#porco scenario
jeanbie · 1 year
i loved ur modern porco teen hcs !! can you please do a part 2?
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⏤ some more pock headcanons for you ^^ think i'm running out of teenage headcanons, maybe next time i'll graduate him to uni level :P enjoy anyway! thank u for sending me this!! part one here!
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porco really likes junji ito artwork and for christmas, annie didn’t know what to get him so she got him an art collection book of his stuff which kinda set him off
he really likes sci-fi books
constantly changes his music taste but he never downloads any music nor does he have any playlists - he just listens to whatever the day gives him through pre-made playlists and radios
he started liking his lifeguard job significantly more when he got promoted from baby pool duty to adult free swim (hot chicks)
but i think porco actually really likes kids, he likes how honest they are and how much fun they have with anything they have
he’s quite easily led by what he hears and reads online so eventually he made the commitment to just erase majority of his social medias - all he uses now are instagram, snapchat, bereal and he cut down on his reddit usage (congrats pock)
he hates reading the news
he’s still kinda pursuing design engineering (uni is just around the corner) but he’s still got that interest in aviation - he thinks he might look into aviation engineering or aerospace engineering or something like that
he can still handle his drinking quite well - zeke is older and says that’ll come in handy when pock goes to uni
he always picks the skin around his fingers when he feels anxious, which seems to be a lot these days
and he gets nervous rashes over his chest sometimes
he likes rock climbing and bouldering in his spare time, and took it up with reiner when he confessed he didn’t really wanna do it alone
he’s more of a dog person than a cat person and is that guy who always wants to sit with the dog at the party or wants to stroke the dog that’s walking across the road
thinks that burger king is better than kfc and will die on that hill (and he’s dying there alone)
always wishes he had a younger brother like zeke and eren
he loves eren a lot and likes to indulge in eren’s interests sometimes to try and imagine what it could have been like if his mom had pushed out a third one after porco
really wants tattoos but he gets bored of things too quickly and he thinks he’ll end up hating all of them
only types with two fingers on a keyboard (he’s so me)
likes jazzy, soul ballads 
one time, he thought he had a crush on pieck, and they danced together at prom and they discovered that porco is a pretty good dancer
wants his hair to look like john wick some day
he’s afraid of mice and rodents
wants to travel outside of his hometown for uni but is always afraid that one day he might not be close with his friends back home anymore and that makes him really sad
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hangeslefteye · 2 years
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caesthetix · 1 month
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GREAT DESCENDANT — Part 3. Obsidian Scarf
↪ Attack on Titan series
↪ content; warrior!reader, aged-up character, graphic description of violence, slow burn, season 4 spoiler
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When you first breached the wall maria, what went inside your mind next was how to make sure everyone could survive. You and your fellow warriors were just thirteen and fourteen years old kids at that time, and no one knew what the condition would be inside the walls.
There were lots of crimes such as robbery, human trafficking, and fraud going around. Even the garrison soldiers who were supposed to take care of the crisis inside the walls along with the military police seemed to be overwhelmed by how the condition turned out to get worse and worse every day.
So a year right after the breach, the majority of the refugees had to devote their lives and join the military to reclaim back wall maria. The royal government summoned around two hundred fifty thousand people to join the operation, mostly healthy men, and some of them were even women.
It had become a public secret that the results of the mission would turn out like that. With only a few surviving, barely one hundred people left, and you were devastated that day when you worked near the Plaza, finding Armin walking mindlessly, clutching a worn-out hat which he told you that it was belonged to his grandfather.
One of the summoned soldiers — who went to reclaim the wall and never came back.
Even though it was a cruel way to push those people to die, everyone inside the wall couldn't thank them enough for their sacrifices. The food shortage slowly got better for everyone who was still alive, the refugees even got a proper house to live their days. And slowly, everything started to ease down.
But of course, there was no guarantee that they would be safe. There was no guarantee that they wouldn't have to relive the same thing ever again. You knew that, you knew things that they never thought would happen. And you still hate yourself for becoming the reason why it happened in the first place.
"Are you sure that you are going to join the military?"
Your thought was interrupted by the gentle, mature voice that belonged to Mrs. Keller. She was the one who had been helping you out and offered you a job two years ago where you and the others barely survived. You worked with her by putting labels on her husband's wine, and she had treated you like her own daughter ever since.
"Yes, I am sure of that, Mrs. Keller."
Meanwhile, Mr. Keller himself was never home, rarely to be exact. He always traveled around Sheena to distribute his wine to the nobleman and aristocrats, leaving his wife in a house that was too big to be filled with one person. And even now, you didn't dare to ask her why she didn't have children.
She was such a perfect woman in your eyes, reminding you of your mother back home. Mrs. Keller remembered all your stories that you told her, about how you were not alone since you had three friends who were always there for you. She even invited them to have dinner with her, saying that the atmosphere would be nicer with more people around.
Annie being Annie was cautious at first, refusing to eat the meal that Mrs. Keller prepared for everyone. But when she saw Reiner crying after one mouthful of a spoon, she decided to taste the meal and always became the first one who finished it after that.
"Oh, dear. I will miss you so much!"
You were currently focusing on the label in your hand, sticking your tongue out a little as you didn't want the paper to be wrinkled or else it wouldn't look good on the bottle. But of course, you didn't expect Mrs. Keller to wrap her arms around you all of a sudden, squeezing your torso playfully, yet you could feel the affection from the gesture.
She didn't say anything as she just continued to hug you, sometimes even planting her lips at the back of your head. And you just stood there, basking yourself from the tenderness of a parent. It was nice to have something to hold on to for a while, even if you knew that she could possibly die by your own hand in the future.
But you shook it off, erasing all the negative thoughts that often slipped inside your mind. Just for once, you wanted to be selfish, so you pulled away from her, only to jump at her embrace and squeeze her torso so tight you didn't want to let go.
Today would be the last time you helped her. Tomorrow you were going to the cadet corps along with your friends. She had been talking a lot more than usual, not wanting to waste just one second away from you. You knew that she loved you like her own daughter, and you too, loved her like she was your mother.
From how her fingers would gently untangle the knot on your hair or the gentle pat on top of your head — you had been masking yourself with the idea that you were just a normal citizen in Paradis, whom your father always busy with work and rarely home, whom your mother was a gentle, loving woman who loved children.
You knew you didn't deserve any of it, you knew you didn't have the right to feel such love and hugged her body as if she was not one of your future victims. But when you felt her palms caressing your hair, whispering that she would miss you and send you lots of letters — you decided to accept this little heaven that you created.
"By the way, I have something for you!" She abruptly pulled away as she grinned, her green orbs glimmered with mischief before booping your nose. "Wait here, okay, darling? I'll be right back!" And before you could answer, she already stormed off to the upstairs, who knew what that woman would do.
You shook your head as you just leaned yourself on the table behind you. This workplace filled like home already with how many days that you spent here. Boxes filled with high-quality wine, stacks of shiny labels that you should stick on the red bottle — you would genuinely miss this place and the person who owned it.
The sound of footsteps echoed through the room, interrupting your thought. And you could imagine how Mrs. Keller was running down the stairs impatiently so she could see your adorable face once more. She had her usual charming smile plastered on her face as she strode towards you, a kraft paper bag in hand.
"Here you go." She handed it to you with a giddy smile, wanting to see your reaction to the gift. "I ask my husband to send something from Sheena. It's nothing much, but I hope you could use this as a soldier." So you opened the paper bag, retrieving a piece of cloth from inside. "You know, maybe to warm you up when winter comes."
You gently laid the packaging on the desk, orbs never leaving the warm, velvety clothes in your hand. It was an obsidian-coloured scarf, and you knew from how thin yet warm it was, or the way that you couldn't find any shabby seam on the textile — this must be worth lots of coins inside these walls.
"Mrs. Keller you don't have—"
"Hush, now."
She shut you up in the most gentle way, resting both hands on your shoulder and squeezed it gently. You didn't have to hear any other syllable slip from her lips, it just needed her warm gaze and reassuring smile to know that she wanted you to take it without hesitation.
It was as if she was trying to tell you that you couldn't get rid of her that easily — and she would be there for you every step of the way.
Your vision blurred. A single teardrop fell down your cheek, followed by a hiccup and nasty snort. You never cried like this, even when you bid farewell to your homeland, even when Marcel died to save you, never once you became such a mess.
Maybe it was because everything mixed into one that your heart and mind could not even understand. You didn't know if you cried because of your sadness and the guilt that kept eating you every day from the inside, or because of something as simple as feeling so loved.
It was both.
Her fingers delicately fetch the piece of cloth from your hand, asking you if you wanted her to help you wear it. You couldn't even answer it verbally, afraid that your voice would crack. So you just gave her a single nod in between your sobs, and it was the only thing she needed before circling the scarf on your neck.
"Oh, I forgot you wore a necklace. Pardon me."
You didn't flinch as her cold fingertips grazed your skin. She looked so focused, biting her bottom lip while squinting her eyes a little as she draped the scarf unevenly. Looping the longer end around your neck, she crossed both ends and tucking it gently under the loop.
Mrs. Keller took one step backward to admire her handiwork, but as her orbs moved up and down with an affectionate look, you knew that she wasn't just trying to make sure if the scarf was tucked in nicely. She appreciated you, engraving your figure like this inside her mind.
"You are perfect, my dear!" She clasped her hand together, grinning so wide that sometimes you wanted to ask if it hurt her or not for doing so. "Remember me when you graduate! I will send you lots of letters, and you have to answer them back, okay, little girl?"
"Yes, yes. I will." You chuckled softly before wrapping your arms around her once again, one that she reciprocated almost in an instant. With your mission, you didn't know if you could meet her again after graduation, but surely you would answer each of her letters without a doubt. "I promise I will, mom."
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Everyone knew how much Mrs. Keller loved and cared for your entire well-being, so it didn't surprise them when you came back later than usual today. You always looked like you had no burden on your shoulder when you got back, having this little smile and a serene expression on your face.
So many times Reiner had been telling you to be careful, afraid of the demons putting a spell on you. But you shrugged it off and kept silent since you knew the truth about the citizens in Paradis, and he knew too well not to push you too much — still haunted by your glare that he received two years ago when he brought up Marcel.
"What's going to happen to our room?"
You were currently packing some of your clothes into your bag when you heard Annie's voice. She was mostly silent, but the two of you talked on a daily basis since she was a lot more comfortable being around you than the others. Probably because you had the same gender as her and became her roommates.
"Maybe they are going to keep it open for us, in case we are going to be back here." You stopped for a while, deciding to sit on the edge of the bed that creaks a little as you plopped yourself. "Since they literally give this room to us, and there are no other refugees who still need shelter."
Annie just gave you a small hum as she leaned her back on the wall, showing that she listened to your answer. But something bothered her mind and you could see it from how she seemed to be a lot more fidgety, not calm and collected like usual. 
"But we are not going to be back here." Her voice dropped, lingered with solemn. "Right?"
You knew the answer to that, hell, you were sure that she knew too all along. Yet the way she asked you right now, she wanted you to lie. She had grown fond of those people who worked with her on the stables for the last two years, the blonde started to feel like she was home.
And you wanted to lie to her. If that meant she could at least live in a fantasy where she was just a normal sixteen years old teen instead of a warrior, you would lie to her. But you knew there was no point in that, sooner or later the fantasy would crack.
"I don't know, Annie." Though maybe you could give her the benefit of the doubt. "There was a possibility." And you didn't have any intention to give her more than that.
She seemed pleased enough with your answer, and you didn't try to say anything more as you let her create her own fantasy, her own path. You have been doing that for the last couple of years with Mrs. Keller as your mother figure, and you thought Annie would need that too, with a goal to keep her sanity in check.
"Have you ever missed anyone from home?" You were surprised when she talked again, and it seemed like she was a lot more talkative today. "From Marley, our homeland."
Your mind immediately veered from one person to another of the familiar faces that often popped up every now and then. Long-blonde hair, warm dark eyes, and cheeky smile; your father. The first one who filled your mind within a second when you heard the question. Then soft strands, styled in an updo — her laugh resonating through your ear as she watched you sneeze over a horse mane; your mother.
Pieck’s dishevelled hair that was always tied in a ponytail and how she always scurried off to anywhere Zeke went to, you could always picture them together. Whether it was something utterly platonic, or perhaps more than respect and admiration, you would never know. Hopefully, someday you will.
And of course, of course, he slipped in your mind. Perhaps he even popped at the same time as your father, but you just didn't want to acknowledge it before. His smug, annoying face that you wanted to slap sometimes. Or his cute, button nose that you liked to pinch or boop at random times that resulted in you getting another shout from him.
There was this peaceful expression on your face as you daydreamed about them, spending time again with those people that you loved and adored so much. Annie couldn't help but look at you with a small smile since she knew who would be in your mind at the moment. Despite her not being attached to the other warriors, she was quite observant of what happened around her.
"Galliard, eh?" Her voice pulled you back forcefully to the present. "I could never understand how come you like him. Marcel is more — partner material, but you never batted your eyes at someone else far from the rude blonde."
"Hey, now!" You fake gasped, clutching your heart dramatically. "Porco is unique, mind you." Annie snorted a little at your reasoning, shaking her head in amusement before she finished her packing, throwing the large backpack near the door. "And I don't know what you are talking about. I don't romantically like him if that's what you are trying to imply."
"Oh, please. Everyone with eyes could see how much you liked him."
"I do not—"
"Your eyes would light up with hearts like a lovesick girl."
"Annie, I am not!"
"You don't even realise that someone looks at you the same way, right?"
Your heart stopped at that. Before, you were whining and begging her to stop, jutting out your lips as you were too embarrassed that she exposed you like that. But this, this information — she announced it so smoothly as if she just talked about how bland the food was in Paradis.
