#pop Dogmeat
shatinn · 6 months
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Fallout 4 - Merry Christmas 2023
merry christmas/season's greetings/just have fun/festive wishes to all who follows me or who might come across with these cuties
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
AU Thursday: Fallout of Darkness Pets
Because, well, there’s one animal companion in the game that everyone loves (which very much includes Victor), and that sometimes prompts me to think of what other animals I would like to have share Victor’s, Alice’s, and their companion’s lives:
-->Obviously, pet numero uno is said animal companion everyone loves -- good old Dogmeat! Victor instantly felt a bond with the dog when he met the pooch at the Red Rocket, and he credits Dogmeat (along with Codsworth and later Preston) for helping him get through his earliest days in the Commonwealth -- particularly with helping him set up the Red Rocket as a new sort of “home base” for himself (and showing him how best to kill mole rats), and giving him a paw with the Concord raiders. I haven’t traveled much with Dogmeat in the actual game, but they’ve been on a few adventures together, and Dogmeat has a nice home in the Red Rocket with a dog bed for snoozing. :) He’s just a good fluffy boy for Victor to come home to and relax with.
-->Second up, we have Mutt, the Wounded Mongrel! I ran across this random encounter by the Red Rocket in Lexington in one of my earlier attempts at a playthrough (before I started modding), and simply fell in love with the sweet little wounded dog. She’s just so friendly, and always seems happy to see you when she pops up again! In my current playthrough, I met her while she was being assaulted by a raider under the bridge that runs by Starlight Drive-In. D: Victor promptly shotgunned the asshole in the face. >D It genuinely makes me sad that you can’t adopt the friendly mongrel after you help her in vanilla FO4 -- I mean, you can buy other dogs from traders, why can’t she come home with you? :(
But the modders are doing the work! May I introduce you to the Recruit The Wounded Dog mod by LarannKiar! :D It adds a miscellaneous recruitment quest to adopt Mutt (or Sparky, or Buttface, depending on which name you picked) and gives her a set location by Thicket Excavations so she can be easily picked up. I just recently got her settled in at the Red Rocket by Sanctuary with Dogmeat. :D
Now, in the actual Fallout of Darkness verse, Victor would save her from the raider by Starlight, then she’d just stay by Victor’s side after he stimpacks her and makes sure her leg is better. Once he realizes the dog has basically adopted him, he ends up taking her home with him to the Red Rocket. Dogmeat is initially a bit growly, but after a bit of scolding from Victor (”be nice! This one HASN’T tried to rip my throat out!”) and some cautious sniffing, they settle their differences and end up friends. She’s called “Mutt” because I chose the “what’s your name” option that just auto-named her “Mutt” the first time I met her, and the name’s stuck in my head -- I’m thinking Victor just refers to her as “the mutt” for a bit when he’s not sure if she’s gonna stick around or not, and it just morphs into her name.
-->Thirdly, we have Kit-Kat, a random cat from the Commonwealth! This one has a bit of a story behind it: after Alice “joins the party” and mentions being a cat person, Victor suggests she should try to find a pet, but Alice says most animals find her off-putting (and indeed, Dogmeat and Mutt are kinda nervous around her until they get used to her vampire vibe -- fortunately, traveling around with Victor means she’s got some of his scent clinging to her, which helps). Victor, feeling a bit bad, occasionally tries to lure stray cats over to her, but most of them either start getting aggressive or just flee --
And then, one day out exploring on his own, Victor comes across a brown cat with a lighter stripe up its nose, who promptly starts bothering him for a lift. Victor lets the cat climb up onto his shoulders and takes it home with him, where Alice is reading a book.
The cat, the moment Victor gets close, jumps into her lap and curls up without a second thought.
It soon becomes apparent that this cat’s deal is that it is not bothered by anything. The cat gives no shits -- sharing a house with two dogs? Owners occasionally fighting mole rats? One of the people giving him (as it is revealed to be a tom) pets is a vampire? Fuck it, as long as there’s a warm place to sleep and food in the bowl, the cat does not care. Alice is thrilled and happily adopts him, initially just calling him “kitty cat” before shortening that to what becomes his actual name, Kit-Kat. (No, not named after the candy, though he is the right color -- I’ve actually decided, just for silliness purposes, that while something similar to Kit-Kats exists in the Fallout universe, they’re actually called “Snap-Backs” and the advertising campaign was about eating the candy to come up with snappy comebacks to stupid questions.)
-->And now, an interlude with me and my brain:
My Brain: [grinning at me]
Me: What do you want now?
My Brain: I noticed you were thinking about potential pets for Fallout of Darkness!Victor and Alice.
Me: Ah, I think I see where this is going -- sorry, but honestly, I’ve gone a little off fire lizards after learning more about the Pern books in general. Some of them are really --
My Brain: I wasn’t talking about fire lizards.
Me: ???
My Brain: I was talking about Dougie.
Me: Dou -- wait. My stuffed toy? The “Faust” dragon from Douglas Toys? That Dougie?
My Brain: His crest could glow when he’s about to breathe fire!
Me: Hang on, I’m pretty sure Fallout 76 established that if this universe has dragons, they’re Scorchbeasts -- those mutated bats you gotta blow up in West Virginia because of how dangerous they are.
My Brain: There could be multiple mutations that result in dragon-like creatures! I mean, if you can get Deathclaws from a type of chameleon. . .
Me: Okay, I will give you that. But I have no idea how I’d fit him into the story currently (unlike Smiler) so can you content yourself with mental fanart for the moment?
My Brain: Acceptable.
So yeah, uh, small-but-nonzero-chance that at some point I’m going to find a way to put one of my favorite dragon toys in as a pet for Victor. I don’t know what they’d mutate from yet, but I’m sure I can think of something. . .
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citruslullabies · 1 month
Ghoul x reader x Lucy, Cooper and Lucy find reader as they're traveling and take her in, Lucy falling HARD first and coop not being able to resist either!! Reader is like their cute lil partner, they do their best to share (or throuple!! Though I feel like no matter what they'd fight a bit over reader teehee)
Coming up!! Please be patient with me, I haven't written for these two before
Trigger warnings: none
Romantic/platonic?: romantic✨
Requested by: anonymous
Category: fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): Cooper Howard x reader x Lucy
Word count: 726
Cowboy Competition
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The wastelands were violent, ruthless to kill anything on land from dehydration or starvation. Or even being killed to become nutrition for someone else.
But coming across someone alive and worthy enough of life was rare, and that's who you were. You were on the brink of death when they found you. The ghoul wanted to leave you for dead but the vault dweller stopped and tried to save you, even with the risk of being left behind but by some miracle the man decided he'd wait on her. Now you were part of their journey to find Lucy’s father for answers in which you had no questions, but understood that they did.
Lucy walked beside you, her big brown eyes watching your every step as you were cleaning Cooper’s gun. Cooper only allowed you to come along if you had made yourself useful, which you had tried to. She spoke up after a few moments, giving you a soft smile as she held her hands behind her back. “You know you don't have to clean his guns, right? He can do that himself. You don't have to worry about it.”
You looked over at her, but before you could answer the ghoul walking ahead of you two answered for you. He didn't turn around to look at you two but he still spoke up. “Now sweetheart, if she wants to clean my guns I have no objections. So don't go putting your nose where it don't belong.” he said while clicking his teeth together, looking down at Dogmeat as he trotted beside him. You gave a small bat of the eyes before smiling reassuringly at Lucy, freeing up one of your calloused hands to rest on her shoulder. The fabric of her jumpsuit felt so foreign to your hands, but you didn't mind.
“It's alright, I really don't mind. Don't really know how else I could make myself useful.” You hummed before continuing to walk and clean as you go.
Time had passed and you had come to the realization that their journey was a long one, but it was a bit too late for you to turn back now. Especially with growing affections from both of your new friends, Lucy being the first to show. She was extra sweet, helping you carry things and allowing you to rest against her shoulder when you made camp at night and she'd rub circles into your cheek with her thumb as you dozed off, which she just found to be the sweetest thing. But to Lucy’s dismay a certain cowboy started to take a liking to you too.
As things were settling for the night and it was time to rest, you were getting ready to lean against Lucy for warmth like you had been doing but a southern drawl caught your attention.
“How about you come over here and sleep in my arms darlin, I imagine I'm a whole lot warmer than Vaultie over there.” He drew out, sitting down with Dogmeat cuddled into his side. Cooper patted the canine on the head and gave you his signature smirk. “You can even snuggle with the dog, lord knows he won't leave my side.” He added to sweeten the pot, earning a scowl from Lucy before she gently took your hand in hers.
She squeezed your hand in both of hers, looking into your eyes warmly and lovingly as she tried to get you to look at her and only her. “I'm probably a lot more comfortable to lean up against, so why don't you just.. stay here? With me?” She offered softly, which led to bickering and you just laying down and trying to fall asleep alone to ignore them. Coop was in his 200’s and Lucy in her 20’s, yet they both behaved like children. You sighed and snuggled your shoulders into the sand, popping one eye open when you suddenly felt gloved hands scoop you up and hold you close, before a softer body laid beside the both of you and tried to hold you as well. It felt like getting tangled up in wires, but it was people. You tilt your head up to see Cooper laying back with his hat over his face, and Lucy with her forehead against your cheek with shut eyes.
For once maybe, they wouldn't be so competitive.
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Thanks for requesting!
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atomicbland · 8 days
Just a Mirage Pt. 2
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mmmm radioactive food... sorry this one is so short! I promise pt. 3 will be longer. And actually have some action...
Again thank you @ghoulphile for encouraging the brain worms!
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pairings: cooper howard x fem!reader rating: 18+ MDNI! warnings: bondage, degradation, pet names, mentions of age gap (obviously), Cooper Howard being a jackass in general, canon typical chem use, smoking AO3 Link
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Skinning and gutting the rabbits, despite how gruesome it could be was no problem for you. However, making sure Dogmeat kept her distance from the food was another problem. She kept shoving her head under your arms in a feeble attempt to steal a nibble of radioactive rabbit’s foot. Meanwhile, her owner lounged like a sack of tatos on the tattered sofa, huffing chems and humming a tune. 
