#poppy in a suit save me
larrys-journal · 5 months
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- Move out their way everyone, they’re here for the most, “best and slayed couple” award 🏆
CW: Slightly Suggestive 👇
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inkdrinkerworld · 5 months
Also unsure if we can request more than once (so if you’d prefer we not, ignore me sorry!) but I’d love a lemon poppy seed cake, perhaps with Eddie and a sunshine!reader? I’d love to see what you’d do with their dynamic, maybe just having a fun summer day or having a smoke sesh at his trailer or something? Truly whatever strikes your fancy, but of course no worries if not!!!
“Eddie stop!” you scream as he points the water gun towards you, holding it flush against his shoulder as he takes aim. 
He shakes his head, curls flying free from the bun he’d tied it in, while a grin splits his face. “Not until you apologise, pretty girl!”
You’re in Steve’s backyard, a summer bar-b-que he’d hosted to combat the absolutely unbearable heat. You and Eddie had been playing like kids all day and after lunch you’d teasingly said that in the event of an apocalypse you’d save Dustin first. 
Eddie wasn’t really offended, he just wanted an excuse to spray you with water. You couldn’t really expect your boyfriend to resist the bathing suit you’d chosen- it’s his favourite colour. 
You hide behind Max who laughs when Eddie pumps the gun and sprays water at her feet. She doesn’t budge though. 
“Using the kids as a barrier is low, sweetheart.” Eddie taunts, your cackle warming his heart. 
“Put the water gun down, then.” you plead, but really you’re buying time for Robin who’d gone inside to fill another one for you. 
Eddie doesn’t suspect a thing till you jump out from behind Max with a water gun of your own, a maniacal smile on your face as you look at him. 
“No fair!” he screams as you spray water at his chest, a slight sting to his skin where the water hits. 
“Such a crybaby,” you sing-song and all hell breaks loose, you’re pretty sure Eddie’s never been more determined to spray you on your back and thighs than before.
151 notes · View notes
xmads-omensx · 15 days
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Content warnings: Violence, Swearing, angst, death, blood, weapons, enemies to lovers, alcohol Word Count: 5802
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The rain pattered on the ground surrounding me as I stood outside the warehouse before me. Karius always gave me the jobs that no one else wanted. I had nothing to lose. He knew that. And I can see why no one wanted to take on this job. Getting into the warehouse had been no small feat. ERRA, one of the biggest organisations here, owned the building and it was extremely evident by the sheer amount of security they had invested in.
Luckily for me, my savings came in handy when the Underground had gotten in some new Optics that I immediately got installed. My eyesight was now phenomenal and spotting ERRA’s men positioned out of view was as easy as seeing them in broad daylight.
By some insane stroke of luck, I got into the back office with little to no trouble and stole the chip Karius was paying me to grab for him. I learned the hard way not to ask questions. And trust me, I wish I had never asked questions in the first place. Questions get you killed in this line of work.
I like to work quietly. In and out. No funny business. I only kill when I have to. The less mess the better as it is harder to trace back to you. Something OMNS doesn’t quite grasp. OMNS is a crew who have been running for as long as I can remember. There are four of them. Folio was their scout, always riding ahead on his bike with his x-ray optic upgrades to… well… scout, kinda a giveaway if you ask me. Jolly was the muscle. He was upgraded to an extent I wouldn’t even be able to handle even in my wildest dreams. Nick was the crew leader’s right hand. He was the brains. Rumour was that he was a crazy good netrunner and could hack anything from over a mile away. That leaves Noah. The leader. The fucker was even more upgraded than Jolly was. Nobody knew anything about that crazy son of a bitch except from the fact that he is the most ruthless and cold fucker to ever step foot in the Concrete Jungle.
Those four men have been making my life in this line of work literal hell for years. It started when the leader of my old crew stole a job from them and ever since they have been taking it out on all of us. However, when my crew got killed a few months back, OMNS focused their rage onto me. It started with them stealing jobs from me. Then evolved into implicating me on their shitty work. As if I would ever leave that many bodies lying around. God. Men are so messy.
The rain washed away all of my fatigue and the cold reminded me that I still needed to get the chip to Karius before I got caught. I hopped on my motorbike, pulled my black and pink hair into my helmet and began my journey to meet K.
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Poppy’s was a popular location for crews from all over the Concrete Jungle to meet and relax after jobs. The neon lights that illuminated the place reflected off of the puddles on the concrete ground as other crews mingled about the place. Most of them usually hung out in the parking lot outside to show off their upgrades, but due to the rain everyone had migrated inside.
The barstools are all occupied along with the booths lining the walls. The stage in the middle of the room was occupied by a cyborg woman dancing to the music blaring throughout the building. My eyes danced around the room looking for a familiar blonde-haired man so I could get in and out of here as quickly as possible.
Karius was a tall, well-built man in a grey suit. He looked out of place being in a bar like Poppy’s, full of low-life criminal crews and other people who had been forced out of the more legal side of life. The only thing that made K somewhat fit in were the projectile launcher upgrades he had fitted into his tree-trunk like forearms.
“Look who finally decided to show up.” Karius called. Not even looking up from the shitty whiskey he had been drinking.
“Yeah, well I’m not exactly going to be super fucking fast if you send me out on a job like that are you?” I snapped back at him.
His broad shoulders shuddered as he chuckled at my bitchy tone. K and I had always had a decent employer-employee relationship. Neither of us had any reason to stab each other in the back. The dynamic wasn’t close or personal by any means but we was the closest thing I had to a friend.
“You know, V, these jobs would be a hell of a lot easier if you just joined a crew.” Karius argued. He had been pushing for me to join another crew pretty much since my last one fell apart. But he just saw credits, not people. I guess that’s what helped keep that wall up between the two of us.
“Yeah, well, we both know that will never happen.” I replied with a sigh, “Now do you want your precious chip or not K? I got places to be.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Here… your payment that we agreed and a tip for your troubles.” Karius replied, taking the chip out of my hand.
I made to leave Poppy’s and head home so I could get some much needed rest when I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. I whipped around, preparing to engage my Mantis blades, when I realised that it was Karius who had grabbed me. I relaxed upon realising that he wasn’t a threat. You never know in these parts of the Concrete Jungle.
“One more thing V.” He said with a smirk on his face as he led me back towards where he was sat at the bar, “I have another job to discuss with you. Let’s just say it’s a matter of… urgency.” The smirk on his stupid face told me everything that I needed to know. This job would be dangerous. Ridiculously dangerous.
“ERRA have doubled their security and I need something else from them. I can’t go in and get it as that would be too obvious. And besides, I’m only the middle-man. It’s my boss who really wants this. You understand right, V?” Fuck. Another ERRA job. Karius still wore his signature smirk on his face.
“Are you  trying to fucking kill me asshole?” I sighed back at him dejectedly. Alreadyaccepting that I probably won’t be seeing my bed tonight.
“Now why would I kill my best runner?” K laughed back at me. “I would never make any credits then would I? And besides, by boss would have my fucking head V.”
“Fair point.” I replied
“Okay. ERRA’s leader, Jesse, owns that skyscraper off of Coyote Park right? The red one? Tomato colour? He has an office on the second top floor. I need access. But the only way to get into the office is through a three part authentication process. Part 1: the warehouse. You did that part. Check. Part 2: ERRA also owns Electric Twilight. You know, that super exclusive club? If you get the chip, looks exactly like the one you got for me tonight, from the main office on the top floor of the building, then we are one step closer. Now, onto part 3: You will need to find a way into the basement below ERRA’s secondary base. Now security will be tight. But those new optic upgrades you’re sporting should help you. They look good by the way. In the basement there should be a safe. That is where the final chip is. Get all three of those and you should be good to get into their skyscraper.” Karius explained.
“Okay, sounds simple enough. You know, if you ignore that ERRA is the biggest fucking crew in the Concrete Jungle you fucking ass! Do you want me dead!” I replied, full of anger.
“Well luckily for you, it won’t just be your ass on the line. I have arranged back up for you this time.” Karius replied. His smirk not faltering for a second as he laughed at my outburst.
“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.
“You will be working  with a crew”
“V please.” Karius pleaded, “You need the backup for this. And I really fucking need to get into that goddamn skyscraper.”
“Karius. I work alone. You know this. Especially after last time.” I explained through gritted teeth.
“And why might that be?” A new voice entered the conversation.
I turned around and behind me stood the tallest man I had ever seen up close. Noah. Fuck. I would quite literally rather die than work with this man. His dark brown eyes glared craters into my own as he smirked smugly down at me. He knew something that I was not yet privy to. Double fuck. I refused to be caught unawares by the man who had been making my life hell for the past five months.
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 Noah wasn’t exactly unattractive. In fact, he was probably the most attractive guy I’ve seen in the Concrete Jungle. His huge, muscular frame was covered in beautiful tattoos. His cyberware was top of the line, which was rare in this line of work, and looked fucking killer. He could kill everyone inside of Poppy’s right then if he really wanted to. His eyes were the deepest brown I had ever seen. His dark hair framed his face effortlessly. He was gorgeous. I hated him even more for it.
Karius greeted Noah with a belly laugh, which was most definitely at my expense considering how both men towered over me. I was absolutely fucked.
“Noah. This is Vania.” K began, “Vania, this is Noah. He is the leader of OMNS. That crew who ran the Kingdom of Cards job oh so very smoothly about two months back. Ring a bell?”
It most definitely did ring a bell. I was supposed to do that job. Me. Not OMNS. Me. Asshole.
I rolled my eyes in response to Karius, whilst Noah chuckled at me. Fucker.
“You will be working together on this ERRA job. And V, before you start complaining, I don’t want to fucking hear it. You will work alongside them in order to get this job done.”
“Then why doesn’t OMNS just do the ERRA job and you give me something else?” I scoffed in reply.
“Because, V, OMNS need someone with your skillset. They don’t have anyone as quiet as you. And we both know those Lynx Paws were not cheap in the Underground so you may as well use them to get your credit’s worth.” Karius explained with an exasperated sigh. “And besides, we both know why you need this V.”
Fuck. There was no way in hell that K was seriously blackmailing me. Especially not in front of Noah. Right?
“As much as it pains me to say, Vania, we can’t exactly do this job without someone like you.” Noah offered. Clearly reluctant to compliment me.
“What the fuck is in it for me then?” I pushed. Needing something to convince me to actually go through with this.
“One million credits, V.” Karius stated.
Yeah, that would convince me.
“Fine. But we do this my way. Or we don’t do this at all.” I argued back. Refusing to give in and make myself look like I would just roll over for credits.
“Not gonna happen princess.” Noah barked back.
“Why the fuck not? You said it yourself hotshot. You. Need. Me” I snapped back. Punctuating my words with a sharp poke to his hard, muscular chest.
“Get fucked princess. You work for me now.”
“No. I don’t. We work together now. Don’t get all patriarchal just because you’re the leader of your crew. I bow to nobody.” I angrily replied, “And stop calling me princess cocksucker.”
“In your dreams princess.” Noah snarkily replied. “Sure. Try and get us to play by your rules. The others won’t agree to that. They won’t roll over to a short-ass dictator rolling in and fucking things up.”
“Fine. We work together. But don’t think I like this asshat. I’m only doing this because I need the credits.” I gave in.
“Brilliant! Here is your contract. You will be paid a small portion of the one million each following each part of the mission. That way we don’t lose any money if you guys short circuit while you’re on the job.” Karius beamed.
Both Noah and I signed the contract next to our names at the bottom of the paper. Suddenly, I was aware of five other men standing behind us. Turning around, I realised that these were the other members of OMNS. I recognised three of them as being Folio, Jolly and Nick, but the other two I had never seen before. Both had long hair, one must longer than the other, and wore what looked to be baseball caps on their heads. They must be new to OMNS I thought to myself.
I had never been this close to them before. All six men were absolutely beautiful. The world is so cruel. God I hated insufferably attractive men. They all had tattoos covering their bodies, but Noah very clearly had the most. His throat tattoo always prominent against his pale skin.
The shortest man, Folio, I now came to realise has new optics fitted. One remained as his green x-ray upgrade, but the other now glowed a vibrant blue colour. Holy shit. He had somehow managed to get his filthy hands on a tracker upgrade. Holy fuck. Now he can see people through walls and lay a target on them so he, and the others, can easily kill them. Fucking asshole. The amount of people he would have had to kill for that implant would have been insane.
A man with a goatee and long brown hair stood next to him. Jolly was significantly taller than Folio, but did not stand quite as tall as Noah did. Jolly was muscular too, but this was largely because of the sheer amount of upgrades he had put into his body. It looked like he had spent his credits on body-mod upgrades focusing on force and strength as opposed to Folio’s more techy upgrades. Jolly was practically impenetrable with his implants making him  bulletproof all over, except for his head. Those implants were risky. Anything impacting your nervous system was bound to make you go full cyberpsycho. The leader of my old crew fucked with a gnarly sandevistan implant but it… well..
The third man was smaller. He blended in seamlessly with the scene around him. Nick was rumoured to be one of the best netrunners in the Concrete Jungle. He could hack anything. His eyes glowed a soft purple hue  due to his optic upgrades. They looked fucking sick. His long, dark hair was pulled back into a bun on the top of his head, letting his amazing bone-structure be on full display. He wore a long, black trench coat that made him blend into the darkness around him perfectly.
The men didn’t bother to introduce themselves to me as they signed the contract. After signing, they all made their way to a booth in the back where they must have been sitting. Noah stayed behind with myself and Karius. Presumably to gloat or something. I snuck a glance at the tattoos that covered his muscular arms. His black tank top hid the tattoos on his chest and back.
“Like what you see princess?” Noah laughed.
“huh?” I spluttered out.
“So you weren’t just staring at my arms?” Noah mocked sarcastically.
“Of course not asshole.” I barked back
“Sure. I believe you.” Noah said with a smirk across his face. His stupidly attractive face.
