#poor sopping wet little meow meow? yes
wyyrmwood · 9 months
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Waiting for the Arch episode because it was one of my favorite pjo moments in the books
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Russian Roulette update: just finished Охотник (Hunter) and I was aware Yassen was going to throw his grandfather's watch into the lagoon. It did not prepare me for WHY he did it.
Yes, it was his last connection to the person he used to be, and this act is symbolic of him throwing away his past and humanity. But it's also a defeat, final proof that he will never be the person he wants to become through this act either. Why? Because he failed to get rid of his sentimentality. He threw that watch away not because he killed his sentimentality for his family, but because Hunter told him to.
His sentimentality for Hunter overshadowed his sentimentality for his own family, but that sentimental nature is very much still there. That, in my opinion, is the saddest part of the situation - in trying to become who (he thinks) Hunter wants him to become, he has proved that he will never be that person.
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upwards-descent · 11 months
Will we get to see the henchman? 👀
I've already posted his face but wait til I draw the full bitch 👀 my bf cited three specifically important inspos for him; The T-800 from Terminator 1, Mr. X from Resident Evil, and Android 16 from DBZ
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sly-s-n0nfusion · 2 months
Hello octopathers I woke up in the mood to share opinions online so today it's the time to talk about
💫 Erhardt's War Crimes 💫
as well as explaining why I don't, never did, and will never like him as a character
/!\ Disclaimer: I'm not here to judge anyone who likes Erhardt, truly. I'm 100% okay with liking morally gray characters in fiction (and I do myself, as a fan of characters such as Ogen, Oshka, Kaldena and Ceraphina, which are pretty bad/terrible people as well, some of them are much worse than erhardt lol) so if he's your favorite character and your little sopping wet meow meow, that's great (you're also part of like 98% of the octopath fandom so if someone has to be the weird one here that'd be me lol) so this post is completely judgement-free 🙏 /gen
I just felt the need to address the full extent of his actions in game as some sort of reminder because I feel like the actual consequences of those are often overlooked or straight up not acknowledged, also because we see a lot of that in CoTC and many people who played OT1 did not play that one, and because I have seen quite the number of fans out there being like "Erhardt did nothing wrong" or "I'm an Erhardt apologist" or "regicide ain't that bad" when I think what he did was actually pretty bad and here's why!
TW children death, spoilers for Olberic’s story and CoTC Bestower of All
Okay so we can all agree with the fact that what happened to him was horrible. Man had to watch his hometown (and family, too) perish in a fire while Hornburg did nothing to help and he's been indoctrinated since he was just a child by Werner, who we know as being great at manipulating and inducing fear in people. Like no wonder he wanted revenge.
In Ot1 we only see him killing King Alfred and thus causing the fall of the whole kingdom of Hornburg as stated by Olberic at the beginning of his story, and then his "redemption" speech during Olberic's chapters 3 and 4, and that's pretty much it. We aren't exactly told what happened to the people of Hornburg after that.
Well, Champions of The Continent tells us as the fourth chapter of the Bestower of All storyline is set in Hell, where Hornburg and its ghosts still stand. And I say ghosts because those are all that's left of its population, with the exception of a few other NPCs we encounter in game who were lucky enough to flee in time.
Now the part of map we can walk on is quite big but it’s still a small fraction of the Hornburg capital (as we can see from the huge amount of buildings around the castle) and there are approximately 30+ npcs’ souls wandering around the streets, inside the castle and outside the capital (again, they’re just the ones we’re allowed to see)
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(Don’t let this image fool you, he’s dead. All of them are dead, he didn’t make it out alive)
The most tragic part of all of this are obviously the souls of two children that can be found in a house, discussing which one of the Twin Blades is stronger. And honestly this piece of dialogue broke my heart
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I’m afraid to inform this poor kid’s soul that Erhardt actually played a major role in the events that caused them to get killed.
And this brings me to the conclusion of this saying that no matter how strong Erhardt’s desire for vengeance was, and how manipulated he was, it still doesn’t excuse what he did. “Regicide ain’t that big of a deal” well no it isn’t, but the consequences of it are. I refuse to believe Erhardt didn’t foresee what would happen to all the inhabitants of Hornburg, children included, after he’d killed king Alfred and gave complete access to Werner’s army. Of course the ones who couldn’t flee in time would get killed. Of course he knew, but that wasn’t enough to make him think about stopping his rage.
He’s not a war criminal because he killed a guy with a crown, he’s a war criminal because he sentenced to death the whole population of a capital city and if we had doubt at first, cotc gives us undeniable proof.