You waited for her to elaborate more, perhaps giving you a hint or just saying it again since you still couldn't believe it. But with how Annie just tucked herself under the white blanket, ready to sleep, it seemed like you wouldn't get any explanation that you wanted. And at the same time, you were actually relieved, because then you didn't have to think much about this person she mentioned.
Pouting, you decided to just sleep in for the night since you would need all the stamina that you had for tomorrow. And just like any other night, you hoped that you could have a good dream today instead of the usual nightmare which never got tired of haunting you.
But it seemed like today, the one thing that haunted you was Annie's words.
You couldn't sleep, turning and shifting your body around that made your friend groan in a few minutes. Her bed was placed right across from yours, so when you turned to the left, the two of you would see eye to eye, and she had been glaring dagger at you for ruining her sleep (and you forgot that she could be a lot crankier than you when it came to that).
Grinning sheepishly, you ignored the irritated look on her face. You were curious about what she meant by that, surely if someone was interested in you, you would have known it, right? But perhaps this someone was subtle, so despite having your friend ready to bark at you at this moment, you decided to ask.
"May I know who this person is?" You whispered-shout, feeling like anyone could walk inside the room. "Or you know, just give me a hint or something?"
"It's a boy." But that was the only thing she said before covering her whole face with the blanket, wanting to rest already and hoping that you would leave her alone for now. Yet even though she already hid under the white sheet, she could still feel your gaze bore on her. "And he had been looking at you like that since we were in Marley."
So hopefully, that added information — which actually didn't help you at all from knowing who it was — could satisfy you for tonight.
You decided to focus on your own thoughts after that, not wanting to disturb your friend even more. Having this mission in your hand shouldn't make you think too much about a matter of the heart. But something like this always excited you, and you cherished all of the precious feelings that you harboured for anyone.
Whether it was platonic or family love as you had to your parents and the maids in your home, or perhaps romantic love that you slightly felt when younger Galliard was around — whatever it was, you loved to understand it. Because you were certain that feeling was the greatest invention humans ever found.
The sun almost set for the day, painting the sky with an orange hue, creating a sense of comfort and tranquillity. Golden hour, you read that in one of the books you had, about how the sun turned everything that it touched into gold, for how everything felt like you were walking in a dream as warm enveloped your body.
For about the majority of your life, you always flew to your father's study when the clock struck five in the afternoon. No maids or butlers would stop you, knowing too well what you were going to do. The large window inside the room stretched throughout the wall, making it possible for the sunlight to illuminate the space.
And he would wait for you, you knew that your father saved all of his work and took a rest at such an hour. Because you were going to be there, because you would barge inside the room, running towards the windowpane and pressed your face on the glass, eyes glimmering as your orbs tinted with orange.
You remembered that one day you barged inside the room, not seeing how the guards tensed up and tried to stop you. White, maybe around a dozen men wearing a white uniform, a military uniform. Your father didn't scold you and gently scooted you outside, telling you that he had to finish a job. But you couldn't forget the menacing and disgusted look on their faces when they looked at you.
That was the first, and the last time you ever saw them. Your father always made sure that he had an empty schedule in the afternoon ever since, certain that his little girl would go to his study without knocking, and he didn't mind that, not at all. And that had become another routine that you shared with him.
When the clock struck five p.m., your tiny feet would drag you to your father's study. And he would always be there, sitting on his plush leather chair, waiting for you.
"I am not going to wait for you, you know."
Grumbling under his breath, he didn't face you ever since you sat there on top of the wooden crate right outside the base, accompanying him even though he didn't ask you to. "Either you or Marcel, I am not going to wait for the two of you to come back. Hell, I even wish that Reiner didn't come back at all but he had the armoured titan so he needed to come back."
He had been kicking pebbles and turned his back on you, both hands pocketed inside his trousers. And after around fifteen minutes of silence, he decided to speak up, only to say some discouraging things to you. Then again though, it was Porco Galliard you were talking to. He never said anything nice to you, what made you think he would change just because you are going to Paradis tomorrow?
"I know, Porco." You answered to satisfy him, knowing that he could be more irritated if you didn't say anything back.
Then it went back to another silence.
You had to get back after this, your parents must have wanted to spend their time with you, their only daughter. Tomorrow morning you needed to get on the ship that brought you to Paradis. A one-way-ticket, you believed. The military would leave you there with the other warriors, not coming back for perhaps a few years.
There was a high chance that some of you wouldn't come back, even everyone in the military knew that there was a possibility that this mission would fail. Yet they kept on going, feeling certain that at least with five titans infiltrating the Paradis, stealing the founding titan would be an easy task once they knew who inherited it.
Warriors would decapitate them, bringing whoever it was back to Marley and let other warrior candidates devour them. Though if they showed immense resistance, one of the remaining warriors had to eat them. No, the military was absolute and they told you to be the one who ate them — because you were a Tybur, because you inherited the powerful war hammer titan.
And yes, you should have been back by now. The last warrior meeting ended around half an hour ago. Yet here you were, wanting to spend your time with someone who didn't even look at you the entire time you were sitting there. You should have come back, having a quality moment with your family instead of wasting your time here, watching the back of the warrior candidates whose expression was unknown to you.
You could have caught the sunlight and watched it with your father inside his study, maybe even invited your mother for the day. That was what you were supposed to do, that was the right thing to do from the eyes of others.
But just today, for the last time in Marley, you wanted to have a memory where you watched the sunset with Porco Galliard.
It was always the same, no matter where you were in this world, the orange hue would stretch across the horizon at this time of day. And here, nothing changed, except maybe beside the fact that you were enjoying it with strangers, fellow soldiers, instead of warriors.
You thanked whoever built this place for making the barracks facing the west, becoming a perfect place for you to see the sun when it started to set. Now, you could spend time here, enjoying the serene atmosphere and the steady yet gentle breeze after the training was done for the day. 
Your eyes flickered to a female soldier that had been running around the main ground, you shook your head in amusement when you recalled the event from a few hours prior. The girl ate a boiled, warm potato in the middle of the field where everyone was supposed to stand still with a perfect stance.
Well, here she was right now, running until her body couldn't take it. And despite how Annie mumbled under her breath about how nonsense everything was here — either it was the weak cadets or the messed-up training system — you couldn’t help but smile at the variety of people that you met here so far.
Maybe the life of a soldier wouldn't be so bad after all.
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"Pock, Commander Magath called for you."
A delicate voice rang through his ear, pulling him back from his thoughts as he stared at the orange sky. But he didn't avert his eyes from the sight, not even for a second since he waited until the sun was hiding behind the horizon. Wanting to feel the only connection that he had with someone.
"There's only one sun in this world, Porco."
He had been standing here for a while, on the cliff not too far from Liberio. Two years, he wanted to mock himself for doing something like this for the past two years. No one knew the reason why he seemed so engrossed watching the sunset when he had never been like this before.
"It would be where I laid my eyes upon every day before the night came."
And despite all the rumours that were going around, despite how many times he was called at this time of day to face the commander. He would still stand there, hazel orbs watching every second passed by as the sun hid behind the hill, believing that your eyes landed on the same thing.
Even though you were an ocean away from him.
"I'll be there in a minute, Pieck."
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↪ Back to Great Descendant Masterlist OR Wall Maria
↪ Send an ask if you want to be a citizen of Paradis (taglist)!
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shikiii-skadi · 2 years
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‧₊˚✧♡✧˚₊‧ Back to main masterlist
.•° ✿ °•. Annie Leonhardt .•° ✿ °•.
➳How Annie looks at you
➳How Annie would react if you get injured
➳Handwriting Headcanons
.•° ✿ °•. Bertholdt Hoover .•° ✿ °•.
➳What it would be like when Bertholdt is jealous
➳How Bertholdts look at you
➳How Bertholdt would react if you get injured
➳You call him handsome
.•° ✿ °•. Colt Grice .•° ✿ °•.
➳Colts Love Language
.•° ✿ °•. Pieck Finger .•° ✿ °•.
➳Pieck is missing you
➳Piecks Love Language
➳Handwriting Headcanons
.•° ✿ °•. Porco Galliard .•° ✿ °•.
➳Porco is missing you
➳Porcos Love Language
.•° ✿ °•.Reiner Braun .•° ✿ °•.
➳What it would be like if Reiner had a crush on you
➳What it would be like to train with Reiner
➳How Reiner looks at you
➳Reiners Love Language (Season 4)
.•° ✿ °•. Zeke Jäger .•° ✿ °•.
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levithestripper · 1 month
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part two of how the members of the survey corp and marley warriors would train with you
warnings: gender-neutral reader, marco lives! au, marcel lives! au, suggestive in some areas.
included characters: eren yeager, armin arlert, jean kirstein, marco bodt, connie springer, bertolt hoover, and porco galliard.
length: 3.6k || read on ao3 || join my taglist
part one || part two [you're here!]
request: [anon] Would you be willing to do another part of "how the members of the survey corp and marley warriors would train with you" but with gn!reader winning this time. Maybe it's luck, maybe they cheated (tickles ? Unfair move?), or one time vicrory only ? If you're up for it of course ! Loved it :>
a/n: i loved writing a part two of this for you, nonnie! i hope it's everything you wanted :) if you guys have any other requests for hcs, please send them my way! i find the guys easier to write, so i just did them! and if i didn't include one, it's probably bc the reader already won in p1 or i couldn't think of a scenario for them. if you want me to write for the ones i left out just lemme know :) sorry it took almost a year for me to get to this lmao.
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— Eren Yeager
As much as Eren likes to show off and impress you, he still takes training seriously. If he doesn’t take it seriously, how will he get strong enough to achieve his goals? He has gotten rather good at the basics of it, but he still has a lot to polish and work on, just like you, so it makes you two a good pairing. Eren has the wooden prop knife this round, and he’s winning so far. Every time you lunged at him, he’d dodge out of the way, leaving you out of breath and frustrated. You’re all for winning fair and square, but in this instance, you’re not afraid to play dirty to get what you’re after.
“Hey, Eren!” you call out to him, a conniving look spreading across your face. 
He raises an eyebrow at you with suspicion. “What is it?” He stalks you, circling you slowly, watching your every move.
You circle him as well, walking sideways, legs crossing each other. “I heard about your most recent spat with Jean the other day.” Eren doesn’t respond, so you continue with your little scheme. “Connie told me Jean decked you right in the face, giving you a black eye.” You watch as Eren touches his black and blue cheekbone with his free hand. “‘Parently you lost,” you snark. 
“I did not lose to that horse face!” Eren yells at you, gritting his teeth. “Mikasa pulled me off of him before I could defend myself! You know she always does that!”
You smirk at him. He had fallen into your trap, hook, line, and sinker. “Oh yeah? That’s not how Connie told it. He told me—well, told everyone, really—that you laid there and let him win.” You know your boyfriend well, saying the exact things guaranteed to make him snap. “Maybe Jean is better than you at sparring, too.”
That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. Eren charges at you with all his strength, yelling as he does, giving you precisely what you want. Sidestepping him and sticking out your foot, Eren unceremoniously trips and faceplants in the dirt with a groan. Smugly, you crouch down to pluck the knife from Eren’s grasp. “I win, Ren.”
“Fuck you,” he groans, still facefirst in the dirt. 
You sit crisscross beside him, your expression a mix of a smile and a smirk. “Maybe later.”
Eren looks up at you out of the corner of his eye. “I hate you.”
“You love me,” you tease, giggling. 
“You’re so fucking annoying.” Eren’s voice has no malice behind it as he sits up., rubbing the dirt and blood off his face. A rock must’ve scraped him when he fell. You’ll never admit it, but he looks hot with blood trickling down his forehead.
You kiss his dirtied cheek with a soft giggle. “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
A faint dusting of blush reddened Eren’s already ruddy face. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Regardless, he returns the gesture, kissing the tip of your nose. 
— Armin Arlert
The more often you ask Armin to train with you, the more comfortable he gets. He’s less worried about hurting you, as you’ve proved to him that you’re more than capable of holding your own. It’s not that he views you as weak; he just views your safety as his top priority. He pulls his punches but comes at you in full force without you having to insist upon it this time.
Armin isn’t the best fighter, but he still puts up a good fight. You have the prop knife this round, and you’re winning. He may not have the brute strength of Reiner or Eren, but instead, he uses his brain to fight, aiming primarily for your legs and remaining defensive. All his efforts are for naught, as you’ve pinned him in the blink of an eye. Armin yields to you, just like he had in the past rounds.
“You win again,” Armin says with a smile, accepting your outstretched hand, and you pull him to his feet once more. “I lasted longer this time, though!”
You return his smile with a squeeze of your hand. “We’re both improving, aren’t we?” Armin nods. The sun has started its descent below the horizon, painting the sky a beautiful orange color. You tilt your head up to look at it. “It’s getting late. We better get going to catch a shower before suppertime.”
Armin nods again with a hum. “You know, it’ll be quicker if we shower together.”
“Oh, yeah?” you tease, turning to walk with him towards the showers. 
“Mhmm,” he smirks. To imaginary onlookers, Armin looks like he’s innocently messing with you, but the glimmer in his eyes tells you his perceived innocence is merely a facade.
— Jean Kirstein
Winning against Jean is a challenge. You’re both evenly matched in talent, so it comes down to technicalities and skill to beat him. And when that doesn’t work, you resort to playing dirty. Today’s exercise is to wrestle the other to the ground and keep them there until they tap out. Something Jean is excellent at, unfortunately. So you have your work cut out for you.
The two of you were the only ones left in the training yard, the sun setting beyond the trees. Everyone else had gone to shower and change for supper, but you were determined to beat him, even if it meant you’d both sit down for supper in sweaty uniforms. Jean has pinned you twice now, and his victories made him cocky. Perfect. 
