#poor monet lmao
hauntingblue · 5 months
Law: outside is safer
Outside: missile war
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bsecco · 6 months
I think this upcoming year I'd like to work on creating more art, cooking more, just generally being more involved with making stuff... I feel like the last few years, I've been mostly passively consuming other people's work without much feedback, and without contributing much anything myself either.Aside from missing the actual act of creation, I also miss being part of a community (and getting positive feedback haha).
I had a lot of plans for this year in terms of new hobbies I wanted to try, but I didn't actually end up starting any of them, and now at the end of the year I feel a bit disappointed... It gives the impression that this year was a wash. I hope I'm able to make better use of the time next year
0 notes
foli-vora · 1 year
run to you: chapter five
marcus pike x f!reader
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A/N: life is hectic atm but i'm so glad to finally get this out! i swear i'm gonna get around to replying to all of your lovely comments on chapter four. i really appreciate your love and support for this story and i'm forever thanking you, even if i don't get around to replying as quick as i want! so not a lot of marcus and reader in this chapter, like... at all lmao, but the storyline is now picking up and we can fasten our seatbelts for the turbulent ride ahead. enjoy, angels! x
Summary: Following on from ‘Traitor’ and 'You’re Somebody Else’. An unexpected visitor throws you right back into the life you thought you left behind. Working beside the man that put you behind bars is one thing, pretending like you never loved him is another.
Word count: just over 4.5k
Warnings: angst, swearing, the bestest golden retriever himbo bff, talk of crime and undercover operations, mentions of heartache, mentions of jail/being incarcerated, talk of murder/bodies, smutty flashback (18+ only), Patrick Jane, super brief blink-and-you-miss-it Lisbon appearance (poor marcus bb is not doing good rn lmao SUFFER BITCH), and the usual warning: bitter saltiness that only one man brings to life in us
main masterlist | series masterlist
This story will have explicit sexual scenes in the future so 18+ only.
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He’s hovering.
At first, it’s almost easy to ignore—you think he’s just watching you paint with a small sense of curiosity and would move away once boredom finds him, but you’ve never been one for people looming over your shoulder for an extended period of time, and so the irritation quickly starts to seep in.
The hand holding the paintbrush drops, and you look expectantly at him while knocking your headphones off of one ear, “Can I help you, agent?”
Jacob leans on the table next to you and tears into the homemade sub in his hands, chewing loudly as a small smearing of mayonnaise gathers at the corner of his lips.
He gives a nod, mumbling around the mouthful of food, “Just makin’ sure you eat.”
You blink in surprise, glancing at the window, “It’s lunchtime already?”
“A bit past,” Jacob replies, moving away now that he has your attention and sits himself on a chair at the table, “but I didn’t want to let you go late without eating. Gotta keep up your energy, Monet—don’t want you running yourself into the ground.”
“Thanks,” you murmur softly, organising your little workstation and rolling your aching shoulders.
The break is surprisingly welcome. You didn’t even realise how long you’d been lost in your work until you stopped, and now the throb in your fingers is all you can focus on. You clench and unclench your hand as you walk to your bag and ready some lunch, careful of the hot food you retrieve from the microwave.
Jacob doesn’t look at you as you seat yourself opposite him, too engrossed in studying the painting hanging on the easel.
“You’re good at this,” Jacob notes, eyeing the almost completed piece waiting to be taken wherever by Marcus’ team, “how’d you get into this stuff? Art school?”
Appetite now gone, you shift in your seat, suddenly far too interested in pushing the rice into small mountains in your glass dish.
He doesn’t know.
“I uh… I actually did it for a living.”
“Oh? Nice.”
There’s no malice in his tone, no mistrust, just pure interest.
He doesn’t glare at you, or pull a face of suspicion. It doesn’t even occur to him that it may have all been under the table and illegal. You feel a little guilty, almost as if you’d been leading him to believe you weren’t a previously convicted criminal. It makes you want to own it, to just speak your truth and let him make his own judgement of your actions.
Maybe it would be best to do so, so he would know where he stands and how he should view you. You’re not a good person, and maybe he deserves to know that. He does deserve to know that. 
“It was… it wasn’t legal. That’s how I got caught up in Marcus’ radar,” you admit quietly, briefly letting your eyes meet his and watching the flicker of surprise flash across his features before dropping your gaze again, afraid to watch his warmth and friendliness disappear. 
Nothing is said for a few minutes.
You swear you can feel the seconds trickling by, your nerves picking up and heightening with every silent tick. The small bit of the lunch you’d packed last night and eaten starts to churn uncomfortably in your stomach, swirling with your growing anxiety and threatening to bubble up your throat.
You can’t look at him.
“How’d you get caught?”
“It was a whole thing. Apparently the FBI had been after them—us—for a while… I knew it was big, I wasn’t stupid, but I guess I just tried to ignore the other side of it all. The money was good, and it felt nice. Marcus went undercover—guess they wanted someone on the inside, and I just happened to fall in the trap.”
And fall into the trap you did. You fell good. One look into those warm brown eyes and your walls had crumbled. You still don’t understand how it all happened. If only you could go back and scream at your more naive self, tell her to just walk away and never look back.
God, had you truly been that lonely? To open up so quickly, so easily, with a complete stranger? Would things have played out differently if you had just been stronger and ignored the obvious attraction and turned a cheek to his advances? Would he have just moved on to somebody else for the sake of the case?
It makes you angry, and you don’t have a clue as to why. Maybe it’s because somewhere deep within you, beneath the bitterness and the hurt, you wanted to believe he actually did want you, and not just use you as a means to finish the investigation. You wanted to believe that a part of it, even just a slither of it, was real.
Of course it wasn’t real. None of it was.
Jacob nods in understanding, “So that’s why you hate Pike?”
Is that what you feel for him?
The angry side of you says yes. Yes, you hate him and everything he fucking stands for, and that you’d feel this way forever… but it doesn’t sit right, feel right. Maybe you don’t. Maybe hate isn’t what it is. Resentment? Disappointment, perhaps? 
“I don’t hate him,” you sigh quietly, giving up on lunch and pushing it away from you, “not… not really. I mean, I did. For months I wished all sorts of horrible shit to happen to him, but I… I don’t know. I guess I just accepted it for what it was after a while. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like him—at all—but I just want to forget it all happened and move on. I want my fresh start, you know? It’s hard seeing him, being around him again, after all the heartbreak.”
“Wait,” Jacob frowns, holding a hand out to stop you from speaking any more, “when you say you ‘fell into the trap’, does that… were you guys a thing? While he was undercover? Was it serious?”
“It was to me,” you admit with a murmur, “even had me picking out a damn wedding dress.”
The laugh that you force from your lips is strained and void of any true humour.
If anything, it’s an attempt to steer the direction of the conversation from diving any deeper into the overwhelming feelings you had for a man that had never existed. It’s humiliating to even think about. Maybe if you laugh about it, the sting of it all won’t hurt as much.