“Well I see this is off to a great start.” Karius sighed as he got up to leave Poppy’s. “Oh and V! You will be staying with the OMNS guys until this job is done. Just to ensure neither of you steal this job from each other.”
Pure outrage coursed through my veins as the realisation of what K just announced pounded in my brain.
“Fucking excuse me?” I screamed.
“You heard me V. I know what you’re like.” Karius called back over his shoulder as he walked through the front door of Poppy’s.
I face-planted onto the bar and wrapped my arms over my face. The last thing I wanted was to be in close quarters with these men. Especially Noah. My lifestyle revolved around me being alone. That’s how I work. No attachments. They only hurt you. I found that out the hard way. If I stay with the OMNS crew for the entire job, then that would be for  months. I would probably lose my apartment and have nowhere to go. Fucking Karius.
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“Come and meet the guys princess.” Noah commanded once Karius had left.
“Fine.” I mumbled. I was really getting sick of him calling me that. But then why did I feel all warm inside when he said it?
Walking over to the table in the corner, I began to have second thoughts about what I was doing. I was the only girl here in a group full of some of the most dangerous men in the Concrete Jungle. Was this really a good idea? Probably not.
They all spoke quietly to each other. No doubt complaining about having to work with me.  As Noah and I approached the table, the conversation stopped as Folio and one of the guys I didn’t recognise shuffled up the bench to make room for Noah to sit. On the other side Jolly, Nick and the other unnamed man shuffled and made room for me. At least they were considerate enough to do that for me.
“Guys this is Vania. As you know, she used to run with Davis’s crew. She will be running with us on this job.” Noah introduced.
A chorus of “hey” and “Hi” echoed around the dark booth.
“Jolly, Nick, Folio and myself you already know. But you haven’t met Matt and Bryan yet.” Noah gestured to the two unnamed men. “Bryan is our wheels and Matt is in charge of seeing how logistical and plausible plans are to execute.” The two men raised their hands in a wave to me. I weakly smiled back. I wasn’t about to make friends with these people.
It turned out that the rest of the OMNS crew were actually tolerable and that it was just Noah who was a colossal pain in my ass. We all talked for about an hour, retelling stories from other jobs we had worked on, but that just became a pissing contest between myself and Noah as we continually tried to outdo each other, recounting jobs we had stolen from each other. I was starting to grow tired of his bullshit and wanted nothing more than to close my eyes and go to sleep in my bed.
“So what’s the plan then?” I asked. “Do you assholes have a secret lair somewhere that you’re going to take me to after you’ve kidnapped me?”
“Look, I get that you don’t want to work with us, but you don’t gave to be a bitch about it.” Noah sighed.
“I just want to get this over with so I can get my credits and move on.” I snapped in reply.
“And so do we. It’s not like we exactly want to hang with you.” Noah basically shouted back.
“I see that manners aren’t something you get taught on the pig farm? Is that right, pig?” I barked.
“Doubt you would know since a princess like you never wants to get her hands dirty.” He smirked. God he was cocky.
“You wouldn’t know how to do a job discreetly even if it was worth a trillion credits asshat. You make too much mess.” I chuckled back.
“What because I like to make sure a job is done right and there are no witnesses left? Because I’m thorough with my work?” He fought.
“No because you like to leave a trail so people fear you. It’s pathetic.” I laughed.
“You’re inability to work with other people is pathetic princess.” Noah stated simply.
He knew he struck a nerve. He always knew when he struck a nerve. Yet he always pushed it. Luckily I didn’t have enough time to launch myself over the table to claw his eyes out like I really fucking wanted to as Nick intervened, “Alright guys. Lets motor.”
“Alright guys. Lets motor.” Nick intervened.
“Agreed.” Noah bluntly stated without breaking eye contact with me.
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The walk to the cars outside was silent as everyone got into their respective vehicles. Folio rode a bike similar to mine. But whilst mine was pink and black, his was completely black in colour with red LEDs on the sides. Pretty sick to be honest. Jolly rode in a large black SUV with blackout windows that appeared to be bullet proof. Nick rode with Matt and Bryan in a large metal-framed armoured SUV that looked similar to Jolly’s but had clearly been modified. Noah’s car was much more understated. He opened the door to a low black car with tinted windows. It was very sleek and almost flat looking. God he was so annoyingly flashy.
I trailed behind the others on the way to their base. The neon glow of the Concrete Jungle embraced me with opened arms as it sat below the star-filled night sky. The skyscrapers belonging to suit corporations painted the skyline in a halo of varying colours as each fought for your attention. This was always my favourite parts of jobs. The silent ride home. The quiet. The peace. It was the only time I was ever separated from the crime-filled life I lead.
Right in the centre of all the chaos in the Concrete Jungle stood a tomato red skyscraper that belonged to ERRA. They were absolutely untouchable here. They were the fucking kings. The red glow always held your stare. It felt like the building itself was watching you. ERRA had that kind of effect on people. You always feel watched while they are around.
This neon landscape has been my home my whole life. I don’t remember a life without knowing the inner-workings of this place inside and out. My dad had never been around and my mother died about seven years ago in an accident. The circumstances surrounding her death had always been suspicious, but I never questioned it. It wasn’t like she was ever a good mother to me. Shortly after that I met Davis, a fellow orphan who was also struggling to pay rent. From there we met Lana and Steven and they welcomed us with open arms into their crew and the rest was history.
Now I ride solo.
A loud bang echoed over the sound of the traffic around us. The armoured car Nick, Matt and Bryan were in veered off course and into the next lane as it looked like they were trying to swerve out of the way of something. Suddenly, gunfire ripped through the night.
Noah, Jolly and Folio all pulled in behind the armoured car so I followed suit. A large grey truck with ERRA painted along its side in their trademark tomato red colour, was coming straight towards us with a man in a helmet hanging out of the window shooting at us from his weaponed arm implants.  
Noah got out from the passenger side of his car with a large assault rifle and began opening fire on the oncoming vehicle. The rest of OMNS followed his lead. I, however, didn’t have my gun on me so I wouldn’t be much use to them. Instead I got back on my bike and rode past them, planning on assessing the threat from a further distance and hopefully finding a weak spot.
“Where the fuck are you going!” Noah called out after me. But I ignored him. I wasn’t used to have to explain myself mid-combat.
The truck had stopped opposite the parked convoy, about thirty feet between both crews, and three men had exited the truck and were all firing at the OMNS guys. A hatch opened up on the roof and a turret was raised. Gunfire rained down all around me as I tried my best to dodge other cars and bullets.
Screams and yells from other cars both directed at me and the carnage happening further back echoed in the chaos. Bullets whizzed through the air after me. Some hitting the other people in cars and some lodging into the road beneath me.
“Fuck!” Matt exclaimed as he and Bryan lowered themselves back into the armoured car.
Nick was sat in the back of the armoured car trying desperately to hack into the turret to disable it, but was appearing to have no luck. This didn’t surprise me as ERRA had recently upgraded all of their security measures. I had found that out the hard way earlier in the night as a mine nearly blew me to shreds when I was sneaking into the back of the warehouse.
Fuck, I thought to myself, meant that they knew that I had broken into the warehouse and stole the chip. So I was basically fucked.
Jolly disappeared back into his SUV for a second but reappeared with a massive shotgun attached to his arm and had started firing at the men operating the turret, successfully taking out two of them, leaving only one on the turret and three remaining on the ground, as well as the driver and the man in the passenger seat.
I dismounted my bike and ran round the back of the truck. Using my Lynx Paws upgrade, I easily jumped up onto the roof of the truck without making a sound. I swiftly engaged my mantis blades and took out the final man operating the turret with a quick slash. He crumbled to his knees as blood trickled out of the side of his mouth. His bottom half fell to the floor below the truck as his top half remained on the roof next to the now unused turret.
Meanwhile, Noah had taken out two of the men on the ground and Jolly had made quick work of the  third man.
The man in the passenger side would be more difficult to take out. And besides, he had noticed my presence on the roof when half of his crewmate’s body fell to the ground and had started firing up into the roof. This however, left him undefended on his side and allowed me to swing down and slash open his throat. The driver made to grab me, when suddenly, a gunshot rang out as he slumped forward. Blood trickled from a bullet hole in his forehead.
Silence fell over the group as we surveyed the damage surrounding us.
Three innocent bystanders had been killed in the gunfire. Blood coated the road. Following the trail with my eyes, I noticed that there was a puddle of blood below Folio’s bike but no sign of Folio. Fuck. If he had been killed it would be my fault. This job was going to be absolute hell.
I ran over to his bike and saw that he was knelt on the ground clutching his side and taking short and rapid breaths. He had been hit but wasn’t dead… yet. Thank fuck.
“Let me see.” I stated, touching his shaking shoulder gently.
“Fuck you.” She spat shakily.
“Folio, let me help.” I pleaded.
He cautiously moved his hand and blood trickled to the floor. It looked like the bullet was still inside.
“I can help him if we get him to your hideout quickly.” I gushed to Noah who was looking at me with eyes filled with utter hatred.
“you won’t lay a damn finger on him.” He snarled.
“Do you want him to die, Noah?” I challenged. “Because if I don’t help him, he will die. And I can guarantee that it will be very slow and very painful.”
A pause.
“Or I can guarantee you that he will live happily ever after and will get to see another day if you let me help him.” I attempted to persuade him with an exasperated sigh.
“Fine but we need to load his bike into Matt and Bryan’s car or  Folio will never forgive us if we leave it here.” Noah caved with an exasperated sigh.
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Upon arriving at the OMNS hideout, a large steel screen door opened to let the seven of us into the building. It wasn’t anything special. It looked like a car garage that was attached to a tattoo shop. It wasn’t where I pictured OMNS operating out of. I’d always thought of it as more similar to ERRA’s layout. I should have known OMNS wasn’t the skyscraper type seeing as they already had two of them in their crew in the forms of Jolly and Noah.
The garage was large. They easily had enough space for their own vehicles and about five others. Drawers and shelves lined each of the walls, which were all painted a deep purple colour. The neon lights that illuminated the room cast a blue hue over everything.
Matt and Bryan hauled Folio out of the back of the armoured car as Jolly cleared off one of the workbenches to use as a makeshift bed for him. Noah stomped straight through the smaller door in the right hand wall, slamming it behind him, as soon as he got out of his car. Asshole.
Nick followed after him after muttering something to the rest of OMNS quiet enough so that I wouldn’t be able to hear their conversation.
Folio groaned and writhed around on the table in pain. I began cutting away his black t-shirt in order to inspect the wound. It was a clean shot. No tearing. Lucky for him. However, the bullet had not gone through all of the way and had appeared to be lodged in between two of his ribs. I would need to cut the wound wider in order to gain enough access to remove the bullet. Less lucky for him.
“Do you guys have anything that will nock him out for a few hours?” I asked Matt, Bryan and Jolly who had all hung around to keep an eye on myself and Folio.
“We only have immune-suppressors here. But I can go see if Nick and Noah have some?” Matt replied.
“Be quick. I think it goes without saying that your boy here is in a fuck tonne of pain.” I said.
With that, Matt jogged out of the door Nick and Noah had left through. About five minutes passed when the door slammed back open and a frustrated looking Noah barged back through with a brown paper bag.
“Here. This should nock him out.” He snarled at me, “Get it yourself next time princess. I don’t work for you. And neither do my guys.” He then turned back around and left through the door he came through.
Rolling my eyes at him, I got to work with giving the meds to Folio who was still writing in pain.
The meds helped tremendously and I was able to remove the bullet from Folio with little to no fuss at all. It was easy without lord asshat, Noah, breathing down my neck or generally pissing me off.
After stitching Folio’s side back up, Matt, Bryan and Jolly moved him into his room so he would be comfortable.
I was then brought into their home. I was greeted with a large, open-plan room that contained a kitchen with a large island that extended for most of the back wall and had enough stools surrounding the breakfast bar side of it for a small army. On the opposite wall was a living area with what appeared to be a one-way window that wrapped around the outer wall of the room. Impressive. Expensive.
The door on the right hand wall slammed open and Noah stormed through. A scowl etched across his face in replacement of his signature smirk. The glare he sent me bore holes into my skull.
“What the fuck was that!” He yelled while stomping towards me with his finger pointed at me accusingly.
“Huh?” I replied.
“Don’t fucking play dumb with me princess. Back there. On the road. You bailed. Who the fuck does that!” He argued back.
“I didn’t bail. If you remember correctly. That is if you didn’t hit your fucking head you delusional asshole. I came back and killed the people you fucking couldn’t.” I retaliated furiously.
Noah started laughing. Fucking laughing.
“No princess. You pussied out and came back when the fight was easier.” Noah chuckled menacingly.
“Go fuck yourself!” I screamed back at him.
“You are one of us now. Whether you like it or not. We protect each other. That’s the deal.” Noah snarled. Getting right in my face. “And you. Fucking. Bailed.” He punctuated with a poke to my chest.
“I wouldn’t have had to do that if your fucking scout had done his fucking job.” I snarled back at him.
“Yeah? You mean our scout who is currently upstairs out cold because you fucking bailed and he got fucking shot? That scout?” He whispered menacingly.
“I didn’t bail. I covered the back Noah.” I said in response.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night princess.” He replied without breaking eye contact.
Silence fell between us as my eye flickered from his brown eyes to his lips that were incredibly close to my own. I could see Noah’s eyes doing the same.
“Now I see why you ride solo. Selfish bitch.” He muttered as he backed away from me.
“The fuck did you just say to me asshole?” I screamed as I followed him.
“You heard me princess.” He replied with a grin across his face.
“I don’t think I did because you would have to be a complete fucking moron to say what you just said.” I yelled at him.
“I think we both know who the moron here is princess.” Noah growled back at me.
“Go. Fuck. Yourself.” I snarled in reply.
“All I’m saying is that it’s no wonder you ride solo because who the fuck in their right minds would want to be in a crew with a selfish, backstabbing bitch like you.” Noah Growled with a smirk on his gorgeous face.
Before I had time to slap his stupid face, an incoming call tore through the silence that lingered after his statement.