It’s the beginning of the round, so you’re circling each other from a small distance away. Jean’s hair is ruffled, giving him an almost disheveled appearance that suits him well. You hate how he still looks good after hours of training. “Say, Jean-bo,” you say with a smirk. 
Your expression tells Jean you’re up to no good, and he isn’t even slightly surprised. “No, no, no, you’re not gonna trick me! Not this time!” 
“Awwww, do you not trust me, Jean-bo? Since when have you so little confidence in me?” you tease.
“You know when!” Jean inches closer to you. 
You shake your head no, feigning innocence. “No, I don’t think I do, Jean-y. Enlighten me, hm?”
Jean waves his hands as he speaks. “Last week, when you got me so worked up, you somehow managed to get me all tied up in my ODM gear!” You giggle at the memory. “Heyy, no laughing at me!”
“I can’t help it! You were hanging upside down!” 
“Only because you spun me around and twisted my lines!” Jean exclaims, eyes fiery. “Captain Levi made me run laps ‘till I dropped!”
Your grin is filled with attitude, knowing exactly how to effectively press Jean’s buttons and irritate him. You watch as he stalks closer and closer to you. He watches you closely, eyeing you up and down. You imagine he’s trying to piece together whatever you’re planning. Having fallen to your schemes more than he’d care to admit, Jean’s learned not to underestimate you. But you still have a few tricks left up your sleeve that Jean hasn’t cracked just yet.
“I bet it was hard coming back and finding out our superiors surprised us with meat for dinner, too,” you snark. Unbeknownst to Jean, the squad captains promptly changed their minds when Sasha practically launched herself into the ceiling. There are nail marks left over to prove it. 
Jean’s eyebrows furrowed in frustration. “You didn’t even save me any, either!” 
You answer by sticking your tongue out at him, playing innocent. You let him get within grappling range, his actions playing right into your evil plans. He quickly knocks you on your ass, giving Jean an easy win if he can keep you there. But his frustration made him sloppy, leaving holes in his attack for you to latch onto and exploit. 
Turning the tables, you slide out from below him and kick Jean’s legs out from underneath him. You straddle his waist before he has the chance to retaliate, pinning his arms behind his back, rendering him immobile. “I win, Jean-bo,” you grin with a laugh, reveling in the glory of your success.
“You only won because I let you!” he argues, face flushing red.
You chuckle at his reaction. “I won because you got sloppy, Jean-y.”
He rolls his eyes, scoffing, but he holds no resentment against you. “Not my fault I got sloppy; you were goading me!”
“Not my fault you fell for it!”
Jean huffs. “Will you let me up now?”
“Maybe. I think I deserve something for winning, don’t you agree, Jean-bo?” you tease.
He does his best to look at you from the corner of his eye. “If you don’t let me up, you won’t get any kisses. How’s that for your prize, idiot?” You hurry off him, not eager to discover if Jean would hold true to his threat of withholding kisses from you. Jean stands and dusts off his stained pants, pouting at you cutely with a huff. “If anything, I’m the one who deserves kisses after that.”
You roll your eyes affectionately, but you kiss him anyway. “You’re so dramatic.”
— Marco Bodt 
Marco watches as you approach him, his signature smile plastered across his features. He’s sitting in the mess hall with Jean, helping the slightly shorter man with what appears to be paperwork. Jean looks up from his work when he notices your presence, kicking Marco’s leg with a knowing smirk.
You sit down across from them, mirroring Marco’s smile with a sweet one of your own. “Hey, Marco, Jean.” Jean gives a halfhearted wave. “Whatcha up to?” you ask, leaning over the table to look at the paperwork between them.
“Not much; Jean needed help writing his debrief report, so I offered to help him with it.” Marco looks at you with a stupid amount of affection, so much you can practically see it radiating off him. Since joining the Survey Corps, Marco has let his hair grow out, his bangs falling in his eyes, giving him even more of the boyish cuteness he already possesses. He claims he’ll cut it short again, but you like to believe Marco keeps it long because he knows how much you like it this way. 
“How soon until you guys finish?” 
Jean groans at your question. “Not fucking soon enough. It’s making me wanna rip my hair out.” Marco giggles quietly at his reaction.
“Not long.” He smiles at you, nudging your foot with his. “Something you need?” 
“I was hoping you’d have some free time to spar with me, Marco,” you hum, nudging him back. 
Jean, being the dick he loves to be, makes a gagging sound at the both of you. “C’mon, guys, cut it with the sappy romantic eye fucking, already. Go and spar with them, man; I’ll be fine to finish up on my own.” He sticks his tongue out in fake disgust, hurriedly shooing Marco off the bench.
You roll your eyes with a soft chuckle, taking Marco’s soft hand within your own. He waves goodbye to his friend as he leaves and holds the door open for you as you exit. “What exactly do you want to practice? Anything in particular?” he asks, swinging your arm cutely. 
“Hand to hand, mostly. I practically got my ass handed to me by Reiner the other day, and I don’t want a repeat of it.” As you walk towards the edge of the training yard, the sun is high in the sky, surrounded by a pretty shade of light blue, not a cloud to be seen. “What about you?”
Marco shrugs, happy to go along with whatever you prefer. “Nothing comes to mind. I’m happy with whatever you want to do.”
“Okay,” you smile at him, reaching your destination quickly.
By the time you have Marco on his back and yielding to you, the sun has started to set. You help him up and dust off the dirt from his shirt. “So, you finally have enough?”
Marco nods, exhaustion written all over his face. “I don’t think you’ll have a problem holding your own against Reiner, that’s for sure,” he says tiredly, rubbing his eyes.
— Connie Springer 
Connie loves hanging out with you, even if that means he gets his shit rocked while doing it. He thinks it’s hot when you show off how strong you are, so he’s more than happy to seriously train with you instead of just goofing off.
Today’s training is melee fighting with a rifle. Something Connie hates. He’s never been good with rifles; they’re large and clunky, and he can never get an accurate shot with them during target practice. Sasha’s excellence at it drives him up the wall, so he’s adamant about improving his skills, no matter how much he hates doing it. 
“You gonna keep losin’, or should I start putting in some effort?” you tease, standing upright, holding your rifle diagonally across your chest.
Connie drags himself off the ground, white pants stained brown with dirt and mud. “You’re not gonna be winning for much longer, babe,” he says with an evil-looking grin, not giving you any time to prepare before he lunges at you, thrusting the training bayonet towards your chest. 
“Oh, yeah?” You easily dodge his attack, striking the backs of his thighs in retaliation, earning yourself a yelp of surprise and pain. “Doesn’t seem like it, babe,” Connie growls in frustration, darting behind you to land a blow on the weak points of your knees, making your legs buckle, falling to your knees. 
“You wanna take that back?” He stands over you, pointing the fake bayonet between your shoulder blades.
You turn your head to look at him, returning his smirk. You shift your rifle to your other hand and sweep it in an arch behind you, just barely knocking Connie unstable enough for you to escape the compromising position. With Connie off balance, you return the favor, kicking him in the back of his knees, and he lands flat on his face. “No, I don’t think I will,” you chuckle triumphantly, pinning him there with the heel of your rifle. “Maybe next time, love.”
Connie responds with a groan. “I swear, you and Sasha are conspiring against me.”
“Why, I have no idea what you mean! I’d never do something like that!” It’s clear that you’re lying; you and Sasha get along like a house on fire, so that’s something you both would one hundred percent do just to annoy him. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, just let me up, idiot,” Connie grumbles, shifting to lay on his back so his face isn’t in the dirt anymore. 
You hum to yourself, tapping your chin with a finger. “Hmmm, I don’t know, should I? I kinda like seeing you underneath me like this.”
Connie’s face flushes a deep shade of red. You notice his pants have tightened slightly, and you move the heel of the rifle to sit just below his belt. “Shut up.”
“What if I don’t want to? What then?” 
“Then I won’t share my dessert with you,” he goads.
You sigh defeatedly and help Connie up. “Dessert tonight better be good.”
Connie kisses the corner of your mouth, holding your free hand in his. “Maybe you’ll get two desserts.”
“Oh? I do like the sound of that,” you smirk, properly kissing him back this time. You hear Jean yell in disgust, and you both flip him the bird.
— Bertolt Hoover
“Are you sure you want to keep going? It’s dark out!” Bertolt whines, looking utterly exhausted. 
“I just wanna get this trick right!” you reply, sweat dripping down your forehead. 
He sighs. “You know I love you, but wouldn’t you fare better if you weren’t this tired?”
You ball your hands into fists and position them like Annie does. “Just one more time, Bertl, please?” you plead, and he caves quicker than you expected him to.
“Just one more, then we’re headed inside, okay?” 
You nod in agreement, and Bertolt rushes toward you. You angle your body so your side faces him. You lift your arm and fold it so your wrist touches your shoulder. When Bertolt reaches you, you grab his sleeve and pull his arm longways across your folded one, and you turn your body again so your back is flush against his chest. In the blink of an eye, you’ve got Bertolt off the ground and over your shoulder, quickly throwing the taller man to the ground. It knocks the breath out of him, but you both have a smile on your face despite it.
Between heaving breaths, Bertolt congratulates you. “You did it! Finally!”
“Finally!” You collapse beside him in a fit of giggles, ecstatic that you’ve finally gotten the hang of the move you’ve been trying to learn all day. “I’m so tired, Bertl.”
“I tried to tell you that, love.” He smiles at you sweetly. “But you had to do it one more time,” Bertolt says with a chuckle, kissing your sweaty forehead. 
“Oh, shush,” you giggle again and kiss his nose in return. “You like training with me.”
Bertolt’s tan skin darkens with a flush of red across his cheekbones. “Never said I didn’t, honey.” He kisses your forehead again. “Let’s go take a shower, yeah?” 
You nod, groaning as you sit up. As the adrenaline fades away, you begin to feel the toll the training had on your poor muscles. Everything is sore and vaguely hurts, making you even more eager for the boiling hot shower in your near future. “The baths should be empty by now, so we can take one together if you like.” Your words cause Bertolt’s blush to worsen, only serving to make you giggle again. “You’re so cute, y’know.”
“Shut up,” he whines, hiding his face from your watchful eyes. “Let’s just go take a shower, okay?”
“Okay, okay,” you grin, kissing the backs of his hands before standing up. You offer him a hand, which he accepts, even though he most likely doesn’t need assistance. “I hope there’s extra food left over from supper.” 
Bertolt keeps his hand within yours as you walk back to the bathhouse. “Probably not. You know how Sasha gets.”
“I can always try to bribe one of the cooks. They love me,” you say as your grin widens with a cute smugness.
He chuckles and shakes his head. “They’re gonna stop loving you if you keep pestering them for extra food like this, love.”
“Impossible.” You open the door to the bathhouse, but like the gentleman he is, Bertolt holds it so you can walk inside first.
— Porco Galliard
When he’s training with you, Porco’s cockiness is oftentimes the reason for his downfall as well. He knows you’re also an excellent soldier and fighter, but that doesn’t matter to him when he’s determined to beat your ass into the dirt. But that also gives you a slight advantage as well. He doesn’t underestimate you per se, but he does think he’s hot shit, which opens up plenty of opportunities for you to get him angry, then beat him at his own game once he’s let his guard down. 
“Hey, Pock,” you grin at him while he cocks a suspicious eyebrow at you. 
“What?” he questions between panting breaths. “You trying to talk your way outta this ‘cause you’re afraid of losin’ again?” Sweat drips off his chin and down his neck, making him look stupidly attractive, at least more than should be allowed for this situation.
You smirk at him. “No, dummy. I was just gonna say you look hot, but I guess you don’t wanna hear it,” you say with a shrug, watching to see if your plan works, which it does. 
Porco’s brain lags for a few seconds, giving you all the time you need to dart behind him and wrap him in a headlock. Porco yells and claws at your forearm, but you only tighten your grip on him, forcing him to either struggle or surrender. “You cheated, asshole!” he curses you out, gritting his teeth as he fruitlessly tries to break free of your hold.
“Not my fault you fell for it,” you snark back, teasingly tightening your arm around his throat. “You should’ve kept up a stronger guard, Pocky.”
“God, don’t call me Pocky. Pock is bad enough,” he groans, his short-cropped nails leaving little crescent marks in the meat of your forearm. His words say he’s angry, but the way he’s pressing against your front tells you otherwise. 
You rest your chin on his free shoulder, digging your chin into it just to fuck with him more than you already were. “Oh? You don’t like it? But it’s so cute, Pocky.” 
Porco growls at you with frustration, but he stops trying to escape your grip. “If I yield, will you stop calling me that?”
“Maybe,” you giggle, drawing out the ‘A’ sound. “Only if I get to brag to Marcel about beating you.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes, ensuring you know of his despair. “You and your demands are gonna kill me one day, and I’ll enjoy the silence I get from being free of your nagging.”
You pout cutely, but unfortunately, Porco couldn’t see it. “That’s such a long way to tell me you love me, Pocky.”
“Mmm, I wonder why,” he snarks, swallowing thickly. “Will you let me go now?”
“Can I brag to Marcel about your crushing defeat?”
Porco groans dramatically. “Fine, you can brag to him, I guess.” You pepper his cheek with kisses before you free him. “I’m never hearing the end of this from either of you, am I?” 
“Nope!” you giggle, kissing his cheek again before backing away.
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taglist: @myglitteringstardust, @alicchis-badonkadonks (sorry if this isn’t you, it’s the only blog that popped up when i typed in the user from my taglist form), @nxuvillette, @killeva, @aestosia, @aangze, and @fantasy-and-love.
