#polyamorus headcanons
You know what? Fuck it: Bowser, Daisy, and Luigi are poly and Bowser and Luigi are bi4bi who both love Daisy dearly and Daisy loves them so much.
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Applejack is a Polyamorous, Non-Binary, Lesbian individual who uses they/them pronouns! They're in a romantic relationship with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, and a QPR with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie!
Neurodivergent Headcanons:
-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
-Generalized Anxiety Disorder
-Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Next Up: The CMC!
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sammy8d257 · 1 year
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Did you know June 5th is "International Aromantic Visibility Day"?
Anyway! It's never too late to discover something new about yourself!
featuring my Pride Headcanons for Purple and King!
Purple is Demi (-romantic and -sexual) and Polyamorus
And King is AroBi (aromantic bisexual)
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Imagine how horny a young blood would be with their lifetime mate.
I like this one. Made a little headcanon backstory for this.
Youngblood! Yautja/ Human! Female
CW: ns/fw under the cut
Yautja relationships come in all shapes and sizes.
Some there are the open, polyamorus. In which these Yautja parties use eachother as romantic and donor partners. (used to produce more babies and such)
These relationships are seemed as normal in Yautja culture and it is not uncommon to see Yautja Female bear many pups of different fathers throughout their lifetime.
And then there are the Monogamous relationships, strictly between two. These two can be interspecies, same sex, etc. But they are called Life-mates and said mates more often then not are courted.
These courted relationships are mostly composed of older Yautja/Oomans—more mature.
Youngbloods are more like young Oomans (early twenties!), eager to explore and experience life.
They enjoy their newfound freedom in their just-acquired adulthood. This includes one-night stands and fathering/mothering pups with different partners to enhance the gene-pool.
Just lots of pent-up hormones really, especially after they've been blooded!
So it is very unusual for a Youngblood to imprint on a Life-mate so early in their lifespan.
When your Yautja Mate came home with you and his Lifetime-mate, at HIS young age, your in-laws taken aback.
They didn't really dislike you, they knew their son had an affinity towards you, but they were a little sad their pup didn't give them at least a dozen grandchildren or so.
But what he didn't give to the other females, he gave to you...if you know what I mean.
Youngblood have a crazy libido.
You were so not ready for the amount of sex you were going to be having with him. It was better than you could have ever imagined.
On the outside, your mate kept up appearances, making sure to seem very professional and mature (something that drove people to believe him when the two of you said you were Life-mates.)
But this man was still young and mischievous.
He would tease you in public, rubbing up against you in stores and in front of his parents.
He would hide your clothes when you showered just to see you walk into the bedroom in just your towel. and if you asked what he did to you clothes, he would act all innocent.
He liked to keep you in his lap any time he could, let you feel him through his sheith.
You played your fair share of games with him as well. Hiding your underwear in his bag and sending him sexy pictures when he was off on his hunts.
But man, is the sex amazing.
He would take your time with you, drink up all your sounds, taste every part of you.
he liked to eat you out the most, he could not get enough of your Ooman taste. He said it was like a fruit he’d never tasted before.
Morning sex was an almost daily occurrence.
Youngblood morning wood doesn’t go away on its own, and you were more than okay with giving him a quick rut.
And as per Yautja etiquette he will always make you cum. Were it be during foreplay or sex you will always cum.
The Youngblood is full of energy, eager to hop into bed and try every position known to man, and every position he can do with you.
And he will find you attractive in every moment, clothed, armored up, or naked he will pop a boner no matter what. Lifetime-mates is a serious deal.
As crazy and extravagant your sexlife can be, you two do get tired from time to time.
some classic lazy poses are you on your side and your Youngblood on his behind you, slipping into you in a nice pace.
His only rule is that he wants to hear you every time you two have sex. He does not want you to cove your mouth or muffle each squeak you make.
But in the end he never fails to pamper you and give you the proper aftercare.
cuddles and a warm washcloths are always guaranteed. And every bath is given with you in his lap.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Some headcanons!
