#possible drarry
froginapartyhat · 1 year
What if the potters didn’t die and after Harry had a daughter. (For the sake of having a name to refer to her as, let’s call her Phoebe)
Looks wise she would be the reverse of Harry with lilys ginger hair and James’ deep brown eyes. And if the Potters had lived then both Harry and Phoebe would have been raised by them (with the help of Remus, Sirius and Regulus). Harry takes after James and Phoebe takes after Lily so sometimes Sirius and Remus would pretend that they had mistaken the child for the parent and start saying things like “Oh Lily I must say your skin is looking so radiant and youthful today” and the children would collapse into fits of giggles
Phoebe would especially look up to her Uncle Remus and would insist on having him read to her no matter how boring his current book was. On countless occasions, they had both fallen asleep on the sofa mid book, with Phoebe snuggled up in one of Remus’s oversized knit jumpers.
Phoebe was also not a quidditch player. She was very good at flying but she had inherited her mothers fiery temper and her Uncle Sirius’ sass which meant team sports were just not a good idea.
When she joins hogwarts, she’s the year below Harry and therefore the same year as Ginny Weasley. So for the first term of school, 75% of the other students think she is a weasley and are constantly getting the two mixed up.
Despite the fact that they’re in different houses this causes the girls to become very close friends and they start taking advantage of this confusion to get away with things because “well Fred and George are twins, so the gene must run in the family”
Phoebe was sorted into Slytherin. The hat had been deciding between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff but Phoebe had demanded she be placed in Slytherin. Before she had left for hogwarts, Sirius had told Phoebe to “give Snivellus hell from me” and in her brain, the best way of achieving this was from within his own house. She’s heard about their school days and strongly disliked this apparently incredibly greasy man. It was only after she got her parents amused owl in response to the news of her sorting that she found out that things had been civil between all of the adults for years and that Sirius’s comment was at the fact that he knew Phoebe would be brilliant in potions which, as a Potter, would still irk Snape. It was still, however, one of the most slytherin ways of being assigned slytherin: requesting it to aid your plan for revenge.
As it happened, Phoebe was very good at potions thanks to aiding her mother. She would frequently interrupt Snape’s lessons to question his methods (which sometimes would result in lost points for her cheek and sometime gain her points for her intelligence) which made the man want to dislike her but her brilliance at his subject and generally sunny personality made that impossible.
She also had an aptitude for herbology and in her newts years would often grow her own rare potions ingredients to test possible new concoctions.
Unlike her brother she refused to sign up for divination and instead picked ancient runes. Partially because she’d had a mild crush on Hermione when she had to make her choice and Hermione’s scathing review of divination had made Phoebe decide she would rather run around the castle naked than pick that class. She’d often go to Hermione for advice on her Runes and in turn Hermione would ask for potions guidance as, whilst Hermione was great at learning the contents of books she’d never fully understood the chaotic art of potion making.
These study times were great opportunity to gossip about the happenings in their respective house common rooms, specifically how much Harry and Draco would talk about the other.
Her and Malfoy aren’t friends but have a truce. Mainly because Phoebe will call Malfoy out on his shit and Malfoy is actually incredibly smart and very loyal to his house. She did dye his hair bright pink with a potion she snuck into his dinner because he made some comments about Remus when he was teaching at the school. Professor Snape had even pulled her aside after class just after this incident and all he had said was: “root of asphodel is often used in cosmetics potions to add more of a shimmer” (i.e. he basically told her how to make Malfoy’s hair glitter) and that he wouldn’t be able to mark her extra credit essay till the following evening as he had to do an inventory check of his ingredients cupboard as he was suddenly low on some ingredients.
I might continue this if I come up with anymore ideas, possibly including Regulus as an Uncle of sorts as well as Marlene, Mary and Dorcas. It is quite fun to think about what could have been.
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I had to put my fic on hiatus because real life happened, and honestly I sank into a depressive state, and I am only now starting to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.
Right before everything hit the fan, I almost had Chapter 7 finished, and after everything happened, I hated everything I tried to write.