Yes he lives hating himself. Yes he does regret all of it. But he had a choice. And yes, being afraid of Werner hunting him down is a solvable problem when you’re at the apex of one of the biggest kingdoms’ military force, he could’ve asked for help if only he spoke. Causing the death of so many innocent people isn’t going to bring his family and hometown back and he knew it.
That’s why I think what he did was, in no way, excusable.
“Erhardt isn’t a villain” doesn’t stick with my view of things.
Now, on to the personal reasons why I don’t like him in particular as a morally gray character lol
And that can be summed up as “Olberic’s first two chapters made a pretty damn good job at making me hate him”
But no for real it has to do with me valuing trust more than anything else in life and having the habit of self-projecting a lot on every character I play. I tend to ask myself “what would I do in this situation, how would I feel” etc, so it came natural to me to wanting to punt Erhardt into the sun instantly as soon as I saw Olberic (the guy that was my main character in his ch1) literally start his story having nightmares and being depressed because of this guy.
Of course it was instant, deep hatred from me I swear I’ve rarely wanted to kill some guy in a jrpg as much as I wanted to make him pay for what he did (even if I knew well that Olberic’s main goal was just to seek answers).
Now imagine my utter disappointment when the game didn’t let me kill him lol (just kidding, of course after his backstory traumadump I ended up sympathizing a bit with him).
Also no, Olberic never forgave him for what he did, as precisely stated by him in his chapter 3, but he does give him another chance to redeem himself because Olberic is a much better person than I am.
I… have been wanting to write this long post for a while now. I hope I didn’t upset anyone with it as that was not my intention. I get why erhardt has so many fans, with the whole emotional trauma he has and his pretty face and fabulous hair, I really do and I don’t think you’re weird for liking him. I just like to ramble about fictional characters from time to time lol
Peace ✌️
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witchofthesouls · 8 months
I LOVEEE LOVEE YOUR PROWLL FICS. Would hate to break the chain of the camien nurse, Tarn is a sopping wet cat tbh, BUT PROWL!!! I’d imagine he’d be a handful to fall in love with. How’d he manage to catch feelings for mommy bitty? 😭😭
Tarn is both walking war crimes and poor pathetic meow meow. I love that guy confused and/or bamboozled.
Oh ho, if we're talking about repressed, angry cop car with a human s/o, then it was the lip paint and the Ambassador's continuous cubes to keep him alive since Prowl forgets to eat until his HUD is screaming with warnings.
IDW!Prowl was the first to get horny as hell. He hated how a color sludge and a mere cube got his frame worked up. His desk underneath is a mess. His chair is wet. His own spike and valve are completely sore and angry over his servos.
Prowl turns over every little interaction, tries to divine all the small talk and gestures, strips down every piece of your appearance.
You are a minx. A vixen. A vile temptation. A seductress that could give Starscream pointers.
He will not fall for that bold, erotically red lip paint that matches his own chevron!
And then you pun with him and snicker at his jokes, so Prowl is done for.
He falls.
(Meanwhile, you were feeding the guy because Prowl is the only one of your coworkers who knows how to handle all the convoluted paperwork that's the New Cybertron and works insane hours.)
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nocteville · 2 months
I am keep getting assigned as a poor little meow meow type of person. A sopping wet cat with undiagnosed neurodivergence of likely various varieties. Did someone I just met tell me I likely have adhd and or autism again? Yes. Did I get compared to another anxious mess of a character (who’s also kind of malewife coded)? (I mean this respectfully) Yes.
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poryphoria · 2 months
a character being pathetic does not mean they are incapable. these two terms get conflated very often and it's really annoying to me. YES they are my poor little sopping wet meow meow but NO that does not mean they haven't done awful things, or can't hold their own in a fight, or that they are entirely reliant on other people for literally everything. I just think their actions and personality make them tragic and pitiable but that doesn't mean i think they're a literal infant
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sassysnowperson · 1 year
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sarafi by by Shannon Chakraborty should have a fanatical tumblr fandom. Sure, because it's excellent - wonderfully plotted, vivid characters, joyously queer, set in a historical world that feels like it's breathing with life and just enough of the fantastic to keep me riveted. Yes yes, all of that. Here's the thing though.
There is a man, and he is pathetic. He's pretty, he's damned, he's annoying, he's terrible. And it feels fundamentally wrong that I have experienced this media, and my dash isn't filled with people who want to save him, want to make him hurt worse, who are turning him into sopping wet kitten or a hyper-sexual dom.