•Warriors is very stylish but knows nothing about colour theory so he sticks with neutrals and one colour full item in his own wear
•Time has a very good sense of colour theory and does his best, but constantly cringes at his final choice, Malon dresses him up like a doll and he does her hair
•Sky is a polyamorus disaster and his love language is gift giving
•because of this his arthritis and nerve damage is even worse than it already would be because he's constantly carving lil' knick backs - like his hands can't uncurl and are very shaky
•Wilds hair is long and a mess because Zelda cuts it
•Legend has restless hair and cuts it to be shaped, like a garden hedge
•The first time Hyrule did eyeliner it turned out perfect and everyone is jealous
•Wind is actually the second best cook out of everyone in the group because he would cook for his Gran and Arylle regularly
•Twilight is a cat person, ie: Midna. Midna is a cat
•Four strangely enough is better with animals than anyone else in the chain, including birds. Animals can sense the minish magic on him and trust him because of it
I love these!!!! Twilight is such a cat person, cats follow him everywhere
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rosegoldenatlas · 30 days
By the way c!Joel is polyamorus because I said so and also recent events in hermitcraft have allowed me to share this headcanon that I have withheld since empires season one.
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ultimateotaku666 · 3 months
Persona 3, 4, & 5 Protag sexuality headcanons
Disclaimer: I am not going to include the first three Persona games as I have no way to play and figure them out, but maybe I'll find a way.
Another disclaimer: I sadly won't include the FeMC, as I haven't played P3 Portable. But I got it recently, and I shall repost once I finish!
Makoto Yuki:
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HeteroAce. I know it seems like a cop-out, but I think it fits him well. He probably never thought about romance and didn't think he would ever fall in love. Then he meets the girl of his dreams (me and my fiancé say Fuuka) and he finally understands.
Another idea is AroAce, it's more an idea.
Yu Narukami:
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Polysexual and possibly Polyamorus. Persona protags are lady killers, but it doesn't mean that they can't also be different. Narukami is no exception. He gives off Polysexual vibes. You have many female options, so there's one. Yosuke was supposed to be a romance option (we were robbed!!), so already makes sense. And I headcanon Naoto being Non-binary or Genderfluid, so check on that! As for the Polyamory, depending on who you romance, you could be a throuple (We imagine Narukami, Naoto, and Kanji. It would be sweet).
Akira Kurusu:
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Pansexual. I know we have many female options, but four of them are adults. And I know Japan is different, but its still strange. But that's a rant for later! And let me say we all know that if we had male options, people would have Ryuji and Yusuke as their partner. Plus, Akira seems like he doesn't discriminate (like I said, he dates adults), and he values their emotions and love.
These are just headcanons, so if you don't agree, that's perfectly fine! Everyone has an opinion, and they can be beautiful (not all and you know who you are 🫵😡)
Thank you for listening to my TED Talk!
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chxco-hyujin · 4 months
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Thor: Pan, Boyflux, Audhd
Loki: Polyamorus, Hypersexual, Genderfluid, Bisexual, Aceflux, OCD
(flags are in the order of what i said!)
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oscconfessions · 6 days
not enough polyamorus ships
also on the opposite note not enough aroace characters/headcanons
what i'm saying is i want to see more queer platonic relationships in the OSC lmao
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pepperm1nt-f1zz · 7 months
So uhhhh here's some of my Muppet Sexuality Headcanons!
Kermit the Frog - Unlabeled, Cis Male (He/Him)
Fozzie Bear - Pansexual, Cis Male (He/Him)
Miss Piggy - Straight Ally, Cis Female (She/Her)
Gonzo - Pansexual, Non-Binary (Any Pronouns)
Scooter - Pansexual, Demi-Boy (He/They)
Rizzo the Rat - Questioning, Cis Male (He/Him)
Pepe the King Prawn - Bisexual, Genderfluid (He/She/They)
Rowlf the Dog - Bisexual, Cis Male (He/Him)
Uncle Deadly - Bisexual (Male Lean), Cis Male (He/They)
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew - Gay, Cis Male (He/Him)
Beaker - Pansexual, Demi-Boy (He/They)
Swedish Chef - I Don't fucking know (He/Him)
Sam the Eagle - Bisexual (But is in denial), Cis Male (He/Him)
Animal - Questioning (He/They/It)
Dr. Teeth - Pansexual, Genderfluid, Polyamorus (Any Pronouns)
Floyd Pepper - Bisexual, Demi-Boy probably? (He/Him)
Janice - Pansexual, Transgender (She/Her)
Zoot - Bisexual, Demi-Boy (They/He)
Lips - Pansexual, Non-Binary (They/He)
Statler and Waldorf - Both of them are Cis and Straight. (Probably Homophobic /j)
And uhh that's all. 
