#poppet magick
A poppet I made wanted some clothes. So I took out a bunch of fabric scraps I had and let them choose which one they wanted for their outfit ☺
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It took awhile but they ended up choosing a floral print and a plain black with subtle black stars fabric. Apparently they wanted something simple and cute!
I made a template using plain paper, placed it on the back of the fabric, and begun to cutout the shapes to sew together.
Here and there I had my poppet fit into the unfinished outfit to make adjustments.
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It took a few hours since the sewing was done by hand, but it's finished! I was originally going to add a pocket to the front but I loved how the overalls turned out without it.
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They wanted a more "homely" feel to the outfit so I tried my best not to make it look too perfect. The main reason why I went with sewing it by hand instead of a sewing machine.
I'm glad they asked for an outfit because they look so cute in it! And they were very happy with it too!❤
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rosewaterdoll · 2 years
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A poppet ragdoll for creativity I made a few weeks ago! Her name is Miss Moonflower🌷
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monique-thewiccan · 2 years
I was able to do an energy clearing tonight. 🥰🕯🔮
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harvestmoss · 1 year
💕Spellwork: Love magic - staying together forever
This is for adults only, 18+, since it involves sexual bodily fluids and sex magic.
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To make sure you and your loved one stay together forever, or how ever long you want, I may have a spell for you.
You’ll need:
Red string/ribbon
Sexual bodily fluids
Out of sticks, craft your dolls, I used red ribbon since red is the colour of passion and love, using ribbon helps tie the sticks together to make it look like a doll. You can also decorate the dolls to your liking, I made mine plain. Get a string of your hair and tie it to one doll, get a string of your lover’s hair and tie it to the other doll. The dolls are now representative of both of you. Next, by yourself or with your partner, acquire sexual bodily fluids, either both of yours mixed or your own, then rub it onto the dolls. At last, tie both of the dolls together with red ribbon. You and your lover are now bound forever. To stay together forever, store it in a safe place. If you wish to break up, simply separate them.
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Why use sexual bodily fluids?
During masturbation or sex, thousands of pleasure signals are being sent from the central nervous system to the brain, flooding it with dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamine is a chemical released in the brain that makes you feel good, and really good during sex and masturbation. Oxytocin is a natural hormone linked to warm, good feelings and shown in some research to lower stress and anxiety.
Bodily fluids are basically a representation of dopamine and oxytocin, the “feeling amazing, good and happy” representation. Not to mention that sex magic is closely tied to love magic. Rubbing the sexual bodily fluids onto the dolls ensures a happy good relationship, and further ties you and your partner closer.
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obscenegrimoire · 1 year
Hi, guys! I just began this online grimoire, and I figured I'd make my first post.
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Let's talk about Servitors.
What is a "Servitor"? A Servitor, in terms of spell work/witchcraft is a servant that was created by you. Think of it as similar to a computer program, or as a type of spirit. It's apart of you, as it's created by your mind. It's your intentions, your needs that it's serving. You're the one that brought it to life, and you're the one that keeps it alive. It relies on your energy to thrive, and function at it's fullest capabilities. Their sole purpose is to fulfill the goal that you give it, whatever it may be. I, personally, use mine for protection and revenge. You may also create them with the goal of bringing you good luck, or to bring you good health. If there's something you want attracted to your life, there's a Servitor you can make.
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How would you create a Servitor?
I would like to stress, you are binding yourself to a spirit you created. This includes a contract, that you will need to be as specific as possible in. If there's something too broad for interpretation, there's an opportunity for a misunderstanding. You will also be creating and charging a sigil for this entity. I will be giving the basics, as well as adding parts that I've found helped with the creation. I will make sure to note that they are my add-ons.
What you need:
• Item of choice
• Lined paper(s)/pen or pencil - especially ones of the color that matches the intent.
• Four white candles
• Optional: Crystals, herbs, or anything you would like to use for a boost.
Before you begin anything, you need to find an item you want to use as a sort of "home" for this creation. It needs something to latch onto. As long as it's something you interact with frequently, it can be something you take everywhere, or keep at home. This can mean crystals, jewelery, I like to use stuffed animals since I cuddle them, toys if you would like to protect your children, etc. You must have it be something you frequently interact with, otherwise it will not stay "alive".