Chapter 2
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agentwhiskeysdarlin · 2 years
Come Back to Me
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Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x F!Reader
Rating: NSFW 18+
Warnings: reader is super pissed, mentions of injury (slightly), lots of making out, quick and needy sex, p in v sex, unprotected sec (wrap it up kids), dash of angst but still fluffy
Word Count: 2k
Author’s Notes: First Jack fic of the year!!!! FINALLY! Back to my favorite cowboy and what a way to get back into writing him. This was fun to write based off this request! Thank you anon for the request and I hope it lives up to what you wanted! Thank you to @clint-aww-no-barton​ as always and big thanks to all the new readers!! If you want to be added to my taglist please let me know!!
ao3 link 
This work is intended for adult eyes only. By continuing, you agree that you are 18 or older. 
  People moved from your path with clear concern and worry. The look on your face clearly showed the rage you felt. Your boss and father was dragging behind you, calling after you trying to calm you down, but there was no use. These posh prick assholes came into your agency and shot one of your fellow agents. Not only that, but they messed with the one man you’d ever loved. That meant war. You would burn Kingsman to the fucking ground.
  “Ginger said he was going to be fine kiddo,” your father, Champ spoke as you stepped on the elevator that would lead to where sick bay was.
  “It doesn’t matter. I’m going to kill that asshole for shooting him. He shouldn’t have been cleared to go out in the field,” you snapped as you turned to Champ.
  That shut his mouth, given he was the one who cleared him. The elevator doors opened and there stood Harry and Eggsy. One look in your direction and Eggsy’s eyes bulged.
  “Uh Harry maybe we should…”
  “Oh I don’t think so.”
  You stormed forward, pushing Harry against the glass that overlooked the hanger just outside.
  “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t throttle you where you stand?!”
  “Look, Harry was out of line but Whiskey is going to be okay.”
  Eggsy stepped forward, panic laced through his voice. He took one of your arms, Champ grabbing the other and they pulled you from Harry. He straightened his suit as you glared holes through him.
  “Get off me!” You shrugged both men off you and stepped back.
  “I believe Agent Whiskey may be…”
  “Harry don’t!” Eggsy pointed to him.
  “Oh no! Please finish your sentence, may what?”, the venom laced words almost spat from your mouth. You hadn’t even noticed your father had stepped away on the phone, until he returned.
  “We found where Poppy is. I’m sending you both with Merlin, now.”
  “You have to be kidding me!” You turned to him.
  “Listen kiddo, I understand, but you need to calm down. Go be with Jack.”
  You stood there, swearing steam was coming out of your ears. You glared at Harry one last time, before turning on your heels and headed into sick bay.
  “At least she’ll never let anyone run over her,” you heard Eggsy comment.
  “Just how I raised her.”
  Pride laced your fathers words, but even in that moment you couldn’t take it in. You were stopped dead at the sight before you. Jack was lying in one of the beds, still in his snowsuit and his head encased in a contraption of Statesman making. It was genius honestly and the invention had saved countless agents in the past. Most of them would tell anyone, they’d rather take a head shot than anywhere else. 
  “He is going to be fine but we both know what can happen,” Ginger spoke, making you jump slightly.
  “We won’t really know until he wakes up,” you let out a sigh, your anger gone and anxiety taking hold of you.
  “I gotta go help with the mission. Are you okay to stay with him?” Ginger placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, and you gave her a slight smile.
  “Yeah I got this,” you spoke softly and with that Ginger was gone.
  You let out a sigh and finally made yourself walk forward, sitting down in a chair next to the bed. All you could do now was wait. Your mind wandered to the worst case scenarios, and then it would skip to the feelings you kept buried so deep. Champ being your father and boss caused issues when it came to dating fellow agents, especially Jack. Your father loved him, like he did all his agents, but as he said all too often, “no one is good enough for my little girl.” You rolled your eyes at the sound of his voice in your head. He really needed to move past that. Jack had been the only guy who you’d ever felt that pull with, and the temptation to beg your father to let you have this had been strong for a long time.
  You had absentmindedly taken Jack’s hand, lacing your fingers in between his. Then they twitched and your head shot up. The doors around Jack’s head opened suddenly and as he sat up, you stood. You backed up as he looked around, confusion clear on his face. Then his eyes snapped up at you, and a smirk pulled at his lips. You could tell by the way he looked at you with no recognition, that he had taken several steps back in life. You backed up again as he slid off the bed.
  “Well ain’t you the most beautiful thing to wake up to.”
  His voice held a different tone to it than it did normally. You tried to push the smile away, to keep from rolling your eyes, but you didn’t succeed in either. He started in, talking way too fast, with promises of taking you home and treating you right. You had to think fast how to snap him back to the present. Then an idea sprung to your mind and you threw caution to the wind. You stepped toward him now, causing him to stop. You reached up, taking his face in between your hands and smashed your lips against his, cutting him off mid sentence. It took him a few moments, a slight jump and then he was kissing you back, pulling you closer to him until you were desperate for air.
  “Well damn darlin’,” Jack chuckled back to himself.
  “There he is.” He gave you a questioning look. “You were young Jack again, trying to put the moves on me.”
  “I don’t have to be a younger me to do that,” he smirked down at you. “But thank you for bringing me back like that.”
  You searched his eyes and he seemed to be doing the same to you. Your heart pounded in your ears and you knew, right now, was the chance to finally just take the plunge.
  “Oh fuck it,” you panted and crashed your lips back to his.
  One arm stayed solid around your waist, as he kissed you back, the other coming up to your cheek, brushing hair away. He kissed you deeper, pulling you so close that you were as connected as you could be with clothes on.
  “Where’s Ginger?” He panted as he pulled away, backing you up toward the bed.
  “Not here,” was all you said before your lips collided again, and you melted into him.
  Jack skillfully turned you around, picking you up as he did and placing you on the bed. You opened your legs for him and he slid between them, never once letting his lips slip from yours. Everything was Jack, the sick bay slipped away, the thought of anyone coming in a distant thought. You didn’t care anymore, you needed him and you needed him now. The damn had broke and you were swept up in the flood of feelings taking over.
  “We need to be quick, unfortunately,” he kissed you again deeply. “But I promise I’m going to make it up to you, if you’ll let me.”
  He froze when your hand pushed on his chest slightly, your eyes connecting as something different danced there.
  “Jack I’ve wanted nothing more for a long time. It’s just…”
  “He’ll get over it. I’m an adult. It’s past time for him to let go.”
  He smiled then and let out a breath, before his lips were back on yours again. His hands wandered, slipping under your dress and up your thighs, making you shiver. You let out a whine against his lips, as he slipped your dress up to your midsection. He made quick work of pulling off the snowsuit he wore and freeing himself from his jeans. He pulled away panting as you laid down and he pulled you to the edge, before resting his forehead against yours. His eyes stayed connected to yours as he slipped your underwear off until you looked down, watching as he tucked them into his pocket. He smirked and you couldn’t stop one from pulling at your own lips.
  “You okay?” He spoke softly and you simply nodded your head.
  He pushed inside of you and the two of you let out your own noises of pleasure. Your eyes rolled and then fluttered shut at the feeling of him. He felt so perfect, like he was meant for you. His lips took yours again, as he started to move his hips gently but quickly.
  “You feel so damn good darlin’,” he groaned against your lips, pulling just away enough to speak.
  You couldn’t even respond. You were too overwhelmed with it all. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your fingers went to his hair. He moved quicker and just slightly harder, both of you desperate to hit your highs as quick as you could. Jack licked his two middle fingers, and snaked them between the two of you to rub your clit. You let out a loud moan, that was cut off by his lips, and you snapped. Your body shook and you grabbed at him in every way possible, like a vice. He took over every single one of your senses, driving your through your high. You heard him, almost from far away, groaning in your ear as his head slumped to your shoulder as he shuddered through his own release. Both of your bodies relaxed in unison, and you panted for only a few moments longer. You desperately wished he didn’t have to move away, that this moment didn’t have to end. Reality sucked that way. He pushed himself away reluctantly and pulled out of you, making you hissing at the loss of him. He fixed himself and then helped you, both of you still dazed and humming with the afterglow.
  “What happens now?” the fear in your voice evident.
  “I’m not real sure darlin’, but I know I want to continue this and, maybe, take you on a real date sometime. That’s, if you’ll have me. And your pops doesn’t kill me.”
  You both let out a chuckle.
  “Jack I’ve wanted this for a really long time. I’ve just, always been worried about so many way this could go wrong, but seeing you lying on that bed…I…I knew I needed to just take the jump, and hope you caught me.”
  “I’ll always catch you darlin’,” he bent, kissing your forehead gently, and you smiled beaming bright.
  “Guys we have a problem,” Ginger burst in to the room, looking between the two of you in shock, before shaking her head slightly.
  “What’s going on?”
  Jack spoke, but his voice sounded off to you, suddenly. You studied him as Ginger went into the details of the mission and the loss of Merlin. Jack asked her to get his jet ready, and you followed him to his office where he could change. Something had shifted in his demeanor and it made your stomach flip with dread. Something was wrong, you could feel it. He was slipping in to a jean jacket when you finally pushed the words out.
  “Jack,” he turned to you, eyes softening and eyebrows raising slightly. “Please come back to me. Whatever happens next, I want to figure it out with you.”
  The words came out soft, scared, as the instincts that had been honed in your time as an agent warned you of impending danger. He locked eyes with you and he seemed to wrestle with himself for far too long, before he physically wilted. Decision seemingly made he stepped forward, kissing your forehead again.
  “I promise I’ll come back to you darlin’,” you knew he meant it, could hear it in his voice, but it only made you relax slightly, intuition still telling you something was wrong.
  You stood there in his office and watched him leave, his promise ringing in your ears. All you could do, was wait.
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @thisis-theway​ @ohpedromypedro​ @scribbledghost​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @princess-and-pedro​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @littlevodka​ @all-hallows-evie​ @mack4676​ @perropascal​ @audreyshepbvrn​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @kaqua​ @novemberrain221​ @weasleywinchester​
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bobbydagen24 · 6 months
not sure Wether anyone's done this yet? but last night I kept thinking about the great angst potential of a story where Bro zone have to travel through Branch's memories in order to save his life.
like I said the ideas kept coming to me last night like the story could be Branch gets attacked by some sorta parasite that starts slowly draining his life energy while infecting his mind and keeping him in a deep sleep state.
so the only way to save him is for a group of people to do some magic meditation crap courteously of Creek lol to travel into Branch's mind to chase after the parasite which has travelled through his memories.
so of course Bro zone insist on being the ones to go despite Poppy not being sure about the whole thing due to seeing it as somewhat an invasion of privacy especially for someone as private as Branch tho the others remind her its the only way to save his life.
so from then on its just a perfect excuse for some heart-breaking Angst as the Bros follow the trail of the parasite leading them further and further back into different memories of Branch's.
like I imagine things start off seemingly harmless enough where at first they end up in a memory from later on in his Bunker years but still prior to the first film.
and its just Branch dancing around in his Bunny Pyjamas while the Bros all laugh their heads off thinking its just a funny embarrassing memory.
but Bunny Branch feels a tiny tremor in the ground and instantly runs and hides under his Bed clearly panicked thinking a Bergen is approaching.
his Brothers somewhat saddened to see this try to tell him that it was just a minor tremor and he doesn't need to be afraid but they realise that isn't how it works and they can't actually directly interact with anyone in the memories.
their basically just invisible ghosts who can do nothing but watch the memory play out.
anyway they continue following the Trail of the parasite to memories further back they arrive at one with a teenage looking Branch in the Bunker actually getting ready for an outing.
he's in a suit and is trying to tie a proper bowtie and there's multiple invites from Poppy to a Birthday party on the table making it clear to the Bros what's going on.
young Branch takes a deep breath and with a small present in his hand he goes to the entrance of the Bunker which his bros are all happy to see.
only for their smiles to fade when they see him stop right at the entrance looking at the door and hearing some party music going on in the distance.
the Bros despite knowing he can't hear them are all egging him on trying to encourage him to go but after young Branch looks down.
and has an upset and seemingly frustrated expression after a little internal battle as despite clearly wanting to go join the others he can't bring himself to take the risk.
and he throws the present across the other side of the room and walks back to his room in the bunker.
disappointing his brothers and leaving them somewhat somber.
and the next memory could be of when Branch was still a pretty young kid and the Bunker was still in its early stages.
and maybe if we wanna go really over the top in the sad angst department 😭😭 we see little Branch sitting down at a table with multiple chairs having something to eat and we see he's written his brothers names on the other chairs.
saving spots for them for when they would come back and maybe he even has little pretend conversations with them telling them about everything he did that day like setting up their Hideout aka the Bunker.
ending the conversation with a sad little "" I Hope I see you soon ""
and I like to imagine Floyd eventually gets too emotional after seeing all this stuff and walks off on his own with either Bruce or Clay going after him on their own.
with Floyd telling them that he remembers what he would have been doing around this time all those years ago he was just out living it up getting wasted ( on sugar of course lol )
partying into the long hours of the night being a solo performer traveling around living as a carefree party animal.
the other brother tells him its somewhat pointless blaming himself now and they just need to focus on finding the parasite and saving Branch's life.
but still Floyd says he broke the promise he made before but he very determinedly says he isn't going to break another one to him ever again.
so they move on to the next memory which is little kid Branch finishing building Gary maybe commenting on how he'll never leave him and that he can't wait for him to meet his brothers.
further rubbing salt in the wounds for the Brothers but at this point they try and stay headstrong and keep on going in further and the next stop.
sees them at the Trolls tree their taken aback given the amount of years its been since they saw it this way and then they hear a sound and realise Apon looking up that its the sound of little Branch singing.
the Brothers all see Chef looming in the background and they then see their Grandma running towards Branch only for JD completely caught in the moment not thinking straight.
to start running up the Tree towards them as well their Grandma pushes Branch out of the way and JD just makes it to her only to helplessly phase through her.
as she's grabbed by Chef and they all watch as she's taken away what follows is somber moment of silence as they all realise exactly what Branch lived with all those years on his own.
and the Brothers have to watch the memory version of Branch succumb to Grief and lose his colours while they can't even try and comfort him.
after this they finally reach the final stop which isn't actually a memory its just Branch's Bunker with a grown up version of him inside it.
from here on I'm not exactly 100 percent sure what I'd want to happen or be said between them it can just be a nice little climax where this version is the actual present day Branch just trapped in his mind.
and he feels somewhat ashamed that his Brothers would have seen all these moments from his life but JD says he's sorry he had to live with that burden of watching what happened to their Grandma for so long on his own.