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erzva · 1 year
them with a clingy s/o ,, mikasa jean connie sasha reiner annie pieck porco marcel levi hanji erwin
she doesn’t mind at all
in fact, she finds it endearing
when you’re holding onto her she’ll always watch you with a soft content smile
he loves it because it’s reassuring for him and makes him feel really loved
he would literally never deny you touching him. more like the opposite, he invites you to and just grins at you
he’s also very touchy around other people to let them know you’re his bc he’s kinda insecure. he wants to hold your hand and he often fiddles with your fingers. sometimes he’d snake his fingers into the waistband of your pants
he personally doesn’t need that much physical contact but he lets you do whatever you want to him, he really doesn’t care. he just wants you to be happy
he’ll tease you about it though and laugh when you get pouty. he’ll apologize if you get too quiet or embarrassed or hurt though
but he likes it because the thought of you not getting enough of him is ego boosting and just makes him feel good
she loves physical touch so she lets you touch her whenever you want
you make her hair every morning. just her sitting on the bed all groggy and grumpy and you massaging her head a little and running your fingers through her hair to lighten up her mood until you finally tie it up into her usual ponytail
she’s always one of the last ppl still eating so when you’re done (which is a lot sooner) you cling to her and wrap your arms around her while she’s still eating.
you could be climbing up on her like she’s a tree and she wouldn’t care . so you do sometimes which always ends up with both of you on the ground
you like nuzzling into her chest and she knows it so it doesn’t matter if she’s talking to someone or there’s ppl around, she’ll let you do it if you want to. she’ll stroke your head or back while you’re doing it or just wrap her arms around you
if it’s around other people or in public: she doesn’t mind you constantly having your arms wrapped around her waist or shoulders but don’t expect her to hug you back. she’d more like let it happen and just stand there while you’re doing your thing
she doesn’t wanna kiss or make out in public or when there’s other ppl near
sometimes when somebody else is flirting with her you forget about how much she hates pda and just grab her face and push your tongue into her mouth bc you’re so riled up. she let’s you do it though bc she knows you didn’t mean any harm. also bc she kinda finds it hot.. you’ll never hear her admit it though. it fact, she’ll act annoyed and roll her eyes when you’re done showing the person she’s yours
if you’re alone somewhere she’ll reciprocate your hug and hold onto you tightly while burying her head into your neck
she also initiates make out sessions more than you when you’re alone because she’s actually kinda needy herself
he’s super clingy himself so whenever you are it’s just reassurance to him
you’re basically hugging 24/7 and neither of you wants to let go. like at all.
you follow each other around like puppies
he feels so loved and content when you initiate hugs
you’re constantly touching and have your hands on each other wether it’s holding hands or letting him fiddle with your fingers or you hooking your fingers through the loops on his pants etc.
he loves it when he’s doing something and you’re, for once, not together but you somehow find him and hug him from the side. he’ll take one of his arms and put it around either your waist or your shoulder and bring his other hand up to cup your face and stroke your cheek
scenario: it’s just a normal day for you warriors with not much to do so you’re all just hanging out when you make your way over to reiner who was sitting on the couch with pieck and sit in his lap facing him with your arms around his neck and him slouching his left arm around your lower back while the other is caressing your back. “right, i’m out.” porco gets up. nothing more disturbing to him than the two of you. “have fun!” pieck sighs tiredly. zeke would just walk out without saying anything. you and reiner chuckle and hug each other tighter. reiner would bring his hands up to your face and press light kisses all over it which would eventually lead to you making out. and then just hugging again. and making out again. and hugging. you could spend hours doing nothing but kiss and hug. 2 hours would go by but none of you would want to get up. then the other warriors would march through the door talking and laughing about something thinking you and reiner would be long gone but to their surprise- “there is no way you’re still sitting here like that..” porco would look at you disgusted. “why, how long has it been?” you ask genuinely curious.
he won’t let you touch him in public especially not around the other warriors or people in the military in higher positions because he thinks it makes him look weak and unprofessional
he’d always regret it immediately after though because he knows that it makes you feel neglected and annoying, but he can’t risk letting his ‘cool guy’ and ‘good warrior’ act fall.
at night when you’re alone though he won’t let go of you and tell you that he’s sorry for being such a stupid asshole sometimes
as soon as you’re alone in either yours or his room he’ll press you against the door and hug you tightly “i’m so sorry. i’m such an ass i’m sorry.” he’d mumble with tears welling up in his eyes. you had already forgotten what this was about because you know him and you know how he gets but when he pleads for you to hug him back you remember.
i hc him being possessive
so he loves it when you’re touching and hugging him, especially in public. to him it’s just showing other people that you’re his.
he especially likes it when you’re doing it in front of other guys
if you do it around the warriors he’ll just smirk and let you climb in his lap or whatever it is you wanna do
if it’s around instructors he’ll just look at them with a “sorry, they just can’t help it” look. or he’ll just kinda ignore you and act like nothings happening so the instructor will adapt to his state. he’d just stroke your arm or head while your hugging him but he won’t shift his focus away from the conversation he’s having with one of the ppl in power
he acts like he’s not touchy himself bc he knows how needy you are when in reality he’s thriving every time you initiate physical touch
he likes making out in front of other ppl and showing them that you’re his. he won’t do it for long bc he knows you get embarrassed and annoyed but he’ll shove his tongue into your mouth and make out with you for a few seconds just to annoy the ppl around him
loves it bc it’s just really comfortable and adds warmth
she especially loves it when you’re laying on top of her
you’ll often just pick her up and bury your face in her neck
you also love resting your head on her ass when she’s laying on her stomach
would act annoyed when you do it in public or in front of others but he wouldn’t make you stop or send you away
he’d just stand there helpless letting you do whatever you want to him while he has his usual grumpy look on his face
in private though he is the one initiating physical touch the most because in reality he wants it even more than you. he needs it. he’s just become exceptionally well at suppressing his needs.
he’s the embodiment of a cat. grumpy in front of others but clingy when you’re alone
i hc hanji using they/he pronouns so:
would not mind at all bc he’s clingy himself
blushed the first time you suddenly hugged them bc usually they’re the one doing it
made him so happy fr
he literally loves it so much, it’s so reassuring to them bc he feels like he’s annoying by being so touchy but whenever you’re clingy it just makes them happy and feels like a relief kinda
erwin ** idk i got carried away
he takes his position as commander very serious but when you’re feeling needy while he’s talking to someone, he’ll still let you hug him from the side or from behind but he wouldn’t pay much attention to you. just putting his arm around you while keeping the conversation he was having going or a gentle squeeze of your arm
in private he lets you do whatever you need to do
he’ll let you sit on his lap while he’s doing paperwork or hump his thigh if you need to. “good, baby, keep rubbing yourself on me” “you’re doing so good” “i know you’re close, come for me, sweetie” he’d coo softly while rubbing your back. it’s hard for him to let you finish because all he’d think about when you’re rubbing yourself on his thigh is his cock inside your warm pussy. he’ll have to hold back groans and the uncomfortable feeling of his pants getting tight around his crotch isn’t any less distracting. nine out of ten times he takes you on the sofa after you’re done and panting into his neck
he’s not too clingy himself. but he gets needy and whiny too. he just knows when the right time for those things is and he has no problem waiting until you’re alone.
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sommerflue-22 · 1 year
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Little Things They Do... (Pt. 3)
Little things they do to show you they love you
Read the other parts: Part 1 // Part 2
Featuring: Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, Pieck Finger, Zeke Jaeger, Bertholdt Hoover, Porco Galliard
Warning: Modern setting
Word Count: 748
Author Note
Hi! This will be the last of the series. I've linked the previous parts for you to read. Here's the song I listened to while writing this. I feel like this part is more gloomy because hey I'm kind of a mess rn haha. I hope you still enjoy it, tho. Again, these actions can be perceived platonically or romantically, whatever suits you.
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Reiner worries about you a lot even though you're a grown adult, fully capable of doing stuff on your own. When you both are apart from each other, you keep each other updated. What you both are doing, where you're at, who you're with. After you got your own car, Reiner text you to drive safe all the time. Especially when you're alone or during the winter. He can help you if you cut your finger when cooking, he can help you if you're sick from walking in the rain, but he can't really help you if anything happens while you're driving alone. He doesn't want to think of the worst case scenario. Whatever your relationship is with him, whether it's romantic or platonic, he doesn't want to lose you.
Annie is not the type of person who will explicitly say she loves you. She is also not a big fan of physical contact. You are no exception, but she really does care for you a lot. So, whenever you're out with her and need to cross a street, she will hold your hand. She doesn't ask you if you need help crossing the street, nor does she glances at you and smile (like you often sees in movies). Annie just automatically holds your hand and leads you forward, looking both ways to make sure everything is safe.
Pieck is a busy lady, okay? She works hard, every single day. She's highly professional and her colleagues count on her a lot. However, when it's just the two of you, she puts away any mental to-do list or any work-related stuff. She just wants to be with you, listening to you talking. She pays attention to you and you only. Of course, she will talk about work if you ask her about it. Though, she'd rather spend her free time not worrying about work. She feels like she can relax and be her everyday, cheerful self with you.
Having a relationship in general is not easy, but having a relationship with Zeke is definitely on the next level. He can be stubborn at times, and even though he doesn't mean it, he might say things that hurt you. Not to mention, his *cough* family issue. Loving Zeke, as a friend or as a lover, is not easy. You both argue a lot, often times resulting in one of you taking time away from the other. Most of the time, it's you who request a time off. Now, Zeke is quite a prideful man alright. He doesn't go mushy and beg you to stay. He let you go be alone for a few days, but eventually he will be the one who apologizes first. He doesn't do that with other people, but he does for you. Because you never leave him, and he would love to keep it that way.
Bertholdt can be shy at times, especially when he just met someone for the first time. Maintaining eye contact while someone else is talking to him can be difficult. He felt uncomfortable, like the other person might discover who he really is just by staring into his eyes. How insecure he feels sometimes, the dark thoughts that he keeps for lonely nights, and other things private. You are the only exception. You don't judge, you show him that hey, it's alright to be a little messed up sometimes. You've seen him in states that nobody else has ever seen, even his parents. That is why he's not afraid to look into your eyes. He appreciates you, and he lets you in.
Porco can be passive-aggressive at times and most of the time he might think he's always right, especially when it has been a long day for him. People might start an argument, or they'll let it go while mentally cursing the man. You, on the other hand, you're one of the few people who can deal with him. Instead of starting an argument (causing him to get worked up) or walking away (and seeing him with a smug expression), you just simply say "Alrighty~ Agree to disagree" It's a new response that Porco didn't anticipate, and you say it with the most chill tone/expression. After awhile, he tried not to be so snappy and cocky with you. He even gives up his need to always be right. You can tell him the rain happens because the angels are taking a piss, and he'll just nodded. "Whatever you say..."
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Idk man, I just really love Bertholdt, Reiner, and Zeke. Precious men. Deserves better. I love them.
Anyway, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy it. Lemme know what you think in the comment :)
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
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starring: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Porco, Reiner, Levi, Zeke
rating: mostly sfw! 18+
notes: okay thanks for being patient everyone! This is going to be part 1 of a series I’m starting about vacationing with the snk men! This was super fun to make in preparation to my own vacation that I’m on now! Please let me know your thoughts and what else you’d like to see from me. Any other characters I should include? Solo drabbles or headcanons? Specific scenarios? Drop an ask!!
Part 2
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- Eren’s probably like 75% packed the day of the flight so the whole morning he’s scrambling to get the rest of his shit together
- I bet he has a gift of always having everything he needs? Has never forgotten a single item at home
- Probably looks like a model when he’s going to the airport, TSA and finding the gate and whatnot
- Like so damn effortless?? It’s all in his intense eyes and furrowed brow, he looks like he’s constantly smoldering
- In reality he’s just lost
- “(Y/N).” “What?” “We’ve been going the wrong direction for the past fifteen minutes. Our gate is the other way.”
- Eren is so bad with directions!! He just assumes he can figure it out without looking at a map
- He can’t
- I bet he’d sleep on you, head in your lap or just fully laid on top of you while you’re waiting to board
- Doesn’t want guys to hit on you while he’s asleep so he is literally on your lap the entire time to let them know you’re taken
- RIP if you have to pee he’s not getting up
- He’ll let you sleep on him during the plane to make up for it though? Poor guy can’t sleep on planes
- Just plays games on his phone the entire time or takes pictures of you sleeping to show you later
- Probably has the big clunky headphones for the plane ride but he’ll let you borrow them if you forget yours
- And he’ll sit in the middle seat for you xoxo
- Packed and ready to go the day before your flight
- But he’s the worst when it comes to packing!!!
- “Did you happen to pack an extra charger? Shit..” ends up buying the super overpriced ones at the airport, sorry king
- Otherwise he’d fully forget his carryon bag and have to turn around to pick it up from home, causing you both to almost miss your flight!!
- Probably the kind of guy to pay for TSA pre check or some other fancy upgrades during the flight
- Honestly probably just buys a bunch of expensive ass shit from the airport and doesn’t understand that he doesn’t have to do that?? “Gee, $16 for a burger? Okay I guess” like bro stop at McDonalds beforehand
- Super prepared for TSA and boarding, has you both checked in online already
- I bet he’d actually like walking around the airport and chatting with you, excited to go on a vacation with you! Doesn’t like to sit still while waiting to board
- Probably feels more comfortable having an arm around you or hold your hand while you wander the airport or wait to board
- Just wants to make sure you’re safe, plus he’s an affectionate guy when he’s sleepy and boy can he sleep on flights
- Probably has a neck pillow
- Would also probably be down to do some skincare stuff with you on the flight?? Like a mask or something hahah
- ALWAYS jokes about joining the mile high club with you, raising his eyebrows and elbowing you as you scoot out of your seat to go to the bathroom. “Oh? Should I come too?”