Dogmeat whined next to you, pawing your arm. It would’ve been cute if it wasn’t for her long nails that scratched into you, almost breaking skin. Your patience with her was waning, resorting to gently yet firmly pushing her back so that you could finish butchering your meal. She stubbornly returns to your side pawing at your arm again, this time with more force, drawing blood. “Shit!” Seething at the sharp new feeling in your forearm. 
“Get your fucking dog out of my way!” You snap at the Ghoul. 
He nods his head in your direction, lazy and high. “She ain’t my dog.” 
Without breaking your glare from the rotten cowboy you cleave your knife down faster than he could process in his chem-fueled haze startling the trouble-making mutt, causing her to yelp. The Ghoul’s eyes grow wide in fear, his lips curl into a sneer at the thought of what just done- make dinner out of Dogmeat. A severed rabbit’s leg whizzes over his head landing somewhere in the direction of the kitchen. Dogmeat bolts after it taking the straight shot lunging over the couch the Ghoul claimed. His look of anger turns into something else, perhaps respect as if you proved you weren’t one to fuck with. That’s the only acknowledgement you get and he returns his important task of emptying another Jet inhaler. Leaving you alone to skewer the carcasses and place them over the firepit to cook. 
You sigh and crack open the can of water, drinking it greedily as it soothes your dry throat, not paying attention to the rivulets that miss your mouth and find their way into your cleavage, mingling with the ever-present sweat. Despite your thirst you decide to save the rest of the water to help wash down your dinner, the radioactivity leaving a sour, bitter taste to anything it touches no matter how well seasoned. You opt to quench your remaining thirst with something else, producing the unlabeled bottle of booze from your bag. It uncorks with a pop, immediately gaining the Ghoul’s attention. He watches as you take a swig, the alcohol burns its way down to your stomach, and you shiver from the harsh taste. You hold it towards him in offering. “Found it in the kitchen. Taste’s like hell.” 
He stares lips in a tight frown at the thought of having to move anymore today. A gloved finger gestures for you to bring it to him.  
“I’m not your fucking dog. If you want it then get off your ass and get it.” You take another sip, slamming it next to you as you return to roasting the rabbits. The mix of the fire’s heat and the Ghoul’s abrasive attitude had you running hot. If you had known how much of a prick he was you would’ve hired someone else to be your escort. The geezer walked around like he was the hottest shit in the West. He gave zero fucks who he pissed off, friend or foe, captive or companion, all the same to him. But he was THE best, you knew it, and despite being warned before approaching him that The Ghoul was as rotten as he looked, you hired him. A sharpshooter with quick wit and charisma that got him out of the hottest shit and the biggest fucking asshole this side of the Wasteland.
“Well,” he huffed, the springs of the couch groaning under the shifting weight. “You ain’t my dog,” footsteps accented his words as you could hear him moving closer towards you. You felt fingers lace through your scalp and then a hard tug, forcing you to meet his eyes. “But you damn sure’s a bitch.” 
You lock eyes with him, a sick twisted smile puts his stained teeth on show. He made you so mad you could spit. Though you thought better of it, thinking he would’ve derived some sick pleasure from it. In a fluid motion, hand still firmly in your hair he scoops the booze up greedily finishing the bottle in one long drink, throwing the bottle aside. It’s not until he reaches for you can of water that you find your words.
“Fuck you! Let go of me!” Your nails dig into the leather of his jacket, desperately attempting to get him to release you from his grip. 
The man ignores you and takes a long slow drink, watching your eyes grow like saucers as he takes back the water he gave you. He laughs, a low gritty rumble. “Don’t feel too good when someone’s fuckin’ round with ya now does it, sweetheart?” 
The grip on your scalp tightens, and you can feel your unwelcomed arousal pooling between your thighs. You loathed how touch-starved you were, telling yourself that once you were settled at the Old World Wall you’d find a quick fuck to satisfy your needs. Though in your desperation early into the trip you had asked how many extra caps it would take for your escort to whore himself out to you, he laughed in your face. Since then he had been rougher with you, making a lude comment anytime he manhandled you and in the context of having your needs satisfied you wouldn’t have minded but the constant rough teasing was bordering on torture. 
You kept eye contact, trying hard to ignore the bulge that became outlined by the Ghoul’s pinstripe pants. His glare was hungry as his eyes followed the beads of nervous sweat that traveled down your neck and into the crevice of your breasts lingering at the soft dark skin for a touch too long for a man who had rejected you. The fire crackling and sizzling was the only thing keeping the room from being silent as he studied you.
“May I- May I please have my water back?” Your voice breaks whatever trance he is in.
“Well since you asked so nicely.” He tugged your head back, placing the can to your lips tilting it so that the water rushed down, forcing a stream down your throat. In your best efforts, you drink down what you can, the rest finds its way down your shirt dampening it, the fabric clinging to your form. 
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The two of you eat dinner in silence, ignoring the tension growing between the two of you. You think to ask him for his name, where he came from, why he became a bounty hunter, so many questions swam in your head but the dumbest one is vocalized. “If she’s not your dog then who does she belong to?” You ask throwing a too-chewy piece of meat the dog’s way, she catches it in her mouth with surprising accuracy. 
“Dead man’s dog.” The Ghoul answers without looking at you, throwing Dogmeat the remains of his rabbit, large chunks of meat still on the bones. Ghouls didn’t need to eat much yet he insisted on a whole rabbit for himself. You try to hide your frustration in his wasteful attitude, that meat was smoked enough to pack away to have in the morning at the very least. He meets your glare, flashing you that damned smile. “Sorry sweetheart, big breakfast.” 
He kicks his legs back up on the sofa pulling a cigarette from his ragged leather jacket and placing it between his teeth. He reaches back into his pocket for his lighter confused to find it missing. While the Ghoul pats himself down in search of his lighter you rifle through your bag, tossing him the tattered book of emergency matches. He doesn't even thank you, striking a match across his pant leg, the small fire illuminating his hollowed face in amber light. 
  “Say, sweetheart,” he starts between puffs. “You ain’t happen to have ‘nother one of them bottles o’ moonshine in that bag of yours?” 
You dump the contents of your bag out, making it easier to find what you need in the flickering of the firelight, forgetting about your tin of mystery fruit as it clatters to the floor, lid falling open and dispersing what you’ve concluded were rather strange tomatoes. One rolls across the floor to the Ghoul, he picks it up before Dogmeat can grab it. as you clamor to scoop them up and return them to the container. He continues to examine it rolling it around in his fingers, you catch him staring at them fondly. 
“Any ideas what they are? Found ‘em in a glass house past the kitchen.” You find yourself sitting on the floor next to the Ghoul holding the now full container. Before you can take one for yourself he snatches it from you, ashing out his cigarette in the lid you still held  
  Ignoring your protests he took a bite. A soft crunch echoed through you as red flesh gave way to his teeth and you watched in awe as sweet juice dribbled down the marled skin of his chin. He sighed into another bite ravishing the sweet tenderness he hadn't felt in centuries.
You stared in awe, this grotesque figure relishing in something so small and insignificant in this harsh wasteland. This man’s favorite food was cigarettes and chems yet here he was about to polish of the tin of ugly tomatoes. You watched as he liked the sweet smelling juices from his glove- part of you wondered what his mouth felt like elsewhere. His tongue moved quickly and swiftly at the folds of leather mindful to not waste a drop. He had greedily finished off the small bushel of berries you had scavenged while you were distracted. He chuckled at your expression, you were thoroughly wet from watching him work his mouth.
"It's been a long, long time since I had somethin’ that sweet in my mouth," his voice is gravely and low. He smirks at you as he hands you the now empty container, "Would've saved you some but they ain't for girlies like you."
You huff in frustration, snatching the metal container from his hands. "That didn't answer my question." Your tone is more pouty than you intended and you just hope he doesn’t catch it.
"Strawberries." He huffs, springs squeaking as he settles further into the ragged couch reclining as he produces his inhaler and takes a long draw of Jet. The chem vapors curl and dance off his parted lips. "Like I said, they'll make a smooth skin like you sick." He settles pulling his hat over his face as a lazy hand brushes through the fur of Dogmeat who was happily snacking on the leafy discarded tops of the red berries.
A ball of nerves and mixed feelings swam in your stomach as you crawled on the floor back to your pile of stuff and shoved it back in your bag. You move to the spare couch across from your escort and make yourself comfortable, Dogmeat jumping into the seat to snuggle up with you. Your fingers dragged through her fur as you planned to return to the same place you found the "straw-berries" remembering the other seemingly edible plants that filled the glass house.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
what the companions get canceled for
Ada; thinks lost and found is a freebie box, will walk into your home if the garage door is open and try to haggle for your shit
Cait; The new Giddyup Buttercups just released, a riot broke out in the store, she emerged the winner. because, y'know. she was fighting moms and their children
Codsworth; assault (ferociously wiping bbq sauce off a strangers face)
Curie; chasing anti-vax protesters with disease samples on q-tips
Danse; slurs
Deacon; the most insane kin drama you have ever seen unfold
Dogmeat; peed on a prized show poodle at the park
Gage; exotic animal ownership and driving a truck that is holding on with duct tape and a prayer. no one finds out about the...other things
Hancock; went to Nuka World, popped some bad, expired chems, and spent a week living in the walls of the attractions, planning an assassination on Cappy
MacCready; chasing anti-vax protesters with knives
Nick; exiled by the Italian community for how he makes spaghetti in the microwave (he's a busy man, it's convenient, it tastes the same, what's the fuss about?)
Old Longfellow; sport hunter
Strong; rushes the stage at a production of Cats and attacks the actors ("Bustopher Jones~, is not skin and bones~, in fact, he's remarkably fa—AAAAAAAAAA–")
Piper; the most insane twitter political hot take thread you have ever seen unfold
Preston; broke HOA rules to start a community garden and sicced children on the HOA board members
X6-88; the only HOA board member that's willing to throw children into traffic if it means digging up Preston's illegal green beans
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everydayyoulovemeless · 11 months
How The Fo4 Companions (+Maxson and Tinker Tom) Are With Synth!Shaun
➼ Word Count » 0.9k ➼ Warnings » None
MacCready's really good with him! You can always find him outside showing him little tricks on how to stay hidden or just simply playing tag. He's great with kids in general and Shaun is going to love when he comes over, especially since he's fairly laid back and childish himself when it comes to most things.