Anyway, I finally got Chapter 7 finished! Now I just have to decide whether to actually post it or write further ahead before I start posting. Chapters 8 & 9 were the first chapters I wrote, and Theo came along and jacked everything up, so I have to totally revamp them.
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daddiesdrarryy · 3 months
Draco: You got many relationship fails with girls and you’ve never thought to try with a boy, Potter?
Harry: …
Draco: Maybe you should date a guy. Especially someone who used to be your enemy but he’s now your friend?
Harry: …
Draco: Someone who is extremely rich and talented and pretty with gorgeous blond hair?
Harry: …
Draco: Just a thought
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vawobefanart · 4 months
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Tumblr doesn’t want me to show y’all the full image, so I’ll show you the unproblematic parts of it here. Full + nsfw on ao3 :)
I did put clothes on all of them just for tumblr! Why do you have to do that to me ? I swear to god. This took 81 hours 😭
I kinda like the idea of Draco, Greg and Vince (no one dies in my headcanons :* ) having trouble after the war with their parents being in Azkaban and their money taken by the wizengamot and shit. So they kinda have to sleep in this dingy place in knockturn alley, sleeping together in this single disgusting bed and searching for work during the day. And as it happens someone sees the young, pretty omega flanked by two strong looking alphas waltzing around and makes them an offer to work at the milk bar. Easy money and easy food. What can go wrong? (Well everything but we ain’t talking bout that)
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 8 months
If you are like me, excited for upcoming drarry fests but suddenly feel like you are behind because there are so many, you have come to the right place. I am going to try to compile a list for the ones coming up in the next few months, if I have missed any fests please let me know and I'll add them!
Draco Tops Harry @dracotops-harry
Prompt Collection: January 06 - 20, 2024
Claiming starts: January 22 - March 17, 2024
Submissions due: March 18, 2024
Fest starts: April 1, 2024
Drarry MiniBang @drarry-mini-bang
Sign Ups: January 20th
Sign Ups Close: February 18th
Deadline for fic concept: February 18th
Fic Concepts to Artists: February 24th
Artist Claim: February 27th
Submissions Due: July 2nd
Posting Begins: August
Lights Camera Drarry @lcdrarry
Propmting: January 10-17
Claiming/Sign Ups: January 20th to March 15
Submissions Due: April 15
Posting Begins: May 1
Reveals: June 15
HD Wireless @hd-wireless
Prompting opens: Sunday, January 14th 
Claiming opens: Sunday, February 4th
Submissions due: Friday, June 14th
Posting starts: Monday, July 1st
Harry Draco Mpreg @harrydracompreg
Prompting Begins: Monday, 29 January
Prompting Ends: Saturday, 10 February
Claiming Begins: Monday, 12 February
Last Day to Claim: Sunday, 7 April
Submissions Due: Sunday, 21 April
Posting Begins: Sunday, 12 May (US Mother’s Day)
Reveals: Sunday, Sunday, 16 June (US Father’s Day)
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babooshkart · 2 years
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“Yeah?” is all Harry asks, and it’s the sun caught on his tongue, stars spilling from his fingertips.
“Yes. Always yes, for you,” Draco says as he brings them to the end of their dance, and they stand fixed in the middle of the library, surrounded by the beautiful things they’ve created together.
all the stars in the sky by @softlystarstruck​ (1.2k, rated G)
happy birthday, my dear sweet friend💕
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dyingforhugs · 1 year
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getawayfox · 4 months
Malfoy’s throat bobbed in a swallow. His eyes, bright grey and clear as a December morning, caught the lights from the enchanted snowflakes overhead. He was beautiful in the way that frost crystals on windows are beautiful: you can look forever, but the slightest touch will destroy them. “Two truths and a lie,” Malfoy said at last. “Wrong guesses equal one discarded article of clothing.” Dream Harry licked his lips and thumbed the cork from the bottle. “Do your worst.”
Quote from an utterly perfect multiverse fic The Realm of Possibility by @porcelainheart3 (Drarry, M, 6k)
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oflights · 1 year
wip snip 4.2
thank you for the tag, @elskanellis! your snip is so intriguing 👀
in return, have some more of time travel fic: extremely gooey and tender and basically what the next 10k or so words are going to be (the fic is currently 20k lmao) before things get Bad again. still heartbreaking in its tenderness, though, because baby harry is heartbreaking (a contextual reminder that he is 7 in this snip!!! adult harry is henceforth "potter" from draco's pov).
