#fallen radio dragon
pooka-dragon · 5 months
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The Fallen Radio Dragon
A majestic dragon that once soar in the heavens only to be struck down, forever fallen and with unimaginable powers as it tears down foes before broadcasting their screams all through the seven rings of Hell of those that dare oppose to it.
If Alastor and Lucifer were smart enough to combine their powers, I feel like this is the result. I may color this in later but we will have to see.
But I like the outcome of what I did on the design. I still can’t draw forelimbs even if it costed my life. :’)
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helluva-hazbins · 1 month
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“My mom is playing at Radio City.”
Nico blinks, holding out Will’s patched backpack. “I know.” He shakes it slightly. A scrap of green fabric peels off the side, fluttering to the grass. The torn threads underneath are pink. Huh. “Thus me being here, at dawn, even though it took me nineteen alarms to crawl out of bed in time.”
“Twenty,” Will corrects, grinning, “if you count me.”
“I do not count your infernal harmonica, no.”
He does not take the bag, even though Nico holds it out to him again; only looking at it, humming. Rocking back on his heels, flip-flops worn so thin he must feel every speck of dirt, every tiny pebble, every blade of grass, every fallen pine needle. Nails chipped with blue glitter paint.
“I bought you a ticket.”
Nico whips his head up.
“Or, well, you know. ‘Bought’. I didn’t really buy my ticket, either, even though that would be kind of funny, wouldn’t it? Using Ma’s money to buy a ticket to her show. Ha.” Rock rock rock. Rock. Fidget, nails on palm. Rock. “But, um. Yeah. Told her I needed two tickets and she got them.” He glances up, now, eyes pretty dawn blue and hopefully wide, sungold eyelashes fluttering, framing. “If you want to come? Maybe.”
Nico’s mouth dries, or it is dry, or it has been. Dried up at some point in time. He’s not sure when. Before the asking, maybe. Bright ringlets in burgeoning sunlight. Twisting, shaking hands. Wide grin. Or an off-key harmonica before the stars went out, even. Or big rough hands and nudging shoulders. Swinging Southern drawl and a tapping foot, arched eyebrow.
There’s a track in there somewhere. Point.
“It’s a little last minute,” he manages, finally, if four piece cracks can be considered managing. Three? Two continuous, maybe, one big break in the middle. “It’s.” He gestures, vaguely, and the charms on the backpack’s zipper chime gently. “You know. Day of, all that.”
Will inclines his head.
He still does not take the backpack.
The sun inches higher into the sky, and a beat-to-shit Toyota turns a bend down the road.
“You’re goddamn lucky I have no plans,” Nico grumbles, even though he does, and Will beams, painfully brightly; blistering, really, blinding, hastily Nico swings the backpack over his shoulders and wishes he’d thought of his sunglasses.
“Lucky I convinced you out of your pajamas,” Will adds, waving at the car as it comes closer. He links their hands together, “C’mon,” and tugs them down Half-Blood Hill, expertly weaving past patches of thistle and bubbling dragon acid, tripping over a pebble that folds his shoe.
Just before Naomi’s — and he’s sure it’s her now — car stops, as they slow to a stop by the edge of the road, Will stops them, digging through his pockets and handing Nico a thin strip of cardstock. Nico inspects the ticket, smiling at the glitter, the exclamation points, the heart on the stubs.
“You’ve been excited.”
Will turns his bright smile full-force in Nico’s direction.
“You got no clue.”
Nico glances, again, at the ticket dates; two months past the date, for a concert across the country. The worn edge where a finger has run across, over and over, the creases where it has lived in someone’s pocket.
He tucks it carefully in his pocket, slips his hand into Will’s, and matches his broad smile.
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
The Morningstar family :)
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First off, king of hell himself, Lucifer! I incorporated all of the animals he transformed into in the battle with Adam scene(goat, horse, snake, and duck but i wont include duck since hes obsessed already) Because I kept looking up what animals lucifer has been depicted as and was like, yeah nvm let's jst use this one scene and call it a day. His wings are black instead of white with black tips to further imply lil bro is a fallen angel. Made him doll-like to be similar to his daughter a bit but also they aren't freaking carbon copies of eachother, she is unique I swear guys. He's also not an all powerful being, he has limits, he gets tired quickly and his physical strength is LOW ASF he cannot throw a punch for the life of him. Personality wise, he is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful. But it's okay cuz he's silly 😐 /j he is super different, and it takes years for Charlie and him to be on speaking terms. He's trying, but is that enough?
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Lillith!!! The first succubi, from what I know. I didnt include succubi features because I'm an idiot and forgot that was a concept. Sure it may not be canon anymore, or at all maybe, but I would've liked to make it true ☹️ there's not alot known about her in the show and we don't know why she is in heaven (if that's even her tbh). So once we know I'll either rewrite that or keep it as it is, not sure. But this Lillith does own Alastor's soul, she knows that he is one of the most unusual and powerful sinner in hell, so once she flees to heaven she gains his soul to keep an eye on Charlie, in return she gives him influence over hell(being that she influences hell with her voice) The radio station and all, since that's pretty much all he wants. He gives her info on the hotel's progress and how Charlie is doing, she just wants to be there. Personality is uh, calm, ambitious, and generous, yet negatively she is strict and wants things her way. She is the one closest to Charlie and very dear to her, which is why Charlie always tries to call her instead of Eve or Lucifer. Even though Charlie knows now she won't pick up the phone anymore, maybe ever again. It still comforts her to call anyways.
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Lastllyy, Eveeee!! She's a pretty silly lil gal. She ate the apple of knowledge, so she was cursed to forever be reminded of it when she sees her tail. Oh yeah, they are also all married! Lillith's ring is under her glove. Anyway, she is pretty powerful despite her having no demon form. She already looks demon enough to fit in. So she does, she goes into pentagram city often and creates bonds with the people. Some know she is Eve and some just see her as a friendly yet powerful individual. Her magic is similar to Charlie's, she got the fireworks coming out of her finger from Eve, and they both can heal their body parts. Charlie doesn't know it because she hasn't needed to yet. Eve uses her charm to be friends with the people of hell, Lillith uses it to gain an army for the fight against heaven, Lucifer couldn't care less and coops himself up in his castle. Personality wise, she is very golden retriever, peaceful, and honest, yet also neglectful being that she spends time with demons rather than her own daughter. (She's barely there with Charlie even before she disappeared along with Lillith. But when they moved to the hotel she tried to make up for it.)
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She regretted the marriage. For years.
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The potential of Lillith angst is immeasurable, it's painful. Imagine being the first woman, forced into a marriage with a controlling man, falling in love with an angel, the other angels forbidding that, you both try to get Eve to join your relationship, she takes the apple but evil and such take over the world, and then because of your lover's dreams you are all sent to hell. Freaking horrible.
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Demon forms!! Charlie gained Lillith's demon form, but I may give her dragon wings to make up for it. Messy doodle I knowww *sob*. Eve doesn't have one because the elder angels stripped that away form her because they were terrified of all of them having stronger forms. They are also ALL cursed with different features. Soo uh, Lucifer has one red eye to remind him of his evil side, he also has all sort of animal details and doll features because he's a mess and a control freak! :3 Lillith has horns, hooves, and a tail because she joined the devil. Eve is blind, the angels ripped her eyes out because she dares to willingly see the devil and his bride, she has wings on each side of her head because she was also a fallen angel(it was hell, because she was unhappy in being Adam's wife, it was temporary as she made herself go to hell instead of being kicked out.) She has a snout and ears too, cuz goat, and a tail with a shape of an apple at the end. Eve was done the worse oh lawwdd 😭😭
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BABY CHARLIE!! She at one point HAD to have worn overalls. Right? PLEASE?? I don't know how to draw toddlers bear with me here.
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Emo Charlie! Yayy.... she got her period so now she's an adult. 💀 little does she know it's actually a trauma response to being neglected so she tries to get attention by being weird!! 😃👍 (I ruined emo Charlie now)
(I have no idea how to do aesthetics... I'm in pain.)
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When I said Lucifer is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful, I meant it. He's a horrible person. But he's trying to be better. That doesn't make him good nor excuse his behavior, he deserves the consequences. Which is why I don't like Lucifer in the show. He is NOT a good person but in one episode he is deprived from the karma of YEARS of neglect and shame. He just says "oh ill support you now" despite two episodes later the message is that actions speak louder than words which only applies to Vaggie for some reason. Why is Lucifer all of a sudden the exception? Oh right cuz he's a silly dad with depression so it's fine(Sorry but this genuinely pisses me off). And people in the fandom have demonized Charlie for being "mean" to him, when she is honestly so valid for reacting like that. The thing is, I don't hate Lucifer. Which is why I hate him if that makes sense. I hate that I like a character that shouldn't be liked yet. This should have been an arc for season 2. This scene should have been the start of the journey. The scene I drew out above is in ep 5 and it's the only interaction they get (it replaces the more than anything scene)
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Charlie has no idea how humans/sinners work. She likes to observe them but never quite gets the purpose of their actions. She's emotionally unintelligent like in the show. Which lemme just say, is a FLAW. Characters have FLAWS PEOPLE. If I see another person shaming her for indirectly hurting Angel in episode 4 I'm going to lose it 🥰 she doesn't get emotions, she doesn't understand how people work, because she's been in isolation her entire 200+ years of living maybe less. But still this is all new to her and she is not at fault at all for that (im projecting probably) 🙄 (this is before Vaggie is revealed to be a fallen angel ofc). She's so in awe at her people, it's like a new world and she just wants to understand. It's kinda creepy but y'know it's a Charlie thing. Vaggie also is emotionally unintelligent but that's because she never used to focus on relationships or bonding. Which causes bad communication and problems between the two, YAY DEVELOPMENT!!
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Idk bro I just wanted to draw her full demon form again. Uhh from the last time I drew I gave her... a new outfit, darker fur to match her skin, uhh, and dragon wings. Ya thas all but I like this one so much more already lmao. I got the fire hair idea because when she gets angry in the show(+pilot) her hair would defy gravity and it would remind me of yknow.. fire.
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They're first meeting went swell! Unlike Lucifer and Vaggie's... but that's for later. Emily grew up afraid of hell but especially Lucifef and turning out the way he did. She still is but she's getting used to having the monster of her bed time stories be a short gummy bear. (Takes place when Charlie and Lucifer are in... better terms I guess) Also, Vaggie and Lucifer's first meet? Not great. Let's just say... Vaggie replaced Alastor and it become "Hell's Greatest Pal" or somthn like that. But yeah, Lucifer didn't really like Vaggie, not because she's a woman n homophobia hellll no his wives are wives, but because he didn't think she was good enough for her. Being a sinner n all. He's a hypocrite like that 😭 plus, he knew Vaggie was a fallen angel but he's not a monster so he didn't say anything. Just passively jabbing at the fact she is in the song to make her scared.
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And one last doodle before I sign off!
These six bro... my absolute favorites <3 if you want please send in a request of them and their relationships I'm so desperate I love them sm (especially chaggily butttt lucifers stolen wives(that's the ship name I made 😭) too)
I hope you liked my rambel... my rewrite.... my redesigns.... and my stupidness... have a great day lmao
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revelisms · 20 days
He knows the sweet must of parchment and black-inked pens as much as he knows the dew-damped green of spring; knows the taste of lemon gin as much as the cool dash of seaspray off a sunkissed stern; knows that he is feared before he is fawned for, is loathed before he is loved, forgotten for his two left feet and the hairless crown he smothers beneath his caps—
But, oh, his laughter.
Lethal as a dragon's, and warm enough to match. A smile that comes too naturally, when someone finally wrangles it out of him—and plummets, sniffed off, just as swiftly. "Shut up."
What is Secondo, if not stomping boots and perpetual grumblings; lectures that snap one's attention at the neck, and welds eyes too wary to stray; hands that are steady in their roughness, tethered to a body that envelops, cherishes—
He is half-mumbled songs over toiling stews, sleeves shucked over strong forearms and towels thwipped at his shoulder; evening drives into the sun's slow-bloomed decay, the wind whistling at the windows—
He is a man as comfortable in his clothes as he is outside of them, and yet the quickest to flush at any scrap of admiration. Patience thin as a hair, with temper Vesuvian enough to match.
With his eldest brother, he is a snarking spouse; with his closest, an absent father; with his youngest, a beast not to be poked.
To their congregation, he is voice like fire and heart like glass, the Past on his breath and blood-magick in his veins, demons at his heels and Hell painted beneath his fingertips.
To himself—
Wrist cocked at the helm, a motor broiling beneath his feet, sun sweet in his eyes. The sea his horizon, her breath his home.
To himself, he is linen shirts and wine on his teeth, pirate captain that never was; Charon for souls no longer lost, ferried across an ocean well and living.
The day's warmth is slipping down, down to the tides: a glow more vibrant than the Fallen Light, itself. Salt and simplicity and free with laughter, her shores ebbing and glimmered.
One final glimpse of summer, before autumn comes to paint their valleys red.
Secondo will drink it in, long as he can.
On a rickety old radio, guitar strings murmur.
Sul mare luccica l'astro d'argento...
He breathes deep, breathes slow. Turns the wheel beneath his hand, and sings along, soft and smirked, like always.
Placida è l'onda, prospero è il vento...
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secondo / sunrays
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creativemessbyvd · 7 months
FIC IDEA VAULT #17 - RadioApple Hercules AU
@fanby-fckry is an enabler XD Their post about their idea for a Little Mermaid AU forced my hand to actually write down this idea! Originally I had the inspiration from this Tiktok!
So, this is an inspired by Disney's Hercules AU, we will follow cannon for season 1 loosely and then we take off from there, and yes, the tiktok scene will be there! I have lots of ideas already down, including a general idea of how each chapter will go. So far, aiming for 8 (?) chapters, which will have not only Alastor's POV but also Lucifer's and others as they become relevant. I want to incorporate the ideas I already have for my own Hellaverse (which I will also use for my Alastor centric fic) which include the Sins being ride or dies for Lucifer, Roo as the main villain, lots of bonding amongst the cast and some cameos by the Helluva Boss crew! I don't plan to make this be straight romance, I want them to be friends first before Alastor starts caring more for Luci, and I'm also trying to keep him as faithful as I can be to his Ace Identity (which is a spectrum! Please, no harrasment over this, but if anyone would like to help me out to make sure I don't screw Al or offend anyone, please let me know! I would really appreciate the help!)
I am swarmed by work, and this has been the worst week for me in a while, I can feel the depressing thoughts around, but talking about my aus, or any of my fandoms always helps! I hope to work on this and publish soon, but I do want to have some chapter written before posting to Ao3. So, without further ado, I leave you with the main summary and two snippets from chapter one! I'm sorry for the errors, I will fix them up for publishin the full story on Ao3! Enjoy!
