#pokemon presents woke me up
funky-choo-choo · 4 months
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I woke up from my slumber.
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jils-things · 16 days
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♡ jaide, it's me! ♡
finally did that meme that was going around awhile back <3 i had to draw all of his cool costumes at some point and this was the perfect theme to do this hehehehe <3
source of their outfits + original image under the cut c:
credits to @/cafekitsune for dividers
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loupy-mongoose · 10 months
The journey was long.
Vast seas, ending in the same blue-to-blue horizon wherever they looked.
Randy led the Linden party guided by the compass he held. Without stars, this was what they had.
They passed the time by talking. Singing. Playing games. Sometimes chatting with Wingull flocks they passed. Sometimes Akoya and Persim transformed and dove in to snatch up a fish snack.
While mostly they flew, sometimes they teleported. They couldn't do it too much as it could cause the Mews--usually Randy--To get queasy.
Akoya, and less often Persim, also transformed into large water type Pokemon, like Lapras, to give them all a break from the monotony of flying. It also offered the babies a chance to stretch their legs and get some activity.
They traveled for several hours. Perzi woke from a nap to find Lav asleep, and Randy draped over her. He was watching the three kits sleep with glazed eyes.
Hey, Mate. Want me to take a turn watching?
The thin Mew blinked at him, seemingly remembering that he was even there. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a yawn came out.
That's a yes. Catch a nap, Randy. I got 'em.
Randy seemed hesitant, but soon his look turned grateful. Thanks, Perz... He stretched his arms, then folded them under his head and promptly fell asleep.
After a little while, the kits began to wake up. Midas was easy enough. He didn't move around much, apparently resistant to waking. Rosie wandered around on the limited zone of Akoya's shell. But she was careful and didn't go far enough to fall.
Momo was the one to watch. Since she was confidently flying, Perzi had to keep a close eye on her, and wrangle her back if she decided to stray. But she was enjoying this "game" she was playing with Uncle Perzi so it was easy enough!
WARNING: The following comic contains child endangerment
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Akoya plowed ahead with new urgency. Her family huddled on her back, gathered around Perzi and little Rosemary.
I'm so sorry, Rosie... I'm so sorry...
The little Mew shivered in her fathers hands as he held her close to his chest. Occasionally she let out uncomfortable twitters.
Randy, I... Persim's face was a mask of horror and guilt. I... I-I feel horrible. This... Th-this shouldn't h-have happened... I... Sh-she didn't...
Randy put his arm around the devastated Mew. Try not to worry about it, Persim. Let's try to keep calm so she can be.
Persim trembled under Randy's arm. As much as he might be angry at Perzi for letting this happen at all, the ache in his heart trumped it.
Thank you, Randy.
His ear twitched. He dared not turn his head for fear of smacking the distraught Mew with his muzzle.
If it weren't for you, she... He silenced, and shut his eyes, spilling tears down his cheeks.
Randy said nothing, and held him tighter.
Their shiny Lapras mount jolted forward, and the riders fought to stay upright.
They watched as the spotted landmass slowly grew larger, signaling their eminent arrival in Hoenn...
And help for Rosie...
...I'mma... go hide in a corner now.
Note: Randy's ring isn't present on purpose. He packed it away so he didn't lose it.
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teecupangel · 6 months
Was looking at Pokémon that are red cause of reasons, don’t ask it doesn’t make sense, and then had the thought: Desmond reborn as Charmander. And just imagining him growing up into a Charizard. Like, especially in an au where Desmond comes from a universe without Pokémon into this one, he’s just adjusting to “oh fuck I’m an animal?!” into “oh fuck I can breathe fire?!?!” and juuuuust when he’s getting over the concept and feeling of evolving, he becomes a Charizard and has a moment of “Wait…I have wings…I’M A DRAGON?!?!”
Meanwhile, Ezio/Altaïr/Ratonhnhake:ton (whoever you wanna put him with) just watch on in pure confusion as their partner Pokémon has a breakdown.
Okay, what if it was a First Gen Pokemon AU where Desmond is one of the three starter Pokemons in Monteriggioni, the first ‘town’ in the continent they are in and the headquarters of the Brotherhood.
They’re just called the Brotherhood, not the Assassin Brotherhood, and they’re rivals with the Order.
So three teenagers come to age and gets to pick their starter Pokemon before going on a journey across the continent to battle gym leaders and be legible to join the tournament held annually during the end of the year.
These young teenagers?
In Desmond’s eyes, they look exactly like Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton.
And apparently he was now a lizard with a flaming tail.
What the fuck.
The last thing he remembers is emptiness that made him sleepy.
When he woke up, he was there, in the middle of a large circular scifi looking table with a blue turtle with a curly tail and some kind of animal with a large closed plant on its back and…
Holy shit.
What the hell is this place?
He could see his reflection from one of the nearby monitors and he was a red lizard with a flaming tail.
He began to flap his tail, accidentally smacking the turtle who let out an indignant “Squirtle!” and smacked him back with his own tail.
Desmond, still not used to his new center of balance, staggered and accidentally slammed against the plant animal on his other side who went “Bulba-saur!” and…
All three stared at the sudden all out brawl happening on the presentation table as Ezio asked, “Uuhhh, Tio…?”
“Such lively Pokemons.” Mario simply laughed it off, “Don’t worry. We’ll heal them once you picked your first Pokemons!”
