see.” he motioned to the grey horse behind him. 
“Oh.” She looked at him with an abashed humour in her eyes. “Then you must pardon my poor choice of words. I’m sure you won’t take the silly musings of a girl to heart.”  
She flicked the cigarette bud to the ground, stomping it lightly with the heel of her dainty Mary Janes. 
“I’m Y/N. Y/N Vera Carleton.” she extended her hand to him, her lips adorned with the most dazzling smile he’d ever seen in his entire existence. He took her hands in his, their sizes differing starkly. “I’m Thomas. Thomas Shelby.” 
“Well then Mr. Shelby, now that the previous fiasco is behind us, I must be off. My friends will be waiting for me, I’m afraid. There's a new club in the city called the Babylon, you might’ve heard of it, they’ve invited this jazz band from the Colonies. My friends say it’s all the rage these days.” she explained to him. 
Thomas knew she was one of those girls. The ones that never had to worry about a thing in their lives, except for what they’d wear to a social dinner or what diamonds to pair with what dress and he knew that a part of him wished he could be as carefree as them. But life had other plans for him, a runaway father, a suicidal mother and a fucking war to top it all off. 
But now with the Shelby Company Ltd. and his copious side ventures, he hoped that one day, his children, if he ever found a woman that is, would have a life that mirrored that of the captivating girl in front of him.  
“All right then, Miss Carleton, you have a good night now.” he bid the girl farewell as he watched her leave the stables. Her dress swaying with every step she took, she looked very frail, he noted, but not the kind that you’d see in the streets of Watery Lane, more so the kind of frail that was in vogue amongst the ladies of London. 
As the night progressed, it became abundantly clear that May Fitz Carleton and Thomas Shelby weren’t just acquaintances, although, that should’ve been clear from the moment he accepted her proposal to stay the night in the manor, more like a fucking castle, he thought. 
As night fell, Thomas found himself striding to the doors of his gracious host's, she’d left it unlocked, of course. Neither were novice adolescents; they knew what they wanted, and they certainly weren’t abashed about it. Their business was completed rather quickly though, she seemed unable to fully open her heart out to the deed and he had a myriad of thoughts occupying his mind.  
Breakfast was a rather lovely affair. May chose not to bring up their late night discretions, for which he was rather thankful for. In fact, she seemed content with it being a passing liaison, finally someone that’s on the same page as him, he mused. 
The lavish spread of food in front of him was overwhelming and he resigned himself to an Earl Grey and a toast. It seemed it was just May that occupied the house, seeing as though they were the only two to grace the table. Their conversations were pleasant, ranging from their shared love for horses to the ones they would be up against at the Derby, when lo and behold, the doors to the room sprung open to reveal a particularly chirpy Y/N, what she would be so cheery for, this early in the morning, he didn’t know. 
“Morning, my dearest. Hope you had a lovely night.” The older of the two woman remarked as she kissed her cheeks. “I’ve told Louisa to prepare those Vienna rolls you so love. She should bring it out any minute.” she stated as the maids served the new occupant with a steaming cup of tea. 
“That would be lovely, God knows I’m terribly famished.” she strutted into the room, smelling of daisies as she walked past him and kissed her sister-in-law. “Morning to you, my dearest Mayflower.” 
She took the seat opposite to his, paying him no mind and absentmindedly blowing into her tea. “Y/N darling, this is Mr. Thomas Shelby, he’s my guest. I'm training his horse for Epsom. " She motioned to the gentleman. "Tommy, this is Y/N, she’s Ian’s sister and the youngest of the Carleton bunch.” 
 “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shelby.” quipped the younger girl, pretending as though they were truly meeting for the first time. 
“The pleasure’s all mine.” Tommy went along with her play, opting not to reveal their meeting the previous day. 
“Madam, there’s a telephone for you. It's from Sir Ascot.” May was quickly ushered out of the room to attend to her business, leaving the unusual pair together. 
“So, are you going to keep staring or will you tell me what’s on your mind?” Y/N remarked as she forfeited the staring game they’d had going on.  
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.” the girl in front of him was intriguing for sure, and she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Tommy didn’t know other women besides Ada and Polly that would speak so nonchalantly with him, and he found himself quite enjoying this refreshing exchange. 
“Well, you’ve basically been undressing me with your eyes, since yesterday. So, shall we do it in my room or yours?”  
This. Tommy wasn’t expecting. 
He'd expected a whole lot of other things but not this. 
The girl didn’t bat an eye as she said those words, simply sipping on her tea, as though they’d only exchanged pleasantries with each other. Tommy was about to respond when a maid brought a plate of Vienna rolls to the table and diligently served her young Miss. 
As soon as her departing figure left the room, Y/N’s eyes darted back up to his, sucking slowly on the gold cutlery as she did. She seemed to be waiting for his reply and Tommy wondered how she’d react if he told her 'No'. Surely, such a girl as lovely as her wouldn’t be used to hearing those words of refusal. All she’d have to do was bat her pretty lashes, pout her soft lips and no one would dare refuse such a divine creature.  
And Tommy was by no means a saint. A posh girl like her asking him to fuck her wasn’t something that happened on the daily. And again, Tommy might be a man with great restraint, but he was a man after all.  
He'd be lying if he said his pants hadn’t gotten the slightest bit tighter at the sight of her sucking and licking on the spoon, that when he was balls deep inside May the previous night, all he thought about was the girl in front of him. Even now, as she sat in front of him, in her lace dress, he could see the slightest imprint of her breasts against the fabric of the dress.  
Tommy took in a deep breath, setting the teacup back on the porcelain saucer, when finally, he muttered “You don’t know who I am, do you, little girl?” For if she did, she wouldn’t have uttered those words, much less, even sip her tea so peacefully in his presence. 
“Should I care?” she asked in mock concern, “All I know is that you’re a well dressed gentleman that’s got a nice deep voice.” Truly, that was all she looked for. If a man had a deep enough pocket and an ever deeper voice, she’d go weak in the knees, and she knew May wouldn’t associate herself with a man that didn’t have the former. 
“Y/N Carleton, you’re truly a work of art, eh?” he chuckled, genuinely in awe of her intrepidity. 
“Well, that amongst other things.” came her quick reply, flashing him a cheeky smile. 
“Do you think she’ll notice? If were both absent from the table, that is.” he asked in reference to May, she sure as hell wouldn’t appreciate his advances towards her sister-in-law. 
“Don’t you worry, Sir Ascot is a hard fellow to deal with, he’ll talk her ear off for hours.” she stated unconcerned as she took strode out of the room, glancing back at him. 
“In fact, forget about the bedroom, there's a storeroom over there that’s unfrequented. God knows your staring is making me wild as it is.” She turned and left the room, the gentle sway of her hips beckoning him to follow her. And follow he did.
Thomas fucking Shelby following after a girl, his brothers would’ve had a field day had they learnt of it. 
But he didn’t care. All he knew was that he wanted her.  
He wanted to fuck her till she screamed his name. 
He wanted to fuck her till she couldn’t walk. 
He wanted to fuck her till she was a crying mess. 
The storeroom was quite spacious, like most of the rooms of this manor. But he wasn’t here to admire this. No. He came here for her. As soon as the latch to the door was shut closed, their lips crashed together. 
Oh! He could have had her then and there, her lips were so incredibly soft and moulded with his so fucking perfectly. Her hands found themselves in his hair and she tugged lightly, making him crazy at her touch, while his hands kneaded her supple buttocks. She might’ve been slim, but she was certainly well endowed in just the right areas. 
She soon broke the kiss and quickly worked to unbutton her dress, looking at him as he did, and that smile. That fucking smile of hers. Thomas didn’t know anyone more lovely than her. 
She stripped down to her chemise, her garter bands visible underneath. He couldn’t control himself at the sight of her lovely frame. His hands soon brought the straps of her flimsy cover down, exposing her delicate brassiere which was also discarded on the floor. 
She looked glorious standing in front of him, in just her garter bands and stockings. He would fuck her with those on he decided. The sight of her thighs in those were making the tent in his pants so painfully obvious. 
She undid his suspenders, kneeling down as she pulled his trousers down, freeing his throbbing red cock from it’s tight restraints. She blushed a little at the obscene sight, sure she’d seen her fair share of cocks, but none as majestic as his. Tommy Shelby had drawn him to her because of his deep voice, but his huge cock, now that was a brilliant surprise. The London chaps she’d been with just couldn’t compare.  
She licked the precum that was dripping from his tip, making him shudder in anticipation and little by little she licked the length of his entire shaft, making sure to drag her tongue along every crevice. She held her cock in both hands, it’s sheer size making her marvel. As Tommy looked down, the sight below him was eliciting a dark reaction inside of him, her little dainty fingers wrapped around his manhood. God! She looked so very small. 
