#polar exploration SURE. go for it
kissmefriendly · 1 year
Now it can be stressful living with a sibling you’re not out to. But it definetly has its moments of accidental comedy.
Exhibit A: My brother, upon trying to go through my phone’s pictures, saying “Typical girl!” when I told him to shove off. The photos he would have seen were posters for drag events, screenshots of discount codes for packers, 80 pictures of various historical trans men and a lot of Napoleonic War dress uniforms
Exhibit B: “So you’re like, a lesbian, right? Do girls like cannabalism?” Apparently he was trying to get advice on how to ask someone out. This was immediately followed by “Do they like Arctic or Antarctic explorers more?” Oh, buddy. I didn’t know how to break it to him that I’m not a good measure of what The Ladies are into these days (see Exhibit A)… Also, don’t start any conversation with do you like cannabalism if you want to date that person.
Exhibit C: “My classmate asked what your pronouns are and I told her you didn’t have any.”
Exhibit D: “You know [The Theatre] you go to? I met someone who knew you and she called you a ‘he’ and a ‘they.’ So you do drag or something?”
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blackdollette · 6 months
"heard that you like the bad girls." | spencer reid
video games. - lana del rey
⊹₊⋆ synopsis: when the black cat meets the golden retriever.
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female!reader x spencer
word count: 1.2k
contents: opposites attract, spencer being a sweetheart, fluff, not proofread
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it had to have been a cruel joke played by the universe when you and spencer were assigned to work on a job together.
your interactions with him had never gone past glancing at him as he passed by or blankly nodding at the factoids he spat at 100 words per minute. he was a self-proclaimed genius, equipped with intelligence that many could only aspire to obtain. so it didn’t make sense to you why it was always as if his IQ got slashed in half whenever he spoke to you.
spencer was a sophisticated individual, particular about everything from the way he carried himself to how each chestnut-brown strand of his hair was laid. while you were the polar opposite. you went with the wind, going wherever the night took you. your attire consisted of dark colours and you put minimal effort into making yourself look professional, though you suppressed your style just a little to help it meet the nonexistent workplace requirements. even with your lack of interactions, spencer could tell you had a bold personality. and he longs to search and explore every part of it.
the first step he took in getting to know you was offering to give you a ride to work. as usual, you were running late. he’d said that he’d be at your place by 7:30 and you watched the long arm of the clock tick to 7:29. you slipped on your dark brown sweater, letting it rest on top of your pleated black skirt. you hastily put on your dark tights, finishing off the look with your black doc martens. you looked at yourself in the mirror, making sure you didn’t look as crazy as you felt you were going.
as the clock hit 7:30 the doorbell chimed, perfectly on cue. you quickly grabbed your bag, dashing down the stairs until you reached the front door, seeing spencer through the lens of the peephole. you let out a soft breath, taking in the 6 feet of elegance that awaited you on the other side of the door. the bright morning sub made his hair appear to be made of one million pure gold threads, his eyes turning into soft pools of honey.
with a deep breath, you opened the door, greeting him with a warm smile. he met your eyes with warm eyes and the softest smile you’d ever seen. he stared at you, not saying anything for a good moment until you cleared your throat to catch his attention. he ran a hand through his hair, blinking himself out of his smitten daze.
he couldn’t get over how much he wanted to know about you. you were attractive in a frustratingly effortless way, like you just so happened to roll out of bed looking like a goddess. he had gotten lost in your gaze again, finally coming to his senses after another long minute. “g-good morning.” you laughed softly as he stammered. “morning, doc.” you teased, never having bothered using such formalities before.
he went to extend a hand toward you before thinking that he was moving too fast. “shall we? my car’s in your driveway.” you nodded, walking out the door and shutting it behind you, making sure to lock it as you and he strolled over to his car. he opened the door for you and you hopped in, slightly flattered by his chivalrous gesture. he got into the driver’s seat next to you, stealing a quick glance in your direction as you buckled up his seat belt. he’d never been able to take his eyes off of you, but the feeling got even more intense when you were this close, your scent filling his nostrils. he started up the car, pulling out of your driveway.
you yawned, rubbing your eyes as he began to drive down your street. he raised an eyebrow. “tired?” you nodded. he began to speak again, his eyes lighting up in the way that they usually did whenever he went off on irrelevant tangents. “for optimum health and function, the average adult requires around 7-9 hours of sleep to function properly during the day. but studies show that 60% of women fall short of that goal.”
you laughed a little, amazed by how quickly he could pull the facts out of his head. he pulled out of your street, driving in the opposite direction of the workplace. “how about we head down to that coffee place across from your house? i saw it when i was coming earlier.” and he absorbed knowledge like a sponge. you smiled. “yeah, that’d be great. thank you, spencer.”
you could’ve sworn you heard him squeal when you called him by his name. you pulled out your mirror, fixing up your hair as he pulled into the parking lot. “i’ll be back in a minute, okay?” he walked into the cafe before you could respond. and he hadn’t even taken your order. you were willing to bet a large sum of money that he’d draw an assumption on how you liked your coffee. you took it black, no cream and no sugar. but no guy had ever guessed that right.
you flipped through the radio channels, searching for something good to play. you assumed that you’d be waiting for him for a while. but he walked out of the shop before you could even settle on something to play. he hopped back into the car, holding two large coffees in his hand. your eyes were wide. “that was quick.” he nodded. “i ordered ahead of time. i had a feeling you wouldn’t be used to heading to work this early.”
you rolled your eyes, accepting the cup he held out to you with a smile on your face. you took a slow sip of the drink, eyes growing with surprise as you tasted the familiar, bitter mixture. he was watching you with a stupid little grin on his face. “no cream and no sugar, right?” your eyebrows inched up on your forehead. “how’d you know that?” he shrugged, putting the keys back into the ignition. “i see you everyday. it’d be a shame if i didn’t know how you took your coffee.”
you felt a sizzling sensation spreading in your cheeks. you turned away slightly, watching the atmosphere change as he drove away. the car fell silent, something you’d never expect from spencer. then he opened his mouth to speak again. “h-hey, i’ve been meaning to ask you something…” you tilted your head to the side, curious at what he had to say. he took a deep breath, trying not to sound as awkward as he knew he was. “all this work stuff is pretty hectic, like all the time. but you seem… i-i dunno. you always listen to what i have to say and never act like i bore you. s-so… i was wondering if you’d like to try out that new restaurant that opened after work…?” 
he regretted asking as soon as the word came out, but you were grinning from ear to ear as you heard him speak like a normal, nervous guy instead of the genius he was. “you asking me out on a date, spencer?” he swallowed hard, quickly looking over at you. “i guess you could put it that way…” you stayed quiet, watching as he squirmed in his seat. you found that you liked getting him all riled up. you lifted up in your seat a little and pecked him on the cheek, his face immediately flushing with crimson. “pick me up at 7:30. don’t be late.” 
you and him both laughed at the irony of that statement.
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author's note: i need to rewatch criminal minds. i've completely forgotten everything about it
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yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
Some Pickle for my baby, @unstuckmusturd . Merry Christmas!! 🎄
TW: Dark content, monster fucking, gore, yandere, size difference, and horror elements
Yandere Baki Shorts: The Abominable Snowman
Yandere Yeti Pickle x Explorer Afab Reader
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“Are you sure you know where you’re taking us? It seems you’re deliberately leading us further and further away from civilization.” (Your name) ignored the whines of the group of men that trudged behind her in the snow. They dragged their feet as they huffed. The group hadn’t ceased their complaints since they had left the village but (your name) had already been paid the hefty sum to lead them up the mountain to find a rare herb.
“I’m sure.” (Your name) sighed as she lead them through the forest in the mountain. She’s traveled this mountain dozens of times. She knew it like the back of her hand. It was just a shame most men didn’t think she was capable because of her gender… the men continued to grumble under their breath as they followed behind her towards the snowy clearing. The whole group was unaware they they’re were being watched
It was when the wind began to pick up that (your name) urged the researchers to move faster. A blizzard was coming… they failed to keep up with her fast steps as the snowfall gradually braced denser… and that was when a loud roar echoed throughout the clearing that sent a chill down her spine. Was that a polar bear? No… whatever was charging towards them was much bigger than a bear. (Your name) quickly left the researchers behind as she scrambled to safety. She wasn’t going to let these men slim down her chances of survival since she’s already gotten exactly what she’s wanted.
The thick, white blankets of snow blinded her from the carnage behind her. The only thing she could hear were the loud, blood curdling screams of the researchers. And what felt like an eternity later, silence filled the blistering, cold air. It was terrifying to know that she were now alone, but she had to keep going. She didn’t want to die here. Not like this… not being mauled to death.
Once (your name) was back into the forest, she began to set up camp. She needed to build a shelter to retire for the night. It was far too dangerous to continue traveling, especially with a polar bear on the loose.
(Your name) grunted as she used a shovel from her pack to dig a small hole into the snow to settle into for now. She would use their survival skills to outlast the blizzard and hopefully she didn’t run into any polar bears… (your name) made the perfect hole with a tunnel that didn’t allow the wind to blow into her little snow cave. The young woman set up her sleeping bag and retired for the night. Her eyes that were heavy with sleep drifted shut. She prayed to whatever god was out there that she survived the night… little did she know of the large figure who stood above her hideout. A low growl escaped their lips as they made their way over to the slumbering (your name), their clawed hand brushed a few of her stray hairs out of her cold face. His Pretty mate… he’s been watching her for so long now and she was finally in his grasp. Pickle was so happy!
(Your name) awoke the next morning feeling warm…. Warm?! (Your name) went to jump up in shock but fluffy, muscular arms held her down. What on earth- (your name) gasped when her eyes clashed with brilliant gold eyes. A yeti?!
Pickle sat up and cooed at her, his clawed fingers poked at her cheeks as he rose to sit up on his haunches. He was massive… he was bigger than any creature she’s ever seen and he was covered in white and black hair. Never did she think a creature of myth would be real…
(Your name) went to step back but Pickle stopped her. He quickly pulled her back into his body, the yeti nuzzled his face into her shoulder and loudly purred. (Your name) loudly squealed when she felt his wet tongue lapped at her neck. His breath reeked of rotten meat. “Stop it!”
Pickle whined when she pushed his head away, he had merely wanted to love on his mate… why did she reject him? He had shown that he was the strongest out of all the other males. He was worthy of her. Pickle was strong.
Pickle set her down in a pile of pelts as he began to try to tug at her clothes. He wanted something specific from her… Pickle wanted young and she was the perfect one to bare them for him. He’s searched this mountain for a female for months and she’s been the only one he’s seen. Pickle would stake his claim
(Your name) began to fight back. Her small hands beat against each his chest which amused the large creature. She wanted to play? How cute! But she was so skinny… she’d break if he tried to breed her now!
Pickle soon began to poke and tease her, his sexual appetite satiated for now. He could try again later, there was plenty of time before spring!
(Your name) found herself trapped with Pickle in his cave and it was a terrifying experience. The yeti would constantly bring her back meat with utmost urgency, the large monster whining if she didn’t like what he brought. Didn’t she understand she needed to eat so they could breed? She needed to gain weight! Maybe she’d like something else?
Bathing was a bit difficult for her at first but she taught Pickle how to collect snow in her small pot from her pack. Pickle was amazed the first time he saw fire. He even reached out to touch it out of curiosity but quickly howled in pain when he burnt himself. The yeti cried as (your name) kissed his clawed fingers with utmost care. Pickle began to love to be babied
Pickle loved to see her bare. Her curves were delicious to his starving eyes… he couldn’t wait for the spring time to claim his prize.
Pickle was thrilled when (your name) would eat the berries and fish he brought back. The yeti would dance in happiness every time she ate the succulent fruits and nuts he had scavenged for. It swelled his heart up with pride to see her happy. See? Pickle was a great mate! He was perfect!
As weeks went on, (your name) began to make her own clothes out of the many pelts pickle brought her for warmth. The nest in the center of the cave was now twice the size it was from when she first was brought here.
(Your name) had soon grown used to Pickle’s eccentric behavior and to his constant snuggles. Hell, she’s even grown used to his pungent scent… but lately there’s been a more headier scent all over the cave. One that caused a stirring between her legs. Were they some sort of pheromones?
Pickle smirked when he noticed (your name) shift, the yeti placed his large palms on her legs and slowly pulled her skirts up. There it was… her ovulation cycle has begun.
(Your name) had no time to shift from his grasp before his mouth descends on her. Her fingers tangle into the dark mop atop his head. A loud squeal escaping her lips as he greedily lapped at her folds. His freakishly long tongue dove past the tight ring of muscles to his prize.
It’s when (your name) is tethering on the edge of ecstasy that he pulls his mouth away and teases her hole with something much larger than his tongue. And before she can get a grasp on what is going on, he sheathed himself into her. Pickle groans at how she tightens from the intrusion
Her cries only fuel him to pound into her. To breed. She can do nothing but cry as the large bulge protrudes in her stomach. He was too big. He was too much. But it didn’t take long for the pain from his rough fucking to start to melt into something pleasurable
(Your name) felt the coil steadily build in her once more. This time, her hips began to try to meet his rough thrusts and she was rewarded with his tongue in her open mouth. She practically choked on the large muscle that had hints of her taste on it
She felt herself explode on this monster who was somehow sucked even deeper into her from the force of her orgasm. A scream escaped her throat when she felt burning ropes of his cum fill her… there was not a doubt in her mind that this monster had successfully stuffed her with his young. Her stomach a bit bloated from the sheer amount of semen in her
Pickle cooed as he pulled out with a wet pop, his fingers scooped up the viscous cum that leaked from her stretched hole in hope to save as much of it as he could.
. She knew she was ruined beyond repair, but it didn’t matter to her anymore. If she was going to be stuck on this mountain, she might as well enjoy herself
Pickle cooed as he curled his body into hers. The monster licked up her tears as he held her close to keep her warm. She was his mate… his perfect, beautiful mate
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the-virgoperspective · 3 months
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Part 2
The Moon in composite is one half of the most important luminaries and one of the most vital sources of energy in a relationship. It complements the Sun and represents the medium through which the Sun’s energy expresses itself. The composite Moon indicates how well the relationship acts as a medium of emotional expression for the two. The house position of the composite Moon shows the area in which you feel, or ought to feel, that you have the most in common.
I will be using the writings of Robert Hand from his novel “Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relations” to describe the meaning and significance of the Moon in each composite house. Please always keep in mind that this is only one vital step to reading an entire composite chart and should not be seriously considered without viewing everything as a whole. This is just one piece. Enjoy!
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7H Composite Moon
Composite Moon in the seventh house is a good indication that in this relationship shared feelings will be very important. The seventh is the house of intimate one-to-one encounters, both positive ones such as partnerships and marriage, and negative ones such as open enemies. However you encounter each other, it will be with feeling.
In general, the seventh-house Moon favors any intimate relationship, especially marriage or other love relationship in which sharing emotions is important. You will have a strong feeling that you belong together as a unit, and your emotional attitudes toward the outside world will be similar. The symbolism of this position is that you feel as if you were one person.
