#pooka’s artwork
pooka-dragon · 8 months
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Looks like you can use some help from the big boss from Hell himself.
Check out Daddy’s glowing reviews on Yelp:
“Five Star!” “Flawless!” “Greater than Great!”
With a punch of a pentagram, I WAP! BAP! BOOM! ALAKAZAM!
Usually I charge a sacrificial lamb, but you get the family rate! (Thanks Dad!)
Who’s been here since day one?
Who’s been faithful as a Nun?
Makes you chuckle with an old-timey pun? You’re executive producer. (That’s true!)
I’m your guy, your day to day. Your chum, your steadfast hotelier.
Remember when I fixed that clog today? (I was stuck, thank you, sir!) (Oh, you!)
Guess who’s been listening to that song on repeat from Hazbin Hotel? :’D
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ladychandraofthemoone · 9 months
more Hilda critters, love the vittras, I kinda wanna do more variants-
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Some Woodman and Pooka sketches:
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I love them all so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
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meerabanerjee · 6 months
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Aziza and the pooka 💚
I’m halfway through the Summer Queen and I’m loving it as expected but life keeps getting in the way of me finishing it, this was done to destress. I love Aziza so so much.
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odditycircus-2002 · 8 months
10 Fun Facts on Diyana Swann
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A/N: Diyana Swann is a Hellboy OC of mine. And this work you see here was done by the amazing @moot-ramsey😁
Diyana has two livers
Diyana wears gloves to cover up burn scars and the branding mark left by her former master.
Diyana has some autistic traits such as lack of social understanding; odd ticks and repetitions when stressed; devoted to her routine and how she keeps things in order. However, most of the time, the humans around her chalk it up to her just not being human.
That said, while she has a preference as female (since their clothing has FAR more variety she likes) she has changed into a male on occasion before changing back to female.
Has an EXTREME fear of snakes and an aversion to spurs. Refers to spurs as “pointed metal of pain”
Despite her age, she doesn’t know about the Solar System or the the fact there’s other planets.
Diyana Swann is not her actual name.
She knows Hellboy was supposed to be the Beast of the Apocalypse, but simply doesn’t care.
When Diyana smokes her cigarettes, they’re a good indicator of her mood. Blue means ambient, red means something close to anger, yellow meaning fear or anxiety. The intensity of the color is an indicator of how strong she feels it.
She’s the last living pooka and member of her family.
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phuuca · 5 months
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Introducing the blog mascot who's been in the works for a very long time now!: Phuuca, The shapeshifting faerie of creativity and inspiration. They, usually, appear when they're most needed, but is not tied down by obligations and is here for a good time.
Ft. the new icon:
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Give them lots of love everyone!! And welcome in a new layout!!
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softcryz · 1 year
hey uhhh
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*Throws this at you and runs away*
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raexai · 3 months
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flossinspector · 11 months
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Bunnymund themed potholder
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coopa-pooka · 2 years
Since I'm not on PC right now, I've been getting creative urges to draw but...
I'm stuck with my phone... In my boyfriend's house... This is all I can do...
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Behold my shit doodles
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dailydemonspotlight · 4 months
It might be cool to see dullahan for pride month. I don't think any original stories about dullahan are particularly queer but her depiction SMTIV is something I think about a lot. Taking a red pill and changing gender is definitely a more accurate interpretation of the matrix than other times people talk about the red pill at least lol
Dullahan - Day 49 (Request)
Race: Haunt
Alignment: Neutral-Neutral
June 6th, 2024
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Yeah, shoutout to the random NPC in SMT IV who eats a red and instantly transes their gender. A true icon. Today's Demon of the Day is a very common fixture of medieval fantasy, however, and not just a bit of someone's true identity- the headless knight of no renown, Dullahan. Headless Horsemen are a common sight in many tales spanning Europe, the subjects of many a legend or fairy tale, but each of these halloween fables can trace their roots all the way back to Celtic myth, in the form of this unseelie fairie... or so some think. In truth, the origins of the Dullahan are unclear and murky, much like the foggy skies it mingles within, so let's dig in!