At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love (Hercules Radioapple AU) by Vesta Dragon
Tasked with getting closer to the King of Hell after the last extermination, Alastor the Radio Demon tries his best to show the king the attention which is plain to see the fallen angel craves. But as they spend time getting to know each other in the most antagonistic and less romantic way possible for Alastor's peace of mind, he finds his mission shifting when shown what a capable ruler Lucifer can be, alongside his softer side that still shows the angel he never stopped being. Lucifer knows that getting along with Alastor will keep Charlie happy, and keep one less headache away from him as he takes the reigns of his kingdom back with the help of his closest friend, Satan, who is now on a mission to make sure both him and Charlie are in top shape for any upcoming battle Heaven will surely start. His heart will be his doom, as he feels himself growing closer to Alastor, but will their love be enough to stop the threat lurking far below Hell? Or will her millennia-old plans finally come to fruition, so the Root of All Evil can finally rule it all as the planets align?
Chapter One Teaser under the cut!
God was created to bring balance to the Universe, and he in turn created Angels, his first and most beloved was Lucifer Morningstar… The story of the Garden of Eden is one I'm sure you are all familiar with, but what you probably didn't know was that it skipped over a lot of details. Lucifer always thought that keeping Humans always happy and in the dark, meant they would never get to their full potential. He befriended Lilith, the first Woman, and they fell into a quick and deep love.
Charlie Morningstar was interrrupted by the loud entrance of Angel Dust, the spider demon carrying around a cooler from which he passed around beverages to the visitors sitting in front of the princess in the Hotel's second entertainment room.
"Boooooriiiiing! Charlie, I swear if you tell us the detailed history of all of creation, I'm taking everyone on a tour of my favorite clubs!"
Finished with his task, he took the main couch, sitting for once, not splayed out but definitely confidently enough that it drew some curious eyes, though they quickly turned away as he swept his gaze around. He took from the cooler two extra waters and passed one to Charlie, who accepted despite looking scandalized at his suggestion.
"Angel, you wouldn't dare!" "Oh, but I would! Who wants to go dancing?" At the raised (albeit nervous) hands that went up, he smirked at the princess who huffed and rolled her eyes.
"Well, what's wrong with giving them all the details?" Charlie shuddered to think were her charges would end up, so she admited that maybe her story would need to be told differently than to how she prefered to remember it. "For one, it would take us way too fucking long to go over everything. Let's go for the more fun version! You gotta know when to give the right details." He made sure to wink at a couple of people, the majority laughing as he riled the princess up.
"We are not sharing anything explicit!" That would be worse than the clubs, as she was about to continue her point, she was interrupted again.
"Is Charlie going to tell the Story? I wanna help!" Nifty had jumped from behind the couch Angel sat at, no one having heard her skittering around until she had made herself known. She proceeded to jump over the couch, landing on Angel and kicking him slightly before settling in beside him.
"Ouch, Nifty! Careful with my arms!"
"Hehe, sorry Angel!"
"Oh, this will be fun." Vaggie had come due to all the shouting, wanting to make sure everyone was being civil. She had known Charlie had plans to share the story, and she was glad she wasn't the only one who knew the princess had to be watched so avoid her rambling to their guests for 5 hours. She loved her, but she knew Charlie tended to go overboard, especially with this.
"Hi sweetie! Come sit here with me, we can share the loveseat." Charlie relaxed upon seeing Vaggie, and made sure to give her a kiss as soon as the fallen angel sat down beside her.
"Can you two stop with the lovey-dovey public displays, let me get my coffee in first." Yet another interrupting, this time from the resident bartender, who was carrying two takeout cups of coffee, one of which he gave to Angel, despite Nifty's attempts to snag it.
"Husk, I'm surprised that you aren't drinking a beer." Vaggie smirked, knowing that usually, the stoic bartender tended to leave the tours to the others and kept to the quiet of the bar. But it was obvious why he had come, as Angel patted his legs.
"Oooh Husky, my lap is open if you want a seat."
"I'll take the floor, otherwise we won't get to the end of the story."
"C'mon you two! Seriously?!" Vaggie was infurated now, she had hoped they had at least some decurum to save it for after the tour was done.
"I meant he would loose circulation on his legs, I ain't as light as Nifty over there." Husk laughed softly, winking at Angel as he took a seat between his legs on the floor.
"Can I sit on your lap, Angel?"
"Sure, Nift."
"Oooooookaaaay, is everyone settled? Can I continue?" Charlie was more aware now of the time constraints, but she was glad to have the company. It was always more enjoyable to have the story be told with input from everyone.
"Yes, but keep it light on the start, we want to get to the good part this century!"
After their fall from Heaven and Earth, Lilith and Lucifer began working on making their prison more comfortable. As others, like the Sins and the Ars Goetia, slowly filled Hell, as they newly appointed King and Queen, they held a party. And someone new arrived to them. She was lovely, yet she was no former angel. Her power left everyone speechless. Her name was Roo. She welcomed everyone, but especially the new King. She had seen it all, and she had to thank him for letting her be born. She was evil personified and she had a proposition. She could help them get revenge upon eveyone who had forsaken them. And while some saw this as a great opportunity, Lucifer refused.
"Fighting Heaven will bring us nothing! I prefer to make the best of this here, were I have my freedom, despite being in my own prison. Let them deal with it all, I thank you for the consideration, but it would be foolish for us to go to war when we know we will lose." Roo smiled, she tried again to entice him, but he wouldn't move. His powers, which he knew she craved, he would not give her. Roo bid them farewell, making sure they knew she could be found at the deepest part, where the river of souls ran, if they ever changed their minds.
She returned to her domain, deep into Hell, to the parts that no one had ever ventured to. She stood now in her home, a castle of darkness that towered over everything. She climbed until she came to her work room, on its center a stone basin filled with a clear swirling liquid. From it she could see the present, past and future. She had used this to her advantage to make sure her influence had sparked the first sin of man. The free will of the humans meant that she now was present up on Earth, but it also crippled her once vast power. Her future vision would never be as it once was, nor could she force the fallen who now ruled Hell to make her biding. She needed more if she was to wreck havoc as she was promised, gazing into the hazy future in which she ruled it all. She could be patient, someday she would have her revenge.
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Alastor the Radio Demon could tell that he was utterly fucked, and he could count on one hand his whole life's (and afterlife's) regrets. Babysitting an overexcited and touchy princess and her entourage was something he deeply regretted, as he watched Vaggie run around trying to film the Hotel an annoying television commercial. He honestly thought his own was pretty favorable, but the Princess thought otherwise. As she went to her meeting, her girlfriend now scrambled to put something together with no experience. He could let her keep on trying, ultimately failing but he needed to keep the Princess as happy as possible, and this was something he would have to endure.
After all of that work only for the commercial to be cut off to the news that Heaven was going to come back earlier? He knew his boss was laughing at him. The next few months brought little change. After this, he saw Charlie welcome in another patron, Sir Pentious had tried to be a thorn at Alastor's side, but like the television demon he took orders from, neither could actually cause any harm; like a toy knife, both were only mildly threatening in appearance. His meeting with the Overlords helped him be closer to his end goal. The months flew by, and still, nothing was going the Princess' way, and she was forced to call her father.
And Lucifer Morningstar ended up coming. To HIS HOTEL. The former Angel went so far as to compare him to a bellhop and Alastor was so close to unleashing everything on the pompous asshole. Thankfully, he managed to take his anger out on the loan sharks Mimzy brought, but he still had to dismiss her, more forcefully than he would have if he hadn't already been so on edge. He was fuming by the end of the day, not only had he been humiliated by Lucifer, Husk knew of him being on a leash, and Heaven would soon come. He unleashed his anger once in his room, thankful for the small mercy that his room opened into his own private bayou and no one would be aware of his (frankly childish) tantrum, and suddenly he felt it in the sudden stillness of the air, and deep among the trees, the one who owned his sould appeared.
Roo was not that taller than Charlie, yet the front was just to spite him. he knew, seeing he still towered over her but she held all the power to bring him to his knees, like she did now.
"Alastor, sweetheart! Interesting day?" She sat on a tree stump that formed into a throne. Alastor hated every minute of it but he obediently knelt by her feet, levelling her with his worst glare.
"Roo, you said he wouldn't leave his isolated hole." She laughed and smiled almost as wide as him.
"I said he wouldn't come out without proper reason, Charlotte finally reaching out to him I guess gave him the strength to try for the first time in years." She was looking at her nails, utterly unbothered by this. Her ability to see aspects of the future irked him when she kept information like this from him.
"The fucking Devil will unravel everything I have worked for here." He seethed but Roo just laughed, a shrill sound that hurt his sensitive ears.
"Oh, Al, don't be so pessimistic, darling. I need you to trust me." She reached out to take his face in her hand, squishing as he growled, static becoming more prominent around him. "This is needed, taking out that pompous asshole up in Heaven will leave my darling Lilith in the perfect spot to worm her way in, you have to trust me."
"Charlie will draw a target on her back if she goes to Heaven, and it will lead the Hotel to be in danger." All his hard work, gone if Adam himself lead the charge to the Hotel.
"Well, that's why you are here, correct? Al, trust me, everything is going according to plan. Make sure to use our little golden ticket to make a deal with the Princess, I will need her to complete my plan." He avoided yelping in pain as she dug her fingers into his face, her other hand making sure to spread his smile wider, to the point it hurt more than usual. Her tone grew dark, and suddenly Alastor could feel the chain around his neck tighten as her voice echoed everywhere in the bayou. "And don't lose your temper with Lucifer again, I don't have the time to get another puppet if he decides to smite you."
With that, she threw him to the floor and as soon as his head had stopped spinning, he looked up to find her gone.
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament Masterpost
The tournament has begun! We are currently in round 4, and each poll will be open for a week. I will also be reblogging each poll 12 hours after it is posted so that people in different time zones are able to see them more easily. If you don't want to see these reblogs, block the tag #12th hour reblog. There will be a total of 8 polls in this round. 4 polls will be posted a day for a total of 2 days.
When you vote, I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you. Remember to be civil in the tags and replies! Some posts will have propaganda included with the songs, but feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
View the bracket, make predictions and more on Challonge here
View the spreadsheet of submissions here
View the original introduction post here
Read the FAQ here
Listen to the full playlist on YouTube here
Full list of polls under the cut:
Round 1
Match 1 - Lavender Town (Pokémon Red/Blue) vs. Vs. Odd Yo-Kai (Yo-Kai Watch)
Match 2 - K.K. Synth (Animal Crossing New Leaf) vs. Bad Feeling (Mad Rat Dead)
Match 3 - This is Where You Are Caucasian Destination Boy (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku) vs. Morpho Knight (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
Match 4 - Track 6 (The Ring: Terror's Realm) vs. Fallen Down (Undertale)
Match 5 - Rodeo Time! (Yo-Kai Watch 3) vs. The Fade (Dragon Age Origins)
Match 6 - Rivers in the Desert (mito Remix) (Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight) vs. Birthday Cake (Jet Set Radio Future)
Match 7 - Let's Start the Killing Game (Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony) vs. You've Got to Eat Your Vegetables! (Commander Keen 4)
Match 8 - Venus (Doom Troopers Sega Genesis) vs. GB Hunter Theme (GB Hunter)
Match 9 - Know What I Mean? (Mario Party 2) vs. Boss Theme 1 (Sonic Superstars)
Match 10 - Area 4, 8, & 13 (Santa Claus Saves the Earth GBA) vs. The Yoshi Clan (Yoshi's New Island)
Match 11 - Bomb Rush Blush (Remix) - Splatoon 2 vs. Mansion Basement (Resident Evil Director's Cut)
Match 12 - Monkeys (Nancy Drew: Ransom of the Seven Ships) vs. Vacation Music 1 (The Sims 1)
Match 13 - Hazy Lane (Yo-Kai Watch 3) vs. Central City (Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood)
Match 14 - Mumble Blues (Armed and Delirious (Dementia)) vs. Crazy Bus Title Screen (Crazy Bus)
Match 15 - Striptease (Persona 4) vs. Professor Birch's Laboratory (Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire)
Match 16 - Oppression (Cave Story) vs. Spookwave (Undertale)
Match 17 - Nocturne (Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood) vs. Ancient Chozo Ruins (Metroid II: Return of Samus)
Match 18 - Diggity Dog (WWF No Mercy N64) vs. YZAP (Yo-Kai Watch 3)
Match 19 - Versus (Sonic Eraser) vs. Neo-Opportunist (Mad Rat Dead)
Match 20 - 50m (Donkey Kong '94) vs. Black Tar (Xenoblade Chronicles X)
Match 21 - Shadow World (DE DE MOUSE Remix) (Persona 4 Dancing All Night) vs. Mushroom Road (Tales of the Abyss)
Match 22 - Fest Zest (Splatoon 2) vs. Survival Instincts Kicking In (Bravely Default II)
Match 23 - Drawbridge Dilemma (WarioWare: Get it Together!) vs. Fight Theme 1 (Omikron: The Nomad Soul)
Match 24 - Thrifty Megamart (Pokémon Sun/Moon) vs. Metal Gear MS DOS Soundtrack (Metal Gear MS DOS)
Match 25 - NLA (Night) (Xenoblade Chronicles X) vs. Spooktune (Undertale)
Match 26 - Namco Arcade 80's Retro Medley (Super Smash Bros. for Wii U) vs. I Love Beijing Tiananmen (Hong Kong 97)
Match 27 - Stage Theme (1942) vs Red-Green-Yellow-Yellow (Mother 3)
Match 28 - Din's Power (Harp) (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) vs. Wildfire (Honkai: Star Rail)
Match 29 - Midna's Lament (Remix) (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) vs. Tired of Life (Lady of Beestmeel Bro)