Somewhat like the first-house composite Moon, which is the polar counterpart of the seventh-house Moon, there is the danger that in times of emotional stress you will not be able to keep your relationship in perspective. You are likely to become too involved in your personal feelings and not be able to see what is really going on between you. Try to stay somewhat detached from difficult situations so that you can deal with them objectively and not get completely carried away. If you can do that, this should be a very good emotional relationship for both of you.
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8H Composite Moon
Composite Moon in the eighth house indicates that your relationship is very introspective. You will spend much time examining what you are as a couple and trying to arrive at a complete psychological understanding of it. Obviously, this is a good attribute in any relationship, if it is not carried too far. Just make sure that you do not become lost in the emotional intricacies of your relationship.
This is a position of transformation, which means that your relationship will undergo extensive changes, partly because of what you will learn about yourselves, partly because of the pressure of your emotions. Sometimes you both will feel that the relationship serves much the same purpose as seeing a psychiatrist or counselor; that is, it gives you new understandings about yourselves.
In addition, this placement of the Moon in the composite chart makes you very concerned with values. If you do not start out with a common set of values, it will be very important that you develop one. Your shared values may be purely on a psychological level, or they might exist more on the material plane as a great concern for possessions and property.
The greatest strength of this Moon placement is the contribution it can make to your self-understanding. It’s greatest difficulty is the tendency to emphasize the heavy, moody aspects of your relationship and to dwell excessively on serious matters. Try not to fall into a “slough of despond” or become too introspective. Explore the new and constantly changing features of your life together, and welcome such changes instead of fearing them.
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9H Composite Moon
With composite Moon in the ninth house, there is a strong feeling between you that you share basic attitudes about the world and philosophies of life. Consequently you like to discuss your ideas and opinions with each other. You feel that being together greatly expands your awareness. Even if your backgrounds are quite different, communication between you will not be difficult. You will see differences of that sort simply as an enjoyable challenge to your understanding of each other. It is possible that you may travel long distances together, or that you met in a place foreign to both of you, or that you are from different countries.
At its best, this is a good position for learning and growth within a relationship. You will continually reach each other, and even if the relationship does not last, you both will feel that you have benefited from it.
While this position is good for any type of relationship, it is strongest in situations that emphasize communication and exchange of ideas. It is especially good for people working together on some project, writing together, or negotiating in any way.
In a personal relationship, this placement by itself works more to produce friendship than love, but even in a love relationship there will be a strong intellectual affinity between you.
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10H Composite Moon
Composite Moon in the tenth house indicates that you will share a concern for getting ahead in life. You both want to get somewhere, and you feel that together you can do it better than you could separately. Fortunately, the Moon in this house is traditionally associated with making a favorable impact on the public, so your public image is likely to be too. Because of that fact, the potentials of this position can be exploited better by a professional relationship than by a personal one, although it is quite good in either case.
However, in a personal relationship, one factor must be kept in mind. The tenth house is an external house; that is, it deals with matters that are normally part of the external world. Having an important element of the chart in the tenth house indicates that you tend to see things too much in terms of externals. The Moon, representing the feelings and emotions, is particularly damaged by this tendency, because the feeling aspect of a relationship should be an internal concern. It should be between the two of you rather than outside.
There is a danger that you will look to factors in the outside world-your life situation, your jobs, property, or whatever-to explain problems that arise between you. You may look out when you should look in. Or you may concentrate on externals and superficial matters to the exclusion of internal matters. This is not an inevitable result of this placement, but it is a danger that must be recognized and dealt with.
In general, the tenth house is a good position for the composite Moon because it is an angular house, which gives the Moon strength and importance. It also gives the relationship a dynamic, active quality that can prevent stagnation.
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11H Composite Moon
Composite Moon in the eleventh house indicates an underlying emotional sympathy between you that is good for both love and friendship. You have a strong feeling of shared goals and objectives in life, which will contribute to your ability to get along with each other. You will spontaneously think of yourselves as a unit rather than as two separate individuals, which obviously is a plus for any relationship.
Since the eleventh house is the house of friends, this position is a good indication that the two of you will have friends outside of the relationship. You will be fine if company and enjoy sharing good times with others. Not only will you have friends in the literal sense, but many factors in your lives together will support your relationship in a friendly way without any special effort on your part.
In general this is one of the better positions for a personal relationship and should enable you to share both love and friendship.
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12H Composite Moon
Composite Moon in the twelfth house is a demanding position in that it requires the two of you to do a great deal of work that most couples are unwilling to do. Any relationship is helped by such work, but with this position it is absolutely necessary that you do it.
If left alone, the two of you would be very likely to keep your feelings hidden not only from each other but also from yourselves. When you do this, the feelings become the source of actions and behavior that neither of you understand but that are very detrimental to your relationship. At the same time, you will tend to shy away from other people or at least to keep your feelings hidden from others, perhaps because you fear that if they get too close they will discover your secrets.
With this house position of the Moon, the greatest danger is emotional dishonesty at the very least and sometimes open and outright dishonesty. Very often this happens because you don’t really know what is going on inside your relationship. There may be repressed fears that you do not know how to face or that you can’t face directly.
The need here is for both of you to plunge into the relationship, find out the truth of what is going in, and face it squarely and honestly. Do not shrink from what you find, because the consequences of not being honest with yourself and each other are far worse than anything you may be hiding.
If you don’t seek out the truth, your relationship will make you lesser people than you really are and will give you the feeling that you have been defeated in life by forces you don’t understand. And when the repressed feelings finally do emerge, they will explode destructively and perhaps violently. If, however, these feelings gradually emerge from an honest search for understanding, the wisdom you gain will make you much wiser than people who haven’t had to face such a challenge.
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Find part 1 here!
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𓆑 divider by @cafekitsune 𓆑 𓆑 image divider by @roseschoices 𓆑
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exhaslo · 10 months
Hello!! I love your writing, it's soooo good, and I wanted to know if I can make a request (if they are open), Miguel × shy Spider woman, in which she and he almost difficultly interact, since miguel is always talking loudly and stuck in his office while she is his polar opposite, and after I mission together they start enjoying each other presence
Okay, I think I can work with this. So like a Shy, but somewhat outgoing reader while Miguel is loud but an introvert haha. I think I have just the idea~
There were thousands of worlds in the multiverse. Each was unique in its own way, shape or form. Some felt more unfair than others. Your world was one of those that would be classified as unfair. Actually, it was just downright cruel.
You were the Spiderwoman of your world. Life was going great for you until a strange new villain appeared. This new villain was actually your coworker working on a dangerous project that left you frozen in place for hundreds of years.
Yea, he was a villain in your eyes. By the time you were unfrozen, the world you knew was long gone. Humanity had gone extinct and there was barely anything left to salvage. You lived off the ruins of buildings and wildlife to survive.
It wasn't until Miguel appeared and brought you to the Spider Society that you started to live again. However, you were afraid to talk to anyone. You were scared to lose everything again, yet you wanted to experience their worlds.
You just wanted to live again.
Currently, you were walking around the Spider Society, trying to find something to do. Some of the other Spiders waved towards you before heading off to do their thing. You were hesitate to return the gesture, afraid to getting too close to anyone.
"Why did it take so long to capture the anomaly?!" Miguel nearly roared towards a group that just arrived.
You flinched at the sound of his voice and hid behind a pillar. Miguel was frightening to be around. His presence just felt too much for you, that and he was really loud. Despite your fear, you couldn't help but feel attracted to him.
"Just...go, all of you just go." Miguel sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
All of the Spidermen quickly fled, some making quiet jokes here and there. You were hesitant to approach. You just wanted to say hello to him and to thank him again for saving you.
"You don't have to hide," Miguel called out and faced your direction, "I know your there, (Y/N)."
"Sorry," You whispered, stepping out of your hiding place, "Um, thank you again for-"
"You don't have to keep thanking me. It's been a month."
"I know..." You rubbed your arm and watched him start to leave, "It was nice...talking to you..."
There you were again, watching Miguel from a distance. You had been living at the Spider Society for over two months now and you still were having a hard time talking to anyone. Miguel especially. You two were polar opposites.
Miguel was the strong leader of this group, always stuck in his office working and always loud. While you were just another Spider, trying to explore the different worlds and quiet. You felt like it was an impossible task to talk to him if he weren't the one to do so.
"(Y/N), Miguel requests your assistance in an anomaly capture that landed in your world," Lyla appeared from your watch.
"Oh," The thought of your world shattered your heart, "O-Of course, I'll um...be right there."
"Good, he's waiting for you." Lyla said with a chirp before disappearing.
You froze up, feeling your heart race as you tried to build the courage to return to your lost world. That, and Miguel was personally joining you on this mission. You weren't sure if it was fear or excitement that made your heart race.
When you arrived, Miguel was waiting on top of a broken building. You hurried over, trembling as you stared at the world before you. The once beautiful NYC was now overrun by vicious plants.
"It's still hard to believe what happened here," Miguel said before glancing towards you, "I'm sorry for you loss."
"I-It's....It's okay," You whimpered, tears threatening the spill, "L-Let's go catch the anomaly before this world kills them."
"I'll give the direction, you lead us in the safest way there."
Miguel was actually pleasant to chat with. He kept distracting you from feeling depressed about your world. You ended up getting along with him, the two of you sharing stories about each other. Once you caught up to the anomaly, the two of you easily caught him.
"Well, I can't say this about everyone, but we make a good team," Miguel told you as he threw the anomaly in the portal.
"Thanks, I...had fun working with you," You admitted.
Miguel smiled under his mask as he let you walk before him. He kept a close eye on you as you returned to the Spider Society. He felt bad, but you needed the company. Perhaps, he did too. Miguel was going to try his best to get to know you better.
True to his word, Miguel kept finding time to hang out with you. He always had you join him on a mission, then treated you to lunch afterwards. You were the only one who stayed in his world due to not having a world for you to go back too.
Miguel was almost afraid to admit it, but he had fallen for you. You were just perfect for him. All Miguel wanted to do was keep you safe in his arms. The best part was that he knew you liked him back. His heighten senses sure ratted you out.
Miguel was sitting across from you in his office, sharing lunch. You hummed happily, enjoying your silly Miguel burger,
"You okay, Miguel?" You asked. Miguel stole one of your fries,
"Yea, just admiring you."
"M-Miguel!" You gasped, covering your face, "Y-You can't just say something like that...so boldly." You whimpered. Miguel chuckled lowly,
"Says the one who ordered the burger with my face on it."
"M-Masked face!" You squeaked.
Miguel just hummed in response and finished his meal, leaving you alone to eat. You let out a soft whine, grabbing your burger and hesitantly eating it.
What did he have to do to keep you to stay with him forever? That watch you wore kept you here, but you still had to go back to your world to stabilize the balance every now and then. That and you were not allowed to deeply interreact with his world. It was like you were a prisoner.
A happy one. Despite all the trouble, you were still happy to be here, with him. Miguel just wanted to make your life a little better. Once you finished, Miguel noticed some crumbs on your face. It was cliché, but he approached you and wiped the food off with his thumb.
"Yum," He licked his fingers, watching you grow flustered, "So the burger is good."
This was one of those rare moments where everyone was hesitant to approach Miguel, everyone but you. Apparently something went wrong in a mission and a cannon event was broken that destroyed that world.
Miguel was furious.
Entering his office, you quietly called out for Miguel. You wanted to be there for him. Hearing a low grumble, you glanced up at his platform and swung towards him.
"Miguel?" You whispered.
Miguel tensed at your voice. You saw it. Slowly reaching out, you placed your hand against his back. Miguel quickly turned around and engulfed you in his arms. You blushed as you were pressed into his chest.
"Just let me stay like this," Miguel whispered, resting his head against yours. You closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around his back,
"Of course,"
Miguel held you in his embrace for a solid fifteen minutes. Once he had his full, he slowly released you and cupped your cheek. You rested your head against the palm of his hand, enjoying the warmth he gave off.
"(Y/N), I need you to know-" Miguel held your waist close to his, "I love you. I can't afford to lose you."
"M-Miguel," You squeaked, hiding your face against his chest, "I-Is it okay...for me to love you back?"
"I'll keep you protected, give you the life that was stolen from you," Miguel raised your chin, resting his head against yours, "If you'd let me."
"I'd love nothing more,"
The two of you smiled before sharing a passionate kiss. Miguel wrapped you in his arms again, not wanting to let you go. You giggled into the kiss, hugging Miguel happily,
"Shall I tell the others that you're safe to approach?"
"No, let's stay like this for a bit longer."
Sorry it was so short! I hope you enjoyed!!!
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illubean · 3 months
Hi ! Can you do the main four hxh (platonic Gon and Killua) x reader neko who has the reflexes, hearing and speed of a cat. But who takes a lot of naps during the day and is very lazy .
How will they react if as a 'gift' you gave them a dead animal (cats do this when they like someone, and I think their reactions would be rather funny).
(Sorry if my English is bad, it's not my native language.)
Have a nice day!
Main 4 (HXH) With a CatHybrid!Reader
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Characters: Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladaknight Type: Platonic, Headcanons, Gn!Reader
personally I prefer using the word hybrid instead of neko idk
Warnings: mentions of dead animals
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Gon Freecs
coming from an island I think Gon knows a lot about animals
he's not too surprised when you bring him rodents you've caught
he literally goes fishing and I'm pretty sure there's others on the island who hunt so he doesn't think much of it
he probably gifts you some of the fish he catches too
he lets you do your own thing most of the time, since you're lazy and he's like the polar opposite of you
he is always out and about doing things or just simply exploring
Gon has both exceptional sense of smell and hearing just like you so you guys often react the same to certain sounds or scents
he doesn't know how to tell how your feeling by your tail behavior but he does know how to tell by your eyes
he knows that whenever your pupils blow wide, you're feeling mischievous
Killua Zoldyck
you'd probably mistake him for one of you if he hadn't been missing the ears and tail
both your reflexes and speed were evenly matched
but your hearing is much better than his
he generally trusts your judgement, so if your ears twitch and you take off in the opposite direction he's following you without question
you're very lazy so he knows that if you're running its for a reason
as for the gift thing...
the first time you dropped a dead rat at his feet he was very confused
you literally sat there like :3 while he was kind of disgusted...