Sorry if I missed anyone!
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luwritesomething · 2 years
love of my life!!!! he deserves so much love so here i am, ready to provide.  these are my headcanons and i will admit NO hate towards them. also if you have any headcanon of your own for jason then comment because i might like it and add it to mines. 
requests are open! hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
warnings: probably swearing, and slight mentions of his death. also this hasn’t been proof-read so yeah, read at your own risk.
i’ve always headcanoned jason todd as italian american, although i can see him as latino too (i just don’t like the negative connotations that follow because he’s usuallt headcanoned as latino because anger)
definitely not because of harmful stereotypes but because i can see jason’s grandparents being part of that italian population that migrated to usa to follow the american dream and ended up living the american nightmare.
not the godfather-like with the mafia, but with italians barely surviving in the misery of america (which feats jason’s backstory).
also i headcanon his grandmother as a great cook and comfort-person to him.
jason learned to cook thanks to his grandmother and alfred, but his best dish is a lasagna recipe he learned from his grandmother.
this is my subtle way of telling you jason is a great cook. that’s canon, though. 
he doesn’t think too much about his sexual orientation a lot. jason doesn’t want to tie himself to an etiquette, that would bother him.
jason has had a polyamorus relationship with kori and roy. it was pretty healthy, tbh, but it’s over now.
he doesn’t really ‘do dating’. occasionally, one night stands are alright, but jason isn’t really into those either. he’s sure that whenever he meets someone that is meant to be and falls in love, he’ll handle it well.
he won’t because he self-sabotages and doesn’t leet people in, but if it’s really really meant to be he will eventually overcome it.
curses a lot. probably also in front of kids, and gets nervous when the kids repeat those words.
however, jason actually is very good with kids. he’s the babysitter of his shitty neighborhood, and kids love him.
jason doesn’t drink alcohol like ever. he has seen (bc of his parents) what addiction looks like and feels like and he prefers to leave himself out of it.
Child Protector™.
raging feminist and all for equality and fairness.
he smokes a big amount. just becayse, he has no real reason to do so. (he doesn’t consider smoking an addiction. anyways)
jason is the Best Neighbor™.
he loves his siblings equally, he just has a different relationship with each one. dick is his bro, tim is his smartass, damian is his little monster brother, duke is his buddy, steph is his fun sister and cass is his chill sister.
i’m kidding, his favorite is cass.
bookworm. (CANON)
loves classic. his favorite is... lolz he doesn’t even know himself, how would i know?
secretely enjoys ballet and keeps all the tickets of the ballets he has gone to.
damian found out about this (^^) and jason bribed him with a stray cat that kept coming around his apartment for his silence.
now damian has a play date every thursday at five at jason’s with the stray cat, because damian and jason know better than just snatch a stray cat.
sleeps either butt-naked or with sweatpants, no boxers. 
claims he hates rom-coms.
actually loves them, they give him comfort and fuzzy feelings.
jason congratulates alfred every year on father’s day (and it always brings alfred to tears when he’s alone).
listen to me !! jason has READING GLASSES !!!!!!!!!!
doesn’t wear same color socks.
lack of self-care. dick or stephanie will randomely swing by his place from month to month to do face masks and drink water. 
sometimes jason forgets to shave and doesn’t notice unless someone tells him.
probably wanted to own a water bed as a kid.
he looks even hotter with his reading glasses.
i’m obssesed okay !!!
his favorite justice league member is wonder woman and has merchandising to prove it.
jason has gone to two lady gaga’s concerts. one dragged by dick, other by himself. 
he loves blankets. being under a blanket, no matter the reason, will always be comforting for him.
hates finger guns.
jason doesn’t handle the heat well. which means he handles it horribly and gets stupidly annoying.
cheesy and cocky, but actually an introvert. what can i say, he’s complicated.
clowns creep him out. speaks for itself.
