#poor ana :(
daylightdreamscape · 1 year
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 7 months
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Ana genuinely feeling so bad but Nina was right that she never saw the impact it would have on the Roller 😞
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agreatbigworldn · 2 years
Switzerlant tried it but couldn't win agaisnt the Netherlands 🇳🇱
always the article is in english if you scroll to the bottom on the left :D
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freifraufischer · 11 months
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2019 Stuttgart World Championships Fall-nal
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fofozu · 2 years
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What if Ana accept to be his adoptive mother ?
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dawnthefox24 · 3 months
Moira, Gabriel & Cole : *screaming* Jack and Ana: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Cole ?! Moira: *is a bit offended*Wait, why are you asking Cole that when Gabriel and I are also here? Ana: *pinches the bridge of her nose* Because Cole wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance. Jack: And clearly he screams for something you guys lack off...WHERE'S GENJI!! Moira and Gabriel:.... Ana: Cole where's Genji.... Cole: He's trying to have a 1v1 re-match with Lena!! AND HE"S NOT LISTENING TO ME!!! Ana:OH FOR THE LOVE OF-*takes off running to sedate Genji* Jack:*pinches the bridge of his nose* O'deorain....Reyes....Why wouldn't you stop Genji..... Moira and Gabriel:.... Jack: *looks at Cole* Cole answer Cole: Moira thought it would be funny and Gabriel didn't care in fact he actually encourage it. Jack: *rubs the side of his head getting a headache* Okay thank you for tell me....Reyes, O'deorain, you two are in big trouble once the dust settles down....So let's have a talk in the command room Moira and Gabriel:*know that that sounds really bad* Cole: *takes off running* I gotta help Ana in case Genji targets her!!
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loves-looking-glass · 3 months
My therapist: So, how are you doing? It's been a while since we spoke.
Me, who relapsed in my ed since the last time we talked and has been fasting every day for three days: Um, yeah, y'know doin pretty good and all
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Like as a biomedical scientist this literally just makes sense. Our bodies evolved to hold on to any calories we could get cus starvation was a common problem in early human evolutionary history. Our bodies are genetically programmed to not want to lose weight and be happier gaining it - especially after times of starvation. Being able to hang on to calories via body fat has been a massive factor in our evolutionary success.
And our modern human bodies simply cannot tell the difference between starvation by not having enough food available, and starvation by deliberate deprivation. Your body cannot tell the difference. All it knows is that it is getting less nutrients than it needs, which means it will create things like cravings for high-calorie foods and an amped-up fat storage system. It's normal. It's natural. It's what your body is supposed to do.
Dieting doesn't make you healthier and it doesn't make you thinner. Chances are the moment you break your diet, you'll gain everything back and then some. Yoyo dieting is bad for your body and your mental health, especially if you're already suffering from poor self esteem due to your weight. "Failing" your diet (ie your body doing literally just what it has evolved to do) is not going to be good for you in any way and lead only to guilt and shame and further dieting attempts, which will damage your body and mind further.
It just makes SENSE. From a biological view, an anatomical view and an evolutionary view. Starving yourself puts pressure on the body, which the body is programmed to counteract.
Fat isn't bad or inherently unhealthy. Our cultural obsession with thinness has been deliberately planted by life/health insurance and fashion industries. And massively reinforced by a $$$billion weight loss industry. Dieting does nothing other than make some rich asshole more money, and wreck your body for no good reason. If you look at the science or have even a basic understanding of how the body works, you'll see this as well.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk and please read Big Fat Lies by Dr Gaesser.