Nick likes to sit out on the porch and listen to Shaun ramble on about his day. He thinks he's really intelligent for the age he appears to be and doesn't mind answering any questions the kid might have, especially if they're about the Commonwealth or his job.
Cait's kinda scared of Shaun. She's worried that parts of her personality will rub off on the kid and refuses to go near him. If you asked her to babysit she would, she'd just be distant and would only really give him one-worded responses.
Danse treats him like he's in the Boy Scouts. He'll take him camping and show him how to tie knots and start fires and all that. He's usually not sure what to say to him so he's glad Shaun has the child-like charm and curiosity that makes it easier to talk to.
Preston's the kind of guy who'd play dead if a kid pretended to shoot him. He loves playing silly little games with him. One of his favorite things to do is to pick him up and pretend to drop him. He'd also 100% play cops and robbers with him, or as they like to call it, Minutemen and raiders.
Codsworth still feels upset about what happened with the original, but it doesn't stop him from treating Shaun any differently than he would've before. He's constantly there to dote on him and make sure he follows some form of sanitation. He also gives him small chores to do around whatever settlement he's in to help keep him from being bored.
Piper likes to take him and Nat to go explore the Commonwealth. She never takes them anywhere dangerous, they mostly just walk around Diamond City or Concord after it's been cleared out. Piper really doesn't like sitting in one place and thinks that it's a lot more fun to go snooping around the surrounding areas. She even teaches him how to direct the conversation in a way that gives you the information you want.
Curie's better with babies and hasn't spoken to a ton of kids in her life so she'll probably ask him more questions than he will to her. She'll teach him ethical ways to study and investigate things if he ever wanted to, and she's very careful about him not getting hurt. She and Codsworth are especially good caretakers when they're watching him together.
Please don't leave Shaun with Strong. He'll just insult him for being small and weak and encourage him to eat human flesh. There's nothing that could go right with this. And PLEASE don't tell Strong that he's a synth, if he hears he's a robot, he might attack him.
You're gonna have to keep an eye on Hancock cause he doesn't interact with kids very often. He'll ask if he wants to try some of the chems he's got on him to see which ones are his favorite or teach him all the best places to stab someone. The one thing you can trust with them being together is that Hancock won't let any harm come his way.
Deacon loves Shaun. He's the type of guy who still does the 'got your nose' thing. He'll hang him upside down, tell him bad jokes, and would steal one of those funny Minutemen hats for him. He even helps him build a fort in your living room.
X6-88 isn't too sure how to feel about being around the younger clone of his former boss. He's taken care of this same kid before, but he felt it was different because he knew that he was only meant to be a part of an experiment of sorts, not to be genuinely raised. He'll still do what you ask and look after Shaun, and he'll try his hardest to get along with him, however, he'll still come off as closed off and cold.
Dogmeat usually just follows him around and defends him from any mole rats that might pop up randomly from the ground. They're hardly ever apart from one another.
Old Longfellow is actually really good with him. It's like the kid he never got to raise and he's genuinely so happy that you asked him to watch him. He'll take him hunting and fishing, play darts with him in the bar, and makes sure that he doesn't touch any alcohol while he's there. (well maybe a sip but he won't tell you that)
Gage isn't sure what you expect him to do so he just sits up in the Fizztop Grille with him and lets him run around semi-unsupervised. He does try to keep him away from all the other raiders, and will maybe take him out on some of the rides, but other than that, he won't do much.
It's best to try and avoid the whole, 'my-kid-is-a-synth' thing because Maxson will want him killed if he finds out. Other than that though, he'll show him around the Prydwen and let him fly around in a Vertibird for a little bit before grouping him in with the other squires while he gets back to work waiting for you to come pick him up again.
He and Tinker Tom are always playing hide and seek, although, it's more like them hiding under a counter to avoid a possible alien invasion because Tom had told him some crazy story of his and it ended up going haywire and they're both now panicking behind furniture.
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classicanalyzer · 1 month
Fallout Series Thoughts and Reflection
"Everyone wants to save the world. They just...disagree on how." Maximus
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It's one day until one month since this amazing series was released and I have a lot to talk about Fallout!
A Vault Dweller (Lucy MacLean), a Brotherhood Squire (Maximus), a Ghoul Bounty Hunter (Once a human called Cooper Howard)...and a dog (Dogmeat) travel the Wasteland in pursuit of their goals. In doing so, all four will change the Wasteland for better or worse, and discover more sinister secrets. And as Siggi Wilzig, an Enclave defector, asks Lucy in their first encounter,
"Question is will you still want the same things......when you have become a different animal altogether." Siggi Wilzig
The opening (The End) was perfect. The tension reminds me a lot of TLOU’s opening. We look into the eternal 50s culture United States in the 2070s. Cooper's reaction to the first bomb dropping is just acting perfectly. He at first tries to assure his daughter, Janey, that it's just a fire...only to see the smoke turn into a mushroom cloud. His reaction then just turns into one of pure horror that conveys how this is the end of society. That shot of him and Janey looking at the mushroom cloud and the ignorant American families watching TV says everything. As the rich family hides out in their bunker (the father punching his friend which is a foreshadowing moment of humanity's desperation for self-preservation), we see Cooper and Janey ride on their horse as Lose Angelos is bombarded with the title card popping up (Each episode has a unique variation of the title card based on what's going on).
The show captures the dark comedy and the satire of 50s America, Capitalism, and the Cold War. When Wilzig talked about how the cyanide pill (which tasted like bananas too!) was the most humane product Vault-Tec ever made (it really is), that was Fallout humor alright. We even have a pre-war bit where Sebastion Lesie sold his vocal rights to RobCo for their Mr. Handy bots for around $186 (I know it could be 186 thousand but I love the possibility he only got literally 186 dollars). Another is when the "execution" of Lucy by the inhabitants of Vault 4 which was very elaborate to set up death by beheading... turns out out to be death to the surface (as the Overseer is trying horribly to cut off the rope). A funny meta joke is how the teaser joker poked about Amazon Prime being the company with 2-day shipping in the teaser trailer. Then the show was released 2 days earlier than its stated release date (The show came out on April 10th, 6 PM PST when its original release date was April 12th).
"The future, my friend, is products. You're a product. I'm a product. The end of the world is a product." Sebastian Leslie
The attention to detail in this show is also amazing. In the first episode, the radio mentions the President not present at the White House. That follows the lore of the President moving to the Poseidon Oil Rig. I also love how in Episode 2, Maximus mentions Tidus' Power Armor having Tempered Lining and Lucy brought it up too in Episode 5. In Episode 8, The Ghoul mentioned the weakness of the Power Armor suit just below the chestplate. It further explains why Maximus didn't die to the Ghoul since the Ghoul was trying to aim for that but due to that modification, Maximus was able to survive. They also brought back the hacking mini-game when Norman was hacking into the Overseer's computer.
There's also the question of how to rebuild humanity. Each faction (Vault-Tec, NCR, BoS, Enclave) has its own vision for the Wasteland. Maximus perfectly described the setting perfectly well in his quote at the top.
Lucy’s (Positive Karma) naivety and optimism really show her as the heart of our main trio. Even by the end where she gained a lot of cynicism, it’s still her underneath it. I also appreciate her character so much when she doesn’t follow the “character’s bond with another is broken because they lied” trope. I like how the folks of the Wasteland can't stand Vault Dwellers because of their nativity, self-centered attitude, and how it was really for the rich and privileged who could afford to go to a Vault. However, she proves herself to be an earnest character who truly wants to make the Wasteland a better place, and adapts to survive... but doesn't lose sight of who she is unlike the Ghoul. I cannot wait to see how S2 takes her character. Her relationship with Maximus is also pretty sweet as they both help each other out and bring out the best in each other.
"I just doused an innocent man's face with acid, and I've only been up here two weeks. The wasteland sucks." Lucy MacLean
Maximus’ (Neutral Karma) character development was nice to see. He still has a long way to go but he’s starting to understand what being a “hero” is about rather than just having physical power. A hero knows to sacrifice your desires (The Power Armor) to help others (giving back the fusion core). He wants a life beyond the Brotherhood and is clearly disillusioned with the organization. When his friend thought he killed Moldaver and declared him a Knight, his face tells another story of how he felt about this.
The Ghoul (Evil Karma) may have been a cruel bounty hunter who believes in the worst of the Wasteland...but there are moments of his former self still inside. His taking a liking to Wilzig's dog (whom he eventually named Dogmeat) and granting his Ghoul friend Roger a mercy kill reveals there might be hope for him yet. His former self, Cooper Howard. is nothing like his current self. I love how the show made it clear he was once this human who couldn't initially bring himself to kill someone... even if it was for a movie! Even when he tries to initially deny the evils of Vault-Tec and buys into American Cold War propaganda, it's clear he still values his friends (even if they're supposedly "Communists") and eventually starts to really question what the hell is going on.
"I'm not a Communist, Mr. Howard. That's just a dirty word they use to describe people who aren't insane." Lee Moldaver
The reveal that Vault-Tec was responsible for dropping the first bomb (or at the very least planned to do so) was genuinely one of the most shocking bombshell reveals ever. You feel the nervous breakdown of Howard Cooper as he’s trying to process his own wife advocating this insane genocidal plan. I wonder if the shadow figure overseeing the meeting of the corporations is from the Enclave. I also really love the detail that Mr. House is the only one questioning the logistics and the proposal (Daily note that Mr. House is just as bad as everyone in this room, it's just that he sees less value in causing the end of the world). It shows why he decided to go against this insane conspiracy plan as we see the fruits of his preparations in New Vegas. I also love seeing Frederick Sinclair (Also New Vegas), the owner of the Sierra Madre Casino, Leon Von Felden (Fallout 1), the mad scientist behind the FEV and the Mariposa Military base, and Julia Masters, the chief financial officer of REPCONN Aerospace who sold out the company to RobCo.
