#poetry of sorts
anxiety-banana · 6 days
hello i would like everyone to know that sometimes you can sob your eyes out and have an existential crisis one moment and then suddenly you're booking your driver's test and applying for jobs and crocheting a blanket and maybe life isn't so bad anymore!! maybe you can feel awful and fix your life anyway!! maybe you're allowed to be a wreck and still be good enough!! i am a full on adult and have avoided getting my license for years but now i'm finally doing it because i've grown around the fear!!!! the world didn't crash and burn when i was fifteen!! i did this for myself and i'm going to be okay!!
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cruxymox · 24 days
a prompt, or prompts, of sorts, or of a sort
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found circles from my photos
three by three ( nine )
there are options here -
you could find words for this where i could not, or you could find your own circles, three by three or four by four if your photos are plentiful & harvestable ( pull those circles right up by the roots )
you could then give those circles words of your own or let them speak for themselves
if you can find their voices, lure them their hiding spot, make them read their own poetry
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captainpirateface · 22 days
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cowboyjedii · 7 months
I miss girlhood,
The unspoken bond between women,
We are together in our oppression,
In our fight to just be,
But Instead of a girl growing into a woman,
I grew into a non-binary person,
Now I am alone,
No more sisterhood,
No more unspoken ties,
I am alone,
I miss something,
I realized I don’t miss being a girl or sisterhood,
I miss community.
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radiostaticcc · 1 month
Rebellious joy
I have done nothing but what I’m supposed to do,
been nothing but what I’m supposed to be,
and yet I still wallow at the sight of my own reflection.
Could it be that we are the sole makers of our joy?
Perhaps he was never right.
I am not what I eat.
I am what I think.
I am my own man.
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sbblake · 2 months
“Oh To Be”
Oh to be
Something of beauty in any aspect
Oh to be
Oh to be loved
And cared for;
Pruned by you,
Like I belong somewhere.
Oh to be
Written about,
Oh to be enough
Oh to be something,
That deserves to be given half a shit about.
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llovely · 8 months
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here's a fake interview about my me & my girlfriend that i transcribed from my head. enjoy!
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stem-sloop · 4 months
but the real sin towards myself would be giving wings to whom with arms and feet had enough to swell my soul whole
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asteroidaffection · 6 months
i struggle with object permanence so if you don’t remind me you exist i will forget
so could you do me a favor and please stop being everywhere
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anxiety-banana · 7 months
thinking about my thirteenth birthday when my older brother wrote in my birthday card that he couldn't believe i was already a teenager. he gave me a necklace that was created by a music artist we both liked, and talked about how it was to remind me that i am priceless and worth every bit of attention and love i receive. he was watching me grow up into a world he couldn't fix, so this was his prayer that i would be able to live in it anyway.
i think about that and i wonder if he knew that i look at that necklace so many years later, the necklace i've fixed three times, the necklace that i wore down to it's oxidized, green, state, no longer fresh and clean and beautiful, i look at it and remind myself to this day that i am priceless and worth every bit of attention of love i receive. i wonder if he knew that i would take that love to heart. i wonder if he knew i would cry when i thought i lost it, once. i wonder if he really, truly, knew how important it would be to me. i wonder if he knew that was the first time someone told me it was okay to think i was good, and loveable, and kind.
he was so special to me, at that age. and those words meant so much. and maybe i don't worship him like i used to, but i keep the reminder that my seventeen year old brother wanted to make sure i felt loved.
i might not keep the necklace forever. but i keep those words with me forever, because he was the first to teach me that it was okay to like myself.
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fixing-bad-posts · 6 months
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but in all seriousness, please watch my favourite performance of this monologue of all time
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girlhud · 1 year
this too is poetry
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captainpirateface · 4 months
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cowboyjedii · 5 months
When I was a kid I wanted to be a dog
When I was a r teen I wanted to be a werewolf
Now I want top surgery
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creekfiend · 2 months
alfies been playing stardew valley and we were talking about who to marry and I was like oh elliott is my forever husband he's such a fucking weirdo but over a few days it slowly became apparent to me that im barely reacting to this character as he actually exists in the game bc I kept being like "oh yeah I also hate his marriage dialogue I simply don't listen to him. I'm like that's nice honey go listen to the wine ferment in the basement" and Alfie was like. does he do that. and I was like well. I think he does
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sbblake · 2 months
Trace each cicatrix,
Certainly made with a sick intention
Of defacement
Here, as the outside light begins to fade earlier and earlier,
Winter is made imminent,
And all that pain curls up before the fireplace to settle,
As if it pays the rent.
And like the tips of my chilly fingers,
Your skin is oh so flushed.
What did they mean?
Those words you spoke in that foreign,
Dying language?
(I guess I’ll never know.)
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