Match 30 - Holy Orders? (Guilty Gear XX) vs. Burning Men's Soul (Persona Trinity Soul)
Match 31 - Built to Scale (Rhythm Heaven Fever) vs. Main Theme (Beverly Hills Cop)
Match 32 - Just Leave Me Alone (OMORI) vs. Denegul (Lagoon)
Match 33 - Now or Never! (Remix) (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) vs. Crown Dungeon (The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages)
Match 34 - Heart and Soul (Cutscene) (Sonic Frontiers) vs. Dungeon Man (EarthBound)
Match 35 - Resetti's Theme (Animal Crossing: Wild World) vs. Rise & Shine, Ursine! (Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony)
Match 36 - Belly Flop (Splatoon 3) vs. Lemon Jelly (The Sims 2)
Match 37 - mmm yess put the tree on my pizza (Pizza Tower) vs. The Moving Gigantic Ship (Tales of Xillia)
Match 38 - Comin' at ya, My girl (Yakuza 5) vs. Track 7 (Frozen Fruits)
Match 39 - Battle (Field) (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) vs. Title Theme (The Adventures of Rad Gravity)
Match 40 - Emphasis on Scat (BattleBlock Theater) vs. Shipwreckin' (Splatoon 2)
Match 41 - Tem Shop (Undertale) vs. Character Select (Marvel vs. Capcom 2)
Match 42 - Title Screen (Tagin' Dragon) vs. Path of Pain (Hollow Knight)
Match 43 - What's Your Name? (San Fransisco Rush) vs. Pathetic House (Undertale)
Match 44 - Mine: Zew (The Void/Tension) vs. Chocobo Theme (Final Fantasy 2)
Match 45 - Versus Giegue (EarthBound Beginnings) vs. Dragon's Den (Pokémon Gold/Silver)
Match 46 - Great Bay Temple (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) vs. Sagat's Theme (Street Fighter 1)
Match 47 - Chocobo Theme (Final Fantasy X-2) vs. Honeylune Ridge (Super Mario Odyssey)
Match 48 - Close in the Distance (Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker) vs. Shrimp Shuffle (Rhythm Heaven Fever)
Match 49 - Desert (Super Mario Bros.) (Super Mario Maker 2) vs. National Anthem (Double Dribble Arcade)
Match 50 - Dubble Bath (DIY Remix) (Splatoon 2) vs. Fun House (Spider-Man the Animated Series)
Match 51 - Options (Sonic Spinball) vs. Welcome to Mario Cars 2 (Mario Cars 2)
Match 52 - Twilit Battle (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) vs. Confusion (Digimon World 3)
Match 53 - 25m (Donkey Kong) vs. Buying Goods at Palmira (Evergrace)
Match 54 - Crazy Shuffle Theme (Action 52) vs. Joke's End (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga)
Match 55 - Treasure Caves (Wild Woody) vs. Long Elevator (Undertale)
Match 56 - Conspiracy (わるだくみ) (Muv Luv) vs. Opening (Sonic Blast 3D 5)
Match 57 - Digital Roots (Deltarune Chapter 2) vs. Lying in the Darkness (Tales of Graces)
Match 58 - Victory Road (Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver) vs. Title Music (Manic Miner)
Match 59 - Donut Plains (Super Mario Kart) vs. Nightclub (Sabotaged) (Payday 3)
Match 60 - Credtrap (Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill) vs. Cole Train Rap (Gears of War)
Match 61 - Tragic Prince (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) vs. Theme of Stardust (Yakuza 2)
Match 62 - Vital (Fornite) vs. Title Screen (Ballz 3D)
Match 63 - Emblem Engage! (Fire Emblem: Engage) vs. Sub-Tree Area (Kirby Super Star)
Match 64 - Maximum Power (After Burner (Amiga)) vs. Imp's Song (DOOM)
Round 2
Match 1 - Lavender Town (Pokémon Red/Blue) vs. K.K. Synth (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
Match 2 - This is Where You Are Caucasian Destination Boy (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku) vs. Track 6 (The Ring: Terror's Realm)
Match 3 - The Fade (Dragon Age: Origins) vs. Birthday Cake (Jet Set Radio Future)
Match 4 - You've Got to Eat Your Vegetables! (Commander Keen 4) vs. GB Hunter Theme (GB Hunter)
Match 5 - Know What I Mean? (Mario Party 2) vs. The Yoshi Clan (Yoshi's New Island)
Match 6 - Mansion Basement (Resident Evil Director's Cut) vs. Vacation Music 1 (The Sims 1)
Match 7 - Central City (Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood) vs. Title Screen (Crazy Bus)
Match 8 - Striptease (Persona 4) vs. Spookwave (Undertale)
Match 9 - Nocturne (Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood) vs. Diggity Dog (WWF No Mercy (N64))
Match 10 - Versus (Sonic Eraser) vs. 50m (Donkey Kong)
Match 11 - Shadow World (DE DE MOUSE Remix) (Persona 4 Dancing All Night) vs. Survival Instincts Kicking In (Bravely Default II)
Match 12 - Fight Theme 1 (Omikron: The Nomad Soul) vs. Metal Gear MS DOS Soundtrack (Metal Gear MS DOS)
Match 13 - NLA (Night) (Xenoblade Chronicles X) vs. I Love Beijing Tiananmen (Hong Kong 97)
Match 14 - Stage Theme (1942) vs. Din's Power (Harp) (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Match 15 - Tired of Life (Lady of Beestmeel Bro) vs. Holy Orders? (Guilty Gear XX)
Match 16 - Main Theme (Beverly Hills Cop (PC)) vs. Denegul (Lagoon(SNES))
Match 17 - Crown Dungeon (The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages) vs. Dungeon Man (EarthBound)
Match 18 - Resetti's Theme (Animal Crossing: Wild World) vs. Belly Flop (Splatoon 3)
Match 19 - The Moving Gigantic Ship (Tales of Xillia) vs. Track 7 (Frozen Fruits)
Match 20 - Title Theme (The Adventures of Rad Gravity) vs. Emphasis on Scat (BattleBlock Theater)
Match 21 - Character Select (Marvel vs. Capcom 2) vs. Title Screen (Tagin' Dragon (NES))
Match 22 - What's Your Name? (San Fransisco Rush) vs. Mine: Zew (The Void/Tension)
Match 23 - Versus Giegue (EarthBound Beginnings) vs. Sagat's Theme (Street Fighter 1)
Match 24 - Chocobo Theme (Final Fantasy X-2) vs. Shrimp Shuffle (Rhythm Heaven Fever)
Match 25 - National Anthem (Double Dribble Arcade) vs. Fun House (Spider-Man: The Animated Series)
Match 26 - Welcome to Mario Cars 2 (Mario Cars 2) vs. Confusion (Digimon World 3)
Match 27 - Buying Goods at Palmira (Evergrace) vs. Crazy Shuffle Theme (Action 52)
Match 28 - Treasure Caves (Wild Woody) vs. Opening (Sonic 3D Blast 5)
Match 29 - Lying in the Darkness (Tales of Graces) vs. Title Music (Manic Miner)
Match 30 - Nightclub (Sabotaged) (Payday 3) vs. Credtrap (Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill)
Match 31 - Theme of Stardust (Yakuza 2) vs. Title Screen (Ballz 3D(SNES))
Match 32 - Emblem Engage! (Fire Emblem: Engage) vs. Imp's Song (DOOM)
Round 3
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silvergolddraco28 · 3 months
Two Devils and a Radio- part 3- Hazbin Hotel RP
Alastor narrowed his eyes as he took in the new 'sinner'. He didn't smell newly fallen. Each fresh dead sinner typically carried the scent of Earth with them for at least a few weeks. The deer tilted his head, his smile turning sharp. Something wasn't right about this 'sinner'. Something was off something that made the red-clad sinner's fur bristle. He took a few quick steps, placing himself at the princess' side and setting his hand on her shoulder. "Ah, yes. It is quite run down, but we've been slowly fixing it up," he said, staring down at the shorter sinner. A slow process to be sure, but it honestly was in a better state than it was when Charlotte had decided to overtake it for her silly idea. Still a mess, but one that wasn't on the verge of collapse. "We didn't expect another guest to join so soon, so you'll forgive us for the state the Hotel is in," he added.
“I don't mind. I was an Inventor and a bit of an architect in Life so I can lend a paw or two.” ‘Samuel’ stated while his tail wagged a small bit at the tip with the idea of helping. 
"Nonsense. You'll be a guest here. Hardly appropriate to make you do any work when you should be focusing on being better ." Alastor said, waving him off. Like Hell, he was going to let this random 'sinner' just barge in and start helping. Fixing up the hotel was his job. He wasn't just going to allow this stranger to start fixing it up. He could sabotage it. Cause it to be more unstable. Not to mention he was hiding something. Alastor could tell. He was going to need to keep an eye on this one. Perhaps even inform the king. No, he would inform his king. Lucifer would lose it and be furious if Alastor kept such a thing from him if this Samuel proved a threat. That was a migraine Alastor did not need.
Charlie gave a beaming smile at the offer. “After we get you a room set up and have an idea of what your Sin or Sins might be,” Charlie stated while going over to the small reception desk to pull out the guest log and a pen followed by some papers. “Just have to sign these after reading them.”
"Nifty has finished cleaning out all the rooms on the second floor. I've had my little minions fix them all up as well," he said as Charlie mentioned getting a room set up as she moved away to get the book and papers. Once she was at the desk to leaned down to hiss in the new sinner's ear. "I'm warning you now. you prove to be a threat and I'll be tearing you apart piece by piece," he said quietly. Low enough that Charlie wouldn't hear. He then straightened up and moved away from the sinner. "Once you've signed we can start a tour. Show you around a bit."
Samuel rolled his eyes looking over the papers before signing his name down on the end in a curious language. “Like you can bite through my hide.” The dragon sinner huffed as he quickly finished the papers neatly placing them back on the desk before signing his name once more with the pen hardly noticing it writing in golden letters compared to the dark red ones marking Angel Dust’s name.
Alastor ignored his remark glancing to watch the sinner sign. He tilted his head taking note of the golden color. He hummed softly before sweeping up the papers and neatly stacking them as he moved behind the desk to file them away again once the dragon finished signing all of them. "Welcome to the Happy Hotel, my good man. a pleasure to have you as a guest," he said cheerfully. "Now, let's get you settled in a room, hm?" he said as he grabbed one of the blank room keys taking note of the room number before dropping it in Sam's hand. When the key was dropped into the dragon sinner’s hands it changed to a simple golden eight-pointed star with six golden wings with the shaft of the key being coiled by a white and gold snake with blazing blue gem eyes. The keys were enchanted, each one charmed to shift and represent its owner. Alastor's own was a radio, with a snake that coiled around it. Alastor eyed the key curiously taking in the change and looked up at Samuel with narrowed eyes. "...Interesting," he said. Something he needed to bring up to the king.
“Cute,” Samuel stated with a grin, slipping the key into his pocket. “Guess that's what I get for being named after an Angel,” Samuel grumbled to himself.
"Perhaps a sign you're destined to succeed," Alastor stated. He doubted it. He didn't like how angelic that key became. He stepped out from behind the desk, "This way, we'll show you to your room and get started on the tour." he said.
“Perfect!” Samuel grinned following behind the deer Sinner. ‘So far so good… i think…’ Samuel thought happy his sinner-like form was throwing everyone off from his real identity and true enough a few hours later he was entering his room after a full-on tour and dinner while watching Alastor having fun crushing the war blimp of the snake sinner Sir Pentious. ‘Feel father bad for that guy.’ He thought to himself as he closed off his curtains and with a bit of magic sealed the door and window before letting go of the dragon form to flop, exhausted on the bed letting his other two pairs of wings out to stretch. “By Father I'm sore.” Samuel aka Lucifer swore with a groan rolling his shoulders before he rolled back out of the bed to take a bath and do some much-needed maintenance on his wings.
Meanwhile, down in the lobby of the building only three of the beginnings were currently down there finishing the last bits of work before calling it for a night. Alastor remained with Charlie and Vaggie as the others retired to their rooms for the night. He'd made sure to keep a close eye on the newest addition to their little hotel. Samuel had alarm bells ringing in his skull, he could tell the other was hiding something but so far he didn't seem to be a threat. For now at least. He'd already ordered Vaggie to keep an eye on the dragon, to not let him be with Charlotte alone. He hummed softly, looking away from the stairs to look at Charlie and stepping over to the loveseat where she and Vaggie were settled. 
"I'll be stepping out for a moment my dear, I need to speak with your father about a few things," He told the princess. "I'll be back in the morning for breakfast and the morning meeting, however," he added.
“Okay. Try not to get into another sparring match with Dad this time?” Charlie requested. “You nearly got your antlers broken off last time.”
Alastor rolled his eyes, "Not to worry. Just simple business." he said. Though it was fun to spar with his king he wasn't really in the mood for a fight. He patted Charlie on the head. "See you in the morning, my dear. don't stay up too late~" he said before melting into the shadows.
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xxxdragonfucker69xxx · 10 months
im skimming really fast because CHARMS have already dropped and i need to get there
!! the outline: lethe and the sea of shadows, but now islands jut out from it which are afterlives. some afterlives are ritual afterlives formed by funerary ceremony and ancestor worship, some are primeval afterlives about the manner of your death. big change! it's full of ghosts, who you mostly know. ghosts aren't their full living selves, death takes a lot from them and theyre defined by their passions and grow weirder after death,
phantom beasts! vesper-wolves and pyre-maggots.... cool
prehuman ghosts! omg even dragon king ghosts.... yes yes yes
the history of the underworld is so incredible. im usually sort of tepid on these sections, even though i like the idea of having a history, but for whatever reason this one is soooo cool to me
stygian archipelago!!!
"Bereft of stable stars or predictable trade winds, ghostly sailors develop other means of charting  their course, whether following in the wake of phantom leviathans, piloting their ships under the  auspice of oracular trances, or reconciling the movements of the Calendar of Setesh with local  geomancy" BANGIN!!!!
the old laws are so fascinating to e... the little hints have me a little bit obsessed. man imagine playing stories like the fallen london stories about correspondence and discordance but to repair the old laws... mmm
ugh i looove the different aterlives so much
whispers... and the labyrinth
"Specters in the thrall of Thundering Dissolution join their minds  with his in the Symphony of Omnipresence, a psychic whirlpool that shears away the borders  between their consciousnesses" oh y god i have to use this shit somehow
stygia!!! hot damn... extreme politics at the heart of the underworld
i have a soft spot for the calendar of setesh ever since i made The Wheel And Weight of Grinding Time Crushes All Beneath Its Passage, an abyssal obsessed with hijacking the calendar via pirate radio to install a new constellation
"Each district’s boundaries are reinforced on the first day of each year with a ceremonial  procession. The regent must touch each of the district’s ancient boundary-stones, and shifting  those stones as part of the rite allows one district to expand at another’s expense. Whoever  completes the procession is the regent; regents surround themselves with bodyguards to prevent  coups during that vulnerable time. " OH my fucking god. what a heist movie. holy shit
theres a whole subsection for the sewers. this is worldbuilding.
culture... architecture... a dole of black bread and white cheese...