"What the hell is this" "A gift :D" "Uh ok then..."
when he sees you laying around taking naps either basking in the sun or curled up in some corner he probably joins you since you find it so comfortable
and after that he understands the appeal
Kurapika Kurta
he already gives me cat owner vibes so your whole hybrid thing doesn't bother him
he probably knows how to tell what you're feeling by the flick of your tail and position of your ears too
he often finds you sleeping or lounging about in odd places around his cozy apartment
and if you ever so choose to nap on top of him he will simply refuse to wake you up
he will stay wherever he is until you get up on your own
he has to hide any catnip he may have from you because yk...you're much larger than a normal cat and would probably go insane and accidentally destroy things
he knows about your little gifting habit so when you eventually start bringing small animals to him he pretends to accept them and throws them away when you're not looking
you are a very spoiled kitty; whenever he has the time this man cooks you fresh meals
whenever you're feeling moody he hits you with the behind the ears and under the chin scratch combo
and it works to make you feel better every single time
Leorio Paladaknight
he's 100% tried the cucumber trick on you
he watched you turn around then launch like 15 feet into the air and laughed because he couldn't believe it actually worked
pls hit him for that it's not funny.
in my head Leorio uses strong cologne so with your heightened senses you'd probably have to keep your distance
and he's lwky bitter about it...
but sometimes you manage to catch him on days where he's not going out therefore he feels no need to put any on
and boom you can cuddle with him then
when you brought him a dead animal one day he screams like a girl
"WTF GET IT AWAY!" "But it's a present :("
he kind of feels bad after seeing the dejected and confused look on your face but please for the love of god get that poor bird out of his living room
when you take it away he ends up forgetting about it until he finds it hidden under the couch or something a few days later
he ends up screaming again...
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youledmehere · 5 months
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-> Vulture: After some tedious lies and deceptions, in Michonne’s words, they needed a time-out. That’s exactly what they get in one of the best stand-alone episodes in all of The Walking Dead. (…) It’s like watching a two-person play, which makes sense, as the episode’s writer, Danai Gurira (Michonne herself), is an acclaimed and Tony-nominated playwright (…..) “What We” is not a bottle episode. Multiple sets in a single location, two characters with an internal conflict, and the special-effects budget make it a “Suitcase” episode. Editors Rating: 5 stars
Bloody-Disgusting: Andrew Lincoln once again showcases a masterclass of acting as Grimes cycles through his damaged psyche, desperately trying to figure out how to connect with Michonne. Gurira matches Lincoln’s emotional performance, evoking Michonne’s desperation and anger with authenticity. Letting Gurira take over writing duties for this specific episode proved extremely beneficial given the emotional legwork the character trudges through in this particular installment. If there’s anyone who can understand Michonne the best, it’s Danai Gurira.
The Hollywood Reporter: As the writer of the episode, Gurira felt she clearly understood Michonne’s arc, but she wanted to make sure her co-star and fellow executive producer Lincoln had enough meat to sink his teeth into, as well. “You want to give an actor like him everything you can,” she says. “Andy’s such a fantastic actor who throws everything into it. I was keen to give him that workout.” Lincoln added to THR, “It was thrilling to do all of this with friends, but Danai had one heck of a role as well as showrunning the fourth episode as an added responsibility. I thought the work she did on that was an astonishing testament to her skills, especially because apparently she only needs two hours a day to sleep.”
Den of Geek: To call it a bottle episode is dismissive. Certainly, there’s one major setting, and most of the episode contains little in the way of special effects (by the standards of the average Walking Dead Televisual Universe show). However, most bottle episodes aren’t this interesting, or this gripping. “What We” feels like The Walking Dead taking a stab at doing a spinoff of the Richard Linklater Before trilogy, not wallowing in the usual zombie action or soap opera frippery. It’s almost certainly going to be polarizing, but it’s one of the most captivating, emotionally-deep episodes of television from this universe, and it’s all down to the powerhouse that is Danai Gurira.
SpoilerTV: “What We” is a captivating exploration of love’s transformative force. Rick and Michonne shed their pretenses, abandoning deceit to forge a profound reconnection. Andrew Lincoln’s performance brilliantly resurrects Rick from the abyss of a living man who is dead inside, courtesy of Danai’s masterful writing.
Bleeding Cool: But it’s Gurira pulling double duty that deserves all of the attention and tons of praise. Proving that she knows this couple and their dynamic better than anyone, Gurira presented us with what felt like a real couple going through the problems with real reactions- even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. I know that reviews can sometimes go to the extremes-positive or negative- but in the case of “What We”, we have an easy contender for one of the best single episodes of the franchises run.
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ssivinee · 9 months
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Bada Lee x F Reader: You, the popular and cheerful cheer team captain, and Bada, the blunt and somewhat rebellious dance team captain, never crossed paths, but she may have had a crush on you. But someone was standing in Bada's way.
Word Count: 4.1 k
Note: Sorry for being gone for a while guys, finals were hitting hard AND THEN I got sick😭. BUT IM BACK AGAIN, AND THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 700 FOLLOWERS🥹.
Character Vision Board
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College life was the epitome of deteriorating mental health, but for some people, it was somewhat enjoyable. It was the years of exploring early adulthood, something that helped people look forward to the long years.
You were one of them.
You stood there with your friends at the side of the hallway, pretty in your cheer uniform with the school colors. Your long dark hair was tied up into a high ponytail, revealing your beauty to the student body. The way you stood there, hand on the curve of your hip, your stance looked powerful and cute at the same time as a laugh escaped your lush lips.
“Bada, you need to stop staring at the girl. You’re gonna burn holes into her,” Tatter tells the older girl, and Bada rolls her eyes. “I can’t help it, she’s just so-“ Bada couldn’t even let out a sentence as her eyes drifted back onto you, letting out a groan. “-so beautiful.”
“Literally, just go talk to her,” Lusher suggests, and Bada scoffs. “I can’t be so random. We live in two different worlds.”
Which was true. You were the captain of your school's cheer team, had good grades, and a well-known sweetheart. Bada, on the other hand, was captain of the dance team, had mediocre grades at best, and seemed to have a slight attitude problem with strangers.
Yet here she was, head over heels for you, only gazing from afar. She didn’t understand what it was about you, though. There was no interaction. The two of you were polar opposites. So what truly was it?
It all started in her first year when Bada was in Biology class, grueling over the topics on the first day. You walked in late, sporting a tight-cropped hoodie and some sweatpants. You spoke to the professor in private, trying to give a proper explanation for your tardiness.
Meanwhile, in Bada’s eyes, you looked adorable with your messy bun and glasses. A picture she couldn’t get out of her head for years. Then she saw you in your uniform for the first time after two weeks. If only you saw how Bada almost kneeled for you in front of her friends. No decorum to be found in sight.
She would’ve gone up to you… only if she didn’t see a man’s arm wrapped around your waist.
Unfortunately, you were dating Choi Hanseoul, the school's most popular jock. You guys were the embodiment of a power couple. Your boyfriend was the captain of the football team, rich, and his face made everyone fall for him. Not Bada, though.
She never knew what you saw in the boy. Feeling as if a hefty amount of fog clouded his true self. It had girls in a trance that Bada couldn’t understand.
She would have cared less, but he has you.
Hanseoul was the biggest obstacle in Bada’s way. It made seeing him an all-out war in her mind. Every. Single. Time. 
All she wanted to do was punch the dude hard and run off with you. But she knew how much you cared for him. It was evident in your eyes, and every time Bada saw it, she felt as if she had been stabbed multiple times.
Why couldn’t you just be hers?
That’s been her dilemma for the past three years, and now you two are seniors, yet she still did nothing about her feelings. It was just that difficult for her.
“Is there a game later today?” Minah asks, a bit confused at your choice of attire. “Yeah, later today at six,” Lusher says, checking her phone to make sure she’s correct. “Are we going to that?” 
“Of course, we are since Bada unnie is quite literally in love with the girl that cheers for our school,” Tatter responds, cutting off Kyma as she teases the older girl. “Oh please, I’m sure you wanna see Audrey as well,” Tatter shrugs at Bada’s comment, “at least I admit that.”
“Oh, whatever.”
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Bada usually didn't care much for the games; her focus was solely on you. When halftime rolled around and the cheer squad made their way to the field, Bada's attention intensified. You stood at the center of the group, ready to perform. As the music started, you danced, pom poms in hand, your face beaming joyfully. These moments were always different for Bada, who usually paid little attention to the sports events. She couldn't help but be captivated by how you moved, your energy infectious, and your happiness evident.
With each jump, twirl, and wave of your pom poms, Bada drew herself further into your presence, making her feel warm inside. The cheers from the crowd faded into the background, and it was as if there were only you and the music, creating a vigorous atmosphere. Even though the routine seemed straightforward, you managed to pack it with a surprising amount of emotion. Your genuine smile never wavered, and it seemed to Bada as if you were dancing for the crowd and the sheer love of the moment.
As the choreography reached its peak, the applause from the audience echoed around the stadium as everyone stood up, guaranteeing the success of the halftime show. Bada, however, remained in her seat, still caught in a trance. The world outside the bleachers ceased to exist for her, leaving only the lingering echoes of the dance and the desire to understand the joy that seemed to feel at that moment.
Bada kept her eyes on you while your attention faded from the crowd as you ran up to Hanseoul. He lifted you by your hips, twirly you around in his arms, and Bada heard the squeals of joy from your lips. You giggled at the warm feeling of Hanseoul’s face on your stomach, balancing yourself by placing your hands on his shoulders.
Every other student ‘awed’ when seeing the two of you…
and Bada just wanted to puke. 
Why did it feel like the world wanted her to suffer?  
Yet she wasn’t aware of what was happening behind closed doors.
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“Are you fucking serious right now?” Hanseoul asks you, arms resting on his knees, anger seething face. “I can’t help it when people talk to me, Hanseoul. Besides, it was for our damn History project,” you explain with frustration, gripping your hair. You were annoyed, constantly having to explain yourself. 
“Seungjae shouldn’t be talking to you, period, Y/n. He could just text you,” Hanseoul says, poking at your chest lightly several times. 
This was how it always was. The constant arguing and the absurd amount of jealousy were unbearable. It was like being locked in a cage, an animal wanting to taste the sensation of freedom. 
Almost every night, you cried and hated yourself for it. 
You put up this everlasting strong front to be “miss perfect” because it was all you knew. It was exhausting, needing to hide the fact that you were only human like everyone else. So why were you staying with Hanseoul?
Well, you did love him at the start. He was a sweetheart, someone who was willing to put you before themselves. Then, something shifted in the air when you both hit your third year of university. The two of you got busier, becoming vice-captains of your team, having multiple advanced placement classes, and being in different friend groups, which caused a stir within the relationship. 
You were noticeably blossoming into even more of a woman, triggering something in Hanseoul’s mind. The man suddenly became possessive, which you thought was cute at first… until it wasn’t. He inserted himself in areas of your life that were supposed to be for your enjoyment only, seemingly becoming rather obsessed with you.
The reason for staying with Hanseoul was to stay afloat within the school. The thought of being a nobody terrifies you, not because of the popularity, but because of being alone. Hanseoul at least kept a certain comfort around, even if it was suffocating.
“I’m tired of talking about this, Han. I need to head to class,” You tell him, picking up your bag as you leave the private study room, clearly over the entire argument. You freshen up in the bathroom, fixing your disheveled hair and reapplying the pink gloss that faded from all the words being yelled at in the past hour. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, you smiled, trying to find something to grasp onto. You didn’t care if it was hope, happiness, or even the thought of your exhausting assignments. You just wanted your mind off of him.
But you fail, the smile fading quickly as a heavy sigh leaves your freshly glossed lips. A wet feeling muddled your eyes as you hung your head low, leaning on the bathroom sink. Seeing the droplets of tears coming down, you take a deep breath and wipe them away. “You’re better than this Y/n. No one can tell you otherwise,” you give yourself a pep talk, dabbing your face with the use of your sleeve, sniffling every bit of sadness that escaped.
You walked out of the bathroom, looking like your usual happy self, as people greeted you warmly. Rushing your pace, you enter the lecture hall to find the room filled, a single empty spot next to an individual with a black hoodie covering their head.
“Miss Kim, you’re late,” your professor states, making eye contact with you. You were about to say a random excuse, but your professor had a glimpse of your slightly red eyes. “You may go take your seat, and you didn’t miss much.”
You bow with a tight-lipped smile and make your way over to the only open seat. As you settle down and pull out your laptop to begin typing away, Bada raises her head from all the shuffling. The tall dancer was about to tell you to shut up so she could nap but froze when she saw you.
Feeling the piercing gaze on you, you turned to your right to see Bada’s pretty face, eyes wide, and mouth slacked open. “I’m sorry. Was I too loud?” Bada could only shake her head, not trusting any sound that could possibly come out of her mouth right now. 
You look at the blackboard, then look back at her, “I can take the notes and give them to you after class. If you’d like, at least?” Bada then shyly nods her head as you smile.
You paid attention as usual, and Bada thought she couldn’t do her usual ‘admire from afar,’ afraid of being caught. Yet you were so focused on the notes that you didn’t even seem to notice the slight peaks Bada would take.
She looked at your lips, the ones she wanted to kiss so much. Your nose, the cute shape of it, makes her heart swell. Then, your eyes, the feature that she loved about you dearly. 
But she pauses. Your eyes looked agitated, an ounce of redness prevalent. They weren’t the sparkling ones she adored. You were crying.
It had Bada’s heartbreaking in pieces, and she knew it would be weird to ask, but she couldn’t help it. “You okay?” You stiffened at Bada’s mumbling tone, not expecting the sudden question. “Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You’re eyes… they’re red.” You pause, not knowing how to respond. “Um, I’m okay. Thanks for worrying, Bada.” The tall girl smiles at your words as you give her your famous smile. Then Bada was hit with a realization…
You knew her name.
Bada keeps her head down as her face heats up. Of course, you knew her name. You somehow knew everyone on this campus, so it shouldn’t be so shocking. But it was to Bada, the same girl who believed she shouldn’t have even existed in the same stratosphere as you.
After classes, Bada had left the room and found you leaning against the wall, phone in hand. When you meet each other’s gaze, you pull up an empty contact profile, “Let’s switch numbers so I can send the notes?” “Oh, um, yeah, sure.”
You give her your phone, and she types away. You were almost starstruck for the quick glimpse at the tall dancer. For the first time in your life, you were close to the famous woman on the campus. 
You knew your height difference, but her practically towering over you, even from a foot away, had your heart racing. Her eyes were sleek as she focused on the screen, her pink bottom lip being bit due to concentration. She is gorgeous, you thought, as your heart fluttered for the first time in a year. 
You freeze at the feeling, not knowing how to react, as Bada returns the phone. “I’ll send them to you later.” The tall girl just nods.
For the next two weeks, you and Bada messaged back and forth. It was mainly for your notes with pretty handwriting, but there were little conversations here and there.
Every time you send your notes, you leave little messages. 
‘Hey Bada! These are the notes from today. Hopefully you have a good night😊.’
‘I heard you had a dance competition today and won first place! Congrats on the win, captain!!! Here are the notes from today's lesson. Have a good night!’
‘BADAAAA! I saw the video of ur performance! YOUR SO COOL! There aren't many notes today, but I’ve been watching the video on repeat… i just wanted to let yk, good night!’ 
Bada found them endearing, and she felt like you were trying to become her friend, so why not reciprocate the energy? The next day, Bada decided to come up to you while you sat down with Hanseoul in the cafeteria. His arm was placed around your shoulders, and you looked uncomfortable, trying to hide the fact.