“Oh well,” you breathe, straightening in your seat and twisting your lips to resemble a faint smile, “it’s all in the past. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Jacob watches you play with your food with a look you can’t quite identify. You don’t want to risk looking at him too much, afraid that he’ll see the clear pain swirling in your eyes. The damage has probably already been done. He’s seen it all, and probably more. He’s a Federal Agent—their job relies on reading people on a daily basis. 
“Hey,” he mutters, giving you a small comforting smile when you eventually pull your gaze away from the table to look at him, “for what it's worth, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how you must’ve felt. It must’ve been really tough, and I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.”
Your features twist into a frown, “Who said I was alone through it?”
He watches you knowingly for a moment, his brows raising ever so slightly as his small smile turns a little sadder, sympathetic. He’s right, and he knows it. You had been alone. It’d been the most alone you’d ever felt, and you’ll spend the rest of your life hoping to never feel that way again. 
Swallowing the growing lump in your throat, you give a small shrug and drop your fork with a quiet clatter, “I deserved it.”
“No, you didn’t. Yeah, you’ve made some pretty shit decisions in the past—I’m not debating that, but I like to think of myself as a good judge of character. You’re not a bad person, not like the ones we’re used to.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yeah, I do.”
There’s nothing but sincerity in his tone. You watch him for a few minutes, eyes darting between his bright green ones and searching for anything that gives you a small feeling of doubt that his words are nothing but a lie.
You find nothing.
A true smile starts to grow along your lips and you dip your head, unable to keep meeting his genuine gaze without feeling the sting of tears in your eyes.
 “Thank you, Jacob. I appreciate that.”
“You’re welcome, Kahlo.”
It’s quiet, and you feel like you can bear the sight of food again.
Your shoulders feel lighter, the ache in your chest has dissipated. It’s freeing. You hadn’t yet been able to speak on what had happened without someone focusing on the crime part.
The inmates you had bunked with, the counsellors in jail, the people hiring you once you got out… they all had that pre-judgement of you. The title of criminal followed you throughout every interaction, but not here, not with him.
You pick up your fork and start picking at your food, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips. The slice of Jacob’s sudden huff cuts through the air, and he throws his almost eaten sub onto the table before crossing his arms in obvious irritation.
“God, what a fuckin’ dick.”
Heat—it’s everywhere.
It sticks to your skin, it swells in the pit of your stomach, it builds and builds over your flesh with every deep roll of his body over yours. It should be too much, too overwhelming, but your nails still dig into the soft skin of his back in a silent cry for more.
Just when you think he can’t possibly get any closer, he does. He pushes—crushes—you into the mattress, hands cradling the back of your head in an effort to keep you as close as possible. So close, so fucking close, you’re practically breathing in the other, with no room left for oxygen between you and it’s absolute bliss.
He’s breathless against the skin of your throat, nothing but soft whimpers and the hush of sharp exhales filling your ears. Lips press wherever they can reach, trailing paths of fire along your cheeks and the length of your neck until you squirm from the sensation, fighting both the urge to hide from his tender touch and stretch out for more. 
“A-Alex,” you breathe, face turning enough to trace the tip of your nose along the shell of his ear.
He exhales sharply, hips faltering ever so slightly. His face briefly falls away from breathing in your skin, dipping his head and hiding his features. Despite the unexpected jolt in his rhythm, he still moves, still rolls his hips in that way he’s fucking mastered, ensuring every upwards roll of his hips has that delicious bit of friction along your clit.
It’s maddening.
It’s perfection.
The ecstasy rolling through your body hits an all time high, and your thighs tighten around his hips, coaxing him to brush harder, push deeper into the wet heat of your pussy until you start to feel that sweet, sweet edge start to creep along the edge of your nerves.
More, more, more—
He suddenly rears forward, moulding his lips to yours and stealing the very breath from your lungs. It’s always the same. The kiss is urgent, all teeth and tongue and it’s impossible to speak another word. You struggle to keep up with his intensity, too busy focusing on that overwhelming high and the tightening that threatens to give at any second now. 
It’s good—it’s so fucking good, you swear you’re going crazy. He does that to you. Though you can’t say it, breathe it, his name is all you hear in your mind, its own soft echo a consistent companion to the sheer pleasure he drowns you in.
Alex, Alex, Alex.
It’s been a month.
A month in your new little workspace, a month of painting, a month of successfully avoiding him. Despite it being his investigation, he now keeps his distance from the makeshift art space he had given you. Maybe he finally got the message that you didn’t want to be around him, that the mere thought of even uttering a single word to him made you feel almost nauseous.
You haven’t seen him in weeks. 
When you finish a piece, he sends his agents. You know a few by name now, but don’t bother with small talk. They come, give you a friendly hello, take the finished, wrapped painting and leave—that’s it.
That’s all it is.
You don’t have to do anything else, and it’s wonderful. You spend your days painting, relishing in the familiar feel of a brush between your fingers and enjoying the legal money deposited into your account every week.
You get ahead with bills. You buy some new clothes. You feel refreshed, finding a certain needed peace from the sudden financial stability. You know it’s not going to last—Jacob doesn’t talk about the case a whole lot, but you know that the team has made some progress with it, so you put a little money aside for the day the FBI no longer needs you.
He becomes a fast friend, and if you were ever to find it within you to thank Marcus for anything in this world, it would be him. You surely would’ve gone batshit insane if you’d been holed up in that room by yourself day in and day out, probably worse if you had been locked up with Marcus every day.
But not Jacob.
Jacob keeps the air light.
He’s kind, funny, and a bit of an idiot, and you find yourself fondly laughing nearly every day at the little things he would do or say. You thoroughly enjoy his company, and love hearing about his time in school, training to be an agent and the few cases he’s worked on so far.
He asks you questions and seems genuinely interested in getting to know you and of you past, never once making you feel lesser than or lowly for your less than ideal life before this. 
“You made a decision, Matisse. Good or bad—own it.”
He keeps to himself whenever you find yourself focused on your work, and only steps in to remind you to take care of yourself. On the odd occasion, he’d join you, content to watch you work with a shine of interest.
You don’t like it, so you shove canvas paper and oil pastels at him to keep him from hovering any longer and it works. It becomes a little activity of sorts, a release for him whenever paperwork starts to push at his patience a little too much. 
“They should’ve hired you for this case,” you mumble teasingly around your lunch, grinning at the pride filling his features as he finishes his latest project—his own creation inspired by the Van Gogh you’re currently working on.
It’s pretty, full of bright colours and soft swirling patterns. The Future, he had called it, and apparently—it was all for you.
You need something colourful, Da Vinci, something happy. You’re too sad. 
The FBI doesn’t deserve him.