“Are you telling us to pick now?” Ratonhnhaké:ton asked with a frown.
“Yes. And…” Mario grinned at them, “As your first duty as a Pokemon trainer, you three should stop them from fighting too.”
“You just don’t want to get between that fight yourself.” Altaïr dryly said.
Mario just laughed instead of denying it.
(You decide who gets Desmond. By this point, you guys know me enough to know which one I would pick hahahahaha)
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arvensimp · 1 year
Look I made you some content! Simp made you your favorite, open wide. Here comes the content. It's a beautiful day for a silly little ficlet to warm back up to writing again lol
gn!reader, no gendered pronouns used. Pure fluff. Slightly suggestive themes, nothing explicit.
Arven isn't a furnace, per say, but he's definitely warm. You learn that quickly during your first night together. He's warm and soft in all the best ways. His kisses are gentle, tentative, hesitant. It's only when you press his cheeks between loving palms, your thumbs rubbing smooth circles along his stubbled skin as you tell him explicitly: "Hey, you're good. I like you, and this is fun." That he starts to gain a bit more confidence.
He's still not quite...boisterous. That's not really him. But he's present, not as nervous or flighty.
You don't "make love" that night, but you're certainly loving to one another as you learn your bodies. Timid caresses gain traction, and whispered sighs get louder. Kisses become a bit more heated.
No, it wasn't love making, but love was there.
That's why the next morning, you feel for his warmth, that soft rigidity and stability of him under your hand.
You're met with soft, cool pillows and blankets instead.
Your eyes blearily open.
Arven isn't there.
You roll over.
He isn't in your bathroom if the ajar door is anything to go by.
Had you pushed him too far?
Your mind panics, going over the details of the night again. You'd both checked in with one another constantly. Had...had he not felt comfortable? Was he not comfortable enough with you to say no?
You flop over again, rather ungracefully to try and grab your phone, but it was away from the charger overnight and died. Fainted? What...what do rotom phones do exactly? Was there a rotom buzzing around your apartment right now, escaped from the confines of a smart phone?
Whatever, there's more pressing matters.
You plug the device in with near shaking hands.
It slowly starts to charge, and you heave a sigh as you stand. You can't turn it back on with such a low battery anyway. Might as well grab a bite from the kitchen. Maybe bread and jam or something. Maybe you could make Arven something...like a peace offering? Something to show you didn't mean to upset him?
The man can be so unsure of himself at times.
You pad softly into the kitchen and are met with the sight of your Pokemon out of their balls and bouncing around the dining area. You jolt in surprise as they rush you.
"Well good morning!" You greet the one who made it to you first.
"Good morning!" Comes a voice from around the kitchen corner.
You nearly jump out of your skin at the sound of it, barely holding back an embarrassingly high pitched noise of surprise.
Arven rounds the corner, his fluffy hair pulled back into a low ponytail, though there's still his usual bit of fringe falling over his face. In his hands is a silver mixing bowl and one of your whisks.
"You're good with omelettes for breakfast, right?" He asks you, easy as anything.
You only realize you're staring when he pauses, a bit of color dusting his single visible cheek.
"Is...is this okay?" He asks, and you can almost see the confidence of earlier drain from him like sand through a sieve.
"Uh..." You falter. "Y-Yes!" You try to snap back quickly before he fully retreats into a shuckle shell. "Sorry, I just... Haha, I... I woke up alone..." You shift your weight a bit, then move closer over to him, approaching the breakfast bar that divides you.
"I thought maybe I scared you off or something? I was already plotting ways to, I dunno...try to win you back or something."
Arven laughs, and the confidence seems to return. Good. It suits him.
"Win me back? Huh... Maybe you should make breakfast then." He sets the bowl down on the countertop, leaning over it a bit with a smirk on his face.
It's then that you notice the frilly apron covering his otherwise bare chest.
He must've found the thing in the back of your pantry, some gag gift that you'd been given ages ago.
Once again, you can't help but stare, making Arven laugh all the more.
"What? You don't like it? I dunno, I kinda feel like Saguaro in this, ya know?"
He flexes comically, but you absolutely can't deny the muscle he's built up over the years. He might not be as jacked as your teacher was, but...
Well, there's a reason you keep staring.
He picks up on this easily enough, laughs, and takes the bowl and whisk back off the counter.
"Don't worry. I'll finish breakfast this time, but you owe me an omelette next time, kay?"
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doubleddenden · 2 years
Okay so like... anyone else have some insane theories about wtf happened in the Great Crater? I'm sitting here like
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and i saw really good theories, but i had my own takes on how certain things went down. Mind you I'm playing from the perspective of someone that beat Violet, so if there's something slightly different in Scarlet (which I doubt its all that different), i might be a tad off.
But if you want to fall down into this rabbit hole with me, read on what I basically copied from my insane ramblings at my friends and slightly expanded on. BUT, be warned, do not read unless you have beaten all the stories of the game. All of them. There's major spoilers if you do, and I strongly recommend you experience the ending for how powerful it is, and read the Violet book contents for yourself in the Entrance Hall.
There's a book called the Violet/Scarlet book depending on the version, and it was written by a man named Heath from the Area Zero expedition team that explored this huge, unmapped and perilous Great Crater at the center of Paldea/PokeSpain. Heath wrote about a lot of crazy things that the public thought was nothing more than fantasy roughly… I think 200 years ago? Until the professor half proves it true about 10 years ago by discovering the "jewels" that the book talked about that would make Pokemon all sparkly- Terrastilizing basically- and made them a pretty common phenomena in the rest of Paldea. This same book also mentions various weird monsters that look like either ancient versions of Pokemon or futuristic robot versions of Pokemon- again, this is HUNDREDS of years ago written down- and these Pokemon do exist.