She sucked his cock, trying her best to take in as much as she could. She was diligent, for sure, doing her best to make him happy, taking small breaths, accommodating her throat for his dick and working her hands constantly along his shaft or his balls. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” he breathed out raspily. She was an angel.  
An angel sent just to fuck him. He didn’t know any woman or whore that was doing the things she was. But here she was, a little thing like her milking his cock like a good girl. 
He grabbed her hair, lightly bucking his hips inside of her mouth. She seemed to be suffocating almost, his big dick choking her. Almost. 
“Just like that baby, just like that.” 
Fuck! She was such a good girl, holding her cries till he released his load inside of her mouth. “Swallow.” he commanded. She was a glorious mess, doing as he commanded her.  
Her eyes were watery, and her mouth was thoroughly abused, but she still looked at him with devotion laced in her beautiful eyes. 
He lifted her off the ground and laid her on the table like surface. He spread her legs wide open with his hands and marveled at the sight. Her throbbing cunt, glistening in arousal looked so warm, so inviting. He kissed her on the lips once more and dove in to eat her out, but a small hand covered the entrance.  
“She might be done soon, so, please just fuck me.” she cried, so obviously starved for him. 
He wasted no time and rubbed her clit, making sure her entrance was slick enough, and she was, so incredibly wet for him. He lined his dick to the entrance of her pussy and thrusted lightly. Just the tip he moaned. Just the tip and she was already on the verge of tears. 
“Just breathe, love. Just breathe for me, eh?” he cooed in her ear as his hips thrusted in small motions to enter her tight cave, rubbing her clit as he did. And then with a final thrust he entered her pussy. 
God! She felt so good. Her tight walls caved around his cock, stimulating him in ways he didn’t think possible. His motions became faster as her cries became louder. 
“Tommy!” she moaned over and over again, seemingly unable to formulate any coherent sentences, her brain clogged with the intense pleasure of his cock ramming into her.  
“You fit me so well, Y/N. I’m never letting go of you or your tight fucking pussy after this.” he moaned in her ear. 
The constant slapping of skin and unbridled moans didn’t leave much to the imagination of the maids and butlers that might’ve overheard, but they didn’t care. All they knew was that they were nearing their release and it just felt so fucking good. 
“Tommy, I’m close.” she managed to stumble out the words. 
“Wait for me, love. You’re gonna cum when I tell you to.” he groaned as he fastened his pace, evidently nearing his release. 
And with a final thrust, he whispered in her ear and they let go. They were quite the pair to look at. Him, with his trousers on the floor, his hands gripping onto her waists and his eyes never leaving hers and she, with her damn naked body, her tear streaked cheeks and her smudged lipstick. 
Tommy gave her a sweet kiss to her forehead and wrapped his arms around her naked body as they remained in the warm embrace. Their heartbeats were gradually returning to usual, and their panted breathing became steadier. 
He retrieved a handkerchief from his pockets and delicately cleaned her sore entrance. The evidence of their lovemaking spilled lewdly on the floor; it was to be someone else’s problem, not theirs. He slipped the stained handkerchief into his pockets and helped her dress. She seemed incredibly satiated as she stared at him with sheer fondness in her eyes. 
Tommy knew that he couldn’t let go of her now. Not after this.  
She was his, even if she didn’t know it yet. 
“We best get going now, love.” he told her as he waited for her to gather herself together.  
“Wait, silly, you’ve got lipstick on your nose.” she giggled as she rubbed the scarlet red lipstick off for him, standing on the tip of her toes. 
She moved to open the door, but her steps felt awkward. He chuckled at her attempt to walk and offered his hand so she may lean on him. The walk back to the table was interesting, with her uncharacteristic gait and lipstick that seemed to have been smudged clean, and his hair that had been slightly disheveled and lips that held the faintest smile. 
Both looked nothing like they had a few moments prior. If the maids noticed the obvious change, they didn’t comment on it as they dutifully carried out their tasks, making the most possible effort to not offend the pair as they walked through the halls.  
May arrived a few minutes later rambling about how much she would’ve loved to cut the call halfway, had Sir Ascot not been an influential member of the Board. She had been so engrossed in her rant that perhaps, she didn’t notice the obvious change in the mood. 
She also didn’t notice the fact that Thomas Shelby’s eyes never once left her sister-in-law who insouciantly continued drinking her tea that was far too cold by now. 
“Well, May, my stay here has been lovely, but I best get going now.” he uttered at last, the business back at home didn’t wait for no one, especially not for him to fuck posh girls. 
“Indeed, I assume you must have your work cut out for you and oh! I forgot to tell you this morning that I’ve had your car stocked up with engine oil, so, it’ll be a smooth ride home.”  
“Thank you for that, May.” he put on his coat and thanked her for her gracious hosting. 
“Tommy.” she called out as he stepped into his vehicle. “Will I see you again?”  
“I’m sure we’ll cross paths again, Miss Carleton.”  
Miss not Mrs. because his eyes, as he spoke those words weren’t on the woman in front of him, but rather they were on the girl that stood at the doorway, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. 
Ah! That smile. 
The drive home was brisk, his mind occupied with the image of her and that darn smile. He may have been back in Birmingham, but he knew that apart of his mind had been left behind with a particularly charming girl in the Carleton Estate. 
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the-moon-files · 6 months
Hi! I'm kinda new here but I was hoping to leave a request or at least something to chew on. So there's this genshin sagau where the reader has a bit of a language barrier with the other characters and I was wondering if that translated over to the Linked Universe as well? Like imagine the boys finding this random person with different clothes, accessories, and they talk in a language never before heard of? What are they, some kind of eldritch being? Meanwhile reader recognizes them obviously but frustratingly can't express any feelings asides from base concepts! Man.
Some funnies include; reader voicing more thoughts out loud now that no one can really understand them and reader eventually learning the language and getting a really sick accent out of it.
That's all my tired brain can think of atm so I bid you adieu. Have a good rest of your day :)
First Official Request!! :D oh and its amazinggg, ooOOO a language barrier AU, genshin? hm wonder who wrote that
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Reader wasn’t specified and ive adopted masc!reader as the normal over here, so masc reader it is 👍
Sun: Masc/Male Reader (”you”/he/him)
Orbit: EXTRA LONG Headcanons-ish/scenarios SORRY 😭, Language Barrier AU my beloved
Stars: The Classic Chain of Links <3
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, typical mild loz violence, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so for the sake of even funnier confusion, lets say the boys kinda missed u falling thru a portal, and instead just see the portal, and it disappears w/nothing coming out
(bc u obv are a competent person and clearly recognize the giant horse head stable from Breath of the Wild and went inside, like to orient urself, u will NOT be a Y/N damsel in distress 💀)
the boys had already been heading to that stable to sleep for the night, and needless to say, u nearly have a fit LMAO
first, the Hero of Time walks in, then the Link from Hyrule Warriors, then from Link’s Awakening? Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Link?? Wind Waker Link, Four Sword Link??? The original Legend of Zelda Link-!!!!
well at least u arent the only weirdly dressed person there
(well, u arent weird looking for the hylians in the stable, theyre used to this weird shit, but the Chain of heroes on the other hand…)
they get to observing their bunkmates for the night, subtly squinting at you, then turning to talk to each other, and slowly every link gets made aware of ur prescense, u didnt think u stood out that bad..