“Hey, I’m proud of this,” he retorts sharply, pointing a finger smudged with colour at you but his tone doesn’t match the bright amusement in his eyes, “belongs in a damn museum. It’s an original Wilson—people will flock to see it. You just wait, Michaelangelo, this will bring a lot of money down the track, mark my words.”
Your chuckle is cut off by the insistent buzz in his pocket, and he stands immediately, answering the call with a swift Wilson and stepping away from the table with his phone pressed to his ear.
It’s Marcus... you know just by the way he positions himself, ensuring to keep a bit of distance and turning away so you don't have to potentially hear his voice from the other end. You quickly lose interest in the conversation, focusing back on the open book you’ve been trying—and failing—to get into the last few days.
The interest in the conversation was lost, until you hear it.
“Understood, sir. We’ll leave now.”
Immediately looking up in question, your brows start to furrow as Jacob wraps up the phone call and strides back to the table quietly. Anxiety begins to build in the pit of your stomach at the sudden serious set of his features, unused to seeing the usually bright and bubbly face now so stoic. It’s Agent Wilson, not Jacob. 
“We’re leaving?” you ask in confusion, “but I haven’t even done—”
The frown between his thick brows deepens, and he barely looks at you while he shrugs his navy blue suit jacket on, leaving faint smudges of orange and pink on the lapels.
“Leave it, we need to get to the office.”
The anxiety immediately gives way to dread.
The office? Where Marcus and his team are? Why?
You want to ask if you can stay behind—straight up refuse to go anywhere near that damn building—but the firm set of Jacob’s lips lets you know it’s non-negotiable.
He helps you with your bag, a certain urgency to his movements, and then you’re descending the stairs with him hot on your tail. He ushers you into the car, throwing a wary glance each way down the street before moving around the vehicle and sliding into his seat.
You swear you can feel your heart beating in your throat. He’s clearly in a rush, but you’re at a loss as to why. Has something happened? Is there danger? Are you in danger?
With your mind beginning to hurl possibilities at you, you start to feel more and more nauseous with every swift swerve through traffic Jacob makes.
“Is everything okay?” You ask carefully, fingers fiddling with the straps of your bag as you try to calm the rage of your heart. 
He briefly looks away from the traffic and gives you a small reassuring smile, “Of course. There’s just been a big development and I’m needed back at the office for a debriefing, sorry for the rushing.”
“Oh,” you breathe in relief, “okay, I understand. Well, you can drop me home if that’s easier for you.”
“It’s an urgent thing and uh… Pike would like you at the office.”
Your lips press shut and an immediate frown overcomes your expression.
Of course.
If there had been developments in the case, why did you need to be there? It’s not like you're an agent with unlimited access to the available information. Your own folder Marcus had given you was severely lacking any true details of the case beyond what you needed to know, and it’s not like you were involved in anything anymore, so you had very little to contribute further than your creative talents.
You keep quiet for the rest of the quick trip, taking the hint that now is not the time for small talk. The need to chat is nonexistent to you right now anyway, even if Jacob happened to be in a perkier mood. The mere thought of seeing, and talking to, Marcus again does nothing to ease the dread churning in the pit of your gut. 
The building is not a welcome sight, yet you hurry to follow Jacob from the brightly lit parking lot and into the home of the FBI. He stays beside you the whole way, through the wide crowded corridors and during the silence of the elevator, giving you one final reassuring smile before he pushes open the door to the Art Crime Department.
It’s busy. 
Marcus doesn’t suddenly appear from nowhere and bombard you both at the entrance. You can take a deep breath. The shrill ringing of phones fill the space, and the shuffle of agents near running about with various files and pieces of paper takes you a little off guard.
There’s an uncomfortable tension hanging in the air. You can’t quite put your finger on why it unsettles you so.
You follow Jacob further into the chaos, ensuring to keep out of the way and keeping an eye out for the one man you seem to now be bracing for, steeling your nerves into something harder, something unbreakable. You don’t need to wait long—there he is.
He looks tired.
Marcus appears from a room, presumably his own personal office, raking a hand through his mussed hair and saying a few brief words to a coworker before his eyes zero in on Jacob. He points to the conference room where you’d once sat at the beginning of this, already heading that way with another agent, and Jacob gives a short nod in response.
You try to blend into the background behind Jacob so Marcus doesn’t take much notice of you, but it’s not even a moment later and his eyes are suddenly meeting yours. The feeling of his attention is instant, and the increase of your heart is familiar by now.
Despite the distance between you, you feel how they roam over your face, seemingly searching your expression, but it’s not long until they fall away and you’re left to exhale quietly, now free from his gaze. 
He disappears into the conference room, and you swallow down the thick feeling of anxiety building in the back of your throat. He doesn’t seem eager, or interested, in talking to you straight away, and you’re relieved by that—you could mentally and emotionally prepare yourself a little more.
“My desk is over there if you want to sit down,” Jacob offers, turning and walking backwards in order to point you in the right direction, “and I’ve got snacks in the bottom drawer.”
Rolling your eyes, you give a strained huff of amusement and start walking towards it, “Of course you do.”
Your shoulder catches the frame of someone else and you quickly take a step back, wide eyes locking with a pair of vaguely amused blue ones.
He’s dressed sharply, much different to the basic suits the agents around him wear, in a well kept grey toned three piece suit with the simple white collar of his shirt popped open at the base of his throat. His soft blond curls are styled neatly back, and the gentle scent of tea wafts from the cup in his hold.
He’s pretty, by society’s standards, but his eyes are sharp, as if they can see right into the very centre of you.
You don’t like it.
“I’m sorry, sir,” you mumble, “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
You don’t linger to hear what the agent has to say. You hurry into Jacob’s desk space and throw your bag under it before taking a seat in the simple desk chair, the backrest squeaking as you rest into it.
His desk is as you expected it to look—messy, but organised in his own little chaotic way. The edges of his computer screen are littered with sticky notes of reminders, his ballpoint pens are all missing their lids, he has a bobble head character of a sports player next to his keyboard and a crumpled paper plane lies hidden beneath a thick notebook.
It’s undoubtedly Jacob, end to end.
The wide variety of sweets and chips resting on old files doesn’t surprise you at all when you tug at the stiff drawer, and you immediately zero in on the ones he’s been sharing with you over the past few weeks.
“Jane, stay out of trouble,” a brunette orders sharply as she passes, briefly catching your attention and the man you had previously bumped into comes to a stop just beside you.
“Aye aye, Captain,” he replies dryly with the growings of a smirk, sipping quietly at the tea in his hands and watching the last few agents file into the conference room before the door closes.
Do people still use saucers? He does. He half turns towards you and eyes you curiously as you sway absent-mindedly in Jacob’s desk chair, breaking into the packet of sour candies.
“You’re not an agent.”
You blink up at him and give a small, polite smile, “No, I’m not.”