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connie-taylor · 8 months
i want to see ana as the final girl so bad. need to see her absolutely kick the shit out of johnny.
i know that they all die in canon as the game takes place prior to the movie, but i can dream.
pls forgive my writing, it's been a long time since i've really dabbled in writing anything and it's 3:30am so i know there is a ton of errors probably but i needed to get this out!
ur a real one if u peep the taylor swift lyric i included too lmao
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"i've got you now, girl."
a moment ago, she was sure she was dead.
terrifingly strong hands had been wrapped around her throat, crushing her airway. she had panicked, her nails scratching desperately at her throat, drawing blood from her attacker. he had laughed loudly, taunting her as her feet kicked against the concrete wall, desperate to find footing. her vision had begun to swim before her eyes, the familiar sting of tears coating her lashes.
ana had let go of johnny's hands in her last moments of consciousness, grabbing blindly at the wall and window ledge behind her. the world had begun to fade to black, and a chill crept slowly across her body. her fingers had grazed something cold - it had stung as she clasped it tight in her hand, but the pain felt miles away. her eyes fluttering shut, she had swung the object as hard as she could in a last second attempt to live. a curse and hiss of pain slipped from johnny's lips, and she felt the brute force on her neck disappear.
ana fell to the floor hard, her knees buckling beneath her as she inhaled raggedly. gasping, the world around her spun, and dizziness threatened to send her fully to the ground. but the sound of johnny to her left sent adrenaline coursing through her. she rose on shaking feet, her vision clearing slowly.
johnny was on the ground in front of her, blood pooling from the side of his neck as his hands tried unsuccessfully to stop the bleeding. he was swearing and grunting in pain, trying to get to his feet when he saw her stand.
she was faster.
ana lunged at him, grabbing the knife he had terrorized her and her friends with for days from the ground beside him before he could properly sit up. she slammed into him, the knife sliding cleanly through his shoulder as he howled in pain. his hands flew from his neck onto her shoulders, trying to shove her back, but she ripped the knife free and swung again. the skin on his hand split open, a violent red crevice marred the calloused skin.
johnny's right hand grasped at the left, gasping in pain as the knife plunged into his forearm once, twice. ana rammed the blade back against his chest once more, the blow knocking the man backward, his head slamming down onto the cold floor of the slaughterhouse with a sickening crack. she didn't stop. her mind was clouded with the acts of cruelty she had seen him inflict on her friends.
the piercing shrieks from julie, bound at the wrists, hung from the basement rafters, as the group helplessly watched johnny circle her like prey, the blade of his knife dragging across her skin slowly.
the enraged curses from danny, spit and blood spewing from him lips as he swung, held up by thick rope tied around his hands as johnny slashed at his arms, his chest, his back.
the pleading whimpers from connie, arms and feet tied behind her back on the floor, as she begged him not to beat her anymore. the sickening thud of his boots meeting her back, her torso, the nauseating snap of her ribs fracturing.
the quiet cries of sonny who tried to keep his fear and pain hidden as he curled up in the corner of the room, arms wrapped tight as he tried to self sooth, blood oozing from a wound on his thigh.
the furious threats leland had spat at johnny the entire time, and the pained sobs as johnny beat him and drove his knife deep into his shoulder.
johnny had hurt her as well. her skin showed the signs of abuse - bruises bloomed across her skin, wounds scabbed over, some still trickling blood, and her entire body ached. despite this, her pain was the furthest thing from her mind. of course, she was angry at him for hurting her, but he had hurt her friends and her sister, and that was more than enough reason to want him dead.
ana straddled his torso and drove the knife downward as quickly as she could, in between his ribs. johnny moaned in pain, blood bubbling out of his mouth as he coughed, staring at the knife in surprise. she threw her arm back and brought the knife down again and again and again. he choked on his own blood. it coated his lips and teeth as he managed a sneer up at her. he looked almost impressed.
he spit to the side, thick red blood splattered onto the floor beside him as he turned his eyes back to her. a wet, raspy chuckle came from him as he watched her raise her blood-soaked arm again.
"sure you wanna go through with this? once you watch someone die, you ain't never the same after that," he mused, coughing again, a rattle of phlegm and blood spewing from his lips. ana's chest clenched tight as his words, a white hot burst of rage flashing before her eyes.