"It's a fun idea. There's a lot of earning potential with the end of the world. But we're talking about making a significant investment based on a hypothetical. How can you guarantee results?" Robert House
"By dropping the bomb ourselves." Barbara Howard
Moldaver is no saint (she did let raiders massacre Vault 33 and almost killed Lucy, her friend's daughter), and it shows how far the NCR has sunken to achieve its aims. However, a lot of her actions are based on the horrors and crimes against humanity she witnessed. She wanted to rectify them and give the Wasteland hope, no matter the cost. She had seen her failures to stop the old world from being destroyed, and she would not stop until she could make the Wasteland better, even if that meant the NCR not living to see that better world.
Lucy's quest to rescue her father is like a twisted Fallout 3 narrative where the Lone Wanderer's quest was to find their father. But instead of her father being a scientist who wants to further heal the Wasteland, her father is responsible for destroying one of the most developed nations post-war because they weren't Vault-Tec. It's also implied it might've been out of jealousy since the show hints that Moldaver and Rose MacLean were more than just friends.
The collapse of the NCR was something I knew would happen based on the state of it in NV, but the final nail in the coffin being at the hands of Vault-Tec was something I did not see coming. I love that the last action of the NCR Remnant was to restore Shady Sands's power with the cold-fusion reactor. Even when the NCR is gone, whatever arises from the NCR will not only do the job better but now benefit from infinite energy. This is in comparison to the US government whose last action was to nuke the world and for the Enclave, leave the American populace to die.
The West Coast of the Brotherhood took advantage of the NCR's collapse to reestablish itself and with the help of the East Coast's BoS, they're now the largest military presence in California. The final battle between them and the NCR Remnant is a mirror foil to an event mentioned in New Vegas with the Helios Power Plant. We see how Maximus grows disillusioned with how far the organization has fallen and its own Knights not being the heroes he looked up to, even his superior agrees about how the Brotherhood is not what it once was.
Vaults 31-33 may not have an extreme experiment as the other Vaults and in this case, Vault 4, but the experiment is still horrifying. Vault 32-33 are meant to be breeding pools for Vault 31, full of Vault-Tec personnel in cryogenic pods (which I think is how maybe Lee Moldaver survived), to create the "best" Vault-Tec personnel. Vault 4 is a vault where scientists govern the people...which went as well as you might expect (The experiments going berserk and the Vault Dwellers revolting). I also love how the Gulper we saw in Episode 4 is one of Vault 4's experiments (also explaining the human-like finders inside its mouth) and who also ate the Overseer. I wonder what Norman will do given how Bud puts in him a seemingly impossible situation.
Then there's the Enclave and the pre-war Corporations. The Enclave really only shows up for a flashback sequence for Wilzig but, interestingly, the show glosses over them. What interests me the most is that Wilzig knows about the Vaults 31-33 experiment and Lucy's full name. Obviously, the Enclave still has observations of the Vaults, but as I mentioned before, that shadow figure observing the corporate meeting might be them. Speaking of the Corporations, we see the results of unchecked Capitalism with no regulations in this franchise and this show. We see the insane troll logic that these mega corporations will win the "great game of capitalism" by outliving everyone. Mega corporations have no logic other than their insane troll logic that what matters is they survive regardless of who suffers or dies in the name of profits.
"So, the U.S. government has outsourced the survival of the human race to Vault-Tec. Vault-Tec is a private corporation that has a fiduciary responsibility to make money for its investors. And how does it make money? By selling vaults... The cattle ranchers are in charge, Coop." Charlie Whiteknife.
You can tell how much Nolan and his team love Fallout by the work they put into this show. They did such an amazing job that Tim Cain, one of the OG creators of Fallout, praised the hell out of this show for bringing Fallout to life. I cannot wait to see what S2 will bring us.
"War never changes." Barbara Howard and The Ghoul
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imagine-silk · 11 months
My birthday is tomorrow (not asking for it to be on time, it simply inspired my request /gen ) but what would the companions like to do with sole for their birthday? How would they celebrate it with them?
》No. I'm going to get this on time if it kills me. This was written with the idea they are the closest person to you but not necessarily romanced so it can go either way.
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Cait says she wants to do what you want to do. She's never celebrated her birthday so you should take the wheel. It's not rocket science. But that gave you the idea to make it her birthday too. You spend the day setting up the party, balloons, cake, a banner, and at the end you enjoy it alone together. It's all just for the two of you.
Codsworth knows exactly what you like and how to do it. He does it all by himself other than asking the others to talk to you. He doesn't tell them what he's doing, he doesn't want to celebrate with them. When you go home for the day, or rather the night, everything is set up. "Happy birthday, sir/mum." It's just like 200 years ago.
Curie knows what to do in theory. You walk up to her and she grabs your hand and runs with you in tow. Puts you in front of people to have them say happy birthday to you and that they should give you a present at the end of the day. When she's done she gives you a present. It's a little figurine of the comic you like.
Pre-BB Danse would tell you happy birthday and move on. He does care but you don't have the time or luxury to stop so best not to bring much attention to it. Post-BB Danse feels selfish. He goes to the party but he didn't make it in his mind he just put things up and can't help thinking he wants to just have a few moments alone with you. With enough liquid courage he does go over to you and say he loves you and your the best thing that's happened to him.
Deacon snatches you from the party with no one noticing by literally plucking you away onto the roof. After laughing at you he puts his hand up to his mouth and shushes you. "I've kidnapped you so you need to be quiet." You talk while drinking beer and looking out on the Commonwealth about everything and nothing. When people realize you're gone he lays on you to hide and lowers you down when the coast it clear, can't have you expose his hiding places.
Dogmeat doesn't get out of your sight ever, he's always next to you. How he knows it's your birthday is beyond knowing.
Goodneighbor is celebrating. It's very tight-nit town, it's not uncommon to throw a town party for a birthday. It's actually weird if they don't and that's because that person has to go around saying they want to have a small party for that to happen. Hancock is going to parade you on his shoulders and run around celebrating. He doesn't really do many chems wanting to be here and remember. And it is a night to remember.
MacCready fully admits to being selfish and stays home with you. He wants to keep your actual birthday to himself, the others can have you tomorrow. It's not particularly eventful, it's a normal day with more affection. Come up behind you and lift up to revel in your scream. Lays on you on the couch while one of you rants. At the end of the day he gives you a new jacket and tells you to be grateful. There's a note inside about much he cares about you.
You asked to spend the day alone with Nick he just said yes. He himself didn't think that was best but it wasn't his birthday and you deserved whatever you wanted. A lot of the day is playing cards and telling epic tales. Ellie thanks you for getting him to take a break. He laughs when you ask for his coat and says you can rent it for a day.
Piper and Nat tackle you as soon as your through the door. You are not going to leave. They do a bunch of 'birthday things' like hit the donkey and pop the balloons. To their credit they also give you a fuck ton of sugar and food. All the things they give you are old trinkets but it's a ploy for you to tell them what it is.
Preston gets everyone to throw a surprise party. It is a surprise, so surprising it almost shot them. The exact quote after you put it down was, "I didn't want to die the same day I was born." It doesn't feel like you're the center of attention but it feels nice to have everyone happy. Preston seemed to know that was going to happen because he took you inside to your room and had a little party there with just the two of you, giving you a few practical items, stims, a gun, a blanket, a backpack, and a sweet smile.
X6 promises to get you whatever you want. It doesn't matter what you want, a ragstag head, a new gun, some trash you seem so keen on getting for your projects, a hug. You give him a list of things you want as a ploy to run around the Commonwealth with him for a few days.
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dooteattheuappetizing · 2 months
Fallout TV Fic prompts
Cooper gets Janey home in time, what happens to stop him from leaving with Janey and Barb?
Ever notice Maximus put his legs around Titus when they jumped out of the vertibird?
The Fallout Shelter mobile game version of the Ghoul plays happy families in the vault... So what difference would it have made if they all met differently?
When did Cooper first see and learn that ghouls can and do eat each other?
Maximus: It wasn't so much that the brotherhood were so religious, it was more to do with no one cared enough to teach a 10 year old boy the facts of the world when they were probably gonna send him to his death anyway.
When Hank takes the kids back Moldaver goes after him, not knowing that Shady Sands, Rose included, wasn't going to be there when she came back.
Lucy wasn't enthusiastic about marriage and babies, it was just what was expected.
Dane wasn't nearly as happy to see Maximus when he heard Maximus was planning to leave again. Dane had done his best to make sure Maximus had gotten his spot only to hear that he'd died in the wasteland. And now he wanted to leave again?
Thaddeus, trained to hate "abominations", meets his first ghoul after his own ghoulish nature starts to show.
Stephanie had waited, she'd been *good* and married the incompetent moron that had been her husband. She'd popped out a kid, it was her turn to get what she wanted, damnit. Overseer stephanie enjoys power and her new himbo.
When everything is done and settled, low on supplies, Cooper reluctantly agrees to bring his traveling companions, one tin can and one annoyingly optimistic vaultie, into necropolis. Now if they'd just stop TOUCHING things.
Pre-Fallout TV, Cooper, not yet quite hardened into the ghoul, meets Charon in the wastes.
Barb was given a choice, sign on with vault tech and be guaranteed safety, a future for her and her family, or let her conscience take over and watch them burn when she could have saved them. Wasn't the world worth sacrificing for that? Would janey think so?
Lucy has never tasted alcohol on the surface before.
Cooper had once made a successful life based on his body, his face, and how well he could convince others to buy into fiction. As he watches his own body wither he wonders if anything will be left of him by the time he finds them.
Once it sunk in, Maximus realized Lusy had left him, left with that thing. So why not go all in with the BOS? maximus slowly sees his conscience fail him.
What does dogmeat see and think about our 3 heroes?
No one came to save Lucy. Hank drags her home, leaving Maximus unconcious. What happens when they get back to the vault?
What if Lucy had been hurt when Moldaver escaped... Norm doesn't have a choice but to go himself into the wasteland to find his dad.