"Weeds signify  persistence and thriving in the Underworld; a dandelion represents passage into Lethe. Fish  symbolize ghosts, while a fishhook means either love or money, depending on who you ask. And  blood — or, indeed, anything crimson — holds many meanings depending on context, including  power, food, artistic fervor, endings, new beginnings, and Creation itself." why was this made specifically to caer to me
"A few places  specialize in stoking negative emotions, luring perverse customers with discordant choirs,  noisome odors, or the like. Several wineshops on Seawall offer bone-dry hardtack and skunked  beer; the Kudzu Bell’s boarding house specializes in stale bread, mildewed cheese, and  vegetables boiled into a sulfurous mass." oh my god
"Some ghosts hoard coins whose psychic residue resonates with their own feelings; money  changers sort obols by emotion for arbitrage." to me this is what exalted is about. this is what no other game has. lets take a wacky fantasy concept and do irl economics about it
:000 mausoleums! places where prayer distills down and bathes ghosts... sort of like a pseudo manse?
....huh! people heard of stygia as a heaven, expected to go there as a ritual afterlife, and now there are spots in stygia for them
collegia! the ultimate in dark academia. ghosts who keep ancient traditions and skills, and are doing quite a lot of politics about it
and the mansions, which are pimeval afterlives of sudden death. these and the collegia alone give stygia such incredible depth already
"In the Underworld’s first days, the Resplendent Mansion stood  foremost among its peers, comprised of a host of Exalted and other  heroic ghosts who’d died in battle against the world’s makers. But  new members slowed to a trickle, then stopped entirely before the  First Age’s end. Today, their ancient seat atop Shining Hill stands all  but empty, inhabited by a few reclusive timeworn ghosts and a host  of guardian spirits and automata." .... so now that primordials and neverborn are out in the world beefing again someone might suddenly take up that seat huh
oh wow i love the transcendent course as a cult. it feels so, ironically, alive. and the DUAL MONARCHS
"The Incarnadine Path was Stygia’s native religion before the Dual Monarchs. Its creed reveres  the River of Blood as the literal and metaphorical lifeblood of Creation and Underworld alike.  Ghosts of the Mansions find a sense of superiority in their ancient ties to the faith, while the  collegia uphold it in opposition to the Transcendent Course. Its stronghold is the rust-red steeple  of the Cruor, where Incarnadine blood-priests sacrifice animals brought at great difficulty from  the living world to anoint the faithful in gore. Since Stygia’s founding, the Cruor’s priests have  been a law unto themselves, offering sanctuary to fugitives; the Signatories show little respect  for these traditions, but citywide rioting the last time the Legion Sanguinary violated Cruor  sanctuary makes them cautious." MORE CULTS. MORE
and now the stygian pact, with thirteen signatories, wich do not correspond to al deathlords! which i thought was fun. skull pirate aikeret! fathom hermit puppet for the underwater eemi!!! ukhala enlightened-in-blood... i am free on thursday... white thyrsus the youth pastor for a cult to a ghost-eating forest, sesim ruseka the bird bitch. god frankly any of these guys would be fun deathlords as well
WOW namtar is fun
ok im gonna cut myself off before dari of the mists... charms one day i will reach you...
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momo-t-daye · 2 years
Hogwarts WW2 Gen thoughts
A few thoughts/headcanons that have been bopping about the inside of my skull like one of those old screensavers. Mostly about Eileen Prince, percolated after seeing this piece by @sneverussape and tracking down this post by @sneverussape and @owlzerness
Eileen was not the name her parents gave her
Eileen was the name used by her great-great-great aunt (or perhaps the terrible old lady was a cousin removed several times and ranked somewhere far from first, but the old woman insisted on “Aunt” as an honorific and the girl who wasn’t supposed to be Ileana anymore complied)
Her parents sent her away to England when she was seven.
They’d said there was a bad wizard, practically a monster, and that she would be safe in England. They couldn’t go with her, there was some complicated problem with past alliances and allegiances and pacts and family ties and protecting the dragons from Grindelwald and it would be dishonorable for them to flee to safety.  But they could send her away.  No one could blame them for sending her away.
They sent her away to England and told her there would be no bad wizards, no monsters with the face of a man, there. Hogwarts, they said, could provide a mostly acceptable education.
Aunt Agatha was not “a bad wizard” but she certainly wasn’t good. The old woman was a veritable hermit, shut-up in her sprawling, dusty, dilapidated house; bitterly parting with trinkets from her hoard to afford her daily bread and ruminating over her every misfortune.
Agatha Prince had no money, at least, no money she would deign to spend raising some child of distant relatives.  She blamed her long-dead squib brother’s existence for her failure to secure a wealthy spouse and the life of leisure she deserved.  Aunt Agatha often raged that neither the main branch of the Prince family nor the French line had the decency to provide for a poor spinster relation.
It offended Agatha’s every sensibility that the Prince family fortune should remain with little Gloriana, the last of the main branch in England, and then go to her daughter Augusta who wasn’t even born a Prince.  Surely Agatha, as the eldest living Prince, should have control of the vault.  Surely Agatha, as the eldest living Prince, should not be left destitute.  Why, she’d sold the House Elf long ago, tearing out the very soul of her childhood home in the process.  She needed her uncle’s gold if she was ever to leave the husk she’d made of her house.
Beneath Agatha Prince’s thumb was a not a very nice place for a child to grow up.
Eileen-no-longer-Ileana Prince personally would’ve preferred the distant terror of (and eventually death by-) Grindelwald and his forces over her life in the stranglehold of Aunt Agatha’s petty tyranny.
Ileana learned the English she needed to become Eileen by eavesdropping on muggle radio broadcasts. 
Mimicking the radio voice was easier than trying to talk to one of the muggles in the village that still anchored Agatha’s home. Ileana, like her mother, had been born with her mind too open and external thoughts were always trying to get in through her eyes.
Aunt Agatha wasn’t interested in conversation. She told Eileen what chores to do (the chores a House Elf would’ve completed in a twinkle, had Agatha not been so foolish as to sell off her estate’s genius loci manifested) or she criticized Ileana for not being a sufficiently obedient Eileen.
Aunt Agatha demanded eye contact when it was time for a berating and Ileana-Eileen often went to bed with her head achingly full of Agatha Prince’s cruelest thoughts.
The radio was nice.
The radio didn’t have eyes.
Eileen Prince was sorted  into Slytherin much to Aunt Agatha’s disgust.
Agatha assigned a malign influence to the Carpathians to explain why Eileen, unlike every properly English Prince, had fallen into Slytherin instead of rising up to one of the two tower Houses.  It was then that Agatha realized how wise and right and justified she had been to refrain from offering any form of affection to the girl— for it was quite true that a serpent’s tooth was not as sharp as a thankless child.
(Long ago, Phineas Nigellus Black, by then engaged to Ursula Flint, had coldly rebuffed Agatha Prince’s attempts to secure his invitation to dance.  She had nursed that grudge with more tenderness than she would ever show to a child in her care).
Gloriana Prince’s daughter Augusta, two years older than Eileen, was deeply suspicious of the girl claiming to be some third-cousin or something from the eastern branch of the Prince family.  Augusta had met her Prince cousins from the French line, and Eileen didn’t look a thing like them (Augusta did not acknowledge just how much she looked like Eileen).
Eileen, very sensitive as she was, picked up on Augusta’s opinions before they were voiced and made a point of avoiding her cousin. It was easy enough, the Gryffindor tower was far from the Slytherin dungeon and there were only a few Inter-House clubs that might’ve encouraged students to mingle.
Abraxas Malfoy, prefect and co-captain of the Hogwarts Inter-House Gobstones Club with his Gryffindor friend Septimius, tended to come off as a bit of a pompous twit.  But even if he was a pompous twit, he was a pompous twit that made a point of looking out for the awkward outsiders and the shy children and the students without the support system of a well-established family name. Maybe it was a Machiavellian move, collecting the lonely and obtaining their loyalty for the low price of a bit of attentiveness, but if that were truly the case then surely he should’ve aimed for a higher goal than the perpetuation of the school Gobstones Club.
Tom Riddle politely scorned Abraxas’ attempts at protection and informal adoption via enrollment in the Gobstones Club (Tom could appreciate the aesthetics of chess even if he didn’t like it when the pieces expressed their opinions but Gobstones were frankly disgusting) and so Abraxas Malfoy subsequently lost interest in the younger boy.
When Eileen Prince started school in the following year, Septimius was quick to spot the girl’s potential and Abraxas immediately designated her as his protégé and eventual successor.
This rather irked Walburga Black, who had already decided that Eileen Prince would attend on her in return for guidance and advice and an eventual introduction to polite society.  Walburga made rather a habit of complaining to her cousin Cedrella, Abraxas’ fiancée by family agreement and arrangements, about Eileen’s involvement in the Gobstones Club.
Eileen was impressed by Abraxas Malfoy’s enthusiasm about Gobstones and the unifying power of an Inter-House Club.
Eileen, who hadn’t played any games since she’d been sent to England, appreciated Abraxas Malfoy for teaching her how to play Gobstones.
Eileen was damn near preternaturally good at Gobstones.
Eileen rather enjoyed Gobstones.
She particularly liked the fact that she wasn’t expected or required to make eye contact with anyone else during a game.
Later on, Eileen would wonder if she should’ve said anything the day she walked into the club room and saw Cedrella in Septimius Weasley’s embrace.  At the time, she’d mostly worried that speaking up might ruin the fun times in the Gobstones Club and was glad she’d managed to slip back out of the room unnoticed.
The story went that Cygnus and Walburga Black had come out of the womb each with their little hands around the other’s throat (Eileen believed it and privately wished that the unborn Walburga had had the sense to have used Cygnus’ umbilical cord as a garrote instead).  Poor Professor Slughorn had been forced to name them both prefect to avoid granting either one power over the other and so suffered through their sly squabbling at every weekly meeting.
The only thing those siblings could share without complaint was a deep and abiding disdain for their little brother Alphard.
Alphard, for his part, meandered through life with a wistful and vague expression on his face and would prefer to take a twenty-mile detour of avoidance rather than go through half a foot of confrontation or conflict.
Walburga compared him, most unfavorably, to a spineless and brainless jellyfish.  Cygnus, less poetically inclined, mostly berated Alphard for failing to live up the standard required for a member of the House of Black.
No one was terribly surprised when old Sluggy passed Alphard by and handed the prefect badge to the half-blood Tom Riddle.
Abraxas was delighted, no, really, delighted, that Eileen recruited Alphard Black for the Gobstones Club (recruited was a bit of an exaggeration, it had been more of a gentle buffeting in the general direction of the club room and holding the door open while the older boy drifted in).
It showed initiative, it showed that she was absolutely prime material for future Captain of the Gobstones Club.
He was so proud.
Walburga and Cygnus would probably appreciate any efforts made at giving Alphard some direction, something to do with his life.
Alphard, for his part, was absolutely terrible at Gobstones.
As one of her first acts as Captain of the Gobstones Club, an awkward attempt at emulating the graduated Abraxas’ accepting attitude, Eileen offered to teach one of the younger boys in her house how to play the game.
Rubeus Hagrid was massive, even at age 13.
With his impressive bulk he should’ve chosen to be a brute or a bully; it would’ve made his life so much easier if he could claim that he’d meant to break things and to step on the smaller students.  Unfortunately, he had too much of a soft heart to ever intend to hurt anyone and a soft heart paired with an over-sized body had, thus, landed him firmly in the despised category of “clumsy oaf”.
Eileen didn’t mind Rubeus Hagrid too much, he was so tall it was hard to make accidental eye contact and he was always willing to help set up the club room and clean up afterwards.
Hagrid, unfortunately, was even worse than Alphard at Gobstones.
When the Daily Prophet printed a birth announcement for an Ignacio Weasley, it filled Eileen with such pity and she considered writing to her Gobstones mentor.
She wasn’t very good with kind words, she’d rather lacked in an early role model, and she wondered if Abraxas would even accept or appreciate her condolences.
Septimius Weasley’s reputation was quite tarnished and his vault was swiftly drained in an effort to make reparations to his new wife’s family. Cedrella Black was, of course, soon disowned for her breach of promise (after all, her prerogative could not override a contract made by the head of her family house).
The Transfiguration Professor, Head of Gryffindor and immensely biased in Septimius’ favor, said sad things about the difficult course of true love and Eileen loathed him for the twinkle in his eye and his willingness to overlook the double betrayal Abraxas had suffered.  Professor Dumbledore’s class gave her a regular headache, even if she looked at his stupid, garish, ugly robes instead of meeting his too blue gaze.  It was easy enough for her to hate the professor and his class.
Tom Riddle found the Malfoy-Weasley love-tangle situation immensely funny, and, because Tom Riddle thought Abraxas’ heartbreak and misfortune was a bit of a joke, Rosier and Mulciber and Avery and Nott and Lestrange all treated the situation as a great laugh.
Love, Riddle maintained, was a puerile waste of time and an unacceptably idiotic vulnerability.
Love, agreed Rosier and Mulciber and Avery and Nott and Lestrange, was for the losers of this world.
Alphard Black, who was quite fond of his cousin Cedrella (particularly when compared to his feelings for his siblings) and had some tepidly positive thoughts in Abraxas’ direction, tended to drift out of his dormitory at these times.  He challenged Eileen Prince to quite a few games of Gobstones and lost, pathetically, every time. (He didn't mind, because there was very little he allowed himself to mind, and he was almost willing to admit to himself that he liked watching Eileen win).
Eileen put off writing to Abraxas, letting her doubts delay her day after day and week after week.
Then there was that business with the Chamber of Secrets opening, and Eileen was quite distracted and forgot all about writing to comfort and support Abraxas Malfoy.
Her parents had promised there would be no bad wizards, no monsters wearing a human face, in England.
They were wrong.
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augustweary · 11 months
There was a boy in the woods.
Static buzzed in his ears and dotted his vision. He put a hand to the back of his neck. Goosebumps. It felt like the static was seeping into his skin, making his bones vibrate. Now it had reached his mind. He couldn’t hold a single thought for long.
Cabin. Friends. Help.
His breath was stilted. He tried to hold on. If he could just grab a single thought and hold it still, maybe he could hold himself still too. Or it could at least buy him some time. Someone would find him. Someone would help.
But who?
A name. He needed a name. That was something solid. They were there, at the edges of the static. Names that mattered.
But they were getting further and further away, pushed out by the static. Like everything else.
It had started with his birthday. It had slipped everyone’s mind, including his own. He’d chalked it up to stress. What was one missed birthday? By the time he remembered, it didn’t really matter anymore. There were more important things going on. The world was ending. Again.
Once they reached Hawkins, more started to slip away and it got harder and harder to put it all back in his head.
When the whole party was back together, they shared what their favourite songs were. Just in case. When it got to him, he didn’t know what to say. He had a favourite song. He knew he did. His own confusion was mirrored on the faces of his friends.
None of them said, “I can’t remember.”
It was as if as soon as the thought that something was wrong entered their minds, it slipped right out again along with whatever had been forgotten.