Bruce says he shouldn't have had to go through any of that on his own when he was so young and he wishes he'd have come back at any point as he would have taken him with him back to Vacay and he never would have been alone again.
Clay says that he wishes he'd told them some of this stuff himself when they all first met back up so they could have tried to better understand why he felt so hurt by them.
and Floyd simply gives him a Hug without really saying anything.
you could change the way each Bro zone member reacts if you want I'm not dead set on these reactions for them I just thought they were kinda cute.
anyway from here on its pretty simple they find the parasite it takes the forms of people it thinks will best rattle them based on its knowledge so it takes the form of Chef.
but this is a pretty daft move as the brothers just all proceed to kick its butt without any hesitation and after its beaten they all wake up from the sleep state.
but yeah has anyone done anything like this? as like I said I just started thinking about it last night and I couldn't get the idea out of my head as there's so much angst potential 😭😭😭😭
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cherryrohan · 2 months
thth season 3 spoilers
the new app is out which means i've finally been able to dig into the game files. surprisingly, they've added all of the upcoming episode descriptions from the jump this time unlike last season.
please don't ask me for sprite assets bc the game doesn't run on the same engine as litg so it's pretty much impossible.
anyway, major episode and character spoilers are under the cut and if you share elsewhere please give credit!
Episode Descriptions
EP 4 - Hearts on Fire
You caught Jirayu and Carmen whispering secrets! Are they plotting something, or is it just a harmless conversation?
EP5 - Desperate Measures
Poppy seems very interested in your business. Will she back off, or is there about to be trouble on the horizon?
EP6 - Stolen Moments
Your suite stay gets interrupted by an uninvited guest. Can you enjoy your night, or is Bad Lana about to ruin it?
EP7 - Betrayal
Lana’s fed up with your horniness. Is her plan going to help you, or tempt you even more?
EP8 - Rules Begone!
The secret is out — Poppy is a Spy! Suddenly, her behavior makes perfect sense… but can she be forgiven?
EP9 - The Love’s Gambit
Giselle is eliminating Sean! Is the drama over, or are there more surprises?
EP10 - Paradise Exile
You’re being banished! Are you about to leave the retreat for good… or does Lana have something else planned for you?
EP11 - Second Chances
You’re back from the Banishment Room, and everyone is excited to greet you! Well… almost everyone.
EP12 - A Lovers’ Goodbye
Carmen and Jirayu have been keeping secrets, but what was their motive?
EP13 - Unexpected Turnabout
Victoria’s announcement shakes things up. Are you prepared to handle what comes next?
EP14 - Secret Confessions
Can you save Giselle on time, or has this retreat taken a turn for the worst?
EP15 - Until We Meet Again…
It's your final night at the retreat, and Lana is ready to announce the finalists. Who will walk away richer, in both money and love?
Love Interests
Beatriz, 22 from Brazil
In a world full of followers, Beatriz is a shining star. Her spontaneous spirit craves fun, adventure… and a partner who can keep up with her rhythm. Even if you stumble, she’ll be there to catch you in her warm embrace.
Carmen, 23 from Puerto Rico
Fiercely independent and ambitious, Carmen is a seductive force that turns heads and breaks hearts. Her outgoing nature and irresistible charm are as captivating as her art. This bold soul can't be easily tamed, and only the bravest would even dare to try…
Isla, 25 from Canada
Independent, authentic, and a joy to be around, Isla is ready to find love that's as lasting as her carpentry projects. Her magnetic personality will draw you in, but her playfulness and kindness will make you stay. Her guide dog Bear is ready to make a new friend as well!
Jirayu, 24 from USA
If you like fun facts, you’re in luck - Jirayu never runs out of them! Sharp-minded and well-read, he’s always ready to engage in stimulating banter. Although he’d never admit that, this pilot finds navigating relationships harder than the skies…
Mattias, 25 from USA
Confident yet caring, Mattias is the guy who will always have your back - and while he loves the game, he’s more into baking than playing the field. If you date him, you’ll become his biggest flex… even though being an NFL Quarterback is a close second!
Taz, 26 from Germany
Taz is a chef with a sharp tongue but a tender heart. Assertive both in the kitchen and the bedroom, he always exceeds the highest expectations. Once you peel away his layers, he might trust you with his heart… and even some of his secret recipes!
Zayn, 28 from USA
Zayn has taken some time off to heal his broken heart, and he’s ready to tackle dating again. Trustworthy and kind, he's a catch who promises cozy nights in and fun gaming sessions. Now if only he could use cheat codes in his dating life…
Giselle, 26 from France
A foodie with a creative flair, Giselle is beloved in all of her circles. Her ability to find joy in simple things is unmatched. She might not be a problem solver, but she’ll definitely be your biggest cheerleader.
Julian, 28 from Canada
Julian’s a musician who’s looking for someone to tune in to his beat. Practical and down to earth, he knows just what to say to break the tension… and it’s usually a joke that’s going to leave you in stitches!
Victoria, 27 from UK
An accountant by day, an activist by heart, and a rule breaker by nature, Victoria is on a mission - and she’s not about to let anyone stand in her way. She thrives on her own, but if you’re able to meet her at the top, she might just let you in on the view…
Sean, 23 from Ireland
Sean sees his receptionist title as merely a stepping stone to greatness, using his charm and fit body to get what he wants. Although he seems outgoing and talkative, he’s not the biggest team player - and he seems to value his dog more than his partners…
Friends to Love Interests
(these characters start off as friends but can be romanced at some point later in the game similar to santiago)
Avi, 23 from Ireland
Avi mastered the game of love just like he mastered chess, always staying three moves ahead. With a charm that disarms even the toughest exterior, he is the perfect partner in crime… unless he’s too busy solving one!
Poppy, 25 from UK
Poppy sizes everyone up the minute she enters the room. Flirty yet fiercely clever, she’s not just playing the field - she’s redesigning it. Behind her architectural brilliance and smirks lies a gentle, yet elusive heart… but do you dare capture it?
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mirrow-hamato · 8 months
Okay, okay so i saw you guys liking the idea of Mafia Brozone au. So i decided give you some more info of it as headcanons + concept.
Imagine a bit different world that we usually expect in trolls. A huge city where small and big creatures live together (Aka Zootopia, i guess???). And one of the most small, but sneaky mafia group was Brozone. Five troll brothers. Elusive and too bold. (They probably took Branch with them just because they needed to babysit him somehow tho. Imagine all of brothers have special suit thingy so they can place Branch in there. ).
After they split up, Branch was left to granny, until some bad guys killed her. He was left to the shelter. There he also meets Poppy that is actually just a lost child. That's how they slowly becoming friends and growing up together.
What for other bros?
Floyd becomes a photographer and just enjoying his calm life. He really didn't have anything close to stuff he used to do. But he can't avoid that he sometimes miss the dangerous adventures.
Clay becomes a teacher in one of the biggest uni's! (University). Also just enjoys his life, learning kids and even got a new (girl)friend - Viva (who's also a teacher.) and very rarely calls to his big brother - Bruce. Clay still accidentally use his talent that he used to use back in days. For example, open a jamming locker with his fist or deftly catch all the sheets of papers that have scattered due to students running around. But he's really trying to hide this. He don't want to be part of it again. (Or does he?)
Bruce is a happy father man. After he left Brozone he kept doing small crimes all alone. Until he got caught but agents. Guess who was the lady boss? Brandi of course. This man fall in love very quickly and decided to let his dark past go and start new life with his love. Later, when they married, they both quit the agents job to rise kids in calm peaceful life. (But you really don't want to mess with any of them, cuz they still pretty good at smashing.) Also! Bruce find a good use to his strength - he becomes a redneck guy, a very good one. And yea, sometimes he calls Clay to hang out somewhere in bar or go for bowling.
And John Dory, of course. How not ironically that was, he becomes a police guy, but not really for long time. He realises that such boring stuff is not for him so he grabbed all his saving (like money ya know) and decides to buy a mini vane to live in far far away from anyone. Also in this AU Rahonda is a puppy. You can imagine some sad back stories where John saves this little girl and adopts it and saying something like:"Looks like you're as lonely as me, huh? That’s okay, now even if we are alone, we have eachother." He and his little girl living by themselves, without any worries, because they both don't need much money to survive. And believe me, John have a damn tonnes of money. He just lost the point of using it so much. Even though he does buy a lot of cute doggy stuff for Rahonda. But he would not tell you about that haha.
The story of it? Viva finds out about her long lost sister being captured. So Viva have to ask Clay very much to help her until all bros slowly get together to rescue Poppy. (Later then find out that Branch was captured too, which will make them even more angry and determined.)
+ a funny bonus for that Viva is good at boxing tho.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Guz Khan; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Rachel House; Happy Belated Non-Binary Parents Day!; Lesbian Visibility Week!; New Event's Calendar; Watch Parties; Fibre Arts Division; Uproar; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Slay; OFMD Colouring Pages; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Guz Khan =
Guz Khan's landed in L.A.! If you're in the Los Angelos Area, you can still get tickets to see him at The Regent for April 24!
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= Samba Schutte =
Samba sending out some love for Earth Day!
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= Nathan Foad =
More dashing photos of Nathan Foad in Love's Labours Lost
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Img Src: @saritagabony's IG
= Rachel House =
More BTS Pics of Rachel and the kids from The Mountain! Can't wait to see this come to the US! @temaungafilm Instagram Page
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== Non Binary Parents Day! ==
Happy belated Non-Binary Parents Day! Sorry luvs I missed this yesterday! You are wonderful, you are valid, you are such a beautiful part of this world. Thank you for all you do for all the kiddos out there, yours or otherwise. Whether you go by Zaza, Per, Muddy, Bibi, or any other of the number of non-binary parent names out there, we love you my dears. <3
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Img SRC: Art by Veya
== Lesbian Visibility Week! ==
Today is the first day of Lesbian Visibility Week! We see you lovelies! Each and every one if you is valid, and are a shining star that fill up the skies. Where would we be without stars? We love you dearies!
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Img Src: Trans World Of Queer Shitposting Facebook Page
== New Events Calendar ==
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The Save OFMD Crew's Even Schedule is Up! Monday and Tuesday are focused on the Fiber Arts Brigade! They're looking for artists to join/donate and or share your work!
Check out Saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr Post for more deets!
== Watch Parties ==
Short Poppies is on the docket this week, and so are a few filler episodes of other smaller roles our favorite Captain has been in!
When: Tuesday April 23, 2024, at 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 10:30 pm GMT
What: We'll be watching A Series of Unfortunate Events Episode 7, and Short Poppies Episode 2!
Looking for where to watch?
Short Poppies - Amazon Prime
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Netflix
Don't have access? Hit me up here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill over dm, or @/AspirantAbby42 on twitter for more info.
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= Palm Royal Season 1 =
Episodes 5 & 6 this Thursday April 25: 1 pm PT, 4 pm ET, 9 pm BST
via @lcwebsxoxo on Twitter!
== Fibre Arts Brigade ==
On June 14th the Save OFMD Fibre Arts Brigade will be holding an online auction to benefit SAGE (an Advocacy & Services Non Profit for LGBTQ+ Seniors)! If you'd like to donate OFMD themed textiles to the auction, hop on over to their Donation Page Src: Saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr Post
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== Uproar ==
Uproar is finally coming out on digital & on demand tomorrow 04/23/2024!
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Img Src: @/blue_fox_entertainment's Instagram
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Our fabulous crewmate @melvisik has done it again, one more addition to the cast cards! Brett O' Gorman plays the captain "to whom Stede gifted the red suit (which was definitely NOT cursed...)"!
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= Our Flag Means Slay =
Only 5 days left to get tickets for the Our Drag Means Slay Livestream! All proceeds go to charity!
Get your tickets here!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More fun colouring pages by @patchworkpiratebear! Thank you so much for designing all these lovely, I've printed several off and my son and I are working on them throughout the week!
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== Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast ==
The Lore of the Ring Episode is finally here! Special context from Alex Sherman! You can listen on Spotify or Apple Music, link below!
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Img Src: Our Flag Means Fanfiction's IG
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. I hope your Monday wasn't too crazy! I'm gonna keep it short tonight because I am nodding off.
I know sometimes we do things when we're not feeling very well that we regret. I know sometimes we get so far progress wise, but then we revert a little bit because the day was just too much. Sometimes we even say or do things that hurt others, even if we don't mean to, but it happens.
Just remember lovelies that that doesn't make you a bad person.
We all make mistakes. We are all human, and none of us are infallible.
You are going through so much. You are dealing with the stressors of the day, of the week, of the year, of the country, of the global climate, hell you're dealing with the stressors of keeping you and your loved ones fed, and clothed and sheltered, or maybe you're dealing with a physical ailment.
Whatever it is, you're dealing with A LOT. We all have bad days.
Making mistakes is how we grow. Give yourself some grace lovelies, you deserve grace too.
Anyway, that's enough out of me, goodnight crew, I hope your dreams are sweet, and your rest is full.
Other People's Love Notes: @realyogibryan IG / @/michellcclark
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Idk what tonight's theme is. We watched the Guy Mann episode of X-Files and I just really wanted to add him to tonight's recap. Gifs Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome and @romantoy
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47 notes · View notes
platinumaspiration · 2 years
Chrimedy! Enough with the Updates!