Further into the Violet book, Heath talks about a particular… Thing he saw- He's unsure of whether its a Pokemon at all and the text is all garbled, and the picture is hardly any help because it kinda looks about as abstract as an Evangeleon angel. BUT, the Pokemon is said to be comprised of a LOT of hexagonal shapes basically, and since it's heavily hinted like this, it's most likely another legendary Pokemon not covered in base Scarlet or Violet at this point. Here's the creepy part about the hexagons: Professor Turo/Sada- although not really them and more like their AI counterpart- basically gets the player to come down to Area Zero/The Great Crater's very bottom to turn off a time machine that is uncontrollable, following a strict program by the ORIGINAL Professor that is long since dead, and is bringing past/future Pokemon to the present in ways that would destroy or endanger our ecosystems. GUESS WHAT FUCKING SHAPES ARE COMPRISED OF THE TIME MACHINE ROOM??? well, triangles, but also HEXAGONS!!!! LOTS OF MULTICOLOR HEXAGONS!!!
it gets even weirder. Heath wrote an entry about how he and his team found these weird carvings and symbols in Area Zero that cannot be deciphered. He also writes about how he woke up someplace random one night, faintly remembering having a conversation with something or someone but not having the foggiest clue what, and he had notes and shit scribbled down after that. Separate from that, the Time Machine Turo/Sada built is able to send pokeballs to distant eras to capture and bring back those creatures to the present- but they didn't invent it until about 10 years prior to the present day- AND YET Heath still saw Paradox Pokemon. It'd be a simple thing to say the Great Crater acts as a nature preserve to super ancient Pokemon if it were just that- but 200 years ago in VIOLET Specifically, a robot Donphan mortally wounded a team member- same as the ancient Donphan does in Scarlet. That should be impossible because Iron Treads/Robot Donphan is from the FUTURE, not the past.
BUT for some fucking reason, for some DANG OL REASON, despite us going through several fail safes to turn it off, more and more fail safes come back online despite the AI wanting us to turn it off- because the AI saw that this was dangerous, but Turo for some reason wanted DESPERATELY to keep the Time Machine running. The desperation is so intense that the fail safes are able to overwrite AI Turo's will in order to protect the time machine.
Basically it seems fated that Turo/Sada obtains the Violet/Scarlet book somehow, because it ends up being their favorite childhood book and eventually brings them to the crater where they set up a lab and eventually succeed in building their time machine and proving Terrastilization is real. Turo, from my end anyway because Violet, seems obsessed with making "Paradise" in which Future Pokemon can coexist with present Pokemon- In fact, he seems to be driven somewhat mad by it, because his fellow scientists- including the woman that would become his son/Arven's mother even abandoned him. Turo would eventually create an AI that is a perfect replica of his personality and memories to a certain extent, made only possible due to the energy that is available down there. Turo would eventually be killed by a second Miraidon that he brings back from the future- I assume Sada is killed by a second Koraidon- either way, the robot is now all that's left of the Professor, and it asks us to come down to turn it off.
I believe Turo had some sort of… connection to some sort of entity- probably the same one that conversed with Heath- and the entity basically laid out seeds that would lead to Turo creating the time machine- including having Turo send future Pokemon back to the exact point the Zero Expedition was happening, ensuring the Violet Book would be written and bring him there. But now the issue is this: Why? Why was he so desperate? Why was it so important to keep the portal open? p2
The hexagons play another role in this: In Area Zero, crystals grow rampantly and even swallows technology whole, even trees aren't spared, but it was able to swallow WHOLE BUILDINGS. The mysterious Hexagon thingy Heath found is most likely the progenitor to Terrastilizing- and this is where it gets weirder and weirder- Terrastilized crowns that EVERY POKEMON WEARS all have tiny faces in the crowns. The orb that allows us to Terrastilize is also conveniently shaped like a Pokeball, imo.
Theory time: Terrastilizing is a sort of soft fusion between a regular Pokemon and this hexagonal entity that can alter its types- Which probably means it can be any type like Arceus. And again, the entire room the time machine is in is COVERED in hexagons- rainbow prism hexagons that constantly change and refract colors. Crazy time: The original Turo/Sada was lured into the Crater by some being- maybe from the ancient past or from the far future- so that it could make some sort of bridge to our time from when its most powerful, because as of now, its power barely escapes the crater in the form of Terra crowns. They were sort of driven mad by the same thing that visited Heath until they died. THIS THING IS AN ELDRITCH BEING OF SOME SORT. Maybe it has access to ancient records if its from the future after assimilating with technology, maybe it has clairvoyance about the far future due to being in its prime back in the ancient past- either way, there's something it wants in the present, and it NEEDED the time machine to be open.
And I don't wanna point fingers, but I think Glimmora has something to do with this. Glimmora is relatively... weak? Maybe not quite as imposing Pokemon as something like Garchomp or something to be the ace of a "Top" Champion. BUT, in Violet, this is its dex entry:
Violet: Glimmora's petals are made of crystallized poison energy. It has recently become evident that these petals resemble Tera Jewels. 
Its face also resembles the face in the crowns of each terra crown as well.