"like you said...family first, asshole!"
coated in dirt and bruises, her face and hair damp with blood (her own? her friends? johnnys?), she knew it had to be this way. her brown eyes were wild with hatred as she shrieked, plunging the knife down one final time. she forced it down into his chest with all the strength she could muster. she was small, but the grief and fury fueled her, and she twisted the knife, putting her entire weight onto the handle, as she raised herself up on her knees. johnny inhaled sharply once, his hands raised as if to pull the knife away before they collapsed at his side. his gutteral sounds stopped with a final, deep exhale. his head lulled to the side, and the life drained from his eyes.
ana watched, her chest rising and falling as she panted, exhausted by the exertion and the pain. she felt something well up deep inside of her when she realized he was gone. she cried out - wasn't this what she wanted, to take the life of the man who lured her sister to her demise, the man who tortured and hurt her friends? she knew that it was, yet her pain remained. her heart was broken, the despair so strong she felt it physically. she didn't know if anyone else was alive, they had been separated after the first few days, and she hadn't seen them since they broke out of the basement at the house - the last she had heard was her friends fighting with the monsters who had held them captive as johnny had chased her from the home.
her stomach lurched as she shakily stood, coughing up bile and stomach acid as she staggered away from johnny's body. she wiped her mouth with the back of her arm, only to feel warmth on her lips. she glanced down at her trembling hands, and her stomach rolled again. her arm was slick with dark blood, and she quickly used the bottom of her shirt to wipe her mouth clean. the nausea remained, but there was nothing left in her to expel. the family had kept them starving and dehydrated, had weakened them in the basement. ana swallowed the lump in her throat as she stepped out of the sliding metal door of the slaughterhouse, into the downpour outside. the rain fell straight down in a heavy torrent, drenching her in seconds. the tear streaks in the blood on her face slowly disappeared as the water washed over her.
numb, her vision blurred with rain and her tears as she stumbled down the concrete steps. as her feet touched the ground, she collapsed into the mud, a sob wrenched from her chest. the dirt around her became tinged red in seconds as the blood ran off of her body. she felt a hot burning deep within her chest, as if she held an inferno inside of her. the reality out here was far too cruel to handle on her own. she felt as though she were dying. her hand clutched at her chest as she sobbed, her head lowered, wet hair obscuring the horrific landscape around her. her lip quivered, and she suddenly felt so small and so alone - this had been all her fault.
it's all your fault, ana.
her mind betrayed her, and the guilt slammed into her as she knelt in the mud, curled up, small, like a wounded animal. maria had already been gone for so long. why hadn't she gone to look for her sooner? why had she held on to any hope of finding her alive, finding her safe, somehow tucked away with a friend she made while taking photos? how stupid she felt. how did she let any of this happen? all she wanted was to find maria, to bring her home and back to the people who loved her.
instead, selfishly, she had led her friends straight into the hands of the devil.
it was as if a dam broke inside her. everything she had held in - for her mother, for herself, for her friends - since maria disappeared was ripped out of her. the reality came crashing down as she struggled to inhale, only to be met almost painfully with gasping, suffocating sobs. it was all too much. she wasn't strong enough for this. she was barely eighteen, still felt like a child. her fingers grasped at her chest as if she were attempting to tear her misery out from inside. throat raw, her battered body shuddered with each violent wail, drowned out by the sheet of rain that fell around her.
lost in insurmountable grief, she barely heard the cry of relief or the soft, uneven footsteps that approached her. barely felt the gentle hand on her exposed shoulder. faintly, ana heard worried murmurs and pained, labored breathing. she felt a million miles away from herself, hidden away in a dark corner in the back of her mind. as if she were watching a film through her own eyes. she vaguely registered the feeling of strong, wide arms wrapping around her in a warm, reassuring embrace.
her initial panic at the contact dimmed as the blood rushing in her ears began to slow, her head lifting as she squinted through the rain. several figures surrounded her, some leaned on each other, some stood alone, and two kneeled down in front of her. she couldn't focus, couldn't make out what was being said to her. the words ran together into an unintelligible mumble, but the voice was familiar, gentle, comforting. ana tried to reply, her throat hoarse, her mouth far too dry to form words. she licked her cracked lips and tried to speak again. the voices told her to save her energy, asked if she could stand. the one on her left said they thought they could carry her. she knew those voices anywhere. she blinked away the rain and tears desperate to see them, and let out another sob, this time of relief and happiness, as their faces swam into view.
her friends were alive... but what was left of them?