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So, I've been playing my main save a lot and some conversions I did were bothering me. So, decent conversions are now made better, in my opinion. You can opt to download just the mesh(es) or route to the original post with the recolors too.
‼ Most of these are minor changes that are more aligned to my standards. The ones with ✨ are recommended quality of life updates
Folder to updated meshes
details under the cut
✨ Serenity-cc Power Hoodie Top + Serenity-cc Power Jogger Outfit - original fixed so sims don't have a gap in their stomach when bending
✨ Dad's Cook Out Set - original AM Fat morph fixed; TM hiking fat morph fixed
Ridgeport Phia Suit - original pulled the underarms out, shaped to TS2 body, smoothed seams, removed unnecessary backfaces
✨ Pixelette Poppy Outfit - original connected the waist to the skirt, shaped a bit better to TS2 body, smoothed seams
EP10 Sweater Mock Neck TM/EM - original EP10 Sweater Mock Neck AM - original pulled the underarms out, shaped a bit better to TS2 body, smoothed seams
EP11 Shirt Work AM/EM - original pulled the underarms out, shaped a bit better to TS2 body, smoothed seams
EP11 Shirt Short Sleeve - original pulled the underarms out, shaped a bit better to TS2 body, smoothed seams
EP11 Sweater Playful - original pulled the underarms out, shaped a bit better to TS2 body, smoothed seams
EP Sweater Button - original pulled the underarms out, smoothed seams
Shysimblr's Lundigras - original requested by anon way back - reduced poly count from 24k > 14k
✨ DayLifeSims' Berserk - original fixed clipping through scalp
EP11 Cardigan Henley - original pulled the underarms out, shaped a bit better to TS2 body, smoothed seams, fixed UV mapping
EP11 Coat Corduroy - original pulled the underarms out, shaped a bit better to TS2 body, smoothed seams
✨Joliebean's Dream Lover Top TF - original fixed TF fat morphs - thank you Epi!
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candlecoveisland · 2 months
Episode 2: The Stranger on the Roof
Welcome once again to CandleCove Island. I decided against adding more characters this time because Milo, Horace, and Skin-Taker haven't really met anyone yet, and I wanted to give them time to acclimate to their new environment. But I'm glad I didn't because I have the feeling a particular friendship wouldn't have formed if I did....
Poppy made friends with Horace.
Percy made friends with Skin-Taker.
Skin-Taker made friends with Horace.
Skin-Taker made friends with Janice.
Percy and Poppy had a minor fight (about what, I don't know), but they worked it out.
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Skin-Taker made friends with Poppy, and not only that, but 2 minutes after they met, they became best friends.
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Let's see how long this lasts.
Janice and Horace had some very specific cravings that day.
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I couldn't actually give them those foods because the food store just opened and it only has about 20 items in stock total, so instead I gave Janice popcorn (which she didn't like) and Horace octopus (which he did like).
Speaking of being picky...
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Wh... "jewel dress"??
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Buddy. This is THE most expensive clothing item in the game. Who do you think I am? (He didn't even ask nicely, geez!)
I did give him a different dress, but he wasn't quite satisfied with it.
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Maybe he wanted to show off to other pirates how much jewels and treasure he has? I don't know.
Janice, Horace, and Skin-Taker also asked for clothes, and I figured I'd give Poppy and Milo something as well so they wouldn't have to keep wearing the default clothes.
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Milo asked for an interior, so I got him one.
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I don't think it suits him that well (it looks way too clean and stylish), but the interior store didn't have a lot of selection.
Also, I unfortunately can't change Horace's and Skin-Taker's hellish checkerboard interiors because I haven't made that much money in this game yet. Milo's interior alone cost me half my savings.
I gave Skin-Taker this thing called a "rent-a-cat coupon," so now a cat will come visit him sometimes.
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I also gave Milo a punching bag so he could have a healthy outlet for his violent tendencies.
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Also, I don't have video evidence of this, but please believe me when I say Milo farted LOUDLY, MULTIPLE TIMES while I was scrolling through the apartments. He disgusts me.
I gave Horace and Skin-Taker catchphrases.
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Everyone wanted to take baths that day for some reason? And asking me to give them bath sets?
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Probably because of Milo's farty ass stinking up the apartment building and making everyone want to wash the smell off themselves...
Janice tried to sell me some octopus.
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Milo had a strange experience that day...
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...Well, that wraps up episode 2! Next episode, I'm throwing Calvery, Dr. Heartfelt, Ms. Laughingstock, Sunny, Hoody Hans, and ManBearPig into the fray! I'll post bonus footage as its own separate post because I think I'm at Tumblr's photo limit. See you next time!
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mysterybooks-world · 8 months
Guys, I have a great story idea
do you know Frowny Fox from GameToons?
Frowny Fox is a rejected toy of Playtime Co. and a rejected member of the Smiling Critters.
my idea is
( I reincarnated to Frowny Fox )
Listen to my idea
y/n was a teenager and a fan of Games & fan story
y/n You like video games & played (poppy playtime) before & And watch The GameToons channel.
When y/n died. they reincarnated to Frowny Fox
They were pleased Because Frowny Fox was their favorite character
My idea is to summarize the story.
After you realize that you Die and become Frowny Fox
y/n Decisions to live a happy and adventurous life
first: You tried to find out if there was a guide and Find a screen
shows you your level and your advantages
Kind of reminds you of undertale
secondly: Fix your body.
You search for a laboratory & you Find the materials to Fix Yourbody.
And you have found a shoulder bag
thirdly: Look for Frowny Fox project ownership papers And destroy the backup copy
Even if you were a rejected toy It is better to be completely free From the factory and CEO
you expected it to be difficult, But you found it easy surprisingly.
You said to yourself: Okay makes sense After all I know the law of the universe GameToons
Fourthly: Find a way out of the factory After you left a message to Hoppy Hopscotch the only and true friend to Frowny Fox
fifthly: What is your goal?
Simply You help people of all ages: like
Abuse Children
Fix parents' relationship with their children however if the parents Don't change
y/n uses the phone to call the authorities and says they are an unknown person who would like to report an Abuse Child.
After the intervention of the authorities
y/n helps find a new family for Children.
Children who are bullied or do not have self-confidence or Autistic children.
teenagers & Adults who find difficulty in their lives
People who Face Trauma & Losing someone dear to them & Mourning
y/n as Frowny Fox you listen to their stories and Help them
After you left the factory
your level up And you earned it new power
Like your bag
y/n appearance changed a little
Imagine with me a Frowny Fox wears glasses
(A note I am a person who wears glasses and I like my character to have glasses So I make y/n a person who wore glasses before they died)
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(I want his hair to be fluffy and soft)
Imagine this scene with me:
Frowny Fox sings at a music festival With a teenage band
Like this scene (Let It Rain | MLP: Equestria Girls)
Imagine a smoke coming out of the mouth of Frowny Fox And drying up people like Sunset Shimmer
(This is the color of the gas)
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You have to admit that this is a fitting (Let It Rain | MLP)song for Frowny Fox
I have other songs that suit the story scenes, I imagine it such as:
(“Gonna Be My Day” My Little Pony: A New Generation) (Good Vibes | MLP: Equestria Girls ) (Run to Break Free | MLP: Equestria Girls) (Equestria Girls Season 2 | 'Find the Magic' Music Video) (Play (Original Broadway Cast Recording)) (Applause - Lady Gaga (Lyrics)) (Top Of The World From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile ) (Rip Up The Recipe From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile ) (Carried Away From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile) (Take A Look At Us Now From the Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile) (Running Out Of Time - The Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) (Keep the beat The - Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) (Tough crowd - Motion Picture Soundtrack Vivo) ("Wake Up" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Flying Solo" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Finally Free" Clip | Julie and the Phantoms) ("Bright" | Julie and the Phantoms) (Stand Tall" Julie and the Phantoms) (Touch The Sky (Brave) Cover) (Lena Hall - The Magic Inside (I Am Just a Pony) (Aviators Remix)) (Who I Am - Lyrics | Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy) (Weightless - Lyrics | Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy) ("Float" from Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast) (I'll Save You - Jordan Sweeto) (Anna Blue- Where Do I Go?) (Wildside (From "Adventures in Babysitting") ( Theme Song Zendaya - Keep It Undercover) (This Is Me From "Camp Rock") (Victorious Karaoke | Freak the Freak Out) (The Greatest Showman | "Never Enough") (The Greatest Showman Cast - The Greatest Show) (The Greatest Showman | "From Now On") (Will Smith - Friend Like Me from Aladdin) (Adam Friedman - Glorious (lyrics)) (When Can I See You Again - Owl City) (Owl City, Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time) (Post Malone, Swae Lee - Sunflower) (Song of the Sea | Lullaby) (Bubble OST Florence Mok) ((bubble) theme song Smooth but only the Bubble and Humming sounds 🎶ONE HOUR🎶) (What Else Can I Do? From "Encanto") (Lundh & Jon Becker - Tonight) (Rival & Cadmium - Seasons) (Rival & Arc North - Starlight) (Rival & Cadmium - Fight For Me) (Arensky x Marin Hoxha x Jon Becker - My Gaming Life) (Dominick Soth - Chasing) (Unknown Brain & Spce CadeX - Holding You) (Real Hypha - Getaway)
Yes, I know it's a long list of songs, Anyway
I came up with this idea after watching: REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER
My brain said to me: Do you remember fan Stories of reborn as UnderTale characters
reborn as Sans or Frisk or Undyne Or any other characters
My brain: Why don't you write a story like this About a reader reborn as Frowny Fox?
This is a thought that buzzed in my head like a bee
There are many ideas for story chapters.
After Frowny Fox became famous.
The evil CEO ordered To catch that toy
The evil CEO asked how this happened and how Frowny Fox escaped from his factory
Evil CEO: Oh if I knew this would happen and mumbles
Wilson: sir
Evil CEO: What do you want
Wilson: I checked the cameras Like what you asked about Frowny Fox
Evil CEO: Did you find something?
Wilson: Seemingly Frowny Fox went to a laboratory. then he went to Records.
Wilson: I went to check the Records room.
Wilson: I discovered that he took The original papers of the Frowny Fox project ownership papers And he destroyed the backup copy But he left something out
Evil CEO: Let me see
It was a USB With files
The files were How to fix & update: the reject toys and the forgotten toys And a hair growth formula file for the CEO.
while the USB contains a film of Smiling Critters.
The movie is about There is an evil character Take control of CatNap It makes him create nightmares for children
In this adventure with Smiling Critters With children who save CatNap from the control of the evil one.
Do you remember his episode:
CATNAP is NOT a MONSTER… (Cartoon Animation)
the Scene: (2:25/8:30)
They said: the tape got all warped
so Frowny Fox make Cartoon movie.
With this movie, the people might give CatNap another chance To buy him
There is a file on how to fix CatNap gas problem.
And there too Cartoon episodes about Poppy Playtime toys
Do you remember the episode:
THE FORGOTTEN TOYS… (Cartoon Animation) The REJECT Toys… (Cartoon Animation)
y/n felt sorry for toys In the factory So y/n decided to make ever toys feel loved
Before y/n escaped from the factory, y/n did some research About toys And their problems
After y/n found problems with them and Writ a book of solutions How to fix them & update toys
the a reason that y/n made a Cartoon of Poppy Playtime toys
This is the best promotional method for the reject toys and the forgotten toys
Children will love their stories So it makes sense they will buy toys.
There is a blueprint to build it Repair machine for toys
if there was a toy It was made in bad condition like
LEGEND of KILLY WILLY… (Cartoon Animation) the Scene: 2:20/11:09 The REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation) the Scene: 0:10/8:33
so y/n explained in a message
Instead of throwing them in the incinerator
Why not fix them?
the machine is called (fixesyl)
Any damaged or bad-looking toy will be repaired by (fixesyl) machine
And finally there was an envelope letter for the CEO
it says:
((If you are reading this, This means you know I'm not in your factory
I don't mind you making Frowny Fox toys But no more evil things
I wanted to know what idiot had thought of making me smell like a wet fox
this is not fair Why do the Smiling Critters have the smell of flowers or fruits while I smell like wet fox
Why didn't they give me a berry scent or Spring rain
And don't worry I will send you the second season of Cartoon Poppy Playtime toys.
After showing the First season the episodes.
And trust me when I tell you, you couldn't find me or catch me however I wouldn't mind being your business partner.
I know what you're thinking right now
I the CEO work with a reject critter, and will Maybe not reject toy anymore.
I will find a way to keep in touch with you.
I have a lot of ideas for you.
I confirm my ideas make you rich dozens of times.
But ask yourself, do you really want me to be your enemy?
So in your opinion:
A: Make me a partner does not care about his share of the profit of the business. just wants you to stop Hurt toys and people
B: If you think the Prototype or Player Or any other toys was worst enemys, wait and see what I capabilities of.
We both know the answer to the question
I know you will make the right choice.
note: I made a hair growth formula for you
From your friend And your future partner Frowny Fox))
Let's say Things are getting better improvement In the factory
Some were Confused & doubtful, Others were surprised But some were happy about the change
especially reject toys and forgotten toys They were really happy about the change For example CatNap is Glad he's back in the TV show With his comrades, He does not know the reason for the change But he likes it.
There were a lot of rumors about the CEO's New business partner, No one knows who they are.
And a lot of drama.
Anyway I will do something evil in my au
Do you want to know what it is?
I make the Evil CEO's relationship with Frowny Fox like a parent a With their child relationship
I can imagine the CEO As a member Of the Bad Parents Club Consisting of
(Mommy Long Legs & Daddy Long Legs)( Boxy Boo parents) (BUNZO parents) (the PROTOTYPE)
I know what you're thinking: the PROTOTYPE is not a Parent But if you saw episode:
PJ PUGAPILLAR's DARK SECRET… (Cartoon Animation)
(the Scene: 1:00/8:20)
of course the Evil CEO will deny this And he still says the evilboss only cares about money.
while Frowny Fox grin and gives him knowledge looks.