- So sorry. He needs to be in the aisle seat because of his big long legs, so you’re probably going to be stuck in the middle or window (‘:
- Will wake up well rested and is completely oblivious to your suffering. “Mornin’, sunshine! Sleep okay? What do you mean, you didn’t sleep at all???”
- Super prepared and packed
- The type of traveler to provide you with a packing list and an itinerary for the trip??? So cute
- AND he’ll make sure to pack an extra charger just in case you forget one, a true hero
- “(Y/N) I figured you’d enjoy seeing this museum since I know you’re interested in architecture from that period, and I know that their collection has a really nice display!!!“ the whole trip has little surprises that he takes you to see!
- He will get you both to the airport like four hours too early, so sorry
- You guys are both sitting waiting to board for hours and he’s just reading one of the books he brought, so you better make sure you have a way to pass time lmao
- He will absolutely let you borrow a book otherwise :)
- Will talk your ear off (in a good way) about whatever place you’re going to!! Has researched the location thoroughly and will randomly tell you fun facts or anecdotes about the places you’ll visit!
- Honestly probably gets a bit anxious when it comes to airports?? They’re super hectic and he just wants to avoid as much stress as possible
- Too anxious to nap while waiting for the plane to board so I’d imagine him almost nodding up and then his head jolting back upright yk?
- But that means he’ll be out like a light immediately after take off!
- Would honestly love the window seat probably but will let you get first pick(: as long as you keep the window open so he can watch take off!!!
- Has one of those mini book lights so he can read without bothering others on the plane, in case he wakes up
- Might be a touch grumpy after the flight but I mean that’s his fault for always opting for the window seat
- After a quick stop at the hotel to drop off bags and take a nap and he’s good to go!
- Contrary to what you might think I promise he is not a constant ball of energy
- Honestly similar to Eren I feel like he would just look so effortless??
- But secretly there is so much effort lol he definitely makes you look at his options for clothes for the AIRPORT
- “I gotta look like I’m not trying, yeah? Which pair of joggers makes my ass look good babe?”
- Chunky headphones, large ass fancy sneakers, etc
- Is so bad at directions too but who cares! Y’all get to the airport with enough time to spare and Connie’s kind of incapable of being in a bad mood when it comes to his vacations
- “Oh, I think our gates on the other side of the airport but check out this dope little snack shop, we can stock up for the 50 mile walk to our gate!” (It’s a ten minute walk)
- Honestly would be super fun to travel with, probably the perfect balance of keeping you busy/chatting and doing his own thing?
- While you guys settle in and wait to board he’s pointing out random people (discreetly!) and giving them entire backgrounds and life stories
- I feel like kids would be drawn to him too? So randomly he’ll nudge you and gesture towards a kid in a stroller who has been looking at him for seven minutes
- “What do I do? Should I square up?” Connie NO it’s a child
- Otherwise he’s probably going to have his headphones on, playing some game on his phone, and has an arm draped around you casually
- For some reason he’s obsessed with airport gift shops? He doesn’t care that they’re super overpriced
- “(Y/N) let’s get souvenir magnets!! 2 for $10!” “Connie we haven’t left our hometown yet” “I wonder if Sasha wants a magnet too…”
- Will probably sit wherever on the airplane so he lets you take the aisle seat, but heads up this man cannot hold his bladder so it might be better to give up the aisle, he’s up five times a flight at least
- Silently brooding for most of the time at the airport
- Doesn’t like them at all?? Too many obnoxious people, security is crowded and stressful, food is overpriced, etc
- Similar to Jean, forgets the most basic things like headphones or a phone charger and has to shell out like $20 for a shitty pair
- Also I feel like he just happens to be stopped for a pat down whenever he flies?? (I got one and they said certain pants materials light up their machine)
- I promise he’s super polite when it comes to TSA and other people at the airport but he’s just constantly inconvenienced by every little thing?? He just has bad luck is all
- Once you make it to the gate he throws on a pair of sunglasses and tucks himself into a chair and sleeps lmao
- He probably has a tradition of watching movies or something all night before leaving for vacation? Just a weird thing but he swears it’s good luck
- “(Y/N) c’mon we have to watch all of the Jurassic Park movies tonight. If we don’t the flight might be cancelled c’mon I already made popcorn for the both of us I can’t eat it all myself. (Y/N), babe, c’mon”
- That’s probably why he’s grumpy at the airport lmao he didn’t sleep at all the night before
- He’s also the kind of guy to insist on holding all of your luggage for you even though you both have 2 bags and it’s kind of a lot
- If you guys end up sitting in an exit row he’d spend a good portion of the trip panicking internally about the hypothetical situation in which he has to open the airplane door
- He spends the rest of the flight asleep or doing a crossword on his phone lol
- Oh he’d love to watch a movie with you on the flight!!
- The back of the seat TV thing yk?? He’d be so bad at trying to sync up both of your screens so you can watch together
- And his $20 shitty headphones are already busted so you guys end up watching together on your screen, cuddled up and using your headphones together
- Oh lord he’d try so hard to prepare everything so that you guys can have a stress free vacation
- The type of guy to take things personally when they go wrong??
- “What do you mean our flight got delayed thirty minutes ☹️”
- Not mad at anyone!! Super polite and respectful obviously!! But he feels like it’s his fault
- “(Y/N)… I’m so sorry. I mistakingly booked us business class seats instead of economy” “Reiner those are literally NICER seats it’s fine!!”
- Will carry all of your bags the entire time
- He’s definitely brought some of your skincare products in his carryon bag because he was worried about you not having room in your suitcase
- Omg he’d also make sure there’s room for souvenirs in his bag!!
- I bet he’d come home with every cheesy little trinket, either as a gift for his friends and family or for you both to keep!
- If you wanted him to, he’d probably clean your cuticles or something while you’re waiting to board
- He just gets so much relief from knowing that you’re taken care of, he’s so honored to be able to take care of you😭 I love him
- That’s why he’ll totally take the window or middle seat to give you more leg room with the aisle
- Which goes horribly wrong because as we know Reiner is a large man
- Will let you sleep on him during the flight too, even if he cannot sleep
- After the flight the poor man just finds the nearest empty spot and lies down on the ground for four minutes to recover from being scrunched up for so long
- Similar to Porco, he just looks so grumpy at the airport, even more than usual
- They’re just so loud and the kids are annoying and they’re so hectic?? And unpredictable and gross??
- If you’re stressed at all he’ll definitely put on a brave face and lead you to your gate
- But in a moment of weakness might reach out for your hand during boarding, just to make sure you’re there
- Will also sleep on you once you’re in a secluded area of your boarding area
- Once he’s out, he’s OUT
- I’d imagine him being a really light sleeper normally, but in high stress situations he’s probably a lot harder to wake
- Especially when he’s going on a vacation with you yk?
- I feel like it’s 50/50 whether he’s prepared for the trip or not btw
- If he is prepared, he has your passport and boarding pass neatly waiting for you
- If not, he’s one of those people who holds up the line as he shuffles through his bag for it 💀 he just forgets that he needs it out it’s not his fault!
- He likes the window seat because he can lean against the window and sleep during the flight
- Doesn’t want to admit it’s because he knows he’s small and should be the one to sit there hahahah
- Also his ears probably pop really bad so the window seat isn’t the best for him but he’s stubborn 💀
- RUNS out of the airport as soon as y’all exit the plane
- Maybe it’s just a Jaeger gene, but he also looks so effortlessly good at the airport??
- Unlike Eren though, he’s good at navigation so he’s got you both where you need to be with little to no stress
- Probably a touch intense when it comes to inconveniences though??? Poor airport workers
- He’s not mean he’s just very direct
- “😐 what do you mean we aren’t sitting together, can’t you just move some other people around?”
- Actually I bet he’d reserve seats for you both so that you can sit together but like each have aisle seats? Honestly the smartest of the bunch because that way you both get leg room
- Honestly I feel like Zeke is super put together so on vacations he might seem kind of lazy?
- But it’s the only time he gets to ease off yk
- So it might seem like he’s being too nonchalant about things or where you’re going yk?
- Like he’d be content just staying home with you for a week and getting to be away from work
- And he is excited about whatever you both have planned!! He’s just a “we’re play it by ear” type of guy
- “So what do you want to do after we drop off our stuff at the hotel?” “I don’t care” 😐😐 thanks Zeke
- But I promise he’s excited okay
- He’d probably want to hold your hand during the flight in between doing his crosswords lol, but he’d squeeze your hand as you prepare to land!!
- Snores on the plane. Sorry.
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Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed(: where would you want these boys to take you? Let me know if you want more of this series!
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lady-boketto · 4 months
Difference in Taste! (Random Drabble)
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A/n: Honestly this was one of those random scenarios that pop up in your head and unlike the other ones I had to write this one out, I also included a lot of characters so I put it under the cut
It's one of those rare afternoons where you have the pleasure of passing the time not really doing anything but relishing in the peaceful comfort of your home with your beloved partner.
Not wanting to waste the opportunity of your significant other's already sparse time, you were determined to spend some quality time with them as you thought the day was perfect for a outdoor picnic with bright blue skies and the temperatures being well above the average day, yet the day was still accompanied by a slight breeze with the warm summer air.
As you walked with your arm linked with your partner through the field you both wandered into, your eyes scanned the surrounding for a perfect spot to set up your picnic blanket when your irises catch a nearby oak tree that is providing a nice umbrella of shade.
With the blanket set up nicely in the shade of oak tree, your significant other is already starting to unpack all your belongings and placing them down eagerly on the soft fabric of the blanket, clearly overjoyed to relax with their love one while also enjoying the food the both of you had spent the better part of the morning preparing.
while in their warm embrace you decide to fill the silence with mindless conversation, it's mostly what has captured your attention that day (whether it's mindless banter or enticing gossip you have to tell, your significant other is always listening with a smile with on their face while trying to keep the conversation to the best of their ability) while in the middle of answering your previous thought of what would be the most diabolical smash or pass topic, you think of a another thought that would hopefully shake your partner's thoughts and they finally stumble over their words.
" How do you think I'd taste? what you you think?"
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Those whose minds thought you meant food wise:
JJK: Kiyotaka Ijichi, Utahime Iori, Yuta, Miwa, Takuma Ino, Mahito
AOT: Zeke, Annie, Bertholdt, Mikasa, Hange
Inuyasha: Ayame, Ginta, Hakkaku, Inuyasha, Kikiyo, Sango
CoD: Gaz, Konig, Roze, Kleo, Gus, Farah, Soap
Demon Slayer: Mitsuri, Giyuu, Rengoku, Kanae, Akaza, Daki, Makio
RDR2: Arthur, John, Bill, Molly, Kieran, Mary-Beth, Lenny, Swanson, Pearson, Mary, Lemuel Fike
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Those who are confused on how to answer because they understand both meanings:
JJK: Nanami, Nobara, Megumi, Maki, Mai, Noritoshi, Choso
AOT: Erwin, Levi, Onyankopon
Inuyasha: Kagome, Kagura, Sesshomaru
CoD: Price, Ghost, Rodolfo, Chuy, Laswell, Alex
Demon Slayer: Urokodaki, Tamayo, Gyomei, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Kokushibo, Hinatsuru, Obanai
RDR2: Abigail, Charles, Hosea, Trelawny, Sadie, Grimshaw, Tilly, Black Belle, Bonnie
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Those whose minds went straight into the gutter:
JJK: Gojo, Yuji, Shoko Ieiri, Toji, Geto, Yuki Tsukumo, Mei Mei, Inumaki, Todo, Naoya
AOT: Armin, Jean, Colt, Reiner, Porco, Eren, Mike, Conny
Inuyasha: Hiten, Jakotsu, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Toga
CoD: Nova, Alejandro, Enzo Reyes, Horangi, Valeria, Graves, Makarov
Demon Slayer: Shinobu, Uzui, Sanemi, Shinjuro, Muzan, Doma, Gyutaro, Suna
RDR2: Dutch, Javier, Karen, Micah, Sean, Eagle Flies, Flaco, Madam Nazar
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chaostroberry1 · 5 months
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(Creds to the gif owner)
I hope to help everyone with their delusions and midnight romance scenarios
⚠️But I do not take requests for oc×canon! You can use my creations for your oc ideas, but please credit me. But do not submit requests for anything related to oc×canon. my writings/art is for everybody!⚠️
REQUESTS ARE NOW OPEN!! but please read the rules first! → RULES
Its difficult to write when you do not follow the rules guys. So follow them and don't make daddy angy🐺🐺
• Here are all the fandoms I'm in, or things that I take interest in , or use as ideas for writing/drawing (I'm not finished with some of them, but I do understand the plot and everything else 🗣️) :
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Hell girl
To your eternity
Sailor moon
Madoka magica
Blue lock
Record of ragnarok
The seven deadly sins
Study group (not yet finished)
Mr. Baek (soon)
Viral hit
Killer peter
Dangerous fellows
Death note
Tokyo revengers
The promised neverland
Welcome home
Winx club
Stardew valley
Sky cotl
Scp foundation
Obey me
Blood of zues
Mary and the witch's flower
Drifting home
Princess mononoke
The tale of princess kaguya
Howl's moving castle
When Marnie was there
Porco rosso
The cat returns
Spirited away
Kiki's delivery service
Castle in the sky
the wind rises
A whisker away
Grave of the fireflies
Designated bully/bully incharge
Little misfortune
But like I said, I'm only writing mostly record of ragnarok stuff currently, I might throw in other characters from different fandoms, but I don't take requests for some of them. Please understand ^^
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Stuff I'm familiar with
• hanahaki disease
• star tear disease
• other stuff
I rarely write the specific personality of the reader, because I want it to be for everyone, so I hope you understand. ^^
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hangeslefteye · 2 years
Who pays the date?(Aot boys)
This is just a general headcanon about my favorite Aot boys and how generous they are! we have EREN,JEAN,REİNER,PORCO AND ZEKE! (İf there is any you guys dont agree feel free to write in the comments :*)
Eren:%100 a dutch guy lmao.He may not even realise this is a date and act as a regular meet up with a friend D: if realises he might offer to pay but definetly expects you to take your own half XD (YOU might need to pay for season 4 Eren beacuseee.. He is almost homeless???)