To be clear, I am not, primarily, a pathetic man enjoyer! The main character is a badass middle aged woman who is exhausted, that is my catnip. Amazing. But it still feels wrong, to see this prototypical tumblr dreamboat and for him not to have a feral fandom for me to be fondly annoyed by. Pathetic men enjoyers I need you to come get your poor little meow meow, stat.
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humblemediagenius · 10 months
I’ve seen the monitor quite a few times, but who’s the guy that appears alongside it? I see him a lot but I don’t really know who he is.
HAHAHAHA yes this is my time to talk about John he’s my poor sopping wet meow meow of a man
So you probably have seen a very sad guy in my art with The Monitor. That’s John! He is a buisnessman at Startech (aka basically the Apple of my OC universe) and he WAS a perfectly normal guy, until The Monitor was accidentally discovered and made everyone in Startech’s life miserable. John is a special case, though. Unlike the rest of the corrupted employees at Startech (or even the rest of the corrupted minions of The Monitor in general), John has some… well, I’m not sure if you’d call them advantages.
He’s entirely self aware about his situation and didn’t get brainwashed into thinking The Monitor is god. But he wouldn’t exactly consider this to be a good thing because he knows just how bad all of this is, but is helpless to stop any of it from happening. And worst of all, he’s still not immune to The Monitor’s mind control and it will use it on him if it deems that to be necessary. As a result, John will do almost anything The Monitor says without putting up much of a fight because he doesn’t want to lose the little control over his life he still has.
Also, for some reason, The Monitor has taken some sick liking to John and treats him a LOT differently from the rest of its minions. It talks to him with some respect (which is shocking because it has zero respect for anyone), and will occasionally be kind or even vulnerable with him. …But most of the time, it boasts to John about its maniacal plans and likes to make John feel like shit because he doesn’t fight back when it stomps all over his incredibly low self esteem. It’ll also use him as its lab rat to experiment on and use him as a way to test “updates” for its elaborate mind control system. There’s …something going on between John and The Monitor. It can’t be described in any typical relationship terms. They got something going on and it’s really, really bad.
John is very sad and depressed as a result of The Monitor, he feels like the world is doomed and all he can do is stand by and let The Monitor ruin everything. He was already not doing great when he got corrupted but now it’s just Awful for him. He stays at work late (because of The Monitor) and is constantly falling asleep during the day due to this, too. He’s not as social, especially not outside of work. And he just doesn’t have any time for himself anymore, not when he’s being monitored all day, every day. It’s getting to the point that his kid, Jordan, is noticing…
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citrus-cactus · 5 months
DR. CRINGEFAIL: 2 4 14 21
Ask game here.
Under! The! Cut! Cuz! I’m! Embarrassed!
The one, the only, Noodle-In Chief:
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
It's not 100% clear to me, but it was definitely around the September timeframe of the novel (the first time I read it, in ‘22). I don't think it was OFFICIALLY too late for me until he met the Harkers at the end of September and Mina was like "Hey Jack. JACK. You keep your diary on all these wax cylinders, and they're not even LABELED?!" And Jack was like "...Um. Yeah, actually... that never even occurred to me." gOD, you IDIOT <3 (I may be paraphrasing). But it was this and several of his earlier blunders paired with his dogged determination to remain genre-blind and skeptical of everything that he was witnessing that ultimately endeared him to me. There Is Most Definitely Something Wrong With Him (derogatory) (affectionate).
He’s truly a problematic fave, but he’s my favorite character in the novel nonetheless!
4. How many people I ship them with
Um, the entire vampire-hunting polycule? THIS MAN DESERVES ALL THE KISSES where canonically he has none, and he deserved to be one of Lucy’s three husbands, fr fr :(
14. Best storyline they had
The incredibly tragic story, told in his own words, of how John “Jack” Seward, MD had to watch the woman he loved waste away and die of a mysterious ailment, interspersed with personal asides regarding how full of vigorous manhood all of his friends are, and how his former professor is so incredibly hot good at everything and spry for his age, but who also may be (in Jack's professional opinion) a touch crazy. Peak sopping wet noodle time, it’s amazing <3
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
September 30: "I got home at five o'clock, and found that Godalming and Morris had not only arrived, but had already studied the transcript of the various diaries and letters which Harker and his wonderful wife had made and arranged. Harker had not yet returned from his visit to the carriers' men, of whom Dr. Hennessey had written to me. Mrs. Harker gave us a cup of tea, and I can honestly say that, for the first time since I have lived in it, this old house seemed like home."