“This is for me?” Harry asks, doing another turn, clutching at the still unnamed dragon in his hands. “All of this, the bed and—I can—”
“Harry,” Draco says softly, coming closer and dropping to crouch again, ignoring his protesting thighs starting to truly feel all the activity of the day. “Yes, all of this. You can sleep in the bed, you can name your toy—it’s all yours. This is what looking after you means; everything that I can offer is yours now. I promise.”
“Do I have to—” Harry starts, and Draco simply doesn’t want to hear where that’s going.
“No. You don’t have to do a single thing. It’s just yours. Because—because you’re a guest, and a kid, and kids deserve these sorts of things no matter what.”
“Oh,” Harry says, sounding genuinely startled in a way that makes Draco want to punch—someone. Perhaps Vernon or Petunia Dursley, or perhaps Albus Dumbledore. He did not ever imagine he would one day find new and more infuriating reasons to resent Dumbledore this long after his death, but he supposes life is surprising that way.
Harry breaks up his surprised, revelatory stance with another yawn, and this time Draco makes sure his tone brooks no argument when he directs him to the bathroom with the pajamas. To keep busy and shove down the punching urge, he resizes another set of clothes from the wardrobe for the morning, startling himself when he leans too far in and his hand disappears through the back wall.
“Oh, right, I should warn you,” Draco says when Harry returns, changed and padding gingerly towards the bed. “The wardrobe is a portal to the treehouse, so be careful if you go too far into it.”
“You have a treehouse?” Harry asks with a gasp, and Draco smiles at him, striding over and pulling the quilt back for Harry to settle in.
“You have a treehouse. I’ll show you tomorrow, if you’d like.”
He waits as Harry clambers onto the bed and settles against the mound of pillows, smoothing the quilt over him and then making sure the dragon is tucked in, too. “Any ideas on a name?” Draco asks softly, tweaking the dragon’s snout. “Do you want to sleep on it?”
“Can I name him after a—a con—a constellation? Like you?” Harry asks, frowning in concentration.
“Yes, of course you can. Which do you fancy?” Draco sits on the bed near Harry’s feet and leans back on his hands, gazing up at the ceiling as it cycles over them. “There’s Cygnus, the swan I was telling you about—he was my grandfather, you know, and right by Draco, so that’s convenient. There’s Pegasus, too, a type of flying horse, and Cepheus, he was a king in Ancient Greece—well, he chained his daughter up to a rock, so maybe not the best role model, but a cool name nonetheless. Just stop me if anything grabs you, really.”
“What’s that one?” Harry asks, squinting up and pointing; Draco makes a mental note to solve the glasses issue as soon as possible. He looks where Harry’s pointing, southwest of the quadrant he’d been explaining, and spots the most recognizable constellation there is.
“Ah, that’s Orion. The hunter. He was a Giant, you know, and he got pretty boastful, so Gaia—super powerful Earth mum, you did not want to get on her bad side—sent a great big scorpion after him. They fought, so you’ll never see Orion and Scorpius—that constellation all the way over there—in the sky at the same time. But Ophiuchus—he was a Healer, that one over there, see how he’s sort of between Orion and Scorpius? He gave Orion some medicine and saved him from Scorpius.”
Harry’s eyes are drooping closed, but he still murmurs, “Really? Is that all true?”
“Well, sort of. They’re stories, myths; all the stars have stories. There are different versions and they change depending on who you talk to, but I have my favorite versions because they’re the ones my mum told me.”
Draco checks in to see that Harry’s eyes are almost completely closed, and keeps talking hoping they’ll close further; how many times had his mother talked him to sleep?
“If you’re in the sky, it means you’re pretty important, right? So that means lots of stories. I’ll tell you all of them, if you’d like. I think you’ll enjoy this room, and you’ll be happy here. I hope so.”
That’s all verging on a ramble, but he thinks it doesn’t matter because Harry is asleep. So Draco gets up gently, patting Harry’s foot over the quilt, shoots the still unnamed dragon a grin, and starts to leave the room.