Once you have the item, and it's goal in mind, take some time, get creative and find a name for the entity. Once you have, drink a tea of choice, listen to appropriate music, this is the time to be creative and to develop the entity and contract. Take time to imagine how the entire will appear, what it's energy will feel like. Picture it standing beside you as you begin to write the contract. Be as specific as you can, include it's goals, the expectations, and rules. Describe it's appearance, and energy in the contract. Include how you plan to feed it, and keep it "alive". They need to be fed energy of sorts, or else they will "die". Include any details you feel necessary, don't leave anything out. Include a phrase to bring it's attention. At the very end, remember to include a killswitch phrase. This is only to be used when you no longer want the entity "alive" anymore. This happens if things as simple as it has completed the goal, or as complicated as something went wrong/it backfired has happened.
Optional: You may also provide the Servitor a rune, a planet, or any moon cycle correspondents that helps provide them with a boost of energy.
You will need to now create a sigil based on the name of the entity. If you need help with creating a sigil, I will happily provide sources! I like to place their sigil on the contract, and I also like to find a way to attach the sigil to the item. I also burn their sigil as I do the ritual, along with having a seperate paper with their sigil written on it for documentation. This is my way to keep a form of their presence attached to necessary parts. As I mentioned, I use stuffed animals, so I would support going as far as making two copies of the contract and sigil. One for keepsake, and sew the other inside of the item, if possible.
Once you have completed those steps, cleanse your workspace. You may do this however you wish, that process varies from everyone. Next, take the four white candles you have. Place one in each direction (North, East, South, West) as far apart as necessary. Place the item you're attaching it to, in the middle of the candles. Light them clockwise, as you set the mood/intention. Sit down next to the candles, and relax. Close your eyes, meditate as you imagine what the Servitor looks like. Focus on it, until you can feel it's presence surrounding you. I often attempt to touch the Servitor in the image. Once you've made that connection, slowly open your eyes and calmly state it's name. Begin reading off the contract out loud, as clearly as you can. Once you have finished, sign off and take in it's energy around you.
Put out the candles however you wish, put your items away, and place the Servitor where you wish!
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If you ever feel like the Servitor has grown too weak, you may repeat this process, but use the already created contract and entity in mind. Think of it as a regroup.
I hope this has captured the attention of any curious person. Anyone needing to know if you can do this as a beginner: If you feel comfortable doing so, then go for it. Any questions and concerns are welcomed! Give me opinions on my first post!
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xerxeswitch · 1 year
My Bane Magic
(This doesn't cover curses, because the post would be way too long) ---
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This type of magic has always came to me very easily from my experiences, both consciously intentional and "non-intentional." I once had a unhinged woman berate racist profanities at me over a cup of coffee at my work, (because she doesn't like the extra costs of 1 pump of vanilla, 1 pump of mocha, 1 pump of toffee nut, two extra shots, and extra caramel drizzle) and she screams how I parked my bike was offensive and it "triggered" her. (It was parked on a bike rack as its intended purpose like everyone else) I bitterly thought, "I hope someone finds your car offensive and just hit it." I performed a freezing hex with the intention to just keep her from bothering me in the future, but I still was hyperfixated; stewing on the idea of her car getting hit. Two days later, she got into a bad car accident. She came back with a broken arm but thankfully that's it. (Even then, I never wish death to anyone.) I also suspected my spirit Family may have had their hands on that too, to really make sure it works. I suggest anyone into this to be careful in general. --- As a side note, I personally believe that everyone's energy type is different and some people can perform certain type of spells better than others because of that. For example, some people's energy are naturally talented moreso in healing energy and they do well in reiki healing, but they need to implement far more effort or practice if they want to do bane magic. Think of the series Avatar, a natural born airbender having problems with earth bending. ... Take it with a grain of salt though. ----- So what is bane magic?
It's casting magic with the intention of inflicting or reflecting negative energy with the motive to harm. That can include bad luck, blocking someone's path...or well, leave it up to the imagination. Some witches do it because they want to get back at someone...which is 99% of the time from my observation -- and I'm no exception. My personal rules with bane magic:
Reflect on why it angers me. Is it really warranted or was my ego getting inflamed with something that wasn't intentional?
Was I in the wrong in the situation instead?
90% of the time, I use bane magic to reflect bad intentions sent to me back to sender.
I do my best to never hit first.
I do not believe in the Wiccan rede of the three, but I still believe that energy is transactional and something will come to you at a cost...and it depends on what coverage you get with the intent of the magic and the situation.
Is it worth using my energy on using bane magic? If not, I don't use it. I consider bane magic like spending money instead of saving money. The currency is not just energy...