In part of the story events.
there is evil oc
An evil person Trick the CEO To have him sign the papers handing over ownership of the factory
After he kicked the CEO out of the factory.
the evil oc found a way to conquer ever toys
using Minimize gun it made big toys very small and made them lose their abilities
even The Prototype Defeated
all toys became his prisoner
he Lock them up like this cages
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the Image from: The LOOKIES Get REVENGE! (Cartoon Animation)
While giving his evil speech in front of toys cages And the terrible things he will do to them But he was interrupted by one of Co-Workers.
Sir, there is a Missing toy
Evil OC: WHAT, How did this happen?
And what is the name of this toy?
the Worker: Frowny Fox one of the Smiling Critters, We couldn't find him Because he is not in the factory, sir
Hoppy Hopscotch raised her ear When she heard her friend's name
Smiling Critters know who he is Frowny Fox but Other toys do not know him
Evil OC: What that is impossible, these toys do not leave this factory, but live in it.
Wilson: you see sir, the situation With Frowny Fox is different
Evil OC: How so
Wilson: Explain the situation that Frowny Fox was The newest Smiling Critter is invented but he was rejected.
But that won't stop Frowny Fox from move forward.
And explain the rest
the Evil OC and toys were shocked When they knew that Frowny Fox was the business partner with the CEO.
the Evil OC: ordered them to catch him.
Then the Evil OC went to a meeting room With some of Workers.
Hoppy Hopscotch: Don't worry I'm sure Frowny Fox will save us.
Player: Does anyone else know who Frowny Fox is
Poppy: CatNap do know him
CatNap: Yes I know him And true I feel regret When I knew The person who Fix my reputation I treated him badly.
DogDay: no we all did treated him badly will except Hoppy
KickinChicken: we kinda ,played rough with him
Hoppy Hopscotch Shouted: you played rough with him.
you guys bully him and Didn't give him a chance Because he was different from us.
and CatNap do you remember that day When you bring Frowny Fox
The reason Frowny Fox attacked Bubba & DogDay because of they hurt him first. You didn't ask what happened And you attack him without giving him a chance to Explains the situation
The REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation)(the Scene: 7:44/8:33)
What about that another time when DogDay & KickinChicke threw Frowny Fox away in the incinerator
REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER (the Scene:0:55/8:17)
DogDay: It was an accident
KickinChicken: Yes, and don't forget that you were pulling His hand too And then we loss of balance Then he fell in the incinerator Then he came back in big monster and tried to kill us.
REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER (the Scene: 7:12/8:17)
Bubba Bubbaphant: Since that day we have not seen him again
Mommy LL: Why am I not surprised
Boxy Boo: Wow, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't save you
Lovey Dovey: And here I thought I had a personal problem with my Twin sister
sir poops a lot:This is not acceptable to forgive you After what you did to him
Me and my comrades know how he feels Because we were rejected toys too And we were going to stay like that But thanks to Frowny Fox. he gave us another chance to be on store shelves.
Then they started quarreling with each other
Poppy: That's enough, everyone. Listen. We have to work together if you want to get out And return to our natural sizes & And regain are Our strength
Huggy: She's right, We need a plan,
while the CEO meet Frowny Fox by coincidence
the CEO immediately hugged him, And how happy he is that he found him.
Frowny Fox: What is happening In factory.
the CEO Explain how a "Evil OC" Trick him to Sign in a contract that Handing over ownership of the factory to them
to make it short: Everyone was saved and the Ownership of the factory was returned to the CEO
From that day on, some things changed in the factory
Thanks to Frowny Fox They have a Peace Treaty between Toys and Humans
But some details have not changed in the factory's life
Such as chasing or intimidating.
y/n remembers episode of:(BABY LONG LEGS Wants to Be HUMAN)
(The Scene: 3:56/11:22)& (11:15/11:22)
if Baby Long Legs can transform into a human Then back to being his toy self again
What if there was a way to help those who were transformed into toys
So y/n as Frowny Fox With some of the scientists of PlayCo.
Frowny Fox created a device Makes toys who were human Or an animal can be transformed back to themselves
the device design It could be bracelets & a Hair clip & a badge or a necklace & a ring & a watch
with this device They can turn to human self Then back to being toy self again.
So I will ask you what you think of my au idea
Of course, someone will ask if I wrote the first Chapter
Unfortunately, no Because I was busy drawing Frowny Fox
I try to improve my drawing.
But if I find some time I might be able to wrote the first Chapter
Okay, why do I feel if I opened my page the next day There would be many of you?
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spaceratprodigy · 9 months
OCs as Obscure References
Thank you for the tags @darkfire1177 @bokatan @hibernationsuit 💖💕
👇❤💜 Faith, Iris, Maril, AND Poppy 💙🖤👇
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Captain Faith Hawthorne
Rat / Bunny / Sprat
Pressure – Billy Joel
Chop Suey! – System of a Down
Autoclave – The Mountain Goats
Angel with a Shotgun – The Cab
I Think We're Alone Now (Cover) – Billie Joe Armstrong
In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel
God Only Knows – The Beach Boys
The Longest Time – Billy Joel
Peony / Spider Lily
vanilla and sweet bakery smells, old books and paper smells, a nice cologne, the smell of the forest when she would go hiking on Earth, gasoline (x)
Villiaumite / Peridot
Time of Day:
Sunrise / Middle of the Night
Spring / Autumn
Fallbrook, Devil's Peak Station, Botanical Lab, Edgewater, Grand Colonial Hotel Penthouse Suite, Purpleberry Orchards
Empanadas, Rice, Sofrito, Sweets and Pastries, Cheese, Potatoes
Water, Tea, Orange Juice, Milk, Rum
Astrological Sign:
Adobo, Sazón
Full of Stars
Warm Spring Day
The Vermin II
Hunting Rifle Hyper
Phin's Phorce (sentimental)
Social Media:
Makeup Product:
Black Nail Polish
Dark Chocolate
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Spaceship (via The Unreliable)
Art Style:
Art Nouveau / Baroque
loneliness, alcoholism, addiction, abuse, not being good enough, the drastic consequences of failing or not making the "right" choice, how many people she's hurt, never being safe, never being happy, whether or not she's capable of love or being loved back, never finding comfort, her numbness and anger consuming her
Mythological Creature:
Piece of Stationary:
An old, worn, well loved paper. The edges have started turning brown, on it is written all sorts of calculations and schematics that probably only make sense to her, some doodles in the margins where she was lost in thought.
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
Cone Nebula / Carina Nebula / Eye of God
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Miss Iris
Deer / Bear / Radstag / Yao Guai
Invisible Touch – Genesis
Everybody Wants You – Billy Squier
Black Sheep – Metric
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For – U2
I Want You to Want Me – Cheap Trick
Babe – Styx
All Night Forever – TWRP
Iris / Forget Me Not / Hyacinth / Lily of the Valley
gentle floral scents, wood and sawdust, the smells of spices and nice hearty soups cooking, petrichor (x)
Rhodolite Garnet / Scorodite
Time of Day:
Red Rocket Truck Stop, Sanctuary, Valentine Detective Agency, The Third Rail, Diamond City Radio, Atom Cats Garage
Soups, Fruits, Veggies, Breads, Breakfast Foods
Coffee, Milkshake, Fruit Juice, Whiskey
Earth / Water
Astrological Sign:
Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Rosemary, Parsley, Coriander
Warm Sunset Colors
Chilly Jacket Weather
Agamemnon the Fuck Upper (10mm pistol)
Amadeus (rifle)
Le Boom Stick Terribles (combat shotgun)
Social Media:
Makeup Product:
Dark Eyeshadow
Chocolate with Caramel / Toffee
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Art Style:
Rococo / Art Deco / Impressionism
losing everything and everyone she loves all over again, not being good enough, not being able to help or save people, causing harm or pain to others, being a burden, never being loved, never being wanted, never being able to free herself, never being able to rebuild a new life with people to love and be loved back by, failing her son, becoming a mother again, failing as a mother again
Mythological Creature:
Siren / Fairy
Piece of Stationary:
A love letter handled with the utmost care. She poured her heart into her elegantly written words. The precision is not lost on you, she wants it known you were worth the time. She signs her name with a lipstick kiss that makes your heart flutter. The parchment smells slightly like her gentle perfume.
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
Fireworks Galaxy / Pandora's Cluster
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Maril Highwind
Shipmeisters' Shanty – Yoko Shimomura
Traverse Town – Yoko Shimomura
The Afternoon Streets – Yoko Shimomura
A Twinkle in the Sky – Yoko Shimomura
Asteroid Attack – Yoko Shimomura
Hydrangea / Morning Glory / Sunflower
oil, grime, workshop smells, ink, parchment, wood, paint, dusty old books, the smell of food cooking in the Twilight Town Bistro (x)
Azurite / Malachite
Time of Day:
Early Afternoon
Traverse Town, Hollow Bastion, The Grid, 100 Acre Wood, Twilight Town
Sea Salt Ice Cream, Sugary Skies Ice Cream, Royalberry Ice Cream, Carrot Potage, Beef Sauté, Tarte aux Fruits
Lemonade, Limeade, Orange Juice, Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate
Lightning / Air
Astrological Sign:
Basil, Oregano, Cumin
Clear Blue
Perfect Summer Day
Custom Twin Shooters / Rifle
Social Media:
Makeup Product:
Sparkly Cosmetic Stars
Sour Gummy Worms / Cotton Candy
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Gummi Ship
Art Style:
Futurism / Neon Art
abandonment, something bad happing to her family and friends, not being able to protect the people she cares about, the darkness, her world disappearing while she's away
Mythological Creature:
Wyvern / Harpy
Piece of Stationary:
A stack of worn, rolled up scrolls. The dustier ones are filled with spells and runes you're not quite sure how to read. The ones that smell of inks and paints are beautiful illustrations of various gummi ship designs. The newest scrolls are countless blueprints, they are quite fascinating! Many are for building gummi ships, some are for custom weapons and defense systems.
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
Cosmos Redshift 7 / Saturn
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Snake / Deathclaw
Foreign Object – The Mountain Goats
Choked Out – The Mountain Goats
Raining Blood – Slayer
Light Up the Night – The Protomen
I Am... All Of Me – Crush 40
Want You Gone – Jonathan Coulton
Poppy / Bleeding Heart
Blood, Filth, Campfire, Mildew, Foul Stench of Death
Cuprite / Amber
Time of Day:
Summer / Autumn
Nuka-World, Grandchester Mystery Mansion, Pickman Gallery, The Combat Zone, Goodneighbor
Candies, Jerky, Noodles
Nuka-Cherry, Smoothie, Slushie
Astrological Sign:
Paprika, Cinnamon, Crushed Red Pepper
Dark and Cloudy
Stormy and Slightly Windy
Disciples Blade (from Nisha)
Pickman's Blade
Chain-Wrapped Aluminum Baseball Bat
Triple-Hooked Meat Hook
Social Media:
Makeup Product:
Red Lipstick
Cherry Flavored Candies
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Walking / Train
Art Style:
Expressionism / Surrealism
weakness, not being able to defend herself, being captured or imprisoned in any way, loss of autonomy in any way
Mythological Creature:
Piece of Stationary:
An old, torn, crumpled up piece of paper. It's covered in dirt, or maybe that's soot. Did someone try to burn this? The handwriting is sloppy, but the words tell a story. Perhaps a diary entry. It's hard to read, but it's heartbreaking, desperate. This is something someone had to tell, to get it out of their system. It looks as if they tried to destroy it when they were done but swiftly changed their mind. Maybe, in the end, they hoped someone would find it, someone would know their story, maybe even find comfort in it that they're not alone if they've been forced to endure the same pain.
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
Sun / Engraved Hourglass Nebula
open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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kittyball23 · 1 year
Hostage (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Branch, Poppy, and Tiny Diamond maneuver their way to the Rage Dome in hopes of rescuing Floyd
A/N: Requested by KatieShinsherpa on Wattpad :)
“How’s it looking?”
Branch leaned against the tricycle (kindly loaned to them by Tiny Diamond, who sat at the little basket in front) watching as Poppy pulled out a set of binoculars from her hair and placed them at her eyes. The red pathway before them still stretched quite a distance away from the heart of the glitzy city, and its main attraction - the Rage Dome, from which many talented performers were able to walk the red carpet and sing for their many adoring fans.
Problem was, there were a couple of talentless performers who were going to take the stage that evening. And Branch and Poppy were going to do everything in their power to stop them, and save the Troll who was the secret behind that talent.
Poppy took in the scene and clicked her tongue. “Oof… no good. See for yourself.” She handed him the binoculars and he took a look, seeing many of the doll-like creatures congesting the area, and more of them who were donning the telltale black suits and dark sunglasses of bouncers.
“Security’s pretty tight,” Branch concluded.
Poppy took another look through the binoculars, and looked up the side of the Rage Dome. “You know what that means,” she said, glancing slyly at the blue Troll. “We’re scaling the walls!”
It wasn’t long before Branch, Poppy, and Tiny Diamond already found themselves about halfway or so up the tall building’s side. Using special gummy-like gloves, they were easily able to stick, so the fear of falling off wasn’t an issue. Stamina, however…
Tiny Diamond, who was suddenly feeling as though he was truly living up to his namesake, huffed and puffed, his pace significantly slower than the two full-grown Trolls that were up ahead of him.
“I’m tired…” he moaned.
“It’s not much longer,” Branch responded. He was right. They’d be at the top in just a minute or so if they kept up this pace.
Tiny wasn’t having it, though. To him, the top of the building looked like it was miles away!
“My feet hurt,” he groaned, aching all over. “Carry me!”
Poppy, usually a pushover when it came to little Trollings, may have given in to the request. But, hadn’t Tiny Diamond stated various times on their trip that he was a man? “You have to be a big boy,” she said, kindly but firmly at the same time.