Now I'm not saying Glimmora is exactly evil- no no no, I'm merely putting it in the same boat as Cyclizard and Carbink specifically. Cyclizard, as we know, is either the descendant or ancestor to Koraidon and Miraidon, and Diancie is said to have evolved from a Carbink and then created Mega Stones. GUESS WHAT POKEMON IS SUPER FUCKING COMMON DOWN IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF AREA ZERO??? Glimmora! Where all of those crystals grow! What if this super ancient or super future hexoganal Pokemon is some sort of relative to it? Glimmora in the present just being a regular Pokemon or perhaps innocent seeming eyes for it- either way, like Cyclizard, it would become a future evolved from a past variant.
Let's go deeper. Glimmora and Glimmet have 6 flower petals- the Terra jewels are hexagonal. The petals for both are a toxic mineral- Whenever a Trainer Terrastilizes, it seems like it might be slightly painful for them or hard to control- most wince. Geeta... doesn't. She reacts to it, but not like others do, merely glancing at the Terra Orb. The player has no issues with this and seems to do it with zero discomfort.
When Geeta Terrastilizes, she says "Be the light of all trainers, Glimmora." Which... Could just be flavor text, but I feel like there could be more as well.
So now my theory is that this Hexagon Pokemon is likely some sort of eldritch being that can communicate with people via their minds- And mind you, another Rock/Poison type also could poison the minds of someone it possesses, that Pokemon being Nihilego. It could be that this Pokemon is brainwashing or sort of making people do its bidding- all to get the time machine built.
So now we're left with "Why?" and "How."
And I think we have a perhaps even bigger question
What the actual hell made that fucking crater?
and two scarier ones:
What does it want?
Could something turn the machine back on? Because we know things other than Pokeballs can travel through time thanks to AI Turo.
I think future DLC is going to be fucking WILD because holy shit, the story in this game is already freaking fantastic, and now we might havve some major eldritch conspiracy shit going on.
Or I'm probably wrong, reading way too deep into this, and GF is just gonna be like "lol who knows" like they usually do. They tend to do that a lot and just... never elaborate on things. This time just feels way too detailed and interwoven to just be left alone, though.
end Pepe Silvia time
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blaiddraws · 2 years
Just found the Ghost Worm AU today and am LOVING it. Which is surprising, normally I can't stand Fakemon but the ones here are proving to be nice exceptions! Probably the originality combined with the heartwarming factor. Anyways, after seeing Arceus's meeting with Ingo, I have to ask - how did Ingo first react upon realizing he was 1) dead and 2) a Pokemon? And when did he remember Emmet and the Subway?
FIRST OFF. I WROTE OUT AN ENTIRE POST and then DELETED it instead of posting. so here's me complaining
thank you!!! I'm so very flattered you enjoy my wormy guy!! :D
for question one: i actually wrote a short little thing for. immediately when he woke up
basically; he shoves All That off into a little corner of his mind for him to process Later
(not in the fic. he ends up holeing himself up in wayward cave for a hot minute. has a crisis or ten. eventually comes across melli, and melli inadvertently helps him process it all)
for the second question: the answer is. ehhh *vague shrug*. and by that i mean there's not one specific moment. it all slowly comes back to him over the years (though by the time the present day comes around, he's long since remembered everything)
let's see, I'd say by the first year or two he's remembered a decent chunk of stuff. still barely a drop in the bucket compared to his whole memories, and most of it is really really vague, but it's enough to remember that he Does Indeed have a family, people that cared for him. a job he loved. etc. even if he cannot recall the specifics of those
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ask-team-misfit · 7 months
She Fell From the Sky??
[ previous ]
If you heard that dead in the middle of the night, you'd think you're under attack, too.
Lief certainly thought as much when he was thrown out of bed by a great tremor, accompanied by that loud and awful sound of several trees being smashed.
It would be some time before he stopped cowering on the floor and wincing each time something of his fell and shattered. But that was because of something he knew and feared all too well.
Earthquakes that intense usually meant giants.
Giants usually meant destruction would shortly follow if he didn't vamoose.
So vamoose Lief did, tossing the cover off his vertical entrance to the burrow and scrambling to his feet, frantically climbing his way out. He fell over at a point, quickly rising back on his fours to look around–only to pause shortly after as he realized something else.
There was no storm surging above him.
Just a clear night sky and a calm breeze.
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Lief: "Huh…"
Aside from what he saw, the breeze carried a scent with it. He took a couple of whiffs, only to grimace further.
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Lief: "Something stinks."
The smell wasn't from the forest. And anything not of the forest usually meant… Treasure Hunters.
Following his nose, Lief made his way to investigate.
Past bunches of berries that had fallen from the trees, which he casually picked up one to eat along the way.
Past a scared Pokemon or two running in the opposite direction, which had bumped into him and almost caused him to drop said berry.
He rolled his eyes in response and kept it moving.
Then he paused and gaped as he saw the clearing ahead. He swallowed his moutful with a barely audible gulp.
Except it wasn't a clearing–Pikavee's landing simply created one.
Lief: "And that's why I totally was not cowering. You didn't see that."
Back in the present, Lief had since relaxed himself around Pikavee; he was standing in the open with her, finishing up the berry as he finished explaining the above.
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Pikavee: "L-let me see if I have this right. For starters, your name is Lief."
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Lief: "Yep."
Pikavee: "And I woke you up."