(”くいんね しら んらな すいそらきみについ ちみん らは かくちか まいていりすん はすらも んらなす いすち・”) *
it also quickly becomes obvious to every traveler in the stable that you either cant speak, or wont speak, as when ur exchanging money for rupees at the front desk, the owner is accommodating with you by pointing and grunting and ur just nodding and pointing back
well, its not like when u first greeted the guy u understood even a single thing the guy said, it sounded like some sub-dialect of Japanese or something
u had realized earlier with horror that the game was staying true to its creators, and that most likely everyone spoke a special version of Japanese and ur English ass was abt to be so lonely and confused 😭
Wars/Time/Sky/Four in particular clearly noticed u exchanging all ur currency, as u can see them whispering or glancing at you occasionally as u pocket ur now little green gems the size of coins, rather than strip of paper
(”しにし くい まなとかるるる みらか くちひい すなせいいと・ てくら しらいとみゃか くちひい すなせいいと・ かくちか くちとみゃか すいちりりん そくちみきいし らひいす かくい いすちとね くちと にか てにりし・”)
and the boys move on in the morning, and its acc torture for u bc u had no idea how to even begin to quell their suspicions enough to let you travel along with them
u think u could say u came out a portal, but.. how would tell them that? drawing pictures in the dirt?? 💀
and this just keeps happening.
even when u just try to admire from a distance or even outright just leave them to it and go off to explore Hyrule (as safe as u could after acquiring a weapon and some more clothes)
but its like fate (or maybe Hylia tbh) wants u to run into these legendary heroes (both kinda in ur world and definitely here) constantly
after the stable u manage to run into them in Kakariko Village, which wasnt crazy bc u needed more supplies, and it was the nearest town to the stable
ur sure they noticed, but u outright avoided them out of paranoia or making them paranoid u were following them, and u definitely saw who you thought was the hero of the Four Sword whisper about u as u walked by, not that u caught much
(”るるるかくちかゃと かくい とちもい とかすちみきいほりららのにみき きなん はすらも かくい とかちこりいる てい とくらなりし のいいせ ちみ いんい らみ くにもる”)
but you’d started to recognize some Japanese words! …and tbh anime is the only reason for that, something definitely like “watch, him” 💀
which rlly didnt make u feel any better, and u avoided them even harder, u bought a map, so u made sure to head in the opposite direction of them out of, lets be honest, kinda lowkey fear of what theyd do if they thought u were stalking them
but despite u trying to actively go away from them, either you, or them, would show up everywhere the other went,
you passed by Wind playing in the water in Zora’s Domain,
Twilight riding Epona around the plains in Central Hyrule, Sky hanging laundry outside Wild’s house in Hateno
Honest-to-fucking-god seeing Wars, Wild, and Legend all crossdress to sneak into Gerudo village- u cant fucking escape them-
and the worst part is, you cant understand anyone, other than some basic words atp 😭
its as the Chain come from a path that merges onto yours on the way to Rito Village when Legend snaps first
You’re not even surprised, tbh it was more surprising it took them so long 💀
(”にかゃと んらな!! ちきちにみ!!! てくん ちすぃ んらな はらりりらてにみき なと・ くらて ちすぃ んらな はらりりらてにみき なと・・ くらて ちすぃ てぃ はらりりらてにみき んらな・・!!”)
the look on ur face must have drawn some pity from Twilight bc he’s trying to talk Legend out of his yelling and pointing his sword at you,
(”ひいか そちりも しらてみ! りにのい んらな とちにしね に かくにみの ていゃひい ちりとら とらもいくらて こいいみ はらりりらてにみき かくいも からら!”)
Wars joins in, giving you a confused look, before talking to the group at large, most of which have their hands near their weapons, but dont look that inclined to use them, thank the fucking gods or whoever rules over Hyrule-
(”かくい すちみそくいす くちと ち せらにみかね かくにと すいいのと らは もちきにそ ちみし にゃも となすい にかゃと くんりにちゃと しらにみきる てい とくらなりし まなとか かすん から かちりの から かくいもね といい には かくいんゃすい いさせいすにいみそにみき ちみんかくにみき とかすちみきいる”)
oh no. they want to talk you, you barely picked out in their argument
Time nods in agreement, before stepping forward to talk first, you cant even imagine how anxious u look rn lol
(”かくい らかくいすと ちすい すにきくかね かくにと にと りらみき らひいすしないる もん みちもい にと かにもいね ちみし かくいとい ちすい もん かすちひいりにみき そらもせちみにらみとね ちと にゃも となすい んらなゃひい きちかくいすいし はすらも なと すなみみにみき にみから いちそく らかくいす とら もなそくる てくちかゃと んらなす みちもい・”)
why has Hylia forsaken you. what did you do to not receive some sort of fancy natural translator power in ur brain or something after getting portaled here, its the least she could do for fucks sake- talking to someone in a diff. language is SO much harder than just listening to them to understand what theyre saying-
you desperately try to recall the words people have said at stables and whatnot when introducing themselves, before they realized you couldnt speak the same language
(”Uh… もん みちもい にと… and I’m not following you…とらすすん”)
you just try to say ur name and then say sorry LMAO 😭
Nearly every Link is staring at you bug-eyed in shock, confusion, and understanding all at once
the Chain’s attitude changes pretty quick after that, and they quickly connect the dots after, yes, u do a drawing of a portal in the dirt 💀
u gather from the few words u can get that it was indeed magic (probably Hylia) that kept shortcutting you and the group of heroes together over and over again
she can move your position in space time and yet she cant get u an auto-translator after being forced to be here.
(in the middle of u drawing to communicate Hyrule manages to understand the gist of what you meant by that and laughs)
the Chain are quick to be very accomdating, Wars/Sky/Wild all offering to try and better teach u their language, but in return they want to learn yours?
actually, that was smth u noticed pretty early on in the ensuing weeks of travel, was the fascination they had w/English and ur voice??
Wind constantly rambled at you and poked and smiled at you to try and get you to ramble back, and after getting more comfortable around them,
u start to talk like they cant understand a word ur saying, which is entirely accurate, and you notice some like to lean in when you talk, or respond with humming/saying smth like u can understand, or even just gesture for u to keep going
Four/Time/Legend?? surprisingly/Hyrule/Twilight like when u get rlly talkative like ur having a one-sided convo w/them all the time, and they constantly are looking at you poinetedly to hear u narrate whatever ur doing or give a response whenever they same something at you (Rulie/Four/Twi/ and sometimes Time, (and he turns away but Legend too) give a little smile whenever you ramble)
Wild is Very Interested in your langauage, bc the Zora, Rito, Gerudo, and Gorons all had their native tongue that he ended up learning, and so he constantly makes notes to try and decipher some of what ur saying in English
he lights up anytime ur able to successfully tell him another something abt it, like the alphabet, or grammar or structure etc
they seem to pay attention esp in the mornings or late at night? ur not sure why until Wind both draw pictures and tries to get the general idea to you to explain
(”かくいんゃすい ちりり きちんる んらなす ちそそいみか にと くらか ちみし んらなす ひらにそい にと しいいせる かくいんゃすい ていちのる”)
smth abt ur voice being nice? deep? but theirs do that too? u dont get it, but thank him anyway
they also help u out at markets, keep out of trouble w/locals, and other misc tasks that need some language help
everythings going great, the Chain trusts you, ur getting better at their language every day, and bc English is one of the hardest languages to learn in the world, theyre slowly getting some of urs!
it isnt until ur camping out in the Temple of Time when things get weird again
Not only is there English carved into the walls, which u read as the Chain give u “explain now” looks and u communicate that the rlly ancient looking script they may or may not be able to read is, in fact, the written version of ur language-
but then another portal opens, and there’s sentences wrapped around the edges, which are fully in English too.
* = hint: JIS
So i love ciphers for language barrier AUs, so have a cypher! have fun decoding it if u like, but don’t worry abt translating it, as its purposefully not important for u to enjoy this :)
JFC IM SO SORRY AB THE LENGTH I WROTE THIS FROM MIDNIGHT TO LIKE 1:30 AM- UGH sometimes this happens when i get on a scenario kick, SORRY 😭😭
also so sorry abt late reply! at least i already established im slow w/u guys so ig its not a huge surprise 😭
tysm for the request it was such a fun idea to write abt :D
i also like genshin, just a little bit u could say, so it was cool to see this carryover across fandoms lol
language barrier is so versatile, could be angst, crack, etc. so that makes sense
have a great weekend!!
Peace out,
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simping-for-joe · 9 months
Cause Everything I want, is Everything that's Here
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Leon Kennedy X Wife Reader
Leon returns home after a mission, thankful to return home to his wife and daughter.
(Title taken from the song “This is where I belong” by Bryan Adams)
A/N: Yes, the song is from the horse movie. I just listened to it again recently and literally couldn’t help but think of RE 6 Leon. Like the relief he feels to say he has a family and a home he can always return to and always feel love. Also, I’m a sucker for domestic Leon.
Leon sighs out softly as he walks off the helicopter, the bags under his eyes heavy. He doesn’t really pay attention to other agents around him. Just focused on getting out his gear, to head home. It’s been almost a month since he’s been home. He didn’t want to waste any more time waiting around here or even talking to anyone. Not even the president could get him to stay at the DSO headquarters for a moment longer. Hunngian promised him she’d handle anything, which he greatly appreciated. He just wanted to get to where he wished to be the most.
As he drives his car, he can clearly see the wedding ring on his finger reflect the street lights. A small smile forms on his lips, he can imagine your shock and surprise when he just shows up. It was one of the few reasons he didn’t always mind these long missions, and then he thought how excited and happy your daughter would be. How she’ll jump up and hug him tightly. He can’t fight the smile that forms on his face as he thinks about it. Finally, he pulls into the driveway with only one other car parked there. He gets out and he watches as his breath is visible in the cold air. Snow having fallen recently, there were remnants that the snow had been disturbed in the front yard. He smiles to himself as he notices two snow angels of different sizes. He walks the short path to the front door, pulling his keys from his jacket pocket. As he does he notices lights on in the house, he secretly hopes he isn’t too late for dinner.