“Y/n?” You look up and see Bada’s cold gaze contradicting with a small smile. Seeing the woman made you feel more relaxed in your current position. You weren’t extremely close with each other within the two weeks, but both of you gave each other the calming feeling you needed. 
“Oh, Bada, what’s up?” 
“I was hoping you could help me with the assignment Mr. Kwon gave us on Monday?” The tall dancer asked with a glimmer of hope but noticed the cold stare Hanseoul was giving you, which you clearly chose to ignore. “Oh, of course. Text me when your classes are over?” “Yeah, I can do that.”
You smile and notice the glares on your right, and you internally scoff, “Bada, Hanseoul, and I still have class, but I’ll see you later, okay?” Bada nodded and watched the two of you walk off, not before Hanseoul looked back over his shoulder with a glare.
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“Gosh, I’m sorry I took so long, Bada. Were you waiting for a while?” You asked, panting as you rushed to the cafe where Bada sat, notes and laptop out on the table. “No, no, I wasn’t. I only got here about five minutes ago. I mean, are you okay though?” Bada notices your red face, and one could assume it is because you rushed to get here, but Bada knows that no matter how tired you are, you still look pristine.  
You and Hanseoul were arguing AGAIN. This time, it is about you hanging out with Bada. This time, you walked out, not even saying a peep about the situation. You believed Bada was harmless, and I mean, how bad could she be when all she wanted was help on an assignment?
“I’m fine, just a little rushed because of the wind.”
“Let’s get this started then?” You ask, and she nods excitedly, her eyes puppy-like as she looks at you. You giggle as you take out your belongings on the table. 
As you began to teach the assignment, Bada's eyes remained fixed on you. She watched your every movement, hanging on to your words with an eagerness that wasn't lost on you. It was a side of Bada you hadn't seen before – a softness and admiration that contrasted with her usual bold demeanor.
After a while, you couldn't help but notice Bada stealing glances at you, her cheeks tinted with a subtle blush. It made you feel a warmth inside, a pleasant surprise to witness this more vulnerable side of her. You continued explaining the assignment, but a small smile played on your lips as you couldn't ignore the adorable sight of Bada trying to conceal her admiration.
As the tutoring session progressed, Bada became more at ease with the assignment and in your presence. Her initial shyness seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound comfort. It was as if a bridge had been built between you two, connecting your worlds in a way that transcended the academic subject.
Feeling the positive energy, you suggested, "You're catching on quickly. How bout we take a break and grab something to eat? There's this new tteok shop nearby."
Bada's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly, her usual confidence returning as she agreed to the break. As you both stepped out of the cafe and into the crisp air, Bada hesitated momentarily as if contemplating something. Then, with a shy smile, she looked up at you.
"Hey, the dance team’s holding a party for the end of the semester. It's gonna be fun, some drinks and games. Would you, uh, wanna come?" Bada's usual straightforwardness wavered, revealing a side of her that caught you off guard. The contrast from her usual boldness made the invitation even more endearing.
You couldn't help but smile at her, charmed by the unexpected sweetness in her invitation. "Sure, I'd love to go to your party. Just send me the details?"
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“You’re not going to that fucking party, Y/n,” you heard Hanseoul’s voice from the phone as you did your hair. You had already changed into a short pink velvet bodycon dress, and your face had a pretty natural makeup look on.
Hanseoul's eyes widened in disbelief as your words hung heavy in the air. The room felt tense, the weight of the impending decision settling in. Your frustration with the argument about the party had peaked, and your voice's weariness underscored the toll the disagreement had taken on you.
Ignoring the brewing storm of emotions, you continued to adjust your hair, focusing solely on your reflection. The gravity of your words seemed to take a moment to register with Hanseoul, who, up until then, had been more concerned about controlling the situation.
"Is that how it's gonna be?" he finally responded, the question tinged with a mix of surprise and frustration.
You took a deep breath, meeting his gaze through your phone's screen. "Hanseoul... let's break up."
The words hung heavy in the silence that settled over the conversation. Hanseoul's face displayed a mix of shock and disbelief as if he hadn't anticipated the conversation taking such a drastic turn. The realization of the gravity of your decision seemed to dawn on him slowly.
"All because of a damn party?" he retorted, his tone a blend of incredulity and frustration. The question hung in the air, demanding an explanation for what seemed like an abrupt and drastic choice.
You sighed, weariness evident in your eyes. "It's not just about the party, Hanseoul. It's about us, the constant arguments, and not being on the same page. Reevaluate our entire relationship, THEN come back to me when you figure out what's wrong."
The weight of the words loitered, the truth behind them almost finalizing the reality of the situation. Your phone screen displayed Hanseoul's stunned expression, frozen in time as your words sank in. The decision to end a relationship was easy, and in that moment, it felt like a necessary step towards finding the peace and freedom you sought.
As the Uber left you at the entrance of the large Airbnb, the pulsating bass of music echoed through the walls, announcing the lively gathering inside. Stepping through the door, you were immediately immersed in a sea of lively young adults, almost all grinding and throwing it back on each other. Intoxicated laughter and the scent of various drinks filled the air, chaoticness evident with the blink of an eye.
Your gaze swept through the crowd, ultimately landing at the back of the room where your eyes locked with Bada's. A warm and genuine grin lit up her face as she navigated through the lively crowd to greet you.
"I'm so glad you could make it," Bada exclaimed, enveloping you in a hug that allowed the sweet scent of your perfume to waft into her senses, prompting a contented sigh. "Let's get you a drink?" Her offer was met with your enthusiastic nod, your bright smile reflecting the excitement that animated Bada's expression.
As the night unfolded, you found relief in the company of those around you, downing the five shots as you sought a sense of comfort. Bada remained silent by your side, her attentive presence never leaving in the midst of the lively crowd.
Observing your somewhat jittery demeanor, Bada leaned in, her voice cutting through the loud music. "Hey, wanna get some fresh air?"
Your response was hesitant but agreeable, and you found yourselves venturing to the backyard together. Settling into the outdoor arrangement, the subtle ambiance of the solar lights provided a short break from the energy inside. Bada, with a discreet cough, broke the silence.
"So, what's going on, Y/n?" she inquired, her eyes reflecting genuine concern. "Something's on your mind."
Caught off guard by her perceptiveness, your eyes widened, followed by a heavy sigh. It seemed you weren't as secretive as you thought. "Um, Hanseoul and I—"
"We broke up…"
The words hung in the air, and Bada, despite wanting to be empathetic with you, couldn't help but feel a surge of joy at the news. It wasn't that she took pleasure in your pain, but the idea of being there for you in a time of vulnerability sparked a glimmer of hope in her eyes. As you opened up about the recent breakup, Bada couldn't deny the swirling emotions within her, realizing that this unexpected turn of events might have worked in her favor.
In the hushed serenity of the backyard, Bada's eyes softened as she looked at you. Her gaze showed genuine warmth as she spoke, "I'm sorry to hear that, Y/n. I'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to or just hang out with."
Your gratitude was evident as you met her eyes, appreciating the sincerity of her offer. But you couldn’t be happier where you were right now. A party, something you haven’t experienced by yourself in years, made you… happy. The past few weeks, Bada proved to be something as relaxing as a home, a source of comfort and understanding as you navigate the rough patches of your now-old relationship.
"I was thinking... Maybe we can go to the amusement park next week? Just the two of us?" The uncharacteristic shyness in her voice only added to the charm of the moment.
Surprised but genuinely touched, you couldn't help but smile. "I'd love that, Bada."
The air was filled with silence, and as your eyes met Bada's, a warmth exuded from the connection between you two. The party continued around you, but everything seemed to fade into the background at that moment.
As the night unfolded and the stars took their place in the sky, Bada hesitated momentarily. The music played softly, creating a backdrop for what felt like a turning point. In a soft voice, almost drowned by the rhythmic beats, Bada confessed, "Y/n, I... I really like you."
The words hung in the air, and the vulnerability in Bada's admission mirrored the uncharted territory you both found yourselves in. The realization that this wasn't just a friendship but something more settled in and your heart echoed the sentiment.
A tender smile played on your lips, and with a sincerity that matched the atmosphere of the evening, you replied, "Bada… I think I like you too." 
Your words left the two of you smiling, and Bada couldn’t bear facing you as she felt her cheeks growing red fast. Your fingers steadily make their way to her hands that lay flat on the bench, and without her noticing, you take her warm hands into yours. The feeling had Bada look up in shock, and you giggle at the reaction. Bada’s flustered state always seemingly amused you. Just never used to the out-of-character responses.
“I can get used to this,” you say, smiling as you stare into the starry skies. “Yeah,” Bada responds, staring at your pretty face, “I definitely can too.”
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Tag list (OPEN): @bada-lee-ily @froufrousnowman @amararosesblog @tikitsune @nimixe @lorenztired @sammybeefangirls @cephox @1luvkarina @pinksults @princhii
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
top ten non-fiction (general) books and top ten history books?
Naturally, whenever I volunteer to talk about books, I completely forget everything I have ever read, but we'll try to overcome this. Since it is impossible for me to pick them from all-time, I'll do this list from what I have recently read and enjoyed, including both nonfiction and history specifically since most of these fit that bill somehow:
Society of the Snow by Pablo Vierci. Just finished this last night, and it's the source material for the Netflix film of the same name, of the 1972 plane crash of an Uruguayan rugby team in the Andes and their incredible survival odyssey. If you've seen the film, you know how harrowing and also incredibly moving it is.
Pretty much anything by David Grann, including The Wager, Killers of the Flower Moon, Lost City of Z, etc. The Wager is his newest one, though people may have heard of Killers of the Flower Moon, but they're all good. He's up there with Erik Larson as one of my favorite writers of utterly gripping and novelistic nonfiction.
Speaking of Erik Larson: pretty much anything by, including Dead Wake, The Splendid and the Vile, In the Garden of Beasts, etc. Most people will have heard of and/or read Devil in the White City, but his other stuff is equally good. His newest, The Demon of Unrest, is a bit slower than some of the others IMHO, but it's also about the beginning of the Civil War and the crisis at Fort Sumter and is important reading in our current perilous moment.
Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space by Adam Higginbotham. A forensic and incredibly detailed history of the Challenger space shuttle disaster in 1986.
A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages, by Anthony Bale. This is an entertaining and readable introduction to mobility in the Middle Ages: who traveled, where they went, what they thought, and how they reacted and wrote about the other cultures they encountered, from both east and west. Definitely a good entry point for the layman who has heard the "medieval people never traveled/went anywhere" stereotype and knows it's wrong, but wants to know more HOW.
Into the Silence: Mallory, the Great War, and the Conquest of Everest by Wade Davis. Another incredibly detailed doorstopper history book that reads like a novel, exploring 19th-century British imperialism in Asia, the race to climb Mount Everest, the Great War, and more.
Emperor of Rome and SPQR by Mary Beard. These are both incredibly accessible starting points for studying Rome, written by a renowned classicist with a knack for making her historical material and concepts easy to understand and entertaining. Don't be put off by the length of either of these, as they read easily.
The Wide Wide Sea and The Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides. The former is his newest book, about the last voyage of Captain Cook, and the latter is my favorite of his other books, about the 19th-century USS Jeannette polar expedition. He is a writer of incredible skill, thoughtfulness, and detail in handling subjects of empire, exploration, colonialism, maritime history, and adventure.
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty, by Patrick Raddon O'Keefe. A compelling, disturbing, mesmerizing, and infuriating account of the Sackler family, the creation of OxyContin, and the opioid epidemic in America.
Master Slave Husband Wife, by Ilyon Woo. Now, this one is a bit cheating since I haven't actually read it yet (it's on hold at the library), but it's won the Pulitzer Prize for history so I'm fairly sure it's going to be good. It's about 19th century slaves-turned-abolitionists William and Ellen Craft and their race- and gender-bending journey to freedom and anti-slavery activism.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 4 months
How do you analyze so good I'm really impressed and honestly wonder if I can learn from you
It's a skill, so the good news is, you can practice and get better at it!
Read A Lot/Gain Context
Analysis often means making comparisons or drawing from external context - one of the best things you can do if you want to be better at analysis is to try to cram your head with as much knowledge as possible. The time period, culture of origin, and where the author slots into those are usually major influences on a work (in Homestuck's case, much of it is a direct commentary on the internet culture it emerged from, and missing that part of it can drastically influence how the story reads).
Also important are the works the author themselves are inspired by. You've likely heard some variation of "nothing is original." We're actually really lucky with Homestuck in that regard, as the work is highly referential, and you can glean a lot by looking at what it references (for example, if you watch Serendipity, one of Karkat's favorite movies, which is titledropped during the troll romance explanation, you will understand Karkat so much better). This applies to things like mythological allusions - you'll hardly know why it matters that Karkat is a Christ figure if you don't know what the general outline of the Christ story is, nor will you pick up on the Rapture elements of Gamzee's religion or the fact that Doc Scratch is The Devil, etc. The key to picking up a lot of symbolism is being aware that the symbols exist.
And last, it helps to read a lot of media and media analysis so you can get a better understanding of how media "works" - how tropes are used, what effect language has, what other entries into the genre/works with similar themes/etc. have already done to explore the same things as the piece being analyzed is doing - and what other people have already gleaned and interpreted. I've mentioned before that many people seem to find Homestuck's storytelling bizarre and unique when it's actually quite standard for postmodernism, the genre it belongs to. But you're not going to know that if you've never read anything postmodern, y'know? I also often prepare for long character essays by reading other peoples' character essays - sometimes people pick up on things I miss, and sometimes people have interpretations I vehemently disagree with; both of these help me to refine my take on the matter.
Try to Discard Biases/Meet the Work Where It Is
Many will carry into reading media an expectation of what they want to get out of it. For example, one generally goes into a standard hetero romance book expecting a female lead, a male love interest, romance (of course), and a happy ending for the happy couple. If the book fails to deliver these things, a reader will often walk away thinking it was a bad book, even if the story told instead is objectively good and interesting. We actually see this a lot with Wuthering Heights, which receives very polarizing reviews because people go into it expecting a gothic romance, when it's really more like a gossip Youtube video spilling the tea on some shitty rich people (and it's really good at being that).
There's nothing necessarily wrong with this when reading for pleasure and personal enjoyment, but it presents a problem when attempting to analyze something. There's a concept called the "Procrustean bed," named after a mythological bandit who used to stretch people or cut off their limbs to fit them to a bed, that describes "an arbitrary standard to which exact conformity is forced." Going into a media reading with expectations and biases often results in a very Procrustean reading - I'm sure we've all seen posts complaining about how fanfic often forces canon characters to fit certain archetypes while discarding their actual character traits, etc.
Therefore, when reading for analysis, it's generally a good idea to try and discard as much bias and expectation as possible (obviously, we are never fully free of bias, but the effort counts) - or, perhaps even better, to compartmentalize those biases for comparison while reading. For example, Hussie talks at length about what they INTENDED Homestuck to be, and, while reading, I like to keep Hussie's words to the side while I try to experience the comic fresh, seeing what choices were made in accordance with Hussie's intentions, or where I think Hussie may have fumbled the messaging. At the same time, I try to let the work stand on its own, set in its proper context.