He makes a low noise of thought to himself and sits on the edge of the desk opposite to Jacob’s, watching you over the rim of the plain white cup he lifts to his lips.
You shift a little under his study, busying yourself with picking a lemon flavoured candy out from the packet and looking over the various little notes decorating the dated computer screen.
Meeting @ 10 Tues. Picasso retrieval daily @ 8. Get bread. Call ma before she has a damn heart attack—
“How long have you been an artist?”
Eyes rolling back to the stranger, you give a slightly confused, “What? How do you know I’m an artist?”
“You have paint on your fingers,” he replies, like it’s the most obvious thing in the room.
Rubbing your fingers together, you feel the tell tale crack of dried paint over your skin and glance down at it in vague interest. He’s got a really good set of eyes. You shift a little in the seat and pinch the ends of your sleeves before pulling them down further over your hands to hide them from him.
“A few years,” you reply vaguely, “you’re rather observant, Agent Jane.”
It comes across more as an accusation rather than a general statement, and it doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. He grins, flashing a nice set of pearly white teeth. 
“Patrick,” he supplies, “and I’m a consultant.”
“Didn’t even know that was a thing,” you mutter plainly, not liking the way you feel like a fucking open book with this stranger, “well, shouldn’t you be in there, then?”
You nod towards the closed door of the conference room and Patrick makes a low noise of dismissal, a slight scrunch curling his nose.
“I already know everything about the murders—Lisbon can handle it.”
The word cuts through the air and chills you right to the bone. 
“Murders? What murders?”
Patrick looks at you, shrugging lightly.
“That’s why we’re here. The fancy little tracker led this bunch down to the meeting point in California, but we found the bodies first. Deal gone wrong, I’m guessing. The buyer probably found the painting to be a fake, and got rid of the delivery men because of it. Very messy.”
Your stomach turns.
The painting? Your painting? 
“What was wrong with the piece?” You ask quietly, voice suddenly strained.
“Not sure,” Patrick murmurs, taking an apparent interest in the way you’re reacting to his information and studying you from over his tea, “guess we’ll know soon enough.”
You swallow, a sting of sweat building along the back of your neck. They knew it was a replica? How? You must’ve done something different, there must’ve been something wrong with it. Otherwise how else would they know? They wouldn’t.
Have you made a mistake?
Is that why Marcus wanted you here? Are you in trouble? What would be the ramifications of your mistake? After all, it’s your fault. People had died because you didn’t focus hard enough on your work. The FBI have probably realised how useless you are if you can’t even convince some shady black market dealers that your pieces are real. 
You must’ve been distracted. You never made mistakes, and now you’ve made one that cost lives. How many? It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that it happened, and now you have to live with that knowledge.
People have died. People have died because of you. 
You fucked up. 
tags: @maievdenoir, @javier-pena, @lv7867, @dihra-vesa, @katronautt, @radiowallet, @januarystears, @missminkylove, @beskarprincessjenny, @mswarriorbabe80, @danidrabbles, @amneris21, @eri16, @absurdthirst, @hnt-escape, @acourtofsnakes, @ezrasbirdie, @mstgsmy66, @lovesbiggerthanpride, @coaaster, @sherala007, @greeneyedblondie44, @wyn-n-tonic, @you-got-me-starry-eyed, @shirks-all-responsibilities, @withasideofmeg, @harriedandharassed, @andruxx, @buckybarneshairpullingkink, @spideysimpossiblegirl, @prostitute-robot-from-the-future, @tanzthompson, @mad-girl-without-a-box, @hope-for-the-best-98, @fangirl-316, @christina-loves, @jediknight122, @hallway5, @xoxabs88xox, @nicolethered, @churchill356, @massivecolorspygiant, @just-here-for-the-moment, @gracie7209, @pinkie289, @lavenderluna10, @goodgriefitsawildworld
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barrenclan · 11 months
i REALLY like how you made rainhaze seem so desperate and rambly in the way his issue was written. love it when characters povs are just Like That.
when he realized that pinepaw got noticed by defiance and when "oh no my nephew" it made me feel so awful and sad!!! this POOR LITTLE FAMILY !!!!
i also have a music suggestion for the poor wet man — still life by sitcom for rainhaze? i feel like the song itself and the lyrics captures the feeling of rainhaze's situation right now
Rainhaze is in quite a state right now and I was hoping his POV would contribute to that, so I'm glad it came across. As this series is primarily written, I really wanted it to feel different with each character's POV that I wrote from.
That is a very fitting song for him currently!
"As if, as if staring at a gravesite 'Til I become a gravesite Would it make me a still life?"
"How 'bout that I'll walk into the landscape I won't come back"
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"Time doesn't respect what doesn't respect it And kind isn't a word I would use for man If everyone's made in "His" image and "He" couldn't perfect it Then what the hell makes anyone think we can?"
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Oh yeah, you know it.
"We'll help you pull the trigger, we'll tell you what to say Just leave it all up to us and we'll help you make 'em pay"
"It doesn't matter if you disagree We're making it hand over fist on tragedy The revolution will be televised But just the part that we can monetize"
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Oh man, I've never heard of this song but it's TOTALLY perfect for them.
"All my life in the dark, I've been waiting for, One sweet day, not alone, never anymore, All my life, I was blind now we're two of a crime"
"Horror story Now you've come along It was a horror story Now you've come along"
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I think I could classify this as a Deepdark song.
"Welcome to your fate End of the line It's just a little explanation of your desperate situation You're a slave to my design"
"You are so dead Dancing with the enemy And you are so dead Fighting with the melody"
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LMAO this is such a funny suggestion, but I think I could see it.
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Thrasher, I'd say. The lyrics about trying to escape someone but being dragged back in is much more Thrasher, who covets through violence rather than persuasion.
In the human AU, Deepdark would have a lot less kids - maybe 3 or 4. But I think they would all be from different marriages, so let's say - Julian and Henry (Juniper and Hyssop) from their mother Rose (Wild Rose), Winter from his mother Hosannah (Hosta), and Christopher (Chrysanthemum) from his mother Ophelia (Oak). Four sons, three ex-wives.
"You know I'll never disappear Now get me out of here Just trust in me, my dear No cure is coming"
"Hello, my name is Mr. Fear I wish I had a faster therapy I've come to mind control your needs Tonight I'm gonna star all of your leads"
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🥃 for mack, and 🍔for Crowley!
"If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?"
It's kinda hard to pick what show Mack would like since I, the mun, don't really watch too much regular television (don't have cable lmao) BUT! I think he would be all about cooking shows like Hell's Kitchen and Diners Drive Ins and Dives. Dude doesn't read too much on account of the dyslexia... Though when he does read, I think he'd like some of the older classics? Fahrenheit 451 came to mind immediately! FOR MUSIC... Dude would be a big fan of Mumford & Sons as far as music taste goes for sure! Dustbowl Dance is on the playlist I made for him! But I also think he'd like the band Poor Man's Poison. Finally... He stays the hell away from any and all social media besides what's necessary. Probably would have a TikTok for recipes and because he'd be sent videos by his S.O.s, but that's it.