He’d gone with Mike to help put together donation boxes with his family. Going through things, he’d found some art in Mike’s room. Wizards and knights and dragons. When he’d asked Mike who’d made them, Mike couldn’t say.
Each time another piece was lost, the boy had felt pins and needles in his hands, his feet. Like his limbs had fallen asleep.
It only got worse. He went from being a best friend to a friend to some kid they’d gone to school with. They all started explaining events to him like he hadn’t been there. The destruction of Starcourt mall. El closing the gate in the lab. The boy that went missing in the Upside Down.
And he hadn’t been there. Had he?
He was being pushed to the margins. Something was pushing him.
El and Mike held onto him for the longest. Then one day Mike asked him what his name was and how he knew El. In a moment of clarity, El hugged him, choking out his name between sobs. Maybe if she kept saying his name, it would stay. But it didn’t.
Now he was just a boy in the woods. Alone.
Cabin. Friends. Help.
He couldn’t see the trees anymore. He tried to look down at his hands. Everything was fuzzy. The edges of him were becoming unreliable.
Something to hold onto, to ground him.
“M…” he tried. “M…Mi…Mik—”
His edges gave. He flickered. In. Out. In. Out.
And then he was gone. The static dissipated amongst the trees.
My first fanfiction on Ao3 Static and Radio Waves just reached 3,000 hits! It's been so awesome getting back into writing, and thank you to everyone who has given my little fics a chance.
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fordtato · 2 years
I have three main headcannons for how Ford heard All Star, the song that clearly inspired his tattoo:
1.) He heard it in an alternate earth during his travels. Maybe it was slightly different in its arrangement, maybe it was by Bang Mouth instead of Smash Mouth, maybe every word began with the letter M, but he heard it on the radio somewhere and it was just so unmistakably Earth-like that he couldn't help but be overcome with emotion and nostalgia for the home he once had.
2.) There aren't many constants in the universe, but stories of outcasts are as close as they come to being ubiquitous among sentient societies. So when Ford sees the story of a being who is viewed as a monster and misunderstood, forced to isolate himself in seclusion in the woods, a being who fears never finding the companionship of someone who understands? The story impacted him greatly, more than he thought it would. He left the theater with tears in his eyes, a newfound hope in his heart, and the ticket stub for Shmrek (the animated story of a loveable ogre and his zebra companion who save Princess Liona from a dragon) safe in his pocket next to an old photograph.
3.) Somewhere, somehow, a disk in a plastic case just materialized, falling next to him with a clatter. It landed on a nearby rock, along with an unfilled 1099-MISC tax form and an attempt to collect a payment on an unpaid credit card balance (which???? Had his name on it???? Surely this was a trick by one of Bill's agents?! Or perhaps some other version of himself had managed to crawl into debt - the electric bills from the portal always did mean he was on the verge of bankruptcy...) The plastic case (which he would later learn was for something called a CD) was a little banged up, like it had fallen off a moving truck or hit with a hammer or had been been tossed into a deep, deep pit, but wherever it came from, it smelled like the fir trees in Gravity Falls - though, surely, that was just his imagination, just his exhaustion-addled brain grasping at any familiarity it could find after so many years in alien landscapes. When he got to a dimension with technology suited for playing this metallic laser-imprinted disk, he heard it. "...I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change." He looked at his unfinished quantum destablizer. He could use all the change he could get.
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jandjsalmon · 2 years
Fic Reading Challenge Stats Dec & 2022 Round-up
Hello Everyone! I’ve completed the stats for my year of fic reading. Once again, they ended up being pretty interesting - at least to me.
In 2022, I read (or reread) over 17.5 million words. This was down a bit from 2021 - but in an exciting turn of events - I read 604 unique authors (almost 100 more than 2021) and while 2021 had 60 different fandoms with 99 unique ships - THIS year, I read 96 unique fandoms and 144 unique ships! I fell in love with SO many new ships.
Once again, I participated in the @fanfic-reading-challenge and completed the Regular, Hard, and Extreme levels of the challenge. That is 277 tasks! It was tough but a lot of fun. The 2023 challenge should be ready for participants by the 15th (I believe) and I hope some of you will sign up. 
Thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions for stories and pairings and fandoms and who shared their favourite stories with me. I could not have gotten through this year without you and I’m SO grateful for you. 🥰
My December Stats:
Of course, I wanted to slide in first with December numbers (and a soulmates fic rec as well) before I hit the pie charts for the year.
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In December, I read just over a million words, 392 chapters, and 103 stories. The pairing I read most was Wednesday Addams/Xavier Thorpe (from Wednesday on Netflix). There are a lot of very short chapters in the fandom (I think because many authors are pretty young) - so when you find a long story it's like finding a cookie in a salad. ANYWAY - I love Soulmates - and Skin-deep as the Soul by @ozmathegreatand is WONDERFUL. You should read it. Come ship Wenvier with me! 🥰🖤
OKAY - now for the yearly stats!!
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Note (35) means that I reread 35 stories more than once during the year. Scars by IndianSummer13 -- Together, Tomorrow by @sunshinebunnie -- Viper Radio by @lucivar -- and Eight Nights (the epic Nancy/Ace Hannukah series by @happilyshanghaied) are some of my favourite rereads.
This year, I read 1093 stories - rereads only accounted for about 19.76% so 80% of the time I was reading new stories. That's fun.
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Unsurprisingly, Bughead is the pairing I read most this year (I seriously did a huge @thepointoftheneedle reread and it was glorious), but they went from 47% of my stories in 2021 to 27% this year. I attribute this to all the pairing tasks in the fic challenge. I really branched out with pairings and fandoms this year. Considering Wednesday only came out in November, it's pretty clear what I've been reading for the last month and a half to get them this high on my list. Same with House of the Dragon, Rings of Power, and Hellcheer - as we've only known and loved Eddie/Chrissy, Galadriel/Halbrand, and Daemon/Rhaenyra for half the year. I've read so many amazing new stories and have fallen in love with them falling in love a million times over again. It's been great.
Some special favourites this year:
tortured artist and torturer (series) by @nevinimus (Wednesday/Xavier - NR - Post Canon) - by far one of my favourites in this fandom. It's clever and sweet but there are also decapitated roses, so it's on brand. Love it.
Sweet Nightmares are Made of This (series) by the_retro_witch (Wednesday/Xavier - E - Post Canon) - I am DEVOTED to this story. It's huge and awesome and hot and fun and yeah. SO good.
The Trials of Mairon by @jackpotgirl (Galadriel/Halbrand - E - Post Canon) - AMAZING. Honestly one of the best fics I've ever read. Set AFTER Lord of the Rings but references stuff from Rings of Power. Galadriel gets to be Sauron's judge and jury.
new romantics (series) by @amandaashplease (Eddie/Chrissy - E - Musician AU) - I love a good Musician AU and this one was CUUTE (and hot!). I read this one and then ended up reading a bunch of other stories by the same author because she's amazing. Read her!
Reborn in Fire by rachiemcd (Daemon/Rhaenyra - E - Time Travel AU) - There are a ton of fics in this fandom where one or the other goes back in time and tries to fix the timeline. THIS is one of the best. And it's HUGE. Love it. A perfect happy ending (for almost everyone)!
Anyway - this is probably enough recs for now but if you every are looking for something interesting to read, hmu. 😘
Thanks for being here, friends.
Have a wonderful 2023!
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itsjuneofallthings · 11 months
dear yuletide writer, 
This is my second yuletide and I'm still as lost what to put in a letter as I was last year, but it didn't stop me then either!
So, just let me tell you: 
Thank you so much for writing for me!
I hope this letter helps to spark some inspiration and  you'll have the utmost fun writing and please, don’t just write for me! It’s first and foremost for you and I’m just a happy beneficiary!
This being said, let’s get started: 
M/M Pairings (But I don’t mind and also like good written M/F Pairings, or M/M/F)
Found Family Dynamics
Hurt/Comfort (dealing with PTSD, trauma, phobics, you name it, and being taken care of, getting help and being loved) 
Slow Burn
Smut (including, blowjobs, handjobs, analsex, fingering, etc, just mind the dnws please :))
Porn with Plot
Happy Endings
Tender Touches (holding the neck, caressing the cheek/lip, hand in hair)
getting together
first times
A/B/O Dynamics
Abuse of animals
Impact Play
vampires/werwolves AU
My beloved fandoms are
The Hurog-Series
Seriously, I LOVE THE BOOKS!
Oreg got me after his first sentence and I kept falling deeper and deeper for him. 
I love his banter, his wit and his power, and I love that he, as the probably most powerful mage walking around, still has boundaries. 
I love his and Wardwicks dynamics, the friendship, love and trust they share and of course I love Wardwick, our little dumb looking hero with heart of gold and caring nature. 
I also really, really love Tisala because she is a wonderful, loving person and a fierce badass and she wouldn’t hesitate to put Ward back in his place if she had to. 
That being said:
I’d love to read something about Oreg being taken care of, I’m sure he still suffers from plenty of PTSD and he deserves hugs and love and soft strokes through his hair. 
Maybe, if you’d also like, a polyamourus relationship between the three of them, maybe just deep and reassuring friendship moments between the dragon and the hurogmeten. 
But there is also Seleg! And so much that happened between them and- there are so many things to explore and so many stories to tell! 
I'm already excited! 
Anyway, I’ll be happy! 
A Quiet Place
These movies. 
I love the world, the always luring danger, the silence, the smallest sounds are doom, the atmosphere. 
I love Regan and I love Emmett and I love Regan and Emmett (But NOT as a romantic couple! This is really, really DNW!)
I love their dynamics, the speech barriers, the taking care, the father/daughter-big brother/little sister vibes
To be honest, I have no specific prompt, I’d just love to read some fics of them.
(okay, while I’m writing, maybe ASL lessons? Their own language? Gift giving? Taking care of emmetts wound (Not in a weird sexual way)? the fallout after the radio station? I don’t- I just- you know? You know. 
Olympus has fallen (Movies)
Mike Banning is a walking disaster and I love him for that. 
he and his (imho) boyfriend are kinda doomed from the start (how good can something run, when it is your job to literally take a bullet for your husband?) but they make it work, while screaming “DRAMA” and running from terrorists. 
Again, I guess, no prompts for this fandom, too?, but I don’t (really don’t) mind canon typical violence and speech. 
I’m pretty sure someone REALLY needs to start to look after Mike before he burns out (wouldn’t that be a lovely task for our beloved president asher?) So yes, he also deserves some comfort (and to be honest: therapy).
That being said, also Ben deserves his PTSD outburst, his nightterrors after nearly being killed by terrorist (twice!) and his fears and panic attacks being take care of (and therapy) 
But this doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship, great friendships are also this: great.
Maybe they didn’t even like each other at the beginning? (Mike can be bossy, to be fair) ;)
My beloved. 
Boris and Valerie have written hurt, no comfort wide across their lovely faces in big, bolt letters but they deserve some comfort nonetheless, right? Right!
I’d like the fear and the glooming doom, the invisible death, lingering in every breath take, the fighting against windmills and against invisible, untouchable party members who just order something so utterly stupid that-! 
I like the ship of them because the ever present fear of being caught, (generally don’t like homophobia, but canon and period typical homophobia are such a great fuel for drama and hurt/comfort plots…) and that middle aged men can still find and fall in love. 
But also, the friendship between these two is awesome and I love to read more about them. 
So, that’s it. 
I hope this got you some insight, feel free to also browse my ao3 for more, it this isn’t enough. 
have a great yuletide!
And, again, thank you so much! 
lots of love
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xenomorphee3 · 2 years
Dropped Chapter 26. Distraction
Dropped a rich new chapter from my Avatar story on Ao3. Things are really starting to build up! : )
A New Mission (157597 words) by Xenomorphee Chapters: 26/?
Heavy spoilers below!
I am posting it anyway though because some people don't mind spoilers and may read and end up curious for how my story got to this point.
Basically, this one goes out to all the people who read ahead in a book or read the last page before deciding to buy it haha
An injured Jake and Neytiri scour the floating mountain for Kiri and Spider, Jake is limping, and both are clutching their bleeding wounds from their devastating fights with Quaritch and his Ash Na'vi partner, which they still couldn't believe. Jake and Neytiri call out for Kiri, and receive silence under the remaining darkness of eclipse. Their hearts drop further and further into the pits of their stomachs with each passing moment, each non-returned call. Panic setting in. They emerge at the other side of the mountain, at the clearing where their groggy Ikrans are, where Jake told Spider to stay, and to their dismay they don’t see Spider there either. Suddenly overhead, they hear a screech. It’s Kiri’s Ikran. Riderless. Anxious. Jake and Neytiri look at each other and their hearts crack in two. They realize that Kiri and Spider have been taken. Neytiri looks to Jake and starts to sob. Jake holds her, silent. They sat on that floating mountain, pain in body, pain in soul. Embracing one another until eclipse lifted and their Ikrans were able to fly again.
Miles and Mansk were mentally urging their Ikrans to fly with as much haste as Cupcake and Sundae could muster, feeling the desperation from their riders through their bonds. Miles is cradling Zu’s body with his right arm, making panicked glances down to her, ensuring that she is still breathing. He can feel the front of his pants were wet, cold, from her blood against the wind of flight. As eclipse lifted and Miles saw Zu’s dull, pale skin in the sunlight he choked back more tears, looked out over the horizon and said, “Please.” utmost begging in his voice. His ears were fallen through nearly the entire flight. Every time they perked up, they fell again as soon as he looked or thought about her.
In what felt like an eternity, Miles and Mansk finally saw Bridgehead City on the horizon. Its stark metal buildings standing out amongst the dead and exposed kill zones. Miles leaned back on Cupcake and let go of her reins to press his comms piece on his neck to radio in to Bridgehead and signal their arrival.
“Bridgehead Command—” His voice cracked. He cleared his throat, steeled himself. “Bridgehead Command this is Blue One on approach, we need safe airspace and immediate, urgent medical assistance… one of our team is dying. Please.”
A male voice emerged over the comms after a moment, “Roger that, Blue One, airspace is cleared for your arrival, medical assistance will be standing by.” 
Miles gave a sigh of slight relief. He looked down to Zu and said, “Just hang on a little longer, princess.”
The same male voice reappeared over the comms after a moment and said, “And the mission status, Colonel? … is Sully dead? Over.” The man spoke as though he was being fed questions. Most likely by the General or Stringer.
Miles sighed. He looked to Mansk who was flying ahead of him and turned his head to look at his Colonel, sunglasses on, having heard the question over his own comms. 
Miles gave a frown, his mouth twitching up, paused and said, “Negative.”
No communication came through to follow up.