I'd say this is the number-one problem in fandom analysis. For example, people hear from the fandom that Eridan is an incel or a nice guy, so they interpret everything he says and does to fit that belief, or ignore any contradictory evidence. Or they fall for the character's façade that's meant to be dismantled by the viewer. Some works are fairly shallow and accessible, wearing all their meaning on their sleeve (or are Not That Deep, if you prefer meme-talk), and problems arise when a work is, in fact, That Deep, because someone biased towards the former will discard evidence that a work is the latter. This isn't exclusive to HS - it's happened in basically all of my fandoms - which is a statement to how easy it is to fall into this way of thinking.
Even without knowing that Hussie had coming-of-age themes in mind, for example, characters will talk about being kids and growing up. Knowing that Hussie has explicitly said that that's one of HS's themes serves as extra evidence for that interpretation, but the work itself tells you what it's about - if you're willing to listen to it.
Even If the Curtains are Just Blue, That Still Means Something
This is the next biggest fandom stumbling block - thr insinuation that when things in a work are put into the work without more explicit symbolism, that that means they're a discardable detail. This one is more about making a mindset shift - details aren't discardable, even if they don't appear to have been made with the explicit intention to mean something. Everything kind of means something.
First of all, whether or not the curtains are Just Blue is often highly dependent on the work. For example, in something made in large quantities with little time, staff, and budget - say, for example, one of the entries into the MCU's TV shows - there likely isn't too much meaning behind a choice of blue curtains in a shot (although you'd be surprised how often choices in these constrained environments are still very deliberately made). In a work like Homestuck, however, so terribly dense with symbolism and allegory, chances are, the blue curtains DO hold some special meaning, even if it's not readily apparent.
However, even in cases where a choice is made arbitrarily, it still usually ends up revealing something about the work's creative process. Going back to our MCU example, perhaps the blue curtains were chosen because the shot is cool-toned and they fit the color grading. Perhaps they were chosen because the director really likes blue. Perhaps the shot was filmed at an actual location and the blue curtains were already there. Or, even, perhaps the blue curtains were just what they had on hand, and the show was made too quickly and cheaply to bother sourcing something that would fit the tone or lend extra meaning. These all, to varying degrees, say something about the work - maybe not anything so significant that it would come up in an analysis, but they still contribute to a greater understanding of what the work is, what it's trying to say, and how successful it is at saying it.
And this applies to things with much higher stakes. For example, Hussie being a white US citizen likely had an effect on the B1 kids being mostly US citizens, and there was discourse surrounding how, even though they were ostensibly aracial, references were made to Dave's pale skin. Do I think these were deliberate choices made to push some sort of US superiority; no, obviously not. But they still end up revealing things about the creation of the work - that Hussie had certain biases as a result of being who they were.
Your Brain is Designed to Recognize Patterns, So Put That to Use
So with "establish context" and "discard expectations" out of the way, we can start getting into the nitty-gritty of what should be jumping out at you when attempting to understand a work. One of the most prominent things that you should be looking for is PATTERNS.
Writing is a highly conscious effort, which draws from highly unconscious places. Naturally, whether these patterns are intentional or unintentional is dependent on the author (see again why reading up on a work's context is so important), but you can generally bet that anything that IS a pattern is something that holds significance.
For example, Karkat consistently shows that he's very distraught when any of his friends get hurt, that he misses his friends, even the murderous assholes, that he's willing to sit them down and intervene on their behalf, despite all his grandstanding to the contrary. We are supposed to notice that Karkat actually loves his friends, and that he's lying when he says he doesn't care about them.
Homestuck is very carefully and deliberately crafted; if something comes up more than once, it's a safe bet to assume that you're supposed to notice, or at least feel, it. Don't take my word for it:
Basically, [reusing elements is] about building an extremely dense interior vocabulary to tell a story with, and continue to build and expand that vocabulary by revisiting its components often, combining them, extending them and so on. A vocabulary can be (and usually is) simple, consisting of single words, but in this case it extends to entire sentences and paragraph structures and visual forms and even entire scenes like the one linked above. Sometimes the purpose for reiteration is clear, and sometimes there really is no purpose other than to hit a familiar note, and for me that's all that needs to happen for it to be worthwhile. Triggering recognition is a powerful tool for a storyteller to use. Recognition is a powerful experience for a reader. It promotes alertness, at the very least. And in a lot of cases here, I think it promotes levity (humor! this is mostly a work of comedy, remember.) Controlling a reader's recognition faculty is one way to manipulate the reader's reactions as desired to advance the creative agenda.
But this applies to less deliberately-crafted work, too; for example, if an author consistently writes women as shallow, cruel, and manipulative, then we can glean that the author probably has some sort of issue with women. Villains often being queer-coded suggests that the culture they come from has problems with the gays. Etc. etc.
This is how I reached my conclusion that Pale EriKar is heavily foreshadowed - the two are CONSTANTLY kind to each other, sharing secrets, providing emotional support, etc. etc. It's why that part of my Eridan essay is structured the way that it is - by showing you first how consistently the two interact in suspiciously pale-coded ways, the fact that a crab is shown in both Eridan's first appearance AND his appearance on the moirallegiance "hatched for each other" page becomes the cincher of a PATTERN of the two being set up to shoosh-pap each other.
A work will tell you about itself if you listen. If it tells you something over and over, then it's basically begging you to pay attention.
Contrast is Important, Too
Patterns are also significant when they're broken. For example, say a villain is constantly beating up the protagonist. Here's our pattern: the hero is physically weaker than the villain. In a straight fight, the hero will always lose.
And then, at the mid-season two-parter, the hero WINS. Since we've set up this long pattern of the hero always losing to this villain, the fact that this pattern was disrupted means that this moment is extremely important for the work. Let's say the hero wins using guile - in this case, we walk away with the message that the work is saying that insurmountable obstacles may have workarounds, and adaptability and flexibility are good, heroic traits. Now let's say the hero won using physical strength, after a whole season of training and practicing - in this case, we say that the work says hard work and effort are heroic, and will pay off in the end.
In Homestuck, as an example, we set up a long pattern of Vriska being an awful, manipulative bitch, and a fairly remorseless killer. And then, after killing Tavros, she talks to John and admits that she's freaking out because she feels really bad about it. This vulnerability is hinted at by some of her earlier actions/dialogue, which is itself a pattern to notice, but it's not really explicit until it's set up to be in direct contrast to the ultimate spider8itch move of killing Tavros. This contrast is intended to draw our attention, to point out something significant - hey, Vriska feels bad! She's a product of her terrible society and awful lusus! While it's shitty that she killed Tavros, she's also meant to be tragic and sympathetic herself!
Hussie even talks about how patterns and surprises are used in tandem:
Prior to Eridan's entrance into the room, and even during, the deaths were completely unguessable. After Feferi's death, Kanaya's becomes considerably more so, but still quite uncertain. After her death, all bets are off. Not only do all deaths thereafter become guessable, but in some cases, "predictable". That's because it was the line between a series of shocking events, and the establishment of an actual story pattern. The new pattern serves a purpose, as a sort of announcement that the story is shifting gears, that we're drifting into these mock-survival horror, mock-crime drama segments, driven by suspense more than usual. The suspense has more authority because of all the collateral of unpredictability built up over time, as well as all the typical stuff that helps like long term characterization. But now that the pattern is out in the open, following through with more deaths no longer qualifies as unpredictability. Just the opposite, it would now be playing into expectations, which as I said, can be important too. This gear we've switched to is the new normal, and any unpredictability to arise thereafter will necessarily be a departure from whatever current patterns would indicate.
Patterns are important because they tell you what baselines the work is setting - what's normal, what's standard, what this or that generally "means." Contrast is important because it means something has changed, or some significant point is being made. They work in tandem to provide the reader with points of focus in the story, things to keep in mind as they read, consciously or unconsciously.
I'm talking about this stuff in pretty broad and open terms because stories are so malleable, and so myriad, and can say so many things. There are stories where horrible cruelties are painted as good things - propoganda is the big one, but consider all the discourse around romance books that paint abusive/toxic relationships as ideal. There are stories where the protagonist is actually the villain, and their actions are not aspirational, and works where everyone sucks and nobody is aspirational, and works where everybody is essentially a good person, if sometimes misguided.
This is, again, why outside context is so important, and biases need to be left at the door. For example, generally speaking, one can assume that the protagonist of a children's cartoon is going to be an aspirational hero, or at least a conflicted character who must learn to do the right thing. However, there are even exceptions to this! Invader Zim, for example, features an outright villain protagonist - a proud servant of a fascist empire - and for a lower-stakes example, the Eds of Ed, Edd, n' Eddy are the neighborhood scammers, constantly causing problems for the other characters with their schemes.
Thus, how do we determine what any particular narrative's stance on a given topic is? It's a difficult question to answer because every narrative is different. If I say something like, "the things that bring the protagonists success in their goals are what the narrative says are good," then we run into the issue of villain/gray morality protagonists. To use moral terms like "hero" and "villain" instead runs into the problem of defining morality within a narrative in the first place. But you have to draw the line somewhere.
So that brings us to themes.
Now, as with a lot of artistic terms, "theme" isn't necessarily well-defined (this isn't helped by the way the word is used colloquially to mean things like aesthetic, moral of the story, or symbolism). Wikipedia says: "In contemporary literary studies, a theme is a central topic, subject, or message within a narrative," but this is still very broad and hard to work with, so I'll give it a shot.
A theme is what a work says, beyond the literal series of events. Sometimes a theme is obvious - the theme of Boy Who Cried Wolf is that if you become famous for lying, you won't be believed when you tell the truth. Sometimes a theme is one of many - for example, Disney's Cinderalla says that kindness and virtue will eventually be recognized and rewarded, and that cruelty is interlinked with ugliness. Sometimes a theme is unintentional - for example, how Disney's body of work tends to villainize queer-coded characters. Sometimes context and the passage of time changes the theme - for example, Snow White originally held a message of hope for wartime families that domestic normalcy would one day return, but is now seen as anti-feminist as it appears to insinuate that a woman's place is in the kitchen, and her happiness is in marriage to a man. And sometimes a theme is not something you agree with.
In any case, a theme is a meaning to be gleaned from the text, more broad and universally applicable than the text itself. After all, we humans have traditionally always used story to impart meaning; our oldest epic, The Epic of Gilgamesh, contains within it several themes, most famously that of accepting one's mortality. It's startling, really, how applicable the story is to this day, even if specific details have become obtuse or unsavory to a modern reader.
This is, again, why it's so important to engage with a text on its own terms, in its own context, with as little bias as possible. A story's themes are not necessarily apparent, and commonly implied rather than stated outright, and approaching the story with expectations can easily lead to a Procrustean twisting of the facts to fit those expectations. A theme should emerge to the analyzer out of the reading, not the other way around.
Identifying theme gets easier with practice, and largely comes down to identifying patterns within the narrative (alongside looking at context and symbolism, of course). What does the narrative consistently touch base on? Are there any references; is there any symbolism? What does the story deem "normal," "good," or "bad"? How are ideas developed, and why? Why did these events happen, and are those motivations echoed anywhere else?
Homestuck is very complex and tackles many topics at once, and explaining why it's a coming-of-age would basically require a whole second essay, so I'll use a simpler and more popular example (like I've been trying to do) - let's say, Shrek.
The most obvious theme of Shrek is that beauty does not equate goodness, that one mustn't judge a book by its cover. The opening sequence is LITERALLY Shrek ripping out pages of a fairy tale book to use as toilet paper, and the movie ends with Fiona finding that her happiest, truest self IS as an ugly ogre. Shrek's main character conflict is that people immediately judge him as cruel and evil because he's ugly, and the characters' lowest points occur because Fiona is similarly insecure about her ogre half, considering it unlovable.
But there's other stuff in there, too. For example, if you know that Dreamworks and Shrek were founded after a falling out with Disney, then the beautiful, sanitized city of Dulac, with its switchback queue and singing animatronics add to this theme of a direct refutation of traditional Disney fairytale values, mocking them as manufactured, inhuman, and even cruel in the way that they marginalize those who don't fit an ideal of beauty. Again we see the opening sequence - defacing a fairytale - as support for this, but also the way that Dulac is displacing fairytale creatures. There's a moment where Gepetto literally sells Pinocchio, which can easily be read as a commentary on the crass commercialization and exploitation of fairy tales Disney likes to do.
And then, of course, there are lesser, supplementary themes. Love being a powerful positive force is one - Donkey is able to rally Shrek after he truly reciprocates Dragon's love for him (which echoes the theme of not equating goodness with beauty, as Dragon is still big and scary), and it's true love's kiss that grants Fiona her happy ending.
And then there's stuff that's unintentional. There's all this work done about how beauty =/= goodness, but then they made the villain incredibly short, which is a traditionally unattractive physical feature. So, does that mean that ugly things can be beautiful unless that ugliness is specifically height?
Sometimes, authorial intent does not match up with result - but in those instances, I think the most is revealed about the author. Modern Disney products tend to be very cowardly about going anti-corporation and pro-weirdness, despite their usual feel-good tones and uplifting themes - and that says a lot about Disney, doesn't it. That's why I think it's still important to keep authorial intent in mind, if possible, even if they fumble what they say they've set out to do.
Obviously, Lord Fuckwad being short doesn't REALLY detract from the overall message - but it's still a weird hitch in the themes, which I think is interesting to talk about, so you can see where personal judgement and biases DO have to be applied. There are two options here, more or less - either one believes that Shrek is making an exception for short people, who are of the Devil, or one believes that the filmmakers did a bit of an oopsie. Barring an outright statement from the filmmakers, there's no way to know for sure.
We can say a work has very complex themes when it intentionally explores multiple ideas very deeply. We can say a work has shallow themes when it doesn't have much intentional meaning, and/or that meaning is explored very lightly. The labyrinthine storytelling of Homestuck, with its forays into mortality, morality, and growing up, chock full of symbolism and pastiche and allusions, is a work with complex themes - especially as compared to the average newspaper comic strip, although they ostensibly share a genre.
We can say a work has very unified themes when these themes serve to compliment each other - the refutation of Disney-esque values, and love as a positive driving force, compliment the main theme in Shrek of not judging books by their covers, of beauty not equating to goodness. Ugly things are worthy of love, and those who push standards of beauty are evil and suck.
Similarly, we can say a work has unfocused or messy themes when the themes it includes - intentionally or not - contradict, distract, and/or detract from each other. Beauty has no correlation to goodness... unless you're short, in which case, you are closer to Hell and therefore of evil blood. To get a little controversial, this is actually why I didn't like Last Wish very much - there are approximately three separate storylines, with three separate thematic arcs, going on in the same movie, none of which particularly compliment each other - so the experience was very messy to me, story-wise, even though it was pretty and the wolf was hot. This is why we feel weird about Disney pushing anti-corporate messages, when they're a big corporate machine, or why it's easy to assume Homestuck was written poorly if you don't like Hussie - we want themes to be coherent, we want context to be unified with output.