"Are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate? Or love?"
Crowley would hate stuff like the Tide Pod challenge and any "challenge" that's just dangerous for no reason. Makes his work SO much harder, yanno? But what he would really dislike is the whole idea of mommy bloggers. Like he grew up in the public's view, being yet another spawn of his heroic dad's side of the family. He's been a part of that world for years and knows how much of a target that can put on a kid's back for real nasty things being thrust into their world. Let alone not having a sense of privacy and having all your personal problems aired to the world just for that delicious monetization. "DESGUSTENG!!!" However, he would and does love how those good crunchy stim videos are getting to be more popular. Like he's all about hydraulic press and industrial shredder videos. And restoration videos too. Not really as much of a trend, but those types of videos are more popular now than ever and he's thriving. He also likes the whole "yell compliments really aggressively" thing cuz that's RIGHT up his alley.
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jinkx-monswoon · 1 year
thoroughly upset that jinkx monsoon is not one of the available options. or alaska. i think those would have been killer looks
congration to lala! you done it!!
oh my god. is jimbo using the motherfucking stool to hold up her boobs
lala has been so charming. i love her
oh my god im excited to see who does trixie
ok i said i was excited to see who does trixie but now im just scared. jimbo if you do big boobs trixie you're literally dead to me.
LMAO. jessica wishes she had big naturals <3
jimbo the himbo. help shes getting so distracted
im sorry. you're doing AVANT GARDE FACEKINI for TRIXIE MATTEL????????? girlllllll........
"don't answer that" im DYING
i love jessica getting in touch with all her s2 sisters this episode <33
i can see the mic wire through kandy's tank top LMFAOOO
ok you know what... i admire lala's ambition <3
not kandy with her tatas out and a hole in her padding and everyone being fucking GOOFY
not jimbo killing alexis dead on the floor 😭
i love alexis sitting on the floor. we love a girl who takes some personal Floor Time
omg i can see one of kandy's inflated pigtails in the background of this one shot
oooh lala's wig looks sickening
aww i kinda like the pattern!! i believe in u lala
oh my god what kind of weird ass boogie woogie are they doing into the werkroom 😭
oh god if lala goes home im gonna be crestfallen.
"omg lemme try it" "nO >:("
i love jimbo but i lowkey hope that she ends up in the bottom just once OOP
omggg lalalexis moment....
oh man i am NOT feeling ru's look this week
brandon who?
oh. oh dear. lala is giving mother i'm afraid
oooh i adore the wig but i can see the lace from a mile away... lala noooooo
"beautifully executed" my nonexistent NUTS. get OUTTA HERE.
get that shit out of my face
god alexis is gorgeous tonight. hope she wins
okay well i imagine alexis isnt going to pick lala. for one thing it would be a huge backstab AND it would kill any chance of poor alexis getting her crush reciprocated
oh man alexis looks motherfucking snatched. girl those CONTACTS?!?!?!
omg theres so much tulle happening
alexis PLEASE win and save ur girlfriend lala <3333
oh god. these boots were made for walking. this better be a good lipsync
this lipsync is so sexy and silly i am LIVING
pls tell me alexis won
OH THANJK GOD. oh i REALLY hope this means lala is safe
oh no not the tear stain on kandys cheek. my heart is breaking
oh alexis is getting NO pussy. she just fucking blew her shot SO bad
wow they made the dance break extra long this episode
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jordansworld94 · 1 year
Gossip Girl Reboot Review
I am not shocked that this reboot got canceled. The writing was piss poor, and some of the actors could not act whatsoever. The series had shown some promise during season two, but it fell off majorly after the first few episodes with a few gems in between, IMO.
Strengths of the series: The fashion I LOVED many of the looks seen on the show, especially from the girls! I liked Julien's edgy, androgynous, yet slightly feminine style. I loved Luna's romantic style, and even though the preppy look isn't my taste, Monet and Audrey had some nice looks too. I really enjoyed the showrunner not cutting costs when it came to the character's clothing. They all looked like they were actual Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl That messy bitch continued to be bitchy and snarky as hell, and I loved it. I like how in season two, she actually tries to up her messy game with the kids. I don't like how GG is a teacher because no kid should ever have you that riled up as a grown adult. However, GG kept the messiness going, and that's what she's here for. The parents It's probably because most of the adults in the show are seasoned actors, but their plot lines were the most intriguing to watch. I liked seeing the complexities of adult relationships being shown and I liked seeing the plot with Audrey's mom. It can be tough acting on a show with younger actors, but most of the adults acted pretty well. I really liked seeing Max's dad's plotlines. The actors who played them had a nice chemistry with one another. Weaknesses of the series:
The acting OMG, a lot of the acting done by the younger cast was ATROCIOUS. Julien's actress can't act to save her life, lmao. Like, her mannerisms and over-the-top facial expressions (ex: "Guess who's coming to dinner?!" in 2x02) were so damn bad! If the actress wants to make a career out of acting, she needs an acting coach STAT. Evan Mock is a handsome guy, but the acting chops just weren't there. his delivery is always flat and he struggles to emote. It's especially jarring to see him "act" when he's around Audrey's actress/Max's actor. They do a helluva lot better than he does and it's painful to watch, lol. Monet's actress should've been given more shine, as with Luna's actress! They nail their lines perfectly and emote! I don't know why they're always sidelined. The writing There are so many plotlines that I scratch my head at because they're so rushed. Like, what was the point of showing Monet's little power trip during the first few episodes of season two only to have her makeup with Julien in episode three?!? Like, what was the reason??? I also hate how we never get to see a fully fleshed-out arc with Monet and her mommy issues. The glimpses that we saw of her and her mom were quality scenes. I don't know why she got sidelined again this season, and she didn't even appear in one episode. The nostalgia I don't like the current media landscape that we live in because folks are so obsessed with redoing what's already been done. What was the purpose of this reboot? What was it trying to say to viewers? Glitz, glam and nostalgia can only take you so far. Overall, this show had promise. It, unfortunately, relied on nostalgia to carry it through, coupled with the pretty fashions and filming locations. It has no substance, and it'll be a pretty forgettable reboot as the years pass on.
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bas-writes · 2 years
FMK with bartolomeo, monet and makino ? owo -B☆
rubs hands let's go
Fuck - Monet. Don't really like her, but she's pretty.