Tiny Diamond frowned. “I don’t wanna!” he whined. He couldn’t believe this! Maybe saying he was a man when he was only a month old wasn’t such a good idea after all…
The sight at the top of the Rage Dome was something incredible. It was the tallest building in the city of Mount Rageous, and all of its glitz and glam could be viewed from every astonishing angle. But the view, while quite impressive, was not what Branch, Poppy, and Tiny Diamond had come to see. They were trying to get in the building. And now that they were upon its roof, it was time to initiate the next step of their plan - actually infiltrating the premises, which would not be easy, given the fan that was below them.
Its blades whirred at rapid speed, and Branch knew that if any of them leapt down into it with the hope of passing through at just the right time, they would more than likely not succeed, and the ugly image of three Troll-splatters resulting from it came into his mind.
“Okay,we have to find a way to bypass the fan blades so that our cupcakes don’t get sliced in two,” he said, hoping that Poppy and Tiny got the message.
Tiny Diamond though, in a manner that once again showed he was not a man, didn’t get the metaphor. “We brought cupcakes?!” he asked incredulously. If he’d known that, he woulda snacked on them a long time ago!
“Umm, noooo…” Poppy said, but didn’t elaborate, trying not to put any grotesque images in Tiny’s head.
“No… not what I meant, but it doesn’t matter,” Branch said. He already had an idea in mind. “You wouldn’t happen to have cotton candy, would you?” he asked Poppy.
“Yes, actually, why do you need…. Ooohhhhh…” the Pop Queen trailed off. She understood what he was trying to do when Branch gestured down at the fan.
Tiny didn’t, though. “Cotton candy?! Ooo! Can I have some?”
“Not right now, okay?” Poppy told him, patting the pouting little Trolling’s head for some comfort.
Using the cotton candy, Branch leapt down at the fan, clogging it up so that it stopped spinning. Seeing Branch able to go in without a problem, Poppy and Tiny followed. They landed within a dark room with lots and lots of wires. It looked like a control panel!
Poppy’s eyes lit. “That’s it!” she said. “If we turn off the show, they can’t perform, and we’ll have enough time to get Floyd!” She pulled out a welder’s mask and blowtorch from her hair and immediately got to work, looking exactly like she knew what she was doing.
Branch was stunned. “Wait, how do you know which wires to cut?” He looked up, confused by the mess of yellow, blue, and red that was all intertwined. He was surprised by his girlfriend’s nonchalant answer.
“I don’t!” she admitted. “I’m just blasting everything until something turns off!”
As soon as she said the words, suddenly they heard the sound of something powering off. The light had been seeping in from cracks around them went pitch black.
Darkness fell over the Rage Dome as the electricity went out everywhere, even in the bathroom!
A lone fan who had taken a break to handle some number-two business gasped. “Uhh… hello?” he asked uncertainly. Then he sighed. “Err… this just got way more complicated…”
Poppy grinned sheepishly at Branch, who had a “really?” look on his face.
“Well, I guess that handles that!” Tiny Diamond chimed in.
“Yeah… I guess it did.” Branch had to smirk. His girlfriend’s manner of handling the situation was a little unorthodox, but it had gotten the job done. Now they were closer to accomplishing their mission!
Poppy smiled back. “Let’s roll!” she said, waving them to follow her as they left the wires and traveled down the ventways.
While Poppy, Branch, and Tiny were happy for the power going out, out on the red carpet, Velvet and Veneer were not.
“What the heck happened?” Veneer asked his sister.
“The lights went out, DUH!” she grumbled, as though it were obvious.
“B-but we’re supposed to perform in five minutes!” Veneer exclaimed.
“Yeah, I know,” Velvet growled. Something funny was up… she could feel it. But right now, she had no time to investigate herself. She and her brother were due to put on another star-dazzling performance. Luckily, she had someone else to help her.
“CRIMP!” she called in a demanding tone.
Scurrying towards her in response was a little, paper-like critter, eager to please. “Yes, yes! I’m here!” she huffed, sounding out of breath.
“See what’s going on, and get the problem fixed. I can’t leave everybody hanging, y’know!”
“You mean ‘we’ can’t leave everybody hanging,” Veneer said, correcting his sister.
Velvet grinned a grin at her brother that was in no way meant to be sweet. “Right, of course, WE,” she said, doing her best not to clock him right there and then.
“Oh yes, of course, right away, boss!” Crimp said, obediently bowing and then hurrying off.
“And get me a macchiato double-espresso with half cream and two lumps of sugar while you’re at it!” Velvet called after her.
“Hey! What about me?” Veneer asked.
“Fine,” she huffed, “make that two!”
“But I like mine with just one lump of sugar,” her brother whined.
“Urrrghh… it’s too late!” Velvet snapped, focusing her attention in keeping her fans entertained while they awaited for the problem to be resolved.
Meanwhile, the Trolls diligently searched through the venting.
Poppy, Branch, and Tiny peeked in every opening they could find among the maze of passageways. There were plenty of rooms, but none were the kind that they were trying to seek. Branch didn’t see any diamonds holding Trolls bearing resemblance to his brother.
Well, until he did.
Branch gasped when he reached one of the vents and peered down. “Wait!” he whispered to Poppy and Tiny. He bent down, taking a closer look at what was below, and feeling emotions overwhelm him when he saw the distinct figure of Floyd. He was nearly white-haired, and his skin had a strange transparent sheen to it, one that did not look in any way healthy.
“It’s him,” Poppy said in a hushed voice, looking down beside him. She then moved to the screws on the vent and began to undo them with Branch’s help. Once they were able to move the vent aside, he took a deep breath and was the first of them to leap down.
Floyd was startled by the sudden movement of the Trolls and moved back inside of the diamond with a short exclamation.
“Shhh,” Branch said, putting a finger up to his lips.
Floyd was apprehensive. “Wh-who are y - “ But then he stopped right before he finished the question. He knew exactly who this blue-haired Troll with an oh so familiar leafy green vest was, and it made his breath catch in his throat. “Branch?”
Branch nodded, Floyd’s shock so obvious in the way he stared at him with wide eyes, unable to believe that his little baby brother was actually standing there with his full-grown self.  “Yeah… it’s me…” he said, squishing himself up against the diamond wall in an attempt to give him a hug. “And I’m here to help you get out!”
Floyd grinned, pressing himself upon his side of the wall in the same spot where Branch was to return that somewhat-challenging hug. But that grin soon faltered. “Branch… you need to go,” he whispered urgently.
Branch shook his head. “No! I came all this way to get you free, and that’s what I’m gonna do.”
“But you don’t understand,” Floyd said. “It’s not just about me anymore…”
Branch paused. “What do you mean?”
Just at that moment though, the lights flicked back on in the room. The power had been fixed! In that happening, the TV that had gone out came back on, and the Trolls' attention went to it. Featured was a red carpet reporter who was speaking enthusiastically about the performances that would be seen at the Rage Dome that night, the highlight being Velvet and Veneer. When the two were shown onscreen, Floyd pointed.
Branch did look. Very closely. The two siblings were dolled out in extravagant outfits made of silk, fluff, and a whole lot of diamonds studding it. But something was off about the diamonds themselves. If he examined it really, really closely…
The blue Troll gasped.
Inside of them were their brothers.
Clay on Velvet’s costume, and Spruce and John Dory on Veneer’s!
“They captured them, too,” Floyd explained. “They want all five of us Branch… and they’re gonna come for you next!” He made a shooing motion with his hands. “You need to leave - NOW!”
“I can’t just let you stay here, Floyd!” Branch said.
“You’re gonna have to,” Floyd said. “It’s for your own good!”
“And what about yours?” Branch questioned, feeling greatly disturbed by his brother’s worsening conditions.
Floyd didn’t have a chance to answer. Bursting into the room was the small paper-like assistant to his captors, beaming for her success in returning the power.
“Yay, I did it!” Crimp cheered to herself. “Now all I gotta do is get the boss her - “ she gasped, shocked by what she saw. “TROLL!” Crimp cried, pointing at Branch.
“Uh-oh!” Poppy cried, hauling Branch and Tiny, “RUN!” She and Branch shot their hair back up to the venting to make their escape, though not before the brothers exchanged one last glance with one another. This wasn’t over. Floyd would be freed.
Crimp hurriedly ran out of the room, crying out, “I’ve gotta tell the boss!”
Once Branch had been hauled to safety, Poppy looked at him worriedly. “What’s going on? What do we do?” she asked him desperately.
“We gotta beat that paper thing to the red carpet,” he said. “And fast!” Dashing away with Poppy and Tiny right behind, Branch grew a look of determination. Those terrible twins had all his brothers… and it was about time they got confronted about it!
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pharawee · 2 years
No thoughts, just Chains of Heart killing me dead with its beautiful cinematography and ever-present angst.
Ok maybe a few thoughts:
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This scene. Lue's dream. Why would he fantasise about something so personal and emotionally intimate if Ken was just a crush? It's like he longs to be seen by Ken, to be found and consoled and healed.
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More importantly, why would he fantasise about Ken sans his (new) tattoos - unless the last time they've been intimate he didn't yet have them?
Oh, and: Lue is wearing his hair like Din in this scene, and he's never done that before.
This show also has a habit of hiding a few extra frames in their flashback transitions:
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I can't handle this anymore. Ken didn't cry in this ep but I sure did.
Then there's Ken's somewhat kinky dream sequence but before we even get to the kinky part (it's ok Ken - it's the most common spicy fantasy, apparently) there's pictures of Din EVERYWHERE and I'm p sure these are in the dream only. This is a hotel suite, no way he moved in their with all of this. The pictures in the bedroom are bad enough.
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Also, I half-expected Ken to pull a Bella Swan and deliberately seek out danger so Tee/Din would come save him but it's only 1 July. There's still a couple of days until their reunion on the bridge (because that HAS to happen, right?).
I also absolutely love how by the end of the ep I wasn't even sure anymore if Ken really caught glimpses of Tee before his dream or if he's slowly becoming unhinged.
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Then there's Inspector Don aka Poppy my beloved and I'm not so sure anymore if he isn't actually in on the whole "Din is out there secretly bringing the Chief's whole operation down" revenge fantasy. Could be he's the only good cop around, much like Din with the forest rangers - so they'd have a good reason for working together (and someone must have set up Din with a listening device in the first place...)
Don is wearing brown shoes and dark jeans.
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So is whoever finds Tee.
(But Lue is wearing similar shoes earlier in the ep - I'm still convinced that Lue, Tee and Din are the same person but they're really not making it easy.)
And then there's the preview for next week...
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... which isn't awkward at all. Lue, you're shameless!
(Or maybe it's yet another dream sequence - in which case: Ken, you're shameless!)
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1.) She's treated badly by both the creator, Araki, and her own kid and father. When people start getting Stands (powers) hers tries to kill her, which functions as an excuse to start the plot of this arc of Jojo. The explanation is that she's too weak and gentle to control a Stand of her own, even though we see Stand users who are children, babies and even literal animals. Yes, animals. Holy's son Jotaro calls her a bitch and disrespects her for no real reason aside from establishing him as a rebel/delinquent, and Holy's father Joseph hates that she married a Japanese man and follows Japanese customs (Araki thinks xenophobia/racism is okay from a heroic character, apparently). Holy's saved from her evil Stand, but it's never explained why she couldn't have developed it into something useful- guess she was too much of a weak lady to have cool powers 🙃🙃🙃
2.) In the story, stands are developed due to Dio, who is in possession of the body of an ancestor of the Joestar family, stabbing himself with an arrow and developing a stand. In response, everyone in the family line begins developing them. Stands are supposed to be a representation of someone's "fighting spirit", and typically the stronger your spirit the more powerful your stand. Josuke(the main character's mom) develops a stand early on around the same time he does, except in her case she is too "weak willed" to develop a stand properly so she's dying from it. Part of the plot is that they have to defeat Dio to stop her from developing a stand in time or she'll die, even though everyone in the family keeps their stand but her after they defeat Dio??? This compassionate, caring woman who's practically a single mother is dying of being "weak willed" just what the fuck. There is 0 reason for this and It then takes multiple seasons for one of the Jojo's to be a woman and it's just a mess.
Also apparently when people try to justify it they put it as it needs to be a "fighting" spirit in particular but do NOT tell me Holy wouldn't have travelled to Egypt to throw hands with Dio for her son just do not she cared wayyyyyyyy too much about him.
1.) Poppy is a fully qualified nurse who magical girl transforms into a cutesy idol girl! Haha - yea you're never gonna see her act as a nurse. She's just a nurse because that's a Woman's Job and gives a reason for her to be supporting our Male Doctors. She'll provide some bedside manner because that's what nurses (women) do and that's their whole role. But better than that, she can scream really high pitched and sing songs because she's an idol! The other characters find this annoying and all make their annoyance at her doing this clear! But secretly (and this is spoilers) she's the villain's dead mother who he turned into a cute idol girl so she wouldn't be truly dead. She doesn't remember that that well but now she has a maternal instinct towards him! And also he kinda considers himself her father so… thanks for that. Well, since she's his mother, she can be in charge of babysitting him when he's caught for his bioterrorism time. Oh, and she'll sacrifice herself for the good of the world in an emotional scene where the writer forgot he literally already said that she has a revive button they can just press any time because who cares. Anyway here's a contrived reason she gets revived at the end to have an emotional scene with the male protagonist. Oh, but don't worry, we let her wear a superhero suit like 3 times.