does great impressions of the batfam.
he doesn’t do alfred or cass, though.
likes animals. not as much as damian, but still.
doesn’t use crowbars. no, like, i refuse. nope.
swears he doesn’t smoke.
three seconds rule apologist. i mean, he lived in the streets, guys.
steph did his nails once. he enjoyed it, 7/10, would do it again.
his favorite sibling to tease is damian, closely followed by tim.
has called the fucking bat-cow ‘meat’.
damian punched him for it.
works out too much for his own good, but calls it self-care.
tea >>> coffee. fight him on this, he’ll chew on your bones.
has read the silmarillion, acts like he understood it. 
actually likes galas. 
in those he only has two types of conversations: hypothetical ‘what if’ moral questions to see if someone has the same concept as justice as him and/or recommending books (mostly classics)
bruce has to drag him away from people when he gets annoying with those two types of conversations (CANON, see batman: wayne family adventures.)
big wuthering heights apologist & enjoyer.
damian actually listens to jason’s book recs and gives him feedback about them. it’s their bonding activity. 
jason has a bonding activity with everyone from the batfam.
only writes with red pen.
would make a great team with deadpool, fight me on this.
makes a lot of ‘your mom’ jokes because it infuriates tim.
types text with no caps, emojis and no abbreviations. he uses emojis a lot, he’s a menace.
has been kicked out of the wayne family chat numerous times for innaporpiate behavior aka spamming, cursing, spamming with emojis and other little shenanigans.
he barely listens to music, but if he did, it would be rock, alternative... you know, all the jazzy stuff.
he needs love, he told me himself.
also his love language is cooking and physical contact because he’s touch starved (he also told me himself)
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Pinkie headcanons!!!
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Pinkie Pie is a Polyamorous, Demiromantic/Panromantic, Demisexual/Pansexual, Genderfluid, Xenogender individual who uses any pronouns includes xenopronouns! Bubbles is in a romantic relationship with Twilight and Cheese Sandwich, and a QPR with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack!
Neurodivergent Headcanons:
-ADHD, primarily hyperactive presentation
-Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Subtype
-Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(I really project on these characters huh-)
-Very severe rejection sensitive dysphoria
Next Up: Applejack
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xerith-42 · 4 months
What if I made a whole post about Blaze
Wouldn't it be funny if I did that?
Blaze MyStreet (that's his name now) is the gayest character in the entire aphverse and I am tired of him being slept on. That's not to say that people don't like Blaze, they do. He was a popular character, but not in the way other characters are popular. It's hard to find other people who have him as a favorite character, and if you're a fan of Minecraft Diaries, most people forgot he was in that series because he was in like an episode of Season 3 and even I forgot about Season 3 outside of that. He's liked, but not in the way people can really latch onto characters in this series. More passively liked, because it's really hard to hate him.
And even in MyStreet, his ultimate conclusion is just bad. It's bad. I don't have any other words for it, it just sucks. Blaze being mind controlled and then killed off right before the finale was just unnecessary. It didn't add anything. This season had already implied to kill Melissa, and made it clear it wasn't afraid to kill off characters. There was no reason to do this other than to keep people hooked and make them have an emotional reaction to the episode.
And it worked! Most of the times I look up Blaze fanart, I find art of him as an angel, or in heaven with another character, or just art of him dying. And I don't object to making fanart out of these moments it just... it sucks opening his wiki and seeing "Status: Deceased" every time. It sucks going to find content of this character only to find a majority of it is just angst around a death I've actively tried to forget.
Did you guys know Blaze is canonically not straight and probably polyamorus? That isn't my headcanons, that's in the text. Sure it's all in mini-games, but the mini-games are supplemental material to the canon work, and when Blaze gets so little actual character work, I am unashamed to pull from these sources. And in these sources Blaze has stated that he is very much one of the fruits.
In one mini-game Aaron says "You can't marry two people Blaze, you know that!" And Blaze's response is "I do?"
[vine boom]
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In another that I am rationally normal about, Aphmau stumbles in on Blaze with his head on Garroth's lap in a closet, WHILE THEY ARE UNDER MISTLETOE! And Blaze says "Your thighs are soft" while Garroth comments on how soft his hair is?!