Marry - Bartolomeo. He's honestly adorable. And pissed right in the middle of Doffy's Collisseum Blood Party which is really impressive. Considering my self insert is a Strawhat tho, I'm afraid this poor thing would die as soon as they'd say yes lmao
Kill - Makino. Sorry babe. you're so...so transparent I'd not even feel difference universe-wise 😂
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lamphous · 1 year
torrenting the documentary on natalia grace out of pure schadenfreude and hooo boy the abled patting on the back of how they are for sharing their "thirteen TV fourteen couches" "mcmansion" (< direct quotes) American Dream with a Disabled Foreign Orphan! is... well it's not unexpected for an ID channel joint but it's still absurdly overt lmao. literally the number of times someone out loud says "we wanted to give her the love she had never ever had and never would have, poor child" I mean...
and that's not even getting into the I Was Never Able To Accept My Son's Autism Until I Monetized It Through Blogging mom off-camera
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hubcaphalo · 6 months
favorite albums of 2023
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Here we go: favorite albums of the year. I like to make my lists every year and these? Are just my favorites. Are they the best albums of the year? Who the fuck knows. Maybe some are, some aren’t. I make these lists for myself, because I like to go back and revisit these, but if you listen and find something here you like, that’s awesome!
favorite albums of 2023, in alphabetical order:
Allison Russell - The Returner (listen: The Returner, Snakelife)
Austin TV - Rizoma  (listen: Su Nombre Es El Tuyo, Reflejo Infinito)
Bethany Cosentino - Natural Disaster  (listen: Outta Time, I’ve Got News for You (fun fact, I was listening to this for the first time walking home from the grocery store, and the last 2 lines of this song just sucker punched me out of nowhere and I burst into tears on the street lmao))
Black Belt Eagle Scout - The Land, The Water, The Sky  (listen: My Blood Runs Through This Land, Nobody)
Brian Lopez - Tidal  (listen: Black Mountain, Looking Glass)
Bully - Lucky for You  (listen: How Will I Know, Days Move Slow) 100% my favorite album this year. I love everything she does.
Explosions in the Sky - The End  (listen: Loved Ones, Ten Billion People)
Eyelids - Colossal Waste of Light  (listen: Runaway Yeah, Colossal Waste of Light)
Fruit Bats - A River Running to Your Heart  (listen: Rushin’ River Valley, Waking Up in Los Angeles)
Gaby Moreno - X Mí (listen: Luna de Xelajú, Intento) yes, this is technically an EP but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hozier - Unreal Unearth  (listen: Francesca, Unknown/Nth)  
Indigo De Souza - All of This Will End  (listen: Wasting Your Time, Smog)
Janelle Monae - Age of Pleasure  (listen: Lipstick Lover, Rush)
La Fonda - We Are Infinite  (listen: We Are Infinite, Kaleidoscope)
Lydia Loveless - Nothing’s Gonna Stand in My Way Again  (listen: Sex and Money, Poor Boy)
Medejin - The Garden  (listen: Shell, January)
Sunny War - Anarchist Gospel  (listen: No Reason, Whole)
Victoria Monet - JAGUAR II  (listen: Party Girls, How Does It Make You Feel)
Y La Bamba - Lucha  (listen: Dibujos De Mi Alma, Nunca)
Young Fathers - Heavy Heavy  (listen: I Saw, Rice)
And an honorable mention to this fantastic EP:  Konyikeh - Litany (listen: Girls Like Us)
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kanthony · 1 year
monet do i look like cupid for poors
but be who you are it’s okay lmao gurl stop
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girlosersite · 3 years
personally, it took me a chunk of time to digest what actor kim jisoo was guilty of and it’s not because i was a fan of his but mainly because of how tremendously horrendous was what he did to his classmates — i don’t feel comfortable in describing what he did since it makes me pretty anxious and sick to my stomach but you can search up for the victim’s reports, be careful with the mention of sexual assault(?), physical aggression and a lot of inappropriate things. — he straight up ruined their school experience and caused an overwhelming trauma for a lifetime yet he thought a half-assed handwritten apology could solve it all? could possibly make people feel sympathy for him again because now he’s remorseful of his acts? he should’ve been sent directly to jail, what he did was unforgivable. i can only imagine how bitter and revolting it was for his victims to witness him not only getting away with it but also monetizing his image of a good boy who should be the main lead for once, honestly, i’d be miserable if i were in their shoes. i wish this scandal had come out sooner so he could've never had a career to begin with
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fxllingout · 3 years
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hottieivy · 3 years
jjk boys + k-drama clichés (pt.1)
warnings: use of word ‘razor’ in nanami’s part
pairings: yuuji, megumi, inumaki, panda, gojo, nanami x gn!reader genre: fluff.......?  i felt like it was getting a too long, so i split it into two parts, part 2 includes choso, toji, yuta, geto and noritashi. after that i want to move on to jjk women with the same topic. :P  your support makes me feel motivated!
FALLING ASLEEP WHILE RIDING A BUS: yuuji, is as sleepy as you are, on your way back to Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, but you're the first to fall asleep in the back of the bus. you can no longer carry your head and with heavy eyes swinging in the void, you find a shoulder to lean on. yuuji turns his head to you with his eyes wide open and a slight blush formed on his cheeks ughhh stops all life functions so as not to disturb your sleep lol he literally stops breathing
WRIST GRAB: megumi, who had just returned from a mission, was covered in blood and bruises as usual. seeing him like this upsets you every time, no matter how much you’ve seen it already. you went to visit his dorm room, just to meet his beautiful face wrapped in bandages. you noticed he was asleep, so you left the fruit plate on the nightstand and sat next to him on the bed. ’’you want to help people, but do you really have to hurt yourself so badly every time, without even caring about yourself?’’ you complained to yourself in a quiet voice. despite his wounds he had a peaceful expression on his face. ’’i’m proud of you and i’d be lying if i say that i don’t like taking care of you. but seeing you in pain is not something i can get used to nor like’’ you continued. after watching him for a little longer, a sigh left your lips as got out of bed to leave the room, but a rough hand wrapped around his wrist prevented you from doing so. ’’could you stay with me a little longer?’’ he said with his eyes still closed. a surprised, ’hey!’ left your lips with a laugh, then you sat back on the bed, this time to lie down next to him. ’’i didn’t know you liked being scolded so much’’ you said teasingly, ’’please shut up i’m in enough pain already’’ megumi said with a little smile forming on his face.