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
I mean, I’ve always liked him quite a bit (that voice, that tragic backstory, that Shakespearean flavor). But for whatever reason I didn't become obsessed until my rewatch last summer. CanNOT stop thinking about this man, the former king who has really just been a pawn his entire life; what he thinks, what he feels, how he's been going through the motions while searching for the one who betrayed him, yearning for a death that will not come for as long as he has. HE’S JUST SO SAD, YOU GUYS!!!!!
7. A quote of them that you remember
Every word that comes out of John Rhys-Davies’ mouth is SO GOOD, but the quote that sticks out the most is (of course) "KNOW her? I NAMED her." GODDDDDDD it's infinity good and I never get tired of hearing it, not even once (and since they use it in every relevant "Previously On," you hear it A LOT). It's ok though, because they 5000% knew what they were doing with that one.
Some other choice one-liners:
"I'm just… so... tired" is also top-tier delivery, and does a really great job of summarizing his entire existence since 1057.
"And I know how to read them" is such a sassy retort (and a GREAT callback to “Lighthouse in the Sea of Time”).
“For that matter… WHY ARE WE WORKING TOGETHER?” is sooooo *chef’s kiss.* Enjoy being a walking, talking meat puppet with your worstie for several more months, my guy!
20. A weird headcanon
Ummmmm soooooo I designed a gargoyle form for Mac as my headcanon for what he would've looked like in "The Mirror" (of course I did). My Watsonian explanation for why we didn't get to see him that night is he was way too busy getting drunk off his ass and crying over his long-dead wife (yet again) :C
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
990-some-odd years is a looooong time to find your lowest point. Even though moments like Gruoch’s marriage to Gillecomgain, his first “death”, the ending of “City of Stone,” and the middle of “Sanctuary” were pretty low moments for him, I’m quite sure his lowest point was never actually seen on the show (centuries-long depression isn’t exactly Disney Afternoon-friendly). The day(s) he found out about Luach and Gruoch’s deaths were obviously waaaaay up there. I imagine he had a really rough time of it during the Black Plague, so I’ll say his lowest point was somewhere in there :C :C :C
I do hope he was able to enjoy the Renaissance a little, tho. I’ll bet he commissioned a lot of art.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
Oh, interesting prompt! Let's see
Very unfortunate scene for the others to walk in to when they don't even know that Shigadabi are dating. God damn it.
Ah, uncomfortable. Poor Dabi. This is all spiraling out of control way too fast. I think Shigaraki would have been less hurt if Dabi burned him, actually.
"I want you. You're... everything to me Dabi." My heart, ouch, oof.
Oh no. Oh nonono. This is all going wrong. I mean, I expected it to go wrong, I'm reading this for the punch in the gut. Good delivery on that front.
Dabi, you should really safe-word out when you're getting this uncomfortable with the scene. Very bad communication on his part. This won't end well.
Ah, he did safeword. That's good. They're finally going to talk about it. Well, after they fuck the tension away.
Tomura really didn't enjoy the scene too much either. He wanted to keep Dabi, wanted Dabi to be happy with him, so he was willing to compromize. It might have been different if Dabi had actually enjoyed it, but this just wasn't goo for either. Dabi points out how Shigaraki's tone changed in the discussion too, to something more trying to please, and I think that says a lot.
Ah yes, what a terrible punishment for Dabi. But in the end Shigaraki just wants both of them to feel better after what happened.
Dabi has an easier time being honest when he's still floating a little. Ah, the two of them are so sweet together.
Of course Dabi wouldn't want to stay in bed. As is shown with the sick day drabble, he would attend a meeting even with his brain melting out of his ears from fever.
Shigaraki threatening Spinner and Twice is very funny, actually. They almost lost him Dabi, after all.
This was interesting :)
Thank you! I'm glad it was interesting! Dabi was a sopping wet cat in this one instead of a poor little meow meow and it's what he deserves honestly
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ladyknightskye · 1 year
I have been tagged by @quietwingsinthesky
Your name: Megs or Skye. I accept Meg and Hey You as well.
Your first fandom(s): Saint Seiya. Technically Sailor Moon. They were the first ones I wrote fic for, but Saint Seiya is the one where I had the my first fandom experiences. I used to hang out on Rusty Old Ankh's Saint Seiya Forum all the time. Stayka (A German fan who had her own website) wherever you are out there, shout out, you were always my model of how to act in fandom and I hope life is treating you well.