[vine boom]
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And this is all in tandem with the fact that he at the very least canonically had a thing for Dottie, and it's very easy to say he might have harbored feelings for Daniel, Rylan, OR Aaron
[vine boom]
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So, we've established Blaze as one of them queers, this is great. Aphmau series really struggle with having gay characters at all, let alone good ones, but there's a quality queer character just sitting right there! Blaze is charming, funny, doesn't take up more space than he needs, and while it isn't in the test of MyStreet, I'll take what I can get. And he only gets better from here!
Wanna add drugs and stoner stuff to your next rewrite? Blaze is literally RIGHT THERE!! He's been around since Phoenix Drop High, and his birthday is literally April 20th, the writers are not being subtle about it. And in MCD, he's technically been around as a misspelled name since episode 40, and if you're making a rewrite, just add him in sooner.
Oh, you want Aaron to have a bigger support system that isn't just Aphmau in earlier seasons? Blaze and the werewolf pups are right there and would totally all live together in a house on My Street or Lover's Lane! Just saying! You want these characters to have a vector to explore polyamory? Blaze is basically an open book and very much agrees with the "a friend of Aaron/anyone else is a friend of mine" and would be willing to share his experiences. You want someone for characters to confide in that they normally wouldn't under normal circumstances? Blaze loves getting high and having vent sessions neither of them will fully remember in the morning.
And if we take it to MCD, he can provide a lot of this and more. Fleshing out of the werewolf experience, an actual werewolf that's at least closer to a part of the main cast than any other ones, AND you get to have him smoking out the other characters. Why wouldn't you make MCD Blaze the inventor of the first bong in Ru'aun? Literally why wouldn't you do that? What reason do you have not to do that? That's objectively great.
Blaze is a character who easily lends himself well to comedy and emotional scenes by being vulnerable all the time, and having the ability to bring levity when needed. He knows when you need to just scream into a pillow, or when he needs to pass you a joint and put a movie on in the background. There's not a lot given for him, but enough to build a solid character out of. He's stated to have an extended family, and a lot of siblings. He was probably the oldest one and had to help raise them, and would easily be able to empathize with older siblings in this show, especially ones who may have had to take care of a younger sibling while growing up due to absent parents (cough cough Melissa).
He also stood up to bullies for Daniel and was willing to make enemies with his entire pack, even his Alpha, just to make sure Daniel wouldn't get hurt or harassed. He's fiercely loyal and absolutely willing to throw hands at a moments notice for the right reason. It doesn't take a lot to make Blaze a ride or die friend, you just have to not be a dickhead and show that you're actually a decent person. He's very sociable and outgoing, a bit of a loudmouth, but he's got a good heart and generally gets along with anyone you could think to pair him up with.
I'm serious, send me a character and I will tell you how they could have a beautiful friendship/romance/something else with them and how it fleshes out both their characters. Blaze just does that by being around people. I'm serious. Please do this.
I didn't make an Instagram account in 2018 titled "Blaze_Best_Werewolf" (or something like that) with a self-made profile picture of Blaze wearing a flower crown and actively get in fights with people over MyStreet season 6 for my boy to be slept on in this manner.
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asmodeus-682 · 5 months
(Some may not make sense bc they're mostly developed during a rp I did on discord)
Solar Flare is transfem and uses she/they pronouns
She Doesn't understand personal space
Will sometimes stare at random items when bored
Likes cats but they don't like her (the opposite happens with dogs)
They genuinely believes in Santa and think human babies are grown in cabbage patches
Doesn't understand the difference between romance and being best friends
Solar Flare's favourite music genre is pop, she loves dancing to pop music in her spare time
Their favourite movie is Trolls: Band Together
Solar Flare is polyamorus and pansexual
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nyxmisfortune · 3 months
The Dark Woods - Destiny 2 Masterlist
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Cayde-6 The Crow Lord Shaxx Eris Morn
Being bestfriends with Failsafe🍄🌱
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vex-leth · 1 year
Made a thing to explain what I ship and how I ship characters from campaign 3 + exu
So uh here you go
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love me some polyamorus bells hells
Oh btw feel free to ask questions about any of these dynamics and I'll give you explanations or headcanons or whatever
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