Ireland is no stranger to weird fairy tales- as the place where the term fairy originated from, Celtic myth is filled with tales upon tales of weird, loveable goons that paint stranger and stranger pictures of the times each time one thinks about them. Whether it be the oh-so-elusive Cat-Síth or the inanely wailing Banshee, Celtic folktales are filled to the brim with creatures at the forefront of each and every story... which is what makes the Dullahan so bizarre. While the concept of a headless horse-riding knight isn't too out there, especially in comparison to some other fairies (looking at you, Pooka), very few primary sources actually attest to the existence of the Dullahan, whether it be by name or concept alike.
However, in spite of this, we do have a few historical accounts- this makes the Dullahan's existence frustratingly vague, to say the least, as it's impossible to say if it did or did not exist- either possibility is plausible, especially given that artwork depicting the Dullahan does exist, dating back to the 1800's. As according to Doris V. Sutherland, the earliest reference to the Dullahan can be found in 1802, within a text written by Charles Vallancey called "Prospectus of a Dictionary of the Language of the Aire Coti, or Ancient Irish, Compared with the Language of the Cuti, or Ancient Persians, with the Hindoostanee, the Arabic, and Chaldean Languages." Kind of a mouthful. Within the book, which is a compendium of all sorts of languages and drawn comparisons between them (among all sorts of other stuff, I'm too lazy to find a free copy of it online though lol), there is a segment in which Vallancey draws a comparison between the Irish Dullahan and an Arabian demon, the Wulahan.
"The Dullahan or Wullahan is a terrible bug-bear at this day; the peasants hear him in the night dragging a heavy chain through the villages and along the roads; this is the wulahan, or Satanas of the Arabs…"
As pointed out by Sutherland, though, the brief description given of only a few passages has no mention of it being headless. So why is it commonly seen as being headless? Skip ahead a few years and we get to a book by Thomas Cofton Croker going into the fairies of Irish folklore, and stories pertaining to them. Among the many fairies listed in this book, entitled "Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland," we get to our second mention of the Dullahan! In one of five segments, a tale is given regarding a man named Larry Dodd who gets a random hitchhiker one day atop horseback- a mysterious woman whose every feature was covered by a cloak. She climbs aboard after he offers so, and they take off.
After a few moments of silent, uncomfortable riding, the woman exits suddenly to head to a nearby church. Smitten, Larry chases after the woman to try and pursue a thank-you kiss, but when he catches up with her... shock! Horror! She has no head! So that's where the idea of the Dullahan came from as being headless- and likely why the Dullahan in SMT is so feminine in appearance as well. After witnessing a dance of the Dullahans in the dead of night, he's decapitated... only to come to a few hours later, confused from the whole sordid affair.
This tale is only one of four, however- the general idea of Dullahans and the Headless Horsemen being synonymous actually came from this same book as well. A later story is, well, quite literally the fable of the Headless Horseman! From these tales, we can glean quite a few things- almost every account of the Dullahan comes from this book, with the name being spurned from the Prospectus and its offhand mentioning of the 'Irish Dullahan' as though it were common knowledge. I'm of two minds here, personally- for one, it's entirely possible that Croker, pardon my french, just made some shit up, basing his fables on pure speculation as to what the Dullahan name could mean by connecting it to the Arabian Wulahan. However, the other possibility, one that I personally subscribe to, is that the Dullahan was a part of the tapestry of Celtic folklore- it was just obscure.
The tales presented clearly speak of the Dullahan as though it were a preexisting concept, and the offhand mention of its existence in the Prospectus seems to give light to the idea that it did, indeed, exist in the cultural consciousness to some extent. Of course, this is all purely guesswork on my end- unless Croker digs himself out of his grave to answer my burning questions, I doubt I'll find an exact answer to this line of thinking- but I think it makes the most sense given what little information we have to work off of.
Now, in terms of representation in SMT... It sure is a headless knight. One aspect I really adore in this design, though, has to be the way the top of the head appears- the implication of the Dullahan being able to freely attach and detach its head like the joints on a Bionicle is hilarious, and gives a whole new line of depth to this already cool looking design. The silver, deep purple, and gold all combine to make the knight look regal, as though it was a stalwart protector of a kingdom under the king's right hand that had now fallen into disrepair. Somewhat fitting, given that it appears most prominently in SMT IV as a boss!
Lastly, though, I've gotta say I'm so glad we're almost to 50 posts. I didn't expect this series to last this long, and we've got a big, big one coming up for post 50, so I hope you're all excited! Happy Pride Month, and I need to say thanks for sticking with me, all this time.