2.) Despite working in a hospital for about 6 years, Poppy apparently isn't a nurse. Every male character around her is either a doctor, doctor in training, former doctor; but no. Poppy - who has been working here for 6 years - can't be a nurse. After all, she's just a rhythm game character! Yes, our female character isn't human, she's just a cutesy little rhythm game character who loves to sing and dance! She's our little mascot girl to sell the character song CD! Isn't she cute? She does all those cutesy idol girl things so you'll fall in love with her. Of course, it's not misogyny for a female character to be cute and girly, but the fact that she can work here for 6 years and not be considered a legitimate professional because she's an female idol-themed video game character, kinda rubs the wrong way. Also that the only exception for a male character being a doctor is the CEO that she gets stuck babysitting because she's technically his mother that he killed and turned into a cutesy idol video game character. Now she gets to play mother! That's what it means to be a female character we guess. Then we have how everyone around her treats her or reacts to her. We have Kiriya physically flinching away and looked annoyed when she talks too high pitched. We have her being told off that her personality is too "stressful" for patients to put up with. We have her being slapped by our protagonists. We have her being brainwashed to join the villains, who strangle her. And then she gets to die for the man pain and be brought back immediately. Then we get into the sequel movies where we put a collar on her to condition her into behaving in a way her master deems appropriate. She gets turned into a dress-up doll for them to play with.
3.) I'm just posting an image and would like to highlight the collar she's wearing in it
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danicadenniss · 8 months
DreamWorks Trolls
Branch: Troll Of The Wildglade
Chapter 9: Call Of The Night
In Trolls Brotherhood AU, after Branch is injured by David Kane/The Black Manta, while they were rescue by the Alpha Sapphire, Harriet healing him for his strength, Poppy remembered she got punished by her father for touching the elephants and caused a chaos, in the Wildglades. Branch remembered his mother comfort him, since he was a baby, since his father's sacrifice himself to save his family from threat. Warning: this is going to be violent, blood and gore.
That night, Branch had a little trouble sleeping inside his tent, especially when he's hearing a scream from the other trolls, he walked out of the tent. He walked slowly, he saw the trolls scream in horror, the dogs barking at them and the forest were set on fire.
The troll: No! Please! (cried out in a desperate tone as the wolf dug it's fangs deep into his throat.) AAHHHH!
Branch: No...no,no,no,no...this...this can't be happening! (looking up at Dante Reyes and his hunters captured the trolls, and cutting down the forest.)
Dante Reyes: OHHHHHHHH! Troll, it's time to destroy the trees and burn down the forest. (The forest were captured in flame, Branch gasped)
Bounty Troll Hunters #1: We found him! (The trolls screaming in terror, their hairs turned white as they running in horror, Arthur Slugworth and his partners used their butterfly nets,they're caught them, grabbed them and they put them in a giant maroon bag.) They're in the bags.
Troll #1: No! Don't hurt us! Please! Don't hurt me! Please!
Troll #2: Please! I don't want to die!
Branch: Let's them go! (Opened his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks as he looked up at Ignacio in horror, Ignacio Carapax with an evil smile, his eyes wide and breath heavy.)
Ignacio Carapax: (clapped his hands with an evil laugh) It's the only way...
Alder run to see him, he is captured by Dante Reyes with his knife. He stabbed his head, he then pulled his knife out of his head, he threw him at him, the dog sunk it's fangs deep into his throat, the dog growling fiercely as Branch indeeply is shocked to see his mother and his grandmother are found dead.
Branch: Mom! Grandma! No! Please, no! You are a monster! You killed my mother and my grandmother! Just my father! (The hunters laughing wickedly, he sobbing in fear, before everything faded to back.) NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Branch: AHHHH! (screamed as he jumped up in his tent, sweat pouring down his face as he panting heavily, looking around himself in complete panic...) It...it was just a bad dream. (Sobbing, his heart still racing in terror from the nightmare he had just woken up from.) He then walked out of the tent. As he climbed up the fence and watch Sky, flew going back and forth and all around wildly.
Branch: Hey, bud. You might want to see me, and calm me down now. People are trying to sleep, you know, (Sky grunted and looked at him) What's the matter, Sky?
Poppy: (opened her eyes and getting up by looked at him and his dragon friend) Don't remember me from before? (they heard Gloria recognized about the Wildglades, Dr. Ferrier warned everyone about Reyes and his hunters will burn the forest down to ashes. Branch gasped and his heart still racing and shivering in his fear of the fires. The brothers looked at him as he scared and they were worried about their father's sacrifice during the attack and the fires in the forest)
John Dory, Spruce, Clay and Floyd: Branch?
Floyd: We heard you scream from your tent, and why are you scared? (Branch sobbing) Oh no!
Spruce: You dreamed of that's man who kidnapped us in our home and I was very sad about Dad's death.
Everybody walked and see the brothers comfort him and they see Abacus Chunch arrived in the tent, he brought an Hokkien psychic medium nun who nun clothes named Joyce Reynolds and her Egyptian British assistant Alessandro Longo, who wears black suit with navy blue belt around his waist, they see Airazor flew in the camp and see them and introduced herself.
Poppy: (her jaws dropped) Who's are you?
The brothers: (their eyes opened wide) What's are you?
Airazor: Very good question, but my name is Airazor, I am a Maximal warrior and I will protect the nature from harm. Clay, that is your brothers, John Dory, Spruce, Floyd and Branch, since your father's sacrifice himself to save all of you and your family, the Maximals and I saved you and your friend Viva, they were children, we met them in the forest during the fire cause explosion and a madman was killed in the fire.
In the flashback, Clay and Viva ran out of the bag, he see his father's sacrifice himself to save them from the hunters.
Young Clay: Papa! (Viva grabbed his arm and run, the wood twitched down, they scream and then Optimus Primal threw the wood over it and Hernan Reyes groaned in pain, Cheetor raced down and Airazor grabbed them and they escaped from the forest as they can.)
Teenage Dante Reyes: Dad!
Past Hernan Reyes: Dante, you have to go!
Airazor: (Baby Branch crying and wailing in fear, they got out of the forest, Dante and the hunters get in the jeep and then the fires cause explosion and Hernan Reyes scream and groaned in pain, by burning him to ashes. Thorn panting heavily in his injury since he sacrifice himself to save them from the hunters.) Your father defeat him, until he died from his injury since you were a babe, you three were children. Was your grandfather's land and your father spoke up for his last words in his dying wish.
Past Thorn: This is my home. This was my father's land. This is my land and my sons will rule it when time comes! And his children will for generations to come! We'll protect it and our family with our lives. Never...come...back!
End of the flashback, Branch knew that land was his grandfather's passing to his father as the new leader, before he died, since he was a baby and he lost his father and he is in his heart.
Branch: I understand how you feel. You would have love it there. Guys, we would love it there. There's miles of untouched land, fresh air, food, and water to enjoy, the sun shining all day, the stars ever so clear and brightly though the nights, and kind creatures all around. The Wildglades is our home. Ever been there?
Floyd: Since, Clay found us, since we were captured by Dante Reyes and his hunters take us to the arena, a soldier almost hurt us and Branch got injured by David Kane.
Branch remembered when he was a month old, his mother had told him the story about the creatures, she'd ever known.
Ivy: Why are you still awake? (standing in the doorway of Branch's room. A month old baby Branch was in his cradle.) Well, I have a cure for that: a story, (walked down and carried him gently while sitting on her chair.) And this one is true. Long ago, in olden days, the forests surrounding our village was visited by herds of one of the most sacred creatures in the world: the dragons, dragons are majestic and great. While most creatures would easily come towards you without worry, but only special dragons will choose very special people to be their partners. (Branch cooed and opened his eyes, giggled) Because I was one of those people choose by them. I had a dragon for a friend, or should I say, we were family, his name is Phoenix and sometimes, he's so fast it's like he's flying with the wind itself. His scales was bright and orange like the sun. His horns and tail, scarlet like the scorching blaze and piercing blue eyes. I've known him since he was a baby and we've grown up together the death of his mother. (Branch cooed) One night, Phoenix's herds was attacked by invaders and his mother was killed as a result. I was there that night and managed to protect him until your grandfather Oak came to our rescue, sending the enemies away. Since then, we've been together, riding every day and feeling the wind in my hair every time we rode. It was the sheer joy of freedom that we cherish the most when we ride, but nothing is more precious than the bond of our family. (Branch cooed and giggled) Of course I do. I love him very much, just as much as I love you, your brothers, your father and your grandmother. You see, my son, as we've reached adulthood, Phoenix has received the call of the wild and freedom while I received another call: the call of love. While he longed for freedom, I've set Phoenix free because that is how he should be. We said our farewells and he went home to his herd as its leader. I miss him to this very day, but I have my life and he has his.
Young Floyd: Mommy, what are you telling about dragons?
Ivy: Of course, Floyd but actually I did. Once more. I saw him again years later after marrying your father. It was before you were born, while you were born while you, Branch and your brothers were growing inside of me and your father, since the day we met.
Young Clay: MOMMY! There's a monster in my bed and it's going to eat me. (Ivy, Floyd, and Branch gasped, Ivy with a heart warming smile, and she comfort him when she tells stories about a dragon named Phoenix. John Dory and Spruce yawned and talk to their father, Thorn smile proudly makes and take them back to beds. They continue with the story.)
Ivy: When John and Spruce were little trollings, I was pregnant with Clay, your father, your brothers and I were alone until Phoenix appeared before us, but he wasn't alone. He brought his whole family with him.
Baby Branch: (happy smile and giggled) Mama, haha!
Young Floyd: Did he had kids? (Branch cooed)
Ivy: At that time, he had two and one on the way, he has a son, the oldest and strongest. He's a ginger dragon scales with dark brown horns and tail and brown eyes. He's the one who represents Phoenix the most. I called him Blaze. And his daughter, Misty,is the smartest. Her scales bluish grey, a teal horn and tail, and green eyes. With her pelt blending in the mist and fog, she can avoid being detected from enemies. And his mate, a beautiful, elegant dragon with white scales, horns and tail were cerulean with teal streaks, and blue-green eyes. I called her Bella for her beauty. Seeing Phoenix and his family has brought me hope of the family, after you and Clay were born, I was pregnant with Branch, seeing Phoenix and his family has brought me hope of the family I will later on and I did moment of my life. Well, that and after marrying your father. After that, I've never saw him again, but I am sure that he's happy with his herd, freedom, and family. God want all of us to send us all to be freedom from threat. (she rubs her nose with his, making them giggle. She then kissed his forehead.)
Floyd: Goodnight, mommy, goodnight, Branch. (Branch yawned and closed his eyes, he's fast asleep, she put him back to his cradle.) I love you.
Ivy: Love you too, (she sang a lullaby for her son)
-End Flashback-
The brothers sighed, thinking of their home and their mother and their grandmother waiting for them, and Branch saw the water of reflection, about their father.
Branch: Father, I know you're out there somewhere. We truly miss you and everyone also back home. I know that this place is better than the arena, but it still isn't home.I wish you were here so Clay mentioned you sacrifice yourself for saving us from the hunters' attack and the fires that we can see you, we were captured by Dante Reyes and his hunters, we were rescued by Clay, Viva and their friends at least one more time. (hopefully as he felt weariness taking over him.)
Airazor: Your father, he is up in his heavenly home, was your grandfather's land call The Wildglade. He live in you and your brothers and you see him in the water of reflection. (Branch gasped and looked up to see the sky, the clouds appeared to shaped like his father's spirit.)
Voice: (echoing) Branch...
Branch: Huh? Hey, I'm not sure but I have a feeling that you won't hurt me. (raised his hand and petted his nose which he purred in result. But then, Branch took another closer look at the dragon and his colors rang a familiar bell in his mind.) Phoenix?You're my mother's dragon, aren't you? Am I suppose to get on you?
Voice: (echo) Branch... (his eyes widened at the soft voice, the warm light of the sun falling exactly over him, some sort of aura around him making him look angelic.
Branch: (gasped and smile) Father? Father! (The brothers looked at their father Thorn who is a spirit of the Spirit World.)
Floyd: (gasped) Father, is that really you?
Spruce & Clay: (gasped) Dad?
John Dory: Daddy! (With his tears of joy)
Spirit Thorn: Oh Branch, boys, my sons. I am here.
Branch: But how?
John Dory: Daddy, we missed you! (Sobbing)
Spirit Thorn: Well, after I sacrifice myself, against Henan and his hunters to destroy our home. After I died from my injury since I became a spirit of the Spirit World. The hunters led by Henan Reyes' son Dante Reyes.
Branch: What!
Floyd: Father, you're watching over us, Clay saved us from harm, we got beaten by a soldier.
John Dory, Spruce and Clay: How?
Spirit Thorn: And I've missed you as well. But, I am happy that you are here now. I've watched over you five and your family and how you've grown since then. You boys come so far from the innocent little boys you were to the proud, strong, and brave warrior, you will take my place as the new leader of Glade Clan by to defeat Talons Bounty Troll Hunters and they will be peace with the humans. Does she have a name?
Branch: Her name is Poppy, she looked very depressed and she live in her bunker, I try to make her smile, and we been to train to defeat Talons and we will be peace with the humans and the forest will be safe. (The brothers looked as he disappeared from the night sky.)
Spirit Thorn: Will you sing for me, my sons? I want to hear the angelic voice you are so gifted with.
Branch: Dad, it would be our pleasure. Just know
Floyd: Father?
Clay: (sobbing) Where is he?
Spruce: (started to cry and sobbing)
John Dory: Daddy? (Sobbing)
Spirit Thorn: But you will be strong and you boys will be brave. Your mother and your grandmother are back home, waiting for you boys. But most of all, I'm always with you boys, even when you boys can't see me. I'm here.
The brothers: We know that now.
John Dory: Daddy?
Spruce: Dad?
Clay: Dad?
Floyd: Father?
Branch: Father, we love you.
Spirit Thorn: And I love you, boys, forever and always.
The brothers gasped for air and noticed they're back inside the tent. Branch placed his hand on the face and felt wetness from the tears he had shed. Poppy looked at them, he took a deep breath to calm himself down and wiped his tears. Harriet heard a spirit came from the outside, Noah, Elena, Tej, Roman and Ramsey saw Branch sobbing, since they see their father for the first time since his sacrifice and death, they were still depressed at the thought of his leaving. A South Korean man named Han Lue who wearing a navy blue suit with a black belt around his waist, she talked to them about the Wildglades, Elena puts blanket on them. Harriet talk to them until morning.
I hope this is going to be next chapter, our family passed away from their illness, old ages and others. They are in our hearts.
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