Your current fandom(s): Active fandoms that I still engage with all the time - Supernatural and Halo. Fandoms that I vibe with and sometimes reblog stuff about - Mandalorian, Reylo, Hannibal, Transformers.
How did you first get into fandom? So, I loved Saint Seiya and Sailor Moon, and decided one day when I had unrestricted access to a school computer to search them up. Stayka I mentioned up there? Her fan fic archive was my first exposure to fandom and I loved it. Mostly because I constructed these elaborate massively multiplayer crossover stories in my head, and how cool would it be to share them with the world?
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces? Y'all, it's been nineteen, slutty, slutty years. Probably a little longer, but my earliest memories of really engaging was in my freshman year of high school.
How often do you read fanfics? Pretty often. I'm horrible about starting long fics and then not finishing them though.
Top three characters from your current fandom(s):
Supernatural: Dean, Lucifer, Castiel, my poor little sopping wet meow meows. I just, I love them your honor.
Halo: Master Chief John-117, Cortana, and Fred-104. My sweet gentle giants and the crazy awesome AI. They did ya dirty girl. Seriously though, I have all kinds of love for Fred and John. They are bae.
Transformers: Optimus Prime (in all his incarnations), Megatron (also all of his incarnations), Soundwave (most incarnations). Look, Optimus Prime is my beloved, my husband, my knight in shining armor, and I've yet to meet a version I didn't love in some way. Megatron is by turns awesome because he's just so deliciously evil or awesome because bitch has a point. IDW-1 Megs is admittedly my favorite because he had this journey from pacifist to warmonger to atoner that was beautiful. Soundwave, I say more incarnations because there are some versions I vibe with less, but I love that he's the stoic with fourteen kids.
Have you ever written fic for a fandom?
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Have I???? Ever written fic??? I'm pretty sure you can still find my Saint Seiya fics from nineteen years ago on FFN. Look up "Niteskye" or "LadyKnightSkye." I have no shame.
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom?
Okay, this one not as much as the fan fic, but yes, I do have fan art of Saint Seiya, Sailor Moon, and others floating around.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
Look, I don't care if literally no one else agrees with me, but Lucifer SPN would have fucking rolled over and showed his belly if just one character had shown him affection without overtly mistrusting him and giving him shit. We talk a lot about Dean being a creature of Love (because he is) but so is Lucifer. His entire motivation for everything was love, and yes, he's a selfish bastard, but even selfish bastards want to feel loved. He is also touch starved like Hell because he was stuck alone in a cage for millennia.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? Depends on the friend. Also depends on where I met them. I am making my husband start Supernatural from the beginning with me because maybe with his encouragement I will actually be able to start season six.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?
Home. Like, with the exception of college and the SCA, I've never really felt like I've totally belonged anywhere but in fandom spaces.
I am tagging... @heavenssexiestangel @authortobenamedlater and anyone else who wants to do this. :)
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bumblydumbly · 1 year
I DONT CARE ABOUT ASA I DONT CARE ABOUT ASA I DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT ASA like ok you take the same cardboard cutout of some harem ass incel pathetic (derogatory) shonen protag and then turn him into a girl. Hooray! Youve subverted a gender stereotype! She still so so so so uninteresting! Wet cardboard of a person! Tofu ass bitch! Yes i feel bad for her no that doesnt make her interesting! She personally identifies as a poor little meow meow without serving any of the cunt! You cant perfect the sopping wet loser character (kobeni) and then show us this as a main character and expect me to feel anything!!! Why do you all like her!!!!!!!!!!
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 years
Achilles is like the only character I’m an apologist for and it takes my entire capacity to be an apologist bc it’s things like “Achilles killed the young Prince Troilus as a sacrifice to end the Trojan war”. Yes and it’s terrible but have you considered that Achilles is my sopping wet poor little meow meow cringe fail stepson? Maybe if Troilus had as much swag™️ as Achilles I would feel worse about it.
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yes he may be a highly competent and extremely dangerous amnesiac ex-government assassin who has literally killed people with completely mundane household objects or his bare fucking hands—MULTIPLE TIMES...
...buuuuuut he is also my teeny tiny scrungly looking sopping wet poor little meow meow
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meguwumibear · 6 months
i am incapable of writing dabi as anything other than a sopping wet poor little meow meow like even when he is in the wrong he is still the most pathetic character imaginable like yes i know about his crimes what about them ?
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