Lief: "Yep. Why'd you make such a mess, anyway?"
A moment of silence from Pikavee. She looked really guilty.
Pikavee: "I'm sorry… I'm still not sure what really happened."
Lief: "Eh, we'll figure it out. No need to be so sorry on my behalf."
Pikavee: "Um. Then you came here–"
Lief: "Mhm."
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Pikavee: "A-and… you've been watching me the whole time…??"
Lief: "Yep. I'm nosy."
With a flap or two of his wings, Lief took flight. He fluttered about Pikavee with a kiddish grin.
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Lief: "So, where'd you come from~? I'm thinking it must be way far out. Those are some funny clothes."
Pikavee: "I don't think they're that weird…"
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Pikavee: "I-I live near downtown. In the Sciliva region."
A long silence followed. The kind that would make one wonder if they said something off-kilter.
Lief blinked at her, still with that quaint smile, and asked the worst possible question.
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Lief: "Silly-wha?"
Character page for Lief reconnected unlocked.
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luke-r-gillespie · 1 month
May 6 - Asakusa / Fukugawa Edo Museum
For my first day in Tokyo, I woke up around 6AM (thank you jetlag) and reviewed the days readings before heading downstairs to eat breakfast with my group. Following breakfast, I attended the first class meeting before embarking to Asakusa by train. Asakusa temple was amazing, the size and intricacy of the temple and the surrounding structures was breath taking.
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After looking around in some stalls around the temple, I paid 100 yen to have my fortune read. I received a bad fortune (not cool,) but I tied it to the designated to post to hopefully shake my bad luck. After looking around at the shrine for a bit longer, I went to lunch with some friends and had some great Japanese food (despite the meal taking way longer than we initially anticipated.) It was the type of restaurant where they prepare the food in front of you, but it was taking too long and we were going to be far too late returning to the group, but thankfully my (sub-par) Japanese speaking helped me to resolve the situation. After Asakusa, we went to the Fukugawa Edo Museum where a great tour guide told us all (but mostly Zachary) about life in the Edo period. After the days excursions were done I went to the Pokemon center, UNIQLO, Don Quijote and a really strange free art exhibit. I ended the night at a great pizza place down town where I had a really nice time with some friends. After a missed train or two, I ended up back at Hotel Edoya where I now sit writing this post.
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Academic Reflection
The Asakusa temple is an ancient Buddhist temple which is extremely popular in and around Tokyo. The temple is that of Kannon, the god(ess) of mercy. Many aspects of the temple are indicative of Buddhist history and its influences. For example, the giant sandals meant to ward off demons or the statues that stand on either side of the temple's entrance which have obvious Greek influence. Unlike many other temples and shrines in Japan that are typically only visited in the event of someone's death, the Asakusa temple was bustling with commerce and activity. The influence of Buddhism on Japan's economy and religious beliefs was very evident at the temple. The deity (Kannon) presented at the temple seemed more in line with Mahayana sect of Buddhism. The Fukugawa Edo Museum presented an extremely accurate and realistic depiction of a small section of Edo era Tokyo. The entire "city block" was very reminiscent of the reading on premodern Japan. The businesses and homes presented real world examples of how many different individuals lived in the Edo period (aside from the Emperor, Shogun, and his Daimyos.) It is not hard to picture how Japan prospered under the Tokugawa's rule if these were the conditions at the time. The rice warehouse and the boathouse were particularly interesting and it helped that our guide was passionate about the material.
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 months
@daychiie tagged me in “list five topics you can talk about for an hour without preparing any material” AND OH BOY THE EXCITEMENT I FELT IN MY BONES TYSM!!
1. The Dragon Prince, apparently i am a sleeper agent when it comes to this show cause i forgot it existed while i was waiting tor the new season then when i watched it i suddenly upgraded my art skills over night and woke up with all the books in my house please talk to me about the dragon prince i can be trusted to be normal
2. Of course MP100 god i miss it everyday and still reread the Reigen manga when im feeling down I’ve already talked about it so much but i still can go on (Reigen manga please get a anime adaption please i still believe in you)
3. Pokémon, i went from never having any interest in the Pokémon franchise to having 8 OCs, several pokemon games, plushes and figures, and beloved Pokemon in my Pokemon Home account who if they ever got lost in the digital world i WOULD cry
4. Myths, folktales, and cryptids in general dragons especially please let me talk about dragons can we talk about dragons i have 2 books on dragons and 4 on legends across the world please let me make a power point presentation on my favorites
5. Analog horror and found footage horror i am a sucker for analog horror but i am pretty picky about it i can talk for hours about what makes a good analog or found footage horror and the themes that are often found in them the first two that come to mind automatically is Skinamarink and The Oldest View
Tagging @limebitches but anyone can do this!