Jean:Absolutely nothing like Eren,he is a romeo.Will pay,will try his hardest to impress he might accidently come of like he is flaunting by taking you to a fancy place but my baby is just too thrilled D: (expect flowers or gifts!!! And him showing himself around like a peacock lol beacuse he will dress to kill!!)
Reiner:%100 Sugar daddy lol.(The festival scene D:) He wont just pay for one date but everything else you might need??But then again my baby is generous with everybody around him D: up to a point he will get offended if you try to take your half because you think he cant take care of you????(just gently gold dig him lmao)
Porco:At the beginning very much like Eren will dutch and wont even offer to pay lmao xD.He is just way too salty for this romantic bs.But if things evolve wont let you spend a penny in a official relationship if you ever try much more saltier than Reiner and will make you regret lol
Zeke:Will click the account on you and run AJSHAHVXGSCV apperantly to him paying the date is up to women :D he might even take you to a very fancy place just for you to pay SHASVXHGSAVXGH XDDD
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perfectly-unsad · 2 years
Attack on Titan Headcanons
Warnings - 18+, SFW + NSFW headcanons for all characters, general h/cs, their favourite body parts, kinks I think they’d have, fem anatomy assumed for reader, mentions of mental illness in Reiners section, not proof read
Includes - Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Historia, Ymir, Levi, Erwin, Miche, Hange, Reiner, Bertholt, Annie, Porco, Zeke, Pieck
A/N - Writing these with the canon universe in mind! I’ve tried to include most characters because I hate when I see my favs left out! If I missed anyone that you want to read, or you want more details on a certain topic or character feel free to submit it as a request <3
He has a huge sweet tooth, loves to treat himself with chocolates or pastries but loves them even more when you buy them for him, but if you MADE them for him!!!! He’s in love
He is VERY temperamental and any little thing can change his mood but luckily for you he is also a very good communicator and will always tell you what’s upset him
I feel like his love language would be quality time. You don’t have to be doing the same thing, just knowing you’re with him brings him a lot of comfort
Eren is a brat tamer!! He likes it when you act up because he loves putting you in your place. He’ll tolerate your attitude in public but don’t make the mistake of thinking he didn’t notice how you rolled your eyes at something he said or how you replied far too sarcastically to his question because he’ll definitely get a whimpering apology out of you later
Besties this may be the monster fucker in me talking but if you asked him he would definitely be willing to let you see what that Titan form tongue does
His favourite body part of yours is your hair. He’ll run his hands through it when you guys cuddle, he’ll always smell it when you hug, he’ll absent-mindedly twirl the ends whenever he can and of course he’d ball it up in his fist to pull your head up when he’s hitting it from behind<3
Kinks include light bondage, impact play, hair pulling, and risky public sex, he’s definitely a thrill seeker
The best boyfriend! Will always notice when something is wrong and does whatever he can to fix it or comfort you.
If you have trouble sleeping he will read to you as a background noise to try get you to sleep
Always kisses you goodnight and goodbye
His love language is physical touch. Hear me out! He spends a lot of time thinking stuff through, and gentle touches really help ground him and bring him back to reality. Touching his arm, wrapping your arms around him, kissing him, it all reminds him to be present in the moment with you
10000% a sub. I cannot in any universe see this man as a dom in any scenario, it’s just not on the cards. He would definitely try for you if you asked but I don’t think it would go very well and you would end up in chargeo
He will let you peg him
His favourite body part of yours is your lips. He loves loves LOVES kissing and will especially want to kiss you when you’re being intimate. He also loves hearing you talking about literally anything and everything
Kinks include sensory deprivation (he likes being blindfolded), temperature play (especially using ice) and he wants all the praise in the world!
We already know that she will do literally anything for you, anything…
She’s definitely the type to absolutely spoil you with romantic moments! She’ll dance with you in the rain, she’ll pick up flowers and pretty rocks that remind her of you, she’ll watch the sunset with you and she will take the best care of you when you’re sick
Her love language is acts of service, hands down. Anything she can do for you, she will. You casually mentioned how you miss the muffins your mother used to make for you? Better believe she’s trying thousands of muffin recipes in an attempt to recreate them for you.
She is a switch but is definitely more of a sub. To everyone else she is the baddest bitch around, right? She’s never been one to shy away from voicing her opinions and doing what she believes is right regardless of her orders. However, she loves that she trusts you enough to allow you to take control, and with her love comes her obedience so she will follow all of your orders<3
Her favourite body part of yours is your legs. Wrap your legs around her when you’re cuddling and she melts! Rest your legs on her when you’re laying down, she loves it!
Kinks include mutual masturbation, orgasm denial and praise
Huge flirt! Even after years of being together his flirtatious playful comments still leave you red faced and swooning (which is good because at first he was a very awkward flirter)
It takes a while for him to open up to you but once he does he becomes sooooo soft and will often confide in you, especially when he’s having a hard day
He has a good relationship with his mother and as such I do think he would like to be “looked after” by his s/o. Not in a demanding or entitled way, and he would definitely show you how grateful he is every time you make him food, wash his clothes, clean the dishes etc. he isn’t ever taking you for granted!
His love language is gift giving and it’s really cute because he does it in kind of an awkward way? He’ll be shy when presenting you a gift, at first you think he’s embarrassed to be admitting that he thought of you when he saw some silly little knick knack but actually he’s just worried you won’t like it! This sweet man!
A true switch. He can be a dom or sub depending on the mood but his main goal is always making sure you’re having a good time. We love a considerate king. His favourite position is cowgirl because he loves making eye contact and kissing your neck while you ride him.
His favourite body part of yours is your neck! Better believe he marks you the fuck up with hickies! He loves feeling your pulse on his lips and the sounds you make when his teeth graze your sensitive skin
Kinks include wax play, edging, oral sex giving and receiving. He will definitely finish while eating you out, and around here we find that incredibly sexy
This man loves playing games. Not mind games, like, actual games. He’s super competitive though so it’s never going to just be a chill game of charades with Connie because he is always playing to win, especially if Jean is playing too.
He will defend you about anything to anyone. You’re trying to convince everyone that 2+2=5? Connie will do all kinds of mental gymnastics to prove that you are right, however, as soon as it’s just you two he is definitely gonna be like “babe, what the fuck?” Defend in public, correct in private!
His love language is physical touch and he will practically be glued to your hip. You’re watching a movie and get up to get some water? Connie is following you into the kitchen holding your hand. He always has to be touching you in some way
Connie is more of a dom, but if you occasionally take the lead and encourage him to sub he will be soooooo into it
His favourite body part of yours is your skin (sounds super creepy actually but trust me), he loves to see you shiver under his touch and when you get goose bumps as he lightly grazes your shoulder with his fingertips! He’s mesmerised!
Kinks include degradation (complete juxtaposition to how he talks to you outside of the bedroom!), body worship and breath play
I headcanon that Sasha isn’t a great cook, she’ll just eat anything so if you can cook one good meal for her then you’ve won her over
She loves pet names and general cutesy relationship stuff! She doesn’t do big romantic moments like Mikasa but she will never stop doing little things like take you out for dinner, buy you flowers and plan anniversary events
Her love language is gift giving, especially food. We all know that it’s pretty rare for Sasha to share food, but she’ll even give you the bigger half of food she breaks in two<3
Pillow princess! She feels bad about it, but she’s really shy when it comes to intimacy like that at first
However, once you get her more comfortable she is the BEST at eating you out. Lay on your back, sit on her face, she’ll also eat you out from behind she really cannot get enough!
Her favourite body part of yours is your tongue. She really likes making out, slow and sensual or heated and passionate she loves it all. She also likes other things you do with your tongue and I h/c that she’s got quite a high libido
Kinks include food play (obvious but true, starts with something simple like coconut oil but Sasha will lick whipped cream off of any part of your body with GUSTO), lots and lots of praise and light pain
Ride or die kind of girlfriend. She’s very sweet and nice until someone hurts you physically or just hurts your feelings, then she’s out for blood
She’s very protective and if she sees someone flirting with you she does get jealous and it’s adorable because she gets all moody but is very easy to make her smile again
Will always put your happiness first, for better or worse
Her love language is acts of service. Remember how she carried Daz around that snowy mountain? She would do so much more for you
She is more of a sub and wouldn’t take it upon herself to try and be dominant
Her favourite body part of yours is your waist. She loves she wrap her arms around your waist when she hugs you and she’ll often trace the curves of your body with a gentle touch
Kinks include teasing, lingerie (especially anything lacy), gags and forced orgasm
You really do not need a man to feel safe because Ymir will, without hesitation, cut a bitch for you
Unlike Historia, if she sees someone flirting with you or working themselves up to flirt with you she’ll encourage them “yeah, she’s so hot, right? You should go and talk to her” and then when they get rejected she makes sure they see her walking out with you wrapped around her arm
She really fell for you when you actually took the time to get to know her, rather than being turned away by her initial off putting personality you continued to want to get to know her
Her love language is quality time. She loves being around you as often as possible and never gets sick of you
Dom energy all the way. It would take a lot to get her to sub for anyone and she is a huge service dom, she gets all her pleasure from seeing how good she makes you feel
Her favourite part of your body is your forehead. She’s quite tall and loves to give you forehead kisses, as well as forehead flicks when you’re being dumb. She’ll also press her forehead against yours to look into your eyes when she’s feeling extra sappy
Kinks include body worship, begging, hand cuffs and over stimulation
Very much a “cold person, except when it comes to you” kind of man but he’s still never overly lenient with you and would probably actually hold you to a higher standard than others
He is very used to having to look after himself and others so I think he’d be really taken aback if you looked after him. Cooked him food, bought him gifts, cleaned up any mess, and omg if you washed his hair for him? He might just cry (but won’t ever admit that)
He will grow his own food whenever possible. He loves eating fruit, veggies, herbs that he has grown in his own little garden, although he doesn’t grow any flowers or unusable plants
Will sometimes act like he isn’t too interested in some things you’re saying but he will remember pretty much everything you tell him about yourself
His love language is acts of service, he isn’t exactly “loud” with his love and I think he’d be shy to verbally express just how much he loves you so he would show you in quieter ways. Tea in the morning, fixing anything out of place on your outfit, double checking ODM gear. All are his subtle way of saying he loves you.
Bonus: Levi loves to receive words of affirmation, especially on unexpected things! People often tell him how strong he is, so when you mention that you love how gentle his touch is he melts
There are two common Levi headcanons that I personally don’t agree with, the first is that people think he’d be a really rough dom that uses a lot of slapping, choking, degradation etc but… that just doesn’t add up for me? His mother was a prostitue and I believe that although she tried to shelter as much of that lifestyle from him as possible he would have some idea of how violent men can be with women and he HATES it! The second headcanon is that fellow Levi stans love the idea of him having a huge fat cock and I get it, I really do, we all love that, but girlies, this man is 5’3 there is no way he’s packing 7+ inches. I h/c he’s probably 5.5 inches and it’s literally the prettiest one you’d ever see
Saying that, Levi is most definitely a service dom. Another man who would finish as he eats you out, and I will reiterate we LOVE THAT AROUND HERE!
His favourite body part of yours is your chest (not your boobs). When you’re sleeping, he will sometimes place a hand on your chest just to feel your heartbeat and remind himself that you’re alive and you’re his. He’s lost a lot of people he cares about, and whenever you can’t be with him when he wakes up he can feel quite anxious until he sees you
Speaking of, this man takes his title as “humanity’s strongest soldier” VERY seriously when it comes to you, regardless of your skill. He will not let you go anywhere dangerous without him to watch your back unless there is absolutely no other choice
Kinks include handcuffs, slight power play (the way that you specifically call him Captain), begging, light biting + back scratching and heavy on the praise
Doesn’t seem like it but is low-key a huge romantic! Candle lit dinners, dancing in the living room to your favourite song, tracks when there will be meteor showers so you can watch them together, going on horse rides together etc
Loves listening to you talk about things you’re passionate about, equally loves telling you about things he’s passionate about
Secretly assigns you to the safer positions on missions beyond the wall in the Long Range Scouting Formation
His love language is quality time and you CANNOT convince me otherwise! He spends so much time doing paperwork, can you imagine how much he’d love it if you came to just be around him while he did that? Immediately he’s smiling
Erwin is a dom, there’s no debating it. Getting him to sub? Impossible
Now… I just know this man is slinging a horse cock. It’s big. It’s fucking huge.
Favourite body part is the small of your back. He often rests his hand there when you’re in public and he loves how you react to his touch
Kinks include thigh riding (he’s too busy working so you have to use his thigh to get off, Erwin please give me one chance!), cock warming, spanking, discipline and voyeurism (you’re not allowed to touch him or yourself if you’ve been particularly bratty)
More of the oblivious type. He genuinely doesn’t understand why you get so flustered when he gets super close to sniff you
I feel like when you were first assigned to his squad and he sniffed you, you slapped him thinking he was some creep. Gelgar would burst out laughing and Nanaba would let you know you just slapped your new Captain and that he isn’t a creep he just has an incredible sense of smell… instant regret
He fell in love with you when you bought him a succulent plant instead of flowers and told him that you thought he’d prefer something with a less overwhelming scent. He keeps every single thing you bring him, pretty rocks, unique leaves, he loves it all
His love language is words of affirmation. He is a man of few words, but will always tell you when you do a good job and he never fails to compliment you on your actions or appearance!