Miles and Mansk flew to their usual East Hangar location for their Ikrans. To both of their mild relief, Lyle’s Ikran, Rocket, was inside which means he did in fact make it with Kiri and Spider in tow. Just as when Miles first arrived to Bridghead after surviving the Sea Dragon wreck, there was a medical team waiting with a Na’vi-sized stretcher and three breathers for them. Miles quickly jumped off Cupcake, holding Zu, his left arm wrapped around her upper back and right arm, her head braced by his bicep, ensuring that her head was not hanging down, and his his right arm clutched under knees. She was so cold. As he approached, the medical team saw the bloodstained gauze on her body and the blood on his pants and vest. They did not hide their looks of concern and worry.
He looked at them and said, “I’ll take her.” in a solemn, hurried manner.
They nodded and one of the female medical team members said, “Hurry this way.” Mansk then quickly ran up to Zu and put one of the breathers over her face. Miles looked at him and said, “Thank you, Marine,” with the deepest sincerity in his eyes. Mansk had done so much for him today. He would not forget this. 
Miles quickly moved to take Zu to the medical bay, fast-walking and jogging down the medical corridors and carefully moving through the doorways, sure not to hit her legs on any of the doorframes. Mansk was following close. As they moved to the medical bay the medical team member called in and said, “Get an operating table ready. Na’vi female. Abdominal wound. Severe hemorrhaging.” While fast walking, the medical team member looked to Miles and said, “What happened?” 
He swallowed and said, “She was stabbed.”
She then called in and said, “Stab wound.”
When they got to the medical bay, Lyle was there sitting on a bed, his leg patched up. He saw his Colonel holding Zu emerge into the room and he immediately stood up, braced mostly on his good, left leg, ignoring his pain, his face a look of dread. “Jesus Christ, what happened?” he asked.
Miles was relieved to see Lyle, but he said nothing, he just continued to follow the Medical personnel to the operating room a few rooms down the hall from the main medical bay area where surgeons were already waiting. He quickly entered the sterile room and gently placed Zu down on the metal table, his hands lingering on her body, unable to easily let her go. He moved back from the table, the surgeons rushing in front of him, discussing what was needed. Miles then looked at her face and reached out to carefully remove her diadem. He then placed his right hand on her left cheek and said, “It’s going to be okay.” One of the surgeons then looked to Miles and impatiently said, “You need to leave. We are going to do our work, but you have to get out of here.” Miles looked at the surgeon with frustrated sorrow, then looked to Zu. He briefly squinted his eyes, his ears twitching back, tail flicking nervously, unable to bring himself to leave until the medical worker who led him there gently said, “Come on, Colonel. Let them work.” He looked to her, then back to Zu, and left the room.
Mansk was explaining to Lyle what happened back in the main medical bay. Lyle looked enraged and vicious and said, “We should have just shot that son of a bitch and his woman when we had the chance.” Lyle was saying this as Miles entered the room and Miles heard him say this, but said nothing and kept a despondent downcast face on, his eyes not lifting from the floor. Lyle quickly pressed his lips together and moved his body with guilt. Silencing himself. He didn’t mean to add any more anguish for his Colonel by dwelling on ‘could haves.’ Miles slowly walked to the edge of the medical bay and took a seat on one of the empty beds, his feet planted wide on the floor, and then placed his elbows on his knees, but as he leaned down, he could smell Zu’s dried blood from his clothing. He then wrapped his breather around his head so it would stay in place… so he couldn’t smell the blood. He then put his elbows back onto his knees and rested his face in his hands. Darkness took him. And he strayed from thought.
After two hours the lead surgeon came into the room. Lyle and Mansk stood up, eager, but Miles stayed sitting on the bed. He only looked up to the surgeon, a deep despair and worry in his huge yellow eyes. The surgeon looked to Miles, then to Lyle and Mansk, then back to Miles. Why wasn’t he speaking? Miles felt like this was happening in slow motion. Say something you bastard , he thought.
The surgeon then said, “She is alive. We stopped the bleeding. She is… stable.” 
The three Marines felt great relief. Zu is alive thank god , but Miles didn’t allow full relief to set in for him just yet. He could feel something more coming. Why the pause before he said 'stable'? 
The surgeon cleared his throat and swallowed, “But we had to put her into a cryo induced coma.” Miles stood up.
“What?” Miles asked, irate. His ears slanted back aggressively.
“She lost a lot of blood. And unfortunately, the… artificial blood we have is a poor stand-in for Na’vi blood. We just do not have the technological capacity to synthesize Na’vi blood, that was never what our medical and science infrastructure was designed for. And certainly not for a… more or less unknown Na’vi population.” the surgeon replied calmly.
Miles frustrated, anger rising, shook his head and then said, “Don’t you have some of our blood?” His tail thrashing high behind him which the surgeon looked at.
The surgeon responded, “Yes, we do, but it’s not compatible. Giving it to her would have her go into anaphylaxis.” Miles looked up at the ceiling with his lips pulled back and teeth exposed, closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Without looking at the surgeon he said,
“So what you are saying is… you froze her until you can get her a blood transfusion?” Miles said monotone, and stuck his tongue in his cheek. Trying to suppress a grimace.
The surgeon bluntly replied, “Yes.”
Lyle and Mansk looked at each other. Miles then turned around and slowly walked a few paces away from the surgeon, his left fist clenched, and he put his right hand on his forehead and slowly rubbed his hand over his head. He let out a massive sigh. 
“We’ll get you that blood, doc.” Miles said, facing away, his tail swaying left to right dramatically. The surgeon nodded, then looked to Lyle and Mansk, and began to walk away. Miles knew at that moment that he would have to return to Dragon’s Tail, to Zu’s village, and confront her parents, the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, and her Ash Na'vi people without Zu, and tell them what happened to her. Then somehow convince her parents to give them their blood to save their daughter. All after he explicitly promised her father and mother that he would protect her. The thought was devastating. And Miles wouldn’t be surprised if they killed him right there on the spot. Lyle and Mansk were silent. Thinking the exact same things as their Colonel.
Miles then turned around to ask the exiting surgeon, “Can I see her?” The surgeon turned and opened his mouth to speak when suddenly, Lieutenant Korman entered the room, high energy about him. The Marines looked at him and Miles had on a please not now face. Lt. Korman looked at Miles, startled by the amount of blood on his clothing, paused and said, “Colonel… the General would like to see you in the Command Center.” 
Miles nodded, and said, “Yeah… of course she does.” an exhausted way about him. He took a breath from his breather and irritatingly gestured his hand to Korman, like alright let’s get this show on the road . And then he indicated with his head for his Marines to follow. Lyle took a crutch. Miles didn’t feel compelled to change his bloodt clothing. The General should see it. Before he left Miles thanked the surgeon who returned his thanks with a gentle nod and a lips pulled up smile.
The Marines made it to the Command Center following the Lieutenant. On the main floor area were the usual– General Ardmore, Major Laurent, Charles Stringer, Parker, Gatlin, and some other SEC-OPS officer that Miles didn’t care to know. And of course Lt. Korman, the General’s doting right hand. Like an annoying loyal puppy.
With Mansk and Lyle behind him, Miles approached the humans on the main floor, a cold, icy, exhausted look about him. Dried blood under his busted nose. All in the room visibly winced and reacted to the amount of blood on his pants and his vest, looking at each other uncomfortably. Parker looked horrified. 
The General spoke first, breaking the silence. She said, with moderate sincerity, “Colonel… I am sorry about Zu. I am glad to hear that she is stabilized in cryo.” Miles figured the General had her eyes and ears everywhere and was getting her updates on Zu’s status. With her saying this, a flicker of sadness flashed across his face and body, his ears and tail drooping, but Miles didn’t say anything. He just stared down at her and the others with the exhausted look he entered with. General Ardmore caught his brief moment of anguish, but looked slightly displeased at his silence, but she continued speaking. 
“Colonel, we are glad your team were able to apprehend Mr. Socorro again and Sully’s daughter… you’ve provided us with a lot of leverage.” General Ardmore said, and she looked back to Lyle and gave a nod to him. “Good job, Corporal.” she said to Lyle who, leaning on his crutch, replied with a monotone, “Yes, Ma’am.” 
Miles thought about Spider in this moment. Through all his mental distress about Zu, he hadn’t even let in the emotion of having Spider back. He wanted to see him. He just had to get through this miserable debrief first.
Stringer then followed up, “But Sully is still alive. That still causes immense issues for our operations. What’s to stop him from organizing another bomb run?”
Miles did absolutely nothing to suppress his irritation, his eyes snapping to the on-world civilian leader of the RDA like he was an insolent child. This look, catching all the personnel in the room off guard. Parker looked nervous. He's seen angry Miles before and it wasn't a good thing.
“Him being dead ain’t necessarily stopping that either.” Miles said after a moment, coldly. Remembering what Zu had asked him. What was the guarantee that killing Sully would end these attacks? None.
The humans all looked at each other and Miles, confused. With the exception of the General. They were waiting for him to clarify, but he would wait for them to ask. “Colonel, I don’t follow,” replied Gatlin, the nervous-looking RDA suit.
Before Miles could speak, the General chimed in, walking forward slowly and looking down with her hands on her hips, and said, “He means… what’s to stop Na’vi, who are already armed with our weapons and Sully’s knowledge, from continuing their attacks on us if Sully is dead. Isn’t that right, Colonel?” she said, looking up to him and the end of her statement, an annoyed understanding in her face and voice. The General was a smart, calculating woman, she didn’t just luck into her position. Miles presented a compelling concept. One that she had been holding lightly in her head for a while now. But it was an issue they would look to handle when the time came. If it came. A bridge to be crossed. Only problem was, they seemed to be unable to get to the damn bridge to begin with. Sully avoiding every attempt at killing him. 
The humans all looked uncomfortable, pondering the General’s statement and observing Miles’ silence and imposing glare. Not to mention the lightly wafting scent of the dried Na’vi blood on his shirt. But indeed, that is exactly what he meant. Miles still very much wanted to kill Jake Sully and he owed Neytiri more than her fair share of deaths at this point for what she did to him, his recoms, and now his Zu. But as far as the RDA’s interests were concerned, they were kidding themselves if they think killing Sully would make it all sunshine and rainbows and happy colonization from here on out. Miles understood that now. He would still drive his knife into Sully’s skull, and kill Neytiri, but that was for him. And for Zu. Miles took a breath from his breather in this space between words.
Stringer then broke the uncomfortable silence and said, “Well Colonel, we would be able to navigate those waters if presented with such. Unfortunately, you and your multi-billion dollar team are not enabling us to.” 
Lyle and Mansk looked at each other with, is he fucking serious? expressions. Miles, however, with a death stare, took two fairly quick large steps forward towards Stringer, his ears leaned back, left fist clenched, right hand holding the top of vest, his tail lifted high and was twitching about angrily, causing all in the room to step back fearfully and anxious, especially Stringer who looked terrified. Major Laurent placed his hand on his side arm, angry mistrust on his face. This is the guys Ardmore wanted to promote to Brigadier General? Ridiculous.
The irked Major Laurent then said, “Colonel, you look a little angry there,” openly glancing at his tail, begging him to make a move. “You look like you’re ready to attack.” He said in a goading fashion.
Miles then steeled himself and said to the Major, “I can do that,” with intense eyes, his ears slanting back at the end of the phrase.
The General then spoke loudy and said, “Alright enough. Let’s all relax.” she said, glaring at Major Laurent for the unnecessary provocation, then looking up to Miles for his threat. Parker was anxious, but a part of him also found this kind of amusing. It all felt so familiar . From a bygone life back at Hell's Gate all those years ago, whose memories seep through every now and again.
Gatlin then said, “Maybe these missions are a mistake.”
Miles snapped his head to Gatlin, took a breath from his breather, then spoke with his teeth sinking into his words, “The expensive mistake that is causing issues for you is Sully–” Miles glancing to Stringer as he drew out the word ‘expensive’. 
“–Fifteen years ago, your people chose to give a paralyzed Marine kid access to an unparalyzed body. With his new and improved body, that kid then killed countless men and women, us included.” he said, gesturing to himself and Lyle and Mansk behind him. “Then you bring us back from the dead, making it our problem. We are doing our damn best here. In case you haven’t noticed, there were twelve of us. Now there are three.” Miles said, irate. Mansk and Lyle, taking CO2 sips from their masks, couldn’t believe the blunt candor that the Colonel was speaking with right now. Parker swallowed and looked down, realizing the role he played in all of this. Ultimately, he was the one who approved of Sully to replace his dead twin scientist brother… and facilitated the Recom project.
The General then said, “Watch yourself, Colonel… I know you’re upset right now. But there’s still a chain of command here. Take it down a few notches.” She said this to him, but also glanced at the Major who still had his hand on his sidearm, and to Stringer and Gatlin who were not choosing the right sets of words at the moment. The Major removed his hand from his weapon. Miles turned his head slightly to the General, a scowl still lingering on his face from the one he was giving to Stringer who looked anxious. But Miles relaxed his face and leaned his slightly aggressively forward and downward facing head back up to a neutral position. As a seasoned military leader, Miles respected chain of command, he truly had no overt desire to come across as insubordinate, but this day was testing him . 
The General then continued, “We are going to utilize the leverage that your team has presented us with. Sully’s daughter. We will attempt to use her to negotiate his surrender. Though… this has its challenges. We haven’t had any communication with Sully or former residents of Hell’s Gate in quite some time. It’s hard to express an upper hand when you can’t tell them what you’re doing with it.”
Miles then wondered if the RDA truly had the guts to go through killing Sully’s daughter if he didn’t surrender. He remembers when he had Sully's daughter on the Sea Dragon. Knife to her throat. Blinded with rage in that moment, he honestly would have done anything if it came down to it. Not that he got a chance to find out if he would have, thanks to Sully’s crazy woman threatening Spider. Miles was honestly tired of talking and thinking about all of this. He just wanted to help Zu. While Miles was zoning out, the humans in the room were chatting about ways in which they could utilize Jake’s daughter, but Miles then abruptly pivoted the conversation and interrupted saying, “General, I have to go to Dragon’s Tail. I have to get blood for Zu… from her parents. For a transfusion.”
Everyone in the room, except Parker, had confused, jarred looks on their faces like, why are we talking about this? Surely there are more important things. 
The General then said, “Colonel… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Miles then said, “I wasn’t asking.” To his own surprise.  As well as Mansk's and Lyle's, who moved nervously, their tails moving in erratic fashion, their ears ticking backwards. They were shocked he just said this. Miles was shocked at himself, but it was already out. Guess he had to commit. It is how he felt anyway. 