I want to take responsibility and accountability of what happened if it didn't go according to plan.
I do not cast bane magic on someone who I live with -- I'll be around taking in that second hand smoke.
Use protection for yourself before performing any of this ... Types of bane magic I use: Freeze Hex - Some people don't consider this a hex, but I personally think it does due to the wide range of intentions that can prove to be harmful in a passive way. It's more of a gray arts aspect -- because it can be used to "freeze" someone's intentions or actions towards something. That something can imply stopping them from being harmful to me, or to even stop them from performing tasks rendering them stagnant. On the other end, I had used a freeze hex on someone with the intent to stop them from harming themselves. It really depends. I consider freezing hexes one of the mildest ones to use because of these spectrums. The procedure is putting the appropriate herbs, liquids (hand-squeezed lemons is great to "sour" it up) that brings out the nature of my spells, and something that belongs to my target. If that last one isn't available, I use a picture or their name written on a bay leaf in the jar. Poppet Hex - Poppets are not just used for voodoo, it's a concept of use in many cultures around the world and in history. This also can be a gray arts spectrum -- it entirely depends on what you use the poppet for, obviously. For hexing, I take a poppet that represents them and pin in needles for discomfort or even sickness. (This is consider a big hex if I really, really, really despise someone. I only ever did this once because they severely abused a friend) Or, I use a poppet of someone to surround it with healing, or calming energy instead. Again, it depends. Hex Water - This one is passive too. I basically place in my herbs, some nails, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sigils, insect carcasses, and my death and hex oil. (The death oil isn't used for "death" -- it's to end the cycle of the situation) I can use this as a hex protection spell where if someone wants to harm me, the energy in the jar will bounce back. But most of all, if warranted, I would take their names and place it in the jar of hex water and I shake it vigorously to get it to work. I even carry around a smaller jar of that water and I shake it near that person's presence if they warranted it. (Mostly if I come across really bad customers at my job. But otherwise, I let it go if they're just being a pain) Earwig Hex - This requires using a head of lettuce, writing someone's name on the lettuce, cutting a hole in it and place your message in it with the earwig, dead or alive. (Preferably dead) This is exactly what it sounds like: Go into someone's head, worm around and implant a message in their thoughts. I use this to prevent the person similarly to the freezing hex. This hex is credited to Kate Freuler -- the author of the book "Of Blood and Bones." (Highly recommend; it's my favorite witchcraft book so far and it fits my energy) Psi Vampire Hex - This one comes to me more naturally since I'm a psi vamp. True, I take vital energy from others out of necessity but this is to really pinpoint someone while feeding. It's how it sounds; I basically just zero in on someone's energy and feed. If I really want to, and if they are still around, I keep feeding until the effects take in which includes signs of fatigue, headaches, other body aches, and even sickness. Personally, I don't like to go that far to sickness. Sending a Spirit/Entity - Just how it sounds. You can place an offering to a spirit/entity that can be outside or inside your spirit team. However, they can always refuse the offer -- mind that and respect it. ---- Overall, for me, I always tell people who are interested to use hexes wisely. It's a responsibility. The number one rule for me is making sure if it's worth the risks and the cost. Sure, one can say that there's no real consequences or the three way law, but there's always a cause and effect. So, at your own risk, fuck around and find out. Or, you can take heed of the rules, protection measures, and self reflection.
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arcane-abomination · 11 months
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t follow the rule of 3 nor any real system of divine judgment.
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This is Hex I’ve done that I typically use for exacting revenge on a particular person for various reasons. This method gives the caster control over how long and how bad the Hex effects the intended person. When this individual has proven they’ve learned from their wicked ways or the user feels they’ve had enough punishment they can easily break the hex.
Keep in mind that this is a spell that does allow for some level of customization but it is also a spell that requires your attention for multiple days. It’s not something to just be left alone completely or the energy could get stagnant. So only do this if you can spend at least a few minutes a day catering to this Hex.
The Supplies
A doll (I propose making a simple one out of felt)
A picture or petition of the person with their full name and/or birthday
Broken glass, nails, and other sharp objects
A pin or needle
Red marker (if the doll is too dark in color you can substitute with red thread)
Devils Powder (this is generally made up of salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, chili flakes, lemon peel, anything that’s hot or burns really)
The Process
First things first. I recommend cleansing your space, and tools. You don’t want residual energy sticking to them and affecting your work. Next, I like to tell my tools what they will be doing but that’s up to the individual.