“Baby, make sure your hands are clean.” You tell your daughter gently.
“Okay, mommy!” She calls and rushes back past you. Her blond hair is everywhere as she dashes by. She looked a lot like Leon and acted like him too. The only thing that didn’t look like him was her eyes, she had your eyes. You’re setting up the plates for dinner, putting down two plates. You feel some sadness at not being able to set a third plate. When you suddenly hear a squeal. You rush to see what is going on, to make sure your daughter is okay.
“Daddy!” You look to see Leon grab his daughter from the floor.
“My munchkin!” He calls out joyfully as he picks her up, her giggles never stopping.
“I missed you!” She says brightly as he holds her.
“Oh, I missed you too! More than you could ever imagine!” He blows air on her stomach making her laugh more. You’re practically frozen there as you look at Leon, his smile as bright as your daughter’s.
“Mommy look!” Your daughter calls as you finally start to walk closer. Leon puts your daughter down and is quiet for a moment before you hug him tightly.
“I missed you…” You say simply but so much more is said. Your arms are tight around him. So much you want to say but your daughter is here. I’m so glad you’re alive, I’m so happy you came back to me, I don’t ever want you to leave again.
“I know…” He replies softly hugging you back as tight as he can. His face buried in your neck and hair, taking in everything that is you. Small tears well up in your eyes but you quickly brush them away and smile.
“Come on… we were just getting ready to have dinner.” You tell him that with a bright smile, that reminds him. He’s home.
You quickly set another spot for him, and he listens with a smile as your daughter explains her day. Her feet kick under the table and her smile never fades as her dad is home.
You originally meant to make sundaes to distract your daughter from her father's absence, but now they were a celebration of his return home. Your own fond smile never leaves your lips even as your daughter gets ice cream all over her face. Leon only finds it amusing and kisses her cheek.
After cleaning up and making sure no one has any ice cream anywhere. You head to your daughter's room.
"Goodnight sweetie..." Leon kisses your daughter's forehead gently.
"Daddy... are you going to be here tomorrow..?" She asks in a tired tone, looking up at him. Some part of Leon's heart broke when his daughter asked him that question. You could see it in his blue eyes.
"There is nowhere I'd rather be... than here with you and your mom." He says softly. "Just know... even if I have to go, I'll always return..." Your daughter nods, to which she receives another kiss from Leon.
"Goodnight baby..." You add, tucking her in a bit tighter and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Love you..." You add on softly.
It's quiet for a moment in your shared bedroom. Before you hug Leon tightly again. As if you're floating in the sea, and he's your only life raft. Confirmation that he's here, and present. Leon not needing an explanation just hugs you back just as tight.
"I will always come home..." He assures you hugging you a bit tighter. Holding part of his entire world in his arms.
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readychilledwine · 4 months
✨️ACOTAR Booty Headcanons✨️
💕Peep the thigh headcanons here💕
Warnings - Butts. Fanart of butts. Nakey butts. Bubble butts. Lady butts. Man butts.
Up next? ✨️ Hands ✨️
✨️Body Headcanons Masterlist✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
Edited to add - short plus size Elain sneak peak
A/N - for @lady-of-tearshed, I hope this meets all your dreams, my love.
A message from Mother - You, my sweet dear reader, are gorgeous as you are. You are real, touchable, and made with imperfections that enhance your beauty and uniqueness. You are a treasure. Do not compare yourself to a single body on this list.
I like to start off strong..
Rhysand has a very bite-able booty.
He is slightly leaner than Azriel and Cassian, but he still has a firm butt.
Rhysand loves to wear tight slacks, just to watch your pretty little brain go blank when you see his ass.
He sleeps naked and it's hard for you not to just.. touch the booty.
To be fair, he loves to keep his hand (and hand print) on your butt, too.
Art by Amai actually just posted Rhysand butt fanart. Enjoy it below
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John Cena has been described as having a military grade ass with an inhuman body.
Cassian also has an inhuman body, so it makes sense that my guy has a military grade ass.
Cassian has butt muscles in places you didn't even know you could have butt muscles.
It is intimidating. Very intimidating.
But you LOVE watching this man walk. Especially when he's walking to the bathroom to grab towels for aftercare.
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Azriel's ass surprised you in the best way.
Azriel is lean compared to Cassian, so his bubble butt shocked you.
Much firm. Still jiggle.
You were ready for this jelly.
Azriel gets super shy when you tell him how good his butt looks, but he's like that one friend who secretly loves it and makes sure to wear the same pants/skirt/shorts the next time they see you so you are in love with their deliciousness again.
Sometimes, you just sneak up on Azriel and accidentally squeeze. In front of his family. But don't worry. He squeezes yours back.
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I'm disappointed I can't find this gif when I need it.
We can all hate on Tamlin as much as we want, but SJM herself says the man is muscular.
I imagine Tamlin was worried about his arms and chest being thicker than his legs, so he started hitting legs and glutes hard.
Then, the next thing he knows, he has a damn shelf.
He hates when you touch his butt though. He'd prefer you touch him other places.
But you bet your ass he is touching yours
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I stand by Lucien having Chris Hemsworth's body type.
Lucien had the perfect, truly bite-able ass.
You constantly have your hand in his back pocket.
You constantly are giving it a little smack so it jiggles.
You always walk behind him.
Lucien loves the way you worship his body. He's insecure about his scars, so you loving every inch of him helps.
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Daddy 🫠🫠
Eris has the captain America Dorito proportions build, and I hope all of you know *exactly* what I am talking about.
I imagine Eris as slim muscular, and when I decided to do these, I needed him to have Chris Evans's ass
I mean look at it
Imagine that ass in Eris's finely tailored clothing.
Imagine that ass getting off a horse.
You're touching him. Constantly. And he loves it.
He loves that you seem to think he's some sort of God.
And he really loves it when you touch his butt because you begged him to treat you as his equal, meaning that ass of yours is in his hands quickly.
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You know when a guys thighs are so thick they become one with his dump truck? Helion.
He actually requires a CDL for his ass.
You can't really tell until he's naked and turns around due to the thickness of his thighs, but this male has ass for days.
And his ass is FIRM. There is not an ounce of fat on him.
He considers his ass a trophy of sorts, so touching it is only for those privileged to.
Luckily you have that privilege.
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Oh, look.. I included the Archeron sisters
Don't accuse me of doing our girl dirty, but I picture Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit when I think of Feyre's body.
The reason you can't accuse me of doing her dirty is because the things I'd do if Halle Berry told me to do them are extreme.
I picture Feyre as very lean, very cut, and she had the cutest baby bubble butt.
She's definitely the friend who thinks she has no booty until you help her find the right outfit for the booty.
She also blushes whenever you touch it.
She wishes it was bigger sometimes, but a few spanks in, and she's telling you she's perfect as she is.
I wish I could find a better picture of this 🫠
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Nesta I also picture as tight and lean.
For some reason when I read her, I picture Adriana Lima, but with blonde hair.
Maybe it's because I think Nesta has sultry vibes?
Nesta tries to keep herself small. It's ingrained deeply into her head because of her mother and grandmother that she has to be small.
She's also constantly training, so it keeps her tight.
She may not have the biggest ass, but that thing is the best apple you've bit
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If you don't know by now, you're about to: elain at minimum is slim thick.
I personally see truly happy glowing elain as mid to plus size, and I'm hoping for mid to plus size elain once this stupid shipwar is over.
Right now, though, elain is slimthick.
She's still recovering from her spicy sadness days, and her recovery has her doing squats in the garden
Ass. For. Days.
It's why she actually doesn't wear pants. She tried once and every almost had a collective mass failure heart attack.
So now, her booty is reserved for you and you alone.
You love it when she wears cheeky things in the bedroom.
I imagine elain is super into impact play because she loves the way you compliment her recoil.
I think she's secretly proud of her booty. She just doesn't want anyone else to know. So sssshhhh.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp
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daryltwdixon · 9 days
Red Dress
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Relationship: Daryl x Reader
MDNI: smut smut smut ❤️
Notes: first one shot back since like 2012 and for a whole new fandom so plz be kind 🙏🙏
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You were just grateful the run was going smoothly, to be honest. It had been awhile since anyone needed to go out since settling into the prison— Rick starting the garden and bringing in the hogs and horses. Things felt… easy now. So god forbid you’re walking by a clothing store on your run with Daryl and Glenn and a dress catches your eye.