Tone is somehow even harder to define than theme. It's like, the "vibe" of a work. For example, you generally don't expect something lighthearted to deal with the realistic, brutal tragedies of war. Maybe it'll touch on them in light, optimistic ways, but it isn't about to go All Quiet on the Western Front on the reader. By the same token, you don't expect fully happy endings out of the melodrama of opera, or frivolous slice of life from something grimdark.
Tone, too, is something people often wind up Procrusteanizing, which makes discussion difficult if two people disagree. If I read Homestuck as unwaveringly optimistic, with its downer ending the result of an author fumble, I'm pretty much going to irreconcileably disagree with somebody who reads Homestuck as though it's always been a kind of tragedy where things don't work out for the characters. Since it's even more difficult to define than theme, I'm not even really going to bother; I just felt like I had to bring it up because, despite its nebulosity, it's vital to how one reads and interprets a text. Sometimes I don't have a better answer for why I dislike a certain interpretation other than that it doesn't suit the work's tone. I generally try to avoid saying that, though, because it winds up smacking of subjective preference.
In summary... analysis is about keeping everything in mind all the time! But i swear, it gets easier the more you do it. Happy reading!
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merbear25 · 5 months
Just when I was beginning to lose hope (Law)
Prompt 1 requested by @eloweemelo
a/n: Thank you for requesting this! I really enjoyed writing this for you, so I hope you like it 💜💜
CW: NSFW!!! MDNI!!! fem!reader, lovesick angst and fluff, spoilers for Dressrosa arc, fingering, vaginal penetration, slightly rough
Neither of you were looking to catch feelings, but when you first crossed paths with Law, there was an undeniable pull. You were tending to some of his injured crew during a battle in your hometown. Such selflessness and medical expertise made you stand out from so many others they'd come across. When he invited you to join his crew, you gladly took him up on his offer―sailing around the world with an interesting crew such as theirs was impossible to turn down.
The time you spent with Law was irreplaceable: late nights conducting research, perfecting solutions, and exchanging pleasant conversations. Having spent a lot of one on one time together, that pull you'd been feeling was becoming harder to resist. The more you got to know each other, the more apparent your connection was.
Exploring your newfound feelings, setting the foundation to your relationship, letting the budding love shared between flourish, such things were meant to be cherished. However, with the sweet smell of love in bloom came spring storms to potentially uproot what the two of you had been crafting.
You were well aware of Law's past and the responsibility he put on himself to carry out a loved one's lifework. Even so, there wasn't enough time in the world that would have allowed you to prepare for his departure.
Despite your heartache, such a love as yours was worth holding out hope for. Keeping him near and dear, you were as ready as you could be to go through the inevitable loneliness sure to follow.
You'd been keeping up with the news, and although you knew you had to take what was being published with a grain of salt, you couldn't keep the dread from sinking in. Such stories clutched at the hope you'd been trying to keep alive―their grip tightening, attempting to drag it to the pools of dismay forming at the bottom of your heart.
Once word got out that Doflamingo was defeated and the alliance between Law and Luffy had been established, you couldn't hold back the burning tears―seeing proof that he'd survived sent you crashing to your knees, tears of relief and gratitude streaming down your cheeks.
As he reboarded the Polar Tang, you barely recognized him; he'd become worn, yet held a sense of optimism. With the two years of his absence now concluded, you were given the chance to hold each other again, granting yourselves the privilege of getting swept away in the passion that'd reignited―the flame burning brighter than ever before.
The devotion you had for one another could never be doubted. Through quivering lips, you admitted, "I never thought I'd see you again."
Such a fear was mutual, but he didn't respond verbally, instead he deepened his kiss, which was laced with longing and desperation. He needed more than kisses though, you both did. Leading you to your bedroom, he'd already begun tugging your clothes off.
His voice was just above a whisper, his breath hot against your ear, "Let me show you how much I missed you."
Picking you up and swiftly tossing you on the bed, he was quick to climb ontop of you. As the room filled with the scent of the passion and want you had to get lost in the other's embrace, Law trailed kisses down your neck to your breasts, leaving gossebumps in their wake.
Your body reacted to each touch with readiness, begging for more. Matching your neediness, he shoved two fingers between your already slick folds and began pumping, hitting your sweet spot just right. Having gone so long without his attention, your body started twitching and your moans were already growing more urgent.
You held his head as he flicked your nipple with his tongue, earning you a low growl. Your senses were being flooded with the immense bliss he was gifting you.
"I need you, Law. Please, give me more"
Your begs served as a drug; they were laced with an addictive substance that would make it impossible to ever leave your side again.
Positioning himself over you, his searing kisses lit your lips on fire as he alligned his arousal with yours. As he plunged into you, your walls twitched and ached from the forgotten feeling of his girth stretching you out. Your gasps, your fingernails digging into him, your trembling form: you weren't making it any easier on yourself, only causing his hunger to grow.
Each thrust sent shockwaves of pain and delight coarsing throughout your body. Keeping your legs propped up on his shoulders, he had himself completely over you, needing to feel every inch. His fingers tangled in your locks and tugged, leaving you panting from the abuse being unleashed on your recently neglected form.
Bucking further and harder into you was sending you both into a frenzy. Yearning to satiate the cravings, you continued dashing towards the peak in the distance.
As your bodys collided and the slaps of your lust sounded in the room, your souls entwined, wrecking you to your cores. After taking a moment to bask in the after glow of your passion, you wrapped your arms around him, not wanting to let go of him just yet.
Allowing yourselves to gaze into the other's eyes, it was obvious that those seeds of love you'd planted so long ago were still deeply rooted and weren't going to be torn from the soil you were working so hard to maintain.
With a tender kiss on your forehead, you could finally set your woes aside. He was home, back in your arms and nothing would tear him away from you.
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owlight · 2 years
Hello hello! I’ve been really enjoying reading your writing and saw that your requests were open! (:
May I request Zoro, Usopp + a character of your choice (even if it’s nobody) with a gn! s/o who has no sense of danger? They just enjoy the excitement of adventure and rush into things with no thought ~
Thank you in advance if you decide to take my request !
Thank you for requesting 💖😚 I love this request fr,been in my draft for few months I'm sorry for that
Tags: not proof read, fluff, reckless behaviors,making up plots as I write
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Zoro & Usopp & Trafalgar law with a gn!s/o with no sense of danger
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You're like Luffy but worse because unlike Luffy you're smart and still choose to walk right through the danger of life without a blink of an eye
But lucky for you ! Zoro is built different (kinda himbo ngl) and he will walk through danger with you with no thought too because someone gotta keep you safe while you walk into the most obvious death trap ever
He will always keep an eye on you ,just to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble,but just like Luffy you wander off on your own ,he goes after you (he get lost in his way to find you) and then he find you fighting some marine captain at a bar for some animal crackers
He so chill with you because years of begin with Luffy had made him immune to no sense of danger (he is also like you too so he doesn't mind it much)
He really like your fearless side ,you could get into the wildest most dangerous situation and you would still have your smile ,he admire that about you a lot
"(y/n) nami told us to stay low" Zoro grumble as he carry you under his arm and run from the marine troops running after you two "yeah but he was a dick to the waitress AND tried hitting on me" you defend yourself, Zoro shakes his head "...you got yourself a point but I'm not taking the blame when we reach the ship,you will !" Zoro says as he run down some alleyway to hide from the Marines,he can't help but smile at the fact you still trying to get free to fight the Marines...ah yeah he is a bit more in love with you because he want to do that too but for once he gotta put your safety before his hunger for a good fight...
He will try his best to let you be doing your adventures safely,he is strong and can protect you well but eh if only he wasn't so bad at actually stopping you from doing reckless things
He will agree to anything reckless you want to do because he Is just...he think it's a good idea? Why not fight a whole troop on your own with him? Both of you are capable???? He doesn't see why everyone think that's dangerous
He is your ride or die for real,he would go down with you with anything without a thought usually,he might argue for like one minute then he would give in Because he think you got a valid point
he might be Stern with you sometimes to make sure you don't harm yourself though , putting yourself in harm is his last thing on his list (still on the list tho)
He enjoys your spirit, quality time with you always lead to him learning new things about himself like he could fight five crocodiles to grab you from an untimely death
He is a 10/10 boyfriend, would help you invade a country if you asked enough
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Law sometimes wonder how you both Ended up together, you are the complete opposite from him ,you rush into things ,you are reckless,you don't care for danger
But again you're the reason why he is able to do so many new things ,explore new island and get into some questionable situations
"(y/n)-ya....where were you..and why are you holding a Capybara?" Law asks as he stand on the deck of the Polar Tang,you are standing on the sand as you look at the decked submarine ship "oh yeah,see I went to explore the island with bepo and then I have seen some guy,see the guy called himself the capybara king and he was terrorizing the people of the island,turning them into capybara and I had to fight him and yeah I kinda lost the fight..... and I need your help" you tell him and law rub his temple,so tiredly "we shouldn't care it's not our business,we should leave,get Bepo and let's leave the island" law says sternly and you smiles sheepishly "ahhhh..this is Bepo though,he turned him into a Capybara cuz he took the fall instead of me..."
Law left eye twitch slightly as he grab his sword ".....alright show me where is that bastard ,I will deal with him and then we are leaving and you are grounded for the next month"
You are the reason why he partly have anxiety from new places ,please stop getting into dangerous situation the moment your foot hit an island
He is this close ".." on just starting to put you on those kid leashes before going anywhere,just so you don't wander off somewhere and end up liberating some island by accident
He appreciates your fearlessness yet it make him worry so much about you,please Just stop trying to have some new adventure he know you're a Pirate but You are not immune to injuries
He patch you up after every adventure you end injured from ,he is always glued to you after that ,making sure you don't leave his sight
The crew have a chart for watching (baby sitting) you duty ,they all trying to help law not get grey hair before his thirties by watching over you before you end up somewhere you are not supposed to be
Law still loves you though,your energy is a fresh breath of air in his life even if you always acting so recklessly ,he still adores you
Will try to explore with you sometimes in hope to keep you entertained and safe (you end up finding the one piece I swear)
6.4/10 boyfriend , would stop you from doing a lot of dangerous things ,but sometimes he will watches you do dumb reckless things just to see you come to ask him for help ,it's his favorite routine in a way
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Every night ,he pray to god that you stop trying to do these dangerous adventures because you always end up dragging him with you ,bless your heart your idea of fun is like active suicide activities in his eyes
He loves you truly but he can so much play brave in face of death,you are like Luffy (but without the plot armor) and he worry sick for you whenever he sees you wander off to your new adventure whenever you reach a new island ,and so much against his own self preservation..he follows you
"my love... I'm pretty I saw Marines camping nearby" Usopp mumble as he hold your hand, walking with you,you have no care in the world as you walk " oh yeah I know,I already burnt Thier camp, they won't bother us for a while while we gather what we need " Usopp felt his eyes jump from his skull '' YOU DID WHAT?"
" oh damn is that judgement??? Uso! I was keeping us safe,beside I made sure no one was inside ya know,it will be more calm for us to walk!" You explains to him and he sighs deeply,your intentions are pure yet your action was what he could describe,a crackhead level plan "we will have to deal with angry marines when they discover what you did ,they will probably call for backup"
You shake your head with a little mischievous grin " they won't be able to,I took all Thier den den mushi mushi " you tell him as you show him your bag,and it was true it was filled with transport snails different shapes and looks very relaxed as they eat a.. cabbage? Do you keep cabbages in your backbag?
"....alright I guess you...really thought this out" Usopp mumble nervously,failing to see that one of the snails look like it belonged to a certain golden suit admiral...he trust you enough to not be that foolish..but you are unfortunately and he is in love with you..
Always have a mini heart attack because of you,have mercy on his soul he will have a heart condition because of reckless you can be combined with Luffy own recklessness,how did he end up having to be with two reckless people in the same crew???
He tries his best to district you off any dangerous situation,so you don't jump at it ,just like with Luffy ,he would gaslight you into NOT going to the dangerous Island because no we didn't just go pass it please don't tell Luffy about it
You are Chaotic good,which he appreciates you are not doing all that out of idiocy (like Luffy) but sheer curiosity and wanting to explore ,it's cute
He singlehandedly saved you 68836 times by begin the voice of reason for you and you listen to him because you love him
He would save you if you need saving ,he would man up for you just to save you and you would appreciate him and love him-at least that what he thinks he want to do, usually you end up saving him ngl
You and him are the polar opposite yet mash together so well,you still listen to him when things get serious and he still let you go apeshit when he notices you needing to let your energy out
He still adores you anyway, because after you get tired from getting into so much adventures ,you cuddle to him like a little cat and he goes through 7737 stage of happiness while biting his hand to not wake you up
You're so precious to him in general even if he is pretty sure he is getting white hair because of you
10/10 boyfriend ngl , would try to stop you but fails miserably and end up joining you,is good at lying his ass and getting you both out of trouble so good for you ngl
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zombifiedheartg · 10 months
Yandere Mike and alters( team up if you want! ) with a darling that is the most sweet,caring and calm person of the world! That would never ever make something bad and protects everyone!
If you can't is ok! Take your time,rest well and have the best day of your life!!!! 💞
of course <3 and thank u so much, ur so nice! i didn't include chester for this, i'm sorry !! , i'm so sorry this took so long & it was pretty short :( i rlly hope u enjoyed it raaahhha
yandere mike & alters x caring darling..
cw : delusion, basic yandere behaviour, obsession, mentions of harming ppl, violence in general, mal in general, mike being clingy, manipulation & gaslighting , sexism, jealousy of course .
˚﹟🪐 'ಇ.
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he thinks you're the sweetest thing thats ever happened to him!! your caring nature is so alluring to him, you're like a dream. most of his life he's been made fun of, ridiculed and just overall bullied.
but with you, it's refreshing not to be mocked almost 25/8. and you always defend him, it's so nice! he's attached himself to you, he's so clingy.. he never goes anywhere without you. where you go, he goes.
it's so suffocating and annoying not to have any alone time, but you'd never tell him that, you don't wanna hurt your precious boyfriends feelings do you? the guilt would just eat you alive!
you're an angel to him.
the weird glances you get from people as he practically hangs on to your waist are worth it.
he's more possessive than he'd like to think, he gets jealous sort of easily. i mean, he trusts you! you're most loyal person he's ever met! another trait he loves about you, but it's not exactly you he's worried about.
he just doesn't think any guy or girl that flirts with you actually deserves the attention you bring them.
mike can't help but think your kindness is a bit too much, people never actually repay the favour. you practically give the world to others and get nothing in return! it's so unfair,
he'd never treat you like that. you aren't a stepping stool to him. you're so much more than that, why can't you just properly accept his love?
he also loves how calm you are, you can easily defuse any situation. your aura overall is just enchanting, it's usually so hectic on the island, surrounded by people who are polar opposites, followed with chris's sadistic life-threatening challenges, you always make him feel at peace somehow.
and that's something he always longs for.