He stops only when he hears Harry mumble, “Orion. That’s his name,��� and curl around the dragon, breathing going smooth and even, arms clutching it tight against his small frame.
Draco smiles at them both. “Goodnight, Harry and Orion.”
tagging @teledild0nix @phoebe-delia and @thehoneybeet, fully randomly chosen so absolutely no pressure!!
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blackcathjp · 4 months
i need a mr and mrs smith or spy x family drarry au
hot ppl on opposite sides as assassins and spies, have to hide their true identities from each other, kinda in love but feelings are conflicted, now they're enemies pointing guns at each other. every second counts, but they hesitate every time. a game of flirtatious chase, a game of thrill and adrenaline, a game of whether love can triumph over their jobs.
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Valentine's Card
"Honestly," Draco huffed as he set what had to be the 45th card he'd picked up back on the shelf. "This is ridiculous," he grumbled as he reached for the next.
"Can I help you with anything, sir?" a boy who couldn't be more than 17 asked him.
He looked him up and down before gesturing to the selection of Valentine's Day cards, "these are appalling."
"Not a fan of Valentine's Day?" he asked, voice annoyingly sympathetic as if a child could understand the pressure of choosing a Valentine's card for your childhood nemesis, turned work-rival, turned acquaintance, turned best friend, turned (recently) lover.
Although, as it happened, he wasn't particularly fond of Valentine's Day. "Not especially," he conceded. "But these are all so-" he broke off, searching for the right word, "trite. Cute. They make everything seem like relationships are just rainbows and butterflies, and they aren't."
"Err," the teen said, scratching his neck. "Well, I think lots of folks just want to pretend for a day that things aren't awful."
"My relationship isn't awful!" he protested, because he certainly didn't want the teen to go away thinking that. "My relationship is wonderful. He's stubborn, and pig-headed, and too noble for his own good. He drives me mental some days with his inability to think about his own needs. But he's the bloody love of my life and I wouldn't want him any other way."
"Right," the teen replied uncertainly, glancing around for someone to help him. "I don't think I'm supposed to say this, seeing as selling cards is what we do," he said, "but I don't think you're going to find anything like that here."
And Draco couldn't help it, the frustration of trying to find the perfect card melted away and he set down the card in his hand. "You're right," he replied. "Time to try my hand at making something again."
When he got home, he sat down at his writing desk and started to work; he didn't have much time before Harry turned up for their dinner date.
He was putting the finishing touches on the card when he heard Harry tumble out of the floo. Draco blew off the last bit of glitter as Harry came in, bouquet of roses in his hands. "For you," he said, holding them out and leaning in for a kiss.
"For you," Draco replied, offering him the card. "The boy at the shop told me that they didn't have anything that would say what I was trying to say, so I made it myself."
"Babe," he said, grinning at him with the soppiest expression before opening it and reading it aloud,
"Dear Harry, your stubbornness is bested by only your love, your strength by only your kindness. You make me feel like a mess, still I must confess, I'm rather obsessed, with the man who so loves my weakness."
Draco felt himself flushing bright red, uncertain of how the other man would respond. Really, if he'd had more time to think about it, Draco was sure that he wouldn't have even given it to him. "This was stupid-" he started.
Even as Harry looked up at him, eyes shining, "You wrote this for me?" he asked, clutching it to his chest and covering himself in glitter.
"I love it," he breathed, leaning in to kiss Draco, "This is the sweetest-" he cut himself off to kiss him again. "I love you," he said against his mouth. "All of you," he added, looking pointedly at the last line of the card.
Draco laughed, "I know. But it means the most to me that you love me when I feel like I can't be enough."
Harry kissed him again, and then again, "You're always enough."
"Dinner?" he asked, feeling overly pleased with himself.
Harry shook his head and backed him toward the bedroom, "Dinner can wait."
Written for the @hdcandyheartsfest prompt 'Valentine's Card'
Read more of my 2023 hdcandyhearts ficlets here.