The General’s eyes widened, a stern look about her. Major Laurent had an open scowl on his face, his lips turned up. Stringer and Gatlin’s jaws were dropped slightly, Stringer looking angered. The General and Miles held tense, silent eye contact for some moments, causing an excruciating discomfort for everyone in the room including Mansk, Lyle, and Parker. The General thought about it though as she looked up, staring into the fierce yellow eyes of this blue hybrid alien which towered above her. How would the Ash Na’vi react to learning that the daughter of their leaders was gravely wounded in a squabble with other Na’vi leaders that the RDA hold as enemies? The path to ‘allyship’, getting the Ash Na’vi to fight with them, or better yet, on their behalf, sparing the RDA losses of their own personnel which they’ve suffered a great deal already could be closer to reality with this move from the Colonel.
The General pressed her lips together after thinking, then spoke and said, “Alright, Colonel. Just make sure you’re honest about what happened.” Miles squinted at her, sensing where she was coming from. He was indifferent, even displeased at the concept. He just desperately needed to get blood for his mate. But hey, if the General was going to let him go get help for Zu without protest or difficulty, then fine. Stringer and Major Laurent looked at her behind her back with displeased expressions. Why was she accommodating this insubordinate alien? The General could feel their disappointment, but paid it no mind, she was the security leader. This was about security, or at least its potential. The Colonel, though wearing out his use and welcome, could still be a valuable tool.
Miles said nothing more and gave a glance to Parker before leaving. The actively suppressed sadness that he felt underlying this entire conversation emerging through his eyes at him. 
As he walked away, the General then said, “And Colonel...” Miles stopped and turned his head to the right slightly, his ear turning to her. “I sure hope that however Zu’s injury was caused… it wasn’t what led to the mission failure.” she finished. Miles quickly spun around to her, his eyes wide, an intense expression in his face. The General then leaned her head back slightly, subtlest disappointment and an, I thought so, expression on her face. Miles’ ears and tail fell. A slightly shamed look on his face. “I do hope she recovers.” she tacked on. Coldly. Miles, Lyle, and Mansk left.
Miles marched angrily through the corridors. Mansk and Lyle following, Lyle shambling along on his crutch trying to keep up. He didn’t even know where he was going. Back to the hangar? To the med bay to see his Zu frozen in cryo? No. Spider. He wanted to see Spider. He assumed he’d be in the same cell he was before or similar. Miles stopped, ready to course correct to Spider’s cell in the brig area of the base. He then said to his Marines, “You two head back to the hangar, start arranging for a gunship departure at 0800 tomorrow morning.” 
Mansk and Lyle were surprised, their ears ticking back and their eyebrows raising slightly. That was so soon given what they all had just been through literally just a few hours ago with Sully. But of course they understood. This was for Zu. Miles then looked to Lyle, glanced down at his leg, and said, “Marine… I’m gonna need you to stay here,” and put his hand on his shoulder. 
Lyle replied with a soft beg, “Colonel… come on, I’ll be fine.” 
Miles snickered and said, “Lyle, you’re hobblin' around on a crutch. Just.. hold down the fort, Marine. We need a tether to Bridgehead lest they decide to cut us loose for good.” Miles said facetiously, but only half joking really. 
Lyle said, “Yes sir.” and let out a small sigh.
Mansk looked to him and said with a smirk, “Finally. Some peace.” Lyle shoved Mansk into the wall. 
Suddenly, Parker emerged from down the corridor hall. He looked like he was clearly looking for them. He walked up to Miles, hands in his pockets, looked up to him and said, “I’m really sorry, Miles. About everything.” Miles could only guess as to the ‘everything’ that Parker truly meant in this statement, but he appreciated it. Parker continued, “I’m sure Zu is going to be okay. You know, I’m pulling for her.” Miles’ ears leaned back and out, and he gave a sad smile and a series of high frequency short nods, like tears were about to flow, but he took a big breath through his nose and stopped them, only the slightest pooling of water in his eyes which were quickly reeled back in. Parker saw this and frowned slightly. Miles then said, “Thank you, Parker.” It was all he could muster at the moment.
Parker then said, “Tense moment back there, Miles... You can't... you gotta be careful. I don't think I need to tell you that you're on thin ice." Lyle and Mansk looked displeased with Parker's statement.
Miles paused and then just said, "I know." and pulled his lips back. 
Parker then shook his head and said, "Well listen, I'm glad you are okay. Seems like it was a close shave for all of you," Parker said, noting their injuries, Miles' and Mansk's busted noses, Lyle's stab wound, and of course the cryo-stable Zu. Parker then said, "Good luck tomorrow, and be careful on your trip. Like I said, I'm pulling for Zu.” Miles gave Parker a sincere look and Parker turned around and headed back where he came from.
The three Marines then went their separate ways. Miles heading to Spider’s cell. He realized he was still in his bloody clothes. He thought about changing, but he’d have to go all the way to the drone hangar to do that. He didn’t want to delay anymore. He wanted to see his son. He would just have to tell Spider that this is the fault of Jake’s animal wife.
Spider was sitting in the left corner of the cell, angry, worried. His yells asking what condition Kiri was in, whether or not Jake and Neytiri were alive went unanswered. He sat there with his left leg out, right knee bent up, his right hand resting on his knee. The way Miles does. His mind a tempest. Suddenly outside the door, he sees the imposing figure of a Na’vi. It’s Quaritch . Spider’s face turned.
Miles took a breath from his breather then ducked under the sliding doorway, the same way he did when he first spoke to Spider in this room all those months ago. Felt like Deja Vu. Miles then walked around the metal table in the middle of the room to Spider’s side and stopped about six feet from him. Spider wanted to look away, but he saw the blood on Miles’ vest and pants and visibly panicked, worried that it was Jake’s or Neytiri’s. Miles saw his face fall at the sight of the blood and as he bent down to sit against the wall he clicked his teeth, and with the strain of bending down to sit, he said, “Don’t worry. It’s not Jake’s or… Neytiri’s ,” he said with an assuring irritation, particularly digging into ‘neytiri’ with a disdainful tone. Spider’s face relaxed and he leaned his head back into the wall and looked up at the ceiling with relief. The first confirmation in hours that Jake and Neytiri were okay. 
Spider then looked to Miles who was sitting in front of him, his tail lightly brushing from the floor into the wall he was leaning against. Miles was sitting the same way he was, unknowingly it seemed, which made Spider angry and re-adjust himself to sit differently. Spider then said, “Where is Kiri? Is she okay?” 
Miles just bluntly said, “She’s fine.” And she was. She was in a special cell not too far from here that accommodated Na’vi prisoners, a direct pumping in of outside air. 
Spider then said, “I want to see her.” 
Miles bit his lower lip and said, “That ain’t gonna happen, kid.” 
Spider then angrily said, well then “Get outta here. I don’t wanna talk to you.”
Miles, miffed, moved his lips to the side then said, “Well I wanna talk to you.” Spider, still sitting, now with both knees bent just looked away from Miles. After a silence Miles said, “Spider… thank you for saving my life.” Spider said nothing, his face twitching up with anger. Regret in his mind. Miles continued, “You didn’t know it, but… you allowed me the opportunity… to experience something amazing.” 
Spider was doing his best to tune out what he was saying, but a small part of his mind was intrigued by what he meant. Miles, indifferent to Spider’s lack of expressed care, said, “This blood on my clothing… it’s from the woman I love. A Na’vi woman.
Spider’s head quickly snapped to Miles, a shocked expression. So that was why the “Ash Na’vi” woman was with them . Quaritch… this son of a bitch, actually fell in love with a Na’vi woman. Miles continued, “Her name is Zu… Zukriyä. I think you’d really like her. She'd like you... She’s uhh… she’s going to be okay. In time.” Miles said, a gentle, sweet way about him.
Spider’s shocked expression then quickly turned to anger. He said, voice raised, “So you fell in love with a Na’vi woman. You.” Miles' ears fell, and his head reeled back a bit, a disheartened expression on his face at being scolded by his son, knowing what he was going to say next.
Spider then said, “Yet you’re hunting down Jake Sully. Because he fell in love with a Na’vi woman… You’re a piece of shit.”
Miles’ disheartened face turned from sadness to irritation, his nose briefly twitching up. “Sully killed a bunch of good people, Spider.”
“Oh, unlike you??” Spider snapped. “You’re a mass murderer. In case you forgot.”
Miles then said with clenched teeth, “I am not … that man.. Not anymore.”
“Well it doesn’t matter. You attacked and hurt my friends. Kiri…Lo’ak.. Tuk. You killed my friend. Neteyam is dead... because of you." Spider spoke to Miles with emnity. "You’re trying to kill Jake. Who has actually been a father to me…” Spider let out a heavy sigh, and said, “I should have let you drown.” with an acrimonious tone and a cold expression on his face.
Miles' face dropped, his tail stopped moving on the floor, and his ears fell back further. He just stared at Spider with his jaw slack who didn’t take his eyes from him. A vindictive, almost teary expression on his son’s face. Like he wanted to hurt him. Spider referencing Jake as a father and saying he should have let him die… these statements deeply affected Miles, but his sadness quickly turned to rage, and he pulled his teeth back in an exposed teeth grimace and said with a dark, malevolent tone, “Well… you did , son. And with this new opportunity, I’m gonna finish what I goddamn started.” Miles stood up, his fists clenched and looked at Spider who looked away from him. Miles and then walked away to the door taking a hit from his breather. Spider then said quietly under his breath, “I’m not your fucking son,” which Miles heard and clenched his teeth at, but he kept walking and left the room. 
Miles was enraged, stattered, and devastated. He wanted to take out his feelings on someone a lot closer to Jake Sully at the moment. As well as divert his mind from his tumultuous thoughts. He was going to visit Kiri. Bask in this part of his previous mission’s success. Zu’s injury wasn’t worth any of this, but at least he knew Jake and Neytiri were hurting as much as he was right now with their daughter captured.
Miles approached Kiri’s cell which had double doors forming an airlock. It was only about ten rooms down the hall from Spider’s cell. He was going to take a breath from his breather, but then realized that he would have Pandoran air inside this cell. Thank god.
Miles entered through the airlock. Like Spider, Kiri was sitting in the corner. Miles entered slowly, imposingly, Kiri stood up quickly, visibly reacting in fear to his entrance. Miles, feeling a malicious joy at this, said, “I remember you.” with a smirk and pointing his finger at her, moving it up and down slightly. He continued, “What’s that you said to me on the ship? ' They’re coming for you’? Well… not so sure about that anymore, sweetheart. For either of us.” Miles said spitefully, deeply enjoying this moment. It was distracting him from the swirling storm of sadness and despair in his heart over Zu and the conversation he just had with Spider. 
Kiri just stared at him glaring. Just as Spider did, Kiri looked at the blood on his clothing with initial horror and panic, but unlike Spider, with her acute Na’vi senses, she could smell it and realized to her incredible relief that it was not either of her parents’ blood. And it wasn’t Miles’ either; he was too uninjured given the volume of blood. And it obviously wasn’t the bald goon’s who brought her and Spider here. There were two choices. It was either the other demon’s blood, the long-sleeved one, or the Na’vi woman’s that Spider mentioned who she didn’t see. Kiri smelled the air some more, in a way that Miles didn't realize, and noticed that the blood smelled too different. Too strange. Not like the blood of an Avatar or the demons who captured her. Not like that of a forest Na'vi. She deduced it was the "ash" Na’vi woman’s. And she became curious. Wondering if having this knowledge was advantageous to her in this moment. 
Miles was surprised at her silence and the rise he wasn't getting out of her. He just stood there looking at her, almost getting bored, his sadness starting to seep back in. Kiri then said, “Where is Spider?” Miles was surprised that was the first thing she asked. Kiri was the first thing Spider asked about too. Miles was intrigued at the affinity they had for each other, distinctly remember both of them begging for the other not to be killed when Quaritch had Kiri and Neytiri had Spider that fateful night on the sinking Sea Dragon. Miles then bluntly said, “Spider is fine. He’ll be better than you soon.” and snickered with a smirk. Kiri then looked down, unsure if it was the right time, but ready to wield the only possible weapon she had in this room. 
She said, “Well I at least know my mom and dad are okay too… and how is that Na’vi woman? Looks like she lost a lot of blood.” with a contemptuous tone. 
Miles' eyes widened with rage, his tail flicking wildly, his ears sharply angled back, How did this girl know who’s blood this was?? That her parents were okay?? Miles lurched towards Kiri, and she pressed back into the wall, but Miles stopped himself. He certainly knew that putting his hands on the most valuable prisoner in the base was a quick ticket to General Ardmore’s wrath and she was already plenty displeased with him. Miles just looked at her with daggers in his eyes. How do these people keep managing to hit him with these low blows? Kiri was trying to hide her smirk at having gotten to this asshole. She wielded her knowledge like an arrow and it landed right on target. Kiri was also very emotionally attuned to those around her. Even this evil man who caused so much pain for her family. This Na’vi woman, whoever she was, he clearly cared about her. Deeply. This was interesting to her.
The distraction from his pain that Miles sought out in coming to this cell was not working out as planned. He pulled his lips back and bit the upper arch of his teeth hard into his lower lips, his canines causing slight pain. He clenched his fists and turned around to walk out. He had nothing more to say. 
Kiri then said something she had been holding in since she learned of who this man was– “You killed my mother, you demon,” she said, abruptly.
Miles turned around to her with a deeply perplexed expression, his eyebrows drawn in and the right side of his face raised. His ears pointed towards her. Neytiri wasn’t dead. He saw her. And Kiri was taken away well before the fight ended. Kiri seeing his puzzled face and twitching tail, said, “Grace Augustine. I was born of her Avatar. After she died. My mom and dad adopted me.” 
Miles turned his body fully towards Kiri with astonishment, his lips parted, and blinked rapidly. He looked at Kiri… and suddenly he saw it. Grace Augustine. Right there in front of him. He could see it. His expression became even more bewildered. Miles didn’t know what had happened to Augustine. He just remembered shooting at her, Jake, and one of the other science pukes when they escaped from Hell’s Gate with the help of Trudy, that traitor pilot… But… so he killed her. One of the bullets must have landed. But Miles didn’t understand– if he killed Grace, then how the hell did her Avatar have a baby? Miles didn’t care to ask, but what Miles did know in this moment was satisfaction… at first. He hated that woman. Queen science puke. However… recently, Miles had been reading her old notes in preparation for his recent mission. Miles developed a whole new perspective on what he was reading, stuff he had mocked or taken for granted in his past life, but had directly come to know in his new body and existence on Pandora. The stuff he mocked her and her science pukes for… he experienced directly. He saw the forest and Pandora... through her eyes. Miles also realized something else… he was responsible for the creation of two orphans. His own son. And this Na’vi girl. Miles felt like shit. It was time for him to leave and change his fucking clothes. He left Kiri's cell, not saying a word to her about what she revealed. Kiri felt moderately satisfied.