RICH GUY, POOR GIRL: gojo, lmao do i really need to say anything? you’re probably in debt to him for some ridiculous setback, and he’s not letting go of this debt that he doesn’t normally care about, just because he likes to mock you, and now you’re gojo’s part-time servant until you pay off your debt. yup, that kind of thing. good luck
VISITING HOME TOGETHER: inumaki, what’s worse than a boyfriend you can’t communicate with verbally? it’s a trip to meet his family, which you can’t also communicate verbally! you knew they can communicate through telepathy instead of words, and it just made you feel even more nervous. in fact that so you’ve never felt so anxious in your whole life, you even wondered if this trip was a bad idea. to your surprise, communicating with them wasn’t as difficult as you might think, because they all know sign language and they were the nicest people, slowing down so you could catch. after having a light brunch all together and inumaki telling you that there was a place he wanted to show you, you guys decided to go for a walk with picnic baskets with little onigiri and snacks on your arm. a soft ’’tuna, tuna!’’ sound informed you that you have come to the end of your walk; an azure sky, a small waterfall and the most beautiful shades of green greeted your eyes, it was almost like a monet painting. you didn’t notice how time passed when you were out there on a little picnic in the green, listening to music and drawing bad paintings of the scenery. you thought to yourself, maybe this whole trip home was about showing you the secret place he liked to go when he was little. maybe that wasn’t a bad idea at all 
SECOND LEAD SYNDROME: panda, a character that everyone likes but nobody ,,, loves ?? </3 panda i feel u
SHAVING MUSTACHE/BEARD: nanami, was not one to disrupt his personal care. so you were surprised when you felt his growing beard while giving him a kiss this morning. it led you to the moment that he was sitting in a chair in the bathroom right now, with you sitting on his lap, his arms around your waist and he was leaning back with a towel that you wrapped around his neck, and a little warm towel over his eyes and shaving foam on his face. his pointed jaw, wide jawbones and adams apple in your perspective made you regret for a moment that you covered his beautiful facial contours with foam. as his soft blonde hair fell back, nanami, looked as breathtaking as ever. you dipped the razor in the bowl to get it wet, then you turned to him and said in a playful tone, “okay, here i go. it's in your best interest not to move!” and with a slight smile on his face, he lifted the heavy, wet towel over his eyes to show a single eye staring admiringly at you. in an almost cynical tone, he said something that seemed more like a question than an answer: ‘’i trust you, darling’’
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momowoah · 3 years
Was too lazy to make three posts so here are my thoughts on the last trio of GG eps
Spoilers under the cut
Episode 10
Julien's smile when she looked at Zoya <3
Audrey being worried bc Max skipped classes and wanting him to be around + Julien supporting throuple is the best
Also Max not wanting to talk with or be around them...
Kate is hilarious sometimes
Nice change to see Audrey and Monet in the same place and not fighting lately
Aki's TikTok lmaoooo
That's so embarrassing, poor him
Max's smile after teasing Aki
Also Audrey and Zoya being completely friendly?
I will absolutely love to watch Monet and Julien fighting for the crown next season but rn I'm loving watching all of them be friends
Zoya really is becoming Luna's scheming prentice
Wasn't Julien crying every 3 seconds last week? Why is she so cheerful now?
Them pretending they're not in love
"You promised you wouldn't come" stop breaking my heart
Why is he screaming
Her hair is pretty now
Jor-Jor lmao
Luna in denial and Monet trying to hold it together
Wait, so Blair and Chuck got Cyrus's mother's house before they moved to Paris or did they just decide to hold Derena's wedding there?
Vanya in the background too
DOROTA!!!!!! The truly best character of gg
Calloway is mentioned and suddenly Audrey doesn't know anything about them
Thought the lines Monet couldn't cross would be, idk, but it's literally inviting Ju-lions lol
These two shouldn't be teachers. Actually no teachers in this show should be teachers but whatever.
Luna really is in full denial
Why is Julien talking like she's also twelve
At times like this, I do not like Julien at all
"You weren't even supposed to be here" "Why do you keep saying that?" Aaaaaaaa
"I told you not to call me" I KNOW I SAID I WANTED ANGST BUT STOP
Aki sitting in the chair and looking up at the officer before smiling lmao
Bad timing but I love Jobie
The Max Aki scene was so casual but so good
More Blair mentions
I don't even know who was right in Julien and Zoya's fight, but Julien is annoying me more these past days so I'm going with Zoya
Roy saying he came for his son when he came for Gideon... No
Also I wish Aki wouldn't have let Max hear that
Why can't Max be happy
I like that Kate cares about Julien
The cellphone was a perfect catch... Did they combine a video of Kate throwing it with one of Scott holding it?
Finally Aki getting posts about him! Not truly GG until everyone gets a post
Still don't get why Zoya risked her scholarship
Yeah, Audrey and Zoya are right
Audrey and Aki, I love you, but leave Max alone until you realize how the three of you actually feel
Yeah, Lola is kinda meh
Call them out yes
The three were almost crying though
Ep 11~~~
Aaaaaaa Aki and Audrey just stop and apologize
Is Gideon like 2 meters tall or is he always wearing heels? I swear he looks way too much taller than everyone else
"and whichever sister you're dating now"
"They're just not, uh..." THEY'RE JUST NOT MAX
I loved her straight long hair btw
Ouch Julien, that must've hurt
Max talking about Heidi while Obie tries to pretend he's not listening
Did they ever interact before? I like this
Okay I like Shan
Why didn't Jordan just change the password or deactivate?
Wendy is Obie but teachers version
Shan is at the same time a bad and amazing influence
I feel like I know Julien's grandma actress
The fact that they called Jamison over will never not be hilarious
Still don't get why or how Aki and Audrey went from "something's missing" to "we only need each other" to "something's missing" again in like a month
I didn't even realize Z did her nails the first time watching, they are pretty
Also hopefully next season will be fully Zoya and Shan being besties bc I'm absolutely adoring her
Someone said Zoya was in her Jenny Humphrey phase and like yeah she is
The way Heidi had been back for what, two days and realized Max was in pain before any of his friends did is just...
Is this supposed to be two stock photos or young Julien and Audrey?
"The mood is dessert" lmao
Is it bad I can't understand like a single reference they make in this show?
Audrey crying bc JC is leaving is breaking my heart rn
I don't know if Shan is just improvising but if she's not then she's really good at noticing what others feel
And a really good friend
Then why did you go through with posting it Kate?
Why is everyone saying Nick's actor is terrible? There has been worse on this show
I really love how Julien and Zoya smile when they see each other
I hope we get more of Pippa and Bianca too lol
Max stop plz be happy
Again, genuinely thought Pippa and Bianca were going to kiss
"Some thing isn't missing. Is it?" "He's missing" "He's missing. It's him." And now I'm crying, best scene
Why did you give it to him Gideon? Wtf? Why would you say that?
Last time this took five seasons
Why were they so nervous, I don't think most of them ever sent a tip
No Lunet :(
Now EP 12 yay! Season finale!
Brutal! Yes!
Pausing the show to read the tips sent in is totally worth it
Absolutely hate this Max scene
There are 1263 tips of Audrey + Aki? Wow
And 8578 of Max
Is he wearing eye makeup?
"And we didn't get arrested in the process"
Everytime someone says "I gotta go" all I can think about is Serena, lmao
Luna and Monet suggesting Julien seduces Aki and sleeps with him + Audrey and maybe Max what
what was exhibit C..?