“You guys go ahead,” you call to them. They stop and turn to look, glance at each other, then look back at you.
“What for? We’re supposed to stay together on these runs, Y/N” Glenn says, shifting his weight with his heavy rifle in his hands.
“Just go ahead. I promise I’ll be right behind you,” you insist, waving them off.
The guys shrug, trusting you know how to handle a walker or two. Glenn starts walking away.
“We’re gon’ just nex’ door,” Daryl mumbles, “don’t be long” and he turns and leaves for the pharmacy.
A small smile spreads across your lips as your fingers brush the clothing inside. It’s been a long time since you got out of your faded jeans and black tee shirt. Better to just grab necessities… until you spot the dress that brought you in the first place.
“Yes,” you whisper, seeing your size and snatching it off the dusty hanger.
When the hanger snaps up, it clangs louder than you intended on the metal hanging rod and falls to the floor—you wince. Holding your breath, you release a sigh after a moment of quiet that follows. As you turn to leave for the door, 2 walkers slam themselves on the glass door that was your original exit plan.
“Shit…” you hiss, looking around for a back up exit. Nothing but an office room. You run for that door, but immediately regret opening it when another walker comes snarling out. You fall backwards, swinging to try to grab your knife from your pocket. The walker is stumbling after you, and you swiftly pull yourself back, elbows pulling you back and feet kicking. It’s ugly with skin peeling off its face and a faded employee outfit. It’s tripping over its feet, giving you a moment to gather yourself. Finally gaining balance and confidence, you sit up on your feet, and stand— slamming your knife up under the walker’s jaw into its head. Breathing heavy with relief, you turn back to the original exit plan and see more walkers gathering.
No sign of Daryl and Glenn. Okay, on your own. You can take on a few at a time— right? Breathing in hard and knife in hand, you shove toward the door. The walkers fall back and you’re able to get one in the head while throwing yourself out the door. The other three are too close, you start breathing hard and adrenaline is coursing through you. You’re slashing your knife through the air and losing focus out of sheer panic. A walker falls backwards and you see Daryl’s hands clutching its clothes, stabbing it in the forehead. Glenn is there after him and stabbing another in the head, giving you the space to kick the last one down and finish it off. You’re huffing and puffing, the guys staring at you while you catch your breath.
“All of that for some damn clothes, miss Prissy?” Daryl snarls.
“Shut up, I could handle it” you breathe, bent over with your hands on your knees.
“Pfft, yeah” he scoffs, grabbing his bow & arrow and stalking off.
Glenn shakes his head, and when Daryl walks off he just says “we stay together.” And you nod, following after them, stuffing the clothes securely in your bag and zipping it closed.
“No. Way. I always wanted this kind of stuff but daddy never lets me wear them!” Beth giggles as you show her your stash of clothes. Hershel would probably kill you if he saw the clothes you brought back for her— lacy black bra for her to show her new boyfriend and a spaghetti strap shirt. It’s dark now but the candles you have lit and the moonlight shining into the cell block make it easier to see everything.
“Just thought maybe it would be fun to try on something different. Remind us of what life used to be like,” you say smiling. You pull out the dress that caught your eye to begin with— the reason for the trouble you had today. It was… well, you’d never wear it to meet a man’s mother, you could say. Red, short, and silky. The straps were thin and long. You just wanted to see what it felt like to wear something sexy again, not that the mirrors were any good in the prison anyway.
Beth is facing away from you to put on her new bra and shirt so you take that as your cue to change into the dress too. It slips on easy and fits perfectly. It sits quite a bit above the knee and your cleavage is just about ready to hit you in the face.
“Wow…” Beth says, she’s turned around and looking at you.
You put your hands on your hips and sway back and forth, “you’re not so bad yourself, hot stuff. Go show Zach! Like, now!”
She smiles and runs out of the cell, but stops short when she just about collides with a figure standing outside. Beth stumbles back and Daryl comes into the light, staring daggers at you.
“This what being nearly killed was for today, huh?” He says deadly quiet.
Beth scurries out of the room before she can be caught in the middle of this outburst, knowing Daryl can get nasty when provoked.
The color drains from your face, and you suddenly feel very hot— like tingling and on fire. You cross your arms over your chest, in defense mode.
“Fuck off, Daryl” you hiss, but it’s not as convincing as you meant it to be.
He rolls his eyes “Can’t believe you’d waste yer own life on a stupid slut dress”
He’s stalking in closer into the cell, and you’re backing up until your back hits the cold wall behind you. Luckily it’s a pretty empty cell block back here, where you and Beth like to meet up and read or decompress. No one can hear the bickering going on in cell 50E.
“Oh please, just cause you don’t know how to have a little fun doesn’t mean other people aren’t allowed to, Daryl. Mind your business” you spit, eyes narrowing at him.
He’s really close, you can smell the musk and cigarette smoke coming off of him. It’s making you a light headed the more you breathe it in. He’s never been this close before.
“Do ya’ know why we go on runs? It’s not for you to fill yer closet with cute frilly things, Y/N. We don’t risk our damn lives for you to be so fuckin selfish” he snarls, his southern accent thick as he hisses at you. If you were to move at all, you’d be touching him at this point he’s so close.
“We go on runs for the good of our people, Y/N”he sneers close to your face, “Medicine, food, supplies—“
“Shut. Up. I got it myself I didn’t ASK YOU to get anything for me. I was able to handle it myself, asshole.” You’re nearly nose to nose with him. Breathing in each other’s air. With confidence you surely don’t actually have, you drop your arms from your chest. Balling your fists at your sides and staring up at him. His eyes follow your movements and look down to fully get a look at you. You’re breathing in unison in this moment, waiting for the next person to say something. Daryl’s lip curls as he looks back up at you then away. You could swear he leans in an inch toward you. You let out a small gasp, looking at his lips.
Within the breath of a moment, he’s turning around angrily— but you reach out, grabbing his arm. His bare arm is hot under your touch and your mind goes blank. You suck in another gasp of air when he quickly spins and has a hand at your throat, pinning you against the wall again.
He’s looking daggers at you with those blue eyes— but they’re not cold. You hadn’t realized before, but now you see it. They’re dark with desire. Your hand is still on his arm, gripping him just as tightly back. Your eyes meet for a brief moment before he’s crashing into you— his lips hot on your mouth. Your body tenses up but you melt immediately into him as he pushes up against you, his leg going in between your thighs and cupping your face with his free hand. His tongue is primal, claiming you and you let him. God he smells good and the scent of him envelops you in this moment. He pulls away, looking at your dazed look and swollen, wet lips.
“Shit” he grumbles, searching your face, “why do ya’have to be so fucking pretty”
“Shut up,” you whisper and pull him back in, your hands gripping his hair. Daryl’s knee is hiked up between your legs, perfectly aligned with the apex of your thighs. You can’t help but grind down on him, a breathy moan escaping your lips.
“Fuck, Y/N” he whispers between claiming your mouth, “grind on me baby, show me how much you want it in your slutty dress you got for me”
Your eyes roll back at his dirty words, grinding down harder onto his leg. Your arms have fallen in a loose hold on his body, letting him hold you with his hand still on your throat and the other on the wall now, caging you in.
“Please,” you whisper against his lips.
“No, no— you dressed like a slut and I’m going to treat you like one now” he growls, suddenly flipping your body around and holding your ass against his lap. God he’s hard. And from what you can feel through his pants— big. You shiver as your cheek presses against the wall and Daryl’s hands travel down your body. You hold yourself helplessly up with your hands on either side of you on the wall while he pushes the fabric up around your waist. You hadn’t thought you’d have the dress on long, so you didn’t bother with panties.
“Fuck, Y/N” he says again, groping your ass and giving it a slap, making you yelp.
He hushes you, pushing his face against yours and kissing you again. His lips trace your jaw onto your ear and down your neck and onto your shoulder where the thin strap of your dress falls.
Daryl’s hands are all over you and now they’ve found your breasts, palming them with one hand as he adjusts behinds you, fisting his cock out of the confines of his pants.
“You’ve been a bad, dirty girl, Y/N” he grumbles, “and now I’m gunna fuck you like one”
“God, please”
“I aint no god, baby, and I don’ like to share neither” he says, pushing into your soaking wet cunt. He groans loudly, leaning his forehead on your shoulder for a moment as you both adjust. Before you’re even ready, Daryl is moving. His thrusts are fast and hard. The only way you know how to explain him is primal. His noises are grunts and grumbling curse words. He leans down and whispers in your ear “bet you were hoping for this, huh? When you saw this skimpy thing in the store you imagined this didn’t you? Me fucking you in it against the wall like the fuckin’ slut you are” his hand has come up between your breasts to hold your throat. The other is between your legs and causing them to shake uncontrollably. You had thought about Daryl a lot— especially at night when everyone was asleep. He would creep into your fantasizes often and you tried to shove him out every time. You knew he was a recluse and you’d have no shot with him— at least you thought. Until now. You’re moaning into the wall as he doesn’t relent his thrusting against you. But the way he’s holding you— yes it’s full of pleasure but it’s also… gentle. He’s tenderly holding your throat now and pressing your clit like he will do anything to get you to cum first.
