#poll queries
is there a reason you didn’t provide a “none, he’s gay” or even a “none, he’s asexual” option on that poll, when listing people javert might have gotten with? because that man could be ace, he could be gay, both would fit javert really well. but into women? literally never. genuinely not possible for him.
The question was about Javert dating female characters
Male characters poll to come another time.
It was purely a random idea to do that poll while I was thinking of something to post. And the question was about 'If Hugo had allowed Javert to have a gf'.
There aren't enough slots in the polls to do male and female characters in one poll. Anything is possible and I don't interpret him as being gay when he's never even had a sexual encounter. Also this question could also include purely platonic relationships with no sex but some affection.
It's meant to be for fun not a serious debate thing. Also I write fanfics and I write my AU Javert as hetrosexual/cis. I don't read his and valjeans 'relationship' as being a sexual/romantic attraction either. Though I would neve rule out the possiblity or even likelihood of them being friends. I do not see them as being in love in any way what so ever. But that's just me. I see Javert developing a respect for Valjean and an admiration for the fact that Valjean has managed to turn his life around and become a good man. Maybe a bit of jealousy too because Valjean was able to experience something that Javert has never had. Love, a family, a child. But we will never know for definite whether he is was homosexual or not because there is no hint of him ever having a relationship with anyone in the book. Not intimately not even as a friend. He is a loner. Him being a-sexual is something I wouldn't dismiss. But he lived his life like a monk and aside from his work as a police officer/man of the law and justice, which was the fundemental core of his entire existence he has nothing and nobody. So I do think it's wrong to say it's not possible for him to have relationships with women. Surely he'd keep his options open before deciding which way he is inclined. I wouldn't rule out him being bi.
But honestly I just didn't get the gay vibe from him at all. Not when he hasn't even experimented with anyone or been on a date. Also he's emotionally shut down except when he gets irritated/angry with criminals. I don't think he's ever let anyone in if I were to stick with the canon storyline. Dude keeps himself to himself and obviously his life is much easier that way. I also think he has serious mental health problems throughout his life that he manages to keep in check until the night he commits suicide. Then he got hit by the emotional/mental runaway train and he couldn't handle it and jumped.
I'm not dissing you for thinking that he's gay, a sexual, a triceratops or whatever (my brain is shutting off now I need some sleep) , you interpret it however you want to. I just didn't interpet it the same way as you and with no further writings from Hugo or anyone who knew him to state whether he intended for Valjean and Javert to be gay or anyone else for that matter. Then I can't see that as canon because that's just not how my brain absorbed the info when I read the relevant parts.
But imo anything is possible. So yes, I think relationships with women or just one woman is definitely a possibility. Also aren't some of the barricade boy's gay/bi and could certainly be interpreted as being one or the other. Javert is far more complex a character to me. There's a lot to explore and consider with him. Lastly. If someone had asked me before I started my second reading of The Brick which character I thought was gay. Without seeing the films or musical, I'd have said Marius. But then Hugo married him off to Cosette so........
Sorry for the waffling reply. I'm off to bed now. See if I have regained my ability to spell and give shorter answers tomorrow. It's 4.28 am lol.
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animeomelette · 7 months
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Leaked makeovers
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ossyria · 1 year
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unganseylike · 4 months
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cilil · 6 months
So I've finished both my femslash and winter drabble series (rest are queued, will take another week or so for all to arrive) and I do have more drabble "material" to post afterwards (over 80 in fact)... but first I wanted to ask:
Some side notes:
This won't be going on forever, I just happen to have a long backlog from various events/these phases can happen whenever I'm doing monthly challenges and such
Feel free to elaborate/specify down below. To those who think less frequent drabble posts would be better: I'd love to hear your take
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
what is kotlc (i think thats the acronym you used in that poll)
It is! It stands for Keeper of the Lost Cities, an ongoing middle-grade book series by Shannon Messenger.
In it, we follow 12yo Sophie Foster, who's a high school senior and could not be more out of place everywhere she goes. On a field trip, she runs into a mysterious boy who claims he's been looking for her, and she learns why she stands out and can hear thoughts: she's not human.
Whisked away from her life and family to a world of elves, ogres, goblins, and more, Sophie wants nothing more than to try and fit in at her new elf school with her new elf friends. But she's out of place here, too, and the secrets people keep whispering about have her name wrapped up in them.
In order to learn who she really is--why her abilities work different, why she was raised by humans--she has to delve into the underside of the glittering world no one likes to acknowledge exists.
Rebellions and conspiracies meet and Sophie finds her life--and her friends' lives--infinitely more complicated as they realize their paradise is crumbling and threatened, and someone has to step up to save it. It'll put a target on her back, but Sophie's used to standing out--maybe she was made to.
There's of course a lot more I'm not getting into, but that's the overall premise. If you're into middle-grade fantasy, we're around 10 books and counting, and oh boy are things getting wild!
Full disclosure though, even though like 90% of my blog is kotlc, I wouldn't necessarily rec it outside its intended age range. It's a perfectly fine, solid series, and if it sounds fun, great! Just from what I've seen for people who start the series outside the 8-12/13 age range it generally doesn't hit as much.
But either way! there are exceptions and it consumes a lot of my brain space :)
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qwillreign · 2 years
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 1 year
like...... can mobei-jun transfer shang qinghua energy??? i feel like people write that happening, but does he need spiritual energy for that? 🤔
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lokidotir · 5 months
Hey, would anyone mind me sharing some characters that have nothing at all to do with TMNT?
I call them Anywho's and my friends tell me what they want, and I recreate what my brain thinks they described.
Yay or nay?
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trans-xianxian · 11 months
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ap-sadistics · 2 years
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cachow-it · 24 days
I have a theory I want to test
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the-unconquered-queen · 2 months
Bonus points if you share who the LI is and elaborate on what you'd think of them irl!
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eiirisworkshop · 2 years
Please explain your reasoning! I’m interested!
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aclaywrites · 4 months
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I do! And I have the long second toe like on the old statues of Diana. One of you clever gals make a lesbian poll about who has the ring finger thing and let’s find out how many REAL lesbians are on this site. (I am joking. Not about the poll, though)
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