''god, you're so cute!''
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none of the diamonds and other valuable things he's found in his adventures compare to how much you mean to him.
you're a real sweetie, and he loves it!
your compassion has quite the charm, he's found himself with a few scratches here and there after a wrong turn during exploring, and to see your beautiful face up close as you tend to his wounds, he's never been happier.
but lets be honest here, he's kind of a sexist at heart. he prefers to be the ''chivalrous'' one. sure it gets annoying when he doesn't let you do literally anything, but you'd never tell him that.
you're like a pushover in his eyes. so he'd rather cling on to you to ''protect'' you. you obviously don't need protection.. you're perfectly capable. he's seen the way you handle yourself, you could kick someone's ass for him if he asked! he babies you.
but this way, it boosts his ego to see you immediately going to him for help.
and you can really tell someone off if they tried anything, you're so trustworthy. he's honestly obsessed with your company.
he gets quite jealous. he knows you like talking to people and just overall being nice to others, but he can't help it. that person's lucky to even get a spare glance. let alone hear your voice.
''you're a treasure, aren't ya?''
༘ 💋 ⋆。𓍢ִ໋🌹 .
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oh you're a darling!
she adores how graceful you are.
you two are for sure the cutest couple on this island. you're the perfect person for her! you're just lovely to be around, she treats you amazing aswell!
she's one of the more tame yanderes. she's alot more gentle around you
she likes to teach you dances and such, sure she has way more experience, but she just wants to be close to you.
her love for you is passionate! she's so obsessed with you, you're always on her mind. and she always finds a way to include you in every conversation..
it's a bit of a problem for mike on the other hand. most of his friends are just tired of hearing about you, but svetlana can't help it! if anything, they should be glad to be hearing about you.
when you defend her, she just swoons!
and don't get her started on your beauty, your kind nature just intensifies it!
''your form is just wonderful!''
༘ ⋆。˚🎗
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damn, you're a doll.
he's always around you with an arm around your waist, or your shoulder. it's kind of a way to let people know you're ''his''. and he just likes touching you
he always takes your basic human decency towards him as a flirt. every time you even interact with him he's filled with butterflies,
he likes how calm you are, and how easy you take his flirtatious comments with just a small giggle. it's so appealing, sure he likes it when you're flustered, for some reason he's attracted to your peaceful-ness.
he was already cocky, but now that he's with you, it's just intensified. he feels so lucky to be with you. but who wouldn't?
he brags about you so often, it's tiring.. but also endearing, you're always the first person he goes to when he has a chance, that's a thing alot of the yandere's have in common, they can't stand to be away from you.
he tries to impress you as much as he can, whether that be with his looks, or his strength, he just wants to hear words of encouragement from you.
he gets jealous pretty easily, even if you're doing something as simple as helping someone, i mean c'mon, only the vito should hear his belˈlettsa's voice! he knows its just the way you are, but jesus.
''ay, can't get enough of me, huh?''
੭﹕ ̊ ̟ 🩸
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god it irritates him so much, you're so nice and benevolent its infuriating. he wants your attention fully focused on him most of the time, how can that happen when you're too busy caring for some fucking dork that probably wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire.
he only likes it when you're gracious to him. with the others though? no way.
he's for sure way more violent than the others, he'd actually hurt you if it meant you'd just fall in his arms.
and you totally just foil his plans, he knows if he hurts anyone that even dared to get close with you, they'd still end up with you somehow, except with closer proximity. which is worse!
but that still doesn't stop him. he'll go as far as to kill that person. he knows who you'll go to for a shoulder to cry on..
he also can't help but think your harmless nature is adorable. you remind him of prey, just so innocent and full of life. he thinks the fact that you won't do anything bad is sorta annoying because he finds himself getting scolded by you for nearly murdering someone.
''what, you think they'll give you the same treatment i do? you can't be that stupid..''
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xxchaosjojoxx · 4 months
I can't stand you (Penguin x reader )
A/N: This idea was suddenly in my head and as soon as possible I started taking notes. Tbh I would love to see more of Penguin if he acts like that. If you ever do something like this or maybe wanna do a followup part/sequel, tag me please.
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The break room inside the Polar Tang was full and loud. A lot of chattering and laughing was heard. Bepo and Penguin were entertaining the whole crew. You have been a member of the heart pirates for almost 6 months and they all welcomed you with open arms and you knew instantly this is family now. Everyone was pretty nice towards you for one exception. You were looking at the young man with the penguin hat. You didn’t know if you did something wrong or said anything, but he disliked you and showed it. Whenever you entered a room, his smile was gone. He was sighing, groaning and you are pretty sure he rolled his eyes whenever you were there. At the beginning you joined him and Shachi in the kitchen. You even joined their training sessions once in a while. Everything was fine and then suddenly he was annoyed whenever you showed up. No one could tell you what was wrong. Even Shachi was clueless, or pretended to be clueless. It was weird for him to behave like this. He was such a fun and sweet guy around others. Telling jokes, entertaining his crewmates. He even made snacks for everyone once in a while. He was so caring towards his crew except for you. You tried talking to him, asking him if you did something that hurt him or something like that. But Penguin ignored you the whole time. With an annoying groan he just turned around and left you alone. You wished to be friendly with him as well. You often wondered what his eyes looked like under his hat, what his smile would look like if it was directed to you. You knew two facts for sure. He was pretty handsome, without seeing his face clearly and he hates you.
You sighed. Today was a hot day and you all wore your boiler suits half off and it was still too hot in the submarine. You drank the glass of water before you in a few big gulps.
A few minutes later your captain, Trafalgar Law, joined you guys. “We were docking on the next island in a few minutes. I have a list of supplies we need to restock. So make sure to do it first, before you explore the island..” He held a few pieces of paper in his hand.
“Shachi is still bedridden. The flu knocks him out for today and tomorrow for sure. After that he will be back with his full energy most likely. That’s why y/n will stay behind and guard the Polar Tang with Penguin.” With that he turned around and was ready to leave the room. He stopped right in his tracks as Penguin shouted at him. “Wait! Why do I have to do this with Y/N? Can someone else join me?” He was asking, annoyed that he had to do this with you. You felt hurt, as he was saying it without a problem. The rest of the crew were looking between you, penguin and Law. They felt pity towards you.
Law let out a sight. “Shachi can’t do this today, so y/n will do it today. You always do this in tandem.” Penguin gritted his teeth.
Ikkaku suddenly stood up. “Ehm Captain. I could be on duty today for Penguin or Y/N.” She said and Law glared at her with an unpleasant look. “No. Penguin and Y/N will do it today. Captain’s Order. You don’t have to sit next to each other the whole time. We will be away for a few hours at most. So get yourself together.” With that he left the room and the silence was very weird.
Ikkaku patted your shoulder and smiled at you before leaving the room. After a while Penguin left as well, you stood up and were following him.
You both were in a corridor as he began to talk. “Do what you want. Go into your room or on deck. I will do it alone.”
You increased your speed to match his. “You heard what the captain said. We have to do this together. Can you stop being a bitch about it?”
He stopped in his tracks. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear it. Go do what you want, but leave me alone.”
He started to walk again and you felt anger rising in your chest. So you jumped forward and grabbed his wrist. “I have no idea what your problem is when it comes to me, so stop treating me like an enemy here. We are a Crew.”
With one movement he was freeing himself from your grip, grabbing your wrist and pressing you against the near wall. Your hand was above your head, and he held you with a tight grip. You were shocked about this sudden situation and looked at him with a hint of fear and panic in your eyes.
“You are my problem.”
You gulped and tried to hold his gaze. “What did I ever do to you?”
He tightened his grip around your wrist. “You are arrogant. You show off whenever you can. You have to show everyone that you are great at everything. You are a better cook. You are a good fighter. Shachi and I could lose to you for sure. They are laughing at your jokes. I hate seeing you. I hate that you are better in everything that I am. I hate that you look really hot in those damn tight tops you’re wearing.”
You looked at him confused. He was still furious but there was more. He was looking at your cleavage and leaned into you. “I hate that I can’t help but feel attracted to you, to the point that I become horny whenever you walk around like this…like today. I hate that I want to kiss you and make out with you. I hate that you have so much control over me, that I would do anything if you just ask me.” His other hand was tracing your sides and your face til the point he was holding your chin in his hand. His face was really close to yours and you could feel his warm breath on your skin.
“It makes me angry. I absolutely hate…that I am telling myself to dislike you even though I don’t want to.”
And suddenly his lips were on yours. Without realizing what exactly happens, his tongue slipped between your lips and you granted him access. Your legs felt weak and his knee were suddenly between your legs, to help you get steady. Your hand was still in his grip while the other was finding their way to the back of his neck. He pulled away and kissed your neck with hot and needy kisses. A soft moan slipped from your mouth and he covered your mouth with his hand, leaning into you and whispering into your ear. “Be quiet. I don’t want anyone to hear you.” He was looking at you with a cold look and even though you were confused and dizzy from this, you couldn’t help but find this situation with him extremely hot at this moment.
Penguin were looking at your flushed face. You were panting and your eyes were half lidded and full of desire. Suddenly the man before you smirked. “Seems like I have some control over you as well.” He was nipping at your ear and returning, kissing your neck once more.
You tried to talk and when his hand left your mouth and explored your waist the words slipped out. “I didn’t mean to come around arrogant. I thought I could impress you somehow, yknow?” He was humming and his lips were on yours again. “Stop talking.”
It was hard for you to hold back another moan of pleasure.
“I would love it if we could get along.” Penguin was stiff, pulled away and looked at you in shock. Maybe he realized just now what he just did. “Fuck. Can you stop talking? Otherwise I really have to consider if I hate you.” He let go of your wrist and was looking at you with lust in his eyes. “Let’s forget that this happened, sweetheart.”
He turned around and took a few steps. You were standing there in disbelief. “What? No, I don't wanna forget it. And did you just call me sweetheart?” There was no way you would ever forget making out with your handsome crewmate.
He was turning his head towards you. “Believe me, If we continue this show you won’t ever be able to forget it.” Penguin smirked at you and your face turned dark red. You wouldn't be against it but admitting it, is another story. You were holding your cheeks to hide the fact that you were flustered by his words and the fact that he turns you on with that damn smirk of his.
“Now come on, we have duty together, sweetheart.”
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froot-batty · 1 year
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lore under the cut! (warning it's uh. it's long)
Because the two of them are very closely entwined, I'll write their backstories as one big thing instead of individually
Bruce Wayne had the life every kid dreamed about. The child of two successful, wealthy, loving parents, his own staff, and the ability to go wherever or do whatever he wanted in the city. Well, with parental supervision, of course. Thomas and Martha, though they believed in Gotham and saw the good in it, also tended to shelter Bruce a bit, just to keep him away from the dangerous parts. Unfortunately this backfired, making young Bruce only want to go into the city alone even more.
Harvey Dent was the polar opposite of Bruce. He grew up in the worst part of the Narrows, with a single immigrant mother who was constantly taken advantage of by their landlord or her various bosses. While she loved him dearly, she couldn't be there all of the time for him (due to her needing to work multiple jobs) or protect him from the horrors going on outside their door. He bore witness to a great deal of traumatic things, and eventually took to leaving his house when his mother wasn't home in order to get a reprieve.
Bruce and Harvey first met when they were very young children, as Harvey was wandering the streets near his home and Bruce had escaped to go and explore the Narrows. They clicked almost instantly; despite the differences in the way they grew up, they both shared the dream that Gotham was, at it's core, a good place (or could be a good place). Harvey eventually introduced his childhood friend (and neighbor) Selina Kyle to Bruce, and they became a tight trio for many years.
Bruce's parents died when he was 11. His grief made his ventures out to the Narrows lessen, but Harvey and Selina would often make trips to Bruce's house to make sure he was okay.
Harvey's mother died when he was 15. She had been sick for years now, and the constant stress of having to work multiple jobs eventually got to her. He appeared to cope with it easily enough, but on the inside, his anger towards the perceived injustice she received would never really fade.
Even as they grew older, and neared adulthood, Bruce's and Harvey's friendship seemed as strong as one could be. At least, that's what Harvey thought, until the moment Bruce completely vanished from Gotham altogether. Bruce's disappearance made Harvey and Selina drift apart, so Harvey in turn poured himself into his studies at college. It would be 15 years until Harvey saw Bruce again, and though part of him wanted to be angry, he was just desperately happy to see his best friend again.
Harvey by then was well into his career as District Attorney, and had aspirations of running for mayor in the upcoming election. Bruce was the one who eventually encouraged him to do it, promising funds and all the help Harvey could need to run his campaign. There was another person planning on running for mayor in the election, one Oswald Cobblepot, but neither of them worried too much about him, at the start.
By this time Bruce had reconnected with Selina as well. Harvey and Selina never could get as close as they were in their childhood, so her instant connection with Bruce began to make Harvey a little worried. A little jealous. He didn't want to lose his best friend again, even if it was to someone who was supposed to also be his friend. Harvey acting weird began to drive Bruce away a little bit, which only pushed him further to Selina, creating a vicious cycle between the two of them.
Well into the swing of the mayoral campaign, Harvey began to...lose it a little bit. He had begun recieving open threats on his life (from Oswald, but he didn't know that at the time, and began to think people were conspiring against him), and his paranoia over that along with everything going on with Bruce and Selina made things up top get worse. By now he was fully distancing himself from his two friends, and started to wonder if they were plotting against him.
Everything came to a head when Harvey was due to make a speech at Wayne Manor. It was only a night or two until the results of the election would be announced, and Bruce had thrown a party in honor of Harvey's campaign (and in the hopes it'd cheer him up). Harvey initially didn't want to do a speech, but Bruce encouraged it, and the District Attorney took the stage.
Unbeknownst to him, Oswald had planned to send Dent a final message - one that would take him out of the running completely.
He paid a man to dress up as a waiter and infiltrate the party. Harvey was in the middle of his speech when Penguin's man ran up to the stage and threw a glass full of acid directly at his face.
This was Harvey's breaking point. Forced to drop out of the race and his mind in tatters, he fully believed that Bruce was in on the plot to take him out, and turned his back both to him and Selina. Where they had bonded over the idea of making Gotham better, this is where they'd fall apart; because Harvey still believes that he can improve Gotham, even if he has to burn the city to the ground to do it.
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(Both of them are Bisexual. Harvey also has OSDD-1, which I will probably explain in another post, since this one's way too long)
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paintingwhiteceilings · 11 months
❃S/O going on a trip with Seventeen❃
In honour of their new comeback that I am definitely processing as a not-delusional and completely functional human being, a very quickly written prompt inspired by the MV on what it would be like to travel with Seventeen. Also, I just came back from a short hiking vacation in Bavaria so it felt fitting to have a travel themed prompt.