Cooper missed Roosevelt, he missed the simple company of that loyal dog and the safety of knowing he had a home, a dog, and a family that were all safe. Nothing was safe anymore. He vomitted the first time he saw people eating dog meat. Then he met "Dogmeat".
Cooper Howard the actor. Corporal Howard. Coop, the face of Vault Tech. Cooper, supportive friend, loving husband and father. The Ghoul, contract killer. 200 years, are all those men still alive inside?
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tempestuous-tempest · 1 month
Fallout Show Rant: [Spoilers?]
Ya know, people feared this would ruin the franchise and I think it did really good. The community seemed to take it pretty well. As far as Tumblr goes. I haven't seen many complaints. There is so much that is given to us. And I still have many questions. But regardless, the fucking characters are [Chef's kiss] 🤌.
I've seen planty of talk about the characters, especially Cooper, obviously. That man is a living legend. Quite literally. My favorite scene is one that brought me to tears. The "turning feral" scene. Why did it bring me to tears? Because it showed that Cooper, our ghoul protagonist, is not just a rough and tough prick as he is introduced at the time he is a Ghoul. Yes, we also think about the Dogmeat thing, but this is a better example. He could have ended his buddie's life plainly, as most any different person would do. But what people dont seem to understand or think about is the fact that he got him to think of home or at least happy thoughts before he died. About his mother and apple pie. Then he killed him out of mercy. He made sure he wasnt scared. He made it quick so he didnt suffer. That brought me to tears.
Also, poor Max who didnt deserve any of what happened to him. Well... He made dumb decisions, but it's not his fault he was practically raised in the Brotherhood of Biggots. Sorry, "Holier Than Thou Brotherhood". Wait, yeah, I'm not apologizing for insulting those skanks in armor.
Lucy, good job girl. Not letting the wasteland consume her. Learning how the world works, whoo. I dont like her that much, but she did impress me. She also improved quite a bit. A little sad she and Max never got to fully be together, but I mean, this is Fallout. They dont do couples. Especially not happy or married couples.
Story was pretty nice. But there were a lot of dumb as a bag of bricks characters....as if common sense had avoided them all their lives.
Also, a little sad we didnt see supermutants. Or deathclaws. Minus what I think is a skull or two? Minutemen radio popping up definitely hit some people hard. The jokes made about how many mods people made to silence it in fo4 is hilarious.
I dont know if I'm legally allowed to continue ranting about this. Hold on-
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You know I'm curious how you would write the companions reacting to a glitch that happened to me once in a playthrough. I was fighting a legendary ghoul and using brass knuckles when I ended up punching it in the head so hard that the head came clean off but at the same time it mutated and restored all its health. Which meant i ended up having a headless and armless (I had taken off the arms earlier in the fight) ghoul fighting me. I remember all I could think was "did I just hit this thing so hard that it can't even tell that it is supposed to be dead?"
My gosh, this is insane 😂 The glitches on this game get crazier and crazier. Also, btw, new fear unlocked because ever since you sent this in, I've been watching those legendary ferals with a bombastic side-eye 😅😅😅
Thank you so much for the request!!! 🥰
Cait - Would start frantically blowing holes into it as she blindly shoots. She would not even really worry about accuracy, just hoping that she's stopping it because this thing is seriously freaking her out at this point.
Piper - Would instantly start running as soon as she ensured that her Blue was getting out with her. Ferals and Mirelurks are her two weaknesses and a headless, armless turd in the wind ghoul is not something she's sticking around for.
Curie - Would probably scream. But as soon as it dies, she'd be examining it carefully, trying to decipher how exactly that this happened and devising some sort of scientific explanation.
MacCready - Would screech like a little girl and shoot with you until it was dead. Once it's all over, he would definitely deny it being a screech. More like a manly expression of slight uneasiness.
Deacon - Would be ready to just pop a stealth boy and bug out. He might sit this one out because this is weird even for him, so good luck.
Codsworth - Would be rather shocked, but he would stick with her regardless of the frightening sight, going after it. He is not losing the last remaining bit of his family.
Hancock - Would start laughing like a maniac. For some reason, this is hilarious to him, and while he's not sure if he's hallucinating it or not, it's still hilarious because it is such a bizarre sight.
Danse - Would quickly put on his power armor helmet to shield himself more fully as he does his best to keep from looking as scared as he feels at the sight of it. He would be embarrassed at the fact that he is afraid of a headless, armless ghoul when he has taken on things like Deathclaws before.
Preston - Would do his best to remain calm despite the terrifying sight, and he would try to maintain some distance from it. He would say it was to get better shots on the creature, but the truth is that he just would not want to be close to the thing.
Valentine - Would be surprised but would not react too badly. He would handle it rationally and go on shooting at it like he would normally, just not quite in the same spots as he would try to aim for normally.
X6-88 - Would be thankful for the fact that it could not really attack in its customary manner of bites and angry swings of its arms. He would take advantage of its removed defense system and he would make short work of the entire thing, aiming for the legs.
Dogmeat - Would not be bothered by the lack of a head and arms, and he would attack it just the same, going for the legs since those are definitely still intact.
Strong - Would be confused but would not dwell on it for too long. He would probably just go after its neck stump and smack the feral with his super sledge like it was a piñata.
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leviathanleva · 16 days
So, first off, fucking loved the new chapter made me actually cry. Second off a funny thought came to my head despite being in the middle of major heartbreak and angst but whenever the reader is mad at Cooper from now on in their relationship she will refer to him as Mister and that is a sure fire way to make sure he knows that she’s upset with him and in his head he’s like. “Oh god what did I do?” AND third off, once he gets dog meat I can tell he’s gonna be jealous as hell when reader pays more attention and gives more love to her than giving attention and love to him and he’s gonna be all pissy and grumpy about it. Anyway that’s all I wanted to share, goodnight. Can’t wait for the next one!!!!
Hey, Sky!
Lovely to hear from you, as always.
I agree with you there, Mister/Missy will from now on be reserved for when one of them royally fucks up. It will be their and our indicator that something's about to go down, haha. Now that I think about it, I should add more such moments in the future just to use that idea!
Also yes! A "reader giving too much love to pet" is planned in the future and also Dogmeat will be there, but whether she's the pet in question I cannot say.
I'm a bit late with my reply, but I do hope you had a good night of rest.
Thank you for popping in with your lovely ask!
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atrueneutral · 2 months
May - June - July: Part II (Fallout TV Show - Lucy x The Ghoul) [Part I] [Link to AO3]
By the time the Ghoul returned, Lucy was sitting innocently on the dryer with the can of Cram popped open (and her vault suit zipped to the top stop). Her feet lightly swung in the air while she poked a fork at the processed meat; it was a little grayer than what she was used to eating back in the vault, and the few bites she managed weren’t settling well in her stomach.
She should have gone with the okay-looking yucca fruit.
“Find anything?” she asked, purposefully avoiding the real question of ‘find anyone’?
The Ghoul merely grunted in response as he threw his gear down near the makeshift bedroll he guessed was for him. Scrutinizing her associate, Lucy could not spot any signs of fresh blood on the exterior of his outfit, and he was seemingly in perfect health (aside from the obvious). He also had not arrived with his arms full of anything useful, thus she surmised that nothing eventful had transpired during his quest.
On the flip side, her quest of moseying around the store bore fruit - namely the pre-war keepsake that was currently in her pack (from which stemmed the crazy idea in her head). Between finding the calendar to now, she’d had a bit of time to really think about the pros and the cons of seducing her dangerous associate, but the pros of having sex with the Ghoul (if she was successful) outweighed the cons of being put through the endless torment of humiliation.
(When it came to the dramatic worry of looking like the cutout, Lucy liked to think the Ghoul liked her company well enough to not actually take her head off…)
Excitement thrummed beneath her breast and raced in her veins, but so too did nerves - especially with him here and-
“You ain’t lookin’ so hot, Vaultie,” the Ghoul said, eyeballing her from under his hat. His gaze then fell to the can of Cram she continued to absently jab and not eat. She heard him snort and watched as he collapsed into a nearby aluminum folding chair that she’d set up to make their camp more homey. Surprisingly, the seat itself did not collapse - even with its slight lean. Dogmeat was quick to trot over to dutifully sit beside his master, and the Ghoul’s gloved hand came to pat the canine’s head.
“Oh… yeah,” Lucy replied, sheepish. “I can’t say my stomach’s gotten used to the radiation that saturates every bite of food out here. I’m hoping we come across a settlement soon that has some better crops we can barter for…” She stabbed her fork into what was left of the meat (practically all of it) and held it up in offering with a lopsided smile. “Want the rest of it?”
“I’ll pass.”
“Understandable - it’s not very good, which I’m sure you already know…”
“Mm,” said the ghoul, kicking his feet out and leaning back as far as he comfortably could. He tucked his chin and adjusted his hat to cover his eyes before folding his hands across his chest. “Take first watch while I get some shut eye, will ya?”
“Not a problem,” she answered.
Metal gently clinked metal when she set the food can upon the dryer, and Lucy chewed the inside of her lip in debate; it was a problem - she needed to get the ball rolling. Her opportunity was going to slip through her fingers!
Moments passed, and she pushed herself from the appliance. “Actually, uh, there’s something I wanted to show you. But you have to promise to give me a minute or two to get everything set up, alright?”
The Ghoul grunted, not bothering to lift his head.
“And no peeking!” Lucy added, making a point to point at him accusingly as she gingerly stepped over to her pack. She crouched down just when a sarcastic response of “okey dokey” reached her ears. She rolled her eyes and slipped a hand inside her bag to grab and pull out the calendar. Swallowing her nerves to bolster herself, Lucy headed back over to the dryer. She pushed aside the can of Cram, making room for the calendar, and, with her back to the Ghoul (who did well in not-peeking) Lucy carefully (and as silently as she could) removed her Pip-Boy and leather armor.
Her stripped gear formed a pile at the base of the headless wooden woman.
“Almost ready!” she threw over her shoulder as she slowly unzipped the front of her vault suit down to her navel. She next fussed with her hair; fingers did their best in untangling the mass that hadn’t seen a bottle of shampoo in weeks, and when she determined the results to be satisfactory enough, Lucy tucked a portion of her dark tresses behind an ear. The same fingers came to pinch the apples of her cheeks, and her teeth nibbled at her lower lip.