Now get the doll ready. Cut open the doll down the middle and remove it’s stuffing. If you are making your doll from scratch simply stitch it together like normal but leave out any stuffing. Then simply cut open the chest cavity. (Some people like to fill at least the arms and the legs. If you must do this don’t use cotton or anything soft. Use gravel or sand. This can make the individual feel weighted down by their own actions)
The next step is to read the picture and/or petition. Remember to write out on the back of the picture the persons full name and birthday if you can. If you don’t know their birthday that’s alright but having at least their full name is highly advised. You’ll then fold the paper. Since you’re bringing energy into them fold out inwards. When you’re finished place it in the doll s chest cavity. Note you can awaken the tag lock by joining the energy of that person to the doll. Here is the method that I use:
“This doll is now __________.”
“This body is their body.”
<Touch the dolls body>
“This is their breath”
<Breath on the doll >
“What this doll feels they will feel. What is cast onto this doll is hereby cast onto them.”
At this time you will start placing in your sharp objects. Please be careful. If you cut yourself on one DON’T use it in this ritual. Don’t mix your blood with this poppet or you can effect yourself with this course as well. Now, as you’re adding it in you may wish to use an affirmation. A good example would be something like:
“Pain plagues your body for the hurt you have caused.”
Of course you can change this up as you see fit.
Next add in the Devils powder. Again it’s a good time to say some sort of affirmation.
“A burning pain manifests in your bones, your muscles, and your organs. It keeps you in anguish to reflect that which you’ve brought into others.”
At this time you can further add anything else that you like. Put in rotten food to symbolize weakness or their deteriorating health. Or add in any insect exoskeletons for illness or further pain. Also say any further affirmations that you feel you need to. Then when finished stitch up the chest cavity and Mark an X over where the heart would be. This can be done with the red marker or additional red thread.
Say this final affirmation with force and conviction while plunging the needle into the center of the X
“With this, the sharp pain of regret overcomes your heart.”
Set the doll somewhere dark, dank, and alone. A place that not many people will go. Perhaps a shoebox in the hall closet, or in the garage? Just be sure it is a place that you can easily find it again. Like I said at the beginning, you will be going back to this doll for a few minutes everyday. You’re going to be repeating the final action again each time. Either wiggling around the pin or pulling it out a little just to stab it in again. You will also say the last affirmation each time. This ensures that the regret plagues them everyday so that they can barely focus or function on anything else and are forced to reflect.
When you feel that they have had enough you will take the doll and pull out the pin (don’t put it back in), and say this affirmation:
“The pain is gone from in your heart, and your body. My vengeance is quelled.”
Lastly you need to break the bonded attachment. Open the doll and pull out the picture/petition. And declare:
“What once was one, is now again two. You are no longer tired to this doll.”
I burn the picture and the doll afterwards to finalize the end. Then I scatter the ashes to the wind to take the energy to them.
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belleravenstar · 8 months
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manicfoxmagick · 8 months
A Paper Poppet
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Connected to the best version of myself and charged during the hour of Saturn.
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lunasapphire · 4 months
My first attempt to a voodoo/hoodoo/poppet doll respectfully - I don’t want to take from closed practices (not sure which name goes with the practice)
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arctic-hands · 9 months
once I develop my whittling skills well enough to carve out poppets and effigies it's over for all you bitches who ever wronged me
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yagodichjagodic · 11 months
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This is Liliana. She’s a wanderer, an explorer who has collected, trinkets from many magical places.
An antique pocket watch, ocean jasper, an antler point, turquoise ring, skeleton key, mother of pearl button, bamboo coral, vintage holy medals, & an antique cameo.
Her ears are embellished with freshwater pearls, her overalls with cut glass crystals, & her pant legs with labradorite.
I found Liliana at the Dover Antique Mall, a simple vintage doll. I embellished her to give her new life! I would consider her a poppet, & something like an art doll.
But more importantly she’s a friend 🖤
She’ll be available to a forever home soon, & I hope you love her!
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yourwitchmama · 2 years
I need help again
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So I found this behind my TV. I could have sworn it wasn’t there before but nobody has visited.
Can someone tell me what the fuck it is and how to properly dispose of it?
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My partner made this as well, its a stuffed poppet! They stuffy it with cotton mainly but it can also be filled with herbs depending on what the needs or wants are. If interested please message me.
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sierracelesteh · 2 years
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Luna saying hi to George, my home guardian poppet 🖤
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artplusmagic · 2 years
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