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❀The only way for you to convince Coups to go on a trip with you is to go on a purely spa-treatment/relaxation vacation where he will not have to lift a single finger. He wants the princess treatment, and only highly luxurious all-inclusive resorts will do.
❀The location doesn't even matter to him, as long as there is sun, because the two of you will not be leaving the hotel to go sightseeing. Coups will absolutely refuse to move for two weeks straight, unfortunately for you, that is, if you want to explore the town. For Scoups, walking around to see some historic buildings falls under movement.
❀ Instead, he wants to lounge at the pool, sipping on a fancy cocktail, enjoying the fact that, for once, he has no responsibilities. He is ready to catch up on a lifetime of sleep and, you know, alone time with his partner, undisturbed.
❀ You can't even convince him to go to the beach because dragging your stuff from the hotel is too much effort for him. Plus, he finds the sand incredibly bothersome.
❀ Unfortunately, his plans to relax are disturbed as he forgot to put his phone on silent the first day that you two arrived. Instead of peace and quiet, his phone is continuously ringing. He made the mistake of picking up once, stuck to listening to Seungkwan's rant about whatever questionable thing his BSS members did this time around.
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❀ He is definitely another supporter of the zero-movement trip, but where Coups pulls the leader card, he will drag his feet and go sightseeing with you. Jeonghan, similarly to Coups, refuses to go anywhere but a luxurious resort. The bed better be incredibly soft because he is exhausted and wants to spend most of his time either on a lounge chair near the pool or in bed underneath the soft covers, fast asleep (get your mind out of the gutter).
❀ Whenever you guys do end up going outside to see the world, he makes sure to have everything in his backpack. Whatever you need, he has made sure to pack it beforehand. From baby wipes to your favourite snacks to pads, he made sure to stuff it in his overflowing backpack.
❀ His patience is heavily tested when you drag him to touristy spots. He is only there because he loves you, not because he enjoys people or busy places. One time, he kept eyeing an annoying bratty child for a bit too long, and you are convinced that if you hadn't distracted him, he would've pushed it down the cliff. 
❀ Jeonghan is a god at haggling and can't get enough of it. You always end up with a bunch of souvenirs that he managed to get for cheaper. He keeps telling you that he needs to get this many souvenirs to cover all of the members, but you know better. He is addicted to the rush of winning.
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❀ Where his fellow 95-liners are content with sitting at the pool for two weeks straight, Joshua is the polar opposite, wanting to explore everything and anything that there is to see. Then again, I imagine him to be someone who prefers city trips over camping trips, enjoying the different cultures he gets to experience.
❀ Joshua is one of those people who does research before he visits a place. He always makes a vast list of places that he wants to take you to. Joshua's list consists of a healthy mix of places he finds fascinating and places he knows you would like. The added bonus to travelling with Joshua is that he will do all the talking if you end up getting lost.
❀ No matter what you guys are doing, Joshua's outfits are on point. He wants the both of you to look like you just came off a runway. There is no slacking; there will be no leisure wear, not even during the flight. He will make sure you guys are always matching, taking it way too seriously.
❀ The outfits are purely because Joshua wants thousands of photos of you two together at every location you visit. You better be prepared to pose as if your life depends on it, as whenever a scenery looks remotely picturesque, he will ask a local or a tourist to take at least twenty pictures. After the trip, he will combine all the pictures into a scrapbook, making you forgive him for the slightly obsessive and annoyingly persistent insistence on taking a picture every five minutes.
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❀ He is incredibly excited to be going on a trip with you, but don't expect him to help you plan it in any shape, way or form. Jun is okay with pretty much anything; however, he is absolutely the type to turn up without knowing where you guys are even going. Generally, he has the mentality of a very well-behaved child, so you won't have to constantly entertain him. That being said, you better keep him occupied when you visit a lot of museums, or else you will be plagued by a constant whining of "Can we go yet?"
❀ During one of your trips, he came up with an exciting game for museums. You guys use a random object generator and then try to find that object in a painting or display; whoever finds it first, wins. It allows for you to enjoy the art and for him to endure the "boring old stuff".
❀ His favourite part of trips is sitting outside at a café with some tasty food or drinks, watching people go about their day-to-day. He enjoys soaking in the atmosphere without running around to visit museums that require thinking and likes to make up stories about those passing by.
❀ If there are stray cats/dogs in the place that you are visiting, half of his camera roll will be pictures of just them. Don't expect him to take pictures of you; he already took a hundred pictures of an earless black-and-white cat that take up the remainder of his storage. I hope you bring hand sanitiser because he will be petting every single one of them regardless of the potential fleas.
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❀ Welcome to the most unhinged vacation of a lifetime. With Hoshi, there will be no opportunities for you to sit down and relax because he will be dragging you around the entire city/country, trying to experience and see as much as is humanly possible. His energy has no limits, and he wants you to get the most out of the holiday.
❀ In other words, Hoshi will be speed-running your vacation with zero planning. Sure, he asked Joshua and Wonwoo for their travel itinerary, but other than that, he is doing this purely based on vibes.
❀ Be prepared to end up at some obscure and rather dodgy restaurants that will definitely give you food poisoning because Hoshi felt it call out to him. Sure, it might have been the tiger on the storefront, but he maintains that you find the best food in the least touristy places. After this trip, you will never trust Kwon Soonyoung to plan anything ever again.
❀ He is no different when you guys decide to have a nice relaxing day at the pool. In his never-ending energy, he will almost accidentally drown you during a water fight. The other members are genuinely scared that Hoshi will kill you someday on accident.
❀ He tries so hard to be serious during museum visits. However, his genuinely trying to be insightful comments are so unhinged that they have you cracking up continuously. You can't take him seriously when he examines a Greek statue, noting that the statue is "very well made. Look at how well-crafted that ass is, perfect proportions.”
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❀ The moment you guys decide to go on a trip, Wonwoo will send you a plethora of surveys asking you what type of trip you want to go on and what kind of sights you want to see. It is so in-depth that you wonder what Wonwoo is even going to do with all this data; you are not sure what the point is of you ranking different pool shapes.
❀ That is until he presents you with The Schedule. Jeon Wonwoo has created the world's most detailed schedule, planning everything down to the mili-second. Even relaxation time is accounted for, describing what kind of relaxation activity it should be.
❀ If it is not on the schedule, he is not doing it. The schedule is holy, and if anything needs changing, you can let him know in the feedback form he created to be completed at the end of the trip. Wonwoo is deadly serious. At the very least, you will have seen most of the country's/city's highlights at the most optimal times.
❀ Sadly for him, he accidentally breaks his glasses halfway through the trip when he leans forward too much when peering down a cliff, requiring an impromptu visit to the local optician. Rather than freaking out about the lack of sight, Wonwoo will be fretting about the unravelling of his precious schedule. He will attempt to reschedule the rest of the trip that night, but you kindly encourage him to be a bit more flexible.
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❀ Good luck trying to get this man to take a break and leave his house. He doesn't understand why you guys have to go on a trip; why change the scenery when his house has food that you know will be good and a bed that is always comfortable? If you want to go to a pool, the gym he frequents has one. It is absolutely unnecessary, in his opinion, to leave his house, let alone Korea, unless it is for a world tour.
❀ When you finally manage to convince him to go on a trip with you, he will try to smuggle his 'portable' studio into his luggage. Yes, you have told him that this will be a no-working trip. Yes, a part of him was still planning to spend a couple of afternoons locked in the hotel room, producing a song. You sternly remind him that being a workaholic is a problem and breaks can help with writer's block.
❀ Still, he will walk around the city/country with his phone tightly held in his hand to record anything that inspires him. He especially pauses at local musicians playing traditional folk music, fascinated by the different melodies and rhythms. He, moreover, notes down any lyrics that pop into his head. Woozi won't say it out loud, but spending time with you makes him think of the sappiest, most romantic love songs.
❀ He magically vanishes the moment he sees a gathering of tourists. No matter how much he loves you, he will not willingly expose himself to crowds. 
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❀ In all fairness, DK might be the best person to go on a trip with. DK gets easily and genuinely excited about everything, making even the most boring museum visit feel like an awe-inspiring experience. Moreover, he is always happy whenever you are happy, meaning that even if he doesn't particularly like a place or museum you are visiting, he will still have a good time as long as you are smiling.
❀ He is such a golden retriever puppy and loves just about everything. As long as you are there next to him, he is having a great time, making it the best trip he ever went on. He will repeatedly tell you that, too, never ceasing to take the opportunity to let you know that he loves spending time with you.
❀ He is down to do anything you want, whether it consists of relaxing at the pool or visiting some obscure art performance he doesn't quite understand. Just plan it for him, and he will show up with the biggest smile as if it had always been on his bucket list. Honestly, we all need a boyfriend like DK.
❀ Where Jeonghan comes home with souvenirs due to his obsession with haggling, DK does so because he genuinely wants to have presents for all the members. Half of your trip consists of finding souvenirs for his friends, and DK is bent on finding something nice for all of them. He won't leave before his suitcase is filled to the brim with small statues, food and postcards.
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❀ Mingyu is a bit of a disaster when it comes to travelling. You constantly have to keep an eye on his possessions for him; before you know it, he has misplaced his passport or accidentally forgot to bring his phone. Unsurprisingly, he will be the unlucky soul whose luggage gets unceremoniously left behind at the departure airport. You spend the entire first day buying him a whole new wardrobe because neither of you has much faith in his luggage arriving in time before the trip ends.
❀ He says he is down to go on a road trip together, but you better turn down that idea real quick. With his clumsiness, he will end up somehow breaking the rental car. He does convince you to go on a fancy yacht together, where you discover that boats and Kim Mingyu do not mix. You had to fish him out of the water at least five times due to him losing his balance. The poor guy wanted it to be a romantic boat ride, too. He had prepared an entire picnic basket and candles, the whole Pinterest picture, which he may have taken into the water with him as he fell.
❀ Mingyu has one obsession during the entire vacation, namely trying all the food that is available. Sure, museums can be fun, but rather than wasting his precious time looking at pretty paintings, he wants to spend his time stuffing his face with the local cousine. He has compiled a list solely consisting of good restaurants, and his entire goal this trip is to try as much food as is humanly possible.
❀ I hope you have strong bowels because he will need you to eat every five minutes in order to try all the dishes available.
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❀ Instead of you having to drag him to museums, he is the one who wants to visit every museum at least once. Not the history ones, though, just the art museums; history, in his opinion, is boring. Who cares that some famous historical figure died in this spot?
❀ He loves to go on street art tours given by locals. For him, it is hitting two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he gets to see cool street art that isn't restricted by whatever the art institutions deem acceptable. On the other hand, he gets to soak in the vibes of the city as he is led through it. He is another member who strikes me as loving to sit down at a café to observe the day-to-day life of the city's inhabitants.
❀ He would definitely be down to visit a wine country so that the two of you can go on wine tours. Minghao would especially be excited if those wine tours consisted of quality wine that he rarely is able to drink in Korea. Honestly, if you were to take him to either Italy or France, he would be happy. Art and wine? That is all he wants in life.
❀ Going on vacation with Minghao reeks of luxury. He will not hold back and splurge on the finer things, making sure that the two of you are pampered. To be fair, he needs it after dealing with twelve hyperactive men on a daily basis; he is pretty sure that they are making him age twice as fast.
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❀ He is so incredibly excited to be going on a trip with you that he overpacked. His luggage is twice as big as yours, mostly because he wanted to pack some of your dresses that he thinks you look especially pretty in and enough supplements to last both of you a lifetime. You don't even have to worry about accidentally forgetting to pack something because Seungkwan got you. He has been closely watching you pack your suitcase, lovingly (albeit naggingly) pointing out whenever you missed something.
❀ Seungkwan loves going on hiking vacations combined with a hotel. We have all seen him and Vernon trying to catch a bug; this boy is not going camping unless it is glamping with enormous amounts of bug repellent. Still, he lives for those easy-to-do hikes, using it as an opportunity to walk and talk about life. He takes comfort in knowing that despite his hectic schedule, he can use these trips to catch up and share whatever emotions and thoughts you are having.
❀ He is such a social butterfly; it doesn't matter where you are, but Seungkwan will strike up a conversation with the nearest person. Upon visiting a local restaurant, he becomes best friends with a group of local grandmas dining next to you two. He has exchanged addresses and has already promised to send them a Christmas card. You are not sure how he managed to communicate with them, as neither spoke the other's language.
❀ Seungkwan, moreover, is the best person to go to touristy spots with. He has such assertiveness that he will get his way no matter what. No annoying unattended child or whining entitled Karen is getting in his way of enjoying this historical site with the love of his life. 
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❀ Vernon is a bit hopeless when it comes to holidays. He is another member who will show up and do whatever you tell him to, not really caring what kind of vacation they go on. Take him anywhere, and Vernon will have a great time, content with any activity you want to do or sight you wish to see. Vernon enjoys the occasional museum visit and is always down for a hike as long as it doesn't require any intense physical activity.
❀ Still, you will have to help him pack because he will forget detrimental things if you don't. Underwear? He completely forgot about it until you mentioned it. How could he forget about that? His passport? It completely slipped his mind to put it in his hand luggage. He did make sure to download all the episodes of a show on Netflix so you can watch it during the plane ride. Priorities, I guess. 
❀ One time, he forgot to bring his swimsuit to a pool vacation. Luckily, there were enough stores where he could buy a new one, but, to this day, you are not sure how he managed to forget the one thing central to a vacation based around swimming. He was down to swim in his underwear, as well, until you mentioned getting a new one in the store next door.
❀ Honestly, out of all the members, he would be the best road trip buddy for the playlists but the worst for preparation.
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❀ Dino can go two ways when it comes to a trip. He either will not want to go outside the hotel and will be content with relaxing at the pool for the entire trip. Or, he will want to visit every highlight and tourist attraction without taking a single break. There is no in-between, and it fully depends on how much the members exhausted him with their endless teasing.
❀ He is excited to finally be able to have some quality one-on-one time with you without being continuously teased by his members. A part of him is incredibly nervous to go on a trip for the first time with someone other than his members; he hasn't stopped thinking about all the things that could go wrong. However, the excitement of getting to spend uninterrupted one-on-one time with you overshadows most of it.
❀ He unironically loves museums and historical sites because of the history and stories they tell. Dino acts like his love for history is a running gag, using it to crack his members up. However, he genuinely enjoys learning about history and finds something inspiring about the ever-lastingness of historical figures. Nothing is more fascinating to him than how their stories have continued to exist long beyond their passing. Thus, he wants to visit as many historical sites as he is able to.
❀ I feel like Dino would be the type to 'accidentally' forget his razor and convince everyone he grew a beard because of it. In reality, all that had grown over the weeks you have been away were five whisps of hair, barely visible. When you told him he could borrow yours for the time being or he could get a new one in the pharmacy down the road, he dramatically exclaimed it was a sign to grow out a beard. It is safe to say that the members didn't let him live it down. 
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