It was the late evening, night falling soon. Miles made it to their drone hangar which was still in the same as they left it a week ago. Their stuff that they didn’t bring on the mission still in their supply crates. Before Miles changed into his new clothes, he went into the small, human-sized restroom in the hangar with a towel. He removed his clothing and wet the towel under the sink to wash himself. He wiped off Zu’s dried blood from the blue skin of his lower body. He then looked at the bloody towel in his hands, becoming lost in recent memory, recalling Zu’s agonizing shriek and his horror at seeing her stumble off of Neytiri holding her side, seeing the arrow in Neytiri’s hand. The arrows he had come to fear. He heard it and saw it all so vividly, like she was right there getting stabbed again. Miles squinted his eyes hard, then bent down at the small sink. Gripping it with his hands. Breathing heavily. Trying to shake the memory. Zu is going to be fine. He recited to himself again and again in his head. He wanted to see Zu… but he didn’t think he could bear to see her body in a cryo capsule. He then opened his eyes and looked at his face in the mirror. His face that he had come to get used to. He now expected his young face, blue skin, stripes, dark hair, and yellow eyes to be staring back at him. Miles noticed his hair was getting a little longer at the top, his fade growing in, but he didn’t care at this moment. He then took a big breath, stood up and rung out the towel under the water until it ran clear and he wiped his face and the rest of his body. Trying to wash off the memories of the day. This had been a brutal one.
Mansk and Lyle were in the East Hangar and had coordinated Bob to fly them to Dragon’s Tail tomorrow at 0800 per their Colonel’s orders. Mike would also be joining again as the door gunner. Both Bob and Mike were actually very saddened to hear of Zu’s injury and they were more than happy to agree to this mission if it meant she would be helped. Besides, they liked flying to the archipelago and Bridgehead was a stressful place to be in at the moment. Mansk expected a 48 hours max mission, which he also told Bob and Mike to prepare for. This wasn’t a drop off only mission, so they may need to prepare to stay a night or two just in case. Mansk packed some MRE’s, weapons, and other miscellaneous supplies. 
While Mansk was loading, Lyle, while leaning on his crutch, clapped, and sarcastically said, “Yes, great job, Mansk. Atta boy.” Lyle couldn’t really help load the Kestrel on account of the deep stab wound in his thigh, but he made sure to be as annoying as possible about it. 
Mansk just gave him glares and eyerolls. At one point he said, “You better watch the crutch, dude. Someone could knock it out from under you.”
After they, well, Mansk, was done loading, Lyle said, “You guys just need one more thing.” 
“What’s that?” Mansk asked, half expecting some stupid statement.
“Someone who knows how to draw blood.” Lyle replied.
Mansk gave Lyle a serious look. The reality of what this mission was about setting in. They would figure that part out, but they needed to find their Colonel. The first place they thought to check was their drone hangar sleep space.
Miles was changed, and he threw out the bloodied clothing. His tactical vest was bloody too so he emptied it of necessary items to transfer it over to another one. He then pulled off the Deja Blu patch from the old vest, looked at it and smiled slightly, letting in the fond memory of having eagerly designed it with Zhang on the Venture Star. About the only thing that gave him a sincere, joyed smile all day. He then placed it on the new vest.
Lyle and Mansk arrived at the hangar and by this point it was night and the Colonel looked up to them enter, slightly startled. Mansk and Lyle were happy to see that he changed clothes. Miles greeted them with, “Marines.” They gave him very slight grins. Miles, though he was also hurting, realized it was time to be a leader again, that Lyle and Mansk were also affected by today's events. Miles had yet to truly thank them for how admirably they performed on the mission. Having the wherewithal to take Spider and Kiri to Bridgehead, and Mansk for snapping him out of his distraught state with Zu. Miles couldn’t believe that all of this was just a few hours ago. Lyle Wainfleet and Devin Mansk were honorable, capable Marines. Good men. And he was proud to be serving with them as their commanding officer. He needed to tell them that. In time.
He stood up and approached them and said, “Let’s get some dinner, Marines.” placing his hands on their shoulders.
Mansk and Lyle were surprised their Colonel wanted to go eat, and place himself in an environment that was about 50/50 on good versus bad for them, but they weren’t going to question it. Neither was particularly hungry after all that had occurred, they had been lightly snacking throughout the afternoon, but Mansk at least realized that he and the Colonel had a long journey in that Kestrel tomorrow. It was wise to have a big dinner. The three set off for the mess hall. Miles honestly just wanted to pass some time and continue to distract himself from his thoughts. The mess hall would provide that for better or worse.
The Marines arrived at the mess hall and entered getting ready for the stares and chatter as they usually do. Though the atmosphere they sensed this time was different. Instead of angry, hateful, fearful, and disappointed stares, some were looking at them with… sympathy. Sympathy and even mildly pleasant expressions. Boy does chatter move quickly around this base. Honestly though what else do these people have to do except gossip and talk? Surely it spread that the gray Na’vi girl that had been around the base was gravely injured and stabilized via cryo. And some semblance of mission success had clearly been conveyed. Giddiness over the RDA having the daughter of the Na’vi resistance leader in custody.
The Marines made their way to the food line. They saw that there was pizza, and the three looked at each other with their ears fallen slightly, remembering Zu’s beaming joy with this simple human food. Miles raised his hand to his face, his fingers lightly touching and massaging his forehead, jarred by the memory and thoughts of Zu. He suddenly wasn’t feeling very hungry. He sighed and grabbed a single plate of “meat” loaf and one scoop of mashed “potatoes,” and ignored the cupcakes for dessert despite his sweet tooth, then went to sit down while his Marines still served themselves. 
Lyle and Mansk came to join him and set down their slightly more full, though not nearly as full as normal trays of food. The three just looked at their plates of food. Tails still, hanging on the floor over the undersized cafeteria table benches they had grown used to hunching over on. They spent some time talking lightly. Intermittently. Breathing from their masks. Lyle revealed to Miles that it was Spider who stabbed him which greatly pissed Miles off, the statement adding to his swirling thoughts on his and Spider relationship. But both Miles and Lyle were especially shocked to hear how close Mansk was to death. 
“Shit man, I didn’t even realize. Jesus.” Lyle said, at Mansk revealing that Jake pushed him off the mountain and by sheer luck he was able to reach out to and grab one of the many long hanging vines hanging from the mountain. In the dark. He just reached his arms out. When he grabbed the vines, he just hung there for a moment. Shocked to no longer be falling. Sundae even flew near him, concerned for her companion, as he slowly climbed back up.  
Miles was silent. Enraged at the close shave for his Marine. How much more devastating the outcome of this mission almost was if he had additionally lost Mansk.
Suddenly, a much brighter personality than the three approached them at their table. Deacon, the marina worker. He walked up to them with a cupcake in his hand. 
“Why if it isn’t the blue man group, howzit?” he said amiably in his South African accent.
Miles just gave a frustrated, not in the mood, head and eye roll and looked away taking a breath from his mask. Deacon smirked. But he then looked around the mess hall and to the food line and a mildly concerned look grew on his face. Then he asked, “Where’s the pretty girl?”
Miles, Lyle, and Mansk looked at this man with despondent expressions, but none so much as Miles who was hunched over, more than normal when sitting at these tables, his ears fallen to the sides, his jaw slack, and eyes sad. Clearly the gossip train around Bridgehead had its limits. Plus it seemed like Deacon didn’t have many friends.
Deacon’s face dropped at seeing their expressions. Terrified of what they would clarify. Miles couldn’t speak, but Lyle couldn’t leave Deacon hanging like that. He then said, “Zu is okay. She… got hurt on our mission. She is stable… they put her in cryo. But uhh… she needs blood. Which tomorrow, they’re going to go get.” Lyle said, glancing to Miles and Mansk. Mansk nodded gently, pressing his lips together.
Deacon was crestfallen, but relieved to hear that she was alive and stable. He then looked to Miles and said, “I’m… sorry, my friend. I wish her health and a speedy recovery. I guess I’ll have to stop by and bring her some flowers.” Miles honestly did not understand the reason for the kindness of this man, but in this moment it was very welcome, almost enough to make Miles tear up, but he felt them welling and did his best to stop them from falling down his face. Deacon could see his eyes begin to shimmer though. 
Deacon then went to place his hand on Miles’ large arm and said, “She’s a strong one, bru. She will be fine.” he said with an assuring smile. Miles gave him a soft, heartfelt smile. Deacon left the cupcake in front of Miles and walked away. This interaction picked all of them up enough to eat their food. They each even went back up to get a second plate. And each even had a slice of pizza in honor of Zu. Miles then ate the cupcake that Deacon left.
The Marines headed back to their hangar, prepared for departure tomorrow, but Mansk moved up to walk next to his Colonel and said, “Sir, we are missing a critical aspect of the mission,”
Miles stopped walking and snapped his head to him, concerned, and asked, "What?"
Mansk then said, “We need a phlebotomist… someone to take the blood from Zu’s parents.” Miles opened his mouth to speak, when all of a sudden, as though she was summoned, Dr. Park emerged down the corridor. A gentle expression on her face. Oh fucking great, just what I need right now, Miles thought to himself and frustratingly turned his body away from her and flapped his arms against his legs, hiding none of the overt animus he held towards her. Dr. Park had a regretful expression on her face, understanding that even though Miles started out negative towards her, in no small part her behavior towards him didn’t help him warm to her. But she was here to offer her services.
“Miles… I understand you need someone who knows how to draw blood, Na’vi blood, to go with you on your journey to Dragon’s Tail tomorrow. Is that correct?” she asked.
Lyle chimed in and asked her, “You can draw blood? Aren’t you a psychologist?”
Dr. Park casually replied, “Yes. But I have a medical degree. And I know Na’vi anatomy.”
No, god, please no. Anyone, but you. Miles thought. Dr. Park sensing his immense reservations said, “You would be hard pressed to find another volunteer on this base who can do this task. Do you know how to draw Na’vi blood, Miles? In a way that won’t aggravate or harm those who you are taking it from? Who I assume are Zu’s parents.”
Miles looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Godaammit she was right. They were literally leaving tomorrow morning and a phlebotomist who can actually draw blood from Na’vi just placed herself in front of them right as it was revealed they needed one… Miles was tired. He wasn’t going to fight this. He just said, “We are leaving at 0800.” and he abruptly continued walking down the corridor eager to sleep. Sleep, if he could even get some, was the only thing that was actually going to truly distract him from this day.
Dr. Park then spoke up to him as he gained distance from her down the corridor and sincerely said, “And I’m really sorry about Zu, Miles.” Miles kept walking, a frown on his face.
The Marines made it back to their sleeping hangar and were ready to sleep after their long, trying day. As Lyle and Mansk were headed into their rooms, Miles said, “Marines, come here.” Lyle and Mansk looked at each other then approached their Colonel.
Miles looked at both of them, soft pride in his eyes, then spoke, “You two… performed admirably today. I am incredibly proud. Lyle.. that’s one hell of an injury, son. Yet you were able to deliver Spider and Sully’s daughter to Bridgehead. That’s nice work, Marine. 
Lyle smiled and gave a soft, “Oorah.”
Miles then looked to Mansk and said, “Mansk… you saved Zu. I want you to know that. You’re quick thinkin’... I was…. Thank you, son.”
Mansk gave his Colonel a soft smile and a gentle nod.
“Now get some rack, Marines. See you in the morning.” Miles said. 
The three headed into their rooms. After Miles entered his, he stood looking at this empty space as the door closed. Noting the two cots that were pressed together and the two sleeping pads that were still there. He took a deep breath and slowly went to lay down to sleep. But Miles was restless. And he was trying to keep his mind focused on the fact and reality that Zu wasn’t here. That by letting said reality in he wouldn’t have reflexive yearnings that he would have to fight off with the painful realization that she wasn’t there… It wasn’t working. He kept wanting to reach out for her, to roll over and see her there next to him. He wanted nothing more than to look into her beautiful ember eyes right now. Run his fingers through her dark, soft, wavy-curly hair. See her smile and her big scary canine teeth. Feel the long soft tuft of her tail brush against him. Have her ask him something, anything about Sky People. He leaned into her sleeping pad and could smell her scent. All he wanted to do was hold her tight right now. Miles started to cry, finally letting the tears he’s choked back all day flow from his eyes. He quietly whimpered until the exhaustion of the day carried him to sleep.
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gildead · 1 year
so i know i said i would never address the events surrounding [REDACTED] on this blog. and i still won't. i want to make something clear though, because of the chatter regarding villain muses.
team rocket, logistically speaking, probably had nothing to do with gold's death. i'll explain my reasoning under the cut.
imagine, if you will, that you are giovanni. while you once were the most powerful man in kanto, what with being the strongest gym leader AND the head honcho of team rocket, you have fallen from grace because your criminal dealings have come to light thanks to a smartass kid. you're a smart man, however. you lay low, leave the region for a while. even when your admins try to hold up a radio tower to call you back, you hang back - partially because you're ashamed of yourself, but also because they got THEIR asses beaten by a second smartass kid and frankly it's embarrassing it's happened twice.
now, suppose. you're licking your wounds in unova, having a drink at your favorite hole-in-the-wall. the news flickers on. a horrified reporter reads that the mutilated body of a young child has been found in the johto region.
they put up a picture of the boy. you recognize him. he's the one from the radio tower. the one who stopped your team's revival.
now. pay close attention because this part is crucial. who do you think they're going to start investigating first.
because that's not just a normal boy. that's the boy who beat red, the first smartass kid, on mount silver. the boy who earned sixteen badges and the respect of two pokémon leagues, which house in no particular order: a war veteran, two different ninjas, multiple strongmen, a powerful psychic, BLUE MOTHERFUCKING OAK, and two highly powerful dragon trainers from a long line of dragon trainers.
one of which who helped this boy strongarm his way into your base and is THE FORMER CHAMPION.
you get what i'm saying though? ordering the violent murder of the kid who beat you the second time around in such a gratuitous manner is a bad move for the guy trying to stay away from the public spotlight, especially after his organization got exposed TWICE. and especially when nothing's been done to red. it's inconsistent, and i'm pretty sure gio HAS some kind of ethical code. even if it's a criminal one.
also gold was friends with his son so was he REALLY that bad a kid?
'but vetra, the executives-' up the shut. doggedly loyal to giovanni as they may be, they are not stupid. archer literally took the L with grace upon getting his butt whooped.
if it was a murder, team rocket would probably have a VESTED INTEREST in bringing said murderer to justice. granted, it's team rocket, so it's probably fucked up mob justice. but that's what happens when you encroach on their turf i guess.
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