Truly ‘almost ready’, the calendar joined the Cram towards the back of the dryer so Lucy herself could take up her previous seat. Envisioning the month of May, she positioned her body into a pose that matched the woman in her mind. Innocence was what she hoped to embody as she demurely crossed her legs, arched her back, and softly rested a hand against her cheek.
Her expression turned coy.
“You can look now,” she said, using a voice that earned some manner of reaction out of her cousin and Monty both.
The Ghoul did not rush to peek; with a sigh, he sluggishly brought a hand towards his face to tilt the brim of his hat upwards with a finger.
His head canted and eyes narrowed in assessment of the situation. Shadowed irises followed every inch of her body - notably settling on the exposed portion granted to him by the unzipped suit. Where she normally wore a what-used-to-be-white undershirt, glimpses of her bra and naked skin had taken its place.
And, somehow, Lucy saw it in his eyes - a flash of interest.
It was enough to send a welcomed heat to her lower abdomen.
“And what is it that you wanted to show me?” he drawled as he leaned forward, shooting another lance of arousal through her. “I’m not seein’ anything new.”
By not reacting, Lucy did not take the bait. Instead, she would up the ante in setting out her own fishing line.
“If you want to see something new, you’re going to have to go back to not-peeking,” she said sweetly. “Okey dokey?”
The Ghoul smirked, and returned to slouching in his chair. He shifted his hat to again cover his eyes. “Go on, sweetheart. Show me somethin’ new.”
He was daring her - spurring her with his words.
Lucy’s smile, the pearly-white kind that could have an embellished sparkle were she a wooden cutout, lost its innocence as she undid the laces of her footwear and yanked each boot off, dumping them atop her already shed armor. Needing to remove her vault suit, Lucy hopped off of the dryer, peeled her arms from the sleeves and hastily hooked her thumbs into the fabric to push the slightly-elastic outfit past her hips. She pulled her feet from the legs to leave a puddle of blue on the floor.
Habit compelled her to neatly fold the suit into a rectangle and place it as the crowned star to the pile.
She wasn’t completely naked - not yet anyway. Her dirtied and blood-stained bra remained, as well as her high waisted panties that longed for a (working) washing machine.
Feeling suddenly shy, Lucy sought to empower herself by taking another look at the month of June. She quickly flipped to the correct page, and her shoulders sagged less the more she studied the figure that coquettishly stood with a glass of lemonade held in the air.
The sound of a soft, cadenced tapping from behind caused Lucy to turn.
It was the Ghoul, signifying his impatience by drumming two gloved fingers on top of the chair’s arm.
Another deliberate action meant to poke her.
Refocusing on the task at hand and needing a prop, Lucy grabbed the can of Cram before turning around. Not wanting her front to face him entirely, Lucy angled herself and stood tall with confidence. The Cram was raised into the air to be displayed on the flat plane of her hand as she simultaneously bent a leg and placed her other hand at her waist. She puckered her lips and cheekily stared his way whilst adding the finishing touch of an eye closed in a forever-wink.
The action of lifting his hat was done at a snail’s pace - a contradiction to his previous impatient drumming. Lucy couldn’t tell if the dramatic build-up was more for her benefit or his; her arousal was keen to see his response, and she wondered if the Ghoul was preparing himself for disappointment had she chosen to re-zip her suit and chicken out.
Hat removed, his head tipped forward, and yellowed teeth shone with a smirk at the sight he beheld. Same as before, his eyes traveled up and down her body - absorbing the pose and her scandalous lack of clothes. His hat hovered, having yet to be resituated on his bald head, allowing Lucy to once again see the interest brewing behind his eyes. There was an appetite there, and it wasn’t for the Cram she was holding.
“Little Miss Lucy MacLean… What would your dear ol’ daddy say if he saw you standin’ here in nothin’ but your unmentionables?” The Ghoul said lowly, causing a ripple of pleasure to spread across her body. He leaned forward with his hat in place. “And in front of a no-good ghoul like myself…”
“Surely you’re a ghoul good at something…” Lucy replied, holding her wink and feeling a burst of spunk.
His head tilted with curiosity and he looked dangerous under the brim.
“What is it in particular that you’re hoping I’m good at?”
Her loins, soaked and burning with desire, screamed ‘sex’.
Her spunk, which had arrived when needed, was now wavering when being confronted with his heated gaze.
“Losin’ your gusto, Vaultie?”
Disliking this reversion of using the derogatory nickname, Lucy bit down on her gusto - lest it become lost to her.
“I still have something new to show you,” she said.
The Ghoul chuckled, “If you say so.”
“If you want to see, you have to close your eyes again - and no peeking.”
He closed his eyes after a moment of staring her down. He didn’t bother to reposition himself or his hat, and the faint smirk that remained on his lips goaded her into losing her wink and pose, goaded her into losing the Cram she held, and goaded her into losing her bra and damp-with-slick panties (which were tossed and discarded to the side). Warm air kissed her breasts and hardened nipples and she was more than aware of the throbbing ache that sat between her legs.
Flicking her eyes to him every few seconds to ensure he was abiding to her request, Lucy maneuvered to the side of the dryer and flipped to the next page of the calendar - July. She’s perpetually seated on a towel under a red and white striped beach umbrella, body mostly in profile with her legs bent on either side of her, back arched and buttocks jutting out as she shields her breasts from view with her hands and arms, the ties of her bikini top having been undone. The woman gives the viewer a flirtatious smile.
Perhaps she herself had been the one to undo the ties.
Nodding resolutely at the image, Lucy tip toed over to the Ghoul’s bedroll. At her close and passing proximity, leather creaked and she noticed his gloved fingers tensing. She pondered if he could better smell her arousal with his cavity of a nose as she snagged a torn comforter from his ‘bedroll’ and retraced her steps back to the dryer to drape the comforter across its centuries-old enamel surface.
Her fantasies of how things would go from here did not involve her skin rubbing uncomfortably against rusted metal.
Fixing her mistake of covering the calendar, she imagined Flirtatious July wishing her luck as Lucy climbed on top of the dryer and became the embodiment of the woman who sat on the page hidden at her side.
“You can look,” Lucy said.
And the Ghoul did - his breath hitching and mouth parting.
The smirk was erased from his face, and a dark expression of hunger appeared.
“What is it that you want, sweetheart?” he asked after an agonizing wait. “I’m gonna need you to spell it out for me.”
“I, uh…” she started, her July persona faltering.
It was now or never!
“I want to...” Oh, just say it, Lucy! “Have sex.”
The Ghoul tasted her confession. “Show me the ‘somethin’ new’ I was promised.”
Lucy didn’t hesitate; she delivered his request by splitting her fingers and teasing a glimpse of a nipple only to then slide her hands away and drop her arms from concealing her chest.
“Turn and face me,” he drawled. “I’d like to better appraise what’s being advertised.”
Lucy awkwardly swiveled and revised her position so that she faced him. She crossed her ankles to stay somewhat on theme with the calendar, but she left her breasts exposed as she leaned back on her arms. The radiant, pin-up smile of hers was genuine as she observed him unblinkingly and intensely peer at her from under his hat.
He wanted her, too.
Aluminum scraped against the floor as he suddenly stood, and Lucy’s heart began to pound as spurs jangled with each slow, sauntering step the Ghoul took. Gloved fingers worked at the buckles of the belt that held his holster.
He was heading straight for her.
“Gotta admit I like the idea of my irradiated cock getting a taste of Hank MacLean’s daughter.”
His candidness didn’t bother or offend her; perhaps he didn’t want her as much as he wanted to enact any degree of vengeance against Vault-Tec.
But that suited Hank MacLean’s daughter just fine; either way, she would be getting something out of their copulation.
The Ghoul stopped shy of her - within distance that she could touch him with a bare foot should she extend a leg. His belt and the gun it carried fell to the floor with a thud, drawing Lucy’s attention downwards to the bulge in his pants - the shape of his penis clearly defined and straining fabric.
“Oh, it still works, sweetheart.”
“Show me.” She glanced up at him with her doe eyes. “Cowboy.”
That cocky smirk of his made its return as the Ghoul began to undo the belt of his pants.
“Wait,” Lucy said, halting him. “Give me your hand.”
He deliberated with himself but eventually took another step closer and offered his hand. She gently grabbed his wrist and used the tips of her fingers to carefully tug on the tips of supple leather from thumb to pinky. Loosened enough, Lucy removed the glove and tossed somewhere near her unmentionables. The Ghoul flinched when her thumb caressed along the burnt remains of his skin. He motioned to flee her touch, but Lucy held firm to his wrist. He watched her with dark eyes as she guided their hands to her mouth, and her lips encased his trigger finger - a finger that used to be hers.
She swirled her tongue around the scarred digit and sucked with her eyes on him.
“You’d better hope I don’t go feral,” the Ghoul warned.
Lucy withdrew the glistening finger from her mouth, and she looked at him with mild concern.
“You took your anti-feral serum didn’t you?”
His gloveless fingers jerked forward and gripped her by the jaw.
The urge to jump his bones was almost unbearable.
“That’s not the ferality you should be worried about.”
The Ghoul invaded her space, and in the blink of an eye, his head slanted and his lips were on hers. A current of electricity sparked at the sensation, and their mouths were quick to fall open to greedily deepen the kiss. The tongue that licked hers tasted of chems, or what she assumed to be chems. It was chalky and bitter, but nothing she couldn’t get used to. The bare hand holding her jaw slid into her hair and cradled the back of her neck as Lucy enthusiastically went to work undoing the remaining belt buckle - that which kept her from what she wanted.
She was a woman starved, and she let him know as much with a whimper when soft leather touched the skin of her hip and trailed along her thigh. Ankles became uncrossed the moment the belt came undone. Her fingers nimbly unbuttoned his pants and eagerly tugged open the waistband. Leather dug into her skin as she reached in and found his erection, and the Ghoul broke their kiss to let out a shaky breath.