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kafus · 3 months
Well I woke up to the wind howling and a locked ankle and saw your message for asks, I'm so sorry you're going through a pain episode again and I hope it cools down soon. About Coliseum not having plot: it's actually really clever of them to involve it on such a base level that it's not written anywhere. Wes used to be a snatcher, had a change of heart (the premise of the plot) and ran off with their snatcher to fix what he did wrong while also fighting the organization he helped steal pokemon for. It's not explicitly there unless you look at it which I get is a gripe in the community but having a plot exist so loosely makes the story telling work through the cast of people. I really loved that game because it allowed me to bring my beloved Sapphire pokemon to life. No worries about replying either, just wanted to help in some way distract you.
oh i hope i did not give off the impression that i'm unaware of the story that is present in colosseum - it's not that it literally has no plot whatsoever, i was using exaggerative wording. Events Happen, there is a setup and rising action and a conclusion, and like most silent pokemon protagonists there is characterization implied about wes through the events of the game and what other characters have to say around him. i read the dialogue when i play pokemon games and i think if anyone missed the general plotline of colosseum they probably... weren't reading. which is uh. common for pokemon fans LOL. but i moreso mean that despite being a much more linear pokemon game than what was normal at the time, with a pretty high stakes and elaborate premise, it doesn't really deliver on following through on that linear story in a satisfying way, at least imo. characterization is thin (partially because of... weirdly wonky translation?) and most of the plot and characterization has to be imagined or filled in by the player, which again isn't unusual for old pokemon games, it's just unusual considering what colosseum was going for as a much more linear and standard JRPG experience.
THAT ALL BEING SAID for one im fully aware my thoughts r subjective and two i love colosseum and i criticize it with love. orre is awesome, the skeleton of a plot that is there is super cool, and i personally enjoy filling in the gaps even though i think it's an odd choice that i have to do that, i enjoy it every time anyway. and all the stadium games were indeed amazing for that, being able to bring the 2d pokemon sprites to life on the big screen. i think colosseum is a beloved game by the people who have played it for a reason and i wouldn't have so much to say about it if i didn't appreciate it immensely.
sorry for such a longwinded answer to your ask i just genuinely think the topic is interesting so i have a lot to say lol. btw i hope ur ankle feels better :(
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pk-freezer-burnt · 8 months
Epic Yume Nikki - Dream Diary - Review
Five years ago a reboot of the cult classique video game Yume Nikki was released into the world at the tender age of zero. I have recently completed the game in its entirety, and today....... I share my thoughts.
I remember shatting myself when this game got announced on Steam. I got it on release day! However.... my laptop back then was not strong enough to run it - like I couldn't even move Madotsuki at all and my laptop was torching up. So, super duper sadly, I had to refund it......
And then.... I felt even more disappointed when the initial reviews came rolling in for the game on Steam and they were "Mixed" - and if you are familiar with Steam game reviews, if a game manages to have a mixed reception, it's p much synonymous to shit. I was shocked bro. So since then I was under the impression it was a failed reboot that didn't get the same feel as the original game, or just too new to be seen as Yume Nikki.
Fast forward to recently, when I figured I'd pick the game up again (and now able to play it since I've gotten a new laptop within the past 5 years) and.... I SERIOUSLY wish I didn't listen to those reviews, because now I get that they were probably the crowd that gets too repulsed by reboots/remakes that are too different from the original (Pokemon fans know what Im talking about). Like cmon guys it was made under the supervision of the dude who made the original Yume Nikki themselves
Anyways. HOLY shmoley. I'm serious. This game was SO GOOD!! The art... it was just BEAUTIFUL! In the reboot, you actually get to see Madotsuki's diary (which is full of sketches and concept art as you progress thru the game) and I went ahead and collected ALL the drawings because I love them so much.
I do remember being a little sad that there were less doors (I think?) compared to the original. Number World in the og was my favorite place because somehow seeing a really really long number on the floor was somewhat unsettling. Sadly it wasn't there, but the way the worlds were intertwined and different areas were referenced were SO genius.
Shout out to le new creature made by the original creator, thanks for throwing up blood everywhere when I played hot cross buns on my recorder I mean flute
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Ok so I figured out his name is Wrapi :]
Likewise with the worlds, there were only a few effects present in the game instead of 20+. Although I do like the Eye with Hand effect being remade into a Hamsa ^___^ I don't usually see that amulet in media which is awesomesauce. And it's fitting.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Fisherman, cup boy at the mall filled with blood or juice who tripped and spilled everywhere, AND.....
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Also, ironically, the scariest part of the game for me was after you make Mado stab the monster on the highway. and she wakes up. And your controls stop working and she stares at you. Yeah I shat myself bro not even gonna sugarcoat it.
Second scariest part was when the last achievement I had to get was to score 5000 POINTS ON SUPER NASU ARRGHH!! (i did it tho).
The game actually has two endings and neither of them are the same as the original. And I think I like that. The main ending... it gave Madotsuki more hope, i think - Like escaping those nightmares and getting back to living life happily. Even though the majority of the game is in the dreamworld, the further you progress, the messier Mado's room got and the more she woke up upset. Seeing the main ending made me happy for her :] I also liked the secret ending (had to look up how to do that one), I think this one implied more of an escapism ending. So not as much closure but yeah.
Overall, I really liked this game. It was a great homage to the original, had engaging puzzles, beautiful arts, and lovely OST remixes.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
Hello, this is the anon that sent a request about SWSH characters interacting with a reader that came from past Hisui, I reread your pinned post and I wanted to apologize for not reading it more carefully the first time. I would like to specify that I wanted the mini fic to be about Raihan and that I would want the post to be SFW please. I again apologize for not reading more carefully the first time and I hope it didn’t bother you or annoy you in any way. If you want even more specific details than could Rahian be the one who finds the reader when they fall through the ultra wormhole into Galar and he eventually ends up taking them around Galar showing them new things like rotom phones, trains, or new Pokémon? Raihan and the reader can become friends or s/o, I don’t mind whatever you chose
Have a good day! :]
Original request was asking for a reader basically being reverse Hisui'd. Coming to Galar from the past with a team of past pokemon and Raihan finding them and helping. Reader is basically amazed with all the new pokemon that weren't present before, things like trains, etc. For this canon let's say Reader had amnesia when they were transported to Hisui and then they get yeeted back and all their memories are of Hisui. Still the main mc of PLA.