Miche is a switch but leans more towards being a dom
He’s a panty sniffer, it’s literally canon (it’s not)
His favourite body part of yours is your thighs. He likes putting his hand on your thigh when you sit next to each other, and he likes resting his head on your thighs when he’s laying down
Kinks include crotch sniffing, sleep play, orgasm control and rope bondage
They have this ability mastered where they are able to get you to try new stuff and do new things just outside of your comfort zone but without overwhelming you. It’s opened you up to a lot of fun new stuff to do together!
You are the only person they prioritises over their Titan research! Saying that, they are still super passionate about their work and you and Moblit are constantly sweating it about their safety
They love love LOVE surprising you. They’ll spend the entire day acting like they’ve forgotten about your anniversary or some other special day and you fall for it every time, but they’ve actually planned some kind of elaborate thoughtful gesture for you
Speaking of celebrating, never again will you hate your birthday! They makes you feel so special and will dote on you all day
They are very mothering! “What have you eaten today?” “Did you warm up before this exercise?” “You shouldn’t wear those wet clothes, you’ll get sick!”
Their love language is physical touch. They will often brush against you, grab your hands in excitement, lean on you etc they find it very comforting and grounding to just feel you
They are definitely a dom but can be convinced to sub for you, but it takes some persuading
Their favourite body part of yours is your ears. Look at Hange and tell me they aren’t an ear nibbler. You can’t fucking do it because it’s true!
Kinks include shibari, blood play (mild), whips, dacryphilia as a result of overstimulation (not pain!)
I think people often shy away from talking about Reiners mental health, but fuck that, I will speak this man’s truth. I mean, we saw how he reacted as he came to terms with betraying all of his friends and now add in him betraying us, the person he has fallen so very deeply in love with!
Reiner is, at first, very reluctant to fall for you but he just can’t help it. Once he’s accepted that it’s very difficult for him and his Dissociative Identity Disorder really helps him cope with that. I mean, he loves you more than anything, right? So how could he…?
If you were from Marley and defended him against Porco, he’s instantly falling for you
He often has bad dreams and while everyone else sees him as the “reliable big brother” you get glimpses of how much he really struggles behind the scenes. So, when he wakes up to you cuddled up close to him it’s a big relief and source of comfort. Who would have thought that the big tough guy of the 104th is actually a big teddy bear
Unlike Levi, I agree with a lot of the fan headcanons for Reiner, include his desperate need for a hug and someone to tell him that they’re proud of him! Do this, and his heart will belong to you forever
As such, his love language is physical touch. He often tries to initiate gentle touches in the hope that you do it back. E.g. he will wrap his arms around you and lay his head on your chest hoping you’d play with his hair, rub his back, put your hand on his arm just anything!
He would dom at first, but once he’s more comfortable with you he likes it when you take over sometimes
I h/c that Reiner is pretty big and girthy, he doesn’t want to hurt you so the first couple of times it’s a little clumsy but when this man learns how to properly use it + his intense desire to make you feel good? Fucking. Hell.
His favourite body part of yours is your butt. Reiner is an ass man (I mean, did you guys see how many times he talked about asses? Way more than any other character!), not sexually but he will also rest his hand on your butt absent-mindedly and give it a gentle squeeze
Kinks include body worship (giving and receiving), anything with nipples (big titty sucker), BREEDING, voyeurism, light teasing and PRAISE
Bonus: not really a kink but Reiner will often hold your hand when he fucks you<3
Simp, simp, simp, SIIIIMMMPPPP!!! He’s super shy at first but once you’re in an established relationship this man will worship the ground you walk on and he’s always hitting you with the “you look so beautiful today” type compliments
He will always brag about you to other people, your skills, how kind you are, how funny you are, your achievements, he is your biggest fan honestly
I h/c that Bertolt has a huge soft spot for stray animals. He is forever bringing back stray cats and dogs to your house and sometimes injured wildlife
His love language is quality time! He would literally spend every waking moment with you if he could. Whenever you’re not next to him he’s always keeping an eye out for you
Sub. This man is a complete sub.
His favourite body part of yours is your back. He often runs his fingers down your back to make you shiver and loves planting gentle kisses along your spine
Kinks include orgasm denial (receiving), face sitting, teasing and massages (giving) that lead to sex
Surprisingly very romantic. When you get closer to her she becomes less cold and distant and reveals her much softer, romantic side
Annie gives off major friends to lovers vibes
Eager to please, she will do things for you to make you happy like bring you cool stuff she finds that reminds her of you and will go way outside of her comfort zone as long as the end result makes you smile
I feel like she has a hard time verbalising her emotions so she often writes you letters to express her feelings for you and omg they are some of the most beautiful and poetic words you could ever hope to read
Her love language is gift giving. Not only will she buy you gifts whenever they remind her of you, but she will also collect things like rocks and feathers to give to you and she will make stuff for you too like cute little daisy chains!
Annie is another true switch, she’s perfectly comfortable being a sub or a dom!
Her favourite part of your body is your eyes! Although she isn’t very expressive, the closer you get to her the more you come to recognise her minor body language details that others might miss. One perfect example of this is how her brow ever so slightly relaxes and her eyes soften when she looks into yours. It’s her happy place
Kinks include silk/satin use, degradation, wax and mutual masturbation
His method of flirting is definitely bullying you. It’s childish but he never grew out of it!
Very easy to make him jealous and he is so fine when he’s jealous. He’d never admit how much it annoyed him that Zeke said you looked nice one day, he tries to act like he didn’t care at all but it was sooooo obvious that he was jealous!
He acts annoyed doing chivalrous things for you but he secretly loves doing them. He’ll give a “be careful, idiot” when you’re walking on the side of the pavement that the cars drive on and quickly swap places with you. He’ll playfully roll his eyes when you thank him for holding a door open for you and he’ll act like he was “too hot anyway” when you mention that you’re cold and he gives you his coat.
His love language is words of affirmation but with a slightly mean twist. He would notice you’re feeling insecure and when you tell him why he’ll be all “what? Are you blind? You look beautiful”
Dom, and he’s a mean one too! Not every time, he does enjoy softer intimate sex when you both feel like that
His favourite body part of yours is your hips. He loves biting them and bruising the, with his fingertips while he holds you in place while fucking you. Romance isn’t dead<3
Kinks include rough sex, impact play, marking, exhibitionism (not so much having people watch but definitely letting them hear you screaming for him), hair pulling and knife play
Forever picking you flowers. He doesn’t really buy flowers, but whenever he sees a pretty one he’ll think of you and have to pick it
Enjoys having very philosophical conversations with you, especially at night when you guys are just laying together
The type of guy who will secretly take dance classes so that he can surprise you with a romantic moment on an anniversary
His love language is quality time. As long as you’re nearby he is happy, the closer the better of course but when he’s focusing on work it helps him concentrate on finishing it faster so that he can actually enjoy your company
Zeke is a dom but wouldn’t mind subbing for you occasionally. It would take some convincing but I firmly believe he’d let you peg him eventually
His favourite part of your body is your feet. I’m so sorry but I get MAJOR foot fetish vibes from Zeke
Kinks include daddy kink, face fucking, bondage and humiliation (giving)
Pieck is the type to mark pages in poetry books that remind her of you
Always greets you with a kiss, without fail! She also really enjoys doing domestic chores together with you. Cooking with Pieck is always really fun and silly
She will spoil you soooooo much. Mention that you want something? Consider it yours. Take a second glance at a piece of clothing and she’s grabbing it to buy for you. Honestly she just wants you to be happy
Her love language is physical touch. She always presses against you when you’re sitting together, she’ll make sure to intertwine your fingers when you walk together and she doesn’t care how hot it gets you WILL spoon
She is a perfect switch. When she’s domming she can be a little mean, but when she’s subbing she’s so good for you<3
Her favourite body part of yours is your fingers. She loves intertwining her fingers with yours, she loves giving you manicures, she loves buying you rings and she loves when you use your fingers to make her cum
Kinks include orgasm control (giving and receiving), begging, toys - especially a strap, and restraints
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Porco Galliard Fluff alphabet ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・
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This is my first official headcanon so I take recommendations/feedback by ask or dms if you’re nice lol. Keep in mind these are canon!verse headcanons. I feel like we don’t have enough of those. We love Porco over here so this was fun to make.
No warnings very sfw
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
So i def see Porco as a super romantic guy when he’s head over heals for his s/o. Not that he’s doesn’t put efforts on dates otherwise but if he IS he’ll organize walks around his city, picnics, restaurant dates, he’ll buy them flowers pretty much every time they hangout as if he’s on a first date trying to impress them
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks that the way his s/o looks at him longingly is the most beautiful sight ever.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Realistically, during a panic attack, he wouldn’t know what to do or say in the beginning of the relationship. He would be so awkward and just hold them the entire time but as he gets to know them better and their relationship gets stronger, he starts to help them slow their breathing, help them focus on the present moment and give them reassuring words like : “There you go, baby.” “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing great.”
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Ok so obviously canon!verse Porco sadly only sees the relationship as short term since he knows he won’t live for long. Part of him wishes there could be a cure or something just so he could live a long life with them but, hey…
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I picture Porco as rather passive because despite his tough/cocky exterior, when it comes to his lover he very much turns into a puddle. You’ll hear “yes ma’am 🙄” a lot if they’re a girl lol.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Yes!! Because of what I said above. They would have to say something very insulting for him to have difficulty forgiving them. A scenario I imagine would tip him over is if his lover is not Eldian and shares how they are tired that the people of Paradis get treated as a punching bag and abruptly cuts him off when he tries to retort by asking him how he can speak about his own people that way. They call him a “self-hating Eldian” and he very much takes it the wrong way. It would take him a couple days before he forgives them but at least it would make him think. (Should I turn this into a fic?????)
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is very grateful but honestly just for their existence??? For being his partner?? Having someone love him in that way and getting to have a passionate romantic relationship even tough he’s a warrior makes him feel really privileged. He legit worships his beloved because of that.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Not necessarily secrets but he has a hard time expressing/sharing his emotions and fears.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
They made him better </3 He is clearly happier, let’s people into his life more, they’ve made him think about how he was groomed from a young age to pay for the sins of his ancestors and how messed up that is. But mostly, they made him feel like a human being.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
YEEEESS is that not obvious I mean look at him
It’s def so much fun to watch him try to hide it tho
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yes, he’s a great kisser. The first kiss was very tender and sweet. He really couldn’t believe his life at that moment (lol) and wanted to savour every moment.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
“It’s hard for me to describe how I feel and I have no real future ahead of me, but you’re everything to me”.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes!!!!!! He dreams of it. The wedding would be small with just his warrior friends and his closest family members but all he wants to do is to stare at the ring on his partner’s fingers at the end of the ceremony.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
“Babe”, “Baby”, “Beautiful” in the morning AaahHhGhh
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He tries to keep the relationship lowkey because… he is who he is BUT it’s actually hilarious how obvious it is to his friends and comrades that he’s head over heels in love.
He expresses his love physically the best because he lowkey hates how red and hot he gets when he has to tell his lover how much he adores them.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Like I said earlier he is trying to keep things under the radar BUT he always compliments them whether they’re in the room or not to a point where Zeke rolls his eyes at the millionth mention of how “smart” and “brave” they are. So no PDA.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship
His commitment
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
VERY, VERY cliché romantic guy think roses, cute nicknames, cooking, drawing a bath for you, foot massages😮‍💨❤️‍🔥
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He doesn’t really have the time to help them but is always supporting them and reminds them that they can achieve anything they put their heart into.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Unfortunately, because of his lifestyle he cannot afford to “switch it up” here and there but he would definitely prefer to.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows them better than anyone else whether they’re an open book or more reserved. He doesn’t even have to spend a lot of time with them, he just does.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Warriors don’t have a lot going for them aside from shallow admiration from fellow Eldians, and the love from their family and friends (if they have any). That is the reason why after his relationship with his mother, his genuine, heart felt romantic relationship is the most important.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
So one time after a warrior mission, he came home very wounded to the point where he was healing very slowly and his titan scars were still on his face. Fortunately, his s/o was there and took care of him also drowning him in kisses. He was taken aback by the fact that despite his very hollow cheeks and overall scary titan-esque look, they still wanted to show him affection that way.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes it’s his favorite thing to do he’s legit a teddy bear
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will read the romantic letters they send him. He’s not really one to write letters but he will enjoy reading them before going to bed.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes he will make sure by any means necessary that you work out what’s wrong in your relationship. Like that man would stop at nothing it’s kinda scary.
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Thank you for reading!! Prompts by @/snk-warriors
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nectardaddy · 8 months
Thirteen Years [Porco Galliard x reader] 1
** This story will involve some level of spoilers, please proceed with caution. Also a lot of this story involves adult scenarios (i.e.: war, blood, gore, death, etc...) Despite this, I will try my best to balance out dark themes with more soft, wholesome ones. Please enjoy!
NOTE: this story is on Wattpad as well I AM THE AUTHOR
Prologue Seven years ago
Things were scattered across the wooden floor in a frenzy: cups, plates, cutlery, papers, chairs, all laid on the floor, some pieces broken and cracked. His older sibling tried to stop the boy's rampage; however, you stayed put and watched. Porco's pale knuckles were bloody and bruised from throwing and hitting everything in sight. All the young boy could see at the moment was red. You watched as his older brother finally got hold of him, grabbing him in a hug and not letting go. Porco struggled against it, his fit of rage unending from the yellow armband that should've been red. You couldn't seem to move as you watched the scene in front of you unfold; Porco's thrashing around, eagerly trying to escape his brother's grip, seemed to have no end in sight. 