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pooka-dragon · 5 months
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The Fallen Radio Dragon
A majestic dragon that once soar in the heavens only to be struck down, forever fallen and with unimaginable powers as it tears down foes before broadcasting their screams all through the seven rings of Hell of those that dare oppose to it.
If Alastor and Lucifer were smart enough to combine their powers, I feel like this is the result. I may color this in later but we will have to see.
But I like the outcome of what I did on the design. I still can’t draw forelimbs even if it costed my life. :’)
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pookapufferfish · 8 months
1. First impression of me? - big blog so a lil scary but your art and personality were comfy :]
2. Current impression of me? (If it is different from first) - still comfy!! and really nice! u very awesome person that's ur impression >:]
3. Nicknames for me? (If you have any name you just call me for no reason, even stuff like "the pufferfish guy") - lemon fren, citrus fren, lemon, pooka, pufferfish pal, u just the fren of frens
4. Favourite design of mine? (Canon scugs, ocs, any design) - riv and hunter! maybe arti too, also really love spearsona design I like the colors a lot
5. Any advice? (You wanna give me advice about anything. Art tips? Life advice? Perfect way to toast a sandwich?) - keep being the amazing person u are fren!
6. Food I remind you of? - citrus things for probably obvious reasons, but also warm foods like pie
7. What height do you think I am? - :), but also when I didn't know I think I assumed u were taller than me
8. What artwork of mine do you like a lot? (Could be your fav but asking for favs is hard sometimes) - oo not sure, love the comics you've made, also really love the art I have as a pfp on disc a lot too its very cozy
9. Animal I remind you of? - fluffy! like a bear
10. Give me a fun fact, if you want - fun fact, you are an amazing awesome person
I am lemon and I am friend
fun fact you are cool
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yukidragon · 2 years
Imagine stoic MC, doesn’t show what they feel…but they’re a hybrid, so every time they get excited their tail wags a bit or when theyre sad their tail tucks in…
Aww... that’s a really cute image. I’m sure all the love interests would find that to be adorable.
That reminds me of this picture Sauce did a while back about Shaun finding out that MC has a boyfriend during their college days.
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As always, whenever I share some of the artwork Sauce publicly posted on their twitter or other official sources, I want to remind you all to not repost the privately posted art from the SnaccPop Patreon. Support the artists where you can, folks!
Wouldn’t it be wild if Shaun or MC could do that in the game? Or, heck, if all the characters could. I wonder what the other love interests’ tells would be like... I mean, Jack’s spirit animal is a snake so that’s a bit trickier...
In a way, the empathy reading from Jack is sort of like this, just a bit more subtle. He can pick up on things that MC is hiding behind their quiet exterior. This can come especially in handy for MCs who are very dishonest about how they feel, like my MC Alice.
If my Alice were to be crossed with any animal, it would definitely be a rabbit. Those bunny ears would be drooping quite often, but perk up when happy or interested in something. Also they would be turning red when she blushes. It would be sort of like the pooka version of her come to think of it.
Though I can also imagine an anthro version of Alice in the style of Judy Hopps. Maybe I should draw that sometime...
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore 
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saintrabouin · 2 years
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@saintrabouin on Twitter
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fableandkey · 2 years
Here's a new illustration! The Pùca is a shape-shifter and trickster from Scottish folklore
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geckosoddysee · 2 years
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Pac-Sis & uh....okay so does Pooka (Or I guess just this one specific Pooka) count as a Pac-Man character?
I mean they show up to his fuckin' birthday party. They're fuckin' carrying around Pac-Sis like she's a fuckin' hat.
I mean everyone knows the ultimate sign that you're truly part of a family, is when you reach the stage where you can wear one of the family members as a hat. Pac-Sis wouldn't possibly be right there, in the exact scientific position that qualifies something as what any individual would refer to as, a Hat™, if Pooka wasn't a true member of the family. Like, we all know that's just how it goes. This is just common knowledge that everyone knows, y'all. That is the ultimate sign of a true bond.
The family had to invite them directly. Like, I guess this one specific Pooka is just a good one & a trusted friend of the family. Does this mean Dig-Dug is just part of the extensive & high class Pac-Man Cinematic Universe™? Well whatever, this one showed up. They're part of it. I will not argue against the established canon & extensive fucking lore of Pac-Man.
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