“Mine” he keeps repeating, “you’re mine.”
“Fuck, Daryl” you whimper, “I ca—I can’t its ss too—too muchh-ch” you’re really shivering now, legs convulsing and cunt constricting around his cock.
He’s groaning against you, biting your shoulder, “cum for me baby. Be my good slut— my good girl— mine.” he growls. Your legs seize and your body tenses as you tumble over the edge of your orgasm, and he immediately follows suit, gripping your body tight against his.
You’re breathing hard, still pushed against the wall and his arms still holding you tight. His hand is loose around your neck and the other is around your waist now. His forehead leans against you and you feel the slick of his sweaty hair sticking to you as you catch your breath. As he begins to stand, he peppers more kisses on your back, pulling the strap of your dress back up. You slowly turn around to face him, and he brushes the hair out of your face as you lean against the wall again in a huff of breath.
“Don’t wear that fucking dress around nobody else, ‘kay?” He grumbles, tucking your hair behind your ear.
You let out a breathy laugh and look up at him “Only for you. I’m yours”
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nice-meanie · 7 months
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Lucifer Morningstar helping overworked s/o
A/N: I haven’t written in a while so im trying to get back into it again. Don’t be scared to shoot over a request - especially not for our fav short king
1.2k - Lucifer Morningstar x reader (Hazbin Hotel)
Warnings: fluff, very sweet, already established relationship
Overworked s/o gets some comfort and love from our all-time favourite Lucifer.
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You walked to the hotel door with a painful ache in your neck. All the sitting around, reading documents and arguing with some wanna-be rich people about car prices made your neck and shoulders sore. With slumped shoulders and an annoyed look, you stumble into the newly rebuilt hotel. Greeting you with a beaming smile, Charlie hopped over to you:
“Hey y/n, are you ready for a team-building exercise of trust and friendship? Now that you are finished with work, you can join us!!!”
“Sorry, not today Char Char. It was an exhausting day at work”
Normally you loved helping out Charlie in the hotel and talking to the others, but today you just wanted to go die for the secound time on the couch. You shot a quick smile and waved at Lucifer, who smiled back with slight pity noticing your tired deminer.
You walked up the neverending set of stairs, which seemed to just get longer and longer. After finally reaching your and Lucifer’s bedroom you fumbled with your keys in your pocket and opened the door. You walked to the bedroom and clumsily opened the door. Seeing the sweat relief of the king-sized bed, you flopped your tired body on it and let out an aching moan. You looked around the room, letting your eyes glide over the hotel room, which was more like a small one-bedroom apartment. It seemed like the concept of time had disappeared. Everything began to feel like a blur and your brain got foggy from the exhaustion. Minutes felt like hours in your trance-like state, when you heard a small klick coming from the door. You couldn’t be bothered to pick up your head let alone your body, so you just slowly rolled your eyes in the direction of the sound waiting for the bedroom door to be opened. You thought it was someone who came to check up on you or even worse, ask you for a favour so you presumptuously let out an annoyed huff. What you didn’t expect was to see Lucifer at the foot of the door, opening it slowly and carefully as if not to wake up a newborn baby. Seeing your lovely partner made your heart flutter and a barely visible smile crept up on your face despite your crushed state.
Seeing hell’s King sneak around your bedroom to not wake you if you were asleep had something heartwarming about it. This gave you enough strength to barely pull yourself from your lying position into a sitting one, letting one of your legs dangle off of the edge of the bed while the other was resting on the bed folded near your body. A silent “oh shit” echoed through the room as your boyfriend walked up to you and sat next to you on the bed.
“I’m sorry honey. Did I wake you?”
“No, no, not at all. I was just… resting on the bed”
“You look beaten, are you alright? You need to start watching out for yourself more. I mean, no one should be this tired. What if someone attacked you and you were too overworked to fight back?!”
You chuckled at your worried man and let your head fall on the shoulder pad of his pearl-white suit. He tensed up from the sudden touch but quickly relaxed. His hand found their way to your hair stroking your head gently. He carefully lifted your head to remove his jacket and hat and threw them on the bed to make his shoulder more comfortable to lie on.
“It was a loooooong day. First, some overlord was pissy that the price of a car he wanted to buy went up and wanted to bargain it down. As if that wasn’t bad enough some imp came to argue that his insurance won’t cover the car damages after he tried to transport two horses and a hellhound in his minivan. He just wouldn’t understand how the insurance couldn’t cover the damages his fiasco made on the car!”
“I don’t understand why you keep doing this to yourself y/n! I mean you come home being tired to death after your job. Why don’t you just stay and work in the hotel? We’ve got plenty to get done so you won’t be out of work!”
“Luci, I can’t. I know my job has some downsides, but I’ve always loved cars. They are the only good memories I have left from Earth. I’m fine”
You said the last sentence through your teeth. You knew you weren’t fine and so did Lucifer, but you still tried to reassure him. He sighed and decided to let this argument go. He was worried sick from you working yourself to the bone and wanted to take your pain away, but he also knew that you were stubborn and wouldn’t listen to him. So he decided to take care of you once again. His hand crept up to your cheek replacing it with his shoulder and carefully slid behind you on the bed. You melted into his touch, savouring every last drop of love and affection he gave you. You moaned from dissatisfaction when the support of his shoulder was gone, but were nicely surprised by his hands gliding to your neck and shoulders and massaging them. You hummed at the release of tension in your muscles and let your head fall backwards with shut eyes. Lucifer couldn’t help but kiss your forehead gently flashing a smile at your satisfied face. Your eyes fluttered open and he let his hands slide lower across your whole back running circles. His fingertips and nails tickled your back. The painful fog in your brain started to lift and be replaced with gentle love. While savouring hell’s boss’ touch he snaked his hands behind your neck and legs picking you up effortlessly startling you. Your hands clutched onto his chest. It is still surprising how easily he can pick you up despite you being taller.
Carefully he walked over into the other room while you let your head rest on his body trying to get as close to him as possible as if you were afraid to lose him. While setting you down on the couch you cluched his arms almost anxiously.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’m still here. I’m not going anywhere.”
You loosened your grip and sat up letting him slip behind you on the backrest of the couch. Lucifer kissed the top of your head letting you fall in his touch once more and resting your body between his legs. His hands slipped into your hair once more scratching your scalp softly and peppering your head with soft kisses. Taking care of you. Slowly you felt the stress of the day lifting. His hand slid over to your chin and pulled your face up. His back bent down and he planted a soft kiss on your lips. You let yourself get lost in the kiss and reached up to his head placing your hands on the side of his head pulling Lucifer deeper into the kiss. His golden hair tickled the tips of your fingers making you smile into the kiss. After pulling away your boyfriend gave you a gentle look and kissed your nose making you giggle softly.
“I love you y/n”
“I love you too Lucifer”
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your-averagewriter · 5 months
“I’m gonna marry this woman.”
Summary: Cooper has a job to get to and (y/n) ends up looking after Janey for him when Barb isn't free leading him to realise that she's the woman for him.
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: swearing, kissing, saying God not in the religious way (blasphemy I guess)
Cooper wraps his arm around my waist as we walk through the park, Janey holding his hand on the other side. Cooper and I have been dating for over a year and at the start he tried to keep our relationship separate from Janey as he didn’t want to make it too overwhelming for her after the divorce but now it’s been a while since we were officially introduced.
“There’s an ice cream truck over there.” I point out. “Janey, do you want some ice cream?” I ask, looking over to her.
“Yeah!” She smiles.
“Coop, do you want one?” I ask and he shakes his head. 
“You girls treat yourselves.” He says and then a ringtone comes from one of his pockets. “It’s work, I’ll be right back.” He gets his phone out and looks at who it is before walking a little bit away.
“Come on, Janey.” I invite. “Let’s get some ice cream.” I say as she takes my hand, which always makes my heart warm a little. “What flavour would you like?”
She examines the board of ice cream flavours before announcing her choice. “Toffee, please.”
“Good choice.” I smile, before walking up to the ice cream stand and buying her toffee ice cream and a strawberry one for myself. “There you go. Don’t drop it.” I pass it to her gently as she takes it and we walk over to a bench, sitting down and waiting for Coop to finish his call.