She freed him, cock and balls, from the confines of his pants with a simpering smile. “Please don’t ask me to ‘hold my horses’. It’d be a bit too cliche.”
He huffed a laugh and moved back in for another searing kiss. The Ghoul bucked into her hand, and Lucy’s sex longed to be filled (with his penis that most-definitely functioned and was more-than-satisfactory in the length and girth department). She languidly stroked his length with firm pressure that worked like a charm whenever she gave handjobs, and a moan escaped her when the Ghoul bit and ran his tongue along her lower lip. Leather returned to her hip and his bare hand roamed from her neck to her chest to claim a breast. Thumb and forefinger rolled a nipple and tugged and pinched, eliciting further noises from Lucy’s throat.
Aching need spread her legs for her.
“Fuck me, please,” she gasped against his mouth, twisting the lapel of his duster with her free hand.
His touch left her breast to dig into the skin at her hip - matching the grip of his opposing hand. With a rough jerk, he yanked her forward to where she was barely sitting on the edge of the dryer. Lucy’s legs opened fully for him, and she eagerly lined the tip of him to her entrance.
Blown wide pupils stared at her. Hoping to see the good man within their depths, Lucy released his coat and cautiously reached up and removed his hat.
“Fuck me as though there were no tomorrow,” she whispered, searching and finding the barest fragment of whoever it was he used to be.
His mouth crashed into hers without warning, and the Ghoul eased the textured tip of himself into her slick sex. He groaned as he inched himself deeper with every slow and subsequent push. Lucy breathlessly cried out - pleasure was instantaneous and she braced herself with a hand behind her as he thrusted to bury himself fully inside. His hips continued to move - fucking into her with a steady, practiced pace. Their kiss verged on feral and the hat fell from her fingers so that she could cling to the collar of his duster.
His mouth began to move along her jaw, and her moans filled the department alongside the rhythmic, hollow bang that resounded from the dryer she was being fucked on. Her ankles linked, but this time with her legs encircling his torso.
He was better than her cousin and better than Monty.
“What does Hank MacLean’s daughter sound like when she comes undone?” he grunted into her ear in-between satisfying her aching cunt with each drive of his hips. He then chuckled darkly. “Well, what have we here? July, huh? I have to say… you’re much prettier than Miss July - Lucy.”
The effect of hearing her name saw her eyes momentarily flutter closed. Needing to come undone, Lucy gracefully laid down upon the dryer top, her dark hair fanning out. She cursorily worried about the condition of the calendar that was beneath her back, but the worries dissolved the second her fingers slipped between her folds. A single touch across her sensitive bud of nerves caused her to keen and arch her back.
“Tell me your name-” Lucy bit her lip, feeling delirious by the continual buildup of pleasure. “You’re more than the Ghoul, and I’d like to give credit where credit is due… oh lord!”
“I definitely ain’t the Lord,” the Ghoul replied, his hands moving to squeeze her thighs as he picked up his pace.
“Please!” She pleaded, the swirling pads of her fingers doing their due diligence in bringing her so close to the edge. Her vision was becoming spotty - her body growing taut, toes curling…
It was on the cusp of oblivion that he supplied her with something else she wanted.
“Cooper… I’m… I’m going to come!”
She came, and it was an orgasm worthy of the end of the world - the kind that she’d never experienced by herself, or with her cousin or with Monty. It was the kind of orgasm that had stars bursting behind her eyes and her muscles twitching and spasming on their own accord. Nothing but ecstasy coursed through her veins, and it lasted for a good-while of bliss-filled seconds.
“What a sight you are,” Cooper drawled, his gaze heady. Caring enough to not overstimulate her, he slowed his horses and gave her a moment's reprieve to recover.
Lucy brought a hand to her head. Dizziness had yet to wane, and her muscles tingled with numbness.
“I wish my dad could see us like this…” she muttered with a wry half-laugh.
Cooper nearly pulled out of her - only to bring himself flush against her with a thrust of his hips.
“Then let’s hope he finds himself in another cage,” came the reply as he returned to the steady pace from earlier. “And I’ll let him know how much I enjoy the feel of his daughter’s soaking wet cunt.”
She smiled, despite his lewdness.
“I enjoy the feel of your cock inside me, Cooper.”
He groaned.
“Keep talkin’, sweetheart…”
“You feel so good… Your cock is the best I’ve felt - the best I’ve had...”
He leaned over her, and his ungloved hand gripped the junction between her neck and shoulder.
“I can’t wait to watch you come all over me,” she added huskily, remembering the road she was used to one-man-in-particular traveling on their honeymoon.
“Why would I do that when there’s a nice, warm hole waitin’ to be filled?”
Lucy shivered at the arousing thought; to think that Cooper would ejaculate inside her. The risk of pregnancy was likely zero - or so she assumed was the case when copulating with a ghoul whose semen was likely sterile.
She mentally crossed her fingers.
“Fill me, Cooper…”
His eyes traced along her naked form that was coated in a thin layer of sweat, and she considered the possibility that he was maybe comparing her to the wife he had once upon a time.
As if confirming her suspicions, his eyes seemingly glazed over.
He was losing himself to memory…
In one fluid motion, Lucy sat up, grabbed the collar of his duster and pulled Cooper in for a tender kiss that a loving wife would give a loving husband.
In returning to the present, he moaned and held her close as they kissed. His release was looming judging by the way his fingers twitched and movements stuttered, and when he came-
“Fuck, Lucy…”
He spilled inside her with her name on his lips when she half expected the name of the wife he had loved. Cooper’s forehead came to rest against hers, his breath stilted as the effects of his orgasm played out.
Lucy gave him a small, close lipped smile when he pulled away a minute later and removed himself from her sex.
“You’re not going to try and kill me now are you?” she asked, making light of her wedding night.
Cooper smirked. He was once again the intimidating gun-slinging ghoul of the Wasteland. “His loss, my gain.”
Butterflies spread their wings and fluttered within the cage of her stomach.
He cleaned himself off with the at-hand comforter before tucking himself back into his pants. Lucy didn’t scramble for modesty; she felt oddly comfortable sitting naked on a dryer in a blown-apart department store in the presence of her associate who just came inside her, and the last thing she wanted was to sugarcoat the fact that she simply used him to satisfy her needs.
Which she did, but…
Remembering the calendar, and hoping she didn’t ruin it, Lucy blindly felt for it and gathered it in her hands. She frowned; the page of July was somewhat damp and warped.
“Where’d you find that ol’ relic anyway?” Cooper asked in the middle of affixing the belt of his holster.
“In the employee locker room,” she answered, beginning to kick her feet (more than aware of the mess between her thighs). “Which pose was your favorite?”
He crouched to pick up his hat while she earnestly flipped through and took a look at the future months.
Her head tilted in consideration of pin-ups she studied.
“I think I’d make a good August and September…”
With the hat nestled on his head and his back to her, he threw a glance over his shoulder. “I think I’ll be the judge of that.”
She grinned at him.
“How does tomorrow sound, Cooper?”
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aviator-wasp · 1 year
What The Fallout 4 Companions Would Give You On Your Birthday. +Maxson +Sturges +Gage
Danse Would have reluctantly asked sturges to help with his present as you were out with a different companion and he had time to think at sanctuary. He had settled on a new paint job and upgrade for your power armour and needed help. Luckily sturges was happy to!
Macready is all about making stuff instead of buying it and as a sentimental person, things that truly came from the heart were wayy better then getting you something from a merchant or vendor. He ended up stitching together a nice old bikers jacket he found outside of The Third Rail and after some help from deacon and his clothing skills, managed to make a dogmeat patch to sew onto the back. He was really nervous to give it to you but you loved it so much you just had to show dogmeat the cute patch on the back!
Maxson was a busy man and to not seem to be playing favourites to the rest of the squad here in Boston, he decided to give you a 25% off at all brotherhood owned stores in the commonwealth.
You knew nick would get you something traditional. He is a traditional man and you weren't too surprised when you found him outside your door with an old-timey cook book. You weren't exactly sure how to supplement Roast pork with cooked mole rat and have it taste the same. But you were thankful nonetheless.
Hancock had gotten the entirety of goodneighbor to wait underneath his balcony and sing you happy birthday, you were quite embarrassed that the ENTIRE town was singing to just YOU but it sure was a once in a lifetime experience...
Codsworth and curie had come together to pick you a HUGE Bouquet of flowers from all over the commonwealth. Whilst curie knew the best places to find the best looking flowers, codsworth was quick at work to find the best looking vase and bow for the flowers💐.
Gage would present you with a one of a kind Nuka World t-shirt he snatched from Nuka-colas creator John-Caleb Bradberton, whilst you were exploring the house. "It ain't much boss, but it sure beats nothin."
`Preston/ Sturges:
Preston and sturges were the ones to set up the birthday party at sanctuary. They organised who would attend and scavenged some Halloween decorations that sturges painted into bright popping colours that stood out against the more neutral coloured houses. Mumma Murphy baked a cake and they were all just as excited to celebrate your birthday with you...
Deacon gifted you a poorly wrapped pair of visor sunglasses in almost perfect condition. Said he had to fight off 2 deathclaws for them. Then he said he actually had to scavenge them from the roof of a raiders den. You never really got the real story from him but did enjoy the glasses paired with the new jacket from Macready!
X6 decided a new upgrade to your pipboy was the way to go as well as a brand new colour scheme for the pipboys shell. He got an upgrade from one of the scientists from the institute - teleporter. Quick teleport to any location on the map if it was within a 500mile radius from the institute. The man can only do so much with today's tech...
Piper was excited to give you a scalf she had knitted together herself. Although the colour scheme was picked by her sister, she insisted the red went just as well with your blue jumpsuit!
Cait proudly handed you a black mahogany baseball batt wrapped in extremely rusted wire and your anitials carved into the handle of the wood. "Almost as good as mine" she cackled as you swung the batt around.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 5 months
How do LW and her teammates celebrate happy new year from Fallout 3?
P.S. Happy New Year! 🎆🎄
Fo3 Companions Celebrating New Years
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic ➼ A/N » Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy yourself!!