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arinnandout · 3 months
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Draco Malfoy, Regulus Black & Sirius Black Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Character Study, Sirius Black Lives, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Prongslet as Harrys term of endearment
Out of the many things Sirius expected to happen after the war, having to deal with his godson dating a Death Eater was definitely not one of them.
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phdmama · 10 months
Just had this tiny little moment show up and needed to write it (thanks to @notthequiettype whose incredible fic you built a city absolutely inspired this - I hope you don’t think it’s a rip off but rather an homage). I did the absolute bare minimum of looking into Quidditch lore, so please be gentle, it’s all part of the vibe, as it were. As usual for these things, unbeta’d and pretty much SOOC.
Drarry, ~430 words, Mature (mostly in the implications? I think?) Tags will definitely have to include gratuitous use of italics.
“You’re wrong.” Draco can’t even believe what he’s hearing. This is ridiculous. This is outrageous!! “You’re so fucking wrong, I don’t know where to start.”
Potter’s thoughtful little hum is smug. He’s so annoying. “I don’t think I am, though.”
Draco runs a hand through his hair, tugs at it in frustration. “You’re just. That’s stupid. How do you even survive in the wild, being this dumb?”
Potter leans back, folds his arms behind his head. The dark blue, linen sheets pool at his waist, and the way the low light highlights the definition of his abs is just unfair. He looks sleepy. His hair’s a mess, there’s a bite mark blooming on his chest, and he’s just so damn self-satisfied that it makes Draco even madder. Potter turns his head, gives Draco a lazy once-over.
“I love how red you get,” he observes and that’s, well.
That is beside the point. Draco knows his cheeks are betraying him, can feel the way the flush is spreading down his chest. The curse of such fair skin and strong emotions.
“You think,” Draco says and has to stop, closing his eyes for a moment in outrage before continuing. “You genuinely just looked me in the eyes and said you think the Canons? The fucking Chudley Canons who have been last in the league for a hundred and twenty years? You think they’re winning the Cup this year?”
Potter makes that same smug little considering sound. “I think they could do, yeah.”
Draco tries again. “I just. Do you have one single, compelling shred of evidence to suggest that you’re correct?” Potter opens his mouth and Draco cuts him off. “Compelling, I said. Something beyond ‘I just want it to happen that way’?”
Potter closes his mouth, and Draco can see the smile he’s fighting flickering over his lips. “Well, when you put it that way, maybe not.”
Potter moves, rolls over on top of Draco, gets his thigh between Draco’s legs and a hand in Draco’s hair. Kisses him deep and slow. Draco finally pulls back with a gasp. He’s got one hand on Potter’s stupidly handsome face, the other planted firmly on Potter’s stupidly gorgeous arse.
“You’re an idiot,” he advises Potter breathlessly. “Such an idiot.”
Potter’s braced over him, grinning down and Draco can’t believe that they’re here like this, after so long. Potter is ridiculous. Draco loves him so, so much.
“Maybe I am,” Potter concedes. “But what does that make you?”
Draco sighs, gives in to his fate. “Also an idiot.”
Potter kisses him again and that’s the last either of them speak for quite some time.
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protea-drarry-shit · 2 years
Shit my friends have said as Harry Potter dialogue #28
*texting about avatar twow*
Harry: yeah the movie was great.
Harry: there was that blue guy who kept trying to swim I felt really bad for him.
Harry: can’t remember his name just remember that he was blue.
Harry: but there were quite a few blue guys.
Draco: yeah just a few.
Draco: pansy help I genuinely don’t know if he’s joking.
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babooshkart · 2 years
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a birthday picnic on cooper’s hill
happy birthday to our darling @julcheninred​ 💕 this is a birthday gifty to you commissioned by @lqtraintracks​, in honor of your gorgeous art and story The Babybel Cheese of Cooper’s Hill (Ao3) (see it on tumblr here). Draco takes the birthday boy to the bottom of Cooper’s Hill, and they bring the Babybel (though neither of them can eat it because they’re both too emotional about the cheese).
Jules, you are a treasure and a joy and one of the brightest lights in this fandom. Happy Birthday, dear friend 💕💕💕
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handledwithgloves · 4 months
is anyone else’s timeline a bit drarry dry?
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