I also wanted to make them a gremlin because things from Hisuian times wouldn't fly now and days. Like scaling a mountain, yeeting handmade pokeballs while stalking pokemon, and free flying with no safety equipment basically.
Sorry for the long introduction. This piece was actually so much fun to write you don't even know. Wish I could make it longer but with all the other requests I got I just don't have time to spend hours on a single fic.
Discord (16+) - Request Information 
SFW Raihan: Reverse Hisui'd Reader
You thought the weirdest thing you'd have to do was personally dance with Arceus, trying not to die with just you against a god. No...that was just the beginning of the weirdness. You had lost all memory when you came to Hisui, much like Ingo, but you did know that pokemon battling basically ran in your blood. You knew too much unconsciously about the creatures to say it's coincidence.
It's why you were the one who tamed all the beasts and saved the world. You were chosen by literal god to do this task, and in return he snatched all your memories. The only thing you had to recall it was the Arc Phone you held dear to you, and the strange clothes you came in.
After your battle with Arceus, things had gone black. You were honestly concerned you might have somehow died. No. You didn't. Instead you woke up in a field with a biome you weren't used to with giant buildings off in the distance. Something even grander than what the Galaxy team could've ever roped together, that much you were sure about.
Then you met a trainer in equally strange garb who towered over you. He was taller than the commander, that was for sure, and you had to crane your neck to look up at him.
"Yo...you look lost. You okay?" His way of speaking was equally as strange. He was kind enough to begin taking you to the town when you suddenly stopped, grabbing his arm and pointing.
"What is that?" You said, eyes bulging open as the little pokemon ran off in the distance. It reminded you of a growlithe, but there was no way. You had an Arcanine on your team and the pre-evolution looked nothing like that.
"The growlithe?" Raihan asked, putting his hands in his pockets and giving you a curious look. You nodded your head, confused as you just stared at the creature.
"Is it sickly? Why does it look like that?" You asked, feeling the need to grab your giant research book to pull out and make some notes. Perhaps it was born disfigured.
"It looks healthy to me...and it's parent is right over there anyway." Raihan said, pointing to the Not-Arcanine. Your jaw dropped as you looked between him and the Not-Arcanine.
"That's not...here!" You said, fiddling with your satchel and grabbing the one you had etched a little symbol into so you knew who was inside the ball. Raihan was about to ask about your ancient looking pokeball when you tossed out your actual Arcanine. The way it's supposed to look.
Your team was full of Alpha's so you knew they'd be bigger than the other Arcanine, but the appearance. It was night and day. Raihan actually stumbled back a few paces, looking at the giant pokemon. The Arcanine was almost two feet taller than him and instead of the signature white and orange fur, it was black and red. It even visually looked different. He had never seen an Arcanine that size when it wasn't gigantamaxed.
"That's an Arcanine...an alpha one but an Arcanine nonetheless." You said, walking up to said pokemon. The giant beast lowered its head so you could pet the fluffy fur and Raihan was certain he was in a coma of some kind.
"We should...this isn't normal. We need to head back to town." Raihan said, running his hand through his dreads. You hummed and turned to him, deciding that the best way to get around would be to just ride Arcanine. You were certain your flute wouldn't summon Wyredeer, and it wasn't like you had never ridden Arcanine before. Just about any pokemon big enough could be a ride pokemon in your opinion.
Arcanine lowered itself and you climbed in top, offering a hand to the strange man you met, "Need a hand, this will be faster." You offered. Raihan noticed a distinct lack of any sort of saddle. You were really just going to hope for the best. He heard people in Alola used 'Ride Pokemon' but from what he knew, they always had saddles or safety equipment of some kind.
"I'll be good...but you might want to put Arcanine away once we reach town. We don't need anyone freaking out."
Well that was your first clue that you were no longer in Hisui. That and the technology. You were astonished when Raihan pulled out a device that looked almost like your Arc Phone but distinctly different.
You had no idea where you were...but your life was about to take a dramatic turn.
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circle-bircle · 10 months
today was my birthday and it was very fun :) first i woke up early because i had a party!! and it was dinosaur themed, and i had a dinosaur ice cream cake and my friend went to chick-fil-a to get food for everyone, and there was a pinata i beat the crap out of. and we played a card game which was a great deal of fun. i got lots of presents and a new stuffed animal. and me and my friend went to go see the barbie movie and got popcorn and it was yummy. and then me and my mom went to this festival thing, and then we went to go shop around for fun stuff and i got a rug and biscoff and a poster with pokemon on it!! and some other stuff too like a kettle which i wanted badly. and we also went to get some italian food and i also got ANOTHER pinata which was rainbow. and my mom also got me a peppa pig figurine set!!!! and i got very many birthday wishes from everyone which is so stinkin' cool. i feel so popular!! now i am drinking tea from my favorite mug and life is good. i hope your life is good!!!!!
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r0-boat · 2 years
*slides in all cool and casual* I'm Curious... Omegaverse Siebold - headcanons or general thoughts?