“What’s daddy doing?” She asks, enjoying the ice cream.
“Oh, he just got a call from work, maybe a new acting role.” I say and she smiles. “He should be back soon.”
“Did you know I used to act with daddy sometimes in the ads he used to do?” She says proudly.
“Oh really? Wow, you’re a little superstar.” I smile, Cooper walking back over not long after.
“How was the call?” I ask, as he walks over. “Any good news?”
“Mixed. Mixed.” He repeats.
“What does that mean?”
“Well, the good news is they wanna hire me.”
“That’s great, Coop.” I interrupt, jumping to my feet and wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug with a bright smile.
“You haven’t heard the bad news yet.” He warns, pulling back with a slightly frown. “They need me on set in an hour to sort out some sizing and contract stuff.”
“What’s wrong with that?” I ask.
“I already called Barb and she can’t take Janey for the afternoon so I can’t go.”
“I could look after Janey for you.” I offer.
“I can’t ask you to do that.” He says.
“You’re not asking, I’m insisting. If you’re okay with it of course.” I smile as his hands find their place on my waist.
“If that’s alright…” He gives in after a few moments with a hint of a smile. “God, I love you, woman.” He says, pressing a kiss to my lips with a full grin now. “I’ll go check with Janey, if that’s alright. I’m sure she won’t have a problem with it, she adores you but I should anyway.” I nod, letting him go.
“I’ve got a job I gotta go to, sweetheart and mommy can’t look after you for the afternoon. Is it alright if I take you girls home and you stay with (y/n) for a little while?” She nods quickly with a smile, a resounding yes making Cooper chuckle.
“I think that’s a yes, (y/n).” I laugh.
“Let’s go then, we don’t want you to be late.” I say with a smile.
“I should be back around 5:00, 6:00 at the latest.” He reassures me.
“Babe, don’t worry about it, we’ll be fine, take as long as you need.” I press a kiss to his cheek. “Good luck. We’ll see you later.” I press a kiss to his other cheek and wave with Janey as he drives away. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go inside. What do you wanna do?” I ask, taking her hand as we go inside. 
“I wanna show you my room and my stuff.” She drags me towards her room, picking up various toy cowboys and horses that they ride. “You have so much cowboy stuff? Does your dad buy them for you?”
“Yeah. We’ve got matching cowboy outfits.” She says before diving into her draws and pulling out two matching outfits, one clearly an adult’s size whilst the other fits Janey. She begins to put it on above her clothes and I drop the cowboy hat on her head gently. “You should put daddy’s one on so we can match!”
“Really? You don’t think he’d mind that I was stealing his clothes?” I tease with a small smile.
“Isn’t that his jumper you're wearing?” She giggles.
“I guess you're right, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” I say, putting the outfit on until we look like matching cowboys.
After a while of playing, I make some food for the both of us and a portion in the microwave for Cooper as it nears the time he said he would be home. Some tomato pasta that we eat while still wearing cowboy outfits. I chuckle as Janey gets some of the pasta sauce around her mouth, passing her one of the tissues to wipe her mouth with.
Cooper stands outside, about to open the door but looks through the window seeing Janey and I eating the pasta. A smile almost fills his face as he tries to cover his smile, mumbling to himself.
“I’m gonna marry this woman.” He whispers, sounding more like a stereotypical cowboy than ever before opening the door and walking in. “How’re my two favourite girls doing?” He grins as Janey runs towards him as he opens his arms to hug her.
He mimes the tipping of a cowboy hat at me with a small smirk and I shake my head, silently saying ‘don’t ask’ but smiling softly.
“How did the job go?” I ask, walking over to him by the door, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Good, first role I’ve got in a while.” He mumbles. “Just an ad but everything counts.”
“I’m so proud of you.” I smile, hugging him tightly, Janey doing the same despite not entirely understanding the context.
Cooper pours two glasses of wine, expensive wine, a celebration if you will after Janey’s gone to bed. Janey went to sleep in the cowboy outfit and made me promise not to take mine off so, being a loyal woman, I happily keep it on.
“Cheers to you, baby.” I smile, lifting my glass into the air as he does the same, clinking the glasses.
“Cheers.” He laughs, taking a sip before putting his glass back down on the coffee table. “I wanna ask you something and you gotta promise not to freak out.” 
I’m intrigued, sitting on the edge of my seat already smiling slightly but nervous. “Is it bad?” I ask, the anticipation now killing me.
“Nah, nothing bad, sweetheart, I promise.”
“Okay. I can’t promise I won’t freak out but I’ll try not to.” I say, watching him intently as he leans before kneeling on the ground in front of me. “Cooper, what are you doing?” I laugh with a smile. “Get up, you’ll spill the wine!” 
He kneels with one leg up, the other against the floor.
“(y/n) (l/n).” He starts and I’m still confused by what he’s doing. “I don’t have a ring but I thought this was the perfect moment to ask, will you marry me?”
I stand up, hand over my mouth, entirely shocked as I look down at him smiling up at me.
“Cooper, this better not be a fucking joke.” I warn, tears collecting in my eyes as I look down at his serious yet smiling face.
“It’s not, darlin’ I promise. After seeing you with Janey today, dressed up as cowboys making her pasta I just knew you were the one for me. I only regret not getting you a ring and asking you sooner.” He grins.
I stand absolutely frozen, standing up in front of him as a tear goes down my cheek.
“Why would you propose to me while I’m dressed like a cowboy?” Is the first thing I say, slightly muffled by my hand and he just laughs.
“I had to.” He kneels before me, without a ring but with all the right words. “Will you marry me?”
“Yeah, yeah, Coop, of course.” I say, overwhelmed with emotions, happiness being the dominant one but tears still in my eyes. “Oh my god.” I say as he rises to his feet wrapping his arms around me as I wrap my arms around his neck, as close as we could possibly get. “I can’t believe you.” I mumble into his shoulder.
“I love you so so much and so does Janey, you’re just so perfect for me.” He says and I could swear I hear a voice crack.
“I love you too. I can’t believe you though. What am I gonna say when people ask what the proposal was like? That I was dressed like a cowboy?” 
“I think you’re worrying about the wrong things right now, sweetheart.” He chuckles.
“I know. I can’t even begin to process the fact we’re getting married.” I press a kiss to the side of his neck. “Oh my god, I love you. I love you. I love you.” I place a kiss for everytime I say ‘I love you’ and he just smiles, taking the kisses.
“I must be the happiest man in the world right now.” He says with a grin as wide as his face.
AN: I hope people aren't getting bored of Fallout fics because I am not.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Ducks vs Horses: Helluva Hazbin
Lucifer: Ducks!
Blitz: Horses!
Lucifer: Ducks!!!
Blitz: Horses!!!
Charlie: What are they doing?
Vaggie: Apparently, that imp, Blitz, saw your dad in horse form on the news and came to tell him that he was "fucking majestic". Somehow it turned into a battle of horses vs ducks.
Lucifer: (pulls a majestic looking rubber duck out of his pocket) DUCKS!!!
Blitz: (pulls a toy horse out of his pocket) HORSES!!!
Lucifer: (leans in) DUUUUUUCKS!!!
Blitz: (presses his face against Lucifer's) HOR-SES!!!!
Lucifer: .....Duck sized horses?
Blitz: .....Horse sized ducks?
-Channel 666 News Theme Plays-
Katie Killjoy: Good evening, denizens of Hell. The top story tonight is a wild herd of duck sized horses have taken siege of Pentagram City while a fleet of horse sized ducks have taken to the skies.
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On the Horizon - prologue
Hello friends! As per the voice of the people, the Wild West au is being written into a fic! I’m still building the world and some plot details, but here is a small little appetizer of a prologue! Thank you for all of the love and enthusiasm that you have shared with me about this au!
The memories of this town remain, like the grains of desert sand caught in the folds of leather boots and saddles. Nothing truly leaves this place. The plant may be plucked, but the roots that get ripped by the stubborn ground are trapped, not unlike the years spent in innocence under the scorching sun and surrounded by the unforgiving mountain range.
You pull on the reign, effectively halting the steed hauling your small wagon you sit upon, as you see the more defined structures of Aurora Springs come into view against the glowing sunlight that sinks lower against the purple mountains. There’s an ache in your chest, a tightness in your lungs as you breathe in the dry air, remnants of your past rushing forward like a dust storm, unyielding as the laughter of childhood wonder and honeyed words of your mother embrace your subconscious.
Her final letter sits in the tight space between your chemise and vest, over your heart and folded just as it had remained for the past 6 years.