Charon's only ever celebrated New Year's by kicking drunken attendants out of the Ninth Circle, so it's safe to say that he awaits instructions of a similar volition from you. Did you want him to supervise you at the bar? Make sure you don't overdo it in any way? He'll do whatever you order. Although, he's very reluctant when you hand him the party hat and tell him he has the day off. He's not really sure what to do, so he just sticks by you for the rest of the night. He can't say it was the worst night of his life, but he'd definitely ask you to find a less crowded bar next year. He can only handle screaming and cheers for so long.
Clover hasn't really celebrated before (slavers don't normally care for holidays), so when she sees you preparing your home in Megaton, she quickly gets herself dolled up for the occasion. She wants to look good stepping into the New Year! And she wants to look good for you! She'll pop open a bottle of wine, have you sit down, and take care of you while everyone outside yells and screams. What better way to start the New Year than doing what she's always done best? Relax! She'll take care of you! And if you wanted, she'd gladly put an outfit together for you as well, then you could both look perfect when you leave and join the neighbors outside!
The Brotherhood always holds their own celebration at the Citadel, so Star Paladin Cross takes you over a few days in advance to help set everything up. You'll spend a day or two putting up decorations and counting bottles before the big day. Usually, it's pretty slow, but eventually, the place will be ready, and all the effort you put into the place will pay off. Cross will go and get wasted somewhere off in the corner, so you'll probably spend the holidays with complete strangers. Until Sarah shows up, that is, then she'll talk to you the rest of the night.
Jericho finds all the yelling outside to be annoying. This time of year is the one he hates the most just because of all the commotion. Out of all the pre-war holidays to still be standing, this is the one that was kept? Great. Usually, he prefers to lay in bed and ignore it until sunrise, but with you, he wouldn't mind going out and grabbing a few drinks at Moriarity's Saloon. The two of you sitting off in a corner as you wait for everything to die down. That's when the New Year's really begins with him.
A lot's happened to both you and Butch, so he's excited to be able to switch into the new year with you. Couldn't be any worse than this current one, right? At least the chance of being kicked out of your home is lesser now. He might technically be underaged, but he's snagging you both buckets worth of alcohol, and the two of you are going to party until you pass out. You both deserve it for everything you've had to overcome.
Fawkes prefers to spend his New Year inside. He'll set up a bunch of blankets, pour you a glass of whatever you want, and just relax for the night. You guys can do whatever he genuinely doesn't care. Red Menace? Put it into the terminal. Reading? He just finished organizing the bookshelf. Or even if you just want to talk with him, he has no qualms about sitting on the couch and chatting until midnight. It's comfortable, isolated, and welcoming, especially when you consider how cold it's gotta be outside.
RL-3 will either assume it's Independence Day or someone just opened fire on the town with the amount of homemade fireworks being launched. He'll either be cheering enthusiastically with the rest of the Megaton citizens or taking out his flamer. It's probably best to shut him off for this night. On the off chance, he assumes the worst is happening.
You might lose Dogmeat in the commotion. He loves the crowds of people and the colorful decorations, but the loud noises can make him a bit on edge. Don't worry too much about him, though if he's going to hide anywhere, it'll be with Moira or Gob, and they're both sure to take care of him for the night.
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blazefire2012 · 2 years
I'm still so shocked that people really like my previous headcanons for Hancock, Deacon, and Dogmeat so I guess to celebrate that and to challenge myself, I've got at least one for every character. It's not much for a few of them becuase I either never played with them all that much or I'm scared I won't get their personality quite right, but I hope I did well! Enjoy!
• Actually shrunk a few inches height wise from turning ghoul. He sometimes gets heated about it when someone teases him but gets a bit proud at a particular comeback when he remembers Nick teasing him by asking if he was missing a few inches to which he replied "not where they count".
• You ever hear stories about the family dog adopting a kitten and the kitten is now the dogs cat, nit the familys cat? Well he does this. He's so guilty of bringing home random animals. Hes brought home an abandoned Yao guai cub, baby ravens, radstags fawns, and countless cats and mongrels have followed him home.
• Because of his crazy schedule and sometimes having to change plans or get ready and go at the drop of a cap, he has mastered the art of falling asleep anywhere, anytime, and recharging as if he's gotten a full eight hours. For example, leaning aginst the wall in the catacombs of the church while Tom tells him about a new conspiracy, he's dead asleep behind his sunglasses and only wakes up when Drummer Boy comes running in saying Sole fucked some shit up and needs help. He just pops up like he wasn't just dreaming about rafting in the stream around Sanctuary with a fruity drink in his hand and he's out the door.
• Secretly loves to be pampered, to be treated how she heard other girls would be treated growing up. If Sole offered to brush knots and mats out of her hair after a spat, she will act offended out of fear at first. Fear of Sole snatching the comb through her hair like her mother would, just to get it done and out of her way. She fights hard to not let out a small tear when Sole helps her feel beautiful and not a burden after her hair is smooth and taken care of.
• Treats curie like a "dumb little sister" but loves her dearly and wouldn't trade her for the world.
• Has a habit of flirting with anyone or anything out of habit of trying to stay alive by flattery. As she starts to get to know the crew, she begins to mean the compliments a bit more.
• Loves sugary things because it's what her dad would give her when he got back from scavenging. He would get lucky every once in a while and find someones stash and would have plenty of treats for his girls for a few weeks to hold them over. And with Sole as her new closest friend, she now has someone else besides Nat to spoil.
• She is consittered insane by most people becuase she actually enjoys the spinning feeling that you get from drinking.
• Has gotten in the habit of scrapping every camera she can find for good parts and film for Nat. While her specialty is written words for her paper, Nat has taken up the hobby of photography and is sometimes comissioned by her sister. She's pretty good at it.
• Though she knows the new plants may be dangerous to her now that she's out of the vault and only has knowledge of their previous ancestry, she enjoys picking a few extra specimens and presses them between the pages of a thick book for herself. For research purposes of course.
• Because of his friendship with a particular vault dweller growing up in the capital wasteland, he steers way clear of any vaults he would be coming across according to his maps. He knows the vault he grew up next to was bad but with the stories he's heard, he's not going to take his chance with ANY of them.
• Once Sole comes back from Far Harbor and lets him try Vim Quartz, he's hooked. Reminds him of the bubblegum and other candies him and his friends would bet with back at little Lamplight. Even gives off a soft glow like the lights his old home had. Over all, punches him with so much nostalgia.
• (This one is more Duncan than Mac but its close enough) After Duncan is cured and comes to live in one of the settlements with his dad, he would get curious like all little kids and ask about the carved toy solider that Sole has. After they tell him what it is and how it's special becuase his mom gave it to his dad and then to them, they give it to the little boy and asked him to take good care of it becuase it means so much to so many people. MacCready will feel so much love (your choice, platonicly or romanticly) for Sole just from this one interaction alone and will have no doubt that those 250 caps that were used to hire him were the best Sole had ever spent.
• After becoming close friends with Sole, he will allow them to call him Bobby. The only person to call him that since Lucy.
• Will sometimes have little competitions like makeshift shooting ranges or foot races with Sole to see who would have to cook dinner that night.
• Definitely trained Dogmeat to grab him a new drink when his current one is empty
• Will never admit it, but he can't swim all that well. He can float and make a pretty good show of it as if hes swimming by choice, but he's not doing laps at a decent speed anytime soon.
• Though he knows he's made to do one thing and one thing only, he takes pride in his look, particularly his hair. He claims it's for intimidation but he secretly loves having a sharp hairline he edges himself when he's off duty. Would love to be bold and try something new but always looses the nerve. Why fix what isn't broken?
• No matter how old someone is, if he's escorting someone through a rough place, he will take off his coat and drape the bottom half over someone shoulders and hold the rest up over their view so they don't see past him. He can't quite remember, but he thinks it's an old habit from his detective days, protecting people from paparazzi and news reporters as well as crime scenes.
• Though he is a synth, he has said in his own words he's a prototype between Gen 2 and 3 so he has taste buds, he just doesn't have a lot of them and they aren't that strong. So smoking and eating is technically muscle memory, but he gets just enough stimulation so that he can still enjoy it. It also helps anchor him when he has a mental slip and begins to panic about who he is now.
• Loves to cheer children up when one is upset in his company. One of his favorite tricks is shadow puppets. His naked hand can make a pretty neat spider if you ask him to show you.
• Even though he makes a comment about eating Dogmeat, he is impressed how something as small, fragile, and as edible as him will still come up to him and want to play. Even Strong isn't immune to the very good boy
• In the time he's been around, he does have a few favorite people. And his way of showing his favoritism is by sharing the best parts of a fresh kill. He doesn't announce it though. So when he's with MacCready or Hancock, he will silently let them get their share before he tucks in for himself. Ironic that its the small things for the biggest companion.
• Oh my lord, can this man sing. The kind of cheesy movie scene type thing plays out where if Preston starts singing, people will start to mosey into the crowd around the fire in the middle of Sanctuary and even Danse and X6 will start tapping along to his beat because he's. Just. That. Good.
• He feels he isn't allowed to admit it, but he misses when he was first bought and assembled by Sole and their family. I'd like to think they read the instructions wrong and he was accidently turned on while in Soles lap, before his thrusters were attached of course, and has missed that close bonding experience ever since. Just being held close by the only person he has left from before the war, the one who he had seen and spoken to for the first time, not just his master, but his first friend.
• After Sole came back to Sanctuary and noticed Codsworth acting on his own and not off of set programming, that he basically had crafted his own personality and became his own person, they don't treat him like a servant anymore. Because of that, he believed he upset his master and after confronting them and asking why they were acting distant, he was told as much but asked if he could still be by Soles side not as a servant, but as a friend instead. Sole agreed.
• Her favorite thing to do with her new found family is tell stories from her time with Jackson and his caravan. To give everyone a good time but to also keep them alive in hers and now her new friends memories.
Old Longfellow
• He has won so many drinks and free meals from bar games. Pool, darts, cards, you name it, he's probably won a few shots from it.
• He's been traveling all his life by the time he found Colter and settled in Nuka-World. He never did get a good look at the destroyed signs in his home town, all he could make out/remember is he's from a place with a man's name. He thinks it was "George".
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