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maiqua8 · 2 years
i edited this scene bc i was bored :D but also bc i think i once saw someone point that out
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veinarexic · 23 days
i am in need of money rn bc i need stuff for college and moving and low c4l f00ds and clothes i fucking hate my life
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sysig · 2 months
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Last man standing (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#It's lonely at the top :(#Poor dearest is worse for wear ah </3#This scene made me cry ;;#Like it was sad when he wrote down his missing canonmates but going back in and writing everyone else's names ;;;;#Even his shaky alliances! Even the people he hasn't seen for a while!! Wehhh <3 <3 <3#You soft heart ;; I see you Admiral ♥#Also had a lot of fun writing in VUK ZIX again hehe ♪#The translations from VUK ZIX to English aren't exact - for starters they're upside down haha#So if you started from the top down it would actually read KINLEZ NATPAK but I figured that wouldn't be as readable#You read from the bottom up! I also still headcanon it being written/read from left to right#So he started with Zelnick then Fwiffo then Tanaka and so on#Although I did change it up for the second one - Teisel then Xelloss then Xigbar then Asch and Van#The more I think of it the more I'm surprised there's no H :0#Even just as a demarcation of a pause before during or after a syllable#The ''sh'' sound makes complete sense tho hehe <3#Any incorrect shaping of letters/poor handwriting on my part can totally be chalked up to ZEX not being used to human hands!#Totallyyy lol#I really like the way specific syllables are shaped - like how Teisel and Zelnick almost share the same shaped between ''SEL'' and ''ZEL''#How Z is a more connected extension of S just agh it's so pretty <3 <3 Eco_Mono really did such a lovely job with it ♪#And then certain ''incorrectly'' spelled syllables still turned out so pretty! Like the ''ANA'' in Talana - look how swoopy and continuous!#The ''BAR'' in Xigbar looks really cool - honestly reminds me of the fanweapons I made ages ago for I? think? Xigbar's apprentice??#It's been too long I don't remember now lol but it's cool to me in particular because of that!! :D#Fwiffo looks so funny haha - Tanaka has a cool star-like kind of letter in his name?? Man it's just so neat <3#As for ZEX - I mean he made it this far :( Not one to give up easily that's for certain ♥ Tenacious#I want him to be happy :'0
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anaflcres · 8 months
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i hate this so much, why can’t they just say they aren’t dating so i don’t have to live with the fact of leland being one of those guys. this is the second time they gave this kind of response 😭 i guess it does play into the final girl trope.
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thinnerthenasnicker · 5 months
Is semen zero calories? Cause then I’d eat his all day 😍!
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Cole: *on the phone thinking he called Ana* Uh. . Hey, Ana, I uh, I’ve been stabbed. Gabriel: *Is in total shock not expecting Cole too tell him that* WHAT? WHERE ARE YOU? Cole: Oh sh-Wait- You aren’t Ana. Sorry- I didn’t mean to call you- Gabriel: *Is freaking out since he told Cole to go out and buy some cookies and goes into full dad mode* NO, WHERE ARE YOU? I'M COMING THERE. I'M NOT GOING TO LEAVE YOU ALONE!!! PLEASE DON'T TELL ANA THAT YOU'VE BEEN STABBED!! ALSO HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET STABBED!?!
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wronggalaxy · 11 months
"You have an ED because you're autistic and have sensory issues!"
No, I have an ED because I was forced to eat certain foods at certain times in certain portions for 8 years before having unlimited access to food, but the food being rusty cans of vegetables and the occasional moldy fruit all the while being called ugly for both being a skinny baby and fat child. Oh, and let's not forget the addiction I got at 8 years old to my medically prescribed vitamins because even though I was constantly binge eating the food was so unnutritious I was starving to death.
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