I don't really like how Audrey and Aki don't care about Max unless they want him but whatever
Still rooting for throuple, they are cute together
Also when they do care about him it's the best thing in the show
I have said this before but I really love how Aki and Audrey just try to figure it all out always together. She promised this in ep 4 and never even thought about doing it any other way
I still ship Julien and Obie idc idc
It's weird how Luna and Monet just invite the school to a house that's not even theirs
Camille speaks just like Monet
Cannot understand the rule of only walking but ok
Grace is cute
The way Audrey flipped her head to Aki when Max came in lmao her expressions are always gold
Zoya lmao
Cute couple (but um just to confirm how old is he?)
"Lulu" aaaaaaa
Zoya's look when she saw the Roger picture lol but like same
I would also be completely lost
"I only play emotional games"
She didn't get Frida Kahlo? Girl...
"Let us mean girls turn her into a mean girl" I love the way she says mean girl
Davis Calloway is acting weird
Audrey trying to smile when she calls them a couple
This episode has so much Lunet, I love it
Who sent Davis the blackberry? Was it supposed to be Julien returning it or is his lawyer going to be a big plotwist or something
Best scene in the show I don't make the rules they look so good all dancing together
Is it Audrey singing these little bits?
Still don't get how Audrey and Aki thought this idea would work
Don't know how but I'm still surprised by how JC Luna and Monet treat people sometimes, even if it was always like that
Zoya too apparently
"All or nothing"
"If you're in, we're in"
My throuple aaaaaa
The one for all rule scares me tho
Bc tv shows aren't exactly known for their not on-and-off, long lasting relationships
And if they breakup it will be harder for them to get back together
And two of them can't just come back together as a couple
So, no Akiaudrey, Maudrey or Akimax ever
Please don't break them up
Grace's "You think staying it's winning?" was probably the best line of the show, we rarely see the group as the villains, even in the og
"Three, Two, One" Lumax friendship ftw
Zoya is always making points
And Julien acts like she's in a completely different planet
They really need the truth to smack them in their faces to listen to it huh
Why didn't Kate just pay for the cab. Why confront her.
Camille is a biotechnologist and complaining abt schools closing in the pandemic?
Camille was right about GG (even though she sent tips herself so I guess not really)
Camille destroyed Kate and she still think that counts as standing up for herself
Julien really thought that would work?
Also Obie do you love her or not just stick to your choice
"I just told Camille de Haan off" you didn't
Kate literally just shut up
Go Nick
"One for all or none for none"
finally, throuple
The hug aaaaa
"Now remember, one of you gets me at midnight, and the other one gets to go to the station alone"
Julien and Zoya finally making up
"Anyone could have been it, even me" and the way her face lights up finally Monet as queen JC was too nice anyways
Please tell me they are going up against each other. I need the drama.
Cute throuple
Also the boss fight song while Julien does her speech and declares war on gg
Monet queen
Julien really just apologized for being a bad friend only to betray everyone she knows
Mutually assured destruction
Julien's "I know you love me, XOXO" yes
What was Kate's condition
What did JC send her
"I'm Julien fucking Calloway"
"Did you miss me? I know I've missed you"
Does real Gossip Girl start now?
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katoodlez · 3 years
THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD EPISODE (the sam and bucky show episode 3, spoiler review!)
Episode 3 was an EXPERIENCE let me tell you.
1) Zemo. I was so excited to see Zemo all week but let me tell you i did NOT expect to like him so much. Fashion icon, sassy villain, he gives me Loki vibes. Actually next to Loki himself, favorite Marvel antagonist, 10/10. His interactions with Sam and Bucky were absolute GOLD and they really vibed together ngl. Like how Sam and Zemo agreed that Marvin Gaye was amazing or the way that Zemo just showed up with everything they needed (like a prIVATE JET COugh what is he the new tony stark?) oh and also his dancing at the party scene LMAO that sEnt me— (not to mention Zemo’s consistent underhanded comments about America lmao)
2. The party scene in Madripoor. And the night shots of Madripoor as well. SO BEAUTIFUL. Lowkey gave me Black Panther vibes, i think because it was similar in vibe to the BP scene in Busan. It was so colorful and cool and i loVED it.
3. Bucky telling Zemo that the Winter Soldier code words won’t work on him anymore and then jumping back into being the Winter Soldier for a mission is just 🥺😭😭😭😭
4. Sam checking up on Bucky throughout the episode too esp after he had to pretend to be the Winter Soldier again 🥺🥺🥺 I really liked how we saw their friendship/bond develop in this episode
5. Ok but the scene where Bucky was explaining to Sam how he would hYpoTheTicAlLy break Zemo out of prison was HILARIOUS lmao watching Sam be confused and gradually realize that it wasnt a hypothetical was the best. its the very definition of “ask for forgiveness, not permission”
6. For as much as John Walker is a pain I really appreciated every scene he had in this episode. I think it was fair for people to dislike him immediately since he’s written to be the antagonizing force to Sam and Bucky, but aside from being explicitly ignorant and implicitly the wrong person to carry the legacy of the shield, we haven’t seen him actually do anything particularly “bad” thus far. However his few scenes in this episode, especially how he uses the shield and mantle of Captain America for intimidation at the beginning and how he’s willing to do stuff “off the books” to stop Sam and Bucky begins to give a clearer indication of his true colors. For what its worth im very excited to see what happens with his character, and he’s genuinely interesting to watch.
7. Sharon Carter is a badass and I will not be taking objections, thank you. I just finished watching agent carter this week and she really reflects Peggy’s class and fighting skills. She held her own against every bounty hunter in Madripoor while the sambuckzemo trio was conducting a nice little QnA with Dr Nagel. A true MVP. I wasnt sure who she was talking to after she separated from them tho so im super excited to see more of her character. (Also it was very nice to see what happened to her after civil war, especially the sacrifice she made to help team cap)
8. Not Sarah calling Sam while they’re supposed to be undercover— Sarah is the best but I felt her exasperation with her brother oml 😂 also when she called him Sam I almost imagined him going “who’s sam?” like Miles Morales being “play dumb” xddd
9. “I can’t run in these heels!” Has the same energy as “If i run in these shoes they’re gonna fall off” from CA:WS
10. I may have nerded out when they did the scenes in Sharon’s art gallery bc I saw my favorite Claude Monet painting there—
11. Sam calling Torres whenever he needs some help or backup— Torres my beloved i hope they bring him back soon!
12. The callback to the “can you move your seat up” line xdd. Some things never change
13. Bucky’s notebook is the same as Steve’s notebook I— 🥺🥺
14. Sam downing the snake cocktail and Bucky giving him the nod of approval LOL
15. “itS in eVerY aCtiOn mOviE” LMAO
16. “bionic staring machine” poor Bucky
There are wayyy too many things i loved about this episode that will probably resurface in my brain this week but for now I gotta go do work so thats it for now, my level of hype for the next episode went 📈📈📈📈
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