And on the opposite side against your hip is your father’s holster and pistol, tucked discreetly into a deep pocket of your skirt.
A letter of love. An object of protection.
The only pieces you had left of your parents that had driven you to abandon the notion of mercy.
You had become a product of this desert, unrelenting and unforgiving.
Some things in life never change. The out of tune piano across the bar. The shattered glass window that has been long since in need of repair. The suede leather chaps Sun had worn for years. The casual look of disdain on his lunar counterpart’s face as patrons yap and jabber. And of course, the unfounded and quite frankly stupid belief of man that this time for sure he will win.
With a round of loud groans and laughs, Sun collects his winnings from the table, much to the anger of the drunk man who had refused to fold before losing everything.
“So sorry, gentlemen, looks like I win again,” the sunny automaton says, the faux-sympathy of his synthetic voice further riling his red-faced opponents.
The man with the heavily oiled mustache and britches two sizes too short frowns, spits at the floor and stands with a screech from his chair.
“You been counting the cards! Ain’t right for a cheater to win.”
“Come now, good sir, I renounce rule-breaking. If you truly thought me a cheat, you shouldn’t have played the game.” Sun tilts his grin towards the man before slowly standing to his impressive height, one hand cradling over the grip of the pistol in his leather holster. “But I suppose we could always settle this like proper men…?”
The glint of the low bar-lighting on the silver gun that hits the angered man’s eye is enough of an answer, and the loser leaves in a huff, stomping away from the table.
Not long after settling all bets and debts, the lunar and solar automatons leave, saddling up their horses roped in the stalls.
”No need wasting a gunshot for the sake of petty cash,” the dark one says, his red eyes reflecting on the black rim of his hat, stomping the last embers of his cigar into the ground.
“You of all should know I don’t take well to being called something so despicable as a cheater,” Sun playfully shoots back. “Besides, I could get a couple rounds more with what I won.”
Moon clicks his teeth at his partner, adjusting the rifle slung over his back before signaling with the reins for Astraea to start moving. The horse brays, leading Calliope to follow.
As usual, the lunar bot remains silent for the ride through town, keeping his gaze forward. Sun was good at filling the silence, or at the very least, making the pair seem slightly less intimidating to onlookers. Their line of work came with that deadly connotation, and they lived up to their titles, but a bit of charm and camaraderie was useful for keeping the townsfolk in good favor. A nod to the miners coming back from the canyons, a wink at the courtesans on the corner.
Passing one of the bulletin boards by town hall, Moon pulls the reins to a halt with a hum. Sun looks where his partner is fixing his eyes, an identical smile pulling his lips. On the rotting wood bulletin is a newly pinned poster. A wanted poster. With an intriguingly high priced bounty wanted alive.
“I was looking forward to a weekend fixing that fence in the east pasture…” Sun says, pulling the poster down, letting his fingers trace over the details of the pretty face printed in ink, “…but I can’t pass up such an offer.”
His lunar lover laughs with a shake of his head.
“Does it say where they last were?”
“Stormridge, headed west.” Sun passes the paper to Moon. “Could already be here in town.”
The red-eyed bot hums, pulling a cigarette from his coat pocket and lighting it with the exposed wire on his wrist with a hiss. He lets his systems take in the smoke, the tarry buildup caressing the roughness within his casing. With an artificial exhale, he looks back at his partner.
“I suppose we should go get those rounds then.”
Ahhhhhhhh!!! I hope that is enticing and intriguing for a beginning!
And for anyone who hasn’t seen this au before, here are some of my sketches for it 💖
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kekaki-cupcakes · 3 months
I just saw a tiktok that said Percy "I hate bullies" Jackson soo can I ask for a fic where the reader is new at the camp and is harassed by an ares kid or an aphrodite kid and Percy help them ?
Not necessarily a romantic story, I just thought it would be sweet
you may have broken me out of my writing slump lol. thanks for the platonic ask <3 <3 <3 I miss those lol. enjoy!
Percy defends reader from the camp menace
»»————- ★ ————-««
You walked up the grassy path, bag over one shoulder. The rich green strawberry field stretched out to your right, filling the valley with the smell of summer and fruit. The air was warm too, and you’d like to fall asleep in the flower rings after the stress of the day.
Clouds drifted like fairy floss. You had a bandage over one arm where the feral ‘harpy’ had got you, but other than that, and a healthy dose of fear, you were unharmed. 
A good outcome for a monster attack, according to the blonde boy who’d wrapped up your wound before sending you along to a purple haired girl called Lou Ellen, who dragged you around the dangerous summer camp, pointing out where all the death traps and instant coffee makers were located.
And now you were here, standing outside the little wooden shack by the Infirmary where you’d started, with a handful of massive golden coins the horse man had given you, that matched the sun in the sky. Hopefully they sold sunscreen in the camp store. 
You pushed aside the beaded curtain and peeked around, sneakers squeaking on the floor. You were going to have to duct tape the sole of your shoe back on as well, since that feathered little bitch tried to swallow it hole.
You shivered at the thought, and stepped though. 
The first thing you noticed was the wind chimes and sparkly glass dream catcher looking decorations hanging by the windows and from the roof. A few racks of orange shirts and hoodies were lined up on the far wall, past the ice-cream fridges and boxes of toiletries. 
The scratched up bag you had with you, filled with lip balms and headphones and snacks and one hoodie, wasn’t enough. So you picked out a spiderman toothbrush and a stick of deodorant, opting to not get any gum in case it was magical, after reading the price tags to discover the currency was called drachmae’s. 
Why did the ancient Greeks have to make everything so complicated? Couldn’t they have just chilled out?
Empty necklace strings hung off hooks nailed into the wall. You brushed them aside to get to the shirts. Lou had said you needed a few, considering how often things tended to get incinerated. The shop had your size, thankfully in English, so you took two. A boy with a pink bow in his hair and a name tag reading Mitchell walked past with a stack of jars. 
You approached the bench with your arms full of supplies, and dumped them. “...Uh excuse me?”
Someone bumped around behind the bench and after a few crashes, a brown haired boy popped up. There was a bandaid over his nose, and he held a hand out. “Pleased to meet you.”
You squinted at him for a moment, and then shook his hand. “Hi.”
Something else crashed on the other side of the shop. A winged horse trotted behind you, opened the ice-cream freezer with its teeth, took out a Callipo, shut the glass door with a hoof, and then left. You turned back to the cashier. “Just these please.”
He took all your things and ripped the little white paper tags off them, folding up your shirts really badly. Then he started counting the white tags. Really slowly. He mucked up, somehow, and then started again. “Two, five… wait, no, four…”
The windchimes bumped against each other as your annoyance grew. You stuck your hands in your pockets. He kept counting. You only had four things! You were glad you hadn’t added a packet of gum to the pile. 
You picked at the bandage on your arm. It was still hurting a little.
Mitchel finished putting the jars on their shelf, and turned back to the staff only door. “Oi! Jackson! Where’d all the incense go?”
“Seven… eight and a half…” The cashier guy finally finished, and punched the numbers into the cash register. Finally. He grinned. “Cash or card?”
There was no eftpos machine. What was his problem? All you wanted to do was eat dinner with your new family, find a bed, and go to sleep. And get some painkillers. And wash all the monster blood off your hands. You bit back a sigh, and reached for the bag of coins in your pocket. 
It was gone. 
You felt your face heat up as you checked the rest of your pockets and then your bag you knew definitely didn’t have a hole in the bottom. Your eyes prickled, and you told them off silently.
The boy behind the bench just stared at you with a smile.
The staff only door banged open. The boy in the doorway glared at the cashier with alarmingly bright green eyes. There were a lot of people in this camp. You really needed to learn names. “Oi! Connor! Stop fucking with people!”
“Fine,” the cashier, Connor, huffed, and tossed your bag of coins back at you.
You caught them, glared at him, and then dug through it for the right amount to give to him. Eight and a half, how were you supposed to give him half a coin? 
Green eyes stomped around the umbrella and also nunchucks stand, reading the cash register. He read it about three times. 
Why could these people not count?
“Connor you fuckwit,” green eyes scoffed, tapping at the buttons. He searched through the tags again and then took seven of your coins, all while you stood there and wished the ground would open up beneath you and swallow you whole.
His tag read Percy. He handed you your things, and then a lemonade icey-pole from under the bench. You took it cautiously, and watched as he grabbed Connor’s ear, and dragged him out of the camp store.
You were left alone in there for a second, so you zipped up your bag and left quickly. 
“Please no! Not the toilets!” Connor screeched, as he was shoved back down the path quickly. 
Percy cupped his mouth as he yelled. “Clarisse! Come beat up Connor!”
You opened your icey-pole. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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