Hello! I do have Headcanons
Cw: omegaverse, nsfw, no sex
Omegaverse! Siebold
Ok! Listen I see Siebold both an alpha or Omega, or maybe even a beta. He just has so much potential but for now I'm going to write head cannons for him as an alpha
Siebold has been on suppressants since day one. Look Siebold is a man of the schedule. And ruts and heats are just too unpredictable. And that was that right on suppressants and sent blockers because he was focused on his career.
I wouldn't be surprised if people thought he was a beta this entire time
He has always had control over his life, he never really wanted a Mate because he never really thought about it.
he has been around many delectable Foods in his life so he would say he's used to the sweet , sour, bitter scents of not only his patrons but the dishes he prepares
Untill you, you were a regular, he heard you were a very capable talented trainer, yes he remembers it clearly was understaffed so he served you table, your scent made his mouth water, sweet but not too sweet, refreshing almost Floral If he could describe it... kind of like-
"I asked for just water" oh, he's taking your order... you stumbles over his words jotting down your drink choice.
He doesn't know what to do with his new found feelings he always thought of you as a customer. he wrote it off as just a strange encounter and left it at that.
Well then you started working there. You are one of the wait staff, you are quite the character not a single day was boring after you are hired. Sure he even cracked a smile and chucked himself witnessing your Tom Foolery on your off hours or break. And despite all of this your training skills and Pokemon where exceptional. Your bond with your Pokemon and your quick thinking made you a formidable opponent.
Fuck. And that damned scent, he swears it's stronger now.
It all came crashing down when this morning, getting ready for work, he woke up late scattering to find his iron uniform and rushing in and out of the shower.
Siebold notice that his scent and suppressant blockers bottles were emptied. Clenched his teeth dammit it's a little too late to get more now he's going to have to wait till later.
Even with his cologne he's still reeked of alpha. He smelled so strong customers and coworkers turning their heads. His less than Pleasant morning and his already ticked off mood was a parent and he's thick sour scent. His employees we're more surprised that he was a beta, you in particular were silent.
The busy work day proceeded as normal, well as normal as it could with an alpha that spends most of his life on suppressants in the same building as an Omega who's in preheat but still decided to come to work today.
The day dragged on the two of you avoiding to be in the same room. Until there was only the two of you. On closing.
You couldn't take it anymore, you shouldn't have come here you should have just called in sick, or just wait to go get more suppressants.
Leaving the same room alone at the man you had a crush on for a while. To come here knowing you have a closing shift alone with him what were you thinking.
he wipes the counter as you mop the kitchen floor behind him keeping your eyes focused on the floor hoping, hoping that he doesn't notice you're scent is pretty much presenting for him right now.
You empty the mop bucket and roll it to the storage closet only to hear the door opening and closing behind you. Tensing up the smell of Rutting Alpha quickly filling the room.
" Do you know what effect you have on me?" Siebold growled your legs shake, fighting at your instinct that scream at you to get on your knees and please Alpha. Fuck... Your heat-
"Answer me!" "N-no Sir!" You whimper
He chuckles " oh I think you do" Arceus help you this is going to be your end.
You clench your legs leaning against the wall demanding he's demanding growls going straight to your core.
His first steps loud against the tile as he slowly walks closer to you he presses a hand on the wall next to you pressing his entire body against yours . Hot. Alpha. Mate.
"Smells sooo nice~" he whispers nuzzling against your shoulder
"P-please!" You went there when you feel this time running on your scent gland your mated bond.
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
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July 2, 2023
I have to remind myself to set a more gentle alarm tone because my homepod is just the nightmare if I'm being totally honest.
Woke up at 6am today because Porcia, curses to her, booked our riffle and arrow slot at 9am. I was on my way to Kingston to meet up with them when Porcia reminded us that we should bring our IDs. I didn't bring anything but my phone and she reminded me if I had registered for this excursion to which I didn't. I just knew that I'll be fucked up today and won't be joining them but I had my hopes up.
We met at Starbucks around 8:20am and I ordered my usual matcha frappe. We talked about some stuff about one of our friends and to be really honest I don't think she'll rat us out. It's not even the benefit of the doubt but I just trust her so much that I wouldn't think of her being able to expose us out.
We took an Uber and headed to Richmond. When we got there, I asked one of the ladies if I could present a photograph of my passport to register and this guy came and said sorry because I couldn't. I completely understand to be honest because it's entirely my fault. I was so psyched and stoked to finally try the bow and arrow more than the rifle shooting but then I forgot my ID. Good going, Ian. I just sat there and played Unite the whole morning.
After, we went to Carluccio's at Richmond and had some carbonara. It was really good I'd go again if I ever end up in Richmond again. It's so nice to be able to see the girls and just talk like I wasn't even away. I love our relationship and I don't see this ever stopping. I'm loving how they're still trying to take care of what we have.
Got some stuff from Sainsbury's because Eddie will be cooking our lunch for later and after took the National Rail then the tube home. Got dressed and cycled to the gym and did biceps, triceps, shoulders, and some cardio. My triceps were really mad. I was planning to take a mirror selfie but there were just too many people. Why am I even shy I don't know.
Went home and played Pokemon Unite and some Diablo 4. Eddie's home now and he's cooking. I can't wait to see him downstairs and give him a hug. I also kind of went overboard with my online shopping. A bag from Stubble and Co and some clothes from Zara. I'm broque.
Today was such a lovely day even one thing didn't go as planned. Still so much to celebrate.
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