"It's not fair!" He screamed, "Reiner never deserved the Armor and everyone knows it!" The young boy's voice cracked at the end, holding back tears as he continued to yell. Grey eyes locked with yours as he struggled against his brother - the pain was evident. Marcel tried to ease his brother's anger; telling him it was alright, he could live a longer life, and he would still be an honorary Marleyan, but the blonde wouldn't listen. He was so young and full of hope, but it was stripped away from him when he was forced to keep the yellow arm band. Forced to remain a candidate. 
"Let him go," you mumbled, catching Marcel's attention. But he ignored you, his brother was still in no state to be released. "I said let him go, Marcel," you spoke firmly. Your words held a certain authority that frightened him, and he hesitantly let his younger brother go. But the blonde's rage wasn't over, his eyes flickered to his brother who took a step back from him. His brother who now had a red armband, just like the five other candidates - except him. His pale hands met with his brother's chest and shoved him, Marcel being pushed into the table. Finally, you took a step forward, and another, until you were in front of the younger brother who was staring down the eldest. 
You wrapped your arms around the male, embracing him. It wasn't harsh, nor rough, you held him gently, hugging him. You felt the boy's body suddenly tense from your action, he was taken back. But this was the final crack in the dam that held back his tears. He didn't reciprocate your embrace, but he welcomed it as hot tears began to roll down his cheeks. A small sob racked his body before he leaned his head on your shoulder, the sleeve of your shirt becoming damp. You held him a bit tighter as he cried, he had never shown this amount of emotion in front of you, or anyone, before. You stayed silent, as did his brother, and let the boy cry out his pent up emotions. "I have to spend the next thirteen years alone. . ." he cried. 
His words made you pull away, the suddenness of it taking him by surprise. His eyes were red and his cheeks wet with tears as he looked at you. "You have me," you spoke quietly, "just because I wasn't a candidate doesn't make me any less of your friend. I'll still be here." 
1 Present Day 
The red armband he wore was in stark contrast to your own gray one as you walked side by side. The street was dirty and unkept, having to step over litter every now and then. The buildings you passed were the same, they were old and run down. The internment zone was nothing like the outside; however, you couldn't remember how beautiful the outside was. The only time you saw the world beyond the gates was at six years old; the Warrior program allowed Eldian children the chance of inheriting the power of the Titans - you however did not make the cut. Long days of running, fighting, and training resulted only in returning back home, not a candidate and not an honorary Marleyan. 
But the young man beside you was different in all regard, he was a Warrior, an honorary Marleyan, he held the power of the Jaw Titan. You held nothing at all, only the misery of forever being second-class. But the male beside you felt nothing but grief, despite getting what he had always wanted. The death of his brother made him realize just how cruel the world was, and he dreaded the day that he had to see the memories of the girl before him devour his older sibling. 
"I'm glad they're giving you a small break from training, I never really see you anymore," you stated and he was pulled from his thoughts. Your statement held truth, he rarely saw his friends and family in the internment zone. He was constantly surrounded by Marleyan soldiers or the other Warriors as he trained, learning to make the power of the Jaw his own. He no longer had the luxury of fooling around like he used to. He no longer had the time to be in your company, something he learned to enjoy over the years before.
"It's good to see you again, (Y/n)," his words were soft in contrast to his appearance. The male held a standoffish aura around him, his face blank, and his hands in his pockets. "How long has it been, exactly?" He asked, his grey eyes now flicking to you.
"Around two months," your quick reply took him by surprise. He turned his gaze to the path in front of him, leading no where in particular. He let a hum pass his lips as he kept walking. He didn't know it had been that long. He trained every day and rarely ever could tell what day it was anymore, he truly didn't now that many days had passed. He knew you missed him, a part of him missed you as well. You were the only one capable of sticking around all these years, and he had grown accustomed to seeing you regularly.
The time spent apart wore on him, even though it was a short time, so much had happened within the two months. He didn't know what to say, what to talk about, or how to act. Thoughts that were drilled into him him from the brass overwhelmed the thoughts of small talk and friendship. "How are you doing?" His words didn't hold the same confidence as before, he felt like a stranger to you.
"I could ask the same to you, Pock," you sighed. His nickname brought back memories he had forgotten, or placed in the back of his mind. The flood of memories played out in his mind and he stayed silent, letting his thoughts run wild. You had first heard the nickname from Marcel, hearing him tease his brother until the name slipped. You copied Marcel, earning a glare and a curt "shut up," from Porco. From then on the name stuck with you.
"I'm just tired," he spoke and kicked a small rock in front of him. Despite the truth in his statement, fatigue wasn't the only thing troubling him. He felt lost. He didn't quite grasp how to separate his "job" from his home, something his fellow Warriors seemed to understand. The drastic change in lifestyle was something he hadn't settled with; training as a candidate was much different than training as a Titan. As a candidate, he had more time at home - especially in the years of not being selected - but now he barely saw his home. He'd come home late, or not at all, then be up again in the early hours of the morning. He had forgotten how to relax.
"So much has happened in such a short time, I'm just trying to keep up," he admitted. "This is a well needed break." He sighed at his own words, he hoped to feel one with himself again after the few days he had off.
"A well deserved break as well," you added. "You look exhausted," you commented on his state. His eyes were dark and tired, his hair wasn't as pristine as usual, and his uniform looked slightly disheveled. He didn't look as put together as usual and it worried you. "They're working you too hard." 
"You might be right, but they have every reason to. There are rumors of going to war with the Mid-East Alliance, and we can't afford to be down another Titan, we've already lost two." The young man was no longer as cheerful as he once was, though he never had a bubbly personality, he was able to find joy in things but now that seemed to be forgotten. The rumors of war terrified you, you were at the age to be selected to fight - Eldians were more than expendable and the Marleyans would use every last one if they had to. 
Although the idea scared you, you pushed it to the back of your mind, "try not to think about that right now. It'll only wear on you more, just try to make the most of your time off." You spoke with a soft smile and looked over to him, trying to ease the war inside of him. "Since you finally have the time, we should look at the stars like we did when we were kids. Try not to lose the ladder this time though," you joked, bringing up past memories. 
The memory made his lips pull into a small smile. He and his brother would climb to the roof of their small house every night to look at the stars; Marcel was the one who taught him the constellations. You soon joined their nightly ritual, Marcel inviting you; imagining you climbing up the ladder to the roof every night without fail made him happy. The memory you had spoken of would make him laugh if he were by himself, his own idiocy getting the best of him. 
It was late at night and you all had decided to get some rest. Porco decided he would go down first, not yet learning the importance of patience with his peers. His foot slipped on the top rung and he pulled himself back onto the roof before the ladder clattered the ground. 
"What was that? Did you get scared, Pock?" His brother teased, seeing his younger brother's wide eyes. The eldest walked over to the edge of the roof where the youngest was and looked down, "Porco! You didn't!" He yelled as he looked down at the ladder that now rested on the ground. 
"Shut up Marcel! I didn't mean to!" He yelled back. The yelling peaked your interest and you joined the boys on the edge and looked down. You couldn't help but laugh at the situation, even if it meant you were stuck. "Stop laughing! It's not funny, you idiot!" 
But you didn't, his outburst only made you giggle more. "I thought you'd both be smarter than this, being Warrior candidates and all." You commented, earning a huff from the brothers. "Someone can pick it up in the morning. It's warm tonight, we won't die up here or anything." 
"You will never let go of that will you?" He asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer. "Hell, I might do it again for old times sake," he spoke with a smile. This was what he missed in the two months of training: talking to you and joking around. He felt like this was the rhythm he was supposed to be in, but he was still a few beats off. 
You chuckled, "I don't think people will be as willing to help. When we were kids it was endearing and cute, but we're older now, they might just think we're out right stupid." You looked over to him and sighed silently; this was the Porco you earnestly wished to see again. You missed the sentimental young man, not the one you were met with before. The one you met today was cold and beaten, tired and bruised; it made your heart ache. You were glad to see a piece of himself was still there under the rough exterior. 
"Especially if Zeke is the one the get the ladder again," he groaned.
The three of you grabbed onto the edge of the roof and leaned over just enough to peer down. It was the early hours of the morning, and the only ones awake would be those in the Warrior program. You patiently waited for the young Yaeger boy to turn the corner and appear on the path that the Galliard family lived on. Zeke took the path every day to join with both Galliard brothers in the morning on the walk to the gate; today was no different. 
"There he is!" You yelled and pointed to the blonde with glasses who had turned the corner. 
"Well it took you long enough didn't it!" Porco yelled to the young boy on the ground. Confusion was written on the boy's face as he looked around to see where the voice came from, but was met with no one on the ground. "Up here!" The glasses clad male finally looked up and cocked his head, seeing all three of you on the roof. He looked back down to see the ladder on the ground and finally pieced together why his comrades were up there. The young man burst into a fit of laughter upon looking back up.  
"Please! Please tell me you're stuck!" In between laughs, "this is too good, I'm telling everyone about this!" 
"Can you please just prop the ladder up Zeke? We don't want to be late," the eldest brother explained. In contrast, Porco sat with his arms crossed and huffed at the laughter from below. 
"Who got you stuck?" He asked, now holding his stomach from giggling and laughing. "Wait, wait! Lemme' guess! It was definitely Pock, wasn't it?" 
"Don't call me that, halfwit! Get the damn ladder so we can go!" Porco yelled.
His outburst only made Zeke laugh harder, "what's the magic word, Galliard?" 
"The magic word is get the ladder before I break your arm!" 
You laughed at the memory, "then let's not drop the ladder this time then." Your laughter slowly stopped before you looked to him. "I'll see you tonight then on the roof?" You asked, hoping to get the answer you wanted. You wanted to see him more, to speak with him, to spend time with him again. You couldn't quite understand it, but you wanted to be in his presence. Unbeknownst to you, he felt similarly. A part of him couldn't let the thought of you go, you were always there in the back of his mind. 
"Yeah, I'll see you then," he agreed. He needed the familiarity again, his life changed so suddenly and all he wanted around him where things he knew well and could understand. You were one of them. Other than his parents, you were the one that felt most like home. Not a Warrior, not a candidate, you were simply Eldian - what he needed. 
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jaegersmoon · 1 month
Hi Aim! I wanted to ask this considering I think your community is close. Are there any readers you think act/ represent your characters in OB based on how they are? I think it would be funny to have their personalities come to life through people you meet
hii !! i have one reader who has become a good friend of mine that has, over time, kind of influenced the way i write reiner. we talk to each other a lot about ob and the different head canons we have and how we believe he would act in certain scenarios. the lore and jokes we have made involving him has definitely affected his overall characterization.
all the other characters in ob, however, are just solely based on how i personally view them and how i believe they would act within the modern world, other than the select couple that have been influenced by people in my personal life such as porco and keith.
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pollenallergie · 11 months
i feel like billy is a huge studio ghibli fan (it’s comforting) and so he’d want to go as sophie and howl 🥺 if not that, definitely something else very sweet because he doesn’t want you to feel objectified, unless you two are alone of course. maybe you would have a couple’s costume and then surprise him later with a sexy costume (maybe jessica rabbit or morticia addams? idk, just something with a powerful and sultry woman)
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no because you’re so right!!!! he’s a massive studio ghibli fan!!! he loves the animation style and beautiful storytelling!!!!!! he has all the lil funko pops and movie posters!!!!!!!
he’d definitely want to go as sophie and howl or!!!! or!!! hear me out!!!! dad!billy knight would want to go as fujimoto and granmamare because that’s literally how he views your relationship!!!! he thinks he’s just some guy, and he thinks you’re a literal goddess!!! (you disagree, obviously, because billy’s so fucking amazing!! but also granmamare is such a beautiful character that you literally can’t pass up the opportunity to dress up as her for halloween)!! also, he’d want to go as fujimoto and granmamare because then you can dress your daughter up as ponyo!!! it’s literally the perfect family costume!!!
if we’re not talking about dad!billy knight, then i think he’d want to go as sophie and howl because they’re the best studio ghibli couple (disagree? go argue with the wall) or he’d want to go as gina and porco rosso that way you have the opportunity to dress a lil more sexy (if you want to), but also because of how gina dresses, you aren’t forced to dress sexy because you can just as easily portray the character without being sexy!!! so basically, it’s a couple’s costume where you have the opportunity to dress sexily if you want to, but also aren’t forced to dress sexily if you don’t want to (which is literally the perfect scenario in billy’s eyes because, as you said, he’d never want to pressure you!!!).
if gina and porco rosso aren’t your thing, then he’d also be totally down to go as something classic like sally and jack skellington or gomez and morticia addams or…. tbh i think billy probably loves horror movies but only the really, really good ones like Get Out, X, Pearl, A Quiet Place, and The Crow, as well as the classics like Jaws, Alien, Psycho, etc. so, he’d be sooo willing to go as eric and shelley from The Crow or pearl and howard from Pearl and/or X (maybe one night you’d go out as young pearl and young howard from Pearl and the next you’d go out as old pearl and old howard from X???)!!
as for surprising him with a super sexy, sultry costume when the two of you are home alone…. his sexual awakening happened at the hands of princess kidagakash ‘kida’ nedakh from atlantis: the lost empire and the human version of babette (aka fifi aka plumette) from beauty and the beast… so either of those will have him eating out of the palm of your hand (as if he isn’t already).
tbh he’d be honoured to be the milo to your kida or the lumiere to your babette/fifi/plumette if you wanted to wear either of those costumes in public too…
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